Durian production
Durian production
Production, Marketing and Diversity of Durian in Indonesia Roedhy Poerwanto* and Panca Jarot Santoso** * Bogor Agricultural University ** Indonesian Tropical Fruit Research Institute INDONESIA DURIAN DURIAN duri = thorn Durian in Borobudur Temple Relief (824M) Fruits export & import 2013 No. Commodity 1 Pineaple 2 3 Export Volume (tons) Value (US$) Import Volume (tons) Value (US$) 174,096 157.443.765 260 323 Manggosten Banana 7,647 5,680 5.734.094 2.973.647 337 284 4 Citrus 1,561 1.145.601 111,752 140.859.177 5 6 Manggoes Salaca Fruits 1,089 1,025 1.412.772 1.704.152 119 - 334 - 7 Grape 596 14.144.472 41,569 103.232.220 8 9 Melon & Watermelon Rambutan 503 398 669 412 3 - 36 - 10 Apel 81 78 131,665 174.357.338 11 Pear 72 83 128,000 110.723.090 53 26 14 0.002 5,026 14 34 8 110 7.138.089 56,476 11,073 4,881 49,302 66.542.537 10.902.531 7.252.069 74.924.667 197,886 193.026.591 535,461 689.771.448 12 Longan 13 Pepaya 14 Dragon Fruits 15 Durian 16 Others Total Durian Production 2009-2013 Harvest Area (Ha) Production (Tons) Productivity (Kg/tree) 2009 61,849 797,798 128.99 2010 46,290 492,139 106.32 2011 69,045 883,969 128.03 2012 63,189 888,127 140.55 2013 61,246 759,055 123.94 Production and Productivity of Durian in Several Provinces in Indonesia 2013 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Province East Java North Sumatera Central Java West Sumatera South Sulawesi West Java Banten Lampung West Kalimantan South Sumatera Aceh East Kalimantan Central Kalimantan South Kalimantan Jambi Bengkulu B a l i INDONESIA Number of Production Productivity Trees (tons) (kg/tree) 1,077,487 180,067 167.12 361,233 79,994 221.45 825,314 69,542 84.26 296,478 54,958 185.37 535,899 52,393 97.77 469,040 48,821 104.09 334,532 40,822 122.03 179,188 27,994 156.22 206,037 24,110 117.02 205,839 23,737 115.32 156,659 15,785 100.76 115,879 14,554 125.59 119,729 12,835 107.20 151,033 12,591 83.37 102,716 12,147 118.25 96,067 11,039 114.91 100,467 83,41 83.03 6,047,583 743,816 122.99 Indonesia Durian Production, Export and Import (tons) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014* Production 594.842 682.323 797.798 492.139 883.969 888.127 759.055 855.554 Export 0 0.03 0.02 0.02 0 0 0 0 Import 23,15 24,68 28,94 24,37 27,15 20.813 7.272 7.496 Problem in Durian Production • Durian existing plants are old and even very old; • Replanting efforts are rarely done because it took that long time to re-produce, the growers reluctance to do it. • The development of new area constrained by a narrow land ownership so that farmers are not interested in planting long juvenile phase tree like a durian; • Grower have not yet to implement GAP, particularly balanced fertilization, so the quality of the fruit continued to decline, the plants wither, attack by diseases, and death. • Mainly cultivated varieties are introduced varieties like Monthong (Thailand) and now start planting Musang King (Malaysia), which are both susceptible to disease. • The main diseases that attack the durian in Indonesia: Pythium cucurbitacearum, Phytopythium vexans (Pythium vexans), Phytophthora palmivora. • The pests: fruit borer and stem borer. THE PARENT TREE OF DURIAN AMBAN- WEST PAPUA THE PARENT TREE OF DURIAN PELANGI THE PARENT TREE OF DURIAN PENYENGAT THE PARENT TREE OF DURIAN SOTOK MAS THE PARENT TREE OF DURIAN BALENING THE PARENT TREE OF DURIAN SEMUT THE PARENT TREE OF DURIAN HAKIM Durian Center of Origin • Indonesia is the center of origin of durian in the world. As centers of origin, durian diversity in this country is very high. • Indonesia has 93 superior cultivated varieties of durian which have been registered and many more unregistered cultivar candidate. • Our cultivars are locally distributed, we don’t have National Superior Quality, our growers planted Mon Thong and recently Musang King • Kalimantan is the center of origin D U R I A N Kalimantan-Indonesia is the Durian Center of Origin A. PENDAHULUAN Indonesian Durian Diversity Dendrogram of Indonesian Durian (* 90 varietas of homolog durian; 100% identic at ITSDNA squence) Diversity of Indonesia Durian - Based on Microsatelit DNA Principal Coordinates (1 vs 2) Principal Coordinates (PCoA) Coord. 2 Bali Nusra Lai Mas Perwira Coord. 1 Kalimantan Axis 2 Dahlan Lalong LigitMawar Teluk Ginting Gola-golae Asoekaya Sihijau Tembaga Phagajah Aji Semenguk Sawerigading Kuning Sun Salsa Bantal Mas Ripto SalsaUJ Gapu Parak Kopi Salisun Jambi Otong Palopo Mahakam Matahari Siradio Selat Merah Amban Kajang Bakul ME Hepi (Hepe) Lameuru Senggon Dugol Aspar Kelud Mentega (SW) Kepala Gajah Namlung PtlgKuning Bentara Lg. Kamang Mas Rinbud Sikapal Sipayuk Kutai Sedapir Monthong Rancamaya Lameuru Putih Sipakem Sibening Kucing Biji Titun Gantar Bumi Kemiren Putri Dewa Bustawang Sopian Dosai Batuah D24 Gelapir Menoreh Kemiren Buleleng Sitokong Denpasar Sigundul Niden 2Kuning Tong Medaye Pelangi Ajimah Bokor Mentega Super Siriwig Bibir Merah Musang King Kaimana Sidodol Bintana Tembaga NTT Sukun Menoreh Siseupah Sijapang Gundul Sunan Tj Prafi SP4 Jambon Salapesi D13 Wangi Petruk (Sunarto) Chanee Kunyik UJ Katiman Sumatera Papua Sulawesi Introduksi Jawa Axis 1 Diversity of Indonesia Durian 19 Salisun-Kaltara Nanga- Kaltara Ubunyu-Kalteng Penyengat Tiger Borneo-88 KALIMANTAN Balening Parong Balkar-11 Balkar-22 KALIMANTAN Balkar-39 Salisun • Salisun is one of the Kalimantan origin varieties of durian that most famous. • The quality of fruit is equivalent to Kan Nyao of Thailand. • Weight of the fruit reaches 2-3 kg / fruit • Productivity of trees is high. • Fruit flesh: yellow flesh color, soft sweet melted, legit. • Edible portion 32%. • Developed in Nunukan district of North Kalimantan • Until th 2014 has been planted around 5000 trees • 2015 will be planted to 10,000 trees Super Tembaga Hakim Jebu Namlung Petaling SUMATERA Bangka-52 Bangka-59 Bangka-63 Bangka 98 SUMATERA Matahari Merah Banyuwangi Sunan Ripto Lai Durian Mas Kromo Banyumas Menoreh Kuning Sibintang JAVA Golden King Matahari • • • • • • • • • • • Most widely spread in Indonesia Origin: Bogor, Fruit weight: 2-4 kg, Flesh: bright yellow flesh color, thick Taste: sweet-savory taste, without bitter, solid, fluffier, little fiber, with less aromatic Seed: medium seed size, Edible portion: 36% Shelf life: up to 5 days after the fall. Productivity: 50-200 fruits/tree at 20 years old Resistant to Fusarium sp root rot disease Resistant to Tirathaba ruptilinea fruit borer Durian Sunan • Origin Boyolali • In the old times this durian specifically dedicated to the Majesty Sunan Surakarta • Fruit weight: 1-2 kg, • Flesh: cream color, thick, texture very tender • Taste: sweet-bitter taste (alcoholic), dry, fatty, with strong aroma • Seed: 1-2 seeds/fruits, very small seeds. • Productivity: 200-800 fruits/tree at 200 years old • Resistant to Fusarium sp root rot disease • Resistant to Tirathaba ruptilinea fruit borer Lai Durian Mas • Origin: Bogor, • Supposedly natural hybrid between Durio zibethinus with Durio ketejensis. • Fruit weight 1-2 kg, • Flesh: color golden yellow flesh, slightly sweet flavor savory, dry, medium thickness, • Seed: medium seed size. Kromo Banyumas ( not yet released ) - Size, weight and appearance of the fruit class Monthong - Substitute Monthong - Orange flesh color - Tolerant disease Durian Merah Banyuwangi • Origin: Banyuwangi-East Java • Fruit size: small • Flesh: red colour, thick, • Taste: sweet, without alcohol, strong aroma • Seed: small • Altitude: 800 asl Tong Medaye Rimba-Papua Sigadung EW-Papua Pelangi Gajah Mentega Amban Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, Papua Susu-Papua Pelangi Manokwari • • • • • • Fruit weight 1,6-2,5 kg Productivity: high Flesh: unique color ( red & white), thick Taste: Sweet taste, sticky, fluffier Seed: small, Edible portion: 33-37% Pelangi Manokwari - 2000-3000 seedling have been planted - Altitude 5 – 800 asl - Vegetative growth is vigor Potential of durian relatives Lai/pampaken (D. kutejensis): • Lai Mahakam (Orange color) • Lai Mas (Golden Color) Potential of durian relatives Lai Mahakam • • • • • Flesh color: orange to red Taste: similar to durian Fruit Weigh:1,5 kg Early mature: 3-4 years old for fruiting Up to 2013 was planted 84.771 trees at East Kalimantan Potential of durian relatives # Mandong/Mantuala (Durio sp.) -Lai mas The most recommended place to eat durian in Indonesia Address: Jalan Iskandar Muda Babura Medan Baru, Kota Medan Lempok Durian (Durian Cake) Durian Processed Durian processed Ice Cream & Pizza Durian Pancake Durian & Durian Crunch Durian bra Durian Festival Durian Farm Agroturism Precipitation type in Indonesia 400 400 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Tipe Lokal 400 300 200 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Tipe Equatorial 400 300 200 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Tipe Monsoon 14/10/2015 Kuliah 6. Pengantar Ilmu Pertanian 46 Potential Harvest Throughout the Year 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Month The number of provinces which produce durian every month in 2012 49 Position ITCZ on January and July January Indonesia rain, Thailand dry July Indonesia dry, Thailand rain 14/10/2015 Durian season in durian-growing areas in South East Asia including northern Australia Source: Durian Information - A Durian Blog Devoted To "The King of Fruits" 4 Pillars of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 1. Free movement of goods 2. Freedom of movement for workers 3. Freedom of estabhlisment and provision services and mutual recognition of diplomas 4. Free movement of capital THE ABUNDANCE RATIO OF DURIAN Indonesia: Malaysia: Thailand = 1: 10.1: 7.8 Indonesia (2011) • Population: 240 million; • Durian plantation: 69,000 ha; • Durian production: 800,000 tons • Population : durian ratio = 1: 3.3 (1 person = 3.3 kg durian) Malaysia (2009 • Population: 32 million; • Durian plantation: 107,000 ha; • Durian production = 1.07 million tones) • Population : durian ratio = 1: 33.4 (1 person = 33.4 kg durian) Thailand (2008) • Population: 60 million, • Durian plantation: 153 600 ha; • Durian production = 1.536 million tones • Population : durian ratio= 1: 25.6 (1 person = 25.6 kg durian) Thank you for your attention