grand display - National Library of New Zealand
grand display - National Library of New Zealand
THE Dannevirke Advocate And Ormondville, Norsewood, Makotuku, Takapau, and Wainui District Advertiser. (published Daily.) VOI_.;XIX, NO. 679. BLYTHE & CO. NAPIER DANNEVIRKB. NiZ.. SATURDAY. MARCH 30, 1907. THOMSON & WALKEB. ■'r-MlLljnmßY MODELS FROM -parib. I "''■' . OUT BLACK VOILE SKIKTS NEW SEASON'S NOVELTIES WOOL MERCHANTS. NAPIER SALES: 20th February nJCHE RESULT OF THE CONUN1907. DRUM COMPETITION. Skin andHideSalesevery three weeks. STOCK AGENTS: Private sales as arranged. RENTS OOLLEOTED of the hundreds of Conundrums - sent We have at present a buying order ( ESTATES ADMINISTERED in to compete for the Free fats, glad for andwouldbe to hearfrom Crip to Exhibition and £5 Pocket ACCOUNTS AUDITED our friends. I-Coney, the Proprietors of Pearson's Managers: Dannevirke Permanent Bnilding and Investment Sooiety. GRAIN SEED MERCHANTS: ] Pepto-chlorhave selected the following " " " " ■■ . Wecan supply m amy qn_mtityr;atit ' wo Gonuadrun_as the best: lowest rates, and wHi be pleased topos. '1 samples on application. Ladies' Class : Why is Pearson's Pepto-chlorlike the letterN? Because GENERAL MERCHANTS: tis the endof Indigestion. Sent inby All station stores, wire, Ryland's, \ Miss C. Cowling,Burlington Club, New Nephew's Johnson and American and -■ Germanbarbwireand corrugatediron. Plymouth. ilk EVENING BLOUSES 0F ■■■ THEATRE & OPERA COATS __ ■ ■ ■ - ■ ADELAIDE HOTJSE. 81-fT-EKS. ... WII_LIAM BOSE, " .. . BARRAUD LYTTELTON. Mararoa Te Anau April 18 45 p.m April18.45 p.m - Monday Monday DUNEDIN, yia LYTTELTON. &c Bangitikei, Napier, MERCHANTS HOTELS, and Hawke's Bay. Small capi- - DANNEVIRKE, M tal required. Write me for particulars. HOUSE, lease and furniture,weeklytakings averagefrom £45 to JESO; 7 years' lease. Price 929 £1100. FAEMS, &c. ACRES.Mangatoro, 300 acres orvfl v"" in grass, well watered, 2 miles fencing; will carry 2 sheep per acre. Title, Lease in Perpetuityat 12s 6d per acre. Price _4 per acre* for good will. Have on — Hand Tuesday BOARDING LATEST LONDON & PARISIAN MODELS. | SEEdT" _ ' 5 Barraud % Abraham QUARTER 5-ROOMED ' OIUARTER — THE Scott Ranges. MR FOR WANTED — Dannevirke. Known Pearson's Pepto-chlor, the absolute indigestion cure, has come to reside in Danevirke district, ajnd invites "acquaintances." Get one. WANTED: CAN BUY IT CHEAPEE AT YOU MACKAY & POTTS'. A. 0. MENEFY, SANITARY PLUMBER, High-street. KNOWN-AU printing work turned out smartly at WANTED the Advocate Office. CAPILLA HAIR TONIC! __fj^K. ANTISEPTIO! ___?_» __Cv HHL . "_ MEDICINAL.! __>' ____. ■■^/^raPA __I__sF» MPS? tw sW/3 t^i Destroys alt microbes and makes the hair Long, Lustrous nnd Beautiful. Bo,l> ty Chemltff, Hair- *" *<**Mi- and StorM Ss. 6d. a Bottlk. choice ' PEARSON'S farmers tb write for samples beforeI buyingelsewhere; Our stockincludes :I CURES INDIGESTION. 4ChoicePoverty_3ay Rye Grass Heavy OldPasture Rye Grass, double machined Machine Dressed Cocksfoot DANNEVIRKELABOUR BUREAU (heavy Akaroa) „ Colonial Cow Grass, machine CO., Oppodte Bell Tower. dressed Colonial grown White Clover, Sorubcutters, elderly machine dressed man for gents' house, two good Timothy Colonial „ Colonial Crested Dogstail and post splitters, 3 bushmen, 10s per day, married couple for station, generals, Meadow Foxtail , ColonialImportedRid Clover,Timo- housemaid for hotel,housekeeper,light thy,TfefoiirS'SheepFescue place,must have experience and referPoa Pratensis andaU Fancy Grasses. ences; a first-class benchman at once; good bullock driver two good tram Writefor SamplesandSave Honey. layers; ploughmanand and navvies; firstLiberal Discount for Cash. class man forplaning machine,constant work, good wages; six good bushmen, J. F. WACHSMANN & CO., 400 acres light bush, 28s anaore; two rooms at the north end of SeedMerchants, CHRISTCHURCH. furnished town. „ „ LIMITED) April2 5p.m April4 5 p.m Potato Spray Pumps NAPIER,GISBORNE& AUCKLAND Pure Bluestone, etc. Waikare Tuesday April 2 4p.m SYDNEY DffiECT. TURNIP Friday -April5 3 p.m Maheno Hurst's English Seeds of tested PiCTON (andBLENHEIM) quality. Tuesday April 2 midnjt Wainui RAPE SEED: midn't Thursday April4 Wainui Hurst's Broadleaf Essex. 577 NBIfION.rUPICIW & BLENHEIM April1 Ipm -i -I f\f\ ACBES,Weber, 850 acres in GRASS SEEDS : Penguin* Monday Hawke's Bay, Southland and Mapourika Tuesday April 2 noon X J-UU grass, 24-roomed dwellings; CanterburyRyegrass,Cookscarrying1100 sheep, 300 lambs,and 70 ♥Nocargo. Title, Perpetuity. foot, Fesoues, Dogstail, etc. in cattle Lease NELSON DIEECT. owners inter- CLOVERS : Takapuna* Sunday Mar 31 8 p.m Price £5 15s per acre for 580 Imported and Colonial grown. Mapourika* Monday April1 9 a.m est. ringNgapaeruru, ACBES, cargo A *No JQ WOOL: ; good fenced and sub-divided We make cash advances against NEW PLYMOUTH ONEHUNGA, hoase, sheep yards,and all necessary AUCKLAND. ensuing clip and shipments for outbuildings GovernmentLease with at lowest rates. "Connecting at New Plymouth with right of purchase at £1 7s 6d per acre through train from Wellington on Price £8 15s per acrefor owner'sinter- SHEEP DIPS: Tuesdays,Thursdays, Saturdays. est. 582 Cooper's Powder and Liquid, Mar 31 8p.m Takapuna* Sunday ACBES, Maharahara, all in Lawes's,White's, Murton's 7p.m 3 Ofcff Wednesday April T-kapuna OUU grass, 10 acres crop, 15 well andLittle's. "via Nelson. house, paddocks, 9-roomed watered NELSON, WESTPOBT, GEEY- stable, cowshed,woolshed,3 wharesand : MOUTH & HOKITIKA. other buildings, will carry 2_ to 3 sheep AGENCIES N.Z.Shipping Company Mapourika* Tuesday April2 noon to acre all the year round. Price £13 733 Oceanic Steamship Company April2 3 p.m 10s per acre. PoheruaJ Tuesday *Via McCormick Binders and Rakes Picton. all in ACBES, Norsewood, -i Westport cargo. (\(\ tNo Osborne Disc Ploughs & Mowers J-Uv grass,6 paddocks, with permaJDoes not callNelson. No passengers. nent water in each; 7-roomed house, Booth McDonald Diecs & Tines SYDNEY, via TONGA,SAMOA, and cowshed,and allnecessary outbuildings. Reidand Gray's Ploughs, &c. FIJI, from AUCKLAND. 712 Price £15 10s per acre. Andrew 3 and Beaven's ChaffApril2 Tuesday Atua cutters f*f\(\ ACBES, Mangatoro, 200 acres UUU ploughed,balance ploughable, Gear's Manures — and Meats FromNAPIERi 4-roomed house, 7 paddocks. Title, Cooper's Dip powder & liquid WELLINGTON,LYTTELTON and Occupation License withB O.P. Price Taba Branding Fluid POBT CHALMERS. 584 £1850 for goodwill. SheepBranding Oils April 9 a.m Monday 1 Talune grass, OC)(\ ACRES,Mangatoro,allinhouse, Whyte Maokay Whisky April 4 2pm o£\j g paddocks, 4-roomed Mokoia Thursday Sandeman's Wines Waikare Monday April 9 2 p.m stable, chaffhouse, &c ;Lease in PerRoyal Insurance Company BLUFF, HOBART & MELBOURNE petuity; rent 5s 3d per acre. Price China Traders' Marine Insur590 Mokoio Thursday April 4 2 p.m £800 for goodwill. ance Company Norsewood, 100 acres I Passengers ACRES, -i>j(\ Transhipping at Dunedin. -*- U ia grass, 2 miles fencing, good only. Station Stores. 6-roomedhouse andoutbuildings. Lease GISBOBNE & AUCKLAND. acre, at £1 per Right of Purchase with Apr 3 11a.m Waikare Wednesday Tuesday April 9 8.30 pm rent £8 4s per annum Price £7 per Quotations for all goods supplied on Talune 581 acre for owner'sinterest. on application. SYDNEY, via GISBOBNE & AUCKRoad, 6-roomed ACRES, Adelaide LAND. house md bathroom. Price £500. Wine and Spirit Merchants. Mokoia Friday April13 8.30 p.m 88 Terms. ACRE, Miller's Road, 5-roomedhouse. Price £225. 83 / Limited. house, Stair-street. Price £315. Terms can be arranged. 86 Dannevirke, ACRE, Barraud-street, NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPalmerston North and Feilding. and bath8-roomed house PANY. with can be Any terms room. Price £525. [a. cabd.] 52 following twin screw mail arranged. for P. B. FITZHERBERT, steamers leave New Zealand SOLICITOR, London at regularintervals: Commander. Steamer. ~ Tons. Dannevirke. F. Forbes Turakina 8210 Cosmopolitan Chambers No. 1. E. Greenstreet Eimdtaka 7952 H. quality, design and economiRuapehu$7885 Money to lend at 4_ per cent on first-R.Taggard J. A. Sutcliffe calcooking the.c ranges oannot class security. 7600 Tongariro R. C. Clifford be excelled. They have never been Paparoa 6563 all Dannevirke resiParticulars of sailingdates and fares beaten in competition. dents to get "acquainted" from— with Pearson's Pepto-chlor, the only BARBAUD & ABRAHAM, Ltd., AGENT: Indigestion Cure. absolute . Talune Warrimoo Thursday have every OF THE ( SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS that will GROW. descriptionof Agricultural Machine-dressed . WE Seeds at lowest rates, and weravite .PEPTO-CHLOR GRAND DISPLAY ABRAHAM ... ' (AutumnSowing.) AND STEAM SHIP CO. OF LAND & ESTATE AGENT, &c, NEW ZEALAND (Ltd). Weatherandcircumstancespermitting) HAS FOE SALE From WELLINGTONi ... New Millinery. i AUCTIONEEE, UNION SHEEP DIPS: Gentlemen's Class :Why is Pearson's We areNew Zealand Agents for Mc- ] Pepto-chlor an absolute cure 'for indiDougall's Sulphur Arsenic Paste Dip & g gestion? Because it ap"Pears" on the McDougall'sNon-poisonousLiquidDip. Ibottleand is proved on "Acquaintance." * Sub-agents fdr Cooper'sDippingPow- ISent in by Mr C. G.Downes, Solicitor, der,Little's Dips, Powder, and Fluid, JDannevirke. Murton's Fluid Dip,Owen's FluidDip. Cheques for the amount of prize j H. G. WATSON, Agent. imoneyhavebeen forwarded to the respective winners. * ..AT... NAPIER. - i \ EARLY AUTUMN DISPLAY blythe &co., iage srill be charged for at seek, .■ataa. _OXITG_.(_SS -ARRANGED SMART AUTUMN COSTUMES DISI?LAI NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND A_13 casus! advsrtieementsrelating* to employment inserted In thia MERCANTILE AGENCY .Hriunw must be prepaid, at tha of le for 12 words. Standing COY., LTD. ;id_Mvertisements endnoticeeof asset* — — PLUSH & CARMENE COATS AUTUMN Dannevirke. AGENCIES— Intercolonial Land andMercantile Agency Company Ocean Acoident andGuarantee Corporation, Limited South BritishInsurance Company (Fire and Marine) London andLancashire Fire Insurance Company National Mutual Life Associationof Australasia,Limited NEW SHADES IN SILKS mWEED JACKETS & PALETOTS EARLY LAND AGEMTS Wardstreet FABRICS* LATEST DRESS PRICE, ONE PENNY BEDROCK PRICES. — WAxJTED DUNNE~& „ „ . SCHOOL BOOTS wanted at once. CARPENTERS Milbubk Bbos,Ltd.,Hastings. SCHOOL BOOTS. OOMFORTABLE room let for SPEI_OE 9 : have a splendid selection of and Girls' Boots just to A single boarder. Apply Advocate WE— Boys' office. SCHOOL BOOTS _%_" , to DIRECT IMPORTER. hand strong, neat anddurable. Parents will do well to have a look through these goods beforebuyingelse- where. (af Wa give 5 percent discountfor WILL GIVE A CAMEEA I To the personthat sends me the best picture (taken only by an amateur) under the following conditions:— Photographic goods to the value of 2/6 to be bought fromme. Allphotographs to be mounted and to become my property. The subject to be outdoor study ofAnimal or BirdLife; ito Jplate may compete and up to three pictures,but not more. Photographs to have initials (not name), arid address on the back of mount. Everybody Has A Chance. Competitionto start fromMonday, March.18th and to close April 18th. The prize willbe a Opiate CameoPocket Camera with two slides (one of the finest little machines on the market, with latest improvements) ;a machinethat will take a picture one can be proud of. The prize may be seen in my window in a few days. Now go snapping this Easter and win keep gcod fresh plates that willtake goodpictures. the prize. I I_T A QfYIV WT W " €lT" _J_L_C_.Ov-/Xl 5 OPTICIAN & CHEMIST (by (exams.) and Photographic Dealer (LATEF JEFFERY), the Premier Pharmacy. FIRST IMPRESSION. t~r\lD you ever reflect on the business value of an impression? Especially now-a-days when nine people out of ten judge a person by his or her oatward appearance,first impressions do count. Make them count JL/ for saleand tolet on easy cash. terms. Building and jobbing We do repairs as they should be done. work done in town or country. Est.. A large and varied stock of Ladies' mates free. H.E. Gbaingeb,Builder, and Gents' up-to-date FOOTWEAR— Swinburne-street. all at bedrock prices A small profit and quick LET— 6 acres^of ground at Manreturns is our motto. gatera, facing Glengarry estate; well fenced, well grassed, capable^ of running 2 horses and acow. Applyto E. Cocheane,Smith-street, Mangatera. . P.~FBY. J. High-street . Bain's) Dannevirke. you are in difficulhas with sight, I WHEN can help with correct fittingglasses m frames to suit — your you Over twenty years' experiencein fitting M. McCallum, Jeweller and Optician. ANTED KNOWN That the Ladies of Dannevirke can purchase the lightest Cakes for their afternoons' "At Home ; the sweetest confectionery for the theatre; the most delightful Lollies for the children, at A. A. PALLANT'S Refreshment Rooms, High-street. you. — " — KNOWN J. Cbist's Boot Palace. Address: Next door Masonic Hotel, opposite D.C.A. WANTED HOUSES— TO New is now being THE shown in rich in the showroom Adelaide House.— A Millinery profusion on Wednesday, black, white and tan LOST— " sheep name of Jock." ; answers dog — "I7IOR SALE Young pedigree AyrJj shire bulls from Luxford's stock. L.Webb,Makotuku. A gold brooch (Scotch "pOUND— JD pebble). Owner can have same by paying cost of advertisement. Advocate office. _ — : is reducing her qiiickly ENGLAND and but not Pearson's Pepto-chlor is reducing army navy, so as the army of indigestion sufferers. for several Mrs BarraudVACANCIES Fboarders. DONT RIES— & SON'S for a good VEHICLE chooso from. An engine driver for Don't WANTED— Prices are the cheapestin hauler. Frank Smith, Alfredton. FORGET gentlemen Diggle, to go to H. M. street. oyer 60 to WANTED TREMENDOUS . ... to Please return to W. J. Thompson, Manila-street,Dannevirke. town. ERIC E. ETZ, at Spence. Store, High-street, Dannevirke, Our suits will help you do this. " indi- fail to give this firm a trial. " They impart viduality,style and thatindefinite something that the everybody to know that world judges by. They are made of materialcarefully we do all kinds of Repairs aiid selected, fit perfectly, and workmanship and wear guaranMeasures on the premises. Hand-sewn Work we specialise; our repairsadvertise themselves. Address, E. Adams, Let us prove it in your winter suit. Our newrange boot importer, High street, Danneof West of England worsteds, tweeds and serges is just virke. in. They are the best shewing we have ever made, and show of presents thereis undoubtedly something to suit the taste of any for young people at Gaulton's person who cares for a good appearance. Furniture Shop, High-street North. Best show of good strong toys in DanBetterlet us show you the styles. nevirke, giye the children a spree once a year. Purchase early to avoid the rush. Note the address. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Bottles Is at E. E. Pbiob's. ACQUAINTANCE log Apply TO RENT— careful in good four WANTED five-roomed house with allnecessary conveniences. Address Advocate office. —A servant. By or ' situation, tenant, X., WANTED Able do plain cooking. Wages £1 week. general to per Apply Mangatera Hotel. ANTED to Sell, from a Cheap \\T ▼ TBal .to a High-grade Porpoise Welted CookhamBoot; everydescription of ladies' and children's Boots and shoes kept in stock; felt slippers New Jackets and Paletots, in all varieties. Write or _. are now on view in the showroom Adams', boot and shoe importer, at AdelaideHouse. A big selection to High street, Dannevirke. It willpay DANNEVIREE. to choose from.— A. Spence. you. LADIES' THB DANNEVIRKB ADVOCATE. SATUBDAY. MARCH 30, 1907. 2 __^f^^_fk Under SEASON 1906-7. s ■ E. A. Ransom's ' Patro^ijj^ ;i^^^P^^tbe Ea. £r% yt^emmrn^^x^ SEASON 1906-7 .^ — Telegraph. Copyright.], ■o [Electric [press association.] Continent, 10,000 bales to the United States, and 5000 bales being held over. Home s and German buyers were particularly ers. 60,000 bales to the WIIXIAMLIftHT NEW MACHINES PROPRIETOR, of Feilding and Wanganui.) £ *£8 OTHTIEShis numerous friends RUAHINE,Model J, roadracer 10 10 SWIFT ROYAL, roadracer 17 10 "|^r _L% and the travelling publio thai RUAHINE,Modfi J, fitted with SWIFT EOYAL,roadster,Eadie coaster,front rim brake,guards he has taken possession of the above two rim brakes, free wheel, 12 10 , etc., complete 20 0 toolsand-pump well-known hostelry, andoan guaran* guards, HUDSON, free wheel, fitN.Z. SPECIAL, genuine B.S.A. tee the Very Best of Accommodation. NEW parts* Eadie coaster hub, front ted withfront and rear Crabbe Ample Stablino Aooommodation brakes, guards,etc., complete 15 0 rimbrake, guards,etc,complete 17 10 willbe foundin connection with the RUDGE-WHITWOETH, road N.Z.SPECIAL,road racer 15 0 Hotel. 13 13 N.Z. SPECIAL,path racer, speracer,standardmodel Cab Meets Every Train. oialmodel 15 0 HUDGE- WHITW OBTH,stand CENTAUR,roadster,fitted with roadster, Eadie coaster, front free wheel,2 brakes,complete 20 0 rim brake, mudguards and 15 15 CENTAUR,cross frame,feather tools, complete "rX' (Late ;RAILWAY - HOTEL. Dannevirke. RUDGE-WHITWORTH, Aero special path racer, beautiful Patronised in London by H.M. KingEdward VII. model weights, complete, a magnifi. 25 0 cent machine 18 18 in great strength. appointed House for the Commercial Travellers and REPAIRS A SPECIALTY Warehousemen's Association. Wines & S.ibits of the best A Large Stock of SECOND-HAND quality. teed ingood order— from £2 lOs. THE Six Large Sample Roome REPAIRS A SPECIALTY — MACHINES to choose from guar- HIGH-STREET, 'DANNEVIREE. Speight's DunedinBeer always on tap. Bottled Ale and Stout oy the bottle, dozen,or case. Good stabling and paddocking. " qualities short faulty declined _d. Merino lambs were unchanged. Crossbreds advanced 5 per cent. The fleece portions of the Kaikoura clip realised 113d, Tautare 13fd. ROUMANIAN REVOLT. — « [Electric Telegraph. Copyright.] [Press Association.] LONDON, March 28. SOOTH NORSEWOOD Proprietors. A JUNCTION HOTEL -— FRIEND. — "'""ANDREWS "&"MANTHEL, — " J /ITEA ■BLENDINO.'" Mow? Where? I THIS | I 1 g f f WILLIAMS & KETTLE, I '^m^'X'r DANNEVIRKE. SEEDS! SEEDS! SEEDS! FOR SEASON 1907.' : Dressed and UnT3YEGRASS -*-*' dressed ; Hawke's Bay, Southand Italian. Heavy Dressed Cocksfoot. Fescues, Crested Dogstail, Meadow Foxtail,Rorin, Yarrow. Clovers, Turnips, Mangolds, &o. Tarpaulin, Rick Covers, &c. Prices on application. T LTD, For TABA Horses Sheop And LIQUID BRANDINe FLUID CtiUfo. APPLIED. Ko preliminaryclippingof hair. Applied with an ordinary cheep brandlog iron flat and ronnd. Simple and easy - so pais. j A boy caa v?t it. Why make the dumbbeast suffer, wbenforless than a penny a head you cau brand witb BUYA -TADA tin — TABA. TO-DAY A few hours after applicaMod all hai) comes off tbe part branded, leaving clear,distinct, and permanentmark. Tbe composition can also be used for dehorning ._. young weeks. "tJitlike caustic soda, ther*is no fear of tbe liquidprovinginjuiiocs to tbebeaß- by ru ning downtbe face andinto the eyes. BARRAUD & ABRAHAM, Ltd Local Agents. , JS . SON, JOINERS. Dannevirke, a large The Public Trust Office seeks to be merely self-supporting. DANNEVIRKE GAS COMEstates under Wills or Intestacies whenconvertedinto cash and held for PANY. beneficiariesare credited with interest at highest rate, capitalised yearly, and Telephone 128 P.O.Box 77. are free of alloffice charges. .-. The Publio Trustee can be appointed Executor of the Will or Oodioil of any person. Advice as to the making oi Will* is given free cf charge. The Public Trustee can be appointed Trustee in place of previously appointed Trustees or in plaoeof persons who wish to he rel: eved of their Trusteeship. The Public Tbustee can be appointed Trustee for MarriageSettlements,Money Trusts, Sinking Fand., and other Trusta. The Publio Trustee undertakes the Management of Property as Attorney or Agent. The Public Tbustee administers Intestates, Estates, and unclaimed Lands. FOE FULL PAETICULAES APPLY TO All Gbooebs Kebp It. Purveyors of Light, Heat and Power. !^~IOAL, COKE, AND ALL . W. E. E. CHAPMAN, Manager. TAR delivered in any part of the Borough at the following rates L. AZZOPARDI, — : Coal 45s per ton Coke 12 bags at 15s, at works 13 per bag Tar 6d per gallon WELLINGTON, Or to any of the Agents of — — — BRIDSON & GRIMES, ARE I IN \\ - - - OFFICE & WAREHOtJSE :HERSCHELL-STEEET, NAMER. THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE. justlreceived several easesNew Goods imported — direct from HAS manufacturers, including A LARGE VATIETY OF MERCURIAL&ANEROID BAROMETERS for the Mansion or Cottage7s 6d to £7 7s. TELESCOPES from 10s to £6 6s. THERMOMETEBS fromls 6d,Pocket Compasses 2s to 15s. WET & DRY BULB HYGRO- METERS. FIELD GLASSES— AIIkinds of Magnifyingand hand-readingglasses. MICROSCOPES from 10s 6d to £5 ss. A large variety of plain and faucy slides. Ladies' LorgnetteHand-readingGlasses in Real Tortoineahell. BROWNING-STREET. NAPIEB. RAILWAY STABLES, HIGH-STREET, DANNEVIBKE, Telephone 108. taken over the above well-known Stables, we hope HAVING to obtain the same liberal patronage as has been extended to them in the past, andcan guaranteeallcustomer the utmost attention and civility. We have added to and improved the stook of horses and vehicles, and can recommend them as second ta none inthe distriot. Hacks, Harness Horses, Gh?s and Buggies always on hire. Horses broken td saddle andharness. Horses bought and sold. Good paddock. First-class Groom alwaysin attendance. BURNETT & ELLIOTT. Having disposed of the above stables to MessrsBurnett andElliott, I wish to thank my late customers for their patronage, and to assure them that they will receive every attention from my successors. O. D. BLAKISTON. Mr E. E. Prior, youhave classes of jobbing work done. HAWKE'S BAY SOAP & TANNERY Co., Ltd. L. GURR, Land Agent, has for NORMAN proportion of MrsRathlease — — EXHIBIT OF FURNITURE"" FURTHER tablishod. . HARRY PALMER & Coj Value Office : JVER THREE AND A-HALP MIL- bone's property adjoining Makotuku, admirably adapted for Dairying,near LIONS STERLING. School, Railway Station, Post Capital end Interest Guaranteed Office, and Creamery, in areas of by the State. from 100 to over 200 acres. Full particulars on application. Large Reductions now made inCosts of Administration. of estates in i_:e . V ENERSEN & HEATH, WHEN Adbbess : Allardice-street (opposite Public Library.) PUBLIO TRUST OFFICE. Pruit. g. tate, _ cattle, if appliedanytimeup/io the age of six _ THE PERMANENT, PAINLESS, CHEAP, AND BASILY — B. M. RIES — Ward-street. T_ Horses bought or exchangedby — AgentforHawke's Bay for Cooper's SheepDip and Fluid Disinfectant. . HARNESS. LICENSES — &~KETTLE | X%jMo^£^ fob- H. M HISS the Public Works and Office: Denmark-street. Trustee in the Colony. On 12th September, the Mayor pre Agent for Dannevirke G3LMORE & GO. Auckland* ( W. ROSE. sented his report, which showed that Napier assisted with cash, but did HAWKE'S BAY ACCLIMATISAnot take a hand in doing the work. TION SOCIETY. Cr Newettmoved to thank tlie 'Mayo-: T> OYALMAIL COACH. for his report, and tliat the report DEER-STALKING SEASON. be adopted, the ordinary result oi* T. M. Mills,Proprietor. that motion being to knock his preto shoot Red Deer vious resolution out, as it was adoptStags only can be obtained Dannevib_3s-Webeh-Hbb_jeb_vili_s ing a different scheme. That mo- from the Chief Postmaster, Napier, | Sebvioe. tion was caried. Cr Newett let the on payment of a license fee of £5. I Hotel, Dannevirke ■ thing die there till 16th November. No license holder is entitled to shoot iLeaves Masonic Mondays, Wednesdays and In private members' business, 1 more than 2 heads of not less than ! Fridays at 7 a.m. brought up tlie question of financial ten points each. The season will I assistance. The Mayor said thae commence on March 9fch, 1907, and !Leaves Hotel, Herbertville Tuesdays, Thursdays and money could be raised up to £3000 close April 20th* 1907, both days inSaturdays, at 7 a.m. by special order, for that purpose. clusive, subject to the provisions of Then Cr Newett, taking advantage the Animals Protection Act, 1880, Mangatobo Valley Sebviok. of the discussion and taking the cue and the amendments thereto. from tlie Mayor, moved, and Isec- , Each Licensee must notify tbe Leaves Dannevirke Mondays and Fridays,8 a.m. onded, that a special meeting I)? Chief Postmaster, Napier, ©ither by Mangatoro Valley Leaves held on 23rd to pass special order. post, telegraph, or delivery of the Mondays and Fridays,2.80 p.m. meeting duly Tliat was held. Cr* date on whichit is his intention to Drummondmoved the formal resolu- stalk deer three clear days before MASONIC STABLES. tio, which was confirmed on Decem- suoh date. Largest stock of Horses and ber 22nd. Iam not so childish as 0. A. FITZROY, Vehicles in the Distriot. Carriages to be looking for hurrah ! at every Hon. Secretary. I or Brakes supplied on most reasonmove, but Ireckon Icome out of i Public, and Holders of able terms. this a bit ahead of Cr Newett. As T. M. MILLS, Proprietor. for showing him any of my great Licenses tokilldeer, are hereby works, Ihave none that Ithink in cautioned against shooting, or in any any way exceeded my duty, but if I way interfering with the Blaokhad Ihave better use for my time tailed Deer recently imported from tlian trying to show liim anything, America by the Government and PLUMBERS,GASFITTERS,AND for tliere are none so blind as thos? liberated in the Tarawera district. SANITARY ENGINEERS, FRUITERER, that will not see. Ihold no brief C. A. FITZROY, for gas syndicate or plumbing comHon. Secretary. prepared to undertake all prepared to sell fruit by the lb. or j W JONES, who panies; neither do Ifor land jobbers classes of Plumbing Work. » has shops at both ends of 1 have been round too many corners in case lots. Sewerage connections a speciality. to be certain of anything, and am the town is the TO THE PUBLIO. Estimates given on all work free neither certain nor much concerned ONLY BRITISH FRUITERER as to my return to the Council BEG to give notice that Ihave of charge. However, Iam prepared to accept , Fresh supplies constantly arriving Orders left at Calder and Drumdisposed of my coachbuilding tlie verdict on my past services. I and wheelwright business at South mond's, or throughpost, receive our and delivered to Railway Station or any clo not suggest showing the clerk his to Mb G. F. Riokext. prompt attention. part of tbedistrict at towniprices. He always keeps the choicest of duty, nor do Iexpect Cr Newett to Norsewood, would respectfully ask for him and fruits at oheapest rates. understand what Irefer to. With the continuance of the same liberal All work guaranteed. regard to the bogie of compulsion support hitherto bestowed upon myPATRONISE HIM. just wait and see, but don't meet self. TATE, G Address:Workshop,Gordon- street, tho devil half way. ' Iam, etc JOHN COLLINGE. opposite new Courthouse. High street (next Williams'). D. McINTYRE. Dannevirke, 30, March 1907. High-street North and South reference to tho above, Itrust that by strict attention to busi[This discussion is now closed as far as our open columns are con- ness, combined with civility and PETERS' MAGIC HEALER. JUST THE THING, moderate charges to merit a continu_.__.„„_a__ cerned.—Ed. D.A.] FIREWOOD. ance of the patronagebestowed upon in town for a good meal you Mr J. Co_._.inge. Having worked in IHAVE APPOINTED feel.inclmedTHEFedebal'sthe CROUPY CHILDREN. tt^oß SALE— Firewood and slabs ; some of the leadingshop3in London best place you can find all seasoned wood. Delivered large towns in England,1 We hate Oysters and Fuh and every- oyer toym and If your children are subject to and other dißtricfc> Croup, watch—for the first symptom can safely guarantee good workmanFurniture carefully removed to any of the disease hoarseness. If Cham- ship in all departments of the busiAnd if us a turn you would berlain's Cough Remedy is given as ness. CHEMIST, Parfc of the country. say,'tis precise. soon as the child becomes hoarse, the You can get Hot Meals from morn till 0. CHRISTOFFERSON, RIOKETT, G. F. attack can be averted. Even af*er midnight, my agent for this town. Mangatera. the South Norsewood. croupy cough has -appeared, the Come judge for yourself, and see if by can be always attack 1 preventi ■ we're right. (Signed) J. PETERS giving this remedy. It is .lv:- inattentiongiveD»-«-»" wm^n TmTAimiT tt valuable for and whooping colds " KNOWN Letter ■"«" .*toi« HYDE. TTT r^^ TTTANTED KNOWN— You can get COUghs. It always cures, and uin» Proprietress MISS yoUr Billheads printed better quickly. \\cheaper heads area sp.aialifcy at the %70XJ CAN GET IT AT MACKAY For salo by W. J. Mason at the Advocate office /"'High-Street South. and AdvocateOffice. \ AND POTTS. chemist. 1 IJL LTD., GIGS & VEHICLES DAIRY FARMS, %cm't — FOR CR McINTYRE IN REPLY. HAS Hotel, Dannevirke. \ CORRESPONDENCE. Shai^ple's Tubular Separator ? I Look OF ALL KINDS GO TO in Rangitikei-street. When one thinksthat FOR a piano oan " be obiSSp' tamed at The Dres-20- A We, want to impress you with the MONTH den for 20/- amonth, & SON. it willbe seen that no class of work we turn out. drawing-room, bouWe furnish from front door to doir or nursery need HpHEY can supply you with all backyard, and our prices be without one are right. JL kinds of We invite you to visit our Show Rooms. Our Showroom in Rangitikeistreet is always open for inspection, THE DRESDEN PIANO COY, CARRIAGE LAMPS & CARRIAGE we can't give you satisfaction and^if Lambton Quay & Brandon-st., RUGS A SPECIALITY. well,no one can. WELLINGTON. — | YOU COME TO PALMERSTON High-street. (To.. the Editor.) Sir, Iam wrTli Cr Newett in notapproving of councillors abusing each other in the papers ; neither do Ibegood _eve.y needs a FRIEND you need is a friend-indeed haveFarmer lieve in allowing councillors to make the best. Cream Separator every Farmer should statements^ that are not true, for the C, BADDELEY'S HAVE #OU A...... purpose of bolstering up a bad case or electioneering. lam not going into argument wth Cr Newett as to South, Dannevirke) (High-street asking for our Catalogue andPrice List. We would fche meaning of his resolution of 10th If noC drop us a notefnlly ; we would like toprove to you just WHY it is recently been thoroughly like to explainto you July, but Iwish those who feel inrenovated and re-furnished THE MOST SIMPLE terested in the point to look at the THE MOST PERFECT throughout. No expense has bee THE EASIEST WORKED papers of llth July, and read local THE EASIEST CLEANED sparedto bring the hotel right uphis motion, in his own language, and THE liIOST ECONOMICAI_ THE MOST LASTING to-date, and the travellingpubliooan THE BEST *YET INVENTED. see if there is any chance of saving THEREFORE be sureof first-olass aooommodation. y by putting into it tlie meaning about it FREE? We him let us tell all you TOiDAXand you write lie wishes. Iwill dissect it for him Superiority ;we wouldlikeyou to have so too— ifaithiaits vhave absolute The table receives speoial attention. ■* we" wouldlike to tell youhow you can seeone at work, andhowit performs on a more favorable occasion. His motion of the 10th was to provide Winks, Ales, and Sprßris of thb for the Council doing the work, proBEST BBANDS ONLY. viding fittings and advancing money "Machinery Merchants, Importers, and Electrical Suppliers, in a sort of workhouse fashion that GHUZNEE & MARION STREETS, WELLINGTON. Terms Reasonable. is, if it meant anything at all. Out __________---------^«i^"^i^i^"*"^"^^ !,__^ of the discussion that arose, Cr i K. . i . -■■ : Club Clayton and Johnston made an ,'aniendment to get information as J. HALLIGAN, Proprietor. to what was being done in other well-known establishment places. On receipt of letter from which adjoins Dannevirke Wellington, which gave little light on Railway Station, offers unsurpassed the subject, Imoved to defer, pendW ing accommodation to Travellers and the i H Thafs an aspect of the tea question you dont thing much the Mayor's visit to Napier, as You buy cheap teas and never think where they hava 1 GeneralPublio. f a:,out what there was something of theldnd done surroundings they may unhealthy hands or dirty i been; Only best qualities of Ales, Wines, there, and that a special meeting be „,„_„ B have passed through. and Spirits stooked. B Now with "ARCADIA" you always k:.ow you have a clean ■ called to consider it, which was carexpert from the best leaf obtainand heaithy tea blenderi by an unanimously, thus showing that able, and never touched by hand, so they are always free from |ried the whole Council were in favor :-{■ dust, dirt, or germs. U some system of assistance being es ALL grocers. Andrews ci Lavelle, HOME. Every home needs a Piaooforte, for every mother and every father delights in bringing up ohildren to love the bestmusic. M. J. BROOKES, Conflicts have occurred in the Damboritza districts, Roumania, where North Island Manager. 200 peasants were killed or wounded. THOMAS BAIN, Agent, Dannevirke. , MANCHESTER-STREET,FEILDING, and Speight's Best maintainedthe January closing rates. Medium shafty advanced 5 per cent. Crossbreds were in keen demand during the latter 'half of the series. Best sorts were unchanged, but medium prrHEN^ a active* throughout. Merinos closed A PIANO Ladies' Machines the same price as Roadster Gents— full equipment. WILLIAHS PIANO ; A BROADWOOD Is perfect instrument. LONDON, March 28. A PIANO The wool sales have closed, 92,000 FOR bales having been sold to home buy- EVERY [Price Jj^t °f Bi°y c es« Dannevirke. WOOL SALES. . WANTED — IIyau aannat eat rappliaiwitta tkaAaaoal* Gleek Ca..14 Margaret-it., Uyin*j,aaalodat T/6, aadoaa Trillka Hat na. « -, .1 II■ I II!■| . im — - fjORthe newest and best in Watekes F or Jewellery, and fo. all ..pair. M. __cO_.__rn_, Watchmaker, Jewellerand Optician. try THE DANNEVIBKE ADVOCATE, SATUBDAY, MARCH 30, 1907. SOUTH BRITISH IGNORANCE MAY BE BLISS INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND. BUT IT'S EXPENSIVE. THE follow-tos? classes of Insurance accepted at Lowest Rates:— Fire, Marine, Employers' Liability, Mortgage Indemnity, Public Risk, Personal Accident (with or without tfcknsss benefits), Fidelity Guarantiee, Plate Glass, and Burglary Insurance, Administration Bonds issued. Losses settled without!unnecessary delay. Neagle supplies a reliableup-to-date'Bicycle from £10 Tyres7s 6d, Tubes 4s. Neagle's workshop is fitted with the latest machinery I for manufacturingand repairingbicycles. [ :Neagle buildsBioycles to order. '■-jjjL-^y _Til -VTEW ZEALAND INSURANCE IV COMPANY. ÜBE, MARINE, ACCIDENT,! FIDELITY GUARANTEE, WORKERS' COMPENSATION, .-■- Neagle'sexperience inBicycles extends over 10 years. m -~ m ■■ |C-R||llflf " ! .— PLATE GLASS, &c, &a. Agents Neagle's guaranteeis worth 20s in the £. The best place to buy Harness Saddles, &c. Gladstone Bags,Dressing Cases fitted to Gladstone Bags, Portmanteaux,RugStraps, &o, Estimates given for allclasses of Harness Saddlery, Tarpaulins,Rick Covers, &c. REPAIRS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. ' Jas. Neagle and Co., ros Dannevibkb : Warn Department: W. T. Ibvinb HIGH STREET, DANNEVIRKE. Accident Dbpabtmbnt: N.Z, Loan ft I__qm_n__u Agency Co., Lm >^~ TELEPHONE 68. THE 1-nster Han_i<\.y :Hipporofla 8.10, Warwick 7.13, Oasis 7.1 FJe Hanks- 7.9, Reservoir 6.9. liii'k Handicap: Te Arai (including Tib penalty) 9.6, Pantaloon 9.4, King's Lynn 8.13, Monarque 8.3, Lord Bobs*B.2, Kobin Link, Top Rose, Sir Benson 7.7, First Foot, Spark, Concussion 6.11, Matapuna, Karaona 6.10. Waipukurau Handicap, li mile: Mystification 9.0, Immolation 7.12, Pantaloon 7.7, King's Lynn 7.2. Two-Year-Old. Handicap: Tigris 8.3, Illustrious 8.0, Remark 7.13; Niwarii 7.8, Cisco 7.7, The Limit 7.0 Ladies' Handicap : Te Arai (including 71b penalty) 13.0, Benefactor 11.8, Top Rose 11.3, British Navy, Aireki, Blue Streak 11.0, Twyford, Land o' Nod, Tzara 10.11, Con- Tigrisona 10.7. Flying Handicap:Hipporofla 8.13, Maid of Astolat, Te Hauke, MerriAving 7.12, Linkless 7.8, Waikaraka 7.3. Final Handicap: Tihi 9.3, Gatenby 8.11, Oakbourne 8.5, Dame Fortune 7.11, Arcadia, Rautuamata, Papatawa 7.10, Catseye, Blue River, Waiariki 7.7, Miss Pebble, Monkey 7.0, Silver Chain, Quaver 6.10. Maiden Plate gentries) : Blue — CANTERBURY JOCKEY CLUB. .BARRAUD STREET, DANNEVIRKE. Government Final payments: Great Easter Handicap: Achilles 10.2, Munjeet 9.5, Isolt 9.5, Margue' rite 8.10, Buccleuch 8.8, Stronghold 8.3, Chryseis 7.13, Submarine 7.13, Red Gauntlet 7.9, Replete 7.6, Zetland 7.6, Medallist 7.4, Ivanoff 7.3, WEST'S PATENT TYRE SHRINKER Clanchattan 6.13, Apollodoris 6.13, Tybes Tyres shrunk while you wait. Rubbeb fitted to Vehicles. Fireiron 6.13, Landwern 6.12, Pas MILL-WRIGHTS. Estimates givtm for complete sawmill plants and: Seul 6.10, Harvest 6.7. " erecting dairy faotory maohinery. GreatAutumn Handicap:Marguerite 9.0, Pink 'Un 8.7, Submarine8.2, Agricultural Implements AGENTS FOR Duncan's Celebrated Steel Split Pulleys,' McLaren's Traction- Engin-s, Marshall, Ruston, '.'.. Truce 8.2, Chryseis 7.12, Stepdancer 7.9, Landwern 7.3, Seal Rock 7.3. Prootor, andother Portable Engines. Lapland 6.7," Field Gun 6.7. General Engineers, Iron and Brass Insurance Founders, | Department large suma of money available to lend on good freehold GOACHBUILDERS, BAS farming properties. Liberal terms for repayment of the — of the. loan at whole me. any or part POSTMASTER. WELSBACH INCANDESCENT LAMP. , T>UY AN UP-TO DATE Champagne Stakes, for 2-year-olds, 6 furlongs: Count Witte, Astolat. RANGE. ' EANGE THE AOTEA -OURNS Ordinary KEROSENE. absolutely Is the best in the market ; it burns coal or wood upto 16inches equal facility. range requires no building ir, and being self60 Candle Power Light. with I contained can be usedThe either in a chimney or with a stove,pipe. 4 Costs 2s per month, burning - " hours pernight. — Made at the For sale by local Ironmongers. Three times the light of ordinary DANNEVIRKE FOUNDRY & ENGINEERING WORKS. lamps at one-third the cost. satisfied. back if not money Yonr j. No-8.-— Oth ttavftltei wiii call a. any hbuse in the district and 'give MILLER'S ROAD DANNEVIRKE an exhibition providing a note is " " c , ',' m "ent asking him to call. PUT YOUR THROUGH BUSINESS n ARTHUR HOPWOOD, Palmerston.North. _ c. davldson; ... ... . Cafe, Impend - - NZ EXPBE'rs CO., LTD. [Estabhshbd 1867] High-stbekt Dannsvibkb. Hot LtTNoa from 12 to 2, Tba from (^KNEBAL Carriers, Baggage, Ship. **«" londoel Suppers till 12 (mid. night). oiawford-.t., Offioe : * Donedin Sunday Houbs— Tea from 6 oclock, «»Head t-i nr n- t A-vrnrr _«_' Auckland, Wellmgtor, BRANCHES: fln«« n.,«iiinA'/,i nni, to notifythe generalpublic Suppers till 10 0 clook. Chnstehurch, Dunedin, Oamar., of Dannevirke and the surGore, Invercargill, Lyttelton, Pa'."""""_. rounding district, that he has purin merston North, New Plymouth, Season Oysters chased G. J. Firth's Carrying and WangaauLF prepared to do To and is Business, -_-.: _& Salksmbn Fabmebs Dbovebs .TT ' ; arrying of any description. Tomeet the convenience of the i v pubUoattending the sales at the ; H !DRINKWATER & SON. Furnituro carefully removed. ' Oflßce at Patterson and Whitelaw's new yards oh Miller's Road, Agent for the New Zealand Carry-'i every Dinner will be S^tion-street. served ing Company. ,Telephone115. Fbiday,at11.80 a.m. Local Agents:— Tilsley and Co., i "Xrou can but it cheaper at Telephone61. r> nu»m*Z~~r>" n"+" Gnarman, .Proprietor. ir. MACKAY & POTTS'. — —X . . «-.. g^g* JAMES HENDERSON - the direct way IN of a cup of tea ask you to call for . . BEGS — EHODXA TEA. There are other teas, plenty of them, butif you want to be quite satisfied then Rhodia must not be put aside no matter what temptation. the RhodiaTeaisa pure Ceylon Tea of absolutely the highest quality grown. The leaves are sptdaily picked and selected, and the tea is packed m lead for this country, aotually FOR NEW ZEALANDERS. Youmay make amistake in calling for many teas,getting poorervalue than you expected,but you cannever make amistake witb Rhodia. THE ORMONDVILLE DRAPERY, CLOTHING. AND BOOT AND SHOE HOUSED LOCAL AGENTS : WILLIAMS & KETTLE, LTD. li 9| BEG notify the inhabitants of I Ormondville and surrounding districts, that I have taken over the busi' to Lfit " More Remarkable Cures by the use of that great' STOMACH, LIVER, and KIDNEY TONIC, 0k ness so favorably and successfully carried on by Me P.G. Gbant, and trust by strict attention to business to merit the continued support of his nnmerous clients,and also that of the _j| general public. We keep a large and well assorted stock of Drapery, Millinery, and Eadjes* Underclothing. This Sfepartxeehtbeingin charge of Mrs Wiseman, customers may be assured bf their wishes and requirementsbeingattended nm 11in\m___________________mi^mmmmi^mm^wmmamat^^mmi^m^tmamafn^mm ■. ■_ to.- y.Xy ii^ " A LETTER FROM MINEHOST." make a specialstudy of all classes || ofI Men's and Boys' Clothing, and — Underclothing, and having many years S. J. F_ewe_lyn, Esq., proprietor Ship Hotel,Nelson, says: "Beinga |j g| experience in this branch of the busi"a martyr to Indigestion and Liver complaint, Iwas advised by one who had |3 ness,I previouslybenefitted by the use of IMPEY'S MAY APPLE to tryit, which ffl am in a position to guarantee to, proved Idid with most beneficial results. For the ailments referred it has gl satisfaction to allcustomers. Tery effective inmy case, far more thanIever anticipated,half abottleeffect£3 We alsohave on hand a full andwell inga cure. Iadviseall whosuffer to try it." S3 assorted stock of Ladies'- and;Gents' «_ >'::m^^py^ «■»■ «toJEJMn_l Boots and Shoes. Before purchasing elsewhere come and see our stock, andcomparequalities and prices. F. WISEMAN. IMPEY'S ; !| - ——W^^^p^bb— __■ __Z_ I | THE SCENE OF TRAGEDY, COMEDY, and OPERA. — g Mr.Charles Voss, manager Opera House, Wanganui, says: "For some time Ihave been troubled with a disordered Liver. Iwasadvised by a friend to try IMPEY'S IW \Y APPLE, hut having previously used o'her remedies without benefit, Iwas somewhat sceptical abo;io yours "d.>inif what was claimed for^t. However my ailment becoming more acute, 1decided to try it, and was astonished at the speedy relief obtained,and Icannow strongly reccomend it." S |i Sf g| fjk g§ !§ ""' '- v " > "B l >"t,Vl_lllill mJ_l_lMMH_i__g»Mß_-Jumi_ L m R » g " g B Inconnection with the above I beg to thank my Ormondville and Whetukura customers for the support so liberally accorded to me in the past, and trust they willcontinue to still accord that support to Mb Wiseman, whohas purchased the abovementionedbusiness. P. G. GEANT. LllMl«_llM^i—^m_»H_[ THE SILVER GRID Elevation, Eona, Glenculloch, Guidwife, Goldbeater, All Red. The following acceptances have — been received: (Next to J.Neagle & Co.) . Kildare Hurdles, 2 miles: Evenlode 10.11, Lee-side 10.11, Ability, 10.11, Slow Tom 10.10, Narcissus 9.*9, Wild Cat 9.2. Russeley Plate, 5 furlongs :Oxton 8.8, Gold Braid 8.0, Rose Noble 8.0, Outlander 8.0, Ronaldshay 8.0, Engliah Rose 7.12, Santa Claus 6.10, Mercy 6.9. yi-nrr-y,f^ze**, M pa ft m §3 |9 IL, - -H'HUMMfwiwuii! wMHrijimim-iiiw.iin. ,JI — i_i'r..i^<l_^j^aajißq_.<«tfiw«.-.»^jrgj»_- THE OPINION OF AN M.H.R. F. Lawry, Esq., M.H.R.. writes to say: "I recently contracted a severe cold, accompanied by distres-ing symptoms. 1 fortunately met a fellow Member, who advised me to take IMI'EY'S MAY APPLE. Iaccepted his advice, and the result wasmarvellous. 1 cannottoo strongly recommend this medicine, judgingby its effect on myself." 2/6 BOTTLE, Chemists and Stores. Whotesale Agents: SHARLAND & CO., Ltd., Wellington. . ______________„_„_______ TTOT LUNOHEON & SUPPERS. 11§p FRESHFISH (all kinds) every day. RiJ m KJ MEALS AT ALL HOURS. jgg J& __J *^- Everything clean and fresh. FRANK GANNAWAY, Proprietor. Epsom Welter, 1mile:Wirral 9.12, Makaroff 9.11, Golden Cairn 9.7, Manjess 9.5, Ivanoff 9.5, Pas Seul 9.4, Blythemaid 9.2, Thunderer 8.10, SoMateria 8.5, Farley Grove 8.0. Soekburne Handicap,1£ mile:Submarine 8.9, Watershoot"7.13, Blythemaid 7.7, Lapland 7.1, Field Gun 7.0, Athena 6.7. SCRATCHED. j . - n^wlJaUl^enaa possible ws ask you a direct question : Alce*you ? If you are thtnall we have to do is to most fond good cussion, South Star 10.9, St. Leo, Streak, Waikaraka, Catseye, Pontoon,Karaono, Quaver, St. Leo, Arabian Lass, Monsieur, Beaucaire. COLLETT & SO_T, ~" : WAIPUKURAU ACCEPTANCES. Op.-i-!.*ta, La.1 ./ F vn *** SPORTING. .i.VnTER ?!0 !)AY, APRIL 1. CAMPBELL THOMSON, Agent, Dannevirke. Branch Offioe for Hawke's Bay Browning street, Napier. . A. E; KIGHT, Manager. 3 [press association.] FEILDING, March 28. Apa, St. Joe and Mahoe havebeen scratched for all engagements at the Feilding races. y "OLAIR AND /^iO. TAILORS, High- Stbekt THE SAME OLD TALE. ** ** BULKAtKI, tAILO If you want Bread go to theßake*. 01/I" A Tl"_> II nA_r\l# J_ I*IW I! you want Saddlery go to theSaddler. Wi% *-" ■ fc Ol WWWIinLII I LTD. LTO U you want a GOOD BIOYOLE GO TO OIY THEY OAN SELL YOU A FIRST GRADE BIOYOLE AT A VERY LOW PRICE. OUR PRICE LIST , fljrfri ■■iMaJLLTT ROVER Roadster,free wheel,brakes, mudguards,pump, bell, tool bag andtools /__L £20 ' /f\. ROVER RoadRacer,pump, tool bagand tools . £18_dfosFj^&B^^. >_s^%\\l/ ///^_V RALEIGH Eoadster, free wheel,brakes, etc. __20 '//»«_ Road Racer,pump,"tool bag and tools £18 iifo\\\ 11/Jr^S. ffJirXX^}\\ W^yP^i. I ///*&. BALEIGH ROYAL SKEATES,free wheeli brakes, tools, etc. JJ2O m^Xr^\\ MrX^ IfXxXX^^i ROYAL SKEATES Road Raber, toolbag,tools, etc. JJIB _r-^^3&L_fe^i. 8.5.A., free wheel, tools, etc. £17 10s S^s^_P*§T^~--J._ f_M^Ui^^^lf^^S=lJJSKEATESGenuine JL^y^ff)\ r^rXjl SKEATES B.SiA;Road Racer, toolbag, tools, etc. £15 / /'(\\v\// SKEATES Popular,B.S.A. wheel W^/7////Y\\Wy'' £H- 10s ' WV/ / / \\\Vw \\_>dr SKEATES Popular,B.S.A.patt.^ ' "Road-Racer, ySL/ © ' ** t6otel; bag ump and P » tocl -.' V.," --'.".- *1010s ■„■ ';■ The above quotations are for CASH. €_L mmmm .. ffff Js^S\ / jyaww^^Spy^^jmLj, mm^S^ULl^^ TWELVE MONTHS' GUARANTEE given. South. BEST PRIOE given for your OLD MAOHINIS _r— MnDOWELL IW I w Bel H____^^B___fr w ___ _bn ■■__ POWER W W^ _Jii_3_J?l_l.S, HIGH. B_@ra 9 iw Vl - orEBBT, DANNEVIEKE :-' i XXT ia announciDg M CASES AND BALES OFHEW SEASON'S NOVELTIES _^ ,B^^^ ! m EX S.S. ■___BHH-_-M — KUMARA, OSWESTRY GRANGE, TOKOMARU, TONGARIRO ifc STAR OF SCOTLAND. New Models in Trimmed Millinery, Ladies' Jackets, Costumes, Skirts and Blouses* Splendid range of NEW DRESS GOODS in Cloths, Tweeds and Tartans, and NEW BLOUSINGS in Flannels and Flannelettes. In the Clothmg Department we are fiilly stocked in the newest designs in Ties and Scarfs. Gents' Overcoats, the very thing for the coming cold weather, Boys' and Men's Suits, best quality at right prices. Fine range of MCDOWELL & POWER, DRAPERS AND CLOTHIERS. "■"■pM__W_W__W_WJWfIW_W_____WJWAWMW__WfIW______WA__WJW_WJWAW__WA_W^ .xy- ■" y%'y . ■'■■'■":.' ' -. « . .. .--. , *&" '■ :■"" "^ ~ THE DANNEYIRKE ADVOCATE; SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1907. 4 THE FARROW. SHOE STORE. YOU SHOULD QBE THE NEW FOItEND OF SEASON 4c FANCY GOODS WIDE-TOED BOOTS FOR MEN. Our nature-form Footwear will do in one trial to convince a man clearing. more of their We have just unpacked. Mere words are insufficient to convey any ; idea of their exceedingbeauty, great variety, and extraordinary cheapness I : obtainable by dealing at sale: -.."'- NEW Farrow's Boots go on WHEN shoe troubles go off. SEASON'S LOOK OUT WALLPAPERS, C on account of the social position occupied by the accused, but on account of the pecuGOOD FRIDAY. liar nature of the circumstances surrounding the crime with which he is (To the Editor.) charged. The defence will, no doubt, Sir, Will you kindly grant me endeavor to prove that the prisoner .pace in your valuable columns to was in a state of insantity at the say a few words on holy days in reply to "Anglican's" letter re Good time the deed was committed, and Friday. In looking through tho the suggestion that he was suffering Bible Ifail to find one passage of from paranoia is a very ingenious scripture dealing with it. Neither one. Dr Persling, of Philadelphia, Good Friday nor any other holy dayin his "Diagnosis of Nervous and was ever mentioned by our Saviour Mental Diseases," speaking of para- or St. Paul, except to the Jews, proves by going noia, says that in such cases the pati- which "Anglican" back 3500 years, and saying it was ent is subject to delusions which are ordained by God to be an ordinance logically coherent and mainly limit- to be observed for ever. Quite ed to one subject. In a typical case right for the Jews, but not for the NZ. CLOTHING FACTORY. »_ * portant one, not only COMMENCING LOW PRIOE WONDERFUL EASE I GREAT SATISFACTION FOR THE SEASON! NEW /~\VERCOATS! Than all the talking that any shoe Well made with padded and THURSDAY, JANUARY 24. dealer could do in a month. quilted shoulders, fit well,look well, wear well. A FEW PICKED LINES. f Men's Chrome Goloshed Bals., extra 27/6, 35/wide fitting, 12s 6d ESS" Bargains in all departments. Bals., Men'sBoxCalf whole Goloshed MILLER'S ROAD. 14s 6d Goods marked at prices to effeot a ' Men's Box Calf whole Goloshed --"D O V S AVEECOATS speedy olearance. welted Bals., 18s 6d Remnants IRemnants1Remnants! Men's Glace whole Goloshed welted Bals., 21s proprietor, JAMES, the GEORGE FROM 9/6 Derby Bals., extra wide Men's Glace CLEARING PRICES. will be glad to show them to welted, 27s 6d toes, yon at any time between sunrise and sunset. I| MARLBOROUGH — — NEW GOODS MILLINERY /CENTS' . . . —HOUSE JACKETS & PALETOTS after a period of morbid introspection, there gradually sets in a delusion of persecution, and later, as an explanation of the persecution, there generally appears a delusion of great personal importance. It is incurable, and sometimes ends in a i i i mild dementia. It will be seen from the foregoing diagnosis that Thaw's action.may be made to appear strictly inkeeping with that of a man suf- ...NOW SHOWING AT... fering from this peculiar form of mental trouble. In the meantime, affidavits have been lodged denying the suggestions that Thaw is insane, and it is quite clear that the end of this celebrated case is not yet in i Inspection CordiallyInvited. IPAINTBR, Balfour and Moore, PAPERHANGER, I SIGNWEITER^&o. .l: i PLEASE READ THIS. «" AND 00. Opposite Bankof New Zealand, High-street, Dannevirke. Dannevirke. THE NEW SEASON'S THE MORNING BRACER. A CUP of Suratura Tea, steaming hot, first thing of a winter morning, has a wonderful effect in stimulating and freshening the'system. The reason for it is that Suratura is rich in theme, the active principle of taa, "g- 5. JAMS & PRESERVES and the stimulating property. want your buflineea, and in order to secure it, we are Are now ready, and are unequalled now offeringgoods at prices hitherto IS GOOD. unheard of in this district. for that fine fruity flavour. BeingDIRECT CASE BUYERS That is the general verdict; and tLe from the manufacturers we are annual consumption of Suratura by do this enabled to proves that the verdict is genuine. Suratura comes from Ceylon. It is Absolutely pure and wholesome. WE SURATURA TEA PRESENTING YOU pure, honest, hill-grown Ceylon tea, and is guaranteed not blended with Indian, China, or any cheap \>r inferior teas. WITH XHE MIDDLEMAN'S PROFIT Compare the prices below with anything offered in this, or anyotfaer town in the colony,and you will be convinced. We have space here for only a few lines,but a visit will show you that all our large stock is beingdealt with on the same liberallines. LINOLEUMS— RETAIL PRICES: Ltd., SURATURA A Quality SURATURA B QUALITY SURATURA D QUALITY SURATURA X QUALITY Note " (Best Lancaster). -■ Ist quality,usual price per yard 5/QUR PRICE 4/4 quality, 2nd usual price per yard 4/6 OUR PRICE 3/H Brd quality, usual price per yard 8/9 OUR PRICE 3/4 quality, D usual price per yard 2/9 ths ... ......... per ib. 1/6 2/_4 1/9 Initials : ■ OURPRICE2/4 Gordon, Channon and Co. HIGH-STREET .-. DANNEYIRKE G. R. JAMES, HOUSE DECORATOR, — Is still at the same address THE RED HOUSE, Near Post Office, High-street. LAWN MOWERS- IThe Simmons Run-easy Uin, 18/6 I ' The Gem, five blades Uin, 30 The Gem, five blades 16m, 35/High wheel ball bearing Uin, 43/- High wheel'ball bearing 16in, 48/High wheel ball bearing 18in, 55/Just landed large consignment pf STERLING SILVER ELECTRO PLATE, AND - TL^ANUPAOTURERSof— HIGH CLASS FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Work Guaranteed ALLHighest Quality Materials Highest Quality Labour Lowest Possible Charges. Telephone 109. AUCKLAND CASH CLEARING SALE STILL ON. Litest Designs. BARGAINS Call and inspeot before you buy THAN EV_SR. your Christmas andNew Year gifts. LIVER& INDIGESYon will savemoney, besides getting TION CURE gives yon clear Tailor-made Costumes going at 19s 6d, handsome .nd sound quality goods. eyes, sweet breath, clean tongue, calm 255, 30s to SOs— originalcost from nerves, and a good temper, Take a dose 28s to 80s. These costumes are whenyon think you need it— always all this year's models, siik lined " you by a bottle When DO yon. have and beautifully finished, no two it? When is coated. your tongue need alike. GREATER BENNETT'S CALDER, DRUMMOND When you have heartburn, belching, See onr Spencer Pianos ; one of the and acid risings in the throat. When best EnglishPianos on the marpimples begin to peep out. When you Easy time payments from ket feelqueer.' That's the time to check monthly. 25s coming constipation, indigestion, and makeofGermanPianos from liver troubles. That's the time to take Celebrated £35. Time payments of 1guinea a dose ptBennett's Liver Cure. It will amonth. cure the worst case of liver that walks Large assortment of Japanese hand' IRONMONGERS & the earth. It will ensure against ninety embroidered Silk Blouses in cent of -other ills;likely to attack white, cream, pink,blue from10s HOUSE FURNISHERS. per yon,because 90 per' cent of these ills 6d ; 20 per cent off undercloththrough or exist begin<in the bowels ing and corsets. High-street, Dannevirke. ■poor nutrition. The point is this..: You, ' Millinery, half price ; Gingneed Bennett's Liver Core. You heed Imported hams, Prints, Muslins going at vigor function in full keep every it to 5d per yard. ' You heed it to give you << A CHINA Eggmay iool a set- andhealth. voile Skirts from12s 6d. Trimmed now, vim. Buy a bottle 2/6. BlackCleth Skirts from 6s 6d. /X tinghen, but^t would not Dressmaking from12s 6d. nake an omelette." A- CO.,'. It's just the same withPaint. The H. IKI BENNETT, W.PS., j.- lowest price is often the dearest one - lo> .you. Cheap Painting means CHEMIST (by exam). cheap Paint,that will not stand the ; weather, cheap workmen who do not Know how to do a good job, and a fpa—HOMßMH_HlM______n_|fc STOP the COUGH coat of Paint omitted wherever the cheapPainter thinks he can do so ano CURE "_ LUNGS W,TH without being found out. Oheap DR. SHELDON'S Painting is dear at any price. ;" We do not want to be known as a : Cheap Painter. Honest Painting at LowestPrioes Price ' consistent with good work. OLDS and « /(_ " ttt ONSUMPTIOW, I/O Of' Two New Shipments of WALL just Safestand Surest Cnre for all f PAPER arrived. THROAT andLUNO TROUBLES, or MONEY REFUNDED. NASH, - ... NEW DISCOVERY COUGHS, . .. * PAINTER .-. %HHHHH_________________H_____| HIGH-STREET Od Mi at tin D.C.A. AND sight On page 2 will be found a cable relative to wool sales, and a letter from Cr Mclntyre; on page 3 acceptances for Waipukurau and Christchurch; on page 6 general cables and Native Land Commission.; and on page 7 stock reports. Mr Wylie returned to Danneviike yesterday, and his many friends an hope that the change will assist to POTTS. [CLOTrmS!S G. W. WRIGHT, T. BEAVER, . SURGEON DENTIST, (Bain's BuUdings, Entrance Ward-st.) promote his recovery. Dannevirke. Mr J. C. Westall has been nominated for the seat on the Education TelephoneDentalRooms, No. 88 vacant by the resigTelephonePrivate Residence,No. 122 Board rendered nation of Mr W. C. Maddison. FURNITURE Private PostOffioe Box,No. 59 Messrs Meynell and Gunn's "Fatal A SPECIALITY. Company, with the miliFREEMAN POTTS & DOWNES, Wedding" tary Drama, "The Midnight WedCombination Chests BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS. ding" as their principal attraction, Sideboards will revisit Dannevirke in May. Dannevirke. Wash-hand Stands The many friends of Mr Chick will Go-carts to lend at lowest current be pleased to hear thathe has greatly improved in health during his stay Wickerwork rates on approved seoutities. the Auckland district, and conRetan Goods Branch office at Norsewood at Mr in templates returning home next week. Wardrobes Scott'severy Thursday. At St. John's Church to-morrow Wire-wove Mattresses evening, the anthem will be "God so Kapoc andFlax Mattresses loved the world," and the duet "So Thou liftest Thy divine petition," [Established 1888.] will be sung as an offertoriumby Mrs Macallan and Mr G. Wright. Address : High street, The Norsewood Dairy Company's [PUBLISHED DAILY.] (Next Frame and Johnstone's). average grade for the season for exOLDEST ESTABLISHED PAPER port butter was 93.56, the highest AND grade in the colony last season was (JUARANTEED LARGEST CIRCULATION 93.46, which speaks volumes for Mr Campbell's butter making. CABINET MAKER & UPHOLSTERER. HIGH-CLASS MONET The Advocate. - | S. KIRKPATRICK & CO,' NELSON. MACKAY F. C. FARROW CORRESPONDENCE. PICTURES. NEW ZEALAND ANU OTHER VIEWS. myself over-stocked in the above scenery Iam willing to sacrifice thembelow cost price, hoping to effect a ready sale at the verylow price of ls 6deach, or two for 2s 6d. Now on display for a few days at EINDING COLTMAN'S BOOK ARCADE. Also an endless variety of PicturesquePost Cards. MORGAN & o°. ' LIMITED, just landed a large, consignment of General Hardware from the leading English and American manufacturers, compris- j ing— HAVE BUILDERS' IRONMONGERY : Galvanised Iron, Spouting, Ridging, Tanks, Locks, Hinges, Malthoid Felt, Lead Head and WireNails. HOUSEHOLD GOODS : IN THK DISTRICT. The repairs to the Wellington water mains, damaged by the carrying away of the pipe bridge at the Mangatoro Dannevirke Pokokomuku Hutt, were completed on Thursday, Mangahe Ngapaeruru Weber Ti Tree Point Waione Wimbledon and the full stinply for the city was Herbertville Akitio Horoeka again available. Oringi Kiritaki Maharahara then Woodville Umutaoroa Matamau .attention of members of the The Piripiri Makotuku Ormondville Anglican Church is directed to the Takapau Norsewood Whetukura announcement in another column to Ashley-Clinton Otanga Kumeroa offerings the effect that the to-morrow, in accordance witli the usual will be custom, handed to the SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1907. E^pter ■ I' —^———^—————_»% CIRCULATES IN vicar. NOTES. «. Lord Rosebery is still a picturesque figure in British politics. When he Brass and Enamelled Preserv- leaves his "lonely furrow," and deing Pans, Mason's Jars, livers a i)ublic address, his utterWooden Spoons, Wringers, Mangles, Baths, Buckets, ances always possess a striking interetc., together with a large est, and this is especially true concerning his speech to the Liberal assortment of EDglish League, which is reported amongst j enamelled ware. the cable news to-day. The Liberal | League CUTLERY: is Imperialist* in tone, The best assortment ever landed and was formed in 1902 to promote in the district,comprising ; the policy of Lord Rosebery's famTable and Dessert Enives, ous Chesterfield speech, viz., efficiCarvers in pairs and cases, ' ency in regard to the Parliamentary Butcherand SheathEnives, and military machines, legislation in Electroplated and Benares regard to education, housing and temSilver Spoons and Forks, perance reform, also "a clean slate" together with a Bplendid with regard to Irish affairs. In that assortment of Pocket and speech Lord Rosebery said he was not prepared at any time, or under Pen Enives. any circumstances, to grant an indeDECORATING MATERIAL: pendent Parliament in Dublin but Wall Papers in endless variety, looked for the solution of the Irish white andred Lead, oxides, question through "some scheme of Stainers, Varnishes, Oils, Imperial federation, which should alMixed Paints, Scrim and low of local subordinatelegislatures." Paint Brashes. It is interesting also to remember 1 that the vice-presidents of the Libe: SAWMILLERS REQUISITES League, Mr Asquith, Sir Henry ral Circular Saws, Beltings, Oils. Fowler, Sir Edward Grey, and Mr Files, Steam Fitting*, Haldane, are all members of Sir Grease, Planer Knives-, Henry Campbell-Bannerman's CabiLaces, Belt &o. -net. Lord Rosebery remainsloyal to the 1902 programme, and in the deSOLE AGENTS FOR partures from that manifesto conWilson's Portland Cement templated by the Bannerman MinisWilson's Hydraulic Lime try, the ex-Liberal leader sees danChampion Ranges ger ahead. Lord Rosebery has statExplosives Nobel's ed his views very plainly, and the abAlso agents for Orion and Luke's sence from these viewsof anything sa Ranges voring of expediency must cause all true supporters of the Liberals to rePlumbing and Tinsmithing work gret that he is not tlie leader of the party. The entry of Lord Rosebery in allits branches undertaken. into the political arena once more wouldbe a matter for congratulation. given Plans drawn and estimates The seclusion wliich lie has so steadfor drainage connections. fastly maintained for some years has been very aptly described as "one of mysteries of modern politics." All work carried out under the the most recent utterance has shown personal supervision of Mr F.v W. His Smith, Bronze Medallist, City and that he is not by any maimer of means "an extinct volcano." — . Guilds' London Examination. MORGAN& C°. LIMITED, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IRONMONGERS, DANNEVIREE The trial of the man Thaw, at New York, for tlie killing of White, drags wearily along. Murder cases are not disposed of in America with the expedition that follows such investigations under British law. Many devices are used to delay the process of justice, and an accused person, withlarge monetary resources, may make Gentiles, for we find St. Paul, writ- ing to the Colossians, told them that Jesus had blotted out the hand writting of ordinances and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross. He also told, them to let no man judge them in meat, or in drink or in respect of any holy day or of the Sabbath Day, which were only a shadow of things to come. Then we ask, did our Saviour command lis to observe the day of his crucifixion. Isay, no. Did St. Paul or any of the apostles teach us to observe it. Isay no; that being so, Ifail to see what right the head, or member of any denomination has to place a burden on the back of the people which they have no right to.bear. Iwould like to know why exception was taken to a cricket match, and not to a bowling match, as I see one is to be played here on Good Friday, weather permitting.^ I am, etc., J. B. LLOYD. — March 28. (T« the Editor.) Sir,— Allow me to very shortly re- ply to two lettersin your columns of last Thursday. First, re observance of Good Friday. This day is only kept as a holiday because* it commemorates the crucifixion of —our Lord. .Can any Christian observe it as a festival? With regard to Sunday observance, if "Consistent" had been at church he would often have heard my statement that the believer will on the Sunday consider how he may besthonor our Lord'sresurrection. Second, re letter on Easter. Evidently the writer does not understand the relation of Easter to the Jewish Passover: that that is the cause of Easter being a moveable feast, and that the Council of Nicaea settled that it should be held on the Sunday, and not on the third day after the14th of Nisan; which would be the exact date of theJewish Passover. So there is no connection whatever between Easter and March 21. The , writer seems doubtful whether there is the same full moon in the southern as well as the northern hemisphere! With regard to the Romans sacrificing a lamb on the 21st of March. They sacrificed, as he will find, on almost every day in the year. The Lord Jesus Christ was never worshippedas a crucified lamb. In fact, in. the earliestChristian art he is represented commonly as the Good Shepherd, the crucifix is unknown: There is no Sixth Council of Constantinople. The nimbus did not come into use until the fifth century. The custom of the eastward position has to do with the Jewish custom of the windows open to Jerusalem; a title of our Lord is "Sun of Righteousness." Had the writer:read any book on Christian evidence he would haveseen that thehistoricfacts of the Gospe are, as Renan allowed, beyond dispute. Iagree with one thing, the suitability of his norn de plume, though-1 am sorry that any man should take it. Thanking you in anticipaton, Iam, etc., E. ROBERTSHAWE. Owing, it is alleged, to the defective steaming power of the engine, the first express from Napier yesterday, was three-quarters of an hour late in arriving at Dannevirke. The down traffic was very heavy, both, trains being crowded. The Minister for Lands told an ITEMS OF» INTEREST. interviewer at Invercargill that the LandBill would come on next session Railway immediately after the Address-in-Re- through Department notifies that * booking of passengers for ply, and he did not see how the present House could stop it from going Christchurch has been extended to llth April. through as it was. Cowper and Pi.chard, dentists, Plymouth A New wire states that will, not make their next visit to Orat 6 o'clock on Thursday the direc- mondville until April 16th. tors of the Taranaki Petroleum ComA dance will be held in the Umupany had a private trialof the Birth- taoroa Hallon Tuesday evening next. day well. Two barrels of oil, equal Mr E. Adams, boot and shoe imto 80 gallons, were run off in 5 min- porter, is now showing full stocks utes. Afterwards about 10 barrels iii all lines. Repairs and measures were run off. Then the well was are done on the premises. closed down. D.C.A. are now showing their winDr GeraldRussell, son of Mr Rus- ter goods in trimmedmillinery, furs, sell, barister; of Christchurch, ar- dress goods, etc. rived by the Athenic at Wellington, Mr EdwinH. Brewer, surgeon-denforten route to Christchurch ,where he tist, intends visiting~-Norsewood ' intends to practise. Dr Russell is a nightly on Wednesdays. The first graduate of the London University. visit will be made on the. 3rd inst., For the last two years he was in and Mr Brewer may be cohsulted . atcharge of the Westminster General Mr ** Johansen's hotel. Dispensary, Soho. A Word to Ladies.— Do you require stylish dresses and costumes ? If so, At the Police Court yesterday, be- patronise the dressmaking departfore Messrs Newett and Dobson, a ment of the D.C.A., Ltd., first offender was convicted and dis- satisfaction is guaranteed;* where charged for drunkenness, and a proW. J. Thompson advertises for hibition order granted against him.. Mrsheep dog. Itis rumored (says the Masterton lost Specifications bushfelling for re-,.. Times) that the mystery in connecat Akitio may be seen at tion with the death of the late Miss quired / office. f Howell has been cleared up. It has Advocate Milburn Brothers Jnvrte tenders been ascertained that a new tank, which was in use when the late Miss for the cutting at their Onga Onga Howell went to the Coast and from — sawmill. Monday. and Cycling. Club's sports the water in which she drank freely | onAthletic Easter contained certain matter whicli, on Vocal and instrumental concert at analysis, was found to corespondwith Hall on Monday evening. the conditions disclosedby the inves- I Drill Waipukurau stock sale on ' Tuesday tigatious by theGovernment Analyst. .; : next. Tlie principal theme of conversaEltote Comedy Company at Drill ; tion on the Mararoa^ onher trip from Hall on Tuesday evening. Lyttelton on Tuesday night, was the Mr Frank Smith, Alfredton, wants ; railway mischance which occurred engine-driver for log-hauler. upon tlie wharf. A Cliristchurch reAn impounding notice is inserted sident, who was upon the train, states in this issue. . — I. . "» — ■ tliat tlie telegram despatched concerning the accident, does not nearly gravity of the situation. Had the engine travelled a couple of yards further, the probabilities are that the whole train would have been precipitated into the harbor. The engine wouldhave pulled the mail van and possibly one carriage over the wharf end, and the balance of the train would not iiiiprobably have been sent sideways into the harbor. Calamities ai-e ahvays calamities, without any reservations, but tlie colony really ' narowly escaped a disaster very similar to that which happened when the Tay bridge collapsed. Some symptoms of acute rheumatism are, a feeling of coldness; wanb of appetite; thirst; and sharp pains in the joints. Rheumo removes the. cause of the trouble, excess uric acid represent the appeal after appeal. The trial under notice promises to be a most im- in the blood. 2s 6d and 4s 6d.* THE MOTASACOCHE. This reliable motor attachment is what the cycling public have been wanting for a considerable time. It : can be attached easily to any ordir..;; nary type of bicycle, converting the »■ same into a light motor cycle. it is very light in construction, but capable of doing work that a heavier motor cannot accomplish. It has a great many advantages over its heavier competitor, in that it is cheaper at the outset, costs less to run, is easier to control, and can 1-e detached in a few minutes, leaving the bicycle to be used as an ordinary roadster. Samples are on view at E. A. Ransom's, and he will be pleased to give any interested person a trial of this very practical ma- : — chine. Advt. Have you seen the new styles of suitings? Etz keeps them.* ■-. THE DANNEVIRKB ADVOCATE, SATURDAY, MARCH 30. 1907. SERIOUS RAILWAY COLLISION. THE EXHIBITION. REVOLT IN ROUMANIA. CABLE NEWS. — "»■ THE IMPERIAL CONFERENCE. Telegraph.— Copyright.] — 5 SECOND EDITION. [Electric [Electric Telegraph. Copyright.] [Special Service.] ENGINE-DRIVER, FIREMAN AND Telegraph. Copyright.] [Electric [Press Association.] [Press Association.] <8. CHRISTCHURCH, March BYE-ELECTION. &UARD SEVERELY INJURED. [Press Association.] (Received this day, 8.38 a.m.) OTTAWA, March 28. Apart from the cadetsseveral i.V.u« now Sir Wilfrid BUCHAREST, (Premie"), sands of school children hav3 27. Laurier LONDON, March March 29. [Press Association.] [Electric Telegraph. Copyright.] in speaking theHouse of larger and visited the Exhibition in American visible of The revolt in Roumania at supply spreadThe is Commons CHRISTCHURCH, March 29. [Press Association.] smaller bodies and hundreds from a wheat is 641,000 bushels. ing northward and westward, and is Ottawa,, said that he would be pieAt about 1 o'clock this morning a distance have made a lasting stay. LONDON, March28. the same scenes of sent at the opening of the Imperial firm, by The wool sales closed and characterised volunSouth, carrying In the Hexham election Holt trainfrom the The latter include schools from Na- prices were the highest of the series. arson, pillage and wholesale destruc- Conference, and hoped to discuss the Sheffield, at camp (near question of preference with Mr A. (Liberal) polled 5401 and Crates teers to the Easter pier in the nortii to Otautau Blewden, tlie New Zealand light- tion. ran into, another train from Christ- Invercargill), in the extreme sc ttii. weight, was defeated in the first Several proprietors have lost es- Deakin, and arahge an agreement. (Unionist) 4244. The election was and KaBankside "The only question Canada was in- occasioned by the succession to the church, between A party from Eketahuna are expect- round of the amateur championship. tates valued at £40,000. kaia, at a point about a mile north ed to arrive to-morrow. LONDON, March 29. Brancovan and Stirber have been terested in," said Sir Wilfrid j" mi- peerage of Mr Wentworth Beaumont, rier, "and the only one we intend to a Liberal. -of the latter station. The crowdedattractions of the CasMrs Gelihennen, a New York bank- devastated. EX S.S. TURAKINA k S.S (Received this day, 8.38 a.m.) It seems that the tram from ter period will be followed by a suc- er's widow, forfeits two million sterlRushuk, Sisova, and Nikopol are bring before the conference, relates have stopped- at cession of special features wliich aie ing under her husband's will in order full of refugees. to trade. Upon that wehave nothing LONDON, March 29. "Christchurch shouldto TONGARIRO. up allow the in order The reduction of the Liberal maThe troopskilled 25 persons at Ma- new to offer, though if it suits ir?at now taking definite form. Wonder- to marry again. and so, do jority but did not Britain at reciprocate, to carniat to we are Hexham is due to the pass, arranging Hutchinson, Graefreinet, pretrain land is a children's Sir H. dazi. exer.a collision was the result. Bands of plunderers are concentrat- pared to go a step further. Every tions of the suffragettes, and Mr val for Saturday, April 6th, with expressed his heartfelt satisfaction nation composing the British Em- Kier Hardies fiery denunciation of The impact was a very severe one, sports and races for the little ones, :n at the steady diminution of racial ed at Vicuodivaia. candidate, for .and both the engines were smashed Stareshi resisted until the artillery pire must allow a free choice of fiscal Mr Holt, the Liberal conjunction with another search ior feeling throughout the country. ' policy." Continuing, the Piemier employing cheap Chinese stokers on BERLIN, March 29. destroyed the village. up very badly and also the carriage buried treasure. Nearly all the results of the judgnext to the engines. The Cologne Opera House has enThe artillery dispersed a band ad- said that personally he preferred uni- his ships. TTTE ARE NOW SHOWING The first carriage on the troop ing of exhibits and the home indus- gaged Miss Amy Castles for "Faust," vancing on Gimbatz, killing and versal freetrade throughout the Emthe at empty At present this was^ imoi-.spire. train happened to be have now bean deand "Romeo and Juliet." competitions wounding many. tries "Hamlet" THE OIL MARKETS. Mould be i;ime, the volunteers having changed clared. The Home Industries CimSYDNEY, March 29. OUR It is stated that^Wallachia is in a sible. Under no condition be- mitteehave experienced difficulty in '♥■ residing at Waterloo has very serious state, tranquility consent to Canada being drawn iuto their quarters only a little time A man but occupibeen of cariage European [EIECTKIC militarianism. has been almost restored at Molda- the vortex many cases in tracing the identity of died from plague. fore. Had the TbLEGBAPH. COPYRIGHT.] ed, all the passengers wouldhavebeen 'competitors1in different sections alio MELBOURNE, March 29. via. [Pbess Association.] i collision force of the killed, for the BUDAPESTH, March 28. are represented by numbers, but not While a farmer, named Harison, THE LONDON, MINER. carriage March 28. of the part under driving by their names. In the open sec- of South Merloo, was out Kvaskoviky Poloreuff, a member of drove the The Pall Mall.Gazette announces right under the engine, while the tion of the literary competition, for with his sister-in-law (Miss Stone) the Unionof Russian People, who was that the Standard Oil Trust and the were knocked part and was VARISCHETTI RESCUED. upper 1-y buggy, gold roof medal von a burning tree fell across the example, a implicated in the murder of HertEuropean Petroleum Union have arzenstein, has been arrested at Budaclean off. number 51, and who may be repre- killing both. rived at an agreement regarding the Telegraph. IN [Eleotric Copyright.] None of the passengers were injur- sented by thatnumber the commit; eee Pesth. KINGSTON, March 28. There he assisted to foEuropeanmarkets. The StandardOil tram are trying to discover. short, sharp shocks of earth- ment anti-Semitic riots in Roumania. Association.] ed but Mickle, the driver of the Five tPREss Trust has secured control many a of adnumBUCHAREST, March 29. from Christchurch, sustained The judge's report on the dist'iot quake have been felt at Kingston. PERTH, March 29. ditional tank installations at Antbeing pin- court competition states that:he genLONDON, March 28. ber of badbruises throughinjuries The Roumanian Minister of FinVarischetti, avlio was shut in by werp, Amsterdam, and Rotterdam. to and also already 400,000 signa- ance estimates the- losses at four mil- water in the workings the ned in the cab, suffering eral the exterior o£ There are appearanceof of the Westrabadly from South Canterbury Court, whicli ie- tures to the petition for the reprieve lion sterling. his leg, and is lia East mine, has been rescued. As display shock. Mickle qualified as a firstattractive. The the award, Rayner, who shot Whiteley, "the troops greatest ceived first is most' of FRENCH NAVY. the water went down the diver vigor. class engineer eighteen months ago, It consists of a. series of arches and universal provider." to the Hughes trips man, made four maxmuin the Itis estimatedthat they killed.500, , and was to have reachedMcGrath, Constance Clyde, a New Zealand of wheat, oats, pulse, sesds a diving dress, having to [Electric Telegraph.— the columns -'" *,w^fehout Copyright.] salary on Monday. and wool, treated in a novel way. lady journalist, was among the suf- peasants and wounded many. "swim the first time. At length, cut tram, was [Press Association.] the kiosk in front, though artis- fragettes sentenced to imprisonment killed and taking Varischetti by the hand, -he .« fireman on the same Eleven officers were But was guard the head, and about the tic in design and execution, is anex- on March 21st, in connection with wounded. There.are indications that led him along the level to the case. PARIS, March 29. also severely injured. cre_cence. t The internal arrange- the demonstration in front of the many Russian"re'v&fvtionaries and for- There was a scene of intense exciteIn the Chamber of Deputies, Adwere the passengers attraosir-j. or of She Two three House of Commons. is now m eign anarchists are assisting the re- ment as the long-entombed miner miral Bienaime severely attacked ment throughout is most injured, but not to any serious exbels. Some urge that bombs should reachedthe surface. He was too weak the French naval administration, deThe Auckland Court, which receiv- prison. . PARIS, its March 28. . b« thrown at the troops. award, second suffers from ed to stand, and his eyes were protect- claring that the navy wasin a state the The French Chamber of Deputies position, not having a frontage to On account of the blockage on ed fromthe glare of the sunlight with of disorganisation mainly owing to line, the passengers by the mght any of the mainavenues. It is par- adopted a Bill to suppress the notireach ticularly well arranged, and V.c.'c is ' fication of public meetings as voted THE PRINCESS OF WALES colored glasses. His face wore a the incompetence of the heads of Gotrain from Dunedin did not death-like pallor. The spectators vernment departments. morning. ETC.,ETC. here until 11 o'clock this a brightness about the whole ;ourt by the Senate. ♥ The Chamber appointed a Commishad been warned not to cheer for fear The train could hot get through, and which is very attractive. Trophies of A investigate GENEROUS GIFT. of sion shattering nerves, the man's and to the state of the -the passengers liad to be transferred flags are. introduced with good effect, tliere was only a smothered hum as navy. THE LIBERAL PARTY. from one side of the wreckage to the" and the interior arrangement is the the cage reached the surface, Varis[Press Association.] "other. The passengers by the first best of those in the competition. [Electric Telegraph. Copyright.] chetti's head resting on his rescuCanterbury excepted, the -express for the South also had to be MURDERER "SENTENCED. South er's shoulder. As the Italian was (Received this^ day, 10.20 a.m.) transferred, but the midday express North Canterbury court, which came SPEECH BY LORD ROSEBERY 1 conveyed to the manager's house the engines the LONDON, shattered March 29. passed around third, is essentially a wool show. The feelings of the crowd broke [Electric Telegraph. Copyright.] The Princess of Wales has promis- pent-up on a temporary track that had been woolis most admirably arranged, and [Electbic Telegraph.— Copyright.] forth in cheers for Hughes. The [press association.];. meantime. a ed to send screen worked by herlaid down in the probably the whole colony could not [Pbess Association.] goldfield are taking Italians on the to wreckage was cleared away this af- have supplied a better or morerepreGENOA, March 29. ' self the Women's Exhibition at '" to the bravLONDON, steps recognise " March 27. divers' -ternoon, and the trains will run sentative collection. The fleeces apBontiefF has been sentenced to four ery. A fund has been opened here. years' Lord Rosebery, addressing the Melbourne. through as usual from to-night. The pear to be almost entirely from shed imprisonment and 20 years' The AdelaideStock Exchange sent expulsion Council of the Liberal League, said difetrict traffic manager left for the flocks. from Switzerland for the as although slight appreciation emergthat a Government £20 a token of NATIONAL DEFENCE. "scene of the accident this morning. murder of Mr Muller, at Interlaken, (DANNEVIRKE CO-OPERATIVE The Ashburton Court,has a very ing from an election with a great of the divers' efforts. in September last. The murdered effective frontage and background, majority was entitled to something PERTH, March 29. contents are too few to en- like a free hand, at any rate dur [Electric Telegraph.* Copyright.] man was mistaken for M. Diirnovo, but the ASSOCIATION, LIMITED.) When Varischetti he COMPANY. started seemELTON" COMEDY title it to. full points. " ing' the first year of its exiswnce, ed well, but when the water reached ex-RussianMinister. [Press Association.] ■■ "......", The. arangement of the Marlbor- the league's vigilant activity was his waist he seemed to lose strength. (Received. this dav, 10.12 a.m.) Elton's Company, which opens here ough court has much to recommend never more necessary than now. He Hughes had to carry him to the chute, LONDON, night lime, for the first March 29. A RUSSIAN MURDERED. it, but the manner in which most of -to-morrow considered that the Government bad Lord Milner, in the National Re- where a man named Hearne assisted promises to be well worth seeing. the woolis displayed is fatal to the surmounted great difficulties with exvery him. The water was cold. Two and a half hours of fun :s the general effect. traordinary success, and came to view, says it is essential for the ColoCount Junini, the Italian consul, [Electrio Telegraph. Copyright.] management's motto, and with such The Hawke's Bay court can scarce- their second session invigorated by nialConference to providepermanent has telegraphed as follows to Hughes : [press association.] the lead, machinery continuing for its work. "Your week'sheroic work, which sucly beconsidereda court, being rather experience. The first vice-presidents -artists as the Eltons, in the It will be a mistake to ask the colo- cessfully TEHERAN, March 28. promise should be carried out. Mr a series of collections. league of the carriedinto the Go'/.rnresulted in the saving of the The Southlandcourt has an unpre- ment the principle of efficiency whicli nies for more liberal contributions to life of a human being A Russian has been murdered at Elton has been described as bsing and my felloAving Empire, especiSabzwar, 215 miles west of Teheran. tentious front, and though the in- the league so loudly demandedi:-i 'he the defences of the -very versatile, his numbers b fills me with admiration. ally the navy. The true principle countryman, to the dogs. met with the heartiest apprival, terior furnishes a good representation middle of the Boer War. It serves as a demonstration of the The body was thrownhastily *?■■■■' is to and own develop encourage our Russianbank was closed, while a distinct success has bee^n of produce and the resources of the LONDON, March V.t». valor of the British. lam taking a The in enabling as Winnx forces on lines them to effecand the by lacking achieved Miss Elton district the arangement is in and the rest of the colLord Rosebery declared the Gov- tively co-operate with the British pride in reporting the gallant con- ,ony fledstaff "The Happy Pair." As the washer- effect. Mished. The military ernment had pledged itself to duct of yourself and assistant divers 'have beento and army navy The bays of the West Coast Court impossible in proposing this yea' the and one another. sent to Sabzwar. woman, Mr Elton is ? said to be upto my Government." to roariously funny. .Fred Maynott has are welland effectively aranged, and do something terrible with the House -a number of new songs, one of which the mainstays of the court are the of Lords, to deal with temperan :e, VERISCHETTI'S EXPERIENCES. THE GENERAL BAILL OUT ("The only apple on the tree*'), is splendid collections of timber and the land question, the army, and Ire-* include, land. His second apprehension was the sundries said to be yery clever. The company minerals, wliile. (Received this day, 10.20 a.m.) INCIDENT. should do "good business here. Ihe a ;magnificent collection of photo- lest the party, through some of its [press association.] PERTH, March3o. \ » : plan is at Bartlett's, where re? wed graphs and paintings of scenery. members, would be permanently con- [Electric Telegraph;. Copyright.] Itis whispered that there was some [Electric Telegraph. "seats maybe procured for 2s Copyright.] with the of hostility nected policy shameful neglect on the part of some (Received this day, 8.38 a.m.) [press association.] The awards in the district courts to property in all its -forms. lf so, British miners on the day fateful LONDON, March 29. display at the Exhibition were an- evelong it wouldbe squeezed out bewas entombed. PARIS, March 28. GOOD FRIDAY. Considering that the Colonial Of- Verischetti ounced to-night, the points being as tween Socialism and Conservation. . If the story is true, two men covA few days ago General Bailloud, LAND AGENTS, -♥Emigrant's fices Guide gravely misrefollows: Canterbury, 166, 1; proceeded South to criticise the inHe themselves with ignominy. An commanding the Twentieth Army The weather for the holiday yester- Auckland, 127/2; North Canterbury, troductionof theIrish system -f dual presented the Australian conditions, ered Corps, enquiry will be held. was transferred to the comday was simply execrable. There was 151, 3; Marlborough, 122; West Coast ownership of the land in Great and tended to prevent emigration, official Speaking Ward-street, his own movements on mand of the Twenty-sixth Army not a heavy rainfall, but showers of 110; Southland, 107; Ashburton, Britain. the Agents-General have prepared a the day of of He reviewed the MinisCorps. his This was imprisonment, step Veritaken to at intervals mark density fell States, more or less 107; Hawke's Bay, 92. The maximum terial utterances on Home Rule, handbook of the Australian schetti states that he fixed his ma- the disapproval by the Minister for throughout the afternoon, making the was 270The prizes are Ist 60gs, /whence he inferred that the Govern- and a guide for emigrants. chine drill ready tp bore a hole, but War, General Picquart, of an indisground wet and sloppy. 2nd 20gs, 3rd lOgs. ment considered this an open quesfound the compressed air supply gone creet speech by General Bailloud, in TO LET. The usual services were held in tion. Open questions, he continued, CHRISTCHURCH, this day: and the drill would not work. He which he declared that war was posat St. John's MOROCCO. churches, and the A fire broke out in the flax exhibit to dangerous apt produce were and sible, ' some resumption hoped waited. time for the and that he the TwenChurch in the evening selections were at the Manawatu provincial court formidable breaches. « \ of the air supply, and finally he went tieth Army Corps contribute -ROOMED house and6 acres good ' given by the choir from Stainer's at theExhibitionto-day, but was supLord Rosebery added that ihe/e [Electric Telegraph. 'Copyright.] down into the level only to find a to the restoration ofwould Mr and the lost French fiat land, situated 5 minutes' walk "Crucifixion," Mrs Macallan pressed before much damage was were two things Great Britain would [Press Association.] strong current of water flowing near- Provinces (Alsace and Lorraine). railwaystation. All conveniences, from Tilsley contributing the solos* never tolerate a tax on foodstuffs done. The origin is a mystery. ly thigh deep. He rushed towards The incident led to an animated including cowshed, trapshed, loose box, MOROCCO, March 28. and a separate Parliament ior IreThe Moors are beginning to blame the shaft, but the water seemed to debate in the Chamber of Deputies. etc. Rent £1 per week. land. The Tory party Avas almo.ten- the Sultan of Morocco for France's gather force with the depth, and boi'! DA.C.C. SPORTS. General Picquart emphasised Gentirely identified with policy, the first CRICKET. him backwards. eral Bailloud's indiscretion, and also vigorous action. house, Tennyson-street, andthe Liberal party was too It.-gely Four times he essayed to escape, blamed him for overstepping the ROME, March 28. bathroom, The public are reminded of the etc. Rent 10s per up in the other. The anticibound with but prescribed each time he was carried back The newspaper Messagero says that functions in the military AUCKLAND v. GISBORNE. sports, promoted by the above body, pated Government Irish Bill would Prince week. by the current. order of day. von the The regards Ground, Bulow the occuGeneral was Recreation to be: held on the do extreme violence if an indepen- pation of Ujba as simply a frontier When the water had risen to his not disgraced, but had been trans-on Monday next.,The cycling track dent Parliament was its ultimate policing operation.?. [press association.] andDwelling,4rooms, situated chin, he cleared up a rise, and re- ferred where he was better suited far order, being is in excellent goal. Probably if it was chiefly edHigh-street. £1 per week.. GISBORNE, March 30. signed himself to death. There was than at a post at the frontier. that some previous years, of so .ahead Auckland defeatedPoverty Bay by ministrative, the League woutl be a quantity of stone in the stope. Confidence in the Government was contests may be expected. In able to support it. "Whereas we ar. THE WRECK OF THE SUEVIC. Here he was left with only stone to voted by 360 votes to 207. ahdDwelling,© rooms, Millers*. the chopping events the entries are 4 wickets. in delighted to see self-government in rest on, and about 40 feet of space to > The latter their second innings +» 12s 6dper week,/ road. -again large, and the competitors are scored Canada," Australia and said J-nd 216. movein. Telegraph. [Electric Copyright.] ' a very even lot. The following will a Rosebery, "it is different matter THE WEATHER. Auckland knocked up 135 in an 'V. -comprise the programme: Cycling, [Press Association.] when it is proposed in a contiguous running, chopping, sawing, wrestling hour and a half, Haddon 75. island priding itself on the disloynli^ FALL OF EARTH. LONDON, March 29. [Press Association?] (catch weights), pole valut, quoits, FORSALE. its public declarations." A heavy swell caused a suspension The cricket match between the ofThe NAPIER, March 30. .and children's races. The Dannevirke Times draws parallel a between of with operations in connection tne Norsewood and Dannevirke Clubs, [press , sweet music association.] days' After two steady rain, the Brass Band willdiscourse the Duke of Devonshire's and Loid Suevic. weather, cleared yesterday morning, during the day. Special train ar- wliich was a fixture for yesterday, Rosebery's positions. CHRISTCHURCH, March f;0. .ROOMED Cottage,new, with washI All tlie salvage steamers, except tubs, 5 minutes* A earth and rangements have been made, so that was abandoned after Dannevirke had house, copper thoroughly serious fall of at now appears occurred settled one, spa. to have put their first innings, heavy rain the cliffs on the Sumner road as tht for Easter. the public may be able to spend the had from town. Price £325. Deposit walk dynamite "^'explosions The have result of the heavy rains, from _:jOO "day in Dannevirke, arriving here at preventing further play. Dannevirke £25. strained ship, experts regard the and / to 5000" tons of stuff coming down just 11 o'clock and leaving again at 5.30. made 44, of which Moore contributed ALCOHOL. the condition of the vessel as criti- beyond We are asked to state that the Shag Rock. A refreshment booth will be open on 14, and Banfield 9. To.kilsen and gooddairy land, 3 miles cal. dance which is held ACRES by bejjog the AthA Owere the most destructive bow♥ A tram from Christchurch was letic the ground. r_b#T_# Club, township XX 4-roomedhouss ; and from Cycling" lers for on Easter Norsewood. | A within a chain or two of the svot Monday night, will take plac. at In the evening a concert and draPROFESSIONAL PRONOUNCEthe goed outbuildings ; pnee £600, £300 . THE THAW CASE. when the slip occurred. The roadis matic performance will be given in Hall, not the Drill Hall, cash regaired. Thomson andWalker. MENT. -the Drill Hall, and a dance will also >. buried for a couple of chains t. a Oddfellows' as announced elsewhere. 336 FOOTBALL. [Electric Telegraph. Copyright.] depth of from 15 to 20 feet. be held in the Oddfellows' Hall. [Electric Telegraph. Copyright.] The water mains which supply [Press Association.] The chopping contest at the Papadairy farm, withia [Press Association.] A match was played on the RecHOW IMPEY'S MAY APPLE IS NEW YORK, March 29. [ Sumner were smashed, the overhead roa show had an amusing side to it, *7(VACRES good MADE. reation Ground yesterday betweeu the The Lunacy Commissioners interro- 'gear of the electric tramway was car- says the Wairoa Bell. The bushmen it/ one mite of school, store sad LONDON, March 29. ried away,andhavoc was played with chose their logs and made good start dairy factory ;good 4-roomed house, Sixteen prominent medical men gated Thaw for two- hours. of, does not Kia Toa Club, Irom Palmerston, and ' And what it is made the permanent way, which will have as the wordwas passedalong to "go. good outbuildings Including 9 stall published the Excelsiors. The have the game ended in a manifesto iv person so much -concern the average to be reconstructed. a win for the local team by 11 points Lancet, declaring that in disease alThere was a good finish between Ist cowshed; prioe £18 per acre; easy .as the question, "Will it cure me!" to uncohol is a and and 2nd, but the old champion, Tay- terms. Thomson and Walker. 367 rapid trustworthy very nil. The weather was prinresEvery package sets forth the RUSSIA. " lor, was completely out of it. It for football, a heavy gale, torative. The moderate use of jt as cipal ingredients contained- in this -propitious ACCIDENTS AND FATALITIES. .'; accompanied by blinding rain, pre- an article of diet is usually benefi.ial turned out that whilst the othershad QO/5-ACRES situated 4_ miles famous medicine, but the true value vailing all the afternoon. H. been chopping at kahikatea he had _W4wO Drink- to adults, especially women. from .goodinland town, ft [Eiectric Telegraph. Copyright.] of the ingredients is only to be ob- water, A. [Press Association.] been cutting a log with a dark brown miles from creamery; good 7-roomed and F. Whaler scor[Press Association.] tained when the material for manu- ed tries forHill, too. winners, centre, pretty tough the and Then house, woolshed, barn, cowshed; 9&> AUCKLAND, March *l>. and E. Anfacture is procured at the right derson converted ST. PETERSBURG, March 29. The dead body of Alexander the knowing ones got to it, to declare acres stumped and ploughed,will carry try. time and place. You may obtain Mr J. Watt actedDrinkwater's MILKING MACHINE Greve, ( ' While Admiral the Port "Matai," what the wood was. said Schultz, formerly as referee. licensee of the G.nsround;first-olass from some shop what you think would EXPERIENCE. Commander at St. Petersburg, was venor Hotel, Hobson street, was one and another and another. "Let 60 cows allthe year manuherbs for home the suitable tlie inspecting slip per aore. Thomson be where £17 the cruiser soil. Price purchasing, colonial, young Before or even said "I trying see," found in a me a cemetery gully, the win facture, only to find that after was building, a large bomb |bullet wound '366 It will be interest to all a milking machine, ask the agent Bayan in his forehead aud ct have not been reared in the bush not and Walker. was hurled at him, but fell in the trouble and expense your saucepan- who have toofdogreat to the names and give you a lot addresses revolver his side. to know a tree when I see it." He riding. of to at snow, boiled medicine seems . weak and know that Mr E. A. The unexploded. thrower esACRES, situated 25 miles It is supposed to be a case of sui- smelt it, felt it, scannedit, and then QOQRansom has of a dozen farmers who have used his worthless. As a matter of fact dried added to was most positive it was miro, known XJ4&& from Dannevirke, divided already extensive fac- machines for a period of not less caped. cide. herbs deteroriate with age, and in tory the his years. With this informamanufacture -of riding than two While the garrison artillery was also as black pine ,and_ his money into 6 paddooks ; woolshed etc ;wall "some cases possess as much medicinal saddles. This is always recognised tion in hand, you can easily make The new autumn and winter 1practising in Manitoto chaniel v.*,- was there to back his opinion. We watered; price £8 peracre. Thomsom value as straw from a last year's as an entirely from enquiries practical men fabrics are now showing at Adelaide 1 terday ,a piece of a shell fell into a believe he was right, but there are and Walker. separate branch ". f direct 366 To be of use the medi- the general saddlery lien's nest. who use the machines to assist n House. business. Mr A. Spence has secured a * motor launchandstruck a young man still some who say it was matai. be must extracted properties cinal earning living. agents publish ; their The for said we cannot hip Taylor ] Ransom has secured the services of fine selection of the most named Geo. Evett on the What -H-r> he 7 miles fromDannefrom the herb at the Right Time. a first-class hand, and samples of the the "Lawrence Kennedy Gillies'' very was naturally warm after his >1 /"ISX-ACRES 300 acres in grass, fashionable goods, which are marked 1had to be taken to the hospital. yirke; And acting on this principle, the work Milker will be to the happy supply oliopping. done are displayed now The launch had been warned tc being pricos. at bedrock Miss H. V. Juet, Apple good sheep country ; price £7 10s pet manufacturers of Impey'sMay front window. He invites 1namesof hundreds of thoroughly satis- a thoroughly qualified and up-to- 'keep out of the road. present to yon this remedy with the |in his 216 fied acre. Thomson andWalker. ' , farmers h aveused these sueriding public department to these who. date we have dressmaker, gents' the examine be in For our charge will Tierbal extracts in their" freshest and carefullly. He is quite satisfiedthat cessful machines for 2, 3, 4, and ,of tlie dressmaking new ranges imported splendid of on and rooms strongest form. Herein lies the sec- they cannot be beaten as regards even five years. For full particulars We have opened the largest ship- \ clothing for boys and men. New -f /^Q-ACRES,25 milesfrom Danret of success. In bottles 'at 2s 6d quality, finish, and price. Saddles apply to J. B. MacEwan and Co., after Thursday, the 21st inst.* nient of new season's drapery ever ties, new shorts, new underclothing, "f JJLOtfW nevirke, divided into 13 from chemists and stores. . Ltd., Exposure damp U.S.S. to cold into this district for the imported Buildings, Co.'s Weland causes i Styles are right, paddocks,all in grass,except100 acrea. 'new can now be made to your order and overcoats. rheumatism. The skin cannot give s iutumn and winter trade. The ' and price the same. McDowell and reserved; bush whare; dairy, cowshed* Rheumatism, gout/ sciatica, lum- |yovi can be assured of an article that lington. off the excess uric acid and it be- irange of choice will be found com- :Power.* bago are caused by excess uric acid,[will give you every satisfaction. Mr stockyard; winters 2_ sheep, besides You take my tip. If you want a < comes deposited in the blood.llheumo iplete, while the prices in all de- ' poison in the blood which deposits ;"n Ransom has secured at the Christcattle; price £7 per acre. Thomson partments will really good fitting quickly go suit to Etz. cure the trouble. will be low. McDowell joints. j j and Rheumo for All the muscles church Exhibition a silver medal »4* A (Continuation of news on page 8.) IandWalker. iThis eojaes cheapest.* \ < chemists and stores, 2s 6d and 4s 6d.* s md Power.* quickly cures. 2s 6d and 4s 6d.* saddles. Advt. y_lfi@2££sX\ — . — ENTOMBED' ■ NEW WINTER GOODS — .. ■ TRIMMED MILLINERY -"■ DRESS GOODS ; & BLOUSINGS — COATS, — — By a — — — - GUIDE BOOK — FOR AUSTRALIA — — — —— — - THOMSON & WALKER, Daantrirkk — _ — — — " 6 — 6-ROOMED SHOP — SHOP — ____ -i 5 — — ' ' * — _ - - , — an^ DANNEVIR^E ADVOCATE. THE 6 - " 1 FROST ANO MENZIES, I Carbine was a Crack f NAPIER jmnsm&iw£y ■■ Not a Crock -jd age #fefe Jis Dan O'Brien wa»;^ G_ j.|g nalowaer anclGoldFdUngs, Work, Porcelatn of Carbine. Dar, fenGVg goocj Correcting Irregularities and . . SPECIALtST& j»lio at 4 _pi )1 B IWb11% -aI llcge fromos. Other dentists' work re. modelled at small cost. Extractions 2a 6d and \n. gas Ss 6dextra. Thenext visittoDannevirke (Masonic Hotel) willbe on April 9th, from nbott till5 p.m.,and Waipukurau (Tavistocfc Hotel)all dayApril 10th. "Dear " Sirs,■ It is a number of years since1Gntlined your Solomon Solution, and found only its excellent qualities. 1havoused it amongmy horses for many ailments, which the manufacturers claim to cure, inall cases. Icanreand have foundit successfultendons, bruises, and commend it for strained -wounds, also as a splendid blister if directions are strictly followedout,and can positively say it will -telephone101. Inmy house it has beenused forrneumatism. and1 can recommendit asa veryreliable preparation for the same. 1have also -used it in"Victoria - The lame Waik. Over twelve Mouths in Bed. Doctors said Amputation or Death. Case of Miss Ellen Urwin causes profound sensation. . . not fail. " . and New SouthWales. *' Yours faithfully " (Signed) D.O'BRIEN. "New Plymouth, Nov, 22. 1906." Prices 3/- and 6/- per jar. COWPER & PRICHARD, Solomon Solution Proprietary, " SURGEON DENTIST, COSMOPOLITAN CHAMBEBS, No. I,Dannevxrks. Private Besidence, Robjohn-street. ,atlephcme53 " P.O.Box 3. " ■ . WELLINGTON. Dannevirfce and Ncrsevrood Agent E A.Eansom, Saddler. Waipawa Agent: J. W. Knob-OCr,, - Saddler. <***B***«BBa-B_BBBB_B_e_-BeaßaMßß_»Bliea_|oß_B_M . [a c_.ei>.] A GOOD CAMERA. J. HERBERT TTOTABY PUBLICi, cSmera w*ill add greatly. g&ljjd ". '-to the .rijbyment 6'fvthe summer 1 quickly as possible. from home for holiday or not. A good cameraneed not be expensive; at least,- .we can offer you good, cameras that cost very little, for - instance :— RHODES AND WESTALL, BABBISTEBS & SOLICITOBS, . MR [ months, whether one goes away Palmerston North. WESTALL will attend at Ormondville every Court day "'■ T. H. GORDON LLOYD, BABBiSTEB & SGLtCTTOB, The "Briton" Camera At t ßl*- This is a neat Magazine Camera carrying 6 plates, fitted with rapid single lens, with Iris diaphragm, shutter adjustable, magnifiers for taking portraits " The" Express Camera - :At 2IV- Anotherhandy Magazine Camera carry- Dannxvibee,H.B. a OENT for the Australian -DL Widows Fund Life Insuranoe S-gittyt Ltd. j v SUKISTON AND BLAKISTON, ing 12 plates. Thelens is ofbest quality, giving very.fine'definition, and fitted with stops FB..F-11, and F22. The shutter is adjustable,giving speeds rangingfrom seconds down to a hundredth part of- a second. Itis fitted with magni: fiers, view finders, and is. in all respects _ . an excellent camera. Write for our new Caialogue. . The Imperial Camera Go., BABBISTEBS & SOLICITOBS, Dannevb-be, H.B. ■ S; ARCHITECT, Cosmopolitan Bui3d.Dgs, J. J. PATTERSON, BABBISTEB & SOLICITOB, jOpposite Post Office, Dannevirke.) DANNEVIBKE. AGENTS " — [Electric Telegraph. Copyright.] [Press Association.] LONDON, March 28. Sir Edward Grey heartily support- COCA WINE. DAVID WILSON, Prepared from the finest Peruvian coca leaves and the purest grape wine, medicated on scientific lines. The stimulating propertiesof coca are well known, and in Coca Wine the therapeutic valueis emphasised. This wine is extremelypalatable,andis very in- MONEY TO LEND any sums at lowest enrrent fcjBCBAKOX FINANOIAI. ft GsNERAZ. OoMjnssioN Aoent. rates on approved Securities. O-mondville. JOHN A.ROBERTSON, tilUarice Assurance Company. A UTHOBISED V SUBVEYOB 4 New Zealand Insuranoe, Accident BNGINEEB. iL Branch. ID - OAo., High-street, opposite Post SECTIONS F6B; SALE AT MAKOOffioe, Dannevirke. TtTKU AND OBMONPVILLE. ~ house and 12J acres land in 4-Boomed JENSSEN, ; RA6WAR townshipof Ormondville;goodterms. AECHITECT, YALUATOB. SALE— Dairy farm 156 acre., 4 GENCIES : Commercial Union subdivided10 paddooks,j6-roomed J\, Fire and Accident Assuranoe house and good ontbmldings,half-mile vigorating. — 2/6 PER BOTTLE. * OtherHealth Wines : GrapeTonic, Yin Camo. Orange Quinine, Port Quinine. All at 2/6 per bottle. FOR ; ALL,STORES AND CHEMISTS. from schooland oreamery. :€o. : Land andCommission Agent. Wabd-stbeet. ITamaki Chambees planted;goodwill. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS; Telephone No. 116. IT^DB SALE, Whetukura, 4-roomed JD cottage, 1acre land, . fenced and / -y-.-x JENKINS, &rI.V.C, HOME SEPARATOR CREAM E. SIDNEY MCP., iii any quantity. Highest pric^given^ We PURCHASED railage WelHngton. Consign to AllOUrllA BflMTssiie VETEBINAEY SUBGEON. *"*J *w *"*" UU MirlMfeaKsUnma. .'yf: (pertificated) ;" to Ifyeaaasaatiat aa__li»l wtttatea A_g._la North (three doorsMasonic deck0e..«- Meet-re*-*., _rd»«7. oaeloatae WELLINGTON FRESH FOOD & High-street ..-. Hall)j,Dannevir_:e. ) 1 ' I fa _at ccc *_J be east yea. ICE COMPANYi pay Wellington. . y y M. Pichon's action in the occupation of Übja. Germany courteously declared thai it was of general interest that the outrages on foreigners should be prevented in future. Spain is anxious to lend her moral support, and will send warships. ed No 1/ ■___________aa___-D______a____KEaaa_MESasaia- MARCH 20th— Box, Factory-made Butter for Export.. .... 31b DairySaltButter (separator). 31b DairySalt Butter (non-separator).. APRIL 6th— Root Crops. APRIL 10thGeneral Entries. MARCH 27th- Entry forms and all particulars maybe obtained from the Secretary. " CHARLES DOUGLAS, Secretary, ( Napier. R. G. PATERSON & CO. ACCOUNTANTS and GENERALAGENTS Tradesmen's Books Made RUSSIA. * — [Electrio Telegraph. Copyright.] [Press Association.] LONDON, March 28. Witliout explanation a black cross appeared at the head of tlie columns of the Union of the Russian People's organ Ruskojezramya, St. Petersburg, BIT OF ALL RIGHT. "While out shooting the other day," sa"ys R. jjondon, merchant, Maldon (Vie). "1 strained the calf of my leg so badly that Iwas unable to walk, and had to be assisted into my gigOn reaching home Ihad Chamberlain's Pain Balm rubbed in. certainly lt warmed up that part of my body, but it did the work, and, to my great relief and pleasure, all the soreness was gone by the next day, and Iwas able to walk. Chamberlain's Pain Bahn is a bit of all right, and_ I now speak from personal .expeience, as well as a storekeeper who has sold it for years." For sale by W. J. Mason, chemist. C. JACOBSON, PLUMBER, TINSMITH, AND IRONMONGER, . South Norsewood, alarge and varied assortment: of goods in stock, including— Tanks,baths, portable coppers,ranges, dairy and kitchen utensils, spouting,, hardware,etc. Specialquotationsmade to builders. .Hot and cold water laidon. Before purchasingelsewhere atrial, Wm. McDonnell gave evident that oughly seasoned timber. after 45 years' knowledge, many of the up-river blocks were in a worse Telephone43, High-street, Dannevirke condition now than at first. He considered the best thing for the Maoris was to adopt the Hon. J. Carroll'', suggestion and appoint a competent man to manage a farm. Lot him employ and pay wages to the Maoris, STOREKEEPERS, LAND AND INSURANCE AGENTS, and teach them farming, so thot afOrmondville, ter a while they would be competent to work their own lands proparly. the following lines, viz.: QTOCK ; HAS BROWNE & BENBOW, solicited. Prices moderate. .~ THE...... — ■ : £l^Ußfe, _ X " "GILRUTH" "SUCROSINE," — "'Orion Estate" Tea. ex S.S. AnnandBehio. If you have not yet given this famous brand a trial it will pay you SHOW ROOMS: to do 80. Hastings-stbeet, Napieb. Bole Importer — TAMAKI CHAMBEES, Ward-street ... NAPIER GAS CO., Dannevirke. (Two doors from James' Marlborough; House). for hoarders. Good accommodation. .Terms moderate, VACANCIESJ. PAWSON, Proprietress. FINEST ASSORTMENT IN THE COLONY. Quality right up to the mark. ALGERNON E. OREEN, MILTER'S ROAD. Artistic GASFITTINGS. A LARGE shipment just to hand nnHE iT_L — UMITED. Mrs Morgans9 TEA & LUNCHEON ROOMS. HOT LUNCHES DAILY 12 to 2. LADIES' TEA ROOM UPSTAIRS ■«n____________________n__________MM____z INCLUDING COATS BLOUSINGS, GARAOULES, RED RIDING HOOD TARTANS, &c NQW AWAITING YOUR PLEASURE AT &. G. '"" 9_______________________-___________a_B____g__ VELVETEENS, MILLINERY, BEAVER CAPE^, ■ Groceries THE CELEBRITY OF SANDER FOODS Drapery and Clothing AND SONS' PURE VOLATILE STOCK, f; FOR LIVE ZealandiaBoots,Shoes,Slippers,&c. EUCALYPTI EXTRACT PatentMedicines andFancy Goods is universally acknowledged. RoyClocks, Watches.Chains alty honors it and the entire medical Barometers, Thermometers profession has adopted its use. Stationery Imitations sprung up without A GENERAL fattening food, es— num____ ber. The latest Wall Paper, Scrim, &c. of them all stylpecially adapted for pigs and? — Tinware,Tents, Ropes ed "Extracts" was an oil foisted poultry. upon the trusting ahd unwary under Brushware, Lamps Calf Food Containing20 per cent; the grossest misuse of Sander' and Paints,Oils, Varnish of fat. Sons' reputation. Sander and Sons Crockery and Glassware Horse Food Stimulating and instituted an action at the Supreme nourishing. Court of Victoria, before his Honor HARDWARE, comprising the followPoultry C.adi___»t — F.« fegg JM<J_ ing :— Chief Justice Sir J. Madden, duction. RoofingIron, FencingWire K.C.M.G., etc., and at the trial" a Staples,Bushmen's Tools sworn witness testified that he had Carpenters'Tools,CookingUtensils Manufactured by the A. acd P. Fooi> to stop the use of counterfeits on acCompany, Lm, Wellington. count of the irritation produced. Table Cutlery and Plateware Agents foi Dannevirke and Norse* This shows what care is quired to Ammunition obtain an article that is scientifically vood:-^— tested and approved of. As such is WYLIE & CO., If you don't see what yon want ask solely endorsed and recommended ' Dannevirke for it. The pricesare alwaysright. THE GENUINE SANDER AND SONS' PURE VOLATILE EUCABOARDING HOUSE, LYPTI EXTRACT. A DAINTY COLLEGTION OF THE NEW SEASON'S GOODS r'y Up. HIGH-STREET (next Union Bank)^ Dannevirko. JV^Wflß^ Town on behalf of the Bond, declared that a good subject of the republic was now a good subject of the Empire. He was dearer to the people of Cape Town as Louis Botha than as the Transvaal Premier. General Botha, in reply, reiterated his desire to co-operate with the Motherland. He and his friends were doing their best to amalgamate the races. He urged the people at the Cape to be moderate and help him "to bring the two nations together in accordance with true South African ideals. — FRAME & JOHNSTONE V^_J__^>j| MOROCCO. * . B. Lamb, for Loanß from the Government Life Insurance * Den*_imenfc ftt 5 psr cent. nmNTRIES will close as under . - JERVOIS QUAY, WELLINGTON. "Ccaey to Lenden ApprovedSecurity %t lowest current rates AUTUMN SHOW. WEDNESDAY,. APRIL 2__h. 1907, FBAME & JOHNSTONE On Good Friday I was conveyed home in the ambulance, very weak, and could not move withoutassistance. The leg was so swollen the KNEE WAS NOT DISCERNABLE, and hard as a board. On Easter Sunday "I commenced taking PLANTEKOA. It would weary you to give details of my progress, from the bed to the fireside, then a' hobble round the table, a period on crutches, from that to a walking stick, to my present condition, being able to walk anywhere without assistance. Ishall never forget Sunday, October 9th, 1903,the first day I went any distance with the crutches, and attended the Wesleyan Sunday School Anniversary, inTaranaki-street. ;The astonishment of my friends was intense, as very few expected to see me out again." Miss Urwin is keeping in the best el health, and the cure is permanent. 4 exposures, for time and instantaneous ' at 3, 6, or feet, finders, two view etc. ; _. v. 9 ".Hf David Wilson's at 10 a.m. Otbat arrangementson business can _.w»ya be made withMr Wilson. ■ Miss Urwin, 21 years of ago, resident of 56, Hopper Street, Wellington relates her wonderful story: "Ahont the 16th of ]«lv, 1002, 1 was taken ill v/ith RHEUMATIC FEVER. At the end of four weeks, Dr. ordered my removal to the Hospital. The swelling of my limbs wa.s causing great anxiety, especially niy leg, where a large abscess had formed at the knee. I entered the Wellington Hospital on the 20th August; the doctors operated the day following, succeeded by two injure operations before Christmas. The Wednesday before 'Xmas Day my people were informed that it was absolutely necessary to AMPUTATE THE LEG, the bone was diseased, and would not heal. Dr. came to my bedside,and kindly as possible told me their decision, stating that it was tjie only thing to save my life, and the ppteration would need to take place as — SURGEON DENTISTS, from all Stores,Saddlers, and Oppoaite PostOmce " Dannevirke. j Procurable Chemists; or post free from W. CHICK, _ «> HAWKE'S BAY AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL SOCIETY. — f_.__B_r> — Set from <C. 3s; FKRS~Oomp!ete Single Tooth from os; Gold Fki» yesterday. A few hourslater a youth emerged from a courtyard in Moscow where the offices of the same party's ♥ [Electric Telegraph. Copyright.] .organ, the Viec, is situated, and shot Dr Jollos, editor of the Russkija [Press Association.] Viedomosti, the foremost supporter PERTH, March 28. of the Constitutional Democrats, Captain Thorpe's certificate was dead, and escaped. suspended for three months for careRenter states that great excitement less navigation of the steamer Milprevails in both circles. The Viech dura. announced the late Hertzerstein's SYDNEY, March 28. murder beforehand. Arrangements have been made by Admiral Fawkes to send a party of NATIVE LAND COMMISSION. UNDERTAKERS akd Australian bluejackets for training FUNERAL FURNISHERS, to the naval schools. The steamer Tsinan has heen re[Press Association.] High-street Dannevirke. WANGANUI. March 28. floated. Tho yesterday wa* only witness LONDON, March 28. The Right Mon. Lewis Harcourt, David Howalls Morton, missionary, First Commissioner of Works, has who asked if there was any possi- EXCELSIOR CARRIAGE FACbility of his church being granted a, been promoted to Cabinet rank. TORY. Kier-Hardie, Mr addressing a piece of land for the establishment meeting of the Universal Brotherhood of an agricultural school for teaching and Native Races Association, in farming to tho Maoris. The Chief Justice thought there London, urged the Basuto deputation now seeking recognition of their was not the slightest chance of any COACHBUILDERS, claims to certain lands in the Orange more land being given to any church WHEELWRIGHTS, was tiie other tendency way liiver Colony, when they returned The Personally, lie had always home, to agitate, and to brave prison about. GENERAL BLACKSMITHS. or the gallows. If they sat down held that the State should underlegislation, and the Comand waited till something was done take all Manufacturersof all that something would never be done mission would not be prepared to regrit classes of Vehicles, He remarked that Dinizulu in Natal, commendthat such a request be given Hn, JHtLaaBF Ladies'Phaetons, Gigs though loyal, was being hounded to effect to. Drays and llfey^JJV * Buggies, At morning, the Commissionthis death. v -/ Waggons. of up gave number river natives evidence concerning the blocks _t RaTHE TRANSVAAL PREMIER. nana, Morikau, and Raetihi. Th? « [Electric Telegraph.— Copyright.] native witnesses throughout the pro- BRADLEY GIGS _k A SPECIALITY. ceedings show a decided wish to es[Press Association.] cape from the trammels of Maori LONDON, March 28. Mr Hofmeyr, in presenting Gene- Land Boards, and deal directly with Nothing usedbut the best and thorral Botha with au address at Cape Europeans. CABLE NEWS A MODERNr when he t oßfe> £) an ljnows how to a goodhorse. Hear what Dan says about .. Solomon SolutionEmbrocation: ILttending to Children's Teeth. SATUttDAV, MARCH 30. 1907. ARMSTRONG'S, General Draper, Higli Street, Dannevirke. THB DANNEVIRKB ADVOCATE. SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1907. G. NEWETT, STOCK REPORT. WILLIAMS & KETTLE, land estate, & commission """" . High Street, Danrevikxe j. j N.Z. LOAN AGENCY COMPANY. LTD., - and MOATE $ CO.'S Farmers' Agents, and GeneralMerchants. Advances made on Stock, ensuing jClips of Wool, etc., at lowest current rates of.interest. . Insurance(Fire €nd Marine) effected at lowest current rates. 1.800 Acres, Ngapaeruru, all in grass, well fenced and subdivided and weli watered ;6-roomed house and new up-to-date woolsheds and yards. xPrice £8 per acre and good terms Agents for— given. Sutton and Son's farm, vegetable and 13 Acres and good 5-roomed house, adflower seeds. joining the Borough. Price £1100.. Cooper's gj Sheep Dip. Only £100 cash required,balance at Alpha deLaval Separators and Churns. 5 per cent. Donald, and Sons, Ltd., Wool Press, 100 acres 2_ milesfrom Dannevirke, all Wire Strainers, etc. in grass, well watered andsubdivided. Reid andGray's Implements. A goodnew honse. Piice £19 10s Worm Specifico. SheepDrench. per acre. Easy terms. acres in Billens' Pofato Sprayer andPump. 1500 acres, Ngapaeruru, 550 bush; 2 CALL AND INSPECT. grass, balance standing houses on property;o.r.p. at 12b 6d 10s, goodwill £i per acre.. Price for and very easy terms, y For Saleass, 1160 acres Ngapaeruru,half in ggood balance standing bush, real Wool Packs (all sizes), Sheep Shears, sheep and cattle country ;will winterI T;U.S. plain and Clarke's patent, Tur2$ sheep besides cattle. Price J.5 key Stones and Slips, Nelson's Root 10s. 1200 cash. f Manure, Crosses Superphosphate, Sul580 acres Ngapaeruru, 300 acres in phate and Muriate of Potash,Kainit grass, goodlimestonecountry,_fenced Bluestone,LawnMowers, GardenHose, will winter.2 sheep "Bone Cutters, and Bone Mills, Wire '"'. and sub-divided; besides cattle. Price J. 5 ss; easy SheepNetting,Tarred Sheep Nets,Tarpaulins, and all terms. _^S acres of flat land, adjoining the bor.ugh andwithin15 minutes' walk FARM & STATIONREQUISITES. fromP.O. PriceJ.45per acre. Terms " £4 psr acre cash, balance on easy HAVE BEEN AWARDED THE the only line changing hands being a line of three-year steers at £4 6s. Agents for Battera' Patent Fencing Posts, Standards and Droppers. Prices on application. H. MONTEITH & CO., ~ STATION STREET? Williams 4 Kettle, LIMITED. . WART^STREE^ Dannevirke. / ; Messrs Williams and Kettle, Ltd., report a record sale at their Dannevirke yards on Wednesday, practically every line of sheep, numbering over 3000 in.all, changing hands at prices, 1907 Temporary Premises : STATION STREET,DANNEVIEKE. LAND & STOCK AGENTS, STOCK, STATION, & AGENTS, TTAVE for Sale ih this locality class grazing farms of the fol- SHIPPING WOOL & PRODUCE MERCHANTS. Head Office: Bishopsgate Street within London,E.C. Branches throughout NewZealand and Australia; .. ... ... I Gold Medal Silver Medal AND AT N.Z. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION IN 1882 _ Some exceptionally good lines of ewes, lambs, and wethers were offered, all of wliich met with ready sale under the hammer, two lines of ewes from Mangatoro Valley, totalling 900 being sold at 14s all round, while a line of 400 woolly lambs from Ngapaeruru reached lis, and a line of wethers from Mangatuna were sold at 14s lld. Without doubt this was the best sale held this season, both for prices and numbers sold. Quotations: 4, 6 and f.f.m. ewes 14s to 15s 6d, sound-mouth eAves lis Id to 14s, f.m. ewes 7s ld to 8s 6d, fat and forward ewes lis to 12s, old ewes os'. to 7s ld, two-tooth-ewes 14s 7d to 14s Bd, 2 and 4-tooth wethers 14s iid, fat lambs lis 4d, woolly lambs 6s 9d ' to lis, Lincoln rams to if guineas, old rams os to 12s, fat bullocks (light j weights) £0 10s, fat cows £4. L^ ABRAHAM AND WILLIAMS. Messrs Abraham and Williams, Ltd., report on their Pahiatua stock sale held on Tuesday as follows : Sheep came forward in excess of advertised numbers, 5500 being yarded[ which met a spirited, sale, comi>etition being keen from the commencement and well sustained -throughout, and an almost complete clearance being made under the hammer Undertakes the protection of at prices fully up to the rates ruling DESIGNS, AND1 this month. The quality on the MARKS TRADE whole was good, several useful lines -1 of breeding ewes being submitted. Mr In all Countries. TV. R. C. Tylee, of Makuri, obtainedI Address: 19s for his 4-tooth ewes, 18s for his > Chambers, Wellington. Queen's 6-tooths, and 15s 9d for his 4-year" Send for Pamphlet, "Advice to In- old ewes. The entry of cattle was ventors." Free on application. confined to a few small pens, all of " which changed hands with the exception, of a couple of pens. Quotations: Sheep : Two-tooth wethers' 15s 3d to 16s ld, and 16s 6d for an extra good lot, two-tooth ewes 14s ; lld to los 2d, 12s 4d to 12s 8d for smaler lots, four-tooth ewes up to 19s, and six-toth 18s, good soundI It's Famous BecauseIt's breeding ewes 15sewes ld to los 9d, others and down to 10s, \ Good." LANE'S lis od to 13s 6d, low-conditioned ewes with falling' EMULSION, the Great mouths 7s 6d to 10s ld, good lambs-1 Lung Healer 'and Body 9s to 10s Bd, ancl up to lis for a special lot, others 8s 6d to 8s lOd, Builder. It was first culls 6s 2d. Cattle: Three-year-old 1 made good. Cod Liver steers £4 10s, 2-year-old steers £2 I to £2 4s, 18-months steers £2 7s, 2Oil, Beechwood Creaj year-old heifers 235, weaners and sote, Hypophosphites of yearlings 16s, store cons 22s 6d to * LAND, PER ACRE.' parts of the colony, and invite corres- pondence. STOCK SALES. Auction Sales of stock held as required through the district. We will be pleasedtohave particulars of stock SAUNDERS, IMLAY for private sale, alsoto hear from buyers of then* requirements. LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, AGENCIES. ■'-'"'■ ■' /.. Quibell Bros',Ltd., Sheep Dips, De Wanganui. Lisle andLuttrell's Cattleman's Friend (painless branding composition), International Harvester Company's machinVILLAGE DRAPERY ESTAB- ery,D. Crawford and Son's, Ltd,Old Whisky, Champion's celebrated VineLISHMENT/ NORSEWOOD. gar,Victorian Insurance Co., Fire and Marine, Shaw* Savile and Albion Company, Ltd., Aberdeen Line of Steamers STOCKTAKING SALE. to CapetownandLondon. TO THE PUBLIC OP NORSEMERCHANDISE Wool-packs,FencingWire, and other WOOD AND DISTRIOT. stationrequirements always onhand. Terms arranged. .. . *1Lane's 1 : WISHING to reduce my stock considerably previous to DALGETY AM) CO., LTD., stocktaking on 31st March, STATION-ST., DANNEVIRKE. A STOCKTAKING SALE Will commence to-day, Thursday, andcontinue to the 28thMarch,when goods in all departments will be marked down to Bedrock Prices. Emulsion J , . 1 J 0. ERICKSEN. Norsewood, March 7th, 1907. :- " & . : Bermaiine Bread— j at their chosen remedy for Coughs, Colds, Weak Lungs, and Weak Nerves. It helps digestion and strengthens every part and portionof the body. For the growing child or the aged parent there is no medicine of such value as LANES EMULSION. Buy it and try it to-day. Two sizes 2/6 and 4/6. Chemists and Stores. Take cone but LANE'S. DAIRY FARIAS. 325. FINE ART JEWELRY. WATCHES GEM RINGS BROOCHES HAWKES BAY FARMERS. PENDANTS, &o, Sales for the fortnight comprise our periodical skin sale on Tuesday last, and our stock sale on Wednesday. At the former we offered a conijjrehensive catalogue of wool, sheepskins, hides, calfskins and talCompetition was brisk and low. all offerings were disposed of at satisfactory prices. Hides were in especially keen demand, high prices — ruling th.oughouh. We quote: AYool:Dingy and rough crossbred 8d to 9id, dead odd to 9d, crossbred lambs, medium, 8d to 9}d, crutchings 6jd, locks and pieces 3£d to 6_d. Skins: Crossbred full wools 9d, pelts G.d to B*d to 9d, lambs 7^d to 9d, damaged skins 4d to o|d, salted pelts 3s, 3s 9d, 3s lOd to 4s, salted lambs 2s 3d to 3s 6d, butchers' green 2s 8d to 4s 3d, green lambs 3s 2d. Calfskins: Sound 62-d to 7d, cut and damaged 3_d to 6d. Hides: Medium ox 6^d to 6£d. light s£d per lb, do. cows 5,d to 6d. do. cows s_d to oid, steers and heifers old, bulls 4jd, green ox 23s 6d to 28s 6d, green cows 235, damaged I hides 3d to ojd. Tallow: In tins 20s to 20s 9d, casks 18s 9d 'to 23s per cwt, rough 9s 4d per cwt, bones 2s 6d per cwt. At our Dannevirke sale, we offered an average yarding to a large attendance of farmers. Sheep: Bidding at auction was inclined to drag and prices realised were not quite up to last sale rates. Nearly all lines found purchasers at quotations. Cattle: A fair yarding, which met Very little businoss resulted. We quote: Fat ewes 13s 9d. fat wethers 16s 6d, 2 4 and 6tooth wethers los 9d, f.m. ewes 9s, 9s 7d, lis. mixed 2-tooths (small) 12s 7d, lambs 8s 4d to 10s 2d; cows and calves 28s, yearling steers and heifers 325, bulls 30s, porkers 28s. a poor market. DALGETY AND COMPANY. Messrs — Dalgety and Co.. Lid., linos was to report the salo of TO LET. NEWLY-BUILT shop near Eailway Station. Suit dressmaker and milliner, or any branchof business. Eent very low, or may be bought on terms. f I v_ *$rfy o*l WANTED GOLD NUGGET, — ~ SHARES. "" ■■ ■_" T7IULLY Paid-up Shares (20a) are BUY QUICKLY AND GET IN THE PRICE. BEFORE THE BOOM. GOLD NUGGET DUST. We expect more excitement over OIL than GOLD has ever caused. \ BEST VALUE BEST QUALITY BEINQ STRONG BUY THEM. I 1 MR. GEORGE TOWNS, World's Champion Oarsman. 1 Here is a testimony from one man | cured by tliem. The Champion Oars- I of the Worta, Mrr Geo, TVWi,., who recently defeated Stanbury, says: underwent a course of your Electro-medioal Treat- 3 § § g § !I nieTit, and used yotir electrio "battery. Isoon felt better, and confident Iconld stand any strain. Your battery ia the best Ihave ever used. ~ (Signed) George Towns. Mr. EDWARD CLARK. J.P._ St. Leonards, suburb, and its Member ment £pr years, writes: re- we aro every line offered. We sold : F.f.m. ewes at los, aged owes 6s 6d to 10s 6d, Mothers at 14s 4d to 16s 3d, smalllambs 7s to 8s 3d, cull 2-tooths 12s 3d. Cattle: 18--month mixed sexes £2; 2A year hoifyear ors £2 10s, forward 3steers £'o 10s. To-day^s Quotations :16s BUYERS,' MOA TEAS. SELLERS 16s 6d. ALL PRICES. E. GRIFFITHS & CO, Licensed Sharebrokers, EASTER NOVELTIES NEW PLYMOUTH. Gold Hearts, plain and set with stones. Silver-mountedcut glass novelties GoldMuff Chains from 50_ GoldNecklets fromlis 6d in Parlia- Itried your electro-medical methods with great success. My ill-health has dis- appeared. Write us and we shall assist you to select a present neat in design and reasonable in price. . #-"-* As we cured this man, so we can euro you. He ts but one of many who praise our treatment. Write your troubles. Letters promptly answered, and Medicine sent by Parcels Post. your stock by purchasing one of my SATE HORSE & COW COVERS. Half-a-dozen electro siiver spoons The verybest on the market; unsurpassed for material or workmanship. with each weddingring sold. Write Your Troubles. If you cannot call at our office, fully describe your symptoms, and you will receive in a plain envelope a scientific and honest opinion of your case. GUARANTEED CURE IN EVERT Diplomas and CASE ACCEPTED. Certificates oC qualification and registration open to inspection. The Chief Phvslclan. Dr. WALLACE. L.R.C.S.. E.. L.R.C.P.. E.. L.M.. is registered by Australian and English Med. Boards, and may be consulted freo by post or personally. He bears diplomas from some of the leading Medical Centres of Great Britain. The Speclalists' 750-page Medical Work post free upon In SixWeeks shares maybadouble their present value. TN CROSSES from 4s 6d, Pendants -*(Members TaranakiStock Exchange) fromssi Sydney, twice Mayor of that O'CONNOR & TYDEMAN, A. JOHNSTON, THE LEADING NORTH ISLAND SADDLER & HARNESS MAKER,. JEWELLERS. (Late John McVay, Napier), Pa!marston North. High-street.. G. RANKIN, GEO. E. RENDLE application. The Strictest Confidence Relied upon. We have references from may be I district in the Colonies. J every every post brings us fresh evidence of I i success. quarter of a Century the For a ] Freeman and Wallace Medical Instliute fact, J and will remain has beon" a fixed It is as standard as Australian " » II THE Electro-Medical and Surgical Institute, Cor. Elizabeth and Ifathurst sts., Sydney. And at Melbourne. Howard Freeman, Director. Y)r. Wallace, Physician-in-CMef. Dr. White, Women's Diseases. Dr. F. 'Bell, Lecturer. __BS__-im___BH-__a--__Biß_-BBaaHß__nßaA 5 c^srysa 1 B__\_a \__t9i_5 __"<-. Gup.3, Ammunition. Hockey, § Goif, & Feotbaii Rstiuisites. i^ fe THE LATEST TAILOR, — equal for districts, Addsess : Robertshawe's Buildings, High-street. known the inhabitants of and surrounding BE itDannevirke that the Aerated Water and to Cordial Business conducted by E. P. Brogan,has no connection whatever M with any other similar business in Remington Hamsnorlsss Boii-iabarrel Sfioiguns, Automatic safety |j the looality. fig and triple locked action E.P. Brogan personally manufaci tures his famous beverages onhis own premises, and personally delivers them, and patrons favouring him — d with orders may rely on obtaining Remington Hi;h3 Adapted to either black or smokeless cartridge; jS promptly onlyproducts of the finest qualityand flavour. Note. The address is HIGH-STREET NORTH, — New Season's Hockey Sticks. All |j St. John's Church). (Opposite latest patterns,indiarubber and || cane-spring handles, no sting- y may be left at Pallant's Orders lg ing, finest selection in colony Rooms ; W. Jones, From 7/S up. m Refreshment European Fruiterer ; Pateman, Best Quality White Leather and || Composition Hockey Balls, _/- up g Baker ; and J. Jones, Grocer ; where all of the famous E.P.B. manufactures can be obtained. Orders for social., balls, wedding parties,picnics, and oountryresidents receive careful and prompt attention. E. P. BROGAN, Sole Proprietor of the Eminently Pure Beverages Cordial — B Football., Rurj.y and Association. i Factory. fl Regulation size, best quality | 1 English leather, largest assort- | ■ ment in colony Froiii S/S up | IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. I Send for Price Lists. | HOME SEPARATOR CREAM — .. in any quantity. I & 00. c. nxxmim Highflßl prions given. We pay Christchurch, Invarcargil! B PURCHASED 1 railagefo Wellington. Consign to Wailington. WELLINGTON FRESH FOOD c. eTprior, to the to intimate public of Dannevirke and WISHES surrounding that he has taken over Messbs COLLETT & '|"_| AS no SON'S shoeing business,andisnow in a position io undertake all classes of shoeing. STYLE, FIT, All horses shod with every care andneatness. OR For oonstant wear try a set of hia Steel Shoes. QUALITY OF MATERIAL. Satisfaction guaranteed. A trial solioited. One trial will convince you of this fact. ' district, CiURES WANTED g 21- LB. PRIOK'S CASTANA VESOA Also 6i acres with an eight-roomed MIXTURE PATEMAN'S BAKERY, house and bath-room. Good stabling ; low rent. Whooping Cough. For CHILDREN WHEN TEETHING. Where all classes of small goods Have more or less diarrhoea, wliich Apply to— procured fresh and sweet at cannot be checked effectually, as the Opposite Masonio Hotel, the cough, assists expecROBINSON, ally hour of the day. W. removed, but the cannot be ,' toration, cuts short the duracause BIGH STEEET Makotuku. diarrhoea can and should be con- tion of the Bread delivered to all parts of the attack. trolledby giving Chamberlain's Colic, Borough. KNOWN—You should Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and patronise local industry, and KNOWN— The Advo- an occasional dose of castor oil to not send out of town for your printing cate make a specialityof print- cleanse the system. For sale by W. High-street, Dannevirke. High-street, Chemist —Try the Advocate. ing cards. J. Mason, chemist. P. NYMAND'S, S < BUT NOT AT 1 At .the Dannovirke sale on the 27tli FOR SALE. there was again a very largo yarding B miles from Eailway oi' sheep, and a fair entry of cattle. QA ACEES, The sheep included h huge proporStation and creamery. tion of cull owes. Bidding for all Also 100 acres. keen, and pleased A PETROLEUUM RISING Every Day. Idertaken. gold. *'" NEW STOCK IN TEAS THAN never experiment, but a guarantee to cure all cases un- J so. port : INSPECTION INVITED. § a Sydney, who ' wj We have properties for sale in all BETTER 1 — — Z^fAN now be obtained | j j tations. AND WERE AWARDED THE ■ PRICE £U Disease to be properly treated I be properly understood, INumberless deaths are due to improperly treated disease. There is 8 nothing worse than maltreatment, j If a man is critically ill, and his l life hangs in the balance, a speI § cialist, who is perfect in his spe- I a cialities, should ba consulted. The man is given the I chance to live. 1 ' Skill, perfect knowledge, and 9 I treatment may save him. Some 1 I § of the finest c .perts in MEN'S I DISEASES comprise the medical 1staff of the K EOIANandWAL- a TARfiNAKI much in advance of vendors' expec- J84,000,000 Capitalfully subscribed lowing areas:— 940, 330, 580, 300, 1100, j Capitalpaid up £1,000,000 B £200,000 Reserve Fund acres, also 1600, 700, 1090, 460 and 280 & Co., Ltd., will be A pleased to receive consignments 9| :a large number of > first-class dairy of Wool, Tallow,Hides, Skins, and all kinds of produce for sale in the Lonfarms.' don, Australian, or local markets. Liberal cash advancesmade on same. WOOL. J We begto offer our services as selling SHEEP LAND BARGAIN. brokers season. coming j Lime and Soda. The for the i purest of these ingredNAPIER WOOL SALE DATES, 1906 7. m tents emulsified with the HAVE just been instructed to offer ;,' FEBRUARY. h freshest of fresh eggs. fbr immediate sale the following Cash Advances20th made on growing valuable property : |§ Medicine and Food perclips of Wool on favourable terms. fectly combined. The SHEEP DIP. P___f_ ACRES, 400 acres in grass, all vw/ flat an<i. ploughable, watered \ people made it famoui. To killparasite life and improY. coninndmill and dams, all Dost and wire ditionand weight oi-wool DIP. 1 Famous in every town USE QUIBELL'S fencing, 16 paddocks. Carrying capaM andhamlet in New ZeaUnsurpassed for all-round excellence. city^— DALGETY & CO. are prepared to M land. Men, Women and takeup Farm andStation Accounts. 4 SHEEP PER ACRE. Childrenhavemade ; Loass negotiateduponFreehold and Lands at lowest current wX Buildings:11-roomed residence and Leasehold rates of interest. *11usual outbuildings. DALGETY <C BUY ; I must DALGETY & CQM LTD. INVENTIONS, VALFERS, , *~*~* I (/> I ILACE INSTITUTE, WILLIAMS AND KETTLE. - terms. tooth ewes 17s 2d, 2-tooth ewes 13s 6d to 14s Bd, old ewes 9s Id to 13s 9d. Cattle were not sought after, AT THE NEW ZEALAND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION 11 DISEASE ITS YOU I CAN and e_SE. Tlie New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd., report holding their fortnightly sale in Miller's lload yards on Wednesday when of they offered a large yarding slieep and a moderate entry of cattle to a large circle of buyers. We sold the whole of our yarding of sheep with the exception of a line of small 2-tooth ewes. We quote: 2 and 4- DANNEVIRKE. PASTORALISTS AND MERCANTILE 7 Geo. E. Rendle, (Opposite Masonio Stables) BARRAUD-STREET. PIGS. BACON PIGS. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE DIMOCK & CO., Ltd., will « receive live Pigs at the following Stations asunder : ORMONDVILLE, Tuesday, April 2, 16, and 80. PAHIATUA, Wednesday, April 3 and 17. ORINGI,Monday, April 8 and 22. WOODVILLE, Tuesday, April 9 and 23. W — Agent : H. WARE, Mangatainoka. F. WHALER & SONS, BOOTMAKERS. had 40 years* experiinbootmanufacture,tha HAVING rely public getting a good ence may on pair of boots made, or repaired, on. the premises. F. WHALER & SONS, High-street North and South. THE AOTEA COOKING RANGE. & ICE COMPANY, "Wellington. LADIES' NURSE. STONE,CertificatedLadies' Nurse, begs to intimate that MRS returned to Dannevirke and she npHE most up-to-date on the mar* ket. For sale by local ironmongers. Try one and you will ba happy. ANTED KNOWN— If you get has youraddress tags printedat the has recommenced business as above Advocate Office, jg^willsave money. inMoPhee-street c/o Mrs J. Smith. Willing to accept engagement in OUCAN BUY IT CHEAPER AT i &ACKAY & POTTS'. town or country. ' THB DANNjBVIRKE 8 ¥' __ :'- |f I P'X 1 W. EOSE. ng-NOX PRESBYTER!*^ DANNEVIRKE STOCK SALE. | SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1907. CHURCH. THE KANAKA PROBLEM. + SUNDAY, .1JT MjLRGH> 1907> ~~ ., HALL, DANNEVIRKE. THRILL EASTER NIGHT, — COUNTRY EASTER MONDAY. MONDAY [Electric T__/e__u_>h. COPYRIGHT.] April [Press Association.] Ist,1907. j v Dahnf.vibk^ an 7pm fieVt A '»«a_t, (Received March 30, 11.7 a.m.) the auspices Under of the Athletic and FOR RESERVES ""~__:_ v:230 p.m.-Re V Grant. GRAND BRISBANE, March 30. CyclingClub. <_Mn.AQRO_H_L_: " LEASE. 7.30 .—Mr Bull. p.i.ewes Mr f.f.m^breeding Woodford, 100 Resident Commis- GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUF 50 prime fat ewes sioner at the Solomon Islands, states CHURCH,DANNE- that the repatriation of the Kana|; 40 2-th ewes Office of the School Commissioners, ! MENTAL CONCERT. kas is proceeding satisfactorily. The VIRKE. lambs Napier, March 9th, 1907. IXiy 35 PROGRAMME. natives revert to quickly their old ) 35 f.m.ewes RECREATION EASTER SERVICES. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ways. The men returned have been Musical Overture Savage"Orchestra 30 lambs(shorn) " ~~ fX' jL\ SUNDAY, the Education Reserves well by people. that MARCH 31st. received their I Song, Take back your gold |F 150 f.£._i. Lincoln ewes Preacher :Rev. T. T. Thomas, B.A. I 180 very forward lambs,mixed sexes mentioned in the Schedule hereunder T. A.Thompson RUNNING " " willbe offered for Lea.c for Twenty- Morning,11am.: Subject TheResurSons, Lowther Arcade" yf 112 fat and forwardewes CYCLING ■ Miss Daisy McClure | 50 4 and6th wethers one Years, by Publio Auction, at . rection of our Lord." Evening, 7 I. CHOPPING (Selected) Tai Heketa Song Son, 20 18mos steers [press y, Hoadley Messrs C. B. and association.] p.m. : The ConquerorChrist." Recitation,''The Man fromIronbark" SAWING ;F 15 2 to 2syr steers Limited's, Auction Rooms, Napier, Matamau, 7 p.m.:Mr Gifford. DUNEDIN, March SO. ! T. A.Thompson Two 2yr steers earthquake were felt WREBTLING TUESDAY, Tipapakuku, X-i-..40 shocks day 2.30 : Rev.Thomas. p.m. at 11 am.on 9fch Musical military overture 1springing cow |yesterday. POLE VAULT next April of : Savage's Party lr-eow in calf T UIHERAN CHURCH, DANNEVItfKE Quartette Upset QUOITS, ic. weaners, Song (Selected) good Daisy line Miss McClure 10 We mean to keep ahead in our line rental To-morrow,11 a,m. 20 18mos heifers and never play seconds, consequent- AndScotch dances by Mr Sutherland. 2 fatcows per SCHEDULE. ly our shipments of new season's Second Pact. goods will be found up-to-date Musical Overture, Savage's Orchestra REFRESHMENT BOOTH ON THE a. r. p. annum ' BANK HOLIDAYS. in all departments. Ladies requirGROUND. y NORSEWOOD STOCK SALE. £ s ing new dresses should now place Followed by the -mirth provoking MONDAY, APRIL Bth. Woodville,Section to the terms of "The their orders at once and avoid disComedy, will sell by auction at 13 236 617 14, Block I. Banks andBankers ActAmend- appointment. McDowell andPower.* 1o'clock CHECKMATE. Rheum. has permanently cured BRASS BAND IN ATTENDANCE. Woodville,Section ment Act, 1882," and "The Bank 60 f.m. ewes OF CHARACTERS. — FBIDAY, APRIL sth. |F "TIT ROSE will sell by auction at '. W 1o'clock EDUCATION 200 wether lambs, good line "-■ " _ . CARNIVAL, SPORTS METHODIST '"' EARTHQUAKE^ " i — — " WROSE PURSUANT ... ... _, Block IX. 100 lambs 140 0 0 66 10 Holidays Act, 1902," TUESDAY, 200 forward wethers Tahoraiti, Section 2nd April, 1907, is hereby appointed -' XX 200 f.f.m.Lincoln ewes 24, Block XIV. 99 .0 16 39 13 a Special Bank Holiday throughout 50 f.m. ewes Tahoraiti, Section the colony. £;.■■'■■ 10 3yr old steers ' 34, Block "106 0 0 37 2 XIV. weaners, 12 mixed sexes The Union Bank of Australia,Ltd., J, B. PERCY, 10 18mos steers The Reserves will^be offered sub_ 4 fat cows . ' _i§Siito payment.-hfrtha. purGhasar„2lt j,^. ..jj " Resident Inspector. r-„ -sgpjgj^steers {goo"arbne)T each -:lot*?>^fr.rthe^tundermehtioned- Ths-Bank of New Zealand, Owing to this sale falling onEaster ■ ALEX. MICHIE, Monday, it is postponed to theabove amounts for improvements : £ s f date. General Manager. Woodville, Section 14, Block 1 602 7 The Bank of Nbw South Wales, Woodville,Section 4,Block IX. 594 10 WILLIAMS AND SETTLE. LTD. E J. FINCH, Tahoraiti, Section 24, Block Inspector. WOODVILLE STOCK XIV. 281 1 The Banks will also be closed on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3bi>, Tahoraiti, Section 34, Block Friday, Saturday and Monday, 29th At 2 o'clock. . .'■ "... 327 10 and 80thMarch and Ist April, reWILLIAMS & KETTLE, XIV. Ltd., have been instructed to Lessees to have a right of renewal spectively. — SALET ... ... ... ... ... ■ MESSRS "ell- ISO-.--, breedingewes 180 2-th breedingewes 200 ewe lambs 14 steers On accotmt of this sale falling on Easter Mondayit has been postponed ,-<s|Jp the above date. TLLTAMB & KETTLE, Ltd., WEBER SALE. TUESDAY, 9th APRIL, 1907, At 1p.m. 200 f.m. ewes 100 wethers W^ ~ ASsorrrATirm STOCK AUCTIONEERS' PUBLIC SALES. WAIPUKURAU YARDS. thus NAPIER TUESDAY,APRIL 2nd, 1907, At 11.30 a.m. 800 2th Romney ewes (Ashcott) . 800 fat and forward wethers (Ashcott) 600 fat lambs(Ashcott) 30 rapelambs (Ashcott) 1000 freezing wethers 200 4 and6th ewes 370 fm. half-bred Merino-Lincoln GWCS 1000 lambs 6 18mos steers andheifers 2 good milkers 30 fat bullocks 23 fat heifersv 10 fat cows # 30 yearlingsteers 20 2£yr steers 20 4yr steers 17 springing heifera 6 3yrheifers 25 shorthorn cows_ _ — BUSH DISTRICTS SHEEP DOG TRIAL CLUB. A DOG trial willbe held on the Oringi Station on 29th and 80th '■ May. Further particulars in future advertisement. W. H. GAISFORD, Secretary. strength. healtb:and for business men. Difficulties of one kind and another occur every day in all kinds of business affairs requiring a clearmind to deal with them satisfactorily. A man in poor health is quite unfitted to cope with business worries. of lease from time to time for a period not exceeding 21 years for ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. each such renewal. r Conditions can be seenat the Post are reminded Office, Dannevirke,and at thisoffice. that on Easter Sunday allthe E. P. A. PLATFORD, offertories will be handed to the Secretary to Commissioners. Vicar. HAWKE'S BAY EDUCATION A. WEBBER ) -Churchwardens. BOARD. W. F. KNIGHT] applications, accompaniedby testimonials, will be NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. received up to noon of THURSDAY, INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION 4th April, from teachers qualiAT OHRISTCHURCH. fied to fill the following positions ; Dannevirke N., assistant mistrers, Through Booking of Passengers 4>90 per annum from North Island to ChristHampden, mistress, £105. per annum ohurch by Rail and Steamer. Hatuma S., sole teacher, £70 per! annum issue of the through return Matahiwi,sole teacher, £110 and £10 tickets to Christchurch to house allowance per annum cover journeys by rail and steamer, Napier, assistant mistress, £85 per available for return for two months annum from date of issue, is extended up to Waerenga-ahika, mistress, £100 per and including Saturday, 13th April, annuni 1907. Waipiro Bay, headmaster, £165 and Intending passengers will require £20 house allowance perannum to give 2_ hours' notice. Wakarara, sole teacher, £90 per an- Full particulars can be obtained num and residenoe from any etationmaster. Weber, mistress, £85 per annum See notices posted at allstations. Napier, assistant master, £170 per BY ORDER. annum Forms of application may be had NORSEWOOD. on applyling to the offioe. G. CRAWSHAW, EDWIN H. BREWER, Secretary Education Board. Surgeon Dentist, Waipawa, Education Office, will visit Noreewood on WEDNESDAY, April 3rd, and regularly Napier,March 22nd, 1907. fortnightly thereafter, and may be TAMAKIBLOCK. consulted at Mr Johanscn's Hotel from 9 am.until 4.80 p.m. Hawke's Bay Timber Co, postponed picnio of the Ltd., is prepared to lease to farmers suitable areas. For particucombined branohes of the Farmers' Union will be held on lars apply to WEDNESDAY, Apnl Brd. FRITS JENSSEN, GEO. BUCHANAN, Manager. Dannevirke,Nov. 10, 1906. / Hon. Sec. WAIPAWA COUNTY COUNCIL. LAND FOR SALE -A BARGAIN. for the position and a half acres of a Working Road Foreman with two cottages (close to are invited by the Waipawa County Borough), best building Council up to 5 p.m.onTHURSDAY, Dannevirke sites in the district; easy terras. the _fch day of April rf-xt. Apply to The duties will be general road STEPHEN FRANKLIN. work, and in charge of several roadmen. Wages 10s per day. Applicants to state their age,preWHAREWHITU. vious experience,and whether they have had any experience in bridge Private Boarding- work. Applications to be in the house,Queen-street. handwriting of the applicants. All the comforts of ahome. Terms M. MURRAY, moderate. County Clerk. MISS BRENNAN,* Waipawa, March 23rd, 1907. Proprietress. Telephone 118. PARISHIONERS SEPARATE — THE MR THE T^HE NINETEEN APPLICATIONS fiiutx BLUE FLAG FIRST-CLASS M^LIVER CURE. ff directed will keep a business man in a condition for business. It banishes the blues, conchronic constipation, and proTEA AND HOSPITALITY. uces exhilaration, of spirits and eagerness for work. Blue Flag Liver Cure is registered They go together, and the teapot with the Public Health Department, may be regarded as the national emand is exempt from the Poisons Re- blem of hospitality. The afternoon gulation because it is free from poi- caller is welcomed with tea; the son. friend who comes in for a quiet chat is served with tea. There is morning PRICES : 2s 6d and 4s 6d. tea and afternoon tea, and many business men have tea served in their H. M. BENNETT, offices. The palate-pleasing tea of Chemist, Local Agent. 1907 is 3uers - ANTED to exchange for a worn-out digestion, a bottle of Pepto-chlor ,and 4s 6d. Peai-son's Any " chemist will oblige. J. CRIST'S BOOT PALACE. gentltmenfarmers, TTTA.NTED~SOO * ." 500 mill hand and axemenl champions,500 Dannevirke citizens, toi try a pair of our boj^duringnextthree( ' XxryXyyy y months. ANTED all martyrs to indiges- tion to get an "acquaintance" bottle of Pearson's Pepto-chlor. the absolute indigestion cure. CASTE thousands of sufferers from rheumatism, gout, sciatica, and lumbago. It will cure you. All stores, 2s 6d and 4s 6d. Give it a trial.* Go to Etz and you will have something to pick from. He does keep a large stock.* Sir Everton Toffee Mr C. Blakiston Sam Winkle Mr Neal Eagar Henry Mr Mason Parsley Mr Butler Strap Mr Prior Cheeks Master J.Mitchell Bottles Mr E.M.Tracey BOROUGH OF DANNEVIRKE. Miss CharlotteRusse Miss Robertson Martha Bunn Mrs Burmester Mary Anne Miss Jetta Jensen CLOSED~ROAD. Jane Miss Dorry Burmester Act I Coffee Room, DudleighHotel. : NOTICE is herebygiven that the upper portion of VIC- Act II". Garden of The Grange." TORIA AVENUE is closed for Popular prices:Front seats 2s, bacj_ ls. traffic, the '" PUBLIC acre. Terms £2 per acre cash, balance* at 5 per cent. improved bush land* 1160 w?}l watered, and situated . rmACRES THE — 409 - DEMONSTRATION WANTED— SOCIAL AND DANNEVIR__E> BARGAINS IN FARMS (Direct from Sydney), In a refreshingly new programme. to Easter Holiday., ELTON. FRED ELTON. Cowperand Irichard,Dentists, FRED (Keep your eyes on him). will not visit Ormondville until DaintyGRACEELTONwillplease you. Will be held at TUESDAY, April 16th. THE ONLY AP.FLE ON THE TREE. (As featured by Maynott and Elton PARTNER WANTED. ORMONDVILLE Opera BurlesqueComedy.) DON'T MISS THIS GREAT SHOW. partner A for a Prices :3s, 2s, ls, on children half-price first-class wood and coal except seats. Plan at Bartlett's, rebusiness. All particulars on appli- servedls seats 2s 6d. , cation to Advocate office. OUNDAY, APRIL 7th, 1907, OWING - H. TILSLEY, ELTON COMEDY COMPANY NOTICE. DANCI^ allin grass, nearly all 72 ACRES, ploughable, 6 paddocks, good fences, well watered; creamery, Post Office and school opposite section; title, 47 acres 0.R.P., and 25 acres. LLP. Price £12 per acre, 20 cows given in. gQ ACRES, freehold, rich grass, land, well clovered, good- house, cowshed, &c; 6 miles from DANCE will be held in the In aid of the funds of the Danne- Dannevirke, creamery and school 4 mile. Price £18 per acre, £500 cash.. Umutaoroa Public Hall on TUESDAY,April 2nd. Admission : virke and Waipukurau Hospitals. Double tickets 3s 6d, single 2s. MR A. LAWSON, cf Piano, Violin, Mandoline, etc., (highest A 11EACHER award in Great Britain and Austra- . lian Colonies gainedby aviolin pupil limestone formation,, in lastexamination of London Trinity Dancing at 8 p.m. 322 ACRES, all in grass, 100 acres nowCollege of Music). Studio,High-st., To suitvisitors from town a brake Dannevirke. Visits Makotuku Wed- will leave Mill's stables at 7 p.m : Procession starts from the Town i ploughablo,remainder one low hill. | Excellent grazing and dairying land; Fare Is nesdays. 13 paddocks, weUfenced and watered ; R. GILMOUR, Hon. Seo. Hall at 1.30 p.m. carrying capacity 8 sheep per acre ; Mb A. E. SAVAGE. TENDERS. 8-roomed house, nearly new ; man's* Late of Williamson's Grand Italian house, dairy, washhouse,stable,cowOpera Coy.) " RMSTRONG BROS, invite shed, woolshed, &c. Township, of Violin, Piano, and X3L tenders for Stumping and creamery, store and post office wiflhin Brass Instruments. Visits and Clearing 50 acres, more or less, on J mile, railway Btation 8J mile-.. receives pupil-. Specialattentiongiven their Glengarry property. SpecifiPrice £11 5s per aore, good terms. to technique and theory. cations can be seen at Messrs BarAddress :McPbee-straer,Dannevirke. raud and Abraham's and at GlenOUR COAL GIVES garry. » 90 "* Engliah, 1000 ACBES Tenders close March Slßt. The MISS WHALER, grasses, 100 acres light A maximum of heat at aminimum \ or any tender not necessarily standing bash; good undulating, A.L.C.M., of expense. Tryit for yourself. | lowest accepted. grazing land; 8 well-fenced and. (Associate London CollegeMusic) j ARMSTRONG BROS. watered paddocks, carrying 1300" resumed tuition in pianosheep, 600 lambs, 60 cattle and WEBER COUNTY COUNCIL. SAMUEL BROWN. LTDf, forte, theory and singing. horses, and now being stocked much ! heavily;5-roomed house, woolmore " Addbess : Opposite High School, Tenders, addressed to WELLINGTON. shed, stable, good plantation and Burns-street. the Clerk of the Weber County orchard, 18 miles from large town, sCouncil, andmarked contract No. C6, from railway. Price £7 per acre,, MUSICAL. will be received at the Council Office, £2200, balance at 5 per cent. cash Ti Tree Point up till 4 p^m. on WALTON has resumed FRIDAY, April sth, 1907, for splitlessons (Piano,Organ.Theory) ting 100 cords (more or less) of -reACRES, grass 750, scrub Pupils prepared for examinations wood. 1000 IVVV 250, if desired. title L.I.P. FirstSpecifications may be seen at Mr A class grazing land of clay and limeAddkess : Swinburne-street. Robertson's Store, Weber. IN stone foundation. Winters ICOO The Overseer will leave Weber on T>ARGAINS sheep and 85 cattle on 750 acres, MISS HUGHES, Tuesday, 2nd April, at 10.30 a.m., to will carry 2 sheep when ploughed; TEACHEE CF BAIiIiKOOM AND THE LATEST show intending contractors over the GLASSWARE AND CROCKERY 800 acres ploughable; 7 paddocks, Fancy Dancing. work. good fences (mostlynew) ; 2-roomed The o rany tender not neces...AT... whare and trapshed. Bates about begin aclass for Cbildren sarily lowest TX7"ILL accepted. £20 ; Dannevirke 16 miles ; rent 4s first week in April. VV particulars,apply T. SULLIVAN, For Miss Edkins, S. T. SMITH'S, 3dper acre, payable half-yearly, less County Road Overseer. 10 per cent. Price £1600. The Terrace. Weber, 26th March, 1907. — — — — — — — — —— — — TEACHER ° ! ' HAS WRITTEN MISS . DANNEVIRKE ADVOCATE. TENDERS. NOTICE. are invited for cutting, rpENDERS -■- by contract, A. STRATFORD has been MR J.appointed canvasser and col- Sawmill. Tenders c?ose noon sth April. MILBURN BROS, Ltd., Hastings.' "~ at our Onga Onga — "THE" FAMILY' GROCER. FIREWOOD! FIREWOOD! MRS W~ For further particulars apply to— J. JENSEN, to Soanley-street, notify SAUNDERS MR iswishes still supplying firewood the public that he in any leDgths, from 9 inches upwards, in matai,maire, and rata, for cash. Prices reasonable. THE WANTED WANTED — about 19 miles from Dannevirke by good metalled road to within 2 or 8 miles; 700 or 800 acres in grass, and practicallyring.fenced;divided into 6 paddocks; buddings. 5-roomed house (new), sheepyards. ' Price £5 15s per _lor owner s interest. O.R.P. at Borough Council have author- 17s ?£ re6d per acre. Terms £1000 cash, ised the following charges for balance canbe-arranged. admission: ACRES, O.R.P. at 22s 6d per To Ground: Adults ls,Children 6d aore; good bush land, 190 To Stand : acres in grass, balance light bush. -JuUdmgs,new 5-roomed house and 2roomed whare ; {ring fenced, wel! watered,situated17 miles from Dannevirke. Price £6 per acre for Leasees* A DANCE will also be heldat the interest. . OCCUPIERS IMPOUNDED " O'TR ACRES,fine sheep and oattle*-* «* . country, situated 11miles from. Dannevirke by good metalledroad; 25a acres in grass, balance light bush; divided into 3 or 4 paddocks, well watered, ring.fenced. There is enougk timber(sawn) on the ground to build a. good dwelling. Also several cottages and whares bricksfor chimneys (given in). School 1 mile distant. Price, £8-7s 6d for Leasees'interest. This is a grandproperty and is on offer cheap for a short time only. good healthy sheep. 4-00 vvr ACRES' country, well watered;, hilly but not steep; 210 acres in grass* balance light bush. House 2 roomsheepyards. Price £4 15s for interest. Title O.RP., at 17s owner's' 6d per ODDFELLOWS' HALL. Supper and Music of the best. as BRIDGE has been washed away in the late flood. ■) T " Q H. GLASS Gents 3's 6d, ladies ls 6d. LAND AGENT, By order. T. A. THOMSON ) Jomfc Secs' FRANK G. MAGNUSSON, T\RILL HALL, DANNEVIRKE. Town Clerk Town Clerk's Office, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. UNITED FRIENDLY SOCIETIES' 19th March,1907.«?> lector. Weekly subscribers (excepting tenders! those on the Piri Piri run) are requested pay subscriptions to their to REGISTRATION OF FACTORIES Marainanga Estate Co.,Ltd., him, and not to the runner boys. Akitio, invite tendersfor falling BUICK & RUSSELL, of Factories are about 1600 acres of light bush and Proprietors. notified that the registration scrub in one or four blocks. Tenders of factories expires on 31st March, on Bth April, and specifiand re-regiEttation is due on the 2nd THE AOTEA COOKING RANGE. will close can be seen at the Station, cations April. Akitio, and intending contractors The form (Return C) under the over the groundany timeafter shown Act, Labour Department sent out re 25th inst. cently to factory occupiers, is re- ri^HE most up-to-date on the marSpecifications may ba seen at quired to be sent in to this office on ket. For sale by local iron- Advocate office. above date, accompanied by the registration fee. The scale of fees is uiongGrs. Try one and you will be TENDERS. happy. shown on the form. TO LET— A mile A. CRUICKSHANK. Inspector of Factories. and a half of fencing. ApLADIES' NURSE. in the Borough HAROLD HUNTER. by Ranger Pound the on the 16th STONE,CertificatedLadies' Aohanga. inst., white Horse, One Chestnut The delicate flavor and excellent Nurse, begs drinking qualities, make it a strong face, branded like H on off shoulder. she has returned to to intimate that BUSHFELLING. Dannevirke and If not claimed and expenses paid favorite in the home. will bo sold on the 13th April. has recommenced business as above ANTED TO LET— I2OO acres in McPhee-street c/o Mrs J. Smith. R. RICHARDS, of bush in lots to suit conWilling to accept engagement in _ Poundkeeper. tractors. Apply to FROM ALL STORES, or country. town KNOWN— If"you get GEO. WHEELER, your address tags printed at the OU CAN BUY ITCHEAPER AT At 2s per lb. Kawbatau, ,» Advocate Office you willsave moneyi i MACKAY & POTTS*. Mangaweka. CRESCENT BLEND TEA PROPERTIES. & HALL, LAND AGENTS, Dannevirke. NOTICE. NEW MUSIC ! outstanding accounts, if paid ALL before March 31st, will bs not on or sued for. JENS JENSEN, Stanley-street. ~MISS ETTA BAKER. in Painting, Drawing, (CLASSES J and. Carving commence in CHEAP MUSIC I of New and Popular HUNDREDS Songs, publishedat 2s until recently,now obtainable at 6d. This shopis thoroughly up-to-datein allmusical publications. Orders by post promptly attendedto,. Norsewood on THURSDAY, March 21st. TTTANTED KNOWN— That we at * * J. Grist'sBoot Palace sell good MUSICSELLEES & STATIONERS^ Dannevirke. "^%" Boots, Shoes, Socks, stuff etc. Corn" paste a speciality. Bring in your repairs. Note the address: J. Ceisi, Printed and published by the proprieHigh- street. tors Thomas Lindsay Bttice and ailments arise through ai John Ruffell Russeil, at theitfbad digestion. Pearson's Pep- j registered office,, Danneto-chlor cures indigestion. Then why i rake, ProyincialDistrict of Hawke'a not. j Bay, March 30, 19t7. — MOST Lawson Bros