June 2014 - FX-FJ Holden Club of Qld.
June 2014 - FX-FJ Holden Club of Qld.
June 2014 REVS Official newsletter of the: FX – FJ HOLDEN CLUB OF QUEENSLAND INC. Est. 1976 1 2014 COMMITTEE Position Name Contact 07 38801792 0408 076834 [email protected] 07 32855491 0400 515841 [email protected] 07 54985106 0410 505947 [email protected] PRESIDENT: SHANE KRUEGER VICE PRESIDENT: WILLY HINDS SECRETARY: TINEKE WHITTEN DE MEER ASSISTANT SECRETARY: DAVE CLARK 0408 085755 [email protected] TREASURER: DONNA HINDS 07 3285 5491 0412 763996 [email protected] RUN COORDINATOR: PETER WHALLEY 07 33983723 0437 821 652 [email protected] SOCIAL COORDINATOR: BOB SCOFIELD 07 38013480 0499 992451 [email protected] ASSISTANT RUN / SOCIAL COORDINATER KEL TOWERTON 073803 1686 0474 741 189 [email protected] [email protected] MEMBERSHIP: JOHN GAGER 07 33434551 [email protected] TECHNICAL ADVISER: TONY MANGANARO 07 3245 3631 [email protected] PUBLICATION EDITOR: DOUG FINCH 07 54962483 0427 962 483 [email protected] WEB SITE: SHANE KRUEGER DOUG FINCH DUDLEY MONEMENT As above A.E.H.F. DELEGATE: Q.H.M.C REPRESENTATIVE MAJOR EVENTS COORDINATOR: ASSISTANTS: CHERYL NOTT SHANE KRUEGER BOB SCHOFIELD DUDLEY MONEMENT 07 5546 1403 0418 763886 [email protected] 07 3341 5619 As above Club Website: www.fxfjholdenclub.com Club Email: [email protected] Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3523 South Brisbane, Qld, 4101 Club Bank Details: Westpac; BSB 034077; Acc. No. 203004 (use your name as reference). Meetings: Held 2nd Monday of each month in the FX FJ Club of Qld Clubrooms at Rocklea Show Grounds; enter via Ipswich Service Road, Rocklea. Meetings start 7.30 pm sharp, all members and guests are welcome to attend. Merchandise: Club T shirts and Caps available; ask Donna Hinds (treasurer) for current details. Concessional Registration: Concession registrations are to be ratified by the Dating Officer, as per the rules of the club. New members please indicate if seeking concessional registration. 2 From the Editor’s Desk by Doug Finch Welcome to this edition of REVS, I hope you enjoy it! Firstly I’d like to add my support for David Mills in his quest and encourage everyone to consider making a donation to Beyond Blue, good on you for doing something to help others. For those that may remember I have been having some dramas with my ute, trying to keep the wheels on it has proven to be a bit of a challenge, but hopefully there is light at the end of the tunnel – work has started on a diff and brake system upgrade and hopefully it will be back on the road sooner rather than later. One day I hope to even make it to a run! Cooly Rocks On this year finally got some decent weather – been a few years now! I managed to jag a very nice spot at Kingscliffe for the weekend, absolute beachfront was very nice to come home to and put the feet up after a days walking … great to see a big variety of cars and music once again. Also a reminder to get those membership fees in, I have just reminded myself! Thanks to everyone that has contributed articles, stories and photos. Without you there would be no REV’S, but we are always looking for more interesting stories and/or articles for REVS. We will endeavour to reproduce all submissions faithfully, but might need to edit if required. Please let us know if there are any errors in articles or on address labels, apologies in advance if this occurs. Articles / ads are not necessarily pre sanctioned by the Executive Committee. Closing date for submission of articles for next Revs by 20th July 2014. Email submissions to: [email protected], or post to P.O. Box 3523, South Brisbane, Qld, 4101 Happy Cruising! President’s Report June 2014 by Shane Krueger With the winter chills starting to close in on us at this time of the year, it was great to see the turnout for the run down to the Gold Coast (later in REVS). Unfortunately we could not as planed go to the RACQ Careflight facility as they were doing upgrades, and due to safety issues had to postpone our visit untill later in the year. Peter and Noeline did a great job on plan B at such short notice to organise another enjoyable day out. I have been in touch with the Rocklea Showground Society re: the issue of the hole in the ceiling that was caused by a contractor rewiring putting his foot through it as well as the step entrance at the front door and will be rectified as soon as all quotes are forwarded. Don’t forget Xmas in July 27 th and if all could bring something for the hamper to the value of $10 would be much appreciated. John Mills son David is making a great sacrifice to raise money for Beyond Blue by having his locks sheared after cultivating them for the last ten years. If you would like to support David in his quest to raise a significant total, go to his web page below the photo to make a donation. www.give.everydayhero.com/au/david-mills Wheels to the ground. 3 CLUB MEETINGS 2014 – put these in your calendar now 14th July Rocklea Showgrounds 11th August Rocklea Showgrounds 15th September Rocklea Showgrounds 13th October Rocklea Showgrounds 10th November Rocklea Showgrounds 8th December Rocklea Showgrounds June Club Meeting By Tineke Whitten De Meer Minutes of meeting: held 9th June 2014. Meeting opened at 7:36 pm chaired by Shane Krueger. Shane opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. Members present: 28 Apologies: John Gager, Donna Hinds Visitors: Kevin Robinson. Kevin has an EH, FJ and FX. The FJ is 90% complete and the FX is 100% complete and on the road. Secretary: Previous meetings minutes were from the May meeting. Shane called for any amendments. Nil to the record. Sue Ross moved that the minutes be accepted, seconded by Willy Hinds and passed by those present at meeting. Treasury: Dave Clark tabled the current bank balance. Peter Whalley moved that the statement be accepted, seconded by Morrey and passed by those present at meeting. Social/Run Coordinator: The Mini Humpy run was a great success. The trophy was handed over to the Mini Club as they had the most cars on the run. Peter is looking into setting a date for next year’s run. The suggested date is 17 th May 2015. Peter will keep talking with the Mini Club to get this date confirmed. Peter advised that the June run to the RACQ Care Flight HQ at the Gold Coast on 15 th June can’t proceed due to maintenance work being done on the hangar. This run will be scheduled for later in the year. Instead of going to RACQ HQ we will go to Shark Park for morning tea and then on to Tugun for lunch. Bring your own morning tea. Meet at the club room at 8.00 am for an 8.30 am departure. 4 The “Christmas in July” luncheon is scheduled for 27th July 2014. Meet at Colmsley Beach Reserve at 8.00am for an 8.30am departure to the club room. (Shane to confirm with Gary where the luncheon will be had). The August run will be on the Northside. Details still to be determined. Technical: Nil to report. Membership: Club membership numbers stand at 107 financial including 7 life members. Publications and Website: Please send your articles for the REVS to Shane or Doug. AEHF: Nil to report Rocklea Auto Roundup: Preparations are progressing. Swap Meet flyers have been printed and members are asked to hand out as many flyers as possible. QHMC: Vehicles over 30 years old being exported must have a permit. Apply at Department of Heritage Culture. Customs are checking on vehicles No further info on Public Liability Insurance. After 1st June 2014 seatbelts are mandatory in all imported vehicles from 1972. Dickie Seats: No kids under 7 years of age as passengers. Swap & Sell: Conducted, details in Swap Sell section. Raffle drawn and won: 1st Kevin Robinson 2nd Nathan Cremin 3rd Sue Ross 4th Peter McCarthy 5th Randy Smith 6th Tony Seitz 7th Bob Schofield General Business: Les Ross advised that the Redlands Museum has an FJ on show. Shane asked if someone could go and value a car for a lady in Toowoomba. Les Ross said he would do it. Shane to give contact details to Les. Pine Rivers Show is on 2nd August 2014. Other Business: Cooly Rocks: Randy said that it was very good. Shane is following up with Gary re the ceiling in the club room and the step at the front door which is rotted out. Laidley Spring Festival is on from 11th to 13th September 2014. Advise Peter Whalley if you intend to take your vehicle to the show so it can be put in the club magazine as a run. This will ensure you will be covered under concessional registration. An idea was discussed to include an Optional Run in the Club magazine, similar to what the Caboolture Car Club do. This run is generally organised on the day but participants are covered under the concessional registration. Members expressed concern. This idea needs to be discussed further to get some rules around it. Meeting Closed: Meeting closed at 8:25pm. Next meeting is on 14th July 2014. 5 Doug’s Ute Brake Upgrade by Doug Finch With the ute spitting out its left rear axle on a regular basis, I have been contemplating a new rear axle assembly, so I figured I might as well upgrade the brake system too – the brakes have always been adequate, but less so with towing in mind. Work has commenced on fitting a VL Commodore rear end, which is nice and strong, does not need to be shortened, and has bigger drum brakes (with an option to put discs on if desired). To keep up with that, HQ stub axles have been sourced for the front so I can keep the existing front end, but with HQ brakes which should pull it up nicely. HK steering arms make it all work properly, keeping the original steering geometry all good. Finally, an under tray mounted brake booster and twin system master cylinder is planned to replace the existing original FJ single system – much more efficient and safer. So hopefully over the coming months some progress will be made on returning the ute to the road, in an improved form, and that handles towing duties more comfortably. HQ vs HR, HQ on right yes it is bigger! Cooly Rocks On First mock up of the HQ stubs and brakes, looks good so far! by Doug Finch Humpie pics from Coolies: Continues on page 14 6 FX FJ HOLDEN CLUB OF QLD INC PO Box 3523 South Brisbane 4101 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL APPLICATION 2014/15 I hereby apply for renewal of my membership to the FX-FJ Holden Club of Qld Inc. and include the annual membership fee of $50.00 per family. Annual membership fees due before 1st July 2014. Membership Financial Year is from 1 st July to 30th June. Payments maybe made as a direct deposit to BSB 034077 Account # 203004 with your name as reference. NAME…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ADDRESS…………………………………………………………………………………...Post Code………... Email address………………………………….Phone…………………….Mobile……………….…………… Please Advise by circling Y/N on the following do you want; (1) Club Newsletter “REV’S” to be sent by email (this saves the club postage & printing) (2) Phone number available to other members? (Committee Only) (Please circle one) (3) Your Business to be included for other members to access from our web site? (If you circled Yes, Incl business card, or attach information) (4) Access to the proposed web page of business of other members? (Your password) (5) To assist in driving other member’s in their vehicles from time to time? Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Current information on your Vehicle (year, type, registration, colour, modifications (if any) Year:………………Model:………………………….Body type……………………………………………. Registration #...............................Concessional Registration Y/N… Renewal Date………………………… Colour Exterior:……………….…………Interior……………………………….Stock…………………….. Improved Stock (Please list improvements)……………….…………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………….……………………………………………….. Modified (Please list modifications)………………….……………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………. Dated………………………………….Applicants Signature…………………….………………………….. NB: All Club Concession registrations are to be ratified by the Dating Officer (Club President) as per the rules of the Club. When re-applying to join the Club as a current member and wanting to change to Concession registration, please identify this in your application renewal documentation. 7 Currumbin Run 15/06/14 by Jill Manganaro Well the morning started with us not being 1/2 an hour early for a change, it was a bit cool with me getting a razzing from everyone for not having a jacket on “well it was warm in the car!” Kel showed us his Belly in his usual sense of humour and colour sense!!!! “Blue and green should never be seen except for something in between! Whoops should have got a picture of that! We had an amazing roll up of 28 members and partners and I think about 15 Humpies and a few others, at least they came and joined the fun, and this was yet another well organized outing by Peter and Noeline. The run down to morning tea with some beautiful scenery, and seeing the parade of Humpies in front of us was a real treat. 8 Morning tea saw us at another lovely spot at Cunnungra with another array of great home-made treats for morning tea. From there we went on to Currumbin via Murwillumbah and the Gold coast Hinterland and yet another treat of the most fantastic scenery, a few hiccups for us tailenders, as we got separated from the rest but it ended well and we had a great lunch cooked on faithful old Chuckie, 9 The best thing about these runs is not only taking out our cars but the friendship and companionship so please if your cars off the road don't let it put you off from going on the runs as you miss out on so much. Well that's it from me, looking forward to the Christmas in July on the 27th. Upcoming Outings JULY: Sunday 27th July. AUGUST: North side – details TBA 10 For all your automotive, mechanical, Upholstery, Insurance, parts, Accounting, new cars etc. Please consider using our GM Roundup partners who support us. Major Sponsor Gold Sponsors 11 Silver Sponsors Bronze Sponsors 12 General Information for Club Runs Runs to meet at 8:00 a.m. and depart 8:30 a.m. unless otherwise specified. Runs will usually be the first Sunday after the Monday Meeting unless otherwise specified. Runs will meet at the designated points as listed below of North, South and West; unless otherwise specified. Fish and Chip runs will be decided at each meeting with someone to organize the run, venue and booking. Meet at Meadowlands Park, Carina, on the last Saturday of the month, 5 pm meet for 5:30 p.m. departure (unless otherwise stated). Meeting Points North side BP Morayfield (Caravan Parking Bay) on the Bruce Highway, Morayfield, approximately 5Km past Burpengary on the left UBD Map 58 K18. Southside The Shell Service Station, on Distillery Road, just past the Beenleigh Rum Distillery, on M1 to Gold Coast, Exit 35 second exit from roundabout on service road. If missed take the Jacobs Well (Exit 38) and take the first, sharp left to service road and back to the Shell Service Station UBD Map 284 N6. Westside Truck rest stop at Dinmore. Take the Gatton - Toowoomba (Left) exit off the Ipswich Motorway at Dinmore onto the Warrego Highway (A2) and follow up over rail-bridge and down to truck stop on left, approximately 200 m before the Bremer River Bridge; UBD Map 214 M3. Run Policies and Etiquette….. by Donna Hinds / Les Ross Run participants are: 1. To ensure that their vehicle has adequate fuel to reach the destination or the next planned fuel stop. Run departures will not be delayed for those vehicles needing last minute fuel; there is always ample time before departure time to refuel. 2. Urged to be on time for the commencement of the run, 8am for 8.30 means be there at 8am, have a chat, refuel, go the toilet, get a coffee and be ready for the run coordinators instructions. Should a member be running behind, or wishing to join the run en-route please contact the run coordinator long before run commencement time. 3. Urged to keep together wherever possible, particularly in built up areas. The leader will pull over where safe and wait for everyone to get through lights etc. 4. To keep a eye out for the vehicle behind and shall slow down or stop so they can catch up before taking the next turn, if this is done then the Run Coordinator would slow, and if required stop. 5. Not permitted to overtake the designated run leader. However members may move about in the group, overtaking when safe and legal. 6. To keep to approximately 50 meters behind the vehicle in front where safe and practical, this allows other traffic room to pass and lets the driver in front know that you are having no problems. 7. Encouraged to remain with the group until the agreed point at the end of the event. This also applies to static displays such as car shows etc. 8. Encouraged to carry a small portable UHF CB radio and set it to Channel 20. Such radios are relatively inexpensive, and have ranges varying from around one to five kilometers. Have a spare set of batteries in the glove box. They are invaluable and a medium by which to keep informed about what is going on, and to let the group know if you have become separated or broken down. They are also very good in areas where mobile phones do not work. Run coordinators are: 1. To provide a drivers briefing prior to departure for the run. 2. To lead the run, keeping to approximately 10km/h under the speed limit where possible (slowing down if vehicle behind is out of sight). 3. Provide the address of each stopping point, to allow those that may get lost the chance to catch up. 13 Up Coming Swap Meets & Shows July 6th July 6th July 13th July 20th July 20th Jul 20th Aug 30th Sep 14th Sep 27th-28th Sep 28th Nov 8th-9th Oct 19th Muscle On The Mountain All American Day RACQ Motorfest All Ford Day Chev Super Sunday Original Gold Coast Swap Jimboomba Auto Ex & Swap Beaudesert Swap Historic Commercial Vehicle Assoc. Truck Show Rocklea Roundup Gold Coast Autorama Corey Lawson Memorial Car Show Maleny Showgrounds Lakeside Eagle Farm Racecourse Willowbank. Rocklea Showgrounds Mudgeeraba MacLean Bridge Beaudesert Gatton Showgrounds N/A on Facebook 1800 RACERS Ph: 07 38728696 Ph: 0414 351510 Ph: 0421 089000 Ph: 07 55637541 Ph: 07 33419618 Ph: 07 55449230 Ph: 07 55467050 Rocklea Gold Coast Tewantin Ph: 07 38801792 Ph: 07 55771787 Ph: 0417 843227 For Sale / Wanted Please ensure all WANTED and FOR SALE ads are placed by email to [email protected] before the deadline for each issue of REVS. All current lister’s of items for sale / wanted PLEASE CONFIRM BY EMAIL BEFORE THE 20TH OF EACH MONTH OR AT THE CLUB MEETING THAT YOU WANT YOU AD TO REMAIN FOR THE FOLLOWING MONTH. If I don’t hear anything, I will assume you want your ad removed! This is to try and keep the ads listing manageable, thanks for your cooperation in this. A price must be given for items for sale if it is to go on the Club Website. Please ensure you include current contact details when placing an Ad. Wanted: Wanted: FJ Camping Seat. Contact Peter Dofter on 0412 810 019 or 3808 5958. Cooly Rocks On (cont from page 6) Continues page 15 14 Cooly Rocks On (cont from page 6) 15 16 Jokes Page Bad day? That’s not a bad day … THIS is a bad day! 17 Random Holden Stuff from the internet! This month’s theme … stock! 18