CITY OF CAMDENTON 437 West U.S. Highway 54 Camdenton, MO 65020 573/346-3600 FAX 573/346-2926 Website: www.camdentoncity.com NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING DATE/TIME POSTED ON THE CITY HALL BULLETIN BOARD: 01/15/2016 @ 3:00 PM Notice is hereby given that the Camdenton Board of Aldermen will meet in Regular Session as follows: TENTATIVE AGENDA REGULAR SESSION JANUARY 19, 2016 – 7:00 PM CITY HALL – 437 WEST U.S. HIGHWAY 54 *** Note: Please be courteous - your cell phone should be turned off or on a silent tone only*** 1. CALL TO ORDER Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 5, 2016 REGULAR SESSION 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS 4. PRESENTATIONS/CITIZENS PARTICIPATION (Under Citizens Participation -Citizens present and not otherwise listed on the Agenda are permitted an opportunity to address the Board of Aldermen) 5. CITY ADMINISTRATOR REPORT 6. REPORTS FROM DEPARTMENTS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES A. Police Department - Chief Laura Wright B. Public Works Department - Director Bill Jeffries C. Administration – City Clerk Renée Kingston D. Airport – Lake Aviation Center E. Building Department – Director Dennis Croxton F. Fire Department – Chief Drew Stark G. Parks & Recreation – Director Larry Bennett 7. RESOLUTIONS - None 8. BILLS REQUIRING SECOND AND FINAL READING - None 9. INTRODUCTION AND FIRST READING OF BILLS A. Bill No. 2613-16 – An Ordinance Amending the Code of the City of Camdenton, Title V: Building Code; Chapter 500: Building Code; Section 500.050: Penalties and Appeals; Chapter 505: Fire Prevention Code; Section 505.050: Penalties and Appeals and Adding New Chapter 501: Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals B. Bill No. 2614-16 – An Ordinance Amending the Code of the City of Camdenton, Title II: Public Health, Safety and Welfare; Chapter 2015: Nuisances; Section 215.040: Burning Garbage and Waste 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None City of Camdenton Tentative Agenda January 19, 2016 Page 2 11. NEW BUSINESS A. Destroy Police Records 12. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS - None 13. CLOSED SESSION - None 14. ADJOURNMENT TO INCLUDE ALL OTHER MATTERS THAT MAY COME BEFORE THE BOARD FOR CONSIDERATION Complete copies of Resolutions and Ordinances are posted at City Hall and on website at www.camdentoncity.com/document_center (Board Agenda Packet) for review. Accommodations will be made for persons with disabilities-contact the City Clerk 24 hours prior to meeting 2 C IT Y OF CAMD E NT O N REGULAR SESSION MINUTES JANUARY 5, 2015 - 7:00 PM CITY HALL - 437 WEST U.S. HIGHWAY 54 The Board of Aldermen of the City of Camdenton, met in Regular Session this 5 day of January 2016, City Hall, 437 West U.S. Highway 54, Camdenton, Missouri, with Mayor John McNabb presiding. A copy of the Tentative Agenda, Minutes of the December 15, 2015 meeting, Resolutions and Ordinances were posted on the City Hall bulletin board on Thursday, December 31, 2015 and forwarded to members of the media requesting same. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor McNabb called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The following members of the Board of Aldermen were present: Dan Hagedorn, Gary Shepherd, Sandy Osborn, Gerry Rector, and Steve Eden. Absent: Sandy Gentry. Appointed officials present included: City Administrator Jeff Hancock, City Attorney Phil Morgan, City Clerk Renée Kingston, Police Chief Laura Wright, Public Works Director Bill Jeffries, and Park Director Larry Bennett. Guests registering their attendance are listed on the sign in sheet attached to and made a part of the Minutes. Prayer was led by Mayor McNabb followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 15, 2015 REGULAR SESSION Alderman Hagedorn moved, seconded by Alderman Shepherd to approve the minutes of the December 15, 2015 Regular Session. Call for vote: All those present voted in favor of the motion. Absent: Gentry 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS – None 4. PRESENTATIONS/CITIZENS PARTICIPATION A. Proclamation – Law Enforcement Appreciation Day – January 9, 2016 Mayor McNabb presented the Blue Light Project Proclamation to Dianne Bernhard, Executive Director of Concerns of Police Survivors along with Michael and Judy Carlson who spearheaded the blue light project in our local community. Mrs Carlson also shared her passion and reasoning behind the project and read a poem. 5. CITY ADMINISTRATOR REPORT Mr. Hancock had nothing additional to add to his written report. 6. REPORTS FROM DEPARTMENTS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES – None 7. RESOLUTIONS - None 8. SECOND AND FINAL READING OF BILLS 9. INTRODUCTION AND FIRST READING OF BILLS A. Bill No. 2611-16 – An Ordinance Providing for Submission of a Proposal to Discontinue Application and Collection of the Local Sales Tax on the Titling of Motor Vehicles, Trailers, Boats, and Outboard Motors that were Purchased from a Source Other Than a Licensed Missouri Dealer to the Qualified Voters of the City for their Approval at the General Election Called and to be Held in the City on April 5, 2016 City of Camdenton Page |1 Minutes January 5, 2016 Alderman Eden moved, seconded by Alderman Osborn to introduce Bill 2611-16 for the first reading as presented, by title only. Bill read by title. Discussion followed. Roll call vote: Aye: Hagedorn, Shepherd, Osborn, Rector, and Eden; No: None; Abstain: None; Absent: Gentry. Alderman Shepherd moved, seconded by Alderman Osborn that Bill No. 2612-16 receive the second and final reading as presented, by title only and be duly passed and approved. Discussion followed. Bill read by title. Roll call vote: Aye: Eden, Rector, Osborn, Shepherd, Hagedorn; No: None; Abstain: None; Absent: Gentry. Ordinance No. 2572-16 assigned. B. Bill No. 2612-16 – An Ordinance Granting an Electric Utility Right of Way Easement to Laclede Electric Cooperative, Inc for the Perpetual Right to Enter upon City Property Described as the Camdenton City Park, to Construct, Reconstruct and Maintain Electric Service Alderman Osborn moved, seconded by Alderman Eden to introduce Bill 2612-16 for the first reading as presented, by title only. Bill read by title. Discussion followed. Roll call vote: Aye: Hagedorn, Eden, Shepherd, Rector and Osborn; No: None; Abstain: None; Absent: Gentry. Alderman Hagedorn moved, seconded by Alderman Shepherd that Bill No. 2612-16 receive the second and final reading as presented, by title only and be duly passed and approved. Discussion followed. Bill read by title. Roll call vote: Aye: Rector, Osborn, Shepherd, Eden and Hagedorn; No: None; Abstain: None; Absent: Gentry. Ordinance No. 2573-16 assigned. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None 11. NEW BUSINESS A. Terminate Lease on Hangar I-3 and Hangar H-2 Alderman Osborn moved, seconded by Alderman Eden to approve the request for early termination of lease of Hangar I-3 and Hangar H-2 at the Camdenton Memorial-Lake Regional Airport. Call for vote: All those present voted in favor of the motion. Absent: Gentry 12. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS - None 13. INVOICES/PAY REQUESTS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT Alderman Hagedorn moved, seconded by Alderman Shepherd to approve the monthly bills and prepaid vouchers as submitted. Call for vote: All those present voted in favor of the motion. Absent: Gentry 14. CLOSED SESSION - None 15. ADJOURNMENT Being no further business to consider, Alderman Hagedorn moved, seconded by Alderman Osborn that the meeting be adjourned. Call for vote: All those present voted in favor of the motion. Absent: Gentry. Meeting adjourned at 7:18 PM. Minutes by Renée Kingston ATTEST: ______________________________ Renée Kingston, City Clerk, MRCC-C City of Camdenton Page |2 Minutes _____________________________ John D. McNabb, Mayor January 5, 2016 CITY OF CAMDENTON WELCOME! PLEASE SIGN IN January 5, 2016 7:00 p.m. ***If you wish to address the Board of Aldennen, please fill out a "Speaker Card" and hand it to the City Clerk Telephone # or e-mail address Name (Printed) 1 2 3 jl/;d;17a;./ :iJIN. cA ;t/,Yt>?/ t'° , --,t? ;/;ttfhS __.> I 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 (~{r/J._: 7 If- I\ v IJ/v' 1 / ~"1"/ *"~l/ - 9i!J../h 1 City Administrator Report The Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board of Aldermen City of Camdenton, Missouri January 14, 2016 Letter No. 16-001 SUBJECT: City Administrator Report Dear Mayor and Board Members: The following City Adm inistrator Report, while respectfully submitted to the Camdenton Mayor and Board of Aldermen, is provided and available to the general public, media, friends, and fellow coworkers to inform them of some City projects and activities. I am a believer in the "Leadership Challenge" program. It notes that everyone in our organization is a leader and that everyone can improve their leadership skills. It also notes that research shows that the following are five trainable traits of a great leader: Inspire a Shared Vision Challenge the Process Enable Others to Act Encourage the Heart Model the Way "Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be." - Ralph Waldo Emerson The above information centers on the leader's trait of "Encourage the Heart". January 19, 2015 BOARD OF ALDERMEN MEETING Unless there are questions, I do not plan on discussing the other items within this written CA Report at this meeting. Comprehensive Plan Update "Destination Camdenton" Will Soon Conclude The final stages of the update of the City's Comprehensive Plan will soon conclude. The following are the final steps for completion and adoption: 2 • • • • • City Staff is now reviewing the final draft content of the Comp Plan. The final meeting of the Steering Committee will take place on Monday, January 25 at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall. The final Public Forum on the new Comprehensive Plan will take place on Tuesday, January, 26, 2016 at the Mid County Fire District Building in Camdenton, MO. The Planning Commission will meet at 6:00 p.m. on March 8, 2016, and will hold a public hearing and hopefully adopt by resolution the new Comprehensive Plan. The Board of Alderman should receive a supporting approval resolution at your March 15, 2016 Board meeting. Capital Improvement Projects Notice to bidders went out on the Tennis Court and Clint Avenue/Hazelwood Project. Bid openings on both projects should be received on February 9. We are waiting on MODOT and the Federal Government to approve the specifications and paperwork on the East 54 Sidewalk projects before we can bid out the project. Recent City Administrator Activities, Meetings and Events The week of January 4 included a meeting with the Parks Director on Monday and a Tuesday meeting with the Fire Chief. I also attended a Council of Local Governments TAC meeting in Eldon. The Technical Advisory Committee is the group that makes recommendation on MO DOT on both future and maintenance projects in the four county area. That Tuesday was also our first twice a month Board of Aldermen meeting. Wednesday morning, January 6 I attended two separate radio interviews with Coyote Radio 107.4 and KRMS 97.5 Talk Radio. Wednesday at noon was a Rotary meeting which was followed by our Department Director's meeting. Thursday I was invited and spoke to the Camden Leadership program on economic development. That evening I attended the Parks Board and gave a presentation on the upcoming City Comprehensive Plan and the status of our proposed Community Center Building. Friday morning I had a doctor's appointment and then tried to catch up on some paper work. That Friday evening and on Saturday I attended Missouri Cattlemen's Association Annual Conference at Tan Tara A During the week of January 11 on Monday afternoon I traveled to Jefferson City for a doctor's appointment. The week continued with a meeting with Department Directors (Bill, Laura, and Drew) and Aldermen Eden on the need to upgrade our communication system with a new tower and repeater system. The Planning and Zoning Commission also met that evening and received an update on the last phase of the process and a briefing from the City Administrator on their responsibilities for adoption. Wednesday the Mayor and I met with our airport engineer Brian Garkie and presented some offers with airport property owners whose properties are needed for the runway extension. Brian and I also met with Bill Jeffries and toured the Ginnings house that we purchased out at the Airport. Brian and I attended Rotary at lunch and then met with Dave Krehbiel and discussed the Airport runway extension grading plan and how it relates to our Airport Business Park. Early Thursday morning I gave my monthly economic development presentation to the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and then attended and participated in a Heart Saver Training (CPR) training course. Upcoming City Administrator Activities, Meetings, and Events The week of January 18 includes a meeting with the Parks Director on Monday and attendance at the Lake Ozark Council of Local Government Board meeting on Tuesday. I also plan to meet with 3 the Fire Chief that Tuesday afternoon and then attend our second monthly Board of Aldermen meeting that evening. Wednesday January 20 includes a Rotary meeting and then our Department Director's meeting that afternoon. I may drive up to Columbia Wednesday evening for the beginning of the Winter Annual Missouri City Manager's conference but will skip the Tuesday session and be back to attend the Thursday morning Annual LOREDC Membership Meeting from 8:00 a.m. to 11 :30 a.m. at the Seven Springs Winery Rehearsal Hall. Friday January 22 includes a presentation on the market analysis portion of the Lake of the Ozarks Recreational Facilities Feasibility Study by Bill Krueger from CSL International on from 9:00 a.m. to noon at the Quail's Nest Hotel in Osage Beach. The week of January 25 includes a City Safety Committee meeting Monday morning and the final meeting of the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee that evening at City Hall at 5:30 p.m. The final Public Forum on the new Comprehensive Plan will take place on Tuesday, January, 26 at 5:30 p.m. at the Mid County Fire District Building in Camdenton. Wednesday is Rotary again and Friday, January 29 is a Joint Eggs and Issues Breakfast from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. at the Lake Valley Country Club. As always, if there are questions or you need additional information for this upcoming Board of Aldermen meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time. Memorandum January 12, 2016 To: From: Subject: Jeff Hancock, City Administrator Laura Wright, Chief of Police Update on Activities Here is a summary of enforcement efforts and other activities by the Police Department. STATISTICS & ENFORCEMENT SUMMARY Call for Service ITI Reports Motor Veh Crashes Dec 2015 509 56 10 Dec 2014 425 53 11 YTD Dec 2015 6,516 761 191 YTD Dec 2014 6,323 646 143 DWI Arrests Traffic Arrests Traffic w/MVC Citv Arrests State Misd & Felony Warrant Arrests 1 32 2 23 13 11 3 63 7 32 16 16 35 817 96 365 197 124 26 781 110 253 142 120 Animal Control Property Maint. 11 3 5 8 142 158 148 167 As I analyze the stats for this month and year end, I would add the following notes: • As you can see, officers have been very busy and most of the stats are up. • MVC for 2015: Crashes are up from 2014 but are still down 28% from 2006 (9 yrs) • OWi's for 2015: 63% had BA at least double legal limit or refused; 23% had a prior DWI PROGRAMS & OTHER SERVICES Child Seat Program: 0 seat inspected, O seat distributed; Public Relations: Dec 5 - Christmas on Square; Dec 10 - People's First meeting Lock Outs: Staff assisted 31 people last month. (3 Year Average - 30 per month) Public Relation Contacts: We made 27 contacts with area businesses last month. School Resource Officer Program: SRO's handled 8 incidents at school last month. ORDINANCES, POLICIES & PROCEDURES Nothing to report PERSONNEL & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION Personnel: • Clerk Vacancy: Position remains vacant; Schierding on light duty and assisting. Employee Recognition: • Appreciate Your Efforts Memo: No additional information. • Employee of Quarter & Year: Nominations will be open until Jan 151h. • Letter of Commendation: No additional information. MEETINGS: Here is information on meetings or special events last month that we attended: • • • • Dec2 Dec 3 Dec 16 Dec 17 Project Blue Light - Planning Mtg Tum Key Mobile-Technology Mobile Data Terminals Project Blue Light - Planning Mtg Dogwood Elementary - Attendance Awards GRANTS MODOT Overtime Grant for Hazardous Moving Violations: • 15/16 Grant: We have $1,250 for overtime; grant runs Oct 1 2015 to Sep 30, 2016 • Officers worked 12 hrs for the Holiday DWI Enforcement (Dec 18 - Jan 3) • Next enforcement dates: Feb 19 - Occupant Protection SPECIAL EVENTS OR ACTIVITIES Project Blue Light: Mayor McNabb signed a proclamation at the Council Meeting Jan 51h for Law Enforcement Appreciation Day on Jan 9. Mic & Judy Carlson and COPS organized a local program Project Blue Light encouraging our community to display blue lights to show support for law enforcement from Jan g•h for 30 days. Chris Edgar & CSI kids handed out bulbs at a ballgame Jan 7 and Carlson's & Stradt handed out bulbs at Wal-Mart Jan 81h. Public works put blue lights in the trees at the square and bushes at City Hall. There are still some bulbs available at the PD, Chamber and each sponsor was given a small supply as well. GENERAL Disposal of Older Records: Adm. Assist. Shadrick has prepared a memo recommending disposal of older PD records, pursuant to the requirements by Missouri Municipal Retention Manual. (see action order attached) Peace Officers Standards & Training Change Training Requirements: POST has made several changes to the continuing education training requirements for police officers. (see memo attached) Monthly Staff Memo: Topics for the memo this month are as follows • Safety topic: Article "Trials & Tribulations of Modem Day Policing" discusses concerning views by society toward law enforcement and how important it is for each of us to try to look for a positive in every call to positively impact this image. • PD Topic: Advised officers of Project Blue Light & Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, two local efforts to show appreciation for law enforcement. Department Goals for 2015: • Improve Response to Mental Health: We made considerable progress in this area. We had in house training on the issue, three officers are certified in Critical Incident Training (CIT), we improved our working relationship with Pathways and our Community Liaison and Bithell prepared a book for each patrol car with "resource" information for officers to hand out We hope to continue working in this area; see below. • Improve Timeliness of Reports/Investigations: We were able to decrease the number of cases pending approval and made some progress to decreasing the time for completion. It will still need to be monitored as the work load on officers continues to increase leaving less time but more reports to get done. Department Goals for 2016: • POST Training: This new goal will have three primary components o Comply with new training requirements by POST. Hours increased, counting period changed from 3 years to annually and new core areas were added. o Improve Response to Mental Health: Mental health was included in the new POST training requirements and we would still like to establish a local CIT team . o Improve Response to Critical Incidents: Increase training for de-escalation techniques, crisis management, critical thinking and social intelligence • Improve Timeliness of Reports / Investigations: o Continue to streamline reports in hopes of decreasing time for completion and identifying weak areas to improve efficiency and increase quality. o Staff will begin gathering additional information to prepare for Missouri Incident Based Reporting System (MIBRS) requirements coming soon. o Evaluate ways to improve investigations (additional training, evaluate best use I scheduling and/or level of staff for bigger investigations) Training: The following training was completed last month: • Clerk Stradt was re-certified for MULES when she attended the mandatory Terminal Agency Coordinator meeting Dec 4th at Missouri State Highway Patrol. • Officer Wilson attended a training course Dec 6th for Building Search & Domestic Violence. Annual or Periodic Activities: Some tasks completed by staff recently are as follows: • POST: Chief Wright confirmed POST list of officers is current (required by RSMo) • Ribbon Program: Several ribbons were issued at the staff mtg in Dec. • SOP Airport: The information lists for this policy were updated in Dec. Att: Action Report - Dispose PD records Memo - Changes in POST training requirements Memorandum January 11, 2016 To: From: Subject: Jeff Hancock, City Administrator Laura Wright, Chief of Police Changes in Training Requirements by POST I wanted to advise you of some changes in continuing education requirements by Peace Officers Standards & Training (POST) for officers and the impact it will have. POST is the state organization that regulates law enforcement officers, including their initial certification and continuing education requirements. POST made changes to the training requirements that become effective January 2017. The basic changes are as follows: Hours Required & Counting Period: Hours required was changed from 48 hours every 3 years (an average of 16 per year) to 24 hours every year. Instead of reporting the training to POST every three years, we will have to track and report annually. Core Areas: The four core areas remain the same: Legal, Technical, Interpersonal, Firearms I Skill. The requirement will change from 4 hours in each core area every three years (16 hrs in 3 yrs) to 2 hours every year in each core area. (2 hrs x 4 core areas= 8 hr each yr) Specific Requirements: In the past, officers had to meet two specific requirements every 3 years: 3 hours for racial profiling and 4 hours in firearms. (7 hours over a 3 yr period) This will change to two hours for four specific requirements every year: Officer Wellbeing, Fair & Impartial Policing, Mental Health, Tactical Training, De-Escalation, Crisis Management, Critical Thinking. (8 hours specifically required every year) Source of Training: In the past, 24 of the 48 hours must come from "Approved Provider" which gave us flexibility for the other 24 hours. Starting 2017, 8 of the 24 hours must be from an "Approved Provider". We can use "In House training" for the rest but the training must be POST approved & have control number. Impact: At first glance, it sounds like more training for law enforcement officers is a good thing . I agree - officers will be more professional and better prepared to handle calls however with any change, there are always pro's & con's. • • • More training hours for officers results in less time for officers to do their job. They are already stressed to get everything done and you can see our calls and workload increased significantly in 2015. More training hours will result in more training cost, either by sending officers to training by an approved provider or staff dedicating more time to preparing POST approved courses to instruct our staff in house. Annual reporting requirement will require more diligent oversight of training hours to assure officers meet not only the total hours required but all the specific requirements as well every year. If not, officer can be placed on probation or suspended. We have been working the last two years to maximize our training budget and worked to increase in house training. We will continue to evaluate options with the new training requirements. January 19,2016 MAYOR AND BOARD OF ALDERMEN MEETING Public Works Monthly Report WATER We had 89 calls for service this month. The department repaired 1 water main. The department continues to clean sewer mains, read and repair water meters. The Lake Rd sewer is being pumped 3 times a week. STREET The department took down the Christmas decorations and put up the blue lights for the PD. The employees cleaned ditches and culverts after the heavy rains. We plowed for approximately 7 hours during the blizzard of 2016. January 19, 2016 Bill Jeffries, Director of Public Works ACTUAL SALES TAX RECEIPTS COMPARISON REPORT FOR FISCAL YEARS 2014, 2015 & 2016 GENERAL FUND OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER TOTALS $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 13-14 125,509.08 96,542.55 131,064.52 126,704.89 111,261.18 115,085.83 106,061.86 109,012.70 130,633.20 162,945.18 107,753.06 175,775.71 $ 1,498,349.76 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 14-15 132,866.59 106,843.16 144,399.36 125,041.31 114,108.30 130,377.48 116,326.48 96,255.23 143,953.49 149,575.50 110,858.40 182,545.84 $ 1,553,151.14 $ $ $ $ 15-16 137,764.29 101,790.23 156,010.59 123,091.06 TRANSPORTATION % of Difference 3.69% -4.73% 8.04% -1.56% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% $ 518,656.17 13-14 62,071.00 46,668.40 65,214.11 61,587.03 54,210.66 55,356.51 50,767.48 51,830.05 64,353.67 80,810.72 52,858.24 87,060.85 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 14-15 65,505.14 52,007.38 71,137.29 61,240.58 55,419.75 63,745.31 55,769.16 46,446.69 71,795.45 74,678.08 55,045.12 91,196.71 $ 732,788.72 $ 763,986.66 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 15-16 68,734.33 50,337.03 77,726.47 61,324.05 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT % of Difference 4.93% -3.21% 9.26% 0.14% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% $ 258,121.88 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 13-14 62,754.64 48,271.11 65,532.32 63,352.59 55,630.57 57,542.95 52,996.30 54,506.58 65,316.74 81,472.62 53,876.50 87,887.74 $ 749,140.66 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 14-15 66,433.37 53,421.82 72,199.74 62,520.77 57,054.16 65,188.63 58,128.01 48,127.82 71,967.19 74,787.68 55,429.33 91,272.98 $ 776,531.50 $ $ $ $ 15-16 68,882.05 50,895.12 78,005.34 61,545.77 % of Difference 3.69% -4.73% 8.04% -1.56% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% $ 259,328.28 Percentage of increase over last year October November December January February March April May June July August September 2014-2015 $132,866.59 $106,843.16 $144,399.36 $125,041.31 2015-2016 $137,764.29 $101,790.23 $156,010.59 $123,091.06 $509,150.42 $518,656.17 2014-2015 $65,505.14 $52,007.38 $71,137.29 $61,240.58 2015-2016 $68,734.33 $50,337.03 $77,726.47 $61,324.05 $249,890.39 $258,121.88 2014-2015 $66,433.37 $53,421.82 $72,199.74 $62,520.77 2015-2016 $68,882.05 $50,895.12 $78,005.34 $61,545.77 $254,575.70 $259,328.28 July August September Y-T-D Totals 1.87% 3.29% 1.87% Cumulative Sales Tax Comparison 1% General Sales Tax $1,800,000.00 $1,600,000.00 $1,400,000.00 2012-2013 $1,200,000.00 2013-2014 $1,000,000.00 2014-2015 $800,000.00 $600,000.00 $400,000.00 $200,000.00 $- 2015-2016 STATEMENT OF CASH BALANCES AS OF December 31, 2015 TIME DEPT CHECKING BALANCES DEPOSITS CD'S 30 DAY CD GENERAL FUND $ 63,903.10 $ 400,000.00 $ 1,250,000.00 WATER & SEWER $ 171,631.60 $ 550,000.00 $ 1,000,000.00 WATER METER DEPOSIT $ 2,303.60 $ SINKING FUND $ 91,367.16 $ 46,000.00 TRANSPORTATION $ 201,840.09 $ 300,000.00 $ 2,050,000.00 VETERAN'S MONUMENT DONATION $ 386.00 SPECIAL ROAD DISTRICT $ 34,749.34 $ 325,000.00 $ SPECIAL REVENUE-CAPITAL IMP $ 152,376.25 $ 425,000.00 $ 850,000.00 - $ 97,000.00 - 1,558,493.10 SP REV-RECREATION/COMMUNITY CD SPECIAL ALLOCATION FUND $ 1,011.94 $ - $ - TOTAL GENERAL ACCOUNT $ 719,569.08 $ 2,046,000.00 $ 6,805,493.10 PERPETUAL FUND CEMETERY $ $ 616.84 231.78 $ $ 29,000.00 $ 136,660.00 $ - TOTAL CEMETERY $ 848.62 $ 29,000.00 $ 136,660.00 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT $ 246.54 $ 70,000.00 $ TOTAL ALL ACCOUNTS $ 720,664.24 $ 2,145,000.00 - $ 6,942,153.10 CITY OF CAMDENTON FINANCIAL STATEMENT SUMMARY AS OF: December 31, 2015 Current Period 208,607.32 98,457.44 146,915.22 7,154.48 78,173.81 58.10 19.54 539,385.91 Y-T-D Actual $ 541,996.80 $ 312,748.77 $ 397,396.24 $ 21,025.65 $ 199,295.23 $ $ 74.44 $ 59.03 $ 1,472,596.16 % of Budget 23.85% 24.61% 20.55% 45.31% 23.04% Budget Balance $ 1,730,750.20 $ 958,041.23 $ 1,536,028.76 $ 25,374.35 $ 665,747.77 $ 4.33% $ 1,643.56 0.27% $ 21,410.97 22.97% $ 4,938,996.84 REVENUE SUMMARY General Fund Water/Sewer Fund Transportation Fund Special Road Fund Special Revenue Fund Special Allocation Fund Cemetery Fund Economic Development Fund REVENUE TOTALS Budget $ 2,272,747.00 $ 1,270,790.00 $ 1,933,425.00 $ 46,400.00 $ 865,043.00 $ $ 1,718.00 $ 21,470.00 $ 6,411,593.00 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY General Fund Administration Police Fire C.O.P. 2003/2004 General Fund Totals Budget Current Period Y-T-D Actual $ 541,266.00 $ 1,252,189.00 $ 360,185.00 $ 176,238.00 $ 2,329,878.00 $ 57,695.18 $ 126,907.09 $ 43,000.03 $ 17,167.67 $ 244,769.97 $ 138,887.25 $ 308,787.30 $ 71,208.52 $ 17,167.67 $ 536,050.74 25.66% 24.66% 19.77% 9.74% 23.01% $ 574,890.00 $ 683,073.00 $ 1,257,963.00 $ 47,246.11 $ 182,151.65 $ 229,397.76 $ 114,241.57 $ 257,197.00 $ 371,438.57 19.87% $ 460,648.43 37.65% $ 425,876.00 29.53% $ 886,524.43 Transportation Fund Street $ 1,255,492.00 Airport $ 711,094.00 Transportation Fund Totals $ 1,966,586.00 $ $ $ $ 137,678.58 $ 97,613.90 $ 235,292.48 10.97% $ 1,117,813.42 13.73% $ 613,480.10 11.96% $ 1,731,293.52 Special Road Fund $ 300,157.00 $ Special Revenue Fund Capital Improvements $ 713,238.00 Parks & Recreation $ 386,047.00 Special Revenue Fund Totals$ 1,099,285.00 $ $ $ Cemetery Fund Water/Sewer Fund Water O & M Sewer O & M Water/Sewer Fund Totals $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 64,544.77 22,917.87 87,462.64 - 40,687.00 21,887.09 62,574.09 $ % of Budget Budget Balance $ 402,378.75 $ 943,401.70 $ 288,976.48 $ 159,070.33 $ 1,793,827.26 16,587.85 5.53% $ 283,569.15 $ 151,443.14 $ 49,395.67 $ 200,838.81 21.23% $ 561,794.86 12.80% $ 336,651.33 18.27% $ 898,446.19 $ 7,252.00 $ - $ Economic Development Fund$ 21,395.00 $ 500.00 $ 1,610.00 0.00% $ 7,252.00 7.53% $ 19,785.00 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 1 10 -GENERAL FUND FINANCIAL SUMMARY ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REVENUE SUMMARY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - SALES TAX FRANCHISE TAX LICENSES/PERMITS MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT FINES/FEE/FORFEITURES INTEREST GRANTS SALES & SERVICE TRANSFERS *** TOTAL REVENUES *** 1,587,780.00 208,800.00 52,200.00 10,000.00 96,300.00 6,300.00 115,500.00 19,629.00 176,238.00 156,010.59 13,955.07 3,093.40 537.66 4,650.31 133.46 14,447.33 1,092.50 14,687.00 395,565.11 39,443.95 6,823.90 1,542.13 22,221.86 1,654.41 27,406.94 3,277.50 44,061.00 24.91 18.89 13.07 15.42 23.08 26.26 23.73 16.70 25.00 1,192,214.89 169,356.05 45,376.10 8,457.87 74,078.14 4,645.59 88,093.06 16,351.50 132,177.00 2,272,747.00 ============== 208,607.32 ============== 541,996.80 ============== 23.85 ======= 1,730,750.20 ============== 541,266.00 1,252,189.00 360,185.00 0.00 176,238.00 57,695.18 126,907.09 43,000.03 0.00 17,167.67 138,887.25 308,787.30 71,208.52 0.00 17,167.67 25.66 24.66 19.77 0.00 9.74 402,378.75 943,401.70 288,976.48 0.00 159,070.33 2,329,878.00 ============== 244,769.97 ============== 536,050.74 ============== 23.01 ======= 1,793,827.26 ============== ( 36,162.65) ============== 5,946.06 ============== 10.41- ( 63,077.06) ======= ============== EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 01 02 03 04 09 - ADMINISTRATIVE DEPT POLICE DEPT FIRE DEPT PARK DEPT C.O.P. SERIES 2003 *** TOTAL EXPENDITURES *** *** REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 57,131.00) ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 2 10 -GENERAL FUND REVENUE ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 - SALES TAX 4100 SALES TAX TOTAL 1 - SALES TAX 1,587,780.00 1,587,780.00 156,010.59 156,010.59 395,565.11 395,565.11 24.91 24.91 1,192,214.89 1,192,214.89 208,800.00 208,800.00 13,955.07 13,955.07 39,443.95 39,443.95 18.89 18.89 169,356.05 169,356.05 3 - LICENSES/PERMITS 4300 BUSINESS/CONTRACTOR LICENSES 4301 LIQUOR LICENSES 4319 OTHER LICENSES 4320 BUILDING PERMITS 4321 ZONING PERMITS 4329 OTHER PERMITS TOTAL 3 - LICENSES/PERMITS 9,000.00 13,000.00 1,800.00 27,000.00 400.00 1,000.00 52,200.00 175.00 0.00 540.00 2,378.40 0.00 0.00 3,093.40 692.00 0.00 650.00 5,481.90 0.00 0.00 6,823.90 7.69 0.00 36.11 20.30 0.00 0.00 13.07 8,308.00 13,000.00 1,150.00 21,518.10 400.00 1,000.00 45,376.10 4 - MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 4400 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 4410 BALL PARK DONATIONS TOTAL 4 - MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 537.66 0.00 537.66 1,542.13 0.00 1,542.13 15.42 0.00 15.42 8,457.87 0.00 8,457.87 5 - FINES/FEE/FORFEITURES 4500 FINES/FEE/FORFEITURES 4520 SCHOOL ASSESSMENT TOTAL 5 - FINES/FEE/FORFEITURES 95,000.00 1,300.00 96,300.00 4,556.98 93.33 4,650.31 21,892.35 329.51 22,221.86 23.04 25.35 23.08 73,107.65 970.49 74,078.14 6,300.00 6,300.00 133.46 133.46 1,654.41 1,654.41 26.26 26.26 4,645.59 4,645.59 114,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 115,500.00 13,315.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,132.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,447.33 26,274.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,132.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27,406.94 23.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.73 87,725.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,132.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 88,093.06 2 - FRANCHISE TAX 4200 FRANCHISE TAX TOTAL 2 - FRANCHISE TAX 6 - INTEREST 4600 INTEREST TOTAL 6 - INTEREST 7 - GRANTS 4700 4705 4710 4715 4716 4720 4725 4735 4740 4780 TOTAL 7 SCHOOL OFFICER REIMBURSEMENT ECON DEVELOP REIMBURSEMENT CANINE DONATIONS CHILD SAFETY SEAT DONATIONS BLUE LIGHT DONATIONS COPS GRANT SEIZED PROPERTY MISCELLANEOUS GRANTS ENFORCEMENT GRANTS CONSTRUCTION LOAN REVENUE - GRANTS ( 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 3 10 -GENERAL FUND REVENUE ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 - SALES & SERVICE 4800 LEASE REVENUE 4850 BOND PROCEEDS-OTHER FIN SOUR 4870 SALE OF PROPERTY TOTAL 8 - SALES & SERVICE 14,629.00 0.00 5,000.00 19,629.00 1,092.50 0.00 0.00 1,092.50 3,277.50 0.00 0.00 3,277.50 22.40 0.00 0.00 16.70 11,351.50 0.00 5,000.00 16,351.50 9 - TRANSFERS 4900 TRANSFER IN 176,238.00 14,687.00 44,061.00 25.00 132,177.00 TOTAL 9 - TRANSFERS 176,238.00 14,687.00 44,061.00 25.00 132,177.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *** TOTAL REVENUE *** 2,272,747.00 ============== 208,607.32 ============== 541,996.80 ============== 23.85 ======= 1,730,750.20 ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 4 10 -GENERAL FUND 01 - ADMINISTRATIVE DEPT DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 01 - PERSONNEL 501-0110 SALARIES 501-0115 OVERTIME 501-0120 ATTORNEY RETAINER 501-0150 MUNICIPAL JUDGE TOTAL 01 - PERSONNEL 219,330.00 0.00 38,566.00 13,355.00 271,251.00 22,347.67 0.00 3,213.83 1,112.92 26,674.42 60,324.68 0.00 9,641.49 3,338.76 73,304.93 27.50 0.00 25.00 25.00 27.02 159,005.32 0.00 28,924.51 10,016.24 197,946.07 02 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 501-0220 FICA 501-0230 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 501-0235 WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION 501-0240 LAGERS 501-0250 HOSPITALIZATION TOTAL 02 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 16,877.00 372.00 2,825.00 30,225.00 38,507.00 88,806.00 1,627.46 0.00 0.00 2,362.09 159.90 4,149.45 4,395.04 0.00 0.00 7,488.94 6,577.76 18,461.74 26.04 0.00 0.00 24.78 17.08 20.79 12,481.96 372.00 2,825.00 22,736.06 31,929.24 70,344.26 03 - OCCUPANCY 501-0320 ELECTRICITY 501-0330 HEATING FUEL 501-0340 GROUNDS-BLDG/CLEAN/MAINT TOTAL 03 - OCCUPANCY 10,000.00 70.00 13,110.00 23,180.00 544.64 0.00 629.29 1,173.93 986.60 0.00 1,526.29 2,512.89 9.87 0.00 11.64 10.84 9,013.40 70.00 11,583.71 20,667.11 04 - OFFICE 501-0410 POSTAGE 501-0430 TELECOMMUNICATIONS 501-0440 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 501-0450 MISCELLANEOUS 501-0460 OFFICE EQUIPMENT REPAIRS/MAIN 501-0470 NEW EQUIPMENT/OFFICE TOTAL 04 - OFFICE 4,500.00 9,500.00 14,000.00 200.00 14,500.00 8,000.00 50,700.00 361.38 584.40 2,070.18 0.00 481.24 0.00 3,497.20 861.09 1,487.18 3,909.06 0.00 1,484.42 2,482.64 10,224.39 19.14 15.65 27.92 0.00 10.24 31.03 20.17 3,638.91 8,012.82 10,090.94 200.00 13,015.58 5,517.36 40,475.61 05 - TRAVEL & MOBILE 501-0510 GAS & OIL 501-0530 REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE 501-0550 FOOD/LODGING/TRANSPORTATION 501-0560 ASSOCIATION DUES TOTAL 05 - TRAVEL & MOBILE 1,577.00 750.00 5,965.00 4,030.00 12,322.00 92.88 0.00 0.00 771.80 864.68 187.42 513.97 1,943.80 2,211.29 4,856.48 11.88 68.53 32.59 54.87 39.41 1,389.58 236.03 4,021.20 1,818.71 7,465.52 07 - SPECIAL 501-0710 MAYOR & BOARD 501-0720 LEGAL NOTICES 501-0721 ELECTION EXPENSES 501-0725 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROMOTIO 501-0730 DEMOLITION EXPENSE 501-0735 REGISTRATION & TRAINING 501-0765 INSURANCE 501-0770 CONTINGENCIES 501-0772 SPRING CLEANUP 501-0775 DRUG SCREEN/PHYSICALS 13,500.00 2,000.00 2,400.00 0.00 10,000.00 6,807.00 21,000.00 30,000.00 500.00 300.00 1,100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,187.50 0.00 0.00 48.00 3,250.00 211.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 831.82 20,587.50 0.00 0.00 96.00 24.07 10.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.22 98.04 0.00 0.00 32.00 10,250.00 1,788.50 2,400.00 0.00 10,000.00 5,975.18 412.50 30,000.00 500.00 204.00 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 5 10 -GENERAL FUND 01 - ADMINISTRATIVE DEPT DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 501-0780 AUDIT 8,500.00 0.00 4,550.00 53.53 3,950.00 TOTAL 07 - SPECIAL 95,007.00 21,335.50 29,526.82 31.08 65,480.18 09 - CAPITAL 501-0905 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 09 - CAPITAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 01 - ADMINISTRATIVE DEPT 541,266.00 ============== 57,695.18 ============== 138,887.25 ============== 25.66 ======= 402,378.75 ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 6 10 -GENERAL FUND 02 - POLICE DEPT DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 01 - PERSONNEL 502-0110 SALARIES 502-0112 PART-TIME SALARIES 502-0115 OVERTIME 502-0120 DOG HANDLER RETAINER TOTAL 01 - PERSONNEL 643,686.00 16,891.00 6,000.00 900.00 667,477.00 66,613.18 0.00 737.65 75.00 67,425.83 175,763.49 0.00 1,193.96 225.00 177,182.45 27.31 0.00 19.90 25.00 26.55 467,922.51 16,891.00 4,806.04 675.00 490,294.55 02 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 502-0210 UNIFORMS & CLEANING ALLOWANCE 502-0220 FICA 502-0230 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 502-0235 WORKMANS COMPENSATION 502-0240 LAGERS 502-0250 HOSPITALIZATION TOTAL 02 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 10,650.00 51,682.00 1,285.00 22,264.00 105,500.00 126,021.00 317,402.00 450.00 5,008.06 0.00 0.00 7,175.51 436.05 13,069.62 2,148.48 13,144.65 0.00 0.00 23,726.42 21,439.53 60,459.08 20.17 25.43 0.00 0.00 22.49 17.01 19.05 8,501.52 38,537.35 1,285.00 22,264.00 81,773.58 104,581.47 256,942.92 03 - OCCUPANCY 502-0320 ELECTRICITY 502-0330 HEATING/GENERATOR FUEL 502-0340 GROUNDS-BLDG/CLEAN/MAINT TOTAL 03 - OCCUPANCY 11,500.00 70.00 11,665.00 23,235.00 520.64 0.00 711.04 1,231.68 938.61 0.00 1,438.04 2,376.65 8.16 0.00 12.33 10.23 10,561.39 70.00 10,226.96 20,858.35 04 - OFFICE 502-0410 POSTAGE 502-0430 TELECOMMUNICATIONS 502-0440 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 502-0450 MISCELLANEOUS 502-0460 OFFICE EQUIPMENT REPAIRS/MAIN 502-0470 NEW EQUIPMENT/OFFICE TOTAL 04 - OFFICE 700.00 13,350.00 7,600.00 200.00 23,000.00 4,000.00 48,850.00 90.13 816.23 425.17 0.00 889.17 0.00 2,220.70 136.69 2,726.29 1,150.73 0.00 2,416.94 2,310.52 8,741.17 19.53 20.42 15.14 0.00 10.51 57.76 17.89 563.31 10,623.71 6,449.27 200.00 20,583.06 1,689.48 40,108.83 05 - TRAVEL & MOBILE 502-0510 GAS & OIL 502-0525 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 502-0530 REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE 502-0560 ASSOCIATION DUES TOTAL 05 - TRAVEL & MOBILE 31,500.00 1,800.00 12,000.00 3,250.00 48,550.00 1,148.86 0.00 433.66 125.00 1,707.52 2,770.94 214.50 973.15 125.00 4,083.59 8.80 11.92 8.11 3.85 8.41 28,729.06 1,585.50 11,026.85 3,125.00 44,466.41 06 - MATERIAL & SUPPLIES 502-0610 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 502-0620 NEW EQUIPMENT 502-0630 AMMUNITION 502-0640 COURT & PRISONER 502-0670 CANINE EXPENSE 502-0680 ANIMAL SHELTER FEES TOTAL 06 - MATERIAL & SUPPLIES 2,700.00 16,840.00 3,800.00 1,600.00 600.00 1,800.00 27,340.00 174.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 65.98 0.00 240.58 559.91 1,906.40 885.00 0.00 65.98 70.00 3,487.29 20.74 11.32 23.29 0.00 11.00 3.89 12.76 2,140.09 14,933.60 2,915.00 1,600.00 534.02 1,730.00 23,852.71 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 7 10 -GENERAL FUND 02 - POLICE DEPT DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 07 - SPECIAL 502-0735 REGISTRATION & TRAINING 502-0740 CHILD SAFETY SEAT PROGRAM 502-0741 BLUE LIGHT EXPENSES 502-0750 DISPATCHING 502-0765 INSURANCE 502-0770 CONTINGENCIES 502-0772 BAD DEBT 502-0775 DRUG SCREEN/PHYSICALS TOTAL 07 - SPECIAL 7,200.00 600.00 0.00 52,523.00 20,500.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 81,223.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,376.95 19,846.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 24,223.45 607.99 0.00 0.00 13,130.85 19,846.50 0.00 0.00 48.00 33,633.34 8.44 0.00 0.00 25.00 96.81 0.00 0.00 12.00 41.41 6,592.01 600.00 0.00 39,392.15 653.50 0.00 0.00 352.00 47,589.66 09 - CAPITAL 502-0905 CAPITAL OUTLAY 38,112.00 16,787.71 18,823.73 49.39 19,288.27 TOTAL 09 - CAPITAL 38,112.00 16,787.71 18,823.73 49.39 19,288.27 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 02 - POLICE DEPT 1,252,189.00 ============== 126,907.09 ============== 308,787.30 ============== 24.66 ======= 943,401.70 ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 8 10 -GENERAL FUND 03 - FIRE DEPT DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 01 - PERSONNEL 503-0110 SALARIES 503-0115 OVERTIME 503-0160 FIRE CALLS TOTAL 01 - PERSONNEL 110,652.00 1,200.00 27,642.00 139,494.00 11,350.82 134.48 2,303.50 13,788.80 25,104.61 134.48 6,910.50 32,149.59 22.69 11.21 25.00 23.05 85,547.39 1,065.52 20,731.50 107,344.41 02 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 503-0210 UNIFORMS 503-0220 FICA 503-0230 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 503-0235 WORKMANS COMPENSAITON 503-0240 LAGERS 503-0250 HOSPITALIZATION TOTAL 02 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 3,080.00 8,727.00 203.00 11,805.00 16,554.00 21,004.00 61,373.00 1,079.95 860.91 0.00 0.00 927.91 87.21 2,955.98 1,199.95 1,879.51 0.00 0.00 3,160.87 1,866.59 8,106.92 38.96 21.54 0.00 0.00 19.09 8.89 13.21 1,880.05 6,847.49 203.00 11,805.00 13,393.13 19,137.41 53,266.08 03 - OCCUPANCY 503-0320 ELECTRICITY 503-0330 HEATING FUEL 503-0340 GROUNDS-BLDG/CLEAN/MAINT TOTAL 03 - OCCUPANCY 4,700.00 2,000.00 3,800.00 10,500.00 276.00 24.16 181.34 481.50 549.00 29.16 401.34 979.50 11.68 1.46 10.56 9.33 4,151.00 1,970.84 3,398.66 9,520.50 04 - OFFICE 503-0410 POSTAGE 503-0430 TELECOMMUNICATIONS 503-0440 OFFICE EXPENSE 503-0450 MISCELLANEOUS 503-0460 OFFICE EQT REPAIRS/MAINTENANC 503-0470 NEW EQUIPMENT/OFFICE TOTAL 04 - OFFICE 500.00 5,400.00 2,300.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 13,200.00 10.85 337.23 551.90 0.00 222.34 0.00 1,122.32 48.21 899.90 867.35 0.00 667.02 0.00 2,482.48 9.64 16.66 37.71 0.00 13.34 0.00 18.81 451.79 4,500.10 1,432.65 0.00 4,332.98 0.00 10,717.52 05 - TRAVEL & MOBILE 503-0510 GAS & OIL 503-0520 TRUCK & EQUIPMENT TESTING 503-0525 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 503-0530 REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE 503-0550 FOOD/LODGING/TRANSPORTATION 503-0560 ASSOCIATION DUES TOTAL 05 - TRAVEL & MOBILE 3,493.00 4,975.00 6,050.00 26,000.00 3,250.00 2,100.00 45,868.00 154.12 151.00 966.41 1,652.90 0.00 0.00 2,924.43 332.52 151.00 1,044.41 2,367.15 20.28 0.00 3,915.36 9.52 3.04 17.26 9.10 0.62 0.00 8.54 3,160.48 4,824.00 5,005.59 23,632.85 3,229.72 2,100.00 41,952.64 06 - MATERIAL & SUPPLIES 503-0600 FIRE PREVENTION & PUBLIC ED 503-0610 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 503-0620 NEW EQUIPMENT TOTAL 06 - MATERIAL & SUPPLIES 2,500.00 7,000.00 9,100.00 18,600.00 0.00 499.14 1,408.84 1,907.98 0.00 648.52 1,408.84 2,057.36 0.00 9.26 15.48 11.06 2,500.00 6,351.48 7,691.16 16,542.64 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 9 10 -GENERAL FUND 03 - FIRE DEPT DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 07 - SPECIAL 503-0735 REGISTRATION & TRAINING 503-0745 DINNER 503-0750 DISPATCHING 503-0765 INSURANCE 503-0770 CONTINGENCIES 503-0775 DRUG SCREEN/PHYSICALS TOTAL 07 - SPECIAL 08 - DEBT SERVICE 503-0805 FIRE TRUCK LEASE PAYMENT TOTAL 08 - DEBT SERVICE 4,000.00 0.00 7,945.00 16,505.00 0.00 200.00 28,650.00 0.00 0.00 662.02 19,095.00 0.00 62.00 19,819.02 375.00 0.00 1,986.06 19,095.00 0.00 61.25 21,517.31 9.38 0.00 25.00 115.69 0.00 30.63 75.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ( 3,625.00 0.00 5,958.94 2,590.00) 0.00 138.75 7,132.69 0.00 0.00 09 - CAPITAL 503-0905 CAPITAL OUTLAY 42,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 42,500.00 TOTAL 09 - CAPITAL 42,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 42,500.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 03 - FIRE DEPT 360,185.00 ============== 43,000.03 ============== 71,208.52 ============== 19.77 ======= 288,976.48 ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 11 10 -GENERAL FUND 09 - C.O.P. SERIES 2003 DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 03 - OCCUPANCY 509-0340 BUILDING/GROUNDS MAINTENANCE TOTAL 03 - OCCUPANCY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 07 - SPECIAL 509-0765 INSURANCE-SERIES 2003 TOTAL 07 - SPECIAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 08 - DEBT SERVICE 509-0850 PRINCIPAL-SERIES 2003 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 509-0855 PRINCIPAL-SERIES 2004 140,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 140,000.00 509-0860 INTEREST-SERIES 2003 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 509-0865 INTEREST-SERIES 2004 34,338.00 17,167.67 17,167.67 50.00 17,170.33 509-0870 BANK FEES-SERIES 2003 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 509-0875 BANK FEES-SERIES 2004 1,900.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,900.00 509-0881 LEGAL/ACCOUNTING FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 509-0885 COST OF ISSUANCE-2012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 509-0890 COST OF ISSUANCE-SERIES 2003 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 08 - DEBT SERVICE 176,238.00 17,167.67 17,167.67 9.74 159,070.33 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 09 - C.O.P. SERIES 2003 176,238.00 17,167.67 17,167.67 9.74 159,070.33 ============== ============== ============== ======= ============== ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *** TOTAL EXPENDITURES *** 2,329,878.00 ============== *** REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 57,131.00) ============== 244,769.97 ============== 536,050.74 ============== 23.01 ======= 1,793,827.26 ============== ( 36,162.65) ============== 5,946.06 ============== 0.00 ======= ( 63,077.06) ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 1 20 -WATER/SEWER O&M FUND FINANCIAL SUMMARY ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REVENUE SUMMARY 4 6 8 9 - MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT INTEREST SALES & SERVICE TRANSFERS *** TOTAL REVENUES *** 10,000.00 8,000.00 952,790.00 300,000.00 0.00 1,239.93 72,217.51 25,000.00 162.09 1,788.82 235,797.86 75,000.00 1.62 22.36 24.75 25.00 9,837.91 6,211.18 716,992.14 225,000.00 1,270,790.00 ============== 98,457.44 ============== 312,748.77 ============== 24.61 ======= 958,041.23 ============== 574,890.00 683,073.00 47,246.11 182,151.65 114,241.57 257,197.00 19.87 37.65 460,648.43 425,876.00 1,257,963.00 ============== 229,397.76 ============== 371,438.57 ============== 29.53 ======= 886,524.43 ============== ( 130,940.32) ============== ( 58,689.80) ============== 457.5571,516.80 ======= ============== EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 10 - WATER O & M DEPT 11 - SEWER O & M DEPT *** TOTAL EXPENDITURES *** *** REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES * 12,827.00 ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 2 20 -WATER/SEWER O&M FUND REVENUE ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 - MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 4400 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS TOTAL 4 - MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 6 - INTEREST 4600 INTEREST TOTAL 6 - INTEREST 8 - SALES & SERVICE 4800 WATER SERVICE 4810 SEWER SERVICE 4815 PENALTIES 4820 WATER CONNECTION 4830 SEWER CONNECTION 4840 BAD DEBTS COLLECTED 4880 GAIN ON DISPOSAL OF ASSET TOTAL 8 - SALES & SERVICE 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 162.09 162.09 1.62 1.62 9,837.91 9,837.91 8,000.00 8,000.00 1,239.93 1,239.93 1,788.82 1,788.82 22.36 22.36 6,211.18 6,211.18 520,000.00 420,000.00 2,615.00 6,575.00 600.00 0.00 3,000.00 952,790.00 37,788.11 33,029.41 186.14 1,000.00 150.00 63.85 0.00 72,217.51 128,326.90 107,113.96 616.11 1,575.00 150.00 1,984.11) 0.00 235,797.86 24.68 25.50 23.56 23.95 25.00 0.00 0.00 24.75 391,673.10 312,886.04 1,998.89 5,000.00 450.00 1,984.11 3,000.00 716,992.14 ( 9 - TRANSFERS 4900 TRANSFER IN 300,000.00 25,000.00 75,000.00 25.00 225,000.00 TOTAL 9 - TRANSFERS 300,000.00 25,000.00 75,000.00 25.00 225,000.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *** TOTAL REVENUE *** 1,270,790.00 ============== 98,457.44 ============== 312,748.77 ============== 24.61 ======= 958,041.23 ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 3 20 -WATER/SEWER O&M FUND 10 - WATER O & M DEPT DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 01 - PERSONNEL 510-0110 SALARIES 510-0115 OVERTIME TOTAL 01 - PERSONNEL 167,685.00 5,000.00 172,685.00 16,537.14 63.69 16,600.83 46,079.44 299.33 46,378.77 27.48 5.99 26.86 121,605.56 4,700.67 126,306.23 02 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 510-0210 UNIFORMS 510-0220 FICA 510-0230 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 510-0235 WORKMANS COMPENSATION 510-0240 LAGERS 510-0250 HOSPITALIZATION TOTAL 02 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 1,785.00 13,224.00 355.00 7,350.00 23,682.00 36,757.00 83,153.00 180.30 1,287.80 0.00 0.00 1,786.42 152.61 3,407.13 406.82 3,500.49 0.00 0.00 5,810.74 6,278.57 15,996.62 22.79 26.47 0.00 0.00 24.54 17.08 19.24 1,378.18 9,723.51 355.00 7,350.00 17,871.26 30,478.43 67,156.38 03 - OCCUPANCY 510-0320 ELECTRICITY 510-0340 GROUNDS-BLDG/CLEAN/MAINT TOTAL 03 - OCCUPANCY 65,000.00 500.00 65,500.00 5,097.00 0.00 5,097.00 10,406.00 0.00 10,406.00 16.01 0.00 15.89 54,594.00 500.00 55,094.00 04 - OFFICE 510-0410 POSTAGE 510-0430 TELECOMMUNICATIONS 510-0440 OFFICE EXPENSE 510-0460 OFFICE EQUIPMENT REPAIRS/MAIN 510-0470 NEW EQUIPMENT TOTAL 04 - OFFICE 9,000.00 750.00 2,980.00 4,000.00 2,500.00 19,230.00 561.56 67.20 83.71 0.00 0.00 712.47 1,880.10 178.20 117.71 0.00 0.00 2,176.01 20.89 23.76 3.95 0.00 0.00 11.32 7,119.90 571.80 2,862.29 4,000.00 2,500.00 17,053.99 5,547.00 3,500.00 0.00 700.00 9,747.00 271.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 271.14 583.58 63.74 0.00 0.00 647.32 10.52 1.82 0.00 0.00 6.64 4,963.42 3,436.26 0.00 700.00 9,099.68 25,000.00 20,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 63,500.00 954.82 0.00 120.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,074.82 1,043.91 0.00 120.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,163.91 4.18 0.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.83 23,956.09 20,000.00 380.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 62,336.09 05 - TRAVEL & MOBILE 510-0510 GAS & OIL 510-0530 REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE 510-0550 FOOD/LODGING/TRANSPORTATION 510-0560 ASSOCIATION DUES TOTAL 05 - TRAVEL & MOBILE 06 - MATERIAL & SUPPLIES 510-0610 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 510-0611 FIRE HYDRANTS 510-0615 GENERATOR FUEL 510-0620 NEW EQUIPMENT 510-0625 METER EXPENSE 510-0635 PUMP EXPENSE 510-0655 TOWER EXPENSE TOTAL 06 - MATERIAL & SUPPLIES 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 4 20 -WATER/SEWER O&M FUND 10 - WATER O & M DEPT DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 07 - SPECIAL 510-0735 REGISTRATION & TRAINING 510-0750 DEBT COLLECTION FEES 510-0760 PERMIT FEES 510-0765 INSURANCE 510-0770 CONTINGENCIES 510-0771 DEPRECIATION 510-0772 BAD DEBT 510-0773 TRANSFER OUT 510-0780 AUDIT 510-0790 PROFESSIONAL FEES TOTAL 07 - SPECIAL 08 - DEBT SERVICE 510-0880 AMORTIZATION EXPENSE TOTAL 08 - DEBT SERVICE 700.00 150.00 6,000.00 14,100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 86,400.00 2,725.00 5,000.00 115,075.00 0.00 0.00 184.72 12,098.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,200.00 0.00 600.00 20,082.72 9.90 0.00 480.04 12,098.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21,600.00 2,725.00 560.00 37,472.94 1.41 0.00 8.00 85.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.00 100.00 11.20 32.56 690.10 150.00 5,519.96 2,002.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 64,800.00 0.00 4,440.00 77,602.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09 - CAPITAL 510-0905 CAPITAL OUTLAY 46,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 46,000.00 TOTAL 09 - CAPITAL 46,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 46,000.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 10 - WATER O & M DEPT 574,890.00 ============== 47,246.11 ============== 114,241.57 ============== 19.87 ======= 460,648.43 ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 5 20 -WATER/SEWER O&M FUND 11 - SEWER O & M DEPT DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 01 - PERSONNEL 511-0110 SALARIES 511-0115 OVERTIME TOTAL 01 - PERSONNEL 116,239.00 12,000.00 128,239.00 15,402.80 4,039.69 19,442.49 34,370.00 5,754.04 40,124.04 29.57 47.95 31.29 81,869.00 6,245.96 88,114.96 02 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 511-0210 UNIFORMS 511-0220 FICA 511-0230 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 511-0235 WORKMANS COMPENSATION 511-0240 LAGERS 511-0250 HOSPITALIZATION TOTAL 02 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 1,650.00 9,847.00 203.00 4,000.00 17,635.00 21,004.00 54,339.00 134.00 1,487.79 0.00 0.00 1,267.39 87.21 2,976.39 402.00 3,071.88 0.00 0.00 4,069.34 3,587.79 11,131.01 24.36 31.20 0.00 0.00 23.08 17.08 20.48 1,248.00 6,775.12 203.00 4,000.00 13,565.66 17,416.21 43,207.99 03 - OCCUPANCY 511-0320 ELECTRICITY 511-0340 GROUNDS-BLDG/CLEAN/MAINT TOTAL 03 - OCCUPANCY 71,000.00 300.00 71,300.00 7,241.83 0.00 7,241.83 12,628.34 74.64 12,702.98 17.79 24.88 17.82 58,371.66 225.36 58,597.02 04 - OFFICE 511-0430 TELECOMMUNICATIONS 511-0440 OFFICE EXPENSE 511-0460 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE 511-0470 NEW EQUIPMENT TOTAL 04 - OFFICE 1,600.00 1,300.00 3,000.00 0.00 5,900.00 140.39 83.70 44.33 0.00 268.42 381.71 142.48 132.99 0.00 657.18 23.86 10.96 4.43 0.00 11.14 1,218.29 1,157.52 2,867.01 0.00 5,242.82 05 - TRAVEL & MOBILE 511-0510 GAS & OIL 511-0530 REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE 511-0550 FOOD/LODGING/TRANSPORTATION 511-0560 ASSOCIATION DUES TOTAL 05 - TRAVEL & MOBILE 4,150.00 4,000.00 100.00 670.00 8,920.00 179.75 0.00 58.00 0.00 237.75 457.33 43.99 72.60 0.00 573.92 11.02 1.10 72.60 0.00 6.43 3,692.67 3,956.01 27.40 670.00 8,346.08 06 - MATERIAL & SUPPLIES 511-0610 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 511-0620 NEW EQUIPMENT TOTAL 06 - MATERIAL & SUPPLIES 12,000.00 5,300.00 17,300.00 16.39 0.00 16.39 2,125.62 0.00 2,125.62 17.71 0.00 12.29 9,874.38 5,300.00 15,174.38 07 - SPECIAL 511-0735 REGISTRATION & TRAINING 511-0765 INSURANCE 511-0770 CONTINGENCIES 511-0771 DEPRECIATION 511-0774 LIFT STATION/TREAT PLANT 511-0780 AUDIT TOTAL 07 - SPECIAL 350.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 35,000.00 2,725.00 43,075.00 0.00 5,432.00 0.00 0.00 2,728.80 0.00 8,160.80 7.92 5,432.00 0.00 0.00 4,597.31 2,725.00 12,762.23 2.26 108.64 0.00 0.00 13.14 100.00 29.63 ( 342.08 432.00) 0.00 0.00 30,402.69 0.00 30,312.77 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 6 20 -WATER/SEWER O&M FUND 11 - SEWER O & M DEPT DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 09 - CAPITAL 511-0905 CAPITAL OUTLAY 354,000.00 143,807.58 177,120.02 50.03 176,879.98 511-0950 GAIN/LOSS ON DISPOSAL OF ASSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 09 - CAPITAL 354,000.00 143,807.58 177,120.02 50.03 176,879.98 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 11 - SEWER O & M DEPT 683,073.00 182,151.65 257,197.00 37.65 425,876.00 ============== ============== ============== ======= ============== ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *** TOTAL EXPENDITURES *** 1,257,963.00 ============== *** REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES * 12,827.00 ============== 229,397.76 ============== 371,438.57 ============== 29.53 ======= 886,524.43 ============== ( 130,940.32) ============== ( 58,689.80) ============== 0.00 ======= 71,516.80 ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 1 22 -WATER/SEWER SINKING FUND FINANCIAL SUMMARY ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REVENUE SUMMARY 4 - MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT 6 - INTEREST 9 - TRANSFERS *** TOTAL REVENUES *** 0.00 0.00 86,400.00 0.00 0.00 7,200.00 0.00 0.00 21,600.00 0.00 0.00 25.00 0.00 0.00 64,800.00 86,400.00 ============== 7,200.00 ============== 21,600.00 ============== 25.00 ======= 64,800.00 ============== 16,382.00 8,053.13 8,053.13 49.16 8,328.87 16,382.00 ============== 8,053.13 ============== 8,053.13 ============== 49.16 ======= 8,328.87 ============== ( 853.13) ============== 13,546.87 ============== 19.35 ======= 56,471.13 ============== EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 12 - REVENUE BONDS *** TOTAL EXPENDITURES *** *** REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES * 70,018.00 ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 2 22 -WATER/SEWER SINKING FUND REVENUE ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 - MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 4400 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS TOTAL 4 - MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6 - INTEREST 4600 INTEREST TOTAL 6 - INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9 - TRANSFERS 4900 TRANSFER IN 86,400.00 7,200.00 21,600.00 25.00 64,800.00 TOTAL 9 - TRANSFERS 86,400.00 7,200.00 21,600.00 25.00 64,800.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *** TOTAL REVENUE *** 86,400.00 ============== 7,200.00 ============== 21,600.00 ============== 25.00 ======= 64,800.00 ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 3 22 -WATER/SEWER SINKING FUND 12 - REVENUE BONDS DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 04 - OFFICE 512-0460 EQT REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE TOTAL 04 - OFFICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 07 - SPECIAL 512-0773 TRANSFER OUT 512-0780 AUDIT TOTAL 07 - SPECIAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 08 - DEBT SERVICE 512-0860 BOND INTEREST 16,107.00 8,053.13 8,053.13 50.00 8,053.87 512-0870 BANK FEES 275.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 275.00 512-0880 AMORTIZATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 08 - DEBT SERVICE 16,382.00 8,053.13 8,053.13 49.16 8,328.87 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 12 - REVENUE BONDS 16,382.00 8,053.13 8,053.13 49.16 8,328.87 ============== ============== ============== ======= ============== ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *** TOTAL EXPENDITURES *** 16,382.00 ============== *** REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES * 70,018.00 ============== 8,053.13 ============== 8,053.13 ============== 49.16 ======= 8,328.87 ============== ( 853.13) ============== 13,546.87 ============== 0.00 ======= 56,471.13 ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 1 30 -TRANSPORTATION FUND FINANCIAL SUMMARY ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REVENUE SUMMARY 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 - SALES TAX MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT FINES/FEE/FORFEITURES INTEREST GRANTS SALES & SERVICE TRANSFERS *** TOTAL REVENUES *** 913,100.00 6,000.00 14,500.00 8,700.00 901,200.00 89,925.00 0.00 88,316.89 0.00 1,245.93 183.40 50,319.00 6,850.00 0.00 229,737.83 0.00 3,866.62 2,254.73 145,847.06 15,690.00 0.00 25.16 0.00 26.67 25.92 16.18 17.45 0.00 683,362.17 6,000.00 10,633.38 6,445.27 755,352.94 74,235.00 0.00 1,933,425.00 ============== 146,915.22 ============== 397,396.24 ============== 20.55 ======= 1,536,028.76 ============== 1,255,492.00 711,094.00 64,544.77 22,917.87 137,678.58 97,613.90 10.97 13.73 1,117,813.42 613,480.10 1,966,586.00 ============== 87,462.64 ============== 235,292.48 ============== 11.96 ======= 1,731,293.52 ============== 59,452.58 ============== 162,103.76 ============== 488.84- ( 195,264.76) ======= ============== EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 20 - STREET DEPT 22 - AIRPORT DEPT *** TOTAL EXPENDITURES *** *** REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 33,161.00) ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 2 30 -TRANSPORTATION FUND REVENUE ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 - SALES TAX 4100 SALES TAX 4110 MOTOR FUEL TAX 4120 VEHICLE SALES TAX 4130 ROAD & BRIDGE TAX TOTAL 1 - SALES TAX 779,100.00 96,000.00 25,000.00 13,000.00 913,100.00 77,726.47 8,442.84 2,147.58 0.00 88,316.89 196,797.83 25,011.63 7,928.37 0.00 229,737.83 25.26 26.05 31.71 0.00 25.16 582,302.17 70,988.37 17,071.63 13,000.00 683,362.17 4 - MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 4400 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 4410 BEAUTIFICATION DONATIONS 4420 AIRPORT FUEL SALES TOTAL 4 - MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 5 - FINES/FEE/FORFEITURES 4500 VEHICLE FEES TOTAL 5 - FINES/FEE/FORFEITURES 14,500.00 14,500.00 1,245.93 1,245.93 3,866.62 3,866.62 26.67 26.67 10,633.38 10,633.38 8,700.00 8,700.00 183.40 183.40 2,254.73 2,254.73 25.92 25.92 6,445.27 6,445.27 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 494,800.00 396,400.00 901,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,319.00 0.00 50,319.00 0.00 0.00 386.00 0.00 0.00 128,662.00 16,799.06 145,847.06 0.00 0.00 3.86 0.00 0.00 26.00 4.24 16.18 0.00 0.00 9,614.00 0.00 0.00 366,138.00 379,600.94 755,352.94 0.00 89,925.00 0.00 0.00 89,925.00 0.00 6,850.00 0.00 0.00 6,850.00 0.00 15,690.00 0.00 0.00 15,690.00 0.00 17.45 0.00 0.00 17.45 0.00 74,235.00 0.00 0.00 74,235.00 6 - INTEREST 4600 INTEREST TOTAL 6 - INTEREST 7 - GRANTS 4705 4715 4720 4730 4740 4750 4760 TOTAL 7 AIRPORT PROMOTIONAL AIR 005-45B/FAA GRANT VETERAN'S MEMORIAL MONUMENT E-54 RELOCATION REIMBURSEMENT HANGAR LOAN REVENUE AIRE 035-045B/045-45B (STATE) SIDEWALK GRANT - GRANTS 8 - SALES & SERVICE 4800 LEASE-AIRPORT PROPERTY 4805 T-HANGAR REVENUE 4815 COUNTY REIMBURSEMENT 4880 GAIN ON DISPOSAL OF ASSET TOTAL 8 - SALES & SERVICE 9 - TRANSFERS 4900 TRANSFER IN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 9 - TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *** TOTAL REVENUE *** 1,933,425.00 ============== 146,915.22 ============== 397,396.24 ============== 20.55 ======= 1,536,028.76 ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 3 30 -TRANSPORTATION FUND 20 - STREET DEPT DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 01 - PERSONNEL 520-0110 SALARIES 520-0115 OVERTIME TOTAL 01 - PERSONNEL 249,834.00 5,000.00 254,834.00 24,309.53 34.20 24,343.73 66,014.41 73.70 66,088.11 26.42 1.47 25.93 183,819.59 4,926.30 188,745.89 02 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 520-0210 UNIFORMS 520-0220 FICA 520-0230 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 520-0235 WORKMANS COMPENSATION 520-0240 LAGERS 520-0250 HOSPITALIZATION TOTAL 02 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 2,625.00 19,541.00 548.00 25,000.00 35,000.00 54,960.00 137,674.00 156.08 1,837.79 0.00 0.00 2,255.21 210.76 4,459.84 592.78 4,981.01 0.00 0.00 7,083.37 9,169.38 21,826.54 22.58 25.49 0.00 0.00 20.24 16.68 15.85 2,032.22 14,559.99 548.00 25,000.00 27,916.63 45,790.62 115,847.46 03 - OCCUPANCY 520-0320 ELECTRICITY 520-0330 HEATING FUEL 520-0340 GROUNDS-BLDG/CLEAN/MAINT TOTAL 03 - OCCUPANCY 5,000.00 0.00 1,800.00 6,800.00 234.00 0.00 17.22 251.22 452.00 0.00 128.24 580.24 9.04 0.00 7.12 8.53 4,548.00 0.00 1,671.76 6,219.76 04 - OFFICE 520-0430 TELECOMMUNICATIONS 520-0440 SUPPLIES/MATERIALS 520-0460 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE 520-0470 NEW EQUIPMENT TOTAL 04 - OFFICE 2,000.00 800.00 1,800.00 1,000.00 5,600.00 162.80 0.00 97.66 0.00 260.46 440.18 0.00 292.98 0.00 733.16 22.01 0.00 16.28 0.00 13.09 1,559.82 800.00 1,507.02 1,000.00 4,866.84 05 - TRAVEL & MOBILE 520-0510 GAS & OIL 520-0530 REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE 520-0540 SIDEWALK REPAIRS TOTAL 05 - TRAVEL & MOBILE 12,422.00 10,000.00 25,000.00 47,422.00 457.09 123.42 0.00 580.51 902.36 278.38 0.00 1,180.74 7.26 2.78 0.00 2.49 11,519.64 9,721.62 25,000.00 46,241.26 06 - MATERIAL & SUPPLIES 520-0610 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 520-0620 NEW EQUIPMENT 520-0665 SIGNAGE TOTAL 06 - MATERIAL & SUPPLIES 50,000.00 6,650.00 7,500.00 64,150.00 7,949.32 0.00 0.00 7,949.32 12,333.78 0.00 0.00 12,333.78 24.67 0.00 0.00 19.23 37,666.22 6,650.00 7,500.00 51,816.22 07 - SPECIAL 520-0735 REGISTRATION & TRAINING 520-0740 STREET LIGHTS 520-0765 INSURANCE 520-0770 CONTINGENCIES 520-0775 DRUG SCREENS/PHYSICALS 520-0780 AUDIT 520-0781 TRAFFIC ISLANDS 520-0787 SURVEY TOTAL 07 - SPECIAL 0.00 52,000.00 7,300.00 15,000.00 500.00 1,400.00 1,700.00 0.00 77,900.00 0.00 4,236.00 5,646.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,882.00 14.85 8,465.00 5,646.00 0.00 0.00 1,400.00 556.45 0.00 16,082.30 0.00 16.28 77.34 0.00 0.00 100.00 32.73 0.00 20.64 ( 14.85) 43,535.00 1,654.00 15,000.00 500.00 0.00 1,143.55 0.00 61,817.70 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 4 30 -TRANSPORTATION FUND 20 - STREET DEPT DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 09 - CAPITAL 520-0905 CAPITAL OUTLAY 661,112.00 16,817.69 18,853.71 2.85 642,258.29 TOTAL 09 - CAPITAL 661,112.00 16,817.69 18,853.71 2.85 642,258.29 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 20 - STREET DEPT 1,255,492.00 ============== 64,544.77 ============== 137,678.58 ============== 10.97 ======= 1,117,813.42 ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 5 30 -TRANSPORTATION FUND 22 - AIRPORT DEPT DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 01 - PERSONNEL 522-0110 SALARIES 522-0115 OVERTIME TOTAL 01 - PERSONNEL 29,700.00 0.00 29,700.00 2,023.85 0.00 2,023.85 6,715.78 0.00 6,715.78 22.61 0.00 22.61 22,984.22 0.00 22,984.22 02 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 522-0220 FICA 522-0230 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 522-0235 WORKMANS COMPENSATION 522-0240 LAGERS RETIREMENT 522-0250 HOSPITALIZATION TOTAL 02 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 2,281.00 44.00 550.00 4,085.00 4,551.00 11,511.00 130.21 0.00 0.00 223.19 7.26 360.66 442.86 0.00 0.00 722.27 298.94 1,464.07 19.42 0.00 0.00 17.68 6.57 12.72 1,838.14 44.00 550.00 3,362.73 4,252.06 10,046.93 03 - OCCUPANCY 522-0310 WATER 522-0320 ELECTRICITY 522-0330 HEATING FUEL 522-0340 GROUNDS-BLDG/CLEAN/MAINT 522-0360 SPECIAL EXPENSE TOTAL 03 - OCCUPANCY 225.00 10,000.00 0.00 6,500.00 0.00 16,725.00 21.51 538.17 0.00 152.49 0.00 712.17 73.34 1,171.49 0.00 6,281.36 0.00 7,526.19 32.60 11.71 0.00 96.64 0.00 45.00 151.66 8,828.51 0.00 218.64 0.00 9,198.81 04 - OFFICE 522-0430 TELECOMMUNICATIONS 522-0440 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MATERIAL 522-0470 NEW EQUIPMENT TOTAL 04 - OFFICE 4,720.00 125.00 0.00 4,845.00 188.08 22.93 0.00 211.01 1,135.15 22.93 0.00 1,158.08 24.05 18.34 0.00 23.90 3,584.85 102.07 0.00 3,686.92 05 - TRAVEL & MOBILE 522-0510 GAS & OIL 522-0530 REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE 522-0560 ASSOCIATION DUES TOTAL 05 - TRAVEL & MOBILE 0.00 7,000.00 135.00 7,135.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.99 0.00 13.99 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.20 0.00 6,986.01 135.00 7,121.01 06 - MATERIAL & SUPPLIES 522-0610 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 522-0620 NEW EQUIPMENT TOTAL 06 - MATERIAL & SUPPLIES 150.00 5,300.00 5,450.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 150.00 5,300.00 5,450.00 6,500.00 0.00 0.00 14,200.00 0.00 0.00 20,700.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,049.00 0.00 0.00 14,049.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,049.00 0.00 0.00 14,049.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 98.94 0.00 0.00 67.87 6,500.00 0.00 0.00 151.00 0.00 0.00 6,651.00 07 - SPECIAL 522-0725 PROMOTIONAL EXPENSE 522-0745 FUEL PURCHASES 522-0750 CREDIT CARD FEES 522-0765 INSURANCE 522-0770 CONTINGENCIES 522-0773 TRANSFER OUT TOTAL 07 - SPECIAL 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 6 30 -TRANSPORTATION FUND 22 - AIRPORT DEPT DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 08 - DEBT SERVICE 522-0805 HANGAR STAR LOANS TOTAL 08 - DEBT SERVICE 23,028.00 23,028.00 1,918.87 1,918.87 5,756.61 5,756.61 25.00 25.00 17,271.39 17,271.39 09 - CAPITAL 522-0905 CAPITAL OUTLAY 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 522-0915 AIRE 035-45B/045-45B GRANT 572,000.00 3,642.31 60,930.18 10.65 511,069.82 522-0920 AIRPORT - PRINCIPAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 522-0925 AIRPORT - INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 522-0975 DEBT SERVICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 09 - CAPITAL 592,000.00 3,642.31 60,930.18 10.29 531,069.82 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 22 - AIRPORT DEPT 711,094.00 22,917.87 97,613.90 13.73 613,480.10 ============== ============== ============== ======= ============== ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *** TOTAL EXPENDITURES *** 1,966,586.00 ============== *** REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 33,161.00) ============== 87,462.64 ============== 235,292.48 ============== 11.96 ======= 1,731,293.52 ============== 59,452.58 ============== 162,103.76 ============== 0.00 ======= ( 195,264.76) ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 1 31 -SPECIAL RD DISTRICT FUND FINANCIAL SUMMARY ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REVENUE SUMMARY 1 4 6 9 - SALES TAX MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT INTEREST TRANSFERS *** TOTAL REVENUES *** 0.00 45,200.00 1,200.00 0.00 0.00 7,041.96 112.52 0.00 0.00 20,726.17 299.48 0.00 0.00 45.85 24.96 0.00 0.00 24,473.83 900.52 0.00 46,400.00 ============== 7,154.48 ============== 21,025.65 ============== 45.31 ======= 25,374.35 ============== 300,157.00 0.00 16,587.85 5.53 283,569.15 300,157.00 ============== 0.00 ============== 16,587.85 ============== 5.53 ======= 283,569.15 ============== 7,154.48 ============== 4,437.80 ============== 1.75- ( 258,194.80) ======= ============== EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 21 - SPECIAL RD DISTRICT *** TOTAL EXPENDITURES *** *** REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 253,757.00) ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 2 31 -SPECIAL RD DISTRICT FUND REVENUE ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 - SALES TAX 4100 SALES TAX TOTAL 1 - SALES TAX 4 - MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 4400 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 4410 COUNTY COURT RECEIPTS 4420 NID RECEIPTS TOTAL 4 - MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 6 - INTEREST 4600 INTEREST TOTAL 6 - INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 44,000.00 1,200.00 45,200.00 0.00 7,041.96 0.00 7,041.96 0.00 20,726.17 0.00 20,726.17 0.00 47.10 0.00 45.85 0.00 23,273.83 1,200.00 24,473.83 1,200.00 1,200.00 112.52 112.52 299.48 299.48 24.96 24.96 900.52 900.52 9 - TRANSFERS 4900 TRANSFER IN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 9 - TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *** TOTAL REVENUE *** 46,400.00 ============== 7,154.48 ============== 21,025.65 ============== 45.31 ======= 25,374.35 ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 3 31 -SPECIAL RD DISTRICT FUND 21 - SPECIAL RD DISTRICT DEPT DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 07 - SPECIAL 521-0721 ELECTION EXPENSE TOTAL 07 - SPECIAL 157.00 157.00 0.00 0.00 38.25 38.25 24.36 24.36 118.75 118.75 09 - CAPITAL 521-0960 STREET RESTORATION 300,000.00 0.00 16,549.60 5.52 283,450.40 TOTAL 09 - CAPITAL 300,000.00 0.00 16,549.60 5.52 283,450.40 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 21 - SPECIAL RD DISTRICT DEPT 300,157.00 0.00 16,587.85 5.53 283,569.15 ============== ============== ============== ======= ============== ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *** TOTAL EXPENDITURES *** 300,157.00 ============== *** REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 253,757.00) ============== 0.00 ============== 16,587.85 ============== 5.53 ======= 283,569.15 ============== 7,154.48 ============== 4,437.80 ============== 0.00 ======= ( 258,194.80) ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 1 50 -SP RV/CAP IMP TAX FUND FINANCIAL SUMMARY ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REVENUE SUMMARY 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 - SALES TAX MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT FINES/FEE/FORFEITURES INTEREST GRANTS SALES & SERVICE TRANSFERS *** TOTAL REVENUES *** 793,843.00 500.00 40,750.00 11,200.00 0.00 18,750.00 0.00 78,005.34 0.00 0.00 168.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 197,782.51 175.95 0.00 1,336.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.91 35.19 0.00 11.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 596,060.49 324.05 40,750.00 9,863.23 0.00 18,750.00 0.00 865,043.00 ============== 78,173.81 ============== 199,295.23 ============== 23.04 ======= 665,747.77 ============== 713,238.00 386,047.00 40,687.00 21,887.09 151,443.14 49,395.67 21.23 12.80 561,794.86 336,651.33 1,099,285.00 ============== 62,574.09 ============== 200,838.81 ============== 18.27 ======= 898,446.19 ============== 15,599.72 ============== ( 1,543.58) ============== 0.66 ======= ( 232,698.42) ============== EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 50 - SPECIAL REV/CAPITAL 51 - PARKS & RECREATION *** TOTAL EXPENDITURES *** *** REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 234,242.00) ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 2 50 -SP RV/CAP IMP TAX FUND REVENUE ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 - SALES TAX 4100 SALES TAX TOTAL 1 - SALES TAX 793,843.00 793,843.00 78,005.34 78,005.34 197,782.51 197,782.51 24.91 24.91 596,060.49 596,060.49 300.00 200.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 175.95 0.00 175.95 58.65 0.00 35.19 124.05 200.00 324.05 5 - FINES/FEE/FORFEITURES 4500 GATE FEES 4510 RENTAL FEES 4515 POOL PARTIES 4520 LESSONS/CLASSES TOTAL 5 - FINES/FEE/FORFEITURES 35,000.00 350.00 5,000.00 400.00 40,750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35,000.00 350.00 5,000.00 400.00 40,750.00 6 - INTEREST 4600 INTEREST TOTAL 6 - INTEREST 11,200.00 11,200.00 168.47 168.47 1,336.77 1,336.77 11.94 11.94 9,863.23 9,863.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,500.00 250.00 18,750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,500.00 250.00 18,750.00 4 - MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 4400 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 4410 BALL PARK DONATIONS TOTAL 4 - MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 7 - GRANTS 4700 INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS AGREE 4710 CONSTRUCTION LOAN REVENUE TOTAL 7 - GRANTS 8 - SALES & SERVICE 4800 CONCESSION SALES 4810 MISCELLANEOUS SALES TOTAL 8 - SALES & SERVICE 9 - TRANSFERS 4900 TRANSFER IN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 9 - TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *** TOTAL REVENUE *** 865,043.00 ============== 78,173.81 ============== 199,295.23 ============== 23.04 ======= 665,747.77 ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 3 50 -SP RV/CAP IMP TAX FUND 50 - SPECIAL REV/CAPITAL DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 01 - PERSONNEL 550-0110 SALARIES TOTAL 01 - PERSONNEL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 02 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 550-0220 FICA 550-0230 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 550-0235 WORKMANS COMPENSATION 550-0240 LAGERS RETIREMENT 550-0250 HOSPITALIZATION TOTAL 02 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 05 - TRAVEL & MOBILE 550-0510 GAS & OIL TOTAL 05 - TRAVEL & MOBILE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 176,238.00 191,238.00 0.00 14,687.00 14,687.00 0.00 44,061.00 44,061.00 0.00 25.00 23.04 15,000.00 132,177.00 147,177.00 07 - SPECIAL 550-0770 COUNCIL CONTINGENCIES 550-0773 TRANSFER OUT TOTAL 07 - SPECIAL 09 - CAPITAL 550-0930 INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS 300,000.00 25,000.00 77,915.00 25.97 222,085.00 550-0940 PARK IMPROVEMENTS 162,000.00 0.00 18,760.00 11.58 143,240.00 550-0945 OTHER CAPITAL PROJECTS 60,000.00 1,000.00 10,707.14 17.85 49,292.86 TOTAL 09 - CAPITAL 522,000.00 26,000.00 107,382.14 20.57 414,617.86 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 50 - SPECIAL REV/CAPITAL 713,238.00 ============== 40,687.00 ============== 151,443.14 ============== 21.23 ======= 561,794.86 ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 4 50 -SP RV/CAP IMP TAX FUND 51 - PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 01 - PERSONNEL 551-0110 SALARIES 551-0111 SALARIES (AQUATIC) 551-0112 PART-TIME SALARIES 551-0115 OVERTIME TOTAL 01 - PERSONNEL 86,736.00 51,362.00 18,840.00 1,000.00 157,938.00 8,809.50 0.00 360.00 0.00 9,169.50 24,087.42 0.00 3,096.00 0.00 27,183.42 27.77 0.00 16.43 0.00 17.21 62,648.58 51,362.00 15,744.00 1,000.00 130,754.58 02 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 551-0210 UNIFORMS 551-0220 FICA 551-0230 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 551-0235 WORKMANS COMPENSATION 551-0240 LAGERS RETIREMENT 551-0250 HOSPITALIZATION TOTAL 02 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 2,000.00 12,150.00 655.00 3,500.00 11,932.00 19,254.00 49,491.00 50.08 679.72 0.00 0.00 918.17 79.94 1,727.91 187.82 2,020.77 0.00 0.00 2,697.74 2,789.88 7,696.21 9.39 16.63 0.00 0.00 22.61 14.49 15.55 1,812.18 10,129.23 655.00 3,500.00 9,234.26 16,464.12 41,794.79 03 - OCCUPANCY 551-0320 ELECTRICITY 551-0340 GROUNDS-BLDG/CLEAN/MAINTENANC TOTAL 03 - OCCUPANCY 20,000.00 17,000.00 37,000.00 662.00 0.00 662.00 1,402.00 232.87 1,634.87 7.01 1.37 4.42 18,598.00 16,767.13 35,365.13 04 - OFFICE 551-0410 POSTAGE 551-0430 TELECOMMUNICATIONS 551-0440 OFFICE SUPPLIES 551-0441 CONCESSION SUPPLIES 551-0470 NEW EQUIPMENT TOTAL 04 - OFFICE 750.00 3,200.00 1,500.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 20,450.00 0.00 212.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 212.22 0.00 517.68 98.23 0.00 0.00 615.91 0.00 16.18 6.55 0.00 0.00 3.01 750.00 2,682.32 1,401.77 10,000.00 5,000.00 19,834.09 4,518.00 3,500.00 1,000.00 800.00 9,818.00 332.08 476.21 245.49 175.00 1,228.78 801.65 476.21 280.47 175.00 1,733.33 17.74 13.61 28.05 21.88 17.65 3,716.35 3,023.79 719.53 625.00 8,084.67 6,500.00 10,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 22,500.00 23.25 23.88 0.00 146.72 193.85 47.94 23.88 498.00 272.82 842.64 0.74 0.24 24.90 6.82 3.75 6,452.06 9,976.12 1,502.00 3,727.18 21,657.36 05 - TRAVEL & MOBILE 551-0510 GAS & OIL 551-0530 VEHICLE REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE 551-0550 FOOD/LODGING/TRANSPORTATION 551-0560 ASSOCIATION DUES TOTAL 05 - TRAVEL & MOBILE 06 - MATERIAL & SUPPLIES 551-0610 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 551-0615 PARK SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 551-0620 NEW EQUIPMENT 551-0650 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE TOTAL 06 - MATERIAL & SUPPLIES 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 5 50 -SP RV/CAP IMP TAX FUND 51 - PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 07 - SPECIAL 551-0725 PROMOTIONAL EXPENSE 551-0735 REGISTRATION & TRAINING 551-0765 INSURANCE 551-0770 CONTINGENCIES 551-0773 TRANSFER OUT TOTAL 07 - SPECIAL 1,800.00 1,550.00 8,000.00 0.00 0.00 11,350.00 0.00 0.00 7,534.00 0.00 0.00 7,534.00 317.50 678.96 7,534.00 0.00 0.00 8,530.46 17.64 43.80 94.18 0.00 0.00 75.16 1,482.50 871.04 466.00 0.00 0.00 2,819.54 09 - CAPITAL 551-0905 CAPITAL OUTLAY 77,500.00 1,158.83 1,158.83 1.50 76,341.17 TOTAL 09 - CAPITAL 77,500.00 1,158.83 1,158.83 1.50 76,341.17 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 51 - PARKS & RECREATION 386,047.00 21,887.09 49,395.67 12.80 336,651.33 ============== ============== ============== ======= ============== ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *** TOTAL EXPENDITURES *** 1,099,285.00 ============== *** REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 234,242.00) ============== 62,574.09 ============== 200,838.81 ============== 18.27 ======= 898,446.19 ============== 15,599.72 ============== ( 1,543.58) ============== 0.00 ======= ( 232,698.42) ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 1 70 -CEMETERY FUND FINANCIAL SUMMARY ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REVENUE SUMMARY 4 5 6 8 9 - MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT FINES/FEE/FORFEITURES INTEREST SALES & SERVICE TRANSFERS *** TOTAL REVENUES *** 0.00 518.00 600.00 600.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 8.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 24.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.65 4.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 468.00 575.56 600.00 0.00 1,718.00 ============== 58.10 ============== 74.44 ============== 4.33 ======= 1,643.56 ============== 7,252.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,252.00 7,252.00 ============== 0.00 ============== 0.00 ============== 0.00 ======= 7,252.00 ============== 58.10 ============== 74.44 ============== 1.35- ( 5,608.44) ======= ============== EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 91 - CEMETERY TRUST DEPT *** TOTAL EXPENDITURES *** *** REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 5,534.00) ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 2 70 -CEMETERY FUND REVENUE ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 - MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 4400 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 4410 BETTERMENT PROJECT DONATIONS TOTAL 4 - MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 - FINES/FEE/FORFEITURES 4500 RECORDING FEES 4505 GRAVE MARKING FEES 4510 MONUMENT SETTING FEES TOTAL 5 - FINES/FEE/FORFEITURES 48.00 350.00 120.00 518.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 14.29 0.00 9.65 48.00 300.00 120.00 468.00 6 - INTEREST 4600 INTEREST TOTAL 6 - INTEREST 600.00 600.00 8.10 8.10 24.44 24.44 4.07 4.07 575.56 575.56 8 - SALES & SERVICE 4800 SALE OF LOTS TOTAL 8 - SALES & SERVICE 600.00 600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 600.00 600.00 9 - TRANSFERS 4900 TRANSFER IN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 9 - TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *** TOTAL REVENUE *** 1,718.00 ============== 58.10 ============== 74.44 ============== 4.33 ======= 1,643.56 ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 3 70 -CEMETERY FUND 91 - CEMETERY TRUST DEPT DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 03 - OCCUPANCY 591-0340 GROUNDS/BLDG/MAINTENANCE TOTAL 03 - OCCUPANCY 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 05 - TRAVEL & MOBILE 591-0510 GAS & OIL 591-0525 EQUPT. REPAIRS/MAINT TOTAL 05 - TRAVEL & MOBILE 750.00 500.00 1,250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 750.00 500.00 1,250.00 06 - MATERIAL & SUPPLIES 591-0610 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES TOTAL 06 - MATERIAL & SUPPLIES 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 07 - SPECIAL 591-0765 INSURANCE 591-0770 CONTINGENCIES TOTAL 07 - SPECIAL 09 - CAPITAL 591-0905 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 591-0950 BAD DEBT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 09 - CAPITAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 91 - CEMETERY TRUST DEPT 7,252.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,252.00 ============== ============== ============== ======= ============== ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *** TOTAL EXPENDITURES *** 7,252.00 ============== *** REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 5,534.00) ============== 0.00 ============== 0.00 ============== 0.00 ======= 7,252.00 ============== 58.10 ============== 74.44 ============== 0.00 ======= ( 5,608.44) ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 1 80 -ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND FINANCIAL SUMMARY ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REVENUE SUMMARY 4 6 7 8 9 - MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT INTEREST GRANTS SALES & SERVICE TRANSFERS *** TOTAL REVENUES *** 0.00 240.00 0.00 21,230.00 0.00 0.00 19.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 59.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 180.97 0.00 21,230.00 0.00 21,470.00 ============== 19.54 ============== 59.03 ============== 0.27 ======= 21,410.97 ============== 21,395.00 500.00 1,610.00 7.53 19,785.00 21,395.00 ============== 500.00 ============== 1,610.00 ============== 7.53 ======= 19,785.00 ============== ( 480.46) ============== ( 1,550.97) 2,067.961,625.97 ============== ======= ============== EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 92 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT *** TOTAL EXPENDITURES *** *** REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES * 75.00 ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 2 80 -ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND REVENUE ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 - MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 4400 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 4410 DONATIONS TOTAL 4 - MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 6 - INTEREST 4600 INTEREST TOTAL 6 - INTEREST 7 - GRANTS 4710 BUSINESS PARK GRANT REVENUE TOTAL 7 - GRANTS 8 - SALES & SERVICE 4800 SALE OF PROPERTY 4810 LEASE REVENUE TOTAL 8 - SALES & SERVICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 240.00 240.00 19.54 19.54 59.03 59.03 24.60 24.60 180.97 180.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,250.00 9,980.00 21,230.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,250.00 9,980.00 21,230.00 9 - TRANSFERS 4900 TRANSFER IN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 9 - TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *** TOTAL REVENUE *** 21,470.00 ============== 19.54 ============== 59.03 ============== 0.27 ======= 21,410.97 ============== 1-07-2016 09:36 AM C I T Y O F C A M D E N T O N FINANCIAL STATEMENT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 PAGE: 3 80 -ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND 92 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPT DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ANNUAL CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET ACCT# ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 05 - TRAVEL & MOBILE 592-0550 FOOD/LODGING/TRANSPORTATION 592-0560 ASSOCIATION DUES TOTAL 05 - TRAVEL & MOBILE 07 - SPECIAL 592-0725 PROMOTIONAL EXPENSE 592-0735 REGISTRATION & TRAINING 592-0770 CONTINGENCIES TOTAL 07 - SPECIAL 300.00 625.00 925.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 625.00 925.00 20,000.00 470.00 0.00 20,470.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 1,610.00 0.00 0.00 1,610.00 8.05 0.00 0.00 7.87 18,390.00 470.00 0.00 18,860.00 09 - CAPITAL 592-0905 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 592-0910 2003-ED-04 ADMINISTRATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 592-0915 2003-ED-04 ENGINEERING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 592-0920 2003-ED-04 SEWER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 592-0925 2003-ED-04 WATER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 592-0930 2003-ED-04 STREET 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 09 - CAPITAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 92 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPT 21,395.00 500.00 1,610.00 7.53 19,785.00 ============== ============== ============== ======= ============== ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *** TOTAL EXPENDITURES *** 21,395.00 ============== *** REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES * 75.00 ============== 500.00 ============== 1,610.00 ============== 7.53 ======= 19,785.00 ============== ( 480.46) ============== ( 1,550.97) ============== 0.00 ======= 1,625.97 ============== ACTIVITY REPORT SUMMARY - DECEMBER 2015 Water Connects Transfer or Service 2013 14 17 17 23 19 14 26 13 19 18 23 14 217 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTALS I I January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTALS I 2014 15 20 23 27 28 26 19 22 20 24 17 13 254 I Water Disconnects to Disconnect Service 2015 16 27 23 15 15 18 21 14 17 16 22 28 232 New Water Services 2013 0 1 0 0 1 0 9 1 0 0 0 0 12 II 2014 0 1 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 II 2015 0 8 0 1 0 1 2 1 2 0 1 1 17 2013 8 12 18 28 22 20 12 25 22 16 32 13 228 II II I 2014 16 26 14 16 14 8 15 12 18 16 11 8 174 I 2015 14 12 10 II 2014 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 TERRY TEICHMEIER 145 FOURTH ST 10 7 11 21 16 13 16 14 16 160 New Sewer Services 2013 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 5 NEW WATER SERVICES II 2015 0 2 0 0 0 1 2 1 2 0 0 1 9 NEW SEWER SERVICES TERRY TEICH MEIER I I 145 FOURTH ST Active Water Services 2013 1660 2014 1660 2015 1669 Total Meters 2013 1794 2014 1800 2015 1815 ACTIVITY REPORT SUMMARY - DECEMBER 2015 New Merchants License Licensing Period June 1 thru May 31 I New 201411 New 2015 12 0 4 February 7 4 3 March 8 2 1 April 4 1. 2 May 5 6 2 June 7 2 July 8 2 I New 2013 I New 2014 1 0 0 0 0 Dogwood Festival License April of each year I ;Oe1~ l[;JI 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 112 94 89 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 94 89 1 0 3 0 0 0 1 2 0 3 2 ** August 4 0 2 1 1 0 6 2 1 0 0 October 4 2 1 November 4 2 2 December 3 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 72 25 26 2 6 3 112 2014 II 2015 II 2013 II 2014 II le;;] 0 0 September I 2014 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2013 Renewals I January TOTAL Renewals Mailed New 2013 New Liquor License Licensing Period July 1 thru June 30 2015 I 0 0 * Liquor License ren ewal forms are mailed April 490 490 483 52 **29 28 and due by May - to be approved by the ***459 ***445 ***479 52 **28 27 Board of Aldermen in June Merchants License Renewal Forms are mailed in April and due by May 31st. **CATERER LIQUOR LICENSE/1 DAY EVENT LICENSE ** Differences in 2014 from previous years due to combining licenses per business location ***Differences are due to some going out of business & contractors no longer working in Camdenton's City limits. ACTIVITY REPORT SUMMARY - DECEMBER 2015 POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS ANIMAL LICENSES Animal Licenses I I I GARAGE SALES 2013 January 0 February March II 2014 II 2015 1 1 1 0 0 1 April 13 May II Licensing Period (Jan. 1 thru Dec. 31) 2013 II 2014 2015 II CYBORG JEWELRY 110 72 0 0 8 15 23 0 3 14 8 23 1 9 20 8 8 19 1 14 14 7 5 2 12 1 June 15 14 6 7 4 6 1 July 14 19 12 4 10 0 0 11 5 9 0 August 28 12 7 September 15 14 12 2 4 10 0 October 12 3 7 1 2 0 1 November 1 3 0 14 15 7 1 December 2 0 0 67 76 84 0 TOTAL 115 90 75 229 259 265 6 II 2016 I RECEIVABLES MOVED TO BAD DEBT TATIOO ARTIST KENDALL KEMPER 37 CAMDEN CT SW 5 7 3 .434. 9414 UTILITY MUNICIPAL COURT 2014 $18,609 .63 $54,454.56 2015 $2,414.62 $2,967.31 MERCHANT JOE MAPLES 2016 37 CAMDEN CT SW 239.810.3171 2017 2018 HAWG STUMP BAIT & GUIDE SERVICES 2015 88 MERCHANTS LICENSE KENDALL KEMPER II MERCHANT/BAIT SHOP BEN BLANKENBEKER 2019 212 W US HWY 54 573.216.6567 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 :... Prepared by Katie Burkhart Court Administrator NOTE: BLACKED OUT BOX DENOTES CLOSED RECORD JAN 2016 COURT REPORT FOR DEC2015 Citation I Conviction Date 151178188112/01/2015 151178241112/02/2015 151312782112/02/2015 151312742112/02/2015 151312854 12/02/2015 140735232 12/03/2015 140735234 140735235 140735236 140735640 151178025 151178053 151178069 151178353 151178363 151178466 151312681 151312735 151312739112/03/2015 151312732 12/03/2015 151312 754 12/03/2015 l.51312756 12/03/2015 151312737 12/01/2015 151178184 12/03/2015 151178125 12/03/2015 151312740112/02/2015 140735233112/03/2015 151312902 151178364112/04/2015 151178034 151178055112/03/2015 151312791112/07/2015 151178033112/07/2015 120437994 130135414 140735278112/03/2015 151312901112/0 8/2015 151178189112/07/2015 981644481 981644482 151312798112/02/2015 151312803112/10/2 015 151178187112/10/2015 1 4 0735368 140735369 151312755112/ 03/2015 151312738 151312761 151178070112/03/2015 Name KOVER, KATHY F HOLLAND, KARL HENSON, NATHANIEL RYAN HOLLINGSWORTH, JENNIFER JILL ESTRADA, MICHAEL ALLEN OTERO, ISRRAEL ROBERTO RIEDEL, CODY ALLEN DOYLE, JOSEPH DAVID VANKLAVEREN, ROBERT LEE ROGERS , CHRISTINA LYNN RICHARDSON, TIMOTHY M THOMAS, TAYLOR REESE l'IEBB, ROY JAMES Offense Amended From SEAT BELT REQUIRED (NO CC) CL AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQUIINATTENTION/DEGREE OF CARE/WITH ACCIDENT! CL SPEEDING 11-15 44 MPH in a 30 MPH zone CL LICENSE DISPLAY REQUIREMENTS(fail. l.i,dis CL LICENSE DISPLAY REQUIREMENTS(fail. li,dis CL DRIVE WHILE INTOXICATED AJ FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT WAY/NO ACCIDENT ON FAIL SIGNAL OR GIVE IMPROl?ER SIGNAL WHEN ON FAIL TO STOP OR YIELD AT LIGHT ON INSURANCE IDENTIFICATION CARDS REQUIRED ON FAILURE TO MAINTAIN INSURANCE ON UNLAWFUL USE DRUG PARA ON FAILURE TO MAINTAIN INSURANCE ON DR WH INTOX-OP MTR VEHIC WR IN A urrox 0 ON IMMEDIATE NOTICE OF ACCIDENT-FAIL TO REP ON ON STEALING-MISDEMEANOR-MUNICIPAL FAILURE TO MAINTAIN INSURANCE ON LICENSE DISPLAY REQUIREMENTS (fail 11 ,, dis ON LICENSE DISPLAY REQUIREMENTS(fai l 11 , dis CL LICENSE DISPLAY REQUIREMENTS(fail. 1.1,dis CL MIP ALCOHOL (PURCHASE OR POSSESSION) CL MIP ALCOHOL (PURCHASE OR POSSESSION) CL DEFECTIVE EQUIP/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQUIRED CL INATTENTION/DEGREE OF CARE CL AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU IIMMEDIATE NOTICE OF ACCIDENT-FAIL TO REl?ICL AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU I INSURANCE IDENTIFICATION CARDS REQUIRED ICL AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU I EXCESS ACCELERATION !CL INSURANCE IDENTIFICATION CARDS REQUIRED I I ON AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU CARELESS & IMPRUDENT DRIVING CL IMMEDIATE NOTICE OF ACCIDENT-FAIL TO REP ON AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU IFAIL SIGNAL OR GIVE IMPROPER SIGNAL WHENICL AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU ISl?EEDING 16-20 47 MPH in a 30 MPH zonelCL IAMEND DEF EQUIPMENT /OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU I INATTENTION/DEGREE OF CARE/WITH ACCIDENT! CL STEALING-MISDEMEANOR-MUNICIPAL I I ON FAILURE TO MAINTAIN INSURANCE I I ON SPEEDING 11-15 44 MPH i n a 30 MPH zone I ICL LICENSE DISl?LAY REQUIREMENTS (fail 11 , dis I ICL SEAT BELT REQUIRED (NO CC) I I CL POSS MARIJ U/35aOrHASH I ION UNLAWFUL USE DRUG PARA I I ON LICENSE DISPLAY REQUIREMENTS(fail li,disl ICL AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQUI FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY/ACCIDENT ICL SEAT BELT REQUI RED (NO CC) CL UNLAWFUL USE DRUG PARA ON DEFECTIVE EQUIP/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQUIRED ON MIP ALCOHOL (PURCHASE OR POSSESSION) CL INSURANCE IDENTIFICATION CARDS REQUIRED ON FAILURE TO MAINTAIN INSURANCE DN INATTENTION/DEGREE OF CARE CL Pleabriainal. Ba. G G G G G G M M M M M M M M M M M M G G G G G G G G G M G "M G G G M M G G G M M G G G M M G M M G I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10.00 74.50 108.60 49.60 49.60 549.50 74.60 49.50 59.60 49.60 104.60 524.50 104.50 549.50 164.60 274.50 104.50 49.60 49.60 49.60 224.50 224.50 49.50 24.50 164.50 49.60 74.50 49.50 164.50 164.50 49.50 143.50 74.50 324.60 104.50 108.60 49.50 10.00 370.00 370.00 49.50 74.50 10.00 524.50 49.50 224.50 49.50 104.50 74.50 •Unt Paid 10.00 124.50 108.60 49.50 49.50 167.05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49.50 49.50 224.50 224.50 49.60 74.60 74.50 49.50 274.50 0 ~ 0 144.50 144.50 274.50 0 0 108.50 49.50 10.00 0 0 49.50 74.50 10.00 0 0 224.50 0 0 74.50 Prepared by Katie Burkhart Court Administrator JAN 2016 COURT REPORT FOR DEC2015 NOTE: BLACKED OUT BOX DENOTES CLOSED RECORD Citation Conviction Date Name 151312780 12/16/2015 KNOCHE , TROY ROBERT 2 Offense Amended From statu Plea Dr1ainal Ba Amount Paid INSURANCE IDENTIFICATION CARDS REQUIRED CL CL CL CL G G G G MARI J U/35aOrHASH POSS YllRIJ U/3500rHASH INSURANCE IDENTIFICAT I ON CARDS REQUIRED ON ON ON M M M CL CL G G ON ON M M CL CL G G AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU l.51312794 12/16/2015 WALLACE 151178446 l.2/17/2015 ROBERTS , GRANT THOMl\S CARELESS ' IMPRUDENT DRIVING AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU SPEEDING 21-25 51 MPH in a 30 MPH zone SPEEDI NG 11-l.5 53 ldPH in a 40 MPH zone ROBERTS , GRANT THOMAS l.51178447 12/17/2015 l.51312724 HUNTER GLEN ~POSS l.51312727 l.5131286 3 151312 725 12/ 17 /20l.5 151178054 12/03/2015 15117BH2 , DELMOTTE , MICHAEL ALLEN AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU ~AMENDC'1 FAILURE TO 151312736 UNIJ\JIFUL USE DRUG PARA DRIVE WHILE INTOXICATED MAINTAIN INSURANCE FAILURE TO MAINTAIN INSURANCE l.51312765 12/31/2015 KEENEY, BRIAN JOHN SPEEDING 11-15 l.51312768 12/31/2015 WHITNEY, MICHAEL DEAN AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU SPEEDING 11-l.5 45 MPH in a 30 MPH zone 45 MPH in a 30 MPH zone 24.60 192.60 102.60 49.50 524.50 524.60 49.50 524.50 549.60 104.50 104.50 114.60 114.60 124.50 244.50 102.50 49.50 0 0 0 124.50 380.41 0 0 114.50 124.50 Prepared by Katie Burkhart Court Administrator DEC 2015 COURT REPORT FOR NOV2015 NOTE: BLACKED OUT BOX DENOTES CLOSED RECORD Citation Offense 020705239 020705241 020705:42 131531639 131531669 140735013 140735201 140735533 15-800001 151178016 151178088 151178124 151178173 151178215 Amended From Amount Paid FAILURE TO MAINTAIN INSURANCE 4 9 :!PH in a FAILURE TO MAINTAIN IN;:rn.ANCE SPEED 19 MILES O"'ER 0 ON ON 30 !!PH AJ G FAILURE M OP ERATING WITHOUT '/ALID LICNSE ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON FAILURE 1.> MAI!ITAIN INSURANCE D<I I! ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON M 1.) MAINTAIN I; 3U!V.NCE FAILURE TO MAINTAIN INSURANCE FAILURE TO DRIVE WITHIN SINGLE LANE BUILDING CCJE VIOLATior FAILURE TO MAINTAIN USURANCE FAIL TO STOP AT SIG" FAILURE T:> M:.INTAIN INSURANCE 44 MPH in a 151178~54 SPEEDING 11-15 151178348 1511 78362 151178379 151178380 151178386 151179387 151178388 i5111039a 151178400 151178408 151178416 151178438 151312660 151312733 151312734 151312797 151312851 151312852 151312853 1511780 oEl11/02/2015 151178457 111/02/2015 151178232 111/03/2015 151178068 111/04/2015 151178326 111/04/2015 151312706 111/04/2015 151312711111/04/2015 13153152Clll/05/2015 140735135 111/05/2015 140735136 111/05/:015 151177983 111/05/2015 151178087 111/05/2015 151178183 111/05/2015 151 17 8239 111/05/2015 INSURJNCE ror'ITIFICATI0 1; CARJ:S REQUIRED 30 MPH zone FAILURE TO lf\INTAIN I. ;URANCE DRIVE WHILE SUSPENDED'RE OKED IN~"'JRANCE IDENTIFICATIOll CARDS REQUIRED INSURrllCE IDENTIFICJ.TION CARDS REQUIRED POSS MARIJ U.' 35g0rHA:;H POSS MARIJ U'35~0rHASH LICENSE DISPLAY REQUIR EMENTS(fail li,dis OPERATI: 3 WITDUT VALID LICENSE INSURANCE IDENTIFICAT I OK CARD:; REQUIRED LIC:NSE DI~PLAY REQUI~EMENTS (fail li,dis INSURANCE IDENTIFICAT I C I CAR[ 3 REQUIRED .. UNLi.ilFUL US& DRUG PARA l! M 0 M 1(' 4. 50 59. 50 10 4. 50 102 . 50 104 . 50 108 . 50 4 '.' . 50 104.50 524.50 49.50 49.50 524.50 524. 50 49.50 102 .50 ~ 9 . 50 49.50 4 9. 50 5<.4 . 50 49. 50 224. 50 104.50 59 , 50 49 . 50 M M M M M M M M M M M M Jl M M ON ON M FAILURE TO MAINTAIN INSU' ANCE FAIL TO STOP AT SIGN D:J M (PUR~HASE OR POSSESSION) 54 . 50 274 . 50 104 . 50 49.50 104.50 49.50 M M MI P ALCOHOL M M INSURANCE IDENTIFICATION CARDS REQUIRED [;'' M INSl"1ANCE ON M 4 ~ .5 0 NATT!:NTIOK/DEG'"IEE OF CARE/WITH ACCID!NtCL G CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL G 74 . 50 <.74.50 74.50 164.50 4) .50 108.50 108.50 157.C) 59.50 5!'.50 524.50 524 . 50 14 .so IDBNTIFIC~TION CARDS REQUIRED AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHE- EQUIPMENT REQU E~~IPMENT/OTHER HAMNER, CHUN CHA AMEND DEF SWEDBURG, BRUCE .' .L.>N AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU MINER, TR ' AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU EQUIPMENT REQU STEALING-MISDEMEANOR-MUNICIPAL FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT WAY (ACCIDEN'2') CARELESS ' IMPRUDENT DRIVING INSUR; !ICE IDENTIFICATION CARDS REQUIRED CUNNINGHAM, !!ARTIN DENNI ISPEEDING 11-15 44 MPH in a 30 MPH zone HOLT, JESSIC'» GAIL !SPEEDING 11-15 44 MPH in a 30 MPH zone MI LLER, KELCIE MARIE AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU OPERATING WITHOUT VALID LIC!NS! HI LLER, STE 'EN RYAN AMEND DEF EQUifl•ENT/OTHER EQUIPMEllT REQU FAIL TO srop AT SIGN MI LLER, STE' ZN RY.' N FAIL TO STOP AT SIGN WALDON, BRANDON G'•E AMEND DEF EQUIP!IENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU KEYS, JUDY ''.> NE !AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER KING, MC'.G"I LV;y !FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY/ACCIDENT PEARCE, CH.-.SE M D" C'l INSURANCE IDENTIFICATION CARDS REQUIRED BAf<E R, coo·: .'LLEll M STEAL I NG- MI SDE'IEAllOR-t!UN I CI PAL LICENSE DISPLAY REQUIREMENTS (fail li,dis IS F M ; l~NTCCllERYIFAIL E~IJIPMENT TO STOP O?. YIELD AT LIGHT REi:'U G G G G UNLAWFUL USE DRUG PARA CL DR.I'. E WHILE SUSPENDED/REVOKED CL G G G G CL G CL 59.50 0 0 :4 . 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 174.50 74.50 124.50 49.50 49.50 108 . 50 108.50 14 .50 59.50 59.50 '.)9.50 124 . 50 74.50 59 . 50 NOTE: BLACKED OUT BOX DENOTES CLOSED RECORD Prepared by Katie Burkhart Court Administrator 2 DEC 2015 COURT REPORT FOR NOV2015 Citation conviction Datt Name Offense Amended From 1511 78358 11/05/2015 WHITWORTH, DAKOTA ALLEN 151178385 11/05/2015 ARIOLA, CHARITY ELIZABET LICENSE DISPLAY REQUIREMEllTS (fail li,dis 151178393 11/05/2015 FIVEASH, DREW RYAN 151178417 11/05/2015 JONES , ANDREW LEWIS LICENSE DISPLAY REQUIREMENTS(fail l i , dis 151178424 11/05/201 5 WHITE, KATHERINE IRENE SPEEDING 6-10 40 MPH in a 30 MPH zone 151179429 11/05/2015 SUTTEN , SAMANTHA DAWN SPEEDING 6-10 40 MPH in a 30 MPH zone 151178429 11/05/2015 KARUM, BRIANNA SHAYE SPEEDIN .; 6-10 40 MPH in a 30 MPH zone 151178430 11/05/2015 SUTTON, DJ. ID TYLER AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU IMMEDIATE NOTICE OF ACCIDENT-FAIL TO REP /.'!END DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER tQUIPMENT REQU 151178431 11/05/2015 WHITE, KATHERINE IRENE FhIL TO STOP OR YIELD AT LIGHT 151312670 11/05/2015 HUGHES, CALE3 GARNETT DEFECTIVE EQUIP/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQUIRED 151312719 11/05/2015 BROWN , KYLE ANTHONY POSS MARIJ U/35gOrHASH USE DRUG p;\RA 151312719 11/05/2015 BROWN, KYLE ANTHONY UNW.~FUL 151312720 11/05/2015 BROWN, KYLE ANTHONY FAILURE TO USE REQUIRED EQUIPMENT 151312722 11/05/2015 SCHELP, KODY ALLEN POSS MARIJ U/35'.(.>rHASH 151312723 11/05/2015 SCHELP, KODY ALLEN SPEEDING 16-20 1511 7£365 11/ 06/2015 CHAPPELL, FORREST JAMES FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY/ACCIDENT 1511794 37 11/06/2015 HAYNES, SELESTE RENEE FAIL TO STOP AT SIGN H· S ~ HAYNES, SELESTE RENEE Parking Prohibited 15117821 6 11/13/2015 DUNHAM, VICKIE LYNN L I CENSE DISPLAY REQUIREMENTS(fail l i,dis 151178458 11/18/2015 SMITH, PHYLLIS LAVERNE FAILURE TO MAINTAIN INSURANCE 11/06/2015 48 MPH in a 30 MPH zone 151178459 11/18/2015 SMITH, PHYLLIS 1.1./ERNE IMPROPER USE OF TURN LANE 151312729 11/18/2015 MILLER, JUSTIN BLAKE AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU 140735284 11/19/2015 STN!L, NANCY JO AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU 140735314 11/19/2015 EVANS, SEAN MICHAEL DEFECTIVE EQUIP/OTHER EQUIPMENT RECUIRED 151312758 11/19/2015 TRAVLOS, BENJAMIN JOHN FAI L TO STOP OR YIELD AT LIGHT SPEEDING 21-25 52 MPH in a 30 MPH zone 151312759 11/19/2015 D!X,)N, MATTHEW LEE 140735565 11/:4/2015 LAWRENCE, DANIELLE NICHO AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU 1511 78015 11/24/2015 HERRELL, CHRISTINA LYNNA AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER E';;IJIPMENT REQU 151178439 11/25/2015 CREWS-VI SHY, MADISON LEE AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER E2UIPMENT REQU 151312783 11/25/2015 HEUSNER, DWIGHT L AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER 151179456 11/30 /2015 ROSA, TONY A FAIL TO STOP OR YIELD AT LIGHT 151312726 11/30/2015 WRIGHT, KEILI ANN FAILURE TO USE REQUIRED EQUIPMENT 151312730 11/ 30/2015 HANNASCH , JASON NORBERT LICENSE DISPLAY REQUIREMENTS (fail li,dis 1 5131 2795 11/30/2015 CRUSE, MERCEDES NILENE AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU 151312 802 11/30/2015 LISTER, JOSHU \ WILLIAM EXCESS CCELERATION E~<JHHENT REQU Statu1 Plea )riglnal B! Amount Paid CL CL OPERATING WITl:.JU'f VALID LICENSE CL CL CL CL CL PEEDJNG 16-20 60 KPH in a 40 MPH z:on CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CARELESS ' IMPRUDENT ORI ING CL DRIVE WHILE SUSPENDEO/R.L IO ·..SD CL CL CL CL PIEDING 11-15 44 MPH l.n a 30 MPH zon CL FAILURE TO USE REQUiru:D EQUIPMENT CL PEEOING 11-15 ~2 MPH i.n 4 30 MPH zon CL P!EDING 16-2 0 4'7 HPH in a 30 MPH %On CL CL CL CL OPEN LIQUOR CONTAINER CL CL 0 G 164.50 G 49.50 49.50 G 127.00 7 4. 50 49.50 49 . 50 G G 164. 50 64 . 50 64 . 50 €4 .5 0 64.50 G 64.50 (;4 .50 G 164.50 224.50 59.50 5?.50 G 49. 50 49. 50 G 524 ' 50 524 . 50 G 524 . 50 52 4. 50 G 49.50 G 524.50 524 . 50 G 150 . 50 150. 50 G 74 . 50 75 . 00 G 5 J . 50 59 . 50 G 49 . 50 25 . 0J G 49 . 50 29 . 50 G 104.50 1 04 . 50 40 . 50 G 19 . 50 49.50 G 164.50 124.50 124.50 G 524.50 G 49.50 49.50 G 59 . 50 59 . 50 G :oo.50 200.50 G 24.50 184.50 G 49.50 99.50 G 96.50 124 . 50 G 143 . 50 274.50 G 5 9 . 50 59 . 50 G 49. 50 49 . 50 G 4 9. 50 49. 50 G 124.5 0 74. 50 G 74.50 74.50 BLACKED OUT BOX DENOTES CLOSED RECORD Citation 'onvictiou Oat 1S ll781SS 9/03/201S 1Sll?e204 9/03/2015 151178313 9/03/2015 151178314 9/03/2015 140734828 9/10/2015 14v73Sll2 9/14/2015 1S117J259 10/01/2015 151312675 10/01/2015 131531561 15117801 9 10/02/2014 151178067 10/02/2015 151178000 10/05/2015 151178111 10/05/2015 151178113 151178397 10/05/2015 10/02/2015 151178340 10/05/2015 10/0C/2015 1Sll78352 1 0/06/2015 151312714 140735Sl9 10/06/2015 10/07/201S 1511 78344 10/07/2015 13013SS74 10/08/2015 131531491 10/08/201S lSll 78036 10/08/2015 10.'08/2015 lSll 7€057 lSll 78061 lSll 78062 10/08/2015 10/08/ 2015 lSll 7 8117 10/08/2015 l Sll78175 10/ 08/2015 lSll 78257 10/08/2015 1Sll 7C316 10/08/2015 1Sll783 45 10/08/201S l Sll 7835 4 1Sll784 09 10/08/2015 10/(q/2015 151178174 10/13/ 2015 1Sl312658 10/14/201S 151178160 10/lS/2015 151178182 10/1S/201S 151178268 10/l~ / 20 15 151178 42S 10/1 : ' 201S lSll 78426 10/19/2015 151312652 10/20/2015 151312710 10/21/201S 1Sl312801 10/22/201S Name WALLIS, TERESA LYNN WHITE, SAMANTHA LOUISE BLAND, JASON LENN BLAND, JASON LENN WILLOUGHBY, GAGE AUSTIN R0UNTREE, DARRELL ANTHONY GEHNER, HANNAH MICHELLE SEBASTIAN, TONYA NICOLE WARN.X:K, GERALD ED\':ARD CAMARILLO, ALBERTO CRUZ JR CLAYTON, TRE!IT K BL<'M, TWvTHY DOUGLAS JR RICHARDS, JUSTIN EVERETT RICHARDS, JUSTIN E'. ERETT VASQUEZ TORO, MI GUEL BURKHARDT, \LEX MICHAEL STOUFER, BONNIE JADEN KEMPF , CHARLES LLOYD DOSS , COURTNEY LYNN DRESCHER, WILLIAM DARRELL C} PPS, PAULA KAYE 1<.)BERTS, MANDIE NICHOLE WIMBERLY, BRITTANY A CREWS, JAMES P CREWS , JAMES P LEUWERKE, RANDY LEE Xl\RTINEZ, ALEK JR AMOS , GARY BRYANT JR WEBSTER, CAMEF.ON lA.'IE LEWIS, !\i'IANDA MARIE DIMITT, SID LESTER CHAPARRO, ALISHA RENAE WILSON, ~ADE ALLEN BYRD- OLSON , LAURA SCHMIDT, MERCEDES BRIANA RAYE SYKES, THOMAS J HALLEY, DENICE RENEE CRAIG, KIRSTEN ANNE CRAIG, KIRSTEN ANNE WIEDENHOFFER, TIFFANY MICHELE DAVIS, MICHAEL WAYNE OLIVER, CHRISTINE Prepared by Katie Burkhart Court Administrator NOV 2015 COURT REPORT FOROCT2015 Oftense /\MEND DEF EQU!f'!IENT1 ,'THER EQUIPMENT REQU LICENSE DISPL!,Y REQUIREMENTS (fail li , dis !\MEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHE~ EJUIPMENT REJU FAILURE TO USE REQUIRED EQUIPMENT DEFECTIVE EQUIP/OTHER EQUIPMENT R!;.JUI RED STEALING-MISDEMEANOR-MUNICIPAL !\MEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU SPEEDING 11- 15 44 MPH in a 30 MPH zone FAILURE TO USE REQUIRED EQUI PMENT FAILUrE TO USE REQUIRED EQUIPMENT AMEND DEF EQUIPMEt;T/(•fH ER EQUIPMENT RI:QU FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT WAY (ACCIDENT) DEFECTIVE EQUIP/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQUIRED LICENSE DISPLAY REQUIREMENTS(fail li ,dis FAIL TO STOP AT SIGN LICEl,SE DISPLAY REQUIREMENTS (fail li,dis Al'END DEF EQUIP:IENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU >.:'!END DEF EQUIPllE!iT/OTHER EQUIPMENT HEQU FAIL TO STOP AT SIGN Af:END DEF EQUIPMENT/C. THER EOUIPMENT REQU FAIL TO STOP AT SIGN FAILURE TO USE Rf;..,JIRED EQUIPMENT UNLAWFUL USE DRUG P~RA Af!END C&I !\MEND DEF E(,JIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU !\MEND C&I LICENSE DISPLAY REQUIREME~~S(fail li ,ctis !\MEND DEF EQUIPMENT/C.THER EQUIPMENT REQU FAILURE TO DRIVE WITHIN SINGLE LA:IE FAIL SIGNAL OR GIVE I!!PFOPER SIGNAL WHEN AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/l rHER ECUIPMENT REQU SEAT BELT REQUIRED (NO CC) SPEEDING 6-10 40 MPH in a 30 l"PH zone FAIL TO STOP ~T SIGN SPEEDING 11- 15 45 MPH in a 30 MPH zone LICEt:SE DISPLAY REQUIREXENTS (fail li, dis INATTENTION/DEGREE OF CARE/WITH hCCIDENT AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU FAIL TO STOP AT SIGN OPERATING WITH<'UT \'ALID LICENSE AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU !\MEND DEF EQUIPMENT/O'THER EQUIPMENT REQU BURNING LIMITED Amended From Sta tu' INSURANCE IDENTIFICATION CARDS REQUIRED CL CL DRIVE WHILE SUSPENDED/ RE" 'OKED CL CL CL CL SPEEDING 6-10 55 MPH in a 45 MPH zone CL CL CL CL INATTENTION/DEGREE OF CARE/WITH ACCIDENT CL CL CL CL CL CL FOLLOWING TCv CLOSELY/ACCIDE!iT CL SPEEDING 11- 15 4• Ki'H in a 30 l~PH zone CL CL INSURANCE IDENTIFICATICN CARDS F EQUI~ED CL CL CL AJ Af!ZND DEF E,.IJIPl!ENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU CL SPEEDING 11-lS 43 MPH in a 30 MPH z~ne CL D!U\'E l·lHILE INTOXICATED CL CL FAI L TO STOP AT SIGN CL CL CL SPEEDING 11-lS 44 MPH in a 30 Mi:'H zcne CL CL CL CL CL CL CL SPEEDI F;; 6-10 40 MPH in a 30 MPH zone CL CL CL SPEEDING 16- 20 47 MPH in a 30 MPH zone CL SPEEDING 11-lS 45 MPH in a 30 MPH zone CL CL Amt Paid 74. SO 49.50 99.50 49. SJ 99 . 50 214 . so 104.50 1( 1 . so 49 . 50 49 . SO 124. 50 74.50 49.50 49.50 59 . 50 49 . SO 84 . SO 184 . SO 59.S O 49 . 50 59 . 50 49.SO 24.50 250. 41 3CJ . O~ 29~ . 91 49 . 50 7 4. SO S0 . 00 49.SO GO. 00 10 . CO 64 . S:> S9 . 50 114. so 49 . 50 74 .SO 64 .so S9.S9 102 . 50 74 . 5:) 144. so 29 . SO BLACKED OUT BOX DENOTES CLOSED RECORD Prepared by Katie Burkhart Court A dministrator NOV 2015 COURT REPORT FOR OCT 2015 Citation 151170333 mvi::tion Da 1 0/23 /2015 N'me LA::IN, SHAWN MATTHEW Offense LICENSE DISPLAY REQUIREMENTS(fail li,dis 151170335 10/23/2015 Lr .KIN, Sli' .:iN MATTH:r., A!IEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU 151170403 10/23/2015 SMITH, MARK JOSEPH JR LICEl'-SE DISPLAY REQUIREMENTS(fail li,dis 151170440 10/23/2015 WYATT, CARL PHILLIP SPEEDING 6-10 151170209 10/26/2015 NEWHAM, MELVIN HUGH ~.'1END 151312707 10/27/2015 THILL, CONNOR DA'.'ID .;MEND DEF 151170394 10/30/2015 151312717 10/30/2015 40 ;~PH in a 2 Amt Paid Amended From OPERATING WITH~UT VALID LICENSE 30 MPH zone DEF EQUIPMENT/ OTHER EQUIP:!ENT RE:.;~ CL 49 .5 ) CL 99.50 CL 49. ~ 0 CL 64 .5 0 CL 12 4. ~0 E2UIPMENT REQU SPEEDING 11-15 44 MPH in a 30 MPH zor.e CL 164 . 50 BUNTING, PAMELA R FAIL 1•J STOP AT SIG'• CL 59 . 50 THOMPSON, BRETT ERIC AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIP"IENT REQU SPEEDIKG 11-15 44 !!PH in a 30 MPH zone CL 74 .so EQUIP~:ENT/OTHER INATTENTION/DEGREE C.f CARE 151170269 INSURANCE IDEllTIFICATION CARDS REQUIRED DN -DNDN 151170302 INSURANCE IDENTIFICATIO' ; CARDS RE:;uIRED 15131266, FAILURE TO ! IAINTAIN 151170337 INSURANCE IDENTIFIC..TION CARDS REQUIF.ED DN 151170010 FAILURE TO MAINTAIN INc URANC E DN IN~URAllCE 151170240 FAILURE TO MAINTAIN INSURANCE 151170339 INSURANCE 131531612 INSURAKCE IDENTIFICATI CN CARDS REQUIRED 131531613 LICENSE DISPLAY REQUIRF.MENTS(fail li,dis IDENTIFICATir~ CARr~ ~EQUIRED 140735560 !N::;URANCE IDENTIFICATIO!' CARDS REQUIRED 140735569 OPERATING < ITHOUT VALID LICENSE 140735630 CARELESS 14 0735641 IilSURl21CE IDENTIFICATION CARDS REQ1JI RED 151170035 POSS !~ RIJ U/ 35gOrHASH & IMPRUDENT DRI'.'ING 15117 0122 FAILURE TC ; IAINTAIN INSURANCE 151170123 LICENSE DISPLAY -DN DN -DN L!J D:: -DN -DN -DN DN 1 51170274 MIP ALC.)HOL ( PUF--:: HllSE OR POSSESSIC t/) -DN -DN DN -ON -ON 15117 034 6 INSURANCE IDENTIFICATION CARDS REQUIREr ON 151170406 INSURANCE IDENTIFICATinN CARDS REQUIRED 151170407 LICENSE 151170436 SPEEDING 6-10 151312721 OPERATING WITHOUT \".\LID LIC ENSE DN 151172092 DRIVE WHILE SUSPENDED/RE'.::lKED ON REQUIR~!ENTS(fail li,dis 151170272 DEFECTIVE EQUIP/OTHER EQUIPMENT RE<:'JIRED 151170273 EXCESS ACCELERATIC'N DI ~ PLAY REQUI!'.E.' !E!iTS (fail li , dis 40 MPH in a 30 MPH zone 151170 154 Pl 'lPERTY DAMAGE ESTH'.ATE $ OF DAM.'.GE 151170161 INSURANCE IDENTIFICATICN C~RDS REQUifED 15131:731 LICENSE DISPLAY REQUI REMENTS(fail li , dis 1 5 1170334 INSURANCE IDENTIFICATION CARDS REQUIRED 151312753 FAILURE TO MAINTAI!.' INSURANCE DN -DN DN -ON ON -DN -DN -DN ~, Note: Blocked Boxes Denotes Closed Record Citation onviction Da1 Prepared By Katie Burkhart Sept 2015 Court Report For Aug 2015 Name 151178097 8/24/2015 ADAMS, SETH A 140735290 140735540 140735528 140735222 140735549 140735603 140735546 140735547 151178009 151178276 151178266 151178107 151178008 140735554 140735654 140735110 151178082 140735226 140735658 140735471 140735472 151178010 151178080 151178028 151178052 151178315 140735217 140735361 140735362 140735478 151178026 140735545 151178330 140735330 140735557 131531217 131531438 140735571 140735572 140735573 080282839 151312657 140735243 Offense SPEEDING 11-15 44 MPH In a 30 MPH zone AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU 8/06/2015 BAKER, ROBERT WILLIAM OPEN LIQUOR CONTAINER 8/06/2015 BARTLEY, JAMES TODD FAILURE TO USE REQUIRED EQUIPMENT 8/17/2015 BASS, SHANNON JOSEPH JR 8/06/2015 BATLINER, DIEDRE MARIE INATTENTION/DEGREE OF CARE AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU 8/06/2015 BERTELSMEYER, PATRICIA MAY PEACE DISTURBANCE 8/06/2015 BRISCOE, DILLON JOSEPH POSS MARIJ U/35g0rHASH 8/06/2015 BROCK, KEVIN MICHAEL 2ND UNLAWFUL USE DRUG PARA 8/06/2015 BROCK, KEVIN MICHAEL 2ND AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU 8/06/2015 BURTON, ZACHARY AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU 8/10/2015 CAHAil, SHAWN JERRY SPEEDING 6-10 40 MPH in a 30 MPH zone 8/25/2015 CAMPBELL, RODGER SCOTT 8/20/2015 CANTRELL, JAMIE MARIE RESPONSIBILITY OF OWNERS AND OCCUPANTS-F EXCESS ACCELERATION 8/06/2015 CASADY, TRENTON ALEXANDER AMEND C&I 8/06/2015 CLARK, STACEY MICHELLE FAIL TO STOP AT SIGN 8/31/2015 CRAMLETT, CODY ALLEN AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU 8/06/2015 CURLEY, MESHIAH DANE 8/06/2015 DAVIDSON, JOSEPH JORDEN JERE~ SPEEDING 11-15 45 MPH in a 30 MPH zone 8/06/2015 DEMARSH, ALEXUS ANN-MARGARE FAILURE TO DRIVE WITH IN SINGLE LANE AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU 8/06/2015 EIDSON, TYLER STERLING UNLAWFUL USE DRUG PARA 8/06/2015 ELLIS, RYAN DANIEL FAILURE TO USE REQUIRED EQUIPMENT 8/06/2015 ELLIS, RYAN DANIEL SPEEDING 11-15 44 MPH in a 30 MPH zone 8/31/2015 EMBRY, KYLE DEAN AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU 8/06/2015 FIVEASH, DREW RYAN FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT WAY(ACCIDENn 8/06/2015 GROSSENHEIDER, PAUL ABBOT INATTENTION/DEGREE OF CARE/WITH ACC IDENT 8/17/2015 HALE, CASSANDRA ELIZABETH AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU 8/24/2015 JONES, GAVIN HUNTER SEAT BELT REQUIRED (NO CC} 8/06/2015 KEENEY, TYLER JAMES UNLAWFUL USE DRUG PARA 8/06/2015 KEENEY, TYLER JAMES PEACE DISTURBANCE 8/06/2015 KEENEY, TYLER JAMES UNLAWFUL USE DRUG PARA 8/06/2015 LARSON , RONALD LEROY AMEND TO LITTERING ON ANY PRIVATE PROPER 8/19/2015 MACKEY, PAUL LINCOLN EXCESS ACCELERATION 8/07/2015 MIZER, AUSTIN MICHAEL SPEEDING 11-15 45 MPH in a 30 MPH zone 8/07/2015 ORICK, ANNA GALE SPEEDING 16-20 41 MPH in a 25 MPH zone 8/06/2015 PHARES, CALVIN CURTIS 8/20/2015 RUNION, JEREMY ROBERT DEFECTIVE EQUIP/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQUIRED STEALING-MISDEMEANOR-MUNICIPAL 8/06/2015 SIMMERLY, NATHANIEL JOSEPH AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU 8/06/2015 SMITH, JOHN ANDREW POSS MARIJ U/35g0rHASH 8/20/2015 SYLVESTER, ROBERT JAMES 8/20/2015 SYLVESTER, ROBERT JAMES UNLAWFUL USE DRUG PARA 8/20/2015 SYLVESTER, ROBERT JAMES OPEN LIQUOR CONTAINER UNLAWFUL USE DRUG PARA 8/06/2015 WAGERS, CORY REX SPEEDING 16-20 56 MPH in a 40 MPH zone 8/24/2015 WILLIS, GARY STEPHEN AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU 8/26/2015 WILSON, SCOTT LEE JR Amended From Status Pie< Fine & Cost CL G DING 16-20 48 MPH in a 30 MP~ CL EX CL CL URE TO DRIVE WITHIN SINGLE I EX EX EX EX EXCESS ACCELERATION CL L TO YIELD RIGHT WAY(ACCIDE CL CL CL CL DRIVE WHILE INTOXICATED CL CL URE TO DRIVE WITH IN SINGLE I CL CL CL NCE IDENTIFICATION CARDS RE CL EX CL CL EXCESS ACCELERATION CL CL CL ERATING WITHOUT VALID LICE~ CL EX EX EX CL ~TE NOTICE OF ACCIDENT-FAIL CL CL CL EX CL EX NCE IDENTIFICATION CARDS RE EX EX EX EX CL CL COHOL (PURCHASE OR POSSE CL G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G 108.50 150.50 124.50 49.50 74.50 149.50 274.50 524.50 524.50 54.50 74.50 64.50 59.50 74.50 473 .30 59.50 124.50 114.50 49.50 54.50 524.50 49.50 108.50 149.50 74.50 74.50 74.50 10.00 24.50 274.50 224.50 244.50 74.50 114.50 136.50 94.50 74.50 124.50 524.50 524.50 124.50 224.50 136.50 300.00 Note: Blocked Boxes Denotes Closed Record Citation 110735001 140735677 000871688 000871689 000873254 080282837 080282838 080282840 131531221 131531222 131531436 131531437 131531439 140734952 140735210 140735211 140735212 140735242 140735359 140735360 140735399 140735400 140735479 140735538 140735539 140735548 140735558 140735602 140735628 140735642 140735655 140735657 140735659 151177990 151177991 151177997 151177998 151178027 151178081 151178157 151178167 151178203 151178302 151178303 Prepared By Katie Burkhart Sept 2015 Court Report For Aug 2015 Offense AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU AMEND DEF EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPMENT REQU FAIL TO STOP AT SIGN FAILURE TO MAINTAIN INSURANCE PASS ON RIGHT SPEEDING 16-20 46 MPH in a 30 MPH zone POSS MARIJ U/35 OrHASH OPEN LIQUOR CONTAINER UNLAWFUL USE DRUG PARA FAIL SIGNAL OR GIVE IMPROPER SIGNAL WHEN ALLOWING UNLICENSED OR UNAUTHORIZED PERS DRIVE WHILE SUSPENDED/REVOKED FAIL SIGNAL OR GIVE IMPROPER SIGNAL WHEN STEALING-MISDEMEANOR-MUNICIPAL INATTENTION/DEGREE OF CARE/WITH ACCIDENT FAILURE TO MAINTAIN INSURANCE IMMEDIATE NOTICE OF ACCIDENT-FAIL TO REP POSS MARIJ U/35 OrHASH MIP ALCOHOL PURCHASE OR POSSESSION POSS MARIJ U/35 OrHASH POSS MARIJ U/35 OrHASH UNLAWFUL USE DRUG PARA POSS MARIJ U/35 OrHASH POSS MARIJ U/35 OrHASH UNLAWFUL USE DRUG PARA DRIVE WHILE SUSPENDED/REVOKED DRIVE WHILE SUSPENDED/REVOKED FAILURE TO MAINTAIN INSURANCE INSURANCE IDENTIFICATION CARDS REQUIRED INSURANCE IDENTIFICATION CARDS REQUIRED INSURANCE IDENTIFICATION CARDS REQUIRED INSURANCE IDENTIFICATION CARDS REQUIRED FAIL TO STOP AT SIGN RESPONSIBILITY OF OWNERS AND OCCUPANTS-F DAMAGED OR DISABLED VEHICLES AS PUBLIC N DAMAGED OR DISABLED VEHICLES AS PUBLIC N RESPONSIBILITY OF OWNERS AND OCCUPANTS-F DRIVE WHILE SUSPENDED/REVOKED OPERATING WITHOUT VALID LICENSE INSURANCE IDENTIFICATION CARDS REQUIRED INSURANCE IDENTIFICATION CARDS REQUIRED FAILURE TO MAINTAIN INSURANCE STEALING-MISDEMEANOR-MUNICIPAL MIP ALCOHOL (PURCHASE OR POSSESSION) 2 Amended From ta tu F EQUIPMENT/OTHER EQUIPM CL ION/DEGREE OF CARE/WITH A CL ON ON ON ON ON ON ON DN DN DN ON ON ON DN ON ON DN ON DN DN ON ON ON ON DN ON ON DN ON ON ON ON ON DN DN ON DN ON ON ON DN ON Lake Aviation Center Camdenton Memorial Airport Monthly Report for: Dec 2015 Previous Year - 2014 Dec YTD Dec-15 YTD Dec %Change Month YTD Single Engine Piston 241 6,449 269 5,476 -10% 18% Multi Engine Piston 5 201 4 239 25% -16% Single Engine Jet 12 170 8 95 50% 79% Multi Engine Jet 16 201 8 397 100% -49% Take Offs 137 3,488 146 3,113 -6% 12% Landings 137 3,533 143 3,094 -4% 14% 906.0 17,324.0 588.0 32,192.0 54% -46% 100 Low level Fuel Sold 1,593.0 35,629.0 1,095.0 34,729.0 45% 3% Total Fuel Sold 2,499.0 52,953.0 1,683.0 66,921.0 48% -21% Jet Fuel Sold 01/08/2016 • . Building Official I Zoning Inspector Report The Honorable Mayor And Members of the Board of Aldermen City of Camdenton, Missouri • 1/19/16 SUBJECT: Building Official/Zoning Inspector Report for December 2015 Construction valuation for the month of December was $127,100.00 with $75.90 in permit fees collected. Construction valuation for December 2014 was $253,526.47. This is an -49.87% decrease over the same month last year. Construction valuation for 2015 from January through December is $5,444,379.65. 2014 construction valuation equaled $4,270,029.31 thus the City of Camdenton increased construction value by 27.5%. The average construction valuation over the last five years has equaled $3, 150,540.00. Construction continues for the Donut Palace and the addition to the Lake Regional Medical Clinic. The Board of Adjustment did not meet for the month of December. The Planning and Zoning Commission did not meet during the month of December. Respectfully, Dennis D Croxton Building Official Zoning Inspector City of camdenton 2015 ANNUAL PERMITS Building, Demos, Accessory buildings, fences, signs, and blasting. a-active, x-complete, s-stalled VALUATION PERMIT FEE TYPE OWNER ADDRESS waived Habitat Lot 9 Hidden Creek 125000.00 sng fin dw signs K& KCustom 212W Hwy54 1200.00 25.90 Eshenroder 650 Lakeview 900.00 50.00 carport December PERMIT'A 3911-15 3912-15 3913-15 DATE 1212 12114 12128 Dec Totals YTD 3 $127,100.00 $75.90 $5,444,379.65 $31,808.71 o new comm Ocomm plumb O comm elec Ocommmech 2 residential O remodel O addition O deck 1 sign Ofence O ace bd Odemo O excavation Opool 116 YTD CONTRACTOR same same same a/xis a x a CITY OF CAMDENTON Building Officials Report December-15 PREVIOUS YEAR #ofTimes Time Spent Review Plans Review Building Permit Submissions Residential Site Inspections Residential Site Re-inspections Commercial Site Inspections Commercial Site Re-inspections Airport Inspections Business License Inspections Business License Re-inspections Sign Inspection Zone Inspection Planning & Zoning Reviews Miscellaneous Administrations Dangerous Building Inspections General Observations. After hours meetings attended Business Park TOTAL TIME COMMITED 37 13 7 3 20 6 0 1 0 2 26.75 3.75 3.5 2 12.5 3.75 0 0.5 0 14 3 9 8.25 0.75 4.5 3 2 27 15 2 3 0 1 0 1 24 0 0.5 0 0 4 38 0 20.25 1.5 0 0 0.5 12 17.5 39.5 2.5 33.5 1 0 218 139.25 212 139.5 31 7 65 0 25 1 1 15 7 41.75 THIS YEAR #of Times Time Spent 18 66 1 CONSTRUCTION VALUATION & PERi'11T FEES FOR CALENDAR YEARS 2014-2017 Pennit Fees 2014 Sl,372.04 $905.25 $436.15 $440.00 $1,480.85 $420.00 $2,700.00 $4,532.00 $4,038.10 S4SO.OO $3,903.50 SI 768.23 JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER TOTALS January February March $ Vnlue 2014 $223,930.00 $364 540.00 $27,965.00 $33,168.84 $349,528.00 $24,518.00 $76,850.00 $1,265,240.00 $784,300.00 S102,000.00 $764,463.00 S253,526.47 22,446.12 $4,270,029.31 %of Permit Fees 2015 Difference Value 2015 Value 201 S $2,807.40 $421,100.00 $421,100.00 88.0So/c $305,198.00 $6,705.85 -16.28"1< $305,198.00 Sl,012,100.00 3519.17"1< $5,004.90 $1,012,100.00 $236,900.00 614.22o/c $805.00 $236,900.00 $78.070.00 -77.66"1< $886.66 $78,070.00 $397,101.65 1519.63o/c $2,583.00 $397,101.65 $20,945.00 -72.75o/c $514.SO $20 945.00 $3,281.00 Sl,005,110.00 -20.S6o/c $1,005,110.00 -9.63o/c $ 3,713.50 708,800.00 708,800.00 966,320.00 847.31°/c 4,865.00 $ 966,320.00 s 165,635.00 -78.33o/i 566.00 s 165 635.00 s 127,100.00 -49.81°/c s 75.90 $ 127,100.00 s s December $223,930.00 $421,100.00 $364,540.00 $305,J 98.00 $27,965.00 $1,012,100.00 $33,168.84 $236,900.00 $349 528.00 $78,070.00 $24,518.00 $397.101.65 $76,850.00 $20,945.00 51,265,240.00 Sl,005,110.00 $784 300.00 708,800.00 $102 000.00 s 966,320.00 $764,463.00 $ 165,635.00 $253,526.47 s 127,100.00 Y-T-DTotllls 54,270,029.31 April May June July August September October November $ 31,808.71 $ 5,444,379.65 s %of Difference -100.00% -IOO.OOo/c -100.00o/i -100.00o/c -100.00% -100.00o/c -1 00.00o/i -100.00% -100.00o/i -1 00.00o/c -100.00o/i -100.00°/c . Permit Fees 2016 s . Value 2016 s - Value2017 s %of Difference #DIV/OJ #DJV/01 #DJV/01 #DIV/01 #DlV/01 #DJV/O! #DIVIO! #DIV/01 #DJV/01 #DIV/O! #DIV/Ol #DIV/01 . $421100.00 $305,198.00 $1,012,100.00 $236,900.00 $711,070.00 $397,101.65 $20,945.00 SI 005.110.00 708,800.00 s 966,320.00 s 165,635.00 s JZ7,100.00 s SS,444,379.65 s s s SS,444,379.65 Value 2016 s 27 .50% SS,444,379.65 SO.DO -100.00% S0.00 S0.00 #DIV/Ol Camdenton Fire Department Chief's Report Date: January 13, 2016 To: Mayor, Board of Alderman and City Administrator From: Fire Chief Stark Subject: December 2015 Fire Chiefs Report Calls: For December 2015 the fire department responded to a total of 55 emergency calls which is an increase compared to December 2014 when the fire department responded to 43 emergency calls. Since 2005, on average in December the fire department responds to 52 emergency calls. For 2015 the fire department responded to a total of 681 emergency calls which is a decrease compared to 697 emergency in 2014. The emergency call responses for December 2015 were as follows: 35 medical emergencies, 3 rescue calls, 1 fire call , 4 mutual aid calls, 1 automatic fire alarm call and 11 other type calls . Training: Department training consisted of • Personal Protective Equipment • Emergency Medical Services Activities: A. Tuesday, December 1 at 8:30 AM : Inspector Clarke attended the Lake Area Emergency Services Association I LAESA Training Officers meeting at Osage Beach FPO station #1 B. Wednesday, December 2 at 2:00 PM: Chief Stark attended the department head meeting at City Hall C. Thursday, December 3 at 2:05 PM: Inspector Clarke conducted a fire drill at the Horizons School 0 . Thursday, December 3 at 6:30 PM: Department work meeting for Santa on the Square preparations E. Saturday, December 5 at 10:30 AM : Camdenton FD apparatus and personnel stood by at the Santa on the Square activities and assisted with delivering Santa to the event at the Camden County Courthouse lawn F. Saturday, December 5 at 2:30 PM: Camdenton FD apparatus and personnel delivered Santa to Citizens Against Domestic Violence I CADV G. Sunday, December 6 at 11 :50 AM: Camdenton FD apparatus and personnel stood by at the Iron Celtic's I Christmas Angels holiday luncheon event at the Camdenton Middle School H. Tuesday, December 8 at 8:30 AM: Inspector Clarke conducted a fire drill at the Camdenton Hawthorn Elementary I. Wednesday, December 9 at 8:50 AM: Inspector Clarke conducted a fire drill at the Camdenton Middle School 1 Camdenton Fire Department Chief's Report J . Wednesday, December 9 at 10:00 AM: Inspector Clarke conducted a fire drill at the Camdenton Lake Career and Technical Center K. Wednesday, December 9 at 10:25 AM: Inspector Clarke conducted a fire drill at the Camdenton Horticulture Center L. Saturday, December 12 at 6:00 PM: The annual fire department dinner at the Camdenton FD M. Tuesday, December 15 at 9:00 AM: Inspector Clarke attended the Lake Area Emergency Services Association I LAESA Code Officials meeting at Camdenton City Hall N. Tuesday, December 15 at 7:00 PM: Chief Stark attended the City of Camdenton Council meeting at City Hall 0 . Wednesday, December 16 at 2:00 PM: Chief Stark attended the department head meeting at City Hall P. Thursday, December 17 at 9:25 AM: Chief Stark conducted a fire drill at the Camdenton Oakridge Elementary Maintenance: A. Tuesday, December 1 at 12:00 PM: The monthly storm siren test was conducted. (the monthly storm siren test is normally conducted on the first Tuesday of every month around Noon, weather pending) The Camdenton storm sirens were activated twice; once by Camden County Dispatch and once by the Camdenton FD. The storm siren controllers at both locations appeared to work properly. There were personnel present at 3 of the 4 storm siren locations (those 3 locations were Hazel Street, North Business Route water tower and Blair Avenue). Those 3 storm sirens appeared to work properly during both tests. B. Replace upper driver side reverse light on Engine I Rescue 311 C. 2 fire pagers were returned after being repaired by the manufacturer D. Preformed annual preventative engine and chassis maintenance I service on Engine I Rescue 311 E. Replace one of the amber LED cells in the light bar on Medical I Staff 319 F. Replace the driving I fog lights on the front of Engine I Rescue 311 G . Replace the scene light on the driver side rear tripod of Rescue 318 H. Replaced the batteries in the ZOLL Automated External Defibrillators I AED's I. Replaced the battery in the Medtronic Physic Control Automated External Defibrillators I AED J. Annual service and inspection of all the fire extinguishers K. Replace Kussmaul plug on Engine I Rescue 311 L. Replaced lower side emergency strobes with LED emergency lights on Engine I Rescue 312 Recruitment: The department received 1 volunteer personnel applications in December. Applicant Timothy Nash is new to the fire service and has started his training. 2 Camdenton Fire Department Chief's Report Awards: On Saturday, December 12 was the annual fire department dinner at the fire station. Each year, by a vote of the fire department personnel, one volunteer personnel is selected to receive the "Go For It" award which is the department "Firefighter of the Year". This year's award was presented to Firefighter Jeremy Reynolds. This is the second time Firefighter Reynolds has received this award. He has been a volunteer firefighter with the Camdenton Fire Department since January 2014. We congratulate Firefighter Reynolds on this honor. This year for the first time at the annual dinner the department presented years of service awards to the following personnel: 5 Years of Service Jim Clarke, Fire Inspector I Lieutenant Jim Gulley, Firefighter Errick Miller, Firefighter Don Sterling, Firefighter 1O Years of Service Todd Davis, Assistant Fire Chief 15 Years of Service Rob Bleck, Captain Bill Jeffries, Firefighter 20 Years of Service Drew Stark, Fire Chief Chris Williams, Lieutenant If you know of anyone who would like to serve their community by becoming a member of the fire department, please have them contact our office. With the increased call load it is putting a strain on our current staff and new personnel are always welcome. As always should any member of the council have any questions about fire department operations, suggestions for improving services or programs or any other issues, please do not hesitate to contact me. 3 Camdenton Fire Department Calls for December 2015: 55 I Total Calls for the Year: 681 December-14 December-15 #ofCaUs Staff Hours #of Calls Staff Hours Type of Call Month Year #of Calls Staff Hours #of Calls Staff Hours Year Month Medical Assist 35 53.3 463 586.3 37 43.2 460 614.4 Rescue 3 9.4 33 70.9 1 0.5 40 150.2 Fire 1 2.6 14 74.4 0 0.0 25 141 .9 Mutual Aid 4 10.1 62 218.6 0 0.0 71 514.1 Fire Alarm (No Fire) 1 1.3 38 35.7 3 2.8 39 49.8 Other 11 63 .1 71 589.3 2 29.1 62 698.7 55 139.8 681 1575.2 43 75.6 697 2169.1 Total Total Personnel Training Hours 31 .3 828.0 0.0 10 19.2 Total Personnel Hours 171 .1 2403.2 75.6 3188.3 Total on scene time (hrs) 83.3 883.3 49.2 1060.4 Avg on scene time (mins) 43.1 39.5 37.0 45.1 Avg reaction time (mins)* 5.0 3.7 3.5 2.7 Avg response time (mins)* 7.1 6.2 5.0 5.3 4 4 4 4 Friday Tuesday Monday, Tuesday & Friday 1:00 PM 4 :00 PM 3:00 PM & 8:00 PM 12:00 PM Calls in Northeast Quadrant 10 164 12 183 Calls in Southeast Quadrant 8 106 9 129 Calls in Southwest Quadrant 15 126 6 101 Calls in Northwest Quadrant 18 217 16 208 Mutual Aid calls 4 62 0 71 Air Port calls 0 6 0 5 Number of non bum days 5 78 ? ? 75 609 ? ? Avg personnel per call Busiest day of the week Wednesday Busiest hour of the day Number of bum notifications Key * Reaction time - is the time from when CFO personnel are notified of an incident to the time apparatus go in route * Response time - is the time from when CFO personnel are notified of an incident to the time apparatus arrive on scene (No mutual aid calls were figured into the average reaction & response times) Camdenton Fire Department Call Summary by time periods Calls for December 2015: 55 I Total Calls for the Year: 681 December-15 12:DOAM -6 :DOAM 6:00AM - S:OOPM Type of Call Month Year Month Medical Assist 4 46 December-14 S:OOPM -12:0DAM 12:DOA M - S:OOAM S:OOAM - S:OOPM S:OOPM -1 2:DOAM Year Month Year Month Year Month Year Month Year 21 272 10 145 3 61 23 263 11 136 1 5 0 2 1 33 0 5 Rescue 1 1 1 27 Fire 0 1 0 9 1 4 0 4 0 15 0 6 Mutual Aid 0 5 4 43 0 14 0 9 0 39 0 23 Fire Alarm 0 1 1 26 0 11 0 4 2 30 1 5 2 6 7 43 2 22 0 2 1 41 1 19 Total Calls 7 60 34 420 14 20 1 3 82 27 421 13 194 Avg personnel per call 4 3 4 4 6 5 2 3 3 4 5 6 Total on scene time (hrs) 11 .1 56.3 6 1.2 566.4 10.6 238.2 2.0 64.6 37.6 659.4 9.3 256.1 Avg on scene time (mins) 47.5 35.5 51 .5 42.5 21 .1 34.5 24.0 40.3 45.3 49.3 22.4 36.3 5.2 N/A 5.6 2.0 2.1 5.0 4.1 (No Fire) Other Avg reaction time (mins)'" 5.0 7.9 4.7 2.B 5.7 Avg response time (mins)'" 6.B 9.5 7.0 5.3 7.8 7.6 NIA 6.B 3.0 4.8 7.0 6.6 Calls in Northeast Quadrant 2 16 3 95 5 51 1 20 7 107 4 56 Calls in Southeast Quadrant 0 6 7 68 1 32 0 8 8 BB 1 33 Calls in Southwest Quadrant 0 10 10 78 5 38 1 11 4 62 1 26 Calls in Northwest Quadrant 5 21 10 131 3 65 1 34 8 120 7 54 Mutual Aid calls 0 5 4 43 0 14 0 9 0 39 0 23 Air Port calls 0 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 Total Calls 7 60 34 420 14 201 3 62 27 421 13 194 Kev- * Reaction time - is the time from when CFO personnel are notified of an incident to the time fire apparatus go in route * Response time - is the time from when CFO personnel are notified of an incident to the time fire apparatus arrive on scene (No mutual aid calls or non-emergency calls are figured into the average reaction & response times) Camdenton Fire Department Emergency Call Summary 2005-2015 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Monthly Average January 49 48 55 55 47 47 63 53 59 52 61 53.5 February 47 51 45 49 40 46 50 58 47 60 50 49.4 March 65 58 58 65 51 46 64 44 55 76 57 58.1 April 59 62 51 62 57 48 69 49 61 67 46 57.4 May 65 58 57 55 43 57 49 65 47 70 59 56.8 June 72 55 48 63 61 53 53 51 43 43 62 54.9 July 60 51 48 48 57 44 65 68 50 66 58 55.9 August 60 64 62 50 48 65 57 61 54 59 65 58.6 September 39 58 47 65 46 52 56 51 71 45 62 53.8 October 50 43 51 55 40 69 61 61 65 56 56 55.2 November 64 61 55 44 43 70 59 60 65 60 50 57.4 December 46 71 52 65 40 50 52 42 65 43 55 52.8 Yearly Total 676 680 629 676 573 647 698 663 682 697 681 Monthly Average 56.3 56.7 52.4 56.3 47.8 53.9 58.2 55.3 56.8 58.1 56.8 Overall Yearly Average 663.8 Overall Monthly Average 55.3 Camdenton Fire Department Yearend Summary 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 681 Total Calls 697 Total Calls 682 Total Calls 663 Total Calls 698 Total Calls 647 Total Calls 573 Total Calls 676 Total Calls 629 Total Calls 680 Total Calls 676 Total Calls #of Calls Staff Hours #of Calls Staff Hours #of Calls Staff Hours #of Calls Staff Hours #of Calls Staff Hours #of Calls Staff Hours #of Calls Staff Hours #of Calls Staff Hours #of Calls Staff Hours #of Calls Staff Hours #of Calls Staff Hours Medical Assist 463 566.3 460 614.4 469 559.1 465 618.2 439 713.6 394 663.8 346 597.9 373 762.8 350 613.3 357 603.0 373 649.0 Rescue 33 70.9 40 150.2 29 64.3 30 63.2 so 138.2 48 144.7 44 118.9 42 157.4 58 183.9 59 139.9 75 201.3 Fire 14 74.4 25 141.9 22 118.2 25 164.1 26 157.3 19 88.7 15 79.2 38 189.4 29 120.5 65 159.9 33 247.2 Mutual Aid 62 218.6 71 514.1 46 267.5 43 495.3 59 376.7 43 299.0 55 1004.4 92 957.2 70 704.5 54 443.7 63 439.3 38 35.7 39 49.8 50 59.0 21 20.1 39 52.4 47 54.9 46 67.1 44 49.8 50 42.4 67 58.8 62 75.9 71 589.3 62 698.7 66 678.2 79 657.7 85 581 .7 96 619.4 67 631.7 87 951.7 72 1671 .2 78 442.5 70 190.6 681 1575.2 697 2169.1 682 1746.3 663 2018.6 698 2019.9 647 1870.5 573 2499.2 676 3068.3 629 3335.8 680 1847.8 676 1803.3 Fire Alarm fNo FireJ Other Total Training Hours 828.0 Total Hours 2403.2 1017.5 890.1 1498.0 1178.0 1248.6 1089.6 1803.5 1714.3 1111.0 588.0 3186.6 2636.4 3516.6 3197.9 3119.1 3588.8 4871.8 5050.1 2958.8 2391.3 Total on scene time (hrs) 883.3 1002.5 827.2 902.4 903.0 780,5 849.3 1119.3 1237.6 812.1 864.5 Avg on scene time (mins) 39.5 44.3 41.6 41.4 39.4 35.1 41.1 44.5 57.3 34.5 33.1 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 3.7 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.3 2.5 2.6 2.1 Avg response time (mins) • 6.2 5.3 5.6 5.8 5.7 5.5 5.2 4.5 4.6 4.9 4.1 Burn notifications 609 468 665 745 546 610 843 778 903 592 729 Non bum days 78 108 91 245 227 75 103 114 120 122 47 Friday Mon& Fri Fri Thurs Mon & Tues Fri Tues Thurs & Fri ,____ Sat Wed Tues 4:00 PM 12:00 P M 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 1:00 PM 5:00 PM 12:00 PM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM 2:00 PM Avg personnel per call Avg reaction time (mins) • Busiest day of the week Busiest hour of the day Kev • (No mutual aid calls were figured Into the average reaction & response times) •Reaction time - is the time from when CFO personnel are notified of an incident to the time apparatus go in route • Response time - is the time from when CFD personnel are notified of an incident to the time apparatus arrive on scene ---10:00AM Park Director/Asst. to the City Administrator Monthly Report-January 19, 2016 Parks Maintenance Shed The request for an easement to provide new electric service for the building from Laclede Electric was approved and is moving forward . The drainage has been installed and timbers have begun to go up as weather permitted. Progress is being made and should continue at a more even pace since we can keep the site drier. Tennis Court Project We are seeking bids for the project. Bid documents were released the first week of January to the public. Bids are due at City hall no later than 10 a.m. February 9, 2016 at which time those received will be opened. Parks Intern I am working with Nathan George and the University of Missouri to complete the necessary documents required before Nathan can start working this winter. The expected start date remains as Feb. first which is dependent upon Nathan securing temporary housing which we are working on at present. Nathan will work with us for a minimum of 12 weeks which may be extended to 14 weeks if there is a need and he agrees to stay on with the department. Recent Meetings, Events & Activities The Plans, Specifications & Estimate documents have been submitted by CMT to MO DOT for the TAP Grant Sidewalk Projects. We received word from MO DOT they will begin review immediately. We remain ahead of schedule. The New Year started with attending the Board of Aldermen meeting on January 4th, followed on the 5th by our regularly scheduled Department Director's meeting. January 7th I attended Leadership Camden County. That evening I met with the Park Board at their regularly scheduled quarterly meeting. Jeff also attended and provided an update on the Comprehensive Plan informing the Board as to the need for their input and the remaining opportunities for them to provide it. The plan for a controlled burn of a forested section of City Park to remove debris and encourage new growth of ground foliage has been completed by the area Forester Paul Johnson and submitted to his superiors for approval. We have a large window of opportunity between now and March 1 to complete the task. Once approved we will solidify the target date so we can notify Chief Stark & Chief Frandsen since this will serve as a training exercise as well for their respective Fire Departments. Additionally we will take steps to notify and inform the public through several means so they will be aware of our plans. Jeff and I have begun meeting biweekly to discuss projects, plans and initiatives to increase the level of communication between us and insure we are working in concert to those ends. On a personal note, I was out of the office utilizing the remainder of my annual vacation over the holidays during which time I traveled to my home area to see friends & family. Upcoming Activities, Events & Meetings The majority of my time will be focused on the management of the garage/workshop project so that we can have it up and running as soon as possible. In addition, I will continue working on a planning document that assigns both short and long term goals based on my observations and experiences during the first year and a half on the job. I expect to have the first draft available for review late January or early February depending on the progress being made on our construction project. I am attending a USDA Rural Development Program outreach presentation on January 13th and have CPR/AED training on January 14th_ January 22nd the results of the feasibility study for a regional Sports Facility will be presented by the consultants, the 25th & 26th ROG will be here for the steering Committee meeting and open house to present the draft of their findings and conclusions. I will also be speaking with the Camdenton Kiwanis Club on January 26. A pre-bid meeting regarding the Tennis Court Project will be held in the City Hall Council Chambers to field questions from prospective bid firms. Submitted by: ,.,1M'Uf A ~~ Larry A Bennett, Parks Director/Asst. to the City Administrator Date: 1-13-2016 JANUARY 19, 2016 MAYOR AND BOARD OF ALDERMEN MEETING ITEM 9-A: Ordinance Amending Section 500.050, Section 505.050 and adding new Chapter 501 BACKGROUND: After adoption of the original code for the Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals it became clear that to have this single board listed in two separate chapters was somewhat confusing and made it appear to be two separate boards. In an effort to clear up the confusion, staff and Attorney Morgan worked together to create the new chapter. FISCAL IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: Recommend first and second reading of code changes to add Chapter 501 and remove the previous code adoption from Chapters 500 and 505. APPROVALS: Date: January 13, 2016 Date: January 13, 2016 BILL NO. 2613-16 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF CAMDENTON, TITLE V: BUILDING CODE; CHAPTER 500: BUILDING CODE; SECTION 500.050: PENALTIES AND APPEALS; CHAPTER 505: FIRE PREVENTION CODE; SECTION 505.050: PENALTIES AND APPEALS AND ADDING NEW CHAPTER 501 : BUILDING AND FIRE CODE BOARD OF APPEALS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF CAMDENTON AS FOLOWS: Section 1. That the Code of the City of Camdenton, Title V: Building Code; Chapter 500: Building Code; Section 500.050: Penalties and Appeals; Chapter 505: Fire Prevention Code; Section 505.050: Penalties and Appeals and new Chapter 501: Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals, which is attached to and made a part of this Ordinance, identified as Exhibit A. Section 2. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the Board of Aldermen and approval by the Mayor. Read the first time _ _ day of January 2016 Read the second time and passed and approved this _ _ day of _ _ _ _ 2016 John D. McNabb, Mayor ATTEST: Renee Kingston, City Clerk, MRCC-C EXHIBIT A Section 500.050: Appeals and Penalties A Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals 1. Appea!s. A building and fire code appeals board is hereby created to hear and decide appeals pursuant to the dully adopted and amended building and fire codes. An owner, lessee, agent, operator or occupant aggrieved by an order issued by the Building Official or the Fire Code Official or their designee, may file an appeal to the Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals. 2. P-Owers and Duties. a. The Board shall ha .ie no authority to waive the requirements of this code. b. The Board shall have the power to review the decisions of the Building Official and/or the Fire Code Official in the interpretation of the adopted building and fire codes or any related standard of the City of Camdenton. c. The Board shall have the po'Ner to modify or reverse the decision of the Building Official and/or the Fire Code Official. d. The Board shall recommend to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen any necessary code adoptions, supplements and any alterations or changes to the code. 1 3. App!ication. The application for appeal shall be filed on a form obtained from the Building Official within ten (10) 'A<orking days after the notice of violation was served. The application shall be filed \t,tith the office of the Building Official along with a fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00). 4. Membership of the Board. The board of appeals shall consist of persons appointed by the Mayor, \•.iith the consent of the Board of Aldermen, as follows: a. The Board shall consist of five (5) members. b. Two members shall serve for three years; two members shall serve for two years; and one member shall serve for one year. c. Thereafter, each new member shall serve for three years or until a successor has been appointed. 5. AJternate Members. The Mayor shall appoint two alternate members who shall be called by the board chairperson to hear appeals during the absence or disqualification of a member. Alternate members shall possess the qualifications required for board membership and shall be appointed for three (3) years or until a successor has been appointed. 6. Qua!ifioations. The Board shall consist of five individuals with education, training or working experience in one (1) or more of the following professions: a. Architecture b. Engineering c. Plumbing d. Electrical e. Mechanical f. Commercial or residential contractor One member may be a resident of the City of Camdenton without experience in the designated areas. 7. Rules and Procedures. The Board is authorized to establish policies and procedures necessary to carry out its duties. An application for appeal shall be EXHIBIT A based on a claim that the true intent of this code or the rules legally adopted herein have been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of the code do not fully apply or an equally good or better form of construction is proposed. 8. Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. The board shall select two of its members to serve as chairperson and vice chairperson. 9. Disqualification ofa Member/RemovaJ from OffiGe. A member shall not hear an appeal in which that member has a personal, professional or financial interest. The Mayor, with the consent of the Board of Aldermen, may remove from office any member of the Board f.or misconduct or neglect of duty. 10. Seoretary. The City Administrator shall designate a clerk to serve as secretary to the board. The secretary shall file a detailed record of all proceedings in the office of the City Administrator, the Building Official and the Fire Code Official. 11. Notice of Meeting. The Board shall meet upon notice from the Building Official, no earlier than ten (10) working days and no later than tv.ienty (20) working days as of the filing of an appeal. 12. Open Hearing. All hearings bef.ore the board shall be open to the public. The appellant, the appellant's representative, the Building Official or Fire Code Official and any person whose interests are affected shall be given an opportunity to be heard. 13. Procedure. The board shall adopt and make available to the public through the secretary procedures under which a hearing will be conducted. The procedures shall not require compliance with strict rules of evidence, but shall mandate that only relevant inf.ormation be received. 14. P-Ostponed Heafing Quorum. The Board shall be authorized to transact business upon the presence of three (3) members; no less than three (3) members shall constitute a quorum to do business. However, when five members are not present to hear an appeal, either the appellant or the appellant's representative shall have the right to request a postponement of the hearing. 15. Boa!d Decision. The Board shall modify the decision of the Building Official or Fire Code Official by a concurring vote of a majority of its present members. The decision of the board shall be recorded in the official minutes. Copies shall be furnished to the appellant and to the City Administrator, the Building Official and the Fire Code Official. 16. Administration. The Building Official or Fire Code Official shall take immediate action in accordance with the decision of the board. 17. Appeal from Decisions of the Boa!d. Any person or persons jointly or severally aggrieved by any decision of this board may present to the Circuit Court a petition, duly verified, setting f.orth that such decision is illegal, in whole or in part, specifying the grounds of the illegality. Such petition must be presented to the EXHIBIT A court within thirty (30) days after the filing of the decision of this board. The decisions of this board may not be appealed to the Board of Aldermen . B. Penalties Any person who shall fail to comply with the pro 1isions of this Chapter or with any order by the Mayor issued pursuant thereto and from which no appeal has been taken, or with which such an order as affirmed or modified by the Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals -or by a court of competent jurisdiction, 'Nithin the time fixed therein , shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) or more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). The imposition of one (1) penalty for the violation of such order shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue. Each day that the violation of this Chapter remains as a non-complying condition can be construed as a separate offence. 1 A. Appeals. A party may appeal a decision made pursuant to this chapter. Such appeals may be made pursuant to Chapter 501. B. Penalties. Any person who shall fail to comply with the provisions of this Chapter or with any order by the Mayor issued pursuant thereto and from which no appeal has been taken, or with which such an order as affirmed or modified by the Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals or by a court of competent jurisdiction, within the time fixed therein, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) or more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). The imposition of one (1) penalty for the violation of such order shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue. Each day that the violation of this Chapter remains as a non-complying condition can be construed as a separate offence. Chapter 505: Section 505.050 A. Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals 1. Appeals. A building and fire code appeals board is hereby created to hear and decide appeals pursuant to the dully adopted and amended building and fire codes. An owner, lessee, agent, operator or occupant aggrieved by an order issued by the Building Official or the Fire Code Official or their designee, may file an appeal to the Building and Fire Gode Board of Appeals. 2. P-OweFS and D1:Jties. a. The Board shall have no authority to waive the requirements of this code. b. The Board shall have the power to review the decisions of the Building Official andior the Fire Code Official in the interpretation of the adopted building and fire codes or any related standard of the City of Camdenton. c. The Board shall have the power to modify or reverse the decision of the Building Official and/or the Fire Code Official. d. The Board shall recommend to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen any necessary code adoptions, supplements and any alterations or changes to the code. 3. Apptication. The application for appeal shall be filed on a form obtained from the Building Official within ten (10) working days after the notice of violation was served. The application shall be filed with the office of the Building Official along with a fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00). EXHIBIT A 4. Membership of the Board. The board of appeals shall consist of persons appointed by the Mayor, with the consent of the Board of Aldermen, as follows: a. The Board shall consist of five (5) members. b. Two members shall serve for three years; two members shall serve for two years; and one member shall serve for one year. c. Thereafter, each new member shall serve for three years or until a successor has been appointed. 5. Alternate Members. The Mayor shall appoint tv. 0 alternate members who shall be called by the board chairperson to hear appeals during the absence or disqualification of a member. Alternate members shall possess the qualifications required for board membership and shall be appointed for three (3) years or until a successor has been appointed. 1 6. Qualifications. The Board shall consist of five individuals with education, training or working experience in one (1) or more of the following professions: a. Architecture b. Engineering c. Plumbing d. Electrical e. Mechanical f. Commercial or residential contractor One member may be a resident of the City of Camdenton without experience in the designated areas. 7. Rules and Procedures. The Board is authorized to establish policies and procedures necessary to carry out its duties. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the true intent of this code or the rules legally adopted herein have been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of the code do not fully apply or an equally good or better form of construction is proposed. &. ChafrpeFSon and Vice ChairpeFSon. The board shall select two of its members to serve as chairperson and vice chairperson. 9. Disqua!ification ofa Member/Removal from Office. A member shall not hear an appeal in which that member has a personal, professional or financial interest. The Mayor, with the consent of the Board of Aldermen, may remo1.ie from office any member of the Board for misconduct or neglect of duty. 10. Secretary. The City Administrator shall designate a clerk to serve as secretary to the board. The secretary shall file a detailed record of all proceedings in the office of the City Administrator, the Building Official and the Fire Code Official. 11. Notice of Meeting. The Board shall meet upon notice from the Building Official, no earlier than ten (10) working days and no later than twenty (20) working days as of the filing of an appeal. 12. Open Hearing. All hearings before the board shall be open to the public. The appellant, the appellant's representative, the Building Official or Fire Code Official and any person whose interests are affected shall be given an opportunity to be heard. EXHIBIT A 13. Procedtlr-e. The board shall adopt and make available to the public through the secretary procedures under which a hearing will be conducted. The procedures shall not require compliance with strict rules of evidence, but shall mandate that only relevant information be received. 14. Postponed Hearing Quorum. The Board shall be authorized to transact business upon the presence of three (3) members; no less than three (3) members shall constitute a quorum to do business. However, when five members are not present to hear an appeal, either the appellant or the appellant's representative shall have the right to request a postponement of the hearing. 15. BoaFd Decision. The Board shall modify the decision of the Building Official or Fire Code Official by a concurring vote of a majority of its present members. The decision of the board shall be recorded in the official minutes. Copies shall be furnished to the appellant and to the City Administrator, the Building Official and the Fire Code Official. 16. Administration. The Building Official or Fire Code Official shall take immediate action in accordance with the decision of the board. 17. Appea! from Decisions of the BoaFd. Any person or persons jointly or severally aggrieved by any decision of this board may present to the Circuit Court a petition, duly verified, setting forth that such decision is illegal, in whole or in part, specifying the grounds of the illegality. Such petition must be presented to the court within thirty (30) days after the filing of the decision of this board. The decisions of this board may not be appealed to the Board of Aldermen. C. Penalties Any person who shall fail to comply with the provisions of this Chapter or with any order by the Mayor issued pursuant thereto and from which no appeal has been taken, or with which such an order as affirmed or modified by the Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals or by a court of competent jurisdiction, 1.vithin the time fixed therein, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) or more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). The imposition of one (1) penalty for the violation of such order shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue. Each day that the violation of this Chapter remains as a non complying condition can be construed as a separate offense. A. Appeals. A party may appeal a decision made pursuant to this chapter. Such appeals may be made pursuant to Chapter 501. B. Penalties. Any person who shall fail to comply with the provisions of this Chapter or with any order by the Mayor issued pursuant thereto and from which no appeal has been taken, or with which such an order as affirmed or modified by the Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals or by a court of competent jurisdiction, within the time fixed therein, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) or more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). The imposition of one (1) penalty for the violation of such order shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue. Each day that the violation of this Chapter remains as a non-complying condition can be construed as a separate offence. EXHIBIT A CHAPTER 501: BUILDING AND FIRE CODE BOARD OF APPEALS Section 501.010. Definitions. As used in this Chapter, the following terms shall have these prescribed meanings: BOARD OF ALDERMEN The chief legislative body of the City of Camdenton. BUILDING OFFICIAL The Director of the Building Department and Building Code Official. CITY The City of Camdenton. CITY ADMINISTRATOR The Chief Administrative Officer of the City. FIRE OFFICIAL The designated fire official who is charged with the administration and enforcement of this code. MAYOR The Chief Executive Officer of the City. Section 501.020. A. Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals 1. Appeals. A Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals is hereby created to hear and decide appeals pursuant to the duly adopted building and fire codes. An owner, lessee, agent, operator or occupant aggrieved by an order issued by the Building Official or the Fire Official or their designee, may file an appeal to the Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals. 2. Powers and Duties. a. The Board shall have no authority to waive the requirements of this code. b. The Board shall have the power to review the decisions of the Building Official and/or the Fire Official in the interpretation of the adopted building and fire codes or any related standard of the City of Camdenton. c. The Board shall have the power to modify or reverse the decision of the Building Official and/or the Fire Official. 3. Application. The application for appeal shall be filed on a form obtained from the Office of the City Clerk within ten (10) working days following issuance of a written decision or determination made by the Building or Fire Official. In the event that no written decision or determination is made, such appeal may be made within 10 days of service of notice of violation or court summons. The application shall be filed with the Office of the City Clerk along with a fee of one-hundred dollars ($100.00). 4. Membership of the Board. The Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals shall consist of persons appointed by the Mayor, with the consent of the Board of Aldermen, as follows: a. The Board shall consist of five (5) members. b. The initial board shall serve these terms: two members shall serve for three years; two members shall serve for two years; and one member shall serve for one year. EXHIBIT A c. Thereafter, each new member shall serve for three years or until a successor has been appointed. d. The Building Official and Fire Official shall serve as ex officio members of the Board. 5. Alternate Members. The Mayor shall appoint two alternate members who shall be called on by the Board chairperson to hear appeals during the absence or disqualification of a member. Alternate members shall possess the qualifications required for board membership and shall be appointed for three (3) years or until a successor has been appointed. 6. Qualifications. The Board shall consist of five (5) members who demonstrate knowledge and expertise in specialty areas (architecture, engineering, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, commercial or residential contractor, fire safety or prevention) governed by the building and fire codes of the City and are not employees of the jurisdiction. One member may be a resident of the City of Camdenton without experience in the specialty areas. 7. Rules and Procedures. The Board is authorized to establish policies and procedures necessary to carry out its duties. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the true intent of this code or the rules legally adopted herein have been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of the code do not fully apply or an equally good or better form of construction is proposed. 8. Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary. The board shall select three of its members to serve as chairperson, vice-chairperson, and secretary. 9. Disqualification of a Member I Removal from Office. A member shall not hear an appeal in which that member has a personal, professional or financial interest. The Mayor, with the consent of the Board of Aldermen, may remove from office any member of the Board. 10. Notice of Meeting. The Board shall meet upon notice from the Office of the City Clerk, no earlier than ten (10) working days and no later than twenty (20) working days as of the filing date of an appeal. 11. Open Hearing. All hearings before the board shall be open to the public. The appellant, the appellant's representative, the Building Official or Fire Official and any person whose interests are affected shall be given an opportunity to be heard. 12. Procedure. The board shall adopt and make available to the public through the secretary procedures under which a hearing will be conducted. The procedures shall not require compliance with strict rules of evidence, but shall mandate that only relevant information be received. In the event that such procedures are not adopted or in the event no procedures have been adopted for a given situation, Robert's Rules of Order shall apply. 13. Board Decision. The Board may modify the decision of the Building Official or Fire Official by a concurring vote of a majority of its present members. The decision of the board shall be recorded in the official minutes. Copies shall be EXHIBIT A furnished to the appellant and to the City Administrator, the Building Official and the Fire Official. 14. Administration. The Building Official or Fire Official shall take immediate action in accordance with the decision of the Board. 15. Appeal from Decisions of the Board. Any person or persons jointly or severally aggrieved by any decision of this board may present to the Circuit Court a petition, duly verified, setting forth that such decision is illegal, in whole or in part, specifying the grounds of the illegality. Such petition must be presented to the court within thirty (30) days after the filing of the decision of this board. The decisions of this board may not be appealed to the Board of Aldermen. JANUARY 13, 2016 MAYOR AND BOARD OF ALDERMEN ITEM 9-B: Amend Section 215.040 Burning Garage and Waste BACKGROUND: The current version of section 215.040, burning garage and waste, is vague and needs to be updated. Using the current 2012 International Fire Codes (IFC) and Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MO DNR) open burning regulations the department proposed this updated and more descriptive version of section 215.040, open burning, recreational fire and portable outdoor fireplaces. Staff worked with Attorney Morgan to complete this proposed change. FISCAL IMPACT: None beyond current budget. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the first and second reads of this ordinance. APPROVALS: Date: January 13, 2016 Date: January 13, 2016 BILL NO. 2614-16 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF CAMDENTON, TITLE II: PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE; CHAPTER 215: NUISANCES, SECTION 215.040: BURNING GARBAGE AND WASTE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF CAMDENTON AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Code of the City of Camdenton, Title 11: Public Health, Safety and Welfare, Chapter 215: Nuisances, Section 215.040: Burning Garbage and Waste: is hereby amended by deleting present Section 215.040: Burning Garbage and Waste and in lieu thereof inserting new Section 215.040: Open Burning, Recreational Fires and Portable Outdoor Fireplaces. A copy is attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance identified as Exhibit A. Section 2 . All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed . Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the Board of Aldermen and approval by the Mayor. Read the first time _ _ day of January 2016. Read the second time and passed and approved this _ _ day of January 2016. John D. McNabb, Mayor ATTEST: Renee Kingston, City Clerk, MRCC-C EXHIBIT A Chapter 215. Nuisances Section 215.040. Buming Garbage and Waste. The burning of garbage, refuse, waste and other materials producing smoke, gases or odors offensive or obnoxious to any of the inhabitants of the City, is hereby declared to be a nuisance. Section 215.040: OPEN BURNING, RECREATIONAL FIRES AND PORTABLE OUTDOOR FIREPLACES A. Open burning and outdoor burning shall be considered a nuisance in the City of Camdenton unless the burning is specifically allowed by this Section. B. Burning of any items other than those specifically allowed by this Section is prohibited. C. Open burning of a small amount of natural yard waste (small trees, limbs, brush, tree leaves, grass clippings, other vegetation) is allowed only in accordance with all of the following provisions: 1. A burn notification must be obtained prior to open burning under 215.040.C. The individual conducting any open burning must contact the City of Camdenton bum notification phone line on the day of the planned bum. This burn notification is good for that day only and the fire must be extinguished by dark. Notification does not relieve the person of the responsibility to comply with the rules and regulations by other State or Federal agencies. 2. Opening burning is not intended for the burning from land clearing, large piles of natural debris, or of tree or stump piles. Additional State and or Federal rules and regulations apply to land clearing. 3. No flammable liquid may be used to start or maintain the fire. 4. Open burning must be at least 25 feet away from all structures or combustible material, propane tanks or overhead wires. 5. All allowed open burning shall be conducted in a safe, nuisance-free manner, when wind and weather conditions minimize adverse effects and do not create a health hazard or a visibility hazard on roadways. Open burning shall be conducted in conformance with adopted fire codes. 6. Open burning shall be conducted only on the property on which the materials were generated and must remain on the property of the person doing the open burn. 7. Campfires and other fires used solely for recreational purposes, ceremonial occasions or for outdoor non-commercial preparation of food are allowed provided they do not cause a nuisance. Fires shall include only vegetative woody materials or untreated wood products and all other requirements of this section apply to include contacting the City of Camdenton bum notification phone line. 8. Portable outdoor fireplaces used at one and two-family dwellings shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and shall not be operated within 5 feet of a structure or combustible material. 9. Open burning shall be constantly attended and supervised by a competent person of at least eighteen (18) years of age until the fire is fully extinguished and is cold. The person shall have water source readily available (i.e. garden hose with water) or use such fire extinguishing equipment as may be necessary for the total control of the fire. Striketh rough=deletions Bold=additions EXHIBIT A 10. No materials may be burned upon any street, curb, gutter or sidewalk. D. A person utilizing or maintain any outdoor fire which necessitates control and/or extinguishment by the Camdenton Fire Department or any other Fire Department shall be responsible for all fire suppression costs and any other liability resulting from damage caused by the fire. E. A Fire Department Official or any authorized City Officer who presents credentials may inspect any property where open burning is being conducted for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the provisions of Section 215.040. If violations or unsafe conditions are observed the individual(s) will be asked to extinguish the fire immediately. F. This Section may be enforced by any City Police Officer or Fire Department Official who is duly sworn to act. Strikethrough=deletions Bold= additions JANUARY 19, 2016 MAYOR AND BOARD OF ALDERMEN ITEM 11·A : Request to Dispose of Police Department Records BACKGROUND: We work to manage the records of the police department and part of that process includes disposing of records no longer necessary. We utilize the Missouri Municipal Retention Manual as a guideline for this. Administrative Assistant Shadrick has prepared a memo dated January 5, 2016 listing the records to be disposed of this year. Most items are from 2010 and are five years old. (see attached) FISCAL IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: I request authorization to proceed with disposal of the records as allowed per Missouri Municipal Retention Manual. APPROVALS: Date: January 11, 2016 Date: / • I/ ·,( 1 / /, MEMO Date: January 5, 2016 To : Chief Laura Wright From: Heidi Shadrick I would like to destroy the following records as they have met the time requirements in the Missouri Municipal Records Manual. Animal Control Records 2010 Written Warnings Impounds Violation Notices Property Maintenance Records 2010 Correspondence/Report Files 2010 (as needed or 5 yrs. retention) Office Memos Misc. letters from other agencies and persons General Housekeeping - (until no longer needed) Record Checks 201 O Weekly Time Records 2010 (5 years) Public Relations 201 O Press Releases 2010 Training Records 201 O (5 years - Each officer's training located in personnel files) * Exception: In-House Training that provide POST credit (6 years per POST requirements) Warrants 2010 - list retained in office (5 years after court appearance) Officer Activity Sheets 2010 (5 years) Employment Applications rec'd in 2010 (5 years) I requested permission from the City Council to destroy the above files. Heidi Shadrick Administrative Assistant CAMDENTON POLICE DEPARTMENT 2010 Cleared Warrants to be Destroyed 1. 2. ALLISON, BRANON J. ARCHER, SARA E. DOB 11-20-87 09-05-90 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ARNOLD, JANE K. BAKER, ROBERT D. BLANTON, ROBERT L. BURNS, BRENDA BURTON, DANIEL G. 11-02-83 10-27-73 10-18-67 10-31-65 11-19-91 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. CARLSON, ANTHONY W. CHRISTENSEN, BRANDI D. CLINE, MICHELLE A. COLEMAN. JEREMIAH L. DAGOSTINE, ANDREW M. DIMMICK, SUSAN L. EDMOND, DENNIS L. ELKFRITZ, BETTY J. 08-15-78 11-09-88 02-19-72 09-26-85 05-12-85 02-19-58 07-31-77 07-20-67 16. 17. 18. 19. ESTES, KRISTOPH ER W. GODDARD, KAYLA A. GREEN, ERICA H. GREEN, SERENA M. 10-08-85 02-29-88 12-02-90 03-04-89 20. 21 . 22. 23. 24. GREENWELL, TESSA GRONE, DONALD HAMPTON, MELISSA M. HARPER, ROSETTA M. HAYNES, MARVIN T. 03-19-88 02-24-64 08-17-90 06-25-76 05-23-78 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. HERRERA, AIMEE HILL, BRYAN E. HYDE, LISA L. JONES-STEFFEY, DAVID M.S. KENNEY, MEGAN L. 07-06-77 08-29-87 06-17-64 08-04-91 12-14-90 30. 31 . MARONEY, KAYLA M. MCDOWELL, CHARLES W. 12-07-84 06-29-82 32. MARTIN, AARON J. 07-29-85 33. MARTIN, JEFFERY W. 04-24-85 34. MARTIN, JEFFERY W. 04-24-85 35. MILLER, BRANDON J. 09-21-82 36. 37. MILLER, HOLLY A. MUNSTERMAN, JEREMIAH L. 02-13-79 09-15-80 38. 39. 40. NAGLER, DONALD G. NASH, ADAM W. NICKEL, PHILIP R. 04-26-74 05-06-83 09-17-60 NAME BW# DATE ISSUED 090000151 12-21-09 12-21-09 090000154 090000188 02-25-10 100000005 100000096 10-14-10 11-24-03 030000313 090000020 01-23-09 100000024 07-15-10 100000025 100000026 09-02-10 100000043 090000156 12-21-09 100000009 02-25-10 100000098 10-14-10 08-28-08 080000141 080000188 12-10-08 070000087 05-10-07 08-05-10 100000031 100000032 060000027 01-20-06 07-23-09 090000121 100000099 10-1 4-10 09-20-10 100000083 100000084 08-06-10 100000036 100000092 10-14-10 12-21 -09 090000160 08-06-10 100000037 080000183 12-10-08 080000189 100000045 09-03-10 100000017 05-11-10 10-14-10 100000100 100000093 10-14-10 09-17-10 100000074 100000086 07-15-10 100000022 040000137 08-24-04 040000138 07-23-09 090000130 090000137 09-17-10 100000067 100000068 100000075 100000076 090000166 12-21 -09 090000167 090000182 090000183 12-12-07 070000226 070000227 070000228 10-14-10 100000088 100000001 01-12-10 100000002 100000003 090000093 04-28-09 12-21-09 090000147 070000023 03-27-07 DATE CLEARED 03-10-10 01-26-10 06-09-10 10-29-10 03-09-10 01-26-10 08-02-10 09-13-10 01-27-10 06-16-10 11-10-10 08-20-10 06-05-10 10-20-10 08-30-10 04-19-10 03-26-10 11-12-10 11-29-10 10-01-10 10-22-10 01-27-10 11-16-10 08-20-10 10-27-10 05-13-10 10-19-10 10-21 -10 10-04-10 07-30-10 12-07-10 01-13-09 09-30-10 03-31-10 04-09-10 10-14-10 02-03-09 02-16-10 02-09-10 09-01 -10 41 . 42. 43. 44. 45. OLDENDORF, LISA J. PACKWOOD (TINDLE), JOANNA PACKWOOD (TINDLE), JOANNA PHILLIPS, JIMMY D. POLLARD, CHRISTOPHER D. 08-31-69 10-19-83 10-19-83 06-28-85 02-1 5-84 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51 . 52. 53. REMBOLD, JOSEPH V. ROSS, RONALD R. STEPHENS, BRITTANY J. STUDE, JASON E. TAYLOR, BOBBIE J. TAYLOR, GREGORY L. TAYLOR, GREGORY L. TUBBS, RAYMOND F. JR. 09-21-91 12-16-65 01-20-87 08-27-75 12-05-72 01 -14-67 01-14-67 08-12-82 54. 55. 56. 57. TURNER, JAMES D. WEBSTER, TRAVIS E. W IBLIN, JOSHUA R. W ILLIS, BRIAN M. 12-31-81 06-24-89 12-31-80 03-21-88 58. 59. 60. WINTERS, GABRIEL E. WISEMAN, CHARLES J. WOODS, TERRY A. 01-23-83 09-04-85 09-05-70 070000024 100000094 100000059 100000023 090000059 070000024 070000057 100000090 070000146 090000100 080000044 100000049 080000118 080000118 100000070 100000071 100000072 090000150 100000050 09000041 080000231 080000232 100000091 090000131 100000020 100000019 10-14-10 09-17-10 07-15-10 03-19-09 03-27-07 11-15-10 10-07-10 08-20-10 11-06-09 06-07-10 10-14-10 06-22-07 05-14-09 03-21-08 09-03-10 07-30-08 07-30-08 09-21-10 10-14-10 01-15-10 02-17-10 01-11-10 10-16-10 05-20-10 01-13-10 10-28-10 12-21-09 09-03-10 03-17-09 12-12-08 01 -25-10 09-30-10 01 -11 -10 04-02-10 10-14-10 07-23-09 07-14-10 10-15-10 02-16-10 09-14-10
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