Park Synagogue East


Park Synagogue East
Offices/School/Friday Evening Services: 27500 Shaker Boulevard, Pepper Pike, OH 44124 (216) 371-2244
Shabbat Morning/Evening Services: 3300 Mayfield Road, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
May 2013 • Iyar / Sivan 5773
Shavuot Study Session
all shavuot service times on page 3
Park Synagogue welcomes David Makovsky to lead
the annual Shavuot Study Session:
The Inside Story
Behind a Secret
Israeli Attack
David Makovsky
Mr. Makovsky will relate to us a first-hand account of
an actual Israeli secret military mission and its possible
lessons for Iran today.
Tuesday, May 14 • 7:30 pm • Park Synagogue East
Arguably the leading expert on Israel today, David Makovsky
will share his thoughts and evocative perspective on the Middle
East with us for:
» Erev Shavuot Study Session on Tuesday, May 14
» Morning Shavuot service on Thursday, May 16.
The Shavuot Study Session is free and open to the community.
A catered hors d'oeuvre & dessert reception will follow. The
program is a project of the Drost Educational Endowment Fund.
The Erev Shavuot evening service on May 14 will begin at
6:45 pm at Park Synagogue East.
Sunday, May 19
May 3-5
Pre-K &
Saturday, May 4
Friday, May 10
Upcoming Events
Park Social Action.............................................. 2, 15
Men's Club.............................................................. 4
Park Senior Adults.............................................. 4, 14
Family Education & Wolf Religious School............. 5
Youth Group News & Events................................... 6
Park Preschool.......................................................... 6
Women's Rosh Chodesh Group............................... 7
Sisterhood.......................................... 8, 9, back cover
Gesher...................................................................... 9
Milestone Anniversaries/Mazel Tov......................... 10
Park Calendar ....................................................... 11
B'nei Mitzvah......................................................... 12
Adult Education..................................................... 12
Parshiot.................................................................. 12
Gifts to Funds.................................................15 - 16
In Memoriam......................................................... 15
Young Menches.......................................... back cover
Greater Cleveland
Congregations Update
On April 11th, 300 people
from Northeast Ohio,
including four from Park
Synagogue, and another
2000 from around the state,
participated in a huge rally
outside the Statehouse in
Columbus to urge lawmakers
to approve an expansion
of state Medicaid coverage. Park’s representatives, all
active members of the synagogue’s Greater Cleveland
Congregations (GCC) Core Team, included Judi Eigenfeld,
Nancy Hartman, Steve Perry, and Susan Reis, Co-Chair
of Park’s GCC group. The message the rally delivered came
loud and clear from a variety of viewpoints. Medicaid
Expansion was presented as morally right to help the most
vulnerable people in our state, fiscally smart to help hospitals
and medical providers, and economically important for
businesses across the state. Even though the appeal fell on
deaf ears, the many people in favor of Medicaid Expansion,
including the GCC, vowed to continue their fight to have the
expansion included in Ohio’s budget.
Mitzvah Day............................................................ 3
Men's Club Shabbat/Scholar Weekend..................... 4
University Day......................................................... 4
Midlife and Beyond.................................................. 7
Mahj & Mingle........................................................ 7
WRCG Spots of Light Tour..................................... 7
Sisterhood Installation Luncheon............................. 8
1963 Confirmation Class Reunion......................... 14
Young Mensches Spots of Light Tour.......... back cover
Young Mensches Mitzvah Day................... back cover
GCC is also working to expand education reforms in the
Cleveland Metropolitan School District; improve the Criminal
justice system by informing the community about the
changes in collateral sanctions due to recent legislation
enacted by Gov. Kasich and following up with promises
made by Tim McGinty, County Prosecutor; and look at issues
relating to racial profiling by the police and gun violence
There are many ways for individuals to get involved in the
GCC and to make a difference in our community. Please
contact Susan Reis ([email protected]) or Michael Weil
([email protected]) to find out more about this important
community action organization.
Mahj & Mingle........................................................ 7
Smokey Joe's with Gesher........................................ 9
Annual Meeting/Volunteer Recognition................. 10
Health of Lake Erie................................................ 15
Address Reminder
and beyond...
Mahj & Mingle........................................................ 7
Vivaldi with Gesher.................................................. 9
Summer Splash Party.............................................. 13
Annual Picnic......................................................... 13
King & I................................................................ 14
Please send ALL Synagogue correspondence
to Park Synagogue East. We do not have
mail service at Park Synagogue Main. Send
donations, invoices, letters, and all mail to:
Park Synagogue
27500 Shaker Boulevard
Pepper Pike, OH 44124
May 2013
What’s Inside
Look for this icon - it indicates Park events
that are especially good for prospective
Volunteer for one (or more!) of the communitywide activities during Mitzvah Day 2013 - May 19!
Still wondering which project to do? Here are suggestions for projects that need a lot of
hands, and many are great family projects. Please read specific details about each project
in the registration packet.
All held at
Park Synagogue East
Donate blood to the
American Red Cross.
Call (216) 371-2244,
ext. 202 to make an
appointment or just
walk in. 9:00 am –
3:00 pm
Register your bone
marrow on the national
registry. It's easy - just a
mouth swab!
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Bake cookies at home
to thank our local police
& firefighters and drop
them off between 9:00
and 9:30 am.
Write notes of thanks
and encouragement or
make cards for US and
Israeli soldiers.
9:30 am – 3:00 pm
Make fringed fleece
blankets for Metro
General Hospital
patients (no sewing
involved). Please bring 2
color-coordinated pieces
of fleece fabric (each 2 ¼
yards) and good cutting
1:00 – 3:00 pm
Put together craft
packets for Cleveland
Clinic Children’s Hospital
10:00 – 11:30 am
Project #1: Bag lunches for the
When & Where: 10:00 - 11:30 am
@ Park Synagogue East
Who: Ages 10 and older
Project #2: sorting &
packing food
When & Where: 9:00 am - 12:00 noon
@ Cleveland Food Bank
Who: Ages 12 and older
Project #6: historic jewish
When & Where: 9:30 - 11:30 am
@ Lansing Cemetery
Who: Ages 10 and older
Project #8: metropark CLEAN-UP
When & Where: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
@ North Chagrin MetroPark
Who: Ages 7 and older
When & Where: 1:00 - 3:00 pm
@ Council Gardens
Who: Tech-savvy adults and teens 13 and older
project #15: park's got talent! show
When & Where: 1:30 - 2:30 pm @ The Weils
Who: All ages & acts
project #21: sort and pack
medical supplies
When & Where: 1:00 - 3:00 pm @ MedWish
Who: Ages 13 and older
project #22: donate blood
When & Where: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm @ Park East
Who: Ages 18 and older
project #26: bone marrow REGISTRY
When & Where: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm @ Park East
Who: Ages 18 - 61
Project #9: garden preparation
When & Where: 9:30 am - 12:00 noon
@ Refugee Response, Ohio City
Who: Ages 15 and older
Please consider donating the items below to help these
organizations! Collection boxes are in both buildings through
May 19th.
Cleveland Schools: New or gently used children’s and young
adults’ books.
deadline is
May 6th.
Register in one of five
easy ways:
1. Online from the link
2. By mail – send in
the blue form
3. By fax – fax in a
white form
Hebrew Shelter Home: Paper products such as toilet
paper, tissues, paper towels, napkins, paper plates, cups and
aluminum foil.
4. By email – send
Ellen your choices at
[email protected]
Cleveland Clinic Children’s Hospital: NEW and
UNOPENED craft supplies such as crayons, washable markers,
stickers, colored pencils, construction paper, small containers
of playdough and pipe cleaners.
5. By phone – call
Ellen with your choices
at (216) 371-2244, ext.
Metro General Hospital: NEW kitchen utensils to help
patients prepare healthy meals at home such as measuring
cups (for dry & liquid ingredients), measuring spoons, cooking
spoons, spatulas, cutting boards, paring knives, kitchen
scissors, etc.
Need a registration
form? Download from or pick up
at either building.
Park Synagogue – A Synagogue for a Lifetime
Scholar-in-Residence Speaks
Throughout the Weekend
Rabbi Charles Simon has produced of
a host of materials designed to make
Jewish life more accessible including
the acclaimed Art of Jewish Living
series, two educational films, a series
of five manuals designed to assist
Jewish men, and two books teaching
people how to lead and participate in
community prayer.
Friday – Sunday, May 3 – 5
A big Park welcome to Rabbi Charles Simon, the Executive
Director of the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs! We are
thrilled that Rabbi Simon will be here to deliver several
engaging presentations to our entire congregation. Please
join us for these services:
Thank you to the following contributors* who have
generously supported this weekend's program:
Lynn & Barry Chesler, Maury Feren, Howard Friedman,
Judy & David Kaufman, Penny & Brett Lashner,
Ilene & Ron Lorig, Michele & Tom Sudow,
Beverly & Sanford Weinberg, and Linda & Clifford Wolf.
Family Shabbat Service
Friday, May 3 • 6:00 pm • Park Synagogue East
Join Rabbi Simon after services and the delicious hot
& hearty, for a coffee and dessert reception. He will be
speaking on "Jewish Bible Stories for Adults."
*Contributors to date.
Shabbat morning Service
Shabbat luncheon RSVP
Saturday, May 4 • 9:00 am • Park Synagogue Main
On Saturday, Rabbi Simon joins us to present "The Next
Wave of Jewish Feminism - Involving Jewish Men in Jewish
Life." The Men's Club Shabbat will also be celebrated.
Adults $15 • Kids (4-10) $11 • Kids 3 and under FREE
________ # adults at $15 each ________ # kids at $11 each
$_______ Amount Enclosed (checks payable to Park Men's Club)
Shabbat luncheon
Saturday, May 4 • 12:15 pm • PSM • The Bridge
Everyone is invited to enjoy a special Shabbat luncheon
where Rabbi Simon will deliver "Kohanim and Levim: What
Does the Priesthood Mean?" Please RSVP by May 1.
Name(s) ____________________________________
Address _____________________________________
City _____________________ Zip________________
sunday men's club seminar
Sunday, May 5 • 9:30 am • Park Synagogue East
The Park Men's Club welcomes area Men's Clubs to
hear Rabbi Simon's talk on "Building Your Men's Club:
Strategies for Success."
This special weekend is sponsored by
the Park Synagogue Men's Club.
Phone ______________________________________
Email _______________________________________
Mail reservations & checks to: Ken Vinocur,
2834 Meldon Blvd., Beachwood, OH 44122.
Evening Service (no 6:00 pm service)
6:45 pm • Park Synagogue EAST
Shavuot Study Session
7:30 pm • Park Synagogue EAST
Last call for
University Day!
There is still a little time to register for the 19th annual
University Day on Thursday, May 2nd in Kangesser Hall at
Park Main from 9:00 am to 2:45 pm. Don’t miss the wide
variety of interesting and educational workshops. University
Day concludes with a special performance by a group of
talented CIM vocal students.
Shavuot Morning Service & Confirmation
9:00 am • Park Synagogue MAIN
Evening Service
6:00 pm • Park Synagogue EAST
Cost for University Day is $22 for Park members and $26 for
guests, which includes a selection of workshops, a continental
breakfast, box lunch, and closing concert. The day, sponsored
by Park Senior Adults, is open to adults of all ages.
Shavuot Morning Service & Yizkor
9:00 am • Park Synagogue EAST
Evening Service
6:00 pm • Park Synagogue EAST
May 2013
Shavuot Services
To register, please call Ellen Petler at
(216) 371-2244, ext. 122.
Charlene Ratner and Phyllis Wachs are
co-chairs of University Day.
Wolf Religious School is a
Framework of Excellence school
Family Education and Wolf Religious School
A Note from Teri
May Calendar
Oh my goodness, it is already the last day of Sunday School
for this year! On Sunday, May 12, students PreK through
Fifth Grade will say "L’Hitrarot" and celebrate a great year
of learning and growing. Junior Mitzvah Makers and the
2013 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Club will continue their tradition
of participating in The Race at Legacy Village. School will
begin as usual at 9:15 am for PreK - Fifth Graders. Parents are
invited to join us for our final 2012/2013 Sunday morning
Youth Shacharit Service at 11:00 am, immediately followed
by a reception, for all, honoring our teachers!
SUN | 5: Sunday School (except for PreK & K) •
L’dor v’dor, from generation to generation
SAT | 4: Youth Service • Under the Dome/"The Journey Begins" for PreK & Kindergartners
B/B Mitzvah Club • Confirmation rehearsal at Park Synagogue MAIN
MON | 6: Weekday School • Upper School
THURS | 9: Final Confirmation rehearsal at Park MAIN
FRI | 10: Klezmer Family Service
SAT | 11: Youth Service
SUN | 12: Sunday School Concluding Program
WED | 15: Confirmation • Shavuot Lunch
On Wednesday, May 15, the first day of Shavuot, the 2013
Confirmation Class (the 100th class!) will proudly carry on
the Park Synagogue tradition of Confirmation. When you
walk into the sanctuary on Shavuot, you will see displayed the
pictures of the classes of 1913, 1963, and, of course, 2013.
We look forward to your joining us as the Confirmation class
proudly helps lead the congregational service and celebrate
~ Teri Rube Hochberg, Director of Education
THIS MONTH: PreK & Kindergarten
Saturday, May 4
Under the Dome is a Parent/Child
Shabbat Morning program with Rabbi
Skoff at Park Synagogue Main.
College Grants Available
Harry Tucker Scholarship Fund
Joseph and Dora Sharwell
Scholarship Fund
Since this is a required Shabbat morning
program, there is no Sunday school the
following day for that grade.
Applications for the Harry Tucker
Scholarship Fund and the Joseph and
Dora Sharwell Scholarship Fund are now being accepted.
These awards are given to high school seniors to continue
their Jewish education in college. Park Young Adult
Members, children and grandchildren of Park members are
Calling all congregation
Join us on may 4th and receive
your Consecration Starter Kit!
Birthday Club
The Harry Tucker Scholarship Award has been made possible
through the generosity of Jewish War Veterans Post #14. The
Joseph & Dora Sharwell Scholarship Fund was established
many years ago. To apply for either scholarship award,
please download the application form from the Park website
at, or contact Judy Kaufman at
(216) 371-2244, ext. 133 or [email protected].
May birthdays will be honored on Sat., May 18.
RSVP to Eva by Wed., May 15 at
[email protected] or (216) 371-2244, ext. 127,
so your child can be called to the Bima in honor of his/
her birthday and receive a gift!
Children 12 and under are eligible.
Deadline for applications is WEDnEsday, may 15.
Park Synagogue – A Synagogue for a Lifetime
Sponsored through the generosity of the
Lois Sherman Children’s Fund.
Youth Group EVENTS
Park Preschool
For information about our youth groups, please contact
Rabbi Marcus at [email protected] or (216) 371-2244,
ext. 123 or click on "Youth Affiliations" at
with Morah Kimmy
“I Can Do It”
Jr. Kadima grades 3-5
How many times have we heard our children say “I want to
do it by myself”?
Pancakes & PJ's
And usually it’s when we are in a hurry and don’t have the
time or patience to wait around while a 3 year old tries to
zip up her own coat. The truth is, the children aren’t being
obstinate; they really do want to do it themselves. It is our
job as parents and teachers to foster independence and
allow the children to practice their self-help skills.
Sunday, May 19 • PSE
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Pancakes & PJ's! Join Jr. Kadima for our
last event of the year! A morning of
delicious foods and a movie with friends.
Questions? Contact Jr. Kadima advisor Darla Gross at
[email protected] or (440) 241-1888.
When I talk to kindergarten teachers
about what kids need to succeed, I don’t
hear about ABC’s and 123’s. I hear about
the ability to manage in a group, to be
able to take care of
their basic needs, and
the self confidence to
g try new things.
Kadima grades 6-8
Pizza & PJ's
Sunday, May 19 • PSE • 6:00 - 8:30 pm
Children are fueled by
the desire to make things happen. We
provide the safe environment so they are
able to attempt new things – washing
their hands, setting a table, picking out
their clothes and yes,
zipping up their coat.
Pizza & PJ’s! Join Kadima for dinner and a movie.
This is our last event of the year!
Questions? Contact Abby Lausin, Kadima Advisor at
[email protected] or (216) 978-2026.
Elections & Mitzvah Day
By allowing children to make some
choices, respecting those choices and
enthusiastically supporting them, you
are helping them gain control over their
world and fostering the necessary skills
so that they may some day lead a healthy
and independent life.
Sunday, May 19 • 11:30 am - 3:30 pm • PSE/MedWish
Meet at Park Synagogue East for a pizza lunch and elections
for our 2013-2014 executive board. In conjunction with
Mitzvah Day, we then will then take a bus to MedWish
to sort medical supplies. Pick-up is at 3:30 pm at
Park Synagogue East.
Like us on Facebook at ParkUSY!
- Kim Lausin, Park Preschool Director
Questions? Contact advisor Marla Levine at
[email protected] or (440) 346-2190.
for fall
May 2013
Contact us at
(216) 831- 5363
or klausin@
Just for toddlers through 1st graders.
Join us Shabbat and Holiday Mornings
9:45 am – 12:00 noon • PSM
Bring your children to the Shabbat Clubhouse located in the
School Wing, then attend Shabbat Morning Services in the Main
Sanctuary. Children will be escorted to the Sanctuary Foyer to
meet you for "Ein Keloheynu."
Women's Rosh Chodesh Book Group
Wednesday • June 12 • 7:30 pm
Park women are invited to join the discussion of
The People of Forever Are Not Afraid
by Shani Boianjiu at the home of Mary Chaitoff, 32800 Shaker Blvd.,
Pepper Pike. RSVP to Mary at (216) 831-4178 or [email protected].
Co-Chairs are Joanne Prober and Charlene Ratner.
Come see what all
the buzz is about!
DOCENT-GUIDED TOUR OF the international exhibit
Jewish Wisdom and Spirit as We Grow Older
Sunday, May 5 • 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
Jewish Community Center of Cleveland
Wednesday, May 22 • 6:45 pm
Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage
FREE* and open to the community
2929 Richmond Road, Beachwood
This one-day conference offered by HaMakom Cleveland
offers physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual resources
to address mid-life issues and beyond. The program features
Rabbi Dayle Friedman, a nationally known expert, and
workshops with local rabbis and experts.
Spots of Light is a demonstration of human and feminine
strengths, telling the stories that still
need to be heard in the unique voice
of women. The beauty of this exhibit is
that it emphasizes the courage, actions
and responses of Jewish women. It is an
exhibit that everyone must see!
Margot Fink
"I had a chance
to make myself a
comb using some
leftover wire. I also
made two rollers.
If they’d caught
me, I’d have been
severely punished."
*The conference is free; lunch is $5.00. Pre-registration is
required - online at or by phone at
(216) 831-0700, ext. 1395 by May 1st.
Maltz Museum Members: Free
Adults 60 and over: $6
Adults 59 and under: $8
This event is co-sponsored by Park Synagogue's Women's Rosh
Chodesh Group as well as other community organizations.
Prepaid reservations are required by
Friday, May 17.
Park women of all ages are invited to our monthly
Mahj & Mingle
Open to ALL interested men and women.
Questions? Contact Ellen Petler at
[email protected] or (216) 371-2244,
ext. 122.
Thursdays • May 2 • June 6
6:45-9:00 pm • Park Synagogue East
Spots of Light RSVP
Park’s Women’s Rosh Chodesh Group sponsors a monthly
Mahj game. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or
experienced player, join us for a fun evening of mahj.
You must bring your own mahj rules and mahj set, if
you own one. Open to all Park members and their guests.
Cost: $5.00 per person donation for Park’s Nashim
Education Fund for Women.
Please let us know: if you need instruction (by
experienced players); if you are coming with a group; if
you have a card table or mahj set to bring; and if you
would like to teach.
Please RSVP to: Adele Sheftel at [email protected]
or (216) 371-2244, ext. 161.
Questions? Contact Kandi Friedman at (216) 292-3161
or [email protected].
_____# Maltz Members - Free ____# Adults at $6 each (60 & +)
_____# Adults at $8 each (59 & -) $_______ Amount Enclosed
Name(s)* ____________________________________
Phone _______________________________________
Email ________________________________________
Prepaid reservations due Friday, May 17.
*Send all names included in your reservation and a check
(payable to Park Synagogue) to: Spots of Light, Park
Synagogue, 27500 Shaker Blvd., Pepper Pike, OH 44124.
May 2013
Park Synagogue Sisterhood
Installation Luncheon
Tuesday, May 21 • 11:30 am
Park Synagogue East
Park Synagogue Sisterhood Officer and
Board Nominations 2013-2014
Join us for this special annual luncheon
followed by the installation of 2013-2014
Officers and Board.
The afternoon program features the lovely
voice of Virginia Bruozis Muliolis
accompanied by pianist, Joseph Kolecki.
In accordance with the Park Synagogue Sisterhood bylaws, the following
slate of officers and board members is submitted for 2013-2014.
Karen Brown
Vice Presidents
Other Departments
Mary Chaitoff
American-Israeli Affairs:
Gift Shop:
Karen Spector
Fran Schlechter
Ruth Baker
Esther Berman
Gloria Goldstein
Gail Stroud
Special Programs:
Opening Luncheon:
Molly Friedson
Joanne Prober
Ways & Means/
Gift Shop:
Norma Barron
Sheila Hirsch
Terry Juntoff
Torah Fund:
Rita Weintraub
Ieda Warshay
Mina Saidel
Lesley Hirsh
Sandee Baumal
Program Department
Chair: Saralee
Cheryll Bellamy
Miriam Glazer
Etty Hoffman
Gerry Powers Volper
Rita Kroot
Installation Luncheon:
Beverly Davis
Florence Lander
Faye Strassman
Debbie Scolnick
Svetlana Alterman
Beverly Bedol
Thelma Solomon
Harriet Roth
Anne & Armond Cohen
Book Club:
School Mitzvah Fund
Kiddush PSE:
Membership &
Welfare Department
Mazel Tov Notes:
Mina Saidel
□ I/We Will Be There
Under Sponsorship
of President
Co-chair: Beverly Davis
Co-chair: Lesley Hirsh
Marcia Korenstein
Installation Luncheon
Annabelle Weiss
Ellen Miller
Susan Schwarzwald
Special Programs:
Chairs of the Day are Beverly Davis,
Florence Lander and Faye Strassman.
Etty Hoffman
Gerry Powers Volper
Co-chair: Phyllis
Co-chair: Debbie
Fran Schlechter
Social Action:
Cost of the day is $17.50
Deadline for reservations is Tuesday, May 14th.
For reservation information, please call
Florence Lander at (440) 460-4678.
________ # Reservations at $17.50 each
$_______ Amount Enclosed (checks payable to Park Sisterhood)
Name(s)* ___________________________________
Adele Ack
Ina Burday
Address _____________________________________
Kiddush PSM:
City _____________________ Zip________________
Faye Strassman
Holiday & Shabbat
Floral Fund:
Phone ______________________________________
Beverly Davis
Email _______________________________________
Edie Hauptman
Beverly Bedol
Contribution Notes:
Past Presidents
* Please list all names with whom you wish to be
Judy Cohen
Ieda Warshay
Annabelle Weiss
Beverly Bedol
Beverly Davis
Miriam Glazer
Lesley Hirsh
Marcia Kline
Florence Lander
Mina Saidel
Faye Strassman
Phyllis Wachs
Ieda Warshay
Condolence Notes:
Betty Bloomfield
Nominating Committee:
Beverly Bedol
Svetlana Alterman
Joanne Prober
Tables of 8-10 can be arranged in advance.
Mail reservations & checks by May 14 to:
Florence Lander, 2202 Acacia Park Dr. #2615
Lyndhurst, OH 44124
We have a locked drop box at Park Synagogue East where
you can drop off payments any time the Synagogue is
open. It is located to the left of Room 140, the accounting
office, toward the Preschool area. Do NOT leave any
envelopes or payments at Park Synagogue Main.
Park Synagogue – A Synagogue for a Lifetime
Thursday, June 27 • 7:00 pm
Join us every Tuesday at Park Synagogue East
for educational topics and entertainment.
Cain Park, Alma Theater (inside)
Lee & Superior Rds., Cleveland Heights
In an idealized 50's setting, the classic
themes of love won, lost and imagined
blend with hilarious set-pieces and sliceof-emotions. SMOKEY JOE'S CAFE celebrates a prolific pair
of songwriters, Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller, who virtually
invented rock 'n roll as much as anyone. Featuring nearly 40
of the greatest rock 'n roll and rhythm & blues songs ever
Tickets (reserved, center section): $22 each
10:00 amFun with Yiddish featuring Annabelle Weiss
10:45 amPotpourri (see schedule below)
11:30 amDiscussion with Rabbi Skoff
12:15 pmLunch* (reservations required)
1:00 pm Weekly Program (see schedule below)
* Cost for lunch is $7.00 per person. To make reservations,
please call Terry Juntoff at (216) 464-2364.
Prepaid reservations are required by Monday, June 10.
Questions? Contact Ellen Petler at [email protected]
or (216) 371-2244, ext. 122.
May Schedule
Smokey Joe's cafe RSVP
Tuesday, May 7
Potpourri: Rabbi Sharon Marcus will present the ongoing series, "Torah Study Through a Weekly
Woman's Lens."
____ _# Adults at $22 each $_______ Amount Enclosed
No weekly program, Board Meeting
Tuesday, May 14 - no Sisterhood
Name(s)* ____________________________________
Tuesday, May 21 - Installation Luncheon
City, Zip______________________________________
Chairs of the day are Beverly Davis, Florence Lander and Faye Strassman
Join us for the installation of the 2013-2014 Board and
Officers. A delightful program is planned. Cost for lunch is
$17.50. See information and RSVP on page 8.
Phone _______________________________________
Email ________________________________________
Prepaid reservations due Monday, June 10.
*Send all names included in your reservation and a check
(payable to Park Synagogue) with a self-addressed
stamped envelope to: Smokey Joe's Cafe, Park
Synagogue, 27500 Shaker Blvd., Pepper Pike, OH 44124.
Rabbi Armond & Anne Cohen
Sisterhood Book Group
save the date for Gesher's trip to blossom
Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons"
Monday, May 6 • 10:15 am
Park Synagogue East Library
Sunday, august 11 7:00 pm
by Sonia Sotomayor
Blossom Music Center
Watch for reservation information in the June Bulletin.
All are welcome!
Questions? Please call Etty Hoffman at
(216) 831-3620 or Gerry Powers Volper at (216) 464-9166.
Park Synagogue – A Synagogue for a Lifetime
Sponsored by Gesher,
Park’s group for baby-boomers.
Special Hot & Hearty Oneg
following Friday evening services
May 10 • 6:00 pm • Park Synagogue East
This is a great opportunity to invite friends to join us for an
evening of festive celebration and prayer.
sponsored by
Judy & David
Milestone Anniversaries
May 2013
Join us for Anniversary Shabbat on Saturday, May 4
5 years
30 years
Naomi Glass &
Jarrod Needle
Meredith & Jeremy Salomon
Barbara & Lev Gonick
Ellen & Harold Ticktin
10 years
Melissa & Lee Korland
15 years
Wendy & Franck Kakou
Laura & Howard Saul
20 years
Karen & Barry Freeman
Faith & David Gilbert
Harriet Singer Nash &
Michael Nash
Marlene & Aaron Walter
25 years
Shelley & Ron Gross
Terri & Jan Kleinman
Rachael & Ralph Stewart
Laurie & Richard Weiss
35 years
Helene & Eliot Gelb
45 years
Judy & Andy Finger
50 years
The annual Volunteer Recognition will be held during
the Park Annual Meeting on Sunday morning, June 2
at Park Synagogue East. Each year we acknowledge
and thank all of our devoted and dedicated volunteers
for their efforts and commitment to making Park’s
numerous projects, programs, committees, and
affiliates so successful.
Estelle & Barry Bonchek
51 years
Judith & Mark Feingold
Barbara & Richard
56 years
If you or anyone you know (child or adult) is or has
been a Park volunteer in any capacity during the past
year, please contact Ellen Petler at
[email protected] or (216) 371-2244, ext. 122.
Fran & Morrie Schlechter
64 years
Betty & Hyman Polsky
Mazel Tov!
Mazel tov to Abby & Vladimir Kushnir on the birth of their daughter, Maya Rachel. Big brother is Max Levi; grandparents are
Terri & Ken Kraus and Mila & Mark Kushnir; and great grandparents are Mikhail Kushnir, and Tselia & Leonid Shparber.
Mazel tov to David Chelnick for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout. Proud parents are Charlene & Bruce Chelnick, and siblings
are Michael, Kayla and Ellie.
Mazel tov to Mary Chaitoff on the birth of two great grandchildren, Hunter Meyer and Vivenne Bell. Hunter's parents are
Michelle & Jonathan DeBoer, and his grandparents are Linda & Robert Weiner. Vivienne's parents are Lauren & Brian
Chaitoff, and her grandparents are Marlo & Jeffrey Chaitoff.
Mazel tov to Julianna Francis Neuger who celebrated her bat mitzvah on April 13 at Temple B'rith Sholom in Springfield,
Illinois. Her parents are Sara & Howard Neuger, and her brother is Michael Joseph. Grandparents are Marjorie & (of blessed
memory) Dr. Sanford Neuger, Jane Willams, and Carol & Jerry Johnson. Julianna and her family live in Springfield.
Park Synagogue – A Synagogue for a Lifetime
May 2013
PSM: Park Synagogue Main
PSE: Park Synagogue East
PSA: Park Senior Adults
WRCG: Women’s Rosh
Chodesh Group
Morning Minyan
7:30 am • PSE
Evening Minyan
5:30 pm • PSE
Evening Minyan
6:00 pm • PSE
Morning Minyan
7:30 am • PSE
Morning Minyan
7:30 am • PSE
University Day
9:00 am • PSM
Evening Minyan
6:00 pm • PSE
Morning Minyan
7:30 am • PSE
10:00 am • PSE
Morning Minyan
7:30 am • PSE
Family Shabbat
Service (Hot &
Hearty) Scholar-inResidence Dessert &
6:00 pm • PSE
Hebrew II
5:30 pm • PSE
Evening Minyan
6:00 pm • PSE
Mahj & Mingle
6:45 pm • PSE
Candle lighting
8:07 pm
Morning Minyan
7:30 am • PSE
Morning Minyan
7:30 am • PSE
28 Iyar
Weekday School
Men's Club
Shabbat and Scholarin-Residence
Morning Service
9:00 am • PSM
Anniversary Shabbat
Under the Dome/The
Journey Begins for
PreK & K
Shabbat Clubhouse
Evening Service
6:00 pm • PSM
Final Confirmation
Rehearsal • PSM
Morning Service
9:00 am • PSM
Bar Mitzvah
Jack Deignan
Youth Service
Shabbat Clubhouse
Upper School • PSE
NO Weekday School
NO Upper School
Evening Minyan
6:00 pm • PSE
WRCG Book Club
7:30 pm • Away
Erev Shavuot
Offices close at 3:00
Morning Minyan
7:30 am • PSE
NO Sisterhood
Offices closed
Evening Service
6:45 pm • PSE
Morning Minyan
7:30 am • PSE
Evening Minyan
6:00 pm • PSE
Memorial Day
Offices Closed
Morning Minyan
8:30 am • PSE
Evening Minyan
6:00 pm • PSE
Morning Minyan
7:30 am • PSE
Morning Minyan
7:30 am • PSE
Morning Minyan
7:30 am • PSE
Family Shabbat
Service (Volunteer
6:00 pm • PSE
Morning Minyan
7:30 am • PSE
Morning Minyan
7:30 am • PSE
Morning Minyan
7:30 am • PSE
Evening Minyan
6:00 pm • PSE
Hebrew II
5:30 pm • PSE
Family Shabbat
6:00 pm • PSE
Evening Minyan
6:00 pm • PSE
Candle lighting
8:28 pm
Morning Minyan
7:30 am • PSE
Hebrew II
5:30 pm • PSE
Evening Minyan
6:00 pm • PSE
Morning Minyan
7:30 am • PSE
Family Shabbat
6:00 pm • PSE
Candle lighting
8:34 pm
Morning Service
9:00 am • PSM
B'nei Mitzvah
Dylan Goldberg
Mason Goldberg
Birthday Shabbat
Shabbat Clubhouse
Evening Service
6:00 pm • PSM
Mincha Bat Mitzvah
Rachel Dubyak
Candle lighting
8:21 pm
Evening Service
6:00 pm • PSE
WRCG Spots of Light
6:45 pm • Away
20 Sivan
Evening Minyan
6:00 pm • PSE
13 Sivan
Evening Minyan
6:00 pm • PSE
Shavuot & Yizkor
Offices closed
Shavuot Morning
Service & Yizkor
9:00 am • PSE
Shavuot Morning
Service &
9:00 am • PSM
Evening Service
6:00 pm • PSE
Candle lighting
8:18 pm
Morning Minyan
7:30 am • PSE
11:30 • PSE
Evening Service
5:30 pm • PSM
Mincha Bat Mitzvah
Zara Gottlieb
Candle lighting
8:14 pm
Evening Minyan
6:00 pm • PSE
6 Sivan
Shavuot Study
Session &
7:30 pm • PSE
Family Shabbat
Service with Special
Hot & Hearty
(with the Klezmer
6:00 pm • PSE
Hebrew II
5:30 pm • PSE
Evening Minyan
6:00 pm • PSE
Evening Minyan
6:00 pm • PSE
21 Iyar
MC: Men's Club
Mother's Day
Morning Minyan
8:30 am • PSE
Sunday School • PSE
concluding program
Talmud Class
9:30 am • PSE
Rabbi's Bible Class
11:00 am • PSE
Evening Minyan
5:30 pm • PSE
YM: Young Menches,
Powered by Park
Evening Minyan
6:00 pm • PSE
Morning Minyan
8:30 am • PSE
JMM: Junior Mitzvah Makers
Evening Minyan
5:30 pm • PSE
Evening Minyan
5:30 pm • PSE
Pizza & PJ's
6:00 pm • PSE
Morning Minyan
7:30 am • PSE
FMM: Family Mitzvah
Morning Minyan
7:30 am • PSE
Sisterhood Book
10:15 am • PSE
Iyar / Sivan 5773
Morning Minyan 5
8:30 am • PSE
Sunday School • PSE
(except for Prek & K)
Rehearsal • PSM
B/B Mitzvah Club
Men's Club
9:30 am • PSE
Talmud Class
9:30 am • PSE
9:30 am • Away
Rabbi's Bible Class
11:00 am • PSE
YM Spots of Light
11:00 • Away
Mitzvah Day
Morning Minyan
8:30 am • PSE
Talmud Class
9:30 am • PSE
Jr. Kadima
Pancakes & PJ's
11:00 am • PSE
Shabbat Morning 25
Service 9:00 am PSM
Shabbat Clubhouse
1963 Confirmation
Evening Service
6:00 pm • PSM
Mincha Bar Mitzvah
Harrison Solar
Jack Macquarie Deignan
Harrison Solar
Jack attends Chagrin Falls Middle School
where he plays basketball and football. In
his spare time, he is on the Ohio Strikers
baseball team, plays piano, and volunteers
at the West Side Catholic Center serving
meals. For the last two summers, he and
his siblings created, advertised and ran
lemonade stands in support of Alex's
Lemonade Stand Foundation, raising
nearly $700 for Pediatric Cancer Research.
Parents are Tuni & John Deignan, and
siblings are Townshend, Lucky, Odessa and
Harrison attends Brady Middle School
where he plays trombone in the band.
In his spare time, Harrison attends BBYO
events, reads sci-fi and fantasy novels,
and reads and collects comics. For his Bar
Mitzvah project, he is volunteering for
MedWish to raise awareness and money
for Parkinson's research in order to find
a cure. His mother and stepfather are
Kathy & Jeff Cohen, his father is Scott
Solar, and his brother is Aidan.
May 11
May 25, Mincha
Shabbat Parshiot
Zara Gottlieb
Torah portions to be read during the month.
May 11, Mincha
Zara attends Solon Middle School and
plays soccer for the Solon Lightning and
the CSA Premier Clubs. Each year, she
volunteers the Ronald McDonald House. In
addition, for her bat mitzvah project she is
raising money for Pencils of Promise which
develops schools in underdeveloped
countries. Zara's parents are Melissa &
David Gottlieb, and her siblings are Zoey
and Zachary.
May 4 / 24 Iyar B'har-B'hukotai May 18 / 9 Sivan Naso
Dylan Elle Goldberg
continuing adult education
Leviticus 25:1 - 27:34
Jeremiah 16:19 - 17:14
Numbers 4:21 - 7:89
Judges 13:2 - 25
May 11 / 2 Sivan B'midbar
May 25 / 16 Sivan
Numbers 1:1 - 4:20
Hosea 2:1 - 22
Mason Ryan Goldberg
May 18
Numbers 8:1 - 12:16
Zekhariah 2:14 - 4:7
Projects of the Dr. Erwin Levin Adult Study Fund
Dylan and Mason attend Hawken School.
Dylan enjoys playing lacrosse and tennis;
Mason is busy with soccer, basketball and
lacrosse. They are working together to
develop a philanthropic fund which will
provide funds to great causes they believe
in. Their parents are Jennifer & Jordan
Goldberg, and their siblings are Jackson
and Leighton.
Rabbi’s Bible Class
Open to all – accessible at all levels! No pre-registration needed.
Sundays, May 5 & 12 • 11:00 am – 12:00 noon
Park Synagogue East • Room 147
Talmud Study Group
with Rabbi Tzvi Urkowitz. Open to all. No pre-registration needed.
Sundays, May 5, 12 & 19 • 9:30 – 10:30 am
Park Synagogue East • Room 249
Hebrew II: Reading Hebrew for Fluency & Enjoyment
with Valerie Levinsohn. Open to all, beginners welcome.
Please register with Valerie at (216) 932-6963 or [email protected]
Thursdays, May 2, 9, 23 & 30 • 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Park Synagogue East • Room 149
Rachel Alyson Dubyak
May 18, Mincha
Rachel attends Brady Middle School and
enjoys volleyball, tennis and reading.
Parents are Cherie & Rob Dubyak and her
sisters are Jordan and Lainey.
May 2013
Hebrew I: Learn Prayerbook Hebrew
with Judy Eigenfeld. Open to all.
Please contact Judy at [email protected] to learn
more including meeting times and locations.
get ready for Summer!
Sunday, August 18 • PSE
Park Day Camp
To join the Picnic Planning Committee,
please contact Ellen Petler at
[email protected] or (216) 371-2244, ext. 122.
Join us for a summer rich with tradition and
filled with swimming, arts & crafts, sports,
music and more!
Boys & girls grades K-4
Private swimming pool
ce 1942
4-6-8 week sessions
Hot kosher lunch daily
Before- and after-care available
For more information call:
Park Day Camp Director,
Mike Rubin at (440) 543‐8802
Online forms available at
Join us on the patio for special outdoor Shabbat services
this summer. Casual Shabbat attire welcome – NO TIES!
9:00 am - 11:15 am • Park Main Patio
Register Today!
Dates to be announced in a future Bulletin.
Summer Splash Party
Sunday, August 4 • 1:30 – 3:30 pm • Park Synagogue East Pool
• Swimming (lifeguard on duty) • Music by Rock the House • Snacks and drinks
Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
RSVP information will be in the June Bulletin.
Park Synagogue – A Synagogue for a Lifetime
for a trip to the Ohio Light
Opera in Wooster to see
50th Reunion of Park’s 1963
Confirmation Class
Park’s 1963 Confirmation Class will be having a 50th Reunion
on Saturday, May 25th at Park Synagogue Main. The
class, which had 178 students, will be honored at Shabbat
Those attending the reunion will have time to get
reacquainted and share Confirmation memories at a special
luncheon after services.
Thursday, July 25 • 9:45 am – 6:00 pm
The 1963 Reunion Planning Committee, which consists
of Rochelle Rapoport Kaplow, Judith Baron Khaner,
Abby Lodish Labovitz, Joyce Powers, Daniel Rose, Gail
Schumer Stroud, and Debbie Katz Traeger, looks forward
to greeting many of thier fellow confirmands at the reunion.
Join us for a wonderful day of musical theater at its best!
First stop is the Premium Outlet Shops at Lodi for browsing,
shopping and lunch. Bring your own brown bag non-meat
lunch or purchase lunch in the food court. Then it is on
to the Ohio Light Opera in Wooster to see Rodgers and
Hammerstein’s “The King & I.” This beloved musical features
many wonderful songs, including “Getting to Know You,”
“Shall We Dance,” and “I Whistle a Happy Tune.”
For more information, please contact Ellen Petler at
[email protected] or at 216-371-2244 ext. 122.
Time: 9:45 am
Meet bus at Park Synagogue East
10:00 am Bus departs
6:00 pm Bus returns to Park Synagogue East
Prepaid reservations due Monday, June 10.
$62 Park or B’nai Jeshurun Hazak member
_____________ # Park/BJ Hazak Members at $62 each
*Includes luxury bus transportation, reserved theater
seat, snack, and bus driver’s tip.
_____________ # Guests at $67 each
$____________ Amount Enclosed
(check payable to Park Synagogue)
Prepaid reservations are required by June 10.
Open to all ages. Limited seats available, so make
your reservations early!
Name(s)* _____________________________________
For questions or to request transportation to Park
Synagogue East, please contact Ellen Petler at
[email protected] or (216) 371-2244 ext. 122.
Co-sponsored by Park Senior Adults and
B'nai Jeshurun's Hazak Group
Home Phone __________________________________
To make reservations, *send all names included in
reservation, addresses, home & cell phone numbers, email
addresses, and check (payable to Park Synagogue) to
Cell Phone____________________________________
The King & I, Park Synagogue
27500 Shaker Blvd., Pepper Pike, OH 44124.
Email ________________________________________
Send to: The King & I, Park Synagogue
27500 Shaker Blvd., Pepper Pike, OH 44124.
May 2013
Gifts to Funds
save the date for the park social action
committeE program:
March 12 - April 4, 2013
Barbara & Stephen Somogyi Holocaust Education Fund
The Health of Lake Erie
IMO Frank Deutsch; IMO Paul Perlmutter; IMO Blanche Adelstein; IMO Imre
Fleischman; IMO Agi Fleischman; IMO Steve Perlmutter; IMO Iboyka Deutsch;
IMO Geza Deutsch; IMO Samuel Perlmutter; IMO Susie Perlmutter; IMO Elizabeth
Perlmutter; IMO Rosa Deutsch; IMO Mary Fleischman; IMO Joyce Gilmore; and
IMO Lois Levin by Stephen & Barbara Somogyi
tuesday, june 25 7:15 pm
park synagogue east
Barney Garson Minyan Fund
IMO Larry Sherman by David & Shelley Fishbach
IMO Bob Stein by Norman & Toby Bresky
IMO Jared Orchin by Teri & Curt Hochberg
Belle & Morris Boxerbaum Library Plaque Fund
IMO Belle Boxerbaum by Ina Burday
New Fund Established
Benjamin Louis Powers Memorial Fund
IMO Norman Miller; IMO Doris Malitz; IMO Steve Firstenberg; and IMO Danielle
Wackerle by Lou & Tammy Powers
The mitzvah of tzedakah lives on through generous
donations made in honor of our members’ special causes.
Trust funds are used for specific purposes, overseen by the
Rabbis and staff. Funds have been used to coordinate special
programming for children, host guest speakers, subsidize
event costs, and provide the “icing on the cake” for many of
our programs.
Bess & Maury Feren Humanitarian Fund
IHO Maury Feren receiving the French Legion of Honor award by Bruce & Sharon
Epstein; Clifford & Linda Wolf; Marilyn, Betty & Sid Blumentahl; and the Gelb
Betty & Manny Leiken Memorial Fund
IHO Richard Leiken's birthday by Martin & Suzi Mandel
Bresky Family Special Needs Fund
IMO Lillian Berkman by Toby Bresky
We are pleased to announce our newest fund, the Barbara &
Richard Schreibman Grandchildren's Arts & Crafts Fund.
This fund will provide supplies to the religious school.
Cantor Misha Pisman Discretionary Fund
IHO Faye & Sel Strassman's wedding anniversary by Betty Bloomfield
Cynthia L. Goffman Chanukah Fund
If you are interested in establishing a new fund, or have
questions regarding supporting Park Synagogue, please
contact Development Director, Judy Kaufman, at
(216) 371-2244, ext. 133 or [email protected].
IMO Rose Deutsch by Alfred & Barbara Luft
Dr. Alex Rubins Library Plaque Fund
IMO David Buller by Betty Rubins
Dr. Carl & Frieda Snider Library Plaque Fund
IMO Larry Sherman by Fred & Marcia Mervis
Dr. Charles Long Memorial Fund
The Congregation Expresses its
Sympathy to:
IMO Anne Cohen by Rebecca Long
Ellerin Landscape & Garden Fund
IMO Lillian Widzer by Jerry & Roz Ellerin
Estelle Gerson on the loss of her husband, Gerald Gerson.
Lori Glassman on the loss of her brother, and Adam and
Alex on the loss of their uncle, Marc Ira Rothstein.
Beverly Bedol on the loss of her brother, Alfred Stein.
Elaine Cohen on the loss of her husband, and Dawn Weiss
on the loss of her father, and Taryn and Collin on the loss of
their grandfather, Arnold Cohen.
Jennifer Swirsky on the loss of her grandfather, and Mira
and Noah on the loss of their great grandfather, Ernest
Eugene & Shirley Katz Fund
IHO Faye Sholiton's birthday by Andy & Cheryl Halpern
Ezra & Tzivia Galili Fund
IHO Rachel's Bat Mitzvah by Bill & Siva Grossman
IMO Thomas Pierce Campbell; and IMO Gary Fromson by Matthew & Tammy
Fannie & Sidney Walzer Library Plaque Fund
IMO Aaron Goldstein by Laura & Sanford Wallenstein
Harry & Terry Adell Memorial Fund for PSWRS
IMO Theresa Adell by Marcie Zeiger
Harvey & Millie Klein Educational Fund
IMO Louis Bernstein by Steve & Judy Willensky
Herman & Lois Brown Anniversary Fund
In Memoriam
Shirley Spitalny
IMO Janeth Serbin; and IMO Ralph Stein by David Brown
Hunger/Mitzvah Fund
Gerald Gerson
Wishing Heather Adelstein a speedy recovery by Marcia Korenstein
A gift by Larry & Helen Horwitz
IHO Faye & Sel Strassman's wedding anniversary by Cantor Misha & Amy Pisman
IHO the birth of Lily Alexa Kertesz by Gary & Ellen Petler
IMO Stuart Weiner; and IMO Gary Fromson by Jan & Terrie Kleinman
IMO Abraham Sherwin; and IMO Joseph Sherwin by Marty & Mary Jatlow
IMO Lena Benchell by Nadalane Bloch
Arnold Cohen Evelyn Greene
Florence Isaacs
Gifts to Funds continued on next page
Park Synagogue – A Synagogue for a Lifetime
Gifts to Funds
Library Program Fund
IMO Rae Epstein by Aileen Apple
IMO Dr. George Tievsky by Andrew & Sharon Tievsky
IMO Lee Weiss by Annabelle Weiss
IMO Raymond R. Klein by Barbara Dorman
IMO Hy Herman; and IMO Helen Fishman by Barbara
IMO Sara & Saul Gindy by Barbara Silver
IMO Florence Chesler by Barry & Lynn Chesler
IMO Sidney Franklin by Bea Franklin
IMO Isaac Cohen by Ben & Jennifer Cohen
IMO Raymond Klein by Bernard & Doris Boxerbaum
IMO Philip Bunowitz; and IMO Pauline Bunowitz by
Betty Naft
IMO Nathan Dimond by Bobbie Rosman
IMO Shirley Katz by Bruce & Sharon Epstein
IMO Paul Scharf by Burton & Eunice Curtis
IMO Natalee Robinowitz; and IMO Samuel Lewitz by
Cathy Randall
IMO Sadie E. Rosenthal by Charlotte Guggenheim
IMO Dorothy Drost; and IMO Aron Drost by Chicky
IMO Erwin Fischer by Clare, Scott & Lauren Fischer
IMO Leon Baraz by Cynthia Cohen
IMO Faye Katz Ratner by Deborah Ratner Salzberg
IMO Sophie Perlmutter by Don & Mary Perlmutter
IMO Peggy Bookatz by Donald Schermer
IMO William Hrabie by Dr. & Mrs. Martin Melnick
IMO Sam Strassman by Dr. & Mrs. Selig Strassman
IMO Harry Klein by Dr. Bernard & Doris Boxerbaum
IMO Ralph Kazik by Dr. Sanford & Bonnie Miller
IMO Adelaide Rubin by Eric Rubin
IMO Faye Katz Ratner by Esther Meckler and family
IMO William Reingold by Faith Rosenberg
IMO Marian Kazdin by Gary Kazdin
IMO Rose Lockman by Gerald & Sheila Herschman
IMO Annette Solomon; and IMO Esther Sherman by
Gloria Gelb
IMO Murray Cooper by Greg & Cathy Cooper
IMO Dan E. Simon by Helen Simon
IMO Evelyn Kessler by Helene Gelb
IMO Joseph Pearlman by Herbert Pearlman
IMO Anna F. Weinberg; and IMO Judith L. Weinberg
by Herbert Weinberg
IMO Samuel Goldman by Howard & Anita Cohen
IMO Morris Cohen by Hyman Cohen
IMO Richard Rosewater by Illene Rosewater
IMO Mildred Krasnow by Jeff & Jamie Rindsberg
IMO Herbert Rothman by Jeff Rothman
IMO Adelle Shapers by John & Nadine Resor
IMO Mildred Krasnow by Josh & Kathy Goldner
IMO Stuart Schreiber by Kandis Schreiber
IMO Sanford Niles Shapiro; and IMO Sarah Milstein
Shapiro by Karen Spector
IMO Leonard Holstein; IMO Barbara Nancy Holstein;
and IMO Nathan Staman by Lee Ann Holstein
IMO Ruth Rosen by Lillian Sharlet
IMO Phillip Begun by Loramae Simkoff
IMO Robert Bloch by Loren & Brenda Shapiro
IMO Mary Lou Regan by Marc & Karen Jaffe
IMO Samuel C. Jaffe by Marc Jaffe
IMO Klara Finkel by Mariya Baron
IMO Anna Melnick by Martin & Janice Melnick
IMO Cecilia Horwitz by Martin & Sandi Horwitz
IMO Ruth G. Levine by Marvin & Sharon Starr
IMO Charles Levy by Maxine L. Koblenz
May 2013
IMO Sam Belkin by Mike Belkin
IMO Irving Mecall by Morris & Rosalyn Meclovsky
IMO Faye Ratner by Mr. & Mrs. Albert Ratner
IMO Elizabeth Hartman by Nancy & Sheldon
IMO Leslie Wolf; and IMO Ambassador Milton A. Wolf
by Nancy Wolf
IMO Heidi Renee Goodman by Norma Wolkov
IMO Salman Salzman by Norman & Renee Snow
IMO Leslie Meszler by Ofer & Joelle Reizes
IMO Helen Fishman by Phyllis Fishman
IMO Miriam Tanzman; IMO Nathan Tanzman; and
IMO Harold Simon by Rhoda Simon
IMO Belle Horwitz by Richard & Bess Kaplan
IMO Lucille Dorman Harris by Richard Dorman
IMO Harry Hoffman by Rita Kroot
IMO Ida Walzer by Robert Goldstein
IMO Goldie Kwait Landskroner by Robert Kwait
IMO Lena Kaufman Davis by Rosalyn Kaufman
IMO Ethel Cohen by Sally Cohen
IMO Arthur Klein by Sandra Agin
IMO Robert Schultz by Sandra Baumal
IMO Annette Solomon by Sheldon & Sharon
IMO Dr. Michael Dinner by Shirley Greenberg
IMO Abraham Sherwin by Sol Sherwin
IMO Ruja Alterman by Svetlana Alterman
IMO Faye Goldstein Zinn by Sydelle Zinn
IMO Irving Adelstein by the Adelstein family
IMO Melvin Lashner; and IMO Robert Sterrn by the
Lashner family
IMO Leona Garfunkel Costin by Wally Kaplan
IMO Charlotte Paris by Zachary Paris
IMO Elis Lewkowicz by Zvi Lewkowicz
Joseph & Ida Chelm Simchas Torah Fund
IMO Bob Stein by Florence Chelm
Lois H. Sherman Children's Fund
IMO Larry Sherman by Brian Bash; Darlene & Robert
Duvin; David Uram & David Burg; Herbert Wander;
Joel & Shirley Levine; Judy & Donald Schermer; Sally
H & Stanley Wertheim; Stacey & Harley Kripke; Steve
& Judy Willensky; and Steven & Stacey Shore
Louis & Libby Goldberg Young Adult Resource
IMO Louis Goldberg by Alvin & Sharon Goldberg;
and Esther Cohen
Louis & Mollie Newman Oneg Shabbat Fund
IHO the birth of Roger & Sylvia Kramer's
grandaughter by Loree Potash
Miriam & Sol Brooks Leadership Fund
IHO the birth of Asher Wine by Jackie, Richard and
Hallie Brooks
Music & Cultural Fund
IMO Alex Chester by Stella Bron-McManus
Nashim Education Fund for Women
Lynn and Barry R. Chesler Educational
Endowment Fund
IHO Marlene & Dan Silverstein's anniversary; IHO
Donna & Leslie Glazer's anniversary; IHO Anita &
Bill Heller's anniversary; IHO Roberta & Leonard
Mendel's anniversary; IHO Yaffa & Rev. Eli Levy's
anniversary; and IHO Shirley & Bernard Arnoff's
anniversary by Barry & Lynn Chesler
IHO Logan Goldberg's Bar Mitzvah by Barry & Lynn
IHO Erica Siegal & Adam Schwartz' engagement by
Barry & Lynn Chesler
IMO Winston by Barry & Lynn Chesler
IMO Rachel Ariela Fishman by Barry & Lynn Chesler
Park Synagogue Programs & Services
IHO Dr. Eric Klein by Park Synagogue Men's Club
IMO Gary Fromson by Bob & Helen Marks
IMO Rudy Schor by Louis & Myrna Lemberger; and
Ted & Mimi Aron
IMO Leo Margolis; IMO Mark Aron; and IMO Marcia
Lavine Gartner by Ted & Mimi Aron
Rabbi Joshua Skoff Discretionary Fund
A gift by Maury Feren
In appreciation of Rabbi Skoff by Larry & Helen
IHO Rabbi Skoff's birthday by Bruce & Sharon
Epstein; and Eva & Curt Simpson
IHO Harvey Freedman's birthday by Seymour &
Esther Light
IHO Maury Feren receiving the French Legion of
Honor award by Steve & Judy Willensky
IMO Bob Stein; IMO Gary Fromson; and IMO Larry
Sherman by Barbara Goldfarb & Norman Wain
IMO Bernard H. Bergman by Lisa Bergman Davidoff
& Larry Davidoff
IMO Sarah Winter by Seymour & Esther Light
IMO Steven A. Firstenberg by Steven & Vickie Falk
Rabbi Sharon Marcus Discretionary Fund
In appreciation of Rabbi Marcus by Larry & Helen
IMO Dorothy Arons by Alan Arons
Rae & Harry Tucker Senior Transportation
IMO Celia Siegel by Howard & Sara Tucker
Robert & Marjorie Stein Fund
IMO Bob Stein by Albert & Audrey Ratner; and Gail
Bass Arnoff & George Woideck
Sanford Juntoff Religious & Education Fund
IMO Marcia Sheftel by Lynn Sheftel
IMO Harry Juntoff by Terry Juntoff
Senkfor Family Educational Scholarship Fund
IHO Marni Cantor's Bat Mitzvah; and IHO Grant &
Ryan Schwartz by Steven & Stacey Shore
Wolf Religious School Discretionary Fund
IMO Betty Greenspan; and IMO Herman Greenspan
by Ron Greenspan
In appreciation of Anne Sportas by Loree Potash and
Miriam Rose
We need your smile!
Ushers needed for Shabbat mornings and Holidays. Contact
Jonathan Evans at (216) 502-6048 or [email protected] for more
(USPS 422-060) Periodicals Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio
Vol. LXXXIX No. 35
Published monthly ©The Park Synagogue
27500 Shaker Blvd., Pepper Pike, OH 44124-5050
POSTMASTER send address changes to the address above.
Telephone: (216) 371-2244 Fax: (216) 321-0639
Annual subscription $25.00
Joshua Hoffer Skoff, Senior Rabbi
Leighton A. Rosenthal Chair in Rabbinics
Sharon Young Marcus, Associate Rabbi
Milton B. Rube, Rabbi-in-Residence
Misha Pisman, Cantor
Gadi Galili, Ritual Director
Kenneth Anthony, Executive Director
Teri Rube Hochberg, Director of Education
Kim Lausin, Preschool Director
Ellen Petler, Membership and Program Director; Judy Kaufman,
Development Director, Jenni Thomas, Communications Director/
Bulletin Editor; Dan Polster, Confirmation Class Coordinator; Michael
Rubin, Day Camp Director; Rev. Eli Z. Levy, Ritual Director Emeritus.
President.......................................... Andrew E. Randall
V.P. – Administration............................... Barbara Miller
V.P. – Communications........................... Sharon Lebovitz
V.P. – Education / Youth.......................... David Kaufman
V.P. – Membership.................................... Frederic Levine, M.D. V.P. – Special Projects.............................. Judy Klein Willensky
Treasurer .................................................... Ira Goffman
Recording Secretary................................ Lisa Cynamon Mayers
Legal Counsel................................... David Adler
Upcoming Young Mensches' Events!
Young Mensches, Powered by Park, is Park's new group
for single and married people in their 20’s and 30’s. Get
more info from their Facebook page* (click here if you're
reading this online) or search "Young Mensches" on fb.
CH-UH 2013 School
Supplies Project
Park Synagogue Sisterhood is again partnering with the
Cleveland Heights-University Heights School District
to provide new school supplies to elementary school
children who cannot afford them. Because the need is
so great throughout the entire system, Sisterhood will
elementary Schools. GEARITY, CANTERBURY and
ROXBORO also have some needs and the school social
sorkers will share with other buildings when needed.
With your help this year, we hope to start the school
year by providing school supplies to those many needy
students who cannot afford to buy them. Your help is
greatly appreciated. We have bins both at Park East
and at Park Main to accept the following supplies. All
items must be new and unused.
Questions? Contact Kerry Kertesz, at kkertesz@ or (216) 371-2244, ext. 185.
• Crayola Washable Markers – broad tip
• Colored Pencils
• Crayola Crayons - 24 pack
• Yellow #2 Pencils
• Ballpoint Pens – blue and black
• Yellow Highlighters – broad tip
• Large Pink Erasers
• Elmer’s White School Glue and Glue Sticks
• Student Scissors – pointed
• Rulers – inch and cm
Young Mensches Co-Chairs are Aaron Goldhammer,
Hallie Bram Kogelschatz and Eric Kogelschatz.
* Facebook URL:
Monetary donations (checks payable to Park Sisterhood),
are also appreciated. Please mail to:
CH/UH School Supplies Fund c/o Phyllis Wachs
1010 Hanley Road, Lyndhurst, OH 44124.
spots of light tour sun. may 5
11:00 am • $8 • Maltz Museum
RSVP on Facebook, or email Kerry Kertesz at
[email protected].
mitzvah day sun. may 19
9:30 am - 12:00 noon • Refugee Response
Help prepare soil beds for gardening in this
large urban garden. RSVP online through link
on Select "Event #9" and put
"Young Mensches" in the box.
• Spiral Notebooks – single subject, wide rule only
• Notebook Paper – widerule only
• Dry Erase Markers
• Hand Sanitizer – small bottles
• Pencil Sharpeners with cover
• 3 x 5 Index Cards
• Zip Lock Bags - sandwich, quart, or gallon sizes