London Borough of Bromley Budget 2013/14 LONDON BOROUGH OF BROMLEY Budget Book 2013-2014 Table of Contents Statements Introduction Bromley’s Finances at a Glance Summary of Revenue Budget General Statistics Contingency Provision Contingent Budgets Gross Analysis of Budget Subjective Analysis of 2013/14 Budget – analysis by Department Subjective Analysis of 2013/14 Budget – analysis by Portfolio Personnel Costs – analysis by Department Personnel Costs – analysis by Portfolio Personnel Summaries by Portfolio Page No. 1 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 15 17 18 19 Revenue Budgets Education Care & Health Services Department Chief Executive’s Department Environment & Community Services Department 29 157 279 Capital Programme and Prudential Indicators Principles and Budgetary Control Procedures Budget Head Responsibility and Scheme of Budgetary Control and Monitoring Scheme of Virement Construction Industry Scheme Income Tax Accounting for VAT Procedure for Write Offs Payment of Invoices Banking Arrangements Finance Staff Contact List Main Code Index 349 357 363 369 371 372 373 378 380 386 387 389 INTRODUCTION On 27th February 2013 the Council approved the Budget and council tax for 2013/14. The Bromley element of the council tax was set at £1,010.07 for band D, which continues to be the lowest in outer London (based on the Office of National Statistics (ONS) categories). A summary of the budget is set out in the table below: 2012/13 Budget £000s 2013/14 Budget £000s Portfolio Budgets Cr 863 103,480 31,309 9,074 3,273 31,776 7,223 185,272 30,161 Cr 811 214,622 Education Care Services Environment Renewal and Recreation Public Protection and Safety Resources Non Distributed Costs & Corporate & Democratic Core Total Controllable Budgets Total Non Controllable Budgets Total Excluded Recharges Portfolio Total 4,979 107,327 30,981 8,562 3,225 31,337 7,613 194,024 20,710 Cr 830 213,904 Central Budgets Cr 29,353 Cr 2,691 7,254 12,642 1,514 203,988 Cr 1,197 Cr 61,743 Cr 823 Cr 3,304 Cr 2,000 Cr 2,025 132,896 Reversal of Net Capital Charges Interest on General Fund Balances Contingency Provision for Capital Works and Other Provisions Levies Net Budget Cr 19,727 Cr 1,591 13,134 6,192 1,468 213,380 Start Up Funding Revenue Support Grant Business Rates Retention Local Services Support Grant Council Tax Freeze Grant 2012/13 Collection Fund Surplus New Homes Bonus Cr 50,521 Cr 33,610 Cr 181 Cr 1,840 Cr 3,858 Bromley’s Council Tax Requirement 123,370 • The Government introduced a number of changes in 2013/14 including the introduction of the Council Tax Support Scheme to replace the existing Council Tax Benefit Scheme and a fundamental review of how local authorities are funded, replacing the existing grants system with the Business Rates Retention System. Due to these significant changes, it is not possible to make direct comparisons between years. Context and Issues The Council continues to face a period of greater uncertainty, particularly in light of the ongoing economic situation and the resultant negative impact on public finances. The latest economic position (national and international) continues to be of concern which was recognised in the recent Chancellor’s autumn statement. The Government have indicated that planned reductions in funding over the next four years are likely to continue beyond that period, at least up to 2017/18 at this stage. 1 The Council has had to take significant action to reduce the cost base while protecting priority front line services and providing sustainable longer term solutions. The current economic and financial environment provides an extremely challenging context for the medium term financial strategy. Bromley is unique in Outer London as a borough in having lower than average council tax levels combined with lower than average Government funding levels. Other boroughs with low funding levels have substantially higher council tax levels and conversely other boroughs with a low council tax have substantially higher funding levels. Further details of Bromley’s ranking were reported to the Executive on 9th January 2013. Full details of the challenges faced by the Council, including addressing inflationary increases, dealing with service pressures and managing significant reductions in government funding together with information about how we have consulted with Bromley residents, partners and businesses are included in the following two main reports to the Executive: (a) Draft 2013/14 Budget and Update on Council’s Financial Strategy 2014/15 to 2016/17 (Executive, 9th January 2013); (b) 2013/14 Council Tax (Executive 6th February 2013). Key issues arsing from these reports include: (a) Significant changes which impact on the Council’s finances from 2013/14 arising from the final outcome of the Local Government Resource Review which includes the localisation of business rates and the new council tax support scheme; (b) Further loss of government grants of £8.9m (including LACSEG). Government funding has reduced by over £27m in the last 3 years; (c) Inflationary increases have added to the cost pressures (2.5% assumed in budget for contracted related costs although current Retail Price Index is higher); (d) Council tax increase of 1.16% (including GLA precept) approved for 2013/14; (e) Council met volume service pressures of about £1.3m in 2013/14 mainly relating to adults with learning disabilities; (f) The local implications for welfare reform, including the impact of increasing homelessness, is estimated to cost the Council £2.0m in 2013/14; (g) After the impact of the above changes, the Council has had to identify savings of £13m per annum from 2013/14. This is in addition to savings of over £30m we have had to achieve over the last two years; (h) The 2013/14 budget assumes income from interest earnings on balances of £1.6m – general fund balances provide this key source of income to the authority; (i) Interest rates are likely to remain low in the medium term resulting in lower investment returns; (j) Bromley remains the lowest council tax (Band D) in Outer London (based on ONS categories); (k) In 2012/13 Bromley had the lowest spend per head of population and 2nd lowest formula grant per head of population in the whole of London; (l) The impact of the economic situation is likely to continue in the foreseeable future as the economy continues to face an unprecedented period of low/negative growth; (m) In some cases consultation continues which could impact on the final outcome of various saving proposals; (n) Bromley has identified a number of key risks and variables that could impact on longer term financial projections; (o) A series of four public meetings were held during November as part of the budget consultation. Further details are available in the reports to the Executive. 2 Priorities The Council’s approach to budget setting recognises the priorities expressed within the Council’s “Building a Better Bromley” statement and include: Safer Communities A quality environment Vibrant, thriving town centres Supporting independence, especially of older people Ensuring all children and young people have opportunities to achieve their potential An excellent Council “Building a Better Bromley” refers to aims/outcomes that include “remaining amongst the lowest Council tax levels in Outer London” and achieving a “sustainable council tax and sound financial strategy”. The 2013/14 Budget enables the Council to maintain sustainable finances to support these local priorities. The Council Tax for 2013/14 provides additional support and care for adults with learning difficulties and greater protection for vulnerable young people. The Council Tax also reflects the Council’s commitment to economic development, providing an Economic Development Fund aimed at reducing costs relating to council tax support through the creation of employment opportunities and generating future income for the Council from new homes bonus and the impact of the localisation of business rates. Full details of the approach to the budget setting, budget strategy, funding for Education, approach to inflation, details of reductions in government funding, realignment of resources between Portfolios, impact in future years of 2012/13 financial monitoring position, consultation arrangements, utilisation of balances and consideration of service pressures have been reported to the January 2013 and February 2013 meetings of the Executive. Capital Programme The Capital Programme for 2013 – 2017, was reported to Executive on 6th February 2013 and includes core schemes for the period focusing on externally funded projects and the continuation of existing essential programmes. A limited new spending programme was approved in February 2013, which will ensure that the decline in general reserves is not accelerated. Key to the Council’s future financial strategy will be continuing to create the capacity within the revenue budget and reserves to support the capital programme. Without this strategy over the last few years, the Council would have eliminated all of its reserves. The Council’s asset disposal programme has diminished over recent years and any new capital spending will effectively have to be met from our remaining revenue reserves. The measures shown above will assist in retaining a sustainable capital programme. Council Tax Irrespective of the pressure from Central Government one of the Council’s priorities continues to be keeping council tax low. Recent budget strategies have been successful in achieving this aim and for 2013/14 Bromley continues to have the lowest council tax levels, at band D, in Outer London (based on the Office of National Statistics (ONS) categories). The table below shows how this is calculated: Council Tax @ Band D 2013/14 £ Bromley GLA Total 1,010.07 303.00 1,313.07 3 Details of the 2013/14 Council Tax over individual bandings (including GLA precept) is compared with the average outer London Council tax below: Council Tax Banding A B C D E F G H Bromley (incl. GLA) £ Outer London Average £ 875.38 1,021.28 1,167.17 1,313.07 1,604.86 1,896.66 2,188.45 2,626.14 960.21 1,120.25 1,280.28 1,440.32 1,760.39 2,080.46 2,400.53 2,880.64 Difference £ 84.83 98.97 113.11 127.25 155.53 183.80 212.08 254.50 (9.7%) (9.7%) (9.7%) (9.7%) (9.7%) (9.7%) (9.7%) (9.7%) Finances at a Glance A summary of the Council’s overall finances are attached in Appendix 1. Future Outlook and Medium Term Strategy A key issue to consider is the need to ensure long term sustainable finances for the Council to help ensure we can provide priority services in the longer term. The current economic and financial environment provides a difficult and challenging context for the medium term financial strategy. The strategy needs to remain flexible and the Council’s reserves resilient to respond to the impact of volatile external events and the structural budget deficit during this austerity period. There continue to be financial pressures in many service areas. Further action will be required in future years to moderate the underlying growth in spending, address ongoing reductions in Government funding, meet inflation pressures and achieve a revenue budget that does not require unsustainable levels of withdrawals from balances or unsustainable council tax rises. In addition there is a continued need to minimise any future dependency on reserves to fund the Capital Programme. The Council produces a revenue financial forecast to cover the 4 year period 2013/14 to 2016/17 (for capital programme and general fund balances a forecast is produced for period 2013/14 to 2019/20). Financial projections (reported to Executive in February 2013) indicate that setting the council tax at an illustrative increase of 2% per annum would require further savings/budget reductions of £40m for the three year period between 2014/15 and 2016/17. Any estimate has to be treated with caution at this stage as there are many “variables” that could impact on Council’s finances in future years. “Variables” include for example, further legislative changes introduced by the Government, schools funding changes arising from an increase in the number of academies, future inflation levels, ongoing uncertainty relating to the state of the national economy and its impact on the Council’s finances and the impact of interest rates on interest earnings. The outcome of the review of local government finance has led to the localisation of business rates and a new council tax support scheme. These changes result in a significant risk transfer from central to local government from April 2013, although the changes on localisation of business rates could provide potential financial benefits in the medium to longer term. The Council will continue to adopt a medium term approach to its budget strategy, maintaining a fouryear forecast that is regularly updated and integrated with service planning. The strategy will incorporate: 4 Funding any increase in service expenditure from reductions elsewhere – preferably through efficiencies – in the relevant service area unless a strategic decision is made to move resources; Exploring proposals to generate additional income and reiterating the need to, where possible, maintain existing service income in real terms; Continue tight financial management and ensure that spending is contained within budget; Identifying spend-to-save initiatives that generate long term savings; Seeking to review the programme of asset disposals to fund investment and reduce the dependency, in the longer term, of the council’s revenue balances to fund the capital programme; The revenue budget includes significant interest earnings from revenue balances and capital receipts (£1.6m in 2013/14); Any new capital scheme must be justified; Continue to review the Council’s priorities to determine the priority areas for targeting the Council’s scarce resources; Continuing monitoring of the impact of the period of low/negative economic growth and update the financial strategy to reflect the resultant implications; Continuation of improvement and efficiency reviews including cross cutting reviews, PDS Committee service reviews and other key review work to further develop the efficiency programme, with clear targets and cross cutting themes, as an explicit part of the budget process. Review procurement and commissioning strategies to explore opportunities for contractual savings and consideration of alternative service delivery models. The Council has identified significant savings towards meeting the “budget gap” as detailed earlier. The “management of risks” was included in Appendix 7 of the 2013/14 Council Tax report to the Executive on 6th February 2013. Various key documents to consider with the Council’s Financial Strategy were included in Appendix 8 of that report. Have your say If you have comments on the information provided, how the information is presented and whether there is any further information you would like to see included please post or email your comments to Tracey Pearson, Financial Services Division, London Borough of Bromley, Civic Centre, Stockwell Close Bromley, BR1 3UH (email: [email protected]). The Council’s budget is informed by the outcome of the Council’s consultation used to identify resident’s priorities and inform changes on services to our customers. Your councillors consider your views in making the final budget decisions. Further details on how you can play your part in making Bromley a better place to live and work by letting us know your comments and views is available on the Council’s website ( You can also “feedback on each page” when accessing this information through the Council’s main website. Shortcut to: Capital Programme Monitoring Q3 2012/13 and Annual Capital Review 2013 to 2017 (Executive 6th February 2013) Shortcut to: Draft 2013/14 Budget and Update on Council’s Financial Strategy 2014/15 to 2016/17 (Executive 9th January 2013) Shortcut to: 2013/14 Council Tax (Executive 6th February 2013) 5 BROMLEY'S FINANCES AT A GLANCE Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Delegated Budgets Third Party Payments Transfer Payments Capital charges Sub total Net recharges to non general fund services Specific Grants Fees and Charges Sub total 6 Interest on general fund balances Non distributed costs and CDC Contingency Provision for Capital Works & Other provisions Levies Bromley's Budget requirement including levies Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Revenue Support Grant Business Rates Retention Collection Fund Surplus New Homes Bonus Bromley's Council Tax requirement £'m 79 13 6 30 88 173 143 1 533 Bromley's Band D Council Tax (excluding GLA) No. of staff (full time equivalents) Non delegated budgets i.e. excluding schools Delegated budgets (the schools budget) 7 283 62 181 2 13 13 6 2 213 50 34 2 4 123 £ 1,010 fte 2,064 1,760 3,824 Approved Capital Programme 2012/13 - 2016/17 (February 2013) Education & Care Services Environment Renewal & Recreation Corporate Services 2013/14 Budget General Fund £'m 37 38 18 5 98 Allowance for new schemes Total 7 105 Financed by: Grants/contributions Capital receipts Revenue Contributions Total 61 30 14 105 Actual Investments as at 31st March 2012 Long term investments (1yr.+) Short Term Investments £'m 10 164 174 General Fund as at 31st March 2012 Held by schools Council Government Funding Revenue Support Grant Business Rates Retention Dedicated Schools Grant Specific Grants -Housing Benefit -Other specific grants Total £'m 7 32 2013/14 Budget £'m Cr 50 Cr 34 Cr 128 Cr Cr Cr 129 84 425 Pension Fund Valuation as at 31st March 2010 (last full valuation) Assets Liabilities Deficit (84% funded) Earmarked Reserves as at 31st March 2012 Insurance Fund LPSA/LAA Reward Grant Other reserves Total £'m 429 Cr 510 Cr 81 £'m 3 2 40 45 Usable Capital Receipts as at 31st March 2012 £'m 14 Fixed Assets as at 31st March 2012 £'m 856 Provisions as at 31st March 2012 £'m 8 Collection Fund as at 31st March 2012 Expenditure Council Tax - Bromley Council Tax - GLA NNDR Business Rate Supplement Provision for bad debts Income Council Tax Benefits NNDR Council Tax Business Rate Supplement 132 41 79 3 2 257 Cr 19 Cr 79 Cr 158 Cr 3 Cr 259 Revenue Budget Summary 2012/13 Budget 2013/14 Budget Portfolio Budgets £000 Cr Cr 863 103,480 31,309 9,074 3,273 31,776 7,223 Education Care Services Environment Renewal and Recreation Public Protection and Safety Resources Non Distributed Costs & Corporate & Democratic Core 4,979 107,327 30,981 8,562 3,225 31,337 7,613 40.77 878.72 253.65 70.10 26.40 256.57 62.33 185,272 Total Controllable Budgets 194,024 1,588.54 30,161 811 214,622 Cr Cr 29,353 2,691 7,254 12,642 Total Non Controllable Budgets Total Excluded Recharges Cr Portfolio Total 453 459 217 385 Reversal of Net Capital Charges Interest on General Fund Balances Contingency Provision Provision for Capital Works and Other Provisions Cr Cr Levies London Pensions Fund Authority London Boroughs Grants Committee Environment Agency Lee Valley Regional Park 203,988 1,197 61,743 823 3,304 2,000 2,025 132,896 41,119 Start Up Funding Assessment: Revenue Support Grant Business Rates Retention Local Services Support Grant Council Tax Freeze Grant 2012/13 Collection Fund Surplus New Homes Bonus Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Bromley's Requirement Greater London Authority Precept 174,015 Total Council Tax Requirement 134,218 56,718 10,577 13,109 Education, Care and Health Services Environment and Community Services Chief Executives Non Distributed Costs & Corporate & Democratic Core 20,710 830 Cr 213,904 202,474 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr £000 2013/14 Band "D" Equivalent £ 169.56 6.80 1,751.30 19,727 Cr 1,591 Cr 13,134 6,192 161.51 13.03 107.53 50.70 211,912 1,734.99 489 341 237 401 4.01 2.79 1.94 3.28 213,380 1,747.01 50,521 33,610 181 1,840 3,858 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 413.63 275.18 1.48 15.06 31.59 123,370 1,010.07 37,008 303.00 160,378 1,313.07 132,855 56,266 11,781 13,002 1,087.73 460.67 96.45 106.45 213,904 1,751.30 * Departmental Budgets 214,622 7 GENERAL STATISTICS COUNCIL TAX Tax Base (ie total number of Band "D" equivalent dwellings estimated for the whole of 2013/14 x the anticipated collection rate of 97.65%) 122,140 Number of chargeable dwellings as shown on the Valuation Officers list (November 2012) Banding A B C D E F G H Valuation Multiplier up to £ 40,000 up to £ 52,000 up to £ 68,000 up to £ 88,000 up to £120,000 up to £160,000 up to £320,000 over £320,000 Number of Properties 6/9 7/9 8/9 9/9 11/9 13/9 15/9 18/9 1,685 9,421 27,298 34,706 28,176 17,283 13,181 1,321 Council Tax £ 875.38 1,021.28 1,167.17 1,313.07 1,604.86 1,896.66 2,188.45 2,626.14 NATIONAL NON-DOMESTIC RATES (Business Rate) 47.1p 7,289 215,770,679 National Rate in £ (set by Government) Number of Business Properties Rateable Value of Business Properties GENERAL STATISTICS Area - Acres - Hectares - Square Miles Population (Registrar General's estimate - mid 2011) Number on Electoral Roll Total Employees - full time equivalent posts Membership of Council 8 37,099 15,014 58 310,600 238,669 3,824 60 CONTINGENCY PROVISION FOR 2013/2014 BUDGET Item - Departmental Analysis Amount £000 Environment and Community Services Net loss of income from proposed sale of car parks Street Environment Contract 569 200 Chief Executive's Planning Appeals - change in legislation 60 Grants included within Central Contingency Sum :Education, Care & Health Services NHS Funding to Support Social Care - Grant related expenditure NHS Funding to Support Social Care - Grant related income Cr 2,130 2,130 Public Health - Grant related expenditure Public Health - Grant related income Cr 1,601 1,601 Adoption Reform - Grant related expenditure Adoption Reform - Grant related income Cr 698 698 Tackling Troubled Families Grant - related expenditure Tackling Troubled Families - Grant related income Cr 426 426 SEND Pathfinder - Grant related expenditure SEND Pathfinder - Grant related income Cr 165 165 Local Reform and Community Voices - Grant related expenditure Local Reform and Community Voices - Grant related income Cr 83 83 Youth on Remand - Grant related expenditure Youth on Remand - Grant related income Cr 76 76 Environment and Community Services Lead Local Flood Authorities - Grant related expenditure (LSSG) General Provision for unallocated inflation Provision for risk/uncertainty Provision for cost pressures arising from variables e.g. youth on remand and other variables Provision for potential loss of income through impact of localisation of Business Rates Provision for homelessness (impact of recession/changes to welfare benefits) Provision for risk/uncertainty relating to volume and cost pressure Further net loss of grant income (LACSEG) Further increases in fuel costs Other changes Provision for uncertain items Grants to Voluntary organisations Other Grant Reductions Disabled Facilities Grant Revenue Contribution to Capital Carbon Tax Net shortfall of Glades income Provision for uncertainty re grants TOTAL 253 2,642 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 635 480 450 434 290 275 249 232 166 114 85 13,134 Council approved a contingency provision of £13,022k on 6th February 2013. The revised figure represents further allocations of the inflation provision and the inclusion of Disabled Facilities Grant revenue contribution to capital, resulting in a revised central contingency of £13,134k. 9 CONTINGENCY PROVISION FOR 2013/2014 BUDGET Item - Portfolio Analysis Amount £000 Environment Net loss of income from proposed sale of car parks Street Environment Contract 569 200 Renewal & Recreation Planning Appeals - change in legislation 60 Grants included within Central Contingency Sum :Care Services NHS Funding to Support Social Care - Grant related expenditure NHS Funding to Support Social Care - Grant related income Cr 2,130 2,130 Adoption Reform - Grant related expenditure Adoption Reform - Grant related income Cr 698 698 Tackling Troubled Families - Grant related expenditure Tackling Troubled Families - Grant related income Cr 426 426 Local Reform and Community Voices - Grant related expenditure Local Reform and Community Voices - Grant related income Cr 83 83 Youth on Remand - Grant related expenditure Youth on Remand - Grant related income Cr 76 76 Education SEND Pathfinder - Grant related expenditure SEND Pathfinder - Grant related income Cr 165 165 Resources Public Health - Grant related expenditure Public Health - Grant related income Cr 1,601 1,601 Environment Lead Local Flood Authorities - Grant related expenditure (LSSG) 253 General Provision for unallocated inflation Provision for risk/uncertainty Provision for cost pressures arising from variables e.g. youth on remand and other variables Provision for potential loss of income through impact of localisation of Business Rates Provision for homelessness (impact of recession/changes to welfare benefits) Provision for risk/uncertainty relating to volume and cost pressure Further net loss of grant income (LACSEG) Further increases in fuel costs Other changes Provision for uncertain items Grants to Voluntary organisations Other Grant Reductions Disabled Facilities Grant Revenue Contribution to Capital Carbon Tax Net shortfall of Glades income Provision for uncertainty re grants 2,642 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 635 480 450 434 290 275 249 232 166 114 85 TOTAL 13,134 Council approved a contingency provision of £13,022k on 6th February 2013. The revised figure represents further allocations of the inflation provision and the inclusion of Disabled Facilities Grant revenue contribution to capital, resulting in a revised central contingency of £13,134k. 10 CONTINGENT BUDGETS Committee/Item 2013/14 Budget £000 Environment and Community Services Traffic Control Signals ( Dept of Transport Levy to meet London wide costs) Snow Clearing and Gritting and Overtime Costs Coroners Service Chief Executive's Department/Renewal & Recreation Portfolio Land Charge Search Fees Planning and Building Inspection Fees Interest on Mortgages Chief Executive's Department/Resources Portfolio Interest on General Fund Balances Housing Advances Council Tax Collection Council Tax Support Long Service Awards Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages Fee Income Concessionary Fares - Freedom passes Care Services Rent Allowances (Net of Grant) / Rent Rebates Interest on Mortgages General Counsel's Fees Compensation for Loss of Office including Redundancy Payments and all General Fund Charges for Early Retirements * expenditure which may be incurred in any service committee 11 462 161 241 Cr Cr Cr 354 1,938 1 Cr Cr 1,591 4 1,316 213 7 389 9,638 Cr Cr Cr 964 4 * * GROSS ANALYSIS OF 2013/14 BUDGET Bromley's Budget Delegated Budgets # £000 EXPENDITURE Employees Running Expenses Housing Benefit Third Party Payments Capital charged to revenue Provision for Capital Works and Other Provisions Levies INCOME Government Grants * Business Rates Retention Council Tax Less required by GLA (precept) Collection Fund Surplus Other Grants, Reimbursements and Contributions Customer and Client Receipts Interest Receipts Miscellaneous income £000 86,442 63,595 127,497 172,732 999 6,192 1,468 458,925 Cr Cr Cr Contingency Provision £000 69,840 18,548 17,744 88,388 17,744 88,388 Cr Cr 249,272 Cr 33,610 160,378 37,008 1,840 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 6,378 50,844 1,602 5,143 472,059 Cr Cr Housing Benefit Dedicated Schools Grant Revenue Support Grant Public Health Grant The Pupil Premium New Homes Bonus Education Services Grant Education Funding Agency Skills Funding Agency Housing Benefit & Council Tax Support Admin Subsidy Social Fund Programme & Admin Funding Adoption Reform Tackling Troubled Families Council Tax Support Transitional Grant Youth Justice Board Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers Local Reform and Community Voices Grant Local Services Support Grant SEND Pathfinder Grant Council Tax Support New Burdens Funding Home Office Community Safety Other Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 88,388 Cr * Analysis of Government Grants £000 128,534 128,037 50,521 12,601 4,046 3,858 3,282 2,041 1,950 1,830 993 698 426 352 292 239 208 181 165 142 113 200 340,709 # These budgets are directly controlled by schools under local management arrangements. 12 Total % £000 156,282 99,887 127,497 172,732 999 6,192 1,468 565,057 28 18 23 30 0 1 0 100 60 6 Cr 340,709 33,610 160,378 37,008 1,840 2,130 Cr 569 Cr Cr Cr 4,610 Cr 8,508 50,275 1,602 5,143 565,057 2 9 0 1 100 3,049 Cr Cr Cr 22 0 SUBJECTIVE ANALYSIS OF 2013/2014 BUDGET - BY DEPARTMENT Item Education, Care Environment and and Community Health Services Services £000 £000 Employees Direct Expenses Indirect Employee Expenses Total Employee Costs 46,941 800 47,741 Schools Delegated Budgets 88,388 14,427 138 14,565 - Total Chief Executive's £000 £000 16,191 7,945 24,136 77,559 8,883 86,442 - 88,388 Premises Cleaning and Domestic Supplies Energy Costs Fixtures and Fittings Grounds Maintenance Rent and Rates Repairs and Maintenance Water Services Total Premises Related Expenditure 214 272 157 575 54 34 1,306 166 1,851 3,403 1,424 378 112 7,334 361 556 1 7 1,071 2,134 66 4,196 741 2,679 1 3,567 3,070 2,566 212 12,836 Transport Car Allowances Direct Transport Costs Public Transport School Transport Transport Insurance Total Transport Related Expenditure 445 663 54 3,951 5,113 291 228 11 14 544 121 29 11 1 162 857 920 76 3,951 15 5,819 139 38 742 138 742 32 882 4,142 274 1,503 2,816 11,448 1 11 690 959 7 341 7,607 291 223 1,401 11,531 5 6 2,772 1,197 139 1,157 237 836 248 960 Cr 312 7,245 145 55 4,204 1,335 1,840 1,196 1,460 7,607 5,269 745 3,864 2,504 30,224 Third Party Payments Within LBB Other Local Authorities Health Authorities Voluntary Associations Private Contractors Others Total Third Party Payments 964 2,630 2,917 48,521 50,165 27,613 132,810 5,755 543 21,882 757 28,937 311 10,527 147 10,985 6,719 3,484 2,917 48,521 82,574 28,517 172,732 Transfer Payments Concessionary Fares Housing Benefits Council Tax Support NNDR Reliefs School Children and Students Social Services Clients Total Transfer Payments 35 127,497 1,124 4,833 133,489 7 7 9,638 100 213 9,951 9,673 127,497 100 220 1,124 4,833 143,447 32 999 Supplies and Services Catering Clothing, Uniforms and Laundry Communications and Computing Contributions to Provisions Equipment, Furniture and Materials Expenses Grants and Subscriptions Highways Repairs and Maintenance Miscellaneous Expenses Printing, Stationery and General Office Expenses Services Special Schemes Total Supplies and Services Capital Financing Revenue Contribution to Capital Expenditure 967 13 - SUBJECTIVE ANALYSIS OF 2013/2014 BUDGET - BY DEPARTMENT Item Controllable Recharges Recharges In Recharges Out Total Controllable Recharges Education, Care Environment and and Community Health Services Services Total Chief Executive's 184,025 Cr 183,468 557 389 Cr 1,483 Cr 1,094 Cr 850 Cr 850 184,414 Cr 185,801 Cr 1,387 TOTAL CONTROLLABLE EXPENDITURE 421,819 61,824 55,857 539,500 Income Government Grants Customer and Client Receipts Other Grants, Reimbursements and Contributions Rents Miscellaneous Interest Receipts Total Income Cr 280,410 Cr 17,624 Cr 5,791 Cr 4,273 Cr 1,774 Cr 4 Cr 309,876 Cr 179 Cr 19,272 Cr 406 Cr 36 Cr 313 Cr 2 Cr 20,208 Cr 2,511 Cr 3,673 Cr 181 Cr 5,966 Cr 3,056 Cr 1,596 Cr 16,983 Cr 283,100 Cr 40,569 Cr 6,378 Cr 10,275 Cr 5,143 Cr 1,602 Cr 347,067 111,943 41,616 38,874 192,433 2,860 4,400 7,260 5,418 4,500 9,918 249 2,300 2,549 8,527 11,200 19,727 435 435 1,127 1,127 Cr 1,562 Cr 1,562 1,562 Cr 1,562 - 91 816 76 983 7,786 11,861 1,063 20,710 Cr 136 Cr 560 Cr 136 Cr 560 696 696 Cr 696 696 - 7,650 11,301 1,759 20,710 51,337 13,517 19,513 84,367 170,930 66,434 60,146 297,510 Cr 38,075 Cr 10,168 Cr 36,954 Cr 85,197 132,855 56,266 23,192 212,313 £000 £000 NET CONTROLLABLE EXPENDITURE Capital Financing Capital Charges Deferred Charges Total Capital Financing Premises Repairs and Maintenance Repairs and Maintenance within other Depts Total Premises Supplies and Services Miscellaneous Expenses - Insurance TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE EXPENDITURE Income Rents - Property Rental Income Rents - Property Rental Income within other Depts Total Income NET NON CONTROLLABLE EXPENDITURE Recharges In TOTAL COST OF SERVICE Recharges Out TOTAL NET BUDGET Analysis of Balance on Recharges Recharged to Non General Fund Accounts Pension Fund Capital London Residual Body LRB controllable recharge from property salaries Grounds Maintenance Charge to Ex Glaxo Site Fund 457 1,356 25 30 7 1,875 Recharged to Running Expenses Insurance Fund Car Leasing Transport Operations 233 104 5 Total 2,217 14 SUBJECTIVE ANALYSIS OF 2013/2014 BUDGET - BY PORTFOLIO Item £000 £000 £000 £000 Public Protection & Safety £000 Employees Direct Expenses Indirect Employee Expenses Total Employee Costs 14,569 123 14,692 31,211 685 31,896 14,252 7,872 22,124 7,408 72 7,480 2,363 41 2,404 Schools Delegated Budgets 88,388 Education Premises Cleaning and Domestic Supplies Energy Costs Fixtures and Fittings Grounds Maintenance Rent and Rates Repairs and Maintenance Water Services Total Premises Related Expenditure Care Services Resources - Environment - - Total Renewal & Recreation £000 £000 7,756 90 7,846 77,559 8,883 86,442 - - 88,388 112 188 71 430 53 24 878 102 84 86 145 35 10 462 361 556 1 7 1,071 2,124 66 4,186 31 1,645 3,403 955 343 100 6,477 31 31 135 175 469 11 12 802 741 2,679 1 3,567 3,070 2,566 212 12,836 Transport Car Allowances Direct Transport Costs Public Transport School Transport Transport Insurance Total Transport Related Expenditure 114 16 8 3,951 4,089 344 647 47 1,038 77 27 9 1 114 200 177 6 12 395 62 16 2 1 81 60 37 4 0 1 102 857 920 76 3,951 15 5,819 Supplies and Services Catering Clothing, Uniforms and Laundry Communications and Computing Contributions to Provisions Equipment, Furniture and Materials Expenses Grants and Subscriptions Highways Repairs and Maintenance Miscellaneous Expenses Printing, Stationery and General Office Expense Services Special Schemes Total Supplies and Services 70 304 555 2 82 2,245 172 870 2,326 6,626 69 38 430 138 172 30 801 1,897 74 497 40 4,186 5 5 2,711 1,197 140 1,156 207 778 241 987 138 7,565 9 388 356 4 111 7,607 189 102 1,021 9,787 1 41 9 1 167 46 17 53 335 1 2 330 608 3 92 114 139 436 1,725 145 55 4,204 1,335 1,840 1,196 1,460 7,607 5,269 745 3,864 2,504 30,224 2,630 51 15,341 13,576 31,598 965 934 42,803 34,090 14,037 92,829 311 1,983 5,667 11,261 147 19,369 5,314 21,310 26,624 297 356 256 909 143 187 316 757 1,403 6,719 3,484 2,917 48,521 82,574 28,517 172,732 35 127,497 1,124 4,833 133,489 9,638 100 213 9,951 - - 7 7 9,673 127,497 100 220 1,124 4,833 143,447 - - - Third Party Payments Within LBB Other Local Authorities Health Authorities Voluntary Associations Private Contractors Others Total Third Party Payments Transfer Payments Concessionary Fares Housing Benefits Council Tax Support NNDR Reliefs School Children and Students Social Services Clients Total Transfer Payments Capital Financing Revenue Contribution to Capital Expenditure - 967 - 32 15 999 SUBJECTIVE ANALYSIS OF 2013/2014 BUDGET - BY PORTFOLIO Item Education Controllable Recharges Recharges In Recharges Out Total Grant Related Recharges Care Services Resources Environment Public Protection & Safety Total Renewal & Recreation 175,272 Cr 174,601 671 8,223 Cr 8,900 Cr 677 530 Cr 753 Cr 223 264 Cr 1,276 Cr 1,012 40 Cr 40 0 85 Cr 231 Cr 146 184,414 Cr 185,801 Cr 1,387 TOTAL CONTROLLABLE EXPENDITURE 147,909 263,223 63,118 49,751 3,760 11,739 539,500 Income Government Grants Customer and Client Receipts Other Grants, Reimbursements and Contribution Rents Miscellaneous Interest Receipts Total Income Cr 139,218 Cr 2,054 Cr 218 Cr 5 Cr 1,435 Cr 142,930 Cr 130,192 Cr 15,741 Cr 5,309 Cr 4,303 Cr 347 Cr 4 Cr 155,896 Cr 13,511 Cr 1,264 Cr 392 Cr 5,966 Cr 3,031 Cr 1,595 Cr 25,759 Cr 66 Cr 18,310 Cr 154 Cr 238 Cr 2 Cr 18,770 Cr 113 Cr 386 Cr 21 Cr 15 Cr 535 Cr 2,814 Cr 284 Cr 1 Cr 77 Cr 1 Cr 3,177 Cr 283,100 Cr 40,569 Cr 6,378 Cr 10,275 Cr 5,143 Cr 1,602 Cr 347,067 NET CONTROLLABLE EXPENDITURE 4,979 107,327 37,359 30,981 3,225 8,562 192,433 Capital Financing Capital Charges Deferred Charges Total Capital Financing 3,422 1,900 5,322 Cr 562 4,000 3,438 249 2,300 2,549 4,199 3,000 7,199 1,219 1,219 8,527 11,200 19,727 183 183 252 252 0 Cr 1,562 Cr 1,562 659 659 0 468 468 1,562 Cr 1,562 - 48 43 76 601 6 209 983 TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE EXPENDI 5,553 3,733 1,063 8,459 6 1,896 20,710 Income Rents - Property Rental Income Rents - Property Rental Income within other Dep Total Income 0 Cr 136 Cr 136 696 696 Cr 476 Cr 476 0 Cr 84 Cr 84 Cr 696 696 - 5,553 3,597 1,759 7,983 6 1,812 20,710 Recharges In 19,306 32,746 16,328 9,806 1,573 4,608 84,367 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 29,838 143,670 55,446 48,770 4,804 14,982 297,510 Cr 15,689 Cr 22,917 Cr 35,115 Cr 7,784 Cr 1,344 Cr 2,348 Cr 85,197 14,149 120,753 20,331 40,986 3,460 12,634 212,313 Premises Repairs and Maintenance Repairs and Maintenance within other Depts Total Premises Supplies and Services Miscellaneous Expenses - Insurance NET NON CONTROLLABLE EXPENDITU Recharges Out TOTAL NET BUDGET Analysis of Balance on Recharges Recharged to Non General Fund Accounts Pension Fund Capital London Residual Body LRB controllable recharge from property salaries Grounds Maintenance Charge to Ex Glaxo Site Fund £000 - £000 457 1,356 25 30 7 1,875 Recharged to Running Expenses Insurance Fund Car Leasing Transport Operations 233 104 5 Total 2,217 16 Personnel Summary 2012/13 Budget Full Time Equivalent Posts nos. 2013/14 Budget Direct Employee Budget £'000 Department Full Time Equivalent Posts nos. Direct Employee Budget £'000 112 Teachers 5,084 Education 82 4,539 112 5,084 Total Teachers 82 4,539 1,232 420 458 Officers 42,812 Education, Care and Health Services 14,940 Environment and Community Services 17,829 Chief Executive 1,181 402 399 41,803 14,414 16,103 2,110 75,581 Total Officers 1,982 72,320 981 849 1,830 Delegated budgets 47,668 Teachers Schools 15,463 Non Teachers, Schools 63,131 Total Delegated Budgets 887 873 1,760 44,474 16,142 60,616 3,824 137,475 4,052 143,796 TOTAL Note - all of the above figures exclude Libraries' Saturday staff, coaching and other casual/temporary staff. The figures for Education Department 2012/13 have been restated due to trading accounts, adult education bucket posts and the estimation method used for delegated schools posts. 17 Personnel Summary 2012/13 Budget Full Time Equivalent Posts nos. 2013/14 Budget Direct Employee Budget £'000 Portfolio Full Time Equivalent Posts nos. Direct Employee Budget £'000 110 2 Teachers 4,984 Education 100 Care Services 80 2 4,429 110 112 5,084 Total Teachers 82 4,539 306 864 193 228 56 335 1,982 9,630 31,012 7,396 7,755 2,363 14,164 72,320 887 873 1,760 44,474 16,142 60,616 3,824 137,475 Officers Education Care Services Environment Renewal and Recreation Public Protection and Safety Resources Total Officers 365 882 206 245 59 353 2,110 12,375 31,008 7,750 8,418 2,468 13,562 75,581 981 849 1,830 Delegated budgets 47,668 Teachers Schools 15,463 Non Teachers, Schools 63,131 Total Delegated Budgets 4,052 143,796 TOTAL Note - all of the above figures exclude Libraries' Saturday staff, coaching and other casual/temporary staff. The figures for Education Portfolio 2012/13 have been restated due to trading accounts, adult education bucket posts and the estimation method used for delegated schools posts. 18 PERSONNEL SUMMARIES BY PORTFOLIO 2013/14 19 Personnel Summary Education Portfolio 2012/13 Budget LBB Funded Externally Funded 2013/14 Budget Total Service Area Full Time Direct Full Time Direct Full Time Direct Equivalent Employee Equivalent Employee Equivalent Employee Posts Budget Posts Budget Posts Budget nos. £000s nos. £000s nos. £000s - - 20 - 59 38 26 30 49 202 1,608 2,602 1,292 1,044 1,420 7,966 69 43 51 163 1,948 1,148 1,313 4,409 69 102 38 77 30 49 365 1,948 2,756 2,602 2,605 1,044 1,420 12,375 202 7,966 273 9,393 475 17,359 Total - non Delegated Budgets 202 7,966 455 2,405 154 1,970 4,984 Teachers Adult Education Centres Access Commissioning & Business Services School Improvement School Standards SEN and Inclusion Total Teachers - - 16 56 2 36 110 Externally Funded Full Time Direct Full Time Equivalent Employee Equivalent Posts Budget Posts nos. £000s nos. 16 56 2 36 110 - 455 2,405 154 1,970 4,984 LBB Funded Officers Adult Education Centres Access Commission & Business Services School Standards SEN and Inclusion Workforce Development & Governor Svces Bromley Youth Support Services Referral & Assessment Total Officers 981 849 1,830 47,668 15,463 63,131 981 849 1,830 Delegated to Schools Teachers 47,668 Non Teachers 15,463 Schools Delegated Budgets 63,131 2,103 72,524 2,305 80,490 TOTAL - - 14 25 5 36 Direct Employee Budget £000s Total Notes Full Time Direct Equivalent Employee Posts Budget nos. £000s 14 25 5 36 652 1,337 248 2,192 80 652 1,337 248 2,192 4,429 80 4,429 - - 62 3 27 3 41 50 186 1,933 204 1,205 98 1,426 1,479 6,345 53 18 49 120 1,556 462 1,267 3,285 53 80 3 76 3 41 50 306 1,556 2,395 204 2,472 98 1,426 1,479 9,630 186 6,345 200 7,714 386 14,059 887 873 1,760 44,474 16,142 60,616 887 873 1,760 44,474 16,142 60,616 1,960 68,330 2,146 74,675 186 6,345 Notes These figures may be subject to change dependant on approved allocations from the central contingency relating to the allocation of specific grants. Reasons for Variations: 1) Adult Education was restructured during 2012/13 (-18 fte's) 2) Kingswood budget now delegated for 2013/14 (-32.5 fte's), Grovelands budget now delegated for 2013/14 (-14 fte's), Education Welfare posts deleted (-3.9 fte's), Capital & Facilities 3) Posts deleted as part of the EDC restructure (-24.1 fte's), IT post transferred to ECS Strategy (-1 fte), posts transferred to Access as part of Early Years restructure (-3 fte's), posts transferred to 4) Posts transferred to School Standards as part of the EDC restructure (-2 fte's) 5) New posts created from the EDC restructure (+7.5 fte's) 6) Two posts reduced in hours (-2 fte's), post transferred from Joint Disablilty Services (Care Services Portfolio) (+1 fte's) 7) New posts created from the EDC restructure (+3 fte's) 8) Education Business Partneships transferred from Commissioning & Business Services (+8.9 fte's), Tracker Clerk post to better meet the requirements of Section 72 of the Education and Skills 9) Post transferred from Commissioning & Business Services (+1 fte's) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 Personnel Costs Resources Portfolio 2012/13 Budget 2013/14 Budget LBB Funded Externally Funded Total Direct Direct Direct Full Time Full Time Full Time Equivalent Employee Equivalent Employee Equivalent Employee Budget Posts Budget Posts Budget Posts nos. £000s nos. £000s nos. £000s Department / Division / Service Area LBB Funded Direct Full Time Equivalent Employee Budget Posts nos. £000s Externally Funded Direct Full Time Equivalent Employee Budget Posts nos. £000s Total Full Time Equivalent Posts nos. Direct Employee Notes Budget £000s CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S DEPARTMENT 21 105 4,257 - - 105 FINANCIAL SERVICES DIVISION 4,257 Financial Services & Procurement 79 3,676 - - 79 3,676 1 25 29 1,087 984 - - 25 29 CORPORATE SERVICES DIVISION 1,087 Information Systems 984 Operational Property Services 24 20 1,101 804 - - 24 20 1,101 804 2 3 4 37 119 844 1 25 4 38 3 33 119 776 1 25 3 34 119 801 4 5 5 9 13 25 175 381 357 1,209 1 40 5 9 13 26 5 8 14 25 214 339 354 1,227 3 98 5 8 14 28 214 339 354 1,325 6 7 8 19 1 167 472 133 5,761 2 65 19 1 169 18 1 151 503 155 5,592 4 123 18 1 155 503 155 5,715 9 3 2 11 29 45 137 260 402 904 1,703 - - 3 2 11 29 45 1 2 13 27 43 19 223 356 871 1,469 - - 1 2 13 27 43 19 223 356 871 1,469 10 8 2 410 101 - - 8 2 7 2 308 101 - - 7 2 308 101 13 2 9 21 133 500 1,144 - - 2 9 21 10 19 536 945 - - 10 19 536 945 14 15 13 632 - - 13 13 604 - - 13 604 351 13,497 2 65 353 305 12,286 309 12,409 Customer Services & Bromley Knowledge 119 Bromley Knowledge 869 Contact Centre Legal, Democratic & Registration Electoral Services (including canvassers) Democratic Services Registration of Births, Deaths & Marriages Legal Services Facilities 472 Facilities and Support 133 Management & Other 5,826 175 381 357 1,249 137 260 402 904 1,703 HR DIVISION Health & Safety HR Management HR Strategy/L&D and Graduates Scheme Operational HR CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S DIVISION 410 Internal Audit 101 Communications Organisational Improvement 133 Organisational Improvement 500 Management & Other 1,144 TRANSFORMATION & REGENERATION DIV. 632 Strategic Property 13,562 TOTAL CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S DEPARTMENT 4 123 11 12 Resources Portfolio EDUCATION & CARE SERVICES DEPT - - - - - 351 13,497 2 65 353 - Public Health 13,562 TOTAL OFFICERS RESOURCES PORTFOLIO 305 Notes Reasons for Variations: 1) Decrease of 27.5 fte re 13-14 outsourcing, increase of 1.5 fte re welfare reform. 2) 3 fte increase re inter-dept transfer, 3.5 fte decrease re 13-14 savings. 3) 3 fte transfer re inter-dept re. re-structuring, 3 fte decrease as FYE of 12/13 saving, and 3 fte decrease as part of 13/14 saving 4) 0.47 fte decrease re flexible retirement saving. 5) 4 fte decrease as part of 13/14 savings. 6) 1 fte decrease as FYE of 12/13 savings. 7) 0.4 fte increase part of re-organisation. 8) 2 fte increase grant funded posts. 9) 0.5 fte decrease FYE of 12/13 saving re flex retirement. 10) 1 fte decrease part of 13/14 saving plus 1 fte inter dept transfer re re-structuring. 11) 1 fte increase re-structuring plus 1 fte graduate scheme increase. 12) 2 fte decrease part of 13/14 savings. 13) Decrease of 1fte re allocation of savings from 12-13 central contingency. 14) 2 fte decrease re 13/14 savings. 15) 1 fte increase re re-orgnisation. 22 General Notes Excludes agency and temporary staffing 12,286 26 1,755 26 1,755 30 1,878 335 14,164 Personnel Summary Environment Portfolio 2012/13 Budget Non Grant Funded 2013/14 Budget Grant Funded Total Service Area Direct Direct Full Time Direct Full Time Full Time Equivalent Employee Equivalent Employee Equivalent Employee Posts Budget Posts Budget Posts Budget nos. £000s nos. £000s nos. £000s 23 Notes 27 24 798 1,067 - - 27 24 798 1,067 2 85 - - 2 85 18 40 18 14 684 1,574 594 583 - - 18 40 18 14 684 1,574 594 583 22 3 9 858 137 409 1 28 55 906 23 3 37 913 137 1,315 177 6,789 29 961 206 7,750 177 6,789 29 961 206 7,750 Non Grant Funded Full Time Equivalent Posts nos. Officers Customer & Support Services Parking Support Services Grant Funded Direct Employee Budget £000s Total Full Time Equivalent Posts nos. Direct Employee Budget £000s Full Time Equivalent Posts nos. Notes Direct Employee Budget £000s 24 20 721 911 - - 24 20 721 911 1 2 1 47 - - 1 47 3 Street Scene & Green Space Area Management & Street Cleansing Parks & Green Space Street Regulation Waste Services 16 40 13 15 593 1,580 457 638 2 - 78 11 - 18 40 13 15 671 1,580 468 638 4 Highways & Transport Highways Highways Planning Traffic & Road Safety 19 3 7 770 133 283 4 29 182 992 23 3 36 952 133 1,275 Total Officers 158 6,133 35 1,263 193 7,396 TOTAL 158 6,133 35 1,263 193 7,396 Public Protection Emergency Planning These figures may be subject to change dependant on approved allocations from the central contingency relating to the allocation of specific grants. Reasons for Variations: 1) Net reduction of 3 ftes as a result of shared service arrangement with LB Bexley and service realignment 2) a. Transfer out to Resources of 2 ftes b. Net reduction of 2 ftes as a result of baseline review / budget savings for 2013-14 3) Reduction of 1 fte as a result of budget savings for 2013-14 4) Transfer of 2 ftes to external funding 5) a. Transfer out to Waste of 2 ftes, b. Reduction of 3 ftes as a result of baseline review / budget savings for 2013-14 6) a. Transfer in of 2 ftes from Street Regulation, and b. Creation of 2 ftes re Garden Waste service c. Reduction of 3 ftes as a result of baseline review / budget savings for 2013-14 7) Transfer of 3 ftes to external funding 8) a. Net reduction of 1 fte as a result of baseline review / budget savings for 2013-14 b. Transfer of 1 fte to external funding 5 6 7 8 Personnel Summary Renewal & Recreation Portfolio 2012/13 Budget Non Grant Funded 2013/14 Budget Grant Funded Total Service Area Full Time Direct Full Time Direct Full Time Direct Equivalent Employee Equivalent Employee Equivalent Employee Posts Budget Posts Budget Posts Budget nos. £000s nos. £000s nos. £000s 24 Notes 19 6 52 22 900 167 1,926 1,008 - - 19 6 52 22 900 167 1,926 1,008 14 118 6 593 3,246 228 2 - 84 - 16 118 6 677 3,246 228 5 218 1 48 6 242 8,286 3 132 245 Full Time Equivalent Posts nos. Officers Planning Building Control Land Charges Planning Renewal Recreation Culture Libraries & Museums Town Centre Management & Business Support Housing Strategy & Development 266 Housing Strategy & Development 8,418 Non Grant Funded TOTAL Grant Funded Direct Employee Budget £000s Notes Full Time Direct Full Time Direct Equivalent Employee Equivalent Employee Posts Budget Posts Budget nos. £000s nos. £000s 16 6 43 21 777 167 1,607 979 - - 16 6 43 21 777 167 1,607 979 15 118 3 602 3,235 140 2 - 84 - 17 118 3 686 3,235 140 4 4 164 4 164 6 6 248 228 7,755 222 7,507 These figures may be subject to change dependant on approved allocations from the central contingency relating to the allocation of specific grants. Reasons for Variations: 1) Reduction of 3 ftes due to budget savings and service re-alignment 2) a. Transfer out of 1 fte to Renewal b. Net reduction of 8 ftes due to budget savings and service re-alignment 3) a. Transfer in of 1 fte from Planning b. Net reduction of 2 ftes due to budget savings and service re-alignment 4) Transfer in of 1 fte from Business Support 5) a. Transfer out of 1 fte to Culture b. Deletion of 1 fte re Orpington BID c. Deletion of 1 fte re baseline review savings 6) Net reduction of 2 ftes due to budget savings and service re-alignment Total 1 2 3 5 Personnel Summary Care Services Portfolio 2012/13 Budget LBB Funded 2013/14 Budget Externally Funded Total Service Area Full Time Direct Full Time Direct Full Time Direct Equivalent Employee Equivalent Employee Equivalent Employee Posts Budget Posts Budget Posts Budget nos. £000s nos. £000s nos. £000s 2 126 156 20 49 46 25 Notes 100 4,519 4,203 777 1,322 1,735 - 3 12 2 31 - - 2 100 107 332 88 826 - 129 168 22 80 46 4,626 4,535 865 2,148 1,735 LBB Funded Externally Funded Total Notes Full Time Direct Full Time Direct Full Time Direct Equivalent Employee Equivalent Employee Equivalent Employee Posts Budget Posts Budget Posts Budget nos. £000s nos. £000s nos. £000s Teachers Care and Resources Officers Assessment & Care Management Direct Services Learning Disabilities Care Management Learning Disabilities Day Services Learning Disabilities Housing & Support Commissioning & Partnerships Commissioning & Partnerships PCT Funding (Social Care & Health) Operational Housing Housing Needs Strategic Support Services Performance & Information Quality Assurance Children's Social Care Care and Resources Safeguarding & Quality Assurance Safeguarding & Care Planning Referral & Assessment Bromley Youth Support Programme Education Division SEN and Inclusion Children's Disability Svces Environmental & Community Svces - Housing Housing Improvement Housing Enforcement 2 110 126 149 20 49 48 40 - 1,623 - 5 1 254 50 45 1 1,877 50 52 1,677 6 196 58 1,873 34 4 1,442 182 1 1 35 28 35 5 1,477 210 80 44 50 53 26 3,048 1,517 2,088 2,268 989 1 3 41 121 81 44 50 53 29 3,089 1,517 2,088 2,268 1,110 21 969 - - 21 969 7 6 279 248 2 - 44 - 9 6 323 248 814 28,886 68 2,122 882 31,008 Total Officers 808 816 28,986 68 2,122 884 31,108 TOTAL 810 - 4,783 4,022 801 1,322 1,830 3 2 31 - - 68 88 826 - 2 110 129 149 22 80 48 4,851 4,022 889 2,148 1,830 1 2 3 43 - 1,831 - 5 - 231 - 48 - 2,062 - 4 5 56 1,881 1 32 57 1,913 6 32 5 1,477 219 2 - 68 - 34 5 1,545 219 7 8 89 25 56 58 20 3,298 1,091 2,258 2,384 818 1 1 1 7 39 28 15 262 90 26 57 58 27 3,337 1,119 2,273 2,384 1,080 9 10 11 12 13 19 745 - - 19 745 14 7 6 292 259 2 - 44 - 9 6 336 259 29,311 29,421 These figures may be subject to change dependant on approved allocations from the central contingency relating to the allocation of specific grants. 56 56 1,701 1,701 864 866 31,012 31,122 Care Services Portfolio 26 Reasons for Variations: 1) a) 1.0fte reduction for cessation of Admissions Avoidance Service 2) a) 11.5 fte reduction for reconfiguration of Community Equipment Service b) 8.22fte reduction for cessation of Admissions Avoidance Service 3) a) 2.0fte increase for enhancement of Shared Lives service 4) a) 3.0 ftes transferred in as a result of further in-year changes relating to the 2012/13 Commissioning restructure b) reduction of 1.5 ftes arising from 2012/13 and 2013/14 management savings c) 1.0 fte post created until 31 March 2015 from Public Health funding (grant funded) d) increase of 0.5 fte other minor changes 5) a) 1.0 fte externally funded post falling out 6) a) 2.0 fte posts deleted (external funding ceased) b) 1.0 fte created (externally funded until 31 March 2015) c) 3 posts previously externally funded, now core funded (+ 2.78fte, - 2.78fte) 7) a) 2.0 fte posts deleted as part of the Transformation of Children & Adult Care Services b) 1.0 fte post transferred from Education 8) a) 0.5 fte post previously externally funded, now core funded (+ 0.5fte, - 0.5fte) 9) a) as part of the overall savings of 1.5 fte, the business support teams are now managed within the Social Work Team they support, resulting in an increase of 5.5fte's in this service area. b) additional 4.0 fte have been created as part of this initiative to increase the number of Foster Carers and Adoptive Parents c) Deletion of 1fte ETE Worker post following the reduction in LACSEG funding 10) a) as part of the overall savings of 1.5 fte, the business support teams are now managed within the Social Work Team they support, resulting in an reduction of 18fte's in this service area. 11) a) as part of the overall savings of 1.5 fte, the business support teams are now managed within the Social Work Team they support, resulting in an increase of 6fte's in this service area. b) a two year fixed term post has been created which is funded by 'Munroe Funding' held by the Bromley Safeguarding Children's Board 12) a) as part of the overall savings of 1.5 fte, the business support teams are now managed within the Social Work Team they support, resulting in an increase of 5fte's in this service area. 13) a) reduction of 1.6 fte relates to the completion of savings from 2012-13 14) a) 1.5 fte moved to Commissioning b) 0.5 fte moved to SEN Early Support Programme Personnel Summary Public Protection and SafetyPortfolio 2012/13 Budget LBB Funded 2013/14 Budget Externally Funded Total Service Area Full Time Direct Full Time Direct Full Time Direct Equivalent Employee Equivalent Employee Equivalent Employee Posts Budget Posts Budget Posts Budget nos. £000s nos. £000s nos. £000s 2 46 8 Notes 79 1,937 335 3 117 2 46 11 79 1,937 452 Officers Environmental Services Division CCTV Public Protection Community Safety LBB Funded Externally Funded Full Time Equivalent Posts nos. Direct Employee Budget £000s 2 45 6 80 1,938 228 Total Full Time Direct Full Time Equivalent Employee Equivalent Posts Budget Posts nos. £000s nos. 3.0 117.0 2 45 9 Notes Direct Employee Budget £000s 80 1,938 345 56 2,351 3 117 59 2468 Total Officers 53 2,246 3 117 56 2,363 56 2,351 3 117 59 2,468 TOTAL 53 2,246 3 117 56 2,363 These figures may be subject to change dependant on approved allocations from the central contingency relating to the allocation of specific grants. 27 Reasons for Variations: 1) a. Net effect of 1 fte transferring in from Resources b. Reduction of 2 ftes due to baseline review / budget savings for 2013-14 2) Reduction of 2 ftes due to baseline review / budget savings for 2013-14 1 2 28 LONDON BOROUGH OF BROMLEY FINANCIAL CONTROL BUDGET 2013/14 EDUCATION, CARE AND HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT 29 Education, Care and Health Services Department Service Area Total Total Non Total Controllable Controllable Recharges In Budgets Budgets Total Cost of Service Recharges Out 2013/14 Total Net Budgets 2013/14 £ £ £ £ £ £ 121,300 29,004,970 3,492,300 1,888,680 2,519,970 1,160,340 38,187,560 243,390 9,150 87,030 1,340 64,410 405,320 14,288,930 442,090 1,106,090 253,070 156,220 16,246,400 121,300 43,537,290 3,943,540 3,081,800 2,774,380 1,380,970 54,839,280 Cr 7,080,130 Cr 3,943,540 Cr 3,081,800 Cr 6,280 Cr 1,380,970 Cr 15,492,720 121,300 36,457,160 2,768,100 39,346,560 912,620 14,154,300 3,122,530 3,045,630 1,353,440 22,588,520 12,160 10,650 18,170 40,980 134,940 1,231,960 60,550 2,494,290 3,921,740 1,059,720 15,396,910 3,122,530 3,124,350 3,847,730 26,551,240 Cr 56,460 Cr 56,460 1,059,720 15,396,910 3,122,530 3,124,350 3,791,270 26,494,780 3,696,040 237,310 24,391,130 4,924,020 3,099,890 36,348,390 2,700 1,706,280 Cr 63,680 1,645,300 691,580 76,190 5,145,090 675,560 77,940 6,666,360 4,390,320 313,500 31,242,500 5,535,900 3,177,830 44,660,050 Cr 3,392,800 Cr 3,392,800 997,520 313,500 31,242,500 5,535,900 3,177,830 41,267,250 433,090 433,090 5,062,120 5,062,120 Care Services Portfolio Adult Social Care AIDS-HIV Service Assessment and Care Management Direct Services Learning Disabilites Day and Short breaks Service Learning Disabilities Care Management Learning Disabilities Housing & Support Children's Social Care Bromley Youth Support Programme Care and Resources Referral and Assessment Safeguarding and Care Planning Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Commissioning Commissioning Drugs and Alcohol Learning Disabilities Services Mental Health Services PCT Funding (Social Care & Health) Supporting People Education Division SEN and Inclusion Children's Disability Services Operational Housing Enabling Activities Housing Benefits Housing Needs Strategic and Business Support Service Performance & Information Quality Assurance Care Services Portfolio Total 4,629,030 4,629,030 - - 5,062,120 5,062,120 Cr 4,200 Cr 964,240 3,149,930 2,181,490 3,300 3,300 273,030 3,069,680 971,100 4,313,810 268,830 2,105,440 4,124,330 6,498,600 Cr 329,940 Cr 329,940 268,830 2,105,440 3,794,390 6,168,660 2,798,640 230,880 3,029,520 2,050 2,050 449,420 449,420 3,250,110 230,880 3,480,990 Cr 3,014,080 Cr 101,130 Cr 3,115,210 236,030 129,750 365,780 106,964,510 2,096,950 32,030,820 141,092,280 Cr 22,387,130 118,705,150 1,772,550 2,086,070 3,858,620 107,000 22,530 129,530 270,350 299,950 570,300 2,149,900 2,408,550 4,558,450 Cr 65,760 Cr 15,440 Cr 81,200 2,084,140 2,393,110 4,477,250 1,447,730 Cr 617,580 115,180 4,718,300 110 Cr 3,282,000 Cr 1,431,270 169,410 1,119,880 16,220 470,410 7,160 1,000 80,940 890 3,396,640 1,007,630 442,510 5,423,400 1,113,720 680,850 94,510 1,486,210 44,990 1,431,270 6,542,590 1,582,660 3,848,110 1,363,380 547,920 18,736,210 2,577,670 533,680 216,850 6,205,510 126,040 Cr 3,282,000 6,712,890 1,582,660 7,244,750 2,371,010 990,430 25,279,490 Cr 2,577,670 Cr 18,950 Cr 314,790 Cr 6,205,510 Cr 126,040 Cr 168,720 Cr 427,620 Cr 3,823,750 Cr 1,367,010 Cr 577,430 Cr 15,607,490 514,730 Cr 97,940 Cr 3,282,000 6,544,170 1,155,040 3,421,000 1,004,000 413,000 9,672,000 4,978,500 5,552,930 19,306,510 29,837,940 Cr 15,688,690 14,149,250 Education Portfolio Children's Social Care Bromley Youth Support Programme - (Youth Services Referral and Assessment Childrens Centres Education Division Access Adult Education Centres School Standards SEN and Inclusion Workforce Development & Governor Services Education Services Grant Schools Budgets Other Strategic Functions Early Years Primary Schools Secondary Schools Special Schools Education Portfolio Total 30 Service Area Total Total Non Total Controllable Controllable Recharges In Budgets Budgets Total Cost of Service Recharges Out 2013/14 Total Net Budgets 2013/14 Resources Portfolio Public Health Public Health Resources Portfolio Total Education, Care and Health Services Department Total Memorandum - Trading Accounts Governor Services - RSG Funded Workforce Development - RSG Funded Secondary Behaviour Service - RSG Funded Education Welfare - RSG Funded Education Psychology Service - RSG Funded Facilities - Catering & Cleaning - RSG Funded Business Partnerships Performance & Research - 111,943,010 - 7,649,880 - 51,337,330 Total Non Total Total Controllable Controllable Recharges Budgets In Budgets 2,250 17,250 890 - 83,650 32,450 31 37,750 42,750 632,820 73,430 110,430 23,800 317,000 7,500 - 170,930,220 Total Cost of Service 2013/14 40,000 60,000 632,820 73,430 110,430 108,340 317,000 39,950 - - Cr 38,075,820 132,854,400 Income from Schools / Other Depts. Total Net Budgets 2013/14 Cr 40,000 Cr 60,000 Cr 632,820 Cr 73,430 Cr 110,430 Cr 114,680 Cr 317,000 Cr 39,950 Cr 6,340 - Adult Social Care - David Roberts AIDS-HIV Service 816*** - Specific Grants Total Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Recharges In Controllable Budgets £ 44,570 1,800 74,930 121,300 £ 44,570 1,800 74,930 121,300 Total Net Budget 121,300 121,300 32 Adult Social Care AIDS-HIV Service Budget Manager - Tricia Wennell Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 816*** 2006 816*** 2168 Supplies and Services Grants to Voluntary Organisations Miscellaneous Running Expenses 816*** 3603 Third Party Payments Respite 816*** 5642 Recharges In Recharge to AIDS/Hiv Service 43,100 1,470 44,570 1,800 1,800 74,930 74,930 TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGET 121,300 TOTAL NET BUDGET 121,300 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 816002 - Specific Grants-AIDS/HIV 33 ECHS Adult Social Care - David Roberts Assessment and Care Management Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Transfer Payments Recharges In Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets 818*** - Services for People with Physical Disabilities £ 0 0 0 80,240 4,122,330 1,152,820 0 Cr 998,820 Cr 826,670 3,529,900 824*** - Services for Older People £ 0 52,460 190 142,760 32,284,600 1,666,090 0 Cr 12,445,890 Cr 1,893,790 19,806,420 825*** Assessment & 838*** - Community Care Management Equipment Service £ £ 4,945,540 0 100 0 65,030 0 3,360 0 0 961,210 0 0 25,330 0 0 Cr 192,850 Cr 139,070 0 4,900,290 768,360 Total £ 4,945,540 52,560 65,220 226,360 37,368,140 2,818,910 25,330 Cr 13,637,560 Cr 2,859,530 29,004,970 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges/Financing Property Rental Income Non-Controllable Budgets 0 0 0 Cr 10,540 Cr 10,540 121,750 1,870 137,000 Cr 14,170 246,450 0 7,480 0 0 7,480 0 0 0 0 0 121,750 9,350 137,000 Cr 24,710 243,390 Recharges In 2,022,000 10,898,090 1,368,840 0 14,288,930 5,541,360 30,950,960 6,276,610 768,360 43,537,290 0 Cr 35,160 Cr 6,276,610 Cr 768,360 Cr 7,080,130 5,541,360 30,915,800 Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 34 0 0 36,457,160 Adult Social Care Assessment and Care Management Services for People with Physical Disabilities Budget Manager - Tricia Wennell Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 1517 1518 1778 1790 2156 Supplies and Services Equipment for the Hearing Impaired Equipment for the Visually Impaired Physically Disabled Day Service Interpreting & Translating Miscellaneous Expenses 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 3402 3403 3404 3406 3433 3501 3502 3603 3614 3618 3625 3626 3701 3704 Third Party Payments BATH - SLA ICARE - SLA BATH Holiday Respite - SLA Resource Centre for the Deaf - SLA Forum - SLA Nursing Care Residential Care Respite Care Domiciliary Care Supported Living Kent Association for the Blind Interpreting Service (RNID) Shared Lives Care Initiatives 818*** 4100 Transfer Payments Direct Payments 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** Income Contribution from Health - Free Nursing Care Client Contributions - Nursing Care Client Contributions - Residential Care Charging Policy Client Contributions - Respite Care Client Contributions - Direct Payments Client Contributions - Shared Lives Client Contributions - Supported Living Independent Living Fund 8140 8602 8605 8608 8609 8614 8615 8619 8654 818*** 9666 818*** 9731 23,610 9,750 45,930 390 560 80,240 61,600 19,300 24,220 70,530 5,360 788,690 1,143,440 20,870 1,773,000 11,300 142,560 17,080 23,230 21,150 4,122,330 1,152,820 1,152,820 Recharges Out Physical Disabilities Placements Recharge to PCT Funding (Social Care and Health) Recharge Physical Disabilities to Carer's Grant Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 73,680 157,790 154,880 156,000 8,440 78,000 12,850 890 356,290 998,820 Cr Cr Cr 750,000 76,670 826,670 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 818*** 9002 Property Rental Income Rent of Commercial Premises/Halls 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 818*** 5501 5531 5604 5613 5621 5622 5624 5644 5663 5697 5708 3,529,900 Cr Cr SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE Cr Recharges In Support Services Recharge from ECS - Blue Badges Strategic & Support Services Day Care for People With Physical Disabilities Adult Social Care Management Costs ECHS Commissioning Recharge to Services Carelink for People With Physical Disabilities Community Equipment Service to People With Physical Disabilities ECH for People with Physical disabilities Direct Payments Contract Recharge Assessment & Care Management to People with Physical Disabilities SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN TOTAL NET BUDGET 10,540 10,540 CE 10,540 347,780 44,930 21,360 175,150 18,550 325,110 10,960 157,760 119,490 54,050 746,860 2,022,000 5,541,360 35 ECHS ECHS CE ECS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS Adult Social Care Assessment and Care Management Services for People with Physical Disabilities Budget Manager - Tricia Wennell The Following Cost Centres must be used: 818003 - Services for People with Physical Disabilities - Independent Living Fund 818130 - Services for People with Physical Disabilities - Disability Team 818170 - Services for People with Physical Disabilities - Hospital Team 818171 - Services for People with Physical Disabilities - Contact & Assessment 818172 - Services for People with Physical Disabilities - Complex Care East 818173 - Services for People with Physical Disabilities - Complex Care West 818174 - Services for People with Physical Disabilities - Shared Lives 818190 - Services for People with Physical Disabilities - Reablement 818200 - Services for People with Physical Disabilities - Supported Living 818414 - Services for People with Physical Disabilities - Supp. Planning, Brokerage & Review 818900 - Services for People with Physical Disabilities - Unallocable 36 Adult Social Care Assessment and Care Management Services for Older People Budget Manager - Tricia Wennell Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 1162 1202 1203 1222 1241 1271 1273 Premises Tree Maintenance Electricity Gas Rents Water Cleaning Materials Contract Cleaning 824*** 1301 Transport Use of Transport 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 1634 1790 2001 2156 2601 Supplies and Services Contract Laundry Interpreting & Translating Grants & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expenses Telephone Beneficiaries 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 3241 3388 3428 3429 3431 3432 3433 3438 3446 3465 3466 3468 3501 3502 3518 3519 3520 3541 3603 3614 3618 3621 3623 3624 3628 3634 3701 3785 3800 3801 3811 3812 3820 3821 3822 3823 Third Party Payments Contribution to Health Bromley MIND - Sitting Service - SLA Shopping - SLA Beckenham MIND (Good Companions) - SLA Age Concern Core Funding - SLA Alzheimer's - SLA Forum - SLA Biggin Hill CC - SLA Age Concern - SLA Care Plus - SLA BME - SLA Bromley Mind Adult Services Day Centre - SLA Nursing Care Residential Care Day Care - Age Concern Orpington - SLA Day Care - Age Concern Ravensbourne - SLA Day Care - Age Concern Penge - SLA Age Concern Housework Service - SLA Respite Care Domiciliary Care Supported Living Oatlands Block Contract - Residential Care St Edwards Church Hall Bathing Scheme Residential - Contracted Out Homes - Elmstead Day Care - Elmstead Shared Lives Payments to Others - Extra Care Housing Mission Care Block Contract Mission Care Spot Placements Intermediate Care - Elmwood Bromley Advocacy Respite Care - Nursing Respite Care - Residential Emergency Placement - Nursing Emergency Placement - Residential 824*** 4100 1,530 19,660 1,390 4,930 1,160 1,180 22,610 52,460 190 190 21,340 1,240 1,380 3,000 4,610 31,570 515,060 104,290 54,000 167,690 132,170 237,830 9,720 59,200 66,360 4,680 34,650 124,300 5,989,210 8,997,610 210,260 292,380 213,470 13,750 30,000 7,110,000 673,660 538,760 125,280 4,880 183,070 26,180 58,920 1,524,380 2,142,900 764,890 950,360 23,430 47,200 122,860 191,460 650,930 32,395,790 Transfer Payments Direct Payments 1,666,090 1,666,090 37 Assessment and Care Management Services for Older People Budget Manager - Tricia Wennell Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 8102 8140 8149 8602 8605 8607 8608 8614 8615 8619 8620 8621 8622 8628 8630 8631 8632 8633 9121 Income Contribution from Health Contribution from Health - Free Nursing Care Contribution from Health - Free Nursing Care - Mission Care Client Contributions - Nursing Care Client Contributions - Residential Care Client Contributions - Residential Care - Contracted Out Homes Charging Policy Client Contributions - Direct Payments Client Contributions - Shared Lives Client Contributions - Supported Living Extra Care Personal Care Charges Client Contributions - Mission Care Block Contract Client Contributions - Mission Care Spot Placements Client Contributions - Oatlands Block Contract Client Contributions - Respite Care - Nursing Client Contributions - Respite Care - Residential Client Contributions - Emergency Placement - Nursing Client Contributions - Emergency Placement - Residential Charges for the Sale of Clients' Property 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 9655 9677 9715 9732 9737 9746 Recharges Out Recharge to Learning Disabilities & Health Reform Grant from Older People Extra Care Housing - Contracted Out - Supporting People Funding Recharge Bromley Mind to Carers Grant Recharge Older Peoples Services to Carer's Grant Care Services (Various) Recharge to PCT Funding (Social Care and Health) Older People Placements Recharge to PCT Funding (Social Care & Health) Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 313,370 929,530 459,090 1,932,710 2,889,250 69,640 3,896,100 275,000 34,980 64,650 511,630 468,400 175,490 167,770 18,510 38,910 23,130 175,130 2,600 12,445,890 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 808,800 42,000 10,690 194,110 611,190 227,000 1,893,790 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 1109 1111 1112 1116 19,806,420 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works 824*** 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 824*** 5802 824*** 5804 824*** 5807 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation Revenue Expenditure Funded by Capital Under Statute (REFCUS) Government Grants Deferred 824*** 9018 Property Rental Income Rent - Bromley Mind - Rachel Notley Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 71,060 35,660 5,200 9,830 121,750 CE CE CE CE 1,870 1,870 CE 47,000 700,000 610,000 137,000 CE CE CE 14,170 14,170 CE 246,450 38 ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS Assessment and Care Management Services for Older People Budget Manager - Tricia Wennell Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 824*** 5501 5510 5530 5537 5595 5604 5616 5621 5622 5623 5637 5643 5668 5697 5707 Recharges In Support Services Administration Buildings Grounds Maintenance Walnuts Boiler Plant Recharges in - External (R&R) Strategic & Support Services Extra Care Housing Adult Social Care Management Costs ECHS Commissioning Recharge to Services Carelink to Servcies for Older People Vehicle Operating account Community Equipment Service to Older People Reablement Service to Older People Direct Payments Contract Recharge Assessment & Care Management to Older People SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 824,000 8,780 1,670 5,500 1,420 50,580 889,510 40,200 1,090,940 159,330 916,420 567,820 928,200 31,140 5,382,580 10,898,090 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 824*** 9529 CE CE ECS ECS CE ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS 30,950,960 Recharges Out Support to Members SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 35,160 35,160 30,915,800 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 824170 - Services for Older People - Hospital Team 824171 - Services for Older People - Contact Assessment 824172 - Services for Older People - Complex Care East 824173 - Services for Older People - Complex Care West 824174 - Services for Older People - Shared Lives 824180 - Services for Older People - Intermediate Care 824190 - Services for Older People - Assessment & Reablement Team 824200 - Services for Older People - Supported Living 824201 - PCT Reprovision 824212 - Services for Older People - Elmstead 824301 - Services for Older People - Bertha James 824302 - Services for Older People - Rachel Notley 824303 - Services for Older People - Saxon Centre 824304 - Services for Older People - Melvin Hall 824305 - Services for Older People - St Edwards 824306 - Services for Older People - Biggin Hill Com Centre 824411 - Services for Older People - Intermediate Care 824414 - Services for Older People - Review & Care Brokerage Team 824500 - Services for Older People - ECH - Crown Meadow Court 824501 - Services for Older People - ECH - Regency Court 824502 - Services for Older People - ECH - Sutherland Court 39 CE Adult Social Care Assessment and Care Management Assessment & Care Management Budget Manager - Tricia Wennell Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 825*** 825*** 825*** 825*** 825*** 825*** 0100 0102 0180 0241 0251 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Officers' Pay - Externally Funded Training Expenses Staff Advertising Leased Cars 825*** 1271 Premises Cleaning Materials 825*** 1301 825*** 1321 825*** 1331 Transport Use of Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 825*** 825*** 825*** 825*** Supplies and Services Interpreting & Translating Grants & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expenses Official Hospitality 1790 2001 2156 2157 4,470,270 312,660 68,300 1,890 2,290 90,130 4,945,540 100 100 200 3,250 61,580 65,030 100 1,320 1,470 470 3,360 825*** 5679 Recharges In Recharge from Resources CSC to Blue Badge Grant 825*** 9642 825*** 9671 Recharges Out Recharge from Adult Social Care to AIDS/Hiv Service Adult Social Care Recharge to Drugs Action Team 25,330 25,330 Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 825*** 2160 5501 5510 5520 5604 5607 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 7,480 7,480 7,480 Recharges In Support Services Administration Buildings Computer Charges Strategic & Support Services E&CS Learning and Development SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 99,300 227,730 487,730 326,090 227,990 1,368,840 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 825*** 825*** 825*** 825*** 9621 9636 9707 9708 ECHS ECHS 4,900,290 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 825*** 825*** 825*** 825*** 825*** 74,930 64,140 139,070 6,276,610 Recharges Out Adult Social Care Management Costs Charge to CSC Prevention & Support Assessment & Care Management to Older People Assessment & Care Management to People with Physical Disabilities SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 114,860 32,310 5,382,580 746,860 6,276,610 0 40 CE CE CE ECHS ECHS Adult Social Care Assessment and Care Management Assessment & Care Management Budget Manager - Tricia Wennell The Following Cost Centres must be used: 825002 - Head of Service 825003 - Short Term Interventions - Operational Manager 825004 - Short Term Interventions - Hospital 825005 - Short Term Interventions - Contact Assessment 825006 - Short Term Interventions - Reablement 825007 - Short Term Interventions - Intermediate Care 825008 - Case Management - Operational Manager 825009 - Case Management - Complex Care East 825010 - Case Management - Complex Care West 825011 - Case Management - Supp. Planning, Brokerage & Review 825012 - Blue Badges 825900 - Assessment & Care Management - Unallocable 41 Adult Social Care Assessment and Care Management Community Equipment Service Budget Manager - Tricia Wennell Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 838*** 3009 Third Party Payments Other Hired Services 838*** 8123 Income Contribution from Health 838*** 838*** 838*** 838*** 838*** 9636 9641 9643 9644 9645 961,210 961,210 Cr Cr 192,850 192,850 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 768,360 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 768,360 Recharges Out Charge to Prevention & Support Community Equipment to People with Mental Health Needs Community Equipment to Services for Older People Community Equipment to Services for People With Physical Disabilities Community Equipment to Services for People with Learning Disabilities SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 28,240 11,810 567,820 157,760 2,730 768,360 0 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 838001 - Community Equipment 42 ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS Adult Social Care - David Roberts Direct Services 831*** Reablement Service £ 979,990 0 80,320 Cr 211,290 0 0 0 849,020 £ 415,340 1,310 23,070 49,320 64,520 Cr 466,840 0 86,720 845*** - Vehicle Operating Account £ 1,081,120 1,330 593,350 10,450 0 0 0 1,686,250 3,410 3,410 2,110 2,110 930 930 2,700 2,700 9,150 9,150 135,280 77,070 82,640 147,100 442,090 Total Cost of Service 1,009,000 928,200 170,290 1,836,050 3,943,540 Recharges Out Cr 1,009,000 Cr 928,200 Cr 170,290 Cr 1,836,050 Cr 3,943,540 Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Supplies and Services - Insurance Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Net Budget 829*** - Extra Care Housing £ 1,549,170 22,060 480 Cr 98,690 0 Cr 291,680 Cr 311,030 870,310 0 832*** - Carelink 0 43 0 0 Total £ 4,025,620 24,700 697,220 Cr 250,210 64,520 Cr 758,520 Cr 311,030 3,492,300 0 Adult Social Care Direct Services Extra Care Housing Budget Manager - Richard Haines Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 829*** 0100 Employees Officers' Pay 829*** 1202 829*** 1222 829*** 1276 Premises Electricity Rents Clearing Rubbish & Refuse 829*** 1321 829*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 829*** 1501 829*** 5000 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Market testing 829*** 8619 829*** 8620 Income Client Contributions - Supported Living Client Contributiomns - Extra Care Personal Care Charges 829*** 9686 Recharges Out Supporting People from Extra Care Housing 1,549,170 1,549,170 350 21,230 480 22,060 100 380 480 Cr Cr 1,310 100,000 98,690 Cr Cr Cr 92,610 199,070 291,680 Cr Cr 311,030 311,030 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 829*** 2160 870,310 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 3,410 3,410 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 829*** 829*** 829*** 829*** 829*** 5501 5520 5604 5607 5621 CE 3,410 Recharges In Support Services Computer Charges Strategic & Support Services E&CS Learning and Development Adult Social Care Management Costs SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 55,360 5,860 58,800 10,920 4,340 135,280 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 829*** 9616 829*** 9663 ECHS CE CE ECHS ECHS ECHS 1,009,000 Recharges Out Recharge to Services for Older people Recharge to Services for People with Physical disabilities SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr Cr Cr 889,510 119,490 1,009,000 0 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 829004 - Extra Care Housing - Durham House 829005 - Extra Care Housing - Lubbock House 829006 - Extra Care Housing - Norton Court 829007 - Extra Care Housing - Immediate Response Team 829008 - Extra Care Housing - Apsley Court 829009 - Extra Care Housing - Step Down Flats 829900 - Extra Care Housing- Team Manager 44 ECHS ECHS Adult Social Care Direct Services Reablement Service Budget Manager - Richard Haines Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 831*** 0100 831*** 0136 831*** 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Reablement Facilitators Leased Cars 831*** 1331 Transport Car Allowances 831*** 831*** 831*** 831*** 831*** 831*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Protective Clothing Printing & Stationery Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Line of Business Software Market testing 1501 1631 1652 1908 1933 5000 419,490 557,060 3,440 979,990 80,320 80,320 Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 831*** 2160 849,020 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 2,110 2,110 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 831*** 831*** 831*** 831*** 5501 5510 5520 5621 2,110 Recharges In Support Services Administration Buildings Computer Charges Adult Social Care Management Costs SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 16,100 15,590 33,410 11,970 77,070 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 831*** 9668 6,590 3,990 3,000 6,310 18,820 250,000 211,290 928,200 Recharges Out Reablement Service to Older People SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 928,200 928,200 0 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 831001 - Assessment and Reablement Service 831002 - Care Assessment and Rehabilitation Team (CARTs) 831003 - Direct Care Management 45 CE CE CE ECHS Adult Social Care Direct Services Carelink Budget Manager - Richard Haines Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 832*** 0100 832*** 0104 832*** 0114 Employees Officers' Pay Temporary Staff Immediate Response Team Salaries 832*** 1222 832*** 1271 Premises Rents Cleaning Materials 832*** 832*** 832*** 832*** 832*** 1302 1304 1306 1321 1331 Transport Fuel & Oil Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance Hire of Vehicles Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 832*** 832*** 832*** 832*** 832*** 832*** 832*** 832*** 832*** 832*** 1501 1526 1527 1631 1652 1782 1903 1907 1908 2628 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Equipment Maintenance Purchase of New Alarm Units Protective Clothing Printing & Stationery Hoists for Clients Maintenance of Computer Equipment Telephones - External Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Promotion 832*** 3649 Third Party Payments Carelink Contract 832*** 8657 832*** 8659 832*** 8660 Income Housing Associations Mobile Private Clients Monitoring Private Clients 171,460 24,290 219,590 415,340 1,210 100 1,310 3,970 770 9,990 590 7,750 23,070 1,920 5,600 18,180 2,910 1,260 4,530 1,240 3,850 5,610 4,220 49,320 64,520 64,520 Cr Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 832*** 2160 86,720 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 930 930 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 832*** 832*** 832*** 832*** 5501 5510 5520 5621 CE 930 Recharges In Support Services Administration Buildings Computer Charges Adult Social Care Management Costs SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 43,620 29,100 6,650 3,270 82,640 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 832*** 9623 832*** 9624 14,500 350,000 102,340 466,840 CE CE CE ECHS 170,290 Recharges Out Charge to Services for Older People Charge to Services for People with Physical Disabilities SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr Cr Cr 159,330 10,960 170,290 0 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 832700 - Carelink 832701 - Carelink - Immediate Response Team 832900 - Carelink 46 ECHS ECHS Adult Social Care Direct Services Vehicle Operating Account Budget Manager - Richard Haines Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 845*** 0100 845*** 0104 Employees Officers' Pay Temporary Staff 845*** 1271 Premises Cleaning Materials 845*** 845*** 845*** 845*** 845*** 845*** 845*** 1301 1302 1303 1304 1306 1308 1331 Transport Use of Transport Fuel & Oil Vehicle Cleaning Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance Hire of Vehicles Non-Scheduled Services Car Allowances 845*** 845*** 845*** 845*** 845*** 845*** 1501 1505 1631 1632 1907 2156 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Office Furniture Protective Clothing Uniforms Telephones Miscellaneous Expenses 1,018,420 62,700 1,081,120 1,330 1,330 474,000 74,340 4,810 1,660 11,750 26,290 500 593,350 1,810 1,030 130 6,120 1,240 120 10,450 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 845*** 2160 1,686,250 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 2,700 2,700 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 845*** 845*** 845*** 845*** 5501 5520 5553 5621 2,700 Recharges In Support Services Computer Charges Use of Central Depot Adult Social Care Management Costs SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 39,040 7,430 95,190 5,440 147,100 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 845*** 9637 CE CE CE ECS ECHS 1,836,050 Recharges Out Vehicle Operation A/C Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 1,836,050 1,836,050 0 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 845000 - Vehicle Operating Account - Transport 845900 - Vehicle Operating Account - Unallocable 47 ECHS Adult Social Care - David Roberts Learning Disabilites Day and Short breaks Service 822*** - Learning Disabilities Day Services Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Recharges In Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges/Financing Non-Controllable Budgets 828*** - Learning Disabilities Short Breaks Service £ 1,562,690 81,060 45,550 39,740 460,330 20,600 Cr 55,230 Cr 489,420 1,665,320 Total £ 585,090 25,040 1,830 24,610 0 0 Cr 72,000 Cr 341,210 223,360 £ 2,147,780 106,100 47,380 64,350 460,330 20,600 Cr 127,230 Cr 830,630 1,888,680 36,510 7,520 43,000 87,030 0 0 0 0 36,510 7,520 43,000 87,030 1,106,090 0 1,106,090 Total Cost of Service 2,858,440 223,360 3,081,800 Recharges Out Cr 2,858,440 Cr 223,360 Cr 3,081,800 Recharges In Total Net Budget 0 0 48 0 Adult Social Care Learning Disabilites Day and Short breaks Service Learning Disabilities Day Services Budget Manager - Richard Haines Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 822*** 0100 822*** 0180 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Pay - Externally Funded 822*** 822*** 822*** 822*** 822*** 822*** 822*** 822*** 1162 1202 1203 1223 1241 1271 1272 1276 Premises Tree Maintenance Electricity Gas Business Rates Water Cleaning Materials Window Cleaning Clearing Rubbish & Refuse 822*** 822*** 822*** 822*** 1301 1321 1331 1333 Transport Use of Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances Vehicles/Transport 822*** 822*** 822*** 822*** 822*** 822*** 822*** 822*** 822*** 822*** 822*** 822*** 822*** 822*** 822*** 822*** 1501 1505 1506 1531 1605 1631 1652 1704 1906 1907 1908 2156 2608 2626 2627 5000 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Office Furniture Materials Specialist Equipment Provisions Protective Clothing Printing & Stationery Other Hired & Contracted Services Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Miscellaneous Expenses Personal Recreational Needs Social Training for Clients Voluntary Fund Market testing 1,077,620 485,070 1,562,690 1,820 19,540 8,870 4,450 2,860 35,490 270 7,760 81,060 30,170 8,240 3,030 4,110 45,550 Cr 822*** 3545 822*** 3809 Third Party Payments Day Care - Leisure Social Business Contract LD Day Centres 822*** 5771 Recharges In Recharges In - Thyme Out Project 822*** 8103 822*** 8204 Income Contributions from Other Local Authorities Meals & Refreshments 822*** 9658 Recharges Out Recharge to Learning Disabilities & Health Reform Grnt for LD Respite & Day Serv 60,000 400,330 460,330 20,600 20,600 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 822*** 822*** 822*** 822*** 1109 1111 1112 1116 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works 822*** 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 822*** 5802 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation 11,480 2,980 7,360 650 27,210 400 2,190 42,790 370 3,030 1,410 2,830 260 11,360 420 75,000 39,740 Cr Cr Cr 37,360 17,870 55,230 Cr Cr 489,420 489,420 1,665,320 20,640 10,980 2,000 2,890 36,510 CE CE CE 7,520 7,520 CE 43,000 43,000 49 Learning Disabilites Day and Short breaks Service Learning Disabilities Day Services Budget Manager - Richard Haines Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 822*** 822*** 822*** 822*** 822*** 822*** 5501 5520 5530 5604 5607 5637 87,030 Recharges In Support Services Computer Charges Grounds Maintenance Strategic & Support Services E&CS Learning and Development Vehicle Operating A/C SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 58,610 7,430 6,720 99,120 14,580 919,630 1,106,090 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 822*** 9613 822*** 9615 CE CE ECS ECHS ECHS ECHS 2,858,440 Recharges Out Charge to Services for People with Physical Disabilities Charge to Services for People with Learning Disabilities SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr Cr Cr 175,150 2,683,290 2,858,440 0 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 822003 - Learning Disabilities Day Service - Astley Centre 822100 - Learning Disabilities Day Service - Modernisation of Day Centres General 822101 - Learning Disabilities Day Service - Cotmandene 822102 - Learning Disabilities Day Service - Kentwood Day Centre 822201 - Learning Disabilities Day Service - PCT Modernisation 822900 - Learning Disabilities Day Service - Unallocable 50 ECHS ECHS Adult Social Care Learning Disabilites Day and Short breaks Service Learning Disabilities Short Breaks Service Budget Manager - Richard Haines Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 828*** 0100 828*** 0180 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Pay - Externally Funded 828*** 828*** 828*** 828*** 828*** 828*** 828*** 828*** 828*** Premises Tenant Maintenance - All Works Electricity Gas Business Rates Rents to Housing Associations Water Cleaning Materials Window Cleaning Clearing Rubbish & Refuse 1115 1202 1203 1223 1225 1241 1271 1272 1276 828*** 1301 828*** 1321 828*** 1331 Transport Use of Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 828*** 828*** 828*** 828*** 828*** 828*** 828*** 828*** 828*** 828*** 828*** 828*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Office Furniture Materials Specialist Equipment Provisions Protective Clothing Laundry Printing & Stationery Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones Miscellaneous Expenses Personal Recreational Needs 1501 1505 1506 1531 1605 1631 1633 1652 1906 1907 2156 2608 243,880 341,210 585,090 1,220 2,280 2,520 490 15,060 530 2,610 90 240 25,040 240 360 1,230 1,830 670 1,240 370 5,170 12,260 930 490 330 370 1,100 510 1,170 24,610 828*** 8609 Income Client Contributions - Respite 828*** 9658 Recharges Out Recharge to Learning Disabilities & Health Reform Grnt for LD Respite & Day Serv 828*** 9615 Cr Cr 72,000 72,000 Cr Cr 341,210 341,210 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 223,360 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 223,360 Recharges Out Charge to Services for People with Learning Disabilities SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr Cr 223,360 223,360 0 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 828001 - Learning Disabilities Short Breaks Service 51 ECHS ECHS Adult Social Care - David Roberts Learning Disabilities Care Management Employees Transport Third Party Payments Transfer Payments Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Supplies and Services - Insurance Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 819*** - Services for People with Learning Disabilities £ 906,520 14,910 598,850 1,271,000 Cr 158,080 Cr 113,230 2,519,970 Total £ 906,520 14,910 598,850 1,271,000 Cr 158,080 Cr 113,230 2,519,970 1,340 1,340 1,340 1,340 253,070 253,070 2,774,380 2,774,380 Cr 6,280 Cr 6,280 2,768,100 2,768,100 52 Adult Social Care Learning Disabilities Care Management Services for People with Learning Disabilities Budget Manager - Peter Davis Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 0100 0180 0241 0251 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Pay - Externally Funded Training Expenses Staff Advertising Leased Cars 800,880 88,000 1,890 1,530 14,220 906,520 819*** 1301 819*** 1321 819*** 1331 Transport Use of Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 819*** 3614 Third Party Payments Domiciliary Care 819*** 4100 Transfer Payments Direct Payments 819*** 8123 819*** 8608 819*** 8614 Income Contribution from Health Charging Policy Client Contributions - Direct Payments 819*** 9690 819*** 9694 Recharges Out Recharge to Learning Disability PCT Reprovision Grant Recharge to Supporting People Grant for Access Workers 190 900 13,820 14,910 598,850 598,850 1,271,000 1,271,000 Cr Cr Cr Cr 7,080 109,000 42,000 158,080 Cr Cr Cr 88,000 25,230 113,230 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 819*** 2160 2,519,970 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 1,340 1,340 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 5501 5510 5520 5607 5697 819*** 9529 ECHS ECHS CE 1,340 Recharges In Support Services Administration Buildings Computer Charges E&CS Learning and Development Direct Payments Contract Recharge SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 69,550 45,680 87,010 39,270 11,560 253,070 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 2,774,380 Recharges Out Support to Members SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 6,280 6,280 2,768,100 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 819109 - Services for People with Learning Disabilities - Management 819110 - Services for People with Learning Disabilities - Care Management 819111 - Services for People with Learning Disabilities - Transition Team 53 CE CE CE ECHS ECHS CE Adult Social Care - David Roberts Learning Disabilities Housing & Support Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges/Financing Non-Controllable Budgets 815*** - Homes for People with Learning Disabilities £ 1,829,600 42,080 9,060 Cr 154,720 Cr 129,230 Cr 436,450 1,160,340 Total £ 1,829,600 42,080 9,060 Cr 154,720 Cr 129,230 Cr 436,450 1,160,340 38,010 4,400 22,000 64,410 38,010 4,400 22,000 64,410 156,220 156,220 Total Cost of Service 1,380,970 1,380,970 Recharges Out Cr 1,380,970 Cr 1,380,970 Recharges In Total Net Budget 0 0 54 Adult Social Care Learning Disabilities Housing & Support Homes for People with Learning Disabilities Budget Manager - Richard Haines Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 815*** 0100 815*** 0104 Employees Officers' Pay Temporary/Agency Staff 815*** 815*** 815*** 815*** 815*** 815*** 815*** 815*** Premises Electricity Gas Council Tax Rents to Housing Associations Water Cleaning Materials Window Cleaning Clearing Rubbish & Refuse 1202 1203 1224 1225 1241 1271 1272 1276 815*** 1301 815*** 1321 815*** 1331 Transport Use of Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 815*** 815*** 815*** 815*** 815*** 815*** 815*** 815*** 815*** 815*** 815*** 815*** 1501 1502 1505 1605 1631 1652 1906 1907 2156 2608 2668 5000 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Purchase & Repair of Other Equipment Office Furniture Provisions Protective Clothing Printing & Stationery Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Miscellaneous Expenses Personal Recreational Needs Health and Safety Market testing 815*** 815*** 815*** 815*** 8619 9001 9017 9105 Income Client Contributions - Supported Living Rent of Dwellings Registered Care - Care Charges Telephone Charges Recovered 815*** 9685 Recharges Out Supporting People from Core & Cluster 1,661,880 17,720 1,679,600 8,940 8,870 4,650 13,650 2,100 1,810 700 1,360 42,080 1,070 1,000 6,990 9,060 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 815*** 815*** 815*** 815*** 1109 1111 1112 1116 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works 815*** 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 815*** 5802 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE Cr Cr 1,600 5,170 7,370 19,780 1,810 380 360 10,100 13,850 7,410 2,450 75,000 4,720 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 32,720 72,320 24,090 100 129,230 Cr Cr 436,450 436,450 1,160,340 25,970 7,740 2,000 2,300 38,010 CE CE CE CE 4,400 4,400 CE 22,000 22,000 CE 64,410 55 ECHS Learning Disabilities Housing & Support Homes for People with Learning Disabilities Budget Manager - Richard Haines Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 815*** 815*** 815*** 815*** 815*** 815*** 5501 5510 5520 5530 5604 5607 Recharges In Support Services Administration Buildings Computer Charges Grounds Maintenance Strategic & Support Services E&CS Learning and Development SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 44,290 7,800 29,700 1,570 58,800 14,060 156,220 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 815*** 9612 CE CE CE ECS ECHS ECHS 1,380,970 Recharges Out Charge to Services for People with Learning Disabilities SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr Cr 1,380,970 1,380,970 0 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 815000 - Homes for People with Learning Disabilities 815100 - Homes for People with LD - Cluster Management 815120 - Homes for People with LD - Registered Care Homes 815130 - Homes for People with LD - Group 1 815140 - Homes for People with LD - Group 2 815150 - Homes for People with LD - Group 3 815160 - Homes for People with LD - Shared Lives 815900 - Homes for People with LD - Unallocable 56 ECHS Children's Social Care - Kay Weiss Bromley Youth Support Programme 483*** - Youth Offenders Team Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Net Budget Total £ 1,098,060 55,710 9,140 37,920 90,320 Cr 332,530 Cr 46,000 912,620 £ 1,098,060 55,710 9,140 37,920 90,320 Cr 332,530 Cr 46,000 912,620 12,160 12,160 12,160 12,160 134,940 134,940 1,059,720 1,059,720 57 Children's Social Care Bromley Youth Support Programme Youth Offenders Team Budget Manager - Paul King Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 483*** 483*** 483*** 483*** 483*** 0100 0102 0180 0241 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Officers' Pay - Externally Funded Training Expenses Leased Cars 483*** 483*** 483*** 483*** 483*** 483*** 1202 1203 1223 1241 1271 1276 Premises Electricity Gas Business Rates Water Cleaning Materials Clearing Rubbish & Refuse 483*** 1321 483*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 483*** 483*** 483*** 483*** 483*** 483*** 1501 1652 1660 1907 1924 2186 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Printing & Stationery Other Office Expenses Telephones - External Hardware Purchase Supervision Programmes 483*** 483*** 483*** 483*** 3370 3371 3538 3548 Third Party Payments Appropriate Adult Scheme (MIG) NACRO Parenting Project YOT General Core Activity 483*** 8080 Income Youth Justice Board Income 483*** 9680 Recharges Out Recharge to Dedicated Schools Grant 759,670 58,800 261,530 10,670 7,390 1,098,060 2,850 1,590 30,550 600 18,290 1,830 55,710 5,980 3,160 9,140 2,720 3,300 10,510 13,910 5,300 2,180 37,920 10,710 71,000 50 8,560 90,320 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 483*** 483*** 483*** 483*** 1109 1111 1112 1116 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works 332,530 332,530 Cr Cr 46,000 46,000 ECHS 912,620 6,070 3,520 2,000 570 12,160 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 483*** 5501 483*** 5520 483*** 5591 Cr Cr CE CE CE CE 12,160 Recharges In Support Services Computer Charges Recharges In - External (ECS) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 69,510 37,130 28,300 134,940 TOTAL NET BUDGET 1,059,720 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 483000 - Youth Offenders Team 483004 - DAT 58 CE CE ECS Children's Social Care - Kay Weiss Bromley Youth Support Programme - (Youth Services) 105*** - Music Service Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Recharges In Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges/Financing Property Rental Income Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 130*** - Youth Service 132*** - Centrally Controlled Primary Sch Budgets Total £ 0 0 0 0 318,200 0 0 0 318,200 £ 1,126,670 114,350 21,270 161,810 79,900 0 Cr 113,960 0 1,390,040 £ 315,480 0 3,050 62,780 0 317,000 Cr 317,000 Cr 317,000 64,310 £ 1,442,150 114,350 24,320 224,590 398,100 317,000 Cr 430,960 Cr 317,000 1,772,550 11,250 0 0 0 11,250 31,580 3,590 60,000 Cr 310 94,860 0 890 0 0 890 42,830 4,480 60,000 Cr 310 107,000 0 171,340 99,010 270,350 329,450 1,656,240 164,210 2,149,900 0 Cr 50,410 Cr 15,350 Cr 65,760 329,450 1,605,830 148,860 2,084,140 59 Children's Social Care Bromley Youth Support Programme - (Youth Services) Music Service Budget Manager - Paul King Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 105*** 3816 Third Party Payments Music Contract (BYMT) 318,200 318,200 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 105*** 105*** 105*** 105*** 1109 1111 1112 1116 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works 318,200 1,070 7,040 2,000 1,140 11,250 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 11,250 329,450 The Following Cost Centre must be used: 105000 - Music Service 60 CE CE CE CE Children's Social Care Bromley Youth Support Programme - (Youth Services) Youth Service Budget Manager - Paul King Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** 0100 0102 0159 0241 0262 0263 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Caretakers & Cleaners Training Expenses Leased Cars Cycle 2 Work 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** 1115 1202 1203 1222 1223 1241 1271 1276 Premises Tenant Maintenance - All Works Electricity Gas Rents Business Rates Water Cleaning Materials Clearing Rubbish & Refuse 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** 1304 1321 1331 1345 Transport Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances Other Pupil Transport 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** 1501 1507 1602 1608 1652 1752 1768 1906 1907 1908 1913 2151 2162 2502 2508 2668 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Educational Equipment Vending Machines - Leasing & Stock Refreshment Account Printing & Stationery Security Of Premises Project Expenses Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers IT Licences Publicity Licences Youth Organisations - Maintenance Grants Award Presentation Ceremonies Health and Safety (Adults) 130*** 3131 Third Party Payments Contribution to Other LAs 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** Income Grants Meals & Refreshments Fees & Charges - General Photocopying Charges Hall/Room Lettings 8112 8204 8301 8859 8877 895,650 194,340 26,430 4,720 3,330 2,200 1,126,670 10,000 11,780 10,250 36,950 32,520 3,100 3,850 5,900 114,350 15,370 500 3,400 2,000 21,270 1,050 1,000 800 7,200 3,150 2,000 88,550 1,000 7,000 400 2,160 500 7,000 35,000 1,500 3,500 161,810 79,900 79,900 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** 130*** 1102 1109 1111 1112 1116 130*** 2160 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - External Decorations Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 61 72,770 7,380 6,160 2,710 24,940 113,960 1,390,040 2,000 17,200 8,790 2,000 1,590 31,580 CE CE CE CE CE 3,590 3,590 CE Bromley Youth Support Programme - (Youth Services) Youth Service Budget Manager - Paul King Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 130*** 5802 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation 130*** 9002 Property Rental Income Rent of Commercial Premises/Halls Cr Cr SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 130*** 5501 130*** 5520 CE 310 310 CE 94,860 Recharges In Support Services Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 167,640 3,700 171,340 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 130*** 9529 60,000 60,000 1,656,240 Recharges Out Support to Members SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 50,410 50,410 1,605,830 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 130000 - Youth Service 130440 - Support Office 62 Children's Social Care Bromley Youth Support Programme - (Youth Services) Centrally Controlled Primary Sch Budgets Budget Manager - Jean Norton Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 132*** 0100 132*** 0154 132*** 0241 Employees Officers' Pay Advisors Training Expenses 132*** 1321 132*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 132*** 132*** 132*** 132*** 132*** 132*** 132*** 132*** 132*** 132*** 132*** 132*** 132*** 132*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Educational Equipment Provisions Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Professional Fees Purchase of Computer Equipment Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Line of Business Software Room Bookings Advertising - other than Staff Miscellaneous Expenses 1501 1507 1605 1651 1652 1709 1901 1906 1907 1908 1933 2141 2153 2156 250,650 59,330 5,500 315,480 1,050 2,000 3,050 1,000 2,000 5,500 200 3,500 20,000 1,000 2,250 650 150 10,000 5,500 500 10,530 62,780 132*** 5581 Recharges In Recharge from Services to Trading Account 132*** 8129 132*** 9142 132*** 9152 Income Contributions from Other Departments Income from Community/Voluntary Controlled Schools Agreements 132*** 9581 Recharges Out Recharge to Trading Account from Services 317,000 317,000 Cr Cr Cr Cr 125,000 169,000 23,000 317,000 Cr Cr 317,000 317,000 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 132*** 2160 64,310 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 890 890 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 132*** 132*** 132*** 132*** 5501 5520 5604 5622 890 Recharges In Support Services Computer Charges Strategic & Support Services ECHS Commissioning Recharge to Services SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 48,680 34,380 8,010 7,940 99,010 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 132*** 9529 CE CE CE ECHS ECHS 164,210 Recharges Out Support to Members SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 15,350 15,350 148,860 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 132566 - Primary Central - Business Partnerships 132567 - Trading Account PC-BP RSG Funded 63 ECHS Children's Social Care - Kay Weiss Care and Resources Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Transfer Payments Recharges In Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets 807*** - Leaving Care £ 723,240 0 17,750 72,320 0 871,100 0 Cr 245,950 0 1,438,460 808*** Placements £ 1,144,240 300 22,750 370,530 5,155,300 40,900 38,000 Cr 137,700 Cr 643,000 5,991,320 £ 1,167,900 0 11,620 207,390 4,677,070 0 0 Cr 55,010 0 6,008,970 0 0 0 834*** Preventive & Supportive Services Total £ 455,350 20,880 10,390 62,250 16,270 23,760 0 0 0 588,900 £ 3,529,680 21,180 62,780 725,480 9,848,640 1,249,400 38,000 Cr 677,860 Cr 643,000 14,154,300 1,650 9,000 10,650 1,650 9,000 10,650 0 0 0 Recharges In 0 1,205,130 0 18,630 8,200 1,231,960 1,438,460 7,196,450 126,650 6,027,600 607,750 15,396,910 64 0 0 0 833*** - Family Placement Service Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges/Financing Non-Controllable Budgets Total Net Budget 0 0 0 826*** Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children £ 38,950 0 270 12,990 0 313,640 0 Cr 239,200 0 126,650 Children's Social Care Care and Resources Leaving Care Budget Manager - Ian Leadbetter Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 807*** 0100 807*** 0102 807*** 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Leased Cars 807*** 1331 Transport Car Allowances 807*** 807*** 807*** 807*** 807*** 2064 2621 2631 2649 5000 Supplies and Services Leaving Care - Personal Charges Independent Support Adolescent Resource Floating Outreach Service Special Scheme 807*** 807*** 807*** 807*** 807*** 807*** 807*** 807*** 807*** 807*** 807*** 807*** 807*** 807*** 807*** 4076 4082 4083 4084 4085 4086 4087 4088 4089 4090 4091 4092 4093 4094 4095 Transfer Payments Leaving Care Grants Direct Financial Support to 16-17 Year Olds Direct Accommodation Support to 16-17 Year Olds Contact Payments University Support Grants Leaving Care Costs - Travel Leaving Care Costs - Phones Leaving Care Costs - Birthdays Leaving Care Costs - Personal Care Leaving Care Costs - Utilities Leaving Care Costs - Courses Leaving Care Costs - Food Leaving Care Costs - Clothing Leaving Care Costs - IT Leaving Care Payment - Other 807*** 9008 659,380 61,030 2,830 723,240 17,750 17,750 20,500 12,290 12,280 12,280 14,970 72,320 54,740 96,770 565,160 12,010 95,200 17,100 1,130 1,130 1,130 2,270 10,260 2,270 10,260 1,130 540 871,100 Income Bed & Breakfast Cr Cr TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGET 245,950 245,950 1,438,460 TOTAL NET BUDGET 1,438,460 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 807110 - Leaving Care Team 807120 - Leaving Care - Former Children 807130 - Leaving Care - Relevant Children 807150 - Leaving Care - Former UASC 807400 - Leaving Care Joint Finance 807500 - Leaving Care - BIS Scheme (Budget only) 807501 - Leaving Care - Elmstead Centre 807516 - Leaving Care - 11 Highland Road (BIS) 807527 - Leaving Care - Looked After Children Team 807900 - Leaving Care - Unallocable 65 Children's Social Care Care and Resources Placements Budget Manager - Ian Leadbetter Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 0100 0102 0151 0241 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Teachers Training Expenses Leased Cars 808*** 1162 Premises Tree Maintenance 808*** 1321 808*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 1507 1651 1652 1740 1908 2504 2608 2634 2640 2645 2647 2657 2666 Supplies and Services Educational Equipment Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Agency Tutors Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Pupil Premium Budget Share Personal Recreational Needs Placed at Home Respite Care Young Parents Group Counselling and Psychotherapy Mentoring and Placement Support Food 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 3416 3420 3504 3505 3507 3529 3610 3630 3690 3692 3708 3764 3765 Third Party Payments Bromley Gypsy Travellers - SLA Bromley Y - SLA Community Homes with Education Community Homes Secure Accommodation Young Carers Boarding Schools Fostering - Independent Active Involvement Alternative Programmes Additional Costs - Family Placements Escort/Travel Costs LAC Education Costs 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 4073 4074 4077 4078 4084 4085 Transfer Payments LAC School Trips etc Travel/Assistance for Clients & Families Preventative Payments Client Expenses Contact Payments University Support Grants 928,780 65,000 110,460 2,500 37,500 1,144,240 300 300 6,030 16,720 22,750 33,930 150 300 48,000 300 137,700 32,500 8,420 10,480 2,440 7,990 85,820 2,500 370,530 33,370 90,480 1,806,670 1,383,820 79,350 68,620 189,690 1,229,900 44,980 47,270 6,500 163,890 10,760 5,155,300 4,890 5,530 12,010 480 5,990 12,000 40,900 808*** 5570 Recharges In CSC Invest to Contain Recharge to Legal Services 808*** 8910 Income The Pupil Premium 808*** 9680 808*** 9739 Recharges Out Recharge to Dedicated Schools Grant Children's Social Care Recharge (Various) to PCT Funding (Social Care & Health) 38,000 38,000 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 66 Cr Cr 137,700 137,700 Cr Cr Cr 625,000 18,000 643,000 5,991,320 ECHS ECHS Care and Resources Placements Budget Manager - Ian Leadbetter Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** 5501 5510 5520 5604 5622 Recharges In Support Services Administration Buildings Computer Charges Strategic & Support Services ECHS Commissioning Recharge to Services SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 703,150 19,500 32,310 6,370 443,800 1,205,130 TOTAL NET BUDGET 7,196,450 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 808101 - Placements - Assistant Director 808105 - Invest to Contain 808115 - Voluntary Sector Service Provision 808120 - Looked After Children Team 808170 - Care Matters 808175 - Placements - Personal Education Allowances 808180 - Children in Care Education 808900 - Placements-Unallocable 67 CE CE CE ECHS ECHS Children's Social Care Care and Resources Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children Budget Manager - Ian Leadbetter Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 826*** 0180 Employees Officers' Pay - Externally Funded 826*** 1331 Transport Car Allowances 826*** 1652 826*** 1790 826*** 1907 Supplies and Services Printing & Stationery Interpreting & Translating Telephones - External 826*** 4083 Transfer Payments Direct Accomodation Support to 16-17 Year Olds 826*** 8044 Income Asylum Seekers 38,950 38,950 270 270 90 12,560 340 12,990 313,640 313,640 Cr Cr TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGET 239,200 239,200 126,650 TOTAL NET BUDGET 126,650 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 826000 - Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children 826002 - UASC - 16 & 17 Years 826900 - Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children 68 Children's Social Care Care and Resources Family Placement Service Budget Manager - Ian Leadbetter Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 833*** 0100 833*** 0102 833*** 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Leased Cars 833*** 1321 833*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 833*** 833*** 833*** 833*** 833*** 833*** 833*** 833*** 833*** 833*** 1661 1769 2001 2151 2156 2629 2656 2662 2663 2664 Supplies and Services Carers' Newsletters Adopters' Agency Fees Grants & Subscriptions Publicity Miscellaneous Expenses Promotion of Foster Care Fostering Mentor Scheme Carers Training Assessments 24hr Emergency Support 833*** 833*** 833*** 833*** 833*** 833*** 833*** 833*** 833*** 833*** 833*** 833*** 833*** 833*** 833*** 833*** 3535 3702 3703 3707 3709 3710 3711 3730 3731 3732 3733 3747 3762 3764 3766 3767 Third Party Payments Post Adoption Support Adoption Allowances Other Adoption Allowances Set-up Costs - Foster Parents Medical Foster Care Adoption Panel Expenses Fostering Panel Expenses Fostering Maintenance Fostering Professional Fee Additional Fostering Maintenance Allowances Revised Fostering Retainer Allowance Special Guardianship Orders Clothing Escort/Travel Costs Kinship Allowances - Family Placements Residence Orders Allowances - Family Placements 833*** 8662 833*** 9180 1,066,620 64,500 36,780 1,167,900 2,840 8,780 11,620 12,710 62,670 5,720 5,510 5,690 54,020 6,140 9,820 33,090 12,020 207,390 11,460 367,680 20,980 10,560 1,330 9,070 620 1,455,100 1,597,200 51,200 63,020 327,100 560 24,950 349,970 386,270 4,677,070 Income Recovery of Foster Payments-OLA Income from Assessments Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 833*** 5501 14,090 40,920 55,010 6,008,970 Recharges In Support Services SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 18,630 18,630 TOTAL NET BUDGET 6,027,600 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 833110 - Adoption 833120 - Fostering 833900 - Family Placement Service-Unallocable 69 CE Children's Social Care Care and Resources Preventive & Supportive Services Budget Manager - Ian Leadbetter Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 834*** 834*** 834*** 834*** 0100 0102 0111 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Sessional Staff Leased Cars 834*** 834*** 834*** 834*** 834*** 834*** 1162 1202 1203 1223 1241 1273 Premises Tree Maintenance Electricity Gas Business Rates Water Contract Cleaning 834*** 1321 834*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 834*** 1907 834*** 2602 Supplies and Services Telephones - External Family Centre Expenses 834*** 3524 Third Party Payments Acorn Clubs 834*** 4084 Transfer Payments Contact Payments 108,460 76,000 268,180 2,710 455,350 100 2,780 940 11,140 450 5,470 20,880 900 9,490 10,390 2,440 59,810 62,250 16,270 16,270 23,760 23,760 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 834*** 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 834*** 5802 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 834*** 5537 588,900 1,650 1,650 CE 9,000 9,000 CE 10,650 Recharges In Walnuts Boiler Plant SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 8,200 8,200 TOTAL NET BUDGET 607,750 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 834102 - Head of Social Care Services 834502 - Family Support and Contact Centre 70 ECS Children's Social Care - Kay Weiss Referral and Assessment Employees Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Transfer Payments Recharges Out Controllable Budgets 808*** - Placements £ 101,030 2,700 0 0 0 0 103,730 Total Net Budget 103,730 810*** - Assessment 834*** - Preventive & & Family Support Supportive Services £ £ 1,818,700 490,080 10,120 14,880 133,810 0 7,080 510,660 47,280 5,100 0 Cr 18,910 2,016,990 1,001,810 2,016,990 71 1,001,810 Total £ 2,409,810 27,700 133,810 517,740 52,380 Cr 18,910 3,122,530 3,122,530 Children's Social Care Referral and Assessment Placements Budget Manager - Mark Thorn Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 808*** 0100 808*** 0102 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay 808*** 1321 808*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 20,700 80,330 101,030 440 2,260 2,700 TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGET 103,730 TOTAL NET BUDGET 103,730 The Following Cost Centre must be used: 808102 - HoS for Referral and Assessment 72 Children's Social Care Referral and Assessment Assessment & Family Support Budget Manager - Mark Thorn Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 810*** 0100 810*** 0102 810*** 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Leased Cars 810*** 1321 810*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 810*** 810*** 810*** 810*** 810*** 810*** 810*** Supplies and Services Provisions Printing & Stationery Agency/Consultancy Fees Interpreting & Translating Room Bookings No Recourse to Public Funds - Subsistence Placed at Home 1605 1652 1708 1790 2141 2619 2634 810*** 3708 Third Party Payments Additional Costs - Family Placements 810*** 4074 810*** 4077 810*** 4078 Transfer Payments Travel/Assistance for Clients & Families Preventative Payments Client Expenses 1,683,010 112,080 23,610 1,818,700 2,360 7,760 10,120 2,500 2,500 6,090 6,610 4,280 104,620 7,210 133,810 7,080 7,080 6,190 40,410 680 47,280 TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGET 2,016,990 TOTAL NET BUDGET 2,016,990 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 810150 - Referral & Assessment 810180 - Emergency Duty Team 810200 - Common Assessment Framework 73 Children's Social Care Referral and Assessment Preventive & Supportive Services Budget Manager - Mark Thorn Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 834*** 0100 834*** 0102 834*** 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Leased Cars 834*** 1321 834*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 834*** 3292 834*** 3391 834*** 3510 Third Party Payments OXLEAS CAMHS Services Expenditure re: CAMHS Grant Bromley Y CAMHS Services 834*** 4077 Transfer Payments Preventative Payments 834*** 9747 Recharges Out Recharge To Public Health 426,960 60,450 2,670 490,080 920 13,960 14,880 407,950 2,190 100,520 510,660 5,100 5,100 Cr Cr TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGET 18,910 18,910 1,001,810 TOTAL NET BUDGET 1,001,810 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 834120 - Multidisciplinary Adolescent Services 834130 - CAMHS 834160 - Multi Agency Support Hub 74 ECHS Children's Social Care - Kay Weiss Referral and Assessment Childrens Centres Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Income Controllable Budgets Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges/Financing Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 132*** - Centrally 811*** - Community Controlled 136*** - Centrally Vision Nursery and Primary Sch Controlled Special Community Vision Budgets 133*** - Early Years Ed. Budgets Hub £ £ £ £ 1,400,580 0 94,460 0 0 152,850 200 43,430 5,890 0 600 0 47,190 54,200 1,300 18,000 326,810 10,750 0 1,530 Cr 25,620 Cr 30,730 0 Cr 15,370 1,754,850 187,070 96,560 47,590 0 1,610 0 1,610 0 190 0 190 283,350 0 2,039,810 187,260 Cr 15,440 0 2,024,370 187,260 75 0 0 0 0 16,600 113,160 0 113,160 7,710 1,020 12,000 20,730 0 68,320 0 68,320 Total £ 1,495,040 196,480 6,490 120,690 339,090 Cr 71,720 2,086,070 7,710 2,820 12,000 22,530 299,950 2,408,550 Cr 15,440 2,393,110 Children's Social Care Referral and Assessment Childrens Centres Centrally Controlled Primary Sch Budgets Budget Manager - Mark Thorn Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 132*** 0100 132*** 0140 132*** 0241 Employees Officers' Pay Creche Internal Training Expenses 132*** 1321 132*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 132*** 132*** 132*** 132*** 132*** 132*** 132*** 132*** 132*** 132*** 132*** 132*** 132*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Hire/Lease of Equipment Office Furniture Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Photocopier Expenses Promotion & Design Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Hardware Purchase Line of Business Software Publicity Official Hospitality 1501 1504 1505 1651 1652 1657 1658 1906 1907 1924 1933 2151 2157 132*** 3723 Third Party Payments Commissioning 132*** 8129 132*** 9103 Income Contributions from Other Departments Miscellaneous Income 1,307,370 78,210 15,000 1,400,580 290 5,600 5,890 3,000 900 4,000 190 10,000 3,500 3,000 1,100 7,700 3,000 6,900 2,600 1,300 47,190 326,810 326,810 Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 132*** 2160 1,754,850 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 1,610 1,610 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 132*** 5501 132*** 5660 132*** 9529 20,500 5,120 25,620 CE 1,610 Recharges In Support Services Third Floor Central Library Recharge SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 243,380 39,970 283,350 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 2,039,810 Recharges Out Support to Members SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 15,440 15,440 2,024,370 The Following Cost Centre must be used: 132561 - Primary Central - Children's Project 76 CE ECS CE Children's Social Care Referral and Assessment Childrens Centres Early Years Budget Manager - Mark Thorn Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 133*** 133*** 133*** 133*** 133*** 133*** 133*** 133*** 133*** 1183 1185 1202 1203 1223 1241 1272 1273 1276 Premises Improvements & Alterations Grounds Maintenance Contract Electricity Gas Business Rates Water Window Cleaning Contract Cleaning Clearing Rubbish & Refuse 133*** 133*** 133*** 133*** 133*** 133*** 133*** 133*** 133*** 133*** 133*** 133*** 1504 1505 1506 1507 1605 1651 1652 1657 1752 1907 1924 2157 Supplies and Services Hire/Lease of Equipment Office Furniture Materials Educational Equipment Provisions Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Photocopier Expenses Security Of Premises Telephones - External Hardware Purchase Official Hospitality 133*** 3651 Third Party Payments Waste Handling - Contractor Charges 133*** 9103 Income Miscellaneous Income 44,530 7,860 19,670 11,260 31,760 1,600 600 32,170 3,400 152,850 1,300 7,100 8,900 11,000 1,600 1,300 9,400 1,300 1,800 6,000 4,300 200 54,200 10,750 10,750 Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 133*** 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 30,730 30,730 187,070 190 190 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 190 187,260 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 133603 - Blenheim Children Centre 133604 - Biggin Hill CC 133605 - Burnt Ash Children Centre 133613 - Castlecombe Children Centre 133615 - Cotmandene Children Centre 77 CE Children's Social Care Referral and Assessment Childrens Centres Centrally Controlled Special Ed. Budgets Budget Manager - Mark Thorn Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 136*** 0100 136*** 0241 Employees Officers' Pay Training Expenses 136*** 1222 Premises Rents 136*** 1331 Transport Car Allowances 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** Supplies and Services Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Telephones - External Information Leaflets Miscellaneous Expenses Official Hospitality 1651 1907 2152 2156 2157 93,460 1,000 94,460 200 200 600 600 400 500 200 100 100 1,300 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 136*** 5501 96,560 Recharges In Support Services SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 16,600 16,600 TOTAL NET BUDGET 113,160 The Following Cost Centre must be used: 136590 - Parent Partnership 78 CE Children's Social Care Referral and Assessment Childrens Centres Community Vision Nursery and Community Vision Hub Budget Manager - Mark Thorn Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 811*** 811*** 811*** 811*** 811*** 811*** 811*** 811*** 811*** 1183 1185 1202 1203 1223 1241 1272 1273 1276 Premises Improvements & Alterations Grounds Maintenance Contract Electricity Gas Business Rates Water Window Cleaning Contract Cleaning Clearing Rubbish & Refuse 811*** 811*** 811*** 811*** 811*** 811*** 811*** 811*** 811*** 811*** 811*** 811*** 1504 1505 1506 1507 1605 1651 1652 1657 1752 1907 1924 2157 Supplies and Services Hire/Lease of Equipment Office Furniture Materials Educational Equipment Provisions Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Photocopier Expenses Security Of Premises Telephones - External Hardware Purchase Official Hospitality 811*** 3651 Third Party Payments Waste Handling - Contractor Charges 811*** 9103 Income Miscellaneous Income 15,000 1,330 6,970 2,560 2,560 500 200 12,810 1,500 43,430 1,000 3,100 3,300 3,000 400 500 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,500 1,000 200 18,000 1,530 1,530 Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 811*** 1109 811*** 1111 811*** 1116 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Water Treatment Works 811*** 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 811*** 5802 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 15,370 15,370 47,590 5,390 1,750 570 7,710 CE CE CE 1,020 1,020 CE 12,000 12,000 CE 20,730 68,320 The Following Cost Centre must be used: 811900 - Community Vision Hub 79 Children's Social Care - Kay Weiss Safeguarding and Care Planning Employees Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Transfer Payments Income Controllable Budgets 808*** - Placements £ 0 0 70,050 456,460 0 0 526,510 810*** - Assessment 834*** - Preventive & & Family Support Supportive Services £ £ 2,318,220 0 28,300 0 1,520 105,480 5,120 0 75,480 0 Cr 15,000 0 2,413,640 105,480 Total £ 2,318,220 28,300 177,050 461,580 75,480 Cr 15,000 3,045,630 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Property Rental Income Non-Controllable Budgets 0 0 0 0 0 0 23,690 Cr 5,520 18,170 23,690 Cr 5,520 18,170 Recharges In 0 0 60,550 60,550 526,510 2,413,640 184,200 3,124,350 Total Net Budget 80 Children's Social Care Safeguarding and Care Planning Placements Budget Manager - Susan Phillips Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 808*** 2646 808*** 2663 Supplies and Services Community Based Parental Assessment Assessments 808*** 808*** 808*** 808*** Third Party Payments Placements for Families Family Conference Additional Costs - Family Placements Practice/Medical Assessments 3509 3695 3708 3763 28,120 41,930 70,050 280,630 62,760 73,880 39,190 456,460 TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGET 526,510 TOTAL NET BUDGET 526,510 The Following Cost Centre must be used: 808160 - Placements - Public Law Outline 81 Children's Social Care Safeguarding and Care Planning Assessment & Family Support Budget Manager - Susan Phillips Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 810*** 810*** 810*** 810*** 0100 0102 0180 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Officers' Pay - Externally Funded Leased Cars 810*** 1321 810*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 810*** 2634 Supplies and Services Placed at Home 810*** 3708 Third Party Payments Additional Costs - Family Placements 810*** 4074 810*** 4077 810*** 4078 Transfer Payments Travel/Assistance for Clients & Families Preventative Payments Client Expenses 810*** 8129 Income Contributions from Other Departments 2,059,660 198,060 15,000 45,500 2,318,220 2,600 25,700 28,300 1,520 1,520 5,120 5,120 11,240 63,700 540 75,480 Cr Cr TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGET 15,000 15,000 2,413,640 TOTAL NET BUDGET 2,413,640 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 810102 - HoS for Safeguarding & Care Planning 810120 - Safeguarding Children West 810160 - Safeguarding Children East 82 Children's Social Care Safeguarding and Care Planning Preventive & Supportive Services Budget Manager - Susan Phillips Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 834*** 834*** 834*** 834*** 1771 1772 1773 2651 Supplies and Services Day Nurseries Play Groups Childminding CIN Playschemes 27,820 12,650 30,640 34,370 105,480 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 834*** 834*** 834*** 834*** 1109 1111 1112 1116 834*** 9002 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works Property Rental Income Rent of Commercial Premises/Halls Cr Cr SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 834*** 5636 105,480 16,290 5,260 1,000 1,140 23,690 CE CE CE CE 5,520 5,520 CE 18,170 Recharges In Occupational Therapy re Prevention & Support SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 60,550 60,550 TOTAL NET BUDGET 184,200 The Following Cost Centre must be used: 834900 - Specialist Family Support - Unallocable 83 ECHS Children's Social Care - Kay Weiss Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Employees Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Recharges In Income Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 810*** - Assessment & Family Support £ 1,149,790 11,080 63,650 82,450 74,770 Cr 28,300 1,353,440 Total £ 1,149,790 11,080 63,650 82,450 74,770 Cr 28,300 1,353,440 2,494,290 2,494,290 3,847,730 3,847,730 Cr 56,460 Cr 56,460 3,791,270 3,791,270 84 Children's Social Care Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Assessment & Family Support Budget Manager - Julie Daly Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 810*** 810*** 810*** 810*** 810*** 0100 0102 0180 0251 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Officers' Pay - Externally Funded Staff Advertising Leased Cars 810*** 1321 810*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 810*** 810*** 810*** 810*** 810*** 810*** 810*** 810*** 810*** 810*** 810*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Uniforms Printing & Stationery Postages & Stamp Duties Conference Expenses Subsistence Grants & Subscriptions Contributions to BSCB Miscellaneous Expenses Official Hospitality Special Scheme 1501 1632 1652 1906 1981 1983 2001 2062 2156 2157 5000 716,460 374,720 28,300 23,910 6,400 1,149,790 890 10,190 11,080 1,950 40 6,020 13,530 30 50 7,690 16,850 910 340 16,240 63,650 810*** 3415 810*** 3685 810*** 3719 Third Party Payments C&F Forum - SLA Independent Visitors Scheme Voice of Child in Care Advocacy 810*** 5523 Recharges In Social Care Workforce Recharge to Children's Social Care 810*** 8129 Income Contributions from Other Departments 5,650 70,220 6,580 82,450 74,770 74,770 Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 810*** 810*** 810*** 810*** 810*** 5501 5510 5520 5604 5607 28,300 28,300 1,353,440 Recharges In Support Services Administration Buildings Computer Charges Strategic & Support Services E&CS Learning and Development SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 402,170 443,990 837,350 710,580 100,200 2,494,290 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 810*** 9672 ECHS CE CE CE 3,847,730 Recharges Out Children's Social Care Recharge to Adult MH for Emergency Duty Service SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr Cr 56,460 56,460 3,791,270 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 810101 - AD Safeguarding and Social Care 810104 - CSC Business Support 810170 - Quality Assurance 810900 - Assessment & Family Support - Unallocable 85 ECHS Commissioning - Lorna Blackwood Commissioning 813*** Commissioning Division Employees Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Transfer Payments Recharges In Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Supplies and Services - Insurance Non-Controllable Budgets 816003 - Taxicard £ 2,132,660 6,320 68,330 999,210 0 55,000 Cr 217,650 Cr 345,350 2,698,520 £ 0 0 0 0 34,600 0 0 0 34,600 817*** - Carers Strategy Total £ 0 0 47,740 587,420 0 327,760 0 0 962,920 £ 2,132,660 6,320 116,070 1,586,630 34,600 382,760 Cr 217,650 Cr 345,350 3,696,040 2,700 2,700 0 0 0 0 2,700 2,700 691,580 0 0 691,580 Total Cost of Service 3,392,800 34,600 962,920 4,390,320 Recharges Out Cr 3,392,800 0 0 Cr 3,392,800 34,600 962,920 997,520 Recharges In Total Net Budget 0 86 Commissioning Commissioning Division Budget Manager - Lorna Blackwood Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 0100 0102 0104 0180 0181 0182 0241 0251 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Temporary/Agency Staff Officers' Pay - Externally Funded Officers' Inbucon Pay - Externally Funded Temporary/Agency Staff - Externally Funded Training Expenses Staff Advertising Leased Cars 813*** 1321 813*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 1501 1505 1651 1652 1906 1907 1908 1924 1932 1933 1981 2001 2006 2141 2156 2157 2622 2623 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Office Furniture Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Hardware Purchase Hardware Maintenance Line of Business Software Conference Expenses Grants & Subscriptions Grants to Voluntary Organisations Room Bookings Miscellaneous Expenses Official Hospitality Contract Expenses Contribution to Health 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 3351 3352 3425 3426 3430 3466 3467 3558 3817 3818 Third Party Payments Advocacy Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA) Community Links SLA Bromley Citizens Advice Service SLA Carers Bromley Core and Strategic Partnership BME SLA Direct Payments Contract Direct Payments Contract - Advice & Support Service Healthwatch Independent Complaints Advocacy Service 813*** 5761 Recharges In Healthwatch Recharge 813*** 8065 813*** 8102 813*** 8123 Income Local Reform and Community Voices Grant Contributions from Health Authority Contribution from Health - General 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 9605 9640 9652 9745 9747 9748 9761 9773 1,065,390 765,270 35,390 139,200 92,210 10,000 4,550 520 20,130 2,132,660 2,680 3,640 6,320 3,570 200 200 4,080 70 700 100 260 800 2,720 2,290 2,790 12,810 1,660 9,320 240 4,780 21,740 68,330 5,000 25,000 147,630 160,000 254,070 42,760 42,000 107,310 145,000 70,440 999,210 55,000 55,000 Cr Cr Cr Cr 125,440 32,250 59,960 217,650 Recharges Out ECHS Contracts & Compliance Recharge to Social Care Workforce Cr ECHS Contracts & Compliance Recharge to Former LD & Health Reform Grant Cr ECHS Commissioning Recharge to Former LD & Health Reform Grant (LD management Cr Cr Contracts & Compliance Recharge to Public Health Cr Recharge To Public Health (General) Cr Recharge To Public Health Transition Fund Cr Healthwatch Recharge to Local Reform & Community Voices Grant Cr ECHS Commissioning Recharge to Drugs and Alcohol Cr 36,880 20,000 80,910 39,950 11,860 10,000 55,000 90,750 345,350 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 2,698,520 87 Commissioning Commissioning Division Budget Manager - Lorna Blackwood Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 813*** 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 2,700 2,700 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 5501 5510 5520 5601 5604 2,700 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Housing Solutions Recharge Strategic & Support Services SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 230,170 94,220 179,570 32,280 155,340 691,580 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 813*** 813*** 813*** 813*** 9529 9622 9638 9697 CE CE CE CE ECHS ECHS 3,392,800 Recharges Out Support to Members ECHS Commissioning Recharge to Services Direct Payments Contract Recharge to Children's Social Care Direct Payments Contract Recharge to Adult Social Care SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 48,240 3,195,250 52,310 97,000 3,392,800 0 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 813001 - Senior Management 813002 - Disabilities Commissioning 813003 - Older People’s Commissioning 813004 - Mental Health Commissioning 813005 - Education & Children’s Commissioning 813006 - Business Development, Planning & Management 813007 - Contracts & Compliance 813008 - Placements & Panels 813105 - Mental Capacity Act 813107 - Local Reform and community Voices Grant 813900 - Commissioning - Unallocable 88 CE ECHS ECHS ECHS Commissioning Taxicard Budget Manager - Andrew Crawford Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 816003 4072 Transfer Payments Taxicard Scheme 34,600 34,600 TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGET 34,600 TOTAL NET BUDGET 34,600 89 Commissioning Carers Strategy Budget Manager - Lorna Blackwood Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 817*** 5000 Supplies and Services Various Initiatives 817*** 3534 817*** 3542 817*** 3704 Third Party Payments People with Learning Disabilities Voluntary Sector Support Care Initiatives 817*** 817*** 817*** 817*** 817*** 817*** 817*** Recharges In Older Peoples Services Recharge re Bromley MIND Strategic & Support Services Recharge Mental Health Services Recharge Physical Disabilities Services (Respite) Recharge Older Peoples Services (Respite) Recharge Learning Disabilities Services (Respite) Recharge Mental Health Services (Respite) Recharge 5715 5717 5724 5731 5732 5733 5734 47,740 47,740 14,770 515,130 57,520 587,420 10,690 8,550 24,370 76,670 194,110 5,850 7,520 327,760 TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGET 962,920 TOTAL NET BUDGET 962,920 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 817001 - Carers Strategy - Grant to outside organisation 817009 - Carers Strategy - Physical Disabilities Team 817010 - Carers Strategy - Learning Disabilities Team 817011 - Carers Strategy - Orpington Older People Team 817012 - Carers Strategy - Penge Older People Team 817013 - Carers Strategy, Short Term Intervention 817014 - Carers Strategy, Complex Care 817900 - Carers Strategy - Unallocable 90 ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS Commissioning - Lorna Blackwood Drugs and Alcohol 486*** - Drugs and Alcohol Employees Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Recharges In Income Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Net Budget Total £ 12,130 Cr 53,340 138,230 154,890 Cr 14,600 237,310 £ 12,130 Cr 53,340 138,230 154,890 Cr 14,600 237,310 76,190 76,190 313,500 313,500 91 Commissioning Drugs and Alcohol Budget Manager - Claire Lynn Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 486*** 0104 Employees Temporary/Agency Staff 486*** 1704 486*** 2156 486*** 5000 Supplies and Services Other Hired & Contracted Services Miscellaneous Expenses Savings to be identified 486*** 3705 Third Party Payments Substance Misuse 486*** 5671 486*** 5773 Recharges In Adult Social Care Recharge to Drugs and Alcohol ECHS Commissioning Recharge to Drugs and Alcohol 486*** 8664 Income Substance Misuse - Client Contributions 12,130 12,130 Cr Cr 138,230 138,230 64,140 90,750 154,890 Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 486*** 5501 486*** 5622 30,000 7,410 90,750 53,340 Recharges In Support Services ECHS Commissioning Recharge to Services SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 14,600 14,600 237,310 8,860 67,330 76,190 TOTAL NET BUDGET 313,500 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 486002 - DAT - General 92 ECHS ECHS CE ECHS Commissioning - Lorna Blackwood Learning Disabilities Services Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Recharges In Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets 819*** - Services for People with Learning Disabilities £ 289,740 25,805,640 3,365,040 Cr 2,401,740 Cr 2,667,550 24,391,130 Total £ 289,740 25,805,640 3,365,040 Cr 2,401,740 Cr 2,667,550 24,391,130 Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges/Financing Non-Controllable Budgets 280 1,706,000 1,706,280 280 1,706,000 1,706,280 Recharges In 5,145,090 5,145,090 31,242,500 31,242,500 Total Net Budget 93 Commissioning Learning Disabilities Services Services for People with Learning Disabilities Budget Manager - Lorna Blackwood Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 819*** 2006 Supplies and Services Grants to Voluntary Organisations 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 3407 3501 3502 3545 3614 3618 3701 3802 3821 Third Party Payments Mencap Employment Scheme SLA Nursing - Voluntary Organisations Residential - Voluntary Organisations Day Care - Leisure Domiciliary Care - Various Providers Supported Living Shared Lives Burgess Autistic Trust Contract Respite - Residential 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 5640 5652 5655 5658 5674 5690 5770 5772 Recharges In ECHS Contracts & Compliance Recharge to Former LD & Health Reform Grant ECHS Commissioning Recharge to Former LD & Health Reform Grant (LD management) Recharge from Older People for Reprovision Clients Recharge from LD Respite & Day Services Resources Directorate Recharge for Appointeeship to Former LD & Health Reform Grant Recharge from Care Services to Former LD & Health Reform Grant Recharge for BAT Contract to Former LD & Health Reform Grant Recharge for Learning Disabilities Placements 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 8140 8605 8615 8619 8623 8631 8654 9001 Income Contribution from Health - Free Nursing Care Client Contributions - Residential Voluntary Homes Client Contributions - Shared Lives Client Contributions - Supported Living Client Contributions - Burgess Autistic Trust Block Contract Client Contributions - Respite Care - Residential Independent Living Fund - Care Charges Rent of Dwellings 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 9656 9733 9770 9772 Recharges Out Learning Disabilities Placements Recharge to PCT Funding (Social Care and Health) Learning Disabilities Services Recharge to Carers Strategy Recharge for Contribution to BAT Contract from Former LD & Health Reform Grant Learning Disabilities Placements Recharge to Former LD & Health Reform Grant 289,740 289,740 111,190 406,950 12,326,280 389,290 81,290 10,830,300 684,730 966,730 8,880 25,805,640 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 819*** 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 819*** 5802 819*** 5804 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation Revenue Expenditure Funded by Capital Under Statute (REFCUS) SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 20,000 80,910 808,800 830,630 28,000 88,000 108,700 1,400,000 3,365,040 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 47,040 1,429,980 252,480 304,430 58,700 1,920 266,430 40,760 2,401,740 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 1,153,000 5,850 108,700 1,400,000 2,667,550 24,391,130 280 280 CE 6,000 1,700,000 1,706,000 CE CE 1,706,280 94 ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS Learning Disabilities Services Services for People with Learning Disabilities Budget Manager - Lorna Blackwood Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 819*** 5501 5601 5604 5612 5615 5621 5622 5645 Recharges In Support Services Housing Solutions Recharge Strategic & Support Services Housing & Support Services for Adults with Learning Disabilities Day Care for Adults with Learning Disabilities Care Services Management Costs ECHS Commissioning Recharge to Services Community Equipment to Services for People with Learning Disabilities SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN TOTAL NET BUDGET 117,210 32,280 176,380 1,380,970 2,906,650 25,910 502,960 2,730 5,145,090 31,242,500 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 819130 - Shared Lives 819200 - Supported Living 819201 - LD PCT Reprovision (Former LD & Health Reform Grant) 819900 - Unallocable 95 CE ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS Commissioning - Lorna Blackwood Mental Health Services Employees Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Transfer Payments Recharges In Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges/Financing Property Rental Income Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Net Budget 821*** - Services for People with Mental Health Needs £ 10,720 8,810 5,241,370 58,670 142,730 Cr 506,390 Cr 31,890 4,924,020 Total £ 10,720 8,810 5,241,370 58,670 142,730 Cr 506,390 Cr 31,890 4,924,020 19,600 1,650 21,000 Cr 105,930 Cr 63,680 19,600 1,650 21,000 Cr 105,930 Cr 63,680 675,560 675,560 5,535,900 5,535,900 96 Commissioning Mental Health Services Services for People with Mental Health Needs Budget Manager - Claire Lynn Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 821*** 0104 Employees Temporary/Agency Staff 821*** 1780 Supplies and Services Employment Advice 821*** 821*** 821*** 821*** 821*** 821*** 821*** 821*** 821*** 821*** 821*** 821*** 821*** Third Party Payments Contribution to Health Advocacy Services SLA Bromley Mind Strategic Partnership SLA Benefits Advice Service SLA Forum SLA Day Services SLA Community Links SLA Nursing - Voluntary Organisations Residential - Voluntary Organisations Domiciliary Care - Various Providers Supported Living Community Options Payment to Oxleas NHS Trust (s75) 3241 3350 3377 3389 3412 3413 3435 3501 3502 3614 3618 3644 3648 821*** 4100 Transfer Payments Direct Payments 821*** 5602 Recharges In Housing Options Recharge 821*** 821*** 821*** 821*** 821*** Income Contribution from Health - Free Nursing Care Client Contributions - Nursing Client Contributions - Residential Voluntary Homes Client Contributions - Charging Policy Client Contributions - Supported Living 8140 8602 8605 8608 8619 821*** 9724 821*** 9734 10,720 10,720 8,810 8,810 10,980 68,330 49,830 41,890 4,620 141,420 8,540 84,930 2,079,790 529,810 757,710 59,970 1,403,550 5,241,370 58,670 58,670 142,730 142,730 Recharges Out Mental Health Recharge to Carers Strategy Mental Health Recharge to Carers Strategy (Respite) Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 12,330 9,820 212,170 15,570 256,500 506,390 Cr Cr Cr 24,370 7,520 31,890 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 821*** 821*** 821*** 821*** 1109 1111 1112 1116 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 821*** 5802 821*** 5804 821*** 5807 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation Revenue Expenditure Funded by Capital Under Statute (REFCUS) Government Grants Deferred 821*** 9002 821*** 9012 Property Rental Income Rent of Commercial Premises/Halls Rent - Banbury SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 97 ECHS ECHS 4,924,020 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works 821*** 2160 ECHS 10,930 5,520 2,000 1,150 19,600 CE CE CE CE 1,650 1,650 CE 1,000 100,000 80,000 21,000 CE CE CE Cr Cr Cr 18,010 87,920 105,930 CE CE Cr 63,680 Cr Mental Health Services Services for People with Mental Health Needs Budget Manager - Claire Lynn Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 821*** 821*** 821*** 821*** 821*** 821*** 821*** 821*** 5501 5604 5607 5621 5622 5641 5672 5697 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Strategic & Support Services ECHS Learning and Development Care Services Management Costs ECHS Commissioning Recharge to Services ICES to People with Mental Health Needs Children's Social Care Recharge to Adult MH for Emergency Duty Service Direct Payments Contract Recharge SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN TOTAL NET BUDGET 162,060 14,620 39,720 5,180 385,460 11,810 56,460 250 675,560 5,535,900 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 821130 - Shared Lives Scheme 821200 - Supported Living 821900 - Unallocable 98 CE ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS Commissioning - Lorna Blackwood PCT Funding (Social Care & Health) Recharges In Income Controllable Budgets Total Net Budget 803*** - PCT Funding (Social Care & Health Section 256 Agreement) £ 2,759,190 Cr 2,759,190 0 Total £ 2,759,190 Cr 2,759,190 0 0 0 99 Commissioning PCT Funding (Social Care & Health Section 256 Agreement) Budget Manager - Lorna Blackwood Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 803*** 803*** 803*** 803*** 803*** 5656 5666 5737 5739 5746 803*** 8122 Recharges In Learning Disabilities Placements Recharge to PCT Funding (Social Care and Health) Physical Disabilities Placements Recharge to PCT Funding (Social Care and Health) Care Services Recharge (Various) to PCT Funding (Social Care and Health) Children's Social Care Recharge (Various) to PCT Funding (Social Care & Health) Older People Placements Recharge to PCT Funding (Social Care & Health) Income PCT funding for Social Care & Health (Section 256) Cr Cr 1,153,000 750,000 611,190 18,000 227,000 2,759,190 ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS 2,759,190 2,759,190 ECHS TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGET 0 TOTAL NET BUDGET 0 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 803700 - Investment Plan - Services for People with Dementia 803702 - Investment Plan - Services for People with PD 803703 - Investment Plan - Services for Younger People with LD 803707 - Learning Disability Health Facilitator 803708 - Children's Social Care - Invest to Contain 803709 - Older People Day Opportunities Invest to Save 803900 - PCT Funding (Social Care & Health) Further funding is held in the central contingency 100 Commissioning - Lorna Blackwood Supporting People 749*** - Supporting People Services Third Party Payments Recharges In Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Net Budget Total £ 1,981,780 1,118,110 3,099,890 £ 1,981,780 1,118,110 3,099,890 77,940 77,940 3,177,830 3,177,830 101 Commissioning Supporting People Services Budget Manager - Wendy Norman Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 749*** 3462 Third Party Payments Supporting People Contracts 749*** 749*** 749*** 749*** 749*** 749*** 749*** Recharges In Housing Residential Services Extra Care Housing - Contracted Out Housing Assessment & Resettlement Service Learning Disabilities - Housing & Support Service Extra Care Housing - In-House Service Adult Social Care - Access Workers Homelessness Service 5592 5677 5684 5685 5686 5694 5699 1,981,780 1,981,780 32,270 42,000 203,310 436,450 311,030 25,230 67,820 1,118,110 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 749*** 5622 Recharges In ECHS Commissioning Recharge to Services SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 3,099,890 77,940 77,940 TOTAL NET BUDGET 3,177,830 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 749000 - Supporting People 749100 - Supporting People - Learning Disabilities 749200 - Supporting People - Mental Health 749300 - Supporting People - Extra Care Housing 749400 - Supporting People - Sheltered Housing 749500 - Supporting People - Young People 749600 - Supporting People - Substance Misuse 749700 - Supporting People - Ex-offenders 749800 - Supporting People - Homeless People 749810 - Supporting People - Domestic Violence 749830 - Supporting People - Vunerable Adults 749900 - Supporting People - Unallocable 102 ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS Operational Housing - Sara Bowrey Enabling Activities 741000 - Enabling Activities Total Income Controllable Budgets £ Cr 4,200 Cr 4,200 £ Cr 4,200 Cr 4,200 Recharges In 273,030 273,030 268,830 268,830 Total Net Budget 103 Operational Housing Enabling Activities Budget Manager - Sara Bowrey Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 741000 9055 Income Interest - Mortgages Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 741000 5501 741000 5601 Cr 4,200 4,200 4,200 Recharges In Support Services Housing Solutions Recharge SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 14,770 258,260 273,030 TOTAL NET BUDGET 268,830 104 CE ECHS Operational Housing - Sara Bowrey Housing Benefits 737000 - Housing Benefits Supplies and Services Transfer Payments Income Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Net Budget Total £ 895,970 127,497,170 Cr 129,357,380 Cr 964,240 £ 895,970 127,497,170 Cr 129,357,380 Cr 964,240 3,069,680 3,069,680 2,105,440 2,105,440 105 Operational Housing Housing Benefits Budget Manager - Sara Bowrey Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 737000 2201 Supplies and Services Write Offs 737000 737000 737000 737000 737000 737000 737000 737000 737000 4051 4053 4055 4056 4060 4061 4062 4063 4064 Transfer Payments Rent Allowances Discretionary Rent Allowances Excess Over Model Scheme Non-HRA Rent Rebates - Core & Cluster Non-HRA Rent Rebates – Bed & Breakfast Non-HRA Rent Rebates – Leaving Care Non-HRA Rent Rebates - Traveller Sites Non-HRA Rent Rebates - Orchard and Shipman Non-HRA Rent Rebates - Dabora Conway 737000 737000 737000 737000 737000 737000 737000 737000 737000 737000 737000 737000 8024 8030 8031 8032 8033 8034 8035 8037 8038 8039 8040 8048 Income Non-HRA Rebate Subsidy - DaBora Conway Housing Benefit / Council Tax Subsidy Housing Benefit / Council Tax Administration Subsidy Housing Benefit / Council Tax Overpayment Subsidy Additional Grant for Administration Costs Discretionary Rent Allowances Local Housing Allowance Implementation Grant Non HRA Rebate Subsidy - Core & Cluster Non-HRA Rebate Subsidy – Bed & Breakfast Non-HRA Rebate Subsidy – Leaving Care Non-HRA Rebate Subsidy - Traveller Sites Non - HRA Rebate Subsidy - Orchard and Shipman 895,970 895,970 122,379,530 700,180 28,380 113,080 3,476,780 224,770 205,180 317,990 51,280 127,497,170 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 737000 5501 737000 5595 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 51,280 122,142,130 737,090 1,278,270 86,180 700,170 60,300 113,080 3,440,940 224,770 205,180 317,990 129,357,380 964,240 Recharges In Support Services Recharges in - External (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 3,067,790 1,890 3,069,680 TOTAL NET BUDGET 2,105,440 106 CE CE Operational Housing - Sara Bowrey Housing Needs 744*** Homelessness Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Recharges In Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Supplies and Services - Insurance Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 745*** - Asylum Seekers £ 1,674,240 87,470 18,270 214,850 5,155,210 29,610 Cr 4,184,010 Cr 443,470 2,552,170 £ 0 0 0 2,500 0 0 0 0 2,500 746*** Homelessness Grant & Housing Initiatives and New Homeless Responsibilities £ 244,720 0 3,150 154,300 193,090 0 0 0 595,260 Total £ 1,918,960 87,470 21,420 371,650 5,348,300 29,610 Cr 4,184,010 Cr 443,470 3,149,930 2,740 2,740 0 0 560 560 3,300 3,300 926,920 0 44,180 971,100 3,481,830 2,500 640,000 4,124,330 Cr 329,940 0 0 Cr 329,940 3,151,890 2,500 640,000 3,794,390 107 Operational Housing Housing Needs Homelessness Budget Manager - Sara Bowrey Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 0100 0102 0180 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Officers' Pay - Externally Funded Leased Cars 1,456,750 181,860 32,250 3,380 1,674,240 744*** 1168 744*** 1202 744*** 1241 Premises Ground Maintenance General Electricity Water 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 1301 1302 1306 1321 1331 1380 Transport Use of Transport Fuel & Oil Hire of Vehicles Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances Transport Insurance 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 1652 1704 1709 1790 1903 1908 1981 2070 2157 2613 2635 2636 2637 Supplies and Services Printing & Stationery Other Hired & Contracted Services Professional Fees Interpreting & Translating Maintenance of Computer Equipment Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Conference Expenses Provision for Bad Debts Official Hospitality Furniture Storage Housing Projects Housing Seminars Support & Resettlement Running Expenses 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 3010 3522 3609 3640 3641 3679 Third Party Payments Pest Control Housing Advisory Services Temporary Accomodation Payments - Debora Conway Bed & Breakfast Temporary Accomodation Payments - Orchard & Shipman Supporting People - Resettlement 744*** 5710 744*** 5741 Recharges In Housing Needs Recharge for Choice Based Lettings Housing Needs Recharge for Traveller Sites 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 8101 8123 8311 9008 9009 9011 9192 Income Private Sector Contibutions Contribution from Health - General Income from Broomleigh Bed & Breakfast Temporary Accomodation - Orchard & Shipman Temporary Accommodation - DaBora Conway Gypsy Site Fee Income 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 9602 9684 9699 9710 9741 Recharges Out MIG to Social Services Support & Resettlement Recharge from Housing Recharge to Supporting People Housing Needs Recharge for Choice Based Lettings Housing Needs Recharge for Traveller Sites 82,400 3,070 2,000 87,470 200 1,600 5,240 700 10,290 240 18,270 7,130 31,430 4,000 1,500 38,220 850 700 100,000 240 18,500 2,490 800 8,990 214,850 3,070 39,160 51,280 4,740,180 317,990 3,530 5,155,210 20,900 8,710 29,610 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 108 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 27,800 32,250 34,270 3,515,240 317,990 51,280 205,180 4,184,010 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 142,730 203,310 67,820 20,900 8,710 443,470 2,552,170 ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS ECHS Housing Needs Homelessness Budget Manager - Sara Bowrey Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 744*** 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 2,740 2,740 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 744*** 5501 5510 5520 5595 5604 5607 2,740 Recharges In Support Services Administration Buildings Computer Charges Recharges in - External (R&R) Strategic & Support Services ECHS Learning and Development SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 284,010 93,540 178,200 2,370 363,740 5,060 926,920 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 744*** 9529 744*** 9601 CE CE CE CE CE ECHS ECHS 3,481,830 Recharges Out Support to Members Housing Solutions Recharge to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 7,120 322,820 329,940 3,151,890 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 744000 - Homelessness 744001 - Housing Options & Assessments 744003 - Housing Solutions 744006 - Homelessness-Bed & Breakfast 744008 - Support & Resettlement Service 744010 - Homelessness - Choice Based Lettings 744015 - Housing Needs - Gypsy Site Maintenance 744102 - Homelessness - Principal Hsg Manager 744900 - Homelessness-Unallocable 109 CE ECHS Operational Housing Housing Needs Asylum Seekers Budget Manager - Sara Bowrey Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 745*** 2618 Supplies and Services Refugee Subsistence 2,500 2,500 TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGET 2,500 TOTAL NET BUDGET 2,500 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 745000 - Asylum Seekers 745001 - Asylum Seekers - Families 745002 - Asylum Seekers - Adults 110 Operational Housing Housing Needs Homelessness Grant & Housing Initiatives and New Homeless Responsibilities Budget Manager - Sara Bowrey Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 746*** 0100 746*** 0241 Employees Officers' Pay Training Expenses 746*** 1321 746*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 746*** 746*** 746*** 746*** 746*** 746*** 746*** 746*** 746*** 746*** 1651 1652 1704 1709 1908 1911 1981 2001 2151 2156 Supplies and Services Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Other Hired & Contracted Services Professional Fees Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Adhoc Computer Work Conference Expenses Grants & Subscriptions Publicity Miscellaneous Expenses 746*** 746*** 746*** 746*** 3773 3774 3775 3779 Third Party Payments Rent Deposit Scheme Homeless Prevention Sanctuary Scheme Under Occupation, Out of Borough 241,720 3,000 244,720 150 3,000 3,150 300 2,000 53,000 27,500 800 55,000 500 6,200 3,000 6,000 154,300 95,000 50,090 25,000 23,000 193,090 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 746*** 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 560 560 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 746*** 5510 746*** 5520 595,260 CE 560 Recharges In Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 15,210 28,970 44,180 TOTAL NET BUDGET 640,000 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 746000 - Homelessness Grant & Housing Initiatives and New Homeless Responsibilities 746006 - Mortgage Rescue Scheme 746008 - Preventing Repossessions Fund 746010 - Invest to Save Initiatives 746150 - Homelessness Grant & Housing Initiatives - Additional Homelessness Prevention Grant 746900 - Homelessness Grant & Housing Initiatives - Unallocable 111 CE CE Strategic and Business Support Service - Anne Watts Performance & Information Employees Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Recharges In Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Supplies and Services - Insurance Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 801*** - Learning & 805*** - Strategic and Development - Social Business Support Care Workforce Service £ £ 434,760 1,439,600 0 4,130 51,460 884,000 0 173,320 36,880 0 Cr 65,000 Cr 39,950 Cr 74,770 Cr 45,790 383,330 2,415,310 Total £ 1,874,360 4,130 935,460 173,320 36,880 Cr 104,950 Cr 120,560 2,798,640 320 320 1,730 1,730 2,050 2,050 68,150 381,270 449,420 451,800 2,798,310 3,250,110 Cr 451,800 Cr 2,562,280 Cr 3,014,080 236,030 236,030 0 112 Strategic and Business Support Service Performance & Information Learning & Development - Social Care Workforce Budget Manager - Antoinette Thorne Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 801*** 801*** 801*** 801*** 0100 0105 0241 0257 Employees Officers' Pay Casual Staff Training Expenses Recruitment & Retention Initiative 801*** 801*** 801*** 801*** 1525 1982 2141 5000 Supplies and Services Training Equipment & Materials Car Park Fees Room Bookings Special Scheme 140,600 2,500 276,660 15,000 434,760 3,740 120 7,600 40,000 51,460 801*** 5605 Recharges In ECHS Contracts & Compliance Recharge to Social Care Workforce 801*** 8101 801*** 9124 Income Private Sector Contributions Training Income 801*** 9523 Recharges Out Social Care Workforce Recharge to Children's Social Care 36,880 36,880 Cr Cr Cr 15,000 50,000 65,000 Cr Cr 74,770 74,770 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 801*** 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 320 320 CE 320 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 38,960 8,770 20,420 68,150 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 801*** 9607 CE 383,330 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 801*** 5501 801*** 5510 801*** 5520 ECHS 451,800 Recharges Out ECHS Learning and Development to Services SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 451,800 451,800 0 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 801160 - Social Care Workforce Training for Adult Services 801165 - Learning & Development - Private & Voluntary Organisations Training 801170 - Social Care Workforce Training for Children Services 801180 - Learning & Development Social Work Placement 113 CE CE CE Strategic and Business Support Service Performance & Information Strategic and Business Support Service Budget Manager - Anne Watts Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** 0100 0102 0180 0181 0241 0251 0252 0254 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Officers' Pay - Grant Funded Officers' Inbucon Pay - Grant Funded Training Expenses Staff Advertising Candidates' Expenses Relocation Expenses Leased Cars 805*** 1321 805*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Office Furniture Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Promotion & Design Agency/Consultancy Fees Criminal Records Bureau Costs Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Hardware Purchase Hardware Maintenance Line of Business Software Other IT Services Conference Expenses Car Park Fees Grants & Subscriptions Room Bookings Publicity Miscellaneous Expenses Official Hospitality Special Scheme 1501 1505 1651 1652 1658 1708 1796 1906 1907 1908 1924 1932 1933 1935 1981 1982 2001 2141 2151 2156 2157 5000 778,260 557,340 59,050 9,210 2,480 28,190 210 1,090 3,770 1,439,600 1,940 2,190 4,130 8,850 2,050 930 10,730 1,000 5,810 31,860 32,630 2,000 10,280 14,970 1,020 165,090 9,980 2,900 22,810 10,190 400 4,490 26,640 960 518,410 884,000 805*** 3667 Third Party Payments Other IT Support 805*** 9142 Income Income from Community/Voluntary Controlled Schools 805*** 9717 805*** 9747 Recharges Out Recharge Strategic to Carers Grant Recharge To Public Health 173,320 173,320 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 805*** 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 5501 5510 5520 5595 39,950 39,950 Cr Cr Cr 8,550 37,240 45,790 ECHS ECHS 2,415,310 1,730 1,730 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 805*** 805*** 805*** 805*** Cr Cr CE 1,730 Recharges In Support Services Administration Buildings Computer Charges Recharges in - External (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 172,880 72,030 133,520 2,840 381,270 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 2,798,310 114 CE CE CE CE Performance & Information Strategic and Business Support Service Budget Manager - Anne Watts Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 805*** 9529 805*** 9604 Recharges Out Support to Members Strategic & Support Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 86,100 2,476,180 2,562,280 236,030 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 805000 - Strategic Development & Performance 805001 - Director of ECS 805002 - Assistant Director 805003 - Management Team 805004 - Information Services 805005 - Performance and Business Planning, Adult Social Care and Housing 805006 - Performance and Research, Education and Children’s Services 805333 - Trading Account – Performance & Research 115 CE ECHS Strategic and Business Support Service - Anne Watts Quality Assurance Employees Supplies and Services Controllable Budgets Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 805*** - Strategic and Business Support Service £ 219,050 11,830 230,880 Total £ 219,050 11,830 230,880 230,880 230,880 Cr 101,130 Cr 101,130 129,750 129,750 116 Strategic and Business Support Service Quality Assurance Budget Manager - Aileen Stamate Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 805*** 0100 Employees Officers' Pay 805*** 2156 805*** 2604 Supplies and Services Miscellaneous Expenses Social Services Clients' Complaints Investigation Costs 805*** 9604 219,050 219,050 190 11,640 11,830 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 230,880 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 230,880 Recharges Out Strategic & Support Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 101,130 101,130 129,750 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 805007 - Quality Assurance 805008 - Complaints Team 117 ECHS 118 Education Division - Tessa Moore Access Total 121*** - Access £ 3,612,500 64,380 113,500 247,080 13,345,960 706,250 Cr 1,232,360 Cr 15,409,580 1,447,730 £ 3,612,500 64,380 113,500 247,080 13,345,960 706,250 Cr 1,232,360 Cr 15,409,580 1,447,730 12,970 3,250 16,220 12,970 3,250 16,220 1,113,720 1,113,720 Total Cost of Service 2,577,670 2,577,670 Recharges Out Cr 2,577,670 Cr 2,577,670 Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Recharges In Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Supplies and Services - Insurance Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Net Budget 0 0 119 Education Division Access Oracle Code 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 0100 0102 0104 0180 0183 0184 0187 0241 0242 0251 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Temporary/Agency Staff Officers' Pay - Grant Funded Teachers - Grant Funded Supply & Sessional Teachers - Grant Funded Classroom Assistants - Grant Funded Training Expenses Training Expenses - Travel & Subsistence Staff Advertising 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 1115 1202 1203 1223 1241 1271 1273 1276 Premises Tenant Maintenance - All Works Electricity Gas Business Rates Water Cleaning Materials Contract Cleaning Clearing Rubbish & Refuse 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 1301 1321 1331 1341 1345 1346 Transport Use of Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances Transport Home to School - Cash Assisted Other Pupil Transport Educational Visits 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 1501 1505 1506 1507 1509 1605 1607 1651 1652 1657 1659 1707 1708 1709 1715 1752 1758 1760 1903 1904 1906 1907 1908 1913 1924 1971 2141 2157 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Office Furniture Materials Educational Equipment Educational School Books Provisions School Meals Contracts Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Photocopier Expenses Marketing Cash Collection / Courier Service Agency/Consultancy Fees Professional Fees Examimation Fees Security Of Premises Pupil Assessment Expenses Archiving Maintenance of Computer Equipment Computer Consumables Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers IT Licences Hardware Purchase Education - Staff Free Meals Room Bookings Official Hospitality 120 Budget Holder - Vacant Total Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ DSG 2013/2014 £ RSG 2013/2014 £ 0 0 0 353,840 1,127,330 209,670 105,140 3,480 0 0 1,799,460 1,398,510 288,000 115,450 0 0 0 0 8,880 1,200 1,000 1,813,040 1,398,510 288,000 115,450 353,840 1,127,330 209,670 105,140 12,360 1,200 1,000 3,612,500 0 1,100 2,000 4,700 900 720 0 1,000 10,420 4,000 10,160 9,090 16,860 2,750 60 10,690 350 53,960 4,000 11,260 11,090 21,560 3,650 780 10,690 1,350 64,380 600 140 13,030 0 800 100 14,670 0 3,800 31,990 63,040 0 0 98,830 600 3,940 45,020 63,040 800 100 113,500 20,050 0 200 24,970 1,300 4,500 400 890 12,340 0 0 0 10,000 21,500 1,500 0 0 1,200 730 0 220 4,290 980 15,000 0 1,200 0 540 121,810 8,280 2,000 11,500 9,990 0 32,540 0 1,240 10,750 1,500 1,000 2,000 0 600 0 2,000 25,190 0 0 950 2,200 7,130 2,400 0 1,000 0 3,000 0 125,270 28,330 2,000 11,700 34,960 1,300 37,040 400 2,130 23,090 1,500 1,000 2,000 10,000 22,100 1,500 2,000 25,190 1,200 730 950 2,420 11,420 3,380 15,000 1,000 1,200 3,000 540 247,080 Access Oracle Code 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 3155 3544 3651 3723 3752 3753 3754 3755 3756 3757 Third Party Payments Vocational Courses Commissioning Waste Handling - Contractor Charges Commissioning First Half Summer Term - Nurseries Second Half Summer Term - Nurseries First Half Autumn Term - Nurseries Second Half Autumn Term - Nurseries First Half Spring Term - Nurseries Second Half Spring Term - Nurseries 121*** 5581 Recharges In Recharge from Services to Trading Account 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** Income Fees & Charges - General Miscellaneous Income Income from Community/Voluntary Controlled Schools Income from Independent Schools 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 8301 9103 9142 9171 9581 9585 9791 9794 9795 9797 Recharges Out Recharge to Trading Account from Services Behavioural Service Support Recharge for SEN Recharge to Other Strategic Functions - Access (DSG) Recharge to Primary Schools (DSG) Recharge to Secondary Schools (DSG) Recharge to Early Years (DSG) 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 1109 1111 1112 1116 121*** 2160 5501 5510 5520 5530 5553 5591 5595 5604 5622 5660 9529 9541 9542 9547 9781 360,870 51,590 2,240 2,781,570 1,906,680 1,717,660 1,485,060 2,064,130 1,436,780 1,539,380 13,345,960 632,820 632,820 73,430 73,430 706,250 706,250 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 632,820 Cr 211,000 259,450 562,460 719,540 12,950,880 15,336,150 Cr 73,430 0 0 0 0 0 73,430 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable Recharges In Support Services Administration Buildings Computer Charges Grounds Maintenance Use of Central Depot Recharges In - External (ECS) Recharges in - External (CE) Strategic & Support Services ECHS Commissioning Recharge to Services Third Floor Central Library Recharge SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN Recharges Out Support to Members Cr Recharge to Other Strategic Functions - Access Recharge to Other Strategic Functions - Learner Suppor Recharge to Early Years Recharge to Other Strategic Functions - Access (DSG) Cr 121 0 51,590 2,240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53,830 Cr Cr Cr TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 360,870 0 0 2,781,570 1,906,680 1,717,660 1,485,060 2,064,130 1,436,780 1,539,380 13,292,130 230,060 171,370 188,110 0 589,540 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** 121*** RSG 2013/2014 £ 0 0 95,000 547,820 642,820 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS Cr Budget Holder - Vacant Total Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ DSG 2013/2014 £ Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 230,060 171,370 283,110 547,820 1,232,360 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 706,250 211,000 259,450 562,460 719,540 12,950,880 15,409,580 107,660 1,555,390 1,447,730 0 0 0 0 0 8,670 1,740 2,000 560 12,970 8,670 1,740 2,000 560 12,970 CE CE CE CE 890 890 2,360 2,360 3,250 3,250 CE 890 15,330 16,220 230,710 27,680 162,880 0 11,370 0 4,740 40,710 40,300 0 518,390 287,850 35,980 138,450 40 0 17,000 0 47,380 46,920 21,710 595,330 518,560 63,660 301,330 40 11,370 17,000 4,740 88,090 87,220 21,710 1,113,720 411,620 2,166,050 2,577,670 81,190 0 0 0 116,070 Cr Cr Cr Cr 38,150 396,160 576,700 1,155,040 0 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 119,340 396,160 576,700 1,155,040 116,070 CE CE CE ECS ECS ECS CE ECHS ECHS ECS Access Oracle Code 121*** 9784 121*** 9785 121*** 9787 Recharge to Primary Schools (DSG) Recharge to Secondary Schools (DSG) Recharge to Early Years (DSG) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET DSG 2013/2014 £ 101,480 101,510 11,370 411,620 Cr 0 The following cost centres can be used: 121025 - Business Support / Workforce Development 121027 - Education Capital & Facilities Management 121031 - Education Welfare Officers 121034 - Access & Admissions 121200 - Transport 121265 - Primary Central - Pupil Assessments 121333 - Trading Account 122 RSG 2013/2014 £ 0 0 0 2,166,050 0 Cr Cr Cr Cr Budget Holder - Vacant Total Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ 101,480 101,510 11,370 2,577,670 0 Education Division - Tessa Moore Adult Education Centres 117*** - Adult Education Centres Total £ 2,212,840 259,300 3,100 471,600 Cr 3,564,420 Cr 617,580 £ 2,212,840 259,300 3,100 471,600 Cr 3,564,420 Cr 617,580 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges/Financing Non-Controllable Budgets 46,440 11,970 412,000 470,410 46,440 11,970 412,000 470,410 Recharges In 680,850 680,850 Total Cost of Service 533,680 533,680 Recharges Out Cr 18,950 Cr 18,950 Total Net Budget 514,730 514,730 Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Income Controllable Budgets 123 Education Division Adult Education Centres Oracle Code DSG 2013/2014 £ 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 0105 0156 0160 0180 0184 0187 0190 0241 0251 0261 Employees Casual Staff Support Staff Caretakers' Attendance Payments Officers' Pay - Grant Funded Supply & Sessional Teachers - Grant Funded Classroom Assistants - Grant Funded Caretakers & Cleaners - Grant funded Training Expenses Staff Advertising Council Tax Allowance 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 1115 1162 1202 1203 1222 1223 1241 1271 1272 1276 Premises Tenant Maintenance - All Works Tree Maintenance Electricity Gas Rents Business Rates Water Cleaning Materials Window Cleaning Clearing Rubbish & Refuse 117*** 1321 117*** 1331 117*** 1348 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances Student Travelling Allowances 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 1501 1505 1506 1507 1608 1651 1652 1657 1708 1715 1768 1904 1906 1907 1924 1932 1933 2001 2103 2153 2157 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Office Furniture Materials Educational Equipment Refreshment Account Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Photocopier Expenses Agency/Consultancy Fees Examimation Fees Project Expenses Computer Consumables Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Hardware Purchase Hardware Maintenance Line of Business Software Grants & Subscriptions Credit Card Commission Advertising - other than Staff Official Hospitality 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 8026 8028 8204 8207 8301 8305 8352 8354 8877 Income Skills Funding Agency Grant Skills Funding Agency Grant for Further Education Meals & Refreshments Other Sales Fees & Charges - General Advertising Revenue Tuition Fees Nursery Fees Hall/Room Lettings SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 124 Budget Holder - Carol Arnfield RSG Total Dept. 2013/2014 2013/2014 Resp. £ £ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 92,000 5,000 9,000 1,016,650 832,500 40,000 212,690 4,000 500 500 2,212,840 92,000 5,000 9,000 1,016,650 832,500 40,000 212,690 4,000 500 500 2,212,840 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35,000 400 43,000 38,000 400 113,000 10,000 12,000 500 7,000 259,300 35,000 400 43,000 38,000 400 113,000 10,000 12,000 500 7,000 259,300 0 0 0 0 500 2,500 100 3,100 500 2,500 100 3,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42,000 500 5,000 24,000 12,000 7,000 37,000 18,000 2,000 83,000 56,000 6,000 15,000 11,000 30,000 8,000 17,000 75,000 17,000 6,000 100 471,600 42,000 500 5,000 24,000 12,000 7,000 37,000 18,000 2,000 83,000 56,000 6,000 15,000 11,000 30,000 8,000 17,000 75,000 17,000 6,000 100 471,600 0 Cr 0 Cr 0 Cr 0 Cr 0 Cr 0 Cr 0 Cr 0 Cr 0 Cr 0 Cr 663,650 Cr 1,286,290 Cr 10,390 Cr 10,280 Cr 141,380 Cr 2,140 Cr 1,220,370 Cr 179,590 Cr 50,330 Cr 3,564,420 Cr 663,650 1,286,290 10,390 10,280 141,380 2,140 1,220,370 179,590 50,330 3,564,420 0 Cr 617,580 Cr 617,580 Adult Education Centres Oracle Code 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 1103 1109 1111 1112 1116 DSG 2013/2014 £ Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Planned Structural Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works 117*** 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 117*** 5802 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 117*** 5501 5520 5530 5604 5622 Recharges In Support Services Computer Charges Grounds Maintenance Strategic & Support Services ECHS Commissioning Recharge to Services SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 117*** 9529 0 0 0 0 0 0 21,120 8,910 8,910 2,000 5,500 46,440 21,120 8,910 8,910 2,000 5,500 46,440 CE CE CE CE CE 0 0 11,970 11,970 11,970 11,970 CE 0 0 412,000 412,000 412,000 412,000 CE 0 470,410 470,410 0 0 0 0 0 0 308,920 218,110 10,520 72,000 71,300 680,850 308,920 218,110 10,520 72,000 71,300 680,850 0 533,680 533,680 Recharges Out Support to Members SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT 0 Cr 0 Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 0 The following cost centres can be used: 117000 - Adult Education Centres 117401 - Ad Educ-Kentwood 117402 - Ad Educ-Poverest 117403 - Ad Educ-Widmore 117407 - Ad Educ - Widmore Nursery 117426 - Ad Educ - Curriculum Support 117429 - Ad Educ - Kentwood Nursery 117445 - Ad Educ - Social Care Provision 117453 - Ad Educ - Poverest Nursery 117459 - Ad Educ - Family Learning 117462 - Ad Educ - Family Projects (FEMAL) 117471 - Lifelong Learning (PCDL) 117472 - Neighbourhood Learning in Deprived Communities (NLDC) - Moving On 117501 - Adult Skills Budget Q1 117502 - Community Fund Q2 117503 - Non-Funded 125 Budget Holder - Carol Arnfield RSG Total Dept. 2013/2014 2013/2014 Resp. £ £ 18,950 Cr 18,950 Cr 514,730 18,950 18,950 514,730 CE CE ECS ECHS ECHS Education Division - Tessa Moore School Standards 122*** - School Standards Employees Transport Supplies and Services Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget Total £ 461,740 12,720 111,890 Cr 141,000 Cr 330,170 115,180 £ 461,740 12,720 111,890 Cr 141,000 Cr 330,170 115,180 7,160 7,160 7,160 7,160 94,510 94,510 216,850 216,850 Cr 314,790 Cr 314,790 Cr 97,940 Cr 97,940 126 Education Division School Standards Oracle Code 122*** 122*** 122*** 122*** 122*** 0154 0180 0183 0241 0262 DSG 2013/2014 £ Employees Advisors Officers' Pay - Grant Funded Teachers - Grant Funded Training Expenses Leased Cars 122*** 1321 122*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 122*** 1709 122*** 2189 122*** 6342 Supplies and Services Professional Fees Qualifications Family Literacy & Numeracy 122*** 8026 Income Skills Funding Agency Grant 122*** 9793 122*** 9794 1109 1111 1112 1116 5501 5520 5604 5622 9529 9542 9783 9784 177,670 26,770 247,790 3,410 6,100 461,740 460 12,260 12,720 0 0 0 460 12,260 12,720 11,580 1,160 85,000 97,740 14,150 0 0 14,150 25,730 1,160 85,000 111,890 0 Cr 0 Cr 141,000 141,000 Recharges Out Recharge to Other Strategic Functions - Special Education (D Cr Cr Recharge to Primary Schools (DSG) Cr 94,320 235,850 330,170 0 Cr 0 Cr 0 Cr 94,320 235,850 330,170 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works Recharges In Support Services Computer Charges Strategic & Support Services ECHS Commissioning Recharge to Services SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 122*** 122*** 122*** 122*** 97,680 0 0 0 3,350 101,030 141,000 141,000 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 122*** 122*** 122*** 122*** 79,990 26,770 247,790 3,410 2,750 360,710 Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 122*** 122*** 122*** 122*** Budget Holder - Sue Mordecai RSG Total Dept. 2013/2014 2013/2014 Resp. £ £ Recharges Out Support to Members Recharge to Other Strategic Functions - Learner Support Recharge to Other Strategic Functions - Special Education (D Cr Recharge to Primary Schools (DSG) Cr SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 0 115,180 115,180 3,000 1,630 2,000 530 7,160 0 0 0 0 0 3,000 1,630 2,000 530 7,160 7,160 0 7,160 37,190 26,260 6,120 6,060 75,630 9,280 6,560 1,530 1,510 18,880 46,470 32,820 7,650 7,570 94,510 82,790 134,060 216,850 0 Cr 0 Cr 3,620 79,170 82,790 Cr 0 Cr The following cost centres can be used: 122001 - School Standards 122002 - Primary Support Advisory Team 127 20,970 211,030 0 0 232,000 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 97,940 Cr 20,970 211,030 3,620 79,170 314,790 97,940 CE CE CE CE CE CE ECHS ECHS Education Division - Tessa Moore SEN and Inclusion Children's Disability Services Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Transfer Payments Income Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Net Budget 133*** - Early Years £ 21,200 38,000 2,840 474,830 76,870 0 0 613,740 814*** - Homes Children with 834*** - Preventive & Learning Disabilities Supportive Services £ £ 105,500 639,460 0 0 0 13,390 28,630 34,500 721,010 2,260,990 0 431,510 Cr 108,130 Cr 111,570 747,010 3,268,280 Total £ 766,160 38,000 16,230 537,960 3,058,870 431,510 Cr 219,700 4,629,030 59,300 0 373,790 433,090 673,040 747,010 3,642,070 5,062,120 128 Education Division SEN and Inclusion Children's Disability Services Oracle Code DSG 2013/2014 £ 133*** 0100 133*** 0241 Employees Officers' Pay Training Expenses 133*** 1222 Premises Rents 133*** 1321 133*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 133*** 133*** 133*** 133*** 133*** 133*** 133*** 133*** 133*** 133*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Provisions Printing & Stationery Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Conference Expenses Grants & Subscriptions Room Bookings Floating Outreach Service 1501 1605 1652 1906 1907 1908 1981 2001 2141 2649 133*** 3764 Third Party Payments Escort/Travel Costs SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 133*** 133*** 133*** 133*** 5501 5520 5604 5622 Recharges In Support Services Computer Charges Strategic & Support Services ECHS Commissioning Recharge to Services SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN TOTAL NET BUDGET The following cost centres can be used: 133719 - Joint Disability Service - Short Breaks 129 Budget Holder - Mary Cava RSG Total Dept. 2013/2014 2013/2014 Resp. £ £ 0 0 0 20,700 500 21,200 20,700 500 21,200 0 0 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 0 0 0 1,000 1,840 2,840 1,000 1,840 2,840 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 7,500 3,000 500 3,000 500 500 419,130 200 40,000 474,830 500 7,500 3,000 500 3,000 500 500 419,130 200 40,000 474,830 0 0 76,870 76,870 76,870 76,870 0 613,740 613,740 0 0 0 0 0 32,700 15,190 5,730 5,680 59,300 32,700 15,190 5,730 5,680 59,300 0 673,040 673,040 CE CE ECHS ECHS Education Division SEN and Inclusion Children's Disability Services Homes - Children with Learning Disabilities Oracle Code DSG 2013/2014 £ 814*** 0100 Employees Officers' Pay 814*** 1788 Supplies and Services LD Playschemes 814*** 814*** 814*** 814*** Third Party Payments Family Link Playschemes - SLA Physical Disabilities Playscheme - SLA Parents of Children with Disabilities PCT 3421 3439 3530 3769 814*** 8102 Income Contributions from Health Authority Budget Holder - Mary Cava RSG Total Dept. 2013/2014 2013/2014 Resp. £ £ 0 0 105,500 105,500 105,500 105,500 0 0 28,630 28,630 28,630 28,630 0 0 0 0 0 33,270 27,860 44,760 615,120 721,010 33,270 27,860 44,760 615,120 721,010 0 Cr 0 Cr 108,130 Cr 108,130 Cr 108,130 108,130 TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGET 0 747,010 747,010 TOTAL NET BUDGET 0 747,010 747,010 The following cost centres can be used: 814001 - Integrated Children's Disability Service (Hollybank) 814900 - Integrated Children's Disability Service - SLAs and Other Services 130 Education Division SEN and Inclusion Children's Disability Services Preventive & Supportive Services Oracle Code 834*** 0100 834*** 0102 834*** 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Leased Cars 834*** 1321 834*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 834*** 834*** 834*** 834*** 834*** 834*** 834*** 1501 1652 1660 1790 1907 1908 2649 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Printing & Stationery Other Office Expenses Interpreting & Translating Telephones - External Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Floating Outreach Service 834*** 834*** 834*** 834*** 834*** 834*** 834*** 834*** 834*** 834*** 834*** 3504 3606 3610 3630 3701 3704 3706 3746 3748 3749 3764 Third Party Payments Community Homes with Education Specialist Communtiy Homes Boarding Schools Fostering - Independent Fostering - Family Placement Service Care Initiatives Respite/Fostering Allowance LAC Additional Costs LAC Transport LAC Respite Escort/Travel Costs 834*** 4074 834*** 4096 Transfer Payments Travel/Assistance for Clients & Families Disabled Children Direct Payments 834*** 8102 Income Contributions from Health Authority SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 834*** 834*** 834*** 834*** 834*** 5501 5520 5604 5622 5638 Recharges In Support Services Computer Charges Strategic & Support Services ECHS Commissioning Recharge to Services Direct Payments Contract Recharge to Children's Social Care SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN TOTAL NET BUDGET The following cost centres can be used: 834110 - Children's Disabilities Team 834115 - Maximising Independence 131 Budget Holder - Mary Cava Total Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ DSG 2013/2014 £ RSG 2013/2014 £ 0 0 0 0 581,740 57,300 420 639,460 581,740 57,300 420 639,460 0 0 0 2,210 11,180 13,390 2,210 11,180 13,390 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 500 500 30,000 34,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 500 500 30,000 34,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 906,410 587,270 519,160 46,910 60,030 55,530 35,610 5,120 10,080 20,160 14,710 2,260,990 906,410 587,270 519,160 46,910 60,030 55,530 35,610 5,120 10,080 20,160 14,710 2,260,990 0 0 0 1,780 429,730 431,510 1,780 429,730 431,510 0 Cr 0 Cr 111,570 Cr 111,570 Cr 111,570 111,570 0 3,268,280 3,268,280 0 0 0 0 0 0 142,800 66,350 96,660 15,670 52,310 373,790 142,800 66,350 96,660 15,670 52,310 373,790 0 3,642,070 3,642,070 CE CE ECHS ECHS ECHS Education Division - Tessa Moore SEN and Inclusion 136*** - Centrally Controlled Special Ed. Budgets Total £ 4,717,550 187,390 3,928,030 1,221,250 18,518,170 321,430 Cr 210,430 Cr 23,965,090 4,718,300 £ 4,717,550 187,390 3,928,030 1,221,250 18,518,170 321,430 Cr 210,430 Cr 23,965,090 4,718,300 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,486,210 1,486,210 Total Cost of Service 6,205,510 6,205,510 Recharges Out Cr 6,205,510 Cr 6,205,510 Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Recharges In Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Net Budget 0 0 132 Education Division SEN and Inclusion Centrally Controlled Special Education Budgets Oracle Code 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 0100 0102 0117 0118 0119 0155 0180 0183 0184 0187 0188 0189 0241 0251 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Transport Escort Transport Drivers Supervisor/Drivers Psychologists Officers' Pay - Grant Funded Teachers - Grant Funded Supply & Sessional Teachers - Grant Funded Classroom Assistants - Grant Funded Midday Supervisors - Grant Funded Special Support Assistants - Grant funded Training Expenses Staff Advertising Leased Cars 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 1115 1202 1203 1222 1223 1241 1273 1276 Premises Tenant Maintenance - All Works Electricity Gas Rents Business Rates Water Contract Cleaning Clearing Rubbish & Refuse 136*** 1321 136*** 1331 136*** 1350 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances SEN Transport - Contract 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 1501 1507 1509 1651 1652 1708 1709 1760 1790 1905 1906 1907 1908 2141 2156 2157 2507 5000 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Educational Equipment Educational School Books Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Agency/Consultancy Fees Professional Fees Archiving Interpreting & Translating Other I.T Equipment Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Room Bookings Miscellaneous Expenses Official Hospitality Speech and Language Contracts Special Scheme 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 3151 3152 3154 3680 3681 3687 3692 3819 3824 3825 Third Party Payments Recoupment Expenditure - Maintained Day Recoupment Expenditure - Maintained Boarding Recoupment Expenditure - Special Support Assistants Independent School Fees - Day Independent School Fees - Boarding Matrix for Academies Alternative Programmes Mainstream Matrix Bromley College - SEN Support Independent Further Education Providers - SEN Support 136*** 5584 136*** 5585 Recharges In Recharges In from EPS Sold Services Behavioural Service Support Recharge for SEN 133 DSG 2013/2014 £ RSG 2013/2014 £ Budget Holder - Mary Cava Total Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ 0 0 0 0 0 0 352,090 2,179,350 12,650 702,710 38,840 100,380 42,010 500 4,050 3,432,580 394,240 216,260 43,900 20,200 9,000 594,250 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,380 0 3,740 1,284,970 394,240 216,260 43,900 20,200 9,000 594,250 352,090 2,179,350 12,650 702,710 38,840 100,380 45,390 500 7,790 4,717,550 4,300 4,000 2,880 156,000 12,120 1,200 6,420 470 187,390 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,300 4,000 2,880 156,000 12,120 1,200 6,420 470 187,390 300 23,980 330,000 354,280 520 18,430 3,554,800 3,573,750 820 42,410 3,884,800 3,928,030 2,830 336,460 430 0 25,530 16,300 247,020 0 17,240 13,000 3,620 5,940 900 50 300 500 331,120 150,000 1,151,240 7,300 0 0 1,810 2,880 55,000 0 200 0 0 0 2,820 0 0 0 0 0 0 70,010 10,130 336,460 430 1,810 28,410 71,300 247,020 200 17,240 13,000 3,620 8,760 900 50 300 500 331,120 150,000 1,221,250 1,134,220 654,390 400,000 4,624,410 4,668,400 2,216,360 725,200 1,003,360 312,000 2,779,830 18,518,170 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,134,220 654,390 400,000 4,624,410 4,668,400 2,216,360 725,200 1,003,360 312,000 2,779,830 18,518,170 0 211,000 211,000 110,430 0 110,430 110,430 211,000 321,430 SEN and Inclusion Centrally Controlled Special Education Budgets Oracle Code DSG 2013/2014 £ 136*** 8355 136*** 9142 Income Recoupment Income - Transport Income from Community/Voluntary Controlled Schools 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** Recharges Out Recharges Out to EPS Trading Account Recharge to Primary Schools (DSG) Recharge to Secondary Schools (DSG) Recharge to Special Schools (DSG) Recharge to Early Years (DSG) 9584 9794 9795 9796 9797 0 Cr 0 Cr 0 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 136*** 1109 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 5501 5510 5520 5604 5622 Recharges In Support Services Administration Buildings Computer Charges Strategic & Support Services ECHS Commissioning Recharge to Services SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 136*** 9529 9542 9543 9784 9785 9786 9787 Recharges Out Support to Members Recharge to Other Strategic Functions - Learner Support Recharge to Other Strategic Functions - Special Education Recharge to Primary Schools (DSG) Recharge to Secondary Schools (DSG) Recharge to Special Schools (DSG) Recharge to Early Years (DSG) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 0 Cr 930,830 1,023,960 19,968,570 1,931,300 23,854,660 Cr The following cost centres can be used: 136032 - Education Psychologists 136033 - Special Education Needs 136334 - Trading Account Education Psychology Service 136351 - Specialist Support & Disability Services / Panel 136352 - Complex Needs Team 136353 - Special Central-Phoenix Pre-School Services 136354 - Early Support Programme 136355 - SEND Pathfinder 136356 - Consortium Programme 136360 - Outreach and inclusion Service 136375 - SEN - Support in Pre-Schools (SIPS) 136561 - Darrick Wood Primary Provision for Hearing Impairment 136562 - Darrick Wood Deaf Centre (Secondary) 136567 - Pupil Support Services - SEN Support in Mainstream 136568 - Social Communication Difficulties Team 136569 - Sensory Support Service (Griffins) 136586 - Special Central - SEN Transport 136587 - SEN Transport Schools Budget 136597 - Special Central - Other Statemented 136598 - Special Central - SEN Recoupment & Outborough Fees 136599 - Special Central - SEN in Further Education Colleges Budget Holder - Mary Cava Total Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ 100,000 Cr 110,430 Cr 210,430 Cr 110,430 0 0 0 0 110,430 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 100,000 110,430 210,430 110,430 930,830 1,023,960 19,968,570 1,931,300 23,965,090 0 4,718,300 4,718,300 1,000 1,000 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 1,000 472,520 6,820 333,790 77,800 77,010 967,940 151,850 53,500 113,160 175,000 24,760 518,270 624,370 60,320 446,950 252,800 101,770 1,486,210 968,940 5,236,570 6,205,510 78,060 0 0 189,880 206,740 78,010 416,250 968,940 0 134 RSG 2013/2014 £ Cr Cr Cr Cr 55,950 Cr 3,720,130 Cr 1,460,490 Cr 0 Cr 0 Cr 0 Cr 0 Cr 5,236,570 Cr 0 134,010 3,720,130 1,460,490 189,880 206,740 78,010 416,250 6,205,510 0 CE CE CE CE ECHS ECHS Education Division - Tessa Moore Workforce Development & Governor Services 118*** - Workforce Development & Governor Services Total £ 102,860 55,790 600 135,840 80,500 Cr 105,500 Cr 269,980 110 £ 102,860 55,790 600 135,840 80,500 Cr 105,500 Cr 269,980 110 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges/Financing Non-Controllable Budgets 29,270 2,670 49,000 80,940 29,270 2,670 49,000 80,940 Recharges In 44,990 44,990 126,040 126,040 Cr 126,040 Cr 126,040 Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Recharges In Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 0 0 135 Education Division Workforce Development & Governor Services Oracle Code DSG 2013/2014 £ 118*** 0100 118*** 0241 Employees Officers' Pay Training Expenses 118*** 118*** 118*** 118*** 118*** 118*** 118*** 118*** Premises Minor Grounds Improvements Electricity Gas Business Rates Water Window Cleaning Contract Cleaning Clearing Rubbish & Refuse 1167 1202 1203 1223 1241 1272 1273 1276 118*** 1321 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses 118*** 118*** 118*** 118*** 118*** 118*** 118*** 118*** 118*** 118*** 118*** 118*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Educational Equipment Provisions Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Photocopier Expenses Professional Fees Security Of Premises Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External IT Licences Subsistence 1501 1507 1605 1651 1652 1657 1709 1752 1906 1907 1913 1983 118*** 5581 Recharges In Recharge from Services to Trading Account 118*** 9006 118*** 9142 Income Miscellaneous Lettings, Film Rights, etc Income from Community/Voluntary Controlled Schools 118*** 9581 118*** 9793 118*** 9794 Recharges Out Recharge to Trading Account from Services Recharge to Other Strategic Functions - Special Education (DSG) Cr Recharge to Primary Schools (DSG) Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 118*** 118*** 118*** 118*** 1109 1111 1112 1116 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works 118*** 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 118*** 5802 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 118*** 118*** 118*** 118*** 5501 5520 5604 5622 Recharges In Support Services Computer Charges Strategic & Support Services ECHS Commissioning Recharge to Services SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 136 Budget Holder - Carol Arnfield RSG Total Dept. 2013/2014 2013/2014 Resp. £ £ 39,110 2,000 41,110 58,750 3,000 61,750 97,860 5,000 102,860 1,120 6,880 9,100 22,600 4,140 150 9,100 2,700 55,790 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,120 6,880 9,100 22,600 4,140 150 9,100 2,700 55,790 240 240 360 360 600 600 900 800 2,000 80 2,800 2,000 0 80,000 1,400 490 1,560 310 92,340 1,350 1,200 3,000 120 4,200 3,000 25,000 0 2,100 730 2,340 460 43,500 2,250 2,000 5,000 200 7,000 5,000 25,000 80,000 3,500 1,220 3,900 770 135,840 0 0 80,500 80,500 80,500 80,500 0 Cr 0 Cr 0 Cr 0 Cr 53,690 135,790 189,480 Cr 5,500 Cr 100,000 Cr 105,500 Cr 80,500 0 0 80,500 Cr Cr Cr Cr 5,500 100,000 105,500 80,500 53,690 135,790 269,980 0 110 110 15,270 10,470 1,300 2,230 29,270 0 0 0 0 0 15,270 10,470 1,300 2,230 29,270 CE CE CE CE 2,670 2,670 0 0 2,670 2,670 CE 0 0 49,000 49,000 49,000 49,000 CE 31,940 49,000 80,940 0 0 0 0 0 22,120 15,620 3,640 3,610 44,990 22,120 15,620 3,640 3,610 44,990 31,940 94,100 126,040 CE CE ECHS ECHS Workforce Development & Governor Services Oracle Code 118*** 9542 118*** 9544 118*** 9784 DSG 2013/2014 £ Recharges Out Recharge to Other Strategic Functions - Learner Support Recharge to Primary Schools Recharge to Primary Schools (DSG) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr Cr 0 Cr 0 Cr 31,940 31,940 Cr 0 The following cost centres can be used: 118100 - Workforce Development & Governor Services 118333 - Governor Services Trading Account 118334 - Workforce Development Trading Account 118900 - EDC Site Church Lane 137 Budget Holder - Carol Arnfield RSG Total Dept. 2013/2014 2013/2014 Resp. £ £ 45,100 49,000 0 94,100 0 Cr Cr Cr Cr 45,100 49,000 31,940 126,040 0 Education Division - Tessa Moore Education Services Grant 137*** - Schools Budget Grants Total Income Controllable Budgets £ Cr 3,282,000 Cr 3,282,000 £ Cr 3,282,000 Cr 3,282,000 Total Net Budget Cr 3,282,000 Cr 3,282,000 138 Education Division Education Services Grant Schools Budget Grants Oracle Code 137*** 8003 DSG 2013/2014 £ Income Education Services Grant Budget Holder - ECHS Finance RSG Total Dept. 2013/2014 2013/2014 Resp. £ £ 0 Cr 0 Cr 3,282,000 Cr 3,282,000 Cr 3,282,000 3,282,000 TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGET 0 Cr 3,282,000 Cr 3,282,000 TOTAL NET BUDGET 0 Cr 3,282,000 Cr 3,282,000 139 Education Division - Tessa Moore Schools Budgets Supplies and Services Recharges In Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets 132*** - Centrally Controlled Schools Budgets £ 172,170 0 0 Cr 172,170 0 Recharges In 0 Total Net Budget 0 137*** - Schools Budget Grants Total £ 0 130,513,520 Cr 131,944,790 0 Cr 1,431,270 £ 172,170 130,513,520 Cr 131,944,790 Cr 172,170 Cr 1,431,270 1,431,270 1,431,270 0 140 0 Education Division Schools Budgets Centrally Controlled Schools Budgets Oracle Code DSG 2013/2014 £ 132*** 5000 Supplies and Services Special Scheme 132*** 9794 132*** 9795 Recharges Out Recharge to Primary Schools (DSG) Recharge to Secondary Schools (DSG) Cr Cr Cr Budget Holder - ECHS Finance RSG Total Dept. 2013/2014 2013/2014 Resp. £ £ 172,170 172,170 0 0 172,170 172,170 160,100 12,070 172,170 0 Cr 0 Cr 0 Cr 160,100 12,070 172,170 TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGET 0 0 0 TOTAL NET BUDGET 0 0 0 The following cost centres can be used: 132562 - Primary Central-Priority Schools 132603 - Schools Forum Education Division Schools Budgets Schools Budget Grants Oracle Code DSG 2013/2014 £ 137*** 5680 Recharges In Recharge from Services to Dedicated Schools Grant 137*** 8007 137*** 8910 Income Dedicated Schools Grant The Pupil Premium SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 137*** 5780 Recharges In Non-controllable recharge to Dedicated Schools Grant SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN TOTAL NET BUDGET 141 Budget Holder - ECHS Finance RSG Total Dept. 2013/2014 2013/2014 Resp. £ £ 130,513,520 130,513,520 0 0 130,513,520 130,513,520 Cr Cr Cr 128,036,650 3,908,140 131,944,790 0 Cr 0 Cr 0 Cr 128,036,650 3,908,140 131,944,790 Cr 1,431,270 0 Cr 1,431,270 1,431,270 1,431,270 0 0 1,431,270 1,431,270 0 0 0 Education Division - Tessa Moore Other Strategic Functions Employees Transport Supplies and Services Recharges In Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Supplies and Services - Insurance Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 100*** - Other Strategic Functions £ 136,170 720 32,520 407,460 Cr 407,460 169,410 Total £ 136,170 720 32,520 407,460 Cr 407,460 169,410 890 890 890 890 6,542,590 6,542,590 6,712,890 6,712,890 Cr 168,720 Cr 168,720 6,544,170 6,544,170 142 Education Division Other Strategic Functions Oracle Code DSG 2013/2014 £ 100*** 0102 100*** 0241 Employees Officers' Inbucon Pay Training Expenses 100*** 1331 Transport Car Allowances 100*** 100*** 100*** 100*** 100*** 100*** 100*** 100*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Office Furniture Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Agency/Consultancy Fees Telephones - External Grants & Subscriptions Official Hospitality 1501 1505 1651 1652 1708 1907 2001 2157 100*** 5791 100*** 5793 Recharges In Recharge to Other Strategic Functions - Access (DSG) Recharge to Other Strategic Functions - Special Education (DSG) 100*** 9680 Recharges Out Recharge to Dedicated Schools Grant Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 100*** 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 100*** 100*** 100*** 100*** 100*** 100*** 100*** 100*** 100*** 100*** 5501 5510 5520 5541 5542 5543 5604 5622 5781 5783 Recharges In Support Services Administration Buildings Computer Charges Recharge to Other Strategic Functions - Access Recharge to Other Strategic Functions - Learner Support Recharge to Other Strategic Functions - Special Education Strategic & Support Services ECHS Commissioning Recharge to Services Recharge to Other Strategic Functions - Access (DSG) Recharge to Other Strategic Functions - Special Education (DSG) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 100*** 9529 100*** 9780 Recharges Out Support to Members Recharge non-controllable to Dedicated Schools Grant SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr Cr 0 0 0 133,180 2,990 136,170 133,180 2,990 136,170 0 0 720 720 720 720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 230 1,340 50 680 21,390 1,040 7,330 460 32,520 230 1,340 50 680 21,390 1,040 7,330 460 32,520 259,450 148,010 407,460 0 0 0 259,450 148,010 407,460 407,460 407,460 0 Cr 0 Cr 407,460 407,460 0 169,410 169,410 0 0 890 890 890 890 0 890 890 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 116,070 3,620 119,690 5,540 1,950 3,900 396,160 4,552,960 1,460,490 950 950 0 0 6,422,900 5,540 1,950 3,900 396,160 4,552,960 1,460,490 950 950 116,070 3,620 6,542,590 119,690 6,593,200 6,712,890 0 Cr 119,690 119,690 Cr 0 The following cost centres can be used: 100100 - Access 100200 - Learner Support 100300 - Special Education 100830 - Assistant Director 143 Budget Holder - Tessa Moore RSG Total Dept. 2013/2014 2013/2014 Resp. £ £ 49,030 Cr 0 Cr 49,030 Cr 6,544,170 49,030 119,690 168,720 6,544,170 CE CE CE CE ECHS ECHS Education Division - Tessa Moore Early Years 101*** - Nurseries Supplies and Services Recharges In Recharges Out Controllable Budgets £ 1,231,090 0 Cr 1,231,090 0 Total 133*** - Early Years £ 0 16,113,270 Cr 16,113,270 0 £ 1,231,090 16,113,270 Cr 17,344,360 0 Recharges In 0 1,582,660 1,582,660 Total Cost of Service 0 1,582,660 1,582,660 Recharges Out 0 Cr 427,620 Cr 427,620 Total Net Budget 0 1,155,040 1,155,040 144 Education Division Early Years Nurseries Delegated Budgets Oracle Code DSG 2013/2014 £ 101*** 2503 Supplies and Services Schools' Original Budget Share 101*** 9797 Recharges Out Recharge to Early Years (DSG) Cr Cr Budget Holder - ECHS Finance RSG Total Dept. 2013/2014 2013/2014 Resp. £ £ 1,231,090 1,231,090 0 0 1,231,090 1,231,090 1,231,090 1,231,090 0 Cr 0 Cr 1,231,090 1,231,090 TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGET 0 0 0 TOTAL NET BUDGET 0 0 0 Finance use only Education Division Early Years Oracle Code DSG 2013/2014 £ 133*** 5797 Recharges In Recharge to Early Years (DSG) 133*** 9680 Recharges Out Recharge to Dedicated Schools Grant Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 133*** 5547 133*** 5787 Recharges In Recharge to Early Years Recharge to Early Years (DSG) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 133*** 9780 Recharges Out Recharge non-controllable to Dedicated Schools Grant SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr Cr 16,113,270 16,113,270 0 0 16,113,270 16,113,270 16,113,270 16,113,270 0 Cr 0 Cr 16,113,270 16,113,270 0 0 0 0 427,620 427,620 1,155,040 0 1,155,040 1,155,040 427,620 1,582,660 427,620 1,155,040 1,582,660 427,620 427,620 0 145 Budget Holder - Tessa Moore RSG Total Dept. 2013/2014 2013/2014 Resp. £ £ 0 Cr 0 Cr 1,155,040 427,620 427,620 1,155,040 Education Division - Tessa Moore Primary Schools 132*** - Centrally Controlled Primary School Budgets 102*** - Primary Schools Employees Supplies and Services Recharges In Capital Charges Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Capital Charges/Financing Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget £ 0 66,538,210 4,294,540 0 Cr 70,832,750 0 0 0 0 Total £ 511,000 1,675,000 0 83,510 Cr 2,269,510 0 £ 511,000 68,213,210 4,294,540 83,510 Cr 73,102,260 0 24,640 3,372,000 3,396,640 24,640 3,372,000 3,396,640 3,848,110 0 3,848,110 3,848,110 3,396,640 7,244,750 Cr 427,110 Cr 3,396,640 Cr 3,823,750 3,421,000 0 146 3,421,000 Education Division Primary Schools Oracle Code DSG 2013/2014 £ 102*** 2503 102*** 2504 Supplies and Services Schools' Original Budget Share Pupil Premium Budget Share 102*** 5794 Recharges In Recharge to Primary Schools (DSG) 102*** 9680 Recharges Out Recharge to Dedicated Schools Grant Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 102*** 5544 102*** 5784 102*** 9780 Budget Holder - ECHS Finance RSG Total Dept. 2013/2014 2013/2014 Resp. £ £ 62,827,970 3,710,240 66,538,210 0 0 0 62,827,970 3,710,240 66,538,210 4,294,540 4,294,540 0 0 4,294,540 4,294,540 70,832,750 70,832,750 0 Cr 0 Cr 70,832,750 70,832,750 0 0 0 Recharges In Recharge to Primary Schools Recharge to Primary Schools (DSG) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 0 427,110 427,110 3,421,000 0 3,421,000 3,421,000 427,110 3,848,110 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 427,110 3,421,000 3,848,110 Recharges Out Recharge non-controllable to Dedicated Schools Grant SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr Cr 427,110 427,110 0 Finance use only 147 0 Cr 0 Cr 3,421,000 427,110 427,110 3,421,000 Education Division Primary Schools Centrally Controlled Primary School Budgets Oracle Code 132*** 0151 132*** 0152 Employees Teachers Supply & Sessional Teachers/Lecturers 132*** 1933 132*** 2132 132*** 5000 Supplies and Services Line of Business Software Carbon reduction contribution Special Scheme 132*** 5805 Capital Charges CERA Financed by the DSG 132*** 9794 Recharges Out Recharge to Primary Schools (DSG) Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 132*** 1111 132*** 1112 132*** 1116 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works 132*** 5802 132*** 5804 132*** 5807 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation Revenue Expenditure Funded by Capital Under Statute (REFCUS) Government Grants Deferred 471,650 39,350 511,000 0 0 0 471,650 39,350 511,000 90,000 585,000 1,000,000 1,675,000 0 0 0 0 90,000 585,000 1,000,000 1,675,000 83,510 83,510 0 0 83,510 83,510 2,269,510 2,269,510 TOTAL NET BUDGET 0 16,470 5,000 3,170 24,640 0 0 0 0 16,470 5,000 3,170 24,640 CE CE CE 2,902,000 900,000 430,000 3,372,000 CE CE CE 132554 - Primary Central-Special Staff Costs 132558 - Primary Central-Schools Specific Contingencies 132570 - Primary Central-Capital 132574 - Primary Central-Premature Retirement 132582 - Excluded Pupils - Primary 148 2,902,000 900,000 430,000 Cr 3,372,000 3,372,000 3,396,640 3,372,000 3,396,640 0 Cr 24,640 24,640 Cr 0 The following cost centres can be used: 2,269,510 2,269,510 0 24,640 Cr Cr CE 0 24,640 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE Recharges Out Recharge to Primary Schools Recharge to Primary Schools (DSG) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT 0 Cr 0 Cr 0 0 0 Cr 0 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 132*** 9544 132*** 9784 Budget Holder - ECHS Finance RSG Total Dept. 2013/2014 2013/2014 Resp. £ £ DSG 2013/2014 £ 3,372,000 Cr 0 Cr 3,372,000 Cr 0 3,372,000 24,640 3,396,640 0 Education Division - Tessa Moore Secondary Schools 134*** - Centrally Controlled Secondary School Budget 104*** - Secondary Schools Supplies and Services Recharges In Capital Charges Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Capital Charges/Financing Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget £ 4,678,370 1,770,430 0 Cr 1,900,000 Cr 4,548,800 0 Total £ 0 0 83,510 Cr 68,650 Cr 14,860 0 £ 4,678,370 1,770,430 83,510 Cr 1,968,650 Cr 4,563,660 0 3,630 1,004,000 1,007,630 3,630 1,004,000 1,007,630 1,339,630 23,750 1,363,380 1,339,630 1,031,380 2,371,010 Cr 335,630 Cr 1,031,380 Cr 1,367,010 0 0 0 1,004,000 0 149 1,004,000 Education Division Secondary Schools Oracle Code DSG 2013/2014 £ 104*** 2503 104*** 2504 104*** 2523 Supplies and Services Schools' Original Budget Share Pupil Premium Budget Share 6th Form Budget Share 104*** 5795 Recharges In Recharge to Secondary Schools (DSG) 104*** 8026 Income Skills Funding Agency Grant 104*** 9680 Recharges Out Recharge to Dedicated Schools Grant 2,767,570 10,800 1,900,000 4,678,370 0 0 0 0 2,767,570 10,800 1,900,000 4,678,370 1,770,430 1,770,430 0 0 1,770,430 1,770,430 Cr Cr 1,900,000 1,900,000 0 Cr 0 Cr 1,900,000 1,900,000 Cr Cr 4,548,800 4,548,800 0 Cr 0 Cr 4,548,800 4,548,800 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 104*** 5545 104*** 5785 Recharges In Recharge to Secondary Schools Recharge to Secondary Schools (DSG) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 104*** 9780 Recharges Out Recharge non-controllable to Dedicated Schools Grant SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr Cr 0 0 0 0 335,630 335,630 1,004,000 0 1,004,000 1,004,000 335,630 1,339,630 335,630 1,004,000 1,339,630 335,630 335,630 0 Finance use only 150 Budget Holder - ECHS Finance RSG Total Dept. 2013/2014 2013/2014 Resp. £ £ 0 Cr 0 Cr 1,004,000 335,630 335,630 1,004,000 Education Division Secondary Schools Centrally Controlled Secondary School Budget Oracle Code DSG 2013/2014 £ 134*** 5805 Capital Charges CERA Financed by the DSG 134*** 8357 Income Excluded Pupils 134*** 9795 Recharges Out Recharge to Secondary Schools (DSG) 83,510 83,510 0 0 83,510 83,510 Cr Cr 68,650 68,650 0 Cr 0 Cr 68,650 68,650 Cr Cr 14,860 14,860 0 Cr 0 Cr 14,860 14,860 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 134*** 1111 134*** 1112 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management 134*** 5802 134*** 5804 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation Revenue Expenditure Funded by Capital Under Statute (REFCUS SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 134*** 5534 Recharges In Tree Maintenance SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 134*** 9545 134*** 9785 Recharges Out Recharge to Secondary Schools Recharge to Secondary Schools (DSG) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 134554 - Secondary Central-Special Staff Costs 134570 - Secondary Central-Capital 134574 - Secondary Central-Premature Retirement 134581 - Secondary Central-Insurance 134582 - Secondary Central - Pupil Referral 151 CE 0 0 0 1,630 2,000 3,630 0 0 0 1,630 2,000 3,630 CE CE 0 0 0 4,000 1,000,000 1,004,000 4,000 1,000,000 1,004,000 CE CE 3,630 1,004,000 1,007,630 23,750 23,750 0 0 23,750 23,750 27,380 1,004,000 1,031,380 0 Cr 27,380 27,380 Cr 0 The following cost centres can be used: Budget Holder - ECHS Finance RSG Total Dept. 2013/2014 2013/2014 Resp. £ £ 1,004,000 Cr 0 Cr 1,004,000 Cr 0 1,004,000 27,380 1,031,380 0 ECS Education Division - Tessa Moore Special Schools 136*** - Centrally Controlled Special Ed. Budgets 106*** - Special Schools Supplies and Services Recharges In Capital Charges Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges/Financing Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget £ 17,171,670 20,768,570 0 Cr 37,940,240 0 Total £ 0 0 800,000 Cr 800,000 0 £ 17,171,670 20,768,570 800,000 Cr 38,740,240 0 7,950 21,560 413,000 442,510 7,950 21,560 413,000 442,510 534,220 13,700 547,920 534,220 456,210 990,430 Cr 121,220 Cr 456,210 Cr 577,430 0 0 0 0 413,000 0 152 413,000 Education Division Special Schools Oracle Code DSG 2013/2014 £ 106*** 2503 106*** 2504 Supplies and Services Schools' Original Budget Share Pupil Premium Budget Share 106*** 5796 Recharges In Recharge to Special Schools (DSG) 106*** 9680 Recharges Out Recharge to Dedicated Schools Grant Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 106*** 5546 106*** 5786 106*** 9780 Budget Holder - ECHS Finance RSG Total Dept. 2013/2014 2013/2014 Resp. £ £ 16,984,570 187,100 17,171,670 0 0 0 16,984,570 187,100 17,171,670 20,768,570 20,768,570 0 0 20,768,570 20,768,570 37,940,240 37,940,240 0 Cr 0 Cr 37,940,240 37,940,240 0 0 0 Recharges In Recharge to Special Schools Recharge to Special Schools (DSG) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 0 121,220 121,220 413,000 0 413,000 413,000 121,220 534,220 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 121,220 413,000 534,220 Recharges Out Recharge non-controllable to Dedicated Schools Grant SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr Cr 121,220 121,220 0 Finance use only 153 0 Cr 0 Cr 413,000 121,220 121,220 413,000 Education Division Special Schools Centrally Controlled Special Education Budgets Oracle Code DSG 2013/2014 £ 136*** 5805 Capital Charges CERA Financed by the DSG 136*** 9796 Recharges Out Recharge to Special Schools (DSG) Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 136*** 1111 136*** 1112 136*** 1116 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works 136*** 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 136*** 5802 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 136*** 5530 136*** 5591 Recharges In Grounds Maintenance Recharges In - External (ECS) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 136*** 9546 136*** 9786 Recharges Out Recharge to Special Schools Recharge to Special Schools (DSG) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 800,000 800,000 0 0 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 0 Cr 0 Cr 800,000 800,000 136554 - Special Central-Special Staff Costs 136570 - Special Central-Capital 136574 - Special Central-Premature Retirement 136581 - Special Central-Insurance 154 CE 0 0 0 4,890 2,000 1,060 7,950 0 0 0 0 4,890 2,000 1,060 7,950 CE CE CE 21,560 21,560 0 0 21,560 21,560 CE 0 0 413,000 413,000 413,000 413,000 CE 29,510 413,000 442,510 3,500 10,200 13,700 0 0 0 3,500 10,200 13,700 43,210 413,000 456,210 0 Cr 43,210 43,210 Cr 0 The following cost centres can be used: Budget Holder - ECHS Finance RSG Total Dept. 2013/2014 2013/2014 Resp. £ £ 413,000 Cr 0 Cr 413,000 Cr 0 413,000 43,210 456,210 0 ECS ECS Public Health - Dr Nada Lemic Public Health Services Employees Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Recharges In Income Controllable Budgets Total Net Budget 800*** - Public Health £ 1,754,660 3,000 639,600 8,383,480 530,320 Cr 11,311,060 0 0 Total £ 1,754,660 3,000 639,600 8,383,480 530,320 Cr 11,311,060 0 0 155 Public Health Public Health Services Budget Manager - Dr Nada Lemic Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 800*** 0106 800*** 0107 800*** 0110 Employees Public Health - AfC Staff Pay Public Health - Clinical Consultants Pay Public Health - Health Lead Pay 800*** 1331 Transport Car Allowances 800*** 800*** 800*** 800*** 800*** 800*** 800*** 800*** 800*** 1525 1652 1658 1708 1760 1908 1933 1935 5000 Supplies and Services Training Equipment & Materials Printing & Stationery Promotion & Design Agency/Consultancy Fees Archiving Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Line of Business Software Other IT Services Unallocated Budget 800*** 800*** 800*** 800*** 800*** 3242 3500 3600 3604 3648 Third Party Payments Payments to Health Organisations Public Health - Voluntary Organisations Public Health - Private Contractors LES Payments to GP's/Pharmacies Payment to Oxleas NHS Trust 800*** 800*** 800*** 800*** 800*** 800*** 5745 5747 5748 5751 5752 5753 Recharges In Contracts & Compliance Recharge Recharge From Public Health Recharge From Public Health Transition Fund Support Services - Public Health Admin. Buildings - Public Health Computer Charges - Public Health 800*** 800*** 800*** 800*** 8066 8103 8123 8148 Income Public Health - Grant * Contributions from Other Local Authorities Contribution from Health - General Prescribing Reimbursement 1,076,790 625,570 52,300 1,754,660 3,000 3,000 15,000 24,460 3,000 137,590 1,420 1,000 6,270 290 450,570 639,600 1,983,340 2,054,530 3,611,980 669,630 64,000 8,383,480 39,950 77,810 106,000 147,330 34,850 124,380 530,320 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 10,999,800 112,160 106,000 93,100 11,311,060 TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGET 0 TOTAL NET BUDGET 0 * £1.6m Public Health Grant held in Central Contingency The Following Cost Centres must be used: 800110 - Public Health Services - Sexual Health 800120 - Public Health Services - NHS Health Check Programme 800130 - Public Health Services - Health Protection 800140 - Public Health Services - National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) 800150 - Public Health Services - Public Health Advice 800160 - Public Health Services - Obesity 800170 - Public Health Services - Physical Activity 800180 - Public Health Services - Substance Misuse 800190 - Public Health Services - Smoking and Tobacco 800200 - Public Health Services - Children 5-19 Public Health Programme 800210 - Public Health Services - Miscellaneous Public Health Programme 800310 - Public Health Services - PH General Team 800320 - Public Health Services - PH Children's Team 800330 - Public Health Services - PH Intelligence Team 800340 - Public Health Services - PH Clinical Effectiveness Team 800800 - Public Health transition Funding 800900 - Public Health Services - Unallocable 156 ECHS ECHS ECHS CE CE CE LONDON BOROUGH OF BROMLEY FINANCIAL CONTROL BUDGET 2013/14 CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S DEPARTMENT 157 CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S DEPARTMENT Service Area Less Items Total Total Non Allocated to Total Total Cost of Controllable Controllable Other Depts Recharges Service Budgets Budgets Non In 2013/14 Controllable RESOURCES PORTFOLIO FINANCIAL SERVICES DIVISION Financial Services & Procurement Exchequer - Payments & Income Exchequer - Revenue & Benefits Director of Finance and Other Financial Accounting Management Accounting & Systems Procurement Total Financial Services Division £ £ £ £ 1,554,690 5,790,710 185,000 537,610 1,612,520 336,030 10,016,560 700 700 - 362,930 3,040,100 147,360 184,910 871,900 162,730 4,769,930 4,619,720 2,300,000 141,670 Cr 24,580 91,360 2,124,540 2,332,990 330 49,530 Cr 562,210 Cr 512,350 £ Total Net Budgets 2013/14 Recharges Out £ £ 1,917,620 Cr 1,859,950 8,830,810 Cr 7,016,830 333,060 Cr 335,170 722,520 Cr 754,660 2,484,420 Cr 2,517,780 498,760 Cr 499,980 14,787,190 Cr 12,984,370 57,670 1,813,980 Cr 2,110 Cr 32,140 Cr 33,360 Cr 1,220 1,802,820 CORPORATE SERVICES DIVISION Information Systems and Telephony Operational Property Services Client Specific Services Property Services Planned Property Services Reactive Repairs & Maintenance (All LBB) Customer Services & Bromley Knowledge Customer Services and Bromley Knowledge Contact Centre Legal, Democratic & Registration Electoral Services Democratic Services Registration of Birth Death and Marriage Legal Services Facilities Admin Buildings Facilities & Support Management & Other Total Corporate Services Division HR DIVISION Human Resources Health & Safety HR Management HR Strategy and L & D Operational HR Total HR Division 181,940 849,670 1,031,610 - - 362,800 7,282,520 Cr 7,245,750 36,770 45,820 64,940 144,530 255,290 187,490 40,690 285,420 513,600 Cr 186,870 Cr 92,950 Cr 226,340 Cr 506,160 620 Cr 52,260 59,080 7,440 - 43,790 263,840 307,630 225,730 1,113,510 1,339,240 Cr 225,700 Cr 1,052,960 Cr 1,278,660 30 60,550 60,580 Cr 1,562,330 Cr 1,562,330 307,290 1,515,740 Cr 93,900 1,532,880 3,262,010 70 2,660 2,730 - 618,780 630,090 224,220 398,170 1,871,260 926,140 2,145,830 130,320 1,933,710 5,136,000 Cr 328,540 Cr 2,145,530 Cr 1,881,370 Cr 4,355,440 597,600 300 130,320 52,340 780,560 1,758,800 473,060 2,231,860 222,070 222,070 - 785,400 233,840 1,019,240 2,766,270 706,900 3,473,170 Cr 2,566,750 Cr 706,820 Cr 3,273,570 199,520 80 199,600 386,350 Cr 385,830 520 18,130,880 Cr 17,045,410 1,085,470 162,380 13,640,570 2,012,450 - 223,970 Cr 1,562,330 4,040,190 96,670 229,790 386,120 607,650 1,320,230 - - 12,910 131,340 133,270 395,570 673,090 109,580 361,130 519,390 1,003,220 1,993,320 Cr 107,650 Cr 357,170 Cr 569,650 Cr 1,008,530 Cr 2,043,000 1,930 3,960 Cr 50,260 Cr 5,310 Cr 49,680 Audit 738,610 - - 110,810 849,420 Cr 851,520 Cr 2,100 Communications 112,740 - - 35,850 148,590 Cr 148,590 Management and Other (C.Exec) 649,410 420 - 219,140 868,970 Cr 837,790 Mayoral 174,540 6,000 - 160,500 341,040 Cr 341,040 1,675,300 6,420 - 526,300 2,208,020 Cr 2,178,940 29,080 387,820 604,280 Cr 5,269,870 Cr 696,430 Cr 4,974,200 Cr 4,664,790 420 5,269,870 605,500 696,430 696,430 641,820 286,880 928,700 Cr 3,635,150 891,580 Cr 2,743,570 Cr 862,870 Cr 862,870 Cr 3,635,150 28,710 Cr 3,606,440 5,389,280 CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S DIVISION Total Chief Executive's Division 31,180 - TRANSFORMATION & REGENERATION DIVISION Strategic Property Services Investment and Non-Operational Property Strategic Property Services Investment Income Other Rental Income - Other Portfolios Total Strategic Property Services CENTRAL ITEMS (See note 1) CDC & Non Distributed Costs Interest on General Fund Balances 7,612,740 - - Cr 1,591,000 - - Concessionary Fares 9,658,680 - Total Central Items 15,680,420 - TOTAL - RESOURCES PORTFOLIO 37,358,880 2,625,070 158 - Cr 865,900 5,389,280 16,327,490 13,002,020 - 13,002,020 Cr 1,591,000 - Cr 1,591,000 9,658,680 - 9,658,680 21,069,700 - 21,069,700 55,445,540 Cr 35,114,590 20,330,950 CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S DEPARTMENT Service Area Less Items Total Total Non Allocated to Controllable Controllable Other Depts Budgets Budgets Non Controllable £ Total Total Cost of Recharges Service In 2013/14 Recharges Out Total Net Budgets 2013/14 £ £ £ £ £ £ Cr 17,870 - - 87,900 70,030 Cr 6,870 63,160 Cr 7,060 Cr 168,470 581,610 1,126,580 1,532,660 - - 253,940 284,860 1,931,450 627,940 3,098,190 246,880 116,390 2,513,060 1,754,520 4,630,850 Cr 102,380 Cr 51,290 Cr 1,190,340 Cr 488,560 Cr 1,832,570 144,500 65,100 1,322,720 1,265,960 2,798,280 1,514,790 - - 3,186,090 4,700,880 Cr 1,839,440 2,861,440 60,146,420 Cr 36,954,030 23,192,390 RENEWAL & RECREATION PORTFOLIO TRANSFORMATION & REGENERATION DIVISION Housing Strategy & Development Housing Strategy & Development Planning Building Control Land Charges Planning Renewal TOTAL - RENEWAL & RECREATION PORTFOLIO TOTAL - CHIEF EXECUTIVES DEPARTM 38,873,670 2,625,070 Cr 865,900 19,513,580 Total Cost of Income from Service Schools 2013/14 MEMORANDUM ITEMS (See note 2) SOLD SERVICES TRADING A/CS (Net Budgets) Audit (Schools) Trading Account Health & Safety Schools Trading Account Operational HR Schools Trading Account Finance Schools Trading Account Facilities (Caretaking) Schools Trading Account Reactive Maintenance Schools Trading Account Total Sold Services £ £ £ 19,040 29,550 266,060 335,310 86,630 89,620 826,210 Cr 19,040 Cr 29,550 Cr 266,060 Cr 346,640 Cr 86,630 Cr 89,620 Cr 837,540 Cr 11,330 Cr 11,330 Notes 1 These are central budgets but are included within this Portfolio for management reporting purposes 2 Services sold to schools have been separately identified to provide clarity in terms of what is being provided. These accounts are shown as memorandum items as the figures are included in the appropriate Service Area in the Portfolio totals. 159 Total Net Budgets 2013/14 160 Financial Services Division - Peter Turner Payments & Income Employees Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Transfer Payments Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Supplies and Services - Insurance Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Revenue & Benefits £ 795,010 14,080 22,420 774,420 0 Cr 2,070 Cr 49,170 1,554,690 0 0 £ 480,150 1,830 1,847,120 7,704,290 313,020 Cr 4,555,700 0 5,790,710 0 0 Director of Finance & Other £ 156,410 280 36,020 0 0 Cr 7,710 0 185,000 700 700 Financial Accounting £ 413,970 200 162,420 0 0 Cr 38,980 0 537,610 0 0 Mgt. Accounting & Systems Procurement £ £ 1,699,860 194,390 7,710 970 375,420 Cr 15,670 560 255,280 0 0 Cr 372,800 Cr 93,440 Cr 98,230 Cr 5,500 1,612,520 336,030 0 0 0 0 £ 3,739,790 25,070 2,427,730 8,734,550 313,020 Cr 5,070,700 Cr 152,900 10,016,560 700 700 161 362,930 3,040,100 147,360 184,910 871,900 Total Cost of Service 1,917,620 8,830,810 333,060 722,520 2,484,420 498,760 14,787,190 Recharges Out Cr 1,859,950 Cr 7,016,830 Cr 335,170 Cr 754,660 Cr 2,517,780 Cr 499,980 Cr 12,984,370 57,670 1,813,980 Cr 2,110 Cr 32,140 Cr 33,360 Cr 1,220 Total Net Budget 162,730 Total 4,769,930 1,802,820 Financial Services & Procurement - Peter Turner Exchequer - Payments & Income 400*** - Central Department 1 Total £ 795,010 14,080 22,420 774,420 Cr 2,070 Cr 49,170 1,554,690 £ 795,010 14,080 22,420 774,420 Cr 2,070 Cr 49,170 1,554,690 362,930 362,930 Total Cost of Service 1,917,620 1,917,620 Recharges Out Cr 1,859,950 Cr 1,859,950 57,670 57,670 Employees Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Net Budget 162 Financial Services & Procurement Exchequer - Payments & Income Central Department 1 Budget Manager - Claudine Douglas-Brown Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 0100 0102 0251 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Staff Advertising Leased Cars 400*** 1301 400*** 1321 400*** 1331 Transport Use of Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Office Furniture Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Other Office Expenses Other Hired & Contracted Services Microfilming Telephones - External Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Other IT Services Publicity Miscellaneous Expenses Official Hospitality Legal Expenses 1501 1505 1651 1652 1660 1704 1761 1907 1908 1935 2151 2156 2157 2208 717,220 75,660 1,990 140 795,010 130 780 13,170 14,080 2,340 500 200 3,830 1,010 11,440 500 320 440 1,500 70 100 50 120 22,420 400*** 3691 400*** 3693 400*** 3722 Third Party Payments Nursing Homes - Preserved Rights AP Contract Police Checks 400*** 9103 Income Miscellaneous Income 400*** 9674 400*** 9751 Recharges Out Resources Directorate Recharge for Appointeeship (LD & Health Reform Grant) Support Services Charges to Public Health 276,750 497,600 70 774,420 Cr Cr 2,070 2,070 Cr Cr Cr 28,000 21,170 49,170 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 5502 5503 5510 5520 1,554,690 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 182,450 35,330 63,350 81,800 362,930 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 400*** 9501 CE CE CE CE 1,917,620 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 1,859,950 1,859,950 57,670 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 400004 - AP 400008 - Charging, Income & Rents 400022 - Appointeeship and Deputyship 163 CE Financial Services & Procurement - Peter Turner Exchequer - Revenue & Benefits 400*** - Central Department 1 Employees Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Transfer Payments Income Controllable Budgets Recharges In £ 387,150 1,830 641,740 6,812,290 0 Cr 948,710 6,894,300 407000 - NNDR 408000 - NNDR Cost Losses on Collection of Collection £ £ 0 0 0 0 1,197,380 0 0 0 0 213,020 Cr 1,197,380 Cr 373,920 0 Cr 160,900 409000 - Bromley Welfare Fund £ 93,000 0 8,000 892,000 0 Cr 993,000 0 410000 - Council Tax 411000 - Council Tax Support Collection £ £ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 0 Cr 827,330 Cr 215,360 Cr 727,330 Cr 215,360 Total £ 480,150 1,830 1,847,120 7,704,290 313,020 Cr 4,555,700 5,790,710 221,440 0 346,480 0 940,370 1,531,810 3,040,100 Total Cost of Service 7,115,740 0 185,580 0 213,040 1,316,450 8,830,810 Recharges Out Cr 7,016,830 0 0 0 0 0 Cr 7,016,830 98,910 0 185,580 0 213,040 1,316,450 1,813,980 Total Net Budget 164 Financial Services & Procurement Exchequer - Revenue & Benefits Central Department 1 Budget Manager - John Nightingale Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 0100 0102 0251 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Staff Advertising Leased Cars 400*** 1321 400*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Office Furniture Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Other Office Expenses Printing of Cheques Other Hired & Contracted Services Debt Collection and Registration Fees Microfilming Telephones - External Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Hardware Maintenance Line of Business Software Subsistence Grants & Subscriptions Publicity Advertising - other than Staff Legal Expenses 1501 1505 1651 1652 1660 1662 1704 1706 1761 1907 1908 1932 1933 1983 2001 2151 2153 2208 258,590 123,930 760 3,870 387,150 1,210 620 1,830 440 100 230 4,240 80 5,450 5,890 9,420 400 470 10 8,320 600,690 10 3,400 2,340 150 100 641,740 400*** 3668 400*** 3669 400*** 3815 Third Party Payments Revenue & Benefits Contract Payroll & Pensions Contracts Other Contracts 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** Income Additional Grant for Administration Costs Administration Subsidy - Tax Credits Administration Subsidy - Fraud Administration Subsidy - Pension Credits Administration Subsidy - Verification Income from Community/Voluntary Controlled Schools 8033 8086 8092 8095 8096 9142 5,962,320 703,490 146,480 6,812,290 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 5502 5503 5510 5520 6,894,300 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 121,450 24,970 33,390 41,630 221,440 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 400*** 9501 142,000 31,730 91,730 53,970 281,550 347,730 948,710 CE CE CE CE 7,115,740 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 7,016,830 7,016,830 98,910 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 400002 - Benefits & Admin 400003 - Revenues 165 CE Financial Services & Procurement Exchequer - Revenue & Benefits NNDR Losses on Collection Budget Manager - John Nightingale Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 407000 2070 Supplies and Services Provision for Bad Debts 407000 9110 Income NNDR Standard Allowances 1,197,380 1,197,380 Cr Cr 1,197,380 1,197,380 TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGET 0 TOTAL NET BUDGET 0 166 Financial Services & Procurement Exchequer - Revenue & Benefits NNDR Cost of Collection Budget Manager - John Nightingale Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 408000 4058 408000 4059 Transfer Payments Discretionary Rate Relief (NNDR) - Sports Clubs Discretionary Rate Relief (NNDR) - Charitable 408000 8312 408000 9110 Income Charges re Summonses Raised NNDR Standard Allowances 61,840 151,180 213,020 Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 408000 5501 408000 5595 Cr 25,330 348,590 373,920 160,900 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Recharges in - External (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 340,800 5,680 346,480 TOTAL NET BUDGET 185,580 167 CE CE Financial Services & Procurement Exchequer - Revenue & Benefits Bromley Welfare Fund Budget Manager - John Nightingale Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 409000 0100 Employees Officers' Pay 409000 1652 409000 1907 Supplies and Services Printing & Stationery Telephones - External 409000 3605 409000 3607 Third Party Payments Welfare Fund Programme Contract Welfare Fund Admin. Contract 409000 8020 409000 8021 Income Welfare Fund Admin. Funding Welfare Fund Programme Funding 93,000 93,000 5,000 3,000 8,000 820,000 72,000 892,000 Cr Cr Cr 173,000 820,000 993,000 TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGET 0 TOTAL NET BUDGET 0 168 Financial Services & Procurement Exchequer - Revenue & Benefits Council Tax Support Budget Manager - John Nightingale Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 410000 4057 Transfer Payments Council Tax Support - Hardship Fund 410000 8030 410000 8031 Income Transitional Council Tax Support Grant Council Tax Support Administration Subsidy 100,000 100,000 Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 410000 5501 410000 5595 Cr 352,330 475,000 827,330 727,330 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Recharges in - External (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 934,690 5,680 940,370 TOTAL NET BUDGET 213,040 169 CE CE Financial Services & Procurement Exchequer - Revenue & Benefits Council Tax Collection Budget Manager - John Nightingale Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 411000 8312 Income Charges re Summonses Raised Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 411000 5501 Cr 215,360 215,360 215,360 Recharges In Support Services (Services) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 1,531,810 1,531,810 TOTAL NET BUDGET 1,316,450 170 CE Financial Services & Procurement - Peter Turner Director of Finance and Other 400*** - Central Department 1 Employees Transport Supplies and Services Income Controllable Budgets Supplies and Services - Insurance Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 404000 - Housing Advances £ 156,410 280 36,020 0 192,710 0 0 £ 0 0 0 Cr 5,080 Cr 5,080 405000 - Ex LRB Mortgages Total £ 0 0 0 Cr 2,630 Cr 2,630 £ 156,410 280 36,020 Cr 7,710 185,000 700 700 0 0 700 700 147,360 0 0 147,360 340,070 Cr 4,380 Cr 2,630 333,060 Cr 335,170 0 0 Cr 335,170 4,900 Cr 4,380 Cr 2,630 Cr 2,110 171 Financial Services & Procurement Director of Finance and Other Central Department 1 Budget Manager - Peter Turner Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 400*** 0102 400*** 0251 400*** 0262 Employees Officers' Inbucon Pay Staff Advertising Leased Cars 400*** 1321 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Office Furniture Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Other Hired & Contracted Services Postages & Stamp Duties Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Conference Expenses Grants & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expenses 1501 1505 1651 1652 1704 1906 1908 1981 2001 2156 152,110 180 4,120 156,410 280 280 410 120 300 800 3,970 17,880 220 570 11,700 50 36,020 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 5502 5503 5510 5520 192,710 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 113,150 5,950 12,590 15,670 147,360 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 400*** 9501 CE CE CE CE 340,070 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 335,170 335,170 4,900 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 400010 - Director of Finance 172 CE Financial Services & Procurement Director of Finance and Other Housing Advances Budget Manager - Peter Turner Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 404000 9055 404000 9102 404000 9103 Income Interest - Mortgages Recoveries Miscellaneous Income Cr Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 404000 2160 Cr Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 4,000 1,070 10 5,080 5,080 700 700 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 700 Cr 173 4,380 CE Financial Services & Procurement Director of Finance and Other Ex LRB Mortgages Budget Manager - Peter Turner Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 405000 9104 Income Surplus On Ex LRB Mortgages Cr Cr 2,630 2,630 TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGET Cr 2,630 TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr 2,630 174 Financial Services & Procurement - Peter Turner Financial Accounting 403000 Miscellaneous Expenses 400*** - Central Department 1 Total Employees Transport Supplies and Services Income Controllable Budgets £ 413,970 200 37,840 0 452,010 Recharges In 184,910 0 184,910 636,920 85,600 722,520 Cr 630,080 Cr 124,580 Cr 754,660 6,840 Cr 38,980 Cr 32,140 Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 175 £ 0 0 124,580 Cr 38,980 85,600 £ 413,970 200 162,420 Cr 38,980 537,610 Financial Services & Procurement Financial Accounting Central Department 1 Budget Manager - Tracey Pearson Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 0100 0102 0241 0251 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Training Expenses Staff Advertising Leased Cars 400*** 1321 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Office Furniture Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery External Tax Advice Postages & Stamp Duties Line of Business Software Conference Expenses Grants & Subscriptions 1501 1505 1651 1652 1728 1906 1933 1981 2001 112,480 289,070 1,860 1,280 9,280 413,970 200 200 300 370 500 15,510 14,010 100 4,000 500 2,550 37,840 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 5502 5503 5510 5520 452,010 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 95,670 12,470 34,200 42,570 184,910 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 400*** 9501 CE CE CE CE 636,920 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 630,080 630,080 6,840 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 400005 - Technical & Control 176 CE Financial Services & Procurement Financial Accounting Miscellaneous Expenses Budget Manager - Tracey Pearson Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 403000 403000 403000 403000 2101 2102 2103 2105 403000 9103 403000 9112 403000 9524 Supplies and Services Quarterly A/C Bank Charges Electronic Banking Charges Credit Card Commission Bank Charges - Other 19,460 69,750 34,040 1,330 124,580 Income Miscellaneous Income Miscellaneous - Wayleaves Cr Cr Cr 36,990 1,990 38,980 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 85,600 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 85,600 Recharges Out Miscellaneous Charges to Corporate & Democratic Core Finance SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr 177 124,580 124,580 38,980 CE Financial Services & Procurement - Peter Turner Management Accounting & Systems 400*** - Central Department 1 £ 1,590,400 6,120 202,920 560 Cr 26,160 Cr 98,230 1,675,610 455001 - Sold Services to Schools £ 109,460 1,590 172,500 0 Cr 346,640 0 Cr 63,090 820,140 51,760 871,900 Total Cost of Service 2,495,750 Cr 11,330 2,484,420 Recharges Out Cr 2,517,780 0 Cr 2,517,780 Total Net Budget Cr 22,030 Cr 11,330 Cr 33,360 Employees Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Recharges In 178 Total £ 1,699,860 7,710 375,420 560 Cr 372,800 Cr 98,230 1,612,520 Financial Services & Procurement Management Accounting & Systems Central Department 1 Budget Manager - Lesley Moore Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 0100 0102 0241 0251 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Training Expenses Staff Advertising Leased Cars 400*** 1301 400*** 1321 400*** 1331 Transport Use of Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Office Furniture Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Other Office Expenses Telephones - External Hardware Maintenance Line of Business Software Grants & Subscriptions Public Health Transition Expenditure Miscellaneous Expenses Official Hospitality 1501 1505 1651 1652 1660 1907 1932 1933 2001 2149 2156 2157 400*** 3665 Third Party Payments Main IT Contractor - Resource Days 400*** 8103 400*** 9103 Income Contributions from Other Local Authorities Miscellaneous Income 400*** 9748 400*** 9751 Recharges Out Recharge To Public Health Transition Fund Support Services Charges to Public Health 665,830 892,290 4,000 4,980 23,300 1,590,400 160 1,410 4,550 6,120 3,710 2,240 1,310 4,180 620 150 6,040 163,480 70 21,000 70 50 202,920 560 560 Cr Cr Cr 25,540 620 26,160 Cr Cr Cr 21,000 77,230 98,230 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 5502 5503 5510 5520 1,675,610 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 468,820 49,740 133,850 167,730 820,140 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 400*** 9501 CE CE CE CE 2,495,750 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr 2,517,780 2,517,780 TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr 22,030 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 400009 - Systems 400014 - Environmental Services / R & R Finance 400016 - ECS Finance 400018 - Corporate Service Finance 179 CE Financial Services & Procurement Management Accounting & Systems Sold Services to Schools Budget Manager - David Bradshaw Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 455001 0100 455001 0102 455001 0104 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Temporary/Agency Staff 455001 1321 455001 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 455001 1652 455001 1933 455001 2162 Supplies and Services Printing & Stationery Line of Business Software Licences 455001 9103 455001 9142 Income Miscellaneous Income Income from Community/Voluntary Controlled Schools 92,980 12,580 3,900 109,460 150 1,440 1,590 500 22,000 150,000 172,500 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 455001 455001 455001 455001 5502 5503 5510 5520 Cr Cr Cr 150,000 196,640 346,640 Cr 63,090 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 27,020 2,760 11,260 10,720 51,760 TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr 11,330 Assumptions on Income No schools that we need to sell services to (based on existing prices) Average charge per school Income generated Schools Finance trading currently sells to 91 Schools (about 95% of its internal market) on a variety of sold services offered to schools both in and out of borough. The service is expected to break even on trading. The current average charge for these services to each school is £2,160 The costs included in the trading account above do not include statutory services or Local Authority (LA) services at this time. The LA element is being looked at as a separate exercise. 180 91 2,160 196,640 Financial Services & Procurement - Peter Turner Procurement 400*** - Central Department 1 Total £ 194,390 970 Cr 15,670 255,280 Cr 93,440 Cr 5,500 336,030 £ 194,390 970 Cr 15,670 255,280 Cr 93,440 Cr 5,500 336,030 162,730 162,730 498,760 498,760 Recharges Out Cr 499,980 Cr 499,980 Total Net Budget Cr 1,220 Cr 1,220 Employees Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service 181 Financial Services & Procurement Procurement Central Department 1 Budget Manager - David Starling Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 400*** 0100 400*** 0102 400*** 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Leased Cars 400*** 1321 400*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** Supplies and Services Office Furniture Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Other Hired & Contracted Services Line of Business Software Special Scheme 1505 1651 1652 1704 1933 5000 36,820 153,420 4,150 194,390 120 850 970 Cr Cr 400*** 3689 Third Party Payments MFD Contract 400*** 8207 400*** 9142 Income Other Sales Income from Community/Voluntary Controlled Schools 400*** 9751 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Public Health 255,280 255,280 Cr Cr Cr 91,060 2,380 93,440 Cr Cr 5,500 5,500 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 5502 5503 5510 5520 336,030 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 99,530 25,120 16,400 21,680 162,730 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 400*** 9501 460 130 40 7,780 10,920 35,000 15,670 CE CE CE CE 498,760 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr 499,980 499,980 TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr 1,220 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 400025 - Procurement 400026 - Smart Project 400027 - Agency Spend London 182 CE Corporate Services Division Summary - Mark Bowen Employees Premises Repair and Maintenance (All LBB) Transport Supplies and Services Capital Charges Third Party Payments Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets 183 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges/Financing Property Rental Income Non-Controllable Budgets Items allocated to other depts non-controllable Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget Information Customer Legal, Systems Operational Services & Property Repair and Democratic & and Bromley Services Maintenance Knowledge Registration Telephony £ £ £ £ £ 2,332,080 930,020 0 805,350 1,209,420 0 0 0 193,440 0 0 0 2,124,540 0 0 11,150 430 0 45,470 1,310 1,693,720 126,820 0 Cr 99,880 1,624,590 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,918,780 Cr 685,940 Cr 330 0 0 Cr 552,890 Cr 89,000 Cr 25,330 0 Cr 134,380 Cr 183,040 4,619,720 208,450 2,124,540 1,031,610 3,262,010 0 0 2,300,000 0 2,300,000 0 49,020 840 0 0 49,860 Facilities £ 512,040 1,575,710 0 9,750 260,300 32,000 0 Cr 122,030 Cr 35,910 2,231,860 Cr 562,210 0 0 0 Cr 562,210 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,730 0 0 2,730 210,210 44,630 223,000 Cr 255,770 222,070 0 Cr 1,562,330 0 0 0 Management & Other Total £ £ 5,949,720 160,810 1,769,150 0 2,124,540 0 68,210 100 3,624,020 18,470 32,000 0 1,918,780 0 Cr 17,000 Cr 1,378,190 Cr 467,660 0 162,380 13,640,570 0 0 0 0 0 Cr 302,980 48,200 2,523,000 Cr 255,770 2,012,450 0 Cr 1,562,330 362,800 255,290 0 307,630 1,871,260 1,019,240 223,970 4,040,190 7,282,520 513,600 0 1,339,240 5,136,000 3,473,170 386,350 18,130,880 Cr 7,245,750 Cr 506,160 36,770 7,440 0 Cr 1,278,660 0 60,580 Cr 4,355,440 Cr 3,273,570 780,560 199,600 Cr 385,830 Cr 17,045,410 520 1,085,470 Corporate Services Information Systems and Telephony 400*** - Central Department 1 Total £ 1,209,420 1,310 1,624,590 1,918,780 Cr 134,380 4,619,720 £ 1,209,420 1,310 1,624,590 1,918,780 Cr 134,380 4,619,720 2,300,000 2,300,000 2,300,000 2,300,000 362,800 362,800 Total Cost of Service 7,282,520 7,282,520 Recharges Out Cr 7,245,750 Cr 7,245,750 36,770 36,770 Employees Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Capital Charges/Financing Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Net Budget 184 Corporate Services Information Systems and Telephony Central Department 1 Budget Manager Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 0100 0102 0241 0243 0251 0252 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Training Expenses Corporate IT Training Staff Advertising Candidates' Expenses Leased Cars 400*** 1321 400*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** Supplies and Services Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Purchase of Computer Equipment Maintenance of Computer Equipment Computer Consumables Telephones - External Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers System Development Hardware Purchase Data Backup Contract IT Specialists Hardware Maintenance Line of Business Software Desktop Software Other IT Services Leased Lines Subsistence Grants & Subscriptions Public Health Transition Expenditure Publicity Advertising - other than Staff Miscellaneous Expenses 1651 1652 1901 1903 1904 1907 1908 1920 1924 1927 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1983 2001 2149 2151 2153 2156 400*** 3664 400*** 3665 Third Party Payments Core IT Contract Main IT Contractor - Resource Days 400*** 9748 400*** 9753 Recharges Out Recharge To Public Health Transition Fund Computer Charges to Public Health 761,160 340,050 36,260 58,470 1,210 350 11,920 1,209,420 950 360 1,310 570 3,470 39,850 147,710 3,580 100,860 9,290 29,760 82,820 429,470 4,910 190,770 83,810 181,000 36,220 264,550 50 3,620 10,000 100 50 2,130 1,624,590 1,726,150 192,630 1,918,780 Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 400*** 5804 4,619,720 Capital Charges/Financing Revenue Expenditure Funded by Capital Under Statute (REFCUS) 2,300,000 2,300,000 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 400*** 5501 400*** 5510 400*** 5520 CE 2,300,000 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 153,630 93,190 115,980 362,800 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 400*** 9510 400*** 9520 10,000 124,380 134,380 CE CE CE 7,282,520 Recharges Out Administrative Buildings - Charges to Clients Computer Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 573,640 6,672,110 7,245,750 36,770 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 400030 - Telephony 400031 - RD - Information Systems 185 CE CE Corporate Services - Mark Bowen Client Specific Services 400043 - Central Department 1 Employees Supplies and Services Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget Total £ 121,640 20,030 141,670 £ 121,640 20,030 141,670 45,820 45,820 187,490 187,490 Cr 186,870 Cr 186,870 620 620 186 Corporate Services Client Specific Services Central Department 1 Budget Manager - Jan Mcwhinnie Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 400043 0100 400043 0251 Employees Officers' Pay Staff Advertising 400043 400043 400043 400043 400043 400043 400043 400043 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Office Furniture Printing & Stationery Other Office Expenses Purchase of Computer Equipment IT Licences Grants & Subscriptions Special Scheme 1501 1505 1652 1660 1901 1913 2001 5000 121,120 520 121,640 Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 400043 400043 400043 400043 400043 400043 5502 5503 5510 5520 5530 5594 141,670 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Grounds Maintenance Recharges in - Internal (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 5,540 17,070 3,600 15,900 110 3,600 45,820 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 400043 9501 1,090 400 590 50 720 24,130 510 7,460 20,030 CE CE CE CE ECS 187,490 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 186,870 186,870 620 187 CE Corporate Services - Mark Bowen Property Services Planned 400044 - Central Department 1 Employees Transport Supplies and Services Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Supplies and Services - Insurance Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget Total £ 213,460 8,110 Cr 8,870 Cr 54,240 Cr 183,040 Cr 24,580 £ 213,460 8,110 Cr 8,870 Cr 54,240 Cr 183,040 Cr 24,580 330 330 330 330 64,940 64,940 40,690 40,690 Cr 92,950 Cr 92,950 Cr 52,260 Cr 52,260 188 Corporate Services Property Services Planned Central Department 1 Budget Manager - Andrew Brook Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 400044 0100 400044 0102 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay 400044 1331 Transport Car Allowances 400044 400044 400044 400044 400044 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Printing & Stationery Purchase of Computer Equipment Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Special Scheme 1501 1652 1901 1908 5000 400044 8301 Income Fees & Charges - General 400044 9505 Recharges Out Support Services to Capital 110,200 103,260 213,460 8,110 8,110 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 400044 2160 Cr Cr 1,500 820 1,010 2,040 14,240 8,870 Cr Cr 54,240 54,240 Cr Cr 183,040 183,040 Cr 24,580 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 330 330 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 400044 400044 400044 400044 400044 400044 5502 5503 5510 5520 5530 5594 330 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Grounds Maintenance Recharges in - Internal (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 9,960 4,230 7,900 34,940 220 7,690 64,940 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 400044 9501 CE CE CE CE CE ECS 40,690 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr 189 92,950 92,950 52,260 CE Corporate Services - Mark Bowen Property Services Reactive 083000 - Walnuts Boiler Plant 400*** - Central Department 1 455*** - Sold Services to Schools £ 117,860 20 18,170 10,310 Cr 176,250 Cr 29,890 Total £ 0 193,360 4,390 0 Cr 195,440 2,310 £ 352,390 60 14,800 Cr 121,350 Cr 126,960 118,940 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Supplies and Services - Insurance Non-Controllable Budgets 49,020 0 49,020 0 510 510 Recharges In 11,420 103,220 62,750 222,670 0 285,420 Cr 26,400 Cr 199,940 0 Cr 226,340 36,350 22,730 0 59,080 Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Income Controllable Budgets Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 190 0 0 0 29,890 £ 470,250 193,440 37,360 Cr 111,040 Cr 498,650 91,360 49,020 510 49,530 144,530 Corporate Services Property Services Reactive Walnuts Boiler Plant Budget Manager - Andrew Brook Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 083000 1202 083000 1203 083000 1223 Premises Electricity Gas Business Rates 083000 1302 083000 1306 083000 1380 Transport Fuel & Oil Hire of Vehicles Transport Insurance 083000 8869 Income Walnuts Central Heating Charge 17,580 168,140 7,640 193,360 900 3,170 320 4,390 Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 083000 083000 083000 083000 083000 1103 1109 1111 1112 1116 2,310 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Planned Structural Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works 28,300 13,650 4,000 2,000 1,070 49,020 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 083000 5501 CE CE CE CE 49,020 Recharges In Support Services (Services) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 11,420 11,420 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 083000 9537 195,440 195,440 CE 62,750 Recharges Out Walnuts Boiler Plant Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 26,400 26,400 36,350 191 ECS Corporate Services Property Services Reactive Reactive Maintenance Budget Manager - Andrew Brook Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 400045 0100 Employees Officers' Pay 400045 1321 400045 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 400045 400045 400045 400045 400045 400045 400045 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Uniforms Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Purchase of Computer Equipment Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Special Scheme 1501 1632 1651 1652 1901 1908 5000 253,880 253,880 200 5,800 6,000 Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 400045 2160 136,380 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 350 350 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 400045 400045 400045 400045 400045 5502 5510 5520 5530 5594 CE 350 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Grounds Maintenance Recharges in - Internal (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 49,800 8,490 19,460 190 6,320 84,260 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 400045 9501 1,250 250 1,000 1,060 1,300 2,330 130,690 123,500 CE CE CE ECS 220,990 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 199,940 199,940 21,050 192 CE Corporate Services Property Services Reactive Caretaking Budget Manager - Andrew Brook Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 400049 0100 Employees Officers' Pay 400049 1271 Premises Cleaning Materials 400049 1331 Transport Car Allowances 400049 1501 400049 1904 400049 1908 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Computer Consumables Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers 400049 9103 Income Miscellaneous Income 98,510 98,510 60 60 8,800 8,800 800 950 400 2,150 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 400049 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 5501 5510 5520 5530 5594 126,960 126,960 Cr 17,440 160 160 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 400049 400049 400049 400049 400049 Cr Cr CE 160 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Grounds Maintenance Recharges in - Internal (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 7,850 2,200 7,870 40 1,000 18,960 TOTAL NET BUDGET 1,680 193 CE CE CE ECS Corporate Services Property Services Reactive Sold Services to Schools (Reactive Maintenance) Budget Manager - Andrew Brook Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 455003 0100 455003 0241 Employees Officers' Pay Training Expenses 455003 1331 Transport Car Allowances 455003 1501 455003 1704 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Other Hired & Contracted Services 455003 9142 Income Income from Community/Voluntary Controlled Schools 50,200 650 50,850 12,300 12,300 1,020 8,200 9,220 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 455003 455003 455003 455003 455003 5502 5510 5520 5530 5594 Cr Cr 89,620 89,620 Cr 17,250 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Grounds Maintenance Recharges in - Internal (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 10,200 1,730 3,980 40 1,300 17,250 0 TOTAL NET BUDGET Assumptions on Income Average (SLA) charge per school Income generated - SLA - Top Up element £ 982 £ 48,105 £ 41,515 £ 89,620 Property Reactive Maintenance Trading has SLA’s with 49 Schools (about 48% of its internal market) on a variety of sold services offered to school both in and out of borough. In addition, the Top-Up element accounts for 54% of the income. (Figures based upon previous years take up). Charges are based upon a percentage of the contracted out work. The costs included in the trading account above do not include statutory services or Local Authority (LA) services at this time. The LA element is being looked at as a separate exercise. 194 Corporate Services Property Services Reactive Sold Services to Schools (Caretaking) Budget Manager - Andrew Brook Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 455007 0100 455007 0241 Employees Officers' Pay Training Expenses 455007 1271 Premises Cleaning Materials 455007 1331 Transport Car Allowances 455007 1501 455007 1904 455007 1908 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Computer Consumables Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers 455007 9142 Income Income from Community/Voluntary Controlled Schools 66,810 200 67,010 20 20 5,870 5,870 410 480 200 1,090 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 455007 455007 455007 455007 455007 5501 5510 5520 5530 5594 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Grounds Maintenance Recharges in - Internal (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN Cr Cr 86,630 86,630 Cr 12,640 5,240 1,470 5,250 10 670 12,640 0 TOTAL NET BUDGET Assumptions on Income Average (SLA) charge per school Income generated - SLA - Top Up element £ 1,762 £ 63,438 £ 23,192 £ 86,630 Property Caretaking Trading has SLA’s with 36 Schools (about 36% of its internal market) on a variety of sold services offered to schools both in and out of the borough. In addition, the Top-Up element accounts for 27% of the income. (Figures based upon previous years take up). Charges are proportional to hours worked by Staff (mainly causal workers). The costs included in the trading account above do not include statutory services or Local Authority (LA) services at this time. The LA element is being looked at as a separate exercise. 195 Property R&M Controlled by Property across all Depts Oracle Code 1102 1103 1109 1111 1112 1116 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 Budget 2013/2014 £ Chief Executives - Resources Portfolio Landlord Maintenance - External Decorations Landlord Maintenance - Planned Structural Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works 2,050 358,690 148,350 19,010 20,000 14,110 562,210 Other Portfolios/Departments 1102 1103 1109 1111 1112 1116 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 Education,Care and Health Services Landlord Maintenance - External Decorations Landlord Maintenance - Planned Structural Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works 1102 1103 1109 1111 1112 1116 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 Enviroment Community Services Landlord Maintenance - External Decorations Landlord Maintenance - Planned Structural Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works 2,000 21,120 211,470 132,000 34,500 34,230 435,320 22,450 233,200 561,260 183,030 50,640 76,430 1,127,010 2,124,540 196 Corporate Services - Mark Bowen Customer Services and Bromley Knowledge 420025 - Central Department 2 Employees Transport Supplies and Services Income Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget Total £ 120,400 100 61,770 Cr 330 181,940 £ 120,400 100 61,770 Cr 330 181,940 43,790 43,790 225,730 225,730 Cr 225,700 Cr 225,700 30 30 197 Corporate Services Customer Services and Bromley Knowledge Central Department 2 Budget Manager - Jim Grainger Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 420025 0100 420025 0241 Employees Officers' Pay Training Expenses 420025 1321 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses 420025 420025 420025 420025 420025 1652 1659 1906 1920 1933 Supplies and Services Printing & Stationery Marketing Postages & Stamp Duties System Development Line of Business Software 420025 8301 Income Fees & Charges - General 119,070 1,330 120,400 100 100 50 320 100 7,240 54,060 61,770 Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 420025 420025 420025 420025 5502 5503 5510 5520 181,940 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 13,070 3,430 13,710 13,580 43,790 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 420025 9501 330 330 CE CE CE CE 225,730 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 225,700 225,700 30 198 CE Corporate Services - Mark Bowen Contact Centre 437000 - Customer Service Centre Total £ 809,620 330 65,050 Cr 25,330 849,670 £ 809,620 330 65,050 Cr 25,330 849,670 263,840 263,840 Total Cost of Service 1,113,510 1,113,510 Recharges Out Cr 1,052,960 Cr 1,052,960 60,550 60,550 Employees Transport Supplies and Services Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Net Budget 199 Corporate Services Contact Centre Customer Service Centre Budget Manager - Duncan Bridgewater Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 437000 437000 437000 437000 0100 0102 0104 0180 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Temporary/Agency Staff Officers' Pay - Grant Funded 437000 1321 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses 437000 437000 437000 437000 437000 437000 437000 437000 437000 437000 437000 1502 1652 1660 1704 1714 1901 1903 1904 1906 1907 1908 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Other Equipment Printing & Stationery Other Office Expenses Other Hired & Contracted Services Out of Hours Contract Costs Purchase of Computer Equipment Maintenance of Computer Equipment Computer Consumables Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers 437000 9679 Recharges Out Recharge to ACS - Blue Badges Grant 667,500 108,480 8,310 25,330 809,620 330 330 2,000 4,750 4,900 7,000 24,970 1,500 8,880 1,000 7,170 2,630 250 65,050 Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 437000 437000 437000 437000 437000 5502 5503 5510 5520 5595 849,670 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Recharges in - External (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 64,180 16,710 94,040 83,230 5,680 263,840 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 437000 9501 25,330 25,330 CE CE CE CE CE 1,113,510 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 1,052,960 1,052,960 60,550 200 CE Corporate Services - Mark Bowen Electoral 420021 - Central Department 2 Employees Transport Supplies and Services Income Controllable Budgets Supplies and Services - Insurance Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 428000 - Electoral Registration £ 182,990 650 48,490 0 232,130 0 0 £ 35,020 0 22,120 Cr 4,780 52,360 0 0 433000 - Conducting Elections £ 0 0 22,800 0 22,800 Total £ 218,010 650 93,410 Cr 4,780 307,290 70 70 70 70 96,830 230,230 291,720 618,780 328,960 282,590 314,590 926,140 Cr 328,540 0 0 Cr 328,540 420 282,590 314,590 597,600 201 Corporate Services Electoral Central Department 2 Budget Manager - Carol Ling Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 420021 0100 420021 0102 420021 0241 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Training Expenses 420021 1321 420021 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 420021 420021 420021 420021 420021 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Other Hired & Contracted Services Postages & Stamp Duties 1501 1651 1652 1704 1906 119,190 59,480 4,320 182,990 200 450 650 4,080 2,000 3,000 20,980 18,430 48,490 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 420021 420021 420021 420021 5502 5503 5510 5520 232,130 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 51,140 6,750 19,720 19,220 96,830 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 420021 9501 CE CE CE CE 328,960 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 328,540 328,540 420 202 CE Corporate Services Electoral Electoral Registration Budget Manager - Carol Ling Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 428000 0100 Employees Officers' Pay 428000 1652 428000 1906 Supplies and Services Printing & Stationery Postages & Stamp Duties 428000 8207 Income Other Sales 35,020 35,020 18,130 3,990 22,120 Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 428000 5501 428000 5595 4,780 4,780 52,360 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Recharges in - External (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 224,530 5,700 230,230 TOTAL NET BUDGET 282,590 203 CE CE Corporate Services Electoral Conducting Elections Budget Manager - Carol Ling Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 433000 2216 Supplies and Services Elections 22,800 22,800 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 433000 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 70 70 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 433000 5501 433000 5553 22,800 CE 70 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Use of Central Depot SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 194,200 97,520 291,720 TOTAL NET BUDGET 314,590 204 CE Corporate Services - Mark Bowen Democratic Services 420*** - Central Department 2 Employees Transport Supplies and Services Controllable Budgets £ 340,060 50 22,960 363,070 426000 - Democratic Representation £ 1,730 8,470 1,142,470 1,152,670 Recharges In 203,950 426,140 630,090 567,020 1,578,810 2,145,830 Cr 566,720 Cr 1,578,810 Cr 2,145,530 Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 300 0 205 Total £ 341,790 8,520 1,165,430 1,515,740 300 Corporate Services Democratic Services Central Department 2 Budget Manager - Graham Walton Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 420*** 0100 420*** 0102 420*** 0241 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Training Expenses 420*** 1321 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Other Hired & Contracted Services Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Council's Complaints System Corporate Publications 1501 1651 1652 1704 1906 1907 2214 2661 287,180 51,380 1,500 340,060 50 50 250 210 8,080 8,950 1,770 200 930 2,570 22,960 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 5502 5503 5510 5520 363,070 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 127,940 9,070 29,300 37,640 203,950 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 420*** 9501 CE CE CE CE 567,020 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 566,720 566,720 300 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 420022 - LADS - Committee 206 CE Corporate Services Democratic Services Democratic Representation Budget Manager - Graham Walton Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 426000 0241 Employees Training Expenses 426000 426000 426000 426000 1301 1302 1308 1380 Transport Use of Transport Fuel & Oil Non-Scheduled Services Transport Insurance 426000 426000 426000 426000 426000 426000 426000 426000 426000 426000 426000 426000 426000 426000 426000 426000 1501 1631 1651 1652 1660 1704 1901 1904 1907 1908 1914 1961 1962 1964 1983 5000 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Protective Clothing Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Other Office Expenses Other Hired & Contracted Services Purchase of Computer Equipment Computer Consumables Telephones - External Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Members' Telephones Members' Allowances - Travel & Subsistence Members' Allowances - Attendance Civic Hospitality Subsistence Special Scheme 1,730 1,730 250 2,800 4,770 650 8,470 Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 426000 5501 426000 5510 426000 5520 330 200 260 2,000 24,640 4,000 3,380 1,270 10,500 5,000 7,500 500 1,112,380 250 260 30,000 1,142,470 1,152,670 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 51,300 165,790 209,050 426,140 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 426000 9525 CE CE CE CE 1,578,810 Recharges Out Charge to Corporate & Democratic Core from Dem. Rep . SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr Cr 1,578,810 1,578,810 0 207 CE Corporate Services - Mark Bowen Registration of Birth Death and Marriage 077000 - Reg. of Births, Deaths & Marriages Employees Transport Supplies and Services Income Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Net Budget Total £ 428,800 550 21,610 Cr 544,860 Cr 93,900 £ 428,800 550 21,610 Cr 544,860 Cr 93,900 224,220 224,220 130,320 130,320 208 Corporate Services Registration of Birth Death and Marriage Reg. of Births, Deaths & Marriages Budget Manager - Carol Andrews Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 077000 077000 077000 077000 077000 0100 0102 0104 0105 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Temporary/Agency Staff Casual Staff Leased Cars 077000 1321 077000 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 077000 077000 077000 077000 077000 077000 077000 077000 077000 077000 077000 077000 077000 1501 1505 1514 1652 1658 1659 1704 1709 1906 1907 1983 2103 2156 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Office Furniture Purchase of Souvenirs/Badges Printing & Stationery Promotion & Design Marketing Other Hired & Contracted Services Professional Fees Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Subsistence Credit Card Commission Miscellaneous Expenses 077000 077000 077000 077000 077000 8145 8207 8301 8305 8868 Income Other Revenue - Funding Other Sales Fees & Charges - General Advertising Revenue Office Of National Statistics Fee 299,170 54,860 35,520 35,280 3,970 428,800 100 450 550 330 460 2,350 1,950 500 4,920 1,590 650 2,720 540 100 4,500 1,000 21,610 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 077000 5501 077000 5510 077000 5520 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 55,490 90,090 389,080 2,800 7,400 544,860 Cr 93,900 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 100,830 74,750 48,640 224,220 TOTAL NET BUDGET 130,320 209 CE CE CE Corporate Services - Mark Bowen Legal Services 420*** - Central Department 2 Total £ 1,343,480 1,430 413,270 Cr 136,300 Cr 89,000 1,532,880 £ 1,343,480 1,430 413,270 Cr 136,300 Cr 89,000 1,532,880 2,660 2,660 2,660 2,660 398,170 398,170 Total Cost of Service 1,933,710 1,933,710 Recharges Out Cr 1,881,370 Cr 1,881,370 52,340 52,340 Employees Transport Supplies and Services Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Supplies and Services - Insurance Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Net Budget 210 Corporate Services Legal Services Central Department 2 Budget Manager - Joy Connor Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 0100 0102 0180 0182 0241 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Officers' Pay - Grant Funded Temporary/Agency Staff - Grant Funded Training Expenses Leased Cars 420*** 1321 420*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** Supplies and Services Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Other Hired & Contracted Services Professional Fees Expert Witness Expenses Counselling Fees Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Car Park Fees Subsistence Public Health Transition Expenditure Legal Expenses Judicial Reviews Land Registry Fees External Solicitors' Fees Process Servicing and Transcription Costs Court Fees 1651 1652 1704 1709 1712 1766 1906 1907 1908 1982 1983 2149 2208 2222 2225 2226 2227 2228 420*** 8301 420*** 9102 420*** 9191 Income Fees & Charges - General Recoveries Section 106 Income 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** Recharges Out Support Services to Capital CSC Invest to Contain Recharge Out Recharge To Public Health Transition Fund Support Services Charges to Public Health 9505 9570 9748 9751 345,480 881,030 60,130 38,000 4,500 14,340 1,343,480 1,280 150 1,430 28,000 2,500 6,500 9,000 950 100,000 14,500 750 400 230 320 20,000 108,000 730 3,000 1,000 4,000 113,390 413,270 Cr Cr Cr Cr 74,320 35,400 26,580 136,300 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 20,000 38,000 20,000 11,000 89,000 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 1,532,880 Supplies and Services - Insurance 420*** 2160 Insurances - Premiums Payable 2,660 2,660 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 5502 5503 5510 5520 CE 2,660 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 126,850 18,500 112,640 140,180 398,170 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE CE CE CE CE 1,933,710 Recharges Out 420*** 9501 Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 1,881,370 1,881,370 52,340 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 420030 - Legal Services Operational 420031 - Legal - Commercial Team 420033 - Legal - Children & Adults Team 420034 - Legal - Planning, Litigation & Licensing Team 211 CE Corporate Services - Mark Bowen Admin Buildings Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Capital Charges Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges/Financing Property Rental Income Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In 212 Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 422000 - Admin 421000 - Admin Offices-Other Office Offices General Exps Serv £ £ 135,240 7,930 13,450 0 0 0 Cr 23,500 4,560 0 0 Cr 106,880 0 0 0 18,310 12,490 423000 - Bromley Civic Centre 425000 - Walnuts Offices 432000 - Yeoman House Total £ 1,500 1,250,220 9,670 155,190 32,000 Cr 800 Cr 34,850 1,412,930 £ 0 73,340 0 4,750 0 0 0 78,090 £ 0 236,980 0 0 0 0 0 236,980 £ 144,670 1,573,990 9,670 141,000 32,000 Cr 107,680 Cr 34,850 1,758,800 0 0 6,000 Cr 3,700 2,300 202,590 41,120 182,000 Cr 252,070 173,640 4,380 3,510 35,000 0 42,890 3,240 0 0 0 3,240 210,210 44,630 223,000 Cr 255,770 222,070 522,680 162,690 95,930 4,100 0 785,400 540,990 177,480 1,682,500 125,080 240,220 2,766,270 Cr 504,130 Cr 179,570 Cr 1,511,130 Cr 132,530 Cr 239,390 Cr 2,566,750 36,860 Cr 2,090 171,370 Cr 7,450 830 199,520 0 0 0 0 0 Corporate Services Admin Buildings Admin Offices General Exps Budget Manager - Andy Champion Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 421000 0100 421000 0104 Employees Officers' Pay Temporary/Agency Staff 421000 1202 421000 1223 421000 1276 Premises Electricity Business Rates Clearing Rubbish & Refuse 421000 1528 421000 5000 Supplies and Services Office Improvements Special Scheme 421000 8207 421000 9115 Income Other Sales Attendant Charge re Exchequer House 130,240 5,000 135,240 1,700 10,690 1,060 13,450 Cr Cr 6,500 30,000 23,500 Cr Cr Cr 75,280 31,600 106,880 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 421000 5501 421000 5595 18,310 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Recharges in - External (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 517,000 5,680 522,680 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 421000 9510 CE CE 540,990 Recharges Out Administrative Buildings - Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 504,130 504,130 36,860 213 CE Corporate Services Admin Buildings Admin Offices-Other Office Serv Budget Manager - Andy Champion Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 422000 0100 Employees Officers' Pay 422000 1608 Supplies and Services Refreshment Account 7,930 7,930 4,560 4,560 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 422000 5802 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation 422000 9002 Property Rental Income Rent of Commercial Premises/Halls 12,490 6,000 6,000 Cr Cr SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 422000 5501 422000 5539 3,700 3,700 2,300 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Staff Restaurant SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 89,590 73,100 162,690 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 422000 9510 CE CE ECS 177,480 Recharges Out Administrative Buildings - Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr 179,570 179,570 TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr 2,090 214 CE Corporate Services Admin Buildings Bromley Civic Centre Budget Manager - Andy Champion Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 423000 1264 00000 Employees Staff Accommodation Expenses 423000 423000 423000 423000 423000 423000 423000 423000 423000 423000 1162 1167 1202 1203 1223 1241 1271 1272 1274 1276 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 Premises Tree Maintenance Minor Grounds Improvements Electricity Gas Business Rates Water Cleaning Materials Window Cleaning Borough Secretaries Contract Cleaning Clearing Rubbish & Refuse 423000 423000 423000 423000 1302 1304 1306 1380 00000 00000 00000 00000 Transport Fuel & Oil Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance Hire of Vehicles Transport Insurance 423000 423000 423000 423000 423000 423000 423000 423000 1501 1631 1633 1702 1704 1752 1907 2156 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Protective Clothing Laundry Pest & Rodent Control Other Hired & Contracted Services Security Of Premises Telephones - External Miscellaneous Expenses 423000 5808 00000 Capital Charges Carbon Management Fund Contributions 423000 8207 00000 Income Other Sales 423000 9752 00000 Recharges Out Admin. Buildings Charges to Public Health 1,500 1,500 1,430 5,990 210,110 90,000 604,460 47,220 760 15,570 245,420 29,260 1,250,220 290 1,260 7,810 310 9,670 5,990 500 120 5,000 6,520 134,960 450 1,650 155,190 32,000 32,000 Cr Cr 800 800 Cr Cr 34,850 34,850 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 423000 423000 423000 423000 423000 423000 1102 1103 1109 1111 1112 1116 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 423000 5802 00000 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation 423000 9002 00000 423000 9002 R4289 423000 9010 00000 Property Rental Income Rent of Commercial Premises/Halls Rent of Commercial Premises/Halls Service Charges Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 215 CE 1,412,930 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - External Decorations Landlord Maintenance - Planned Structural Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works 423000 2160 00000 ECS 550 146,640 32,100 10,000 10,000 3,300 202,590 CE CE CE CE CE CE 41,120 41,120 CE 182,000 182,000 CE 47,080 205,000 10 252,070 CE CE CE 173,640 Admin Buildings Bromley Civic Centre Budget Manager - Andy Champion Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 423000 5530 00000 423000 5591 00000 Recharges In Grounds Maintenance Recharges In - External (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 60,930 35,000 95,930 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 423000 9510 00000 423000 9516 00000 ECS 1,682,500 Recharges Out Administrative Buildings - Charges to Clients Charge re Great Hall Rent SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr Cr Cr 1,408,020 103,110 1,511,130 171,370 216 CE CE Corporate Services Admin Buildings Walnuts Offices Budget Manager - Andy Champion Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 425000 425000 425000 425000 425000 425000 1202 1223 1241 1272 1274 1276 425000 1704 425000 1752 Premises Electricity Business Rates Water Window Cleaning Borough Secretaries Contract Cleaning Clearing Rubbish & Refuse 16,020 31,960 11,680 1,360 10,370 1,950 73,340 Supplies and Services Other Hired & Contracted Services Security Of Premises 650 4,100 4,750 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 425000 1109 425000 1111 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance 425000 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 425000 5802 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation 78,090 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 425000 5537 3,380 1,000 4,380 CE CE 3,510 3,510 CE 35,000 35,000 CE 42,890 Recharges In Walnuts Boiler Plant SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 4,100 4,100 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 425000 9510 ECS ECS 125,080 Recharges Out Administrative Buildings - Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr 132,530 132,530 TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr 7,450 217 CE Corporate Services Admin Buildings Yeoman House Budget Manager - Andy Champion Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 432000 1222 432000 1223 432000 1273 Premises Rents Business Rates Contract Cleaning 180,890 41,000 15,090 236,980 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 432000 1109 432000 1111 432000 1116 236,980 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Water Treatment Works 1,120 1,000 1,120 3,240 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS CE CE CE 3,240 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 432000 9510 ECHS 240,220 Recharges Out Administrative Buildings - Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 239,390 239,390 830 218 CE Corporate Services - Mark Bowen Facilities & Support 420*** - Central Department 2 Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget Total £ 367,370 1,720 80 119,300 Cr 14,350 Cr 1,060 473,060 £ 367,370 1,720 80 119,300 Cr 14,350 Cr 1,060 473,060 233,840 233,840 706,900 706,900 Cr 706,820 Cr 706,820 80 80 219 Corporate Services Facilities & Support Central Department 2 Budget Manager - Andy Champion Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 420*** 0100 420*** 0102 420*** 0241 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Training Expenses 420*** 1276 Premises Clearing Rubbish & Refuse 420*** 1321 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment MFD Paper Contract Equipment Maintenance Protective Clothing Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Other Office Expenses Other Hired & Contracted Services Microfilming Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Subsistence 1501 1512 1526 1631 1651 1652 1660 1704 1761 1906 1907 1908 1983 420*** 8207 420*** 8316 Income Other Sales FBTH - Charges to Contractor 420*** 9751 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Public Health 300,040 65,110 2,220 367,370 1,720 1,720 80 80 5,090 56,870 20,000 350 420 16,540 3,000 1,300 4,030 10,650 450 500 100 119,300 Cr Cr Cr 5,350 9,000 14,350 Cr Cr 1,060 1,060 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 420*** 420*** 420*** 420*** 5502 5503 5510 5520 473,060 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 85,150 79,480 30,750 38,460 233,840 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 420*** 9501 CE CE CE CE 706,900 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 706,820 706,820 80 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 420044 - LADS - Office Services 420047 - LADS - Caretaking / Maintenance 420055 - LADS - Facilities Management 220 CE Corporate Services - Mark Bowen Management and Other (Corporate) 420019 - Central Department 2 Employees Transport Supplies and Services Income Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget Total £ 160,810 100 18,470 Cr 17,000 162,380 £ 160,810 100 18,470 Cr 17,000 162,380 223,970 223,970 386,350 386,350 Cr 385,830 Cr 385,830 520 520 221 Chief Executive Management and Other (Corporate) Central Department 2 Budget Manager - Mark Bowen Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 420019 0102 420019 0241 420019 0262 Employees Officers' Inbucon Pay Training Expenses Leased Cars 420019 1321 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses 420019 420019 420019 420019 420019 420019 420019 Supplies and Services Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Other Office Expenses Professional Fees Postages & Stamp Duties Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Subsistence 1651 1652 1660 1709 1906 1908 1983 420019 8112 155,360 650 4,800 160,810 100 100 350 100 17,000 600 70 300 50 18,470 Income Grants Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 420019 420019 420019 420019 5502 5503 5510 5520 162,380 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 83,170 111,380 13,110 16,310 223,970 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 420019 9501 17,000 17,000 CE CE CE CE 386,350 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 385,830 385,830 520 222 CE Human Resources Division - Charles Obazuaye Health & Safety Employees Transport Supplies and Services Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget £ 19,410 0 106,810 Cr 29,550 0 96,670 HR HR Strategy Management and L & D Operational HR £ £ £ 229,790 363,160 870,850 0 0 1,460 0 37,940 27,570 0 Cr 14,980 Cr 266,230 0 0 Cr 26,000 229,790 386,120 607,650 Total £ 1,483,210 1,460 172,320 Cr 310,760 Cr 26,000 1,320,230 12,910 131,340 133,270 395,570 673,090 109,580 361,130 519,390 1,003,220 1,993,320 Cr 107,650 Cr 357,170 Cr 569,650 Cr 1,008,530 Cr 2,043,000 1,930 3,960 Cr 50,260 Cr 5,310 Cr 49,680 223 Human Resources - Charles Obazuaye Health & Safety 435*** - Central Department 3 Employees Supplies and Services Income Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget £ 19,410 80,260 0 99,670 455006 - Sold Services to Schools £ 0 26,550 Cr 29,550 Cr 3,000 9,910 3,000 Total £ 19,410 106,810 Cr 29,550 96,670 12,910 109,580 0 109,580 Cr 107,650 0 Cr 107,650 1,930 0 1,930 224 Human Resources Health & Safety Central Department 3 Budget Manager - Sue Sydney Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 435*** 0100 435*** 0241 Employees Officers' Pay Training Expenses 435*** 1717 435*** 2156 Supplies and Services Occupational Health Contract Miscellaneous Expenses 19,180 230 19,410 79,140 1,120 80,260 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 435*** 5503 435*** 5510 435*** 5520 99,670 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 5,860 1,160 2,890 9,910 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 435*** 9501 CE CE CE 109,580 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 107,650 107,650 1,930 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 435003 - CE - Health & Safety 435004 - CE - Occupational Health 225 CE Human Resources Health & Safety Sold Services to Schools Budget Manager - Sue Sydney Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 455006 1717 Supplies and Services Occupational Health Contract 455006 9141 Income Income from Foundation/Voluntary Added Schools 26,550 26,550 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 455006 455006 455006 455006 5502 5503 5510 5520 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN Cr Cr 29,550 29,550 Cr 3,000 Cr 500 1,770 100 830 3,000 TOTAL NET BUDGET 0 Income Details No. of schools that would need selling to to achieve target Average cost per school Income to generate 33 895 29,550 Health and Safety trading currently sells to 24 schools (approx 45% of its internal market) on a variety of solds services offered to schools both in and out of the borough. The service may return a deficit on trading in year. To break even the service would have to increase its uptake by an average of 9 additional schools or increase the average income per current school by £336 (or a combination of the two). The current average charge for these services to each school is £895 but this can fluctuate depending on the size of the school as that determines the volume of staff chargeable. The costs included the trading account above do not include statutory services or LA services at this time. 226 Human Resources - Charles Obazuaye HR Management 435009 - Central Department 3 Total Employees Controllable Budgets £ 229,790 229,790 £ 229,790 229,790 Recharges In 131,340 131,340 361,130 361,130 Cr 357,170 Cr 357,170 3,960 3,960 Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 227 Human Resources HR Management Central Department 3 Budget Manager - Charles Obazuaye Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 435009 435009 435009 435009 0102 0241 0242 0262 Employees Officers' Inbucon Pay Training Expenses Training Expenses - Travel & Subsistence Leased Cars 223,510 2,000 70 4,210 229,790 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 435009 435009 435009 435009 5502 5503 5510 5520 229,790 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 46,160 63,280 13,220 8,680 131,340 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 435009 9501 CE CE CE CE 361,130 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 357,170 357,170 3,960 228 CE Human Resources - Charles Obazuaye HR Strategy and L & D 435*** - Central Department 3 Employees Supplies and Services Income Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 439000 - Graduate Scheme Total £ 288,150 37,940 Cr 14,980 311,110 £ 75,010 0 0 75,010 £ 363,160 37,940 Cr 14,980 386,120 126,810 6,460 133,270 437,920 81,470 519,390 Cr 488,180 Cr 81,470 Cr 569,650 Cr 50,260 0 229 Cr 50,260 Human Resources HR Strategy and L & D Central Department 3 Budget Manager - Sue Sydney Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 435*** 0100 435*** 0102 435*** 0241 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Training Expenses 435*** 435*** 435*** 435*** Supplies and Services Line of Business Software Central Training Staff Recognition Special Scheme 1933 2164 2165 5000 435*** 9103 224,350 59,800 4,000 288,150 Cr Income Miscellaneous Income Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 435*** 435*** 435*** 435*** 5502 5503 5510 5520 14,980 14,980 311,110 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 31,250 37,950 17,110 40,500 126,810 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 435*** 9501 6,000 66,470 15,470 50,000 37,940 CE CE CE CE 437,920 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr The Following Cost Centres must be used: 435016 - CE - HR Strategy 435017 - CE - Learning & Development 230 488,180 488,180 50,260 CE Human Resources HR Strategy and L & D Graduate Scheme Budget Manager - Sue Sydney Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 439000 0100 439000 0241 Employees Officers' Pay Training Expenses 71,770 3,240 75,010 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 439000 5503 439000 5510 75,010 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 2,140 4,320 6,460 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 439000 9501 CE 81,470 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 81,470 81,470 0 231 CE Human Resources - Charles Obazuaye Operational HR 435*** - Central Department 3 Employees Transport Supplies and Services Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Recharges In £ 653,630 1,310 27,210 Cr 170 Cr 26,000 655,980 455005 - Sold Services to Schools £ 217,220 150 360 Cr 266,060 0 Cr 48,330 347,240 48,330 Total £ 870,850 1,460 27,570 Cr 266,230 Cr 26,000 607,650 395,570 Total Cost of Service 1,003,220 0 1,003,220 Recharges Out Cr 1,008,530 0 Cr 1,008,530 Cr 5,310 0 Cr 5,310 Total Net Budget 232 Human Resources Operational HR Central Department 3 Budget Manager - Sue Sydney Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 435*** 0100 435*** 0102 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay 435*** 1321 435*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 435*** 435*** 435*** 435*** 435*** 435*** 435*** 435*** 435*** 435*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Printing & Stationery Other Hired & Contracted Services Microfilming Postages & Stamp Duties Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Grants & Subscriptions Public Health Transition Expenditure Miscellaneous Expenses Special Scheme 1501 1652 1704 1761 1906 1908 2001 2149 2156 5000 435*** 9103 Income Miscellaneous Income 435*** 9748 435*** 9751 Recharges Out Recharge To Public Health Transition Fund Support Services Charges to Public Health 458,320 195,310 653,630 250 1,060 1,310 Cr Cr Cr 170 170 Cr Cr Cr 15,000 11,000 26,000 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 435*** 435*** 435*** 435*** 5502 5503 5510 5520 655,980 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 93,730 94,920 46,170 112,420 347,240 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 435*** 9501 250 5,000 8,000 3,800 6,040 1,800 2,290 15,000 30 15,000 27,210 CE CE CE CE 1,003,220 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr The Following Cost Centres must be used: 435002 - CE - Support Services 435006 - CE - Employee Relations 435010 - CE - Employee/Staff Side Sec 435015 - CE - Consultancy Service 233 1,008,530 1,008,530 5,310 CE Human Resources Operational HR Sold Services to Schools Budget Manager - Sue Sydney Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 455005 0100 Employees Officers' Pay 455005 1331 Transport Car Allowances 455005 2156 Supplies and Services Miscellaneous Expenses 455005 455005 455005 455005 Income Miscellaneous Income Income from Foundation/Voluntary Added Schools Income from Community/Voluntary Controlled Schools Income from Academies 9103 9141 9142 9147 217,220 217,220 150 150 360 360 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 455005 5503 455005 5510 455005 5520 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 41,000 38,060 100,000 87,000 266,060 Cr 48,330 10,840 19,990 17,500 48,330 TOTAL NET BUDGET 0 Income Details No. of schools that would need selling to to achieve target Average cost per school Income to generate Operational HR carries out a variety of sold service functions to schools. These include a range of consultancy services covering major organisational change, employee relations, pay and grading, performance management, industrial relations. HR also carry out individual casework including contracts of employment plus advice/support involved with recruitment, employment and termination of staff. Operational HR trading currently sells to 86 schools (about 90% of the internal market) on a variety of sold services offered to schools both in and out of the borough. The service may return a deficit on trading in year. To break even the service would have to increase its take up by an average of 9 additional schools or increase the average income per current school by £293 (or a combination of both). The currrent average charge for these services to each school is £2,800 The costs included in the trading account above do not include statutory services or Local Authority (LA) services at this time. 234 95 2,800 266,060 Chief Executive's Division - Doug Patterson Audit Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Capital Charges / Financing Supplies and Services - Insurance Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Comms £ 314,140 0 1,000 241,180 311,320 Cr 108,660 Cr 20,370 738,610 0 0 0 £ 101,900 0 150 14,690 0 0 Cr 4,000 112,740 0 0 0 Management & Other £ 432,380 0 350 242,680 0 0 Cr 26,000 649,410 Mayoral Total £ 119,590 1,170 5,150 48,630 0 0 0 174,540 £ 968,010 1,170 6,650 547,180 311,320 Cr 108,660 Cr 50,370 1,675,300 0 420 420 6,000 0 6,000 6,000 420 6,420 110,810 35,850 219,140 160,500 526,300 849,420 148,590 868,970 341,040 2,208,020 Recharges Out Cr 851,520 Cr 148,590 Cr 837,790 Cr 341,040 Cr 2,178,940 Total Net Budget Cr 2,100 Total Cost of Service 0 235 31,180 0 29,080 Chief Executive - Doug Patterson Audit 400*** - Central Department 1 Employees Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Recharges In 402000 - External Audit £ 299,140 1,000 50,820 311,320 Cr 89,620 Cr 20,370 552,290 455004 - Sold Services to Schools £ £ 0 15,000 0 0 188,370 1,990 0 0 0 Cr 19,040 0 0 188,370 Cr 2,050 £ 314,140 1,000 241,180 311,320 Cr 108,660 Cr 20,370 738,610 108,760 0 661,050 188,370 0 849,420 Recharges Out Cr 663,150 Cr 188,370 0 Cr 851,520 Total Net Budget Cr 2,100 0 Cr 2,100 Total Cost of Service 0 236 2,050 Total 110,810 Chief Executive Audit Central Department 1 Budget Manager - Luis Remedios Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 0100 0102 0241 0251 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Training Expenses Staff Advertising 400*** 1321 400*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Office Furniture Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Other Hired & Contracted Services Line of Business Software Conference Expenses Subsistence Miscellaneous Expenses 1501 1505 1651 1652 1704 1933 1981 1983 2156 400*** 3156 Third Party Payments Fraud Partnership - L B Greenwich 400*** 8092 400*** 9102 Income Administration Subsidy - Fraud Recoveries 400*** 9751 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Public Health 213,420 80,000 5,260 460 299,140 500 500 1,000 50 510 760 3,600 40,000 5,170 710 10 10 50,820 311,320 311,320 Cr Cr Cr 72,520 17,100 89,620 Cr Cr 20,370 20,370 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 5502 5503 5510 5520 552,290 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 3,460 60,300 21,860 23,140 108,760 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 400*** 9501 CE CE CE CE 661,050 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr 663,150 663,150 TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr 2,100 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 400013 - RD - Audit 237 CE Chief Executive Audit External Audit Budget Manager - Luis Remedios Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 402000 1710 402000 1727 402000 9501 402000 9524 Supplies and Services External Audit Fees - Audit of Accounts, etc External Audit Fees - Grant Claims 165,120 23,250 188,370 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 188,370 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 188,370 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients Miscellaneous Charges to Corporate & Democratic Core Finance SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr Cr Cr 23,250 165,120 188,370 0 238 Chief Executive Audit Sold Services to Schools Budget Manager - Luis Remedios Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 455004 0100 Employees Officers' Pay 455004 2156 Supplies and Services Miscellaneous Expenses 455004 9141 Income Income from Foundation/Voluntary Added Schools 15,000 15,000 1,990 1,990 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 455004 5503 455004 5510 455004 5520 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN Cr Cr 19,040 19,040 Cr 2,050 1,420 110 520 2,050 TOTAL NET BUDGET 0 Assumptions on Income No schools that we need to sell services to (based on existing prices) Average charge per school Income generated 12 £ 1,587 £19,040 Audit trading currently sells to 12 Schools (about 39% of its internal market) on a variety of sold services offered to schools both in and out of borough. The service is expected to break even on trading in year. The current average charge for these services to each school is £1,587 The costs included in the trading account above do not include statutory services or Local Authority (LA) services at this time. The LA element is being looked at as a separate exercise. 239 Chief Executive - Doug Patterson Comms 435021 - Central Department 3 Employees Transport Supplies and Services Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget Total £ 101,900 150 14,690 Cr 4,000 112,740 £ 101,900 150 14,690 Cr 4,000 112,740 35,850 35,850 148,590 148,590 Cr 148,590 Cr 148,590 0 0 240 Chief Executive Comms Central Department 3 Budget Manager - Amanda Day/Susan Clark Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 435021 0100 435021 0241 Employees Officers' Pay Training Expenses 435021 1321 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses 435021 435021 435021 435021 435021 Supplies and Services Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Photographic Services Public Health Transition Expenditure Corporate Publications 1651 1652 1762 2149 2661 435021 9748 100,840 1,060 101,900 150 150 400 430 1,190 4,000 8,670 14,690 Recharges Out Recharge To Public Health Transition Fund Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 435021 435021 435021 435021 5502 5503 5510 5520 112,740 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 4,920 11,240 6,080 13,610 35,850 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 435021 9501 4,000 4,000 CE CE CE CE 148,590 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 148,590 148,590 0 241 CE Chief Executive - Doug Patterson Management and Other (C.Exec) 438000 Miscellaneous Expenses (C.E.) 435*** - Central Department 3 Employees Transport Supplies and Services Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Supplies and Services - Insurance Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget £ 432,380 350 51,100 Cr 26,000 457,830 Total £ 0 0 191,580 0 191,580 £ 432,380 350 242,680 Cr 26,000 649,410 420 420 0 0 420 420 219,140 0 219,140 677,390 191,580 868,970 Cr 646,210 Cr 191,580 Cr 837,790 31,180 0 242 31,180 Chief Executive Management and Other (C.Exec) Central Department 3 Budget Manager - Doug Patterson Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 435*** 435*** 435*** 435*** 0100 0102 0241 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Training Expenses Leased Cars 435*** 1321 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses 435*** 435*** 435*** 435*** 435*** 435*** 435*** 435*** 435*** 435*** Supplies and Services Printing & Stationery Promotion & Design Other Hired & Contracted Services Telephones - External Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Grants & Subscriptions Public Health Transition Expenditure Miscellaneous Expenses Official Hospitality Corporate Publications 1652 1658 1704 1907 1908 2001 2149 2156 2157 2661 435*** 9748 119,950 296,230 12,060 4,140 432,380 350 350 1,080 2,500 8,330 220 570 4,000 26,000 100 390 7,910 51,100 Recharges Out Recharge To Public Health Transition Fund Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 435*** 2160 457,830 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 420 420 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 435*** 435*** 435*** 435*** 5502 5503 5510 5520 CE 420 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 117,910 60,730 22,570 17,930 219,140 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 435*** 9501 26,000 26,000 CE CE CE CE 677,390 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 646,210 646,210 31,180 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 435008 - CE - Secretariat 435024 - CE - Chief Executive 243 CE Chief Executive Management and Other (C.Exec) Miscellaneous Expenses (C.E.) Budget Manager - Doug Patterson Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 438000 438000 438000 438000 2003 2158 2162 2218 438000 9526 Supplies and Services London Councils Subscription Long Service Awards Licences LLA - Bill 177,770 6,630 1,120 6,060 191,580 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 191,580 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 191,580 Recharges Out Charge to Corporate & Democratic Core from P&A Miscellanious Expenses SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr Cr 191,580 191,580 0 244 CE CE Chief Executive - Doug Patterson Mayoral Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Controllable Budgets Capital Charges/Financing Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 418000 - Mayoral and Civic Hospitality £ 0 1,170 0 43,950 45,120 420053 - Central Department 2 6,000 6,000 Total £ 119,590 0 5,150 4,680 129,420 0 0 £ 119,590 1,170 5,150 48,630 174,540 6,000 6,000 135,290 25,210 160,500 186,410 154,630 341,040 Cr 186,410 Cr 154,630 Cr 341,040 0 0 245 0 Chief Executive Mayoral Mayoral and Civic Hospitality Budget Manager - Jolanta Giudici Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 418000 1263 Premises Floral Decorations 418000 418000 418000 418000 418000 418000 Supplies and Services Robes And Regalia Printing & Stationery Other Hired & Contracted Services Mayoral Allowance Civic Hospitality Town Twinning 1635 1652 1704 1963 1964 2210 1,170 1,170 1,070 1,350 2,500 22,310 14,410 2,310 43,950 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 418000 5802 45,120 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation 6,000 6,000 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 418000 5501 6,000 Recharges In Support Services (Services) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 135,290 135,290 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 418000 9525 CE CE 186,410 Recharges Out Charge to Corporate & Democratic Core from Dem. Rep . SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr Cr 186,410 186,410 0 246 CE Chief Executive Mayoral Central Department 2 Budget Manager - Jolanta Giudici Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 420053 0100 Employees Officers' Pay 420053 1301 420053 1321 Transport Use of Transport Staff Travelling Expenses 420053 420053 420053 420053 Supplies and Services Protective Clothing Printing & Stationery Postages & Stamp Duties Official Hospitality 1631 1652 1906 2157 119,590 119,590 5,000 150 5,150 250 200 2,630 1,600 4,680 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 420053 420053 420053 420053 5502 5503 5510 5520 129,420 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 2,050 9,860 7,510 5,790 25,210 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 420053 9501 CE CE CE CE 154,630 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 154,630 154,630 0 247 CE 248 Transformation & Regeneration Division Summary - Marc Hume Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Rent Income (All LBB) Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges/Financing Property Rental Income Non-Controllable Budgets 249 Items allocated to other depts non-controllable Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget Investment & NonOperational Property £ 0 291,910 0 106,090 0 Cr 10,180 0 387,820 302,980 26,330 20,000 Cr 5,014,100 Cr 4,664,790 0 Strategic Property Services Rent Income 743013 - Strategic Housing 564*** - Planning Services £ 0 0 0 0 Cr 5,966,300 0 0 Cr 5,966,300 0 420 0 0 420 0 0 0 5,269,870 5,269,870 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 302,980 26,750 20,000 255,770 605,500 696,430 0 0 696,430 0 £ 164260 0 650 15,350 0 Cr 101,500 Cr 96,630 Cr 17,870 £ 3,602,820 9,610 49,850 303,950 0 Cr 2,433,570 0 1,532,660 Total £ 615,670 0 9,720 48,090 0 Cr 13,180 Cr 56,020 604,280 £ 4,382,750 301,520 60,220 473,480 Cr 5,966,300 Cr 2,558,430 Cr 152,650 Cr 3,459,410 641,820 286,880 0 87,900 3,098,190 4,114,790 Cr 3,635,150 891,580 0 70,030 4,630,850 1,957,310 0 Cr 862,870 0 Cr 6,870 Cr 1,832,570 Cr 2,702,310 Cr 3,635,150 28,710 0 63,160 2,798,280 Cr 745,000 Transformation and Regeneration - Mark Hume Investment and Non-Operational Property Premises Supplies and Services Income Controllable Budgets Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges/Financing Property Rental Income Non-Controllable Budgets 052*** - Leisure Sundry Properties 073000 - The Studio 085*** - Civic Halls £ £ £ 21,630 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cr 10,180 21,630 0 Cr 10,180 441000 - Anerley Business Centre £ 73,330 54,900 0 128,230 442*** - Properties Held For Investment £ 29,950 2,520 0 32,470 444000 - Surplus Properties 445000 Agricultural Properties £ 4,050 5,740 0 9,790 £ 260 870 0 1,130 449000 447*** - Exchequer Community House 446000 - Biggin Hill House (Ex Bromley (Old Magistrates Airport TH) Court) £ £ £ 0 162,690 0 8,060 34,000 0 0 0 0 8,060 196,690 0 Total £ 291,910 106,090 Cr 10,180 387,820 22,050 0 9,000 Cr 63,370 Cr 32,320 3,320 0 0 Cr 26,610 Cr 23,290 134,650 480 0 0 135,130 10,010 720 0 Cr 90,010 Cr 79,280 16,840 0 0 Cr 4,351,820 Cr 4,334,980 28,320 23,230 11,000 Cr 40,850 21,700 76,770 1,130 0 Cr 138,870 Cr 60,970 0 0 0 Cr 186,580 Cr 186,580 1,120 360 0 0 1,480 9,900 410 0 Cr 115,990 Cr 105,680 302,980 26,330 20,000 Cr 5,014,100 Cr 4,664,790 Recharges In 12,440 7,510 3,870 17,020 320,290 209,000 45,540 16,950 1,460 7,740 641,820 Total Net Budget 1,750 Cr 15,780 128,820 65,970 Cr 3,982,220 240,490 Cr 14,300 Cr 161,570 199,630 Cr 97,940 Cr 3,635,150 250 Transformation and Regeneration Investment and Non-Operational Property Leisure Sundry Properties Budget Manager - Neil Thompson Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 052*** 052*** 052*** 052*** 1202 1222 1223 1241 Premises Electricity Rents Business Rates Water 50 6,500 13,200 1,880 21,630 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 052*** 1109 052*** 1112 052*** 1116 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works 052*** 5802 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation 052*** 9002 Property Rental Income Rent of Commercial Premises/Halls Cr Cr SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 052*** 5501 21,630 Cr 15,890 4,000 2,160 22,050 CE CE CE 9,000 9,000 CE 63,370 63,370 CE 32,320 Recharges In Support Services (Services) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 12,440 12,440 TOTAL NET BUDGET 1,750 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 052000 - Sundry Properties 052002 - Sundry Props-Croydon Rd Rec Grnd Lodge 052004 - Sundry Props-Church Hse Gdns Hse 052005 - Sundry Props-Church Hse Grnd Lodge 052007 - Sundry Props-Norman Pk Lodge 052009 - Sundry Props-Hoblingwell Wood Lodge 052010 - Sundry Props-Whitehall Recreation Grnd Lodge 052011 - Sundry Props-77 Crystal Palace Pk Rd Flat 1 052012 - Sundry Props-77 Crystal Palace Pk Rd Flat 2 052015 - Sundry Props-33 Crystal Palace Park 052016 - Sundry Props-30 Beckenham Road 052022 - Sundry Props-Plaistow Cemetery Lodge 052025 - Sundry Props-Parkfield Rec Grnd Lodge 052027 - Sundry Props-109 South Eden Park Rd 052033 - Sundry Props-Kelsey Park Lodge 052038 - Sundry Props-Walsingham Gym Club 251 CE Transformation and Regeneration Investment and Non-Operational Property The Studio Budget Manager - Neil Thompson Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 073000 1109 073000 1116 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Water Treatment Works 073000 9002 Property Rental Income Rent of Commercial Premises/Halls Cr Cr SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 073000 5501 Cr Recharges In Support Services (Services) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 2,250 1,070 3,320 CE CE 26,610 26,610 CE 23,290 7,510 7,510 TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr 252 15,780 CE Transformation and Regeneration Investment and Non-Operational Property Civic Halls Budget Manager - Neil Thompson Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 085*** 8877 Income Hall/Room Lettings Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 085*** 1103 085*** 1109 085*** 1116 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Planned Structural Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Water Treatment Works 085*** 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 085*** 5501 Cr 10,180 10,180 10,180 122,500 6,760 5,390 134,650 CE CE CE 480 480 CE 135,130 Recharges In Support Services (Services) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 3,870 3,870 TOTAL NET BUDGET 128,820 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 085000 - Civic Halls 085004 - Miscellaneous Halls 253 Transformation and Regeneration Investment and Non-Operational Property Anerley Business Centre Budget Manager - Neil Thompson Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 441000 441000 441000 441000 441000 1202 1203 1223 1241 1273 441000 1704 441000 1907 Premises Electricity Gas Business Rates Water Contract Cleaning 19,480 8,610 30,740 1,130 13,370 73,330 Supplies and Services Other Hired & Contracted Services Telephones - External 52,670 2,230 54,900 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 441000 1109 441000 1111 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance 441000 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 441000 9002 Property Rental Income Rent of Commercial Premises/Halls Cr Cr SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 441000 5501 441000 5530 128,230 Cr 9,010 1,000 10,010 CE CE 720 720 CE 90,010 90,010 CE 79,280 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Grounds Maintenance SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 16,450 570 17,020 TOTAL NET BUDGET 65,970 254 CE ECS Transformation and Regeneration Investment and Non-Operational Property Properties Held For Investment Budget Manager - Neil Thompson Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 442*** 442*** 442*** 442*** 442*** 1202 1203 1222 1223 1241 442*** 2153 442*** 2156 442*** 2208 Premises Electricity Gas Rents Business Rates Water 100 100 90 29,420 240 29,950 Supplies and Services Advertising - other than Staff Miscellaneous Expenses Legal Expenses 1,190 760 570 2,520 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 442*** 1102 442*** 1109 442*** 1111 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - External Decorations Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance 442*** 9002 442*** 9004 442*** 9019 Property Rental Income Rent of Commercial Premises/Halls Rent - Share Agreements Rent - Investment Fund 1,500 13,330 2,010 16,840 Cr Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 442*** 5501 32,470 Cr 1,145,640 2,181,180 1,025,000 4,351,820 320,290 320,290 TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr 3,982,220 442000 - Properties Held For Investment 442017 - Props Held For Invest-Other Props 255 CE CE 4,334,980 Recharges In Support Services (Services) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN The Following Cost Centres must be used: CE CE CE Transformation and Regeneration Investment and Non-Operational Property Surplus Properties Budget Manager - Heather Hosking Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 444000 444000 444000 444000 1202 1203 1223 1241 Premises Electricity Gas Business Rates Water 444000 444000 444000 444000 2153 2156 2208 2217 Supplies and Services Advertising - other than Staff Miscellaneous Expenses Legal Expenses Site Investigations 100 100 3,640 210 4,050 2,400 610 1,540 1,190 5,740 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 444000 1109 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned 444000 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 444000 5802 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation 444000 9002 Property Rental Income Rent of Commercial Premises/Halls Cr Cr SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 444000 5501 9,790 28,320 28,320 CE 23,230 23,230 CE 11,000 11,000 CE 40,850 40,850 CE 21,700 Recharges In Support Services (Services) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 209,000 209,000 TOTAL NET BUDGET 240,490 256 CE Transformation and Regeneration Investment and Non-Operational Property Agricultural Properties Budget Manager - Neil Thompson Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 445000 1223 Premises Business Rates 445000 2153 445000 2156 445000 2208 Supplies and Services Advertising - other than Staff Miscellaneous Expenses Legal Expenses 260 260 170 120 580 870 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 445000 1103 445000 1109 445000 1112 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Planned Structural Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Asbestos Management 445000 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 445000 9002 Property Rental Income Rent of Commercial Premises/Halls 61,250 13,520 2,000 76,770 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 445000 5501 445000 5530 1,130 1,130 1,130 CE Cr Cr 138,870 138,870 CE Cr 60,970 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Grounds Maintenance SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 44,960 580 45,540 TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr 257 CE CE 14,300 CE ECS Transformation and Regeneration Investment and Non-Operational Property Biggin Hill Airport Budget Manager - Neil Thompson Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 446000 2404 Supplies and Services Noise Monitoring 8,060 8,060 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 446000 9002 Property Rental Income Rent of Commercial Premises/Halls 446000 5501 446000 5591 8,060 Cr Cr SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE Cr 186,580 186,580 CE 186,580 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Recharges In - External (ECS) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 9,930 7,020 16,950 TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr 161,570 258 ECS CE ECS Transformation and Regeneration Investment and Non-Operational Property Exchequer House (Ex Bromley TH) Budget Manager - Neil Thompson Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 447*** 447*** 447*** 447*** 447*** 447*** 447*** 447*** 1202 1203 1222 1223 1241 1272 1274 1276 447*** 1633 447*** 1704 447*** 1982 Premises Electricity Gas Rents Business Rates Water Window Cleaning Borough Secretaries Contract Cleaning Clearing Rubbish & Refuse 18,040 5,460 11,750 98,400 3,590 1,560 20,910 2,980 162,690 Supplies and Services Laundry Other Hired & Contracted Services Car Park Fees 1,840 28,850 3,310 34,000 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 447*** 1109 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned 447*** 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 1,120 1,120 CE 360 360 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 447*** 5501 447*** 5530 196,690 1,480 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Grounds Maintenance SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 1,080 380 1,460 TOTAL NET BUDGET 199,630 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 447000 - Exchequer House (Ex Bromley TH) 447001 - Exchequer House Service Charges 259 CE ECS Transformation and Regeneration Investment and Non-Operational Property Community House (Old Magistrates Court) Budget Manager - Neil Thompson Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 449000 1109 449000 1112 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Asbestos Management 449000 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 449000 9002 Property Rental Income Rent of Commercial Premises/Halls Cr Cr SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 449000 5501 Cr Recharges In Support Services (Services) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 7,900 2,000 9,900 CE CE 410 410 CE 115,990 115,990 CE 105,680 7,740 7,740 TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr 260 97,940 CE Transformation and Regeneration - Mark Hume Strategic Property Services 400*** - Central Department 1 Employees Transport Supplies and Services Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Supplies and Services - Insurance Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget Total £ 615,670 9,720 48,090 Cr 13,180 Cr 56,020 604,280 £ 615,670 9,720 48,090 Cr 13,180 Cr 56,020 604,280 420 420 420 420 286,880 286,880 891,580 891,580 Cr 862,870 Cr 862,870 28,710 28,710 261 Transformation and Regeneration Strategic Property Services Central Department 1 Budget Manager - Heather Hosking Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 0100 0102 0241 0251 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Training Expenses Staff Advertising Leased Cars 400*** 1321 400*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Office Furniture Uniforms Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Other Office Expenses Other Hired & Contracted Services Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers IT Licences Grants & Subscriptions Legal Expenses 1501 1505 1632 1651 1652 1660 1704 1908 1913 2001 2208 400*** 8301 400*** 8311 Income Fees & Charges - General Income from Broomleigh 400*** 9505 400*** 9508 Recharges Out Support Services to Capital Recharge to LRB 334,570 269,330 3,000 1,600 7,170 615,670 400 9,320 9,720 2,250 400 250 1,200 1,530 50 5,000 2,630 32,140 1,640 1,000 48,090 Cr Cr Cr 10,950 2,230 13,180 Cr Cr Cr 26,020 30,000 56,020 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 400*** 2160 604,280 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 420 420 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 400*** 5502 5503 5510 5520 5530 5594 420 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Grounds Maintenance Recharges in - Internal (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 129,540 86,040 13,700 42,220 450 14,930 286,880 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 400*** 9501 CE CE CE CE CE ECS 891,580 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 862,870 862,870 28,710 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 400047 - Property Asset Mgt 400048 - Property V & E 262 CE Strategic Property Services Rental Income Controlled by Strategic Property Services across all Depts Oracle Code 9002 9004 9010 9019 00000 00000 00000 00000 Budget 2013/2014 Chief Executives - Resources Portfolio Rent of Commercial Premises/Halls Rent - Share Agreements Service Charges Rent - Investment Fund Cr Cr Cr Cr 2,063,700 2,181,180 10 1,025,000 5,269,870 Other Portfolios/Departments £ 9002 9012 9018 00000 00000 00000 Education,Care and Health Services Rent of Commercial Premises/Halls Rent - Banbury Rent - Bromley Mind - Rachel Notley 9002 9005 9007 9019 00000 00000 00000 00000 Enviroment Community Services Rent of Commercial Premises/Halls Rent - Land Catering Rights Rent - Investment Fund Total 263 Cr Cr Cr Cr 34,380 87,920 14,170 136,470 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 163,500 313,870 77,780 4,810 559,960 Cr 5,966,300 Housing Strategy & Development - Kerry O'Driscoll 743013 - Strategic Housing Total £ 164,260 650 15,350 Cr 101,500 Cr 96,630 Cr 17,870 £ 164,260 650 15,350 Cr 101,500 Cr 96,630 Cr 17,870 87,900 87,900 Total Cost of Service 70,030 70,030 Recharges Out Cr 6,870 Cr 6,870 Total Net Budget 63,160 63,160 Employees Transport Supplies and Services Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Recharges In 264 Housing Strategy & Development Budget Manager - Kerry O'Driscoll Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 743013 0180 Employees Officers' Pay - Grant Funded 743013 1321 743013 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 743013 743013 743013 743013 743013 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Printing & Stationery Conference Expenses Grants & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expenses 1501 1652 1981 2001 2156 743013 8106 743013 9055 Income Affordable Housing Charge Interest - Mortgages 743013 9505 Recharges Out Support Services to Capital 164,260 164,260 450 200 650 3,000 370 480 10,440 1,060 15,350 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 743013 5501 743013 5510 743013 5520 Cr Cr Cr 100,000 1,500 101,500 Cr Cr 96,630 96,630 Cr Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 59,600 13,300 15,000 87,900 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 743013 9529 17,870 CE CE CE 70,030 Recharges Out Support to Members SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 6,870 6,870 63,160 265 CE Planning - Jim Kehoe 564*** Building Control Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Income Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 564*** Land Charges 564*** - Planning Services 564*** Planning Services - Renewal Total £ 802,230 0 28,910 80,900 Cr 919,100 Cr 7,060 £ 169,130 0 10 16,630 Cr 354,240 Cr 168,470 £ 1,636,010 0 17,210 87,980 Cr 1,159,590 581,610 £ 995,450 9,610 3,720 118,440 Cr 640 1,126,580 £ 3,602,820 9,610 49,850 303,950 Cr 2,433,570 1,532,660 253,940 284,860 1,931,450 627,940 3,098,190 246,880 116,390 2,513,060 1,754,520 4,630,850 Cr 102,380 Cr 51,290 Cr 1,190,340 Cr 488,560 Cr 1,832,570 144,500 65,100 1,322,720 1,265,960 2,798,280 266 Building Control Budget Manager - Jim Kehoe Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 0100 0102 0241 0242 0262 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Training Expenses Training Expenses - Travel & Subsistence Leased Cars 453,610 323,400 4,300 240 20,680 802,230 564*** 1321 00000 564*** 1331 00000 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 1501 1631 1651 1652 1707 1708 1761 1762 1901 1903 1903 1903 1905 1906 1907 1981 2001 2103 2154 2157 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 F0694 F0695 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Protective Clothing Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Cash Collection / Courier Service Agency/Consultancy Fees Microfilming Photographic Services Purchase of Computer Equipment Maintenance of Computer Equipment Maintenance of Computer Equipment Maintenance of Computer Equipment Other I.T Equipment Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Conference Expenses Grants & Subscriptions Credit Card Commission Advertising - Statutory Official Hospitality 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 8302 8437 8438 8439 8440 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 Income Establishment Expenses Recovered Building Control - Deposit of Plans Building Control - First Inspections Building Control - Building Control Notices Building Control - Regularisation Applications 250 28,660 28,910 750 660 590 2,750 310 27,930 3,170 80 2,050 10,230 7,680 5,320 4,710 3,880 1,060 260 5,520 510 3,340 100 80,900 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 5501 5510 5520 5594 00000 00000 00000 00000 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 10,450 202,610 314,830 356,510 34,700 919,100 Cr 7,060 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Recharges in - Internal (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 87,710 36,260 58,430 71,540 253,940 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 564*** 9594 00000 564*** 9595 00000 246,880 Recharges Out Recharges out - Internal (R&R) Recharges out - External (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 80,490 21,890 102,380 144,500 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 564004 - Planning Services - Building Control 564300 - Planning Services - Building Control 267 CE CE CE Land Charges Budget Manager - Jim Kehoe Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 0100 0241 0242 0251 Employees Officers' Pay Training Expenses Training Expenses - Travel & Subsistence Staff Advertising 564*** 1321 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Microfilming Purchase of Computer Equipment Maintenance of Computer Equipment Postages & Stamp Duties Official Hospitality 1501 1651 1652 1761 1901 1903 1906 2157 564*** 8441 166,730 1,570 90 740 169,130 10 10 1,010 120 620 8,230 1,230 3,740 1,630 50 16,630 Income Land Charge Search Fees Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 5501 5510 5520 5591 5594 Cr Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Recharges In - External (ECS) Recharges in - Internal (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 168,470 54,010 33,230 24,630 22,630 150,360 284,860 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 564*** 9594 354,240 354,240 116,390 Recharges Out Recharges out - Internal (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 51,290 51,290 65,100 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 564006 - Planning Services - Land Charges & Street Numbering 564400 - Planning Services - Land Charges 268 CE CE CE ECS Planning Budget Manager - Jim Kehoe Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 0100 0102 0241 0242 0251 0262 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Training Expenses Training Expenses - Travel & Subsistence Staff Advertising Leased Cars 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 1302 1306 1321 1331 1380 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 Transport Fuel & Oil Hire of Vehicles Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances Transport Insurance 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 1501 1522 1631 1651 1652 1657 1708 1761 1762 1795 1906 1907 1981 2001 2154 2157 2163 2305 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Ordinance Survey Maps - Copy Charges Protective Clothing Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Photocopier Expenses Agency/Consultancy Fees Microfilming Photographic Services I.T. Consultancy Fees Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Conference Expenses Grants & Subscriptions Advertising - Statutory Official Hospitality Ordnance Survey Licences Partnership Schemes 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 8209 8301 8301 8301 8442 9103 00000 00000 F0689 F0698 00000 00000 Income Sale of Planning Decisions etc Fees & Charges - General Fees & Charges - General Fees & Charges - General Planning Application Fees Miscellaneous Income 1,176,150 430,370 8,330 510 2,390 18,260 1,636,010 410 2,070 250 14,180 300 17,210 4,330 1,400 90 1,050 16,130 2,400 1,050 12,830 3,000 4,770 18,570 910 390 1,060 7,000 210 8,270 4,520 87,980 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 5501 5510 5520 5591 5594 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 581,610 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Recharges In - External (ECS) Recharges in - Internal (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 565,140 98,880 206,500 232,550 828,380 1,931,450 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 564*** 9594 00000 564*** 9595 00000 8,190 3,750 82,120 10,800 1,029,730 25,000 1,159,590 2,513,060 Recharges Out Recharges out - Internal (R&R) Recharges out - External (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 999,530 190,810 1,190,340 1,322,720 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 564001 - Chief Planner's Management 564002 - Development Control 564005 - Planning Administration 564008 - LLPG 564014 - Appeals & Enforcement 564050 - Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) 564100 - Planning Services 269 CE CE CE ECS Renewal Budget Manager - Jim Kehoe Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 0100 0102 0241 0242 0251 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Training Expenses Training Expenses - Travel & Subsistence Staff Advertising Leased Cars 564*** 1115 Premises Tenant Maintenance - All Works 564*** 1321 564*** 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Protective Clothing Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Photocopier Expenses Other Hired & Contracted Services Photographic Services Project Expenses Purchase of Computer Equipment Postages & Stamp Duties Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Conference Expenses Grants & Subscriptions Official Hospitality Census & Surveys Local Plan Implementation 1501 1631 1651 1652 1657 1704 1762 1768 1901 1906 1908 1981 2001 2157 2301 2302 564*** 8302 659,880 319,100 4,860 280 1,000 10,330 995,450 9,610 9,610 450 3,270 3,720 3,290 290 3,160 7,140 730 34,110 980 15,120 1,640 4,950 1,000 260 12,050 590 1,250 31,880 118,440 Income Establishment Expenses Recovered Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 564*** 5501 5510 5520 5530 5591 5594 1,126,580 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Grounds Maintenance Recharges In - External (ECS) Recharges in - Internal (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 47,090 37,470 60,230 50 36,140 446,960 627,940 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 564*** 9594 564*** 9595 640 640 1,754,520 Recharges Out Recharges out - Internal (R&R) Recharges out - External (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 401,440 87,120 488,560 1,265,960 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 562001 - Director of Renewal & Recreation 564012 - Planning Strategy & Projects 564013 - Regeneration 270 CE CE CE ECS ECS LONDON BOROUGH OF BROMLEY FINANCIAL CONTROL BUDGET 2013/14 CENTRAL ITEMS 271 CDC & Non Distributed Costs - Peter Turner CDC & Non Distributed Costs Employees Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Net Budget 412*** - Cooparate & Democratic Core £ 0 0 413000 - Non Distributed Costs Total £ 7,612,740 7,612,740 £ 7,612,740 7,612,740 5,375,160 14,120 5,389,280 5,375,160 7,626,860 13,002,020 272 CDC & Non Distributed Costs CDC & Non Distributed Costs Corporate & Democratic Core Budget Manager - Peter Turner Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 412*** 412*** 412*** 412*** 412*** 412*** 412*** 412*** 5501 5524 5525 5526 5528 5529 5591 5595 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Recharge from Finance Miscellaneous Recharge from Democratic Representation Recharge from Chief Executive's Miscellaneous CYP Dept Recharge to CDC ACS Dept Recharge to CDC Recharges In - External (ECS) Recharges in - External (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 2,200,030 289,700 1,765,220 191,580 423,500 189,770 124,460 190,900 5,375,160 TOTAL NET BUDGET 5,375,160 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 412000 - Corporate & Democratic Core 412001 - Democratic Representation & Management 412002 - Corporate Management 273 CE CE CE CE CE CE ECS CE CDC & Non Distributed Costs CDC & Non Distributed Costs Non Distributed Costs Budget Manager - Peter Turner Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 413000 413000 413000 413000 413000 413000 413000 413000 413000 0200 0201 0202 0203 0204 0205 0213 0215 0217 Employees Lump Sums Basic Pension & Lump Sum Pensions Increase Injury Allowances Gratuities L.B. Bexley Long Term Cost of Early Retirements Education Compensation Payments Past Deficit Contributions 15,640 315,840 205,320 10,310 10 1,090 649,940 314,590 6,100,000 7,612,740 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 413000 5510 7,612,740 Recharges In Administration Buildings SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 14,120 14,120 TOTAL NET BUDGET 7,626,860 274 Interest on General Fund Balances - Peter Turner Interest on General Fund Balances Income Controllable Budgets 463000 - Interest on General Fund Bals £ Cr 1,591,000 Cr 1,591,000 Total Net Budget Cr 1,591,000 Total £ Cr 1,591,000 Cr 1,591,000 Cr 1,591,000 275 Interest on General Fund Balances Interest on General Fund Balances Interest on General Fund Bals Budget Manager - Martin Reeves Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 463000 9051 Income Interest - General Cr Cr 1,591,000 1,591,000 TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGET Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr 1,591,000 276 1,591,000 Corporate Services - Mark Bowen Concessionary Fares Third Party Payments Transfer Payments Controllable Budgets 806000 Concessionary Fares £ 20,720 9,637,960 9,658,680 Total Net Budget 9,658,680 Total £ 20,720 9,637,960 9,658,680 9,658,680 277 Corporate Services Concessionary Fares Concessionary Fares Budget Manager - Duncan Bridgewater Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 806000 3698 Third Party Payments Post Office Contract 806000 4071 Transfer Payments Freedom Passes 20,720 20,720 9,637,960 9,637,960 TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGET 9,658,680 TOTAL NET BUDGET 9,658,680 278 LONDON BOROUGH OF BROMLEY FINANCIAL CONTROL BUDGET 2013/14 ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 279 Environment & Community Services Department Service Area Total Controllable Budgets Total Non Controllable Budgets Total Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out 2013/14 Total Net Budgets 2013/14 £ £ £ £ £ £ 253,570 109,110 362,680 1,500,120 1,500,120 74,460 640,420 714,880 328,030 2,249,650 2,577,680 Cr 328,030 Cr 202,270 Cr 530,300 2,047,380 2,047,380 362,680 1,500,120 714,880 2,577,680 Cr 530,300 2,047,380 Cr 6,644,580 1,225,320 Cr 5,419,260 599,160 156,560 755,720 150,840 Cr 5,894,580 454,250 1,836,130 605,090 Cr 4,058,450 660,150 Cr 1,836,130 Cr 1,175,980 Cr 5,234,430 Cr 5,234,430 4,425,890 2,366,550 Cr 33,410 6,026,400 485,260 16,638,560 29,909,250 78,860 8,010 625,010 711,880 Cr 764,870 Cr 3,920,460 Cr 574,320 Cr 229,270 Cr 5,488,920 4,699,100 3,988,940 86,460 6,214,200 17,073,580 32,062,280 Care Services Portfolio Environment & Community Services - Housing Housing Enforcement Housing Improvement Care Services Portfolio Total Environmental Services Portfolio Customer & Support Services Parking Support Services Street Scene & Green Space Area Management & Street Cleansing Highways - SS&GS Markets Parks and Green Space Street Regulation Waste Services Public Protection Emergency Planning Transport & Highways Highways (Including London Permit Scheme) Highways Planning Traffic & Road Safety Environmental Services Portfolio Total 70,780 70,780 - 959,220 1,622,390 111,860 3,483,250 89,060 664,290 6,930,070 5,463,970 3,988,940 86,460 10,134,660 574,320 17,302,850 37,551,200 66,450 66,450 137,230 137,230 - 137,230 137,230 6,118,320 135,000 167,330 6,420,650 6,512,140 3,000 6,515,140 1,487,730 153,900 563,170 2,204,800 14,118,190 291,900 730,500 15,140,590 Cr 756,590 Cr 157,360 Cr 205,530 Cr 1,119,480 13,361,600 134,540 524,970 14,021,110 30,981,420 7,982,740 9,806,410 48,770,570 Cr 7,784,380 40,986,190 429,680 339,620 2,455,630 3,224,930 6,110 6,110 504,640 31,840 1,036,920 1,573,400 934,320 371,460 3,498,660 4,804,440 Cr 55,550 Cr 1,289,130 Cr 1,344,680 878,770 371,460 2,209,530 3,459,760 3,224,930 6,110 1,573,400 4,804,440 Cr 1,344,680 3,459,760 2,035,890 4,761,880 249,530 7,047,300 1,118,190 693,860 1,812,050 429,840 794,820 197,090 1,421,750 3,583,920 6,250,560 446,620 10,281,100 Cr 446,510 Cr 61,680 Cr 508,190 3,137,410 6,188,880 446,620 9,772,910 7,047,300 1,812,050 1,421,750 10,281,100 Cr 508,190 9,772,910 41,616,330 11,301,020 13,516,440 66,433,790 Cr 10,167,550 56,266,240 Public Protection & Safety Portfolio Public Protection Community Safety Mortuary & Coroners Service Public Protection Public Protection & Safety Portfolio Total Renewal and Recreation Portfolio Recreation Culture Libraries Town Centre Management & Business Support Renewal and Recreation Portfolio Total Environment & Community Services Department Total 280 Customer & Support Services - Gavin Moore 637*** - Bus Routes Enforcement Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Recharges In Income Controllable Budgets Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges/Financing Property Rental Income Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget £ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cr 350,300 Cr 350,300 0 0 0 0 0 163,520 Cr 186,780 0 Cr 186,780 638*** - Off Street Car Parking 640*** - Car Parking EnforcementClient 639*** - On Street Car Parking £ 0 940,120 0 9,260 796,840 0 Cr 4,179,590 Cr 2,433,370 £ 0 21,000 0 165,950 358,610 0 Cr 2,600,080 Cr 2,054,520 £ 205,840 0 20,890 211,380 1,242,920 0 Cr 3,768,710 Cr 2,087,680 9,180 19,250 618,000 Cr 47,270 599,160 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 296,270 Cr 1,450,190 1,123,900 Cr 1,537,940 Cr 3,504,710 Cr 963,780 0 Cr 5,000 Cr 1,537,940 Cr 3,509,710 963,780 0 642*** - Parking Shared Service £ 536,080 0 3,300 197,800 0 0 Cr 124,680 612,500 0 0 0 0 0 188,830 644*** Permit Parking 645*** Disabled Parking £ 0 0 0 17,370 0 47,100 Cr 384,560 Cr 320,090 0 0 0 0 0 £ 0 0 0 29,450 0 0 Cr 40,570 Cr 11,120 0 0 0 0 0 699*** - Depots 567*** 653000 Engineering Environmental Environment Services Services Dept Development £ £ £ 0 79,000 838,720 218,180 0 0 0 2,600 18,230 13,840 25,230 35,190 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cr 5,670 0 886,470 92,840 246,010 0 0 0 0 0 Total £ 1,659,640 1,179,300 45,020 705,470 2,398,370 47,100 Cr 11,454,160 Cr 5,419,260 0 0 7,000 0 7,000 125,350 5,300 106,000 Cr 87,090 149,560 134,530 24,550 731,000 Cr 134,360 755,720 Cr 227,540 56,050 180,640 83,450 190,160 605,090 801,330 Cr 547,630 44,930 1,067,110 183,290 585,730 Cr 4,058,450 Cr 44,930 Cr 1,067,110 Cr 183,290 Cr 585,730 Cr 1,175,980 Cr 801,330 0 547,630 0 0 0 0 0 Cr 5,234,430 281 Customer & Support Services - Gavin Moore Parking Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Recharges In Income Controllable Budgets Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges/Financing Property Rental Income Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service 282 Recharges Out Total Net Budget 637*** - Bus Routes Enforcement £ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cr 350,300 Cr 350,300 0 0 0 0 0 638*** - Off Street Car Parking £ 0 940,120 0 9,260 796,840 0 Cr 4,179,590 Cr 2,433,370 9,180 19,250 618,000 Cr 47,270 599,160 639*** - On Street Car 640*** - Car Parking Parking Enforcement-Client £ £ 0 205,840 21,000 0 0 20,890 165,950 211,380 358,610 1,242,920 0 0 Cr 2,600,080 Cr 3,768,710 Cr 2,054,520 Cr 2,087,680 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 642*** - Parking Shared Service 644*** - Permit Parking £ 536,080 0 3,300 197,800 0 0 Cr 124,680 612,500 0 0 0 0 0 645*** - Disabled Parking £ 0 0 0 17,370 0 47,100 Cr 384,560 Cr 320,090 0 0 0 0 0 Total £ 0 0 0 29,450 0 0 Cr 40,570 Cr 11,120 0 0 0 0 0 £ 741,920 961,120 24,190 631,210 2,398,370 47,100 Cr 11,448,490 Cr 6,644,580 9,180 19,250 618,000 Cr 47,270 599,160 163,520 296,270 Cr 1,450,190 1,123,900 188,830 Cr 227,540 56,050 150,840 Cr 186,780 Cr 1,537,940 Cr 3,504,710 Cr 963,780 801,330 Cr 547,630 44,930 Cr 5,894,580 Cr 5,000 963,780 Cr 801,330 547,630 Cr 44,930 660,150 0 Cr 186,780 0 Cr 1,537,940 Cr 3,509,710 0 0 0 0 Cr 5,234,430 Customer & Support Services Parking Bus Routes Enforcement Budget Manager - Gavin Moore Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 637002 8446 Income Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 637002 637002 637002 637002 5501 5557 5562 5590 Cr 350,300 350,300 350,300 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Net Cost of Enforcement CCTV Recharges in to Parking Recharges In - Internal (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 15,190 120,180 23,470 4,680 163,520 TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr 186,780 283 CE Customer & Support Services Parking Off Street Car Parking Budget Manager - Gavin Moore Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 638*** 638*** 638*** 638*** 638*** 638*** 1113 1202 1222 1223 1241 1272 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 Premises R&M - Outside Framework Electricity Rents Business Rates Water Window Cleaning 177,660 2,030 73,960 681,950 2,490 2,030 940,120 Supplies and Services 638*** 1707 00000 Cash Collection / Courier Service 638*** 1752 00000 Security Of Premises 4,760 4,500 9,260 638*** 638*** 638*** 638*** 638*** 638*** 3005 3005 3005 3005 3005 3005 00000 F1712 F1714 F1715 F1718 F1719 Third Party Payments Contract Payments Contract Payments - New Contract - Basic Services Contract Payments - New Contract - Repairs to Equipment Contract Payments - New Contract - Tariff Changes Contract Payments - New Contract - Rewiring/ replacing Plates Contract Payments - New Contract - Variation Orders Misc. 3,960 733,640 12,050 10,290 6,010 30,890 796,840 Income 638*** 8444 00000 Parking Fees 638*** 8444 FF101 Parking Fees SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 638*** 638*** 638*** 638*** 1109 1111 1112 1116 00000 00000 00000 00000 Cr Cr 4,153,890 25,700 Cr 4,179,590 Cr 2,433,370 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works 6,310 1,790 1,000 80 CE CE CE CE 9,180 Supplies and Services - Insurance 638*** 2160 00000 Insurances - Premiums Payable 638*** 5802 00000 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation 19,250 19,250 CE 618,000 CE 618,000 Property Rental Income 638*** 9005 00000 Rent - Land SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 284 Cr 47,270 Cr 47,270 599,160 CE Parking Off Street Car Parking Budget Manager - Gavin Moore Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 638*** 638*** 638*** 638*** 638*** 5501 5510 5520 5562 5590 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges CCTV Recharges in to Parking Recharges In - Internal (ESD) 74,010 290 9,900 137,550 74,520 SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 296,270 TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr 1,537,940 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 638000 - Off Street Car Parking 638001 - Off St Parking-Lebanon Gdns 638002 - Off St Parking-Penge East Stn 638003 - Off St Parking-Dunbar Avenue 638004 - Off St. Parking- Plaistow 638005 - Off St Parking-Orpington College 638006 - Off St Parking-Station Rd,WW 638007 - Off St Parking-High St,West Wickham 638008 - Off St Parking-Ravenswood Av, WW 638009 - Off St Parking-Station Approach,Hayes 638010 - Off St Parking-Cotmandene Cres 638011 - Off St Parking-South St,Bromley 638012 - Off St Parking-Palace Grove 638013 - Off St Parking-Station Rd, Bromley 638014 - Off St Parking-Tweedy Rd 638015 - Off St Parking-St Georges Rd 638016 - Off St Parking-Fairfield Rd 638018 - Off St Parking-Memorial Hall 638019 - Off St Parking-Queens Way 638023 - Off St Parking-High St, Chislehurst 638024 - Off St Parking-Red Hill, Chislehurst 638025 - Off St Parking-Hornbrook Hse 638026 - Off St Parking-Burnt Ash Lane 638027 - Off St Parking-Plaistow Lane 638028 - Off St Parking-Lennard Rd 638029 - Off St Parking-Churchill Way 638030 - Other Surface Car Parks 638032 - Off Street Parking - Chelsfield 638033 - St Blaise Car Park 638040 - Beckenham Leisure Centre 638041 - West Wickham Leisure Centre 638051 - Westmoreland Road Multi-Storey CP 638052 - The Hill Multi-Storey CP 638053 - Village Way Multi-Storey CP 638055 - Station Road Multi-Storey CP 638056 - Civic Centre Multi-Storey CP 638057 - Mitre Close 285 CE CE CE Customer & Support Services Parking On Street Car Parking Budget Manager - Gavin Moore Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 639*** 1113 00000 Premises R&M - Outside Framework 639*** 1502 00000 639*** 1907 00000 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Other Equipment Telephones - External 639*** 639*** 639*** 639*** 639*** Third Party Payments Contract Payments - New Contract - Basic Services Contract Payments - New Contract - Repairs to Equipment Contract Payments - New Contract - Tariff Changes Contract Payments - New Contract - Rewiring/ replacing Plates Contract Payments - New Contract - Variation Orders Misc. 3005 3005 3005 3005 3005 F1712 F1714 F1715 F1718 F1719 639*** 8444 00000 639*** 8466 00000 21,000 21,000 69,740 96,210 165,950 Income Parking Fees Parking Dispensations Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 639*** 5501 00000 639*** 5557 00000 639*** 5590 00000 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Net Cost of Enforcement Recharges In - Internal (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN Cr Cr Cr Cr TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 639*** 9590 00000 321,910 18,100 6,010 6,010 6,580 358,610 Cr Recharges Out Recharges Out - Internal (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 2,594,600 5,480 2,600,080 2,054,520 50,200 1,005,540 494,850 1,450,190 3,504,710 5,000 5,000 Cr 3,509,710 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 639000 - On Street Car Parking 639001 - Pay & Display-Bromley 639002 - On St Parking-Orpington 639003 - On St Parking-Petts Wood 639004 - On St Parking-Chislehurst 639006 - On St Parking-Queens/North/East etc 639007 - Petts Wood (New P&D) 639008 - Copers Cope 639009 - Chatterton Road 639010 - Eden Park 639014 - On St Parking-Beckenham High St. 639016 - Ledrington Road 639017 - Bromley Band A 639018 - Bromley Band B 639019 - Locksbottom On Street Parking 639020 - BTC Band C 639021 - Hayes On St Parking Fees 639022 - Penge High Street 639026 - Orpington Cashless Parking 639027 - On Street - Clockhouse 639028 - On Street - Shortlands 639029 - On St Parking Burnt Ash Lane 639030 - On St Parking New Orpington P&D 286 CE Customer & Support Services Parking Car Parking Enforcement-Client Budget Manager - Gavin Moore Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 640*** 0100 00000 640*** 0104 00000 640*** 0241 00000 Employees Officers' Pay Temporary/Agency Staff Training Expenses 640*** 640*** 640*** 640*** 1302 1304 1308 1380 00000 00000 00000 00000 Transport Fuel & Oil Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance Non-Scheduled Services Transport Insurance 640*** 640*** 640*** 640*** 640*** 640*** 640*** 640*** 640*** 1502 1531 1652 1706 1903 1907 2103 2152 2336 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Other Equipment Specialist Equipment Printing & Stationery Debt Collection and Registration Fees Maintenance of Computer Equipment Telephones - External Credit Card Commission Information Leaflets Traffic Committee for London 193,240 11,290 1,310 205,840 4,080 3,730 11,880 1,200 20,890 6,020 4,330 660 49,490 37,080 5,230 22,680 1,400 84,490 211,380 640*** 3005 F1712 640*** 3005 F1716 Third Party Payments Contract Payments - New Contract - Basic Services Contract Payments - New Contract - Tow Aways 640*** 8446 00000 Income Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 640*** 640*** 640*** 640*** 640*** 640*** 640*** 5501 5510 5520 5557 5562 5590 5595 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 3,768,710 3,768,710 Cr 2,087,680 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Net Cost of Enforcement CCTV Recharges in to Parking Recharges In - Internal (ESD) Recharges in - External (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 149,660 11,010 8,660 328,530 2,420 621,730 1,890 1,123,900 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 640*** 9557 00000 1,236,560 6,360 1,242,920 Cr Recharges Out Charge for Enforcement SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT 963,780 963,780 963,780 TOTAL NET BUDGET 0 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 640000 - Car Parking Enforcement-Client 640001 - Mobile CCTV car - Parking enforcement 640002 - Static CCTV - parking enforcement 640003 - CCTV- Enforcement 640004 - Parking - Processing 287 CE CE CE CE Customer & Support Services Parking Parking Shared Service Budget Manager - Gavin Moore Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 642000 0100 642000 0241 Employees Officers' Pay Training Expenses 642000 1301 642000 1331 Transport Use of Transport Car Allowances 642000 642000 642000 642000 Supplies and Services Printing & Stationery Maintenance of Computer Equipment Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External 528,080 8,000 536,080 1,800 1,500 3,300 1652 1903 1906 1907 642000 8103 14,800 120,000 60,000 3,000 197,800 Income Contributions from Other Local Authorities Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 642000 5501 642000 5510 642000 5520 612,500 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 59,830 48,000 81,000 188,830 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 642000 9590 124,680 124,680 801,330 Recharges Out Recharges Out - Internal (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 801,330 801,330 0 288 CE CE CE Customer & Support Services Parking Permit Parking Budget Manager - Gavin Moore Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 644000 644000 644000 644000 1652 1761 1901 1906 Supplies and Services Printing & Stationery Microfilming Purchase of Computer Equipment Postages & Stamp Duties 644000 5586 Recharges In ES Controllable Recharges In 644000 8445 Income Permit Parking 11,840 30 250 5,250 17,370 47,100 47,100 Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 644000 644000 644000 644000 5501 5557 5590 5595 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Net Cost of Enforcement Recharges In - Internal (ESD) Recharges in - External (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN Cr Cr TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 644*** 9590 Cr Cr Recharges Out Recharges Out - Internal (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT 384,560 384,560 320,090 133,100 406,950 44,420 1,890 227,540 547,630 547,630 547,630 TOTAL NET BUDGET 0 289 CE CE Customer & Support Services Parking Disabled Parking Budget Manager - Gavin Moore Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 645000 1652 645000 1704 Supplies and Services Printing & Stationery Other Hired & Contracted Services 645000 8445 Income Permit Parking 11,050 18,400 29,450 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 645000 5501 645000 5590 645000 5595 Cr Cr 40,570 40,570 Cr 11,120 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Recharges In - Internal (ESD) Recharges in - External (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 36,740 17,420 1,890 56,050 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 645000 9531 44,930 Recharges Out Recharge to A&CS - Orange Badges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 44,930 44,930 0 290 CE CE Customer & Support Services - Gavin Moore Support Services 653000 Environment Development £ 79,000 0 0 13,840 0 92,840 699*** - DepotsEngineering Services £ 0 218,180 2,600 25,230 0 246,010 0 0 7,000 0 7,000 125,350 5,300 106,000 Cr 87,090 149,560 125,350 5,300 113,000 Cr 87,090 156,560 180,640 83,450 190,160 454,250 Total Cost of Service 1,067,110 183,290 585,730 1,836,130 Recharges Out Cr 1,067,110 Cr 183,290 Cr 585,730 Cr 1,836,130 Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Income Controllable Budgets Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges/Financing Property Rental Income Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Net Budget 567*** - Enviromental Services Dept £ 838,720 0 18,230 35,190 Cr 5,670 886,470 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 291 0 Total £ 917,720 218,180 20,830 74,260 Cr 5,670 1,225,320 0 Customer & Support Services Support Services Enviromental Services Dept Budget Manager - Nigel Davies Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 567*** 567*** 567*** 567*** 567*** 0100 0102 0241 0242 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Training Expenses Training Expenses - Travel & Subsistence Leased Cars 567*** 567*** 567*** 567*** 567*** 567*** 567*** 1302 1304 1306 1308 1321 1331 1380 Transport Fuel & Oil Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance Hire of Vehicles Non-Scheduled Services Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances Transport Insurance 567*** 567*** 567*** 567*** 567*** 567*** 567*** 567*** 567*** 567*** 1501 1631 1651 1652 1906 1907 1981 2001 2156 2157 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Protective Clothing Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Conference Expenses Grants & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expenses Official Hospitality 567*** 8302 522,250 309,300 2,210 50 4,910 838,720 4,500 1,060 7,150 400 1,100 2,820 1,200 18,230 6,890 1,180 1,150 16,860 500 2,390 100 3,090 1,720 1,310 35,190 Income Establishment Expenses Recovered Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 567*** 567*** 567*** 567*** 567*** 5502 5503 5510 5520 5553 886,470 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Use of Central Depot SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 20,720 28,500 35,150 73,850 22,420 180,640 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 567*** 9501 5,670 5,670 CE CE CE CE 1,067,110 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 1,067,110 1,067,110 0 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 567014 - Car Leasing Admin 567015 - Transport Operations 567020 - Communications and Customer Service 567030 - Business Support ESD 567051 - Dir of Env Services 567080 - Mail Delivery System 292 CE Customer & Support Services Support Services Environment Development Budget Manager - Gavin Moore Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 653000 0100 Employees Officers' Pay 653000 653000 653000 653000 653000 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Project Expenses Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers 1501 1651 1652 1768 1908 79,000 79,000 800 500 800 11,440 300 13,840 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 653000 5802 92,840 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation 7,000 7,000 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 653000 653000 653000 653000 653000 5502 5503 5510 5520 5553 7,000 Recharges In Support Services (To PCs within Dept) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Use of Central Depot SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 2,740 16,210 5,910 13,000 45,590 83,450 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 653000 9501 CE CE CE CE CE 183,290 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 183,290 183,290 0 293 CE Customer & Support Services Support Services Depots-Engineering Services Budget Manager - Gavin Moore Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 699*** 699*** 699*** 699*** 699*** 699*** 699*** 699*** 699*** 1115 1127 1202 1203 1223 1241 1271 1272 1273 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 Premises Tenant Maintenance - All Works Resurfacing Electricity Gas Business Rates Water Cleaning Materials Window Cleaning Contract Cleaning 699*** 699*** 699*** 699*** 1302 1304 1308 1380 00000 00000 00000 00000 Transport Fuel & Oil Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance Non-Scheduled Services Transport Insurance 699*** 1502 00000 699*** 1752 00000 699*** 1907 00000 14,970 11,930 18,660 8,880 145,280 2,770 2,210 480 13,000 218,180 100 1,090 810 600 2,600 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Other Equipment Security Of Premises Telephones - External 6,300 18,150 780 25,230 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 699*** 699*** 699*** 699*** 699*** 1103 1109 1111 1112 1116 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 246,010 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Planned Structural Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works 699*** 2160 00000 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 699*** 5802 00000 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation 699*** 9002 00000 699*** 9005 00000 Property Rental Income Rent of Commercial Premises/Halls Rent - Land Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 62,470 27,030 19,010 10,000 6,840 125,350 CE CE CE CE CE 5,300 5,300 CE 106,000 106,000 CE 85,120 1,970 87,090 CE CE 149,560 Recharges In 699*** 5501 00000 Support Services (Services) 699*** 5558 00000 Recharge from Waste Management SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 148,840 41,320 190,160 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 585,730 699*** 699*** 699*** 699*** 699*** 699*** 699*** 699*** 699*** 699*** 699*** 699*** 699*** 699*** 699*** 699*** 9552 9553 9553 9553 9553 9553 9553 9553 9553 9553 9553 9553 9553 9553 9553 9553 00000 F8050 F8051 F8052 F8053 F8101 F8102 F8104 F8105 F8106 F8107 F8109 F8110 F8117 F8118 F8119 Recharges Out Charge to Highways Maintenance re Salt Barn Use of Depot - Charge to Clients - R&R Mobile Libraries Use of Depot - Charge to Clients - Emergency Planning Use of Depot - Charge to Clients - PPS- CCTV Use of Depot - Charge to Clients - Mail Delivery Use of Depot - Charge to Clients - Central Depot recharge - Refuse Collection Use of Depot - Charge to Clients - Churchfields recharge - Refuse Collection Use of Depot - Charge to Clients - Central Depot recharge- Education & Care Services Use of Depot - Charge to Clients - Central Depot recharge- Highways Use of Depot - Charge to Clients - Central Depot recharge - Leasing Use of Depot - Charge to Clients - Central Depot recharge - Early Years ( E&CS) Use of Depot - Charge to Clients - Central Depot recharge - Road Safety Use of Depot - Charge to Clients - Central Depot recharge - Sustainability Use of Depot - Charge to Clients - Central Depot recharge - Parks Use of Depot - Charge to Clients - Central Depot recharge - Electoral Servics (Resources) Use of Depot - Charge to Clients - Central Depot recharge - Env. SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 9,480 3,720 1,080 1,300 4,820 39,360 1,250 95,190 202,350 17,600 11,370 1,500 34,150 7,770 97,520 57,270 585,730 0 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 699000 - Depots-Engineering Services 699011 - Depots-Churchfields 699021 - Depots-Central Depot 699023 - Depots-Beaverwood 699039 - Depots-Salt Store,Farn. Hill 294 CE Street Scene & Green Space - Dan Jones Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Recharges In Income Recharges out Controllable Budgets Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges/Financing Property Rental Income Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out 295 Total Net Budget 606*** - Area Management & Street Cleansing £ 681,150 49,200 62,320 45,960 3,674,000 0 Cr 8,740 Cr 78,000 4,425,890 22,550 2,310 54,000 0 78,860 606600 Highways SS&GS 062*** Cemeteries & Closed Churchyards 659*** Markets 064*** Delegated Management 065*** 066011 067000 Grounds Parks Ranger Crystal Palace 068000 - Tree Maintenance Service Park Maintenance £ £ £ £ 292,310 490,250 0 195,600 3,273,300 15,280 43,700 81,230 9,100 75,620 0 8,590 289,570 52,800 1,700 4,710 0 470,190 0 0 18,540 0 0 0 Cr 234,080 Cr 20,630 Cr 29,310 0 £ 0 0 0 2,530,520 0 0 Cr 163,970 £ 0 6,010 0 158,960 1,620 0 Cr 200,000 £ 0 37,570 0 4,570 Cr 128,260 0 0 063*** - Parks £ 607,840 277,290 15,770 102,230 7,890 0 Cr 66,090 2,366,550 Cr 33,410 Cr 86,120 944,930 129,120 3,648,740 1,083,510 16,090 0 0 0 0 0 7,870 140 8,010 27,710 0 59,000 0 86,710 411,110 99,340 260,000 Cr 51,200 719,250 11,500 0 0 Cr 32,530 Cr 21,030 0 40 2,000 0 2,040 0 390 0 Cr 51,820 Cr 51,430 43,560 4,480 31,000 Cr 189,570 Cr 110,530 £ 0 7,780 0 127,800 0 0 Cr 6,460 290,130 0 0 0 0 0 959,220 1,622,390 111,860 375,060 2,488,630 0 116,880 66,420 369,180 67,080 5,463,970 3,988,940 86,460 375,650 4,152,810 108,090 3,767,660 1,098,500 274,740 357,210 0 0 Cr 42,120 0 Cr 3,467,040 Cr 54,090 0 Cr 357,210 86,460 375,650 4,110,690 108,090 300,620 1,044,410 274,740 Cr 764,870 4,699,100 0 3,988,940 0 606024 Street Regulation £ 469,040 0 18,930 8,290 0 0 0 Cr 11,000 485,260 0 0 0 0 0 89,060 648*** - Waste Services £ 647,200 24,620 30,050 194,850 19,963,850 0 Cr 4,222,010 Total 16,638,560 £ 3,383,390 3,815,980 220,380 3,521,960 23,989,290 18,540 Cr 4,951,290 Cr 89,000 29,909,250 0 0 0 0 0 524,300 106,700 406,000 Cr 325,120 711,880 664,290 6,930,070 574,320 17,302,850 37,551,200 Cr 574,320 0 Cr 229,270 Cr 5,488,920 17,073,580 32,062,280 Street Scene & Green Space Area Management & Street Cleansing Budget Manager - Dan Jones Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 0100 0180 0241 0251 0262 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Pay - Grant Funded Training Expenses Staff Advertising Leased Cars 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 1113 1202 1223 1241 00000 00000 00000 00000 Premises R&M - Outside Framework Electricity Business Rates Water 593,230 78,000 1,000 1,820 7,100 681,150 21,050 6,150 18,810 3,190 49,200 606*** 1331 00000 Transport Car Allowances 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 1501 1506 1631 1651 1652 1704 1907 1908 1981 2157 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Materials Protective Clothing Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Other Hired & Contracted Services Telephones - External Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Conference Expenses Official Hospitality 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 3654 3655 3656 3656 3658 3658 3659 3661 3663 3688 00000 00000 00000 FF037 F0320 F0321 00000 00000 00000 00000 Third Party Payments Graffiti Removal Nuisance Vehicles Cleansing Contract Cleansing Contract Contingency Cleansing - Leafing & Weeding - Cleansing Contract - Leafing Cleansing - Leafing & Weeding - Cleansing Contract - Weeding Cleansing - Litter Bin Provision & Maintenance Cleansing - Fly Tipping Cleansing - Removal of Dead Animals Toilet Cleaning Contract 606*** 8304 00000 606*** 8408 00000 606*** 8446 00000 Income Legal Costs Recovered Environment Services Licences General Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) 606*** 9578 00000 Recharges Out Recharges to London Permit Scheme 62,320 62,320 1,080 4,750 370 310 3,720 30,000 1,120 4,000 310 300 45,960 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 606*** 1109 00000 606*** 1111 00000 606*** 1116 00000 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Water Treatment Works 606*** 2160 00000 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 606*** 5802 00000 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 296 244,360 20,300 2,904,230 200,000 55,940 89,680 59,960 29,670 13,460 56,400 3,674,000 Cr Cr Cr Cr 1,780 160 6,800 8,740 Cr Cr 78,000 78,000 4,425,890 18,050 1,120 3,380 22,550 CE CE CE 2,310 2,310 CE 54,000 54,000 CE 78,860 Area Management & Street Cleansing Budget Manager - Dan Jones Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 5501 5510 5520 5530 5558 5590 5595 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 606*** 9590 00000 606*** 9591 00000 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Grounds Maintenance Recharge from Waste Management Recharges In - Internal (ESD) Recharges in - External (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 215,730 22,900 60,600 3,200 34,610 620,620 1,560 959,220 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 5,463,970 Recharges Out Recharges Out - Internal (ESD) Recharges Out - External (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 760,670 4,200 764,870 4,699,100 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 606021 - St Services - Area Management 606300 - Street Cleansing 606400 - Public Conveniences 606500 - Support Services (Land Drainage / Sewers) 297 CE CE CE CE Street Scene & Green Space Highways - SS&GS Budget Manager - Dan Jones Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 606600 606600 606600 606600 606600 606600 606600 606600 606600 606600 606600 606600 606600 606600 606600 606600 606600 1506 6001 6002 6021 6024 6026 6061 6062 6064 6065 6066 6067 6069 6130 6131 6132 6202 606600 8403 606600 8404 Supplies and Services Materials C/W - Minor Repairs/Potholes C/W - Major Patching F/W - Minor Repairs/Potholes F/W - Town Centre Maintenance Footway Planned Minor Works Safety - Gully Cleaning Safety - Soakaways/Catchpits Cleaning Safety - Road Markings Renewals Safety - Guard Rails - Vehicular Safety - Guard Rails - Pedestrian F/W - Minor Improvements Safety - Out Of Hours Service Amenity/Environment - Tree Planting & Maintenance Amenity/Environment - Minor Works Amenity/Environment - Rural Verge/Hedge Maintenance Footway Public Rights of Way Income Street Traders' Licences Issue of Skip Licences Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 606600 606600 606600 606600 5501 5530 5534 5590 30,020 82,610 562,780 274,250 27,890 443,520 253,200 39,510 128,260 29,370 19,190 124,390 19,230 389,040 17,230 27,320 62,710 2,530,520 91,090 72,880 163,970 2,366,550 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Grounds Maintenance Tree Maintenance Recharges In - Internal (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 78,700 716,000 197,030 630,660 1,622,390 TOTAL NET BUDGET 3,988,940 298 CE Street Scene & Green Space Markets Budget Manager - Dan Jones Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 659*** 1202 659*** 1223 Premises Electricity Business Rates 659*** 659*** 659*** 659*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Other Equipment Other Hired & Contracted Services Security Of Premises Advertising - other than Staff 1502 1704 1752 2153 659*** 3656 Third Party Payments Cleansing Contract 659*** 8406 Income Market Charges 3,200 2,810 6,010 20,000 90,000 40,000 8,960 158,960 1,620 1,620 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 659*** 1109 659*** 1111 659*** 1116 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Water Treatment Works 659*** 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 659*** 5501 659*** 5590 Cr Cr 200,000 200,000 Cr 33,410 5,630 1,120 1,120 7,870 CE CE CE 140 140 CE 8,010 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Recharges In - Internal (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 24,360 87,500 111,860 TOTAL NET BUDGET 86,460 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 659000 - Markets 659001 - Bromley Charter Market 659002 - Maple Rd Market 659003 - Bromley Town Centre Market 659004 - Other Town Centre Markets 299 CE Street Scene & Green Space - Dan Jones Parks and Green Space 062*** Cemeteries & Closed Churchyards Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Recharges In Income Controllable Budgets Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges/Financing Property Rental Income Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In 300 Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 063*** - Parks £ 0 37,570 0 4,570 Cr 128,260 0 0 Cr 86,120 £ 607,840 277,290 15,770 102,230 7,890 0 Cr 66,090 944,930 27,710 0 59,000 0 86,710 411,110 99,340 260,000 Cr 51,200 719,250 375,060 2,488,630 375,650 4,152,810 0 375,650 Cr 42,120 4,110,690 064*** - Delegated 065*** - Grounds Management Maintenance £ £ 0 292,310 7,780 3,273,300 0 9,100 127,800 289,570 0 0 0 18,540 Cr 6,460 Cr 234,080 129,120 3,648,740 11,500 0 0 Cr 32,530 Cr 21,030 0 108,090 0 108,090 066*** - Parks Ranger Service 067*** - Crystal Palace Park 068*** - Tree Maintenance Total £ 490,250 15,280 75,620 52,800 470,190 0 Cr 20,630 1,083,510 £ 0 43,700 0 1,700 0 0 Cr 29,310 16,090 0 40 2,000 0 2,040 0 390 0 Cr 51,820 Cr 51,430 43,560 4,480 31,000 Cr 189,570 Cr 110,530 116,880 66,420 369,180 67,080 3,483,250 3,767,660 1,098,500 274,740 357,210 10,134,660 Cr 3,467,040 Cr 54,090 Cr 357,210 Cr 3,920,460 300,620 1,044,410 0 274,740 £ 195,600 81,230 8,590 4,710 0 0 0 290,130 0 0 0 0 0 0 £ 1,586,000 3,736,150 109,080 583,380 349,820 18,540 Cr 356,570 6,026,400 493,880 104,250 352,000 Cr 325,120 625,010 6,214,200 Street Scene & Green Space Parks and Green Space Cemeteries & Closed Churchyards Budget Manager - Dan Jones Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 062000 062000 062000 062000 062000 062000 1162 1167 1184 1202 1223 1241 Premises Tree Maintenance Minor Grounds Improvements Repair Of Ancient Monuments Electricity Business Rates Water 062000 1651 062000 1652 062000 1704 Supplies and Services Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Other Hired & Contracted Services 062000 3005 062000 3010 Third Party Payments Contract Payments Pest Control 6,140 6,910 700 10,230 6,510 7,080 37,570 500 2,070 2,000 4,570 Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 062000 062000 062000 062000 062000 1102 1109 1111 1112 1116 062000 5802 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - External Decorations Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 062000 062000 062000 062000 062000 5501 5510 5520 5530 5590 Cr 130,090 1,830 128,260 Cr 86,120 5,180 18,160 2,250 1,000 1,120 27,710 CE CE CE CE CE 59,000 59,000 CE 86,710 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Grounds Maintenance Recharges In - Internal (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 14,880 1,640 4,330 333,350 20,860 375,060 TOTAL NET BUDGET 375,650 301 CE CE CE Street Scene & Green Space Parks and Green Space Parks Budget Manager - Dan Jones Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 063*** 0100 063*** 0241 Employees Officers' Pay Training Expenses 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 1181 1182 1183 1202 1203 1222 1223 1241 1272 1273 1276 Premises Woodland/Estate Works Nature Conservation Projects Improvements & Alterations Electricity Gas Rents Business Rates Water Window Cleaning Contract Cleaning Clearing Rubbish & Refuse 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 1301 1304 1321 1331 Transport Use of Transport Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 1501 1502 1505 1506 1526 1608 1631 1632 1651 1652 1658 1704 1906 1907 1908 1981 2153 2157 2304 2401 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Purchase & Repair of Other Equipment Office Furniture Materials Equipment Maintenance Refreshment Account Protective Clothing Uniforms Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Promotion & Design Other Hired & Contracted Services Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Conference Expenses Advertising - other than Staff Official Hospitality Planning - Countryside Initatives Bromley In Bloom 063*** 3005 Third Party Payments Contract Payments 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** Income Other Sales Fees & Charges - General Parking Fees Buzz Income Income from Schools, etc. Hall/Room Lettings 8207 8301 8444 8832 8872 8877 606,800 1,040 607,840 24,430 23,650 80,000 43,940 19,520 5,300 8,100 58,790 2,050 10,460 1,050 277,290 40 390 320 15,020 15,770 3,040 1,900 890 2,050 2,960 200 150 2,210 310 2,180 550 48,860 740 3,300 2,050 100 570 70 20,000 10,100 102,230 7,890 7,890 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 302 1,360 1,380 7,880 4,050 50,320 1,100 66,090 944,930 Parks and Green Space Parks Budget Manager - Dan Jones Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 1102 1103 1109 1111 1112 1116 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - External Decorations Landlord Maintenance - Planned Structural Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works 063*** 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 063*** 5802 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation 063*** 9005 Property Rental Income Rent - Land Cr Cr SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 063*** 5501 5510 5520 5530 5534 5553 5590 5595 CE CE CE CE CE CE 99,340 99,340 CE 260,000 260,000 CE 51,200 51,200 CE 719,250 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Grounds Maintenance Tree Maintenance Use of Central Depot Recharges In - Internal (ESD) Recharges in - External (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 229,980 17,990 63,370 1,986,500 136,430 30,720 21,270 2,370 2,488,630 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 063*** 9590 063*** 9591 9,190 57,580 265,790 52,300 16,520 9,730 411,110 4,152,810 Recharges Out Recharges Out - Internal (ESD) Recharges Out - External (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 38,150 3,970 42,120 4,110,690 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 063000 - Parks General 063010 - Parks Management 063040 - Parks Strategy 063042 - Park Partnerships 063050 - Parks Services 063060 - BEECHE 063070 - Parks Development 303 CE CE CE CE Street Scene & Green Space Parks and Green Space Delegated Management Budget Manager - Dan Jones Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 064*** 064*** 064*** 064*** 1162 1202 1222 1241 00000 00000 00000 00000 Premises Tree Maintenance Electricity Rents Water 064*** 1704 00000 064*** 2001 00000 064*** 2001 F1361 Supplies and Services Other Hired & Contracted Services Grants & Subscriptions Grants & Subscriptions 064*** 8801 00000 064*** 9103 00000 Income Delegated Sports - Income from Clubs Miscellaneous Income 2,190 920 3,500 1,170 7,780 21,500 70,000 36,300 127,800 Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 064*** 1109 00000 064*** 1112 00000 064*** 1116 00000 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works 064*** 9002 00000 064*** 9005 00000 Property Rental Income Rent of Commercial Premises/Halls Rent - Land 129,120 Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 1,920 4,540 6,460 Cr 7,250 2,000 2,250 11,500 CE CE CE 30,100 2,430 32,530 CE CE 21,030 108,090 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 064000 - Delegated Management - Default 064001 - Delegated Management - General 064002 - Delegated Management - Allotments 064003 - Delegated Management - Sports Lettings 064004 - Delegated Management - Bowling Clubs 304 Street Scene & Green Space Parks and Green Space Grounds Maintenance Budget Manager - Dan Jones Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 065*** 0100 00000 065*** 0241 00000 Employees Officers' Pay Training Expenses 065*** 065*** 065*** 065*** 065*** 065*** 065*** 065*** 065*** 065*** 065*** 065*** 065*** Premises R&M - Outside Framework Playground Equipment Park Seats & Litter Baskets Fence Alterations Path Alterations Minor Grounds Improvements Grounds Maintenance Contract - Contract A- Routine works Grounds Maintenance Contract - Contract A- Non-routine works Grounds Maintenance Contract - Contract B- Routine works Grounds Maintenance Contract - Contract B- Non- routine works Grounds Maintenance Contract - Schools & External Sites Electricity Water 1113 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1185 1185 1185 1185 1185 1202 1241 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 LL143 LL144 LL145 LL146 LL147 00000 00000 290,980 1,330 292,310 065*** 1321 00000 065*** 1331 00000 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 065*** 065*** 065*** 065*** 065*** 065*** 065*** 065*** 065*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Protective Clothing Printing & Stationery Other Hired & Contracted Services Other Hired & Contracted Services - Playground Maintenance Contract Telephones - External Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Subsistence Advertising - other than Staff 1501 1631 1652 1704 1704 1907 1908 1983 2153 00000 00000 00000 00000 F1360 00000 00000 00000 00000 190 8,910 9,100 065*** 5771 00000 Recharges In Recharges In - Thyme Out Project 065*** 065*** 065*** 065*** Income Private Sector Contibutions Income from Contractor Income from Other Clients Income from Community/Voluntary Controlled Schools 8101 8804 8873 9142 00000 00000 00000 00000 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 065*** 5802 00000 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 065*** 065*** 065*** 065*** 5501 5510 5520 5590 00000 00000 00000 00000 370 1,520 640 205,870 74,640 680 3,270 580 2,000 289,570 18,540 18,540 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 065*** 2160 00000 95,760 25,000 7,000 6,780 15,000 8,000 1,040,070 18,500 1,909,350 32,450 109,000 4,990 1,400 3,273,300 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Recharges In - Internal (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 30,000 77,700 3,740 122,640 234,080 3,648,740 40 40 CE 2,000 2,000 CE 2,040 57,270 6,540 25,970 27,100 116,880 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 3,767,660 305 CE CE CE Parks and Green Space Grounds Maintenance Budget Manager - Dan Jones Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 065*** 9530 00000 065*** 9590 00000 Recharges Out Grounds Maintenance Charges to Clients Recharges Out - Internal (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 3,434,220 32,820 3,467,040 300,620 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 065000 - Grounds Mtnce Holding A/C 065005 - Play and Hard Landscapes 065010 - Floral Bedding Sponsorship 306 Street Scene & Green Space Parks and Green Space Parks Ranger Service Budget Manager - Dan Jones Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 066011 0100 066011 0241 Employees Officers' Pay Training Expenses 066011 066011 066011 066011 1202 1203 1241 1271 Premises Electricity Gas Water Cleaning Materials 066011 066011 066011 066011 066011 066011 066011 1302 1304 1306 1308 1321 1331 1380 Transport Fuel & Oil Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance Hire of Vehicles Non-Scheduled Services Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances Transport Insurance 066011 066011 066011 066011 066011 066011 066011 066011 1502 1506 1526 1632 1652 1704 1907 1908 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Other Equipment Materials Equipment Maintenance Uniforms Printing & Stationery Other Hired & Contracted Services Telephones - External Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers 066011 3009 Third Party Payments Other Hired Services 066011 066011 066011 066011 Income Fees & Charges - General Income from Contractor Buzz Income Hire Of Grounds 8301 8804 8832 8841 486,850 3,400 490,250 10,090 1,250 3,500 440 15,280 11,170 13,620 43,520 4,200 30 110 2,970 75,620 7,500 9,080 1,000 2,420 2,740 23,380 5,840 840 52,800 470,190 470,190 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 066011 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 066011 9007 066011 9019 Property Rental Income Catering Rights Rent - Investment Fund 1,083,510 Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE Cr 307 1,210 3,200 570 15,650 20,630 390 390 CE 47,010 4,810 51,820 CE 51,430 Street Scene & Green Space Parks and Green Space Parks Ranger Service Budget Manager - Dan Jones Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 066011 5501 066011 5520 066011 5590 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Computer Charges Recharges In - Internal (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 15,320 43,290 7,810 66,420 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 066011 9576 1,098,500 Recharges Out Ranger Services recharge to Crystal Palace Park SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 54,090 54,090 1,044,410 308 CE CE Street Scene & Green Space Parks and Green Space Crystal Palace Park Budget Manager - Dan Jones Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 067000 067000 067000 067000 1162 1202 1203 1241 Premises Tree Maintenance Electricity Gas Water 067000 1907 Supplies and Services Telephones - External 067000 8841 067000 9105 Income Hire Of Grounds Telephone Charges Recovered 6,280 15,000 3,020 19,400 43,700 1,700 1,700 Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 067000 067000 067000 067000 067000 067000 067000 1102 1103 1105 1109 1111 1112 1116 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - External Decorations Landlord Maintenance - Planned Structural Landlord Maintenance - Planned M&E Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works 067000 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 067000 5802 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation 067000 9005 067000 9007 Property Rental Income Rent - Land Catering Rights 067000 067000 067000 067000 5501 5530 5576 5590 16,090 Cr Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE Cr Recharges In Support Services (Services) Grounds Maintenance Ranger Services recharge to Crystal Palace Park Recharges In - Internal (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 28,870 440 29,310 2,000 148,590 144,880 28,850 5,630 1,120 2,250 43,560 CE CE CE CE CE CE CE 4,480 4,480 CE 31,000 31,000 CE 158,800 30,770 189,570 CE CE 110,530 26,720 277,200 54,090 11,170 369,180 TOTAL NET BUDGET 274,740 309 CE Street Scene & Green Space Parks and Green Space Tree Maintenance Budget Manager - Dan Jones Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 068000 0100 00000 Employees Officers' Pay 068000 1162 L1946 Premises Tree Maintenance 068000 1321 00000 068000 1331 00000 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 068000 068000 068000 068000 068000 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Other Equipment Protective Clothing Other Hired & Contracted Services Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Grants & Subscriptions 1502 1631 1704 1908 2001 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 195,600 195,600 81,230 81,230 190 8,400 8,590 1,000 150 500 1,990 1,070 4,710 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 068000 068000 068000 068000 5501 5510 5520 5590 00000 00000 00000 00000 290,130 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Recharges In - Internal (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 20,130 6,540 17,310 23,100 67,080 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 068000 9534 00000 357,210 Recharges Out Tree Maintenance Charges to Highways & Education SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT TOTAL NET BUDGET Cr Cr 357,210 357,210 0 310 CE CE CE Street Scene & Green Space Street Regulation Budget Manager - Dan Jones Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 606024 606024 606024 606024 0100 0180 0241 0242 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Pay - Grant Funded Training Expenses Training Expenses - Travel & Subsistence 606024 1321 606024 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 606024 606024 606024 606024 606024 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Printing & Stationery Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Ordnance Survey Licences 1501 1652 1906 1907 2163 606024 9578 457,190 11,000 550 300 469,040 1,450 17,480 18,930 2,000 3,000 200 1,590 1,500 8,290 Recharges Out Recharges to London Permit Scheme Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 606024 5501 606024 5510 606024 5520 485,260 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 5,000 22,900 61,160 89,060 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 606024 9590 11,000 11,000 574,320 Recharges Out Recharges Out - Internal (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 574,320 574,320 0 311 CE CE CE Street Scene & Green Space Waste Services Budget Manager - Dan Jones Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 0100 0241 0251 0262 00000 00000 00000 00000 Employees Officers' Pay Training Expenses Staff Advertising Leased Cars 637,870 1,430 1,160 6,740 647,200 648*** 1202 00000 648*** 1222 00000 648*** 1241 00000 Premises Electricity Rents Water 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 1301 1302 1306 1321 1331 1380 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 Transport Use of Transport Fuel & Oil Hire of Vehicles Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances Transport Insurance 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 1501 1502 1502 1506 1652 1903 1906 1907 2103 2151 2162 00000 00000 F8131 F8131 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Purchase & Repair of Other Equipment Purchase & Repair of Other Equipment Materials Printing & Stationery Maintenance of Computer Equipment Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Credit Card Commission Publicity Licences 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 3005 3015 3650 3650 3650 3650 3650 3650 3650 3650 3650 3650 3650 3650 3650 3650 3650 3651 3651 3651 3652 3653 3656 3662 3671 00000 00000 F8120 F8121 F8122 F8123 F8125 F8126 F8127 F8128 F8129 F8130 F8131 F8136 F8137 F8138 F8154 00000 F8144 F8154 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 Third Party Payments Contract Payments Landfill Tax Refuse Collection Contract - Provision for Collection of Domestice Refuse (1A) Refuse Collection Contract - Provision for Collection of Trade Bags (1B) Refuse Collection Contract - Green Waste Satellite sites Refuse Collection Contract - EOC Refund Refuse Collection Contract - Collection of Bulk Containers - Trade (2B) Refuse Collection Contract - Cleaning and Mntce of Bulk Containters (Trade) (3) Refuse Collection Contract - Special Collections (4) Refuse Collection Contract - Clinical Waste Collection & Disposal (7) Refuse Collection Contract - Provision and Emptying of Recycling Banks (8) Refuse Collection Contract - Multi Material Collection Refuse Collection Contract - Kitchen Waste Service Refuse Collection Contract - Onyx Contracts - Fly Tipping Refuse Collection Contract - Onyx Contracts - Depot Security Refuse Collection Contract - Co-mingled collection savings Refuse Collection Contract Waste Handling - Contractor Charges Waste Handling - Contractor Charges - Payment Mechanism Credit Waste Handling - Contractor Charges Coney Hill Landfill Waste - Collection & Disposal Disposal of Incinerator Ash Cleansing Contract Collections from School Paper Banks Disposal of non-contract items 16,170 8,400 50 24,620 80 910 3,330 200 25,230 300 30,050 1,000 67,500 49,400 40,000 17,150 5,710 330 3,000 3,500 4,500 2,760 194,850 312 Cr Cr Cr 5,160 2,384,640 4,535,960 13,780 295,000 187,350 281,560 45,000 68,950 130,000 84,300 2,149,870 825,000 39,300 41,320 46,030 313,500 8,879,310 423,070 80,000 152,390 170,000 12,260 33,000 80,000 19,963,850 Waste Services Budget Manager - Dan Jones Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 8212 8213 8301 8306 8308 8430 8452 8452 8452 8452 8452 8453 8454 8458 8458 8458 8458 8458 8459 00000 00000 F8131 00000 F8152 00000 F8145 F8146 F8147 F8150 F8151 00000 00000 F8145 F8146 F8147 F8150 F8151 00000 Income Recycling Income - Paper School Paper Banks Income Fees & Charges - General - Kitchen Waste Service Garden Waste Collection Textile Collections Trade Income - Waste Delivered Trade Waste Income (Collected) - Domestic Properties Trade Waste Income (Collected) - Commercial Properties Trade Waste Income (Collected) - Internal Trade Waste Income (Collected) - Schools & Educational Establishments Trade Waste Income (Collected) - Charities Special Collection Charges Clinical Waste Charges Trade Waste Income - Hire - Domestic Properties Trade Waste Income - Hire - Commercial Properties Trade Waste Income - Hire - Internal Trade Waste Income - Hire - Schools & Educational Establishments Trade Waste Income - Hire - Charities Trade Waste Income - Waste Transfer Note Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 648*** 5501 5510 5520 5553 5590 5595 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 16,638,560 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Use of Central Depot Recharges In - Internal (ESD) Recharges in - External (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 473,510 8,180 42,550 40,610 93,030 6,410 664,290 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 648*** 9558 00000 648*** 9590 00000 648*** 9591 00000 1,088,650 27,440 40,000 480,000 100,000 612,000 14,350 844,310 124,000 107,000 55,000 74,260 54,000 353,000 110,000 9,000 28,000 11,000 90,000 4,222,010 17,302,850 Recharges Out Waste Management Charge to Other Areas Recharges Out - Internal (ESD) Recharges Out - External (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 75,930 133,880 19,460 229,270 17,073,580 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 648000 - Waste Management 648001 - Churchfields 648002 - Waldo 648003 - Coney Hill 648006 - Garden Waste Collection Service 313 CE CE CE CE Transport & Highways - Paul Symonds Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Recharges In Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets 606*** - Highways (including London Permit Scheme) £ 968,190 1,481,720 94,040 5,486,970 60,000 198,210 Cr 1,988,600 Cr 182,210 6,118,320 571086 Highways Planning £ 139,910 0 2,150 5,750 0 Cr 12,810 0 135,000 646000 School Crossing Patrols 571087 Traffic £ 739,890 17,810 46,690 0 0 0 Cr 186,870 Cr 558,200 59,320 Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges/Financing Property Rental Income Non-Controllable Budgets 469,980 6,059,000 Cr 16,840 6,512,140 0 3,000 0 3,000 Recharges In 1,487,730 153,900 377,550 11,340 14,118,190 291,900 436,870 11,340 Cr 756,590 Cr 157,360 Cr 152,450 0 13,361,600 134,540 284,420 11,340 Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 314 0 0 0 0 675000 Road Safety £ £ 0 542,450 0 11,020 0 1,270 0 0 176,050 0 0 Cr 176,050 0 0 Cr 446,730 0 108,010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 174,280 Total £ 2,390,440 1,510,550 144,150 5,492,720 236,050 198,210 Cr 2,364,330 Cr 1,187,140 6,420,650 469,980 6,062,000 Cr 16,840 6,515,140 2,204,800 282,290 15,140,590 Cr 53,080 Cr 1,119,480 229,210 14,021,110 Transport & Highways - Paul Symonds Highways (Including London Permit Scheme) Total 606*** - Highways £ 968,190 1,481,720 94,040 5,486,970 60,000 198,210 Cr 1,988,600 Cr 182,210 6,118,320 £ 968,190 1,481,720 94,040 5,486,970 60,000 198,210 Cr 1,988,600 Cr 182,210 6,118,320 Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges/Financing Property Rental Income Non-Controllable Budgets 469,980 6,059,000 Cr 16,840 6,512,140 469,980 6,059,000 Cr 16,840 6,512,140 Recharges In 1,487,730 1,487,730 14,118,190 14,118,190 Cr 756,590 Cr 756,590 13,361,600 13,361,600 Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Recharges In Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 315 Transport & Highways Highways (Including London Permit Scheme) Budget Manager - Paul Symonds Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 0100 0102 0180 0241 0242 0251 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Officers' Pay - Grant Funded Training Expenses Training Expenses - Travel & Subsistence Staff Advertising Leased Cars 594,840 230,030 127,210 2,520 810 3,020 9,760 968,190 606*** 1202 Premises Electricity 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 1301 1302 1304 1306 1321 1331 1380 Transport Use of Transport Fuel & Oil Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance Hire of Vehicles Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances Transport Insurance 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 1501 1631 1651 1652 1704 1708 1759 1901 1904 1906 1907 1908 1981 2001 2157 6003 6023 6041 6051 6081 6091 6092 6094 6096 6097 6098 6099 6100 6101 6150 6151 6152 6153 6154 6155 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Protective Clothing Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Other Hired & Contracted Services Agency/Consultancy Fees Design & Construction Purchase of Computer Equipment Computer Consumables Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Conference Expenses Grants & Subscriptions Official Hospitality C/W - Reconstruction F/W Reconstruction Drainage - Minor Repairs Structures - Minor Repairs Technical Surveys - Surveys & Inventories Street Lighting - Routine Maintenance & Repairs Street Lighting - Non-Routine Maintenance & Repairs Street Lighting - Minor Improvements Street Lighting - Performance Factors Street Lighting - Rents, Wayleaves, etc Street Lighting - Energy Survey Street Lighting - Boards/Other Contractors Street Lighting - Impact Damage Unrecovered Street Lighting - LTCS Winter Maintenance - Ice Cast Charges / Meteorology Office Winter Maintenance - Salting/Gritting Carriageways/Footways Winter Maintenance - Snow Clearing Winter Maintenance - Snow Fences / Salt Bins Winter Maintenance - Fixed Plant Charges Winter Maintenance - Standby/Training/Annual Set Up 606*** 3660 Third Party Payments Out of Hours Minor Works 606*** 5578 Recharges In Recharge to London Permit Scheme 1,481,720 1,481,720 200 2,610 51,580 4,780 2,230 27,000 5,640 94,040 1,600 290 510 3,300 4,010 290,640 80,820 9,360 100 1,510 2,030 1,000 280 50 290 1,206,430 1,094,030 145,140 60,860 9,800 706,270 277,650 112,340 15,110 520 26,240 522,480 109,500 461,590 25,220 70,620 90,620 16,650 51,050 89,060 5,486,970 60,000 60,000 198,210 198,210 316 Highways (Including London Permit Scheme) Budget Manager - Paul Symonds Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 8302 8305 8307 8451 8470 8471 8472 8473 8475 606*** 9505 606*** 9578 Income Establishment Expenses Recovered Advertising Revenue Contributions towards Maintenance Costs Vehicle Crossings NR & SWA - Inspection Charges NR & SWA - Defect Notices NR & SWA - Input processing charges NR & SWA - Section 74 Notices NR & SWA - Fixed Penalty Notices Recharges Out Support Services to Capital Recharges to London Permit Scheme Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 70,220 34,270 3,930 6,240 403,490 655,020 676,010 106,710 32,710 1,988,600 Cr Cr Cr 73,000 109,210 182,210 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 606*** 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 606*** 5802 606*** 5804 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation Revenue Expenditure Funded by Capital Under Statute (REFCUS) 606*** 9005 Property Rental Income Rent - Land 6,118,320 Cr Cr SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 606*** 5501 5510 5520 5552 5553 5590 5595 CE 3,059,000 3,000,000 6,059,000 CE CE 16,840 16,840 CE 6,512,140 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Depot recharge re Salt Barn Use of Central Depot Recharges In - Internal (ESD) Recharges in - External (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 294,680 35,970 217,440 9,480 202,480 717,120 10,560 1,487,730 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 606*** 9590 606*** 9591 469,980 469,980 14,118,190 Recharges Out Recharges Out - Internal (ESD) Recharges Out - External (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 722,120 34,470 756,590 13,361,600 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 606023 - St Services - Network Management 606025 - Transport & Highways Divisional Management 606093 - London Permit Scheme 606100 - Highways 606200 - Street Lighting 317 CE CE CE CE Transport & Highways Highways Planning Budget Manager - Paul Symonds Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 571086 0100 00000 571086 0241 00000 571086 0262 00000 Employees Officers' Pay Training Expenses Leased Cars 571086 1331 00000 Transport Car Allowances 571086 571086 571086 571086 571086 571086 571086 571086 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Conference Expenses Advertising - other than Staff Official Hospitality 1501 1651 1652 1906 1907 1981 2153 2157 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 571086 8302 00000 571086 9052 00000 132,900 710 6,300 139,910 2,150 2,150 600 540 210 200 700 200 3,000 300 5,750 Income Establishment Expenses Recovered Interest - PSW Frontagers Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 571086 5802 00000 571086 571086 571086 571086 571086 571086 5501 5501 5501 5510 5520 5590 00000 F4730 F4731 00000 00000 00000 135,000 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation 3,000 3,000 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 3,000 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Support Services (Services) - Private Estates Support Services (Services) - Private Street Works Administration Buildings Computer Charges Recharges In - Internal (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 63,660 700 1,600 4,910 13,400 69,630 153,900 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 571086 9591 00000 11,210 1,600 12,810 291,900 Recharges Out Recharges Out - External (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 157,360 157,360 134,540 318 CE CE CE CE CE CE Transport & Highways - Paul Symonds Traffic & Road Safety 646000 - School Crossing Patrols 571*** - Traffic Employees Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget Total £ 739,890 17,810 46,690 0 Cr 186,870 Cr 558,200 59,320 £ 0 0 0 176,050 Cr 176,050 0 0 675000 - Road Safety £ 542,450 11,020 1,270 0 0 Cr 446,730 108,010 377,550 11,340 174,280 563,170 436,870 11,340 282,290 730,500 Cr 152,450 0 Cr 53,080 Cr 205,530 284,420 11,340 229,210 524,970 319 £ 1,282,340 28,830 47,960 176,050 Cr 362,920 Cr 1,004,930 167,330 Transport & Highways Traffic & Road Safety Traffic Budget Manager - Paul Symonds Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 571*** 571*** 571*** 571*** 571*** 571*** 0100 0180 0241 0242 0251 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Pay - Grant Funded Training Expenses Training Expenses - Travel & Subsistence Staff Advertising Leased Cars 571*** 1321 571*** 1331 571*** 1332 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances Car Allowances - Traffic Counts 571*** 571*** 571*** 571*** 571*** 571*** 571*** 571*** 571*** 571*** 571*** 571*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Equipment Maintenance Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Design & Construction Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Official Hospitality Licences Road Closure - Recharges Minor Traffic Management Schemes 1501 1526 1651 1652 1759 1906 1907 1908 2157 2162 6200 6204 571*** 8302 571*** 8305 571*** 8443 Income Establishment Expenses Recovered Advertising Revenue Road Closure Charges 571*** 9505 571*** 9586 Recharges Out Support Services to Capital ES Controllable Recharges Out 188,430 545,500 1,340 330 830 3,460 739,890 990 7,580 9,240 17,810 1,540 10,000 1,190 1,380 1,720 500 600 2,600 390 11,500 5,310 9,960 46,690 Cr Cr Cr Cr 900 140,200 45,770 186,870 Cr Cr Cr 511,100 47,100 558,200 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 571*** 571*** 571*** 571*** 571*** 5501 5510 5520 5590 5595 59,320 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Recharges In - Internal (ESD) Recharges in - External (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 211,940 24,540 65,990 73,190 1,890 377,550 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 571*** 9590 571*** 9591 436,870 Recharges Out Recharges Out - Internal (ESD) Recharges Out - External (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 83,290 69,160 152,450 284,420 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 571084 - TP Strategy 571087 - TP Traffic 320 CE CE CE CE Transport & Highways Traffic & Road Safety School Crossing Patrols Budget Manager - Paul Symonds Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 646000 3005 00000 Third Party Payments Contract Payments 646000 646000 646000 646000 646000 Income Government Grants Income from Foundation/Voluntary Added Schools Income from Community/Voluntary Controlled Schools Income from Academies Income from Independent Schools 8064 9141 9142 9147 9171 F4729 00000 00000 00000 00000 176,050 176,050 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 646000 5501 00000 646000 5590 00000 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 66,000 13,340 70,040 23,340 3,330 176,050 0 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Recharges In - Internal (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 2,280 9,060 11,340 TOTAL NET BUDGET 11,340 321 CE Transport & Highways Traffic & Road Safety Road Safety Budget Manager - Paul Symonds Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 675000 675000 675000 675000 0100 0180 0241 0242 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Pay - Grant Funded Training Expenses Training Expenses - Travel & Subsistence 675000 1304 675000 1331 Transport Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance Car Allowances 675000 1501 675000 1652 675000 1908 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Printing & Stationery Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers 675000 9505 Recharges Out Support Services to Capital 94,570 446,730 970 180 542,450 420 10,600 11,020 500 300 470 1,270 Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 675000 675000 675000 675000 675000 5501 5510 5520 5553 5590 108,010 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Use of Central Depot Recharges In - Internal (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 52,130 27,700 65,330 12,940 16,180 174,280 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 675000 9590 675000 9591 446,730 446,730 282,290 Recharges Out Recharges Out - Internal (ESD) Recharges Out - External (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 40,440 12,640 53,080 229,210 322 CE CE CE Public Protection - Clive Davison Care Services Portfolio 580700 Housing Enforcement Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Recharges In Third Party Payments Capital Charges Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges / Financing Non-Controllable Budgets 323 Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget £ 261,890 0 6,660 1,250 0 0 0 Cr 16,230 0 253,570 0 0 0 580300 & 742*** Housing Improvement £ 339,240 34,320 10,400 2,390 0 0 0 Cr 244,970 Cr 32,270 109,110 120 1,500,000 1,500,120 ES Portfolio 609000 Emergency Planning £ 46,770 0 5,310 18,700 0 0 0 0 0 70,780 0 0 0 PPS Portfolio 481000 - CCTV £ 79,750 30,840 16,640 11,660 0 388,260 0 0 0 527,150 0 0 0 580601-19 Community Safety 580*** - Public Protection £ 346,770 0 12,080 201,150 40,400 0 0 Cr 130,320 Cr 40,400 429,680 0 0 0 £ 1,977,820 0 51,970 122,550 0 181,470 0 Cr 405,330 0 1,928,480 6,110 0 6,110 586000 Mortuary & Coroners Service £ 0 0 0 0 0 339,620 0 0 0 339,620 0 0 0 Total Public Protecton Division £ 3,052,240 65,160 103,060 357,700 40,400 909,350 0 Cr 796,850 Cr 72,670 3,658,390 6,230 1,500,000 1,506,230 74,460 640,420 66,450 32,400 504,640 1,004,520 31,840 2,354,730 328,030 2,249,650 137,230 559,550 934,320 2,939,110 371,460 7,519,350 Cr 328,030 Cr 202,270 0 Cr 559,550 Cr 55,550 Cr 729,580 0 Cr 1,874,980 2,047,380 137,230 878,770 2,209,530 371,460 5,644,370 0 0 Public Protection (Care Services Portfolio) - Clive Davison 580700 Housing Enforcement Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Recharges In Third Party Payments Capital Charges Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges / Financing Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget £ 261,890 0 6,660 1,250 0 0 0 Cr 16,230 0 253,570 0 0 0 580300 & 742*** Total Public Housing Protecton - CS Improvement Portfolio £ £ 339,240 601,130 34,320 34,320 10,400 17,060 2,390 3,640 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cr 244,970 Cr 261,200 Cr 32,270 Cr 32,270 109,110 362,680 120 1,500,000 1,500,120 120 1,500,000 1,500,120 74,460 640,420 714,880 328,030 2,249,650 2,577,680 Cr 328,030 Cr 202,270 Cr 530,300 2,047,380 2,047,380 0 324 Environmental Services - Housing Housing Enforcement Budget Manager - Clive Davison Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 580700 0100 580700 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Leased Cars 580700 1321 580700 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 580700 1704 580700 2001 580700 2157 Supplies and Services Other Hired & Contracted Services Grants & Subscriptions Official Hospitality 580700 8302 580700 8455 Income Establishment Expenses Recovered Houses In Multiple Occupation 258,650 3,240 261,890 260 6,400 6,660 960 250 40 1,250 Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 580700 580700 580700 580700 580700 5501 5510 5520 5590 5595 253,570 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Recharges In - Internal (ESD) Recharges in - External (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 26,600 4,900 17,320 20,820 4,820 74,460 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 580700 9653 2,480 13,750 16,230 328,030 Recharges Out Internal Recharge Out to Private Sector Housing SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 328,030 328,030 0 325 CE Environmental Services - Housing - Clive Davison Housing Improvement 580300 - Housing Improvement Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges/Financing Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 742*** - Private Sector Housing £ 339,240 0 10,400 2,390 Cr 209,800 Cr 32,270 109,960 Total £ 0 34,320 0 0 Cr 35,170 0 Cr 850 £ 339,240 34,320 10,400 2,390 Cr 244,970 Cr 32,270 109,110 120 1,500,000 1,500,120 120 1,500,000 1,500,120 93,040 547,380 640,420 203,000 2,046,650 2,249,650 Cr 203,000 730 Cr 202,270 2,047,380 2,047,380 0 0 0 0 326 Environmental Services - Housing Housing Improvement Budget Manager - Clive Davison Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 580300 0100 580300 0180 580300 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Pay - Grant Funded Leased Cars 580300 1321 580300 1331 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 580300 580300 580300 580300 Supplies and Services Printing & Stationery Other Hired & Contracted Services Grants & Subscriptions Official Hospitality 1652 1704 2001 2157 580300 8113 580300 8457 580300 9103 Income Contributions Renovation Grant Agency Fees Miscellaneous Income 580300 9592 Recharges Out Recharge to Supporting People 291,770 43,960 3,510 339,240 370 10,030 10,400 500 1,440 390 60 2,390 Cr Cr Cr Cr 45,930 155,540 8,330 209,800 Cr Cr 32,270 32,270 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 580300 580300 580300 580300 580300 5501 5510 5520 5590 5595 109,960 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Recharges In - Internal (ESD) Recharges in - External (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 27,100 8,180 29,630 20,910 7,220 93,040 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 580300 9555 580300 9653 203,000 Recharges Out Charge to Housing for Agency Fees Internal Recharge Out to Private Sector Housing SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 84,370 287,370 203,000 0 327 CE Environmental Services - Housing Housing Improvement Private Sector Housing Budget Manager - Clive Davison Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 742*** 1115 Premises Tenant Maintenance - All Works 742*** 9001 Income Rent of Dwellings 34,320 34,320 Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 742*** 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 742*** 5804 Capital Charges/Financing Revenue Expenditure Funded by Capital Under Statute (REFCUS) Cr 5501 5555 5595 5653 1,500,000 1,500,000 CE 1,500,120 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Residential Services Agency Fee Recharge Recharges in - External (R&R) Internal Recharge from Residential Services SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN Cr TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 742*** 9653 850 120 120 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 742*** 742*** 742*** 742*** 35,170 35,170 15,660 84,370 1,420 614,670 547,380 2,046,650 Recharges Out Internal Recharge Out to Private Sector Housing SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT 730 730 TOTAL NET BUDGET 2,047,380 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 742000 - Private Sector Housing 742001 - Empty Dwelling Management Orders 328 CE CE Public Protection - (ES Portfolio) Emergency Planning Budget Manager - Clive Davison Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 609000 0102 609000 0241 Employees Officers' Inbucon Pay Training Expenses 609000 609000 609000 609000 609000 609000 1302 1304 1308 1321 1331 1380 Transport Fuel & Oil Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance Non-Scheduled Services Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances Transport Insurance 609000 609000 609000 609000 609000 609000 609000 609000 609000 609000 1501 1526 1631 1651 1652 1907 1981 1983 2156 2164 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Equipment Maintenance Protective Clothing Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Telephones - External Conference Expenses Subsistence Miscellaneous Expenses Central Training 46,550 220 46,770 150 3,270 200 430 960 300 5,310 2,270 60 1,210 560 2,980 1,180 2,050 810 280 7,300 18,700 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 609000 609000 609000 609000 5501 5510 5520 5553 70,780 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Use of Central Depot SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 22,430 31,080 11,860 1,080 66,450 TOTAL NET BUDGET 137,230 329 CE CE CE Public Protection (Public Protection & Safety Portfolio) - Clive Davison Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Recharges In Third Party Payments Capital Charges Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges / Financing Non-Controllable Budgets Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 481000 - CCTV £ 79,750 30,840 16,640 11,660 0 388,260 0 0 0 527,150 580601-19 Community Safety 580*** - Public Protection £ 346,770 0 12,080 201,150 40,400 0 0 Cr 130,320 Cr 40,400 429,680 0 0 0 0 0 0 £ 1,977,820 0 51,970 122,550 0 181,470 0 Cr 405,330 0 1,928,480 6,110 0 6,110 586000 Mortuary & Coroners Service £ 0 0 0 0 0 339,620 0 0 0 339,620 0 0 0 Total PPS Portfolio £ 2,404,340 30,840 80,690 335,360 40,400 909,350 0 Cr 535,650 Cr 40,400 3,224,930 6,110 0 6,110 32,400 504,640 1,004,520 31,840 1,573,400 559,550 934,320 2,939,110 371,460 4,804,440 Cr 559,550 Cr 55,550 Cr 729,580 0 Cr 1,344,680 878,770 2,209,530 371,460 3,459,760 0 330 Public Protection Community Safety Budget Manager - Clive Davison Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 580*** 0100 00000 580*** 0180 00000 580*** 0241 00000 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Pay - Grant Funded Training Expenses 580*** 1321 00000 580*** 1331 00000 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** Supplies and Services Training Equipment & Materials Printing & Stationery Project Expenses Project Expenses - Young Victms Project Project Expenses - Domestic Abuse project expenses Project Expenses - Crime Prevention Projects Project Expenses- Safet Bromley Awards Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers Subsistence Grants & Subscriptions Grants & Subscriptions - Safer Neighbourhood Development Grants Grants & Subscriptions - Youth Diversion Grants Grants & Subscriptions - PPS Portfolio Holder Fund Grants Grants & Subscriptions - PPS PH Fund Grants- Operation Payback Publicity Official Hospitality 1525 1652 1768 1768 1768 1768 1768 1908 1983 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2151 2157 00000 00000 00000 FF904 FF905 FF906 FF907 00000 00000 00000 FF900 FF901 FF902 FF903 00000 00000 228,040 117,400 1,330 346,770 530 11,550 12,080 580*** 5766 00000 Recharges In Recharge from Community Services re ASBO's 580*** 8079 00000 580*** 8113 00000 580*** 8124 00000 Income GLA – Community Safety Fund Contributions Contribution from Metropolitan Police Service 580*** 9766 00000 Recharges Out Recharge ASBOs to Community Safety 690 3,000 3,000 8,200 3,000 6,000 6,150 2,000 500 4,430 40,000 58,250 53,530 8,400 3,000 1,000 201,150 40,400 40,400 Cr Cr Cr Cr 113,600 1,720 15,000 130,320 Cr Cr 40,400 40,400 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 5501 5510 5520 5590 5765 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 429,680 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Recharges In - Internal (ESD) CCTV Recharges in to Community Safety SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 38,680 8,180 30,300 31,370 396,110 504,640 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 580*** 9591 00000 934,320 Recharges Out Recharges Out - External (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 55,550 55,550 878,770 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 580601 - Community Safety Management & Support 580602 - Community Safety Fund 580603 - Anti - Social Behaviour Team 580619 - Community Safety - Portfolio Holder 331 CE CE CE Public Protection Mortuary & Coroners Service Budget Manager - Clive Davison Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 586000 3230 586000 3235 Third Party Payments Mortuary Contract Costs Coroner Service Payments 99,120 240,500 339,620 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 586000 5501 586000 5590 339,620 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Recharges In - Internal (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 10,930 20,910 31,840 TOTAL NET BUDGET 371,460 332 CE Public Protection CCTV Budget Manager - Clive Davison Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 481000 0100 Employees Officers' Pay 481000 1202 Premises Electricity 481000 481000 481000 481000 Transport Fuel & Oil Hire of Vehicles Car Allowances Transport Insurance 1302 1306 1331 1380 481000 1704 Supplies and Services Other Hired & Contracted Services 481000 3012 481000 3683 Third Party Payments CCTV Maintenance CCTV Contract 79,750 79,750 30,840 30,840 2,020 11,980 1,730 910 16,640 11,660 11,660 132,110 256,150 388,260 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 481000 481000 481000 481000 5501 5510 5520 5553 527,150 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Use of Central Depot SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 10,240 12,330 8,660 1,170 32,400 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 481000 9562 481000 9765 559,550 Recharges Out CCTV Recharges out to Parking CCTV Recharges out to Community Safety SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 163,440 396,110 559,550 0 333 CE CE CE Public Protection Division (PPS Portfolio) Budget Manager - Clive Davison Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 0100 0102 0241 0242 0251 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Officers' Inbucon Pay Training Expenses Training Expenses - Travel & Subsistence Staff Advertising Leased Cars 580*** 1301 580*** 1321 580*** 1331 Transport Use of Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Protective Clothing Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Other Hired & Contracted Services Cash Collection / Courier Service Professional Fees Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Line of Business Software Conference Expenses Grants & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expenses Licences Science Investigation Programme Traveller Evictions Test Purchasing Campaign 1501 1631 1651 1652 1704 1707 1709 1906 1907 1933 1981 2001 2156 2162 2327 2337 2341 580*** 3009 580*** 3153 Third Party Payments Other Hired Services Payments to OLEAs - Other 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** Income Contributions from Other Local Authorities Contributions Fees & Charges - General Establishment Expenses Recovered Animal Welfare Licences Environment Protection Act Licences EH & TS - Other Licence Fees Gambling Act 2005 Licence Fees Scientific Services Income Weights & Measures Testing Recoveries Income from Community/Voluntary Controlled Schools 8103 8113 8301 8302 8401 8402 8407 8410 8434 8435 9102 9142 1,545,830 391,790 1,910 970 2,600 34,720 1,977,820 2,420 990 48,560 51,970 8,200 500 2,000 11,880 7,440 2,200 6,020 7,940 11,170 20,000 590 2,500 1,070 5,820 28,220 6,330 670 122,550 165,020 16,450 181,470 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 580*** 2160 1,928,480 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 6,110 6,110 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 580*** 5501 5503 5510 5520 5553 5590 5595 4,000 710 14,000 3,410 17,450 9,300 279,120 40,230 19,050 2,780 6,000 9,280 405,330 6,110 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Support Services (To PCs from Other Depts) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Use of Central Depot Recharges In - Internal (ESD) Recharges in - External (R&R) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 348,390 400 64,200 140,060 11,440 414,710 25,320 1,004,520 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 2,939,110 334 CE CE CE CE CE (PPS Portfolio) Budget Manager - Clive Davison Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 580*** 9501 580*** 9590 580*** 9591 Recharges Out Support Services Charges to Clients Recharges Out - Internal (ESD) Recharges Out - External (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 31,860 560,550 137,170 729,580 2,209,530 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 580000 - Public Protection- General Administration 580100 - Environmental Protection 580200 - Trading Standards 580400 - Food Safety and Licensing 580410 - Health & Safety - Sold Services to Schools 580500 - Public Health Complaints and Anti-Social Behaviour 335 CE Recreation - Colin Brand 059000 Leisure Trust Client 336 Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Transfer Payments Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets £ 82,870 1,130 2,000 90,320 1,210,250 6,390 Cr 1,100 0 1,391,860 060*** - Culture Div Management £ 399,710 28,570 6,320 51,170 0 0 Cr 15,880 0 469,890 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges/Financing Property Rental Income Non-Controllable Budgets 101,890 155,310 948,000 Cr 83,640 1,121,560 0 2,010 Cr 11,000 0 Cr 8,990 280,490 67,920 2,793,910 Recharges In Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 069*** Community Development 0 0 0 0 0 £ 85,690 0 4,350 58,350 0 0 Cr 109,250 Cr 39,140 0 480*** Cotmandene & Mottingham 058*** - Business Shops 071*** - Libraries Support £ £ £ 126,970 3,242,090 500 49,080 711,380 0 550 35,170 130 43,340 982,250 22,830 0 187,240 0 0 85,000 0 Cr 36,000 Cr 396,250 0 Cr 9,800 Cr 85,000 0 174,140 4,761,880 23,460 0 0 0 0 0 482*** - Town Centre Management £ 141,650 2,050 2,300 157,250 5,780 0 Cr 82,960 0 226,070 0 0 0 0 0 Total Recreation £ 4,079,480 792,210 50,820 1,405,510 1,403,270 91,390 Cr 641,440 Cr 133,940 7,047,300 5,620 0 0 0 5,620 360,670 51,190 282,000 0 693,860 468,180 208,510 1,219,000 Cr 83,640 1,812,050 8,150 73,280 794,820 50,570 146,520 1,421,750 528,820 8,150 253,040 6,250,560 74,030 372,590 10,281,100 Cr 73,100 Cr 373,410 0 0 Cr 61,680 0 0 Cr 508,190 2,720,810 155,410 8,150 253,040 6,188,880 74,030 372,590 9,772,910 Recreation - Colin Brand Culture 059000 - Leisure Trust Client 060*** - Culture Division 069*** - Community 480*** - Cotmandene Management & Museum Development & Mottingham Shops £ £ £ 399,710 85,690 126,970 28,570 0 49,080 6,320 4,350 550 51,170 58,350 43,340 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cr 15,880 Cr 109,250 Cr 36,000 0 Cr 39,140 Cr 9,800 469,890 0 174,140 Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Transfer Payments Income Recharges Out Controllable Budgets £ 82,870 1,130 2,000 90,320 1,210,250 6,390 Cr 1,100 0 1,391,860 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Supplies and Services - Insurance Capital Charges/Financing Property Rental Income Non-Controllable Budgets 101,890 155,310 948,000 Cr 83,640 1,121,560 0 2,010 Cr 11,000 0 Cr 8,990 280,490 67,920 2,793,910 Recharges In 337 Total Cost of Service Recharges Out Total Net Budget 0 0 0 0 0 Total £ 695,240 78,780 13,220 243,180 1,210,250 6,390 Cr 162,230 Cr 48,940 2,035,890 5,620 0 0 0 5,620 107,510 157,320 937,000 Cr 83,640 1,118,190 8,150 73,280 429,840 528,820 8,150 253,040 3,583,920 Cr 73,100 Cr 373,410 0 0 Cr 446,510 2,720,810 155,410 8,150 253,040 3,137,410 059 - Leisure Trust Client Note There is no established market for local authority sports centres and swimming pools, hence it is not possible to determine a market rental value for these facilities. However, a desktop exercise has been undertaken to establish, in broad terms, the estimated rental value for the twelve properties (see list below) used by Bromley Mytime, based on their rateable values. Although this has to be treated with some caution, broad estimates indicate it is in the region of £1,860,000 per annum. Bromley Mytime pay a peppercorn rent as part of the agreement and they are not required to pay a market rent. Pavillion Leisure Centre Walnuts Sports Centre West Wickham Pools Darrick Wood Pools Spa Beckenham High Elms Golf Course Bromley Golf Centre Crofton Halls Beckenham Public Halls Great Hall Civic Centre Bromley Tennis Centre Biggin Hill Memorial Swimming Pool Recreation Culture Leisure Trust Client Budget Manager - Colin Brand Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 059000 0100 00000 059000 0241 00000 Employees Officers' Pay Training Expenses 059000 1202 00000 Premises Electricity 059000 1331 00000 Transport Car Allowances 059000 059000 059000 059000 059000 059000 059000 Supplies and Services Other Hired & Contracted Services Other Hired & Contracted Services - Norman Park Track Other Hired & Contracted Services - Leisure Card Other Hired & Contracted Services - Divert Scheme Telephones - External Grants & Subscriptions Grants & Subscriptions - Bromley Arts Council 1704 1704 1704 1704 1907 2001 2001 00000 LL140 LL141 LL142 00000 00000 LL150 059000 3009 00000 059000 3696 00000 059000 3740 00000 Third Party Payments Other Hired Services Churchill Theatre Management Fee Grant to Bromley Mytime 059000 4058 00000 Transfer Payments Discounted Rate Relief (NNDR) - Sports Clubs 059000 9006 00000 Income Miscellaneous Lettings, Film Rights, etc 82,220 650 82,870 1,130 1,130 2,000 2,000 3,570 42,300 18,260 13,350 1,500 2,490 8,850 90,320 137,670 316,210 756,370 1,210,250 6,390 6,390 Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 059000 059000 059000 059000 059000 1103 1109 1111 1112 1116 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 1,391,860 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - Planned Structural Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works 059000 2160 00000 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 059000 5802 00000 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation 059000 9002 00000 059000 9005 00000 Property Rental Income Rent of Commercial Premises/Halls Rent - Land Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 059000 059000 059000 059000 059000 059000 059000 5501 5510 5516 5517 5520 5530 5590 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 63,670 13,520 11,100 7,000 6,600 101,890 CE CE CE CE CE 155,310 155,310 CE 948,000 948,000 CE 48,280 35,360 83,640 CE CE 1,121,560 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Great Hall Rent Adventure Kingdom Rent Computer Charges Grounds Maintenance Recharges In - Internal (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 36,930 6,470 50,540 52,570 5,500 14,390 114,090 280,490 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 059000 9539 00000 1,100 1,100 2,793,910 Recharges Out Staff Restaurant Charges to Clients SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 73,100 73,100 2,720,810 338 CE CE CE CE CE Recreation Culture Culture Divisional Management & Museum Budget Manager - Colin Brand Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 060*** 0100 060*** 0241 060*** 0262 Employees Officers' Pay Training Expenses Leased Cars 060*** 060*** 060*** 060*** 060*** 060*** 060*** 060*** Premises Electricity Gas Business Rates Water Cleaning Materials Window Cleaning Contract Cleaning Clearing Rubbish & Refuse 1202 1203 1223 1241 1271 1272 1273 1276 060*** 1301 060*** 1321 060*** 1331 Transport Use of Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 060*** 060*** 060*** 060*** 060*** 060*** 060*** 060*** 060*** 060*** 060*** 060*** 060*** 060*** 060*** 060*** 060*** 060*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Purchase & Repair of Other Equipment Office Furniture Educational Equipment Purchase of Display/Museum Exhibits Refreshment Account Printing & Stationery Promotion & Design Marketing Other Hired & Contracted Services Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Conference Expenses Subsistence Grants & Subscriptions Advertising - other than Staff Miscellaneous Expenses Official Hospitality 1501 1502 1505 1507 1513 1608 1652 1658 1659 1704 1906 1907 1981 1983 2001 2153 2156 2157 060*** 8207 060*** 8301 060*** 9103 394,850 1,250 3,610 399,710 1,640 1,100 16,540 730 20 1,440 5,600 1,500 28,570 190 330 5,800 6,320 1,060 750 290 1,400 100 50 9,060 1,240 700 30,990 970 1,640 430 60 1,750 300 60 320 51,170 Income Other Sales Fees & Charges - General Miscellaneous Income Cr Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 060*** 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 060*** 5802 060*** 5807 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation Government Grants Deferred 469,890 2,010 2,010 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 060*** 5501 060*** 5510 060*** 5520 1,600 10,900 3,380 15,880 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN Cr Cr 39,000 50,000 11,000 Cr 8,990 33,700 9,170 25,050 67,920 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 528,820 339 CE CE CE CE Culture Culture Divisional Management & Museum Budget Manager - Colin Brand Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 060*** 9590 060*** 9591 Recharges Out Recharges Out - Internal (ESD) Recharges Out - External (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 354,090 19,320 373,410 155,410 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 060000 - Culture Div Management 060001 - Culture Division - Museums 060002 - Culture Division - Crofton Roman Villa 340 Recreation Culture Community Development Budget Manager - Colin Brand Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 069124 0180 069124 0241 069124 0251 Employees Officers' Pay - Grant Funded Training Expenses Staff Advertising 069124 1302 069124 1304 069124 1308 Transport Fuel & Oil Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance Non-Scheduled Services 069124 069124 069124 069124 069124 069124 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Other Equipment Materials Refreshment Account Protective Clothing Printing & Stationery Professional Fees 1502 1506 1608 1631 1652 1709 069124 8112 069124 9103 Income Grants Miscellaneous Income 069124 9771 Recharges Out Recharges Out - Thyme Out Project 84,360 830 500 85,690 700 3,000 650 4,350 300 9,000 730 900 1,500 45,920 58,350 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 069124 5510 Cr Cr Cr 100,760 8,490 109,250 Cr Cr 39,140 39,140 0 Recharges In Administration Buildings SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 8,150 8,150 TOTAL NET BUDGET 8,150 341 CE Recreation Culture Cotmandene & Mottingham Shops Budget Manager - Colin Brand Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 480*** 0100 480*** 0159 480*** 0241 Employees Officers' Pay Caretakers & Cleaners Training Expenses 480*** 480*** 480*** 480*** 480*** 480*** 480*** 480*** 480*** 480*** Premises Tenant Maintenance - All Works Electricity Gas Rents Business Rates Water Cleaning Materials Window Cleaning Contract Cleaning Clearing Rubbish & Refuse 1115 1202 1203 1222 1223 1241 1271 1272 1273 1276 480*** 1321 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses 480*** 480*** 480*** 480*** 480*** 480*** 480*** 480*** 480*** 480*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Office Furniture Printing & Stationery Photocopier Expenses Other Office Expenses Other Hired & Contracted Services Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Publicity Official Hospitality 1501 1505 1652 1657 1660 1704 1906 1907 2151 2157 480*** 8877 480*** 9103 Income Hall/Room Lettings Miscellaneous Income 480*** 9747 Recharges Out Recharge To Public Health 123,920 2,050 1,000 126,970 1,000 7,050 5,350 16,000 11,600 1,380 750 250 5,000 700 49,080 550 550 900 500 3,240 1,900 750 29,000 680 5,450 250 670 43,340 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 480*** 1111 480*** 1116 Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Cyclical Maintenance Water Treatment Works 4,000 32,000 36,000 Cr Cr 9,800 9,800 174,140 3,370 2,250 5,620 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 480*** 5501 480*** 5520 480*** 5590 Cr Cr Cr CE CE 5,620 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Computer Charges Recharges In - Internal (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 16,880 16,400 40,000 73,280 TOTAL NET BUDGET 253,040 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 480002 - Cotmandene Learning Shop 480005 - Mottingham Learning Shop 342 CE CE Recreation Libraries Budget Manager - Colin Brand Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 0100 0103 0105 0241 Employees Officers' Pay Saturday Staff Casual Staff Training Expenses 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 1201 1202 1203 1222 1223 1241 1271 1272 1273 1276 Premises Oil Electricity Gas Rents Business Rates Water Cleaning Materials Window Cleaning Contract Cleaning Clearing Rubbish & Refuse 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 1301 1302 1304 1306 1308 1321 1331 1380 Transport Use of Transport Fuel & Oil Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance Hire of Vehicles Non-Scheduled Services Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances Transport Insurance 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 1501 1502 1505 1506 1510 1514 1524 1632 1652 1657 1658 1659 1703 1704 1706 1752 1903 1906 1907 1908 1913 1932 1933 1934 1936 1981 1983 2001 2103 2156 2157 2162 2999 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Purchase & Repair of Other Equipment Office Furniture Materials Libraries Acquisitions Fund Purchase of Souvenirs/Badges Newspapers & Periodicals for Libraries Uniforms Printing & Stationery Photocopier Expenses Promotion & Design Marketing Hired Services - Programme Other Hired & Contracted Services Debt Collection and Registration Fees Security Of Premises Maintenance of Computer Equipment Postages & Stamp Duties Telephones - External Rental of Mobile Phones/Pagers IT Licences Hardware Maintenance Line of Business Software Desktop Software Leased Lines Conference Expenses Subsistence Grants & Subscriptions Credit Card Commission Miscellaneous Expenses Official Hospitality Licences Contributions To Other Departments 3,081,960 137,130 16,000 7,000 3,242,090 3,000 114,140 41,520 10,800 412,490 9,970 7,010 2,830 87,920 21,700 711,380 13,340 4,600 3,750 7,430 1,000 850 3,700 500 35,170 5,000 15,000 8,000 1,250 500,000 11,000 38,000 500 33,370 15,000 6,500 12,000 1,000 28,000 8,000 30,000 1,000 13,500 22,240 3,000 35,000 88,000 20,000 25,000 32,000 500 250 9,250 200 940 250 2,000 16,500 982,250 343 Libraries Budget Manager - Colin Brand Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 071*** 3131 Third Party Payments Contribution to Other LAs - Shared Service with London Borough of Bexley 071*** 5577 Recharges In Libraries Recharge for Shared Service 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** Income Other Sales Sale of Withdrawn Items Wall Charts Workbooks Fees & Charges - General Activities In Libraries Fines re Books, Spoken Word CD/Cassette, Games Book Reservation Fees Replacement of Items Fines re DVD Spoken Word CD/Cassette, Games Hire Video Hire Video Fines Photocopying Charges People's Network Printouts DVD Hire Music CD Hire Commission on Exhibitions Hall/Room Lettings Miscellaneous Income Telephone Charges Recovered 8207 8214 8221 8222 8301 8831 8849 8850 8851 8852 8853 8855 8856 8859 8862 8863 8864 8874 8877 9103 9105 071*** 9577 Recharges Out Libraries Recharge for Shared Service 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** Premises - Repairs and Maintenance Landlord Maintenance - External Decorations Landlord Maintenance - Planned Structural Landlord Maintenance - Unplanned Cyclical Maintenance Asbestos Management Water Treatment Works 187,240 187,240 85,000 85,000 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 19,710 19,440 2,670 1,590 21,860 4,210 107,920 8,330 9,630 2,880 11,950 530 1,120 21,420 41,890 33,640 8,200 630 71,120 4,110 3,400 396,250 Cr Cr 85,000 85,000 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 1102 1103 1109 1111 1112 1116 071*** 2160 Supplies and Services - Insurance Insurances - Premiums Payable 071*** 5802 Capital Charges/Financing Capital Charges - Depreciation 4,761,880 SUB TOTAL NON CONTROLLABLE 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 071*** 5501 5520 5530 5537 5553 5590 CE CE CE CE CE CE 51,190 51,190 CE 282,000 282,000 CE 693,860 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Computer Charges Grounds Maintenance Walnuts Boiler Plant Use of Central Depot Recharges In - Internal (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 288,140 410,370 8,990 8,600 3,720 75,000 794,820 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 071*** 9660 6,080 49,480 166,960 85,340 12,000 40,810 360,670 CE CE CE 6,250,560 Recharges Out Third Floor Central Library Recharge SUB TOTAL RECHARGES OUT Cr Cr TOTAL NET BUDGET 61,680 61,680 6,188,880 344 ECHS Libraries The Following Cost Centres must be used: 071002 - Libraries Stock Services Unit 071003 - Central Lending Library 071004 - Central Reference Library 071006 - Libraries Facilities 071007 - Libraries-Development Group 071008 - Libraries-General 071009 - Libraries-Systems Office 071010 - Beckenham Library 071011 - Penge Library 071012 - Anerley Library 071013 - West Wickham Library 071014 - Orpington Library 071015 - St Pauls Cray Library 071016 - Petts Wood Library 071017 - Chislehurst Library 071018 - Hayes Library 071019 - Burnt Ash Library 071020 - Mottingham Library 071021 - Shortlands Library 071022 - Southborough Library 071023 - Biggin Hill Library 071024 - Mobile Libraries 071025 - Home Library Service 071030 - BookStart Project 071040 - Libraries – Archives 071050 - Libraries Local Studies - Shared Service 345 Recreation - Colin Brand Town Centre Management & Business Support 058*** - Business Support Employees Premises Transport Supplies and Services Third Party Payments Income Controllable Budgets £ 500 0 130 22,830 0 0 23,460 482*** - Town Centre Management £ 141,650 2,050 2,300 157,250 5,780 Cr 82,960 226,070 Recharges In 50,570 146,520 197,090 74,030 372,590 446,620 Total Net Budget 346 Total £ 142,150 2,050 2,430 180,080 5,780 Cr 82,960 249,530 Recreation Town Centre Management & Business Support Business Support Budget Manager - Colin Brand Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 058000 0241 Employees Training Expenses 058000 1321 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses 058000 058000 058000 058000 058000 058000 Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Books, Newspapers & Periodicals Printing & Stationery Marketing the Borough Other Hired & Contracted Services Publicity 1501 1651 1652 1663 1704 2151 500 500 130 130 1,050 200 1,100 14,850 2,210 3,420 22,830 SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 058000 058000 058000 058000 5501 5510 5520 5590 23,460 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Recharges In - Internal (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 6,000 4,070 5,500 35,000 50,570 TOTAL NET BUDGET 74,030 347 CE CE CE Recreation Town Centre Management & Business Support Town Centre Management Budget Manager - Colin Brand Budget Dept. 2013/2014 Resp. £ Oracle Code 482*** 0100 00000 482*** 0241 00000 Employees Officers' Pay Training Expenses 482*** 1223 00000 Premises Business Rates 482*** 1321 00000 482*** 1331 00000 Transport Staff Travelling Expenses Car Allowances 482*** 482*** 482*** 482*** 482*** 482*** 482*** 482*** 482*** 482*** 482*** 482*** 482*** 482*** 482*** Supplies and Services Purchase & Repair of Office Equipment Printing & Stationery Other Hired & Contracted Services Professional Fees Project Expenses Telephones - External Adhoc Computer Work Line of Business Software - Interactive Wayfinding Maps Grants & Subscriptions Grants to Voluntary Organisations Publicity Official Hospitality Census & Surveys - Project Evaluation Borough Events Business Support 1501 1652 1704 1709 1768 1907 1911 1933 2001 2006 2151 2157 2301 2403 2407 00000 00000 00000 F0891 00000 00000 00000 F0890 00000 00000 00000 00000 F0892 F0870 F0868 482*** 3005 00000 Third Party Payments Contract Payments 482*** 482*** 482*** 482*** Income Grants Contributions Contributions - Promotions Contributions - Rides 8112 8113 8113 8113 F0813 00000 F0802 F0803 140,050 1,600 141,650 2,050 2,050 300 2,000 2,300 5,780 5,780 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr SUB TOTAL CONTROLLABLE BUDGETS 482*** 482*** 482*** 482*** 5501 5510 5520 5590 00000 00000 00000 00000 200 2,160 65,420 2,500 4,000 1,290 530 10,000 2,000 38,250 700 200 10,000 15,000 5,000 157,250 42,500 5,780 16,630 18,050 82,960 226,070 Recharges In Support Services (Services) Administration Buildings Computer Charges Recharges In - Internal (ESD) SUB TOTAL RECHARGES IN 37,440 8,120 10,960 90,000 146,520 TOTAL NET BUDGET 372,590 The Following Cost Centres must be used: 482000 - Town Centre Management 482001 - Town Centre Management - Bromley 482002 - Town Centre Management - Orpington 482003 - Town Centre Management - Penge 482004 - Town Centre Management - Beckenham 482005 - Town Centre Unit 482011 - Town Centre Management - Outer London Fund Round Two - Bromley Town Centre 348 CE CE CE Capital Programme 2012-17 and Prudential Indicators 349 APPROVED CAPITAL PROGRAMME 6th FEBRUARY 2013 PORTFOLIO EDUCATION Total Approved Estimate £'000's Actual to 31.3.12 £'000's Estimate 2012/13 £'000's Estimate 2013/14 £'000's Estimate 2014/15 £'000's Estimate 2015/06 £'000's Estimate 2016/17 £'000's 350 102840 75755 13271 12042 592 590 590 CARE SERVICES 36328 20072 2976 8835 2327 1166 952 ENVIRONMENT 58410 26526 7677 7804 8303 4050 4050 RENEWAL & RECREATION 23407 11280 3949 4817 3100 251 10 RESOURCES 14640 3945 6197 2948 775 775 0 235625 137578 34070 36446 15097 6832 5602 TOTAL EDUCATION PORTFOLIO - APPROVED CAPITAL PROGRAMME 6th FEBRUARY 2013 Code 907573 907573 907573 907573 907573 907573 907573 907573 907573 907558 907564 907564 Capital Scheme/Project Total Approved Estimate £'000's Actual to 31.3.12 £'000's Estimate 2012/13 £'000's Estimate 2013/14 £'000's Estimate 2014/15 £'000's Estimate 2015/06 £'000's Estimate 2016/17 £'000's Responsible Officer SECONDARY SCHOOLS 14-19 Diploma SEN 2.3d - Secondary School Investment Strategy Rob Bollen Rob Bollen Rob Bollen Rob Bollen Rob Bollen Rob Bollen Rob Bollen Rob Bollen Rob Bollen Newstead Wood Darrick Wood Hayes Riverside Ravenswood St Olave's Bullers Wood Contingency Langley Park Boys School - BSF (Building Schools for the future) 2.3b 2500 1700 1500 500 2500 500 1700 204 11104 38122 2500 1700 1500 500 2500 500 341 204 9745 31238 1359 0 1359 5884 0 1000 0 0 0 TOTAL SECONDARY SCHOOLS 49226 40983 7243 1000 0 0 0 1463 1462 1 1270 5431 1268 4872 2 485 3183 3183 0 11347 10785 488 250 0 250 PRIMARY SCHOOLS Primary Capital Programme 2.7 Princes Plain Primary - expansion The Highway Primary - partial rebuild # 907564 Rob Bollen Rob Bollen DCSF capital grant; £800k allocated to Riverside ASD scheme £1,395k Primary Capital Programme (PCP) grant; £24k from Access initiative; £50k from extended services; £6k t/f to Highway £1,114k PCP, £250k S106' £94k t/f to Highway £2,620k PCP, £500k Children & Family Centre grant, £300k Early Years, £600k planned maint; £93k schools capital maint in 11/12; £140k revenue cont in 11/12, £94k from Princes Plain; £434k from other PCP schemes. Balance of PCP grant after allocations to Bickley, Princes Plain, Highway and Riverside ASD; £100k from maintenance re Pickhurst Infants; £144k for Crofton Juniors from School kitchens funding; £428k t/f to Highway Rob Bollen Other schemes funded by Primary Capital Programme grant TOTAL PRIMARY SCHOOLS 74 0 0 0 351 906740 SPECIAL SCHOOLS Provision for children with social, emotional & behavioural difficulties 907945 Reconfiguration of Special Schools 5180 5062 10 108 TOTAL SPECIAL SCHOOLS 5430 5062 260 108 0 0 0 906691 906695 911xxx 906718 907549 OTHER EDUCATION SCHEMES Formula Devolved Capital 2.1a Seed Challenge Fund Schools Access Initiative Security Works Children and Family Centres 5778 1564 1540 770 6141 3614 1140 542 474 5942 440 300 48 125 0 432 124 500 171 199 432 430 430 150 150 150 906725 Suitability / Modernisation issues in schools - general 2.2 772 180 260 332 Rob Bollen 7202 3692 3200 310 Rob Bollen 9119 1095 700 7324 Rob Bollen 904xxx / 906726 Capital maintenance in schools - 2011/12 settlement 907974 907566/577 Basic Need - 2011/12 settlement Extended Services 2.10 Tessa Moore Mandy Russell Rob Bollen Rob Bollen Rob Bollen Tessa Moore 731 687 0 44 Tessa Moore 1431 71 300 Tessa Moore Short breaks capital Early Education for Two Year Olds Feasibility Studies 448 558 40 0 0 0 100 0 0 348 558 10 Hilary Rogers Nina Newell Rob Bollen OTHER SCHEMES Phoenix Pre-School SEN service - Council contribution Youth centres - Capital improvements 300 72 92 36 0 36 208 36837 18925 5280 10860 592 590 590 102840 75755 13271 12042 592 590 590 Hawes Down Co-Location 2.16 907970 907975 907556 907548 Tessa Moore 1802 907962 TOTAL OTHER EDUCATION SCHEMES TOTAL EDUCATION PORTFOLIO # Scheme overspent by £141k as at 31/03/12 - early warnings previously given - contractual dispute 10 10 £316k t/f to cover potential spend pressures on Langley Boys BSF One School Pathfinder; government grant £35,800k; LBB contribution £2,006k re: enhanced performance space; £316k t/f from Secondary Investment Strategy Rob Bollen Rob Bollen 74 DSG £3,580k, Targeted Capital Grant £7,340k, S106 £500k Rob Bollen Bickley Primary - expansion 907564 907564 Remarks 10 Rob Bollen Paul King Invest-to save: reduction in out of borough placements £800k in a full year; additional costs £290k in a full year (funded from DSG) Prudential borrowing (costs to be met from schools' budget); DSG contributions; £567k hydrotherapy pool approved by Executive 31/3/10 100% government grant; reduced allocation in 2011/12 settlement £300k "suitability" funding in 2011/12; £11k for Farnborough scheme DDA requirement; £150k p.a from schools' revenue budget; £24k to Bickley PCP £150k "suitability" funding in 2011/12 100% DfES grant;£500k for Highway scheme, £750k for Hawes Down Co-location, grant cut by £802k Now funded by 11/12 capital maintenance settlement; £46k from suitability surveys; £350k to Farnborough Primary 100% government grant - 2011/12 settlement; £300k to seed challenge; £150k to security works; £150k to suitability/modernisation settlement; £80k to Hawes Down Co-Location & £93k to The Highway in 11/12; £161k t/f from modernisation fund 100% government grant - 2011/12 settlement; aditional grant £1,182k in 11/12 & £4,090k in 12/13 DCSF capital grant; £142k for Hawes Down; grant cut by £134k; £50k to Bickley PCP; £225k not required Co-location grant £470k, Short breaks capital £220k, Children & Family Centres grant £750k, Early Years capital £70k, Extended Services £142k, school contribution £70k; £80k schools capital maint (roof) in 11/12 100% government grant 100% government grant Prudential borrowing - costs to be met from schools' budget. Youth Capital Fund grant £72k CARE SERVICES PORTFOLIO - APPROVED CAPITAL PROGRAMME 6th FEBRUARY 2013 Code Capital Scheme/Project 950787 950796 950802 950804 950806 950806 950806 950807 950812 950815 950816 950817 907562 SOCIAL CARE Care Standards Act 2000 Requirements - general Learning Disability Day Centre Care Homes - improvements to environment for older people PCT Learning Disability reprovision programme Social care grant - 2010/11 and prior years Social care grant - 2011/12 and 2012/13 settlement Social care grant - 2013/14 and 2014/15 settlement Mental health grant Social Care IT Infrastructure Supporting Independence - Extra Care Housing Transforming Social care Bellegrove - reduce temporary accommodation Mobile technology to support children's social workers 907000 Feasibilty Studies TOTAL SOCIAL CARE Total Approved Estimate £'000's 500 2310 290 11004 558 1228 1293 331 233 20 145 400 71 Actual to 31.3.12 £'000's 187 767 269 8956 0 0 0 5 191 1 75 0 15 Estimate 2012/13 £'000's Estimate 2013/14 £'000's 100 50 21 716 100 0 0 0 12 19 0 20 0 Estimate 2014/15 £'000's Estimate 2015/06 £'000's Estimate 2016/17 £'000's Responsible Officer 213 1493 1332 458 1228 640 326 30 Lorna Blackwood Lorna Blackwood Lorna Blackwood Colin Lusted Lorna Blackwood Lorna Blackwood Lorna Blackwood Lorna Blackwood Helen Stewart Lorna Blackwood Helen Stewart Sara Bowrey Kay Weiss 653 70 380 56 40 0 0 10 10 10 10 18423 10466 1038 6236 663 10 10 950792 950793 950793 HOUSING Payment in Lieu Fund - unallocated Housing Provision - approved expenditure proposals Housing Provision - unallocated 3745 657 220 2491 457 0 938 40 0 316 160 220 914110 950501 916xxx London private sector renewal schemes Empty Homes Programme Renovation Grants - Disabled Facilities 3169 450 9414 2373 0 4244 180 20 760 308 230 1156 308 200 1156 1156 942 17655 9565 1938 2390 1664 1156 942 OTHER Star Lane Traveller Site 250 41 0 209 TOTAL OTHER 250 41 0 209 0 0 0 36328 20072 2976 8835 2327 1166 952 TOTAL HOUSING 352 941529 TOTAL CARE SERVICES PORTFOLIO Remarks Capital receipt £2.54m 100% government grant Fully funded by PCT 100% government grant 100% government grant 100% government grant 100% government grant 100% government grant 100% government grant 100% government grant Invest to Save Fund - Executive 09/01/13 100% grant David Bradshaw Kerry O'Driscoll Kerry O'Driscoll Kerry O'Driscoll Expenditure subject to cash receipts from Affordable Housing Policy Steve Habgood Steve Habgood Steve Habgood 100% external funding 100% external funding Assumes Govt grant £710k p.a.& £232k revenue cont; £233k c/fwd from 11/12 into 12/13 Sara Bowrey Improvements to affordable housing supply and mix Urgent water and drainage works (statutory duty) ENVIRONMENT PORTFOLIO - APPROVED CAPITAL PROGRAMME 6th FEBRUARY 2013 Code Capital Scheme/Project 922661 922662 922663 922664 922672 SCHEMES FULLY FUNDED BY TRANSPORT FOR LONDON London Bus Priority Network (LBPN) Cycle Route Network Safer Routes to Schools SELTRANS Travel Awareness Bromley Town Centre Access Plan 20 mph Zones Bus Stop accessibility Downe & Environs WHS bid Access Plan *Local Safety Schemes *Bridge Strengthening /Assessment *Structural Maintenance - Principal Roads LBB Walking Education, training and publicity Cycle Improvements off London Cycle TFL - Borough Support Local Area Accessability - Orpington Town Centre Parallel initiatives Station Access Controlled parking zones LEPT Cycling on Greenways Borough Transport Priorities (not allocated) Car Clubs Chislehurst Road Bridge replacement Biking Boroughs TFL - New funding streams Maintenance Corridors Neighbourhoods Smarter Travel LIP Formula Funding 922671 Schools programme 922576 922581 922588 922589 922594 922616 922626 922625 922628 922316 923213 923309 922646 922632 922606 922602 922648 922651 922652 922658 922649 922608 922660 922667 922670 922668 353 TOTAL SCHEMES FULLY FUNDED BY TRANSPORT FOR LONDON Total Approved Estimate £'000's Actual to 31.3.12 £'000's Estimate 2012/13 £'000's Estimate 2013/14 £'000's 12000 1836 1279 945 2012 68 31 629 134 18 1927 675 1474 147 134 436 150 20 24 161 125 574 353 333 10 4114 163 0 1836 1279 945 2012 68 31 629 134 18 1927 675 1474 147 134 436 137 20 24 161 125 574 153 195 0 2059 54 200 38 10 1996 109 3425 3450 1640 769 5406 1869 3279 1567 769 0 911 171 73 0 2981 31 0 31 Estimate 2014/15 £'000's Estimate 2015/06 £'000's 4000 Estimate 2016/17 £'000's 4000 Responsible Officer 4000 Angus Culverwell Malcolm Harris Angus Culverwell/Louise French Alan Lucking Angus Culverwell Angus Culverwell Deirdre Farrell/Angus Culverwell Angus Culverwell Kevin Munnelly Deirdre Farrell/Angus Culverwell Garry Warner Garry Warner Angus Culverwell/Alan Lucking Angus Culverwell Malcolm Harris Alan Lucking Angus Culverwell Alan Lucking Alan Lucking Deirdre Farrell Angus Culverwell Malcolm Harris Angus Culverwell Alan Lucking Paul Redman Steven Heeley 13 100 59 645 2425 22731 6533 3229 4000 4000 4000 917242 917246 917247 930 500 2200 600 362 2134 47 0 66 163 138 40 40 40 917251 917252 SEELS street lighting project Street Lighting Invest to Save Initiative 532 8507 0 0 532 0 4254 4253 927000 *Feasibility Studies 40 0 0 10 10 10 10 12709 3096 645 4565 4303 50 50 508 280 420 487 212 0 21 68 410 10 1208 699 499 10 0 0 0 58410 26526 7677 7804 8303 4050 4050 926065 926068 926069 TOTAL CAR PARKING TOTAL ENVIRONMENT PORTFOLIO 100% TfL funding; approved by Executive 22/06/11 Steven Heeley 44493 CAR PARKING Station Road Car Park - Miscellaneous works relating to sale The Hill Multi-Storey Car Park - strengthening works Bromley Town Centre - increased parking capacity 100% TfL funding, based on Borough Spending Plan submission to TfL and will only proceed if 100% funding is agreed by TfL. The Capital Programme will be adjusted to reflect revised TfL approvals as these are received Angus Culverwell Angus Culverwell Angus Culverwell Angus Culverwell Garry Warner/Angus Culverwell OTHER Winter maintenance - gritter replacement Carbon Management Programme (Invest to Save funding) Orpington Public Realm Improvements TOTAL OTHER Remarks Paul Chilton Alastair Ballie Garry Warner Revenue savings (schemes to be worked up); £250k funded by Salix £1.2m TfL funding Garry Warner Garry Warner 100% external funding (Salix) Funded by Invest to Save Fund (Executive 28/11/12) Claire Martin Heather Hosking Paul Redman Paul Redman Funded by capital receipt from disposal of car park Approved by Executive 29/09/10 Approved by Executive 23/05/12 RENEWAL & RECREATION PORTFOLIO - APPROVED CAPITAL PROGRAMME 6th FEBRUARY 2013 Code 941826 941526 941528 941535 Capital Scheme/Project Total Approved Estimate £'000's Actual to 31.3.12 £'000's Estimate 2012/13 £'000's Estimate 2013/14 £'000's Estimate 2014/15 £'000's Estimate 2015/06 £'000's Estimate 2016/17 £'000's Responsible Officer LIBRARIES & MUSEUMS Central Library/Churchill Theatre - chillers and controls Orpington library relocation Bromley Museum at the The Priory Penge/Anerley Libraries - 46 Green lane 460 1944 2468 689 3 1856 0 0 0 88 58 0 169 689 2000 241 TOTAL LIBRARIES & MUSEUMS 5561 1859 146 1315 2000 241 5181 5025 574 4981 4038 0 200 987 574 10780 9019 1761 0 0 0 0 142 40 61 0 81 0 10 10 10 10 6667 130 1955 3492 1090 217 211 6 7066 402 2042 3502 1100 10 10 23407 11280 3949 4817 3100 251 10 457 Remarks Colin Brand Colin Brand Colin Brand Colin Brand Postponed pending consideration of future of the building. LABGI £1,022k, S106/Town Centre Imp. fund £699k, £223k LBB Extension of existing museum into former Orpington Library site; £1,980k HLF funding development of new Library (Executive 06/02/13) Colin Brand Colin Brand Colin Brand Supplementary estimate £143k (Executive 24/10/12) £5.5m approved by Council 29/6/10; £3m from revenue budget; £475k underspend. Revenue contribution to capital works Colin Brand Colin Brand Funded by S106 contributions 0 LEISURE TRUST CLIENT - RECREATION 941885 941527 941887 Leisure Centres Biggin Hill Leisure Centre Pavilion Leisure Centre - redevelopment & refurbishment Bromley MyTime Investment Fund TOTAL LEISURE TRUST CLIENT 941889 917000 Feasibility Studies - Biggin Hill Heritage Centre 941530 OTHER Bromley North Village Public Realm Improvements 941531 Outer London Fund - Bromley, Penge & Orpington Town Centres - MERGED -TOTAL other OTHER TOTAL RENEWAL & RECREATION PORTFOLIO Kevin Munnelly Kevin Munnelly Renewal and improvement of Bromley North; £3,300k TfL; £1,829k GLA Outer London Fund; £38k private sector; £1,500k Capital receipts Christmas lights - 100% GLA Outer London Fund grant 354 RESOURCES PORTFOLIO - APPROVED CAPITAL PROGRAMME 6th FEBRUARY 2013 Code Capital Scheme/Project Total Approved Estimate £'000's Actual to 31.3.12 £'000's Estimate 2012/13 £'000's Estimate 2013/14 £'000's Estimate 2014/15 £'000's Estimate 2015/06 £'000's Estimate 2016/17 £'000's Responsible Officer Remarks PROPERTY DIVISION 939442 939445 Office accommodation strategy Former Chartwell Business Centre, Central Depot - improvement works 939320 Emergency Works on Surplus Sites 936407 Property Investment Fund TOTAL PROPERTY DIVISION 936453 936432 939440 936443 936444 936448 936450 936451 936452 936454 936455 936456 2400 870 1689 44 192 77 85 3778 0 3778 7240 1810 5400 30 CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S DEPARTMENT Capital Ambition - Efficiency and Transformation Funding 100 0 0 100 TOTAL CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S DEPARTMENT 100 0 0 100 1025 400 300 125 1050 400 240 500 1980 520 760 855 362 267 25 0 377 82 167 0 0 0 170 38 33 25 230 23 95 183 0 0 0 7300 2135 14640 3945 RESOURCES DIRECTORATE Financial systems upgrade/replacement of unsupported software Civic Centre cabling renewal Server Virtualisation Digital Print Strategy Upgrade of Core Network Hardware Increasing Network Security Joint Web platform Performance Management/Children's Services - information technology Replacement of Storage Area Networks Rollout of Windows 7 and Office 2000 Replacement of MD110 telephone switch 355 TOTAL RESOURCES PORTFOLIO 711 826 Marc Hume Marc Hume 30 Heather Hosking Marc Hume 25 820 0 0 0 Essential to maximise capital receipts: £25k c/fwd from 11/12 into 12/13 Property acquisition 95 & 98 High Street, Bromley - met from Property Investment Fund 0 Doug Patterson 0 Supplementary estimate £400k (Executive 12/9/12) Invest to Save (Executive £300k 20/7/11); £418k from planned maintenance in 11/12; addl funding £152k agreed by Executive 7/3/12 100% funding to support improvement and efficiency activity 0 Neil Graham Head of ICT Head of ICT Dave Starling Head of ICT Head of ICT Mark Bowen Head of ICT Head of ICT Head of ICT Head of ICT 25 25 63 150 480 520 760 750 750 797 2818 775 775 0 6197 2948 775 775 0 Essential replacement to enable continued financial management Invest to Save - Multi-Functional Devices Invest to Save scheme - £142k agreed by Executive 01/09/10 Approved by Executive 16/06/10 Business continuity - need to keep data secure and accessible Upgrade of all desktops and laptops Essential replacement of switch that was installed in 1999 and will not be maintained after 2015 Prudential and Treasury Indicators Prudential and Treasury Indicators are relevant for the purposes of setting an integrated treasury management strategy and require the approval of the Council. They are included separately in Appendix 3 together with relevant narrative and are summarised here for submission to the Council meeting for approval. The Council is also required to indicate if it has adopted the CIPFA Code of Practice on Treasury Management. The revised Code (published in 2009) was adopted by full Council on 15th February 2010. PRUDENTIAL INDICATORS 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 actual estimate estimate estimate estimate £47.7m £43.7 £18.0m £11.7m £9.4m -1.5% -1.5% -2.0% -2.0% -2.0% £163.1m £172.3m £172.3m £176.6m £176.6m £179.8m £179.8m £181.0m £181.0m £178.8m +£9.2m +£4.3m +£3.2m +£1.2m -£2.2m Capital Financing Requirement as at 31 March £3.6m £3.3m £3.0m £2.7m £2.4m Annual change in Cap. Financing Requirement -£0.3m -£0.3m -£0.3m -£0.3m -£0.3m £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p - - - - - 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 actual estimate estimate estimate estimate £30.0m £30.0m £60.0m £30.0m £30.0m £60.0m £30.0m £30.0m £60.0m £30.0m £30.0m £60.0m £30.0m £30.0m £60.0m £10.0m £20.0m £30.0m £10.0m £20.0m £30.0m £10.0m £20.0m £30.0m £10.0m £20.0m £30.0m £10.0m £20.0m £30.0m Upper limit for fixed interest rate exposure 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Upper limit for variable rate exposure 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% £10.0m £80.0m £80.0m £80.0m £80.0m Total Capital Expenditure Ratio of financing costs to net revenue stream Net borrowing requirement (net investments for Bromley) brought forward 1 April carried forward 31 March in year borrowing requirement (movement in net investments for Bromley) Incremental impact of capital investment decisions Increase in council tax (band D) per annum TREASURY MANAGEMENT INDICATORS Authorised Limit for external debt borrowing other long term liabilities TOTAL Operational Boundary for external debt borrowing other long term liabilities TOTAL Upper limit for total principal sums invested for more than 364 days beyond year-end dates 356 Principles and Budgetary Control Procedures This guidance is to be used in conjunction with the financial control budget for 2013/14 and the council’s financial regulations, procedures and financial standards. Financial regulations and contract procedure rules are to be observed at all times. Should you have any queries, please contact your departmental finance team. The following objectives should be considered when budget commitments are being made: • • • • • • to make the best use of scarce resources and secure value for money; Members and officers decide policy and priorities and resources follow these; individuals responsible for service activity are those responsible for the budget; the money is Bromley Citizens’ money and we need to demonstrate to them good use of the funds made available to us; prevent fraud and misuse; service activity is manageable and forecastable and it is on the basis that we manage the forecast budgets; A budget is defined as a service plan explained in financial terms. Therefore the budget should reflect the matching of resources to policies in accordance with the Department’s stated objectives and priorities. Budgetary Control Procedures The responsibility of the Departmental Director is to: a) maintain overall budgetary control of the department’s finances by ensuring monitoring reports are considered by divisional heads, budget managers and budget holders on a regular basis b) ensure each budget head is allocated to a named officer (budget holder) who will be responsible for the control and monitoring of that income/expenditure c) be accountable to Members for overall compliance with financial regulations and contract procedure rules d) secure Member approval for estimates e) submit monitoring reports to Members in line with the agreed timetable f) review budget heads in light of corporate objectives g) agree annual audit programme with the Head of Internal Audit The responsibility of the Divisional Head/Budget Manager is to: a) maintain continuous control of budgets, both capital and revenue, for which they are responsible and identify at the earliest opportunity: 1) projected or actual variation against the latest approved budget and report significant variations to the appropriate committee 2) any breakdown in financial control, which should be notified to the departmental Head of Finance immediately 357 b) provide the Director with early warnings of any problems c) divisional heads/budget managers will be personally responsible for controlling their own budgets except where named budget holders have been nominated d) ensure that all budget holders provide feedback on budgetary performance in supervision and at other times e) provide budget holders with boundaries of their discretion when managing budgets f) ensure appropriate financial limits for authorising expenditure have been set for all levels of staff g) approve transfer of funds in accordance with the rules of virement following consultation with your service accountant h) take corrective action to address projected overspends i) maintain service data for future plans and statistical returns j) notify finance of changes to named budget holders k) ensure compliance with Financial Regulations and Contract Procedure Rules l) authorise revenue or capital expenditure under approved budget heads in accordance with standing orders, financial regulations, contract procedure rules and the council’s ordering/payment procedures m) provide service development plans and budget options to achieve corporate and departmental objectives n) ensure all staff have appropriate training in line with their financial responsibilities o) ensure that all budget holders have proper alignment of managerial and financial responsibility p) identify lead budget holder where more than one person shares budget The responsibility of the budget holder is to: a) authorise revenue and capital expenditure within specified budgets in accordance with standing orders, financial regulations, contract procedure rules and the council’s ordering/payment procedures b) provide their manager with early warnings of any problems c) transfer funds within subjective code levels following consultation with their manager and service accountant d) ensure delegated financial responsibility is clearly defined in compliance with financial regulations e) be responsive and innovative in meeting changing financial requirements 358 The responsibility of the Departmental Finance Team is to: a) provide divisional heads, budget managers and budget holders with regular financial information to enable them to carry out their roles b) maintain records of named officers responsible for budget heads and ensure that named officers are consulted on all changes to their approved budgets c) provide monitoring reports to budget holders, relevant to their needs and in line with the approved timetable d) provide monitoring reports to Departmental Management Teams with written notification of all projected and actual variations for incorporating into reports to Heads of Finance and Members e) ensure monitoring reports clearly flag up any adverse findings or projections and that budgets that are either within or outside of the manager’s control are identified f) ensure coding structure matches the reporting needs of the budget holders and meets standard accounting requirements (CIPFA) g) administer and develop departmental financial information systems in accordance with financial regulations h) in consultation with budget holders and departmental management teams, prepare annual estimates for submission to the Head of Finance i) co-ordinate four-year financial forecast j) provide financial training and advice to budget holders k) closing of accounts in line with statutory guidance and timescales l) provide financial data for statistical returns m) ensure local financial systems are maintained and developed together with the provision of information from central financial systems. These will provide a sound basis for the control and monitoring of all committed expenditure and income 359 BUDGET GUIDANCE NOTES This guide is intended to help support you in managing your service. Budgets and budget management should not be seen as a constraint but a means to maximise your service within the available resources. Budgeting and providing services are not separate activities. Everything that you do within your service has a cost attached - if you make the most of your budget, you will help to ensure a better service for your service users. Here are some finance terms and what they mean, which you may already know but this should help new budget holders. Budgets can be used flexibly to support the changing needs of your service users. Accounting Period – like all other authorities, Bromley’s accounting period runs from 1st April to 31st March each year. Within this accounting period, we have either 4 or 5-week months. Budgets – a budget is a manager’s planned activities over an agreed period of time with the financial implications of that plan. Each budget should have information behind it explaining the resources available for providing the service or particular activity (eg. the number of audit days to complete the annual audit plan). Budget Profiles – a profile of your budget shows the planned breakdown of how your budget is to be spent. For example, it can be broken down to show the planned monthly expenditure. If the plan for each month were the same, the profile for each month would show a twelfth of the budget. Where there are seasonal variations, for instance gas consumption will be higher in the winter months, the budget is profiled to take this into account and the budgets for the spring and summer will be less than the autumn and winter months. Budgets should be profiled according to your activity plan. If you produce more service during the winter months and less in the summer months, profile your budget accordingly. Budget profiles are useful for exception reporting to assist with monitoring and helping managers to control their expenditure. If the profiles are done appropriately for the type of expenditure, they can give you an early warning of variations and as the months roll on they will help provide a trend that expenditure is generally in line with the budget or they may indicate overspends or underspends. This then assists forecasting and further notes are given on this below. Income budgets are profiled on the same basis. Closedown – The Director of Finance normally sends out the closedown procedures in early March and these procedures refer to the formal arrangements and timetable that have to be put in place for closing the Council’s accounts. Every local authority adopts a similar arrangement because of the duties invested in the Council to properly account for its expenditure and income. The accounts have to be approved by the Director of Finance by the end of June. Coding – each budget is assigned a code and it is important that all commitments and expenditure are assigned to the correct budget code. The council uses a 15 digit coding structure that is broken down as follows: Compulsory elements: Main code is the first three digits: - e.g. 400 Financial Services Division Cost centre code is the next three digits: - e.g. 018 Corporate Services Finance Subjective code is the next four digits: - e.g.1651 Books, Newspapers & Periodicals All codes must be at least 10 digits: - e.g. 400018 1651 Optional element: Departmental analysis codes can be allocated to the compulsory 10-digit code and are made up of one letter and four numbers: - e.g. A5110 Core Service 360 Commitments – when orders are placed for supplies or services (e.g. you engage an agency worker to cover staff shortages), you are making a commitment to pay for those goods and services. Once the invoice is paid, the cost is charged to your budget and the expenditure is shown in the accounts. Commitments should be recorded against the correct budget code (manual/spreadsheet records or iprocurement), at the time of placing the order and you need to know the cost of your commitments plus the expenditure already showing up on your accounts to give the true level of expenditure before making any further commitments. Contingent Budgets – these are designated budgets (by the Director of Finance) to cover those areas of spend which fall largely outside the direct control of the council. For example, Interest on General Fund Balances. These budgets are less flexible than others as no virements are allowed without the approval of the Executive. Cumulative Spend Report – a report within the FBM system which shows the amount spent with a supplier for the current year and the last 3 financial years. The report contains a link to the contracts register to help budget managers identify situations where a contract is not in place. EBM - employee budget monitoring system in which budget managers enter projections for the staffing budgets they are responsible for and the finance officer or accountant quality checks, assists with any queries or changes and includes the projection in the monthly budget monitoring projections. FBM - full budget monitoring system to be used by budget managers for monthly monitoring. Detailed information is available about transactions behind spend to date and figures are entered into the database to show the projected expenditure or income for the full year and variation. Journal Transfers (JT) – a JT is an accounting transaction that transfers expenditure or income from one budget to another. If for example, an invoice has been wrongly coded, this will be corrected by a JT. Latest Approved Budgets – at the start of the financial year your budget will be based on the original planned budget. Then things start to change and these changes should be dealt with by way of virements or supplementary estimates. Once approved and actioned this will become your latest approved budget. Oracle – Bromley’s accounting system contains 3 modules. “Accounts Payable”, which processes and holds all invoice payments for goods and services received. “Accounts Receivable”, which is the system for generating invoices for goods and services supplied to our customers and the “General Ledger”, which contains our budget information, expenditure and income. Oracle i-Procurement - is the Council’s electronic ordering system for procurement of goods and services. Once an order is raised and approved, a commitment is posted to the General Ledger system and when an invoice has been received and receipted on i-Proc, it links to the Oracle Accounts Payable system for payment. Sundry Creditors – This relates to the accounting arrangements for closedown. Sundry creditor provision is made when a supply or service has been ordered and delivered before the end of the accounting period (i.e. 31st March), but the invoice has still not been received. Sundry Creditor provision will cover these outstanding invoices and, if provision is not made, the cost of the supply or service delivered in the “old” year will be charged in your new financial year’s budget. Suspense Accounts – there are times when money is paid out or received which, for some reason, cannot be assigned straight away to a particular budget. The cost or income is held in a suspense account and it remains there until it has been allocated to a budget. 361 Virements - this is an accounting term to describe the planned movement of money between main budget accounts to reflect agreed service changes. For example, the Director could agree to “vire” a sum of money from one service area to another to fund an agreed activity. Virements can also be made within a service area – for example, a sum of money could be vired from running expenses into employee budgets to cover an agreed activity or service development. The Council’s “Scheme of Virement” must be followed. 362 BUDGET HEAD RESPONSIBILITY Responsibility All budgets are the responsibility of the appropriate service Chief Officer unless marked otherwise. Support Service Charges - these budgets show the charges from service areas of other departments for services you receive. The charges represent non-negotiable support services as well as those that are formalised by Service Level Agreements. Details of the service areas charged to each budget head have already been circulated to departments but further information can be obtained from your service accountant if required. Contingent Budgets These are budgets where spending is largely dictated by factors outside the direct control of the Authority. As a result virement from a contingent budget can only be approved by the Executive. Overspendings resulting from real changes on the contingent budget will not normally require supplementary estimates although such overspendings should still be reported to the Executive as part of the Budget Monitoring report. A list of Contingent Budgets are set out on page 11. SCHEME OF BUDGETARY CONTROL AND MONITORING Compliance with the scheme (see page363) will be aided if the following ten checks are considered: a) Is everyone with responsibility for budgetary control and monitoring aware of the Scheme? b) Has every budget been assigned to a named individual with personal responsibility for budgetary control and monitoring? c) Is there a written record of these responsibilities? d) Are appropriate arrangements in place to ensure that projected variations from approved budgets are identified at the earliest opportunity? e) Are there clear lines of responsibility for budgetary control and monitoring? f) Is there a requirement for any training? g) Are arrangements in place for the submission of budget monitoring statements to the Director of Finance in line with agreed timetables? h) Has a format for these statements been discussed and agreed? i) Who in your department will certify these statements? j) Does your department have sound arrangements in place for reporting these budget monitoring statements to your Senior Management Team? 363 The Scheme of Budgetary Control and Monitoring: 1. Introduction Financial Procedure 3.5 states that “no officer shall incur expenditure outside the limits of the annual revenue budget......., as amended from time to time by the Executive, except as provided for by the Principals and Budgetary Control Procedures…….. or as provided for in 3.6. (Financial Procedure 3.6 provides for arrangements that apply when there is extreme urgency). The Procedures set out in more detail the responsibilities of staff in spending departments and the Director of Finance Department. It is based on best practice and incorporates advice in CIPFA’s “Statement on the Role of the Finance Director in Local Government”. 2. Scope The Procedures apply to all the revenue budgets of the Council with the exception of those delegated to schools and colleges, which are subject to separate arrangements. 3. Spending Departments 3.1 General Chief Officers will :a) ensure that local systems (manual or computerised) are maintained which, together with central financial systems, provide a sound basis for the control and monitoring of all expenditure and income b) arrange for continuous control and monitoring of the budgets for which they are responsible c) identify at the earliest opportunity any projected or actual variations from latest approved budgets d) report any significant projected or actual variations from approved budgets to the appropriate committee as soon as they arise e) notify the Director of Finance immediately of any breakdown in budgetary control. 3.2 Assignment of Responsibilities Chief Officers will: a) assign every budget to a named officer who has personal responsibility for budgetary control and monitoring b) ensure that a record is maintained in their department of the named officers and the budgets assigned to them c) ensure that the named officers are fully aware of their responsibilities for budgetary control and monitoring d) ensure that named officers are advised of all changes to their approved budgets, as notified by the Director of Finance e) arrange for appropriate financial training for these individuals where a need is identified, in conjunction with the Director of Finance 364 f) ensure through job descriptions, performance statements and other means that there is clearly defined line management responsibility in their department for all issues relating to budgetary control and monitoring. 3.3 Budget Monitoring Chief Officers will: a) arrange for budget monitoring statements to be prepared in line with the agreed timetable throughout the financial year and in a format acceptable to the Director of Finance b) arrange for these statements to be submitted to the Director of Finance in line with the agreed timetable c) ensure that these statements include :• details of projected variations from latest approved budgets based on the latest available information (financial and non-financial), giving particular emphasis to trends in the more volatile areas of the Council’s budget and any potential implications for future years • the Chief Officer’s comments on the policy options and management actions that could be considered to eliminate any actual or projected net overspending in the budget areas (excluding contingent budgets) for which the Chief Officer has responsibility • details of any significant uncertainties that cannot be accurately quantified • a certification by the Chief Officer or their nominated officer, confirming that the statement represents the latest known position d) arrange for these statements (or summaries where appropriate) to be submitted on a regular basis to their Senior Management Team or equivalent. 3.4 Supplementary Estimates Chief Officers will submit supplementary estimate requests to the Director of Finance only for :a) the release of earmarked sums in the central contingency provision b) the approval, by the Executive, of the financing of policy changes agreed by Members, where the impact cannot be contained within existing approved budgets. Chief Officers will include all other variations from approved budgets (e.g. arising from trends) in their budget monitoring statements. 3.5 Sundry Creditor Provisions Chief Officers will:a) ensure that year-end sundry creditor provisions are requested only in respect of outstanding payments for goods or services received by the 31st March b) submit requests for sundry creditor provisions in accordance with arrangements, timescales and de minimus levels determined by the Director of Finance 365 3.6 Carry Forward Requests Chief Officers will:a) ensure that all carry forward requests submitted to the Director of Finance for approval under his delegated powers relate to outstanding goods or services where there was a realistic expectation of performance or delivery by 31st March b) submit all other carry forward requests to the Executive for consideration. 4. Financial Services Division 4.1 Central Financial Systems The Director of Finance will:a) arrange for the maintenance and updating of the Authority’s central financial systems to ensure the integrity, accuracy and timeliness of the information held b) ensure that central financial systems are accessible by all spending departments. 4.2 Setting Up Budgets The Director of Finance will:a) produce a Financial Control Budget for distribution to all departments by 1st April every year, detailing approved budgets for all the Council’s expenditure and income b) ensure that budgets are loaded into central financial systems for access by all departments from 1st April every year. 4.3 Contingent Budgets The Director of Finance will:- a) include a list of contingent budgets in the Financial Control Budget. b) consult with Chief Officers before making any changes to the list of contingent budgets c) this list is prepared as part of restricting virement values. 4.4 Budget Monitoring The Director of Finance will:a) review the budget monitoring statements from spending departments, having regard to the latest available information on the central financial systems b) seek information from Chief Officers for any variations that require further explanation c) provide feedback to spending departments on the outcome. 4.5 Budget Monitoring Reports The Director of Finance will:- 366 a) collate budget monitoring reports for submission to the Executive:• on a frequency determined by the Executive cycle but typically from July to April. • in a format determined by the Director of Finance in consultation with Chief Officers • incorporating Chief Officers’ comments on the policy options and management actions that could be considered to eliminate any actual or projected net overspendings (excluding overspendings on contingent budgets) . 4.6 Supplementary Estimates The Director of Finance will:a) seek a decision by the Executive at the commencement of every financial year on:• the sums in the central contingency provision that may be allocated by the Director of Finance under delegated powers, as and when required during the year • the sums in the central contingency provision that may be allocated only with the specific approval of Members, following consideration of further reports. b) submit regular reports to the Executive detailing:• supplementary estimates to date • new requests in the current cycle requiring Member approval • the cumulative position on the central contingency provision. c) advise Chief Officers promptly of all changes to approved budgets and ensure that these changes are loaded into central financial systems at the earliest opportunity. The Executive:• can agree a supplementary estimate for an individual item up to £1m as long as the full year effect does not exceed £1m • cannot agree any supplementary estimate if this has the effect of reducing General Fund “Not Earmarked” Reserves below £10m (based upon latest projections of expenditure). All items in excess of these limits must be referred to Full Council for approval. 4.7 Sundry Creditors The Director of Finance will ensure that all valid requests for sundry creditor provisions are actioned in the Council’s accounts in accordance with the closedown timetable and specified de minimus levels. 4.8 Carry Forward Requests The Director of Finance:a) will consider all carry forward requests submitted to him 367 c) have regard to the Council’s overall financial position when determining whether or not to approve any such requests under his delegated powers, even where the appropriate criteria are met d) may require any carry forward request to be submitted to the Executive for consideration e) will ensure that all budget variations arising from approved carry forward requests are loaded into central financial systems at the earliest opportunity. 368 SCHEME OF VIREMENT (Not applicable to schools and colleges, who have separate regulations) 1. Definition of Terms “Main Account” - refers to the total budget for employees, running expenses, individual special schemes, financing charges, recharges or income within a single service heading (main code). “Contingent Budget” - refers to those provisions designated by the Director of Finance which are mainly outside the direct control of the Authority. 2. Virement Arrangements a) No virement is allowed from or to any of the following budgets without approval of the Executive Financing charges Rates and other taxes Recharges Insurances Contingent budgets (as determined by the Director of Finance in consultation with the appropriate Chief Officer). b) Portfolio Holder agreement will be required for proposals which - c) d) e) transfer funds for the creation of new staff posts Executive approval will be required for proposals which: - would cause the total budget head to be exceeded in the current year or increase the commitment in future years - are to be financed from savings arising from competitive tendering. Virement will be allowed within one year between other main accounts as follows: i on the approval of the appropriate Chief Officer for sums up to £50,000 ii on the approval of the appropriate Portfolio Holder for sums in excess of £50,000 and up to £250,000 iii on the approval of the full Executive for sums in excess of £250,000 and up to £1,000,000 iv on the approval of the full Council for sums above £1,000,000. Virements actioned by a Chief Officer shall be included on the next monitoring report to the appropriate Executive meeting and notified to the Director of Finance. 369 3. Maintenance of Buildings Building Maintenance funding is now split between “landlord and tenant” responsibilities. 4. Notification to Director of Finance Please ensure that your Head of Finance is informed of all virement approvals granted. 370 CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY SCHEME (CIS) General The Construction Industry Scheme covers all works for construction, repair and maintenance, structural repairs, decorations, etc undertaken to buildings, structures or civil engineering installations including highways and sewers. For the purpose of the CIS scheme the L.B. Bromley is regarded as the contractor and all suppliers carrying out the work are deemed to be sub-contractors. The rules are currently set out in HM Revenue & Customs booklet IR 14/15 (C1S) and you should refer to this booklet for detailed guidance on the scheme. Further guidance on the operation of the scheme can be obtained from Rosalind Coad, on 020 8603 3507 or Maggie Smith on 020 8603 3523 (Bromley Accounts Payable Team - Liberata). Schools Under the new arrangements the scheme does not apply to payments made by maintained Schools acting as agents of the Local Education Authority under delegated budgeting arrangements. Placing an Order Before placing an order for this type of work; the Department concerned must satisfy themselves that the supplier (sub-contractor) has a valid Gross Payment Certificate (CIS5 or CIS6) or a registration card (CIS). You must register the contractor to the Inland Revenue. You will be given a verification number for each individual sub contractor. The Inland Revenue will give you the rate to deduct for tax. If a sub-contractor’s details do not match you will be given a higher deduction rate. Paying Invoices Before an invoice can be approved for payment departments must check that L.B. Bromley holds details of a valid registration card or certificate. Departments can check details on-line (Oracle AP system). In order to be paid gross details of the sub-contractors valid Gross Payment Certificate (either CIS5 or CIS6) must be held. For all other sub-contractors details of a valid Registration Card (CIS4) must be held and payment can only be made after deduction of tax. This deduction shall be for labour element only, materials, overheads and VAT must be excluded from the calculation. The CIS tax rate is currently 20% and should not be confused with the standard rate of income tax. No payments can be made to a sub-contractor, either gross or net, unless the sub-contractor has been verified. There are no exceptions. If any payments are made without the appropriate verification the London Borough of Bromley will incur a penalty and this will be charged to the department concerned. Recording details of Certificate/Registration within Oracle AP system This will be maintained by the supplier management team within the central accounts Payable section – contact details as above. 371 INCOME TAX In certain circumstances it is necessary to pay or deduct income tax on miscellaneous transactions which the authority undertakes. An HM Revenue & Customs personal account exists to monitor and control any income tax implications on receipts and payments. Martin Reeves, Technical & Control Section on extension 4291 will be able to provide any guidance and advice on income tax matters. Any employee related income tax queries should be directed to Liberata’s Payroll section. 372 ACCOUNTING FOR VAT Penalties for Errors on VAT Returns and Invoices From 1 April 2008 HMRC introduced a new series of penalties for misdeclarations or errors on VAT returns and invoices. Under the new system, failure to take reasonable care could incur a penalty of up to 30% of the amount of VAT overclaimed, up to a maximum of 100% for deliberate understatement with concealment. If we take reasonable care to get our VAT right then we should not be penalised. Please note that extra care should be taken when coding out VAT on invoice slips as transposition errors do occur each month (i.e. net expenditure is coded in error to the VAT code and VAT is coded to the expenditure code). If we do make misdeclarations or errors then where the total of these is £10,000 (previously £2,000) or less then these may be corrected on the VAT return without further referral to the VAT office. However, if the misdeclaration or error in total exceeds £10,000 Departments should not attempt to correct these but should, instead, notify Maria Wiles in the Financial Services Division on extension 7565. Generally, errors can only be corrected in the last four years. These will then be referred on a case-by-case basis to VAT head office in London. A penalty may be incurred as a percentage of the amount of VAT overclaimed or under declared. HMRC will charge interest on all misdeclarations of VAT even if no penalty is imposed. Departments should be aware that they will be charged with any interest or penalty payments that may be payable to Revenue & Customs. Income Accounts Receivable Invoices All invoices are raised by Liberata in Northblock, 3rd Floor on-line through the Oracle AR system. The system allows users to select an appropriate VAT indicator as set out below. VAT Classification Standard Rate 20% Old Standard Rate 17.5% Old Standard Rate 15% Domestic Fuel 5% Exempt Non Vatable VAT Indicator S T P F E N Miscellaneous Income (Fund 21) Although the cash office closed in November 2011, a self-service kiosk was installed in the Civic Centre reception to provide members of the public with a facility to make payments when visiting the Council’s offices. The kiosk can also be used by council staff to pay-in income they previously paid into Cashiers. When using the kiosk, staff should select the ‘Other’ button from the menu screen. The system will then offer 4 miscellaneous income buttons: 1. VATable Items (Red Card) 2. Non VATable Items (Blue Card) 373 These buttons are used in conjunction with a bar code which the system converts to the relevant Oracle General Ledger code – bar codes can be requested from Paul Wilcox (ext 4472) and are useful for regular income as they can be reused. 3. Internal Use VAT 4. Internal Use Non VAT These buttons are used for ad-hoc income and staff will have to input the relevant 16 digit Oracle General Ledger code. Whenever the Vatable buttons are used the system will automatically allocate 20% of the income to the VAT account and the balance will be allocated to the relevant Oracle General Ledger code. * Income is not subject to VAT if - it is business but Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs has ruled that the activity is exempt. Mainly arises from rental income on property and land (Bromley has "opted to tax" some premises and in these cases VAT at the standard rate is due - further details of these are available from Maria Wiles on ext. 7565). - it relates to a non-business activity (outside the scope). Most non-VATable income will fall within this category. Examples of non-business activities may be found in VAT notice 749, appendix C, and these include charges for statutory licences, repair works in default, sales of school meals to pupils. - it is business but HM Revenue & Customs has ruled that the VAT rate should be zerorated. Mainly arises from the sale of books and food (except catering). Collection and Deposit Records VAT errors have occurred when departments have introduced new collection and deposit records with incorrect coding. Before sending details of income items and coding to the FIS team for setting up new C&D templates please ensure that the VAT indicator to be used has been verified by you with Maria Wiles. Should you have any issues/problems please raise them with your departmental C&D coordinator who will raise issues as necessary with the FIS team. Debtors’ Invoices Debtors’ invoices raised by LB Bromley need to meet the same requirements as a full tax invoice received from suppliers (see below under “Checking that your invoices are valid”) and must also include a "unit price". Unit price applies to countable goods or services, for example an hourly rate for services or price per item for goods. If the supply cannot be broken down into countable elements then the total tax exclusive price will be the unit price. The unit price may not need to be shown at all if it is not normally provided in a particular business area and is not required by the customer. If you are in any doubt as to whether your debtors’ invoices meet current requirements please contact Maria Wiles on extension 7565. Expenditure The VAT element of expenditure should always be coded out separately. The Oracle VAT code is “B~200707~7504~00000” (indicators are not to be used for VAT on invoices for payment). Extra care should be taken when inputting VAT against code “B~200707~7504~00000”. Transposition errors occur when the net expenditure amount is coded to the VAT code and the VAT 374 amount to the expenditure code. Unless these are identified and corrected the Council will be open to penalties and interest charges by HMRC (please see “Penalties for Errors on VAT Returns and Invoices” above). Checking that your invoices are valid HM Revenue & Customs lays down strict rules on what constitutes a valid VAT invoice. You must ensure that the invoices processed by your Department meet these requirements in order for the Authority to be able to recover the VAT. Details are as follows: Full Tax Invoice - (for all Invoices of more than £250) A full tax invoice must show the following information: • • • • • • • • An identifying number for the invoice The supplier’s name, address and VAT registration number The date and a description of the goods or services supplied The customer’s (the London Borough of Bromley or it’s representative e.g. School) name and address The unit price The total charge made, excluding VAT The rate of any discount offered, if applicable The total VAT payable, shown as a separate amount Less Detailed Tax Invoice - (for Invoices of £250 or less including VAT) A less detailed tax invoice (e.g. a till receipt) must still show the following information: • The supplier’s name, address and VAT registration number • The date and a description of the goods or services supplied • The total charge made, including VAT, and the rate of VAT charged (not all supplies may be standard rated) Invoices or reimbursements of less than £25 (including VAT) for the following do not require VAT invoices: • Telephone calls from public or private telephones • Purchases through coin operated machines • Car park charges (on-street parking meters are not subject to VAT) • A single or return toll charge HM Revenue & Customs will allow recovery of the VAT element as long as the supplier is properly VAT registered. Most of the payments will be staff expenses reimbursed via petty cash and departments are reminded that the VAT element of such payments must be separately allocated. Errors on Tax Invoices Where errors have been identified on tax invoices e.g. the VAT has been calculated incorrectly, you must not attempt to correct these or amend the invoice in any way. The supplier must cancel the invoice, usually by way of a credit note, and re-issue a correct tax invoice or supplementary invoice. Pro Forma Invoices Pro forma invoices are sometimes used by suppliers to offer goods or services, which may or may not be taken up by the customer. Pro forma invoices cannot be used as evidence for reclaiming VAT and will normally be marked “THIS IS NOT A VAT INVOICE”. Where such payments are made the supplier must issue a proper VAT invoice. 375 Part Payments on Disputed Invoices If a part payment is made on a disputed invoice VAT should be calculated on this amount and added to the payment. The original invoice should be retained and any VAT included in the part payment can be recovered in the normal way as long as it does not exceed the VAT shown on the disputed invoice. Where the disputed invoice subsequently turns out to be incorrect the supplier should be requested to issue a credit note, which bears a reference to the identifying number and date of the invoice. The VAT adjustment on the credit note, plus the VAT element on the original invoice, should then equate to the actual payment of VAT. Sub-Contractors Invoices Where a contractor to the Council who is not registered for VAT employs a sub-contractor who is registered for VAT, the Council cannot recover VAT included on the sub-contractor’s invoices even if these are made out to the London Borough of Bromley. This is because the supply for VAT purposes is between the sub-contractor and the main contractor and not the Council. Mileage Allowances From 1 January 2006 changes took effect to the way in which Councils can recover VAT on road fuel purchased by employees. These changes apply to fuel costs that are reimbursed to staff on the basis of actual cost or via a mileage allowance. The key practical change is that the Council must obtain and retain from staff a valid VAT invoice / receipt. Wherever possible, VAT receipts should be attached by staff to their claims and these should be retained by the departmental administration office and not sent to payroll. Generally, a till receipt issued on request by garages (also known as a ‘less-detailed invoice’) should suffice, because the amount of fuel that is purchased by an employee in a single supply is likely to be within the VATinclusive limit of £250 for a retailer's invoice (see also above “checking that your invoices are valid”). Employees’ Expenses Where an employee is reimbursed actual expenses for subsistence, removal costs, legal costs etc. the London Borough of Bromley can reclaim the VAT element of those expenses from HM Revenue & Customs even though the original invoice is made out to the employee. The majority of these reimbursements are made through payroll. When departments submit expenses claims for reimbursement would they please ensure that the VAT element is identified so that the payroll section can allocate the VAT separately and that valid VAT invoices accompany all claims? Where a department makes the payment direct please ensure that the VAT element is separately coded. Invoices received by E-Mail Invoices received as attachments to e-mails are subject to the normal rules for VAT invoices and are acceptable as evidence for reclaiming input tax. Where an invoice is illegible a fresh transmission should be requested from the supplier. Selective checks on orders, paid invoices etc. should also be undertaken to reduce any risk of double claiming the VAT. Invoices attached to e-mails would need to be in a write protected secure format and should be deleted after the initial print is taken. The same controls, which apply to postal invoices, would apply to emailed attachments, i.e. for invoices not subject to I-Proc orders you need to print it off and attach the 376 relevant AP1 for signature. Please note that invoices relating to I-Proc orders would require an I-Proc order number and no AP1. HM Revenue & Customs will accept a wide variety of electronic invoice formats such as UN/EDIFACT, ODETTE and TRADACOMS, web-based standards such as XML/XSL, commadelimited ASCII, and PDF. If you have any questions regarding e-mailed invoices for VAT purposes please contact Maria Wiles in the Financial Services Division on extension 7565. Supplies of Goods and Services between Local Authorities Local Authorities are required to charge VAT on the sale of goods to other Local Authorities in the same way as VAT is chargeable on sales to other organisations. Please remember to charge VAT on such sales at the standard rate (20%). Certain services between Local Authorities are also subject to VAT if provided in competition with other organisations. However, VAT should not be charged on any services provided under a statutory obligation as these are deemed to be non-business. Departmental Guidance Notes As you are aware VAT is a very complex area of taxation. If your Department or section within your Department wishes to issue further guidance notes to staff it is MOST IMPORTANT that all drafts of guidance are cleared by the Financial Services Division before being issued. Your draft can be emailed to Maria Wiles who will check your guidance against the latest HMRC advice. VAT Registration Number The London Borough of Bromley’s VAT registration number is “205 5959 54” HMRC web links eLabel=pageLibrary_ShowContent&id=HMCE_CL_000179&propertyType=document Queries Any VAT queries should be referred to Maria Wiles in the Financial Services Division on extension 7565. 377 PROCEDURE FOR WRITE OFFS Background 1. The Authority has a duty to maximise revenue collection. However, circumstances may arise in which amounts due must, for all practical purposes, be deemed uncollectable. 2. The Accounts & Audit Regulations 2011 require that in such circumstances a decision to write-off an amount must be taken with the authority of the “Section 151 Officer” (i.e. Director of Finance), whether exercised personally or properly delegated by him to a member of his staff. The amounts involved, and approval granted, should be recorded in the accounting records. 3. No such provisions apply where debts are “cancelled” i.e. because they were incorrectly raised (e.g. wrong amount, wrong debtor) or “waived” i.e. because an authorised policy decision was taken not to charge or to reduce the charge of an amount otherwise properly payable by a debtor. Bad Debts / Loss of Income 4. The Director of Finance may approve the write-off of any amounts properly charged, but deemed uncollectable, in the following cases: (i) bankruptcy or liquidation (where every effort should be made to minimise the loss); (ii) the company having ceased trading and there being no assets; (iii) the debtor being untraceable or having moved abroad; (iv) court decisions; 5. Other individual bad debts or loss of income, not falling into these categories, may be written off as follows: (i) by the Director of Finance, if it does not exceed £5,000; (ii) by the Director of Finance with the approval of the relevant Portfolio Holder if over £5,000 not exceeding £25,000; (iii) by the Director of Finance with the approval of the Executive if exceeding £25,000. 6. For those items falling within (4) and (5) (i) above, the Director of Finance has nominated the following to approve write-offs on his behalf :* Deputy Director of Finance Departmental Heads of Finance Named School Governors up to £1,000 for Secondary Schools Named School Governors up to £500 for Primary Schools Head of Revenues and Benefits Chief Accountant * This is subject to amendment by the Director of Finance and reported annually to Members of the Audit Sub Committee 378 7. Departments should, for this purpose, regularly notify the above Director of Finance staff of those officers properly delegated responsibility from their Chief Officer to recommend write-offs to the Director of Finance, and include specimen signatures. Stocks and Stores 8. Stocks and Stores may be written off as follows: (i) If not exceeding £5,000 for one set of adjustments, the balances on stock records may be adjusted by the appropriate Chief Officer to reflect actual stock levels, following such investigations as he deems necessary. If cumulative adjustments in any one year exceed £10,000 the Director of Finance must be informed; (ii) If exceeding £5,000 but not exceeding £10,000 the appropriate Chief Officer must obtain the approval of the Director of Finance prior to adjusting stock records to reflect actual stock records. The Chief Officer and Director of Finance will jointly determine what investigations may be necessary for all adjustments in excess of £5,000. (iii) Approval of the relevant Portfolio Holder is required for adjustments exceeding £10,000. 9. Details of all write-offs must be provided to the Director of Finance. Plant and Equipment 10. Chief Officers may authorise items to be deleted from an inventory of their department where: (i) the item has become obsolete and / or is no longer adequate for the purpose intended; (ii) the item is broken or worn and of no further useful purpose; (iii) the item has become surplus to requirements; (iv) has been lost or stolen, in which case the Director of Finance should be informed. 379 PAYMENT OF INVOICES This should be read in conjunction with Financial Procedures Authorisation Limits for placing of orders and payments It is the responsibility of Chief Officers to ensure that a proper scheme of delegation has been established within their area and is operating effectively. The scheme of delegation should identify staff authorised to act on the Chief Officer’s behalf, or on behalf of the Executive in respect of payments, placing orders, together with the limits of their authority. Any delegated authority under the scheme of delegation authorised by a Chief Officer must be in accordance with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules. The approval limits (other than listed exemptions) are shown below and these apply to any orders placed via i-proc and any certification through AP1 or 2 after Contract Procedures have been complied with. Amount of order or payment Procurement Requirements Over £1m and above £500,000 up to £999,999 EU process and Executive approval EU process and Portfolio Holder approval EU process D D Tendering Process EU process for EU limit and above Tendering Process D D D D D D £5,000 up to £49,999 3 written quotes D D D D Up to £4,999 1 oral quote (confirmed in writing if exceeds £1,000) D D D D £250,000 up to £499,999 £100,000 up to £249,999 £50,000 up to £99,999 Director Assistant Director Line Manager (if appropriate) Budget Holder or as per delegated authority D Exceptions However there are other payments / actions that require authorisation which Chief Officers should include within their Scheme of Delegation. A list of the exceptions from i-proc and AP1/2 certification can be found in Financial Procedures. Invoice Processing 380 The council provides the option for suppliers to be paid by BACS and the payment runs take place daily. All payments must be certified by 11.30 am to ensure that payments are processed on the daily run to reach the suppliers bank accounts within 3 working days. If the BACS run is due to fall on a bank holiday arrangements will be made to have the BACS run on the previous working day. All cheque payments will be paid as detailed below. The frequency of payments to suppliers can be set in the payments system by using the following payment priority settings: 70 80, 90 & 99 Weekly on a Friday night Fortnightly on 15 or 27 of month If payment runs are due to fall on a Weekend or Public Holiday then the run will be made on the previous working day for cheques to be despatched on the next available working day. If it is necessary to make an urgent payment Y or YES can be typed in the Urgent field on the invoice entry form which will overwrite the suppliers default setting. Payments must not be changed to an urgent payment if set up to be paid by BACS as this will stop payments being released. Internal Payments Certain ‘internal’ accounts should be processed via the payments system in the same way as any other payment. Cheques drawn for these ‘internal’ payments are paid into the cashier’s office or the kiosk. Processing the payment through the cashiers receipting machine ensures that the income is automatically allocated to the Rates Account, Sundry Debtors etc in the same way as any private individual’s payments. A unique supplier has been set up for each internal account as follows: Supplier Number Supplier Name 1988166 2003856 2003864 2003872 Business Rates Council Tax Sundry Debtors Trade Refuse In order to identify individual accounts for the automatic procedure, it is important that the appropriate account number should be entered in Payee Reference Line 1 on the invoice entry form. Please remember when inputting these invoices the system will also require you to complete the Invoice Number field which needs to be unique. Chief Officers should ensure that all invoices input onto Accounts Payable for payment have been properly authorised and certified, with evidence of at least three designated officers having been involved in the whole process (ordering / receipt of goods or services / payment). The Director of Finance must specifically approve exceptions to this requirement e.g. where authorisation / certification is performed electronically such as use of I-Proc or where less than three officers are involved in the process. I-Proc payments The Director of Finance is responsible for making safe and efficient arrangements for all payment of accounts. All payments on behalf of the Council shall therefore be made by the Director of Finance or under arrangements approved by him. All payments should be made through one of the Council’s E payment systems (Iproc; Carefirst; Confirm) wherever possible and unless otherwise agreed with Internal Audit. See Financial Procedures - Payment of Accounts. 381 I-procurement : AP1 slips are not necessary for i-procurement payments as the authorisation for these invoices is completed through the ordering and receipting process prior to the invoice being received I-Proc invoices will not be able to be processed if the system puts a hold on the payment. This could be for various reasons. Receipting and Change orders are the main holds which need to be released from the service area. For receipting holds, an automatic e-mail is sent out from the system to the person who raised the order for two weeks asking them to receipt the amount of money we have been invoiced for. After this time the payments section will e-mail the service until the order has been receipted and then payment can be released. Change orders are to increase the order. The AP team contact the service area to increase the amount of money on the order so that payment may be released. Once this is done the certifying officer will need to revalidate the batch to release payment. Tolerance levels on the order are 2% when raised by amount and 0% when raised by quantity. Stationary and printing orders have 10% tolerance. Carefirst Payments For all care services paid through Carefirst payments will not be able to be made unless a service has been set up and authorised on the system. All services for clients are set up by the Broker, Care Manager or Children’s Commissioning Team. If services are not closed and authorised when the client is no longer receiving the service then overpayments will be made to the suppliers. Use of AP1 or AP2 Authorisation Slips The Council’s procedure for payment of accounts requires evidence of authorisation and certification in accordance with Financial Regulations/Procedures. No invoice shall be passed for payment unless it relates to an i-proc order (or other approved electronic ordering method) e.g. Carefirst or Confirm) or the Certification ‘section’ of the AP1/AP2 is completed. This evidence, together with financial and coding information required for entry in Accounts Payable (AP), is provided on the Accounts Payable Authorisation (AP1) slip. No invoice should be passed for payment without a duly completed AP1 slip or equivalent. Specific Resources approval must be obtained for exceptions e.g. electronic processing. A number of fields on the AP1 slip are identified as ‘mandatory completion’. These are considered necessary irrespective of information provided by the attached invoice, the completion of the remainder of the slip is subject to the discretion of department management/local working practices. Notes on Completion of AP1 Slip (non i-procurement invoices) 1. Supplier id This field is not mandatory to complete, but useful to the input clerk when the number is known (use is also subject to discretion of departmental/local management) 2. LBB – Order Number The information entered in this field is replicated on the GL system. This field is, therefore, mandatory to complete on the AP1 slip and in the AP system. 382 3. Invoice Date This is the date printed on invoice. Not to be confused with invoice receipt date. 4. I nvoice number This is the number indicated on the invoice. It is mandatory for completion both on the AP1 slip and in the AP system. The invoice number should be entered exactly as it is shown on the invoice. If input is not uniformed this could lead to duplicate payments being made. This information and any additional payee reference (see 6 below) takes the form of remittance advice on the supplier’s cheque. 5. L BB Despatch This field is only completed for updating despatch method for individual invoices. The despatch methods are: 01 02 99 90 05 - First Class - Second Class = DEFAULT - Return to Department - Creditor to Collect - Orpington Social Services First class should not be used unless absolutely necessary. 6. Addl – Payee ref. This field is for adding additional information for the payee when the suppliers invoice number box is full. N.B. The invoice number will default into the first line of the payee advice. It does not require re-entry here. 7. Urgent Payment Complete with Y if required. Should be used with care, as overrides normal settlement terms to produce overnight cheques. 8. Invoice received Date This is the date that the invoice is first received by LBB. Should the invoice not be date stamped on receipt, then the invoice received date is 5 days from the printed date of the invoice. This information is required for input purposes as it provides performance indicator statistics for Late Payment of Debt Act. 9. Goods/Services Received This field is not mandatory to complete on the system, but some departments have decided locally that this field should be completed. The field can be used to show where goods or services have been received or a dispute with the supplier has been settled. Its completion can also justify settlement outside normal payment terms for the performance indicator. 10. Invoice amount This is the gross total (including VAT where applicable) 11. Coding 200707 7504 0000 is the VAT code – please use this 1st line for your VAT allocation. (Delete if not applicable). Reference should be made to official order (or other initiating document) for coding requirements. 383 12. Authorising and Certifying Area This area has been amended to reflect the more stringent approval requirements of Financial Regulations. It is intended that all signing be ‘meaningful’. At least one of the initials in the first three boxes on the AP1 slip (Invoice checked to order, prices correct and goods/service received) must fulfil the authorising officer role - The authorising officer may initial all three boxes if relevant and in accordance with local procedures. If, however, the invoice to order checks are undertaken by someone other than the authorising officer (e.g. the accounts office staff), that person should sign Box 1, (and Box 2 if applicable.) If no order exists Box 1 should be marked accordingly. A box is provided to print your name clearly in full to clarify the initials. The boxes on the forms reflect financial procedure requirements: Box 1 - Invoice Checked to Order matches to: a) where appropriate, a match is made with the official order, agreement, Council resolution or other document authorising the expenditure; b) payment details are recorded on the official order or other suitable record; Box 2 – Prices Checked: c) prices are in accordance with quotations or are otherwise reasonable; d) that the invoice arithmetic is correct Box 3 – Goods/Services Received matches to: e) goods have been received, examined and approved with regard to quantity and quality and / or that work done or services rendered have been satisfactorily carried out or provided (except in those cases approved by the Director of Finance e.g. maintenance works where no adverse comments have been received). The initial on the AP1 slip in the goods and services received area can be an indication that a goods/services received signature has been seen elsewhere (normally on the order or specifically on the invoice/advice or delivery note). Box 4 – Certification in accordance with Financial Procedures It can be assumed that the officer completing the AP1 slip has carried out most of the checks. However, the certifying officer is responsible for ensuring that adequate checks are performed and evidenced prior to the payment of an invoice to satisfy themselves that the payment is accurate and due to be paid. These checks include: f) the invoice is a proper liability of the Council, has been duly authorised and is, to the best of the Certifying Officer’s belief, legal expenditure. g) for a sample of invoices ensure that additional checks are undertaken. Please Note: Officers undertaking the initiating and certifying roles must be included on departmental signatory lists approved by their Chief Officer. Authorising officers may also be included on signatory lists on a discretionary basis. Batch certifiers may also undertake any one of the invoice approval roles, including certifying, providing they are authorised to do so. 384 VAT Reg. Checked The officer completing the AP1 slip will ensure that h) where VAT is charged that the invoice carries the VAT registration number of the supplier by completing the new area on the AP1 slip. See additional notes regarding VAT invoices in the Financial Control Budget. The input clerk (aided by system checks) will ensure that i) the invoice has not been previously passed for payment; Use of AP2 authorisation slips: Where there is no invoice an AP2 is still to be used for payments. Information regarding the requested payment should be attached to the AP2 and duly signed. Other Useful Information The format of the batch name is Section Number: Input clerk Initials: Date (DD/MM/YY): for manual payments, IP for I-Proc or OD for Office Depot XLM file after the date and DB for DB Capture. Suffix (A, B, C as required). E.g. R5001/04/01 It is not acceptable for invoices to be paid on “isolated signatures” the use of a “meaningful” stamp on invoices is, however, permitted to support the AP1 slip. 385 BANKING ARRANGEMENTS Bromley’s main accounts with the HSBC Bank are as follows: HSBC Bank 184 High Street Bromley Kent, BR1 1HL Payments Account (for cheque payments) Sort Code 40-15-05 Account Number 81462830 General Account (main account including miscellaneous receipts, govt grants etc) Sort Code 40-15-05 Account Number 81462822 A number of Head Office collection accounts also operate for automated credit receipts as follows: Council Tax Sort Code 42-62-19 Account Number 20262196 Miscellaneous (main) (including NNDR and Debtors) Sort Code 44-83-08 Account Number 20483087 Foreign Currency Payments Special arrangements are made by the Financial Services Division, Technical Section for all payments that have to be made in foreign currency. If you need to pay such an invoice please submit a fully completed and certified AP2 Foreign CHAPS form, including full details of the foreign supplier’s bank account, to the Technical Section, Stockwell 2nd Floor, S209. The payment can then be made via the HSBC Electronic Banking System (HSBCnet). For further information contact Penny Jessop (ext 4624). Electronic Banking Large payments such as precepts, loans and purchase of property are dealt with via electronic banking, ie CHAPS or BACS. This service is controlled and monitored by Martin Reeves, Technical Section on extension 4291. 386 FINANCE STAFF CONTACT LIST FINANCIAL SERVICES DIVISION Management Peter Turner Caroline Tickner Lesley Moore Director of Finance Secretary to Director of Finance Deputy Director of Finance 4668 4338 4633 Bromley Exchequer Services Team Claudine Douglas-Brown Duncan Wilson Exchequer Manager Deputy Exchequer Manager 7479 4780 Revenues and Benefits Team John Nightingale Jayne Carpenter Head of Revenues and Benefits Revenues and Benefits Manager 4858 7996 Technical and Control Team Martin Reeves Andrew Rooke Tracey Pearson Pinny Borg Maria Wiles Principal Accountant Insurance and Risk Manager Chief Accountant Senior Accountant Senior Accountancy Assistant (VAT Officer) 4291 4298 4323 4917 7565 Procurement Dave Starling Vacant Head of Corporate Procurement Procurement Manager 4639 Environment and Community Services Claire Martin Andrew Barnett Frances Streete Head of Finance Senior Accountant Principal Finance Officer 387 4286 4564 4258 Education, Care and Health Services David Bradshaw Head of Finance (ECS) 4807 Amanda Russell James Mullender Vicki Boyes Pat Franco Head of Schools Finance Support Senior Accountant (Education) Principal Finance Officer Senior Accountant (Adult & Children’s Social Care) Principal Finance Officer (Children’s Social Care) Principal Finance Officer (Adult Social Care, Public Health) Senior Accountant (Commissioning, Strategy & Operational Housing) Principal Finance Officer 4806 4292 7580 7821 Catherine Bleek Richard Corbin Jenny Carling Martin Daniels 4019 4104 4125 4406 Chief Executive’s Geetha Blood Peter Sharman Joanne Pickles Head of Finance Senior Accountant Principal Finance Officer 4353 7456 4247 Financial Systems Team Neil Graham Emma Richardson Financial Systems Manager Financial Systems Senior Accountant 4991 7453 CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S DIVISION Internal Audit Luis Remedios John Puryer Head of Audit Principal Auditor 388 4886 4497 Main Code Description Service Area Page No. EDUCATION CARE AND HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT Care Services Portfolio AIDS/HIV Service Services for People with Physical Disabilities Services for Older People Assessment & Care Management Community Equipment Service Extra Care Housing Reablement Service Carelink Vehicle Operating Account Learning Disabilities Day Services Learning Disabilities Short Break Service Services for People with Learning Disabilities Homes for People with Learning Disabilities Adult Social Care - David Roberts AIDS/HIV Service - Tricia Wennell Assessment & Care Management - Tricia Wennell Assessment & Care Management - Tricia Wennell Assessment & Care Management - Tricia Wennell Assessment & Care Management - Tricia Wennell Direct Services - Richard Haynes Direct Services - Richard Haynes Direct Services - Richard Haynes Direct Services - Richard Haynes Learning Disabilities Day & Short Break Services - R Haynes Learning Disabilities Day & Short Break Services - R Haynes Learning Disabilities Care Management - Peter Davis Learning Disabilities Housing & Suppport - Richard Haines 33 35 37 40 42 44 45 46 47 49 51 53 55 483 105 130 132 807 808 826 833 834 808 810 834 132 133 136 811 808 810 Youth Offenders Team Music Service Youth Service Centrally Controlled Primary School Budgets Leaving Care Placements Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children Family Placement Service Preventive & Supportive Services Placements Assessment & Family Support Preventive & Supportive Services Centrally Controlled Primary School Budgets Early Years Centrally Controlled Special Ed. Budgets Community Vision Nursery and Community Vision Hub Placements Assessment & Family Support Children's Social Care - Kay Weiss Bromley Youth Support Programme - Paul King Bromley Youth Support Prgm - (Youth Services) P King Bromley Youth Support Prgm - (Youth Services) P King Bromley Youth Support Prgm - (Youth Services) - Jean Norton Care and Resources - Ian Leadbetter Care and Resources - Ian Leadbetter Care and Resources - Ian Leadbetter Care and Resources - Ian Leadbetter Care and Resources - Ian Leadbetter Referral and Assessment - Mark Thorn Referral and Assessment - Mark Thorn Referral and Assessment - Mark Thorn Referral and Assessment Childrens Centres - Mark Thorn Referral and Assessment Childrens Centres - Mark Thorn Referral and Assessment Childrens Centres - Mark Thorn Referral and Assessment Childrens Centres - Mark Thorn Safeguarding & Care Planning - Susan Phillips Safeguarding & Care Planning - Susan Phillips 58 60 61 63 65 66 68 69 70 72 73 74 76 77 78 79 81 82 389 816 818 824 825 838 829 831 832 845 822 828 819 815 Main Code Description Service Area Page No. 390 Preventive & Supportive Services Assessment & Family Support Children's Social Care cont. - Kay Weiss Safeguarding & Care Planning - Susan Phillips Safeguarding and Quality Assurance - Julie Daly 83 85 813 816 817 486 819 821 803 749 Commissioning Division Taxicard Carers Strategy Drugs and Alcohol Services for People with Learning Disabilities Services for People with Mental Health Services PCT Funding (Social Care & Health Section 256 Agreement) Supporting People Services Commissioning - Lorna Blackwood Commissioning - Lorna Blackwood Commissioning - Andrew Crawford Commissioning - Lorna Blackwood Drugs and Alcohol - Claire Lynn Learning Disabilities Services - Lorna Blackwood Mental Health Services - Claire Lynn PCT Funding (Social Care & Health) - Lorna Blackwood Supporting People - Wendy Norman 87 89 90 92 94 97 100 102 741 737 744 745 746 Enabling Activities Housing Benefits Homelessness Asylum Seekers Homelessness Grant & Housing Initiatives and New Homelessness Responsibilities Operational Housing - Sara Bowrey Enabling Activities Housing Benefits Housing Needs Housing Needs Housing Needs 104 106 108 109 111 801 805 805 Learning & Development - Social Care Workforce Strategic and Business Support Service Quality Assurance Strategic & Business Support Services - Anne Watts Performance & Information - Antoinette Thorne Performance & Information - Anne Watts Strategic and Business Support Service - Aileen Stamante 113 114 117 Access - Tessa Moore Access - Vacant Adult Education Centres - Carol Arnfield School Standards - Sue Mordecai SEN and Inclusion Children's Disability Services - Mary Cava SEN and Inclusion Children's Disability Services - Mary Cava SEN and Inclusion Children's Disability Services - Mary Cava SEN and Inclusion - Mary Cava Workforce Development & Governor Services - Carol Arnfield Education Services Grant - ECHS Finance Schools Budgets - ECHS Finance 120 124 127 129 130 131 133 136 139 141 834 810 Education Division 121 117 122 133 814 834 136 118 137 132 Access Adult Education Centres School Standards SEN and Inclusion Children's Disability Services Homes - Children with Learning Disabilities Preventive & Supportive Services Centrally Controlled Special Ed. Budgets Workforce Development & Governor Services Schools Budget Grants Centrally Controlled School Budgets Main Code Description 137 100 101 133 102 132 104 134 106 136 Schools Budget Grants Other Strategic Functions Nurseries Delegated Budgets Early Years Primary Schools Centrally Controlled Primary School Budgets Secondary Schools Centrally Controlled Secondary School Budgets Special Schools Centrally Controlled Special Education Budgets Service Area Page No. Access cont. - Tessa Moore Schools Budgets - ECHS Finance Other Strategic Functions - Tessa Moore Early Years - ECHS Finance Early Years - Tessa Moore Primary Schools - ECHS Finance Primary Schools - ECHS Finance Secondary Schools - ECHS Finance Secondary Schools - ECHS Finance Special Schools - ECHS Finance Special Schools - ECHS Finance 141 143 145 145 147 148 150 151 153 154 Public Health - Dr Nada Lemic Public Health Services 156 Financial Services & Procurement - Peter Turner Exchequer - Payments & Income - Claudine Douglas Browne Exchequer - Revenue & Benefits - John Nightingale Exchequer - Revenue & Benefits - John Nightingale Exchequer - Revenue & Benefits - John Nightingale Exchequer - Revenue & Benefits - John Nightingale Exchequer - Revenue & Benefits - John Nightingale Exchequer - Revenue & Benefits - John Nightingale Director of Finance and Other - Peter Turner Director of Finance and Other - Peter Turner Director of Finance and Other - Peter Turner Financial Accounting - Tracey Pearson Financial Accounting - Tracey Pearson Management Accounting & Systems - Lesley Moore Management Accounting & Systems - David Bradshaw Procurement - Dave Starling 163 165 166 167 168 169 170 172 173 174 176 177 179 180 182 Public Health 800 Public Health Services CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S DEPARTMENT 391 Resources Portfolio Financial Services Division 400 400 407 408 409 410 411 400 404 405 400 403 400 455 400 Central Department 1 Central Department 1 NNDR Losses on Collection NNDR Cost of Collection Bromley Welfare Fund Council Tax Support Council Tax Collection Central Department 1 Housing Advances Ex LRB Mortgages Central Department 1 Miscellaneous Expenses Central Department 1 Sold Services to Schools Central Department 1 Main Code Description Service Area Page No. 420 437 420 428 433 420 426 077 420 421 422 423 425 432 420 420 Central Department 1 Central Department 1 Central Department 1 Walnuts Boiler Plant Reactive Maintenance Caretaking Sold Services to Schools - (Reactive Maintenance) Sold Services to Schools - (Caretaking) R&M Controlled by Property across all departments Central Department 2 Customer Service Centre Central Department 2 Electoral Registration Conducting Elections Central Department 2 Democratic Representation Reg. of Births, Deaths and Marriages Central Department 2 Admin Offices General Exps Admin Offices - Other Office Services Bromley Civic Centre Walnuts Offices Yeoman House Central Department 2 Central Department 2 Corporate Services Division - Mark Bowen Information Systems and Telephony Client Specific Services - Jan Mcwhinnie Property Services Planned - Andrew Brook Property Services Reactive - Andrew Brook Property Services Reactive - Andrew Brook Property Services Reactive - Andrew Brook Property Services Reactive - Andrew Brook Property Services Reactive - Andrew Brook Property Customer Services and Bromley Knowledge - Jim Grainger Contact Centre - Duncan Bridgewater Electoral - Carol Ling Electoral - Carol Ling Electoral - Carol Ling Democratic Services - Graham Walton Democratic Services - Graham Walton Registration of Birth, Death and Marriage - Carol Andrews Legal Services - Joy Connor Admin Buildings - Andy Champion Admin Buildings - Andy Champion Admin Buildings - Andy Champion Admin Buildings - Andy Champion Admin Buildings - Andy Champion Facilities and Support - Andy Champion Management and Other (Corporate) - Mark Bowen 185 187 189 191 192 193 194 195 196 198 200 202 203 204 206 207 209 211 213 214 215 217 218 220 222 435 455 435 435 439 435 455 Central Department 3 Sold Services to Schools - Trading Account Central Department 3 Central Department 3 Graduate Scheme Central Department 3 Sold Services to Schools - Trading Account Human Resources Division - Charles Obazuaye Health & Safety - Sue Sydney Health & Safety - Sue Sydney HR Management - Charles Obazuaye HR Strategy and L & D - Sue Sydney HR Strategy and L & D - Sue Sydney Operational HR - Sue Sydney Operational HR - Sue Sydney 225 226 228 230 231 233 234 400 400 400 083 400 400 455 455 392 Main Code Description Service Area Page No. Chief Executive's Division 400 402 455 Central Department 1 External Audit Sold Services to Schools - Trading Account Audit - Luis Remedios Audit Audit Audit 237 238 239 435 Central Department 3 Communications - Amanda Day/ Susan Clark 241 435 438 Central Department 3 Miscellaneous Expenses Management and Other (C Exec) - Doug Patterson Management and Other (C Exec) - Doug Patterson 243 244 418 420 Mayoral and Civic Hospitality Central Department 2 Mayoral - Jolanti Giudici Mayoral - Jolanti Giudici 246 247 Transformation & Regeneration Division 393 052 073 085 441 442 444 445 446 447 449 400 Transformation & Regeneration - Mark Hume Investment & Non-Operational Property - Neil Thompson Leisure Sundry Properties Investment & Non-Operational Property - Neil Thompson The Studio Investment & Non-Operational Property - Neil Thompson Civic Halls Investment & Non-Operational Property - Neil Thompson Anerley Business Centre Investment & Non-Operational Property - Neil Thompson Properties Held for Investment Investment & Non-Operational Property - Heather Hoskins Surplus Properties Investment & Non-Operational Property - Neil Thompson Agricultural Properties Investment & Non-Operational Property - Neil Thompson Biggin Hill Airport Exchequer House (Ex Bromley TH) Investment & Non-Operational Property - Neil Thompson Investment & Non-Operational Property - Neil Thompson Community House (Old Magistrates Court) Strategic Property Services - Heather Hoskins Central Department 1 Rental Income Controlled by Strategic Property Svcess across all Depts 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 262 263 743 Housing Strategy & Development Housing Strategy & Development - Kerry Driscoll 265 564 564 564 564 Building Control Land Charges Planning Renewal Planning Services - Jim Kehoe Planning Planning Planning Planning 267 268 269 270 Main Code Description Service Area Page No. Central Items 412 413 Corporate & Democratic Core Non Distributed Costs CDC & Non Distributed Costs - Peter Turner CDC & Non Distributed Costs CDC & Non Distributed Costs 273 274 463 Interest on General Fund Balances Interest on General Fund Balances - Martin Reeves 276 806 Concessionary Fares Concessionary Fares - Duncan Bridgewater 278 ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 394 Bus Routes Enforcement Off Street Car Parking On Street Car Parking Car Parking Enforcement-Client Parking Shared Service Permit Parking Disabled Parking Enviromental Services Department Environment Development Depots-Engineering Services Customer & Support Services - Gavin Moore Parking - Gavin Moore Parking - Gavin Moore Parking - Gavin Moore Parking - Gavin Moore Parking - Gavin Moore Parking - Gavin Moore Parking - Gavin Moore Support Services - Nigel Davies Support Services - Gavin Moore Support Services - Gavin Moore 283 284 286 287 288 289 290 292 293 294 606 606 659 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 606 Area Management & Street Cleansing Highways - SS & GS Markets Cemeteries & Closed Churchyards Parks Delegated Management Grounds Maintenance Park Rangers Service Crystal Palace Park Tree Maintenance Street Regulation Street Scene & Green Space - Dan Jones Street Scene & Green Space Street Scene & Green Space Street Scene & Green Space Parks and Green Spaces Parks and Green Spaces Parks and Green Spaces Parks and Green Spaces Parks and Green Spaces Parks and Green Spaces Parks and Green Spaces Street Regulation 295 298 299 301 302 304 305 307 309 310 311 637 638 639 640 642 644 645 567 653 699 648 Waste Services Main Code Description Waste Services Service Area 312 Page No. 395 606 571 571 646 675 Highways (including London Permit Scheme) Highways Planning Traffic School Crossing Patrols Road Safety Transport & Highways - Paul Symonds Highways (including London Permit Scheme) Highways Planning Traffic & Road Safety Traffic & Road Safety Traffic & Road Safety 316 318 320 321 322 580 580 742 Housing Enforcement Housing Improvement Private Sector Housing Public Protection (Care Services Portfolio) - Clive Davison Environment Services - Housing Environment Services - Housing Environment Services - Housing 325 327 328 609 Emergency Planning Public Protection (ES Portfolio) - Clive Davison 329 580 586 481 580 Community Safety Mortuary & Coroners Service CCTV (PPS Portfolio) Public Protection (PP&S Portfolio) - Clive Davison Public Protection Public Protection Public Protection Public Protection Division 331 332 333 334 059 060 069 480 071 058 482 Leisure Trust Client Culture Divisional Management & Museum Community Development Cotmandene & Mottingham Spa Libraries Business Support Town Centre Management Recreation - Colin Brand Culture Culture Culture Culture Libraries Town Centre Management & Business Support Town Centre Management & Business Support 338 339 341 342 343 347 348