Avon Lake
Avon Lake
Hi 3- Avon Lake • Sheffield • Sheffield Lake ^Community. \ - Pulse?" Stringer warns of risk Stoney Ridge sidewalk again in jeopardy that the city abould da whatever necessary to get the sidewalks installed, even if that nvfana going i™^ to the original ordinance, defeated on Jan. 23 of this year. That ordinancerequiredthe city to spend $11,000 to supplement $23,000 (later corrected to $27,000) in CDBG funds- available hgcrnise it is a low to - Rj.HJn AVON - Sidewalks lor the west side of Stoney Ridge fioad were back on City Council's work T T - n «g«w^« Monday night, after a tetter from Lorain Ho Mo Moaey. Ohio'* wcfl-meaning County's ' Community Development , Governor CkorgeVehiovicb has local' Block Grant Administrator Pat Knight school districts scrambling with bis pro-' . left the (btare of the project uncertain. - Law Etrectcr Daniel Stringer warned T.»Vl» Lake and •taM t» lose; buvdreds of thousands of doUsn, wfakk'in f ixrn wiQ put a borden OQ TfT*""^ ^ffi^nfff jf^ fim op tb© ever so o n e y . V . , . . . , y.~ : , . .. . ':'•'•'• ••-Continued on page 18 • • ' - • • • : Continued on pag» 9 AL council ready to come out swinging for schools passed a zeaohttion- which'would object; m2Ban fan the to the state- possibly backing-iniEffr Avon Lake- School^ budget by a reported^ jitone woes'could. .$430jD00 over two year C -V ; - -,'->•, fort* amnxgi •»•-' ^mnicflnmn' Matt'TjWtVly and Mayor . t r i e t - i a particular either the ]u*wn: or Vine* Urfain co-sponsored \n» cmixttjon Elyiis: achool sys^ims. At first clanee 'Which.was;approv»d,an fint reading that may sound attractive ta tome.nsionly, end wui have to poceed through dcsts, but it could cost the homeowner • two more readings to take effect- * . 1 ^thnpased^ey^^^ ^^:' •;.;Ltmdy wanted .the resolution; to jit there » « move to consolidate, 'Undergo an'emergency reading so it would require Sheffield/Sheffield La__ would go into effect immediately, how. ... residents to pay.the same mUlage as ever Council Representatives K.C. Zuber ? 'their new-found dMtrkt This la turn - and Holly Kowalski said they would like "T could jump1 Sheffield Lake property ::to~ read - documentation about the '/ taws as bigh'as 60 penenL.Tbis possi-.; alleged budget cuts. ;; (•• bflity will most Ekely infuriate Sheffield : "I support the concept, but I would V Lakers but at least itgives them options. like more inibrmation," Mrs. Kowalaki '%w -Oh by the way Governor VoinovichV said, adding that she Crat wants to see ^i shuffle doesn't hart Cleveland much — . how the alleged cuts and school !wdget ^'they stand to pick up $33 million in the plan would aQect Ohio's big picture, Ontiyilrpwn ZuWrwH hff " w M fimt niOBaB,'«i ;. . : . . v . ; : , v D o a t p u t off tin tomorrow whmt^ Uke to receive correspondence from ; Governor Volnovkh, and added that he yoa c « t do todayl^Tbis cculd very lwell be tbe current slogan far Avon City .did not see the need |br urgency. .; He pointed out that the state is trying •'Council regardrag'their off and on attito.deal with the.funding problems tuda pertaining to block grant mantes d H [ ' * ' ' " " ' resulting from the recent lawsuit declar'•*V:-Avon could very" well Jose the grant ing the current method of school fund$M"money because they let too much tune ing unconstitutional. ('-'' go- by< City.Law Director Dan Stringer is - _. Mayor Vince Urbin said, in talking '•£/ eoncMced about liabUity to the City of, with a state representative, be believes pjii&kAvon. should a child got hurt and : the proposed figures that wiire reported .;) Hey-Ted — everything isn't free. ^you're going to have to ipend some -W-money to get some money. It's not a > J perfect world. (See related article.) TedGraczyk I f you don't put the sidewalk in. unpopular Itvy madbdoo. While i& thr» witt he Joaers in.ihe : B y Uarc«Ila Grande adding ;thnt since he's lived in Avon prraw««d*buille the really big shake up - Lake, bar propeity taxes have gone up W « f c k j i t h ^ P W ^ M * Shef-' - A V O N LAKE - Not everyone was in dramatically, he now pays far trash field 'X*k*-acbaot aysteea "where levies .total acpeement, hot City Cocmca- removal. «nd..the' income, tax has [4^Cooncaman. Ted Craczyk continues to : i believe the bisoe has no place using city This is abnnch of hooeyt Fm voting fax no more •' ,;! (city) moneyforthis at &O." V'are true. •• ' : meiboHt $3S.a yeary" he added. I f itTt a state income tax, it will considen 60 of the wealthier district* in ' Ohio to be overninded. . - - - - . .- "There'* a o royalty here-This is not a 1 * d Th^ nH hing h.Vrt to us ih p ttt^Tt^'^d ^ ^ ^ more - rwponribility no the . taxpayer's back." he said.' '•"'"'''•"-^'•"•'•r^-^i \'; \,; Councilman • Bon!:Aridnhiwqrsaid 'the ; - Tliereportedbudget cut may amount" budgetplaaisfiiQofdissazTtyandeven. to- approximately,_ two percent of the calls Car budget cut* Ibr districts that are school distrirfs. $20 millioa budget. ' ,- - a U b u t l j e n k r u p t v ' - ^ . - ^ : ; - " ; • • " - . > • - • . • • • * Ha said the already cash-strapped : , f^HinHUT"1" • Greg Zilka . abstained from voting on the resolution, since he lose $63,000 over the next two years. is an employee of the school district. Lundy reported that the.state, now •' . However. Urbin pointed out, that an " altemative may be a state tax. Ralph Nussle, 32653 Greenwood, commented that the amount to be reportedly'' cut - from the Avon Lake Schools* budget is roughly equivalent to : ,X mill in Avon Lake real estate taxes* "What's one millT* Nussle said. Lovethoseseniors i ^ ^ The Avon Lake Boat Club held their annual perch dinner for Beachparfc Towers residents on Saturday, Feb. 11. ReskJents delighted in the perch feast and the festive Valentine's holiday decorations. PRESS photo - court**? of thm Avon LMkmBomtaub ilbrarylPRESS sponsor 'Name that Room' contest LAKE - The DiscoveryWorks ^ > now open. Caffe Espresso Is serving ^cotTee^and the visitor count grows on a g-daily basis. But how do visitors find the .. i;irightmeeting room now that there are r ^ i i . t w large and two small rooms? Two of tnem have.Neen named, but two haveno ?namss.:.':-Tje" library Is ' seeking the ^public's help In naming the two remain",(ng meeting rooms. i . Through mutual cooperation between The PRESS and the The Avon Lake Public Library, a special community contest has been established to help namo the two rooms. PRESS Publisher Rick Hemmer. along with Avon Lake Library Director Judy Rlggle and her staff, have devised a contest format open to all Avon Lake residents. ' -, , . •• Special entry forms are available at the library's front desk and in each tfsue of The PRESS until the cont<-st deadline on noon, March 31. The entry form contains rules, format and other important detells. This is an excellent opportunity Iir teachers to Involve their.students.in a . community eflort that would be around for years to come. , The two winners wl't receiver a $100 savings bond from The PRESS. Winners will also be recognized by having their names engraved on wall < plaques displayed near the meeting room entrances. . * :••.- .,- -\ Anyone Interested In viewing either room to help assist In making a selection can stop by thev library during regular business hours. , - ••'. \. . . . Don't miss the.special contest entry form In this week's PRESS. HI] Friendliest Store in the nvement Food Mart PRIDE PAK ICECREAM • 1/2 GAL. WHEAT TOTAL CEREAL SNYOER'S HARD PRETZELS •FRESH CUT lA| W*»»»- NEVER FROZEN "SfeSJOP CHOICE or SPLIT BONELESS CHUCK ROAST LEAN MEATY USDA GROUND FRESH SEVERAL TIMES DAILY BONELESS UND$179 ENGIISI CK * 1 I ROAST Open 6 AM'til Midnight *-> PLAYALL OHIOLOTUR at Convenient AVON UUCE SHEFFIELD 1AKE 137 LearRd. • 933-2718 4786 Lake Rd. • 949-7631 * "nub ipDnveniefit Food Man ^1 Food* 4 '.4 , m fBUYTHlslUSlNKS^ * n i M e w w r . l FOR YOUR LOVED ONE! FOR SALE Toe-eTANeouCATloM. OR LEASE WITH OPTION • i I 4 0 ft. x 7S ft. Brick BIdg. with giaamic pariung tot 4 0 ft. x 36.ft. attached restaurant. ™K SMid Inquktes To: Liwin* Overt P.O. Box tl9, A«n *afc». OH 44012 I3 '.-"•': AfaPhoaa CaffsP/sss'm ^«\*Mu 2 5 YEARS r -*•-*' Si March 31. 1995 "'", - - 33536 Walker Rd. (across from BFG/Geon Ptent) <t cl ©ms Don't take pur city apart Thanks from firefighters - It's not Griffore's job :' To theiEddorv- - ".'r--^n^Jrjt „,, is" - I woittfjiksjto comment « o « p article ^ whicnJippea»Thi J th» Feb/15 wsua-of " The FMSS. On page 14 there appeared'aa article^pertaining to Sheffield Lake's , Presiduntof Council William Griffore's ; goals for t2S95- -While t Agree with h i s ' ideas of hating the meetings televised, andlthouldpt-HntoutthattheUieawas who has s Criffore^ Ihave ft real problem with bit ^ 1 candidate for mayor myself, I : would Ilk*tow y that Mr. Criflore Menu ( i: i i : *g ; h y hj b ^praparation. of the. budget i s in. fact, by charter, the mayor'* fob. Therefore, poll,ing',thg^dHznns; on .where - they want ' their BWney»pent is not appropriate ac.Bon.on the council's part. Farther, if the !' mayor was even remotely in. touch with l the cittzana of this community, it would 'be •deari*where;we j.wont ithe • money ' As my; campaign continue*, I nope to speak j o most, if not all of the citizens In the;.canununlty^To'date.,most people have/asked if "We can; free up some money for roada^This'Is followed by ., same sort of ditching to alleviate water ^problemsjo some areas.! -•; ,• '•?.• r -WhOe most ciifcans realize that they. \: will see'soms reduction in fund'ng for •' other departments to accomptisb thW I :' think it is quite ."do- able." .;. '; C-T' >'S*.Mostrcitfcwns'feel that;city gc?ern' ment Is not only non-responsive to their -needs, but that it does not care.what -" they (citizensj have to say. Mr, Griffore / caused C much ' of- : this • • * ; • ' • -., : In short; if Mr. Criffore feels the need :;; to spend more- money w e don't have, to »* ask: questions; that^ all. In government should already haver the answers to. 1 i'r sincerely hope the council-has the inL • sight to vote him down. If not. I hope the ' mayor has; the backbone to veto the To the Editor; " ~~~' Sheffield Lake b a d£y of famWies and homes. Our dry doesn't need tu be Uken apart. Our city hi-s been and still is a great place to live and raise I-M^WM If s a shame that Mr. Fusco wants %C~\ dismantle the C2ty of Sheffield Lake. The Planning Commission that he wonted to eliminate has helped encourage orderly. plannnrf ^ffH p k Commission members Lave work, Lake. ed to provide help and ncommendations about ongoing growth and development in tb» city.' Police Department, Fire Department. Service Department and City Hall employees have worked diligently to provide quality services In a time when funds have not bees 'available tawpay "them comparably to other cttiesTtoVci- x ty council and mayo* have sought and obtained funding b o m many sources. They have also worked and found ways to minimi™ expenses and at the samd tip"? fpgtntatt* jerviccs- There i s no doubt that if Sheffield Lake had the amount - of money ' other cities have, more could be done. But our dry doesn't have that much money. ' "; .; It's not easy working o a a bare bones budget: Sheffield Lake's families have found ways to do that and sa has the city. It's been tough but everybody has been working hard t o d o t t . •'•"•"' Sheffield Lake should keep on going. - It shouldn't be taken apart ,, -,, * •-,.., . , • ; . . Ernest Siager ;::•'•;.-..;'-•' v '•'•• M l c h a e l F u s c o '^MWrn OQBEB j o n r TBB Four ui-u»3 3 4 5 1 LAKE RD. AVON LAKE 930-2888 .1 To the Editor f Coagratulatibns on last week's column. 1 think you hit the nail right on the head ~ "Parents who really need to be parents!" , Truer ;. words, were never spoken. What a true tragedy this incident was. As a mother of thrne. It'ssomething we all worry about • our kids* safety and we do need more parents to p a r e n t s . .-.'',.-•'.;;./•••••••"••• ^ • '•'£ : - v .•' . . . ; _ • RosanneTobiasz . ' • . . : • : . • • • - ' • • ' - - . • .• • • . , . Bring summer theater T o theEditor: ' ;\ ' ; '•:',- • •: All adults and teens interested in participating in the creation of Children's Summer Theater to Avon Lake are in- . • vited to attend a meeting on Thursday evaning. Feb. 23. 7:30 p.m, at the Avon Lake Public Library. LEARWOOD SQUARE ".-•:.• 375 N. Lear R d . - p : (Between Rim-Rego StopN-Shop & Revco Drugs) 933-0015 \ \ .;•• At this first meeting w e will, brainstorm-ways to make ^Children's Summer Theater a reality and try U form some committees to get the ball railing., If you have a love of children : - . y ' " i ' ' ) ' ] • : • ' • • • "'''-"•> .' f l e g i s l a t i o n . and the arts, please try to attend this '••'':'• .As far as rating, why waste the money. meeting. If you can't make this one but ; Last year's election should have sent a with to be a part of this project, please -'clear-message; Mr;- Criffore said- he call Judy Riggle. Avon Lake Public •' heard the electorate, yet he spares no exLibrary, at 933-8128. Thank you. . ; pense to further his own agenda. , : , ••''.'• Jennifer DiSalvo .f"-.- Thank you for your time. '•• : Spirits and Bats * So What Are You Waiting For? Parents need to be parents b e A El JOIN THE ADVENTURE To the Editor: •; !_Tbe Avon Lake Firefighters Would like to" expresavotir gratitude to everyone • * h a c i m e * o d supported our 33rd an-' • anal ^Firefighters D a n c e . A special thanks to all the businesses who purchased tickets and/or donated a door prize. Thank you again, and hope to see .everyone next yser. — Avon Lake Firefighters -2 Continued on page 12 . CASH IN . WithOurSonusMan REDKEN -^Ffetl Friendly stylkn. great prices and no ibmi5needed. , AFFORDABLE • PHOHSaONAL • MArRCAHS 99 BSBJ^ BJ7 "V(WJ - i. * . *• * . • * Ffaone: 933-5100 Fee 93S-79CW P-O.BcnrTQO Avon Late. Ohio 41013 • » • • * . • r * »••- P 1 2 2 1 9 B 9 DEADLINES NEW2JTEMS: Thursday—-Sp-m, ADVERTISING^ . Friday—Noon ' CLASSOTEDS: M d - — 5 pjn- *, Or Saod Newstarns.• **fto_ andAitfdesaX ThetPnse 44012: i < r . . . -r PET CARE ^*gfath grade tuaily p r o f i t s urbitib Mere design i&l toh& cha&e ige learaiag processes as MceU as explore is-depth scaence topics. The teachgrs will first experience a 50 it. long reproduction of rtig nnn forssl fYi"*riliTS*' *"ith sotmcU peering rT¥8tn"Ts, and A welcoming **t»imp ' ; '"--• LEAiWOOD IS GOING TO MOHICAfi. Tfee planningforthe Leerwood sixth graders* trip to Mohiraa Outdoor Fj*iirflt*T'n Experience has begun. Alt parents of sixth grp^W* are encpuraged to att*™i an ii&partxiiL i»fjff*iyf •Kiliiij, with the teachers and a i n ffa^f rT^y^ntrfth-f ffff •"* set n«iH* the even- Rfchanl W. Ttwaapsoo: Vefermarian fZP is a wnole buacfa of bad news _KPis feiiK. in***^*"1" ftiimrtftit HP K tamed by a vims. HP is BXr* fatal If your car. becouas ill wiih the «**yj*^ HP cad be canted farjeaobefcte sbowdog any signs of ittness. FQ* o n be curJeni booc to jour cat by youHPis now betnc ftxmd in the pet cat populatioa (not fusl in catacdet and . bneamgt3Cii&ies}.rlPis ing of Tuesday, Feb. 2Sfcom7iJ0 until tfcM1? meet at OWE FKOCKAM A SUCCESS. The Work Experiencaj Program has had a succesa&t semester under the direction of TeactteiiCaatdinator Ms. Orsn. While w»^Hng strides ia the classroom the many nodnectnc symptonis *T¥t W not easy to •' ^hp T «» i fjp cansbow » framing eye infcc-;. tlons, Aiespuatory tnfieC' yfudffttfr hftve ffUK^ggf^j many fV*^* a n d ^ T ^ * i n t h e woriing worid. There ere pcesen^r 21 students iavctvcdIntnealternalivBwhirationprogr«zi.lnadditioB to JJCTP^^ th^t jtfmtfrftt participate in an Work Experience ceiatedciaas and must work a tntnimmn of 15 hours per w a t t logical signs such as seizuxes" s o l nehsvloni cbsnges. Now the ^xxS news. flP b easily pie-: w^oaed by iinmunlzMioiL. T a b 01653318? ** brought to you by Rkfcu^ W. "XhompMio. £LV>£, i t a s late Anfmal CBaiQ 124 UiUerSsact Avon Lake; OrL 4*312. PhaaM^ SB5- , or nemo-'-.; ed in the program: Sparkle Maxkat (Avon take) - Eric . Bjftiaritu»_ S^PT?^1* " t* r~tItTi'nai s&l Tiffany KUmeal; at r * Rlnir&ego [Avon lake)'- Rebecca Ferner & tUiia Seese; Ridge Cleaners fAvoD/Lake) - JDavid KkAn Avon Laks ?risting •• Xjuira .Dorian^ Heficai f-tna Pnducts (Avon : Lakei - Mike McJCinteyr Burger JOng £Avon Ukm\ -• Kristen BresUs * Rebecca Schemachetr Scoop-n-Slicp {Avon Lake) - Cameroa'tudlow: Fish. Coonectfoa Pet & Feed Center (Avon take) - Jim Waltz; Dotoino's Pizza. (Avon Lake) - Tom linear Avon Lake Water flept. - Nate" Wflcox; Office Max (Wesdake) - Causia CaioOo, Kelly imjs, Aaron KohL and Shcuxlfl Soontag: Jenn* Z)isaioutors (Wetflake) - Greg Setbr Ik Sana Webb; Marc's (Westlake} - Debbie Sissoo; Bob Evans (Wertlakei - Merideth Ferner: Pizzeria Uao's (North : Olmsled)- Jason Leva*. -. Based upon pay stubs the students have recorded the following statistics for the semester; Total hours: ; 6.145.6a. The top five students for hours worked werer 1) Jim Wahz, 617J5 hours; 2J Jason Levet.452.51 hours: LEASWOOB MIDDLE SCHOOL POWEJE OF THE 3} Rebecca Schumacher. 425.44 hours; 4J Mike FEN - DISTRICT RESULTS. Power of tbs Pen oflered McS0i>Iey. 424.50 hoars; 5} Greg Sedar. 35Z25 hours. a district competition at Learwood Middle School itt Gross: S26V9d434- Savedr S3*211.17. Avenge wage: r; Avrarljfo oil Saturdty. Febv 11. Seventeen schools S4J5/Hour. Top wag* earner: $Q<C5^ Jason Levet. The ./fram CttyshagA and Lonln Counties attended. Nearly, O.W£. stpdents are involved in three fundraisiog pro^100 seventh gndet* and 100 aigbthgtsden participated: jects which wilt food the banquet and state contests. On .Friday mornings. 735-&30 aun. the students set! donuts •'.: in thi»«p*cW crealhrt witting competittcn., : ATOO Late Learwood Middle- School earned third •1 0tffrtMwtjMonday mon'jpg* r^™" the Irish ttexitatt y placefcith« eighth grade division. Karen Fried! earned c: Quo, and are selling Lonu: County Coupon BooksvTb* thirdpbc8tn)pbr.Sheoutsciirsdnea7ty87otbcreighth ' students will participatefaxa knowledge bowl contest grade J contestant* in the three. 45 minute writing which consists of 20 categories such as Ohio History/ year--, rounds* Thefollowingare members of the eighth grade State Capitols, Literature, Government, etci Last! r team; Stephanie^ Choi. Leah Cttfibrd* Karen Fried!. the d u b qualified for the state contest. This ymaz'*\''l David Meuenheimer,; JCriatta Noble, snd Justin Ubt; ;: studects will be participating in the regional contest .In the seventb trade division Rnltbis Graebert earned : next month. The end of that year banquet wul be hdd : a XZth pbee oMdaUtotL-Jhfemben of the seventh grade' this spring at the Irish Keritags Ctub which wiQ honor ; t orot--ADyiun "Doty. Kate Hoffman. Robbie the students, ~ employers' and . teadwrsfartheir : ;, • g ^ Rachel bner," Amy Tansey, and Ashley accomplishments.. .:.. - . - ./•--.-••.-',"Ji VISION CASE CONTACT LENSES TINTED DISPOSABLE ASTIGMATIC DR. scon H. OPTOMETRIST £216)933^300 EVENNGSAND - 32730UvftLi AT TrELrVOINGS AVON LAK& OK: 44012 v y p p r iMstonaf Mend tr*t *mr*tooat « w i MendBer. You can pick, up I Qualifiers for tb*, regional competition at Xorain ahould get a A M * k> OM you ttmtmtAi?:^ J4 County Community College on March 11 ars Attysun.. >pr.2Wlay 22) - Baina ef asntoe B affairs « • not b*} SCHOOL LUNCH MENU ^SubjecttoChange) ' ' TAU«U» t S r i b t « ; i Dotyk Kobblft Crtebert. Ashley Woman in the seventh Feb. 27- Hot Hoegy w/Cheuse. Tomato, Vegetable Soup. ^ y p ^ y u a o y u c S O M a i w rang start at n e propar Hme. Greet period lo O * * B • pncfiw gat grade division and Leah Clifford. Karen Fried!. David Chios, Pineapple Chtmics.Milk. b o ^m (u fK l tm f a h l oo Ms t f » mm m( i t O f t l k t i < k MassenheJiner. Kristin Noble*'and Justin Uhl in the Feb. 28 • Baked Potatn, Mahed Cheese, Baccn BIta. w«Mk«ndtohouse bunt but nottomake an oiler, -fef: / f e & v / e i g h t h g r a d e d i v i s i o n - • " ' \ . .•:•:'.. •• - . • Broccoli and Caulifiowur, Dessert. Milk. OK** (May 2 M M »1) YOU stouU be wooing on plan. to THE EMEXAXO UEA1M AT LEARWOOD. Visit the ,Mar. 1 - Grilled Chees*> Sandwich. Tomato Soup, ColKA-^arwmatlncadasplamldV^kW; Rain ForestraproducrJoirtaLsarwood's main hallway eslaw. Fruit CocktaiL Milk. y g » g p y a y a ^ Way dont taS BeWnd martatfy. Your •eamnrf may Induos »totof Feb.'22 thru March 2 cleverly crafted by seventh Mar. 2-COOK'S CHOICE graders In celebration of their Science Biomes Unit, Mar. 3 • Cheese Pizza. Kalian Tray w/LoCal Dip. Chill- , The seventh grade annualfieldtrip to the Rafa Forest' ed P«ars» Brownie. Milk pray i s * youf indacialKeiaiM ise— you, you w come up wtm a k has sparked s creUive exhibition of science prefects. On bfainslorm. A Cjjrteom «M be •yhaj.'a eorNert youto• :punjrf*s ALHS honor roll |asoa Bowara, Maoan Hamlstar. Lucas Jacksocu Erie Tim CsUowtns A n a Lai* Aadraw Clfranic. S>Ub H10*. da ewan more than uaueV You wM b» amphaHzino sky, Diana Clan, Laaartiar. Mark Lora. Margarat Hl«b .Scboet, Mud«at»., &•«• Chrlatopfwr lie, MICDMI l«n«r. mankind and yo"B ftd Cooper. Rabacca ( . Ann McCntn. Myrteh McKar•chfawad hooor n U Matiw far • Marc Joboaoo. OUtn Kim. lamw FaDon. Brian Oillagbar. chat. Brian MiyasaU. Stada the Mcood nla« H u b grading LU- KopuNlceU KrabK JiU : V-am CaOagfaar. Waal ay C s f . Packard. Asbky Paanan. Matperiod. Gfttfcfcl*tt*rf ACT*, Laicb. ErikMatnlaien. biefc. Mlchaal ClalaaeOa. Lindtb«w Fattya, Bnnt Sabold. UlcbdM B I V U . ' Brian. Cu> Mlcbitli* McKay. Donald g o dtoatogat say Cornish. Patricia Crady. Autumn ScAtoa. Taylor -baugti, S&M Coughlla, Khobar*;' :, Mullar. YuauJw Munkamt. Lin.'lsay Crintn. Micbiiai CurTbaobald. Ma*an WOUams. ctear your mind. . . . .. . ,7.\?e.*'r*^?-? ly CMti^t. Xaouth Ely. Lori Rabacci Sandnr. PhiUp Tniax. dy. Kathlaan Hattanlfjr. David , Crada 12s iU^bal Armstrong. U B * A (S^rt. » O e C 35) You »tt b e drawntoWewentrte PoiMt. Am«ia Cmibvk, ftcab Kinavrty Wacbtar. Sarah Hllla. Kavln HiigJck, i Malisu . group of paopia and thay may:aquira atotof your ttme artf aftorL'' Kann«tb Bagstad, David Cerhan. 5cott Hardtnui* Kevin Wahar, Outryt Wvroar. AbJ«aiI Hull. P«ul Martin. ;Mlaaaa Vour weak la apt w end on a downer i t work but it can be a dHfarent _ Buntanbroich. Scon CaatmL. Kimb«rty H o r t o n , Wlghhnan. Imoilmt Bagsud. story next wart. You a n icjvalfcticaOy Joaatlatfc now aacacfafty May.fcbn McDanouth.Brandl Banlasnlft Chmura. (#»*lca tig. Tout .Konkoly,- . Slapbani* Pallutyn*. Scott Munro. K i t s r l t n Ducta, J«Sray Farms*. Matttaaw M • • • • ! ' Lattman, Mftlly Culaon. Carri* Coopar. Aaron Parkbonicutko. Julia Ann Par* LndMr. NJenWa* Loiij. Mtl* - ' Damon. ' Mallua Daugbiry. - ' HaaU'ft, Amy Horn. Ja*oo Hur«uMjsahe up stumsd andflmfyouneH dawp \n (JaOC Yottwttba biuutk, Katblasn McNaalay, . rattL Amy Rlnghoiz. Mlduwl McLaughitn. M i f t o BrUa Fair, MatuW Fifaf. SelJfc Maufiaw Simon*, Darak apanoTnoyour monsy in a di mKarrt nwmwr and II may i n t o Assam McNMUy, |uoo MiHar. Rupa Molly Frasbw, Juli* Mansan. Koiebl Murakami, Ellt« Thaihan. David V/iUon. Olvndar, Allan Pttrvo. Cheryl P»Ul. V»lifl»-P»rw. Russtrft- ' ErlkH«rbwrib.Maa!b«rHMlap. ^ ! ! . l f ? l ^ v T ^ ! 0 ^ B i a n I"" *•""* fc A Capricorn will cad or Wstt Melissa Zakal and }eramy Lynn. Smith. Aodraa Talloni, il n 0 Phillips 50«n Rldurdwn. (arEtUba Hocking. BrUnn* ^^ l SSiiiS^2l i*"2n4a4*>d ct02**" y>" **y««knowa% Zlmmar. ' Eric Wabbar. Vicki Wsdalt, .—™— " * " " » 5? (Nov. 1 ) "f" Don't?"make any major (Hirrat Rodra. Brian Sablo. AJytM JCataler, Brlaann Kolcun. C0UW to 1Oa Fint hom Robsrt Wltnian. Sarah Baaa, Schnddw. C^goty Singleton.; AlUaaa Kur*y. Dotty M u m , ^ S ^ ^ •"* • " *• » «H*» ««*• • * " • O* Courtnay 5tav«U^' Matthaw Jodl Morria. Pamalft Paounora. 5t*wart. Fncturick. Stnuch.'. fanr^ar Poland. lulla Rolfl. - ;r"JiT." " i 0 P"? u p I"0. *«•"'* «PMUng (or had fwooOwt Kylan* ' T h o m a s / Nathan- Micbaat S n y d * r . Lyno» ^ - J S S l f f ^ ^ * * ^ * *«> eom. backtohaunt you. Spoocar. Rownury Waagla. aBd could Joseph M, Chotlos, a' Lorain Cat£otic High Cnuw 11: Monica Cbtriyan • You may may be beunhappy unhappy Bvnadlct.-RoUrt Broadhunt^S^JT^1^ " * • •onwunng. You wrtn your nUattonshlp wHh the boss but •vafything la tor a good ColWn Bynw. Brian C M - { - Ktittiom Corcoran. Christina Junior majoring in math, School. . ' n ! t M l tor ; c m n . Thoinaa Co*t«Uo. Nvtl: H*li. Amanda IsfTrati, BrUn S S T * ? 5 ? " ^ **» ""W * » "» r w is half is among 41 Walsh J Students selected for Otd ptanajwill havetobe switched suddanfy. - , gone. Crawford.,' Daanb 1 Dlugoaz, ;• Jlcha. Lindsay King. Emily University students namOanM Froahllch.. Jtnnlfar/; ••ICtoin. K*rf Knieppsr. Todd Who • s Who a r e * ^ * ™ 0 3 ^ 1 f * t b ' '•> « « w • * « k or «o yoU-B Canti, Ellzabaui Horaola, Cynthenyoull you'llbsoome bsoornewar wwy ,f Martin, Mary Mlcbsla Martina. ed to the 199S edition of nominated by a campus cnanoayour mind about everything g and d men Utla Jaokina. Erin KUba w . T a n Who'g Who Among committee based on their, ? ? * ^ " ^ . - w ^ ^ l n * " - Y o u m w EUan Millar. Lily MltUr. You pats y away w amay « t owant o a tto aw ( r o from mit '; Knuth. KJmbarly Krai, Jonalhr Student* la American academic achievement, Christina ScotU Tricta Sadar. Kublk. iTmiJy Martin*. lUlt* Sarah Simmons. Scott Snydor. aa. some of thammaybe Universities and Colleges. service to community, MUMIL Katii Voltot Ktthryn'" RyM Stewart, Alict* Bebm. ChatW is the - son of vyoillng. HUa ZUk*. , leadership in extracur- •JJJ M I I I I I Brfff-», Tamara r, 20) A Sagittarius can tatroduo* you lo Charles and Carolyn ricular activities, and %££r r i S ? " * * p y o u Pwf««tonaBy. A friend will talk you tnto Crad* 10! Chria Anderson, BrlgatwalL Carls Cullan, [osoa Mollw* B*litfy-Harrfs, Brian Elssnmann, Kristin Fliipfc™ Cbatlos of Avon Lake, and potential Fur continued dWnfl^somethino you don't wanttodo but you-a be glad you cHd. R is a 1992 graduate of Amanda Chaw* oaky. ' Kandra F l s u m , Kristin Academic notes success. •->-"^..^-'- be di.appoin.ad If ,o«VlSmK do^im ZSlSS Thieves pilfer $1,800 in tools from construction company AVON - The owner of Hudson Constructiui. 801 Moore B d , had an . pnpfea-ant surprise waning for him when he came to work the raorains of Felt 13. ^ Overnight thiexes had pried open a door oa a small canstrucrJon trailer and helped themselves to SUBOO worth of took, tnriuriirtg a gas- powered water pomp, a gas-powered saw, an impact drill with hits, and a portable generator. A Center Road couple Febl 9 asked The trailer was parked behind a compolice fora phone tap to determine the pany office trailer. origin of hang-up calls they've been getThere are no suspect*. A l^AK9 wffifw ***iWgfct "P With the truck on Sit 254. turned on his overheads »"H iK"*"*^wi m T"m The driver refused to puB over. Initnart continuing along French Creek aad then onto Deerfiekl Road where, just west of Mfmr P"inf. he Snail1* lurchedtoa stop. The driver, accordingtoreports, needed Hif^p up whenhe hegot got ""*ofof p «*afti"tr up the truck. His eyes wese hlooaahot, his speech was slurred and he hod on h'* ^rpifti. according to • report. _ . Taken to the station, die driver tested at .195 on a h y ? ^ test, irininst twice the legal limit. . John S. Shanann. 34. of Maple Heights, was charged with 13U1 and weaving course. ting since flnnrmVr. The calls began sporadically in December bet since haw increased in frequenc . Boor nuts ' Two young men marched in to the Avon Bi-Ktte at 37525 rwiw^fa A n , Feb. 9 shortly after 730 p * ^ marched over to the beer uuier. —»*—timl three parfcagea of beer, and marchedrightout without payingforthe brew. Their iOgotten gain *wliHifri a 12-pecfc of bottled .beer and. <ra 24~ packs of r^ninH beer, tfaff tntK which was set at $34. Arrest *znantad A man stopped on s. routine traffic fnat^ffT Feb. 14 Was when U was found he was wanted on tt felony warrant by the Avoa Labi « 1 Couri. '.-'".; Aa officer spotted • yeQow Ford Escort wagon chugging west on KO shortly frfa y after "fMnlghtj. gj. frrftttng f g fr^ifa no avalL They were described as white off ffumes from a faulty exhatut The ofand about 16 years old. One was said to ficer called the plate number in fox a bests bet four inches tall, with a thin computer rherk. and it w u found to build* • mustache and wearing a tan have expired lost July. • stocking cip. The other was described By thistime,the driver had pulled off as fire feet nine inches talL wearing the highwgf onw SR 611. The officer glasses, having short blonde hair and pulled him over at the &icDonald*s wearing a how Slackhawfcs starter wttauranr oa 611. When he was checkJacket. ed through the ever-vigilant computer, They* escaped oa foot, hat the owner ' he was found fci be wanted on a 1993 of a nearby beverage store told officers MMrrant fnr jifi<f]ng bad ch*fcfct. Raymond E. Goldsmith. 52. of Elyria that a blue Ford Festiva parked in his lot was arrested on the warrant. He also mJght have been the culprits* car. was cited for having fictitious plates. He was released after posting a bond. Nasty nstnct A Jaycox Road woman complained Feb. 13 that while talking on the phone to a neighbor, she could hear two men in h fojt ptngi her derogatory The WOOIO unsteady progress, it exited the highway at SR S3. fait this WHS y harassment and told police .she wanted to file charges. twas Lefs-KntwOurNeighbor Dey_ A Jaycox Road hee&d to Una -a cops that some renters behind her house were piling garbage up by the side of the house- The pofice assured her they'd, fag*e a bujhting inspector stop by. . l i Jaycox plamed about an old. piatelw fd Chevy in his neighbor's yatd. The beep • ***** " I t * maAA. U s • too • » assmd * would stop by. " •_ • A woaian o a WiBawr Lane said she ' needed help in —>«—s-g « rooaatneat who didn't want to m a n aaL The rooane was sappaeed la hm em. by Feb. 1 but now was texosing to leave, the caSer , g the rooeiBMle, aa she adrissd it was' a crril maaerwhich sh id be takw op with the " " " * * Mugged by thugs? A 34-year-o!d iQyria man a d The fwiDce dispatcher got n fcang-ap to a nurse at Elyria Memorial Hospital 9-1-1 caH bom * ham* an WiBow laom Feb. IS shortly after 1 U B . that h e bad Feb. IX She called back to as* if boon assaulted in Avon by a group of Juvenile*. . anything was aabn. Not reeJBy.sbe 'jna told. The neby of the home had ciapry The man said h e was following a car that kept slowing down and speeding . been playbic with, the tefaphooe. • '. up. which is something guaranteed to aggravate even the sainlli£st-,c'tnally the • Feathered Hands ;---V:;;.; ...'-• t^--stopped ft H pp »***t a ri? n trTinTi H A Hayes Street man i-oiced his conbetween the h alleged ll victim and the car's cent Feb. 9 that visiting duefcs in his occupants, four or five teens. backyard might not be getting enough The man said he reprimanded the kids eats for tt* winter. He asked the pause • about their driving habits, at which to contact the game warden, aad they point they aimanTfni h""_ raining him did. '...•--. head infuries. h e s a i d . Hospital spokeapeople said his injuries were minor. ' Holy Tririty ntamage safe Police advised him to file a report after frta* Teo*y O d d w> hoSd a. N M e g n saw on l k 6 and Tueectoy. U W > 7 k. t w his release front the hospital. However, he never did. : AS over the wad A driver with a cellular phone alerted police Feb. S about a red truck driving all over the westbound Lines on 1-90. As the caller monitored the truck's UnvpJentme's Day f abv 14 may have been Valentine's Day for many people, but Cor sevenl Chester Fried Chicken Crispy Moisturized Chicken Bucket of : •-•- Chester Fried Chicken Available only at 4788 Lafie Rd. in Sheffield Lake. Limit oos bucket per coupon. Coupon expires midnight Feb. 2 8 , 1 9 9 5 . BiggerPieces, Better Value and More Juicy Flavor than those other fried chicken guys! Save $1*00 this Week Only Try our Meaty Chester. fried Chicken otWinss Save StOO this Week Only BIG AH White Meat ' * Chicken Breast Sandwich :*tf l i f 2 Available Exclusively at Food Mart SHEFFIELD LAKE • 4786 LAKE RD.«949-7631 Phone ahead- well have your order ready when you anme 3 Supe's On Clayton Dusek Avon Lake City Schools HftPPV HOUfl ff ! \TwoLaige • 4 - 7 fum-t t One item Dinners M Specials S5.50 THE LANDINGS 9 3 3 - 3 8 0 1 lf*h«r. i/ou asiioMlu h*-Jhrr rw^tttinint/ cm • Experience • Gonyetence * The Sfcfll, ifrq/ess£onaltaa & Attention you Person alized-A need J j / Convenience in .ABOR Lake Domestic Rdatio Personal Injury Probate fifedlcal Sdajprsctlce Workers Compensation Wills & Trusts Real Estate Law Wrongful Death Corporate Law Traffic VXd FREE INITIAI* CONSTJI/CATION ^i.fr*-* i Phone Phone 871-2228 933-3231 A GOOD MECHANIC IS NOT HARD TO FIND! WINTERTIME SERVICE SPECIALS... .; TUNE-UPS/ bidudes new plugs. IMI Mart and taborCheck bate. hoMt and i * d w w - Sat enginetofactory e/«cs. ..••,. ::,, :tv - 6eyL •~X G U C m - • ;•;.••; 4eyt ;-" GMCars '•. •11935 "' »S9.95 COMPLETE WINTERIZE I n d u d n draining and OusMne lha aooang system. N a w coolant a n t anIS-tust addttwe. $ Explras 3-2S-9S FRONT END ALIGNMENT 39.95 OIL CHANGE SPECIAL . Upto5QuartsCastrot •.:„ ' -"-' IndUdes —tang c a s t * , camber and tow-ln -RaaaTest,---v,-•.-,-•.••• •^:,..-.v;,.^ 1 ~- ,. $ 1*49.95 23.95 PREVIOUSLY OWNED VEHICLES 1S»CKEVYUUZSt26R.2m .1992 CHEVROLET S-ttPOQA1. t7AQc 63495 1992CieRQLETCQRSULT40ll' 6 e o o e v* • * . *. *» . M **w» — _ _ - 9 o y y o 1»rWKC8O»tiflLESE4Dfl/ ' % • t7AOc Help! The Governor has proposed tiie way state &iads %riQ be tQ srhool ^«*w-t^ ID the future. His plaa would Sake almost onehalf mi&ioa dollars from the Avon Lake City Sr**""** end redistribute them to other ^r=»"^-»» that do not have the property wealth that exists in Avot *•>*••» Then, i n the same legislative proposal, he wants to take 329 pr*n'nf* of public ffchfM>l funds and use *bi* szsney to subfwttr" private schools in CST" in a program pt ayp«TB *fi ng as a pilot voucher plaa. Governor Votaovich's proposals are a n attempt to solve Ohio's school funding prob'eins without increasing or modifying our state tax structure. Instead,ter•*&! move tax increasestothe local district level, increasing the burden on residential property owners., There fas* to be a better way! And. that's w*-ere year help is needed. Our state legislators ara the elected officials who will act on the Governor's proposal, and they need to hear from you. Please wide to them {addresses below). ' with a copy to George Vainovicb, expressing your feelings about the Governor's plaa. Ask these legislator* to menmimt carefully all the decide if. when, and bow their children go bo school. ShMfftf safety, i n these fr j a shared respnnsihffity. It B u r r - — 4 Tuesday Night (A brief report oa the official actions taken by your board of education at its February meeting.) * The superinitndent.: and! -1 board n n ^ > y " Terry Ryan and Bill Moms. reported on the periodic c p d * * of the district's Strategic Planj , •.'•_ • Official approval was given to eflow Davkt Monca to finv""" as the hoard's destgnee to hear srodect suspensaoaanppajtr and dtscrimioation -ccfoplaints. * Fermissian was granted to latexnattnnat EducatkutToittm to place aa ffxrhaffl* «ftiAmf in ALHS next year. T • Donatioos w e n accepted ***** •P* preciationfrom the Redwood PTA. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Madey, and, Charles Nowak (class of ^BBJ. >. •:-.-• "J£j 7^ * Job descriptions for Educational At-' ^ and Annual Report/District fiwrfin-t»n^ wwwt ragflfartha ;. • . Board of ^ ^ f«{gr»m*ttt« were approved^ Thee iighthottse Shines Brighter One of the many ^ l ^ of nt^iftfi* awgjlabh tp thftT* tO Solve Ohio's the recent Strategic Planning Kstraot iictwffi funding rr^iit Remind *h*"* that was larry Severn*' report on the com-""1' legislators in oth^r itatpn H^*» Kentucky .' inanity service obfcsctive in the plan. ~ ' and Michigan, have had the courage to Jerry's report h^hy<tt a video tape o f * boldly and creatively deal with school the toy cotketum for the Salvation Arfunding: while Texrs has been mired in a five-year court and legislative battle , my.Wuliant Todhunler.'S. Mtjor with the Salvation Army, wrote a thank-you -because they tried a Robin Hood-type fetter which read, in paxV.'ttl* npUfoag:e p£ta similartothe one our Governor has .toknow there are friends who are stan* v ' ' p r o p o s e d . :.'.'••••.•:.., -• - • . ••-•.- - ( ;•• ding. wtth. us in our endeevors-A well -. Please take tiaae t s fat a note to cur r state legislator* and sand a copy o f : duje to those students x n o helped.** C The ALHS PTA newsletter hesa great^^ your correspondtnee to the Goventt r. profesatonaL desk-top' publishing lookw State Representative*: Honorable John. P. Bender. The Stale House. Cdambus.^ . thank* to the-edtting oHort»;of Dana? OH 43215; Honorable Joseph F. Kbxfaus.^ TMrty-flvfratudents^ under'the (Urec-^ Ttie State House. Columbus, OH 43215. S u t e - Senator: Honorable Alan J. •;-"tknjal PamOeraci and Sam SahiOt wereZ^Ieakl. The State House. Cohrmbus, ' the.stars of the recent Locain County I * J* ' ^ dependent Study Fair-Thank* to all f^ "^ OH 43215; and Governor: The CovernorP The Stats House. Columbus. OH ~ volvecU tnchtrfbg the'jtidges ripriMao" 4 3 2 1 5 . ^ * • • • " - • , • . . - • - ! . ; . , ; • :,-.'.-.;:r-y-.::, ; >^Ung Avon Lake; Clayton J „.,— and Jack Barthela; and Nancy Ranabarg^ A Word About School ChMitTi Last Jason CalL an ALHS grsduate and Wednesday. I had a number of phon* Westminster College student, recently calls from parents that were concerned that our schools remained open when a '• spent a f o i t h experiencing iedncatknii number of area •chools, were closed., • at Erieview. He wrate-Vbice thankyoa; note which reid,'in part, -."The ^anttie The freezing rain hit here at a time that , complicated the decision to close o r not - staff could not have been more 1 ; and '„ helpful' In •. iTitftyltKTtnj to d o s e schooL And,, as usual, our city y ;euncentary education as a c a n service ctew had many of our roads >-.Mary Sue Reimuefier and 1 sahed and in pretty good shape to traveL^ were initiated Into Phi Oeha, Kappa » « . If we clone schools after about 0 3 0 ajn^ Feb. 7 because of their bswuvemantiai we run into problem* ^with working. educational programs. .•,-•.;.' ^/^T$M?$*F& ' parents dropping studa&ts off at erapty A dosingThottght; Urnnuaxmoptim: buildings, or MraB. chilCren returning' home to lockui houses, uusuperyised, ' ' JUr purse Into headjut matt can away from aim. An investm. because parents did not have adequate knowledge always pays the tmt fntejwt time t c make appropriate day-care Benfamin Franklin. 'n arrangements.;' :•!:'", ••. Therefore, we encourage parents to evaluate their own situations am!, deter mine whether i f i safe to semi their Minouhw Mtdatnovona aat children to school. If • parent chooses t o ' Conceotfan1; keep his/her chQd(real at home, there ducts to aanust hdmtn Wracutou. Uedal, are n o negativo consequences. The HMana'riwn Sunday, March 5 through Monday. 3 absence Is excused. No problem. The March *X vmcanttan Fatnsr Thomas W t r f t S c i age of the child, bow far Iw or she has to C M . <M ralum to i ntocondua tMc year's IS walk, and the parent's situation are factors that vary a great deal from borne to _„ ^ — ^JorSunday^lllarcnSi.. home. That's why It's Important f o r ' 7ao tun. The nowna wUl be hsWtiurinaVm' parents to make this decision.-If the Avon Lake City Schools are open, parents can assume that our transportator World P M C * . a hsppy tamily. vocatlona and j tion U running and our buildings will be (Of your S(»cial Intentions. safe and warm. Parents, then, can . S M Tin* SMnbto «r 9wy Upatormot* artrihk. Expfe-M 2-as-.*S I I BEAUTIFUL STVMNED-^LASS ANGELS^j **&* *&i»££»&E5f S£: 835"3533 Preparations made to teach special needs students in home districts B y Jim P v t n r a i ,. .., , ' • AVON LAKE - The school hoard in™ * ^ a Job descriptiontohefa? Avon take urnnour seep up mth the growing tread o f educating handicapped students in the districts in which they a s i d e . A first reading of the position of Educational Attendant tnts received Monday, with no action *=);m - A n Educational AHgw^nf m i , i ^ fa (tventhing bran t i t t ™ ^ a student to fa*ti°g or inserting catheter* t n d protiding other m^K^t attmrttyem accor- 'The pMHtwtn would p3y the salary e s gri»«-«Kn»al aides receive, which Dusek said is 10051117 between 312 and SIS an hour. *fhe 25-membex Strategic Flan Commicee convened Jan. 15 and 27 to asssss progress over the 18 months sines rts wrrrni g a. Tfar The rnmitiittntf last i r w rnmitiittntf fJ;™:—J~4 ^Ji^njpfft^ tuseliaes far its goals in iaxor of a fiseyear objective. Committee ™ H I 1 W William Morris III id the rnimmyff of thf- mir.mtttv* WES that time hoes create a feeling of restricd i n g I n S i A tion when attempting to accomplish a p p ^ f^aytnn DnwA. difficult goaL He believes a yearly Caneal taarhers* ai&s ate not trained review by the whole beard will insure to these skiUs. that the objectives are carnal out. ,-•:; There is a national initiativetokeep One abjective already* being met is of- *ftwwrt» with special needs in their fering **™ntTHTittty *erviCB itW TtTT^JTItS - district. Drv Dusek added,fowtaadof of a't grade !sve&. Dusek slid «HIA»^*T -'.. , transporting them to special feu-tKK»f have done services from collecting toys • '-'••'-*"W«*wju«* ptepering for n V Dr. for the Salvation Army to shoveling Otuefc said. "We d o s t have any snowfoethe elderly. student* with special aeeds now." ' T h e «f>twtntttp«* oJtn uninM tQ of technology* and to create a computer network Unking all of Avon Lake's yfrfw^r for student ?ra~g^? Dusek said the plan hay Redwood PTA Ear school items inof a the computer. Abo accepted were a Macls' tosh computer and printer from &lri £qd ' Mrs. y«rhgwt Madey. and ctenA—-fit^ trom Charles Xowak. * • The board also approved placement of *VH* ^^^ff"gff ^frfiit^ at Avon High School by the International Edu ttnn Fcrum. working n" bow to rr"Tt^ c p with *hf moneytosupport a c h s ventare- In other business • The board accepted HJS70 fmta. the School-community forum set T h e Avon Lake City S c h o o l s L-E-A-P-S. Preschool invites you to attend a whfmi^nmm^fijKr f^piTn Take 1 advantage of an opportunity to discuss Troy Bu og Principalvj Mary ODee. This iTiti i will be ^ *V^ 00.Tuesday. y h Troy T Building ild in Feb. 23 at 7 p.m. ut the Room 21 3 V Mart yy^TT' k forward d to saving you on Tuesday. look Feb. 28 £ 7 p j a . at the Troy Butldiog.. School Superintendent Or, Dosek. Board o f ^ i m > 1*^* ni«»wih»Ty_ school • ; Barbara Dslgtetsh. and >-22»d thruFeb.^8th. W93 PESI G .WEST , AVDNIAM F O O D S * T f-arxncTiy known ; Complete Advertising Art Studio pl ~•:••_,-•. ^^y^t^^^/gg^^Ts^/^g^ Brochuces • N e w s k a a s • Logo Design <Md Fhoco Etestoradoa P*irym**l2%t 1%. Skim Mn. WtiM — Milk RONNAMUSJEUSre Full-CutfountSticks WOt *W* ^ « iVpai/e/ £Z 69 ^A«P LINE DANCING - * - ?¥&?-. 6 - Tuesdays >v Y*1 Febramy 21$t thru March 2 8 - *<.Cast $ 2 i J 6 nvsfc$ or $4jwr perMnpercLui EOSHHERTCkGB CENTER. ULTRA 90 YOCUST... a «* COTTAGE CHEESE . 6P 2/9Pf S POPCORN. -iPrxms- .U<^S1'4PL 88Q SAUCE •• GfadF»d line Dance CLiss 7-S pm Register at tfre Doer or Call 779-4^45 Stmfftr }na 21**. MOBILE LOCK SERVICE; 1 ^VUtMM MNic ••£uit\ kteo**t only Btftiwflfr Mi £ fruit wax SHcuua wisn. u, OoityUd Prink ... • . ConuncrcUI ft Residential Locks 2 0 % OFF* Any Service M.4SCJ. o CARROT CAKE.;. ... Ockla-AIIVMMtOT* ^ Call Today (216) 327-8386 WARNING! ITWia JAKED POTATO.-...,. M*-UrHtmi Coffee BikriJ. . '/ ,.. \6<*.$1A9 Chaffed Ham i+jfo. MUmUt Tom Carfrtfk Froduce Bathroom Tissue TURKEY HAM...;. Tomatoes n. ASPARAGUS )2K*U TURKEY PASTRAMI. ^ ^ 2 . Roast Beef C BEAR CLAWS... jb. BREAD.^^.n GRAPES: SwnUn No*#t . MACARONI SALAD Holnut County ORANGES LONGHORN CHEESE. WCNCEEOAST "MOUfiE CALLS" ARE MT SPECIALTVt ib Opt Chickens \*>$>2.0P ff Hulth/Cktiu Chicken Breast /: $2-79* Imrft StUttit* tfCntm »nA Fruit Fit* --• in Att SUts X " - # • « * » " NEW WINTER HOURS: 7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Daily - 453 Avon^elden Road. Avon Inkc 9 3 3 - 9 1 ^ x GREAT SELECTIQN COLD BEER WINE POP • At^taie Midtmim'Pricc " _:-,., L.JJSI- Church poses latest threat to Avon's zoning plan ir Planner ]Jim " Piazza acted nwrtp^ thi t t » "snofc^ rrmfoS, and said he does not thin): it's a, school cscanssof • ktml heavy traffic from industrial truda Eldred predicted that sooner or later'; there would be mmplafn)^ frata 'rt»f>' church about noise or odozs fjfim to-i dmtry, or about safety issues such, as; ty Karen Dr»«kr 3 By case of ofspaE-zoxung, spaE-zoxung, aa big htg**so-no~ "no- no" in in the aba pn'rtH out oat tfrj* that the the Bialosky a b a p"'T^«i city. heaviest traffic froia the cLurct would be on Sundays, when most industries I AVQK V The etexaents of what Chairman Paid Burik told the church are rlnwrf leaders he would welcome tbe church to • *y ia Avaa were spread oa tbe table at the cirr, but recommendedfinrftnga Rev. Zndrei •faf»n4wl his ch<ik^ of the • Planning Commission's Feb. 15 location in a residential zone, or asking Road SitS, fainting out ***** ; nesting. Council to giant a special use permit to af t* a family^riffm^ JariH i w y auow it to build ia the industrial zone. \ Senior Pastor Paul A. Endrei of Tne E h His plans Ear the 23 acres Church oo. the SUxe was denied his re-Both the Hiurcfa representatives and questfoxthe Planning r.nmn.igEtnn to the planners presented strong said the area does not have "an inncommead to Council the rescuing of arguments for their opposite pnH»tf of dustrial appearance.1* ?f^f said h " industrial land Ear the church's **>Twnt view. building would not be "churchy, with a The plans bring up two tswes *M» Rev. Endrei said he wants to start widi big A^ ^ v ^ 1 g steeple** p but ra^ : have beea hot potatoestathe past: spot a sanctuary for his 4ua*nember conb buuoiog. He addiH. that there is an ex* gregation and a day c a n center to serve isting treeline screening the property zooing, and the proper locationfarchild care services. woHdog patents in the industrial area. frnm ^ a g d Rfltlfl After that a frtfrthfahed. be said he The bevy of advisers who stayed with **i thirit- it would be a tremendous wants to start aa elementary school, Ker-Endrei until it was fina3y his turn benefil to tbe industrial community. 1 presumably to serve those children as to addnss tha planners, at about 11 guarantee that it is needed.** Endrei weflas thiw nf t-tinn-h imni^n pjnw indicated a simnte "no" wasn't . s a i d . . . . • , • • . . , • jikeiy to discourage them bom their "Open your minds to the £act that this Veteran r^HTwr labs ^**rr^ jtfTffwwi ~ p u r s n i t - * •.."_•. -• could be a good thing," architect Jack the amhi-roitfioa dollar investment the Bialosky challenged the city. Another oddity is that the church city is making to develop its industrial He said the trend in progressive Eurozone, with the hope of recouping its into justify locating in an pean cities, and beginning to be seen in vaatman* fmm jn^.t^tfig] taxes. He addindustrial area. What the Church on the this country, is not to strictly segregate ed that assessments for w*ilrlw*jT arw * Riw wants to da i* get 28 seres of land. tanrf txagw aiu* wnnnmiC ^ f a n ^ . ' roads Cor iodsstzial land will be high. Some corporations are starting; tool-" Fodrei replied that be •musn&est rezoced from in* fer on-the-premises day care and, mow there will be sewer i dn»trialtog3*amute£upuyreiiid raieiy and more progressively,, sponsor church i s prepared to pay them. He category which inch ides churches. on-site elementary schools. Spokesmen'"' ducked the tax issue by saying the - Thefive-naexnberPlanning Commis- say such services are a perk tor church will be as asset to the industrial sion votwj nwinhnomly against the proemployees and. in tact build employee posal; which they descsifcssi as * simple loyally to sponsoring companies. lit. traffic. • •- • ,.- ;,.-i->.-:^ Planner Tom Wearsch said M'ur-»m was with rezonins i"^"« to an R-3 zone. •--"';-- .'•:'-&£ "We d o n t want an R-3 zone tbexsl; Thi* project might fat* throngg and weTtf.; be stuck with R-3. which is muttMamuj^i We could have higb-riss apaztmeot^ ea. . . ;. / ..• g the m «« ri "g. g. dres Fotlowing Roe. was overheard his bb f i w a t hd reassuring; h "We're not goingtogive up." ,:X Hs could gotoCUy Council >-d parsue the rezoning request widuattPI ins O ' ^ he could ask for a special use permit ia:J the industrial; ' IIW um-i imp im ma anna t i^Burca oa.1^, the Pise presently meet: In Bay Vfflageii^l Endrei said it spectalizeffiiL ouiinach l o . ^ families, wnb ono-tbird of the cocgregaA^.^ ban under IS. Heabo «afd he expecuimi : ^£ 40O membership to growtoMO-fiOO^'w/' t h e n e a r f u t a r a . . . .'.••-. • .•••:•>•_, ..'"t;:;.>. ^ i ^ i r - ^ Church pn the rise renews pleas for Chester site ByKazcaOnudcr w$ Chester Hoed. •- Council response wais basically tbe. —The Eev. Paul A; Endrei of name as Planning Commission's: We'd the. Church on the Rise came back to like to welcome you to the city, but not ; Cty Cwmfil Monday i^'ghCt wftpr fail'pg in our industrial zone. to get Haiming ComnuMipn's approval Rev, Endrei wanted A n a to change its fir plans io bmtd on 28 acre* acrasa . Zk^ing finm mAi.-4ri | to multi-lkmuy 'from"fiofldtfn*!?—Mfumnt psrit oc : residential ao he eooMwbuild his church: after planners iqected that, he asked "We're'aot talkmg about»little whftfr^ Conncil ta approve a special use permit chnrcb with a steeple^" be insisted.~^W ''' so he confr^ boUd in the f***** location. The aiy also stands Ut iBia up'to.71.^ He asked lor Councffs help wish bis tax-paying1 employee* when the project^ plan. is fiilhr developed, according ttt.**"^ '*** Attempting* to sell his irfpn. the minis* ter stressed the service be could offer 0 " " " ^ Twwnhof* incjitinned Hfh^r^-i tbe industrial sector, while aaving the at noise, pooatbltf odor; and heavy truekl, 28 acres would on>y be two percent of. tnJEc in attemptingtosteer tbe charthj? thscitVc- indusboalland.' • •'• ?'•.-Jeaders«wqrfrantbeiadustrialr theiaijstrial aw ^ \. Eev, Fndrei listed <toy care for jadiiumatter bow s u c h set-back: trial workers.' wbkh is sot praAenUy .have; jrou w will ercntuaUv bavrindns svailahla in the northeast end of Avon; Crie. around y o n - Mayor Jim Smith around outdoor lecre*tion faciUt-ie* Kich ss-soo ^ tithtW • cer)field*sad softbal! dinTTV^n^i wbicb. bamdreir fcef' aefrback ; aucit .:«»the ' ctty -needs, and awentDaUy :a Goodtimea ha» would solve the above • Christian academy because a segment <«* • p r o b I e B i a , r . % ^ - : ^ • • , , - . - = - - ; ; . ^ . y = % ~ i - . £ £ ; i L ^ theoxamuaity want*privatescnools, \•''"'* CouacC Fnauott Ed Krymtomki 'muilm • Itwouldbea'oaa^topdrop'tbeituc*- Councflman John Eldred offered to b*b>^" " igter said. B» ^^i^-wrfyd tt**t bis the church leaders locate the-25-35" TT and nan* aer—thfTneed-matMM^nH.i^^f^r •-- - • . - • - - . • • • - - • • • ,~ ^ • v : 4 f r ; £ : l & '.. F&ness trainingprogmn v.r*. ,.,v j ^ -.-.. .: ' • A 'Ftnm* TmktngtorSports Injuiv' P f W v ^ j v Bon an-1 Reeowwy' pragram tM o* M d at Vm :Mf, uVitod Avon Branch Lttxwr. 374*s HWVMI Or, Awn, r=J; ** attorney-at-taw - PERSONAL INJURY Automobile Injuries •Wrongful Death. Insurance Claims • Negligence Cases • Uninsured Motorist Service . > , v 763 Avon Balden Bd., Avon\"_oke Serving A von tytke & Surrounding Communijies For 32 Years. Foreign & Do/nestlc Cars &. Light Trucks AutoCare Center* W» Install Quotlty NAPA Part 1 vF • Major & Minor Mechanical Repair • Complete Collision and Paint Repair •Free Damage Reports • We Welcome Insurance Repairs - Rental Cars Available SERVICE HOURS: Mon-Frf 8 am-6 pm ica 933-5123 S 3 ' • & & & ' . " - • ' • Scouts lorn wood ant toatw « etwir and wtttt • spitetoran MT f J •--:-.^-cTr'J.-.\--ivKV v -'i Open Year 'Round Dairq pueen brazier. Come-'and. Enjoy Our NEW Dining Rooml r _ MEALS Grand Opening Special: Just Single Burger. French Fries }M &SfD Avon Lake Corner MUltr & Walker Roads e sidewalk again in jeopardy XDsl Ordinance mrtf Tmcq j t » much of the fiiudmg WBS ofered. andfGod ts injured b h Ibrfiid ojfc responded IB «Dg«;-Hn« » a bancfa o f h w v t 1 ^ TOO^Ibrno more (city) money &• th» aP Pasid Kaiser id iifcabw,, j ^a, mangai ha mind; opposed at first, because of speadm* ory money. But It* rcalt? thoccti ab«ttt.We shocid go hecktotheSfc- A-fSV** £** betoolatetomake a dtffFirnrp To over-ride toe previous drteat of the ordinance would rsfoire six of tbeaevea Cooocit votes. Council ciemfcer Shirley DOBS iodkated she st£U plans tu support the sidewalk only if so tttj mooej ia required. Ihct couid acut«** *h~ whole project, according to gfeoer; •KnightV letter outlined the steps necessary to ahrink the project« Cornell voted to do last wed. To reduce the scope of the project, either the cumber or tenpfiriariea or sidewalk length, would x&pare CD a pubEe bearing: (£> approval from the State to »^vnA the g be approved in order to grant agreement; uid (3) approval of as bring the project cost to within theoriginal eatimate. hewever, I have never had Tbs cityosuid bold the public hemr- tareqoest an """"H^nt yhach riintvtftfe a n d If nigh* mrfw^ilja^ y n i sated d a euy"» previous off the date would piobably amount." Kui^itfs letterstated. , ;. h cosupletkii l not be a prob'iem; but *he dramatic A sidewalk ardmance wiB t e on rpdiirtwi of sojpe is. • agenda next week, A puhEie l i e \eaet /itatec -*^n tb» regard. hearing wIB have to"be>he'..if CaaxH p ^ tjjaj jj^ ^ Q ^ decides to stick with the measure passed estunatefix-this project was $64,970 on Feb. 13, shonening t ^ walk so with the city baring aunistizied to pro- Q3BG fLnds cover the entire corf, or if viding . $37,370 from its rapit^ it decides not to goforwardwith1 the •.... •-,.'., j-•-"• jJ ..r -.. i :. Intpnvcmeat Fund Ka. -till;.with pn^ectataU. Tune in next w e e k _ •;'''.. '•:•::,'••..:. S27.200 to come from CDBG fitndi"N a reductian ia scope amend- Hille earns Eagle Scout award David Hille recenttv received bis Eagle Scoot award at a ceremony at Cnrirt Lcthe-aa Church in Avon Tf^f Onhr two perceia of afl scouta attain this bigb award. Dave has been a member of Troop 300 for seven years. He has 25 merit badge*. «nc* has attendedfiresunkmer camps. H» EagW project invoked directing a crew of scouts to paint tha trim on Lie outside of Christ tutbena JackMatia , fr*«"Miiy over SO hours of **-J3**** ^ a seaiw at Awoit take High SchocL where he is uWtreasorer of his class, ma honor xoQ itudeat. SWC Scholar-Atblete award winner for football, yearbook activities editor, manber of the baseball team* FCA. Ccmcemed Teen*, and Student Council. Dave is th* son of Ken and LaursI HEUe of Avoa L a k e . - . • . • • . / . t •..,„• .'• . , . . , . , . . ' Delivered fresh daily from Marystville, Ohio. 1100 E. Broad Street Syria. Ohio 44035 1-600-327-5501 (Formerly Boa ftCUart - Eaflte Scout; Rich 2oBo. former fonnor Scoutma^«: ' ^ ^ " D i s c o v e r wli&t true Karat€ caii dc^forvyou** ^ anct dtedpanc • Greater attention span^ Sdr-conGdesce • Strength to say NO to ' Better work habits unhealthy-peer pressure " . M Gmantm Uwdwr Tfar Otrtcuoo of intrmaUnw*V Our Experience win make the differenceforyou* Detroit Rd. • Wcstlate • 835-2555 INTERNATIONAI; KARATE CENTERS 4 4 5 Avon Belden Rd. . . " In The Tandlngt Next to Tom Car Food* .. av« 930-2530 sas-saao 'ttirttf mine raff' •$I?.95 • T ' ' Ipatructioa with Fmmfly Vatoes for over 2 0 Tear*. . MEN • WOMEN • CHILDREN f/| j^^{ Bay Village Montessori School Custom Area Rugs •'Custom Window Treatments In and See The Store ST^Cilwcslbu More\&Iue; Selection and Professional Service. K i i ^ No Interest, No Payments for 6 Mo • Sun. 72-5 1/2 mile West of Columbia on Detroit Rd ; : 493 Forestries Rood, Bay Village, Ohio . , ,. (CORA«XOfWC?tF&HWJES7VIEH0 > U K J ^'"!:.-' OPENHOUSE -r;:^^^ Sunday February 26th 1:00-4:00 p,m; v; EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN 2-12 YEARS BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM h TOUR THE CLASSROOMS - MEET OUR STAFF LEARN MORE ABOUT MONTESSORI EDUCATION FORYOURCHILD CALL871-8773 '.-.?•' " A state cbarlered school Mrving families of all communities welcome. Admission open to iiudents of any race* color, K X . national or ethnic origin. ^ ..,; BONUS BUY VWlicks Thank You Avon Bi-Rife 37525 Colorado five. 934-5109 Mon.-Sun. 7:00 ajn. -10:00 p.ra MQNEVORDcRS59C With $20 Purchase , Butdier S&OP Quaaty Meats &• Potifiry • Fresb Sficed Oea Meats &• Cheeses • Hot SOUP • Farm Fresb ifroduce • Fresh Bated Bread &- Pastries • From Our Own in Store Safcery! • Qtao tottery Afl of Voor Grocery & Household Needs With S !0 Purchase LOCALLY OWNS) AND OPERATED EECyaEJTSCOOORJffaffRWflOK' ^-y3** Prices Goodffled_F*.22 tinaATaa. ftft.28. »95 ss Life's WOT Just A UUER HOT0 Bowl Breaded PERCH O F Cherries _ BOLOGNA...........;*.....«tfiuV7 —We've goi great WOZZARELLA CH£ES£..:^»ttJ^2* r> Washington';* Birthday Values, Too! ; <£cfcridti{MDasaar 8ooeie«niflCuf ROUND ST£A RiP STEAK : „ ; . : . ; ^ : . . _ ; $9 9? •'-T'-, Wtttt Bleach &Uosceotcd " - ULTKA TIDE.;.,-. .^4246 6 t Kefloess Rice KrisPiesor Rice Krispies Treats CORN TWISTEES . ; . . . . . . ; ^ 8 ^ 9 9 j | GALLON MILK 15 02. l:t i $ 1 69 I• CORN POPS::;.-.:;.;..»v.;..; 6 * PEPSI COLA NOOOLES..:.........:...:.i6Oz. I * SfaritijtfWaierorOUJ CLdft • TUNA,. ...........60tVvT 99C $77 49 ...........sot $tt 79 CouatvlJne CHEESE SLICES COTTON CLUB....l.....;.;2ttrs: 1 Lu. Bafi Cello Carrots Pierre's Super SCOOP ICECREAM CHrps AHoy.^.^..;.: ikw* c ^ 2 « ^ 120*. I I* Cucumbers Green Onions •6Oz.Ce« Radishes 1602. 9 / $ 7 00 Dainineos Cf y « ORANCEJUICE.. $ ..i/zcat Cranny Smith. Red OeOcfous orCoWeuDelictous APPLE BONAN2A........ Wheat BREAD..;.. . . . . . 16 Oz. Bsoc CREMEPIE. O-flniciiorBosc p £ f l R s - - - - , • • ....... tf_ :•• 2 In- * Business T&r 92 fit; 333-3733 871^0488 ^ 365-2587 32020 Walker Rd., Avon; Lake Smythe, Cramer Co. Lists and Sells a House Every Hour, 24 Hours a Day, 365 Days a Year. S8B213. taw coMsudxm «ady tor j a d GtwC loor plan W Boar naskr & bumky. twga (Snins o n , t w * y CTL « Sreoiaoa ft cathedral caOng. Utcfaao has dtoa* ft d d v t (aaryanl Jt9SJ»0 Lauria Bdk; S33-3733J87*«4aa- if •-4! 42. This rtaifrefcwi ncaw bat tot* to ottK. Spaobwc poMnt 1st foor tauodry. fcwwy m a r t * tMtt. U l ^ 4 t * AWBM.gaaitoriWLap<pgWdwctiBQA«tK pcdL PDCB Mduad >3 S2Otj90Q. Lauds Brtt « ysii^g.i- Let the' •*-"_.* fa Next One 888851. On* of * kind custom Wsshriods boae-indudas K n porch, leidston* baptaca, «Mt tnr, priuato laundry room. ttnvy. mater auHe & gouniwt kltciwc On quM woodwl ctld » « c lot S294J00 L M i t Bftl. 87t-04aa933-73T9. 688686. How about an aUonU*/ priced hone an a qutet dac^and atraar? h I M U U 3 teCinu. troa aaWn. Ufchen, tanaly «oom. tauneiry raoo^. lift oaths, tear dack ft lanced yard. CM now ~" Be Yours. fiettflftsTh* • p t t a a i i r dKanorie 4 unlqua floor plan ofIvad In tnii buMvrs imxW wW w|n your heart. BuNdar.upojnKlas, 4 twJioonia, tandy nw. ipftAanunQ; { • Swptaca, tmOmaoi loom ft morai CMJOQ Lauri* B « . 833-3733. rfil Find out when you meet with one of our Weekly On&te Lenders : & , I4& O To determine if you need to seH before purchasing another S^swi.*fc!.v eeO73a. N M L M a ^ «y h o m e . o coL gnckXM LR ft country U . 4 badnik. 2 M bain kwfOng FR * « n wdbrrr ft booiutMhiw. SMtvfty ft •prlnUar •ystan» inWwd twnnt S23S.800. Sown SehUno. 933J733. •.'-•• . . ,. • . 642S72. BwMJtULI bulktan modal - opan 1-5 SaL ft Suo. 903 Dawnthlw. 4 bdrrra^. 2*4 twins, graal rra. Wflrapteca. Irg. WLft.formaldin. m u W Br. taundry ft 2 c»r gar. Ottiar lots ft floor plans avtrfabl*. S1S9.900 Lauri* BriH. 833-3733A7337 9 . • • • . • • - • •• •• • - > • • • . • . • • - * O Have all of your questions answered by professionals in a relaxed atmosphere. rrt- lj - •; 3 6 9 « 5 1 . DwUno 3 bsdnom Cap* Cod has 1st Soar mastsr. a county kftchan. 1st 8oor touraay ft 2 car attachad oarsga. Ch^minQ dacor and bei ol curt) appsaL You naad to this onat S72.U0O. Uurts Brti, BT1-048WS33-7379. D To explore VA/FHA tow down payment loans. O Tips on coordinating your sale and new purchase tn l > day's marketplace. . HEi 7 33» O To privately & confidentially determine your current buying power. m m 687306. Shows Ika bds.. 2 baths, dan. screened porch, ft are included. CaS Sue Ptchon at 933-3733 tor a P«—iwd want earn v nnipainii ay imfim. Qmm Cd. WHEM: WEDNESDAY M PM. SUNDAY 1 ^ PM. WHERE: SMYTHE, CRAMER CO. 32020 WALKER R O , AVOM LAKE J99546. Naw ladng. toraly ranch with many amanKfaa. 3 badmv.. bntily rm. Wnawar carpat. updated kSchan ft batfv plua basamant <M^ac room. Outskto y w wM Ond maiur* traas. dack ft toncad yard. S93.900. Carol J. Graaeo. 933-3733. • Find new professional challenges and rewards! tell mm mm Christa Mory, Manager "I will work withyou and for you, to become one of the "Best in the Business." Together, we're partners. Smythe, Cramer Co. is always looking for enthusiastic, motivated individuals who are seriously interested in full-time real estate careers. That's how we grow - through tliose whose commitment and abilitiesfitour philosophy and style. Learn more, give me a call." Christa Mory, Manager^ Avon Lake Office, 933-3733 Quality Service Since 1903 &' A ; .-' it 1 Head-on collision, oil spilf occupy AL safety forces | l : AVON 1 A T E - . I t e m p e o p l e u e n i n •v fared FehvlQ when a car, making a left gf turn bora lake Road onto MiSer Road, >•* did so in the path of an "****" nn^g!. eastg 'bound car.TmKJnga bead-on collision. K ^ The m a l e driver of the turning cat, 3. and a man ami woman in th^ »a«rtwp»nwf *; car had visible injuries and were taken g by Avon .Lais aorf Bay Village am^ balances to St. Joseph Hospital in Lorain "•and St. John Westshore Hospital in POLICE I BLOTFIR Deer, deer •.','. . . . . - / . : \ .•-.: : • Two deer were hit by c a n on Walker Road in recent days, one on Feb. 13 and • ana on the 14£h. Both riff r limped oif before police arrived. , . - Car crimes ".: ; "'""'.'.7~ : -'• A fTharWtnn Avenue resident, told : police Feb.; 11 t*m» his car bad been • damaged ths nfgM before while it was . parked at Avou Lake High School. The damage occurred between 7 and 11 r " i : the aggrieved car owner said. ~ •';. Chariots of ice I I . A Lear Road homeowner crrn p l a i n t "• - • . Another residect HIVTT 'I*T* H the tires ' o n his car. parked overnightin his Feb. 10 that snowmobilers have beemiug W e s t l a k e . :• • . . : ' • • • • . ing extensive damage to hi? yard, ft*W ._ driveway on Inwood Boulevard, slashed '; residents and an open i2^pack of beer. the morning of Feb. I t . . /•',;;'.,; :'•".-. Tb« accident occurred shortly before , -The youths were charged with underage in the, j n a o c Toe drhrer of the njrniag car was ' consumption of alcohoL . ~ late evening hours. He said hell press • charged woth Caiiure tayiekfc . ; - 1 charges against anybody caughL "/_ 1 '.-;•• • •:,•'. 1 - ; ; : ; c ; : ; ' : , - . ; ' . : . - : .'>.••''! A semitrailer truck was heading west And over on Walker Bnartj a resident - M s B d r o p An Englewood Drive woman found' Tripoli nnrf that «"QT"'-»f*itTT d&mag-. : . ' on Walks* Road Feb. 13 shortly after 11* ' Puzzling entry - ,\" '.-" some personal papers, mail and'okt" .."•'..' BMLfihetX it suddenly west o S the north ed his iwaiThmf1 this o s Feb. liL-.--.~ . *An entry in the police radio log from. v -.side,cf the roadway and stnsch a con-' V photos strewn about the street in fxomv Feb. 14 revealed the curious lad that an - Crete bridge abutn»nt.-'Tne collision of a neighbor's house Feb. 9 at about 4 .. tnwood . Boulevard man. coming - caused ;dieMJl;&w^ to spill onto the Injured bean _-, / '_'•/., ' p.n~- Since her neighbors travel a lot, she .'. ^V.ioatBijiyiv^v:^^',-.;; ^ : ~ : " j 1 - ; • - downstairs in the morning, found a • A woman fell at the Qtgo station Feb.; ' may have been worried about a break-In./ model airplane on the floor next to the ' front door mwl sloL The householder 14 at about &30 a.m.. and bumped her ' JThe neighbors, however, were home,--^ i v e r w a a treated st thei>cenefor and said the debris drifting about the recaQfld heating a noise in the house al'. head. She required no Bfliistancn, but an ? minor injuries and was -charged with about 13O a.m. He thinks somebody ; officer fbUowed her to nuke sure she got 1 street was from a garbage bag that got^i' _•';. faQore to control 9 motor vehicle, accor- " r u n o v e r . - : ' . . ' r ' - > : '•"-•^ r \/; ;•':••;i'.^X'.',y'i:~ may have been trying to break in." .' "'•home all right. „ ..,_•_. • v " • ; ; d i n g . t o p o l i c e . - : £•,'_ - *•""••.••••'. ••-•• •• •L: - T h e Avon Lake Fire Department was \ Fond hope ; " ; . ' " • ; : : .-• • "• .• • V • ' .• ': called to the scene to reap up the oil • I A woman reported Feb.. 10 that she ,. -. Dribs'n drabs ...J.'* ~;^;:Xjy:.f.;j;^ 'mocking the thoroughfare •-% \ lost an envelope containing 5200, '•.--...-, T - T T . ! ; .•; - ; : - / - • / " 7 ~ * - j . - - - - • > - • ; • - - • • : ; • " - • '•;•- ~ A Soaward Way man complained Feb.-/I." ;i Ilia principal of Redwood School told 1 possibly at the Avon Lake Animal 13 that somebody is tampering with his i^'i""^'"^^r%^ ; .V'.iV" : :,.: *•' • m u t t . . ,.-„; -".- -%; ;;.'••' - - ; • - . . ^ - i l r ; ; , .V.fjJ; • ';'"-'. police Feb. 14 that he's been getting f Clinic She's hoping some honest soul Underage drinking.: \^;f::-\r;:H: [•;:': complaints from parents that other- finds it and turns it in. ' ' A prowler was .* reported sVuHdng ' : ; A eartfcatfatfed to stop at the atop parents are parking on,-Redwood J around Smugglers* Cove Feb.: 10 at , *£gn at Jffycoxasd Walker Roads Feb. 11 Boulevard and standing around chatting . around 1V3O pun. Police searched but; «*as stopped shortly alter 2 a^n. Inside •. with each other while waiting for their : Getting the lay of the land .... c o u l d n ' t f i n d a n y b o d y . - " ' : «.•'•>.;-•••:'••:< • 'ir •'V w»ra ^ i e e tlflryear-old -Avcn : Lake.-; kid*. This blocks' traffic, he said. • 'suspicious' Teasel Court man A TjndiDgs Way resident comphined -*>•' • reported a guy walking around near an Feb. ft that while walking his dog.at u , g.flbooDoon[Tal!TD df abandoned house in the woods off of about 9 3 0 pan., another dog attacked;! ;)• Lear Road Feb. 12. When an officer stop-v .him and his d o g . ; . • - . : - - . . • s . - ; . ^ - ; ; ; - - ^ ; ^ ; Tfc JITON JUNIOR WOMEN'S CLOT . ped by, the stroller said he had only fust". An upset patron of the Aqtia'Marme^.r' eo»ewi/j| miflteJ you to join us for a m moved into the city and was hist out Health Club reported the tneft o f $70 V . J5t ANNUAL NO^QINNER. DANCEBENEFIT looking around hfa new surroundings. from his wallet, which be had left in an ~t"£ uplocked locker the evening of Fen; 9.v,-vt^ Sat M ^ • - - ' ' - • ' . ' • - > • . • ' ' * " - ' • • " • _ . . ; 1 _-.v_%.vi"^1 i - . • • n."-f r '. Letters of Clevehod have put approodmfttely Vi 5^50^00^00 ; into: tb«;; Gateway•\)«ad^> Guad Arana compIex.vAboaCjfe S40.0OOJ30O of state- money has'gone to *'-]' • fund tbeRock & RoU Hall of Fame. How • Weekend meals ^ ^ much has been wasted on th« Playhouse'^ still delivered ^ ' Square complex and the great RTA iipiur ifj% ; To the* Edltorr ;' .' ' ' ^ ,-V to the flats-end lakefront which has n o t ^ , I would Eke'to say thank you/to ytbeeainda.pubUc;Buslj^ofs«Iu^S everyone who has come forward to help children all over.Cleveland succeeded'-'. ~ us save the weekend home - delivered only m getting those opposed.to I t . ^ meals program in Avon Lakb, Sheffield.' •-". leave'town. On. yes. don't forget H and Sheffield Lake. An pt Jan, 1. 1995, •.•'/• those- - generous tax ; abatentents'. tixaVj/ the federal government''slopped pro- ,, Ckvetand gave the. developers of those 'Z^ viding .weekend and holiitay meals to half empty office towers that they builtv;", senior citizens lo our servica area. Nor-.The mayor, 'school board; and ,ad- ; '2 theast Lorain County Social Services' "-'. nunistrators wonder why school levies ;i•• was faced.with having to make a dtf- _ perpetually fall in such an environment.;-/ ' ficult dedsioo. Should we go along with What are these people who droam %tp£& the budget cuts end stop feeding over 7 0 : these deals "slowlearnersorfast forget- ( senior citizens or should we try and,- , tersT" Give ' the;working.;imaii',,soo«ri > raise the money to start a program of our ' credit-They aren't asatupklas thepoliu^;^.7 ;: own? I am happy to report that we chosa. '' dans think or dnin.\b~:\&'.^U~^----^v- .;i---- to try and develop a new program rather : -We now have the i&airman of VrV^?: ;,'than neglect the need. However, we ; 'Steel heading a taskftrrceto see hourio'i-' .; could never have done so without the . hoodwink the public into paying for Im-lt'/i • .'dedication, loyalty, and commitment of p-ovemenls to the Cletreland Stadium.so j';,' ; m a n y individuals, community leaders that the Browns don't leave .town.'.;'^ and service organizations. . . Quoted figure, some.$134.000.000,-less'?:':' We owe a great deal of giatltude to- _ overruns, and the Chisna Browns dottX''--li: ( ,j leave town.; Quoted figure,' some";.'-'' ,',,, Mr, Paul Herman. Manager of Avon ',' Lake Rinl-Rego's. and his staff for their \ $134,000,000. less overruns, and ..the" '4 „. constant assistance and friendly service. . Chema factor. If I weie to be successful;.' ' In selling this executive a xontlnotis^v They went the first to help us try to solve :. "our problem. We are still In diz^neetf of _ caster for $134,000»00(l and such a plcco;^; / Individucls,: service cluits, add local - • of equipment would be utilized approx^',;' businesses in our community to help us ^ ; imately 40 hours per^jrear/ you can bet?$ ' keep this valuable program running sue- ; : your, place i n heaven.-. t h a t : th«>V ' cessfully. We cannot afford lo Ignore the: stockholders would .hiive him replaceil.i^ ; . needs of our older adult population any. in short order. 1 say ff \he choice is to go ^ la debt to satisfy Moduli's whims. let theV;-;; l o n g e r . •' • " • • - ; :•.•:. . ; • . - • • : Browns mover, TheiCIevelarttl Rams^;^ •••'•;•••./" 'v: . . L i s a M . D a n e v i c h chased the pot of gold in California in-":'?•• : 1945 and we got a better team under.;-irii Avon Lake should Paul Brown at that time. The Rams have ..' >:'': made two moves since they left this;'•'''••/ not be penalized To Che Editor: • • . : - area. If Model! leaves I sincerely believe •;- "•''' that others will take note that 80,000 -^ . The announcement that Governor people atilt ttirn out to see a mediocre" ; ^ Vninovich made regarding school funfootball team and bring a new group i-T1ding for districts that fail lo pans levies here'V - : ' . " ; • : ' ( " should disturb everyone In the Avon Lai? District. 1 suggest that nil persons effected by this decision write both the To Govomor Voinovicb I say let :>fc governor and their representatives In Cleveland and these communities solve '-"*% the legislature to oppose this revision of their own problems. Avon Lake should:*'%8& how state monies are allotted to the not be penalized for voting levies that-!&$ various systems. ' support their schools.' If this is the man- V.':'^ Cleveland Is to get an Increase af 22 ner that he chooses to fund education, ' V 2 percent in state funding for their we can all quit voting for future funding ^ schools. Before any changes are made to and get to the poverty level like those on the present system let's look at the manthe receiving end have done. That's one * ner In which that city has squandered way of getting our share. '.;, ••<. ^ their resources before accepting any .' - ; = ' . Richard L. Myers ; V revisions. Cuyahoga County and the' city , Continued from page 3 er^ ^ **y WELCOME WAGON basfc«t to fc*<*od wilft t M h j l oifts.lhfonCauon and cart* vouvcan ndasm for more gifts a t local businesses who'd >»>• to M y rHLT My caHia a friendly ;visit to help j y o u with tips for«ft your 40?40^^4a 40^40 40 40 OLQASCBAAF 933-8460 40; 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 The agent who insures idh :alsoprotect:ycur,; J low cr$-gifts c;ird$ 690 Avon Belden Kd (Rt'e. 83) Avon Lake. Ohio 933-3253 1-800-367-0018 for Ittr insuranc* that can ' providefinanceaea*iry lor tfiow ytt/ tare. e«ft--T - -, ..: CU&ML u • ^ ^ , AvonUke, ' ^ -Oi; Avon, Bay Village., \ *V »-,' :.and Jurroundingarearesidcnts, T - t»ringyourold,boringandbrokenjewelry : ";TOBE«RCCYaXD! > \ • into something new and exciting? DROPOITsiTE: EILEEN REIGERT '. Agwtf v;•:•,; r ( '>: *fflW' PETER&Co. . T . - '.-y- • '•• * ••• - ^ Jeu/e&n , • - 373-r Lear Road - (Next lo Rini-Ke-o) ,-•-: 32730 WaltMf Rosd ' *1n The landings" • Avon Lake, OH 44012 (216)933-6215 OStateFarm:: life Insurance M i fam LJ*i tn*mf*» Company Mom>OfftorB4oow<ncionMo« •; • : • " 9 5 5 - 4 * 7 1 . . . ' - • Custom rKiIgiu. Jrwrrliy Repair, Trtirl Rnttingi . Wntch Repair ...-TRAPC IN ACCOTEP.... YES, WE DO IT ALL~AND MORE ^.rORLESSl iglHCtrtiftatlPU|»MMli4ndOiw-a/'»KIiKlJc> Estate jewelry Bought and sou ' • M ; f , tOww• 7pm » SATUBPAT. lOam-Bptn • _ : ,!. >;••'••/, To Cur! Or Not To Curi Our Penns Grve You That Option. BetweenlheBookends 933-8128 -- , « w ^ ~ With your library card and •f,^another form of identifiratinp, patrons can receive a "pin nambet- as a password to access their own library records Eroni home or office. How much « I owe? Do I have any overdue items! ^ ' 2 5 " ? ********* <** I taye checked out? &^Tbi» Ini«niiatkin % accessible only to Our petmt C M fpt* you body, ihjpe1fatgf*M s>yir. , in th* picture. Let p cbuoa« ifar t*a«a poro speci fcvtnutMedfairVour luir typt. t t d tion and training and eSectbre job search strategies. rPlease register now at rim circuLitiOB l°*^ Monday. March 13. from 7to&30 > J B ^ >ou*U discover some new ideas tux preparing detectable recipes far that • special <Mya5i*>nj family dinner or tight meaL M&rgo Gemperiine o f RARE-A-•• PARC rm*—i• 933-3669 1 -» - - M*a AMP mit snHMO oBB Awn Lake B B formati Child'ren** News; Winterfestgg&rna*F*m W«elc Saturday. Feb. 25 is Thursday. 23 at 7, pjn. Prepare jf&L'th*testdayfineswill cot be charged foryourself forFeb. a delightful evening by the. ! fireplace with hot chocalate In hand. '^^,Frieadcffro8nuns:Tuesday.'Feb28al - t Lyn Sims will perform exciting super3K&7 pjtt- Rid Henunerwtfl be the speaker ' ; natural stories and folklore. Sponsored vK^tbr.tbe, FrA ids* program, held in the by t h e Friends: -•••. " =.-•. >~ S-Xbmniunlfy Jloom at the library. v '-_ Odyusy cf the Mind Demo: SaturJfe-Maodajr. March 6* a Career Re-entry: " Feb. 25 at I and 2 pjn-. students ^program wilt be held from &3G to &30 •; .ilay. Avon. Lake will perform sfcits.,. 3&pirn..by Martin faffe. Me Jafle will in- from **? treduce. issues p£ career focus, educa- Came and enjoy the creativity of the ••stuJents. • ••• • • — '•••'• t l item pizzas*'r ' [^SmffiANT&PEZA I li;31ARGE.lpc t l Item Pizzas1 V * o ^ i i B n i r m u s ' ••:• Broad Sticks with Cheese • Lara© BeccasSafact ' •'1; . - • • - " ' fernf PAIWI .-O tffernf PAI-WI • t^^Kr^n^pirogr^tat;^ .If you are re-entering the Job market or ,..- iasing new Job directions* you will be ^interested in thfrlafoPLACE workshop •-• the Avon Lake1 PuHlc Library, Mon,.—y, March 6 from &30 to (t30 pjn. The ^speaker will be Martitt JaHe. jnanager of 'Cuyshoga County Public Library's ln~ IbPLACE.'a career information center, JMri Jaffa will introduce issues of career ^focus,education and training, and eflec- *^^ P 934-6673 • • 375QQ Harvest Drive^c "''will take a"«elf-dlrected test, consiider ' placement assessment «nd receive the L boot "Caragf yision,"". Pro-registration -and 'payment of a $3 £-e for the •':• workshop are necessary by Wednesday.' /.March 1. Registration is limited, so r- register now at the circulation desk at the Avon Lake Public Library, 32649 ' Electric Blvd. The program, sponsored by Friends of the Library, is open to the 'public-,"."''_•.:' ' - • e r*.r 0 eePs*.4v-:-.L s 4I^UMCHJA(OV^*^^er0 ••."•• : ' • MMLV 0 I M « ? AND QPS&UED •Vinyl ; •Ceromics • Carpet • Hardvyood Roors KI7CHEN&BATH PUNNING Capet Samples 25c toSfcea Gtoat toe Car or Doer Mats .• NOBA Evangelism rally >'v-y.;^Tha-'NOBA 'Evangelism , . , y..-wilT tw•*h3d t at". . Mission u Board of the iLflkeirfew Baptist Church.^. r Southern Baptist Conven- i h Atlanta, Georgia at n will be • " ' i ^ preaching to the - con-.seminar^led : by^ ; gregation . on'' the theme ; Robinson;from "Here's Hope Share Jesus . Ceorgto^and ;*j Z Now?., at. 730 pjn. There 1 men* seminar led^by Dr.' also will be ipedal musk: ;OtmII - - RobinsonJ Vk« " provided by Terry GafTen ^President it'qts, the 1 Home. from Northern Ohio. I A V - V ' ^ - W ? 1 ^ " ' " • - • * --•'*'-' ' " * - , - J ' - . . r • • „ ! • • -"i> • .' < - * - • . * > . , . . • . ^ • . • i ( i « j i | u ; : i * f . ' . i | f . j v ' . - ? : ' ; ! . • J . . . s J • - .•••• : . • - , - . • • «.••-'•,:('*;:•,.•• •••.•.-_-..•.. H E T K A I . . * ^ ™ . . • * X . | . ' ' . i . - V ' i f v . x ^ . • • ! • ' - > _ ' . j f ;••••..•,• •• ••. - • ' . . . . - set Scouts^ start your On Wednesday, Feb. 22; SgtheAvon Cub ScouU Pack' ff#333iwill:;hold their an* gfnuat^ Pinswood:, Derby.; <JMzos will be awarded including * T h e • Best i of' ^ planning for the annual Blue ana Cold Banquet continues. The banquet will be held at Tom's Country Place and will (oln Pack J333 and Pack .!' Further information will be forthcoming. '. i ' --'.'? ',.'.- " ''• r ! • ' . '' . . . " • - ' , . - . • . . v. i . ^ 0C«rONS0RED ; BY^ ; ^n^. „ 'K THE PBESSm^mmMlIm^ THE AVON IAKE PUBLIC U B R A R V : ^ . ! : ^ ^ ^ •^•v--^>^a ROOM Al Hii* room scats upto2 5 0 and is tKe ideal areafor,community'•IJftgFundions. This particular room is quick!/ gaining popularityforc l u b s c n d ^ ^ ^J: K"/-!.*";. groups of larger sizes.; The!Avon Lake Kiwanis Uub moots none every Thurs evening and takes keen advantage of its art exhibit atmosphere arid kitchen ROOM B: With svaHng['cepadly of 3 0 tfti* room iiper meetings and clubx. Kj'tchon accesj is alia available. 'I :..->• * ; • • ; • ; . v . ; , . ; . ' • • - . . . . derby will be held .jpln The Barn and will start ADDRESS. DILKATHIEEN FLEMING .DR.-UNDASTOLFO -OPTOMETR_Y> ValkerjCommens North 33398 WaDowBd.. Suite B AvocLake, OH Friendly Professional Eyecare 933-3214 t, for the entire family . CONTACT IENSES • Tinted • Gas Permeable;.• Disposable • Extcnoed ^•ear * Astigmatism g v e you the professional follow-up care and attention you need to be a successful contact lens i ^ ^ ^ ^ ' •NEW PATIENTS WELCOMP ^^&l ROOM at7'^"'--^---'^^v:V.^ R O O M B r ; ; : '•••••';-'•••••""" • • • • ^ • - ; . Drop all •ntiy farms off at tfia Avon lalea PubCc Library or *ttia Prasx offic ; - erfl58UorRd.ByNoon-MarA31/T995. . • ; • . •:. . • . • ' • - - . . 1 ^ All enfries must be turned in to either the Avon Lake Public Library - 32649 Electric Blvd. or The Press - 158 Lear Rd. NO LATER THAN; Nobn Marchl3i, 1 9 9 5 . - ^ ^ - - h 2..AJ! Contestants must be residents of Avon ^ 1 ^ / : : ^; ^; : ;-^7 :'-,/'-'-.:,'^T -^^^3^ 3. Open to AIL AGES. . \','-_ '^W, '^/')\i^-^y^^i^;^.:- -:•••• , : - * M • • • • ' • ' . i t Ml : -;:';T^S^o^ 4 . T h e r e will b e N O LIMIT t o t h e a m o u n t o f entries!'p«r p e r s o n ! H o w e v e r o r w p e r s o n - ; j can only submit the Same Name Once. '""'••'•^-.:-,^.:»..^.j_J:<\; '-•;•. '-v;-.. •';:\,-t':;-\jp^y':': 5. In the event the winning name has more than oite entry all individuals who submitted that entry will be recoanizedforsuggesting the winning name. However, there will be-.h only one {1J winner ofthe $ 10O.Oo Savings Bond per roorn [total of 2 rooms).; And; if t there js more than one person the SavingsHBond winner will be determined by a 'jg~;;; -'•••: " " " ••':•.•, ' ' : ' . - } ' , . . ^ - . , . / - ' - - ' - .•'••-"..'..'•' '\' •[: ':'' v ' ^ ' y ^ ' : ; ^ ; : U ^ 61"A Sewn (7)| membercornmunityjxj it ,willpre'sent 3 finalists for each meeting room to me Avon lake Library Board of Trustees Their decisions will be final ^ ^ ~^^;, ; . ..' rjfti GIGANTIC FREE Stop [ftl 5; 111 QublnTora! f ^ Free SUPtRMARKCTS & g^tor, «£B? throut •ac urocs ON tan extern iu> I Here s No Membcotiip Fee and l a a C M Joia Today! Wlettf /r ALLWEEKWNG! 3 EFFECTIVE FEB. 23, 1M5 24 25 26 27 2 8 Or More U.S.D.A. Choice Boneless Skinless Woneless Tailless Strip Steak Broccoli YOUR CHOICE OF ANY ONE OF THE FOLWWING 3 ITEMS WITH\EACH ANB EVERY $10 PURCHASE Excluding Beer, Wine & Tobacco Products. to. Loaf MiltDrook So-Big White Bread Stop-n-Shop 2%Milk Fresh Express Garden Salad WITH PREFERRED SHOPPER'S CLUB CARD tton-Mtmtiir Halt Gallon Carton 1%, Skim, Homoaenixd or 3V WITH PREFERRED SHOPPER'S CLUB CARD Hmter QQC Sato Price 16 Oi. PkQ. IN OUR PRODUCE DEPT. SMVt J %J WITH PREFERRED SHOPPER'S CLUB CARD Non-Member 429 Sale Me* _ / • 7T ^m M ^m SAVE m 22° — *» - re Putting A : Healthcare System * 1: II ^ 31 m «o to ^t m 3) i^ u - <;•l _ l ^1 - 1 *1 J ^-v^*V' r>X-- k -r i:r !^5^#~ A^-^P"1,. I* EMHKegional Medical Center is proud to announce that Amherst Hospital is now pan of our growing EMH Rrgional Healthcare System. iffi1?,w *** ^ P 0 ™ 1 n c w healthcare benefit for everyone in Lorain County and the surrounding region. Now you will have betteraccess "^tOii network of physician specialists. This includes our affiliation wtth the-world renowned Oeveland Clinic and 11s cardiovascular surgical *!«'» ,\cam J * * 1 ^ a t E M H R«©^nal Medical Cemec Our network also includes family c W centers located in Amherst. Avon* Avon Lakcr * " Columbia Station, Grafton.'liGrange (opening soon)r North Ridgevillc,, Sheffield Lake, Venrdion. West Ridge and our new health sciences i ^ --' center soon to be built in Avon. So if you're looking for better healthcare. EMH is mapping « out right bdore your eyes. * ' * *" - Now Amherst Hospital And EMH Regional Medical Center Are Super Blue Members. ; Witk W i Amhcni Hutpiul or Medical CenwT wlrh w 5upcr Blue Canl Tirm Blue C I U M Sr Blue Shlckl of Ohk), atxJ you'll not only he rxtcpdal a t w t m wckwme. jrow'II obo br ahlc phyuibirtt at iheK two ltf«-t.Lw» hmptiiJ* IUK Regional Healthcare System" " 73Ua 57 73a MucldnK ctacly wirh Uluc Cnna to And new *ay« to hold down their utM».an<j your hud ih IniuratKC premium*. .Super Blue bjiwrunrmufeivtiMin why EMM Ri-ghmtJ Htflilihuiiv Syniem i» Lomin County** h n i choice hit qutalliy Ixulthcue. EMH ftoslcnal M«dlcd Caotw 630EflStHK»3lw«.EVla. ONo 44 033 (218)329-7500 AmhwvtHoaplUI Physician-Ftehjrr«| • (218)33*3500 Hrst Class Care, QoseTb Home Attention EmpIoycrsrTo be sureyour employees enjoy the fullrangeonjenefitscflered by d»c EMH I^onalHcaltlicare System, Call Our Managed Care Hotline at 353-3500. 2 Feelings of inequity surface Is Utilities Dept. Avon Lake's Vatican City? B y MIXCCHA AVON LAKE - foe j^ara, feelings of resentment . have been pulsating betveea City Hall office workers and Utilities Department office workers, and between elected Council representatives aad the Board afUanicipal Utilities. Some Council member* believe the Utilities Board has too much power, while ethers are in agrcempnt with the Charter Beview Board to give the Utilities Board more tuthority. These foi fia*^pgn were- reflected- in night's 4-3 vota on a charter that" wott'd * aUow the Utilities. Board to fiat and approve its employe**'salaries. Befin it was voted ujion, the proposed amendment that gav s Council the final approval on Utility worfcers* fulnn'i was further amended by Council President GregZOka, so that the authori t y was **Hj»tfrttmtj*| to tiie Utilities Board, •-• Council , ; members Boa Andolsen, Holly Kowakki and M?** Lundy voted against the charter amendment proposal y The proposal will undergo two inure readings to determine whether it will be piwpfi QQ the May primary plff^"*! ballot. , g Kfwals&j "fr^tfi PflrlTffl* that giving the Utilities Dept. more authority swild force City ^<*H into increasing wages lor its wodesrs. There is a significant gap In pay between, jpmilm- positions at City Hall t f Ujl np Lundy ~ said be voted ngnf"*f the amendment as presented brtrnfty be does not want to have to tell people who call him with complaints about the Utilities Department that his hands are tied. .. •-. . •:; • "The first person they call is their <^T>y»nrnfln * Lundy said, T m very budge^cnented," he added. In other business • Oily CVwtnril they wanted the city to pay a 510 fee pof fnHjvfrfrial fry afttfltjpftigTTtthflt TTlllfft be fifrd with the Onk> Etmcs Comnussim- TT*> Financial Disclosure Statement is *KTfngthfng new fhat i s required of elected "*TIH>K as per the state legislature. Most of the Council members said ^tfrftwj individuals should pay the fee out of their pockets. since if s part of becoming an elected representative. # The f ^ f f n f Conusittee recently finalized f^* ttpifa^M Pntii^"»^*"|rivi^ Plan — a plan »>«** wiU n*»t review, by the Planning Once the gives its hlfwriog. the plan update will proceed to Council. • The city has received proposals from three architects for the new police/court ferilitj Flans are undar review by officials. * Council approved Prank and Mary Banjaffs application to place their Moore Road property in an agricultural district, t t l hers expressed concern about the propert/B appeuance. GasTown, on Walker and Avon oads, is requestms m permit from thi> S^atp Department of Ijquor Control, to sell iiiwAnii.' beverages. In response. Major Vince Urbm isaskmg; Ibr Planning ^Vinmnii IT P"i meeting min^ntes to be reviewed, from when GasTown first located in Avon Lake. Urbin *«"^ it is possible *f*v% one of the conditions for t^e Ga^Town rirtstiKiih meat was that no alcoholic bevexages weretobesokL : .. The Public Servke P-flmmittPi* laoets today at 4 3 0 pjn. in the Serriso and Engmeering . **""MT*g , • Recreation Commission meets «««tgfci- nfc~ 7T3O in the Old Firehooae. Tr*e Committee meets Wednesday, March 8 at 7 5 0 pja. in the Old Krehouse. The Sewer Committee wfll meet Thursday, March 9 at 4^0 pun. in the Water Works building. ' ; Dinner theater: a great deal, meal If you love good food and good '.theater, you wont want to miss out on Mighty GoU&fh Productions' dinner theater for Kiss Ma Kate on March 18. The dinner theater option to see this year's MCP show is the best food/show deal In lows. For $13 per person or $25 per couple. Novotny Caterers will supply one of their wonderful muln^courss meals. Diners than just walk down the hall of the Avon Lake High School to t i e 'Auditorium where reserved center section atw teating awaits them bar the S pan. m** i What more could a person want for a a evening out? ' ; •* i •• -• If you cant make it on the 18th. there are four other performances of KSss Ma • Kit* where you would be able to see Jim Moreland. as Fnd and PetrucfaJo, and Bernadette Hisey. as Ulli and Kate. Miike your reservations for either Much 10.11. 12 or 17. There are also regular tickets, without the dinner. available for March. 18. All general admission tickets are SS per person, with a $1 discount for senior citizens and students for the 2 p-m. Sunday matinee only. . As they say on television, our operators are standing by. Actually, our PTA ticket representatives are waiting for your call. So call now to Deanne Seipel. 933-1207 (Eastyiew), U x Crider. 933-7643 (Erieview). Laurie Thompson. 933-3703 (R 3d wood}. Patty Moreland, 933-9685 (WestviewJ, Sharol Kniepper, 933-276X1 (ALHSJ. and Darlene Lanza, 933-6246 (LearwoodJ. Read & Use The Classifieds Perched fora perch dinner Mayor Vince Urbin. Beacrtpark Towers Manager Bonnie Zimmerman, UUfitfes Director John Kniepper and his wife, Sharol, were somo of the guests at the annual perch dinner sponsored by the Avon Lake Boat Club. The dinner was served to Beachparlc residents and local officials. PRESS photo — Courtesy/Avon Lake Boat O u t • , . . . - ' . DRIVEWAY GRiWEL HILDI1BD BJWQUIT SHD #57 or #8,6 ton CoO 346-9557 or 934-5386 Great FIREWOOD ^ 7 * 1 2 0 Cord C / * 0 1 / 3 Cord 163DE. BROAD ST-aTiUA EAST BROW ST. PUU*W-tSS7 3W«3 DETROIT RD- AVON OWflT9O-M7-«72floraM-HW GIANT 2 for 1 SALE HOUSE or BLINPS financing AnilMbl* PARMA HTS. 6«86P«ariRd. 843-6363 N. OLMSTED 26701 Bkpk. Ext 779-2424 ChristireM.Carbin.MD ,Jan£ftinhDkI,MD on VERTICALS and CELLULAR SHADES 2 9 3 2 5 H B * I Carpus Or, Suite 1 SafcBittffics in tarty River, • Iflain Courty, DowtMn &krJepmderce FREE SHOP AT HOME SERVICE •. Custcm Drapery & Upholstery • Free Estimates • Firee Measuring • Free Instailatfon* •(<» onlMa of 9389 or mot.) WESTSfHXS HOMfK-SfrEAiTH iSSOOAHS On Your Local Court Dockets AVQSI LflJKE MUSnO*At COUST Kabtft E. Cdduist U.Z20 Btlaiar BfaraL. Aeon £*ke. v»« fmrrt SMI*? and wntrwui In- <W1 rfayt tn sul OB * dutgm td DWL. wida SQ days of tbe • u s p n u U toe 380 day^ H« was ako £»ed S2SO aeaiancadto80 day* tefrU CB • charge«T *im n o t witfa W day» of til* ssouacs — , Hi» driver** b r e w m a suspeacJerf faraa «ddidoMl 3 t t deys. Ha was abo ficed $200set • rhtrf nf cfri>irg nadef sttfpBmkm. Bfysn C ComfL 207 Duff Dr. Awao Lake. «cw fifled 3330 aad Molaocadto3O daj» in fall on • £*'£•» of OWL wtth. 27 days OK tb* Mctiaci «wp«od*d. His fib***'* bestu* « n supenderf for UOtUji*. He w n *1» Ra*& 353 Iocsfl—htfigmfSc Mgnei Yfc*talfn..'* ' •• M a r s h A. Hairfcoa. 732 Kobetts SL_ Slwffi*td Lsfce. MTUfined$SO0 aul aeateaced to BO <bj* i s J*fl aa • cbug* of DWi. with 3O day* of tba W f n r e MUpeocled. Her driver's licaaK « M m*pe»ded to on* jmc She w«« aba •*«#•* u d aeaancerf ID 30 d s j * in Jail o a a e. of driving under gmpenstno. witfa t&a Avon Late, OH 933-2327 :500AbbeRd.; Dytia,0H3fc5-8319 l f l Ambertt, OH 96*2439 Uatriaaa. LakesocKL and Suvtc JL Smith. 159 BtfrtthtK. A I M take and fatan 1- Sautb 159 ' * If Bengalis XL Bcrlaug. 702 Dunay A w . SbrffieM Lai*. wa> fined JlflO for dnviog under • " * P T " f He ares abo Sued $100forpoue*sioa of (Mrifuaat. and S2S aa *railroadi Prices Effective 2-22-95 thru 2-28-S5 Extra Strength Tylenol , dSaOlar>p«M!iagw«nK*sactaL.Bsir. 4914 Viacsnt A««, Lonin. aad AntDa* F. Fto. 415 Bounty Wajr. Avoa Lska. Fined SSO t n charge* *» «t—diJii ••«*• Saaroa L. Bail«rv •»*» Hawtbocn* Bd™ SheSOdd LakK kfl S. Itaaartinis. »40 Iniac P « * S h d . SbafBafai Lako; Rniut L. Coodwia. 338O3 Ebctric B b a . Dt7. Avon Ld»: Chasyl Kitodia. M7 j^jFCOH Bd, Avoa Laia; and flarfam LWunor. Z4SS Homtwood Qt. Louia. • iUrvoad B. J^tJinw, iao4 F m u n Point Rd..QoMw*a.MN.wasaa«d>JSIbrip—itng. Richard C. Taacto. 871N. Abba Bd_ Qytia. was Gaad S23foranaala paulafl. AVON MATOS-S COUXT • . ;-; S t o w E . Ab«oi?et 3JM1 Lorie Bh»i, Avao. iowph Hindi. 4301. Norfolk Avv, LoralK, ' vra» fined SSOQ iad eentenced to 90 daystatoil was fiaad S100 &w powanian of awnjuaaa-H« -' oo » cnarta of drMaf under auspeasioa. with was also timd $7Sfarapwdiafr-, Plnad SlOO tbetefttencejmpend*dH«t>«»*iio fined S35O oa contempt of coMrt-Ewium to sppaar charges ,**d seotanced to 30 days in Ml oa a charge of . w*ra Douglas {. Oaru. 164 Vaadi. Avon lake. OWL wilil (fas MQtene* au«Moded. Hi» driver'a •ad.AntooJo L. Diismibgs,. 4140 E. Seth. Hi>peod«llbrMOdan. , . . . . u d m r « l « i u L •, --.. . . , • • . - , . . , • -,._•.. kiwnt.fcL Mtfr. 2711 Jajcox Rd, Avon. . Pamala S. Thoou*. 2400- Lhringstoa A n , wMfiawt J33O Muiaaalracadto30 days la jail L o u i s , was Bn*d SlOO tot conwmpt of court; a d * , dura* of i w u l t . with on* day of til* , wtthSSO of th« 8a* MBOvnded. ., MBomcv mspandad. H» was i b o 6o«f S100 ' JMBMS L Uandsjr, 134 Factory. Lagnugv, was ; «od nsiBdcad to 1O dsys in (ail oa « cfaarg* of fined Sao oo a charge of spewting . •; •:: Adam C Bsichaid, 211 Colleaff Park. Qyri*. fltodd J. W m i c , M Uapto CllfL Araa l a b . was floed 580 for aa usurad dear dbtacc* wjs-Poad <300 and —atoacwd to 30 dayi to jatt' violation. oaadurgftofDWtwuliaWaratancvHiapandJtOM M. Cerhasi. 3003 Kant Rd, Stow, was ad. Hi» driver's fieffua was s>MpKia«d £ac 10O '.* fined Sao fdrspeediag. .-dirs. Ha n t aim BomdSSOtorab a of c n i ^ , W d w d A- BMhler. B1U Lyswsy. Oluutad '. FtiSs, was fia*d SOO for a right of way-at aa In: — Floa<t>a30«uf—Dtenowilo30day»toi»fl ts»ecdoa viouUion. on a char** of potty tnaft. wtth. tb« sentenc* • .;' Thomas Smith. 744 KaoUworth. SbmOiald dcbrnoVwac* XaacUQ A. Codiraa. 180 Cblkgs'. Lak*.' was' fiowl SSO s o a reasonable cootrol vfolatioa. . . Harris Rd, #fll. Sfa«ffidd Uk*. ~ . Elaiaa M- TUlack. 31975 Schwartz R d , • 3. •Zamoii fBrunlfc-2708 Jsyccx Bd,'AKULT ' Atmn. was fined SflO oa a reasrtwbl* cootrol : wm»fiaarf$290 aad •aUaaiMdto10 days ia JaUr. violaUoa. with $30 of tb* On* suapeaded. on a cbtffot diaonMr coaductp«nlstiaf. Jsm** WUlianw, 0810 BayUsa, OevelaiMl. was wob « U 3 ; of; tfaa fin* aad tfa* . -»"«fni— ' fio*d S60fora license required violation, , CoDeen R. toefchsrt. 701 Aroa Boldea RdV ~Eia«dStoaaad»aaan)CMll0lOd*y»infaiIoa Avon Lai*, was fined $30 on a detecthr* •*dwrgM «jr bunttef with • Gntrau wtih tb« haustchafge. . ' . - - . . \ Breyefs InCraun.UiUir FT nSBTB -U26ailoa-Aa You Choice '-# 2 for HLC. ; ;:..•/V : '^ ; Hill , r UNITSIZB uiu Office Boat Moo. - SH t » » • S » * • 998 ATon BeJden 95 5 1 2$ i 5 for White Castle Hamburgers Kellogg's Eggo waffles riM t2pfc-J2cz.Can» $179 m Farm.Ifresh Grade A Extra Large Eggs 6 7 * YOlCANNOHrUlJUL HXJFATOCn ouotDnon GAMES, XT0U1GK17BYC0WTE1 -eV& DAK A WEI- ^ toward a cavity-free generation Pedlatrlc Dentistry Infants C? Teens John M. Vnurt. D.M.D. Inc. 2IWCUKon Way •Avon, Ohio 44011 Stop JH for A breath Of Spring Newly Arrived Hand Painted Bird Houses New Hand Fainted Ceramic Pots for House Plants Great Selection of Spring Silk Flowers, . Arrangements & Wreaths ;; 937-5880 Moi*Sat9-5 Closed Sunday. ", . 83) 'Area. Ohio ,m W:3 ssefc&ateS&i^i^Sissi&fs&s! 36951 Detroit Road Avon. Ohio 44011 M^F. 8^6; Sat. 9^1 • Outsde Sonje for KVifcBoao Clinic Cake «r Biat Coks emelteFfet Ruffles CflPneM B\ Cktics • - Patats Chlpj 13oz.-14oz.Bag (31*) 934-MMt • 24 Hw* Stafa • Fall Hme UVNB AOanknl ^$100 tMXTM UX uwn-ocPiEAse Ent»rt*inin«ot, ; retrcahmaDts. and piano and flute quality- artwork mn topping tb« list of .. 2^0-2^50 pjn.— South Shore Four, great things to do and sea at tnaCreatiVB Barbershop Quftet Arts Pair on Stuiday.'Feb. 2B from 1 pjn. •, 2^50-3 pjn. - 1st place musical entries to 4 p-m- at Troy Middle School. The : perform • ; ' . CtWttive Arts Fair is a joint project ipon3-330 p j n - - ALMS soloists and persored fay tha Araa Laka PTA and St. formers: Aubrey Ashburn. Devon' Joseph SchooL -DARE TO DISCOVERBonds* Karen Johnston. Kylene Thomas. : ia tho thflme of all the beautiful entries In and MicheDe Harmon. Also. The Merthe categories of music, photography. Uttrature and vUaal arts. :'.';: • ~''\ - v . - - :' man and the Acappela Choir Ensemble. The entartalomeat Une-up U";aa . •'•..' 320-4 p j n - - Eric Hof&nan, cellist ' Along with this there will be entertainttP£ *ment by Ms. Folly and down, a Juggler ^ f ^ V ; -• Bcckle and Tommy Qeaonie Rica), facepaintlng and a Mime :flvt« and c e l l o . : ."•:.:• :•..' (Valerie Farochman). Please plan to atj»Tn^;;-.Susan IVanco,^^singing ,' tend this wonderful afternoon of enjoymentl .'.".*' w i t h guttan"';?•';;•••' >':/". r v•.-'-''^;' ".••'.•: : -;' 2 Z20p>m.'Jessica Stewart, classical SELF STORAGE , J , , &mrInaw In A Wnte Cocante i SttSEndtw! Anat -Bacoa 49 v 0i\6wers EckriGb Gettabs or Gelcaps 26 835-1500 934-6700 J • 35038 Detroit Rd " 111 Avon Dacount Drug Mart plastic gallon All You Can Eat HOMER'S FUNlFdOD^PIRITS Spaghetti Sat-night 118 Moore Road Avon Lake, Ohio "216-933-9939 INSURANCE AGENCV .. 2219 Wisteria Way, Avoa, Ohio SERVICE TO OUR COMMUNITIES SINCE 1932 By Three Generations oi Nationwide Agents AUTO'HOME •LIFE* BUSINESS Houis: Maa-Frf. 9-5 • Sat 9-12. Eve.Hrs by Appt \ NAHONWIDE INSURANCE Et Cetera Know locations of mailboxes > • I. •Ayoy LAKE - In reviewing recent customer service opinion surveys, it was jnuu^lq lc the post office's attention that customer* »«»nn> gwaw. nf ^nff^-tfan fa^f Customers who r >*eiye cm-Mine delivery can deposit their outgoing maj| xaiilwe! mail mailboxes boxesand andraise raisethe theflag flagfor for pickup. pickup — of the There are also bine rnflpction boxes located around tbe city. The t : dlyrwide boxes are as follows: -i ' • Smugglen* Cove - 33803 Electric Bhrd. ••/..'..• Aqua Marine -21B Miller Rd. ' >•"•<•• Discount Drug Mart- 33382 Walker Rd. •;•-."• TonvCax Foods - 453 Avon Belden Kd. . , ; ; • Laarwood Shopping Center -375 Lear Rd.'' : • FrateDo's - 32805 Electric Blvd. ;•- . • Avon Lake Library - 3264B Ekziud Blvd. ; • Inwood end Electric Blvd. . • : , . ! • Redwood and Berkshire „" . : "••• . ~\ • Shoreham Apartments - 33303 Electric Blvd. : • City Hall drive-up box -150 Avon Belden Rd. •'" •• • first National Bank -33479 LakaKd. '•'•-'•• : , • la from of the Avon Lake Post Office . . •Behind the post office (drive-up box) ' If any customers have mggp*tfnn< »»tf wt^rff a f^lkrtion boxfrneeded, your tocatfons wiU be cmsidered. Oaoiad Susan Taylor at the Avon Lake Post Office. Last Cah[for Mayor's Ball AVONXAKE - Feb. 24 is the float deadline for purchasing tickets-tothe first annual Mayor's BaiLTneBaU is March 4 at the Irish HeritegeQub. Tickets are $50 perperson and includes dinner and dancing to a live band. ^ •• ?or tickets, mall checks payable to Avon Lake Mayor's BalL OO PJOL BOX 56, " Awm Lake.44012. For mure infonnatioa call Barb McCralb, 033-S806; Don Urbiu; Proceeds from the Ball will be donated to Avon Lake Parks & Recreation and Avon Lake Schools Foundation. Corporate sponsors this year are Kopf ConstructtonCora^B'.F,. Goodrich Cov. Geon Co., Mitchell's Heating & Cooling, T-ritn County Chamber of Commerce. Higgins Pharmacy lac, Avon Lake Smythe Cramer Co. and Ed MuHtnax Ford, Evenifyxi yoahaxeto p^the The Barn Out Back Outdoor Work Wear • Boots • Hunting & Fishing Apparel WINTER CLEAHANCE SALE 10% OFF ON KcyandOshKosh In-stock Clothing ALPS wins Lorain County Beautiful Uarit Award. Ruth Booher and Janet HuK*». • • ^._ center, were fecoonized for their part a s General Coonfirtatcvs for the Avon l a t e ^ ' t Play Space. Mayor Wice Urbin and Counrfperson Hofly Kowatefd cecewed the J v ;•:; aieard tor them at the recent Loraon County Bcautihi Awards Banquet The/awi^ v;? !?« itsetf. held by Judy Rlggfe. w« be cfispiayed at the Avon Lafce Pubitc Ubrary. [Phiito; C b y Jim Petnizzi) • • . .••- . - - • . • - •. ' -;.'•• ...: : ^ ^ Goinnnniity: Pulse Continued (mm page 1 . .- t" <' Name that TfrMMn. The Press in joint cooperation with the Avon Lake Public Library m sponsoring a "Name that Room" contest. There are two meeting rooms within the new facility that need names. Winners of the contest will receive $10000 Savings Bands and further recognition. (For more information see front page article and entry form on page 13.) Tbe Avon Lake City Schools LJLA-P.S. Preschool invites everyone to atteno?* schooi-com*numiy forum. Take advantage of an opportunity to discuss Special E^'wwtK)" mmim with Avon Lake School Superintendent Dr. Dusek, Board of Education Members. School Psychologist Barbara Dalgiejoh, and Troy Building Principal Mary ODee. TKs ms> : rtmtnn w3L h*»~- htfM A on "/ftwAiy,'' February 2S r 19S& at 7:00 p.m. aithe> Troy FUrildmg in Boom 21L r j - '• Mark your calendars now to attend. • They look forward to seems; you a t ^ Tuesday. Tebruary 28.1S95lat 7^)0 p j n ^ ^ at the Troy Building <. Other atnff... Developer Schafer in Avon's new single duster- homes will be watch—I msdexstand tbe ooneapt I*.' q^dtc sppeaBntf-The Ar Daisy Onsen is now open — lations on a flist-daso «ddttlas^.tbi» Cluurter Review Issue regardms; Aroo Laics Utilities Board « i to get interesting1 — gladtosso CDvscfl' PrealdeBt, Gng 2Hka< m m antbendty- for this grouj S.T.E.P. classes offered • Shirts • Coals • Bibs • Western Jackets • Vests • Swe&huts • Pamtco & Carpenters Jeans ; David W. McCLENAHAN 1 753-A Avon Balden Bd. Avon lake '• 933-7044 , Claw 236-3588 dosed aao. 36317 Detroit Rd. Avon, Ohio Handicap Van Accessible Do you have children ages six and under? (Jommunity Resource Services will sponsor Early Childhood S.TE.P. (Systematic Training for Effective Parenting) classes at Avon Lake High School beginning on Wednesday. March 8. Peggy Flllppi. having completed training as a S.T.E.P. facilitator, will leed the class through a series of videotape presentations. Peggy is the mother of two young children, and hopes to learn from other parents, too. so arapte time tor discussion and sharing of ideas will be allotted each week. Topics to be addressed include ea-ly childhood development,.-,-your- child's growth and. personality pattercs. __ Ing and communicating. Parents help each other to walk through important early years. T ~*T CIRMS win be held for eight.. ™«»-,~, day evenings (through April 26) from"7-e % pjn. The cost of the eight-week session * J* Is fust $25 per person or married coupla/^' and includes tha &T.E.P. book and other -Si materials. Class size is limited ind pre-£2> reglatratkm is necessary. To register^crf¥T for further infonnation. pleaM contact d^;' the CRS office at 833-6639. Moodsy^-" through Friday from 10 ajn. to 1 pjiu,,./ Ash Wednesday service SweetbriarGolfaub & Pro Shop INTROD UCESthe BrandNew.... •4 Week Sessions •2 Sessions Available • PGA Professional Instruction •Smaller Groups-Greater Student /Teacher Ratio •Weekly Awards •Student Evaluations • Handicap System • PracttceTee / On Course Instruction Call Today For Further Details SWmBRiAR GOLF CLUB & PRO SHOP 933-9001 871-0822 A combined A*h Wadnesdiiy Service will also take part in the service. A ccm- t will be 'held at \ the Avon Lake bin«d choir under the direction of Barb > Preabyterian Church. 32340K Electric Craves will sing "Assurance" by John ^ Blvd. Avon Lake, on Wednesday even- ' Nets Beck, and the bell choirs of the two ing, March 1 at 7:30 p.m. Tbe service is churches will play,. "Jesus. Joy of Man'* > sponsored • by Lake Shore United Deilring" by J^.. Bach. Muriel Homer?; Methodist Church and the host : from the hoat church will be the organist *> congregation. for the service. The evening offering will Dr. Alfred A. Hart, pastor of the Avon go to Community Resource Services.* ^ Lake Preibyterlan Church will preach The entire community Is Invited ti* at- ^ on "Counting the Cost: (Luke 14:23-33). tend this service of worship, an'ap- ' The Rev. Meredith Coleman, pastor of proprUte way to begin the season of Lake Shore United Methodist Church, Lent. Child care will be provided. Press Line Construction cessation on SR 611 .... Qt Why hma"couatrucUon on State Route Sit atopped? ' " ' A Work stopped o n Dec. S. 1994 on tho SR 611 construction prolect for weather. related reasons. According to Ohio Department Of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n IDlihteS spokesperson Sally Ciovtnazzo. the next phase of the protect requires earth-mov n H \ This c a n t b e d o n e i n cold temperatures." said Ciovlnozzo. " T h e around i» (no* "J *•• W6t BOO tOO frozflla. o»wuuu is m o Work will resume April 1, (no foohn'J. she said " * * Construction on the project continued through last winter, but that was bar.it... *&£SL*&r*" \* - 933-5100 InVOlvKi «-«k™™» • * which is not a. affected"110 pezspectnes, muter* tand how conflicts escalate, handle --: this grant, . . .:. _ anger appropriate!;, btamstnax! a xsriety of p"*«"t'3f-'" WELCOMES MISS TE11AS. W» y . p r ^ to KnoQwood Bementary. MissEtias is an Ashland University senior 'doing her < Under the grant program, a rnnflict management proi 'd h stndeaT d teaching in Mrs. Jones* first grade classroom. Melissa i* , gram is defined as a program that both helps to create a a graduate of Brookside High School >*"** also attended -i school environment that Costers prevention and deKaoJlwood Elementary as a stitdent. •--' : . m escalation of conflicts and g^^Mfrhif procedures for effective, non-violenl nonviolenl resohitinn resohitinn of of rnnHirH HirH that that do do She'i looking forward to working with the students g> the effective, - occur. T Tnis goall cannot be immediately, and the staff and w e w i s h h e r the best of luck.' m b accom^Kibed K it is a long term goal of Tennysc^ SchooL Over tima, parents and community members who work with the TENNYSON AWARDED GOANT. 1 Tennyson ,' stadenls wiS . receive conflict management »MITff SMS CAJtEEJt SAY. Students at Sheffield Middle § Elementary School is one of only 135 schools statewide . t r a i n i n g ^ ' . , . - . - . School parrirrpafffrt in a aghp»| lridw Career Day on > to receive a grant to Lmptexceat *n innovative conflict The School Conflict Management Grant Program is a Feb. 16. Twecty-seven professionals spent the day shar- •< management program..Tennyson wa» selected fawn collaborative project of the Ohio Department of Kritim*ing their job related experiences and insights with S3 more .than 250 applicants to begin a program to . tion and the Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution groups of uTiiHffntv '*^.'-.5ttt^«nt Counr^ *?r*yf «« h«rf» — enhance the conflict managexn4xiz ikitla at students, end f^wiqtc-t Management. The f a n t s awarded "nAnand greeters and provided a continental breakfast and § teachers,' and parents. • •• ... ,,.,. this initiative are another step toward achieving Nabrunch lor the speakers. - . . -• x The primary goal of the grant is to provide teachers tional Education Goal 7 that states 'By the year 2.000. with materials to teach elementary students the bane The focus of our carenr day was on occupations that every school La the United States will be bee of drags. concepts and skills necessary to: effective problem solv-. violence and ibe unauthorized presence of firearms and require' some type of post-high school educationing and decision making. AH materials pted are providStudents, staff and professionals benefited Front interacalcohol, and wffi offer a A\v*ip\in*A environment cone d j r n e of charge: by the state as part oF the grant ting in small group settings. ••• , .,,. - : - duciva to learning." p r o g r a m . • • • ' . ; _ • - - . t - • .•,-. •._•.. ;_•-._., . / The speakers came bom a wiHe variety of careers and - The first four people to be brained under this grant are locations. Some of our more notable guests icdudsd a "The students at Tennyson school wK, be taught basic Peggy KneLss. teacher; Vicki Fisher, teacher; D«ve Chef from the Ritz-Cariton. a veterinarian, an attorney* conflict managemeat skiEs, such IU how to comStacko. counselor; and Kathleen Urmstnn. prinripaL FBI agent, an architect, and an equarisL municate differences. respectfully Eton to differing Mrs. Urmston is very pleased that the school received City Schools p"BKINESSOWNEHS Always be ahead of your competition! m. MANUFACTURER S SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICES r.;... bwafl tha linltoiottvduo* yeuf btMinMa Hwougb T K VW h DKWKV FURNITtTRE & CARPET was selected to liquidate NORWALK q EXCKSS inventory! You'll save S'JVt, and MORE on custom-built upholstery hy NOHWAI.K& HAMPTON HOUSE ;_-,£ f Art, 1 m LISTED BELOW ARE JUST A FEW OF TH£6REAT BUYS! •Sfi ir'V;. : I,|. Wiiiilniii. Olrm / " i n s - '• •-••• *W9" hsat*603•*O9- ., -M755" ' U If". ' . , *4W** il. & Sun. March f & 5 I 0 a.m. - 5 p.m. Hww^W^fcPj M M Iwwtact MbMIH)M •UH, "BTg" MTOt" . ' • . . •854" TM t* pm luUm ntUmtmtti rtair I N)i|U. (Jiiulili Mjilnl-|>r"<lin t'fl ( rul'ln Wf^lfMa MtM (tmwpa t U «Wt A H U M M« i i i i > i i - l r u | i i i i i - ' irn1130•Mi"' fT«" 111V l.i riu.ui • linnl |>ridh f iM» i--iln|i» j Orii (HMM MIW* WM«I MMnt mkm •15411•274•330- •I30S- •mt- J f ^ l — f w t i m ItpMtnt MatM^araqt Mtt ID Hit mtmt twiimrt «m ttoln In mtt^td mmt m» ih: •499•549" •524/Mif "••MM- MkMl WM/INWM iml MM! «Mpt «HM tktf TnMtttMl Milit «HPM •Mt- •449•479•7B9-/t* & ^ATTORNEYS AT LAW • i S ^ V; 158 - A Lear Road :; ^gf:;;;Avon;Laket;1Ohio.440I2 ,:; ;..", ^ 9 3 0 - 2 6 0 0 Avon Lake Office j | | ;f 8614992 Clcvelirid Office ®5-M:: 1 > : :'•• PROBATE^; ....•.:..,•."•.. • ^ •Wills /Jrusfs* Estate Planning. • Estate Administration • Guardianships Y BIRD CIAL NORWALK' PLUS Save Up to 4 0 % on custom-built NORWALK Tani'ConterrTporary Uphoislcred - <&g Bench in your choice ol style & fabric Hurry in for the best selection - Items listed are subject to prior sale. IM)l'RS: MONDAY FHIDAY 9 00 H JO SATURDAY , 9.00 « 00 SUNDAY ) 00 5 00 *£-•* riJHNITUHt * CAHPE r 3 '94 CHRYSLER CONCORDE Toys * Toys Toys ist Price $25,084 Save $5,089 '94 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY '94 LEBARON GTC CONVERTIBLE Woodgr«iin • Leather * 4 Captain Chairs Rear Heat & Air Toys * Toys " Toys 1 V-6 engine, 4 spd. automatic overdrive, power seat. :^ower windows, power "locks, tilt; wheel cruise conirof. AM-F-M cassette; duaTair bags, plus much more. List Price £21,000. • / List Price $28,058 Save- , . $4,500 YOU PAY YOU PAY M 1 M A* AA ^ U U K U N I W T X M M X M PENNZOIL Performance. Proledion. Quality." OIL CHANGE FILTER CHANGE American and For*ten Cars, Up To S Quart* of Oil. No Appointment N*cw M ry. E.P.A. Extra Mon. thru Friday Only 8:00 a-m--11:30 ajn.; 1:00-4:30 p.m. »<:• U-tif-tillll "Where Service Counts" 33725 Walter Avon Ftd. 933-35OO or 835-5900 •<rt -*> St.,i.' • - : S®, Ma Tee. Wed Thf, Fri Sal HIM. H H M Parts and Service Open 'til Midnight Monday - Friday •is-t; 4; •WM FORD 4 OR EXPLORER XLT S tS»4 FORO HUSTAMG CT COmEXTtBLE 13.995 1982 FORO PROBE LX =•- $8995 1990 FORD TKbKDERSIRD LX 19tJ FORO TKUMOERBtaOLX i 1MB FORD FESTIVA LX $ 1992 FORO Bronco XLT 1993 FORD F150XLT 1990 FORD F250XL 1993 FORD RancsrX-Length MIKEBASSIIS- = FORD 1993 FORD CONVERSION 1993 FORD CONVERSION 15,300 miles Power windows Cruise control Factory Air 22,300 miles Loaded V-8 Engine Cassette/TV 2995 1993 CHEVY CONVERSION 1992 FORD CONVERSION 24,600 miies Mark!il v-8 Engine Full Power TV-VCR Player Factory Air , Power Locks , AM/FM Cassette CLEVELAND . 871^072 LORAIN 934^591 ELYRIA 365-7323 SERVICE TIL MIDNIGHT : MONDAY - FRIDAY s. SPORTS SHORTS Shsngals* ^rrthi A PBIPW six ranklog la thft ft"tl AP ttalff poll accompanied the Avon Cake girls* third consecutive outright Southwestern Conp Surprise, surprise. Another league title for the domfnantShoregals. who now 1 move on to the pcst-season tournament Craig. Bradley where better teams and hopefully better for the College of Wooster Feb. IL things await their arrival. The 6-3 guard played a major role'in 0 A-L/s Iamhasting of Bay Village last the Fighting SOD!*" victory over Case Wednesday is any indication of hour the Western Reserve, burying four of his defending Division II state champs will trademark long range bombs from threeperfarA at sectionals-districts, the rest point land en route to a 15 points five of the field better take cover. assists performance. The Sboregals drilled the Lady, Bradley, joined Frank Sologcia ?r*f Rockets 77-14 behind Sarah Simmons* Mike Gerrasch (see photc in Sports Secgame high. 14 points. At halftime the in the starting lineup for the score was: Are you ready for this? 50-2.. tion) Shoremen's 1991 regional finalist team. yes that's one field goal through an en: Wrestling records. Here's a look at tire half of ha^Mtall Ouch! What did: • .the area's top matmen marks with the the Bay. coach say in the lacker room? sectional tournament looming in the Anyway, thouch Avon take should near future: Avon Lake - (215 pounds) have no trouble contending with the maRyan Palllnger 19-0; (130) Shawn jority of the teams .in its postseason' Bristow 20-1; (135) Jason Etiwmmann field, there is one squad whofiguresto 17-5: (1881 Erik Mathiseu 17-7. give them a hefty load to handle. Brookslde - (140) Ron Chandler 23-2: That's the Trinity Lady Trojans, who (152} Chuck Schill 19-5; (112) Ryan Cox handed the Shoregals their first o* just 1 6 * Avon - (160) Brian Piwinski 14-3. two losses this year-in an early sea>K)n : Scoring aldnay. Shoregal star Megan confrontation.atGund Arena. v>'.'- • - *' Chawansky and Steve "Baby yoa can : Bradley goes out blasJog. Afon Lake drive my** Vega were the only two local *S1 graduate Craig Bradley played his roundbaHers to grace the list of the top final ho HI* regular season contest gpnw scorers to the area. Jump the Winter Blahs V~ AVON - The Avon Recreation Departmeat is offering ./•'choice of any of the following classes to Jump start the winter blahs:.' :•.'•.•:- r-:.- '. . • .;:; On Tuesdays. Country Lina-dancuig is offered at 630 pjn.; and Low Impact Aerobics at 7:45 pjn. 1 On Thursdays, there will be Aerobics at 630 pun. and Step Class at 7:45 pjn. Pleews bring a mat. step and hand wwights if you have tbaot. : '. . Alt classes are held at the Avon Lions Community Center at 2155 Eaton Dr.. and will begin the week or . • : f # b , ' 2 7 V - . ^ ' - - - ^ • • - ; l ' • ' ' • ' ' . • - ^ . • • : - i : - / - J • • • • • • • * • -• • -• Frank Botognla, #33, releases a jumper for Wheeling Jesuit College in its recent, 94-79 victory over Fairmont State College. To Bolognia's left a Mike Gefrasch." #35. Both players starred on Avon Lake's 1991 reo>onal finalist team and am1" 1 $ starters on this year's Cardinal squad. - „ * . t i-i i ^* x *"i Line-dancing for Seniors AVON LAKE - Toe second session of Ronna Mu> ray's Line-dancing for Seniors begins Thursday. March S and continues for six weeks. The last c b s s will be Thursday. April 13. ., T i e one-hour sessions are held at the Old Firehouse in Avon Lake from 2 to 3 p.m. Cost is $18. For more Information and to register, call the AL Recreation Department at 933-8171, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and - noon to 4 pjn. an Friday. . _.__•_;_; . , . • • . • j' Registration for each six-wees class is $18, and receive a coupon for $6 off of the next session if you pre- Over 30 Hardball register by Feb. 24 (limited to new participants). LAKE-There will be a meeting Monday, Feb. . Send a check specifying the class you want and your ; 27AVON at 7:30 pjn. at the Old Firehause for anyone in-' phone number tot Avon City Hall (Attention: Aerobics forested In playing over 30 hardball. A1J former players ' Program). 36774 Detroit Rd.. Avon. 44011. are invited to attend, as well as new players. ;'. For more Information, call Mary at 967-3337. This will be the league's fourth season. Generally, one SSL AVON/SHEFFlEUVSHEFFfELD LAKEall boys and girls between the ages of five and 17;No- , is the time to start thinking about baseball and softbaU^ and all the fun you can have with your friends. ' t^&i£k*& RagUtr^u will be held the following Sunday/rd^ 26, Uom noon;to5 pun. at the Community Civic Center.' AtnCgUls are also encouraged to lign up and play.'^ 1?ric8s for registration are $10 tot T-bau: $30 for citylei igue: $35 tor Thurman Munson: and $45 for gtrk and %- «. bo.»s Hot S i m AJ1 rees are due at time of ngtatntioa^t^ Flnt-year players must bring birth certificates. Sign up"^?i and enjoy this summer with your friends' ~ -•—•••-*t(^ Travel Fast-pitch Softbaff AVON LAKE - Any girt interested in playing on a .game a week Is played at Weiss Field, usually on Suntravel fast pitch softball team should call Lisa Cooley at days at 4 p.m. The pitching is a maximum of 50 mph. 933.5505. you must be age 13 by Aug. 1 and cannot; ^ and only WOOD bats are used. ' . . turn 15 prior to Aug. 1 of this year . ,«. . ^ , ; AVON LAKE - Looking for teams for men's softboll There are four teams, and games last nine Innings (Tuesday/Thursday and Monday/Wednesday Leagues). with a continuous batting order. There are no first-, Entry fee la $350. There will be a manager's only stringers in this league. Players fake turns playing their meeting on Tuesday. April 4, 7:30 pjn. at the Old favorite positions, and everyone plays the same amount Firehouse, 100 Avon Belden Rd- Avon Lake. of time in thr field. All players an in the batting order. - To register your team, call the Avon Lake Recreation The season starts the first Sunday in May and ends :'• Dept. at 933-8171 between 10 ajn. and 2 pjn. Monday' the last Sunday »n August. Fee is $35 per player. A $4 AVON LAKE-The Youth Baseball Federation Is through Thursday, and between noon and 4 pjn. on fee per game is also charged each time a person plays. reorganizing iu Thurman Munron League. The league . F r i c l a y . ~ v - . - - v - - • . • - - - . * . - . - . v , •:/ v . . . •:./.., :•• • -• The cost covers the umpire fees and softdrlnks for - - ™ **!** °f f « Thurman Munson division for 13-14 players and their families. year olds and the Senior Thurman Munsonfar15-16-17 p^-;-';.irfsg ••. This is a gentlemen's group, allowing no alcoholic year olds. Senior league games do not begin until the beverages or profanity, but welcoming families to enjoy the game. For more details, contact Dennis Breese. 933-3618 or Ron Loescher at . . • • . * \ ff ? , I W «w"«t».. realignment or teams 930-2040. interest of maintaining parity and comp I y B P S Mn AvtitiktTitiklastkall ™?37 " «*«ti . dift and be t 'ii. assigned rto new teams.; T4A FM MM, *****. Thowm *tam(ll-t4 Men£stoftba!! AL Youth Baseball Sign-up SJ^SfSSSJr f fl Rnal Registration MvTMMn UWMH pf.fl) hm^tm nd 0M« SMM : • Saturday, February 25th r••••'; ; : , 1 0 f l O • J n . - 1 : 0 0 p J T L : IE-: p ^ d « all high school RaUHouMLobbr FMtMi ' ~*H *-n miT liiiiiiij™' AL Soccer Registration AVON LAKE - Spring wxcnr registration will be held at Learwood Middle School on Saturday, Feb. 25 from 10 a.m. to 3 pjn., and on Sunday. Feb. 26. 2 to 4 pjn. Spring registration is for NEW players only. Players registered last fall are already registered for the spring season. Players must have Social Security numbers and must be age five by April 1 of this year. Registration' forms are also available at The Old FirehouBe, at Rlni- Rego's customer service desk, and at Nightline Graphics. You may register by mail by sending the registration form and your check to: ALSO P.O. Box 236, Avon Lake. Ohio 44012. , ' l ^ C ^ / t a r g a m e f o r retum. sseithls opportuiu- T A H o m 8 R«« &W *«i also be held nction the All^tar game. - h "™ ^ k " Jenwys nave been purMun on » «"d Senior Thuriian y Bar> A n e w i1 WU1' "Sulation Und «ize playing ^ " —truS J. 10 a.m. to 1 pjn. in •&'& more information, contact -^A Blgley at 9374821 ; ) 4 . . - > • I:?.:.- ••I &; •a • • "Ci •-h • m » .. v*'"i • Tt V m , A* in 3 .£. • % ; • » Land Shark Car^BobRossoendsuphaprecanousposjtionarteroTvmg^aloo^ Brockakte s t^wto over Keystone Feb. 10.^Pfl£SSphoto—DavidBrandt D ^ ^ - S e n k i f Tom Koprcv^ puts ttedan^o^^ 2 ! ? 5 1 ^ J ? ? ? ? 1 ? 5 3 ^ 1 7 v i c t w y o v e r •"• Shoremen last Saturday. «=^<^ *^ ' Polished Wildcat team shoots down Eaglets -We just couldn't stop Radak. If he wasn't driving, he was hitting1 the 10-^ LAGRANGE — Avon boys h-ball coach footer," ha said. "And jfebb killed its'-' Dave Kudela left nothing to speculation on the weak side boards. It seemed like when *ti"™<fjng the FneW latest deba- every shot they missed, ha was getting ' t h e r e b o t m d . ~ - - ; - " ' . \ . > . .-:•••>:.• :••;".-;=.•.••-'• , . ; • cle last Friday in Lagrange. "We played poorly on both ends of Rebound was what Kudela'i Eagtea dki the floor." said Kudela, whose ifj*'"* after falling behind by nine (20-11} at dropped a 75-58 decision to Keystone to the end of the fk*t quarter. Freshman; ; fall to 4-13 overall nnrf into the Lmnin Steve Vega and senkrTToyDucsler, whoCounty Conference basement at 2-10. surprisjngty did not start, led UwchaiKV - "We didn't do a lot of the little things cutting the Cats' ad/antage to 2834 „ like; boxing out and finding the open when Duesler stuck a thne-pointer with ; rmatCWeput np a lot of bad mho ts." '"'•.**3 ^ O i g h l ^ £ ^^ ^ ^^ Tell us how you really feel, coach. • Vega, who got offtoa relatively slow-. The fact that Avon's one senior squad start at the onset,toppedthe Eagles' first was up against a veteran led (eight half scoring list with 11 - 17 for the ' seniors} Keystone buncji, who was tied game — and Duesler added 10-12 on the - for the LCC lead coming in, took some n i g h t . ..;• ; : . . V .. . •• " • • • • • ; • [ < * • . ; , : of the sting out of the loss. Keystone pushed the lead backtonine' - The Cat upperdaaamen ran wild all points before the end of the.half and night with the top three senior scorers — extended Uto16 thzough three qenrters Jason Kodak, Matt Babb and Mike tliankstothe concerted efibrts of Babb H e l b i g — accounting for M of a n d Rnriflk. .•- .;.,.-,• .-.-r..«;:.;: -Ji/J- :••%s~:Z-:'-'."• Keystone's total point output. As the game rolled into its final eight The firat half was Kodak's turn to minute stage it-was .apparent thera shine. The postman with a deft outside would be'no Avon upset as the* Cats*. shooting touch lit the Eagle* up for 14 lead reached the 20s on a transition firstframepoints,finishingwith a game hoop from Helblg with two*minutes.• blgh23. g o n e i nt h eperiod..; ,-' ••• ', •_'. ( / i "•••,'• ' ] : . " : The horn to begin the second half Vega and Duesler got some .help on served as a wake up callforthe the ofiensive end from- jucior Doug Wildcats' Babb, who had been silent Mayden, who reached doublefiguresin through the first 16 minutes. Entering both scoring (12) and rebounds (10).. the contest off the bench, he caught fire Sophomore Josh* uaerrier^ who'had. for i second half points and wound up been providing puntsforthe Eagles all wit** 17forthe game. ' year, was heldtojust seven off three' •--;."• • .• ' • > . ; • • '\c>/Both Wildcat vets had Kudela seeing ' fieldgcals. red after the loos. By Onto Amrnhebmr n : Darin Ness shoots over a pair of Keystone defenders in the Cards' upsat of the LCC leading Wildcats Feb. 10. PRESS photo—DavidBrandt SOB OBoaznstBMoaBO marina & pirk AVON LUKE:-' '•- • • • ' " ' j^Q^^sasat w ' , for the Children. OL£ TpMf » l E S x n r o i i d f WB m r axsszrts. VDO3D tXDDD CDDDD « n » i i t : :.;;•'•• " a f a m i l y o w n e d b u s J n B » " Year End Snow Thrower SALE Simplicity • Ariens NAPA AUTO CARE CENTER (2886) Sening the Community Since 1958 149 Lear Rd., Avon Lake ag Preview Our 1995 Personal Waiercralt - ATV's • Clothing & Accessaries 690 Avon Belden (Rt 83), Avon Lake -WE SELL PROPANE 933-4400 • AVON LAKE MARATHON 239 Miller Road Avon Lake . (at the corner corne of Miller & Walker) <E>An American Company erving ServingAmerica America . Brakes • Tuno-Ups •2 24H Hour Towing Service* !';$ Brakes T U ;; Engine Analysis • Radiators -Struts • Shocks* -:•• •: Lube Jobs • Now & Used Tires • AIM Testing . "V.. Service 730 - 9 UQIL-FtU 730 - 6 Sat - AIM Testing 830-430 Mon.-Fri7Sat S-3 COOPER ififo% OFFii OIL, LUBE i •> ON TUES.& THURS. U Wlmnwlmwmm? * : liFORSENIORCmZENSII B F I L T E R SALE .95 ' I!m%JSFEBLL jj $ 1 7 . 9 5 SERVICE WEDNESDAYIS LADIES DAY i i $ 4 . 0 0 EXTRA FOR i TIRE ROTATION ! ^' "" \See Out, /feu* S Spring Tune-Up SPECIAL INCLUDES: - , ' , , . - , .-. •Otav <**•* O« • do* w Cepbca Aff rfcr • Adjmt VJ*w • Qck n d S« b^tae MM • Onto fad l } ^ a ml Oca Ho* B««i (Optent Thili ih i iihr»il riniMwiii) ' rhiiiHiiiilttnin r • i Uln II. 11 [ill i • tf K a U • A*«« Md 1*W CiMa. O e a CptMtt* (tec Mnamt) SE>I 99 fc 20 years of Expert Service iii Avon highfiyingfreshman Steve Vega surveys the situation in the lane during"the'%%& Eagles' £»«4tosstoCtearvfew last Saturday. PRESS photo -~Dav^_B^adtT^tfM Hu±»oir's Power, Equipment Inside GerTJer*s Garden Center \ t,*.' 36383 Detroti Rd , Avon • 934-1533,-^1-800-737-5629 i», '•' :i;v. 933.2107 DJiE.BAJlNARI) D.riaW. ROBERTSON * t torneyi Will, • E*UU»* Divorce • - • •••"•: « PrtU'2eUascs^':^:vy^'^^ •\ r Brochures Ceaa« B«U«a RJ- F R E E 7 WAYS TO SUGOEEp^ LETME WI^TOLfRiS :y^w:^:-r\^£, •:- • A r t i c l e s -.•:,&»•/.". *"•"- / ^ ?:.:•"-•: •••].&&•,! ^Announcements 'r,'.'': :;'•; 'r"'- -:'•'•&$ • Product\Service\PtopIe Profiles • NprihCoast Obstetrics, Inc. Sp^ai^ngmOB/GYN-lrrfertiiity Incontiriehce^Menopausaf Care •••••;.• • . I k t f t J . l S : "•• ITS', - •'•-'• . . V • ' i his medical degree ;> from Wight State • ; University and !. cbmpletedhk internship and : : ' ^p:-^.pb:-~ . -residencyat/'""-^-•'"•". D x . Gunr GKOSEL • Akron Qty HospitaL :•£.;••?•-•••: -..Au,;• • . ^ • " • ••.-'. ' > •---: > . . ' . . . DoctonMihalikandGroid kmtprivileges at EMH ; RegionalMedical Center and Stjohn West Shore Hospital for i .*T;,.: (V..V-. W My business is helping protect your business. Regardless of the size of your business, adequateriskmanagement Is essential. As a Grange agent, I can ; , provide the professional risk management your business requires. Grange offers a variety of business insurance plans that can ' . be tailored to meet your needs. Cart or visit soon . and let me put my experience to work for you. BobAHen "When something is ^votth writingabouJ: P H Y S 1 C U N RETIREM1CNT A N N O U N C E M E N T • J r ALFONSOGJGOZAR. M D . THE LANDINGS PKOirzSSIGKAL O m C X S ' 3Z73IWAUO3tKQAD •MBUCIAIVCB Yburpartner la protection ",,'. 7 • kTf^i'.^V;i> Suito2Q1 Gates Medial Center 125 Bast Broad Street tiri 329-/375 BOB DR KAJUNMIHALIK ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY, 33399 WilkerKd., Avon Lake 93i£5223 INC. •KWE E. MENDO2A MJ>. :•" M A S A 0 1 Y U M J ) . •- YUNLAISUKM-D. Avon Ldct Madiclinio toe. W«Iiw Comroom North Avon Like, Ohio 44012 - 216-933-2929 •am Sheffield/Sheffield Bj ]o Aon McFall ' Hease send all uems for this column and the reasons Ibr the* seasons during this norfurate hike at the French Geek Nature Center. You can make your own snowflake at the end of the hike. Thi» program runs from 2 p m to 3:30 nmonFeh.25. - , Wednesday before it is to appear la the Spelling Bee Winners. Congratulations to the Spelling Bee winners at Baby Bear Ktmbls. Bring your 3to5 Sheffield Middle SchooL First place is year cdd to the French &4fc Nature Charlie Flowers, second place is Amy Centarforaa easy wintrr hikfiL The hike Schnebelin. third place Is Rebekka MursUrtj s t i o ajn. on FeoL 2S. — - tell and fourth place is Kevin Miller. winners will get trophies bom Youth BasebalL Sign you* kids up for These Middle School and go on to compete in a summer offtm!Have ihem loin a youth the County Bee at Cfearview • High baseball tsam. Sign-up U Feb. 26 at the The County Bee will be on Community Center on Lake Rd. . School. March 3 at 730 pja. Membew will be there from noon to S 'Winter Nests. Come to the French P-m. to help you with regmration. Adult Creek Nature Center on Feb. 28. It's a neip is oeeded for the summer also rair ^?°? * Students from Sheffield ' great time to look Ibr nests and from 2 to M^Scbwlw.JJbepartiapatlngTa 330 p-m. we will be doing just that. Join lw.JJbeptlT Science Fair on Feb 21 and 22TT1WFair us in a moderate hike to find them. wm be held at the French CreekNature Comimtnltr Civic Council. The monCenter so that the students* displays will thly meeting '• for f^mmnnftY Civic f» availabletothe pubHc Plan on dropp- Council wffl be on Feb. 22 at 730 pjn. ing^ia and get an idea of what the The meeting will be held at the Com"Mlennt do in school science munity Civic Center. S a o f U k Hike. Learn about snow SMALL BUSINESS Corporafions • Partnerships r. : Sole Proprietorships • Contract Review; Business-Plans • Cbmmercial litigation 934-6543 BIAI ISlMt g; THE PRESS. / . p COMMUNimBWODDRIVE - l : • ; ! . <•'-<: at the OLD FIRE HOUSE- S SATURDAY FEBRUARY^Cl995 8:30 AM-l:PM;:''1 !^.:|: 1 " • ; - , ' > - ; ' . for appt. call 933-6164 Al (The Count) Whitney Or: 233-8827 Jackie at The Lorain County Blood Bank. ;: KINO work session JCkU In Need of Day Care, i n Avon Based non-profit organization, will coaouct a work session in the meeting room «t Avon Public Library on TTiuwday Fob. 23 at 7 p m. to begin a n initiative petition process^ T._ The mission of JOds In Need of Day Care is to help the community of Avon obtain the best possible child care environment. To this end. the purpose of - PBQBAU • FSIAIE rUAKMIMG • PfSSONArIHJURY the initiative petition is to expand cur,rent day care options in Avon by amending the Home Occupation Ordinance to allow licensed home day care as a permitted use in a w«"<«"itiHi zone. Acyone willing to work on the petition process is welcome to attend. . For more Information.' please' call Ellen Young at 837-5819. LORAIN COUNTY BLOODJX>NATEBLOOD SAVE A UFR Be che sponsor of our nexcfW Community Blood Drivev i vl'l 322-5700 Janine, L C B 3 t WEAR IT AGAIN Consignment Shop. AIwaysReady To Go:7. With a fashionable - look from head to toe.' 934-6004 Drtrwt (BcUod 'APMi F b n r M Furnace Giving You y Convenient Hours Evening or Saturday il^ifs; , New Patients t . Are Always Welcome {Attacant to Drug Mart) r 933-4486 •v r "" J v ( *\\Y%c\c H i p p i e Personal UfMtyl* Planning For Your Outdoor Uvfng A T M {Laitfacap*Dmlgn4kbutaU*tkm*Walka*iWuSt* moun.y tmviNo THE A»C* iwcE ian * Why wait for your federal income tax refund? Warm up this winter with a hot deal on a .••"\;:~ Carrier twoflpced high-cmclency gas furnace. H This ftirnacc starra off In high speed to hear j i u r home rapidly, then switches to low speed for,jV more energy-efficient heating that will keep, your ; home warmer and save you money. : v.v. r... •.-. .-"T 933-8797 \ BUY ' ^i-i Geisel's Experts Have the Cure m r •>, •* Michael Kearns, D.D.S. Glenn Kuemerle, D.D.S. rjiiJ'iSV"f'" 33398 Walker Rd.-Suite a A' Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 ; r ; entistry , For over sixty years, Gcisel has ^ > . been meeting all your heailrg.'air :. ' conditioning, and plumbing needs.":"'1 '"' v That Is why-wearc known as' !*•££' ~ the home comfort experts.,., :;.*' SELL RA3XROAI> VIDEOS CA CetUftatc* AnOUda DEIWFs TRAEVS Model Trains & Sujiplles Available whether we prepare your return or not It's YOUR money. Don't wait! H&R BLOCK Dennis Bi*ecse« Owner No Piyimnt* No Inttrnl " Fw Six Montfut: PAYiiurrs ASUWU 33382 WALKER RD.t UNIT J AVON LAKE, OHIO 933-2577 OPEN: Mon,-FrL 9aJm.-9p.m. Sat. 9a.m.-5p.m., Sunday 50 COUIMBJACAS '•'/'• SM«ig EnMW SiMrgra CmMmwl Syria-323-2869 814 Center Rd., Avon 937-9200 •'•SE- Lorain• 233-6608 " Call Geiset For All Your Plumbing Needs! ^ • - - ^ ^•.•.••-iS!.;^;v-* •"•3: ShopSchuenemann Shop Schuenemann's for service and selection By Marilyn O'DonndJ prrascrs. And if the part power to purchase at low you aeud isn't i n , prices. This translates At Scti i n*ng"i»g fi'» TV Schuenemann's can order customer savings. And and Appliance .. Centers parts for practically any with the 100X30 square -' you'll End low price*, brand. feet of showroom space , brand ftame m w **a "^ \**>,' Schuenemann's offers the s e l e c t io n at .' premium * customer"! ser- on-site repair service. fe-Rti»Ti^rr"'""*'T can't be vice and convenient locaThat means less down- beat. t i o n s . Sn why. go time and quicker . turnSchuenemann's offers . anywhere else? «J _;:_ around.' ; convenient purchasing ;• " Paul Schuenemann. Jr., r- Manager Bob Sbunko . terms, 9O-days r began his apptiance: ' echoes tbat service is a same asincluding cash. You can ; business over 40 years ago Schuenenunn hallmark; also add extra protection ;ifl Wtstlata. He out- - "We Uave a very quick to your purchase with an •• distanced the competition turn-around • time," he extended warranty. Visit says."Most in-home ser-' - by focusing on friendly, one of Schuenemanj s vice is done the very next four locations, today: In "personal service, quality day." Bob say« service - products, and a . weliObetiin.' D&S Appliani e trucks are dispatched dai- Store; Schuenemann's in Shop Schuenemann's for all your appIEance needs.. : stocked parts department. ly, and often respond the Westlake: Sheffield Lake: ': Paul's original store grew . into three more as people ; same day in emergency and Parma... situations. - discovered' they; could Fch i iptic"» " " ** TKMp; shop Schuenemann's with ' When you buy - from pliaace Center of Shef.confidence.'. ',... .;•'• Schuenemann's. you field Lake is located at ;'•.'; Schuenemann's '" takes \ receive free delivery and 4646 E. Lake Road. Phone: , the : guess work out of installation (except for 949-6146. Hours: Monday which product to buy. The b u i l t - I o s ) , a n d through Friday, 10 a.m. to Dishwasher friendly,j knowledgeable Schuenemann's will take . 9pjn4Saturday; 10 a^n~ MtWXOBt230l; -staff will offer; profes-',. your old appliance at no . to a p.m. VISA. MasterSound Insulation ^ . sional product advice and charge. They'll inspect Card. Discover accepted. , helpful :*uggestions ', to and test. your new pur- Financing available to nQuraiB PofcaiaiiHjnStttrnrfj and match your needsZ -• " -;. ' chase, and explain bow it Qualified customers. MenInner Door -zyitu Warranty Along with quality proworks before they leave. tion this article and ducts, Schuenemann'r/.1 :; Schuenemann's is part, receive a free extended FREEOellvury operates ,; a " large "', do-it-: of a nationwide buying warranty ($49^5 value) oa yourself parts department.' ' group of over 100 small major TV or appliance 4646 E LakeRd 949-6146 They 'j stock • everything J,; business owners. That purchases through March Sheffiejd Lake M t 10 9 sat 10 ti from vacuum cleaner bags ; means ' they have the U to f.refrigerator; com-,;. 1 SCHUENEMANN $399 !?& A'X" ;'./;* We Pack What Others Won't! XMpftog by Meter mightftAir cnttRf t tuwhiihptsn rtcUtiiif buanwe to tlC0.000./7Ufc.tp Stnrkt I m t , Ikpe t Other racfcinfl S O UK AMherbstf Mppl*% CNM ;.;(h'- Serving The 60 6 Yearn Yearn* ACADEMY "YOUR X STOP CAR CARE CENTERS S«If-Conndonco • S«lf-Control COMPLETE MECHANICAL REPAIRS BODY REPAIRS, PAINTING & DETAILING Men • Women • Children HAND WASH & DETAIL - . Call 933-KICK • , ! • • : ' / , Vj K2S? ASKABOUrOURFKEC«W«H WITH ANY KFAW 690 Avon Beldeh Road • (n«xt to Sisaon'a Flowers) •- Ownami Dmvm A Janmt DETZEL - No Ccinttncla - Srtiiili Class Si2e S2SAV0NBEU}ENRD. AVON LAKE OHIO SINCE 1315 PETFOODS BLAKESLEE & SONS •:K"- IN THE NEWEST ' PERMANENT HAIR 1 REPLACE&IENT SYSTEMS 933-8888 ;--.; IHSURANCEAGENCY • Home • Auto • Life - Business - Boats/RV's **f—""fry • Ohio Casualty* Piogmsm • DAVID a BUKESLEE* R. WILUAM BLAKESLEE I FEED & SUPPLY I D I K I i O t t U . T".—"~—l-OPENALLYEAR- LANDSCAPING & BUILDING K*AT O S U I M W • T«ny U « a ( « u * • OoMraa Rawchar • M«»y TlunUn • -•-'•••--• "OiscountsAvaitabtmfon:' 215 Miller IbL. Avon Lake : • Bird Feeders .^; ' Home & Auto Pacteaes • Good Student • • Mature Drivers • Maturm Home Owners (ACTOM from Aqiu Marine) ••,' BUY DIRECT FROM THE GROWER 10,000 SHADE & FLOWERING TREES .,;; HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATIONS: iy^ CAU.ABOUTTREE PLANTINGS! TRAXLER'S NURSERY i AraA,0lu> J4011 ENGRAVING INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL ENGRAVING Trophies • Plaques • Awards • Avon Lake Sportswear • Screenprintlng • Transfers • Gym Uniforms Computerized Embroiday • Vinyl Signs 114 Moore Rd., Avon Lake OH 933-2902 Next to Fu&*>t Cteqntn SUPPLIES of Detroit*-*'SS FREE TRUCK FOR MOVE-INS Month to Month Rentals NO siECunmr DEPOSIT 38390 CHESTER wn';to entertain Autumn; Voices of Ireland atlHC Spring band concert tonight 1 Tlw Awn Bant grades 7-i2.ua be tasting a Spring Oand Concert at ttwfcigbacted tooignt, Feb. 2Ti at 7 p*u Adnwticn is S2 tor aduts. Si tor sbdent* and wafer dfoans and cniktrsri TIM Avon Band is seii»e besets tor a Steak. Omar ID be SeW at As nitft scnogl cafMaria on Moot) 4 tram 5-7 pjn. Oinw wtt Include a Tfiorw stta*-, Dafcsd potato, saiad. rat. O M M O , COOM andfer tea. Pop wW ba offend tor safe. - The Jaz2 Said Ensembto w« t * taamreii -Tickau can ba purcnaMd kora a band nembar iorS1Z5OorbycalfatBRlctiaidAdsat93463&C ssSKy Retirees dub meets . JP SOCIAL V > DRESSES ^nd About Avon Lake 1 savings on I £ all dresses v\on. Bsbzd : .', . Tbe Avon take BFCGaan Ratkaes CU> wM tnoat Foday. Feb. 24. 1 4 p j n . at tne Christ Winery. 32421 WaBcar Road, Avon Lake tor its montttfy social. Debbie Bonop. coonSnatar or Pn^aa U e tor almost 11 yaws, win explain how tbe Adult Literary Program (unctions in Lonin County. Friands of flMKe* are iavtted to attand. tei SUTU Tzb z6 r- K of C plans Night tn Rome A NEeW In Borne- a least ol Italian cuisine and an evening of dancing-** be held at trie KntoWs o* Cobsnbue Hafl, 17RI Moor* R d , Avon on Saturday. M a n * 4. Doors ana open at 6 3 C p j n . wtti dinner saned at 7 ^ ) . . The event is sponsored by Fsttiar Ragan Counei No. 3260. Knights ot Cotumbua. Cost ta 91250 per person, or $24 per couple. . The dtfmer. prepared by members of Fattier' Raoan Council and as taabeoa Quad, includes speghe&i. lasagne. cavataOL meatbaBa. nafian sauMga. salad. French foBs. ice cream, ptzeoea. cortseandtaa- ; •-' . . v FoOowing dbmer guests can dance to the . tunes ol the Htck Uatia Orchesua. Tickets are available to Ine general public and wil* be evaBeblw at the door. Ticket end able re*snaflons can be made by cnang Rueael Weersch. cneinnen. at 833-9954. The l a n e Us^Ccatmittee's report to represents the Avon lake Public library the public is tie subject of this week** on the commission, and Dan Trent ^Around and About Avon Lake. Tbe nn>represents'Avon Lake City Schools. grant was t^ped at the meeting held earlier this year at the Avon take High ; Matt Lundy and K. C- { Karl) Zuber are ./Avon Lake Council representatives on School.•'.'."• . ' . ., •.':.'•!•', • . ,.'i , the conunissioiL. '•_*,'. Viewers a n encouraged to forward Around and;About Avon Laka is their comments to,the,Load Use Committee after viewing the progrant; - • •_'. .shown daJy at 6 a.m.. 9 ajn.. noon, 3 . j u j i , 6 p j a ; 9 p-ny midnight, and 3 The Avon take Cable Advisory Commission presents Aixmad'\*ntt About. •L ajn. on Channel 12. Kids-Atound and About Avon Lake.. it5 companion pro- ' Avon Lake. L grain; runs an hour later. ' T i e commlwion is Appointed by the Bob' Bolen " produces and • directs mayor sod consists of Jacob;.Luody, Around aod About A von Lake and Nanchairman; Roger Doerr, Rick Potts, Dan cy Woznfek produces and directs KldsTrent* and Bob Smith. JJick Pott* '• Around and About A von Lake. New senior minister at UCC fSGRE&'S Countryluu On Sunday. Feb. 28 at 7 3 0 p j n , the four yean, sh« has been a regular writer Rev. Kelly Boyle Peters will be installed u *» Senior,Minittnr of the Avon Lake :...for.tha. United.Church News, the naUnited Church of Christ, She is thefirst•_ tional aewspaper for tbe Unitad Church . woman minister of the-IJMO-member'; • of Christ, and the Disciple magazine, the congregation. Prior to coming to Avcn. 'national magazine for the Christian Lake, she was the Associate Minister at "; 'Church (Disciples of Christ) Rev. Peters', Lakewood Congregational Church forft.",^ father,, the Rev.' Robert;H. Boyte. senior 1/2 years. She previously served chur-^. minister of the First Christian Church in , ches in Illinois and Texs&. For Hie last - 'Decatur,-Grargia, will deliver, the in- SUNDAY BRUNCH BUFFET OfBacT, Baked U r n * HOURS: •Daily 106 *Thundar 10-9 •SatunteylO-f'Sunday IS 871-7117 . BESEBWIIONS S7I-8AD0 3Oaaa Cmntm Wdp»lW. Vswwoi •"/'•• OF THE « « U 2 5 cawrad lunca at* a must. Ca3 S« W«raecl at S34-W45 by 9 ajn. FetLZ7. Scesk dinner scheduled w« a t e m^!Sii?n?.*M-?y*)f"• "rb* Progan A cfcMn aai be COPMO to tea Autumn HoOels. mmttnQ oo Tuesday. Fab. 28 at noon in Tbe Bam. 3771 t t f c t m i H i t . --• Linda SacockfroraPniact Joy ClowmswVp^«U» ttw emartaiQeDaat with wice and guiitf. Tbe matting also w a indude voCng lor ttw * 1S9S ooe-dayfiualnps> ~ >Uan»adUtsowsr50afeiMleoiae.Tbaniis > U a n » d U t 5 0 no nmtobmstMe mtfjktmata. Out nmtrvations lor Wittiamsburg Squart 25907 Detroit ML •Westlaks i i ' THISJS WHERE irSATIH In the service Thursday Night DELIVER Tizza^utter t•. S e c o n d . L i e u t e n a n t .Infantry Division at Fort .-'V David J. Berger recently • I'Cartton, Colorado will be I graduated from the U S . : . h i s first assignment ~ He', •Array Field Artillery Ot- ' wlil ,move ! t o . Colorado PIZZA CUTTER • W£ST|PlZ2A CUTTER • fAST • ficer * Basic Course. He . Springs in ApriL 933-5570 33501 -K LAKE «D 933-8154 iSJ L£AP.«D ; .earned the distinction of | LL -• Berger is a 1904 C A R R Y O U T ' O r A . V JCARRY OuT & SFAI1WC being a, Commandant's MOUhS M f J list Graduate by Gnisbing ; graduate of the University of. Toledo and a 1990 first In his platoon. Berger is currently attending ad- : graduate of Avon Lake ' . ditional training a* a Fire \ High SchooL He is the son Support Officer at Fort": of- Helmut and ' A n n Slit,. Oklahoma. The 4th ; 3 3 5 5 0 WALKER RD. AVON LAKE OHIO 4 4 0 1 2 & (216)935W785 ceKdad Discover • 800; E. Erie at Florida Ave.' ;v>' >./ " 288-2211 " .-Ntwawflmniumt,: 812 Erie Avenue ,L^.«^ For family dining : /;: Opm st21 • • * tot Lunch wid Oinnar Lorain T 2»tt-5222 • *au>as« o w sH o w i N ^ .-•• wow s n o w i n g .,. r Coining S o o n Thi Brady Bunch Uovlt (PO-13> Nefrodyt Foo* iimniwiahto (TO> -••: r . -^:>.^ ,-• (R) ••-;; ^ i t ^ JU»IC«UM(R) -*•/>-•• ••,*£..,' - EUryateillsonfeC The Quick * The OHd (Ft) . . ; > (PO-H) ^ ' >,'-v; MENTION THIS AO A GET 10% OFF TOTAL PURCHASE •j ..• ' IVAiwHi -; Karon «> Jim Loftln-Proprietors Not Arflliatad with any other Restaurant ^FRIDAV^HSHFRYS!! *v^v DAIIYSPEQALS ^ ^ - Monday-HOT WINGS ; / ; ;^J v! -Tucsday-Asfc About Our Specials Wtdnesday-RIBS &STEAK ^ 5 Thursday-Ask About Our Specials •Good Food :!,-. •FrliadlyhopU •GoodSpirits ,:•' , •WtHowAcapt ON LAKE A Ktat 7mm h tf» town' Saturday-RIBS & STEAK BREAKFAST Served Dally 6 am to 11 am Sat. G am to 12 pm; Sun. 9 am to 2 pm NOW...WEDNESDAYS IN FEBRUARY "MORRIS CODE" featuring Bob & Peggy of'Kick'S-lipm • tfAK OI'FN SUNDAY I I'M TO I I I'M ( 14«W I AKl: KL> , AV» )N LAKI! 9 i I-4OO7 • A Oooct Msn In Af rtea -Andre • Natural eornKUIcre "Frssh :•In 77M Army Now JcinUi For'Grumpy'How 3-6J0pmMon-Fr[ , H«Ue»llH ,~ GENERAUIBRARY2r,:ihts-$1.99 CHILDREN'S VALU-RENTAK2 nights 99^ l25 2J2tf95U2i2il9i 32485 Lake Rd. ooo AvonLnke OTOn yoJry/'JU ^ THIS AD SPONSORED BY THESE COMMUNITY MINDEDBUSINESS METsT I BUTTERFLY FAM1L' BOOKS tc GIFTS DR. MARK D. GOULD -PODIATRIST SI AmU* Fbocr 90S-7173 '-si. fFaith... -* 1 Wot Fear A»op.Laas.Gbk» PfaonaOB-UZl STATEFARM INSURANCE BRUSNAHAN &STUART 319 Millet Bd. AwoLil* Phon* 933-2720 AnoUki DeANGEUS RESTAURANT & LOUNGE SlSSOhfS FLOWERS, CARDS & GIFTS G O O D SAMARITANS, NURSING H O M E ta4 323OBOrtmtBd LANDINGS ANIMAL CONVENIENT HOSPITAL FOOD MART U7 Lur Ed. aolcawtmtfc. W«p»Ht dear ft Shrffkld Ukar SF TOM'S COUNTRY PLACE/ CATERING Itf AamBddei i k p o bUwl Ittt*. Vkx lo*«> U if«dfcyth« cwtaiaiy tkat faraa* ft «htad. tW wlQ ofGad pmalb- W c r a ti t i a Lake Lk 13"Wl 137."Wtli Tilt •iiTtilntihilthilminMlhlf "TFi w w i i l a HIM 'lfafc HARTSEL'S AUTOMOTIVE p A Tim F«dfl*y F rkk * S30-AUTO , ; Avon Phone SU49S3 THE CHILDREN'S CENTER A V O N LAKE PRINTING Atmw XJA* Cbenmupiiy 33467 LaWBd. Avon VaBMaMf n u n s ' ', Mm ''--Mm '/!«*«". KtHI H & I AUTO SERVICE l Moan Rd. A«m - 3S3V0 O H M H BUM! MOfcRta.611 Avon, Ohio DR. ROMAN BOIWKA Optamctrist R A V S AUTO 4 : TRUCK SERVICE GREAT LAKES ; ^ GYMNASTICS .,:r DETZEL'S GARAGE WeKrpaif AUUaknicMmUa : . EPAb«i«cikM>Stittm FuJlMnk»awtol All ndka of a m FIRELANDS FLOORS. AvonUkv 933-EYES or 93M333 FboD*SX>205 ,, Avon ' i - j 1 - - • '--.• .,•"•'•'•;.' J - r P h o n r 9 3 4 - U O } •,'-,:•• ••'. "-""^i '',:,-•• EASY STORAGE Mini Storage/All Sizes ng far tCOOUNG ' * ^ SKUGGEN l;:;'-"--^:-INSURANCE AGENOf r04ff ftdMMaf Join Davtmaaai 11*17 71-11 TtMpi"* Young CfaCdm l a m - BONNIE'S LAKESIDE SALON ALLEN H E A T I N G 149 Uv JULAw U b year fwidc.fearbde* laMohOrioai fbeevcr—jarf a* ' - - VwimOiait LUPE C H E V R O L E t ^ TRUCK and G E O ^ 3360ff Fbw Ckk rfcdmwy. :_< .V^ Awn Ui*. Ot-o, <»;* ;f r rf -*;r *•»; «.,> EOT* DrtroU Ed. T Phuiw 933-3O*» .THE PRESS US l ^ r I L t / P J l 8 M 3 O > AVOM UV«. Ohio Phon»KU-3100 KOUNTRY KUPBOARO 4 CAFE - 3 « 7 * Detroit E d , Avon W«biMi|»r Without CHURCH OF C O D , SHEFFIELD.'U THE CHURCH COMMUNITY CHURCH SERVICES AVON LAKE LAKESIDE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP AVON LAKE BAPTIST CHURCH r 321 jLaw ltd. «U-99H Sunday *JO ajn. F«llotnU» * itfrntunanM U u n S u N b r SitauL 11 a-m- WonhJ M U S d 7 p.m. WdiiMp n * Sharif J3MV L«ka IbL 1 X U 1 U C MJ CHRIST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH ST. CLEMENT OF OIIRIO MACEDONLA ORTHOLX>X CHURCH 3*605 Prawn Craak IUL. Avon Boats KkwonkL MlnHMC Sun.l0J0a.n. Simlay School .MO u o . AVON LAKE PRESBYTERIAN XZMO Elwtri* Mvd. <OM240 Dr. Alterf A. tUft. PHtur • ; ;".-.""T AVON AVON LAKE UNTIED CHURCH OF CHRIST Sun^y SdMOt Vit.HU Junior Churdi I t a-m. «av. K*Dy Poyf N > r > StUtff MlnWr M h r * CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH ! 133607 Ebrtftf Wvd. KO+8M ICaty I t fchmmlar, MMoar v M l «UD> SuiMlay School I K M a-m. * «:00 a.m, Momku; Worahlp I KMtiina Srrvk* 430 p j t . | Wad. fcJ0-*13 pjn. AWANA Cluta •i I FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 131S47 Labi UL 933-3330 I Sunday lOa^i. I Plot Wadnaaday of lha month, 730 pjn. HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH l « o Laar Rd. «0O777 I W^v. lamaa K. Baany, Paalor j Waafcdajra Be30 a.m. ISB*.9-0Ur>.m. I Sun. "•00-10-JO.II Noon ST. JOSEPH CATHOUC CHURCH IXKZfLalut " ^ K 0 ^ 1 3 3 I Row. I. Noonart Wtay, Mlnlitvr iX ST. MARY «f tht IMMACULATE CONCETTION 3MD Wonvy lUdpa ltd. 9H-U12 Avon.OhM . Arthur B. ton, t o n , Mlnlator LMD - Bun. B «JH>10 >12 Noon Wad. 7-JO p.nv FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Cudan and Lahaland Dr., Av«n »*-4710 Rav, Woyna D Dxlur -T Suttdar School Adult EUbla Oaaa 1O43 ajn. , Wmhlp » i » a.m. ' AVON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 37711 DWralt Kd. Awn 9CM-9121 MMatan Or. David W, Wear Sunday 10 U n Wmhlp bnlff Sunday School • » a.mj Blbto Study • Wad. 730 p.nu Oiolr fwwllca * I 3 a-nk CHRISTIAN HERXTACE ASSEMBLY OF G O D 3MM0 Q M - M T Rdu 937^326 Rw. Jwm' Sunnay Morning Wonlrfp and ChlUran'* Church *00 a.m. and 10v«3 a.m. Emntna; Wmhlp *-JQ a.m. Thunday Family Nlchl (ComplaW Chrtallan W rVngrant) 7J0 p.nv UNIVERSAL UFE Cocnpuln Chap-/! rtutnr CnmpuMr o( Ihr "liftTach ihurchouM U" Homa - MCT- lMtnuMry Connan I t p.m.-* •.!». FrL4at * Sun. Call V374I50 Jim LiHIa, Pa*«or w«tLuj.7*Wpjti- I1 ltJ3 * ^ «m O«far Rd, ShaffMd, 9VW3O A V Sat. . fcOO O pm.v( N w w AnaJbLM Educational Study Opponun un Uaai U ' ' TS Sun. KMojn.Chlldnn/ Adult Sun. «O0 T FREEDOM CHAPEL } ; 33119 ElaeMc Soulavant 933-SXM V-.; 1 MaradtUi D. Colatnan, Mlnurtvr Wonhlp KMW a-m. CHURCH Numary and Crib Koont CantaAvailable OWUHJ | Sunday School 11:10 a.m, -.-:- M*» F. YatMBan. B«buMar Seot* SBMTH. MMalar of Youlh •• MuaW -Sunday adwotUAOa^. „, Momlnfi WanMp 11«> ajn. Sunday HMMng WonMp M 0 pjn. HOPE, LUTHERAN CHURCH " * LAKE SHORE UNITED METHODUT CHUKCH 2975 Sumay Rtdaa KO, I>A Ba. 3O9 Ifl t BUSMEISTBtfiUSCH PAINT i PAPER PLACE Itbaabcca aWrwd tfczt"Utt»«ab*tt«*&*U of ifcc a**p HIB u t tfth nlff«fcirt-tir AnoLU Run* ttS-9074 ^ SMMULeHd. Avon Lai*, Ob» FhMM 933-32S3 Avon, OH 44O11 Fb. KM-A2S2 Sundayt 1O00 i a , "CXOaSWAUC radio 104.9 FM 11:00 Wmhlp Sarvlca Wadnawiayi W » pJi*. MfeW STudy * attmm AVON CHURCH OP C O D 37445 UatraM *iL, Avon (CK XM4U0> Rav D M M SviftmU, ' Sunday School 11*00 a jn. Sunday Mom. Worahlp 11*0 a. Rk Sunday I n . rVonhJpftflup m. Thunday Pamtty Tralnlns Hour TOO a,«. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH *33 Harris Rd, ShalflaM Laka M9-«MS Rav. SUly B. Coopar Raa. W 7 M Muate DIfartor-riai Wataon - HOLY TRINITY ROMAN C A T H O U C CHURCH and Mid Wart. Pray, Snvko T 15 J 33«Ot Dvtrotl Rd* Avan V3740A3 Father Johr. f. Garmld, MinMrr Sat. S pjjt. Sun. 9 a.nv-IOJO u i f l l Noon . SHEFFIELD LAKE - • NEW HAVEN DAPTIST 9M> Fnmch Craak 93442*3 ShafFMd. Ohio 44094 Klchanl Whit.. Paawr • 4 V a m Sunday Srhonl 11Mm.ni, Wonhltr fcOO Church TnOnW TOOY/onttla " Wad. 7«1 Ftayar * BlUa Slitdy SAINT THOMAS THE APOSTLE C A T H O U C CHURCH 715 Marrlr. Road, Shalllald Lalut M9.77M XMm m9 77 4 Jonnl.McCaHnn/.FlM.r ~ * * Sat 9 p.m. . Sun. M i l •.nt.lKEW a,m^I2JC> p.m. UCC OF SHEFHELD LAKE •USSunartaiRlchli *••»**•» f «ai7| ft •a Carlni Community Church P FMtnr Kubart Hatch Worahlp Srrvk* - 10O0 a-m. "Shai<«, PMyar, Cara" KU-tOtIS a. ^urvrry avallabhi - BAY VILLAGE 10J0 CoMaa faUoHKhlp MABAS Rojda.WoWRoa.l.fcyVlIl.,- kftn Sunday School Wad ™ u » » acnoai wadnmday IOJO Mon <uy 10-O) ajn. Bibta Studv O N THE RISE B.^mF^\ &ri~* i*?ft*L How to use our HotLine Realty One 1 . took forth* "HOT#-of fleattyOna listings in our ads and on our yard signs. 2. From any touch-tan* phone, eafl 691-234S or 1-600-691-2345X Enter the 4-cfisit "fUlT*" number to hear a detailed description of that property. The HotLine otters FREE. 24-hoor access to real estate information aod ever/ Really One property lor sale. Try it! 691-2345 or 1-300-691-2345 ftS SPECTACULAR LAKEFRONT HOME STAYWTOW»uiAndstiaha*«aNEWriom«tor under S16CUX0I A cheerful 3 BR home with stunning gas Ireptace under the vauttsd great mom sMfihts. ClosetoLake Erie and lABer Rd. park. This atttacttve price Includes a nigh tun basement. CaU PAUL SMITH. 833-5688. {887888) (HOT 7288) PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP SHOWS • Vary weff taken car* ofranchwHh 3 bedrooms, large living ft dWng ana. newer gas lumaca & patto. Ottered at $74,800. PETE TETORAKIS. 933-6195. («»710B){HOT70tt) ,. .•„:--• if fl GREENBRIAR SUBDIVISION - NEVrUT USTEDt Spacious Cape Codtoalurasa 15x22 family room wife vaulted calling,formaldMng, master suite wifr sitting room area. 4 bedrooms, deck overlooking a private backyard. 5194.900. Cad! BETTY WAKEFtELD tor more detaUe, 8336t«.(69«T19){HOT1331) .• • - • \Z: NEW LISTING.^. W WON'T LAST LONG! ATTHtS PRICE O f $109,800. Ch»e to schools this tame features a woodbumino Breolace. new carpeting, fenced yard. Several updates have been added Including hot water tank_>t years okt fumao*~5 yearn old. air conditfoning. new windows plus glass block windows in the bassmanflt A pleasure to vtowtlt Cad nowltt CATHY HUQICK. 933^19B-{aWMB); •VFJUMUON 2 BRTOWNHOUSE- Great price ol <•, Just $109,900 on this like new"2 BR. 1-1/2 baft \ retreat with woodbumlng flreptaca In homey/ ; greet room, huge sandy beach Just steps away' i with nearby launching ramp. JOI * CAROL ¥ JUDGE. 933-«55a (887355) : '' lib.: MAGNIFICENT VIEW OF LAKE ERIE from avary room of this 1.6 acre Lorain hofM. Excasant protectfen with 100 ft- of concrata breakwaB & bsach. In-tloor not water heat Abundant storage. Third garage Is drive tfvutor lake aocass-3 bedrooms & 2 fuB baths plus security system. Call WENDY LAFORCE-ZAVBO, 833-3195 lor privsta tour todayi (S986S0) !B*s5swsw^.^y--r'- NEW CONSTRUCTION T ._,._., ELEOANCEtoaturlng2 story layer overlooking spacious family room, a knehen GOURMETCOOKS dream of, 4 BRs & more. Several, upgrades. CaB now $225,900- CAROL BLACK, \ 933-S614 / 833-7700.(882186) LAKEFRONT LUXURY! Picture tqua I Resplendent! SaOend Lavfshl Surpasslngl Pick a word. They ALL apply when you speak of this 3 BR. 3-1/2 bath Townnome en the lake. Captlvattngl Come seal $398,900. MARY MADZELONKA, t33-«5W. (683571) CAPE 3M BR*S • 1st Boor utility, basement, 2-1/2 car garage, near Qotf course, pleasant decor. Only $184,900, Call ADA TAYLOR today 833-6195. (688SS1) 4 BR. totally radecomted cotorual at S75 ChanceUor Court can be yours tor S224J00. Please come see - youH want k> sby. Or caB LORENE COUGHUN at S334195. PRIVATE END ONTT •• USJW0 - Gnut opportunitytorhome owner-: ship with Ms 2 bedroom. 1-1)2 bafft, upper cartage style in Smugglers Cove-Large bedrooms, and your private deck, along, with no msinunance give you M best of both wortrls. Can HARK UORANat9334t9S.{B88O01) - LIKE OPEN SPACE? Try this beauty on for atz» {2531 sq. ft) 4 large bedrooms, 2-UZ betns, garden paradise butft 2 yrs-$233,900. Call AOATAYLOfl.B33-619«.(«93431) AVON LAKE BUtLOABLE L O T ' Vvooded scenic lot In quiet neighborhood. 40x155 with aH Improvements. Low SZOTs. Dorrt wait • Call UNDAEHUE today. «33-aiB5.(8W55e) A: GREAT AVON LAKE LOCATION! Enjoy tomUyf Bving In this 4 bedroom Cape Cod. The a m * ; sh»ws price of ownership and Is dosstoschools. -•. recreation and shopping. Features afamilyroom»«} with woodburning masonry Brtplacs.Tw bains, f" •* large basement, 2 car attached garage, central £? air. Immediate occupancy. $161,500. BETTY J WAKEHEUl (683443) (HOT 6036) ,-: £ LOWEST PRICED BAY LAKEFRONT - Ready to decorate to your lifestyle, 3 bedroom. 1 -1« bath. 2.088 sq. ft, 2 story home witft woodburning fireplace and 2 car attached oarage. This Is a near century home and situated on a deep park-fike lot In the Eagle Off! Association area. $249,800. JIM A CAROL JUDGE, 833-6550. (675654) "II THE WESTWINDSt Oradoua Raleigh Model Two story foyer wllh Died flooring, formal dining, first Boor Horary, four bedrooms, two stairways to EXPANSION SPACE TO FINISH could give up the second floor. Newly constructed 18x24 deck, to 5 BFTs. has waterproofed, basement, 2 firevaulted celling In the spacious family room, much places, gas fuel, central air, dack, 2 car garage, workshop and 2 possible buBdaWetots-Totalprice $154,900. ADA morel $307,500, CaU BE1TY WAKEFtELD, 9336185.(688871) (HOT 1384) TAYLOfl. B3M185. (882757) (HOT 4848) li , £ iraMalWAEKER RPnmVON LAKE WESTLAKE CEDARWOOO 1 STORY - Why \ rent? Enjoy carefree living In ownership of (his ' lowly 1 bedroom. 1 bath condo with all appliances and immeOate occupancy. JS9.000. JIM « CAROL JUDGE, 933-«50. 933-6195 - Summerhill to bring cutting edge cluster homes to Avon By KutaDruIer i • AVOS-A public hearing on the third | and largest phase of Sommerbill sub: division brought a crowd to City Hall • last Wednesday, most with questions | about Dood water retention and increas\ ed traffic in the layout Road area. Some - were simply curious .about how the ! 179-acre development is shaping up. • Schafer Development Co. gained con- ' | ceptualappforalafitspIansfromPlann: ing Com mm ion. rWaifo of the water ' retention plan are still being worked out with advice from City Engineer Peter Zwfck. Massive retention is required because part of the land is in a flood plain and of it is wetlands* Shape is a key word when describing SummerhilL The parcel which fronts on .. Jaycox Road has a square not owned by the developer caned out of the center, one of its sides facing Jaycox. In addition, a long narrow finger stretches to ; Kagel Road: that land, which b adjacent to Schwartz Road Park, will be used for a bike-path exit onto Nagsl Road. The layout shows a 9.7 acre retention lake on the southern end of the parcel and other . smaller. retention n""^* where needed, and a large section of open green space at the northeastern end. The green space balances out the more densely developed clustered section. CANT SKATE? CANT GET ICE TIME? ICE HOCKEY TOO EXPENSIVE? WE HAVE THE ANSWER: DEKHOCKEY IF YOU ARE OVER 4 YEARS OF AGE, THEN THIS IS THE SPORT FOR YOU. JUST CALL 32Z-K*t (I NDOCVILLE BALL HOCKEY COTTER XHMIAQLCYKMD NORTH MDGCVILLE MEGU1ARS® MIRROR GLAZE1 A 6 STEP RECONDITIONING PROCESS. At, WATER WHEEL^& CAH ' r r- Reskleolsoa Parkview Drive question- •. the site. Century would probably donate ed whether duster homes would be too .'. k to them. Otherwise, it will be lorn dose to their property tin**, some as " down because it is no longer used end is close as SO feeL duster h/ttiiitng does •v'a problem to maintain.*; .;-"•,".'•':' '-: • The fipflt plat plan and subdividers' not have standard R-l setbacks and rear agreementfora 43-singl&- family home subdivisioa called Highland Park was Resident* from Heatherwood Avenue approved by planners. Gary Smitek of and. other side streets in the area were concerned about the increased traffic on Central South Partners Limited is the Jaycox Road. . developer. Highland Park is east of Stoney Ridge Road and south of Kttael When planners discussed where more retention could be added. Tom Wearscb was adamant about where itfthfwMnot g o : -'.,'.- ' V 1 - • .• • i *;•> * SPCCUI 6 S l e r RecoodWoQlna P r o c e x j . . . •I.Rob Oof Body • .-• ' • The New 2-Program LOGO Hearing Aids' from Widex Why b* restricted by f ha single program . hearing' aids? Wfdex, ffie creator of the world-renowned 4 : progro:m • • QuaHro hearing system nos ' V applied its .40 years of hearing industry leadership: and created a classic line of reliable 10G0 hearing aids. : Th« LOGO hearing aids feature: ? ' ; ; : I :;; ' 2-program flexibility • A program selection switch;•• on the hearing a i d that lets you adjust to 2 separate listening'environments (like restaurants, concerts, office situations, etc) • Widex's international reputation for service and reliability l ;;i SNG MMMU ChwkaOK. ••...:••.•':.-.'*-...• v ^ ; - T H E LANDINGS" , •• •, . . ' ' .•'.'•.,•.•':- .- •.>,-*••• ...:•-••• : : , ^ ' : - . - 17084AKE RO.-Unit checking on activity. Checks OK. -•.~ • ^ „• 2159-MAPLE/WALKER.Mata : arrestsd' for CCW, AgortvaUdMenacing. •• ^ '.: February 11 * 0044-LAKE^AKE BREEZE-Complalnt of harassment by grOjp. UTL. • 031»-KNICKER8CCKER-Matt arrastad on warrant out of Loraln County Shwtffs D « t 1144-BHOCIOEY.CanvlaJnt of tfwft fleporL ,. 170WAKE RO.44VA. Revert. -. , • ^ 1040-LAKE RD.-Complalrn of tvltphons harassment.Report, -i .- ^ - - - . - - - • • • , • •-• - : ^ J ^'A!.v{K^>jS.'."i:*y!&!,>'. s^RescMSqu«ri^ . 120**LAMEDA*tato arrested for stsUuno. 'r V,1812^ASADENA-Coraplalnt of. tarewlM calls. Report:. - : ..•: .•.. •: .,-,. .-v~"v:.1:rf-p-v-".--.-•? •banc*.NCC...: : ' ^ ; r . . .:- with juvenile. ., - . ;; 1816-HARRlSffERNDAUE-MVA.Report ••"•'• v i FebruaryJs:?'iZ^^&& ' 1139-LAKESIDE 10-Dom*jBc dlspurt. Repori; •'%' 144CWRVJNGPAH$«eportolfemaieoverdo».:' ed ondrugs-Taken to^U Joe's./ •..,, r; --^^f9 p 4u rT 1 •m2 £PS1 ? * • « ' « "> warrsnt,out of f."' w a r r a n t - •-...-. Sheffle(d Lake Mayor's Court , ,.-:-. \-\:li-J 1933fl0BINW0OD-Urtits attempting Hi serve'. ; '. -••••-•-*.. ......-."..,» ..... . . . . . ^ ^ - 20miNCOLN PAHK-CHspersed targe crowd'"'*"• after fight Males arrested. Report • ^ , . 224SHAWTHORNE-Matothreaunlng'tulcide* £ • Transported to hospital by rescue sqwuooV,,..;.;'^ ECHSplans reunion '<y^F\'''':<:<'-\ 1Tf» Elyria C « t h ? n c H i f l h S c h o o l class o f 1 9 7 0 - : ' i^Sl^1"'!"* to ^ !nformauon regar- 0 h ?JMtio(' l T abQ pp should contact Ron 3W4020 (days). 3 2 « ff»ll 9(evinlr>gir ' Jonn BArfnger, • February 12 •' . . . . . . ' . ; ^K'.,. • i " •. »n^J«nlc« Corwd, Beth c X OOOSSHEFFIEUWiwtnltos pic(«d''u-». tor Davis, Martha Day, Frwdsco curtaw vtotalion. Parents cttad. V -, D'Onaio.Tom Ftdor. T Fl 103WRVING PARK-Unit assisted Rescue^ Advised. • r , ' • KXn-EDOEWATEFUMt assisUd Fin Dapt W 2 * 4 > K E R O ^ l J t t l hldd 1329-WARWICK.Probl«m ,,32730 Walker Rd. Bldg. H, Avon Lake, OH - .-.,•-.-, February 14) -.w '.•••>'• . F e b r u a r y s -''";..'.'"••.'.-.V••'..•."' 't;y~•;• 00&UAKE RO.-Unit dMGklng (tmal« walking/ S q u a d . •- r J • '••'•• '-..'. 1«1CH»ASA0ENAf •mato arrasttd on warrant ''-vrr , out rt StMfB^d lake Utayor's Court, -,-r ^i;-;'-V-Mt* ... [• 183ftALAMEOA«omplalnt of Walking Report:^ --, 20S2-LAKE . RO^Complalnt of • domntie••'--%• violence. Report: ' February 1 0 - • •!'; • : " • ' • ;' ; 004»LAKE RO.-MVA. Ftopoct • . . >, ; O12S^1ARR!3 RD.-Male aiTMMd on warrant out of 8.L. Uayur's Court - " ' 1158-IVANHOE-mpcrt d suspidous person. availabla In "COHWNTIONAI" " "'. i32WUCHEUEUComplalnt- or kwd 'AdvtswJ.1 DwtOrtwvtg White Intoxicated "' NCC-Na CauutorComplaint Dlip. UnlKJlapitchsd Unto ., DUHMring Undar m* InBumcv p , iaS74*OWEU^>oss!bl» B&E. CtMdts OK;. •• , , • 002S1AKC RO.-Heport of suspicfoua penwn. UTL. 100OLAKE RO.-Complafnt of theftReport.' : 1024DUtmyC4if W M E - B r a a k i n a a E n t e r i n g . - . •.•'.••.; - ' • • ' ; . : ; : , • ' : B O L & 6 * o n tfw L o o k o u t , . , •'•;' ••„"• • •• :•;,\ <. i:: AN AFFORDABLE INNOVATION IN HEARING AID TECHNOLOGY •• - . February 13. UTL-Unatto to Utatm MVA-MotorV«Acla Accktant 454 Avon Belden Road- Avon Lake. Ohio ':•• ";'•' SheffieldLake Police Log O O A O M I * On ArriMl , ' : '.;;.V[.-,\ family homwa Oallnltfom of som* of th* abbravktkxw found In ttw Pttke* Logs. , Boors: McowSat. &30-7: Sun. • _ . . . ' saplings," Wearsch w<w?ffT*»H . • •.... . Planner Paul Bunk askedforvenDcaDeveloper Joe ft-tiafnr Is enthusiastic' tion that the buildings are no larger than about the free-standing cliratwr hoiryyr : the 6JXJQ. square feet maximum allowed. that wHl be ottered in addition to con- - - pianners also questioned whether the ventional single-family homes, r ,'. ' iflngTi* ingress and -• egress, to the **It*s -the first of this type of cluster ; townhouses would be suSiciant during housing to be offered in Avon." Schafer morning rush hour. The entranceway is ' said. "We see families moving Into the ; . split. • with a - stone , structure in the ' standard single-family homes and hav- Island.' Developer Greg' Romes said be ing the grandparents nearby in the believed the divided :street would keep clustered section.** ' .- .j.:. traffic moving. •- '•' '.:;r-.;^v''^::: 1 Steve Schafer said he thought young - • - - • Planners gave a nod of approval to couples, single home-buyers,, people Joe Scaletta and John Hancock who gave who travel a lot and;retired people~ fan Informal presentation of their land would; be interested in the cluster development plans for the Mfclau Fainthomes, because of the low-upkeep. The: ly property located across Detroit Road association will maintain the property. f r o m ?«h** fr'wpffft rw TiffT**v •"-*•'""-•"-"^_ Cluster homes will be offered In either^ There will be exits onto Detroil Road V one -story or' one-and-a-half, story'•.'- and onto Jaycox Road. Planner JimPIaz- "„ models, and wilt be priced, in the za said he would like the layout changed-? _i S140.000 range, according to Schafer. > :. so that the road onto Jaycox would line " f~ up with Dawn Street to the west\ In other business " ^ ^ " " - y / ' i -"" - Wearsch and Planner John eidmd ex- 4 ' • Century Telephone f^o.'s request to -' pressed concern about Scaletut'sr plans'^ split a parcel of land on ijetroil Road op- . to connect the sanitary sewers to Dovonr*3 posite French Creek Road into a west"":' shirs lines on the south side of Detroit.^ parcel of JO acres and an east parcel of u because the master sewer; plan 27 acres was denied by planners, pav- lines going north ' ing the way for an appeal before the .. French Creek Inte Zoning Board. : - . „ ' : : ' : - " :": . ;'- The developer said that because of the' Daniel Cook, an attorney representing • reduced density la Avon, thers.ihould^ Century, said that if anyone Is interested be more than enough sewer capacity ^ £ In preserving the blstoric building on ~ $ R o o d . • Planners listened to land development plans fur the third phase of Fcencb. "Creek Reserve, which consists of 92 townhouses on 6.3 acres. It (s north of Detroil Road, at the rear of the single "Don't plan to put It on the "finger" of land (tending to Nagei Roadfe those are 10O year-old treet. If you have to tale trees out somewhere, it should be young 3 5.OMB ft 0 T W T i r e » , ^ ft-imertorOnnlnfllocfuded - • ••; REAL ESTATE^ OS Commercial Property* UfUUNBOUSTTULPARK t**MH*t*m*2sa AVOM LAKE; NEW 3 BEDROOM and Dring .Rasay - tor OCCUPANCY. REDUCED"* SWUQa Tba f ^ T drat In t M . CM Sdwautor Norms-833-55*4. AVON LAKE: HUNIUrS RKKJET 447 Avon Peat 4-eadroca Cotontf. Four iaas okt C M K » OacoMBd. UnatacutatatnroushouL. All iffWflas. 933-3834. Homes For Sate~ LY HOME MCttTOAGECOflP ' Awn U M . O M aawTino AVOM LAKE. BY S 0-« 2n 3 bS AVOMUE Cotontat Gott ' WESTLAKELQT GORGEOUS PARK SETTING PraiEAREA-S7irS _ B37-533I - AVON WOODS COKOOt 3 Bartroonm. 2-Fua Bam*. Addad Faroty Room & Scraansd-to Poctt "*artoote>g Pood. 834-eaia. No flaattars. , BY OWNER: Cum Awn 3 "ytrrrnni 35 Vacation Property For Sate ConU-LoaotnanASMvai pay &S0O towards ctoswg costs to f ^ a n u atorsaOBy dosng naadocL S79J30ff837-e7«ltori HOO B U T E . Rocky RMrnr. naar shopping,-SSfUBath. csthadial eaiiing, cas fireouca. bright open, soacioust Excao gttdaon 1121.900. Cat owner. KJEMANUFACTURE HOME: Own your own fuoparty. NortnFriM2Bd oiMy««s.2Badm«M. Room R o a n Larati. Ka« Carpst & *rConfl«onar. Compute* b T M » L S4U0Q 9376843 RENTAL FOR SALE by ownat*»vaciar- To45 For Rent M wood*topmcaii.auyr M * 0* aUa to encesa colors A Mans*. Wtwn comptalK-UBR. 2-1/3/BA. t o n . 3-BEDROOM HOME FOR REWT. g r a aB. f l 2carttalacnad t m n d W garaoa.. UUIEOJATE OCCUPANCY! Fun Qulat suaau 27482 Sanaca. oasaatant, attacMd garaga^ w—lk u i a c r aBg04aa ad w •artudad woodad araa. No pats. p N.OLMSTED. by « W M C . 23211 . M MQQAnona imam. ma (( MM d M wnd CUHo»d. ,3-BH. 2-BA. Extras.: m*t to Spacious. Dacaiving bom t n a t . L a k O 1400 sqJL Annflancas, Bac-Rm. APARTMEMTS FOR RENT. l * t » W 6 J 0 d : 734-3361 w d l d 833-B24T. 1 * HOU8ECLEAMHG ATMTK wTai 441-MiaorKfOOU Wa eaofci uno t , battmU U 2M (aflxitt) tots atob M . Ooaa ••aaaofc tob U Supping. M O Scftoota. Ubraryttand Call: Trademark Homes 933-43*1 „ Autos Wanted Bun l»ad A Junfcad C M AVON LAKE LOTS FOR SALE OR ••' BUILD TO SUIT AVON LAKE: 4BR 3 B U l Ra^chT 10 75 •> 2 0 L o t * and Acreage - • For Sale f 80 Help Wanted «Hd OQ0 loaosm. Cat Maid LAUOSCAPE INSTALLATION A Sana m*t »o= PXL BOK 10ft A M M . OH44O1I• LANDSCAPE: Pratessional I n saakng aoenaacad tadta San Jt2XB*r. pua Banaais. for posaon ot anascapa Bcnr •ajani^nd appadnon Mo. ca> 213tna opportunity ta advance to 7W-C0M) Ett. OH2ia. 9 AM 10 11 torarrjn. ' ' , ~. . ..: PUT gays. Sand asume or cat Ufcaada Landscapa- A Dasigrt toe ACTIVITY ASSISTANT Loadt snm AtargaacMteatoout 15013 CaUfOne. CknMand. OH 12S DSd U M i g Cnan -Mmjnftty ol 44UI.121«252-WSQ. . • m spant on our AUhanar-s uns. • 30M0 bowa tmt waaK, • * • LAWNCARE . . ! • wainand j4 hours par day*.., paaorcSRADLeYBOADNU^ FERTIUZEH APPLICATOR ExHOME. COS Be*toy Hd. Bay Vl«^a. pananeaAcarBlcaaonpnrisnad.Wia Iran. Apery ki pstvx) only;Sanv5pm ATTEMHONr y LAWNTECHMC lrisuranc.Aaanei-n.anaa 7UMOORERO Fknnoat Consuums - Moncaoa AVOMLAKE Brohars , Z ^ Maka an a m UOOOO ki span mat MOVE-IN SERVICE ., Marfc-awwqioawwwrealsarw* to hocnaoMMisI Saw « u S90 J00 Ws want matura. t**pa*n£i* parsons a t e would anjoy halptna plusl Lsads pra«dad. ccw-ptat. tarawas •mrfng into t M CkMaMrd Bxnsig. nofcsiwii * w a J "fif Gnat sfae. n u v a a A gat orgaraad In opponuniiy) • Biairnawftoraas.ParH(naonty. C a J I t t i m 734-3730owPACMwa E T C an-oaoa PAWTIHG: Fftt .Opatuor. Tuasday. oay.:^.. Con- = Ibfi 9 4C adToa\g3KBQQ. HESTAURAUT HCLP, parWtow ; Pay. Cat Bator* 3gw. 331^6082- • . . Ittwucky FMd CWctsn is nowae- ^ . saa»!ftarw«psytatojLialiaJ3iBr *- — *— * t • — — S man ^ * . RESTAURANT. gbrMs*eo«aons a a . aKBMt i 5tDnptoy— ocpormiyp winBarawa „ ' cnaaau Apply at Jaoias Dominf*55,, R a i u u n u . 27200 E>atroU Rd..^.'-: vmntm ipm.to4pafcjlonJwiFrl.«g•-*' SALES • Good oopoajrMM.nowt* •variaPtotorquafifiad pacctt wno ,wantnoatoa»s>la>iitaryiala« Vim ,,. otlar a. piaaxani an«u«Mwnt. : ntrariD, banate A good paytorM :•; right parson. Fwu &.-pan-Urn*' -'•-• '; p a a Fp l m t l 882-0666. lt«w»<pm., MonJfrl." SECRETARY SWRT PRESStH: 7-Opm. SakHdays. ApprrinpiaomRjOE HOW ACCEPTMC APPUCATIONS CLEAr4EnS.-l4S Laar ROV Awn to* %M A parnma. days A dosna sntfts. No axpananca nacaasary. SPRINKLER - .-.-• SYSTEM L l t o A p t p lp A y ai i INSTALLATION. Spartenca nwst ;. Burgar Mna. 33OU Ctmar Rtooa Rd, NormfiUfytmm.tM* Cimk. , Sam nt*t «r P.O. Box we. Awn.,--: - O H 4 4 0 t 1 . • - - - -•- • • , ' : • - • • •• '._', OPTOMETMC Roman Chariot Inc.' STAFF lorYUCA Bator. .Sctiooi-jl RECEPDOMIStMSSISTANT C m . eso-flm. Contact Judy 9 3 3 - . r ParMUna««nngsASaLMa&ir*. • M3/l6lhrii2aW,10atn-3pm. BHX1B3S-O622•-- • - - •;' -. ; S.SEAUT1CIAN WANTEa hat or pari- - paopto ortantod Atext wodona W l T R E E W O R K E R S W A N T E D , . . . _ • - . _•»;•.. FAAVIEW PARK. Rodipon Manor ' U M . ExpaOancad In wat aat> & -. -tr*n. Mnsodad. Apply a t 39S81 G R O U N D MEN A N D C U M B E R S , .-->•• Cantor RldaaRd^M.lldoaMWK. ApamnanB. 2OtB0 LAMA RL Ona S«SfelS2» dam**" pratorna - C A L L 7 3 4 ^ e 7 4 . - - •-• - - ' •- -•'•-;•-; and two baoraom, carpauaQ. air, C«M 3Z7-2B28 or2334118. .,;; :>_Thu«ctoy.ftaj-*3a. . coodMonma. alacmc kucnan. NO ULS. MERCHANDISE £&;:^ pata. 3 4 t O * . $460. baai. vator m BETTER RESUME '; .. PART-TIME POSmOM - . fcdJa333iB4i " FREE conauMafcn. AB caraara and ' : AVABJkBLE • •SALES ASSOCIATES^J » f « i ComootUton and. layout. WHtowayNunan.l.lnc.laloaklngtor-. MCKY _ , «Jcv tpdMno-Co^toB: ; a pan-oma aqubmant aaslwr. Hous -.'- DAYSCHEDUtES^yn;^S e M a i l u e J u C h t U U p h a r ] . torga ran A ckMtL Haat A air , 27D70CWroltRd~ would ba from SOOpm ta ftOOom. tndudad. S*raga. No S . JuliaWaavar. Mb&aUa PkMaa apply M ptnon at 4S34 Cantor Road (Rt 63). Anon. -• Maniton>wadtor20%olacotf«. AodoUaa. . CHVAC A REFRK3. TECHNICIAN. PART-TIME CUSTOMER SERVICE 50 HaU« Foe Rent NafaUa Bakfait. CM ASSOCIATE ' . --; . • SCtMduWn &32J!Z!i3 327S021, 8- Managamanl ConaJBng Finn asifca . WEDOtMGS. SHOWERS. -.' - •'.." - -Barema. whanquaBaad; highly iasponslbl» IndMdual ff • ' I BuckwU. David Capratla. '• -"' GRADUATIONS -. CLEANERS ~ " • A My U t opm a tam t t • Raw Wa SftaWafc) Laka Comrnunlty Christina Capos. JCathlMa Now taring ctewnttorday A awaCartfev-LocaaNtlnpatkonUkaEita. GREAT NORTHERN . . otag poataons In ha Awn Laka araa. ctaraa CMcHy and by phona; E*cst XTAndtm. WlU Gibson. Angela GazaM A playgrount w> O ' Pjjd hoMOBy* 4. WMSBon. O M 033- toMPCiUBS (WoroPartoctandLoajs Gordon. Justin Could. Rebecca.• « 5 7 E L R U tor Window mwrnum^ AHUy to i T a a t l a t baval to protoamonal traoa snow. ttiu^NuttKoasaly.Kathrytt. Ma-a191 CLEANING. BarHkn. In "'•nTiltil and conlaranca*; WUOngtowork Kubllc, Vlctora Marquaid. Erto pan-Urn* 20O0 hounVwa«k out ot - WAREHOUSE POSITION, tol-ama. ana S day« par aaak In awjnna UcNsday. Kafiy Means, Kana. Must hava own iranaponatlcn. own homa and accaasionaly at our" ApplytoparaorcOSSCO OFFICE corporaia odeaa In Awn Laka: Sup- '- PRODUCTS. 2B307 damana Bet, Pla«BCtfW6-74aO. • • Mitiiuhui. Molly Murphy. 52 Commercial W W M a . • ' • - -.TIP•••• - • : • • - , • • . port cuanmar aatlilactlon sunaya; Alliaon Sandor. Katie; CLEANING: RaaManUal homaa. CoordinaM - For Rent > Schadulas. WHY » e i . TUPPfiRWARE Whan S l m o a o v i c h . Casaandra LpMung brdapandabto, itrnkum hatt. you can. sal tm aaenng world of-. 1900 SOFT. TranMnrMton laqjjirad. Good pay., , Admlnisinuiva. Invoicing. Piaasa Soldarttsch, Anthony Sooaan, P«t*nfcJaWbla hours, tepr/ at sand your taaum. and salary *a-'•• 'fcavwLOuakto saws agama waraad.. AVON LAKE RETJUL SPACE Molly Ststx. Anna Sullivan. . - quframants to: (No Phona CaHs '.•'- to tha> AwnfAvon Uka araa. Wtont 34088 Cantor RMga.M. f f l T f o AMPLE PARKMO g n c M . --• Grade i t Charts* Flndlatu. Roma. Cal OtMrtnTfanai,' Ptaasa] OUALJTY SOLUTIONS,. h COMPCTTT1VE LEAK RATES Bg.;' looatbaa. Lata- Ma&Ma PotaA loaeph Coo^ O K 1-a00-447-614t. • • INC.; P.O. BOX - 4 0 1 4 7 , NO ADO OH CHARGES , COMMERCIAL rXEANINQCMAS CLEVELAND OH 44140. " , . WILDUFBCONSEHVATION JOBS. • fa"ontoa.,Aagab 'COMMERCIAL Chrislina Crlmmar.to 4 houra par rtQhL DapandaOla 1 to 4 h CALLDtCtCMAYR aii'Johnson, ^ CattSoalt 3Z7-8616 ,. PART-TIMS SECRETARY^Oty of - • O i m t . . .Wsrdanf,. wSaourtty." US. wrwportaBoft. 1 Avon Laka.' Will parlorm lagat'*' : Mamtananca. ate: Ho aipananoa »d,Mlchaat •• C O O K • nacaasary. Now Wring. For MD eaB' s*cnHQnslduaaaEKaatk y Burrows. Brittany Crawford. W l or Parwrna.. 128 BadNuwkn. 'dKgsuisnK|uu»d.aawalasabiiry' 219-7B4401V. ExL 7260. 9 a m - , Office Space 55 11pm.7day*.^v; ; :.-^;^.,..:.-..^f. Robert Frldricb, Scott K0«orav ipusaPCanddlcaphorm/^o-noKh' p p ^ I0^0am-7:0fipm. Muai h a v . , :. - For Rent )aaoa Lldyard. Mrry Murphy; ai and dcornrnunlca' l spaaing aipananea. FuT berMta. Apply in . oraniriiar, Earn SUM .a must Soma avanma 1 .Harpav Miller. Daraa Ryan O Don nail, Valarla 83 paraore BHAOCEY HOAO NtHsiNQ noun. Smd ( H U M tot Clark o l . Child Care AVON LAKEi Laka Rd-Tun au ** Mitchafl. Adam Roggenburfc. SduuL Knthryn Vacsaro. HOME. 605 BtgHayRd. Bay Vttaoa. CouncH. A*on Ufca. ISO Amn BatK|tt..$3ana«; BASY SITTER. Do-you m a d • - ' : . , ' / . : Xy^n. Sand oval, Katrtna. 11WaitL.S629AnonfiFourn)a<n« omRoad,AwnLsfca.Onto440t2by•wsponaipla and laHabkt baby SHSKT .^;^- T aachjrciulaa uiHtiaa. C i itorv * Y! ?opm. Muat ba avaa- March 1 , I M S . NO -PHONE - It so. I am a Laarwood UMdto School *Jtj, ••-» INQUIRIES.Tha CKy Of Awn Llfca Is amdout-toHB your naedt.-i.^i-:anEOEanddoMnotdlacnrnirMtoon - student CM933-B101.'-'-•>'•'' — • - - • •'...I-..-;. ma basts of rat*, moon, saa. cotor. Easy accaa* u 1-480. -... r . . _ naitonatonolnorasaoiity. BaauoU bnck N d n , 1 « » sq It, 1st ..*.' WNTAL ASSISTANT Daycafa worksr. r ^ i - " ^ . ' floor. Private antry from t. sated WAntod: ChainkH Danu Aatlatam POSTAL JOBS. coa on MOjuasL Can 327-42B9. Start J11.4tJtir. For aiam and ap- > i; 77P-ai37*-.»S. 9 Into, cat Q1») 7C»*301 wa. EXPERIENCEO MOTHER OF TWO NORTH OLMSTEO 3 oRttaa. 21fl• * OO VOU WANT to maka mora pHcaiton OH319|9AM-BPM,Sun-Frl.' praschootorswdprowaadayearator' ftMch.i4aq734.isi8. • ^ o n 7 l t ' j POSTAL JOBS Ban 111.41>tv. For , ona (arnUy in mytoninghorns. Moo- • OFFICE SPACE- AVAILABLE. • a m and appkeaoon Into, cad (219t Frl. 3 8 7 . 7 7 0 6 . •••••--^||-;• —-•---'•.-•••Downtown Lorain, a l or part ol ORIVERS/OTR^SINGLES. 3 2 * 1 NOTICS TO BIDOERS KIND, kwlng mothar to danyitt'-,: • 10 QOO aq.lt. C o n i K t Oanny caniwtiWto MWI flyMia OTH mxp*. 7B»«30l Ert. OH5t9. Barn-fern. } Biafid propnaala wM ba racalxsd ny4yrtii A up Si my Mddtobug His. r* OaMarco, Coldw«II Banfcat Laa - * r _ J. RtCMARO DEASY DVL, BlDOff a OROUNOS eutet ftyra. 29 cmbAiMa ^ l y M r . ruma. B81-«aa, laavamaaiaoa.., ' . : - f Orafl. Raafiy. (21tl) 323-1660. fciauranca. Swk« vacaVon, B rnadaya . * * Awn Laka CRy Schools PRIME -LOCATION: AVON. artar 1 _y**r. 1.800-307-S02S BUI , 175 Avon Bakton Road OrttoafftataU, eOO aq.IL: addlUonai S»uia«.EOE. . i Awn Latat. Onto 44012 700 aq.R, adfacant aweHaU*. 834' ural 12U» o'ctock noon currant oma on March 9 1908 and wH ba pubady EARN MONEY Heading booktl , dpsnad and raad immadkMaly BiaraaWar.torfurnishing tabor mstsnato. WWOQQrincoma potonaaL Oatalla. H)B0SBtearjtX)Ert.Y-2ia3 BDrrORUk ASSISTANT KEKDEO 65 Vacation Property San on. to covar tporta, toaturai, RENOVATION TO TROY BtTERMEOIATe SCHOOL • •'-'•-••-. •-'••• - F o r R e n t ' . govammantal and acnool board . f 237BairnarBoulavBrd.AwnLika Ohto MYRTLE BCACH CONDO, •toapas. nwanga-Onatolwodayaparwafc,onatotwo nighia pw MaakTpkMsa S3QVMLCAI(210>23>flS34. . vi " AVON LAKE CITY SCHOOLS aand short raauma and dlpptog* ol x , *173 Awn Baidsn Road row past mrk IK NEWS EDITOH. * ' ~ Awn Lako. Ohio 44012 . C O THE PRESS. P.O. BOX 300. kt acoDrdanoa wBfi plans and spacUfcattona prapsrad by UPAJ«TOMS« ARAVON LAKE OH 44011 No phona 1 CHITGCT8VPLANNER8.860 Tsrminst Towar. Ckwalsnd Orw 44113 tor caHa ntoaaa, JVM. Oanaral Tradaa 2. Plumbing Tradaa 3. HVAC Tradss * , itocirtcsl Tradaa feAripottof rtbtesracaK-ad win bamadatolha Board ot Education. AinXJMOTIVE SEWERS Fuft ima posnon opan.toran s«psoancaO saww ki sawma OBpart-' nanr o saw canwastopsfarauca. Wa pay top dasar and ofler a conv pnhanttw* sanest pacUgav Apply . f<"-*, SL Joseph honor roll &m\ legal Notice ; t«gof Nottem ••:-• , -::' NOTKCTO, .;•• , T - etooEM . . •• - •;••; - '• • _ _ FACTORY Qn»*ig company on Wast 150tti St has opanlnitB on lat and 2nd ahlR. 12 hour anins ara mandatory. Work 3 or .--BUStorRENOVATION TO TROY INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL, AVON • NoUca la haraby ehan W *m ; L A K E , O H O " "— •-— • -••••• • • • • — : • • • • < • ! - - — . • • - • .••-•.••... < >#k to VUaga of Snafflaldttnow accapUfiQ I S * • * • * bid must tMTaccampanlad sy a Bid Bond In an amount of Ona Hun-. S9.70 t w hour. Apply toon bldatortha wMng olttwvttaga halt. ..-workto bVdrad Pwoant (I00*>or uCanfflad Ctwck In the •mounlolTan Parosnt(1OH) tomorrow. :;of.fta Basa Bid. ph» adoTth. altamatos. If any, and mada payaWatot h . -:- SpKUcattona ara on fllo at ina offlca ol KM Ct.rfc>Tmawrar, Shvfflakt !- Avon Laka City Softools as a guarantaa that If the bid ia accepted, a contract wmb*mrit*dkioki*ixotti»r&itmtmw^StvM*tM*»temf>trt,Uim: VUaoa Had. 4S20 OMrait Road. I OPEN INTERVIEWING Syfla, Orrio 4 4 0 3 8 . , . - . • - WEDNESDAY, FEB. : • Blda mm ba accaptad ihrauoh :. 2 2 N D .••-,-• ' Marcti», 1BflS at tha addraa* atxiwa , 10:00 A M - 2 : 0 0 PM unU 4:30 p.m.' ' Barbara M.?alro APPLY IN PERSON AT: BM>tofamaln flrm fbr« pariod of nlna!y (00) dayi aRar btd opanlng Oma. CUDELL RECREATION Coptaa of plana. apaciHcallona and propoaahManu * > ^ E ° P 2 S S . " J * PubWud: 0222-H ' CENTER ay ba aacurad (rom tha Gfltoa of UPAJ-T0M3JK AHCHfTECT&PUN. flOMtBouiaverd t O W B 4 M 8 , WO Tarmtnal Towar, CWvaland. Ohio 44113; Ona aat win ba on Km at IcomarolOrtolWVastBivd.) frjtht offlua of tha Buparlntondmt • • - • ••- . " • ' • ' • _ _ ' • „ Cto*wandOH NOTtCKTO : ..,..• j* BdDocumartt wWbatocwardaduponraquaat, whanaeeompartaday a : ••. . - • . - B I O O E R S • ' ' • flawinryfl»adoafa (173.00)toraaeh a t of nfrna and ycHIcaPIaasabrlrg{2)torrnaoll.D. hdbtotohALl5MMo>Educattonl^th. otoupstakva None*to"haf«oy giwin thirt tha VAaca of ShaffWd la now accapUng | altar tha opanlng c* blda, tha M a i w m oSatorafundadtoaH BhMwa. ~ _, n.ORAL0ESIQNER~" blda tor tha matetananca ot t f » Oar•'• A pr»bHt maattng wW ba nuU on Match 2. 19Q5 at 1*0 ( M i at Tray H«k) CartMtery. E«pBitoncad.ruiit»rna.lto)Boiahoonj. fcnoBV23TBalrw/e»*vara A w n Ufca. Onto 44012. r^J^' Jit|l;.Tha Board of Educattonraaatvaalha rtghftowalva any IntormaUUaa or to - Spadfleatlornaraonflloatlhaof^aocaptorratoctanypartorallolanybldaubinWad. • -^ • _ _ ;ffca of Iha CSrh-Traaurar. SfMlHatd . H A S MAT TONTAL r»fl «floHarV V l a g a Hafl. 4«30 DatroK Road,. %^MIanODnaf BkUan la partkuavfy cadadtolha raqmrarnanta wtocondt.. pMtton opan part-uma, avsnlnga. *Etyrta,OMO44035. ' . . - ' " • • *Mo»«r«toytr»^ttbao6Miv«JBrK*mWmjmpf»^«^w^^r«^to kd riK Bids wW ba acoipMd through- gJM0am4pm March 1,1905 al tha addraai ibDva • wnUkaBo^o ! • HEATING INSTALLEBStNawffiaT 4 3 0 p . m . - ••-••->'• • - . M*yAnnNo*ak.Traawrar " u r. t t l l •\ • BwbaraM.Pctro g * » ™ J * "ont E«partanc«L (218). CtofVTraawrar l 5}ter£ .• _ . - - . • - • . : • . . . . . • ' J • ' ; - - • . - . . S ^^^cTSr t a l . (Jataikt. 000 p potential. M0 E « L B - 2 1 B 3 < 11 ))8800B8888 2 « M Open Sat. Cr Sun; -.. Noon t o 5 p.m.; or ByAppt. Call EAGLE CREEK ESTATES AVON S/U4 t , 1st floor maslar suHa, lutotian wUi'oanlaf Island a n j bay bnukfasl araa. Two story graat room. Raady for Inlarior dacoratfng Mladlona.30 days ' Wynoamtn and Eagle Cn»k E t m t e i ' M Z \ • , In Awn off B t S3. . . •••rl a £j 85SituaMon» Wanted • . M W bdy wots*. S I Juds, fcs»*J ER wno YEARS tx-- i c n M l * W Mart et Jaws. t t » M U BABYSIT your Chufcti nonac* and knows uswsaatyastsf saty.astspaBonQfnapaMss * part i I I * i «2j£ 135G«nefai S f v i c e s • , A BEAUTIFUL CEIUNG • ^Hepaas&ftaftM Hepaas&ftaftMtag Succo4 Custom Tt CntaM "—-fr***~*• rnmMm L i i a m Paytarms.1 a n se rgprtn and akM-Uaka uaal knpkxa you ot W i partcirtar pnwarji gwo a you to pong twfiw apdapaacy twp aM lOaaa pMafecciKdaapMBdDLCoRwb 83S4255 « y aMasmca intosgmatnsaci mat k* & WuarCo i o a r n e w * B e cunaauann and CHILD CAAC An** 2 M UPUP- M p o* bcBwn in at o»y aacssaaa* 2 1 1M ABOOKM fuU/mn fU/ . OOMto to Lb Libarty tRaJaaom. and sutfanrgs. a M not I g SenOL£ £iQ»nancafl,3 '387B nay praa* God wf> you and at « • A CARPET REPAIR u • CQMPEEA: Saw* JW/«H win mato**mLltmMimObmn*<lSL '. f ^ l M M a n 1* woo oaads * tend. A IH itin rtwiniTU nafim n Juda.tot * «wr nodtu of M o»ai O . SpttSaar ' to i nifflm mmdaxm M T i Issbta boor,toahiatyK ftcnor jou as my 1 1 3 1 S35-4255 spadat and ponofci paflon, and to Smoka 4 Wattr Danaga flratfUtynrwraQadmaaontonou £ JLWERIEMCEO MOTHER w U , RaSBOMUR . ' (O •« » M ki my Rom*. waaki&ys. play CaMSiawsaar STJUOCNOVEMA-UaynaSand £ - a r a * in t»dt TWO. IMS crawi* luoca, ABTWOnCbyJASOH ***l oi JBSUSIW U M . <*mtaa Caneaturas. ifrmoon anack « T X J C C M O I W cvtoons. postan, School « w . g M l l t t OrtndayAioliday Bcana, *grt*. and EXPERIENCED MOTHER «til ' y f * " r a i CM ea^aooa. CsDystt n my lawi* tet Fb » * HoPKos. praytorus. Sayns AVOKLAKEWOCOWORnhGCO! *a r s mackf of •cod. w« a x do e * P * * « L ttbaaDM>beanfc4£nD' Booksnstvas. cabinats. custom d o s a u . amanainnMnt caata>s.< kitcnan panmaa. Fme a -. ApfltlTJl • Ctvtatfan Ptaachaol «NI ba contemt kx yo 4 4 okk By JU132 Income Tax BATHTUBS RECLAMED. eains*s. Jtam-tioon. r 777-0331 tamaKoTsranL Sa*a biaa. monay and 1040 TAX SERVICE locaova(^«nc*. - Prelaaskwtai, _• _• Fadsrat. StaM. Local guoianawd. cokn BMOabkt. ForbH asBmalB. cat PERMArGLAZE. I3av onaU2sa*«rMcaaach 3O7. Notaoaanmgitan r T i l a o i mawancM Af«tXttiFlNANClALSERVICES . SOB'S MAINTENANCE 3 i^S"" **** ** * ** can wwsrgrssass I^!E§_ PnE PAREO KE COLLECTOR ml but oatcnaa. «ri«i M Ml f naa «ri«i ) - & • ' - . '-^^O------ Pf»OOal3 * W I A T E H TO THB HOLT SPIRIT; *WWqidh CompMts Aoma a monta horaa MpamcuUocDdacWngand ma mo • * • dopatoma. mS you sm. • 777-2472 •' m C OfJill I P OflCaf REDINGER Dads BasamsntR Kodian Ramodsfaq Unmrr CaflatatHDoa R«mr Fraarnniaawcas astoiio . AsfcForDfck rTyiiiriQ i QI Lanca Mtt ^ M madto*uccaad. C n l M «aWy. quick . tu/naicuod HHMT and iiTiiniff iiiTiiniffanw* r * M ' m * * 55t-l472. FAX SERVICE KTTCWEMSftBATHS: Wa )OBlptMBasolKa£&ansftB«Da.i7 )OBlptMBasolKa£&ansft Ysara «xpart«nca. msurad «ftlt •Maraneas. Tsoy. 937-cet3- P«Bb- THE PRESS 198 LEAR R a AVON LAKE UBERTYHOMEWPHOVEaiEirRL att typasU nmooaina. caorMc Ha. •nexaun, batmMma, oackaL pstos, " kitcftans npiacamant WUMUIBS FIELD MOWING NORTH SHORE BUSINESS SUPPORT. SERVICES Araoas imai Bay Post Oatoa Rssumss. Jobno Dascnpttons WowlP«ocasanp/T>pma TonscDp*w • GopocDasim' ' • FtancaHEtansss PUpoaate •UaAoQ AddnnwSarwcs • CopMs. Pnoaro, Fax 'CounarSaneaa ' -Vm»nuEa»»X) WDtVIOUAL OFFICES LanjBftSmst Owattoad Pnjscii STlOt e.OnaaPomt STlOt eOnaaPomt Bay VStaga. Oho 44 MO 2ts-aa»-i424 M*O UPHOLSTERwd" taratFatmeSawaton . Foamf - Rototctng . Gaosial Kactar w o * "•MonaOaftM 892-0907 IMAGE C& C MAJNTENANCE.1NC. : HANDYMAN REMOOEUNG PlumtMid. EtacWcal. Caipanor. No Jobtoobio ortooamaO. - 835-9687 .-• CELLAR POSTS BEAMS .' If you're thinking about upgrading your appearance we want to be WCOWE TAX PREPARATtON. Ed' ' kwatadafajpiacad -"- " " • M X SBpnick*. CPA EnroKd to SAGGING FLOORS • * a «toBa Mtn you and wytowd7pootca Mtora ma Intamal Rawsnua 1 S«mc»^ 74B-3634 or 327-3362, LewMd . S S L " *°ff P^PWMf gtoryJtatian. and mytovwdona* ,P*nons must .;*M INsp'ay«r3e«isacua«a days , CLEANINa SERVICE: O H M SUy atfnut smUnator<nak wish MMr p*nwss« aMry dssned houM. W * : fl^AdKyourMshMllbaBFintod., at* atosatcompany. (Mt c w daslgn imalyrtri nili - ftf maitor itew dltnouir it maf bs-L.'a pUflnad r*gulaf malntananca^ Ray Scrmdl -.VTnaftpionsiauiiuttianirikiiSaloQus, program as onan a» you naM. Ms-' i asaoo»a»Wala*orMiawnaKL3w^ . an paflbnn an tumrmi'm clsamng ', APRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT; ' « m * t » Vxcugnout ma yaar or |ust ftOMETAXPRtPARATIO ,: Sharon D. SHcUar, CPA r on* vnan sanwa. a w i Mndows^ mdhttual a Small Buanaas' Youl aka pnda t> ma appsaianca or •.-. A o C O " H b w a C — - 1 • . wur ckmn noms. (WC ARE NOT COMPLETELY FINISHED UNTIL • YOU ARE . COMPLETLEV: SATISREDI) CALL: CLEAN CORNERS FOR FREE ESTIMATE,: - ••y*y?totiani»r 327.4404. Additions, PcDa window replacement* free Estimate*' -•--—•— - fio^S (Outside Lorain Co.} 1-300-352-3130 SWEDA,SWEDA& ASSOCIATES ; - • • • • . . CLEANIMO.-- • - - CommsrctM. m*3uMat, mmransttucmn;(Mtom or altar you mowa. atartmafits. olflcac. - parson«iU<sd santea. . abJotory. Anwi Thanh = 933-8857 ' " aondad I insund. fnm ammshs. Ml work auaranlavd. For mor« ' ' S H E " 1 * ™ * w • H!?^ 1 "• »"CH«L««TM, CPA; kitomuaoo cad DAY'S EASE. W C , . . — . n c Psnons must say n s P * * Tax Ratum rTapanaontor E ^ l ' £ L S 7 M u m * <**• MKwt' mdlvldusla or vnalfbuslnaaaas. to 327-B34fl. Olhera -a«mt you a :' . •tt«D .tor mstr wan. M M 3rd dav: ? « * homa or inl«a7E»3noa * • r ^ - - ^ , « •.navar want to ba • GRAPHIC O£SICM n a p * is atwyBog to todays ' , »»"«itod torn you no maitor now -—-^ sana. -••• 1 7881. - "^"^"MrtdtttojivwBmto? • * You lor marymng and conflon OaaBMdawBodafaiaapdBnaL SHOWROOM - 3 3 4 « LAKE RD. FREE ESTIMATES. " CALL 808-322-8202. LT.S.TAX OsatalANaaat teuaiuui n u m l i t uiu ona pound ua to 1J00 pounas m w c u i n • m Batatas. Cat i ? i ^ l BUSINESS * RESIDEMTUU. TELEPHONE SYSTEHS. Salaiv adAWns. mowas and cnangas. Naw or uMd 4ou(Mnsat awiaoia. Sencm on most fat* brands, nsnaanpal wlrlno. nsasonaCla ratas. Lafca Talacom. 933-5771. 1^00>S22- MMduaL smstt Duunaa*. FAST ra<undaQanaFoyiM«w. ._3Z7wxtt • iww.enMO'm ForappDmimafit day dadM—y * iarnica pi MCO- KB3MniBamKanRamoasttno. ' OtMduaL-P«nnarsfiips^ooM nasfiips^oiporaM. in small businass*. EwaiUngs. ataakands avaUaDM.. PlaaMCa«fc)tanappoMraaiitS339ia7-^ •_; --JNCOMETAX 4 ACCOUNTING HEW S a n s * cna^wcy tonakQ in - AMSiLss»toca«caa)i ossdad. sans FORDHOME IMPROVEMENT HANDYMAN SERVICE • flaports. Bractum. a l - i w Taofcw, CRECORT SHAMHQH AMD ASC SOCIATES 3&01-H u k a Road. (4doon iron* A*on Law Post OfticaL Wanted To Buy ELfCTRlCAL ft TEL£PHOU£ «QRKJJcaraaK bondsci * w w o . Ha««Baaaa»s.B33-ies3. FAM LY MAN IK NEED Of WORK "J?Yaa«s EpanancB JMSERVICE 37211 Colorado Avc." 934-1000 ^ : > ' ^ *The Real Estate Company So Small -"''• * "•:- Every Customer StlH Counts!" [^ CLEVELAND CALUGRAPHY ••-,—.•.-:• ..•- ••--. A OuoHs tordspkty. canWcaiss. bunt'' ly t r w i , inviiaUons, slgna, piaca csfds^You nams Iff Custom work. naaonabm nuts, v . • .. ,.."_.' CaBUarcai ' ", Perrilt LynneFot2 321-S521 1,000 ALLIANCE:^ COPIES MADE 25 CENTS BiSLOHB MggM MMi *M • « •tan.«» * ^ J ? S X M« kM h t M Ml MM. M MUM Jivt * M . N | W HHtMaM MO m CO lor Ma*CMM« pn MM . MMt«y MM M M M ^ oMM-XwlMilimtl —•-» . anysUsuptottxl7 ••.-. , THEPflESS '.'" 198 LEAR RD. AVON LAKE CmaWOC4>FURNITURE REPAIR, 4*99 JAYCOX, AVON. VXT-tStM E.T.CONSTRUCTION WEOOITALU - ^ 1 *ifi - QifiO IMMEDIATE /•BEAUTIFUL LAAOETREES •aUlfTCUtDESACSrntET }WD8L0VEtTHErc.;;r:^' • NICE NBGHBOHHOOO ' •SAfETTFORCESaOSEBY , •tliaOORMASTEri H O L U Y V I E W SHEFFIELD LAKE ; l-«0toColorado Exit (et t) watt, to Harris R d turn right :. followtoOalsf, turnrigW.HoU> »i«w tnvnadataJy on latt. REMODEUNG - REPAIR AtUCS'BBHmanls Onnmll -flooftno.- SKHng Kitchen* • Bams - AddlBons CALL 251-5969 ' Frsa Etttmakn Santor O i K o u m Over 3 0 naani E M t ATTENTION OTHER LOTS AND PLANS AVAILABLE r..-S COLUMBIA GAS < NATURAL CHOICE HOME ffftfia ST j;A?.'!fefe^/«^i^^tWl«»1^U';f^:5 / .;W;^\^ 1 7t.v,i.^..,^^.;.-. >*| AukmMcOwlMr.TV IIFOHOEXPUWttR 4tV.,aJbnHlcar 4V t4TKUN0ERBIHOLX •SOOuaHyWorkan N S M M ImmadaMv tor ^OPEN A ;«n™UN.«V>. ,1PM-5PU l S > r ; •B3F0RDOPL0RER 4 *.4*L 24.000 n * t •83 CHEVY CONVERSION • W TAURUS GL 4 DR. C M l A b V . .0. MacMna Shop. Wont Procat»k«B.and moro.. WavMypay-rafarral . , bonui • Lorsin County and WaslCknatand t 3 TAURUS GL STATION WAGON rMS/ioaM aw man „ • • — _ . *93RAN0ERXLT *8I TEMPO 2 DR. SPORT . '•!/ . Cal Today. MONARCH SERVICES 892-8808. 33430 UKE FID. AVONLAKE Cleve. 871-1390 .ni *&• &" :- ^ • - ^ m flEALTOfl* : ' • t a j ' - . *"^-aW*?3??^ - ".. • » • •2* HBH ENJOr COUNTRY U V W G SPLENDtP AVOW LAKE C Q L O M I A I 67859a Callforan appointmenttosee this quaint 3 . peeroom colonial with eat-in kitchen, dining room. Owing room,fanbasement, screened in porch and 1 car garage. Neutral decor throughout Convenient location to schools, library, and poof. 599,500. Can Unda Ackennan or Debi DeCnanL .. v*,, 662171. This listing fsaoues a 4 bedroom akirmnum sidwl colonial wMi a newer remodeled tdtcben. living' room, basement, 2 full baths and a n s w e r 2 car; garage. Also featured is a 1 bedroom fn-taw apart-;' ment with a private entrance. Situated on one acre,'• this is a must to see. 5119JW0. Cafl Uary Loufe* Gflmeilia or Cheryl Slater. - : • - . ; - . ;,-r.,^-'--" i LAHD «#W, ^Avon Lake A PLEASURE T O SHOW zoned. *zZ5,000. ^^^^WTH^rwTHS^^^ • Shetneld . 69S938. Cozy .2 bedroom, wefl maintained homeyon". • «cres of private, scenic, roBing. wooded splendor '<• with over 200 ft. of River frontage. Expand this home to fit your needs or possibr? split off ana « t w o lots for r wture dreams. S22S.00O. Contact Steve PoEnskL - - - 635541.140 x kr. Commercial zoned. S40.00a Lake Road - SheHteU i • • , . r , -. , ; / 2 692056.120 x 175. Mixed zoning. ^•toJ^WC^^^/.^.s.^;. ...,L ..^^ 0Wned •mm of Service \m Financial 170Landscaping CREDTT CAPO PROBLCUSt On« kM monmiy (MVRMnt Cut M M M L • - LANDSCAPES - - ' . T "No D M w i n n t NO FEE. Courmt- -.':."" EXTBAOBOINJUflg-1 M*L^j*f,' hg MtfaOM NON^nO CCSIa walafMla.ponda.Mck«da<«a1ka EXTM&., *: anapaiw«.CaiDBn.«37^7M. - Busirtow Opportunities 140 •;#•* E X P E R I E N C E ^ ' ' iPUrtHng. EtoOrtcat Cannoty £ '"?•'-*"*; £""***"lT_-» .4.*rOICXMILLER i.., 1 ^£^327-6922^^V ••atttfa.BE5«staaDraBaRaaHy«tg)3ZHaea WVSBTOfW«nTNEft lariww corpo*m»napofHrton»w¥fca.Cafl933' BSBjassftSSSS,. A J M W V I C L N M and .laeuK daatiMa. puanniaad towoat OWN "rOUD OWN APPAREL Ofl -"**CHOOHf Una liwary, Bum. lr<tanVPM»an, PatW. DaneawaarfAarotHc. MahwrWy, or Ac* ciaortaa S U n . Ovar 3000 Nam*' Branda.;' S23.900 l a 137,800: tnvantwv, TralnlxL Fbduna. Onind ' Opanmo, Cto. Can opan 15tfaya.Mr. • LougMn (812) OBMSJM..—• ^«. • l^lliiSibiNT^kiit l j & ^ " - MMERCU ;141 Building Supplies fc{Ctrp«ftpy,Elactric«l, •o- 1 ''..-^ ••;..-•;..- - < K - - ' • ' • • ' . ' 156: Cwamlc Tiling 7 " CERAMIC TILE MSTALLED , ' NswARapair . ., Ralarancaa, bwirad - . ^•~TopQu«ntyGuanwiaad " '••.'•'•.. T a n y , W 7 - 6 B 1 3 i i ; :-;- 'Pata,«»<ie3Bv . Cleaning r' " • - CLEANtNO- • PtaaldarrtWCommareial, 6 Yaan) EMpanmev. f a l n < f •-:;•:, rjrt - • • • ^ • • • I I . • ' nmovaiL ajao qataoaa aamrwa 221-9204 flafatancaa..;.-.•-.f- DIRTOUTI avyOutyftGanClaanlng WaHa.rt»m. Window n.poao.Drapariaa Daodorlzlrio,CaiT>atRepalri PaimmgCPaparHanotno •••• • - B 3 5 - 4 2 5 5 Smoka a Water Damaga . • RaatofBDon •'. CaUStwaWtar Construction coNcnrn REMOVAL « "• • REPLACEMENT ROUOH a FUUSH n .WaHanoaMtJolM • - ' • :-• BlgorSmaa . w 0 0 8 UrTEDPflrSES .R—aJg!ihoo» F S S ^ ^ T S ^ H " * . SON on : PJr*Tttata.4i40e.Lafca R d , Shut- •• INTERIOR .Bald Late. UB.7HM ..... .^7. ^77.. PAOECORATMO •-•• LAWN MOWING • » « * s o # l 'iREWOOOi Buy mow. • Hang A> WMcavwino • All Into** 0 & E 5 5 2 J M torona cont *23O r 240 GARDEN ROTOTILUNG Moving S a l — P*iwng " Ta»um CaWr<os • Plmfen* : v i E D G I N G , , r :.• • DryMl • RsMah Hwdwod Fkwnt tiownas S.Oak WaA UnH-mdU?#» • SCASOMD • Start • Gteta • Woodgrsin • Inoud• " Call Dennis Breese ' • hg ( M l Joba. 30 Yra. Ewtanca •sntartaJnmaM caniar/baokcaaaV< : HREWOOD iaak>|1800 or m * U otfair 5 po WDrkOuanMad -*•"•:'v-193»«ei8-.-..>•.•;;•'•:• -., S13SaCora., • vlaDVMngFkMin>Sat43a0:0ark' FBEE ESTIMATES ~••-"•• • -•"-> » S 5 a R o c k - " Qraan Lava Saai-SlOO: Oriantai an-ifOl Badroom s«i^ua«a six* Bad"•" 1 . ; : • F m e 1 j a « l a r y : . . - 1 JAWORSKt PAINTING ,: 327^)103 ^:V INTERIOR AND EXTERNW. 162 JSASONED P U t ^ w d 0 0 ~ F 0 * Mown ALUUtMUM SOMNO RBFIWSHMO. WALLPAPCRtNa FULLY •• . . • - . . • M O V E R ••••- • •^-• -' S14O. F< MMng utf d your nouaa or apartMSUREO, PRCS ESTTMATEa. 871-2333. 72333. ^ m»nt * naad a cnaapar atemwm » CALL JERRY OHAUL? It It t » in my buck, W» SEASONED FIREWOOD •nppmg vounp lad n i i w x It tor JAWORSK1 eihSiw saoRieihSiwCei : Oatfvarad 23415 244-5807 Road 1 • n 185 Painting A CUSTOM DESIGN : RnalniarlorPHnilng FlnWiaaPain '- 835-4255 Sinoka4WaiarDamaga asBniOan T CaBSlawaSHar BOB'S AMERICAN HARDWOOD. OaK S2JOSF.CnaflyS2.MS". p r a o x n SBS apactf. aie> FWEWOOD • $129 a com dauvand tor aaaaonad hanJwood / WJ a load 2 3 2 .toraaeaonad wood chunks (nwra jnanaccnnpnona73«2B74 GENERAL REPAIR PamonBWta • iaynL«pananoB i 331-5749 CEPTIF1ED PAINTING . PAPERmCPLASTERINQ PmniumWoik HM-ZAvt/lndua. •' FREE ESTIMATES Can BoO 3014101 CERTIFIED; PAPERHANGING PAINTINO HOUSES O M W l y , M . Oatntgad < cracfea In eaMnos. WiJUP woodwoik npaJmct Quality MMtonanaMp. C M Al 521-2692 - ; cljROPEAN PAIHTtNO , A SERVICE. INC. 835-8468 tntmiot/EMmior. DrywaU n p w Waopaparmmoval. Pomt wain. Outiara S4O-S49. SantorOlacount-lnaurad Fof Prola«atonal Wort A F w EsJmaw, Call C M W E»arWnoad HrTERIOR PAINDNO . HouaaaanctApanmaniB' '^ . C«B3M0M •-•{';,,• °* ; PAINTING 949-5383 HEALTH, ' I t l ^ H k -,..•,-.'-;.• CaJUnoOlaalnB -- -" ' ., '. - i, wmdowaRapatoad . . " ' " 200 RECREATION* TrMCam . -. MMtoaparRamovad . • • - y e D u c A i 734-2498 • ;""«-•"• H O R V A T H :•:."•;• TREE S E R V I C E ^ ' Fraa EdlmaiBa • Ralaiancas ,ZTOc.-EfMcaUon&^ . • - ' - - • And Landacaplng- rf*^-'' •'- -••.-- Inatructlon:'• , PAINTING A DRYWALL I " N i » Slump RamovairTopping. CMtLORENS SE : : WORK TnmnUng. Sfwuo pianUnp « cara. CM(LOREN-SSEWINaLE8s6wi7 Atoo. eatUnoi aupoiad and waifcapar Naw lawna. Oaantp A maTnianonca-; - Aga«BWWulLUniUB(tClaMiSira. ; r ' lamovsd. Fast and prokmionar. 871-3623 " * • • - Opart HouaaTab. 2Stn, For Mow m> No)ol>looMnall.Fia«EUmaia«. ' , : Chrla bnpamtaf* ,-, ••; ''' SWEAT • tomi«CaJIB3W<gff ' BROTHERS HOLLY H I U - R l D M a STABLE W B ..;;•; 331-7092 ™ e e • trtmming, removal, atump taaenlnd all agaa.-boarding A Bjwano. atarni damaga, pianflna, tot-. nunmg. Dur actual la known lor Ua" auanry afjaacninp (tha u h way). 195. SnowRtmoval . ciaartng. catHIng. Onto Cartftaa A * o m t mturad. oniulHiton. HORSEaACK RtOiNQ LESSONS^ . 734-2874 Uarn noraamanahip and riding tkiiu. : BaglnnM Kwogri advarwad. North -WILSON'S --: O w l Equaainan Canjar. W3-4654. TREE SERVICE fllDfNQ LESSONS) Snow Hunlais 1 TraasRamowd -" Inc. oDan P M M A IndMdual RJ T n » i Tiimmad ~ Program!tora* agaa A lavala. i SbmpQiindngiRamovaf rmk*n or Fwr Nock, 43&-8905, WEIDNERLAWN&: (Canfltrnfuaropentng) ( C f l r LANDSCAPE WEbCtiHOREVMCA . , 1-800-531-5462 : • ACADEMIC TUTORIAL; - v 777-8132 1 353-0083 ' INSTRUCTION •r '"- ' CcnumMaRoad ,*Carfln«]Taacrian(Ragulara:v-. -: SNOWPLOWINO r . -Spacial Education) - > ':• 205 RMidanUal SpadaUat Cratt Sale* - indMduaJ A Smai Croup Instruction, . PrtcaaSlanat«ia ; tt you UU crwR anawa. MXJD too* Xonvaniant Location (1375 Cohtnv ' ANN'S CHAPTERS, 42*6 E. Laka 198 Firewood DlaRd-WMtaka) •;- - - • M - , Shaniaid Laka. BABV oiTTSi dVDChaiad afgnani. ; ftoaaonaDla Ra«s; mambar S1 S4>ar hr.non-nwmDaruatoarlw. - •' FIREWOOD booiiaa. doUa. nidaa and oin DasMta. Raglatar by March 31st A raeaiv* 77B-0663. :?• Suaanaad 99% oft flrat tutoring aaaaionl •••• For addlUonai IniDrmaUon, plaata SeopsrRick conlactAnnpManaorTacyat -. • SALES . CalHorvainTiaaSafvIca SNOW; PLOWING 871-3623 FIREWOOD . SpUL Saaaonad A PaUvantd •; $139aCort , •_-. 933-3244 ' "•; FIBEWOOO ' , ConUifaSpiiiASaason ' .'-. WcfcA 1/2Start*Wood ; i ; : , S229ForAIi-v : 940-0706 225 FloaMorkatg : . ! wapMeaia. A book., lw " ^ oy Wwt Ufa Swlndall & Mary how. Sand KM tor aacit eoov to: i, S 5 J 5 H OH e34U ZTO Enttrtainment • MIDNIGHT • CONNECTIONS 'WaAllnoJpan i'&'**»ncd • wrvocata. Top JfVo 238-0294 S3i £2® Antique* 32S ANTIQUE FAIR FtL. FSB- 24. HfeOfrfix*. BAATOMCEMTEft * • " » m - v t iVn . I timmrmt S ft 5 " CH1», Utnn. cna* CHUaaNG44kaabtSUM«0aek /;i7 * " orVam-rBkiaflMaaitaOae ; ^ji»Wac»» aao p m d ifeanapctttkoak> wst tent n* M I and t t n x m i ycuoaad ua » Data. F o r U ^ jw*o*onat <at a o s x a o M pat CUB* MOtftaon n main.J6Q. 327- CBACO SWNO cad*, t u , sea tt.tt»pa i\naM Enfianca CBOUEB EWCYCLOPEOAS. • « wtt 1383/1979 Book a l BaUa. 335-50^ 330 cstowa* si&fl FREE NEW C C K T 300 Uusicai Instruments COMPUHE DRUM SET «rtt Fumiahinga 44btaa3C ETHAN ALLAH. *mkut aOm %*- •KM B 1Q2-SC- Etta**. M V K aaoa B3sas« - RECLWEH M » " = - ~ Q T - A m a t br S5O Desk A chair, iarga lo Bt at your papia. sag Bag-014g. conation, twa w a cacrats cacrat a apaafcon. Bast gdac KM-2220. 335 Household Goods BATHTUB SECUntTY RAIL, t t o n««L Coat S4&Nnw S20. C t o w n ctiroma Oman. 3»t-472a (Rocky RwQ * HAMatOMO MAPLE BEDROOM 187ff« tSm$L tkmumr. 305 aaz-tm. 310 Sporting Gooda Coil Ckte R*Sfcft>S?ySi (MOZ. 320 motor. hM tmO. *8S Soaiw LAWN BOY P O M * GO Conduoo. SIBOL Ctf Appliances Miscellaneous ForSiw 28* SELF-PROPELLED Tip S i m ar. Vaiy ooofl comUon. »*00 .837^(90, 1«TEEL BULJM«GS 30X2ffXW. ooan anda aaw S&964 NOW $4,464. 30'jtes'ilS' ona opar M U I was ' S I C ^ U NOW SflJIS. 72-xiJCrxir on* opan tod wa» t*SJ»4 NOW ,130.004. S k K M lnafcM. oriotnai' c a w . CanOaBMc l-fl00-29Mlii. •• BAHAMA CRUSE, SaayaMngnta. UrttfarOooiudl •• Must M U I SZTBAnjpM. Lrnttadftckaaj.CUt • 407-S3O>S10a Ert.5721. Uon^M. M m kt 10pm. ., •.. - . 365 Household Pets STUOSES GoodBSoodUw OMi PAH B o w Lacopa. 32a O N P G U 32O. On* End Htt( PROUOfl BfUOCSHAID DRESSES w a s 10-12. uafc* oar stum EJj. Had. Paacti Piopia. 327-2372. aBLWoid Pracauor.SailccntMnaduratflaw •i matt, < ' 5 0 3 TABLE. • CHAIRS A HlTTCHl ' fwxanaal Oue atfBmOw Block Top. S23O. W49-656STwo U O M I Tnioa: PawaylMn N t u a o t f Sat ASA/F3'*. • Alortoum C a n A 7t» Hudson. SUB kt sosas. Ilka wand m i CaR WHEELCHAIR. ROM By kwacaia. coWpsadia wtti OiOcftaUa 4 aknatIns Ma lasts. Ijcaiant condiBon.' 1 2 » 221-2797. ANIMALS 360 Animal Services ~ 1908 CORSCA LTX. 94900 V-er*APrM.V**SM.A<t fftcWoOBf.327-4S/5- 1990 TGUPO G L f r O U i*aa suzu«u SWIFT GA. H4. 4&000 BUBS. 4UO0K, A I COKltaa a6XCCL33tS6Ba C M S FOR Sum Task*, boas. 4wflaalan. n*oto>iaaMa. bimAva. awtauiwJ. GQRpuaKs a & by FBL W& DEA. AMtaDta your m m e p a s-axw3-«343 EJL s a t a a U A C S AUTO CARE . S75. 6368 PotiuMpadic malkwa. S37S. 327- FLUTE LESSONS; * •'•'..: -A- 1/tO Bock of Popufatt Soaoca. Tbowa. Saat olax. 9673834• H0MEX3FHCE fenftA*. B M D O * . b a m a i m books. tfsoa 734-6364. ALaubaS FasajndoaPJL •3S-1340 t M 7 HAM CHABCEJt 4*4. to nafcw. co omtfcadad.933-06aa t * M CHEVT CELEBfln *t tSCUJOQ am*. Rucs^aatf « t « B . 033-7258. W * 1 Ford T-BtatL 86K THANSPORTATJON 385 Auto Parts "'ft Service TIRES FOR SALEl FogratxiOSOns M TaraA Tkas on aaoma Raoa. Rt Fort 9 Lm HUB tFSmiml. Chroma Caraw Caps ant Lua H I M . aesa Phona (4w> 433e & » Dayuna or ( 4 t « 433-3419 390 Autos Few Sato PROfESBIONAL PET CARE SERVICES farmapwhjailcnal&ypreteaalonala. w« grw TLC k> yow paetftyew 196i BUCK SKYLARK: Rum go homa n tour abianca. FtaV kMuracL MosBy tmm oartr. >i30o. e35-» Vat oaeommandad. Vat tad aamca 1 M * PONTIAC SUN T * q * . MDraaflc. Rdifeo.; FU tSBB RSJANT SE. 0 9 9 0 20r. Km. Am. SaMOt 1SB6 CARAK&LESE, S323O f L d «ei8LaMRd.Snaa. Laka. AOJ Taakos **=n^Sat (8-S) 1SP2 BUCK 9CYLMW. SZ190 L n u . » * Air. SkMaot ,*C9 Giaod Psia, low ialaa. SS7Q5 "87 S-10 4»«. Pkw. SS4S6 "88 O n U A M . V-9. SUOO - B 6 F 0 ] B VaS2a8& S •BT Cougtr XH7.S4SBS TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS tl AiktorCbdBorUac C 949-6286 U-SJL1 MOTORCARS BaM^ tComof of Rt tU&Laha AM«.) -GuyMnConidanosir 'CuattyCwm •LowastPneaa •SoUwnVKaoaniy 19M CAVMJER RS. SMSS 40r. AdU. Mr, PMC MdndONat UB3 ESnVA Gt. «BS0 2Dr. Aukj, Air. AWFftl. Law Ukvl TIRES, t u 31x1050x15 a l k n a n fca* oa eftodta nna. FH Fod 5 kit Ixi) (F sadsaL drarrai cankweaps and k a OUBV - S6S0. Ptatw <4ifl) 43>e^ M419 1SBB MEW « M t t B . M 4 H 5HA«^V4,Loaaa(S laei TAURUS QL Wagon,U4U V4, Aukv Pw. WA3DM4 Locks. SWKHTMI A » B l 1968 CHEVY SPECTRUM. SZTW 4Dr. Ausx AT, S M o l U83 CHRYSLER C f S a 1986 CHEVYSPRWT, *t3S0 1084 MSSAN TRUCK. S1960 Ct 1flS4 CROWMWCTQRW. 91*00 138S LTD Wagon. S1U0 V-6. Pw. SMi&WtttoMjirr • - ' . • 1983 LTD40r f14W -Wa Can Jlwanga yinanriwg for line lam oLoscuoAssTsaasa -•if 4Or. CMia, Ado, AT, Skmot 1981 TEMPO 4 0 . 0 4 9 0 AufcxAJr.aDatoB.AUFM! U-S-A. 1 MOTORCARS . ^ UB0OYNA3TrLE.$«MO •:, V^FijiVLoadaa _ 1888CONQUE5TTSL««U0 TiO A M S 892-9122 324-6872. 405 CampersftVarav 1M2 C O m t A M CCDAR PO*4JP'. CAMPER: Stoapaft.Tu alam condUon, usad oooa by o n m X-perlenced • X-act A Service Cbmany Tim ^ O C WH7EK SfECUL* itawtkmMwdi n. Mflft t«M«MiMn '^•'.""•/i.V^.if'J! 7t KM snon anzn nsaxriT 1-aOO.THS-CM - : -"OmitI ewOMpcrantMns- Plastering &DrywaI CAROLINE'S UPHOlSTERr » OECOBATIMG F*t Profwaionit Sonic* :\ : ftou.photatsring '"_'_ H*aNhnlkii i * p # SWMiMM Of Brand Mam* ftener & Ctoow Aom ' d o * Fibric. Vinyt and Uathtf Fnm Pick Up ( 2 W ) S71-0820 - B Read & Use The . V Classifieds CLEAN 8c SHINE FLOOR CARE ^933-5976 Kathy Smith W ^ & B^Wbod Floors Interlor/Exterior Painting - \ Wallpaper Hanging r ^ - FREE ESTIMATES - Buss Harkins ClemCoipetatFumflUfe 949-6075 RR SEASONED FIREWOOD PAINTING & WALLCOVERING CALL 949-5389 -; Specializing In All Wallpapers $5O Rick $15O Cord Delivered ,'J'^'VJV* RESIDENTIAL 2t6) 949-5216 (216)934-4196 1-800-675-5386 ,, C L E A N I N G . •-/,. 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