LIBRARY NOTES 'trJJE WOOLE F~M'lY StUIES by THE RIVER WITH FOURHEAVS---- Norene Nicholls PMt 13 "TheJr.e .L6 a. RIVER, the STREAMS wheJr.e06 .6ha.U.make g£a.d .the c.-Uy 06 ELOHIM, the holy p~c.e 06 :the .ta.beJr.na.c.lu 06 the MO.6t High." P.6. 46 :4. "And a. RIVER went out 06 Eden to uxt.tVt the gMden; and 6Jtom thence Lt ~ PARTED, and became in~o FOURHEADS." Ge.n. 2:1 0 Wha.t 1 am a.bout to Wltite i.6 by no mea.n.6 the 6ua mean-<.n.g06 thue vVt.6U, nOJt thVte Me .60 TTWtya.ppUc.a.:t.i.On.606 .th<.-6 Jt.tvVti and paltt.ed Jt.tveJr. into 60uJt pMU, and a.ll that hM been g.tven by o.theM beCVc..6 .tt6 t/tue meaning, but thVte i.6 anathe»: 6a.c.et to be c.on.6.tdeJted. A:t .thA....6time, we. wotdd Uke to tWtn qou»: a.tt.enUon to thi.6 Jt.tveJr. M it a.ppUu to the Fam.tly 06Ya.hwe.h, to the Godhead, U.6ingthe. wOltd "Godhead" oni.y 60Jt la.c.k. 06 a. bet.teJr. .6ingle wond , We ha.ve been ta.u.ght, and Lt i.6 oui«, tha.t thVte wa..6 no otne» 60Jt.m 06 wcUeJr..tngthe: eMth exc.ept the m.t-6t that went upnJt.om the eaJtth and wa.tvc.ed il, but il .t.6 pWnly statea tha.,t the gMden had a. .6pec.-i.a..ewa;te.Jt..tn,gwfUc.h wa.o the Jt..tveJr.. Ma..nIjJt.ec.e..ive a. daily Jte6Jte.6h.tng by the .6p-i.Jr.i.tu.a.l, m.t.6t, bu.t thelte i.6 a. "te6..tumg IIJtea.te/t :tlui.ntha:t., and il i.6 c.onnec.ted w.i.th thi.6 Jti..veJr.. ,;:" . 1n the OJtd.in.aJ.t.y .6cheme 06 the eMth, 4 .lti..veJr.dou not pMt .tnto 60Ult Jt.tveJt-6. In.-6tead ma.ny othVt .It.tVeJt..66eed .tnto a. la.JtgeJr. .It.tvVt and make, il even b.tgge4 undi il .t.6 at: .tu la1gut .6.tze be6 OJte e.ntvting into a. .6ea. O.lt ocean a..6 the CMe ma.y be.. But th.t.6 .It.tveJr.in Ed~n wOJr.k..6 jU.6t. the oppo4Ue. The Je.iveJt i.6n 4t oed into by tA.wutCVtiu-: making u: biggeJt a..U the. time, but the Je.-tve/t -t,ue£6 i.6 e.xpaM-tve to begin w-tth and then PMU and bec.omu 6 0UJt .ltiveJt.6. So it i.6 tha.t the .6piILU:ua..e.ltea.£.U;.iu WO.ltk.jU.6t the oppo.6ite to the na..tuJta.i. The HebJte.wwOJLd6o.lt RIVER M 'U.6ed nouJt timu heJr.e i..it - t.hL6 Gen. aeeount: .t.6 NAHARc.ome.6n.ltom a. noot: TO SPARKLE, be CHEERFUL6.1tomthe .6heen 06 a. .ltunn..ing .6t/team. It a.l.60 ..inc.fude.6 the meaning 06 ASSEMBLE, FLOWTOGETHER, BE LIGHTENED. In an even mO.lte expanded mea.n.<.ng.tt incl.u.du LIGHT O.ltDAYLIGHT. TheJr.e Me :two a.b.60fu.t.e nec.e..Mili..u to LIFE and tha.t i...6 WATERand LIGHT, and both Me l1J.ltought togethVt in the mean.tng 06 .the RIVER. 1 wotdd Uk.eto .6Uggut to you .that th.t.6 RIVER that 6i:owed out 06 Eden wh.tc.h .t.6 WO knota a..6 the Ganden: 06 God (ElolWn ) .i...6 none otne»: than :the MOST HIGH. He.t.6 t/tu£.y a. Jt.tveJt 06 U6e and i.tght., but. He ~ not ~6.ted to- be. jU.6t one .It.tvVt 6oJt. that would only be a.lwcuj.6 and 6OJte.veJr.a. .6-i.n.gie .ltivVt, bea.u;ti.6ui. and wondltoU.6 Indeed, but la.c.k.ing ..in e.xpa.n.6-ton. So we .6ee. -in thi.6 .ltiveJr. a. paltt.tng even M we have d.t.6cu..Med the d-ivWon tha.t -took. p.fuc.e ..in b.lt..inging 60Jtth the. YaiwJeh Fami4J. ' • The wOJr.dPARTED..in Gen. 2:1 0 mea.n.-6BREAK THROUGH,SEPARATE ONESELf, D1SPERSE, DIVINE, SEVER ONESELF. 1~ that not ex.a.c:t1J..Jwha..tha.ppeJied Ln. the Godhead? The 6illt paJtUng . WM ta.k.ing the MOTHER, :the Holy Sp-i.Jr.il, out 06 the MO.6t H-igh bJi..ing..ing 60Jtth a FATHERand a. MOTHER. iaxe»: on we .6ee the 6uJtthVt .6epalta.t.tng co plLoduc.e the SON and VAUGHTER. Thu-~ no ,fongVt wou!d He be. but one .It-tveJr. though lovely .tn it6e.t.6 and thU.6 ALL IN ONE, but He . paltud out. 06 H-i.m.6el6a.nd Uke the .It.tveJt Lt became int» FaUR HEADS. And,..in the eventua.li..ty 06 H.t.6 pultpo.6e He will not be ALL IN ONE, but ALL IN ALL. How wondeJt6ut! . It i6 We.Jtu.ting and ugn-i.6-i.cant thca the. Je.-tveJtbec.ame -into FOURHEADS. The wOlLdHEAV ROSH in the Heb.lte.w, and does not mean jU.6t the head on a. body, but.tt mea.M the head 06 anyth.tng, a. pfuc.e 06 a.uthOJt-Uy 0Jt po.6Won. So U .t.6 tha.t the YaluAla.hFam-Uy -<.n -iU 60uJt PMU i.6 eael. an indivi..dua.l head, heading up a. c.ompany O.lt be..ing .ot a. c.Vt.ta.<.n p.ea.c.e 06 a.uth0Jr..uy and pO.6ilion. 'I i.6 I Now, M we. took. a...t e.a.ch, 06 the 60uJt .It-tveJr..6and C.On.6-i.deJr. the meaning.6 06 the namu and :the duc.Jti..paon.6 thVte06, we. 6..ind a. volume 06 mea.n.tng c.onc.eJt.n..ingthe 60Ult membVt-6 06 the Godhead who ea.c.h movu in h-t.6 OILhe»: .ltupec.dve pO.6ilion but a..ewa.y~w.ith the. pu.ltpo.6e -30- .. ' '. o~, bJt.ing.ing U6e, lle~lle..6h..ing' and Ught .in wha.t..6oeveJt Ca.t.egCJlly each 6ul6Ul6. And, U rrtl.-6t be .lte.membeJtedthfU. the -6ame U6e g.i..v.ing watvr. tha.t 6.towe.d. .in the OJt.ig.ina.l ll.ive.ll 6.tow-6 -Ot the 60Ull ll.iVe./t.6. TheJte U no d.i..66 e.llence .in, the -6ub-6tance 06 the ll.iVvr., only the d.i6 6vr.ence -in the .i.nd.iv.i..du.a.i.WMk. and compa.wnent 06 each. Thvr.e60lle you can -6tl1Jthey alle one and -6.tUt. paJl.ted .i.n.to d.i66e.llent WOIt/u, ~.i..e..6, po.4Lti..On-6, powe...w. . rrhe name. 06 the 6.i.1rAt .iA PISON: tha.t .i..-6U wh.ich com~eth the who.le .land 06 HAVZLAH, whVte thvr.e .i..-6GOLV; and the gold 06 thfU. l.and .w GOOV: thvr.e.w BVELLIUM and the ONYX ~tone. " Gen. 2 :11-12 • TheJte L6 mOlle duCJt.i.pt:..i.on 06 the 6..iJr..6.tll.i..veJt than any 06 the othe.ll tMee, ana t:h.iA Ls uncieJr.-6.tand.a.b.le. -in .:tha-t th.i..-6 6-iJr....6t. ft.(.Ve/L .6ymboUze4 :the fATHER. Much mOfte. .w WIc...ut.e.n about H.i.mtha.n the otheJt 06 the Yahweh FamUy. Whe..theJt U .i..-6a .6Up u6 the. .:tJtan.6.ea..tM~ Oft othvr.w.i..6e, the 6.i.ll.6t .i..-6not lle6eJt1led to M a ll.i..VeJt, wh.ich .i..-6.i.nte.lluting. He.i..6 .6i..mp.e.ythe cont.inuat.ion 06 that Oll.ig.inaill.iVe.ll. -0~ , NOO!,.<;o~e.ll ex~e 06 the Fathvr.'.6 .scope , and th.w a.l.60 dUCll.i.b~ the .6cope 06 :the p~on and ~y 06 the cOmpany 06 6atheJt-6. PlS0N mean.6 FREELY FLUWING, DISPERSING, SPREAVING. And, U COMPASSETHthe who.le land 06 Hav.il.a.h. COMPASSETHmean.6 REVOLVE, SURROUNV, even me.an.6 A PROVIVENTIAL TURN OF AFFAIRS. H.w maJtve.eoU.6pltov.i..dence Jtea"Uy .uvc.Yl..I.> the a.66~ 06 hea.ven and e.aJtth. ,TheJte .w JteaUy not.h.i.ng beyond the ,.6c.ope 06 H.i.m.6e.e6,and H,w ptov.<.denc.e .i.n.t;.l!.I.de..o.aU, and e'JVty-t,'url.g. Suc!:Ji . .inrnenM::tJj bogg-.£e:.othe m.ind, but U u tltue.li the wh~!e ~061~AVILAH WhiCh~ ~I~ CIRCULAR oJt a CIRCLE. the F· e..jt 6Jtee~ 6.low-ing and dU ~-UMe.l6 lle:.lVe..6 and .6UIVtounM a CIRCLE. On the 6~e ~ Idou not even e nJ ~en.&e, but wa.J.: a m-i.nu:te. Th~'n.teltm hM" been tUe.H on .6eveltr., a.ll OCc.M-i 0n-6 06 THE LAW OFlCIRCU RITY, and 1.i..-6exp.t:a.-i.M rw~. The Fathvr. mov4 .&t evek «!{de.n.-lng c.-Vtc.lu, c.i.Jtdu I' cVtclu, ealch ~ne. a pe.It~ec.uon Oft comp.ee4on .in U\.6e.e, but.6' u~d, 6 Jt l.lalt elL and widvr. c.V!c.lu 06 Hu p.f.an and pu.tp0.6e aIcli alway!.6 b" yond the pit 4eA:t cycle 1 I I Even gu them.6e.ivu laJte c.tJtCJ.lu 06 time, but ~h cVtclee1 f!Jll cy~e o~ 'e.w w.U1U.n la ~' £attgvr. cyc.ee 06 ti..me. And ~ each c.yc.ie On .tJne:'~C~'I:.tM.n p.&ln .w O' O/l.!<.edi biU: II.thi.Ut ; n.ct the end in. .<..ue.en, 6M thfU. cyc.le .w ~ ~, a l.tiU gllea.telt ,de. Atkl, 1-60\ 1 e -6cope 06 H.w IpWtpo~e and £an k.ee~ on e.n1aJtg-ing e.AlaItg.ing a.nd E I LARGINGI I And db ut the :t.i.me we th.i.n.k we lutveJcomp1tehended .6U.ch a. c.yc.le, w4- on.f.y aJte [o .Otto ~~ ill ' thfU. U .w but a .6eg~en.t on wha.t He. .i..-6lle.tz.U.y d . g. A~ ou.t beyond ill 06\1 ' cycUng 06 :&me and fXL't~o.6e.i.6 the Jt.ivvr. On H~e.e~ eveJt w.<.de.n.i.ng0 w.Uh glle.d..tvr. -6c.ope and puJtpo-6e and powe.Jt. T~e PlS0N e.ncom~u S.tltqnge.w U not ~ lili The ~e6.in.&tg pa!tt 06 HAVILAH a .6cJt.iptwte \JOLV .w a. .oymbo.l 06 wh.a;tl~e Fl:z.thvr. ~COml?~h~ , .in LOVE. Evptl when. j~~~ 1~ I' Golla ~o~ cot», CIRCLE eJte .w All thltough 1 e vrvINEI NATU~E wh.ich .w lJte~ LQVE. And no ma.tteJt tJie cyc..eu 06 I and puJtpo.oe .it a.i.wa.y.oaccompli.6hed Ibe mcwl.i6ut, U .w 4.ti...U. .in .love, tha.:t :the one undeJt judgment m.<.ght'.ie.aJt~ H.w h..igh.t2.ouJne..64 thllough -U:. aU. But not only .w :theJte gold .:theJte, ixu: aUo theJte ,u, ~ound BDELLIUM and. ONYX. The wOJt,dBDELLIUM cornU 6,ftom a. ft,oot. wh-<.ch me.ctrl4 ~'1. p<.ecu, p!Lobabty .oome. .6OJtt 06' 6llag.'tant gum. Some h.a.ve.,6U.gge..6:te.d 'un.6 even ambeJt. But the one Jte6e.llence to BVELLIUM othe.ll than heJr.e -Otl Gen. ~ Num. 77:7 whvr.e ;.,ta.:tu ny:utna. .w;th.e COLOR 06 bde.W.um. Now we flnow ft1tom othe.ll de..6CJt.tpu.On-6 06 manna. :tha.t U wa.6 whUe., -60 wha.t a.b~' }(;t ~e..4tg~eco.101r. 06 bdel.Uwn. I Ac:t:.u.a..U.y.the woJtd COLOR~ ~YIN the Hebltw whA.ch ~ ~cI1t itai./Ung obciu: a CJ.l at aUl but Jta:theJt a challac:tvL.wUc 06 U. It u..t.eJr.a.U.y ,'~ EYE 01r.~PPEARANCE. he Fa.th~_.w -60 6a.Uh6u.t to bJteak. hz.:to M.6~.le. p.<.ecu the gJt~~06 H.i..-6p.lan and .. .(;t to t,.i..ve an ~ye M vWon 6~1l undeM.ta.n.d.ing. 0, Ye-6, tk<A ll.tvvt encompM-6U the p!ac.e 106 the ' olz.en p.(.ece 06 Jteve£.a.,t..{on and tJtuth and the v..w.i.on to com~e.hend,(;(j. We do not SIa-in aU lleve.ta-tion at one ,~, we cou~ ,not beax U. Bu.t He g.ive1 u..6 what we can takle M we can take U. and w.<.th the ~p-<A-Uu.a..e -6.i..ght to complte.he.tkl the ;.,ma.U p.iece-6 06 un.tU they comp0-6Ue. a £attgCUt vWon. I hi 1 1• 1 -0 :u a .u: -0 « 4t ..w Then ~vr.e. ~ ~eIONYk ~ Qound -in JzelcY~~e-6 k.nown .ot a.nUquLt:Y,. It.w a pa.le gJteen gem which .,,~d .in the P't.i..~_gallmen.t6 06 the blleabtp.la.:te.'1 1.61t~e.l and the engllav~g 06 :the. ~.iba.l ~<W! I.6It.,pi.ay.6 suah: an .unpOJttan:t Jto.te, and eV0.ytJing ,06 H.w p~ni.ng, and -0 tlU.6 u a« - I -37- a gem -cs veJty .6lUta.b.le 6M engJtav-<..ngand wa..6 e:tc.. It L6 paJtuc.u£att.e.y a..Moc.i.a.:te.dwalL gJtefU. c.yc.le..6 06 :the Fathvr.'~ mov-0g.6 ~ee.tM to Jtevo.ive MOund I.6Jtae.e. Th-<..6 ' ' does not mean He. L6 not dea.LOig w.Uh otheJt Jtac.u and otheJt peop.eu, bu.-t He dou deal. w.i.;th them -in Jte..e.a.t.i.onto. I-Mae..t. And, whe;n ,l.)peak.&tg Cl6 1,1.)Jta.e.l,.1 am not ta..lh..&tg about I-Ma.e.U 0Jt the. Je£U6, I am .tai1Ung about thO,l.)e.duc.eJU:la.nU 06 06 btue I-Ma.e.l 06 old. who Me. bfUi.c.all.y .toc.a.te.d -in ..the wuteJtn~ wOJtld.. You mt:UJ wondeJt how :th.i..4 c.ou.!d ha.ve a.n.y.tJU.ng to do w.U.h the c.yc:.~ 06 a.gu pa4t,_ but. let me. Jt~ qo«, theJte. had to be. an I,l.)Jta.e.t .&t tile. he.a.ve.n.Uu be.60Jte. theJte. c.ou..td e.veJt be. an e.aJr.t:.hi.yI.Ma.e..l. Thi..6 -i4 a. gJte.at. my.6t.eJty, but. neveJtthele...6..6, an ab..it:Un.guuth. - the. ONYX .6pe.ak..606 the. engJta.ve.d one..6 06 a. gJteat. pJt.i.u.tf.y c.a..Ui.ng tha.t even gou beyond the. Aaltonic. pJr.-ie..6thood and .&tto the. M~e.de.c. PlL.iuthood. TIuL6_.in:tM..6 Ha.v-Uah Olt c.utc..te. 0Jt c.yc.i.e..6 06 time. and. pultpo.&e., theJte. i& the. ONYX .6tane., the. e.ttgJta.ve.d onu, the. .&e.ai.e.donu, the. maltke.d onu--e.ve.n xhos« who welLe. known. a..6 thu.6 be.60Jte. the 60unda.t-i.on 06 the wOltldl T~ Now, i.e..t lL.6 ga.theJt the. thoughU togetheJt c.onc.eJtrUng t.hi..6 6Lwt. Jt.iveJt wMch ltepltue.n.t.6 the Fa.th,eJt. He. L6 e.veJt w.ide.n.i.ng out. .in H.u .6U/LItou.ncUn.g.6and enc.om~g.6 and .i.6 a.lwa.y~ beyond the.'91Le.a.tneM o6H.i.6 c.yclU 06 .ti.me and puJtpO.6e, ye.:t the..6e. c.yc.le..6 Me c.yc.i.u w.i;tJUn cyclu, /jet He. .i6 e.veJt out be.yond and hoi.cLi.n.g them a.U. We H.(.6.in6.in.ue plan. And. wUh.in. thU ~c.tlng 06 H~ plan and time. a.Jte. 60und ~e.e. th.ing~---GOLV, BDELLIUM, ONYX. The. gold ,l.)pe.a.k..606 hIS VrVINE NATURE wlUc.h..w LOVE and L6 the. ba..6L6 06 e.veJty.tJUng He. p~ a.n.d does, Then the' BDELLIUMlte6eJt.6, to the bJteaJung -<.it p.<.ec.e.6 06 a.U Jteve.lation and btu.:th. u.n:tU we.. c.an qJta..6P.tha.t. p.i.e.c.e and go on t:.o a.nothvr. p.ie.c.e, and a.notheJt piec.e. and a.notheA p.ie.c.e unUl. the. 6u.ine..6.6 06v~on bec.ome..6 a.ppalte.nt.. And wU:h .it. -i4 the. EYE OIL v~on xo C!.omplte.hend U..Tw, theJte. .t..6 the ONYX .6:t.one.a.i.Ue.d za IMa.e.£, both a.nc.-i.e.nUy -Ut the heave.M and CWrlte.n;ti.y on the e.alt.th•. 601L.the.y Le.c.~me. H~ engJta.ve~ one.6, e.ven H-u>ug~et w~ wku!h He maltk.6 e.ven othe.Jt,,6_.6hOWUtg Ii-u> au.th0JLU:y and DWneJt.6Mp. So the. thlte.e. thA.n~,I.) ,v, the enc.om~g 06 .rite. iUvrur. O~. the Fa.dte.Jt c.ou.i.d be. blL.ie6.tiJ woJtae.d_~: Iii\H~ gJteat. c.yle-6 06 time aJUi FU'tpo.&e. He.man.i6e..6U H.un.6e..t.6a.4 LOVE, by wft.i.c.h love. He. blLe.aJi6down .wrne.Me. btu.fu -into p.<.e.c.u and g..{vu v-c.Uon to. c.omplte.he.nd .it while. at. the. .6a.me.time. woJtkhtg :thIr.ou.gha.U tfWtg.& the. g.f.oJty 06 H.i6 I-Ma.e..l and H.i6 puJtpo.&e. .&t l,l.)Jta.e.l .in He.a.ve.n and .in Ealtth. How gJtea.:t. ,1-.6 H-i4 fJJa.y I J I lTo be continued J ncn