Student Information
Student Information
r re For Office Use Only Yo u Apply now mar kable j o u r n e y b e g i n s h e re . Student Information Common Family Name Common given Names birth date YYYY MM DD Current GRADEGrade to Enter Language spoken at home lANGUAGE SPOKEN AT CURRENT SCHOOL Citizenship Country of birth CANADIAN CITIZENSHIP landed immigrant Other citizenship (Specify) HAS THE APPLICANT EVER HAD AN EDUcaTional assessment? Yes No (if yes, please PROVIDE A COPY) Current School DOES THE APPLICANT REQUIRE A STUDENT VISA? Yes No If the applicant’s current school is not in ontario, has she ever attended school in ontario? Yes No if yes, please provide the following details: Name of School Name of School cityPROVINCE/STATE Address countryPostal code Telephone GRADES OR YEARS ATTENDED RELATIVE OF A STUDENT/AN ALUMNAGRADE/GRADUATION YEAR clan OTHER Daughters OR RELATIVES WHO: ATTEND bRANKSOME hALLRelationship are applying this year to Branksome HallRelationshiP Date Received 1. W hat do you like most about school and why? Give two examples. 2. H ow have your co-curricular activities (at school or outside of school) benefited you? 3. H ow do you think coming to school at Branksome Hall will help you to develop as a person? 4. W hat would your friends say is your best quality? Do you agree? Affiliation to Branksome Hall ID Number Student Profile Students applying to Grades 4–11 are required to answer the following questions on a separate sheet. Handwriting is preferred. Please put your name at the top of the page. Address Applying for Grade Educational Assessment Day StudentResidenCE Student Name of Applicant Please attach a recent photo of the applicant LEGAL Family NameLEGAL given Names Applicant’s Name Parent Information Parent Information dr.Other (Specify) Family Name given Names dr.Other (Specify) Family Name given Names Home address Home address CityProvince/state CityProvince/state CountryPostal Code CountryPostal Code E-Mail E-Mail Home Telephone Home Telephone Mobile Mobile name of employer name of employer Job Title Job Title WORK TelephonewORK fAX WORK TelephonewORK fAX wORK e-mAIL wORK e-mAIL Day / Month / Year Day / Month / Year parent’s date of birth (residence applicants only) parent’s date of birth (residence applicants only) During the school year, the applicant lives with: both parents Mother only How did you learn about branksome Hall? father only guardian other (specify) Internet Word-of-mouth School fairAdvertisements Other (Specify) SCHOOL CORRESPONDEnCE SHOULD BE SENT TO: Check all that apply Mother Father Guardian Other (specify) Scholarships for grades 7–11 I would like my daughter to be considered for a merit entrance scholarship I, being the parent or guardian of the student named above, hereby make formal application to have her acepted as a student at Branksome Hall. Student Financial Aid If you wish to apply for Student Financial Aid, please sign up through Apple Financial at Tuition Signature of Parent/Guardian Date Signature of Parent/Guardian Date Please see details of tuition and fees at Under the Personal Information Protection and Electronics Documents Act (PIPEDA), Branksome Hall is committed to protecting the personal information of all our constituents. All information collected on this form is in accordance with the Branksome Hall Privacy Policy, available at Checklist Completed Application Form Copy of Canadian Study Visa (if available) Completed Student Profile Copy of Educational Assessment (if applicable) Current Report Card Application Fee: $200 Two Most Recent End-of-Year Report Cards Copy of Applicant’s Birth Certificate or Legal Document Residence applicants only Teacher Recommendations Copy of Main Page of Passport Residence Application Applicant’s Name Guardian Information (In the greater toronto area) Educational Agent Information (IF APPLICABLE) MR. mrs. Family Name ms dr. Other (Specify) given Names Home address MR. mrs. ms dr. Other (Specify) Family Name given Names COMPANY NAME address CityProvince/state CountryPostal Code CityProvince/state E-Mail CountryPostal Code Home Telephone e-mail Mobile WORK TelephonewORK fAX Telephone Mobile wORK e-mAIL I, being the parent or guardian of the student named above, hereby make formal application for her to live in Residence at Branksome Hall. More Information Signature of Parent/Guardian Date Signature of Parent/Guardian Date Please see our website: Under the Personal Information Protection and Electronics Documents Act (PIPEDA), Branksome Hall is committed to protecting the personal information of all our constituents. All information collected on this form is in accordance with the Branksome Hall Privacy Policy, available at English Teacher Recommendation RESIDENCE APPICANTS only student name date teacher name teacher signature The above named student has applied for admission to Branksome Hall, an independent International Baccalaureate school for girls from JK–Grade 12. This form will remain confidential. It will not become part of the student’s permanent record. We appreciate your completing this form and returning it to the Admissions Office at Branksome Hall at your earliest convenience. Please e-mail to [email protected] or fax to 416-920-5390. How long have you known and taught this student? Please rate this student in the following areas: Achievements in English Outstanding Very Good Good Below Average Poor No Basis for Evaluation Average Below Average Poor No Basis for Evaluation Average Below Average Poor No Basis for Evaluation Average Reading skills Speaking skills Writing skills Mechanics of language Communication of ideas Creativity Approaches to Learning Outstanding Very Good Good Participation in class Works well with others Ability to work independently Completion of assignments Seeks extra help when needed Study habits Personal Qualities Outstanding Very Good Good Effort/Determination Concern for others Honesty/Integrity Maturity Responsibility Please provide any additional information that will give us a more complete picture of the student: Under the Personal Information Protection and Electronics Documents Act (PIPEDA), Branksome Hall is committed to protecting the personal information of all our constituents. All information collected on this form is in accordance with the Branksome Hall Privacy Policy, available at Math Teacher Recommendation RESIDENCE APPICANTS only student name date teacher name teacher signature The above named student has applied for admission to Branksome Hall, an independent International Baccalaureate school for girls from JK–Grade 12. This form will remain confidential. It will not become part of the student’s permanent record. We appreciate your completing this form and returning it to the Admissions Office at Branksome Hall at your earliest convenience. Please e-mail to [email protected] or fax to 416-920-5390. How long have you known and taught this student? Please rate this student in the following areas: Achievements in Math Outstanding Very Good Good Average Below Average Poor No Basis for Evaluation Average Below Average Poor No Basis for Evaluation Average Below Average Poor No Basis for Evaluation Knowledge of the basic skills Accuracy in the use of basic skills Understanding of, and appreciation for, the underlying ideas and concepts Willingness to accept the challenge of the more difficult problems and exercises Overall performance Approaches to Learning Outstanding Very Good Good Participation in class Works well with others Ability to work independently Completion of assignments Seeks extra help when needed Study habits Personal Qualities Outstanding Very Good Good Effort/Determination Concern for others Honesty/Integrity Maturity Responsibility Please provide any additional information that will give us a more complete picture of the student: Under the Personal Information Protection and Electronics Documents Act (PIPEDA), Branksome Hall is committed to protecting the personal information of all our constituents. All information collected on this form is in accordance with the Branksome Hall Privacy Policy, available at