New Volunteer Award Added To Recognize Our


New Volunteer Award Added To Recognize Our
enhancing life with plants
w ww.bbgarde ns.or g
January /February 2011
New Volunteer
Award Added To
Recognize Our
“Unsung Heroes”
page 4
Your Membership
page 1
Friends of
Birmingham Botanical Gardens
2010 B oard
enhancin g life with
plants gardens. org
January /February 2011
Tea Olives
Winter Annuals
Winter Hazels
Winter Honeysuckles
New Volunteer
Award Added To
Recognize the
“Unsung Hero”
page 4
Your Membership
page 1
On The Cover
The cover photo was taken
by Brandon Gresham of
Gresham Photography. Brandon
photographed The Stout Family in
October 2009. The photograph
features Judah with his parents
walking on a path between the
Crape Myrtle Garden and Dunn
Formal Rose Garden. “Judah was
more than happy to work it for the
camera, as long as I was willing to
keep up with him,” says Gresham.
Sasa vietchii, Japanese Gardens
It isn’t too late to submit your own
photograph to be considered for
an upcoming issue.
Asian Magnolias
Fringe Flowers
Lenten Roses
Winter Annuals
Lettuce, Bruno Vegettable Garden
Please visit
for more information or email
[email protected].
en han ci n g l i f e w i t h pl an t s
www. b b g ar d en s. o rg
enhancing life
with plants
www.bbg ardens.or
J anuary /F ebruary
. bbgardens . org
M arch /a pril 2010
D irectors
Henry Ray ����������������������������������������������� President
Tricia Noble����������������������������������� President-Elect
Scott Walton���������������������������������������������Treasurer
Lou Willie ����������������������������������������������� Secretary
Elizabeth Broughton��������������������� VP Development
Fred Murray��������������������VP Facilities & Planning
Thomas G. Amason, Jr.��Immediate Past President
Carl Jones���������������������������������������������������� Officer
Janet Taylor������������������������������������������������� Officer
M arch /a
M ay
Glorious Gardens Set For Mother’s Day Weekend Page 3
Earth Day at The Gardens Celebrates 14 Years Page 8
Children’s Summer Camps Announced
Page 9
Set For June Plants”
12-page 9
Planned For
Botanical Garde wood
Museum of
Art-page 1
Don’t miss
Book Club-p New
age 5
Looking for a past issue
of The Garden Dirt?
Laurie Allen
Shane Boatright
Mena Brock
Maggie Brooke
Gary Burley
Margi Ingram
Clarke Gillespy
Sheryl Kimerling
Mike Malone
Reese Murray, III
Kathryn Porter
Hanson Slaughter
Lucy Tutwiler
Mary Williamson
Louise Wrinkle
O ur M ission
Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens
promotes public knowledge of plants, gardens &
the environment; & receives, raises & administers
resources for these purposes.
O ur V ision
The vision of Birmingham Botanical Gardens is to be
one of the nation’s preeminent botanical gardens.
M ain����������������������������������� 205.414.3950
Fred Spicer���������������������������������Executive Director
Olivia Alison������������������� Director of Development
Stephanie Banks����������������������� Director of Finance
Elizabeth Drewry���������������������������������������� Librarian
Ellen Hardy������� Education Program Coordinator
Michael Hansen�������Marketing & Public Relations
Henry Hughes ���������������������Director of Education
George Jenkins����������������������� Development Officer
Jason Kirby ��������������� Library Assistant & Archivist
Andrew Krebbs������������������� Director of Marketing
& Membership
Savannah Lanier���������������Donor Relations Officer
Hope Long����������������� Director of Library Services
John Manion��Curator of Kaul Wildflower Garden
Shelly McCarty����������� Special Events Coordinator
Carleen Mitchell��������������������������������� Finance Clerk
Phyllis Sutton��������� Education Activities Specialist
Mary-Bestor Grant������������� Volunteer Coordinator
Rona Walters�������������������������� Membership Assistant
The Garden Dirt is the newsletter of Friends of Birmingham
Botanical Gardens. The Garden Dirt is published six times a year
to foster awareness and support events, services, and significant
programs of Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. We
welcome your comments and address corrections. Please contact:
Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens
Editor, Andrew Krebbs
2612 Lane Park Road
Birmingham, AL 35223
205.414.3959 or [email protected]
Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens practices a policy
of equal opportunity and equal access to services for all persons
regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, age, disability, veteran
status, orientation or sex. Birmingham Botanical Gardens is a
facility of Birmingham Park and Recreation Board. The deadline
for the March/April issue is January 15.
So far, our late fall-early winter has been
colder than our previous 100-year average.
Overall, this is good for plants; because
early autumn wasn’t extra-warm, plants
entered dormancy in a gradual way. Winter
dormancy (relative to cold hardiness) is a
complex phenomenon, and plants reach this
state in different ways: some are triggered
by day length; some by temperature,
and some by both. What’s well-known is
that fully dormant plants are better able
to withstand absolute low temperatures
without injury. Dormancy of certain plants
can be slowed (or interrupted) by unusually
warm weather, or a jolt of fertilizer, or even
untimely pruning (which is why the latter
two are not recommended in early fall –
best to wait until after several hard frosts).
Dormancy does not equate with complete
inactivity. Some hardy plants, of course,
flower into, during and through the
winter; others produce roots; and all must
continue the relentless uptake of water and
soil nutrients, assuming the soil isn’t frozen,
to prevent tissue injury from desiccation.
For our organization, it’s easy to look from
the outside at this brief period and think
we, too, are relatively inactive. I’ll admit
that the pace isn’t like April or October,
which are relentlessly busy (in a good
way), but the upcoming flurry of spring
activities would be chaos if not for the
respite – and planning and preparation
– that is occurring now. Ask a potting
shed volunteer: plants are stirring in our
greenhouses. Ask an education docent:
buses of schoolchildren are arriving every
morning. Ask The Gardens’ staff (indoors
or out) and they’ll tell you that something’s
always happening, which is how it should
be for a healthy and
thriving institution.
See you in The
Fred Spicer
Executive Director
46th Annual
Member Dinner
January 20
7 p.m.
12th Annual
Spencer Lecture
March 10
6:30 p.m.
Spring Plant Sale
Preview Party &
Member Sale
April 14
Spring Plant Sale
April 15-17
Whole Foods
Cellar Stock
April 21
Earth Day
at The Gardens
May 1
1-4 p.m.
Your Membership Benefits
Questions Answered
W e l com e
Dear Friends:
Q: Is my membership tax deductible?
A: Yes. Your payment, less the fair market value of
the benefits you receive, is deductible for income
tax purposes. You can waive your benefits and
receive full tax-deductibility. Please indicate
this on your membership form. Under Internal
Revenue Services guidelines, the tax-deductibility
of the membership levels are as follows:
• Student - $25
• Young Professional - $40/$55
• Individual - $45
• Family - $60
• Magnolia - $100
• Oak - $225
• Ambassador - $475
• President’s Circle - $875
• Garden Sustainer’s Club - $875
Q: How do I get my free members-only gift?
A: You will receive a free gift voucher in your
membership packet when you join or renew. Your
free gift can be picked up in our office during
normal business hours (M-F; 8-5 p.m.). When
you enter the Garden Center, take the elevator
or stairs to the second floor. You must present
your voucher to receive your free gift. Only one
free gift per membership per year and gifts will
not be mailed. Student and Young Professional
levels do not receive a free gift, but may purchase
one for $5. Visit to learn more
about your benefits. If you don’t see your question
answered contact Andrew Krebbs, Director of
Marketing & Membership at 205.414.3959 or
[email protected].
D e ve l o p m e n t
In Good Company
Olivia Alison, Director of Development
We are in good company. Among the
philanthropists honored this past fall by the
local chapter of the Association of Fund Raising
Professionals are some very good friends of The
Gardens. Judy and Hal Abroms, donors of the
Abroms Rhododendron Species Garden, are The
William M. and Virginia B. Spencer Outstanding
Philanthropists of 2010. The Outstanding Civic
Leaders are Becky and Bill Smith. Becky was a
former docent and a long time board member.
Lloyd Wilson, Community Foundation of
Greater Birmingham Outstanding Professional
Advisor, together with his wife Sherry, is a
member of our Garden Sustainer Club. Daniel
Foundation of Alabama, the Outstanding
Charitable Organization, has long been one
of our benefactors. Harbert Management
Corporation, the Outstanding Corporate
Citizen, has generously funded our education
programs through sponsorship of Antiques
at The Gardens. Congratulations and many
thanks to these special friends for making our
community a better place. May they inspire each
of us to follow their lead and make a difference.
we love this place!”
Recently, after a morning jog in The Gardens,
one of our volunteers was surrounded by
exuberant children visiting from Tuscaloosa.
They grabbed her hand and said “Which way to
the lake? Wow, we love this place!” caught up
in the excitement of being on a field trip and
out in nature. These students, with their sense
of wonder and curiosity, are learning about the
natural world, how it relates to them and their
daily lives and how important it is to care for it.
The Gardens’ fundraising events, annual appeals
and membership all support our mission to teach
people about nature and the environment. We
would like to thank all of you who supported us
last year. Your investment in The Gardens allowed
us to avoid staff cutbacks and to continue our
award-winning educational programs. We urge
you to renew your memberships and continue
your donations in this New Year. Thank you!
Rosmarinus officinalis, Dunn Formal Rose Garden
Dr. Allan Armitage, “Legends in the Garden”
Thursday, March 10
6:30 p.m.
Limited Seating
The 12th annual Virginia Beeland Spencer Lecture will
be held on Thursday, March 10 at 6:30 p.m. in the LinnHenley Lecture Hall. This year the celebrated Dr. Allan
Armitage comes to Birmingham Botanical Gardens
for an intriguing talk titled “Legends of the Garden.”
You will learn about the people behind the plants
who bear their names and get the 411 on what’s hot
in horticulture this year. Guests will have a chance to
meet Dr. Armitage at a reception in the Hodges Room
at 5:30 prior to his lecture.
Dr. Allan Armitage is a world-renowned writer, speaker
and researcher in the field of botany. He runs the Trial
Gardens at the University of Georgia, where new
plant material is evaluated from flower breeders across
the globe. The Trial Gardens at UGA are among the
finest in the nation. He has received many prestigious
awards throughout his distinguished career, including
the National Educator Award from the American
Horticultural Society and the Medal of Honor from The
Garden Club of America. His long-standing interest
in new crops for the garden has resulted in numerous
introductions to the ornamental plant industry. A
few plants that he has introduced to the industry are:
Impomoea ‘Margarita’, Cleome ‘Linde Armstrong’, Ruellia
‘Ragin’ Cajun’, and Dicentra ‘Athens Yellow,’ among
The Spencer Lecture Series is made possible by
the Virginia Beeland Spencer Lecture Fund at the
Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham. The
fund, started by the late William Spencer in honor of
his wife, Virginia Spencer, brings prominent speakers to
Birmingham each year, giving the public a chance to learn
more about gardening, flower arranging, horticulture
and conservation for free. For more information or to
reserve your free seat, please contact Shelly McCarty at
205.414.3965 or [email protected].
D e ve l o p m e n t
2011 S p e n c e r L e ct u re
A Standing Ovation:
Volunteers of the Year Honored
Mary-Bestor Grant, Volunteer Coordinator
On December 16 Friends of Birmingham Botanical
Gardens presented the 2010 Volunteer of the Year
Awards at the annual Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon,
including the inaugural A. Brand Walton, Jr. Unsung Hero
of the Year award. Plant Sale Treasurers Cathy Canant,
Terri DiMuro, Jeanon Massien, Patty Johns and the late
Teresa Neal were collectively given this new award. Dr.
John A. Floyd, Jr. was named
Ida C. Burns Volunteer of
the Year.
Abbott Brand Walton, Jr.
(left) generously shared his
knowledge and expertise
by serving as legal counsel
to The Friends on a pro
bono basis until his death in
April 2009. He was a senior
partner at Burr Forman,
LLP, having received a BA,
JD, and an LLM in Taxation from the University of
Alabama. Brand’s service ethic is shared by his wife,
Louise Besant Walton, former volunteer manager of
the Gatehouse Gift Shop. Staff of The Friends, along
with board members, memorialized Brand’s tireless
sharing of wisdom and time with the A. Brand Walton,
Jr. Unsung Hero of the Year award. This award will
be given annually to a volunteer(s) who has benefited
the organization by working independently and/or
“behind the scenes” in an essentially non-public role
for a number of years.
The first recipients of this award are a quintet of
volunteers, Cathy Canant, Terri DiMuro, Jeanon
Massien, Patty Johns and the late Teresa Neal, who
served as Treasurers for the Spring and Fall Plant
Sales. Jeanon’s first was Spring of 2002, after which she
soon recruited the team who became an indispensable
presence through the 2010 Fall Plant Sale. Stephanie
Banks, Director of Finance, compared their dedication
to mail carriers, saying “neither rain nor sleet nor snow
can take them from their duties…first to arrive before
the doors are unlocked and the last ones to leave each day
as they give the final day’s count to anxiously awaiting
staff.” One member of this team, Teresa Neal, passed
away on November 6, 2010. Many remember Teresa’s
superhuman loyalty as she continued her volunteer
work through busy Spring and frigid Fall Plant Sales
despite her ongoing battle with cancer.
The inaugural A. Brand Walton, Jr. Unsung Hero of the Year award winners
Cathy Canant, Jeanon Massien and Terri DiMuro. (Not pictured: Patty Johns)
The service of Dr. John
A. Floyd, Jr. embodies
the legacy of leadership
distinctive to the Ida C.
Burns Volunteer of the
Year award. From his
service as President of
Birmingham Botanical
Society (1982-1983)
to being the keynote
speaker at the 2010
Member Dinner,
Dr. Floyd’s active
dedication to The
Gardens has spanned
decades. On a weekly
The 2010 Ida C. Burns Volunteer of the
basis, he assists with
Year award winner Dr. John A. Floyd, Jr.
detailed horticultural
maintenance including pruning, plant evaluation and
collections verification (comparing electronic records with
actual living plant collections) that involves finding, verifying
and placing identification tags. He specializes in the Hess
Camellia and Curry Rhododendron Gardens, but generously
cares for every inch of the grounds, including the Garden
Center’s Lobby Flowers which he designs from cuttings
from his own garden and travels.
We will honor Dr. Edwin Fineberg (Planstperson of the
Year), Carol Hinshaw (Educator of the Year) and FOX 6
(Volunteer Partner of the Year) in the March/April issue of
The Garden Dirt.
Jason Kirby, Archivist and Library Assistant
Visit the Gerlach Plant Information Center (GPIC)
inside the Garden Center
during January and February for the exhibit:
Buds, Berries and Bark:
Plants for Winter Interest
Thyme to Read
Book Club
We are pleased to announce that the Archives and
Rare Book Room was mentioned in a published
book! Jason Kirby, library assistant and archivist,
recently unearthed five scrapbooks in the archives
titled Manual of Beautification. These manuals
were from Marion Thomas Brooks (1897-1977),
landscape supervisor during the Works Progress
Administration (WPA). They cover all of the
garden projects throughout the state of Alabama
and the city of Birmingham during the WPA era.
Jason knew exactly who to call: Marjorie L. White
from the Birmingham Historical Society. And
the rest is, well, history. We would like to thank
Marjorie for all of her help with this project, and
for including us in her new book, Digging Out of
the Great Depression – Federal Programs at Work in and
Around Birmingham, published by the Birmingham
Historical Society. Our scrapbooks can be seen
in chapter six, “Creating a City Beautiful: WPA
Beautification Efforts.” The book is available for
check out in The Library.
Join us in The Library at 6 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each
month to discuss a new, fun book pertaining to gardening,
plants or the environment. Contact Director of Library
Services, Hope Long at 205.414.3931 or hlong@bbgardens.
org for more information or to get involved.
U p comi n g T itl e s
January 4:
Better Off:
Flipping the Switch
on Technology,
by Eric Brende
Library Services
Archives and Rare Book Room
February 1:
Flower Confidential,
by Amy Stewart
March 1:
Honeybee: Lessons
From an Accidental
by C. Marina Marchese
Main Librar y Art Galler y
January/February 2011
Carlye Daugird
“Larger Than Life”
Opening Reception
January 21 | 5:30-7:30 p.m.
The Library
at Birmingham Botanical Gardens
G ardening
Good Things Growing…
In The Gardens
Fred Spicer, Executive Director
As illustrated by the popularity of Buxus, boxwood,
symmetrical form and broadleaf evergreen leaves
are highly ornamental features, especially in winter.
Even savvy gardeners are often unaware of the
diversity of boxwood cultivars, believing, rather,
that boxwoods are monolithic in their appearance
and characteristics. To be sure, aside from basic
differences in form, variation in the 40 different
taxa we grow here at The Gardens is not always
obvious. However, tolerance of heat and heavy
soils, and resistance to boxwood leaf miner (our
most important local insect pest) varies widely.
Texture and winter color differ as well. Here are
three different, lesser-known boxwood cultivars that
have shown excellent site tolerances and leaf miner
resistance at The Gardens.
Buxus sinica var. insularis ‘Grace Hendrick Phillips’,
a cultivar of littleleaf or Japanese boxwood, is one
of our favorites. It’s a slow grower with tiny leaves
about half an inch long and one-third as wide,
with a slight outward curl. These are borne on
short, curved twigs, all helping to create a dwarf,
irregularly mounded shrub about twice as wide as
high. The texture is very fine and the matte-finish
leaves are a medium olive green; as winter wears on,
newer leaves take on a slight brownish appearance.
This might seem to some to be “off-color”, but it is
by no means objectionable like the orange winter
coloration on cultivars like the poorly-named (for
the south) ‘Wintergreen’.
It’s interesting that a boxwood selected for cold
hardiness, Buxus sempervirens ‘Vardar Valley’, from
Romania, shows excellent heat tolerance as well.
Leaves are larger and more round than “Grace”, and
the texture is less fine; they are highly glossy, too,
and deep, dark green with an undertone of blue. The
plant’s growth habit is flat-topped and spreading.
Buxus harlandii, Harland’s boxwood, from China,
has the greenest and shiniest winter leaves of any
boxwood we grow. In the species, the leaves have a
pronounced indentation at the tip, reach up to 3”
long and are narrow. In the cultivar ‘Richard’, the
leaves are greatly rounded. While this species has
outstanding tolerance of heavy clay soils and high
heat and humidity, most gardeners find its uprightarching, “bare-at-the-ankles” habit wanting – it’s not
the best form for hedging – and the plant, despite its
adaptability to the south, is little-used.
Garde ning Tips
for January/February
Courtesy of
for more information,
Visit the Gerlach Plant
Information Center
inside the Garden
Center during January
& February for the
exhibit Buds, Berries and
Bark: Plants for Winter
By February, some outer leaves of Buxus
‘Grace Hendrick Phillips’ have turned
brownish; this is coloration only, not
winter injury.
FRUITS AND NUTS -Set out apples, peaches, pears
and grapes. Start grafting
pecans. Prune dormant trees.
SHRUBS -- Plant shrubs
and trees, including broadleaf,
narrowleaf and deciduous.
Graft camellias in South
Alabama. Spray all deciduous
shrubbery with a dormant
spray to control diseases and
insects. Spray when weather is
on warming trend.
Buxus ‘Vardar Valley’ has exceptionally
dark green winter leaves with a touch of
blue and excellent leaf miner resistance.
LAWNS -- Soil test before
setting up fertility program.
ROSES -- Visit nurseries
and garden centers to select
varieties. Start planting.
These rich green and highly glossy winter leaves belong to ‘Richard’ a
slow-growing selection of Buxus harlandii.
ANNUALS AND PERENNIALS-Plant hardy annuals.
BULBS-Late plantings of Dutch bulbs will flower if planted
now. Lilies of all types, except Madonna, may be planted. Check
stored bulbs and discard rotten ones. Make indoor plantings of
amaryllis, callas and gloxinias.
MISCELLANEOUS-Prune winter-damaged limbs. Give
houseplants a bath in lukewarm water to remove dust. To keep
poinsettias that have finished flowering, turn pots on their sides
and let them dry completely. Cut them back lightly. Keep in a
temperature of 55 to 60 °.
Leaf & Petal
At The Gardens
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VEGETABLE SEED-Plant hardy vegetables, root crops,
roots, and tubers in southern-most areas. Plant lettuce,
cabbage, and broccoli in coldframes.
VEGETABLE PLANTS-Set out cabbage plants.
FRUITS AND NUTS-Planting season continues for
dormant trees. Fertilize fruit trees. Apply half of the fertilizer
recommended for grapes now; apply the other half soon after
fruit sets. Continue dormant pruning and grafting. Start
strawberry plantings.
SHRUBS-Planting season continues. Visit camellia shows to
learn of hardy varieties in your area. Graft camellias in Central
and South Alabama. Spray all shrubs with a fungicide before
new growth starts.
T he G ardens
]PXSQbaR¾O`b Tc`\Wbc`S XSeSZ`g P]]Ya QVWZR`S\¾a
The gift shop for all your holiday giving....
home decor . furniture . books . stationery . jewelry . lighting . children’s gifts
containers . garden items . floral designs
Located at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens
2612 Lane Park Road, Mt. Brook
205.877.3030 .
Kathy G nov dec newsletter
Good time to prune all shrubs before new growth starts. Don’t
prune early-blooming species because flower buds will be
7:56 AM
Page 1
The Art of
Kathy G
ROSES-Prune hybrid tea roses in South Alabama; delay
pruning for a few weeks in North Alabama. Continue planting.
plantings of hardy annuals. Prepare beds for summer annuals.
Catering • Event Planning • Design
BULBS-Plant cannas, amaryllis, gladiolus, and zephyranthes
in South Alabama; delay planting for a few weeks in North
MISCELLANEOUS-Houseplants are beginning to show
signs of activity. Fertilize with liquid or soluble fertilizer
according to manufacturer’s directions.
Remember Valentine’s Day. Why not send roses or a potted
Botanical Gardens
Members receive
10% discount on
lunch at the cafe
*please show member
card when ordering
Wonderful Lunches • Extraordinary Events
The Beauty of the Birmingham Botanical Gardens
Box Lunches • Event Menus • Patio Seating
Lunch: Tuesday - Saturday, 11-2 • Host your next social or corporate event at The Gardens Café
VEGETABLE SEED-Plant some vegetables listed for
January in Central Alabama plus collards, salsify, and Swiss
chard. Add tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cauliflower and
Brussels sprouts to coldframes.
VEGETABLE PLANTS-Plant cabbage, onions, lettuce,
broccoli, and Brussels sprouts.
2612 Lane Park Road • Birmingham • 205.871.1000 • [email protected]
The GardensCafe
by Kathy G
E v e n ts
Friends of
Birmingham Botanical Gardens
cordially invites you to the
46th Annual
Member Day Trip:
Westervelt Warner Museum
of American Art & Gardens
March 31
Join us for a Friend’s Day Trip to Tuscaloosa’s Westervelt
Warner Museum of American Art and a private tour of the
Warners’ personal garden on Thursday, March 31. We will tour
the museum and gardens and enjoy a few surprises along the
way. The cost of the trip is $60/person, which includes Charter
Bus transportation, entrance into Westervelt Warner Museum
of American Art, special tour of the Warners’ private garden,
lunch at the NorthRiver Yacht Club, and another tour of a
private garden in Tuscaloosa. The trip is open to all members
of Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. Each member
may bring one non-member on the trip. For the trip itinerary
and registration form please visit
member-travel.php or contact Shelly McCarty 205.414.3965
or [email protected]. Payment for the trip must be
received by March 18, 2011.
Thursday, January 20 | 7 p.m.
Strange Auditorium
$25 per person
A Garden of Change – The
Importance of Planning
Mary Carolyn Boothby
Past President & Chairman
of the 1979 Master Plan
Co-designer of Bruno Vegetable
Garden and others
Leaf & Petal at The Gardens
Gift Shop Reception
6-7 p.m.
Catered by Echelon Catering
by January 14 at
or call 205.414.3965.
Magnolia x ‘Centennial,’ Japanese Garden
Andrew Krebbs, Director of Marketing & Membership
When you visit expect to see
exciting new changes. Social media is now fully
integrated into our website. Visitors can tweet, write
on our Facebook Fan Page and share content without
ever leaving the site. Stay up-to-date and connect with
other garden supporters in real time.
Our new features include:
• Connect to Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and Yahoo!
directly from our site;
• Recommendations from Facebook based on your
• Explore our Facebook Fan Page and Twitter profile
and see the latest posts;
• See live feeds from our Facebook Fan Page, Twitter
profile and The Garden Dirt blog;
• Watch our latest YouTube Videos or view thousands
of fan photos in an integrated Flickr browser;
• Engage with other visitors to our site in a a live chat
room; and
• Receive live messages from us about recent updates
to the site
Join the conversation today! Sign up for our
e-newsletter, become a fan on Facebook or tag us
in photos you take at The Gardens. There is always
something happening at The Gardens. Thank you for
making us Alabama’s Number One Free Attraction!
Echo, Southern Living Garden
T he G ardens
Join The Conversation - Social Media now integrated into
Education in Action…Digging Deeper
Ellen Hardy, Education Program Coordinator
So exactly how does a Discovery Field Trip experience
at The Gardens impact teachers and students? Students
from Bush Middle School in Birmingham, AL visited
this fall as part of an interdisciplinary science and social
studies unit. Prior to their visit, Donna Ross, National
Board Certified Teacher, explained that this experience
for students would play a major role in their unit of
study. Often it is simple to look at the big picture of
the sheer amount of students we educate yearly through
our programs, but upon closer investigation, the details
make it clear that our programs make a lasting impact on
teachers and students. Where does our impact begin and
how far might it take students?
We followed up with Mrs. Ross after their Discovery Field
Trip focused on George Washington Carver. She said
they were so thankful for the opportunity to attend and
commented, “It was really beneficial in helping students to
dig deeper into both social studies and science.” She said
her social studies students were inspired as they learned
about a famous scientist, inventor, and teacher with strong
connections to their own state of Alabama who overcame
adversity during his time to achieve great success. One
student remarked: “If George Washington Carver was able
to achieve such greatness, we can all be great.”
“The exhibit was also beneficial because it contributed to
hands on learning in my colleague’s science class,” Mrs.
Kid’s Korner:
Salt Crystal Snowflake
Create your own sparkly snowflake!
Ross explained. What a great
example of the positive outcomes
After learning about peanuts,
cotton, sweet potatoes, and soil,
students planted and now care
for their own terrariums “using
their newly acquired knowledge
from the field trip.”
It is our goal to work together
with teachers to provide hands
on active engagement in science
during students’ early years
through Discovery Field Trips.
We are thankful for the teachers
who take the extra time and the
extra mile, like Mrs. Ross, her
colleagues, and students.
Discovery Field Trips are free
of charge to all schools. Junior
League of Birmingham funds
transportation costs and a
classroom book for Birmingham City Schools. Vulcan
Materials Foundation funds transportation for Bessemer
City Schools. For more information, contact Ellen Hardy,
205.414.3953 or [email protected].
or cardstock. We found that plain construction paper
will not work.)
• Paintbrush
1. Boil water and pour it into a cup that can withstand
hot water.
2. Add a couple of teaspoons of salt and stir with the
paintbrush until it dissolves.
3. Continue to add salt a teaspoon at a time until it
no longer dissolves and there are salt crystals at the
bottom of the cup even after stirring for a while.
• Hot water (preferably boiled beforehand)
• Salt (we used table salt)
5. Tip: Every time you go to dip your brush in the salt
water be sure you to stir the solution so that your salt
crystals don’t all sink to the bottom of the cup.
• Black construction paper (It should be heavy paper
6. Leave your art to dry overnight.
• A cup or mug
4. Dip your paintbrush into the salt water and paint
a snowflake, or any winter scene, onto the black
construction paper.
Mrs. Claire H. Fairley
Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Jones, Jr.
Southern Progress Corporation
The Hill-Allison Charitable Lead Trust
Mr. R. Shane Boatright
Mrs. Tom Tartt Brown
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Arant Stockham
Mayer Electric Supply Company, Inc
Ms. Elna Brendel
Mr. & Mrs. W. Frank Cobb, III
Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Fletcher
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Kimerling
Mr. & Mrs. Guy K. Mitchell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr.
Dr. James L. Newsome
Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Northen III
Mrs. Dorothy L. Renneker
Mr. & Mrs. B. Hanson Slaughter
Mr. & Mrs. Jarred O. Taylor, II
Mr. & Mrs. W. Hall Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd R. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. John N. Wrinkle
Garden Sustainers are our top annual donors, who in the words of the late charter
member Bill Spencer, “give more to support a garden that’s free for everyone else.”
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar G. Aldridge
Hugh & Bobbe Kaul
Mrs. Ruby S. Ansley
Dr. Bodil Lindin-Lamon
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Balliet
Fran Lawlor
Mrs. Lucille S. Beeson
Dr. Michael E. Malone
Mrs. Tom Tartt Brown
Ms. Louise T. McAvoy
D. Joseph & Ida C. Burns
Mrs. Mary Jean Morawetz
Ms. Suzanne G. Clisby
Mr. Philip Morris
The Daniel Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr.
Mrs. Martha Stone Cobb Daniel
Dr. & Mrs. A. I. Perley
The Dunn-French Family
Steve & LeAnne Porter
Mr. F. Lewter Ferrell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Spencer, III
Mr. R.R. Herbst
Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr.
Mr. J. Ernest & Mrs. Ora Lee Hill
Mr. Douglas Arant Stockham
Mrs. Faye B. Ireland
Dr. Wendell H. Taylor
Mr. George L. Jenkins
Mrs. Carolyn D. Tynes
Members of The Perennial Society have made a planned gift, a
bequest, or an endowment gift of $10,000 or more to The Gardens.
H o n o r s 9 . 1 . 1 0 - 1 0 . 3 1 . 1 0
Olivia Alison
Henry F. Hughes
John Manion
Frederick R. Spicer, Jr.
General Sumter Chapter D.A.R.
Cambridge Study Club
W GA Chapter of the GA Native Plant Society
Shelby County Master Gardeners Association
Susan S. Elliott
Hope Long
Mrs. William M. Slaughter
Janet Taylor
Dr. & Mrs. James R. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Steele
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Bainbridge, Jr.
Snippers Garden Club
G arden S uppor ters
Mrs. Fay B. Ireland
Mrs. Louise D. Johnson
Salix chaenomeliodes, Sonat Lake
Betula nigra ‘Culley’ Heritage™,
Rushton Garden
G arden S uppor ters
m e m o r i a l s 9 . 1 . 1 0 - 1 0 . 3 1 . 1 0
Gillian B. Beavers
Nell J. Hurley
Betty Morrow
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Cox, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. A. Stephen Meadows
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Reich
Danny Irwin
Patricia Peay
Millbrook Garden Club
Jack Coley
Mrs. J. W. Bledsoe, Jr.
Ms. Linda C. Askey
Mrs. Virginia Burnum
Mrs. Lee B. Chapman
Alyce Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Cox, Jr.
Florence Wannamake B. Iseley
Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Fletcher
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Brian
House & Garden Club
Baptist Health Systems Medical Education Department
Michael D’Autilia
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Trafton
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock
Ethel Griffin
Mrs. Lee B. Chapman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Cox, Jr.
Charles Lupton
Bea Thompson
Mr. George M. Thompson
Belle Meade Garden Club
Walter B. Henderson
Dottie J. Travis
Adeline Mary Mancuso
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Cropp
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Cox, Jr.
Mary S. Hooper
Netagene Alston Ray Williams
Alice J. McGriff
Birmingham Fern Society
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Pearce
Hilda Sauer
Lynn Levenson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Cox, Jr.
Mrs. Lee B. Chapman
Tom McWilliams
Barry Kirkpatrick
Cephalotaxus fortuneii,
Japanese Gardens
G i fts
Rubus calycinoides,
Southern Living Garden
The Library
Carex sp,
Japanese Gardens
B i r m i n g h a m B ot a n i c a l G a r d e n s
S e p t e m b e r / O c to b e r 2 0 1 0
Bruce and Susan Steele
in honor of Hope Long
Deane Cook
in honor of Linda Emerson
Birmingham Fern Society
in honor of Hope Long
Library Staff
in memory of Mary Hooper
Edgewood Garden Club
in honor of Rep. Paul DeMarco
Birmingham Fern Society
in memory of Mary Hooper
Susan Elliott
in honor of Tricia Noble and her commitment to
Antiques at The Gardens
Daniel D. Jones
Carolyn Satterfield
Blair Cox
John Floyd
Carol Mathews
Dr. Thomas G. Amason, Jr.
June Mays
Bernadine Faulkner
Marcia Mancill
Kathleen Stack
Shelby County Master Gardeners
in honor of Fred Spicer
Mr. & Mrs. Hobart A. McWhorter, Jr.
Lenore Kreisberg
Shelley Lindstrom
in honor of Linda Emerson
X Fatshedera lizei,
Japanese Gardens
R e n e wi n g
P R E S I D E N T ’ S
$ 1 , 0 0 0
Mrs. Frances Blount
Mr. Arnold L. Steiner
A mbassador
$ 5 0 0
Mr. Richard M. Adams
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Denson, III
Dr. & Mrs. James Johnston, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Lyon
Cliff & Cindy Martin
Ms. Colleen I. Norton
$ 2 5 0
Mr. & Mrs. Russell W. Chambliss
Mrs. Nanci Chazen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Cockfield
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Emack
Dr. & Mrs. Winfield S. Fisher, III
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Pryor
Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Rollins, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Roland B. Smith
Mrs. Louis H. Wilson
$ 1 2 5
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Bainbridge, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David Ballard
Dr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Chandler
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cosby
Mr. & Mrs. Reaves Crabtree
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Davidson
Mrs. Betsy Faucette
Ms. Dorrie Fuchs & Mr. Gareth Vaughn
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gaffney
Mrs. Holly Goodbody
Mr. & Mrs. W. Alec Grant
Mrs. & Mrs. Stella K. Grenier
Mrs. Lynn D. Grimsley
Mrs. Jeanette Hancock
Mrs. Yvonne J. Hardy
Rev. & Mrs. John Harris Harper
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Hartman, III
Dr. & Mrs. Basil Hirschowitz
Mr. Frank Hrabe
Mrs. Lynn B. Jackson
Ms. Carolyn M. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Kassouf
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Key
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Killian
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Kreider
Joyce A. Lanning
Matt & Ashley Leavell
Mrs. Sandra Lonergan
Mr. & Mrs. Willard McCall, Jr.
Dr. Charles A. McCallum
Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. Morris
Dr. & Mrs. Steven O’Sheal
Mr. Ralph W. Quinn III
Mrs. Sandra S. Simpson
Ms. Dorinda M. Smith
Dr. Phillip Smith & Dr. Beverly Vonderpool
Mr. & Mrs. Neal J. Spangler
m e mb e rs
Ms. Glo Spruill
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Taylor, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Tevendale
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Ware
Mr. & Mrs. C. Lawrence Whatley
Ms. Lucile White
$ 6 0
flower magazine
Mr. & Mrs. Blake Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Alford III
Ms. Linda B. Arnold
Angela Averitte
Mr. Robert Bailey
Dr. & Mrs. William C. Bailey
Ms. Carolyn J. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Balliet
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Bean
Mrs. Mindy Bennett
Ms. Sarah Benton & Mr. Brent Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Peyton D. Bibb, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Earle Bidez
Mr. & Mrs. Al Blanchard
Dr. & Mrs. Kirby Bland
Mr. & Mrs. Van Blankenship
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Botsford
Mr. & Mrs. Ashby Boulware
Dr. Samuel Bowen & Dr. Kathleen Bowen
Ms. Melissa Brisendine
Mrs. Sandie Brown Forsyth
Winfield Burks
Joyce Cahoon
Mr. Chris Campanotta & Mr. Scott Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Carlton
Bill & Lynn Carter
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Cauthen
Mrs. Jane H. Chace
Dr. & Ms. Robert B. Chadband
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Clark, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Corvin Clark
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. James Clark
Dr. & Mrs. Orville W. Clayton
Mrs. Linda Cohn
The Honorable Betty F. Collins
Dr. & Mrs. Charles H. Colvin, III
Mrs. Shirley E. Cunninhgam
Mr. Ralph Daily
Ms. Frances S. Daugherty
Mrs. Suzanne Dickinson
Mrs. Natalie Dillard
Mrs. Anna Donald
Mrs. Rebecca A. Donaldson
Ms. Dorothy Drake
Mr. & Mrs. Harold B. Dunn
Mrs. Joyce Edwards-Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Falkenhagen
Mrs. Lynne Faulstich
Mrs. Jeri Finchum
Lloyd & Jennifer Fitzpatrick
Ms. Nicole Fortune
Mr.& Mrs. Louis Franks
Ms. Lyn Froning & Mr. Michael Froning
Mr. & Mrs. James Frost
Tom & Anne Garrett
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Germann
Mr. & Mrs. Sharp Gillespy, IV
Mrs. C. William Gladden, Jr.
Mrs. Alexandra Goodrich
Lewis & Valerie Hansen
Mr. & Mrs. Victor H. Hanson, III
Mr. Scott Harris
Ms. Elizabeth Harrison
Dr. & Mrs. Griff Harsh
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hempstead
Mrs. Gretchen Holcomb
Mrs. Mary L. Holt
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Hornsby
Mr. & Mrs. David Israel
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Janowski
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Kemp
Mr. & Mrs. Murray Kidd
Ms. Mary H. Krebs
Ms. Frances H. Lawlor
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Lewis
LaRue Lockhart
Dr. & Mrs. John A. Maloof, Jr.
Mrs. S. Hassel Marcus, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Gene E. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Martin
Ms. Donna F. Matthews
Ms Kim McClafferty
Dr. & Mrs. Walter C. McCoy
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGahey
Mrs. Sharon McKeone
Jerry McKnight
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas H. McNutt
Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. McPhillips
Peggy McVay
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Constantine Morros
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard M. Mueninghoff
Mrs. Joan M. Newell
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Nurre
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. O’Donnell
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Odrezin
Mr. John Osborne
Dr. & Mrs. W. Crawford Owen, Jr.
Mr. Leighton C. Parnell, III
Mr. & Mrs. Tunstall B. Perry, III
Mr. Carl Pettyjohn
Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Poellnitz, III
Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Powell
Mrs. Carol Prater
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Prewitt
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Price
Ms. Leslie Price
Mr. & Mrs. Hunter J. Price, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Randolph
Ms. Leslie Reed
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Richardson
Ms. Anna Roberson
Dr. & Mrs. David Roberts, IV
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rogers & Rachel Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Roth
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Rudulph, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Salter
Mr. Carl Sanders, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Lane Savage
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Sharp
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Shelnutt
Dr. & Mrs. Alan Siegal
Ms. Barbara Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Smith
Ms. Jessica Smith
Ms. Mary Susan Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Sokol
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Spangler
Dr. Paul Spence
Ms. Rose H. Steiner
Mrs. Debbie Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Stewart
Mrs. Linda Stone
D o n ors
Barbour Media Management Group Inc
Birmingham Fern Society
Butrus Family Advised Fund
City of Mountain Brook
Crape Myrtle’s Cafe
Ford Fiesta
Leaf & Petal
Lucille S. Beeson Charitable Trust
Oak Street Garden Shop
9 . 1 . 1 0 - 1 0 . 3 1 . 1 0
Mr. Calvin C. Crowder & Dr. Martha Strange
Mrs. Peggy Thompson
Dr. & Mrs. Scott Tully
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence D. Vinson, Jr.
Ms. Despina Vodantis
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Wade
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Waguespack
Mrs. Alecia Warnock
Mr. George C. Watts
Mrs. Elizabeth Weber
Ms. Kitty C. White & Mr. Tryg Hoff
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Williamson
Ms. Lynn Wilmoth
Mr. & Mrs. Dusty Yates
$ 4 5
Mrs. Joyce Allred
Mrs. Carole Armistead
Mrs. Brenda Bagley
Ms. Dale Baldwin
Mr. James Barrett
Ms. Nancy Beeler
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew Berchuck
Sally Blackerby
Ms. Cindy Bloom
Mrs. Margaret Blount
Ms. Allison Boone
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Bowling
Mrs. Celeste Brewer
Ms. Lauren Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Broughton, III
Mrs. Lee B. Chapman
Mrs. Laura Chapman
Mrs. Nita Collinsworth
Mrs. Warren B. Crow, III
Ms. Carole C. Cudd
Dr. Megan Cusson
Mrs. Pamela A. DeBardeleben
Dr. Eleanor DelBene
Vivian E. DeVan
Joyce S. Downing
Mr. Michael Dyer & Mr. Dale Gann
Ms. Anna K. Ellis
Ms. & Mr. Laurie M. Elmets
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Faires
Mr. & Mrs. William Featheringill
Rosemarie Fernandes
Mr. Godfrey J. Fies
Ms. Janice Fleming
Mr. Ray Floyd
Ms. Lyn Frazer
Mrs. Sissy Galloway
Ms. Marie Garner
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Gillis
Mallory Gray
Mrs. Becky Greenlee
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Grund
Ms. Kathy Hagood
Ms. Elizabeth Hamlin
Ms. Mary Jo Hamre
Mr. Gregory J. Harber
Mr. Ken Harris
Louis Heck
Ms. Jessica Hecker
Clyde Heisler
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Hiden
Ms. Patricia Hoover
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Hughes
Ms. Jean Jarrell
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Johnson
Mrs. & Mrs. Paddy Joseph
Mrs. Legare Kane
Mr. & Mrs. John Kearney
Mr. & Mrs. Leland Keller
Dr. Cheryl Killingsworth &
Mr. James McMinn
Ms. Charlotte King
Mildred C. Knight
Ms. Polly Kratt
Sheryl Latham
Mr. Paul J. Latino
Ms. Emily Littrell
Ms. Becky Lofty
Mr. David M. Loper
Mr. John W. Lovin
Mrs. Mila A. Luketic
Ms. Sandra Lynn
Ms. Tonnia C. Maddox
Ms. Judy Mann
Mr. & Mrs. Jay G. Maples
Ms. Margare D. Mason
Inez McCollum
Ms. Natalie McGee
Mrs. Evelyn Merrick
Ms. Leesa Miles
Mr. Scott Miller
Ms. Cynthia L. Millican
Ms. Linda Montgomery
Bettie Morales
Ms. Sally Morano
Mr. Neal NeSmith
Mrs. Lucy Ann Nichols
Ms. Linda Noland
Mr. Donald Oglesby
Ms. Anita Peters
Ms. Betty Pewitt
Ms. Sheila Poinsett
Dr. Linda Reed
Dr. Zachrida Retief
Ms. Melissa Robinett
Mrs. Annette Rodgers
Mrs. Mary Rooney
Ms. Jeanne Rudzki
Mr. Brad Russell
Mrs. Joseph E. Sandner, Jr.
Mrs. Henry Schoppert
Mr. Lee C. Scott
Ms. Donna Scroggins
Mr. & Mrs. Everett Shepherd, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Sikes
Mr. Lee Sims
Ms. Judith A. Sipple
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Slingluff
Ms. Kelly Smith
Ms. Thuan Tan
Mrs. Larry Taylor
Ms. Judy Thomas
Ms. Nancy Jean Thomas
Joe Thomas
Mrs. Elyce Thompson
Carolyn Titone
Mr. Jason Turner
Mr. Doug Unkenholz
Ms. Frances Verstandig
Ms. Emily Vogtmann
Gary Walker
Ms. Vicki Walker
Mrs. Betty Warnock
Ms. Loretta Warren
Ms. Jessica Wehby
Mrs. Mary Beth Wood
Mrs. Janis T. Zeanah
Ms. Elizabeth Ziers
G arden S uppor ters
N e w
9 . 1 . 1 0 - 1 0 . 3 1 . 1 0
Regions Financial Corporation
Shades Valley Rotary Club
Travelers Foundation
TriVis Inc
Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Bainbridge, Jr.
Mrs. Wendy Barze
Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Bissell
Ms. Elna R. Brendel
Mr. & Mrs. John Buchanan
Mrs. Virginia Burnum
Mrs. James J. Bushnell
Ms. Michelle Cardel
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Cowin
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Elliott, II
Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. J.S.M. French
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Gresham
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence S. Hawley
Mr. David Hezlep
Mr. Jim Ingram
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jetmundsen, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Keller
Ms. Joann Lewis
James Linn
Dr. & Mrs. Edward R. Meadows
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Y. Menendez
Mr. & Mrs. Guy K. Mitchell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Noble, III
Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Ray, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce F. Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Leo A. Shaia
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock
Dr. & Mrs. David H. Sibley
Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr.
Non-Profit Org.
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