Noriko Shoji, Chie Yokoyama and Naohiro Kuriyama YMC Co., Ltd
Development of LC-MS method for Oligonucleotide Analysis with RP-HPLC Column Designed for Separation of Highly Polar Compounds Noriko Shoji, Chie Yokoyama and Naohiro Kuriyama YMC Co., Ltd., Ishikawa, Japan 1. 3. Introduction Introduction Reversed-phase HPLC has been widely applied to analysis and purification of synthetic oligonucleotides, such as primers of DNA sequencing or PCR, hybridization probes, and antisense drugs. Because it is difficult to retain and separate highly polar compounds like short oligonucleotides on ordinary reversedphase columns, an ion-pairing buffer containing triethylammonium acetate (TEAA) at a high concentration, e.g., 100-200 mM, has been commonly used to improve poor retention and resolution. However, for a buffer containing TEAA at a concentration higher than 50 mM, the signal intensity decreases in electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), which is one of the most important analytical methodology for oligonucleotides. Though it has been reported that the mobile phase of 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFIP)-TEA buffer/methanol gives an advantage in MS sensitivity, it is necessary to add HFIP, which is not so commonly used for RP-HPLC, with a relatively high concentration such as 400 mM to achieve good LC/MS analysis.1 We have developed a silica-based C18-bonded packing material named Hydrosphere C18, which has been specially designed for separation of highly polar compounds. It provides strong retention of polar compounds and an excellent peak shape even for basic compounds, and it can be used with a 100% aqueous mobile phase. In our previous study,2 we applied Hydrosphere C18 to separation of short oligonucleotides up to 20 mer under various mobile phase conditions. As shown in Fig. 1, Hydrosphere C18 showed enhanced retention and improved resolution at a low concentration of TEAA buffer, such as 10 mM. Ordinary C18 phases could not achieve any acceptable separation in identical conditions. This study developed an efficient analytical method for short oligonucleotides using Hydrosphere C18 with an ion-pairing buffer containing di-n-butylammonium acetate (DBAA). It provides both good HPLC separation and high-sensitivity in ESI-MS. Figure 1: Comparison of d(pT)2-20 separation among Hydrosphere C18 and two ordinary C18 phases b) T10 T2 a) T20 T2 (J050209A) Hydrosphere C18 10 mM TEAA (J050210E) YMC-Pack Pro C18 10 mM TEAA (J050209B) Competitor WX Results and and Discussion Discussion Results Figure 4: LC-MS analysis of synthetic 27-30 mer oligonucleotides Figure 2: Comparison of d(pT)2-20 separation under different ion-pairing buffers and organic solvents T10 a) T20 T2 Sample : Primer of DNA sequencing 5'-CCGCTCGAGCTAAAAAAAGCCTGTGTTACC-3' (30 mer) d) T10 T2 (F050126E) T10 T20 10 mM TEAA 10.0-13.0 % ACN (0-20 min) (F050228B) T20 T10 Hydrosphere C18 10 mM TEAA 22.0-25.0 % MeOH (0-25 min) 27 27-30 mer T20 b) 28 e) T2 (F050415A) T10 10 mM DBAA 15.0-37.5 % ACN (0-20 min) 10 mM DBAA 33.6-56.0 % MeOH (0-20 min) (F050423A) T10 T20 f) (F050419A) 10 5 15 0 5 mM DBAA 15.0-37.5 % ACN (0-20 min) TIC TIC (F060214B-03) 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 Column Flow rate Temperature Detection Injection Mobile phase 5 mM DBAA 33.6-56.0 % MeOH (0-20 min) (F050426A) min min 20 Gradient Mobile phase Gradient Chromatogram b and c UV Mobile phase Gradient min 0 5 10 15 min T2 Mobile phase and gradient condition Chromatogram a UV (F060213C-04) T2 0 29 30 mer T2 T20 c) Competitor WX : A) 10 mM TEAA buffer (pH 6.0) B) Mobile phase A/acetonitrile (80/20) : 50-65 %B (0-20 min) Chromatogram d : A) 5 or 10 mM DBAA buffer (pH 6.0) B) Mobile phase A/acetonitrile (50/50) : 30-75 %B (0-20 min) Chromatogram e and f Mobile phase : A) 10 mM TEAA buffer (pH 6.0) B) Mobile phase A/methanol (50/50) : 44-50 %B (0-25 min) Gradient Mobile phase : A) 5 or 10 mM DBAA buffer (pH 6.0) B) Mobile phase A/methanol (20/80) : 42-70 %B (0-20 min) Gradient Figure 2 compares separation of polydeoxythymidylic acid, d(pT)2-20, among four different gradient systems of TEAA buffer/acetonitrile (a), DBAA buffer/acetonitrile (b, c), TEAA buffer/methanol (d) and DBAA buffer/methanol (e, f) , with the gradient slope which has been optimized at 10 mM buffer concentration. In case of the DBAA buffer, d(pT)2-20 can be separated favorably with higher initial concentration and higher gradient slope of organic solvent with both acetonitrile and methanol than in case of the TEAA buffer. This result indicates that the ion-paring interaction between di-n-butylamine and oligonucleotides is stronger than that between triethylamine and oligonucleotides. Even at a lower concentration of DBAA, such as 5 mM, the acceptable separation and good peak shape was maintained under the same gradient condition as 10 mM DBAA buffer, as shown in Chromatograms 2c and 2f. : 50×2.0mmI.D., 3 µm : 0.2 ml/min : 35℃ : UV at 269 nm and ESI negative-mode : 1 µl (10 pmol/component) : A) 10 mM DBAA (pH 6.0) B) Mobile phase A/acetonitrile (50/50) : 58-62 %B (0-20 min), 62 %B (20-25 min) Figure 4 shows the LC-MS analyses of a mixture of synthetic 27-30 mer oligonucleotides using Hydrosphere C18 and the ordinary C18 phase, competitor WX. The mobile phase consisting of the 10mM DBAA buffer and acetonitrile was suitable for separation of these oligonucleotides. Hydrosphere C18 can achieve excellent separation by one-nucleotide difference and sufficient intensity in ESIMS. The separation and intensity with Competitor WX were less favorable as compared with Hydrosphere C18 in identical conditions. 4. Conclusions T10 T20 T2-20 c) d) T10 T2 10 mM TEAA total ion chromatograms (TIC) T20 (J050214A) 0 5 Column Flow rate Temperature Detection Injection Mobile phase Gradient 10 15 20 25 30 : 150×4.6 mmI.D., 5 µm : 1.0 ml/min : 35℃ : UV at 269 nm : 5 µl (25 pmol/component) : A) 10 mM TEAA, pH 6.0 (a-c) or 100 mM TEAA, pH 6.0 (d), : 55-61 %B (0-30 min) Competitor WX 100 mM TEAA min B) Mobile phase A/acetonitrile (80/20) buffer/acetonitrile raw mass spectra buffer/methanol Scan ES- TIC 7.50e7 Scan ES- TIC 7.50e7 a) 100 d) Scan ES - 100 T2 T10 1.51e6 1.86e6 100 % 2. Experimental HPLC conditions for separation of d(pT)2-20 in Fig. 2 Column Flow rate Temperature Detection Injection Mobile phase : Hydrosphere C18, 50×4.6 mmI.D., 3 µm : 1.0 ml/min : 35℃ : UV at 269 nm : 5 µl (25 pmol/component) : Four kinds of gradient systems are used 10 mM TEAA (pH 6.0)/acetonitrile (a) 5 or 10 mM DBAA (pH 6.0)/acetonitrile (b, c) 10 mM TEAA (pH 6.0)/methanol (d) 5 or 10 mM DBAA (pH 6.0)/methanol (e, f) Gradient conditions are shown in Fig. 2 LC-MS analyses conditions in Fig. 3 and 4 : 50×2.0 mmI.D., 3 µm : 0.2 ml/min : 35℃ : 5 µl (25 pmol/component) (Fig. 3) 1 µl (10 pmol/component) (Fig. 4) Mobile phase : Mobile phase conditions are shown in the figures Ionization mode : ESI negative-mode Capillary : 2.50 kV Cone : 35 V (Fig. 3) 140 V (Fig. 4) Source temperature : 100℃ Desolvation temperature : 350℃ Column Flow rate Column temperature Injection Oligonucleotide separation was compared under mobile phase conditions containing two different ion-pairing buffers, TEAA and DBAA, using Hydrosphere C18. It is possible to reduce the salt concentration and increase the organic solvent concentration with the DBAA buffer than with the TEAA buffer. Figure 3: Influences of mobile phase conditions on intensity of ESI-MS T2 T10 % T20 T2 10 mM TEAA (F060120C-03) T10 M- % T2 % (F060119D-02) 1489.4 M6- 744.0 T20 T2 10 mM DBAA % M4T10 T20 10 mM DBAA 0 600 1000 1400 1002.7 0 0 1800 m/z 600 1000 1400 F060118A-02 22 (1.583) (F060119A-02) 1800 m/z 600 1000 F060118A-02 158 (9.069) 1800 m/z 1400 F060118A-02 258 (14.575) 0 0 c) 100 f) 100 T10 T10 T20 T2 % 5 mM DBAA 5 mM DBAA (F060118B-02) (F060118A-02) 0 0 0 5 10 15 min g) 100 Scan ES - T2 T10 T10 1.33e6 T20 T2 % 400 mM HFIP-TEA 100 T20 1.04e6 M- 1488.4 100 545.2 4.03e5 M2M3- 100 0 5 10 15 20 M4- min % % M41504.4 M7- M6- This simple method using Hydrosphere C18 with a low concentration of DBAA buffer provides a great potential for various chromatography of oligonucleotides, such as analytical and preparative HPLC or HPLC-MS. 5859.6 1002.7 M 1203.6 992.7 (F060125D-01) 0 There was sufficient intensity of ESI-MS when 5-10 mM DBAA buffer was used to analyze oligonucleotides with both acetonitrile and methanol. The intensity obtained with 5 mM DBAA buffer was equal to or greater than that obtained with 400 mM HFIP-TEA buffer. T20 T2 % Hydrosphere C18 showed strong retention and good resolution of short oligonucleotides at a relatively low concentration of DBAA, e.g. 5-10 mM, compared to the ordinary C18 phase . 1203.6 M2- % e) 100 T10 % 1504.7 100 M5- 0 b) 100 M4- 10 mM TEAA (F060120B-03) 0 2.07e6 M3992.7 100 545.3 T20 % 744.2 Mobile phase and gradient condition of chromatogram g Mobile phase Gradient : A) 400 mM HFIP-TEA buffer (pH 7.0) B) methanol : 7-35 %B (0-20 min) 0 0 600 1000 1400 1800 m/z F060125D-01 26 (1.740) 600 1000 1400 1800 m/z F060125D-01 250 (13.317) 0 600 1000 1400 1800 m/z F060125D-01 335(17.710) Other Mobile phase conditions are the same as those of corresponding chromatograms in Fig. 2 In Fig. 3, the influences of mobile phase conditions on signal intensity in HPLC-ESI-MS analyses of d(pT)2-20 are compared among five different gradient systems of TEAA buffer/acetonitrile (a), DBAA buffer/acetonitrile (b, c), TEAA buffer/methanol (d), DBAA buffer/methanol (e, f) and HFIP-TEA buffer/methanol (g). The intensity of TIC in ESI-MS obtained with the 10 mM DBAA buffer is much superior to that obtained with the 10 mM TEAA buffer with both acetonitrile and methanol (Chromatograms 3a, 3b, 3d and 3e). Furthermore, the 5 mM decrease of DBAA concentration in mobile phase resulted in approximately 1.5-3 times increasing of the intensity of the peaks with sufficient column performance (Chromatograms 3b, 3c, 3e and 3f). The intensity obtained with 5 mM DBAA buffer/acetonitrile or 5 mM DBAA buffer/methanol can be comparable to that obtained with 400 mM HFIP-TEA buffer/methanol. Also, the multiply-charged ions of d(pT)2-20, [M-nH]n-, were obtained with good intensity in the raw mass spectra. References 1) Alex Apffel, John A. Chakel, Steven Fischer, Kay Lichtenwalter, William s. Hancock, Anal. Chem. 1997, 69, 1320-1325 2) Noriko Shoji, Chie Yokoyama, Naohiro Kuriyama, Pittcon 2005, 760-12P
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