Dashboard - Sales
Dashboard - Sales
Dashboard - Sales General Amount Beverages Condiments Buchanan Callahan Discount Confections Dairy Products Davolio Dodsworth Progression Grains/Cereals Meat/Poultry Fuller King Produce Seafood Leverling Peacock 16,002 967 % Suyama 14,000 800 % 12,000 16% 600 % 10,000 8,000 400 % 7% 6% 9% 14% 12% 7% 15% 21% 6,000 200 % 4,000 2,000 9% 16% 17% 05/1995 Sales per Order Month 12/23/2015 5:36 PM 9% 13% Sales per Category Sales per Employee Name 0 % 104 01/1995 13% 12% -86 % 12/1995 Page 1 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Order Month Amount % Discount % Progression 01/1995 6,862 6 % 720 9 % 02/1995 11,437 9 % 314 4 % ☺ 67 % 03/1995 13,137 11 % 807 10 % ☺ 15 % 04/1995 8,639 7 % 305 4 % -34 % 05/1995 10,777 9 % 820 10 % ☺ 25 % 06/1995 12,612 10 % 480 6 % ☺ 17 % 07/1995 8,658 7 % 982 12 % -31 % 08/1995 1,240 1 % 104 1 % -86 % 09/1995 13,231 11 % 542 7 % ☺ 967 % 10/1995 13,963 11 % 1,522 19 % ☺ 6 % 11/1995 7,128 6 % 573 7 % -49 % 12/1995 16,002 13 % 1,004 12 % ☺ 124 % Buchanan Dodsworth King Callahan Fuller Leverling Peacock Suyama Davolio Belgium France Ireland Italy Spain Switzerland UK 0 Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM 123,689 100 % 8,173 100 % 10,000 20,000 30,000 37,971 Sales per Customer Country and Employee Name Page 2 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Category Beverages Confections Dairy Products Beverages Confections Dairy Products Grains/Cereals Meat/Poultry Produce Grains/Cereals Meat/Poultry Produce Seafood Condiments Seafood Condiments 16,002 1,522 1,400 14,000 1,200 12,000 1,000 10,000 8,000 800 6,000 600 4,000 400 2,000 200 0 06/1995 03/1995 0 01/1995 12/1995 09/1995 Sales per Category and Order Month Amount 05/1995 09/1995 12/1995 Discounts per Category and Order Month Category Total Order Month Beverages Confections Dairy Products Grains/Cereals Meat/Poultry Produce Seafood Condiments 01/1995 788 195 835 1,496 1,520 02/1995 1,267 4,650 2,098 764 2,258 03/1995 1,292 3,006 2,363 2,582 28 04/1995 888 628 1,056 05/1995 90 802 06/1995 645 3,731 2,191 9,191 16,845 21,146 Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM 755 1,274 6,862 400 11,437 1,894 1,051 921 13,137 1,640 1,610 2,123 694 8,639 1,842 3,249 2,572 2,222 10,777 1,494 618 3,268 664 12,612 19,448 14,669 19,746 15,259 7,384 123,689 Page 3 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Amount Category Total Order Month Beverages Confections Dairy Products Grains/Cereals Meat/Poultry Produce Seafood Condiments 07/1995 540 681 08/1995 54 553 09/1995 1,024 46 1,328 1,229 2,476 2,757 3,544 827 13,231 10/1995 43 668 660 507 9,332 1,007 1,284 463 13,963 11/1995 892 94 2,974 1,920 597 12/1995 1,667 2,593 3,216 2,929 741 1,560 1,704 9,191 16,845 21,146 15,259 19,448 14,669 19,746 Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM 3,623 327 1,001 1,219 24 1,266 8,658 609 1,240 651 7,128 1,592 16,002 7,384 123,689 Page 4 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Customer country Beverages Condiments Confections Dairy Products Grains/Cereals Meat/Poultry Produce France Ireland Switzerland UK Italy Spain Belgium 16,002 Seafood 14,000 Belgium 12,000 France 10,000 Ireland 8,000 Italy 6,000 Spain 4,000 Switzerland 2,000 UK 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 37,971 0 01/1995 Sales per Category and Customer Country Amount 05/1995 09/1995 12/1995 Sales per Customer Country and Order Month Category Total Customer Country Beverages Condiments Confections Dairy Products Grains/Cereals Meat/Poultry Produce Seafood Belgium 1,250 694 1,150 2,039 1,016 336 2,004 France 2,552 2,253 7,999 5,165 3,893 618 5,138 10,351 37,971 Ireland 1,296 2,526 520 6,008 1,420 5,440 1,787 4,138 23,135 101 486 1,887 648 1,650 741 487 440 6,440 256 146 637 2,757 155 3,952 784 211 2,078 4,966 3,130 4,456 1,964 1,909 19,498 9,191 7,384 16,845 21,146 15,259 19,448 14,669 Italy Spain Switzerland Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM 8,489 19,746 123,689 Page 5 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Amount Category Total Customer Country Beverages Condiments Confections Dairy Products Grains/Cereals Meat/Poultry Produce Seafood UK Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM 3,208 958 3,065 2,319 3,512 5,099 3,289 9,191 7,384 16,845 21,146 15,259 19,448 14,669 2,753 24,203 19,746 123,689 Page 6 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Employee Condiments Confections Dairy Products Buchanan Callahan Davolio Dodsworth Grains/Cereals Meat/Poultry Produce Fuller King Leverling Peacock Beverages Seafood Suyama 8,969 Buchanan 8,000 Callahan Davolio 6,000 Dodsworth Fuller 4,000 King Leverling 2,000 Peacock Suyama 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 26,409 0 01/1995 Sales per Category and Employee Name Amount 05/1995 09/1995 12/1995 Sales per Employee Name and Order Month Category Total Employee Name Condiments Confections Dairy Products Grains/Cereals Meat/Poultry Produce Beverages Seafood Buchanan 200 652 918 560 336 912 Callahan 486 1,708 1,166 1,650 535 1,200 942 1,335 9,023 Davolio 253 4,476 5,181 602 2,669 2,456 1,559 1,846 19,041 1,441 24 4,875 1,157 1,460 10,834 1,268 630 2,377 1,789 1,727 144 3,332 11,268 875 2,426 860 456 5,615 2,602 833 1,883 15,551 7,384 16,845 21,146 15,259 19,448 14,669 9,191 Dodsworth 1,877 Fuller King Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM 3,578 19,746 123,689 Page 7 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Amount Category Total Employee Name Condiments Confections Dairy Products Grains/Cereals Meat/Poultry Produce Beverages Seafood Leverling 921 4,841 1,518 3,653 93 177 1,731 3,642 16,577 Peacock 2,174 482 6,215 3,620 2,980 3,485 1,890 5,563 26,409 Suyama 598 991 3,217 2,318 554 2,110 935 684 11,408 7,384 16,845 21,146 15,259 19,448 14,669 9,191 Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM 19,746 123,689 Page 8 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Orders Amount Discount Quantity 4,986 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 01/ 3/1995 03/12/1995 05/ 9/1995 07/ 6/1995 09/ 2/1995 10/29/1995 12/29/1995 03/12/1995 05/ 9/1995 07/ 6/1995 09/ 2/1995 10/29/1995 12/29/1995 4,986 0 01/ 3/1995 Order ID Order Date 10,370 1/3/1995 Chop-suey Chinese Switzerland Exotic Liquids United Package 184 32 15 10,370 1/3/1995 Chop-suey Chinese Switzerland Plutzer Lebensmittelgroßmärkte AG United Package 798 0 30 10,370 1/3/1995 Chop-suey Chinese Switzerland Tokyo Traders United Package 136 24 20 123,689 8,173 5,346 Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM Customer Customer Country Supplier Shipper Amount Discount Quantity Page 9 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Order ID Order Date 10,371 1/3/1995 La maison d'Asie 10,373 1/5/1995 10,373 1/5/1995 10,377 10,377 Customer Country Customer Supplier Shipper France Svensk Sjöföda AB Speedy Express Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland Escargots Nouveaux Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland 1/9/1995 Seven Seas Imports 1/9/1995 Seven Seas Imports Amount Discount Quantity 73 18 6 Federal Shipping 678 170 80 Norske Meierier Federal Shipping 688 172 50 UK Aux joyeux ecclésiastiques Federal Shipping 245 43 20 UK Plutzer Lebensmittelgroßmärkte AG Federal Shipping 619 109 20 10,380 1/12/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland Gai pâturage Federal Shipping 147 16 6 10,380 1/12/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland G'day, Mate Federal Shipping 472 52 20 10,380 1/12/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland Nord-Ost-Fisch Handelsgesellschaft mbH Federal Shipping 335 37 18 10,380 1/12/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland Pavlova, Ltd. Federal Shipping 360 0 30 10,383 1/16/1995 Around the Horn UK Karkki Oy Federal Shipping 195 0 15 10,383 1/16/1995 Around the Horn UK Mayumi's Federal Shipping 96 0 20 10,383 1/16/1995 Around the Horn UK Pasta Buttini s.r.l. Federal Shipping 608 0 20 10,388 1/19/1995 Seven Seas Imports UK G'day, Mate Speedy Express 1,138 22 60 123,689 8,173 5,346 Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM Page 10 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Order ID Order Date Customer Country Customer Supplier Shipper 10,388 1/19/1995 Seven Seas Imports UK Lyngbysild Speedy Express 10,400 2/1/1995 Eastern Connection UK Bigfoot Breweries 10,400 2/1/1995 Eastern Connection UK 10,400 2/1/1995 Eastern Connection 10,404 2/3/1995 10,404 Amount Discount Quantity 91 23 15 Federal Shipping 504 0 35 Karkki Oy Federal Shipping 480 0 30 UK Plutzer Lebensmittelgroßmärkte AG Federal Shipping 2,079 0 21 Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Italy Heli Süßwaren GmbH & Co. KG Speedy Express 710 37 30 2/3/1995 Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Italy Karkki Oy Speedy Express 456 24 30 10,404 2/3/1995 Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Italy Leka Trading Speedy Express 426 22 40 10,408 2/8/1995 Folies gourmandes France Forêts d'érables Speedy Express 1,379 0 35 10,408 2/8/1995 Folies gourmandes France Ma Maison Speedy Express 35 0 6 10,408 2/8/1995 Folies gourmandes France Svensk Sjöföda AB Speedy Express 208 0 10 10,413 2/14/1995 La maison d'Asie France Exotic Liquids United Package 346 0 24 10,413 2/14/1995 La maison d'Asie France Forêts d'érables United Package 1,576 0 40 10,413 2/14/1995 La maison d'Asie France Karkki Oy United Package 202 0 14 123,689 8,173 5,346 Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM Page 11 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Order ID Order Date Customer Country Customer Supplier Shipper Amount Discount Quantity 10,419 2/20/1995 Richter Supermarkt Switzerland Gai pâturage United Package 1,550 82 60 10,419 2/20/1995 Richter Supermarkt Switzerland Norske Meierier United Package 547 29 20 10,422 2/22/1995 Franchi S.p.A. Italy Heli Süßwaren GmbH & Co. KG Speedy Express 50 0 2 10,425 2/24/1995 La maison d'Asie France Karkki Oy United Package 216 72 20 10,425 2/24/1995 La maison d'Asie France Ma Maison United Package 144 48 10 10,426 2/27/1995 Galería del gastrónomo Spain Pasta Buttini s.r.l. Speedy Express 152 0 5 10,426 2/27/1995 Galería del gastrónomo Spain Plutzer Lebensmittelgroßmärkte AG Speedy Express 186 0 7 10,428 2/28/1995 Reggiani Caseifici Italy Lyngbysild Speedy Express 192 0 20 10,429 3/1/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland Karkki Oy United Package 520 0 40 10,429 3/1/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland Pavlova, Ltd. United Package 921 307 35 10,435 3/7/1995 Consolidated Holdings UK Exotic Liquids United Package 152 0 10 10,435 3/7/1995 Consolidated Holdings UK Formaggi Fortini s.r.l. United Package 278 0 10 10,435 3/7/1995 Consolidated Holdings UK PB Knäckebröd AB United Package 202 0 12 123,689 8,173 5,346 Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM Page 12 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Order ID Order Date Customer Country 10,436 3/8/1995 Blondel père et fils France Lyngbysild United Package 48 0 5 10,436 3/8/1995 Blondel père et fils France Pasta Buttini s.r.l. United Package 1,094 122 40 10,436 3/8/1995 Blondel père et fils France Plutzer Lebensmittelgroßmärkte AG United Package 852 95 54 Customer Supplier Shipper Amount Discount Quantity 10,443 3/15/1995 Reggiani Caseifici Italy Cooperativa de Quesos 'Las Cabras' Speedy Express 81 20 6 10,443 3/15/1995 Reggiani Caseifici Italy Plutzer Lebensmittelgroßmärkte AG Speedy Express 437 0 12 10,449 3/21/1995 Blondel père et fils France Forêts d'érables United Package 1,379 0 35 10,449 3/21/1995 Blondel père et fils France G'day, Mate United Package 112 0 20 10,449 3/21/1995 Blondel père et fils France Tokyo Traders United Package 347 0 14 10,450 3/22/1995 Victuailles en stock France Ma Maison United Package 28 7 6 10,450 3/22/1995 Victuailles en stock France Tokyo Traders United Package 397 99 20 10,453 3/24/1995 Around the Horn UK Pavlova, Ltd. United Package 270 30 25 10,453 3/24/1995 Around the Horn UK Zaanse Snoepfabriek United Package 138 15 15 10,454 3/24/1995 La maison d'Asie France Lyngbysild Federal Shipping 77 19 10 123,689 8,173 5,346 Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM Page 13 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Order ID Order Date Customer Country Customer Supplier Shipper Amount Discount Quantity 10,454 3/24/1995 La maison d'Asie France Norske Meierier Federal Shipping 32 8 20 10,454 3/24/1995 La maison d'Asie France Pavlova, Ltd. Federal Shipping 222 56 20 10,458 3/29/1995 Suprêmes délices Belgium Heli Süßwaren GmbH & Co. KG Federal Shipping 747 0 30 10,458 3/29/1995 Suprêmes délices Belgium Leka Trading Federal Shipping 736 0 20 10,458 3/29/1995 Suprêmes délices Belgium Norske Meierier Federal Shipping 860 0 50 10,458 3/29/1995 Suprêmes délices Belgium Pasta Buttini s.r.l. Federal Shipping 456 0 15 10,458 3/29/1995 Suprêmes délices Belgium Plutzer Lebensmittelgroßmärkte AG Federal Shipping 1,092 0 30 10,459 3/30/1995 Victuailles en stock France Formaggi Fortini s.r.l. United Package 1,112 0 40 10,459 3/30/1995 Victuailles en stock France Grandma Kelly's Homestead United Package 365 19 16 10,459 3/30/1995 Victuailles en stock France Lyngbysild United Package 182 10 20 10,462 4/3/1995 Consolidated Holdings UK Mayumi's Speedy Express 5 0 1 10,462 4/3/1995 Consolidated Holdings UK PB Knäckebröd AB Speedy Express 151 0 21 10,463 4/4/1995 Suprêmes délices Belgium Leka Trading Federal Shipping 560 0 50 123,689 8,173 5,346 Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM Page 14 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Order ID Order Date 10,463 4/4/1995 Suprêmes délices 10,467 4/6/1995 10,467 4/6/1995 Customer Country Customer Supplier Shipper Amount Discount Quantity Belgium Specialty Biscuits, Ltd. Federal Shipping 153 0 21 Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Italy Heli Süßwaren GmbH & Co. KG United Package 134 0 12 Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Italy Refrescos Americanas LTDA United Package 101 0 28 10,470 4/11/1995 Bon app' France Pavlova, Ltd. United Package 1,500 0 30 10,470 4/11/1995 Bon app' France PB Knäckebröd AB United Package 108 0 15 10,470 4/11/1995 Bon app' France Plutzer Lebensmittelgroßmärkte AG United Package 213 0 8 10,471 4/11/1995 B's Beverages UK Grandma Kelly's Homestead Federal Shipping 720 0 30 10,471 4/11/1995 B's Beverages UK Pasta Buttini s.r.l. Federal Shipping 608 0 20 10,472 4/12/1995 Seven Seas Imports UK G'day, Mate Speedy Express 763 0 18 10,472 4/12/1995 Seven Seas Imports UK Refrescos Americanas LTDA Speedy Express 274 14 80 10,473 4/13/1995 Island Trading UK Norske Meierier Federal Shipping 230 0 24 10,475 4/14/1995 Suprêmes délices Belgium Formaggi Fortini s.r.l. Speedy Express 297 53 35 10,475 4/14/1995 Suprêmes délices Belgium Karkki Oy Speedy Express 514 91 42 123,689 8,173 5,346 Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM Page 15 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Order ID Order Date Customer Country Customer Supplier Shipper Amount Discount Quantity 10,475 4/14/1995 Suprêmes délices Belgium New Orleans Cajun Delights Speedy Express 694 122 60 10,478 4/18/1995 Victuailles en stock France Tokyo Traders Federal Shipping 471 25 20 10,480 4/20/1995 Folies gourmandes France Gai pâturage United Package 528 0 12 10,480 4/20/1995 Folies gourmandes France Zaanse Snoepfabriek United Package 228 0 30 10,484 4/24/1995 B's Beverages UK G'day, Mate Federal Shipping 127 0 3 10,484 4/24/1995 B's Beverages UK New England Seafood Cannery Federal Shipping 147 0 10 10,484 4/24/1995 B's Beverages UK Specialty Biscuits, Ltd. Federal Shipping 112 0 14 10,493 5/3/1995 La maison d'Asie France New Orleans Cajun Delights Federal Shipping 349 39 25 10,493 5/3/1995 La maison d'Asie France Norske Meierier Federal Shipping 259 29 10 10,500 5/10/1995 La maison d'Asie France Mayumi's Speedy Express 177 9 12 10,500 5/10/1995 La maison d'Asie France Plutzer Lebensmittelgroßmärkte AG Speedy Express 347 18 8 10,503 5/12/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland Mayumi's United Package 1,628 0 70 10,503 5/12/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland New Orleans Cajun Delights United Package 421 0 20 123,689 8,173 5,346 Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM Page 16 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Order ID Order Date Customer Country Customer Supplier Shipper Amount Discount Quantity 10,511 5/19/1995 Bon app' France Grandma Kelly's Homestead Federal Shipping 1,615 285 60 10,511 5/19/1995 Bon app' France New Orleans Cajun Delights Federal Shipping 935 165 50 10,516 5/25/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland Leka Trading Federal Shipping 280 0 20 10,516 5/25/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland New England Seafood Cannery Federal Shipping 695 77 80 10,516 5/25/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland Pavlova, Ltd. Federal Shipping 1,406 156 25 10,517 5/25/1995 North/South UK Gai pâturage Federal Shipping 220 0 4 10,517 5/25/1995 North/South UK G'day, Mate Federal Shipping 42 0 6 10,517 5/25/1995 North/South UK Pavlova, Ltd. Federal Shipping 90 0 6 10,519 5/29/1995 Chop-suey Chinese Switzerland Gai pâturage Federal Shipping 323 17 10 10,519 5/29/1995 Chop-suey Chinese Switzerland Pasta Buttini s.r.l. Federal Shipping 1,520 0 40 10,519 5/29/1995 Chop-suey Chinese Switzerland Tokyo Traders Federal Shipping 471 25 16 10,523 6/1/1995 Seven Seas Imports UK New England Seafood Cannery United Package 52 6 6 10,523 6/1/1995 Seven Seas Imports UK Pavlova, Ltd. United Package 877 98 25 123,689 8,173 5,346 Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM Page 17 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Order ID Order Date 10,523 6/1/1995 Seven Seas Imports UK Specialty Biscuits, Ltd. United Package 1,093 122 15 10,523 6/1/1995 Seven Seas Imports UK Svensk Sjöföda AB United Package 421 47 18 10,525 6/2/1995 Bon app' France New England Seafood Cannery United Package 248 28 15 10,525 6/2/1995 Bon app' France Svensk Sjöföda AB United Package 570 0 30 10,529 6/7/1995 Maison Dewey Belgium Ma Maison United Package 336 0 14 10,529 6/7/1995 Maison Dewey Belgium Norske Meierier United Package 360 0 10 10,529 6/7/1995 Maison Dewey Belgium Specialty Biscuits, Ltd. United Package 250 0 20 10,532 6/9/1995 Eastern Connection UK New Orleans Cajun Delights Federal Shipping 408 0 24 10,532 6/9/1995 Eastern Connection UK Nord-Ost-Fisch Handelsgesellschaft mbH Federal Shipping 388 0 15 10,537 6/14/1995 Richter Supermarkt Switzerland Escargots Nouveaux Speedy Express 265 0 20 10,537 6/14/1995 Richter Supermarkt Switzerland Formaggi Fortini s.r.l. Speedy Express 1,106 0 51 10,537 6/14/1995 Richter Supermarkt Switzerland G'day, Mate Speedy Express 318 0 6 10,537 6/14/1995 Richter Supermarkt Switzerland Svensk Sjöföda AB Speedy Express 135 0 9 123,689 8,173 5,346 Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM Customer Country Customer Supplier Shipper Amount Discount Quantity Page 18 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Order ID Order Date Customer Country Customer Supplier Shipper Amount Discount Quantity 10,538 6/15/1995 B's Beverages UK Formaggi Fortini s.r.l. Federal Shipping 35 0 1 10,538 6/15/1995 B's Beverages UK Pavlova, Ltd. Federal Shipping 105 0 7 10,539 6/16/1995 B's Beverages UK Karkki Oy Federal Shipping 120 0 6 10,539 6/16/1995 B's Beverages UK Mayumi's Federal Shipping 48 0 8 10,539 6/16/1995 B's Beverages UK Norske Meierier Federal Shipping 38 0 15 10,539 6/16/1995 B's Beverages UK Specialty Biscuits, Ltd. Federal Shipping 150 0 15 10,546 6/23/1995 Victuailles en stock France Bigfoot Breweries Federal Shipping 540 0 30 10,546 6/23/1995 Victuailles en stock France Forêts d'érables Federal Shipping 1,972 0 40 10,546 6/23/1995 Victuailles en stock France Grandma Kelly's Homestead Federal Shipping 300 0 10 10,547 6/23/1995 Seven Seas Imports UK Formaggi Fortini s.r.l. United Package 653 115 24 10,547 6/23/1995 Seven Seas Imports UK Svensk Sjöföda AB United Package 1,140 0 60 10,550 6/28/1995 Godos Cocina Típica Spain Forêts d'érables Federal Shipping 256 29 10 10,550 6/28/1995 Godos Cocina Típica Spain Pavlova, Ltd. Federal Shipping 281 31 8 123,689 8,173 5,346 Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM Page 19 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Order ID 10,550 Order Date Customer Country Customer 6/28/1995 Godos Cocina Típica Supplier Shipper Amount Discount Quantity Spain Specialty Biscuits, Ltd. Federal Shipping 146 6 16 10,558 7/5/1995 Around the Horn UK G'day, Mate United Package 1,860 0 68 10,558 7/5/1995 Around the Horn UK Svensk Sjöföda AB United Package 45 0 3 10,558 7/5/1995 Around the Horn UK Zaanse Snoepfabriek United Package 238 0 25 10,559 7/6/1995 Blondel père et fils France Ma Maison Speedy Express 410 22 18 10,559 7/6/1995 Blondel père et fils France New England Seafood Cannery Speedy Express 110 6 12 10,562 7/10/1995 Reggiani Caseifici Italy Forêts d'érables Speedy Express 444 49 10 10,562 7/10/1995 Reggiani Caseifici Italy Norske Meierier Speedy Express 45 5 20 10,566 7/13/1995 Blondel père et fils France Cooperativa de Quesos 'Las Cabras' Speedy Express 625 110 35 10,566 7/13/1995 Blondel père et fils France Karkki Oy Speedy Express 180 0 10 10,566 7/13/1995 Blondel père et fils France Pavlova, Ltd. Speedy Express 956 169 18 10,567 7/13/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland Formaggi Fortini s.r.l. Speedy Express 600 150 60 10,567 7/13/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland Gai pâturage Speedy Express 1,760 440 40 123,689 8,173 5,346 Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM Page 20 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Order ID Order Date 10,567 7/13/1995 10,568 Customer Country Customer Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Supplier Shipper Amount Discount Quantity Ireland G'day, Mate Speedy Express 159 0 3 7/14/1995 Galería del gastrónomo Spain Tokyo Traders Federal Shipping 155 0 5 10,578 7/25/1995 B's Beverages UK Bigfoot Breweries Federal Shipping 360 0 20 10,578 7/25/1995 B's Beverages UK Pasta Buttini s.r.l. Federal Shipping 117 0 6 10,584 7/31/1995 Blondel père et fils France Formaggi Fortini s.r.l. Speedy Express 594 31 50 10,586 8/2/1995 Reggiani Caseifici Italy G'day, Mate Speedy Express 24 4 4 10,599 8/15/1995 B's Beverages UK Forêts d'érables Federal Shipping 493 0 10 10,609 8/24/1995 Du monde entier France Exotic Liquids United Package 54 0 3 10,609 8/24/1995 Du monde entier France Specialty Biscuits, Ltd. United Package 60 0 6 10,609 8/24/1995 Du monde entier France Tokyo Traders United Package 310 0 10 10,610 8/25/1995 La maison d'Asie France Svensk Sjöföda AB Speedy Express 299 100 21 10,621 9/5/1995 Island Trading UK Norske Meierier United Package 323 0 15 10,621 9/5/1995 Island Trading UK Pavlova, Ltd. United Package 300 0 20 123,689 8,173 5,346 Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM Page 21 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Order ID Order Date Customer Country 10,621 9/5/1995 Island Trading UK PB Knäckebröd AB United Package 90 0 10 10,621 9/5/1995 Island Trading UK Specialty Biscuits, Ltd. United Package 46 0 5 Customer Supplier Shipper Amount Discount Quantity 10,628 9/12/1995 Blondel père et fils France Exotic Liquids Federal Shipping 450 0 25 10,629 9/12/1995 Godos Cocina Típica Spain Plutzer Lebensmittelgroßmärkte AG Federal Shipping 2,775 0 29 10,631 9/14/1995 La maison d'Asie France Plutzer Lebensmittelgroßmärkte AG Speedy Express 56 6 8 10,634 9/15/1995 Folies gourmandes France G'day, Mate Federal Shipping 795 0 15 10,634 9/15/1995 Folies gourmandes France Grandma Kelly's Homestead Federal Shipping 1,050 0 35 10,634 9/15/1995 Folies gourmandes France Pavlova, Ltd. Federal Shipping 3,125 0 50 10,634 9/15/1995 Folies gourmandes France Plutzer Lebensmittelgroßmärkte AG Federal Shipping 16 0 2 10,635 9/18/1995 Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Italy New Orleans Cajun Delights Federal Shipping 486 54 25 10,635 9/18/1995 Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Italy PB Knäckebröd AB Federal Shipping 840 0 40 10,646 9/27/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland Exotic Liquids Federal Shipping 203 68 15 10,646 9/27/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland Norske Meierier Federal Shipping 484 161 30 123,689 8,173 5,346 Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM Page 22 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Order ID Order Date 10,646 9/27/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland Plutzer Lebensmittelgroßmärkte AG Federal Shipping 341 114 35 10,646 9/27/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland Tokyo Traders Federal Shipping 419 140 18 10,649 9/28/1995 Maison Dewey Belgium Formaggi Fortini s.r.l. Federal Shipping 522 0 15 10,649 9/28/1995 Maison Dewey Belgium Plutzer Lebensmittelgroßmärkte AG Federal Shipping 912 0 20 10,655 10/4/1995 Reggiani Caseifici Italy New England Seafood Cannery United Package 154 39 20 Customer Customer Country Supplier Shipper Amount Discount Quantity 10,661 10/10/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland Aux joyeux ecclésiastiques Federal Shipping 43 11 3 10,661 10/10/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland Escargots Nouveaux Federal Shipping 519 130 49 10,663 10/11/1995 Bon app' France G'day, Mate United Package 1,007 53 20 10,663 10/11/1995 Bon app' France Leka Trading United Package 399 21 30 10,663 10/11/1995 Bon app' France New England Seafood Cannery United Package 524 28 30 10,666 10/13/1995 Richter Supermarkt Switzerland New Orleans Cajun Delights United Package 211 0 10 10,666 10/13/1995 Richter Supermarkt Switzerland Plutzer Lebensmittelgroßmärkte AG United Package 4,456 0 36 10,671 10/18/1995 France restauration France Forêts d'érables Speedy Express 493 0 10 123,689 8,173 5,346 Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM Page 23 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Order ID Order Date Customer Country Customer Supplier Shipper Amount Discount Quantity 10,671 10/18/1995 France restauration France New Orleans Cajun Delights Speedy Express 253 0 12 10,671 10/18/1995 France restauration France Pavlova, Ltd. Speedy Express 175 0 10 10,674 10/19/1995 Island Trading UK PB Knäckebröd AB United Package 45 0 5 10,679 10/24/1995 Blondel père et fils France Gai pâturage Federal Shipping 660 0 12 10,683 10/27/1995 Du monde entier France G'day, Mate Speedy Express 63 0 9 10,687 10/31/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland Plutzer Lebensmittelgroßmärkte AG United Package 1,238 0 10 10,687 10/31/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland Svensk Sjöföda AB United Package 86 29 6 10,687 10/31/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland Tokyo Traders United Package 3,638 1,213 50 10,701 11/13/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland Gai pâturage Federal Shipping 1,963 347 42 10,701 11/13/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland Karkki Oy Federal Shipping 535 95 35 10,701 11/13/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland Norske Meierier Federal Shipping 365 65 20 10,707 11/16/1995 Around the Horn UK Ma Maison Federal Shipping 504 0 21 10,707 11/16/1995 Around the Horn UK Pasta Buttini s.r.l. Federal Shipping 780 0 40 123,689 8,173 5,346 Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM Page 24 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Order ID Order Date Customer Country Customer Supplier Shipper 10,707 11/16/1995 Around the Horn UK Pavlova, Ltd. Federal Shipping 10,710 11/20/1995 Franchi S.p.A. Italy Specialty Biscuits, Ltd. 10,710 11/20/1995 Franchi S.p.A. Italy Amount Discount Quantity 357 63 28 Speedy Express 46 0 5 Zaanse Snoepfabriek Speedy Express 48 0 5 10,712 11/21/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland G'day, Mate Speedy Express 93 5 3 10,712 11/21/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland Pasta Buttini s.r.l. Speedy Express 1,140 0 30 10,715 11/23/1995 Bon app' France Norske Meierier Speedy Express 645 0 30 10,715 11/23/1995 Bon app' France Tokyo Traders Speedy Express 651 0 21 10,726 12/4/1995 Eastern Connection UK Cooperativa de Quesos 'Las Cabras' Speedy Express 105 0 5 10,726 12/4/1995 Eastern Connection UK New Orleans Cajun Delights Speedy Express 550 0 25 10,727 12/4/1995 Reggiani Caseifici Italy Gai pâturage Speedy Express 522 28 10 10,727 12/4/1995 Reggiani Caseifici Italy Pasta Buttini s.r.l. Speedy Express 361 19 10 10,727 12/4/1995 Reggiani Caseifici Italy Pavlova, Ltd. Speedy Express 741 39 20 10,730 12/6/1995 Bon app' France Formaggi Fortini s.r.l. Speedy Express 36 2 3 123,689 8,173 5,346 Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM Page 25 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Order ID Order Date Customer Country Customer Supplier Shipper Amount Discount Quantity 10,730 12/6/1995 Bon app' France New Orleans Cajun Delights Speedy Express 200 11 10 10,730 12/6/1995 Bon app' France Pavlova, Ltd. Speedy Express 249 13 15 10,731 12/7/1995 Chop-suey Chinese Switzerland G'day, Mate Speedy Express 1,510 80 30 10,731 12/7/1995 Chop-suey Chinese Switzerland Specialty Biscuits, Ltd. Speedy Express 380 20 40 10,732 12/7/1995 Bon app' France Karkki Oy Speedy Express 360 0 20 10,736 12/12/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland New Orleans Cajun Delights United Package 842 0 40 10,736 12/12/1995 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Ireland Plutzer Lebensmittelgroßmärkte AG United Package 155 0 20 10,737 12/12/1995 Vins et alcools Chevalier France Mayumi's United Package 24 0 4 10,737 12/12/1995 Vins et alcools Chevalier France New England Seafood Cannery United Package 116 0 12 France Pavlova, Ltd. Speedy Express 52 0 3 10,738 12/13/1995 Spécialités du monde 10,739 12/13/1995 Vins et alcools Chevalier France G'day, Mate Federal Shipping 126 0 18 10,739 12/13/1995 Vins et alcools Chevalier France Svensk Sjöföda AB Federal Shipping 114 0 6 UK Exotic Liquids Federal Shipping 228 57 15 123,689 8,173 5,346 10,741 12/15/1995 Around the Horn Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM Page 26 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Order ID Order Date Customer Country Customer Supplier Shipper Amount Discount Quantity 10,743 12/18/1995 Around the Horn UK Lyngbysild United Package 319 17 28 10,746 12/20/1995 Chop-suey Chinese Switzerland Forêts d'érables Federal Shipping 444 0 9 10,746 12/20/1995 Chop-suey Chinese Switzerland Leka Trading Federal Shipping 392 0 28 10,746 12/20/1995 Chop-suey Chinese Switzerland Mayumi's Federal Shipping 36 0 6 10,746 12/20/1995 Chop-suey Chinese Switzerland Norske Meierier Federal Shipping 1,440 0 40 10,749 12/21/1995 Island Trading UK Gai pâturage United Package 330 0 6 10,749 12/21/1995 Island Trading UK Karkki Oy United Package 180 0 10 10,749 12/21/1995 Island Trading UK Pasta Buttini s.r.l. United Package 570 0 15 10,751 12/25/1995 Richter Supermarkt Switzerland Heli Süßwaren GmbH & Co. KG Federal Shipping 337 37 12 10,751 12/25/1995 Richter Supermarkt Switzerland Karkki Oy Federal Shipping 292 33 20 10,751 12/25/1995 Richter Supermarkt Switzerland Nord-Ost-Fisch Handelsgesellschaft mbH Federal Shipping 777 0 30 10,751 12/25/1995 Richter Supermarkt Switzerland Svensk Sjöföda AB Federal Shipping 225 0 15 10,752 12/25/1995 North/South UK Exotic Liquids Federal Shipping 144 0 8 123,689 8,173 5,346 Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM Page 27 of 28 Dashboard - Sales Order ID Order Date Customer Country Customer Supplier Shipper 10,752 12/25/1995 North/South UK Norske Meierier Federal Shipping 10,753 12/26/1995 Franchi S.p.A. Italy Lyngbysild 10,753 12/26/1995 Franchi S.p.A. Italy Amount Discount Quantity 108 0 3 Speedy Express 38 0 4 Tokyo Traders Speedy Express 50 0 5 Italy New England Seafood Cannery Federal Shipping 55 0 3 10,755 12/27/1995 Bon app' France Norske Meierier United Package 675 225 25 10,755 12/27/1995 Bon app' France Pasta Buttini s.r.l. United Package 1,060 353 44 10,755 12/27/1995 Bon app' France Zaanse Snoepfabriek United Package 214 71 30 10,758 12/29/1995 Richter Supermarkt Switzerland G'day, Mate Federal Shipping 420 0 60 10,758 12/29/1995 Richter Supermarkt Switzerland Heli Süßwaren GmbH & Co. KG Federal Shipping 625 0 20 10,758 12/29/1995 Richter Supermarkt Switzerland Pavlova, Ltd. Federal Shipping 600 0 40 123,689 8,173 5,346 10,754 12/26/1995 Total 12/23/2015 5:36 PM Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Page 28 of 28