one with a scientific orientation
one with a scientific orientation
LEUKOTREAT 2010 - 2013 Therapeutic strategies for leukodystrophies The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme ([FP7/2007-2013]) under grant agreement n°241622. 1 TABLE OF CONTENT • • • • • • Summary………………………………………………..3 Workplan of the project………………………… 4 Key Results ……………………………………………. 5 The LeukoTreat Consortium……………………12 Dissemination & Integration…………………..54 Perspectives………………………………………….. 55 2 SUMMARY 7 studied leukodystrophies with known cause and cellular/animal models 23 partners €9 million budget Innovative therapeutic strategies for leukodystrophies 42 months 7 European countries and Australia 19 research organisations 3 clinical data, mutation data and biobank Epidemiology Natural history Patients’ cohorts WP3: Pharmacological strategies to treat LDs Cellular stress pathways Modulation of specific gene expression Enzyme delivery to the brain WP2: Biomarkers for LDs treatment Diagnosis Prognosis WP7: Management WP1*: Characterizing LDs for therapies WP6: Dissemination WP5: Ethical impacts of therapeutic challenges in LDs WORKPLAN OF THE PROJECT WP4: Innovative gene and cell therapies in LDs Combination of both therapies New cell sources Adaptation of new vector tools * WP: WorkPackage (group of tasks to be performed) 4 KEY RESULTS First Leukodystrophy Database (> 1000 patients included) 11 preclinical trials achieved 5 novel clinical trials 4 confirmed or new biomarkers First European LDs patients & families survey More than 70 scientific publications 5 1. Development of the first transnational patient database on leukodystrophies (LeukoDataBase) The LeukoDataBase developed by the LeukoTreat team includes today more than 1000 European patients and constitutes a unique database on leukodystrophies in the world. The database centralises three categories of information, for each patient affected with leukodystrophy: Clinical data, Biological Samples (existing biopsies from patients) and Mutation data (for each gene known to be implicated in leukodystrophy). The LeukoDataBase allows a better understanding of the natural history of these diseases, their evolution (number of patients, distribution, follow-up) and their genetic nature (mutation, how the disease is transmitted). In addition, thanks to this new tool, it is now much easier to recruit patients for future therapeutic trials or to establish a more accurate and rapid diagnosis of a specific subtype of LD, the ones determined by a known cause (with genetic markers such as PLP, GFAP, eIF2B and MLC1). The LeukoDataBase is currently managed by ELA foundation ( Partners involved Leader: Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino GESU (Italy) Dr. BERTINI Enrico, Dr. PIEMONTE Fiorella, Dr. CARROZZO Rosalba, Dr. DENTICI Maria Lisa Université d’Auvergne Clermont Ferrand 1 (France) Dr. VAURS BARRIERE Catherine, Dr. FOGLI Anne, Dr. GUERROUI Samia, GONTHIER Celine Instituto Giannina Gaslini (Italy) Dr. FILOCAMO Mirella, Dr. BIANCHERI Roberta, Dr. ZARA Federico, Dr. REGIS Stefano Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7 (France) Pr. BOESPFLUG-TANGUY Odile, Dr. TONDUTI David, Dr. RENALDO Florence, Dr. DORBOZ Imen, Dr MASLIAH Julien, BARBIER Julie Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (France) U986: Pr. AUOURG Patrick, Dr. SEVIN Caroline U676: Pr. RODRIGUEZ Diana, Dr. BURGLEN Lydie Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta (Italy) Dr. UZIEL Graziella, Dr. GENETRINI Silvia Universitaetsklinikum HamburgEppendorf (Germany) Pr. KOHLSCHÜTTER Alfried, Dr BLEY Annette Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen (Germany) Pr. KRÄGELOH-MANN Ingeborg, BRAUN Silke, GRÖSCHEL Samuel, KEHRER Christiane IT Development (data base) Soluscience SA (France) Dr. DANTAL Yann 6 2. Identification & validation of LDs biomarkers Biomarkers are key tools for monitoring treatments and also, as prognostic factors, for the optimization of therapeutic options. The LeukoTreat research teams aimed at validating identified biomarkers and screening for new biomarkers: eIF2B was validated as a LD biomarker for the diagnosis of CACH/VWM disease using l-eIF2 (eIF2 from rat liver) in patients’ lymphoblasts. In addition, the utility of r-eIF2 (recombinant human eIF2 produced in yeast) as a diagnostic tool was demonstrated; N-acetylaspastate (NAA) and N-acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG) were investigated as potential markers in hypomyelinating leukodystrophy but their interest for therapeutic clinical trial needs further analysis ; The role of the oxidative stress in the axonal degeneration was investigated and an innovative lipidomics analysis was applied. It was demonstrated that oxidative lesion markers are increased in MLD and PMD mice. In addition, 5 oxidized proteins in X-ALD mice spinal cords were identified by redox proteomics. Biomarkers of oxidative damage were also identified in plasma of X-ALD patients and a list of candidates for lipid biomarkers was established for X-ALD, MLD and PMD diseases. Partners involved Leader: Fundació Institut d‘Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge – IDIBELL (Spain) Dr. PUJOL Aurora Université d’Auvergne Clermont Ferrand 1 (France) Dr. FOGLI Anne, HUYGUE Aurélia The University of Manchester (UK) Pr. PAVITT Graham, Dr DE ALMEIDA Rogerio Academisch Medisch Centrum (The Netherlands) Pr. WANDERS Ronald, Dr. KULIK Wim University of Cambridge (UK) Dr. KARADOTTIR Ragnhildur Thora Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7 (France) Pr. BOESPFLUG-TANGUY Odile, Dr DORBOZ Imen University College London (UK) Dr. ATTWELL David, Dr. BAKIRI Yamina, ARANCIBIA-CARCAMO Irma Lorena *CACH/VWM: Childhood Ataxia with Central Hypomyelination/ Vanishing White Matter; MLD: Metachromatic Leukodystrophy; PMD: Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease; X-ALD: Adrenoleukodystrophy. 7 3. Development of pharmacological strategies (1) The LeukoTreat partners have designed rational pharmacological treatment by: 1. Screening molecules with neuroprotective or anti-oxidant/anti-inflammatory activities, able to clear misfolded proteins or to enhance translation using in vitro and in vivo models of prototypic LDs: • The potential therapeutic effect of a cholesterol-derivative, the olesoxime, was tested in the PLP-overexpressing mice models of PMD (+PlpTg) and the axonopathy observed in the PLP null mice models of SPG2 (Plp null). While for +PlpTg no tremendous treatment effects was observed, positive effects could be observed in Plp null mice leading to a third in vivo study which is under process; • The efficacy of the dietary supplement Turmeric in different mouse models of PMD was evaluated. With Turmeric, it was possible to considerably improve the pathology of PLPoverexpressor mouse model and mortality of PLPrumpshaker mice was considerably delayed. A future therapy trial using a Curcumin preparation with improved bioavailability (Meriva-Curcumin) is planned. • A proof-of-concept clinical trial showed that oxidative stress is a main causative factor underlying axonal degeneration in X-ALD. In addition, a related human clinical trial for X-ALD has been completed in 2013 and is under analysis; 2. Targeting modulation of specific gene expression or enzyme replacement using preclinical therapy trials in exact animal models for LDs: • Pharmacological strategies to treat Alexander disease were evaluated. Several selected compounds lead to a significant decrease of aggregate-bearing astrocytes but for some of them the decrease is associated with modifications suggesting a toxic effect. • Bezafibrate was identified as the top molecule for lowering VLCFA levels in X-ALD fibroblasts and a proof-of-concept clinical trial was initiated to evaluate its effects on X-ALD patients. Unfortunately, bezafibrate appears to have no therapeutic utility in X-ALD. • The efficacy of top eIF2-enhancing compounds in eIF2B5 mutated patients fibroblasts or lymphoblasts was evaluated with mixed results. • The pharmacological induction of the ABCD2 gene as a potential treatment for X-ALD was investigated. Compounds that can be suggested for a therapeutic induction were identified and the validity of ABCD2 up-regulation as a potential therapeutic target in XALD was supported. • The results of a therapy trial regarding the efficacy of a progesterone antagonist (Lonaprisan) in PLPoverexpressor mice were evaluated. The study suggests that the progesterone receptor may constitute a druggable target for a rational therapy for PMD patients harbouring Plp1 gene duplications. • A proof-of-concept clinical trial showed that intracerebroventricular infusion of enzymatically active ARSA corrects central nervous system pathology and dysfunction in a mouse model of MLD. This success contributed to the implementation of a phase I/II clinical trial for children with MLD. 8 3. Development of pharmacological strategies (2) Partners involved Leader: Max Planck Gesellschaft zür Förderung der Wissenschaften (Germany) Dr. WERNER Hauke, Dr. NAVE Klaus-Armin, Dr. SEREDA Michael Université d’Auvergne Clermont Ferrand 1 (France) Dr FOGLI Anne, Dr. BEGOU Melina, DEPIETS PETIT Bérengère, DIOT Céline Universitaetsklinikum Bonn (Germany) Pr. GIESELMANN Volkmar, Dr. MATZNER Ulrich, GERLACH Debora Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (France) U676: Pr RODRIGUEZ Diana The University of Manchester (UK) Pr. PAVITT Graham, Dr. CALLAN Hayley Fundació Institut d‘Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge – IDIBELL (Spain) Dr. PUJOL Aurora Medizinische Universitaet Wien (Austria) Pr. BERGER Johannes, Dr. FORSS-PETTER Sonja, HABERL Manuela, WIESINGER Christoph, EINWICH Angelika Academisch Medisch Centrum (The Netherlands) Pr. WANDERS Ronald, Dr. KEMP Stephan, SCHACKMANN Martin Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7 (France) Pr. BOESPFLUG-TANGUY Odile Trophos SA (France) Dr. BORDET Thierry, Dr. MICHAUD Magali, CHAIMBAULT Corinne, AFXANTIDIS Jean, LONSKI Priska, HOCINE Mélanie, 9 4. Development of gene & cell therapies The LeukoTreat research teams have developed innovative approaches : An hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplantation using lentiviral vector to deliver “therapeutic” proteins to the brain was performed as a phase I/II clinical trial. The results provide (a) good safety profile and the proof-of-principle of a novel gene therapy approach allowing expression of therapeutic protein in brain microglia; (b) new treatment options for ALD and MLD patients with less risks than currently available therapies (allogeneic HSC transplantation) and (c) pre-clinical proof-of-concept in mice in GLD and Canavan disease; It was also shown that HSC transplantation is a potential therapeutic strategy for X-ALD; It was demonstrated that cell therapy is particularly attractive for LDs using neural stem cell (NSCs) transplantation; A proof-of principle was established for neonatal transplantation of GALC-overexpressing Neural Stem Cells (NSCs) in GLD and MLD mice; A proof-of principle was established for neonatal transplantation of normal NSCs in PLP overexpressing mice for severe PMD The feasibility and efficacy of a combined strategy based on neural stem cell transplant and bone marrow transplant in a GLD mouse model was shown; The feasibility of direct gene delivery to the brain has been tested in two distinct LDs models: a proof of efficiency and safety of intracerebral delivery of AAV-ARSA has been established in MLD mice and non-human primates while a proof-of-concept was made in mouse model of Canavan; A phase I/II trial of intracerebral gene therapy for MLD is now open for recruitment Partners involved Leader: Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (France) U986: Pr. AUBOURG Patrick, Dr. CARTIER Nathalie, Dr. SEVIN Caroline, DUFAYETCHAFFAUD Gaëlle, Dr. GUIDOUX Sylvie, FOUQUET Françoise, Dr. GAUTIER Benoit U975: Dr. BARON-VAN EVERCOOREN Anne, NAIT-OUMESMAR Brahim, BACHELIN Corinne, DEBOUX Cyrille, MARTEYN Antoine Université d’Auvergne Clermont Ferrand 1 (France) Dr. BEGOU Melina, GONTHIER Céline Universitaetsklinikum Bonn (Germany) Pr. GIESELMANN Volkmar, Dr. MATZNER Ulrich, STEIN Axel Medizinische Universitaet Wien (Austria) Pr. BERGER Johannes Fondazione Centro San Raffaele (Italy) Dr. BIFFI Alessandra, Dr. GRITTI Angela Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7 (France) Pr. BOESPFLUG-TANGUY Odile University of New South Wales (Australia) Dr. KLUGMANN Matthias, KLUGMANN Claudia, TEAHAN Oria, JONQUIERES Georg *GLD: Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy / Krabbe Disease 10 5. Patients & families’ issues The project’s Ethics Committee and Ethics Research Group coordinated by Université Paris Descartes have created an innovative Database Charter, harmonized Patient Information & Consent Forms and a Patient Leaflet for an enhanced communication with the patients and their families regarding patient database (LeukoDataBase – see result 1) participation and an optimal protection of the patients’ rights. These documents have been created in the specific framework of the LeukoTreat project but are available as models for a broader use on The Ethics Research Group also conducted a European survey in five languages to evaluate the expectations of patients and their families regarding research in LDs - particularly as regard to data sharing in the LeukoTreat database - and to study how patients may produce a useful knowledge for scientific purpose (publication in preparation). The survey shows a strong adhesion of patients/families to participate to the LeukoDataBase. Their main motivation is research progress in order to improve treatments and access to clinical trials. The study provides insight into the conditions which are essential in their view concerning datasharing. Being kept informed fully and regularly is one major expectation. Partners involved Leader: Université Paris Descartes - LEM (France) Dr. MOUTEL Grégoire, Dr. DUCHANGE Nathalie, Dr. CALLIES Ingrid, Dr. DARQUY Sylviane, LECLERCQ Thomas, LOEVE Boris, D’AUDIFFRET Diane, LAPOINTE AnneSophie Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7 (France) Pr. BOESPFLUG-TANGUY Odile, VENDEVILLE Marie-Louise Soluscience SA (France) et Université d’Auvergne Clermont Ferrand 1 (France) Dr. DANTAL Yann, Dr. GUERROUI Samia European Association against leukodystrophies – ELA (France) ALBA Guy, FAVEAUX Philippe, DURAN Marie-Josée, BLONDEAU Marie-Claude 11 THE LEUKOTREAT CONSORTIUM 19 RESEARCH ORGANISATIONS Coordinator: UNIVERSITE D'AUVERGNE CLERMONT-FERRAND 1 (France) OSPEDALE PEDIATRICO BAMBINO GESU (Italy) ISTITUTO GIANNINA GASLINI (Italy) UNIVERSITAETSKLINIKUM BONN (Germany) INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTE ET DE LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE (France) THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER (UK) FUNDACIO INSTITUT D’INVESTIGACIO BIOMEDICA DE BELLVITGE (Spain) MAX PLANCK GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FORDERUNG DER WISSENSCHAFTEN E.V. (Germany) MEDIZINISCHE UNIVERSITAET WIEN (Austria) UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON (UK) FONDAZIONE CENTRO SAN RAFFAELE (Italy) ACADEMISCH MEDISCH CENTRUM BIJ DE UNIVERSITEIT VAN AMSTERDAM (The Netherlands) UNIVERSITE PARIS DESCARTES (France) UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE (UK) UNIVERSITE PARIS DIDEROT – PARIS 7 (France) FONDAZIONE IRCCS ISTITUTO NEUROLOGICO CARLO BESTA (Italy) UNIVERSITAETSKLINIKUM HAMBURG – EPPENDORF (Germany) EBERHARD KARLS UNIVERSITAET TUEBINGEN (Germany) UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES (Australia) 3 SMES TROPHOS SA (France) SOLUSCIENCE SA (France) FRANCE EUROPE INNOVATION (France) 1 PATIENT ASSOCIATION EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION AGAINST LEUKODYSTROPHIES (ELA) 12 THE UNIVERSITY OF CLERMONT FERRAND 1 (FRANCE) THE RESEARCH UNIT The Research Unit “Genetic Reproduction and Development” (supported by the CNRS (U6247) and INSERM (U931)) aims at studying glial cell interactions during normal and pathological development of CNS. The department coordinates the reference center for leukodystrophies in France, taking care of patients and providing molecular diagnosis of LDs with a genetic marker. A biobank including samples from more than 1200 LDs affected families has been established and enriched through the national LeukoFrance network. Glial cell interactions are studied via the analysis of physiopathological mechanisms implicated in hypomyelinating and vacuolating LDs using patients’ samples (tissues, biological fluids, cells) and animal models. LeukoTreat Team: Pr. VAURS BARRIERE Catherine, Dr. BEGOU Melina, DEPIETS PETIT Bérengère, Pr. FOGLI Anne, HUYGUE Aurélia, GONTHIER Céline, Dr. GUERROUI Samia, DIOT Céline ROLE IN THE PROJECT Pr. VAURS BARRIERE Catherine: WP1 Co-leader: Supervise the biobank and mutation databases. In charge of PLP1 mutation study Dr. BEGOU Melina with DEPIETS PETIT Bérengère: WP3: Study of efficacy of the chosen TROPHOS molecule (olesoxime) in PLOA and PLP null mouse models of PLP-pathies; WP3 : histological analysis of the treatment; WP4: Study of therapeutic potential of NSC graft in PLOA transgenic mice Pr. FOGLI Anne with HUYGUE Aurélia: WP1&WP2: study of EIF2B mutations and EIF2B activity in fibroblasts and lymphoblasts; WP3: test on human mutated cells the effects of protein translation regulators GONTHIER Céline: WP4: development of the in vitro evaluation of the morpholino efficacy Dr. GUERROUI Samia: WP1: development of the LD European database with Soluscience and of bioinformatics tools in order to enter data and to interconnect the European existing data bases DIOT Céline: WP3 and WP4: involved 1) in the breeding and genotyping of mice used in the different protocols; 2) in the post mortem evaluation of the efficacy of the treatment at the level of the mRNA (qRT-PCR) or the protein (western blot and immunohistochemestry); * See the Workplan for the Work Packages (WPs) description 13 THE UNIVERSITY OF CLERMONT FERRAND 1 (FRANCE) PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) • Boespflug-Tanguy, O., Aubourg, P., Dorboz, I., Bégou, M., Giraud, G., Sarret, C., Vaurs-Barrière, C. (2011) Neurodegenerative disorder related to AIMP1/p43 mutation is not a PMLD. Am J Hum Genet. 2011 Mar 11; 88(3):392-93; author reply 393-95. • Grossi, S., Regis, S., Biancheri, R., Mort, M., Lualdi, S., Bertini, E., Uziel, G., Boespflug-Tanguy, O., Simonati, A., Corsolini, F., Demir, E., Marchiani, V., Percesepe, A., Stanzial, F., Rossi, A., Vaurs-Barrière, C., Cooper, D.N., Filocamo, M. (2011) Molecular Genetic Analysis of the PLP1 Gene in 38 Families with PLP1-related disorders: Identification and Functional Characterization of 11 Novel PLP1 Mutations. Orphanet Journal of Rare Dis. 2011 Jun 16; 6(1):40. • Carra-Dalliere, C., Horzinski, L., Ayrignac, X., Vukusic, S., Rodriguez, D., Mauguiere, F., Peter, L., Goizet, C., Bouhour, F., Denier, C., Confavreux, C., Obadia, M., Blanc, F., de Seze, J., Guennoc, A.M., Sartori, E., Laplaud, D., Antoine, J.C., Fogli, A., Boespflug-Tanguy, O., Labauge, P. (2011) Natural history of adult-onset eIF2B-related disorders: a multicentric survey of 24 cases. Rev Neurol (Paris). 2011 Nov; 167(11):802-11. • Sarret, C., Rigal, M., Vaurs-Barrière, C., Dorbiz, I., Eymard-Pierre, E., Combes, P., Giraud, G., Wanders, R.J., Afenjar, A., Francannet, C., Boesplug-Tanguy, O. (2012) Sjögren-Larsson syndrome: novel mutations in the ALDH3A2 gene in a French cohort. J Neurol Sci. 2012 Jan 15; 312(1-2):123-6. • Combes, P., Kammoun, N., Monnier, A., Gonthier-Guéret, C., Giraud, G., Bertini, E., Chahnez, T., Fakhfakh, F., Boespflug-Tanguy, O, VaursBarrière, C. (2012) Relevance of GJC2 promoter mutation in Pelizaeus-Merzbacher-like disease. Ann Neurol. 2012 Jan; 71(1):146-48. • Combes, P., Planche, V., Eymard-Pierre, E., Sarret, C., Rodriguez, D., Boesplug-Tanguy, O., Vaurs-Barrière, C. (2012) Relevance of SOX17 Variants for Hypomyelinating Leukodystrophies and Congenital Anomalies of the Kidney and Urinary Tract (CAKUT). Ann Hum Genet. 2012 May; 76(3):261-267. • Huyghe, A., Horzinski, L., Hénaut, A., Gaillard, M., Bertini, E., Schiffmann, R., Rodriguez, D., Dantal, Y., Boespflug-Tanguy, O., Fogli, A. (2012) Developmental Splicing Deregulation in Leukodystrophies related to EIF2B Mutations. PLoS One. 2012 Jun; 7(6):e38264. • Fogli, A., Merle, C., Roussel, V., Schiffmann, R., Ughetto, S., Theisen, M., Boespflug-Tanguy, O. (2012) CSF N-Glycan Profiles to Investigate Biomarkers in Brain Developmental Disorders: Application to Leukodystrophies Related to eIF2B Mutations. PLoS One. 2012 Aug;7(8):e42688. 14 THE UNIVERSITY OF CLERMONT FERRAND 1 (FRANCE) PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) • De Almeida, R., Fogli, A., Gaillard, M., Scheper, G.C., Boespflug-Tanguy, O., Pavitt, G.D. (2013) A Yeast Purification System for Human Translation Initiation Factors eIF2 and eIF2BƐ and Their Use in the Diagnosis of CACH/VWM Disease. PLosOne. 2013 Jan 15; 8(1):e53958. • Petit B, Giraudet F, Béchon C, Bardin L, Avan P, Boespflug-Tanguy O, Bégou M (2014) Mice with a deletion of the major central myelin protein exhibit hypersensitivity to noxious thermal stimuli: involvement of central sensitization. Neurobiol Dis. 2014 May;65:55-68. 15 OSPEDALE PEDIATRICO BAMBINO GESU (ITALY) THE LABORATORY The Laboratory of Molecular Medicine (UMM) of OSPEDALE PEDIATRICO BAMBINO GESU is a national referring center in Italy for a large number of pediatric diseases, including muscular and neuro-degenerative disorders, and inherited leukodystrophies. The UMM was actively involved in a FP6-TREAT-NMD European project to organize trials for patients with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). UMM is a European referring center for molecular diagnosis of several rare disorders including the megalencephalic leukodystrophy with subcortical cysts (MLC). UMM is also involved in clinical activity in collaboration with the Division of Pediatric Neurology, organizing about 2100 clinical observations/year for physical therapy. LeukoTreat Team: Dr. BERTINI Enrico, Dr. SANTORELLI Filippo, Dr. PIEMONTE Fiorella, Dr. CARROZZO Rosalba, Dr. DENTICI Maria Lisa ROLE IN THE PROJECT Dr. BERTINI Enrico: WP1 leader. Supervision of the clinical manager for south Europe with expertise in imaging. Clinical and genetic definition of a new form of inherited leukodystrophies Dr. SANTORELLI Filippo: Study of MLC1 mutations. Molecular genetics study of a new form of demyelination leukodystrophy Dr. PIEMONTE Fiorella: WP1: collecting patient with lysomal LDs and with mitochondrial respiratory chain defect Dr. CARROZZO Rosalba: WP1: biobanking of biological material from patients with LDs Dr. DENTICI Maria Lisa: WP1: clinical data manager 16 OSPEDALE PEDIATRICO BAMBINO GESU (ITALY) PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Grossi S., Regis S., Biancheri R., Mort M., Lualdi S., Bertini E., Uziel G., Boespflug-Tanguy O., Simonati A., Corsolini F., Demir E., Marchiani V., Percesepe A., Stanzial F., Rossi A., Vaurs-Barrière C., Cooper D.N., Filocamo M. (2011) Molecular Genetic Analysis of the PLP1 Gene in 38 Families with PLP1-related disorders: Identification and Functional Characterization of 11 Novel PLP1 Mutations. Orphanet Journal of Rare Dis. 2011 Jun 16; 6(1):40 Rice GI, Kasher PR, Forte GM, Mannion NM, Greenwood SM, Szynkiewicz M, Dickerson JE, Bhaskar SS, Zampini M, Briggs TA, Jenkinson EM, Bacino CA, Battini R, Bertini E, Brogan PA, Brueton LA, Carpanelli M, De Laet C, de Lonlay P, del Toro M, Desguerre I, Fazzi E, Garcia-Cazorla A, Heiberg A, Kawaguchi M, Kumar R, Lin JP, Lourenco CM, Male AM, Marques W Jr, Mignot C, Olivieri I, Orcesi S, Prabhakar P, Rasmussen M, Robinson RA, Rozenberg F, Schmidt JL, Steindl K, Tan TY, van der Merwe WG, Vanderver A, Vassallo G, Wakeling EL, Wassmer E, Whittaker E, Livingston JH, Lebon P, Suzuki T, McLaughlin PJ, Keegan LP, O'Connell MA, Lovell SC, Crow YJ. Mutations in ADAR1 cause Aicardi-Goutières syndrome associated with a type I interferon signature. Nat Genet. 2012 Nov;44(11):1243-8. Combes P, Kammoun N, Monnier A, Gonthier-Guéret C, Giraud G, Bertini E, Chahnez T, Fakhfakh F, Boespflug-Tanguy O, Vaurs-Barrière C. (2012) Relevance of GJC2 promoter mutation in Pelizaeus-Merzbacher-like disease. Ann Neurol. 2012 Jan;71(1):146-8. doi: 10.1002/ana.22295. Lanciotti, A., Brignone, M.S., Molinari, P., Visentin, S., De Nuccio, C., Macchia, G., Aiello, C., Bertini, E., Aloisi, F., Petrucci, T.C., Ambrosini, E. (2012) Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts protein 1 functionnally cooperates with the TRPV4 cation channel to activate the response of astrocytes to osmotic stress: dysregulation by pathological mutations. Hum Mol Genet. 2012 May 15; 21(10):2166-80. Huyghe A, Horzinski L, Hénaut A, Gaillard M, Bertini E, Schiffmann R, Rodriguez D, Dantal Y, Boespflug-Tanguy O, Fogli A. (2012) Developmental Splicing Deregulation in Leukodystrophies Related to EIF2B Mutations. PLoS One. 2012 Jun;7(6):e38264 Petrillo S, Piemonte F, Pastore A, Tozzi G, Aiello C, Pujol A, Cappa M, Bertini E. Glutathione imbalance in patients with X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. Mol Genet Metab. 2013 May 22. pii: S1096-7192(13)00175-3. doi: 10.1016/j.ymgme.2013.05.009. 17 ISTITUTO GIANNINA GASLINI (ITALY) THE INSTITUTE Giannina Gaslini Institute is the biggest paediatric hospital in Italy. It comprises 22 clinical units including all paediatric specialties. Gaslini ranks first among pediatric Ministry of Health-funded research Institutes and among the top five of the over 40 Ministry of Health-funded research Institutes. The institute has already conducted FP6/FP7 projects no.037315 – EPICURE; TRAPS no. 200923; CURE HLH no. 201461; TRIPR no. 046108. LeukoTreat Team: Dr. FILOCAMO Mirella, Dr. BIANCHERI Roberta, Dr. ZARA Federico, Dr. STEFANO Regis ROLE IN THE PROJECT Dr. FILOCAMO Mirella: WP1: Supervision of the Biobank/mutation manager for Southern Europe Dr. BIANCHERI Roberta: WP1: Natural history Dr. ZARA Federico: WP1: Selection patients (molecular diagnosis) Dr. STEFANO Regis: WP1: Selection patients (molecular diagnosis) PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Grossi S, Regis S, Biancheri R, Mort M, Lualdi S, Bertini E, Uziel G, Boespflug-Tanguy O, Simonati A, Corsolini F, Demir E, Marchiani V, Percesepe A, Stanzial F, Rossi A, Vaurs-Barrière C, Cooper DN, Filocamo M. Molecular genetic analysis of the PLP1 gene in 38 families with PLP1related disorders: identification and functional characterization of 11 novel PLP1 mutations. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2011 Jun 16;6:40. Biancheri R, Rosano C, Denegri L, Lamantea E, Pinto F, Lanza F, Severino M, Filocamo M. (2012) Expanded spectrum of Pelizaeus-Merzbacherlike disease: literature revision and description of a novel GJC2 mutation in an unusually severe form. Eur J Hum Genet. 2012 Jun; Epub ahead of print Regis S., Corsolini F., Grossi S., Tappino B., Cooper D.N., Filocamo M. (2013) Restoration of the normal splicing pattern of the PLP1 gene by means of an antisense oligonucleotide directed against an exonic mutation. PlosOne; 8(9):e73633 Siri L, Rossi A, Lanza F, Mazzotti R, Costa A, Stroppiano M, Gaiero A, Cohen A, Biancheri R, Filocamo M. A novel homozygous splicing mutation in PSAP gene causes metachromatic leukodystrophy in two Moroccan brothers. Neurogenetics. 2014 Jan 31. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 24478108. Lorioli L, Cesani M, Regis S, Morena F, Grossi S, Fumagalli F, Acquati S, Redaelli D, Pini A, Sessa M, Martino S, Filocamo M, Biffi A. Critical issues for the proper diagnosis of Metachromatic Leukodystrophy. Gene. 2014, 537(2):348-51. doi: 10.1016 18 UNIVERSITAETSKLINIKUM BONN (GERMANY) THE RESEARCH UNIT UKB (UNIVERSITAETSKLINIKUM BONN) is the University Hospital of the Medical Faculty of the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. It owns a research unit of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology which has longstanding record in research on lysosomal leukodystrophies. The research unit is well equipped with laboratory and cell culture facilities, animal housing, MALDI TOF mass spectrometer, LC-MS/MS ion trap spectrometer, real time PCR cycler, various HPLC and FPLC units for protein purification, and a single molecule microscopy unit. The unit has access to laser scan microscopy, cell sorting and microarray platforms. LeukoTreat Team: Pr. GIESELMANN Volkmar, Dr. MATZNER Ulrich, STEIN Axel, GERLACH Debora ROLE IN THE PROJECT Pr. GIESELMANN Volkmar, GERLACH Debora, STEIN Axel and Dr. MATZNER Ulrich : WP3: Enzyme replacement trials in MLD mice; WP4: Biochemical background of transfer of lysosomal enzymes between microglia, oligodendrocytes and neurons PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Stroobants S, Gerlach D, Matthes F, Hartmann D, Fogh J, Gieselmann V, D'Hooge R, Matzner U (2011) Intracerebroventricular enzyme infusion corrects central nervous system pathology and dysfunction in a mouse model of metachromatic leukodystrophy. Hum Mol Genet. 2011;20(14):2760-69 Kehrer C, Blumenstock G, Gieselmann V, Krägeloh-Mann I, on behalf of the German Leukonet. (2011) The natural course of gross motor deterioration in metachromatic leucodystrophie. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2011 Sep;53(9):850-5. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8749.2011.04028.x. Epub 2011 Jun 27 Gieselmann V, Krägeloh-Mann I. Metachromatic Leukodystrophy. In: Raymond G, Eichler F Fatemi A, Naidu S (Ed.) “Leukodystrophies”, Mac Keith Press, London, 2011, p. 130-155 Krägeloh-Mann I; Kehrer C; Gieselmann V. Metachromatic leukodystrophy – what is new? Padiatr Croat 2012; 56:115-118 Gieselmann V, Wenger D, Krägeloh-Mann I. Metachromatic Leukodystrophy and Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy. In: Mehta A, Winchester B (Ed.), Lysosomal Storage Disorders. John Wiley & Sons, 2012, p. 70-79 19 INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTE ET DE LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE (FRANCE) THE RESEARCH UNIT Team Patrick AUBOURG UMR745 (Genetics and Biotherapy of Neurodegenerative and Proliferative diseases of the Nervous System) is a mixed INSERM-University Paris Descartes research unit that pursues the development of therapeutic strategies to fight several hereditary diseases of the nervous system. In respect to leukodystrophies, this research unit develops in an integrative way: 1) Therapeutic strategies in adrenoleukodystrophy and metachromatic leukodystrophy based on "ex vivo" or "in vivo" gene transfer that can be implemented in clinics which are main topics of WP4.; 2) Genomic approaches to study complex genotype-phenotype relationships that modify the clinical presentation of ALD. LeukoTreat Team: Pr. AUOURG Patrick, Dr. CARTIER Nathalie, Dr. SEVIN Caroline, VARIN Jennifer, DUFAYET-CHAFFAUD Gaëlle, Dr. GUIDOUX Sylvie, FOUQUET Françoise, Dr. GAUTIER Benoit, BARBIER Mathieu ROLE IN THE PROJECT Pr. AUBOURG Patrick: WP1: Responsible for the ALD, MLD LeukoFrance DB; WP2: Genomic polymorphic markers for X-ALD pronostic, experience in human genetics and molecular biology; WP4: WP leader Dr. CARTIER Nathalie: WP4: Responsible for the evaluation of the efficacy and safety of HSC gene therapy using LV and co-responsible for understanding the mechanisms of disease correction by microglia in the LD brain Dr. SEVIN Caroline: WP1: ALD, MLD LeukoFrance DB; WP4: co-responsible for the intracerebral delivery of AAV vector: safety and vector diffusion in non-human primates and the development of AAV-based vectors with glial tropism VARIN Jennifer: WP2: Genomic polymorphic markers for X-ALD pronostic DUFAYET-CHAFFAUD Gaëlle: WP4: Technical accomplishment of the evaluation of the efficacy and safety of HSC gene therapy using LV Dr. GUIDOUX Sylvie: WP2: Genomic polymorphic markers for X-ALD pronostic FOUQUET Françoise: WP4: Technical accomplishment for the tasks ‘intracerebral delivery of AAV vector: safety and vector diffusion in nonhuman primates’ and ‘the development of AAV-based vectors with glial tropism’ Dr. GAUTIER Benoit: WP4: Co-responsible under the direction of Dr. Sevin for the tasks ‘intracerebral delivery of AAV vector: safety and vector diffusion in non-human primates’ and ‘the development of AAV-based vectors with glial tropism BARBIER Mathieu: WP2: Genomic polymorphic markers for X-ALD pronostic 20 INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTE ET DE LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE (FRANCE) PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Fourcade S., Ruiz M., Guilera C., Hahnen E., Brichta L., Naudi A., Portero-Otín M., Dacremont G., Cartier N., Wanders R., Kemp S., Mandel JM., Wirth B., Pamplona R., Aubourg P., Pujol A. (2010) Valproic acid induces antioxidant effects in X-ALD. Human Molecular Genetics 19(10): 200514 Boespflug-Tanguy, O., Aubourg, P., Dorboz, I., Bégou, M., Giraud, G., Sarret, C., Vaurs-Barrière, C. (2011) Neurodegenerative disorder related to AIMP1/p43 mutation is not a PMLD. Am J Hum Genet. 2011 Mar 11; 88(3):392-93; author reply 393-95 Biffi A, Aubourg P, Cartier N. (2011) Gene therapy for leukodystrophies. Hum Mol Genet. 2011 Apr;20(R1):R42-R53 Barbier, M., Sabbagh, A., Kasper, E., Asheuer, M., Ahouansou, O., Pribill, I., Forss-Petter, S., Vidaud, M., Berger, J., Aubourg, P. (2012) CD1 Gene Polymorphisms and Phenotypic Variability in X-Linked Adrenoleukodystrophy. PLos One 2012 Jan; 7(1):e29872. Schlüter, A., Espinosa, L., Fourcade, S., Galino, J., Lopez, E., Ilieva, E., Morato, L., Asheuer, M., Cook, T., McLaren, A., Reid, J., Kelly, F., Bates, S., Aubourg, P., Galea, E., Pujol, A. (2012) Functional genomic analysis unravels a metabolic-inflammatory interplay in adrenoleukodystrophy. Hum Mol. Genet. 2012 Mar 1; 21(5):1062-77 Piguet, F., Sondhi, D., Piraud, M., Fouquet, F., Hackett, N.R., Ahouansou, O., Vanier, M.T., Bieche, I., Aubourg, P., Crystal, R.G., Cartier, N., Sevin, C. (2012) Correction of Brain Oligodendrocytes by AAVrh.10 Intracerebral Gene Therapy in Metachromatic Leukodystrophy Mice. Human Gene Therapy. 2012 Aug;23(8):903-14 Kemp S, Berger J, Aubourg P. (2012) X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy: Clinical, metabolic, genetic and pathophysiological aspects. BBA-Mol Basis Dis. 1822(9):1465-74 Galea E, Launay N, Portero-Otin M, Ruiz M, Pamplona R, Aubourg P, Ferrer I, Pujol A*. (2012) Oxidative stress underlying axonal degeneration in adrenoleukodystrophy: A paradigm for multifactorial neurodegenerative diseases? Biochim Biophys Acta. Sep 12;1822(9):1475-88 Martin A, Sevin C, Lazarus C, Bellesme C, Aubourg P, Adamsbaum C. (2012) Toward a Better Understanding of Brain Lesions during Metachromatic Leukodystrophy Evolution. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2012 Oct;33(9):1731-9 21 INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTE ET DE LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE (FRANCE) PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Arens A, Appelt JU, Bartholomae C, Gabriel R, Paruzynski A, Gustafson D, Cartier N, Aubourg P, Deichmann A, Glimm H, von Kalle C, Schmidt M. Bioinformatical Clonality Analysis of Next Generation Sequencing Derived Viral Vector Integration Sites, Hum Gene Ther Methods. 2012 Jun 29 [Epub ahead of print] Debs R, Froissart R, Aubourg P, Papeix C, Douillard C, Degos B, Fontaine B, Audoin B, Lacour A, Said G, Vanier MT, Sedel F. Krabbe disease in adults: phenotypic and genotypic update from a series of 11 cases and a review, J Inherit Metab Dis. 2012 Nov 30 Aubourg P, Wanders R. Peroxisomal disorders, Handb Clin Neurol. 2013;113:1593-609. Morató L., Galino J., Ruiz M., Calingasan N.Y., Starkov A.A., Dumont M., Naudí A., Martínez J.J., Aubourg P., Portero-Otín M., Pamplona R., Galea E., Beal M.F., Ferrer I., Fourcade S., Pujol A. (2013) Pioglitazone halts axonal degeneration in a mouse model of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. Brain 2013 Jun 22; Epub ahead of print 22 INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTE ET DE LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE (FRANCE) THE RESEARCH UNIT Team Anne Baron-Van Evercooren The Baron-Van Evercooren lab has made important contributions to the understanding of remyelination in the CNS and the development of therapeutic approaches to promote remyelination. Through the use of skills in cell culture, animal models of demyelination and transplantation paradigms, the lab has 1) defined the contribution of adult neural stem cells to oligodendrogenesis during myelin repair, 2) developed models of demyelination in primates, 3) substantially contributed to establish the role of CNS and PNS myelin-forming cells and their stem cells in remyelination. LeukoTreat Team: Dr. BARON-VAN EVERCOOREN Anne, NAIT-OUMESMAR Brahim, BACHELIN Corinne, DEBOUX Cyrille, MARTEYN Antoine ROLE IN THE PROJECT Dr. BARON-VAN EVERCOOREN Anne: WP4: Development of the human stem cell therapy approach in animal models of LD and explore the potential of this strategy alone or in combination with pro-myelinating factors NAIT-OUMESMAR Brahim: WP4: Transcriptional profile of the huNPCs before and after transplantation BACHELIN Corinne: WP4: Ultrastructural characterization of huNPC in vivo DEBOUX Cyrille: WP4: Production and characterization of huNPC in vitro MARTEYN Antoine: WP4 PUBLICATIONS (LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Buchet D, Garcia C, Deboux C, Nait-Oumesmar B, Baron A. (2011) Human neural progenitors from different foetal forebrain regions remyelinate the adult mouse spinal cord. Brain 2011;134(4):1168-83 Matsas R. and Baron-Van Evercooren A. (2013) Glial cell transplantation, in Neuroglia, Section 3. Role of Glial cells in disease, Recovery of neural functions by H. Kettenman and B. Ramson, Ed Oxford University Press. 23 INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTE ET DE LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE (FRANCE) THE RESEARCH UNIT Team Danielle PHAM DINH The interests of this INSERM team focused on studies of myelin genes and corresponding pathologies; the team is constantly involved in clinic/research interactions. This team characterized several myelin- and oligodendrocyte-specific genes (PLP, PO, MOG), and seek for implication of these genes in genetic dys- / demyelinating diseases such as Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, and Multiple sclerosis. They are now studying the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in new leukodystrophies whose originality relies in that the primary target cell is the astrocyte, particularly Alexander disease (AXD). LeukoTreat Team: Dr. PHAM DINH Danielle, Pr. RODRIGUEZ Diana, Dr. MIGNOT Cyril, DUBIEF Emeline ROLE IN THE PROJECT Dr. PHAM DINH Danielle: WP2: Role of astrocytes in GFAP related disorders studying KI GFAP mice; WP3: Pharmacological release of GFAP in AXD using reliable cell culture model which permits the evaluation of selected compounds modulating pathways involved in the refolding of abnormally folded proteins Pr. RODRIGUEZ Diana: WP1: Clinical expertise for patients from the LeukoFrance network; WP2: Role of astrocytes GFAP related disorders studying KI GFAP mice (anatomopathology) Dr. MIGNOT Cyril: WP1: GFAP mutation database WP3 Pharmacological therapies in AXD using reliable cell culture and KI AXD mouse models; DUBIEF Emeline: WP2: Role of astrocytes in GFAP related disorders studying KI GFAP mice 24 INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTE ET DE LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE (FRANCE) PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Chouery, E., Delague, V., Jalkh, N., Salem, N., Kfoury, J., Rodriguez, D., Chabrol, B., Boespflug-Tanguy, O., Lévy, N., Serre, J.L., Mégarbané, A. (2011) A whole-genome scan in a large family with leukodystrophy and oligodontia reveals linkage to 10q22. Neurogenetics. 2011 Feb; 12(1):73-8 Bernard G, Chouery E, Putorti ML, Tétreault M, Takanohashi A, Carosso G, Clément I, Boespflug-Tanguy O, Rodriguez D, Delague V, Abou Ghoch J, Jalkh N, Dorboz I, Fribourg S, Teichmann M, Megarbane A, Schiffmann R, Vanderver A, Brais B. (2011) Mutations of POLR3A encoding a catalytic subunit of RNA polymerase Pol III cause a recessive hypomyelinating leukodystrophy. Am J Hum Genet. 2011 Sep 9;89(3):415-23 Carra-Dalliere C, Horzinski L, Ayrignac X, Vukusic S, Rodriguez D, Mauguiere F, Peter L, Goizet C, Bouhour F, Denier C, Confavreux C, Obadia M, Blanc F, de Seze J, Sedel F, Guennoc AM, Sartori E, Laplaud D, Antoine JC, Fogli A, Boespflug-Tanguy O, Labauge P. (2011) Natural history of adult-onset eIF2B-related disorders: a multicentric survey of 24 cases. Rev Neurol (Paris). 2011 Nov;167(11):802-11 Combes P, Planche V, Eymard-Pierre E, Sarret C, Rodriguez D, Boespflug-Tanguy O, Vaurs-Barriere C. (2012) Relevance of SOX17 Variants for Hypomyelinating Leukodystrophies and Congenital Anomalies of the Kidney and Urinary Tract (CAKUT). 2012 May;76(3):261-67 Huyghe A, Horzinski L, Hénaut A, Gaillard M, Bertini E, Schiffmann R, Rodriguez D, Dantal Y, Boespflug-Tanguy O, Fogli A. (2012) Developmental Splicing Deregulation in Leukodystrophies Related to EIF2B Mutations. PLoS One. 2012 Jun;7(6):e38264 Rice GI, Kasher PR, Forte GM, Mannion NM, Greenwood SM, Szynkiewicz M, Dickerson JE, Bhaskar SS, Zampini M, Briggs TA, Jenkinson EM, Bacino CA, Battini R, Bertini E, Brogan PA, Brueton LA, Carpanelli M, De Laet C, de Lonlay P, del Toro M, Desguerre I, Fazzi E, Garcia-Cazorla A, Heiberg A, Kawaguchi M, Kumar R, Lin JP, Lourenco CM, Male AM, Marques W Jr, Mignot C, Olivieri I, Orcesi S, Prabhakar P, Rasmussen M, Robinson RA, Rozenberg F, Schmidt JL, Steindl K, Tan TY, van der Merwe WG, Vanderver A, Vassallo G, Wakeling EL, Wassmer E, Whittaker E, Livingston JH, Lebon P, Suzuki T, McLaughlin PJ, Keegan LP, O'Connell MA, Lovell SC, Crow YJ. Mutations in ADAR1 cause Aicardi-Goutières syndrome associated with a type I interferon signature. Nat Genet. 2012 Nov;44(11):1243-8. 25 THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER (UNITED KINGDOM) THE RESEARCH UNIT The Faculty of Life Sciences at the University of Manchester has over 1000 people involved in research, and an annual total budget of £65 million, making it one of the largest and most successful unified research and teaching organisations of its kind in Europe. Over 300 FP6 programs were awarded to UMAN and currently ~70 FP7 programs are ongoing. Graham Pavitt, who directed the work at UMAN in Leukotreat, is an expert studying protein synthesis including the molecular structure-function of eIF2B, the factor mutated in CACH/VWM disease. This work has included basic molecular biological and biochemical approaches to understand the factor and the underlying biochemical consequences of mutations in eIF2B that result in CACH/VWM disease. He has also pioneered the development of a yeast model system specifically to screen compounds for therapeutic activity towards eIF2B, which is defective in CACH/VWM disease. LeukoTreat Team: Dr. PAVITT Graham, Dr. CALLAN Hayley ROLE IN THE PROJECT Pr. PAVITT Graham: WP2: Large scale production of eIF2; WP3: Development of yeast model system specifically to screen compounds for therapeutic activity towards eIF2B which is defective in CACH/VWM disease Dr. DE ALMEIDA Rogerio: WP2: Large scale production of eIF2 Dr. CALLAN Hayley: WP3: Setting up and performing compound screen and subsequent biochemical validation of hit compounds PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) De Almeida, R., Fogli, A., Gaillard, M., Scheper, G.C., Boespflug-Tanguy, O., Pavitt, G.D. (2013) A Yeast Purification System for Human Translation Initiation Factors eIF2 and eIF2BƐ and Their Use in the Diagnosis of CACH/VWM Disease. PLosOne. 2013 Jan 15; 8(1):e53958 26 FUNDACIO INSTITUT D’INVESTIGACIO BIOMEDICA DE BELLVITGE (SPAIN) THE INSTITUTE Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) is a young research institution created in 2004, with more than 300 researchers. It is one of the fastest-growing research institutions in Spain affiliated with the second largest hospital in Spain (Bellvitge Universitary Hospital-HUB). 10 research projects have already been handled by IDIBELL during FP6. The scientific production of IDIBELL-HUB is the second largest of all clinical research institutions in Spain. Dr Pujol started working in X-ALD 10 years ago, in the laboratory of JL Mandel, IGBMC, Strasbourg. Main contributions to the field include the generation of mouse models for X-ALD, uncovering neurodegeneration in the X-ALD mouse and the role of oxidative stress in disease etiopathogenesis. LeukoTreat Team: Dr. PUJOL Aurora, GRAU Laia, Dr. FOURCADE Stéphane, ILIEVA Ekaterina, GUILERA Cristina, GALINO Jorge, LOPEZ-ERAUSKIN Jone, MARTINEZ Juanjo ROLE IN THE PROJECT Dr. PUJOL Aurora: WP2 leader, WP3 technical supervision GRAU Laia: WP2: Support for redox proteomics and molecular biology studies in WP2 and WP3 Dr. FOURCADE Stéphane: WP2 technical supervision ILIEVA Ekaterina, GALINO Jorge and LOPEZ-ERAUSKIN Jone: Redox proteomics studies and pharmacological therapies in preclinical settings GUILERA Cristina and MARTINEZ Juanjo: Support for redox proteomics and mouse preclinical work 27 FUNDACIO INSTITUT D’INVESTIGACIO BIOMEDICA DE BELLVITGE (SPAIN) PUBLICATIONS (LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Fourcade S., Ruiz M., Guilera C., Hahnen E., Brichta L., Naudi A., Portero-Otín M., Dacremont G., Cartier N., Wanders R., Kemp S., Mandel JM., Wirth B., Pamplona R., Aubourg P., Pujol A. (2010) Valproic acid induces antioxidant effects in X-ALD. Human Molecular Genetics 19(10): 2005-14 López-Erauskin, J., Fourcade, S., Galino, J., Ruiz, M., Schlüter, A., Naudi, A., Portero-Otin, M., Pamplona, R., Ferrer, I., Pujol, A. (2011) Antioxidants halt axonal degeneration in a mouse model of X-adrenoleukodystrophy. Ann Neurol. 2011 Jul; 70(1):84-92 Galino J, Ruiz M, Fourcade S, Schlüter A, López-Erauskin J, Guilera C, Jove M, Naudi A, García-Arumí E, Andreu AL, Starkov AA, Pamplona R, Ferrer I, Portero-Otin M, Pujol A. Oxidative damage compromises energy metabolism in the axonal degeneration mouse model of Xadrenoleukodystrophy. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2011, Oct 15; 15(8):2095-107 Schlüter, A., Espinosa, L., Fourcade, S., Galino, J., Lopez, E., Ilieva, E., Morato, L., Asheuer, M., Cook, T., McLaren, A., Reid, J., Kelly, F., Bates, S., Aubourg, P., Galea, E., Pujol, A. (2012) Functional genomic analysis unravels a metabolic-inflammatory interplay in adrenoleukodystrophy. Hum Mol. Genet. 2012 Mar 1; 21(5):1062-77 Engelen M, Schackmann MJA, Ofman R, Sanders RJ, Dijkstra IME, Houten SM, Fourcade S, Pujol A, Poll-The BT, Wanders RJ and Kemp S (2012) Bezafibrate lowers very long-chain fatty acids in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy fibroblasts by inhibiting fatty acid elongation. J Inherit Metab Dis. 35(6):1137-45 Galea E, Launay N, Portero-Otin M, Ruiz M, Pamplona R, Aubourg P, Ferrer I, Pujol A*. (2012) Oxidative stress underlying axonal degeneration in adrenoleukodystrophy: A paradigm for multifactorial neurodegenerative diseases? Biochim Biophys Acta. Sep 12;1822(9):1475-88 Lopez-Erauskin, J., Galino, J., Bianchi, P., Fourcade, S., Andreu, A.L., Ferrer, I., Muñoz-Pinedo, C., Pujol, A. (2012) Oxidative stress modulates mitochondrial failure and cyclophilin D function in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. Brain. 2012 Dec; 135(12):3584-98 Launay N, Ruiz M, Fourcade S, Schlüter A, Guilera C, Ferrer I, Knecht E, Pujol A. Oxidative stress regulates the ubiquitin-proteasome system and immunoproteasome functioning in a mouse model of X-adrenoleukodystrophy. Brain. 2013 Mar;136(Pt 3):891-904. doi: 10.1093/brain/aws370 28 FUNDACIO INSTITUT D’INVESTIGACIO BIOMEDICA DE BELLVITGE (SPAIN) PUBLICATIONS (LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Morató L., Galino J., Ruiz M., Calingasan N.Y., Starkov A.A., Dumont M., Naudí A., Martínez J.J., Aubourg P., Portero-Otín M., Pamplona R., Galea E., Beal M.F., Ferrer I., Fourcade S., Pujol A. (2013) Pioglitazone halts axonal degeneration in a mouse model of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. Brain 2013 Jun 22; Epub ahead of print Petrillo S., Piemonte F., Pastore A., Tozzi G., Aiello C., Pujol A., Cappa M., Bertini E. (2013) Glutathione imbalance in patients with X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. Mol Genet Metab. 2013 May 22;pii: S1096-7192(13)00175-3 López-Erauskin J., Galino J., Ruiz M., Cuezva J.M., Fabregat I., Cacabelos D., Boada J., Martínez J., Ferrer I., Pamplona R., Villarroya F., Portero-Otín M., Fourcade S., Pujol A. (2013) Impaired mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation in the peroxisomal disease X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. Hum Mol Genet. 22(16):3296-305 Fourcade S., López-Erauskin J., Ruiz M., Ferrer .I, Pujol A (2013). Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative damage cooperatively fuel axonal degeneration in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. Biochimie. 2013 Sep 24. pii: S0300-9084(13)00326-X Morató L., Galino J., Ruiz M., Calingasan N.Y., Starkov A.A., Dumont M., Naudí A., Martínez J.J., Aubourg P., Portero-Otín M., Pamplona R., Galea E., Beal M.F., Ferrer I., Fourcade S., Pujol A. (2013) Pioglitazone halts axonal degeneration in a mouse model of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. Brain. 2013 Aug;136(Pt 8):2432-43. Fourcade S., López-Erauskin J., Ruiz M., Ferrer .I, Pujol A (2013). Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative damage cooperatively fuel axonal degeneration in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. Biochimie. 2014 Mar;98:143-9. 29 MAX PLANCK GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FORDERUNG DES WISSENSCHAFTEN E.V (GERMANY) THE RESEARCH UNIT The Max Planck Institute of Experimental Medicine is a research institute of the Max Planck Society that performs innovative, interdisciplinary research in the neurosciences, with a major focus on translating basic research into preclinical and clinical research trials. The department directed by Klaus-Armin NAVE studies neuron-glia interactions during normal development and in the pathological nervous system (neuropathies in the PNS and leukodystrophies in the CNS) and has a proven record of successful preclinical therapy in rodent models. The department is part of the German LeukoNet network. Pr. Nave participated in several EU grants (FP6: NeuroPromise, Peroxisomes, X-ALD, Cholesterol in vivo; FP7: Neuroglia, NGIDD). LeukoTreat Team: Dr. WERNER Hauke, Dr. NAVE Klaus-Armin, Dr. SEREDA Michael ROLE IN THE PROJECT Dr. WERNER Hauke: WP3 leader - WP3: Expert in myelin biology and pathology Dr. NAVE Klaus-Armin: WP3: Efficacy of Turmeric/Curcumin and progesterone-antagonist in PLPoverexpressor and PLPrumpshaker PMD-models Dr. SEREDA Michael: WP3: Efficacy of Turmeric/Curcumin and progesterone-antagonist PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Werner, H.B., Jahn, O. (2010) Myelin matters: Proteomic insights into white matter disorders. Expert Rev Proteomics. 2010 Apr; 7(2):159-64 Nave, K.A. (2010) Myelination and the trophic support of long axons. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2010 Apr; 11(4): 275-83 Kolodziejczyk, K., Saab, A.S., Nave, K.A., Attwell, D. (2010) Why do oligodendrocyte lineage cells express glutamate receptors? F1000 Biol. Rep. 2010 Aug 9; 2:57 Nave, K.A. (2010) Myelination and support of axonal integrity by glia. Nature. 2010 Nov 11; 468(7321):244-52 Dhaunchak, A.S., Colman, D.R., Nave, K.A. (2011) Misalignment of PLP/DM20 Transmembrane Domains Determines Protein Misfolding in Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease. J Neurosci. 2011 Oct 19; 31(42):14961-71 30 MAX PLANCK GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FORDERUNG DES WISSENSCHAFTEN E.V (GERMANY) PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Patzig, J., Jahn, O., Tenzer, S., Wichert, S.P., de Monasterio-Schrader, P., Rosfa, S., Kuharev, J., Yan, K., Bormuth, I., Bremer, J., Aguzzi, A., Orfaniotou, F., Hesse, D., Schwab, M.H., Möbius, W., Nave, K.A., Werner, H.B. (2011) Quantitative and Integrative Proteome Analysis of Peripheral Nerve Myelin Identifies Novel Myelin Proteins and Candidate Neuropathy. Loci. J Neurosci. 2011 Nov 9; 31(45):16369-86. De Monasterio-Schrader P, Jahn O, Tenzer S, Wichert SP, Patzig J, Werner HB (2012). Systematic approches to central nervous system myelin. Cell Mol Life Sci 69, 2879-94 Goebbels S, Oltrogge JH, Wolfer S, Wieser GL, Nientiedt T, Pieper A, Ruhwedel T, Groszer M, Sereda MW, Nave KA (2012). Genetic disruption of Pten in a novel mouse model of tomaculous neuropathy. EMBO Mol Med 4:486-99 Fünfschilling U, Supplie LM, Mahad D, Boretius S, Saab AS, Edgar J, Brinkmann BG, Kassmann CM, Tzvetanova ID, Möbius W, Diaz F, Meijer D, Hamprecht B, Sereda MW, Moraes CT, Frahm J, Goebbels S, Nave KA (2012). Glycolytic oligodendrocytes maintain myelin and long-term axonal integrity. Nature 485, 517-521 Saher G, Rudolphi F, Corthals K, Ruhwedel T, Schmidt KF, Löwel S. Dibaj P, Barrette B, Möbius W, Nave KA (2012). Therapy of PelizaeusMerzbacher disease in mice by feeding a cholesterol-enriched diet. Nat Med 18, 1130-5 Jahn O, Tenzer S, Bartsch N, Patzig J, Werner HB (2013) Myelin proteome analysis: methods and implications for the myelin cytoskeleton. In: The Cytoskeleton: Imaging, Isolation, and Interaction. Neuromethods 79:335. Springer, ed: Dermietzel R. Werner HB, Krämer-Albers EM, Strenzke N, Saher G, Tenzer S, Ohno-Iwashita Y, De Monasterio-Schrader P, Möbius W, Moser T, Griffiths IR, Nave KA (2013). A critical role for the cholesterol-associated proteolipids PLP and M6B in myelination of the central nervous system. Glia 61:56786 Prukop T, Epplen DB, Nientiedt T, Wichert SP, Fledrich R, Stassart RM, Rossner MJ, Edgar JM, Werner HB, Nave KA, Sereda MW (2014) Progesterone antagonist therapy in a Pelizaeus-Merzbacher mouse model. Am J Hum Genet 94:533-46 31 MEDIZINISCHE UNIVERSITAET WIEN (AUSTRIA) THE RESEARCH UNIT For the past years, the research of MUW (MEDIZINISCHE UNIVERSITAET WIEN) has focused on the identification of the molecular mechanisms that underlie X-ALD and the development of novel therapeutic strategies. Abcd1 knockout mice as a model for X-ALD have been generated, as well as Abcd2 and Abcd1/Abcd2 double-deficient mice. MUW has contributed to mutation analyses in human X-ALD, the identification of the human ABCD2 gene, encoding the closest homologue of ALDP, and demonstrated that the ALDR protein can functionally compensate for the loss of ALDP in vitro. Investigations are ongoing to identify candidate genes as possible modifiers in X-ALD. MUW has also contributed to a better understanding of the genotype-phenotype correlation in MLD. LeukoTreat Team: Pr. BERGER Johannes, Dr. FORSS-PETTER Sonja, HABERL Manuela, WIESINGER Christoph, EINWICH Angelika ROLE IN THE PROJECT Pr. BERGER Johannes: WP2: Genomic polymorphic markers for X-ALD prognostics; WP3: Pharmacological induction of ABCD2 in ALD Dr. FORSS-PETTER Sonja: WP3: In charge of the animal experiments HABERL Manuela: WP2: Mutation analysis; WP3: Genotyping of mice WIESINGER Christoph: WP3: Improvement of ABCD1 and ABCD2 mRNA quantification and of the substate specificity of ABCD1 EINWICH Angelika : WP3: Evaluation of the efficacy of compounds to induce ABCD2 in monocytic cell lines PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Barbier M, Sabbagh A, Kasper E, Asheuer M, Ahouansou O, Pribill I, Forss-Petter S, Vidaud M, Berger J, Aubourg P. (2012) CD1 gene polymorphisms and phenotypic variability in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. PLoS One. 7(1):e29872 Kemp S, Berger J, Aubourg P. (2012) X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy: Clinical, metabolic, genetic and pathophysiological aspects. BBA-Mol Basis Dis. 1822(9):1465-74 Wiesinger C., Kunze M., Regelsberger G., Forss-Petter S., Berger J. (2013) Impaired Very Long-chain Acyl-CoA β-Oxidation in Human X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy Fibroblasts Is a Direct Consequence of ABCD1 Transporter Dysfunction. J Biol Chem. 288 (26): 19269-19279. 32 MEDIZINISCHE UNIVERSITAET WIEN (AUSTRIA) PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Weber F.D., Wiesinger C., Forss-Petter S., Regelsberger G., Einwich A., Weber W.H., Köhler W., Stockinger H., Berger J. (2014) X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy: very long-chain fatty acid metabolism is severely impaired in monocytes but not in lymphocytes. Hum Mol Genet. 23 (10): 2542-2550. Weber F.D., Weinhofer I., Einwich A., Forss-Petter S., Munieer Z., Maier H., Weber W.H.A., Berger J. (2014) Evaluation of retinoids for induction of the redundant gene ABCD2 as an alternative treatment option in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. PLoS One. In press 33 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON (UNITED KINGDOM) THE RESEARCH UNIT University College London is one of the 4 most important universities in the UK. Its expertise in neuroscience is particularly outstanding, as it generates approximately 30% of England’s contribution to the world’s most highly cited papers in this field (more than twice as high as Oxford or Cambridge). UCL has been involved, as partner and coordinator, in a large number of FP6 and FP7 projects. LeukoTreat Team: Dr. ATTWELL David, Dr. BAKIRI Yamina, ARANCIBIA-CARCAMO Irma Lorena ROLE IN THE PROJECT Dr. ATTWELL David: WP2: study of the effects of NAAG and NAA on oligodendrocytes and their precursors (patch-clamping and Ca imaging) Dr. BAKIRI Yamina: Patch-clamping and imaging oligodendrocyte precursor cells ARANCIBIA-CARCAMO Irma Lorena: Investigating myelination and demyelination in cultured brain slices PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Burzomato V., Frugier G., Pérez-Otaño I., Kittler J.T., Attwell, D. (2010) The receptor subunits generating NMDA receptor mediated currents in oligodendrocytes. J. Physiol.; 588:3403-3413 Kolodziejczyk, K., Saab, A.S., Nave, K.A., Attwell, D. (2010) Why do oligodendrocyte lineage cells express glutamate receptors? F1000 Biol. Rep. 2010 Aug 9; 2:57 Rinholm, J.E., Hamilton, N.B., Kessaris, N., Richardson, W.D., Bergersen, L.H. & Attwell, D. (2011) Regulation of oligodendrocyte development and myelination by glucose and lactate. J. Neurosci. 2011 Jan 12; 31(2):538-48 Bakiri, Y., Karadottir, R., Cossell, L., Attwell, D. (2011) Morphological and electrical properties of oligodendrocytes in the white matter of the corpus callosum and cerebellum. J. Physiol. 2011 Feb 1; 589:559-73 Clarke, L.E., Young, K.M., Hamilton, N.B., Li, H., Richardson, W.D. & Attwell D. (2012) Properties and fate of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells in the corpus callosum, motor cortex, and piriform cortex of the mouse. J. Neurosci. 32, 8173-8185 Harris J.J., Attwell D. (2013) Is myelin a mitochondrion? J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 2013 Jan;33(1):33-6 34 FONDAZIONE CENTRO SAN RAFAELLE DEL MONTE TABOR (ITALY) THE RESEARCH UNIT The San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (HSR-TIGET) was created in 1995 as a joint-venture between the San Raffaele Scientific Institute and the Telethon Foundation. The mission of the Institute is to perform cutting edge science in the field of gene therapy and to promote the translation of basic discoveries into therapeutic advances. The genetic diseases that are presently under investigation (from those in advanced clinical experimentation to those in early pre-clinical development) include primary immunodeficiencies, lysosomal storage disorders including leukodystrophies, type I diabetes, hemophilias, thalassemias. HSR-TIGET is a partner within CONSERT, a FP6 project on gene therapy development, and the Director of HSR-TIGET is coordinating a newly approved FP7 project (PERSIST). LeukoTreat Team: Dr. BIFFI Alessandra, Dr. GRITTI Angela, Dr. SESSA Maria ROLE IN THE PROJECT Dr. BIFFI Alessandra: gene therapy approaches based on hematopoietic stem cells and lentiviral vectors for the treatment of leukodystrophies Dr. GRITTI Angela: gene/neural stem cell therapies and lentiviral-mediated CNS gene delivery for leukodystrophies will coordinate Dr. SESSA Maria: WP1: Participation to the clinical database and biobank with expertise for MLD PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Visigalli I, Ungari S, Martino S, Park H, Cesani M, Gentner B, Sergi L, Orlacchio A, Naldini L, Biffi A. (2010) The galactocerebrosidase enzyme contributes to the maintenance of a functional hematopoietic stem cell niche. Blood. 2010 Sep;116(11):1857-66 Gentner, B., Visigalli, I., Hiramatsu, H., Lechman, E., Ungari, S., Giustacchini, A., Schira, G., Amendola, M., Quattrini, A., Martino, S., Orlacchio, A., Dick, J.E., Biffi, A., Naldini, L. (2010) Identification of hematopoietic stem cell-specific miRNAs enables gene therapy of globoid cell leukodystrophy. Sci Transl Med. 2010 Nov 17; 2(58):58ra84 Lattanzi A, Neri M, Maderna C, di Girolamo I, Martino S, Orlacchio A, Amendola M, Naldini L, Gritti A. Widespread enzymatic correction of CNS tissues by a single intracerebral injection of therapeutic lentiviral vector in leukodystrophy mouse models. Hum Mol Genet. 2010 Jun 1;19(11):2208-27 Biffi A, Aubourg P, Cartier N. (2011) Gene therapy for leukodystrophies. Hum Mol Genet. 2011 Apr;20(R1):R42-R53 35 FONDAZIONE CENTRO SAN RAFAELLE DEL MONTE TABOR (ITALY) PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Visigalli I, Biffi A. (2011) Maintenance of a functional hematopoietic stem cell niche through galactocerebrosidase and other enzymes. Current Opinion in Hematology. 2011 Jul;18(4):214-19 Neri M, Ricca A, di Girolamo I, Alcala-Franco B, Cavazzin C, Orlacchio A, Martino S, Naldini L, Gritti A. (2011) Neural Stem Cell Gene Therapy Ameliorates Pathology and Function in a Mouse Model of Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy. Stem Cells. 2011 Oct; 29(10):1559-1571 Gritti A. Gene therapy for lysosomal storage disorders. Expert Opin Biol Ther. Sep;11(9):1153-67 2011 Epub 2011 May 9 Capotondo A., Milazzo R., Politi L.S., Quattrini A., Palini A., Plati T., Merella S., Nonis A., di Serio C., Montini E., Naldini L., Biffi A. (2012) Brain conditioning is instrumental for successful microglia reconstitution following hematopoietic stem cells transplantation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Sep 11;109(37):15018-23 Santambrogio S, Ricca A, Maderna C, Ieraci A, Aureli A, Sonnino S, Kulik W, Aimar P, Bonfanti L, Martino S and Gritti A. The galactocerebrosidase enzyme contributes to maintain a functional neurogenic niche during early post-natal CNS development Human Molecular Genetics 2012; Nov 1;21(21):4732-50 doi: 10.1093/hmg/dds313 Biffi A., Montini E., Lorioli L., Cesani M., Fumagalli F., Plati T., Martino S., Baldoli C., Calabria A., Canale S., Benedicenti F., Vallanti G., Biasco L., Leo S., Kabbara N., Zanetti G., Rizzo W.B., Metha N.AL., Cicalese M.P., Casiraghi M., Boelens J.J., del Carro U., Dow D.J., Schimdt M., di Serio C., Stupka E., von Kalle C., Bordignon C., Ciceri F., Rovelli A., Roncarolo M.G., Aiuti A., Sessa M., Naldini L. (2013) Extensive Genetic Engineering of Hematopoiesis with Therapeutic Benefit in Metachromatic Leukodystrophy Patients after Lentiviral hematopoietic stem cells Gene Therapy. Science; 341(6148):1233158 36 ACADEMISCH MEDISCH CENTRUM (THE NETHERLANDS) THE RESEARCH UNIT The Laboratory of Genetic Metabolic Diseases of AMC (ACADEMISCH MEDISCH CENTRUM) is a joint Diagnostic and Research laboratory, has strong bonds with different clinical disciplines, notably Pediatrics, (Child)Neurology, Clinical Genetics, and Internal Medicine, and belongs to the Amsterdam Center of Metabolism, one of the spearheads within the Medical Faculty of the University of Amsterdam, at the Amsterdam Medical Center. The laboratory covers the full spectrum of techniques, ranging from metabolite to enzyme and DNA analysis as required for identification of patients suspected to suffer from an inborn error of metabolism. Next to these diagnostic activities the laboratory has a number of research lines of which research on Peroxisomal Diseases is one of the strongest. LeukoTreat Team: Pr. WANDERS Ronald, Dr. KEMP Stephan, Dr. KULIK Wim, SCHACKMANN Martin ROLE IN THE PROJECT Pr. WANDERS Ronald: Overall supervision, expertise on Enzymology, Lipid Metabolism, and Cell Biology Dr. KEMP Stephan with SCHACKMANN Martin: WP3: small compound screening to rescue misfolded ALD protein Dr. KULIK Wim: WP2: metabolite analyses, including lipodomics, using (UPLC-) tandem-MS 37 ACADEMISCH MEDISCH CENTRUM (THE NETHERLANDS) PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Fourcade, S., Ruiz, M., Guilera, C., Hahnen, E., Brichta, L., Naudi, A., Portero-Otín, M., Dacremont,G., Cartier, N., Wanders, R., Kemp, S., Mandel, J.M., Wirth, B., Pamplona, R., Aubourg, P., Pujol, A. (2010) Valproic acid induces antioxidant effects in X-ALD. Hum Mol Genet. 2010 May 15; 19(10): 2005-14 Zhang X., De Marcos Lousa C., Schutte-Lensink N., Ofman R., Wanders R.J., Baldwin S.A., Baker A,. Kemp S., Theodoulou F.L. (2011) Conservation of targeting but divergence in function and quality control of peroxisomal ABC transporters: an analysis using cross-kingdom expression. Biochem J. 2011 Jun 15; 436(3):547-57 Sarret, C., Rigal, M., Vaurs-Barrière, C., Dorbiz, I., Eymard-Pierre, E., Combes, P., Giraud, G., Wanders, R.J., Afenjar, A., Francannet, C., Boesplug-Tanguy, O. (2012) Sjögren-Larsson syndrome: novel mutations in the ALDH3A2 gene in a French cohort. J Neurol Sci. 2012 Jan 15; 312(1-2):123-6 Engelen, M., Tran, L., Ofman, R., Brennecke, J., Moser, A.B., Dijkstra, I.M., Wanders, R.J., Poll-The, B.T., Kemp, S. (2012) Bezafibrate for xlinked adrenoleukodystrophy. PLoS One. 2012 Jul;7(7):e41013 Kemp, S., Berger, J., Aubourg, P. (2012) X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy: clinical, metabolic, genetic and pathophysiological aspects. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2012 Sep;1822(9):1465-74 Engelen, M., Schackmann, M.J., Ofman, R., Sanders, R.J., Dijkstra, I.M., Houten, S.M., Fourcade, S., Pujol, A., Poll-The, B.T., Wanders, R.J., Kemp, S. (2012) Bezafibrate lowers very long-chain fatty acids in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy fibroblasts by inhibiting fatty acid elongation. J Inherit Metab Dis. 2012 Nov; 35(6):1137-45 Engelen M, Kemp S, de Visser M, van Geel BM, Wanders RJA, Aubourg PA, Poll-The BT (2012) X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD): clinical presentation and guidelines for diagnosis, follow-up and management. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. 7(1):51 Aubourg P., Wanders R. (2013) Peroxisomal disorders. Handb Clin Neurol. 2013;113:1593-609 38 UNIVERSITE PARIS DESCARTES (FRANCE) THE RESEARCH UNIT The Laboratory of Medical Ethics (LEM) at the Faculty of Medicine of Paris Descartes University has been developing ethical research on the analysis of practices and patients’ life experience for the last 15 years. Its expertise relies on patients’ rights, integration of patients’ needs in the health care system, and the protection of persons in health care and biomedical research. LeukoTreat Team: Dr. MOUTEL Grégoire, Dr. DUCHANGE Nathalie, Dr. CALLIES Ingrid, Dr. DARQUY Sylviane, LECLERCQ Thomas, LOEVE Boris, LAPOINTE Anne-Sophie, d’AUDIFFRET Diane ROLE IN THE PROJECT Dr. MOUTEL Grégoire: WP5 leader. Coordination of the ethical issues raised by data and samples collections, accessibility of patients to the research, innovative therapies Dr. DUCHANGE Nathalie: Co coordination of the WP5 WP5: Study of patients/families view about the LeukoDataBase WP6 : Dissemination WP7 : Ethical management PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Duchange N, Darquy S, d’Audiffret D, Callies I, Lapointe A-S, Loeve B, Boespflug-Tanguy O. Moutel G. Ethical management in the constitution of a European database for leukodystrophies rare diseases. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2014 Apr 14. pii: S1090-3798(14)00054-3. doi: 10.1016/j.ejpn.2014.04.002 39 THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE (UNITED KINDGOM) THE RESEARCH UNIT The Vet School at the University of Cambridge (CMSUC) is a leading centre in the UK for the study of white matter diseases of the brain. The Karadottir laboratory provides an environment for the work in which patch-clamping is combined with confocal microscopy, and the surrounding groups of Robin Franklin and others offer helpful intellectual input to the work. LeukoTreat Team: Dr. Ragnhildur Thora KARADOTTIR, John Stockley ROLE IN THE PROJECT Dr. Ragnhildur Thora KARADOTTIR: WP2: Using the patch-clamp and immunocytochemical experience, CMSUC studied the effect of NAAG and NAA on oligodendrocyte precursor cells John Stockley: WP2: used immunocytochemical and molecular experience to study the effect of NAAG and NAA on oligodendrocyte precursor cells and myelin PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Bakiri, Y., Karadottir, R., Cossell, L., Attwell, D. (2011) Morphological and electrical properties of oligodendrocytes in the white matter of the corpus callosum and cerebellum. J. Physiol. 2011 Feb 1; 589:559-73 Káradóttir R, Stockley JH (2012) Deconstructing myelination: it all comes down to size. Nature Methods 9(9):883-4 Lundgaard I, Luzhynskaya A, Stockley J.H, Wang Z, Evans KA, Swire M, Volbracht K, Gautier H.O., Franklin RJM., ffrench-Constant C, Attwell D & Káradóttir R (2013). Neuregulin and BDNF induce a switch to NMDA receptor dependent myelination by oligodendrocytes. PLoS Biol 11(12):e1001743 40 UNIVERSITE PARIS DIDEROT – PARIS 7 (FRANCE) THE RESEARCH UNIT Pr. Odile Boespflug-Tanguy has moved to a new institution, Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7. As previously stated, her team aims at studying glial cell interactions during normal and pathological development of CNS. LeukoTreat Team: Pr. BOESPFLUG-TANGUY Odile, Dr. RENALDO Florence, Dr. DORBOZ Imen ROLE IN THE PROJECT Pr. BOESPFLUG-TANGUY Odile: Coordinator of the LeukoTreat project WP1: Supervision of the clinical /molecular expertise of patients provided by the LeukoFrance network WP2: Supervision of the NAA/NAAG analysis in LD patients WP3: Supervision of the mitochondrial targeted cholesterol derivatives in mice Plp1 mutants WP4: Development of gene silencing approaches to treat LDs WP5: Supervision of family/patients recruitments in institutions • • • • • Florence Renaldo (WP1) Davide Ronduti (WP1) Samia Pichard (WP1) Imen Dorboz (WP1) Marie Louise Vendeville (WP5) 41 UNIVERSITE PARIS DIDEROT – PARIS 7 (FRANCE) PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Chouery, E., Delague, V., Jalkh, N., Salem, N., Kfoury, J., Rodriguez, D., Chabrol, B., Boespflug-Tanguy, O., Lévy, N., Serre, J.L., Mégarbané, A. (2011) A whole-genome scan in a large family with leukodystrophy and oligodontia reveals linkage to 10q22. Neurogenetics. 2011 Feb; 12(1):73-8 Labauge, P., Dorboz, I., Eymard-Pierre, E., Dereeper, O., Boespflug-Tanguy, O. (2011) Clinically asymptomatic adult patient with extensive LBSL MRI pattern and DARS2 mutations. J Neurol. 2011 Feb; 258(2):335-37 Boespflug-Tanguy, O., Aubourg, P., Dorboz, I., Bégou, M., Giraud, G., Sarret, C., Vaurs-Barrière, C. (2011) Neurodegenerative disorder related to AIMP1/p43 mutation is not a PMLD. Am J Hum Genet. 2011 Mar 11; 88(3):392-93; author reply 393-95 Grossi S, Regis S, Biancheri R, Mort M, Lualdi S, Bertini E, Uziel G, Boespflug-Tanguy O, Simonati A, Corsolini F, Demir E, Marchiani V, Percesepe A, Stanzial F, Rossi A, Vaurs-Barrière C, Cooper DN, Filocamo M. Molecular genetic analysis of the PLP1 gene in 38 families with PLP1-related disorders: identification and functional characterization of 11 novel PLP1 mutations. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2011 Jun 16;6:40. Bernard, G., Chouery, E., Putorti, M.L., Tétreault, M., Takanohashi, A., Carosso, G., Clément, I., Boespflug-Tanguy, O., Rodriguez, D., Delague V., Abou Ghoch, J., Jalkh, N., Dorboz, I., Fribourg, S., Teichmann, M., Megarbane, A., Schiffmann, R., Vanderver, A., Brais, B. (2011) Mutations of POLR3A encoding a catalytic subunit of RNA polymerase Pol III cause a recessive hypomyelinating leukodystrophy. Am J Hum Genet. 2011 Sep 9; 89(3):415-23 Carra-Dalliere, C., Horzinski, L., Ayrignac, X., Vukusic, S., Rodriguez, D., Mauguiere, F., Peter, L., Goizet, C., Bouhour, F., Denier, C., Confavreux, C., Obadia, M., Blanc, F., de Seze, J., Guennoc, A.M., Sartori, E., Laplaud, D., Antoine, J.C., Fogli, A., Boespflug-Tanguy, O., Labauge, P. (2011) Natural history of adult-onset eIF2B-related disorders: a multicentric survey of 24 cases. Rev Neurol (Paris). 2011 Nov; 167(11):802-11 Sarret, C., Rigal, M., Vaurs-Barrière, C., Dorbiz, I., Eymard-Pierre, E., Combes, P., Giraud, G., Wanders, R.J., Afenjar, A., Francannet, C., Boesplug-Tanguy, O. (2012) Sjögren-Larsson syndrome: novel mutations in the ALDH3A2 gene in a French cohort. J Neurol Sci. 2012 Jan 15; 312(1-2):123-6 Combes, P., Kammoun, N., Monnier, A., Gonthier-Guéret, C., Giraud, G., Bertini, E., Chahnez, T., Fakhfakh, F., Boespflug-Tanguy, O, VaursBarrière, C. (2012) Relevance of GJC2 promoter mutation in Pelizaeus-Merzbacher-like disease. Ann Neurol. 2012 Jan; 71(1):146-48 42 UNIVERSITE PARIS DIDEROT – PARIS 7 (FRANCE) PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Combes, P., Planche, V., Eymard-Pierre, E., Sarret, C., Rodriguez, D., Boesplug-Tanguy, O., Vaurs-Barrière, C. (2012) Relevance of SOX17 Variants for Hypomyelinating Leukodystrophies and Congenital Anomalies of the Kidney and Urinary Tract (CAKUT). Ann Hum Genet. 2012 May; 76(3):261-267 Huyghe, A., Horzinski, L., Hénaut, A., Gaillard, M., Bertini, E., Schiffmann, R., Rodriguez, D., Dantal, Y., Boespflug-Tanguy, O., Fogli, A. (2012) Developmental Splicing Deregulation in Leukodystrophies related to EIF2B Mutations. PLoS One. 2012 Jun; 7(6):e38264 Fogli, A., Merle, C., Roussel, V., Schiffmann, R., Ughetto, S., Theisen, M., Boespflug-Tanguy, O. (2012) CSF N-Glycan Profiles to Investigate Biomarkers in Brain Developmental Disorders: Application to Leukodystrophies Related to eIF2B Mutations. PLoS One. 2012 Aug;7(8):e42688 De Almeida, R., Fogli, A., Gaillard, M., Scheper, G.C., Boespflug-Tanguy, O., Pavitt, G.D. (2013) A Yeast Purification System for Human Translation Initiation Factors eIF2 and eIF2BƐ and Their Use in the Diagnosis of CACH/VWM Disease. PLosOne. 2013 Jan 15; 8(1):e53958 43 FONDAZIONE IRCCS ISTITUTO NEUROLOGICO CARLO BESTA (ITALY) THE RESEARCH UNIT The Istituto Neurologico in Milan is the major public health institution devoted to clinical neuroscience in Italy. The National Neurological Institute (NNI) has a longstanding tradition in the study of genetic neurodegenerative disorders, particularly in disorders of the white matter. This is the result of a fruitful collaborations among different clinical units including child neurology, neurology, neuroradiology, neurophysiology, and laboratories of research and diagnosis. A large number of patients with leukoencephalopathies and leukodystrophies are followed at the NNI. LeukoTreat Team: Dr. UZIEL Graziella, Dr. GENETRINI Silvia ROLE IN THE PROJECT Dr. UZIEL Graziella: WP1: Clinical data collection and biobank management Dr. GENETRINI Silvia: WP1: Clinical data collection and biobank management PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Grossi S, Regis S, Biancheri R, Mort M, Lualdi S, Bertini E, Uziel G, Boespflug-Tanguy O, Simonati A, Corsolini F, Demir E, Marchiani V, Percesepe A, Stanzial F, Rossi A, Vaurs-Barrière C, Cooper DN, Filocamo M. Molecular genetic analysis of the PLP1 gene in 38 families with PLP1-related disorders: identification and functional characterization of 11 novel PLP1 mutations. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2011 Jun 16;6:40 Salsano, E., Tabano, S., Sirchia, S.M., Colapietro, P., Castellotti, B., Gellera, C., Rimoldi, M., Pensato, V., Mariotti, C., Pareyson, D., Miozzo, M., Uziel, G. (2012) Preferential expression of mutant ABCD1 allele is common in adrenoleukodystrophy female carriers but unrelated to clinical symptoms. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2012 Jan 26; 7:10 Livingstone, J., Graziano, C., Pysden, K., Crow, Y., Mordekar, S.J., Moroni, I., Uziel, G. (2012) Intracranial calcification in early infantile Krabbe disease: nothing new under the sun. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. 2012 Apr; 54(4):376-79 Salsano, E., Gambini, O., Giovagnoli, A.R., Farina, L., Uziel, G., Pareyson, D. (2012) Effectiveness of valproate for the treatment of manic-like behavior in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. Neurol Sci. 2012 Oct; 33(5):1197-99 44 UNIVERSITAETSKLINIKUM HAMBURG – EPPENDORF (GERMANY) THE RESEARCH UNIT The Department of Paediatrics of the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf is a clinical centre with longstanding expertise in diagnosis and management of leukodystrophies. It is one of the clinical reference centres for leukodystrophies within the Geman Leukodystrophy Network (Leukonet). LeukoTreat Team: Pr. KOHLSCHÜTTER Alfried, Dr. BLEY Annette ROLE IN THE PROJECT WP1: Clinical Data Management for Germany regarding all leukodystrophy forms with the exception of metachromatic leukodystrophy and Krabbe disease PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Kohlschütter, A., Eichler, F. (2011) Childhood leukodystrophies: a clinical perspective. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics. 2011 Oct; 11(10):1485-96 Kohlschutter A (2011) Evaluating experimental treatment of leukodystrophies. Dev Med Child Neurol 53(9): 781 Groeschel S., Kehrer C., Engel C., Dali C., Bley A., Steinfeld R., Grodd W., Krägeloh-Mann I. (2011) Metachromatic leukodystrophy: Natural course of cerebral MRI changes in relation to clinical course. J Inherit Metab Dis. 2011 Oct; 34(5):1095-1102 45 EBERHARD KARLS UNIVERSITAET TUEBINGEN (GERMANY) THE RESEARCH UNIT The Tübingen department of Paediatric and Developmental Neurology has a special interest in early brain lesions, their epidemiology, and characterisation on a functional and morphological level including advanced imaging and standardized measures for motor and cognitive functions. A second field of interest is the clinical and biochemical characterization of sphingolipidoses, especially Metachromatic Leukodystrophy and Krabbe Disease. Since 40 years a laboratory for enzyme measurements in sphingolipidoses is running. As described above, in the framework of the German Leukonet, nation wide leukodystrophy registry and disease specific data banks for selected leukodystrophies have been established and physically located at the Neuropediatrics Department at the University of Tübingen. LeukoTreat Team: Pr. KRÄGELOH-MANN Ingeborg, BRAUN Silke, GRÖSCHEL Samuel, KEHRER Christiane ROLE IN THE PROJECT • WP1: management of the German clinical data for metachromatic leukodystrophy and Krabbe disease. Management of all biological data for Germany 46 EBERHARD KARLS UNIVERSITAET TUEBINGEN (GERMANY) PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Kehrer, C., Blumenstock, G., Raabe, C., Krägeloh-Mann, I. (2011) Development and reliability of a classification system for gross motor function in children with metachromatic leukodystrophy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2011 Feb; 53(2):156-60 Kehrer, C., Blumenstock, G., Gieselmann, V., Krägeloh-Mann, I, on behalf of the German Leukonet.(2011) The natural course of gross motor deterioration in metachromatic leukodystrophy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2011 Sep; 53(9):850-5 Groeschel, S., Kehrer, C., Engel, C., I Dali, C., Bley, A., Steinfeld R., Grodd, W., Krägeloh-Mann, I. (2011) Metachromatic leukodystrophy: Natural course of cerebral MRI changes in relation to clinical course. J Inherit Metab Dis. 2011 Oct; 34(5):1095-1102 Gieselmann V, Krägeloh-Mann I. Metachromatic Leukodystrophy. In: Raymond G, Eichler F Fatemi A, Naidu S (Ed.) “Leukodystrophies”, Mac Keith Press, London, 2011, p. 130-155 Clas, P., Groeschel, S. (2011) Wie kann man eine Leukodystrophie messen? Journal des Bundesvereins Leukodystrophie. December 2011 Clas, P., Groeschel, S., Wilke, M. (2012) A semi-automatic algorithm for determining the demyelination load in metachromatic leukodystrophy. Acad. Radiol. 2012 Jan; 19(1):26-34 Krägeloh-Mann I; Groeschel S; Kehrer C; Opherk K; Nägele T; Handgretinger R; Müller I. Juvenlie metachromatic leukodystrophy 10 years post transplant compared with a non-transplanted cohort. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2012 Sep 3. doi: 10.1038/bmt.2012.155 Groeschel S; I Dali C; Clas P; Böhringer J; Duno M; Krarup C; Kehrer C; Wilke M; Krägeloh-Mann I. Cerebral gray and white matter changes and clinical course in metachromatic leukodystrophy. Neurology. 2012 Oct 16; 79(16):1662-70. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0b013e31826e9ad2. Epub 2012 Sep 19 Krägeloh-Mann I; Kehrer C; Gieselmann V. Metachromatic leukodystrophy – what is new? Padiatr Croat 2012; 56:115-118 47 EBERHARD KARLS UNIVERSITAET TUEBINGEN (GERMANY) PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Gieselmann V, Wenger D, Krägeloh-Mann I. Metachromatic Leukodystrophy and Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy. In: Mehta A, Winchester B (Ed.), Lysosomal Storage Disorders. John Wiley & Sons, 2012, p. 70-79 Kehrer C; Gröschel S; Kustermann-Kuhn B; Bürger F; Köhler W; Kohlschütter A; Bley A; Steinfeld R; Gieselmann V; Krägeloh-Mann I. Language and cognition in children with metachromatic leukodystrophy: onset and natural course in a nationwide cohort. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 2014, 9:18, 1-9 48 UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES (AUSTRALIA) THE LABORATORY The UNSW Faculty of Medecine takes a strategic view of Research and aims to focus its resources on Brain Sciences as an identified area of research excellence. Dr Klugmann’s lab is situated within the Department of Physiology, and is part of the newly established Translational Neuroscience Facility (TNF), new research development in the School of Medical Sciences. Several collaborating teams are embedded within the facility and their research focus spans from sensory and motor systems to pathophysiology of neurological disorders. A state-of-the-art PC2 environment provides all equipment for molecular biology, biochemistry and histology. An animal facility is in place hosting both animal housing and behavioural testing facilities. A PC2 small animals surgery is available. M. Klugmann is director of the AAV vector core where the latest vector innovations will be manufactured. LeukoTreat Team: Dr. KLUGMANN Matthias, KLUGMANN Claudia, TEAHAN Oria, JONQUIERES Georg ROLE IN THE PROJECT Dr. KLUGMANN Matthias: WP4: Expert at the techniques to be used to study the efficacy of novel AAV vectors with potential to target oligodendrocytes KLUGMANN Claudia: Production of AAV vectors TEAHAN Oria: NMR measurements of NAA and other brain metabolites JONQUIERES Georg: Design and production of AAV variants, characterization of vector tropism, gene therapy in the mouse model, creation of conditional ASPA mutants PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) • von Jonquieres, G., Mersmann, N., Klugmann, C.B., Harasta, A.E., Lutz, B., Teahan, O., Housley, G.D., Fröhlich, D., Krämer-Albers, E.-M., Klugmann, M. (2013). Glial promoter selectivity following AAV-delivery to the immature brain. PLoS ONE. 8(6): e65646 49 TROPHOS SA (FRANCE) THE COMPANY TROPHOS is a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company committed to the discovery and development of innovative therapeutics for neurological, cardiac and hepatic diseases. It was founded in 1999 by a group of entrepreneurs and academic scientists as a spin off of the laboratory of Professor Christopher Henderson, a world expert in motor neuron biology and diseases. The Trophos drug discovery strategy involves the phenotypic screening of small molecules to identify those that confer a survival benefit in models of primary neurons subjected to a pathophysiologically relevant stress. Trophos has identified a new class of compounds targeting mitochondrial dysfunction that confers a survival benefit under stressed conditions. Trophos has considerable experience in drug discovery and development for neurological indications and in particular for orphan diseases such as SMA, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) and HD (Huntington’s Disease). LeukoTreat Team: Dr. BORDET Thierry, Dr. MICHAUD Magali, CHAIMBAULT Corinne, AFXANTIDIS Jean, LONSKI Priska, HOCINE Mélanie ROLE IN THE PROJECT Dr. BORDET Thierry with Dr. MICHAUD Magali: WP3: Coordination of the Trophos’ actions with other LeukoTreat partners. Direct the work to select the compound to be evaluated in the LeukoTreat project. Provide drug compound as food pellets, and to perform pharmacokinetic and toxicology studies CHAIMBAULT Corinne: Direct the work to synthesize drug compound AFXANTIDIS Jean: Direct the work to develop suitable analytical methods, to perform stability studies on drug formulation and to perform bioanalysis in plasma and tissues samples LONSKI Priska: Performance of analytical studies HOCINE Mélanie: Performance of pharmacokinetic and toxicology studies 50 SOLUSCIENCE SA (FRANCE) THE COMPANY Soluscience is a young company founded by two PhD graduates from the Ecole Polytechnique, France. Soluscience is a team of computer specialists, scientists and documentation specialists that develops computer tools to solve various problems (increasing size and complexity of scientific software; spectacular growth of valorization projects; multiplicity of the disciplines and competencies). Soluscience develops the information system LeukoFrance with Professor Odile Boespflug-Tanguy. LeukoTreat Team: Dr. DANTAL Yann , Dr. HAUG Christophe, Dr. DUPLANT Sébastien, LUQUET Sébastien ROLE IN THE PROJECT WP1: Core system resulting from the connection of the existing national reference centers in France, Germany and Italy to collect data at the European level WP5: Core system for ethical research including families access PUBLICATIONS (acknowledged LEUKOTREAT GRANT) Huyghe A, Horzinski L, Hénaut A, Gaillard M, Bertini E, Schiffmann R, Rodriguez D, Dantal Y, Boespflug-Tanguy O, Fogli A. (2012) Developmental Splicing Deregulation in Leukodystrophies Related to EIF2B Mutations. PLoS One. 2012 Jun;7(6):e38264 51 FRANCE EUROPE INNOVATION (FRANCE) THE COMPANY France Europe Innovation (FEI) is a French company represented by Olivier Degrand who proposes assistance and training for all kinds of organizations (Universities, SME, RTD performers…) wanting to take part in European projects partly funded by the European Commission, as coordinator or as partners. FEI ( notably intervenes close to them in the administrative and financial coordination of their projects. LeukoTreat Team: DEGRAND Olivier, CHATARD Delphine, Soline Le Villio ROLE IN THE PROJECT WP6: Dissemination WP7: Administrative and financial co-coordination 52 EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION AGAINST LEUKODYSTROPHIES – ELA THE ASSOCIATION Founded in 1992, the European Association against Leukodystrophies (ELA) is an association of parents and patients. Its objectives are to assist and support families affected by leukodystrophy, stimulate the development of research through the ELA foundation established in 2005 and raise public awareness. ELA is a hyphen between all leukodystrophies and a network of solidarity for families. It is also part of an international network of information and research on the disease through its regular and constructive relations with its counterparts around the world. LeukoTreat Team: ALBA Guy, FAVEAUX Philippe, DURAN Marie-Josée ROLE IN THE PROJECT WP1, WP5 and WP6: Responsible for making the link with European patients, their families and other European associations 53 DISSEMINATION & INTEGRATION PUBLICATIONS & PARTICIPATION TO EVENTS The LeukoTreat partners have published more than 70 scientific publications related to the Project and participated to many events: the annual ELA Families / Scientists Meeting, the International Society for Neuroimmunology Meeting, the Gene Therapy Symposium, the European Pediatric Neurology Society Meeting, to name only a few. For more information and to see the full list of publications and participation to events, please visit our dedicated page on JOIN THE PATIENT DATABASE (LeukoDataBase) One of LeukoTreat main objective was to collect a maximum of LDs data thanks to the LeukoTreat data base (see result 1). Any LD patient and his/her family can participate directly to the advancement of this database by entering themselves their data in the LeukoTreat Database. More information to come on 54 PERSPECTIVES What next for the LeukoDataBase ? The ELA foundation ( will be in charge of managing and developing the LeukoDataBase asof the end of the project. The LeukoDataBase will be used first of all as a European register of patients. It will not only facilitate recruitment of patients but, knowing the high number of a specific form of leukodystrophy, it will have implications on the design and power of a given therapeutic clinical trial. The clinical database will facilitate epidemiological data about the overall number of this group of rare disorders. It will also allow to know more about the distribution of each specific form of leukodystrophy in Europe. The Biological Sample database will offer a repository of biological samples to all the research community in order to accelerate and facilitate functional studies on the different forms of leukodystrophies. Finally, the Mutation Data for each gene known to be implicated in leukodystrophies will give the possibility to integrate the clinical epidemiological data and define the hot spot mutations for each form of leukodystrophy so that it will be easier to implement the diagnostic molecular genetic procedures for this group of rare disorders. The LeukoDataBase is part of a European effort to set up a transnational database for rare diseases (for more information, please visit the FP7 RD-Connect project website: Biomarkers Biomarkers can be useful to pinpoint derangement in molecular pathways of potential value for understanding disease pathogenesis, and can be as well useful for monitoring disease progression or drug effects. Using redox proteomics, we have identified oxidation to proteins as a common marker to X-ALD, MLD, PMD. This has been validated as a marker for X-ALD patients, useful to monitor antioxidant treatments. Lipidomics holds promise in the identification of novel lipidic markers for the leukodystrophies, both for better understanding the disease state, and for monitoring treatment effects. Challenges ahead include the integration of results of several –omic approaches, which will provide the most robust outcomes in terms of disease target identification and relevance for disease understanding. 55 Challenges ahead for pharmacological therapies Funding of the LeukoTreat consortium by the European Community has allowed major progress with respect to current therapeutic concepts for various leukodystrophies, in particular for X-ALD, PMD, and MLD. This includes the systematic screening for molecules with neuroprotective or anti-oxidant/anti-inflammatory activity, molecules that clear misfolded proteins or that enhance protein-translation, and the application to in vitro and in vivo models of prototypic leukodystrophies. Some molecules are under final evaluation for the initiation of preclinical/clinical therapy trials. Importantly, the molecular and cellular pathobiology of all leukodystrophies differs in principle. This prevents therapeutic concepts designed for one particular leukodystrophy from being directly applied to a different leukodystrophy. This makes it very valuable that the therapeutic efficacy of antioxidant dietary supplements has now been demonstrated in models of XALD and PMD. A related proof-of-concept clinical trial for X-ALD has been initiated, and a human clinical trial for X-ALD has been approved. A proof-of-concept clinical trial for PMD will require an additional prior preclinical trial to test the efficacy of a modified active substance with improved bioavailability. The blood-brain barrier is the major obstacle for enzyme replacement therapy in MLD. Preclinical and clinical trials are needed to evaluate the benefit of direct enzyme delivery to the cerebrospinal fluid and the therapeutic potential of less invasive strategies using therapeutic enzyme modified to overcome the blood-brain barrier. While LeukoTreat has emphasized the progression of therapy concepts, it also became evident that further understanding of white matter physiology and pathophysiology will be required to develop rational therapy concepts for the majority of other leukodystrophies. Finally, LeukoTreat has fostered the direct cooperation between basic researchers and clinicians, which will be crucial for the success of the consortium’s common aims also after the end of project. 56 Challenges ahead for Gene & Cell Therapies The proof-of-concept (POC) in mice is now an easy task and can be achieved relatively rapidly. A first challenge is to accelerate the development/translation from POC in mice to clinical trials in LD patients. This requires to evaluate efficiency and safety issues (adverse effects due to overexpression, off-target expression of therapeutic gene) in large animals, in particular non-human primates. This is very costly and requires special platforms. The last challenge is the cost needed to set-up full Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) phase I/III trials. This is not specific to LDs and concerns all inherited rare disorders. It requires partnership with the pharmaceutical industry. Perspectives on Ethical issues In Leukotreat, ethical issues were investigated (i) to achieve a better understanding of patients and families’ expectations and needs regarding the setting-up of the LeukoDataBase, (ii) to promote partnerships between the public (patients and families) and researchers, (iii) to promote best practices in research on rare diseases. Documents such as the LeukoDataBase Charter and Patients’ information documents have been made public to foster knowledge sharing between EU projects. According to the results from the LeukoTreat survey, three directions should be further investigated regarding ethical issues: • The added value of patients’ contribution to the LeukoDataBase should be further evaluated as not enough data were collected during the project lifetime. • More information should be delivered to patients and their families. • There is more work to be done on handling the ethical issues linked to patient recruitment in clinical trials at the EU level, especially regarding communication with the patients and their families. The work was performed in partner countries that have existing national databases. There is a need for an ethical survey, as other countries will join. 57 For more information visit us at 58 59