i Community Restrooms, and BikeMlalk Path to Coyote Creek Park.
i Community Restrooms, and BikeMlalk Path to Coyote Creek Park.
f L it n i _ To: -- i u Il Via: p n It ayor I rt it ptem r 1 , 14 ' Ite Gerri L. Graham- Mejia & Members of the C6ty Council ret M. Plumlee, City Manager From: Corey Subject: Review of the Draft Individual Joint Use Agreement for McAuliffe & Oak Fields & Draft Master Joint Use Agreement wi#h the Los Alamitos Unified School District & D6scussion of Future Individual Lakin, Director of Recreatiorr & Community Services Joint Use Agreements Su T1rYlary: This agenda item presents the Draft Individual Joint Use Agreement for' McAuliffe Middle School Field, Oak Middle School Field, and the revised Draft Master Joint Use Agreement between the City of Los Alamitos and the Los Alamitos Unified , School District. Staff is seeking theoretical approval of these three draft agreements and i direction from the City Council on the negotiations of additional four Individual Joint Usel Agreements for Oak Middle School sites: Gymnasium, Outdoor Basketball Courts,' i Community Restrooms, and BikeMlalk Path to Coyote Creek Park. Recommendation: 1. Review, discuss, alter and theoretically approve the Draft ( ndividual Joint Use Agreement for McAuliffe Middle School Fields; 2. Review, discuss, alter and theoretical(y approve the Draft Individual Joint Use Agreement for Oak Middle School Fields; 2. Review, discuss, alter and theoretically approve the revised Draft Master Joint Use Agreement; and, 3. Discuss and provide direction to Staff regarding the additional four prospective' Individual Joint Use Agreements for Oak Middle School ( Gymnasium, Outdoor Basketball Courts, Community Restroom & BikeNValk Path to Coyote Creek Park. ackgrourad Since 1974, the City of Los Alamitos and Los Alamitos Unified School District (formerly Anaheim Union School District) have had a Joint Use Facility Agreement for one or more School District facilities. Draft McAuliffe & Oak Fields IJUA, MJUA& Discussion of Future IJUAs September 15, 2014 Page 1 of 6 i Expired Agreements Past) Site Term Agreement Revenue Expenses Dates Oak Gymnasium In Oak Fields 25 Perpetuity 1974- City = 1978- 2003 Field Use = 50%/ 50% Maintenance = 100% District Light Use = 100% Water= 100% District 100% Maintenance = 100% District Utilities = 100% District years City Li McAuliffe Fields 10 years 2001- 2011 hts/ Electricit = 100% Cit Field Use = 50%/ 50% Large Field Maintenance = 85% City( Light Use = 100% 15% District City arge Field Water= 50%/ 50% Track/Track Field Maintenance = 100% District Track Field Water= 100% District Li hts/ Electricit = 100% Cit In September 2010, the City and District updated the Master Joint Use Agreement in order to solidify the liability and legal aspect of the Joint Use Facilities and agreed to continue the IJUAs as is, untii they become updated over the next few years. Since then, the Los Alamitos Unified School District and os Alamitos City Working Group has discussed the updating of the Individual Joint Use Agreements and with the recent Field Use and Fee Schedule updates that were implemented January 1, 2014, now is the time to update the IJUAs. Staff from the os Alamitos Recreation and Community Services Department and os Alamitos Unified School District individually and jointly spent the last several rnonths drafting and revising the Individual Joint Use Agreement for McAuliffe Middle School Fieids. On July 21, 2014, the City Councii hosted a workshop on the Draft IJUA for McAuliffe Fields and the Draft MJUA, with some discussion of the future IJUAs. At that time, a future workshop was deemed necessary to further discuss the agreements and provide direction to Staff on how to proceed with the agreements. Discussion The City- District Working Group met on August 26, 2014 and asked Staff to continue moving forward with the next IJUA for Oak Middle School Field, since it looks similar to the McAuliffe IJUA, but provides for the District to maintain that field. It was recommended that the entire Council and Board individually review and provide feedback on the proposed language for these two draft Individual Joint Use Agreements and the draft revised Master Joint Use Agreement before continuing to move forward on the other IJUAs. Below is a summary of the changes to the Draft Individual Joint Use Agreement for McAuliffe Middle School Fields ( Attachment # 1) and Oak Middle School Fields (Attachment # 2), and the Draft Master Joint Use Agreement (Attachment # 3) and the overall changes that may be used for the additional IJUAs that will be drafted next. Attachment # 4 shows an estimated net cost to the City under the proposed IJUAs, if they are structured similarly. Draft McAuiiffe & Oak Fields IJUA, MJUA& Discussion of Future IJUAs September 15, 2014 Page 2 of 6 lndividua! Joint Use Apreements Staff were tasked with rewriting the Individual Joint Use Agreements for Oak and McAuliffe Middle School sites. In total, this includes six different locations that have expenditures for maintenance and revenues from user groups. Before, there were only three IJUAs ( Oak Gym, Oak Field, McAuliffe Fieid) and now three additional IJUAs will be developed for Oak Middle School ( Community Restrooms, Outdoor Basketball Courts, Bike/ Waik Path to Coyote Creek Park). Staff from the City and LAUSD put together what was deemed " fair and equitable" separation of duties, maintenance, costsharing and revenue collection. This allows for 50%/ 50% a split in revenues and expenditures, with each agency being solely responsible for the maintenance of the fields at one site and invoicing the other for expenses and dividing the revenues. Below is a table as above highlighting the Oak Fields and McAuliffe Fields, with the proposed changes based on the new draft IJUAs. Pro osed A reements Site Term Agreement Revenue Expenses Dates Oak Fields In MJUA 5 In MJUA years + ( 2015- 2019) Field Use = 50%/ 50% Maintenance = Light Use = 100% staff will maintain the fields) City 5- yr. possible Water= 50%! 50% Li hts/ Electricit = 100% Cit extension McAuliffe Fields I MJUA 5 In MJUA years possible 50%/ 50% ( District + ( 2015- 2019) Field Use = 50%/ 50% Mainte Light Use = 100% will maintain the fields) City 5- yr. ance = 50%/ 50% ( City staff Water= 50%/ 50% Li hts/ Electricit = 100% Cit extension The City will maintain all of seven acres of McAuliffe Middle School Field ( large fields and track field and track), while the District will maintain all ten acres of Oak Middle School Fieid. The City and District will split the cost of water for all fields as well as any large non- routine maintenance items [ that] will be discussed in advance between the Parties before implementation when possibie" ( Section 4. 1. 2 of the IJUAs). The additionai costs associated with the new IJUAs are: McAuliffe $ 18, 000-$ 20,000 per year (approximately $ 1, 250 is not inc uded in the FY 14- 15 budget) for Oak maintenance and water for track field & track 12, 000-$ 24,000 per year ( none is budgeted in the FY 14- 15 budget) for water Draft Master Joint Use Aqreement The Master Joint Use Agreement ( MJUA) houses the legal language and the broad terms and timeline for all of the Individual Joint Use Agreements. The MJUA was originally agreed to and signed by both entities in September, 2010. Since the MJUA is a five- year agreement with the possibility of a five- year extension, staff is recommending renewing the MJUA at the same time as the IJUAs, so they are all on the same timetable and are renewed together. Draft McAuliffe & Oak Fields IJUA, MJUA& Discussio of Future IJUAs September 15, 2014 Page 3 of 6 A new subsection ( 7. 4) was added by the District to continue allowing "the City to utilize District land next to Oak School which is currently being used a parking lot, sidewalks and piay areas next to the community center as shown on Exhibit B [ of the MJUA]. The City' s continued use is conditioned on the City being responsible for maintaining all the improvements on the property as well as maintaining all insurance and indemnifying the District for any claims arising from the use of the property as long as this agreement is in place." Additionally, a new section in the MJUA ( Section 8. 0) was added to describe the use of the Field Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Funds collected by the City and District to assist in providing funding for rehabilitation of the fields in the future. These " capital direct fees ( previously referred to as the ' per head fee') wiil be co lected and maintained in a separate account ( referred here after as the CIP Fund)" and can be used only for large Capital Projects, like redoing an entire field ( turF, irrigation, etc.). The recommendation is that the CIP Funds should accumulate a minimum balance of 500, 000 before any money is allocated to a specific project, due to the expensive nature of such projects. Project locations will begin with ( in order): 1. 2. Joint-Use Fields ( McAuliffe and/ or Oak Middle School Fields) City of Los Alamitos Fields ( Laurel Park, ittle Cottonwood Park, Orville Lewis Park) 3. District Fieids ( Elementary, Middle or High School Fields in the District) Not alI the funds must be spent on one project and consensus must be reached by the City Council and School Board on which project to fund for the Joint-Use fields, while the City or the District will have final say on the projects that impact the fields each entity owns. However, the District is stili reviewing new language in the revised Civic Center Act that may alter the way the CIP funds are charged and collected, and since the land is owned by the District, both the City and the District must abide by the Civic Center Act on District property. Attachment # 2 is the Draft Master Joint Use Agreement with the recommended language. Future lndividual Joint Use Apr2ements The Individual Joint Use Agreements for the Oak Gymnasium, Oak Outdoor Basketball Courts, Oak Community Restrooms and Oak Bike/ Walking Path to Coyote Creek Park has not been discussed in detail, but Staff would like direction from the City Council on how to proceed. Initial discussions have included that the City will continue to maintain the Oak Bike/ Walking Path to Coyote Creek Park as they currently do. All expenses and maintenance costs are paid for by the City and there are no revenues associated with this IJUA. The Oak Community Restrooms are currently maintained by the District during and imrnediately after school activities and the City maintains them during and immediately after City-allocated times. The District and City both restock the restrooms and provide custodial stafF and supplies for the restroom. It is being recommended to continue this practice going forward. If items are found broken due to vandalism eitner during school hours or during City- allocated hours, the responsible party will be Draft McAuliffe & Oak Fields IJUA, MJUA& Discussion of Future IJUAs September 15, 2014 Page 4 of 6 accountable for repairing/ replacing the broken item( s). As repairs are needed to the facility due to age, it is recommended that the costs associated with the repairs be shared between the City and the District. The Oak Outdoor Basketball Courts are mainly used by the District with only occasional use by the City and the user group National Junior Basketball. With the minimal wear and tear on this outdoor facility, Staff will recommend that the District cover all expenses associated with the courts, except for the lights that the City will maintain. The Oak Gymnasium was recently upgraded and therefore initially will need little maintenance, other than custodial work, which both the City and the District are responsible for during their allocated times. The gymnasium floor should be refinished annually at a cost estimate of $4, 200- 4, 600, so if that expenditure is split between the entities, the City would be responsibie for approximately $ 2, 200 for that project. However, additional costs like utilities and unforeseen maintenance repairs, are unknown at this time and therefore cannot be predicted. Additionally, the revenues for the Oak Gymnasium are currently retained entirely by the City ( approximately $ 20, 000 per year), so dividing that revenue with the District would result in a loss of approximately $ 10,000 annually for the City. Fiscal Impact The fiscai impact for the two Draft Individual Joint Use Agreements ( McAuliffe Fields and Oak Fields) $ 30, 000-$ 45, 000 annually, mostly depending on the water costs for both facilities and extra staff time to maintain the extra acre of turf at McAuBiffe Field. The water costs ($ 12, 000- 24,000) and fertigation ($ 1, 000- 1, 500) at McAuliffe Track Fieid are not currently budgeted in the FY14- 15 budget. ( Since the track and track field are in disrepair, the Public Works Department will continue to maintain those facilities as best as they can, under the current conditions.) There is no fiscal impact for the Master Joint Use Agreement changes, as the CIP Fees were established in the " Facility User Policy and Procedures — Rules and Guidelines". However, the District has indicated that the State regulations for schooi fees will be changing and therefore will likely afFect how the CIP fees are collected in the future. The District is still researching the regulations imposed by the State and will keep the City informed as they decipher the policies. The fiscal impact for the additionai IJUAs ( Oak Gymnasium, Oak Community Restrooms, Oak Outdoor Basketball Courts, Bike/ Walk Path to Coyote Creek Park) vary from no additional impact to a known revenue loss and expenditures increase of approximately $ 12, 500 for the Gymnasium. With no predicable new ongoing expenditures for the restrooms, outdoor courts and bikelwalk path, the variables are within the Oak Gymnasium IJUA. Ranges can vary from $ 0 to $ 12, 500 or more, depending on the direction provided by the City Council and the negotiations with the District of the four Individual Joint Use Agreements. Draft McAuliffe & Oak Fields IJUA, MJUA& Discussion of Future IJUAs September 15, 2014 Page 5 of 6 Submitted By: Approved By: f y Direg Bret M. Plumlee in Corey,L of Recreation & Community Services City Manager Fiscal Impact Reviewed By: Glenn L. Steinbrink Interim Administrative Services Director Attachments: 9. Draft Master Joint Use Agreement 2. Draft McAuliffe Middle School Frelds Individual Joint Use Agreement 3. Draft Oak Midd/e School Fields Individual Joint Use Agreement 4.. MJUA & IJUA Revenue/ Expenditure Differences for City Draft McAuliffe & Oak Fields IJUA, MJUA& Discussion of Future IJUAs September 15, 2014 Page 6 of 6 Attachment 1 DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 1VIASTER JOINT-USE AGREEMENT FOR USE OF SHARED SITES between City of Los Alamitos 3191 Kafslla Avenue Los Alamitos, CA 90720 562) 43]- 3538 Los Alamitos Uuified School District 10293 Bloomfield Street Los Alamitos, CA 90720 562) 799- 4700 THIS MASTER JOINT-USC AgreemenY') is betwee made as of fhe AGR day EMENT of FOR USE OF SHAR D SITES 2014 ( Lhe` Bffective Date") by and the L,OS ALAMITOS 1JNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT(" DistricC"), a California public school district duly organized and existing under Chapter I of Division 3 of Title 2 of Che California Educarion Code and the CITY OF LOS ALAMITOS, a C lifornia chzrter city CiYy"). Collectively, the District and the City shalL be refcrred to herein as the " Parties" and individually as a" PaRy". Page 1 of 19 57296-0OOIA1066103v6. doc DRAFT A OF 9/ 9/ 14 RECITALS A. California Education Code Secrion 10900 et s. authorizes and empow rs school districts to cooperate wifh public agencies in organizing, promoting and conducfing jaint programs of recreation as well as educaUon. B. California Govemment Code Section 6500 eY s. ( the " Joint Powers Law") provides that two or more public agencies may, by agreement, jointly exercise any power common to the confraeting parties. C. Pursuant to the Joint Powers Law, the District and the City are each public agencies and are authorized and empowered to contract for the joint exercise of powers. D. The District and City wish to share with each other the use of their separaYely owned property ( collectively " fhe Property") for the common general edueational and recreatianal objeetives of flie eoxnmw ity and to jointly accomplish various projects related to the improvement and use of the Property. E'. The purpose of this Agreement is to establish a framework seTting forth the basic terms applicabte to the Parties' joint use of td e Property. ' I'he District and tt e Ciry aeknowledge thaE this Agreement is being enterett into by eaeh Party, as a courtesy between public agencies and for the mufual benefit of each. F. It is the desire of the Dishict and the CiLy, upon the express terms and conditions set forth in this AgreemenY, to urilize the Individual Joint Use Agreements for the mutuat benefit and use of eacl Party, pursuant Co tl e terms set forth herein. NOW TI-1: REFORG, in consideration of the Parties' performance of the promises, covenants, and conditions sfated herein, tl e Parties hereto agree as follows: Intenrionally Lefl Blank) Page 2 of 19 59296-0001\ 1066103vG.doc DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 AGREEMENT 0. 0 DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms nean: 0. 1 " Annual ( ommitYee": the oommittee created pursuant to Section 6. 0 of thie AgreemenL. 0. 2 " 0. 3 "< Donatiun": any gift, present, or conYribution of any monetary value, including those from user groups, except Government Grants, received by either party that is related to a Site or its use pursuant to any Individual Joint Use AgeemenY. iovernmenYGrant": a monetary gra it Prom any local, state or federal governmenTal entity. OA " lndividuaL Joint Use AgreemenY' or" IJUA": a y separate agreement entered into Uy Yhe Parties to govern the joint use of a specific Site. lA 0. 5 " Owner": the Parcy who owns a parCicular Sife. 0. 6 " Site": a specific properiy and iTe associated Pacilities subject to tt is Ageement. CIVIC CENTER AC1'. The District may identify any Site it owns as a" Civic Center" pursuant CducaYion Code Secrion 38130 to et s. (" Civic Center AcL"). Subsequent Eo identification as a Civic CenTer, the use of any such Site musY comply with the provisions of the Civic Center Act Co the extent Yhe property is ander the control of the DisYrict To tl e extent permitted by] aw, and regardless of wl eTher the Site is designated as a Civic CenCer, Yhe Parties ehaLl charge a fee for its ase, as set forth in the lndividuat Joint Use Agreements, fo organizations or persons other fhan the Parties to cover expenses oP Yhe paRicuLar aetivity or service conductetl on fl e Sife. 2. 0 TERM OF THE MASTER JOINT USE AGREEMENT. commence upon the Effecrive This AgreemenY sl all ate, and remain in effect for five ( 5) years. The Parties may upon mutual wriCien ageement extend the term for an addiEional fve( 5) years. Each Individual Joint Use Agreement shall contain a separate provision setting forfh Lhe term for that IJUA. 3. 0 EARLY TERMINATION OP' AGREEMENT. 3. 1 ] n the evenY of unforeseen circwnstances, either Party may terminate this Agreement or any or all UIlA' s upon six ( 6) months written notice to the ofher Party. For these purposes, " unforesce circumstances" means dire flnancial co ditions for either PaiTy, City or District loss of revenuc or funding, or Yhe tenninating Party' s need for the exclusive use of the faciliLy or Site idenrified in the IJUA, 3. 2 Notwithstanding the foregoing, in order Eo maximize any applicable Government Grant fund requirements, the Parties may agree to extend or otherwise waive any ternrination right, upon mutual approval by Yhe Parties' respective governing boards However, should the Page 3 of 19 57296-0001A1066103v6. doc DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 CiYy seek a grant for purposes o9' use on the District' s properiy, the City will first receive approva] fo aeek and nse t e Grant on the District' s proper[y from Ehe District. d in- h- fta 51 e" ia}; eet re e ea two,. t,: ly-f a.- yan e- n-« r,., itr-lkat- shc,-,.,.`^ o,.«„ a,,, rn n .,,«--:, rpesc^,. n- fkE- Ra:".;,-,...'• a,,.,..- p- Ek' - tMe s'. r,;,-"°Pa 3 i„-,..« ibY'', s t Y- 4. 0 EMERGENCY NELD. Nothing in tliis Agreement or any UUA shaLl ] imit either Ownet' s right to make unlimited use of all or any portion o1' its Sifes during an emergeney. Por purposes of fhis Agreement, an emergency is any circumstance or event thaf tl e Owner deems to pose an actual or potential danger to life or properry. SA INDLVIDUAL JOINT USE AGR 51 EMENTS. Descriptions of each individual joint use project are seC forth in tl e IJUA' s attached hereto as Exl ibif A. To the extent that any provision in aziy o f the IJUA' s conflicts with any provisiou in this Agreement, this Agreement shal] prevai] unless modifications are mutually agreed upon in each IJUA. 5. 2 Upon the effecrive date of this AgeemenP, Ehis Agreement shall govern the following[ JUA' s and property identified tl erein: 5. 21 Individual Joint Use AgreemenT, No. 1, for tt e McAuliffe Fields. 5. 2. 2 Individual Joint Use Agreement, No. 2, Por the Oak 5. 2. 3 Individuai JoinE Use Agreement, 5. 2A Individual Joint Use AgreemenY, No. 4, for the Oak Outdoor Basketbatl ields o. 3, for the Oak Gymnasium. Courts 5. 2. 5 [ ndividual Joint Use Av.,, reement, No. 5, for the Oak Com nw ity Reshooms 5. 2.6 Individual Joint Use Agreement, No. 6, far the Oak BikelWalk Pat1i to CoyoYe Creek Park 5.3 The Parties may enter into addi6onal IJUA' s, a d any such IJUA' s shall be subject to all provisions in this Agreement as if expressLy stated in that IJUA. 6. 0 ANNUAL- C- 104fV1 1' S's MEETING. The Parties shall estabk4s4ia-sotn kt€g- tameef amivally Eo discuss issues regard'u g the Sites, this Ageement, and the IJUA' s, includ'n g, buf not limited to, scheduling, repairs, and maintenance of the Sites. D$-- 1^""`"'°° a3kies- u.. o,,..,.,.:..., b. a w. ..,, I M o-.,- n.. ._,. p i5cd- 6f- 1—, , its{3ecH ve- tt2}}}- E.,,,..° Page 4 of 19 sn9a 000 toeeto3 e. doc 9fr.,. a... et We H-{} T„.--",.o n:,.«_;«-&. aperi331a„ o, a.,. g.----- - o.,. Formatted: Nobulletsornumberin9 I DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 a3tet 4e Ei.fyy'14 Ek- a- ag ,.-,:„« mo w,. ao.. . w,. i ao o., ,. n„.,, cr. m.-,---,., r« e„. w„- e.--.., e iik eeerrtiaiE& @e- w 17- t7- 0 7. 0 OWNERSHIP OF THE SIT S FACILITY FURNISHINGS AND Formet. ted: — NO ndedlne EQUIPMENT. k 7. i Each Owner shall retam ts existing and any land, building, or mprovement existing thereon buiiets IJUA. No past, present, or future use of any of t6e ownership mterest effectroe as of the eoid Sites pursuant to in and to its date of the Sifes^;.Formansa: Fonv: applicable Agreement sha11 be equipment installed or this Formatted: 'ir dena Firs¢ une: os",No or moermg interpreted as conveying any ownership or other property interests in any of the Sites. 2_ _ trade Personal property,_ Z 7. fixtures,,fumishmgs, or Formet ed: _.F«, e: eom placed on a Site by a Party after the effective date of the applicable IJUA shall remain that Party' s separate 3_ Upon the properCy. 7 eoid shall bmiea 90 _ _ e iration or remove from the Site Eermination of an IJI1A,_the_ Party who personal property, trade fixtures, its is_ not the furnishmgs, or equipment or longer by mutual agreement of the parties or else such personal property, left__ fixhires, furnishings, or equipment shall become the sole properry of the Owner. If a Party removes any personal property, trade fixtures,fumishings or equipment from a Site of wl ich it is noY the Owner, tliat Party must retum to its original condition Yhat portion of the Site affected days Owner^.,Formaned: For r. within Forma " tea: t wwenc F rs ime: trade ornum6enng, 5", Tabstops: . os°,No by such removal. 7. 4 TLie Dist7ict aerees to conYinue to allow the Citv fo utilize Distriet Iand 1ext to Oak Schoot which is current beine used as parking tot sidewalks a, ndpl areas next. to tl e communit center as sl own on xhibit B. Tl e Cit ' s continued use is conditioned on the Citv bClRg res onsible for all, insurance and inderrmif as mainEainin all tl e iin rovemenES on Ehe ro in the I} istrict for eri as weil as maintai an claims arisina from the use of Lhe ro in erf lo as tl is aere mentis in nlace. Pormatted: Body Text Flush Char S: 8 8. underline meermy 0 PROJECT FUNIDING AND CAPITAL joint use set forth of any Site is to be 1 i the COSTS. The terms under which terms for sharmg any associated capital costs shall ap licaUle I. s. any CapiCal Direct Fees aec- sssd-assessed to tiJA' However, funded and the the=-.,,.--Farmatted: No be rormatted: rvo` bmiea or o users____ rmatted: Noc n 9nu9nr will be control ed by this MJUA+. d to as buiiets after numbedng 1 8., the " per P Any head as the CIP The capital fees fee Fund) that can are to wllected for fee") will be collected be be repoRed paid to the ihe purpose of and maintained capita] direct fees( previously in a separate accounf (referred the Goveming Board or CSty the property being rented out fhrough fl on regularly to entity who owns referred FOrmatted: --{ Font: eo here pormateea:' mdent F rst une: o. e rrormatCetl: Not eontrol ed by Formatted: For, t: ..= by fhe I os Alamitos Formatted: - Nor n gni Highliqht Ose of Facilities process for which the fee was col e ted.8. 3 &_2 alow Facility and and when Che Capital Direct Fee is Proeedures- Rules and eoia User gne Unified School DistricY Board and the CYy of Los Alamitos City Policy Council. Page 5 of 19 5729&0001 V 066103vb. collected Guidelines" as approved will be s", rvo Counctl , o { DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 8. 3 The CIP Pund for both enYities will be maintained under the folLowing guidelines: 8. 31 Tlie fees collected by the City and the District, will be placed into a CIP Fund that will only be used on major field conshucriou/ upgrades. This Fund will not provide for or be used for any ongoing maintenance or normaL repairs by either entity. 83. 2 The two CIP Funds together musf have accwnulated a combined minimwn balance of$ 500,000 before any money is allocated W any specific projects. The Fund Balance will be sl ared at ali CiYy- School DisCricC Working Group Meetings, at the biaanual Communiry Sports Board Meetings, annually at a Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Commission meeYing and annually during the budget process for both the City and District or as requested by City Council or District Board of Edueation Members. 83. 3 50Q000 balance, Once the combined C ty- School CIP Fund balances have District reached begin Che minimum .,,,-{- Working Group may developing priaritizing field CIP projects. Once the minimum balance has been reached in the CIP Punds, CIP Project suggestions will be listed and submitted to the City Manager and District Superintendent and/ or his/ her designee in January annually in priority order by community organizations including: the Community Sports Board, City Staff, District Staff, Parks, RecreaLion and Cultural .4rts Commission, District Booster Clubs, Ciry Council Members, and District Board of Education Members. City and District Staff will collect and compile the suggestions and submit them to the Ciry-School Districf Worldng Group. The City- School Dish ict Working Group will prioriri.,e the projeet( s) and forward a w iform recommendation to the City Council and District Board of Educarion for approval and funding allocation. the and 8. 3. A C[P Projects considered for funding shouLd be u6lized in the following order and repeated in the same order. Only by decision Hy-of both the Los Alamitos Cify Council and Distriet Board of Fducation sNotrld- shall the order change or be altered. One or multiple projects may take piace within a year, in consecutive years or may skip years,, depending upon Ehe funding available, but will always follow the project order listed below: Project# 1: Joint-Use Fields Pro,ject# 2: City of Los Alamitos Fields Project# 3: Disri icE Fields 8. 3. 5 Not all of the CIP Funds need to be spenY on one specific project or in any given year. Fu 1ds can contin e to accumulate w til enough money is collected for ] arge- scale Capita]) projects. When a Joint- Use Field projecE is on Cl e schedule,} etl- the Los Alamitos Ciry Council and District Scl oo] Board must both agree on a project for the field, before it receives funding for the project In the years that a Cify- owned field is ready for its project, the Los Aiamitos CiYy Council will havea ave tlae- final anproval of the project and in Ehe years that a Page 6 of 19 s 29e- 000nwee os a. ao '' POrmattetl: Not Highlight Formattad: tnden F rstn e i_ _ DRAFT A5 OF 9/ 9/ 14 Dishict-owned field is ready for its project, tl e District Board of Education will have final approva] of the project. 9: 8 9. 0 DONATIONS. All Donations received specific to one of the Party' s sites under-._= by the recipient. However, if YI1B ( IOttdhOri will in any way affect the landowner Pazty' s physical property or financially impact Yhem in any way, then the approval, acceptance and usage of U e donation must be received from Che landowner Party prior to acceptance of the donation. this agreement, 9:0 l0A shall be used as deemed appropriaTe GOVERNMENT GRANTS. An y-----Government received b --------_...Grant.......... -Y either . _ . ._. PartY_...- Formetted: No aed e Formatted: No bulleYS or numbering Formattea: No oaedine Formattea: No aedioe sl all be used in aecordance with the terms and provisions of that gant. i 9 11. 0 IMPROVEMENTS. Eitherparty may request to make improvements to any Site_.- thaf is subjecY of an IJUA between the Parties and is owned by the other Party in accordance with the co ditions eet forth in this Section. 3-1- 1 improvements 111_ The requesting requested- unless Party_shall otherwise be respons determined and ble_for all_costs assoctated_witl agreed to in writing in 3dVdnCC any: ;.-{ I1y ' hOtll P21YiCS. I- 3 formattetl: Indent Pirst Iine. 0. 5", No bullers ar numbering 13..2 The landowner Party shall have the right Yo review and approve_all project .planning, design and construction, and shall have final approvat of all contracts and sehedutes related to any requesLing ParCy' s improvements. T Y-2. 3 FOrmaned: w e: eoid 11. 3 - - The landowner - Party' s Governing_I3oard must approve all building plans ,.._= rorma eea. eonr. eow Forn, a d: For r. eaa and construcrion plans for every requested improvement in advance. i 4 i1. 4__ The_ tandowner Party' s Chief Executive_ must approve_ in vendars and contractors employed by the requesting Party for improvements. - I F3 Yfl. S_ All consfruchon services advance for the requesting_Party improvements shall all,_.-{ POrmattetl: Font: eold be,,._--- Formattea: Font: soid performed by a properly licensed architect, engineer, contracYOr, or inspector. All eonsfruction management services shall be provided by a Iicensed contractox, architect or engineer, and shall comply wiEh all public works labor requirements, including the payment of prevailing wages, as required of school districts under state law and as approved by the required State agencies. 3-1: 6 fl1. 6 A71 contractors and subcontractors, and their employees_and agents who ,..- enter onto a DistricY Site for any reason or at anytime subscribed herein, shall submit or have submitted their fingerprints, wiCliout exception, as proscribed by F,ducation Code SecYion 45125. 1. Prior to the issuance of keys to any third party, including contractors and snbcontracYOrs, the Disfrict and the Ciry shall each require said third party, eontraetor or subcontractor to acknowledge that he/ she has been informed fhat Califomia Penal Code § 469 provides that any person who" knowingly makes, duplicates, causes to be duplieated, or uses," or atte npts to do same, or possesses any key to a public building, wiehout auYhorization and with l owledge of Cl e lack of such autliorization, is guilty of a misdemeanor; and ThaE said third party, contractor or sub- contractc r fvrther specifically aclmowledges tl at he/ she shall be responsible for any such duplication or unauthoiized use of said keys, whatsoever. Page 9 of 19 S 7296-000 t U 066103 vb.d oc Formatted: ro r eom DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 1-3:9 . 12A UTILITY COSTS. otherwise spec i3 121 wafer, and gas SiCe fied in the UUA' shall present invoice must 1 3: 2 telephone Electricity, actuat usage be the other paid wiUtin 12 2 costs Water, the IJUA' s shall Gas. Each uld Site in each Each party to the SiYes and shall shall use of electrical, be follows shared as unless-, - a share oP pay tlie Site. water, and the electrical,+-,.- The Owner of gas usage and the " nded ne Formatcea: eont aad, No be responsible utility bills direcfly be_responsible for for its_ sepazaCe_ use of _.- to the service provider. ode u e wrma rea: mde e eirse iioe. os^, No o iiecs or o m such noq nderrne __ . Formattea: rronr: eoid, No dedir eormattedc No ur derii re collecho i of garbage at_ its ,.-- SIteS. I Formanea: No Formatted: No shall sucb pay Party to its proportion Pa ty with an invoice for thirty( 30) days of receipt. Trash. Each Owner 123 for Formanea: No u iieM o o meermg Tetephone. service provided i-:3 for Utihty s. Formatted: Fooe: eo d, No u aed, e Pormattetl: No ur derline 1-38 13. 0 services VIAINTENANC for the Sites shall be Cleaning, shaced in repair,_ mainSenu ce, accordance with a d all c other Yhe applicable provisions set stodial -_,.- forth in the " Format d: ruo weri e Formatted: No bwie s w o mne rg UtJA' s. I 4:0 . 1 l. 0 USE SCHEDUI.ING. The D City, develop_._-and admini.sYer Che scheduling for use of the Sites unless otherwise mutually agreed in the strict shall, m conjuncEtou with the Formattea: No undedirre applicable INA. 5.9 15A 3 OI SIT S. USE Each Site I5. 1_ Formattea: No undedine be shall used To the purposes to the extent that such and community for maintenance, Site, repair, or use of the maximum does wh ch extent possible not mterfere with les schedti shall for boU schoolw_,,.- the Owner s- schedules have prionLy over any " Formatted: Fo r. eoid Formet or use of _ d: iodeoe: F rst uoe o. s^, No b uea umbe oq the Site by Che Party who is not its owner, unless otherwise specified in an DUA as specified in Section 5. The Parties 15. 2 shall utilize ti e. Sites. m_ conformance_witl all applicable,__--{ rormaetea: Fo c eom Federal, state, and local laws, as well as any applicable admmistrafive regulations and policies adopted by either Party. i3: The Parties T53 I shall old any third party user who fails to comply_ witl__.- Fwmattea: Fonr. soid established guideli ies] iable to pay for all damage.s caused thereby to tl e Site. i5: 4 15.4 D sputes u lder this section shall be resolvedpursuanC to Sectrons 24.2 and .- FormaHea: Fooi: eom 7A. 3 of this Agreement. 3-. s., 15.5 Advertising on any__SiYe shall be u accordance with H e policies,...- Fo. ma tea: Fonr. eaa establiehed by the Owner' s governing body. 1dr.9 of fl6. 0 any fields F1ELD USE• PRIORITY• ALLOCATION owned by fhe DistricL shall be subjecC to the PIS S AND PL'RMITS DistricYs Schedule of The Use, and Field Scl edule, which shall be subject to annual review and revisions, unless othe wise specified in an INA as specified in Section 5. Page 8 of 19 57296-0001AI O6fi103v6_doc rmatted: No undedine use ,;- Charges, Field '' t----- rrormattea: No buoets or numbenng DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 n Y7. 0 INDEMNIFICATION. 17 I employees sl all the omissions on No be Part or responsible wrmatted: No undedme an y_ _ of te officers, for any damage part of another Party under or 2 enYS, volunteere, or liability in connection with occurring by any confractors, or---- reason of obligation any acfs or delegated to '' FormatCetl; Font: Bold pormaerea: mdenc Fir ci r, e 0. 5", Nobullets oroumbe in9 the Parties under fhis Ag eemenY. Fach Party shall indemi ify, defend and hold harmless tl e other party, its officers, agenis, volunYeers, conYractors, and employees from any and all] iability, loss, expense( including reasonable aYtorneys' fees and other defense costs), or claims imposed for damages of a iy natore wl atsoever, including but not limited tq bodily injury, death, personal injury, or property damage occun ing by reason of any acts or omissions on the paM of the Party' s own officers, agenYS, contractors, or employees nder or in connection with any obligatirni delegated to such Party under this Agreement. This indemnity shall survive termination of this Agreement 37. 3 19. 2 hach Party agrees To require all_third party orgamzations that it authorizes_.,- rormattea: Forn: eow to use or enter ti e Site to execuTe a documenY sYaring the following: Naine Organization] ag ees W l harmless, defend, indemnify Lhe Los Alamitos Unified Scl ool DisEriet and fhe CSLy of L, os Alamitos, their respecfive of Board members, agents, old oFficers, employees and a---- Formatted: mdeoe: i. ere: os^, Flnt o e: o^ and represenfatives against all acCions, claims, or demands Por injury, death, loss or damages, regardless of fault or cause, by anyone whomsoever arising out of fhe use of or aceess to the Site Imown as ( List Site Name: by( List name of organization: except where such injury, deaYh, loss, or dunage was solely due to The willfiil acts or omissions of the Los AlamiCos Unified School District ar- or the City of Los Ala nitos, and/ or fheir respecrive Board members, agents, officers, employees and representatives). 17. 3 Tort r'-,? iabilify jointly agreement as Government Code Section 895 2 imposes Liability upon public agencies solely by defined in Government Code Section 895. between Chemselves, pursuant being reason of such public agencies certain tori .--{{ parties to an ,,,{ Therefore, fhe Parties hereto, as ' to the authorization confained in Government Code Sections 895. 4 POrmatted: Font Bold, No underline pprmattetl: No underline Formetted: tndene Fo-stnne: os', No ewiets w numnednq and 895. 6, each assumes the full liability imposed upon it or any of its officers, agents, representatives or employees by law for injury caused by a negligent or wrongful act or omission occurring in the performance of this Agreement, to the same extent that such liabiliYy would be imposed in Yhe absence of Govemmenf Code Section 895. 2. To achieve this purpose, each Pa 2y indemnifies and holds harmless fl e other Party for any loss, cost, or expense, including reasonable aCtorneys' fees that may be i nposed upon or incurred by suc6 other Party solely by viriue of Govemment Code Section 895. 2. 1$: 8 fl$. Q INSURANCE. fl8-§ 18. A rmattetl: NOUndedine- Pormatted: No builets w numbering limiting shall tl e General [ indemnification provide insurance nsurance and provision and maintam, programs set Requirements: and forCh in shal] this during require Section. eacl oP the term of this the IJUA' s, without Agreement Yhe Parties _. Formattea: Fo r eom, No m,der me ' rmatted: Indent I. eft their Each Page 9 of 19 57296-0001\ 1066103v6. Aoc For subcontractors Parry' s insurance to shall mainYain, be primary Yhe Eo . ,,,, ' mber,,,g rbrmattea: No derime 0 5", No bulletr or DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 and not contributing with any other insurance or self-insurance progams maintained by fhe oLher Pat2y, and shall be provided and maintained at the insured Party' s own expense. i Insurance Coverage_ Requirements _ For 3 . 18. 2„ shall maintain the following 3-$ b l- following, 1fl. 2. 1 Qeneral d naming the a progams of Party okher insurance each_of Liability_insurance as an addiYiona] the IJUA' s, each Party _-- coverage: Foro, attea: rvnc: eom, rvo FOr limits with of not less than the-,.= insured: derur, e nde ime wrma rea: e«, t: eoid Fo. ma ma: iwe T F s rne: i.u°, No buliets w numbering eneral Aggregate: 10 million Per Occurrence Limit: a.. not less than $ owned,"" 1 hired" ti 18. 2. 2 Aatomobile million for each and" non- owned Liability insurance Such insurance aecident $- 5 million vehicles, or coverage with shall for" any a limit melude liability of coverage for oP+_„-all ' wrmattea: Font: som wrmauea: mdenc F r¢ i e: a. zs, No e ne s or n mned g auto" 4: 3:3 IS 2 3 Workers Con pensatuwn and fimployers' Liabd ty insurance.._.providing workers compensation benefits, as required by fl e State of California, and for which Fmmettea: Font: sad eac0 of the Parties' contractor and/ or subcontractors shall be responsible. This insurance shall include Employers' Liability coverage with limits of not less tkian Che f'ollowing: Each Accident: 3 insurance, each of and 18. 3 Ev denee ins or self- the IJUA' s. rance, Such of lilsurance: Eacl Party other Parties satisfactory to-the evidence shall 1 million ideiltify the --{- FOrmattea: Fonr: eoid, rvo„ ' Formattea: tnd Individua] JoinE Ose Agreement - or n mner nq prior applicable IeYEer to commencing services wider shalt provide a Yhe required coverages, and provide Yl at the other Parties receive written or certi& cate of notiee by mail FOrmaeeea: No at d rime c Flrsr u e: o. e°, No bmiees ndedme least Uvrty( 30) days in advance of cancellation for all required coverages. I R: 4 used, it 15. 4 be shall Insurer Financial RaEings provided by ui and insurance company Self Insurance: If wiih an commercial A.M. 6est rating of not insurance is ._. Formattea: r-ooe: eoid, No untlerline Iess than A- '-- Formattea: No deruoe VII, or as otherwise nmtually agreed to by the Parties. In] ieu of coimnercial insurance, each Party sl al] retain tl e rigl t to seif-insure al7 or any portion of ies u sw ance obligaLions herein. I iR-9 other of any 1&. 5. Notification accident or meident of Incidenfs relating to its Claims use of or Swts: Each Pa ty the Site pursuant to this must notify the Ageement, which . = '-{ rrormateea: Font: eom, No underune POrmatCetl: No underllne involves injury or propeity damage which may resulf in the filing of a claim or lawsuit against any of the Parties, and, of any actual third party claim or lawsuit arising from or related to services under Yhis Agreemenf. 9:d6 19. 0 NON- DISCRIMINATION. IJiJA' The Parties agree that in provid ng_use of the Sites __= hiring of stafY; and the selection and use of volunteers, 2II p0i'90US will be treated equally and without regard to or because of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, age, sexua] orientation, marita] status or disability, and in compliance with all anri- pursuant to tl e s, the discrimination laws of the United States of America and the State of California. Page 10 of 19 s 29e 000nioee os e. auc rmateed: Ho deruoe Pormett2d: No bulleCS or numbering DR4FT AS OF 9/ 4/ 14 O: dd Z0. 0 REVIEW AND MODIFICATION PROCESS. Each Party shall designate a representative as the contact ] iaison in connection witU any and all issues pertaining to Yhis Agreement. The terms and conditions of tl e Ageement may be revised or atnended in writing as may be necessary from time to time and as mutually agreed by the Parties provided that any Formattea: NO ..-- derune such amendment is consistent with the original intent of the Agreement. 3.$ 1. 0 NOTICES. 1: 1 FOrmattetl; NOUnderllne 1, oGces shall be personally_delivered or delivered by United reYUm receipt requested, or by reputable document delivery service that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery. Notices delivered by mail shall be effective at 5: 00 p. m. on the second calendar day following dispatch. Notices personally delivered or delivered by document delivery service shal! be effective upon receipt. Notices sl all be delivered to the Parfies at the following addresses: States Mail, Notice: postage prepaid, To District ceri ified, Formattetl: Pont: Bold, No underlirie { Formatted: Indent: Flrs[ Iir e: . '•, lor n mbedn9 Formattea: No ur d iine _ Los Alamitos Unified School DistricY 10293 Bloomfield Street Los Alamitos, CA 90702 Attn: DepuYy SuperinYendent With a copy fo: Te7ephone: ( 562) 799- 4700 Facsimile: ( 562) 999-0711 Afkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud and Romo 12800 Center Court Dr., Suite 300 CerriCOS, CA 90703 Attn: Andreas C. Chialtas, Esq. Telephone: ( 562) 653- 3200 Facsimile: ( 562) 653- 3333 To CiEy: CiLy of Los AlamiYOs 3191 Katella Avenue Los AlamiCOS, CA 90720 Attn: City Manager TeLephone: ( 562) 4313538 Facsimile: ( 562) 493- 1255 With a copy to: Cary S. Reisman_.. City AGC>rney Wallin, Kress, Reisman& Kranifz, LLP 2800 28th St., Suite 315 Page ll aF19 57296-OOOIU066103v6. doc Formateea: rvoc w9no9nc 5", Nobullets DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 Santa Monica, CA 90405- 6201 Telepl o le: ( 310) 450- 93$? 9586 Facsimile: ( 310) 450- 0506 fl 1. 2 update ".,- supervisory thaY may 2^ Emergency a'•° be each Suah i stafE u6lized Zb0 othe' s Contact. Nurnbers: after sformation in the event of a l ours nust Tl Parties e will include emergency provide and iuformat contact emergency on contact numbers for Formatted: Fooc: eom, No penodically:,;,--- for appropriate =,, facilities ' other Formattea: md or o m community emergency. PARTY FMPLOYEF.S. ode r e aceea: FO m No dedme 1 e: Fir e r e: os^, No boners rm9 Formatt`— ed. N u der ine Formatted: No bullets or numbering_ 2, 1 33employed m the Distuct For mployees: performance of services Q--u _ oses of this A reement, all p ersons _ funetions for District shall be deemed District '.-- and employees and no DistricY employees shall be considered as an employee of the CiCy, nor shall such District em P lo Y ees have an Y Cit Y P ension, Formatted: iont: Bold, No undedine Formattea: No dxi, e Formatted: indene: Firse line: 0. 5", civil service, or other status while an em P lo Y CC No bullels or numbering of the District. 3 3 22. 2 _ City Hmployees: For pur} oses_oFthis Agreemeut, all persone employed m functions for the CiYy shall be deemed Ciry employees and no Ciry employee shall be considered as an employee of the District, nor shalt such Ciry e loyees have any District pension, civil services, or other status while an employee of the Ciry. :-- the performance of services and 23:8 23. 0 MISC rormattea: Foor. eom, rvo rmaeeea: No LLANEOUS. Formatted No undedine _ Formatted 3- 23. 1. Agreement, each Attomeys'_ Pees; Pariy shalL bear its naerii e r, derime Litigation: Ii fees own atYOrneys' fhe event of a dispute under Yhis No bullets or numbering f Formattetl Font: eold, No underline and costs. FOrmanea: mde t F r t i e 0. 5", No bullets or numbering 33. 3 Use Agee 3. 2 nenY, fl MediaEion. Parties e shall In the evenY any dis ufe meeC and confer with arising the terms under the objective of resolving of Yhis Joint quch ' dispuYes ,,{ within seventy-iwo ( 72) hours of il e requesY of either Party. lf, within seven calendar days, or such loizger period as may be agreed upon by the Parties, the dispute cannoE be resolved by fl e RepcesenCatives Yo the Parties' mutua] satisfaction, tl e Parties shall muCUally select a mediator, pormanca: No oderima FOrmaeea: Fo t aom, no Forma tea: rvo dedme dedm_ who is a respected professiona] with expertise in tl e area of the dispute, to facilitate the resolntion of the dispuEe. [ f El e parties are unable to agree on a mediator, the mediation shall be conducted in accordance with Lhe then current commeroial Mediation R Les of the American Arbitration Association. Absent written agreemeni of the Parties to the contrary, Yhe mediation process shall be completed or CerminaCed within forty-five ( 45) days of the initial request 'for mediation. resolve 233 29. 4 the dispute pursuant statute. each to For Party Arbitrarion through California Code of Disputes. In Yhe mediahon, of the ssues that the Parties shall be GSvil Procedure, Part 3, Title 9, § 1280 such purpose, an agreed arbitrator shall shall event in dispuCe selecY an arbitrator and those two be selected, or et; in the arbitrators shall seleet a eq., or to its to timely - Formattea: rooe soid, No arbitration - rormetted: No underu, e are unable submitted successor absence af agreement,- third. Discovery may be eonducted in connection wiEh Yhe arbitrakion proceeding pursuant to California Code of Civil Page 12 oP 19 57296- 0001A1066703vG. doc _ nded e Formatt d: No uweriine Formatcea: No r deru e 1 I DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 Procedure § 1283. 05. The arbitraEOr, or three arbitraWrs acting as a board, shall Take such evidence and make such investigation as deemed appropriaYe and shall render a writCen decision on the matter in question. The arbitrator shali decide eacl and every dispute in accordance wiUt the laws of the Stafe of Califomia. The arbitrator' s decieion and award shall be subjecT Co review Por enors of fact or law in tl e Superior Court for the Counry of Orange, with a right of appeal from any judgment issued therein. d3: A 23. q,, Assignment: No Party shall_ assign this Agreement any_ right_ or __.- any Party all Parties hereto, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, provided tl at the assignee agrees in a writke notice to aLl Parties W carry out and observe each appticable Party' s '-- privilege mighL have Agreement under this or without the prior mutua] written consent of Formacted: ro¢: eoid, No rormatred: No derti e oa ruoe agreements hereunder. 333 hereto 3. 5 Binding and their respective 3. 6 33, 6 on heirs, Time Heirs:.. Th Agreement_ shall_ be s bmding the Parttes ._--- upon representatives, hansferees, successors, and assigns. of f1 e Time is Fssence: rbrmatcea: No uodedine of tlie essence with respect to each of fl e_..- tenns, covenanis, and conditions of this Agreement. 33 competent 3. 7 f any Severability: ] jurisdiction to be invalid, or wrmatted: Fooe eoid, No Formee in provision void, Formatced: Font eoid, No undedine is held this AgreemenY unenforceable, the remaining by a_ court_ of _.. proviaions wil] "- d: No rormatmd: woe: eom, No, o,mattea: No nderiine odedi e ___ ded, e deru nevertheless conTinue in full force without being impaired or invalidafed in atiy way. I 33R incorporates 23. 8 all of Entire the Ag terms eement, and Waivers conditions and mentioned Amendments: herein, or This t#greemenC incidental hereto, -- and ' FOrmatCetl: Pont Boid, No underline Formattea: No underiirie supersedes all negotiations and previous agreements befween the Parties wifh respecY Co all or part of the subjecf tnatter thereo£ All waivers of the provisions of this Agreement musf be in writing and signed by the appropriate authorities of the Party to be charged. A ry amendment or modi5cation to this Ag eement must be in writing and executed by all of the Parties hereto. I 3: 9 ibits. 23. 9 All exhibits deemed incocporated in Yhis Agreement, 3 19 Z3. 10lnterpreEation: according to its fair meaning and as and attachments whether or noT Governing if prepared actually Law;__ This by ich fo wl reference s made are ..-{ attached. Agreement FOrmaned: o t: eom No underline Formateea: No shall be wns bofh Parties hereto. This Agreemenf ved,- shall be `` ndero e ormateea: FOnaeom, NOUnderune ormattea: No unaedme construed in accordanee with the laws of ffie Sffite of California in effect at the rime of the execution of this Agreement. T?.,, , 23• 11 Parties hereto Authority:_ Theperson( s)_ executing this_ Agreement That: - ( i) such is on behalf existing, ( ii) they of the ._..= Parry duly duly 'authorized Eo execuCe and deliver this Agreement on behalf of said Party; ( iii) by so executing ti is Ageement, such Party is formally bound to the provisions of tLiis Agreement; and ( iv) the entering into this Agreement does not violaYe any provision of any oYher ageement fo which said warranC organized and are Formatted: FOOeeom, NO rorm, tc d: ruo xr e r, d ruoe Party is bowid. 3 3counterparts, z3• IZ and all Execution in Counterpart _ Tl is_ Agreement_may_be_executed in such exeeuted comiterparts shall Page 13 of 19 57296- OOOtV066101v6. doc constitute one agreement binding seve al _.on alI '"- Formatted: FOne: som, NOUnderline Formatted: No underiine DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 Parties hereto, notwithstanding that all parties are not signaTOries to the original or the same countecpart. 3: 3-3 23. 13 Effect correcY, are of Recitals The Recitals hereby incorporated into this Agreement and as Extubrt( s) herein though fully set are deemed frue forth herein, and and _-- the '- vorma red: Fo n som, No Formatted: No nderim oaed oe Pa ties acknowledge and agree tl at they are each bound by fhe same. 71 5./. . 1,4 Co» flicts or employee oP 3 3P any Pariy 315 S se bstan dPart Y Y of Interest: mYerest, are officer, official direct or Cumulative: ind representatroe, agent_ Except o oneor more ofits ri8at or remedies shall not ..- in this Agreemeilt. rect as may_ be_ P,h 8' Y No dirutor, have any financial Rights_ and Remedies Y exere shall the P reclude otherwise ..- the 'eaxerci,enbY Formaned: Fo a eom, no u ded ne FOrmatted: No underMe __ Formatted: Fooe: aow, no r, ded e oded e Formattea No nded rre i at the same time or at different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by another Party or Parties. g3: 1( r 3. 1G Provisions Required by Law Deemed Inserted: by law to be inserted in this Agreement shall of] aw and clause required ach and provision every be deemed to be inserted ..-- - Formaeeea: Fo e: smd, No Formattea: No ndedme herein and U e Ag eement shall be read and enforced as though it were included herein, a» d if ttuougil misfake or oCherwise any such provision ie noY inserted, or is not correctly inserted, then upon application of any Pariy the Agr-eement shall forChwith be physieally a nended Eo make sucH insertion or correction. 33:& documents 3. 17Cooperation: The Parties aclrnowledge thaY it may be necessary to execuEe other tban those specificatly rePerred to herev in order to complete the objeetives and — lrormatted: Font eold, No undedine ipormauea: no ded ne ' requiremenYS Yhat are set out in this Agreement The Parties hereby agee to cooperate witl each other by execuUng such other documenYS or taking sueh other acfions as may be reasonably necessary Yo complete the objectives and requirements set forth i erein in accordance with the infenY of the Parties as evideneed in this Agreement. Hr that any Z3. 1R ambiguity Ambiguities Not_to_be Construed Against. Draftmg conYamed in a eontract shall be construed agamst Party: ' the party I`l e doctrine whose counsel. has Formetted: Font Bold, No -- underline wrmatted: rvo uoaerrne drafled the contract is expressly waived by each of the Parties I ereto with respect to tl is Agreement. 33: 29 23• 1g Nonliability represenCative of Che Parties shall of Officials: No officer, be personaily liable for any member, amounts employee, . agent,_ or ....-- due 6ereunder, and no -- Formatted: Fo, c: eom, No, rrormattea: No ded, e_ r, d ri judgment or execution thereon entered in any acCion hereon, shal] be personaliy enforced against any suoh officer, official, member, employee, agenY, or representative. 3. 20 to confer any rig9 ts Third upon Party Beneficiaries: NoYhing in any party not Yhis Agreement signatory to ihis Agreement. sl ali be construed ,.= wrmatted: Fonc: eoid, No Pormattea: No dedme odedine Formatted:_BOdyTextFlushChar Page 14 of 19 57296- 0001A1066103v6_doc DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 IN WITNESS WHF,REOF, I,os Alamitos Unified School Disfrict and the City of Los AlamiWS have entered into Yhis Agreement as of the SPfective Date. LOS ALAMI7'OS UNIPIED SCHOOL C7TY OP LOS ALAMITOS, DISTRICT, a Ctilifornia charter city a Catifornia public school district I3y: By: Patricia L. Meyer; Deputy BreY M. Plumie Superintendent City Manager Attest: Attest: By: NANE, TSTLEJ By: Windmera Quintanar, CMC,- Approved as City Clerk to Form: Approved ae Yo Ponn: By: Andreas C. Chialtas, Atkinson, ,A ldelson, Rudd& Esq. L, oya, Cary S. Reisman, F,sa. Romo Cify Attorney Page ] 5 of 19 57296-0001\ 1066703v6.doc Forma rea rea: cQOtered By DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 EXHIBIT `°A" INDIVTDUAL JOINT US AGREEMENTS Individual Joint Use Agreement, No. I, for tl e McAuliffe fields. Formaec d_ Fe Date of Adoption: Individual JoinY Use Agreement, No. 2, for the Oak FieLds. Date of Adoption: ndividua] Joint Cse Agree nent, No. 3, for d e Oak Gymnasium. Date of Adoption: dividual Joint Use Agreement No. 4, for the Oak Outdoor Basketball Courts. Date of .:- Adoption: Formatted: Noe Hr niignr Formattea: efr Individual Joint Use AgeemenY, No. 5, for the Oak Community Restrooms. . Date of Adoption: a------{ Formatted: Left Individual Joint Use Ageemeni, No. 6, for Che Oak Bike/ Walk Path to Coyote Creek Park. Date of Adoption: For, natted: efe Formattetl: eody Text Flush Chaq Cenreretl, Indent_ Left: 0'_ Tab stops: Not ai 1. 5" Page 16 of 19 57296- OOOlVOfi6103v6, doc DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 EXI3I Z' T u_ aaens rro e is Pt, eam --- l" Formatted: Font: Boid i u yi, 5w, , r. !. I r= u y w h w ti „ FormatCetl: 8ody Tea2 Piush Char, Ceneered, IMknt: Left ", Page 19 of 19 57296- 0001\ 106fil 03 vb.doc Tab stops: No[ at 1. 5" I DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 l1YHdLEA f4iT_^99) 1S G Pormatted: Font 16 pt, Bold 8€"'8 . ! 3. r b'' p° Y 4Q YI I 1 o{ p°° P 1, I i j a I I fi M P VI i m+ V, . z . rn r a i_ "" T w ti r i S'"' ti. I i f Formattetl: Body TeM Flush Char, Centered, Irident: Lefh. 0", Tab stops_ NOt at 1. 5" Page 18 of 19 s z9- oom ioeeios e. ao I DRAF'T AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 F 3TI3' T <`_ 3>' Formatted: font: 16 pt, Bold s"`, z a= r c*. 5:..` i.^. m- r ''^+. :. ~ a' ,'-'v^,:..- 4 .a. i .. .-: :. v-, S. w ,:.. 2',- Pt¢ rtyC4l8g Page 19 of 19 S729G- 0001A70G6103v6. doc „. : : Attachment 2 DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 F°""a`°`°'` INDIVIDUAL JOINT-USE AGREEMENT FOR MCAULIFFE iVIIDDLE SCHOOL FTELDS between Los Alamitos Unified School District 10293 Bloomfeld Street Los Alamitos, CA 90720 562) 799- 4700 City of Los Alamitos 3191 Katella Avenue Los Alamitos, CA 90720 562} 431- 3538 THIS INDIVIDUAL JOINT- USE AGREEMENT ( IJUA) for the use of McAuliffe Middle School Fields (" McAuliffe Fieid AgrcemenY') is e tered into this day of _, by and between Yhe i,05 ALAMITOS iJNIFIED SCHOOL UISTRICT, a Califomia public school districf duly organized and exisring under Chapter I of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Educarion Code of f} ie SCate o F Calif'ornia (" DistrieY"), and the CITY OF LOS ALAMITOS, a Califomia Municipal C,orporation(" City")( collect ively, the I) isCricY and the CiLy shall be referrecl to herein as the" Parties" and individually as a" Party"). fe e""`` s` h I DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 RECITALS A. W F HREAS, the City is charged with the responsibiliYy of providing public facilities for the purpose of] eisure rime and recreation activities and health enrichment for general public wellness and fitness; and B. WHF,REAS, tl e District is dedicated to a culture of ] igl st dent achievemenY and integrity, where students thrive in a caring, respeeiful, and encouraging endvonment where they are physically and emotionally safe to focus on leaming; and C. WHER AS, the CiCy is currenYly in need of green space for Ieisure and recreation activiries and the Pariies desire to work togeEher Co support the community; and D. WHEREAS, the Parties have mutual interest in the accomp] ishmenY of Yhe following goals: 1. ' Po provide wholeeome, high-q ality sporfs progamming for youY1 and adults alike; and 2. To provide a comperifive high schoo] sports progam to meeT tl e recreaEion needs oFthe weeununiCy; and 3. To ensure that children of all economic levels are provided with the opportuniry Co enjoy and have awess to aChletic progams and proper facilities; antl 4. 7' o ensure that operation of the community' s recreation progam is operated in Che most responsible, cost- effective and efficient manner possible, and E. WH REAS, the Parties wish to enter into an agreement to accommodate tl e City' s use oP the DistricYs fields (" McAuliffe Fields") on property owned by the Los Aiamitos Unified Schoo] District at its McAuliffe Middle Sehool, ] oeated at 4112 Cerritos Stw EAvenue, Los Alamitos, CA 90720, a deseription of which is set forth in Exhibit" A" of this McAuliffe P'ield Agreement and incorporated herein by this referenee; and I'. WHLRP,AS, the Pari ies have mutually agreed Yhat this McAuliffe Field Agreement is subject to the Master JoinC Use F greement Fox lise of Shared Sites beYween the Parties dated_( L^'Ill in the date) ( Che" Master 7oint Use AgreemenN') which is set forth as fixhibit B; metted; CenYered 2of12 DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 AGREEMENT NOW THEREPORE, in consideration of the Parties' performance of fhe promises, covenants, a d conditions sfated herein, the Pa 2ies l ereto agee as follows: I. 0 CONTROLLING AGREEMENT. Tl is McAulif£e Field Agreement is an Individual 7oint Use Agreemenf as fhat Serm is defined in the MasSer Joint Use Ag['eement and is subject to all tenns and condi6ons set forth therein. In the evevt that any provision in this McAuliffe Field Agreement conflicfs with the Master Joint Use AgreemenE, Ehe Master JoinC Use AgreemenL shall prevail. 2. 0 TERM OF AGRELMENT. Tbe duraCion of this McAuliffe Field Agreement shall align wikh fhe term as the Master Joint Uee Agreement which is set fortb as Exhibit B. Either Party may terminate Uiis IJUA for cl e McAuliffe Field Agreement, without cause, upon provicling written notice of termination to fhe other Party not less than six months prior to the effcetive date of termination. The termination of this 1JUA does not affect either the Master Joint Use Agreement or any other existing IJUAs. 3. 0 PURPOSE. The purpose o F this Agreement is to provide for the ParCies' cooperetive use and scheduling of the Mcrluliffe Fields, as wel] as the sharing of costs for the operafions and mainCenance of the McAuliPfe Fietds. 4. 0 FIELD MAINTENANCL. REPAIR AND UTIL7TIES. 4. 1 Definitions. 4. 1. 1 " Urilities" are defined as a company who provides services tt>the DisYricY or City ai d provides a defined invoice for services on an ongoing basis. USiliries include: Water Ferfigation Pest Contro] Tree Trimming Trash Hauli e E]echiciYy ( 100% of electriciLy paid for by t1 e City, since Ciry owns the field lights) Additional urilities may be included, but must be mutually agreed upon by the District and City. 41. 2 " Large Nonxoutine maintenance contractual discussed costs service. in Maintenailce fhat Costs" exceed $ 1, 500 large non- routine advance between are in de5ned supplies, maintenance Parties before as non-routine maintenanee items implemenYaLion possible. Lxamples may be, but are not limited to: Emergency Repairs e I.aser Leveling Sod Por areas oP gcass that wik}-are not growing well with seed 3 of 12 will or be when Formattetl: Gentered DRAFT AS OF 9b/ 9/ 14 o ConEracEOr Eo repair irrigation units that internal staff cannof do Large non- routine maintenance costs will be divided equally beYween the Cify a d I7isYrict in July annually, based upon muNal agreemenL of the need for the maintenance. 4. 13 " Routine Maintenarxe" is defined as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterty, biannual or annual maintenance including but not limited to: Mowing Aerating Top Dressing Irrigation Repa irs/Sprinkler Head Replaoement Feitilization Seeding Vacuuming DethaYChing Verticutting Trash( perso mel) Track Maintenance 4. 2 District. The Disfrict shall be responsible for one- half of ali utiliry coste and onehalf of alllarge non-routine mainEenance costs of the McAuliffe Fields. 43 C. The City shall be responsibie for maintaining and repairing all of McAuliffe Fields to the highest standard possible with Yhe currenT condirions of the fields, based on recommcndations from the 2007 PRZ Report. It was determined that Level 3 is the desired level of fieLd condition, if it can be obfr+ ed- reasonablv attaii ed at eaeh individual field, based on pre- existing condirions at each field. Phe CiCy shall be fina cially responsibte for one- half of all ufility costs( 100% of e( ectricity) and one-half of all large non- rouHne rnaintenance costs of the MeAuliffe Fields. The CiLy will be responsible Por 100% of the materials, supplies and labor associated wiEh routine maintenance. The City will be responsible for 100% of the light maintenance and repairs. 4A Caroital Imnrovement Pro ram. For major repairs and/ or capital improvements improvemenfs that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars or more), the Parties shall follow the guidelines of the PROJECT FUNDING AND CAPITAL COSTS Section 8. 0 of the Master JoinT Use Agreement) and be paid £or- with the CIP Fund( s). 4. 5 Use of tl c roremises City and DisYrict shall respect all users of the McAuliffe Fields by requiring employees, participants, studenYS, and Users Groups to piek up after themselves and leave the premises ui good condition. [ f flie City, DistricY, or User Groups fail to appropriately use the field( s) a id clean up afier themselves and any destrucrion/ damage/etc. occurs, it shall be the responsibiliCy of Che City to make any repairs that will be funded based 4of12 on the description below: ormattea: c r rm __ I DRAFT AS OF 9/ 4. 51 9/ 14 Reimbursement. Repairs/Replacement and any addifional cleanup will be done and paid for by tlie City and reimbursed based on tl e following: e (,} ty, k,(] pdy for costs arisine out of City-operafed programs User Groups will reimburse the City for costs arisine out of User Group proerams Disfrict will rei nburse the City Por costs a isine ouY of District pro ams r Formatted: Indent Left: a A. 52 Heavv Equiroment. When heavy elA— for repairs or equipment is mainteuance ( i. e. required to irrigation be 0"'"" utilized repairs, i13e " 9— Light replacemenf, etc.), Pardes will coordinate schedules and neecis in order to reduce the impact on the field. MitigaYion measures ivi 41- mav_inelude reducing irrigation leading up to the impact, marking irrigation valves, use of plywood ar other materials to disperse weight from vehicles, etc. 4. 6 [ nsnection. Pach Party shall periodically inspecf the MeAuliffe Fields for dangerous conditions. if such inspection reveals any dangeroas eondifions, that ParCy shalt ( 1) prompLly notify the other Parry of the existence of the condifion; and ( 2) refrain from using any porCions of_the McAuliffe Fields affected by the dangeroas condirion w Ul it is correcYed. The Ciry, in accordance with Distriet regulations, shall post adaquate warning signs on the property and make any necessary repairs. Funding for tl e reparrs will follow the Reimbwsement model list in 4. 51 hereof. 5. 0 MCAULIFFE FIELD USE AVD SCHEDULING. The City shall be allowed to use the McAuliffe Fields for Ciry purposes a id allow User Groups Co rent Ehe McAuliffe Fields in aceordance with U e " Faeilify User Poliey and Procedw'es - Rules and Guidelines", subject to this McAuliffe Field Agreement The Parties shall each act in good fziHi Yo accommodate use of tl e MeAuliffe Fields by tl e other Party in accordance with Che tenns of tltis agreement The Parties, specifically the Los Alamitos Cify Manager and the DistricYs Deputy Superinfendent or their designees, shaJl meet on, at least, an a mnal basis to establish tl e schedule for tl e Use of the McAuliffe Fields. flxhibit C is an example of a model rime schedule. 5. 1. McAuliffe Fie( d Closures bv Che DisErict. The DisCricE may close N a McAuliffe Fields to use by the publiq tl e City, or anyone else, wiU advance notice Co the City and for reasonable cause. Closures will be kept to a minimam when £h€- 2 McAuliffe Fielda is in usable condition. When closure of the field is necessazy, the Disffict shall follow proper procedures for noticing the closure to the public. Reasons T'or the closure of the McAuliffe Fields may include, but are not limited to, thefollowing: 5. L 1 Any condition posing a fhreaY to the public health and/ or sa.'PeEy, including but not limited to, rains, weather conditions, dense fog, smog alerts, pesticide spraying, herbicide spraying, and natural disasters. Pottnatted Centered Sof12 175", No bulletr or DRAFT AS OF 96/ 9/ 14 5. 12 Scheduled or unscl eduled maintenance, repair, renovation and/ or improvemenY to the field with advance approval from the CiYy. 5. 2 McAuliffe Field Closures by Yhe Citv. The Ciry may close t4 a McAuliffe Field to ase by the DisCrict, the publiq or anyone else with advance notice and approval from the District. When closure of the field is necessary, tl e City shall follow proper District proeedures for noricing the closure to Yhe public. Closures may occur for any of the following reasons: 52. 1 5. 2. 2 Any condition posing a tLu eat to the public health a id/ or safety, including buY not limited to, rains, weather conditions, dense fog, smog alerts, pesticide s}rzaying, herbicide spraying and natural disasters. Seheduled or unscheduled maintenanee, repair, renovation and/ or improvement to the field witli advance norificarion to the Distriet. 52. 3 53 Annual field rehabilitarion( a confinuous 12- week period, once per yeau) ExroendiYUres. The expendihves for the maintenance and repairs of McAuliffe are specified in SecCions 4. 2 and 4.3 above. 5. 4 Revenues. 5. 41 Revemies Collected bv the CiTy. The revenues collected from non- City and non- District User Groups will be collected by the City. On half of the revenues collected throughout the fiscal yea ( July 7 June 30) annually, will be distributed to the District by El e Gty in August each year. 5. 4.2 Revenues CollecCed by the District. One- half of reve ues eollected by the District for faciliCy renYals during " District allotted time" througl ovt the fiscal year ( July I - June 30) annually, will be distributed to the City by the Diskict in August each year. 5. 4. 1 Revenue NoY Shared. Revenues tl at wiLl be coLlecfed by eacl Party separately and not shared include: SEaf'fing Cos1:s Pennit Processing Fees Repair Fees - repairs made to the field or ameniCies related to damage caused by using the field or field amenities( parking lot, fencing, goals, lighES, etc.) will be billed to User Group by the Ciry or tl e District direcfly, based on the actual cost of repairs ( supplies, materials and labor), Pormatted: CenCered 60f12 a D m rT as oF g i 9n4 Pass- through Cosfs- fees that are charged Eo a User or entity and spent due to that entity' s usage ( 6e.g Security htred by flie City for a User Group's rentaL with costs reimbursed to the City by the User Group) Forma@ed: Indent Left: iJ5", No bulle Elecfical CosYS- 100% of Lt e light usage fees will be retained by the ° amber1og — City, wbich pays 100% of the electrica7 usage for the IighTs IN W[TNESS WHEREOF, Los Alamitos Unified School District and the City of Los AlamiEOs have entered inEO Yttis McAuliffe Field Agreement as of the Effecfive Date. CITY OF LOS AI,AMITOS, a LOS ALAMITOS UNIPIED SCHOOL California Charter Ciry DISTRICT, a Califoinia public school dishict By: By: Bret M. Plumlee; l es-ft}a3 jtc CiYy s- Patricia L. Meyer, Manager Deputy Formetted: cernered Superintendent Formattea: centered ATTESTED: By: Windy Quintanar, CMG Formattea: c. oeered City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: By: Cary S_ Reisman, Andreas C. Chialtas, Esq_ City Attorney Esq. Atkinson, Andelson, I,oya, Ruud,& 1 " Formatted: ceneered rormatted: ceotered Romo Formatted_ Centered 70P12 or e,00, cs Il y e ,,/ , C .,. . . _ o Y Yi w: q f +. k°tl 1 t e kY 1 Pr1RFLYGa PoF. , 4 , w, P"IEL6# 2 ry HTbi,# u,...,. y, jE. i LARG' L 72CG FIP,T, t LS r . 2I,IGH' 1' i7: I, D$ 2. 4 z C$ 9' 9 PARTI,IL1,[C.iITS 1' RU k 9 r I' AlLlil(JUr:€... zu; z '^ w i d. z b^ h. .. T'SEIaD# 3 f. ARGG P1C3,U) A'(rz i.G, in' ` CRb;ei NO L)G73 P'S. r'''.. s.,-.` z2,.._ c, i .?.'- a- r. --, k'` ,.•' , ro+ aro m. v_ c. w._ 4.... ' sss y a, A t W T- ' - , ,_ DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 McAUUFFE FIELD P7AP LEGEND O LIGHTTOWER E ENTRANCE GA7E TO McAULIfFE FIELD GTY OF LOS ALAMITOS IRRIGATION CONTROLS LOS AtAMITOS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT IRRIGATION CONTROLS ELECTRICAi. BOX( LIGHT TOWER CONTROL& SOUTHERN CA EDISON) r McAUIIFFE FlELD BOUNDARY LINES Pormattetl_Centered_ _ IOPI2 I DRAFT AS OF 9b1 9/ 14 Exl ibit B Master Joint L'se Agreement Pormattetl: Centered lo of iz J I DRAFT AS OF 96/ 9/ 14 EXHIBIT C Annual McAuliffe Fielda Schedule Parties to meet and update annualty) 2014- 2015 Fall Seaeon— AugnaY 25(,: 201rt— November 23, 2014 Las Alamitos Unified City of Mondaytlirou h Frida : 7: OOam- Los Alamitos 4: OOpm Monday fhrough Friday: 4: OOpm- 11: OOpm Saturday/ Sunday: 7: OOam— 11: 00 m Winter Season-- November 24, 2014— February 15, 2015 ( 12 weeks) I I.os Alamitos Unified Winter Maintenance Rehab City of Los Alamitos Winter Maintenance Rehab Spring Season-- February 1G, 2014- May 22, 2A15 i Los Alamitos Unified CiTy of Monda Ctuough Friday: 7: 00- 4:30pm Monday throu h Friday: 4: 30pm- ]. 1: OOpm Los Alamitos SaYUrday/ Sunday; i 7: OOam— 1 I: OOpm I Summer Season( School in aession)— May 23, 2015— June ll,2015 Los Alamitos Unified Monday through Friday: 7: OOam— 4: OOpm Monday through Friday: 4:00 - ll:OOpm City of I,os Alamitos I Saturday/ Sunday; 7: OOam— 11: OOpm Summer Season— June 12, 2015— August 31, 2015 I Los Alamitos Unified City of Los Alamitos Monday through Friday: 7: OOam— 11: OOpm ISunday clu u SaYUrday_ 7: OOam— 11: OOpm Additional Days/ Nights of Use given priority to District( Maximum of 10 dates per year): Back to School Night Open House I - School camival— Friday, ai d Saturday CIF Playoffs I - 5`h Grade/ Sth Grade Promotia/ Awards Ceremonies F r etCetl:Center2d 11 of 12 DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 Can D LAF. FOrmatted Centere 12 UP 12 DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 Attachment 3 INDIVII) UAL JOINTUSE AGI2EEMENT FOl OAK MIDDLE SCHOOL FIELDS between Los Alamitos Unified School District 10293 Bloomfield Street Los Alamitos, CA 90720 562) 799- 4700 City of Los Alamitos 3191 Katella Avenue Los Alainitos, CA 90720 562) 431- 3538 THIS 1NDIVIDUAL JOINT- USE AGREEMENT ( LTiJA) for the use of Oak Middle School Fields (" Oak Field Agreement") is entered into this day of by and between the I,OS ALAMITOS IJNIF7ED SCHOOL DISTRICT, a California public school district duly organized and existing under Chaptcr 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Educarion Code of the State of California (" District"), and the CITY OF LOS ALAMITOS, a California Mmiicipal Corporation City") ( collecrively, the District and the City shall be referred to herein as the " Parties' and individually as a" Party"). DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 RECITALS A. WHEREAS, the City is charged with the responsibiliry of providing public facilities far the purpose of leisure time and recreation activities and heaith enrichment for general public wellness and fitness; aild B. WHEREAS, Yhe DisYrict is dsdicated to a culture of high sfudent achievement and iutegrity, where sYudents thrive in a caring, respectful, and encouraging enviromnent where they are physically and emotionally safe to focus on learning; and C. WHEREAS, the City is currently in need of green space for leisure and recreation activities and the Parties desire to work together to support the communiYy; and D. WHEREAS, the Parties have mutual interest in the accomplishment of the following goals: 1. To provide wholesome, high-quality sports programming for youth and adults alike; and 2. To provide a competiYive high school sports program to meeY the recreation needs of Che communiry; and 3. To ensure that children of all economic levels are provided with the opportunity to enjoy and have access to athleric programs and proper facilities; and 4. To ensure that operation of the community' s reareation program is operated in the most responsible, cost-effective and efficient manner possible; and E. WHEREAS, the Parties wish to enter into an agreement to accommodate the City' s use of the District' s fields (" Oak Fields") on property owned by the Los Alainitos Unified School District at its Oak Middle School, located at 10821 Oak Street, , Los Alamitos, CA 90720, a description of whieh is set forth in Exhibit" A" of this Oak Field Agreement and incorporaCed herein by this reference; and F. WHEREAS, the Parties have mutually agreed that this Oak Field Agreement is subject to the Master Joint Use Agreement Far Use of Shared SiYes between the Parties dated Fill in the date) the " Master Joint Use AgreemenY') which is set forth as Exhibit B; 2of11 DI AFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the Parties' perfonnance of the promises, covenants, and conditions stated herein, the Parties hereto agree as follows: I. 0 CONTROLLING AGREEMENT. This Oak Field Agreement is an Individual Joint Use Agreement as that tei7n is defined in the Master Joint Use Agreement and is subject to a11 tenns and conditions set forth Yherein. In Yhe event Yhat any provision in this Oak Field Agreement conflicts with the Master Joint Use Agreement, the Master Joint Use Agreement shall prevail. 2. 0 TERM OF AGREEMENT. The duration of this Oak Field Agreement sha11 align with the term as the Master 7oint Use A reement which is seC forth as Exhibit B. Either Party may terminate this IJUA for tl e Oak Field Agreeinent, without cause, upon providing written notice of tennination to the other Party not less than six months prior to the effecYive date of termination. The tennination of this IJUA does not affect either the Master Joint Use Agreement or any other existing IJUAs. 3. 0 PURPOSE. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the Parties' eooperative use and scheduling of the Oak Fields, as well as the sharing of eosts for the operations and mainYenance of the Oak Fields. 4. 0 FIELD MAINTENANCE REPAIR AND UTILITIES. 4. 1 Definitions. 41. 1 " Utilities" are defined as a company who provides services to the District ar City and provides a defined invoice for services on an ongoing basis. Utilities include: Water Fertigation Pest Control Tree Trimining Trash Hauling Electricity ( 100% of electricity paid far by the City, since City owns the field lights) Additional utilities may be included, but must be mutually agreed upon by tbe District and City. 4. 1. 2 " Large Non-routine Maintenance maintenance contractual discussed costs service. in that exceed $ Lar e advance Costs" 1, 500 non- routine between Parties are in supplies, maiatenance before possible. Exainples may be, but are not limited to: Emergeney Repairs Laser Leveling 3of11 defined as non-routine maintenance items wiil or be implementation when DR 4FT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 Sod for areas of grass Yhat are not growing we11 with seed Adding brick dust Contractor to repair irrigation units that intcrnal staff cannot do Large non-routine maintenance costs will be divided equally between the City and District in July aru ually, based upon mutual agreement of the need for the maintenance. 4. 1. 3 " Rourine Maintenance" is defined as daily, weekly, monthly, quarteriy, biannual or annual maintenance ineluding, but not limited to: Mowing Aeraring Top Dressing Irrigation Re airs/ Sprinkler Head Replacement Fertilization Seeding Vacuuming Dethatching Verticutting Trash (personnel) Track Maintenance Ball Dia nond Maintenance 4.2 Citv. The Ciry sha11 be responsible for one- half of all utility costs and one-half of a11 large non-routine maintenance costs of the Oak Fields. The CiYy will be responsible for 100% of the light maintenance and repairs. 43 District. The District sha11 be responsible for maintaining and repairing al1 of Oak Fields to the highest standard possible with the current conditions of the fields, based on recorrunendaYions from the 2007 PRZ Re ort. It was determined that L,evel 3 is the desired level of field condition, if it can be reasonably attained at each individual field, based on pre- existin conditions at eaeh field. The District shall be financially responsible for one-half of all utility costs ( except for electricity) and one- half of all large non-routine maintenance costs of the Oak Fields. The DisCrict will be responsible for 100% of the materials, supplies and labor associated with routi e maintenance. 4. 4 Capital Improvement Pro. For major repairs and/ or capital improve nents improvements Yhat cost hundreds of thousands of dollars or more), the Parties shall follow the guidclines of the PROJECT FLJNDING AND CAPITAL COSTS Seetion 8. 0 of 2he Master Joint Use Agreement) and Ue paid with the CIP Fund( s). 4. 5 Use of Yhe premises. CiYy and District sha11 respect a11 users of the Oak Fields by requiring employees, participants, students, and User Groups to pick up after themselves and leave the premises in ood condition. If the CiYy, District, or User 4of11 I7RAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 Groups fail to appropriately use the field(s) and clean up after themselves and any destruction/ damage/ etc. occurs, it shall be the responsibiliCy of the District to make any repairs that will be funded based on the description below: 4.51 Rcimbursement. Repairs/ Replacement and any additional cleanup will be done and paid for by the District and reimbursed based on the following: District will pay for costs arising out of District-operaYed prograxns User Groups will reimburse the District for costs arising out of User Group programs City will reimb urse the District for costs arising out of City programs 4. 5. 2 Heav,y EqUlpment. When heavy equipment is required to be utilized for repairs or maintenance ( i. e. irrigation repairs, light replacement, etc.), Parties will coordinate schedules and needs in order to reduce the impact on the field. MiYigation measures may include reducing irrigation leading up to the impacY, marking irrigation valves, use of plyv ood or other materials 4. 6 to dispe;rse weight from vehicles, etc. Insnection. Each Party shall periodieally inspect the Oak Fields for dangerous conditions. If such inspection reveals any dangerous conditions, that Party shall: 1) promptly nofify the other Party of the existence of the condition; and ( 2) refrain from using any portions of the Oak Fields affected by the dangerous condition until it is corrected. The District shall post adequate warning signs on the property and make any neeessary repairs. Funding for fl1e repairs will follow the Reimbursement model list in 4. 5. 1 hereof. 5. 0 OAK FIELD USE AND SCHEDULING. The City shall be allowed to use the Oak Fields for City purposes and allow User Groups to renY the Oak Fields in accordance with the Facility User Policy and Procedures - Rules and Guidelines", subject to this Oak Fie1d Agreement. The Parties shall each act in good faith to accommodate use of the Oak Fields by the oYher Party in accordance with the terms of this agreement. The Parties, specifically the Los Alamitos City Manager and the DistricYs Deputy Superintendent or thcir designees, shall meeC on, at IeasC, an annuai basis to establish the schedule for the Use of the Oak rields. Exhibit C is an example of a model time schedule. 5. 1. Oak Fie1d Closures by the District. The District may close an Oak Field to use by the public, the City, or anyone etse, with advance notice to the City and for reasonable cause. Closures will be kept to a minimmn when au Oak Field is in usable condition. When closure of the field is necessary, the Dish7ct shall follow proper procedures for noticing the closure to the public. Reasons for the closure of the Oak Fields may include, but are not limited to, the following: 5. 1. 1 Any condition posing a thrcat to the public health and/ ar safety, including bnC not limited to, rains, weather conditions, dense fog, smog alerts, pesticide spraying, herbicide spraying, and natural disasters. Sofll DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 51. 2 Scheduled or unscheduled maintenance, repair, renovation and/ or iinprovement to the field with advance approval from the City. 5. 1. 3 5. 2 Annual field rehabilitation( a continuous 12- week period, once per year) Oak Field Closures bv the City. The City may close an Oak Field to use by the DistricC, the public, or anyone else with advance notice and approval from the District. When closure of the field is necessary, the City shall follow proper District rocedures for noticing the closure to the publia Closures may occur far any of the following reasons: 5. 21 Any condition posin a threat to Y1ie public health and/ or safety, including but not limited to, rains, weather conditions, dense fog, smog alerts, pesricide spraying, herbicide spraying, and natural disasters. 5. 2.2 Scheduled or unscheduled maintenance, repair, renovation and/ or improvement to the field with advance notification to the District. 5. 3 Expenditures. The expenditures for Yhe maintenance and repairs of Oak are specified in Sections 4. 2 and 43 above. 5. 4 Revenues. 5. 4. 1 Revenues Collected by the City. The revenues collected from non- City and non-District User Groups will be collected by the CiYy. One-half of the revenues collected throughout the fiscal year ( July 1 June 30) amlually, will be distributed to the District by the City in August each year. 5. 4.2 Revenues Collected by the District. One-half of revenues collected by the District for facility rentals during " District allotted rime° throughout the fiscal year ( July 1 - June 30) annually, will be distributed to the City by the District in August each year. 5. 4. 1 Revenue Not Shazed. Revenues that will be collec;ted by each Party separately and notshared include: Staffing Costs Permit Processing Fees Repair Fees - repairs made to the field or ainenities related to damage caused by using the field or field amenities ( parking lot, fencing, goals, lights, etc.) will be billed to User Group by the City or the DisYrict direc2ly, based on the actual eost of repairs ( supplies, materials and labor) Pass- tlu-ough Costs - fees that are charged to a User or entity and spent due to that entity's usage ( e. g. Security hired by the City for a User Group's rei tal with costs reimbursed to the City by the User Group) 6ofll DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 ElecTrical Costs - 100% of the light usage fees will be retained by the City, which pays 100% of the electrical usage for the lights IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I,os Alamitos Unified School District and the City of Los Alamitos have entered into this Oak Field Agreemenf as of the Effective Dat. CITY OF LOS ALAMITOS, a California CharCer LOS ALAMITOS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, a California public school City district By: By: Bret M. Plumlee City PaYricia L. Meyer Manager Deputy Superintendent ATTESTED: By: Windy Quintanar, CMC City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: By: S. Reisman, Cary Esq. City Attorney Andreas C. Chialtas, Esq. Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo 7of11 h- V 1 1 W 1 r Ca N L` Cr w O 0 L," LC fS , .. # l m p S( m I t`.,.. Vs O CS i , ; C l." x . 2 d'/ SI 3' r t w b t Jt''({ o' „ f+ i a s Sf fLy? a rb f fl 1: ) i1"'$" i- , ry' 1 i r , ;? s { f, n G r ll' h; p r Y' fi t t Pd' rv,Jt f . : t ha" k` k 2 '. y 4 r} s; i r: n t el J a x Rw ' aa , r r E i' l , r T4 I r tEt ( r . 1 PREVAF g ,, c t q i r l f" i ' s' s v 1 r P ,'.; j4) f' j 5 s. g ( ' f` } ir ir i 4, ii t n€% i rFr , " z a. a is l, r r tt" i " 7 ` 41 PRUETY 4 ' r t i k f 7g x . ,?` d s y5 stf { t f i PRIVATE x t, a i i x f I/. t FROF^ S i E' r 1 r, x v. , F1' t Y J i: S' f j Sr i i P r <, ,. u A iY rZ p O C9 . .. x 6 g Sd? nr y r y, k oi r i->, w i J r 1 a DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 AFt FlELR MAP EG hi[ E9° aF T' Tt W Ft x ht1" E @JC RAP3 i L 5 F E h 1 e± GA E( P C E" fR1AN} T E, EHI 1' 3P71 I.AMIT" u RN RL B(; [ LIFIFE Fl G!C IE INcAl@ tt rE 9ELC1 Sb 7td t P.K t fC C 8 LtC fi' C l9hd a t IC} A T? W" Ft +? RY . IN 9of11 I' uTi C t Rt?G tt R6 aA1' N' . 9PaC C' F? SC 1JThI R l GA I. 1 3N DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 E Zibit B Master Joint Use AgreemenY 10 of 11 DRAFT AS OF 9/ 9/ 14 xTSiT c Annual Oak Fields Schedule Parties ! o meet and update annually) 2014- 2015 Field Closure—An ust 25, 2014— November 2, 2014 Los Alamitos Unified Ciry of Modernizarion Los Alamitos Modemization Fall Season -- November 3, 2014—November 26, 2014 Los Alamitos Unified City of Monday through Friday: 7: OOam — 4: 00 m Monday Chrough Friday: 4: OOpm— ll:OOpm Los Alamitos Saturday/ Sunday: 7: OOam— 11: OOpm Winter Season— November 27, 2014— Februar Los Alamitos Unified City of Los 8, 2015 Monday through Friday: 7: OOam— 4: OOpm Monday through Friday: 4: OOpm— 11: OOpm Alainitos Saturday/ Sunday: 7: OOam— ll:OOpm S rin Season-- Februar 9, 2015 - 1VIa 24, 2015 Los Alamitos Unified Monday through Friday: 7: 00- 4: 30 m Monday through Friday: 4: 30pm - 11: OOpm City of Los Alainitos Saturday/ Sunday: 7: OOam— ll:OOpm Summer Season ( School in session — 1VIa 25, 2015— June 11, 2015 Los Alainitos Unified City of Monday throu h Friday: 7: OOam— 4: OOpm Monday through Friday: 4: 00 - ll:00pm Los Alamitos Saturday/ Sunda : 7: OOain— 11: 00 m Summer Season— June 12, 2015 —Se tember 3, 2015 ( 12 weeks) Sumrner Rehab Los Alainitos Unified City of Los Alamitos Summer Rehab esdditional Days/ Nights of Use given priority to 19istrict (1Viaximurn of i0 dates per year): Back to School Night Open House CIF Playoffs 8th Grade Promotion/ Awards Ceremonies 11 of ll Y w0 a Mid le Scho l atchmen# Oak C Gymnasiu IJUA Mid le Scho l Walking Coy te lJUA 83 12-' 0 to Oak Bike/ Path Cre k City for DifSerncs AGREMNT Expendi4ur USE JOINT M A S T E R Revnue/ IJIJA fVIJd A Mid le Scho l Oak IJUA Comunity Restrom Mid le Outdo r IJUA Oak Basketb l Courts Scho l Mid le Fields IJUA Oak Scho l 0 0 24K 12- r.