EUMETSAT Satellite Programmes
EUMETSAT Satellite Programmes
EUMETSAT Satellite Programmes Marianne König & many colleagues [email protected] Slide: 1 MUG Meeting June 2009 EUMETSAT Space Segment – Current and Future Meteosat First Generation 96 Meteosat-6 Meteosat-7 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 Rapid Scanning Service (RS) (10° E) Primary Service (0° E) 06 07 08 09 10 IODC Backup (67.5° E) IODC (57.5° E) MSG Meteosat-8 Meteosat-9 Meteosat-10 Meteosat-11 MTG EPS Metop-A Metop-B Metop-C Post-EPS OSTM Jason-2 Jason-3 GMES Sentinel 3 Slide: 2 MUG Meeting June 2009 3.4° W RS (10°E) 0° 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 The "old" Meteosats: First Generation Operational imager mission over the Indian Ocean 3-channel radiometer (VIS, IR, WV), image repeat cycle 30 minutes Slide: 3 MUG Meeting June 2009 Meteosat-7: Go East! M7 Relocation (09 Jun – 04 Oct 2006) Slide: 4 MUG Meeting June 2009 Meteosat-6: An Interesting Case Radiometric Anomaly needs correction through cross-calibration with e.g. MSG Slide: 5 MUG Meeting June 2009 MSG – Operational Service since 2004 Meteosat-8: stand-by satellite, over 10 E, currently in "rapid scan" mode Meteosat-9: operational satellite, over 0 deg Some MSG facts: • 12-channel radiometer ("SEVIRI") • 15 minute repeat cycle for full disk scans • 3 km pixel sampling distance, 1 km for HRV • Series of 4 MSG satellites planned Slide: 6 MUG Meeting June 2009 SEVIRI Overview 1 2 3 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Slide: 7 MUG Meeting June 2009 HRV: A Special Case High data rate allows only transmission of half a scan line. Two block of "half lines" can be selected. (current setup) Slide: 8 MUG Meeting June 2009 Meteosat-8 in Rapid Scan Coverage every 5 minutes Slide: 9 MUG Meeting June 2009 Curious Incident Observed by Meteosat-8 Slide: 10 MUG Meeting June 2009 MSG Benefits Nowcasting severe convection, fog, etc. Input to NWP (mainly through AMVs) Airmass visualisation Dust detection Volcanic ash detection Detailed cloud information (microphysics) Slide: 11 MUG Meeting June 2009 Nowcasting Aspects Big success of use of RGBs (set of "recommended RGBs") Convection loop Europe Airmass loop Europe Fog over Alps Slide: 12 MUG Meeting June 2009 Special Events: Dust, Volcanic Ash Dust outbreak over Sahara Slide: 13 MUG Meeting June 2009 Volcanic Eruption (Karthala) Detailed Cloud Information large warm water small cold ice small cold water large cold ice Slide: 14 MUG Meeting June 2009 Meteosat Third Generation: Outlook MTG IRS: Infrared Sounder Fourier Transform Spectrometer 0.625 cm-1 spectral resolution, 700 – 2175 cm-1 Spatial resolution 4 km MTG UVN (ultra-violet, visible and near-infrared radiometer) Support of air chemistry Provided as GMES Sentinel-4 instrument Aim: support of NWP, mesoscale models MTG Lightning Imager (LI) MTG FCI Flexible Combined Imager Detection of In-Cloud, Cloud-to-Cloud and Cloudto-Ground Lightning Events 16 spectral channels, 10/2.5 min repeat cycle, 0.5-2 km resolution Current Status: Twin Satellite configuration – FCI/LI and IRS/UVN platforms, 4 FCI and 2 IRS platforms approved Slide: 15 MUG Meeting June 2009 Meteosat Third Generation: Outlook MTG FCI: Flexible Combined Imager 16 spectral channels (8 solar, 8 thermal) Improved spatial resolution: 0.5 – 2km Full Disk Coverage: Scan Interval 10 min Local Area Coverage: Scan Interval 2.5 min Slide: 16 MUG Meeting June 2009 EUMETSAT's Polar System: Metop (not MetOp!) Launched from Baikonur in October 2006 Slide: 17 MUG Meeting June 2009 Metop-A in orbit 2007 Slide: 18 MUG Meeting June 2009 Global View! Courtesy H.P. Roesli, image produced with IDV Slide: 19 MUG Meeting June 2009 EPS/Metop is part of the Initial Joint Polar System (IJPS) Fairbanks, Alaska Wallops Island, MD Suitland, MD Svalbard, Norway Darmstadt, Germany Metop Metop-A (in orbit) Metop-B (2012) Metop-C (2016) POES NOAA-18 (in orbit) NOAA-N’ (2009) - EUMETSAT-NOAA coordinated programmes - Exchange of instruments (ATOVS from NOAA, MHS from EUMETSAT) - Coordinated operations, data and services - Extended agreement in2009 2003 to include Metop-C Slide: 20 MUG Meeting June Sun-synchronous Orbit of 102 minutes 14.1 orbits per day Instruments on Metop AVHRR – traditional imaging (US, 1 km resolution) HIRS/AMSU – traditional sounding (US) MHS – Microwave Humidity Sounder (EUR) GOME – UV instrument to support air chemistry (EU) IASI – infrared sounder (EU) GRAS – radio-occultation (sounding, EU) ASCAT – active radar, scatterometer (EU) Slide: 21 MUG Meeting June 2009 Greenland seen by AVHRR Slide: 22 MUG Meeting June 2009 ATOVS and MHS: Vertical Sounding Slide: 23 MUG Meeting June 2009 Hyperspectral Sounding - IASI Slide: 24 MUG Meeting June 2009 IASI Spectral Coverage, 8461 spectral samples Surface Clouds Temp (CO2) Surface Surface Clouds Clouds CO O3 Temp (CO2) H2O,CH4,N2O N2O, Temp (CO2) Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere Europe (courtesy ECMWF) Slide: 25 MUG Meeting June 2009 IASI Trace Gas Retrievals Credit M. Pommier/ P. Coheur/ D. Hurtmans, 2008 Slide: 26 MUG Meeting June 2009 GOME Ozone Produce Antarctic ozone "hole" 2008 Slide: 27 MUG Meeting June 2009 GRAS Radio-Occultations (click for loop) Slide: 28 MUG Meeting June 2009 Ascat: Surface Radar Reflectivity Ocean Surface Winds (KNMI) Soil Moisture (EUMETSAT and University Vienna) Slide: 29 MUG Meeting June 2009 JASON: Oceanographic Data JASON-2 was launched on 20 June 2008 NASA / NOAA / CNES / EUMETSAT satellite To be followed by JASON-3 and Sentinel-3 Main payload: Poseidon altimeter (nadir viewing), 13.6 and 5.3 GHz Microwave instrument to correct for atmospheric humidity Orbit determination instruments (within 3 cm) Slide: 30 MUG Meeting June 2009 JASON Products Altimeter measures Sea Surface Height Significant Wave Height Surface Wind Speed Slide: 31 MUG Meeting June 2009 JASON Products Products Main Variables Frequency Application Class 1 Operational Sensor (Geophysical) Data Record (OSDR/OGDR) Significant Wave Height (SWH) Surface Wind Speed (WIND) Sea Surface Height (SSH) 3 hours Nowcasting Operational Wave Forecasting 2 Interim Geophysical Data Record (IGDR) Sea Surface Height (SSH) Absolute Dynamic Topography (ADT) Ocean Geostrophic Velocities Daily** Medium-Range Forecasting Seasonal Forecasting Ocean Weather 3 Geophysical Data Record (GDR ) Sea Surface Height (SSH) 10 daily (one repeat cycle) Climate Monitoring Sea level Rise Climate Modeling Slide: 32 MUG Meeting June 2009 JASON Product: Sea Level Rise Slide: 33 MUG Meeting June 2009 New Building – and new Office Cooling System Slide: 34 MUG Meeting June 2009 New Logo ;) Slide: 35 MUG Meeting June 2009 The End! Thank you! Merci! Danke! Slide: 36 MUG Meeting June 2009