15-08-07 Final PSSB_Program.pdf 1 07.08.15 Thursday, September 6 Sponsors Faculty We like to thank the following companies for their generous support of the 2015 PSSB course. Without their contributions, this event would not be possible. Chairmen Prof. Dr. M. Caversaccio Prof. Dr. V. Djonov Main Sponsor Sponsors C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 17:08 Bern Faculty Dr. Nicolas Gerber Dr. Patrick Dubach Dr. Sandro Negri Prof. Dr. Christoph Ozdoba PD Dr. Matthias Bergmann Swiss Rhinology Board and Invited Guests Prof. Dr. Florian Lang, Fribourg Prof. Dr. Gero Strauss, Leipzig Dr. Ali Almomen, Dammam Dr. André Arnoux, Aarau Prof. Dr. Daniel à Wengen, Binningen KD Dr. Hans-Rudolf Briner, Zurich Dr. Jean-Paul Friedrich, La Chaux-de-Fonds Prof. Dr. David Holzmann, Zurich Prof. Dr. Jean-Silvain Lacroix, Geneva PD Dr. Basile Landis, Geneva Prof. Dr. Andreas Leunig, Munich Prof. Dr. Philippe Pasche, Lausanne Dr. Christoph Schlegel, Lucerne PD Dr. Michael Soyka, Zurich PD Dr. Abel-Jan Tasman, St. Gallen Prof. Dr. Antje Welge-Lüssen, Basel Dr. Omair al Hussain, Riad Course Location Institute of Anatomy University of Bern Bühlstrasse 26 CH-3012 Bern PSSB 2015 Endoscopic Course for Paranasal Sinus and Skull Base Surgery Bern, Switzerland, September 3rd-5th, 2015 Under the auspices of European Rhinology Society Swiss Society of ORL Department ENT Head and Neck Surgery Inselspital University Hospital Bern Final Program 15-08-07 Final PSSB_Program.pdf 2 07.08.15 17:08 Thursday, 3rd September, Institute of Anatomy 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K REGISTRATION WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION................M. Caversaccio Introduction to the anatomy...............M. Caversaccio Basic physiology of the nasal mucosa ...........................................J.-S.Lacroix & B. Landis 9:25 Compulsory cares following endonasal surgery ...........................................J.-S. Lacroix & B. Landis 9:40 Anatomical terminology of the lateral nasal wall .........................................M. Soyka & D. Holzmann 10:00 Classification of surgical procedures ..........................................H.R. Briner & D. Simmen 10:30 How to read a CT-scan before sinus surgery ............................................J.-S. Lacroix & B. Landis 10:50 COFFEE BREAK 11:15 Cadaver dissection: nasal endoscopy, infundibulotomy, maxillary sinusotomy, partial anterior ethmoidectomy ............................................H.R. Briner & A. Arnoux 13:15 LUNCH 14:00 Pre- and postoperative assessment of the olfactory function....................A. Welge-Lüssen 14:15 The posterior approach to the maxillary sinus ..............................................................D. à Wengen 14:25 Anatomical terminology of the posterior ethmoid and sphenoid...............................................A.J. Tasman 14:40 Carotid blowout in sphenoid sinus: case report and acute management.........................D. à Wengen 14:55 Surgical technique ...............H.R. Briner & D. Simmen 15:15 Powered instruments .............P. Dubach & C. Schlegel 15:25 Bimanual assisted surgery......H.R. Briner & D. Simmen 15:35 COFFEE BREAK 15:55 Cadaver dissection: partial posterior ethmoidectomy, sphenoidotomy, sphenoid-ethmoidectomy ........................................ A. Arnoux & D. Holzmann Friday, 4th September, Institute of Anatomy Saturday, 5th September, Institute of Anatomy 8:00 Conservative therapies of chronic rhinosinusitis and polyps..................................B. Landis & J.S. Lacroix 8:30 Dacryocystorhinostomy .........................C. Schlegel, .................................J.P. Friedrich & M. Caversaccio 9:00 Fronto-ethmoidectomy, frontal sinusotomy type I – III ..........................................H.R. Briner & A. Leunig 9:35 Complications of FESS...................................F. Lang 9:45 Case presentation: How could I do it better.....A. Arnoux 10:05 COFFEE BREAK 10:30 Cadaver dissection: (H.R. Briner, A. Leunig, C. Schlegel & R. Kamel) 1. Turbinoplasty, 2. Fronto-ethmoidectomy 3. Frontal sinusotomy type I - III 4. Dacryocystorhinostomy 12:30 LUNCH 13:30 How to avoid and deal with complication.....A. Leunig 14:00 Management of the sphenopalatine artery ..........................................H.R. Briner & C. Schlegel 14:20 Decompression of the orbit and the optic nerve ...........................................................D. Holzmann 14:40 CSF Leak: diagnostics and repair from small to big .................................................................P. Pasche 15:00 Primary spontaneous CSF Leak....................M. Soyka 15:10 Achievements of endonasal tumor surgery-skull base surgery..........................................D. Holzmann 15:35 COFFEE BREAK 16:00 Cadaver dissection (H.R. Briner, D. Holzmann & P. Pasche) 1. Management of the sphenopalatine artery 2. Decompression of the orbit and optical nerve 3. Lateral cantholysis, 4. CSF leak closure 18:15 Intranasal trigeminal perception...................B. Landis 18:30 Pediatric endoscopic sinus and skull base surgery....... ............................................................A. Almomen 18:45 Fungal sinusitis: up-to-date classification and management..........................................A. Almomen 8:00 Inverted Papilloma: prelacrimal fossa approach ................................................................A. Leunig 8:20 Automation and assistance systems for transnasal surgery ..............................................................G. Strauss 8:45 Basic challenges in image guided head and neck surgery....................................................N. Gerber 9:00 New developments in diagnostic and interventional neuroimaging.........................................C. Ozdoba 9:20 Radiation dose reduction in CAS ...............P. Dubach 9:30 Office based digital volume tomography (CBCT) .................................................................S. Negri 9:45 Balloon Sinuplasty ..................................M. Caversaccio 10:00 Presentation of navigation systems that will be used during the workshop 1. Brainlab 2. Medtronic 3. KarlStorz 10:20 COFFEE BREAK 10:45 Hands-on workshop Key steps of image guided surgery are demonstrated and trained 12:30 Concluding remarks & take-home message .......................................................M. Caversaccio 12:45 FAREWELL APERO CME CREDITS The Swiss Society of ORL, Head and Neck Surgery has awarded 20 Credit points for Continuing Medical Education to this course.