Fall 2015 Newsletter/Annual Report


Fall 2015 Newsletter/Annual Report
Fall 2015 • Vol. 2, Issue 9
Powerful national touring exhibit showcased
corpse to
Asked why
she would do
this, Bradley
that by
with their
own eyes the
For All the World to See: Visual Culture and the Struggle for Civil
Rights, a nationally touring exhibition from NEH on the Road opened
brutality of
on September 5.
ixty years ago, in
Americans would be more
September 1955, shortly
likely to support the cause of
after 14-year-old Emmett civil rights.
Till was murdered by white
supremacists in Mississippi,
For All the World to See:
his grieving mother, Mamie
Visual Culture and the
Till Bradley, distributed a
Struggle for Civil Rights, a
gruesome black-and-white
nationally touring exhibition
photograph of his mutilated
from NEH on the Road, is
on display at the Sioux City
Public Museum through
October 18. Through a
compelling assortment of
photographs, television
clips, art posters, and
historic artifacts, the exhibit
traces how images and
media disseminated to the
American public transformed
the modern civil rights
movement and jolted
Americans, both black and
white, out of a state of denial
or complacency.
Visitors to the immersive
display will explore dozens of
(continued on page 2)
Inside: FY 2015
annual report
Recent donation adds local context to exhibit
o give a local angle to
the exhibit, a recentlydonated vintage 1920s
Ku Klux Klan robe and hood
is included in the display.
During the 1920s, Sioux City
had a large and active
Klan membership. After 20
years of massive European
immigration and the horrors
of World War I, both middle
and working class whites
were attracted to the
organization’s outwardly
patriotic rhetoric, which
was anti-Catholic, antiJewish and anti-immigrant in
addition to anti-black. Sioux
City’s Klan burned crosses,
staged large parades and
held conclaves at their own
meeting grounds along
Highway 141 in eastern
Morningside. Klan activity
declined after 1925. The
impact of the local Civil
Rights Movement is also
discussed in the display.
The Sioux City Public Museum collects, preserves, and interprets cultural
and social history with an emphasis on Sioux City and the region.
Experience the history of Sioux City like never before! You are invited to
Director’s Report
ow! That is my one
word description for
the summer we enjoyed at our Museum facilities. The Sgt. Floyd Welcome
Center had a great summer
with visitors from around the
world visiting our unique site.
The Annual Car Show and
the Lewis and Clark Encampment were highlights of the
summer. The Peirce Mansion
hosted dozens of events and
an open house that marked
the end of remodeling of the
Mansion (for now anyway).
Our downtown location enjoyed one of our busiest summers ever with a full range
of classes, programs and fun
temporary exhibits!
(continued from page 1)
compelling and persuasive
visual images including
photographs from influential
magazines such as LIFE,
JET, and EBONY; CBS news
footage; and TV clips from
The Ed Sullivan Show. Also
included are civil rightsera objects that exemplify
the range of negative and
positive imagery—from Aunt
Jemima syrup dispensers
and 1930s produce
advertisements to Jackie
Robinson baseball ephemera
and 1960s children’s toys
with African American
portraiture. For All the World
to See is not a history of the
civil rights movement, but
rather an exploration of
the vast number of potent
images that influenced how
Americans perceived race
and the struggle for equality.
Of course none of this would
have been possible without
a significant investment of
time and resources from our
volunteers and dedicated
staff members. As the Director, I remind myself every day
“...none of this would have
been possible without a significant investment of time
and resources from our
volunteers and dedicated
staff members.”
how fortunate the Museum
is to have a great team that
accomplishes so much and
continues to offer quality
programming throughout the
by Steve Hansen
By the time you receive this,
we will have said farewell to
two of our long-serving staff
members. In September,
Grace Linden retired after
serving the Museum for over
20 years; in early October,
Mark Simpson retired after
serving for over 10 years primarily at the Sergeant Floyd
Welcome Center & River Museum. Both Grace and Mark
brought unique skills to their
positions and raised the bar
of service. We thank them
and wish them all the best in
their well-earned retirement.
Enjoy this edition and we
hope you will visit us soon!
Ernest C. Withers, Sanitation Workers Assembling for a Solidarity March, Memphis,
March 28, 1968, Gelatin silver print, 8 1/2 x 14 3/4 in., National Museum of African
American History and Culture, Smithsonian Institution, Museum Purchase.
For All the World to See
has been made possible
through NEH on the Road,
a special initiative of the
National Endowment for
the Humanities. It has been
adapted and is being
toured by Mid-America Arts
Alliance. For All the World
to See: Visual Culture and
the Struggle for Civil Rights
was organized by The
Center for Art, Design, and
Visual Culture, University
of Maryland, Baltimore
County, in partnership with
the National Museum of
African-American History
and Culture, Smithsonian
Institution. For more
information, visit maaa.org or
Sioux City
Museum &
Fiscal Year 2014 – 2015 • July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
Sioux City Public Museum
Visitors of all ages continue
to come to the Sioux City
Public Museum for engaging
exhibits and programming
throughout the year. Collaborations included Storytime with Clifford the Big Red
Dog, Riverfication, Fun Fest,
Scientist for a Day, Tolerance
Week, Historic Preservation
Week, and Tourist in Your
Own Town activities.
In FY 2015 summer camps
such as “Cooking Camp”
and “Dinosaurs Rock” were
especially popular. Special
programs utilizing NASA
outreach materials were
presented to Girls Inc. and
Beyond the Bell classes in
the summer as well. School
groups visiting the Museum
continued to grow as well,
with particular growth in programs available to preschool
through 2nd grade. The 206
educational programs were
given to the following:
• 92 school groups
• 52 children’s programs
• 31 programs for adults, • 26 outreach (off-site)
• 5 guided adult tours/talks
FY15 Temporary Museum Exhibitions
April 12 – August 10, 2014
Denmark: October 1943
April 4 – May 17, 2015
Sioux City History Projects
August 23, 2014 – Jan. 4, 2015 June 13 – September 13, 2015
Sioux City Journal: 150 Years Saturday in the Park:
Rockin’ for 25 Years
in Siouxland 1864-2014
January 17 – May 31, 2015
Native American Artwork
featuring Chuck Raymond
Special short-term displays
Crash of United Airlines Flight
232 25th Anniversary
January 24 – March 15, 2015
The Homestead Series
Rock Valley, IA in 1921)
Popular adult programs included the Kansas City Monarchs presentation, The Book
of Iowa Films author’s talk,
and the Homestead Series
artist’s talk. The History at High
Noon series remained popular and staff continued to be
in demand as presenters to
groups outside the Museum
as well. Research Center staff
served 796 people by giving presentations to various
groups in the community.
In FY 2015, 834 researchers
were served: 265 in-house
researchers, 559 phone inquiries, and 10 e-mail inquiries.
The First Pneumatic Tractor
Tire (Invented by Hessel Roorda of
In addition, 67 people visited
the Research Center for nonresearch purposes such as
tours and general business.
The LAMB Arts Regional Theatre’s Projects of HOPE Night
benefitted the Sioux City
Public Museum’s exhibits and
educational programming in
March 2015. As LAMB’s selected non-profit partner, the
Sioux City Museum & Historical Association received the
ticket sale proceeds for the
opening night performance
of Inherit the Wind which
included a pre-show reception.
Attendance/Service Statistics
Sioux City Public Museum – 42,205 Sgt. Floyd River Museum & Welcome Center – 23,526
Outreach and Research – 2,574
The Sioux City Public Museum collects, preserves, and interprets cultural
and social history with an emphasis on Sioux City and the region.
Sgt. Floyd River Museum & Welcome Center
& Welcome
Center, the
year was
most remarkable for some
unusual activity and
changes on
the riverfront.
The most
visitors of the
year were the
Horses. Their
caravan of
The appearance of the Clydesdale horses created quite a stir along
trailers used
the riverfront last summer.
the Welcome
Center parking lot for a food
The Bill Diamond Antique
break for the horses as they
& Classic Car Show in
travelled from Sturgis, SD to
July and the Sergeant Floyd
the Iowa State Fair.
Memorial Encampment in
August remained popular in
With the opening of the Hard
FY15. However, for the SerRock Casino in August, the
geant Floyd River Museum
Peirce Mansion
Halloween trick-or-treating was just one of the public events at the historic Peirce Mansion.
ANNUAL REPORT • 2 Argosy (often referred to as
the “other boat”) left the
riverfront in October.
In February, a small wedding
was performed aboard the
M.V. Floyd, which is thought
to be a first for the boat.
The “Far West” boat model, made entirely of Lego
pieces, arrived for display
in March. The realistic looking model was particularly
interesting to the numerous
school groups who toured
during the spring.
Staff and volunteers worked
to increase their knowledge
of local attractions with a
tour of the Rail Museum in
May. The Welcome Center
served motor coach tours as
well as visitors from around
the world. A variety of riverfront activities made for yet
another memorable year.
The Peirce Mansion remained
a popular venue for a variety of private events. Special
public events at the Mansion
included an Antique and
Used Book Sale fund-raiser,
Halloween trick-or-treating,
and a Holiday Open House.
The largest public event was
the open house celebrating
the completion of the Peirce
Mansion’s restoration in April.
Improvements to the historic
home remain on-going with
Missouri River Historical Development, Inc. (MRHD) awarding a grant to upgrade the
electrical system at the Mansion in May.
Volunteer service given by
greeters, tour guides, Artisans
Guild members, Research
Center and Sgt. Floyd Welcome Center volunteers,
and board members totaled
6,141 hours during FY15 (not
including Peirce Mansion volunteers or others who do not
submit timesheets). Thanks
to the 144 active volunteers:
Jake Allen, Wyman (Andy) Anderson, Jeanine Ashmore, Keith
Ashmore, Glenn Barnett, Rachelle
Barnum, Chase Baumann,
Margaret Beeson, Mike Berger,
Michele Boykin, Nancy Boyle,
Haley Brees, Patt Brenden, Jeff
Burke, Kim Buyert, Harold Canny,
Rosie Chicoine, Becky Clausen,
Carmen Cobb, Katie Colling, Ron
Colling, Jill Collins, Linda Craft,
Steven Crary, Mark Custer, Lynn
Doxtad, Tiffany Dubksy, Ginny Duncan, Don Duzik, Terry Duzik, Dr. Paul
Fee, Penny Fee, Janet Flanagan,
Kathy Fliginger, Priscilla Forsyth,
Ginger France, Ernesto Garcia,
Jerald Goehring, Jim Goff, Russ
Gondek, Terry Gottburg, Jody
Graham, Mary Helen Graves,
David Grimesey, Chris Gude, Greg
Guelcher, Joan Hanson, Mary
Heck, Beth Hickey, Bev Hinds,
Pamla Hoadley, Brad Holder, Emily
Jensen, Ron Johnme, Joan Johnson, Thomas Johnston, Jim Jung,
Anne Kallsen, William Kendra, Don
Kingery, Ruth Kingery, Herb Kuehne, Rosie Kuehne, Wendy Lego,
Gerald Lenz, Hob Lessman, Wayne
Lindgren, Nolan Long, Camille
Lydon, Gene Lydon, Connie Macfarlane, Doug Macfarlane, Carmen
Major, Mary Macomber, Sandy
Mansfield, Patrick McKeever,
Brendan McKenna, Phyllis McMillan, Don Meisner, Gabrielle Mims,
Marc Mozak, Rick Mullin, Mark
Munger, David Nelson, Don Nelson,
Marta Nelson, Nancy Neumann,
Jeff Olson, Jessie Patton, Barb
Philips, Tom Plaza, Maynard Porter,
Bonnie Quade, Ty Quade, Genevieve Radosti, Dr. Carolyn Rants,
Jean Rhinehart, Ethan Rose, Rita
Rose, Randy Rumelhart, Martha
Sammons, Carolyn Schmith, Joan
Schurtz, Darold Sea, Alice Sea,
Anne Shaner, Nancy Shulenberger,
Karen Simpson, Dave Sitzmann, Lyn
Stanek, Joy Stone, Marge Swanson,
Karen Tagatz, Joseph TenHulzen,
Lucinda Tryon, Eric Turner, Nathan
Votek, Patricia Walsh, Sue Waples,
Jackie Warnstadt, Shirley Watson,
Kelsey Watterson, Allan Wells, Kaylene Wells, Carolyn Wendte, Bonnie
West, Carmen White, Ashley Workman, and Harrison Ysbrand
•Here’s How – Farm Weekly
•History of Woodbury & Plymouth
•Iowa: Celebrating the Sesquicentennial
•Iowa natural history books
•Looking Backward: Early Sioux
•Magazines from 1800s
•Making a Modern Highway
•Milwaukee Railroader magazines
•Northwest Iowa, Its History & Traditions
•Old and New Facts About Sioux
•Pocketful of Raisins
•Reflections of Siouxland Pride
•Sioux City Spirit of Progress
•Sioux City Journal cookbooks and
centennial edition newspaper
•Siouxland Life magazines
•Soil Survey of Woodbury County
•Spirit of Service
•The Bats: The History of Iowa’s Air
National Guard
•The Public Schools of Sioux City,
•The Service People
•Undaunted Courage
•Up Hill Both Ways
•Warner’s History of Dakota Co.
•We Are the Body of Christ, St.
Boniface Church
•Woodbury County Farm Directory
•Woodbury County History
•YWCA Holiday Fair booklet
•Woodbury Medical Society’s
125th Anniversary booklet
Artifact Donations
The Sioux City Public Museum
received 255 separate donations estimated at 7,993 individual objects, photographs
and manuscript collections in
Books and Newspapers
•Annals of Iowa
•A Healing Ministry
•A Historical Profile of Sioux City
•Along Iowa’s Historic Highway 20
•Berky by Margaret Nelson
•Briar Cliff publications
•Catherine Werner’s Cookbook
•Community Alliance newsletters
•Cookbooks from Sioux City organizations such as Nativity Church,
St. Luke’s School of Nursing, and
Shaare Zion Women’s League
•Credit Reference booklets
•Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper
•Genealogical books/magazines
•Globe, LeMars Daily Cenntinel,
and Sioux City Tribune newspapers
•Goldfinch: Life on the Iowa Prairie
•Harry Hopkins, Ally of the Poor…
•Heavenly Creations cookbook
Business Artifacts
•Archie’s Diner photo
•Argosy Riverboat Casino photos
•AT & T dry battery
•Bailey & Bergh Pharmacy letter,
•Bank checks from local businesses: Murphy-French Co., Sioux City
Gas & Electric Co.. CB & R Railway
Co., and Davidson Bros. Co.
•Belle of Sioux City bell, postcard
•Biltmore dining room toothpicks
•Blue Bunny brand history
•Booth & Olson cistern cover
•Bottles from Lane’s Bottling, Hy
Rock, and Sioux City Brewing Co.
•Calendars from Knoepfler Chevrolet, Scissors Palace Hair Salon and
Wilmes Hardware
•C. J. Banks woman’s jacket
Artifact Donations
•Chesterman Co. crate
•Cudahy & Co. slides and photos
•D & B Construction Co. tape
•Davidson Brothers dress pattern
•Fantles dress box
•Farmer’s Lumber & Supply Co.
•Firestone yardstick
•First Federal Savings & Loan magnet and bank sign
•First National Bank money bag
•Fishgall’s store box
•FM90 radio cup
•Gateway 2000 desk top, laptop,
accessories, toy cow, slinky, and
plant photo
•Green Gables Restaurant painted
prairie dog sculpture and sign
•Hard Rock Hotel & Casino DVD,
pin, and other souvenirs
•Haskins Brickyards bricks
•Hotel Jackson pitcher
•Hotel Martin bartender badge
•Imperial 400 Motel postcards
•IPS Night light
•J. K. Prugh Crockery pitcher
•John Deere Plow Co. envelopes
•Kari Keen automobile heater ad
•KCAU-TV weather guide
•KTIV t-shirt, calendar
•Lilja’s Dept. Store suit bag
•Livestock Exchange Building
photo of Stockettes’, 1954
•Livestock National Bank and Toy
National Bank dollar bills
•M & S Co. auto parts desk
•Magnets from Classic Cuts, Exact
Eye Care magnet, Family Health
Care of Siouxland, Farrell’s Heating
and Air Conditioning, and Pinnacle
Heating and Cooling
•Martin Hotel Billiard room token,
toothpick holder, and tablespoon
•Missouri Valley Steel scratch pad,
golf ball
•Mugs, pens, hats, t-shirts, flyers,
posters, matchbooks, etc. from
Sioux City businesses, such as Marian Health Center, Holtze Construction Co., Jolly Time, Bishops cafeteria, Missouri Valley Machinery
Co., The Normandy, Frank’s Café,
Duke’s Radio, Soo Tractor Sweeprake, Kay Dee Feed, Nickel Plate,
The Jewelry Lady, and CNOS
•National Woodwork Co. wooden
•Norwest/Terra building souvenir
•Note/scratch pads from Cardiovascular Associates, Soo Tractor
Sweeprake Co.
•Payless Cashways yardstick
•Pencils from Overhead Door Co.
and Sedgwick Abstract Co.
•Pool Hall photo
•Prairie Creek Popcorn Co. pen
•Pratt Mallory coffee can
•R. H. Roemmich Furnace Co. ruler
•Rulers from Bekins Moving Co.
•Sadoff’s ruler, notebook
•Sgt. Bluff Brickyards photos, clippings
•Shenkberg Co. pin & ribbon, receipts, letters
•Sioux City Foundry’s Norfolk Furnace control plate
•Sioux City Milk Producers Co-op
letter opener
•Sioux Tools electric drill
•Sloan-Guiney Agency sign
•Soo Candy Co. candy box
•Steele, Siman & Co. notebooks
•Swift & Co. ledger, turkey box
•T. S. Martin & Co. store tags
•Telephone company work gear,
hats, booklets
•The Glass House ice scraper
•Topper Coffee Shop mending kit
•Tucker Amoco Service Rain
•Walsh Live Stock Comm. Co.
•Westy Shop milk carton holder
•White Drug Store coupon book
•Wincharger Co. scrapbook
•Wonder Bread bag
•Wrenn’s Plumbing card
•Zenith Co. radio
•‘Puppin’s Place’ audio tape
•Abu Bekr Temple yearbook
•American Interprofessional Institute of Sioux City records
•American Legion photographs
•Archaeological dig (Siouxland
Sand & Gravel site) papers
•Boy Scouts memorabilia
•Chuck Raymond prints, cards
•Coles Addition record books
•Community Blood Bank t-shirts
•Corn Palace tokens, pins, ribbons
•DVD movies about Iowa
•Elco Garhum Study Club materials
•Elks Lodge booklets, photos,
•Five Over Legal band t-shirt
•Floyd Monument picture, ribbon,
and pin
•Fortnightly Club record books
•Goff Painting Exhibit catalog
•Grace United Methodist Church
history, t-shirt, and booklet
•Hayes Masonic Gallery brochure
•Interstate Livestock fair postcard
•Jeff & Eddie Skeets Orchestra
•Ku Klux Klan uniform and hood
•Leif Erickson Park Pool ad
•Map of Woodbury County 1875
•March to Honor Lost Children
press release
•Municipal Auditorium dedication
•Orpheum Theater posters, prints,
and ticket for Sheryl Crow concert
•Orpheum Theater Preservation
Project papers
•Paintings of the Combination
Bridge and Grandview Park Bandshell
•Poster for Sober Indian/Dangerous Indian film
•Race for Grace t-shirt
•Radiant Life Community Church
•River-Cade button, tickets, lanyards
•Rockestra t-shirt and sourvenirs
•Saturday in the Park posters
•Sioux City Centennial ‘Little Miss’
pin and tokens
•Sioux City Homecoming t-shirt
•Sioux City Public Museum notecards
•Sioux City South Flyers Racing
Pigeon Club trophies, books, ID
•Sioux City Sue contest photos
•Sioux City Summer Circus sign
•Sioux City Symphony Foundation
•Siouxland Master Chorale poster
•Siouxland Singers Club pictures,
news articles
•Siouxland Youth Chorus booklets,
•St. John Lutheran Church directories
•Tyson Event Center posters for
Motley Cru and Steve Miller Band
Artifact Donations
•YWCA cookbook, dedication
•Zetalethian Literary Society photos
•Central High School graduation
invitation, Record newspapers,
photographs, reunion papers, and
souvenir plate
•Chalk holder
•East High School musical photo,
letters for football & music, programs for 1987 homecoming &
football, student handbook, t-shirt
•East Jr. High booster booklet
•Hawthorne School scrapbooks,
•Heelan School newsletters, yearbook
•Joy School building artifacts
(bolts, light switch, meal ticket,
etc.), PTA materials, and t-shirt
•Morningside College yearbook
and 40th Class Reunion book
•North Jr. High badge and letter
•St. Joseph School of Nursing photographs
•Whittier Elementary School papers
and photos
•Woodrow Wilson Jr. High staff
•Yearbooks: Arrow, Hawkeye,
Sioux City High School, Maroon &
Government/Military/Political and
•512th Fighter Interceptor Squadron memorabilia, jumpsuit, pins,
medals plaques
•Air National Guard yardstick
•Bush-Cheney poster, pom-poms
•Certificate of Election for Rep.
Donald V. Doyle
•Citizen’s Ticket poster, 1918
•City of Sioux City Annual Report/
Parks & Rec Dept. papers, images
•Gov. William L. Harding letter
•Korean War military forms
•Monahan Post Band music case
of James Hittle
•Monahan Post Drum & Bugle
Corps photos
•President John F. Kennedy newspapers
•Sgt. Floyd Riverboat and Downtown Partners memorabilia
•U. S. Defense savings bonds
stamp album
•U. S. Postal Service clock, plaque,
handbook and documents
•U.S. Flags: Iraqi War era; one with
48 stars
•Woodbury Co. Courthouse drawings, booklet, pillows, blanket
•Woodbury Co. General Development Plan, 1970
•WWI soldiers photo, trunk, memorabilia
•WWII Ration book; duffle bag; letters, revolver; Japanese surrender
•Eastern Airlines portfolio and historical booklet
•Milwaukee Railroad survey equipment
•Sioux City Transit Co. tickets
Household/Personal Artifacts/Tools
•Adding and dictation machines
•Barber shop sign
•Bread pan, muffin pan, skillet,
dessert trays, and wood spoon
•Castor Oil bottle
•Catalogs from J. C. Penneys
•Christmas Ornaments
•Cigarette case
•Clothes brushes/hangers and
shoe horn
•Coca-Cola pop cooler
•Crockery jog
•Doctor’s bag
•Doll crib, high chair
• Family memorabilia from Allsbrow
Family, Henry G. Anderson, Mrs.
Herrold (Virginia) Asmussen, Harry
Batcheller, Beacom Family, Patricia
Betsworth, Ethyl Johnson Cain,
Georgia (Mrs. Ed.) Dwight, Elders
Family, Conrad & Leona (Wilkins)
Featherstone, Don Ferguson, Louis
Frank, Lee & Mary Gayer, Thomas
Gerkin, G J. T. Graham, Clifford
Gustavson, Dwight Hauff, Fae
Robert L. Hinders, Philpott Hirsch
Family, Tom Johnston Family,
Charles Kamphoefner Family,
akepeace Family, Neville Family,
Dawn O’Brien, John Osborn,
Mike Pakeltis, John Peirce, Tom
Peterson, Donald W. Shoning, Silvis
Family, William & Rebecca Smith
Family, Fred Evans/Annie Tallent,
Thompsons Family, Toy Family, Van
Dyke Family, Egon Viola, Walter
Webb, Jr.
•Furnace door
•GE and Sound Design radios
•Glenn H. Jones Fur coat
•Horse hair lap robe
•Jewelry box and lapel pin
•John Metz Fur coat
•Kodak cameras, slide projector,
and manuals
•Korn Krisp doll
•Liquor bottle and whiskey bottle
•Meat tenderizer
•Miniature furniture
•Original Social Security card/envelope
•Paper fan
•Photographic equipment(camera
flash, developing tray, ferrotype
plates, etc.) and Poloroid camera
•Picnic basket
•Quilting patterns and pieces
•Revere 8mm projector
•Razor strop
•School books
•Silver flask
•Stereograph Views
•Telephone lineman/operator dolls
•Tin Types
•Toy doll won on Canyon Kid’s
Corner TV show
•Toy rooster, wagon, and yo-yo
•Woman’s corset, hat, dress, belt,
blouse, jacket, petticoat
•Wonder Lighting rocking horse
Sioux City Photographs/Postcards/
Booklet Images/Digital Images
•City views, parks, cemeteries,
monuments, buildings, workers
•Cold Storage facility
•Construction of Combination
Bridge and Gordon Drive viaduct
•Exchange Club
•Floyd River Flood, 1953
•Irving F. Jensen Co.
•Kansas City Monarchs black
baseball team
•Marketplace Mall photo
•Missouri River bridge
•Missouri River Flood, 1952
•Municipal Band playing at the
•Octagon House
Artifact Donations
•Saturday in the Park photo
•Sioux City Municipal Auditorium &
Civic Center
•South Bottoms
•Stanton Grocery Store
•Tucker butcher shop
•Tyson Event Center photo
Miscellaneous/Area Artifacts
•Black ball box used in a Sioux City
•Elvis Presley autograph
•Folson Point (rock projectile point)
•Historic Sites Guide, 1970
•Horse fly net
•Ida County books
•Land documents from 1859
•Collection of papers, maps, pictures, etc. about Siouxland history
•Metal trays for the American Bicentennial celebration
•News article on William Fleck/Haddock Murder
•National Geographic magazines
•Newsboy permits, receipts, award
•Official Street Guide, 1932
•Pres. John F. Kennedy assassination newspapers
•Road Atlas, maps of Iowa
•Rock in shape of arrowhead
•Sioux City Souvenir spoon, plate
•Sioux City Sue bookmark, poster
•Souvenir knitted throw
•Telephone system equipment set
•Tommy Bolin calendar
•United Flight 232 Crash newspapers and VHS tape
•Waugh Motor Co. raffle ticket
•Wooden, hand-made miniature
carousel, fire truck, crane, drilling
rig, bulldozer, tractor, train, trestle
Sports & Recreation
•Bill Turley autograph
•Harlem Globetrotters basketball
team poster and event poster
•Mickey Mantle autograph
•NAIA Women’s basketball t-shirt
•Sioux City teams: Bandits football
t-shirt, poster; Explorers baseball
bat; Musketeers poster/program
•Siouxland Bombers uniform
•Soo Bowmen archery trophies
•YMCA/CYAA basketball tournament patches
Endowment Giving
A challenge grant spurred FY15 endowment
giving. More than 100 donors helped the
Sioux City Public Museum meet the Gilchrist
Endowment Challenge. The grant was a
dollar-for-dollar match of up to $40,000. Gifts
ranged in size from $10 to $20,000.
American Pop Corn Company
Craig & Nancy Anderson
Mark & Terri Avery
Arlene Baldes
Rachelle Barnum
Matt Basye & Theresa
Ken Beekley
Chuck & Sandra Beermann
Richard C. Beguin
Michael L. & Margie A. Bennett
Dr. William & Dianne Blankenship
Randy W. Bradley &
La Vone M. Sopher
Donald & Patricia Brauninger
Karen Brennan
Lee Brennan
Lillian Brodkey
Harold Canny
Rosie Chicoine
Craig J. Clark
Rusty & Karen Clark
Carmen Cobb
Ron & Katie Colling
K. Anne Cowley
Sherry Craig
Paul & Paula Crandell
Steve & Bonnie Crary
Rich & Sara Crawford
Paul Culbertson
Gracia A. Davenport
Geraldine Day
Virginia Duncan
Warren Dunkle
Dr. Quentin & Sue Durward
Don & Terry Duzik
Richard & Marilyn Engle
Janet & Mike Flanagan
Kathy Fliginger
Jeff & Shay Gebauer
Nancy S. Giles
Milton Glazer
Gleeson Family Foundation
Jerald & Donna (Link) Goehring
James L. Goff
Russ & Gretchen Gondek
Great West Casualty Company
Edith Greenstone
Dan & Gyna Greenwell
David Grimesey
Colleen Hagemeyer
Steve Hansen & Glenda
Claris Hanson
James W. Haritage
Douglas Harrold
Daniel & Sally Hartley
Helios Foundation
Jane D. Hey
Pamla K. Hoadley
Lee B. Jarvis
Tigger & Irving Jensen
Ronald Alfred Johnson
Jim Jung
Sandra L. Kangal
Mona Kelly
Willie & John Kelly
Don & Ruth Kingery
Thomas W. & Shirley M. Kinquist
Klinger Companies, Inc.
Charlotte Kock
Elizabeth Krueger
Sylvia Kuennen & John Cordoue
L.P. Gill, Inc.
Col. James E. Lalley, Ret.
Bradley F. & Wendy Lego
Barry Loughridge
Connie & Doug Macfarlane
Mahoney-Hill Charitable Fund
Les & Carmen Major
Dr. Earl E. & Helen Maxwell
Rebecca & Charles McKenny
Wayne McKinney, Jr.
Jane Bekins Meginnis Foundation
Dr. Donald & Nadine Meis
Morningside Kiwanis
Rick & Sue Mullin
Warren (Bud) Nelson
Nancy Neumann
Roger & Glendy Nichols
In memory of Norbet Nixa by
Mark J. Nixa
David & Julia Nixon
In memory of Harold & Ruth
Nysveen by Larry H. &
Gabrielle Nysveen
Larry H. & Gabrielle Nysveen
Claire E. O’Brien
Thomas R. Patterson
Miles H. Patton, Jr.
David & Joan Paulsrud
E. John Pendleton
Mrs. Roberta S. Pendleton
Mark & Polly Peterson
Bob & Ginny Peterson Foundation
Thomas & Glenda Plaza
Robert & Phyllis Powell
Dr. Carolyn J. Rants
James P. & Barbara A. Redmond
Richard & Jean Rhinehart
Rosenbaum Law Firm
Maita Sadoff
Linda Santi
Donald D. Sappingfield
Michelle Schmidt
Clay & Helen Schuck
Joan Schurtz
Darold & Alice Sea
Robert & Molly Seff
Gary & Anne Shaner
Sioux City Museum & Historical
Sioux City Museum Artisans Guild
Sioux City Museum Trust Fund
Siouxland Heritage Foundation
Al & Peg Smith
Linda Hazer Snyder
William Austin Soiset
Sooland Antique Cars, Inc.
Richard & Bonnie Storm
Stanley Swanson
Wilma J. Sylvester
Karen Tagatz
Norman & P. Catherine Te slaa
Gaylen & Cathy TenHulzen
Eric & Denise Turner
Steve & Mary Waller
Jim & Lois Walsh
Steve Warnstadt & Mary
Steve & Jackie Warnstadt
Gerald & Kathleen Weiner
In memory of Dr. Roger Wendt
by Anita Wendt
Bonnie West
Mark Wetmore
David & Vicki Will
HelenAnne R. Williams
Larry & Rebecca Williams
Bonnie K. Zetterman
Bud and Joee Ziebell
*Listing reflects gifts received
July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015.
We apologize for any omissions
or errors.
Artifact Donors
Harry J. Adams
Amy Anderson
Kelly Andre
Barbara Anfinson
Rebecca Arnett
Jan Ashmore
Cindy Asmussen
Frank Baker
Hazel L. Baldasti
Michelle Barta
Doug Batcheller
Eleanor A. Beacom
Tom Beauvais
Mildred Beckman
Don Bentson
Gail L Berger
Dorothy Berry
Kent Beseke
Carol Blair
Lynne Erickson Boulden
Don Brauninger
Joseph Brown
Jan Burg
Susie Christensen
Bill Church
City of Sioux City - City
Manager’s Office/Parks &
Recreation Department
Chris Coates
Coffman Farm Agency
Chuck Condon
Christine Cook
Dinah Crees
Jim Cunningham
Ron Cutler
John R. Family Dawdy
Brad Deck
Robert Deloss
Ann Desing
Robert Detches
Phil S. Dixon
Nancy Dobyns
Judy Doyle
Janet Easterly
Jack Elder
Richard Ellison
Shirley Falk LeFebvere
Adam Feiges
Donated by R. A. Wightman,
this 1888 souvenir medallion
is suspended from a cornshaped pin on a ribbon from
the 2nd Corn Palace Festival.
Patricia Fetyko
Kathy Fischer
Janet Flanagan
Deloris Haviland Fournier
Jim France
Laura Gerkin
Nancy Giles
Rose Gilman
Caroline Gola
Carolyn Goold
Anna M. (Hagen) Green
Mary Green-Warnstadt
David Grimesey
Chris Gude
Justin Gursslin
Joan Gustavson
Sandy Hanlon
Steve Hansen
Dr. James Hartje
Rima Hartman
Iris Hemingson
Marvis Hendrickson
Kathy Heutinck
Virginia L. Hinders
Peter Hittle
E. H. Holck
Edward & Belinda Holdcroft
Jack J. Holmes
Beth Homeister
Keith Huffman
Barbara A. Huser
Donald E. Isler, Jr.
Irving F. Jensen, Jr.
Beverly E. Johnson
Charles A. Johnson
Judy Johnson
Walt Johnson
Lyle Johnston
Thomas Johnston
Jim Jung
Don & Ruth Kingery
Thomas W. Kinquist
Mary Klaver
Marty Knepper
Troy Knight
Kathie Kobernus
Myrna L. Koeppe
Mrs. Thomas Kozney
John & Kim Kreber
Daryl W. Lahrs
Nancy Lake
James E. Lalley
Sheila Langley
Anne Marie Langlois
John Lawrence
Jan Lenz
Marlene Levine
Maynard Libby
Grace Linden
Wayne Lindgren
Joe Loutsch
Kathy Ludwig
Camille Lydon
Karen Mackey
Harold Mahoney
Norman P. Mahoney
Marge Massey
Norma J. May
Sue McComber
Mary McGuirk
Dale McKinney
Shirley McLeod
Don Brauninger of Correctionville donated several hand-made
wooden toys including a carousel, fire truck, and tractor shortly before
he passed away. He considered this Crawler Crane to be his best work.
Kathy Meisner
Bill Miller
Marion Moline
Don &Marta Nelson
Erin Nelson
Norma Nelson
Nancy Neumann
Shirley Nichols
Mary L. Nitzskchke
Claire O’Brien
Don O’Brien
Matthew O’Kane
Garry Pape
Brad Pauling Family
Annie Peterson
Patricia Sheafe Piggee
Patti Polkinghorn
Maynard Porter
Brent Pruehs
Dick Pruehs
Wilma Raders
Radiant Life Community Church
Beverly & Harold Rasmussen
Ray’s Midbell Music
Jennifer Reeg-Beckner
Peggy Reid
Nels Reynolds
Jean Rhinehart
Frances Rickabaugh
Dennis Robinson
Dianne Rose
Janice Rykhus
Dolores Sachau
Lois Sakariason
Martha Sammons
Patty Saunders
Donald Schincke
Charles Schultz
Corlee Scott
Dale Scott
Helen Scott
Robert Seff
Anne Shaner
Jerry & Shirley Sides
Siouxland Center for Active
Siouxland Singers
Mary Van Dyke Sloan
Donald Slotsky
Daryl Smith
DeAnne Smith
Ron Smith
Steven R. Smith
Marcella Snyder
Patricia Snyder
Clarice J. Speck
St. John Lutheran Church
Dawn Stansbury – Whittier School
Tom & Gert Stevens
Tom Stock
Neil Stockfleth
Richard & Bonnie Storm
Rick Strom
Justin Sundt
Marge Swanson
Todd Tastad
Dixie Hayes Taylor
Michael Till
Lyle Todd
Lucille Tornkvist
Jeff Tronson
Eric Turner
Steve Twiselton
Robert & Marilyn Tyler
Judy Utesch
Marlene Vanderweil
Kim Walish
Doug & Sue Waples
Jackie Warnstadt
Shirley Watson
Theresa Weaver-Basye
Allan & Kaylene Wells
Bonnie West - Interpro
R. A. Wightman
David Will
Gary Winters
Carolyn Wolski
Woodbury Co. Board of Supervisors
Mark Wyant
Shirley L. Yates
Robert T. Yeager
Carolyn Yockey
William Ziebell
Museum & Historical Association Members
Jack & Barbara Aalfs
Elaine E. Ahlwardt
American Pop Corn Company
Craig & Nancy Anderson
Bryan & Wini Arneson
Arlene Baldes
Diane M. Barnett
A. Frank & Sandra Baron
Matt Basye & Theresa
Ken Beekley
Virginia Y. Behrens
Dwight Birkley
Edwin C. Blackburn
Carol Blair
Dr. William & Dianne Blankenship
Claudia Blenderman
Patricia A. Bortscheller
Tim & Kathleen Bottaro
Randy W. Bradley & La Vone
M. Sopher
Donald & Patricia Brauninger
Lee Brennan
Loal J. Broulette
Elaine Brown
Myrna A. Burg
Bernardine Burke
Marie T. Byrne
Harold Canny
Carolyn Carpenter
Judy Caskey
Indy & Amy Chabra
Dr. Dan Chapman
Rosie Chicoine
Susan Linder Clavin
Anne Cleghorn
Bob & Jean Clem
Carmen Cobb
Ron & Katie Colling
Sally Conner
K. Anne Cowley
Sherry Craig
Steve & Bonnie Crary
Rich & Sara Crawford
Paul Culbertson
Mickey Darrough
Gracia A. Davenport
Joan M. Davenport
Maryanne Deibert
Richard, Susan & Mary Delfs
Janice Deuhr
Don & Terry Duzik
Richard & Marilyn Engle
Carol Runnels Faerber
Dr. Paul & Penny Fee
FEH Associates Inc.
Kathy Fliginger
Virginia France
Mike & Katie Gecewich
Dorothy Gedwillo
Theresa & Michelle
Galen & Carlene Gehrts
James E. & Katheryn Giasafakis
Nancy S. Giles
Jerald & Donna (Link) Goehring
James L. Goff
Russ & Gretchen Gondek
Carolyn Goodwin
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Graham
Thomas & Jody Graham
Gay Gray
Great West Casualty Company
Alice Gross
Greg & Yumiko Guelcher
Marilyn Hackett
H. T. (Ted) Hampe
Steve Hansen & Glenda
James W. Haritage
Beth Harms & Chris Jensen
Douglas Harrold
Daniel & Sally Hartley
Rima & Ron Hartman
Dr. Susan Hatfield
Richard Hayes
Dr. Phil E. Held
Evelyn Helt
Marvis Hendrickson
Ann Hill
Dale B. Hill
Beverly J. Hinds
Pamla K. Hoadley
Jonathan & Danuta Hutchins
Iowa-Nebraska State Bank
Terry & Helen Isaacks
Ona Iverson
Betty W. Jahn
Lea Ann Jefferson
Irving & Tigger Jensen, Jr.
Mark & Kay Jensen
Jan Johansen
Harland & Jeannette Johnson
Jean Johnson
Dr. Paul & Patrice Johnson
Ronald Alfred Johnson
Larry & Margee Joines
Jim Jung
Ken Ackerman/K&B
Transportation, Inc.
Paul & Suzi Kaiman
Sandra L. Kangal
Mina Karcher
Alvin & Donna Kay
Joan D. Kelly
Kathy Kelly
Mona Kelly
Diane Kidd
Don & Ruth Kingery
Hillard E. & Ann Knutson
Kathie Kobernus
Sonya Kostan
Herb & Rosie Kuehne
Col. James E. Lalley, Ret.
Margaret Lamkin
Richard M. Levich
Camille & Gene Lydon
Beverly (Watson) Lyle
Connie & Doug Macfarlane
Les & Carmen Major
Patricia Martin
Taylor F. & Linnea Massie, Jr.
Deanna Mayo
Alan & Terri McGaffin
Paul & Mary Ellen McGuirk
Bob McIntosh
Jane Bekins Meginnis
Dr. Donald & Nadine Meis
Ron & Marilyn Millage, Sr.
Eleanor M. Moline
Joy Momsen
Bernice Moritz
Russell Movall
Michael J. Mullen
Dorothy Myers
Dave & Julie Nelson
Nancy Neumann
Larry H. & Gabrielle Nysveen
Jim & Kathy O’Brien
Dr. Sharon Ocker
LeRoy A. Olsen
Palmer Candy Company
Kathryn Kay Patterson
David & Joan Paulsrud
E. John Pendleton
James D. Pendleton
Roberta S. Pendleton
Ginny Peterson
Marti Peterson
Scott & Janet Plathe
Thomas & Glenda Plaza
Maynard & Brenda Porter
Daniel Pottebaum
Greg Pranke & Julie Miller-Pranke
Keith Radig
Teresa Ramold
Joyce A. Randall
Dr. John & Barbara Redwine
Roger & Judy Rentel
Connie Rosenberger
Ted & Susie Rudberg
Dr. Rex & Maria Rundquist
Raymond T. Rye, II
Bob & Sandy Sabel
Maita Sadoff
Sanford Museum
Dr. Patrick & Catherine Saulsbury
Michelle Schmidt
Carolyn D. Schmith
Margaret Scholten
Eldon Schroder
Clay & Helen Schuck
Ronald Schuetz
Darold Sea
Robert & Molly Seff
Larry & Pauline Sensenig
Elaine M. Seubert
Lowell & Karen Shaw
William & Cora Howard Sibley
Bill & Mary Sievers
Mark & Karen Simpson
David Sitzmann
Linda Hazer Snyder
David Somsky
Francis & Clarice Speck
Tom & Gert Stevens
Tom & Mary Stock
Ray & Marlene Sturdevant
Wilma J. Sylvester
Karen Tagatz
Gaylen & Cathy TenHulzen
Edward & Lucinda Tryon
Eric & Denise Turner
Larry Twait
Gary & Barbara Uehling
Greg & Jill Van Buskirk
Dr. Richard & Dorothy Wagner
Joan Waitt
Steve & Mary Waller
Jim & Lois Walsh
Mike & Mary Walsh
Steve Warnstadt & Mary
Steve & Jackie Warnstadt
Jeri Watkins
Anita Wendt
Rev. Harold E. Werley &
Ruth French
Bonnie West
Mark Wetmore
Carmen White
Margaret J. White
David & Vicki Will
Gib & Barbara Wynn
Mrs. Mose Yanney
Dr. William & Joee Ziebell
Other 2014-15 Donors
Grants/Special Projects
Gilchrist Foundation
Iowa Department of Cultural
Affairs - CLP Grant
State Historical Society of Iowa
- Historical Resource
Development Program (HRDP)
Museum Artisans Guild
Herb & Rosie Kuehne
Camille & Gene Lydon
Peirce Mansion Donors
Don & Terry Duzik
Dr. Paul & Penny Fee
John & Diane Gray
Missouri River Historical
Development, Inc. (MRHD)
Ty & Bonnie Quade
The Sioux City Public
Museum lost two longtime supporters in FY15,
Nancy S. Giles and
Kaylene Wells.
Several memorial donations in their honor were
received after the end
of the fiscal year and will
be reflected in the FY16
annual report.
In memory of Nancy S. Giles
Irving F. Jensen, Jr. & Tigger,
Colin & Pokey Jensen, Erik &
Mary Jensen, Mark & Kay
Jensen and Susan & Sherman
Wollesen on behalf of the
Irving & Elizabeth Jensen
Jermaine Prescott
Joan L. Waitt
See the Endowment Giving
section on page 6 for more
memorial gifts.
*All listings reflects new gifts
received July 1, 2014 – June
30, 2015. We apologize for any
omissions or errors.
Long-time curator retires after 20 years of service
race Linden, Curator
of History, retired
in September after
20 years with the Sioux City
Public Museum. Linden
began her career in the
museum field first as Museum
Store Manager in 1995 before
becoming Archival Records
Clerk and later Curator of
History at the Museum.
Linden was a member and
officer for many local, state
and national organizations
throughout the years.
She was a member of a
national Midwest Archives
Conference; a member of
several Iowa organizations,
the Iowa Museum
Association (IMA) and the
Consortium of Iowa Archivists
(ICPC); and a member of
local historical organizations,
such as the Siouxland
Archival Consortium, the
Sioux City Museum and
Historical Association, and
the Sioux City History Club.
Linden was vice-president
and president, more
than once, for ICPC and
Sioux City Museum and
Historical Association
Membership Form
Grace Linden
organized and gave
workshops for the ICPC
annual meetings.
Linden was a Technical
Advisory Network (TAN)
member and consulted with
many historical organizations
across Iowa for the State
Historical Society of Iowa
(SHSI). She also was a grant
reviewer for SHSI’s Historical
Resource Development
Program (HRDP) grants and
a judge for the Iowa state
History Day program both
at the district and state
levels. Linden also was a
staff assistant for the Iowa
Historical Records Advisory
Board (IHRAB).
Linden fondly recalls helping
to organize Sioux City
History Day, moving the
Research Center facilities
to two different locations,
interviewing women in local
government and social
service agencies for the Oral
History program, giving talks
and workshops to many local
organizations, and giving
walking and bus tours to
national and international
groups in Sioux City.
Welcome Center retirements
Two staff members of the
Sergeant Floyd River Museum
and Welcome Center have
retired. Custodian Ron Craft
retired in the summer while
Welcome Center Assistant
Mark Simpson retired in October. Simpson served in many
capacities within the Museum system over the years
from a desk attendant at
both Public Museum sites to
a custodian and Desk Attendant/Welcome Center Assistant at the Sergeant Floyd.
As a member of the Sioux City Museum and Historical Association you will receive:
The Museum newsletter and invitations to special events for members.
Discounts on children’s classes and a 10% discount on purchases at our gift shops.
The benefits of the Time Traveler Program which include free/reduced admission
and discounts at historic sites and museums across the United States.
Membership Categories (please check one)
• Individual:
• Supporting: $50/year
• Sr. Citizen:
• Patron:
• Family:
• Benefactor: $250+/year
• Business: Starting at $100+/year
Amount Enclosed: $___________
Phone Number
E-mail address
Make checks payable to:
Sioux City Museum and Historical Association
Credit card payments accepted by calling 712-279-6174 ext. 105
or by completing the information below:
Visa/MasterCard#_____________________________ Exp. Date_______
CVV Code (3-digit # on back of card)_______
Cardholder’s Signature________________________________________
The Sioux City Museum and Historical Association is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Please send membership form and payment to the Sioux City Museum and Historical Association • 607 4th Street • Sioux City, Iowa 51101
Sioux City Museum & Historical Association
607 4th Street
Sioux City, IA 51101
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 87
Sioux City, IA
Sioux City Public Museum
607 4th Street
Tuesday - Saturday
10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Museum Research Center
Wednesday - Friday
1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Appointments are appreciated
(Jackson St. entrance closed)
Sergeant Floyd River Museum
& Welcome Center
1000 Larsen Park Road
Daily 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
John Peirce Mansion
2901 Jackson Street
Available for rentals
Main phone # 712-279-6174
Museum Staff
Matt Anderson, Exhibits Preparator
Don Bentson, Welcome Center Custodian
Mary Green-Warnstadt, Development Coordinator
Steve Hansen, Museum Director
Dottie Johnson, Front Desk/Museum Store Assistant
Grace Linden, Curator of History
Bernetta Lopez, Museum Attendant
Connie Macfarlane, Education Coordinator
Deanna Mayo, Administrative Assistant
Kathy Meisner, Sgt. Floyd River Museum Supervisor
Tom Munson, Archival Records Clerk
Mark Simpson, Welcome Center Assistant
Eric Turner, Custodian
Theresa Weaver-Basye, Curator of Education
David Will, Custodian
Laurna Witt, Welcome Center Custodian
Museum & Historical
Association Board Members
Terry Gottburg, President, Don Duzik, VicePresident, Joellen Graham, Secretary, Maynard
Porter, Treasurer, Harold Canny, Rosie Chicoine,
Terry Duzik, Kathy Fliginger, Russ Gondek, Greg
Guelcher, Mary Heck, Connie Macfarlane, Patrick
McKeever, Marc J. Mozak, David Nelson, Joan
Schurtz, and Eric Turner.
Sioux CityGPublic
RAND OMuseum
the history of Sioux City like never before! You are invited to
October 16
– 17 the grand opening of the new Sioux City Public Museum.
Peirce Mansionstate-of-the-art
Antique &interactive
Book displays,
Sale engaging permanent exhibits,
rare Sioux City artifacts and so much more. Please join us on this
Friday 5 – 8history-making
p.m., Saturday
10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the Peirce Mansion
day as we present ÒOur New MuseumÓ to the community.
Suggested donation of $1 at the door
Sunday, October 18
City Public
Interpretations of the Struggle: WHO:
& “More
I Can Bear”
WHAT: Grand Opening Ceremony &
2 p.m. at the Sioux City Public Museum
Ribbon Cutting
Saturday, October 24
WHEN: Saturday, April 23, 2011 at 10:00 a.m.
Floyd Cemetery Tour
WHERE: 607 4th Street
10 a.m. at Floyd Cemetery (meet at the cemetery entrance)
Museum Board of Trustees
Saturday, October 31
Day of the Dead Celebration
1 – 3 p.m. at the Sioux City Public Museum
Board Meetings
Thursday, November 19
History at High Noon: Underground Sioux City
12:05 p.m. at the Sioux City Public Museum
Rick Mullin, Chair; Janet Flanagan, Vice-Chair;
Michele Boykin, Katie Colling, Priscilla Forsyth,
Wendy Lego, and Ben Nesselhuf.
The Association typically meet at 6:30 p.m. on the
2nd Tuesday of the month; the Trustees typically
meet at noon on the 2nd Friday of the month.