repair and maintenance manual - pest management supply pest
repair and maintenance manual - pest management supply pest
REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL Professional Pest Control Application Equipment Revised 9/06 B&G Equipment Company 135 Region South Drive, Jackson, GA 30233 Phone: 800.544.8811 678.688.5601 Fax: 678.688.5633 2 Table of Contents Prime Line Tank Sprayers Extenda-Ban Valve, Tank, Parts …..….. Ban-Drip, XR Valve Parts ……………… Repair Kits ……………………………….. Valve Repair Procedures ….…………… Sprayer, Valve Trouble-shoot …………. Ban-Drip Trouble-shoot ………………… Pages 3, 4 5 6, 7 8 - 10 11,12 13 Termiticide Application Tools Versagun, Versatool Parts ……………... QCG, SRG Parts ………………………… Termite Tool Pipe Sets …………………. 484 / 486 Versatool Parts ………………. Sub-Slab Injector Parts …………………. Repair Kits ……………………………….. Termite Tools Prior to 2005 …………… Robco Termite Tool Prior to 2005 …….. Versagun, Versatool Trouble-shoot …... QCG, SRG Trouble-shooting ………….. Sub-Slab Injector Trouble-shoot ….…… 14 15 16 17 18 19 20, 21 22 23, 24 25 26 Pest Control Equipment Electric Duster Parts ……………………. Multidose Bait Gun Parts, Trouble-shoot . Pistol Pro Parts, Trouble-shoot ………… Duster Parts …….……………………….. Wood Treatment System Parts …..…… Wood Treatment System Trouble-shoot.. Electric Fogger Parts …………………… Electro Sprayer Parts ………..………….. Fogger, Duster Trouble-shoot …..……… Miscellaneous Repair Parts ……………… 27 27 28, 29 30 31, 32 33 34 35 36 37- 40 3 26 21 Extenda-Ban Valve 24 28 36 30 35 20 31 32 34 37 38 39 42 40 43 44 45 41 Extenda-Ban Valve # Part Order # Description 20 21 VB-147 VT-140 22044450 22042800 24 26 28 PN-150-2 VP-151 AS-148 22042455 22045099 22044500 30 31 32 34 35 SL-162 NG-146 MS-145-50 SA-143 VC-152 VC-153 VC-163 VE-154 VE-155 VE-164 VE-154-SS VE-155-SS VE-164-SS VS-156 SSL-157 SS-158 SP-159 5850-CC 9751-M 4190 5800-CC 4596 22046700 22044200 22043800 22043400 22045300 22045400 22045450 22045500 22045600 22045650 22045510 22045610 22045710 22045700 22045900 22046100 22046300 22049466 22034700 22034700 22049467 22034500 Valve body Valve Trigger Kit (includes SH-142 Screw housing, TS-141 Trigger screw) Packing nut (stainless steel) Valve packing washer Adjustment Screw Kit (includes LN-149 Lock nut, SR-161 Snap ring) Safety lock nut Nylon gasket Mesh Strainer Kit (includes SS-144 Strainer support) Strainer housing Valve cable, 9 in Valve cable, 18 in. Valve cable, 24 in. Valve extension, 8 in. (brass) Valve extension, 18 in. (brass) Valve extension, 24 in. (brass) Valve extension, 8 in. (stainless steel) Valve extension, 18 in. (stainless steel) Valve extension, 24 in. (stainless steel) Valve spring Seat stem nut Seat stem Soft seat gasket Multeejet tip assembly Multeejet tip holder Viton gasket Multeejet CC tip Tip retainer Rev 9/06 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4 Stainless Steel Sprayer # Part Description # Part Description 1 T-50 T-100 T-200 T-300 T-500 HS-297 OS-297 TS-297 THS-297-01 FS-297 HA-298 TT-1 TB-1 5700-H D-50 D-51-P Tank, ½ gallon Tank, 1 gallon Tank, 2 gallon Tank, 3 gallon Tank, 5 liter Siphon tube, ½ gal. Siphon tube, 1 gal. Siphon tube, 2 gal. Siphon tube, 3 gal. Siphon tube, 5 liter Adapter, hose Tank top (1 gal.) Tank bottom Tip holder Hose, 4 ft. red Hose washer 8 9 10 11 P-275 P-276 P-274 PH-273 PO-273 PF-265 PT-265 P-272 NP-277 NP-270 P-269A P-269-SS P-268 PH-267 PO-267 PF-267 PT-267 PV-266 Pump handle Pump lock spring Pump cap Plunger rod, ½ gal. Plunger rod, 1 gal. Plunger rod, 2 gal., 5 L Plunger rod, 3 gal. Back plate Polypropylene cup Cup spreader plate Lock washer Plunger nut Pump gasket Pump tube, ½ gal. Pump tube, 1 gal. Pump tube, 2 gal. Pump tube, 3 gal. Check valve 2 3 4A 4D 5 6 7 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Rev 9/06 5 Ban-Drip Valve 1 10 14A 11 12 13 7 8 9 2 14B 6 5 3 4 Ban-Drip Valve # Part Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VB-40 VT-41 SA-42 SB-43 TS-44 TN-45 VR-46 Valve body Valve trigger Mesh strainer Pipe thread strainer Trigger screw Trigger nut Valve rod and pin 8 9 10 11 12 13 14A 14B PN-47 RP-48 RS-49 SGH-50 TSG-51 TC-52 800067 5850 Brass packing nut Rod packing Rod spring Seat gasket holder Seat gasket Tip cap Fine fan tip Multeejet tip assembly XR VALVE # Order # 1 2 22037500 Valve assembly 22037510 XR Valve Kit Valve stem sub-assembly Brass guide O-ring #1 Gasket, copper Valve spring 22037503 Handle 22037508 O-ring (Viton) 22037501 XR Valve body 3 4 5 Description Rev 9/06 6 REPAIR KITS EXTENDA-BAN VALVE REPAIR KIT GD-124 (Order # 22050100) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 PV-266 P-268 NP-270 NP-277 P-276 D-51-P 4190 NG-146 VP-151 VS-156 SP-159 22027200 22028000 22028600 22029000 22029900 22030400 22034700 22044200 22045099 22045700 22046300 Check valve Tank gasket Spreader plate Plastic plunger cup Lock spring Washer (hose coupling) Gasket (Viton) Gasket (Nylon) Valve packing Valve spring Soft seat gasket BAN-DRIP VALVE REPAIR KIT GB – 114 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PV-266 P-268 NP-270 NP-277 P-276 D-51-P 4190 RP-48 RS-49 TSG-51 22027200 22028000 22028600 22029000 22029900 22030400 22034700 22041100 22041300 22041700 (Order # 22049900) Check valve Tank gasket Spreader plate Plastic plunger cup Lock spring Washer (hose coupling) Gasket (Viton) Packing rod Rod spring Seat gasket (Teflon) XR GUN REPAIR KIT GT-100 (#22049600) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PV-266 P-268 NP-270 NP-277 P-276 D-51-P 4817 4932 ------4143 VS-156 22027200 22028000 22028600 22029000 22029900 22030400 22037800 22038200 22038900 22039100 22045700 Check valve Tank gasket Spreader plate Plastic plunger cup Lock spring Washer (hose coupling) Valve stem sub-assembly Brass guide O-ring #1 Gasket, copper Valve spring Rev 9/06 7 XR GUN FIRST AID KIT FA-600-T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PV-266 P-268 NP-270 NP-277 P-276 D-51-P 4190 4817 4932 4578 ------4143 VS-156 22027200 22028000 22028600 22029000 22029900 22030400 22034700 22037800 22038200 22038700 22038900 22039100 22045700 (#22050200) Check valve Tank gasket Spreader plate Plastic plunger cup Lock spring Washer (hose coupling) Gasket (Viton) Valve stem sub-assembly Brass guide Brass cap O-ring #1 Gasket, copper Valve spring EXTENDA-BAN VALVE FIRST AID KIT FA-600-D 6 4 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 PV-266 P-268 NP-270 NP-277 P-276 D-51-P 4190 TS-141 SH-142 MS-145-50 NG-146 AS-148 LN-149 VP-151 VS-156 SS-158 SP-159 22027200 22028000 22028600 22029000 22029900 22030400 22034700 22043200 22043800 22044200 22044500 22045099 22045700 22046100 22046300 (Order #22050400) Check valve Tank gasket Spreader plate Plastic plunger cup Lock spring Washer (hose coupling) Gasket (Viton) Trigger screw Trigger screw housing Mesh screen (filter) Gasket (Nylon) Adjustment screw Locknut Valve packing Valve spring Seat stem Soft seat gasket Rev 9/06 7 EXTENDA-BAN VALVE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 1 1. Detach the Valve and Extension from the hose. Carefully remove the mesh strainer. Squeeze the Trigger to drain all liquid from the Valve. 2. Remove the Trigger (1), then the Snap ring (5), Safety lock nut (6), the Adjustment screw (4), the Lock nut (3), and then the Packing nut (2). 5 2 3 4 6 Strainer Packing washers Extension The Trigger can be removed by moving it to the back of the Valve. Cable 3. Unscrew the extension at the front of the valve. The extension can be pulled away from the valve along with the interior steel cable. wrench 9/16 wrench 4. Packing washers (white) that were at the end of the cable will remain inside the valve. Carefully dislodge and remove these washers. 5. Remove the tip and nozzle assembly from the end of the extension, be careful to keep the Soft seat gasket. Tip and nozzle Use 2 wrenches to loosen the tip: one (5/8 “) to hold the extension, and a second to loosen the tip Soft seat gasket . Note: The extension may become twisted and unusable unless 2 wrenches are used to remove the tip. Inspect the soft seat gasket and the small O-ring on Multeejet tips, replace if damaged or worn. Replace the nozzle if it is more than old. Nozzle O-ring 6. Push the cable out the front of the Extension to expose the Spring, the small Lock nut, and the Seat stem. B&G Equipment Company 135 Region South Dr, Jackson GA 30233 Ph – 678-688-5601 Rev 1/05 8 Unscrew the Seat stem and Lock nut, and slide off the Spring. Place these small pieces in a closed container (they are easily misplaced). Spring Lock nut Seat stem 7. Remove the stainless steel cable by pulling it slowly through the back end of the Extension – you cannot pull the cable through the front of the Extension. The threaded end of the cable at the nozzle end is short and easily passes through the curve in the Extension. The end of the cable at the valve end is long and will not pass through the curve. Remove cable out the back Replace the cable if it is worn or damaged. 8. Re-assemble the Extension by inserting the short end of the cable into the back so that threads are exposed at the nozzle end. 9. Slide the Spring onto the end of the cable, then the Seat stem lock nut. Screw lock nut only about 4 threads down, towards the end of the cable. 10. Attach the Seat stem onto the cable, in front of the Lock nut. Hand tighten Seat stem against the lock nut. Long end 4 threads down Seat stem lock nut Seat stem Seat stem lock nut 11. Insert the long end of the cable into the front end of the valve. Push the cable through the valve until the end is through the back of the valve. Long end of cable Tighten the Extension to the valve body. 12. Insert 2 or 3 Packing washers onto the cable, then slide on the Packing nut Rev 1/05 B&G Equipment Company 135 Region South Dr, Jackson GA 30233 Ph – 678-688-5601 9 behind the washers and tighten. Use 2 washers with brass Packing nut Use 3/8 or 7/16 wrench on Packing nut Valves built before 1999 have a stainless steel Packing nut that takes 3/8 wrench, there is no internal O-ring, these valves need 3 washers. Packing washers Valves built between 1999 and 2000 have a brass Packing nut + O-ring, this nut takes a 7/16 wrench, these valves need 2 washers. Lock nut Valves built after 2000 have a stainless steel Packing nut + O-ring, this nut takes a 3/8 wrench, and these valves require 2 washers. Adjustment screw 13. Screw onto the cable the Lock nut and the Adjustment screw. Turn the Adjustment screw so the end of the cable is level to the top of the slot in the top of the screw. Tighten the Lock nut against the screw. Trigger 14. Attach the valve trigger by inserting it into the space between the Lock nut and Adjustment screw, then insert the Trigger screw. 15. Screw the Safety lock nut into the valve body, and then attach the Snap ring. Safety lock nut insert Trigger Snap ring squeeze Trigger to retract cable 16. Attach the tip and nozzle to the end of the Extension, make certain the Soft seat gasket is facing correctly. The small end faces the Extension. Soft seat gasket Press the Trigger to retract the Seat stem into the Extension, then attach the tip and nozzle. B&G Equipment Company 135 Region South Dr, Jackson GA 30233 Ph – 678-688-5601 Rev 1/05 11 TANK SPRAYER PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS P. Tank is not holding pressure; pump is working but no pressure remains in the tank. S. Check pump gasket, replace if cracked. P. Tank is not getting pressure; the pump seems to be working but no pressure builds in the tank. *Plastic cup *Hose washer *Spreader plate S. Grease plastic cup in pump tube, or replace cup and spreader plate. P. Pump cylinder fills with liquid, pumping is difficult. S. Clean dirt from bottom of pump tube, replace check valve at bottom. P. Won’t spray; tank holds pressure but there is no spray from the nozzle, this is a new sprayer. S. Replace Hose washer, it may have been damaged when hose was attached to tank; the junction may have been over-tightened! *Pump gasket Siphon tube (#22025700) *Check valve *These parts are in Gasket Kit GD-124 P. Tank holds pressure, but there is no spray from nozzle (old sprayer). Soft seat gasket S. (1) Siphon tube is clogged or cracked, it must be cleaned or replaced. Nozzle (2) Clean the mesh strainer at the end of the hose near the valve. (3) Clean the nozzle with a soft brush. (4) Clean or replace Soft seat gasket at end of the extension. Mesh strainer (#22043800) Rev 9/06 12 TANK SPRAYER PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS (page 2) P. Valve is leaking around the packing nut, and the handle is wet. Packing nut S. (1) Tighten the packing nut. (2) Replace the valve packing washers. 2 washers with brass packing nut 3 washers with stainless steel packing nut 2 washers for brass Packing nut 3 washers for stainless steel Packing nut P. Extension is leaking at the tip, a constant drip from the tip. S. (1) Clean or replace nozzle O-ring. (2) Clean end of seat stem. Soft seat gasket (3) Clean or replace soft seat gasket. Correct position (4) Replace the valve spring. O-ring Valve spring P. Hose is leaking at the connection with the tank; leaks when tank is pressurized. S. Replace the hose washer at the end of the hose; do not over-tighten the connection when reconnecting the hose to the tank. Cable Seat stem Hose washer Siphon tube Rev 9/06 13 BAN-DRIP AND BAIT GUN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Multeejet tip Packing nut Valve rod Seat gasket holder Rod spring Seat gasket Packing nut Trigger Rod packing Strainer P. Gun is leaking from the tip. P. Leaking occurs around the packing nut and trigger. S. Replace the seat gasket. Loosen the Tip cap. Pull the trigger and remove the tip cap and nozzle, then insert a new gasket, pull the trigger and re-assemble the tip. S. Tighten the packing nut; if leaking continues, then replace the rod packing. Remove the packing nut and then remove the rod packing. Plunger rod Knob release lever P. Not enough or no bait delivered at setting No. 1. S. Tip may be clogged. Some baits do not work well at setting No. 1, a larger setting may be necessary. Dose adjust. knob P. Trouble releasing plunger rod. S. Lightly depress the knob release lever at top of gun, pull back the rod and apply 3-in-1 oil. Move oiled rod back and forth. (Squeeze trigger along with the knob release lever.) Rev 9/06 14 Versagun Valve – 700 Series # Order # Valve 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Kit 11007406 22067514 22067513 22067511 22067517 22067510 22067512 22067509 22067514 22071285 22067506 22067516 22067505 22067514 22067515 22024410 22067507 22067503 22067526 22067527 22070725 22067518 95144402 22067554 Description Valve assembly Locknut Actuator block Packing screw Sealing washer Packing gland Actuator pin Spring spacer Locknut Pipe plug 1/8” NPT Versagun handle Trigger pin Versagun body Locknut Versagun trigger Shutoff spring Shutoff stem Adapter ½ Hose fitting Hose fitting washer 0-160 psi gauge Adapter Threaded washer Valve Rebuild Kit (includes 1, 4, 17) 10 1 2 20 3 4 8 9 5 6 7 13 12 11 18 19 14 15 16 Versagun 21 17 22 Versatool Valve – 700 Series # Part Valve 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Kit ------1544 VT-618 1-1964 VT-619 VT-621A VT-622A VT-611 TN-45 1138 VT-609 TN-45 VT-612 VT-615 VT-616 VT-617 ------------------------- Order # 11007407 22071644 22059700 33000090 22059800 22060000 22060100 22059000 22040500 22071038 22058800 22040500 22059100 22059400 22059500 22059600 22067518 95144402 22067554 Description Valve assembly Valve body Spring rod O-Ring Valve rod Seat gasket Seat gasket holder Valve trigger Hex nut Spacer Trigger pin Hex nut Rod screw Trigger lock Trigger lock spring Trigger lock screw Adapter Threaded washer Valve Rebuild Kit (includes 1, 4, 17) 1 10 11 9 8 12 13 15 14 4 7 3 Versatool 2 6 5 16 17 Rev 9/06 15 27 26 QCG GUN SRG GUN 19 22 17 22 18 14 16 11 15 10 29 27 18 19 16 22 20 29 12 15 24 29 11 10 21 24 17 28 14 28 30 22 20 23 29 12 26 30 23 21 27 25 9 25 6 7 31 4 8 1 2 5 3 SRG AND QCG GUNS # Part Description # Part Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 34501 34502-6 34503-V 34504 34505 34506-V 34507 34508 34509 34510 34511 34512 34513 34514 34515-N Nozzle nut Nozzle orifice O-Ring P-14 Adj. sleeve Sleeve screw O-Ring P-18 Back-up O-ring Pattern valve Valve body Valve seat Shutoff valve Shutoff valve spring Trigger assembly* Pivot bolt Pivot bolt nut 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 34516-V 34517-V 34518 34519-S 34520 34521 34522 34590-S 34596 HWN 34519-N 34513-A 34513-B 34513-C 34513-D 34563 Gasket O-Ring Gland nut Valve stem nut Handle 1/2 MPT adapter Pivot bolt washer Label Trigger lock Gasket for QCG gun Lock nut, valve stem Trigger piece Valve yolk Trigger hinge bolt Hinge bolt nut Nosepiece * Trigger assembly = #s 27- 30 Rev 9/06 30 16 SERIES 400 TOOLS: PIPE SETS, EXTENSION PIPES, AND TIPS 7 7A 6 Standard Pipe Set 6 Professional Pipe Set 10A 10 11 15 12 Extension Pipes Splash guard 13 16 8 14 9 Cone seal 1 2 3 4 5 7/16” 1 gpm Tips Standard Standard Tip Kit Kit Tip 997 (22067997) #450 11007450 #453 11007452 Standard Pipe Set # Computer # 6 7 8 9 10 15 16 22067797 22067798 22067906 22067912 22067904 22060850 22071716 360° 180° Professional Pipe Set Description # !/8” adapter 3/8” adapter 5/8” x 40” galvanized pipe 7/16” x 40 stainless pipe 7/16” x 12” stainless pipe Splash guard 7/16” ACS assembly 6 7A 10A 11 12 15 16 Standard Tip Kit Computer # 22067797 22067798 22071427 22071428 22071429 22060850 22071716 Description !/8” adapter 3/8” adapter 7/16” x 12” stainless tubing 7/16” x 40 stainless tubing 5/8” x 40” stainless tubing Splash guard 7/16” ACS assembly Extension Pipes # Part Computer # Description 1 2 3 4 5 457 455 454 453 451 11007457 11007455 11007454 11007453 11007451 void 2 gpm 360° 5 gpm 360° 2 gpm 180° 2 gpm 360° 2 gpm # Computer # 13 14 11007460 11007465 Description 7/16” x 40” stainless tubing 5/8” x 40” stainless tubing Rev 9/06 17 484 / 486 Versatool # Part Order # Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1549 1544 VT-618 1-1964 VT-619 VT-621A VT-622A VT-611 VT-609 TN-45 1138 VT-612 VT-615 VT-616 VT-617 --------1393 1390 22071649 22071644 22059700 33000090 22059800 22060000 22060100 22059000 22058800 22040500 22071038 22059100 22059400 22059500 22059600 22071783 22071393 22071390 Valve assembly Valve body Rod spring O-Ring Valve rod Seat gasket Seat gasket holder Valve trigger Trigger pin Hex nut Spacer Rod screw Trigger lock Trigger lock spring Trigger lock screw Seal nut Slab pipe 7/16” x 40” Tip, 360°, 2 gpm Adjustable Cone Seal 1 # 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Part 1145 1380 ACS-30 ACS-26 1381 Order # Description 22071716 22071045 22071380 22071776 22071715 22071381 Adj. Cone Seal 7/16” Retaining screw Lock knob Foot ram Cone seal 7/16” Lock bolt Rev 9/06 18 Sub-Slab Injector (SSI-4, SSI-14) # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Part Description VT-610 Valve assembly VT-618 Rod spring I-1964 O-Ring 2673 Valve rod VT-611 Valve trigger VT-609 Trigger pin TN-45 Hex nut 1138 Spacer VT-612 Rod screw VT-615 Trigger lock VT-616 Trigger spring VT-617 Trigger screw 22065300 Wing nut 2674 Extension rod for #4 2675 Extension rod for #14 2668 Shaft for #4 2669 Shaft for #14 400 Lock sleeve for #4 500 Lock sleeve for #14 SSL-157 Seat stem lock nut 2676 Seat stem 2677 Seat gasket 2678 Stud #5 Compression ring #6 Expansion ring 1370 Tip adapter LDT-36 Extension, 6 in. 1390 360°, 2 gpm 1542 180° fan, 2 gpm Rev 9/06 19 TERMITE TOOL REPAIR KITS VERSAGUN REPAIR KIT (Order # 22067554) 1 1 1 ---------------------- 22067503 22067514 22067517 Adapter ½-20 Locknut, Versagun Seal, Versagun VERSATOOL REPAIR KIT 1 1 1 1 1 2 TN-45 VT-616 VT-621A VT-622A 1138 1-1964 22040500 22059500 22060000 22060100 22071038 33000090 (Order # 22028910) Trigger nut Spring lock Valve seat gasket Seat gasket holder Space O-Ring SRG and QCG REPAIR KIT 1 34555-V 1 1 1 1 1 1 HWN 34516-V 34517-V 34503-V 34506-V 34507 22067536 22067714 22067715 22067740 22067743 22067744 Hose gasket Gasket, Viton O-Ring PT-6 O-Ring, Viton O-Ring, Viton O-Ring, back-up SRG and QCG REPAIR KIT 2 34601-V 1 1 1 1 HWN 34516-V 34517-V 34510 22067536 22067714 22067715 22067728 (Order # 22067848) (Order # 22067748) Hose gasket Gasket, Viton O-Ring PT-6 Valve seat Rev 9/06 20 VERSAGUN TOOLS PRIOR TO 2005 Versatool 2000 Versatool 480 and Soil Rodder 488 Rev 9/06 21 VERSAGUN TERMITE TOOLS Repair Parts List # Computer # Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9A 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22067500 22067530 22067505 22067515 22067516 22067507 22067508 22067509 22067510 22067517 22067511 22067512 22067513 22067514 22071285 22067501 22067502 22067503 22067504 22071716 22071776 22017381 22071380 22071045 25 26 22071715 95122354 Valve, Versagun Termite Valve, Versagun 200 Body, Versagun Trigger, Versagun Pin, Trigger Stem, Shutoff Spring, Shutoff Spacer, Spring Gland, Packing Washer (not shown) Screw, Packing Pin, Actuator Block, Actuator Locknut Plug, Pipe 1/8 NPT Tip, 2 gpm Tip, 3 gpm Adapter, 1/2-20 Adapter, 1325 Tip Cap Cone Seal Assembly Foot Ram Weldement Bolt , Lock Knob, Lock Screw, Retaining (#10-24X.25) Seal, Cone Adapter, Quick Connect # Computer # Description 27 95122356 95122355 22071940 22071378 22071912 22071970 22071950 22071955 22071389 22071390 22071643 22071642 22071694 22071695 22060300 22060850 22071640 20002001 22051231 20002010 20002005 20002015 22070725 22058653 22058662 22067528 22067527 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Socket, Quick Connect Plug, Quick Connect Pipe, Slab 7/16” x 40 Pipe, Soil 5/8” x 46” Pipe, Slab 7/16” x 12” Shaft, Slabjet Valve, Check (480) Valve, Check (Slabjet) Tip, Slab 360°, 1 gpm Tip, Slab 360°, 2 gpm Tip, Slab 180°, 1 gpm Tip. Slab 180°, 2 gpm Tip, Soil 180°, 1 gpm Tip, Soil 180°, 2 gpm Tip, Void Guard, Splash Adapter, Male Body, Foam Head Valve, Air Check Screen, Foam Adapter, Foam Slab Pipe Pipe, Foam 7/16” x 16” Gauge, 0-160 psi Nipple, Hex 3/8 NPT Strainer Fitting, Garden Hose Washer, Garden Hose Rev 9/06 ROBCO 4-in-1 TERMITE TOOL 34610 (Prior to 2005) 1 16 # Part Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 QCG Quick-Change Gun VT-630 Splashguard, Metal for Void Injector 34568-L Injection tip, lateral 4-way, stainless 34568-S Injection tip, sub-slab, 5° upfan, stainless 34568-C2 Injection tip, Center, 2 gpm, stainless 34571 Injection tip for 11/16” rod, stainless 34573 Push handle with rubber grip 34576 Rod for injector, 11/16” x 36”, galvanized 34583-40 Rod, .405” O.D. x 39”, stainless 34583-24 Rod, .405” O.D. x 24”, stainless 34583-4 Rod, .405 O.D. x 4”, stainless 34588 Setscrew, 3/8” x ½”, stainless 34611-18 Quick-Change shank for .405” rod 34511-38 Quick-Change shank for 11/16” rod GHN Nut for Quick-Change adapter HWN Gasket, Buna-N 22071716 Slab Injector Pedal assembly 34605-1/8 Quick-Change adapter for .405” rod 34605-3/8 Quick-Change adapter for 11/16” rod 22071716 Cone Seal assembly 220717716 Foot Ram Weldment 22071381 Bolt, Lock 22071380 Knob, Lock 22071045 Screw, retaining Rev 9/06 22071715 Seal, Cone 16 14 12 13 15 22 15 23 7 22 23 22 22 11 2 10 5 9 8 3 24 28 4 27 6 ROBCO 4-in-1 TERMITE TOOL 34610 (Prior to 2005) 25 26 29 22 23 VERSAGUN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS P. Gun is leaking at the junction with the soil rod. Washer Packing screw S. Remove the soil pipe and tighten the tip to the gun. Packing gland If leak continues, loosen and remove the tip, clean the exposed end of the shutoff stem and the white gasket in the center of the tip. If leak continues, replace the tip, the gasket can not be replaced separately. Shutoff stem Tip with gasket P. Leaking occurs at the back of the valve. Lock nut S. Loosen the lock nut (1/4 turn) at the back of the gun – this will re-set the shutoff stem to the gasket in the tip. If leak continues, the packing screw may have to be removed and the packing replaced. Packing screw Packing Copper washer Rev 9/06 24 VERSATOOL PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS P. Tool is leaking from the tip. S. Remove the soil pipe and in the base of the valve tighten the seat gasket holder with a 5/32” hex wrench. Trigger If tool continues to leak, remove the seat gasket holder with a 5/32” hex wrench and replace the (white) seat gasket. If tool continues to leak, replace O-rings on the valve rod. Disassemble the trigger, then remove the seat gasket holder; push the Valve rod out from above. Rod spring Valve rod O-rings Seat gasket Valve rod Seat gasket holder P. Leaking occurs around the soil pipe connection to the valve. S. Remove the soil pipe and in the base of the valve tighten the seat gasket holder with a 5/32” hex wrench. If leak continues, remove the Seat gasket holder (5/32” hex wrench) and replace the white seat gasket. P. Leaking occurs around the rod spring at the center of the valve handle. S. Replace O-rings on the Valve rod. Disassemble the trigger, then remove the Seat gasket holder; push the valve rod out from above. O-rings on Valve rod O-rings may be worn or damaged and be the cause of a leak Rev 9/06 25 QCG AND SRG GUN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS P. Gun is leaking from the tip, around the junction of the nosepiece and the body of the gun. S. Remove nosepiece-adapter and inspect the shutoff valve and the valve seat (gasket). Clean the tip of the shutoff valve, and turn over the valve seat (gasket). QCG S. Tighten the gland nut at the back of the gun. If leaking continues at this site, disassemble the gun and replace the gasket and O-ring associated with the gland nut. P. Leaking occurs around the pattern adjust. sleeve of SRG gun. S. Remove the nozzle nut and inspect the O-ring, remove dirt from around the nozzle. Remove pattern adjustment sleeve and inspect Viton and Teflon O-rings. Replace if damaged or worn. Gland nut Viton O-ring Viton Gasket Valve seat If leaking continues, replace the valve seat (gasket). P. Leaking occurs at the back of the gun around the large brass nut. Shutoff valve Nosepiece adapter SRG Pattern valve Pattern adjust. sleeve Teflon Viton O-ring O-ring Nozzle Nozzle nut Viton O-ring QCG REPACKING KIT – 34601-V: 1 Valve seat 1 Viton gasket 1 Viton O-ring Note: Pattern valve has reversed thread to open. Rev 9/06 26 SSI #4, #14 PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS P. Tool is leaking from the tip or just above. S. Tighten tip with a wrench. If tool continues to leak, replace the seat gasket (#22071977). If tool continues to leak from the tip, check the seat stem and replace if damaged (#22071976). P. Leaking occurs around the rod spring connection to the Valve. S. Remove the pipe at the wing nut and disassemble the valve to free the rod spring. Replace the 2 O-rings in the valve rod. Rod spring Valve rod O-rings Shaft P. Leaking occurs around the pipe connection to the valve. S. Tighten the pipe into the valve body. Seat stem Seat gasket Rev 9/06 27 Model 2250 Electric Dust-R # Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2251 2255 2256 2257 2258 2260 2261 2252 2305 2306 2253 2308 2323 2311 2314 2315 2259 2263 2264 2265 2262 990 Description 1.5 gallon tan Cap with liner Flange Flex hose Cuff Screw, #6 Clamp Cover Motor guard Screw, #8 Duct Screw, #10 Motor, 110V, 2 stage Switch, 110V Cord, 110V Strain relief Extensions Discharge unit Void treat discharge Void treat hose Cover with liner Boot/switch Model 2250 Electric Dust-R 19 14, 22 8 4 5 1 6 17 18 20 12 7 2 16 3 7 6 11 15 21 2 10 3 13 9 10 Multi-Dose Bait Gun # Order # Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24020129 24020103 24020112 24020111 24020105 24020125 24020114 24020124 24020115 24020152 24020107 24020147 24020127 24020121 24020116 24020126 24020122 24020128 24020113 24020146 Screw, self-tapping Body, gun Plunger, syringe Plunger rod Trigger Spring, front lock plate Plate, front lock Spring, upper rear lock Plate, rear lock Screw, #8 32 x 1/8” Knob, rod release Screw, #8 32 x 1/8” Spring, lower rear lock Screw, dose adjusting Dose adj. knob asmbly Spring, dose adj. knob Nut, modified Screw Knob, plunger Washer, wavy spring Label Label, dose adjusting Body and pin assembly 24020119 24020153 Multi-Dose Bait Gun 1 2 3 4 6 7 20 8 11, 12 22 9, 10 19 5 13 23 14 15 16 17 18 Rev 9/06 28 PistolPro 700 Series Pistol Pro 700 # Order # Description 1 1A 2 3 4 5 5A 6 7 8 9 10 11 SP-159 22032720 22067312 22071266 24010016 22071801 22026700 22054900 24010003 24010002 24013050 24013052 24010710 24010715 24013050 22049468 22049200 22071785 TC-160 24010059 23083601 22036655 Soft seat gasket 200 mesh screen 30-L Gunjet Reducing nipple Adapter Quick connect Nipple pipe 1/8” Air valve Gauge, 160 psi O-ring Hose barb fitting Siphon hose Bottle + cap, 1 pint Bottle + cap, 1 quart Siphon weight Tip assembly C+C straw Injection needle, 2“ Tip cap Needle assembly Adjusting nozzle Foam tip assembly 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Pistol Pro 700 Series Pistol Pro Platinum # Order # 9 Description 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 24013050 22010710 24010715 24013052 24013050 24010003 22054900 22071801 22026700 24010016 22046300 22049466 Siphon weight Bottle + cap, 1 pint Bottle + cap, 1 quart Siphon hose Hose barb fitting Gauge, 160 psi Air valve Quick connect Nipple pipe 1/8 Adapter Coiled hose Valve assembly Soft seat gasket Multeejet tip assembly Crack-Crevice straw 11 6 7 12 13 5 4 8 3 2 Pistol Pro Platinum 1 Rev 9/06 29 PISTOL PRO SYMPTOMS AND SOLUTIONS P. Gun is leaking from the front of the tip. S. Tighten tip retainer or tip cap. Check nozzle for deposits. P. Gun is leaking from behind the tip. S. Tighten tip retainer; remove tip and clean or replace soft seat gasket. P. Leaking occurs at bottom of gun, or the top of the bottle. S. Tighten reducing nipple connection. Tighten Hose barb, check O-ring for damage and replace (#24010002) Remove and replace Teflon tape. P. Foam from foaming tip is watery. S. Adjust the tip, increase the amount of foaming liquid in bottle, or clean the mesh screen. P. No foam is produced by the foaming tip or the termite tip. S. Increase amount of foaming liquid in the bottle. Check the siphon tube and weight at bottom. P. Extenda-Ban valve or tip on Pistol Pro Platinum leaking. S. Tighten packing nut (PN-150-2). Replace packing washers (VP-151). Replace the O-ring (#22034700). Rev 9/06 Model - 1151-M 30 Mini-Dust-R # Part Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 MDR-1 MDR-2 1174 MDR-4 DR-020 MDR-7 MDR-8 MDR-9 MDR-10 MDR-11 MDR-12 MDR-13 VT-616 MDR-15 Cap Collar Screw, flat head #6 Plunger Pump gland Barrel Barrel seal Closure Stopper assembly Tip, offset fan Tip, straw Extensions (3) Spring Ball 12 4 1 5 10 11 8 9 13 6 14 7 2 3 Model 1151 15 Model - 1152- A Model 1152-A Hand Dust-R 16 21 18 Long-Reach Granular Dust-R # Part Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 DR-003 24050001 DR-027 2273 DR-029 DR-028 DR-012 DR-010 DR-009 DR-006 DR-008 DR-007 DR-005 1224 MDR-4A DR-020 MDR-2 MDR-15 VT-616 1174 MDR-1 DR-002 DR-011 041 042 DR-001 24050010 24050016 24050008 24050012 24050011 24050014 24050015 Bottle – 1152-A Bottle – Long Reach Outlet O-Ring Washer Locknut Barrel Seal, barrel Bottle cap Bottle seal Valve Valve plate Valve cap Screw, hex head #8 Plunger Pump gland Collar Ball Spring Screw, flat head #6 Cap Short extension Long extension Tip, pencil Tip, straw Stopper assembly Stopper assembly Extension clip Granular outlet Granular extension Extension and coupling Extension Velcro Barrel Velcro 8 9 10 11 12 7 19 20 17 6 13 23 14 5 4 3 24 1 22 2 21 26 15 16 18 33 19 20 17 7 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 23 5 4 3 24 5 27 25 22 28 4 3 25 26 32 31 29 30 32 Long-Reach Granular Dust-R Rev 9/06 31 17 Wood Treatment System 1 36 34 35 15 16 37 6 9 30 30 23 10 17 5 18 28 24 33 22 24 25 26 41 21 20 32 28 31 12 22 7 20 8 13 4 8 35 30 29 30 27 14 11 19 12 20 2 3 Wood Treatment System, Regulator Replacement 24040085 Wood Treatment System, 30-L Gun and Tips 24040078 22070724 24040107 22070850 24040106 22071801 Rev 9/06 32 Wood Treatment System # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Order # 24040060 24040100 24040101 24040062 24040061 24040063 22071743 22071751 24040080 24040084 24040061 24040081 24040082 22071752 24040065 22071802 24040079 33000467 24040051 22028000 22070600 22025901 Description # Cart assembly 23 Bumper 24 Screw, #10 25 Bracket, tank 26 Rail, cart 27 U bolt 28 Band, tank 29 Screw, Phillips 30 Screw, Phillips 31 Wing nut 32 Rail, cart 33 Screw, Phillips 34 Washer, fender 35 Nut, hex 36 Compressor, hose 37 Socket, quick connect Fitting, hose 1/8 NPT Clamp, hose Tank Seal, tank Cap + handle assb Siphon tube Order # 24040057 22071801 24040057 24040093 24040078 24040085 22026700 22070850 22025300 22070724 22071803 24040093 22071266 24040088 24040102 Description Adapter, foam siphon Plug, quick connect Adapter, foam siphon O-ring Tee, street 1/8 NPT Valve, pressure relief Nipple, hex 1/8 NPT Elbow, street 1/8 NPT Adapter, liquid siphon Gauge, liquid filled Fitting, 3/8 hose NPT O-ring Nipple, reducing Air chuck, quick conect Handle, grip, U-bolt Wood Treatment System Gun and Hose # Order # 41 24040067 24040086 95137800 22067312 22046350 22037400 22071813 24040069 24040073 24040076 24040072 22071809 22033900 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Description # 30 ft. hose, 3/8 I.D. 50 ft. hose, 3/8 I.D. Fitting, 3/8 hose Gunjet, 30L Gasket, seat Adapter, ¼ NPT Socket, quick conct Straight tip assmb Wall void tip assmb Wood tip assmb Dual tip assmb Plug, quick conct Body, nozzle 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Order # 24040071 22033100 24040074 24050006 24040077 22071738 22070540 Description Tip, straight foam Cap, tip Tip, wall void foam Stopper, wall void tip Tip, wood injection Tee, street ¼ street Elbow, street ¼ NPT Rev 9/06 33 WTS PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS P. Tank not getting pressure. S. Compressor not operating properly. The regulator may not be adjusted properly, pull knob out, then turn to the right increase pressure. Quick connect Tank gasket P. Tank not hold pressure. S. Tighten cap; check the tank gasket and replace if cracked or worn. Siphon tube Check all quick-connect plugs for proper fitting and an air leak. Pressure regulator P. Gun sprays only air, no liquid or foam. S. Check tank to be certain there is sufficient liquid in tank. Check siphon tube for cracks, replace if damaged. P. Compressor will not start. S. Check gauge, there may be too much pressure in tank, pull the release valve to reduce pressure. Seat gasket P. Leaking occurs around the hose fitting or around the tip fitting. S. Tighten the hose fitting to the gun, tighten the hose clamp. Replace the seat gasket, be certain to install the gasket with the narrow end toward the gun. Hose fitting Clamp Rev 9/06 34 ELECTRO SPRAYER 1000 Electro Sprayer 1000 1 2 4 5 6 # Order # Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 29108025 29108026 29108027 29108248 29108250 29108180 29108105 29108110 22071763 22072000 Dome assembly Tank assembly Pump assembly Cap and O-ring Upper tank barb Supply tube assembly Motor guard Screws, #8-32, 5/16 40 ft. coiled hose 25 ft. coiled hose Extenda-Ban Valve 7 8 3 9 10 4 Extenda-Ban Valve 2 3 5 11 6 10 1 7 8 9 12 13 14 17 15 18 19 20 # Order # Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22044450 22042800 22042455 22045099 22044500 22046700 22044200 22043800 22043400 22045400 22045600 22045700 22045900 22046100 22046300 22049466 22034700 22034700 22049452 22034500 Valve body Valve Trigger Kit Packing nut (ss steel) Valve packing washer Adjustment screw Supply tube assembly Nylon gasket Mesh Strainer Kit Strainer housing Valve cable, 18 in. Valve extension, 18 in. Valve spring Seat stem nut Seat stem Soft seat gasket Multeejet tip assembly Multeejet tip holder Viton gasket Multeejet tip Tip retainer 16 Rev 9/06 35 3 2600 Flex-a-Lite 7 2 24 4 1,5 6 7 8, 9, 10 11 12 13 6 14 3, 4 5 11 8, 9 10 12 2 1 15, 16 16 27 13 20, 21 26 18 19 23 22 12 29 25 24 37 28 8, 9, 15 38 39 32 33 27 Ultra-a-Lite 2300, 2400 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2332 2334 2346 2331 2330 2333 2329 2352 2357 2359 2353 1433 2354 2385 2326 2306 2349 2374 2314 Rev 9/06 Description Clip Spring Venturi Knob asmbly O-Ring Sleeve Screw Screw Hex nut Spacer Nozzle Spring clamp Screw Hose asmbly Flat washer Screw Pressure tube Supply tube Electric cord 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 2311 990 2315 2386 2384 2358 2319 2312 2316 1241 1246 2375 2327 2323 2324 2305 2306 2406 2408 1145 2355 22 23 34 2600 Flex-a-Lite Fogger Part 21 31 35 # 20 25 28 30 36 26 14 15 17 19 18 17 13 Switch Switch boot Strain relief Cap and O-ring Nozzle asmbly Tube retainer Pressure tube Strainer Wire connector Tank barb Angle barb Supply tube Ground screw Motor 110V Motor 220V Motor guard Screw Tank Housing Screw Mount plate Ultra-Lite 2300, 2400 Fogger # Part 1 2 3 4 2386 2407 990 2311 2340 2336 2329 2346 2326 2308 2315 2314 2341 2330 2337 2331 2332 2334 2333 2316 2418 1246 2327 2323 2324 2305 2306 2375 2312 1241 2401 2404 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Description Cap and O-Ring Housing Switch boot Switch 110V Switch 220V Ring Screw Venturi Flat washer Screw 12-24 x 3 ¼ Strain relief Electric cord 110V Electric cord 220V O-ring (Model 2400) Plug (Model 2300) Valve rod, knob (Model 2400) Clip (Model 2400) Spring (Model 2400) Sleeve (Model 2400) Wire connector Spring Angle barb Grounding screw Motor 110V Motor 220V Motor guard Screw Supply tube, lower Strainer Tank barb Supply tube, upper Tank 36 2600 FOGGER AND GRANULAR APPLICATOR PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS P. Liquid forms around the base of the Motor housing, around the mounting screws. S. The unit may have been placed in a wet location, and water has entered the motor. Operate the unit in a dry location to remove water. Valve knob Nozzle Cap with gasket Motor housing P. The unit becomes very warm (hot) during operation. Flex hose Motor guard S. Remove the motor guard and clean the filter below the motor. P. Motor is erratic or has apparently burned out. S. The unit has been operated in dusty or wet locations and the motor has been contaminated. The unit was not properly shut down by turning off at the knob before turning off the motor. Flex hose Motor screw Cover Cap with gasket Motor guard Rev 9/06 37 MISCELLANEOUS REPAIR KITS TECHNICIAN EMERGENCY KIT TE-125 (Order # 23088125) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PV-266 P-268 5053 NP-277 P-276 D-51-P 4190 ------------------OR-5942 OR-5943 1-1935 1-1964 NG-146 4143 VP-151 MS-145-50 ---------SGH-50 VP-151 SP-159 DR-020 MDR-8 VT-621A VT-622A ----------1282 ----------ACS-25 2677 22027200 22028000 22032500 22029000 22029900 22030400 22034700 24010026 24010002 22035500 22035800 33000022 33000090 22044200 22039100 22045099 22043800 20002010 22041500 22045099 22046300 22056600 22058100 22060000 22060100 22065800 22071182 22071715 22071771 22071977 Check valve Tank gasket Strainer assembly Plastic plunger cup Lock spring Washer (hose coupling) Gasket (Viton) Adjust.-tip gasket O-ring, Viton size 117 O-ring O-ring O-ring (Viton) O-ring (Viton) Gasket (Nylon) Gasket, copper Valve packing Mesh screen Foam screen Seat gasket holder Valve packing Soft seat gasket Gland pump Seal Valve seat gasket Seat gasket holder Keroseal ring Seat gasket Cone seal 7/16 Cone seal ½ Gasket seat Rev 9/06 38 MISCELLANEOUS REPAIR KITS REPAIR KIT FOR VERSATOOL VALVE NP-1549 (Order # 95155102) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TN-45 VT-609 VT-611 VT-612 VT-615 VT-616 VT-617 VT-618 VT-619 VT-621A VT-622A 1138 1544 1-1964 22040500 22058800 22059000 22059100 22059400 22059500 22059600 22059700 22059800 22060000 22060100 22071038 22071644 33000090 Trigger nut Trigger pin Trigger valve Screw rod Trigger lock Spring lock Screw lock Rod spring Valve rod Valve seat gasket Seat gasket holder Spacer Valve body O-ring BAN-DRIP VALVE FIRST AID KIT FA-600-B 6 4 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 3 PV-266 P-268 NP-270 NP-277 P-276 D-51-P 4190 VR-46 PN-47 RP-48 RS-49 SGH-50 TSG-51 22027200 22028000 22028600 22029000 22029900 22030400 22034700 22040700 22040900 22041100 22041300 22041500 22041700 (Order # 22050300) Check valve Tank gasket Spreader plate Plastic plunger cup Lock spring Washer (hose coupling) Gasket (Viton) Valve rod with pin Packing nut (brass) Packing rod Rod spring Seat gasket holder Seat gasket (Teflon) Rev 9/06 39 MISCELLANEOUS REPAIR KITS OFFICE EMERGENCY KIT OE-126 (Order # 23088126) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PV-266 P-268 5053 NP-270 NP-277 P-276 D-51-P 4190 ------------------OR-5942 OR-5943 1-1935 1-1964 NG-146 4143 VP-151 MS-145-50 ---------SGH-50 VP-151 SP-159 DR-020 MDR-8 VT-621A VT-622A #6 1282 ACS-26 ACS-25 2677 HA-298 SF-5944 S-5945 ----------4817 22027200 22028000 22032500 22028600 22029000 22029900 22030400 22034700 24010026 24010002 22035500 22035800 33000022 33000090 22044200 22039100 22045099 22043800 20002010 22041500 22045099 22046300 22056600 22058100 22060000 22060100 22065800 22071182 22071715 22071771 22071977 22025300 22036000 22036200 22037502 22037800 Check valve Tank gasket Strainer assembly Spreader front plate Plastic plunger cup Lock spring Washer (hose coupling) Gasket (Viton) Adjust.-tip gasket O-ring, Viton size 117 O-ring O-ring O-ring (Viton) O-ring (Viton) Gasket (Nylon) Gasket, copper Valve packing Mesh screen Foam screen Seat gasket holder Valve packing Soft seat gasket Gland pump Seal Valve seat gasket Seat gasket holder Keroseal ring Seat gasket Cone seal 7/16 Cone seal ½ Gasket seat Hose adapter 1/8 Seat follower Spring XR-Gun Trigger Valve stem sub-assembly Rev 9/06
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