HH-2012-0920 - Heatherwood Elementary


HH-2012-0920 - Heatherwood Elementary
Husky Highlights
From the Desk of the Principal: PBS, PAWS and Social Skills
H e at he r wo o d
E l e me n t ar y
7 7 5 0 Co n co r d D ri v e
B o ul de r, CO 8 0 3 0 1
7 2 0 - 5 6 1- 5 5 8 6
O f fi ce Ho ur s 7: 3 0 - 3 : 30
S e p te m be r 2 1, 2 0 1 2
By Brent Caldwell
Teaching positive, proactive, social skills is a major part of the curriculum in a school using Positive Behavior
Systems (PBS). At Heatherwood, PBS is used in our daily routines and in our individual work with students.
During the first five weeks of school, students learned about the Heatherwood PBS Matrix which is a chart that
explains the positive behavior expectations in key areas of the school. These behaviors were taught in the
regular classroom, in specific areas of our school, and during our PBS field trip. When followed, these positive
behaviors result in students receiving PAWS for Applause.
Each month, I visit classes and teach a social skills lesson about how students are the key people in creating a
bully-safe school. My focus during social skills lessons is on creating a common vocabulary for everyone to use
as we work together.
The topic this first month was helping students understand the difference between bullying behaviors and just
“being mean.” Students also identified “hot spots” or areas at Heatherwood where bullying occurs. We discussed why it is important for students to help each other when bullying behaviors are being used.
Inside this issue:
News from the
Climate Survey
Community News
Pancake Breakfast/
Bike Rodeo
Walk & Roll
PTO Paw Print
Many students, parents, and even some educators are not clear about what constitutes bullying. Colorado state
law defines bullying as:
Any written or verbal expression, or physical or electronic act or gesture, or pattern thereof, that is intended to
coerce, intimidate, or cause any physical, mental, or emotional harm to any student.
My first lesson focused on creating a student-friendly definition of bullying and to help students understand
that there are three parts that define bullying:
Bullying is intentional – It is on purpose
There is an element of power in bullying – One person or group has an advantage over the victim
(usually size, popularity, or strength)
Someone is hurt by bullying – Three ways someone can hurt you are your feelings, friendships or your
Some of the ways people bully others are by hitting, kicking, or intentionally hurting another person, calling
names, saying or writing mean things, making the other person feel uncomfortable or scared, taking or damaging personal property, or making another person do something he/she doesn’t want to do.
Knowing the potent effects bullying can have on people, the Heatherwood staff is working hard to address
each and every situation in a fair manner; however, many acts of bullying go unreported to staff. Parents
sometimes report that students are afraid to report bullying due to possible retribution. Without having a detailed report, it is nearly impossible to solve the problem and ensure it doesn’t happen again.
If you believe your son/daughter is being bullied, please encourage him/her to take these proactive steps:
Family Movie Night
Assertively tell the person to stop!
Attempt to move away and avoid the person.
If the problem continues, tell the nearest adult!
Book Fair
Donuts with Dads/
Walk to School Day
If your son or daughter is being bullied and cannot resolve it or knows of someone being bullied, please help
us keep our school safe by reporting bullying! Here are some ways to report bullying at Heatherwood:
Heart of Heatherwood
Have your student tell an adult at school
Talk to your son/daughter’s teacher or bus driver
Call or stop in and talk to Mr. Caldwell
Thank you for your help in making Heatherwood a great place for kids and for being partners in education!
Brent Caldwell, Principal
Husky Highlights
Page 2
Ask Me About…
Each month the Husky Highlights newsletter will have an “Ask Me About…” feature with key questions from the month’s learning. These
questions make great dinnertime conversation starters. Students should be able to answer the questions if they were present during
instruction. If your child is not able to answer, encourage him/her to go back and ask the teacher or principal for extra help.
September Key Questions:
What are the four Ps?
What is a PAWS for Applause ticket, how do you earn it, and how is it used?
What did you learn on the PBS field trip?
What are the three parts of bullying behaviors?
Heatherwood Students Speak about Bullying
By Brent Caldwell
The issue of bullying is a very hot topic nationwide. As I am learning about Heatherwood, I have relied on student responses to climate
surveys, conversations with parents, and classroom lessons with students to gauge how the issue affects students here at Heatherwood
I have learned several things from student responses to last year’s climate survey and from my classroom conversations and activities
with children:
89% of our students report feeling safe at school
42% of our students reported having been bullied at school
67% of our students report that adults will help if someone is bullied
56% of our students report that other students will help if they see someone bullied
The four most common areas where bullying behaviors occur are on the playground, in lines before school, in the cafeteria, and
on school buses.
Please see the student responses to questions about harassment and school safety on the following page. Some of the statements
above have been reworded to avoid confusion.
Husky Happenings Blog
Beginning this week, Mr. Caldwell will be sharing information about what is happening at Heatherwood and will be answering frequently asked parent questions. Please check out the new blog at:
Current topics on the Husky Happenings Blog are:
 Heart of Heatherwood Fundraiser
 Crossing Guards
 Morning Supervision and Entry Routines
 Walk and Roll and Governor Hickenlooper’s Challenge
Climate Survey Results, 2012, Grades 3-5 at Heatherwood Elementary –Percent Favorable Response
Participation Rate 89%
District 12
I have not been called hurtful
names or made fun of.
I am not made fun of at school
because I look different.
I have not said hurtful things to
another person at school.
I have not seen students of different color/countries made fun
I am not teased because of my
skin color.
I have not been physically hurt
at school this year.
I have not had my feelings hurt
many times this year.
Students are not teased because they speak a different
School Safety
District 12
I do not feel afraid at school.
I feel safe on the playground.
I feel safe at school.
I have not been bullied at school
this year.
I feel safe in the lunchroom.
I have not heard students threaten to hurt someone/take things.
I feel comfortable dealing with
Other students help if they see
someone being bullied.
Husky Highlights
Page 4
Important Dates
Tuesday, September 25, Parent/Teacher Conferences, Mrs. Cornacchia’s class only
Wednesday, September 26, SAC Meeting, 6-7 pm, Library
Friday, September 28, Family Movie Night, Mega Mind, 5:30 picnic, 7:00 movie
September 28-October 10, Scholastic Book Fair
October 2, 4, 8, 10, Parent Teacher Conferences, by appointment
Be sure to sign up for a conference time in the main hallway
Wednesday, October 3, Donuts with Dads, 7:15 am, Cafeteria
Wednesday, October 3, International Walk to School Day
Friday, October 5, PTO Meeting, 8:10 am
Friday, October 5, Husky Food Share at Community Food Share, 2:30-4:15 pm
Testing will take place
We d n e s d a y,
October 10. If you
are able to help,
please contact Yvonne
at 720-561-6904 or
Last Thursday evening, the Heatherwood community and the DPLT (Diversity Parent Leadership Team) celebrated with Ingrid Law, author of Savvy, winner of the
2009 Newbery Honor Award, and its companion book Scumble. Author Ingrid
Law mesmerized listeners of all ages as she talked about her inspirations for her
award-winning work, research, and her writing process. She helped the audience
make text-to-self connections as they explored and shared their own personal
Savvys or special strengths. If you have a copy of either of Ingrid's books that
you'd like to have her sign, please bring it to the front office with your name
written on your book. Mrs. Januszewski is arranging a time for Ingrid to stop
back by Heatherwood.
If valuing diversity is important to your family, please consider joining the Diversity Parent Leadership Team. For information contact Susan Julien at [email protected].
Once again Share-a-Gift will distribute toys to children in need
over the holiday season. Our holiday toy collection will begin November 26, the Monday after
Thanksgiving break, and will continue until Wednesday, December
12. Thanks for again helping support this worthwhile cause.
Ahh, school has started, the smell of fall is in the air, and that means
one thing. Nutcracker tickets are on sale! This fabulous performance
of the Nutcracker Suite, put on by Boulder Ballet at CU's historic Macky Auditorium over the Thanksgiving weekend, is fun for the
whole family.
For this annual promotion, you can order tickets through Heatherwood and the Boulder Philharmonic will donate 20% of the school's
sales straight to the Heatherwood PTO! So you get to see a terrific
tradition at the same price as you would pay if you ordered through
the box office, and our school benefits. What could be better? Please look in this issue of the Husky Highlights for the form,
which has the dates, times, and prices (tickets start at $15), fill it out
and turn it in to the office. Your tickets will be ready to be picked up
at the office in mid-November. Please contact [email protected] if
you have any questions. Get yours today! For more information and
permission slips:
Husky Highlights
Page 5
Boulder Rural Fire Dept.
Monthly Safety Tips
Scald Safety
Burn Rx
Treat a burn right away. Cool the burn with cool water for 3
–5 minutes. Cover with a clean, dry cloth. Get medical help
if needed.
Prepackaged microwavable
soups are a frequent cause of
scald burn injuries (especially
noodle soups) because they can
easily tip over, pouring hot liquid (and noodles) on the person.
Fairview High School Fine Arts Department
Presents Extravaganza
Thursday October 11 at 7:00 pm
Fairview High School presents Extravaganza, a full evening of
entertainment featuring all of Fairview's bands, orchestras,
and choirs, held in the Fairview High School Gymnasium. Visual art will also be presented in the lobby. The event provides
an entertaining overall perspective of Fairview High School’s
outstanding Fine Arts Department. Fairview High School has
had a long history of high-quality extensive choral and instrumental music programs. The program is renowned throughout the region and various groups are invited annually to perform at the prestigious Colorado Music Educator's Conference, held at the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs.
Public Ticket Sales Available for Extravaganza
Tickets are $10 each and are general seating in the gymnasium. Checks can be made out to FHS. Online Sales tickets
sales open on October 5 at 10:30am and close on October 10
at 4pm: https://www.fairviewhs.org/sites/choir/pages/
Husky Food Share, Grades 3-5
After School Activities
Below is a list of some of the activities that are currently being
offered after school at Heatherwood and across the community.
Please check the bulletin board outside the office or the group’s
website for more information and registration information. Flyers for these events will not go home with students or the school
Husky Food Share is to help students gain a better understanding of local and global food needs and issues. Attached to the
newsletter is an information sheet and permission slip to attend
this after school activity. Below is a sign up sheet.
Various tutoring, child care and music lesson opportunities
Kidz Art Class ([email protected]) – Mondays (3rd-5th grades) or Wed (1st-3rd grades) at 2:30-3:30pm
Imagination Makers Acting Class (www.imaginationmakers.org) – Mondays (3rd-5thgrades) or Wednesdays (1st &
2nd grade) at 2:35-3:55pm
Wiz Kids Chess Class (www.wiz-kids.com) – Wednesdays at 2:30-4:00pm
Skippers Jump Rope Class (www.skippingskills.com) – Thursdays at 2:30-3:30pm
Elementary Spanish Program ([email protected]) – Tues/Thurs at 2:35-3:20pm
Girl Scout Troops forming, contact Laura Stroud, Girl Scouts of Colorado Membership Manager, at 970-231-0575 or
[email protected]
White Dragon Martial Arts Kung Fu, WhiteDragonMartialArts.org, 720-297-7736
5th Graders Ski Free Passes and Applications, ColoradoSki.com/Passport, 303-866-9707
Lifelong Learning Classes, 720-561-5968, www.bvsd.org/LLL, various classes and locations
Pancake Breakfast and Bike Rodeo
Thank you to all the volunteers for the Pancake Breakfast and Bike Rodeo.
Despite a little rain mid-week, we had another successful Walk and Roll Week at Heatherwood. Overall, Heatherwood
students made 1,214 human powered trips to school this week by walking and rolling! Pretty Amazing! As usual we
could not pull off this event without the help of many volunteers and sponsors! A HUGE thank you goes out to Amy
Thompson for all her dedication and hard work to lead this fantastic event!
Thank you to our wonderful food table volunteers, who handed out over 200 treats every morning:Sue Fattor,
Curt & Tami Musfeldt, Kelley Fisher, Holly Owens, Jen Hoppert, Marcia Weisman, Kimberly Amador, Anna
McClatchey, Mary Pierce and Jules Schulteis. Also thanks to the many student volunteers who helped hand
hundreds of stickers, bookmarks, and bike pins during the morning arrivals.
Thank you to our generous food sponsors: YaYa Orchard in Longmont, Moe’s Bagels, Izze and Dara’s Raw Balls
(owned by Heatherwood mom, Dara Heid). Many thanks to our wonderful parents who provided muffins on Wednesday
morning: Marcia Weisman, Pam Sunderland, Tami Musfeldt, Mary Pierce, Jen Hoppert and Jean Wagner.
Also thank you to our awesome prize sponsors: University Cycles, Polar Water Bottles, Nite Ize and
Cateye bike lights. At least two students per class won prizes and Cal Curtis in Ms. Cornacchia’s first
grade class won the grand prize, a $350 gift card from University Cycles!
We had a super group of parents who served as neighborhood ride leaders: Sue Fattor, Robi Robischaud, Fran Katnik,
Tami Musfeldt, Doug Sammond, Lisa Rock, Ann Hansen, Jenny Baldwin, and Mark & Pam Sunderland. Thanks to Mr.
Caldwell for meeting students every day this week at different locations to ride in with them. Our students were very
excited to ride with our new principal! We truly appreciate all of these adults who provide an opportunity for many kids to
ride to school safely!
On Friday afternoon we had a very fun and informative assembly with C.W.
the crosswalk mascot and his troop of entertaining actors who put on a very
well received skit about crosswalk safety. Thank you to the City of Boulder’s
new Head’s Up campaign for providing this entertaining and educational
We also had the chance to introduce our new Fifth Grade Safety Patrol at the
Friday assembly. Look for them in the hug-n-go lane soon: Madyson,
Patrick, Dylan, Rory, Elijah, Sophie, Ava, Trayton, Devynn, Sophia, and Ariel
Thanks for another great Walk and Roll Week Heatherwood! We have an awesome
community! Let’s keep Walking and Rolling to School!
We need YOU to help keep our children
safe everyday. Crossing Guards are
needed for either the 20 minutes before
or after school. Any time you can help
is much appreciated! Contact Michele
Bailey at mommaleo2000!yahoo.com if
you are able to help.
The Scholastic Book Fair raises money
for our library. See attached flyer for
more details. Be sure to check out the
special preview at Movie Night on
Sept. 28 or shop online from Sept. 27
through Oct. 17. Many volunteers are
needed to make this event a success. If you are able
to help, please signup on line or contact Karen Zeid
at [email protected]
The weather was perfect on Sunday, September 9
and nearly 300 people showed up to enjoy the Pancake Breakfast. The kids had a great time on the bike
course too, thanks to so many wonderful volunteers.
PTO Meeting is in the SAC Room on
Friday, October 5 at 8:10am.
All parents are welcomed to attend.
A HUGE thank you goes out to Samantha Bennett for
organizing the Pancake Breakfast and to Ariel & Thank you to all the families who have purchased the
Tabitha Brown for being in charge of the Bike Rodeo. $20 Payback Coupon Book. With $10 going directly
Also, thank you to the many volunteers on the bike back to our school, this is an easy way to earn money
course who helped to keep the kids safe: Chris & for Heatherwood. Last year we earned over $1800!
Justine Boston, Ariel & Tabitha Brown, Sue Fattor, Irina &
Slava Fedorchuk, Janet Kazmierski, Chris Lewandowski, The purchasing of this book is optional. If you do not
Mary Pierce, Yesenia Saenz, Adam & Janel Sexton, Kris & wish to purchase it, simply return it back to the school
Amy Thompson.
in the provided envelope. All envelopes and money
Thank you to the following volunteers for helping set- (or book) must be returned to your child’s teacher
up, check-in, make pancakes, serve food, and clean- or to the front office by Tuesday, September 25. If
up the breakfast: Peter Aweida, Samantha & Andy Ben- you have any questions, please contact the Payback
nett, Jessica Booze, Tim & Leah Fattor, Melissa Hersch, Book Chair, Kathryn Baack at [email protected].
Todd Hoffman, Mike & Jen Hoppert, Holly Krivjansky, Jim
McClatchy, Pete & Amy Nichols, Nancy Senuik, and Steve
Stewart. Also thank you to Ms. Zimmerman, Ms.
Standefer, and several Student Council members who
helped with Compost/Garbage. The help provided by
Anne in the Kitchen and Custodian David was greatly
appreciated as well.
Friday, September 28, 5:30 pm
Movie: “Megamind” (PG)
* See flyer for more details **
We have such a wonderful parent community here at Heatherwood. So far, over $30,000 of the $46,000 we’re aiming
to raise has already been generously donated by the families listed below. A big THANK YOU to all of you from every
teacher and child in the school!
Jump on board and be a part of investing in a quality education and environment for all of
our kids. Just fill out the attached donation form and return it to the school if you haven’t
done so yet. No amount is too large or too small. As you can see, every donation adds up
to exciting possibilities for our children!
Thank you to the following families: Wood, Schwab, Allen, Commins, Eisenhard, Dickson, Johnson,
Robichaud, Lynch/Zeff, Abbott, Combs, Gardner-Stephens, Lefebvre, Robinson, Cantrell, Metzger,
Sexton, Cook, Gottlieb, Lahr, Booze, Gracias! Pravlik, Delaney, Johnston, Bailey, O’Boyle, Sunderland, Herring, Weber, Callahan, Torrie, Cohen, Fedorchuk, Reed, Musfeldt, Zeid, Dankeschön!
Meymaris, Harman, D’Alessandro, Katnik, Miller, Stuhlbarg, Rozumalski, Brown, Lewandowski, Holly,
Kang, Smith, Diaz, Bedankt! Renken, Pollack, Baldwin, Pierce, Roan, Wilsted, Mitchell, Vatterott,
Huh, Keown, Wagner, Atkinson, Lessing, Hersch, Weisman, Obrigado! Meyer, Yeats, Siegert,
Dougherty, DeBroux, Nakamura, Grossenbacher, Hartung, Ramirez, Ure, Perington, Web, Stewart,
Ray, Leach/West, Long, McClatchey, Hvala! Woodward, Armstong, Nichols, Haid, Layman, Kornfeld,
Tronco, Fattor, Lichens, Hall, Bryon, Bates, Eakins, Aweida, Donaldson, Galanthay, Tepedelen,
Graff, George, Willebrand, Rubin, Gomez-Colunga, Julien, Murphy-Welconish, Merci! Wright, Bennett, Saenz, Fisher, Schulthesis, Edwards, Kemp, Hebert, Schmid, Darrow, Biesecker, Hirschland,
Francis, Heins, Grazie! Boothby, Rieck, Baack, Billings, Boston, Dickinson, Fraser, Karlic, LiGarrison, McConnell, Phillips, Thompson, Vujasin, Euχαpισtώ Wingo, Gossard/Adams, Oehmke,
Sandberg, Arms, Young/Lesperance.
Questions? Contact Shira Graff at [email protected]