Wags of wisdom in every card.
Wags of wisdom in every card.
Buddha DOG our cards we su s fo r Pe pp w a P a Bud dh a DO G C ard s .c o For Sales info please contact: Gretchen McArthur Roman Phone:303-733-0300 Fax:303-261-8240 [email protected] © 2016 Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. All rights reserved. BUDDHA DOG, the BUDDHA DOG CARDS logo and “Wags of Wisdom in every card” are trademarks of Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. SPCA ce Wh en u y bu tA or Wholesale $1.625 each Retail $3.25 each ™ yo Wags ofWholesale wisdom in every card. Greeting Cards m LLC Buddha When you buy our cards we support ASPCA Wags of wisdom in every card. LLC ™ DOG © 2016 Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. All rights reserved. BUDDHA DOG, the BUDDHA DOG CARDS logo and “Wags of Wisdom in every card” are trademarks of Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. G C ard s .c o m a DO SPCA dh Terms & Conditions: su s fo r Pe pp w a P a Bud Greeting Cards - A7 size: 5”x7” Wholesale price $1.625 each (6 cards $9.75 -wholesale) Retail price $3.25 each our cards we ce Wh en Card Prices: u y bu tA or yo Prices | Sizes | Fees | Support Feel good about the cards you sell. Opening order is paid with credit card. Reorders can be paid on 30 day terms. Types of Payment: Buddha Dog Cards makes a donation of 10 cents for each card sold to you to help abused and neglected animals in the U.S. Beyond buying cards, we encourage your retail location to support the ASPCA by joining in our fundraising efforts! Exchanges: Cards can be viewed online: BuddhaDogCards.com Checks,credit cards and PayPal. PayPal account name: [email protected] Catalog and order sheet are also available for downloading online as a pdf document on our wholesale page. Happy to exchange slow sellers twice a year. Cancellations: Any order canceled less than a week before the ship date or refused will be subject to a 20% restocking fee, plus shipping charges, if any apply. Shipping: Depending on inventory, most orders will ship within two weeks. Orders will be billed actual shipping costs without any markups. Sales Questions: Gretchen McArthur Roman 303-733-0300 fax 303-261-8240 [email protected] Rack fixture prices: 16 Pocket countertop spinner $30.00 48 Pocket floor spinner $49.00 72 Pocket floor spinner $69.00 Offset rack prices with free cards! 12 free cards with your 48 pocket rack $39.00 value 24 free cards with your 72 pocket rack $78.00 value Cost of cards to fill the rack: 16 x 9.75 = $156.00 48 x 9.75 = $468.00 72 x 9.75 = $702.00 Fur! What the Another year older! Happy Birthday www.BuddhaDogCards.com Buddha When you buy our cards we support ASPCA Wags of wisdom in every card. LLC ™ DOG © 2016 Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. All rights reserved. BUDDHA DOG, the BUDDHA DOG CARDS logo and “Wags of Wisdom in every card” are trademarks of Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. Birthday cover message: cover message: cover message: WTF? Practicing yoga is the best way to feel young. Très Chic! It’s your birthday Girlfriend... Fur? What the Another year older! Happy Birthday Time to get your Stretching the truth about your age doesn't hurt either! GLAM ON! Happy Birthday Item # BDC 102-A7 Birthday: WTF? Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 105-A7 Birthday: Yoga Dog Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 106-A7 Birthday: Glamour Girl Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 cover message: Birthday Arffirmations Repeat after me: Wags of wisdom in every card. BuddhaDogCards.com Your are good You are smart You are loyal Happy Birthday cover message: cover message: Wags of wisdom in every card. BuddhaDogCards.com I Smell Cake I can spot another year coming on... ™ ™ Doggone It People WOVEItYou! Doggone People WOVE You! Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Item # BDC 107-A7 Birthday: Arffermations #1 Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Wags of wisdom in every card. ™ You CAN have your cake and eat it too! SPOTACULAR Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Item # BDC 108-A7 Birthday: Smell Cake Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 cover message: Seriously? Eat Play Love BuddhaDogCards.com Happy Birthday Item # BDC 113-A7 Birthday: Seriously? Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Wags of wisdom in every card. BuddhaDogCards.com pssst... I NOSE it’s your birthday! enlightenment BuddhaDogCards.com I can smell you're a year older! today and everyday. Happy Birthday Item # BDC 114-A7 Birthday: Eat Play Love Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 ™ cover message: May you achieve ™ 303•733•0300 www.BuddhaDogCards.com email:[email protected] Wags of wisdom in every card. Happy Birthday Item # BDC 115-A7 Birthday: I Nose Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Wholesale Info Wags of wisdom in every card. DAY Item # BDC 112-A7 Birthday: Spot Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 cover message: You look 10 years younger! HAVE A ™ BuddhaDogCards.com Wags of wisdom in every card. LLC ™ DOG © 2016 Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. All rights reserved. BUDDHA DOG, the BUDDHA DOG CARDS logo and “Wags of Wisdom in every card” are trademarks of Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. Birthday cover message: cover message: cover message: It’s Your Birthday... Rejuvenate Your Senses Birthday Meditation: Focus on a cupcake (it’s within your reach) At our age background checks are a requirement. Enjoy All The Special Treatment! May you achieve We don’t just let anyone into this greatness! elite club. Happy Birthday Happy Item # BDC 116-A7 Birthday: Spa Dog Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 117-A7 Birthday: Cupcake Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 dhaDogCards.com m in every card. Buddha When you buy our cards we support ASPCA Item # BDC 118-A7 Birthday: Background Checks Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 cover message: cover message: cover message: Old Friends How do you spell biscuit? It’s your Birthday, always paws to smell the flowers. Wags of wisdom in every card. ™ BuddhaDogCards.com Never Wags of wisdom in every card. ™ BuddhaDogCards.com grow old. It's your birthday treat yourself! Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Item # BDC 119-A7 Birthday: Old Friends Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 121-A7 Birthday: “Word” Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 cover message: cover message: ™ cover message: BuddhaDogCards.com Dude I posted a special message for you It’s time to get yappy! ™ Happy Birthday! Item # BDC 126-A7 Birthday: Flowers Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Wags of wisdom in every card. No time for a Nappy... Wags of wisdom in every card. Birthday Yappy Birthday! BuddhaDogCards.com OMG! OMG! It’s your Birthday! I couldn’t Happy Birthday Big Squirt! contain myself! Happy Birthday ™ Item # BDC 127-A7 Birthday: Yappy Birthday Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 128-A7 Birthday: Hydrant Posting Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 BuddhaDogCards.com Wholesale Info Wags of wisdom in every card. ™ BuddhaDogCards.com 303•733•0300 www.BuddhaDogCards.com email:[email protected] Wags of wisdom in every card. ™ BuddhaDogCards.com Item # BDC 129-A7 Birthday: OMG! Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Buddha When you buy our cards we support ASPCA Wags of wisdom in every card. LLC ™ DOG © 2016 Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. All rights reserved. BUDDHA DOG, the BUDDHA DOG CARDS logo and “Wags of Wisdom in every card” are trademarks of Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. Birthday cover message: Woof down that cake... Hey Girl! Hope your birthday is totally bitchin’! Lap up the good times on your birthday! Item # BDC 161-A7 Birthday: Woof down Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 ™ cover message: Beer Dog To The Rescue! Embrace your inner booze hound. Happy Birthday! n every card. cover message: Item # BDC 159-A7 Birthday: Beer Dog Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 160-A7 Birthday: Hey Girl Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 BuddhaDogCards.com Wags of wisdom in every card. Wags of wisdom in every card. ™ ™ BuddhaDogCards.com BuddhaDogCards.com cover message: cover message: cover message: Dude! I smell smoke! We might not be young pups... When it comes to BFFs... But our wag has swag. You’re Best in Show! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Phew... it’s just your birthday cake! Happy Birthday! Item # BDC 177-A7 Birthday: Fire Station Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 162-A7 Birthday: Swag Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 163-A7 Birthday: BFF’s Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 BuddhaDogCards.com ™ Wags of wisdom in every card. Wags of wisdom in every card. ™ ™ BuddhaDogCards.com BuddhaDogCards.com cover message: cover message: Girl! I’m just say’n.... If anyone asks you how old you are... We dare you to have a wild and crazy birthday. For your birthday I got you an eco-friendly present! ...tell them to talk to the paw. ...no we doyuobule! dog dapprey Birthday. ...and it’s even in a biodegradable bag! cover message: Happy Ha This is YOUR day to PAWty Happy Birthday! Item # BDC 164-A7 Birthday: Talk to the paw Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 165-A7 Birthday: Double Dog Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 166-A7 Birthday: eco-friendly Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Wags of wisdom in every card. Wags of wisdom in every card. ™ Happy Birthday! ™ BuddhaDogCards.com BuddhaDogCards.com BuddhaDogCards.com Wholesale Info 303•733•0300 www.BuddhaDogCards.com email:[email protected] Buddha When you buy our cards we support ASPCA Wags of wisdom in every card. LLC ™ DOG © 2016 Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. All rights reserved. BUDDHA DOG, the BUDDHA DOG CARDS logo and “Wags of Wisdom in every card” are trademarks of Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. Birthday cover message: cover message: cover message: Babe it’s your birthday! You can’t wiggle out of another birthday! Today, it’s all about you! Without letting me wish you a Happy Birthday! Make it a super Shake your groove thang! Happy Birthday! Item # BDC 167-A7 Birthday: Shake your grove thang Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 168-A7 Birthday: Wiggle Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 BuddhaDogCards.com ™ Happy Birthday! Item # BDC 169-A7 Birthday: Super Selfie Day Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Wags of wisdom in every card. Wags of wisdom in every card. Selfie Day! ™ BuddhaDogCards.com BuddhaDogCards.com cover message: cover message: cover message: It’s your Burfday! Haven’t you heard? In dog years, 6 is the new 3! Ohhhh my gawd! Don’t let any cats give you poop about it! You don’t smell a day over 4! Unleash the young pup within! (If they do you can send them my way.) (in dog years) Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday! Happee Burfday! Item # BDC 170-A7 Birthday: Burfday Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 171-A7 Birthday: Six is the new 3 Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 172-A7 Birthday: A day over 4 Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Wags of wisdom in every card. Wags of wisdom in every card. ™ ™ BuddhaDogCards.com BuddhaDogCards.com cover message: cover message: cover message: Express the beast within. Darling you look... Fetching A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous. -Coco Chanel On your birthday Happy Birthday to a rip it up in grand style! Great Dame. Happy Birthday! Item # BDC 173-A7 Birthday: Your style Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 174-A7 Birthday: Fetching Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Wags of wisdom in every card. ™ Item # BDC 175-A7 Birthday: Coco Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 BuddhaDogCards.com W h o l e s a l e WagsI nof wisdom f o in every card Happy birthday to a classy and fabulous girl that knows how to celebrate in style. .™ BuddhaDogCards.com 303•733•0300 www.BuddhaDogCards.com email:[email protected] Wags of wisdom in every card. LLC ™ DOG © 2016 Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. All rights reserved. BUDDHA DOG, the BUDDHA DOG CARDS logo and “Wags of Wisdom in every card” are trademarks of Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. BirthdayBirthday Belated cover message: cover message: I missed your Birthday. Item # BDC 111-A7 Belated Birthday: Drag Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 120-A7 Belated Birthday: Cat got my tongue. Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Wags of wisdom in every card. ™ BuddhaDogCards.com cover message: cover message: We’re pull’n for ya! Sorry to hear you are feeling a little ruff’d up Get Well Soon. Hope you are up to your old tricks in no time! BuddhaDogCards.com Get Well Soon item # BDC 103-A7 Get Well: Ruff’d up Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 104-A7 Get Well: Pull’n for ya Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Bon Voyage Sorry cover message: cover message: Lap all the good Wags of wisdom in every cardup . BuddhaDogCards.com ™ I am so sorry. times on your trip! s.com Can I be let out of the dog house now? Bon Voyage! Item # BDC 125-A7 Misc: Bon Voyage! Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 139-A7 Misc: So Sorry Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Wags of wisdom in every card. Sorry I missed your birthday. Hope you had a great day! Item # BDC 150-A7 Belated Birthday: ohh no... Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Get Well ™ ohh no... Aw well, better late than never! Happy Belated Happy Belated Birthday Birthday Hope you had a ball! Wags of wisdom in every card. cover message: I wanted to wish you a happy birthday, but the cat got my tongue. It’s a real DRAG m ™ Buddha When you buy our cards we support ASPCA ™ BuddhaDogCards.com BuddhaDogCards.com Wholesale Info 303•733•0300 www.BuddhaDogCards.com email:[email protected] Buddha When you buy our cards we support ASPCA Wags of wisdom in every card. LLC ™ DOG © 2016 Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. All rights reserved. BUDDHA DOG, the BUDDHA DOG CARDS logo and “Wags of Wisdom in every card” are trademarks of Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. Friendship cover message: cover message: cover message: Yeeeha! I NOSE a great friend when I see one! Besties are like the perfect chair... Girlfriend, you’re the BEST bestie in I mutts admit! A must have! the whole wide WESTIE! Thanks for your friendship. Item # BDC 184-A7 Friendship: Yeeeha! Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 185-A7 Friendship: Iggy Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 186-A7 Friendship: Besties Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 BuddhaDogCards.com cover message: cover message: cover message: Our friendship is a lifelong journey. It’s like I said... We’ll be friends till we’re old and grey... Wags of wisdom in every card. ™ BuddhaDogCards.com Wags of wisdom in every card. ™ BuddhaDogCards.com I ain’t mutt’n around... Thanks for letting me tag loyalty, love and friendship! ...when I say you’re the along. greatest friend a girl could have! Item # BDC 187-A7 Friendship: Tag along Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 188-A7 Friendship: Lucy & Ethel Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Wags of wisdom in every card. ...thanks so much for your ™ Item # BDC 189-A7 Friendship: Old & Grey Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 BuddhaDogCards.com cover message: Wags of wisdom in every card. ™ BuddhaDogCards.com cover message: cover message: Fangtastic! You are my loyal friend. ards.com A friendship like ours... ... Yep! is Golden! Item # BDC 190-A7 Friendship: Golden Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 191-A7 Friendship: Fangtastic! Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Cards.com Wags of wisdom in every card. Pretty much sums up our friendship! ™ BuddhaDogCards.com W h o l e s aWagsl eof wisdom I n inf every o card No matter how hairy things get, I’ll be by your side. Item # BDC 200-A7 Friendship: Hairy Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 .™ BuddhaDogCards.com 303•733•0300 www.BuddhaDogCards.com email:[email protected] Wags of wisdom in every card. LLC ™ DOG © 2016 Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. All rights reserved. BUDDHA DOG, the BUDDHA DOG CARDS logo and “Wags of Wisdom in every card” are trademarks of Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. Thinking of you cover message: cover message: cover message: I’m thinking of you When life gets tough and skies are grey... “When times are hard and I feel crappy...” Remember... you are not alone. “...I think of pyy!” I feel hap ...and I’m here for you always. Scottie’s Honor!!! Item # BDC 192-A7 Thinking of you: Scottie’s Honor Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 194-A7 Thinking of you: Piano Dog Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Wags of wisdom in every card. Wags of wisdom in every card. ™ ™ BuddhaDogCards.com BuddhaDogCards.com cover message: cover message: cover message: Professional WATCH DOG at your service! Some things just aren’t right. May the force be with you. I’ve got your back Hope things turn around for you soon. During this difficult time. no matter what life brings to your door! Item # BDC 195-A7 Thinking of you: Watch Dog Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 ™ ou and Item # BDC 193-A7 Thinking of you: Grey skies Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 ogCards.com m in every card. Buddha When you buy our cards we support ASPCA Item # BDC 196-A7 Thinking of you: Turn around Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 197-A7 Thinking of you: Force Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 BuddhaDogCards.com Wags of wisdom in every card. ™ BuddhaDogCards.com cover message: Poop positivity: Sometimes life gives you a lot of poop and it really stinks... but I’ll help hold your nose, while you squirt the hose, and use that stuff to grow a ... ROSE! Item # BDC 198-A7 Thinking of you: Rosy Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Wags of wisdom in every card. ™ BuddhaDogCards.com cover message: cover message: There are two things I know will lift your spirits... Namaste my friend. Fuzzy Hugs & Chocolate!!! I’m here for you always. Item # BDC 199-A7 Thinking of you: Fuzzy Hugs & Chocolate Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Wags of wisdom in every card. Wholesale Info Item # BDC 201-A7 Thinking of you: Namaste Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 ™ BuddhaDogCards.com 303•733•0300 www.BuddhaDogCards.com email:[email protected] dhaDogCards.com Wags of wisdom in every card. ™ BuddhaDogCards.com I’m wishing you inner peace today and everyday. Wags of wisdom in every card. LLC ™ rds.com DOG © 2016 Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. All rights reserved. BUDDHA DOG, the BUDDHA DOG CARDS logo and “Wags of Wisdom in every card” are trademarks of Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. Love Birthday cover message: cover message: cover message: U R Furever Profiles matched. Winks exchanged. I luv you. My Fave “met for coffee” & lapped it up! Happy Anniversary, Baby! Item # BDC 110-A7 Love: Winks Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 101-A7 Love/Anniversary: Furever Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 130-A7 Love: I luv you Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 cover message: ddhaDogCards.com om in every card. Buddha When you buy our cards we support ASPCA cover message: cover message: Just Married. Howling/Noise Ordinance Police Dept. Lovesick Wags of wisdom in every card. BuddhaDogCards.com Puppy! ™ You’re my only cure! Love you! You melt my heart We’re pawfect for each other! I love you. Whoop it up! Congratulations to a rockstar couple! Item # BDC 154-A7 Love: Love Sick Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 ™ Item # BDC 155-A7 Love: Just Married Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 156-A7 Love: You melt my heart Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 BuddhaDogCards.com Wags of wisdom in every card. Wags of wisdom in every card. ™ BuddhaDogCards.com ™ BuddhaDogCards.com cover message: cover message: When it comes to your cute face... Down boy! Happy Birthday you bad dog! I can’t control my licker! XOXO Happy Birthday Sweetheart! Item # BDC 158-A7 Birthday: Down Boy Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 157-A7 Love/Birthday: Licker Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Wags of wisdom in every card. ™ BuddhaDogCards.com Wholesale Info 303•733•0300 www.BuddhaDogCards.com email:[email protected] Buddha When you buy our cards we support ASPCA Wags of wisdom in every card. LLC ™ DOG © 2016 Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. All rights reserved. BUDDHA DOG, the BUDDHA DOG CARDS logo and “Wags of Wisdom in every card” are trademarks of Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. Birthday Thank You cover message: cover message: cover message: Poocho Gracias! Thanks for all your generosity. Yippy Skippy! You made me d run aroun and do my happy dance! Every lick of it. Thanks for thinking of me!!! Item # BDC 109-A7 Thank You: aye, Chihuahua! Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 137-A7 Thank You: Generosity Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 The Smiling Karma Dogs Wags of wisdom in every card. Item # BDC 131-136-A7 Wags of wisdom in every card. Thank You cards 6 different smiling dog cover designs Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 ™ Item # BDC 132-A7 Thank You: Karma Dog2 Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Wags of wisdom in every card. ™ BuddhaDogCards.com Your good karma really made me smile. Wags of wisdom in every card. Item # BDC 133-A7 Thank You: Karma Dog3 Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 ™ BuddhaDogCards.com Item # BDC 135-A7 Thank You: Karma Dog5 Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 ™ Your good karma really made me smile. Your good karma really made me smile. Item # BDC 134-A7 Thank You: Karma Dog4 Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Wags of wisdom in every card. BuddhaDogCards.com Your good karma really made me smile. Item # BDC 131-A7 Thank You: Karma Dog1 Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 uddhaDogCards.com ™ BuddhaDogCards.com Your good karma really made me smile. uddhaDogCards.com Item # BDC 183-A7 Thank You: Yippy Skippy! Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 BuddhaDogCards.com Wags of wisdom in every card. Wholesale Info Your good karma really made me smile. Item # BDC 136-A7 Thank You: Karma Dog6 Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 ™ BuddhaDogCards.com 303•733•0300 www.BuddhaDogCards.com email:[email protected] ddhaDogCards.com Buddha When you buy our cards we support ASPCA Wags of wisdom in every card. LLC ™ DOG © 2016 Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. All rights reserved. BUDDHA DOG, the BUDDHA DOG CARDS logo and “Wags of Wisdom in every card” are trademarks of Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. Birthday Congratulations cover message: Seize the day! Every dog has it’s day. cover message: cover message: Congratulations to one uber smart Grad! The sky’s the limit Now go out and Congratulations! Congratulations you passed the test! mark your spot! Item # BDC 151-A7 Congratulations: Seize the day! Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 152-A7 Congratulations: Uber Smart Grad Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Wags of wisdom in every card. Item # BDC 153-A7 Congratulations: Sky’s the limit Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 ™ BuddhaDogCards.com Mom DAD Wags of wisdom in every card. ™ BuddhaDogCards.com cover message: cover message: Dad You’re Top Dog! Mom you are so awesome! Happy Father’s Day To A Number One Dad! Thanks for coming to my rescue. Item # BDC 138-A7 Dad: Top Dog Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 176-A7 Mom: Rescue 1 Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Wags of wisdom in every card. ™ BuddhaDogCards.com aDogCards.com Wholesale Info 303•733•0300 www.BuddhaDogCards.com email:[email protected] Buddha When you buy our cards we support ASPCA Wags of wisdom in every card. LLC ™ DOG © 2016 Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. All rights reserved. BUDDHA DOG, the BUDDHA DOG CARDS logo and “Wags of Wisdom in every card” are trademarks of Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. Dog Sympathy Birthday cover message: cover message: What do you say to your best friend who has passed away... Think of all the good times. STAY. Sorry for your loss. Our best friends leave lifelong imprints on our hearts. Sorry to hear about your loss. Forever in your heart. Sorry for your loss. Item # BDC 122-A7 Pet Sympathy: STAY Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 123-A7 Pet Sympathy: Remember Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Item # BDC 124-A7 Pet Sympathy: Imprints Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 cover message: Paw prints on your heart can never be erased. Wags of wisdom in every card. ™ Always by your side. Forever with you in spirit. Wags of wisdom in every card. May fond memories always bring a smile to your face. BuddhaDogCards.com Item # BDC 178-A7 Pet Sympathy: Fond memories Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 ™ Sorry for your loss. Item # BDC 179-A7 Pet Sympathy: By your side Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 cover message: cover message: What we have once enjoyed we can never lose; All That we love deeply, becomes a part of us. All dogs go to heaven. Doggy heaven is a place where treats grow on trees, lifelong friends reunite and playtime is endless. - Hellen Keller Heartfelt condolences and kindest thoughts in your time of sorrow. Item # BDC 180-A7 Pet Sympathy: Hellen Keller Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 BuddhaDogCards.com I hope that knowing your sweet one is in good company brings you comfort during this sad time. Item # BDC 181-A7 Pet Sympathy: Doggy heaven Size A7 $1.625 /retail $3.25 Wholesale Info 303•733•0300 www.BuddhaDogCards.com email:[email protected] Happy Howlidays © 2016 Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. All rights reserved. BUDDHA DOG, the BUDDHA DOG CARDS logo and “Wags of Wisdom in every card” are trademarks of Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. Buddha Birthday LLC DOG Item # BDC 144-A7 Holiday: Snowflake 1 Black puppy Item # BDC 146-A7 Holiday: D2 Golden When you buy our cards we support ASPCA cover message: cover message: cover message: No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place! Love•Peace•Joy Seasons Greetings! Wishing you all of the above this Holiday Season and in the New Year. Hope your holidays are up to snuff! - Zen proverb May your holidays be filled with peace and wonder. Item # BDC 145-A7 Holiday: Up to Snuff! Size 5x7 $3.25 each Item # BDC 209-A7 Holiday: Love Peace Joy Size 5x7 $3.25 each cover message: cover message: cover message: Seasons Greetings! Holy Gefilte Fish! Oy! Another tacky sweater! It’s time to light ‘em up! Hope your Holidays are over the top! Happy Hanukkah! Merry Chrismukkah! ...from the Christmas Tree-huahua! Item # BDC 207-A7 Holiday: Tree-huahau Size 5x7 $3.25 each Item # BDC 205-A7 Holiday: Up to snuff! Size 5x7 $3.25 each Item # BDC 208-A7 Holiday: Holy Gefilte Fish! Size 5x7 $3.25 Item # BDC 141-A7 Holiday: Hanukkah & Christmas Size 5x7 $3.25 each Wags of wisdom in every card. Wholesale Info ™ BuddhaDogCards.com 303•733•0300 www.BuddhaDogCards.com email:[email protected] Buddha When you buy our cards we support ASPCA Wags of wisdom in every card. LLC ™ DOG © 2016 Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. All rights reserved. BUDDHA DOG, the BUDDHA DOG CARDS logo and “Wags of Wisdom in every card” are trademarks of Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. Birthday Holiday cover message: cover message: cover message: Twas the Night Before Christmas... Milk and... Cookies??? Westie wishes & kisses! Inside: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from Santa’s little helper! The puppies were nestled all snug in their beds; while visions of doggie treats danced in their heads... Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night! Item # BDC 140-A7 Holiday: Santa Dog Size 5x7 $3.25 each Item # BDC 206-A7 Holiday: Westie wishes & kisses Size 5x7 $3.25 each Item # BDC 182-A7 Holiday: Night Before Christmas Size 5x7 $3.25 each cover message: Seasons Greetings Reporting for holiday decor duty. I left you a Yule log in the backyard and the cat is on top of the Christmas tree. Seasons Greetings Reporting for holiday decor duty Various big dogs on the cover with same funny greeting. Hope your holidays are filled with laughter and joy. Item # BDC 142-A7 Holiday: D1 St. Bernard Size 5x7 $3.25 each or $20.00 per box of 12 cards and envelopes ogCards.com Item # BDC 146-A7 Holiday: D2 Golden Item # BDC 147-A7 Holiday: D3 Husky Item # BDC 148-A7 Holiday: D4 Doby Wholesale Info Item # BDC 149-A7 Holiday: D5 G.Shepherd 303•733•0300 www.BuddhaDogCards.com email:[email protected] Item # BDC 211-A7 Holiday: D6 Bernese We left you a couple Yule logs in the backyard and the cat is on top of the Christmas tree. Hope your holidays are filled with laughter and joy. Mixed Boxed Thank You note cards Wholesale price: $12 per box which retail for $18 per box. A mix of 10 note cards, and mixed colored envelopes. Note card size 4.25 x 5.5 When you buy our cards we support ASPCA Ten cents of each card sale is donated to: The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). ted toa n a w t s I ju thanks in say ! y a w G BI Thanks for the treat! Wags of wisdom in every card. ™ BuddhaDo I love it. It’s absolutely pawfect! gCards.co m aye, Chihuahu! a! You’re the best Thank You Item # BDC 210-A2 Mixed Mutts / Boxed Size 4.25x5.5 Wholesale: $12.00 each Retail:$18.00 Buddha LLC Box includes 2 of each design. Wholesale Info 303•733•0300 www.BuddhaDogCards.com email:[email protected] DOG Buddha When you buy our cards we support ASPCA Wags of wisdom in every card. LLC ™ DOG Phone: 303-733-0300 Fax: 303-261-8240 / [email protected] © 2016 Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. All rights reserved. BUDDHA DOG, the BUDDHA DOG CARDS logo and “Wags of Wisdom in every card” are trademarks of Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. Wholesale order worksheet Item # Description 1 pack is 6 cards $9.75 QTY QTY RACK Size Price Card order subtotal: Store Name: Name: Phone: Address: email: Payment : Master Card Visa AMEX Card No. Expiration Date: CVV code: Please Fax orders to: 303•261•8240 Email: [email protected] Phone: 303•733•0300 Call us if you have any questions or need a longer order sheet. Please see page 1 of the catalog for shipping, terms and conditions. Please note: shipping is additional charge but we will offset that with extra cards. Working with one of our sales reps please list their name here: www.BuddhaDogCards.com Buddha When you buy our cards we support ASPCA Wags of wisdom in every card. LLC ™ DOG Phone: 303-733-0300 Fax: 303-261-8240 / [email protected] © 2016 Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. All rights reserved. BUDDHA DOG, the BUDDHA DOG CARDS logo and “Wags of Wisdom in every card” are trademarks of Buddha Dog Cards, LLC. Wholesale order worksheet Item # Description 1 pack is 6 cards $9.75 QTY Item # www.BuddhaDogCards.com Description 1 pack is 6 cards $9.75 QTY