Paranapanema Case
Paranapanema Case
MAIN BENEFITS MAIN BENEFITS OF AN EFFICIENT CATALYST OF AN EFFICIENT CATALYST HANDLING SYSTEM HANDLING SYSTEM MB CONSULTORES B ili Sulfuric Acid Brazilian S lf i A id Technology T h l Since 1985 H2SO4 Round Table Chile ‐ 2010 SUMMARY MB Consultores Catalyst dust accumulation Catalyst industry challenges MB Cat experience MB Cat Paranapanema Case – Camaçarí / Brasil SPCC Case – Ilo / Peru Next Steps MB Consultores Environmental projects Market studies Feasibility studies Basic Engineering MB Consultores Process studies Plant start‐up and trouble shooting Support to catalyst operations MB Consultores Support on catalyst operations ` Haldor Topsoe A/S and A/S and Lewis Pumps Lewis Pumps Agent ` Topgun Test ` Catalyst Removal System (SRC) and System (SRC) and Reloading System (SCC) DUST DUST CONSEQUENCES OF DUST Accumulation on the upper layer Crust formation Catalyst degradation Catalyst degradation Preferential channeling flow High pressure drop g p p Loss of activity of the catalyst Acid production limitation SO2 emissions Production planning obstacle Unexpected shut downs Unexpected shut downs Higher OPEX DUST Inexorable presence in sulfuric acid bl lf d plants Generates pressure drop across the beds reducing operational campaign Influence on the "fly paper" effect related to bath of molten salts during g operation Pressure drop is a direct function of the P d i di f i f h void fraction of the bed DUST O i i off the Origin h Dust D Sulphur ashes Sulphur ashes Dust from the gas Air dust Fragment of refractory bricks Sulfates generated in the pipes and equipment N t ld Natural degradation of the catalyst d ti f th t l t Improper handling of the catalyst CATALYST INDUSTRY CHALENGES Evolution of shapes and compositions over the years 1990’s 2010 CATALYST INDUSTRY CHALENGES Relativ ve Pressu ure drop % 1000 +55% 55% +90% 800 600 400 6 mm cylinder 10 mm ring 12 mm daisy 20 mm ring 25 mm daisy 200 0 0 6 12 18 Months of operation 24 30 CATALYST INDUSTRY CHALENGES Challenge of Industry in the optimization of the catalysts Activitty Mechanical Strength x Activity ct ty Strength CATALYST INDUSTRY CHALENGES Produção MTPD Linha Auxiliar kWh/ano 3.000.000 2500 2.800.000 Increased energy consumption is directly linked to the increase of pressure drop o p essu e d op Example: Plant 2.300 t/d 11% SO2 Reduction of 200 mmWC Economy 1.450MWh/year 1 450MWh/year @ 80 USD / MWh Savingg 116.000 USD/year /y 2.600.000 2000 2.400.000 2.200.000 2.000.000 1500 1.800.000 1.600.000 SO2 % 13 1000 11 10 8 6 5 500 1.400.000 400 1.200.000 12 9 7 Ganho em perda de carga (mm H2O) 350 300 1.000.000 250 4 200 800.000 150 600.000 100 400.000 MB EXPERIENCE Old Screening Practice Until mid‐1990 the common practice was to remove and screen the catalyst manually catalyst manually MB EXPERIENCE Old Screening Practice Deposition of yellow dust containing V2O5 around of the converter, requiring people involved in other activities to wear masks Significant catalyst loss Significant catalyst loss Emanation of dust causing air pollution, g p , contaminating drainage water and soil. MB EXPERIENCE SRC (Sistema de Remoção de Catalisador) Main Advantages g Reduction of operator exposure to V2O5 dust High processing speed and shorter lead times Reduction of breakage by stepping the catalyst Removal in layers to preserve the activity Reduction of environmental contamination Reduction of environmental contamination Use of big bags of up to 2 m3 Removal of ceramic balls MB EXPERIENCE Evolution of MB SRC screening in Brazil Evolution of MB SRC screening in Brazil 3.500 21 Volume Operations p 3.000 2.500 11 2.000 1.500 6 1.000 1 500 0 1993 Catalyst volume installed in Brazil : ~ 5.500 m3 Volume Processed in 18 years : 21.000 m3 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 ‐4 Ope erations per year Vo olume SRC (m3/year)) 16 MB EXPERIENCE Old Loading Practice Very Bad SHE(Safety Health Environment)conditions High number of people inside converter walking on High number of people inside converter walking on the catalyst exposed to physical stress and V2O5 dust High dust accumulation on the catalyst layers causing higher SOR pressure drop. g g p p MB EXPERIENCE 2006 – VIP INC License in South America for: SCC (Sistema de Carregamento de Catalisador) MB Catalisadores + VIP International = SCC MB EXPERIENCE SCC – Vmetais Cajamarquilla Peru 2007 MB EXPERIENCE Evolution of MBC SCC loading 3.000 18 16 2.500 2.000 12 Op perations / /year Screened V Volume pe er year (m3 3) 14 10 1.500 8 1 000 1.000 6 4 500 2 0 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 MB EXPERIENCE E l i Evolution of SCC X SRC f SCC X SRC 3.500 Volume e SRC / SCC (m3 3/y) 3.000 SRC SCC 2.500 2.000 1.500 1.000 500 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 MB EXPERIENCE SCC (Sistema de Carregamento de Catalisador) Main Advantages Dust‐free atmosphere Improvement on working conditions Manpower reduction I Increased processing speed d i d Average of 8m3/h (Max 12 m3/h) Reduction of breakage by stepping on Reduction of breakage by stepping on Environmental friendly MB EXPERIENCE SCC (Sistema de Carregamento de Catalisador) Main Advantages g Average collection of dust during loading: 7kg/m3 Preservation of the quality of the catalytic bed extending lifetime Reduction of undesired additional catalyst cost PARANAPANEMA CASE CARAIBA METAIS CARAIBA METAIS Dias D’Avila , Bahia , Brazil Design Natron Design Natron DADC 3+1 DADC 3+1 ‐ Start up Start up in 1982 in 1982 Capacity 200.000 Nm3/h Converter 13,2 m diameter PARANAPANEMA CASE Up to 2000: Removal, screening and loading performed semi‐manually; Mixed load of catalysts brands, with purchases driven solely by price Catalyst Volume 360m3, ( 148 liters / tpd H2SO4) Typical Operational Campaigns: 18 to 24 months; High SO2 emissions High SO2 emissions PARANAPANEMA CASE Changes from 2000 until now: Haldor Topsoe Catalyst SRC / SCC for removal and reloading Production capacity increase Catalyst volume increase to 460 m3 ( 28% increase) PARANAPANEMA CASE Evolution of campaigns since 1998 PARANAPANEMA CASE Evolution of campaigns since 1998 PARANAPANEMA CASE Evolution of campaigns since 1998 PARANAPANEMA CASE Evolution of campaigns since 1998 PARANAPANEMA CASE Evolution of campaigns since 1998 PARANAPANEMA CASE Evolution of campaigns since 1998 PARANAPANEMA CASE Evolution of campaigns since 1998 PARANAPANEMA CASE Evolution of campaigns since 1998 PARANAPANEMA CASE With low pressure drop and high conversion the new target is to reach a record campaign of 48 months by end 2011. 2011 PARANAPANEMA CASE With low pressure drop and high conversion the new target is to reach a record campaign of 48 months by end 2011. 2011 PARANAPANEMA CASE With low pressure drop and high conversion the new target is to reach a record campaign of 48 months by end 2011. 2011 PARANAPANEMA CASE Footprint benefits of SRC/SCC T Temporary packing ki for the f h catalyst l Manual Process: SRC / SCC: Manpower per shift Manual Process M lP : SRC / SCC: 4.000 (50 liters plastic bags ) waste 400 Bags (reusable) g ( ) 30 30 12 Dust masks Manual Process : SRC / SCC SRC / SCC: 4.000 units 1 000 units 1.000 units PARANAPANEMA CASE Footprint benefits of SRC/SCC Impact of dust on the environment and other activities Manual Process : High SRC / SCC: Absent Catalyst Loss Manual Process : High SRC / SCC: Minimum Temporary Storage Manual Process : SRC / SCC: SRC / SCC: Need large area (+ shortstop) Small area (complete screening) (complete screening) Strikes Manual Process : Operation stopped and delayed SRC / SCC: Continuous operation on schedule SPCC CASE SOUTHERN PERU COPPER CORP. SOUTHERN PERU COPPER CORP Ilo, Peru Design Aker Design Aker Solutions DADC 3+1 DADC 3+1 ‐ Start up Start up in 2007 in 2007 Capacity 268.000 Nm3/h Converter 11,73 m diameter 21,3 m height with 700 m3 catalyst SPCC CASE PLANT MAINTENANCE SHUT DOWN 2010 Original SPCC schedule 19 days Negotiated schedule 12 days Screening Beds 1, 3 and 4th beds ( 541 m3) Replacement 240 m3 Scope of supply MBC : MBC : Supply of catalyst handling equipments Transportation Freight Supervision Manpower Reduction from 18 to 4/shift SPCC CASE SCHEDULE Contract awarded 06 June Shipment MBC 24 June (18 days) Coordination meeting 08 July (1 day) Shipment Santos Shipment Santos 21 July (27 days) 21 July (27 days) Arrival Callao 06 August (15 days) Arrival SPCC 09 August (3 days) g ( y) Screening start up 12 August (3 days) Loading conclusion 23 August (11 days) Equipment return 30 August (7 days) SPCC CASE Original Schedule Before Starting SPCC CASE Actual Schedule After Operation SPCC CASE SCHEDULE Removall 1st Bed R 1 B d Removal 3rd Bed Removal 4th Bed Programmed 46 52 70 Hours Actual 36 40 44 Saved Time 10 12 26 Loading 1st Bed Loading oading 3rd 3rd Bed ed Loading 4th Bed 36 36 48 17 16 6 20 19 20 0 28 Total 288 173 115 Description Total of Days 12 7 5 SPCC CASE PRESSURE DROP ALL BED 1000,0 800,0 1st Bed 3rd Bed 4th Bed 4th Bed 2nd Bed 400,0 200,0 ago‐10 mai‐10 fev‐10 nov‐09 ago‐09 mai‐09 fev‐09 nov‐08 ago‐08 mai‐08 fev‐08 nov‐07 0,0 ago‐07 mm m H2O 600,0 SPCC CASE Mission Completed p ! Next steps? OUR THANKS To Parapanema/Caraiba Metais / ib i Luis Henrique Rogoski Monteiro Henrique Rogoski Monteiro – Plant Manager Emar Murilo Leão – Production Eng. Rodrigo Maçon – Process Eng. To SPCC Kleber Jurado – Plant Manager Carlos Lama – Operation Manager Carlos Lama Operation Manager 2 4