Mv Pargi f - Gujarat Pollution Control Board
Mv Pargi f - Gujarat Pollution Control Board
PUB.LIC TIEARING .PROCEEDINGS It is herebyinformedthat as per the Ministry of Environmentand Forests,Government of Indi4 New Delhi vide its notification no. S. O. 1533 dated t4/0912006,& their AmendmentPnblic Hearingwas fixd for the following project coveredunder CategoryB, lrlls. vrai integrtted textile park ltd hasproposedfor expansionof power plant projec! as mentionedin their requestapplication. A copy of the draft Rapid Environment Impact AssessmentReport and the ExecutiveSummarywere sentto the following authoritiesor offices to makeavailablethe draft EIA Report for the inspectionto the public during normal office hours,till the Public Hearingis over: 1. 2. 3, 4. The Disfict CollectorOffice, Nadiad. Jilla PanchayatOffice, Nadiad. District IndustriesCentre,Nadiad. The Chief Conservatorof Forests,Ministry of Environment& Forests,Govt. Of Indl4 RegionalOffice (West Zone),Kendrip ParyavaranBhavarUE - 5, fuea Colony, Link Road- 3, RavishankarColony, BHOPAL - 465 016 5 Taluka PanchayatOffice,at Kheda ,Tal & Dist - Kheda 6 RqgionalOffice, Cujar* Pollution Control Board, Sardarpatel bhavanBlock B,Nadiad Other ooncernedpersons having plausible stake in the environmentalaspectswere requastedto sendtheir responsein writing to the concernedregulatoryauthorities.They were requestedto sendtheir commentsto the regulatoryauthoritiesas under: Central Governmentin Ministry of Environment and Forests,Crovt. Of India CGO Complex, Lodi Roa4 New Delhi - ll0 003 as the matter falls under Category B of Scheduleof the aforesaidnotifi cation. The Public Hearing vrns scheduledon date on #h l{ovember 2011 at ll:fil intogratedtextilepark ltd compound,village- Bidaj, Taluka& Dlst : lfteda A.M. Vraj An advertisementin English was publishedin 'Times of India' drted Olll}tzlll in Gujarati "Divya bbaskar' on Slt0lZ0lll and Shri M.V. Pargi . Collector & District Magistrate, Nedied supervised and presided over the entirepublic hearingprocess. A statementshowingparticipantspresentduring the Public Hearingis enclosedherewithas Ann'exureA. A statemontshowing salient points highlighting issuesraised by the participantsand respondedby the representativeof the applicat during the Public Hearing in English and Gujarati Languagesis enclosedherewithas Annexure B end 81. The eopiesof responsesreceivedin uriting from otherpersonsbavingplausiblestakein environmentalaspectsandthe repliesby the applicantsto the sarneare enclosedherewithas Annexure Cl to C4. 4 Place:* Bidaj, D*e:4llll20ll Encl.: 1. J.Illriyadarshi RegionalOfficer, GPCB,Nadiad As a Representative of the Member Secretary,GPCB. Gandhinqgar AnnexureAbB, Bl andCl to C4 asabove. M.v. Pargi Collector & District Magistrate,Nadiad f nuNexuge.a AspertheMinistryofEnvironment,afdForests,Govemmentof|ndia,NewDe|hividesitsnot no.S.O.1533dated14/09/2006 an{theiramendment, Public Flearing plant isfixedforexpansion ofpower - BidajTal & Dist- kheda project of M/s,Vrajinbgrate6 1.x1;le:park ltd.located atvillage Thestatement presentduringPublicHearingheld on 4thNovember showingParticipants parkltdcompound, 2011,11:00 Vraiinteqrated textile Vill- Bidaj, Taluka & Dist:kheda. Name and Designation Organization/Village 1 ShriM.V.Pargi. Districtmagistrate& collector 2 Shri J.D.Privadashi. Regional officer , GPCB Sign "**h'ut,,l, Nadiad ?llrr, -!s\tlev' a J 4 , \3 <rx€ 51. \>ss.ll It &q..t? 1. 'rJ [0 trlovr \(rtw,tcri- f* - 5 9n /, c.hrr. J,-r,/_ 6 , 7 Vtsha vrt 6ltav qrnz4 8 -<.'5--+*, $z / R. n ,.r -q \ c.^.- ( , (?.r\qo, Suz-rt1 DrPzsll >l *,tuv*-,2-z\^J,---j 9 4/^**^ l0 t1 t2 Bo/,7) (, u nrrl, k !,,,-a.iinu^4 Uil'U 9 < 6t,o-/w 6lrlth ' Il H( / W tc( 3 ':ir1 kl*?uA Ii-,\in 15 14 "l?lh 1..2'..r, 1 \r 'r'r.0s-r s" A"h".,x"A' o"11' Kgnwbl'*'' nJ--<-:s ftt.rJ n A -- YJ ,l-ol2 \---/ ' // ilos! I ' l:AY, L*o v>1 B )l l!["- [r , 't atrUt -.\I 13 t4 trl- I tl o-.-.- \rv-r'^-\/ kj*s'o \ C Jlau-r,-t' I /'' g{l* b, )* 7*1 L-. #' I^ *F 6\u".Flr- 'lo Vr"i I^l- \ea,[e]*r.r+J'$.J[r=r+ ffil---- Name and Designation t7 \G'-LR-M, A,^,..-) ' l Organization/Village R,.l*\\/ 1r nM*'t4AIE-^/DrL'* \1 SvapN ut1 paisL(nlr'rrfir ') sH 4^t'TT Sn t n r &r Ph'fu\- I Y,l\c@\Lol2 Sign affi* v 'sH fr)-tTL -eaLp4 A4 t-(.;sn"\ ' 2-fi &Rcu" Dv&! r . P+&co+a s-o'.-Aal*^";Ja q l rLZ 2\ Hl^^vlL.,-,*n^ -e Ot I r 1 l?,,J.* P N, g^4)^ A-.t- fi-o. 2.fii (uhln A"r"<-49) 4 ^,r^ *ka'n-ot 2-14 /r Lb L) )r L\ ]o 4tc<r o, n(^, t r,0o[)\ Q,c^r4 { \ tr rya/yV q(,t)4/, >c-innlcr,l, ft . f-L^rLt AIJ ^ildA rv, ?2_ t/, K oh,,**,t .f- t< . /1,n.""*,-| 1t/ \+ tYtfr-wl / , wt'[1 L -sal 1 eoZ.l* N- Ji.,J J,&r-^lty y'th'*-t /Q4^a/t*^\ n /our'r! , 3q O**t gL p o l a\ cz).ay ) l-tt?& 4z {_rrt \ a, \,rtr-l (-;\^ ct .\ .\, \ \ C/a L[Y|.LL,r{,E\l!v\\-/ 3 l &"*t-Al, /. NnJ, 0\-'l e fu/ co).<r? A-f 7- A*^ r \\rr Q.,\ r^^-1.--,' (d1yr,^rrano . {6P -lL,n(Xtl S rn PGJ .o,^^,r*k , l ,*- 2+ 4yn ,-.) W<{uFz Jr" z 5, nrl^-+L'.r--r /@ il.-"l-- W-". @x-"-* '/vtt/ (gW .aa A. Yg-"-^-;t &r* :9r Name and Designation fl 2"Irl- 1we1"- 3r 3i Organization/Village Lo uabtzzZ%'-J' /Qazzz h1 _i#"^d,\r^-,p^Al hr^ ItJu n*, h\ hr o,'/-l2.qu' 3 0<ach "r"-", A""*( AA -rf c-$ o .C, Qr{1.1l- \rr %L,:1.,qbnov1. p (,j'rt lq'"ci l.9t q ^.tXtq/ !rc^q\ h Ib ,4=rl "- ^?u&rr=q S"-%ra-t#--q-st*--'\L. \3 rl, *]\*T\ 'Ahunl 0a4..{c.. (*"ors.u^ / rt KvWt/(cz'rflrtt4 pt c),{?.v\ I ^ . f-^1 .*-/ "L/- nt1 \?A sa' J"{ry"....J0^ e;Ao{ * M -@qd ukyk v^dw v l . r I l4-) 11^^4tDy Skr dLEh \g ,/?/nbo4 n r / r\o \^ [' AM Vla "viasYL Qy Sign v n ' \ lV-: "'' , l-/ 6.6.-_c,t , f l 1 k * , 1. W) 6t$*k' Pl P. \r'c+-r-{ P1b,* @1.< -a__ . \ O't tA W 61,ta-?/ a&s=^ '\ t ^. , lf,^.-.-1{ UA o{Yr" v{\\qr [3qrlt€\et K*^ fir-qn v t , A I 04d,( 9* !Ju S: hDotr, tl ' iQ . *LtL--/ L- ^94 l"( *tl*vl"or ,'ffi W Sign Organization/Village Name hnd Designation ,ta q9 6r (.t (t {3 rn r[/ (i 7tl la tcre)ye *9ft1 OJ nAqq l'-vv t-t1 Y atagl 7r Le<I lLt/ulq Y J{-4 l^\l 9't t C qtry1/ Ivr6? TnK d llva ft i *t 2.t '{\, 'tb-&rhra, o lVJl \J-1\ '*tt atv t1'\\) \ \' i\ u- t)tnciif 6y) f(t ptL/ \ L4 l) ".) +i /\ ff EL (q- Y ".a..^\)*tzt\ vnlrr'l ( ?Su4 (L-r,1 - *- an l{(,! d r f?*4'4L. *,,P-ob* {1 /&-JlaQr; Gl , / c-tr $ov-,- ri'>% )>,qfl, r,r r,.lrr4. l Q>t ^ a.{--- r-rnf\Sf l Kn*l"-t AW- l.--- /w ,bo /,t .r\\-No^ b r "i-qJ\t $'A,f' ?1 Eu+ 04').2<V/ , 1 ( ) q 4 IL l)..g-ott*J.,1 / l r/ >? f.,tpte:t"" (Jlr{^^ Dl Tvyloru Wt^I ) vf YL i l a l \ litl lh {3^'t"'r, t' Vork-il'Qct.** (. n^|)uk 6"\ia Tla,ga'-r:fo' n t?h.rre,lnlno) t l -/t/Z 1 dTaI e..Q-<r..,r--a )..4- \R>,1 P*#W & -tJ ^ 7-4,y , i l , ^" \ G? N4Z- I A , MLat nrr*^\ il;b I S1-z(1^^"/v f,t [*,Ux.tfV<l-,, vk T) .17*Ail'"t r71<t\ / t L l/ -So)-frn .9cCfi lu\r ne"X- Name and Designation & f/^<.^ 6) M (z r3 zt;> Organization/Village t / cttSq,l --lt r tnntf t^^-r,CA f ,, \, V\lrLuviob H,, Y"11-6e-1r,, *-,^)r n *,-lE" F.,fi]3 grD d-z1t l_/ -2+2 rx?orn t>\--.-.r_,91 '1rt L4n)rary 9z ffi- q\ utZ l-(J<-v (ffi4<x ffi\- .Rz/t4Z/fL1 8id"6 st'J\>)n---2J krb/{ \ V.O Qtt&t{; m , L ,e e { " t ' 6lr^t9 N- Cr Aa<o-{'rArry,] l-a-r ) -2-rrr crJ-s rl 0{l}< .v\b,, C1)+T 9r 4 rritz 4,061/'ttd zi z^ G{Ll"r" 6l ot Vlt Qrnnit -*)rr,.- 9Y bi ,)-^\ fl^ 1r fi cr\a"""\ ' tz*fl, )"t t\ - 2{ r?,- C{ S,JTI-- -z*^ t) ft',aI k-a-I_t-q- @a Cr<\\'x- .,r\, $"..,r \r- n ,n Lt r .1.-.,r qr t c-n>{\, , f L-La<z\ .-\ \z-<-r- -J-- ^rilt*t fu/--("- Q.,tr{l cttQ1 aD161O1ii W6'v o) i.{ t N $- p-". S .ftxltc'fl|{l.) u qovl L-{\"{1 q- {*n/b lazfrtv{ J ?LC z-)hat.y%^/h +Ac\ ' - ^ ^ {. . n . . J " r - .t' l ^^'.-,, jcr^*[) ,QPIT Ar,.tl..( =r-*}a{al-Lt_ rr //^/oU-' n/Jil v) t!\v4)) 17""u^t 9r ^^at'4 sl ct\f \\k\ -1. r <r'tl<t ,z'l--; rs hdolT l< T 1U i r - r9 - 7V r,l.srzt al,<brr8r Sign '#,tg N,o" 4n"tq [4t U erv-' 4- -& (w 6q"{ ttl Name and Designation . . : Organization/Village Sign , I : / .< nr i \-v.4 kr* L[v. {po.,aa l<sryu fr/ \ Qi."Ll .rl ,ryU*^J li ^u4 "n. SalY.^h- A,'&q ,, \ flr'U. J"Atr'z;t<' t. ll2- )u3 luh (us )r( k r l D lde:^ 1c') \/,l.u.lotnn.i. P . 0ntt.,0r.r,rl I -A qVF dqt" c/+ a tst lc t r\ s\t.i \ QI, r:^, oYntK 6zr-fl *-bq g/tll/ c.1q,/ 6-zttg/ s dot6/ tDg DiP\" Yc{Yt Eao 6n"v Wf\ ( €eo ch.qrDa tq7 Heu"\qkr4v.laf€( tto d^g}, Vq \A^e\^J r+o Ap.b, *jI-*t'-lA/q^ t, t+l Sqnkel Pq{.| l t L \lo^tsoh o sl\r^lda ll \,/ r l 9 ,(auir el^sks; (r-1 . P4 " \\\ C-P(4 \rc-\ l \ 1l c4 \,/. 4 W."qzL4-t- ./ z w bt/\il( try J*5/"r (- t l A^n@" ' Sutla-t' F^r*l t 4"o,, .U ',9o)^o J +@-' (w4 X,-{G4r VU^< U*, a@- +7( \-....-J ANN.EXURE -B &NGLISE} pg Miryg"y of Environment and Forests(I\,!OEF), Crovernmentof India" New Delhi $. vide its notification no- s o 1533 dst{ r+* ieei--cfio aoa zuusequentamendments o 195(E)datd l9\anuary z}w,PublicHearing has ben fixed on 4hNovemb er21tL for lws Vrqi Intqrated Tsrtile Park Ltd for the exfansion of IntegratedTextile park Ltd along ytr trq 25}fw (Twenty Five) Power Plant at viltage v'e*r' Bidaj, Ta rs E & 'Disr: Kheda. -captive Theproject hasbe€ncoveredunder bategoryB. Mr. J.D-hiyadarshi , Regionalofficer, GpcB- NadiadAs a represq,ntative of the Member Secretary,GPCB welcomed all presentto the publicHearing.FIe the project detailsand addedthat it was asperthe advertisementin..The Times 9{li19 of India" dated0l/lo/2011 in Englishand in "Divya dh*ku/' on o3/$/Z0l I in Gujarai. He also mentionedthat the doqrmentsrelatedto @iect was disptayedd the va4iousplaces mentionedin the advertisoment.He then openedth" puuti. H€aring after due perrrission from the District lu4gistrate.He invited tne bro;wt noponent to glv€ their introductionand He also declaredtn"t oocethe presentationwould be over, the then begln the presentatiron. forum would be opeirto the 'oncerns of the locally affectingpeopre. The Vraj Integrated Textile Park Ltd's representativeMr Yogesh Thakar (pirector of wrPL), opeaedtle presentationand gavean iffrodustion aboutthe upcoming projea aod its necessity.Tlrc Presentxion was further'continued by the representativepf Ramans Enviro Serviceh/t Ltd !Irs. Pralffuti Shah, explainedthe various aspectsof tho project in detail alongwith the information relatedto studyon environmentalimpact asseo$meot. Afterthepresentatioq Mr. J.D.Priyadarshi, Regional officer, GpcB-Nadiaqsrded that atl locally affecting persotut could make their representationsor grve their zugge$ionvcomments beforethe fonrm.Iur M.V.pargi , District lvlagisfiate & Collector then openedthe forum to the representationVsuggestions frorn the locally atrectedpeople. The following points were raisedby the participantsandrespondedby the representativeof the applicantduriagPublic Hearing Sr No l. Name and Address Poirts Represented Rcplies from Applicgnt Mr.Ishwar Bhai He welcomed the project and The proponent has well Naranbhai Desai infornredthat dueto tlis projecqthe appreciated the point and is (residenf of village region would see increase in thankful forthe same. Bareja) and will be an exemplary for future development in this area. Sr No lI 2 Name and Addness Points Reprcsented Replies fnom Applisanl Mr. Rajnikant tre rarsed the concernedabout the Ihe representative of the projectRPatel (a resident disposal ofFly ash to be generated Proponent replid that the ofvillage Bidaj) w_hitethe operation of thi power conveyanceof fly ash will use plant. Pneumatic system and it will be co[ected in two silos having adequatecapacfy. It will be then sold to Brick Manpfacturersand we have already tied up with therr, documentsofthe sameshall be part of EIA. For sellineof flv ashto CementffnanufacnrLs, the t possibilitiesarebeing explored. I In addition, bottom ash shall be I disposedto low lying areas. I on completion of the presentationby Project Proponent,Shri J.D.priyadarshi, Regional !fficer, GPCB, Nadiad and as a represontativeof Member secretary, GpcB has raised following questions, l) wh&t will be thg fatus of the upgradationof the existing sewage/Efflupnrtreahent plant becauseofthe proposedorpansion? 2) The technical details / design capacrtyof the Electrostdic precipita,tor as an air pollution contnrl measure. 3) Statusof the permissionfrom CGWA for withdrawal of the additional Sarrnd water and what is the planning of re-usg recycle, storageof rain harvestedinat., during Monsoon? 4) What is the presentstdus of 5 (five) MW power plant? The porntwise reply given by the repr€sentativeof the proponentis asbelow: 1) The existing sewage/effluenttreatmentplant of 100 KLD will be further upgraded matchingthe anticipatedquantityof 925KLD. 2) Therewill be ESP of four fields. Out of these,three fields will be operationaland the fourth one will act as a standby.So that any given time desiredemissionnorrns will be achieved. ESP hasbeendesignedso asto achieveemissionstandardsof 50 mg/nm3. 3) CGWA permission for the existing park has ben already obtained and for additionalwithdrawal ofground water CGWA applicationhasbeenmade. a) The 5 MtV pow€f,plant which was eadier to be set up in Phase-I,constructionhas not beenyet started.The 25 MW Power Plant will now be set up in Phase-tr.No power plant will be in Phase-I The Distria Irrtagistrate& Collector, Shri M.V.Pargi also enquiredabout the disposal industrialeffluent and Storm water from Park. tt *", informed by the representativeof the of the proponentthere are separateStorrr water drain and it will be sent to rechargepit for harvesting. The treatedindustrial effluent witl be fully re,used/recycle for toilet flushing, gardeningplantation,road washing,dust zuppression systemetc. Mr' J'D'Priyadarshi Summarizedall the points raisedduring the public hearing and infonned the forum that four written representation have been received from Mr. Pravin P- sheth (senior citize4 anHeshwar),.?aryavaran Mtra,,_ Ahmedaba4 Ivfr K'C'Parmar,Barejaand Mr. PrabhatChauhanad;g wiitr ttre other Famersfronnthe village Bidaj' The copies of written representatioo*J the reply received from the project proponentshallbecomepaxtofproceedingasAnnexurecl to c4. ThePublic Hearingendedwith thanksto the Chair. J.D.Priyadarshi. RegionalOfficer, GPCB-Nadiad As a representativeof the MemberSecretary,GPCB 4 M.V.Pargi. Z Collector& District l\{agistrate. Nadiad al'laadt-r (lzer,[t) q{[.ttgtI'ti .t-t ,iatett,-t.[0d[ t qnJf-tt*tL g.tlg: dU.Ul.tqee, ctt{,,,t cltt?ct ?t11.?-tt qn&1'1t*tt.[l tY-e-tooq,U..l{ el3 ?,t[dtqtt{q.r.rr-[l]t$.{ o1.o[Qq, ])or{ "t'[lbti qd e{l,.,o[[r : [\sr, orgsloceil- Qsr,druerz r,tt.r{.d.rr.IeqMr-u *u) q"t tJ[Q.]ia)erardar *u)-[ ,r{q1z-uqr) x-i.r-rorr 6[?o]ia)aatle tt$ et].-u h+qc{lsur(rq {.n qla-ilqLqlr<{[-?) -tLd'd ti..oo ge* qr 6[?,o)ia)aade qLJc0.qr,l uQe.stl*.{t. r{I.+eell, urLrllsuhsr{.,11rrucr q3}rerhriaeLqls -rL}rtAt\R{ els gtrcellti. ]t3lteth4acrqlJ, -tR.tLt, i*rs uc*t+r{l.rr[, Ur-{rcr (Borr{r+srdr.s-1.o6,t[Adu)i ,,tr.tsr.t[ u-l zsLrqi] r,tLdcl-[ qfl&uciqrhs il[\g qa :]%? I'ti+6[i.1 dt.i.-to-?ott) 'ri urrlqr{ ut{e d u.I u r,iol-[*1dlc[l loti.).Iqt do)o (aL6*tt i.ut.t.u-u $ruilm&ua{ serReear.,lutfl dtu$sa{@a-tl {qhp{l,r.r[q$Leilsgtr+elli.ugsErr *tL)ul*sauqlt-ai %Ru.%. ,l'rslzctr{e} ul*sail*-)t-r qreqn}e.r.r[qre.iu gcerl3s+r'r[ urqe]. .I. qr 6[Qo)ia)aauJet ,rd e[., 3tr-ft-usr,+lsarr[ ql.Ierc.ud arEliq-{I-rlqRqqqr,{l lidsa{L hri qrgtdtuut[. cr.?6rLg iq-[-tr qqfqt$ E+r€rz-z ?rqarr,].-.rrqe] u[d[u qr. G[...r.n ut].ue do]-[ qrglil rE s{. atl*rtiluglaltr} ul*sa-[ horal',Lqzqqlqeeiuud-u ?4eru+r,l'tz ll&q.$h.iasLqlJ, -rR,ut,,l'rtdldlsa i*-)tt-u dA s[ *.dt dl.terffqrLrflsulhsr{,1n-uct *[ ri'r.dl..urolldsr?r? {o*}a ui sdgaR. e]eL+qLhs?,t?r?clk elsl-i ,ltr-fttEur.r][€. ge'qr{+qLhsr,r?r?clk eilsg-Lr+sll e}sl arusa.{ ,lqz }il*sa u,rlt-a at.ugttr*ri Utt{etUc3ct?.tlai 3rt't d. 't. .t!r{ }tl +qq ??(urdl t r[ltJ+ttc.ltS {teetc*ttdhttd ,luld gha u)*sai !il*garl,r.I.r-adru i'r,{I rgurai (t&. qrlqn) ur.rEtdg.r).r,tl rcu{ <'tlradlectl.u.l .l .u),I*r-il sd 3 utuuldsail sreel l, lreid? d'forr{.[ .r3l.rrle].,lr1Z Uu!il*sa ut fq+cu*riitrnef ftttt.t d. rftat.f}sicrq)e ,lt,tl gru \re? tetr-z{e{l Gerlcur*uqhhlq gru (t&.tors'r) 6qc.t+?{ ter.{ r,lttt qtgtt.r.{ttiur.{ u5!}, {ctr.r*t *1) qrl}il h3re.ft c4cr?plt 1 ctg-r*tt) g.U{aU[h.a+[+a*r rtlot.rtefutt.{Igc[. -tI Gqqlotsue].u.l cl-tl{org t"itrqsre.fl4 urdetlttls?rrl. r', qte r[ *.J1.dl.ra[, rililetlsufQsr{,i1nrud u3lrer[i.ia$ qlJ, 'tRue,ui uo,,tua{lqr0, g?t-{lct }tgqethriaerq}s r utilht\ut ul*sa q,ii-ai..[l{tr rr-rl qrq,l sEcru3du sler. Ucu.+r) eqtaqdqi ut{q *{r/ugt\a qtcll-ugksrurk{r-z-{lghcrti+c1ttE?Br qraqRf&hU srl. scl.t u1;\tet [\{ast +utnct{,}garccrtir,uietlds{*Ps it{t\)a*{{Idtctgu hcr.r1 urql. 3.. gt\cthiqttstetqr) q{. ure[],{rgR+r.rg{ urs+r'u) }dL.rgcfc.rrur+th[ rlqt {urdser/ {301,qaur{lqrs[l-u rioreq]s-uhel zeuql. Y.. rig{rri rsr{e qi.l (q) .IorL qla.[s,ucrqRf*rtthrt.udtdluuql. eqtaqd.n qqf.rtet 6q{saaqlel'nddsauq]aa'tr atie rcr'il'{r{ urdhh 6r?[u]rrcurri 1.. o+tctt{litprgRtd qtellil $ksur kir-Z-{lft}rcuroo Sta}G[arqhR-r d. * t\+.rtfu?Br r,u€, r,u.r0. ctq J[elc{lardil€{ saqrq,l r4r-Ztix elaua+si6eisal*|2sitilD)ae 3rcrrLluu.rel.x daqie{le srdu u.l dg QtQ? }1"1tro.{le[orrq. d-3 o|Heel*.tLe{l{sldqeL qlAtr-r*{Iate{l.rrrel.r&. +trt{.{g!rs1h,iacr.{l qL{'tt f0+'1[ilsesL srld ]-dtrr $c[at rur ahfaj a'i[d'{a dq{et t}' n1),4ctl.[ ulR+rcrtLr) ]dtr gofc.twr thtti ]t?@$tctt]ti.r4t{e t}' Y.. *tt) qLjnr.tuei aqg$qi{ut.{.{rrt[ut{et q.r[qut-[.ig{ x.c {ou qla-rL\[ct?'z e.[t.*j '<tL'ei Utqlry-tgl'lt*tl oritrgrt St tLltl UL{e te[I. .rdtt oflm Oq:Sr{ttrr {tU q}a'tt Ut+a r<tl'aqlqqtti I'tL'ttl'tdt' urie t). *-tr StrCIqLS{rq}ei aqg6*liS16ttt'{r ulaltbrsu5[\cttttsllaqry aruqr$qi.{I-fisutctt u"I gdsar:tl r,Iq..{I.,{re"[I Jtdtsa.i@?aa ul.I[I-uutihtt aturcucq!] qr+[.{lt{tgll'tt'[ste qrcft-u.[IgLe qr+rLfl u)-[ c4cr*rr qRlqder{er qr) uecrqR.rg-r.[c4cr?nr t]. *{r am ti {au"Jrltarri*ilge.{r{ ut.rel.ui r'il'ilt"=rs u) utqqr*f ut'rq1i*rr qrotrtrtc*rt),s+a+iet{ u) aerL r*ctli Udlgaqr s{ u\€rlt}rsds*ili cLtt{?cLt qt) qLqrqtqiut'rtI. ds qlefiot *ilt\s ,ltt dFra.tiqtie lgural ( er.Ic{I erlsg-u+ell*ri. s[ *.{t. rftquffl,l.r.r[.rlcr qletBt .trtR, c'tthnui X' Ucttct t. rlt UhCrt[. rla,dSAan,l. q.r[qtqt,ha u*tA'Uge. all ].t{1. {iar +t*tL{qt deuu-q eg.r hal torss)fqrl udl.{l uu.[t.dt\.r*ri uL{etttgutal il'Ls ,l'tr 6td'il {l-t t[l.+ll-xqi*tlur{e d. q+fqecralsg'tL+efi?4tat[? hta art tirra qn}l.s{" # '-t'-/ *1dt.dl.rartl qril\s u[\st{, qld, :I%?tdu!$$ h't lst ucnt+th.r-trqhhh.[ dw}a .tutsd.sat, dt+{tsa .td[4u4. - "'"5ilTl*:ll"ffiJiflffin"n**i*nNsxuRg :,t t/ Vraj Integreted Textile Park LJd., T,aKheda , D\t - Kheda, GITJ,AtrIAT DaE:26110111 page 0l/05 Frcm: PravinbhaiSheth, Senior citizen, Environmetalist. A{, lGlindi Apparbnen0 Chikuwadi, Ankteshwar-393001.Gujarat Cell No. :09377958840 MemberSecretary GPGB,Gandhinagar, fax:079-23222794 t4opy R.O.GPCB, mdi-4- Ex T:f58 2ss14zl Collector shri, Distrtict Kheda fax 0268 256534S copy MemberSecretary SEIAA€ujarat fax 07923222784 sub. : Environmentpublic hearingof vrai fnteoratedTextilepark Ltd..on 04111t11 at Ta.Kheda,Dist.Kheda,Gujarat. RespectedMr. Hardik Shah Saheb I studiedenglishverciondraft REIAreportof proiectproponentunderreference. ( u.vm-try-to remain prcsentmy-setf at schedutedate,incaseif I cannot repoft,pleasereadmy commengand minutethe sainewith acceptabteneltponsetrom ProjectProponentand 'rrlfud; the samein itnutes) Thoughboththe environmentconsultantsarc a NABETaccreditedconsultantfor the secto6 as specified, nd on reviewingit, it has unnecessarilyattracted fewqueriestoseekfurtherclar@an<|abouttheiecommendedmitigationmeasurej for.environmentprotectionand so does tg-overgoryanegativeadvensetmpacts.sLEIA/GpcB compliances and technicaldetailsneed more attention,it would have&en better if report would have beenrevieived oy project proponentproperly and e:rtendedtheir expert'svaluablein puts'oeiorc -uoritting it to GpcB for gnvironment oubtichearinqdateand alsofor oublic viewinq. Needlessto mention.tftatnow, therc is a needto.hannonizeinfra structure and industrialgrourh with the !ffi :9..9.":lp^Tl1:i15 :p1?.i:_l,T9"r-9^9ryi.9eratio;;;E'ie.sustsliioii.+tine effective wav. Revi?Yis,farriedout in=aggsilivem,anner=iust to srlpogrt=pfgiect nrooonentwith a requestto qivedue tgiq!,FtE4ble in Ereide.Etiot! ,. pr.esentation to GPCB/ MoEF. . \-r' Hopemy reviewfindingsshalt hetpprojectproponentto up datedraft REIAreportfurther. CleanGuiarat-- GreenGuiarat Pleasep.giqtermy viewsand includein minuteswith thEprojectproponenfsacceptablercsponse. Likelvqueriesattracted on reviewstudv and,needsaiueciariicationsand iustincations. Review findiXgg (A I Pointsworth notinq A. Goodinfrastructurcto boost the developmentof textileunits at Khedaand so doesthat of Gujaratand a good supportto gatherscatteredtextileunits of Ahmedavadat one zone. B. Prom_oters backgroundis well defined,so projectsustainabilitymay be a probtem. c. Baseline studie.sarc rccenqi.e. Febll to Aprii 11,which proielts truenot pollutidnload. i contd page02- DraftREIAReportt:u,,f* pravinbhaiSheth, Ankteshwar. Carefor nextgeneration SaveEnvironmeint: Environment Public hearing of Ta Kheda. Dist. Textile Park -Z GUJARAT Page 02/05 D. Installing a manual fire alarm system will be an added support grade the socio E. Employrient opportunity for $99 persons will be a great support to up economic level of Kheda. F. No trees cufting will be there. undertaking' G. No dyeing house activities will be encouraged for proposed proiect under a notarized r€felred to be alsweredlcoll€c6onl? reouiredrquestions Glarifications !o:bem?ce,as , Queslions 02 03 04 Refpage9.5,sr no. 32,in all you w!!.g9Y9t9qt9F.l-89{!gflgryen belt arca,it is appreclatedm2 eui lTis udT tN Accbioence vvlf+rsuian uREcilvEoF DEwLoPlNG,ftll{lMUil e5800 lS NOTlN ORDERT et""n U"ft atualtt,it s-eemstfrat SLEIAACOTPLIENCE ' 5 no. Al,sr RefSLEIAAlefrerdt 25105109 sa, pl irovide detailson tie ups with localagenciesfor tree plantationin RefersLElAA,A.7, reportt is not includedin compliance phasemannei.This"ino. hat; y;t submittedTORcomptiancesundera notarizedundertakingto authority?, lf so, pl providethe coPYof same. iniOe,sr no. 5, in caseif treatedeffluentdoes not complywlth rcfensd ReferGpCBconsent-di'O you will specin""Uon",th"n trowyou wili managerequiredqty of waterfor grcenbelt andwhat such time any has units For exlsting effluent? , Ob* f,or Voriwifl Oitboie such reJectdd Instancesiverereported?,if so pl providedetails' pl ReferGpCBcon""ni OtOinAOA,ir. no. 24,hastree plantationcarriedout as per norms' confirmthe samewith the details. ThoughToR has not specified,but it-isatwaysa general.conditionthat glllb4gqPltould f,'etpsall vieweb toituOy it Properlyand eachquestions/ Oesiriatty numUereO,ivtrrcn pagehumberc' confuslons/clarlficationsrequiredcan havea backuprefere-nce ? numbered serially pages not are all the in view of thls, why -NAbEi or hiddenl a... et1 partt, iade sn to 7lf missingtlt confuseswhethernot required b... EtA'parttil, Annexurepagesnot seriallynumberedt pagosnoiserially numbercd,AnnexutoF, up to pages23 EfEpattry, ennexursC,-O,g "... iresertaltyhumbered,thenagalnserialnumberchangesl. . . _ _-_\.. pl ensurethat flnaiRElA report,atl pageswill bo sedallynumbercd,In caseif you navoany reservation,pl clarify it for not adhedngto this' basetlnestudiei datarepo4 it is ratherdraft S3p$ llA-rcqgn Sinceit is one 07 BUTthat """"6n NABETAccREDtrAiiou CemmcATE for RamanisEnviroservicespvt ltd ls-iustified to 08 responsofor EGOCHEMsafei-ind.servicets notjustified,as copy of acceptancelettErin specifying NABETtetterdt l8 Aprit 2oir not attactredand morcov6r similaitype of certiffcate the dateof issueand validity periodin not attachedtPl providethe same' ? APPROACLT Ref.oaqe1.4.nowttre cost ittt"*tite mfg,is reducedbyway oJHOLISTIC 09 of inclusive Ref.pageZ.l, capmip-j"* costfor ffinsion is propctei 9l?2.!6^crorcs 10 STP of that except 2.2 fable Rs i0 crorestowarls-dnl'"ist"r, but this is not reileiting in EMsystemcost of Rs 6'{7 croresand @ R".4.,83croresf, pf pt*'iOe Aetaitsfor balance of expansionl cost projecte4 capital your Frhaps'this may c'frlnge 11 12 i3 14 is 29.8ha.or27.4146ha? Ref.page2.5,areafor proposed-expansion TRADERS Ref.page2.7,T z.S,whyyou preterto frocgry -lyg9 gty-of importedcoal frgqr LOCALdircctly importing not for consralnt whlt ii ttre insteadot import-rig;iird"ttyFm Indonesia? your payback anduirhece"""ri,ii'i*"uring from tocattraAersat higher,costwill this not disturb period? projectedlanded As mentioned,naturatgas availabilityis a constraint,it is o[<,but when you use,but haveyou to and economical is cheaper coal cost of naturalg""-"r" io"l and appriised carcof takenin accountof additionatcost incuning on storageof coauash,ftrc risk, taking environment ttiglrtyhealthn-a"arOouspoltutant like mertury in coal,and additional of c ral management <- ritigation measurcison iollution control bacauseof usage pa$e 2.8 .( Ref. "ost in totality ) factor as tue'i? pt submit reviseJcost Ref.page2.11,T2.6B., lS {0500? a,.. Why only i0 parametersmonitoredfor RW,how aboutother parameteFas ( it is alreadyconsideredin Table5'l I ) b.... liow aboutother likely suspectedpollutants? contd Page03 09377958840 Reportreviewedby PravinbhaiSheth,Ankleshwar.Cell SaveEnvironment:Garcfor nextgeneration Environment public hearing of Textile Park Ta Kheda. Dist GUJARAT page03/05 15 17 18 v c.... lle there-any industriesin 3 km radiatarea?tf so, pl providedetailsandtypes.ofindustries. d... When this land was pnocurcd,was it a planeone 6r was thereany indusfrialaciivity earlier. Re!:P-age 2.11,2.4.5,how far is Sabarmatiriverflow is from projectsite ? in case,if it is within 3 km radialdistance,then will thers be any chanceto pollutethis rivbr becauseof the projector by any memberindustries?, if so, what additionalmitigationmeasunes you will incorporate:? Ref.plge 2.16,T 2.8,only 9 parametesmdntionedfor importedcoal analysis, a... Howaboutother parameterslike volatilematter,hardgroveindex,-inherent moisture? b... Hea-vy metatsrcferredas NlL,but hasalttheparameteE likeZn, cu, pb, Hg,As, Ni,cr etc.considered?. pro^vide_cop_yof the analygisreportsubmittedby overceasorigin. qle-ase Ref.q39e_2.18,,1n whrt pspect BFBCboilermay be moreefficientas iomparedto AFBCboiter? a... ls BFBCboilereconomicalin costwise b... or moreeffieientin generatingmoresteam j..: or generatingleaststakeemissionsquantum? Ref.page2.30,2.4.13,providing employmentopportunitysupporGthe sustalnabilltyof the proiectandproviding banks/ATMcourierservices,shopssup'portsthe businessaciivities,BUT as regardsGSR,pl providesomebetternieasureswhichwill-lielpin progress, devetopment 9f gtudyalea and upliftmentof affectedperconsresidingIn stud:yaria. Ref.page3.7,T 3.2, study areafor AAe monitoringconiideredonly up to 5 km, a... Howaboutfor extendedareaup to 10km ? loadof 'CO'potlutantloadas it ls alsoa Q... Howaboutpresentload and incremental part of NAAQstandards? c... Pl provideisopleth'sfor'CO'aswell. fef plge 3.13,GW, you havemonitored37 parameterswhilst Ref.page3.17,that for SOIL, Only8 parametersmonitored, a... lt is-necessaryto monitorequalno. of parametercto assessthe percotationetatus of pollutantsfrom SOILto GW. b... H9v9you carrie.d-o_ut imagingsensitivitytest to confirmthe GWpoilutantsstatus/quantum of the Bowof.@tl ? c... Whatwas'lC lovel in GWand that In SOILsamples? \ Ref.-page 3.71,drinkingwatel supplyserviceand supplyposltionts mentioned,as regards qualitypart,how manysamplesanalyzedas 1510500 to justify the sameare fit as driifing water? ( as an NABET/QCI accreditedenvironmentconsultant,this should havebeenjustiftedas a proactiveactionand if the concemedsamplenot foundfit, then rcspectiveSa anchshouldbe advisedfor a propertreatmentor projectproponentcan offer ROplint or othei treatmentunder GSRactivitiesto the extent Refpage3.73,healthcare infta structurein study area,anathereany TB, Cancer,Dialysis,Aids, Asthmacentets,as on post operationemploying22OOO employeesithesemay be a common Occupationalhealthdisorder, and if such centercarc not iheie, project propbnentjoinfly with memberunits can developsuch hoalthcareunits underCSn activitibsio that manhrc loss timecanbe a minimal. It is_prcsumed that you or your memberunits can not providehousingand bansportfacilities to all the employees, a... Are thercenoughhousingfacilityin study area? b... Howfar is the nearcstpublicha4sporttike bus stand/autostandfnomproiectsite ? Ref.page5.1, T 5.1 a;.,:,tiief;sr"no3, add 'GO'also,slnceyou will usecoal as a fuel, b... no 4, which lS arerefening. page !ef.) 9.f, f ( ? ), you will maintainmaxinventoryof vital RMcoal ONLY@ 5500MT at any time!,i.e. hardlyONLYFOR2.6daysstock as againstmonthlyusage@145OO lUfm, a... ls thereany limitationsin regardsto statutoryprovision/tunOivaitrabitity/safety nonns, if so, pl explain. b... With this very limitedinventory,will yourprofectbe sustainabte? You mayhaveto recalculatethe levelof minimuminventoryand perhapsyour EMpnormsmay haveto changeto up dateyour draft REIAreportaccordingly. contd page04 DraftREIAReportreviewedby PravinbhaiSheth,Ankleshwar.Cetl 09372958840 \\z SaveEnvironment:Garefor nextgeneration Environment public hearing of Vraj Integreted Textile Park Ltd., Ta Kheda , Dist Kheda, GUJARAT page0405 27 28 t m 29 30 31 Ref.page6.4,6.2.3, , a... WhereChtorinewill be used? I PlprovideMSDS. 2 Howmanyammoniatorchesyou will haveas a minlmalstock. 3 Pl provideisopleth. 4 Whatwilt be monthlyquantityusage? 5 Why is not reflectedin RMusagelist ? b... 1 Fromwhercstaficelecticity likelyto generate? 2 Fow do you assurezerostaticchargebeforeunloadlngsuch material alreadyhavingdeveloped staticcharge. . for PPE,first P standaf91PERSONHE! BgJ*paEe6"!2. '6.2.613 and iro-tpe_gqorpl, pags8.9is otc ygu-rade agn*ment-/lloU with near by OHC/IIOGTORS, chemistshop?orL tn trmemedical .HaY-e tneatnentto your constructionand postoperationemployeeswithout cashpaymentIn caseof any medicalemergencies ? Doyou havea written agreementfor mufualaid to seekextemalasslstance? Ref.page9.3, sr no. 13,for presentactivities,you have22 membets,and only 5 units have s_lrtedproduction,s9 for remainingunits,do you haveany scopetoinstruct them NOTTO GOFORDYEINGOPERATION as you haveassurpdunderirotarizedundertakingthat for proposedproject,you will not encouragedyeinghouseactivities,lt is well appbclated. Ref.page9.3 sr no. 14,fol3rddltional you will incurcapitatcost@ Rs.122.46 9 members, crores as againstexistingcost of [email protected] croros(tor 22 units)t Whyiuch hlghlroject capitatcost? HasGPGB/safety dept earlierlssueda showcause/closurcnoticeto you or any of yourexisting unitsfor violationof their statutorynormstowardsenvironmentproteition/unsife cbndition? lf so, pl providedetails. 32 Ref.page9.6,sr no. 42,whyyou are rechargingall rain waterinsteadof harvestingpartof rainwater stockingit and reusingto reducefreshwaterup takein view of nafuralresourceJionservation conceptl Any way roof waterand surfacerainwaterto be harvestedand only run.offwater aftertreatmentto be recharged.Pl provideschematicdiagramfor reusingrainwaterwith proximateasE$mpdc$on.hsrer rmrch% fresh,water( GWIup tako,wilt-bereduced. Pl proride a plan layout specifyingfreemovementof fire tehderwhichmoveeasltyin the peripheryaroundthe projectslte andaroundthe memberunits with easvreversaidrive.r inc|udingpositionandqtyofwindsocksforexistingactivitiesa@ion. 34 Whatwas the survival ratesof the treesalreadyptanled? 35 a... Howlong consbuctionperiodwill continue? b... Howyou will takecareof anyliketyhabitatdisturbances . c... Howyou will managefor theirdrinkingwatErandsanitationfacilities? 36 Vl 37 38 39 40 41 a... Whatwill be Yourtrafficdensityduringpeakhrs ? b... Howtherewill not be any incremental loadof air pollution? you going Are your to have own PUC centre to controlvehicutarpollution? 9... d... Willyou or your membeprefuseto unloadthe vehiclesnot complyingPUCitandards? a... Whatwill be the minimumfire waterthat can be kept readyat any point of time ? b... Will this fire waterbe requlredto giveany pretreatmentfoi ifs si:iaUility or you can use rawwater straight away? ls NAAQstandardsas refenodarc Bvised one ? ls ita privateownedlandor govemmentteasedland? Whatwill be per daynuaterrequirement'forgreenbeltpla:riatiorrs ? Willthere be any water loggingdue to construction,activities or on post commissioningof project Will therc be any chanceto disturb or diversifyingnaturalnalaor storm waterdrainagesystem? Howmany% peoplewiit Ueemployedfromlocalarea? contd page05 DraftREIAReportreviewedby PravinbhaiSheth,Ankleshwar.Cell 0g3Z7gO8B4O a l SaveEnvironment: Ca?efor nextgeneration Environment publichearingof ;! ,:i / :/ page05/05 Haveyou followedthe guide lines/ins*trctionsfor proiectproponent and that for environmentconsultantwhile preparingand submifring draft REIAreportfor public consultation? 43 ai 4 Hasany part of draft REIAreportwas enbustedto other agency/agencies ( exceptEco cHEIbt]) tre :fSJ#X" [:L,,i:?*"ratio oesirco-iniormalon's ii onf; R-;'A;;ort arons withoreir 45 As rcgards data on base line srrtdies, can you fonra$ attested copies of analysis data of GW SW, Soil, Noise as appticabt" i"i"""'lf-"*#"Ji 46 would you mind if after rcceivin-9the EG if-plausibte-stai<e-trotder , tlko mysotf , would lke to assessthg coqnP$anccofeG conoitionsand'extE"icumii"i'Jr$,JTonimitmenfs madaby you tfiattlg ailti{itiment Fotecton measunesandC$Raetivites ? 47 who authorizeopersohrtot lri,Ir,ris absence,rcpresentauvewho is tu1time employeeand well convercant'd'in "fp.q""1t!iql aran r"pori"nd mitigau6nmeasurestowardsenvironment protection) will give the presentationandneia pto"fr t ttt er the public quostionnairesprocess I ? In otder to avoid-repe"t"i r"r"" nt" il;iil; of sensorc you shal instal in rire ararm? 49 Whatadditionalmeisures you can.inc9n9r.t" "1"fr, ii, iriUfy grleenbuitdingconceptspectailyfor the buildingblocksrequiringair conditioniniyrprrig#Iln ano-towtemperaturesto'ge areasas in summerwhentemperatureat proJectsit6^qlelfto eiceeo 40/4s;{iliJntigraoe. 50 ln caseif you or memberinouitri6s, use Cru t6.on""rr" energy, how you wit takecare of mercurypotution on it,s oiscarding. l. il lll lv : vi llencounagetimberfree construction. Prusesorarsystemfor gardenrantems,pumpingwater to overfieadtanks. Pl cetebrateworld envir6nmentoay eac'tryeilffi;;;tr awanEness on environmentprotection. Pl inviteparticlpantswtro put" to- n:" public hearingwhenyou commissionedthe projectto witnessyorr iu"'ce"s. li,H$"fmm#t cirzerc, orpham, wirrows, mig:'cietv:;6akor;ili'p"oon"rikesenror Pl budgetsomeitonaiionfor cM, Gu;arafsbeti bachao abhiyanand kanyakelvanlabhiyan. \ Pl fonrardyour reply_through.hard c-opythrough a suitablemeansto my contactaddrcss as mentonedso that I cansquara0p my queltions ateireviewing ute-rspri tolusutv minutesas an agreedons. Pl drawmy attentionif I am wrong somewherein my feedback. we knowthat you are a developer,but pl noterlrat-queries areattractedbasedon information,sfumishedin your rcportcinly,refercncepagesano SglAA/.Gpca'pages arc onlv a indicativeon"io, your easyrcferenceto answerthe questions,ho*dr"i inout" b"for" "ubtnittino"ouru Wewelcomethe projecthavingdue mitigationmeasures to controtenvironmentpollution basedon baseline studies of Jtuoy areawith due considerations on incrementatloadof pollutantson accountof post proj6ctcommissio"ing. Thanksand regards t (.nu(r-vrr"r:. $urrL/ Pravinbhaisheth file: eph vraj kheda pl excuse for any typingftypeseting/spellingfuocabulary mistakes. Jai Jai Garvi Gujarat -Jai Bharat GleanGujarat--- GreenGujarat With festival greetings HAPPYDIWALTAND PROSPEROUS NEWYEAR DraftREIAReportreviewedby Pravinbhaisheth, Ankleshwar.Gefl END ,t2 \'(- t N t 1 ? Dare Zltll}Atl To, P.Sheth, Pravinbhai list, Environmenta SeniorCitizen, 393001, Ankleshwar Appt.,Chikuwadi, A-8,Kalindi Gujarat 4lLlLL, at Ta. & Dist' : Kheda, SUB: Env.publicHearingof Vraj IntegratedTextileParkPvt. Ltd. on Gujarat REF: Yourletter no. NIL dated 26lLOl2Otl DearSir, your we appreciate to abovementionedsubjectandthe letterunderreference. Thisis with reference aregivenasbelow: replyto the questions underthe pointsworth noting.Thepointwise observations Sr. No. 1 Reply Questions RefPage9.5,srno.32,inall you will developtotal Ref,Page2.5,'f 23 A & B' Outof the total BUTlT 50.45hectaresof land, @ 30 ha areas 80000m2 greenbelt area,it is appreciated to memberunits. WITH SLEIAADIRECTIVEhavebeenallocated IS NOT IN ACCORDANCE MINIMUM95800m2 Greenbelt OFDEVELOPING Out of total land allocatedto member lS NOT area!!!,itseemsthat SLEIMCOMPLIENCE units,30%of the landwill be utilizedin tN oRDER!Ref SLEIM letter dt 25/05109AL,sr the Green belt/area & landscaPing no.5 development.Hence,the area to be developedas green zone will be @ sq. m. within the premisesof 9O,OO0 memberunits. Moreover, there will be roadside plantationas well as green belt / area development @ t0Yoin the parkpremises by the developer. as Hence,the total areato be developed greenbelt/zonewill be @1,40,000 sq.m. 2 ReferSLEIM,A.7,srno.58,plprovidedetailson tie The ECCfor the first phase has been for tree plantation in phase accordedin May, 2009.The park is still upswith localagencies phase.Hence,tie up Thisis not includedin compliance report! underdevelopment manner. with local agencieswill be done at the .^4 fully operativestageof the project. Have you submitted TOR compliancesundeii TORcomplianceis a part of the EIAreport notarizedundertakingto authority?if so, please and same is attached herewith as providethe copyof same. Annexure-A. ReferGPCBconsentdt05|12/06,sr no.Sjncaseif treated effluent does not comply with referred specifications, then how you will managerequired qty of water for green belt and what you will instances were reported?,if so pl providedetaits. As mentioned in the section 2.4.2, Memberprofileat TableNo 2.4A& 2.48, no dyeingand processing unitsarepartof the park.Theparkhousesunitsthat have low pollutionpotentialsuchas Spinning, Weaving,POY,Sizing,Wrapping packing etc. Hencethe quality of the effluentis deemedto be in lieu with the quality parameters.So far, there has not been any instance reported and any such instance seemsunlikely. ReferGPCBconsentdt OS/tzlOS, sr noZ+, tr-asThe tree plantationis in the developing tree plantationcarried out as per norms, pl phaseand is beingcarried out in stepconfirmthe samewith the details. wise manner. lt is beingvery difficultto grow and maintain1000trees per acre; tie up with localagencies will be donefor developmentof balanceno.of trees. ThoughToRhasnot specified, butlt i;i6s a All the Chaptersof the Reportare seriaily generalconditionthat all the pagesshouldbe numbered and easilyglanced upon.The seriallynumbered,whichhelpsall viewersto study Annexures however, neednot necessarily beserially numbered. questions/confusions/clarifications required can havea backupreferencepagenumbers.In viewof this,whyallthe pagesarenot seriallynumbered? NABETpage 3/7 to I 17are not required. a....EtApart t, NABETpagbl/ltotl7 missing!it confuses whethernot requiredor hidden! b... EIA part lll, Annexurepages not serially Annexure F have been numbered numbered! properly,howeverthe file got corrupted c....EIApart lV, AnnexureC,D,Epagesnot serially and hence, numbering hasbeenchanged. numbered, AnnexureF,up to pages23 The samewill be correctedin the final are seriallynumbered,then againserial.number report. changes! Pl ensurethat final REIAreport, ail pageswill be serially numbered, in case if you have any reservation, pl clariryit for not adheringto this. Sinceit is one seasonbaseline it is ratherdraft RapidEIAreport. We agreeto your is Draft Rapid EIA report. The same will be reflectedin the final reportsubmission to authorityfor appraisal. NABETACCREDIATATTON CERTIFTCATE for Raman,s Eco Chem sales and Servicehas been Enviroservicespvt ltd isjustifiedBUTthat for ECO issued conditional certificate and CHEMsalesand serviceis not justified,as copyof acceptanceof the same is conveyedto acceptanceletter in responseto NABETletter NABET.The final certificateas statedin dt8l}4/z}tL not ittached and more over similar the letter is awaited. type of certificatespecifoing the dateof issueand validity period in not attached! pl proiaides the same. Ref. page 1.4, how the cost of textile mfg, is The Textile Park housesunits that are reducedby way of HOL|STIC APPROACH? having end products of fonrvardand backward integration. Hence, the presenceof commontransportation and infrastructural facility would save individualcost bournedby the individual unit members.Hence,the cost of tertile manufacturing will be reducedthrough thisapproach. 2.4, capitalprojectcost for expinsionis projectedt22.46 croresinclusiveof Rs 10 crores towardsEM system,but this is not refiectingin table 2.2 extept that of STp@ s. 4.g3 crores!pl provide details for balanceEM Systemcost of Rs.6.17crores and perhapsthis may changeyour projectedcapitalcostexpansion! Ref.Page2.S, area for proposede[anEn-T 29.8ha.o127 .4146ha? We would like to state the cost mentionedin the fourth columnof Table 2.2istorthe ultimatephaseof the park. The costto be allocatedfor EMSis given at Annexure8. The areafor proposedexpansion is @ Ref Page2.1, T 2.5, why you procure The concernis first highlyappreciatehuge qty of imported coal from LOCALTRADERS Howeverin referenceto page2.7,T 2.5; instead of importing directly from Indonesia? it is apparent that the requirementof What is the constraintfor not importingdirectly coalis not very high. Thus,after a careful from lndonesia?What is the constraintfor not ponders,we have decidedto procureit importingdirectly and unnecessarily procuring fromthe localtraders. from local traders at higher cost, will this not disturbyour paybackperiod? As mentioned, natural gas availability is a The point is appreciatedand is very well constraint,it is ok, but when you projectedlanded taken for the implementation.Required in the Final shallbe incorporated cost of naturalgasv/s coal and appraisedcoal is changes cheaperand economicalto use, but have you Report. taken in accountof additionalcost incurringon storageof coaUash,fire risk,takingcard.ofhighly healthhazardouspollutant like mercuryin coal, coston and additionalenvironmentmanagement mitigationmeasureson pollutioncontrolbecause of usageof coal as fuel ? pl submit revisedcost factorin totality .( Ref.page2.8) fn referenceto pagez.LL,T 2.68& page a... Why only 10 parametersmonitoredfor RW, 3.11,T 3.4;the sourceof rawwaterbeing groundwater, the sampleof the ground howaboutother parametersas lS10500? ( it is alreadyconsidered water is analyzed by lS 10500 in Table5.1!) is only out of parameters Ref.page2.11,T2.68., of concernthat we havementionedsome of them in T 2.68. The comprehensive detailsof the sameare givenat T 3.4.The analysisshows variation due to the specificityof eachlocation.Theadditional pollutants? parametersshall be incorporatedin the b....Howaboutother likelysuspected Final Report. The analysisresult shall reflect any other likely suspected pollutant. c... Arethere any industriesin 3 km radialarea?lf There are no other Industriesin the radiusof 3 Km. so,pl providedetailsandtypesof industries. d... Whenthis landwas procured, wasit a plane The land was barren at the time of procurement. oneor wasthereany industrialactivityearlier. Riverflowsapproximately Ref.pagez.tI, 2.4.5, how far is Sabarmatiriver TheSabarmati flow is from projectsite?in case,if it is within 3 at 7,7 kmsfrom the projectsitewhichis km radialdistance, then will there be anychance outside of the3-kmradius. pollute to this river becauseof the projector by any memberindustries?, if so, what additional you will incorporate? mitigationmeasures Ref. page 2.16, T Z.g, only The report of Coal analysisis given at mentionedfor importedcoalanalysis, TableNo. 2.8, the hardgrovegrindability a... How about other parameterslike volatile indexis 5G55 whereas inherentmoisture matter,hardgroveindex,inherentmoisttire? i s @ 1 2- L 3 T o . . b... Heavymetalsreferredas Nl! but hasall the Detailed heavy metal analysishas not parameterslike Zn, Cu, pb, Hg, As, Ni, Cr etc. been carried out, which will be carried considered?pleaseprovide copy of the analysis out duringcommencement of the project reportsubmittedby overseas origin. and will be submitted to concerned Ref.page2.18,1n what respectBFBCGCTmaybe moreefficientas comparedto AFBCboilei? a... ls BFBC boilereconomicat in costwise b...or moreefficientin generatingmoresteam c...or generatingleaststakeemissions quantum? authority. As per view of technicalconsultantfoi power plantAFBC(Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Combustion)and BFBC(Bubbling Fluidized Bed Combustion) are the same terminology and is being used interchangeably. Ref. page 2.3O,, ptoviding emplffiEnt The TextilePark has a dedicatedCentre opportunity supports the sustainabilityof the for the Vocational Trainings.This shall projectand providingbanks/ATMcourierservices, enable the locals to acquire the shops supportsthe businessactivities,BUT as knowledge of the lndustryandcouldlead regardsCSR,pl provide some better measures to theirall-round development. whichwill help in progress,developmentof study As a part of CSR,as mentionedin page areaand upliftmentof affectedpersonsresidingin no.7.t, Section 7.2,there will be health studyarea. related facilities provisionslike medical camps/checkups. Ref. page 3.7, T 3.2, stuay-area-toffi monitoringconsideredonly up to 5 km, a... Howaboutfor extendedareaup to 10 km? b-.. Howaboutpresentloadand incrementalload of 'CO'pollutantload as it is alsoa part of NAAe standards? c... Plprovideisoplethsfor ?CO,aswell, ln Reference to the page3.7,T 3.2,AAe havebeenconsidered for the 7 Kmarea. However, maximum GLC has been obtainedin l-Km radius. The farthest monitoring station was establishedat @ 6.7 Km for AAQ. However,the Landuse pattern,Ecology survey as well as the Socio-economic surveywere carriedout for the studyare of 10 Km. Ref page 3.13,GW, youffi TOR proposed by Applicant and ttre parameterswhilst Ref. page 3.17,that for SOIL, AdditionalTORfrom SEACdon,t mention Only8 parametersmonitored, any additional soil parametersto be a... lt is necessaryto monitor equal no. of monitored. parametersto assessthe percotationitatus of pollutantsfrom SO|Lto GW. b.,, Haveyou carriedout imagingsensitivitytest | to confirmthe GW pollutantssta the flow of GW? c... What was 'K level in GW and that in SOIL samples ? Ref.page3.71,drinkingffi water samptesnaveoein ani@i supplyposition is mentioned,as regardsquality per lS 10500)as a part of representative part, how manysamplesanalyzedas 1510500 to samplingas per guidelineof MoEF.The justify the sameare fit as drinking water?(asan samehasbeendescribed at TableNo.3.4 NABfl-/QClaccreditedenvironmentconsultant, (Ground & 3.5 water and Surfacewater) this should have been justified as a proactive of Chapter3. actionand if the concernedsamplenot foundfit, then respectiveSarpanchshouldbe advisedfor a propertreatmentor project proponent can offer ROplant or other treatment underCsi.activities to the extent. Refpage3.73,healthcare@ TheTextilepark is about to GJnCoweO area, are there any TB, Cancer,Dialysis,Aids, with Multi-functionalityHealth Centre Asthmacenters,as on post operationemploying takingcareof all the employees on site. 22000 employees,these may be a common Occupational healthdisorders,and if suehcenters are not there, project proponent jointly with memberunitscan developsuchhealthcareunits underCSRactivitiesso that man hrs losstime can bea minimal. It is presumea tnatffi Mostof the employees in ttre pa* stntt cannotprovidehousingand transportfacilities to be from the nearbyvillageareawithin a alltheemployees, commutabledistance.Henceadditional a... ls thereenoughhousingfacilityin study area? housingfacilitieshavenot beenprovided. b... Howfar is the nearestpublictransport likebus The Textile park has the major public stand/autostandfrom projectsite? transportation facility right at ifs entranceofthe gate. Ref.page5.1, T5.1 We take a note of ii anA-COTitt Oe a... ref. sr no 3, add ,CO,also,sinceyoir will use consideredas one of the parameter of coalasa fuel. the MQ monitoringprogramme. b... no 4, are referring. R e f .p) a g e 6 . 4 , (Tf f i At page6.4, T, the inventoryo-f 6I'iT inventoryof vital RM coalONLY 55OO MT at any shown as 55@ MT, which is @ 11 days @ time!, i.e. hardly ONLYFOR2.6 days stock as considering the total monthly againstmonthlyusage@ 14500MTM, J ( a... ls there any limitations in regardsto stitutory requirementof 14500MT. provision/fundavailability/safety norm!, if so, pl explain. b... With this very limited inventory,will your projectbe sustainable? Youmayhaveto recalculate the levelof minimum inventoryand perhapsyour EMPnormsmay have to change to update your draft REIA report accordingly. error. Chlorineis not It is a typographical Ref.page6.4,6.2.3, to be used. a...WhereChlorinewill be used? 2 PlprovideMSDS. 2 Howmanyammoniatorchesyouwill haveasa minimalstock. 3 PlprovideEsopleths. 4 Whatwill be monthlyquantityusage? 5 Whyis not reflectedin RM usagelist.? 1 Fromwherestaticelectricitylikelyto b... generate? 2 How do you assurezero staticchargebefore unloading suchmaterialalreadyhavingdeveloped staticcharge. the correctionand will Ref.page6.12,, for PPE,first P standsfor We acknowledge page8.9is ok. incorporatein final EIAreport. PERSONNEL andnot personal, Haveyou made agreement/MoU with nearby chemist shop for a in time OHC/DOCTORS/ medicaltreatmentto your constructionand post operationemployeeswithout cash payment in caseof anymedicalemergencies? The Park is deemed to have Multicentrewithinthe sitehence functionality shallhaveaccess to the all the employees as pertheirtimings. specialists you Ref.page9.3, sr no. 13,for presentactivities, have22 members,and only 5 units havestarted production,so for remainingunits, do you have any scope to instruct them NOT TOGO FOR DYEING OPERATION as you have assuredunder notarizedundertakingthat for proposedproject, youwillnot encourage dyeinghouseactivities, it is TheTextileParkhasa written agreement between its member units in order to NOTTO GO FORDYEINGOperation.All the membersof the Parkare very well aware of this Clause hence Dyeing Operationshallnot be carriedout in any case. There will be preparationof off-site with the Doyou havea writtenagr-eement for'mutualaid emergencyplan in consultation localauthorities. to seekexternal assistance? . wellappreciated K 31 Ref.page9.3 sr no. 14,for additionll9YBrnbers, you will incurcapitalcost @ Rs.122.46croresas agafnst existingcostof [email protected]( for 22 units)! Whysuchhighprojectcapitalcost? 32 Ref.page9.6,sr no.42,why you are recharging all The point is taken into consideration. rainwater insteadof harvestingpart of rainwater Individual member units will be stockingit and reusingto reducefresh.water up encouragedand directedto opt for roof take in view of natural resourcescoiservation top harvesting. The same will be concept! Any way roof water and surfacerain harvestedwithin their own premises. waterto be harvestedand only run-offwaterafter treatmentto be provideschematic diagramfor reusing rain water with proximate assumption on how much% freshwater( GW)up takewill be reduced. 33 Pl providea planlayoutspecifying free movement The approachroadshave beendesigned of fire tenderwhich move easilyin the periphery in suchway to haveeasyaccessto each aroundthe projectsite and aroundthe member memberunits. units with easy reversaldrive includingposition The units being non-chemicalin the and qty of wind socksfor existingactivities and nature,the peripheralroad within the for proposedexpansion. premises will be as per FactoryAct 34 35 In referenceto page 9.3 Sr No 14, the capital cost of Rs t22.46 crores is inclusiveof both the phases. tt is very apparentthat the project cost for the existingpark is Rs 111.41Croresand for Has GPCB/safetydept earlier issued a show additional9 units it shall be Rs 11.05 cause/closure noticeto you or anyof your existing crores. units for violation of their statutory norms towards environment protection/unsafeNo closure/showcausenoticehavebeen condition? lf so,pl providedetails. issuedto the parksofar. requirement. What was the survivalrates of the trees alread Thesurvivalrate of plantedtrees 30%. @ planted? However,we are in processof plantation development in phase1. a... Howlongconstruction periodwill continue? b... How you will take care of any likelyhabitat disturbances. c... Howyou will managefor their drinkingwater andsanitation facilities? The developer is responsible for establishing infrastructure related to watersupply,drainageand powersupply only.Thisdevelopment will be completed withinperiodof 3 years. a...What will be your traffic hrs? b... Howtherewill not be anyincremental loadof air pollution? The park is locatedon NationalXighway 8, havingsufficientRightof wayto absorb the additional traffic due to proposed park. c... Areyou goingto haveyour own pUCcentreto controlvehicularpollution? d... Will you or your membersrefuseto unload pUCstandards? thevehicles not complying a... Whatwill be the minimumfire watErthat can Thefirewater reserveto be t<eptreaOyat be keptreadyat anypointof time? any point of time will be @ 3000KL. No b... Will this fire water be requiredto giveany pre-treatment will be required. pretreatmentfor it's suitabilityor you canuseraw water straightaway? ls NMQ standardsas referredare revisedone? Yes,revisedNAAQstandardshavebeen ls it a privateowned land or Soternm;t leased Theland private is land. Whatwill be per daywater reqGremenifor ffeen The total requirementfor green belt / area development(freshand recycled) will be 660 KL. Will there be any water l"gg,,rg d* t" construction activitiesor on postcommissioning of project? Willtherebe anychanceto disturbor diversifying naturalnaalaor stormwaterdrainagesystem? Howmany% peoplewill be emptoyeA frornfocaf Theemploymentof the peoplewiil Uein area? accordance with the prevailing Governments' rulesandregulation. Haveyoufollowedtheguideffi project proponent and that for environment? Consultant while preparingand submittingdraft REIAreportfor publicconsultation? Hasanypartof orartneffi The secondarydata relatedto land use other agency/agencies ( exceptECOCHEM)if so, pattern has been procured from Vraj have you incorporatedthe desiredinformation,s The samehasbeenverified in draft REIAreport alongwith their accreditation (proponent). by the Landuseexpert. K YTsr details? As regardsdata on base line studies,can you forward attestedcopiesof analysisdata of GW, SW,Soil,Noiseas applicablein caseif needed? 45 As regardsdata on baseline studies,can you The data on baselinestudieswill be foruardattestedcopiesof analysis dataof GW, producedin caseof necessity. SW,Soil,Noise asapplicable in caseif needed? 46 Would you mind if after receivingthe EC,if The ECcompliance is beinguploadedon plausible stakeholderlikeme wouldliketo assess the websiteas per ECCcondition.The the complianceof EC conditionsand extent of samecan be madeavailable. In caseof fulfilling of the commitment,smade by you towards environmentprotection measuresand any further clarification,we requestyou to approachin writingfor the same. CSRactivities? 47 Whoauthorizedpersonfrom applicantside(or in Mr. YogeshThakar(Director)and Mr. his absence,representativewho is full time Naushad Alchi (Project manager) is employeeand well conversantwith draft REIA authorized and responsiblefor the report and mitigation measures towards environment protection) will give the project.The presentationwill be givenby presentationand proceed further the public the proponentfor projectdetailsand by questionna the consultant for Environmental iresprocess? impacts. rA ln order to avoid repeatedfalsefire alarm,whii typesof sensors you shallinstallin firealarm? 49 Whatadditionalmeasures you caniniorporateto Theconcept of thegreenbuilding shallbe justifogreen buildingconceptspeciallyfor the developed byeachof theindividual unit. building blocks requiring air conditioning/ refrigerationand low temperaturestorageareas as in summerwhen temperatureat project site likelyto exceed4O/+Sdegreecentigrade 50 In caseif you or memberindustrieiuseTft to The developeris obtainingECCfor the conserveenergy,how you will take care of infrastructure developmentof the park. mercury pollution on itsdiscarding. The individualmemberunitswill haveto The required fire protective measures and alarmswill be installedas per the prescribed regulations /guidelines. obtainthe requiredstatutorypermissions and comply the directives of the concernedauthority. ForVralntegrated Textilepark [td. E n c l . : A n ne xu re A & B BYSEAC TORAWARDED TO ADDITIONAL A : COMPLIANCE ANNEUXRE !X Polnl Descrlplion No. I Duly notorized undertoking textile no that $sfktg processing, dying, gormenfing ond woshing unit sholl be ollowedin ihe TextilePork. 2. the for Need Proposed justified in exponsionshould be Chopter No. Section No. Poge No. Flgure No. I Toble No. I Annexure No. AnnexureC 2.4.2 2.7 1.4 1.3 2 2.2 2.3 TobleNo.2.1C 3 3.7 3.r8 Toble3.8 no.3.3 Figure 2 2.4.5 2.11 2 2.2 2.2& 2.3 2 detoil. 3. Project site specific detoils such os distonce of ihe Textile Pork boundory from the neorest (l) Villoge (2) Woter Body : Creek / Nolloh/ Loke / Pond / Reservoir / Conol (3) Notionql HighwoY (4) Stote Highwoy (5) RoilwoY line (6) Heritogesite (7) Notionol Pork / Wild Life Sonctuory / ReserveForestsholl be included in the ropid EIA report io be prepored covering one seoson (otherthon monsoon)doto. 4. 5. 6. Presenflond use pottern of the studyoreo os well os the project oreo sholl be given bosed on imogery. sotellite Existing noturol droinoge pottern of the project site ond likely impocts on it due to project. Detoilsof lond ocquisitionfor the proposedexponsion. AnnexureC {Copyof sole deed) ANNEUXR€A : COMPLIANSETO ADDITIONALTORAWARDEDBYSEAC 1 7. 8. Toble2.1B Figureno.2.2 (Pogeno.2.321 2.6 2.4.2 2 Loyout plon of the TextilePork showing green belt, common utilitiesond proposed industriql with olong units etc. proposed demorcotion of exponsionby different colour. Provisionof seporole entry, exit ond continuous unobstrucfed open pofh within fhe project qreo for unobstructed eosy movement of the emergency vehicle / tire tenders without reveningbock. Mork the some in the loyout. Number ond types of trees Thelondof the porkbeingbonenwifhonly julifloro,thereisno tree existingon the existingof site, trees to be cut prosposis for the proposeddevelopment site,hence,no tree hosto be cut for the proposol for tree proposeddevelopment ond 2.4.11 tronsplontotionis ony to b.e 2 done. 9. Deloilsof type of industries ond itsnumbenwhich likelyio come up in the TextilePork.Listof the member units (existing ong proposed), produch monufoctured / to be monufoctured olong with individuqlproductioncopocity, effluent generotion quontity, effiuent chorocferisticsetc. 2 2.4.2 2.6& 2.7 Tobleno.2.4A &2.48 10. Detoiled study on geohydrology of the oreo ond 3 3.4 3.14 AnnexureF A : COMPLIANCETOADDIIIONALTORAWAREEDBYSEAC ANNEUXRE XI ll 12. 13. 14. impoct of proposed ground woter extroctionon the some, which should olso include proposed for ground woter rechorge. Permissionobtoined from fhe CentrolGroundWqter Authority for extroction of groundwoter. Wqter bolonce including quontity of effluent to be generoted, recycled, reused ond dischorged. Detoils of the Combined Effluent Treotment Plont including its copocity, size of eoch unit, retention time ond otherfechnicolporometen. Chorqcteristics of untreoted ond treoted wostewoter. A detoiled effluent treof obility study vis-d-visthe odequocy ond etficocy of the treotment focilities proposed for the wostewoter to be generoted olong with odequocy ond efficocy report.. The chorocferistic on which treotobilityis bosedshollolsobe stoted. Applicofion wise breok-up of treoted effluent quontity to be recycled / reused in ufilities, green belt development etc. Detoils oboui ovoilobility of sutficientopen lond for utililng 2 2.4.4 Tobleno.2.6A, 2 . 1 3 Tobleno.2.6C 2.38 Figureno.2.9 2 2.4.6 2.15 Tobfeno.2.7B 2 2.4.6 2.14 Tobleno.2]A 2 2.4.4 2.4.6 2.10 2.13 Tobleno2.6A Tobleno 2.6C BYSEAC IOR AWARDED TOADDITIONAL A : COMPLIANCE ANNEUXRE xtl treoted etfluent for plontotion / gordening. How it will be ensured thot treoted effluent won't flow outsidethe premises linked with storm woter during highroinydqys. 2 1 5 . Detoiled loyout of effluent conveyctncepipelinewithinthe TextilePorkolong with distonces ond oll lechnicol specificotions, linediogromond totol copocity of the pipeline to convey effluent. Detoils of pumping stotions,pumping copocity in eoch pumpingstotionetc if ony shollolsobe furnished. 1 6 . Detoilsregordinginlet normsof 2 the CEIP ond moniioring scheme for ensuring thot effluent received of the CffP conform to the inlet sfondords. Whether ony pretreotmentfor specific porometerswould be requiredby ony memberunii in order to ochieve the CEIPinlet norms. I 1 7 . Detoilsof the monitoringplon of the member units to ensure complioncewith the inletnorms of the CEIPos well os to ovoid shockloodingon the CEIP. 8 1 8 . CEIPemergencymonogement systemin cose of mqlfunctionof mojor components; include most likely molfunction I 2.4.6 2.4.6 2.13 2.14 8.5.1 8.4 & 8.5 8.5.1 8.4 & 8.5 no.2.5 Figure {pogeno. 2.35) Tobleno.2.7A A: COMPTIANCEIO ADDITIONATTORAWARDEDBYSEAC ANNEUXRE xill 19. disruption/ worst cose scenorio for ossessingthe impoct & mitigotionmeosures Provisionof flow meter/ flow totqlizer of the outlet of the CETPto ensurethot dischorge quontity ond quolity will never exceedthe prescribedlimits. 2 n. Explore fhe feosibilitiesfor reuse of treoted effluent in the proposed CPP, insteod of ufililng if for plonlotion / gordening. 21. Technicol detoils of the proposed power plont olong with detoils of strotegy for implementotionreuse/ recycle ond olher cleoner production optionsfor reductionof wostes. Generotionof woste gosesond utilizotionof woste heot hove to be setout. One seoson site-specific meteorologicoldoto including temperoture,relofive humidity, hourly wind speed ond direction ond roinfoll sholl be provided. 22. 23. 2.4.6 2.14 At present,il is not feosible to utilizethe treoted effluent in CPP. However, os suggestedby the SEAC,the possibilitieswill be explored on bosis of the techno-economicql viobility in consultotionwith the experts. 2 2.4.7 2.152.27 3 3.2 3.2 Tobleno.3.l One complete seoson AAQ 3 doto (except monsoon)to be given olong wiih the dqtes of monitoring. The porometen to be coveredshollincludePMl0, PM2.5, SO2 ond NOx. The locotion of the mor..ritoring 3.3 3.9 Tobleno.3.3 A : COMPLIANCEIO ADDITIONALTORAWARDEDBYSEAC ANNEUXRE xtv 24. 25. 26. stotionsshould be so decided so crsto toke inlo considerotion the predominont downwind direction,populotionzone ond sensitive recepton including reservedforests. Thereshould be of leosi one monitoring stotionin the upwind direction. Thereshould be of leost one moniforing stotion in the pre dominont downwind direction of o locotion where moximum ground level concentrotion is likelyfo occur. lmpoct of the project on fhe AAQ of the oreo. Detoilsof lhe model used ond the input the porometersused for modeling should be provided. The oir quolityconloursmoy be plotted on o locotionmop showingthe locotion of project site, hobilotion,sensitivereceptors,if ony. Thewind rosesshouldolso be shownon thismop. Explore the pos5ibility of switchingover to cleoner fuel likePNGinsteodof cool/lignite. Type ond quontity of tud required, its source ond tronsportotion.Detoils of cool hondling, storoge, etc. Fuel onolysis to be provided(sulphur, osh content ond heovy metols includingPb, Cr, As ond Hg).A 4 4.5.2 4.54.16 Figure no.4.l4.4 2 2.4.3 2.8 2 2.4.3 2.7 TobleNo.2.5 2 2.4.7 2.16 TobleNo.2.8 2 2.16 &2.17 A : COMPLIANCETO ADDITIONALTORAWARDEDBYSEAC ANNEUXRE XV 27. 28. 29. 30. confirmed fuel linkoge should be provided. Specificdetoilsof (i) Detoilsof the utilitiesrequired(ii) Fluegos emissionrote from eqch utility {iii) Air' Pollution Control Meqsuresproposed to eoch of the utility olong with its odequocy. Technicoldetoils of ESPolong with its odequocy, detoilsof ils operotionolcontrolswith DCS, systemfor online moniloringof the pollufontsfrom the stock etc. Detoilsof provisionsto be kept in ESPto ensurefhot in ony cose the oir emissiondoes not crossthe GPCBnormsincluding provisionof stondbyfield in the ESP,preventive mointenonce, foilure/ trippingcontrol system, guoronfee from the ESp supplier, olternotive onongements in cose of the foilure/ trippingof the ESpetc.. Detoilsof Lime stone injectioh technology to be odopted to conirol SO2to ensurethot SO2 level in the ombient oir do not exceed prescribed the stondords. Listof oll the sourcesof fugitive emision. Detoiled plon for prevenfion ond control of fugitive emission/ dusting ot 2 2.17 2.20 2 2.232.24 2 2.24& 2.25 2 2.23 2 2,25 TORAWARDEDBYSEAC ANNEUXRE A : COMPLIANCE TO ADDITIONAL 31. 32. 33. eoch ond every stoge of fuel hondlingincluding unlooding/ looding stocking 'l / conveyonce / tronsfer etc. Defoiled specificotions ond schemotic diogrom of woter sprinkling sysfem including number of sprinklen to be instolled, pipe diometer ond nozzlediometerof the sprinklers, quontity of wofer to be consumedby sprinklers etc. lmpoct of the projecf on locol infrqstructureof fhe qreo such os on rood network due lo tronsportotionof fuel, osh, row moteriolsond finishedgoods of unifs within the pork etc. Whether ony odditionol infrostrucfure would need to be constructed ond the ogency responsiblefor the some with timefrome. Defoilsof floro ond founo duly outhenticoted should be provided. In cose of ony scheduledfouno, conservotion plonshouldbe provided. Detoilsof monogement of the hozordous wostes to be generoted from the project stotingdetoil of storogeoreo for eoch type of woste, its hondling, its utilizofion ond disposoletc. How the monubl 4 4.5.6 4.18 3 3.8 3.223.59 Tobleno.3.lI &3.12 2 2.4.8 2.28 Tobleno.2.l4 BYSEAC IOR AWARDED TOADDITIONAL A : COMPLIANCE ANNEUXRE XVII hondling of the hozordous wosteswill be minimized. 34. plon osh of Detoiled hondling ond evocuqtion, utilizotion should be Provided. Undertoking stoting thot qsh 2 (c) 2.26& 2.27 C Annexure (Undertoking) pond sholl not be constructed ond it shqll be stored in closed be should only silos incorporofed. 35. 36. 37. Copy of membershipcertificote Themembershipceriificoteof neorbyTSDF of Common Environmentslfocilitywillbe obtoinedon commencementof woste. the porkfor disposolof hozordous lnfrostructurelike TSDF,if ony AnnexureE 2.27 2 token, shouldbe incorporqted. {Copyof MoU Copies of MOU / ogreements with brick done with octuol consumers monufocturers) regording utilizotionof fly osh, bottom osh etc. shouldolsobe incorporoted. 8.6& 8.5.3 8 Detoilsof meosuresproposed 8.7 noise pollution the for obotementond itsmonitoring. 8.5& 8.6 8.4- 8.9 Environment 8 Detoiled Monogemenf Plon of the project with respect to woler, noise ond other oir, environmentol otiributes. A detoiled EMP including the protection ond mitigotion meosuresfor impoct on humon heolthond environmentos well os detoiledmonitoringplon ond environmentol monogement proposed for cell implementqtionond monitoring BYSEAC TOADDIIIONALIOR AWARDED A : COMPLIANCE ANNEUXRE wlll of EMP. The EMP should olso include the concePt of wosteminimisqtion,recycle / reuse / recover techniques, energy noturol conseryqtion, ond resource conservotion. Totol copitol cost ond recuning cost/onnum eormorked for environment Pollution control meosures. Occupotionol heolth imPocts on the workersond mitigotion meosuresproPosed to ovoid the humon heolih hozords olong with the Personol protective equiPment to b'e provided to the workers. Provisionof industriolhygienist the monitoring of ond occupotionol injury to worken os well os imPoct'on the workers. Plon for Periodic medicol check uP of the worken exposed. Detoils of work zone ombient oir quolitY monitoringplon os Per Gujorot FoctoriesRules. Risk ossessmeni including prediction of the wont-cose moximum ond scenorio credible occident scenorio reloted to fire ond exPlosion due to storogeond useof issues fuel shouldbe conied out. The worst-cosescenorioshouldtoke 6 . 1 2& 6.13 6.7- 5.9 Figure6.1 A : COMPTIANCEIO ADDITIONALTORAWARDEDBYSEAC ANNEUXRE XIX into occount the moximum inventory of storoge of site ot ony point in time. The risk contours should be plotied on the plont loyout mop cleorly showing which of the qctivities would be offected in cose of on occident toking ploce. Bosed on the some, proposed sofeguord meosures including On-Site / Otf-Site emergency plon shouldbe provided. 40. DisosterMonogement Plon of the project. 6 41. Meqsuresto guord ogoinstfire hozords including detoils of outomotic fire detection ond confrol system & detoiled fire control plon showing hydront pipeline network, provisionof DG Sets, fire pumps, jockey pump, etc. should olso be provided. 5 42. 43. 44. 6.3 6.r56.23 6.9 & 6.r0 Provisionto ensure sufficient Therewillbe provisionof 3@0Cubicmeter woter storoge oll the time for copocityunderground storogetonkwithinthe useduringemergencysituotion. porkoswellos CPPoreowhichwillserveosfire woter reserve. Submitchecklistin the form of 8 8.5.7 8.8Do's & Don'ts of preventive 8.10 mointenonce,strengthening of HSE,monufocturingutility stoff for sofetyreloied meosures. Detoiled five yeor greenbelt 2 2.4.11 2.30 development progrom includingonnuolbudget A : COMPLIANCETO ADDITIONALTORAWARDEDBYSEAC ANNEUXRE 45. 46. Proposol for socio'economic octivities developmeni including community welfore progrom most useful in the project oreo for the overoll the of improvement environment.Submilo detqiled plon for sociol corporote responsibilities Detoilsof schemefor surfoceoS I well os roof top roin woter I horvestingond ground woter I reveoling thoi I rechorge quontity of ground woter I would b" I extroction compensotedby equivolentor more quontity of roin woter proper with rechorged, colculotions scientific considering roinfoll in the region,cotchment oreo, lond / soil chorocteristics, ground lwoter rechorge rote, durotion lof roin woter horvestingetc. I oetoits of provisions of preII treolment of the rginwoter in run off is to I the cose of surfoce lOe horvested. Locotion of I I rechorge percolotion wells on 2 2.4.13 2.30 2 2.4.10 2.29 I I theloyoutplon. 47. Plon for complionce of the CREP guidelines for the proposedpower plont 48. Plonfor complionce of the CEIP guidelines issued by CPCB for 2 2.4.12 2.30 Willbe followed. BYSEAC TORAWARDED A : COMPTIANCE TOADDITIONAI. ANNEUXRE xxl 49. 50. 51. the Combined Effluent TreolmentPlont. Point wise complionce of the ReferAnnexureA conditions stipuloted in the Consbnt to Estqblishond E.C. orderissuedto the textilepork. Whetherony litigotionpending No litigotionogoinsfthe compony. ond / or ony direction / order possed by ony Court of Low ogoinst the compony, if so, detoilsthereof. A tobulor chort for the issues Willbe port of reportofterconductingpublic roised qnd oddressed during heoring publicheoring/consultotion ond commitment of the project proponenton the some should be provided.An oction plon to oddressthe issuesroisedduring public heoring ond th." necessqryollocolion of funds for the some should be provided. ANNEXURE B COSTOF ENVIRONMENTAT MANAGEMENTSYSTEM Sr. Items No. Amount (Rs.ln Crores) Cosl of Pork Cost Development iowords EMS I Lqno cosl 2 Commoninfrostructure A Sitedevelopmentond Roocls B Wotersupply& distribution 2.44 1.1* c urqtnqge ltne 1.88 1.88 D )ewoge treotmenlplont (STp) 4.83 4.83 E Lopltve power plont 40.00 2.50** F Powertronsmission ond distribution 4.61 G Lqnascoptng 0.48 3 CommonFocilities 8.52 4 Foctorybuilding 5 Technicolfees 4.84 6 rr e-operoTtveexpenses 7.68 TOTAl Na*a :::.-._: *For ", r\nsyr;teqsewage nng networK ESPInstallationas ApC measures 13.13 12.59 21.46 122.46 \ 10.31 rage t or z \ ArvNgLvRF.CZ \ fief.PM/MP/&a4n011 \vz Date: 3rdNovember20il To ShriHardikShah MemberSecretary GujaratPollutionControlBoard Gandhinagal sub. : Environmental PublicHearingof Vraj lntegrated Textilepark Ltdto be heldat Bidaj,Khedaon 04.11.2011 S i r , . . 'l We have reviewed draft EIA report of above mentioned project. Following are comments/suggestions/observations regardingprojectand draftEIAreport. our 1' As per the Environmental Clearanceissuedto this project36 projectswere supposectto be established in the park'Why only4 to 5 unitsare operationaitill dateaftercommencement of parkfor morethan2 years? 2. Pleasejustifythe expansionof parkwhenthereare atready30 unitsstillneedto establish. 3. Whenwas landacquiredfor the expansicin of the park? 4. Whatwasthe processof landacquisition? Wasanygovernment landwas acquiredfor expansion? 5' Pleasegive list of original36 unitswhichweresuppbsedto be established plusotherunitswho are goingto establishafterexpansion. 6. By whichdateall unitsare expectedto be fullyfunctional? 7' Thereare no detailson individual unitsandtheirproduction capacities withinpark. 8. Whetheralreadyexisting4-5 unitshavesubmittedtheirEnvironmentalAudit reportsto GpCB?lf yes thenwhatwerethe majorcommentsof Auditor? 9' As mentionedin existingCGWA Clearance;proponenthas carriedout detailedhydrogeological investigation of the area?lf yes pleaseattacha copy. 10. Whetherfresh application to CGWAhasbeenmadefor amendedwaterrequirement of park? 1! Whycoalbasedpowerplantshouldbe installedwhencleanerfuelare availablein the markct? 12. As mentioned in waterbalancediagramof powerplant,RO rejectand CT & Boilerblowdownwateris nearly500cu m per day.Pleasejustify500 cu m perday of witer usagein dustsuppression andcoal handlingsystemwitharea. 13. February to April2011 doesnotrepresent oneseasonas perguideline of ElA,so baseline monitoring t. Tff [[:ilniT"T?:ff'il53'?"*""n brick/cement manufacturers forconsumption offtyash generated frompowerplant?lf yes givecopyof it. 15. How manypeoplewill be employedat park?Amongthem how manywouldbe localskilledand people? unskilled 16' In caseof failureof implementation of Environment Management Plan,whowillbe heldresponsible? 17' Whatwill be responsibilities of individual companies to aihievesustainable development and reduce pollution? Yourstruly MaheshPandya Cc. 1. Shri.M.V.Pargi,(lAS)DistrictColtector, DlstrictKheda, 2.Mr.J.D.priyadarsni, ResionatOfiicer, nr:KOr*"d ,^./ ,x/ \3- /t I$\5Hf;+ffi.93 tJs....-..!" 9-9J t 0 rage z or z ' l " : ParyavaranMitra road 502,RajAvenue,Bhaikakanagar Thaltei,Ahmedabad- 380059 Telefax- 079-26851321 email- [email protected] in website- u Page 1ot, tO GSWAN UL CurrentFolder:INBOX ComposeAcldressesFolders Options Search Help Fetch N{essage List I UnreadI Pelete PreviouslNext SignOut CSWAN ForwardIFbm'ardasAuachment I Rcplf l Replr,All Subject: Commentson EPH of Vraj,IntegratedTextile Park Ltd to be held at Bidaj, Khedaon 04.11.2011 From: "paryavaranmitra" <[email protected]> Date: Thu, Noventber3. 2OL712:43pm To: "MS GPCB" <[email protected]> (q$g) Priority: Normal VersionI boivnload Options: YiewF\rllHeatler rhisa.sLlilg lAcltlrg;\cklrcss tso,r.\ I ViewPrintable Ref.PM/MP/844/20ti. 3rd November 2011 To Shri Hardik Shah Member Secretary Gujarat Pollution Gandhinagar Sub. Control Date Board public : Environmental Hearing of Vraj Bidaj, Kheda on 04.11.2011 Integrated TextiLe Park Ltd to be he Sir, We have reviewed draft EIA report comments/suggestions/observations of above mentioned project. regarding project and draft Following are our EIA report. \ this project 3G projects w 5 units are operational Li 1. As per the EnvironrnentaL Clearance issued to supposed to be established in the park. Why only 4 to date after conmencement of park for more Lhan 2 vears? 2. PJease justify the expansion of park when there are al-ready 30 units st need to establish 3. When was land acquired for the expansion of the park? 4. What was the process of land acquisition? was any government land was acquired for expansion? 5. Please give list of originat 36 units which were supposed to be establi plus other units who are going to establish after expansion. 6, By which date alr units are expected to be fully functional? 7. There are no details on individual units and their production capacitie within Park. 8. whether already existing 4-5 unj-ts have submitted their Environmental A reports to GPCB? rf yes then what we::e the major corunents of Auditor? 9. As mentioned in existing C G I . I AC l e a r a n c e , proponent has carried out deta hydrogeorogical investigation of the area? rf yes please attach a copy. 10. whether fresh application t o C G W Ah a s b e e n m a d e f o r a m e n d e d w a t e r r e s u i r e m of Park? 11. why coal based power plant should be installed when cleaner fuel are avail in the market? 12. As mentioned in water balance diagram of power plant, RO reject and CT e Boiler blow down water is nearly 500 cu m per day. please justify 500 cu m per d of water usage in dust suppression and coal handling system with area. 13. I'ebruary to April 2011 does not represent one season as per guideline of E so baseline monitoring does not represent one season data. 14. Any agreemen! has been made between bricklcement rnanufacturers for c o n s u m p of fly ash generated from power plant? trf yes give copy of it. 15. Hor., many people wi-lI be employed at park? Arnong them how many rvould be l-oc ro uswAAl PageZof2 skilled and unskilled people? 16. rn case of failure of implementation of Environment Management plan, who w be held responsible? 77. What will be responsibilities of individual companies to achieve sustainab developrnent and reduce pollution? Yours truly Mahesh Pandya Cc. 1. Shri .M.V. Pargi, (IAS) District 2. Mr. J. D, priyadarshi, Regional ^ j. Colfector, Dist,rict Kheda, collector Officer, cpCB- Nadiad Paryavaran Mitra 502, Raj Avenue, Bhaikakanagar road Thaltej, Ahmedabad - 380059 Telefax - 079-26851321 email - parvavaranmitra€yahoo,com website - i4 Attachments: untitled-[2.| .% 17*, I texVhtml] Porynls.+d I View Delete& PrevI Unread& PrevI Unread& Next I Delete& Nexr Moveto: INBOX office. \z \ rT VRA] Date:311112011 To, MaheshPandya, Paryavarn Mitra, 502,RajAvenue, Bhaikakanagar, Thaltei,Ahmedabad380059 SUB: Environmental Publichearingof VrajIntegratedTextileParkLtd at Village: Bidaj,Kheda,Gujarat REF: Your office letter no. PM/MP18412011 dated311112011 DearSir, reply subject.Pleasefindbelowthepointwise Thisis withreference to abovementioned forthequestions raisedin the letterundeireference. issuedto this project36 projectswere Glearance 1. As perthe Environmental supposedto be establishedin the park. Why only 4 to 5 units are of parkfor morethan2 years? operationaltill dateaftercommencement for ECCfor first phase,it was plannedto have36 At the time of approaching plotsand accordingly 36 memberunitswere envisagedfor eachof the plot. demandfor largerplotsthe multiplenumbers However becauseof the purchase, As a of plotsadjacentto eachotherhas beenprocuredby manypromoters. result,numberof unitshavebeenreducedto21. Out of these21, allthe plots phase. andsevenare in construction havebeensotdout andfiueareoperating trainingcentreand for administrative building, Whereas threeplotsarededicated textile six are soldto non polluting combined treatmentplant.While'remainlng unit whichwillnothaveanydyeingor processhouse. relatedto All the plotshavebeensold out to the membersand infrastructure etc. pipelinefor re-useof thetreatedwater,rainwaterharvesting roads,draining, havebeencompleted sincethegrantof EC. Lr'| '(-\. .'yn' p60" u ( VRA] 2. Pleasejustify the expansion of park when there are already 30 units still needto establish. Because of the availability of good infraqtructureand forward-backward integratedunit, there is a demandfor new plots.As a result,the park is being expandedwith enhancedpowergenerationcapacity. 3. Whenwas land acquired for the expansionof the park? The landfor expansionhas begunpasteighteenmonthsconsideringthe success of phase-|. 4. What was the process of land acquisition?Was any government land was acquiredfor expansion? No Governmentland has beenacquiredfor the proposedpark. 5. Pleasegive list of original 36 units which were supposed to be established plus other units who are going to establishafter expansion. The profileof existingmemberunitsas per earlierEIA reportis as shownbelqrv: TABLE{: MEMBERUNITPROFILEOF THEPARK(PHASE1) AS PEREARLIEREIA REPORT Sr. No. Typeof activity 1 Spinning Weavino Processinq 2 3 4 Garmentino 5 Sizinq 6 Yarndveing TOTAL Therevisedprofileforthe phase2is shownbelow: No.of units 1 14 1 18 1 1 36 N VRA] TABLE2 : MEMBERUNITPROFILEOFTHEPARK(PHASE1) AS PERREIA REPORTFOR HXPANSION Sr. No. Type of activity 1 Soinnino Weavino Finishing Knittino TechnicalTextile 2 3 4 5 6 7 1s CommonInfrastructure Traininqcenter No. of units 1 8 3 4 1 3 1 20 6. By whichdateall units areexpectedto be fully functional? by all plotsalongwiththe infrastructure Theparkwill be readyfor possession-of theendot 2012. 7. Thereare no detailson individualunits and their productioncapacities withinPark. of eachunitwillbedecided in Point(5).TheCapacity Thedetailsarementioned by the memberunit. However,it. has beendecidednot to allot any plot to purchase submitted. house,dyeingunitas pertheUndertaking 8. Whetheralready existing 4{ units have submittedtheir Environmental Audit reports to GPGB?lf yes then what were the maior commentsof Auditor? AuditSchemeforthefiveunits,asthey of Environmental Thereis noapplicability do nothaveanyprocesswastewater. 9. As mentionedin existing CGWAClearance,proponenthas carried out investigationof the area?lf yes pleaseattacha detailedhydro-geological copy. N VRA] The Park is in the developmentphasefor the Phase-|,henceno detailedhydrogeologicalinvestigation has beencarriedout. 10. Whether fresh application to GGWA has been made for amendedwater requirementof Park? Yes, fresh applicationto CGWA has been submittedmade for the amended waterquantityalongwith the report. 11.Why coal based power plant shoutObe instaltedwhen cteanerfuel are availablein the market? The detailexplanationhas beencoveredat page2.8 of DraftEIA PublicHearing report. 12.As mentionedin water balancediagramof power plant, RO reject and CT & Boiler blow down water is nearl/ 500 cu m per day. Pleasejustify 500 cu m per day of water usage in dust suppressionand coal handling system with area. The re-useof the treatedwastewaterfor the dustsuppressionwill not be 500 mg It is anticipatedto be 650 KL maximum@ 30 L per tonne of coal.The restis to be re-usedfor toilet flushing,gardeningafter blendingwith fresh water as be seenfromT 2.6C,page2.13of the.DraftEIAreport. 13.Februaryto Aprit 2011does not representone season as per guidelineof ElA,so baselinemonitoring does not representone season data. The baselinedata has been carriedout from 14h Feb 2011 to 7h May 2011 representing the summerseason. for {4. Any agreementhas been madebetweenbricUcementmanufacturerc consumptionof fly ash generatedfrom powerplant?lf yes givecopyof it. L N manufacturersis part of Drafi EIA The copy of the agreementwith the Brick reportasmentionedinAnnexureE.Weareinprocessoftie.upwiththecement units. manufacturing {5.Howmanypeop|ewi||beemp|oyedatpark?Amongthemhowmany people? woutd be locat skilled and unskilled about 2o'0oo-22'000people' There will be direcuindirectemploymentof accordancewith the prevailing Employmentof the local people will be in centre has beenplanned VocationalTraining Governmentrulesand regulations. for localpeoplefor the skilledemployment' of EnvironmentManagementPlan' 16. In case of failure of implementation who will be held resPonsible? for the park Limitedwiil be responsible The deveroperi.e. Vraj Integratedrextire effectiveimp|ementationofEnvironmenta|ManagementP|an. individual companies to achieve 17. what will be responsibilities of pollution? sustainabledevelopmentand reduce \ of the parkis to havesustainable one of the basicaimsof the development and backward interaliaswith unitshavingend productsforward development units to have Environmental integration.Park will also facilitatemember measurethroughthe requiredtraining Protection for Environmental Awareness from requiredpermission program. Individualcorlpanieswill haveto obtain authorities' concerned Thanking You. Youts fafinftilly' Textile ccro, l. R.O.,GPCB,Nadiad . *{gq carro H{"tr*- srfH\a\\u c.( sx c\, \\st\\"\ott_ +\et\bq. \,1n. {t;. "irq.$ ;_ -.'r\arn .{ntrtt . d\, Lt\SLr- tf t6. qqlSa(f\.t 1 AxNgxuR6; c3 sb:*+ .nGol,$, Uet{ ''}sr, CquEiA 4>1.fr1 ql\ qrsror{r\ <,rrts{e, b\\o\"(z.t *rrtorqJ, atzt o9q *rr0 qrcrc\al '( (,\' "r'rl$ g Gdlqlq 1\{\ i{\d rrof\oru'r acr\ r:\ g*.r rqi arrr\ . D\ \al "$ >1\er,o0 q11ee\rtel Ffat eqlantr1 g.{c11 Ar^\*A ql \ra\ \\ e,"r\+tl Sf\"rrt 3tat. %."^G crd t=4oi 5ar'\a{ g-r.rr"tr anr\ tc,rrgr Fgbq , .pr,\ g-l'qi I Gl .*tl cz-rQ >^\ \"i.rl] ?\at {ute1r1 -6a,qrati -r.-"rr ar*il 6\R\€ d{ .tq tets A$ tor 4.1 t*^n 8"tc-ttu\ .rsrr\.., adl, .<do E{\.{ Ct I xr{ gl\ctter\ "fgi c\c\q{ err1\\@\d) ctu\rqt, { 2".,Qt C* I \"\r.?i\ li\trqr cQrrre\ S \S ca I D\\{\ Gl.r \r3r "aRth ru b,4 "G s2flr(j!\\a 4".{ Vt{Vtg0 -ro,^.,^l. gafi -dt. g3gu1 q\ -}" abo.J&, cnr.,'f, -enr\ .t.,'it"-fli @r\f a tt,1 clg e{znrrcl da-q., i €g -lrr\ql anLrcr.^e\r_ c^r"( $qrr/ 6"\\\ "'.'..\ enrt.-l *r.t "l -t{O, \ otttr.{qi OrSrtl >,{L\lhl< SteNS. FIl VRA] dt. r otiaoR eott }Ja, $. rtr. q?arr?, 1''I ' ott\tt, ct . et96 J?r@latatelqte f4qqsgt 6Ga+>s)sua6q rus fdft)s rr{qr$)q o\sgarcst 6rr6rd "il au't"ttqiltEst, Utrtlougr?r alue dfQa ?gltrd eteil wttcrcusi $, otr cuord t4t t {qte4i ect0t &. uru{r r}uraai -oua %4tactuE ""ioti tsude "tO. ut ottGrd at \s'[s Gqqcq't4t. ectrE,tt srrrului e*tr\t uu-uaru se)Qu ai {qs ilrqqr f{,tttt, o\ ertrerqil*q\"rr€rc,g*tt u"r,r. urqa) f4rcug, gt 6Ga+>s)suauSqqrS fdfDs cr0r Q1-" 3?.*^^ ) <-___J OrS d 5 a d , c r r a t t y: , i t n l ! f g ' r ' ] , ' J " ( Q r ' 1 ) t 1 t ' r t lf\o t a t t t ' r ,{q1EtL --_________=_ - 1 a't/% crttf g/sq :u 'l a,,rk1 Za41 ort ,:?5._A7 &4r% €11, v/ zq I coz?- - A x N g X u RE ; C { Yrdq'l , gc$Vee<r,?*t*'l n \ Ueau z-'tsr *lDr{ -zncz-t.t\ J ;;a? /uau:_ ar raro{14 ur r! o+ -fl , of24 r Tzt" 41f?-1"14 't"'J (n!"1 a4at)3 1 ;;; -cl4 c'flsr"t"ia/'*n?tjfl X;':, 8'_K' o?rc,t"':u *fl",i d - ) d'urc"r &, te G' f';.*;:rl i vt<Ja rA ui "7 J \ ^ \ cJllf t E I ott 3i72r1751' qJlq or,tf i >l 6U #) €44t ;\r ei\' 92t1i . A ttsrr< aqi a a-'tr\ a<,?qi 't"'n 4l t ' \ e 4'-ril$r -,. \ crttYll ' '\ u dq *tn'"t 4'?{t6l n -'qa?atc4 't^ *'rzte;s-bet :*--?*.u*',,1t (<''t'-' i?bn+ 3 ' -' ' a r 7 1?1: u 1 ' t t ' o-ir'n r)vltel n cltrt4 &'{Ll' friel ,,':Ht-:* ;,;';':f":&'ry o-4tt ?Adc-fl o.,''V=''el cruto< e->tttclta+| 't'r'r$ "i ' -e-zrbC-f 2'd "']1.1 (-t) 6ij .:;sn.,l .,-r^.ororr zr}y.'a"'il -Ltl?6t t-4' oz-D|.fir,tl ",zntt'i' ; r,|t| 't ^ \ ! r-.!.. '{{""ir-rdt ,- ^n --,' ''b qt ' e'tta44gr^}ti ' *>1alctr 'arr><lal a-r1 clql o O Ce r Eh 'r,nti a4hrr?s') f auql ; g hl G^-4 . lLro(al" ,', :>-+'\4 on,)a -rotver -r,rrc-1il A -". b-gr 4{1. . t -IPt c';itt'l 6u'*r1 .i*n 1"i4 a*r1. 41 '<-r'.-l 6n+a757c'l<?.'t{ d. "; or-nr{ 4^t-t*J -I-l,l,et "€tt +..?-*,q.rJ"\ &\"n oant -+$4 c{.id. oe,ft(>rte Gnrql =il"ra cd+}er:r<rr b 4 "}s$f} -eaui, h-4 r"r.,l.rr\ e €lli d4€ 411t16'11 n-f9-ftqi Cel, ).\rn .e elleer Car t\tn11s.-fl"fikg,. Cal {i *tn sqJ q, c-,'Cnt}:li?et R (rs) ri\t c,at tttl b^L\ (.rr qai)-\c'..-.J \.^Ao-J c$) rrJ*\.,, e.'1...1. olt(c'rJ (sr \r4,\ah(\ (r: "S\r e,..f,t+ \$rl_ (e'l Q,ttttlvrCvrt rn"rit",rnr rf GeJ On) BF ,q lltv {-:rt. pf ?rfl r1\-F a4Tluei rll VRAJ d[. u otiaett ?ol,t }Ja, dtetet cu dts'r rl,laror[u\gc\, 9@rtd@tt6 U.rt\. 4'tst, ctt. e96 RG<itot4erqle f4qqegt 6lla+)s )sila6e q,r$fAf{X 4} rrr{qr$rt e\sgarct'r} qrord at"tdlq ilLEaL e'ttqott€t?t ade QJttcr tgedtd qrei, tsrtcctgi s', ott cttotd t4"r +iqte4 qrrt t4'tc eqrcr ghr otru\cr {rJt'us eiUqil a ecu0t r}, *ai tdl"t'tt ctuldlta"r 4eustsRottd.s qtruett ue'rti r\qputc\ ilat\{t Qtt?t b. ottq"il tgutaal t4) n{ 'ton wude c4\. utt ouordar \sJs eqeoq d4t. erutaecl lgtt srctuuui e*tA"r ttr\ e'rartt st)t ai {q$ tttqctt A"i{'t, c\ o1 eteri.-rt\c{ €{d$st e1strt ourqa\fdrcrrg gt 6Jla+)s)silau6eqr$ fd.f4)sqCt G;gl,'^rt - \9 !tu\) rr r)tlr :r/bstaJ.:5"c? q$zltt- , , . ( lf\q7Q\crlt *Th,e l-'hrtFu/At:'-f"x d+d r/ro/r-olt 1 \ l > r vl A 'Eii-,ii,,-i_ Dt t frr f4 s,o g .;*:l***-r*o*',t+:::":etigei**;i t** -, - ?'t j i Dl t r I t