2010 Annual Report PDF - Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Cincinnati


2010 Annual Report PDF - Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Cincinnati
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
2010 Annual Report
Neighbors helping neighbors…
…in every neighborhood.
Neighbors helping neighbors
Last year brought a new story, a new face and a new need to the
Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s doorstep. Since the economic
downturn, many of our neighbors suffered in
silence as they spiraled into a lifestyle they had
never known. They went from being independent
to dependent, giver to receiver, hopeful to hopeless.
These families needed help for the first time. After
exhausting favors from friends and family, they did not know
where to turn. Over and over we heard: “I never needed to ask for
help before”…”We just didn’t see this coming”…”It’s embarrassing
to lose everything.”
The help we offer a family does not come from an “organization,”
but rather from a network of individuals anxious to help a neighbor
in need get back on their feet. As we answer calls for help, a team
of volunteers immediately begins the journey to bring relief to each
family. Our volunteers meet with families in their homes not only
to bring material help, but also to offer emotional encouragement
and a prayer. In these connections are glimpses of the great hope
that each of us has the ability to give to a neighbor a need.
For more than 140 years, St. Vincent de Paul has been responding to
those in need. Answering Christ’s call, we foster hope by providing
spiritual, emotional and material assistance on a person-to-person
basis to the poor, lonely and forgotten in our community, regardless
of race or religious affiliation.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul 2010 Annual Report
Give Your Time
You can lift a burden either by meeting directly with people in need or
by working behind the scenes. Our
volunteers are regular people of all
ages and walks of life.
Participate in
Service Learning
The Ozanam Center for Service
Learning offers retreat experiences
for adults and students.
Retreats include a
balance of service
activities, hands-on
interaction with
neighbors of diverse
backgrounds, personal reflection,
and discovery of practical ways
to break down barriers and create
lasting change.
Give GentlyUsed Goods
Your tax-deductible donations of
gently-used furniture, clothing and
household items give hope and encouragement to a family struggling
to make ends meet.
Host a Food Drive
Hosting a food drive is a fun and
easy way to bring your community together to help those in need.
Non-perishable food donations are
needed year-round to support families facing financial need.
Give Financial
Give Your
Used Vehicle
A gift of any amount will help provide encouragement through emergency assistance with rent, utilities,
transportation, food, and medicine.
Almost all our funding is from individual gifts from Cincinnatians who
want to help their neighbors in need.
One hundred percent of proceeds
from our Vehicle Donation Program
are used to help local people in need.
Make a Planned Gift
You can leave a lasting legacy of
hope through tax-favored financial
and estate planning. Bring tax and
financial benefits to you and your
family while giving countless blessings to families in need.
To volunteer, call (513) 562-8841 x211.
To schedule a retreat, call
(513) 562-8841 x231.
To make a financial or planned gift,
call (513) 562-8841 x225.
To host a drive call (513) 562-8841 x217.
To donate your gently used clothing,
furniture, household items or vehicle,
call (513) 421-CARE (2273).
Neighbors helping neighbors
Dear Friends,
Thank you for being an important part of The Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
More than 85,000 local neighbors in need were blessed with hope and help
in 2010 because of you.
This year we met families struggling in the city and in the suburbs, trying to survive in trying times. These families had “done everything right.”
When the economy faltered and they lost a job, they had faith that they
could find new employment. Weeks went by, then months, then a year. With
savings and retirement plans drained, they turned to friends and family for
help. And when that help was also exhausted, they turned to St. Vincent de
Paul for the very first time.
We saw other families whose lives were derailed by an unexpected medical bill, car repair or reduced hours at work — the working poor, the elderly,
people on fixed incomes. Missing
one bill payment may
be all it takes to throw
these fragile families
into crisis, leaving
them without basic
When a family struggled, you stepped in.
You saw someone who
was hurting and made
a difference. Through
financial and material
gifts, through almost
85,000 volunteer hours,
Sandy Brielmaier, President
Liz Carter, Executive Director
through hundreds of
Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Cincinnati District Council
collection drives and
your unwavering compassion, you were the
hands and feet of God.
You went with us to the lonely, hungry, hopeless and defeated people in our
neighborhoods and gave them hope. You changed lives.
Thank you.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul 2010 Annual Report
“My apartment went from
just being a refuge from a
past life, to being a home.”
Neighbors helping neighbors
The little things we sometimes take for granted can change a family’s life.
Your donated, gently-used items make all the difference. A home should be
a whole and peaceful place to rejuvenate when the world has pulled everything else away. The gift of a small pair of shoes your child no longer wears
brought joy to another child who lives in poverty. The mattress you gave
told an elderly woman that someone cares about her wellbeing. Your gifts
brought God’s love to people in need.
Thrift Stores
Jeanine discovered she was pregnant days after she had finally gathered
up the courage to escape an abusive relationship. Without friends or family
members nearby to help, she
turned to a battered women’s
In 2010, you gave 6,204 families
shelter. She received help
finding an apartment, transclothing and household items at
portation to her part-time
no-cost through the St. Vincent de
job, and prenatal assistance.
The journey was difficult and
Paul Thrift Store voucher program.
learning how to be a single
Thousands more people rely on our
mother was intimidating.
“I was scared to be alone,
thrift stores to stretch their dollars.
scared to be a mom, scared to
be doing all of this by myself,”
said Jeanine. “I didn’t have time to heal. I wondered what kind of mother I
could be while I was so broken.”
In her last months of pregnancy, Jeanine regained financially stability. By
being frugal, she could pay her bills, but she did not have what she needed
for her new baby. “I panicked as my due date got closer,” said Jeanine. “I still
needed a car seat, crib, clothes, almost everything. The shelter got me started,
but I didn’t know what to do now.”
A neighbor told her about St. Vincent de Paul. Two volunteers visited
Jeanine in her apartment, prayed with her and gave her a voucher to the St.
Vincent de Paul Thrift Stores for the furniture, clothing and other baby items
she needed. “My apartment went from just being a refuge from a past life,
to being a home. I could finally start picturing what it would be like to be a
mother. With a closet full of little clothes and crib sheets and bottles — all of
a sudden it hit me and I could smile.”
As Jeanine’s daughter takes her first steps, Jeanine is taking steps in her
new life. The gently-used baby items you gave allowed her to embrace that
new life with a hopeful smile.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul 2010 Annual Report
When you knock on a door of a hurting family, you step into the life of a
stranger and for a moment become their confidante, sharing in their pain
and devastation. These moments, though small, can change a life forever.
This act of serving a neighbor provides practical solutions and restores
dignity and self-respect for people overwhelmed by embarrassment at
what they perceive as personal failure.
Home Visits
Paul and Tina love every minute of being parents. One of Tina’s favorite
activities is their tradition of “family movie night.” Together they pick out a
movie, make popcorn, create a mound of pillows and blankets and watch
the movie. This idyllic picture was
disrupted one afternoon when Noah
In 2010, you visited 7,757
began to have seizures.
Noah spent days in the hospital
families in their homes
and while Paul was concerned for
to give them the help and
his son’s health, he was also worried
about medical costs. For ten years,
encouragement they needed
Paul was employed as a general manto press through a crisis.
ager of a restaurant, but when he
was offered a district manager job of
another food chain he jumped at the
chance. The only drawback was his family would be without health benefits
for 90 days. Now, with Noah in the hospital during the insurance lapse Paul
was not sure what to do.
“It only took a few months for the hospital bills to start pouring in,” said
Paul. “Noah was diagnosed with epilepsy and we were left with thousands of
dollars in bills.”
Soon, Paul and Tina found it impossible to make ends meet. They lost
their home and downsized into an apartment, but still couldn’t afford the
basics. Their water was turned off.
Then Tina heard about St. Vincent de Paul and called for help. Two volunteers visited Paul and Tina’s apartment, brought groceries and helped them
get their water turned back on.
“On top of bringing us food and having the water turned back on, they
helped us figure out the medical billing processes and how to apply for other
assistance we qualified for,” said Tina. “They gave us a breath of fresh air.
Noah still calls them angels.”
“St. Vincent de Paul volunteers
gave us a breath of fresh air.
Noah still calls them angels.”
“St. Vincent de Paul
got me through. Now
we’ll be just fine.”
Neighbors helping neighbors
Cans of fruit, fresh vegetables, bread, cereal, peanut butter — you restored
life with the most essential items. It is easy to forget our nutritional needs
until we have missed a meal. It affects every aspect of our lives — our cognitive potential, moods, physical ability, and overall health. For children it is
even more crucial in the developmental years. According to Feeding America,
one in four children in the country is living in a household without adequate
food. When you gave a bag of groceries to a family, you restored hope for a
parent and renewed the potential of a child.
Food Pantry
Jerome was excited to earn his bachelor degree in engineering. After 5 years
of studying, completing internships and working as many jobs as he could,
Jerome was finally finished.
He anxiously applied for
In 2010, you gave groceries to more
jobs and counted down
the days until he would no
than 73,000 people in Cincinnati and
longer need to wait tables to
Hamilton County through the Edyth
care for his family.
Six months of mailing
and Carl Lindner Choice Food Pantry,
resumes, filling out appliseven parish-based food pantries and
cations and going to interviews turned into a year,
many other food closets.
and Jerome was still working at his restaurant job. His
student loan payments started just when his job cut back on hours. For three
months Jerome struggled to make ends meet until the point when he could
no longer afford food.
“I didn’t understand why this was happening to me,” said Jerome. “I had
done everything I was told. I went to college, studied hard, made connections
and went to as many job interviews as I could. And now I couldn’t even afford to buy food. I kept trying to hide it from my family.”
Then, Jerome heard about St. Vincent de Paul. Without transportation, he
walked to the St. Vincent de Paul West End Outreach Center to get help with
food. “I was embarrassed,” said Jerome. “But everyone was very welcoming. I
was able to pick items that I wanted and even vegetables that I hadn’t been
able to afford for weeks.”
After using the pantry three times, Jerome was hired for an engineering position. “St. Vincent de Paul got me through and now we’ll be just fine.
When I didn’t have to focus on finding food for my family I could relax during
interviews and put my best foot forward.”
Society of St. Vincent de Paul 2010 Annual Report
“Knowing John’s
medicine would be
here for him — it
was like a big weight
was lifted.”
Neighbors helping neighbors
One in 7 Greater Cincinnati adults in 2010 said someone in their household
went without a prescription medication because the household needed
the money to buy food, clothing or pay for housing (The Health Foundation
of Greater Cincinnati). When you gave to the Charitable Pharmacy, you
made certain that these tough choices did not have to be made. You gave
individuals back their health and saved lives.
John and Jane always made ends meet, but their budget was tight. When
they could move into a cheaper apartment they were excited to be able to
start saving. Days after moving, John was laid off. Although it was a blow to
their family, Jane was still working as an agency employed nurse and they
were confident they could still stay afloat.
Then, Jane’s job ended and she could not find work. To make ends meet,
they sold their valuables and their car, but they still could not afford the prescription medication they needed. Jane went without her asthma medicine
and John didn’t have his
blood pressure prescripIn 2010, you helped the St. Vincent de
tions for months.
Paul Charitable Pharmacy fill 30,986
“If we got hurt or sick,
we hesitated going to the
prescriptions valued at $3.21 million
doctor because we didn’t
for people who could not otherwise
have the money,” Jane said.
“We went months withafford their medication.
out medicine because we
needed to pay rent.”
Then John had a heart attack, and they knew they have to find some
way to get his medicine. A doctor told them about the Charitable Pharmacy.
Using a variety of donated medication from physician offices, pharmaceutical companies, long-term care facilities and donated generics, the Charitable
Pharmacy was able to fill John and Jane’s prescriptions for free.
“It was like heaven the first time we received our medicine,” said Jane.
“Knowing John’s medicine would be here for him — it was like a big weight
was lifted. We still have other struggles, but I have had a couple job interviews, so we are hopeful that we won’t need help much longer.”
Your gifts to the Charitable Pharmacy gave John and Jane the help they
need until they find employment again. It also saved John’s life.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul 2010 Annual Report
“I keep reminding myself
to stay positive.”
Neighbors helping neighbors
Having a place to call home, whether it is a house with a yard or a tiny
apartment, is beyond meaningful. When circumstances lead families to
the edge of homelessness, it is shattering. But you stepped in and saved
so many neighbors from experiencing the unthinkable. In 2010, 89% of
all families helped with a rent or utility bill remained eviction-free six
months later.
Fighting Homelessness
For two years, Sherri worked at a company that designed wine cellars. When
the economy faltered, so did the company, “I watched as whole departments
were cut,” said Sherri. “I did everything I could to keep my job. Then, my department was down to two people and they let us both go.”
Right away Sherri looked for employment, but she could not find work.
In 2010, you supported 5,468
Her son put off college and got a job
to help pay rent. “It breaks my heart
families by helping to pay a
that he stepped up to help,” said Sherri.
rent or utility bill so they could
“With each term that goes by, I worry
he won’t go back. He shouldn’t have to
stay in their own homes.
worry about our rent and Duke bill.”
“We have watched all of life’s little
luxuries disappear. We don’t have T.V., things break that we can’t afford to
fix or replace. I ride the Metro everywhere. My savings is gone. But I keep
reminding myself to stay positive.”
When Sherrie’s savings was depleted, her son’s meager income would
not cover the bills. They were forced to skip meals and soon received an eviction notice. That’s when she heard about the St. Vincent de Paul Conference
at Guardian Angels church. She received groceries and information about the
homelessness prevention program at St. Vincent de Paul.
Two days before her eviction, Sherri was given help to keep her home.
“At my court date I watched as 50 people were evicted from their home. I
was lucky. I’m blessed. I think about those 50 people often. “
In addition to help with her rent, she will receive job coaching, resume
building, and a detailed plan to help her regain financial security.
“I keep praying. I’ve seen God work in my life and I know he has been
there with me.”
Your gifts not only kept Sherri and her son in their home, but gave them
the tools they need to regain long-term stability.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul 2010 Annual Report
Some of Our Other Programs
Holiday Programs
In 2010, you gave more than
6,178 families across the
Programs like Adopt-A-Family, Thankscity a food baskets or gifts at
giving and Christmas Food Baskets,
Thanksgiving or Christmas.
parish giving trees and the Angel Toy
Program ensure families have a joyful
holiday season and create happy memories for children which last a lifetime.
Kroger & Fox 19 Food From the Heart
Each year, the community rallies around the annual Food From the Heart
collection, donating food for more than 25,061 meals for
families in need each November and December.
Non-perishable food given at barrels placed in
In 2010, you gave
Kroger stores and donations made at the check-out
71,425 pounds of food
coinboxes are collected by local St. Vincent de Paul
for families in need.
volunteers, who bring it to struggling families in
surrounding neighborhoods.
5 Cares Coat Drive
In 2010, you provided 4,500
coats to keep children,
The 5 Cares Coat Drive, in partnership
women and men warm
with WLWT News 5, Gold Star Chili,
during the winter months.
City Dash, Kemba Credit Union, local
fire departments and Starr Printing
Services, Inc. provides hundreds of coats each winter to people in need. During special distribution days, families are invited to select the coats that suit
their needs. For a child proudly leaving with a coat in her favorite color or an
adult replacing a threadbare work jacket, these coats provide so much more
than warmth. They bring the encouragement of knowing that someone cares.
In 2010, you gave 697 fans
and 136 air conditioners to
cool families in need.
Fan and Air Conditioner Drive
For children, the elderly and chronically ill,
the summer heat can be fatal. The annual
Fan Drive, in partnership with Channel 9, Coney Island, Huntington Bank, Tedia Company,
Papa John’s Pizza and the community, brings relief to families
that could not otherwise afford a fan or air conditioner.
Many other partners conducted drives for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
The help of our many friends listed on page 21 brings hope to Cincinnati
families. Thank you.
2010 Financial Report
Assistance Provided
Total Value of Program
Services & Assistance:
• In 2010, volunteer contributed 84,955
hours of service, including:
Conference members:
824 members equaling 54,277 hours
Bank Street Pantry, Charitable Pharmacy, other services:
876 volunteers equaling 16,714 hours
Stores/other: 13,964 volunteer hours
• In 2010, SVDP helped more than 83,000 people:
Parish-based Volunteer Groups: helped 31,473 people & made
7,397 home visits.
Social Services: helped 26,599 people, including 360 home visits.
Food Pantries: helped 20,088 people.
Charitable Pharmacy: helped 1,679 people (21,281visits) and filled
30,986 prescriptions valued at $3.21 million.
Other drives & events resulted in an additional 2,900 people helped.
Sources of Support
Uses of Support
9% Food Pantries
Donated Food & Other Goods
Other Assistance
to Needy
35% Stores
3% Fundraising
& General
4% Car Program
2% gain
and bequests
& Other
Furniture, Clothing
& Other Goods
Neighbors helping neighbors
2010 Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets
Revenues, Gains and Other Support
Contributions & legal bequests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,830,888
Donated food & other goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,085,392
Stores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,205,584
Investment gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .238,660
Auto & Other. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .654,408
Total Revenue, Gains & Other Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,014,932
Program Services
Assistance to needy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,731,772
Food pantries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,347,134
Furniture, clothing, & other goods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,880,846
Total Program Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,959,752
Car Donation Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$560,072
Supporting Services
Management & general. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$374,159
Fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .389,699
Total Supporting Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .763,858
Total Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14,283,682
Change in Net Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 731,250
Net Assets, beginning of year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,109,686
Cash — Conferences at 1/1/2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .418,490
Net Assets, end of year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,840,936
* The 2010 combined financial statement of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Cincinnati
District Council, Stores, & Charitable Pharmacy were audited by Flynn & Company PSC,
Inc. in accordance with GAAP standards.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul 2010 Annual Report
All Saints ..............................Montgomery
St. Boniface ..........................Northside
St. Catharine........................Westwood
Assumption .........................Mt. Healthy
St. Cecilia .............................Oakley
Bellarmine Chapel ..............Evanston
St. Clare ................................College Hill
Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains/
St. Xavier ..............................Inner City
St. Gabriel.............................Glendale
Church of the Resurrection
......................................Bond Hill
St. Ignatius ...............Monfort Heights
Corpus Christi/St. John Neumann
............ New Burlington/Pleasant Run
Christ the King ....................Mt. Lookout
Good Shepherd....................Montgomery
...........................Symmes Twsp.
St. Dominic ..........................Delhi
St. Gertrude .............Maderia/Newtown
St. James the Greater ..........White Oak
St. James of the Valley ........Wyoming
St. John the Evangelist .......Deer Park
St. John the Baptist .............Northgate
Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Cincinnati District Council
Parish Conferences & Neighborhoods
Guardian Angels .................Mt. Washington
St. John the Baptist .............Harrison
Holy Family ..........................Price Hill
St. Joseph .............................West End
Immaculate Heart of Mary
St. Joseph—North Bend......North Bend
Little Flower .........................Mt. Airy
St. Jude .................................Bridgetown
Nativity ................................Pleasant Ridge
......................................Kennedy Hts.
St. Lawrence ........................Price Hill
Our Lady of Lourdes ...........Westwood
......................................Western Hills
St. Margaret of Cortona ......Madisonville
St. Margaret Mary ...North College Hill
Our Lady of the Rosary ......Greenhills
St. Martin of Tours ..............Cheviot
Our Lady of Victory .............Delhi Hills
St. Mary ................................Hyde Park
......................................Walnut Hills
Our Lady of Visitation ........Mack
Resurrection ........................Price Hill
St. Mary Aurora .......Aurora Indiana
Roger Bacon High School ...St Bernard
St. Matthias..........................Forest Park
San Carlos/St Charles.........Carthage
St. Michael the Archangel
St. Aloysius Gonzaga ..........Bridgetown
St. Ann ..................................Groesbeck
St. Antoninus.......................Western Hills
St. Bartholomew .................So. Greenhills
St. Pius Pantry .....................Cumminsville
St. Saviour ............................Rossmoyne
St. Teresa ..............................Western Hills
St. Vivian ..............................Finneytown
St. Bernard ...............Spring Grove Village
St. William ..........................Price Hill
St. Bernard ...........................Taylor Creek
Sts. Peter & Paul ..................Reading
Neighbors helping neighbors
Greater Cincinnati Foundation
2010 Donors
Anonymous donor
GE Fund
The Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr.
Kroger Company Foundation
City Of Cincinnati
Robert T. Keeler Foundation
Hubert Family Foundation, Inc.
Ruth J. and Robert A. Conway Foundation
Paula M. Steiner Family Foundation, Inc
The Andrew Clemens Baumer Trust
C. Bart and Linda Kohler
The Andrew Jergens Foundation
Macy’s Corporate Services, Inc.
William and Anne Burleigh
Ellen Miller
Catholics United for the Poor
Niehaus Financial Services
Becky and Ted Catino
Audrey and Thomas Ruthman
Carl and Linda DeBlasio
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sedler
Rev. James J.Raymond Favret
St. Rose Church
James Gardner
The Thomas J. Emery
Memorial Foundation
Jack J. Smith, Jr. Charitable Trust
Anonymous donor
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hubert, Jr.
Christ Church Cathedral
Huntington National Bank
Ray and Marylyn Clark
Jeffrey S. Bakst & Associates, LLC
Convergys Corporate Giving
John Morrell & Company
Episcopal Society of Christ Church:
Mission Outreach Committe
William and Suzanne Joiner
The James E. Evans Foundation
Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati
James Gielty
John Sawyer
The Health Foundation
of Greater Cincinnati
Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati
Helen Steiner Rice Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Steven A. and Carolyn Wenstrup
Michael Hoeting
The Wohlgemuth Herschede Foundation
Kelly A. Booms Memorial Fundraiser
Alan and Marjorie Ullman
Edgar L. Willig
Society of St. Vincent de Paul 2010 Annual Report
Agnes Nordloh
Charitable Trust
AK Steel Corporation
All Star Container Company
Alternate Solutions
Healthcare Systems, Inc.
The Bank of Kentucky
Barbara Apking
Dave and Molly Barth
Mary Bauder
BCB Benefits
John and Joyce Berning
Blue Ash Protective
Association, Inc.
Fred Boldt
Alice Bramlage
Sheldon and Norma Braun
George Brewer, Jr.
Sandy and Bruce Brielmaier
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burns
Butler County
Pharmacist Association
John and Mary Canny
Cargill Incorporated
Christine Carleton
Elizabeth and Prentice Carter
Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel J. Castellini
Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald C. Christian
CK of Cincinnatii
Dick Clarke
Maryann Cleary
Carole P. Cocks
Combined Federal Campaign
Michael J. and
Nancy D. Conaton
Amy Connolly
Steve Culbertson
Thomas Digman
Jim Dodd
Frank Dowd
Mr. Brad Dreier
Robert J. and Nancy Dudero
Duke Energy Foundation
Matching Gift Program
East Side Capital, LLC
Elder Schwarzer Family Fund
David and
Mary Ann Ellerbrock
Engineering and Scientific
Innovations, Inc.
The E.W. Scripps Company
Michael Flowers
Flynn & Company P.S.C., Inc.
Foundation of the Cincinnati
Academy of Medicine
David and Anita Freeman
Patricia Froehle
Alice Gallina
Gordon and Carie Geraci
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gerhardt
R. Bradley and
Pamela P. Gerdes
Steven and Linda Giessler
Give With Liberty
Robert and Carol Gramann
William and Lana Haller
Seth T. Hayden
Jack Hoeting
James Hunter
Jeffrey Herbert
John Paul and
Laureen Hussey
Michael F. and
Mary J. Haverkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Hoeting
Phil and Gloria Hock
Terence Horan
Diana Housman
i-systems corporation
Tricia and Eric Johnson
Michael and
Kathleen Jennings
Samuel and Sandra Kuehn
Ellie and Don Knauss
Krombholz Jewelers
Lisa and Steven Knutson
Mark W. Kroeger
Leser Family Fund of
the Greater Cincinnati
Dan and Elizabeth Long
Daniel and Anne Lovell
Dave Lococo
Len and Sherie Marek
Virginia Meador
Mr. and Mrs. William McCloy
Timothy and
Jennifer McConnell
Timothy McCarren
Paul Maurath
Robert and Mary Maxwell
Susan B. Markou
Thomas G. McKenney
John and Deborah Majoras
McClorey & Savage Architects
Mischler, Nurre &
Waite, CPAs
Ken and Theresa Mullen
Don and Phyllis Neyer
Mary Nicolay
Dub and Lisa Nelson
Urban and Barbara Neville
Rev. Thomas C. Nolker
National Financial Services
Nehemiah Manufacturing Co.
Dennis Nead
NFL Charities
George F. Osterfeld
Papa John’s Pizza
Paul and Jackie Prevey
Peterloon Foundation
Carson and Shaelyn Palmer
Domata U. and Anna M. Peko
Most Rev. Daniel Pilarczyk
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Powers
Joseph A. and
Susan E. Pichler
Ken and Barb Reinhardt
Dorothy Roth
John T. and Carole Ruschulte
Jo Ann and William Ropp
Robert and Jeanne Diesel
RPP Containers
Paul H. Ravenna
Arthur J. and Kathy Raible
Bre and Chuck Sambuchino
Ken and Kathy Skau
George and Linda Strietmann
Elizabeth B. Schulenberg
David and Cheryl Stouffer
Michael and Janet Sepela
Michael J. Storck
Mike Story
Anthony and Grace Severyn
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Steffen
Bill Schult
Thomas J. Schmitz
Tim and Katherine Stautberg
SC Ministry Foundation
Schwab Charitable Fund
Scott and Julie Sheffer
Scripps Networks Interactive
St. Xavier Church Downtown
St. Xavier High School
Neighbors helping neighbors
Steven T. and Mary C. Sullivan
Tony and Lynda Shipley
William and
Jeanne Shoemaker
Gail J. Taylor
Gene and Anna Timperman
Taft, Stettinius & Hollister
Raymond A. Teepen
Judith B. Titchener
Ulmer’s Auto Care
United Way of
Greater Cincinnati
University of Dayton
Susan M. Vergamini
Kevin Walter
Andrew Whitworth
Mr. and Mrs.
William P. Waham
Paul and Donna Wyatt
Thomas E. Westerfield
West Side Capital, LLC
2010 Donors
William and Antonia Frank
Bobbie Williams
Jennifer Will
J. Christopher and
Diane Williams
Mary Lahti White
Mary Walton
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Yerke
John W. and Mary Ann Zorio
Mark and Christina Zlatic
Society of St. Vincent de Paul 2010 Annual Report
Henry and Nancy Acciani
Timothy and Bonnie Albers
Chris Aluotto
Frederick and Denise Angst
Bank of America
Charitable Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Barden
Barnes, Dennig &, Co. Ltd. CPAs
Bartlett & Co.
Grace Beischel
Sarah J. Bellamy
Bruce and Karen Berno
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Berns, Jr.
Beth Meyer Huddle, Inc.
Stanley M. Boric
Steven L. Bradley
Charles Brady
Chris Brinker
Juliane R. Brown
Robert A. Bult
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Burger
Susan Buring
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Burke
Lanthan and Louise Camblin
Mark Campbell
Claude and Carole Chaney
Manuel and Cynthia Chavez
Pauline E. Clemen
Robert and Patricia Coffaro
John Concannon
Cristofoli-Keeling, Inc.
Andrew and Liz Curran
Michael Danowski
Esther Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J.
Anthony and Paula Decenso, Jr.
Rick Dodd
Esther Price
Candies Corporation
Joseph and Michele Evelo
Excel Central Inc.
Joan Fluegeman
Kevin Fogarty
Mary Alice Fritz
Ruth Gallant
David and Dena Garascia
Martha Gitt
Give Back Cincinnati
Jackie Glore
Eileen Goode
Richard and Marilyn Gorman
Graydon Head & Ritchey, LLP
J. C. Grossi
Mary Grote
Fred and Nancy Habegger
Richard Hansman, Jr.
Myrna Havlin
Craig A. Hayden
HP Company Foundation
Arthur and Rita Hudepohl
Lawrence and
Marlene Humbert
Hyman and
Bessie Passman Family
IBM Employee Service
Rosebelle Ionna
Gloria Johnson
Marva L. Johns
Curran Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Jones
Dorothy E. Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs.
Anthony John Kasak
George and Mary Kasselmann
Jerome Charles Kathman
Judith Marie Keiber
Mr. and Mrs. Lorrence Kellar
Steven T. Kenat
Donald and Kathy King
David A. and
Sharon M. Kitzmiller
Greg and Nancy Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. S. George Kurz
Betty Landenwitch
Martin and Helen Lawson
Lee Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Mort Libby
Jennifer Loggie
Virginia S. Lurie
Arthur and Maryann Maines
Michael Martin
Kevin and Julie McGehee
James and
Constance McKiernan
Phillip Montanus
Mr. and Mrs.
John E. Moorwessel
James Murphy
Tim Murray
Nerd Patrol, Inc.
Raymond and Jo Ann Neyer
Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas L. Neyer, Sr.
Mary J. Niehaus-Fay
Ohio National Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Overbeck
Herbert and Mary Pahren
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Puccini
Elaine and Edmund Pultinas
Robert Puthoff
C. Joseph Ray
Amy Reynolds
Kelly Riccobene
Rita H. Riddell
Frederick and Laura Riehle
Elizabeth Roche
Pam Rosfeld
James Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ryan
Evelyn F. Schehl
Mark Scheid
Jim and Margaret Schrimpf
Charles and Rebecca Schroer
G. L. and M. J. Shawhan
Harry and Carol Schweer
Mr. and Mrs.
Christopher J. Shimala
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Spencer
Elizabeth Stautberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Stautberg
St. Stephen Church
St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church
Summit Country Day
Jacquelin Tepe
Joe Thiemann
Franklin D. Thomas
Jerry Trefzger
Mary Schell Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Visagie
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Vogele
Lee and Kathleen Vonderhaar
Tracey Wagner
Geraldine Warner
Jerome W. and Dianne Wedig
Thomas and Janet Weingartner
Jay and Kathy Wertz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Wissel
Joseph and Theresa Woltering
Mrs. Marilyn Wray
Robert and Carolyn L. Wynn
Brian Zappia
Gerald and Dee Zobrist
Neighbors helping neighbors
2010 Donors
Bellkiss Abril-Roman
Scott H. Adams
A. Flottemesch &, Son Inc.
Agencies Direct Inc.
Claire Ahluwalia
Gary Agin
Jagjeet and Claire Ahluwalia
Mr. and Mrs. George Ainge
Timothy and Bonita Albers
Karen Algie
Nancy and Larry Allen
Romola Allen
Marc Alexander, M.D.
Tom and Lynne Alverson
Dennis Ambo
Nicholas and
Virginia Ambrosiano
Anderson Hills Womans Club
James Andrews
Mary Armstrong
Deborah Arnold
Constance L. Arthur
Lorraine Austin
Dr. and Mrs.
Bernard B. Bacevich
Valerie and Steven Badinghaus
Florence G. Bailey
Newton Baker
Tony and Rita Balzano
Bill Banchy
Sheila Bandy
Allison Banzhaf
Mildred Barhorst
Margaret Barry
Basco Company
Donald Batolo
Gregory and Julie Bauke
Helen Baur
Mary L. Baurichter
Judith Bausher
Cynthia Baylis
Elsie K. Beekley
Richard and Sarah Jeanne Bell
Robert and Kathleen Bennett
Ms. Ellen Berghamer
Elizabeth Berling
John S. and Virginia P Berten
John Bibler
Noel J. and Romaine M. Biesik
Bishop Family Fund
Dave Bittner
Jane Blanc
Tom Blomer
Shirlee Bloom
Bob’s Auto Repair
Lois Bogenschutz
Paul and Esther Boehm
Robert and Jane Bohinski
Mr. and Mrs. William Bonapfel
Bonbonerie Inc.
Mary J. Bonfield
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Borellis
Mary Bowling
Steve and Diane Bowman
Barbara Bradford
Terry L Brady
Virginia Braun
William Braun
Mary Frances Bray
Gerald and Andrea Marie Breen
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Breen, Jr.
Wesley Brewton
Timothy and
Catherine Brinkman
Maria Brock
Kimberly and Mathew Brodbeck
Mary Broderick
John and Julie Brokamp
Bill and Dorothy Brokamp
Tom Brokamp
Raymond J. Bross
Daniel Brown
J. Robert and Dianne Brown
Ronald D. and Linda Brown
Walter Brueggemann
John Bruggeman
Jaqualine Brumm
Don Buchheit
Kim Buchheid
Ron Buchanan
Mary Budde
David and Karen Bulman
Burke and Clifford Family
Christopher and Kara Burns
Gary and Mary Ann Burns
David M. Burridge
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Burwinkel
Mary B. Busch
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Buse, Sr.
Bushelman Supply Company
Robert E. and Virginia L. Byrnes
Thomas S. Calder
Lin Marie Cameron
Whitelaw and Carol Campbell
John Cannon
David Capella
David M. and Rita L. Carmosino
Shannon Carter
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Celmer
John Cengel
Rachele Chambers
Guy and Judy Chandler
Angela Charron
Paul and Barbara Chenault
Chester Carr
Cheviot Fireman’s Association
Richard B. Childers
Linda and Richard Chouteau
Susan Christen
Fran Cihon
Cincinnati Hills
Christian Academy
Cincinnati Mennonite
Erin Clancy
Norma Clark
J. H. Clasgens, II
Earle Clayton
William H. Cleary
Matt and Margaret Clifton
Jeffrey and Linda Coffaro
Kathy Collins
John and Barbara Collins
Christopher Condorodis
C.J. and Amy Condorodis
Mr. and Mrs.
Edward G. Connelly
Dina Conners
Tracey Conrad
John Conwell
Elizabeth Corr
Mrs. Joe Cook
Cooper Electric
Jeremy Cooper
Rev. Ronald C. Cooper
John W Corsini
Ethel Cossentino
Janet Costello
Robert and Sandra Covich
John Cowden
Juniata Culjak
Len and Lorie Cribbs
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cusick
Mary Connaughton
Kathleen Cox
Dennis P. Coyne
Mary and Michael Craven
Floyd Crouse
Charles J. and Rita A. Cullen
Karen Cullion
Mr. and Mrs.
Pierce E. Cunningham, Sr.
Jeffrey Darnell
Dart Container
Sales Company, LLC
Mary E. Davis
Mary G. Davis Rev. Trust
T. A. Deddens
Gerard Deehan
Michael Defrancesco
Society of St. Vincent de Paul 2010 Annual Report
Raymond Deidesheimer
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. DeMaio
Stephen Derose
Suzanne DeVoe
Mary Dial
Diana Moons Adams
Carolyn Dick
Carl and Judith Dickhaus
Susan and Richard Dineen
Barbara and Jeannette Doddy
Cathy Donabedian
Marianne Dorger
David and Kelley Downing
Patricia Doyle, DDS
Charles Dragga
Nancy A. Draper
Rev. Richard E. Dressman
Carol and Jerry Drew
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Dufek
Margaret Dunphy
Jerry Duwel
John J. Duwell
Terrance and Susan Dyer
Rich and Louise Easterly
E. B. Miller Contracting
Ruthie Eichelberger
Shirley L. Eiden
Robert Gray Edmiston
Mary Edris
Angel and Keith Edwards
Carol Egner, M.D.
Marina Ellison
Karen A. Enzweiler
William F. Erman
Mike and Mary Espel
Beverly Evans
Jerome and Mary Ann Fagel
Jerome D. Fagel, Jr.
John R. Faillace
Margaret Fanella
Mary E. Fay
Katherine Federle
John and Mary Kay Feighery
Nancy Feldman
A. A. and Catherine Feltrup
Jerry and Sandy Fernbacher
Herman and Esther Ferris
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Kevin and Carol Fiehrer
Fifth Third Bank
Patricia Filak
Mr. and Mrs. Jay A. Finke
Joe Finke
Ruby Finn
Ann Firestone
Joe Fishback
Eric Fisher
Gerald Fitzgerald
James T. and Leslie Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs.
Robert R. Fitzpatrick, Jr.
Elizabeth R. Flaute
Robert and Mary Flege
James and Mary Lu Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Fogarty
Bryan and Karen Foley
Juanita Foley
Spencer T. Foote, Jr.
Janice Forte
Bob Friedmann
St. Anthony Fraternity
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Frazer
Frost Brown Todd, LLC
Albert J. Fuchs
William Fugitt
Kathleen and
William Fussinger
Ronald and Patricia Gabriel
Michael Gagnon
Pat Gaito
John Galla
Jeffrey Galles
Gap Inc. Giving Campaign
Earl E. and Mary Kay Gardner
Chole Garibay
Brooke Garner
Timothy Garry
Harry and Mildred Gates
Marianne Gatewood
Dennis Geiger
Gem City Home Care, LLC
Dianne M. Gerrety
Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. Gettelfinger
Rasheed Ghani, MD
Kathleen Gibboney
Clint Gibler
Laura Gleason
Glenmary Lay Missioners Inc.
Mary Goard
Ronald and Mary Godfrey
Helena J. Gordon
Mr.and Mrs. Mark D. Gorman
Elizabeth Gottfried
Jeff and Moira Grainger
Greater Cincinnati
Health Council
Mrs. Patricia A. Greulich
Paul and Laura Griffith
Rochelle Grimes
Cathy Grosse
Ardith A. Grote
Christine Grote
Sue A Gruber
Amy Guiot
Greta Gunther
Elizabeth Gurley
Eustaquio and
Florencia Guzman
Alvin and Carole Haas
Andrea Haessig
Haglage Construction Inc.
Heather Haley
Verna R. Hallam
Eric and Patricia Halverstadt
Penny N. Hamilton
Keith and Patricia Hanley
Richard H. Haneberg
Nora Hanseman
Richard and Jeanne Hannan
Joan E. Harpring
Theresa M. Harten
Donna Hartman
Steven Hater
J.P. and Kathleen Havey
Tim Havlin
Raymond J. Healy
Megan and Donald Heeb
John Hebbeler
Martha Heidkamp
Carol Heidt
Jessie and Jason Heikenfeld
Sheila Heinen
Mr. Donald J. Heimbrock
Richard and
Jacqueline Hemberger
Mr. and Mrs. John Hemm
Christopher Henn
Patricia Herbers
P. A. Heringer
Andrea Herman
Amy Heyd
Cheryl Hill
Mary Hilleary
Hill-Rom Company
Mary R. Hilvert
Richard Hirth
Dan and Mary Hladky
H-M Co.
E. F. and Sylvia Hoar
John and Rosalie Hoar
Claire M. Hock
Robert and Carmen Hodge
Beth Hoekzema
Rea Hoetker
Denis Hoffmann
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hogan
Tim and Dorothy Hogan
Jean Holder
John Holland
Martin F. Hollenbeck
Deborah R. Holt
Jillian and Phil Holt
Juanita Hood
Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Horton
Nancy R. Howard
Neighbors helping neighbors
Connie Howell
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Howington
Hubert Company
Art and Paula Huesman
Douglas G. and Doris J. Hughes
Frank and Anne Hulefeld
Kendra Hull
James and Jennifer Imbus
Thelma Imhoff
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Cassie Iseman
Diane Iseman
Avis Celeste M. Jenkins
Mark and Debra Jester
Jay Johannigman, MD
Kate Johantgen
Marilyn Johnson
Rosemary Johnson
Scott and Mary Johnstone
Albert and Marlene Jones
Janice Jones
Stephen and Susan Jones
Mary Carol Joseph
Ronald G. and
Caroline Joseph, Jr.
Wijdan Jreisat
Barbara Juengling
Robert Jung
Lawrence and Kim Juran
Robert and Elsie Kaiser
Larry and Doris Kallmeyer
Edward W. Kamphaus
Olga D. Kanuschak
Anne M. Kassan
Fritz Kattau
Christopher Kearney
William and Nancy Keating
Max Keck
Geoffrey and Elizabeth Keenan
Jennifer Kelch
Arleene Keller
Ruth Keller
Brian Kellett
The Kelley Financial Group
Michael G. and Faye S. Kelley
Phyllis Kelley
Martin Kelly
Ken Kemen
Dennis M. Kemper
Kenwood Womens Club
Derek and Karen Kernodle
Janet Kessler
Kimberly Clark Foundation
Jean A. Kinney
John F. Kippley
Sarah B. Kirschner
David W. and Kristy M. Kissell
Deborah Klemt
Michael Klett
Erin N. Klotzbach
Marilyn Klug
Richard and Nancy Klus
Don and Lori Kochan
Ann Tracy Koenig
Robert and Mildred Koenig
Robert and Constance Kohls
Christina Kohnen
Thuylinh T Kolik
Krista Konerman
Jane A. Koval
Dan and Mary Kramer
Joan C. Kramer
Chris and Steven Krebs
Melissa Kremer
James H. Krueger
Susan Sweeney Kreuzmann
Louis Kroner
Robert and Patricia Krumdieck
James and Dorothy Krumme
Robert Krummen
Thomas and Kathryn Knueven
Jane Kuhn
Christine Labowsky, M.D.
Barbara H. LaChance
Vincent W. Lambers
Rev. Francis G. Lammeier
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Lampe
Anthony Lanzalaco
James C. LaPlant
Linda Langlitz
Michael LaRochelle Estate
LaRosa’s Advertising
Stefanie Laufersweiler
Frank Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Lechleiter
Peter J. Ledwedge
David Ledwin
Claire Leist
Barbara Levy-Wall
Egre E. Lewallen, II
Tracey Lewis
Rose Liming
Lipps and Son
Construction Co., Inc.
Donald Lipps
Catherine Logulo
Mary Jo Lohrer
Tom Lombardi
Dan Long
Thomas J. and Maridot B. Long
Charles and Carol Lucas
Denise Lucas
Anthony Lucic
Dorothy A. Luebbers
John and Kris Luebbers
Donald and Joan Luebbert
Paul Luken
Ralph Luebbe
2010 Donors
Phyllis A. Luehrmann
Mary Luria
Virginia A. Lynch
Elizabeth Macke
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Malec
Macy’s Foundation
John and Catherine Magyar
Michael and Carol Maier
Teresa Maley
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Malone
Charles and Lora Jean Malott
Manufacturers Representatives,
Pamela K. Marshall
Al and Betty Marous
Steve and Mary Martin
David and Julie Martina
Jim and Debby Mason
William and Gail Mason
Robert R. and Helen H. Massa
Deborah Matre
Rev. John J. Mattscheck
Donald and Nancy Maushart
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Mayer
Doness Mayes
John Mayo
Dave and Amy Mazza
Kevin McCabe
Charles and Ann McCarthy
Thomas J. McClorey
Bernie and Julie McCormick
Susan McCollum
Joyce Ann McCoy
Malcolm McElroy
William J. and Carol J. McGowan
Roche D. McGreevy
Mark and Kimberly McLaughlin
Jeanette McKnight
Francis McNicholas
Mr. and Mrs.
J. Michael McNamara
Brian and Hope McRedmond
Julia Meister
Judy Mellott
Richard Menner
David Merry, DVM
Donald and Karen Metz
Donald J. Meyer, Jr. CO LPA
Harry J. Meyer
Karen Meyer
Paul and Deborah Meyer
Carolyn Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Michel
Bob and Star Mierenfeld
Charlotte and Robert Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Miller
Gloria Miller
Therese Miller
Mary Minges
Society of St. Vincent de Paul 2010 Annual Report
Mio’s Pizza, Mt. Washington
Nancy Joan Misner
Theodore Mitchel
Judy Mitchell
M. J. Restoration, Inc.
Mary Jo Mock
Betty Molloy
Jan Monnig
Frank E. Montag, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Moore
Georgia Moore
Abigail Moran
Ron and Kathlyn Morgan
Marlene Morris
Murray S. Monroe, Jr.
Jeffrey and Peggy Mossbarger
Timothy Mullen
Arthur Murray
Brian Murray
Gerald Mushaben
John and Mary Ann Mushaben
Mutual Real Estate Services,
Joan Myers
Donald Nadermann
Joseph and Marlene Nasello
Newman Foundation, Inc.
Esther Ng
Rob Nicely
Kenneth and Jean
Anne Niehaus
Willa J. Nieman
Paul and Nancy Niklas
Betty Nocero
Eleanor J. Noe
Timothy Nolan
Rebecca and Robert Nordloh
Jerry Nordman
North Side Bank
and Trust Company
Charles and Sally Nugent
Henry J. Nunlist
Susan A. O’Brien
Philip E. Ochs, IV
Daniel and Marijo O’Connell
Neil J. O’Connor
Betty Odley
Michael and
Mary Sue O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. O’Herron
Paul J. Olsen
Mr. and Mrs. Frank O’Neill
Karen Orsary
Eric Osborne
Christina Ostendorf
Dorothy Osterhage
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Osterhues
Frank and Stephanie O’Toole
Ralph and Elizabeth Overberg
James Owen
Joseph Owens
Mary Owensby
Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Paff
Joseph W. Palazzolo
Kathleen and David Palmer
Arthur and Margaret Parks
Rev. Giles Pater
Chris Patterson
Corinne and Richard Patton
James and Denise Patton
Donna and Mark Patterson
Melanie Patrick
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Pellman
Theo M. Penker, III
Perry Public Schools
Sally Perry
Michael and Phyllis Persicano
Claire Peters
Nancy Peters
Bonnie Peterson
John and Donna Pfiester
Richard Pfirman
Charles Pfizenmayer
Ronald J. Pfleghaar
Betty L. Pflum
Elizabeth W. Pierce
Rosina Pirchner
Eugene and Lorraine Price
PNC Bank
C. Douglas Postler
Nancy and Charles Postow
Mark and Dede Potticary
Anastasia Potts
Michael C. and Pamela R. Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. Jeanette Preuth
Inma Prieto
Ellen Prudent
Pyramid Controls
Ralph Quinn
Paul and Ann Rapien
Jane Rasico
John and Joanne Raterman
Joseph and Connie Rave
Connie Rawe
Reel in the Outdoors, Ltd.
Michael and Joyce Rees
Mark and Linda Regensburger
Sheila Reid
Bonnie Reinhold
Margaret Reis
June M. Reisiger
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Rekow
Paul Rensing
Barry and Amy Reynolds
Sean Reynolds
Raymond Rhatigan
Rho Chi Society
Jeff and Monique Riccobelli
Gareth and Fiona Richards
Ruth Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Ricke
William and Mary Ridder
Marilyn Riehle
Jerome R. Riga
David and Candace Rinderle
Susan Rivers-Payne
Mark and Anne Roberto
Molly Robertshaw
Rev. David C. Robisch
Annette Robinson
John C. and Mary E. Roeseler
Roger Bacon High School
Constance Rogers
Lynn Rogers
Joyce Rohan
Theodore and
Mary Ann Rohling
Leo H. Rolfes, Jr.
Raymond and Mary Roll
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Romer
Sam Ross
Mr. and Mrs.
Paul S. Rottmueller
Barbara A. Roy
Mr. Eugene P. Ruehlmann
Mike Ruggiero
Robert Rumpke
Richard Rushing
Mary Angela and
William Russell
Greg Ruter
William and Mary Rutz
Sabre Holding,
Give Together Campaign
Mr. and Mrs.
Robert R. Saelinger
Paul and Sue Ann Sallada
Eva Salmons
Audrey Sandman
Lynn Sanner
Sandra Sauder
James W. and Sandra Sauer
Martha Savage
Debbie Scharff
Genevieve Scheibly
Michael Schenk
Jan Schilling
Thomas and Billie Schimian
Chas Schirmann
Greg and Joan Schmidt
Mr. Joseph Schmidt
Thomas and Linda Schmidt
Martin and Suzanne Schmitt
Jim Schmitz
Susan Schnelzer
Neighbors helping neighbors
Marilyn Schnorbus
Schoenberger Tile & Marble Inc.
David and Sandra Schwartz
Mary D. Schweitzer
Bob Schwetschenau
Ralph and Carol Schroer
Mary D. Schulte
Barbara and Mark Scott
Rita Sedmak
Barbara Seppelt
Terry S. Segerberg
Mary Jo Seibert
Thomas Sell
Senior Resources Alliance
Kathleen Setzer
Kathleen Shaut
Judith Shell
Elsbeth Shepherd
Guy and Irene Sherman
Gregory and Margaret Shields
Mr. and Mrs.
Stephen M. Sholtes
Kara Sidebottom
Margaret Sieber
John Sikorski
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Sillies
James and Mary Simcoe
Sisters of Charity
Robert J. Siverd, Sr.
Sky Light Studio
Arlene Smith
Charles and Mary Rose Smith
Nancy Smith
William J. Smith
James and Donna Jo Smiley
Jon and Jenelle Sobotka
Brandi Sorrels
Mary Carol and James Sowar
David and Linda Sparke
Dr. and Mrs.
Nicholas Staarmann
H. Leonard and Carol G. Stallo
David and Kris Stanton
Vita M. Stange
State of Ohio
Mr. and Mrs.
Anthony W. St. Charles
Joan and Greg Steele
Robert and Marian Stehlin
Rev. Robert Stricker
Donald F. Stegeman Trust
Scott and Jean Streicher
Christopher and Janet Stenger
Joseph Stenger
Anne Stirnkorb
St. Mary School, Hyde Park
Juanita Stork
Jonathan J. Stow
St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church
Cynthia Stueve
Robert C. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs.
Walter L. Sunderhaus
Jorge and Nina Sunkel
Douglas and Maria Sunnenberg
Bill Swanson
Donna J. and
Thomas B. Szarwark
James Taggart
Paul and Meg Tarvin
Leigh Taylor
Mary Ann Tebbe
Sandy Tedford
Helen Temming
Mr. and Mrs.
George J. Tenoever, MD
Robert and Mary Tepe
Yvonne Tepe
Jane S. Teufen
Theresa Thiemann
April Thomas
Mark and Mary Ann Thomas
Brenda Thompson
Joyce A. Tippitt
The TJX Companies
Diane M. Todd
Mary Lou Toelke
Howard L. Tomb
Gerald A. Tonges
Estelle Topmoeller
Toyota Motor Engineering &
Manufacturing NA
Mary Tracey
Michael Trame
Steven Trimble
Jerry and Elaine Trumpey
Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph E. Tuchfarber
John Twarozynski
Ms. Rita E. Uehlein
Charles and Ann Ulbricht
U. S. Bancorp Foundation
United Fabricating &
Erection Co.
United Methodist Women
US Insurance – Midwest
Lawrence and Mary P. Uebel
James and Aileen VanFlandern
Patricia Curran Van Stone
Ellen M. and L. Gery Van Treeck
Joseph and Darlene Verkamp
Lynne Vettel
A.J. and Ellen Viox
Kathy Voegele
Gerald Vogt
Robert and Marilou Volkman
Herbert A. Vonderheide
Paige Von Hoffmann
VonLehman & Company Inc.
2010 Donors
Carolyn Voss
Joseph and Kathleen Voss
Mark Wernery
Mary Winkler
Mr. and Mrs.
Aloysius H. Wanstrath
James and Jean Weickert
Daniel and Nancy Whitacre
Andrea L. Wall
Amy Whitlatch
Akke Wheatley
Ben Wissel
Charles White
David L. Wiles
David Wurtenberger
Doris R. Wolf
Eileen Walters
Jack D. and Susan R. Wendel
Jacquelyn Welborn
James H. Wollenhaupt
John and Connie Wagner
Joseph and Donna Wilson
Karen Wieczrkowski
Kathleen Welch
Kathleen Wilkins
Lynne Whang
M. Kathleen and
Lawrence Walter
Margoe Wachs
Michael and Barbara Welsh
Michael and Susan West
Mr. and Mrs.
Edward J. Wenstrup
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weisgerber
Mr. Jonathan T. Weber
Tim Whalen
Ruth Weller
Robert and Angela Weyer
Rich and Susan Williams
Peggy Warren
Phyllis Wintzinger
Richard Wietmarschen
Sharon Weckel
Sean Woock
Susan Wheatley
Wailaing Ministries
Wilson G. Weisenfelder
Worthmore Food Products
WS Packaging Group, Inc.
Xavier University
Xavier University Athletics
Dean and Jill Yates
Rodney and Ann Young
Patricia A. Yung
Joe and Kathryn Zielinski
Sarah Zieverink
William and Arlene Zins
Mary Zuccarelli
Society of St. Vincent de Paul 2010 Annual Report
St. Vincent de Paul
Board of Directors 2011
Joe Evelo
Anne Niehaus
Merrill Lynch
Niehaus Law Office, LLC
Sandy Brielmaier
Ron Christian
Secretary, Pharmacy
Board Representative
John B. Gartner III, Bre Sambuchino
Roger Bacon
Esther Price Candies
Bart Kohler
Taft Law Firm
Becky Catino
Hubert Company
Security National
Automotive Acceptance
Chris Williams
Vice President
Grubb & Ellis/
West Shell Commercial
High School
Chris Shimala
Bob Gramann
Huntington Bank
GBBN Architects
David Stouffer
Marva Johns
Financial Consultant
Libby Perszyk Kathman
Liz Carter
Rick Chouteau
Lisa Knutson
ex officio
E.W. Scripps
SVDP Cincinnati Council
Amy Connolly
Gary Massa
Ernst & Young LLP
Towers Watson
Xavier University
Operational Results, Inc.
Tricia Johnson
St. Vincent de Paul
Charitable Pharmacy Board 2011
Ron Christian
David Catanzaro
Procter & Gamble
Susan Mashni,
Pharm D, BCPS
Taft Law Firm
Kelley J. Downing
Catholic Health Partners
Mike Jennings,
MD, Vice President
Bartlett & Co.
Chole Mullen,
Christ Hospital
Brad Schwartz,
CPA, Treasurer
Denny Engel
KeySource Medical, Inc.
Community Care
Jay Johannigman,
Julie McGehee
Bob Saelinger
Graydon Head &
Ritchey LLP
Jenelle Sobotka
Ohio Northern University
Raabe College
of Pharmacy
Andrea Wall
UC College of Pharmacy
Jay Wertz
Johnson Investment
UC Medical Center
E.W. Scripps
Mike Puccini, RPh
Sandra Kuehn
Center for Chemical
Addictions Treatment
Donald Nofziger,
Liz Carter
Academy of Medicine
SVDP Cincinnati Counci
John Howington,
Thomas O’Brien
Mueller Roofing Dist. Inc
St. Vincent de Paul
Advisory Board 2011
Karen Bankston,
KDB & Associates
Services, LLC
Ron Brown
Taft Law Firm
Mark Casella
Coppertree, Ltd
Bob Conway
The Bistro Group
Mike Conaton
Evanston Northwestern
ex officio
Procter & Gamble
Neil O’Connor
The Midland
Ron Joseph Jr.
Joseph Auto Group
Clark, Schaefer,
Hackett & Co
Mike Connelly
Mark Kroeger
Bob Stautberg
Catholic Health
Scripps Networks
St. Xavier High School
Steve Culbertson
John Kron
Halo Brand Productions
Deloitte (retired)
Jim Dodd
Dan Meyer
Rev. Barry
Fifth Third Bank
Manufacturing Co.
Cathedral of
St. Peter in Chains
Jim Stutz
Neighbors helping neighbors
We offer our sincere thanks and gratitude
to all the compassionate businesses and
organizations who partnered with us in 2010:
ABS Business Systems
Addressed for Success
Mailing House
Alternate Solutions
Amy Connolly
Bang Zoom Design Ltd.
The Bank of Kentucky
Bartlett & Co.
Beckett Ridge
Country Club
Belarmine Chapel
Coat Factory
CG Marketing
The Christ Hospital
Medical Associates
Cincinnati Bengals
Cincinnati Reds
City Dash
Coney Island
Council on Aging of
Southwestern Ohio
Comfort Keepers
Crossroads Church
Dollar Store
Donnellon McCarthy
E.W. Scripps
Esther Price Candies
Ethicon Endo-Surgery
Everybody Rides Metro
Gem City Home Care
Give Back Cincinnati
Gold Star Chili
Graydon Head
Honeybaked Ham
Housing Headquarters
National Bank
James Gardner
John Paul II
Catholic School
Kemba Credit Union
Kroger Company
Special Thanks
Krombholz Jewelers
Levi Strauss
Mike Hoeting
Mike Story
Moeller High School
Mt. Notre Dame
High School
Manufacturing Co.
Niehaus Financial
Services, LLC
O.K.I. Auto Auction
Old Navy
One Warm Coat
Our Lady of Lourdes
Our Lady of Victory
Peerless Printing
Playhouse in the Park
Recycling Group, Ltd.
Sacred Heart Radio
Scripps Networks
Seton High School
St. Gabriel
St. Jude
St. Mary’s School,
Hyde Park
St. Rose Church
St. Ursula High School
St. Xavier High School
Taft Stettinius &
The Hilton Cincinnati
Netherland Plaza
TriCounty Mall
Ulmers Auto Care
University of
Cincinnati Fashion
Design Program
WCPO-TV (Channel 9)
WLWT-TV (Channel 5)
WXIX-TV (Channel 19)
And of course our parishes
who give so generously
to the St. Vincent de
Paul collections.
A special thank you to
the physicians, physician
practices and pharmacies who support the
efforts of our Charitable Pharmacy:
Skilled Care Pharmacy
Complete Prescription
Remedi Senior Care
Christ Hospital
Medical Associates
(suite 200)
Dr. Michael Jennings
Dr. Jeff Schneider
Dr. Bill Gluntz
(suite 200)
Dr. Mark Bibler
Dr. Andrew Schulz
Dr. Timothy Lichter
Christ Hospital
Medical Associates
Dr. Theodore Marty
Dr Clark Baxter
and Kathy
Dr. Joseph Daugherty
Dr. Anita Mattingl
Dr. Pete Caples
Dr. Daniel Glassman
Dr. Donald Nofziger
Dr. Barry Webb
Dr. Mary Jo Slattery
Dr. Amy Ruschulte
Dr. Kathy Downey
Dr. Susan Stegman
Dr. Andrew Nutini
Dr. Judy Denicala
Dr. Wayne Lippert
Keysource Medical Inc.
Direct Relief
U.S. Partnerships
Heart to Heart
Merck Inc.
Dr. Rasheed Ghani
Dr. Chole Mullen
Rho Chi Honor Society
ABS Business Systems
Sanofi Aventis
TCHMA Auburn (suite
440,334, and 520)
The Ohio Heart &
Vascular Center,
Mt. Airy
We also thank the Greater Cincinnati
and Northern Kentucky fire departments
participating in the 5 Cares Coat Drive:
Forest Park
Blue Ash
West Chester
Madison Place
Little Miami
Fire and Police
Mount Healthy
Ft. Mitchell
Ft. Thomas
Society of St. Vincent de Paul 2010 Annual Report
The Society of
St. Vincent de Paul
1125 Bank St. • Cincinnati, OH 45214
513-562-8841 • www.SVDPcincinnati.org
Find SVDPcincinnati on
Management Team
Production Credits
Liz Carter, Executive Director
Prentice Carter, Operations Director
Karen Williams, Development Director
Eric Young, Community Relations Director
Kevin Lab, Programs Director
Matt Flege, Assistant Programs Director
LaMonica Sherman, Winton Hills Coordinator
Gary Horton, Director of Volunteer
The 2010 Society of St. Vincent de Paul Annual
Report was made possible through the dedication
and generosity of the following team members:
and Member Services
Design & Production:
Scott Bruno, b graphic design
Merrilee Luke-Ebbeler, Beebo Photography
Sarah Gerrety-Thomas