Muskeg Lake Cree Nation #102 Source Water Protection Pilot
Muskeg Lake Cree Nation #102 Source Water Protection Pilot
Muskeg Lake Cree Nation #102 Source Water Protection Pilot Project Background Report Compiled by Denise Benfield, AAg First Nations Agricultural Council of Saskatchewan March 2008 Executive Summary The purpose of this Background Report is to provide stakeholders in Muskeg Lake Cree Nation with relevant information to assist in the development of a Source Water Protection Plan (SWPP) to protect both surface and ground waters that exist on and around Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Reserve No. 102. This report provides a wide range of information to help build awareness of the many factors which affect the First Nation, the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, and ultimately, water quality and quantity. The First Nation is described in terms of its physical characteristics, ecology, land use, climate and population demographics. The major economic activity on the Reserve is agriculture. Water resources are related in terms of quantity, quality, allocation and use. Current Reserve and watershed management interests include hydrological concerns, agricultural impacts, urban impacts, recreational use, groundwater well decommissioning and water borne pathogens. Different land cover functions are described for upland, riparian and wetland habitats. Watershed and land stewardship activities and funding are important for watershed management. The focus of this Source Water Protection Pilot Project is to protect source waters with an emphasis on drinking water sources. The people of Muskeg Lake Cree Nation are dependent on groundwater specifically for their drinking water sources. Once the Background Report has been brought to the public for review and approved, the process of developing the SWPP will begin. This plan will assemble pertinent information, analyze threats and opportunities, and build commitments to protect water, as well as summarize the committees’ discussions and technical analysis in a number of recommendations. Finally, key actions will be formulated as to what recommendations will be implemented. i Acknowledgements The development of the background report would not have been possible without the hard work and participation of those involved in the SWPPP from Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, especially the committee members – Pat Lafond, Dan Lafond, Deanna Greyeyes, Dennis Greyeyes, Vern Horner, Brian Greyeyes and Roy Bearinhole. A big thank you also to those from SWA, EC, STC, and everyone else who contributed time and resources to this project. Last, but definitely not least, thank you to Richard Greyeyes and Ben Weenie, elders who contributed to the First Nations People and the Environment section. General information about the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, ecoregions, soil, water, agricultural practices, riparian areas and wetlands, stewardship activities, programs and funding, as well as other general information was derived from the Preliminary Background Report of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, provided by the SWA. ii Table of Contents Executive Summary ............................................................................................... i Acknowledgements ............................................................................................... ii Table of Contents................................................................................................. iii List of Figures ...................................................................................................... iv List of Tables ....................................................................................................... vi List of Abbreviations............................................................................................ vii List of Appendices...............................................................................................viii 1.0 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose of Developing the Source Water Protection Pilot Project .............. 1 1.2 Process of Developing the SWPPP ............................................................. 1 1.3 First Nations People and the Environment .................................................. 2 2.0 Reserve Land Characteristics ......................................................................... 3 2.1 Physical Characteristics .............................................................................. 3 2.2 Ecology ..................................................................................................... 17 2.3 Land Use ................................................................................................... 21 2.4 Climate ...................................................................................................... 23 2.5 Demographics ........................................................................................... 24 3.0 Economic Activities and Opportunities .......................................................... 24 3.1 Agriculture ................................................................................................. 24 3.2 Tourism and Recreation ............................................................................ 27 3.3 Industry ..................................................................................................... 28 4.0 Water Resources .......................................................................................... 29 4.1 Surface Water Resources ......................................................................... 29 4.2 Surface Water Quality ............................................................................... 32 4.3 Surface Water Allocation ........................................................................... 32 4.4 Ground Water Resources .......................................................................... 34 4.5 Ground Water Allocation ........................................................................... 36 5.0 Current Watershed Management Interests ................................................... 40 5.1 Hydrological Concerns .............................................................................. 40 5.2 Oil and Gas Industry .................................................................................. 42 5.3 Agricultural Concerns ................................................................................ 43 5.4 Community Impacts ................................................................................... 50 5.5 Recreational Developments ...................................................................... 55 5.6 Road Maintenance and Road Salts ........................................................... 55 5.7 Ground Water Well Decommissioning ....................................................... 55 5.7 Water Borne Pathogens ............................................................................ 57 6.0 Upland and Wetland Conservation ............................................................... 58 6.1 Upland Areas............................................................................................. 58 6.2 Riparian Areas........................................................................................... 58 6.3 Wetland Areas ........................................................................................... 59 7.0 Current Watershed Management .................................................................. 61 7.1 Stewardship Activities, Programs and Funding ......................................... 61 8.0 Glossary of Terms......................................................................................... 65 9.0 References.................................................................................................... 71 iii List of Figures Figure 1. First Nations located in the Province of Saskatchewan. Muskeg Lake Cree Nation is the red/black dot on this map. ....................................................... 4 Figure 2. Satellite imagery of Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, including surrounding area, Reserve boundaries and well locations. ...................................................... 5 Figure 3. Major watersheds and basins of the Prairie Provinces. Muskeg Lake Cree Nation is located in the North Saskatchewan River Watershed. .................. 7 Figure 4. Rural Municipalities in the North Saskatchewan River Watershed (Source: Preliminary Background Report of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, SWA 2005). ....................................................................................... 8 Figure 5. First Nations within the North Saskatchewan River Watershed (Source: Preliminary Background Report of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, SWA 2005). .......................................................................................................... 9 Figure 6. Soil textures of the Muskeg Lake IR area, with Reserve boundaries and water well locations. ............................................................................................ 11 Figure 7. Elevation model of the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation area, with Reserve boundaries and water well locations. .................................................................. 15 Figure 8. Contour map of the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation area, with Reserve boundaries and water well locations. .................................................................. 16 Figure 9. Endangered and threatened species, as well as species of special concern located in the Muskeg Lake area. ......................................................... 20 Figure 10. Land cover of the Muskeg Lake IR # 102 area, including Reserve boundaries and water well locations. .................................................................. 22 Figure 11. Monthly precipitation for North Battleford from the Canadian Climate Normals 1971-2000 (Environment Canada, 2004).............................................. 23 Figure 12. Average monthly temperature for North Battleford from the Canadian Climate Normals 1971-2000 (Environment Canada, 2004). ............................... 23 Figure 13. Muskeg Lake Band bison herd at their wintering site on NE-28-46-073. ......................................................................................................................... 26 Figure 14. Views from the south end of Mistawasis Lake, at the campground area..................................................................................................................... 28 Figure 15. The hydrologic cycle (Source: Environment Canada, .................................... 30 Figure 16. (a) Exterior of the WTP. (b) Chlorine and potassium permanganate used for water treatment inside the WTP. ........................................................... 37 Figure 17. (a)-(c) Uncapped and improperly sealed wells allow bugs, rodents, etc., to enter the wells and possibly contaminate the water. (d) Wells should be a recommended distance from possible sources of contamination such as septic tanks, abandoned vehicles, waste, livestock, etc. ............................................... 39 Figure 18. Examples of riparian areas and wetlands. (a) Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, (b) Witchekan Lake eastern shoreline. ....................................................................................... 45 Figure 19. Muskeg Lake Cree Nation’s sewage lagoon. ..................................... 52 Figure 20. Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Landfill. .................................................... 53 Figure 21. Potential waste disposal sites and sources of contamination in individual yards. .................................................................................................. 54 iv Figure 22. Abandoned wells should be properly decommissioned to avoid contamination and for public safety. They should not be used for waste disposal. ............................................................................................................................ 57 Figure 23. Procedure for decommissioning a large diameter (bored) well (Source: SWA). ................................................................................................................. 57 v List of Tables Table 1. Weed species in the Boreal Transition and Aspen Parkland ecoregions (Leeson et al., 2005). .......................................................................................... 18 Table 2. Land cover classifications and area covered on Muskeg Lake Cree Nation. ................................................................................................................ 21 Table 3. Criterion Guidelines for various parameters measured in water quality testing. ................................................................................................................ 33 Table 4. Nutrient composition of select manures and commercial fertilizer (Preliminary Background Report of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, SWA 2005). ........................................................................................................ 44 Table 5. Manure management for beef, dairy, hog and poultry operations (Preliminary Background Report of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, SWA 2005). ........................................................................................................ 44 Table 6. Canada-Saskatchewan Farm Stewardship Program BMP Categories. 62 vi List of Abbreviations AAFC ADF AE AOA ASL ATV BWA CCME COWQ CP CSFSP DUC DFO DOC EFP EC EMPA EMS FNACS GCDWQ HC ILO INAC IWM IR MC PFRA PFSRB PMRA PPWB RM SA SE SNOWS SSWQO STC SWA SWPP SWPPP TLE WPO WTP WQI Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agricultural Development Fund Alberta Environment Agricultural Operations Act Above Sea Level All Terrain Vehicle Boil Water Advisory Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment Committee on Water Quality Certificate of Possession Canada-Saskatchewan Farm Stewardship Program Ducks Unlimited Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada Dissolved organic carbon Environmental Farm Plan Environment Canada Environmental Management Protection Act Earthen Manure Storage First Nations Agricultural Council of Saskatchewan, Inc. Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality Health Canada Intensive Livestock Operation Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Integrated Weed Management Indian Reserve Manitoba Conservation Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration Partners for the Saskatchewan River Basin Pest Management Regulatory Agency Prairie Provinces Water Board Rural Municipality Saskatchewan Agriculture Saskatchewan Environment Saskatchewan Network of Watershed Stewards Saskatchewan Surface Water Quality Objectives Saskatoon Tribal Council Saskatchewan Watershed Authority Source Water Protection Plan Source Water Protection Pilot Project Treaty Land Entitlement Water Plant Operator Water Treatment Plant Water Quality Index vii List of Appendices Appendix 1. Saskatchewan Watershed Authority Factsheets ............................. 73 Appendix 2. Water Well Locations on Muskeg Lake Cree Nation IR #102. ........ 74 Appendix 3. Pictures of Water Wells Located on Muskeg Lake Cree Nation IR #102. ................................................................................................................... 77 Appendix 4. Water Quality Analysis Results for Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Water Wells, October 2007 ........................................................................................... 83 Appendix 5. Geology and Groundwater Resources of the Shellbrook Area (73G), Saskatchewan..................................................................................................... 84 viii 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Purpose of Developing the Source Water Protection Pilot Project In 2004, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) identified water quantity and quality as major concerns on First Nations in Canada. To deliver this project (abbreviated SWPPP), INAC contracted Environment Canada (EC), who contracted the First Nations Agricultural Council of Saskatchewan (FNACS). Contract agreements were signed in March 2007 between FNACS and EC and FNACS and the Saskatchewan Watershed Authority (SWA), and provided funding for FNACS to deliver this SWPPP on three First Nations in Saskatchewan – Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, Witchekan Lake First Nation and Sweetgrass First Nation. If successful, EC and INAC would like to look at the delivery of this type of project to other First Nations in Saskatchewan. There are many concerns about water quality on First Nations in Saskatchewan. Water is a very important aspect of First Nations culture, and with changes in the lifestyles and culture of First Nations individuals since the introduction and incorporation of Western European culture, views and treatment of water have subsequently been affected. The purpose of this project is to identify threats and potential sources of contamination to Muskeg Lake Cree Nation’s water sources, raise awareness of these issues and provide a plan to minimize and/or eliminate these threats. 1.2 Process of Developing the SWPPP Information included in the background report was acquired from many sources. Information about the Reserve itself was found on the INAC website, from STC, the Band, field work, and from interviews with community members. Information about the general area was found from Saskatchewan government websites, SWA reports, and the Atlas of Saskatchewan (Fung, 1999), etc. This background report includes information about: First Nations culture, population, land use activities, climate, physical characteristics, surface and ground water characteristics, water and wastewater treatment, waste disposal, riparian and wetland area information and stewardship activities and partners. The background report is a living document, and is subject to additions and changes when additional relevant information becomes available. Once the Source Water Protection Plan (SWPP) is finished, this background report will be finalized. The information included in it will be current, so that the First Nation and its partners in the SWPPP will be able to make informed decisions about protecting the quality and quantity of water on the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation. 1 1.3 First Nations People and the Environment The environment and everything it includes (water, land, air, animals, etc.) are key components of First Nations culture and the traditional beliefs of First Nations people. The worldview and spirituality of the Cree culture are very complicated to put into a few words, because in doing so, much of the meaning behind traditions and beliefs may be lost. Ben Weenie is a cultural elder in the Sweetgrass First Nation community. He has lived on the Sweetgrass Indian Reserve his whole life, and over the years has been involved in an advisory capacity when Band members consult him. He explains the basic world view of the Cree culture as this: “The basic view that we have is that where we are, Earth is our Mother Earth, and everything that Mother Earth provides we don’t abuse or kill overabundantly. Whatever we do, we always give thanks and give tobacco for even just taking medicine, and that the water’s the source of life that the Creator gave us. That’s how we respect, that’s how we play a role in our Creation, that’s the world of the Cree culture. There’s a lot of ways to explain it, but that’s basically what I can say.” Richard Greyeyes is a member of the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, and has lived on the Reserve for about 78 years – since he was born. Richard is an elder in the community, and although he not a councilor, he often sits with Chief and Council. He says that water is so important to First Nations people, and all people, because it concerns health. “We use it in everything – to cook, wash clothes, shower, water animals – everything. You don’t want any chemicals in the water you shower with.” He says that some of the Reserve has good water, and some of it has bad – it depends on where you live. Richard believes that they have a lot better water now than when he was a child, because of the existence of the water treatment plant. A lot of people used to have good water when he was a child, but then the animals started to hang around the wells, and everything that came from them went down into the ground, and made the water bad. Therefore, while some water wells may be okay to drink, others may be polluted and may be harmful to a person’s health. People on the Reserve actually used to haul water from sloughs to use for cooking, washing clothes and bathing, if they did not have a well. “Using that water never used to hurt them. It was nice clean water, no chemicals or anything in it. Now there are too many chemicals in the fields that can get into the water.” It hasn’t just been the water that has changed – the rest of the environment has changed over the years as well. According to Richard, moose never used to be seen on the Reserve, but recently he has seen several, as have other Muskeg Lake residents. Elk have also started showing up in the area, which is much farther south than their previous territory. People do not necessarily hunt as much as they previously did either, although some does still take place. One type of animal that Muskeg Lake residents used to hunt was rabbits; now this does not happen as much, because there are not as many around. 2 While in some places older generations of First Nations people feel that younger generations have a different, possibly negative attitude toward their spirituality and nature than their ancestors, Richard believes that when he was younger very few people followed “Indian culture;” now he says there is a lot more done to build a stronger culture in First Nations youth. However, he says that there has always been a close connection between First Nations people and nature. How does Richard see the people of Muskeg Lake Cree Nation fitting into a plan to protect water into the future? “The only way you can do it is to move forward and try to help the people organizing the water plan. Communication is the key for everything.” One thing that Richard believes strongly in is that all Reserves, and all people, should have water treatment plants. With properly functioning water treatment facilities, “they’d get good water and be healthier.” The development of this SWPP is one of the first steps in preserving some of the traditional ways of First Nations people, and preserving nature for future generations. If future generations of First Nations people are to have somewhere to live and raise their children, today’s youth must start, or continue to, learn about their history and spirituality. As Richard says, “Water is important for people, for their health.” 2.0 Reserve Land Characteristics 2.1 Physical Characteristics 2.1.1 Location The core area of Muskeg Lake Cree Nation is located just east of Highway #12, approximately 12 km north of Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan. The Muskeg Lake Cree Nation encompasses roughly 10,104.5 hectares (24,964.8 acres, 101 km2) of Reserve and Treaty Land Entitlement (TLE) lands, including the following Reserves: Asimakaniseekan Askiy Indian Reserve (IR) No. 102A (within Saskatoon city limits) – 14.3 hectares (35.5 acres) Lake Pitihkākēw IR No. 102B (including Mistawasis Lake) – 8,753 hectares (21,628 acres) Muskeg Lake IR No. 102C – 313 hectares (774 acres) Muskeg Lake IR No. 102D – 131 hectares (324 acres) Muskeg Lake IR No. 102E – 162 hectares (400 acres) Muskeg Lake IR No. 102F – 14.7 hectares (36.3 acres) Muskeg Lake IR No. 102G – 129 hectares (318 acres) Muskeg Lake IR No. 102H – 194 hectares (478 acres) Muskeg Lake IR No. 102J – 129 hectares (318 acres) Muskeg Lake IR No. 102K – 6.48 hectares (16.0 acres) Muskeg Lake IR No. 102L – 258 hectares (637 acres) 3 These lands are not all located in the same parcel of land – Muskeg Lake Cree Nation lands are located in within the City of Saskatoon, in Rural Municipality (RM) # 464 Leask, RM #466 Meeting Lake and RM #434 Blaine Lake. For the purpose of this project, the lands within the City of Saskatoon were excluded. Figures 1 and 2 show where Muskeg Lake Cree Nation is located in Saskatchewan, and a satellite image of the immediate area. Figure 1. First Nations located in the Province of Saskatchewan. Muskeg Lake Cree Nation is the red/black dot on this map. 4 Figure 2. Satellite imagery of Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, including surrounding area, Reserve boundaries and well locations. 5 2.1.2 Physical Setting Muskeg Lake Cree Nation is located in the North Saskatchewan River Watershed (Figure 3), within the Saskatchewan Rivers Plain. The Saskatchewan Rivers Plain, according to the Background Report of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, “demonstrates some topographic variety with ground moraine, lake plains, river valleys, spillways and other minor landforms. They primarily exhibit an undulating to gently rolling landscape.” 2.1.3 Geography of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed The North Saskatchewan River begins in the Columbia Icefields in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta. Approximately 80,000km2 of land contributes runoff to the North Saskatchewan and Battle Rivers before these rivers flow into Saskatchewan. Alberta contributes over 7 million m 3 of the water flow from Alberta into Saskatchewan. Once it enters Saskatchewan, the North Saskatchewan River proceeds in a south easterly direction, turning north east near Langham. Along this journey, it is joined by the Battle River at the Battlefords. The Battle River is the largest tributary to the North Saskatchewan River in Saskatchewan but contributes less than 5% of the total flow. The North and South Saskatchewan Rivers join at “The Forks” located east of Prince Albert. From there the Saskatchewan River flows into the Nelson River system in Manitoba and ultimately empties into Hudson Bay. In Saskatchewan, the North Saskatchewan River Watershed covers a total of 41,000 km2 and includes the Battle River, Eagle Creek, and the Goose Lake internal drainage basin northeast of Rosetown. The Battle River, since it is the largest tributary, has been included in the North Saskatchewan River Watershed planning process. Conversely, the internal drainage basin and Eagle Creek, which contribute less than 1% of the flow, have not been included in the current planning process due to the lack of resources for a fifth planning area within the three year window for completion of the watershed management plan. The North Saskatchewan River Watershed, for planning purposes, includes 51 RMs, 29 First Nations with lands and 17 Reserves, 100 towns and villages and the Cities of Lloydminster, North Battleford, and Prince Albert (Figures 4 and 5). It also includes a portion of the Prince Albert National Park. 6 Figure 3. Major watersheds and basins of the Prairie Provinces. Muskeg Lake Cree Nation is located in the North Saskatchewan River Watershed. 7 Figure 4. Rural Municipalities in the North Saskatchewan River Watershed (Source: Preliminary Background Report of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, SWA 2005). 8 Figure 5. First Nations within the North Saskatchewan River Watershed (Source: Preliminary Background Report of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, SWA 2005). 9 2.1.4 Soils On the Reserve, the surface textures of most soils are classified as loam (L) or organic (O) (Figure 6). Loam soils are of medium texture, with approximately equal proportions of sand, silt and clay-sized particles. Organic soils are found around the lakes, wetlands, and low-lying areas, where surface water collects and slows down the decomposition of organic materials (leaves, roots, stems, soil microbes, etc.). These soils are inadequate for agricultural uses, and are generally too saturated to be highly productive. There are small areas of sandy loams (SL), loamy sands (LS) and silty loams (SIL) around the core area of the Reserve. Soils perform many functions for life. Soils are the growth medium for plants, they filter water and are an important part of the nutrient cycle. Microorganisms and soil fauna are the driving forces behind these functions. Soil organic matter consists of living and dead plant and animal materials at various stages of decomposition. Soil organic matter plays a major role in keeping the soil well aggregated, aerated and porous, making soils easier to cultivate and improving water infiltration. It also plays important roles in the retention of moisture and nutrients for crop growth. Soil mineral particles range in size from sub-microscopic clay particles, through silts, to sands up to 2 mm in diameter. Stones and gravel, while present in soils, have little influence in soil properties. The relative proportion of sand, silt and clay-sized particles in a soil is called the soil texture. Soil texture greatly influences many soil properties such as the fertility and moisture holding capacity of the soil which together largely determine the soil’s suitability for growing crops. Soils with a large proportion of sand-sized particles are usually well drained, wellaerated and easy to cultivate. However, on the Prairies, sandy soils may not retain enough moisture to sustain crops between precipitation events, making them less suitable for annual cropping. Soils with high clay content can absorb and retain more water making them good for annual crops in semi-arid climates. However, clay soils with low organic matter levels may be sticky when wet and when dry may become hard and difficult to cultivate. Clay particles can attract and attach nutrients and contaminants such as pesticides and bacteria from human sewage or manure (Hillel, 1982). 10 Figure 6. Soil textures of the Muskeg Lake IR area, with Reserve boundaries and water well locations. 11 Erosion Erosion is the loss of soil from a particular location due to the action of wind, water and gravity. Soil productivity is reduced after erosion due to loss of soil organic matter, loss of fine soil particles, and degradation of soil structure. In most cases the maintenance of a vegetative cover on the soil surface is the critical factor in controlling soil erosion. Vegetation absorbs the energy of wind and water; also, plant roots bind soil particles together making them more resistant to erosion. Three types of erosion may significantly impact water quality in the North Saskatchewan River, water erosion, wind erosion and stream bank erosion. Plant nutrients, microorganisms, and agricultural chemicals may be attached to soil particles or dissolved in water; consequently, erosion and runoff can transport these substances to surface waters. The eventual fate of eroded soil and any potential contaminants depends on the intensity of the erosion event. Water Erosion Water erosion begins with rain drops hitting the soil surface causing soil aggregates to break into smaller pieces. If the amount of rain exceeds the capacity of the soil to absorb it, water starts to flow downhill across the soil surface transporting loose soil, finding low spots and eventually cutting channels into the soil. The severity of water erosion depends on the (a) the amount and velocity of runoff which is determined by the intensity of rainfall or the rapidity of snowmelt, the steepness and length of slopes, and the area of the upstream watershed, (b) soil properties (such as texture, organic matter content and density) affecting the rate of infiltration of precipitation and the susceptibility of the soil to erosion, and (c) the amount of protection provided by growing crops or residues from previous crops. Vegetation intercepts raindrops and reduces the amount of erosion caused by rainfall and runoff. On fields with little or no vegetation to absorb the impact rainwater will hit the bare soil loosening soil particles. Vegetation also slows down runoff and acts as a filter by trapping sediment and any adsorbed contaminants. Note that not all fields will erode the same amount. According to the Preliminary Background Report of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, some areas in the watershed could erode at rates between 5-12 T/ha/yr. Areas with steep slopes in annual crop production and with very fine sandy or silty soils are the most prone to erosion. Wind erosion Wind erosion may result in sediments being deposited directly in water bodies, or in drainage ditches and runs where sediments will be susceptible to water 12 erosion. Wind erosion results when strong winds come into contact with loose dry soils. Fine soil material becomes suspended in the air and may travel many thousands of kilometers before being deposited. Fine sand-sized particles and aggregates are mobilized by the wind and skip along the surface of the eroding area. This process greatly increases the intensity of wind erosion. Eventually these particles are trapped by vegetation or behind stones, usually within a few hundred meters from their starting point. Larger sand-sized particles and aggregates, which are too heavy to be picked up by the wind, are rolled along the soil surface and seldom moved far. Persistent wind erosion over several years may remove tens of centimeters of soil from susceptible areas causing the formation of sand dunes. The removal of fine particles by wind erosion significantly impacts soil fertility and may transport pesticides, nutrients, and pathogens attached to the soil. The factors affecting wind erosion are surface soil moisture, wind speed and turbulence, soil texture, soil aggregation, the presence of surface crusts, surface roughness, unsheltered field width, and the amount, orientation and type of surface vegetation. Sandy soils are the most erodible, but clays may be extremely erodible if exposed to freeze-thaw which results in fine sand sized aggregates which are very susceptible to erosive winds. Vegetation absorbs the energy of the wind, protects the soils surface and traps eroding particles. Therefore, crop residue management and permanent forage are the most effective practices to control wind erosion. The North Saskatchewan River Watershed has areas of moderate, high and very high risk of wind erosion. Some of these areas are directly adjacent to the North Saskatchewan River around North Battleford, Borden, Langham and Prince Albert, and around the mouth of Eagle Creek. Other areas are not directly adjacent to water, but sediments could still be blown into water bodies or be deposited where it will be susceptible to water erosion. Stream Bank Erosion and In-stream Sedimentation The erosive force of high water flow in creeks and rivers may undercut the banks causing them to slump into the water - this is called stream bank erosion. The greater the water flow velocity, the greater will be the erosion on stream banks. Water velocity also determines how much sediment can be carried - the faster the stream velocity, the more sediment load can be carried. As stream velocity slows, this sediment is then deposited either within the stream where stream gradients decrease or when river water enters a lake (deltas). Vegetative cover is important in controlling stream bank erosion. Its effectiveness depends on the type, location, and amount of plant material. Vegetation in the stream will slow water flow resulting in less erosion of stream banks and greater in-stream sedimentation of entrained material. The roots of riparian (shoreline) vegetation bind the soil together and help to stabilize the banks; they also function as a filter to stop sediment, nutrients and contaminants 13 from entering a stream. Riparian vegetation is water tolerant and usually consists of thick dense brush, trees, or grasses. 2.1.5 Topography Slope classifications across the North Saskatchewan River Watershed vary significantly. Steep slope areas exist along the entire Battle River, on the North Saskatchewan River near Albert, and Jackfish Lake to Big Shell Lake. There are also several pockets of steep slopes located in uplands areas. Figure 7, an elevation model, shows the high and low elevations across the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation. As can be seen from this figure, the northwest side of the Reserve is slightly rolling, while the center and south end of the Reserve are fairly level, which can be confirmed when in the field and by Figure 8, a contour map of the area. 14 Figure 7. Elevation model of the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation area, with Reserve boundaries and water well locations. 15 Figure 8. Contour map of the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation area, with Reserve boundaries and water well locations. 16 2.2 Ecology Ecology is defined as the study of the mutual relationships between organisms, both plant and animal, and their environment (Parker, 2005). Although there is a lot that can be discussed under the scope of ecology, this section will only examine information which was readily available. 2.2.1 Ecoregions The geography of Saskatchewan has been described and classified into ecozones and subsequent ecoregions on the basis of landform (i.e. soils, topography, hydrology and geology) and the resulting dominant vegetation communities (Acton et al., 1996). Within the various ecozones are found wetlands, lakes, rivers and landforms with high wetland densities (e.g. the Thickwood Hills) that are important to migrating and breeding waterfowl and other water birds. The North Saskatchewan River Basin traverses four ecoregions: Aspen Parkland, Moist Mixed Grassland, Boreal Transition and Mid Boreal Uplands. The Muskeg Lake Cree Nation falls on the border between the Boreal Transition Ecoregion and the Aspen Parkland Ecoregion. The descriptions below are taken from the Atlas of Saskatchewan (Fung, 1999). Prairie - Aspen Parkland “In its native state, this ecoregion is characterized by a mosaic of aspen groves and fescue grasslands. Along its southern boundary, aspen groves dot a predominantly grassland landscape, while the northern parts exhibit a more continuous cover of aspen. Locally, grasslands occupy the drier upper and south-facing slopes, while aspen is found on the moist lower, mid- and northfacing slopes. This is in contrast to the southern grassland ecoregions where aspen is found only around sloughs, or in valleys and sandhill areas. Bur oak is found sporadically along the Qu’Appelle River valley and its tributaries. Glacial till landscapes characterized by short, steep slopes and numerous, undrained depressions or sloughs are prevalent, and provide an ideal habitat for ducks and other waterfowl. White-tailed deer is the most prominent wildlife species. Coyote, hare, fox and Richardson’s ground squirrel are also prevalent. Typical birds include house wren, least flycatcher, western kingbird and yellow warbler. Due to the favorable climate and fertile, loamy, black soils, most of the land is cultivated, producing a diversity of crops including cereals and oilseeds as well as forages and several specialty crops.” Boreal Plain - Boreal Transition “This ecoregion is characterized by a mix of forest and farmland, marking both southern advance of the boreal forest and the northern limit of arable agriculture. Gray soils supporting tall stands of aspen are characteristic of the hilly upland areas. White spruce and jack pine occur throughout the area but are less common than in the more northern ecoregions. Peatlands are also less 17 common. Except for the areas of jack pine on sandy soils along the North Saskatchewan River valley, the lowlands or plains are mostly cultivated. In fact, the black and dark gray soils are some of the most fertile and productive in the province, producing a wide range of forage crops, feed grains, cereals and oilseeds. Wildlife populations are diverse with white-tailed deer, moose, elk and black bear being the most prominent. Other mammals include the beaver, northern flying squirrel and the short-tailed shrew. The gray jay, boreal chickadee, black and white warbler, and great-crested fly-catcher are typical birds.” 2.2.2 Weeds A weed survey on cropland in Saskatchewan was completed in 2003, and a summary of the results of all Prairie Provinces was completed in 2005. The size and extent of some of the more common weeds from the Boreal Transition and Aspen Parkland ecoregions can be found in Table 1. Table 1. Weed species in the Boreal Transition and Aspen Parkland ecoregions (Leeson et al., 2005). Weed Species Relative Abundance* Weed Species Relative Abundance in Boreal Transition in Aspen Parkland Wild oats 35.3 Green foxtail 54.6 Wild buckwheat 35.0 Wild oats 39.6 Chickweed 23.2 Wild buckwheat 32.0 Green foxtail 19.6 Canada thistle 20.1 Canada thistle 19.4 Chickweed 16.2 Lamb’s quarters 18.4 Lamb’s quarters 12.8 Field horsetail 11.9 Stinkweed 8.5 Cleavers 11.4 Wheat 8.1 Hemp-nettle 10.6 Cleavers 7.7 Stinkweed 10.6 Spiny annual sow6.8 thistle Dandelion 10.1 Quack grass 9.2 Pale smartweed 6.6 Wheat 8.8 Perennial sow-thistle 6.4 Canola/rapeseed 8.5 Shepherd’s-purse 6.3 Pale smartweed 7.9 Redroot pigweed 6.2 Redroot pigweed 7.9 Canola/rapeseed 5.7 Shepherd’s-purse 6.6 Dandelion 5.6 Narrow-leaved hawk’s6.2 Quack grass 4.9 beard Perennial sow-thistle 5.8 * Relative abundance: A combination of the frequency, field uniformity and field density values for each species. Invasive Species/Noxious Weeds Invasive species are non-native organisms that can invade and disturb natural ecosystems resulting in the displacement of the native species. Often these plants are more competitive and offset the natural vegetation. This results in a loss of biodiversity. 18 Noxious weeds are undesirable plants that can cause physical or economic damage. Noxious weeds pose a real threat to reduce the biodiversity of plants and animals in the watershed. The presence of noxious weeds in riparian areas can destabilize the natural buffer zones resulting in increased erosion and the decreased ability of the vegetation to filter any contaminants. Control of noxious weeds can be difficult, especially around waterbodies. Furthermore, The Environmental Management Protection Act (EMPA) restricts the use of control substances such as chemical weed controls within 25 meters, or 50 meters for aerial applications, of a water body including intermittent waterways and drainage ditches without a permit. This poses a problem as noxious weeds will readily grow in riparian areas and can be easily transported by water flows. Some examples of noxious weeds include downy brome, scentless chamomile, green foxtail and leafy spurge. A complete list of noxious weeds can be found online at 2.2.3 Waterfowl The Province of Saskatchewan has been identified as an area of continental significance to breeding waterfowl populations, producing over 50% of the waterfowl in Canada, and approximately 30% of the population of in North America. The North Saskatchewan River Watershed itself contributes a significant number of birds to the continental duck population because each year thousands of waterfowl are attracted to the numerous productive wetlands found within its boundaries. According to local people, whooping cranes, an endangered species, use land in the Reserve area as a resting spot during migration. 2.2.4 Fish The North Saskatchewan River supports a wide diversity of fish species. Twenty-seven species of native fish occur in the North Saskatchewan River and its tributaries. Species of interest to anglers include pike, walleye, sauger and perch. Five different sucker species live in the river, including the quillback, which can be identified by its sail-like fin on its back. Also, a variety of small forage fish provides a plentiful food supply for larger fish species. Fish Habitat Fish habitat means "all areas that fish depend on directly or indirectly throughout their life stages. It includes spawning grounds and nursery, rearing, food supply and migration areas." This means that fish habitat not only includes areas where fish are actually found during one or more phases of their life cycle but also those areas that supply the food items necessary to support those fish species. Fish habitat can be easily damaged and lost due to human activities that occur in, near or with water. These often result in both large and small changes to fish habitat in ways that are both obvious and subtle. These changes often have 19 profound effects on the economic, social, cultural and environmental benefits that marine and freshwater fish provide to Canadians. In many cases these effects are not seen or noticed for years after the initial impacts have occurred. There is not habitat suitable for most fish species other than minnows to live in Muskeg/Paddling Lake. According to residents, Muskeg Lake is only roughly 1.5 m (5 ft) deep at its deepest, and tall residents can stand up in the lake. 2.2.5 Wildlife The North Saskatchewan River Watershed supports many different kinds of wildlife, including some species that are considered endangered. Within the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation area, the Piping Plover is listed as being endangered, Sprague's Pipit and the Loggerhead Shrike are threatened, and the Monarch Butterfly and Yellow Rail are listed as species of special concern (Figure 9). (a) Piping Plover Photo by David Krughoff (d) Monarch Butterfly Photo by G. Sutter (b) Loggerhead Shrike Photo by Rick McNichol (c) Sprague’s Pipit Photo by Stephen Davis (e) Yellow Rail Photo by black_throated_green_warbler Source: 7272419@N03/2210232574/ Figure 9. Endangered and threatened species, as well as species of special concern located in the Muskeg Lake area. For information on big game animals occurring within the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, contact Saskatchewan Environment ( in North Battleford, Prince Albert or Saskatoon, or the Canadian Wildlife Service ( at (306) 975-4087. 20 2.3 Land Use Land use data from the mid 1990's shows that a significant portion, more than 48%, of the land in the North Saskatchewan River Watershed is cultivated. Seventeen percent of it is native grassland and an additional 3% is in forage, hay or pasture production. Trees and shrubs account for 23% of the watershed, while large waterbodies and wetlands occupy 6% of the watershed. In the core area of Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Indian Reserve No. 102, cropland is approximately 45%, approximately 20% is mixed wood forest, 14% is pasture, roughly 7% is water bodies and marshes, and approximately 9% is native grassland (Table 2, Figure 10). The remaining 5% is classified as forage, tree or “other” (which includes homes, yards, residential communities, etc.). Table 2. Land cover classifications and area covered on Muskeg Lake Cree Nation. Land Cover Type Area Area Percent Landcover 2 (m ) (acres) (%) Cultivated 35,132,400 8,681.4 45 Hay/Forage 488,700 120.7 Native Grass 7,014,600 1,733.3 9.0 559,800 138.3 0.72 10,999,800 2,718.1 14.1 Hardwood Open 212,400 52.5 0.27 Hardwood Closed 226,800 56.0 0.29 Jackpine Open 211,500 141.7 0.73 Jackpine Closed 573,300 52.3 0.27 Spruce Closed 207,900 51.4 0.27 Tall Shrub Pasture 0.63 Spruce Open 511,200 126.3 0.65 Mixed Wood 15,938,100 3,938.4 20.4 Waterbody 5,684,400 1,404.6 7.3 Marsh 253,800 62.7 0.32 Mud/Sand/Saline 18,900 4.7 0.02 Shrub Fen 37,800 9.3 0.05 - - - 78,071,400 19,291.7 100.02 Farm/Community Total Land 21 Figure 10. Land cover of the Muskeg Lake IR # 102 area, including Reserve boundaries and water well locations. 22 2.4 Climate The Muskeg Lake Cree Nation has a sub-humid climate, characterized by wide variations in both seasonal and annual temperatures and precipitation. There are also frequent wide fluctuations in temperature from day to day and between day and night. The mean annual precipitation for North Battleford is approximately 373.2 mm (Environment Canada, 2004). Annual precipitation totals can vary widely from year to year and sometimes exhibit multi-year cycles of high or low totals. Monthly average precipitation varies throughout the year with the wettest month being July while the driest month is February. Figure 11 shows the variation of monthly precipitation at North Battleford, whose climate is similar to the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation’s climate. 80 Average Precipitation (mm) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Figure 11. Monthly precipitation for North Battleford from the Canadian Climate Normals 19712000 (Environment Canada, 2004). Average Temperature (deg C) 20 15 10 5 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec -5 -10 -15 -20 Figure 12. Average monthly temperature for North Battleford from the Canadian Climate Normals 1971-2000 (Environment Canada, 2004). 23 The daily highs average 24°C in July and -11.8°C in January. Daily lows average 11.2°C in July and -22.2°C in January. Extreme temperatures in North Battleford range from -46.1°C, recorded on January 20, 1943, to 37.9°C, recorded on August 10, 1991 (Environment Canada, 2004). Temperatures across the North Saskatchewan River Watershed vary roughly by ecoregion from cooler in the northern forests to warmer in the southern grasslands. Figure 12 shows the average monthly temperature at North Battleford. 2.5 Demographics Based on the 2006 census data, the population of the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation is approximately 293 persons (Statistics Canada, 2007). Based on the 2001 census data, the population within the North Saskatchewan River Watershed is approximately 116,500 persons, not including uncensused First Nations lands. The median age of the population on Muskeg Lake Cree Nation is approximately 26.6 years old. Approximately 64.4% of the population is 15+ years old (Statistics Canada, 2007). Population concentration will have a direct influence on the amount of water used and the amount of water recycled back as waste. Unlike many communities in the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, Muskeg Lake Cree Nation depends on groundwater for all of its residential and municipal use. 3.0 Economic Activities and Opportunities There are many different activities that provide for an economic benefit to the region. Agriculture, oil and gas development, forestry and related products, are all significant activities in the North Saskatchewan River Watershed. Not all of these activities take place on Muskeg Cree Nation land, but some may influence the people, land and resources of the Reserve. 3.1 Agriculture The agriculture production and processing sector represents an important economic endeavour in the province. Major agricultural activities/industries include crop and forage production, cow-calf operations, beef feedlots, pork production units, inland grain terminals, and agricultural machinery manufacturers. Other agricultural activities within the watershed include smallerscale horticulture, apiculture and agroforestry operations. Additional information regarding agriculture in Saskatchewan can be found at the Saskatchewan Agriculture (SA, formerly Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food) website at A survey of farms in Saskatchewan show a decline in the number of total farms from 56,995 in 1996 to 50,598 in 2001, an 11% reduction. The only farm size classes that increased in number compared with 1996 were the 180 to 239 acre class (4%) and the 1600 acre and over class (2%). While total provincial 24 farmland only slightly decreased (approximately 1%) to 64.9 million acres in 2001 compared to 1996, the average farm size increased (11%) to 1283 acres in 2001 compared to 1152 acres in 1996. The lack of commodity price increases concurrent to the rise of input costs, as well as the closure of particular market streams (e.g. beef to the USA) has resulted in the loss of many family-farm operations. Nonetheless, farmers have demonstrated tenacity in the face of these challenges by diversifying farm operations, improving production efficiency and utilizing non-traditional market streams. 3.1.1 Agricultural Crops and Forage An analysis of federal and provincial census data reveal that over the past 15 years agricultural cropping activities have become more diversified and have adopted management strategies that reduce soil disturbance. Predominant crops are cereal grains (wheat, barley and oats), oilseeds (canola, flax) and pulse crops (field peas, lentils). Forage production (alfalfa and mixed grasses) also comprises a significant proportion of farmland, especially in the Aspen Parkland and Boreal Transition regions. Specialty crops such as triticale, dry beans and grain and silage corn increased 24% in 2001 compared to 1996, yet remain a fraction of total cropland. Regarding data specific to the North Saskatchewan River watershed, almost 50% of the land used is in annual crop and forage production. A 5% increase in total cropland from 5.2 million acres to 5.5 million acres was noted between 1996 and 2001. Wheat, barley and canola were the predominant crops grown. Acreage devoted to flax and peas increased, as did the amount of land in forage production. Generally, on a year-to-year basis production was slightly higher in the East and Central regions compared to the West and Battle River regions. Agricultural management practices in the watershed showed general trends towards minimizing soil disturbance, through reduction of summerfallow and the adoption of zero- and min-till practices combined with herbicide application for weed control. Land devoted to forage production substantially increased, and considerable opportunity to further increase forage acreage remains, especially on marginal (classes 5 and 6) agricultural land. This in turn has the potential to enhance the local livestock industry by increasing the carrying capacity in the watershed. The total number of irrigated acres declined from 1996 to 2001 for reasons unknown. A small but growing number of producers manage organiccertified farms within the watershed. As of 2005, a total of 50 farms indicated certified organic grain production, 8 of which also raise organic beef. For the purposes of this study, there are two types of land: Band land and Certificate of Possession (CP) land. Band land is owned by the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation. The CP land is also owned by the Band, but the CP gives the individual Band members the “right of use.” All of the Band’s land is farmed by Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Band members, while most of the CP land is leased out by the CP holders to non-Band members. There are two Band members who 25 farm much of the land on the Reserve. The crops seeded on the Reserve include barley, canola, field peas, wheat and oats. There have been concerns mentioned about agricultural chemicals applied to the cropland on the Reserve (the amount and application methods) and impacts that they may have on the environment and the health of the people on the Reserve. There are also concerns about the local area producers aerial spraying on neighboring cropland and possible drift onto Reserve land. There have also been concerns about improper disposal of agricultural chemical containers in wetlands and sloughs on the Reserve. These containers can be returned to the retailer where they were purchased to prevent environmental impacts caused by improper disposal. One local area producer (off-Reserve) is an organic farmer, meaning that no chemical fertilizers or pesticides are used on organic cropland. 3.1.2 Livestock There are multiple livestock operations on Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, including bison, cattle and horse operations. There are two bison operations - one that is owned/operated by the Band (Figure 13, currently managed by Leslie Arcand) and one that is privately owned and operated by two Band members. The Band’s bison herd has approximately 147 head, grazing on approximately 640 acres of woodland grass. This pasture is located on the following parcels of land in the NW corner of the Reserve: E½-04-47-07-W3, E½-33-46-07-W3 and NE28-46-07-3. The other bison operation has roughly 75 - 80 animals, and is located in the SE corner of the Reserve, on approximately the following land locations: Sec. 12 and 1-46-07-W3, and Sec. 6 and 7-46-06-W3. Figure 13. Muskeg Lake Band bison herd at their wintering site on NE-28-46-07-3. In addition to the bison operations, there are two cattle operations. One has approximately 20 head and the other approximately 48 head. There are also roughly 8 horse owners. Many of these owners have 5 – 16 horses each. One owner has more than 20 horses. 3.1.3 Intensive Livestock Operations There are no intensive livestock operations (ILOs) on the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Reserve; however, there are multiple ILOs (hog barns, dairies, feedlots) in the watershed. Watershed residents sometimes raise concerns as to waste 26 management from these ILOs, and the possible future impacts of them on the groundwater and surface water in the area. For more information about ILOs and the Agricultural Operations Act (AOA), which regulates the development and operations of ILOs, please contact SA, Agricultural Operations at (306) 9335095, or refer to the Preliminary Background Report of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed. 3.2 Tourism and Recreation The North Saskatchewan River Watershed provides many opportunities for high quality water based recreation, which attract large numbers of visitors (tourists) to the area. These opportunities have been recognized in various tourism strategies throughout the region, in a number of Provincial and Regional Park Management Plans, and in strategies dealing with many lakes and associated areas within the watershed. Water based tourism and recreation activities in the watershed include fishing, canoeing, boating, nature tours, nature viewing, swimming, migratory bird watching, hunting and kayaking. In addition, other tourism activities dependent upon water resources include horseback excursions, cattle roundups, golfing (irrigated high quality courses), camping, and visiting lakeside resorts. Lakeside cottage developments also attract large numbers of tourists to the area. There is not extensive tourism and recreation on the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation. However, the Band hosts a canoe race on Muskeg/Paddling Lake annually. In addition, Muskeg Lake Cree Nation owns land immediately adjacent to Mistawasis Lake (Figure 14), which is approximately 19 km northwest of the Muskeg Lake IR No. 102, or approximately 27 km away when driving. Currently, the only vehicular access to Mistawasis Lake is from the north end of the lake, through the Royal Community Pasture, along the west side of the lake, to the south end where there is currently a small, minimally developed campground. In the summer, the campground and beach can reach about 300-400 people, and according to Pinter and Associates (2004), there are inadequate waste disposal facilities to handle this volume of use. The findings of Pinter and Associates (2004) brought up the concern that the indiscriminate disposal of human waste and garbage around the campground could have the same impacts as ILOs, in the accumulation of nitrates and nitrites, as well as bacteria and viruses associated with human waste. These are causes for concern about public safety for users of the campground, and potential downstream water users. Muskeg Lake Cree Nation has indicated interest in developing the land around the southeast and southwest sides of the lake, by building cabins and leasing/selling them. They have also indicated interest in building a direct road from Highway #12 inward toward the south end of Mistawasis Lake, in partnership with the RM of Meeting Lake, to provide easier access to the lake. 27 (a) View looking west along beach. (b) View looking west. (c) View looking north. (d) View looking east. Figure 14. Views from the south end of Mistawasis Lake, at the campground area. 3.3 Industry 3.3.1 Oil and Gas Development Although there is significant oil and gas industry production in the North Saskatchewan Watershed, most of it is concentrated in the western portion of the watershed. Historically and currently, no oil and gas development has taken place on Muskeg Lake Cree Nation lands. For more information about the oil and gas activity in the rest of the watershed, please consult the Preliminary Background Report of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed. 3.3.2 Forestry There is currently no commercial harvesting of timber on the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation. However, according to members of the Band administration, past reports have determined that selective logging may be feasible in the area around Muskeg/Paddling Lake. In the past, however, Band members in general have not been in favour of this harvesting. For information on the forestry industry in the rest of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, please consult the Preliminary Background Report of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed. 28 Historically, there were several sawmills located on the Reserve. Potential locations that were identified as such by Pinter and Associates (2004) were the island where the cultural camp currently exists, between houses #222 and 223 and south of house #145. Typically, birch, white spruce and black spruce were harvested and milled into rough dimensional lumber and timber. These operations were generally powered by tractors and included other equipment that potentially have environmental impacts through oil and fuel spills/leaks, and other contaminants resulting from individual operations. Currently, there are no sawmill sites active on the Reserve, and the sites previously mentioned did not seem to have been negatively impacted by the historic sawmill activities. 3.3.3 Fire Management Fire is recognized as an important part of the natural ecological process. As such, it is encouraged where fires can be allowed to burn or reintroduced through prescribed burning. In riparian areas, the effects of fire can be highly variable depending on the existing vegetative structure, site conditions, fire intensity and subsequent weather patterns. Fire in riparian areas can affect microclimate regulation, carbon inputs, floodplain and channel stability (sedimentation), soil chemistry and nutrient cycling. Where fire is actioned, fire suppression measures can be modified to reduce potential negative environmental impacts. Fire Management and Forest Protection, Saskatchewan Environment (SE), have developed reclamation standards which include erosion and sedimentation control measures, recontouring of slopes, coarse woody debris and other material removal, reestablishment of natural vegetation and monitoring. There are occasionally unplanned fires on the Reserve, including in the landfill site. 4.0 Water Resources 4.1 Surface Water Resources 4.1.1 Hydrologic Cycle The hydrologic cycle refers to the processes where water moves from waterbodies to the atmosphere and onto and into the earth’s surface (Figure 15). For the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, the dominant processes include precipitation (snowfall and rainfall), evaporation, transpiration, storage in wetlands, lakes, soils and glaciers, runoff, streamflow and infiltration to ground water. The following sections will look at runoff rates from the land surface, streamflows and lake levels. 29 Figure 15. The hydrologic cycle (Source: Environment Canada, Runoff Runoff rates from various landscapes can be compared by examining annual runoff volumes from small and medium-sized gauged watersheds. The series of annual runoff volumes is sorted to find the median annual runoff volume (i.e. the central value where half the values are larger and the other half smaller). Prairie hydrologists have long recognized that in many years, only a portion of a watershed is directly contributing to the observed runoff volume at a streamflow gauging station. Thus in addition to the “gross” drainage area, which is defined by the topographic height of land, they have developed the concept of the “effective” drainage area, which is the area contributing to streamflow in a year with median runoff. The vast majority of the annual precipitation is returned to the atmosphere by transpiration from plants or by evaporation from waterbodies and the soil surface. Information on streamflow and/or water level is available for a number of lakes and streams in Saskatchewan. For more information and to see if streamflow and/or water level records are available for various lakes, please contact the SWA. Streamflow To learn about the streamflow of the North Saskatchewan River, please consult the Preliminary Background Report of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed. All of the remaining streams in the watershed are typical prairie streams where streamflow is dominated by spring snowmelt in April. Other important processes in prairie stream hydrology include soil moisture storage, plant transpiration and wetland storage. 30 Lakes There are many lakes within the Saskatchewan portion of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed. Over two dozen lakes have cottage development. Many more are used for camping and fishing. The water level of a lake at any time is the result of the dynamic balance between inflows and outflows. Inflows include runoff into the lake, and rainfall and snowfall directly onto the lake surface, and can include groundwater inflow and diversions of water into the lake. Outflows include evaporation directly off the lake surface, and can include surface outflow, groundwater outflow, water withdrawals, and diversions of water out of the lake. Lakes can be classified in a number of different ways. From a hydrologic perspective, lakes can be classified by their type of surface outlet: Natural Outlets, Constructed Outlets (operable or non-operable), and No Outlets. There is one major lake on Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Reserve No. 102 – Muskeg Lake, which is also known as Paddling Lake. Mistawasis Lake, as previously mentioned, is located on Reserve No. 102B, northwest of the main Reserve. The lake outlets on the Reserve are natural outlets, therefore water flows in and out of the lakes naturally. Therefore, lake levels respond to long-term balances between inflow, outflow and evaporation. The natural drainage of this area is down towards the lower-lying sloughs, to Muskeg/Paddling Lake, and creeks that empty into the lake. Overall drainage from the Reserve is to the south and southeast, where water coming off the Reserve drains into smaller lakes such as Blaine Lake (Pinter and Associates, 2004). 4.1.2 Apportionment The Prairie Provinces Water Board (PPWB) administers the Master Agreement on Apportionment for inter-provincial waters through the continued cooperation of a broad range of provincial and federal departments. Several agencies participate in the PPWB, either through membership on the board or through at least one of its various committees. Membership on the Board is drawn from SWA, EC, Alberta Environment (AE), Manitoba Conservation (MC), and Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA). In general, under the Master Agreement, Alberta is entitled to 50% of the natural flow of an inter-provincial river before it enters Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan is entitled to 50% of the water which enters the province from Alberta and 50% of the flow arising within its borders. Manitoba receives the remainder. This formula is based on flow occurring over the course of a 12-month period in all eastward flowing streams. The Master Agreement on Apportionment also has conditions for the quality of the water that is to be passed. The Committee on Water Quality (COWQ) reviews the water quality data and their adherence to the Water Quality Objectives used to promote effective inter-provincial water quality management, 31 protect the users in downstream jurisdictions, evaluate the quality of interprovincial waters, and advise the Board on potential water quality concerns. The COWQ annually reviews the results of the PPWB Water Quality Monitoring Program and compares the data to PPWB Water Quality Objectives. 4.2 Surface Water Quality 4.2.1 Water Quality Index Water quality of the North Saskatchewan and Battle Rivers over the past 15 years was examined using the water quality index (WQI) to evaluate water quality. Please consult the Preliminary Background Report of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed for more information on long term trend analyses for these two rivers, and to learn how the WQI is calculated and reported. 4.2.2 Surface Water Quality Objectives In Saskatchewan ambient water quality is compared to the Saskatchewan Surface Water Quality Objectives (SSWQO) (Saskatchewan Environment, 1997). These objectives are based on different water uses including contact and noncontact recreation, protection of aquatic life, irrigation and livestock watering. These objectives apply to all water bodies in the province. To assess overall water quality, SWA selected 16 parameters to be incorporated into the WQI including nutrients (e.g. nitrogen, phosphorus), minerals (e.g. sodium, chloride), metals (e.g. arsenic, mercury), pesticides (e.g. 2, 4-D, MCPA) and bacteria (e.g. coliforms). Table 3 is a list of the guidelines for various parameters measured in water quality testing. If measurements in a groundwater or surface water source exceed these values, the water may be unsafe to consume, and steps should be taken to reduce the values to safe levels. 4.3 Surface Water Allocation There are currently no surface water allocations on Muskeg Lake Cree Nation. Surface water allocations are grouped into four main categories: industrial, irrigation, municipal/domestic, and environmental/instream. All of Muskeg Lake Cree Nation’s water for municipal and domestic use comes from groundwater. Some surface water is used to water livestock in some pastures. 32 Table 3. Criterion Guidelines for various parameters measured in water quality testing. Criterion Guideline SWA Drinking Water Value from GCDWQ* Quality Standards and Parameter (mg/L) Objectives (mg/L) † Alkalinity ng 500 Aluminum 0.1 ng Ammonia (as nitrogen) ng ng Arsenic 0.05 0.01 Barium 1 1.0 Benzene 0.005 ng Boron 5 5.0 Cadmium 0.005 0.005 Calcium ng ng Chloride ≤ 250 250 Chromium 0.05 0.05 Color (in true color units) ≤ 15 TCU ng Copper ≤1 1.0 Corrosivity (saturation index at 4°C) ng ng Cyanide 0.2 ng Dissolved organic carbon ng <5 †† Escherichia coliform bacteria ng 0 ct/100 mL Fluoride 1.5 1.5 Hardness ng 800 Iron ≤ 0.3 0.3 Lead 0.01 0.01 Magnesium ng 200 Manganese ≤ 0.05 0.05 Mercury 0.001 ng Nitrate 45 45 pH 6.8 - 8.5 6.5 - 9.0 ng Phenols ng ng ng Phosphorus ng Potassium ng Selenium 0.01 0.01 Silver ng ng Sodium ≤ 200 300 Sulphate ≤ 500 500 ng Sum of ions 1,500 Total coliform bacteria ng 0 ct/100 mL Total dissolved solids ≤ 500 ng ng Total solids ng ng Turbidity (in NTUs) ng Uranium 0.02 0.02 Vinyl chloride 0.002 ng Zinc ≤ 5.0 5.0 *Guideline criterion values listed above are per the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality (GCDWQ) published by Health Canada as of the date of issue of this Guide (March 21, 2006). Please check with Health Canada's web site to obtain the latest criterion values of drinking water parameters. † ng = no guideline set †† ct/100 mL = count per 100 milliliters 33 4.4 Ground Water Resources 4.4.1 Geology A basic understanding of the geologic layers is necessary to assess the regional ground water resource in the watershed. Ground water moves through the spaces between particles openings and cracks in the sediments. The distribution of these sediments control the location, extent and direction of ground water flow. There are two broad categories of geological deposits found in the watershed: bedrock deposits and glacial deposits. The geological deposits have been separated and classified into Formations, which are based on the history, soil type and past depositional environment. The diagram in Appendix 5, called Shellbrook Area 73G Cross section K-K’, illustrates a simplified schematic cross section of the regional geology in the Muskeg Lake area (Millard, 1994). It is important to note that only the northernmost part of the Reserve is within the boundaries of the Shellbrook Area mapsheet, so the information within this section of the report may not apply to the whole Reserve. Most of the Reserve is located on the Saskatoon mapsheet, which SWA and the Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) have not yet completed. Bedrock formations Bedrock formations are those sediments deposited prior to glaciation and generally cover a larger area and are more consistent in thickness than the glacial deposits. The composition of the bedrock deposits in the watershed is complex, composed mainly of shales, silts, clays and fine-grained sands. The bedrock surface in this area is formed by the Lea Park Formation. The top of the Lea Park Formation also forms the base of ground water exploration. This means that useable ground water resources are not expected to occur once the top of the Lea Park Formation is reached. In the northern part of the Muskeg Lake Reserve, the top surface of the Lea Park Formation occurs at around 440 m above sea level (ASL). The Lea Park Formation consists of noncalcareous gray, marine silt and clay and bentonite beds. Glacial formations Saskatchewan was subjected to a series of glacial advances and retreats resulting in erosion and deposition of sediments. The glaciers eroded, reworked, transported, and re-distributed bedrock sediments across the landscape. Sediments deposited from the glacier included sorted and unsorted material. The sorted material was the result of glacial meltwater transporting sediments at the ice-front. These sediments were typically composed of layered deposits composed of sand, silt and clay, and gravel. The unsorted sediments were the glacial tills that were deposited in the ice. Till is defined as the unsorted mixture of silt, clay and sand. The glacial till may be weathered or unweathered depending on the environment after glaciation. The deposition of glacial 34 sediments resulted in a very complex combination of till, sand, silt and clay layers. The complexity was compounded by the repeated cycles of glacial movement over Saskatchewan. Sediments deposited by the glacier are often variable in extent, thickness, and composition as compared to the bedrock units. These glacial deposits are collectively referred to as glacial drift and are distributed throughout the watershed. Mapping on the Shellbrook map sheet suggests that regional aquifers associated with the Sutherland Group and Floral Formation occur over the northern portion of the Reserve. The Sutherland Group lies on top of the bedrock (Lea ParkUpper Colorado Group), and below the Floral Formation of the Saskatoon Group, forming a sediment layer about 0 to 50 m thick. On the northern part of the Reserve, the lower unit of the Sutherland Group is present, consisting of the Dundurn and Mennon Formations. The Sutherland Group tills are generally clayier, harder, less resistive electrically and more difficult to penetrate by drilling than the Saskatoon Group tills. The Sutherland Group is also differentiated from the Saskatoon Group because of the presence of clay pebbles in the till, and a weathering zone (characterized by leaching, oxidation, staining and other alteration features) separating the two groups (Millard, 1994). The Saskatoon Group encompasses all sediments lying between the Sutherland Group and the present surface. On the northern portion of the Muskeg Lake Reserve it occurs from roughly 440 to 520 m ASL. Around Muskeg Lake, the Saskatoon Group includes the Floral Formation (more specifically, sands and gravels), which consists of multiple tills and associated stratified units, and “Surficial Stratified Deposits.” These “Surficial Stratified Deposits” occur as glaciolacustrine (glacial lakes) and glaciofluvial (glacial meltwaters/streams) sediments and as alluvial (from rivers) sediments that were deposited by modern streams and rivers. The Floral Formation tills are commonly more sandy, more resistive electrically and have higher carbonate content than the Sutherland Group tills (Millard, 1994). Intertill aquifers are defined stratigraphically; this means that the depth to the same intertill aquifer can vary from relatively shallow to deep in different areas. They can also be quite variable in thickness. It appears that there are stratified deposits, classified as shallow intertill aquifers, within the Saskatoon Group in the Muskeg Lake region, within the lower till of the Floral Formation. Shallow intertill aquifers are rarely found at depths exceeding 60 m (Millard, 1994). Near surface aquifers The final ground water zone is the surficial stratified drift unit or the near surface zone where the ground water is more likely to be directly influenced by precipitation. The surficial stratified drift unit occurs as sediment deposited from glacial lakes, glacial rivers, wind, and as sediments deposited by streams and rivers. These deposits are deposited near the surface and are permeable to water. Wells developed in this geologic unit are shallow seepage wells 35 (generally less than 15 m deep) and bored wells. Water quality is generally less mineralized as compared to the deeper sources. This geologic unit is more prone to drought and vulnerable to surficial contamination. Recharge to the aquifer is mainly from precipitation infiltrating to the water table. Nearby surface water bodies such as lakes, river, and wetlands also contribute to recharge. The glacial drift aquifers generally receive recharge through seepage from surrounding low permeability sediments. Although the seepage is very slow, when considered over a large spatial extent, the total recharge could amount to appreciable volumes of water in the watershed. Water quality is variable from being highly mineralized to low concentrations of dissolved ions. Glacial drift aquifers are probably the most heavily utilized source of ground water in the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, ranging from domestic to industrial usage. 4.5 Ground Water Allocation The installation and design of water wells in the North Saskatchewan River Watershed vary depending on the local geology. Within the watershed, there are approximately 50% bored wells and 50% drilled wells, which indicates the variability, extent and depth of the aquifers. The majority of the water wells in the watershed are for individual domestic use (90%), followed by municipal (5.4%) and industrial (1.8%) uses. The remainder of the wells is used for other purposes such as irrigation, research, and for recreation. Similar to surface water, ground water allocations have been divided into four categories or types based upon use: domestic, industrial, irrigation and municipal. Similar to the surface water, ground water usage for non-domestic purposes requires an allocation. To learn more about non-domestic groundwater use licenses, please contact the SWA. Individual wells/domestic usages do not have to be licensed and therefore are not allocated. This makes it impossible to gauge the amount of water being removed from the groundwater system. Allocation usage is not monitored, therefore the total used may be different than the amount allocated. There are currently no industrial or irrigation groundwater allocations on Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Reserve or TLE land. In addition, because of the jurisdiction, the First Nations’ municipal and domestic wells do not have licensed/allocated water usage. 4.5.1 Industrial Industrial ground water used can be subdivided into six categories: aquiculture, bottled water, ILOs, oil recovery, process water and other. In the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, oil recovery is the largest industrial ground water user taking 96% of the total industrial allocation. Overall it contributes to 51% of the total ground water allocations in the watershed. There currently are 5 36 ILOs, 4 bottled water operation, and 4 process operations that make up the remaining 4% of the 10,500 dam3 ground water allocation. 4.5.2 Municipal – Water Treatment Plant The municipal water system for Muskeg Lake Cree Nation draws groundwater as its source from two groundwater wells. Both wells and the WTP (Figure 16a) were constructed in approximately 1990, one on the west side of the WTP (West well) and one across the road to the east of the WTP (East well). These wells supply water to approximately 105 units (houses and other buildings). The raw water is treated with chlorine (disinfection) and potassium permanganate (removal of iron) (Figure 16b). The water plant operator (WPO) has also started to treat the water with alum because of the large amount of very fine iron particles. Once treated, the water is piped through the municipal water line to the units. (a) (b) Figure 16. (a) Exterior of the WTP. (b) Chlorine and potassium permanganate used for water treatment inside the WTP. Saskatoon Tribal Council (STC) conducts the water quality testing for Muskeg Lake Cree Nation’s WTP. The Water Quality Technician collects a bacterial sample every week for analysis. The Band has had trouble in the past retaining certified WPOs, and as such, the person who is currently acting as the certified WPO lives in Saskatoon. There is a need for a full-time on-Reserve, certified WPO to operate and maintain the WTP. An on-Reserve Band member is on-call, and gets called in to the WTP generally, when needed. A Water Quality Technician from STC helps to perform maintenance and supervises the actions of the current acting WPO to ensure treatment is being done adequately. Water quality analyses were done by SWA in October 2007 for the purposes of this study; those results may be found in Appendix 4. Both of the water wells were sampled and detailed analyses of the raw water (before treatment) were completed. It was recommended by SWA that because of levels of arsenic (east and west wells) and total coliforms (east well) exceeding the maximum 37 acceptable concentrations in Saskatchewan’s Drinking Water Quality Standards and Objectives, the water from both wells should not be consumed by humans. In this report, only the raw water was sampled and tested. The treated water may have lower levels of total coliforms, but the water is currently not being treated to reduce arsenic levels. Arsenic naturally occurs in some ground water supplies, and has been commonly found in ground water in and around the Muskeg Lake area. The dissolved organic carbon (DOC) levels also exceeded the recommended levels; organic matter in water can cause aesthetic problems such as unpleasant odor, taste and colour. The organics do not post serious health problems, but can interfere with water treatment equipment, promote bacterial growth in pipes, and can generate harmful chlorinated organic compounds if the water is chlorinated. Other parameters that exceeded objectives included iron, manganese and total alkalinity. 4.5.3 Domestic Water Wells There are approximately 15 active individual or community wells that provide water for one to three houses each. Currently, all of the individual wells are not regularly tested by STC or HC; samples from random houses are tested weekly by STC. When there are serious water quality problems, the health department gives recommendations as to the steps to be taken, such as issuing boil water advisories (BWAs). Water quality analyses were done by SWA on 6 individual wells for the purposes of this study; those results may be found in Appendix 4. These results are similar to water quality results from tests done by STC. The water testing completed by SWA in 2007 determined that only 2 of the 6 domestic wells were safe to drink, although both exceeded the recommended objectives for dissolved organic carbon. The other 4 wells were deemed unsafe for human consumption because of high levels of arsenic, turbidity or nitrates. Turbidity, in simple terms, measures the suspended particles in the water, or the cloudiness of the water. These particles can be sediment, particles of dirt, clay, silt and vegetation plankton, and other microscopic organisms suspended in the water. High turbidity levels detract the appearance of water and can reduce the efficiency of disinfection. Nitrates are a health concern in water, and water containing these should not be consumed until the problem is corrected and the well site has been inspected for possible sources of contamination. The detection of nitrates in water indicates contamination resulting from decaying plant or animal material, agricultural fertilizers, manure or domestic waste. Nitrates are highly soluble in water, and can readily move through the soil to the ground water. In general, the following aesthetic objectives were exceeded: hardness, DOC, iron, manganese, sum of ions, and sulphates. Sodium and total alkalinity were also high in one well. These aesthetic parameters do not necessarily cause serious health problems, but may adversely affect the taste, smell, and colour of 38 the water. They may also stain fixtures and clothing, promote the growth of certain types of bacteria, and reduce the efficiency of water treatment and distribution systems. Site inspections of the individual wells show that some of these wells are not well maintained, may not have been constructed properly in the first place, and there are many wells that are inactive, but have not been decommissioned properly to protect the groundwater and for public safety (Figure 17). Livestock may also often have access to areas immediately surrounding the wells (i.e., no buildings or fences to protect the wells), which may be a concern for well and aquifer contamination. In the wells sampled by SWA, possible contamination may be a result of the following things observed immediately around the wells: cracked cement pads around wells, storage of agricultural and other chemicals near the wells or in the yard, trees nearby, well caps not properly sealed, septic tanks nearby and old, abandoned wells nearby. (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 17. (a)-(c) Uncapped and improperly sealed wells allow bugs, rodents, etc., to enter the wells and possibly contaminate the water. (d) Wells should be a recommended distance from possible sources of contamination such as septic tanks, abandoned vehicles, waste, livestock, etc. 39 5.0 Current Watershed Management Interests There are many different factors which can influence water quality and quantity. These include the variability in annual precipitation and the hydrological extremes of drought and floods. 5.1 Hydrological Concerns Because of droughts, climate change, and natural variations in the climate, concerns have been raised about the shortage of water. Over the last 10 or 20 years, most lake levels have been in decline until the recent rains in 2004. 5.1.1 Increasing Water Use by Alberta Please consult the Preliminary Background Report of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed or contact the PPWB for more information about this issue. 5.1.2 Drought Droughts are complex phenomena with no standard definition. In the Canadian Prairies, droughts of various severities, durations and geographic extents are normal. Catastrophic droughts are a natural, regular feature of the Canadian Prairies. Analysis of meteorological records and proxy data for the past 200 years suggests that the climate in western Canada has been relatively benign during the past century (Environment Canada, 2004). Research by the University of Regina, Drs. Leavitt and Chen, indicates that the drought of the 1930s was only the fifth mildest in the past 1,000-2,000 years and that the average drought lasts 12 years. Droughts of 40 years duration are not uncommon. The most prolonged dry period lasted 500 years. The climate in the 20th century was one of the wettest on record (Lee, 2005). Drought conditions had persisted for a number of years over the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, however rainfall during the summer and fall of 2004 were well above normal, particularly in the eastern part of the watershed. On the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Reserve, the south part of Muskeg/Paddling Lake dried up in some years during the 1930s. When this occurred, residents of the Reserve used to make hay in the dried-up lakebed. 5.1.3 Current and Future Water Allocations vs. Water Availability Refer to the Preliminary Background Report of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed or the SWA to find out more about how water is allocated for projects. 5.1.4 Impact of Beavers on Flooding Beaver dams usually have only localized flooding impacts. That is, the area flooded or waterlogged by the dam itself fails, a localized area downstream could receive incrementally higher flood levels than would otherwise occur. The cumulative effects of many beaver dams in a watershed would be to moderate 40 flood flows in low and medium runoff years; in high runoff years, this moderating effect would be diminished. Sometimes beavers dam up the culvert in the road by the Band office, coming from Muskeg/Paddling Lake. This causes the lake level to rise, but does not often flood the land. 5.1.5 Flood Risk Management There are four phases in dealing with any type of natural disaster or crisis, including flooding. They are: mitigation, preparation, response and recovery. These phases can be followed by communities, businesses, organizations, and individuals. Mitigation means taking measures in advance to avoid and/or minimize the risk. Preparation implies planning for how you will respond to the event. In Saskatchewan, communities and provincial departments and agencies are required to have an Emergency Planning Officer and to develop an Emergency Plan. As an emergency plan develops, the response will either follow the Emergency Plan or be ad-hoc if there is no plan. Recovery refers to the actions taken to restore normal operations and functions and should include a review of the response to see how well the mitigation measures, planning and response dealt with the emergency. See the Preliminary Background Report of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed or the SWA for more information on flood risk management. 5.1.6 Climate Change and Water Resources Many scientists around the world now recognize that humans are having an impact on the Earth’s climate – our world is getting warmer. Climate is naturally variable, and has changed greatly over the history of the Earth. Over the past two million years, the Earth’s climate has alternated between ice ages and warm, interglacial periods. On shorter time scales, climate changes continuously. For example, over the last 10,000 years, most parts of Canada have experienced climate conditions that, at different times, were warmer, cooler, wetter and drier than experienced at present (Warren, 2004). Climate scenarios provide information on how future human activities are expected to alter the composition of the atmosphere, how this may affect the global climate, and how changes in climate may affect natural systems and human activities. Climate scenarios offer a quantitative description of the changes in climate to be expected. Climate scenarios are not predictions but are plausible indications of what the future could be like given a specific set of assumptions. These assumptions include future trends in energy demand, emissions of greenhouse gases, land use changes as well as assumptions about the behavior of the climate system over long time scales. Climate scenarios for the ecoregions of Saskatchewan were constructed using data from the Canadian Climate Impacts Scenarios website: 41 General climate change projections for the prairies are summarized below: Temperature: increasing; greater change in winter than summer Precipitation: great uncertainty; annually small decrease to significant increase Evaporation: mixed increases, decreases, or no change depending on location and season Soil moisture: decrease Growing season: increased length Water resources: increased variability; earlier peak flows Extreme events: increased frequency and magnitude 5.1.7 Water Conservation The Government of Saskatchewan has made a commitment to develop a water conservation plan by the end of 2005. In 2004, SWA released the document – “CONSERVING OUR WATER - A Water Conservation Plan for Saskatchewan – A Discussion Guide for Public Consultation.” This document was the first step in developing the water conservation plan. It summarizes all of major water issues, as well as poses a series of consultative questions for interested Saskatchewan residents. From this discussion guide, the SWA produced the “Saskatchewan Water Conservation Plan” in 2006. Both documents are available online at: Metering of water use in urban communities has been demonstrated to be a costeffective means of water conservation but for rural use, there are few instances of metering programs other than those tied to rural water distribution systems. However, there is a strong assumption that most rural water users are already conserving water because of dugout or well capacity limitations, as well as limitations due to water quality, in-home treatment costs, and/or issues around wastewater treatment and effluent disposal. 5.2 Oil and Gas Industry Although there is no water supply problem at the present time, concerns have been raised about the use of fresh water for enhanced oil extraction. These mainly revolve around the loss of fresh water from the hydrological cycle, but also with the usage of ground water when the supply is not well understood. There are a number of regulations in place to ensure protection of surface and ground water from oil and gas exploration and extraction. For further information, please see the Preliminary Background Report of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed. Because there is no oil and gas development activity on the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, this may not necessarily be a great concern to the First Nations people; however, they should be aware of this concern in the rest of the watershed. 42 5.3 Agricultural Concerns 5.3.1 Managing Livestock Production Livestock operations that confine animals temporarily or on a permanent basis need to be managed in such a way that minimizes the impacts to soil, water, and air. Livestock operations may not be ideally located or managed and issues related to soil nutrient loading, surface water, ground water, riparian health and odor may exist irrespective of size. Producers need to be aware of their potential impact on surface and ground water and the importance of evaluating their sites and taking any necessary corrective actions to protect these resources. Producers across Saskatchewan are applying practical solutions to address these issues. These solutions include: Good site selection Reducing the concentration of animals Water development Runoff and erosion control Buffer strips Manure management planning Effective manure application and timing Controlled access, and Relocation of facilities Data on the kilometers of stream course and survey data from two flights were combined with 1996 Agricultural Census data to estimate the number of cattle wintering sites in the province that might trigger the AOA, which is administered by SA. Of approximately 21,000 cattle operations in Saskatchewan, there are an estimated 11,000 that could require approval under the Act, with the largest percentage occurring in the grassland regions of the province. However, this estimate is at best preliminary as it is based on a survey limited to 300 km along major water courses. 5.3.2 Intensive Livestock Operations Please refer to the Preliminary Background Report of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed or SA, Agricultural Operations Branch. 5.3.3 Manure Management Manure is a valuable nutrient source which, if used properly, has the potential to create economic benefits through cost reduction of commercial fertilizers. At the same time, utilizing this by-product in an environmentally-sound manner enhances soil quality through addition of organic matter and improved soil tilth. Manure exists in both solid and liquid form, and contains low concentrations of both macronutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, and micronutrients, such as calcium and copper. The macronutrient concentration in hog, cattle and poultry manure and commercial fertilizer are listed in Table 4. 43 Table 4. Nutrient composition of select manures and commercial fertilizer (Preliminary Background Report of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, SWA 2005). Commercial Solid Beef Solid Poultry Liquid Swine Fertilizer Nutrient (kg / tonne) (kg / tonne) (lb / 1000 gal) (kg / tonne) Nitrogen 3 – 16 3–9 2–6 240 Phosphorus 1–3 4 – 13 0.1 – 2 85 Potassium 3–8 4–8 1–2 85 Sulfur <2 1–3 < 0.5 72 When animals are housed indoors, rainfall and snowmelt is prevented from reaching manure and other substances that could potentially contaminate surrounding areas through surface runoff and soil leaching. Outdoors, holding ponds for solid manure and earthen manure storage lagoons (EMS) for liquid effluent are constructed to prevent surface runoff and deep leaching. Liquid swine effluent, if stored in an EMS lagoon, does not lead to increased populations of pathogenic organisms (e.g. E. coli), because the storage lagoons have a hostile environment that kill most pathogenic microorganisms. Table 5 summarizes typical manure management for various species. Table 5. Manure management for beef, dairy, hog and poultry operations (Preliminary Background Report of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, SWA 2005). Beef Dairy Hogs Poultry Housing Pen/pasture Barn/pasture Barn Barn Manure Type Solid Liquid Liquid Solid Holding pond EMS/tank EMS Barn Application Frequency 2 x / year 2 x / year 2 x / year 6 x / year Application Method Surface Surface Injection Surface Manure Storage Manure is generally applied to the land using two methods: injection of liquid manure below the soil surface, and surface broadcast and incorporation of solid manure. Manure injection is an effective way to apply manure to farmland because it reduces odor, eliminates volatilization of nitrogen-based gases (hence more readily-available N), and combined with a balanced crop nutrient prescription greatly restricts nutrient movement. The increase in soil moisture following liquid injection equates to approximately a half inch of rainfall. Saskatchewan researchers were instrumental in development of this technology with the assistance of the Agricultural Development Fund (ADF). Proper surfacebroadcast of manure includes soil incorporation, which binds manure to soil aggregates, and results in a slower release of plant-available nutrients as organic matter is decomposed. 44 When manure is treated as a waste, it is usually disposed of in solely the most economical method (near to the manure source), which often results in manure accumulations that may ultimately cause environmental problems. Research has shown that where manure is over-applied (greater than the agronomic rate) nitrates will migrate down the soil profile, posing a threat to groundwater. However, this risk can be effectively eliminated through the adoption of the following best management practices for manure application: Knowing what is in the manure (manure nutrient analysis) Determining the nutrients available in the soil (soil testing) Matching crop nutrient demand to total nutrients applied (in manure and commercial fertilizers) Applying manure through injection or surface broadcast and incorporation Record keeping and monitoring 5.3.4 Riparian Area Management Riparian areas serve many important functions in the watershed. Healthy riparian areas with abundant vegetation will trap sediment, filter farm chemical residues, minimize erosion and wave action, and recharge ground water. Vegetation found in the riparian zone is water tolerant and typically includes thick dense brush, trees, or grasses, the roots of which bind the soil together and help to stabilize the banks. Streambank vegetation slows water flows resulting in less instream and bank erosion. A healthy riparian area is vital to maintaining water quality and reducing erosion (Figure 18). Healthy and functioning riparian areas also serve to maintain cooler water temperature, natural stream channel shape (i.e. deep and narrow vs. shallow and wide) and slow the natural wandering of a river across its floodplain. Unprotected streambanks and lake shores will result in rapidly eroded shorelines, especially during high water events. (a) (b) Figure 18. Examples of riparian areas and wetlands. (a) Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, (b) Witchekan Lake eastern shoreline. 45 Maintained riparian areas can have a positive impact on agriculture. They provide productive grazing areas if properly managed and will help to minimize salinity build-up around wetlands and sloughs. Conversely, cultivation, burning, and/or overgrazing of riparian areas will result in vegetation loss and the loss of the riparian area to serve to protect water supplies. Several different agencies have regulations that can assist in the management of riparian areas. These include Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Fisheries Act), Environment Canada (Fisheries Act), Saskatchewan Environment (EMPA), and local municipalities with zoning and bylaws (under the Planning and Development Act). For further information on these pieces of legislation please see the Preliminary Background Report of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed. 5.3.5 Drainage and Wetland Loss Wetlands play an important hydrological role in storing and releasing water, filtering contaminants, recharging local and regional ground water supplies, erosion prevention and possibly regulating peak floodwater flows. Wetlands store water and help reduce flooding during runoff, but become less effective in larger runoff events. Drainage programs have been in place since the late 1920s. The majority of all the land that could be easily drained in Saskatchewan was done so by the end of the 1970s. This was also the time when grain prices were very high. Therefore a significant amount of land was drained to allow for more acres to be farmed. In 1981, an approval process for drainage works was put into place. Works constructed prior to 1981 do not require approval but are subject to complaints. Additional information on the approval process for surface water drainage can be obtained by contacting the SWA. The Government of Saskatchewan has estimated that 40% of wetlands in the southern half of the province have been lost since settlement due to drainage and degradation, while half of those remaining are threatened by future development (Huel et al., 2000). The extent and amount of drainage in the North Saskatchewan River Watershed is not known. Further study would be required to determine the amount of drained wetlands. Flood control projects often result in the drainage of wetlands. Drainage has the potential to increase water velocity. As velocity increases, water can carry more sediment. When velocity is decreased, such as flows entering an impoundment or a level portion of ditch or channel, the water will deposit its sediment load. During high runoff events, wetlands will fill and spill to downstream. The amount of water added from drained wetland areas during a high runoff event is small when compared to the total volume of flood waters. Therefore, during high runoff events, drainage has little impact on downstream water flows and flooding but can add to flows in low to medium flood events. Drainage generally serves to increase peak flows and to decrease flow duration. 46 Wetland drainage is often as much a cultural as an economic decision. Topography is also a major factor influencing drainage e.g. landowners near creek systems are more likely to drain because of the slope and gentle undulations conducive to wetland drainage. The province recognizes the importance of wetlands and the SWA has committed to the updating of our Drainage Policy which will guide the Authority’s approach to regulating and managing drainage and wetland retention issues (SWA Performance Plan 20052006). 5.3.6 Chemical Usage Fertilizers By providing valuable nutrients and pest control, the usage of fertilizers and pesticides is a significant part of today’s agricultural landscape. Current concerns about agricultural chemicals center on storage, application and disposal. Fertilizers are used to replace the nutrients lost due to continual cropping, and are most effectively used as part of a balanced fertilization plan that aims to maximize economic return and maintain environmental quality. Nutrients (especially nitrogen) contribute primarily to grain yield and forage biomass production, and at the same time to protein. While most soils in the agricultural region Saskatchewan are relatively fertile, nutrient limitations often exist, and the application of nutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and sulfur (S) can boost crop production. The two main components of fertilizer that are of the greatest concern to source water quality are N and P. However, proper management of agricultural fertilizer applications abates nutrient movement to surface and groundwater sources. Nitrogen fertilizer, whether organic or inorganic, is biologically transformed to nitrate that is highly soluble in water, which means that while it is readily absorbed by plant roots, it also is highly mobile and can move with water as surface runoff or leach down through the soil profile, making it unavailable for plant uptake. Crop producers, therefore, need to match N applications to predicted crop uptake. Phosphorus, unlike N, is not highly soluble and is strongly sorbed by soil particles, thus limiting its movement within the soil solution. Movement of P occurs when soil particles themselves are redistributed through erosion. Surface water loading of N and P results in eutrophication and water quality deterioration, while N migration into groundwater has potential human and animal health risks. Agricultural producers develop comprehensive nutrient management plans to prevent nutrient (and $$) losses from their land. Decisions regarding fertilizer application focus on balancing crop nutrient demand with available and applied nutrients. Three common guidelines are described as “right rate,” “right time” and “right method.” Soil testing to determine availability of N along with other 47 nutrients and the assessment of stored soil moisture is critical to selecting the appropriate rate of fertilizer to match crop yield. Fertilizers are commonly surface-applied and incorporated, or injected directly into the soil. These methods prevent nutrient losses due to runoff and enhance rapid soil-crop coverage by increasing fertilizer use efficiency. Average fertilizer application rates in Saskatchewan vary with crop type and soil nutrient and moisture conditions, however they generally range from 20 to 80 lb/ac and 10 to 50 lb/ac for N and P, respectively. Pesticides Pesticides are chemical substances used to prevent, control and/or destroy unwanted plant or animal life, such as bacteria, fungus, insects, nematodes, weeds and rodents. Pesticide use in agricultural production includes products such as herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides, and occurs for the purpose of improving productivity and controlling future pest infestations. All pesticides used for domestic and commercial application are regulated by the Pest Control Products (Saskatchewan) Act. The Act legislates licensed action to permit, sell, and apply pesticides on public and private land. As well, regulations regarding the registration, storage, application, and disposal of pesticide products and containers are formally established through a series of articles, which include: Designation of pesticides Pesticide label requirements Prohibition to apply to or near open bodies of water Backflow control devices Storage procedure and facilities Treated grains Container disposal Product label and other extension information provide users the necessary guidelines for safe pesticide application. By far the predominant pest control products used in Saskatchewan are herbicides for weed control. Herbicides are designed to selectively work through one of two general modes of action: a) cellular disruption upon contact; or through b) ingestion and subsequent disruption of plant system functioning. The active chemical constituents of herbicides are intended to decompose into less complex components of the soil organic fraction. Many factors interact to influence the efficacy of herbicides, such as water quality, carrier volume, weed growth stage, weed susceptibility and environmental factors. The importance of application timing cannot be overstressed in order to maximize yield benefits from herbicide application. In order to achieve greater sustainability and ecological integration, crop production systems have emphasized minimal soil disturbance on both active 48 and fallow cropland, which has led to herbicide development and use to control weeds. The 2001 Census of Agriculture recorded 51% of crop and forage land in Saskatchewan was treated with herbicides, and 71% of all reporting Saskatchewan farms used herbicides. As well, land to which chem fallow was practiced increased 31% from 1996 to 2001. The use of in-crop herbicides is often very important in determining the success or failure of a crop. However, other cultural and biological practices are often implemented before and after herbicide application to help reduce weed competition. Examples of this include using short-term forages in a crop rotation to reduce weed populations, or early seeding and fertilizer banding to give the crop an advantage over weeds. The use of these practices is termed integrated weed management (IWM). Herbicides are applied over large areas of agricultural land and may move from treated fields into the broader environment through atmospheric deposition, spray drift, and soil and water erosion. The following statements highlight our current understanding of pesticides and Saskatchewan’s surface water resources. Almost all water samples taken in Saskatchewan have pesticide readings that are significantly below aquatic life protection and drinking water standards. Some of the pesticides found in samples have never been used in Saskatchewan, highlighting the importance of global air patterns in pesticide distribution. New technology has allowed detection of pesticides at increasingly lower levels (parts per billion). Most media reports about detection do not refer to how significantly those levels are below aquatic and drinking water standards. While most of the individual chemical readings are significantly below standards, concern has been expressed about the cumulative effects of the various pesticide combinations that might be found in any given sample. Research is also going on to understand the pesticide levels found in water bodies and wetlands (seasonal and permanent) and dugouts that do not flow like the streams and rivers where sampling is normally done. Technological improvements have significantly improved nozzle performance and application control, as well as reducing the amount of pesticide drift. Pesticide movement from the soil to surface waters is influenced by how strongly the herbicide binds to the soil and how long the herbicide remains in the soil. Under drought conditions carryover of herbicide residue in the soil can occur, which can be detrimental to the following year’s crop. The transport of pesticides in the soil to water bodies has been significantly reduced with the conversion of marginal lands to forage and the adoption of minimum and no-till practices by producers. 49 While minimum and no-till practices have resulted in an increase in active ingredient per hectare per year than conventional tillage, it must be noted that the soil environment under no-till supports a more diverse microbial community for a quicker and more complete breakdown of active ingredients. Pesticide complaints are categorized as either a product performance or drift issue. Product performance complaints are generally resolved between the producer and the chemical representative and/or dealer, but occasionally may require third party inspection and documentation. The Regional Compliance Office of HC’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) may be contacted if the product is suspect (e.g. improper active ingredient concentration or misleading statement on the label direction). Resolution of drift complaints vary from simple producer-to-producer (applicator) communication and agreement on a level of compensation to civil and criminal court action. If the pesticide was applied by a commercial applicator, a SA Pesticide Complaint Form should be completed. Documentation of spray records (location, date, time, product and rate), weather conditions and purpose for the application is necessary to establish legal responsibility. The PMRA and the Provincial Pesticide Investigator are involved in resolving drift complaints; however, neither organization is capable of deciding compensation, as this is a civil court decision. 5.4 Community Impacts Cities, towns and resort communities concentrate people and result in the concentration of garbage and sewage wastes and the issues around the treatment and disposal of these wastes. In addition, storm water runoff from lawns, parking lots and roads provide a direct source of contaminants to drain into river and lake supplies. 5.4.1 Sewage Treatment and Effluent Releases Private sewage systems such as those found on rural farms or acreages are dealt with in the Plumbing and Drainage Regulations and are regulated by the local health authority. (For further clarification concerning on-farm/acreage systems, it is recommended that both you local Health and SE officials be contacted.) For private sewage systems, there are several factors which should be considered in their construction and operation. Basic factors to be considered include treatment and discharge locations related to the originating source, proximity to other buildings and dwellings, proximity to wells and surface water, and to soil conditions in the area. Some common methods of treatment and disposal for private works include septic tanks with liquid discharge to an absorption field, a mound system, a seepage pit, or a jet disposal system onto the surface. For a septic tank, the solids which settle in the tank must be pumped out and disposed of appropriately; typically by spreading on agricultural land or in a municipal waste water treatment facility. In some cases due to the 50 location of a dwelling with private sewage works, the local health authority may require the installation of a sewage holding tank. In this case all solids and liquids from the tank must be pumped out and disposed of properly. A final means of sewage disposal and treatment from private sewage works is through treatment in a sewage lagoon. The lagoon is constructed and sized according to the number of people that will be using the lagoon. The installation and construction of any private sewage works must be conducted with an appropriate permit obtained from the local health authority and is subject to inspection during construction by a public health inspector. Saskatchewan Environment regulates municipal wastewater systems which include sewage collection, mechanical treatment, and/or lagoon treatment facilities. Waste water collection and treatment facilities are permitted under The Water Regulations, 2002, which also specify minimum requirements for wastewater treatment facilities. Saskatchewan Environment has A Guide to Sewage Works Design, which is commonly referred to in the construction and upgrading of municipal wastewater facilities. The most common means of municipal wastewater treatment in the province is through the use of facultative lagoons. This type of lagoon takes advantage of naturally-occurring aerobic and anaerobic bacteria to break down organic matter in the wastewater. Facultative lagoons must have a minimum of two cells operating in series, with the primary cell not exceeding a Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) load of 30 kg per hectare per day, and a secondary storage cell with 180 days holding capacity. Effluent is typically discharged from the lagoon storage cell after the 180 days holding period and is limited to the period between April and October. Saskatchewan Environment can impose additional treatment requirements and limits on effluent quality, such as disinfection or nutrient reduction of discharged effluents. Information is available on the status and potential impacts of 30 wastewater treatment systems in the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, 19 in the North Battleford and 11 in the Prince Albert areas in the Preliminary Background Report of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed. Of these, 11 discharge directly or indirectly into waters that could enter the North Saskatchewan River. Ten other systems have effluent that could enter the groundwater. Muskeg Lake Cree Nation has a two-cell sewage lagoon located on SE-02-4707-3 (Figure 19). Sewage lines pipe the sewage from the core area of the Reserve (including Gregville) into the lagoon. A microbial decomposer is in the first cell of the lagoon. The microbial decomposer “eats” the raw sewage, reducing the amount of waste left in the lagoon and the water, and speeding up decomposition. The lagoon also allows the waste to sediment out, separating the solid matter from the liquid waste. If the wastewater level gets too high in the first cell, the fluids overflow into the second cell. The fluid in the lagoon can only leave by evaporation – it has never been drained. According to the study by Pinter and Associates (2004), the lagoon is oversized, and may not be operating to its full potential because of changes made to it from the original design. They 51 also raised the concern that because the lagoon has never been drained, there is the potential that the waste (contaminants and nutrients) is infiltrating into shallow groundwater and the soil. They noted that in other communities, infiltration such as this has produced salt and nitrate/nitrite impacts in the soils and shallow groundwater. There is also a lot of vegetation growing around the lagoon, which may compromise the lagoon’s liner and cause leaks. Approximately half of the units on the Reserve are on the municipal wastewater system and half have individual septic tanks/infiltration systems. For those houses with septic systems, the septic tanks are emptied into a truck; the sewage waste is transported to the lagoon and is treated in the same fashion as the piped sewage from the core area. (a) View looking northeast (b) View looking northeast (c) View looking north at outlet to second cell of lagoon. Figure 19. Muskeg Lake Cree Nation’s sewage lagoon. 5.4.2 Waste Disposal Grounds Muskeg Lake Cree Nation’s current waste disposal site is located on the west side of SE-02-47-07-W3, near the Gregville townsite. It has been in use since approximately 1989, although the Band is currently filling its third trenched pit at the same site. There are no existing policies about what materials and objects can and cannot go into the waste disposal site. In addition, there is no recycling program on the Reserve. The waste disposal site also often burns about every 2 to 3 weeks (generally when there is a south wind) (Figure 20). This may have a 52 negative impact on the environment, especially on air quality. There is concern about how this site can be maintained and where some items (e.g. appliances, vehicles, etc.) can be taken to be properly disposed of or recycled. In the past, garbage was often burned in barrels or pits at the household level, and objects that would not burn or were too large were taken to the bush or sloughs. There are also many auto salvage sites, some of which are large enough or have existed long enough to have potentially negative environmental impacts from chronic leaks of automobile-related fluids and other materials (Pinter and Associates, 2004). (a) View in landfill trench (b) Burning garbage in landfill (c) Discarded appliances beside landfill Figure 20. Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Landfill. There are also many yards on the Reserve that may be considered small waste disposal sites, with many old appliances, agricultural chemical containers, abandoned fuel storage tanks, miscellaneous garbage and toys, lumber, etc. (Figure 21). In the findings of Pinter and Associates (2004), some of these sites have hazardous materials in them that could potentially impact the environment. These smaller dumpsites may not have immediate environmental impacts, but over time the materials may decompose and release contaminants into the ground and water. Some of these old dumpsites may also have been overgrown by vegetation or filled in with soil, and therefore they may be difficult to find and clean up to eliminate or reduce potential environmental impacts. 53 (a) Agricultural chemical containers (b) Agricultural chemical containers (c) Old fuel storage tanks (d) Empty automotive fluid jugs (e) Empty hydraulic oil pails (f) Abandoned tanks (g) Empty agricultural chemical containers (h) Empty agricultural chemical container Figure 21. Potential waste disposal sites and sources of contamination in individual yards. 54 5.5 Recreational Developments There are a number of recreational lakes in the watershed. The natural beauty of these lakes, coupled with the recreation potential has resulted in the development of cottages and resorts. The resulting increase in population can have impacts on the water and lake environment. It is critical that all developments have proper sewage waste treatment. A leaky system, improper surface application or improper mounding can result in contamination to the lake. The development of cottages can decrease the natural vegetation buffer zone around lakes. As more cottages are developed, more of the natural vegetation may be removed. The loss of riparian vegetation by replacement with concrete, short mowed grass, and pathways will result in the natural buffering capacity of the riparian zone being lost and increased runoff with associated contamination. Riparian zones filter out contaminants, protect the bank and property from erosion and provide valuable fish and wildlife habitat. Other activities such as importing sand to create manmade beaches, especially where beaches are not natural or sustainable, will lead to water quality problems and a loss of fish habitat. Poorly designed docks and marinas will contribute to erosion and silting by changing shoreline water movements. Boating activity through fuel spills and poorly maintained motors can deteriorate water quality. Boating-related wave action can damage fish and wildlife habitat. The use of all terrain vehicles (ATVs) in riparian areas is also a concern. These vehicles can destroy the vegetation and result in increased erosion and bank destabilization. There are many beneficial management practices that can help eliminate and minimize the impacts of increased activity on and around recreational lakes. The book “On the Living Edge: Your Handbook for Waterfront Living” (Kipp and Calaway, 2003) provides cottage owners and other shoreline users with environmentally friendly practices to protect water quality and sustain the natural beauty of their lake. These practices should be considered if the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Band decides to develop Mistawasis Lake or any of the other lakes on its land, to minimize human impacts on the environment, and the water in particular. 5.6 Road Maintenance and Road Salts The main Reserve of Muskeg Lake Cree Nation only has gravel roads running through it, and therefore there are no road salting or de-icing activities that take place on the Reserve. The road maintenance is done by the Band, and in areas, the adjacent RMs. 5.7 Ground Water Well Decommissioning Ground water protection is dependant upon overlaying soil material. Because of fracturing, water permeability or flow through glacial tills and clays will be high in the top few metres of soil. This allows contaminants to move quickly through this 55 zone; however, with increasing depth, permeability decreases rapidly. Once a depth of 10 metres (30 ft) is reached, permeabilities in clays and tills are very low, resulting in almost indiscernible contaminant movement. Contaminants will tend to flow vertically in low permeability materials. As well, clays and till act to filter and remove contaminants, along with physically slowing their movement. For example, clay is very effective at binding chemicals and organic matter through ion exchange and chemical bonding. While not nearly as effective as clay or till, sand will provide a limited buffer to filter out contaminants. Aquifers overlain by sand and especially gravel must be regarded as sensitive areas, susceptible to ground water contamination. This has obvious implications for gravel and sand quarries. A well provides a direct conduit for contaminants to reach an aquifer, since a drilled or bored well bypasses the overlying protective sediment layers. The location of a well is an important consideration and should be located away from water runs, surface pooling and all potential contaminants. Where a well cannot be located on a well drained site, the casing should be left several feet above the ground. The area around the casing should then be built up with clay or till and landscaped to ensure that water is diverted away from the casing. Improper well decommissioning or abandonment poses a high risk concerning ground water contamination, public safety, machinery damage, and increased liability. Proper well decommissioning is critical in protecting water supplies (Figure 22). Decommissioning methods need to be tailored for individual wells; however, some general procedures to decommission wells can be followed. These include shock chlorination of the well, excavating and removing the casing to below the water intake and frost line, filling large diameter well with clean chlorinated sand or drilled well with pressurized bentonite slurry, capping with a 0.15 m (6 inch) bentonite pad, and then backfilling and mounding with clay (Figure 23). For more information contact the SWA or Saskatchewan Water Inquiry Line at 1-800-SASKH20 (1-800-727-5420). This is a referral service that will forward the request to the appropriate agency. There are many groundwater wells on the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Reserve. Approximately 17 are in active use, and at least 25 are abandoned. There may be more than this number, but they were not found when this study was conducted because residents did not know of them, could not find the locations, or they had been (improperly) filled in with rocks and/or soil. Only two of these abandoned wells have been properly decommissioned at this time. The decommissionings were completed as part of a capacity building strategy by FNACS, who contracted Anderson Pumphouse, North Battleford, to do the work. The Band does plan on decommissioning abandoned wells in the spring 2008 and will likely complete the task itself, unless the residents do not want inactive wells decommissioned for any reason (such as for livestock use). 56 Figure 22. Abandoned wells should be properly decommissioned to avoid contamination and for public safety. They should not be used for waste disposal. Figure 23. Procedure for decommissioning a large diameter (bored) well (Source: SWA). 5.7 Water Borne Pathogens The low numbers of enteric (intestinal) disease reported indicate that existing water supplies are relatively safe, because if they were not, the rates would be very much higher. The mode of transmission for enteric disease can be food, water or person to person contact, and unfortunately the data does not differentiate. Even though the disease may be reported locally, this does not mean that the disease was contracted in the Health Region. In fact, many cases relate to out-of-country travel. See Section 6.3, Impact on Microorganisms, and their benefits of reducing pathogens in water supplies. 57 6.0 Upland and Wetland Conservation Uplands, riparian buffers and wetlands are vital components of watersheds and freshwater sustainability in Saskatchewan. These landcover components provide many functions that maintain and enhance source water quality while at the same time providing valuable wildlife habitat. Information from this section is based upon a variety of Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) publications including “Natural Values” (Gabor et al., 2004) and “The Role of Canadian Wetlands for Improving Water Quality” (Ross, 2003) which were compiled from over 240 scientific papers. 6.1 Upland Areas Upland conservation programs, such as no-till and permanent perennial cover, slow surface runoff, trap sediments and promote infiltration, consequently reducing the amount of sediments, nutrients and pesticides entering the water. The most beneficial outcome of implementing conservation tillage and permanent perennial cover is erosion reduction. Erosion from wind, rain and runoff can be reduced up to 99%. The results of increased surface crop residue and perennial vegetation are greater site stability, infiltration and protection. Upland cover has shown to be effective in reducing up to 90% of N, up to 91% of P and up to 100% of pesticides in runoff, but there is potential for increased leaching through the soil profile to ground water. Although conservation tillage has not always reduced nutrient and pesticide leaching, this practice is recommended because the benefits outweigh the potential drawbacks. Land seeded to perennial cover results in fewer pesticides and less fertilizer being applied and subsequently lost to runoff. Currently there is insufficient information to correlate upland conservation practices and pathogen movement. 6.2 Riparian Areas Riparian areas are the transition zone between uplands and wetlands, streams or lakes. Due to increased water availability, this zone is usually characterized by dense vegetation. Riparian areas/vegetative buffer strips can effectively control erosion by forming a physical barrier that slows the surface flow of sediment and debris, by stabilizing wetland edges and stream banks, and by promoting infiltration. The required width of a buffer size is determined by the type of vegetation present, the extent and impact of the adjacent land use, and the functional value of the receiving wetland. Studies have found the bulk of sediment removal in surface runoff occur in the first few meters of the buffer zone. A vegetative buffer strip can effectively remove 75-97% of the sediment load. Buffer strips can effectively remove nutrients from surface water flow. The main mechanisms of nitrate removal are uptake by vegetation roots and anaerobic microbial denitrification in the saturated zone of the soil. Relatively narrow 58 buffers seem to be very effective in reducing 35-96% of N. Phosphorus reduction has been found to be 27-97% effective in buffer strips that contain both woody, herbaceous vegetation, grasses and cropped buffer systems. Buffer strips can also trap a significant proportion of pathogens (up to 74% of fecal coliforms). Low soil moisture and high soil temperature substantially decrease survival of total and fecal coliform bacteria. The key process for pesticide retention in buffer strips is infiltration. Grass buffer strips can reduce pesticides by 8-100%. In the North Saskatchewan River Watershed the natural riparian habitat has been altered by various landscape activities such as industry, agriculture and urban development. No systematic riparian assessment has been conducted, however. Riparian areas can be dominated by sedge, grass or rush communities, by shrub communities, forest communities, or even lichen-encrusted rock communities. Each of these community types offers different ecosystem functions and they are not readily interchangeable. Each of these community types also has certain environmental requirements to remain stable. Forest community types, particularly in the Boreal Forest, require periodic disturbance (e.g. fire) in order to renew themselves as the common tree species are largely shade intolerant or moderately so. Areas adjacent to watercourses (e.g. lakes, streams, rivers) are typically exposed to similar forms of disturbance as non-riparian areas. While certain topographical features (e.g. islands, peninsulas) and vegetation community types (e.g. sphagnum bogs, willow fens) and other features (e.g. prevailing winds) can make portions of these areas less susceptible to the same frequency, intensity or type of disturbance (e.g. fire), their function can be impaired or altered by removing their disturbance/renewal regime. 6.3 Wetland Areas The hydrological functions of wetlands include the storage and eventual release of surface water, recharge of local and regional ground water supplies, reduction in peak floodwater flows, de-synchronization of flood peaks, and erosion prevention. Position in the landscape, location of the water table, soil permeability, slope and moisture conditions all influence the ability of wetlands to hold back floodwaters. Wetland drainage reduces the watershed’s capacity to naturally hold back runoff during flood events. Maintaining and restoring wetlands on the landscape reduces overland flow rates and therefore potential flooding. Recharge of ground water is an extremely important function of some wetlands. Water percolates slowly from wetlands to aquifers. Interactions between wetlands and local or regional ground water supplies are complex, site-specific and are affected by the position of the wetland with respect to ground water flow systems, geologic characteristics of the substrate, and climate. 59 Wetlands are extremely complex systems. They retain nutrients in buried sediments, and convert inorganic nutrients to organic biomass. Their shallow water depth maximizes water-soil contact and therefore maximizes microbial processing of nutrients and other material in the overlying waters. Wetlands can be effective nitrate sinks in agricultural landscapes (over 80% removal). Phosphorus retention in wetlands can also be significant (up to 94%) and is accomplished through adsorption onto particles, precipitation with metals and incorporation into living biomass. Wetlands can reduce the impacts of sedimentation on water quality within watersheds. Hydrology is a primary determinant of the sediment-retention capacity of a wetland and controls the source, amount and spatial and temporal distribution of sediment inputs. The percent of wetland area and position are important to reduce sediment loads passing through the system. High levels of biological productivity in wetlands result in dissipation of pesticides due to profuse submersed (underwater) and emergent plant growth that increases surface area availability for pesticide adsorption, plant sequestration, microbial degradation, and from wetland exposure, primarily due to adsorption to organic matter in sediments and decomposing litter. Impact on Microorganisms Many infectious diseases are transmitted through animal and human feces. Waterborne pathogens of serious risk to humans include strains of bacteria such as Escherichia coli (E. coli), Salmonella typhi, Campylobacter spp, viruses such as enteroviruses and Hepatitis A, and the protozoans such as Entamoeba histolytica, Girardia intestinalis, and Cryptosporidium parvum. These pathogens are persistent in water supplies due to their ability to survive outside of host organisms. Protozoans can form cysts that are not necessarily killed by freezing or drying. The ability of constructed wetlands to reduce populations of pathogenic microorganisms in wastewater effluent has been demonstrated globally. Many of the processes that reduce pathogen populations in natural systems are equally or more effective in wetland treatment systems. Structurally and functionally, most wetlands are dominated by naturally occurring populations of microbes and plant life. Microbial populations in wetlands include diverse flora of bacteria, fungi and algae that are important for nutrient cycling and biological processing. In addition, zooplankton grazers may be an important pathogen removal mechanism in wetlands during certain seasons. Microphytes are essential as they provide surface contact areas for microbes that mediate most nutrient and pollutant transformations occurring in wetlands. Vegetated wetlands appear to be more effective for pathogen removal than facultative ponds and other natural treatment systems which have less physical contact between pathogens and solid surface. Wetland treatment removal 60 efficiencies are nearly always greatly than 90% for coliform and greater than 80% for fecal streptococcus. 7.0 Current Watershed Management For information on municipal planning and zoning, provincial and federal legislation regarding groundwater, surface water and agriculture, please refer to the Preliminary Background Report of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, SA, SE, SWA, PFRA, EC, and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). 7.1 Stewardship Activities, Programs and Funding Stewardship is defined as the judicious care and responsibility by individuals or institutions for reducing their impacts on the natural environment. Various activities and programs are available to help individuals and organizations improve land management practices. A variety of agencies and organizations have been actively working towards improving watershed health and have provided information about project activities throughout Saskatchewan. Please refer to the Preliminary Background Report of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed or the individual agencies listed. Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) – ( Programs focus on restoration and enhancement of both wetland and upland habitats, improving the landscape for waterfowl and other wildlife. Saskatchewan Watershed Authority (SWA) – ( Demonstration projects to promote proper grazing management, off-site watering options, cropland conversion to permanent cover, and management to maintain native ecosystems. The Lake Stewardship Program was developed to support stewardship groups throughout Saskatchewan. Erosion control program to encourage erosion control and gully stabilization for individuals and organized groups of landowners by providing both technical and financial assistance. Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA) – ( Rural Water Development Program National Soil and Water Conservation Program Riparian Area Management Program PFRA Community Pastures PFRA Shelterbelt Center Permanent Cover Programs I & II 61 Greencover Technical Assistance Component ( Promote and demonstrate environmentally, agriculturally and economically sustainable land use practices to producers, contributing to healthy and functional riparian areas and rangelands, as well as improving tame forage conditions within northwestern Saskatchewan. Canada – Saskatchewan Farm Stewardship Program (CSFSP) Accelerate the adoption of beneficial management practices (BMPs) on Saskatchewan farms and landscapes, cost-shared incentives to producers. Environmental Farm Plans - ( Producers can identify their risk to the environment. The focus for the EFP is on water (nutrients, pathogens, pesticides and water conservation), soil (soil organic matter, erosion caused by wind, water or tillage), air (particulate emissions, odors, greenhouse gas emissions), and biodiversity (habitat availability, species at risk, economic damage to agriculture by wildlife). Because the implementation of BMPs has a public health benefit, public funding is provided at 30 or 50% of the costs, depending on the level of public vs. private benefit. In Saskatchewan approximately $25 million is available for projects up to March 31, 2008. See Table 6 for the list of 30 BMPs covered under this program. To be eligible for funding, the applicant must control the land and have completed an EFP. For further information on the EFP Process, please contact the FNACS project coordinator (Crystal Clarke) at (306) 978-8872 or [email protected]. Table 6. Canada-Saskatchewan Farm Stewardship Program BMP Categories. 1. Improved Manure Storage and Handling 16. Improved Pest Management 2. Manure Treatment 17. Nutrient Recovery from Waste Water 3. Manure Land Application 18. Irrigation Management 4. In Barn Improvements 19. Shelterbelt Establishment 5. Farmyard Runoff Control 20. Invasive Alien Plant Species Control 6. Relocation of Livestock Confinement 21. Enhancing Wildlife Habitat and Biodiversity Facilities and Horticultural Facilities 7. Wintering Site Management 22. Species at Risk 8. Product and Waste Management 23. Preventing Wildlife Damage 9. Water Well Management 24. Nutrient Management Planning 10. Riparian Area Management 25. Integrated Pest Management Planning 11. Erosion Control Structures (Riparian) 26. Grazing Management Planning 12. Erosion Control Structures (Non-Riparian) 27. Soil Erosion and Salinity Control Planning 13. Land Management for Soils at Risk 28. Biodiversity Enhancement Planning 14. Improved Seeding Systems 29. Irrigation Management Planning 15. Cover Crops 30. Riparian Health Assessment For the 2007/2008 program year, the significance of First Nations Land Management in Saskatchewan is being recognized through the inclusion of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Traditional Land Use Practices (ASKIY PIMAHICHOWIN) within BMP categories 21, 26, 28 and 30. 62 Partners FOR the Saskatchewan River Basin (PFSRB) – ( Saskatchewan Network of Watershed Stewards (SNOWS) – ( Promote stewardship, Foster communication, coordination and cooperation among stewardship groups, promote interaction and partnerships among different groups Funding There are many opportunities for stewardship groups and landowners to access funding for various purposes. The Saskatchewan Conservation Programs, written by the SWA, 2003, contains information on a variety of stewardship, land cover, and environmental initiatives. It can be located at Funding is also available for improving fish habitat through both SWA and DFO. Both of these agencies also initiate projects and provide advice to groups to restore and develop fish habitat. Federal funding will also be available for approved BMPs under the EFP Program. In order to receive funding, producers must have an approved EFP or equivalent agri-environmental plan. The CSFSP approved BMPs fall into 30 categories which are listed in Table 6. For more information on funding sources, contact any of the following agencies: Saskatchewan Watershed Authority North Battleford Office 402 Royal Bank Tower 1101 – 101st Street North Battleford, SK S9A 0Z5 Phone (306) 446-7450 Fax (306) 446-7461 Ducks Unlimited Canada North Battleford Office 202 – 1301 – 101st Street North Battleford, SK S9A 0Z9 Phone (306) 445-2575 Fax (306) 445-4016 Saskatoon Office 603 45th St. W. Saskatoon, SK S7L 5W5 Phone (306) 665-7356 Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration North Battleford Office 9800 Territorial Place North Battleford, SK S9A 3N6 Phone (306) 446-4050 Fax (306) 446-4060 63 Department of Fisheries and Oceans Regina District Office 1804 Victoria Avenue E Regina, SK S4N 7K3 Phone (306) 780-8725 Fax (306) 780-8722 Prince Albert District Office 125 – 32nd Street W Prince Albert, SK S6V 7H7 Phone (306) 953-8777 Fax (306) 953-8792 Partners FOR the Saskatchewan River Basin Phone (306) 665-6887 Toll Free 1-800-567-8007 Email: [email protected] Website: Environmental Farm Plans Crystal Clarke, EFP Coordinator First Nations Agricultural Council of Saskatchewan, Inc. 134 – 335 Packham Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7N 4S1 Phone (306) 978-8872 Toll Free 1-866-233-3358 Fax (306) 978-0115 Email: [email protected] Website: 64 8.0 Glossary of Terms Active ingredient (a.i.) – the material in the pesticide formulation that actually performs the desired function of destroying or suppressing the target pest. Pesticide labels are required by law to list the active ingredients and their percentages. Adsorption – binding of molecules or particles to a surface, usually weak and reversible. Aerobic – Living or taking place only in the presence of oxygen. Allocation – the amount of water assigned for use, out of the total amount that is available for use in a particular watershed or aquifer. Anaerobic – living or taking place in the absence of oxygen. Aquatic – consisting of, relating to or being in water; living or growing in, on or near water. Aquifer – a geological unit which can yield water to a well in usable amounts. Aquitard – a layer of low permeability which restricts or confines the flow of water. Bank – the rising ground bordering a water body or watercourse that serves to confine the water to the channel or bed. Base of Ground Water Exploration – a feature known as the base of ground water exploration was established for the initial provincial ground water maps and is shown on the cross section. Below the base of exploration, useable ground water is either not present or is at too great of a depth to warrant drilling for small users. Bed – that portion of a water body or watercourse that is periodically or continuously covered by water. Bedrock formations – rock deposited prior to the glaciation. These layers are overlain by glacial deposits which consist of glacial till, sand and gravel. Biodiversity – (biological diversity) the many and varied species of life forms on earth, including plants, animals, microorganisms, the genes they possess and their habitats. Biological oxygen demand (BOD5) – measure of the quantity of oxygen used by aerobic microorganisms during the decomposition of organic matter. 65 Boundary – the line or elevation contour surrounding a water body or watercourse where the aquatic vegetation and terrestrial plant species known to tolerate water saturated soils change entirely to terrestrial vegetation tolerating little or no soil saturation and includes a minimum surrounding area of five metres measured outward from the top of the bank. Chem fallow – applying a herbicide to cropland for weed control, to eliminate or reduce tillage/cultivation, thus conserving moisture, reducing soil erosion by leaving more crop residues, and reducing nutrient losses. The most common herbicides used are non-selective glyphosates, such as Roundup®. Climate – meteorological elements (e.g. precipitation, temperature, radiation, wind, cloudiness) that characterize the average and extreme conditions of the atmosphere over long periods of time at a location or region of the earth’s surface. Climate change – an alteration in measured meteorological conditions that significantly differ from previous conditions and are seen to endure, bringing about corresponding changes in ecosystems and socio-economic activities. Conservation – the preservation and renewal, when possible, of human and natural resources. The use, protection and improvement of natural resources according to principles that ensure their highest economic and social benefits. Conservation easement – a legal agreement between a property owner and a conservation agency to restrict the type and amount of development on the owner’s property. Development – building, engineering, mining or other operations that alter or intensify the use of a resource. Deleterious substance – and substance that is deleterious to fish, fish habitat, or to the use by man of fish that frequent that water. See The Fisheries Act for further details. Discharge – the flow of surface water in a stream or ditch or the flow of ground water from a spring or flowing artesian well; the rate of flow. Diversion – the removal of water from any waterbody, watercourse or aquifer (either for use of storage), and includes the removal of water for drainage purposes. Construction of any works required for the diversion of water need approval pursuant to Section 50 of the Saskatchewan Watershed Authority Act. The total diversion is equal to the allocation plus any losses from evaporation or seepage. Drainage – movement of water off land, either naturally or man-made. 66 Drought – generally in reference to period of less than average or normal precipitation over a set time, sufficiently prolonged to cause serious hydrological imbalance that results in biological or economic losses. Ecological – pertains to the relationship between living organisms and their environments. Economic development – the process of using and converting resources into wealth, jobs and an enhanced quality of life. Ecosystem – a dynamic complex of organisms (biota) including humans, and their physical environment, that interacts as a functional unit in nature. Effective drainage area – the area which is estimated to contribute runoff in at least half of the years. Efficacy – ability of a product to produce a desired amount of effect. Effluent – the treated wastewater discharged into the environment. Eutrophication - water bodies receive excess nutrients that stimulate excessive plant growth (algae, weeds, etc.). This enhanced plant growth, often called an algal bloom, reduces dissolved oxygen in the water when dead plant material decomposes, and can cause other organisms to die. Nutrient sources can include fertilizers; deposition of nitrogen from the atmosphere; erosion of soil containing nutrients; and sewage treatment plant discharges. Facultative – bacteria that can live in a range of external conditions including both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. First Nation – and Indian band or an Indian community functioning as a band but not having official band status, not including Inuit or Metis peoples. Glacial till (Till) – unsorted mixture of silt, clay and sand that were deposited from retreating glaciers. Grazing management – activities that ensure stocking rates are appropriate to sustain long-term health of livestock grazing conditions during wet and dry seasons. Gross drainage area – the area bounded by the height of land between adjacent watersheds. Ground water – subsurface water usually in aquifers; water that occurs in voids or crevices of rock and soil. 67 Habitat – natural surroundings or native environment where a plant or animal grows and lives. Headwater – small streams and lakes that are the sources of a river, located in the upper reaches of a watershed. Hydro – from Greek hydor, meaning “water.” Hydrogeology – the science of subsurface waters and related geologic aspects. Hydrology – the science of the waters of the earth, their occurrences, circulation and distribution on or below the earth’s surface. Intensive Livestock Operation (ILO) – production facilities such as feedlots and buildings where many animals are raised in a confined space that does not have naturally-growing vegetation and where waste accumulates if not removed (as defined by The Agricultural Operations Act in Saskatchewan). Invasive species – non-native organisms that can invade and disturb natural ecosystems resulting in the displacement of the native species. Land cover – predominant vegetation on the surface of a parcel of land. Land use – present use of a given area of land. Leachate – a liquid that has percolated through or out of another substance such as soil or refuse, and may contain nutrients or contaminants. Median – a value in a sorted range of values by which there is the same number or values above it as there is below it. A statistical term used in non-parametric statistics. Native Prairie – age-old plant communities of the prairie and parkland regions that may contain more than 200 types of grasses, flowers and shrubs (native grassland and parkland aquatic and terrestrial habitats). Non-point source pollution – single or multiple contaminants of unknown origin that enter waterways, degrading water quality. Noxious weed – undesirable plants that can cause physical or economic damage. Partnership – cooperative, collaborative alliance between/among stakeholders in a non-legal arrangement used to improve and build relationships and achieve common goals. 68 Permeability – the rate or flow of a liquid or a gas through a porous material such as soil or rock. Point source contamination – a static and easily identifiable source of air, soil or water pollution. Riparian area – an area of land adjacent to or connected with a stream, river, lake or wetland that contains vegetation that is distinctly different from vegetation of adjacent upland areas. Riparian areas – the zone of vegetation alongside waterways and other surface water. Lush and diverse vegetation is the best sign of healthy, well-managed riparian areas and is critical to filtering and slowing runoff. River basin – an area that contributes to form a watershed. (see watershed) Sewage – the waste and wastewater from residential or commercial establishments that are normally discharged into sewers. Sewage lagoon – a shallow pond where sunlight, bacterial action and oxygen work to purify wastewater; also used for storage of wastewater. Soil aggregates – groups of soil particles that are bound to each other more strongly than to adjacent particles. Organic matter “glues” produced when soil biota decompose dead roots and litter hold the particles together. Threadlike strands of fungi also bind particles into aggregates. Smaller aggregates combine to form larger aggregates, which determine soil structure. Soil tilth – physical condition of the soil as related to its ease of tillage, fitness as a seedbed and impedance to seedling emergence and root penetration. It is a factor of soil texture, soil structure (aggregates), organic matter and living organisms in the soil. Source water protection – the prevention of pollution and the sound management of factors and activities that (may) threaten water quality and quantity of lakes, reservoirs, rivers, streams and ground water. Stakeholder – individual or groups with direct or indirect interest in issues or situations, usually involved in understanding and helping resolve or improve their situations. Stewardship – judicious care and responsibility by individuals or institutions for reducing their impacts on the natural environment. Upstream petroleum industry – everything that occurs before the product reaches the refinery. This includes all wells and facilities including oil and gas 69 production sites, pipelines, flowlines and associated equipment, satellites, batteries, metering stations, compressor stations, pump stations, truck unloading stations and gas plants. Water quality – the chemical, physical and biological characteristics of water with respect to its suitability for a specific use. Watershed – an elevated boundary contained by its drainage divide and subject to surface and subsurface drainage under gravity to the ocean or interior lakes. Watershed health – the desired maintenance over time of biological diversity, biotic integrity and ecological processes of a watershed. Watershed and aquifer management – a process, within the geographic confines of a watershed or aquifer, that facilitates planning, directing, monitoring and evaluating activities to ensure sustainable, reliable, safe and clean water supplies. Watershed and aquifer planning – a process, within the geographic confines of a watershed or aquifer and with the participation of stakeholders, to develop plans to manage and protect water resources. Wetland – an area of low-lying land covered by water often enough to support aquatic plants and wildlife for part of the life cycle. The wetland area includes the wet basin and adjacent upland. 70 9.0 References Acton, D.F., G.A. Padbury and C.T. Stushnoff. 1998. The Ecoregions of Saskatchewan. Canadian Plains Research Center/Saskatchewan Environment Resource Management. Hignell Printing Limited. Winnipeg. Environment Canada. 2004. Canadian Climate Normals 1971-2000 North Battleford A. Modified: 25 Feb 2004. Available at: Accessed: 11 Oct 2007. Fung, K. 1999. Atlas of Saskatchewan. Second edition. University of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Gabor, S., A. North, L. Ross, H. Murki, J. Anderson and M. Raven. 2004. Natural Values. The Importance of Wetlands & Upland Conservation Practices in Watershed Management: Functions and Clues for Water Quality and Quantity. Ducks Unlimited Canada. Hillel, D. 1982. Introduction to Soil Physics. Academic Press. San Diego. USA. Huel, D. 2000. Managing Saskatchewan Wetlands – A Landowner’s Guide. Saskatchewan Wetland Conservation Corporation. Regina Saskatchewan. Kipp, S. and C. Callaway. 2003. On the Living Edge: Your Handbook for Waterfront Living. Nature Saskatchewan. Lee, P. 2005. The Worst is Yet to Come for Prairie Farmers. The Ottawa Citizen. 14 Aug 2001. Ottawa. Leeson, J.Y., A.G. Thomas, L.M. Hall, C.A. Brenzil, T. Andrews, K.R. Brown, and R.C. Van Acker. 2005. Prairie Weed Survey: Cereal, Oilseed and Pulse Crops 1970s to the 2000s. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Weed Survey Series. Publication 05-1. Available at: Accessed: 14 Dec 2007. Millard, M.J. 1994. Geology and Groundwater Resources of the Shellbrook Area (73G), Saskatchewan. SRC Publication No. R-1210-9-E-94. Parker, P.M. 2005. Webster’s Online Dictionary, the Rosetta Edition. INSEAD. 71 Pinter and Associates. 2004. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Reserves No. 102 and 102A-K, Mistawasis Lake and 4-46-5-W3M. Prepared for: Muskeg Lake Cree Nation and Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Land Advisory Board. 16 Jul 2004. Ross, L. 2003. The Role of Canadian Wetlands in Improving Water Quality. Ducks Unlimited Canada. Saskatchewan Watershed Authority. 2005. 2005-2006 Provincial Budget Performance Plan. Available at: Accessed: 13 Dec 2007. Statistics Canada. 2007. Muskeg Lake Cree Nation 102, Saskatchewan (table). 2006 Community Profiles. 2006 Census. Statistics Canada. Ottawa. Modified: 12/04/2007. Available at: ng=E. Accessed: 9 Oct 2007. Warren, Fiona. 2004. Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation: A Canadian Perspective. Donald S. Lemmen and F.J. Warren (eds). Natural Resources Canada. Ottawa Canada. Available at: Accessed: 13 Dec 2007. 72 Appendix 1. Saskatchewan Watershed Authority Factsheets For copies of the “Protecting Your Groundwater”, “Abandonment – Test Holes and Wells” and “Shock Chlorination of Groundwater Wells” please visit: or contact the Saskatchewan Water Inquiry Line at 1800-SASKH20 (1800-7275420). This is a referral service that will forward the request to the appropriate agency. The following factsheets are available online at the above website address: Surface Water Approval Process: FS-312.pdf Drainage Approval Process: FS-314.pdf Protecting Your Surface Water: FS-304.pdf Protecting Your Groundwater: FS-303.pdf Rural Water Quality and Testing: FS-306.pdf Shock Chlorination of Groundwater Wells: FS-307.pdf Abandonment – Test Holes and Wells: FS-309.pdf Ground Water Approval Process: FS-313.pdf Domestic Water Use: FS-315.pdf 73 Appendix 2. Water Well Locations on Muskeg Lake Cree Nation IR #102. Easting Northing Range Land Location House No. Waypoint 370266 369904 373561 373518 373899 373265 373314 5873400 5872436 5873236 5872848 5873993 5870006 5869464 Z13 Z13 Z13 Z13 Z13 Z13 Z13 NE-27-46-07-3 NW-22-46-07-3 SE-25-46-07-3 SE-25-46-07-3 NE-25-46-07-3 NW-13-46-07-3 SE-13-46-07-3 481 384 326 324 Youth Center 330 218 64 65 69 70 71 72 73 In Use? no no no no no no no 373229 374097 373860 372684 5869615 5874857 5877452 5874932 Z13 Z13 Z13 Z13 SW-13-46-07-3 SE-36-46-07-3 SE-12-47-07-3 SW-36-46-07-3 319 Band well 150 155/158 74 80 82 88 no no no no 372089 370864 370646 374042 372701 374454 374192 5874912 5874097 5873701 5871885 5868674 5873303 5873560 Z13 Z13 Z13 Z13 Z13 Z13 Z13 SE-35-46-07-3 NE-27-46-07-3 NE-27-46-07-3 NE-24-46-07-3 NW-12-46-07-3 SW-30-46-06-3 NW-30-46-06-3 163 479 488 Abandoned 312 130 Abandoned 89 90 91 95 97 99 100 no no no no no no no 371751 368991 369050 368472 374346 374165 371851 374160 373643 5867738 5867992 5872789 5872807 5874816 5873235 5867771 5877785 5877729 Z13 Z13 Z13 Z13 Z13 Z13 Z13 Z13 Z13 NE-02-46-07-3 SE-09-46-07-3 SE-28-46-07-3 SE-28-46-07-3 SW-31-46-06-3 SW-30-46-06-3 SE-11-46-07-3 SW-07-47-06-3 SE-12-47-07-3 309 304 486 490 142 128 310 148 151 103 108 66 67 79 98 102 81 83 no no no no no no no yes yes 374345 375076 375279 5876798 5875939 5875582 Z13 Z13 Z13 NW-06-47-06-3 SW-06-47-06-3 NE-31-46-06-3 147/145 144 143 84 85 86 yes yes yes pumphouse, lid off now E side of house 375784 5875648 Z13 NE-31-46-06-3 501 87 yes flowers on top, SW corner of house, beside tree 74 Notes well by gate pumphouse, serves 3 houses N of house white well, In pasture DECOMMISSIONED 26 SEPT 2007 Green pumphouse pumphouse, locked, DECOMMISSIONED 26 SEPT 2007 used to have a shed over it, now doesn't W side of main road, on hill, in pumphouse W of house yellow, in pumphouse, open on top, water ~8" from top of well cover not on, looks rusty, in pumphouse SW side of house, ~ 5 ft wide cribbing covered by concrete slabs, within old fence pumphouse, E side of house S side of house S side of house, between fence and trees, garbage in and around well S side of house metal casing, in pumphouse, beside 6" well behind house N of house, on hill in grass, water not good beside shack and corrals front of house SW corner of old white house do not use for cooking or drinking, in pumphouse, serves 3 houses Easting Northing Range Land Location 374968 374100 374040 372537 372617 372260 369878 369003 375219 371534 5872392 5871736 5869608 5868377 5867028 5866679 5868022 5867993 5866687 587385 Z13 Z13 Z13 Z13 Z13 Z13 Z13 Z13 Z13 USR NE-19-46-06-3 NE-24-46-07-3 SW-18-46-06-3 SW-12-46-07-3 NW-01-46-07-3 SE-02-46-07-3 SW-10-46-07-3 SE-09-46-07-3 SE-06-46-06-3 NW-35-46-07-3 371629 5875407 USR NW-35-46-07-3 Name Waypoint 222 221 214 311 208 307 305 304 203 West Municipal Well (WTP) East Municipal Well (WTP) 92 93 96 101 104 105 106 107 109 75 In Use? yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Notes in pumphouse, rusty exterior yellow, inside tires, NE of house NW corner of house N side of house, will be going on main system S corner of house between house and store pumphouse, very rusty, N side of house 6" white well, N side of house artesian well, a lot of rust, serves 4 houses Locations of Water Wells on Muskeg Lake Cree Nation 76 Appendix 3. Pictures of Water Wells Located on Muskeg Lake Cree Nation IR #102. SE-28-46-07-3, House #486 SE-28-46-07-3, House #490 SW-31-46-06-3, House #142 SW-31-46-06-3, House #142 SW-07-47-06-3, House #148 SE-12-47-07-3, House #151 NW-06-47-06-3, House #147/145 NW-22-46-07-3, House #384 77 SW-06-47-06-3, House #144 SW-06-47-06-3, House #144 NE-31-46-06-3, House #501 NE-24-46-07-3, House #221 NE-19-46-06-3, House #222 NE-19-46-06-3, House #222 SW-18-46-06-3, House #214 SW-30-46-06-3, House #128 78 SW-12-46-07-3, House #311 SE-11-46-07-3, House #310 NW-01-46-07-3, House #208 SE-02-46-07-3, House #307 SW-10-46-07-3, House #305 SE-09-46-07-3, House #304 SE-06-46-06-3, House #203 NE-27-46-07-3, House #481 79 NW-35-46-07-3, WTP West Well NW-35-46-07-3, WTP East Well SW-30-46-06-3, House #130 NW-12-46-07-3, House #312 NE-24-46-07-3, Abandoned NE-27-46-07-3, House #488 NE-27-46-07-3, House #479 SE-35-46-07-3, House #163 80 SW-36-46-07-3, House #155/158 SW-36-46-07-3, House #155/158 SE-12-47-07-3, House #150 SW-13-46-07-3, House #319 SE-36-46-07-3, Band well SE-13-46-07-3, House #218 - Decommissioned NW-13-46-07-3, House #330 SE-25-46-07-3, House #324 81 NE-25-46-07-3, Youth Center (cover) NE-25-46-07-3, Youth Center - Decommissioned SE-25-46-07-3, House #326 NE—02-46-07-3, House #309 NW-30-46-06-3, Abandoned NW-30-46-06-3, Abandoned SE-09-46-07-3, House #304 82 Appendix 4. Water Quality Analysis Results for Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Water Wells, October 2007 83 Appendix 5. Geology and Groundwater Resources of the Shellbrook Area (73G), Saskatchewan 84