DRD – Dedini Refinado Direto (Dedini Direct Refined)
DRD – Dedini Refinado Direto (Dedini Direct Refined)
DRD – Dedini Refinado Direto (Dedini Direct Refined) Improvements In Refined and Crystal White Sugar Production Fernando C. Boscariol / Paulo E. Mantelatto Dedini S/A Indústrias de Base [email protected] DRD Process for Direct Refined Sugar (Original Purpose) Olivério, J. L. and Boscariol, F.C. (2006). DRD – DEDINI Direct Refined – The refined sugar without a refinery, International Sugar Journal, 108: 1289, 239-246. DRD application to assist the production of white crystal sugar 14.000 IU 70% 11.500 IU 3.500 IU Syrup Clarified Syrup 11.500 IU Clarified juice A MASSECUITE Crystal White Sugar 30% B MASSECUITE A runoff B runoff syrup syrup C MASSECUITE <150 IU B-SUGAR C-SUGAR MOLASSES Flow Sheet of DRD Process FO F1 F2 F3 Over View of DRD Process Pilot Plant Basic characteristics of the ion exchange resins DRD Application to Clarifier Syrup Obtained from High Coloured Clarified juice from RB-92579 Aspect of Clarified Juice from RB-92579 Dark Colored Objective: Production of Crystal White Sugar <150 IU DRD Application to Clarifier Syrup Obtained from High Coloured Clarified juice from RB-92579 16 000 to 18 000 IU Syrup Aspect of Clarified Juice from RB-92579 Dark Colored <150 IU Objective: Production of Crystal White Sugar <150 IU Trial DRD Test in Caeté and União Sugar and Ethanol Mill – NE of Brazil 16 000 to 18 000 IU Caeté and União DRD pilot trials Syrup <150 IU Trial to evaluate the DRD -System in the Caeté and União Sugar and Ethanol Mill – Northeast of Brazil Objective: To study the behavior of the DRD process in the colour removal of high coloured syrup that were obtained of different quantity of RB-92579 milled. Apply this system to assist production of white crystal sugar, with colour < 150 IU Variation of Syrup Colour vs. Quantity of Cane RB-92579 Milled – Caeté Sugar and Ethanol Mill 19 /9/ 2 26 006 /9/ 2 3/1 006 0/ 10 200 6 /10 /20 17 /10 06 / 24 200 6 /10 /20 31 /10 06 /2 7/1 006 1/ 14 200 6 /11 /20 21 /11 06 / 28 200 6 /11 /20 06 5/1 2/ 12 200 6 /12 /20 19 /12 06 / 26 200 6 /12 /20 2/1 06 /2 0 9/1 07 /2 16 007 /1/ 2 23 007 /1/ 2 30 007 /1/ 20 6/2 07 /2 13 007 /2/ 20 07 A-Sugar Colour (IU) 300 250 80% 200 70% 60% 150 50% 40% 100 30% 50 20% 10% 0% Sugar Colour Daly Quantity RB92579 Quantity RB92579 (%) Variation of A-Sugar Colour vs Quantity of Cane RB-92579 Milled – Caeté Sugar and Ethanol Mill 100% 90% Colour Syrup, Magma and White Sugar – Caeté Sugar and Ethanol Mill - Season 2008 25.000 Raw Syrup Clarified Syrup MAGMA White Sugar Colour (IU) 20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 0 22 4-0 8 0 20 12 5-0 8 0 20 01 6-0 8 0 20 21 6-0 8 0 20 11 7-0 8 0 20 31 7-0 8 0 20 20 8-0 8 0 20 Date 09 9-0 8 0 20 29 9-0 8 0 20 19 0-1 8 0 20 08 1-1 8 0 20 28 1-1 8 0 20 Flow Sheet of DRD Process F0 F1 F2 LEGEND of SAMPLES F3 F4 Variation of Syrup Colour and Quantity of Cane RB-92579 Milled – Caeté Sugar and Ethanol Mill DRD Experiments in Caeté Sugar and Ethanol Mill Some Examples Obs: The analysis presented problems. of turbidity DRD Experiments in the Caeté Sugar and Ethanol Mill (São Miguel – AL- Brazil) V = syrup feed volume (cumulative); F0 = colour of syrup feed to the sand press filter; F1 = output syrup colour from the sand press filter (filled with sand); F2 = output syrup colour from cationic column DRD1 (filled with 200 L resin); F3 = output of first anionic column DRD2 (filled with 200 L resin); and F4 = output of second anionic column DRD3 (filled with 150L of DRD3 resin). DRD Experiments in the Caeté Sugar and Ethanol Mill (São Miguel – AL- Brazil) DRD Operation System in the Caeté Sugar and Ethanol Mill 100 18000 Efficiency 16000 Inlet Colour Outlet Colour Average Efficiency 90 80 70 12000 60 10000 50 8000 40 6000 30 4000 20 2000 10 Cycles 67 64 61 58 55 52 49 46 43 40 37 34 31 28 25 22 19 16 13 10 7 0 4 1 0 Efficiency(%) Colour (IU) 14000 Visual Aspects of the syrup treated with DRD System – Step by Step F1 8 856 IU F2 6 647 IU F3 3 808 IU F4 1 846 IU Colour vs. Bed Volumes fed along of DRD Process- Caeté Sugar and Ethanol Mill. Test to determine the capacity of colour adsorption in resin 1/68 cycles Determine the capacity of colour adsorption in resin 12000 Colour (IU) 10000 8000 6000 4000 Fo 2000 F1 F2 F3 F4 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Bed Volumes F0 = clarified syrup colour; F1 = outlet of Sand filter; F2 = outlet of column DRD-1; F3 = outlet of column DRD-2; F4 = Outlet of column DRD -3 Colour load accumulated in the ion exchange resins vs. bed volumes fed - Caeté Sugar and alcohol Mill. Determine the capacity of colour adsorption in resin 1/68 cycles Colour accumulated(IU) /L resin 120000 100000 F3 F4 y = 3005,6x R2 = 0,9894 80000 60000 40000 y = 2851,1x R2 = 0,9956 20000 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 BED VOLUMES F3 = outlet of column DRD-2, F4 = outlet of column DRD-3 40 Overall efficiency of colour removal by the DRD-Dedini system vs. cane variety RB92579 processed - Caeté Sugar and Ethanol Mill Colour Removal Efficiency 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 2 R = 0,0016 20% 10% 0% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% % Cane - RB 92579 70% 80% 90% 100% DRD Experiments in União Sugar and Ethanol Mill Some Examples DRD Experiments in the União Sugar and Ethanol Mill (Primavera- PE- Brazil) V = syrup feed volume (cumulative); F0 = colour of syrup feed to the sand press filter; F1 = output syrup colour from the sand press filter (filled with sand); F2 = output syrup colour from cationic column DRD1 (filled with 200 L resin); F3 = output of first anionic column DRD2 (filled with 200 L resin); and F4 = output of second anionic column DRD3 (filled with 150L of DRD3 resin). DRD Experiments in the União Sugar and Ethanol Mill (Primavera- PE- Brazil) DRD Operation System União Sugar and Ethanol Mill 90 20000 Efficiency Inlet Colour Outlet Colour Average Efficiency 18000 80 16000 70 60 12000 50 10000 40 8000 30 6000 20 4000 10 2000 0 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 Cycles Efficiency (%) Colour (IU) 14000 Colour vs. Bed Volumes fed along of DRD Process- Caeté Sugar and Ethanol Mill. Test to determine the capacity of colour adsorption in resin 1/65cycles 16000 FO 14000 F1 F3 F2 F4 Colour (IU) 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Bed Volumes F0 = clarified syrup colour; F1 = outlet of Sand filter partially filled DRD 3 (150 L ) and DRD-4 (150 L); F2 = outlet of column DRD-1; F3 = outlet of column DRD-2; F4 = Outlet of column DRD -3 Colour load accumulated in the ion exchange resins vs. bed volumes fed - Uníão Sugar and Ethanol Mill Experiments to determine the capacity of colour adsorption in resin 1/65 cycles Colour Acumulated (IU) / L resin 80.000 F1 F3 y = 2851,1x R2 = 0,9956 F4 70.000 y = 3329x R² = 0,9888 60.000 y = 2022,7x R² = 0,9668 50.000 40.000 30.000 20.000 10.000 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Bed Volumes F0 = clarified syrup colour; F1 = outlet of Sand filter partially filled DRD 3 (150 L ) and DRD-4 (150 L); F2 = outlet of column DRD-1; F3 = outlet of column DRD-2; F4 = Outlet of column DRD -3 Colour of Sugar vs. Colour of Syrup for various process of Crystallization – White Crystal and Refined. (1) DRD System (Olivério and Boscariol, 2006 and 2007), refined sugar obtained from decolourised syrup: y= 0.007 . x + 17.65; (2) Thompson et al. (2006) refined sugar; (3) White crystal sugar – Us. Mogiana (SP): y= 47.73 . exp (1.31 . 10-4. x); (4) White crystal sugar – Us Sta Isabel (SP): y= 19.96 . exp ( 2.10 . 10-4. x); (5) White crystal sugar – Us. Caeté (AL): y= 46.88 . exp ( 0.98 . 10-4 . x); (6) White crystal sugar – Us. União Indústria( PE): y= 42.20 . exp (1.31 . 10-4. x); (7) Controlled cooling crystallization of liquor obtained from raw sugar (VHP and VVHP) and cane syrup, ( Mantelatto, 2005): y= 0.0214. x+ 8.80. x: Colour of syrup (IU), y: Colour of crystal (IU). Colour of Sugar vs. Colour of Syrup for various process of Crystallization – White Crystal and Refined. Colour of Sugar x Colour of Syrup 350 (1) DRD (2) THOMPSON 300 (3) MOGIANA SUGAR COLOUR (IU) (4) STA ISABEL (6) (5) CAETÉ 250 White Crystal Sugar (6) UNIÃO (7) Cooling Crystallization 200 (5) 150 Sugar Refined 100 (3) (2) (4) (7) 50 (1) 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 SYRUP COLOUR (IU) 12000 14000 16000 Conclusions -The colour accumulated in the resins presented a linear behaviour with the BV fed to the columns. - The different slopes of the curves indicate different load factors depending on the characteristics of the resin and also the affinity between colour compounds and functional group of the resins - Considering that anionic resins can operate up to 60-70% of saturations, anionic DRD resin can reaches level of load colour as 60 000 – 65 000 IU. Values relatively high when compared with conventional resins. - Thus, demonstrating the capacity to bear high rates of colour adsorption, even for syrup containing high initial colour loads. Conclusions - None relationship was detected between colour removal efficiency of resins and quantity of cane variety RB-92579 in the cane being supplied to the factory. -As indicated by the data, the extra colour loading introduced by RB-92579 has no effect on the colour removal efficiency of the resins. - It was observed that the resin system was capable of maintaining a removal efficiency in the range of 50 to 70%, even when processing this variety of cane with higher clarified juice colour. - It was shown that the DRD-Dedini system could be used successfully both assist the production of white sugar and the production of refined sugar by using clarified syrup as the feed to the decolourisation process. - The colour removal factor in the crystallisation of juice coming from the DRD system was excellent, when compared with the other systems presented Conclusions -Finally, DRD technology proved to be an improvement to the white sugar process, even for high colour syrups. -From the study conducted, in addition to the studies previously conducted (Olivério and Boscariol, 2006 and 2007), it could be concluded that the DRD system can be advantageously used both in the production of granulated refined sugar and for the production of white crystal sugar (colour < 150 IU) Thank You! DRD – DEDINI REFINADO DIRETO (DEDINI DIRECT REFINED) IMPROVEMENTS IN REFINED AND CRYSTAL WHITE SUGAR PRODUCTION CONTACT Fernando C. Boscariol Dedini Indústrias de Base [email protected]