2015 Annual Report - Girl Scouts of Southeastern New England


2015 Annual Report - Girl Scouts of Southeastern New England
Exemplifying the Girl Scout Leadership Experience
is the best way to help girls find their own voice. One vital leadership muscle is resilience
in the face of adversity and/or major change. Our collective influence within Girl Scouts
of Southeastern New England – volunteers, board, donors, and staff – can be proud of
Lisa M. DeCubellis
modeling resilience in this year of continuing change for the council as the board
conducted their search for a new CEO. During such transitions organizations can lose
momentum - but not GSSNE as you’ll see from the many accomplishments in 2015.
1st Vice Chair
Linda Schofield
Perhaps most notable is meeting the $100,000 challenge grant from the Champlin
2nd Vice Chair
Heidi J. Toppel
Foundations! We will be using the funds from this generous foundation for technology
improvements to support girl programming within the Leadership Center.
2nd Vice Chair
Jeffrey Wellen
We exceeded the required match for this challenge grant through tenacity and
Elsie Foy
generosity! We developed and held our first Leading Women Awards event and our first
Golf Tournament; we thank everyone who supported these signature events. Over 25%
of the required match came from the generosity of three investors – Amica Insurance,
The June Rockwell Levy Foundation, Inc., and the Rotary Club of East Greenwich. Gifts
such as these are only made when the donor recognizes that the recipient organization
is delivering on the promise of their mission. The strength of our mission delivery rests
Nina Dash
Interim Chief
Executive Officer
Pamela D. Delaney
with the volunteers and staff members who give their heart and soul every day because
they know the girls of GSSNE deserve their best!
Another highlight of 2015 was the launch of our Hispanic Initiative! We are building
Aida P. Crosson
significant partnerships in communities where the Latina population is strong and
Lori Basilico
we commend our partners, such as Pawtucket Credit Union and Latino Public Radio,
who recognize the importance of reaching all population groups throughout
southeastern New England.
Laura Da Fonseca
Katie Davis
Cleora Francis-O’Connor
And girls, YOU MAKE US PROUD!! Whether you are a top cookie seller who set and
surpassed your first goal ever; or you proudly received your Gold Award after months
of hard work that was fueled by a passion to address an issue that touches your heart;
or you conquered a fear, such as the high ropes course at Camp Hoffman, that
John Houle
Jennifer Leigh
Joanne Lynch
strengthened your courage and confidence for your next adventure; or you touched
Michael D. Lynch, Esq.
our hearts through your laughter and smiles while having fun with your Girl Scout
Bethany Mascena Tracy
friends—you make every hour of service to Girl Scouting worth it!!
James Patti
Sally A. Russell
Yours in Girl Scouting,
Kekin A. Shah
George W. Shuster
Lisa M. DeCubellis
Pamela Hyland
Chair of the Board
Honorary Members
Elizabeth C. Cugini
William C. DeWitt
in highlights
October 1, 2014–September 30, 2015
Our heartfelt and sincere thanks to Virginia Moss Newhall and
Betty Cugini for their extraordinary efforts over the past 20 years
in support of the Virginia Moss Newhall Fund!
Over the years, Ginny
and Betty’s work has
raised approximately
$40,000 in support of
GSSNE’s Urban Outreach
programs which
provide opportunities
for at-risk girls living in
urban settings to fully
participate in Girl Scouting without a financial burden to the girls
or their families.
To honor and celebrate their service and commitment to
our girls, Connie Worthington generously hosted a luncheon
at the Brown Faculty Club on September 10, 2015. Guests
enjoyed sharing stories and reflecting on the many years and
successes of this fund. While Ginny and Betty are stepping
down, the Virginia Moss Newhall Fund and our Urban Programs
will continue to grow and serve at-risk girls in our urban
communities. You can support these programs and the work of
Ginny and Betty by visiting www.gssne.org.
for the GSSNE Hispanic Initiative. Through community
collaboration with vision aligned business and organizations,
GSSNE received startup funding from the Pawtucket Credit
Union in order to create Spanish language brochures and a pullup banner for use at community events. GSSNE also partnered
with Latino Public Radio and participated in their Healthy Lives
5K event which served as a spring board for the official GSSNE
Hispanic Initiative launch in September 2015 hosted at our
council office.
In November, alumnae and supporters of GSSNE joined
together for the annual Juliette Low Society luncheon which
took place within the Girl Leadership Experience Center at the
council office. The Juliette Low Society recognizes and honors
individuals who have made planned gifts in their estate to
GSSNE. The group of loyal Girl Scout supporters gathered over
lunch and had the pleasure to hear from Lianne Pinheiro — Girl
Scout alumna, former camper and staff member — about how
Girl Scouting has impacted her life.
Thank you Ginny and Betty for everything you have done, and
continue to do, for the girls in our council!
During the fall of 2014, close to 2,000 girls participated in the
Fall Product Sale program. These girls sold more than 28,000
candy and nut products, along with over 5,000 magazine
subscriptions that earned $38,564 in troop proceeds. Troops
donated 1,469 candy and nut products to Operation Holiday
Cheer to help fill care packages that went to our Rhode Island
military men and women who are stationed overseas and do so
much for us.
In October of 2014, GSSNE established a Hispanic Advisory
Board comprised of leading women from the Hispanic
community. The board works in tandem with GSSNE staff
members to define strategies and identify desired outcomes
In March, girls in GSSNE’s
Urban Afterschool Program
at Ella Risk School in Central
Falls decorated wooden
trefoil ornaments with
paint, glitter, sequins and
boatloads of imagination.
The girls had a great time
being creative and even
had a dance party! One
of the Daisy Scouts used
stickers to spell out BFF on
her trefoil; when asked what
the reasoning was she stated, “Girl Scouts is my best friend!”
The trefoils were sold at various fundraising events including
the first annual Leading Women Awards to raise money for
Urban Programs. Those who purchased the trefoils not only
supported a wonderful program, but also brought home a very
special keepsake.
Girls throughout our council
sold more than 700,000
packages of cookies during
the 2015 Girl Scouts of
Southeastern New England
Cookie Sale, which resulted
in over $389,000 in troop
proceeds and $55,565 in camp
cookie credits. WJAR Meteorologist Kelly Bates, a former Girl
Scout, served as our honorary cookie chair and shared some
of her fondest Girl Scout memories at our annual Cookie Sale
Kick Off.
The Cookie Sale Service Project is a yearly highlight for the girls
at GSSNE; troops can elect to donate a portion of their cookie
sale proceeds to a worthwhile cause. This aspect of the cookie
sale not only helps other organizations within our community,
it also gives the girls another opportunity to give back. The 2015
Cookie Sale Service Project recipient was A Wish Come True,
Inc. A total donation of $6,404 helped sponsor a young Girl
Scout named Grace by granting her wish to visit New York City
and to see a taping of the Food Network show Chopped! Grace
also attended Wicked on Broadway and took in the bright lights
of the big city. Grace then visited the council office to share the
highlights of her New York adventure.
Founded in 1982, AWCT, Inc. is the oldest wish granting
organization in RI. They have been serving ill children and their
families within the surrounding communities of Rhode Island
and southeastern Massachusetts for close to 34 years.
GSSNE is proud to support such a worthwhile organization.
For the second year in a row, Caitlyn Tiodor of Troop 490 in East
Providence was named the Top Cookie Seller in the council.
Caitlyn sold an amazing 2,503 packages of cookies and won the
Top Seller prize of a brand new mountain bike. Great job, Caitlyn
and to all of our girls!
Twenty-six Girl Scout Gold Award recipients were honored
on May 30, 2015 with a brunch and ceremony at Quidnessett
Country Club in North Kingstown, RI. The girls and their families
celebrated the well-earned accomplishments of the Gold
Awardees and enjoyed the day overlooking the Bay. Three
Gold Awardees were honored for their hard work and
achievement by being named the 2015 Young Women of
Distinction scholarship honorees. Rachel Meilun from North
Kingstown was awarded a $1,000 scholarship; Laura Culligan
from Barrington and Alexandria Murphy from Somerset
received $500 scholarships respectively. The Young Women
of Distinction Awards are given to three Gold Award Girl Scouts
who have demonstrated a clear vision and commitment to
help make the world a better place with their chosen take
action projects.
In May, GSSNE hosted its first ever Golf Tournament at
Metacomet Country Club. This fun event was a great way
to share the Girl Scout message with a group occasionally
out of our targeted reach. Girls assisted in the event by
serving Del’s Lemonade and cookies alongside staff members
and spoke to golfers about what Girl Scouting means to
them. The event raised $34,800 for the Girl Leadership
Experience Center.
In July, two adult volunteers and thirteen girls from GSSNE
traveled to Europe for a ten day adventure. While traveling
through England, France, and Italy, the group walked over 100
miles in the footsteps of history. With destinations including the
Eiffel Tower, the Tower of London, and the Colosseum, it was
a whirlwind of fun, food and laughter. The memories will last a
lifetime as the girls checked off yet another exciting Girl Scout
adventure from their bucket lists.
In May, Girl Scouts attended the Volvo Ocean Race in Newport
and were given the opportunity to meet the women of Team
SCA - the first all-female crew to enter the race in more than a
decade! Girls had a Q&A with the crew, got to try on racing gear
and learn about the world wide ocean race.
GSSNE was thrilled to receive a
$100,000 challenge grant from
The Champlin Foundations.
The donation will help outfit
the Girl Leadership Experience
Center with state-of-the-art
Oklahoma Girl Scout Katie Francis made a special trip to
Rhode Island in July to chat with fellow Girl Scouts about how
she became the top cookie seller in the nation. Katie was
also named a world record holder by selling 22,200 boxes
of cookies. Girls had the opportunity to ask Katie questions
about her cookie sale strategies; she was appreciative of
their enthusiasm to learn from her and the chance to meet
some new friends! Katie marched in the Bristol Fourth of July
celebration and enjoyed walking the historic Rhode Island
parade route.
This new technology will
allow Girl Scouts from
Southeastern New England
to connect girls at our council, our urban communities, and
camps, to girls throughout the world. “We are grateful for this
generous matching grant from The Champlin Foundations”,
said Pam Hyland, GSSNE CEO. “Combined with support from
our loyal donors, members, foundations, local businesses and
corporations, this grant will allow GSSNE to provide leadership
opportunities for girls in our region and enable them to learn
from, and work with, their sister Girl Scouts in other countries.”
The Champlin Foundations has been supporting GSSNE
financially for more than 25 years, with several donations to
make continuous improvements at our camp properties and
providing financial aid for girls to attend summer camp.
all funds
all funds
Product Sales (net) $ 1,760,621
Program Services $ 2,995,598
Camp & Program Fees $ 664,201
Management & General $ 578,263
Philanthropy $ 486,406
Fundraising $ 216,515
Interest & Dividends $ 120,461
Girl Scout Shops $ 53,295
Other $ 155,221
$ 3,240,205
Realized & Unrealized Loss
on Investment Transactions ($ 95,232)
Decrease in Value
of Trust Assets ($ 28,000)
Gain on Disposition
of Property & Equipment $ 38,528
TOTAL $ 3,790,376 *
Management &
$ 3,155,501
Girl Scout
Interest &
*Expenses include $406, 581 in depreciation
Camp &
Number of girls served 6,973
Number of adults served 2,661
Cost of providing a year of Girl Scouting to one girl
We gratefully
the following
individuals who
made a donation
in memory of
someone they
have lost.
in memory of Alice Donahue
Nancy Armstrong
in memory of Doris Cooper
Betty P. Faella
in memory of Alice Donahue,
GFWC International President
GFWC Wampanoag
Women’s Club
in memory of Edna & Eugene
Beverly J. Laplante
in memory of Anthony Lisa
Angela Lisa
in memory of Barbara French
Nancy Armstrong
in memory of Bette Vermette
Betty P. Faella
Jean M. Vermette
in memory of
Christine P. Stella
Nancy R. Poutray
in memory of Cindy Morris
Renee Fullerton
in memory of Danielle St. Germain
Amica Insurance
in memory of Deborah Lynne
McMaster Tate
Joan H. McMaster
In honor of
In memory of
We gratefully
acknowledge the
following individuals
who made a donation
to honor a family
member or friend.
in memory of JoAnn
Scotland Haggerty
Margery E. LeBeau
in memory of Mary A. Powers
Janice S. Howard
in memory of Elise Anne Aiken
Dolores C. Aiken
in memory of Meghan Kelly-Dolden
Nicole M. Kelly
in memory of Emily Otrando
Girl Scouts of Southwest Indiana
in memory of Mildred Richards
Ann-Marie Richards
in memory of Frank F. Merrill
Phyllis J. Merrill
in memory of Pamela M. Frye Higbie
Robin Higbie
in memory of Gail Khan
Christine E. Dowding
in memory of Patricia K. Perry
Ann F. Anesta
in memory of Gay Giblin
Karen W. Carnevale
in memory of Ruth Earle
Johna M. Spencer
in memory of her mother
Laurie White
in memory of Sarah
“Louise” McDermott
Catherine A. McDermott
in memory of her mother and
former scout leader,
Mildred Richards
Ann-Marie Richards
in memory of William C. Meeker
Jean E. Milkman
in memory of her mother,
Frances C. Ingram
Janice I. Spence
in honor of Amber Fearn
Nancy A. Telford
in honor of Jennifer Thomas
Bruce W. Thomas
in honor of Barbara J. Feyler
Lois E. McInerney
in honor of Judy Eggleston’s
Cindy Gise
Betsey J. Anderson
in honor of Betty Cugini
Kathryn L. Gann
in honor of Cynthia Harney
Jeannette T. Costa
in honor of Ixel S. Ochoa
Elizabeth S. Sanford
in honor of Jan Feyler, former CEO
Barbara J. Feyler
in honor of Mrs. Betty DeStefano
Anne E. DeStefano
in honor of Sara Bradford
Gail M. Gaustad
in honor of Virginia Moss Newhall
Janet A. Feyler
In memory of Lillian Wante Gervais
In March, we lost our sister Girl Scout Lillian. A lifetime member of Girl Scouts, she served as a leader and was the
immediate past President of the Woonsocket Girl Scout council until its merger into GSRI. In addition, Lillian volunteered
for the Campership and Museum Committees, as well as being a member of the Catholic Committee on Scouting. Lillian
was named a Hidden Heroine and received the religious recognition of the Elizabeth Ann Seaton Medal. She was a staff
member for 15 years as a Field Advisor before retiring from GSRI in 1990. At our 2015 Annual Meeting, Lillian received her
65 year service pin. She will be sorely missed.
Appreciation Pin
Kit Hammett Award
Sherri Arnold, Exeter/West Greenwich
Beth Fecteau, Seekonk
Robin Deslauriers, Barrington
Kelly Fontaine, North Smithfield
Dolores Aiken, Providence, 60 years
Cary Izzi, Warwick
Jen Kincaid, North Kingstown/Jamestown
Elizabeth Cugini, Westerly, 50 years
Diane Kowal, Coventry
Tracy Messina, Coventry/West Warwick
Margaret Richmond, Providence, 50 years
Diane Pelrine, Wrentham/Plainville
Susan Gentile, Westerly/Pawcatuck
Sue Neal-Steinhilber, Warwick
Pam Scheller, Westerly/Pawcatuck
Kathy Tappero, Bristol/Warren
Marcia Voccio, North Kingstown/Jamestown
Thanks Badge
Lois Dexter, North Kingstown
Tina Laliberte, Attleboro
Rebecca Smith, Rehoboth
Suzanne Williams, Smithfield
Milestones of Membership
Lillian Wante Gervais*, Woonsocket, 65 years
Volunteer Years of Service
Lois Dexter, North Kingstown, 30 years
Linda Fallin, Woonsocket, 20 years
Diane Kowal, Coventry, 20 years
Tracy Messina, Coventry, 15 years
Colleen McBride, Seekonk/ Rehoboth
Honor Pin
Patricia Borgia, Bristol
Carolyn Dyer, Narragansett
Bill Howard, North Kingstown
Jean Marie Josephson, Barrington
Norma Malachowski, Warwick
Jen McCabe, Newport/Middletown
Melissa Paquin, Attleboro
JoAnn Toppa, Cranston
Bellingham Service Unit
Special Supporter
Chariho Service Unit
The Anderson House Board of Directors
Fall River Service Unit
The Westerly Senior Center
Lincoln Service Unit
Warwick Central Baptist Church
The President’s Award
Swansea Service Unit
Westerly/Pawcatuck Service Unit
Mira Hoffman Award
Pearl Cartier, Pawtucket
Dee Deforest Cortese, Attleboro
Alice Furtado, Pawtucket
Jill Olson-Crowley, GSSNE Staff
Leading Women Awards
The Inaugural Leading Women Awards were hosted on April 9,
2015 at Quidnessett Country Club in North Kingstown, RI. This
event was the first of its kind for the council. Five women who
exemplify the Girl Scout mission by being women of courage,
confidence and character who make the world a better place
were honored for their positive roles within our community. The
five honorees were: The Honorable Governor Gina Raimondo,
Laurie White, President, Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce, Judy
Sansone, Senior Vice President, Front Store Business, CVS Health, Daynia LaForce, URI Women’s Basketball Head Coach, and GSSNE Volunteer Elizabeth
“Betty” Cugini. Not only are each of these women Girl Scout alumnae, but
they are all lifelong supporters of Girl Scouting. Each woman discussed
what Girl Scouting has meant to her throughout adulthood and how she has
utilized the Girl Scout experience within her career and life.
GSSNE is thankful for the support of these amazing women and looks
forward to continuing the movement of the Leading Women Awards. The
opportunity to show our girls what hard work and perseverance, built on a
strong foundation of Girl Scouting can lead to, is invaluable.
Scouting rises within
you and inspires you
to put forth your best.
— Juliette Gordon Low
2015 Gold Award Recipients
Each year a dedicated group of Girl Scouts work tirelessly to attain their Gold Award, the highest award a Girl Scout
can receive, by creating, managing and producing their individual 80 hour take action project. The 2015 Class of
Gold Awardees utilized their talents to significantly impact their community; from teaching art and poetry lessons
to planting a vegetable garden at a local high school, and even forming partnerships with civic organizations
including the East Providence Boys and Girls Club and the Bristol Animal Shelter. This group of girls went above
and beyond. The Gold Award Ceremony took place on May 30th at Quidnessett Country Club in North Kingstown
and was attended by family, friends, Girl Scout leaders and all around supporters of the 2015 Class of GSSNE Gold
Awardees. Each year we are reminded of the courage, confidence and character Girl Scouting imparts within our
girls. Congratulations to all, thank YOU for inspiring US.
The fourth annual Young
Women of Distinction Awards
were presented to three
Gold Award recipients who
implemented Gold Award
Projects which stood out
from the others in the areas
of creativity, impact and
community education. The
two runners up were Laura
Culligan from Barrington
and Alexandria Rita Murphy
from Somerset. The winner
of the 2015 Young Women of
Distinction Award was Rachel
Meilun from North Kingstown.
India Aitkenhead
Troop 113, Wakefield
“Going Gluten Free”
Natalie Gambrell
Troop 852, North Kingstown
“Basil’s Journey”
Elizabeth R. M. Oakley
Troop 507, Rehoboth, MA
“Chimney Swift Tower”
Sabrina Barandiaran
Troop 725, Portsmouth
“Surveying Melville Park”
Allison Graves
Troop 96, Warwick
“Allergy Awareness”
Elizabeth Batty
Troop 529, Smithfield
“Community in Bloom”
Elena Grigelevich
Troop 1229, North Scituate
“The Ali Mink Memorial Butterfly
Suzanne Pekar
Troop 852, North Kingstown
“Altar Serving: Instructional Guide
and Training DVD”
Eleanor Bodell-Kudla
Troop 241, East Greenwich
“Healthy Body, Healthy Mind,
Healthy You!”
Kristin Lee Brzozowy
Troop 926, Bristol
“Talent for Paws”
Casie Castello
Troop 426, Barrington
“Heartfelt Hats”
Laura Culligan
Troop 426, Barrington
“A Veteran’s View”
Emily Deslauriers
Troop 426, Barrington
“Tennis for Life”
Erin Devin
Troop 87, Bristol
“History Kids”
Stephanie Dooley
Troop 374, Cumberland
“The Giving Garden”
Sarah Robbins
Troop 113, Wakefield
“Don’t Part With the Arts”
Amy Harff
Troop 426, Barrington
“The Art of Giving”
Mary Roche
Troop 374, Franklin, MA
“Cat Trees”
Abigail Herbert
Troop 113, Wakefield
“Old Mountain Field Kiosk
and Trail Map”
Leah Sirmalis
Troop 426, Riverside
LEAHSTAR (Learning, Exercise, And
Healthy Strategies, Technique
and Recreation)
Amelia Kracik
Troop 725, Portsmouth
“St. Barnabas Church Class
Community Service Group”
Amanda Larsen
Juliette, Portsmouth
“From Trash to Treasure”
Rachel Meilun
Troop 852, North Kingstown
“Operation: Concussion Awareness”
Alexandria Rita Murphy
Troop 1163, Somerset, MA
“G.I.R.L.S.: Gals In Real
Life Succeed”
Alexis Tam
Troop 374, Cumberland
“Butterfly Garden in Town Park”
Vivian Tian
Troop 426, Barrington
“Fostering Understanding”
2015 Donors
The following is a list of
donors who made a gift of
cash, securities, gift-inkind and/or made a pledge
between October 1, 2014 and
September 30, 2015. In order
to minimize printing costs, we
have chosen to display only
donors of $20 or more.
For the purposes of this report,
matching gifts are credited
to both the donor and the
matching gift organization.
We have made every effort to
correctly identify our donors.
If omissions or discrepancies
are noted, please contact
Jill Martens at jmartens@
gssne.org so we may update
our records.
$20,000.00 +
Amica Insurance
The Champlin Foundations
The Rhode Island Foundation
Fred M. Roddy Foundation, Inc.
$10,000.00 +
Girl Scouts of the USA
June Rockwell Levy Foundation, Inc.
Rotary Club of East Greenwich
$5,000 - $9,999.99
CVS Charity Classic
Estate of Lee Carol Morris Weigel
Ida Ballou Littlefield Memorial Trust
TD Charitable Foundation
$2,500 - $4,999.99
Jewelle C. Allen
Berkley Florist
Billy Andrade-Brad Faxon Charities
For Children, Inc.
CVS Health
E.W. Burman, Inc.
Fall River Women’s Union
Harry M., Miriam C. &
William C. Horton Fund
JH Communications, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Little
Pawtucket Credit Union
Mr. Albert Pereira
Roofing Concepts, Inc.
Ms. Sally Russell
Mr. Kekin Shah
Textron Charitable Trust
The John Clarke Trust,
Bank of America, N.A. Co-Trustee
The North Family Trust
United Way of Rhode Island, Inc.
$1,000 - $2,499.99
Bank of America
United Way Campaign
Cameron & Mittleman LLP
Crimzon Rose
Laura J. Crowe
CVS Caremark Charitable Trust
Lisa M. DeCubellis
Andy and Polly Erickson
Essex Newbury North
Contracting Corporation
Elsie Foy
Frederick C. Tanner Memorial
Fund, Inc.
Natalie Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hubbard
Mr. Leslie M. Kenney
Mary E. Lafferty
Jennifer Leigh
Michael D. and Mary F. Lynch
Mr. Brian Mills
Navigant Credit Union
Oak Hill Farm, LLC
Cynthia and John Paliotta
Providence Rotary Charities
RI and SEMA Combined Federal
Bets and Gerrit Sanford
Ms. Judy Sansone
Ms. Maureen C. Sawyer
Shanix, Inc.
George and Susan Shuster
Beth and Ken Sirmalis
The Mohegan Tribe
The Providence Journal Company
The Providence Shelter for
Colored Children
Karen P. Thompson
United Way of Central
Wakefield Rotary Club
Wave Federal Credit Union
Laurie White, CCE. and
Jim Taricani
$500 - $999.99
Mrs. Lynn Baker-Dooley
Beacon Mutual Insurance
biogen idec Foundation
Sarina Brown
Mr. Bill Caterino
Mary E. and Nathan W. Chace
Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
of Southeastern New England, Inc.
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Cugini
Dave’s Marketplace
Peter and Maryann Drogan
Jo Ann and Bryan Dumond
EMC Insurance Companies
Patricia M. and Matthew D. Eno
June and Rod Fischer
Kathryn L. Gann, Ph.D.
Pauline and David Gendron
Mr. Lawrence P. Gillheeney
Grant Sherburne Fund, Bank of
America, N.A., Co-Trustee
Mr. John Houle
Ms. Michelle Jessop
Kirkbrae Country Club
Bobby and Kelly Lallo
Virginia and Robert Lallo
Donna Lewis
Lions Club of Westerly
Laura A. Masterson
Mr. Walter F. McLaughlin
Metacomet Country Club
Narragansett Bay Insurance
Piccerelli, Gilstein and
Company, LLP
QSP/Ashdon Farms
Mary Quackenbush
Mr. John Renza
Roger WIlliams Zoo
Seekonk Lions Club Charitable
Dr. Ronald G. Shapiro
Pat and Jay Smith
Diane Sullivan
State of Rhode Island and
Providence Plantations
Susan Steiner
Ann K. Throop
Heidi J. Toppel
United Way of Greater Fall River, Inc.
University of Rhode Island Athletics
Judith Ameen Wilchynski
Dorothy and Kenneth Woodcock
$250 - $499.99
Richard and Rebecca Alberg
Alex & Ani
John and Nancy Armstrong
Karin and Jim Aukerman
Mrs. Joanne C. Cafferky
Miss Suzanne M. Cannon
Christopher & Regan Insurance
Lori Codega, GSSNE Recognitions
Mr. John N. Conti
Mr. and Mrs. Jared Coons
Mrs. Cynthia S. Cross
Mr. Martin Crowley
Mr. Chris Dias
Diana Fashjian
Janet A. Feyler
Mr. Jim Fitzgerald
Flatbread Company Providence
The Frutchey and Richmond Families
Martha, Jim and Liz Frutchey
Gap Inc.
Mr. John Gardner
Gilbane Building Co.
Glocester Lions Club
Ms. Jennifer Goldstein
Mr. & Mrs. John Gray
Greater Providence Chamber
of Commerce
Mrs. Janine Grigelevich
Michelle A. Hirst
Lee-Ann Anderson Hurtubise
iHeartMedia, Inc.
Mary H. Johnson
Barbara Keefe
Latino Public Radio
Margery E. LeBeau
Lincoln Appraisal & Settlement
Joanne Lynch
Susan Mansolillo
Kimberly and Joseph Michalik
Linda Michalzcyk
Patricia Murray
Deborah Myers Meilun, MD
Jill Olson-Crowley
Ms. Melissa Perry
Mr. David Pickering
Potowomut Golf Club
Quidnessett Country Club
Jean and John Roche
Cynthia Rollins
Rotary Club of Woonsocket
Carol Schwebel
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sleicher
Ruth M. Sleicher
Barbara C. Smith
Jane E. Sullivan, Esq.
Susan D. Sweeney
The NKD Group, Inc.
The Prout School
Roxana and Bruce Thomas
Jennifer A. Thomas
Representative Stephen Ucci
University of Rhode Island
Mr. Michele Vitullo
Westerly Community Credit Union
$100 - $249.99
Anonymous (6)
AAA Northeast
Carroll and Winslow Adams
Donna and Joe Amaral
Kristin Auger
Paul and Deborah Barandiaran
Melissa A. Barbato and
Donato C. Barbato
Lori A. Basilico
Vicki Benson
Ms. Susan J. Bergen
Biz Grader
Mr. and Mrs. Thorr Bjorn
Eleanor Bodell-Kudla
Joan M. Breen
Ms. Ashton Brooks
Debra Brzozowy
Kenneth and Anne Marie Buteau
Dr. and Mrs. Norman Campbell
Cardi’s Furniture
Eric and Kathleen Carlson
Kathleen A. Carlson
Karen Carnevale
President Nancy Carriuolo, RIC
Ms. Marjorie B. Catanzaro and
Mr. Robert S. Catanzaro
Madeline and Donald Chisholm
Miss Sarah D. Cholewa
Susan and Roger Cicchini
Cynthia A. Clancy
Amy Collins
Patrick H. Collins
Ms. Jacqueline Costa
David and Denise Cugini
Betty-Jo Cugini Greene
Laura DaFonseca
Davol, Inc.
Barrington Service Unit
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. DeStefano
William and Mary DeWitt Family
Ms. Maryellen DiMaio
Roberta Dowding
Donna M. Dupuis
Ms. Karen M. Edwards
Betty and Tony Faella
Katherine Fandetti
Barbara J. Feyler
FLIR Systems
Patricia J. Fontes
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Fortier
Gail Gaustad
GFWC - Cranston Community
Women’s Club
GFWC Wampanoag Women’s Club
Deirdre Giguere
Ms. Cathleen B. Gleason
Stacy A. Glynn
Mr. Bryan Goikhman
Laurie Anne Graves
Mr. John Gregory
Ms. Janet S. Handford
Pamela A. Harrop, MD
Mr. Terrance Healey
Rev. Robin Higbie
Ms. Sandra L. Hill
William and Lori Howard
Constance A. Howes
Mr. Brian M. Hunter
Walter and Dottie Hunter
Leo G. Hutchings
Mrs. Sheila R. Hutton
Christine R. Isidoro
Mr. Theodore F. Jakubowski
JC Import Co.
Martha and Artemis Joukowsky
Meghan Kampper
Ms. Margaret E. Kane
Gail A. Kelleher
Bill and Linna Kite
Diane and Bill Kowal
Maureen T. Lapan, Ph.D.
Beverly J. Laplante
Denise Larsen
LDC Inc.
Beverly E. Ledbetter
Martha Lewin and Jack Egan
Loiselle Insurance
Mrs. Catherine H. Machala
Jill and Sebestyen Martens
Bethany Mascena Tracy and
Gareth Tracy
Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. McCulloch,
Jr., Trustees, McAdams Foundation
Catherine McDermott
Elizabeth and Dave McNab
Ms. Kathyrn S. Meier and
Mr. Mark L. Robbins
Raymond Mello
Meridian Printing, Inc.
Phyllis J. Merrill
Ms. Jennifer Morin
Kenneth and Virginia Newhall
Alexandria Murphy
Mr. Marc Nadeau
Newport Polo Club
Mr. Paul C. Nicholson, Jr.
Georgette E. Nobrega
J. Timothy and Dorothy O’Reilly
Jami Ouellette
Owner’s Edge, LLC
Gail A. Parente
Partners in Primary Care, Inc.
Pawtucket Country Club
Eileen M. and Robert W. Pekar
Diane and Walter Pelrine
Anne Petit
Mr. Gerald Piette
Mrs. Pamela R. Pinheiro
Providence After School Alliance,
Lynn Reigstad
Rebecca L. Reynolds
Rhode Island Credit Union
Wanda Rivera
Denise Robin
Rotary Club of Westerly
Sail Newport
Susan L. Santos
Ms. Anne M. Seitsinger
Jane and Deming Sherman
Russell Silva
Amy Simonini
David M. Smith
Ms. Rebecca H. Smith and
Mr. Bernard E. Oakley
Soucy Insurance
Ms. Janice I. Spence
Ms. Betty E. Stacey
Neil M. Stamps
Stone Essentials Team
Margaret Tryforos and
Paul Thompson
Thorp and Trainer, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John Tonelli
Tony’s Seafood Inc.
Twin Willows Restaurant
United Way of Southeastern
Connecticut, Inc.
UnitedHealth Group
Uno Restaurant, LLC
Susan Vandenberg
Verizon Communications
Jean Vermette
Linda and Brad Voelz
Renee Volpe
Lillian Wante Gervais
William and Ashley Webster
Weekapaug Golf Club
Angelique and Philip J. Welsh
Connie Worthington and
Terry Tullis
Under $100
Anonymous (3)
Ms. Debra B. Abeshaus
Mr. and Mrs. Jason M. Ackert
Dolores C. Aiken
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Aitkenhead
Thomas Allison
Julie Almond
Amazon Smile
American Blue Ribbon Holdings
Betsey J. Anderson
Ms. Samantha Ascoli
Suzanne G. Ayvazian and
Boze T. Hancock
Ms. Kelly Bailey
Julia Baker
Bank of America Matching
Gift Program
William and Norma Barker
Kristine Batty
Susanne Bianco
Peg Bierden
Cheryl Boergesson
Ms. Gail P. Bolger
Patrick Bolger
Patricia Borgia
Aaron Bradshaw
Krystin Bradshaw
Troop 602
Ms. Christine Cahill
Brittany Cairrao
Mr. Paul Capuano
Ms. Nancy N. Caswell
Wanda Cavedon
Diane M. Cheever
Hui Chen
Jacqueline A. Chevalier
John and Joan Christy
Lisa G. Churchville
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Clarke
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Clarke
Martin and Elizabeth Cohen
Ms. Melissa Conroy
Mr. Matthew Conway
Susan F. Cooper
Ms. Jeannette T. Costa
Ms. Vivian Couto
Katherine M. Cowett
Ms. Aida P. Crosson
Marcia Culligan
Catherine L. Currie
Kathleen Daily
Ms. Johanna Danaher
Nina and Gordon Dash
Jennifer A. DeBlois
Leslie R. Deering
Carol Delaney
Sara Delmonico
Dr. Lenore A. DeLucia
Charlotte C. DeMarco
Mr. Marcel Desrosiers
Anne E. DeStefano
Jayne A. Devol
Andrea Dickinson
Donna Digiulio
Suzanne Disalvo
Mr. Nathaniel P. Dodge
Mr. Stephen R. Dooley
Mrs. Christine E. Dowding
Ms. Patricia Driscoll
Donna and Paul Dubuque
Ms. Marissa Duff
Ms. Karen Dutremble
Ms. Samantha Elpus
Ms. Sally Erskine
Mr. Joseph Esposito
Mr. and Mrs. John Euell
Joanne Evans
Barry Eyre
Ms. Lisa Faille
Margaret W. Falb
Kim M. and Jon D. Faucher
Michael J. Faucher, Sr.
Karen C. and Frank Ferrara
Joan A. Fink
Ms. Katherine Flynn
Walter J. Fontaine
Ms. Michelle Forcier
Mrs. Mary-Elizabeth Fornaro
Linda S. Forster
Julie Freshman
Renee Fullerton
Ms. Alice Furtado
Mrs. Dana Gambrell
Erin Gauch
Ms. Marianne Gianfrancesco
Alberta L. Gilman
Lindsay Gimple
Ms. Gail Ginnetty
Girl Scouts of Southwest Indiana
Valerie J. Girouard
Cindy Gise and Elaine Martin
Golfers’ Warehouse
Secretary of State Nellie M. Gorbea
Roberta and Luke Gosselin
Graphic Innovations
Mr. and Ms. David R. Gray, Jr.
Ms. Terese Gregg
Michael Grossi
Judy and Todd Harff
Normand L. Harkness, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Harrington
David Hart
Lise and Alan Hasegawa
Sarah Hazelton
Mary Hazlett
Elisabeth Head
Representative Joy Hearn
Christopher Hebert
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Herbert
Ms. Eva D. Heroux, MBA, CFRE
Ann L. Hogan
Janice S. Howard
Lesley Howard
Iron Works Tavern
Jennifer Jarbeau
Ms. Jean M. Josephson
Mrs. Jacquelynn E. Kaufman
Karen King
Debbie Koidl
Suzanne M. Kolc
K.Berit Kosterlitz
William Kowal
Dorothy and Christopher Kracik
Ms. Hlee Kue
John F. Law
Milanne Leaonard
Freda and Stephen Lehrer
Cynthia Lewis
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
Helga Liese
Ms. Sara E. Lilligreen and
Mr. Michael J. Montoya
Marianne H. Limoges
Sandra D. and Carl E. Lindstrom
Lions Club of Bellingham
Lions Club of Rumford
Angela Lisa
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lonardo
Joan M. Lynch
Wei Ma
Kati and Ronald Machtley
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Malachowski
Deborah and Claudio Marasco
Ms. Josey Marcoullier
Charlotte and Hugh Markey
Ms. Delaine E. Martin
Lenore Martin
Marie Martin
Anne and Richard Masse
Nancy McDermott
Pamela McGinn
Rachel McGuire
Susan Gerbi-McIlwain
Ms. Joan H. McMaster
Dr. and Mrs. Philip McMaster
Mrs. Anne K. Meeker
Joanna Meriwether
Rusty and Frank Merrill
Kristine and Timothy Mertens
Maydith Merz
Heather E. Miguel
Jean and Howard Milkman
Ms. Maureen Minarik
Christina H. and
Steven A. Minicucci
Gail L. and James J. Montague
Louise Moore
Ms. and Mr. Martha M. Morgan
Mr. Joseph J. Morrison
Donna and Tom Moss
Sharon Mulligan
Joyce Neves
North Attleboro Elks Lodge
Not Your Average Joe’s Inc.
Nancy Nowak
Lorraine Padmos
Ms. Mary Jane Palm
Mr. Matthew Palmer
Laurea L. Pansa
Lauren Parmelee
Perrino & Associates, Inc.
Beverly R. Perry
Jennifer Peters
Ms. Carolyn A. Piatek
Rita M. Pompei
Mrs. Arthur R. Poutray
Miranda and Stephen Prescott
Irene Puleo
Ms. Theresa Raymond
Capucine Rebuffe
Kristen Reilly
Margaret and Joseph Roque
Ann and Robert Rosenblatt
Shannon K. and Charles T. Rozea
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Ruggieri
Joann T. Ruggieri
Rosemarie A. Russo
Patricia Sanford
Ms. Wendy Santos
Miriam Schaerf
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Schoenfeld
Linda Schofield
Marypat Scott
Jamie Senn
Katina L. Shaw
Gert Shea
Mrs. Frances Shippee
Priscilla Shube
Jane and Peter Shuman
Sadaf Siddiq
Mr. Michael Smith
Mrs. Carolann R. Soder
Marion and Leo Arthur St. Onge
Mrs. Christine R. Stevens
Ms. Alison Stone
Brian Stone
Mary Jo Takach
Rebecca Tarango
Katharine and Fred Tarasuk
Mr. Trueson Tarinelli
Mr. Nicholas A. Tartaglione
Philip and Sandy Tessier
Susan Thompson
Trader Joe’s
Charlene I. Underhill
United Way of Greater
Philadelphia and SNJ
Wendy and Jonathan Valente
Margaret and Peter Victoria
Chetra Vongvixay
Elizabeth S. Warren
Linda and David Wegrzyn
Mrs. Ruth B. Whipple
Stephanie Widman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wilhelm
Dorothy Wilkes
Wines & More of RI
Ms. Rita L. Wood
Mary M. Worrell
Carole and Robert Young
Mrs. Marilyn A. Zartarian
Andrea Zemaitis-Zibuda
Xiaojun Zhang
United Way’s, etc.
While GSSNE does not receive direct United Way funding, we do
appreciate the assistance of the following agencies that administer
donor designations.
Bank Of America United Way Campaign
Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts
Combined Federal Campaign
Siemens Caring Hands
United Way Greater Philidelphia and Southern New Jersey
United Way of Central Massachusetts
United Way of Greater Fall River, Inc.
United Way of Massachusetts Bay & Merrimack Valley
United Way of Rhode Island, Inc.
United Way of Southeastern Connecticut, Inc.
Girl Scouting builds girls of
courage, confidence, and character
who make the world a better place.
On my honor, I will try:
To serve God and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
I will do my best to be
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong,
responsible for what I say and do,
and to
respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place, and
be a sister to every Girl Scout.
500 GREENWICH AVENUE, WARWICK, RI 02886 / 401.331.4500 / 800.331.0149 / FAX: 401.421.2937