June 2014 - Kingston Chase
June 2014 - Kingston Chase
www.KCHOA.org Page 1 June 2014 Kingston Chase Crier Vol. 14: Issue No: 06 A KCHOA Publication www.KCHOA.org June 2014 Get Your Mowers Ready for the Season! Kingston Chase Parade well-tuned mower is more efficient and cuts grass blades cleaner, creating a healthier lawn. The Kingston Chase Conservation Corps has arranged for AJ's Mobile Repair Service* to be in our neighborhood on June 12 to tune up your mower! AJ's will honor a discounted price of $80 by scheduling many tune-ups on the same day. You do not have to be home to participate. Friday, July 4, 10:00 a.m. Meet at Clearview Elementary A The experts from AJ's Mobile Repair will: Replace the spark plug Replace the air filter Change oil and oil filter, if equipped Sharpen and balance blade or replace if needed Clean underside of deck from grass build up and debris Lube all cables and inspect for proper function Adjust valve clearance (OHV only) Re-torque cylinder head bolts Adjust and inspect drive system for proper function Grease all pivot points. If you are interested in scheduling your lawn mower for a detailed tune-up, e-mail Betsy Kiker at [email protected]. Betsy will contact you with specific information and instructions. For any questions relating to mower repairs, contact Jason at AJ's Mobile Repair at 703-987-4214. ___________ * AJ's Mobile Repair Service received Angie’s List's Super Service award in 2012 and 2013 Pool Information T he Kingston Chase pool opened for the season on Memorial Day weekend. To download the Pool Rules and Regulations, visit the homepage of the Kingston Chase website at www.kchoa.org. Additionally, the Pool Rules and Regulations will be posted on the bulletin board at the pool house. A photograph of resident families must be on file at the pool and annual fees must be current for entrance into the pool. Guest passes purchased in prior years do not expire. All guest passes must be paid for by check, as the guards cannot collect cash. Please watch young children carefully, never dive into shallow water, and have a great summer! Pet Waste Etiquette D og owners/walkers are responsible for their pet’s waste. Leaving it on the grass strip between the sidewalk and street is not acceptable — even enclosed in a little bag. Also, pet owners/walkers should not leave the little bag in the street near mailboxes or in private trash containers. Pet waste should be removed by the dog owner/walker and returned to the pet owner’s home and disposed of properly there. Kingston Chase would like to thank the Conservation Corps for its Earth Day event and, in particular, thank Jim Palmer for a photography workshop he conducted for the children. A volunteer at the recent spring clean-up pauses for a photo. Additional pictures are included on page 5. www.KCHOA.org Page 2 June 2014 Kingston Chase Home Owners Association Board Meeting Minutes of May 12, 2014 Call to Order President Silvio Krvaric called the Board meeting to order at 7:31 p.m. Board members present: Chris Buley, Andrew Cassell, Marla Hexter, Mike Klinker, Erin Sager, Randall Schrock, Deke Smith, and Todd Waldrup. Others present: Lydia Olechna, Admin Assistant; Kerry Buss, ARC; Jane Hampson, Conservation Corps; Pete Banks, Neighborhood Watch; Heather Kapushoc, Social; and Keary Buhler, swim team. Secretary’s Report – April minutes accepted as published in the May Crier. Treasurer’s Report – There is $232,162 in checking and $231,445 in CDs. Three CDs totaling $106,000 will be reinvested in two 12-month CDs at 0.31% and one 30-month CD at 0.91%. To date, 475 of 537 dues payments have been received. Committee Reports ARC – Ten applications were submitted; nine were approved, one was approved with conditions. The spring walkthrough resulted in 94 violation letters, significantly down from last year. Buildings and Maintenance – No report. Playgroup – No report. Conservation Corps – Earth Day was attended by more than 20 visitors, with a successful plant/seed exchange. Appreciation was expressed for Jim Palmer regarding a photography workshop he conducted for the children. Landscape – The row of arbor vitae trees by the tennis court will be removed and replaced with new trees. Neighborhood Watch – The e-mail is [email protected]. Newsletter – No report. Pool – Repair of concrete and water line is ongoing. The Board approved purchase of a defibrillator. Social – The Fourth of July Parade will begin at 10:00 a.m. on July 4. The Teen Party is scheduled for Saturday, July 12. The Adult Pool Party is scheduled for Saturday, July 26. Swim Team – The swim team meet schedule for 2014 has been set. Tennis – The Board will seek an opinion about possible repairs needed for the tennis court. Website – No report. Welcome – Erin Sager will take over welcomes while Larry Cohen is out of town. Old Business Two Board members attended a Fairfax County Permit Meeting to obtain requirements for the HOA to build a deck behind the pool while preserving the area. The Board needs to get estimates and additional details about how conservation issues will be addressed before proceeding. The broken playground horse is under warranty and will be repaired by the company. New Business Kingston Chase pool rules and regulations for the 2014 season were approved. The Board discussed an option to increase security for the pool after recent vandalism. The installation of security cameras was considered and tabled for next month to gather more information. An Eagle Scout project to clean up Orrison cemetery was proposed. The scout will be invited to the June meeting to present his proposal. A provision to permit grandchildren of residents free access to the pool will be drafted and voted on before the pool opens. Complaints of unauthorized car repairs in the neighborhood were discussed and will be reported to Fairfax County for resolution. Meeting adjourned to executive session at 8:44 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m. Submitted by Marla Hexter, Secretary www.KCHOA.org Page 3 June 2014 Kingston Chase Meetings Tennis Court Architectural Review Committee Tuesday, June 3, 7:30 p.m. To obtain the combination for the lock to the tennis court, please call Heather Kapushoc at 703-668-0484. No bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades, or wheels of any kind – and no dogs – are allowed on the court surface. Board of Directors Monday, June 9, 7:30 p.m. Meetings are held at the KCHOA clubhouse by the pool and begin promptly at their scheduled time. Please lock the gate securely when you leave, and take any trash and personal belongings with you. Conservation Corps Meeting KINGSTON CHASE The Conservation Corps will meet on Wednesday, June 11, at 1710 Fantasia Circle from 8:00-9:00 p.m. Please email [email protected] with any questions or to RSVP, or call Jane at 703-481-7903. The club will discuss summer goals for managing plants and maintenance of the Butterfly Garden. Please feel free to come! GAME CLUB The Game Club meets the fourth Sunday of every month at the Kingston Chase clubhouse. Its next meeting will be held on Sunday, June 22, from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. See you there! Exercises to Prepare for Gardening Season T hey say gardening is great exercise, but few gardeners make the effort to warm up and stretch the way they would before any other exercise activity. If there is a time when that effort is needed, it is springtime. After a long off-season of sitting, you need to ease your body into the stretches, lifting and contortions you are going to demand of it in the garden. The most common gardening injuries are back strain and knee pain. Some easy stretching will go a long way toward lessening both of these. You can stretch your back by lying on the floor, pulling your knees into your chest and wrapping your arms around them. Hold that position for a minute, relax and repeat two more times. Stretch your shoulders by holding a towel over your head. Bring the towel behind your head, with one hand and lower the other hand to below shoulder height. Hold and gently pull on the towel. Switch sides and repeat. Legs will benefit from a runners stretch such as bracing yourself on a counter while stretching, first one leg behind you and then the other. The following are some additional reminders for getting in gardening shape: Pace yourself. Do the hard stuff first, before you are tired and more likely to overexert. Do not hunch. If you squat when you weed, keep your back straight and move along as you weed (don't reach too far). When lifting, always bend from the knees, not the waist. Keep your back straight, using the thigh muscles to do the lifting. Move your feet closer to the object you are lifting and take a wide stance, to balance yourself. Keep the object close to you as you lift it. Do not lift and twist in the same movement. Kneel on both knees at the same time to avoid twisting or straining. Use a knee pad. Use tools with comfortable handles or a soft wrap. Change hands from time to time. When using long handled tools, stand straight and keep your knees relaxed. If you need to twist or pivot, step into the twist to ease tension on the back. Get out that wheelbarrow or wagon and use it. ___________ By Marie Iannotti at http://gardening.about.com/bio/Marie-Iannotti-7005.htm. Retrieved from Ask.com. www.KCHOA.org Page 4 June 2014 Architectural Review Committee The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) met on May 6 to review the following applications: Lot 18 45 192 205 279 317 321 470 477 Approved Replace all windows and replace mailbox. Replace front concrete walk with Bluestone. Install garden box retaining wall (24" or less). Replace fence. Change shutter color. Improve existing fence. Replace and repair fence. Replace existing front walkway with pavers and expand flower bed. Install walkway and widen driveway. Lot 386 Approved With Conditions Repair, widen, and resurface driveway. Please submit ARC application forms by mail (prior to the next scheduled meeting) to: KCHOA ARC, P.O. Box 221, Herndon, VA 20172. Applications for external alterations cannot be approved outside of the approval cycle, except in cases of an emergency, and must be approved before work begins. If you have any questions, please e-mail to [email protected]. The ARC meets the first Tuesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at the Kingston Chase clubhouse. All homeowners with applications are encouraged to attend. The application form and Guidelines can be viewed and downloaded off the web at: www.KCHOA.org. Swim Team Update F or information about swim meets, team events, registration, or volunteer needs and opportunities, visit the swim team website at www.kcfighters.swim-team.us. Evening practice begins Tuesday, May 27, and runs through June 24. The evening times are 5:00-5:30 (8 and under), 5:30-6:15 (9-10 year old), and 6:15-7:00 (11 and up). Morning practice begins Wednesday, June 25, from 8:00-9:00 a.m. (10 and under) and 9:00-10:00 a.m. (11 and up). For questions about swim team, e-mail Keary Buhler at [email protected] or Andrea Yerovi at [email protected]. ARC Meet Schedule Saturday, June 21, home vs. Kingstream Wednesday, June 25, home vs. Bradley Farms Wednesday, July 2, home vs. Four Seasons Tuesday, July 8, Herndon Olympics at home Wednesday, July 9, at Reflections Saturday, July 12, at Kingstream Wednesday, July 16, home vs. Herndon Community Center Saturday, July 19, home vs. Hunter’s Creek Saturday, July 26, at Four Seasons - Champs and All-Stars T he spring walk through was completed on May 1, and the neighborhood looks great! Homeowners should keep in mind that the walk through is just a glimpse of the neighborhood through a very small window of time. Should you receive an ARC letter listing an issue you have remedied, please disregard the letter. If you have questions about any part of the letter, please do not hesitate to e-mail the ARC at [email protected]. Mowed lawns, upright mailboxes, and firmly attached gutters and downspouts may seem like minor issues, but regular exterior maintenance improves all of our property values regardless of real estate market trends. If you would like to help with the fall walk through or would like to know more about how the ARC operates, please come to an ARC meeting on the first Tuesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. in the clubhouse. www.KCHOA.org Page 5 June 2014 KC2 Cake Pops TWIN GRASS CUTTING SERVICE Do you want to have a snazzy party with an awesome dessert? How about CAKE POPS!! $20 per lawn Custom designs for special occasions such as Birthdays, End-of-School, the 4th of July, Halloween, Christmas, and so much more! E-mail Corryn at kc2cakepops@ gmail.com for details. Additional service: Prepare ground for small vegetable gardens If interested, contact us at: 703-435-9744 (home) 202-262-8684 (cell) [email protected] (email) Photo is an example of actual KC2 Cake Pops. PET SITTER AVAILABLE 14 year-old girl with lots of experience with all kinds of pets. References, too. Call 571-405-7432 Honest and Reliable Auto Repairs and Maintenance – Low rates / Licensed / over 20 years experience – Work performed at your home or at my garage off Old Ox Road – Free consultation / Work guaranteed – Kingston Chase resident Matt Carnogursky Call 703-964-5422 or e-mail [email protected] Thank you to the volunteers who participated in the recent spring clean-up. It was a beautiful day to clear out the accumulated trash. N eighborhood Watch is a committee of homeowners that monitors reports of vandalism or criminal activity in the neighborhood. All residents are asked to serve as the eyes and ears of the neighborhood. Please contact Pete Banks at 703-209-3004 or via e-mail at [email protected] to report any incidents. Where appropriate, call the Fairfax County Police nonemergency number at 703-691-2131 or 911 for urgent matters. There are no incidents to report this month. www.KCHOA.org Page 6 June 2014 www.KCHOA.org Page 7 June 2014 www.KCHOA.org Page 8 June 2014 Trinity Presbyterian Preschool Jim & Janie Houde YOUR PERSONAL CRUISE SPECIALISTS 651 Dranesville Road, Herndon www.trinityherndon.org 12606 Little Stones Lane Herndon, VA 20170 Telephone: (703) 437-4280 Toll Free: (877) 437-4280 Email: [email protected] Web: www.cruiseone.com/jhoude Offering morning classes for children ages 2.9 to 5 years with optional lunch bunch extension. For more information or to schedule a tour, please call: INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED 703-437-1080 McLean Trash Service oday Call T Once or twice per week pick up. Trash Yard Waste Recycling 703-442-7387 Lowest Prices in Kingston Chase Don’t let big-name competitors drive this mom and pop business out of Kingston Chase. Call McLean Trash Service and sign up today! LOCAL BABYSITTER AVAILABLE 19 year-old with lots of experience and references available for daytime, evening, and weekends. Call or text Marie - 571-201-7067 Reserving the Clubhouse T o reserve the Kingston Chase Clubhouse for your small party or meeting, contact Lydia Olechna at 703-282-6524 or via e-mail at [email protected]. Please do not assume the clubhouse is available at a given day or time. To assist in your planning, visit the Kingston Chase homepage at www.kchoa.org to view the current Clubhouse Calendar. All reservations must be confirmed prior to the activity commencing, even for internal Kingston Chase club or committee business. www.KCHOA.org Page 9 June 2014 HomeWork Remodeling Improve Your Quality of Life Your Neighborhood Handyman for: All Types of “Honey Do” Chores Interior and Exterior Painting, Mailbox Installation Drywall Repairs and Minor Plumbing Repairs Electrical Rewiring and Installations Power Washing, Gutter Cleaning, and much more... WINDOWS – SIDING ROOFING – DECKS 15% OFF Free Estimates Free Financing For KCHOA Residents Are you getting ready to put your house on the market and need to spruce it up? Or have you recently moved in and want to “correct” the old color scheme? 703-803-6500 This 1985 Kingston Chase based professional can handle your painting, minor carpentry, electrical (recessed lighting, ceiling fans, switches, outlets), plumbing (replace faucets, toilets, vanities, disposal), power washing, and miscellaneous repairs. Simons Handyman Services can resolve most issues brought up by the KCHOA ARC. GREEN LEAF TREE REMOVAL James Thompson, Landscaper Work guaranteed. FREE estimates. Available for emergencies. No job too small. Mulching, Firewood, Home Improvements 540-522-8133 [email protected] Call Mark Simons at 703-437-3434 Accepts debit and credit cards. Insured. Grade A member in good standing with the Better Business Bureau Kingston Chase Resident R&M CLEANING SERVICES RELIABLE EXPERIENCED GOOD REFERENCES FLEXIBLE SCHEDULING REASONABLE RATES WE BRING OUR OWN EQUIPMENT Kitchens Baths Basements Driveways Retaining walls Walkways Conrete Asphalt Brick Stone Masonry Pavers Patios Decks Fences Landscape Management Snow Removal Free In-home Estimate Weekly, Bi-weekly, Monthly or Occasionally Move-in or Move-out Office 703-321-5335 Please send an e-mail to [email protected] with any lost and found items. INTERIOR EXTERIOR COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Please keep Kingston Chase clean by doing your part to pick up and dispose of trash properly. Call MARYEN or RAUL at & Also, please check the Bulletin Board at www.kchoa.org for lost and found items or other important HOA news. www.KCHOA.org Page 10 June 2014 www.KCHOA.org Page 11 Welcome to the Neighborhood! Clayton and Denise Childers 12705 Taustin Lane Dennis and Gloria Smith 1603 Blacksmith Lane If you are new to Kingston Chase and have not yet received a welcome packet, please send an e-mail to [email protected] and someone will see that you get one. Please fill out and return the database sheet so that you receive all KCHOA correspondence. Seller’s Packet If you are selling your Kingston Chase home, you or your real estate agent will need to purchase the HOA “Seller’s Packet” for closing. For more information or to obtain a copy, please e-mail [email protected]. The packet costs $125 and must be obtained before closing can occur. KC Neighbor Herndon, VA 20170 E-mail the Crier at [email protected] June 2014 Kingston Chase Home Owners Association Board of Directors* ‘16 President Silvio Krvaric 703-593-9899 [email protected] ‘16 Vice President Randall Schrock 703-376-8125 [email protected] ‘15 Secretary Marla Hexter 703-437-7881 [email protected] ‘14 Treasurer Chris Buley 703-796-0841 [email protected] ‘14 Roger Gaffey 703-435-6956 [email protected] ‘14 Mike Klinker 703-435-2337 [email protected] ‘14 Jack McDonald 703-834-0717 [email protected] ‘15 Andrew Cassell 703-468-1782 [email protected] ’15 Erin Sager 703-785-4768 [email protected] ‘16 Deke Smith 703-481-9572 [email protected] ‘16 Todd Waldrop 571-217-3627 [email protected] * Board terms are for three consecutive years and expire on December 31st of the year noted. Committee Chairpersons Admin. Assistant ARC Buildings/Landscape Neighborhood Watch Newsletter Editor Pool Social Tennis Website Welcome Lydia Olechna Kerry Buss Mike Klinker Pete Banks Ruthie Rosati Deke Smith Heather Kapushoc Heather Kapushoc Ruthie Rosati Larry Cohen Book Club Children’s Corner Conservation Corps Game Club Game Club Swim Team Swim Team Betsy Kiker Dominique Hart Jane Hampson Betsy Kiker Barb Craley Keary Buhler Andrea Yerovy 703-282-6524 703-435-2337 703-209-3004 703-481-4347 703-481-9572 703-668-0484 703-668-0484 703-481-4347 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Club Chairpersons 703-787-0128 703-481-2089 703-481-7903 703-437-9164 703-787-3860 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] To discuss any questions or concerns, please contact the relevant Club or Committee Chairperson. Homeowners are welcome at the monthly Board meetings held the second Monday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at the clubhouse adjacent to the pool. Advertising Disclaimer KCHOA does not endorse any of the advertisements or services offered in the Crier. Residents are encouraged to check references or take other precautions to ensure that expectations are met. Anyone who would like to place an ad in the Crier should send an e-mail to [email protected] for more information. The deadline for the July issue of the Kingston Chase Crier is June 15. Crier Advertisement Rates: $5.00 for 20 words $10.00 for a business card scan $25.00 for a quarter of a page $45.00 for half a page $75.00 for a full page Take 10% off for a full year paid in advance. New Baby? Is there a new addition to your family? If so, the Welcome Committee has a special gift for you. Please e-mail [email protected] with your stork information and an HOA representative will deliver your gift and announce the happy news in the next edition of the Crier. Please contact Ruthie Rosati, newsletter editor, at 703-481-4347 or by e-mail at [email protected] with news, announcements, photographs, or advertisements. Payment for advertisements can be mailed to: KCHOA, P.O. Box 332, Herndon, VA 20172 www.KCHOA.org Kingston Chase HOA Page 12 June 2014 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID RESTON VA PERMIT NO 238 P.O. Box 332 Herndon, VA 20172 Return Service Requested June 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 ARC Meeting 7:30 p.m. 4 5 6 7 8 9 Board Meeting 7:30 p.m. 10 11 Conservation Corps 8:00 p.m. 12 AJ's Lawn Mower Tune-up/Repair comes to Kingston Chase 13 14 15 16 17 18 Swim Team Time Trials - 6:00 p.m. 19 20 21 Home Swim Meet versus Kingstream 8:00 a.m. 22 Game Club 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. 23 24 25 Home Swim Meet versus Bradley Farms 6:00 p.m. 26 Swim Team Pancake Breakfast 8:15 a.m. 27 28 29 30 Deadline - July Crier ! The new Kingston Chase Directory will be published this summer. If you have any last-minute changes to the directory that were not included when you turned in your database sheet earlier this year, please e-mail Lydia Olechna at [email protected]. On July 8 Kingston Chase will host the Herndon Olympics. On July 7 there will be a swim clinic.
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