Time to get ready for Trout!


Time to get ready for Trout!
Time to get ready for Trout!
New Website is up:
Can get all your service
Forms on line to keep
Track of your hours
It looks great!
President - Jamie Wilson
[email protected]
State Director - Bob Oates
Vice President – Jan Walker
[email protected]
Secretary - Libby Beatty
[email protected]
Treasurer - Mary Ann Short
[email protected]
Newsletter - Crystal Champion
[email protected]
Inside this issue:
President’s Message
Editor’s Note
Pack Clinic
Up Coming Events
Montana De Oro
Secretary’s Report
Spring Ride
Trout Logs
Monument Info
Membership Application 15
Methuselah Camp/Ride 16
Education - Sandy Oates
[email protected]
Membership - Gail Januska
[email protected]
Service - Peg Wilson
Public Lands - Steve Ladrigan
Web Master - Jorene Downs
[email protected]
Web Master Coordinator Phil Lomonaco 559-539-3776
[email protected]
President - Larry Shuman
Shasta Trinity
1st Vice President Garry Stauber
Ohlone Riders
2nd Vice President Carrie Johnson
Mother Lode
Secretary - Kaye Bruns
Antelope Valley
Treasurer - Lynn Joiner
Kern Sierra
VP of Public Lands Dan Clifford
San Diego
VP/CO-VP of Education BCHA Nat’l Board Rep. Jerry Ledbetter
Mother Lode
BCHA Nat’l Board Rep. Michael Murphy
North Bay
BCHA Alt Nat’l Board Rep. Ann Lange
Kern Sierra
Vickie Ketchie
Bonnie Searcy
Bradley Miles
Emily Miles
Paul Frisby
Ruthie Heuer
Rodeo Board Rep - Steve Ladrigan
Rodeo Board Rep - John Huizinga
The Sequoia News is the official publication of the Sequoia Unit of the Backcountry horsemen of California and is
published monthly. The Sequoia news is committed to print articles to inform readers of issues concerning the
Sequoia Unit and BCHC/BCHA. Humorous stories, ads, cartoons, events and the minutes of the Sequoia Unit
Meetings. All items for the newsletter must be received by the editor no later than the 15 th of each month. Your
views, comments or suggestions are solicited. The Sequoia News looks forward to providing members a newsletter
that will keep you informed, make you laugh and have a little history of the BACKCOUNTRY.
Change of Address
Please inform us of any address or phone changes. Contact: Gail Januska 559-781-8505 (Membership)
The views or opinions expressed and articles appearing in the Sequoia News are those of the editor or persons that
submitted items for Sequoia News and may not necessarily be those of the officers or members of the Sequoia
Unit, BCHC or BCHA.
Presidents Message
Hello All,
The snow is melting fast, so we all should be planning our first pack trips. Remember to sign up for Trout
Cabin patrol, and plan to help with the Velvet Grass Eradication Supply pack trains this summer.
Get the stock in shape at the May 2nd Spring Ride, and at the Balch Park weekend camp out in June. We
could use a lot of volunteer hours at the Rodeo Food Booth May 9, and June 27 & 28.
If anyone has an idea for a day- ride or field day, please contact me or one of the other board members. New
places and new ideas keep things interesting. Hope to see more of our members at the upcoming events.
Happy Trails,
Jamie Wilson
Editors Note
Hello Everyone,
Sure have had some beautiful sunshine, can’t wait for backcountry trips. Hope everyone
is looking forward to the Spring Ride, will be a good time to get your horses out. Lots of
things to do.
Happy Trails,
02, 2009 - Spring Ride
- Keyes Ranch
Sign up between 8 & 9 am
13, 2009 - Board Meeting
- Westwood Vet
15, 2009 - Porterville Fair
- Hug - A - Tree Program
19, 2009 - Bishop Mule Days
20, 2009 - General Meeting
26, 2009 -
- Springville School
10:00 am
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
Trout Meadow Opening
June 6-7, 2009 - Trail Work Days
10, 2009 - Board Meeting
- Westwood Vet
6:30 pm
June 12-14, 2009 - Methuselah Campground Ride - Contact Peg 310-3176
17, 2009 - General Meeting POTLUCK
Sept 24-28, 2009 - Montana De Oro Ride
Oate’s Place 6:00 pm
- Contact Crystal 972-4299
Montana De Oro Ride - Sept 24-28, 2009
Los Osos, CA
About the Ride
The ride is limited to 25 horses, 50 people, max 25 vehicles.
Everyone is responsible for their own meals, we can potluck on
Thursday so bring a dish. Everyone can ride at their leisure or just
visit. Be sure to put down number of horses your bringing. Everyone is responsible for cleaning up after their animals.
Cost of ride is $25.00 per horse/rider
$10.00 for non-rider and kids 15 & under free.
Parking: It’s limited so try and pool up with
others that are going. Parking is at the campsite. When you enter Montana De Oro, the first
turnout to the right (there will be corrals there
but not our campsite), is where you need to
turn and follow it back to the west to end. We
will be at the Madrone Horse Group Site. Everyone has to park there, so be sure to leave
room for others, it will be tight.
What to bring: There is water for horses only. No Hookups. Be sure to bring halters/ropes, some horses will need to be
tied up, limited corrals. Might be pretty cool at night, so be prepared. You never know what the weather will bring. Make
sure you bring clothes for warm or cold.
Rules of the ride: This ride is RSVP only. You must contact Crystal Champion (559) 972-4299 or [email protected]
if you want to go by AUGUST 24, 2009. Each person attending must fill out a Liability Release Form. I need to have
these in before the deadline. I will be there, so look for me to check in at campsite. This ride will fill up extremely fast, so
rsvp as soon as possible. I will make a waiting list, so if anyone cancels you can take their spot. If you rsvp and then cannot make it, be sure to let me know for those who will be waiting. No smoking or drinking of alcohol while riding. No dogs
or stallions allowed on the ride! You must be a member of BCHC to attend, Children's parents must have a family membership, our insurance requires it! Montana De Oro does not allow dogs on trails or off leash at campsite.
Montana De Oro Sign Up
LIABILITY RELEASE: Must be a member to attend our insurance requires .
Recognizing the fact that there is potential for accidents wherever horse use is involved which
Can cause injuries to horses, riders & spectators, and also recognizing the fact that Backcountry
Horseman of California, Units, Officers or members cannot always know the condition of trails
Or experience of riders or horses taking part in outings or trail rides or other BCHC functions, I
Do hereby release the above named from any claim or right for damages which might occur to
Me, my minor children, horses or equipment.
Signature _________________________________ Phone_________________ # of Horses__________ Date__________
Signature _________________________________ Phone_________________ # of Horses__________ Date__________
Signature _________________________________ Phone_________________ # of Horses__________ Date__________
Must be a member of BCHC to participate.
Your phone Number _____________
Enclosed is $25.00/$10.00 (check only) for
Each reservation for a total of:
Please mail reservation with your check
(payable to BCHC Sequoia Unit) with
the registration/liability release by
August 24, 2009
To: Crystal Champion
16254 Ave 320
Visalia, CA 93292
Secretary’s Report
April 15, 2009
Pres. Jamie called the meeting to order at 7:05
Sec. Lib passed out copies of the minutes from general meeting 3-18-09. Jan motioned first to accept, George 2nd,
minutes accepted.
Mary Ann reported a balance of $4292.60 with an outstanding bill for member insurance.
Sandy said the 501c3 is done! Donations to our unit go on a slip with 2 copies, one back to the donor and the other to
the state. The donor will price
non-monetary gifts.
Gail said we are the 2nd fastest growing unit in the state! 197 members present.
Jamie asked for email addresses for newsletter distribution to save on postage. Phil suggested some printed copies be
available at the general meetings.
Public Lands
Steve asks that every member go to GSNMVIBE.ECR.GOV
For comments – Pacific [email protected]
There is a meeting tomorrow at 6:30 in the Forest Service Office by the airport.
Steve says the packing contest is the same as last year, Sunday at noon. June 27-28 is a Jr. Rodeo. May 9th will be a
roping clinic.
June 22nd is a pack in stuff for the Forest Service to eradicate the Velvet grass.
State Dir.
The state membership dropped about 100 members. We plus another unit gained members this year. At the Rendezvous, “Backcountry” in our name is incorporated as ONE WORD. We should use it that way. Someone asked, then
why is it BCH? Insurance will cost about $4.60 per member, the bill is still to come. The Oct. meeting TBA.
Secretary’s Report Cont’d
Phil asked for pictures to be emailed in. He brought information on the Wild Horse adoption
from the BLM and the program from the Rendezvous.
At Trout Training there was discussion of marking trails and watching for marijuana gardens. The gardens are to be reported, but stay out. Often they are guarded with firearms and
pesticides from Mexico, illegal here, are dumped into damned streams and waterways. Don’t
allow stock to drink anywhere near or downstream of gardens.
The Methuselah Camp and Ride trip is coming up. 20 people can sign up. There are Indian
bath tubs and good trails. There are sign ups- PLEASE HELP- for the Rodeo booth. Sat. and
Sun., breakfast, lunch and dinners. We may need new faucet for handwashing station. Our
Spring ride is May 2nd at the Keyes Ranch toward Balch Park.
Mike D says donations are being accepted in conjunction with Valley Children’s Hosp. to support riders on a 30 day trip in August, traveling about 300 miles.
Jay made 1st motion to adjourn, “brother” 2nd…..adjourned at 8:20.
Respectfully submitted, Lib
Spring Ride Keye’s Ranch
May 2, 2009
Sign up 8:00 - 9:00 am
Ride @ 10:00 am
Poker Ride, Games, Raffle
Cost is $10.00 per person
Be Sure to bring a dish to share for the Potluck Lunch
Directions: Go through Springville to Balch Park Road, then turn north/left if you are coming from the
west.. Go six miles until you come to Yokohl Valley Road; then turn to the west/left if you are coming
from Springville.. Go one mile look for the caboose and turn into the ranch. The ranch is on the south
side of the road. That is the left side if you are coming from Springville. Parking will be out back by the
arena. Look for signs starting at Balch Park Road.
Sunshine Club
Crystal Champion (559) 798-1949
[email protected]
Be sure to make a list of your birthdays &
anniversary if you would like them on the list.
May 2009
Donny Castle
Mike Ellison
Tauri Cornell
Jeff Gardner
Tom Marshall
Joan Hall
Dave Vargas
Pat Mumford
Jan Walker
Henry Skidmore
Dick Lawrence
Please return to Crystal so we can get it in the newsletter.
Thank you!
Life Members
Veronica Finley (BCHC)
Emmy Kibler (Sequoia Unit)
Benefactor Member
Charles & Dahne Airoza
Jamie Wilson, DVM
Patron Member
Don & Ginny Griswold
Jim & Pat Holly
Larry Young
Jerry & Joan Hall
Arlan & Kathy Shaffer
Richard & Jill Speidell
Henry & Jane Skidmore
Bill & Dorothy Brown
Sunshine Club
[email protected]
If you would like a Back Country
Horseman metal sign
Please contact Sandy Oates
(559) 784-4912
Price $20.00
Trout Log
Got up about 6:00 am, pretty cool probably just about 50 degrees
Got my propane situation fixed, so lets see if fridge gets cold now.
Made a fire & watched the horses in the meadow. Then removed
all horse manure around entire cabin and hitch rail area, sure
looks a lot nicer. Fixed breakfast, walked down & fixed fence by
water trough. Walked around remaining fence and all in good
shape. Seems like my little paint mare got in the barb wire last
night, has small spots on front legs, chest and face. Walked
around to look for loose wire but didn’t find any. Check in with
Needles at 9:20 am. Some hikers came through Trout a little after
10:00, they had stayed the night at Willow, they were looking for
some short cute trail to Little Lakes. Dave from the pack station
came by about noon on his way out from Little Lake, he left
Benny & a group there. He has to take another group out Sat.
He said Benny & group should be out tomorrow. He stayed about
30-40 mins to rest. He had Benny’s Border Collie & the pack
stations little tiny white dog Fred with him, they were tired! An
other hiker - Jeff from San Fernando Valley came through about
2:00, stopped & rested. He spent the night by the bridge cause he
got in late from Jerky. He’s going to go on up to the river, Dave
told him it was about a hour past here. Took horses out for a
ride checking fence lines. Came back & gathered some more fire
wood. Checked out with Needles about 4:30. Sat around camp,
read book and then went to bed.
Got up at 6:30, another cool morning. Went down & checked on
horses. Sat around campfire. Check in with Needles at 9:10 am
might head out Sunday instead of Monday depends on weather.
Needles said a lot of wind coming in on Sunday, that she would
update me more tonight. Had breakfast, some English muffins &
maple bacon, sure was good! Dave came through just before noon
looking to see if Benny had come through yet, he was over at Cow
Camp having problems w/two mules. He was taking lunch over
to Cold Springs to a group that was there. Benny & a group of 2
men, 1 woman & 5 pack mules got here about 12:45, they stayed
while Benny went to help Dave. Benny ended up taking other
mules to Cold Springs while Dave came back to take this group
out. Dave did something to his back & lost most of the feeling in
his legs, he couldn’t get off his horse. A group of 3 hikers came
through as the other group was leaving. This group was 2 woman
& 1 man hiking through to Crescent in Sequoia National Park,
they left at 1:45 pm. Decided to head out early, weather getting
bad. Checked out w/ Needles. - Crystal
The Giant Sequoia National Monument Management Plan
The Giant Sequoia National Monument (Monument) is a publicly owned treasure in California's southern Sierra Nevada.
The Monument's diverse geologic formations, ecosystems, and human history hold unique opportunities for public education, scientific study, and recreation. In April 2000, President Clinton proclaimed 328,000 acres of the Sequoia National
Forest as the Giant Sequoia National Monument. The Presidential Proclamation required that a management plan be completed within three years. In January 2004, the Giant Sequoia National Monument Management Plan (Plan), which provided
for use by an international public as well as for the protection and restoration of 33 giant sequoia groves and their ecosystems, was published and implementation began. Subsequently, two lawsuits were brought challenging the Plan. In October
2006, Federal District Court Judge Charles Breyer found in favor of the plaintiffs and remanded the Plan to the U.S. Forest
Service "…so that a proper Monument Plan can be developed in accordance with the Presidential Proclamation,… and in
compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)…"
In January 2008, a Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare an environmental impact statement was published in the Federal Register and we began a year-long collaborative scoping process for development of a new Plan. A draft version of the Desired
Conditions and the Purpose and Need have been shared at public meetings and posted on this website for your review and
GREAT NEWS!! The Sequoia National Forest, in developing the Monument Plan, has been chosen as an ePubPlus pilot
project using Limehouse Software to streamline document publishing and public participation. The Monument planning
process is considered an ideal pilot project because of its uniquely collaborative process (which involves both the public and
the scientific community) and its diverse, geographically-dispersed interdisciplinary team. The Limehouse Software enables
public citizens, stakeholders, and partners to fully engage in the planning process through a consultation portal, while also
improving the analysis, reporting, and response to public comments. You will be able to comment on-line on the Proposed
Action and DEIS, read other comments, take surveys, and participate in bulletin boards. You will have geographic information capabilities by downloading maps and the ability to review databases. Please continue to check our website for new
postings to the consultation portal.
Cont’d on next page
Monument Collaboration Approach
A front-end-loaded collaborative process, engaging a variety of stakeholders, will facilitate the collaborative development of a generally agreed upon proposal that will be taken through the environmental impact statement
(EIS) process as required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The new collaborative approach to
planning is about sharing power and ensuring the planning process is transparent to all--every step of the way. The
new Monument planning strategy is focused on a four-pronged collaboration effort to communicate and engage
the public in the development of the new Plan. This 4-part collaborative appproach means sharing power, engaging
in ongoing conversation with stakeholders and the general public, and being open to any possibilities that are legal,
fair, and practical. Representatives of stakeholder groups, as well as the general public, have the opportunity to be
a part of defining objectives, crafting alternatives, guiding the analysis of alternatives, and ensuring that our efforts
are transparent to the public and easy to understand. The four parts are:
A multi-party collaboration effort using a third-party mediator to bring together local communities of interest,
in cooperation with the U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution and Ms. Carie Fox of Fox Mediation.
Piloting state-of-the-art communication software for online e-planning to connect our publics nationwide using
social networking opportunities (see the description above of the new ePubPlus pilot project).
Integration of three decision support systems that will facilitate the analysis of effects and the development of
Connecting environmental and socio-economic planning and using software from the non-profit organization,
Headwaters Economics, to develop demographic and socioeconomic trends which impact local land use patterns.
Where Do You Begin?
In the sidebar to the right you will find an early version of the "Draft Purpose and Need and Desired Conditions."
As many have pointed out, before we can discuss vegetation management and alternatives, the Sequoia National
Forest, in collaboration with its public, needs to articulate the desired conditions for the Monument. This first draft
reflects a combination of our understanding of what the Proclamation requires and the public's desires within that
framework. It is just a start, a way to provide focus for the collaborative dialog and to open ourselves up to further
dialog with the public.
There is a companion document, entitled "Draft Decision Framework." This is both a visual representation of the
desired conditions and the foundation for our use of multi-criteria decision support (MCDS), one of the three decision support systems mentioned above. Both the desired conditions and the decision framework need to evolve,
and resonate, throughout this public dialog
Representatives of stakeholder groups have the opportunity to be a part of defining objectives, crafting alternatives, guiding the analysis of alternatives, and ensuring that our efforts are transparent to the public and easy to
understand -- every step of the way.
Classified and Newsletter Display Ad Rates
Ads to be prepaid. Please send business card or display with check for duration of the ad.
Classified ad rate per issue is 4 lines for $2.50 + .50 for each additional line. Display rate
per issue: Business Card size $5.00, 1/4 page $20.00, 1/2 page $35.00. Display and business cards must be received by the 15th of each month. Editor reserves the right to refuse
inappropriate ads. Contact Crystal [email protected]
[email protected]
Methuselah Camp/Ride - June 12-14, 2009
Here's some basic info: Camp and Ride, Methuselah Group campground, Balch Park/Mountain
Home State Forest. June 12,13,14. Bring your horse and dutch oven and plan to spend a
weekend in the Giant Sequoias. We're planning on having day rides, speakers from the Park,
and good food. We need at least 20 people to use the campsite, so sign up early and often. For
more info contact Peg Wilson or JamieWilson. We could use some help with the planning, so
if intersested, let one of us know.
Reservation & Liability Release Form
LIABILITY RELEASE: Must be a member to attend our insurance requires it.
Recognizing the fact that there is potential for accidents wherever horse use is involved which
Can cause injuries to horses, riders & spectators, and also recognizing the fact that Backcountry
Horseman of California, Units, Officers or members cannot always know the condition of trails
Or experience of riders or horses taking part in outings or trail rides or other BCHC functions, I
Do hereby release the above named from any claim or right for damages which might occur to
Me, my minor children, horses or equipment.
Signature _____________________________Date________
Signature _____________________Date_________
Signature _____________________________Date________
Signature _____________________Date_________
Must be a member of BCHC to participate.
Your phone Number _____________
Enclosed is $10.00 (check only) for
Each reservation for a total of:
Please mail reservation with your check
(payable to BCHC Sequoia Unit) with
the registration/liability release before
June 6, 2009
To: BCHC Sequoia Unit
PO Box 456
Springville, CA 93265