Club Newsletter - Lewisporte Yacht Club


Club Newsletter - Lewisporte Yacht Club
Club Newsletter
Edition 2013-2 for June to August 2013
Welcome to the second LYC newsletter for 2013. It will be a summary of the happenings within the
club, and around the marina. Your contributions are appreciated, so if you are planning a cruise, been
on a voyage, organizing an event, a visiting boater with a story to tell, or have a picture to share, please
contact the Communications Chair, Peter Haliburton, at [email protected].
The town of Lewisporte was known as the “Gateway to the North” because of its deep water port and
commercial wharf from which goods were shipped to the coast of Labrador. The railway which fed the
ships has been gone for many years,
and now, transportation by roads in
Labrador, and other ports, has replaced
much of the marine cargo that once
flowed through Lewisporte. The town’s
claim to that title has been weakened,
but there may be another local
contender for it.
The Lewisporte marina facility is
increasingly seeing recreational and
expedition vessels setting out from here
on their way north. They find this to be a
great place to supply their boats and
gain repairs to ensure they are ready to
take on their northern adventures.
Sailboats have left here and successfully
navigated through the Northwest Passage. Even some club members regularly make voyages along
the northern coast of Labrador.
So, while the town itself may not be the transition point for goods heading north that it used to be, the
Lewisporte Marina is certainly building its own claim on the title “Gateway to the North”. You can find a
couple of examples in this newsletter.
Things within the club and around the marina are moving along too. We have had some fun social
events to occasionally distract us from the many hours spent working on our boats. As well, the LMAA
has been busy improving the facilities that we use. The marina is continuously bustling with activity,
especially while the food fishery is open.
Before we get into those details, let’s hear from the LYC executive...
LYC Executive Report
The boating season is now well underway, and it has been pretty smooth sailing at the yacht club.
There was one patch of rough water, however, with the resignation of Facilities Director, Max Hart. The
new director in that position is Maureen Dalley, and the executive would like to welcome her aboard.
A set of rental guidelines has been introduced for the clubhouse. See the complete document at the
end of the newsletter.
Don't forget to nominate someone for one of the club's awards. They will be presented to deserving
individuals during an event at the end of the boating season. See our club website
( for more info, or contact the Past
Commodore, Mac Moss.
You may have noticed a locked display case in the club house containing some nice looking clothing
with the club's name and logo on it. To purchase one of these items, just take note of the style, stroll
over to the LMAA office, and pay for it. They have all the different sizes and colours there. They also
have the club burgees for sale.
Want something for free? The digital version of this 2010 aerial
photo of the marina is yours for the asking. Just provide the LMAA
with an email address (no USB drives, etc please, that is a good
way to spread malware) to send it to. Photo shops in places like
Walmart can print up one to frame, in whatever size you want, at
reasonable prices.
2013 Executive Update
There have been a few changes to the LYC executive since the AGM. Below is the current list, and you
can also find the names posted in the clubhouse.
Ralph Miller
[email protected]
Vice Commodore
Kevin Loder
[email protected]
Rear Commodore
Allan Scammell
Fleet Captain
Rod McLay
[email protected]
Mabel Miller
[email protected]
Jessie Osmond
[email protected]
Fleet Director
Roy Oake
[email protected]
Social Director
Kim Oake
[email protected]
Facilities Director
Maureen Dalley
[email protected]
Communications Director
Peter Haliburton
[email protected]
Past Commodore
Mac Moss
[email protected]
The members listed below are your representatives on the LMAA.
LMAA Representative
Lucien Forbes
LMAA Representative
Austin Freake
LMAA Representative
John Oake
LMAA Representative
Rod Wells
Calendar of Events and Notices
The LYC has a number of events lined up for 2013. Dates and times many change, so check the
calendar on the website ( for the most current information. You can print
this page to have the dates handy.
July 5 - 6: Health Foundations Regatta
• Have fun while raising money for a good cause.
July 26: Grand Opening of the Glovertown Marina
• Not an LYC event, but something our club members are invited to attend.
August 1: SmartBay Seminar
• Learn about the plans they have for the Bay of Exploits.
August 7: Harbour Cup Sailboat Race
• More than just our normal Wednesday evening race.
August 10: Community Breakfast
• Start the Mussel Bed Soiree Saturday off right.
August 11: Parade of Lights (canceled)
• Decorate your boat and meet at dusk.
August 30 – September 1: Labour Day Rendezvous (canceled)
• Gather out in the bay for one of the last boating weekends of the season.
November 1: General Membership Meeting / Awards Presentation / Potluck Dinner
• The last meeting of the year, where the club awards are presented.
December 13: The LYC Annual Christmas Party
• This is a catered event with live entertainment for the dance.
March 1, 2014: Cruising Night General Membership Meeting and Potluck Dinner
• A potluck dinner to show your travel pictures, and talk about the past season.
Past Events
2013 Health Foundations Regatta
- from Mac Moss
The Regatta attracted 23 boats and raised over
$37,500 shared equally between the Central
Northeast Health Foundation and the South & Central
Health Foundation.
The money raised goes towards portable ultrasound
equipment for the Dialysis Treatment centres in
Gander & Grand Falls-Windsor
Mac Moss, Regatta Chairperson , Manon Henstridge,
Scotiabank, Dr. Jody Woolfrey, Board Member, South
& Central Health Foundation
Baliwick, King's Kat, and Shilandi III heading back to the
marina after the poker run. Photo taken from
Glovertown Marina Opening
- from Commodore Ralph Miller
The Commodore was pleased to attend the
opening of the new Glovertown Marina on
Friday, July 26, a very nice and promising
facility. Commodore Ralph presented a LYC
burgee to the Glovertown Committee
Chairman Clar Howse.
Also attending was Rybert Oake, who
assisted the Glovertown planning committee
tremendously leading up to the construction
of the facility. He was recognized for the
contribution he made.
SmartBay Presentation
On August 1, representatives from the Marine Institute came to
the clubhouse and delivered a presentation on their SmartBay
This program entails obtaining much more detail about the
underwater depths and features than is currently available, as
well as collecting real-time sea and weather condition
A number of SmartPorts were chosen around the island, with
one of them being Lewisporte. Seabed mapping of this area
has already begun, and the SmartBuoy for the area will be
placed in the bay roughly between Moreton's Harbour and
Once the system is fully up and running, local boaters will be
able to visit their website and see what the conditions are at
that time, out there, making for better trip planning.
You can learn more about this initiative by visiting the
program's website at
Also, the Marine Institute is very interested in working with the
LYC to put off any courses the members may want. Let us
know what you would like training in, and we will pass it along.
Community Breakfast
There was a good turnout for the community breakfast held at the club on the Saturday morning of the
Mussel Bed Soiree. The members served well over 100 meals.
Harbour Cup Race
The third annual Harbour Cup Race was held
on the evening of Wednesday, August 7, as a
part of the Mussel Bed Soiree. There were a
record number of six sailboats participating,
doubling the entrants from 2012.
The winds were very light, making it a
challenging race for the skippers. Only three
boats made it across the finish line. Two
withdrew, and started their engines to head in,
while the third ran out of time, as the two hour
limit expired.
Race results:
Owner / Boat Name / Boat Make & Model
Position / Times
Jim Penney, Eudaimonia, Alberg 22 (Skippered by Peter Watkins)
1st place, Elapsed time 80:00 min, corrected time 62:40 min
Ralph Miller, Ralykica II, O'Day 30
2nd place, Elapsed time 88:56 min, corrected time 79:70 min
Mark O'Driscoll, Deep Cycle, Mirage 35
3rd place, Elapsed time 89:55 min, corrected time 88:65 min
Peter Haliburton, Serenity, Paceship PY23
DNF - Timed out
Steve Gill, Shelby Lynn, Challenger 24
DNF - withdrew
Terry White, Showa, Camper Nicholson 31
DNF - withdrew
Commodore Ralph (left) presents the Harbour Cup to Peter Watkins (center) and Jim Penney (right)
Visiting Boats
Some Info on Boats Passing Through our Marina
Noeme -
Sometimes our visitors had no intentions of coming to Lewisporte, but are
forced to by circumstance. This is the case with a French boat with
damaged furling. They were on their way to do the Northwest Passage,
when their sailboat required repairs. They stopped first at Musgrave
Harbour, but learned that our marina was better equipped to meet their
Their furling system had to be removed, and parts ordered in. A local sailor,
Jim Penney, who is no stranger to heights, went to the top of their 64' mast
twice, both to remove the broken gear, and then to install the new one a
couple weeks later.
After a test sail, during which some of the locals who helped them were
invited along, they set sail north again on July 31. They did not have time to
do the Passage this year, so we may see them back here again someday.
See their log (in French) and pictures from here at
Cruises, Flotillas, and Trip Reports
Stories from Beyond the Breakwater
SV Arctic Tern (
On the report from
for August 31, Ali and Les were sailing along the east
coast of Baffin Island heading back toward Greenland.
Their attempt at making it through the Passage was
halted due to the unfavourable conditions.
Many LYC members got to see the presentation about
their voyages and adventures at the PastCommodore’s BBQ. It was so popular, they repeated
it at an informal pot luck dinner before they departed.
If you are wondering what they thought about their time here, this is a quote from their website. “Our
time in Lewisporte has been one of the most enjoyable and memorable stops we have made in the
world, it’s is to be recommended in every way as a place to prepare your boat for the north and get all
the help you need from the many competent local people. This is not a Lauderdale or Annapolis, this is
a place where people are genuinely interested in boats and boating people. Arriving here with no future
plans you may find that you could be here for some years enjoying what is a superb cruising ground
with lots of friendly people who know how to have fun.”
This is a recent email from them...
We thought the club may like a brief summary of our journey so far:After a pleasant night in Samson Island, we went out above Fogo Island and continued east for 180
miles to miss the reported ice areas, we made good progress with the help of 25 knot SW winds.
Turning north we headed for Nuuk, the miles slipped by easily, we saw only one other vessel and had a
conversation with Canadian Transport 212 air craft which we could neither see or hear, big brother
watches all!!
Day seven/eight saw the arrival of a storm and the ill timed presence of ice on the Greenland coast,
winds reached 45 knots and we hove to during hours of darkness, which were now short as we neared
the Arctic Circle. Happily this did not last too long and we were able to press on to arrive in Nuuk after 9
days and 1280 miles.
After three busy days in Nuuk, punctuated by a barbecue on the beach with old friends, we set off north
towards Disco Bay, on our second day out head winds encouraged us to anchor outside Sisimiut and
wait for them to lessen or change. Next day they were less but still from the same direction, as we had
some bird scientists to meet in Upernavik at nearly 73 degrees north we set off,after 24 hrs conditions
improved and on the 5th July we crossed the Arctic Circle soon to have the windless conditions that
exist for most of the time in the arctic summer, fog was plentiful, with progressively more icebergs. We
anchored of an abandoned Inuit summer village, 10 miles south of Upernavik on the 8th July, in an
area with steep mountains that is becoming a popular climbing area with a huge murre colony on the
opposite side of the fjord.
After two days of rest, walking and a couple of bottles of Rods excellent tipple, not to mention the level
living, we moved up to Upernavik at 72 48 north. The harbour is very open and a light NW wind brought
in a lot of ice during the day, requiring a lot of pushing off and out with small boats.
Our scientists arrived on the 10th July with their usual mountain of gear, we dropped some of them off
80 miles further north on an island where they were to camp and continue their 12 year study of murres
and kittiwakes, three of them stayed on board for the next 12 days and we transported them to various
bird sites around the area including one with 70,000 murres.
July 25th saw the arrival of my son Greg and our team for the North West Passage.
To leave straight for Pond Inlet some 440 miles away was not an option due to ice was still iced in, so
we made our way up the Greenland coast between islands and across several ice fjords to Kraulshavn
at 74 06 north. Ice reports by then had improved for Pond and we left Greenland under motor soon to
have poled out yankee and main with 25 knots on the starboard quarter. As forecast winds rose to 35
knots to die down to 15 knots as we approached Bylot Island, we anchored in Albert Harbour to enjoy a
good fried breakfast and some sleep before motoring up to Pond Inlet settlement yesterday. The 390
miles from Kaulshaven to Albert took two and a half days.
We are now checked back into Canada, topped up with fuel
and heading towards Navy Board Inlet and Lancaster sound
with hopes of continuing through to Beechy Island and the site
of the Franklin graves.
We hope those who wish to are having success with following
our positions, additionally the partner of Simon from Yorkshire,
is running a blog with pictures:-
best entered via the address bar rather than Google.
The hurried construction of a dodger has proved most
successful, rudder repairs and all other works no problems,
and the water maker from Alex's first class.
Hope you are all enjoying a good boating summer.
LMAA and Marina Report
Two students were hired, one through the Canada Summer Jobs Program, and the other through the
Student Work and Service Program (SWASP).
Work has been started on the eight new 36 foot berths.
New visitor rates are as follows:
Up to 50 ft
$1.00 per ft up to 6 nights
.75 per ft 7 to 27 nights
.50 per ft 28 nights and over
Over 50 ft
All rates doubled
There are now chains across the slipways, and signs have been erected with the cell number, 709-5413625, for assistance. The fee is $17.50 plus tax per launch, or you can purchase a seasonal pass of
$175.00 plus tax, which includes unlimited launching plus 3 nights dockage. Being a member of the
yacht club does not include launching your boat, or any other marina services.
The last official day for haul-out is October 31. Before your boat is lifted out, make sure that you have
all the blocks that you will require. Boat owners are responsible for providing everything needed to
support their vessel.
The Town of Lewisporte is installing a fire hydrant.
Anyone with any issues or concerns can contact Todd Manuel, Manager, at the LMAA office by calling
the office at 709-535-3633 or the cell phone at 709-541-0403 (new number). There is also a new email
address, [email protected].
LYC's Social Experiment
The LYC is going social. We now have a Facebook Page, a Facebook Group, and a Twitter account for
you to follow. These allow us to be more interactive with the members, and give us more ways to let
you know what is happening within the club, and around the marina.
Facebook Group: A place for all members to share their comments, pictures, and so on.
Facebook Page: A notice board, something like your own Facebook timeline.
Twitter: As it happens reports from the LYC Executive.
The Bitter End
Another boating season is quickly coming to a close. As indicated in this
newsletter, the Lewisporte Yacht Club and the marina have seen another
busy and enjoyable season of boating in Notre Dame Bay, and beyond.
As well, we’ve seen lots of new activity at the marina with more visitors from
various parts of the Canada, the US, and other parts of the world. Some
were very pleased to find such a fine facility. There were lots of very positive
comments, with many planning to return again next year.
Despite unpredictable weather - high winds and heavy rain at times - most
members of the club enjoyed the pleasures of boating whenever and
wherever possible. Unfortunately, the time has come to end this enjoyable
boating recreation.
Over the next month or so we’ll see the marina yard staff and boaters making ready for storage with
boats being returned to the hard. Please be patient and co-operate with the workers as they busily
prepare to care for our boats for the oncoming winter season.
It is my wish that that we will see you safely return to boating at the Lewisporte Marina and Yacht Club
in 2014.
Planning is well under way for some social activities during the coming months. I look forward to seeing
you there.
Your LYC Commodore;
Boating Gallery
The new Glovertown marina
Eudaimonia heading toward the marina.
Dog House passing Sivier I.
Lewisporte Yacht Club - Clubhouse Rental Rules
The Lewisporte Yacht Club allows members to rent the clubhouse facilities for private functions
subject to the following:
This privilege is extended ONLY to members who are in good standing and the member must be
present for the entire duration of the function.
For the purpose of the clubhouse rentals, the boating season has been designated from June 1 to
September 30. The clubhouse will be available for rental during the period Oct 1 – May 31 to
Lewisporte Yacht club members for a fee of $200.00. A deposit of $50.00 non refundable will be
required upon booking. The LYC Executive retains the right to modify these rules in the case of
genuinely extenuating circumstances.
With the prior concurrence of LYC Executive, the club’s facilities may be made available to community,
charitable or other groups under the sponsorship of a member. In such cases an appropriate rental
will be decided by the executive on a case to case basis.
The Director of Premises will be the contact for club rentals.
The member renting the clubhouse will sign a copy of a commitment that he/she will abide by these
The member renting the clubhouse will pay deposit when the reservations are made.
The member will be responsible for the cleanup of the facility after usage. This includes dishes,
glasses, cutlery, cooking equipment, dish cloths & towels, kitchen as well as other parts of the
All garbage to be removed from clubhouse and grounds after the event.
The member is to ensure the clubhouse is locked after use and the gate to the yard is also locked after
10:00 pm.
The member will advise the LYC Executive of any breakage and damages and agrees to have
replacement/repair costs charged to his/her account.
The member will be responsible for providing any and all consumables. (tea, coffee, milk, sugar, etc.
Utilization of the Lewisporte Yacht Club facilities by a member for any business or commercial purpose
or by any business or commercial purpose or by any business or commercial group acting through a
member will not be permitted.
The Lewisporte Yacht Club facilities are at all times to be treated as members would treat their private
Lewisporte Yacht Club Executive