Sec. l300 BOGEN th~.~~ NEW M SERIES FLEX· PAK ® PUBLIC ADDRESS AMPLIFIERS AND VERSATILE PREAMPLIFIERS cartrldg('S.-$eparatc bass and treble eon trolS.- PluJ;-in sock'1ts tor low Impcdance Iralls for mcrs.--Q ulck ma ln tennnce: four thumbscre ws remove cage, no lools needed.-Broadcast- Iype lCann on XL SerIes) mlcrophone ronnecto\·s. Pe nCil-In. erase-ou t Iden lUlca ti on strips for all clla nnels. S turdy leat hcr carryln~ hnndles.- Varlable level markers p('rmit reset ting of controls to previously determined leve]s.- ,\ Ilost of a~ssor les for completely fl exlbl(' operatlon.-Handsome, compact desll;n, finished In sli ver, "my a nd black . P rt'se nlln J:: Dot e n's (':...:lIIn l: lie"' " :0.1 " s eries 1' ,\ am plltlers. th e del u:l:c ",xeo a n d ;\IX30. a n d th e sup e rb M60 fi nd :'>1330. t'e" , ur0!5 of Ih e d e luxe "lUX " models: Maste r gain controL-Bunt-In Remote Gnln·Control Cir - cuit a ll ows cha n ges III ga i n f rom distances up to 2.000 feeL-Plus nil Ihe other features listed below. fo'ca lurcs of t1u: s upc rlJ " M " nlll : Consta nt \,01111'::(' ou tput taps si mplify calculations for speaker matching tra nsformers-Pow!"r sliU:C screen rel':ulntlon for hl/l"hcr output. greater eUlclcncy.- Special r11lers to Improve speech cla.rlly.-Equnlltcd phono Input for all NEW MX60, DELUXE 60-WATT PA AMPLIFIER With master .;aln control .. buIlt-In remote Slain -con tr ol circuli . . . tour microphone cha nne ls lonc cQn\'erts to phono) . . . exclusive varia ble Icvel markcrs .. I' owe r oUlpu t: 60 watts at lcss than 1 'K distortion. " ower COnSUnl l. llon: 270 watts. f' requ cllcy rcs ponse: ± 2 db, 35 to 20.000 cycles. G a in : mIcrophone: 125 db; tuner; 55 db; ma l:ne!lc phono: 115 db. lIum : tbelo w rated outpul) : mIc roph one: -60 d b. Ou tl. ut impeda nce: 4, 8, IG and 38 ohms. bnlaneed 25-"011 Une. 70-volt line . T ubel!: total of len. 3-GZ31. 2-7027A . ·1-1 2A X7. 1-7247. T one conl rol ~ : treble ( 10 kC ): + JO d b to - 10 db: bass ISOC); + 10 db 10 -10 db. 0\' ~ r.11I di nlen sluns: IG',I. " wIde. 13" deep, 5%" hh.:h. S hlpl,lnr "'~IJ:'h t : 37 lbs. LIst Prlcc _____ _________ ____________________________________________ . ________ S290.1I0 (Zone 2: S293 .75) "'X30-MX UO NEW MX30, DELUXE 30-WATT PA AMPLIFIER With master gain conl rol built-in re mote gai n co nt rol circuit . . . four micropho ne chan nels (on e conve rts to phonO I . . . exclusive "arlaMe level markers:. Po"'~ r out pu t : 30 watts at less than 2% di stor tion. I'uwe r CO IISIInII.lion : 150 watts. 1"reQuen e)' r(' spo " s~: ± 2 db. 35 t o 20.000 cycles. Gai n: microphone: 120 db: tun er: 80 el b: crystal phono: 80 db: ma plerlC pl1ono: 115 db. lIum : lbetow rated outputl: mIcrophone: -60 d b. O utput im p~ d a n cc: ·1. 8. 16 and 163 ohms. balanced 25volt line 70-1'011 line. Tu bl!S; lotal of el.c:ht, I-GZ34. 2-6L6GC. 4-12AX7. 1-7247. T"nt: contro ls: treble (10 ke): + 10 db to -10 db: bass {60e): + 10 db to - 10 d b . O" em ll d Imensions: 16~" wide. 13" deep. 3 j," hl .c:h. Sh ipllln r wcl /rht: 31 Ibs. riLtst Prlce __ ______________ _• __ _______ _________ __ ______ • ________ ___ . _________ S290.00 (Zone 2: S293 .7S) NEW M60, SUPERB 60-WATT PA AMPLIFIER M GO WIth exclusi ve varia ble Icvel markers ... th ree mIcrophone I':hannels (one converts 10 phone) .. . speech filters. I'u we r uulilut : 60 watts at le s~ t han 1% di sto rtion . Pow(' r l':onslNJl pt lon: 270 watts. F req uency resp onse: ± 2 db . 35 to 20.000 cycles. Ga in ml cruph onl': 125 dll; tuner: 80 db: crystal pllOno: 8O'db: mlume tlc phono: U 5 db. lIum: (below rated o Ulllu!): microph one; - 50 db. Outpu t i m{l e d ~\II ~c: 4. S. 16 and 83 ohms, ba13ncetl 25-volt line, 70- \'olt line. T ub es: total o f nine. 3- GZ34 . 2-'027A.3 12AX7. 1-7247. O \'~m ll dlm cnslons: 16IA" wide. 13" deep. 5%" hi gh . Shl ppinr wdrr:ht: 37 Ib8. List LIst Prlee __ ___ __ ___ _______ ___ • __ _______ __ ___ ___ ___ ____ ____ • ______ . ____ __ ___ /Zone 2: 8235 .1l1l) S~3 1. 2 5 NEW M330, SUPERB 30-WATT PA AMPLIFIER With exclusive variable level markers ... three micropho ne channels (Olle convert s to phono) .. . ~~~~henf~!.t ~~p~;~:.:cr± o~~~~tj5 3t~ ;ro~~ ~;ci:~ d:~\~,~ ~'rcrri'J~ltg~~~or21J l~b~I·~~,~r~60mJ'~~o; Ph~~,l~: 80 db: ma::neUc phono: 115 db. JIum; (below rated ou tput); microphone: -60 db. Ou l pul Impedance: 4, 8, 16 nnd 163 oh ms. b31anoed 25-\'011 line. 70-volt line. T ubes: total of seven. I-GZ34. 2-6L6GC. 3 1211.X7. 1- 12AU7. (h'ua l! ,1It11 c ns lo n ~ : 14'1,:" wide. 13" deep. 5%" hl.!!h. S h lppinr \\' d ll" hl : 2!1 1t1s. List Price ______________ ______ ____ __ __ • _______ __ _____ • __ __ ______ _• ___ _____ $111': .50 (Zone 2: 8190,42) "1330 VERSATILE BOGEN PREAMPLIFIERS RP-2 •• , LOW-NOISE PROGRAM PREAMPLIFIER Designed ror use al re mote pickup Iloinls. Contai ns se parate Input channels tor one microphone a nd one phonog raph. Separate volume controls to r each channel perm it ot Inputs. The output Is desl gned to reed either II. booster ampJ]rler or a loll' Impedaucc lIue ~epamtely or slmultanl"Ously. A bass CUI-oft switch provIdes speeeh clnrlty. Enclosure with VU meter las Illustrated:) Is Il\'allable-see beIOIl·. PUll e r eonsulll llt[ un: 20 II'tllts, 117 volts nc, GO cycles. Ga in : mlcro ph o ll ~: i6 db. phono; 35 db. S'lIIJO iti\'(h': m icrOl' h<l ne: 3.5 mv .. phono: 0.4 v. \la ss cut : 20 db. O ut ll ul imll eda nce: high Impedance: cnthoo(' foilow('r driven; mInimum recommended I('nd resis lll llce--10.000 OIIIllS. Low Impedance: GOO ollms 50 and 200 ohms) . Input (mllt'da nc!': h lJ:! h hnpedance: 'I,: me gohm. conl'ertlble t o 10..... Impedance r:t>J~ 1~~~~(fT~nl)ti~~~~~?~~!~'jI~f~.~· J,~~;2~.O XO~:.6Bo/( d~h(n~!CI~~I~:gl ~lt~b$~'\~:I;1u~~:e~~\~~1~2i~~~;,; 111'-2 (CaSle olHlonnl extra) Ust Price _____ ___ ___ • ____ __ __________ ____________ $9(1.011 (Zone 2: S9 1.951 C A(,;VU2 call'e wIth met er. List Prlce ________ _________ __ ______________________ Sl l.'!5 (Zone 2: S32.00) NEW M XM M I XE R-PREAM PLIFIER HISlher gn ln-outslnndl nll sensltl\·ity-(! xcellent sh:nnl-to-nolsc rntlo--hlgh output at low dlstortlOnextremely low hum level. The l'ILX ",-1 Is self-jlowered . accom mOdntes fllle microphones, or four microph ones nnd n tuner or phonOll'rll l)h. Each chan nel Is l'Cj:ulaled by 11 separate !lain con trol (n master .gaIn control Is al so prol' ldedl. Fealures:- Indl\'lduat speech Wins for ench channel. output le .. el meter, sockets for plug-I n. low Impedance transfor mers. feedba~k-typc. distortion -free tOile controls, and nell' variable I('vel markers whiCh permit Instant resettln.c: o f 1':0nlroiS to pI'Cl'lously determined Icvels. May be remote contron~d with SR2 and SR4 remo te con trollers .. . OutJlut: + 18 dbm @t le~ than 1"" dIs\. l'ower CO I1Slllll tIU"II: 27 wa tt s. F req liell c), res puuse: ± 2 d b . 20 10 20.000 cycles. Inpu t sc nsl\ lt' lt y: high Imp.: 4 m'" Loll' Imp.: 0.4 mv. MAG: 4 m,·; XTAL; 0.211: AUX: O.5\' . Jlum : fbetow rated outpUll: microphone; -60 db. Ou t l"' l im ped:. nce: hl ~ h Imp.: (cathode*follower ): -600 oh ms with TIG! or THI.'iB Ibro:l,dcast qualltyl accesso r), plu!l'-ln trans formers. Tube!; tota l 9. 4-EI'SG, 2-12A X7. I-GCG7. I -GBFG. I-OX·\. Tunc cu ntrnl ~: treble 110 kc l: + 12 db II) - 12 db; bass (GOCI: + 12 db to -12 db. O\'e rall d l "' C I1 ~ I "ns; 16%" wide, 13" dee jl, 5% hi gh Shlp lll",: w t. : 21 Ibs. List Prlce _____ __ _• ________________________________________ • _____ ___ • __ ____ S237.50 (Zone 2: (1;23 9.511 ) @ BOGEN·PREST O CO . ALL prices and specifications subject to change without notice The MASTER - Poge 66 2<l lh Editio n Use Index (pn. 2) for Quick. Easy Loc:alion of A LL Produ cts TRADE DISCOUNT APPLIES TO LIST PRICES ONLY. Cop)righ: by U. C. P., In c. Sec:. 1300 AMPLIFIERS BOOSTER AMPLIFIERS AND NEW POWERFUL MOBILE 2S·WATT TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIER K1630Y PHONO.TOP 30-WATT AMPLIFIER Featu res a three- speed manual phono-Iop com ple te with tone arm and Ron e Ue turn-over cartrldge. Other reatures Include: Controlled positive feedback: universal o ll e raUon rro m G- o r 12-volt DC or 117-vo ll AC: one phono and two mi cropho ne 'C hannelS. I' o we r O utllut: 30 walts at less than 2% distortion. Pea k I'ower: 45 lI·alts. Frelju e uC)' J[ esllnnse: ± :1 db. 20 to 20.000 ellS. Ga in: Mlcrollilone, 125 db: Crystal Phono. as db . lIum: (below rated outpu t) Microphone, -60 db; Phono , -70 db. Output lrol.edance: 4, S. 16 and 163 ohms, bala nced 25-volt line. 70-volt line. Tubes: (8 ) 2-6AV5GA: 2-GAX5GT; 1-12AX7; I -GAV6; 1-6GC7; 1-6US. Ol'e r:lll Dime nsio ns: 15'.4." wide, 10" de ep. 10 % " hi gh . S hipp ln!:, Weig ht : 35 ]bs. nog-e n Model K 1630 \ ' I'h o no-Tol' Amllllfle r-Llst P r lce ___ ___ ____ ___ __ ____ ___ S235.00 (Zone 2: S242.00) )lore n Model K I630 ,\mplHh: r-AmpIUier o nly. less phono-top . O"emll Dimensions: 151f.t" wide. 10" deep, 8% " hll: h . SI::!lping Wel lI'ht: 30 Ibs. U st Prlce ___ ___ ________ ___ ____ ___ SZl2. 75 (Zolle 2: S2 18. 15) K130 ECONOMICAL 30-WATT AMPLIFIER Wit h separa te bass and treb le C()n t rol s , constan t voltage outp ut laps and soc ket ror p lug- In. 101'1Impedance trans formers. E ra sa ble Identificatio n s trips. One micro phone Input. I' o\\'e r Outl.ut: 30 watts at less than 2% d isto rtio n . 1' <:a ll l' owe r: 45 watts . ' re'lue ncy It es ponse: ± 2 d b. 20 to 20.000 CPS. Gai n: Microphone. 120 db: Phono 80 db . lIum: (belOW rated output) Microphone. --60 d b: Phono. - 70 db. Output Im pcdanCl'll: ·1, 8, 16 and 163 oh m s. balanced 25-volt line. 70-voll line. Tubes: (S) 2-6A V5GA. 2-5Y3GT: 1-6CC7: 1-6U8: l-12AX7; 1-6AV6. O\'c rall Dime ns ions: 101 1/4" wide , 8%" deep, 6%" high !K130Y: 10%" high ). Shllll.ln g Wei g h t: Kl30. 30 Ibs .; KI JOY. 35 Ibs. Ho ~e n Modd KI 30 l\mpllficr-Lls t Prlce __ __ ____ ___ _____ ______ ___ __ ___ ___ ___S127.50 (Zone 2: 5132.90) Bo!:,en Model Ki lO \' l'h o ll o_To l' ,\mpllt le r-Model K130 Ampllfler wllh t hree- speed manu a l pho no toP. tone a rm a nd Ro nette turnover eartrld!;e. Lis t Prlce ___ ______ __ _______ __SI55 .00 (Zone 2: 5 161.30) K15 ECONOMICAL lS·WATT AMPLIfiER With se pa rat e bass and treble controls, C() ns tant voilage ou tput taps. sockets tor plu g-In. low impedance Irans{o rmers. Two microph one channels . I'o ll'er Ou tllul : 15 wa tt s at less than 3 % dlstor tlOII. I' ea k I'o ll'c r: 25 watts. FreIIUCn C)' ltesl.onse: ± 2 db. 20 10 20.000 CliS. Gain: Microphone, 125 d b : Phono. 82 db. lIum: lbelow rated o u\Jlut) M lero pllo ne. -55 db: Phono. -70 d b. Ou tllut Imlledan cc: 4, 8. 16. 42 and 326 oh ms. balanced 25-voll lin e. 70-voll line. Tubes: (6 ) 2-12AX7: 1-6AV6;2-6L6GB: 1-6B W4 / EZ80. O ~era ll dlm ell$lons: 14'.4" wide. 8 %" dcep. 6% " hi gh (K15Y: 10%" hi g h ) . S hipp ln jC" We ij:;'11t: K15. 21 ]bs.: K15Y. 26 Ibs. HOj:;'e n Model KI5 ,\mpIUi cr-Lis t Prlcc __ ___ ___ _____ _____ ___ ___ ____ __ ___ ___ 5 109.50 !Zone 2: 5113.28) HogclI Mod el KI5\' l'hO lln-Top :\mplUi cr-~10de] K1 5 Ampli rler with three-speed manllal l)hono tOi'. tone arm a nd Ronette turn ove r ca rtrld ,qe. List P rJce ___ __ ___ ________ _______ S130.50 (Zone 2: 5144.72) KI 30 KI0 ECONOMICAL 10·WATT AMPLIFIER With s ix-position SelecTo ne lone C()lHrol. cons tant vo lt a ge ou tput taps, socke t for plu~-In, low Impedance trans formers. One mic rophone Input. I' owe r Output: 10 watlS a t less than 3 % disto rtion . I'cak I'u wc r: 15 lI'atts . • ' refluenC)· Ucs llonse: ± 2 db, 20 to 20.000 cps. Gain: Microph o ne, 110 db ; Phono, 72 d b. lIum : (bel OW rat ed output) Microphone. --55 db: P hono. -65 db . Tone Co ntro l: SelecTone-Natural, Mellow, Bass. Deep Bass. Brilliant. Cris p. Output Impeda nces: 4. 8, 16 and 500 ohms. 70,voll line. Tubes : 15) 2-6AQ5; 1-6BW4 / EZ80; 1-12AX7; 1-6AU6. O\·c..:\l1 Dime nsions: It" wide. 7% " deep, 6 %" Illgh. S h ippin g Well;l,l: 151 bs. Hogcn Muclcl KUI ,\mlll1f icr-Llst Prlce __ _____ ____ ______________ _______ _____ _$80. 00 (Zonc 2: S82.05) POWER PACKED BOOSTER AMPLIFIERS NEW MO SERIES BOOSTER AMPLIFIERS BT 25 MOBILE P.A . AMPLIfiER A Ilruduct of Hogc n research ... Ih e nT25 15 tht' ti n t eo m l1,)e rcia lly a\':llIable full y tmn S[.~ torj >;ed I.uhllc a ddress amp]lfI er oUcrln l:" 25 wa U9 of po wcr rrom :lol2-volt ballery. So " crsa lilc Il w ill se rv e seo~s of P.A. a pl.l icatio nl\, tI, e anll.lifier is so small it will fit in th e ,;Iov e eo n,p arlmen t or )'ou r Cr. The BT?..5 is perteet for use In cars. trucks a.nd busses ror re s- ulnr public ad dress or emergenc)' use. Its hefty 25 wntts of power ma ke It Idea l for fire department or poli ce use. for disa s te r work a nd Civil di st urbances. It Is also recommended for ships, camlvals. e]ectioneerl ng ... where\'er II sma tl , hil!" h-po\\·ered. reliable P.A . am plifie r is nce1ed. BO/!"en's unique fully transistorlz.ed circ uitry provides maximum power wi th minimum bl ttery drain. When ope rated trom a 12-vo lt blUe ry . the drain Is approx imately 3 amperes at full output-85 % lower than CQmparable \'acuum tube ampllflers. When opeTale-d rrom a 6-" olt batter),. curre nt drain Is onlr 1.4 amperes at full o utput. The In pufs of the UT25 are Individ ua ll y controll a ble. perml ttln l: mlxl n /!". A tra n Sis to ri zed circuit Insures rugl:e<iness and 10m:. trouble-rree se rvice no t Posslb]e with conventional amplUlers IBo.een gua ra ntees the BT25 ror n full ),ear) . There arc no tubes to burn out. no vibrators to replace. It is completel}' hu m-free. BT25 Mobile P .,\ . ,\mplitlc r Lis t: S120.110 (Zone 2: S120.901 @ BOGEN - PRESTO CO. Copyright by U. C. P., 111,. BOl:en's new 1'I10 se r ies boos te r am p]lflers embody the most advanced developments In de sig n and teChniques of C()nstructlon. T hey a rc Ideal fo r so und system s In Industrial plants. nl rpo r ts. s tadia. shipya rd s . . . where~er undl storled h l.e)) powe r Is requi red. Note their exceptionally wide-range respo nse eharacterIs. lcs. An Input sig na l o f Just 2 volts or Icss will drh'e any o f the boos ters 10 rated ou t put. T he ?tXt.} and RP-2, described on another page. are Ideal prea mpllfle rs for tilese bOOSlers. SuUt-ln provisio n ror parallelin G' se vera l r.tO series pOII'er ampl!!lers to multipl y powe r o utput. M0100, 100·WATT BOOSTER AMPLIFIER Provi sion for ba lanCed low Impedance line Input . . . pro\'lslon for remotc cont rol of s tan dby operat ion . INDUSTR IAL RAT ING can M used as l00-watl source ot contin uo us power bet wee n 50 a mI 20 KC (with dlsto rllon below 2'7t- 1. I'o wc r out put : 100 watts at less than 1% distortion. I'o wcr co ns umlltioll: 300 watt s . . ·rcQ ucuc)' resl.o nse: ± 2 db. 35 to 70.000 cycles. IUI'III: III h ig h Impedance: 'h megOhm. With low Im peda nce transformer ITI6l ) : 500 oh m s. Se ns ith·It )': Impedance: 2 volt: low Impedance (wll h TI6l trans fo rmer l : O.S volts. 110m: !below fated output): -so db. OU!llul impedan ce: 1.6. 6.25 and ~9 ohms. balanced 25 -1' 011 line, 70-voJt-U5-volt. Tubes: T otal G. 2-GZ3 4, l-EZS1. 2- 6550. I-GOt. O,'c raU d imensions : 17%" wide, 9" dee p. 7%" hi gh. ShIJ'lllnJ:" wel .eht : 35 Ibs. Lis t Price __ ____ __ ___ ____ _____ ___ _____ ___ ________ _$2 15.75 (Zone 2: S2 18. 83 ) M060, 60 WATT BOOSTER AMPLIFIER Provision {or balanced low Imp e(lance l1ne In put . . . provision fo r remole control o f sta nd by operation . I'owcr outPllt: 60 watts a t less than 1% dis tortion. I'uwer cons uml,Uon: 260 watts. '-requ ency response: ± 2 db, 35 10 20.000 cycles. Jn llut: Ill g h Im pedance .l me.eohnl. With low I!npedance transformer ITI6 l ): 500 ohms. Senslth' II)': hi g h Impedance: 2 volts: low Impedance Iwlth TI61 trans rormer l : 0.5 volts. lIum: (beloll' rat ed output}: --80 d b. Oull.ut impedance: 4. 8. 16, and 82 Ohms. balanced 25' volt line, 70-volt line Tubes: IOla l 7. 3-GZ34. 2-7027A. l-12A X7. J-6C1. n"em ll dimen sio ns: 17'/., " wide. 6 %" deep. 7%" hl « h. S hll.,.ing wcl ,;h!: 23 Ibs. Li st Price __ __ ____ ___ ___ ____ _____________ S If,7.50 (Zone 2: SI69.113) M030, 30-WATT BOOSTER AMPLIFIER P ro vision ror balanced loll' Im pedance Jln e In put. I'owe r Out put : 30 wat ts at less tha n 2% d istortion. I'o wc r COnSUlI1lltJUn: 150 Willi s. F requ e n c)' Hespunse: ± 2 d b. 35 to 20.000 cycles. llIllUt : 0) hl ,q h Impedance: .1 megoh m . Wit h low Impeda ncc tran sfo rm er (T16U : 500 ohms. Sc nsiti \"lt)·, h igh Impedance: 2.0 vo lt . 10 .... Impedance (1I'lth TI61 tra ns fo rmer l: 0.5 ,"0Its . h um: ( below rated o ut pull: -80 db . Out]."t h npt tl ll nce: 4 . 8. 16 and 163 o hm s, balanced 25 -v01l line. 70-volt line. Tub •.'s: lot a l 5. I-GZ34. 2-6LGCC. 1-12AX7, 1-6C4. O" e ra ll dimen sions: 17'/." wide. 6 '/.:" deep, 7%" hi gh. S hippl" J:' weight: 21 Ibs. Llst __ SII !l.IIS IZone 2: SI21.97 ) ALL pric es and specifications subject to change Usc inck·x (pg: . 2 ) fo ';, Ouick, E:lsy Location o f A LL P roducts TRADE DISCOUNT APPLIES TO LIST PRICES ONLY. without notice The AlASTER - 24th Edition Poge 67 Sec. 1300 FL EX· PAK @ACCESSOR IES FOR BOGEN P. A. AMPLI FI ERS <0) ( e) ( IS ) (A) IF . ~ . .. ;\I a ll neceSS3ry hardware. T wo types are available. Both arc eallily Installed without tools and ca n be ordered wi th tile amplif ier or at nny subsequent time. SI:ll ulurd K It ~ Include \3-speed manua l phono lOPS complete willl tone a rm and Ronettc tumo\'cr cartrId ge. Model LPA-3. for M330 . . . List Price: S4Z.25 (?.one 2: $,13.00). Model LPB·3 tor l\txGO. 1\160 and I\1XM SIlme price as LPA3. D e Lu xe K i ts Include 4-s peed vibration-Isolated. manual phono t op with varIable speed control. tone ar m and ROnclte turnover cartrldrlc. MOtfI" LPA-4 , fo r M330 . . . Li s t Price: t1i'BO_~. }~~~ix~. i\?O'i.)~I~'~~ :UXM: same price as LPA-4. For K Ik'rlCli pho no lop" see pa ge 4. ( ll ) WALL-M OUN TI NG KIT S. K ~p your equipment ready when YOU need It. yet sa fe ly. nea tl y out of the way when not In use. Bol!en wail-mounting kits can be used with :'It and ?LX. amplifiers and the iUXM. You ean set your equipment flat a gain s t the Wflll when Idle or al any am: le for operation . Mode l LWM wall- mou nUnl! kit. complete with a ll hardware. mounUng templat e and In s truction s . . . List Price: $15.00 (ZOne 2: 515." 5). fC ) CAlm \ ' I NG CASF.S ,\ N D S I'E,\'K EIIS. CarrylnJ: cases for ~f~ab~~ ;ri'~~~tS s::~ke~~al~~?tl~ SPeake rs Installed. eaeh half o f the sp lit case ac ts as a bartle. Cases with s peakers Inc lu de 25' ca bl l's wi th ptU ~8. ~'o r .\1331}, K I ~O lin d K 15: !'.Iodel LKI2S. with Iwo Bogen LI23 sprakers . . . List Price: 5N .15 IZOne 2: 578.30) a nd m od el LK 12, case on ly . . . List Price: 541. 25 (Zone 2: 5·11.55). I'or M330Y. K IJOl" an d KI5l"; Mooel LKPI2S, with two Bogen L1 23 s peakers . . . Lis t Price: $n, 25 (Zone 2: $11 1.10) and Model LKP12. case only . . . Lis t Prlc:!: $46:15 IZone 2: $50.40). For KIO: Mode l C Kl05. wllh two 8o"gen L I21 spra kers . . . List Price: s n .50 IZone 2: $80.l0) anti Model CKIO case on ly . . . List Price: $015.40 (Zone 2: $45.90) . S ites: LK1 2. 16\7" x 19 y'! " x 151,01.1": LKPI2. IGy'!" x 21%" x 15%". ( D) !tACK PAS F. L MOUST I NG K ITS. Choose either faC iOry moun ting o r kits for rack Ins tallations. Fur fn e lor)' mo untln ~ (on 19" x 7" panels for M. MX and K models. 19" x 8%" panels for MO models) add SUffix "-R" to amplifier m odel number. and add 525.00 10 list price o f M and 1\IX a mplifi ers and 524.25 to lis t price of K a m plifiers. Kits eonl:t.ln pre- {" ( II ) (0 ) ( f-" ) (t:) AS D :\ fX SI~ IU ES j'lI ONO TO I'S come In kit s con s ls Un$C o f phone toP. mount 1m: brac:kel s and (A) CUI find prc-drllIed IlIlllel. h ardwn re a nd mou lllhll! brneket~ . . . List Price for M {lnd l\LX ampli fier.: 519.50 ( Zone 2: 2 1.00 ). Lis t prict' for K amplif ie rs: 514.115 jZolle 2: SI6.60). ~ott' : W he n o rd eri ll ~ k ils spt'c lf)' Ih e IIllul c l lIumht· r ur Ih e n ml' litler Ih u t Is 10 he m Ollnl ed. (E) COSTROL GUA IW LOC K I NC PLA Tt-:. 1'ampcrln;: fin gers wil l n e\'er di s turb your advance se ttin gs when you protect them with Ihe Con trol-Guard Locking Plate. Set ihem and for;:et them , Modl'l I.K_l. fnr M_130 . . . LI ~t Price: 5 •. 75 (Zone 2: 511. 05 ) . Model LK -2. fo r MXGO , M"X30, MGO a nd LOM . . . Lis t Price: $11.00 (Z olle 2: $11.10). Model LK -3. for !\fDO when used on LWM wall mountin g ... Lis t Price: 510.50 (Zone 2: S IO,!JlI). Mode l MK - 4, for MXf>O. MX30, MOO an d MXM when used on LWM a ll mountlne . . . List Price: 51 1.00 (Zone 2: $ 11.451. (F) M O IlI L I; A .\II' I.I F U :1t S II OC K n ,\ S t-:. Model SVJ. a sprln l: -Ioaded shock-I!IOlatin g base for ope ratin g 1{1630 Ilnd KI 630Y a ln]IIUl ers In a car o r Iruck . . . List p ri ce: 5 f:1.75 (Zone 2: 514.451. (C ) I{ £ !'II OTE COST UO I,I. EIIS Tw o llnd four channel remote contro l units broaden the tlex lb11lty of the deluxe amplifi ers. a ll ow you 10 mix and fade channels. and m ake f requent ehanl!e. In I!aln. e\'en tro m distances up t o 2.000 ~fi~it IWI~IJ~~I ~ l'~cn~~CI~'lrgs~ert \\~~ channl' l SR2 ' 11.25 l Zo nc 2: 5 11.55}. four cha nnel SR4 S16.50 (Zone 2: 516.95) _ ( 1IlI' LUG-IS TRASSFo nM t-: n S. Bogen microphone and Un!! transform ers ha\'t' been especiall y des igned fo r pluJr:-I n use w ith Bo;:en ampllrlers. List P rices for microphone Input transformers: Model TISS (200 ohm.. ) $ 17 .50 IZone 2: SI7_65 ). :'.lodl'l Tl56 1500 o hmsl $2: 1.25 IZont' 2: $21.40) Model T157 150 ohms) 518. 75 IZone 2: S I8.90). LIst Prices for line trans fo rmers: Model T16! (500 ohms) S16.25 (Z one 2: $1(l.40 ) . "lodel Tl65A. brondcast- type 1500 ohms) 5 17. 50 IZone 2: $11.65). STA~'DHY (J ) CO~TItOLl.l-:R. Model KR6 . plu l!lI Inlo MOIOO and MooO. lelll, th ens ampli fIe r life. reduces hl~ h voltage powcr cons umpti on . . . Llsi Price: 530.011 (Zonl' 2: $lO.45). :'III CltOPUOSI: COSSF.Cl'OIt Mode l CO!"-!. fo r a ll Boll en amplifiers ... List Price: ~VIS. COMPLETE INDOOR, OUTDOOR AND PORTABLE PA SYSTEMS OUTDOOR SYSTEMS Do~n Syslc.m Aml'lI- ~ fler ~ "lik e! t .\IXlOX .\IX lO 'F" .\I liO X ;\160 F :'I1310X ) l3l0 C M XIlO X .\U lO YX Fi llllX KIlO \' X KI 5X K IOX K IG3"' X .\1330+ KI 30 I C C K ilO\' K I5 KIO KI GlO \' r r ;\1330 e e e " E S llc:lkcn J-B o/:en-Un lverslty LH trumpets w/ J-SAHF 2 - Bogell-Unl\, . LH trum pets w/2-SA HF drivers J- Bogen-Unlv. PH Irumpels \\'/3-M A2S drlverl 2-Bogen - Unlv. PH trumpelS wl2-MA25 drivers Same as M330X I-Bolle n-Unl\'. PH tru mpet wll-MA25 driver Sa m e a~ 1(130X I-Bollen-Unlv . l\ILC I-BOl:en -lfnl\,. MLC I-Bogen-Unh-. PH trumpel w/ I-MA 25 driver INDOOR SYSTEMS U s t I'rlee Zo ne Zone ( , SUfl8.75 $629.:15 462.65 170. 15 502.50 521). 95 352.50 36-1.35 195.00 239 ... 0 '106.85 25 1.30 265.65 2 16.25 275.90 U6. IS 111 1.45 355.115 115.00 l 45.00 PORTABLE SYSTEMS :'I 1330C :\13301'C K I10C KI3 0 \ 'C K I5C K I5l' C K IOC )1330+ K ilO KIlOY K I5 K I5V K" C C e D 2-Bogen 2-Bogen 2- BOgen 2-Bo::en 2-B08ell 2-Bo.':en 2-Bo1:ell Ll23·· 1. I23 tt LI23" Ll2ltt LI23 · · LI 23tt 1, 121!t !t $305.00 350.00 252.50 2:112.50 232.50 261. 50 1115. 75 UOKc n SyS tc m ~ lI mber Ampll_ fle r ~~ ) IX 30F ) t 601'" M310l' Ml30 \,1-' ~m~F K I5J.' KI 5YF" I( 101-' K1630\'F )lX30 M60 :'11330 :'I133ot KilO KUO" KI5 K 15 \ ' K" KI 630 Y 291.90 2 4 2.~0 2711.20 I U2.20 6-Bollcn J-Boge n 6- 80l:en 3-Bogen J-80ll"en 3-80;:t'n J - Boge n 2 -Bo.':en 2-BOI:l'n 2-80llen 3-Bolte n A A A B B C C r r D E Speakers WSI2-TI6' WS12-TI6" WSI2-1'16 ' WSI2-T I6' W512-T16' W512-T1 6' WSI2-T1 6' L123 12" :: LI23 12" :: L1 2t HI'" WSI2-T lll' Zone ) 558K.65 417.90 53e.OO 350.00 386.25 285.00 309.90 213.75 245. 00 155.65 41l1.'Z5 , ZOlle 51i 10.00 ·13 1. 25 550.00 360.65 39; .60 295.65 320 .55 223.15 255.00 162. 10 4 13. 05 i5ee Mike Table below. 6' ncludcs Bogen 1.123 12" lIJ)t'ailer. TI G matchlns: trAnsformer. WA12 battle. t Plu R LPA- 3 3-Ep('Cd manua l phono top. ::Wl!h 2-WA12 baffles. ~ WHh 2-B A12 baffles. " In LKl2 ca rrying ClIEe w ith 2-25' cables. pI UIlS. tU n LKPI2 earrylm:: C8!e W1th 2- 25' ca bles. plu gs. :;:: In CK10 carrying ea8e with 2-25' cables. pla:;s. 53 15.55 36 1.35 263. 05 Lis t I'rlee , Mik es i MICROPHONES A: BOJ:en-S hure 55S with IS' cable. X13-11 connector . U: BOI:enEV630 wilh 18' cabll'. X1.3-1I connector. C: Bogen-Shure 0130 with IS' CRb le. X1.3 - 11 conn ector. D; BOJ:Nl-EV!l27 with 10' cable. ~ta.nd. XLJ - ll t'Qnnl'Clor. E: 8oll en -Shure ·120 wit h 20' cable. XLJ-ll connector. F : Bogen-Shure 535 with 18' cable. XLJ-ll conn ector. BOGEN·PREST O CO. ALL prices and specifi cations subject to change with out notice The MASTER - Pog o 68 24 th Editio n U 5e Index (PR. 2) fOf Quick. Easy Location of ALL Prod ucts TRADE DISCOUNT APPLIES TO LIST PRICES ONLY. Copyright by U _ C. p .. I nr. Sec. 1300 , • ~. PORTABLE TRANSCRIPTION AND RECORD PLAYERS - POWER MEGAPHONEHIGH POWER INTERCOM-PAGING SYSTEM --- VPI7 SERIES-TRANSCRIPTION PLAYER WITH PREAMPLIFIER ,',"I IO-WATT Mon i:LS Vl'l7X ,\ ND , ' PI7-These two oustandln/: portables are complete high fidelity phOIlOl: rllPbs feMurln" varIable speed control from 29 throu gh 86 rpm. with Instant seleetlon o f 16. 331,.3. 45 or 78 rpm Silced!. Especially suitable fOf dance or langutlA'c Instruct ion. square danein!:, calisthenics and a ll other appllcaUons requlrlnl:' these four speeds and varIations from them. Both models Incor porate heavy-duly .oI -p01e motor, wcl~htcd (3114 Ibs.), and rubber-padded turntab le. to-watt hh:h - Udcllty II. ampUtlcr and 12-111ch speaker. a ll carefully matched and housed In an altractlve, co m pact ca rryi n g case. Frequency Response: 40-12.000 cps. ± I lh db. The VP17X and VP17 wLll play all records up to 16" In dIameter. wIt h ~ ple n dtd sound qualny Imd m In t mum record wea r . Speed Yar latlon III accomplished throu,:11 a precisIon cone drive. re",ulated by a slm:le lever with lOCk -In po~Ulons for Instanta n eo us selection of the fo u r standard s peeds. T he motor velocity rema ins cons ta n t rega rdl ess of ellanges In turnta ble speed or line voltar-e. The superb combInation of motor and turnta ble reduces wow. hum and rumble to neg li g ible values. P ick-up arm has "Feather Drop" action 10 protec t record and stylus. Separate bass and treble controls are prov ided. a s we ll as an e trectlve scratch fllter. A micropho ne Input .... Ith Its own \'olumc oontrol enables either model to serve a lso as a. portable 10- waU PA system. Case Is constructed of %" p lywood. shOCk - mounted. and measures 17" x 141;''' X 12%". Speaker Is mounted In a remova ble cover and supplied with 25' ot cable. Tubes: VPI7 (5); 5 Y3GT; 6SC7; 6SL7GT: 2-6V6GT. VPI7X 16) : Same as VP17 p lus one 6SJ7. Both U7 VOlts. 60 cycles. Ilu/:e ud ____ e l YPI,Xreluctance dual sapphire-tipped tyli. built-In LIst n__"f___ __ ___ ___Wlth __ ____G.E. • __ __varIable • __ • ___ ___ __ ____ ___earlrldl::e _________with __ _________ • _________ ___ __ s_______ _• ___ _ • compensated ____ _____ _• __ pN'amp. __________37__ 5lbs. 111 1. 90 ( Zone 2: SI88.65 ) Dosen Mode l \ '1'17-Wllh wide range piezoelectric cartrIdge wIth dual sapphire- tipped s tyli . Carryln jj well!"ht, 36 Ibs. Lls t ____ $ 16K. 10 (Zon e 2: $114 . 101 1004 and 9009 PLUG-IN RECORD PLAYERS Mod e l 100 1 portable t r:ulsc rll. li on 111:1)'cr. Deluxe 4speed rccord and transcriptio n player In a s turdy. easy· to-carry. leathereue-covered .... ood carrying case. Use s sa me 4-speed record player as VP 17 above, 95-125 volts. 60 cps. AC. Dimens ions: 1:;0/.&" x 13% " x 7". Ca r rying weil: hl: 21 Ibs. Ready to plu$: Into ampl!tler. or rndlo or te levis ion se t with pho no plu l:: . 1(10-1 Transcrlptlo ll Playcr LIst price: 591.5(1 " (Zone 2: S10 1 ,\ 0') Mod el 9003 po rtable re("/l rd p la)·c r . Budget priced portable thrct'- s peed record 1)layer to r you r PA syStem. Con~tant speed rim -drive moto r for re li able serVIce. P lays record s u p to 12" . Com plete with CryStal tur n over cnrtrld l!"e. In same casc as 1004. 110 volts. 60 cycles. AC. DimenSions: 15% " x 130/. " x 7". Carryin g weight: 12 Ibs. 9003 Record Pla)'er List price: S4K.62 (Zon e 2; 551. 32 "' " Ill c. I'-c d. T a x 1\Iodel 100-& shown HIGH POWER INTERCOM-PAGING SYSTEM S I' I,CtF ICATIOl" S-:o.I OD E LS S AI0- '1O NEW .. , Bogen TAP 1 J> OW EIt OU TI 'UT : 10 watts TUllES: T o lal4: 2-65J7. l-6LGGA. 1-5Y3GT. power megaphone l' OWlm CONSU MI'TI ON: 70 watts , 117 volu, SO60 cycles AC. DBI EN8 10l"8: 131/.." wide. 9" high. 1011.. " deep. S IIII'I ' I!'.' G Wt: IG It 'r: SA 10: 31 lbs . . SA20: 33 Ibs., SA30: 35 Ibs .. SMO: 37 Ib s. S N :C lt' IC,\T1 0l"S-)IO O£f,8 IA 10- 40 D1M E~S I Ol"S: IAIO. lA20: 13 1; ''' wide , 2 'h" hl l: h, 101!.." deep . IA30. IMO: 13'14" wIde, 5" high. 101;''' deep. 8 ,\-1 0 shown wllh IA 10 a nnunc ia to r pedes ta l S,\ Serlt'S-ln dnlly use In thou sands ot Industrial plants, schools. auto motive dealer and service shops: hospltats and department s tores. the SA series Is all Ideal comblnntlon of s electIve pa g lnl: and hi gh power Int e rcommunication . The tell-watt amplifier. 1nco rparated in the S A mast er station , ha s p rovis ion for co nncc tl on ot an external pho ll ol:" raph and radio tune r. e ffectlllg a most ero n oml cal o verall sound co nso le tte . The re Is al so prO \'15I ol1 fo r addlnl: nn external booster anl\ltUler. Upon Installation. tile S A mas ter ~ taUon mny be set pe rmanenlly tor prlvllCY or non-priva cy operatio n. In prIvacy operation . n o remote mny be IIslened Inlo lInt""-,, <"Ielltr"d. • sturdy. weatherproof cons truetlon • ex cellent fo r Ind oo r or outdoor use • 10 db o f nega tl\'e feedbac k • uses four tran s is tors for low battcry drain • completely tree or hum Trans is to rized . " penlite" ba ttery operated, portable power megaph o ne is completely hand held. Provides 5 clean watts output-9 watts maximum power. lncorporates n volume COntrol. two - position ··tone conlrol" s witch. mal: netic mike tor crys tal-clear reproducti on. U s l Pr ice Capacity up to JO remotes. with tube s __ ___ __ ____ • __ ___ __ ___ ___ _ 51K2AO (Zone 2: S 187 .05) Capacity up to 20 remotes. with tub es ___ ___ _______ ___ ________ 215.liO ,Zone 2: 220.-15) 8 ,\30 - Capaelt)' up 10 30 remo te s, with tubes ___ _____ __ __ ____ ___ _____ 24'1.75 IZo ne 2: 250.(0) SII 40 - Capacity UP to 40 remotes. with tubes ____ __ _________ ___ ___ ___ 2 7~ .75 {Zone 2: 280.30) "'10 - Annun c ia tor Pedcs tal Base tor SAiO ______ ______ ____ __________ 81.65 ( Zone 2: 83.30) 1,\20 - Annun ciato r Pedes tal Base for SAW ____ _____ ___ ___ __ _________ 12l ..10 (Zone 2: 125.lS1 (,\ 30 - Annunciator Pedes tnl Base for SA30 _________ _______ ____ ______ 179.00 IZone 2: 182. 75) 1,\;10 - Annunciator Pedes tal Base tor SA·1O ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ 220. 75 (Zone 2: 224.8S1 J U - JunctiOn box (U SC 1 tor each 10 remotes)_ ______________ ____ __ __ K.l6 (Zone 2: 8.66) H OIS - Tw o -co nduct o r twI s ted ;: 20 s trande d s peaker ca ble Iper 100' ) 5.25 IZone 2: 5.63) 11 02 1' - T wo -condu c tor S HIELDED ::20 tw isted and ovc rall plas UcIn s ula ted spe aker ca ble (per 100')______________________________ _ 7.50 ( Zone 2: 7.95) 1321'W - Sa me as 1I02P .... ith weatherproof covering for U5C wheN' cable Is partiall y exposed to weather ( not waterprooO (per 1001 ) 10.25 IZone 2: 10. 70) S,\ 10 - 8,\ 20 - TA l' I Power Megaphone __ LIst: S166.50 aone 2: SI67.05) @ S IIII' I' Il" G WEIGH"I': lAIO: 10 Ibs .. IA20: 12 Ibs .. lA30: 23 Ibs .• I MO: 25 Ibs. BOGEN - PRESTO CO. I NS T ALL\l' ION: NORMAL OPERATION ( NON-PRIVA CY ) : 01\1' S HIELDED twi s ted pa ir to e ach remote. f."OR VER8AL CALL INITfATION OR PRIVACY OPERATION: One UNSHfELDED tw is ted pair to ea ch re mote phl ~ one SIUELDED t .... lsted paIr common to all re motes. FOR ANNUNCIATORS: Onc additI onal Iwlsted UNSHIEr. DED pa Ir to each remote. As a llernat'! an n unciator wirin g a s lll l: le wIre ma y be run to each remote usin g the s hield o( clther the pro::ram pa ll' or the prIvacy pair (or thc ret urn . ALL prices and specificalions subject to change without notice Cop;'righJ by U, C. P. , In•• Usc Ind cx (pg. 2 ) for Quic k. Ea s ~' LoC3tion o f A L L Prod ucts TRADE DISCOUNT APPLIES TO liST PRICES ONLY. The M.tISTER - 2'lth Edition Page 69 Sec. l300 e~l1l1ehgel' BY BOG EN P. A. AMPLIFIERS AND MIXER CHA7S 7S~WATT AMPLIFIER A h igh-power public add rcss amplifi er th a t gives astonishing ' ·alue. Features wi de -r an ge TespOOSC: one phono and t wo mike Inpuls; Ind ividua l con trols for each microphone and tor treble, bass and phono: ~gl~~~~~:~~lg~l:o~~~~a~C~I~~e~X~~f~~~; ~&~~O~l~ :no~~:r ~f:~~~~knt~~r;c~~\~sfO;;~~_f~~~:CT:,~ ~~fc;gg~~~~.I1~~ dp"i~[I~~0~!l~~l n~1i~;g;~~n~~tribt:dh~ 1,tl~~o,lt~p~H~~elt:m2 a~d ~~fs~~uc~Ja~~~~!t ~g db below rated OUIP UL lIUcrophone -55 db and Ph ono - 70 db below ra ted OU tpu t. T one Cont rols: Bass: ± 13 d b to - 10 d b at 60 cps; Trtble + 5 d b to -12 d b a t 10.000 cps. Out p ut Imped a n ces: 4.8,16 an d 65 ohms: 70- volt and ba lanced 25-volt line. T ube!!: ( ll ) 4-6AVSGA : 3-5Y3GT: 1. · 6CM7: I-6US; I -6U6: I - 12AX7. p "wer ; 117 volts . GO cps. I'uwer Co nsumpll on : 270 watt s at tu ll 1;ll: n al. Dlm(!m;lon&: 17 11., "cage. wide.List 12" Prlcc deep.____ 61}.," h lch. h lpplnr:el ~ht : 34 Ib~ . C halle nJrC r Mudel C II ..\7 5 Am plifier-WillI lubes and ____ ____ fO_____ _____W ____ _____ ___ ___ ________ _____ ___ ___ __ S17S.00 (Zone 2; $179.73) CHA33 33~WATT AMPLIfiER F ea tuTcs wide- range> re sponse; two ml cr ophOIiC In pu ts; Indiv idual con trols for each mi croph one a n d for trebl e. bass and phono: sepa rate boosl / eut bass and lr.!ble lone controls; a dva n ced d csl!:n pus h-pu ll oulpu t circui t with nc ga tl~'e feed bnck; r ugg ed cons tr uCti On : plug-In conn ectors for spea ke r IIne~ 70 -volt line; decorat or styling. I'o"'er Ou t pu t; 33 watts. Response: ± 2 db . 30-15.000 "PS. In pu t s: Two microph on e. one phono. Gn in: l'o"l ic ropllone. 120 db: Phono. 83 db. lIum and Noise: Funda men tal. - 75 db below rat ed g~t:~ti. ~~~r~r~~r: :;:-;Sdg~oa~rf~g"a~ 1O~&O,~p~lg~t~~tt~::i~~I~~~~4~ S~i~t~~ld\~a~t:s: lio~:o~? ~~~ Tube, : (7) 2-6L6GB: 2· 5Y3GT; 2· 12AX7; I -GAV6. Power : 117 volts . 60 cps. Power Co nsumption: 135 wa t ts a l ful l slJ!no. l. Oime n5\clllS: CHA33 14 1,1," wide. Slh " deep, 61h " hi gh; CHA33Y. 14 1,1," wide. 8 ~!:" de ep . 100/.'" h l ~ h . S hlppi n,t" Weight: C HA33. 22 Ibs. : CHA33Y. 25 lbs. C ha llcllf; er Modo! CII A33 Amplifier-With tubes a nd cal:e. LIst Prlce _________ __ _SI15.00 (Zone 2: SI17 .97) C lh:nn rt ubes " Iodel CIIcage. A33 l" List I' honPro-TOII AmplUi er-W lt h bu t-In three -speed ph ono t oP. Ro neUe u rnove r caha rtridge. and lcc ______ __ ____ __ _• ____ ___il___ __ __ ______________ SI46.S0 (Zone 2: t$149.80) CHA620 20~WATT UNIVERSAL MOBILE AM'P LlfIER O pera t es on 117 volls AC. 12 or 6 volts DC. Wide-ran ge response. Individual controls for mlc rophone. tre ble. 00" and phono. Separate boos t/ cut baS!; and treble controls: advanced design push - pull output ~~t~~~at~l~on~ei~~lbeat\~~~~~~a~~~f-~~g~~de~~st~~ftl~~~ ~}JJ!~~t~o~~ct~s cf; r ~::'c:oll~~~I t.FJ~vo~~ li ne: decora to r s tyUn~ . I' ll we r Ouillut: 20 watts . !lesllonse: ± 2 d b, 30 to 15 .000 cps. Inputs: One microphone. one phono. O~ ln : Microphone. 120 d b; Phono, 76 d b. Hum a nd Noise; Fundamental -75 d b belOW ra ted outp ut: l\"I\crophone -5S db a nd PhOn(! -75 d b below rated ou tput. T on e Co ntrols: Bass + 12 d b to - 12 db at 60 cps; Treble. + 8 db to - 12 db at 10.000 cps. O utput Impeda nce . 4. 8, 16 an d 245 oh m s: 70- volt II nc. Tub" : (51 2-6V6CT: 1-6AX5GT: 2-12AX7. Power: 117 volts 60 cps. 6 or 12 volts DC. Po we r Consump lion: (a t full signal). 80 walts at 117 volts: 88 watts with phono a t 6 or 12 'Volts DC. Dimensio ns : CH A620, 15 1/ 4" wide. 10" deep. 81h " h igh: CH.A620Y. 151/.0" wide. 10" deep . 10%" high. S h ipping Wei ght: CHA620, 25 lbs.: CHA620Y. 30 Ibs. AC and DC cable supplied. e ha llen!:er Mudd CII AG20 AmplUl cr-Wlth tUbes and caJ!e . List Pr tce_. _____ ___ 5175.00 (Zo ne 2: 5177 .9 7) Ch allenJ:e r " Iodel C IIA 620Y Amp lif ie r Willi I' hono T op-With tubes . ca!!e. AC a n d DC ca ble. built - In t h ree -speed phono toP. Ronette t urn over ca r t r ld ll e ___.. __... ___ ___ ______ ___ _Lls t 5200.(10 (ZOne 2; $203.30) CHA20 20~WATT AMPLIfiER Wi de· ra nge respon se: IndIvIdual co ntrols for mlCfoph one. treble. bass and phon o; sepa ra t e boost/cu t bass a nd treble controls: a dvanced design push-pu l! output circuit with nega tive feed back : rugged cons tru ction' plu l:" -In conn cctors for spea ker li ne; 70 volt line: deco ra tor stylin g. Po wer O utput; 20 wa tts . Res ponse; ± 2 db. 30 to 15.000 cps. Inpu h: One mi crophone. one phono. Ga in: Micro phone. 120 d b: Phono. 76 db. H um an d Nol~ : Fundamental. -75 db below rated output; M.l crophone. - 55 db and ' Phono. - 75 db below rated output. Output Impedli ll ce: 4.8, 16 and 245 oh ms; 70-voll li ne . To ne Co ntrolS: Ba ss. + 12 d b to -12 d b a t 60 cps ; Treble. + 8 db 10 -12 d b at 10.000 cps. T ub ~: /5 ) 2-6V6CT: 1 · 6AX 5GT; 2-12A X 7. I· o.... er: 117 v . . 60 cps. Power Consumpti on: ::;0 wa lts a t fu ll slJ! na l. Dime nsions: CH.A20, 14% " wldc. 81A," ~~~s.6 lh " hi gh ; CHA2OY. 14 ~ " wide, 8Y.," dl'\!p l OW ' hi gh. S hipping Welcht: CHA20. 20Ibs.: CHA20Y. C h n lJen ~c r ('. fodel CIIA 20 '~mpIUJ cr-Wlth tubes and ca ge. List Prlcc ____ ___ __ ______ S9 1.00 (Zone 2: S93 .201 Clm llcn/:"cr Mode l CIl A20"\ Amplitie r with I'hono Top- With tubes, cage, built-In th r ce-s peed phono toP. R onett e t urnover cartrld!:e. List pricc __ __ ___________ _____ _• ________ _________ _. $122.50 (Zone 2; 5125.03 ) CHA10 10~WATT AMPLIFIER A champion for low-power nppllca tlon s. Wl de- f an ge r esponse: S ELECTON E ror q u ick . easy l ona l a dju st ment; Indl vld un l co ntrols for mic rophone. phono a nd tOile : advan ced n egative fee dback clreu(!' rU!!l!ed con str uction: plug-In con nec tor s. decora t or sty li ng. Powe r O utpu t: 10 wa tt s. Res ponse; ± 2 db. 30 II? 15.000 CPS. h lput! : One m icroph one. onc phon o. Gai n : Mic rop hone. 115 d b ; I' hono. 76 db. 1Ium a n d Noise: Fu nd amen ta l. -70 d b. and Phono. - 70 db below rat ed o u lput. Output Impeda nces: 4. 8 and 16 ohm s. Tone Con t ro l: SelecTone-Deep B ass. Me llow. Crisp. B r ill ia nt. Tu bes: (4 ) 1-6LCB; 1-6AU6: 1-6.A V6; 1; 6,~X5G T . I',!,wc r: 1.17 \'olts. 60 cps. I'ower Consumplion : 70 wa tts a t full Rlj:m al. Pim enli MlIIs: 11" wIde. 7 ~ cleep. 5% h ll:h : with cace. O l,~ " hi gh . Sh ippi ng Weight : 10 Ibs. : with cage. 12lh Ibs. Clm ll cnr:-e r Model CII,\ 10 Amplifier-WI! II t ubes . less ca!!e. List Prlce ____________ ___ S6 1. 50 (Zone 2: SC2. 60) Chall cn, er Motlel CAG ID-CaJ;"e tor CHAtO .Amplltler. List Pr~e ___ ____ _____ ___.. _5 6.50 (Zo ne 2: 57.05) CD6 AND CD12 6 AND 12 VOLT OPERATION FEATURES: Univers'li M o untin ~ perm its " :Ilierll:lte mountin g positlo nli Re mol e e"n l ro l of s landby 10 redu ce cur rent dm in. I'rimary I' o",er Circuli pil)'sitall )' Isola.ted from h igh Jra ln circuit fo r mini m um h um. COG ope rates from n six-volt ba rtery. CD IZ from a 12-volt batte ry . tJn lv!!rsal moun t!n l! P!!rmits four all!!rn at e mountlnl: positions. Remote contr ol of " sta nd by" reduces curren t dra in. Vib rator replaccable from front ",Ith out d lsmounU n l<" ampllfi cr or rcmovln g cage. Complete chassis remova ble for scr.' Ice by rcmovln'g four scre",s. Fused DC power cable built-In. Clrcu~D~o~P~I~nlmum h~~~~~~w~~\\6~ t~~~UI~ ~!~~~:al:rC5~s~~~!~d o~7I~u~g~pe~~~ Gai n: 109 db. O ut p ut Im pcda n ce$: 4, Sand 16 oh ms. Tu bes: (4 ) 2· 6SF5: 1-6L6CA: ~~g~s:CJgCP~::-'dc ~~b l~:4 " wldc. 8" deep. 7" h igh . Shippin g WelJl"li t: 8 Ibs. With C h ~ "e n Jl"e r lUodel CP G G-Volt ,U oblle Amplifi er-Ltst Prlcc _____ 580.00 (Zone 2: S80.88 ) Cha l/enKer Mod el CD IZ IZ- VoU M obile Ampllrler-Llst P rlcc ___S77. 50 (Zone 2: $78.18) BOGEN - PRESTO CO. MX6 MIXER~PREAMPLIFIER Self- pOwe red. provides four microphone a nd two rad lo-ph ono Inputs ; any to ur can be used at oncc for n olselcss mlxln $! a n d fad in g. O ntput: 6 volts . Itcspo nse: 50-15.000 cps, ± 2 db. Ga in: Mike, 59 db; P h ono . 30 db. Hum LC\'el: - 70 db below 6 vo lt In put. Outpul Impedance: Les..~ t h an 1000 ohms (cat h ode follower ) . Cdn trols: T wo m ike volume, t wo mi ke or phono volUme. On-O tt. T ubes: 2-12AX7; 1-12AT7. Sbe: 8" x 4 ~ 4" lC 6"1,6 . I' ower : 10 w. 117 v, 60 cps. S h ipping Wel J!ht, 61bs. Hocen Model !'IlXG-Llst Prlce ___ _____ SGO.OO Zone 2: ___ ___ __ 60 .90 ALL prices and specifications subject to change without notice The MASTER Page 70 2·h h Ed itio n Usc Ind ex ( p~ . 2) for Quick. Easy Loca tion of A LL Prod ucts TRADE DISCOUNT APPLIES TO liST PRICE!S ONLY. Copyright by U. C. p" I nc. Sec. 1300 e~I1"eHge/' BY BOG E N SOUND SYSTEMS - INTERCOMS COMPLETE INDOOR, OUTDOOR AND PORTABLE PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEMS ACCESSORIES PHONO TOPS RACK PANEL MOUNTING KITS Fo r ell A7S Amp lifier-HI" x 8~~" . With a ll ha rdware. Gray metaHus tr!! tllllsh. List P rlce ____ SI4.&S ZOne 2: 16.60 For 0 111\33, CII1\20 an d C ' ''' 10 An1l' IIfl e rs-l!l" x 7", With all h a rd wa re . Gray m Clllllus t re finis h . U s t Prlcc __ ___ ___ $14.8S __ Zolle 2: ___ ___ __SIS.60 Phonograph tops are 8vall nbJe with Models CHA33 . CHA620 and CH A20 amplifiers a s described on facing page. They must be ordered at the same Ume a s the Il.Inp llfl er (a dd " Y" t o Model No. ). The phono top consists of a hi gh quality threespeed Ililono wllh a Ronette t urnover cnrtrhll:e Installed. SHOCK-MOUNTI NG BAS E A spring-loaded, shock IsoJa tlll1; base fo r operating Mod('ls CHAG20 und CHAG2()Y ampli fiers In ncar or truck. HOlen lII oclcl S\'-3-L1st Prl ~ -- -- --- i(;ile2: S lh:~!i CHALLENGER FUTURA INTERCOMS by BOGEN Challenger presents a Ilf\\' line of handsome. compact, l>opu lar priced Intercoms with performance charactcrlstlcs that challenge Illgher priced systems. Choose n system of six or t welve s ta tion capacity as you prefer. You may a lso select eIt her the convenience a nd utility of a complete all mas ter system, or a single master sta tion with remote sta tions. Futura Intercoms provide the sim plest way yet de\'lsed to modify systems at will so tha t 1111 remotes ha\'e either privacy (for oHices. et c .) or non-privacy (for nursery, s tock room, etc. ·...·he re remote must reply without operating controls). OIll\l G mallier sla tlOIl, For systems UI) to 6 s tations. A dual purpose unit houscd In a sturdy gray and black plas tic cabinet. Has volume contro]' press-to-talk button, 7-POlIltlon selector Including "all" and " mute" pa51tlons. Any mastcr station can call any olher station or all si mUltaneously. In a sIngle master-multIple remote .IIystem. In the non-prI vate mode, the master can sllenee background sound from t.he remotes when ever desired by using the "mute" posItion; remotes can s UII Initiate calls to the mnste r. 0 ll M 6 maste r statio n ___ ___ ___ __ ~ __ __ __ ___ List: $49.95 (Zol1.e 2: $46.15) C II!'>I I ~ masler II tatlon . Far sys tems Including up to 12 stntlons. C II:\1I 2 mas ler s tation __________ ___ ___ ___ ___Llst: 549.95 (Zone 2 : SSO.1S) Cilit remote statioll . Contains ma tchln!: spea ker, has full width cali-Initiating ba r C1Ut I't'.mote s ta tion ____ _____________ ___ ____Llst ; CHALLENGER TWOSOME 2-STATION INTERCOM-the low-cost s ys t e m for hom e , office, bu s in e ss T he Cha Uem:er Twosome Is a low priced, COml)lete two-way communication Hystem tha t ca n save you countless steps every day. Simple operation! The master has two controls: a Volume Control that regulates both master a nd re mote, and a Talk-Lis ten S\\'ltcll. T he remote a lso has Iwo controls: a Talk-Usten Switch . and a f'rlvacy Switch . In the non-private ~~~I~r"t~h;pJ:!:~rt~n.gYLt\l~t:~ ~~t~l~ster to re~lve messages originated al t he remote without requiring the ~~~~r~I;~~:u~~i~~n~yrni~I~~ster Into your outle t. (There Is no power connection to the remote.) Then attach the $ 1 2 ~9S (Zone 2: $13.30) - -- :~ t ...·osome system. (1\IOOel CHS-2) Maste r, remole, 50 ft . wlrt' ___________ ___ _______ _Ust Price $44.95 (Zone 2: $46.05) -""~ Ii, All prices an d specifications subJect to change without notice Copy,ight b1 U. C, P., Inc. Use Index (PI;. 2) for QuiCK, Easv Locadon of ALL Products TRADE DISCOUNT APPLIES TO liST PRICES ONLY. The MASTER - 24th Edition Poge 71 Sec . 1300 CUSTOM SOUND SYSTEMS INTERCOMS AND TELEPHONES In industry, office and home look to Bogen for a so lution t o your every sound pro blem ... Boge n . • . t he sound way. ..... . .0" . W here the sound prob lem requires the design of special equipment or the selection and combination uf severa l s tandard units, you will find the Rage." Custom Dhision rendy to fadory-a sse mhle eqUipment to your requiremen ts. The large Bogen Custom Division has its own ex pert eng ineering staff a nd production fac ili ties t'o solve specia l sound problems. Bogen custom sy~tems 31:e factory-assembled and tested, thus ussurmg maXImum performance. Th e Divis ion has deve loped and built many special systems for industry, such as Remington Rand and Sylvania Electric, for hotels, such as the New Yorker , and for institutions, such a R the i\'I etropolitan Opera House, and the U.S. 1\Hlitary A cademy. BOGEN INTERCOMS AND PHONES COMM UNO- PHONE X AND C SERIES Selcct your sta tion, depress the talk·llsten switch and talk. It's thnt casy to opcrall' the BO$:cn Communo·Phones. To receIVe a rep ly, rcmove your flnJ:er from the switch . It automaticall y rctUrilS to Ihe Jlstcn position . "X" systems Incorporate discrete busy sl$:nal sys tem, Remote s la Uons are a ... allable as IIsled belo\\'. Models a re h oused III dccorntor·sty led steel cabinets. Privacy within Ihe sys lem I~ a feature of bot h "X" and "C" masters a nd the ad dition of "UX2" or "UZ2" handset permits use o f communo·phone privately, even while a vl altor Is present. TYPE " XU DELUXE 117 V.- A/ C SER IES TYPE " C" DUAL PURPOSE A C-DC SERIES :'Ilodel :\':110,\ :'Ilas t er - Will serve In~tallatloll.s requl rln,!: slll):le mas ter. multiple remotes. a ll maste rs, or mlliliple ma sters and remot es, Ten selecto r pus h·buttons. 7·foot maste r ca ble lermlnaUng In spaCC<l lUI: stn l) for Quick soldcrless collncctlOIl to Jllncllon box, List Pl'lce.. . . .... .. .. . . ... . ........... . ........ $ 11 6.00 (Zonc 2: SlIlI.25) Unj::e" MOde l X21O,\ :'Ih..stt'l'-Samc as X llOA, but with 20 selec tor pushbuttons. List Price ....... ...... ... ........... $JoIO,OO (ZO ne 2: S1"2AO) lIos-e n Mudel ItX IO Uellloh.- WHh push·button brea k·11l to ten mas\crs, volumc control lInd 7·foo\ mnstcr termlna Ung ill spaced lUI:" s trip for Quick solderlcss connection t o junction box. ModelB CllOA and C2IOA will operate In systems requlrln,!: either a sIngle master Ilnd se\cral rel.!..lote stations or seve ral master s tations only . Similar to "X·' mas ters In most other respects Ho~e n Model e llO,\ Master-Slm\lnr to XUOA. List $82.50 (Zone 2: $8".60) Hogen Moclcl C211lt\ l\tasteI;"-3\mllar to X210A. List Price . ....................... __ .... __ ...... S105.00 (Zone 2: $107.25) Bogen n OI Uemole-Wlth brea k·ln switch to one master and 7·foo t cable. List p rice ...... .. ....... .... . ........ ... .. .... .. S·\6.20 (Zone 2: S41.25) IJuj::en ItXI IIcmutL'- Wlth break ·ln switch to a ile ma ster. volume con. trol and 7· fOO\ cable. List I) rlce .... __ ........... 525.30 (Zone 2: $25. 75) BO,l:en Model "JU·' JUll ctlon nox-wlII serve all se ries "X" and ' ··C" Installations. XllOA and eUOA masters reQuire only one Junction box. X210A and C210A require t o boxes. List Prlce ..... . 5K.36 {Zone 2: S8.661 OOKen Moclel "UX2·' U:mdse{-p]lIg ·]n handset and cradle l or Side o f desk mounting . List Price ..... __ ......... ______ $44.50 (Zone 2: 5-15. 10, Ho,ell Mode l "UZ2·' lla nd5C t-Plug·ln handse t and cradle for mounting on " X" or "c" master stations. List Prlce ........ S.. 7.50 (Zone 2: $.18. 10) U O~ 1l :~fc~n~~: f~:ng!bi;~v1J~lt bfrf~~~_~:~t:~~~_~~c 5~~~~e(~~~1 ~:m$~~~' ~1~~e~n;fo~iei·60ii:.:.Ren;ote· ·;ta·tiori·iri ·~ray·POiyst~~~r;'~;ft~e i~I~~~i?~~ cnll switch/. Lis t Price ...... ______ ........... ... $12.93 (Zone 2: $13. '10) ACCESSORIES FOR "X" A N D "c" SERIES NEW TQ SERIES BOGEN. PHONES Reach anyone you need, instantly, without leaving your desk, yet keep your outsid e telephone service f ree for incom ing calls. Bogen-Phones provid e s imple, push·button intercomm unica tion tha t is id ea l fO l' office, plant, store 01' home. They save you time and energy, g ive you th e confidential replies of a te lephone. THE IDEAL LOW-COST IN TER NA L TELEPHO N E S YSTE M To ma ke a call you stmply JUt your recelvcr and p ress tile button lor bUllons. for a L'Oufere nce call) of the stnUon ls) YOU l\'lsh to reach. A buzzer sounds a t the slatlon you havc can ed. \'!h en t hat Slatioll', rceel\'er I ~ lifted )'ou are In commU ni cat iOn. Your reJ:u la r teleph one Is free fo r outSide calls, and you hnve not used the swltehbOflrd. 1'Q.1 phones (lor 2 station syslems) . ....... Llst: (pair] $.19.95 (Zone 2: 550.80) TQ.{l phollc (for up to 7 station systems) List leach ) $27.96 (ZOne 2: 528.3$) TQ. 12 phone (for up to 13 stntlon systemsl Model " TQ·· Bo.;:en·Phoneli hn\"e selecUve rlngln,!: I\·lth a common tnlk IInc (permits COnference calls . but ol\ly one COnversati on at a tlmel. They are handsomely styled In gray plnstl c, and mny be used on desk or coun ter, or wall mounted . Handset. with base. Is 9',f, '· x 3 ' ~" X 3 ',~ " In I'ower SUPI.I)' Muclel " ItS· I-Services ~Wt~/et~1~h~~~~9\-~Z~~:t~in~~°i',~~ PRS'1 may be pl ula:ed Into any stnndn rd electrical outlet and connected to any of the junc tion boxes In the system. (Olle Junction box Is pro\'lded as pa rt o f each complete h andset.) Power drai n Is negll$:lble when the :;~~C~~::I~sl~~c ~R~~la~....~~p:J~~y~~~lo!·Jft. snarlproof cord. Each ;~~~e.~ :~~~~c~~i,i'l)' (wl'!lghs" Ibs.' ........ Llst: 530.00 (Zone 2: 530.30) ALL prices and specifications s ubject to change withou t no tice 111e MASTEl( Pa ge 72 24th Edition Usc Index (P.Io:. 2 ) for Quick. Easy loc:nion o f ALL Prod ucts TRADE DISCO UNT APPLI ES TO LIST PRICES O NLY. CoPJrighz by U. C. P., 1M,