The Blue Daylily - Roanoke Council of Garden Clubs
The Blue Daylily - Roanoke Council of Garden Clubs
The Blue Daylily Blue Ridge Area Daylily Society “BRADS” AHS Region 3 Meeting site: Roanoke Council of Garden Clubs Center 3640 Colonial Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 June, 2009 Volume 1, Issue 3 Julie Covington, Editor Inside this issue: H. ‘Bluebird Butterfly’ (Stamile 07) has in years. Come on, you know what to do when life gives you lemons! I didn’t get the message We will have the best looking about building an ark! The rain daylilies that we have had in years. We just keeps coming and coming! I will enjoy them among friends as we can’t get into the garden without head off to our national and regional sinking. I can’t use the mulch conventions, garden tours and the best because it’s soaked. I can’t use the of all, just visiting a friends’ garden to Roundup because the next storm is see new daylilies and seedlings that on the horizon. I can barely get you’ve never seen before. We’ll help down to the pond to feed the ducks others to discover the daylily at our because of the “spring streams” annual show. We’ll even end the that have occurred over the last summer with a second auction and few hours. The daylilies from the another chance to add to your auction haven’t been planted….If collection. you’re like me, you can always Life is good! Our favorite find plenty to complain about. season has begun. Don’t get left by the When the whining about sideline. Get out there and enjoy the the weather withers, what then? ... flowers that we work so hard for. I How about a new attitude! You hope to see everyone out and about know your favorite perennial is this summer. See ya soon! luvin this. The root system is probably doubling every day. I Brad Hughes don’t really need to mulch because I haven’t been able to weed that much. The ducks are eating better because of the rain! They are scampering all over the wet meadow finding tasty treats of worms, snails and bugs. My pond is filling up and looks better than it President’s Message: President’s Message 1 BRADS Calendar 1 BRADS Flower Show: Details ; Editor’s note BRADS PLANT DUE LIST for Sept. Auction July 5 BRADS Garden Tours: Information/ Sept. Auction Details Minutes, April 2009 2 Scenes from 2009 National 3 4 5 6 BRADS Calendar for 2009: • BRADS Show: 6/27/09 RCGC 9 AM • BRADS Summer Garden Tours 7/5 Smith Mt. Lake area gardens • Region 3 Summer Meeting Gaithersburg, Md. July 10-12, 2009 • BRADS Members Only Auction 2 : 9/12/ 09 RCGC • October Meeting: 10/11/09 RCGC 1PM • Lilyhemmer: Oct. 18-19, 2009 Camp Hill, PA • December Social: 12/5/09 RCGC Potluck 12N 1 BRADS SHOW AND PLANT SALE INFO: JUNE 27, 2009 From A.L. Bryant : Discover the exciting world of daylilies! Join the American Hemerocallis Society. Receive a voucher worth $25 when you join or upgrade your membership. Mail dues to: Pat Mercer, Ex. Secretary P. O. Box 10 Dexter, GA 31019 Individual dues: 1 year $25.00 3 years $70.00 D 1 year $30.00 Dual: 3 years $83.00 Index cards will be provided at the Garden Center for labeling the plants; however, if you have cards available, please go ahead and label the card with the cultivar's name. Also, please price any plants that you are donating to the sale. For example, daylilies can be priced at half of the Eureka book price. For all large clumps add an extra $1.00. We are not limited to just daylilies and will gladly accept any perennial or houseplant that you wish to donate. This is just a reminder that our Annual Bloom Display and Sale will be held on Saturday, June 27th from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Roanoke Council of Garden Clubs Center. We need volunteers to help with the set-up on Saturday morning beginning at 8:00 a.m. If you are bringing blooms, please remember that we will need the name of the cultivars so that we can label them. From your Editor: Wow, haven’t we been blessed with an abundance of rain this spring? This is the first spring in the past three years that it hasn’t been necessary to irrigate in April and May. As I write this on May 30th, scapes are popping up everywhere and early blooms have already begun. Of course, it’s a trade off!! Where did all those dratted weeds come from? The lawn has needed mowing so often that I’ve feared that the Neighborhood “Yard police” would give me a ticket for “bad lawn!” Last weekend was spent in Florida at our AHS National convention. In case you haven’t heard, we had a very fun (but soggy) time. Some of my favorite moments were visiting with lots of old daylily friends and meeting new ones. It was a real thrill for me to be able to present the Stout Medal to Van Sellers this year. (and a huge relief that he attended!) Although it rained too hard at a couple of gardens to risk getting the camera out, I took lots of pictures of some of the most amazing blooms - and people. What a thrill to visit some of the most famous daylily gardens in the world and see so many gorgeous blooms! (Floyd Cove Nursery pictured below.) If you know which plants you are going to donate for the sale, please contact A.L. Bryant at 540-977-5452 or email him at [email protected]; we will try to have pictures of all available blooms. Our annual display and sale is always a fun day with lots of daylily stories, as well as a chance to introduce the general public to our "daylily world! We hope to see many of you on June 27th! I was lucky to have an extra day in Florida (and of course the sun was out then!) Kathleen Schloeder and I went back to Floyd Cove and spent hours, enough time to see everything at a leisurely pace, and we also got to visit the garden of Nicole Harry, which was one of this year’s “open gardens.” There are lots of great stories to share! If you’ve never attended a National or Regional event, please consider making the trip to Northern VA –DC for this summer’s Region 3 meeting. (the weekend after July 4th) All of the tour gardens look fabulous, and I’ve heard there are some great open gardens to be visited there too. Visiting new gardens beyond those of our own club members always gives me a new perspective. There will always be new daylilies to be seen and fall in love with! You’ll make lots of new friends, which is one of my favorite reasons for attending these events. And if you’re interested, you’ll even have a chance to become a garden judge in the space of just one weekend. Please plan to attend our BRADS show and garden tours this summer. We have some absolutely fabulous gardens within our own club. I’ll be asking some of you to do a short write-up of club members gardens at the show on June 27th – or you could VOLUNTEER to do a write up before I have to ask! See you soon on the daylily trail ! Julie Covington Contact: [email protected] ( 540-977-1706) Dan Trimmer ‘Best Edge ‘ Seedling (Right) 2 From AL Bryant: These plants are due for the September 12 Meeting at RCGC. Plants Due To Be Returned In 2009* Last Name First Name Becampis Debra Alaskan Mist Inimitable Grandma's Smile Becampis Tony Bill Robinson Face Paint Little Raven Bell Barbara Crazy Ivan Topspin Mandarin Corsage Bell Walter Ruby Corsage Grandma's Smile Folk Tales Bowald Cody Mandarin Corsage Mandiba Magic Broadway Sparkler Bowald Angie The Band Played On Exotic Etchings Broadway Sparkler Bowman Doris Dancing Rainbow Topspin Bryant Jean Mandarin Corsage Eleanor Roosevelt Little Raven Bryant A. L. Gilded Scarlet Moonlight Sail Topspin Bullington Carter Last Snowflake Grandma's Smile Folk Tales Cabaniss Joan Aunt Leona Chapman Carl Alaskan Mist Face Paint Azure Wings Chapman Sherry Frog's Eye Little Raven Sugar Shoppe Childress Ama Doly Pierce Moonlight Sail Sugar Shoppe Childress Allen Eleanor Roosevelt Exotic Etchings Covington Julie Dolye Pierce Linda's Magic Topspin Fleming Carolyn Crazy Ivan Aunt Joan Topspin Fleming Carter Blushing Octopus Folk Tales Henry Ann Hank Williams Azure Wings Sugar Shoppe Hesson Doris Dancing Rainbow Exotic Etchings Sugar Shoppe Hughes Brad Dolye Pierce Eleanor Roosevelt Mandarin Corsage Johnson Don Wild and Free Inimitable Jones Nancy Cerise Masterpiece Blushing Octopus Azure Wings Jones Nancy B. Bill Robinson Cerise Masterpiece Broadway Sparkler McQuaid Tom Blue Elf Frog's Eyes Sugar Shoppe Mundy Tracy Last Snowflake Wild and Free Azure Wings Overstreet Tim Crazy Ivan Frog's Eyes Azure Wings Overstreet Heather Princess of Wales Sherry Candy Broadway Sparkler Sarginger Carol Pres. Ronald Reagan Face Paint Inimitable Sarginger Dave Last Snowflake Sherry Candy Eleanor Roosevelt Slaughter Patty Little Raven Inimitable Sugar Shoppe Smith Jim Pirate King Linda's Magic Smith Jim Dancing Rainbow Princess of Wales Stubbs Elnora The Band Played On Mandiba Magic Little Raven Swecker Meg Moonlight Sail Pirate King Wild and Free Wood Jackie Fame Grandma's Smile Azure Wings Yungman Rachael Facepaint Mandiba Magic Plant No. 1 Plant No 2 Plant No. 3 3 BRADS JULY 5 GARDEN TOURS: INFO We will explore five member’s gardens in the Moneta,Wirtz, and Hardy area. These gardens are only a few minutes away from each other. We will begin at 1:00 P.M. on Sun. July 5th at Nancy B. Jones’ house. Note the schedule and the times listed. You may “jump in” or “jump out” at any time, but we hope you’ll join your friends for the day. We’ll end up at Linda & Brad Hughes’ at 4:30 P.M. for a short business meeting, garden tour, cook out, swimming, fishing, and maybe a few fireworks if we make it till dark. Food and soft drinks will be provided. Please feel free to bring any food item that you would like to share. Also bring any additional drinks that you would like for you or your family. Remember to bring your bathing suit, towel, and any fishing gear you’ll need. We have Large Mouth Bass, Bluegill, & Sunfish. Photo by Rosen 1st Nancy B Rich Jones 986 Lakewood Forest Rd. Moneta, VA 24184 1:00- 1:40 P.M. 721-9059 DIRECTIONS: At Westlake Corner (Rt. 122 & Scruggs Rd.[Rt. 616] Take Scruggs Rd. and pass the Dairy Queen. Go about one mile & turn LEFT onto Lakewood Forest Rd. Go about 1mile & her beige house will sit on a knoll on the RIGHT. 986 Lakewood Forest. 2nd Debbie & Tony Becampis 2:00- 2:30 P.M. 721-5726 285 High Meadows Dr. Wirtz Va. 24184 DIRECTIONS: From Nancy’s, head back to Westlake Corner. Turn LEFT at Rt. 122 Go about 6 miles & turn LEFT onto High Meadows Dr. (several mailboxes together there) Go to the 3rd house on the left. 3rd Rachel Yungman 2:45-3:15 P.M. 721-5318 180 Harmony School Rd. Hardy Va. 24101 DIRECTIONS: From Debbie & Tony’s, take a right out of High Meadows Rd. & go 3 miles to Harmony School Rd., turn LEFT onto Harmony School RD. (Lakeside Tire on your right) Go about 500 yards and turn RIGHT at the sign for “Harmony Hill.” 4th Nancy & Kyle Jones 3:30-4:15 P.M. 890-1836 2705 Eton Rd. Hardy Va. 24101 DIRECTIONS: Turn RIGHT out of “Harmony Hill” & go about 2 miles to the Stop Sign. Bear to your LEFT & go about ¼ of a mile. Turn right onto Eton Rd.Go about 2 miles & driveway will be on LEFT. Go down the driveway. Mailbox on right w/ 2705. 5th Linda &Brad Hughes 4:30- 9:00 P.M. 890-5270 570 Daylily Lane Hardy Va. 24101 DIRECTIONS: Turn LEFT out of Nancy & Kyle’s driveway & go about 1 ½ miles. Turn LEFT onto Truman Hill Rd. (sign on right side of Rd.) Go about 3 miles and watch on the right for Daylily Lane (sign for Franklin Farms Daylilies at corner) Come down the gravel driveway for ½ mile. House at the end of Rd.on the right. Daylilies in front yard. SEPTEMBER 12 AUCTION INFORMATION: PLEASE NOTE! (Be sure to save this information, as another newsletter will not be printed before this date.) Our September Plants for Members auction will be held at 1:00 P.M., Saturday, September 12, 2009 at the Roanoke Council of Gardens Club Center, 3640 Colonial Avenue, Roanoke, VA. There will be some beautiful daylilies returning for this auction so be sure and keep this date open so you can join us. Refreshments will be provided, but due to the amount of time that it usually takes to hold the auction, we will not have a pot luck meal. Feel free to bring 'light refreshment' or snack type foods! We will start promptly at 1:00 p.m., so please try to bring your plants by noon so that they can be separated and 'bagged' for auction. Please be sure and put name tags on your plants if possible. If you plant has died or has not increased enough to return for the auction, please contact A. L. Bryant at 540-977-5452 ([email protected])/, so he can make note of it. 4 BLUE RIDGE AREA DAYLILY SOCIETY Minutes -April 18, 2009 President Brad Hughes called the April business meeting of BRADS to order at 1:00 PM. Members enjoyed light refreshments along with a pre-meeting slideshow of the PFM daylilies to be distributed. A motion was made and passed to waive the reading of the Treasurer’s report and Minutes, since they are published in the Blue Daylily. Old Business: (none) New Business: Plants for Members chair, A.L. Bryant announced that there were 172 plants available to distribute at the conclusion of the business meeting. A. L. reviewed the selection process prior to member selection of plants. Announcements: From Kyle Jones: Willard Hamill has about 600 daylilies for sale at very reasonable prices. These belonged to his late wife, Jeannette, a former BRADS member. Interested members should contact Willard. An announcement was made that BRADS member Sue Williams is ill. The Secretary will send a card expressing our concern. The meeting adjourned at 1:20 PM, followed by Plants for Members Distribution. Respectfully submitted, Wendy Gibson, Secretary, BRADS (L): ‘Fins to The Left’ (D. Hansen 08) (R): Dan Hansen Patterned seedling This is just a tiny sample of the many wonderful blooms seen at the 2009 National Meeting! ( Left side: top to bottom: ‘Winter Wolf’ ( Abajian 05) ; ‘Static’(Stamile 06 ); ‘Phoenix Flying’ (Lambertson 07 ); Right side: ‘Rumble in the Jungle’(Trimmer 08); ‘John Euchler’( Stamile future -2010); Ledgewoods Stolen Dreams ( Abajian 05)
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