ICSCC Memo #4, May 2003
ICSCC Memo #4, May 2003
~ ! • ~ - ~ ~ ~Q mUus~ ICSCC Memo #4, May 2003 The Official Publication of the International Conference of Sports Car Oubs Race Announcements: Race #5 SCCBC I Mission June 2&129 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .u.:a.. are ~·Y .........._.. ou for 1-;...w ..... OK Rick, don't let it get to your head, I'm back and as should realize that tbe~ U&~ home your racecar in-"'On.e piece. And that if you can't such you have been lost in the depths of the Memo somedeal with the f3ct that there's a good chance of writing it where. off and having to just walk away from it, then again My how 1ime flies by. All winter we can't wait to get maybe you should review your priorities as to why you back to racing, and yet by the 1ime this Memo is in your are racing. bands, one quarter of our race season will be over. That's OK; you'll get that breather in July. All right all ready, enough doom and gloom. Beyond all that, on the Sunday at Mission, I saw plenty a smiling face after completing that first race of the year. So it seems to make it all worthwhile anyway. The Steward will fill you in on the details, I was just spectating. Sorry I missed checking out the following Portland race, although not sorry I missed the miny weather. SCCBC and Cascade seem to be up to speed rather quicldy for How many of you out there are racing without life insur- just their first events of the year, I received my race result ance?lf it's just you to be concerned about, well I guess copies with a day or two after the events. you figure not much loss. But how many of you have a family attached that would be greatly concerned. How Just a new flash, incase you've missed it, IRDC bad a many are racing without health insurance? Many of you race date change in August, moving back one week to the 16-It'h of August. While that appears to cause a conflict fit into that category; I know that for a filet. with some other regional race events, at least it doesn't If you are racing on a shoestring, and can't even afford put them back-to-back with Cascade. Hey, I'm just the some fonn of health inswance, your priorities are not in messenger here. line and maybe it's just 1ime to review. I wish you all the very best of luck this season, and hope Everybody in ICSCC has heard about the rises costs of to see you on the track soon. insurance, its hit Conference, just like I know it has you personally. Read you mle book, why it may seem like we Chris Bowl, ICSCC President pay a rather laJge bill when it comes to insurance, it's not covering all that much, especially your butt in that driver's seat. A comment I've made many 1imes while serving as Race Steward, while we don't like to think about it, you are risking your life, and that of others, every 1ime you take to the track. At the very least you Unfortunately to say, even after only two events, a number of cars have gone home in various stages of disrepair. A couple of drivers are also on the mend A very rough way to start off the season indeed. A just a simple reminder that our sport is indeed very dangerous by it's nature, and should not be taken lightly. The ICSCC Memo is a publication of the International Conference of Sports Car Clubs (ICSCC). The ICSCC Memo and ils entire contents are copyright 2002 by the ICSCC. Any reproduction by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the express written permission of the ICSCC, is prohibited. The ICSCC Memo accepts written comments subject to existing ICSCC policy limitations but will not be held responsible for the content of such letters. No letter wiH be published without the author's name, address and phone number. The ICSCC Memo is printed in Canada by University Printers, Langley, BC. Editor- Danielle Baxter, P.O. Box 219 Fort Langley, BC, V1M 2R5, tel. 604-882-8078. The publisher reserves the right to reject any paid or unpaid advertisement. President Chris Bowl [email protected] 25805 118thPl SE Kent, WA 98031 253 859-8322 253 859-8323 Fax Vice Pres. Dick Boggs [email protected] 13749 97th Ave. N.E. Kirkland WA 98034 425 823-4883 Secretary Jeanine Justice [email protected] 25805 118th Pl SE Kent, WA 98031 253 859-8322 253 859-8323 Fax Treasurer Linda Heimich [email protected] 3020 SW 66th Ave. Portland, OR 97225 503 297-8118 Race Steward Rick de Ia Mare [email protected] 13129 N Echo Lake Road Snohomish, WA 98296 360-668-2185 Asst. Race Steward ScottAdare [email protected] 1112 E. Woodcrest Ct. Spokane WA 99208 509-466-6731 Hm 509-468-6502 Bus 509-466-4776 Fax Technica1 Steward RicHeideger 1136 NW 50th Street Seattle, WA 98107 206-546-2164 License Director Steve Ingersoll [email protected] l580022ndAve. SW Seattle WA 98166 206-241-6449 206-244-9062 Fax License Registrar Linda Blackburn [email protected] 2600 NE Minnehaha St C39 Vancouver WA 98665 360-695-6335 Bus 360-258-6812 Hm 360-258-6819 Fax Smmd Control Position Open Memo Editor Danielle Baxter [email protected] P.O.Box219 Fort Langley B.C. V1M2R5 604 882-8078 604 888-1496 Fax Website Editor Eddie Barnhart [email protected] 1516 S. 272nd St. Des Moines, WA 98198 253 946-8709 Race Officials Div. Judy Thacker 6903 NE 134th Ave. Vancouver WA 98682 360-892-3957 Hm 503-353-4834 Bus Points Keeper George Burgesser [email protected] 135 Fox Island Blvd. Fox Island WA 98333 253 549-7241 Medical Officer Doug Jennings [email protected] 467 Solnae Place NW Bremerton, WA. 98311 360-692-6244 Legal Advisor Position Open Insurance Advisor John (Skip) Yocom [email protected] 5201 NW Nelco Circle West Linn, OR 97068 800 251-4246 days Historian Gerry Frechette 2356 West 5th Ave. Vancouver, B.C. V6K ISS 604 734-4721 Tel & Fax 360-892-3957 Hm 503-353-4834 Bus [email protected] PR North I South Positions Open Banquet Facilitator Judy Thacker 6903 NE 134thAve. Vancouver WA 98682 Banquet Support Brian Meakings [email protected] #20,20172 113BAve. Maple Ridge. B.C., V2X OY9 604 460-9399 Banquet Support Peggy Wilson [email protected] 7102 SE 28th St Portland, OR 97202 cscc Find ICSCC forms, race announcements, classified ads, officials' contact information, race results, points and much more on the ICSCC website: ~~ WW..le5cr:.CO'm. ~ IROC SCCBC TC VMSC 503 788-7825 360 693-4701 Bus www.cascadescc.com www.irdc-racing.com www.sccbc.net www. teamcontinental.com WNN. victoriamotorsports. ca 2. 0 0 3 I c s c c s tiJtn May Sckris 7-8 June 14-15 June 28-29 July 5-6 July 12-13 August 2-3 August 9-10 August IROC 17-18 June August* ~ CSCC (6TH) cscc NWMS SCCBC SCCBC IROC cscc TC (8TH) PIR • Date changed to 16-17* IROC 8129-30-31 TC CSCC (19TH) cscc September 20-21 c September 27-28 h October 4-S October 11-12 CSCC (10TH) CSCC Enduro October 18-19 TC (17TH) CACCEnduro u October 25-26 NWMS I November 8 e November 15-16 e d SCCBC IROC TC- PIR Fall Meetings/ Banquet • Professional motorsports consultants • High performance safety equipment • Complete race car fabrication and repair • Custom welding and rollbar installation • Fiberglass fabrication and repair • Custom exhaust systems • New and used speed equipment • Racing fuel • Complete race car lettering and graphics 8531 Capitol Blvd., Tumwater, WA 98501 360-943-9036 www.nicholsracing.com MillioD Raceway Aprill6-l7 the paddock and the Group 3 drivers were samy around tryiDg to find a path to pre grid. The first mce of the season greeted I44 eolries with some surprisingly good weatha'. Ric. Scott. and myself had the opportuDity to try out the new impound area that DOW exists on the inside lane of the scalesltech area. We impounded all of Group I after qualifying to have an impi:OJIJIDI drivers meeting to disaJSS waving black flags and not reporting to the~ pits. We are weighing JllOJe classes this year after both first and second qualifying to keep everyone honest as the pole position in each class is DOW awarded 2 points. While in scale lines, we decided to throw in a quick safety gear cbeck. You know, all that stuff we present to tech because it is n:quiml to get the 11:ch sticker. Four drivers had their Saturday qualifying times reThe racing started off with a bit of a scare as a couple of Club IJ.lO\Ied for wearing socks of material other than llOineX and one Fonts interlocked wheels in Tum 2 causing the front car to in- for not wearing any socks at all. The paddock rumors regarding vert and impact the concrete retaining wall while still inverted. the gear checks missed one competitor who had his Sunday Our friends in white, theE-crew, and mce amlrol did an excel- qualifying times nixed. It is a requinment to wear the gear at lent job of responding to the situation to care for the driver. He all times while on the track. We'D c:beck ag;Un, just guess took a good knock to the head and will spend some time RCU- when. perating but is in good health. The weather kept everyone on their toes changing from rains to The rest of the mce groups were fairly quiet from a Steward's dries to intermediates throughout the weekend. I want to thank slandpoint with very few Steward actions taken. all the drivers for their response to the double yellow full aJIIJ'Se caution_:Oags. Speeds were dramatically mb:ed and aDowed Race Chairman Tom Roy introduced.Iongtime SCCBC wodrer for quicker response times by the E-aews. There was lots of Irene Chambers as their new Course Marshall good exciting racing and I overbeanl one driver state he had a $280 mce for only $ISO. I think Cascade is placing a bill in the mail. Once Group 3 worlted their way to grid, mother naPortland lntei'IUdioul Raceway May 3-4 tme had a small surprise in store. Well, maybe not small On the first lap of the mce. a Jmge downpour struck causing nnmerI46 entries, inchuting 8 NASAIUSTCC cars from California, ous spins including one down the front straigbt. A mnnber of showed up to Portland for the second mce. We all were wondrivers pulled off early and amalingly we made it to the end of dering how the new paddock ammgement in the Pro pit area the mce without having to bring out the pace car. would worlt out. Cascade did an excellent job at their first shot at this paddock. I am sure that the next time we are put on the Best Regards. inside that it will be even better. The biggest problem that occurred was for the last mce group of the day. A long line of Rick Delamare tow vehicles and trailers assembled rigbt down the middle of ISCSS Race Steward Hssm--htd 2/j/tJ #754 Pass under' steady yellow. Loss ofQuarnYing time and $50 fine. #50 Pass under' steady yellow. Loss of I mce lap and S50 fine. #773 Pass under' steady yellow. Loss of I mce lap and $50 fine. ##763 Avoidable contact. $50 fine. Group 5 Car ##I72 potested Car #129 wheel diameters after I"' Qual. Protest was upheld and fee returned. Qualifying times for Car #129 were removed and the driver changed classes. GroupS Group 5 Group S Group I ~~ #103 Pass under' steady double yellow. Loss of I mce lap and $50 fine. #163 Pass under' steady double yellow. Loss of I mce lap and $50 fine. ##I72 Avoidable contact. $50 fine. ##I42 Avoidable contact. S50 fine. Group 2 #18 Pass under steady yellow. $25 fine. Group 4 Group 4 Group 4 Group 2 " AD fiDes are ia SUS. PHOTOS ON THE NET CAscADE SPORTS CAR CLUB: Bret Bienerth 4401 NW 131st St., Vancouver, WA 98685 360-571-72341 [email protected] Rainbow Action Imagery now has photos of your car on the internet. At our new website, you can see all the photos from an event in one place, pick the ones you like, and order them online. To see your photos: 1. Go to www.dotphoto.com. INTERNATIONAL RAcE DRivERs CLuB: Mark Schaeffer 5622 44th Avenue SW, Seattle, WA 98136-1454 206-933-66331 masGpacengtech.com NoR'rtMEST MoTORSPORTS: NIA 2. Enter •genyr under User Name and •rainbow" under Password. 3. Pick which photo gallery to view. From there, follow directions for ordering, or contact Geny or Sue for further info, at [email protected], or phone 604-734-4721. SPORTS CAR CLUB OF B.C.: Tom Roy 817 Shorewood Drive, Parksville, BC V9P 1S1 250-248-66141 [email protected] TEAM CONnNENTAL: Steve Leonard 6123 SW Alfred St., Portland, OR 97219 503-452-()963 hm I 503-320-1028 cell 503-230-1103 wk I [email protected] CAscADE SPORTS CAR CLUB: Unda Heinrich 3020 SW 66 Ave., Portland, OR 97225 503-297-81181 Fax 503-286-5237 [email protected] INTERNATIONAL RAcE DRivERs CLUB: Jeanine Justice 25805118th PI SE, Kent, WA 98031 253-859-83221 [email protected] NoRTHWEST MoTORSPORTS: NIA SPORTS CAR CLUB OF B.C.: Tina Callaghan .-12- 5915 Vedder Road, Chiliwack, BC V2R 3C1 604-824-72771 Fax: 604-824-8n4 [email protected] HVPNOSPU[Rt ~· TEAM CONnNENTAL: Webire :1esign & ilsaliJi·y Win Casey 9220 SW Taylor St., Portland OR 97225-6735 503-297-4049 hm 1 503-643-2656 wk Desi<"!'T 0 uHishing & C:~nsul'ing l~:t~.."·.·IIH pqH· Danielle Bnter P.O.Bo:o.219 Fort LAngley. BC. V1M 2R5 604-882-8078 ;ru 604-888-1496 Sports Car Club of British Columbia presents •1 t)111 _.._.._..~~IJ~41J.,... w~~~~.-.()" JUNE 28 & 29, 2003 This event is sanctioned by ICSCC as a championship points race conducted under the 2003 ICSCC regulations and organized by the Sports Car Club of British Columbia at Mission Raceway Park in Mission, BC. Entries Close: Entry Fees: June 20, 2003 ICSCC and other licenses $185.00 CON $125.00 us Additional Entry $ 80.00 CON $ 50.00 us Late Entry $ 50.00 CON $ 35.00 us Westcoast Sportscar Champ. $185.00 CON $125.00 us WSC Race & ICSCC Entry Combo $290.00 CON $185.00 us Pit Passes (5 free with entry) $ 7.00 CON $ 5.00 us (Fees Include GST at 7o/o) Please make cheques payable to SCCBC Transponders: Weekend rental at track $50.00 CON $35.00 US Open Practice: The track will be available for practice Friday from 1Qam- 4pm. Licenses & Club card are required. Cost is $90.00 CON I $65.00 US. Pay at the gate. Paved Paddock Spaces: To reserve a paved paddock space, your entry must be complete and include payment. Please indicate your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices. They will be assigned in the order the entries are received. If your entry is late or you do not indicate your choices, your pit assignment will be determined at registration from any remaining. Mail Entries to: SCCBC Registrar Tina Callaghan #12-5915 Vedder Road Chilliwack, BC V2R 1C3 Registration Hours: Notes: 1) 2) 3) 4) Friday Saturday Sunday Phone: (604) 824-72n (No calls after 9pm) Fax: (604) 824-8n4 (No faxes after 9pm) E-mail: [email protected] 5:30pm- 8:00pm (Tech open until 8:30pm) 7:00 am- 12:00 pm 7:00 am - 10:00 am PRE-REGISTERED ONLYl You must have containers to take all fluids and garbage away with you. Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages is NOT PERMITTED during an event. Weekend schedule will be available at registration. License Director will be located in pit #25. YOU'RE INVITED!!- SATURDAY NIGHT CATERED DINNER!! Come and show your support for our volunteers. Immediately following the last group of the day Saturday there will be a 'Worker Appreciation Dinner'. Everyone is welcome! Workers eat free, all others may buy tickets, $10 Cdn or $7.50 US, available at Registration or the Resource Centre. **Mandatory Tech"* GROUP1 GROUP2 GROUP3 GROUP4 GROUP5 GROUPS GROUP? GROUPS GROUP9 PROD PROD FORM GT GTnT FORM/SR NOVICECW NOVICE OW wsc A-B-C-D Prod, SPU, SPO, SPM, PRO 3 E-F-G-H-1-J Prod, Club Rabbit, Pro 7, Spec Miata Club Ford, Formula Ford, Libre, Atlantic, Formula Mazda, F2 GT 1-2-3, RX7, AS, GTA, GTP,ITE GT 4-5, ITA-B-C, E-F-G-H Imp Prod, RS, ITS Fvee, F440/500, A-FSR, CS2000, S2000, BG Novice Closed Wheel Novice Open Wheel WestCoast SportsCar Championship SCCBC Race Chaiman: Tom Roy; Assistant Race Chairman: Robert Currie GROUP 7 POS IIMI CAl [111 KU:it: Cll T UPt:NI:K 12 CASCADE SPORTS CAR CLUB PORTLAND INTERNAnONAL RACEWAY OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS IAII CII.OII UPS 0/l lKEISI SPOISOI tianctiOniF lc::iCC Track Length: 1.917111LES IIAY~,2003 5PHII IKW I 2 3 4 s ' ' 1 I II II 12 13 IIF 115 115 115 311 YAUEIJ GOUGH 3H D HI.L 121 015 CA1501 362 LEE 50115UY 311 LEE FJELLAI&EI 321 . .15._m JZ7 JOIII 0510111 341 sru IO¥E1l 366 IICHAII IIIIALEY 112 JOI WAll 314 Wll.LWI COLWRL 311 ua JilEK 346 6IIY SELLE 316 &IE&OIJ COOPEI 34S IOLAID AYALA 324 IIOIAR IIIJSIIEI 337 5TEPIIEI IACIOIALD COMMENTS: NONE 5AI FIAIICI5CO, CA IEII'OI,WA FEIEIAL WAY, WA Hlll51010, 01 IOIIIEll,WA POIII.AH, 01 GI&WIOI,WA WOOIIIYILE, WA IEIJ,WA WII.50IIYIW, 01 5EAm.E, WA IEIIJOI,WA FEIEIAL WAY, WA POIJI.AID, 01 WOOIIIYILLE, WA 6LADSTOIE, 01 IILWAUIE, 01 IMWC IMW 32S 15 IIIC H-ACD 5CCA IAZDAIIAT (5(( IAZDAW IIIC IIAZDAW TC TOmACRI IMWC IMW32SI5 IIWC IIW32SI IIIC IAZDAIIAT 5CCA II55AI Pll.5 IIDC POI5CHE 914 IIIC IAZDAD7 DAT5UI Ml (5(( DAT5UI Sll IIWC IIW32SI5 ·(5(( (5(( WHilE YB.LOW ILUE lED WHDE RI/WifJ WHilE WHDE lED IEDJWIII' RI/IED RUE IEDJWHT LT.II.UE WHITE YWI21 WHilE DAT5UISII lED II II II II 11 11 11 11 11 2 3 4 1(5(( 1(5(( 5CCA 1(5(( s 1(5(( ' "" ' " ' IS I I I 1(5(( 1(5(( 1(5(( 1 I 1(5(( II II 12 13 IIF 115 115 115 5CCA IAHilWIIAOII& PIOROW lfSI&II/IOUG'5 AUID/11-F 61..313 ALOHAAUID 66.421 64.124 64.764 64.S37 63.646 61S76 SU76 SI.SSI 60 PIOUCIIOII5/WI5EY 51615/IA IAHI1WIIAOI6 5DiffiYIIW CIJUII5 COIIPEIOIOIIOTOI5POII5 sa.• 1(5(( 1(5(( 1(5(( 1(5(( 1(5(( 61.611 IOIIOTfJIA( 1(5(( 1(5(( .... MY WIFE lAC'S WIATOI MEETAIOIAOI& EMMEll IIII'L/5TAI MOIIJIELEOII(/ SU32 21M6 u• t• 1. • MAC'51ADIATOI flSlW' 1:41..197 1:31.491 1:41.7 1:44.931 1:44.715 1:45..641 1:44..7 1:47.561 I:SliiS I:S1134 I:SUt7 I:SUS4 1:63.211 1:15.1. ..... ..... ..... Ii i STEWARD: TIMING & SCORING: lllanday.llay 05, 2003 6:39:01 Pll TOTAL IN GROUP= 17 AJ#KIL AN IIC::i GROUPS POS I 2 AI IIIMI 312 1110111 OIL liB& 4G ~- tiaDCIIOIIIF SCCBC MISSION RACEWAY PARK OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS 10WI WI IAIE (11.00 fi&U8,WA -' D&ADI •m I.YAIUC: S((l( IBLYR IIJ,III.IIE UP 21 II lKBISE 0/l I IGc:C 2 (I(( Track Length: IQiCC 2.12101. APRIL 26-27, 2003 SPOISOI 5PHJ IUU 11.113 FASlW' 1:22.tJI 1:-.sn TOTAL IN GROUP 2 COMMENTS: STEWARD:._______________ Sllllay. April 'ZI. 2003 5:52:44 Pll TIMING & SCORING:.____________ SCCBC Event Supplementary Regulations 2003 Your application/entry to the event constitutes acceptance of these Supplementary Regulations. Infractions wiD result in penalties being assessed to the driver. 1. All events are to be held on the Mission Raceway Park road course in a counter clockwise direction. 2. All events wiD be timed & scored by the AMB Transponder System. Race cars must have a suitable transponder installed and operating in each session. 3. Open to cars eligible under ASN Canada PIA, CACC, SCCA or ICSCC current regulations. 4. Insurance shall be as per ASN Canada FIA and CACC regulations or ICSCC as applicable. 5. All competitors, entrants, crewmembers and guests must sign the official release agreement and waiver. 6. All minors (under 19) require a signed "minor waiver" for each event (available at Registration). 7. Minors (16 and over) are allowed to be in hot pits prcMded a parent/legal guardian has signed the appropriate minor waiver. 8. NSF cheques wiD be charged an additional $25.00 Canadian fee. 9. Competitors affected by a race cancellation wiD be notified by telephone, if possible, or by first class letter. 10. Consumption of akohol during an event is NOT PERMD]ED at Mission Raceway Park! You are respouible for the bebawior ofyonr crew and guests. 11. Registration & Tech hours, and procedures for handling Late Entries as per the race announcement. 12. Driver Services and the Official Notice Board are located in the SCCBC Clubhouse near Pregrid. 13. Novice or License Director will be located just west of the entrance to pit lane. 14. No racing engines may be started prior to 8:50am. Wann as quietly as possible until 9:00am. 15. The scales will be open Saturday from noon and Sunday aU day. 16. No skateboards or roller blades. Bicycles and small motorized vehicles allowed by pennission of the Race Chainnan only. Pennission may be withdrawn at any time. NO ONE UNDER 16 JSAU.OWED 10 OPERATE A MOTORIZED VEHICLE! 17. Both paved lanes in the Paddock area run EASTBOUND after 8:50am. Speed Limit SLOW- excessive speed will be subject to penalties assessed by the Race Chairman. 18. Refueling not allowed in Pregrid. Fueling in the Hot Pits requires a crewmember assigned only to manning a, fire bottle. Any fuel spillage may result in a penalty. 19. NO SMOKING or animals allowed in Hot Pits, Pregrid, or any Mission Raceway Park Building. 20. Only ONE support vehicle allowed in Paddock/Pit area. Roads MUST remain clear. All Support vehicles and trailers must be patbd perpendicularto the track unless pennission is obtained in writing from the organizer. 21. No race vehicle may exceed 95decibels (db) measured at 50ft. from the racing surface. Readings will be taken at an acceleration point Cars exceeding the db limit will have their Qualifying times erased or be Disqualified from their race. 22. Damage to track, grounds, buildings or equipment, regardless of cause, will be charged to the driver responsible. Damage to paved areas may result in fines. You are required to protect the asphalt from damage by jacks, jack stands, poles, etc. 23. If entries exceed the number of cars allowed on the track (detennined by the Race Chainnan) for a particular group, drivers and cars entered as an "additional entty" wiD be restricted from participating, based on the date the entries were received. This is in order to allow participation by those for whom the event is their primary event, including novices upgrading to a championship event. 24. AU entries for this event shall present, at tech inspection, empty sealable container(s) marked with the driver's name and license number, capable of holding 2 gallons of liquids. These are to be used to remove aU oil, cleaners, brake fluid, etc. from Mission Raceway Park. There will be no oil drums provided. 25. All hazardous waste spills are to be reported to the Race Chainnan. Anyone caught dwnping oil wiD be FINED and BANNED from the raceway. 26. DO NOT BLOCK THE PAVED PADDOCK LANES DURING RACES. Trailers may be loaded at the back of the paddock, on the gravel 27. Tire scrubbing is not allowed at any time during practice or qualifying sessions. Scrubbing is allowed only on the pace laps preceding the initial green flag starting a race, under pace car control. 28. The importation and use of leaded fuels for use in motor vehicles is pennitted in Canada only for use in racing vehicles. Leaded fuel is not available for sale at gas stations in Canada. 29. No open fJreS anywhere! Barbecues wiD be the only exception as long as they are away from any combustible source such as gas cans, gas tanks or fuel cells, etc. 30. No overnight camping at the track Sunday night 31. Gates aR locked for tbe evening at I 0:30pm and reopened at 7:00am. In case of emergency caD the number posted on the inside of the gate. There is a pay phone at the east end of the spectator parldng lot. 32. Long pants, sleeved shirts, closed toed shoes and visible wristband are to be worn in the Pregrid, Hot Pits and Impound areas. 34. Cars arriving at Pregrid after the 5 minute wanmg will be put at the back of the grid 35 All pets must be on a leash while on site. 36 Late Registrations on Sunday MAY be accepted, at the Race Chainnan's discretion. Thank You- Tom Roy, SCCBC Race Chairman 2003 - -- ------- SPORTS CAR CLUB OF B.C. PADDOCK RESERVATION REQUEST THIS FORM MUSIACCOIFANY YOUB COMPLETEQ ENTRY FORMISl FOR EACH RACE EventDate(s): - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Driver. _________________________________________Car# _____ Phone#:----------------------- E - M a i l : - - - - - - - - - - #2.__________ Choices: #1 _ _ _ __ Trailer/Support Vehicle to be in paddock spot: ENCLOSED TRAILER SEMI-TRAILER PICK-UP /VAN #3 _ _ _ _ __ (PLEASE CIRCLE or£) CAMPER I MOTORHOME Trailer/Camper l e n g t h : - - - - - - - - RULES: 1 1 paddock spot per race vehicle I ONE support vehicle per paddock spot 2 No endosed trailers or motor homes permitted in the front row 3 Max. 24' trailers in rows 2 & 3 4 We will not confirm reservations, we will only contact you if you didn't receive 1 of your 3 choices. CANCELLATIONS: Advise Colleen or Paul Sunbury @ 604-932-3253 or [email protected] by the Monday prior to the race weekend. email Unavoidable last minute cancellations must be reported to Tina Callaghan @ 604-819-0095 by 8:00PM on the Friday of the race weekend. Do not leave messages on Tina's home phone; she will be at the track. No shows, who did not cancel, will not be permitted to reserve a space for the next race. Driver Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.Date:----- ::»anctton w: AI"KIL AN IIC~ SCCBC MISSION RACEWAY PARK OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS GROUP 1 ., POS AI I 33 I 196 I 111 Dlf 192 DIIYEI TOWN (UI IAICE (01.001 LAP 0/A Track Length: APRIL 26-27, 2003 li(EIIS£ IOWSE MOTHOS TIIICIIH& 1un 1:27.649 ICSCC OlliS'S 60IWI AIITO AWONDOfiiL Wlff,IINOFFICIAL IIW 13.139 13.755 1:25.451 SCCA SCCA KSCC SPIHAitOS.sPmlWAY IIUIPHY WALLIEDS OF CANADA lAC IIISSELL ENmPIISES 19.162 11.150 h17J71 1:28.317 16.749 1:20.726 ICSCC ICSCC CACC 6100¥£101 15.920 1:2U!5 22 14 ICSCC 23 22 t2 DNF 1(5(( lfD POISCII tl I POISCII f44TS WHITE ILACK 24 24 23 23 22 SCOC FOlD MUSTANG IBI ION IOWSE AUOTSFOID,K SCCIC CIIV CAIAIO II.ACI liN Hill SIIOIIOMISII, WA ILUEJWHT SEATTU,WA IIDC IMWC IMW 3251 DAII I£UNIN6 IIW 3251 VICTOtiA.K SIDNrf,IC SCOC SCCK IEDMOND,WA OA IIOC IIWC SC(I( fASTI.AP 1:2U3f ICSCC POillAND, 01 SPEED SPOIISOI 15.951 I FlANK MCXINNON 1c~cc 2.12 KM. CP PI03 1:25.184 SPM 1 761 0111s souuons 2 7f5 P£1'0 HAMEl 3 78 uc aussru 4 31 nua IUCHIWI 5 106 JEff WICKS DNF nz woum lOOMAN DNF 16 VIC HAIVIY DNS 755 Pml IUUDOIN WOOOINYillE. WA IIISSAII SSOX liD 1MW 3251 liD IIW 32515 MAlliA IX71U WHITE &lAY NANAIMO,K PIINCE &ml&f, IC POll COQUfflAIIJ( SCOC SC(I( IHIIIUI4n DATSUN 210Z YEI.I.OW POll COQUITLAM,K COQUITLAI, IC SC(I( SCCK CHEV CAIAIO WIIT/ILIIE JAIOSLAY YOKOUN POISCHE 930 mtow lOY ISI!Y IEAVEILOD&f, AI SCCK SCCK SCOC SCCIC CIIEV MONTE C CIIV COMTTE PONTIAC &IAN FOlD lUSTAN& WHITE liD YRLOWfiLACI WIIT/51EEN 181/WHITF./IL 7 f I •a KAHN ltAI&IACIN& 7f.Sf6 1:27.977 IOUIAN AUTO 6AUBUOYO TilES 13.176 1:11.116 WEST IOCI16 SEIYIC6 T.U YP FIIElS,CALIAI FIIOGLASS,PENNZOIL,N& 73.901 1:21.464 0.010 0:80.0110 to.S60 1:11.709 CACC THE CHEVY STOif,SCAIDILLO CHmE,TOYO TECHNIK IOTOlWOIKS,MAII'S AIITO IODY CANADIAN WISTEIN A&lii&ATE 15 DNF DNf CACC DNS CACC SPO I 36 2 719 3 46 JEllY WAID 4 IU 61£6 wm Dlf n4 DAVID COIMIEI Dlf 7IS S1M FlmNIIIIG ICflOWNA.K SIDNEY,IC YANCOUYR,IC 24 14 ICSCC (A(( 24 5 24 12 6 1(5(( OKANWN COIYm£ CLIII,IB.OWIIA FLIIII Dlf (A(( &DLD'S &YM,ALOYS fiTNfSS Dlf (A(( CWIAIN OO,PIECISION VALVE ICSCC ICSCC 87.716 1:20.241 17.785 17.432 U.S64 40.549 1:19.316 1:21.231 1:15.523 l:53.9n SPU I fS 2 134 J£FF LOWE IIIINAIY,IC SCCK HONDA CIVIC ILIIE 23 ID DAIIIN GILMOIJ: SAIDIS,K SCCK MAZDA 117 nW/PIIIPll 23 II 14.192 1:24.134 14.369 1:25.044 TOTAL IN GROUP 20 COMMENTS: CASCADE SPORTS CAR CLUB PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS GROUP 4 POS CAl OIIYEI TOWN UUI MAKE COLOUI , - w: 1c:scc Track Length: 1.917 MILES ~anct10n KU=:it: Cll Y Ut't:Nt:K 1:.! MAY 3-4, 2003 LAPS 0/A LICENSl SPOHSOI 4 9 10 ICSCC ICSCC ANNIE AND SOPHIE CAUEIIIACIH&/ADDCO IHC SIAm & HOLLY SMITH I 3 Dlf ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC NW CRYOGENICS PINEAPPLE/NGIC/MAZDA/BEGGS AES INC. 2 SP££0 FASTLAP 85.074 88.429 83.647 1:20.396 1:26.892 1:20.911 86.533 8S.66S 1215.950 1:17.969 1:19.587 0:00.080 AS H ROB RISSBERGER 2 3 64 DAVE BEHHIIT 03 KEVIN SMITH JUNatON CITY, OR TC WOODINVILLE, WA flOC HILLSBORO, OR TC CHEV CAMAR RED MUSTANG SLYR/MAG CHEV CAMAR YELLOW 23 NEWBERG,OI CORVALLIS, OR SEAffiE,WA CSCC CSCC IRDC PONTIAC FIER BLU/WHT MAZDA 117 RED{WHT/Bl MAZDA 117 RED/PRPL/Sl 23 22 REOMOND,WA SAMMAMISH, WA CIA IIDC NISSAN !SOZ RED MAZDA 117 BLU{WHT 23 23 s ICSCC ICSCC MAC RUSSELL ENTERPRISES WATCHGUARD TECHNOLOGIES 86.S14 84.961 1:18.156 1:20.485 MAmNEZ, CA CUPERTINO, CA BENICIA, CA ELK GlOVE, CA SONOMA, CA SAN JOSE, CA RICHMOND, CA ANAHEIM, U CSCC NASA CSCC NASA NASA NASA NASA SCCA SUBARU WRX HONDA CIVIC HONDA ACCO HONDA CIVIC HONDA CIVIC FORD FOCUS ACUIA INTEG ACURA INTEG 23 23 22 22 21 21 21 6 6 7 B 11 12 13 14 ONF ICSCC NASA ICSCC NASA NASA NASA NASA SCCA SUBARU Of AMERICA/COBB TUNING{S HOPKINS PERFORMANCE PARTS EAGLE AWARDS/IMPAU EN&IMEERIN MOTORSPOIT DYNAMI<S/HONDA AUT SONOMA SAUSAGE/HAILEY'S CREED V FOCUS CENTRAL GOGOGEAI.COM/PIAA LIGHTS SPEGAL PROJECTS MSPORTS/GTP/PR 83.408 13.262 81.864 1:20.039 1:19.956 1:22.011 1:24.441 1:24.085 1:26.483 1:29.683 1:25.079 22 22 f(S(( GT2 I 2 DNF 01 DEAN MILLER 63 JULES MORITZ I BUD REICHARD GT3 I 2 I 2 3 4 S 6 7 DNf 70 MAC RUSSELL 41 KEN SHREVE ITE 172 GARY SHEEHAN 749 NEIL YANNI 81 THOMAS LEPPER 728 JONATHAN MERIS 774 PATRICK SHARP 723 ANDREW GilLIS 732 All ARSHAM 766 JEff OWEN COMMENTS: BLU/YLW RED/WHT PRPL/REO/W BLUE SLYR/BLK WHITE WHITE WHT/BLK CARS #03 & #63 - 1 LAP PENALTV, PASSING UNDER YELLOW FULL COURSE CAUTION ~~ 83.888 78.522 78.085 75.673 74.499 ~anct1on JJ Track Length: #W'KIL AN II\,;~ SCCBC MISSION RACEWAY PARK OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS GROUP2 POS I AI DIIYEI Cl 3S TOM IUSIC 2 I TOWN CLUI MAKE COlOUR LAP 0/A LICENS£ 1\,;~\,;\,; 2.12 KM. APRIL 26·27, 2003 SPEED SPONSOR FASTLAP &LADSTON£, 01 TC VWIAIBIT ILACK 22 ICSCC IUSIC CDNSTIUatON 82.371 1:27.151 Mill YOlK POITLAND, 01 CSCC VWWIIT lED/BLACK 22 ICSCC VLK lACING 11.135 1:27.122 EP 99 JON IOIIFOITE PORnAND,OI CSCC VW 16¥ GOLF WHIT£ 22 ICSCC &ElMAN PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS,ISIIACING 13.017 1:25.865 NAKUSP,IC SCCIC DODGE NEON WHITE 22 ICSCC KAL TilE, KOOTENAY CIIIYSLEI 81.941 1:27.645 72S DONATO DWNDOLI ANJI BEMI£N N.VAN,IC SCCIC MAZDA RX7 lUCK 22 (A(( O'IYAN ENTEIPIISES 81.802 1:26.156 731 MAlliN BEUYMAN PITT MEADOWS, IC SCCIC SUZUKI SWIFT WHT/OUN&E 63.274 1:32.178 117 DNF 4 3 DNF CACC fP 12 WC STORMS PITT MEADOWS,IC SCCIC HONDA ctX II.ACK 22 I(S(( WCS MOTOISPOITS/STORM POWER 14.122 I:24.065 23 IE& MILNE WHISTL£1, IC S((l( HONDA CIVIC Sl ILACIC 22 ICSCC IACKCOUNTIY SNOWCA'IS LTD. 13.803 1:24.999 133 ANNETTE BLEIWIN ALDEI&IOYE, IC SCCIC TOYOTA COIOL IlK/TEAl 22 (A(( IAIDAHl OIL,TOKICO SHOCKS 81.124 1:27.315 77S TIM ROSCHE MISSION, BC SCCIC TOYOTA COROl WHITE 21 (A(( TilE mNDS.COM 80.397 1:29.149 82.976 1:26.526 10 GP 2 DNS 792 62 ROIBT JOHNSTON AIIY,IC SCCIC FOISA JUDO WHT/IED/ILUE 22 ION JOHNSON SEAnLE,WA IIOC VW IA881T 181/YLW 21 12 I(S(( 326 SHAUN ROBER'IS KELOWNA, 1C S((l( DOD&£ OMNI lED 21 14 ICSCC miY IEINI& mam,wA IIOC VW GOLF 6TI lED DNS ICSCC 16 (A(( TilE PERftCT WIFE IIG I MANUFACTUIING,CAISO'S PASTA 80.284 1:28.677 78.428 1:30.SI9 0.000 0:00.000 HP I 77 HANS KUNST lYNDEN, WA SCCIC VW RAIIIT ILUE/WHT DNF 94 JEFF PENICK SALEM, 01 CSCC HONDA CIVIC WHT/ILUE I 341 CHUCK IANCATTI MUKILTEO, WA IRDC FORD FIESTA OIAN&E 16 ICSCC H20-0NLY MOTOISPOilS 77.480 1:31.794 DNF ICSCC DAH JUDY AUTOMOTIYE,DAILB AUTOBODY, 39.026 1:81.427 21 IS ICSCC 78.415 1:29.934 21 IP PI07 76 AL CAlTON SNOHOMISH, WA 110( MAZDA IX7 SllVEI/MA&EN 21 13 ICSCC CAllEN lACING & ADDCO INC 78.971 1:21.732 10 srm Josnss IELFAII, WA IIDC MAZDA IX7 RED 20 17 ICSCC JEFF'S AUTOMOTIVE 74.943 I:29142 SNOHOMISH, WA IIDC MAZDA MIATA IUIGUNDY/TEA 21 II ICSCC BlACKJACK RACING 80.384 1:2U26 SM 6 MARK KELLB TOTAL IN GROUP 20 COMMENTS: ./<.--C>)- / :.sanctaon JJ Track Length: AI-'KIL AN II\,;~ SCCBC MISSION RACEWAY PARK OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS GROUP4 POS AI DIIYEI TOWN CLUI MAKE COLOUR LAP , /.~ 0/A LICENSE 1\,;~\,;\,; 2.12 KM. APRIL 26-27, 2003 SPONSOR SPEED FASTLAP AS 64 DAVE BENNITT WOODINVILLE, WA IIDC MUSTANG SALE SILY£1/MA&EN 20 20 ICSCC CAllEN lACING & ADDCO INC 75.467 1:27.059 Gtl I(SCC IDWSE IIOTHEIS TIUCKIM& 74.904 1:26.704 DNF CACC IIGDADDY 23.166 12:15.448 DNS CACC YP FUELS,CALMAR FIIEIGLASS,PENNZOIL,NG 0.000 0:00.000 CACC COAST WHOlESALE API'UANCES LTD,SOUTHS 83.010 1:19.103 ICSCC MAC IUSSEll ENTEIPIISES 79.196 1:19.717 22 SCCA SPINAKEIS,SPf£DWAY 13.042 I: 19.03S 22 (A(( XI AUTOSPOIT 82.758 1:19.522 BLACK 22 SCCA MURPHY WALLIEDS OF CANADA . 81.984 1:19.121 CHEV CAMAIO 6BE£N 21 77.905 1:2S.ll37 (Hf¥ COMTTE lED 21 7 (A(( OKANAGAN COIYETTE CLUB 77.309 I :2S.S27 I DNF CACC TECIINIIC MOTOIWOIKS.MAIK'S AUTO BODY 40.871 I :99.603 196 ION ROWSE AIIOTSFOID, IC SC(I( CHfY CAMAIO ILACK DNF 712 CIIIIS LYMAN SHERMAN OAKS, CA SCCIC PONTIAC GRAN OIAN&E/WHT DNS 7SS JOHN BEAUDOIN N.VAN,IC SCCIC DATSUN 280Z YELLOW GT3 727 NOfl ROIACK 70 MAC IUSSEU PITT MEADOWS, IC SCCIC DATSUN SIO lED 22 IEDIIONO, WA CIA NISSAN 3SOX lED 22 763 CHRIS SOULIOnS VICTOIIA, IC SCCIC POISCHE 911 WHITE 739 DEAN KBENZ VICTORIA, BC SCCIC POISCH£ 928 BLUE 79S PETEI HAMEl SIDNEY,IC SCCIC POISCIIE 944TS 783 GAIY WATSON IICHMOND, IC SCCIC 711 KROWNA, IC SCCBC COQUIRAM, BC SCCBC POISCHE 930 YELLOW I I GT2 2 1n 3 S DNF AARON CAITB 719 JAROSLAY YOKOUN TOTAL IN GROUP 12 COMMENTS: CACC :sancuon • At'KIL AN 11\,;:S SCCBC MISSION RACEWAY PARK OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS GROUPS POS AI DRIVEl TOWN (LUI MAKE COLOUR LAP 0/A LICENSE Track Length: 1\,;:S\,;\,; 2.12 KM. APRIL 26·27, 2003 SPEED SPONSOR FASTLAP EIP 31 I 92 3 103 4 102 DNF 714 IIUCE IEAOIMAN WOODINVILLE, WA IIDC BMW 3251 lED 23 ICSCC GROOVE MOl 15.001 1:23.615 DALE HONING SEATTLE. WA BMWC BMW 3251 22 ICSCC AWONDEifUI. WIFE,UHOFFICIALIMW 13.4fl 1:24.113 RYAN SNODGRASS KIRKLAND, WA IMWC IMW 32SIS IIENT JORDON SEAnLE,WA IMWC IMW32SIS ltD WHITE WHITE J(fF REMFEIT YANCOUVII, IC SCCIC DATSUN lOADS SILYO/ILUE BLUE GT4 173 CHRIS DOODSON 22 II ICSCC KAHN TEAM lACING 11.639 1:25.219 22 IS ICSCC ICAIIN TEAM RACING,CLUIIACING.COM IOJIS 1:24.510 2 DNF CACC ALTERNATIVE CIANE,AI.lAN AUTOTECH,SPOR 50.670 1:30.121 MAPLEIIDGE, 8C SC<BC HONDA CIVIC 22 6 (A(( T&TPARTS,CANADIAN IMPORT 83.439 1:21.327 MIKE YOLK POITLAND, 01 CSCC 22 14 ICSCC YLKIACING IOJI1 1:21.446 ALAN RUSSELL SAMMAMISH, WA CIA VW WilT IED/ILACIC ALFA ROMEO G lED 2ll 17 ICSCC JUDY'S DAYCAIE 75.564 1:31.021 IIANDON ZIMMERMAN MAPLE RIDGE, 8C SCCIC DATSUN 510 SILVER IS DNF CACC IEIGIIAN MOTOIS,LOIDCO,LIOUID GRAPHIC 74.532 1:21.715 TOM IUSIC GLADSTONE, 01 TC VW IAIIIT ILACK 0 DNS ICSCC IUSIC CONSTRUOION 0.000 0:00.000 KEITH CARTER SUIIEY, BC SCCBC HONDA ClX BUCK 23 ICSCC STOIMPOWEI 13.833 1:24.353 WHISTLER, IC SCCBC HONDA CIVIC Sl ILACX 22 ICSCC IACKCOUNTIY SNOWUTS LTD. 13.076 1:24.512 DAtltN GILMOI£ SARDIS, BC SCCBC MAZDA lX7 YLW/PUIPLE 22 ICSCC KEN'S niE,JESI'ERSON'S IIAICE,NGK 13.034 1:25.436 STEVE JUSTISS BELFAIR, WA IRDC IWDA IX7 RED 21 16 ICSCC JEFf'S AUTOMOTIVE 77.971 1:2U43 TERRY REINIG EYEtm,WA IRDC VW GOLF 6TI lED DNS ICSCC BIG RMANUFAOIIIING,CARSO'SPASTA o.aoo a:oo.ooo lTC 9S JUDGE PENICK LA JOLLA, CA CSCC HONDA CIVIC WHT/BLUE II ICSCC SAN JUDY AUTO ,DAILEI AUTO IODY.AMERIC 73.506 1:36.462 0 17 DNF 77S DHS 35 ITA 112 23 lEG MilNE 134 70 ITB DNS 86 RS 27 HAL HILTON ISSAQUAH, WA IIDC POISCH£944 1£1) 23 ICSCC Til£ CLEARYIEW 610UP INC 14.156 1:24.262 SO IAN THOMAS N.VAN,IC SCCBC ACUIA INTEGI WHT/ILUE 4 ICSCC A&J lACING, STANDARD BUILDING SUPPLY,O ALDER&IOVE, IC SCCBC HONDA CIVIC WHITE 9 (A(( TNEADWOIICS 83.522 12.104 1:21.236 PETER SKINNER 22 22 JACK DECHIUSTOPHEI PDtnAND,OI TC DATSUN SID WHT/IED 22 10 ICSCC CIICLE HENTEIPIISES,JUU£ PATTEISON,ACU 12.081 1:26.536 12 13 ucc IIAD JOHNSON CIEATIYE.CIII(IIL£ CONSTI IIJ64 1:27.604 ICSCC MALAHAT AUTO PAITS,IAND AUTOMOTIVE 10.403 1:21.333 DNF (A(( KINGIACING,OYfN WIGGS 72.562 1:26.231 3 729 47 DNF 754 CHRIS IEEIE LANGLEY, BC SCCIC DODGE NEON ILUE 22 179 ION SIMPSON VICTORIA, IC SCCBC HONDA CIVIC WHITE 22 liD GEORGE KONDOI VANCOUVII,BC SCCIC MAZDA lX7 RED TOTAL IN GROUP 23 CARS 50 AND 773 ·1 LAP PENALTY • PASSING ON YELLOW 1:26.561 COMMENTS: . <r..--c;..~·· , i . STEWARD:_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Sunday, April 'D, 2003 5:48:06 PM -·· TIMING & SCORING:_ _ _ _ _ __ :sanctiOn ;: At'KIL AN 11\,;:S SCCBC MISSION RACEWAY PARK OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS GROUP7 POS AI DRIVEl NCW 411 NORM OLVNUK 3 TOWN LANGLEY, BC ClUB MAKE COLOUR lAP 0/A LICENSE Track Length: 1\,;:St;\,; 2.12 KM. APRIL 26·27, 2003 SPOHSOI SPEED FASTLAP SCCIC PONTIAC &IAN GIEEN/BLACK 20 (A(( PIOFOIMANCE lACING 77.111 1:19.433 IMWC IMW 32SIS WHITE 20 1:24.111 SCCIC HONDA CIX BLACK 20 3 KAliN TEAll lACING GRUPP£ MlACING 76.670 WfSTVAN,IC ICSCC CACC PETER JENKIN IRLEYUE,WA BMWC BMW325 II.UE 20 4 ICSCC 435 379 101 WILLIAMS DARYL SIMPSON DRTA,IC IURNABY, BC WCIIA SCCBC HONDA CIX HONDA CIVIC RED WHITE 20 19 314 WILLIAM GUY COLWELL 301 VAL GOUGII 431 TOM DAVIES 311 ucc ICSCC SEATTLE, WA IRDC PORSCHE 914 RED/BLACK 11 ICSCC 44 7 JOHN tUFF ELL DUNCAN,IC SCCIC MGIIOADSTE 61EEN 12 (A(( DNF 373 DAIIYL NESS CHILLIWACK, I( META TOYOTA CELICA lED DNF DNF 77S IIAD ZIMMERMAN MAPLE IIDGE,IC SCCIC DATSUN 510 SIL¥11 DNF DHS 31 I LEE FJELLANGER IOTII£Ll, WA IRDC MAZDA IX7 WHITE 0 DHS DNF 396 JIM HILL RENTON, WA IRDC HONDA CRX YELLOW 19 DNF DHf 329 RANDY 101£1TSON KIRKLAND, WA IROC POISCHE 944 T 6IEY 12 D!f TOTAL IN GROUP COMMENTS: 13 ICSCC CACC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC CIIC MACAHAT AUTO,RAND AUTOMOTIVE 76.205 1:26.006 75.564 I:26.794 75.062 72.414 1:29.327 1:25.122 61.634 1:35.161 TilES 11/liMITED,tltnSN MOTOIS.SHADIOL 44.912 1:34.674 CHilliWACK WATER STOIE.CHILLIWACK TIRE 63.709 I:43.032 IEIGMAN MOTOIS,LORDCO,LIOUID GRAPHIC 41.217 1:46.031 o.aoo a:oo.ooo PROFLOW DESIGN,IIOU&S AUTD,IJ..JIX·IT HON 76.079 1:24.242 70.015 1:25.1211 :sanctton• AfiKIL AN 11\;:S SCCBC MISSION RACEWAY PARK OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS GROUP9 POS At DIIYII TOWN £LUI (OLOUI MArE P1 1 s. uouuons LAP 0/A .. LI(ENSE Track Length: 1~\,;\,; 2.12 KM. APRIL 26-27, 2003 SPONSOI SPEED f ASTLAP YIOOIIA,IC SCCIC POtsOIE tll WHITE I SCCA SPINAIOS.WOWAY 91.7" S.llODIE IELOWNA,IC SCCIC DAT50N SID Yru.OW 4S 2 (A(( IES1 CHOIG AIIJO IEIIfAl,IAL TilE 19.741 I:IU13 24 D.COIIIO SIONEY,IC SCCI( POIIJIA( &IAN YntOW/IUCI 4S 3 (A(( 60LD'S 6YII,ALOYS FITNBS 19.510 1:1SJ95 39 D.IIINZ YIOOIIA, IC SCCIC POISOIE m II.DE 4S 2 143 3 4 l:lUtS (A(( XI AUTOSPOIT 11m l:lt.t43 (A(( THE CIIYY STOif,SCAtDILLO CIIHSE,TOYO 16.302 l:lt.SST IUit 1:19.732 WIIT/II.UE 44 SCCIC OIEY WUto 01EY 110NTE C t WHITE 44 10 (A(( SNOIIAII DAIS, CA/N.Y SCCIC POIIfiAC &IAN OIAN6f/WIIf 31 20 (A(( II& DADDY 14.120 1:19.1143 1:21.132 S 36 T.WAID UB.IIYAII6 POCO/IWLE ti06E,IC SCCIC 6 46 t.ISI.EY DJAI.IID&f &P,AI/CHIWWACI,IC 12 UYMAN DJIOEIINICI I S S.RmNUI6 YANCOUVEt,IC SCCIC fOlD IIIISTAII& WRT/61EEN 33 22 (A(( CUAIAIN Ellf,PIECISIONYALYE IS.OOO t It COQIIITLAII, IC SCCIC POISCIIE 931 YRLOW 2t 2S (A(( IICIIIIIIIOTOIWOIICS,IIAII'S AUTO IODY 12.494 1:21134 CACC HOLLYNOITH PIODUCJION 14.107 1:17.965 (A(( NIXON PIO SPOilS 17.309 1:2Utl QUAID STATE/IDOL CAT/NATIONAL TilE W 17.151 l:IUII 14.t42 1:23.12S Dllf 136 J.¥010111 UAEINE P2 21 I.SlYAN 74 3 33 IH P.WIIDON IUINAIY,IC SCCIC lOYAU IP37 lED YANCOIIYO,IC SCCIC Sll610 IUI/WHT/I(D PIING 6E016E, IC SCCIC 1994 WSI SP01 IED/SILYD Dllf 44 44 UCC I f.ICIIIIIIOII POtTUND,OI SCCIC fOlD IUSTAN6 lED 43 11 KSCC UOWSE AIIOlSFOID,IC SCCIC CIIY CAIAto IUCI 42 13 ICSCC toWSE IIOTHEIS TIUCIIN6 II.H2 1:26.Ht 16 (A(( OIANA&AN COIYETTE ClUifiELOWNA ni&H 10.957 1:24.113 A.CAtm &.CAtm IROWNA,IC SCCIC CIIY COIYETTE tED 41 3S PAULIIIII.Y WHisrut,IC SCCIC HONDA CIX YRLOW/ILACI 44 (A(( FOilS CAF0,5EA TO SIT tEAL ESTATE,COLT 17.101 1:21.717 SO I.TIIOIIAS SJAtiCO N.YANJIICIIIOND,IC SCCIC ACUIA INTE61 44 A&J IACIN&, STANO.lto IUILDIN& SUPPI.Y,O 17.100 1:21.4U 12S UOIIBI N.YAN,IC SCCIC IIAZDA IX7 WIIT/II.UE IU(J( ICSCC 41 IS (AC( O'IYAN OOOPIISES 11.372 1:26.411 179 lSIIIPSOII YICJOIIA, IC SCCIC HONDA CIVIC WHitE 40 ICSCC IIALAHAT AUTO PAm,IAND AUTOIIOTIYE 79.423 1:2S.375 90 l.tOIINSON IJII6UY,IC SCCIC HONDA CIX IUIEJYLW 31 II 21 (A(( IAIIIAIT 6AIA6E,I&6 AUJO tECYaiN& 10.6115 1:24.359 J.IDifOT YANCOUYO,IC SCCIC OAlSIIII toADS SILYEI/ILUE Dllf CACC AllDNATIYE CIANE,ALLAN AUTOIICH,SPOI 43.tlt 1:61.131 ILACI 42 12 (A(( ANALYTIC SYSTEIIS 11213 I:2S.1 t2 YRW/II.UE 41 14 (A(( PACIFIC DAWH IIAIIA&EIIBIT,ADYANCED AU 11.121 1:25.114 IIAD JOHNSON CIEATIYE,CIUCIIU (ONSJt Ill P3 3 - 114 ' P4 I 31 J.HA1610¥E DELTA,IC SCCIC HONDA (IX 2 tl UAtl LCOSTANTINO COQUITLAII, IC SCCIC ACUIA IIITE61 3 54 UEEIE IJII6UY,IC SCCIC DOD&E NEON IUIE 40 17 (A(( 4 326 SJOIEm IROWNA,IC SCCIC DOD&E OIINI lED 40 ICSCC (A(( 5 t2 DJOIIflfB LJOIINSrON AIIY/YAN,IC SCCIC fotSA 1W10 WIIT/IED/ILUE 31 It 23 6 2t P511NNO AUIEI6tOYE, IC SCCIC HONDA CIVIC WHitE 30 24 (A(( DNS 131 UEUYIIAN Pin MEADOWS,IC SCCIC SIJZUI(I SWIR WIIT/OIAN6E a DNS CACC 0 TOTAL IN GROUP 28 CAR 143- 30 SECOND PENALTV COMMENTS: STEWARD:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Tuesday, April29, 2003 7:09:36 AM THEADwotiS POS At DIIYEI :sanction• SCCBC MISSION RACEWAY PARK OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS TOWN (LII MAKE (OLOUI LAP 0/A LI£ENSE 1:27.634 1:3U2t 61.400 1:2Utl st.SOI 1:26.761 0.000 0:00.000 TIMING & SCORING:,_ _ _ _ _ _ __ AfiKIL AN IIC:S GROUP3 79.743 11113 Track Length: 1~cc 2.12KM. APRIL 26-27, 2003 SPONSOI SPEED f ASTLAP a: 2 7S IICI PAYNE COOUITUII, IC SCCIC VAN DDAN ltoWNfYLW 17 ICSCC PAYTON POOlS 17.21t 1:15.104 39 lOONEY .lESSEII IRIIYUE, WA ltDC lED IUIE 17 ICSCC ELECJto PLIIII SOYE 16.tts 1:16.311 COOUITUII, IC IIDC ctossu • CIOSSU 40/4S 11 S ICSCC YOLYO OF COQUITUII 16.95S 1:16.277 6 11At1C 1ELU1 SNOHOIISII,WA liD( CtoSSU 32F IED/WHT/II.DE 11 6 ICSCC ILACIJACIIACIN6 16Jst 1:17.2St 11 DAN lOSCH YANCOIIYD, IC SCCIC ctOSSU IIF lED 17 I(S(( SKOND CITYSI&HS 16.412 I:IUI9 30 IIIIE 61LIOT tEDIIOND, WA ltOC: ctDSSLE 3SF 1LUE IS ICSCC &IOIIP"&" IACIN&,OIION MACON 90.1ts 1:16.518 tolm IIEYRIN& IICHIIOND,IC SCCIC CITATION F200 IUCI 13 (A(( IAIEIYIEW AUTO)IAPA PAllS ".310 1:14.556 1:1S.SSO II 1J OLDY IIAIIDFOIS W Dllf f2 SS ff II MICHAEL IJNSEN SUttEY,IC SCCIC YAN DlfiiiN FF tED 17 2 ICSCC STEW All FltE/II.UE IIODNTAIN/UNITED CAIP 17.142 2 191 ItA HOLLAND UN61.EY,IC SCCIC YAN DIEIIEN tf YLW/11.1 17 3 (A(( ANNA'S INCENCE.COII 17.014 I:IS.I41 DNS 1lt scon OlliSON W. YAN,IC SCCA SWIRIJI.I WIIITE 0 DNS SCCA DJOO 0:00.000 TOTAL IN GROUP 10 COMMENTS: KU~t: GROUP 1 POS Ul \;II Y U~t:Nt:K ~anctaon 1:.! TOWN DIIVEI MAKE CLUI COLOUI LAPS 0/A LICENSE 22 12 ICSCC 22 13 ICSCC 11 1(.;~(.;(.; Track Length: 1.917 MILES CASCADESPORTSCARCLUB PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS MAY 3-4, 2003 SPEED FASRAP 83.774 1:23.451 SCREWY LIZARD RACING 83.199 1:26.953 SPONSOI AP 16 BOB PONTIUS PORT LUDLOW, WA IRDC CHEV CORVET BLACK CP 45 MIKE BLASZUAK SAMMAMISH, WA BMWC BMW 325 IS WHITE HOOD RIVER, OR CSCC DATSUN 240Z YlW/GaN/Bl 23 7 ICSCC TANNER'S AUTOMOTIVE/TOP TECH 86.541 1:22.715 SNOHOMISH, WA IRDC BMW 325 I BlU/MUlTI 23 10 ICSCC CHRIS'S GERMAN AUTO 85.374 1:24.776 REDMOND, WA MERRm ISLAND, FL SAMMAMISH, WA MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA WOODINVILLE, WA TACOMA, WA SAN FRANCISCO, CA WOODINVILLE, WA SEAffiE, WA TACOMA, WA SEAffiE, WA CRA CSCC IRDC NASA IRDC IROC BMWC BMWC BMWC IRDC IRDC NISSAN 350Z PONTIAC FIER MAZDA RX7 HONDA ACCO BMW 325 I MAZDA RX7 BMW 325 IS BMW 325 IS BMW 325 I MAZDA RX1 MAZDA RX7 REO RED/WHT/BL BLU/WHT PRPL/RED/W RED YELLOW WHITE WHITE RED WHT/BLU/RE RED/I'RPLJSL 24 24 24 23 23 23 23 23 I MAC RUSSELL ENTERPRISES NW CRYOGENICS WATCHGUARD TECHNOLOGIES EAGLE AWARDS/IMPAO EHGINEERIN GROOVE MOB MERKLE HOTEL- TACOMA/BOYLE PRE KAHN TEAM RACING MEETARO RACING AWONDERFUL WIFE/UNOFFICIAL BM DIAMONDYILLAGE/Z-WEBGATEfliND AES INt 92.715 90.430 89.412 88.771 87.820 0 0 3 4 5 6 8 9 II DNS DNS ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC NASA ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC 86.034 86.006 84.611 0.000 0.000 1:17.954 1:19.321 1:20.487 1:21.244 1:22.060 I:22.135 1:23.647 1:23.496 I:23.865 0:00.008 0;00.000 SALEM, OR CSCC CHEV CORVET BLK/RED 4 DNF ICSCC JOHNSON CHIROPRAaJC 66.894 1:14.853 CRANE, OR CSCC WESTFIELD 19 DNF ICSCC YARWOOD ENG 84.145 1:22.082 DP 62 DON TANNER PR03 I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DNS DNS DNF 178 KEN HILL SPM 70 MAC RUSSELL 02 TOM MILLER 41 KEN SHREVE 781 ANTHONY VANNI 38 BRUCE lEACHMAN I62 STEVE PfEIFER 301 VALIENT GOUGH 345 ROLAND AYALA 192 DALE BEHNING liS RICK BOSTROM I BUD REICHARD SPO 29 CRAIG JOHNSON 22 2 86598 SPU DNF 0 Bill THEW YLW/GaN COMMENTS: I TIMING & SCORING:._ _ _ _ _ _ __ STEWARD:. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Monday, May 05, 2003 6:34:12 PM TOTAL IN GROUP= 17 K~t: GROUP 3 POS CAl DRIVER Cll Y U~t:Nt:K ~anctaon 1:.! CASCADE SPORTS CAR CLUB PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS TOWN CLUI MAKE COLOUR LAPS 0/A LI<EHSE 11 tc~cc Track Length: 1.917 MILES MAY 3-4, 2003 SPONSOI SPEED FASTLAP 73.009 67.502 67.050 66.424 58.390 86.692 II 1.163 0.000 1:35.885 1:36.Sil 1:42.526 1:42.090 1:43.792 1:48.174 1:40.55& 1:63.608 0:00.000 19.632 I :65.800 69.453 1:43.237 32.272 126.332 17S3.68S 1:29.758 I :48.230 0:00.000 CF 58 2 303 3 37 4 39 S 6 6 24 DNf 17 ONF 8 DNS 397 NEIL SHELTON MICHAEL MORLEY RIP CARLTON RODNEY JESSEN MARK KElLER STEPHEN WURSTER BOB SPREEN JACK SCHER DION FISHER PORTLAND, OR RIDGEFIElD, WA BEND, OR BEllEVUE, WA SNOHOMISH, WA GIG HARBOR, WA NORTH BEND, WA SEATTLE, WA KENT, WA TCO YSCC IRDC IRDC IRDC IRDC IRDC IROC IRDC CROSSLE CROSSLE CROSSLE CROSSLE CROSSLE VAN DIEMAN CROSSLE CROSSLE PRS WHITE YlW/BlU/RED RED RED WHT/BLU/RE REO/YELLOW WHITE BLU/YLW ILK/YELLOW SEATTLE, WA CRA REYNARD YELLOW BOB HILLISON TUALATIN, OR CSCC LOLA MEL KEMPER, JR. ETHAN HERNANDEZ DOUG EVANS TACOMA, WA SEATTLE, WA SEATTLE, WA SCCA (S(( 19 19 18 18 18 16 MONTE SHELTON JAGUAR KAMINARI USA AERODYNAMICS OCEAN OLYMPIC FISHIERS ELEORO & PlUMB SERVE BLACKJACK RACING/EVERGREEN RA(I BUNS MASTER BAKERY 4 DNF 2 0 DNf OMS ICSCC ICSC( ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICS{( ICSCC 3 DNF ICSCC BLU/WHT/RE 19 3 ICSCC NW CRYOGENICS STAR MAZDA BLU/YLW STAR MAZDA WHT/BLU/Gl STAR MAZDA RED/Sl VR 12 2 8 DNF DNF SCCA SCCA ICSCC SPLYCE.COMJTEAM TACOMA AUBETA NETWORKS HW EVENTS & PARTIES 2 4 s 6 7 ORION-MACON/BURIEN IMPORTS MY WALLET 72.102 FA DNF I JAMES BlACKWEll FL I DNF DNF 0 FM 711 778 93 COMMENTS: IROC ~ K~l: GROUP 2 POS CAl OIIYEI TOWN CLUI Cll Y Ufii:NI:K 1il CASCADE SPORTS CAR CLUB PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS MAKE COLOUI LAPS 0/A LICENSE SPONSOI :sanction w IC:SCC Track Length: 1.917 MILES MAY 3-4, 2003 SPEED FASTLAP at I 3S TOM BUSIC 2 182 GREG SWANSON 3 43 DAVE DUNNING 4 32 CHRIS HEINRICH 5 93 BRIAN ELMORE EP 16 DfREK HANNA I 2 99 JON BONFORTE 3 37 RANDY KARAMBELAS 4 81 GREG BARBER DNS 00 ROBERT WACO FP 12 W.t STORMS 2 23 REG MILNE 3 133 ANNETIE BLENKARN mc GLADSTONE, OR POITLAND,OR PORTLAND, OR PORTLAND, OR EVERETI, WA 18 II 13 14 22 ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC BUSIC CONSTRUCTION/WILD IYYINVE LAFEYffiE AUTO BODY/PREMIERE Tl MOTORSPORTS INTERNATIONAL STJOHN'S AUTOffi/ADVANTAGE COL 78.3SO 78.339 78.280 77.271 76.368 1:28.734 1:28.882 1:28.376 1:30.598 1:31.381 0 I 4 5 19 OMS ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC WASHMAN/SKI BOWL/RACECARTY.CO GERMAN PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS/lSI DISCOUNT IMPORT PARTS 99 WEST TRAILERS COMPETITION MOTORSPORTS 81.385 79.172 78.972 76.862 0.000 1:24.864 1:27.712 1:28.001 1:28.577 0:00.000 PITT MEADOWS, B.C SCCBC HONDA CIX BLACK WHISTLER, B.C. SCCIC HONDA CIVIC BLACK ALDERGROVE, B.t SCCBC TOYOTA COR BLK/TEAL 21 21 20 2 3 24 ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC WCS MOTORSPORTS/STORM POWER IACKCOUNTRY SNOCATS LTD. TOKICO SHOCKS/BARDAHL OIL 80.870 79.645 74.889 1:27.445 1:27.038 1:31.356 KELSO, WA OREGON CITY, OR SEAffiE, WA FOX ISLAND, WA TC (S(( MGB HONDA CIVIC YW RABBIT DATSUN 510 RED BLUE RED/YLW YLW/ILU 20 20 20 17 18 20 25 28 ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC OLSEN RACING TEAM JRD JAMES RACING DEVELOPMENT THE PERFECT WIFE ARMADILLO RACING/BUD'S MACHINE 76.876 76.859 74.080 63.759 1:28.667 1:30.331 1:3!.192 1:40.651 PORTLAND, OR cscc HONDA CIVIC BLU/WHT 18 27 ICSCC 68.656 1:36.267 BELFAIR,WA BELLEVUE, WA PUYALLUP, WA PORTLAND, OR CHARBONNEAU, OR SNOHOMISH, WA LAKE OSWEGO, OR BOTHELL, WA IRO( IRDC IRD< MAZDARX7 MAZDA IX7 MAZDARX7 MAZDA IX7 MAZDAIX7 MAZDA RX7 MAZDARX7 MAZDARX7 RED PURPLE BLUE DK BlUE WHITE SLVR/MAG YLW/BLK WHITE 21 21 6 7 IS 16 ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC JEFF'S AUTOMOTIVE DRIVE FAST SOFTWARE/JEFF'S AUTOM JEFF'S AUTOMOTIVE INC. & FIIEHOS CAMPBELl PRODUCTIONS BIEHERTH RACING CARBEN RACIHG/ADDCO INC EX CAVA NORTHWEST RESTORATION CONSULT 78.671 78.664 77.213 76.938 76.936 76.468 75.733 73.474 1:29.081 1:28.986 1:28511 1:38.173 1:28.792 1:30.515 1:31.672 1:35.925 SPOKANE,WA BREMERTON, WA SNOHOMISH, WA TC MAZDAMIAT RED MAZDAMIAT YELLOW MAZDAMIAT BURG/TEAL 21 21 21 ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC COMMUNITY EVENTS GODSPEED RACING BlACKJACK RACING/EVERGREEN RA(I 78.643 78.639 78.300 1:28.349 1:28.498 1:28.234 (S(( cscc cscc IRDC PORTLAND, OR PORTLAND, OR MILWAUKIE, OR KEIZER, OR ALOHA, OR TC cscc TC cscc TC VWRABIIT VWRAIBIT VW RABBIT VWRABIIT YWRABBIT BLACK WKT/Yl W/PI MAROON RED/GREY/IL YELLOW 21 21 21 NISSAN 200S VWGOLF NISSAN200S YW GOLFGTI DODGE NEON RED/GREY WHITE RED GRN/PIPL/BL BLACK 21 21 20 20 21 20 GP 7 LARRY OLSEN 2 3 4 a JAMES AYOTTE 62 RON JOHIISON 49 MARGIE BURGESSER IP 17 JILL LARY (S(( IRD< PI07 70 STEVE JUSTISS 2 142 SEAN HESTER 3 07 JEFF Cl.AIK 4 I 8 BOYD CAMPBELL 5 IS JODIE BIENERTH 6 76 AL CARTON 7 58 PHILIP QUINTON-COX 8 381 LEE FJELLANGER me (S(( IROC TC JRO( 20 20 20 20 20 19 17 21 23 26 SM I 2 3 08 CHUCK DELEON 86 DOUG JENNINGS 6 MARK KELLER cscc IROC a 9 12 COMMENTS: I KU:SI: Cll Y Ufii:NI:K 1il CASCADE SPORTS CAR CLUB PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS GROUP 8 POS DIIVEI CAl TOWN CLUI MAKE COLOUR LAPS 0/A LICENSE 14 14 12 II 0 0 0 2 3 4 DHS DHS DHS ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC :sanction w IC:SCC Track Length: 1.917 MILES MAY 3-4, 2003 SPONSOR SPEED FASTLAP 72.238 71.523 60.481 52.407 0.000 0.000 1:41.702 1:43.435 I:SS.OSB 1:78.370 0:00.000 0:00.000 0:00.000 NOW 397 2 394 3 387 4 395 DHS 71 DHS 303 DHS 318 DION FISHER STEPHEN LEONARD JEH BERRY DAVID LEMON DAN lOSCH MICHAEL MORLEY FRED BIGEH COMMENTS: NONE KENT, WA MCMINNVILLE, OR PORTLAND, OR SHORELINE, WA VANCOUVER, B.t RIDGEFIElD, WA SHERWOOD, OR PRS VAN DIEMEN TC KBSMK5 TC RED DEVIL F4 SCCBC CROSSLE VSCC CROSSLE (S(( RADICAL IRDC (S(( BlK/YEL YLW/BLU BLK/BLU PRPl/VlW RED YLW/BlU/RED YEllOW I MY WALLET CAESARSPEED INTERNATIONAL RACIH SECOND CITY SIGHS KAMINARI USA AERODYNAMICS AUDIX .,.,.~ KUtit: t;ll Y Ul tianc:IIOR JF 1<l CASCADE SPORTS CAR CLUB PORTLAND INTERNAnONAL RACEWAY OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS GROUP 5 POS U~t:Nt:K DIMI TOWN n11 (01.011 lAKE Track Length: 1.917 MILES MAY 3-4, 2003 0/A LKEIISE 3 4 s I 9 12 DIS t(S(( J(S(( J(S(( J(S(( J(S(( ICSCC J(S(( J(S(( GROOVE MOl SRJffiYIIW KAHN lEAl lACING KAHN lEAM IACING/fiBACJNG.CO AWONDERFUL WIFE/UNOFRCIAL II COmoL CONRAUOIS tNt MEETAIO IAONG DIAMDNDYILLAGEJZ-WEIGAlEJUND DIS J(S(( MASTEl MECHANICS/COMPEIIIION M a 22 OMF 0 ISO ICS(( ICSCC I(S(( I(SC( JUDY'S DAYCARE D& YAUTO/&ATEWAY BODY/JOUNJO BUSIC COIISTIUCHONfWILD IYY INYE IOTOISPOilS INTEIIATIONAL 21 23 JCSCC I(S(( t(S(( f(S(( f(S(( J(S(( ICSCC ICSCC J(S(( ETCH 0 MATIUOM/PIO-IOTION lA STORM POWER BEGGS TIRE & WHEB. COIYALUS DRIVE FAST SOFTWARE/JEFf'S AUTOM GODSPEED IAONG JEFf'S AUTOIOTIYE INt & FRIENDS CAMPBELL PRODUmONS RHEA HABECK DOMESTIC ENGINEERIN OMS J(S(( 2 IS II 21 24 J(S(( ICSCC J(S(( J(S(( 6 7 DIS J(S(( J(S(( J(S(( lAPS ·~(;(; SPOISIJI SPEDI FASIUP 7S.4S9 7S.237 7s.m 1s.m 74.715 74..393 74.179 1::22.913 1:21441 1:2UM 1:23.614 1:24.311 1:2S.MI 1:2S.736 67.342 IS.97S 1:32.353 1:21.373 74..363 74.347 71553 73..521 71342 71311 73.191 1:26.144 1:26.397 1:27.. . 1:27.797 1:27.991 1:2U3S 1:2S.212 1:38.17S 1:2S.911 Egt 1 31 IIUCE lEACHMAN 2 141 WILL DIEFEIIACH 3 Ill IVAI SIODGWS 4 112 BRENT JORDAN s 192 DALE IEIINING 122 SCOR HANKEN 7 34S ROLAND AYALA OMS liS RICK BOSTROM WOODINVILLE, WA KIIICLAND, WA KIRKLAND, WA SEAffiE,WA SEAffiE,WA OREGON CRY, OR WOODINVILLE, WA TACOMA,WA tiD( tiD( IMWC IMWC IMWC T( IIWC Ill( BMW32SI IIW32SIS IMW 32S IS IIW 32S IS IIW32SI IAZDAm BMW 32S IS MAZDAIJ7 INS PORTLAND, OR TC HONDA CIVIC ILU/IED SAJIIAIISH, WA GRESHAM, OR GLADSTONE, OR PODLAND,OI CIA CSCC (S(( (S(( ALFAGIY VWIAIBIT YWIAIIIT YWIAIBIT WHISTLER, lC VANCOUVER, WA SUUEY,lt ALIANY,OI BELLEVUE, WA BREMERTON, WA PUYALLUP, WA PODLAND,OR FOREST GROVE, OR SC(J( HONDA CIVIC J( ACUIA INlEG SCCIC HONDA (II (S(( TOYOTA COR IIDC MAZDAIJ7 (S(( MAZDAMIAT JIB( IAZDAIJ7 CSCC MAZDAIJ7 (S(( MAZDAIJ7 PORTLAND, OR T( ' INF DSQ DSQ ,. 62 ERIC HOWELL &14 17 ALAN IUSSRL 91 DYIIC YANZANlEN, Jt lS TOM BUSIC 43 DAVE DUNNING RED WHITE WHITE WHITE RED ILUE WHITE WHT/BLU/IE ' II BLACK YELLOW BLACK ORANGE 21 21 21 21 21 21 20 21 II PURPLE YELLOW ILUE DK BLUE GRAY lTC INS 318 KIM OLSEN HONDA OYIC mLOW m 2 2 69 3 4S 4 s 323 m ION TANNER KEITH KOLACY MIKE ILASZCZAK JACK BURNS LJICOLN lOINS (S(( PODLAND,OI POD TOWNSEND, W Ill( SAIIAMISH, WA BMW( J( NEWBERG, OR J( NEWBERG, OR DATSUN 24BZ DATSUN 241Z BMW 32S IS DATSUN 241Z DATSUN 241Z • • RED ILK/ILU BLACK MAROON ITA 23 REG MUE 2 04 GREG MARSHALL 3 In KEITH CAnER 4 12 GAUETT fiAIIC s 142 SEAN HESTEI 86 DOUG JENNINGS 7 07 JEFF CLARK a 18 lOYD CAMPBELL 9 77 KELLY HAIECK 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 RW/GRN/IL DK RED • • 20 WHilE 20 211 ILU/WHT ILU/WHT 19 13 POISCHE 944 lED DATSUN SID WHT/IED DODGE NEON ILACK 20 20 DSQ II II 13 14 16 17 19 27 HAL HILTON ISSAQUAH, WA 47 JACK DECHRISTOPHER PODLAND,OI M ROBERT WACO ALOHA,OI COMMENTS: Jill( J( T( CARS 35 & 43- DSQ- UNDERWEIGHT • TANNER'S AUTOMOTJVEfTOP-lECH PIK IAONG SCREWY LIZARD IAONG 7S.441 71314 71233 71.271 4U21 THE CLEAIYIEW GROUP tNt CIRCLE •tr ENT/JUUE PAffiiSON AC lEAM BACCHUS 7S.191 7S.II6 ICSCC I I i i STEWARD: TOTAL IN GROUP= 31 TIMING & SCORING: Monday, May OS. 2003 8:37:54 PM 72.716 6USI t• IS I 2 DIS ........ .... t• ..... ••• t• ••• .... 1:22.753 1:2lUI 1:2UIS 1:2S.I24 1:31.752 ... ..... 1:24.173 1:21951 KU5t:. Cll Y ~I:Nt:.K 1:l GROUP 6 POS DIIYII Ul ~nciiOnJI. TOWII nu1 (OlOII MAKE LAPS 0/A LKBISE I J(S(( ICS(( •~c Track Length: 1.917 MILES CASCADE SPORTS CAR CLUB PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS MAY~,2003 SP£ED FASTLAP AUDIX ROYAL MOOIE/AFFOIDAILE AUTO/II 96.213 87.462 I:J3.SH 1:21.472 JL CUSTOM Ill( JL CUSTOM 87.475 9UM 1:21.911 J:77.2S8 96.113 1:13.464 83.737 83.637 88.868 81.511 14.183 86.591 1:26.143 1:2S.961 1:29.419 1:28.S99 1:26.213 1:76.789 SPONSOI D5l 311 FRED IIGEII 2 04 STEVE YAIICE SHERWOOD, OR HILLSIOIO, 01 J( YB.LOW ILK/ILU 23 21 4 TACOMA,Wl POIJLAIID,OR KISMKS IED/WHT FSIIIIRm DEY RED 21 8 3 1(5(( (S(( DNF J(S(( Vlii(OUYEI, WA (S(( HDICAL IIIII YB.LOW 23 2 I(S(( GASTOII,OI IIEWPOif,OR SAMMAMISH, WA SOOKE,I.t IEDMOIID,OR WHITE lOCK, l.t (S(( mAD Oil SILVER (S(( TSUIIAMIMK RED/WHT JRDC IEJCHMAIK ILU/YLW VMS( UMPIRL IED/ILUJWH (S(( TSUIIAMIMK RED/WHT S((l( MYSTEIIAII ILUE 21 21 21 28 19 5 1(5(( 6 J(S(( 7 1(5(( DSQ Dllf II DIIF J(S(( J(S(( J(S(( (S(( RADICAL 94WSRSP F500 I DNF 3SI OWEJI IIELSOII 21 Jill LUIIDGIEII liD( FSI 12 TOllY UIITAFIO fY 333 2 57 3 17 DSQ 32 Dllf 27 DNF II DAVID GRAY MICHAR SMITH CHERYL GILBERT WARREll COULSON IIOEL ERIKSEN (HIG cums COMMENTS: HARIORYILLAGE RY PARK IROOMSPEED HCIIIG/DAVID JAMES I LEGEND EYEWEAI/SR HOIIG/OCEAII CONCORD INTERIORS CAR #32 FV DISQ- NO SCALES STEWARD:_ _ _ _ _ _ __ TIMING & SCORING:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Monday, May 05, 20031:38:25 PM TOTAL IN GROUP= 11 ~ncuonJr. At'KILANI~ SCCBC MISSION RACEWAY PARK OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS GROUP& POS AI DIIYII TOWN nu1 (OlOUI IllitE LAP LKBISE 0/A Track Length: lc::iCC 2.12 KM. APRIL 26-27, 2003 SPONSOI SPEED FASllAP fY I II WI& OJITIS WIIEIOIJK,I( S((J( lllmiiANFY llDE 20 KS(( CONCOID IIIJOIOIS 71.321 1:23.121 :r It Atom IIIIIIIAIY, IC SCCJ( CALDWHLDI3 IBIJWRIIE 20 7 KSCC IEII'S A1111110TI¥E LlD,OilS IKIN& 71.734 1:2141S 3 716 SCOTT AIJJIUI amgOJI,I( SC(I( CAIIPIELL fY Sllftl 20 3 (A(( TOM THE TilE &UY,IOWWOW Alll1l PAllS 77.364 l::lut7 4 17 OIOYL 611.101' SAIIIWIISII, WA liD( IEK.ARfY llDE/YLW 20 4 I(S(( IIOOIISPEID IACIII&,DAYID JAE 76.367 l::l7.541 Dlf ns IWI IIB.SOII 1001111. WA SCCA CAIACALD WIIT/PIIIPLE u Dlf sea 7S.a3 l::lUI6 Dlf D WABDI COIISOII soorE,K YIISC CAIII'IRL fY IEDJII.UEJWRT Olf ICSC( 11168111 mwEAI/ICBIAN DASII/IKEAN & E SUS3 l::lS.S73 rm IIDDOWS.K S((l( lOYALEst• lED s (A(( HOLLYNOillii'IODIKllON n.sa1 l:IU77 I 52 736 lAY S1K TOTAL IN GROUP It 7 COMMENTS: STBNARD:________________ Sunday, April 'Z1, 2003 5:48:54 PM TIMING & SCORING:'--------- SPORTS CAR CLUB OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PRESENTS "1Oth ANNIVERSARY WEEKEND" JUNE 28 & 29, 2003 Friday: Registration & tech from 5:30 to 8:00PM. MAIN GATE LOCKED AT 10:30PM GROUP 1: GROUP 2: GROUP 3: GROUP 4: GROUP 5: A-B-C-0 Prod, SPU, SPM, SPO, PRO 3 E-F-G-H-1-J Prod, Cub Rabbit, PRO 7, Spec Miata Oub Ford, Formula Ford, Ubre, Atlantic, Formula Mazda, F2 GT1-2-3, RX7, AS, GTA, GTP,ITE GT4-5, fTA-8-C, E-F-G-H 1n1> Prod, RS,ITS GROUP 6: GROUP 7: GROUP 8: GROUP 9: Fvee, F4401500, A-FSR, CS2000, 52000, BG Novice Closed Wheel Novice Open Wheel WestCoast SporfsCar Championship ALL TIMES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ORGANIZER'S DISCRETION SCCBC Race Chairman: Tom Roy; Assistant Chairman: Robert Currie [l~($il!#ll Our 2003 Catalog;, now available! l!mJ Northwest The best catalog we've ever published! • 132 pages- nearly 10,000 IN-STOCK items. • Hundreds of NEW items. • Prices REDUCED on many items. • NEW! Expanded index makes it easy to find what you're looking for. The index spans 6 pages with nearly 2,000 entries' • Many improved photos and descriptions. • Handy reference charts and technical data. • Every page can be viewed or printed from our website in pdf format. Campbell Galt & Newlands Partnering to deliver FULLY INTEGRATED insurance aruifinancial seroices Call, fax or visit our website to request your copy today. 700 NE Multnomah Strert. Sui~ 1300 Portland. OR 97232 Main (503) 224-8390 or (800) 251-4246 f.ax(503)224-8319 www.usi.biz "Your IN-STOCK source for quality racing supplies!" Check out our webstte for new products and internet specials www.pegasusauto racing .com John H. • Skip" Yocom Pegasus Auto Racing Supplies 2475 South !79th Street • New Berlin, WI 53146 1-800-688-6946 order line .Ym.r Via i'rrsUiriU [email protected] 1-800-742-0484 fax • 1-262·317-1200 tech line • IRDC's August event has been changed to August 161171 We still need a Legal Advisor and a Sound Control Officer... Contact Chris Bowl by phone at 253 859-8322 or email [email protected] if you can help. Chris Heitman at Pegasus sent this along, knowing that it would be of interest to some of you: Pegasus Auto Racing Supplies, Inc. and Fonnula Ford International (FFI) announce the appointment of Pegasus as the exclusive authorized United States importer and distributor for parts manufactured by FFI for the 1600cc Ford Kent engine. As announced last October, Ford Motor Company has granted FFI exclusive rights to manufacture parts for the Kent engine that are no longer available from Ford. All parts are being made to Ford original equipment specifications. While FFI gears up for new production, they are also providing refurbished items that are inspected to ensure quality. The first large shipment has already anived at Pegasus including blocks, crankshafts, connecting rods, camshafts, cam sprockets and pushrods. With these additions to an already extensive inventory of Ford engine parts, almost every component of the Kent engine is once again available as a new or refurbished, Ford specification part. THE ICEMAN COMETH! ICEMAN DASH The affordable Vehicle Display System Fully Programmable and Upgradeable Base Units start under $475.00CDN ($300.00US) For info contact CANZ: Ph. (250) 642 5899 I Fax (250) 642 5077 email: [email protected] www.nicholsracing. com "At last someone who'll actually listen to You about your racing needs, then help you select the exact products You want." Cooference RDcm -gel the safely eqtlipment ooJ pods yvu redly wont from a suppt, rrha is a6solutely commilled Ia yvu tnl yi/Uf nJCing progr11111 os trelliS being ttJiolly pmsimale obout Cooletence Radng. Arnoill Wt. NohJious Rocilg lieek ftom Bremerton, ames m exlal5ive me ot 501ety ~from Bel. Simpson, OMP. MooJo 11111 l'yroted ro fill any need you howe. Gloves. shoes, socks, suits, hehets, nec:k cch, IIRI resln:inls, ~ AOOy has it (j_ IU I you're new hiiiXilg md just need~ seectiJg gem !hot is de, ~ md ~. Wt is the fl'IO guy. •Arrnoi11o RlmJ fJOVides oWilY VIWie service hi nxilg, bolh ot the .oct md off.· Jam For, CkJb Fonl "Anncdllo Rocirr:J !JOVidas m ~.!tie, mdlhcrough support for mod IIXilg 1K1M1ies illhe Poci&c lbtllwest." Rog SIIR, T-1 'fiJlllf "Peo~ whoiNyjjve od**n in tlis sportm RR,tlm's why I supporiAOOy Coils." Sieve Sdolfer, Alo Romeo GTA "It's eosy hi see why everyolll in the NW IIICillg <OIIII1IIily koows md respects Andy." Mie lilszmi •Andy is br md go00 hi did with. Good hid Mlh m homsf pe~W~Ihot will WOtk Mlh you. • Phil Edwmls, RH •JIIIIlllt (~ 501ety ~ stut ot $795 wi1h top qdy ecppnenr from lUIIe 1111111 comJD!ies. Andy has a piXb:ge lhot wl fl yu !ulget,lllt 1110re impodmlly, he ism expert in hefring new dMs Mlh their J8SOfd Sliely gn lluyiJg from A00y (IJI be 111 exti1DJ eljlelim because lis passiJn md entlmiJsm b Cmfeleoce 111m.!_. ~ you. Yfdh over 17 yeru experience, Annoilo Wt wl set you " with just the r9rt gem for you md the Cll you IDe. Expe~tly final so you1 bci md feel like o pro, OOig wilh lis Q!J!!!111!!e lhot ihoo 11e not happy for my 11105011, dl 'tOll money wil be relinled wilt1 no hide. To onlel, erA! todov (lol hee USA &lind!) 888-211-9129 (3:30- 8:30 PM) cnisit AnncDio Rocilg ot www.mnailb!xing.com. "lime~ shopping md ~ with Andy md aaw silc:e cloy 1 md lore lliMII been cisoppcilled in lhe SIMe 111heir cOUI1alus ~oodt hi !aJsiness.• Wes lipllln, CUI FCid ~' ARMADILLO RACING Armadillo Racing is the official safety equipment supplier of the ProFormance Driving School at Pacific Raceways. Call for your Free Report, ·How to Buy Exceptional Safety Equipment and Still leave Enough Money in Your Pocket to go Racing" or email Andy at EreeReoort@armadilloracioo com For Sale: #01 RS VW Rabbit- Built as GT4. Could be run in GT3, SPU, Vintage. 1800cc. Duai45DCOE carbs Accusump Headers; 4 13x7 BBS; 6 - 14 x 6, 4 - 13 x 6 wheels. Four wheel disc brakes. Tons of spares. $6000 See engine ad for GT4. Jim Graffy 360-573-5307 after 6 PM [email protected] 03103 For Sale: VW 1600cc Brabham Super Vee I GT4 Engine. Dry sump. Long throw Corella Rods, Extra Brabham Head; stripped down Schirck Head. Lots of misc. parts. $2500. Ten 6x13 ARC Aluminum wheels. $500. See my Rabbit Ad. Jim Graffy 360-573-5307 after 6 PM [email protected] 03103 For Sale: Racing helmet, Bell Sport II, forced air, Snell 95, FA96, color - white, size - medium. US$200. Brand new Hutchins device, US$300. Brand new Extreme Nornex helmet support (neck collar), color-blue, US$25. Contact Alan @ 503-397-7935 or email [email protected] 02/03 Race car crew help needed: SCCA GT-1 road racing team needs dependable, enthusiastic volunteer help w/state of the art race program. Work 2 wknights & most Saturdays with 1 or 2 wknds /month at events at Pacific Raceways, PorUand, Sears Point, Laguna Seca and Thunderhill racetracks. Room, board and most travel expenses paid. The race car is a Riley & Scott Camaro. Mechanical skills a must Welding, machining and fabricating skills a plus. Contact Mike Rockett at 425-308-2660 weekdays or 360-652-0880 evenings and weekends. Shop is at aassic Motorsports, 4220 Russell Rd., Mukilteo, WA 03103 For Sale: 1982 Southwind Motorship Motorhome. TIRED OF TOWING A TRAILER? Here is the most unique tow rig around..... Converted for hauling, hydraulic tilt bed, airbag suspension, ramps, 8000 lb. winch and tire rack. Plush interior with bed, icebox, TV and lots of storage. 454 Chevy with new top end, roller cam, rockers, headers, and intake manifold. Nothing out runs this things up hiDs. Price reduced to $13,000 obo. Call Fred Lux at 503.642.7719 hm or 503.701.8240 cell or view more pictures at www.cindilux.corn and to go gallery 03103 For Sale: FV Tsunami, 1 engine, well maintained, Heitman built, parts etc. $6500 080. Also encl. trailer, negotiable. 503384-9342 03103 For Sale: 1993 BMW 325is E36 built and maintained from an exc. low mileage street car by strictly BMW. Only run in half of the ICSCC schedule for 3 years. Prepared for ITS, RS, and CP classes. $29,500. Trailer available $3,900. Steve McCaffray 425-868-4865, or email [email protected]. 03103 For Sale: Crossle CF # 31 Bill Wilson/Craig Archer car. Strong lvey engine great condition all updates 2 sets of Panasports, good rain tires. Cell425-681-0917 Rodney 4103 For Sale: Collection of Crossle CFs for sale. quires only. Jack 206 242 0166. 4103 Serious in- For Sale: 1973 Datsun 240Z. Passed tech last year in ICSCC & SCCA Racing SPM due to 4 pot front calipers and Webber downdraft carbs. Have parts to put back to original. Spare block, heads including E31, rotors etc. $3000 080. Contact Rod at 360-352-7989 day, or [email protected] 03103 For Sale: '87 GMC 40' motorhorne- 10 spd - 366 cu. in. gaspwr strg & 4 wheel disc brakes- new suspension (great ride)built 2 112 yrs ago - bucket seats - queen size hide-a-bed - 30 gal. propane tank for 4000w Onan generator- 1500w inverter3 way electrical system - 2 burner stove wlss sink - 3 way fridge- roof a.c.- 50 gal. inside fresh water storage- separate shower - separate bathroom wf'incinolet toilet" (no messy holding tanks required) - 8 disc CD stereo system - lots of storage area - nice counters & carpeting - 2 ea 'Z x 'Z x 5' exterior storage bins - 'Z' x 'Z' towing system wlelectrical towing outlet. Entire rear of bus opens with an area of 7 112 feet x 8 feet (great for 4 wheelers or a couple of motorcycles). The 6 Yokohama tires have 7,000 miles (good for another 90k) and the vehicle has only 115k miles. Gas mileage is 7 112 mpg loaded to 9 mpg - 65 mph - fuel capacity is 50 gal. This is an excellent motorhomeltow vehicle. Free delivery to anywhere on the west coast Asking just $11,900 for this black w/purple flames beauty. Offered by Dan & Sally lane- Contact Don Smethers 50~2237. For photos & information, please see www. smethers.comlracebus 01/03 For Sale: Spec Miata wheels, new Team Dynamics $110. Gary 253-279-2790 4/03 For Sale: '79 Ford van w/460+ VB, cornpl. towing set-up incl. air-helper springs. Asking $1000. Margie 253-549-7241. 03103 For Sale: 4 new Goodyear slicks for F500 18x6.5 -10 2R115 & 2- R160 brand new! never mounted. $400 or make me an offer! Joe 253-334-3975 or email pssteel@qwestnet 4103 Available: Shop/storage space available in my new facility at Hwys 167 & 18, 10 minutes from Pacific Raceway. Up to 2000 sq ft available, and tall enough for enclosed trailers. Steve Pfeifer 253 279-4162 or [email protected] For Rent R&A Manufacturing Inc. Swift DB-1 and 80 Van Diemen CF both with data loggers. Also offering complete repair services, new frames to alignment and track side assistance. Armstrong and Bilstein shock rebuilding. Lotus experience, frames and suspension. 25 years experience. Call Archie at 425-22~2109 or email [email protected] Winning Pro-7 Race Cars for Rent! We offer six competitive Pro-7 cars for rent.. and years of experience. Rent for one race or the season. Also available for schools and novice program. We also have helmets, suits and gloves available. Call Jeff at 253-537-8075 or email [email protected] For Sale: '87 HONDA CRX ready to race lTC or G Prod. 1500cc engine by Dan HaH. Buil in '99. Has placed in the top 5 in the last 3 Cascade Enduros. 2 new Toyo tires. 2 sets of rims. $4500 Dave [email protected] 360 882-9036 01/03 For Sale: 1999 Honda Civic Si, SSC prepared, 9500 miles, very nice, great for racing and driving to work. $13,900. ALSO Kumho V700 VICI:oracer New 205-50-15 $4001set of four BFGoodrich Comp T/A R1 tires. Heat-cycled 205-50-15 mounted on steel 4x100 Honda wheels $400/set of four. AND EZ-Up 10x10 canopy, only used twice, $100. Greg (514)513- 9047. 4103 For Sale: '78 Tiga Formula/Club Foret. 2 races since frame-up rebuild winter ()(W1-caH for details (not room enough here!). Includes trailer, gear sets, rain tires, pit canopy, misc. spares and equipment - almost everything you need to go racing. $9700. Danielle, 604-882-8078 or email [email protected] 03103 For Rent Spec Miata, Fast and Competitive Track Days and ICSCC Races Only Call Fenn Bourland at 503-297-8906 or email [email protected] The car's aot 10 pretty &JIIIOre, but fortaDately we can report that Mib'•- die_... Call for your FREE Catalog! filled with everything to satisfy your racing needs... SUITS • HELMETS • GLOVES • SHOES • SEATS • BELTS BRAKES • FUEL • SCALES • AADtOS • RADIATORS FUEL CELLS • RED UNE OIL • FIRE SYSTEMS 709 N Columbia Blvd, Portland, OR 97217 (503) 283-8426 Tech Une t·S Ntrtll (800) 876-5945 Order Line Northwest's Premier Racing Supply Headquarters Convenient Hours • Helpful Staff • Great Inventory Kd:er Prices••. Right NOW' i! ~.::.~: (503) 289-7737 FAX llllillllr. www.racepartsnow.com TORCO UMACH 110'"TRUE 1100CTANE "MACH 104" TRUE 104 OCTANE lilT 30H r::RA:-:-a=-=a=NT=R:-:-:Al:-:INC.==-=--"'. Seats for Street. Race & Off Road 709 NCel.nWt lhl f For Sale: 240Z ITS Fully prepared ready to race car with fresh engine (play day only), Rebello carbs and intake, Performix ignition, E31 head, Griffin cross flow radiator, Nissan Comp (9 qt) oil pan, high capacity oil pump, Centerforce with puck clutch, fresh trans, Quaiffe 4:11 limited slip (5 races only), new half shafts and drive shaft, Ground Control suspension with Advanced Design shocks, 8 Panasports plus four rains with H<»siers, MSD and shift light, Autometer Pro series gauges, 22 gallon fuel cell with quick fill, Well-built but never tested cage. 2page list of spares. Car is in good condition. Will deliver within 500 miles of SeatHe. $8250. Contact Greg Keller at 425 653 2397 or email [email protected], or [email protected]. 4/03 For Sale: GTA #f26 Monte Carlo. The red/white/black Ortega Motorsports GTA is for sale... $25,000. Prof. Maintained and race-ready. Winner of the Sept '00 American LeMans GTA Pro Series support race at PIR and numerous regional championships. A general spec list with photos emailed upon request. Detailed specs/configuration, spares list and maintenance records are available to the serious prospective buyer. Car also available as complete race package including a like-new 28 ft TPD trailer and '96 Chev one ton dually (42,000 miles) with full crew cab, long bed and shell/cap. Driver coaching and maintenance/setup guidance is available with purchase (if desired). Package price is $55,000. Call Dennis or Lorell at 503-5900722(h) or 503-70~232(c) or email dennis.ortega@verizon. net. 4103 Memo#5 Memo#6 Memo#f7 Memo#8 Memo#9 Memo#10 June 11 July9 July30 September 10 (tentative) October 15 November26 Submissions (or questions) should be directed to the Memo Editor: Danielle Baxter P.O. Box219 Fort Langley, BC V1 M 2R5 604-882-8078 [email protected] Deadlines are for submission of material for each issue. Full page $80 I issue for full year, or $110 I issue Half page $50 I issue for full year, or $70 I issue Quarter page $30 I issue for full year, or $40 I issue Eighth page $20 per issue for full year, or $251 issue Commercial Classified $10 per issue/full year, or $121 issue Motorsports Dealer for: Formula Mazda Cars Distributor for: Aurora Bearings Join SCCA's new National Class. Race an affordable~ fun, fast and reliable open wheel formula car series with helpful and fun people! For Information Call: (206) 766-8800 Motorsports Visit our website • www.aubeta.com/aubdamotorspMU --... _.._...... I " fiSICnCMGaS I- ~~-~ \ Memo#4 May2003 . .. ' ~ ··'· ··,.~~2:..,..'· l <. ·.;;.....,l_~·; ...?' jo; ""\:' -~" .. '·. . :' i ~- P.O.Box219 Fort Langley, B.C.. VIM2R5 or 413B 19th St. PMB 337 Lynden, WA 98264 Printed in Canada ICSCC Race Officials' Dhisioa Appliatioll for licenW Name (please print or type) Date of Birth t-b\tfi? All ICSCC licensed drivers must advise the U- cense Registrar of a change of mailing address! Memo recipients who are not drivers, please advise the Memo Editor of a new address. Stn:et Address City. S1ate/Prov.• Zip'PC Telephone ## (incl. area code) Club Affiliation Position to be lia:osed for Ifnew applicalion. please outline experieoce aod training: Name: New Address: ~e:w Phon~ /1.: Effectiv~ Date: Email Address: Application is for: 0 Renewal 0 Upgrade 0 New License Signature ofApplicant Date Signature ofArea Rep. Date NO'IE: Annual License fee has been discontinued Send applicationto: Judy 'l'hacker J60.892..3957 H:m 6903 NE 134dt Ave. Vucoaver, WA 9868.2 ~- Date received: License Issued: License##: ~ Send to: ICSCC Liamse Registrar: Unda Blackburn 2600 NE Minnehaha St C39 Vancouver, WA 98665 [email protected] ICSCC Memo &:l"ltor: Danielle Baxter P.O. Box 219 Fort Langley,. 8C VlM 2R5 [email protected]