The Power of her Story - Family Shelter Service


The Power of her Story - Family Shelter Service
Th e Power of h er Story
Healing from Domestic Abuse
2012 Annual
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Board of Directors
Eileen L. Sachanda, President
Senior Vice President, The Northern Trust Company
Bradley Bloom, Vice President
Chief of Police – Village of Hinsdale
Mary Ann K.Travers, Treasurer
Crowe Horwath LLP
Tami L. Bowman, Secretary
Community Member
Kim Appleberg, Human Resources Officer
McOpCo, McDonald’s USA, LLC
Joan Bates, Senior Director, DeVry, Inc.
Mamta Bhargava, V.P., Global Customer Mngmt., Genpact LLC
B.J. Chimenti, Community Member
Susan M. Diaz, Assistant Vice President,
Bank Manager, BMO Harris Bank N.A.
Amy E. Dreisbach, Merck Pharmaceuticals, Sales Representative
Tim Duffin, Marketing Communications Manager
Ball Horticultural Company
Laura Ellis, SVP, General Sales Manager, Baird & Warner Real Estate
Amy Gibson, Director of Human Resources, Midwestern University
Lisa Hermann, Vice President & Managing Director, Lamb Little & Co.
Steven G. Junk, VP IT, Ulta Salon, Cosmetics & Fragrance
Robert B. Keethler, Community Member
Joe Szczepaniak, Sales Specialist, Retail Solutions
Hewlett-Packard Company
Planned Giving
Advisory Council
Mary E. Callow, Clingen Callow and McLean, LLC
Craig Chapello, Chapello & Chapello
Marge Chapello, Chapello & Chapello
Todd Cordell, The Chicago Trust Co.
David A. Farrell, Community Bank of Wheaton/Glen Ellyn
Neil T. Goltermann, Momkus McCluskey, LLC
BethAnn S. Goodrick, Wayne Hummer Investments
Theresa Hannon, Theresa Hannon Financial Group, Ltd.
Colleen Healy, Clingen Callow and McLean, LLC
Don Heatherly, Harris Private Bank
H. Susan Jones, private practice
Scott R. Lebin, Managed Economics for Doctors, Inc.
Tom McGee, J.P. Morgan
David Scatterday, Edward Jones
Jill Ward, Trust Company of Illinois
Mary Ann Sisco, Northern Trust
Jeffrey A. Stensland, The Bensman Group
Advisory Council
Hon. Patti Bellock, State Representative, 47th District of Illinois
Robert Berlin, State’s Attorney, DuPage County
Naomi Buerkle, Vice President/General Manager, Mary Kay, Inc.
Michael Busse, President, Community Bank of Downers Grove
Claudia Colalillo, Community Member
Dan Cronin, Chairman, DuPage County Board
Mary Lynn Fayoumi, President & CEO
Management Association of Illinois
David Fox, President, Good Samaritan Hospital
Hon. Gwen Henry, Treasurer, DuPage County
Hon. Ann Jorgensen, Justice
Illinois Appellate Court Second District
Dr. Maryann Krieglstein, Director of Human Services
Dean Malone, Vice President, Midwestern University
Hon. John Millner, State Senator, 28th District of Illinois
Hon. Carole Pankau, State Senator, 23rd District of Illinois
Hon. Sandra Pihos, State Representative
42nd District of Illinois
Hon. Peter Roskam, U.S. House of Representatives
6th District of Illinois
Dr. Darlene Ruscitti, Regional Superintendent of Schools
DuPage County
Hon. Jim Ryan, Fellow, Benedictine University
Nan Silva, Program Officer, Community Memorial Foundation
Stephen L. Webster, Vice President, DS&P Insurance
John Zaruba, Sheriff, DuPage County
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Dear Friends,
After years of being silenced, isolated and afraid, the first time a woman shares her story with a
hotline counselor is a powerful moment. It may be the first time she has truly been heard and believed, and marks the beginning of a journey to re-discover her voice.
Over the last year, we have begun a writing project to gather the stories of those who come to us –
to give them a way to find their voice and share their story. For our clients who are in the middle of
their struggle, reading about the courage and the challenges of others who have walked the same
path strengthens their resolve. The stories have also touched the hearts of the wider community.
Family Shelter’s role is to ensure that these voices are heard – in the communities where we live
and in the systems that respond to crises. Our 35th anniversary created several opportunities to
share our clients’ stories. Our art exhibit, “Behind Closed Doors,” was installed in over 25 locations
throughout DuPage County. The artwork and artists’ statements are powerful reminders of both
the pain endured, as well as the healing journey.
We made significant strides in bringing these voices to the systems in our communities. Our Health
Care Collaborative has representatives from hospitals and health care providers who join together
for training and support on screening all patients for domestic violence. Our Spiritual Care project
brings together leaders in the faith community to ensure that victims receive help and support in
that context. The PEACE program reaches out to schools and colleges to raise awareness and galvanize students in the effort to stop dating violence.
We will continue our efforts to give voice to those who have been silenced. We are so grateful for
all those named in this report, as well as others who have helped in countless ways to make our
voices heard.
Best regards,
Karen Hurley Kuchar
Executive Director
Staff ip
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Measuring Our
Total number of clients in shelter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Adults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Children. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Total nights of shelter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,363
Total clients served in the Community Counseling program
Adults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747
Children. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Police-reported incidents of domestic violence
in DuPage County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,802
24-hour crisis hotline calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,520
Clients assisted with an order of protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 814
Shelter Program
I know more ways to plan for my safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100%
I have a better understanding of domestic violence. . . . . . . . . . 100%
I have a place to live. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90%
I know more about community resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100%
I know how to access legal assistance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93%
Revenue 2011–2012
Annual Campaign
DHS Grant
Government Grants
In-Kind Revenue
Interest Income
Misc. & Reserve
Resale Revenue (net)
United Way
Total Revenue
$2,488,382 100.0%
Resale Revenue
Misc. & Reserve 2.9%
Community Counseling Program
DV Education Series (% agree and strongly agree)
I have learned more about community resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . 93%
I know more ways to plan for my safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96%
I have an improved sense of emotional safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88%
I have an improved sense of physical safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91%
I know what my legal rights and options are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86%
I felt listened to and supported by FSS program staff. . . . . . . . . . 98%
Parents Responding for Children
My child(ren) feels better about his/herself. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91%
My child(ren) has learned non-violent ways to solve problems. . 96%
My child(ren) has a safety plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91%
Expenses 2011–2012
United Way
Transitional Housing
Counseling Services
Victim Advocacy
Court Advocacy
Community Education
Total Expense*
Expenses Development
Community Education
DHS Grant
Annual Campaign
Government Grants
Court Advocacy
Victim Advocacy
Transitional Housing
Counseling Services
*Includes depreciation of $219,414 **Capital used for Wheaton & DG Buildings
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Trauma-Informed Care
Over the past year, we have continued to increase our commitment to trauma-informed care.
By focusing on how our clients’ traumatic experiences have impacted them, we are working to
ensure that all interactions are safe and contribute to the healing process.
During this past fiscal year, Family Shelter Service staff revised and launched a new set of values
based on the commitments of the Sanctuary Model of trauma-informed care that we have begun
to embed into our agency culture: Nonviolence, Ethical Communication, Life Long Learning,
Embracing Diversity, Collaboration, Creativity and Innovation, Social Justice and Compassion.
Counseling Services Program
The Counseling Services Program underwent a significant restructure last year that increases our
concentration on clinical support while maintaining a strong focus on program development.
Program staff has begun to think strategically about our provision of counseling services and how
to best serve survivors of domestic violence in the context of trauma-informed care. We launched
a drop-in group called Connections last year to offer immediate access to beneficial resources for
those clients who are on a waiting list for other services. The group has a different topic every
week and has hosted speakers from other agencies in the area.
Prevention Education And
Community Engagement Project (Peace)
This fiscal year, our PEACE Project moved out of the umbrella of Community Advocacy and became
a stand-alone department. We expanded our Prevention Educator position from 20 hours to 40
hours in order to increase the number of youth and young adults impacted by our curriculum. Our
team is currently collaborating with North Central College in the development of a campus-wide
violence against women prevention program named “Green Dot.” North Central College will be
only the second college in Illinois to incorporate the nationally acclaimed “Green Dot” prevention
program. We offered four 48-hour trainings during the fiscal year educating approximately 90
volunteers and community professionals.
Economic Empowerment
In October 2011 Family Shelter’s Career Club was chosen as a “best practice” and we were awarded
a grant to serve as a consultant to two other Domestic Violence agencies in developing their
own Career Club. Our Career Club curriculum includes six hours of Financial Literacy training as
part of an intensive six-week program. We served 30 clients with this program and 40% found
employment within six months of services.
35th Anniversary Year
Family Shelter Service turned 35 years old in 2011 and we marked this milestone in some unique
ways. Behind Closed Doors, an exhibit of original artwork, toured businesses, faith communities,
and civic organizations throughout DuPage County during the year. The artists featured in this
exhibit answered our call for artworks that symbolize the tribulations endured by victims of
domestic violence, as well as the triumphs of beginning a new life free of abuse. We launched
Funding a Safer Tomorrow, our 35th anniversary fundraising initiative with an eye to sustaining
our services into the future. With the support of generous donors, we raised three-year pledges
totaling $565,000.00. Finally, we held a joyous celebration for all of our loyal supporters and staff
with Harvest of Hope, a wine and food tasting festival held in the beautiful Peabody mansion.
Children’s Program helps children find
ways to cope with the violence in their
Counseling helps victims cope with the
effects of domestic violence.
Court Advocacy provides support
and information about legal remedies
available for victims’ protection.
Hotline provides access to information
and services 24 hours a day.
Intermediate Housing offers extended
shelter stays for those moving toward
Illinois Health Cares collaborates with
local hospitals and health care providers
to increase the health system’s response to
domestic violence victims.
Latino Program focuses on providing
culturally sensitive services to Latina
PEACE (Prevention Education and
Community Engagement) increases
the protective factors against domestic
violence by engaging the community in
education about this devastating issue.
Shelter offers a safe haven to victims of
domestic violence and their children.
Support Groups break down the
isolation surrounding victims through
support and shared experience.
Victim Advocacy follows up on every
police-reported incident of domestic
abuse in DuPage County to check on
victim safety and to provide referral
Volunteer Program recruits, trains
and places volunteers in appropriate and
rewarding positions.
Safe Pets Program provides for the
short-term care of pets while victims are
in shelter.
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These powerful words, written by a Family Shelter client, offer a glimpse of the horrors of domestic
abuse—in one short paragraph. But the reader is not
the only one who is strongly affected.
Time and again expressive writing has been proven
to have a transformative effect on the writer as well.
In clinical and non-clinical studies, writing about traumatic, stressful or emotional events has been found to
result in improved physical and psychological health.
Family Shelter uses the power of the written word to
help clients on their healing journey and has increasingly added new tools that support this powerful modality.
Our new story project blog (
enables individuals to share their narratives of struggle
and resilience. Many of these stories are the product
of writing workshops for clients held at our Downers
Grove Shelter and Community Counseling facility this
past year. There, clients were able to put down their
stories, poems, memories, hopes and dreams in a safe
and comforting environment -- helping them to process their experience and bring it to light.
To support both our clients and others on their writing journey, Family Shelter, working with Carolyn B.
Healy, has published two journals designed to help
individuals share their stories using thought-provoking prompts, such as:
“My Journal My Voice” is a personal journal designed to make users hear their voice in a whole new way. “Our
Journal Our Voices” was created to be used in a shared setting, such as a support group, a waiting room, a book
club or any community of friends.
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In addition to the cathartic effect of writing, this form
of expression helps clients impose their own meanings and solutions on their experiences; it enables
victims of violence to confront the truth of what has
happened to them, thus weakening the trauma of
keeping it a secret from friends and loved ones. A
woman who may be paralyzed and unable to move
forward by hiding or denying the violence in her life,
learns to trust again by talking openly about her story
and making connections with others. And even if she
decides not to share her work, she will still reap the
therapeutic benefits of writing.
peers and their community, as they widen their circle
of trust in a manner that is safe, secure and on their
own terms.
Our counselors have testified to the powerful impact
these writing sessions have had on our clients, enabling them to understand and share their stories in
a way that asserts their ownership over their own life
We anticipate that expressive writing therapy will
continue to have a significant impact on our current
and future service delivery to clients by providing an
opportunity for reflection, self-agency and articulaResearch reveals that when people write about troution of experience. This can occur both in group sesbling events, they are less prone to dwell on them.
sions through our Writing Project and in the natural
The result: they can become better listeners and
flow of daily life as our clients write in their journals.
friends and they are also empowered to find their
This work will reinforce the progress made in counselown voices.
ing, integrate that progress into day-to-day living and
Expressive writing, moreover, will open up connec- enrich and inform the counseling process with spontions between clients and their counselors, their taneous self-discovery.
There were so many times in my life when I longed to know that…I had some kind
of value. I want other people to know that they matter too. I believe that...everyone
of us has been designed with our very own, unique purpose for being in the world.
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July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012
Circle of Friends
$25,000 and above
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Kolschowsky $10,000.00 to $24,999.00
Roxanne & Rocco Martino Jim Dwyer & Sally Nagel Steve & Marsha Webster $5,000.00 to $9,999.00
Midge & Dan Anderson Barbara & Jim Best James & Valerie Carroll Paul & Eileen Le Fort
Joyce R. Malleck Thomas & Linda McGee Kevin & Kristine Rang Megan & Steven Shebik Maureen Sullivan-Taylor
$2,500.00 to $4,999.00
Michael & Joanne Czinsky Patrick & Allison Davis Martha Johnson Kathleen Pawlus
Laurie & Dave Plumb John & Eileen Sachanda
Mary Ann & Paul Travers Tom & Chris Wood $1,000.00 to $2,499.00
Susan & Jay Alfirevic Lois Anderson Anonymous
Derrick D. Ashman Joan Bates Glenn & Janel Becker Jeffrey & Deborah Bilek
Patricia Brosterhous Tom Chan B. J. & Norm Chimenti Leslie E. Church Michele M. Danza Nick J. DiGiovanni Elizabeth & Jeff Diver Judy Dorsey Jeffrey Dufty
Barbara Fried Paul & Nancy Friedland Mike & Denise Harrington Carolyn Healy Lisa & John Hendrickson Julie Hennein Kassie Jones
Veatrice Jehangir Patricia Johansen Jan & Steve Junk Robert & Danielle Keethler Thomas Kieso Tom & Joan Knighton John A. Krallmann Karen & Ken Kuchar Brian Lampsa Bob & Noreen Lassandrello Mary Ann & Lawrence Lufkin Duane & Sharon Luse
Stephan & Eileen Luse
Tom & Robbie MacRoy
Mr. & Mrs. Donald McKay Connie O’Gorman David & Karen Olson Esther Paice Diane Piper Lauren Plasschaert Tom & Barbara Richardson Joseph D. Szczepaniak Mike & Cyndi Vivoda Eugene Zelek &
Margaret Christie
$500.00 to $999.00
Stephen & Denise Andrews Anonymous
Phil & Carol Bachelor Paul Binks Mike & Nancy Borders Brian & Tami Bowman Michael & Ellen Brosnahan Mario & Carol Cesario Lisa Cotton Mrs. Inez W. Crim David & Susan Eblen Christine Erickson Janet & Keith Farral Todd & Sonja Faulkner Gail Von Gonten Lisa & Mark Hermann Gerry & Lisa Holm Peter & Mary Kay Holmes Arie & Sharon Hoogendoorn James L. & Barbara R.
Johannesen Cindy & James Klima Wayne & Sue Kober Scott & Bobbie Lebin Terry & Cathy Mahoney Dee & Ross Manire Daniel & Eileen Moll Guy & Janice Morelli Tom & Bebe Mosillo Susan Neustrom William & Connie Pecover Linda S. Pieczynski Jennifer Reese Joyce Saricks Dawn M. Scarborough Heather Spang Peter & Cindy Stathakis Edward B. & Zoe L. Titchener Barbara Wysocki Patricia Zakhar $250.00 to $499.00
Annette Bissantz Ed & Vickie Bluemel Donald & Lauren Brasko Michael G. Busse Mary E. Callow Helen M. Camasto Paul Canning Richard & Nancy Carrigan Fran Chessler Rebecca Counts Ronald & Kathryn Creswell Jerry D’Addio Mr. & Mrs. Michael Doody Mark & Kay Dostal Aloha Drahn Rodney & Catherine Equi Linda Fairlamb Lorraine Falivene Bruce Gargano Sharon Gartner Charles & Jayne Gaw Doug Giese Theresa & Mike Hawley Katherine & Michael Hirsch Nathan & Angela Homberg Michael & Madeline Hughes Dolores I. Kallas Peter & Joanne Krouwer Alfred & Dorothy Kugel Sharon Douglass Kuglich Amanda Kumm Kristen Malloy Betty J. Masley Myron & Marilyn Maurer Beverly Melnick Joseph & Maureen Mueller Marjorie & Wallace Natchke Diana Newby Judy & Michael Nigro Sarah R. Packard Karis Pechta Jody Pontrello Mark & Susan Rice Bob & April Rinder Rhonda Seelinger Gregory Standinger Stephen C. Watts Steve & Mitzi Weiss Kathy Welbourn Lisa Ann White Margot Worfolk $100.00 to $249.00
Rick & Mary Abel Judy S. Ahmer Joy Allen Sandy & Rinda Allison Anonymous
Robert & Karen Antonio Paul & Olga Bargiel Mr. & Mrs. Brad Barrett Tricia Barth Margaret Bartlett Raymond & Anne Belz Ginder H. Bendz Christine Berger Gregory & Nancy Bielawski Daniel & Rosemary Bilicki Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bloom A. E. Bluhm Dr. E. M. Bluhm Pattie & John Bomher Betty Bosmeny Bill & Lee Boyden Karen Brethauer Laural Briggs Ronald & Janet Broida Jim & Cindy Brown Kay Bruskin Claudia Burgener Jennifer Burgman Thomas C. Burns Kathleen & Jim Canavan Rita Carlson Jim & Pat Carpenter Linda Carpenter Bob & Cathy Carr James & Carol Carr Daniel C. Caudy Mark Chesney 8
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July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012
Peter & Laura Chinnici Robert & Kristy Chipman Tom & Tammy Conlon Gordon & Linda Coons Glenn & Elizabeth Cooper Rita T. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. James Corbet Jane M. Cory Mark & Betty Crane Jim & Jackie Croci Marian Dahldorf Marilyn Darnall Larry & Karin Deger Mary Ellen Drobnik Timothy Duffin Barb Dwyer Emily Ellsworth Jerry & Patti Fellows Valeria Fike Barbara Fillicaro Donald & Catherine Fischer Dean & Kris Foster Joanne Gomez Charles & Phyllis Goodman Michelle Kirk-Holbrook Yonah & Russell Klem Christine Klobucar Karl & Lynn Klockars Patricia Knorre Mary Ellen Kolinski Elizabeth Kropp Thomas & Jane Lampert Dirk & Mary Landis Ms. Carolyn A. Landwehr Jon Lantz Marjory Lewe-Brady Celine Lillie Ronald G. Limbrick David & Stephanie Loiacono Elzbieta Loszewski Norbert Loszewski Mr. & Mrs. Dean Malone Bill Mariani Nadine P. Martens Elaine K. Martinez Karen & Ron Materick Hal & Karyl McAninch Steve & Lisa McKenna Sandra Rasmussen Elaine Reichert Rose M. Rettke Janet Reuter Bob & Cindy Rinaldi Ann Rojas Sherri Russell Mark Sawko Gary & Karen Schaefer Kathy & David Schmidt Marilyn Schnell Robert & Nancy Schroeder Ruth B. Schroeder Joanne Schupbach Heather & Kenneth Sebahar Rosemarie Seder Anita Selvaggio Bruce & Kathy Simpson Holly & Richard Sloan Edward Smith Robin Starnes Arnie Stein John & Gina Stevenson James Stuhlmacher Foundations
Allstate Foundation
Alphawood Foundation
Arnold Simonsen Family
Charitable Foundation
Baird & Warner Good Will
Bank of America Matching Gifts
BP Foundation, Inc.
The BP Fabric of America Fund
Bressler/Robbins Foundation
CME Group Community
Community Memorial
Cronk Family Foundation
Crowe Foundation
DeVry Inc.
Doris Goodwin Walbridge
DuPage Community Foundation
I believe that in sharing th e sam e pain, we can comfort, h eal,
and connect with oth ers in a way that we oth erwise never could.
Mrs. Mary Ann Grady Brian & Jill Graves Dorothy Greiner Mark & Amy Grippando Peter & Sheila Guenzer Dolores Hall Debra Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Hammerschmidt Philip & Constance Hardacre Margaret Harring Deborah Haude Susan & David Hennicke Teri Hill Shirley Hilzinger Dr. & Mrs. William J. Hopkinson Anka Ivanisevic Mr. & Mrs. William M. Johnesee Nancy Johnson Mike & Gaye Justice Judith Kaplan Denis & Grace Kelly Marge Kelly David & Susan Kennedy Dell Kennedy Bob & Margaret King Mark & Sherri McNeela Joan Meador Merrill Lynch Mary Miller Mark & Carolyn Milligan Frank & Francine Modelski Bill & Betty Mucker Carol Murphy Chris & Nancy Murtaugh William & Kathleen Nolan Timothy & Elaine Nordahl Barbara Norem Sheila O’Brien Kevin O’Gorman Stephen & Heather O’Keefe Marjorie Ofcky Richard & Carol Olsen Alice Parmelee Gary Pauline Marjorie Peters Jim & Katie Philpott Carolyn Potter Beth Powers Robert & Carol Prosek Jeffrey & Wendy Puglielli Diane Ragains-Slawin Mr. & Mrs. William Swedler Marc Swetlitz Virginia Tenzis James & Mary Theiss Ken & Glenna Thompson Iryl E. Tortorella Dwight Trostle John & Kathy Van Kenneth Vandenbroucke Beth Veihmeyer Gloria & Vince Walsh-Rock Sara & Tim Waterloo Laura Werly Bonnie M. Wheaton Marilyn Wigder Lucille Wilebski Lloyd & M. Anne Williams Mary Wojewnik Mr. & Mrs. Richard Worcester Paul & Sharon Wussow Mary Ellen Young Angiela & Frank Zielinski Michael P. Zygmunt DuPage County Bar
Gallop Family Foundation
General Mills Foundation
George M. Eisenberg Foundation
for Charities
Gerald A. and Karen A.
Foundation Inc
GKN Foundation
The Greer Foundation
Harold D. Wright and Hazel C.
Wright Foundation
HP Company Foundation
The Humenansky Family
Illinois Bar Foundation
ITW Foundation
The Kara Foundation
Le Fort-Martin Family Donor/
Advised Fund
The Lubrizol Foundation
Macy’s Foundation
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July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012
Motorola Solutions Foundation
Ms. Molly Foundation
Naperville Sunrise Foundation
National Christian Charitable
On Her Own Inc. (Mamta
Robert R. McCormick Tribune
Ronald L. McDaniel Foundation Foundation
TCF Bank
The TJX Foundation, Inc.
Topfer Family Foundation
UPS Foundation
Verizon Wireless Foundation
Walter J. and Edith E. Best
William & Irene Beck Foundation
Women’s Independence
Scholarship Program
Allstate Insurance Company
Bank of America Employee
Matching Program
BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois
BMO Harris Bank
Community Bank of
Downers Grove
Community Bank-Wheaton/
Glen Ellyn
Express Employment
FM Global Foundation
Frank Electric Company
GE Matching Gift Program GT Laboratories
IBM Employee Charitable
Jameson and Company
John E. Murphy DDS
Kush Glass Creations Lake Cable, LLC
Mac Neil Automotive Products
Malloy’s Finest Wines & Spirits
Mark 1 Restoration Company
McDonald’s Corporation
McMaster-Carr Supply Company
Microsoft Matching Gifts
Midland National Life Insurance
Momkus McCluskey, LLC
Nicor Gas Company
Northern Trust
PartyLite North American
Phillips & Johnston, Inc.
PM Services
Raymond James Financial
Reunion Wireless Services LLC
SSAB Enterprises, LLC
W.W. Grainger, Inc.
Wells Fargo
West Suburban Bank
Whole Foods Market Group
Anima Alumni
AT&T Pioneer Volunteers
Bloomingdale Lions Club
Brunch Bunch Bowling League
Chicago Lawn Sertoma
College of Dupage Cress Creek Garden Club
Darien Woman’s Club
Downers Grove Thursday
Women’s Golf League
DuPage Area Alumnae Club of
Alpha Gamma Delta
DuPage County Association
for Home & Community
Faithful Circle Quilters
Glen Ellyn Infant Welfare
Glen Ellyn Rotary Club
Glen Ellyn Woman’s Club
Golfview Hills Women’s Club
Kiwanis Breakfast Club of
Downers Grove
Kiwanis Club of Wheaton
The Ladies of the Elks
Lisle Woman’s Club
Lombard Jaycees
Lombard Junior Woman’s Club
Lombard Service League
Morningside Square Book
Naperville Evening
Kiwanis Club
Naperville Exchange Club
Pretty People at Wheaton North
High School
The PriMerry Productions
The ProgressivesHarambe, Inc.
Rotary Club of Darien
Rotary Club of Elmhurst
Rotary Club of Woodridge
Soroptimist International of
Suburban Chicago
State of Illinois 21st District
Villa Park Jr. Women’s Club
Wheaton Masonic Temple
Lodge No. 269
Women of the Moose
Chapter #973
Women’s Council of Realtors
Bethel United Church of Christ
Bethel Fellowship Full Gospel
Holiness Church
Calvary United Methodist
Catholic Daughters of America
Community Presbyterian Church
Faith Evangelical Lutheran
First Congregational Church
First Presbyterian Church
First United Methodist Church
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Grace United Methodist Church
Knox Presbyterian Church
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Southminster Presbyterian
SS. Peter & Paul Church
St. Andrew Lutheran Church
St. Andrew United Methodist
St. Andrew’s Episcopal
St. Daniel the Prophet Catholic
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
St. Margaret Mary Church
St. Paul Evangelical
Lutheran Church
St. Paul’s United Church of Christ
St. Peter’s United
Church of Christ
St. Procopius Abbey
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July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012
St. Raphael Catholic Church
St. Thomas United
Methodist Church
Union Church of Hinsdale
Wheaton Franciscan Sisters
Yorkfield Presbyterian Church
In Honor/
Memory of
In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Ron Dell
Guy & Janice Morelli
In Memory of Michael J. Gilbert
Barbara Sexton
In Honor of Nick Hindman
Guy & Janice Morelli
In Memory of
Doris Olivia Janecky
Marie Riley
In Honor of Jim Jenning
Guy & Janice Morelli
In Honor of John
James Chrisos
Linda Dank
Amy & Michael Disanto
Margarette Lawless
David Rahtz & Diana Mally
Chris Svec
In Honor of Michael Kehnast
Guy & Janice Morelli
In Memory of
Maureen Laskowski
Lisa Oros
In Honor of William Neill
Guy & Janice Morelli
In Honor of Larry Olive
Guy & Janice Morelli
In Honor of David Price
Guy & Janice Morelli
In Honor of Norman Rahal
Guy & Janice Morelli
In Memory of Nancy Schwemm
Philip & Constance Hardacre
In Memory of Barb Simon
Nancy Sutor
In Memory of Judith Smith
Elizabeth Komperda
In Memory of Donald J. Strueber
William Graue
Michael & Madeline Hughes
Dell Kennedy
Linda Nichols
Lloyd & M. Anne Williams
In Memory of Dorothy Svitak
Robert Prosek
Gerald & Mary Ann Pater
James Svitak
In Honor of Mary Ann Travers
Crowe Foundation
In Honor of Bonnie Wyzgala
Joy Allen
Special Event
$5,000.00 and above
Kim Appleberg Anonymous
Invesco M. Block & Sons Mac Neil Automotive Products McDonald’s Corporation Mary Ann & Paul Travers Chip & Debora Wagner Karen & Mark White $1,000.00 to $4,999.00
Dr. Anthony & Jayne Altimari Altria Sales & Distribution Inc. Midge & Dan Anderson Jill Andrews-Petranek Arthur Murray Dance Studio Amy & Michael Augustine Paul & Olga Bargiel Mamta Bhargava BMO Harris Bank Annette Bonfield Patricia Borowski Brian & Tami Bowman Naomi Buerkle Buildingstars Dennis & Susan Carlson Judy Casten B. J. & Norm Chimenti Ernest J. Codilis Codilis & Associates P.C. Community Bank of
Downers Grove Community Bank-Wheaton/
Glen Ellyn Crowe Horwath LLC
Rebecca Counts DeVry Inc. David & Deborah Dobrez Jennifer Dorfmeister Amy Dreisbach Timothy Duffin Laura Ellis Charles & Wanda Foster Debbie & Bob Greorash
Bob & Amy Habeck Lisa & Mark Hermann Jan & Steve Junk Kevin & Marianne Keefe Robert & Danielle Keethler Cindy & James Klima Scott & Becky Lansdowne Joy Lee Bruce & Jane Levy Colleen Loftus LUTAC Gary Mack Magiesu Foundation Magnetrol International, Inc. Carry & Julie Mayfield Don & Maureen McGuire Midwestern University Nicor Gas Jennifer Gabrenya & John Noak Northern Trust Company
David & Karen Olson Maria Ortiz Pamela Rasmussen John & Eileen Sachanda Martin Slusarz Sullivan, Taylor & Gumina P.C.
Trust Company of Illinois Mike & Cyndi Vivoda Wayne Township Steve & Marsha Webster $500.00 to $999.00
Kristin & Nick Affatato Larry & Carol Galvin Althoff Patrick G. Anderson April Arnold Athletico Ltd. Ball Horticultural Company Joan Bates Bob & Cathy Beecroft Barbara & Jim Best Heather Booton Lynda Brandon Burr Ridge Bank & Trust Tom Chan Derek & Elizabeth Davis Greg Di Domenico Nancy Dorfmeister Dugan & Lopatka CPAs, P.C. DuPage County Republican
Committee-Gwen Henry
Amy Gibson Gary & Heather Graves Martha Johnson Michael & Jeanne Kelly Dr. & Mrs. Michael Klamut Thomas & Meg Kloster Tim & Terry Koch Timothy Kolschowsky Karen & Ken Kuchar Laurus Strategies Lisle Savings Bank Scott & Jennifer Lundmark Sean McCumber Ramesh Mehra Jim & Tina Michaels Heath & Jennifer Mielke NBD Bank Wheaton Brian & Helen Petzold Amanda & Tom Ramey Tim & Jill Rinker Karl & Jessica Schneider Jeff & Corlynn Simmons Mary Ann Sisco Sharon Tazelaar Mary & Wayne Tipner Kathy & Mike Tompkins Rich & Danielle Tuck Diana Watanabe Philip & Anne Watson White Tavern Warren & Jean Young $250.00 to $499.00
A.A.U.W. Elmhurst Area Branch Faiz & Shaheen Ahmed Amperage Electrical Supply Inc. Carol Anderson Armbrust Plumbing, Heating &
Air Conditioning, Inc. Jeanne Beard Bob & Carla Bianco Karen M. Boston-Wright Conni Brown Mary E. Callow Jane & Marc Cella Design Installation Systems Susan M. Diaz Kathy & John Donofrio Christian Dorman Joseph Emmerth 11
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July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012
Joe Genna Gregory & Laura Granger Jeffrey & Anne Grisenthwaite Nancy & Tom Hanson Brandy & Dave Harrington Marilyn Heinle Gerry & Lisa Holm Bruce & Lori Hunter Richard & Ann Jorgensen Ahmed & Mahwish Kidwai Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Kolschowsky Matthew Lanoue Emmet Lehmann Mary Ann & Lawrence Lufkin Bill Mayer David & Teresa Miller Gregory & Sharon Moody Joseph & Joan Morrissey NorthStar Credit Union Connie O’Gorman Thomas & Kris Ollenburger Laura Palmer Louis & Ann Marie Pavone Christine Penn Tom & Barbara Richardson Road Runner Sports Melissa & Mike Rogers Mark & Stephanie Rustemeyer Sebert Landscaping Company Don Strumillo Mary Sustar Josette Szalko Joseph D. Szczepaniak Tom & Margie Tarpey John Urish Victoria Warkentien Maureen Wott $100.00 to $249.00
A.W. Wendell & Sons, Inc. David & Marybeth Anderson Judge Robert J. Anderson Mary Arand Kathy & Michael Armstrong Charles J. Bajadek Sue & Marty Ball Ed & Beth Barrow Beard Auto Repair, Inc. Penny Belke Michael Belmonte Christine Berger Suzanne Boulton Melissa Brenner Eric & Rita Brezina Brad & Paige Butler Helen M. Camasto Kathleen & Jim Canavan Bob & Cathy Carr Rita Casper Cathy Harris Cavins John & Kathy Chapman Mary Jane Chapman Robert & Kristy Chipman Chiro One Wellness Glen & Marguerite Clear Mary Ann Cochrane Commercial Group R.E., Inc. Diane Crisp Lidia Cronk Michael & Joanne Czinsky Karen & Brent Dade Kevin Dellegrazio Danyel Devine Jeff & Cameo Drenth Cindy Drews John Zaruba for Sheriff
DuPage Medical Group OBGYN Carla Feinkind Donald & Catherine Fischer Eileen Fitzgerald Dale & Joan Fleming Barbara Fried Tammy Geiss Charles & Beth Ann Glisson Gail Von Gonten H&R Block Tax Services Paul Hanft Carolyn Healy Heritage Presbyterian Women Debbie Hernandez Lisa Horne Judy Huizinga Janet & Mitch Hulet Michael & Samantha Jones Barbara Kanzler Judith Kaplan Margaret Keefe Marge Kelly Gina Kissel Tom & Joan Knighton Andrew & Andrea Knudsen Mr. & Mrs. Brian Krajewski Janice Kulma Maxine Weiss Kunz Labyrinth Counseling Center Penelope Linneweh Bobby & Dana Lopez Jackie Louis Lindsay Mack Jim & Joan McArdle Robert & Deborah McDavid Helen McNaney Kathleen McNicholas Jeffrey & Susan Miller Kay Miller Mazy Miller Frank & Francine Modelski Daniel & Eileen Moll Tom & Bebe Mosillo Tim Murphy Diana Newby Kristin Novak Daniel Orenstein
Helen Ori Louis & Susanne Panico Tracey Papesh Marjorie Pelino Cindy & David Petranoff Suzanne & Dan Petree Marilyn Plinske Roger & Sarah Poeppel Andrea Polites Sally & Jim Porter Mary Prendiville George & Kathy Prescott Pudles Family Charity Fund Pamela Pulice Heidi Rabiansky Mark & Susan Rice Al & Carolyne Riehle The Reitz Family
Rotary Club of Carol Stream Lisa Rybak Arlene Sadcopen Phyllis G. Scanlan Jennifer Seaholm Jack & Helen Shafton Jill Shattler Kevin & Stephanie Simpson Catherine Smith Karin Snodgrass George & Sally Sotos Karen & John Spencer Kathy Stack Debby Stevenson Beth & Matt Stremel Tracy & Dale Swanberg Carol Tadrowski Lisa Tang James & Lynn Taylor Rick & Brenda Thomas Janessa Tipner Joshua Tipner Somali Tomczak Iryl E. Tortorella Amy Toth Joyce Tumea Cheryl Turkington Mr. & Mrs. Robert Venn Anne Marie Wagrez Amanda Wapiennik Jennifer Ward Kathy Welbourn Lisa Wentzlaff
Robert & Paula Whitelaw Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Wiedner Woman’s Department Club Women’s Leadership Network Margot Worfolk Eileen Young Legacy of Friends
Dan Anderson
Midge Anderson
Rita Carlson
Linda Carpenter
Tom Chan
Mike & Jody Czinsky
Vicki Eckl
Dominick Froio
Jerry & Sherry Gartner
Amy Herring
Martha Johnson
John Krallman
Ken & Karen Kuchar
Penny Linneweh
Corinne Pardon
Susan Peterson
Pam Rasmussen
Barbara & Tom Richardson
Mary Ruf
Eileen Sachanda
Maureen Sullivan Taylor
Joe Szczepaniak
Gail Von Gonten
Steve & Marsha Webster
United Way of
DuPage / West Cook
Naperville United Way
We make every effort to correctly list our donors. If we have
made any errors or omissions,
we sincerely apologize and ask
that you contact us.
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605 E. Roosevelt Rd. Wheaton, IL 60187
Hotline: 630-469-5650
Office: 630-221-8290
Fax: 630-221-8098
Second Chance Resale Shops
1512 N Naper Blvd
Naperville, IL 60563
1131 Fairview Ave.
Westmont, IL 60559
Visit us on Facebook
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