new template - Stowe Weekend of Hope


new template - Stowe Weekend of Hope
S t o w e W e e k e n d o f H o pe
April 29 - May 1, 2016
THANK YOU! Sponsors, Supporters and Volunteers
Green Ribbon
In Cooperation with
B e sure to patronize the loc al
businesses, restaurants and
retailers partic ipating in our
G reen R ibbon C ampaign
– they are our HE R OE S !
These generous loc al
businesses donate
10% of their sales to
the S towe Weekend
of Hope – their donation is
absolutely c ritic al to the
Weekend’s suc c ess!
Diamond ($5, 000+)
This was a very diffic ult
winter for S towe, and it’s
simply amazing that we
have so many businesses
stepping up to help the
S towe Weekend of Hope.
PLE AS E shop and dine at
these establishments and help
show them how inc redibly
grateful we are for their
support! Look for the
G reen R ibbon sign outside
these businesses.
C ac tus C afe
C afe on Main
C harlie B ’s Pub
C ork Wine B ar
& Market of S towe
Depot S t. Malt S hoppe
Harrison's R estaurant
Idletyme B rewing C ompany
Mc C arthy’s
Piec asso
R usty Nail
S ushi Yoshi
The B enc h
The B lue Donkey
C old Hollow C ider
Dec isions C lothing
Ferro E state
& C ustom J ewelers
G reen E nvy
In C ompany
Laughing Moon C hoc olates
Onc e Upon A Time Toys
Pinnac le S ki & S ports
S alon S alon
S haw's G eneral S tore
S towe K itc hen B ath & Linens
S towe Maple Produc ts
S towe Merc antile
S towe R eporter
The B outique
(at S towe Merc antile)
The S pa at S toweflake
Von B argen’s J ewelry
Wildflower Designs
Yellow Turtle
“ To Our Volunteers, ”
We would like to extend our
sinc erest thanks and gratitude
to the unsung heroes of the
S towe Weekend of Hope –
the many volunteers who
dedic ated their time and
talent and worked tirelessly
to make this event happen.
Stowe Taxi Service
PE G ’s Pic k-up is offering
20% disc ount on all rides
during the weekend!
C all: 800-370-9490;
Gold ($2, 000)
Antonio & R ita Pomerleau Foundation
Field G uide S towe
G reen Mountain Inn
Mountain R oad R esort
S towe Mountain Lodge
S un and S ki Inn and S uites
The Innsbruc k Inn
Town & C ountry R esort
We B eat C anc er
Silver ($1, 500)
G rey Fox Inn
Inn at the Mountain and C ondos
S towe Mountain R esort
Friend ($100 - $199)
B arbara K ay
B arr Law G roup
Donald P. B lake J r., Inc .
Dr. Peter & K aren Monsen (in memory of Anne K elly)
Dr. R obert B auman (in memory of B onnie B augman)
E dward J ones - S towe
G ail B ourne
Harold S tevens, E sq.
Home S ec urity & Management C o.
J ane Weaver
J effrey R . Mc K ec hnie
J ennifer Wood & B asil Dobbin
J ewish C ommunity of G reater S towe
J ohn & J eannette VanB larc om (in memory
of Heather VanB larc om G umuc hian)
J on R ic hard E ggleston (in memory
of B ernie Nisenholtz)
Lynn Altadonna (in memory of Michael A. Altadonna)
Marc kres Norder & C ompany Inc .
Mark & R ebecca Leipert (in memory of Les G ubketh)
Nanc y Haab (in memory of Alic e Ann Haab)
Pac k and S end PLUS
R enaye Novogroski
R obert Marshall (in memory of Albert B eres)
S am S c ofield Arc hitec t AIA
Thomas Hubbs
Virginia & D. C leveland Patterson
Additional Donations
Adam & Denise G utstein
Alisa & R obert Mac one
B arbara Pfitzenmayer
B ernie & S andy Nisenholtz (in memory
of B ernie Nisenholtz; in honor
of Nina Nisenholtz)
B renda & Mark Lazaroc ic h (in memory
of C hristine Mara)
C arol S imoneau
C arol S tevens (Trust) (in memory
of Nanc y B . S tevens)
David S tac kpole
Dianna & R obert Wuagneux
Donna Wheeler (in memory of S tuart W. B araw, S r.)
E thel Nelson Merwin (Trust)
E vie Dworetzky (in memory
of K atheraine Dworetzky,
C hristine Mudge, Anne Wolenski)
Bronze ($1, 000)
Friends of Mel
Van & J ane Harissis
Topnotc h R esort
Green ($500 - $999)
B ari & Peter Dreissigac ker
B en & J erry's Foundation
C hristy Patt
C opley Hospital
G olden E agle R esort
National Life G roup
Northern New England C linical Oncology Society
S tone Hill Inn
S towe C abins
S towe R otary (in memory of S andy Devine)
Timberholm Inn
Town & C ountry R esort
Faith B ieler
Frank & J udith Foti
J ames & R uth S antos
J ohn & C arol R ic hards
K atherine C oppoc k
K rista Nordmark
Lana B urkhardt (in memory of Art B urkhardt)
Lawrenc e & Diane S mith
Linda Alderton
Linda Post Interior
Marc ia & Peter S mith (in memory
of Margaret S hea)
Maria & Arnold S omweber (in memory
of Linda T. Vona; in honor
of K athleen Mc B eth)
Martha Turek & Douglas White
Nanc y K aplan (in honor of B ri J ohnson)
R ic hard & Anne S mith (in memory
of Dr. Thomas F. Wrinkler)
R oger G reenough
S c ott & R obin Trowbridge
S imone Youkel (in honor of Mic hele B rafman)
S tate S treet Foundation
S tephen Adams
S tephen & J oanne Donc aster (in honor
of Paul B allam)
S tephen & J ody B uzzell (in memory
of C hris Harrington)
S tephen Fishman & S usan B ayer
S towe Insuranc e Agenc y
S towe Veterinary C linic
Tari S wenson
The Wooden Needle
Travelers (E mployee Matc h R equest)
Two Dogs Marketing
Walter Zuber & Donna E llery
Wendy Old (in memory of Mary J o Maly)
Willard & Denise Wentz
In-Kind Donations
B ear Pond B ooks - S towe
B en & J erry’s
B rett “S outhPaw” S ears
B utternut Mountain Farm
C abot C reamery C ooperative
C anc er Today Magazine
C entral VT Medic al C enter/National Life C anc er
Treatment C enter
The University of Vermont C anc er C enter
The University of Vermont Medic al C enter
Patron ($200 - $499)
B ourne's E nergy
B utler House (Zomax LLC )
C anc er Today Magazine
C oldwell B anker/C arson R eal E state
Darby K olter & Nordle, LLP
David & B arbara S iegel
H.A. Manosh, C orp.
J ill B oardman & E d Izzo
Lintilhac Foundation
Michelle & Sam Labow (in memory of Sandy Devine)
Paul R obert R ouselle, Arc hitec t
Pinnac le Physic al Therapy, Inc .
Todd Hutc hen
Union B ank
C old Hollow C ider Mill
C onc ept II
Debra Ash
G reen E nvy
Image Outfitters
J ay C ooke
Lake C hamplain C hoc olates
Matthew B inginot
Nebraska Farm S ugar K noll
PE G ’s Pic k-up
PP&D B roc hure Distribution
S ally S tetson Design
S ean “Mad Dog” Madden
S eventh G eneration
S towe E ye C are
S towe Fabric & Yarn
S towe Maple Produc ts
S towe R eporter
S towe Wine & C heese
S toweflake R esort
S ushi Yoshi
The S wimming Hole
Town of S towe
T.R .I.P. Danc e C ompany
Trapp Family Lodge
Unc le G eorge’s Flowers
Vermont B rownie C ompany
Vermont Teddy B ear
Von B argen’s J ewelry
Health Fair Displays
Americ an C anc er S oc iety
B odhi & Mind Yoga
C anc er Patient S upport Foundation
C entral Vermont Medic al C enter
C olon C anc er Allianc e
C opley Hospital
Friends of Mel Foundation, Inc .
Frymoyer C ommunity Health R esourc e C enter
Healing Winds Vermont
Hope on the R ise
K omen for the C ure
Leukemia and Lymphoma S oc iety
National Ovarian Cancer Coalition
The B oobie S isters
The University of Vermont C anc er C enter