Developing matrices of freight movements using eRUC data
Developing matrices of freight movements using eRUC data
Developing matrices of freight movements using eRUC data Tony Brennand National Transport Planning Manager – NZTA Alan Kerr Manager – Southern Transportation, Beca Presentation structure Summary of NZTA business drivers Overview of proof of concept study ─ eRUC Fleet GPS data ─ Defining a trip ─ Matrix development ─ Development of additional functionality Data confidentiality Potential enhancements and applications identified Demonstration of tool NZTA Business Drivers Why are we interested in Freight movements? ─ Efficiency ─ Safety ─ Strategic investment ─ Network performance monitoring Modelling freight movements ─ 2012 WTSM model update Identify uses for eRUC data Proof of concept - background Beca was commissioned by NZTA to investigate the uses of various sources of freight data to enhance the understanding of freight activity across the network. Study Purpose: to develop the methodology for evaluating a range of different aspects of freight movement across the country, with the Wellington area the focus of the proof of concept investigations Specific target to improve understanding of freight activity to enhance traffic modelling (Wellington Transport Strategy Model – WTSM) Proof of concept - Methodology The proof of concept study has involved three tasks: Task 1: Data Investigation – a review of data sources including eRUC and FIGS Task 2: Data Processing – development of a tool for data manipulation and extraction of origin-destination matrices Task 3: Freight Matrix Road Map – analysis of the spatial and temporal coverage of the EROAD data set in the Wellington Region Proof of concept - Methodology Methodology: Source Data: EROAD Process Raw Data Define a Trip Reporting Consolidate Trips Create Trips Table Proof of concept - Findings Comparison with count data EROAD March 2012 eRUC data has been compared to HCV counts available across the NZTA, Wellington City, Hutt City and Porirua road networks Overall EROAD data was found to represent 3% of HCV flows Comparison with WTSM Overall EROAD data was found to represent 1.3% of the current WTSM Matrix MOU and Data Confidentiality There is no explicit obligation on EROAD to provide raw data to NZTA, only to retain data for auditing purposes EROAD had commercial concerns regarding provision of disaggregated data to NZTA Beca has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with EROAD which agrees: ─ The purposes for which the data can be used ─ That data can only be provided to NZTA in a way that does not identify any specific transport operator or their drivers Freight Matrix Tool Demonstration Matrix Outputs Ebox Enquiries (only visible to Beca) Single Screen Line: count/time Dual Screen Lines: count/route/journey time Potential Enhancements / Applications Sample bias assessment Additional data source investigation Freight projects and strategic investigations Performance monitoring ─ Travel times/congestion monitoring ─ Travel time reliability ─ Speed assessments GIS and real time information Traffic safety analysis Assessments of seasonality and diurnal variability Modelling Applications Origin/Destination matrix development Route choice/ validation of assignment Land use trip production/attraction Speed/flow curve development Journey time validation
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