

international edition 2009
Histoni ry.
Biochemistry students of the University of Oulu
In this issue:
The board of Histoni
The city of Oulu
Events organized by Histoni
Koppi - Our guild room
“Devour Force Seven” © Heikki Hartikka, 2009
Date of publishment: September 8th, 2009
Editor-in-chief: Toni Salo
Publishment respective:Arne Raasakka
Publisher: Histoni ry.
Printed at: Oulu University Press
First of all, cheers to all new international biochemistry post-grads! You
are reading the annual international edition of the biochemistry student
association’s newsletter, this one being meant for the beginning postgrads new to the University.
In this number, there are a whole lot of things about starting your studies
and about the life in Oulu and Finland in general. In the guild newsletter,
we also try to cover a bit of all different aspects of student life in Oulu,
anything from study issues to social life. The later issues are bi-lingual,
in the sense that we have both Finnish and English content, so hopefully
there’s something for you also in the future numbers.
As a guild active, I’d also like to remind you that we hope that you get
integrated into the student body of the Department of Biochemistry. As
most of the people who have experience from being a student in a foreign
land know, it can be difficult to get connected with the local students.
As student organization, we hope to make this a bit easier for the new
international students, and invite you to all the events and parties we
arrange. I’m sure you’ll get plenty of experience from the Finnish point
of view during your time in Oulu!
Good luck with your studies, and see you during the year!
The board of
Our guild Histoni has a board, which reigns over one year and takes care of keeping
Histones (= guild members) happy i.e. by organizing parties and other entertainment.
The board is re-elected each year in December. Here is the current board presented
along with their duties:
Chair: Susanna Teppo
The Boss. Keeps order in meetings and looks also otherwise important. Just kidding!
Susanna is the main person to interact with other guilds, the department and the
entire faculty. She has great ideas and is the driving force behind events organized by
the guild.
Vice chair, communications: Jarkko Laitalainen
This guy is responsible for E-mail traffic in the Histoni mailing list. If there is an
upcoming event, he’ll let you know. As the vice chair or Histoni, Jarkko also has the
responsibility of stepping up when Susanna isn’t present.
Secretary, OLuT affairs: Essi Karstinen
The secretary documents everything that is discussed in meetings and also provides
good information on past things: Essi has already been around in the board for years and
knows how things work. She is also represent Histoni in OLuT affairs.
Treasurer: Minna Kihlström
The treasurer keeps the cashbox safe. She also monitors how much money is spent and
gained during the year. The treasurer also participates in meetings and when it comes to
i.e. organizing parties, she knows the financial status of the guild and helps in planning
events from that perspective.
Handouts: Outi Halonen
In some cases, our guild is responsible for dealing out handouts for certain courses.
Outi deals with the printing of these handouts and also, together with the treasurer,
distributes them forwards to the guild members against a small fee.
Sports minister: Toni Salo
The sports minister deals with sports business and keeps other guild members aware via
E-mail about upcoming sport events. In addition, Toni is also the main editor of this
Cultural affairs: Olli Ahtola
Histoni organizes excursions to interesting places every now and then. This year we
went to Sweden, thanks to Olli! Being responsible for cultural affairs, Olli is the first
one to interact i.e. with other guilds when organising trips to other universities.
Media minister: Arne Raasakka
The author of this article. The media minister is responsible for Supernatantti, the guild
magazine. He makes sure when and what is published. The media minister is also very
keen on organizing parties and gigs hosted by Histoni, and has good relationships with
several local bands.
Vice minister: Anna Laitakari
Both vice ministers are responsible of stepping in the boots of someone else if needed.
The vice ministers participate in meetings and discussion as well as share their ideas in
Vice minister, international affairs: Markus Keskitalo
In addition of being a vice minister, Markus also deals with international affairs.
Good english skills and a positive attitude come in help when interacting with the
international students and personnel here at the department. Markus got both.
Contact information is available at the Histoni guild website:
The board of Histon
Minna, Essi, Marku from left to right: Arne, Toni, Anna,
Jarkko, Olli, Susann
s & Outi.
The City Of Oulu
The city of Oulu is located in Western mid-Finland, 130km from Sweden and
200km from Artic circle. It is easily the biggest town in Northern Finland. Partly thanks to its university and many high schools, Oulu has been able to keep its
population increasing for few decades. There are approximately 130,000 people
living in the city. The winters can be as cold as minus 30 degrees of Celsius,
especially in January. The snow usually arrives a few weeks before Christmas,
and melts before May. Summers are warm, but won’t last too long; the hottest
month is generally July. Besides the snow and coolness, winters are very dark.
Only few hours of daylight is spared for each day and waking before the sunrise
loses its meaning. Likewise, during the summer the nights are bright as each
sunset is followed by a new sunrise. That is the time that people like to spend
more time outside.
There is an airport 15 km south from the city with flights mainly to Helsinki.
A railroad network connects to larger cities. More distant areas may be reachable by bus. Oulu has good bike paths, to all parts of the city that are usable
throughout the year if one can withstand the weather. Bicycles can be bought
under 80 EUR from second hand stores. Bicycles get stolen easily if they
only have a thin wire lock and are regularly left unchecked. Riding a bicycle
in the dark without the front lamp on is regarded as a felony by the police.
The received fine can be as large as 50 euros, which is a lot less than you’ll
spend on a good headlamp. Alternatively, buses can be used for transportation,
that is, if you’ll learn to read the timetables. A ticket valid or 90 minutes (meaning you can switch a ride as many times as you can during that time) can be
bought from the driver for 2.90 EUR (5.60 EUR during 23 - 04). Students can
charge their smart card “OuluCard” (costs 6.50 EUR) for 36,50 EUR to be valid
for one month of bus travel in the city.
The Linnanmaa campus is located 6 km north from the city centre. Riding a
bicycle to the city one passes through the areas of Syynimaa, Alppila (or Puolivälinkangas and Välivainio if one takes the route across the dam instead of the
bridges closer to the sea) and Tuira on the north bank of the river Oulujoki. On
the south side of the river is the city centre. At the heart of the city is the pedestrian street Rotuaari, which is a popular meeting place during warmer months.
The pedestrian zone extends down to the market square, which is next to the sea.
Along this route there are many pubs, cafes, restaurants and fast food places.
The Ainola Park, between the city and the dam across the Oulu River, is a
popular place for hanging out, and perfect place for picnics – when it’s warm.
Public drinking of alcohol is allowed only in parks and comparable places
under the condition that no disturbance (such as loud noise and restless
behavior) is caused. The medical faculty and the hospital are located 2.5 km
east from the city centre. Linnanmaa is neighbored by Kaijonharju which has
a pharmacy, two grocery stores (the other is open on Sundays),
a department store, the pizzeria Baabel and the bar Caio. At the southwest side
of the university there are two supermarkets and an Alko (liquor store). At the
university, there are several restaurants that sell meals for around two and a half
euros to students with a Finnish student card. 3 km to the east from the city is
located the sandy beach of Nallikari. There is a smaller beach in Tuira, upstream
from the dam, which is open whole for year. Anyone brave enough may try ice
swimming in there during a winter. Histoni organizes sports for biochemistry
students twice a week (see The Linnanmaa sports hall
offers badminton, a gym and aerobics classes. There are two swimming halls in
Oulu, one in Raksila and one in Raatti.
Free WLAN Internet panOULU is available at the university, in the city centre
and some other central places. If you have problems with e-mail accounts or
other university’s IT stuff, try IT -help desk, located inside the university, room
X2, near the glass bridge.
City map:
Local buses:
Taxi: tel. 0600-30081
Student housing:
Movie theatres: and
Guides for foreigners: and
Emergency number: tel. 112 / Police: 10022
Events organized by Histoni
As the year goes on, Histoni organizes several events. The most significant ones are presented here. And as the other guild members, you are more than welcome to join us!
“Fuksisuunnistus” & “Fuksiaiset”
Fuksisuunnistus and fuksiaiset are rites for the freshmen: Fuksisuunnistus is basically
a orienteering competition between teams that the freshmen have formed. These teams
find spots held by other Histones and complete tasks they have planned for them. The
orienteering ends eventually and “Fuksiaiset” begins, which is a party where all kinds
of amusing (sometimes quite humiliating)
stuff is done to the freshmen. Nothing
too serious. :) The fuksiaiset event is sort
of like a rite of acceptance that almost
everyone go through it when they start
their studies. This event ends to the nomination of Mister and Miss Histoni, which
are awarded with items that they’ll pass on
to the next freshmen one year later.
Band evenings
Histoni is once again organizing a band evening. This is the third time such an event
is being organized and as previously, this evening provides some live music by two or
three more-or-less popular/local bands. These events have usually been very pleasing
towards people who are keen on metal music, which could be due to the band relationships of the media minister... who knows. The event has been planned to be held in late
october or early november.
are” from the la
kma” and “Dis
Captures of “A
© Jaakko Alata
band evening.
As the autumn proceeds, the new freshmen purchase their overalls. Histoni has
every year provided financial aid for the freshmen in throwing a party to celebrate their
new overalls. Afterall, it’s great to be a member of a group of students that share the
same field of interest.
Christmas party
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Christmas is th Histoni provides
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to hang out, ea evening is filled
fun together. T various program,
sh sauna, and
... presents!
An excursion is a trip to another place, usually somewhere, which is somehow related
to biochemistry. Histoni tries every year to come up with enough money to organize an
excursion, so that the students
have an opportunity to familiarize themselves with biochemistry or other natural sciences
in other universities, cities or
even countries. The last excursion took Histoni into Umeå,
Sweden, where we visited the
vast biocenter of University of
Other events
In addition to these larger events, Histoni also tries to provide some smaller activity
for the guild members. These include movie evenings, game evenings, meetings, sport
activities etc. Afterall, we don’t want anyone to get bored during their studies. :)
- Arne Raasakka, media minister
Our guild room
Every major study subject in each Finnish university has its own organisation for
students known as a student guild. Histoni (histone) is the student guild for
biochemistry students in Oulu. Histoni has its own room, simply known as ”Koppi”
(eng. booth) in the biochemistry entrance hall and it is the smallest of it’s kind in the
whole university. At Koppi, students can read magazines, use the computer and the
scanner or just to meet people and hang out. There is also a coffee maker, a microwave
oven and a fridge at Koppi for students to use. At Koppi’s noticeboard there is usually
information about current events at the biochemistry department and the university.
Information about Histoni’s own events and activities can also be found there, or you
can just ask from the people who are on the sofas.
In the biochemistry entrance hall there is a lot of space to hang out between lectures
and labs (magazines and some board games are available. You just need to know where
to look for). Don’t let the natives intimidate you. Everyone involved with biochemistry
are welcome! There are also lockers that can be rented (5€ deposit) from BK108. It is
also rumoured that Histoni is about to get a new, larger guild room, but the exact date
remains a mystery.
- Heikki Hartikka