November 2014
November 2014
Distributed to Conington, Glatton, Upton, Winwick, Hamerton, The Giddings & Sawtry No. 112 Oct - Nov 2014 SAWTRY FIREWORK DISPLAY Sunday 2nd November at Greenfield, Straight Drove, Sawtry Gates Open 5.45pm Bonfire Lit 6.30pm Fireworks Start 7.00pm The display is by CAMBRIDGE FIREWORKS Tickets are available from:Cooper’s Garage, CARESCO Charity Shop, Tilly’s Coffee Shop & Sawtry Parish Council Office Prices: Adults & Y7 pupils upwards £4.00 (£5.00 on the gate) All Children Y6 & below FREE ENTRY (When accompanied by a paying adult – Max 2 children per adult) Food including burgers, hot-dogs, bacon-rolls, tea, coffee etc available PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL FIREWORK DISPLAY Car park lighting courtesy of Jewson Voluntarily run by Sawtry Sports & Leisure Association For more information please call 01487 830837 or 831797 ** No fireworks to be brought into display (including sparklers) ** ** No dumping of rubbish for the bonfire please ** Exciting Children and Family Portraits By Tempest Photography Shake, Rattle and Roll....The Fabulous Saw tr y 1950s Part y Sawtry Palais (Sawtry Community College, Fen Lane, PE28 5TQ ) Saturday November 22nd 2014 from 7. 30-11.30pm Come dressed in the period! Dance to Registered Charity No:1029997 Tempest Photography will be holding a Children and Family Portrait Session at Sawtry Preschool Playgroup, " Get Back" Fen Lane, Sawtry Live band playing 50s/60s music. Plus Doug Bailey disco Friday 24 October - 3.00pm to 6.00pm Games.....Bring Your Own Picnic.....Bar.....Themed Raffle.... on th THESE SITTINGS ARE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Please telephone 01487 832433 or visit IN AID OF CARESCO playgroup to make a booking Tickets £15. Buy or reserve from CARESCO office, A choice of different packs of photographs will be available phone 01487 832105 or by email to [email protected] Saturday 18th October - 11 AM to 5 PM - At Great Gidding Village Hall Come along to see who lived where, and when. Find out more about past residents of the Giddings We have researched those villagers who served in World War I, but would be interested to learn more. We also want to hear about your memories of World War II A local archaeologist will join us – have you found something interesting in your garden, if so, bring it along? In fact, please bring any documents and photographs you have relating to Great, Little and Steeple Gidding Entry is FREE - (donations to Gidding History Group would be most welcome) Light refreshments will be available 2014 Group Details Contact No Page 1 October Sawtry Library “Colour in My Life” Talk --- 15 5 October All Saints, Sawtry Harvest Festival & Tea 01487 830215 21 11 October Sawtry Wellside Surgery Annual Flu Clinic 01487 830340 18 11 October Sawtry Bowling Club Race Night 01487 830720 28 14 October 1st Sawtry Guides MacMillan Coffee Evening --- 9 18 October Gidding History Group Gidding History Day --- 24 October Sawtry Preschool Playgroup Tempest Photography 01487 832433 25 October Sawtry Bowling Club Quiz Night 01487 830720 28 29 October MacMillan Support Group Coffee Morning 01487 830442 8 2 November Sawtry Club Sawtry Sports & Leisure Association 50th Anniversary 01487 830462 Sawtry Fireworks 01487 831797 9 Front Page 8 November Sawtry Methodist Church Mini Market 01487 830015 8 15 November All Saints, Sawtry Winter Fayre 01487 830215 8 15 November St Michael’s, Gt Gidding Christmas Market 07736625416 9 22 November St Nicholas, Glatton Christmas Fayre 01487 830215 19 22 November CARESCO Shake, Rattle & Roll 01487 832105 Front Page 27 November Hill View Residential Home Bingo 01487 831709 7 4 December Sawtry Royal British Legion Bingo 01487 831458 --- 6 December Sawtry WI Christmas Fayre 01487 830282 --- 14 December Sawtry Parish Council Sawtry Village Carol Service 01487 831771 --- 22 December Sawtry Parish Council Sawtry Village Carols 01487 831771 --- Contact No Page 01487 832683 12 2 November 2015 20th March Group Sawtry Small Business Partnership Details Super Heroes Race Night Front Page Front Page Advertise your community event here If you would like to have a date considered for inclusion please email the details along with a contact number to [email protected] with the subject ‘Make a Date’. We cannot include regular meetings/classes as space will not allow, but we would love to know about the special events. When your organisation fixes dates, please let us know. Don’t wait for the next deadline. If you don’t have access to email, then put it in writing and drop it into the CARESCO Centre or phone us on 01487 832105 (answer phone outside office hours). We reserve the right to decide which items to include. CARESCO is not responsible for the accuracy of the above information. Please check with the individual group concerned. Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014 Sawtry Eye Magazine is Published by: Autumn is definitely in the air and the leaves are beginning to change. We’re delighted to welcome back the Sawtry Firework Display this year after a year’s break. Come on everyone, support your local organised display, the more the merrier! CARESCO CARESCO CARESCO Centre Green End Road Sawtry Huntingdon Cambs PE28 5UX There are loads of dates in this issue for your diaries as well as our usual range of news and views from around the area. Please contact direct the groups involved for more information about their events. If your group isn’t mentioned then please make sure someone gets in touch before the next issue and lets us have the details. Telephone: 01487 832105 [email protected] Articles & Letters can be emailed to CARESCO. Please put as subject “For Sawtry Eye” and enclose full name and postal address — Email: sawtryeye@caresc The organisation behind the Eye is CARESCO and you can find out more about us by visiting our website where you can also find past issues of the Eye dating back to 2008 in case you want to find that special article you threw away. Marina Joyce / Liz Coates Have a good one. Editors Marina Joyce Advertising/Sales Donna Green Design / Artwork Liz - Co-Editor Printed By: CARESCO Printshop Editorial Policy Summary · All items are included entirely at the discretion of the editors who reserve the right to edit or refuse to print any item submitted. · Views expressed in the Sawtry Eye are not necessarily those of the editors or CARESCO, they are included in the interests of free speech. · Anonymous items will only be considered where the author has submitted their full name & contact details to the editors with their contribution and have requested, with reason, that these are withheld. · Before printing a critical item the editors reserve the right to approach the criticised persons/group and offer an opportunity to comment, where possible, in the same issue. At their discretion the editors may delay the critical item to the following issue or publish without a reply. · The editors cannot accept any liability for omissions, errors or mistakes which occur in production. · The copies of Sawtry Eye delivered to the parish of Sawtry are accompanied by the Sawtry Parish Council Newsletter which is published by and the responsibility of Sawtry Parish Council. The full Editorial Policy is available from the CARESCO office during office hours. Distribution of Sawtry Eye: If you know of anybody who does not receive a copy or would like to help deliver Sawtry Eye, telephone: 01487 832105 between 9am — 12 noon Monday - Friday SSAWTRY awtry TTWINNED w i n n e d WITH with W e i m a WEIMARr REGULARS 2 4 Make A Date Dates for your Diary Community Activities 5 CARESCO 6-9 Notices 10 Readers Letters Your views on subjects that matter 29 Classifieds - Advertising VILLAGE NEWS 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 Sawtry Car Scheme Royal British Legion - Welfare Work Sawtry Show 2014 Sawtry Junior School Free Health Walk In Sawtry SSBP An Eye On Nature Sawtry Carnival Going Green Sawtry History Society Friendship Club An Easy Way To Raise Funds News From Sawtry Library Sawtry Day Centre News Sawtry Chorale Sawtry Food Bank The Mulberries Royal British Legion Wellside Surgery News CARESCO Charity Shop Everybody Needs Good Neighbours CHURCH NEWS 19 20 20 21 22 St Nicholas Parish Church REMEMBRANCE St Benedict’s Catholic Community All Saints’ Parish Church Sawtry Methodist Church LOCAL & GENERAL INFO 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 25 26 Independent Living Fund The Wildlife Trusts Cambs Frie & Rescue Service What Goes Where? Community Oil Buying Scheme Fairtrade is 20! The Garden Month By Month Junk Mail / Unwanted Calls Commissioner Urges Drivers To “Belt - Up” SPORTS & CLUBS 26 26 27 28 28 Sawtry Colts Sawtry Badminton Club Sawtry Football Club Sawtry And District Bowling Club Tang Soo Do Karate And Kickboxing Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014 November 2014 October 2014 M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 M T W T F S S 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 School Term Dates for Sawtry Schools Autumn Term 2014 Half term, 27 October to 31 October End of Term - 19 December Spring Term 2015 Start of Term - 6 January Half term, 16 February to 20 February End of Term - 27 March Summer Term 2015 Start of Term - 13 April Half term, 25 May to 29 May End of Term - 22 July Autumn Term 2015 Start of Term - 3 September Schools have a number of training days available to take at their discretion. Please contact your local school for details. Or check the Cambridgeshire County Council website at Don’t forget - during weeks containing a bank holiday, collection days will change from the usual HDC Refuse Collection Sawtry and the surrounding villages have the same calendar for refuse collection, however the week day may vary. To find out the exact dates for your property visit: applications/refusecollection/ and enter your house number & postcode or call 01480 388388 Grey (Landfill waste) (Week Beginning) 13th & 27th October 10th & 24th November Compost (Garden waste) & Dry Recycling (Week Beginning) 6th & 20th October 3rd & 17th November For more information visit the Hunts District Council website at and look for the Refuse & Recycling link on the left hand side of the page. Sawtry WI Sawtry WI meets on the 1st Thursday of the month, at 7.30pm in the WI Hall, Gidding Road (Wheelchair Access) Charity Number 229016 2nd October WaterAid Dr David Wilkinson Competition - most unusual item beginning with ‘G’ 6th November Riverford Organics Competition - most unusual item beginning with ‘E’ Visitors and New Members always receive a warm welcome If you haven’t tried the WI before, come along and meet us, have fun and go home with a smile!! Regular features include: Bring & Buy stall, raffle and refreshments Secretary: Ann Watson 01487 834035 Presidents: Linda Lavery 01487 830282 Maureen Westbrook 01487 832841 Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014 Is open every Friday (including School Holidays) at the CARESCO Centre, Green End Road, Sawtry (Behind the Old School Hall) 9.00 - 11.30am (9.45 —11.30am during school holidays) A Warm Welcome For Coffee, Cake And A Chat Call 01487 832105 For Issue No: 113 Dec 14 - Jan 15 Advertisements by 12 Noon on 14th Nov News Items by 12 Noon on 21st Nov Full Page: Portrait (17.5cm x 26cm) 1 Issue - £120 6 issues - £600 Terms & Conditions Half Page: Landscape (13cm x 17.5cm) I Issue - £64 6 Issues - £320 Quarter Page: Portrait (13cm x 8.5cm) 1 Issue - £35 6 Issues - £175 Commercial Advertising copy can be submitted by email to : [email protected] (preferred option) or alternatively on a disk or as a printed/ handwritten copy delivered to the CARESCO Centre. The final layout can be done by our in-house graphic designer at extra cost. Please make your instructions clear. Payment with advertisement please. We can accept payment by BACS (please contact the office for payment details), by cash or cheque (made payable to ’CARESCO’) Sorry, we cannot accept payment by card. CARESCO cannot accept any responsibility for business lost due to any error in production. Annual Public Meeting Of CARESCO Ltd (The organisation behind the Sawtry Eye) On Thursday 23rd October Starting at 7.30pm Eighth Page: Landscape (6.5cm x 8.5cm) 1 Issue - £19 6 Issues - £95 For more information call in or phone 9.00am - 12 Noon Monday - Friday 01487 832105 [email protected] In the CARESCO Centre We need you! If you are interested in getting involved with our charity we are particularly looking out for new trustees who can offer their time, energy, knowledge and skills to help us to be the best we can be in providing our range of services to the local community. All Welcome – Come and find out more about us For more information please contact CARESCO – details on page 3 Or visit our website at Annual reports will be available at the meeting and afterwards from the CARESCO office What are you doing for Christmas? Do you know what you’re going to be doing on Christmas Day later this year? Are you going to be on your own? Would you prefer to be with other people to celebrate the festivities? Once again CARESCO will be hosting a Christmas Day Party for anyone who would otherwise be alone on the big day and would like to join in the fun (couples included). We will be enjoying a traditional three-course lunch with entertainment, games, singing and of course the Queen and even a visit from Santa. For more information or to book your place, please contact the CARESCO office on 01487 832105 or email [email protected] Visit the photo gallery on our website at to see what we all got up to last year. Now Available Gift Certificates The perfect gift Why not give a CARESCO Charity Shop Gift Certificate this Christmas? Spend as little or as much as you want on a personalised Certificate for your loved one to use over the coming year in the CARESCO Shop Not redeemable for cash For more information visit the shop or call 01487 208026 Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014 F armers’ Market s Truly local food sold by the people who produce it. Huntingdon A l t e r n a t e F rida ys f r o m 8 a m t o 2 p m in Huntingdon Market Square 10th & 24th October 7th & 21st November ** 5th Saturday Special ** - 29th November Organised by Huntingdonshire District Council with the support of Huntingdon Town Centre Partnership. For more information call 01480 388388 or visit Prize Bingo In aid of Sawtry Day Centre 17th October 28th November 19th December Starts 7.30pm In the CARESCO Centre, Green End Road, Sawtry Contact The CARESCO Office 01487 832105 Peterborough & 4 th Thursdays f r o m 9am t o 2p m in Long Causeway Organised by Peterborough City Council. For more information call 01733 452217 or visit 2 nd Oundle Every 2nd Saturday from 8.30am - 1.30pm Market Street For further information please contact Oundle Town Council Tel: 01832 272055, email: [email protected] Farmers’ markets are different because the food sold there must be from the local area and sold by the people who grow or produce it. Bought-in produce is not allowed. Buy fresh, high quality produce from the people who can tell you how it was grown or made. Winwick P.C.C. & Village Hall Committee cordially invites you to the Winwick Harvest Festival Starting at All Saints Church, Winwick On Saturday 4th October 2014 Commencing at 6 pm With supper and an auction of harvest fare afterwards at Winwick Village Hall From 7 pm onwards We would welcome gifts of tinned food; which will be given to the Salvation Army. A charge of £10 per adult/young person and £6 per child (aged 5 – 11 inclusive) is required as a contribution towards the food. As space is limited tickets will be allocated on a first come first served basis so please contact: Sue Fowler by phone: 01832 293215 or email: [email protected] if you would like to come. Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014 It’s coming...! Saturday 18th October Saturday 15th November 4:30 – 6:30pm All Saints’ Church Church Causeway, Sawtry Crafts for all ages Celebrate with bible story and songs Share a meal together For more information see or contact Revd. Rosie Ward B o o k S ta l l a n d Coffee Morning At Winwick Church Saturday 11th October Saturday 15th November, Saturday 13th December 10.00 till 11.30am The Church is open for everyone to come along and enjoy a cup of coffee and cake and browse our extensive supply of second hand books Donations invited in exchange for the above Proceeds to go to the Church For more information please contact : Sue Fowler 01832 293215 S aw t ry W I Welcome to the Sawtry Camera Club In Aid of the WI Hall We meet on the second Thursday of each month 7.30pm until 9.30pm At the Sawtry Club in Gidding Road Everyone will receive a warm welcome young or old, male or female beginners or experienced we learn from each other For more information please contact 01487 830186 Bingo Bingo th 10 & 24th October 7th & 21st November Everyone welcome - Eyes down 7.30pm Drop in for Coffee 23rd October & 20th November 10.30am to 12noon Coffee/Tea & Biscuits 50p Scones & Butter 30p THESE COFFEE MORNINGS ARE NOT FUNDRAISING EVENTS, JUST A GET TOGETHER OVER A CUPPA Contact for events Secretary: Ann Watson 01487 834035 Presidents: Linda Lavery 01487 830282 Maureen Westbrook 01487 832841 Charity Number 229016 Life on the Holme Front - 1940s weekend Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th October Open 10am to 4pm both days Holme Village, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE7 3PJ The 1940s weekend 'Life on the Holme Front' has been running since 2007 and the event gets better every year. This is a fantastic weekend for the whole family, learn what village life was like during the Second World War. The whole village gets involved and Holmewood Hall opens its doors for the weekend providing space for displays and a wartime tea room. There is a whole host of attractions at the 1940s weekend including: Vintage Bus Rides (457th Memorial site, Airfield) Wide range of displays/stalls 1940s style ploughing Vintage military vehicles Model Railway – rides available Battle of Britain Memorial Fly Past (TBC) 1940s dance - booking essential, limited tickets available - £10 each (Saturday) Re-enactors Bar and hot food Church open Holmewood Hall open with displays and refreshments Hair raid shelter (1940s hairdressers - booking advisable) Tea dance (Saturday & Sunday) Memorial march and wreath laying ceremony (Sunday) All are subject to availability Entrance to the event is free Car Park is £2.00 per vehicle and includes your complimentary event programme Enquiries: Contact Paul Archer on Tel: 07860 342163 or email: [email protected] or visit: Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014 Craft Buddies Do you love to knit or crochet or sew? Or would you like to learn? We’re a small friendly group of people who would love to welcome new members. Meet new friends, learn new skills, and share your experience and knowledge. Bring along your projects or just come to chat. Anyone can come along, all ages and experience levels, male or female, any type of craft interests welcome No charge to attend, you don’t have to join us every week and you can come & go as you please. Drinks including tea and coffee available to buy at the bar 7.30 - 9.30pm every Tuesday At the Sawtry Club, Gidding Road, Sawtry Just turn up or for more info contact Carolyn on 01487 832682 or email [email protected] Ti n y To t s Methodist Church Hall, Green End Road, Sawtry All Saints, Sawtry W I N T E R FAY R E On Saturday 15th November 10.30am - 12.30pm At All Saints, Church Causeway, Sawtry Lots of stalls ~ Buy your Christmas presents Refreshments will be served We look forward to seeing you For more information please contact Rector Rosie on 01487 830215 MacMillan Coffee Morning to be held at Sawtry Methodist Church, Green End Road on Wednesday 29th October 10.30 – 12.00 noon Bring and Buy - Raffle - Books Entry £2.00 this includes Tea or Coffee and Cake All Welcome Please come and give us your support for this very worthwhile cause Any queries or donations to Ann Martin 01487 830442 Parent, Baby and Toddler Group Every Tuesday term time 9.30 – 11.00 a.m. £1.20 per family, First visit FREE Refreshments 10p Come along and make new friends New members welcome For more information call Charlie 01487 830341 Sawtry Methodist Church Green End Road, PE28 5UX Coffee Morning / Mini Market Saturday 8th November 9.30 am to 11.30 am Various stalls including: cake, jams, plants, white elephant, gift etc In aid of our Building Project Phase 2 A TIME FOR MEMORIES CHRISTIANS TOGETHER IN SAWTRY will hold their annual service of commemoration and thanksgiving, to remember loved ones who have died On SUNDAY 2nd November at 4 p.m. at the METHODIST CHURCH All are welcome to this simple but moving service, followed by time to chat with understanding friends over a cup of tea. Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014 G l at t o n W I We meet on 2nd Thursday of the Month at 7.15pm in the Village Hall, Glatton We start the evening with WI business Followed by an activity or talk Then refreshments Forthcoming Activities Thursday 9th October 'It shouldn't happen to a Dame' with Mr John Lillyman Competition: “A Cracker Riddle or Joke” Thursday 13th November AGM Competition: “Something Autumnal” You are very welcome to join us as a visitor or as a new member For more information see: the Huntingdon & Peterborough WI website or Glatton Village Website Great Gidding Christmas Market 4.00pm to 7.00pm Saturday 15 November Great Gidding Village Hall Come and browse beautiful handmade Christmas gifts See Santa in his Grotto! Mulled wine and hot dogs at the bar All proceeds to St Michael’s Church Restoration Fund For more information contact 07736625416 1st Sawtry Guides Are holding a Macmillan Coffee Evening (Instead of a Coffee Morning) On Tuesday 14th October At the Old School Hall, Green End Road, Sawtry From 7.30 – 8.30pm Homemade cakes ~ tea & coffee Everyone welcome Sawtry Ex-Service & Workingmen’s Club (The Sawtry Club) Cambridgeshire Family History Society Fair 25 October, 10.00 - 16.00 Girton Glebe School, Cambridge Road, Girton, CB3 0PN With the eleventh series of Who Do You Think You Are? airing on our screens this summer, family history has never been more popular. At the Cambridgeshire Family History Society Fair there will be free 1-2-1 sessions giving advice about starting your family history and what to do if you get stuck, free access to genealogy websites, talks from expert speakers and lots of local societies and organisations offering everything you need to help you with your research. In this very special 100th anniversary year since the start of the First World War and 70th year since D-Day, you will also hear about the Imperial War Museum Duxford’s collection of Second World War images as well as learning how to date old photographs from looking at clues given in pictures. There will also be free access to the main genealogy providers’ websites throughout the day. Share ideas and practical tips with your fellow family historians and, for a small charge, there will be soup and a roll for lunch while you chat! Parking and entry is free (£2 to attend each talk). The Citi 6 bus stops outside the school. See or for further details or contact Lisa Newman, [email protected] 50th Anniversary 1964 – 2014 Come Along & help the Club Celebrate the Last 50 Years On Sunday 2nd November Club open from 12 Noon “Skyliner Band” on from 2.00pm onwards Followed by Doug Bailey Disco into the evening Bar – BBQ – Raffle – Photos Everybody Welcome For more details contact – 01487 830462 In Case of a Death A workshop looking at aspects around the practicalities of dealing with a death Friday 3rd October - 1.30 – 4.30pm In the CARESCO Centre - Ever wondered what needed to be done when someone dies? Who to contact? Who would be of assistance? We will be exploring the issues around coping with the death of someone close to you, the organisations involved and the services available to help Open to the general public – come and find out more For more information please contact: The CARESCO Centre, Green End Road, Sawtry, PE28 5UX 01487 832105 [email protected] Organised and led by June Underwood, Funeral Arranger/ Administrator, Co-operative Funerals, Sawtry SAWTRY FIREWORK DISPLAY Sunday 2nd November at Greenfield, Straight Drove, Sawtry Fireworks Start 7.00pm PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL FIREWORK DISPLAY Voluntarily run by Sawtry Sports & Leisure Association For more information please call 01487 830837 or 831797 Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014 Village News/Letters Sawtry Light Factory Letters … A huge thank you to all the 70 children and their parents who came along to enjoy the Sawtry On A Positive Note…. Holiday Club in August. The rolling morning How lovely that people take the time and effort to programme provided a range of activities including tend the tubs of plants and flowers at the approach singing, drama, bible stories and time in age to the village. Thank you to those volunteers - they groups, while the afternoon sessions were a show that there are villagers who care. combination of outdoor games and indoor crafts Thank you and competitions. The week culminated in a family barn dance on the Friday evening with a fun Susie Pollard time for everyone and a chance to be together. We would like to thank Sawtry Parish Council for Jim Hatton their generosity in allowing us to monopolise the Jim’s family would like to offer their thanks to Old School Hall for the week while the Methodist everyone for cards, messages and lifts to the Church was undergoing renovation work, and hospital. Jim was in hospital for four months and especially the wonderful caretakers for all their without the help and kindness offered, life would have been very hard indeed. A special thank you to patience and understanding with our strange requirements. Tony Black and the Sawtry Car Scheme. Going Finally, public thanks to the team who gave of each day to visit my husband, I needed a lot of their time freely to make the week such a success. transport and the Car Scheme was a great help. The provisional dates for next year’s Holiday Club Thank you to all who attended his Cremation at are Monday 3rd to Sunday 9th August. Cambridge. The Chapel was filled, and a Guard of Honour by the Sawtry and Federation Bowlers. A Watch out for more details nearer the big thanks to Sawtry Bowling Club for the use of time. their Clubhouse for the reception and for all their Matt & Liz Coates practical help. Thanks also to Dr Smith and to the British Legion for the Poppy wreath. Write to Sawtry Eye: ‘Letters’, CARESCO, Green End Road, Sawtry, Huntingdon, Cambs PE28 5UX A husband of 63 years, a father, grandfather and Or email [email protected] with subject great grandfather greatly missed. ‘Letter for Sawtry Eye’ Again, thank you Please see statement for submitting letters on Page 3 Joan Hatton, Sawtry How, Why & Where Sawtry Parish Council is made up of 15 volunteers who are elected every 4 years or co-opted as required. Every year the councillors vote to elect a chairman and in May 2014 I took on this role. The Chairman is the public face of the council and as such I would be very happy to visit your group or organisation. So far I have attended the Carnival, promoted the Scarecrow Trail, waived off the High Sheriff of Cambridgeshire as she set off on her sponsored walk from the Old School, laid a wreath at the War Memorial and attended the Sawtry Show. I have also launched my Chairman’s Challenge to involve the community while having fun and by the time you read this we will have had our first event with a sponsored swim at One Leisure. If you would like me to attend an event/group/meeting on behalf of the Parish Council please do get in touch via Sally in the office. Look forward to meeting you Delia Riddle Chairman, Sawtry Parish Council S aw t ry C a r S c h e m e The Car Scheme offers a wonderful service to our local community by offering lifts to anyone who has problems using public transport. Volunteer drivers give their time and using their own cars will collect passengers from home and deliver them door-to-door. They charge 45p per mile from their own home to cover the costs of fuel and wear and tear which is paid in cash on the day. The Scheme is currently being under used so if you or anyone you know could use them, please give the Co-ordinator a call on 07810 476979 Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014 R o ya l B r i t i s h L e g i o n – W e l fa r e W o r k At the beginning of this year, I publicised details in the Sawtry Eye of what the RBL can do to help Legion beneficiaries, however as new needs for RBL support is an ongoing requirement I believe that the general details would be worth re-visiting. The range of services include war pensions and compensation claims, inquest advice, benevolent / welfare help, benefits and money advice, independent living, care homes, help with electrically powered vehicles, Poppy Breaks, Family Holiday Breaks and Adventure Breaks. To qualify for support the beneficiary must have carried out seven days paid service in the Armed Forces (including Reserves). In addition there is an extensive list of others who have served their country who qualify. Also included are spouses and children, those divorced from a beneficiary and depending on circumstances, Carers who have an ongoing caring responsibility. So if you think that you or someone you know is in need and might be eligible for support, you can call me on 01487 831458 or 07780807182 or the RBL Helpline on 08088028080, which is open 8am – 8pm seven days a week. For further details, much more information can be found at The RBL also provides a handyperson service, Poppy Calls, carrying out minor home maintenance jobs. More details of this service can be found by calling the Poppy Calls Helpline on 08000320306, or my number listed above, and I will provide more details of this service in the next edition of the Sawtry Eye. Stewart Wylie Welfare Member, Sawtry & District RBL Sawtry Show 2014 Many thanks to all who contributed in any way to the success of the Show on 13 th September. It is impossible to name everybody, but we are grateful for all the help we received. Trophy Winners: Overall Adult Winner: Gil Boardman Overall Junior Winner: Victoria Warren Vegetables and Fruit: Derek Deller Flowers, Plants, Flower Arranging: Sheila Harland Cookery and Preserves: Carol Warren Wines and Beers: Gaye Fox Photography: John Boardman Arts and Crafts: Anke Chandler Special awards were made to the next highest-scoring competitors who had not previously won any trophy: Adult: Yvonne Alderman Junior: Grace Holmes We shall be reviewing the Show at our next Committee Meeting in the Old School Hall on Thursday 16th October at 7.30pm. If you have any comments, ideas, or suggestions for classes, please let us know. If you would like to be part of the planning process for the 2015 Show, please come to the meeting, or get in touch with any committee member, or the Parish Clerk. The organisation of the Show takes a lot of time and effort and demands huge commitment. I would like to thank all members of the 2014 Committee who gave so much of themselves. Dick Tuplin (Chairman of Sawtry Show Committee) Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014 Village News S aw t r y J u n i o r S c h o o l Introductions Hello, my name is Jen Howlett and I am the new Headteacher at Sawtry Junior School. Thanks to the warm welcome from the whole school community, I already feel like I have been at Sawtry Junior School for some time and I am very much looking forward to the year ahead. It is also great to see all our new Year 3 pupils settling in so well. Exciting changes have already started to take place with the launch of our new House System, the introduction of a Head Girl and Head Boy and changes to our curriculum with the introduction of the new National Curriculum. The children have made a great start to the new school year and I am looking forward to sharing their achievements with you. You can contact the school on 01487 830204 - Or email [email protected] Website: Address: Sawtry Junior School, Middlefield Road, Sawtry, Huntingdon, PE28 5SH F r e e H e a lt h Wa l k i n S aw t ry The Huntingdonshire Health Walks scheme offers 9 free weekly walks which will help you take in the stunning views and landscape that Huntingdonshire has to offer. As of September, we have introduced a new walk route in Sawtry. These walks take place on the first th th nd Tuesday of every month at 10am: 7 October, 4 November & 2 December The Health Walks are led by trained volunteers on routes of varying lengths and are a great way to improve stamina and can benefit a variety of health conditions alongside the benefits of meeting new people. You can view the current brochure at and clicking the link on the right. New walkers are asked to turn up 15 minutes before published start times to fill in a short health questionnaire. Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult. For further information please contact the Sport and Active Lifestyles team on 01480 388469 or visit Huntingdonshire Health Walks Scheme is part of the national initiative ‘Walking for Health’ delivered by Huntingdonshire District Council’s Sport and Active Lifestyles Team and supported by Cambridgeshire County Council’s Public Health Team. Sawtry's Finest Super Heroes Were Back Again! As a group of local business owners we at SSBP have been delighted to get creative and use our talents, skills and have lots of fun raising money for two amazing local charities: Sawtry First Responders and CARESCO. Having gained a great reputation and by popular demand we set about hosting our 3rd SSBP Race Night on Friday 21st March 2014. These are highly creative, extremely unique and professionally delivered races pre-filmed and shown on the night for all guests to enjoy and try their luck at guessing which superhero will win. To get a glimpse see our trailer on YouTube at This year we had 2 highlights: A fantastic hog roast from Fenland Roaster and 3 live challenges. It really was an entertaining evening and a great way to spend the night knowing also that money was being raised for charity. This year we raised just over £600. Before the night was over, requests for another race night in 2015 were made. So in a bid not to disappoint and frankly an excellent excuse for more fun and laughter we are thrilled to announce plans have been made to have our best ever race night on Friday 20th March 2015. Save the date and come join us! Tickets will be available soon. A huge thank you goes out to the many SSBP business owners who took part and made this event possible. If you have a local business and would like to find out more about what the Partnership might have to offer you, please take a look at the website, contact Ralph Maloney, Chairman on 01487 832683 or email: [email protected] The SSBP is all about local….why not find out more ? w w w . s a w t r y. n e t Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014 ON N ATURE Autumn is a testing and stressful time for our deer. The rut will be in full swing as you read this Eye. A number of our deer species take part in this annual ritual. The heavier and best conditioned males battle for possession of the ladies to form groups called harems. They then get the chance to pass on their genes to the next generation. Of the seven deer species living wild in the UK, six are found in Cambridgeshire and three are now relatively common in the area around Sawtry. These include Muntjac, Chinese Water and Roe deer. Only Red and Roe deer are native to England, all other species were introduced through the ages. The most common of our deer in Sawtry, the Muntjac originated from Woburn Park. Escapes during 1929 – 1931 allowed them to colonise Bedfordshire and they have been steadily expanding their range ever since. Muntjac are the species you are most likely to see and do come right into Sawtry village. They are browsers and eat trees and shrubs which gardeners have discovered as roses are firmly on the menu. Most deer species have specific breeding cycles, but not Muntjac. Young can be born any time of year. This makes for prolific breeding which is why they have been so successful in colonising Britain. Most of our other deer species have a more “traditional” lifecycle. Roe are first to rut which takes place in the summer months. Red, Fallow and Chinese Water deer all rut in the autumn. The young are born the following spring/summer. The Fallow deer in our area are not the traditional chestnut-brown with white spots, but some are black while others grey or brown all over. They are conspicuous in North Cambridgeshire usually in herds out in the open in arable fields in autumn/winter. Where are you most likely to see our local deer? As I have said previously, Muntjac are now living with us even in the village. The Chinese Water deer have a stronghold in the Great Fen (see Sawtry Eye Feb-March14 – available online), with Woodwalton Fen and Holme Fen their preferred areas. Roe deer are more difficult to see but I have consistently seen them in Raveley Wood. As with all wildlife, to get the best views of deer approach very very quietly, keep your distance and stay downwind, using cover if possible to breakup your outline. Early morning or dusk are the best times. I began this article talking about the rut. The BBC TV programme Autumn Watch always features a rut somewhere. My suggestion for witnessing this spectacular event is to visit Woburn Park as trying to find wild deer is quite a challenge. The spectacle at Woburn is no less dramatic but will give you a first class view of one of nature’s big events. What better way to enjoy an autumn walk than to catch up with some of our larger more conspicuous mammals. Martin Baker The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author For more information on our local wildlife, contact the Wildlife Trust phone 01954 713543 or visit Hello again everyone. The date for next year’s carnival is set for 13th June 2015. The Carnival Committee has met recently and we can confirm that the Carnival Court will be an integral part of the Carnival again this year and there are more details below. We are looking at other events happening on the same day and are considering extending the afternoon to 4:30 or even 5pm to squeeze additional attractions in during the afternoon and connect with those other events happening in the village to make for a more joined-up feel to the whole Saturday. It’s early days yet but you can see the Committee are busy with new ideas to make this 10 th Carnival the biggest and best yet so watch this space for more news over the coming months. Duncan Young The Carnival committee are looking forward to appointing our new Court for the 2015 Carnival. The Court will be an integral part of the Carnival Procession in their newly decorated float. They will also get the opportunity to represent Sawtry at other Carnivals in the region over the summer. The Court will include a Queen, Princess’s and a Rosebud. Girls are invited to enter from 5 – 20 (split into three/four age categories). We will be holding a selection and Crowning night in Spring 2015 to find our new Court- we are looking for girls full of enthusiasm and personality ready to represent Sawtry proudly. Details of the selection night will follow soon. Julia Keightley Sawtry Eye Oct - N ov 2014 Village News A N E YE Village News G OING G REEN Did you know that this year saw the tenth Sawtry Show? What a great achievement (and a lot of hard work!). As a family, we have always been big fans of the Show and have entered stuff every year, including the kids from a very young age. It’s great fun and we have gained an impressive collection of certificates over the years for a wide range of classes from ‘A Weather Station’ to chocolate brownies, lemon curd to cross stitch. This year there was a great new craft class at the Show for ‘upcycled’ items which set me thinking, just what is ‘upcycling’ and how is it different from recycling? If you ever listen to the Archers on Radio 4, you’ll know that Fallon is starting up a business based on upcycling. She finds old bits of furniture and other treasure then ‘does them up’ to give them a new lease of life before selling them on. So upcycling is reusing something which was going to be thrown away by either revamping it or by changing it in some way for another use. Whereas recycling involves physically breaking an item down, for example melting a glass bottle & making a bowl out of the material. Upcycling has some great benefits, for one it uses less energy than actual recycling. For another it’s very satisfying! On the downside, certainly in our house, it encourages hording. There is stuff stashed all over our home waiting for that moment when it might just come in useful for a project or a piece of homework. My collection of off-cuts of fabric alone is remarkable and waiting for the inspiration to start quilting. We may be beyond the junk modelling stage, but you’d be amazed what is sometimes needed for the more creative assignments set by schools. At the Show there were a lovely range of examples of upcycling including a very impressive tower of beautiful pieces of ceramics, candle sticks, teapots, cups & saucers and so on. Another entry was a small table which had been completely revamped – with photos to show how it was done. Or how about the t-shirt ingeniously converted into a clothes peg bag? All very clever, though I can’t imagine that any plans for upcycling will significantly reduce the amount we put out in our recycling bin, but we will have a lot of fun being creative! Eco Apprentice S aw t ry H i s t o ry S o c i e t y th On 17 July we were treated to a talk on the History of Tea and some tea tasting by Sarah Ormiston. Legend has it that tea was discovered 2737BC by Emperor Shen Nung when he was sitting under a Camellia Sinensis tree waiting for his hot water to cool when some leaves fell into the water, it was said that it refreshed the spirit and alleviated tiredness, fought off illness and boosted energy. Tea became popular in Japanese royal circles up to the 9 th century, the Buddhist monks tea ceremony is still carried out today. The ceremony is carried out with only 4 people at a time, they have to wash their hands and feet and after a meal of rice and sushi they are sent out and returned in silence for the ceremony. Another famous event involving Tea is the Boston Tea party which was caused by high taxes imposed in England. Tea bags came about in 1904 when samples were sent to customers in silk bags. We concluded the evening by tasting 10 different teas including Green Tea, Assam, Blossom Earl Grey and Lapsang Souchon. Our next meeting is on Thursday 16th October, the subject will be the results of the Archaeology dig around Sawtry, and on 20th November when the subject will be a talk from RAF Wyton on ‘The Pathfinders’, both meetings to look forward too and hope to see you there. Don’t forget to come and see us at the Library on Saturday mornings from 10.00 - 12.00. The History Society meets on the third Thursday of the month in the WI Hall, Gidding Road, Sawtry. Contact 01487 830054 for more information. Sheila Tibbs Mondays & Tuesdays 10.30am – 1.30pm At the CARESCO Centre, (behind the Old School Hall), Green End Road, Sawtry, PE28 5UX Club members meet for company, conversation and to share a two-course meal cooked fresh on the day. The more active may enjoy helping with small tasks. We can be flexible with attendance and couples are welcome Transport can be provided within Sawtry For more information please contact CARESCO on 01487 832105 and ask for Lyn Or call into the office weekday mornings Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014 Do you shop online? Did you know that every time you buy something you could be raising money for CARESCO? That’s right - over 2400 well known retailers including Amazon, M&S, Boden, Waitrose, House of Fraser, Vodafone, Virgin Atlantic and many more, will donate a percentage of what you spend to CARESCO when you shop with them, via fundraising website It’s like Nectar but instead of earning points, each purchase generates a donation. So instead of going directly to a retailer’s website, go to easyfundraising first and choose the retailer you want to shop with – then everything you spend with that retailer earns a free donation for CARESCO. It’s completely free to use and your shopping won’t cost you a penny more. To make it even simpler, by downloading the toolbar, your computer will remind you if you visit the website of a registered retailer. On average, each retailer will donate 5% of the cost of your shopping - and those donations soon mount up. So whatever you need to buy, from your weekly grocery shop or fashion must-have, to your business travel, office supplies or mobile phone, buy it via easyfundraising and raise money for CARESCO at no extra cost to you! Please register to supporting us when you shop online N e w s F r o m S aw t ry L i b r a ry Summer Reading Challenge This year we had 72 children taking part in the Mythical Maze Challenge with 45 Children completing their maze. They all received their medals and certificates at our special presentation on Tuesday 16th September. The Reading Challenge was once again sponsored by Sawtry Parish Council. New member of staff We would like to welcome back Liz Graham as our new member of staff who will be working at Sawtry on a regular basis. Rhymetimes Rhymetimes have now started back after the summer holidays on a Wednesday morning 10.00am – 10.30am but will now be term time only. “Colour in My Life” by Jill Waddell This Adult talk and interactive event will be held at Sawtry Library on Wednesday 1st October at 2pm. The event will be free, admission is by ticket only and numbers will be limited and are available from Sawtry Library. Library at Home Volunteer We currently need Library at Home volunteers in the Sawtry area to visit readers in their homes who are unable to visit the library. You would be required to visit the Library on their behalf , choose their books and return them to the customer. If you would like more information please ask a member of staff. OPENING HOURS FOR SAWTRY LIBRARY Monday CLOSED Tuesday 4.00 - 7.00 Wednesday 9.30 - 12.30; Thursday CLOSED Friday 2.00 - 5.00 Saturday 9.30 - 12.30 2.00 - 5.00 To renew Books: 0345 045 5225 To renew or Request Books Pam Goodwin Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014 Village News An E a s y Way To R a i s e F u n d s S aw t ry D ay C e n t r e N e w s I have to start my piece this issue with some sad news about three of our members, Kit Whitney, John Hunt and Janet Holden who have all passed on. All were long standing members and will be missed. Our thanks go out to David and Jacqui Whitney, Colin and David Holden and to Wendy Hunt for their very kind and generous donations in memory which will be put to good use. Since the last issue we have been out on our summer trip. We enjoyed a good lunch at The Bridge in Waterbeach, a fabulous setting by the river made better by warm and sunny weather. We had a visit from Gilly Vose from St Neots museum who bought 50's memorabilia and David Waters made a return visit to sing to us in mid-September, as always our plans are ongoing as regards future entertainment. There is also a change in staff as Lyn Wallis who has worked for many years as our cook has retired, staff members and volunteers would like to thank her for her years of service. We are in the process of recruiting a replacement for Lyn and by the next issue we will have a new cook in place. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Pat Ayres for stepping in and taking over the cooking along with Daphne Bacon and Angela Newell. All of their help is invaluable and without them all we would have found it very difficult if not impossible to function. As always our doors are open to anyone in the community who needs us, so feel free to drop in Wednesday or Thursday where a warm welcome awaits you, or call the office between 9.00 to 12.00 Until the next time Gill Robinson, Deputy Manager, Sawtry Day Centre You can find us at the CARESCO Centre on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9.30am until 2.30pm, email us at [email protected] or call the office on 01487 832105 N e w M u s i c a l D i r e c to r F o r S aw t ry C h o r a l e w w w . s a w t r yc h o r a l e . c o . u k Rehearsals have started in earnest for our winter concerts, under our new Musical Director, Joanna Goldspink, a music graduate who is not only an accomplished pianist and singer but who also has experience as an MD. Joanna was runner-up Peterborough Young Musician of the Year on piano in 2010 and in 2011 became an Associate of Trinity College London. As a singer she has played various principal roles with Gilbert & Sullivan societies and has also played Carlotta in The Phantom of the Opera. She sang with the Birmingham University Singers and in the University Women's Choir, runners-up in the Choir of the World final at the 2014 International Eisteddfod in Llangollen. Joanna was Musical Director for the University of Birmingham G&S Society 2012-13, and Assistant MD 2013-14. She was MD of the Peterborough G&S Players' production of The Sorcerer, September 2013. She is using her knowledge and experience to help us expand our repertoire still further and to continue to improve all aspects of performance. This term we have also welcomed our new accompanist, Martha Page, a talented young pianist who, with our new MD, is taking us through our new programme of seasonal songs. The choir is enjoying the challenge of new pieces and traditional ones with new arrangements. There will be something for everyone in the new programme. We are always looking for new singers and I am pleased to say that a new soprano has joined us. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings at 7.45pm in the Methodist Church Hall, Green End Road, Sawtry. Do come along and sing with us. You won’t be asked to audition and there is no requirement to read music. Hazel Rea S aw t ry F o o d B a n k Along with other partner organisations, CARESCO is looking into the possibility of setting up a Food Bank in Sawtry for local people. Currently the nearest bank is based in Godmanchester which is difficult to access from the village. While there are a number of issues which need to be worked through to make it possible, we are keen to get the project off the ground in the coming months. If you are interested in getting involved in the setting up process, have knowledge and skills to offer the team, would like to give your time as a volunteer or use the service once the food bank is open for business. Please get in touch in the first instance with the CARESCO office on 01487 832105, email: [email protected] or call in weekday mornings between 9 & 12. Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014 The Mulberries (5) Road Names on the New Gidding Road Development, Sawtry The names for this estate were chosen by the Developers from the Sawtry War Memorial and approved by the District Council: Rowell Way, Richardson Drive, Parker Crescent, Hodson Court, Woollard Walk and Stapleton Close. Here we continue to bring you some of the background to those men and the service they gave to their country during the two World Wars (to read earlier articles, you can download previous issues of the Eye from RICHARDSON DRIVE Richardson J Pte. – James was a serving soldier of the 1st Battalion, North- amptonshire Regiment, he enlisted in Peterborough probably along with Herbert Rowell as their service numbers are consecutive, also from Sawtry. He was born in 1889 the son of Amos and Mary Ann Richardson, Amos was a Navvy on G.N.R. The family consisted of 4 boys and 5 girls. James was married to Lilian, who later remarried and became Lilian Sharman and moved to Sleaford, Lincs. James was killed in action during the Battle of the Aisne on Monday, 24 th September 1914 and is commemorated on La Ferte-sous-Jouarre Memorial, Seie-et-Marne, France. He was the first Sawtry man to be killed during the 1st World War. To be continued….. Sheila Tibbs & Alan Bottell Sawtry History Society R o ya l B r i t i s h L e g i o n Sawtry & District Branch As you pick up and read this copy of the Sawtry Eye, the end of Poppy Appeal 2013 will have past and the 2014 Appeal year started. It is my pleasure to inform you that your kindness over the year, not just at Remembrance but by attending different events that we have organised, has raised in excess of £10,000. Once again I salute your generosity. All of our events went well, we were particularly grateful to the Wyton Voluntary Band for assisting us with our concert. ‘THANK YOU’, to all Businesses and Supporters who contributed prizes and those who loaned equipment and helped set up at various events, unfortunately I can’t name you all here. You can gain more information about the Legion and particularly the Branch now by following us on Facebook, full details below. Details of our Bingo dates may be found in Make a Date on page 2. This year has had a few significant anniversaries, including in June the 70 th Anniversary of D Day, August, the Centenary of the start of WW1, September the 75th Anniversary of the start of WW2. There are a couple of others that most may not know about. October is the 50 th Anniversary of the official opening of the Sawtry Ex-Service and Working Men’s Club. The original building on the site was a Nissan Hut and known as THE HUT. It and the land it stands on was given to all Ex-Servicemen from the village by the Ben Irish family in the 1920s after the Great War for recreational pursuits. In 1964, at a Royal British Legion meeting, in the then Chequers Pub, it was decided that a separate Committee should be formed to administer an Ex-Service & Working Men's Social Club for the purpose of maintaining a permanent memorial in honour of the memory of the Servicemen from this village who were lost in both World Wars. Full details can be read in a Publication called TIMES PAST, by Derrick Allen (out of print). The story is also included in Looking into Hell by Mel Rolfe (available now). The other anniversary is of Derrick Allen himself, a man born in this village in 1924 who joined the RAF in 1943 and became a Sergeant Gunner in a Lancaster of the Australian Air Force. They went out on a night Bombing Mission over Germany in November 1944, when the aircraft was hit by ground fire, whilst they were over Belgium. The aircraft was so badly damaged that they were ordered to BAIL OUT; however one of the crew, another gunner, was trapped in his turret and destined to go down with aircraft. Derrick, not considering his own safety, managed to get his colleague out of the turret just as the aircraft broke up and they both bailed out at low altitude. Unfortunately Derrick’s crew mate didn't survive the landing on the ground but Derrick found himself hanging from a tree. Derrick received the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal for his action. It is fair to say that Derrick carried on his life in that vein after leaving the Air Force in 1946. He went back to his trade of Carpentry & Joinery. Derrick became the Chairman of the founding committee when the Ex-Service & Working Men's Club was formed in 1964 and involved himself in many social and community associations all through the rest of his life including the British Legion. The 22 nd November this year will be the 70th Anniversary of his aircraft being shot down. Derrick's family will be visiting the crash site and the tree into which he was fortunate to fall into in Belgium again this year for his special Anniversary. Facebook SAWTRY RBL Contact:- Allan Fowler 01487 830806 / [email protected] Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014 W e l l s i d e S u r g e ry N e w s Annual Flu Clinic Our Flu Clinic for this year will be held on Saturday 11th October pending any notification of changes to our delivery dates. Should it be necessary to alter the date we will publicise this within the surgery and on our website. Patients falling within the following at risk categories will be entitled to the vaccination: Aged 65 or above Chronic respiratory disease, such as severe asthma, COPD or bronchitis Chronic heart disease Chronic renal disease at stage 3, 4 or 5 Chronic liver disease Chronic neurological disease Diabetes Patients who are immunosuppressed Patients who have a splenic dysfunction Patients who are at any stage of pregnancy Patients living in long-stay residential care homes If you receive a carer’s allowance, or if you are the main carer for an elderly or disabled person whose welfare would be at risk if you were taken ill. Surnames beginning with Please Attend A—F 9am - 9.45am G—M 9.45am - 10.30am N—S 10.30am - 11.15am T—Z 11.15am - 12pm Flu vaccination appointments with our Practice Nursing Team will be available later in the month for patients who are unable to attend the flu clinic. If you wish to book one of these appointments please contact our Reception Team on 01487 830340 nearer the time. We will also be participating in the national programme to offer the flu vaccination to all children who will be aged 2, 3 or 4 on 1st September 2014. We will be writing to invite this group of patients to attend nearer the time. Wednesday afternoons In response to the results of a patient survey carried our early last year please can I remind you that we now provide a full range of services on a Wednesday afternoon including the following: Routine and/or emergency GP appointments Nurse appointments Reception services – including collection of prescriptions Dispensary services Mrs Claire Wright, Practice Manager Wellside Surgery, Sawtry, Tel: 01487 830340 C AR E S C O C h a r i t y S h o p As the seasons change once again, why not pop into the shop and find yourself a new wardrobe item and a bargain at the same time. Stock is constantly changing so there is always something different on the rails. Our thanks to all our customers and volunteers for making the shop so successful and raising much needed funds for CARESCO to continue and expand services to the local community. The additional income has made the organisation more secure and helped us to introduce our new Good Neighbours scheme—of which more on page 19 in this issue. Contact the shop on 01487 208026 or by email [email protected] or by calling in to: 7 Greenways, Sawtry during opening hours 9 - 4.30pm Mon – Fri & 9 – 12.30pm Saturdays. Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014 E v e ry b o d y N e e d s G o o d N e i g h b o u r s Do you feel lonely or isolated in your own home? Or know someone who is? Would you like someone to call or visit for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat? We can help, please contact us on the number below to find out more or to request a visit from our Co-ordinator. This brand new scheme is being launched to reach out to people in our community who feel cut off in their own homes. We are currently recruiting a team of volunteer ‘Befrienders’ who are wiling to be matched up one-to-one with someone who would like a visitor to pop round on a regular basis for a natter. If you are interested in joining the team then please contact Emma on the number below to find out more and to offer your services. We are looking for a commitment of at least one hour a week to build up a friendship with someone who would like some company in their own home. Befrienders will not be expected to carry out household tasks or provide personal care, just to give their time and friendship. All visitors will be required to undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service check. Emma Byrne Good Neighbour Co-ordinator Email: [email protected] or call 07840 015969 S t N i c h o l a s Pa r i s h C h u r c h Church Road, Glatton SUNDAY SERVICES October 5th 12th 16th 19th 26th 6.00 pm 9.00 am 10.00 am 9.00 am 9.00 am Evening Prayer (BCP) Holy Communion Holy Communion (BCP) Holy Communion Holy Communion 9.00 am 9.00 am 9.00 am 10.00 am 9.00 am 9.00 am Morning Prayer (BCP) Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion (BCP) Holy Communion Advent Words and Music November 2nd 9th 16th 20th 23th 30th Cheese & Wine A Cheese and Wine evening will be held in October as a further event to contribute to our continuing fund raising efforts towards the Church roof repairs. Christmas Fayre The Christmas Fayre will be held in the Village Hall from 2—4pm on Saturday 22nd November. Tea and Cake Come and join in the Tea Afternoon on 15th October and 19th November in the Village Hall from 3—4.30pm. Find out what is happening at St Nicholas, chat with friends and meet new people. FOR FURTHER DETAILS RING THE RECTOR: Please phone Rector Rosie on (01487) 830215 with any general enquiries or notices you would like included, or if you wish to have prayers said for anyone. Visit Glatton website for more information See Glatton website for more information: Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014 REMEMBRANCE The Sawtry and District Branch of the Royal British Legion remember the fallen throughout the year. In October and November we particularly remember: OCTOBER Lance Sergeant John William BINGHAM Private George Thomas HALL Private George Christopher BABBAGE Lance Corporal John Robert ALLAN Private Percy WOODS Private Jim QUINCEY Private Arthur George COLES Private Christopher HARRISON Private Jesse WRIGHT Corporal George SYMONDS Private William HARRIS Private George Arthur GINNS Pilot Officer Henry John Hamley JONES NOVEMBER Rifleman Herbert SHARPE Private George Henry BOWLAND Private Herbert PARKER Private James JACKSON Private Walter James TURNER Lance Corporal Dennis Montague PETERS Lance Corporal James Walter QUICK Private Leslie Benjamin FAVELL 29 October 1914 18 October 1916 25 October 1916 31 October 1916 31 October 1916 2 October 1917 9 October 1917 19 October 1917 31 October 1917 8 October 1918 21 October 1918 24 October 1918 21 October 1943 Holme Conington Great Gidding Sawtry Sawtry Holme Hamerton Conington Conington Holme Holme Sawtry Great Gidding 14 November 1914 14 November 1916 3 November 1917 22 November 1917 8 November 1918 9 November 1942 14 November 1942 1/2 November 1944 Holme Sawtry Sawtry Sawtry Old Weston Sawtry Glatton Old Weston They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. St Benedict’s Catholic Community, Sawtry Sunday Mass: 9.15am Women’s Institute Hall Gidding Road, Sawtry. There is a House Mass each month, and a weekly Prayer Group. For further details of these and for any other enquiries, please contact Tony Stefanelli, 01487 830680 We are served by the Roman Catholic Parish of St Luke’s 26 Benyon Grove, Orton Malborne, Peterborough, PE2 5XS Parish Priest: Fr John Minh 01733 370877 Email: [email protected] Website: Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014 A l l S a i n t s ’ Pa r i s h C h u r c h Church Causeway, Sawtry SERVICES October 5th 12th 19th 26th November 2nd 9th 16th 23rd 30th 8.00 am 10.30 am 10.30 am 10.30 am 10.30 am Holy Communion (BCP) Harvest Festival for All Ages Holy Communion Morning Prayer Holy Communion 8.00 am 10.30 am 10.50 am 10.30 am 10.30 am 10.30 am Holy Communion (BCP) All Age Worship for All Saints United Remembrance Sunday Parade Service Morning Prayer Holy Communion Advent Words and Music HARVEST FESTIVAL Our Harvest Festival service is on 5th October at 10.30am. Come and thank God for the food he provides! Please bring a harvest offering suitable for donation to a Food Bank, eg tinned meat, tuna, veg, rice pudding, custard; packets of cereal, rice, pasta, tea, small bags of sugar; instant coffee. That afternoon (5th Oct) all are also invited to a Harvest Tea, 4 - 5.30pm in church. Tickets: adults £3.50, children £2. MESSY CHURCH Messy Church, for adults and children, will take place at All Saints on Saturdays 18th October and 15th November, 4.30 - 6.30pm. Get messy with crafts activities, Bible story, songs, and a meal together. ADVENTURERS AND DISCOVERERS After school Adventurers Club (for Years 1 and 2) will meet at the Sawtry Infant School on Tuesdays 21st October and 11th November, 3.00 - 4.30 pm. Discoverers group (for Junior School years 3-6) will meet at All Saints Church on Fridays 10th and 31st October and 21st November, 6 - 7.30pm. For more info on any of these groups, contact Ali Scott on 07506411507 or 832478. WINTER FAYRE Buy your Christmas presents at our Winter Fayre, on Saturday 15th November, 10.30am - 12.30pm, at All Saints. Lots of stalls, and refreshments will be served. We look forward to seeing you. SATURDAY OPENING The Church is open every Saturday from 2.00 to 4.00 pm. Do come along for some quiet space or a cup of tea and a chat - a warm welcome awaits you. FOR FURTHER DETAILS CONTACT THE RECTOR Contact Rector Rosie on (01487) 830215 or [email protected] with any general enquiries or enquiries about baptisms or weddings, if you would like a visit, you have any questions about the Christian faith, or to ask for prayer. Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014 S a w t ry M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h Green End Road, Sawtry, PE28 5UX Rev Katy Dunn - Tel 01480 830314 Sunday Services Morning Worship at 10.30am Sunday School at 10.30am Special Services All Age Worship 19th October – 10.30am Led by Angie Barnes Remembrance Day Service 9th November – 10.45am United Service at All Saints All Age Worship 16th November – 10.30am Led by Katy Salmon Circuit Service 23rd November - 6pm with Guest Preacher, The Rt. Rev. David Gillett Former Bishop of Bolton and now Honorary Assistant Bishop and Interfaith Advisor to the Diocese of Norwich Come and join us Monday United Fellowship Alternate Mondays starting at 2.30pm - Open to all 6th & 20th October 3rd & 17th November Contact Joy Kisby for more information on 01733 566588 Saturday Coffee Mornings 9.30 – 11 am including Cake Stall ** Saturday 8th November ** Coffee Morning / Mini Market 9.30 am to 11.30 am Various stalls including cake, jams, plants, white elephant, gift etc., In aid of Building Project Phase 2. Independent Living Fund (ILF) closure, June 2015 The Independent Living Fund (ILF) aims to support long term, independent living for severely disabled people by helping them to live at home instead of in residential care. In March 2014, the Government announced that it will be closing on 30th June 2015 when the County Council will take over responsibility for meeting the eligible care and support needs of ILF users. The County Council and ILF are working closely together to make sure the transfer of responsibility for funding arrangements takes place as smoothly as possible. The ILF website includes more information about the programme’s closure, or you can phone the County Council’s Customer Services on 0345 045 5202 with any questions. The ILF is no longer accepting any new applications. Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014 Living Landscapes On Wednesday 8th October At 7.30pm at Brampton Memorial Hall, Thrapston Road, Brampton, PE28 4TB Our speaker, Oliver Burke, is Director of Living Landscapes at the Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire and oversees the Trust’s conservation and community work across the 126 nature reserves and the nine Living Landscape Schemes including the Great Fen. Oliver originally trained as a Marine Biologist but has since worked for over fifteen years in conservation, most recently for the Wildlife Trust in Northamptonshire where he secured one of only 12 National Nature Improvement Areas for the Nene Valley. Oliver will explain how the Living Landscapes project emerged and how it will encourage wildlife to thrive, disperse and re-colonise both nationally and locally, with particular emphasis on the Great Fen and Nene Valley. Wildlife in Peterborough On Wednesday 12th November At 7.30pm at Brampton Memorial Hall, Thrapston Road, Brampton, PE28 4TB Our speaker, Sarah Lambert, is a freelance botanist who has lived in Peterborough for thirty years and has an intimate knowledge of its wildlife resource. Through her work with the Wildlife Trust, Froglife, Peterborough Environment Conservation Trust and Natural England, Sarah has firsthand experience of many of the local wildlife initiatives, including the establishment of local nature reserves. Sarah’s work has ranged from botanical surveying and site assessment, to reconciling nature conservation with flood defence, agricultural and recreational interests, to the production of policy guidance for Natural Capital and brownfield sites. Anyone interested in wildlife is most welcome to attend. Entrance charge £2.50; accompanied children free. Please contact Tim on 01480 457795 for further information. Please visit the website for more information or contact Phil on 01487 822835. Part of the Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire. Registered Charity No: 1000412 Cambridgeshire Fire And Rescue Service WINTER is coming and after seeing a rise in chimney fires last year, Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service is encouraging all residents to get their chimney professionally swept before the cold sets in. Top tips to enjoy an open fire safely: · Sweep your chimney at least once a year and get brickwork inspected, especially the chimney breast and roof space. · Do not bank fires too high or overload the grate, and remember to let them burn down well and check the hearth before going to bed. · Use a fire or spark guard to prevent accidental fires. · Do not place objects on or over the mantle-piece which may cause you to stand too close to the fire to reach or use them. · Burn only suitable fuels and avoid burning resinous woods as soot builds up quickly. Above all, ensure you have a working smoke alarm fitted on each floor or your home. To find out if you are eligible for a free home fire safety check, call 0800 917 99 94. Find us on Facebook and Twitter: @cambsfrs Cambsfrs Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014 W h at G o e s W h e r e ? Huntingdonshire residents are among the top recyclers in the Country recycling around 60 per cent of all household waste. This is an outstanding achievement and the Council does appreciate all the efforts residents make to sort their waste. There still seems to be some confusion over what materials can be recycled within the dry recycling bin which unfortunately means a number of bins are being rejected due to incorrect materials being present. Recycling bins that are found to have incorrect materials in will be stickered for your information, and will not be collected until your next recycling collection once these items are removed. The Council wants to make recycling as easy as possible for residents and encourages everyone to only place the materials listed below within the dry recycling bin and help to reduce the risk of any recyclable material going to landfill. Plastic Bottles – remove the lids, wash the bottle and then squash Drinks cans and food tins – rinse before putting in your bin to reduce other materials getting contaminated with food waste Paper, card, magazines and phone directories – no matter how big or small all types of paper is accepted, including envelopes Juice and milk cartons – rinse out any residue before placing into your bin Glass jars and bottles – once washed out, these can be put straight into your bin with the rest of your recycling Place your recycling straight into your bin loose, there is no need to sort into material types or place in plastic bags. Materials that are wrongly placed in the dry recycling bin are a significant problem, which the Council is working hard to minimise, but we can’t reduce the contamination of the bins without your help. The following items cannot be recycled within your recycling bin: Black plastic bags – avoid putting your recycling into a bag before placing into your bin. Reuse bags where you can for shopping Textiles, Clothes and Shoes - we are unable to recycle textiles placed within the bin. If you have unwanted textiles pass them on to your local charity shop or place in one of the textile banks located throughout the district. All food waste is collected for composting from your compost bin. If you currently don’t have a compost bin, place any food waste with your domestic waste bin. If you have any unwanted Wood items, take these to your local Household Waste Recycling Centre where it will be collected for recycling. Disposable nappies should be placed in your domestic waste bin for landfill. To find out more about reusable nappies visit Contamination can easily be avoided by only placing the correct items in your bin for recycling. Learn more about the materials that can be recycled within the recycling bin by visiting or contacting 01480 388640 Community Oil Buying Scheme Now is the time to consider your heating oil requirements for the winter months. Traditionally heating oil prices in the summer and early autumn months tend to be cheaper and deliveries faster than in the colder weather. Cambridgeshire ACRE’s community oil buying scheme is designed to help purchasers of central heating oil to make savings by buying in bulk. The scheme is open to anyone in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. Community buildings such as churches and village halls as well as businesses which are reliant upon heating oil can join too. The annual membership fee for domestic users is £20 and covers as many oil orders as you need during the course of the year. Through our partnership with AF Affinity Limited, a subsidiary of Anglia Farmers Limited, the leading agricultural purchasing co-operative in the United Kingdom, the scheme makes the most of collective purchasing power. The average saving is usually 2pence per litre against online prices. In July and August this year members who ordered oil in these months got it at less than 50pence per litre (exclusive of VAT at 5%). The environment benefits too as every time a tanker comes out to make a delivery, it is using a lot of diesel – a full tanker can get as little as a horrifying 8 miles per gallon. If deliveries are organised so that one tanker delivers to several customers in a village, instead of making lots of individual deliveries, the fuel consumption is reduced and so is traffic in the village. Step 1: Join the Cambridgeshire ACRE Community Oil Buying Scheme Step 2: Receive a reminder to check your oil levels Step 3: Place your order online Step 4: Sit back whilst our negotiators get the best possible price Step 5: Take delivery of the oil and pay the company To find out more about the Cambridgeshire ACRE Community Oil Buying Scheme go to our website or contact Julie Weekes on 01353 860850 email: [email protected] Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014 Fa i r t r a d e i s 2 0 ! Can you believe it, the Fairtrade Mark has been with us for twenty years! Significant changes have happened in that time to improve the lot of farmers and producers and for their communities. Emerging from persistent appeals for fairness in trade from Mexican small-scale coffee farmers, in 1994 a crusading group of NGOs, charities and trade campaigners came up with an idea. The FAIRTRADE Mark was born, and the first three Fairtrade certified products hit UK shops: Green & Black’s Maya Gold chocolate, Cafédirect coffee, and Clipper tea. Products carrying the new FAIRTRADE Mark promised a better deal for the farmers growing the ingredients, an agreed price plus Fairtrade Premium towards their communities and businesses. Twenty years later, Fairtrade is a household name, with the Mark on over 4,500 products, and part of a unique and truly global movement. From these modest beginnings Fairtrade has grown to 450 companies now licensed to trade 4,500 Fairtrade products in the UK, ranging from traditional commodities such as coffee and tea, to cotton, raisins, spices, cut flowers, cakes and gold jewellery. Awareness of the FAIRTRADE Mark has risen from 25% in 2003 to 78% in 2013 through the vibrant and active grassroots social movement in the Fairtrade communities of now over 560 Fairtrade Towns, 1050 Fairtrade schools, 170 universities and colleges and 7,000 Faith groups. And, most importantly, 697 producer groups from 60 different countries are now benefitting from supplying the UK with Fairtrade produce. Out of Fairtrade’s leading products, 2013 sales grew for coffee (8%), sugar (22%), bananas (12%) and flowers (16%) and this trend has continued worldwide with strong continued growth as consumer sales of Fairtrade certified products hit €5.5 billion (US$7.3 billion). So Happy Birthday Fairtrade, here’s to the next twenty! Look for the FAIRTRADE Mark on your shopping. It’s your guarantee that disadvantaged farmers and workers in the developing world are getting a better deal. For more information visit or call the Fairtrade Foundation on 020 7405 5942 The Garden Month by Month My plant for October: Cyclamen hederifolium. Hardy tuber. These plants are not difficult to recognise, (C. hederifolium: Latin - ivy -like) is so called because it has mainly soft shaped ivy like leaves with exquisite silver patterns on each blade they have slightly scented little 5 petal reflexive nodding heads of sugary pink - white flowers which are usually solitary. This tuberous species grows wild from Italy to western Turkey. Being evergreen they can be used as an ideal backdrop to snowdrops under trees. (C. hederifolium Aut. fl) is the most useful Cyclamen for colonising, as it’s fully hardy. (C. hederifolium var. confusum has a wonderful scent). C. coum is another hardy cyclamen useful for colonising. Jobs of the month: - Plant seasonal bulbs. Plant evergreen shrubs. ie Rhododendrons etc, clear leaves off the lawn, start turfing. Plant wall flowers. My plant for November: Viburnum bodnantense. var: Dawn. H. D. shrub. Any plant with scent in winter is a welcome addition to the garden, though perhaps not the greatest looking of plants when not in flower, it makes up for this with its beautifully fragrant little rose pink clusters of flowers, which are surprisingly frost - resistant. The scent is honey sweet, suffused with almond, which carries in the air. Plant it somewhere where it will get shelter from excessive frost and cold winds. Grow in sun or semishade in a deep, fertile well - drained but moisture retentive soil. Jobs of the month: - Plant evergreen shrubs, hedges and deciduous shrubs and roses. Plant tulips. Plant garlic protect in severe weather. Dig up & store dahlia tubers. Now is a good time to plant bare-rooted fruit trees and bushes but avoid planting in frost or snow. The Gardener Junk Mail/Unwanted Calls You can register your address/phone number with the preference services to reduce the amount of junk mail or number of sales calls you get. It will not stop them all, but will help. The contact details are: Mailing Preference Service (MPS) DMA House 70 Margaret Street London W1W 8SS Telephone Preference Service (TPS) DMA House 70 Margaret Street London W1W 8SS MPS Registration line - 0845 703 4599 TPS Registration line - 0845 070 0707 Web Web Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014 rts / General Info Sp Commissioner urges drivers to “belt-up” Cambridgeshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner Sir Graham Bright is backing a campaign to encourage car users to wear seatbelts. The campaign is part of a Europe-wide blitz on seatbelts. European research suggests that about 50% of all car occupants that die in fatal accidents in the EU could have survived if they had been wearing their seat belt. Sir Graham said: “Road safety is one of the biggest concerns the public raises with me. The chance of serious injury is greatly increased if you are not wearing a seat belt and can have long term consequences for both the injured as well as their families. So please belt-up and make sure those in the car with you do likewise.” Roads Policing Sergeant Chris Huggins said: "Over the coming weeks officers from our roads policing unit will be carrying out regular patrols targeting those flouting the law in relation to wearing a seatbelt. This campaign is not just about fining people for breaking the law, it's also about giving them valuable advice which could save their life." Those caught not using the life-saving device can be fined up to £500. South Cambridgeshire Hall, Cambourne Business Park, Cambourne, Cambridge, CB23 6EA Email: [email protected] - Visit: -Follow @PCCCambs S aw t ry C o lt s The new football season is back at Sawtry Colts but still very much in its infancy with most teams, as I write, only just returning to the pitches. As ever in September cricket takes precedence over at Greenfield so most teams are facing a few away matches to begin the new season. Our youngest and newest team, the Under 7s (U7s), played their first match and ended comfortable victors, in what will hopefully be the first of many local derbies over the years, as they defeated Alconbury 8-2. The U9 Blues have had a mixed start with a 7-2 win over Warboys and a narrow 3-2 loss against St Ives to start the season. The U10 Yellows began their season with an emphatic 6-1 victory away to Huntingdon playing some good football in the process. They got off to a great start scoring in the first minute and just grew in confidence from then on. The U10 Blues also began well, winning by the odd goal in a 7 goal thriller - more of the same and the fans will be flocking back to Greenfield. The U11s started with a convincing victory an 11-1 win at Boston, I’m sure there will be harder matches to come but it’s a fine start to their season. The U12s have yet to begin their season but should be in action soon with a local derby away to Stilton. The U13s have played but the one game, going down 8-1 to a good Little Paxton side. They’ll be hoping a first win is just round the corner when they play Needingworth next. The U14s Blues have also yet to play any league matches but the U14 Yellows opened their season with an excellent 2-1 win away to Somersham. The U14 Girls have also yet to play a match but start their season away to Swavesey and hope to start with a win. The U18s began with an excellent win 4-1 away to Whittlesey and the U18 Girls are also waiting to play their first match but open up away to Sawston which will be a good test of how they get on this season. So most teams have ventured back on to the pitches and the initial results are very promising, here’s hoping we can better last year when two Sawtry Colts teams managed to win their divisions. Just a reminder that the ever-popular Sawtry Development Centre returns in October. Sessions will run from 10.30 - 11.30am on Sunday mornings and are designed to give Reception and Year 1 children their first introduction to football. The sessions are all run by FA Qualified coaches - watch out for flyers arriving in local schools soon or pop along to Sawtry Colts website, for more details. Good luck to all the teams this season, hopefully we can bring news of further success this season. Brian Craig S aw t ry B a d m i n t o n C l u b Are looking for players to join them On Wednesday evenings - At Sawtry One Leisure From 8.00pm to 10.00pm Junior Badminton Club Including qualified coaching - 10 years + From 7.00pm to 8.00pm For more information please contact: Robert Stefanelli Tel: 01487 832871 Mobile: 07948123620 Email: [email protected] Web Page: Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014 S aw t ry F o o t b a l l C l u b An F.A. Charter Standard Club The new season has started and Sawtry FC are running four teams, all sponsored by The Greystones PH. They are Sawtry First Team playing in the Premier Division, Sawtry Reserves playing in Division 2 and Sawtry ‘A’ playing in Division 5 of the Peterborough Football League. Also for the first time there is Sawtry Ladies who are playing in the ‘S Tech’ Cambs League Women’s Championship South. All teams play their home games at Greenfield, Sawtry, the Men’s teams on Saturday and the Ladies on Sunday. Results so far 1st Team August 9 League Premier Division Sawtry 1–1 Holbeach Utd Res Leverington Sports FC 2–0 Sawtry 16 Cup 19 League Premier Division Sawtry 1–2 Stilton Utd 23 26 League Premier Division League Premier Division Sawtry Riverside FC 2–3 2–4 P’boro Sports Res Sawtry 30 League Premier Division Crowland Town FC 3–5 Sawtry September 3 League Premier Division Netherton Utd 1–1 Sawtry 6 League Premier Division Langtoft Utd 2–0 Sawtry 13 League Premier Division Deeping Rangers Res 1–5 Sawtry Reserves August 30 League Division 2 Sawtry Res 2–2 Thorney Res September 6 League Division 2 Wittering FC 1–6 Sawtry Res 13 League Division 2 Sawtry Res 2–2 Crowland Town Res Sawtry ‘A’ Sawtry ‘A’ 3-0 1-4 Tydd St Mary Res Warboys Town Res Sawtry Ladies 2-1 Newmarket Town Ladies ‘A’ August 30 League Division 5 September 6 Cup Ladies September 14 Championship South Forthcoming Fixtures at Greenfield September 27 October 4 5 League Premier Division Sawtry v Thorney FC League Division 2 Sawtry Res v Stamford Belvedere League Division 5 Sawtry ‘A’ v Holbeach Utd ‘A’ Sawtry Ladies v Cambridge Rangers Sawtry v P’boro ICA Sports Championship South 11 League Premier Division 18 League Division 5 Sawtry ‘A’ v Parkway Eagles Res 25 League Division 2 Sawtry Res v Wittering FC League Division 5 Sawtry ‘A’ v Coates Athletic ‘C’ Sawtry Ladies v March Town Utd Ladies Sawtry Res v St Ives Rangers Sawtry ‘A’ v AFC Stanground Res Sawtry Ladies v Little Paxton Ladies 26 November 1 Championship South Cup League Division 5 30 Championship South All usually kick off at 2 pm. Please come down and show your support. For more information, match reports, player profiles, etc. visit the club website at If you wish to become involved with the club either as a player, volunteer or as a sponsor please contact the secretary on 07719641431. Richard Patchett, Chairman Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014 rts & Clubs S aw t ry An d D i s t r i c t B o w l i n g C l u b The bowling season is coming to an end so this report is mainly about members and teams that have been successful. Congratulations to all those who reached the National Finals, especially K. Bowers who got to the final of the 2bowl singles, and our Junior member Maddie Leader who played at Lemington in the Amy Rose competition. Club Finals Results Competition Winner Competition Winner Men’s 2 Wood J. Bowers Ladies’ 2 Wood S. Minnett Men’s 4 Wood K. Bowers Ladies’ 4 Wood S. Minnett Over 60’s D. Austin Handicap T. King Husband /Wife Mr & Mrs Minnett Club Pairs D. Austin & N. Stowe Chosen Pairs M. Campbell & N. Stowe Non Winners N. Stowe Triples J. Scorer, J. Scorer & B. Shannon Junior Bowls T. Furzeland Adult Winners Junior Winners Carpet Bowls C. Elliott Sp Our Junior team won their Competition at Needingworth, well done!! League Winners Men’s Sawtry B team won promotion to Division 2 Ladies Maroon team won promotion to Division 1 The Sawtry team were runners up in the Warboys Challenge losing 2 rinks to 3 rinks Sawtry men’s team won the League Triples at Eynesbury on 11 th September In the Sykes Vase, Sawtry reached the semi-final but lost to Hemingford and the winners were Somersham, many thanks go to Mr & Mrs Sykes for promoting this mixed Competition Our only non serious bowling event the fancy dress and B.B.Q was an hilarious evening mainly due to Fag Ash Lill and her broom. S. Deller won the ladies prize as a very glamorous chorus girl. Dates For Diaries Saturday 11th October Saturday 25th October Saturday 8th November Thursday 20th November Race Night 7.30pm Quiz Night 7.30pm Presentation/Social 7.00pm A.G.M. 7.15pm Contacts Mick Rayson - Tel No 01487 830720 or Maureen Urwin - Tel No 01487 830193 Ta n g S o o D o K a r at e a n d K i c k b o x i n g Members of the Dragon Black Belt Academy International and the European Tang Soo Do Federation Sawtry Sunday Classes Family Martial Arts. THESE CLASSES ARE FREE! 10.00am - 10.45am—Suitable for beginners. Combined Martial Arts (Health & Longevity) 10.45am – 11.30am (Adults only Juniors by invitation) £5 per class (We have many over 50's, that's right your not too old for this class! ) New Yoga Class starting soon Tuesdays 11am Events and local seminars Chi seminar 19th October Local belt test 2nd November Christmas Championships 14th December Instructor Grandmaster Mark Adlington, 8th Dan Ki Do Karate, 7th Dan Tang Soo Do Karate, 5th Dan Kickboxing Phone 01487 830601 Text 07768472384 - [email protected] - Facebook "Mark Adlington" Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 2014