Newsletter - Metro Little Athletes


Newsletter - Metro Little Athletes
Friday, 11th February, 2011
Program T2 (Modified)
Don’t forget to hand in
your tickets after each
event in order for your
points to be recorded. This
can only be done on the
day of competition
Next Competition
Saturday, 26th February, 2011
Hi Everyone,
Welcome to another Twilight at Meadowglen, Cross our fingers the rain holds out. It’s been very wet all
over Australia and if you live in “The Lakes” in South Morang you certainly felt it last Saturday. Hope
everyone has got back to normal or getting there.
We have a break next week due to the Region Track and Field so enjoy the break and good luck to all
the Athletes that are competing.
$3.00 Payable for each
athlete every competition
day. Please pay up at the
table and have your name
marked off
This weeks Program T2 has modifications to U13 Girls: Under 13 Girls Jav now Disc
All athletes to report to
Scott Noble - Team Mgr
when their event is called.
Scott will direct you and
officials to your event.
Metro Ladies Market Night. Sunday, 20th February, 2011. Members of the committee will be going
around selling tickets for the markets night over the next few weeks. Tickets are only $15.00 each. Will
be a great night to get together, shop and help the club.
Upcoming Events:
WCLAC Championship Weekend—12 & 13 March, 2011.
Entry Forms available via e-mail, Metro Tables or on the WCLAC Webpage.
Please get your entries in ASAP, entries close tonight—11th February, 2011.
Have a great night out there to our Little Athletes and Parent Helpers.
Regards Leeanne—Metro Secretary
Tags must be worn by athletes at ALL times. If you
need another please see
the girls up at the table
they will cost $5.00
Children are NOT permitted to be on the arena or
the equipment prior to
competition starting or in
between events. Any athlete caught breaking the
rules will be disqualified
from their next event.
Centre Handbooks given
to athletes/families on
first day on competition.
Please keep handy to confirm all regulations of the
Ken Cantrill, Pana Hakai, Michelle Woodsford x 3, Tim Thompson, Nicole Bowen
Paul Maisano, Cathy Maisano, Rebecca Buchanan, Tracey Goss x 2
Rob Justice, Marion McCasker, Mary Kotsopoulos & Joe Inchicoli
Chief of Events :
Triple Jump
Long Jump
Team Managers :
Kim Paton, Janine McDonough, Jai Nicol, Chris Black, Cheryl Rozario, Lyn Normington, Ivan Cross,
Teghan Noble, Cheryl Andersen, Vanessa Henderson, Shane McCasker and Leeanne Venables
Starter : Neil Zschech
Recording Table : Jo Tuck / Bec Noble / Adrianna Zschech / Meagan Cachia
Treasurer – Receipts : Kylie Paget
Team Manager : Scott Noble
Chief of Officials :
Check the web site for any
cancellations due to heat
or wet weather.
Paul Henderson
Deb Cooke / Aaron McDonough
Lisa Purcell-Fitt
Newsletter : Leeanne Venables (please e-mail Leeanne on [email protected] with any news items)
Page 2
Club Duties for this season
Dates to Remember
11th February, 2011
Friday—Twilight—Program T2
19/20 February, 2011
Region Track & Field
Sunday 20th February, 2011
Ladies Market Night
26th February, 2011
Saturday Program B
5th March, 2011
Saturday—Program C
12-13 March 2011
Championship Weekend
Entries Close
11th February, 2011
Each season clubs are given a set number of events that they
must supply officials and chiefs for. Our Events for this Season are:
Long Jump 1
Triple Jump 1
High Jump 1
This season we have members and generous parents that will
chief each event. As usual we will be calling on parents to be
helpers. These tasks can be anything from measuring distance of jumps to raking a long jump pit. There will be someone to assist you and show you the ropes. it’s a great way to
get out and see your child compete up close. Please check
with the chief of officials Lisa Purcell-Fitt as you arrive so that
you can be given your instructions. Lisa will not be running a
Roster System at this stage and will call when help required.
We ask that you remain in the Metro area as the chief of officials will not have the time to run around looking for all helpers. If we are unable to find helpers for an event, events will
not run and it will be classed as not helping (unless you are
absent on the day), so it is in your child's’ best interest for you
to help out. The club will be keeping records of those that assist.
19-20 March, 2011
State Track & Field
That means that your child will not receive participation trophy
2nd April 2011
Metro Little Athletes
AGM & Presentation Night
Starts Promptly at 7pm
We also have parents who are out on the field every weekend
as age group Team Managers, we also supply 2 walk judges
and starting official. The committee also has a rotating roster
for setting up the stadium every weekend.
27th April 2011
Clubrooms at Meadowglen
There is also a rotating roster between clubs to run fundraising. We will call on helping hands to sell raffle tickets. We only
do this once in a six week period.
Please get in and lend a hand when requested as it makes the
day over with quicker.
Page 3
Congratulations to the following Athletes that have attained a PB Award this week.
Ethan Lamb, Zach McCasker, Jessica Byrne, Caitlyn Rozario, Keely Henderson, Shannon Mclean & Jessica Andersen.
Please see Adriana at the Metro Tables for your Certificates and we’ll take a photo...
Congratulation to you all—great job.
Week Ending
Age Group
Old Time
New Time
U11 Boys
U10 Boys
U10 Boys
U15 Boys
Connor McLean
Nathan Andersen
Matthew Maisano
Nadeem Farhoud
Shot Put
Triple Jump
Shot Put
8.18 Meters
7.79 Meters
7.39 Meters
9.63 Meters
8.40 Meters
8.81 Meters
7.94 Meters
9.78 Meters
U13 Girls
Natarsha Inchincoli
U11 Girls
Bianca Paton
U13 Girls
U14 Girls
Natarsha Inchincoli
Brianna Cooke
U13 Girls
U14 Girls
Natarsha Inchincoli
Jessica Andersen
100 Meters
13:64 min
13:55 min
80 Meter Hur- First Time Redles
16:53 Mins
80 Meter Hurdles
14:84 min
14:03 min
19.70 Meters 19.84 Meters
80 Meter Hurdles
14:03 min
13:63 min
Triple Jump
9.55 Meters
9.55 Meters
AGM & Presentation Day
2nd April 2011
Rug rats retreat
Notices will be sent out by e-mail and available at the Metro Tables in the next weeks.....
You will need to RSVP by the end of the season, Saturday 5th March, 2011. List will be at the entrance to Rug Rats listing all Little Athletes to gain entry to the
We would also like parents to think about joining the Metro Committee.
Position Descriptions will be located on the Metro Tables (See Leeanne or Lauren) so you can decided what position you would like to fill...... If you have ideas on
what direction the club should be going or doing please give great consideration to joining the team and putting your suggestions forward. Some of our existing members have served for some time now and they would love to see some new faces. With this in mind we were very lucky to have been a club this season that has not
struggled to fill key positions within the committee. But, without an executive committee the Club WILL fold. We are all just Mum’s and Dad’s, we don’t have any
formal training. We all work together for our kids and yours. We hope that some of you feel the same and join the committee s o we can continue our successes.
If you are interested or would like any additional information on any positions please see Lauren (President), Rebecca (Vice President) or Leeanne (Secretary).
Page 4
Market Night: It’s ON!!! 2-7pm, Sunday 20th February, 2011. Entry $15.00, included complimentary glass
of Champagne and finger food throughout the day. Shop (without the kids) whilst helping raise money for
your club. Come and see us at Meadowglen Stadium Entry $15.00.
If you have a small business or sell Tupperware, Avon or Ultimo etc we would love you to show your wares
please contact Lisa 0417221533 or Lauren 0409545153 to arrange table.
Tickets will be available soon, please advise you expression of interest to Lauren or Lisa
Just a reminder—be Sun Smart & Weather Wise
The weather is getting better (on some days) and we would like to reminder parents to ensure their athletes
Apply sunscreen (available of the Metro Tables), wear a hat or stay in the shaded areas and drink plenty of water.
In the event of rain, please stay in the shaded areas the best your can, huddle for warmth and rug up in the wonderful
Metro polar fleece jumpers and blankets—extra blankets are for sale at the Metro Tables!!!!
Or chant “Rain, Rain, Go Away, Come again another day” preferably on a weekday when we’re at work!!!!
Be sure to check out our web site, you can find all
information relevant to the club along with
newsletters, results, sponsors and more.
Metro Little Athletes
Lauren Miller
0409 545 153
Vice President
Rebecca Noble
9716 1911
0418 336 605
Leeanne Venables
0468 997 212
Kylie Paget
0416 246 522
Walk Training
@ the Track
Thursdays 6pm
@ the Track with Aaron &