Temple Israel of Boston


Temple Israel of Boston
Temple Israel of Boston
Volume 15, No. 1 | July/August 2015 | Tammuz/Av/Elul 5775
Daniel Moss to Serve as 2015 Summer Rabbinic Intern
We are delighted to
welcome Danny Moss, a 4th
year rabbinic student at the Hebrew
Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion to
Temple Israel to serve as this year’s summer
rabbinic intern. Danny will join our staff for
seven weeks from June 29 to August 16.
A 2009 graduate of Oberlin College, Danny
studied at the University of Haifa in 2007-08.
He has been the recipient of myriad awards in
areas as diverse as Jewish Entrepreneurship,
Inside this issue:
The New TI Website..................................2
Annual Gathering.......................................3
President & Exec. Director Messages......3-4
From the Clergy..........................................4
477 Initiative & TILLI .................................10
Teen Education.........................................13
Ancient Near Eastern Studies.
Danny has also
served as a rabbinic intern and
teacher at several
of our wonderful
sister congregations,
Fairmount Temple in Cleveland, Beth Elohim in Brooklyn, Temple Micah in Washington, D.C., among others.
Danny brings to us a facility with Jewish
texts, experience in hospital chaplaincy,
training in community organizing and a rich
musical proficiency (he plays guitar, mandolin, piano, trumpet and hand percussion)
and has served both as a cantorial soloist
and as a song-leader. Danny has also spent
time as a tour guide in both Israel and Europe.
We are sharing only a small part of his most
impressive resume and invite you to come
and welcome Danny; we promise that
you’ll enjoy his teaching and the wonderful
talents that he’ll share.
New Ideas for a New Machzor: Explore our new High Holy Day
Prayerbook—To Set a Path Toward the Days of Awe
Hold in your hands and discover for yourself what Mishkan HaNefesh offers us this coming holiday season. During the four Shabbatot of Elul, the month leading up to Rosh Hashanah, we will devote time to study, to reflect, and to delve into some of the new ideas
in our new Machzor during Qabbalat Shabbat. We will examine ancient traditions set in
new frameworks as we peruse through its pages. We will examine together its potential
for new insight and uncover relevance for our own day. As we make our way through the
Hebrew month of Elul toward the month of Tishrei which begins Rosh Hashanah, we will
add to our breath and depth of knowledge through this new resource and guide to our
High Holy Day experience.
The Shabbatot in Elul are:
August 21, August 28, September 4, and September 11 at 6:00 p.m.
Riverway & Ohel Tzedek.............................18
Beacon Academy......................................19
Life Cycles and Contributions..................19
Find us on Facebook:
and online at www.tisrael.org
Preparing for the High Holy Days:
See back page for a full schedule of services.
   “May Your Gates Be Open Always” Isaiah 60:11
The new website is here. Visit tisrael.org today!
In case you haven’t seen it yet, we’ve made some big changes to the Temple Israel website. At the end of May, we
launched a brand new site that responds to the things that you have told us are important to you.
Our new site is relational.
Temple Israel is a community
of communities, and we want
to help you find where you
fit in. Visit the “Find Your
Community” page and scroll
through the various groups
we offer.
Try our
Want more information about a specific program? We’ve provided staff
contact information on the sidebar of many pages. In a rush and can’t
find what you’re looking for? Our receptionist is available through live
chat to answer your questions or direct you to the right people.
Our new site is accessible.
The new design is responsive, which means that your view will
seamlessly re-size to any screen you’re using. Give our site a try on any
mobile device and see how it looks. This feature will make it easier for
you to access and view the TI calendar when you’re on the go.
We hope you’ll enjoy the new and improved menu navigation.
We restructured the menu to reflect our mission of living Judaism together
through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact. We also
separated out youth information to make it easier for families with children
to find content of interest.
Our new site reflects our community.
Our community is more than a building - it’s about people. On the “Our
Rabbis and Cantor” page, we celebrate the clergy team and honor past
clergy who have helped shape our community over the last 160 years. We
also have a “Featured Members” page, where we’ll continue posting fun
facts about people in our community. (Want to nominate a member?
Let us know!)
Accessible both through the homepage and the main menu, the “Temple 101” page provides
answers to frequently asked questions, shares unique statistics about our community, and
features a video highlighting how some of our members have found their home with us.
We are excited about our new website and hope you will find the user experience to be both inviting and
reflective of who we are as a congregation. Feel free to share your thoughts or suggestions about the site with
Emma Sandler, Director of Communications at [email protected].
Temple Israel Bulletin
July/August 2015
The 2015 Annual Gathering of the Congregation
June 11, 2015, Photos by Elan Kawesch
From the President
The following is a transcript of new TI President Christopher
Noe’s acceptance speech at last month’s Annual Gathering
of the Congregation.
I humbly stand before you tonight having taken the oath of office
as President of this congregation. In my brief remarks, I do not
wish to speak in detail on administrative matters. There will be
ample opportunity on other days for such discussions. Today, I
would like to speak on two subjects—transition and anxiety.
We have been doing a lot of listening lately. Whether it has
been the Pew Study of Jewish Americans, Temple Israel’s
own congregational survey, outreach by the Rabbinic Search
Committee, or the Tent Talk Initiative, we have listened. What we
have heard is that people are anxious about transition, and not
just about our upcoming rabbinic transition. People are anxious
about transitions happening out there, changes in culture and
attitudes towards organized religion with potentially ominous
implications for the future viability of synagogues. People are
anxious about transitions happening in here – new school, new
job, new city, new relationship, new baby, new stage in life. People
are anxious.
When people are anxious, they have a natural tendency to
embrace the familiar. Like going to an event by yourself, what’s
the first thing you do when you get there, you look for someone
you know. Familiarity helps overcome anxiety. That’s the key for
us. We can overcome the “anxiety of transition” by remembering
that Temple Israel is a home and we are a family. It doesn’t matter
if you are like the in-laws who come over for shabbat dinner every
week or the college graduate who visits only a couple times a
year, we should constantly strive to make
everyone feel more at home here. We can
accomplish some of this with programs
and initiatives, but it also involves attitude
– an attitude of kindness, honesty, generosity, and respect for the
diversity that is our great strength. And as my wife is always fond
of reminding me, you have to communicate!
My pledge to you is that I will work over my tenure to ensure that
whenever anyone comes into this space, whenever anyone attends
a Temple Israel event outside of these walls, or whenever anyone
works with Temple Israel in collaboration with our Jewish and
interfaith partners that they feel like they are at home with family.
I hope that you will join me in this endeavor.
Today would have been my father’s 76th birthday. I lost him a
little less than two years ago, but he still lives on in my memory.
One piece of advice he gave me was “to not peak too early in life.”
“Don’t peak too soon,” he would say. There are some skeptics who
would say that synagogues have peaked, that Temple Israel has
peaked. That we are a congregation steeped in history but whose
best days are behind it, with demographics, finances, and traffic
bearing down on us from all sides. To those skeptics, I say no, we
have not peaked, our time is not over, our best days are yet to
come. Now, all we have to do is go out there and make it happen…
Thank you,
Christopher Noe
July/August 2015
Temple Israel Bulletin
From the Executive Director
re-instituted Shabbat Mishpachah,
connecting families through the
power of Shabbat. Our Families
with Young Children program held
over 200 events bringing young families together through Temple
As we begin a new fiscal year, it seems appropriate to look back
at what was an extremely successful year for Temple Israel. Our
congregation accomplished so much. Most importantly, our
work was all about being relational and harnessing the power
of community. From the TI Tent Talk initiative to the 150 new
member families that we welcomed into our congregation, this
year was about making connections with both new and familiar
I am especially proud of our new website. It not only tells our
story as a congregation, but its design works to help individuals
find their own place within this large diverse community. It is the
virtual embodiment of relational Judaism.
Thanks to your generosity we had a very success Friends Annual
Fund Campaign which raised over $425,000, and are proud that
the number of contributing members increased. We established
a formal planned giving program, securing Temple Israel’s future
through legacy contributions. We were inspired by a beautiful
museum exhibit about the history of the Women of Reform
We launched and completed the TI Tent Talk Campaign, which
brought nearly 400 members together to share their stories.
Together, we discovered just how much we have in common by
sharing individual life stories and experiences. Our religious school
As great as this past year was, I have reason to think that next
year will be even better. So many of our accomplishments come
from ideas from our congregants. This is your congregation, and
we welcome your thoughts and feedback. I hope you will always
feel free to share your ideas with our staff and lay leaders as we
all strive towards making Temple Israel even better.
Dan Deutsch
From the Clergy
With questions or to RSVP, please contact Sue Misselbeck at 617-566-3960 x 117 or [email protected] unless otherwise noted.
High Holy Days’ Food Drive:
The Corners of Our Fields
Is this not the fast I have chosen...to share your bread
with the hungry. (Isaiah 58:6-7, Read on Yom Kippur
As we fast this Yom Kippur, we will again join hundreds
of other Jewish congregations representing all four
major movements in collecting food for the hungry in
our community. On the morning of Rosh Hashanah,
shopping bags will be distributed. On Yom Kippur
morning we ask that you return the bags full of nonperishable foods so that they can be distributed to
those in need through the Greater Boston Food Bank.
Together we will continue the Torah tradition of leaving
the produce of the corners of our fields for the poor.
Other great ways to be involved in this project are to
help collect bags during Yom Kippur morning or to join
one of our teams loading the shopping bags full of food
items onto the delivery trucks.
Please call Priscilla Golding at 617-327-1404 to
volunteer to load the Food Bank truck on Yom Kippur.
Temple Israel Bulletin
July/August 2015
A Different Kind of
Labor Day Weekend Experience:
Saturday, September 5
We will gather under the atrium as candles light the night sky and
usher in the Days of Awe. If you have never had the opportunity to
experience this 10 p.m. service when the Temple Israel atrium is lit
by flickering flames and filled with resonating harmonious voices,
then this year is your chance.
Before we gather in the atrium we will meet in the garden at
8:00 p.m. to enjoy one another’s company and partake of some
refreshments. At 9:00 p.m. we will enjoy a sneak preview of a
central idea to our new Machzor entitled Mishkan HaNefesh,
(sanctuary of the soul): The soul plays a key role in the High Holy
Day experience since we take a Heshbon nefesh, an accounting of
our soul in order to make teshuvah, the return to our best selves.
The idea of soul, however, means more than just our inner life.
Come explore through a brief text study how the concept of soul is
manifest in our new Machzor and how it might inform the internal
work we do during this holiday season.
From the Clergy Continued...
High Holy Days 5776
Celebrate the New Year!
With the success of our innovative pilot program last year and
as we anticipate the approaching New Year, we invite you to join
with us to celebrate Rosh Hashanah 5776 with food, fun, and
Erev Rosh Hashanah, Sunday, September 13, is again an
experience for the adult community. We combine the Purple,
Yellow, Orange, and Silver Services in the Sanctuary gathering
together for a single, 57-76 minute service beginning at 7:45
p.m. to welcome the New Year. All the clergy will be worshipping
with you. Instead of the Gates of Repentance book, we will use
the new Machzor for both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The
beauty of our High Holy Day music will again be enhanced by the
accompaniment of a professional string quartet. You will have the
opportunity to have hors d’oeuvres with friends and family prior to
the service and you may linger afterwards for a glass of wine and a
petit dessert.
If you are family with young children (5 and younger), then the
Rainbow Service which starts at 5:30 - 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary
will be for you.
If you are a family with children in the Religious School or Day
School, we will join together 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. for our Family
Worship Service in Levi Auditorium followed by some delicious new
year treats.
If you are part of the Riverway Project community, we urge you to
join us for the service and food at 6:15 p.m. in the Social Hall which
was such a success last year.
Younger Children’s Services
Rainbow Ticket
On the evening of Rosh Hashanah from 5:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., all
families with younger children (0 – kindergarten) will join Temple
Israel clergy for an age appropriate service to introduce the Holy
On Kol Nidre – Services for the Rainbow Ticket will be held from
5:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur at 8:45 a.m. – Children’s Services
with Wayne Potash
On the morning of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur at 8:45 a.m.
Wayne Potash will lead shorter services designed for children
ages 3 to 6 and their families are combined with Family
Education activities, art projects, music and movement. Children
participating in this program must be accompanied by an adult.
Children will be divided into two groups: 3 and 4 year olds, and 5
and 6 year olds so that activities can be tailored to the respective
needs of these age groups. Although the program is designed
for children 3 and over, children under 3 are welcome with their
On Rosh Hashanah, rather than ending the Services at our seats,
we all go across the street to the Muddy River for the experience
of Tashlich. The Service, a brief ritual which allows us to cast our
transgressions literally and figuratively into the river, will follow each
of the late Services (last group leaves at approximately 2:15 p.m.).
We look forward to sharing a Shanah Tovah together.
Erev Rosh Hashanah and Kol Nidre
Hosted by the Riverway Project
Rosh Hashanah - Sunday, September 13 at 6:15 p.m.
followed by a Great Big Smooze informal dinner
at 7:45 p.m.
Kol Nidre - Services on Wednesday, September 22
at 7:30 p.m.
A service for 20’s and 30’s led by Rabbi Soffer.
For more info please visit www.riverwayproject.org or email
Andrew Oberstein at [email protected]
Pre-Registration Required.
Second Day Rosh Hashanah Service
Tuesday, September 15 at 10 a.m.
Everyone interested in observing the second day of Rosh
Hashanah is welcome to attend this service. Temple Israel
members, family, and friends are invited to join a warm, layled service featuring Andrew Sherman, with prayer, music, and
discussion. The service will be followed by a dairy/ vegetarian
pot-luck lunch at 11:30 a.m. No tickets are required and everyone
is welcome. Please contact Carol Rosenstock with questions at
617-739-7266 or [email protected].
July/August 2015
Temple Israel Bulletin
From the Clergy Continued...
What Will You Do Between the Yom Kippur
Morning and Afternoon Service?
Wednesday, September 23
Ask the Rabbis
For many, along with the High Holy Days come questions.
This is your opportunity! The Rabbis are here to answer
as many questions as possible. Bring your innermost
questions about God, Torah or prayer and the rabbis will
offer their insight and contemplations.
Study with others in their 20s and 30s
Prepare for the Afternoon Service through text study.
Meet other members of the Riverway Project’s
community as we delve, together, into text with Rabbi
Contemplate Before the Open Ark
Between the morning and afternoon Services of Yom
Kippur, the ark in the Sanctuary will be left open. During
that time, please enter this space in silence and stand
before the ark with your own private thoughts. Take as
much time as you need and then please exit in silence.
For security reasons, an usher will be stationed there to
assist anyone who may need help.
Reflect and Read in the Library
Take a Walk Along the Muddy River
Temple Israel’s Youth Choir is Calling All
Singers in Grades 2-7
When Religious School starts on September 20, Cantor
Einhorn is looking forward to starting rehearsals with
Temple Israel’s Youth Choir, greeting veteran singers
and engaging new talent. Have you ever thought of
participating in Temple Israel’s Youth Choir? Please call
Cantor Einhorn to sign up.
Hooray! It’s TGIS Time!
Thank Goodness It’s Shabbat!
On Shabbat mornings,
August 15, September 5 & September 19 at 10
Bring your little ones, anyone between the ages of 6
days (don’t come before that, you’ll be too tired!) and
6 years. We have a morning of dancing, singing, playing
and praying led by Wayne Potash. Join Wayne on the 1st
and 3rd Saturday of each month and help him celebrate
Temple Israel Bulletin
July/August 2015
Sukkot and Simchat Torah
Sukkot – Sunday, September 27
7:00 p.m.
We will celebrate the Festival of Sukkot for the entire
congregation. Behold the beauty of our sukkah. Come celebrate in
Simchat Torah
Sunday Evening, October 4
Yizkor at 5:15 p.m.
Yizkor means may God remember. Our clergy will lead a special
Yizkor service on Erev Shemini Atzeret/ Simchat Torah. This
memorial service will include moments for remembrance of family
and friends. It will provide opportunities to share memories of
loved ones within the comfort of community.
Consecration at 6:00 p.m.
Simchat Torah is the festival for the Consecration of students who
are in Kindergarten and new students in Grades 1 and 2 in the
Corkin Chapel.
Dance With the Torah Scrolls on
Simchat Torah at 6:30 p.m.
Join us as we conclude our High Holy Day season with this most
festive Service. We will unfurl our Torah Scrolls so that everyone
in the Sanctuary will be wrapped in the words of Torah. The
final words of Deuteronomy will be read and without a breath
of interruption the opening words of Genesis will be chanted,
ushering in a new Torah reading cycle. The Shirim Klezmer
Orchestra will be with us, adding an extra measure of excitement
to our Service. Our Simchat Torah celebration will conclude with
joyous music accompanying our dancing with the Torah Scrolls out
on Nessel Way.
What Shall We Do On
Sukkot and Simchat Torah Mornings?
Monday, September 28 and October 5 at 10 a.m.
Sukkot and Simchat Torah are beautiful festivals celebrating the
blessings of the earth’s bounty, and the joy of Torah study. There
will be a service for children and a separate service with study
session for adults. A festive oneg will follow the service.
From the Clergy Continued...
Commemorating History at the TI Cemetery
Pauline Goldsmith
As the daughter of William Goldsmith (one of Boston’s first
two Jewish settlers and a founder of both Ohabei Shalom and
Temple Israel), Pauline Goldsmith, born in 1842, may have been
one of the city’s first Jewish babies. Her marker is in a section
characterized by lengthy Hebrew inscriptions above English
translations, and birthplaces that include Poland, England, and
the Netherlands.
When Temple Israel’s cemetery was established in Wakefield in
1859, it was planned in the park-like model of Mt. Auburn and
Forest Hills. Throughout the 20th and into the 21st century, an
annual service has been held there on the Sunday of Memorial
Day Weekend, often including family picnicking along with
commemoration. This year that day was Shavuot, which gave us
a great opportunity to change both the date and concept of the
Drawing on the cemetery’s rich personal, congregational, and
communal history, the morning began with a brief walking tour
highlighting five individuals from different eras in Temple Israel’s
history. Each plot in the cemetery marks a story that helped
shape the Temple Israel we know today.
Helen Fine
Helen Fine was a beloved teacher who taught in the religious
school from 1942 - 1980. Generations of students remember
her as the author of G’Dee (1958) and At Camp Kee Tov (1961),
along with several Purim plays.
Rabbi Joshua Loth Liebman
Although Rabbi Joshua Loth Liebman was Senior Rabbi at
Temple Israel for a brief nine years (1939-1948) and died at only
41, his influence was so great that not only did thousands of
Boston residents attend his funeral, but, in an unprecedented
tribute, the local public schools were closed. Rabbi Liebman was
known widely as the author of the best-selling book, Peace of
Mind. At Temple Israel, he reinstated Friday night services and
B’nei Mitzvah, added more Hebrew to the liturgy, and was an
active advocate for Israel as the Jewish homeland.
Richard Ross
Richard Ross was killed on September 11, 2001 on American
Airlines flight 11. The founder and CEO of the Ross Group,
Richard also established the Brain Tumor Society to provide
information and support to patients and their families.
Annie Askowith Schein
Annie Askowith Schein was the daughter of Rabbi Jacob
Askowith of the B’nai Zion Educational Society, and one of the
designers of the Zionist flag which became the flag of Israel.
Because she sewed the first flag, Annie is known as the Israeli
Betsy Ross.
The morning concluded with participants sharing memories and
reciting the kaddish together.
The Greatest (Temple) Israel Family Adventure with Rabbi Elaine Zecher
December 23, 2015 – January 3, 2016
You are invited to join your Temple Israel friends on an amazing adventure! Be prepared to dig in ancient ruins, taste colorful
and diverse foods, encounter the sand, the sea, and the stars, and walk through ancient and modern history (sometimes on
the same path!). You’ll be riding in jeeps, on bikes, on horses, and yes, a very comfortable bus. These are just some of the
amazing and fantastic experiences we will have together. Our Board President Chris Noe and his family will be there, and we
hope you can be too!
To view trip itinerary and cost details: www.arzaworld.com/temple-israel-boston-family-israel-trip-december-2015.aspx
If you have any questions, please contact Jody Gansel at [email protected].
July/August 2015
Temple Israel Bulletin
From the Clergy Continued...
Honoring Your Loved Ones
A contribution of $650 to the Temple Israel Endowment Fund will secure a plaque in either the Alcove or on the Menorah.
A way to remember a loved one is to dedicate a memorial plaque in his or her memory. We have two areas where that can be done.
The Alice G. Winn Memorial Menorah is located along the rear wall of the Sanctuary. Those memorial plaques are made from glass.
The Harry N. and Estelle S. Gorin Memorial Alcove surround one of the entrances door to the Sanctuary. Those plaques are made
from bronze. Once a plaque is ordered, Temple Israel will perpetually read the name of the deceased during Shabbat services on
Friday evening and Saturday morning of the anniversary of death. Family members will receive notification of this date in advance
of the yahrzeit. All names on plaques are included in the annual Yom Kippur Book of Remembrance distributed to the Congregation
on Yom Kippur. Due to financial and artistic restraints, the glass plaques purchased for the Winn Memorial Menorah can only be
installed once a year, in the summer prior to the High Holidays. The brass plaques can be installed in the Gorin Memorial year round.
Trip to Spain
Led by Rabbi Ronne Friedman & Rabbi Elaine Zecher
in harmony with Cantor Roy Einhorn
March 3-13, 2016
Tour Highlights
• Tour of Madrid including Puerta Del Sol, Plaze de España, the Royal Palace,
the San Miguel Market, and more
• Qabbalat Shabbat Services at a local synagogue and Shabbat dinner at a local
restaurant with young members of the local Jewish community as guests
• Tour of Toledo, a city of 3 religions and cultures
• Visit to Segovia, a microcosm of the story of Jews in Iberia
• Trip to Seville, a city shaped by both Renaissance and Arabic influences.
Visit the burial place of Christopher Columbus, and the Alcazar Palace
• Attend a special program in Cordoba dedicated to the history of Sephardic Jews
• Visit an Islamic palace and fortess in Granada
• Explore Barcelona and its many architectual wonders
Temple Israel Bulletin
July/August 2015
The trip includes:
• 9 nights’ accommodation at selected
• 8 days of touring in a luxury, airconditioned bus with with Uri
Feinberg, ARZA World Tour Educator
• AVE train ticket from Madrid to Seville
• Land-only cost includes domestic
flight from Granada to Barcelona
• All site entrance fees and program
fees as per itinerary
Cost: $3,660 (Land Only) &
Air France Flight available ($1,100+)
For a complete itinerary and to
register go to:
or contact Sue Misselbeck
at 617-566-3960
With questions or to RSVP, please contact Julie Unger at 617-566-3960 x 132
or [email protected] unless otherwise noted.
Join a Temple Israel Neighborhood Network!
We are looking for your help with a new membership initiative
at Temple Israel—Neighborhood Networks. Help us plan
Neighborhood Network get togethers in your neighborhood!
These can include, but are not limited to, Break Fasts after Yom
Kippur, a Chanukah party, and “meet up” dinners. We already
have a long list of great ideas—book groups and movie clubs,
Havdallah potluck dinners, and gatherings in neighborhood
sukkahs, for jam sessions or for a drink—but you probably have
We hope that you will join your Neighborhood Core Team to
brainstorm and plan some gatherings. We promise this will be a
fun and meaningful way to connect to both current and future
TI members! Just let us know if you’d like to be on the list to get
notices of Core Team meetings in your neighborhood.
Please let us know if you can be a part of your Neighborhood
Network core team – even for just one event. Contact Julie
Unger, Director of Membership and Engagement at
617-566-3960 ext 132 or [email protected].
Find Temple Israel of Boston Neighborhood Networks on
and on Temple Israel’s new website http://www.tisrael.org/
Temple Israel visits
Grace Chapel
On June 9th, 16 Temple
Israel members, clergy,
and staff took a field trip to
Grace Chapel in Lexington.
Grace Chapel is known for
their audacious hospitality
and a consciously designed
space. Our tour was led by
Pastor Richard Rhodes. What struck the group the most was not
only the turnout of parishioners on a Sunday morning(nearly
2000) but their ability to make a large community feel small,
intimate and supported through their 200 ‘life-communities’,
which are very similar to our Neighborhood Networks initiative.
Groups are formed based on demographics, special interests,
and location, and meet between once a week to twice a month.
There were other wonderful features to the church which
included a lay-run Kidstown and a fully stocked cafe with plenty
of tables for after and in-between services. Although everything
is unique to their community, it was eye-opening to visit another
religious community and see how they do welcoming and
If you’d like more information on our tour or would like to be
involved with our Neighborhood Networks initiative, please
contact Julie Unger.
Families with Young Children
For Families with children ages 0-5. For questions or to RSVP, please contact Julie Unger at [email protected]
unless otherwise noted. All FYC activities at Temple Israel include free validated parking at the
375 Longwood Avenue parking garage, next to the temple.
Over the summer, please
join us for the Templewide Qabbalat Shabbat
service, which are very
family friendly and lively.
Services begin at 6:00
p.m. Children’s books are
available and if you’re
looking for a quiet space
for your little one to run
around in, the rooms
upstairs in Levi are
available and you can still
hear and see the service.
FYC Pottery Time
Sunday, July 12, 10:00 a.m.
With our little ones let’s decorate Jewish pottery at Temple Israel. We’ll do all the
work and get it fired and ready for pickup at the Temple at a later date. Please
join us!
Thank Goodness It’s Shabbat!
July 18, August 15, September 5 & 19
Music begins at 10 a.m. and ends at 11 a.m. with a light snack.
Come to Temple Israel for TGIS, a special service for anyone between the ages of
6 days and 6 years and includes dancing, singing, playing and praying. It is led by
local musician, Wayne Potash.
July/August 2015
Temple Israel Bulletin
Families with Young Children Continued...
The second Tuesday of the month, 7:30 p.m.
You don’t have to be an expert and can certainly be completely
new at the game. We have a nice mix of gamers! It’s one of
those games that looks challenging, but once you play a few
times you’ll get the hang of it! Please bring a bottle of wine or a
snack/dessert to share. If you have a mahjong set, bring it with
you! Please RSVP if you think you’ll be joining us.
Havdallah Potluck Dinner
John E. Murphy Playground Brookline
Saturday, August 29, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Let’s close out Shabbat with a little learning, eating and
lounging. Join other families with young children as we explore
the sounds, smells and sights of havdalah (ending of Shabbat).
Please bring a vegetarian dish to share, no nuts please. Temple
Israel will provide refreshments and serving utensils.
RSVP required.
477 Initiative: Connecting People in Their 50’s - 60’s
With questions or to RSVP, please contact Julie Unger at 617-566-3960 x 132 or [email protected] unless otherwise
noted. If you are not currently receiving 477 emails, please contact Julie Unger, to be added to the e-list.
477 Movie Night:
When Jews Were Funny
Friday, August 7, 7-9:00 p.m.
after Qabbalat Shabbat
in the Courtyard
When Jews Were Funny is a 2013
documentary film by Canadian
director Alan Zweig, that explores
the role of Jewish comedians in the
history of North American comedy
and humor from the Borscht belt
to the present day. We’ll serve an
extended oneg and provide popcorn.
477 Summer Read:
The Seven Good Years
Wine and Keret
September 9, 6:30 p.m.
Israeli fiction writer Etgar Keret’s new book,
The Seven Good Years is a collection of tiny
autobiographical essays written during the years
between the birth of his son, Lev, and the death
of his father from cancer. His book is known for
being humorous, moving, and a reminder for us
to love, laugh and learn. Please read this book
over the summer and join us for a discussion at
a private home in the South End. Keret’s book
is available online, e-book and in stores. RSVP
required for Wine and Keret. Please bring a
bottle of wine for the discussion.
Jewish Boston by Foot Tour
Sunday, August 16 10:00 a.m.
By foot through the North End, we’ll
step back in time to explore Jewish
life and settlements and how it spread
from there. Temple Israel member Dayl
Cohen will be leading the tour through
the organization, Boston by Foot Tours.
Meet at Christopher Glenn Park North
at the corner of Cross Street and
Atlantic Avenue. Afterwards we’ll stop
for a quick bite in the North End. RSVP
Temple Israel Lifelong Learning Initiative (TILLI)
With questions or to RSVP, please contact Sue Misselbeck at 617-566-3960 x 117 or [email protected].
TILLI Ends Spring Session —
Looks Forward to New Leadership in the Fall
TILLI (Temple Israel Lifelong Learning Initiative) has completed
an exciting year with more than 15 study groups and over 100
participants in attendance. Many thanks to outgoing Core
Committee chair, Naomi Gordon, for her stellar leadership.
We also thank Rabbi Jeremy Morrison for his support for
Temple Israel Bulletin
July/August 2015
TILLI since its inception and wish him all the best in his future
The Core Committee welcomes our new co-chairs Ruth Klepper
and Marlene Yesley. Ruth is a long time member of TILLI, has
also been the chair of the Events Committee and has taught
study groups on politics, Spinoza, and memoir writing. Marlene
is a member of the Curriculum Committee and the Events
Committee and has been a study group leader on the New
TILLI Continued...
Yorker. The other members of the Core Committee are Naomi
Gordon, Sylvia Green, Judy Herman, Larry Koff, Eleanor Lewis,
Sally Mechur, Peggy Morrison, and Rhoada Wald.
2014-2015 was TILLI’s seventh year. In addition to the fall and
spring peer-led study groups, the TILLI movie festival during the
winter months was a respite from the frigid weather. There were
ten interesting speakers during the fall and spring Lunch
and Learn sessions, and other activities during the year included
several trips and Sunday afternoon salons.
TILLI is lay-led. We welcome TILLI participants to serve on
committees and take part in organizing the TILLI program. The
TILLI brochure for the fall session will be available this summer.
We are looking forward to a strong start for TILLI’s eighth season
on October 8. For information contact TILLI coordinator,
Lila Kagedan, at [email protected].
With questions or to RSVP, please contact Brigid Goggin at 617-566-3960 or [email protected].
Jewish identity both as individuals and as members of the
Jewish community. Through stories, discussions, dramatizations,
games, and art activities our students learned that as Jews our
actions within our community should include mitzvot, ma’asim
tovim and middot tovot. They discovered that what makes these
somewhat universal values “Jewish,” is they have both a textual
basis and a history of practice. They learned many Hebrew words
and phrases, which they used to open class each time they met.
Congratulations to our outgoing 7th graders on their “stepping
up” to 8th grade and Monday Night School!
How did they get here? Below is just a taste of what our
students studied this year at TI.
In Kindergarten and 1st grade our students learned about
and celebrated the Jewish holidays as they fell on the Hebrew
calendar. They explored Jewish values such as B’tzelim Elohim
(in the image of God), Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World),
Gimilut Chasidim (acts of loving kindness) and Hachnasat Orchim
(welcoming guests). They encountered the biblical characters
of Genesis and Exodus as they looked at the weekly parashot
(Torah portions). They reflected on rituals and prayer learning all
about Shabbat and the Shema prayer. Each Sunday our students
greeted each other, checked in with each other and collected
tzedakah in Hebrew! Our 1st graders studied the land of Israel
and its resources, major cities, and how people interact with the
land while our Kindergarteners finished out the year with a “trip”
to Israel.
In 2nd grade our students began their journey of learning to
read Hebrew and laying the groundwork for their sense of
The 3rd graders spent the year learning that we are “Am
HaSefer” (text people)-- inheritors of teachings, stories, and
myths that inform how Jews have practiced Judaism over the
centuries and influence how we practice today. They read stories
from Genesis learning how to examine a text closely (sometimes
even in Hebrew!). They learned that authors leave many clues
about themselves and how they viewed the world around them
and by asking the right questions we can uncover them. Each
of our 3rd graders received their very own Tanakh at our end of
year Qabbalat Tanakh ceremony that will serve as their text for
4th grade!
In 4th grade our students transitioned from reading biblical
stories from a book, to studying primary biblical texts directly
from the Tanakh! Building on the critical reading skills they
acquired the previous year students engaged in a close reading
of the book of Shmot asking how the Exodus caused an enslaved
people to become a unified, free people and what were the
consequences. They studied what others (like Rashi) had to
say about these questions and then came up with their own
opinions. 4th graders were introduced to Hebrew grammar
rules, which enabled them to make sense of the many verses
they examined in Hebrew. They learned shorashim (root words),
prefixes and suffixes and practiced locating them in the text.
Students researched different cities and regions of modern
Israel becoming familiar with the map of Israel and making
connections between Israel of the Bible and Israel today.
July/August 2015
Temple Israel Bulletin
Education Continued...
Our 5th graders studied Jewish prophets and explored what can
be learned from them about leadership. They looked at Moses’
ongoing struggle with the complaining Israelites’, at Amos’
injunction to make just laws, Isaiah’s exhortation that prayers
and Temple offerings are meaningless unless they’re coupled
with and inspire just action and repentance, and learned from
Jeremiah that the young are not exempt from doing their part
in Tikkun Olam. They learned about civil disobedience through
the eyes of Shifra and Puah (midwives in Egypt), the idea of
community organizing through the eyes of Tzelophehad’s five
daughters, and the concept of power struggle through the eyes
of Esther. By examining the role of prophecy in the Tanakh they
drew practical conclusions that helped inform their growing
Jewish identity and sense of themselves as budding social justice
Each of our 6th graders engaged in an individual “parasha
project” where they studied their individual bar or bat mitzvah
Torah portion. Using the text reading skills they have developed
over the years students examined the meaning and nuances of
their portion, focusing on the possible lessons they can learn
and teach from their selection. They each translated their Torah
portion from the original Hebrew to English, identifying key
Hebrew words and learning much about Hebrew grammar and
syntax. Each student taught the class about their portion and led
the group in a discussion based upon their presentation.
Our 6th graders began their study sessions with the Rabbis as
together they explored the book of Genesis in depth using our
“four orientation” methodology.
Our 7th graders continued the exploration of biblical text
they began with the Rabbis when they were in 6th grade. The
second half of the year they used text to explore their own
identities through the lens of Jewish peoplehood as they looked
at the relationship between memory (history and historical
experience), covenant (our connection to other Jews), makom
(place; specifically the land of Israel) and language (Hebrew).
Our 7th graders also looked at the history of Zionism and
the many different forms it took in the 19th and early 20th
centuries. This unit culminated in a role-play of a World Zionist
Congress (that spanned half a century) with students playing
the roles of major historical figures in the Zionist movement. To
form a bridge to the present, they held a mock Israeli election
paralleling the real Israeli election in March.
Tikkun Olam Day
Our 4th grade families examined tzedakah priorities, and heard
from Natasha Babul, a social worker who spent part of her
teens in foster care. They made 7 apple crisps and collected 3
overflowing bags of toiletries for Rosie’s Place.
After another epic snowstorm postposed our February Tikkun
Olam Day 5775 plans, we revamped for May 31, to coincide
with our final day of Religious School. It was a day full of action,
reflection, connection and compassion.
Our Kindergarten families packed 140 non-perishable goodie
bags for distribution at the Haley House soup kitchen.
Our 1st grade families assembled 46 welcome bags for
Hospitality Homes as well as created 39 activity books for
patients at Boston Children’s Hospital.
Our 2nd grade families assembled 10 no-sew fleece blankets to
be given to toddlers via Cradles to Crayons. They transplanted
their cucumbers outside into our garden. They also decorated
and repotted 20 flowers for residents at the Covenant House in
Brighton and donated numerous flowers as well. Thanks to Fern
and Maya Remedi-Brown and Anna Zeren for delivering them.
Our 3rd grade families baked 18 Challot and created numerous
crepe-paper flowers with memories that were delivered by our
6th grader Social Justice in Action group who have been working
with Hebrew Senior Life all year.
Temple Israel Bulletin
July/August 2015
Our 5th graders had an intensive month of Social Justice action
including participating in the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute
Mother’s Day Walk for Peace on May 10 and laying out their
Social Justice in Action projects for next year.
Our 6th graders considered and presented their Social Justice
in Action projects thus far. They have been involved in ongoing
actions on a monthly basis and Tikkun Olam day was a chance for
community members to see and ask questions about the work
they have been doing.
Our 7th grade students have wrapped up their various Social
Justice in Action projects and had the opportunity to share
successes, challenges and their stories of making change. They
also did an exercise imagining themselves as Board members
of a philanthropic foundation tasked with prioritizing giving out
Thanks to Asa Zeren, Temple Israel families have donated over
$1000 in peanut butter and raisins towards JF&CS Family Table,
helping to provide food to over 150 needy Jewish households in
the Boston area. Tikkun Olam Day alone brought in about $225.
Thank you so much to everyone who came out and participated.
Teen Education
Contact Director of Teen Education Mike Fishbein at [email protected] with any questions unless otherwise noted.
Introducing the 5776 RYFTI Board
Mazal Tov v’Kol HaKavod to our Graduates!
Next year’s RYFTI Board was elected on Monday, May 18th, during
MNS. Our community was tremendously fortunate to have 15
excellent candidates, all of whom will certainly help to lead
RYFTI next year.
The TI community celebrated our 13 Graduates at the
annual Graduation & 7th Grade Step-Up ceremony, during
Qabbalat Shabbat on Friday, May 29th. Charlotte Borden,
Ella Bunnell, Marc Davis, Mariel Ehrlich, Zoe Hofeller, Juliana
Kaplan, Sophia Rintell, Jacob Sanditen, Jared Shanks, Lily
Sher, Noah Post Hyatt, Jessica Powers, Izzy Trask, and Daria
Lipsitt participated in and led the TI teen community at
Monday Night School, in the Madrichim Program, and in
RYFTI throughout their high school careers, and especially as
It’s an honor to announce the outstanding 5776 RYFTI Board
(5776 grade in parentheses):
Rebecca Wishnie (12) - Co-President
Michael Marget (12) - Co-President
Rosa Stern Pait (12) - VP Social Programming
Talia Rubenstein (12) - VP Worship & Culture
Talia Putnoi (12) - VP Social Justice
Louie Goldsmith (11) - VP Outreach & Communication
Ada Levine (12) - General Member
Ayden Mallory (12) - General Member
Marjie Rowe (11) - General Member
Petra Huang (10) - General Member
Hannah Stern Pait (10) - General Member
Sarah Groustra (10) - General Member
Many thanks to the outgoing 5775 RYFTI Board for a fantastic year!
Teen Perspective
Brothers for Life: Reflecting on a Week Hosting Two Wounded IDF Veterans
by Leyla Shapiro
My family just finished a week of hosting two Israeli soldiers at our house who are in a program
called Brothers for Life. The program helps wounded soldiers who are working towards recovery.
Brothers for Life is based in a large facility in Israel. There are people for the soldiers to talk to, and
it’s is a place where the wounded veterans can meet other soldiers who have been through the
same experiences. Brothers for Life helps the soldiers get back into their daily lives after war, and it
helps them learn how to live with any possible injuries that they might have gotten in battle. From
May 31st until June 8th, ten wounded soldiers from the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) came to stay
with five host families in Massachusetts, including mine. They went on daily programs, including a
tour of Harvard, a Red Sox game, and a trip to Gillette Stadium. These programs were another step
in all of their recovery processes.
Rising TI 10th Grader
Leyla Shapiro, center,
with wounded
IDF veterans Vlad
Gulyansky, left, and
Dan Berger.
Being able to spend a week with two soldiers really opened my eyes to the possibility of hope and
what it truly means to be a good person. It was an honor to be able to meet them and I feel blessed
to be able to say that I got to be a part of their recovery. Dan and Vlad, the two soldiers that stayed
at my house, became a part of my family, and I feel fortunate beyond words that I was able to meet
them. I really feel that I gained two older brothers, and even if they live half way across the world,
we will always be connected. Saying goodbye Sunday night was very hard, but with every end
comes a new beginning, and I am looking forward to seeing them again.
July/August 2015
Temple Israel Bulletin
Teen Education Continued...
RYFTI Clergy Weekend
A Year of Great Work by our Madrichim
On Sunday, May 11th, we returned to TI from the wonderful experience
of RYFTI’s Clergy Weekend, where more than 30 teens from grades
9-12 participated in peer-developed, peer-led prayer, study, fun, and
RYFTI tradition. The weekend’s educational theme (also chosen by the
teens) was an exploration of the Jewish experience of teshuvah: from
committing acts of wrongdoing, through repentance, to the giving
and receiving of forgiveness. We sought a better understanding of
the origins of our mistaken or wrongful acts, of the sources of moral
authority in our lives, of the ways we can repent, and of the challenges
of forgiveness. We also jumped off the dock, paddled around the lake,
played ultimate frisbee , and spent long hours in once-in-a-lifetime
Left: Senior Madrichah Izzy Trask and
her kindergarten students.
Throughout the year, 25 teens have
worked alongside our Religious
School teachers and in our library
as part of the Madrichim Program.
They assisted in classroom
management and facilitated group
discussions and activities. Each
madrich or madrichah also developed a lesson plan and
led at least one 20-30 minute lesson for their students. Our
Madrichim closed out their year on Sunday, May 31st, by
helping to lead their students in Tikkun Olam Day activities
and year-end celebrations.
Teen Program Registration for 5776
is Open!
Visit tisrael.org to register.
Contact Director of Teen Education Mike Fishbein
at [email protected] with any questions.
RYFTI Closes out the Year… on the Charles River!
RYFTI could not have picked a better day to spend with Charles River
Canoe and Kayak to celebrate the end of this year! Thirty teens, grades
8-12, met at the picnic grounds by the dock in Allston. Among our
staff was one RYFTI alum, rising college junior Norah Herzog! We had a
picnic, played some icebreakers and some frisbee, and then loaded into
our canoes and kayaks. After an hour on the river, we shared a sweet
havdalah, along with our favorite memories from the wonderful year
we’ve had.
Temple Israel Bulletin
July/August 2015
On Shavuot morning, Sunday, May 24th, the members of
the TI Confirmation Class of 5775 led our community’s
festival service. They read from our liturgy and chanted
from the Torah and Haftarah portions. The Confirmands
also read pieces of their own writing; statements of their
personal beliefs about the central Jewish concepts of God,
Torah, and Israel. These 10th grade students had composed
their statements over the previous several weeks, during
their preparatory work with Rabbi Morrison, Rabbi Zecher,
and Cantor Einhorn, and had studied these concepts
throughout the year with Rabbi Morrison, Rabbi Soffer,
Rabbi Friedman, and Teen Educator Mike Fishbein.
Teen Education Continued...
TI Teens Honored with Brookline Hub Youth Awards
On Wednesday, May 6th, the Coolidge Corner Theater hosted the 5th annual Brookline
Youth Awards. Four of the 2015 recipients are participants in the TI Teen Ed Program: Juliana
Kaplan, Louie Goldsmith, Marjie Rowe, and Lucy Abrams. We are so proud of the honorees,
and we’re thrilled that TI Teen Ed was so well represented among this year’s Brookline Youth
Award Winners. Visit the YouTube channel, “Coolidge Corner Hub” to find video interviews
with the Youth Award recipients, and visit brooklinehub.com for a full list of honorees, and to
learn more about the awards.
Dr. Arnold L. Segel Library Center
For information about any Library programs or about establishing a bookshelf in honor or in memory of a loved one,
please contact Ann Abrams, Librarian, at [email protected].
What Are You Reading?
by Ann Abrams, Librarian
I find it fun and helpful to hear what other folks are reading, and
so I’ve been asking my colleagues and our congregants—
“What are you reading?“ In every Bulletin, I’ll post new replies.
Feel free to share what you’re reading on the “TI Community”
Group, ([email protected]) or by email to me, directly.
You can also join a discussion with fellow book lovers in the
library, after Qabbalat Shabbat, or at other temple gatherings.
And stay tuned for announcements of a literary gathering at a
local café! Let’s build community around reading!
What are members of our staff reading?
Paul Panza, Communications Associate
I recently read The Mercy Seat, a 2002 play by Neil LaBute about
a man and his mistress in NYC confronted with a decision to be
made about their future amidst the pain and possibility in the
immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks.
I’ve just finished Jonathan Franzen’s memoir The Discomfort
Zone: A Personal History. It’s a series of essays about his
adolescence and adulthood, touchingly touching upon his
parents, siblings, friends and others that influenced his life
and other writings (essays and novels, all of which I highly
recommend as he is rightly regarded as (one of) the best
writer(s) of his generation).
I’m reading The Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet by David
Mitchell (author of Cloud Atlas). As yet, Mitchell’s book defies
categorization. It’s set during the Dutch trading concession
with Japan in the late 18th century. It’s dense, and, honestly, I
don’t know how long I’ll stick with it during the summer, when I
customarily escape by reading Ross MacDonald, Jim Thompson
et al. in the noir / pulp genre.
I’m also a little ways into the more easily digestible (for some)
Gulp: Adventures of the Alimentary Canal by Mary Roach.
Ann Abrams, Librarian
I recently read the memoir: Writing Fury Home by Chana
Wilson. The author describes her childhood struggles of living
with a severely depressed mother, and father who did his
best to cope with his wife’s depression while raising his young
daughter. The story is heartening as the mother emerges from
her depression, and she and her daughter are able to form a
close relationship when the daughter is in her twenties. Both
women also come out as lesbians around the same time, and
their bond is strengthened as they accept themselves for who
they are, and are able to be part of some of the same struggles
and communities. We learn a lot about the mental health care
system and attitudes of the 1950’s and 60’s, as well as what it
was like to be a lesbian in the early 1970’s in the context of the
emerging Women’s and Gay Liberation Movements.
I’m currently enjoying mystery writer, Sara Paretsky’s memoir,
Writing in an Age of Silence. I love Paretsky’s mysteries, so
was drawn to her life story. She describes growing up in one
of the few Jewish families in rural Kansas, with brilliant but
very unhappy parents, who extended privileges to her four
brothers, but not to her. She received no encouragement to
achieve anything from her parents, as their neediness eclipsed
everything else; and it wasn’t until she escaped Kansas and
established herself in Chicago that she emerged as writer and
continued on next page...
July/August 2015
Temple Israel Bulletin
Library Continued...
Grant for Library
...from previous page
What are our congregants reading?
Karen Victor
I recommend The Beautiful Things that Heaven Bears, by Dinaw
Mengetsu—about an Ethiopian immigrant to the US. It’s been
out a number of years. I just read a newer book of his, which I
didn’t like nearly as much, All Our Names.
Rubylee Shuman
I just finished The Boys in the Boat, by Daniel James Brown. It is
the story of the crew team from the University of Washington
who went to the 1936 Olympics in Berlin—well written and
quite informative.
The Library was recently the recipient of a $1,000 grant (the
foundation wishes to remain anonymous), in order to purchase
tablets that will be used for our Education Program as well as
for library research/programs.
Book Group
Our book group meets once a month, from 12:00 – 1:00.
During the summer, we will meet on:
Tuesday, July 7
Tuesday, August 4.
All temple members and their friends are welcome to come,
and bring a bag lunch. Coffee, tea and dessert will be served.
Librarian’s Meeting
I recently organized and attended the annual meeting of the
New England Chapter of the Association of Jewish Libraries
(NEAJL), held at Brandeis University. The AJL is an international
organization of Judaica librarians, and consists of synagogue,
day school, JCC, and academic librarians. www.jewishlibraries.
org. We were treated to a tour of a Special Collection; and then
heard a very engaging presentation by Rabbi Susan Abramson,
who talked about her new book, Challah: A Chewish Guide to
the Torah, as well as the evolution of her very popular Rabbi
Rocketpower books.
Save the Date
The Honorable Barney Frank will be the
21st Joy Ungerleider Jewish Book Month
speaker on Friday evening, October 23.
Details to come soon!
Frances Jacobson Early Childhood Center
For general information about the FJECC, please contact Alexa Halberg, Office Coordinator,
in the Preschool Office at 617-739-6455 or [email protected].
(a.k.a. Rabbi Morrison)
makes a Shavuot visit
Right: (3 images)
Enjoying our wonderful
outdoor classroom
Many Thanks to the FJECC Staff!
A special thanks to an outstanding staff whose top-notch daily
work with young children demonstrates their dedication to
providing a quality early childhood experience for the students
they teach. Our school continues to enjoy a stellar reputation
because of our superb staff members. Each teacher is well-
Temple Israel Bulletin
July/August 2015
educated, highly trained, experienced and committed to helping
young children grow and learn in a positive and healthy way.
On behalf of all the students and their parents, we extend a
sincere thank you to each member of the FJECC staff for a job
well done!
FJECC Continued...
Registration for 2016-17 School Year
Teaching Values to Our Young Students
We are very pleased to announce that our program is filled
for the school year that will begin on September 8, 2015—we
now have an impressive 22-year history of full enrollment here
at FJECC! (If you are interested in joining the wait list, please
contact Lisa Scott at 617-566-3960 x 148 or [email protected].)
The registration process for the 2016-17 school year has begun
and we have already received a good number of applications.
We encourage congregation members with children who will
be between the ages of 1.9 and 5 years of age by September 1,
2016 to contact us for information and application forms. It is
clearly our priority to serve members of our congregation and
to make our school available first to all of you, however there
are no guarantees of space in our school. We encourage you to
complete your application sooner rather than later. If a member
of your family or a friend has a young child, have them contact
Lisa Scott at the phone number provided above. Priority is
always given to members of the Temple Israel congregation.
We believe that it is very important to help our students begin
to consider the needs of others at a very young age. Toward this
end, each class is actively involved in Tikuun Olam projects as
well as learning how to be kind and caring toward one another.
Some of the projects our students participated in this year
include: toddler clothing donations collected for Room to Grow,
books collected for Reach Out and Read!; toiletries collected/
class trip to the Brookline Food Pantry; snack packages created
for donation to Devon Nicole House at Children’s Hospital and
Tzedekah funds collected in classrooms over the course of the
year will be sent to Gesharim Letikvah/Bridges for Hope as well
as Yemin Orde, both in Israel.
To help you with your decision, we will be hosting two Open
Houses, the first of which will be held on Tuesday, October 20th,
from 7-9:00 p.m. and a second on Thursday, December 3rd, at
the same time. Please RSVP to Lisa Scott if you would like to join
us on either of these evenings to visit the preschool and learn
about our program and community. Our Director, Helen Cohen,
along with other members of our staff, will be on hand to answer
your questions and provide more information about our center.
Yom HaMorah Event
Thank you to our amazing FJECC community of parents and
children who organized a lovely brunch for the staff of our
center to express their appreciation for a terrific year. Each staff
member received a beautiful individualized book with pages
containing messages created lovingly by the students. Todah
rabah to the Co-Chairs of this very special event, Shoshanna
Goldberg, Leslie Myers and Melissa Wright.
End-of-Year Picnic
We greatly enjoyed our end-of-year picnic with FJECC families
and staff members. After a very grey beginning of the week, we
were so glad the weather cooperated so that we were able to
hold the event at Larz Anderson Park on the scheduled June 3rd
rain date. Thank you to all who attended, and special thanks to
PTO Co-Chairs, Jennifer Behr, Jordana Bluestein, Christina Grady
and Shelley Morgenstern, for their assistance in making this
event a success. What a wonderful way to end the school year
and welcome summer!
Remembering and Honoring Edith Sperber
We are so delighted to announce that Dr. Robert I. Sperber has
made a generous endowed gift to our temple to be used for
scholarships, materials and programs for the Frances Jacobson
Early Childhood Center. Dr. Sperber established the The Edith
Winter Sperber Memorial Fund in honor and memory of his
wonderful wife—a very talented, creative and wise individual
who was an important part of the forward thinking group that
helped to launch the FJECC in 1994. We are all so grateful to Dr.
Sperber for his thoughtfulness and generosity in making this
important gift!
Interested in Volunteering? We Need You!
We would love to welcome some new volunteers into our
classrooms for the 2016-17 school year. What a mitzvah it
is to work with young students and give of your time in this
meaningful way. Volunteers generally spend one morning per
week in the classroom, and training is provided. Past volunteers
have taught our preschoolers fun games (even chess!), assisted
with cooking projects, or read stories. We look forward to having
you share your special interests and talents with us. For more
information about volunteering, call the preschool office.
Preschool Calendar
Parents of children enrolled for the 2015-16 school year will receive
a preschool calendar in the mail. Here are a couple of dates to keep
in mind for the start of the school year. NOTE: The first days of school
are not full days for all students­—consult your FJECC calendar.
Tuesday, Sept 1
Parent Orientation:
6-9:30 pm
New to FJECC: 6-8:00 p.m.
New and returning parents:
8-9:30 pm
July/August 2015
Tuesday, Sept 8
First Day of School
Temple Israel Bulletin
The Riverway Project
If you would like to register or have any questions please contact Riverway Project Coordinator
Andrew Oberstein at [email protected].
Soul Food Friday
July 10, August 14, October 9, November 13
Wine & Cheese Meet & Greet 7:00-7:30 p.m.
Service 7:30-8:30 p.m.
Oneg/ Dinner 8:30-10:00 p.m.
Soul Food Friday is a monthly Qabbalat Shabbat Service
held here at Temple Israel for individuals in their 20’s and
30’s. This is a highly musical and engaging service led by
Rabbi Matt Soffer and wonderful musicians. An oneg of
Jewish “soul food” follows the service.
This is a great introduction to the Riverway community.
For more information, contact [email protected].
Riverway Café
July 21, August 18, October 20, November 17
At Riverway Café, we head into coffeeshops in
neighborhoods all around Boston! We bring the text and
the teacher, as well as the free food & drink—you just
bring yourself and your friends! This is a perfect chance
to study Judaism through its texts in a relaxed setting,
hear different perspectives, and get to know others.
Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter.
Visit riverwayproject.org for more information.
Want to sign up for the Riverway e-bulletin?
Email Andrew at [email protected]
Ohel Tzedek: Social Justice
On Tuesday, May 12, Temple Israel joined together with 1800
members of Boston’s interfaith community, representing over 40
congregations, at Trinity Church in Copley Square for the Greater
Boston Interfaith Organization (GBIO) Rededication Assembly
and Action. With over 90 people in attendance including
congregants, clergy, and staff, Temple Israel had the largest
delegation of any synagogue.
At the gathering, Governor Baker, Mayor Walsh, Attorney
General Healey, and House Speaker DeLeo pledged their support
to work with GBIO on five key issues: Affordable Housing,
Criminal Justice Reform, Gun Violence Prevention, Health Care
Cost Containment, and Public Education.
In his closing benediction, Rabbi Friedman invoked the words of
the first Chief Rabbi of Israel, HaRav Kook, saying “the old must
Temple Israel Bulletin
July/August 2015
be renewed and the new must be sanctified….We have joined
with one another this evening to renew a covenant of justice
which we share irrespective of faith, race, ethnicity, class or
Please help us update your information.
If you have changes in address, phone number
or email, contact our Membership Office at
[email protected].
Beacon Academy
Beacon Academy’s year came to a fabulous close this month,
with our graduation held in Temple Israel and our 10th
Anniversary Celebration at the House of Blues. Our students
were honored to be able to use such a sacred and beautiful
space and to be surrounded by Temple members and Rabbis
Ronne Friedman and Elaine Zecher. At occasions such as these,
we are especially reminded how lucky we are to be so closely
linked to this wonderful institution.
Here are some of the student reflections we included in our
graduation program book. If you would like to see the full
version, let Lydia know and she will put one in the mail for you
([email protected]).
Stefano Amador
Concord Academy
“In September, I came to Beacon as an apprehensive kid who
was afraid of taking risks. Beacon is a place where I have learned
to be bold. Being in an environment where everyone strives for a
world-class education has given me the opportunity to be daring
and exceptional.”
Edwin Jones
Cathedral High School
“Beacon has been able to teach me so much—not just in
academics, but in life too. I have been able to expand my mind
by trying new things and meeting new people.”
Danny Matos
Buckingham Browne & Nichols
“Now, I work hard, have sleepless nights, and push myself to the
absolute maximum so that I will be something one day. I will
always come running back to Beacon because this place is my
home and the place that made me who I am today.”
Priscilla Singleton
Nobles and Greenough School
“I have started to value my education a lot more since I began
Beacon. I now understand the gift I have received—a world-class
education. With that education, I can do anything.”
Brittney Smith
Dana Hall School
“If not for Beacon, the life that I will be living out next year
would have been just a dream; because of Beacon and my hard
work, the impossible is now my reality. Thanks to Beacon, I
am more confident in my ability to learn, and I will be entering
Dana Hall as a student who believes in her capabilities, is strong
socially and academically, and is a proud Beacon alum.”
Please Welcome Lindsay Sprechman, Temple Archivist
We are delighted to welcome Lindsay
Sprechman, our new Archivist. Lindsay
has a Masters of Science in Library
and Information Sciences/Archives
Management Concentration from Simmons
College, and received her BA in History
from the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill. She has worked at the American Jewish Historical
Society, UMass Boston and the Jewish Women’s Archive. Her
primary responsibility is to collect, maintain, preserve, and
catalog the archives collections and make them accessible. She
will also be:
• Developing archival policies and procedures
• Providing reference services for temple administrators,
congregants, and the general public
• Accessioning, arranging, describing, preserving, and creating
access tools for all archival records
• Routinizing acquisition of historical records from
departments, offices, and committees
• Establishing a pilot digitization program
Other duties include performing research for occasional museum
exhibitions and educational programs, supervising interns and
volunteers, and providing content for the archives’ webpage.
Lindsay will be at the temple on Tuesdays and Thursdays from
10:00 – 4:30 and can be contacted at [email protected]
or by phone, x154.
We hope you’ll come by to meet our new archivist!
July/August 2015
Temple Israel Bulletin
Life Cycles at Temple Israel
If you’d like to share news of a life cycle event with your TI community in the September/October issue, please send details to
Sue Misselbeck at 617-566-3960 x117 or [email protected] by August 8.
Do you have pictures with Rabbi Friedman?
In planning for next year’s retirement celebration, we are looking for lifecycle photos of Rabbi Ronne Friedman with
TI families. Pictures should be printed from a digital file, scanned and printed, or photo copied no larger than 4x6.
Please send or drop off photos with your family name and date of the event to the Wyner museum. Photos will not be
returned. Be part of the celebration!
Questions? Call Pam at 617-462-0734 or Harriet at 617-512-1685.
We Congratulate
Sarah Bourne and Alexander Bick on their marriage
Victor Herzberg and Helen Herzberg (z’l) on the marriage of
their daughter, Anne, to Uri Eden
Josh Levine and Hannah Farber on their marriage
Liza and Adam Mazo, parents, and Bruce Mazo, grandfather,
on the birth of Gideon Abraham Mazo
Jill Medvedow and Richard Kazis on the marriage of their son,
Noah, to Suzanne Kahn
Sarah Minden on the marriage of her son, Michael Miller, to
Shanying Cui
Evan Olesh and Stacey Goldberg on their marriage
Dean and Pamela Richlin on the birth of their granddaughter,
Antonia Bard Paquette
Roberta Steinberg and Avishai Shafrir on the birth of their
grandson, Samuel Shafrir
Donald and Cheryl Warner on the marriage of their daughter,
Rachel, to Joshua Parker
Lucy Williams on the marriage of her daughter, Molly, to David
Judi Ross Zuker and Ed Zuker, grandparents, Abi and Mark
Goodman, aunt and uncle, Bonnie and Jon Rotenberg, greataunt and uncle, Rene Ross and Jane Moss, great-aunts, on the
birth of Madeline Fay Benton Ross
July and August Birthdays and Anniversaries
Please note: The people in these lists are celebrating milestones whose years end in 0 or 5.
July Anniversaries
65 years
35 years
Sarah and Jason Glass
August Anniversaries
15 years
5 years
Nancy and Michael Kurtz
Maureen and Anthony Raynes
Seymour Small and Joan Rachlin
Cantor Roy Einhorn and
Cantor Jodi Sufrin
Paul and Pamela Paternoster
25 years
15 years
40 years
Adam Narva and Paula Martin
Robert Goisman and Jeanne Traxler
40 years
20 years
45 years
Nancy and Tony Tauber
Jeffrey and Karen Garb
Michael Davis and Bryna Lakin-Davis
Stacy and David Lee
Carol and Steven Targum
Patricia and David Squire
25 years
50 years
Gregory and Lisa Grobstein
Susan and Dennis Shapiro
30 years
60 years
10 years
Jonathan Krasner and Frank Tipton
Harry Grill and Betsy Fitzpatrick
Frederick Schoen and Angeline Warner
45 years
Erica and Donald Stern
50 years
Natalie and Arthur Schatz
Helene and David Bailen
60 years
Claire and Richard Morse
Justin and Genevieve Wyner
Temple Israel Bulletin
Yelena Kopylova and Mark Turetskiy
Alan Einhorn and Suzanne Salamon
Lisa Mirowitz and Bruce Ehrlich
Ned Dubilo and Grace Zimmerman
Linda and Jonathan Kay
July/August 2015
Marcia and Louis Kamentsky
Life Cycles at Temple Israel
July Birthdays
Matthew Arnold
Deborah Bennett
Steve Blumstein
Elyssa Brand
Rebecca Brand
Nina Brodskaya
Amy Chinitz
Ami Cipolla
Dayl Cohen
Greg Fischer
Vivian Freeman
Marina Giovannelli
Carol Gladstone
Naomi Gordon
Hilary Grove
Adam Guren
Kelly Johnson
Louis Kamentsky
David Kaplan
Amy Levine
Sarah Lipsitt
Mia Louik
Yefim Magitsky
Cecily Morse
Leslie Myers
Harriet Paltiel
Michelle Parsons
Doug Riseberg
Jerome Smulow
Stephen Snyder
John Strecker
Jeane Ungerleider
Anna Weiss
Kendra Chaikind
Judith Finn
George Fishman
Deborah Gandre
Yulia Goncharov
Sylvia Green
David Gross-Loh
Michael Gruenbaum
Chasiah Haberman
Bryan Hirsch
Louis Hirsch
Michelle Karol
Terri Kasper
Jennifer Kaufman
Debbie Knez
Hope Krakoff
Andrea Lesser-Gonzalez
Judith Levy
Paul Levy
Holly Levy
Jordan Levy
August Birthdays
Jeffrey Albro
Rochelle Alexander
Michael Altman
Heather Ayares
Doug Berkson
Mindy Berman
Jonathan Lewis
Shirley Libby
Shelley Mintz
Patrick Morse
Ellen Novinsky
Evan Olesh
Lois Pines
Stephen Rosenfeld
Francine Rosenzweig
Marc Rysman
Avishai Shafrir
Melissa Seiler-Cohen
Vicki Skoler
William Stone
Gabriella Strecker
James Waldroop
Harlan Weber
Justin Wyner
Recent Deaths
Kathy Davidson, sister of Marc Baskin
Helen Talesnick Fichman, grandmother
of Rachel Daniels
Lillian Fishbein, grandmother of Mike
Fishbein and great-grandmother of
Benjamin and Ezra
Harriett Gordon
Florence Gross
Helen Herzberg, wife of Victor Herzberg
and mother of Anne and Danielle
Albert Kazis, father of Lewis Kazis
Paulette Zimber Meiselas, mother of
Valerie Zimber
Sylvia (Suzy) Minkoff, mother of
Michael Minkoff and grandmother of Liev
and Harry
Kathleen Simmons, mother of Warren
Simmons, grandmother of Jennifer
Solem, and great-grandmother of Lucas,
Sydney and Zachary
Helen Stonberg, mother of Lisa Karofsky
Arlene Weimar, aunt of Mark
Morton Zonis, husband of Marcia Zonis
Rosalind M. Richman, mother of Amy
August Bat Mitzvah
Eleanor Sherman Collins,
daughter of Laurie Sherman and
Ann Collins, on August 29
Please help us update your information.
If you have changes in address, phone number
or email, contact our Membership Office at
[email protected].
July/August 2015
Temple Israel Bulletin
Life Cycles Continued...
July/August Yahrzeits
June 28 - July 4
(11 Tammuz - 17 Tammuz)
Hyman Abrams
Samuel Barron, Jr.
Jeanne Benjamin
Alexander Berger
Evelyn Sachs Berman
Mary Bierbrier
David Bond
Leland Brown
Albert Burmon
Roberta “Bobbie” Burstein
Benjamin Castleman
Haskell Cohn
Robert Dine
Risa Gara
Benjamin Goldberg
Joseph Gorin
Rosalind Herrmann
Mildred Schulman Hurwitz
George Kaplan
Sidney Koblenzer
Adrian Kramer
Barbara Levine
Dora Marks
Robert Miller
Sylvia Dane Nathanson
Abraham Nemrow
Deborah Simons Pearlstein
Sidney Philip
Bessie Wit Phillips
Ferdinand Phillips
Samuel Poorvu
Belle Ostrofsky Redstone
Stanley Rosenbaum
Herman Scheff
Sylvia Beizer Seder
Julia Sherman
Leo Silbert
Samuel Silverman
Joseph Simberg
Arthur Simmons
Virginia Marcus Stern
Donald Tattenbaum
Eleanor Robbins Young
Phyllis Fisher Zimman
Murray Zuckerman
July 5 - July 11
(18 Tammuz - 24 Tammuz)
William Addelson
Samuil Alland
Mildred Daniels Arbetter
Robert Aronowitz
Robert Barron
Bernard Brightman
Benjamin Bunshaft
James Cohen
Myer Cohen
Robert Corkin
Annette Fritz Dollin
Harry Fienman
George Freedman
David Freeman
Ira Gerler
Arnold Goldstein
Cecil Robert Gordon
Sumner Gordon
Samuel Horovitz
Etta Landau Isenman
Etta Kamentsky
Benjamin Kaplan
Mary Schnittman Kaplan
Tommy Kaplan
Ethel Kaufman
Joseph Kot
William Lebow
Miriam Lewis
Doris Tobis Locke
Aron Lurie
Alan Mendelson
Florence Berlow Michelson
Alan Palder
Jacob Palder
Edith Phillips
Anna Pinanski
Charlotte Robinson
Frances Rosenstein
Stanley Rothenberg
Morris Roud
Alexander Salamon
Roy Sallen
Coleman Silbert
Ruth Singer
Enid Goldman Slatoff
Solomon Stern
Betty Stone
Marjorie Roberts Stone
David Wartel
Katherine Wayner
Frieda Weis
Zussman Weis
Gertrude White
Charles Wilinsky
July 12 - July 18
(25 Tammuz - 2 Av)
Israel Alexander
Temple Israel Bulletin
July/August 2015
Maurice Begal
Hyman Burstein
Abraham Caplan
Doris Brewer Cohen
Minnie David
Sidney Dunne
Eleanor Epstein Rabb
Mollie Falk
Benjamin Feinberg
Gertrude Davidson Feinberg
Goldie Sedar Feinberg
Margery Feinberg
Franklin Fox
Jesse Friedman
Edward Giller
Benjamin Gluck
Robert Gordon
Joseph Greenberg
Marilyn Grossman
Frances Winer Kane
David Koster
Gabriella Kovacs
Jeffrey Lepie
Joseph Levy
Maurice Marder
Joseph Margolis
Fannie Barban Mehlman
Richard Miller
Isadore Nye
Nettie Putnoi
Ann Davis Randall
Julius Rosenberg
Sidney Rosenburg
Martha Rottenberg
Sidney Saunders
Isadore Seligman
Mae Shapiro
Rose Shapiro
Gertrude Sherman
Hilda Shiffman
Harry Singer
Flora Slonim
Harold Smith
Philip Smith
Sylvia Tarlin
Jo Ann Tackeff Toledano
Rebecca Ulin
Muriel Wolfman
July 19 - July 25
(3 Av 3 - Av 9)
Julius Aisner Jr.
Solomon Barnet
Frances Bronstein
Nancy Brudno
Samuel Cohen
Charles Corkin
David Dangel
Edith Davidson
Herbert Diamond
Sara Faneuil
Harry Freeman
Sheila Gilbert
Helen Fish Goldfarb
Henry Goldman
Hubert Gordon
Ethel Haas
Dorothy Huberman
Bessie Kaffenburgh
Ethel Bratt Kaplan
Lewis Krosner
Bess Kurland
Robert Jay Kurland
Charlotte Dane Levin
Luella Maslon
Arnold Mork
Edith Nessen
Abraham Noble
Benjamin Bela Rosenberg
Samuel Sandler
Ruth Tannenholz Scheffreen
Dora Binder Schulman
Jacob Segal
Joseph Segal
Alfred Sigel
Isaac Slocum
Adele Salomon Stern
Franciska Stieber
Arthur Tapper
Betty Tattenbaum
Ralph Tobis
Maurice Ulitsky
Rachel White
July 26 - August 1
(10 Av - 16 Av)
Arnold Adelman
Cori Auerbach Altman
Evelyn Barlow
Emily Bean
Ida Benari
Mayer Zvi Brenner
Fannie Clayton
Herman Cofman
Pifla Cohen
Max Falik
Saul Charles Fechtor
Herman Feer
Leona Fishel
Frederick Frank
Life Cycles Continued...
Rose Frank
Louis Gale
Samuel Glen
Sylvia Pollner Gluck
Harry Goff
Hannah Leah Gorin
Harry Gorin
Saul Hertz
Mary Hitt
Mark Horblit
Hyman Hubbard
Frances Patricia Kannon
Bernard Kaplan
Louis Kramer
George Lane
Henry Lasker
Peter Leavitt
Benjamin Levy
Buddy Lieberman
Mary Mades
Leon Margolis
George Nathanson
Nathan Pearlstein
David Ramler
Barbara Bloom Ranson
Lilian Kuhns Reichert
Edwin Robbins
Mark Robbins
Louis Ross
Etta Gelerman Rudofsky
Sadie Salmansohn
Adele Friedstein Schaye
Charlotte Samet
Shikes Schwartz
Grace Cohen Shohet
Maurice Charles Simons
Rose Stein
Marion Rutt Steinberg
Berthold Stern
Julius Stone
David Weintraub
Meyer Wunsch
Herschel Yesley
August 2, - August 8
(17 Av - 23 Av)
Sarah Abrahamson
Rabbi David Bear Alpert
Gerald Auerbach
Benjamin Banks
Irene Goldbarg Bennett
Stanley Berkman
Benjamin Bernson
Nathan Daniels
Herman Feffer
Phyllis Hyde Fisher
Molly Galpert
Ida Goldman
Meyer Goldman
Adele Adler Gordon
Rebecca Gorin
Laurence Gross
William Harting
Louis Hermanson
Isabel Baker Hurwitz
Tekla Huvos
Jacob Kaplan
Irving Klein
Murray Koblenzer
Sidney Lampert
Frank Lanes
Anna Simons Levin
Leo Milner
Barbara Astroff Morse
David Nadell
Saul Nectow
Elizabeth Pfeffer
Frances Greenberg Polin
Evelyn Poretsky
Ella Frankfurter Rogers
Ellen Berman Sandler
Abraham Schilder
Ruth Segel
Dorothy Shapiro
Edna Shpiner
Harvey Shwartz
Pauline Singer
Frances Steinberg
Michael Miller Sulkin
Frank Wallace
Betty Kahn White
Charles Yallum
August 9 - August 15
(24 Av - 30 Av)
Bessie Strauss Abraham
Sylvia Hanauer Adelson
Louis Berenberg
Ellen Lois Berman
Charles Brown
Maurice Cherazie
Celia Davis
David Einhorn
Irving Flax
Gerald Flaxer
Leah Nataupsky Freedman
Max Geller
Benjamin Goldberg
Joseph Goldman
Charlotte Goodman
Evelyn Goodman
Montie Gordon
William Irving Gorfinkle
Helaine Gorin
Stella Sydeman Grossman
Albert Gutterman
Siegfried Horowitz
Judy Bailen Kateman
Maurice Keezer
Isidore Kressel
Lena Salter Kulvin
Fannie Freedman Leavitt
Leon Levenson
Milton Linden
Saul Marcus
Lewis Martinson
Laurence Meyer
Rhea Miller
Sandra Vogel Nagelberg
Morris Narva
Samuel Nemzoff
Wendy Jane Nessel
Joseph Parker
Aaron Perlmutter
Bernard Morris Rivkin
Rebecca Leven Roberts
Rhoda Rosenthal
Ruth Rothenberg
Betsy Rubin
Anna Sandler
Fannie Saxe
David Seder
Harry Shpiner
Benjamin Sieve
Ronald Sigel
Annie Snyder
Benjamin Spelfogel
Yetta Steinfeld
Hyman Stern
Sumner Stroyman
Bertha Swartz
Pauline Bunshaft Wasby
Paul Weiner
Abraham Weisberg
Fred Wolff
Anna Frank Wolfman
Taffy Zimbler
August 16 - August 22
(1 Elul - 7 Elul)
Nathan Bierbrier
Alice Bloomberg
Melissa Remedi Brown
Irving Canner
Esther Cibel
Eleanor Grossman Cohen
Lena Damon
Zelda Davis
July/August 2015
Bella Diamond
Adolph Freedman
Eva Goldberg
Jacob Bernard Gordon
Joyce Forman Groper
Maurice Jacobs
Sally Frank Kaplan
Nan Bennett Kay
Leon Kessler
Fannie Loitman
Harold Margolis
Edward Markell
Frances Michaelson
Maurice Miller
Howard Muellner
Viola Myers
Lorna Phillips
Charlotte (Dolly) Rabb
Rose Rachlin
Avner Rakov
Adele Robbins
Samuel Rosenberg
Fay Rotenberg
Minna Dreyfus Rubenstein
Claire Sandberg
Ralph Harold Schein
Faye Zeichik Schenk
Burton Segal
Lillian Rosenberg Silbert
Selma Singer
Bessie Slesinger
Jacob Sloane
Jeanette Snyder Simon
Melvin Starensier
Emanuel Starr
Herman Strauss
Arthur Stroyman
Russell Theise
Harold Trietsch
Rose Wekstein
Florence Winograd
August 23 - August 29
(8 Elul - 14 Elul)
Gustaf Abrams
Sally Laskoff Abrams
Frank Alter
Doris Stern Bacharach
Henry Bakst
Florence Berke
Samuel Berkman
Harry Braude
Harriett Slome Brownstein
Florence Bloomberg Cerf
Henrietta Nast Cofman
Walter Corty
Temple Israel Bulletin
Life Cycles Continued...
Frances Ebert
Mitchell Roy Emers
Rose Escovitz
Milton Feinberg
Laurence Fine
Philip Furshman
Abraham Gashin
Jerry Nathan Goldberg
Rae Goldman
Naomi Virginia Hambro
Audrey Hoffman
Ruth Horwitz
Richard Hyde
Stanley Kaplan
Elizabeth Kirshen
Anna Klein
Rae Krokyn
Emmanuel Kurland
Walter Landau
Norman Levin
Sam Levin
Aaron Levin
Bernard Levine
Walter Lewis
Elaine Marcus
Andrew McAfee
Frances Mordecai
Carolyn Levin Morrill
Sidney Palder
David Passer
Frank Popper
Bella Porter
Ida Droker Queen
Irving Rabb
Joseph Rapaport
Sylvia Rice
Sumner “Sonny” Rodman
Isaac Sholkin
Joseph Shurdut
Rebecca Silverman
Lila Ginsburg Simberg
Miriam Brief Solomovitz
Julia Goodman Thurman
Mae Vernon
Efrem Weinreb
Florence Mendelsohn Weiss
Abe Wise
Abraham Wolfe
Albert Zecher
Miriam Zuckerman
Biblical Garden
In memory of my beloved father, Ralph
A. De Jur on his yahrzeit
From Jacqueline and Steven Feinberg
In honor of Natalie and Arthur Schatz’s
50th anniversary
From Alberta and Roger Lipson
Clergy Discretionary Fund
In honor of our daughter, Courtney
Stano, receiving a B.S. in Nursing
from MGH School of Health Care
From Mark and Sue Misselbeck
In appreciation of Rabbi Friedman for
officiating at the funeral of my wife,
From Joseph Manello
In memory of Lillian Fishbein,
grandmother of Mike Fishbein
From Sue Misselbeck
A donation
From An Anonymous Donor
From Hillel Levine
In loving memory of Louis Hodess on his
From Annette and Paul Hodess
In honor of the silver anniversary of
Harriet and George Greenfield
From Sue Misselbeck
In loving memory of my mother, Ruth
Rudnick, on her yahrzeit
From Sue Misselbeck
In appreciation of Rabbi Friedman for
officiating at the funeral of my mother,
Helen Stonberg
From Lisa and Paul Karofsky
In honor of the naming of my greatgranddaughter, Etta Dildine
From Anita Bender
In loving memory of my grandmother,
Ruth Rudnick, on her yahrzeit
From Courtney Stano
In appreciation of Rabbi Zecher for
being part of the bris for our son,
From Rita and Adam Weiner
In memory of my beloved husband,
Alvan D. Finn, on his yahrzeit
From Lois Finn
Temple Israel Bulletin
In honor of Mitchell Shames being
honored by Hebrew College
From Fran and Don Putnoi
In memory of my beloved daughter,
Sukey, on her yahrzeit
From Gabe Padawer
In memory of my beloved father, Dr.
Justin Richman, on his yahrzeit
From Donna Richman and Mike
July/August 2015
In honor of Courtney Stano’s graduation
from MGH School of Healthcare
From David Decter
A donation
From An Anonymous Donor
In appreciation of Cantor Einhorn
From Steven and Sarah Prager Smith
In honor of the ordination of Suzie
From Kurt, Jodi, Seth and
Maya Lockwood
From The Dansinger Family
In honor of the naming of Desmond
Samuel Goldring, son of Katie Goldring
From David Weinstein and Kim Barnum
In memory of Paulette Zimber Meiselas,
mother of Valerie Zimber
From Sue Misselbeck
Contributions Continued...
In appreciation and in honor of Rabbi
Friedman for his kindness and caring
around the memorial service for Mary
From John and Jeannie Blasberg
In appreciation of Rabbi Morrison and
Cantor Einhorn for their support and
participation in the Bat Mitzvah of our
daughter, Lilli
From Charles Silverston and
Nancy Leventhal
In honor of the marriage of our
daughter, Rachel, to Josh Parker and
in appreciation of Rabbi Mehlman
officiating at their wedding
From Cheryl and Don Warner
In honor of Rabbi Jeremy Morrison
From Stephanie Bloom Pearl
In loving memory of Rose Freedman on
her yahrzeit
From Barbara Cohen
In loving memory of Sydney S. Feinberg
on his yahrzeit
From Steven Feinberg
In memory of our beloved fathers,
Samuel Rovner and Barry Zimman, on
their yahrzeits
From Ellen Rovner and Michael Zimman
In loving memory of Phyllis Zimman on
her yahrzeit
From Michael Zimman and Ellen Rovner
Trudy Friedman-Bell
Education Fund
In appreciation of Laurel Friedman
From Paula Folkman
Rita May Toddler Room
In honor of the bat mitzvah of Emma
Rose Skoler
From Paul and Rhona May-D’Onofrio
In honor of the bar mitzvah of Maxwell
J. Davis
From Paul and Rhona May-D’Onofrio
In honor of the graduation of Seth
Lockwood from the Rashi School
From Paul and Rhona May-D’Onofrio
In honor of their Stepping-Up Ceremony:
Emma Eloise Driscoll, Max Davis, Rachel
Jacobs, Emma Skoler, Esther Trask-Hall
and the entire Temple Israel 7th grade
class of 2015
From Paul and Rhona May-D’Onofrio
With congratulations and best wishes
to the Barkowitz Family on their exciting
From Paul and Rhona May-D’Onofrio
In honor of the ordination of Rabbi Suzie
From Paul and Rhona May-D’Onofrio
Jesse Friedman Riverway Project
In memory of Phyllis Berkowitz and in
appreciation of Rabbi Mehlman, Rabbi
Friedman and Cantor Einhorn
From The Berkowitz and
Kurzrok Families
Marilyn and Mike Grossman
Caring Community
In appreciation of Cantor Einhorn for his
caring attitude
From Gabriele Cohen
In appreciation of the Clergy, Sue
Misselbeck and the Caring Community
for their outreach at the time of the
death of Marc’s sister
From Marc and Elayne Baskin
James D. Glunts Bookshelf
In memory of my beloved father, James
D. Glunts, on his yahrzeit
From Shirley Libby
Adele Godoff Bookshelf
In loving memory of Adele Godoff on her
From Stan and Leslie Godoff
Karol Music Fund
In memory of my beloved brother,
Gerald J. Lebow, on his yahrzeit
From Phyllis Darman
In memory of my beloved son, Paul
Darman, on his yahrzeit
From Sumner and Phyllis Darman
Newell and Eleanor Kurson
Transportation Fund
In loving memory of my father, Newell B.
Kurson, on his yahrzeit
From Nancy and Richard Lubin
Rabbi Bernard H. Mehlman
Legacy Fund
In honor of Suzie Jacobson
From Fran and Don Putnoi
In honor of Mitchell Shames and Marsha
Slotnick for being honored by Hebrew
From Fran and Don Putnoi
In loving memory of Helen Herzberg
From Anne, Dannie and Victor Herzberg
In honor of Harold Ginsburg’s 80th
From Fran and Don Putnoi
Putnoi Clergy Weekend Fund
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Carole
Starr Schein
From Lisa Levitt and Steve Jermanok
July/August 2015
Temple Israel Bulletin
Contributions Continued...
In honor of Suzie Jacobson’s ordination
as a rabbi
From Fran and Don Putnoi
In memory of Paulette Zimber Meiselas
mother of Valerie Zimber
From Rhoada Wald
In honor of the marriage of Noah Kazis
and Suzanne Kahn, son of Jill Medvedow
and Richard Kazis
From Fran and Don Putnoi
Fay and Henry Stein Children’s
In loving memory of Samuel E. Seegel on
his yahrzeit
From Richard Seegel
In loving memory of Charles and Goldie
Wartel on their yahrzeits
From Sidney and Helene Wartel
In loving memory of Fay Fisher Stein on
her yahrzeit
From Clare Rosenfield
In loving memory of our mother, Aida
Klein Marglin, on her yahrzeit
From Nancy and Joseph Marglin
Riverway Project
Stroyman Fund
In loving memory of Rose Lanes on her
From Alfred Lanes
With great appreciation to Rabbi Soffer
and Sue Misselbeck for their efforts to
facilitate our Jewish education, Sarah’s
conversion and our marriage
From Alexander Bick and Sarah Bourne
In celebration of David Apfel’s receiving
the Commitment to Justice Award
From the Youth Advocacy Foundation
From Robby Steinberg and Avishai
In appreciation of Rabbi Soffer for
helping me through the conversion
process and the Riverway Project for all
the wonderful work they do
From Ken Jenney
In honor of the birth of Samuel Shafrir,
grandson of Robbie Steinberg and Avi
From David Apfel and Lisa Rechtschaffer
From Robby Steinberg and Avishai Shafrir
In honor of our granddaughter, Joia
Putnoi’s graduation from 8th grade
From Fran and Don Putnoi
In appreciation of Rabbi Soffer for
leading the service at the naming of our
daughter, Fiona, and for Sue Misselbeck’s
wonderful support
From Rhiannon Roberts and
Jordy Hertzberg
Dr. Arnold L. Segel Library Fund
In loving memory of Sylvia Young on her
From Elise Young
In loving memory of my grandfather,
Abraham Botkin, on his yahrzeit
From Linda, Henry and Michelle Okun
Social Action Fund
In appreciation of Qabbalat Shabbat
From Dana Rosenberg
Temple Israel Bulletin
Temple Fund
In loving memory of Anna Gashin on her
From Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gashin
In loving memory of Edith Robbins Katz
on her yahrzeit
From Joan and Joseph Garb
In loving memory of Jack H. Bufferd on
his yahrzeit
From Allan and Rhea Bufferd
In memory of my beloved wife, Gitta
Kurlat, on her yahrzeit
From Saul Kurlat
In loving memory of Leona F. Karp on her
From Nancy Karp
In memory of my beloved husband,
Gordon Blum, on his yahrzeit
From Marjorie Bloom
In loving memory of Barney Israel on his
From Adele and Howard Israel
In loving memory of Michael Frieze on
his yahrzeit
From Linda and Michael Frieze
In loving memory of Martin S. Katcoff,
Eva Shreider Cole, David Katcoff and
Jennie Katcoff, on their yahrzeits
From Eleanor Katcoff
In loving memory of Boris G. Guralnik on
his yahrzeit
From Perla Guralnik
In loving memory of Pauline Goldstein
Fine on her yahrzeit
From Norman and Pamela Fine
In loving memory of my mother, Fay
Fisher Stein, on her yahrzeit
From Clare Rosenfield
In loving memory of Edith Robbins Katz
on her yahrzeit
From Barbara Wasserman
In loving memory of Joseph Wise on his
From Nancy Cutler
In loving memory of Philip Okun on his
From Henry Okun
In loving memory of Betsey Dorothy
Berkman Marcus on her yahrzeit
From Robert and Sandra Marcus
July/August 2015
Contributions Continued...
In loving memory of Lorraine Altschuler
on her yahrzeit
From Laurel Struzziero
In loving memory of Jennie Warsowe on
her yahrzeit
From Carl Warsowe
In honor of the special anniversary of
Joan and Joe Garb
From Nancy Raphael
In loving memory of Sara K. Wallace
From Mr. and Mrs. David Wallace
In loving memory of my wife, Alice Winn,
on her yahrzeit
From Arthur Winn
In honor of the special birthday of
Roberta Steinberg
From Nancy Raphael
In loving memory of Lewis Gale on his
From Richard Gale
Wyner Museum
In loving memory of Robert M. Gargill on
his yahrzeit
From Elizabeth Gargill
In honor of the silver anniversary of
Harriet and George Greenfield
From Eliot Greenfield
From Stephen and Ina Abrams
In honor of the confirmation of our
grandson Michael Garb
From Joan and Joe Garb
In loving memory of my father, Rudolph
H. Wyner, on his yahrzeit
From Justin Wyner
In loving memory of Bertha Gordon on
her yahrzeit
From Robert Rosenbaum
In loving memory of Charlotte Cahners
Glass on her yahrzeit
From Walter Cahners
In loving memory of Mark Bortman on
his yahrzeit
From Jane Larus
In loving memory of Beatrice R. Schlager
on her yahrzeit
From S. Lawrence Schlager
In honor of Isabel Rose Salvin who
became a Bat Mitzvah on May 30
From Anamaria Grieco
In loving memory of Samuel Segel and
Sara K. Berman on their yahrzeits
From Bernard Berkman
In loving memory of Edward Jacobson
and Ethel Jacobson on their yahrzeits
From Alan Jacobson
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Shira
Feinberg, daughter of Uri and Meryl
From Don and Sandy Perrin
In honor of our daughter, Nancy Tauber’s
50th birthday
From Alvin and Sarann Goldfield
In loving memory of Pearl Seegel on her
From Dick and Ginny Seegel
In loving memory of Gertrude Ann
Mendelson on her yahrzeit
From Mr. and Mrs. William Mendelson
In loving memory of my brother, Robert
Gargill, on his yahrzeit
From Myra Kolton
In loving memory of Harold I. Fruitman
on his yahrzeit
From Nancy and Joseph Marglin
In loving memory of Albert Salter on his
From Mrs. Raymond King Myerson
In loving memory of Harold Edward
Zauderer on his yahrzeit
From Adele and Howard Israel
Gale L. Raphael TILLI Fund
In memory of my beloved father, Max
Starr, on his yahrzeit
From Nancy Raphael
WRJ Special Education Fund
In honor of Sandy Perrin for all her hard
work for WRJ
From Harriet and Richard Steinberg
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Sylvia
From Ruth Klepper
In honor of the special anniversary of Liz
and Chuck Levin
From Nancy Raphael
In honor of the special anniversary of
Marlene and Mark Yesley
From Nancy Raphael
In honor of the special anniversary of
Jeanne and Adam Gorlovsky-Scheff
From Nancy Raphael
In honor of the special anniversary of
Judy and David Rosenthal
From Nancy Raphael
July/August 2015
Temple Israel Bulletin
Temple Israel Bulletin
July/August 2015
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
10 Av 27
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
3 Av 20
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
11 Av 28
6:30 PM
Riverway Café
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
4 Av 21
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
12 Av 29
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
5 Av 22
6:00 PM
Qabbalat Shabbat
6:00 PM
Qabbalat Shabbat
14 Av 31
6:15 PM Weekday Minyan
13 Av 30
6:00 PM
Qabbalat Shabbat
7 Av 24
6:15 PM Weekday Minyan
6 Av 23
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
29 Tammuz 17
7:00 PM
Soul Food Friday
15 Av
9:00 AM
Torah Study
8 Av 25
9 Av
10:00 AM
Thank Goodness It’s Shabbat!
9:00 AM
Torah Study
1 Av 18
2 Av
24 Tammuz
9:00 AM
Early Morning Service
& Torah Study
23 Tammuz 11
6:00 PM Qabbalat Shabbat
22 Tammuz 10
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
28 Tammuz 16
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
27 Tammuz 15
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
26 Tammuz 14
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
25 Tammuz 13
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
21 Tammuz 9
17 Tammuz
9:00 AM
Early Morning Service
& Torah Study
16 Tammuz 4
6:00 PM
Qabbalat Shabbat
15 Tammuz 3
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
14 Tammuz 2
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
20 Tammuz 8
12:00 PM
Library Book Group
19 Tammuz 7
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
18 Tammuz 6
For updated calendar information visit:
www.tisrael.org and click on “calendar”
JULY 2015 (Tammuz/Av)
July/August 2015
Temple Israel Bulletin
14 Elul 31
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
8 Elul 24
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
1 Elul 17
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
24 Av 10
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
12:00 PM
Library Book Group
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
9 Elul 25
6:30 PM
Riverway Café
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
2 Elul 18
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
25 Av 11
16 Elul
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
10 Elul 26
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
3 Elul 19
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
26 Av 12
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
19 Av 5
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
11 Elul 27
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
4 Elul 20
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
27 Av 13
6:00 PM
Qabbalat Shabbat
12 Elul 28
6:00 PM
Qabbalat Shabbat
5 Elul 21
7:00 PM
Soul Food Friday
6:00 PM
Qabbalat Shabbat
28 Av 14
7:00 PM
477 Movie Night
16 Av
30 Av
7 Elul
14 Elul
10:15 AM
Shabbat Morning Service Eleanor Sherman-Collins
Bat Mitzvah
9:00 AM
Early Morning
Service & Torah Study
13 Elul 29
9:00 AM
Early Morning
Service & Torah Study
6 Elul 22
10:00 AM
Thank Goodness It’s Shabbat!
9:00 AM
Early Morning Service
& Torah Study
29 Av 15
9:00 AM
Early Morning
Service & Torah Study
23 Av
9:00 AM
Early Morning
Service & Torah Study
22 Av 8
6:00 PM
Qabbalat Shabbat
21 Av 7
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
20 Av 6
For updated calendar information visit:
www.tisrael.org and click on “calendar”
18 Av 4
6:15 PM
Weekday Minyan
17 Av 3
August 2015 (Av/Elul)
Temple Israel of Boston
USPS 50648
Founded in 1854
Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism
Issued 6 times/year.
All Bulletins are printed on recycled paper
President: Chris Noe
Vice President: Gary Pforzheimer
Treasurer: Marc Rysman
Rabbi Ronne Friedman
Cantor Roy B. Einhorn
Rabbi Elaine S. Zecher
Rabbi Jeremy S. Morrison (on leave)
Rabbi Matthew V. Soffer
Rabbi Suzie Jacobson
Rabbi Bernard H. Mehlman, Senior Scholar
Non Profit
US Postage
Permit 50648
Boston, MA
Temple Israel
477 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02215-5396
Dan Deutsch, Executive Director
Helen Cohen, FJECC Preschool Director
Emma Sandler, Director of Communications
Paul Panza, Communications
Design: April Ropes
Telephone: 617-566-3960
Fax: 617-731-3711
High Holy Days Schedule
Saturday, September 5
Rosh Hashanah
Monday, September 14
Kol Nidre
Tuesday, September 22
8:00 p.m. Reception
8:45 a.m. Younger Children’s Program
5:00 p.m. Younger Children’s Rainbow Service
9:00 p.m. Program
9:00 a.m. Early Service -
6:15 p.m. Early Service and Family Service -
10:00 p.m. Service
Orange, Blue & Silver Tickets
Orange & Blue Tickets
11:45 a.m. Late Service -
8:45 p.m. Late Service - Yellow, Purple,
Yellow & Purple Tickets
& Silver Tickets
Erev Rosh Hashanah
Sunday, September 13
2:00 p.m. Tashlich
5:30 p.m. Younger Children’s Rainbow Service
Yom Kippur
Wednesday, September 23
7:45 p.m. Late Service - Orange, Yellow,
Second Day Rosh Hashanah
Tuesday, September 15
Silver & Purple Tickets
10:00 a.m. – Andrew Sherman will lead the
9:00 a.m. Early Service and Family Service -
Second Day Rosh Hashanah Service and
Orange & Blue Tickets
Potluck Brunch
11:45 a.m. Late Service - Yellow, Purple
5:30 p.m. Family Service - Blue Tickets
8:45 a.m. Younger Children’s Program
& Silver Tickets
2:00 p.m. Yom Kippur Study Session
(following the late morning service)
3:15 p.m. Yizkor and Concluding Service