Knoxville`s - Knoxville News Sentinel
Knoxville`s - Knoxville News Sentinel
Knoxville’s Best Lawyers ® A regional directory of best lawyers in America∏ 2014 GC Greg Coleman Law KNS318735 Justice For You YOU ONLY GET ONE CHANCE TO HIRE THE RIGHT ATTORNEY. • Best Lawyers in America for Plaintiff Personal Injury and Plaintiff Product Liability • Mid-South Super Lawyer • Top 100 Trial Lawyer • Certified Civil Trial Specialist • Martindale Hubbell Bar Registry of Preeminent Lawyers • Cityview Top Attorney • Newsweek Statewide Top Attorney AREAS OF PRACTICE: Asbestos/Mesothelioma | Class Actions | Product Liability | Personal Injury | Wrongful Death Workers’ Compensation | Auto and Motorcycle Accidents | Tractor Trailer Accidents GREG COLEMAN LAW PC Bank of America Center 550 W. Main Avenue, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37902 (865) 247-0080 • Toll-free: 1-800-HURT-NOW (800-487-8669) 2014 Knoxville’s Regional Directory Best Lawyers Contact Info These lists are excerpted from The Best Lawyers in America® 2014, which includes listings for more than 50,000 lawyers in 134 specialties, in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The Best Lawyers in America® is published by Woodward/White, Inc., Aiken, South Carolina and can be ordered directly from the publisher. For information call 803-648-0300; write 237 Park Ave., S.W., First Floor, Aiken, SC 29801; email [email protected]; or visit Online subscriptions to Best Lawyers® databases are available at www. Disclaimer Woodward/White Inc., has used its best efforts in assembling material for this list but does not warrant that the information contained herein is complete or accurate, and does not assume, and hereby disclaims, any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions herein whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. All listed attorneys have been verified as being members in good standing with their respective state bar associations as of July 1, 2013, where that information is publicly available. Consumers should contact their state bar for verification and additional information prior to securing legal services of any attorney. Copyright Copyright 2013 by Woodward/White, Inc., Aiken, SC. All rights reserved. This list, or parts thereof, must not be reproduced in any form without permission. No commercial use of this list may be made without permission of Woodward/White, Inc. No fees may be charged, directly or indirectly, for the use of this list without permission. “The Best Lawyers in America” and “Best Lawyers” are registered trademarks of Woodward/White, Inc. Publisher: Amy Nolan Sales Manager: Nancy Nabors 2332 News Sentinel Dr. Knoxville, TN 37921 865-342-6454 [email protected] Designer: Jennifer Dedman Editorial Staff: Shelley Kimel Cover Photographer: Paul Efird On the cover: The Tennessee Supreme Court, photographed on Oct. 30, 2013, at the Historic United States Post Office and Courthouse, is described as “one of the most ornate and beautifully appointed rooms in East Tennessee” by court historian Don Ferguson. Special thanks to Joanne Newsome, chief deputy clerk at the Appellate Court, for access to the court room. ® T Methodology 2014 his list is excerpted from the 2014 edition of The Best Lawyers in America, the preeminent referral guide to the legal profession in the United States. Published since 1983, Best Lawyers lists attorneys in 134 specialties, representing all 50 states, who have been chosen through an exhaustive survey in which thousands of the nation’s top lawyers confidentially evaluate their professional peers. The 2014 edition of Best Lawyers is based on more than 4.9 million evaluations of lawyers by other lawyers. The method used to compile Best Lawyers remains unchanged since the first edition was compiled over 30 years ago. Lawyers are chosen for inclusion based solely on the vote of their peers. Listings cannot be bought, and no purchase is required to be included. In this regard, Best Lawyers remains the gold standard of reliability and integrity in lawyer ratings. The nomination pool for the 2014 edition consisted of all lawyers whose names appeared in the previous edition of Best Lawyers, lawyers who were nominated since the previous survey, and new nominees solicited from listed attorneys. In general, lawyers were asked to vote only on nominees in their own specialty in their own jurisdiction. Lawyers in closely related specialties were asked to vote across specialties, as were lawyers in smaller jurisdictions. Where specialties are national or international in nature, lawyers were asked to vote nationally as well as locally. Voting lawyers were also given an opportunity to offer more detailed comments on nominees. Each year, half of the voting pool receives fax or email ballots; the other half is polled by phone. Voting lawyers were provided this general guideline for determining if a nominee should be listed among “the best”: “If you had a close friend or relative who needed a real estate lawyer (for example), and you could not handle the case yourself, to whom would you refer them?” All votes and comments were solicited with a guarantee of confidentiality – a critical factor in the viability and validity of Best Lawyers® surveys. To ensure the rigor of the selection process, lawyers were urged to use only their highest standards when voting, and to evaluate each nominee based only on his or her individual merits. The additional comments were used to make more accurate comparisons between voting patterns and weight votes accordingly. Best Lawyers uses various methodological tools to identify and correct for anomalies in both the nomination and voting process. Ultimately, of course, a lawyer’s inclusion is based on the subjective judgments of his or her fellow attorneys. While it is true that the lists may at times disproportionately reward visibility or popularity, the breadth of the survey, the candor of the respondents, and the sophistication of the polling methodology largely correct for any biases. For all these reasons, Best Lawyers lists continue to represent the most reliable, accurate and useful guide to the best lawyers in the United States available anywhere. Best Lawyers lists are available at “Best Lawyers,” and “The Best Lawyers in America” are registered trademarks of Woodward/White, Inc. Best Lawyers∏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" 3$91 9"$)! :' <()24 "393 (+; 3+( (3)3> 4'#4+3 '+"+'$ 9+ ) 99+3)> 9+9''> +:4 +) "$;$)! %:49$ +3 "$4 '$)9 <4 )9"3''$)!. # # ! ! # # "3 3 + +:34 '$99' 9"$)!4 "3 ) 9"3 9"9 <+:' ")!. +<;3 !$;) 9" +--+39:)$9> <+:' 3'$; (> 33 +;3 ) +;3 !$). 4 Best Lawyers∏ 2014 ! ! ! ! ! ! Best Lawyers∏ 2014 5 2014 Knoxville’s Regional Directory Best Lawyers America in ® Administrative / Regulatory Law William A. Young Hodges, Doughty & Carson 617 W. Main Street P.O. Box 869 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-292-2307 [email protected] Banking and Finance Law Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] R. Culver Schmid James G. O’Kane J. William Coley Warren L. Gooch Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] Richard W. Krieg Lewis, King, Krieg & Waldrop One Centre Square, Fifth Floor 620 Market Street P.O. Box 2425 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-4646 [email protected] Appellate Practice Linda Mowles Lewis, King, Krieg & Waldrop One Centre Square, Fifth Floor 620 Market Street P.O. Box 2425 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-4646 [email protected] Howard H. Vogel O’Neil, Parker and Williamson 7610 Gleason Drive, Suite 200 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-546-7190 [email protected] Arbitration Lewis R. Hagood Arnett, Draper & Hagood First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2300 P.O. Box 300 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-7000 [email protected] James H. London London Amburn BankEast Building, Suite 900 607 Market Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-637-0203 [email protected] 6 Best Lawyers∏ 2014 O’Neil, Parker and Williamson 7610 Gleason Drive, Suite 200 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-546-7190 [email protected] Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law Dean B. Farmer Hodges, Doughty & Carson 617 W. Main Street P.O. Box 869 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-292-2307 [email protected] Gregory C. Logue Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter 900 Riverview Tower 900 S. Gay Street P.O. Box 900 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-215-1000 [email protected] John A. Walker Jr. Walker & Walker 507 S. Gay Street, Suite 1200 P.O. Box 2774 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-523-0700 [email protected] Bet-the-Company Litigation Bernard E. Bernstein Bernstein, Stair & McAdams The Weston Building, Suite 300 4823 Old Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37919 865-546-8030 [email protected] William Thomas Dillard III Ritchie, Dillard, Davies & Johnson Main Place, Suite 300 606 W. Main Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-637-0661 [email protected] John T. Johnson Jr. Baker, O’Kane, Atkins & Thompson 2607 Kingston Pike, Suite 200 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-637-5600 [email protected] Dwight E. Tarwater Paine, Tarwater, and Bickers 900 S. Gay Street, Suite 2200 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-525-0880 [email protected] Business Organizations (including LLCs and Partnerships) R. Culver Schmid Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] Civil Rights Law Arthur Knight Taylor & Knight 800 S. Gay Street, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37929 865-522-5057 E. Jerome Melson Gentry, Tipton & McLemore 900 S. Gay Street, Suite 2300 P.O. Box 1990 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5300 [email protected] Commercial Finance Law R. Culver Schmid Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] Commercial Litigation Bernard E. Bernstein Bernstein, Stair & McAdams The Weston Building, Suite 300 4823 Old Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37919 865-546-8030 [email protected] Thomas A. Bickers Paine, Tarwater, and Bickers 900 S. Gay Street, Suite 2200 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-525-0880 [email protected] David T. Black Kizer & Black 329 Cates Street Maryville, TN 37801 865-982-7650 [email protected] W. Kyle Carpenter James H. London London Amburn BankEast Building, Suite 900 607 Market Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-637-0203 [email protected] Wagner, Myers & Sanger 1801 First Tennessee Plaza Knoxville, TN 37929 865-525-4600 Dennis R. McClane Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter 900 Riverview Tower 900 S. Gay Street P.O. Box 900 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-215-1000 [email protected] James G. O’Kane Wynne du Mariau Caffey Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] Dean B. Farmer Hodges, Doughty & Carson 617 W. Main Street P.O. Box 869 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-292-2307 [email protected] Thomas M. Hale Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] S. Russell Headrick Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] John T. Johnson Jr. Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] % #! %% " $ " $ $ John A. Lucas Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter 900 Riverview Tower 900 S. Gay Street P.O. Box 900 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-215-1000 [email protected] Ramsey, Elmore, Stone & Caffey Westwood Building, Suite 301 5616 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37919 865-766-0056 [email protected] Baker, O’Kane, Atkins & Thompson 2607 Kingston Pike, Suite 200 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-637-5600 [email protected] Clarence Risin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wight E. Tarwater Paine, Tarwater, and Bickers 900 S. Gay Street, Suite 2200 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-525-0880 [email protected] ( ! $! '% "(# " &&& Howard H. Vogel O’Neil, Parker and Williamson 7610 Gleason Drive, Suite 200 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-546-7190 [email protected] Construction Law Wynne du Mariau Caffey Ramsey, Elmore, Stone & Caffey Westwood Building, Suite 301 5616 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37919 865-766-0056 [email protected] Robert H. Green Kennerly Montgomery & Finley 550 W. Main Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-546-7311 [email protected] "* "* . /6 5*+ "*. ' * )+ $*. + "1+ " . .." *.*." ." " "$4 " +.*1." 1+ ++ +$1.+' + +" . + +" *.*."* * " *.*." $ %*(1 .5 + * & "* *+"1." " + * *" 3 ."1+ ." " + " "*+' + +*2 + ."* " 3 2*.5 " "* 1+.* +$1.+ 1 " " +.*1." "* 1 " +.*1." $*"1+ .+ $*"+++ "2 "1. * " +.*1." " "* .* .5 1..5 *+.*1.1* $*"2 .+' + * " . * ".5 " *+ "4 * ++"." ++ * ++"." * * ++"." %"*1 " . " +.*1." 1+.*5& ++ + 35*+ ++"." + +* +..1. ++ ++"." " " +.*1." "1 + %"1 * .*+1** "2* "* *&' $*"2+ *.*."* ."* *2+ "* "* " +.*1." +$1.+' + *+.* ."* 1 * ++ 1$* "1*. 1 /# * "1*. ."* * " . " +.*1." "* *.*." + " . * *.*." ++"." ' * 3" + $*. 3 "* /, 5*+ ". * *+ *" "3 .. 2*+.5 . 2*+.5 " "3 3 * *" . 2*+.5 " ++' 3+ .. ." . * ++ #!, + *+.* $*"++" * ++ + #!,0 %1** .5 .2&' Best Lawyers∏ 2014 7 Albert J. Harb Corporate Law J. Ford Little Lewis, King, Krieg & Waldrop One Centre Square, Fifth Floor 620 Market Street P.O. Box 2425 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-4646 [email protected] Hodges, Doughty & Carson 617 W. Main Street P.O. Box 869 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-292-2307 [email protected] William C. Myers Jr. Wagner, Myers & Sanger 1801 First Tennessee Plaza Knoxville, TN 37929 865-525-4600 [email protected] Lawrence Giordano Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter 900 Riverview Tower 900 S. Gay Street P.O. Box 900 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-215-1000 [email protected] Robert P. Noell Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter 900 Riverview Tower 900 S. Gay Street P.O. Box 900 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-215-1000 [email protected] R. Loy Waldrop Jr. Herbert S. Sanger Jr. Wagner, Myers & Sanger 1801 First Tennessee Plaza Knoxville, TN 37929 865-525-4600 [email protected] Thomas M. Hale Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] Robert F. Worthington Jr. Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] William Gregory Hall WG Hall Law P.O. Box 52088 Knoxville, TN 37950 865-546-0080 [email protected] Criminal Defense: Non-White-Collar Donald A. Bosch Dennis R. McClane Lewis, King, Krieg & Waldrop One Centre Square, Fifth Floor 620 Market Street P.O. Box 2425 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-4646 [email protected] Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter 900 Riverview Tower 900 S. Gay Street P.O. Box 900 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-215-1000 [email protected] ( &## &# Bosch Law Firm 712 S. Gay Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-637-2142 [email protected] Wade V. Davies Ritchie, Dillard, Davies & Johnson Main Place, Suite 300 606 W. Main Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-637-0661 [email protected] 06 , )9 ( #"& , 0&: )6( )9 ( 0&: 4( :01 !), 06 )9 ( )"( #& 0+01(4 &#(41 8#4" #($60#1 6 4) 4" (!&#!( ) #(#7#6&1 ( )0+)04#)(12 #"& 0&: ( 0((( (#"( 0+01(4 &#(41 #( ( ) 0#'#(& ( )'14# 0&4#)(1 0+01(44#)(, 06 )9 #1 ( 964#7 )''#44 ( )0 '0 ) 4" ((11 11)#4#)( )0 614# ( '0#( )0 ) 0#& 7)412 " "1 ( (' )+ *;; 8:0 #( ((11 : 4" '0#( 0#& 8:01 11)#4#)( ( 14 8:01 : ,, 81 #( 5;* , - "7 4" 9+0#( #4#)( 0+644#)( ( 40% 0)0 4"4 !41 016&41 )0 )60 &#(41,. 01)(& ($60: 0 #(41 06% #(41 )4)0:& #(41 #1404 0#7#(! 601#(! )' &#'1 0)64 ##: )0%0/1 )'+(14#)( (0!: 4)'# )0%01 )#& 60#4: #1#: #7)0 "#& 614): 0#'#(& )9 0&: 1071 &#(41 #( ((11 #4#1 16" 1 ()97#&& &#(4)( % #! #(!14)( )&&44 0:7#&& ( #4#1 4"0)6!")64 ()9 )6(4: (01)( )6(4: )( )6(4: &)6(4 )6(4: '+&& )6(4: &#)0( )6(4: )0!( )6(4: )44 )6(4: ( (#)( )6(4:, # ') %* $* # ## # $ ! ! !* !!!% 8 Best Lawyers∏ 2014 ,, William Thomas Dillard III Herbert S. Moncier William Thomas Dillard III David M. Eldridge Steven Oberman David M. Eldridge Ritchie, Dillard, Davies & Johnson Main Place, Suite 300 606 W. Main Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-637-0661 [email protected] Eldridge & Blakney, P.C. 400 W. Church Avenue, Suite 101 P.O. Box 398 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-544-2010 [email protected] John E. Eldridge John E. Eldridge 800 S. Gay Street, Suite 2100 Knoxville, TN 37929 865-523-7731 [email protected] Gregory P. Isaacs The Isaacs Law Firm 618 S. Gay Street, Suite 300 P.O. Box 2448 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-673-6735 [email protected] Law Office of Herbert S. Moncier Bank of America Center, Suite 775 550 W. Main Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-546-7746 [email protected] Oberman & Rice 550 W. Main Street, Suite 730 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-249-7200 [email protected] Douglas A. Trant Stacy, Whitt, Cooper & Trant 706 Walnut Street, Suite 902 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-524-8106 [email protected] Ritchie, Dillard, Davies & Johnson Main Place, Suite 300 606 W. Main Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-637-0661 [email protected] Eldridge & Blakney, P.C. 400 W. Church Avenue, Suite 101 P.O. Box 398 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-544-2010 [email protected] Stephen R. Johnson Criminal Defense: White-Collar Ritchie, Dillard, Davies & Johnson Main Place, Suite 300 606 W. Main Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-637-0661 [email protected] Donald A. Bosch Douglas A. Trant Wade V. Davies DUI/DWI Defense Bosch Law Firm 712 S. Gay Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-637-2142 [email protected] Ritchie, Dillard, Davies & Johnson Main Place, Suite 300 606 W. Main Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-637-0661, [email protected] Stacy, Whitt, Cooper & Trant 706 Walnut Street, Suite 902 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-524-8106, [email protected] Sara Compher-Rice Oberman & Rice 550 W. Main Street, Suite 730 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-249-7200, [email protected] 0 ' !) )&)*#-* #0/!* # $)#4-$#* # )"#! #0*--$# # &)$*/-$#' +% 3!# 88 * 3+ 4* 30 &8& #%64!! 1-$82 .28&8 !+!5*3, +"#! #, 0 %!!+ +"#! #, +%,,%#! ,'!# #, # * .+ 3)* $ &)- !) * )&)*#- $- #0/!* # $)&$)-$#* # )"#! #0*--$#* # &)$*/-$#* ))# !!-$#* $ !- ) )/ -2 )/ "$#3 !/#)# ))3 # )/ #0)$#"#-! )"* # $-) 1- $!!) )"#! **/*' !*$ * 2-#*0 2&)# ## *-- "*"#$) # !$#3 )"#! &)$*/-$#* #!/# ** $ - *- &)$!' !) * )- * )"#! -)! *&!*- 3 - -$#! $) $ )! 0$3 # - ##** $""**$# $# &!4-$#' !) * $#**-#-!3 # #" # - *- 13)* # ") *- )"#! #* 13)* # - #- --* $/- /&) 13)* # $& %55 13)* # ##**' * &/!* # *- 13)* # ") 1* $*# 3 * &)* * #$20!!(* *- 13) $ - ) $) .5%% # )"#! #* $#- $!!) # #$20!!(* *- 13) $ - ) $) .5% # )"#! #* - $!!)' - 2-#*0 2&)# # !! "--)* $ )"#! /*-$# !) * 1!! &)&) -$ /#)- - )&)*#--$# $ #0/!* # $)#4-$#* # - "$*- /!- $ "--)*' #4+,07 % ##,, %+,0 #4+,07 5 %%! (0%+# 5 45) ##,, + ,,%0%# ',0 + 6304 %3#! +"#! 3,0 0%# #%64!! + ,,%0%# ',0 '+,#0 0%#! ,,%0%# % +"#! #, 57+, ! ""+ ##,, ,,%0%# % +"#! #, 57+, ',0 %+ ""+ !!%5 "+# %!! % +! 57+, Best Lawyers∏ 2014 9 Employee Benefits (ERISA) Law Steven Oberman Oberman & Rice 550 W. Main Street, Suite 730 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-249-7200 [email protected] Robert S. Marquis Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter 900 Riverview Tower 900 S. Gay Street P.O. Box 900 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-215-1000 [email protected] Elder Law Monica J. Franklin Monica Franklin 4931 Homberg Drive Knoxville, TN 37919 865-588-3700 [email protected] William E. Mason IV Kennerly Montgomery & Finley 550 W. Main Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-546-7311 [email protected] Kelly Guyton Frère Guyton & Frère 1001 E. Broadway Lenoir City, TN 37771 865-694-0373, [email protected] Employment Law - Individuals David A. Burkhalter II Burkhalter, Rayson & Associates 111 S. Central Street P.O. Box 2777 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-524-4974 [email protected] Matthew B. Frère Guyton & Frère 1001 E. Broadway Lenoir City, TN 37771 865-694-0373, [email protected] Eminent Domain and Condemnation Law John J. Britton Lewis, King, Krieg & Waldrop One Centre Square, Fifth Floor 620 Market Street P.O. Box 2425 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-4646, [email protected] Lewis R. Hagood Edwin H. Rayson Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] Ronald A. Rayson Burkhalter, Rayson & Associates 111 S. Central Street P.O. Box 2777 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-524-4974 [email protected] Edward H. Trent Wimberly Lawson Wright Daves & Jones Bank of America Center, Suite 900 550 Main Avenue P.O. Box 2231 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-1000 [email protected] Employment Law - Management Arnett, Draper & Hagood First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2300 P.O. Box 300 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-7000 [email protected] Lewis R. Hagood Arnett, Draper & Hagood First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2300 P.O. Box 300 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-7000 [email protected] ! ! 2$6$+) $3 6" 8):2$66) :6":+2 + 2)66 2-2 ) !++. 213 6" 62$6$+) + "$2$)! )$923$6< + ))33 +''! + : !2863 3+(6"$)! 6" 2( "3 +) :$6" : ;-6$+)3 3$) $63 +8)$)! $) ,* . 213 6" 62$6$+) + -2+33$+)'$3( :"$" $3 3$!)' < 92<6"$)! 2+( 6" 2(13 2$$'$6< $) 6" +8262++( 6+ $63 +8263< :$6"$) $63 +3. +36 + '' 6"213 6" 62$6$+) + 329$ 6+ $63 '$)63 3+(6"$)! 6"6 $3 2+)6 ) )62 92< <. / 2(13 66+2)<3 3"2 +((+) -33$+) 6+ 6"$''< -2+9$ 6" 36 '!' 329$3 +2 6"$2 '$)630 3<3 3)$+2 -26)2 :$3 . !++ :"+ %+$) +23 :$6" +362 . 2)66 ) & . 2-2 $) ,*4. 2(13 ;'') "3 ) 2+!)$= 2-6'<. 2)66 2-2 ) !++ $3 ) 2($))6 6 : $2(. 63 10 Best Lawyers∏ 2014 " ':<23 +)3$36)6'< 2 "+3) < 6"$2 -23 3 36 :<23 $) (2$. +36 2)6'< -26)23 $''$( . $((3 ) $& +:23 :2 +6" "+3) 36 :<23 $) 6" 23-6$9 '3 + -2+863 '$$'$6< ) "'6"2 ':. 2)66 :"+ -33 :< $) 7>>7 :3 -23$)6 + 6" ))33 2 33+$6$+) ) 6" )+;9$'' 2 33+$6$+). +82 +6"23 $) 6" 2( '3+ "9 329 3 -23$)6 + 6" )+;9$'' 2 $)'8$)! 2-2 :"+ $3 26$2 86 +)6$)83 "$3 33+$6$+) :$6" +#+8)3'. !++ :"+ :3 3'6 +2 6" 236 $6$+) + 36 :<23 ) "3 ) "+3) 92< <2 3$) 329 3 3262< ) 6") -23$)6 + 6" ))33 +2 + : ;($)23 +2 ,7 <23. :3 +) 6" 236 ($6$+) -)' 3'6 < 6" 2' +826 $) ,**, ) "3 +)86 "8)23 + ($6$+)3. $((3 . $"' $6=-62$& ) $& . +:23 2 ((23 + 6" )62)6$+)' 33+$6$+) + )3 +8)3' ) 6" 26$+) + )3 ) +2-+26 +8)3'. $((3 :"+ :3 $)86 $)6+ 6" (2$) +''! + 2$' :<23 6:+ <23 !+ $3 '3+ ((2 + 6" (2$) +2 + 2$' 9+63 ) :3 -23$)6 + 6" ))33 "-62 $) 7>> . $6" ,> 6$9 -26)23 ) 39) 33+$63 6" 2( ")'3 2+ 2)! + '!' (6623 $)'8$)! 9$6$+) +((2$' ': +)36286$+) +2-+26 ': (-'+<()6 $32$($)6$+) "'6"2 $)382) '+2 ($6$+) ($' 9$3 ($' ) -2+33$+)' ('-26$ -2+863 '$$'$6< 628&$)! :$''3 ) 3663 ) :+2&231 +(-)36$+). / "9 ':<3 +($) "2 :+2& ) ='+83 2-23)66$+) :$6" -2+33$+)'$3( ) $9$'$6< ) 626$)! ''+: ':<23 ) 6" +8263 :$6" 23-60 3<3 $((3. /"6 !+3 2+8) +(3 2+8).0 Steven E. Kramer Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] Frederick J. Lewis Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] Timothy B. McConnell Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] Edward G. Phillips Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] Edwin H. Rayson Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] Edward H. Trent Wimberly Lawson Wright Daves & Jones Bank of America Center, Suite 900 550 Main Avenue P.O. Box 2231 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-1000 [email protected] John E. Winters Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] Energy Law Herbert S. Sanger Jr. Wagner, Myers & Sanger 1801 First Tennessee Plaza Knoxville, TN 37929 865-525-4600 [email protected] Environmental Law Mary LeAnn Mynatt Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] Family Law Sarah Y. Sheppeard Sheppeard & Mynatt 616 W. Hill Avenue Knoxville, TN 37902 865-546-3653 [email protected] L. Caesar Stair III Bernstein, Stair & McAdams The Weston Building, Suite 300 4823 Old Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37919 865-546-8030 [email protected] Family Law Mediation Sarah Y. Sheppeard Sheppeard & Mynatt 616 W. Hill Avenue Knoxville, TN 37902 865-546-3653 [email protected] First Amendment Law Richard L. Hollow Hollow & Hollow 410 Montbrook Lane, Suite 200 P.O. Box 11166 Knoxville, TN 37939 865-769-1709 [email protected] Franchise Law #" %# '! $ $$& + ((+ , +1. & . $2+,.5 & $$,, &"" & 3 3+ , ,+2 &$ . 3 23) , #$.$ (+. $ $&42"" &+ #&+ .$ /6 5+, &1,$ &$ &#,. +".&$, 2" "..&$ 1,$,, "3 ,.. ("$$$ $ (+&. "3) , &1.&+ & # &+ 2$ .+., $$,, 3 & 2$ $&3 $ ., ,4. .&$) , ,+2 , $ 1$. ,,,.$. (+&,,&+ . . $2+,.5 & $$,, &"" & 3 .$ .+" (+. $ &#,. +".&$, "3) +&# '% .& . (+,$. , , $ $ $,.+1.&+ 3. . $$,, 3 $,..1. .$ . ., $$1" 23 #$+) , ",& 1" /' ",. #.&+ ((+&2 5 . $$,, 1(+# &1+.) ,) ((+ , $ 2+5 .2 $ (+&,,&$" .2., ,+2$ , . +,. #" (+,$. & . $&42"" + ,,&.&$) , " $1#+&1, +&", $ . $$,, + ,,&.&$ $"1$ ,+2$ , + & . "..&$ $ , ##+ & . &+ & &2+$&+,) 3, . +(&+.+ &+ . *, ,! &+ &$ . & & 1" &$1. &+ 3 , +2 . +,$.*, 3+ $ 06'6) , ",. $ ,. 35+, $ #+ . +.$"1"" + ,.+ & +#$$. 35+, $ $ 1(+"35+,) , ",& +($. & . *, +1. .& &#$ 3+) Kelli L. Thompson Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] Government Relations Practice Dale C. Allen Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter 900 Riverview Tower 900 S. Gay Street P.O. Box 900 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-215-1000 [email protected] Warren L. Gooch Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] Health Care Law F. Michael Fitzpatrick Arnett, Draper & Hagood First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2300 P.O. Box 300 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-7000 [email protected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est Lawyers∏ 2014 11 Insurance Law Labor Law - Management Beecher A. Bartlett Jr. Lewis R. Hagood Robert A. Crawford Steven E. Kramer S. Russell Headrick Frederick J. Lewis Arnett, Draper & Hagood First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2300 P.O. Box 300 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-7000, [email protected] James Y. “Bo” Reed Edward G. Phillips Dan Douglas Rhea John E. Winters Warren L. Gooch Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134, [email protected] James H. London London Amburn BankEast Building, Suite 900 607 Market Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-637-0203 [email protected] Stephen A. McSween Egerton, McAfee, Armistead & Davis 1400 Riverview Tower 900 S. Gay Street P.O. Box 2047 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-0500, [email protected] Rick L. Powers Arnett, Draper & Hagood First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2300 P.O. Box 300 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-7000, [email protected] Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134, [email protected] Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] James Y. Bo Reed 720 S. Gay Street Knoxville, TN 37901 865-637-5566 Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134, [email protected] Arnett, Draper & Hagood First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2300 P.O. Box 300 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-7000 [email protected] Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] !-% *-.!&3 3*& + 8& & (&3& + ';; + : 3+ );; !7-7!8 (8&(97!$$ 4/';5 0 0 ;;; 888+%$8+(% 12 Best Lawyers∏ 2014 /3(& 80 (/% !& 3 )'4;0 6/!& 3 /3 */00!(& 0( 7!0!& $!&30 6/!& (&(%! / 3!%0 !0 &(3!& &8 (/ 3!0 /%+ !3 5) 33(/&:0 !&$6!& )1 0/($/0 3 /% !0 8$$ *(0!3!(& 3( &$ !30 $!&30. 60!&00 & $!3!3!(& &0+ 8!0 + (03/ /+ *03 */0!&3 & !/%& ( 3 /% 80 &% &(97!$$ / (6&3!(& $$(8+ 8( 33(/&:0 3*& + 8& & (&3& + 7 & 0$3 : 3!/ */0 :/ 0 %(& 03 8:/0 !& %/!+ /% 0 %!&3!& & ,- 0!&3!(& 3 !03 /3!& *6$!0 : /3!&$ 6$$ (/ 07/$ :/0+ /3(& 33(/&:0 /*/0&3 $!&30 /(00 3 0*3/6% ( 60!&00 & (/*(/3 $8 & / 3!7 !& (03 ( (%%6&!3: /(6*0 /&!& /(% **$!& $$3 (+ 3( !33 (/ 6%&!3: 3( 3 & $& (00 &3/ 3( /0 $$: &+ /3(& /*/0&30 $!&30 */!%/!$: !& 3 */3! ( (/*(/3 !7!$ $8+ 30 */3! 0 & %*0!0 (& 39 & 60!&00 %33/0+ /%.0 $!3!3!(& */3%&3 /*/0&30 !&!7!6$ & 60!&00 $!&30 !& 7/!(60 $!3!3!(& %33/0 !&$6!& 60!&00 !0*630 !&06/& &0 8(/#/.0 (%*&03!(& &#/6*3: %*$(:%&3 !0060 & */0(&$ !&"6/:+ &#!& (%%-!$ (&.3-63!(& (-*(-31 %*$(:%&3 .33 $&&!& (7-&%&3 $3- !3!(& $ .33 6-!3!. 93!(& &($(:1 (%%- &(97!$$ - ..(!3!(& &&.. - ..(!3!(& %-!& - ..(!3!(& $$(8 %-!& ($$ ( (-3 33(-&:. &&.. &. 8:-. ..(!3!(& "6&3 -(..(- (($ ( 8 %-!& ..(!3!(& (- 6.3! %%!$3(& 6-&33 *3- ( 3 %-!& &&. ( (6-3 $ ! ( .3 &&..,. -( (&( -("3 Edwin H. Rayson Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] John E. Winters Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] Legal Malpractice Law - Defendants Darryl G. Lowe Lowe, Yeager & Brown Riverview Tower, Suite 1950 900 S. Gay Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-521-6527 [email protected] Lewis, King, Krieg & Waldrop One Centre Square, Fifth Floor 620 Market Street P.O. Box 2425 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-4646, [email protected] Litigation - Construction Robert H. Green Kennerly Montgomery & Finley 550 W. Main Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-546-7311 [email protected] Litigation - Environmental J. William Coley Hodges, Doughty & Carson 617 W. Main Street P.O. Box 869 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-292-2307, [email protected] Hodges, Doughty & Carson 617 W. Main Street P.O. Box 869 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-292-2307 [email protected] John King Lewis, King, Krieg & Waldrop One Centre Square, Fifth Floor 620 Market Street P.O. Box 2425 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-4646 [email protected] J. Ford Little J. Michael Haynes Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter 900 Riverview Tower 900 S. Gay Street P.O. Box 900 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-215-1000 [email protected] Arthur G. Seymour Jr. Frantz, McConnell & Seymour 550 W. Main Street, Suite 500 P.O. Box 39 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-546-9321 [email protected] Kennerly Montgomery & Finley 550 W. Main Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-546-7311, [email protected] R. Loy Waldrop Jr. Albert J. Harb Land Use and Zoning Law Jack M. Tallent II Hodges, Doughty & Carson 617 W. Main Street P.O. Box 869 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-292-2307, [email protected] Howard E. Jarvis Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter 900 Riverview Tower 900 S. Gay Street P.O. Box 900 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-215-1000 [email protected] '* * ,/ 45*, !% $*!+ 17' &* *&2/, !!#!/5 !/!/!&% #!%/!, ! &2/ 2(* 45* !% #!%/!), &* *,&%# %"2*5 177- 17'0 /!&%# *!# 45*, ,,&!/!&% &( '77 *!# 45* !% %%,, ##&4 & / !/!/!&% &2%,# & $*! */! , !3!# *!# (!#!,/ 5 / &$$!,,!&% &% &%/!%2!% # 2/!&% % (!#!6/!&% *,&%# %"2*5 !3!# !/!/!&% !3&* &!# 2*!/5 !## ,//, !,!#!/5 *&2/, !!#!/5 3!/!&% !/!/!&% &/&*5# !%/, (((#( ++ # &# %++ )' $ $ !!!$$ Best Lawyers∏ 2014 13 Ashley Meredith Lowe Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] Mary LeAnn Mynatt Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] Litigation - ERISA S. Russell Headrick Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] William E. Mason IV Kennerly Montgomery & Finley 550 W. Main Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-546-731, [email protected] Hollow & Hollow 410 Montbrook Lane, Suite 200 P.O. Box 11166 Knoxville, TN 37939 865-769-1709 [email protected] Litigation - Labor and Employment David A. Burkhalter II Burkhalter, Rayson & Associates 111 S. Central Street P.O. Box 2777 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-524-4974 [email protected] Lewis R. Hagood Arnett, Draper & Hagood First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2300 P.O. Box 300 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-7000 [email protected] Steven E. Kramer Litigation - First Amendment S. Russell Headrick Richard L. Hollow Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] Accountable, Proven... Accountable, Proven... Trusted by Attorneys Accountable, Proven... Trusted by Attorneys Trusted byVValuation Attorneys • Business B i l i • Business B i V Valuation l i • Litigation Support - 25 Years Experience • Business B • iLitigation V Valuation l iSupport - 25 Years Experience • Business Strategy • Litigation Support - 25 Years Experience • Business Strategy • Business Strategy • Expert Testimony - 25 Years Experience • Expert Testimony - 25 Years Experience • • Expert Testimony - 25 Years Experience • Financial Forensics Financial Forensics • Financial Forensics • Negotiate purchase or sale of a business • Negotiate purchase purchase or sale a business • Negotiate or of sale of a business Trusted Advisors Trusted Advisors To The To The Business Community Trusted Advisors To The Business Community Business Community w ww w.w v aw. n ev lakni ne s. l kc ionms. c o m 2150 First Tennessee Plaza • Knoxville • (865) 523-8700 2150 First Tennessee Plaza • Knoxville • (865) 523-8700 14 Best Lawyers∏ 2014 w w w. v a n e l k i n s. c o m 2150 First Tennessee Plaza • Knoxville • (865) 523-8700 Frederick J. Lewis Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000, [email protected] Timothy B. McConnell Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] Edward G. Phillips Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] Ronald A. Rayson Burkhalter, Rayson & Associates 111 S. Central Street P.O. Box 2777 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-524-4974 [email protected] Edwin H. Rayson Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] Edward H. Trent Wimberly Lawson Wright Daves & Jones Bank of America Center, Suite 900 550 Main Avenue P.O. Box 2231 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-1000 [email protected] John E. Winters Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] Litigation - Land Use and Zoning David T. Black Kizer & Black 329 Cates Street Maryville, TN 37801 865-982-7650 [email protected] Thomas M. Hale Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] ! ! " Q Q ! Q Litigation - Municipal Thomas M. Hale Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] E. Jerome Melson Gentry, Tipton & McLemore 900 S. Gay Street, Suite 2300 P.O. Box 1990 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5300 [email protected] Litigation - Real Estate David T. Black Kizer & Black 329 Cates Street Maryville, TN 37801 865-982-7650, [email protected] Thomas M. Hale Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] 16 Best Lawyers∏ 2014 David W. Long Long, Ragsdale & Waters 1111 Northshore Drive, Suite S-700 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-584-4040, [email protected] Herbert S. Sanger Jr. Wagner, Myers & Sanger 1801 First Tennessee Plaza Knoxville, TN 37929 865-525-4600 [email protected] Litigation - Trusts and Estates Roy L. Aaron Hodges, Doughty & Carson 617 W. Main Street P.O. Box 869 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-292-2307 [email protected] David T. Black Kizer & Black 329 Cates Street Maryville, TN 37801 865-982-7650 [email protected] Martha S.L. Black Kizer & Black 329 Cates Street Maryville, TN 37801 865-982-7650 [email protected] Jackson G. Kramer Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] Litigation and Controversy - Tax Mack A. Gentry Gentry, Tipton & McLemore 900 S. Gay Street, Suite 2300 P.O. Box 1990 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5300 [email protected] Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions Defendants Thomas A. Bickers Paine, Tarwater, and Bickers 900 S. Gay Street, Suite 2200 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-525-0880 [email protected] Hugh B. Bright Jr. Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter 900 Riverview Tower 900 S. Gay Street P.O. Box 900 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-215-1000 [email protected] John W. Elder Medical Malpractice Law - Defendants Municipal Law Joshua J. Bond Arthur G. Seymour Jr. M. Denise Moretz Hodges, Doughty & Carson 617 W. Main Street P.O. Box 869 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-292-2307 [email protected] Paine, Tarwater, and Bickers 900 S. Gay Street, Suite 2200 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-525-0880 [email protected] Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter 900 Riverview Tower 900 S. Gay Street P.O. Box 900 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-215-1000 [email protected] Dwight E. Tarwater S. Russell Headrick Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] Wayne A. Kline Paine, Tarwater, and Bickers 900 S. Gay Street, Suite 2200 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-525-0880 [email protected] Hodges, Doughty & Carson 617 W. Main Street P.O. Box 869 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-292-2307 [email protected] Mediation James H. London Lewis R. Hagood Arnett, Draper & Hagood First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2300 P.O. Box 300 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-7000 [email protected] John K. Harber Pryor, Flynn, Priest & Harber Two Centre Square, Suite 600 625 S. Gay Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-223-6303, [email protected] James H. London London Amburn BankEast Building, Suite 900 607 Market Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-637-0203 [email protected] Sarah Y. Sheppeard Sheppeard & Mynatt 616 W. Hill Avenue Knoxville, TN 37902 865-546-3653 [email protected] William D. Vines III Butler, Vines and Babb 2701 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37919 865-622-7720 [email protected] Howard H. Vogel O’Neil, Parker and Williamson 7610 Gleason Drive, Suite 200 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-546-7190 [email protected] William A. Young O’Neil, Parker and Williamson 7610 Gleason Drive, Suite 200 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-546-7190 [email protected] London Amburn BankEast Building, Suite 900 607 Market Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-637-0203 [email protected] Harry P. Ogden Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] Edward G. White II Hodges, Doughty & Carson 617 W. Main Street P.O. Box 869 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-292-2307, [email protected] Medical Malpractice Law - Plaintiffs Sidney W. Gilreath Gilreath & Associates Bank Of America Center, Suite 600 550 W. Main Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-637-2442 [email protected] Robert E. Pryor Sr. Pryor, Flynn, Priest & Harber Two Centre Square, Suite 600 625 S. Gay Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-223-6303, [email protected] Mergers and Acquisitions Law Dennis R. McClane Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter 900 Riverview Tower 900 S. Gay Street P.O. Box 900 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-215-1000 [email protected] Frantz, McConnell & Seymour 550 W. Main Street, Suite 500 P.O. Box 39 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-546-9321 [email protected] Non-Profit / Charities Law Dan W. Holbrook Holbrook Peterson & Smith Tyson Place, Suite 150 2607 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37919 865-523-2900 [email protected] Patent Law Peter L. Brewer Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] Personal Injury Litigation - Defendants John W. Baker Jr. Baker, O’Kane, Atkins & Thompson 2607 Kingston Pike, Suite 200 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-637-5600 [email protected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est Lawyers∏ 2014 17 Beecher A. Bartlett Jr. Howard E. Jarvis Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] Luis C. Bustamante Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter 900 Riverview Tower 900 S. Gay Street P.O. Box 900 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-215-1000, [email protected] John T. Johnson Jr. Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter 900 Riverview Tower 900 S. Gay Street P.O. Box 900 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-215-1000 [email protected] F. Michael Fitzpatrick Arnett, Draper & Hagood First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2300 P.O. Box 300 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-7000 [email protected] J. Michael Haynes Hodges, Doughty & Carson 617 W. Main Street P.O. Box 869 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-292-2307 [email protected] Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134, [email protected] Richard W. Krieg Lewis, King, Krieg & Waldrop One Centre Square, Fifth Floor 620 Market Street P.O. Box 2425 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-4646, [email protected] Harry P. Ogden Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] P. Edward Pratt Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] Arthur G. Seymour Jr. Frantz, McConnell & Seymour 550 W. Main Street, Suite 500 P.O. Box 39 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-546-9321, [email protected] William A. Simms Arnett, Draper & Hagood First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2300 P.O. Box 300 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-7000 [email protected] T. Kenan Smith Hodges, Doughty & Carson 617 W. Main Street P.O. Box 869 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-292-2307 [email protected] Dwight E. Tarwater Paine, Tarwater, and Bickers 900 S. Gay Street, Suite 2200 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-525-0880 [email protected] Dalton L. Townsend Hodges, Doughty & Carson 617 W. Main Street P.O. Box 869 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-292-2307 [email protected] !$$ !%%. !. .&!(- *-1&- .*!$!9!& !& $!1!1!(& *-!%-!$8 !&.4-& &. *-(41. $!!$!18 *-.(&$ !&"4-8 5!1!(& (&.1-41!(& & 1-4#!& $6+ !. -1! . %!1(- *4-.4&1 1( 4$ 2) ( 1 4$. ( &&.. 4*-% (4-1 & . & -1!& !& -1!&$ 4$$+ -(% 8115!$$ &&.. !$$ -!5 !. $(- - !& *($!1!$ .!& -(% &!5-.!18 ( 1 (41 1 6& & $6 - -(% &!5-.!18 ( &&..+ "(!& -&11 -*- (( !& )'/3 & % *-1&- !& )'//+ )*. $$** "6 77 ( 5 .( 1. 0/77 $&42"" /+%0% ,,+777 *##*!$&4(&# 2.&$ )1!$ &$*.)1.&$ )*&$ $ 1)5 )&1.* ".5 $*1)$ $* 18 Best Lawyers∏ 2014 !$$ . & &% 1( .1 68-. !& %-! !& 3::/ & 3::' 3:) . 6$$ . .1 68-. ( 1 - 3:) (- *-(41 $!!$!18 $!1!1!(& &&1.+ . $.( & $!.1 !& -%!- (,. ( %-!&,. !.1-8 ( 41.1&!& -(..!(&$. 1-1%(-,. (,. ( !*$!&,. (,. ( -.!&1!$ (,. ( & 411(&,. (,. ( !& %-!& 6+ !$$ !. %%- ( 1 &(75!$$ %-!& & &&.. 11 ..(!1!(&.+ !. $.( %%- ( 1 %-!& ($$ ( -!$ 68-. 1 &1-&1!(&$ ..(!1!(& ( &. (4&.$ 1 -1!(& ( &. & (-*(-1 (4&.$ 1 %-!& &&. ( (4-1 1 &. .- &.1!141 1 &&.. &. 68-. ..(!1!(& & 1 %-!& (- ( -!$ 5(1. (& 6! .-5 . -.!&1 ( 1 &&.. *1- !& 3::+ !1!(&$$8 !$$ !. $$(6 !& 1 &(75!$$ (4&1!(& & 1 &&.. - (4&1!(&+ $2)*.5 & . &1. $2)*.5 & $$** $&42"" ) **&.&$ $$** ) **&.&$ #)$ &) & )" 2&.* '*. ')*$. '.) #)$ &"" & )" 35)* #)$ $$* & &1). $* *) $*..1. ).&$ & $* $ &)'&). &1$*" $.)$.&$" **&.&$ & $* &1$*" $$** $* 35)* **&.&$ $&42"" ) &1$.&$ ""&3 $$** ) &1$.&$ ""&3 KNS321689 BEST LAWYERS® 2014 ROBERT E. PRYOR, SR. Best Lawyer - Product Liability Litigation, Medical Malpractice - Plaintiffs, Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs PRYOR FLYNN PRIEST & HARBER ATTORNEYS AT LAW KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE Robert E. Pryor, Sr. M. Christopher Coffey Timothy A. Priest Robert E. Pryor, Jr. John K. Harber Adam M. Priest Mark E. Floyd H. Stephen Gillman We Fight for You. TIMOTHY A. PRIEST Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs JOHN K. HARBER Mediation 1-888-778-8095 (865)522-4191 Two Centre Square, 625 S. Gay Street, Suite 600, Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 William D. Vines III Bruce D. Fox William A. Young Sidney W. Gilreath Butler, Vines and Babb 2701 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37919 865-622-7720 [email protected] O’Neil, Parker and Williamson 7610 Gleason Drive, Suite 200 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-546-7190 [email protected] Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs Beecher A. Bartlett Jr. Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] Gregory F. Coleman Greg Coleman Law 550 W. Main Avenue, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-247-0080 [email protected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est Lawyers∏ 2014 Fox & Farley 310 N. Main Street Clinton, TN 37716 865-259-7586 [email protected] Gilreath & Associates Bank Of America Center, Suite 600 550 W. Main Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-637-2442, [email protected] James G. O’Kane Baker, O’Kane, Atkins & Thompson 2607 Kingston Pike, Suite 200 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-637-5600 [email protected] Timothy A. Priest Pryor, Flynn, Priest & Harber Two Centre Square, Suite 600 625 S. Gay Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-223-6303 [email protected] Robert E. Pryor Sr. Pryor, Flynn, Priest & Harber Two Centre Square, Suite 600 625 S. Gay Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-223-6303 [email protected] Thomas S. Scott Jr. Scott & Cain, P.A. 550 W. Main Street, Suite 601 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-525-2150 [email protected] F. Braxton Terry Terry, Terry & Stapleton 918 W. First N. Street Morristown, TN 37814 423-586-5800 [email protected] William D. Vines III Butler, Vines and Babb 2701 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37919 865-622-7720 [email protected] William A. Young O’Neil, Parker and Williamson 7610 Gleason Drive, Suite 200 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-546-7190, [email protected] Product Liability Litigation - Defendants W. Kyle Carpenter Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter 900 Riverview Tower 900 S. Gay Street P.O. Box 900 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-215-1000 [email protected] Howard E. Jarvis Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter 900 Riverview Tower 900 S. Gay Street P.O. Box 900 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-215-1000 [email protected] Harry P. Ogden Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] William A. Simms Arnett, Draper & Hagood First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2300 P.O. Box 300 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-7000, [email protected] Dalton L. Townsend Hodges, Doughty & Carson 617 W. Main Street P.O. Box 869 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-292-2307, [email protected] Product Liability Litigation - Plaintiffs Gregory F. Coleman Greg Coleman Law 550 W. Main Avenue, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-247-0080 [email protected] Sidney W. Gilreath Gilreath & Associates Bank Of America Center, Suite 600 550 W. Main Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-637-2442 [email protected] Farrell A. Levy McDonald, Levy & Taylor 10805 Kingston Pike, Suite 200 Knoxville, TN 37934 865-966-4343 Robert E. Pryor Sr. Pryor, Flynn, Priest & Harber Two Centre Square, Suite 600 625 S. Gay Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-223-6303 [email protected] Project Finance Law G. Mark Mamantov Bass, Berry & Sims Riverview Tower, Suite 1700 900 S. Gay Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-521-6200 [email protected] Dennis B. Ragsdale Long, Ragsdale & Waters 1111 Northshore Drive, Suite S-700 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-584-4040, [email protected] . E9: &0 ,0=': 9E9 @&'= "9 ). D: =9),9 . =' '0@: @9. 0C. +),,).& =.&9 :,2 ). 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Davidson Tennessee Valley Title First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 1700 800 S. Gay Street Knoxville, TN 37929 865-523-6254 [email protected] David E. Fielder Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] Joseph Huie Croley, Davidson & Huie 800 S. Gay Street, Suite 1500 Knoxville, TN 37929 865-523-0209 [email protected] Jackson G. Kramer Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] David W. Long Long, Ragsdale & Waters 1111 Northshore Drive, Suite S-700 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-584-4040 [email protected] G. Mark Mamantov Bass, Berry & Sims Riverview Tower, Suite 1700 900 S. Gay Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-521-6200 [email protected] Dennis R. McClane Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter 900 Riverview Tower 900 S. Gay Street P.O. Box 900 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-215-1000 [email protected] # "# $ # $ ! & # " "! ! " $" $ ' # # ( & " ! % ! " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! "! :A-"9 :A-"1 ,? 1 2,* * 1 2)2 (27 1 2 =2 1 $&7 $,)3 1 &'*3,* 1 &((&) ,(? 1 &$( ?*3 1 ** )&7$ ?* 1 (&* 1 $3 &(2 $2&37,.$2 1 #27? 2&37& 1 <&3 ,3$; 1 (( ,3$; 1 ,* &3 1 (( *& 1 #2 1 &$( 2@&* 1 &$( &3(? (&<2 1 )3 3(? 1 7,* &((&) 1 =23 ,*7$* 1 ;2*77 <& 1 )&7$ ,;#(3 1 ;77,* &((&) 1 ((? 21 $2&37,.$2 1 (( ,27 1 ).(( ,$* 1 $(2 (7,* 1 ,=*3* <& 1 '&* ;(& 1 ,=2 &2) 1 &.7,* 11 ,#3 /-+5%-+80 11 ,;#$7? /-+A8%-+40 &$2 1 23,* /-+-:%-+A0 ,$* 1 <&3 21 /-+:8%-+440 5-4 37 &* 727 ,37 ,> 5+ *,><&(( 84+A-%A5+ /5!0 :+:%:8A4 22 Best Lawyers∏ 2014 Dennis B. Ragsdale Long, Ragsdale & Waters 1111 Northshore Drive, Suite S-700 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-584-4040 [email protected] Herbert S. Sanger Jr. Wagner, Myers & Sanger 1801 First Tennessee Plaza Knoxville, TN 37929 865-525-4600 [email protected] Tax Law Roy L. Aaron Hodges, Doughty & Carson 617 W. Main Street P.O. Box 869 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-292-2307 [email protected] Dale C. Allen Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter 900 Riverview Tower 900 S. Gay Street P.O. Box 900 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-215-1000 [email protected] Mack A. Gentry Gentry, Tipton & McLemore 900 S. Gay Street, Suite 2300 P.O. Box 1990 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5300 [email protected] Robert S. Marquis Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter 900 Riverview Tower 900 S. Gay Street P.O. Box 900 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-215-1000 [email protected] Charles M. Finn Eddy R. Smith Dan W. Holbrook Workers’ Compensation Law - Claimants Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] Holbrook Peterson & Smith Tyson Place, Suite 150 2607 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37919 865-523-2900 [email protected] Holbrook Peterson & Smith Tyson Place, Suite 150 2607 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37919 865-523-2900 [email protected] Tony Farmer Reggie E. Keaton Herbert B. Williams Jackson G. Kramer Workers’ Compensation Law - Employers Frantz, McConnell & Seymour 550 W. Main Street, Suite 500 P.O. Box 39 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-546-9321 [email protected] Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] Wayne R. Kramer Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] Robert S. Marquis Law Offices of Tony Farmer & John Dreiser 1356 Papermill Pointe Way Knoxville, TN 37909 865-223-6291 [email protected] Stokes, Williams, Sharp, Davies, Cope & Mann 920 Volunteer Landing Lane, Suite 100 P.O. Box 2644 Knoxville, TN 37915 865-544-3833 [email protected] Leslie F. Bishop Lewis, King, Krieg & Waldrop One Centre Square, Fifth Floor 620 Market Street P.O. Box 2425 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-4646 [email protected] Debra L. Fulton Frantz, McConnell & Seymour 550 W. Main Street, Suite 500 P.O. Box 39 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-546-9321 [email protected] J. Michael Haynes Trademark Law Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter 900 Riverview Tower 900 S. Gay Street P.O. Box 900 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-215-1000 [email protected] Peter L. Brewer Anne M. McKinney Robert W. Knolton Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] Trusts and Estates Roy L. Aaron Hodges, Doughty & Carson 617 W. Main Street P.O. Box 869 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-292-2307 [email protected] Martha S.L. Black Kizer & Black 329 Cates Street Maryville, TN 37801 865-982-7650 [email protected] Anne M. McKinney 1019 Orchid Avenue Knoxville, TN 37912 865-525-8700 [email protected] Marshall H. Peterson Holbrook Peterson & Smith Tyson Place, Suite 150 2607 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37919 865-523-2900 [email protected] Jonathan D. Reed Egerton, McAfee, Armistead & Davis 1400 Riverview Tower 900 S. Gay Street P.O. Box 2047 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-0500 [email protected] Hodges, Doughty & Carson 617 W. Main Street P.O. Box 869 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-292-2307 [email protected] Kramer Rayson 105 Donner Drive, Suite A P.O. Box 4459 Oak Ridge, TN 37830 865-220-5134 [email protected] David N. Wedekind Hodges, Doughty & Carson 617 W. Main Street P.O. Box 869 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-292-2307 [email protected] Herbert B. Williams Stokes, Williams, Sharp, Davies, Cope & Mann 920 Volunteer Landing Lane, Suite 100 P.O. Box 2644 Knoxville, TN 37915 865-544-3833 [email protected] Best Lawyers∏ 2014 23 2014 Knoxville’s Regional Directory “Best Lawyers compiles its lists of outstanding attorneys by conducting exhaustive peer-review surveys in which thousands of leading lawyers confidentially evaluate their professional peers. The current, 20th edition of The Best Lawyers in America (2014), is based on more than 4.9 million detailed evaluations of lawyers by other lawyers. The lawyers being honored as “Lawyers of the Year” were selected because they received particularly high ratings from most of their peers. In some cases, they also received particularly effusive comments from some of those same peers. The selected lawyers have earned a high level of respect among other leading lawyers in the same communities and the same practice areas for their abilities, their professionalism, and their integrity.” Best Lawyers of the Year Arbitration William A. Young O’Neil, Parker and Williamson 7610 Gleason Drive, Suite 200 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-546-7190, [email protected] Bet-the-Company Litigation Dwight E. Tarwater Paine, Tarwater, and Bickers 900 S. Gay Street, Suite 2200 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-525-0880, [email protected] Construction Law R. Loy Waldrop Jr. Lewis, King, Krieg & Waldrop One Centre Square, Fifth Floor 620 Market Street P.O. Box 2425 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-4646 [email protected] Corporate Law William C. Myers Jr. Wagner, Myers & Sanger 1801 First Tennessee Plaza Knoxville, TN 37929 865-525-4600 [email protected] Criminal Defense: Non-White-Collar William Thomas Dillard III Ritchie, Dillard, Davies & Johnson Main Place, Suite 300 606 W. Main Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-637-0661, [email protected] Criminal Defense: White-Collar David M. Eldridge Eldridge & Blakney, P.C. 400 W. Church Avenue, Suite 101 P.O. Box 398 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-544-2010, [email protected] Employment Law - Individuals David A. Burkhalter II Burkhalter, Rayson & Associates 111 S. Central Street P.O. Box 2777 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-524-4974 [email protected] 24 Best Lawyers∏ 2014 ® Employment Law Management Litigation - Labor and Employment Product Liability Litigation Defendants Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] Arnett, Draper & Hagood First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2300 P.O. Box 300 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-546-7000 [email protected] Frederick J. Lewis Timothy B. McConnell William A. Simms Health Care Law Litigation - Real Estate London Amburn BankEast Building, Suite 900 607 Market Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-637-0203 [email protected] Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] Robert E. Pryor Sr. Litigation - Trusts and Estates Real Estate Law James H. London Insurance Law John E. Winters Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] Labor Law - Management Edward G. Phillips Kramer Rayson First Tennessee Plaza, Suite 2500 800 S. Gay Street P. O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5134 [email protected] Litigation - Construction Jack M. Tallent II Kennerly Montgomery & Finley 550 W. Main Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-546-7311 [email protected] Litigation - Environmental J. Michael Haynes Hodges, Doughty & Carson 617 W. Main Street P.O. Box 869 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-292-2307 [email protected] Thomas M. Hale Martha S.L. Black Kizer & Black 329 Cates Street Maryville, TN 37801 865-982-7650 [email protected] Product Liability Litigation Plaintiffs Pryor, Flynn, Priest & Harber Two Centre Square, Suite 600 625 S. Gay Street Knoxville, TN 37902 865-223-6303 [email protected] Joseph Huie Croley, Davidson & Huie 800 S. Gay Street, Suite 1500 Knoxville, TN 37929 865-523-0209 [email protected] Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions - Defendants Tax Law Paine, Tarwater, and Bickers 900 S. Gay Street, Suite 2200 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-525-0880 [email protected] Gentry, Tipton & McLemore 900 S. Gay Street, Suite 2300 P.O. Box 1990 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-525-5300 [email protected] Medical Malpractice Law Defendants Trusts and Estates Dwight E. Tarwater Harry P. Ogden Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz 265 Brookview Centre Way, Suite 600 Knoxville, TN 37919 865-549-7000 [email protected] Personal Injury Litigation Defendants Dalton L. Townsend Hodges, Doughty & Carson 617 W. Main Street P.O. Box 869 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-292-2307 [email protected] Mack A. Gentry Anne M. McKinney Anne M. McKinney 1019 Orchid Avenue Knoxville, TN 37912 865-525-8700 [email protected] Workers’ Compensation Law Employers David N. Wedekind Hodges, Doughty & Carson 617 W. Main Street P.O. Box 869 Knoxville, TN 37901 865-292-2307 [email protected] " $ +"# + ### ) &(" & " " #")#! " *& " & &# &&"+# #& #& *+"# " ', ! ! !$$$ ! " ! &! " $(# * #$ (#+ '' '$ #$ (#+ '' '$ ' !+ '' # '' #$ (#+ '' '$ ! +' * ' # * ' '' # ! +' !$ !&! $(# * !$ $ !" ##$" !$' * ! +#$ & '" #($'$ $''$ " !! !! '' #($'$ $''$ $'' * #($'$ $''$ ! +' * )($ ! +' * ' # * ' '' # ! +' $'#')%(' #+ * )#' ' $ #' ' # * " # '' #! #' * '' $ '' (! 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