Title Description FileName Keywords Media Code
Title Description FileName Keywords Media Code
Title Description FileName Keywords Media Code Time CD Track Index Cars 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Ext - Aggressive Maneuvers With Skids - OffStage Start, Idle, Revs, Close-Up & Distant Maneuvers, Accelerations & 1969ChevroletNova-Ext-Aggre.wav Stops, Several Off-Stage & Close-Up Peel Out Burn Out Skids, Short To Long Skids; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed Soundstorm 3:46 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Hiss - Close-Up - 2 Light Bursts, Short Air-AirHiss-Close-Up-2Light.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Hiss - Close-Up - Light, Short Air-AirHiss-Close-Up-Light,.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Purifier Mic. Doppler - Close-Up - Steady Build To Driving Whoosh, Then Decays Air-AirPurifierMic.Doppl_10.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Purifier Mic. Doppler - Close-Up - Solid Whoosh Air-AirPurifierMic.Doppl_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Purifier Mic. Doppler - Close-Up - Good Whoosh With Small Shift @ Peak Air-AirPurifierMic.Doppl_12.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Purifier Mic. Doppler - Close-Up - Solid Whoosh Air-AirPurifierMic.Doppl_13.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Purifier Mic. Doppler - Close-Up - Solid Whoosh Air-AirPurifierMic.Doppl_14.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Purifier Mic. Doppler - Close-Up - Solid Whoosh With Knocks @ Head Air-AirPurifierMic.Doppl_15.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Purifier Mic. Doppler - Close-Up - Solid Whoosh Air-AirPurifierMic.Doppl_16.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Purifier Mic. Doppler - Close-Up - Solid Whoosh Air-AirPurifierMic.Doppl_17.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Purifier Mic. Doppler - Close-Up - Distorted Whoosh, Ends Abruptly Air-AirPurifierMic.Doppl_18.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Purifier Mic. Doppler - Close-Up - Solid Whoosh Air-AirPurifierMic.Doppl_19.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Purifier Mic. Doppler - Close-Up - Solid Whoosh Air-AirPurifierMic.Doppl_20.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Purifier Mic. Doppler - Close-Up - Slow Build To Solid Sustained Whoosh Air-AirPurifierMic.Doppl_21.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Purifier Mic. Doppler - Close-Up - Solid Whoosh Air-AirPurifierMic.Doppl_22.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Purifier Mic. Doppler - Close-Up - Solid Whoosh Air-AirPurifierMic.Doppl_23.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Purifier Mic. Doppler - Close-Up - Steady Whoosh With Small Shift @ Peak Air-AirPurifierMic.Dopple_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Purifier Mic. Doppler - Close-Up - Solid Steady Whoosh Air-AirPurifierMic.Dopple_2.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Purifier Mic. Doppler - Close-Up - Build To Massive Whoosh, Then Decays, Lots Of Low End Air-AirPurifierMic.Dopple_3.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Purifier Mic. Doppler - Close-Up - Build From Distance To Massive Whoosh, Then Decays, Some Mic. Noise, Lots Of Low End Air-AirPurifierMic.Dopple_4.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Purifier Mic. Doppler - Close-Up - Build From Distance To Massive Whoosh, Then Decays, Some Mic. Noise, Lots Of Low End Air-AirPurifierMic.Dopple_5.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Purifier Mic. Doppler - Close-Up - Quick Build To Solid Whoosh, Then Long Decay Air-AirPurifierMic.Dopple_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Purifier Mic. Doppler - Close-Up - Steady Build To Driving Whoosh, Then Decays Air-AirPurifierMic.Dopple_7.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Purifier Mic. Doppler - Close-Up - Steady Build To Driving Whoosh, Then Decays Air-AirPurifierMic.Dopple_8.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Purifier Mic. Doppler - Close-Up - Steady Build To Driving Whoosh, Then Decays Air-AirPurifierMic.Dopple_9.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Air Purifier Mic. Doppler - Close-Up - Solid Whoosh Air-AirPurifierMic.Doppler-.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Compressed Air Connects Disconnects - Int - Close-Up - Airy Bursts, Spurts, Clicks Air-CompressedAirConnect_10.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Compressed Air Connects Disconnects - Int - Close-Up - Airy Bursts, Spurts, Clicks Air-CompressedAirConnect_11.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Compressed Air Connects Disconnects - Int - Close-Up - Airy Bursts, Spurts, Clicks Air-CompressedAirConnect_12.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Compressed Air Connects Disconnects - Int - Close-Up - Airy Bursts, Spurts, Clicks Air-CompressedAirConnect_13.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Compressed Air Connects Disconnects - Int - Close-Up - Airy Bursts, Spurts, Clicks Air-CompressedAirConnect_14.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Compressed Air Connects Disconnects - Int - Close-Up - Airy Bursts, Spurts, Clicks Air-CompressedAirConnect_15.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Compressed Air Connects Disconnects - Int - Close-Up - Airy Bursts, Spurts, Clicks Air-CompressedAirConnects_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Compressed Air Connects Disconnects - Int - Close-Up - Airy Bursts, Spurts, Clicks Air-CompressedAirConnects_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Compressed Air Connects Disconnects - Int - Close-Up - Airy Bursts, Spurts, Clicks Air-CompressedAirConnects_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Compressed Air Connects Disconnects - Int - Close-Up - Airy Bursts, Spurts, Clicks Air-CompressedAirConnects_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Compressed Air Connects Disconnects - Int - Close-Up - Airy Bursts, Spurts, Clicks Air-CompressedAirConnects_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Compressed Air Connects Disconnects - Int - Close-Up - Airy Bursts, Spurts, Clicks Air-CompressedAirConnects_6.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Compressed Air Connects Disconnects - Int - Close-Up - Airy Bursts, Spurts, Clicks Air-CompressedAirConnects_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Compressed Air Connects Disconnects - Int - Close-Up - Airy Bursts, Spurts, Clicks Air-CompressedAirConnects_8.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Compressed Air Connects Disconnects - Int - Close-Up - Airy Bursts, Spurts, Clicks Air-CompressedAirConnects_9.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Compressed Air Connects Disconnects - Int - Close-Up - Airy Bursts, Spurts, Clicks Air-CompressedAirConnectsDi.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Crossbow Arrow - Close-Up - Quick Whoosh-By, Abrasive, Slow Air-CrossbowArrow-Close-U_1.wav Decay Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Crossbow Arrow - Close-Up - Quick Arrow Whoosh-By, Abrasive, Somewhat Quick Decay Air-CrossbowArrow-Close-U_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Crossbow Arrow - Close-Up - Quick Arrow Whoosh-By, Abrasive, Somewhat Slow Decay Air-CrossbowArrow-Close-U_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Crossbow Arrow - Close-Up - Quick Whoosh-By, Abrasive, Quick Decay Air-CrossbowArrow-Close-Up-.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Hiss - Close-Up - Light, Medium Length Air-Hiss-Close-Up-Light,Med.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Hum With Strong Air Release - Int - Light, Gentle BG Hum, With Four Strong Air Releases Air-HumWithStrongAirRelease.wav Soundstorm 1:52 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Propane Lantern Gas Hiss - Int - Close-Up - Low To High, 1 Soft Air Release, 1 Long Release Which Grows In Intensity, 1 Fast Release, Some Metal Clanks As Knob Turns; (Unlit, Gas Only) Air-PropaneLanternGasHiss-I.wav Soundstorm 1:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Air Air - Propane Lantern Gas Hiss - Int - Close-Up - Low To High, 3 Soft & Low Hisses Grow In Intensity & Slowly Shut Off, 3rd Sustains The Longest & Most Intense Hiss; (Unlit, Gas Only) Air-PropaneLanternGasHiss_1.wav Soundstorm 1:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - C-123 Prop Plane - Ext - Close-Up Slow Chuggy Rough Idle, Then Builds To A Faster Smoother Idle, Mic'd @ The Nose Of The Plane; [2 Piston Engines] Aircraft-C-123PropPlane-E_1.wav Soundstorm 3:49 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - C-123 Prop Plane - Ext Int - Idle, Various POVs, Mic Position Starts Out @ Front Of Plane, Then Moves Around To Rear & Into Cargo Aircraft-C-123PropPlane-Ext.wav Deck @ 00 48, Long Interior Idle; [2 Piston Engines] Soundstorm 3:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Cessna - In & Land With Distant Tire Skids, Mic Perpendicular Aircraft-Cessna-In&LandWith.wav & Close To Runway Soundstorm 0:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Commercial Passenger Jet Ambiance - Interior - In-Flight Air Presence, Background Walla, Jet Lands, Female Flight Attendant Over Loud Speaker, Multi-Language, 'Welcome To Johannesburg' Aircraft-CommercialPassenge.wav Soundstorm 4:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Douglas DC-3 Prop Plane - Int - Steady Flight With Some Variation Aircraft-DouglasDC-3PropPla.wav Soundstorm 4:38 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Jet - Ext - Pass By Overhead On Final Approach To Local Airport Aircraft-Jet-Ext-PassByOver.wav Soundstorm 0:49 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Phantom Jet - By In Distance, Long Tail Aircraft-PhantomJet-ByInDis.wav Soundstorm 0:43 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Prop Plane - MCU - Take-Off & Away Aircraft-PropPlane-MCU-Take.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Single Engine Cessna - Ext - Close-Up - Overhead By Aircraft-SingleEngineCessna.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Single Engine Plane - Steady Taxi With Occasional Variation, Then Off Aircraft-SingleEnginePlan_1.wav Soundstorm 3:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Single Engine Plane - Steady Taxi With Occasional Variation Aircraft-SingleEnginePlane-.wav Soundstorm 1:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Int - Onboard Variable Steady Climbing Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_10.wav Soundstorm 3:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Int - Steady Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_11.wav Soundstorm 4:36 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Int - Onboard Steady, Aircraft Beep Midway Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_12.wav Soundstorm 2:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Int - Onboard Steady, Preparing To Land Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_13.wav Soundstorm 1:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Int - Descend, Land, Taxi, Idle, Stop, Then Door Open, Ambient Movement Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_14.wav Soundstorm 8:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Taxi Down Runway With 1 Door Open, Slow, Then Stop & Off, 1 Engine Running Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_15.wav Soundstorm 4:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Start-Up, Idle, Then 2nd Engine StartAircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_16.wav Up & Idle Soundstorm 3:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Idle, Taxi, Take-Off, & Steady Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_17.wav Soundstorm 3:41 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Int - Steady Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_18.wav Soundstorm 3:46 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Int - Maneuvering, Mostly Steady Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_19.wav Soundstorm 1:56 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Int - Maneuvering, Mostly Steady Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_20.wav Soundstorm 3:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Int - Maneuvering, Steady, Then Descent Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_21.wav Soundstorm 3:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Int - Maneuvering, Descent Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_22.wav Soundstorm 2:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Int - Maneuvering, Descent & Landing Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_23.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Int - Maneuvering, Descent & Landing Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_24.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Int - Steady Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_25.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Int - Taxi, Stop, & Shut Down Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_26.wav Soundstorm 3:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Int - Right Engine - Start-Up Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_27.wav Soundstorm 2:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Int - Idle With Top Off Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_28.wav Soundstorm 1:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Int - Idle With Emergency Hatch Open, Then Taxi Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_29.wav Soundstorm 2:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Int - Taxi & Away Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_30.wav Soundstorm 1:37 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - In, By, & Land Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_31.wav Soundstorm 1:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Start-Up & Taxi Into Position Medium Distance Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_32.wav Soundstorm 2:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Taxi Into Position Medium Distance Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_33.wav Soundstorm 2:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Taxi Into Position Medium Distance, & High Rpm Take-Off Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_34.wav Soundstorm 1:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Taxi By Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_35.wav Soundstorm 1:52 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Medium POV By - Fast Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_36.wav Soundstorm 1:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Ext - Taxi Maneuvers - Slow Steady Around Runway, Few Accelerations & Slows With Steadies Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_37.wav Soundstorm 4:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Int - Onboard Steady - In-Flight With Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_38.wav Cabin Ambiance & Ext Engine Hum Soundstorm 3:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Int - Onboard Variable - Cabin Ambiance & Activity With Light Voices, Idle, Taxi Into Position Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_39.wav Soundstorm 0:44 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Int - Onboard Variable - Cabin Ambiance & Activity With Light Voices, Idle, Taxi Into Position Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_40.wav Soundstorm 0:43 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Ext - Taxi Maneuvers - Medium Steady Around Runway, Few Accelerations & Slows With Steadies Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPl_41.wav Soundstorm 2:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Ext - Medium Distant Taxi By - Slow Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPla_1.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Ext - Medium Distant Taxi Into Position & Take-Off Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPla_2.wav Soundstorm 1:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Ext - Medium Distant Taxi With Other Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPla_3.wav Plane By - Medium Speed Soundstorm 1:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Ext - Distant In-Flight Maneuvering, Banks & Turns Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPla_4.wav Soundstorm 0:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Medium POV By - Fast Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPla_5.wav Soundstorm 0:51 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Int - Onboard Variable - Cabin Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPla_6.wav Ambiance & Activity With Light Voices, Start Up, Idle, Taxi Into Position Soundstorm 4:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Int - Idle - Mic Angled Toward Right Engine, Aircraft Beeps Midway Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPla_7.wav Soundstorm 1:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Int - Idle - Mic Angled Toward Left Engine Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPla_8.wav Soundstorm 2:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Int - Onboard Steady - In-Flight, Mostly Low End Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPla_9.wav Soundstorm 1:59 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Twin Turbo Prop Plane - Ext - Medium Distant By - Slow, Short Aircraft-TwinTurboPropPlane.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Aircraft Aircraft - Ultralight - Ext - Medium Distant By - Slow Aircraft-Ultralight-Ext-Med.wav Soundstorm 1:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Alarm Alarms - Car Alarm - Ext - Close-Up - Series Of Persistent Honks From Alarm Going Off; (1996 Ford Explorer) Alarms-CarAlarm-Ext-Close-U.wav Soundstorm 0:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Alarm Alarms - Car Alarm - Ext - Close-Up - 6 Steady Honks From Alarm Going Off; (1996 Ford Explorer) Alarms-CarAlarm-Ext-Close_1.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Alarm Alarms - Car Alarm - Ext - Close-Up - Series Of Persistent Honks From Alarm Going Off; (1996 Ford Explorer) Alarms-CarAlarm-Ext-Close_2.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Alarm Alarms - Car Alarm - Ext - Close-Up - Rapid Honks For Alarm Going Off, (2001 Ford Explorer) Alarms-CarAlarm-Ext-Close_3.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Alarm Alarms - Car Alarm - Ext - Close-Up - Activate & De-Activate; (2001 Ford Explorer) Alarms-CarAlarm-Ext-Close_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Alarm Alarms - Car Alarm - Ext - Close-Up - De-Activate; (2001 Ford Explorer) Alarms-CarAlarm-Ext-Close_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Alarm Alarms - Car Alarm - Ext - Close-Up - Activate & De-Activate; (2001 Ford Explorer) Alarms-CarAlarm-Ext-Close_6.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Alarm Alarms - Car Alarm - Ext - Close-Up - Activate; (2001 Ford Explorer) Alarms-CarAlarm-Ext-Close_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Alarm Alarms - Car Alarm - Ext - Close-Up - Activate & De-Activate; (2001 Ford Explorer) Alarms-CarAlarm-Ext-Close_8.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Alarm Alarms - Car Alarm - Ext - Close-Up - Activate; (2001 Ford Explorer) Alarms-CarAlarm-Ext-Close_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Alarm Alarms - Kitchen Alarm - Int - MCU - Kitchen Room Tone With Alarm Buzz & Clock Ticking Alarms-KitchenAlarm-Int-MCU.wav Soundstorm 2:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Baboon Family - Ext - Medium - African Savanna Ambiance, Baboon Coughs, Others Grunt & Squawk To Each Other, Insects & Fly Buzz Bys, Some Distant Birds Animals-BaboonFamily-Ext-Me.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_10.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growl, Long Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_11.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growl, Snort Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_12.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growl, Various Modulations Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_13.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growl, Various Modulations Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_14.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growl, Various Modulations Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_15.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growl, Lip Smacks, Snorts Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_16.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growl, Various Modulations, Hiss Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_17.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growl, Various Modulations, Short Fragments Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_18.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growl, Loud & Sudden, Tapers Off Quietly Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_19.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growl, Various Modulations Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_20.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls, Various Modulations, Medium Loud Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_21.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growl, Various Modulations Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_22.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growl, Various Modulations Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_23.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls, Various Modulations, Light Breaths Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_24.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls, Various Modulations, Light Breaths, Snorts Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_25.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls, Various Modulations, Light Breaths, Snorts Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_26.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls, Various Modulations Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_27.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls, Various Modulations Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_28.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls, Various Modulations, Panting Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_29.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls, Various Modulations, Panting, Very Loud Snarl @ Tail Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_30.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls, Various Modulations, Panting Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_31.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls, Various Modulations, Panting, Snorting Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_32.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls, Various Modulations Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_33.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls, Various Modulations, Light Snorts Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_34.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls, Various Modulations, Light Snorts Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_35.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls, Various Modulations Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_36.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls, Various Modulations, Pants Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_37.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls, Various Modulations, Pants, Hisses Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_38.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls, Various Modulations, Loud Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_39.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls, Various Modulations, Very Loud Snarl Midway Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_40.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls, Various Modulations Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_41.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls, Various Modulations Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_42.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growl, Various Modulations Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_43.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls, Various Modulations, Panting Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_44.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growl, Snort Animals-BlackLeopard-Clo_45.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls Animals-BlackLeopard-Clos_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growl Animals-BlackLeopard-Clos_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growl, Lip Smacks Animals-BlackLeopard-Clos_3.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Hiss, Deep Growl, Lip Smacks Animals-BlackLeopard-Clos_4.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growl, Various Modulations Animals-BlackLeopard-Clos_5.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls, Hissing, Snorting Animals-BlackLeopard-Clos_6.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Short Inhale, Deep Growls, Hisses Animals-BlackLeopard-Clos_7.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls Animals-BlackLeopard-Clos_8.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls, Hisses Animals-BlackLeopard-Clos_9.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Black Leopard - Close-Up - Deep Growls, Various Modulations Animals-BlackLeopard-Close-.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_10.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_11.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_12.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_13.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_14.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_15.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Soft Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_16.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_17.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_18.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_19.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_20.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_21.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Soft Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_22.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Soft Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_23.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_24.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Soft Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_25.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_26.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_27.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_28.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_29.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_30.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_31.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_32.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_33.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_34.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Soft Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_35.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Soft Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_36.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_37.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_38.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_39.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_40.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_41.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_42.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_43.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meo_44.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meow,L.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Soft Animals-Cat-Close-UpMeow,M.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Soft Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meow,S.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Soft Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meow_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meow_2.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meow_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meow_4.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meow_5.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meow_6.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Medium Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meow_7.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meow_8.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Meow, Loud Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Meow_9.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Regular Meow, Sweet & Mournful Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Regu_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Regular Meow, Sweet & Mournful To Irritated Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Regu_2.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up - Regular Meow, Sweet & Mournful Animals-Cat-Close-Up-Regula.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up Angry & Irritated Meow, Soft Purrs From MCU Cats Animals-Cat-Close-UpAngry&I.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up Angry Meow, Soft Purrs From MCU Cats Animals-Cat-Close-UpAngry_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up Angry Meow, Long, Raspy @ Tail, Soft Purrs From MCU Cats Animals-Cat-Close-UpAngry_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up Angry & Irritated Meow, Soft Purrs From MCU Cats Animals-Cat-Close-UpAngry_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up Angry & Irritated Meow, Soft Purrs From MCU Cats Animals-Cat-Close-UpAngry_4.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up Angry & Irritated Meow, Loud Soft Purrs From MCU Cats Animals-Cat-Close-UpAngry_5.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up Angry Meows, Soft Purrs From MCU Cats Animals-Cat-Close-UpAngryMe.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - Close-Up Very Angry & Irritated Meow, Loud Soft Purrs From MCU Cats Animals-Cat-Close-UpVeryAng.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - MCU - Irritated & Plaintive Cries Animals-Cat-MCU-Irritated&P.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - MCU - Irritated Meows & Purr Animals-Cat-MCU-Irritated_1.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - MCU - Irritated Meows & Purr Animals-Cat-MCU-Irritated_2.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - MCU - Irritated Meows & Purr Animals-Cat-MCU-Irritated_3.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - MCU - Irritated & Plaintive Cries Animals-Cat-MCU-Irritated_4.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - MCU - Irritated Cries, Escalate To Scream Animals-Cat-MCU-IrritatedCr.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - MCU - Irritated Meow & Purr Animals-Cat-MCU-IrritatedMe.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - MCU - Meow & Purr Animals-Cat-MCU-Meow&Purr.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - MCU - Meow & Purr Animals-Cat-MCUMeow&Purr_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - MCU - Persistent Meows & Purr Animals-Cat-MCU-PersistentM.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - MCU - Plaintive Meows & Purr Animals-Cat-MCU-PlaintiveMe.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - MCU - Upset Meows, Single Scream Animals-Cat-MCUUpsetMeow_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - MCU - Upset Meows, Somewhat Mournful Animals-Cat-MCUUpsetMeow_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - MCU - Upset Meows, Somewhat Mournful Animals-Cat-MCUUpsetMeow_3.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - MCU - Upset Meows, Single Scream Animals-Cat-MCUUpsetMeows,.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - MCU - Upset Meows Animals-Cat-MCUUpsetMeows.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cat - MCU - Upset Meows Culminate With Scream Animals-Cat-MCUUpsetMeowsC.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cougar - Close-Up - Medium Loud Growl, Some Snorting, Panting Animals-Cougar-Close-Up-_10.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cougar - Close-Up - Medium Loud Grunts & Snarls Animals-Cougar-Close-Up-_11.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cougar - Close-Up - Deep Inhale, Medium Soft Growl With Purring Undertones Animals-Cougar-Close-Up-Dee.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cougar - Close-Up - Growls, Medium Loud To Loud Animals-Cougar-Close-Up-G_1.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cougar - Close-Up - Growls, Loud, Prominent Breaths Animals-Cougar-Close-Up-G_2.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cougar - Close-Up - Growls, Medium Loud To Loud, Panting, Animals-Cougar-Close-Up-G_3.wav Arrhythmic Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cougar - Close-Up - Growls, Medium Loud To Loud, Panting Animals-Cougar-Close-Up-G_4.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cougar - Close-Up - Growl, Medium Soft Animals-Cougar-Close-Up-Gro.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cougar - Close-Up - Loud Growls That Crescendo, Panting Animals-Cougar-Close-Up-L_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cougar - Close-Up - Loud Growl That Crescendos Animals-Cougar-Close-Up-L_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cougar - Close-Up - Loud Growl That Crescendos, Panting Animals-Cougar-Close-Up-L_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cougar - Close-Up - Loud Growl That Crescendos, Panting Animals-Cougar-Close-Up-Lou.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cougar - Close-Up - Medium Soft Growl That Quickly Crescendos, Lip Smacks Animals-Cougar-Close-Up-M_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cougar - Close-Up - Medium Soft Growl That Gradually Crescendos, Light Breaths Animals-Cougar-Close-Up-M_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cougar - Close-Up - Medium Soft Growl That Gradually Crescendos, Light Breaths Animals-Cougar-Close-Up-M_3.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cougar - Close-Up - Medium Loud Growl, Abrupt Snort, Light Animals-Cougar-Close-Up-M_4.wav Breaths, Lip Smacks Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cougar - Close-Up - Medium Soft Growling, Snorts, Lip Smacks, Shallow Breaths Animals-Cougar-Close-Up-M_5.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cougar - Close-Up - Medium Loud Growls, Abrupt Snort Animals-Cougar-Close-Up-M_6.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cougar - Close-Up - Medium Loud Growl, Groan @ Head Animals-Cougar-Close-Up-M_7.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cougar - Close-Up - Medium Loud Growls, Snorts, Frantic Breaths, Groans Animals-Cougar-Close-Up-M_8.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cougar - Close-Up - Medium Loud Growls, Snorts, Frantic Breaths, Groans Animals-Cougar-Close-Up-M_9.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cougar - Close-Up - Medium Loud Growl, Snorts, Lip Smacks Animals-Cougar-Close-Up-Med.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cougar - Close-Up - Soft Growls, Shallow Breaths Animals-Cougar-Close-Up-S_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Cougar - Close-Up - Soft Grunt, Loud & Long Growl, Prominent Breaths Animals-Cougar-Close-Up-Sof.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Close-Up - Medium Long Howl Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Close-U.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Close-Up - Short Howls Building Into A Bark Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Close_1.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Close-Up - Short Howls, Distant Barks Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Close_2.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Close-Up - Short Howls, Distant Barks Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Close_3.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Close-Up - Howl That Flows Into A Bark Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Close_4.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Close-Up - Medium Length Howl, MCU Bark Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Close_5.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Close-Up - Medium Length Howl, MCU Bark Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Close_6.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Close-Up - Howls & Barks, Medium Length Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Close_7.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Distant - Whining & Howling Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Dist_10.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Distant - Whining & Howling Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Dist_11.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Distant - Whining & Howling Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Dist_12.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Distant - Whining & Howling Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Dist_13.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Distant - Whining & Howling Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Dist_14.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Distant - Whining & Howling Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Dist_15.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Distant - Whining & Howling Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Dist_16.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Distant - Whining & Howling Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Dist_17.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Distant - Howling Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Dista_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Distant - Whining & Howling Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Dista_2.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Distant - Whining & Howling Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Dista_3.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Distant - Whining & Howling Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Dista_4.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Distant - Whining & Howling Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Dista_5.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Distant - Whining & Howling Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Dista_6.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Distant - Howling Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Dista_7.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Distant - Whining & Howling Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Dista_8.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Distant - Whining & Howling Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Dista_9.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Ext - Distant - Whining & Howling Animals-Coyotes-Ext-Distant.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Barks, Howls & Whines, Medium Loud To Very Soft, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Clos_10.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Barks & Whines, Very Loud Howl, Animals-Coyotes-Int-Clos_11.wav Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Soft Whimpering, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Clos_12.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Howls & Whines, Loud, Frenetic Barks @ Tail, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Clos_13.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Howls & Whines, Loud, Frenetic Barks @ Tail, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Clos_14.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Howls & Whines, Loud, Frenetic Barks @ Tail, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Clos_15.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Barks, Howls & Whines, Loud, Like Screaming, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Clos_16.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Barks, Howls & Whines, Loud Warbling, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Clos_17.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Howls & Whines, Very Distant Barks, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Clos_18.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Neurotic Howls & Whines, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Clos_19.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Neurotic Howls & Whines, Distant Barks, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Clos_20.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Sharp Barks & Yelps, Mic'd Inside Animals-Coyotes-Int-Clos_21.wav Compound With Reverb Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Barks Escalate To Yelps, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Clos_22.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Petulant Barks & Whimpering, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Clos_23.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Single Bark & Whimpering, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Clos_24.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Barks, Howls & Whines, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Clos_25.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Loud Yelps Give Way To Series Of Animals-Coyotes-Int-Clos_26.wav Barks, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Soft Barks & Whimpering, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Clos_27.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Very Soft Barks & Whimpering, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Clos_28.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Barks, Howls & Whines, Soft To Loud, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Close-U.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Barks, Howls & Whines, Very Soft, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Close_1.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Barks, Howls & Whines, Soft, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Close_2.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Very Loud Howl, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Close_3.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Barks & Whines, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Close_4.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Barks, Howls & Whines, Medium Soft, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Close_5.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Barks, Howls & Whines, Very Soft, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Close_6.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Barks, Howls & Whines, Very Soft, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Close_7.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Barks, Howls & Whines, Very Soft, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Close_8.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Close-Up - Barks, Howls & Whines, Loud, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Close_9.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Medium Distant - Howls With BG Barks, Mic'd Animals-Coyotes-Int-Mediu_1.wav Inside Compound With Reverb Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Medium Distant - Howls With BG Barks, Mic'd Animals-Coyotes-Int-Mediu_2.wav Inside Compound With Reverb Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Medium Distant - Howls With BG Barks, Somewhat Sparse Activity, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Mediu_3.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Medium Distant - Howls With BG Barks, Somewhat Sparse Activity, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Mediu_4.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Medium Distant - Howls With BG Barks, Somewhat Sparse Activity, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Mediu_5.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Medium Distant - Howls With BG Barks, Somewhat Sparse Activity, Mic'd Inside Compound With Reverb Animals-Coyotes-Int-Mediu_6.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Coyotes - Int - Medium Distant - Howls With BG Barks, Mic'd Animals-Coyotes-Int-MediumD.wav Inside Compound With Reverb Soundstorm 1:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Donkey - Ext - Close-Up - Leisurely, High-Pitched Brays Animals-Donkey-Ext-Close-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Donkey - Ext - Close-Up - Continuous Stream Of Mostly Very Animals-Donkey-Ext-Close-_2.wav Short, Squeaky Brays Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Donkey - Ext - Close-Up - Continuous Stream Of Short, Squeaky Brays Animals-Donkey-Ext-Close-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Donkey - Ext - Close-Up - 1 Long Bray, Grunting @ Head & Tail Animals-Donkey-Ext-Close-_4.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Donkey - Ext - Close-Up - 1 Medium Short Bray, Series Of Short Squeaky Brays Animals-Donkey-Ext-Close-_5.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Donkey - Ext - Close-Up - Continuous Stream Of Squeaky Brays, Increase In Speed & Volume Incrementally Animals-Donkey-Ext-Close-_6.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Donkey - Ext - Close-Up - Continuous Stream Of Very Squeaky Brays, Increase In Speed & Volume Incrementally Animals-Donkey-Ext-Close-_7.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Donkey - Ext - Close-Up - Very Labored & Squeaky Bray Animals-Donkey-Ext-Close-Up.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Duck Quack - Ext - Close-Up - 2 Very Loud Honking Quacks Animals-DuckQuack-Ext-Clo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Duck Quack - Ext - Close-Up - 3 Very Loud Honking Quacks Animals-DuckQuack-Ext-Close.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Farm Animals - Ext - Various POVs - Close-Up Chicken Clucks & Squawks, Few Medium POV Goats, MCU Chicken Clucks, Medium POV Multiple Chicken Clucks & Squawks, Medium POV Rooster Crows Animals-FarmAnimals-Ext-V_1.wav Soundstorm 2:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Farm Animals - Ext - Various POVs - Medium POV Turkey, Ducks & Goats, Close-Up Turkey, Off-Stage Goats & Chicken, Single Rooster Crows 4x, Close-Up & MCU With Occasional Small Chicken Peeps Animals-FarmAnimals-Ext-V_2.wav Soundstorm 1:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Farm Animals - Ext - Various POVs - Multiple Goats & MCU Sheep Baas Animals-FarmAnimals-Ext-V_3.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Farm Animals - Ext - Various POVs - Close-Up Goat, CloseUp Chicken Clucks & Movement In Brush, Off-Stage Rooster Animals-FarmAnimals-Ext-Var.wav Soundstorm 2:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Fox - Ext - Close-Up - Somewhat Distant Scream Animals-Fox-Ext-Close-Up-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Fox - Ext - Close-Up - Somewhat Distant Scream, Slightly Abrasive Animals-Fox-Ext-Close-Up-_2.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Fox - Ext - Close-Up - Fearful, Slightly Mournful Scream, Somewhat Quick Decay, Distant Animals-Fox-Ext-Close-Up-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Fox - Ext - Close-Up - Fearful, Slightly Mournful Scream, Quick Decay, Distant Animals-Fox-Ext-Close-Up-_4.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Fox - Ext - Close-Up - Fearful & Distant Scream Animals-Fox-Ext-Close-Up-_5.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Fox - Ext - Close-Up - Distant Cry Animals-Fox-Ext-Close-Up-Di.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Fox - Ext - Close-Up - Fearful, Slightly Mournful Scream, Distant Animals-Fox-Ext-Close-Up-Fe.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Fox - Ext - Close-Up - Somewhat Distant Cry, Slightly Abrasive Animals-Fox-Ext-Close-Up-So.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Frogs - Ext - Close-Up - Sustained Croak, Medium Loud, Slightly Grating, With Continuous BG Croaks Animals-Frogs-Ext-Close-U_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Frogs - Ext - Close-Up - Sustained, Irritated Croak, Medium Loud, With Continuous BG Croaks Animals-Frogs-Ext-Close-U_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Frogs - Ext - Close-Up - Sustained, Somewhat Lamenting Croak, Medium Loud, With Continuous BG Croaks Animals-Frogs-Ext-Close-U_3.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Frogs - Ext - Close-Up & Distant - Single Creaky, HighPitched Croak, With BG Croaks Animals-Frogs-Ext-Close-U_4.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Frogs - Ext - Close-Up & Distant - Single Creaky, HighAnimals-Frogs-Ext-Close-U_5.wav Pitched Croak, Somewhat Abrupt End, With BG Croaks & Bird Squawk Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Frogs - Ext - Close-Up & Distant - Single Creaky, HighPitched Croak, Somewhat Musical, With BG Croaks Animals-Frogs-Ext-Close-U_6.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Frogs - Ext - Close-Up & Distant - Slightly Sweet, HighPitched Croak, Somewhat Musical, With BG Croaks Animals-Frogs-Ext-Close-U_7.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Frogs - Ext - Close-Up & Distant - Slightly Sweet, HighPitched Croak, Questioning, With BG Croaks Animals-Frogs-Ext-Close-U_8.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Frogs - Ext - Close-Up & Distant - Slightly Sweet, HighPitched Croak, Questioning, Slightly Truncated, With BG Croaks Animals-Frogs-Ext-Close-U_9.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Frogs - Ext - Close-Up & Distant - Croaks, Close-Up Single With More Distant BG Frogs Animals-Frogs-Ext-Close-Up&.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Frogs - Ext - Close-Up - Sustained Croak, Medium Loud, With Continuous BG Croaks Animals-Frogs-Ext-Close-Up-.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Frogs - Ext - Medium Distant - Multitude Of Frogs, Layered Chirps Animals-Frogs-Ext-MediumDis.wav Soundstorm 1:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Goat - Ext - Close-Up - Single Baa, Medium Loud, Compressed Animals-Goat-Ext-Close-Up-S.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Goat - Ext - Close-Up - Warbling Baa, BG Lower Pitched Baas Animals-Goat-Ext-Close-Up-W.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Goat - Ext - Close-Up - Single Baa With Ebb & Flow, BG Lower Pitched Baas Animals-Goat-Ext-Close-Up_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Goat - Ext - Close-Up - Slightly Warbling Baa, BG Lower Pitched Baas Animals-Goat-Ext-Close-Up_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Goat - Ext - Close-Up - Warbling Baby Baa Animals-Goat-Ext-Close-Up_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Goat - Ext - Close-Up - Warbling Baby Baa, Slightly Mocking Animals-Goat-Ext-Close-Up_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Goat - Ext - Close-Up - Short & Warbling Baby Baa Animals-Goat-Ext-Close-Up_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Goat - Ext - Close-Up - Warbling Baby Baa With Somewhat Sudden Decrescendo Animals-Goat-Ext-Close-Up_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Goat - Ext - Close-Up - Somewhat Long, Sustained Baa, BG Lower Frequency Bass Animals-Goat-Ext-Close-Up_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Goat - Ext - Close-Up - Warbling, Mocking Baa Superceded By Sustained Low Pitched Baa Animals-Goat-Ext-Close-Up_8.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lamb - Ext - Close-Up - Single Elated Bleat Animals-Lamb-Ext-Close-Up-S.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lamb - Ext - Close-Up - Single Nasally Bleat Animals-Lamb-Ext-Close-Up_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - 3 Growls, Soft To Medium Soft Animals-Lion-Close-Up-3Gr_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - 3 Growls, Soft To Medium Soft Animals-Lion-Close-Up-3Gr_2.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - 3 Growls, Medium Soft To Soft Animals-Lion-Close-Up-3Grow.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - 3 Soft Growls Animals-Lion-Close-Up-3So_1.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - 3 Soft Growls Animals-Lion-Close-Up-3Soft.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - 4 Growls, Medium Soft Animals-Lion-Close-Up-4Grow.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - 4 Medium Soft Growls Animals-Lion-Close-Up-4Medi.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - 4 Soft Growls Animals-Lion-Close-Up-4Soft.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - 5 Medium Soft Growls Animals-Lion-Close-Up-5Medi.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Growls, Medium Loud & Frenetic Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Gro_1.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Growls, Soft To Loud, Restless Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Gro_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Growls, Medium Loud To Soft, Sporadic Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Growl.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_10.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_12.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Medium Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_13.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Medium Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_14.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_15.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_16.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_17.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Medium Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_18.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Medium Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_19.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_20.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Medium Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_21.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Medium Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_22.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Medium Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_23.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Medium Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_24.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Medium Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_25.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Medium Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_26.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_27.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_28.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_29.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_30.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Medium Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_31.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Medium Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_32.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Medium Short, Reverberant, Abrasive, Medium Volume Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_33.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Medium Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_34.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Medium Short, Reverberant, Abrasive, Medium Volume Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_35.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Medium Short, Reverberant, Abrasive, Medium Volume Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_36.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Medium Short, Reverberant, Abrasive, Medium Volume Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_37.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Medium Short, Reverberant, Abrasive, Medium Volume Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_38.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Medium Short, Reverberant, Abrasive, Medium Volume Animals-Lion-Close-Up-La_39.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Lay_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Lay_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Lay_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Lay_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Lay_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Lay_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Lay_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Lay_8.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Lay_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Layered Growl, Short, Reverberant, Abrasive Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Layer.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Medium Soft Growls, Incrementally Softer Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Me_10.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Medium Soft Growls, Incrementally Softer, Restless Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Me_11.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Medium Soft Growls, Incrementally Softer Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Me_12.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Medium Soft Growls, Restless Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Me_13.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Medium Soft Growls, Restless Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Me_14.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Medium Soft Growls, Restless Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Me_15.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Medium Loud Growls, Restless Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Me_16.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Medium Soft Growls, Restless, Incrementally Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Me_17.wav Softer Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Medium Soft Growls Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Me_18.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Medium Soft Growls, Restless Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Me_19.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Medium Loud Growls, Restless Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Me_20.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Medium Loud Growls Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Me_21.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Medium Soft Growls, Restless Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Me_22.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Medium Soft Growls, Restless Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Me_23.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Medium Soft To Soft Growls Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Med_1.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Medium Soft Growls Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Med_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Medium Soft Growls Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Med_3.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Medium Soft Growls Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Med_4.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Medium Soft Growls, Sporadic Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Med_5.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Medium Soft Growls Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Med_6.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Medium Loud Growls, Frenetic Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Med_7.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Medium Soft Growls Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Med_8.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Medium Soft Growls, Frenetic Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Med_9.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Medium Soft Growls Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Mediu.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Soft Growls, Incrementally Softer, Restless Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Sof_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Soft Growls Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Sof_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Soft Growls, Restless, Incrementally Softer Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Sof_3.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Soft Growls, Restless Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Sof_4.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Soft Growls, Incrementally Louder, Sporadic Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Sof_5.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Soft Growls, Sporadic Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Sof_6.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Soft Growls, Somewhat Restless Animals-Lion-Close-Up-Sof_7.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Soft Breathing & Purring Animals-Lion-Close-Up-SoftB.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion - Close-Up - Soft Growls, Sporadic Animals-Lion-Close-Up-SoftG.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion Tiger - Close-Up - Growls, Processed For More Low End, L Ch = Source, R Ch = Boom Animals-LionTiger-Close-U_1.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion Tiger - Close-Up - Growls, Processed For More Low End, L Ch = Source, R Ch = Boom Animals-LionTiger-Close-U_2.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion Tiger - Close-Up - Growls, Processed For More Low End, L Ch = Source, R Ch = Boom Animals-LionTiger-Close-U_3.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion Tiger - Close-Up - Growls, Processed For More Low End, L Ch = Source, R Ch = Boom Animals-LionTiger-Close-U_4.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion Tiger - Close-Up - Growls, Processed For More Low End, L Ch = Source, R Ch = Boom Animals-LionTiger-Close-U_5.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Lion Tiger - Close-Up - Growls, Processed For More Low End, L Ch = Source, R Ch = Boom Animals-LionTiger-Close-Up-.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Pig - Ext - Close-Up - 3 Deep, Nasally Grunts, BG Brush & Hoof Steps Animals-Pig-Ext-Close-Up-3D.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Pig - Ext - Close-Up - 4 Deep, Nasally Grunts, BG Brush Animals-Pig-Ext-Close-Up-4D.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Pig - Ext - Close-Up - 5 Abrupt, Breathy Snorts Animals-Pig-Ext-Close-Up-5A.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Pig - Ext - Close-Up - 5 Somewhat Abrupt Grunts, Hoof Steps, BG Traffic Animals-Pig-Ext-Close-Up-5S.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Pig - Ext - Close-Up - Various Guttural Grunts, Crowing Fowl, Animals-Pig-Ext-Close-Up-Va.wav BG Traffic Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Puma - Close-Up - Growl & Hiss, Very Loud, Sudden, Hard Attack Animals-Puma-Close-Up-Gro_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Puma - Close-Up - Growl & Hiss, Medium Loud Animals-Puma-Close-Up-Gro_2.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Puma - Close-Up - Growl & Hiss, Medium Loud Animals-Puma-Close-Up-Gro_3.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Puma - Close-Up - Growl & Hiss, Loud Animals-Puma-Close-Up-Growl.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Puma - Close-Up - Long Growl & Hiss, Medium Soft Animals-Puma-Close-Up-Lon_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Puma - Close-Up - Long Growl & Hiss, Medium Soft Animals-Puma-Close-Up-Lon_2.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Puma - Close-Up - Long Growl & Hiss, Medium Loud Animals-Puma-Close-Up-LongG.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Puma - Close-Up - Medium Soft Hiss Animals-Puma-Close-UpMed_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Puma - Close-Up - Medium Loud Hiss Animals-Puma-Close-UpMed_2.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Puma - Close-Up - Medium Soft Hiss Animals-Puma-Close-Up-Mediu.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Puma - Close-Up - Snarl & Sudden Growl, Loud Animals-Puma-Close-Up-Sna_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Puma - Close-Up - Snarl & Sudden Growl, Loud Animals-Puma-Close-Up-Sna_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Puma - Close-Up - Snarl & Sudden Growl, Loud Animals-Puma-Close-Up-Snarl.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Puma - Close-Up - Violent Growl & Hiss, Very Loud Animals-Puma-Close-Up-Viole.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Sheep - Ext - Close-Up - Loud, Sustained Baa, Quick Vibrato, Animals-Sheep-Ext-Close-_10.wav Slightly Irritated, Medium Low Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Sheep - Ext - Close-Up - Loud, Sustained Baa, Somewhat Quick Vibrato, Slightly Irritated Animals-Sheep-Ext-Close-_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Sheep - Ext - Close-Up - Loud Baa, Medium Length, Somewhat Quick Vibrato Animals-Sheep-Ext-Close-_12.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Sheep - Ext - Close-Up - Very Loud Baa, Medium Length Animals-Sheep-Ext-Close-_13.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Sheep - Ext - Close-Up - Loud Baa, Medium Long Length, Quick Vibrato Animals-Sheep-Ext-Close-_14.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Sheep - Ext - Close-Up - Warbling, Nasally Baa, BG Traffic Animals-Sheep-Ext-Close-U_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Sheep - Ext - Close-Up - Baby Baa, Distant Low Baa Animals-Sheep-Ext-Close-U_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Sheep - Ext - Close-Up - Medium Soft Baa Animals-Sheep-Ext-Close-U_3.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Sheep - Ext - Close-Up - 2 Warbling Bass, Medium Soft Animals-Sheep-Ext-Close-U_4.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Sheep - Ext - Close-Up - Warbling, Medium High Baa Animals-Sheep-Ext-Close-U_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Sheep - Ext - Close-Up - Sustained, Nasally Baa, Mid-Range Animals-Sheep-Ext-Close-U_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Sheep - Ext - Close-Up - Loud, Sustained Baa, Quick Vibrato, Animals-Sheep-Ext-Close-U_7.wav Irritated Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Sheep - Ext - Close-Up - Loud, Sustained Baa, Quick Vibrato, Animals-Sheep-Ext-Close-U_8.wav Irritated, Guttural Grunt @ Head Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Sheep - Ext - Close-Up - Loud, Sustained Baa, Quick Vibrato, Animals-Sheep-Ext-Close-U_9.wav Slightly Irritated Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Sheep - Ext - Close-Up - Warbling, Guttural Baa, Medium Low, Hoof Steps, Brush Animals-Sheep-Ext-Close-Up-.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Squirrel - Ext - Close-Up - Sustained, Somewhat Full, Very High-Pitched Chirp Animals-Squirrel-Ext-Clos_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Squirrel - Ext - Close-Up - Sustained, Thin, Very High-Pitched Animals-Squirrel-Ext-Clos_2.wav Chirp, With Slightly Sudden Crescendo Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Squirrel - Ext - Close-Up - Sustained, Thin, Very High-Pitched Animals-Squirrel-Ext-Close-.wav Chirp Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Deep Inhale, Medium Soft Growl Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Deep.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Fibrillated Inhale, Medium Loud Growl Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Fibr.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Growl, Medium Soft Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-G_10.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Gravelly Inhale, Soft Growl Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Gr_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Gravelly Inhale, Medium Soft Growl Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Gr_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Gravelly Inhale, Medium Soft Growl Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Gr_3.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Growls, Medium Loud, Arrhythmic Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Gr_4.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Growls, Medium Soft, Arrhythmic Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Gr_5.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Gravelly Inhale, Medium Soft Growl Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Gr_6.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Gravelly Inhale, Medium Soft Growl Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Gr_7.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Growling & Snorting, Medium Soft Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Gr_8.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Growl, Medium Loud Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Gr_9.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Gravelly Inhale, Medium Soft Growl Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Grav.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Growl, Medium Soft Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Grow.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Inhale, Medium Soft Growl Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-In_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Inhale, Medium Soft Growl Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Inha.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Low, Soft Growls Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Lo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:38 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Low, Soft Growls Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Lo_2.wav Soundstorm 0:46 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Low, Soft Growls, Somewhat Sporadic Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Lo_3.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Low, Soft Growls Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Lo_4.wav Soundstorm 0:39 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Low, Soft Growls Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Lo_5.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Low, Soft Growls Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Lo_6.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Low, Soft Growls, Sudden Snarl, Sporadic Activity Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Lo_7.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Low, Soft Growls Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Low,.wav Soundstorm 0:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Medium Soft Growl Preceded By Single Snort Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Medium Soft Growl Preceded By Series Of Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Medi.wav Snorts Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Pinched Inhale, Medium Loud Growl Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Pinc.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Tiger - Close-Up - Sudden, Ferocious Growling, Loud Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Sudd.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Wolf - Ext - Close-Up - Single Medium High Howl Animals-Wolf-Ext-Close-Up-S.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Wolf - Ext - Close-Up - Single Medium High Howl, With Short Animals-Wolf-Ext-Close-Up_1.wav Barking Episode @ Head Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Wolf - Ext - Close-Up - Single Medium High Howl, Somewhat Animals-Wolf-Ext-Close-Up_2.wav Muffled Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Wolf - Ext - Close-Up - Single Medium High Howl, 3 Barks @ Animals-Wolf-Ext-Close-Up_3.wav Head Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Wolf - Ext - Close-Up - Single Medium High Howl, Long, 1 Bark @ Head Animals-Wolf-Ext-Close-Up_4.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Wolf - Ext - Close-Up - Single Medium High Howl, With Frequent Tone Fluctuations Animals-Wolf-Ext-Close-Up_5.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Wolf - Ext - Close-Up - Single High Pitched Howl Animals-Wolf-Ext-Close-Up_6.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Wolves - Ext - Close-Up & Distant - Medium High Pitched Howl, Mournful, Distant BG Howling Animals-Wolves-Ext-Close-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Wolves - Ext - Close-Up & Distant - Medium High Pitched Howl, Mournful, Abrupt Decay Animals-Wolves-Ext-Close-_2.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Wolves - Ext - Close-Up & Distant - Medium High Pitched Howl, Distant BG Howling Animals-Wolves-Ext-Close-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Wolves - Ext - Close-Up & Distant - Medium High Pitched Howl, Sustained Distant BG Howling Animals-Wolves-Ext-Close-_4.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Wolves - Ext - Close-Up & Distant - Mid-Range Howl, Ominous, Slight Growl @ Head, Distant BG Howling Animals-Wolves-Ext-Close-_5.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Wolves - Ext - Close-Up & Distant - Mid-Range Howl, Ominous, Distant BG Howling Animals-Wolves-Ext-Close-Up.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal Animals - Wolves - Ext - MCU - Many Wolves Howling, Continuous Animals-Wolves-Ext-MCUMany.wav Soundstorm 1:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy & Whiny With Cry Burst @ Tail, Snorts Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_100.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy & Whiny With Occasional Cry Bursts, Snort Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_101.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy & Whiny With Sustained Cry & Occasional Snorts Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_102.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_103.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy & Whiny Animals-Tiger-Close-Up-Me_1.wav Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Upset Crying Incrementally Escalates Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_104.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Upset Crying, Calms Down To A Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_105.wav Fuss, Occasional Coughs Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Upset Crying Incrementally Escalates, Occasional Snorts Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_106.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Upset Crying With Gasps & Snorts Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_107.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Upset Crying With Gasps & Snorts Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_108.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Upset Crying With Gasps & Snorts, Occasional Crying Outbursts Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_109.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Upset Crying With Gasps & Snorts Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_110.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_111.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_112.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - 6 Soft Whimpers Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_113.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy & Whiny With Snorts Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_114.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Upset Crying With Gasps Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Upset Crying With Gasps, Single Crying Outburst @ Head Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy & Whiny Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_115.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy & Whiny Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_116.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_117.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_118.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_119.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Squall, Snort Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_120.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy Cries Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_121.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy Cries Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_122.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_123.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy Cries With Coughing Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_124.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - High-Pitched Wail With Snorts Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_125.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - High-Pitched Wails, Gasping Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_126.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy & Whiny With Coughs & Gasps Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, 3 Squalls Human, Baby Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Gasping & Snorting Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Sparse Fussy Cries, Calming Down Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, 3 Squalls, Gasping Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_127.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Squalling, Gasping Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_128.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, 2 Squalls, Gasping Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_129.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy Cries That Build To A High-Pitched Squall Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_130.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_131.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_132.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_133.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_134.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_135.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_136.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_137.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_138.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_139.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, High-Pitched Wails, Cantankerous Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_140.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying With Gasping Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_141.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy Cries, Snorting, Gasping Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Squalling @ Head, Fussy Thereafter, Gasping Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy Cries Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy Cries That Build To A Medium-Sized Squall Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy Cries Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Mournful Wailing, Gasping Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Fussy Cries Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, With Snorts & Gasps Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy Cries Human, Baby Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Frequent Snorts, Frenetic Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_142.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Gasping Snorting Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_143.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Fussiness That Builds To A Squall Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_144.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Mournful Wailing That Builds To A Squall Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_145.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy Cries, Gasping Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_146.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Soft, Fussy Cries Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_147.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying With Frequent Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_148.wav Snorts, Occasional Coughs Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying With Frequent Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_149.wav Snorts & Gasps, A Few Coughs Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying With Occasional Snorts, Gasps Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_150.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying With Occasional Snorts, Coughs, & Gasps Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_151.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying With Occasional Snorts, Gasps Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_152.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying With Occasional Snorts, Gasps Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_153.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy Crying, Slowly Calming Down Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_154.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Somewhat Fussy Crying, Slowly Calming Down Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_155.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Somewhat Fussy Crying, Slowly Calming Down Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_156.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Somewhat Fussy Crying, Slowly Calming Down Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_157.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Somewhat Fussy Crying, Slowly Calming Down, Sparse Vocals Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_158.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Snort & Cough Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_159.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Upset Crying, Fussy Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_160.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Snorts Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_161.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_162.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Snorts & Gasps Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_163.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Snorts & Gasps Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_164.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Frequent Snorts & Gasps Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_165.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, 3 Squalls Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_166.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Upset Crying, Snorts & Gasps Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_167.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Upset Crying, Gasps Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_168.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Frequent Gasps Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_169.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Frequent Gasps Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_170.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Single Long Squall, Raspy Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_171.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Frequent Gasps, Snort Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_172.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Squalling, Snorting Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_173.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Restless, Squalling, Snorting Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_174.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_175.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Clos_176.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussing, Angry Squalling Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:34 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Cooing & Breaths & Grunts Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close-_2.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy, Whiny Crying Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close-_4.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Upset Crying, 3 Raspy Squallls Human, Baby Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Fitful, Whimpers Escalate To Squalling Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Nursing With Breaths, Swallows & Vocal Breaths, Short Spitting Episode @ Tail Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Nursing With Breaths, Swallows Soundstorm Human, Baby & Vocal Breaths, Cooing Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close-_5.wav Hard Drive 0:05 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Nursing With Breaths, Swallows & Vocal Breaths, Periodic Spitting Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close-_6.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Nursing With Breaths, Swallows & Vocal Breaths, Light Spitting Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close-_7.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Nursing With Breaths, Swallows & Vocal Breaths, Lots Of Light Burps Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close-_8.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Nursing With Breaths, Swallows & Vocal Breaths, A Few Light Burps Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close-_9.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close-Up.wav Soundstorm 0:39 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussing, Angry Squalling Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Nursing With Breaths, Swallows & Vocal Breaths, Some Burps, Gasping Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_10.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Nursing With Breaths, Swallows & Vocal Breaths, Light Gasps Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_11.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Nursing With Breaths, Swallows & Vocal Breaths Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_12.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Nursing With Breaths, Swallows & Vocal Breaths Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_13.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Nursing With Breaths, Swallows & Vocal Breaths, Gasps Are Lightly Heaving Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_14.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Nursing With Breaths, Swallows & Vocal Breaths, Light Gurgling Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_15.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Nursing With Breaths, Swallows & Vocal Breaths Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_16.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Nursing With Breaths, Swallows & Vocal Breaths, Gasping Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_17.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Nursing With Breaths, Swallows & Vocal Breaths, Gasps, Hiccups Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_18.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying With Coughs & Snorts Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_19.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying With Coughs & Snorts, Preparation For A Full Cry Beginning @ Tail Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_20.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying With Coughs & Snorts, Wailing Outbursts Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_21.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying With Coughs & Snorts, Incrementally Escalates Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_22.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying With Coughs & Snorts Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_23.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying With Coughs & Snorts, Quite Fussy, Incrementally Quiet & Less Agitated Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_24.wav Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying With Snorts Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_25.wav Soundstorm 3:59 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Squeaks & Squeals, Sporadic Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_26.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Squeaks & Squeals, A Few Light Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_27.wav Exclamations, A Little Fussy Toward Tail Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying With Periodic Gasps Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_28.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying With Periodic Gasps, Substantial Snort @ Head Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_29.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying With Frequent Human, Baby Gasps That Build Into A Violent Squall Midway, Subsequent Squalls In Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_30.wav Shorter Duration Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_31.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying With Frequent Human, Baby Gasps That Build Into A Violent Squall Midway, Subsequent Squalls In Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_32.wav Shorter Duration, Snorts Soundstorm 0:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying With Occasional Gasps & A Series Of Whiny Outbursts Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying With Occasional Snorts, Sparse Fussing Spells Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_33.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Nearly Hysterical @ Times, Snorts, Very Fussy Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_34.wav Soundstorm 0:36 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Nearly Hysterical @ Times, Screams, Snorts, Frenetic Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_35.wav Soundstorm 0:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Neurotic Fits With Lots Of Gasping, Periodic Squalls, Snorts Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_36.wav Soundstorm 0:40 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Nearly Hysterical @ Times, Lots Of Gasping, Frequent Squalls & Snorts Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_37.wav Soundstorm 0:47 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_38.wav Soundstorm 0:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy Cry Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, 3 Primary Squalls, Gasps Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_39.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Continuous, Fussy Squalling Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_40.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Continuous, Fussy Squalling, Incrementally Frenetic Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_41.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Very Frenetic, Lots Of Snorts, Some Fairly Long Squalls, Inconsolable Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_42.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Frenetic Squalls, Gasps Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_43.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Squalls & Gasps Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_44.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying, Very Frenetic, Especially @ Head, Inconsolable Squalls Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_45.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up Upset, Calming Down With Light Crying Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_46.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_47.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up Upset, Calming Down Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up Upset, Calming Down, A Little Fussy Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_48.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up Upset, Calming Down, A Little Fussy Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_49.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Crying, Fussing, Light Gasping Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_50.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Crying, Fussing Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_51.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Crying, Fussing Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_52.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Crying, Fussing Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_53.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - 3 Coughs Or Sneezes Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_54.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Light Fussy Cries With Snort Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_55.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Light Fussy Cries With Cough Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_56.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Light Fussy Cries With Snort Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_57.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_58.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Big Cry Wail., 3x Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_59.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Spit-Like Snort, Very Short Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_60.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Continuous Hunger Cries Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_61.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Light Fussy Cries With Frequent Coughs & Snorts Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Continuous Hunger Cries With Cough Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_62.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Continuous Hunger Cries, Medium Loud Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_63.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Continuous Hunger Cries With Occasional Gasps Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_64.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Continuous Hunger Cries With Occasional Gasps Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_65.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Continuous Hunger Cries With Occasional Gasps Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_66.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Loud Wailing Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_67.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Loud Wailing Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_68.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Soft Fussy Cries Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_69.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Soft Fussy Cries With Cough Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_70.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Loud Fussy Cries Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_71.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_72.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Loud Fussy Cries Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_73.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Big Unhappy Cry With Cough Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_74.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Big Unhappy Cry, Gasping Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_75.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Continuous Crying, Getting Ready Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_76.wav To Nurse Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - 4 Outbursts, Getting Ready To Nurse Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_77.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - 3 Outbursts With Mouth Partially Closed, Getting Ready To Nurse Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_78.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - 3 Outbursts, Last 2 With Mouth Partially Closed, Getting Ready To Nurse Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_79.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - 4 Outbursts, 1st 2 With Mouth Partially Closed, Getting Ready To Nurse Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_80.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy, Calms Down To Nurse Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_81.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_82.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_83.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Medium Loud Fussy Cries With Snort Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy, Light Gurgling, Calms Down To Nurse Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - MCU - Nursing Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Nursing With Occasional Whimpers & Gasps, Frequent Snorts, Cries Near Tail Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_84.wav Soundstorm 0:59 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Nursing With Occasional Whimpers & Gasps, Frequent Snorts, Cries @ Head, Fussy Midway Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_85.wav Soundstorm 1:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy With A Couple Of Crying Outbursts @ Tail Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_86.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Several Fussy Outbursts Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_87.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy Cry Building To Big Wail Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_88.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Loud, Raspy Wail Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_89.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy Cries With Cough Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_90.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - 4 Wails, Mostly Loud Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_91.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Single Loud Wail Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_92.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Single Loud Wail, Incrementally Softer, Cough @ Tail Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_93.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Light Fussy Vocals With Cough Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_94.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Light Fussy Vocals With Snort Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_95.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Nursing With Occasional Snorts, Fusses, Cries, & Swallows Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_96.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Nursing With Occasional Snorts & Whimpers Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_97.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Nursing With Frequent Breaths, Occasional Burps Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_98.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Nursing With Frequent Breaths, Occasional Burps & Swallows Baby-1MonthOld-Int-Close_99.wav Soundstorm 0:47 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - ECU - Fussy With Some Crying Baby-1MonthOld-Int-ECUFu_1.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - ECU - Fussy With Some Crying Baby-1MonthOld-Int-ECUFu_2.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - ECU - Fussy With Some Crying Baby-1MonthOld-Int-ECUFu_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - ECU - Fussy With Some Crying Baby-1MonthOld-Int-ECUFu_4.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Int - ECU - Fussy With Some Crying Baby-1MonthOld-Int-ECU-Fuss.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Sparse Vocals, Little Fussy, Snorts Baby-1MonthOld-SparseVocals.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Steady Vocals, Little Fussy Baby-1MonthOldSteadyVoca_1.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Steady Vocals, Little Fussy, Snorts, Short Squall Baby-1MonthOldSteadyVoca_2.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Steady Vocals, Little Fussy, Snorts Baby-1MonthOldSteadyVoca_3.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Steady Vocals, Little Fussy, Snorts Baby-1MonthOld-SteadyVocals.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Upset Crying With Snorts Baby-1MonthOld-UpsetCryin_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Upset Crying, Mournful Crying Builds To A Squall Baby-1MonthOld-UpsetCrying,.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Upset Crying Baby-1MonthOld-UpsetCrying.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 1 Month Old - Upset Crying With Coughs Baby-1MonthOldUpsetCryingW.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 3 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Crying & Screaming Baby-3MonthOld-Int-Close-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - 3 Month Old - Int - Close-Up - Fussy Vocal Bursts Baby-3MonthOld-Int-Close-Up.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - Crying - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Baby-Crying-Int-Close-Up-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - Crying - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset, 2 Different Takes Baby-Crying-Int-Close-Up-_2.wav Soundstorm 0:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - Crying - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset, Adult Shhh"" @ End" Baby-Crying-Int-Close-Up-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - Crying - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset, Continuous Squalling Baby-Crying-Int-Close-Up-_4.wav Soundstorm 1:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - Crying - Int - Close-Up - Not Quite Up To A Full Cry With Some Baby-Crying-Int-Close-Up-No.wav Movements Of Near Calm Soundstorm 1:56 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - Crying - Int - Close-Up - Somewhat Upset Baby, Not Quite Up To A Full Cry Baby-Crying-Int-Close-Up-So.wav Soundstorm 1:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby-Crying-Int-Close-Up-Ve.wav Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Baby - Crying - Int - Close-Up To Medium - Variable Cranky Human, Baby Inconsolable Cries, Primarily Angry & Frustrated, Slow & Creaking Back Baby-Crying-Int-Close-UpT_1.wav & Forth Movement In BG, Some Creaking Footsteps In BG Soundstorm 1:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Human, Baby Baby - Crying - Int - Close-Up - Very Upset Human, Baby Baby - Crying - Int - Close-Up To Medium - Variable Cranky Inconsolable Cries, Slow & Creaking Back & Forth Movement In BG Baby-Crying-Int-Close-UpToM.wav Soundstorm 1:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Background - Dog Kennel - Ext - 5 Dogs Each In Own Pen, Movement In Cages, Close-Up On One Dog Barking Background-DogKennel-Ext-5D.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Background - Dog Kennel - Ext - 5 Dogs Each In Own Pen, Little Movement In Cages, Close-Up On One Dog Barking Background-DogKennel-Ext-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Background - Dog Kennel - Ext - 5 Dogs Each In Own Pen, Movement In Cages, Close-Up On One Dog Barking Background-DogKennel-Ext-_2.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Background - Dog Kennel - Ext - 5 Dogs Each In Own Pen, Little Movement In Cages, Close-Up On One Dog Barking Background-DogKennel-Ext-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler Ambiance - Int With Hatch Open, Some Squeaks & Clicks, Distant Airy Roar, Few Water Splashes & Trickles; (Alamitos Bay) Backgrounds-1979GrandBank_1.wav Soundstorm 2:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler Front Compartment Ambiance - Int - Some Squeaks & Clicks, Creaks, Distant Airy Roar, Backgrounds-1979GrandBank_2.wav Soft Off-Stage Water; (Alamitos Bay) Soundstorm 3:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler Ambiance - Int With Hatch Open, Clanks & Clacks, Some Squeaks, Distant Airy Roar, Water Splashes & Trickles; (Alamitos Bay) Backgrounds-1979GrandBanks4.wav Soundstorm 2:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - 3 Man Basketball Game - Ext - Medium Distant Male Voices, Friendly Competition, Some Profanity, Crow Caws, Overhead Plane, BG Traffic, Lots Of Ball Bouncing & Shooting, Goal Rattling Backgrounds-3ManBasketballG.wav Soundstorm 2:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Accident Scene - Ext - Fire Rescue Truck Engines Idle BG, Voices, Police Radio, Highway Patrol Cars Slow, In & Park CloseUp, Car Doors Open Close, Cars Away Backgrounds-AccidentScene-E.wav Soundstorm 3:41 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - African River With Birds - Ext - Medium River Flow, MCU, Trilling Bird Call With Others More Distant, Light Crickets, Light Wind In Trees Backgrounds-AfricanRiverWit.wav Soundstorm 3:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - African Savanna Ambiance - Ext - Various Birds, Insects, Airy Presence, Occasional Fly Buzz Bys, Distant Truck @ Head, Several Birds Squawking With Each Other Backgrounds-AfricanSavann_1.wav Soundstorm 3:53 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - African Savanna Ambiance - Ext - Night - Cicadas & Crickets, Occasional Very Distant Truck & Dogs Backgrounds-AfricanSavann_2.wav Soundstorm 2:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - African Savanna Ambiance - Ext - Dawn - Wide Variety Of Close-Up & Distant Birds, Insects, Occasional Fly Buzz Bys, Some MCU Movement, Some Very Distant Traffic Backgrounds-AfricanSavann_3.wav Soundstorm 3:49 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - African Savanna Ambiance - Ext - Night - Cicadas & Crickets, Occasional Very Distant Truck, Distant Dogs Backgrounds-AfricanSavann_4.wav Soundstorm 2:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - African Savanna Ambiance - Ext - Dawn - Wide Variety Of Close-Up & Distant Birds, Insects, Occasional Fly Buzz Bys, Some MCU Movement, Some Very Distant Traffic, Medium Truck @ Tail Backgrounds-AfricanSavann_5.wav Soundstorm 3:49 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - African Savanna Ambiance - Ext - Insect Bed With Interesting Individual Bird Vocals Backgrounds-AfricanSavannaA.wav Soundstorm 3:53 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Air Presence - Int Ext - Calm Backgrounds-AirPresence-Int.wav Soundstorm 2:56 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Alamitos Bay Ambiance - Ext - Light, Airy, Medium Distant Boat Rumble, Small Light Metal Tap, Light Movement, Distant Birds, Air Plane Traffic; (On Top Side Of Boat) Backgrounds-AlamitosBayA_10.wav Soundstorm 4:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Alamitos Bay Ambiance - Ext - Light, Airy, MCU Voice, Some Distant Voices, Distant Boat Rumble, Small Light Metal Tap, Light Movement, Distant Birds; (On Top Side Of Boat) Backgrounds-AlamitosBayA_11.wav Soundstorm 2:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Alamitos Bay Ambiance - Ext - Light, Airy, Distant Boat Engine, Distant Voices; (On Top Side Of Boat) Backgrounds-AlamitosBayA_12.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Alamitos Bay Ambiance - Ext - Light, Airy, Light Metal Tap, Light Movement, Distant Birds, Air Plane Traffic; (On Top Side Of Boat) Backgrounds-AlamitosBayA_13.wav Soundstorm 2:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Alamitos Bay Ambiance - Ext - Constant & Heavy Medium & Distant Birds, Some Movement, Distant Dog Bark, Distant Traffic Hush, Distant Construction-Like Sounds, Light Water Laps Backgrounds-AlamitosBayAm_1.wav Soundstorm 3:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Alamitos Bay Ambiance - Ext - Constant Medium To Distant Birds, Distant Traffic Hush, Few Distant Construction-Like Sounds, Light Water Laps Backgrounds-AlamitosBayAm_2.wav Soundstorm 1:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Alamitos Bay Ambiance - Ext - Off-Stage Engine, Medium Distant Birds, Very Distant Train & Traffic Roar, Some Distant Construction-Like Sounds, Off-Stage Truck By Backgrounds-AlamitosBayAm_3.wav Soundstorm 3:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Alamitos Bay Ambiance - Ext - Off-Stage Truck Break Squeaks, Light Water Laps, Distant Birds, Medium Bird Squawk, Wood Creaks Backgrounds-AlamitosBayAm_4.wav Soundstorm 3:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Alamitos Bay Ambiance - Ext - Light & Airy, Distant Various Birds, Some Movement & Wood Creaks, Distant Hush Backgrounds-AlamitosBayAm_5.wav Soundstorm 5:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Alamitos Bay Ambiance - Ext - Light & Airy, Medium Distant To Distant Birds, Very Distant Traffic Hush, Light Distant Metal Clanks Backgrounds-AlamitosBayAm_6.wav Soundstorm 4:34 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Alamitos Bay Ambiance - Ext - Water Laps Against Boat, Backgrounds-AlamitosBayAm_7.wav Seagulls, Distant Boat Soundstorm 0:39 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Alamitos Bay Ambiance - Ext - Water Laps Against Boat, Backgrounds-AlamitosBayAm_8.wav Seagulls, Distant Boat Soundstorm 0:53 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Alamitos Bay Ambiance - Ext - Light Air, Distant Birds, Light Water Splashes, Distant Hum & Rumble, Distant Train With Metal Clanks, Light Creaks, Distant Vehicle; (5 A.M.) Backgrounds-AlamitosBayAm_9.wav Soundstorm 3:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Alamitos Bay Ambiance - Ext - Light Air, Distant & Medium Birds, Light Water Splashes, Distant Hum & Rumble, Distant Train With Metal Clanks & Horn, Light Creaks; (5 A.M.) Backgrounds-AlamitosBayAmbi.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Alamitos Bay Dock Ambiance - Ext - Light, Airy, Distant Birds, Small Distant Ringing Clanks, Some Off-Stage Footsteps Movement, Few Off-Stage Voices Backgrounds-AlamitosBayDo_1.wav Soundstorm 2:36 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Alamitos Bay Dock Ambiance - Ext - Light, Airy, Medium To Distant Birds, Small Distant Ringing Clanks, Some Off-Stage Backgrounds-AlamitosBayDock.wav Footsteps Movement, Off-Stage Voices, Air Traffic, Low Electric Hum Soundstorm 3:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Alaska Overlooking Columbia Glacier Ambiance - Ext Quiet, Medium Wind, Occasional BG Snaps With Hint Of Water, Distant Ice Shift 3 21 Soundstorm 3:37 Hard Drive 0 0 Backgrounds-AlaskaOverloo_1.wav Ambience Backgrounds - Alaska Overlooking Columbia Glacier Ambiance - Ext Quiet, Medium Wind, Occasional BG Snaps & Movement With Hint Of Water, Plane @ Tail Backgrounds-AlaskaOverlooki.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Alcatraz Island - Ext - West Side Of Island, Seagulls & Other Birds, MCU Buoy Bell, Boats By L Ch, Water Laps Backgrounds-AlcatrazIsland-.wav Soundstorm 3:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Alley Activity & Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Busy, Street & Construction Activity, Voices, MCU Car Start, By & Away @ 00 36, Numerous Slow Car Bys, Few Birds Backgrounds-AlleyActivity&T.wav Soundstorm 4:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Amtrak Train Station - Int - Evening, Light Pedestrian Walla, Distant & Close-Up Footsteps, Distant Dialogue, Distant PA With Male Voice, Airy Reverb Backgrounds-AmtrakTrainSt_1.wav Soundstorm 2:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Amtrak Train Station Ambiance - Int - Evening, Light Pedestrian Walla, Distant & MCU Footsteps & Dialogue, Distant PA With Male Voice, Reverb Backgrounds-AmtrakTrainSt_2.wav Soundstorm 2:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Amtrak Train Station Ambiance - Int - Evening, Light Pedestrian Walla, Distant & MCU Footsteps & Dialogue, PA With Male Voice, Janitor By With Keys & Bucket, Door Open Close, Metal Bangs, Reverb Backgrounds-AmtrakTrainSt_3.wav Soundstorm 2:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Amtrak Train Station Ambiance - Int - Evening, Light Pedestrian Walla, Pulsating Alarm Buzzes @ Head, Distant & Close-Up Footsteps, Distant Dialogue, Airy Reverb Backgrounds-AmtrakTrainStat.wav Soundstorm 1:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Armadale Forest Ambiance - Ext - Variety Of MCU To Distant Birds, Reverberant, Distant Rush, Some Light Tree Foliage Movement Backgrounds-ArmadaleForestA.wav Soundstorm 3:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Astoria Traffic - Ext - Busy, Traffic Mostly Bys, Occasional Pedestrian Footsteps & Light Off-Stage Walla, Few Horns, Some Spanish Walla, Few Trucks, Occasional Car Door Backgrounds-AstoriaTraffi_1.wav Soundstorm 3:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Astoria Traffic & Trains - Ext - Medium Busy Traffic With Occasional Close-Up Train Bys, Some Pedestrian Footsteps & Walla, Backgrounds-AstoriaTraffic&.wav Metal Clanks, Off-Stage Electric Saw Soundstorm 4:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Astoria Traffic - Ext - Busy, Traffic Mostly Bys, Occasional Pedestrian Footsteps & Light Off-Stage Walla, Few Horns, Some Spanish Walla, Delivery Truck Off-Stage Stop, Idle & Away, Jets Backgrounds-AstoriaTraffic-.wav Soundstorm 3:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Bar Ambiance - Int - Close-Up Pool Game With Spanish Vocals, Spanish & Chinese Walla, Mostly Men, Distant Traffic, Refrigeration Hum, Silverware Movement Ends @ 01 24 Backgrounds-BarAmbiance-Int.wav Soundstorm 5:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Beachwood Canyon Ambiance - Ext - Night - Distant Traffic Roar, Distant Dogs, Occasional Specific Car Bys BackgroundsBeachwoodCanyon.wav Soundstorm 3:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Berkeley Bart Train Station - Int - Hydraulic Turnstiles, Change Machines, Movement, Footsteps, Machine Hum, Cough, Faint Walla, Train Arrives At Platform Backgrounds-BerkeleyBartTra.wav Soundstorm 2:44 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Big Sur Meadow - Ext - Busy, Various Birds, Motor Noise, Prominent Quail, Occasional Dog Bark & Fly Buzz Backgrounds-BigSurMeadow-Ex.wav Soundstorm 4:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Birds & Insects - Ext - Many Quiet Birds, Distant Cactus Wren, Gentle Crickets, Nice Air Presence With Calm Surges, Occasional Backgrounds-Birds&Insects-E.wav Metal Clangs Soundstorm 3:55 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Boxing Crowd With Bell - Int - Crowd Reactions During Fight, Last Half Of 2nd Round, Ooohs & Aahhs, Some Glove Contact In BG, Round End Bell & Camel Girl BackgroundsBoxingCrowdWi_1.wav Soundstorm 3:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Boxing Crowd With Bell - Int - Crowd Reactions During Fight, End Of Round 1 & Beginning Of 2nd, Some Glove Contact In BG, Catcall & Whistles For 'Bridget The Camel Girl' Backgrounds-BoxingCrowdWith.wav Soundstorm 3:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Brooklyn Loft Ambiance - Int - Distant Traffic, Slightly Wet, Raindrops On Roof, Jet By @ Head, Industrial Background, Medium Truck Bys Backgrounds-BrooklynLoftAmb.wav Soundstorm 4:41 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Brooklyn Neighborhood Ambiance - Ext - Quiet Brownstone Lined Street, Distant Traffic & City Roar, Few Pigeons, Few Horns, Off-Stage Bus Activity, Leaves Rustle, Off-Stage Car Doors Backgrounds-BrooklynNeighbo.wav Soundstorm 5:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Building Industrial Area Ambiance - Int - Workers Working, Light Voices, Footsteps By, Low End Rumble With Rhythm, Plane By @ 1 30, Mic'd Outer Area Of Int Building Backgrounds-BuildingIndus_1.wav Soundstorm 4:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Building Industrial Area Ambiance - Int - Close-Up & Predominantly Distant Activity, Close-Up Car Starts & Away, Quiet Section With Birds @ 00 41, Distant Traffic & Jets Backgrounds-BuildingIndustr.wav Soundstorm 4:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Butano Forest - Ext - Bird Chirps & Movement, Fly Buzz, Backgrounds-ButanoForest-Ex.wav Plane By Soundstorm 4:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Butano Forest Ambiance With Birds - Ext - Active, Hummingbird Buzz By & Around, Various Distant & MCU Birds, Weak & Strong Calls, Light Wind In Trees Backgrounds-ButanoForestA_1.wav Soundstorm 3:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Butano Forest Ambiance With Birds - Fairly Active, Various Bird Calls With Some Movement, Light Wind Rush In Trees Backgrounds-ButanoForestA_2.wav Soundstorm 3:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Butano Forest Ambiance With Birds - Medium Light Activity, Fairly Quiet, Medium Distant Bird Calls, Distant Owl, Distant Squawking Backgrounds-ButanoForestA_3.wav Soundstorm 3:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Butano Forest Ambiance With Birds - Ext - Active, Hummingbird Buzz By & Around, Various Distant & MCU Birds, Light Wind In Trees Backgrounds-ButanoForestAmb.wav Soundstorm 2:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Cabbage Field Ambiance - Ext - Light To Medium Wind In Trees, A Few Birds, Tractor Working In Distance Backgrounds-CabbageFieldA_1.wav Soundstorm 2:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Cabbage Field Ambiance - Ext - Light To Medium Wind In Trees, A Few Birds, Tractor Working In Distance Backgrounds-CabbageFieldAmb.wav Soundstorm 2:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Cairo Late Night Traffic - Ext - Close-Up To Distant Traffic Activity, Foreign Traffic, Lots Of Motorcycle & Small Car Bys, Lots Of Horn Honks Backgrounds-CairoLateNightT.wav Soundstorm 3:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Canyon Ambiance - Ext - Very Light & Sparse, Birds, Occasional Movement With Foliage Rustling & Breaking Limbs, Distant Traffic, Occasional Insects Backgrounds-CanyonAmbianc_1.wav Soundstorm 2:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Canyon Ambiance - Ext - Very Light & Sparse, Birds, Occasional Movement With Foliage Rustling & Breaking Limbs, Distant Traffic, Occasional Insects Backgrounds-CanyonAmbiance-.wav Soundstorm 2:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Carpeted Hospital Corridor Ambiance - MCU Footsteps, Air Movement, Light Walla, Doors Open & Close, Keys Jingle Backgrounds-CarpetedHospi_1.wav By, Elevator Door Opens & Closes Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Carpeted Hospital Corridor Ambiance - MCU Footsteps, Walla, Plastic Crinkles, Doors Open & Close, Baby Cries In BG Backgrounds-CarpetedHospi_2.wav Soundstorm 3:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Carpeted Hospital Corridor Ambiance - MCU - Light Air Movement, Footsteps, Mixed Walla, Distant Gurney Squeaks, Doors Backgrounds-CarpetedHospi_3.wav Open & Close, PA Announcements Soundstorm 3:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Carpeted Hospital Corridor Ambiance - MCU - Light Air Movement, Footsteps, Walla, Distant Banging, Elevator Door Opens & Backgrounds-CarpetedHospita.wav Closes, Cash Register Prints Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Chinese Restaurant - Int - Some English, Dishes & Silverware Rattle, Louder & Busier, Sparse Children Cries, Fidgety Children Playing With Utensils Backgrounds-ChineseRestau_1.wav Soundstorm 3:39 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Chinese Restaurant Ambiance With Chinese Walla - Int Approximately 70 People, Dish & Silverware Movement, Distant Traffic Backgrounds-ChineseRestaura.wav Soundstorm 4:35 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - City Roar Ambiance - Ext - Distant Rush Of Busy Hollywood Traffic, Distant Trash Truck Activity, Distant Siren @ 03 02, MCU Car Start @ End, Few Birds Backgrounds-CityRoarAmbianc.wav Soundstorm 4:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - City Traffic - Ext - Mic'd From Fourth Floor, Medium Close-Up Perspective, Medium Busy, Small Street Between Two Busy Ones, Lots Of Car Bys, Some Pedestrian Walla, Off-Stage Birds, City Rumble Backgrounds-CityTraffic-Ext.wav Soundstorm 3:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Club Room Ambiance - Int - Distant Traffic, Distant Bell Ringing, Male Walla, Distant Whistling Sound BackgroundsClubRoomAmbia_1.wav Soundstorm 4:46 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Club Room Ambiance - Int - Distant Traffic, Light Distant Walla, Distant Whistling Sound, Distant Bell Ringing BackgroundsClubRoomAmbianc.wav Soundstorm 4:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Cobblestone Traffic Ambiance - Int - Off-Stage Medium Busy Traffic With Few Motorcycles & Trucks, Few Horns, Very Distant Human Whistles, (Hotel Merida @ 7 AM, 8th Floor) Backgrounds-CobblestoneTr_1.wav Soundstorm 3:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Cobblestone Traffic Ambiance - Int - Off-Stage Traffic Bys, Busy With Trucks & Motorcycles, Few Horns, Steady Rush With Single Vehicle Bys Backgrounds-CobblestoneTr_2.wav Soundstorm 2:58 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Cobblestone Traffic Ambiance - Int - Off-Stage Traffic Bys Busy With Trucks & Motorcycles, Few Horns, Steady Rush With Single Vehicle Bys Backgrounds-CobblestoneTr_3.wav Soundstorm 2:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Cobblestone Traffic Ambiance - Int - Street Level, Medium Busy, Noisy, Various Car Bys, Few Horns, Few Motorcycles By, Motorcycle Start @ 46, MCU Horn @ 49, (Merida Hotel) Backgrounds-CobblestoneTr_4.wav Soundstorm 3:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Cobblestone Traffic Ambiance - Int - Medium Light, Few Honks, Off-Stage Traffic Bys With Motorcycles & Trucks, Light Crickets, (Hotel Merida @ 11 PM, 8th Floor) Backgrounds-CobblestoneTraf.wav Soundstorm 3:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Coffee Bar - Int - Busy, Crowded, Walla & Activity, Cash Register, Doors Open Close, People Ask For Coffee Drinks, Milk Backgrounds-CoffeeBar-Int-B.wav Steamer @ 3 48, High Ceiling, A Lot Of Slap Echo Soundstorm 4:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Coffee Bar - Int - Small Room, Mild Walla & Activity, Casual Conversation, L Ch Cup Movements, Cash Register, Kitchen & Counter Activity, R Ch Couple Talk In French Backgrounds-CoffeeBar-Int-S.wav Soundstorm 2:34 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Coffee Bar - Int - Small Room, Medium Walla & Activity, Various Ages, Male & Female, Casual Conversation, Silver & China Backgrounds-CoffeeBar-Int_1.wav Movement, Counter Activity In BG Soundstorm 5:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Coffin Factory Ambiance - Ext - Off Stage Activity, Various Noises, Scrapes, Slams, Metallic Bangs, Reverb Backgrounds-CoffinFactory_1.wav Soundstorm 1:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Coffin Factory Ambiance - Ext - Off Stage Activity, Various Noises, Scrapes, Slams, Metallic Bangs, Reverb Backgrounds-CoffinFactory_2.wav Soundstorm 1:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Coffin Factory Ambiance - Ext - Off Stage Activity, Various Noises, Scrapes, Slams, Metallic Bangs, Reverb Backgrounds-CoffinFactory_3.wav Soundstorm 0:51 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Coffin Factory Ambiance - Ext - Off Stage Activity, Various Noises, Scrapes, Slams, Thick Metallic Bangs, Reverb Backgrounds-CoffinFactoryAm.wav Soundstorm 1:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - College Library - Int - Close-Up - Movement @ Beginning, Then Close-Up Paper Movement In Left Channel, Various Backgrounds-CollegeLibrar_1.wav Soundstorm 3:55 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - College Library - Int - Close-Up - Movement @ Beginning, Then Close-Up Paper Movement In Left Channel, Various Backgrounds-CollegeLibrary-.wav Soundstorm 3:55 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Computer Room Ambiance - Int - Busy Computer BackgroundsActivity, Electric Hums, Hard Drives Spinning, Rhythmic Clicks Speed Up ComputerRoomA_1.wav Soundstorm 3:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Computer Room Ambiance - Int - Busy Computer Activity, Electric Hums, Few Beeps, Hard Drives Spinning, Rhythmic Clicks, Chirping Like Sound BackgroundsComputerRoomA_2.wav Soundstorm 2:59 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Computer Room Ambiance - Int - Electric Hums, Few Beeps, Hard Drives Spinning, Rhythmic Clicks, Busy Computer Activity BackgroundsComputerRoomAmb.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Construction & Neighborhood Ambiance - Ext - Medium Distant Loader Picking Up Brick, Off-Stage Traffic, Wind Thru Trees Backgrounds-Construction&Ne.wav Soundstorm 4:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Construction Ambiance - Ext - Front End Loader In, Stop, & Idle @ Head, Voices, Little Car & Air Traffic, Close-Up Car By Backgrounds-ConstructionA_1.wav @ 3 49, Distant Construction With Loader Throughout Soundstorm 4:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Construction Ambiance - Ext - Worker Activity, Back Hoe, Shoveling, Debris Movement, Dog Bark, Back Hoe Dies Down Slightly Backgrounds-ConstructionAmb.wav Soundstorm 2:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Construction Site Ambiance - Ext - Generator Idles In BG, Tractor In & By @ 55, Occasional Distant Male Walla, Few Crow Caws, Distant BG Plane @ Head Backgrounds-ConstructionSit.wav Soundstorm 3:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Costa Rica Jungle Night Ambiance - Ext - Dense, Steady Insects & Distant Frogs, Lots Of Activity, Few Single Birds; (La Selva Swamp) Backgrounds-CostaRicaJung_1.wav Soundstorm 3:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Costa Rica Jungle Night Ambiance - Ext - Lush & Dense Insects, Unusual Layers Of Pulsing Cricket Chirps; (Monte Verde) Backgrounds-CostaRicaJung_2.wav Soundstorm 3:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Costa Rica Jungle Swamp Ambiance - Ext - Medium Light, Steady Bed Of Insects With Cicadas & Crickets, Various Light Single Bird Calls, Calm With Occasional Branch Movement Backgrounds-CostaRicaJung_3.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Costa Rica Jungle Ambiance With Arenal Volcano Eruptions - Ext - Light Wind With Some Mild Gusts, Steady Light Insects, Backgrounds-CostaRicaJungle.wav Some Isolated Closer Insects, Small & Large Distant Eruptions Soundstorm 3:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Country Ambience With Dog Barks - Ext - 2 MCU Dogs & 1 Distant Dog Barking In Various Episodes, Slight Wind Rush Backgrounds-CountryAmbie_10.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Country Ambience With Dog Barks - Ext - 2 MCU Dogs, 1 Somewhat Distant Smaller Dog, & 1 Distant Dog Barking, Slight Wind Backgrounds-CountryAmbie_11.wav Rush, Occasional BG Birds Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Country Ambience With Dog Barks - Ext - MCU & Distant Dog Barks, Slight Wind Rush Backgrounds-CountryAmbien_1.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Country Ambience With Dog Barks - Ext - MCU & Distant Dog Barks, Minute Bird Calls Backgrounds-CountryAmbien_2.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Country Ambience With Dog Barks - Ext - 2 MCU Dogs & 1 Distant Dog Barking, Slight Wind Rush Backgrounds-CountryAmbien_3.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Country Ambience With Dog Barks - Ext - 2 MCU Dogs, Backgrounds-CountryAmbien_4.wav Medium & Medium Low Timbres, Slight Wind Rush Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Country Ambience With Dog Barks - Ext - 2 MCU Dogs, Medium & Medium Low Timbres, Slight Wind Rush, Somewhat Distant Backgrounds-CountryAmbien_5.wav Horse Snort Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Country Ambience With Dog Barks - Ext - 2 MCU Dogs, Medium & Medium Low Timbres, Occasionally Higher Raspy Barks, Backgrounds-CountryAmbien_6.wav Slight Wind Rush Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Country Ambience With Dog Barks - Ext - 2 MCU Dogs, Backgrounds-CountryAmbien_7.wav Medium To Medium Low Timbres, Slight Wind Rush Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Country Ambience With Dog Barks - Ext - 2 MCU Dogs Constantly Barking, Slight Wind Rush Backgrounds-CountryAmbien_8.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Country Ambience With Dog Barks - Ext - 2 MCU Dogs Barking In 3 Separate Episodes, Slight Wind Rush Backgrounds-CountryAmbien_9.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Country Ambience With Dog Barks - Ext - MCU Dog Barks, Generally Groups Of 4, Slight Wind Rush Backgrounds-CountryAmbience.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Courthouse Lobby Ambiance - Int - Main Floor MCU To Distant Walla And Activity, Some Close-Up Voices & Footsteps, Backgrounds-CourthouseLobby.wav Medium Distant To Elevator Bells, Distant Crying Baby Soundstorm 2:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Death Valley Desert Ambiance - Ext - Quiet Air Presence With Steady Light Wind Gusts Soundstorm 3:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Deep Forest Ambiance - Ext - Open Air, Extremely Quiet, Backgrounds-DeepForestAmbia.wav Light Bird Chirps @ 02 40, Occasional Off-Stage Ping Soundstorm 4:47 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Downtown Los Angeles Alley Traffic Ambiance - Ext Busy Reverberant Traffic With Some Distant Sidewalk Activity, Siren Start, By & Away @ 00 38 BackgroundsDowntownLosAn_1.wav Soundstorm 4:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Downtown Los Angeles Traffic & Room Ambiance - Int BackgroundsLarge Reverberant Room With Distant Muffled Traffic, Soft Light Buzz, DowntownLosAn_2.wav Mic'd On The 4th Floor Soundstorm 4:58 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Downtown Los Angeles Building & Traffic Ambiance - Int Backgrounds- Large Lobby Ambiance With Busy Muffled Traffic From Outside, DowntownLosAnge.wav Person Enters & Goes Through Door @ 2 15, Voices @ 3 24 Soundstorm 4:35 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - DWP Stairwell Ambiance - Int - Female PA Announcements, Siren, Silence Backgrounds-DWPStairwellA_1.wav Soundstorm 0:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - DWP Stairwell Ambiance - Int - 'All Clear' Alarm Tone Backgrounds-DWPStairwellA_2.wav Soundstorm 0:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - DWP Stairwell Ambiance - Int - 'All Clear' Alarm Tone Backgrounds-DWPStairwellA_3.wav Soundstorm 0:34 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - DWP Stairwell Ambiance - Int - Male PA Announcement, Backgrounds-DWPStairwellAmb.wav Siren, Silence Soundstorm 0:46 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - East Berlin Side Street Ambiance - Ext - Quiet, Very Distant Traffic Hush, Few Distant Fire Crackers, Some Car Bys, OffStage Children's Voices, Light Activity Backgrounds-EastBerlinSideS.wav Soundstorm 3:52 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Ellis Island Ferry Ambiance - Int - Metal Squeaks, Light Engine Rumble, Walla, Door Squeaks, Waves Lap Against Ferry, Single Cough, Engine Accelerates, Whistling, Horn Toots Backgrounds-EllisIslandFerr.wav Soundstorm 4:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Ellis Island Pier Ambiance - Ext - Seagulls Squawk, Walla, Distant Wed Trimmer, Distant Traffic, Footsteps, Jet By, Distant Chimes Backgrounds-EllisIslandPier.wav Ring, Distant Water Laps Against Pier Soundstorm 4:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Empty Auditorium Ambiance - Int - Royce Hall, Air, A C Backgrounds-EmptyAuditorium.wav Soundstorm 3:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Empty NYC Parking Lot Ambiance - Ext - Slight Wind, Distant Traffic Hum, Few Birds With Distant Crow, Plane By, Occasional Distant El Train, MCU Leaves Across Ground, Few Voices BackgroundsEmptyNYCParking.wav Soundstorm 6:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Factory Industrial Ambiance With Light Off-Stage Traffic Ext - Gas Release Steady With Low Midrange Rumble, Squeaky Metal Backgrounds-FactoryIndustri.wav Object Moves Off-Stage, Frequent Air Release Sounds, Phone @ 2 16 Soundstorm 3:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Farm Ambiance - Ext - Light Presence, Soft Day Cicadas, Backgrounds-FarmAmbiance-Ex.wav Wind Through Trees, Distant Chickens & Roosters; (Yucatan, Mexico) Soundstorm 2:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Film Set Ambiance With Crew Walla - Int - Male & Female Voices, Occasional Strong Single Male Voice, Distant Hydraulic Crane Movements, Lots Of Activity, Movement & Footsteps Backgrounds-FilmSetAmbian_1.wav Soundstorm 1:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Film Set Ambiance With Crew Walla - Int - Male & Female Voices, Medium Distant Hydraulic Crane Movements, Lots Of Activity, Movement & Footsteps Backgrounds-FilmSetAmbiance.wav Soundstorm 0:41 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Fishing Harbor - Ext - Commercial Fishermen Unloading Catch, Winch Motor, Worker Walla & Activity, Metal Bangs, Boat Engine Idle, Water Movements, Seagulls Backgrounds-FishingHarbor-E.wav Soundstorm 3:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Fish Market Ambiance - Ext - Distant Loud Vocals, Trucks Idling, Back Up Warning Beeps, Palette Being Dragged, Carts Rolling, Door Squeaking, Whistling, Traffic, PA Backgrounds-FishMarketAmb_1.wav Soundstorm 4:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Fish Market Ambiance - Ext - Warehouse Traffic, Walla, Van Bys, Rolling Carts, Rubber Squeaking, Packing & Unloading, Yelling, Backgrounds-FishMarketAmbia.wav Colorful Vocals, Hand Truck Bys, Soundstorm 4:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Forest Ambiance With Morning Birds - Ext - Active Birds, Backgrounds-ForestAmbian_10.wav Quiet BG With Distant Rush, Reverb Soundstorm 3:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Forest Ambiance With Birds - Ext - Very Active Birds, Quiet BG With Distant Rush, Distant Crows, Reverb Backgrounds-ForestAmbian_11.wav Soundstorm 3:39 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Forest Ambiance - Ext - Close-Up & Very Distant Whistling Cicada & Occasional Buzzing Fly, Light Wind In Trees Backgrounds-ForestAmbian_12.wav Soundstorm 2:52 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Forest Ambiance - Ext - Sparse Birds, Distant Crows, Light Wind In Trees, Few Flies Backgrounds-ForestAmbian_13.wav Soundstorm 3:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Forest Ambiance - Ext - Night - Steady Breeze, Constant Cicadas & Crickets, Distant Birds Backgrounds-ForestAmbian_14.wav Soundstorm 3:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Forest Ambiance - Ext - Night - Steady Breeze, Constant Cicadas & Crickets, Distant Birds Backgrounds-ForestAmbian_15.wav Soundstorm 3:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Backgrounds-DeathValleyDese.wav Ambience Backgrounds - Forest Ambiance With Frogs - Ext - Night, Airy BG, Multitude Of Distant Frogs, Some Birds Including Ducks, Distant Train Horn Starting @ 00 38, Distinct Frog Chirps, Very Distant Traffic Backgrounds-ForestAmbian_16.wav Soundstorm 1:52 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Forest Ambiance With Frogs - Ext - Night, Multitude Of Frogs, Layered Chirps, Has Definition Backgrounds-ForestAmbian_17.wav Soundstorm 2:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Forest Ambiance With Frogs - Ext - Night, Multitude Of Frogs, Layered Chirps, Has Definition Backgrounds-ForestAmbian_18.wav Soundstorm 2:44 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Forest Ambiance With Frogs - Ext - Night, Multitude Of Frogs, Layered Chirps, Has Definition, Intensity Grows & Fades, Hush In Backgrounds-ForestAmbian_19.wav BG, Mic'd Next To Pond Soundstorm 1:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Forest Ambiance With Frogs - Ext - Night, Multitude Of Frogs, Layered Chirps, Has Definition, Intensity Grows & Fades, Hush In Backgrounds-ForestAmbian_20.wav BG, Mic'd Next To Pond Soundstorm 2:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Forest Ambiance With Rain - Light Rain & Wind, Sparse Rain Drops Increase @ 1 30 & Die Back Down, Very Distant Plane, MCU Bird @ End Backgrounds-ForestAmbianc_1.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Forest Ambiance With Rain - Ext - Distant Roar Rush, Occasional Bird Chirps, Steady But Sparse Rain Drops Hit Leaves Backgrounds-ForestAmbianc_2.wav Soundstorm 3:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Forest Ambiance With Morning Birds - Ext - Light BG With Rush Like Distant Water Or Wind, Peaceful & Serene, Various Medium To Medium Distant Bird Calls, Active But Not Dense Backgrounds-ForestAmbianc_3.wav Soundstorm 3:43 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Forest Ambiance With Morning Birds - Ext - Light Wind Rush, Various Birds, Few Wing Flaps, Few Fly Bys, Low Cricket Chirps Backgrounds-ForestAmbianc_4.wav Soundstorm 3:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Forest Ambiance With Birds - Ext - Sharp Twittering Scattered Birds, Light Wind In Trees, Distant Rush Builds & Dies Backgrounds-ForestAmbianc_5.wav Soundstorm 3:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Forest Ambiance With Birds - Ext - Close-Up - Mix Of Chirpy Calls, Fairly Active, Light Wind In Trees Backgrounds-ForestAmbianc_6.wav Soundstorm 2:59 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Forest Ambiance With Morning Birds - Ext - Active Birds, Backgrounds-ForestAmbianc_7.wav Light Wind In Trees, BG Rush Soundstorm 3:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Forest Ambiance With Morning Birds - Ext - Constantly Active Birds, Very Quiet BG With Slight Wind In Trees Backgrounds-ForestAmbianc_8.wav Soundstorm 2:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Forest Ambiance With Morning Birds - Ext - Active Birds, Backgrounds-ForestAmbianc_9.wav Quiet BG With Distant Rush, Reverb, Lots Of Variety & Separation Soundstorm 3:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Forest Ambiance - Ext - Cicadas, Crickets, Bees, Single Bird, Some Flies, Light Wind, Occasional Grasshopper Backgrounds-ForestAmbiance-.wav Soundstorm 4:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Forest Ambiance With Water Laps - Ext - Gusting Wind Through Trees, MCU Light Water Lap, Occasional Bird & Leaf Movement Backgrounds-ForestAmbianceW.wav Soundstorm 3:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Forest Park Ambiance With Birds - Ext - Lots Of Different MCU Birds, Light Reverb From Surrounding Trees, Close-Up Blackbird In Foreground Backgrounds-ForestParkAmbia.wav Soundstorm 3:47 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Forest With Creak Ambiance - Ext - Light, Calm, Airy, Light Chirp Bird, BG Creak With Water Rush, Closer Bird Chirp @ 03 56 Backgrounds-ForestWithCreak.wav Soundstorm 4:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - General Instrument Room Ambiance - Int - Airy Hum Backgrounds-GeneralInstrume.wav Soundstorm 2:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Gentleman's Club Ambiance - Int - Light Walla, Distant Traffic Rumble, Door Opens @ 00 06, Bell Ringing, Distant Truck Bys, Warning Whistle, Truck Brake Hiss Backgrounds-Gentleman'sClub.wav Soundstorm 4:36 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Golf Driving Range - Ext - Medium - Some Walla, PA Announcements, Ball Hits, Metal Baskets Filled Backgrounds-GolfDrivingRang.wav Soundstorm 3:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Goodwill Thrift Store Walla & Activity - Small Store, Active & Lively, Primarily African American Walla, Cash Register, Movement, Some Close-Up Dialogue, Footsteps Backgrounds-GoodwillThriftS.wav Soundstorm 3:52 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Grace Episcopal Church Ambiance - Ext - General Ambiance, Less Specific Traffic, People Leaving Church, Some Voices, Off-Stage Piano, Some Cars Start & Away Backgrounds-GraceEpiscopa_1.wav Soundstorm 3:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Grace Episcopal Church Ambiance - Ext - General Ambiance, Less Specific Traffic, People Leaving Church, Some Voices, Off-Stage Piano, Some Cars Start & Away Backgrounds-GraceEpiscopalC.wav Soundstorm 3:47 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Granny's Donut Shop - Int - Medium Busy With Customers Ordering, Movement, A Door Bell Ringing, Phone, Cash Register Sounds & Making Change, BG TV Or Radio, Several Customers Backgrounds-Granny'sDonutSh.wav Soundstorm 2:51 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Harbor - Ext - Close-Up Waves & Water Slosh On Dock, Mild To Heavy, Constant Off-Stage Boat Engine Idle, Distant Foghorn, Recorded At Night Backgrounds-Harbor-Ext-Clos.wav Soundstorm 3:39 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - High Voltage Area - Int - Various Low To Medium Low Hums, Electrical Sparks In BG Backgrounds-HighVoltageArea.wav Soundstorm 3:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Hollywood Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Busy Traffic Bys With Buses, Occasional Sidewalk Activity With Pedestrians Backgrounds-HollywoodTraf_1.wav Soundstorm 4:34 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Hollywood Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Traffic Bys, Little Off-Stage Activity @ Motel, Voices @ End, Mic'd From A Motel Courtyard Backgrounds-HollywoodTraf_2.wav Soundstorm 4:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Hollywood Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Medium Busy Traffic Bys, Occasional Tar Strip Thumps & Metal Cover Bangs, Light Backgrounds-HollywoodTraf_3.wav Pedestrian Footsteps & Spanish Vocals Soundstorm 4:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Hollywood Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Intersection Stop Light Traffic, Bus Activity, Occasional Pedestrian Footsteps & Voices, Bus In To Stop & Idle @ 2 00 & Away Soundstorm 4:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Hollywood Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Medium Light Traffic Bys With Occasional Bus, Little Sidewalk Activity, Pedestrian Voice @ 4 Backgrounds-HollywoodTraffi.wav 11 Soundstorm 4:37 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Hospital Ambiance- Fairly Quiet Patient Room Tone With Distant Male & Female Voices & Movements, Medium Light Activity; (Pasadena Hospital) Backgrounds-HospitalAmbianc.wav Soundstorm 3:47 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Hospital Carpeted Administration Area Hallway - Int MCU - Footsteps, Squeaky Door Open & Loud Closing, Vocals, Walla, Mop Drips, Trash Can Opening, PA Announcements, Gurney By Backgrounds-HospitalCarpete.wav Soundstorm 3:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Hospital Lobby - Int - MCU - PA Announcements, Walla, Backgrounds-HospitalLobby-I.wav Footsteps, Electric Buzz, Gurney Rolls By, Doors Open & Close Soundstorm 3:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Hospital Nurses Station - Int - Light Walla - Friendly & Bustling, Occasional Laughter - Male & Female - Some Distinct Voices, 'You Going Home ' 'Going Home!,' Movement, Footsteps, Someone Coughs Backgrounds-HospitalNursesS.wav Soundstorm 3:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Huntsville Lake Ambiance - Ext - Close-Up To Medium Heavy Insects With Crickets & Cicadas, Unique Frogs Backgrounds-HuntsvilleLakeA.wav Soundstorm 2:56 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Indio Desert Ambiance - Ext - Quiet Air, Light Distant Birds, Hint Of Distant Highway Car Bys Backgrounds-IndioDesertAmbi.wav Soundstorm 3:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Industrial Area Ambiance - Ext - Constant Low & Airy BG Hum, Occasional Distant Metal Movement, Distant Trucks Maneuvering, Very Light Distant Traffic Backgrounds-IndustrialAreaA.wav Soundstorm 4:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Industrial Area Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Quiet, Light Traffic Rush, Footsteps, Close Off-Stage Movement & Rattle, Medium Distant Bicycle By, Distant Jet By, Car Horns Backgrounds-IndustrialAreaT.wav Soundstorm 4:35 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Industrial Site - Ext - Harbor Location, Trucks Unloading, Heavy Machinery, Seagulls & Other Birds, Occasional Worker Walla & Backgrounds-IndustrialSite-.wav Activity Soundstorm 3:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Jungle Ambiance - Ext - Various Birds, Medium Wind Through Trees With Lots of Leaf Movement, MCU Pick-Up Truck By On Gravel @ 3 18 Backgrounds-JungleAmbiance-.wav Soundstorm 3:51 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Jungle Birds With Insects - Ext - Late Afternoon - Steady Insects & Crickets, Tropical-Sounding MCU Solo Bird Backgrounds-JungleBirdsWith.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Jungle Dusk Ambiance - Ext - Several Various Tropical MCU Birds, BG Rush Backgrounds-JungleDuskAmbia.wav Soundstorm 4:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - K-Mart Store - Int - Customers Walla, BG Shopping Carts Bang, Footsteps, Off-Stage Telephone Rings, PA Announcement Backgrounds-K-MartStore-Int.wav Soundstorm 2:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Khoa Yai Jungle Night Ambiance - Ext - Heavy Insects With Frogs, Constant Insects, Many Types Of Cricket Chirps Backgrounds-KhoaYaiJungle_1.wav Soundstorm 3:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Khoa Yai Jungle Night Ambiance - Ext - Constant Heavy Frogs & Insects, Lush & Dense Backgrounds-KhoaYaiJungleNi.wav Soundstorm 3:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - L.A. Blue Line Metro Rail Platform Ambiance With Trains - Int - Trains Idle, Light Walla, Footsteps, Train Away, Walkie Talkie, Backgrounds-L.A.BlueLineMet.wav Brakes Hiss, Train Horn, Train In & Stop Soundstorm 3:35 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - L.A. Red Line Metro Rail Station Ambiance With Trains Int - BG Air Rush & Hum, Walla, Footsteps, Horn, Train In Stop & Idle, Backgrounds-L.A.RedLineMe_1.wav PA Announcements Soundstorm 3:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - L.A. Red Line Metro Rail Station Ambiance With Trains Int - Train Idles & Away, Brakes Squeal, Walla, Footsteps, Warning Backgrounds-L.A.RedLineMe_2.wav Buzzer, Horn Blares, Train In Stop & Idle Soundstorm 3:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - L.A. Red Line Metro Rail Station Ambiance With Trains Backgrounds-L.A.RedLineMe_3.wav Int - BG Hiss Hum & Air Movement, Distant Train Horn, Train In & Stop Soundstorm 3:43 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - L.A. Red Line Metro Rail Station Ambiance With Trains Int - Train Idles & Away, Distant Traffic, BG Tones, BG Walkie Talkie, Backgrounds-L.A.RedLineMe_4.wav Walla, PA Announcement, Train In, Stop & Away Soundstorm 3:43 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - L.A. Red Line Metro Rail Train - Int - MCU - Train Idles, PA Announcement, Adjacent Train By, Off-Stage Movement, Brakes Backgrounds-L.A.RedLineMetr.wav Squeal, Runs Steady, Stop & Starts Soundstorm 3:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Backgrounds-HollywoodTraf_4.wav Ambience Backgrounds - Large Metal-Framed Building Construction Site Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Welding, Grinding, Pounding, Hammering, Truck, BackBackgrounds-LargeMetal-Fram.wav Up Warning Beeps Soundstorm 3:59 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Large Room & Traffic Ambiance - Int - Large Room Tone, Distant Rumble Of Sewing Machines, Occasional Off-Stage Horn Honks & Buses, Mic'd From 4th Floor Of Office Building BackgroundsLargeRoom&Tra_1.wav Soundstorm 4:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Large Room & Traffic Ambiance - Int - Slight Reverb & Busy Distant Ambient Traffic Backgrounds-LargeRoom&Traff.wav Soundstorm 4:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Late Afternoon Urban Neighborhood Ambiance - Ext Light Birds, Distant Traffic Rush, Little Breeze In Trees Starts @ 2 25, Very Distant Jet @ 00 27 & 3 05 Backgrounds-LateAfternoon_1.wav Soundstorm 4:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Late Afternoon Urban Neighborhood Ambiance - Ext Birds, Light Breeze Through Trees, Very Distant Traffic Rush, Very Distant Jet @ 00 29 & 3 31 Backgrounds-LateAfternoonUr.wav Soundstorm 4:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Library Ambiance - Int - Quiet, Light Air Hum, Distant Traffic, Footsteps, Wood Creaking & Light Movement, Distant Voices, Horns, Off-Stage Heavy Door Closes, Plane By Backgrounds-LibraryAmbian_1.wav Soundstorm 4:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Library Ambiance - Int - Quiet, Light Air Hum, Distant Traffic, Plane By, Wood Creaking & Light Movement, Distant Voices, Ambulance & Fire Sirens, Off-Stage Bang, Horns Backgrounds-LibraryAmbian_2.wav Soundstorm 4:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Library Ambiance - Int - Loud Air Hum, Off-Stage Car Start & Away, Distant Traffic, Sirens, Fire Engine Horn, Plane By, Light Distant Walla Backgrounds-LibraryAmbiance.wav Soundstorm 4:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Light Jungle Ambiance - Ext - Field Ambiance, Wind Through Grass, Light Distant Bird BG Backgrounds-LightJungleAm_1.wav Soundstorm 2:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Light Jungle Ambiance - Ext - Wind Through Trees, Variety Of Birds In BG Backgrounds-LightJungleAmbi.wav Soundstorm 2:39 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Living Room Ambiance With Clock Tick - Int - Room Tone Hum With Ticking Clock In BG Backgrounds-LivingRoomAmbia.wav Soundstorm 2:35 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Lobby Ambiance - Int - BG Traffic, BG Air Hum, Footsteps, Walla, Lots Of Movement, Reverb Backgrounds-LobbyAmbiance-I.wav Soundstorm 4:39 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Los Angeles 5-Way Intersection Traffic Ambiance - Ext Distant To Traffic, Very Busy, Stop & Go, Lots Of Energy, Stop Signs @ Backgrounds-LosAngeles5-Way.wav Each Lane, Horn Honks @ 00 28, Very Squeaky Brakes @ 2 43 Soundstorm 3:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Los Angeles Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Medium Fast, Fairly Busy, Few Pedestrian & Sidewalk Activity, Bicycle By, Horn Honk @ 2 Backgrounds-LosAngelesTraff.wav 33 Soundstorm 4:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Marina - Ext - Dock POV,- Foghorn, Water Laps, OffStage Light Walla & Activity, Occasional Motor Boat, Distant Light Traffic Wash Backgrounds-Marina-Ext-Dock.wav Soundstorm 4:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Marina Del Ray Harbor - Busy Dock Ambiance, Loud Traffic Wash, Distant Walla, Water Laps, Seagulls, MCU Motor Boat By, Backgrounds-MarinaDelRayHar.wav Occasional Airplane Soundstorm 3:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Marina Dock Ambiance - Slightly Busy Walla With Children, Boat Hum & Activity With Person Sanding, Birds, Airplane & Truck Back Up Signal @ 1 19, Very Distant Highway Wash BackgroundsMarinaDockAmb_1.wav Soundstorm 2:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Marina Dock Ambiance - Slightly Busy Walla, Water Laps, Dock Creaks, Single Halyard, Occasional Birds, Man Calling Out, Woman Goofs Around On Megaphone, Airplane BackgroundsMarinaDockAmb_2.wav Soundstorm 2:53 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Marina Dock Ambiance - Slightly Busy Walla, 2 Men Talk, Medium Shot, Water Laps & Drips, Dock Creaks, Single Halyard, Occasional Birds, Man Calling Out, Airplane BackgroundsMarinaDockAmb_3.wav Soundstorm 2:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Marina Dock Ambiance - Quiet, Multiple Halyards Ringing, Water Laps, Slight Wind, Occasional Dock Creaks, Very Distant Backgrounds-MarinaDockAmbia.wav Highway Wash Soundstorm 3:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Mexican City Traffic Ambiance With Walla - Ext - MCU & Distant Wedding Party With Honking Horns, Gravel Intersect, OffStage Car Bys, Light Spanish Walla; (Tecate, Mexico) Backgrounds-MexicanCityTraf.wav Soundstorm 2:59 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Mexican Roadhouse Restaurant With Walla - Int Reverb, Medium Activity, Family Walla, Small Room, Broken Fan, Baby Vocals, Footsteps Movement, Dish Movement; (De Las Palmas) Backgrounds-MexicanRoadhous.wav Soundstorm 3:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Mexican Suburban Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Steady Close-Up To MCU Traffic With Distant Rush, Plane By, MCU Cars Idle & Turn, Close-Up Fast Motorcycle By, (Tecate) Backgrounds-MexicanSuburb_1.wav Soundstorm 4:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Mexican Suburban Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Steady MCU To Distant Traffic @ Medium To Medium Fast Speeds, Distant Traffic Backgrounds-MexicanSuburban.wav Hush; (Tecate) Soundstorm 3:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Mexican Village Ambiance With Traffic - Medium To Distant Traffic, Dogs Barking, Dog Paws On Pavement, Few MCU Car Bys, Medium Distant Car Backfire; (Tecate) Soundstorm 2:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Backgrounds-MexicanVillag_1.wav Ambience Backgrounds - Mexican Village Ambiance With Walla - Ext - Medium Distant Traffic With MCU Few Car Bys, Occasional Light Walla & Activity, Medium Distant Hydraulic Lift; (Tecate) Backgrounds-MexicanVillageA.wav Soundstorm 3:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Mexican Village Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Medium Distant Traffic, Few MCU Car Bys, Fast Car By With Off-Stage Stop; (Tecate) Backgrounds-MexicanVillageT.wav Soundstorm 3:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Mexican Village With Traffic Ambiance With Walla - Ext Close-Up Traffic Bys, Medium Distant Walla, Distant Traffic Hush, Backgrounds-MexicanVillageW.wav Distant Hammering, Light General Activity, Cars Bys With Radio; (Tecate) Soundstorm 3:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Military Platoon March & Cadence Drills - Ext - ECU On Incoming Messy Footsteps, Then Moves L To R With Some Equipment Backgrounds-MilitaryPlatoon.wav Movement, Dolly With Platoon, Close-Up Halt, Then New Recruit Cadence Soundstorm 4:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Mississippi Forest Ambiance - Ext - Morning - Birds, Cicadas, Crickets, Flies Backgrounds-MississippiFore.wav Soundstorm 3:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Mississippi Swamp Ambiance - Ext - Night - Crickets, Cicadas, Branch Movement Backgrounds-MississippiSwam.wav Soundstorm 3:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Monument Valley Desert Ambiance -Ext - Quiet Air, Constant Medium Wind With Occasional Gusts, Distant Occasional Rush Backgrounds-MonumentValleyD.wav Soundstorm 3:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Mount Zion Baptist Church Ambiance - Ext - People Leaving Church, Voices, Door, BG A C Hum Backgrounds-MountZionBaptis.wav Soundstorm 3:58 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Munich Beer Garden - Int - Large Crowd, Dishes & Glasses Clanking, Vocal Hum & Single Voices Backgrounds-MunichBeerGarde.wav Soundstorm 3:52 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Munich Intercity Train Station With Trains - Int - Train In, Squeaking Breaks, Stops, Electric Hum, PA Announcement, Train Powers Down, People Movement, Few Voices, Carts Being Pushed Backgrounds-MunichIntercity.wav Soundstorm 3:47 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Munich New Years Celebration With Fireworks - Ext Medium Distant Fireworks Explode, Zip, Buzz & Pop, Male, Female, Children Voices, Distant Children Playing, Activity BackgroundsMunichNewYearsC.wav Soundstorm 3:44 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Munich Post Office With Walla - Int - Medium Crowd, Various Voices, Movement, Footsteps, Coughing, Rustling, Lots Of Activity Backgrounds-MunichPostOffic.wav Soundstorm 3:47 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Museum Ambiance - Int - Reverb, Walla, Footsteps, Heavy BG Noise, Plane By, Coughing, Keys Jingle, Laughing, Young Male Vocals @ Tail BackgroundsMuseumAmbianc_1.wav Soundstorm 4:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Museum Ambiance - Int - Reverb, Loud BG Noise, English & Foreign Walla, Footsteps, Coughing, Bag & Clothing Rustle BackgroundsMuseumAmbianc_2.wav Soundstorm 4:39 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Museum Ambiance - Int - Reverb, Footsteps, French Walla, Heavy BG Noise, Mixed English Walla, Velcro Open, Whistling BackgroundsMuseumAmbianc_3.wav Soundstorm 4:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Museum Ambiance - Int - Reverb, Walla, Footsteps, Lots Backgrounds-MuseumAmbianceOf Movement, Plane By, Clothing Rustle, Off-Stage Bus Bys, Change .wav Dropped Soundstorm 4:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Neighborhood Ambience With 2 Small Dogs Barking Ext - MCU Constant Barking, Light Wind, Low Crickets Backgrounds-NeighborhoodA_1.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Neighborhood Ambience With 2 Small Dogs Barking Ext - MCU Continuous Barking, Few Short Barks @ Head, Light Wind, Low Crickets Backgrounds-NeighborhoodA_2.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Neighborhood Ambience With 2 Small Dogs Barking Ext - MCU Constant Barking, Growl @ Tail, Light Wind, Low Crickets Backgrounds-NeighborhoodA_3.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Neighborhood Ambience With 2 Small Dogs Barking Ext - MCU Constant Intense Barking, Light Wind, Low Crickets Backgrounds-NeighborhoodA_4.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Neighborhood Ambience With 2 Small Dogs Barking Ext - MCU Constant Intense Barking, Growl Near Tail, Light Wind, Low Crickets Backgrounds-NeighborhoodA_5.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Neighborhood Ambience With 2 Small Dogs Barking Backgrounds-NeighborhoodA_6.wav Ext - MCU Constantly Intense & Sharp Barks, Light Wind, Low Crickets Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Neighborhood Ambience With 2 Small Dogs Barking Ext - MCU Constantly Intense & Sharp Barks, Medium Wind, Low Crickets Backgrounds-NeighborhoodA_7.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Neighborhood Ambience With 2 Small Dogs Barking Ext - MCU Intense & Sharp Barks, Somewhat Sporadic, Medium Wind, Low Crickets Backgrounds-NeighborhoodA_8.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Neighborhood Ambiance - Int - Quiet, Distant Traffic Rush, Occasional Bird, Distant Dogs Bark, Plane By, Little Medium Distant Activity, Mic'd Int House Backgrounds-NeighborhoodAmb.wav Soundstorm 4:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - New Melones Reservoir With Birds - Ext - Distant Water Rush With Various Peeping & Chirpy Birds, Distant Morning Dove Calls, Very Active Backgrounds-NewMelonesReser.wav Soundstorm 3:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - New York City Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Slightly Wet Traffic With Out Rain, Medium Busy, Horns, Car & Truck Bys, Occasional Puddle Splash, Sporadic Footsteps Backgrounds-NewYorkCityTraf.wav Soundstorm 4:44 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Night Ambiance - Ext - Light Crickets & Cicadas With Distant Off-Stage Highway Rush Backgrounds-NightAmbiance-E.wav Soundstorm 3:37 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Night Forest Ambiance - Ext - Light Wind Through Trees, Backgrounds-NightForestAmbi.wav Loon With Reverb, BG Crickets & Birds Soundstorm 3:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC - Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Heavy Traffic, Horns, Walla, Close-Up Large Truck By, Police Whistle, Beater Car By, Squeaky Engine Belt Backgrounds-NYC-TrafficAm_1.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC - Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Medium Busy Distant Traffic Rush, Loud BG Rumble, Distant Car Horns, Distant Wail Siren Backgrounds-NYC-TrafficAm_2.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC - Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Medium Busy Distant Traffic Rush, Police Whistle, Loud BG Rumble, Distant Car Horns, Jet Flyover Backgrounds-NYC-TrafficAm_3.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC - Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Heavy Traffic, Horns, Large Truck Bys, Walla, Police Whistle, Vocals, Taxi, Close-Up Bus By Backgrounds-NYC-TrafficAmbi.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC 2 Way Street Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Active With Traffic, Pedestrian Footsteps & Walla, Big City Roar, Busses, Truck Break Whine, Rev Air Hiss & Away, Off-Stage Car Alarm, Horns BackgroundsNYC2WayStreet_1.wav Soundstorm 2:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC 2 Way Street Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Active With Traffic, Pedestrians Footsteps & Walla, Big City Roar, Busses, Truck By & Off-Stage Stop With Break Whine, Rev Air Hiss BackgroundsNYC2WayStreetTr.wav Soundstorm 2:46 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC 3rd Story Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Traffic With Busy Peaks & City Roar, Sidewalk Walla Pedestrian Activity, Few Busses, Few Horns, Hum Buzz In BG; Mic'd From 3rd Story Backgrounds-NYC3rdStoryTraf.wav Soundstorm 5:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Apartment & Traffic Ambiance - Int - Busy, Window Open, Off-Stage Gridlock Traffic & City Roar, Distant Car Alarm, Horn Activity, Off-Stage Elevator; Mic'd On 26th Floor BackgroundsNYCApartment&Tr.wav Soundstorm 4:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Apartment Ambiance - Int - Quiet, BG Hum Buzz, Pipes Thru Walls, Knocks, Rattles & Light Water Trickle, Very Distant Horn, Very Light Traffic & City Roar; Mic'd 26th Floor BackgroundsNYCApartmentA_1.wav Soundstorm 3:59 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Apartment Ambiance - Int - Busy, Foot Traffic, Rustling, Phone Rings, Mixed Vocals, Alarm Bell, Door Opens, Distant Traffic Roar, Muffled Vocals, Plane By BackgroundsNYCApartmentAmb.wav Soundstorm 4:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Apartment Building Basement Ambiance - Int Quiet Air Hum With Reverb, Metallic Water Trickle, Water Dies Down, Exposing Very Distant BG, Medium Distant Boiler Runs BackgroundsNYCApartmentB_1.wav Soundstorm 4:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Apartment Building Basement Ambiance - Int Airy, Off-Stage Water Movements, Distant Movement, Voices, Traffic, Off-Stage Boiler Multiple On, Run & Off, Wind Down, Off-Stage Water Trickle BackgroundsNYCApartmentB_2.wav Soundstorm 4:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Apartment Building Traffic Ambiance - Int Medium Busy Traffic With Trucks & Busses Idles Bys, Cart Pushed, Footsteps & Off-Stage Voices, Int & Ext Activity, Mic'd Int Apartment Building BackgroundsNYCApartmentB_3.wav Soundstorm 4:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Apartment Building Traffic Ambiance - Int Medium Busy Muffled Traffic With Truck & Bus Bys, Few Interior Voices With Some Spanish, Activity, Dog @ End BackgroundsNYCApartmentB_4.wav Soundstorm 4:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Apartment Building Traffic Ambiance - Int BackgroundsMedium Busy Muffled Traffic With Truck & Bus Bys, Voices, Movement, NYCApartmentB_5.wav Keys Jingle, Close Door With Latch Sound Soundstorm 4:34 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Apartment Building Traffic Ambiance - Int - Busy Muffled Traffic With Truck & Bus Bys, Walla With Some Spanish, TV, Metallic Clank, Active BackgroundsNYCApartmentB_6.wav Soundstorm 4:46 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Apartment Building - Int - Quiet Room, Occasional Light Medium Distant Footsteps, Very Distant Traffic Hum With Strong Peaks & Break Squeaks, Horns, Car Bys, Quiet Areas BackgroundsNYCApartmentB_7.wav Soundstorm 4:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Apartment Building Boiler Room Ambiance - Int Airy Light, Wavering Boiler Hum, Off-Stage Water Trickle Splatter, OffStage Boiler Turns On & Off, Water Grows More Intense Backgrounds-NYCApartmentBui.wav Soundstorm 7:58 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Bank Ambiance With General Activity - Int - Large Reverberant Room, Medium Light Walla, Footsteps, Computer, Electric Bell, Off-Stage Phone Rings, Ext Traffic, People In & Out BackgroundsNYCBankAmbiance.wav Soundstorm 4:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Bar Ambiance - Int - Medium Light Voices, Calm, BG A C Hum, Door Opens & Closes With Latch, Footsteps, Ext Distant Car Alarm, Clunky Footsteps By & Down Stairs Backgrounds-NYCBarAmbiance.wav Soundstorm 4:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Battery Park Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Heavy Traffic, Bus Brake Squeal, Bus In, Stop & Away, Plastic Bag Rustle, Horns Backgrounds-NYCBatteryParkT.wav Soundstorm 3:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Bedroom Ambiance - Int - Room Tone, Distant Traffic City Roar Horns Sirens, Light BG Birds, BG Jet Throughout, Periodic Off-Stage Drip, Occasional Distant Horn, Hum In BG @ Beginning BackgroundsNYCBedroomAmbia.wav Soundstorm 4:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Building Traffic Ambiance - Int - MCU - Muffled Medium Busy Outside Traffic, Closer Interior Walla & Footsteps, Brake Squeals Backgrounds-NYCBuildingTr_1.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Building Traffic Ambiance - Int - MCU - Muffled Medium Busy Outside Traffic, Closer Interior Footsteps & Walla, Phone Rings, Muffled Outside Walla Backgrounds-NYCBuildingTr_2.wav Soundstorm 2:55 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Building Traffic Ambiance - Int - MCU - Muffled Medium Busy Outside Traffic Rush, Closer Interior Walla & Footsteps Backgrounds-NYCBuildingTr_3.wav Soundstorm 1:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Building Traffic Ambiance - Int - MCU - Muffled Medium Busy Outside Traffic, Closer Interior Walla & Footsteps, Siren Blares, Crazy Laugh Backgrounds-NYCBuildingTraf.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Bus Stop Ambiance - Ext - Busy Rumbling Traffic, Footsteps, Dog Barks, Birds, Collar & Leash Rattle, Variety Of Vehicle Bys, Bus Brake Squeal BackgroundsNYCBusStopAmb_1.wav Soundstorm 4:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Bus Stop Ambiance - Ext - Birds - Light Walla, Car BackgroundsDoor Slam, Rattling Bus With Squeaky Brakes In Stop Idle & Away NYCBusStopAmbia.wav Soundstorm 4:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Bus Terminal Ambiance - Int - Loud Street Sounds, BackgroundsHeavy Footsteps, French Female Vocals, Walla, Multiple Bus Ins & NYCBusTermina_1.wav Aways, Rattling Rolling Luggage Soundstorm 4:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Bus Terminal Ambiance - Int - Loud Walla, Loud Chimes, Hooting Whistle, Close-Up Foreign Mother & Male Child Vocals, PA's In English & Spanish, Heavy Footsteps BackgroundsNYCBusTermina_2.wav Soundstorm 4:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Bus Terminal Ambiance - Int - Mixed Walla & Vocals, Distant Traffic Rumble, Close-Up Door Close, PA, Distant Bus Drive In, Elevator Bell & Door Open, Baby Talk BackgroundsNYCBusTermina_3.wav Soundstorm 4:43 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Bus Terminal Ambiance - Int - Loud BG Noise, Reverberant, Footsteps, PA, Doors Open & Close, Walla, Elevator Buzzes, Whistling, Plastic Bag Rustle, Key Jingle BackgroundsNYCBusTerminalA.wav Soundstorm 4:53 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Cafeteria Ambiance With Walla - Int - Mellow Young Adult Talk, Change Movement, Off-Stage Cash Register, Chair Scrapes, Off-Stage Vending Machine, Activity Level Increases BackgroundsNYCCafeteriaAmb.wav Soundstorm 4:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Central Park Ambiance - Ext - Distant Traffic, Birds Chirp, Horse & Buggy Distant Approach & By, Horse Hooves 'Clip Backgrounds-NYCCentralParkA.wav Clop', Bus By, Pigeon Wing Flaps, Jet Flyover, Walla Soundstorm 4:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Central Park Pond Ambiance - Ext - Loud Distant Traffic Rush, Birds in BG, Footsteps, Off-Stage Walla, Light Water Splash, Bus Brake Squeals, Walla, Plane By, Police Whistle Soundstorm 4:40 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC City Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Medium Traffic Rush, Footsteps, Distant Birds, Close-Up Truck By, Car Horns, BG Jet, Backgrounds-NYCCityTrafficA.wav Children's Squeals, Car Start, Idle & Away Soundstorm 3:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Courtyard Ambiance - Ext - Air Conditioning, Distant Traffic Roar, Distant Siren, Off-Stage Activity Muted, Bus, Small Plane, Few Voices, Baby Cry, Mic'd In Between Buildings Soundstorm 6:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Dog Park Ambiance - Ext - Off-Stage & Close-Up BackgroundsDogs Bark, Occasional Dogs Run By, Few Voices People Interaction NYCDogParkAmb_1.wav With Dogs, Distant City & Traffic Roar Soundstorm 2:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Dog Park Ambiance - Ext - Close-Up & Off-Stage BackgroundsDogs Chase Each Other, Play & Bark, Few Voices People Interaction NYCDogParkAmbia.wav With Dogs, Distant City & Traffic Roar, Off-Stage Siren Soundstorm 2:51 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Elevated Train Platform Ambiance - Ext - Traffic, Footsteps, Wind, Metal Banging, Car Alarm, 2 Car Starts, 2 Off-Stage Jet Flyovers, Distant Diesel Truck Horn, Train In, Stop & Away Backgrounds-NYCElevatedTr_1.wav Soundstorm 5:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Elevated Train Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Medium Traffic, Brake Squeaks, El Train In & By, Off-Stage Horns, Quieter Sections, Off-Stage Child Walla, Wind Backgrounds-NYCElevatedTrai.wav Soundstorm 4:44 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Ferry Boat - Int - MCU - Walla, Footsteps, Baby Cries, Metal Bangs & Scrapes In BG Backgrounds-NYCFerryBoat-_1.wav Soundstorm 1:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Ferry Boat - Int Ext - MCU - Walla, Footsteps, Bell Rings, Water Surges In BG Backgrounds-NYCFerryBoat-In.wav Soundstorm 1:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Fish Market Ambiance - Ext - Much Loud Movement, Walla, Yelling, Palettes Dropped, Forklift Traffic, Boxes Cut, Rolling Dolly Bys, Whistling, Ice Shoveled BackgroundsNYCFishMarket_1.wav Soundstorm 4:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Fish Market Ambiance - Ext - Loud BG Noise, Walla, Metal Carts Rattle In BG, Loading & Packing, Forklift By With Horn, Back Up Beeps, Palette Noise, PA, Car Horn BackgroundsNYCFishMarket_2.wav Soundstorm 4:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Backgrounds-NYCCentralParkP.wav BackgroundsNYCCourtyardAmb.wav Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Fish Market Ambiance - Ext - Loud BG Noise, Radio In BG, Metal Carts Roll By, Truck Idles, Back Up Beeps, Walla, Truck In, Stop & Brake Release, Back Up Beeps BackgroundsNYCFishMarket_3.wav Soundstorm 4:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Fish Market Ambiance - Ext - Running Footsteps @ Head, Loud Heavy Movement, Walla, Dolly Bys, Hammering, Palette Loading, Forklift Bys BackgroundsNYCFishMarketAm.wav Soundstorm 4:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Grand Central Station Train Station Ambiance - Int - Loud BG Noise, Footsteps, Walla, Running, Bubble Gum Pops, CloseUp Female Vocals, Janitor Sweeping Trash, Cell Phone BackgroundsNYCGrandCentr_1.wav Soundstorm 4:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Grand Central Station Train Station Ambiance - Int - Busy BG Hum, Footsteps, Bell Rings, Rain Drips, Keys Rattle, English & Spanish Walla, Change Rattles BackgroundsNYCGrandCentr_2.wav Soundstorm 4:51 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Grand Central Station Train Station Ambiance - Int - Loud BG Noise, Walla, Footsteps, PA, Distant Bus In & Stop With Brake Hiss, Lots Of Movement Backgrounds-NYCGrandCentral.wav Soundstorm 4:38 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Hardware Store Ambiance & Activity - Int - Lots Of Footsteps, Walla & Activity, Cashier's Voice, Computerized Cash Register, Change Movement & Receipt Tear BackgroundsNYCHardwareStor.wav Soundstorm 4:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Hotel Lobby Ambiance - Int - Door Open, Strong Outside Medium Distant Traffic With Horns & Peaks, Vehicle Bys, Int & Ext Off-Stage Voices Activity Footsteps, Construction BackgroundsNYCHotelLobby_1.wav Soundstorm 4:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Hotel Lobby Ambiance - Int - Door Open, Outside Traffic With Horns, Int Movement Footsteps, Vehicle Bys, Distant Car Alarm, Pedestrians, Off-Stage & Close-Up English Spanish Voices BackgroundsNYCHotelLobby_2.wav Soundstorm 5:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Hotel Lobby Ambiance - Int - Walla, Door Open, Outside Traffic, Horns, Int Movements Footsteps, Vehicle, Off-Stage Siren, Activity, Off-Stage & Close-Up English Spanish, Ball Bounce BackgroundsNYCHotelLobby_3.wav Soundstorm 5:37 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Hotel Lobby Ambiance - Int - MCU - Medium Walla, Lightly Reverberant, Distant Traffic, Door Open & Close, Paper Rustle Behind Desk, Footsteps BackgroundsNYCHotelLobby_4.wav Soundstorm 3:46 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Hotel Lobby Ambiance - Int - Door Open, Outside Traffic With Horns & Peaks, Truck Bys, Int Off-Stage Male Voices, Various Activity, Footsteps, Distant Construction, Metal Clanks BackgroundsNYCHotelLobbyAm.wav Soundstorm 4:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Hotel Night Ambiance - Int - Muffled But Distinct Traffic, Car Horns, Faint Vocals, Yell @ 00 10 BackgroundsNYCHotelNightAm.wav Soundstorm 4:58 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Hotel Room Night Ambiance - Int - Light BG Air Movement, Off-Stage Traffic Rush, Off-Stage Car Horn, Truck Maneuvers BackgroundsNYCHotelRoomNig.wav Soundstorm 3:43 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Hotel Roomtone Ambiance - Int - MCU - Light Air BackgroundsMovement, Distant Traffic Rush, Distant Walla, Distant Car Horns NYCHotelRoomton.wav Soundstorm 3:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Living Room Ambiance - Int - Quiet Room, Very Distant City & Traffic Roar, Quiet Tree Lined Street, Occasional Car By, Light Birds BG, Occasional Very Distant Horn BackgroundsNYCLivingRoomAm.wav Soundstorm 4:36 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Manhattan Bridge Ambiance With El Train - Ext Distant Traffic Hush, Rattling & Clanking El Train Overhead By With Squeaks, Single High Speed Car Bys Backgrounds-NYCManhattanBri.wav Soundstorm 3:46 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Marathon & Sidewalk Ambiance With Walla - Ext Very Active, Close-Up To Medium Large Street Crowd Spread Along BackgroundsStreet, Footsteps, Occasional Vehicle Bys, Steady Distant To MCU NYCMarathon&S_1.wav Walla Soundstorm 3:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Marathon & Street Crowd Ambiance With Cheering Walla - Ext - Crowd Cheers Excited Reactions & Applause In Domino Effect, Noise Makers In Distance, Helicopter, Voices Chatting BackgroundsNYCMarathon&S_2.wav Soundstorm 4:39 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Marathon & Street Crowd Ambiance With Walla Ext - Large, Street Crowd Excited Reactions, Rooting On & Applause, Close-Up Spanish Walla, Close-Up & Off-Stage Cheers & Applause, Calms Down BackgroundsNYCMarathon&S_3.wav Soundstorm 3:47 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Marathon & Sidewalk Ambiance With Walla - Ext Very Active, Close-Up To Medium Large Street Crowd Spread Along BackgroundsStreet, Footsteps, Occasional Vehicle Bys, Steady Distant To MCU NYCMarathon&Sid.wav Walla Soundstorm 2:44 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Marathon & Street Crowd Ambiance With Walla BackgroundsExt - Very Active, Occasional Siren, Off-Stage Laughter, Siren & NYCMarathon&Str.wav Helicopter Approach, Motorcade By With Siren Yelps, Off-Stage Voices Soundstorm 3:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Meat Market Ambiance - Ext - Forklift Maneuvering, Back-Up Beeps, Few Vocals, Wooden Palette Banging, Car Drive By BackgroundsNYCMeatMarketAm.wav Soundstorm 4:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Museum Atrium Room Ambiance - Int - Loud BG Rumble, Walla, Footsteps, Kids Laughter & Walla, Teacher's Vocals, Distant Traffic, Distant Wailing Siren, Off-Stage Child's Squeal, Reverb BackgroundsNYCMuseumAtrium.wav Soundstorm 4:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Museum Hallway Ambiance - Int - Distant Walla, BackgroundsFootsteps, Clothing Rustle, Door Squeaks Open & Hard Latches Closed, NYCMuseumHallwa.wav Keys Jingle, Reverb Soundstorm 4:43 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Museum Lobby Large Hall Ambiance - Int - Loud BG Rustle, Walla, Footsteps, Off-Stage Phone Rings, Very Distant Muffled Siren Wail, Bubble Gum Pops, Cash Register Rings BackgroundsNYCMuseumLobbyL.wav Soundstorm 4:47 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Museum Small Room Ambiance - Int - Walla, Footsteps, Plane By, Loud Cough, Footsteps, Clothing Rustle, Keys Jingle, Loud Female Vocals, Reverb BackgroundsNYCMuseumSmallR.wav Soundstorm 4:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Neighborhood Playground With Kids - Ext - Very Active, Medium Group, Reverberant, Close-Up & Distant Playing With Happy Yells & Laughs, Basketball Bounces, Off-Stage Swings Squeak, Adults BackgroundsNYCNeighborho_1.wav Soundstorm 4:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Neighborhood Ambiance - Ext - Distant City & Traffic Roar, Medium Distant Kids Playing, Occasional Distant Horn, Occasional Very Distant Siren BackgroundsNYCNeighborho_2.wav Soundstorm 4:43 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Neighborhood Playground With Kids - Ext - Very Active, Medium Group, Reverberant, Close-Up & Distant Playing With Happy Yells & Laughs, Basketball Bounces, Off-Stage Swings Squeak, Adults BackgroundsNYCNeighborhood.wav Soundstorm 2:40 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Night Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Light Traffic Rush, Footsteps, Walla, Car Alarm, Jet Flyover, Various Horns, Car With Backgrounds-NYCNightTraff_1.wav Squeaky Belts By, Bus In Idle & Away Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Night Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Bus Idles & Away, Light Traffic Rush, Footsteps, Car Door Slams Backgrounds-NYCNightTraff_2.wav Soundstorm 2:59 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Night Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Medium Traffic Rush, Bus In & By, Footsteps, Walla, Car Horns Backgrounds-NYCNightTraff_3.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Night Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Medium Traffic Rush, Car Horns, Footsteps, Car Doors Open & Slam, Plane Flyover, Close-Up Car Horn Backgrounds-NYCNightTraff_4.wav Soundstorm 3:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Night Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Light Traffic Rush, Car Starts & Away, Car Door Slams, Jet Flyover, Walla, Cart Rolls In BG, Footsteps, Car Alarm Beeps, Car Horns Backgrounds-NYCNightTraff_5.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Night Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Light Traffic Rush, Car Door Slams, Footsteps, Jet By, Walla, Car Alarm, Bus Brakes Squeal To Stop, Idle & Away Backgrounds-NYCNightTraffic.wav Soundstorm 4:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Park Ambiance - Ext - Street Performer Entertains Crowd Of Kids & Adults, Plane By, Crowd Applauds, Off-Stage Kids Scream & Play, Jet Flyover, BG Siren Wail BackgroundsNYCParkAmbian_1.wav Soundstorm 4:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Park Ambiance With Walla - Ext - Distant City & Traffic Roar, Pedestrian Walla & Birds In BG, Occasional Distant Jet, Distant Siren BackgroundsNYCParkAmbian_2.wav Soundstorm 4:39 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Park Ambiance - Ext - Quiet Area, Distant Traffic & City BG, Light Birds, Some Off-Stage Pedestrian Walla, Distant Dog Barks, Occasional Medium Distant Bus By BackgroundsNYCParkAmbian_3.wav Soundstorm 2:49 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Park Ambiance - Ext - Fairly Quiet Area, Distant Traffic & City BG, Light Birds, Off-Stage Teen Discuss Playing Basketball, Medium Distant Bus In, Stop, Long Idle & Away BackgroundsNYCParkAmbian_4.wav Soundstorm 2:38 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Park Ambiance - Ext - Loud Traffic Rush, Loud Children's Walla, Running & Yelling & Playing, Squeaky Swings, Jet By BackgroundsNYCParkAmbiance.wav Soundstorm 4:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Pedestrian & Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Walla, Footsteps, BG Traffic, Footsteps On Stairs, Bag & Clothing Rustle, PA, Brake Squeals Backgrounds-NYCPedestrian&T.wav Soundstorm 4:46 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Pedestrian Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Busy Street Traffic, Close-Up Heavy Pedestrian Traffic, Footsteps, Heavy Walla, Lots Of Car Horns, Brake Squeals, Diesel Truck Bys Backgrounds-NYCPedestrian_1.wav Soundstorm 3:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Pedestrian Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Busy Street Traffic, Close-Up Heavy Pedestrian Traffic, Heavy Walla, Car Horns, Brake Squeals, Car Doors Open & Close Backgrounds-NYCPedestrianTr.wav Soundstorm 4:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Pizza Shop Ambiance - Int - Empty, Door Open To BackgroundsStreet, Off-Stage Traffic Roar With Slight Definition, Off-Stage Sidewalk NYCPizzaShopA_1.wav Traffic & Pedestrian Walla Soundstorm 4:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Pizza Shop Ambiance - Int - Empty, Fans, Door Closed, Very Light Outside Walla With Little Spanish, Horn, Motorcycle & Shopping Cart By, Few Heavy Traffic Bys BackgroundsNYCPizzaShopAmb.wav Soundstorm 6:38 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Post Office Ambiance With General Activity - Int Very Active, Large Reverberant Room, Medium Light Walla, Footsteps, BG Computer; Mic'd Close To Service Window BackgroundsNYCPostOfficeAm.wav Soundstorm 4:40 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Rainy Wet Traffic - Ext - Heavy Drippy Rain, Big BackgroundsDrop & Streams, Light Distant Traffic, Loud Air Hum, Splashy Footsteps, NYCRainyWetTr_1.wav Occasional Distant Splashy Car Bys & Horn, Jet Flyover Soundstorm 4:44 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Rainy Wet Traffic - Ext - Loud Drippy Rain, Big Drops & Streams, Medium Traffic, Bus Bys, Splashy Car Bys, Door Slam, Walla, Car Horns, Siren Wail, Jet Flyover Ambience BackgroundsNYCRainyWetTraf.wav Soundstorm 4:35 Hard Drive 0 0 Backgrounds - NYC Randall Island Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - OffStage Medium Traffic Rush, Distant Siren, Dog Barks Off-Stage, Jet Backgrounds-NYCRandallIsl_1.wav Flyover, Birds Squawk Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Randall Island Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU Distant Traffic Rush, Jet Flyover, Off-Stage Construction Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Restaurant & Bar - Int - Active, Young Adults Talk, BackgroundsLarge Room, Dish Clinks & Clanks, Silverware Movement, Footsteps, NYCRestaurant&B.wav BG Cash Register Soundstorm 4:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Restaurant - Interior - MCU - Very Busy, Heavy Mixed Walla, Silverware & Dish Clinks, Quiet Phone Ring, Soundstorm 3:49 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Restaurant Ambiance - Int - MCU - Loud BG Hum, BackgroundsVocals, Walla, Dish Silverware & Glass Clinks, Distant Off-Stage Traffic, NYCRestaurantAm.wav Serving Spoon Clinks & Clunks, Cash Register Operation, Steam Hiss Soundstorm 3:46 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Restaurant Bar Ambiance - Int - Walla, Footsteps, Dish & Silverware Clinks & Clunks, Cash Register Rings, Door Opens & Closes, Glass Clinks, Close-Up Sorting Through Checks, Phone Rings Backgrounds-NYCRestaurantBa.wav Soundstorm 4:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Rooftop Ambiance - Ext - Medium Distant Traffic & City Roar, Busses, Off-Stage Construction, Metal Hits, Few Horns, Car Alarm, Brake Squeak, Vehicle Bys, Plane BackgroundsNYCRooftopAmb_1.wav Soundstorm 4:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Rooftop Ambiance - Ext - Distant City & Traffic Roar, Light Birds BG, Off-Stage Construction, Hammering, Power Saw, Off-Stage Voices, Few Horn Honks, Car Alarm, Distant Gridlock Horns BackgroundsNYCRooftopAmb_2.wav Soundstorm 4:39 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Rooftop Ambiance - Ext - Medium Distant General Traffic & City Roar, Some Construction BG, Power Saws, Etc, Few Horns, Occasional Plane, Distant Church Bells, BG Buzz Hum BackgroundsNYCRooftopAmb_3.wav Soundstorm 2:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Rooftop Ambiance - Ext - Medium Distant General Traffic & City Roar, Few Horns, Occasional Plane BackgroundsNYCRooftopAmb_4.wav Soundstorm 3:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Rooftop Ambiance - Ext - Medium Distant General Traffic & City Roar, Occasional Horn, Some Busses BackgroundsNYCRooftopAmb_5.wav Soundstorm 4:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Rooftop Ambiance - Ext - Street Sounds Muted & Distant Similar To Interior POV, Distant Helicopter By, Distant Church Bells & Siren, Small Plane By BackgroundsNYCRooftopAmbia.wav Soundstorm 6:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Rooftop Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Loud Traffic Rush, Construction, Distant Children Playing, Plane By, Short Siren Wail, Car Horns, Rattling Truck By, Wind BackgroundsNYCRooftopTra_1.wav Soundstorm 5:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Rooftop Traffic & City Rush - Ext - Very Active, BackgroundsSounds Like A Sea Of Vehicles, Horns, Busses, Off-Stage Air Hiss Burst NYCRooftopTra_2.wav Soundstorm 2:55 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Rooftop Traffic & City Rush - Ext - Very Active, Sounds Like A Sea Of Vehicles, Horns, Busses, Very Distant Police Whistle, Off-Stage Small Gridlock Type Horns BackgroundsNYCRooftopTra_3.wav Soundstorm 2:43 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Rooftop Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Loud Traffic Rush, Construction, Car Horn, Bus In, Stop, Idle & Away, Pigeon Wing Flaps, Off-Stage Sirens, Jet Flyover, Children's Walla Backgrounds-NYCRooftopTraff.wav Soundstorm 5:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Rush Hour Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Very Busy, Horn Honks, Occasional Bus Or Large Vehicles, Motorcycle By @ 02 25 BackgroundsNYCRushHourTraf.wav Soundstorm 4:35 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Small Market Ambiance With Spanish Walla - Int Small Group, Spanish Walla, Activity, Light Traffic Rush, Keys Jingle, Glass Bottle Clank, Coins, BG Music BackgroundsNYCSmallMarke_1.wav Soundstorm 4:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Small Market Ambiance With Spanish Walla - Int Spanish Walla, Activity, Light Traffic Rush, Glass Bottles Clank, Paper Bags, Off-Stage Metal Bangs, Pack Groceries, Cash Drawer BackgroundsNYCSmallMarke_2.wav Soundstorm 4:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Small Market Ambiance With Spanish Walla - Int Spanish Walla & Activity, Traffic & City Rush In BG, MCU Coin Movement, Few Paper Crunch & Rumple, Creaky Floor, Thuds BackgroundsNYCSmallMarketA.wav Soundstorm 5:37 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Soho Traffic With City Roar In BG - Ext - Delivery Truck Slow Bys & Activity Throughout, Back Up Beeps, Various Traffic Activity, Pedestrian Footsteps & Walla, Off-Stage Voices Backgrounds-NYCSohoTraffi_1.wav Soundstorm 2:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Soho Traffic With City Roar In BG - Ext - Delivery BackgroundsTruck Slow Bys & Activity Throughout, Occasional Horn, Various Traffic NYCSohoTrafficW.wav Activity, Bicycle By, Footsteps, Off-Stage Voices Soundstorm 2:44 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Spanish Restaurant Ambiance With Walla - Int Spanish Walla, BG Hum, Dish Movement, Kitchen Activity, Cooking, Espresso Machine, Phone Ring & Chair Scrapes, (Soho) Backgrounds-NYCSpanishResta.wav Soundstorm 2:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Street Ambiance - MCU Traffic Bys With Gaps, Little Walla, Car Horn Alarm Beep, Close-Up Bus Bys, Mic'd From 2nd Floor With Window Open BackgroundsNYCStreetAmbi_1.wav Soundstorm 4:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Backgrounds-NYCRandallIslan.wav Backgrounds-NYCRestaurant-I.wav Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Street Ambiance - Int - Trash Truck Activity, BG Car Alarm, Occasional Walla, Reverberation Off Building - Mic'd From Ground Floor BackgroundsNYCStreetAmbi_2.wav Soundstorm 4:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Street Ambiance - Int - English & Spanish Walla, Medium Traffic Roar, Close-Up Young People Talk & Laugh, Store Door Open Close, Traffic Bys, Mic'd From 2nd Floor With Window Open Backgrounds-NYCStreetAmbian.wav Soundstorm 4:43 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Subway Platform Ambiance - Int - Loud Tone Ringing Throughout, Multiple Ins, Stops & Aways, Loud Walla, Off-Stage Backgrounds-NYCSubwayPlatfo.wav Car Horn & Street Sounds, Loud Footsteps, PA Soundstorm 4:38 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Subway Station Ambiance - Ext - Medium POV Walla, Footsteps, Turnstiles Turn, Rattle & Click, Vendor Intercom, PA Announcements, Train In & Stop BackgroundsNYCSubwayStat_1.wav Soundstorm 2:40 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Subway Station Ambiance - Ext - Medium - Walla, Footsteps, Turnstiles Rattle & Click, Train Idles, Brakes Hiss, Distant Alarm Beeps, Trains In Stop & Away, Vendor Intercom, Siren BackgroundsNYCSubwayStat_2.wav Soundstorm 3:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Subway Station Ambiance - Int - Loud BG Noise, Busy Crowd, Walla, Footsteps, Light Drippy Rain, Running Footsteps, Walkie Talkie, Bubble Gum Pops, Yelling, PA Backgrounds-NYCSubwayStatio.wav Soundstorm 4:56 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Subway Terminal Ambiance - Int - MCU - Walla, Footsteps, Train In & Stop BackgroundsNYCSubwayTerm_1.wav Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Subway Terminal Ambiance - Int - MCU - Walla, Footsteps, Metal Turnstile Clinks, Train In & Stop, Doors Open, 2nd Train In & Stop, Brakes Hiss, 1st Train Away BackgroundsNYCSubwayTermin.wav Soundstorm 2:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Time Square Traffic & City Ambiance - Ext - Dense BackgroundsTraffic, Footsteps, Few Voices, Off-Stage Horns, Brake Squeaks, OffNYCTimeSquareTr.wav Stage Distant Tire Chirp, Off-Stage Jackhammer, Off-Stage Hum Soundstorm 4:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Times Square Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU Busy Traffic Bys, Bus Brake Hiss, Bus & Truck Bys, Walla BackgroundsNYCTimesSquar_1.wav Soundstorm 0:58 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Times Square Traffic Ambiance - Int - Off-Stage & MCU - Walla, Footsteps, Light Traffic Bys, Manhole Cover Rattles, Horns BackgroundsNYCTimesSquar_2.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Times Square Traffic Ambiance - Int - Off-Stage & MCU - Light Traffic Bys, Walla, Horns, Light Close-Up Movement, Distant Siren BackgroundsNYCTimesSquar_3.wav Soundstorm 2:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Times Square Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU Walla, Footsteps, Medium Busy Traffic Bys, Horse By BackgroundsNYCTimesSquareT.wav Soundstorm 2:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic & City Ambiance - Ext - Very Dense Traffic, Strong Gridlock Horns & Activity @ Various POVs, Lots Of Bus Activity Backgrounds-NYCTraffic&Ci_1.wav & Brake Squeaks, Cart By, Distant Siren Soundstorm 4:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic & City Roar - Ext - Footsteps, Walla, Activity, Off-Stage Door, MCU Cart Roll By, Off-Stage Distant Construction, Hammering, Jack Hammer Backgrounds-NYCTraffic&Ci_2.wav Soundstorm 4:47 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic & City Rush - Ext - Delivery Truck Idle & Away, Delivery Truck Bys, Some Pedestrian Voices & Footsteps, Occasional Bicycle By, Horns, Off-Stage Police Whistle Backgrounds-NYCTraffic&City.wav Soundstorm 2:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic & Elevated Subway Train Ambiance - Ext Medium Traffic Rumble, Off-Stage El Train Horn, 2 El Trains In By & Fast Away, Car Start & Away, Car Horns Backgrounds-NYCTraffic&El_1.wav Soundstorm 2:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic & Elevated Subway Train Ambiance - Ext Medium Traffic Rumble, Off-Stage El Train Horn, 2 El Trains In, By & Fast Away, Car Start & Away, Car Horns Backgrounds-NYCTraffic&Elev.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic & Pedestrian Ambiance - Ext - MCU Distant Traffic Rush, Occasional MCU Car Bys, Footsteps, Clothing Rustle, Distant Walla Backgrounds-NYCTraffic&Pede.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic, Pedestrians & Horns - Ext - Active, Lots Of Police Traffic Whistles, Off-Stage Gridlock Traffic Horns, Pedestrian Backgrounds-NYCTraffic,Pe_1.wav Walla & Footsteps, Busses, BG Jet Soundstorm 2:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic, Pedestrians & Horns - Ext - Active, Lots Of Police Traffic Whistles, Off-Stage Gridlock Traffic Horns, Pedestrian Backgrounds-NYCTraffic,Pede.wav Walla & Footsteps, Busses, BG Jet Soundstorm 2:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic - Int - Hotel Or Apt Room With Windows Open, Busy Off-Stage Traffic With Sidewalk Activity, Pedestrians Walla, Kids Play, Light Birds, Busses, Off-Stage Power Tools Backgrounds-NYCTraffic-Int-.wav Soundstorm 4:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Light Traffic Rush, Truck Bys, Distant Horns, Back Up Beeps, Unloading, Keys Jangle, Shouting, Walla, Carts By In BG BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_10.wav Soundstorm 4:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Busy Traffic Rush, Spanish BackgroundsWalla, Car Horns, Footsteps, Bag Rustle & Body Movements, Jet NYCTrafficAm_11.wav Flyover, Very Busy, Off-Stage Shopping Cart Rattles By Soundstorm 4:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Light Traffic Rumble & Drive Bys, Bird Calls, Occasional Vocals, Close-Up Drive Away @ Tail BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_12.wav Soundstorm 4:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Medium Traffic Rumble, Walla, Construction In BG, Loud Truck By, Bus By, Off-Stage Kids, Female French Walla, Very Distant Car Alarm, Footsteps BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_13.wav Soundstorm 4:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Busy Traffic Rush, Vehicles Rattle Over Metal Plane, Spanish Walla, Bus In, Stop, Idle & Away, Off-Stage Radio @ Tail, Water On Sidewalk BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_14.wav Soundstorm 5:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Heavy Traffic Rush, Car Horns, Squeaky Brakes, Walla, Cars Rattle Over Manhole Cover, Car Alarm, Plane By, Close-Up Diesel Car Idle BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_15.wav Soundstorm 4:43 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Busy Traffic Rush, Running BackgroundsFootsteps, Clothing Rustle, Approaching Siren, Truck Idles, Walking NYCTrafficAm_16.wav Footsteps, Car Horns, Walla, Jet Flyover Soundstorm 4:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Busy, Traffic, Footsteps, Walla, Large Church Bells Ring, Car Doors Open & Close, Brakes Squeal, Car Horns BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_17.wav Soundstorm 4:46 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Busy Traffic Rush, Heavy Walla, Footsteps, Bus In, Stop, Idle & Away, Brake Squeals, Off-Stage Train By With Rumble BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_18.wav Soundstorm 4:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Medium Traffic, Off-Stage BackgroundsConstruction, Off-Stage Back Up Beeps, Wind, Trucks Maneuver, Bus NYCTrafficAm_19.wav Idles, Jet Flyover Soundstorm 4:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Light Traffic, Walkie Talkie By, Footsteps, Walla, Buses In, Stop & Away, Baby Stroller By BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_20.wav Soundstorm 4:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Remote Area, Distant Heavy Traffic Roar, Occasional Close-Up Vehicle By, Some Close-Up Pedestrian Activity, Few Bicycles, Distant Jet BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_21.wav Soundstorm 2:43 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Remote Area, Distant Heavy Traffic Roar, Occasional Close-Up Vehicle By, Birds, Some Close-Up Pedestrian Activity, Few Bicycles By, MCU Church Bells BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_22.wav Soundstorm 2:38 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Busy Traffic Bys, CloseUp Bus By, Whistle, Walla, Footsteps, Horn, Fire Engine By With Siren BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_23.wav Soundstorm 3:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Heavy Traffic, Footsteps, Distant Siren, Female Vocals, Car Door Slam, Brake Squeals, Multiple Car Truck & Bus Bys, Bag Rustle, Stroller By BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_24.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Light Traffic Rush, BackgroundsBus Brake Squeals In & Stops x2, Bus Idles & Aways x2, Resume Car NYCTrafficAm_25.wav Bys, Footsteps, Walla Soundstorm 3:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Medium - Light Traffic Rush, Distant Walla, Car Door Slams, Cars Thud On Pot Holes BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_26.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Medium Traffic Bys, Walla, Footsteps, Metal Plate Rattles, Bus Idles & Away, Ample Bus Brake Hiss & Screech BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_27.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Medium Traffic Bys, Walla, Footsteps, Bus In, Stop & Away, Car Horns, Metal Plate Rattles, Bus Brakes Screech BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_28.wav Soundstorm 2:53 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Int - Distant - Medium Traffic Rumble, Horns, Jackhammer BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_29.wav Soundstorm 3:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Int - Distant - Light Traffic Rumble, Police Whistle, Truck Bys, Horns, Trash Truck Hydraulics BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_30.wav Soundstorm 3:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Int - Distant - Medium Traffic Rumble, Brake Squeals & Truck Bys, Horns, Tire Screech BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_31.wav Soundstorm 2:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Int - Distant - Light Traffic Rumble, Off-Stage Squeak, Distant Horns, Some Off-Stage Movement BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_32.wav Soundstorm 2:41 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Close-Up Bus Idling, Bus Away, Horns, Medium Busy Traffic Bys, Bicycle By BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_33.wav Soundstorm 3:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Medium Busy Traffic Bys, Horns, Walla, Footsteps, Jet Flyover, Walkie Talkie, Bicycle By BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_34.wav Soundstorm 3:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Footsteps, Bus Idles, Medium Busy Traffic Bys, Tapping On Metal Can, Horns, Walla, Bicycle By, Distant Wail Siren BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_35.wav Soundstorm 3:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Light Traffic Bys, Distant Heavy Traffic Rumble, Footsteps, Horns, Walla, Distant Construction Noise, Off-Stage Police Whistle BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_36.wav Soundstorm 2:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Busy Traffic Bys, Walla, Footsteps, Police Whistle, Horns BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_37.wav Soundstorm 3:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Busy Traffic Bys, Walla, Footsteps, Horns, Police Whistle, Jet Flyover BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_38.wav Soundstorm 2:43 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Light Traffic Bys, Distant Heavy Traffic Rumble, Walla, Footsteps, BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_39.wav Soundstorm 2:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Int - MCU - Wail Siren @ Head, Medium Traffic bys, Secure Door Buzzer, Walla, Footsteps, Door Opens & Closes BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_40.wav Soundstorm 2:49 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Int - MCU - Medium Busy Outside Traffic Bys, Walla, Footsteps, Various Horns, Secure Door Buzzer @ Tail BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_41.wav Soundstorm 2:37 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Heavy Traffic, Walla, Old Car Squeals By, Horns, Footsteps, Close-Up Motorcycle By BackgroundsNYCTrafficAm_42.wav Soundstorm 1:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Medium Busy BackgroundsDistant Traffic Rush, Police Whistle, Loud BG Rumble, Distant Car Horns NYCTrafficAm_43.wav Soundstorm 1:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Medium Traffic Rush, BackgroundsFootsteps, Truck Brake Hiss, Plane By, Walla, Dog Leash Rattle, Pigeons NYCTrafficAmb_1.wav Cooing & Flapping, Various Car Truck & Bus Bys Soundstorm 4:35 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Distant Traffic Rush, Baby BackgroundsTalking, Stroller By, Pigeons Coo & By, Footsteps, Key Or Leash Jingle, NYCTrafficAmb_2.wav Distant Siren, Plane By, Wind Chimes Soundstorm 4:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Mixed Walla, Dog Barks, Distant Traffic Rush, Footsteps, Walkie Talkie, Jet By, Pretzel Vendor, Police Horses By, Siren, Baby Stroller By BackgroundsNYCTrafficAmb_3.wav Soundstorm 4:56 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Truck By, Horns, Busy Traffic Rush, Close-Up Truck Idle, Various Vehicle Bys, Walla, Footsteps BackgroundsNYCTrafficAmb_4.wav Soundstorm 4:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Busy Traffic, Horns, Tire Squeals, Car Alarm, Distant Motor Scooter, Volkswagen By, Various Vehicle Bys BackgroundsNYCTrafficAmb_5.wav Soundstorm 4:41 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Heavy Traffic, Footsteps, Light Walla, Distant Birds, Baby Stroller By, Metal Banging, Skids & Pothole Bumps BackgroundsNYCTrafficAmb_6.wav Soundstorm 4:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Medium Traffic, Car Brake BackgroundsSqueal, Horn, Coughing, Light Walla, Footsteps, Large Rattling Truck In, NYCTrafficAmb_7.wav Hand Truck, Back Up Beeps, Gets Busier, Walkie Talkie Soundstorm 4:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Medium Traffic, Footsteps, BackgroundsLight Walla, Truck bys, Truck Unloading, PA, Periodic Revolving Door NYCTrafficAmb_8.wav Clunks, Hand Cart, Jet By Soundstorm 4:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Medium Traffic, Brake Squeals, Woman Yelling 'Taxi Taxi,' Birds, Close-Up Bus By, Mixed Walla, Car Door Slam, Jet By BackgroundsNYCTrafficAmb_9.wav Soundstorm 4:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Medium Traffic Bys, Walla, Bus Idles & Away, Truck Horns, Lots Of Car Horns, Bicycle By & Brake Squeal Backgrounds-NYCTrafficAmbia.wav Soundstorm 4:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Traffic Pedestrians Ambience - Ext - Active, Lots Of Police Traffic Whistles, Off-Stage Gridlock Traffic Horns, Walla & Footsteps With Ball Bounce, Some Spanish Walla, Busses, BG Jet Backgrounds-NYCTrafficPedes.wav Soundstorm 3:37 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Wet Snowy Street Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Light Traffic Bys, Distant Siren Wail, Distant Medium Traffic Rush, Cars & Buses Splash By, Very Light Rain Drips, Jet Flyover BackgroundsNYCWetSnowyStre.wav Soundstorm 4:43 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Wet Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Loud Traffic Rumble, Footsteps, Walla, Car Door Slams, Close-Up Child's Cough, Laughter, Keys Jingle, Heavy Truck Traffic, Running Backgrounds-NYCWetTraffic_1.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC Wet Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Loud Busy Traffic, BackgroundsVehicles Splash Through Puddles, Back Up Beeps, Close-Up Engine Belt NYCWetTrafficAm.wav Squeal, Jet Flyover, Off-Stage Whistling Soundstorm 4:55 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC World Trade Center Ambiance With Walla - Int Very Active, Big Reverberant Room, Single Voices, Vocal Hush, Footsteps, Janitor Sweeps, Movement, Few MCU Passer Bys BackgroundsNYCWorldTrade_1.wav Soundstorm 3:59 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - NYC World Trade Center Main Entrance Ambiance With BackgroundsWalla - Int - Active, Medium Distant POV, Carpeted Area, Few CloseNYCWorldTradeCe.wav Up Passer Bys, Off-Stage Low Thumping Of Revolving Door Soundstorm 4:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Office Ambiance - Int - Fluorescent Light Hum, Mixed Voices, Phones, Keyboard Typing, Not Too Busy, Mail Cart By, Ample Movement Backgrounds-OfficeAmbianc_1.wav Soundstorm 3:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Office Ambiance - Int - Medium Busy, Computer Typing, Occasional Episodes Of Footsteps On Marble & Carpet, Typewriter Idle Backgrounds-OfficeAmbiance-.wav Nearby, Mixed Voices, Female Laughing, MCU Door Opens & Closes Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Office Building Stairwell Ambiance - Int - High Ambient Roar With Off-Stage Traffic & Activity, Occasional Voices & Footsteps, Steam Sound In Background @ 2 50, Mic'd On 2nd Floor Building Soundstorm 4:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Backgrounds-OfficeBuildingS.wav Ambience Backgrounds - Old Western Town Ambiance With Horse & Wagon Traffic - Busy With Slight Lulls In Traffic, Man Yelling @ Horses, Various BackgroundsWagon Movement, Dog Barks, Off-Stage Hammering, Few Human OldWesternTownA.wav Vocals Soundstorm 2:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - On Board Docked Boat - Cabin, Early Morning, Constant BackgroundsPopping Sound In BG (Probably Barnacles), Water Movement, Distant OnBoardDocked_1.wav Birds & Traffic; (Boat Is A 42' Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 3:47 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - On Board Docked Boat - Pilot's Room, Early Morning, Constant Popping Sound In BG (Probably Barnacles), Water Movement, Occasional Birds, Distant Traffic; (Boat Is A 42' Yacht Trawler) BackgroundsOnBoardDockedBo.wav Soundstorm 3:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Park Forest - Ext - Daytime, Close-Up Blackbird & Swallow With Other Birds Around, Very Active, Light Forest Reverb Backgrounds-ParkForest-Ext-.wav Soundstorm 3:37 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Pedestrian & Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Heavy Walla & Footsteps, Medium Traffic Rush In BG, Skateboards Dropped & Ride By, Car Horns Backgrounds-Pedestrian&Traf.wav Soundstorm 4:41 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Philadelphia City Street Ambiance - Ext - Distant Traffic Wash, Light Off-Stage Movement, Off-Stage Crickets, Distant Police Siren @ 1 28, Sirens Build Backgrounds-PhiladelphiaCit.wav Soundstorm 3:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Philadelphia Traffic Neighborhood Street Ambiance Distant Traffic Wash, Distant Sirens @ Head, Leaves Blowing, Light Pedestrian Activity, Light Footsteps, Horns, Car Start Backgrounds-PhiladelphiaT_1.wav Soundstorm 4:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Philadelphia Traffic Ambiance - Heavy Roar and Rumble of Highway Traffic, Big Reverberant Wash, No Horns, Quick-Moving Traffic, Mic'd From Under Bridge Backgrounds-PhiladelphiaT_2.wav Soundstorm 4:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Philadelphia Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Busy Downtown Street, Medium To Heavy Traffic Wash, Birds, Airplane By @ 2 10, MCU Car & Truck Bys, Slight Reverb Backgrounds-PhiladelphiaTra.wav Soundstorm 3:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Plane Runway Ambiance - Ext - Various Plane Activity, Off-Stage Take Offs, Off-Stage Bus Activity & Bys, Idle Plane With Engine Running, Taxing Planes Backgrounds-PlaneRunwayAmbi.wav Soundstorm 3:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Police Station Ambiance - Int - Detective's Department, Office Walla, Sporadic Activity, Paper Movement, Dot Matrix Printer, People Bys, Medium Distant & Close-Up Dialogue, Phone Calls, Footsteps Backgrounds-PoliceStation_1.wav Soundstorm 1:46 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Police Station Ambiance - Int - Detective's Department, Office Walla, Sporadic Activity, Paper Movement, Dot Matrix Printer, People Bys, Medium Distant & Close-Up Dialogue, Phone Calls, Footsteps Backgrounds-PoliceStationAm.wav Soundstorm 1:52 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Prague Central Square Open Marketplace - Ext - Late Night, Distant Dog Barks, Echo & Reverb From Surrounding Buildings, City Rumble, Distant Traffic, MCU Car Bys, Distant Trams Backgrounds-PragueCentral_1.wav Soundstorm 3:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Prague Central Square Open Marketplace - Ext - Medium Distant Traffic, Light Pedestrian Traffic With Walla & Footsteps, Many Backgrounds-PragueCentralSq.wav Off-Stage Car Bys, Tram Bells, Off-Stage Car Doors & Start @ 3 14 Soundstorm 3:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Prague City Ambiance With Church Bells - Ext - Distant, From Castle Hill, Distant Birds, Some Off-Stage Water Drips, Church Bells Ring (Many Types), Off-Stage Walla Backgrounds-PragueCityAmbia.wav Soundstorm 3:58 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Prague Park Ambiance - Ext - Quiet - Distant City Rumble & Traffic Wash, Off-Stage Church Bells, Some Light Walla & Movement Nearby, Distant Car Trunk Or Doors Open & Close @ 2 04 Backgrounds-PragueParkAmbia.wav Soundstorm 3:47 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Prague Riverfront Ambiance - Ext - Mic'd From Under The Charles Bridge, Off-Stage Water Seagulls & Swans, Light Rumble Of Backgrounds-PragueRiverfr_1.wav Water Flowing Nearby Soundstorm 3:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Prague Riverfront Ambiance - Ext - Medium Distant Traffic, River Flowing Nearby, MCU Water Dripping, Distant City Wash & Distant Off-Stage Traffic Backgrounds-PragueRiverfr_2.wav Soundstorm 3:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Prague Riverfront Ambiance - Ext - Medium Distant Traffic, Roadways Are Wet With Snow & Slush, MCU Dog & Female Backgrounds-PragueRiverfr_3.wav Owner By @ 2 04, Dog Approaches Mic & Makes Cute Growls @ 2 51 Soundstorm 3:47 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Prague Riverfront Ambiance - Ext - Near The Charles Bridge, Off-Stage Water Seagulls & Swans, Light Rumble Of Water Flowing, Distant Off-Stage Music Playing From Club Or Disco Backgrounds-PragueRiverfron.wav Soundstorm 3:52 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Prague Side Street With City Ambiance - Ext - Small, Distant City Rumble, Fair Amount Of Distant Traffic & Horns, Close-Up Backgrounds-PragueSideStree.wav Footsteps, Pedestrian Walla, Alley Type Reverb, Close-Up Car Bys @ 0 55, & 2 09 Soundstorm 3:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Prague Street Traffic After Snowstorm - Ext - Early Morning, Somewhat Distant, Slushy, Wet Roads, Close-Up Car Bys, Medium Distant City Ambiance, Pedestrian Walla & Footsteps, Tram In @ 0 56 Soundstorm 3:55 Hard Drive 0 0 Backgrounds-PragueStreetTra.wav Ambience Backgrounds - Prague Subway Light Rail Station Platform Ambiance - Int - Off-Stage Train In & Stop @ Head, Lots Of Passenger Movement & Backgrounds-PragueSubwayLig.wav Walla, PA Announcements, Train Away @ 0 37, Light Airy Reverb Soundstorm 3:56 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Prague Traffic - Ext - Medium Distant - Night, Busy Roadway, Not Too Close, Cars & Trucks, No Jarring Distractions, BG Plane @ Tail Backgrounds-PragueTraffic-E.wav Soundstorm 3:58 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Prague Train Station Main Hall With Trains - Int - OffStage Electrical Steady, Medium Distant Train In @ 0 17 With Good Rail Backgrounds-PragueTrainStat.wav Grinds & Brake Squeals, Distant PA @ 0 38, Reverb, Light Movement & Walla Soundstorm 3:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Prague Wet Street Traffic - Ext - Night - Busy, Close-Up Wet Car Bys, Light City Rumble Backgrounds-PragueWetStreet.wav Soundstorm 3:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Queens Industrial Ambiance - Ext - Open Quiet Area, Near Airport With Lots Of Jet Activity, Distant City & Traffic Roar, Horns, Close-Up Car Whine & Maneuver Backgrounds-QueensIndustr_1.wav Soundstorm 2:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Queens Industrial Ambiance - Ext - Open Quiet Area, Off-Stage Construction, Near Airport, Planes, Distant City & Traffic Roar, Few Horns, Some Large Truck Activity Backgrounds-QueensIndustria.wav Soundstorm 3:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Quiet Desert - Light Chirping Birds, Single Cricket, Very Calm Backgrounds-QuietDesert-Lig.wav Soundstorm 3:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Railroad Yard - Ext - Diesel Locomotive Carries Its Cars Through Switches, Tracks With Metal Clanks & Rattles, Low End Rumbles & Squeaks Backgrounds-RailroadYard-_1.wav Soundstorm 2:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Railroad Yard - Ext - Diesel Locomotive Carries Its Cars Through Switches, Tracks With Metal Clanks & Rattles, Low End Rumbles & Squeaks Backgrounds-RailroadYard-Ex.wav Soundstorm 3:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Rectifier Exciter Room Ambiance - Int - High Hum, Airy Hush Backgrounds-RectifierExcite.wav Soundstorm 3:49 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Redneck Bar - Int - General Bar Activity, Energetic, Individual Voices Mainly Men Some Women, Walla, Indiscernible Crowd Backgrounds-RedneckBar-In_1.wav Rumbling In Background, Pool Game, Room Reverb Soundstorm 3:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Redneck Bar - Int - Close To Bar Area, Individual Voices Mainly Men Some Women & Indiscernible Crowd Rumbling & Pool Backgrounds-RedneckBar-Int-.wav Game In Background, General Activity & Walla Soundstorm 3:44 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Residential Ambiance - Ext - Medium Wind Through Trees, With Heavier Gust & Leaf Movement, Distant BG Traffic, Some Distant Birds Backgrounds-ResidentialAm_1.wav Soundstorm 1:58 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Residential Ambiance - Ext - BG Birds, Medium Light Wind Through Trees, Airy, Distant BG Traffic Backgrounds-ResidentialAm_2.wav Soundstorm 2:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Residential Ambiance - Ext - BG Birds, Some Crow Caws, Light Wind In Trees, Leaf Movement, Some Distant BG Traffic Backgrounds-ResidentialAmbi.wav Soundstorm 2:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Residential Gardeners Working - Ext - Medium Distant Lawnmower Runs, Blade Occasionally Scraps Something Like Rocks Or Cement Backgrounds-ResidentialGa_1.wav Soundstorm 1:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Residential Gardeners Working - Ext - Distant Gas Powered Weed Whacker Whacking Weeds Backgrounds-ResidentialGa_2.wav Soundstorm 0:56 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Residential Gardeners Working - Ext - Distant Gas Powered Weed Whacker Whacking Weeds, While Gas Powered Leaf Blower Blows Leaves, Moving Near & Far, Engines Purring In Harmony Backgrounds-ResidentialGa_3.wav Soundstorm 1:47 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Residential Gardeners Working - Ext - Medium Distant Gardeners Clean Up, Some Spanish Voices, Some Rake Sounds, Truck Starts, Door Shuts & Truck Drives Away With Gardeners Backgrounds-ResidentialGard.wav Soundstorm 1:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Residential Kids Playing - Ext - 2 Boys Ride Scooters, Boys' Voices, Some BG Traffic, A Dog Barks, Light Wind In Trees & Leaf Movement, Scooter Noise, Distant Birds Backgrounds-ResidentialKids.wav Soundstorm 2:43 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Residential Night Traffic - Ext - Medium Busy 2-Way Street, Steady MCU Car & Truck Bys Backgrounds-ResidentialNigh.wav Soundstorm 1:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Restaurant Ambiance With Walla - Int - Mixed Walla, Silverware & Dish Clinks & Clanks Backgrounds-RestaurantAmb_1.wav Soundstorm 3:59 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Restaurant Ambiance With Walla - Int - Medium Sized Room, Large Adult Mixed Lunch Crowd, Silverware & Dish Clinks, Male Backgrounds-RestaurantAmbia.wav Laughter, Few Footsteps Soundstorm 4:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Room Ambiance - Int - Quiet With Very Distant Traffic, Occasional Horn Honk, Light Activity & Voices, Machine Hum Starts @ 00 32 & Continues To End Backgrounds-RoomAmbiance-In.wav Soundstorm 4:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Room Ambiance With Hollywood Traffic - Int - Distant Strong Traffic With Resonance, Occasional BG Voices BackgroundsRoomAmbianceWit.wav Soundstorm 4:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Roomtone - Int - Large & Reverberant Airy Hum Backgrounds-Roomtone-Int-_1.wav Soundstorm 2:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Roomtone - Int - Large Warehouse Type, Industrial Area, Backgrounds-Roomtone-Int-_2.wav Very Airy Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Room Tone - Int - Large, Empty Room, Quiet, Airy Backgrounds-RoomTone-Int-La.wav Soundstorm 3:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Roomtone - Int - Ominous & Large, Weird Cave-Like, Almost Howling Tone Backgrounds-Roomtone-Int-Om.wav Soundstorm 3:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Rural Ambiance - Ext - Quiet & Calm, BG Birds, Occasional Distant Crow, Very Distant Traffic Hum Backgrounds-RuralAmbiance-E.wav Soundstorm 4:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Rural Neighborhood - Ext - Distant - Nighttime, Truck In & By, Off-Stage Volkswagen By & Away, Light Insect Bed, Very Distant Backgrounds-RuralNeighbor_1.wav Train In & By Near End Soundstorm 3:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Rural Neighborhood - Ext - Nighttime, BG Crickets, Light Off-Stage Voices & Movement @ Beginning, Distant Alarm Throughout, Backgrounds-RuralNeighborho.wav Close-Up Slow Car By Soundstorm 2:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - San Francisco 1-Way Street Traffic - Ext - Medium Busy, L R, Some Footsteps, Off-Stage Car Starts, Horn, Brake Squeals, Some Backgrounds-SanFrancisco1-W.wav Big Truck Bys Soundstorm 4:36 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - San Francisco Bar Ambiance - Int - Walla, Glasses & Dishes Clink Backgrounds-SanFranciscoBar.wav Soundstorm 4:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - San Francisco Inner City Night Ambiance - Ext - MCU Walla, Traffic Bys, Truck Idles Off-Stage, Vocals 'Shake Shake Shake, Shake Your Bootie' Backgrounds-SanFranciscoInn.wav Soundstorm 4:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - San Francisco Traffic - Ext - Busy, Off-Stage Voices, Cable Car By, Close-Up Footsteps, Cabbie & Prom Teenagers Voices In Backgrounds-SanFranciscoTra.wav BG Soundstorm 4:58 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Scene Of Fire - Ext - Fire & Police Radios, Trucks Idle, Firemen's Voices, No Fire Heard, Closer Radio & Voices At Times, Distant Chainsaw, Bells From Firemen's Breathing Apparatus Backgrounds-SceneOfFire-Ext.wav Soundstorm 3:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Small Czech Town Ambiance - Ext - Footsteps In Snow, Medium Distant Dogs Barking, Few Light Voices, Occasional MCU Car Bys, Few Bicycles, Distant Cars Backgrounds-SmallCzechTownA.wav Soundstorm 3:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Small Mexican Town Ambiance With Walla - Ext - OffStage Traffic, Close-Up Truck @ 0 15, Distant Rooster, Birds, Distant Children, Medium Light Activity, Distant Radio, Car Start @ 1 45; (Muna) Backgrounds-SmallMexicanT_1.wav Soundstorm 3:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Small Mexican Town Ambiance With Walla - Ext Medium Distant Traffic, Fairly Busy, Distant Off-Stage Voices; (Muna) Backgrounds-SmallMexicanT_2.wav Soundstorm 2:51 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Small Mexican Town Ambiance With Walla - Lots Of Activity With Spanish Walla, MCU & Distant Rooster Crows, Children Playing, Power Drill, MCU & Distant Hammering, Truck Away @ 2 28, BG Birds Backgrounds-SmallMexicanT_3.wav Soundstorm 3:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Small Mexican Town Ambiance With Walla - Ext - Distant Traffic, Off-Stage Car Bys, Very Distant Radio, Light, Wind Through Backgrounds-SmallMexicanTow.wav Trees, Distant Activity & Voices; (Muna) Soundstorm 3:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Small Town 4-Way Intersection Traffic Ambiance - Ext Slow To Medium Slow Bys, Fairly Busy, Bus Or Large Truck By @ 1 30 Backgrounds-SmallTown4-WayI.wav & 3 14, Horn Honk @ 2 26 Soundstorm 3:47 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Small Town Parking Lot Activity - Ext - Close-Up Parking Lot Activity With Off-Stage Traffic Bys, Active & Busy, Occasional Backgrounds-SmallTownParkin.wav Voice Soundstorm 5:37 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Small Wood Working Shop - Int - Close-Up Hand Tools With Machines In BG, Occasional BG Traffic BackgroundsSmallWoodWork_1.wav Soundstorm 4:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Small Wood Working Shop Ambiance - Int - Off-Stage Walla With Heavy BG Machinery BackgroundsSmallWoodWork_2.wav Soundstorm 3:44 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Small Wood Working Shop - Int - Off-Stage General Shop Ambiance With Machinery, Active Machinery, Occasional Light Off-Stage Walla, Mic'd in Adjacent Room To Main Shop Area BackgroundsSmallWoodWork_3.wav Soundstorm 4:36 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Small Wood Working Shop - Int - Shop Walla With More BackgroundsBreaks In The Machinery, Instructor Giving Direction, Occasional Light SmallWoodWork_4.wav BG Traffic Breaks Through Soundstorm 4:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Small Wood Working Shop - Int - General Ambiance Of Main Shop With Various Machines Start, Run & Stop, Occasional Light BG Walla BackgroundsSmallWoodWork_5.wav Soundstorm 4:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Small Wood Working Shop Ambiance - Int - Off-Stage Walla With Heavy BG Machinery BackgroundsSmallWoodWork_6.wav Soundstorm 3:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Small Wood Working Shop - Int - General Shop Ambiance With Steady Hum Of Planer In BG, @ 2 09 Wood Plank Drops To Floor, Occasional BG Voice Backgrounds-SmallWoodWorkin.wav Soundstorm 4:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Softball Game Ambiance - Ext - Night - Medium Heavy Cheering & Clapping, Distant BG Traffic, Laughing, Distinct Mixed Voices, Kids & Adults, Yelling Support To Players, Friendly Game Backgrounds-SoftballGameA_1.wav Soundstorm 3:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Softball Game Ambiance - Ext - Night - Medium Heavy Cheering & Clapping, Distant BG Traffic, Laughing, Distinct Mixed Voices, Kids & Adults, Bat Hitting Ball & Ground, Ball In Glove Backgrounds-SoftballGameA_2.wav Soundstorm 3:35 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Softball Game Ambiance - Ext - Night - Light Cheering & Clapping, Distant BG Traffic, Sound Of Bat Hitting Ball, Some Faint OffStage Walla, Sounds Like Two Games, One More Distant Backgrounds-SoftballGameAmb.wav Soundstorm 1:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Street & Traffic Ambiance - Int - Very Busy, Traffic & Activity, Mic'd From 6th Floor Of Building Through Open Window, Mic Pointing Down Into Alley Backgrounds-Street&TrafficA.wav Soundstorm 4:34 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Submarine Control Room - Int - Generic Whoosh Roar, Some Distant Metal Sounds Backgrounds-SubmarineContro.wav Soundstorm 3:59 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Suburban Neighborhood Street - Ext - Fairly Quiet, Light BG Birds, Off-Stage Car By @ Head, Then Occasional Car In, Off-Stage Backgrounds-SuburbanNeighbo.wav Stop & Away, Some Crow Caws, Mic'd @ Top Of Yosemite St. In Simi Valley Soundstorm 3:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Suburban Park Forest Birds & Light Insects - Ext Daytime, Close-Up Blackbird & Swallow, MCU Flies Buzzing Around, Quite Active, Light Forest Reverb Backgrounds-SuburbanParkF_1.wav Soundstorm 2:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Suburban Park Forest Birds & Light Insects - Ext Daytime, Close-Up Blackbird & Swallow, MCU Flies Buzzing Around, Quite Active, Light Forest Reverb, Distant Airplane @ 1 26 Backgrounds-SuburbanParkF_2.wav Soundstorm 2:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Suburban Park Forest Birds & Light Insects - Ext Daytime, Close-Up Blackbird & Swallow, MCU Flies Buzzing Around, Quite Active, Light Forest Reverb Backgrounds-SuburbanParkFor.wav Soundstorm 3:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Subway Terminal Ambiance - Int - MCU - Footsteps, Walla, Water Drips, Plastic Bag Rustles Backgrounds-SubwayTermina_1.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Subway Terminal Ambiance - Int - MCU - Walla, Footsteps, Metal Turnstile Clinks, Train In & By, Train In, Stop, & Away, Backgrounds-SubwayTermina_2.wav Newspapers Rustle Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Subway Terminal Ambiance - Int - MCU - Walla, Footsteps, Distant Train Approach, Train In & By, Train Horn Blows Backgrounds-SubwayTermina_3.wav Soundstorm 3:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Subway Terminal Ambiance - Int - MCU - Train In, Stop, Backgrounds-SubwayTerminalA.wav Unload, & Away, Walla, Footsteps, PA Announcements Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Subway Train & Station Ambiance - Ext & Int - Close-Up Stop With Air Release, Board Train, Int Doors Close, Light Walla, Long Backgrounds-SubwayTrain&Sta.wav Fast Ride With Clicks & Stop, Doors Opens & Closes, PA, Coughing & Light Movement Soundstorm 4:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Supermarket Parking Lot Ambiance - Ext - Cars Crank Up, Crows Caw, BG Traffic & Birds, Some Footsteps & Buggy Noise, Light Wind, Car Doors Close, Some Walla, Key Jingle, Close-Up Car Start Backgrounds-SupermarketPa_1.wav Soundstorm 3:55 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Supermarket Parking Lot Ambiance - Ext - Cars Crank Up, Crows Caw, BG Traffic & Birds, Big Truck By, Some Footsteps & Buggy Noise, Light Wind, Car Alarm Armed, Some Voices Near Tail Backgrounds-SupermarketPark.wav Soundstorm 3:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Swamp Ambiance With Birds - Ext - Daytime, Pretty Birds, Light Insect Base, Occasional Interesting Bird Squawks, Occasional Fly Buzz By, Very Distant BG Jet BackgroundsSwampAmbianceWi.wav Soundstorm 3:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Swamp Dusk Ambiance - Ext - Cricket & Cicada Mixture BackgroundsSwampDuskAmbi_1.wav Soundstorm 2:56 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Swamp Dusk Ambiance - Ext - Cricket & Cicada Mixture BackgroundsSwampDuskAmbian.wav Soundstorm 2:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Swamp Night Ambiance - Ext - Crickets, Cicadas, Off Stage Distant Traffic BackgroundsSwampNightAmb_1.wav Soundstorm 2:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Swamp Night Ambiance - Ext - Crickets, Cicadas, Off Stage Distant Traffic, Car By @ 00 30 BackgroundsSwampNightAmbia.wav Soundstorm 2:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Terminal Island Harbor - Foghorns, Occasional Distant Flock Of Seagulls, Light Roar From Distant Harbor Industrial; (West End Of Island) Backgrounds-TerminalIslandH.wav Soundstorm 3:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Times Square Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Medium Busy Traffic Bys, Whistling, Horns, Walla, Footsteps, Bus Brake Squeal, Horse Walks By Backgrounds-TimesSquareTraf.wav Soundstorm 3:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Traffic - Ext - Polk & Bush At 2 A.M., Busy Traffic, Passing Walla, 4th Floor Perspective, Lots Of Good Car & Truck Bys, A Backgrounds-Traffic-Ext-Pol.wav Peel-Out Near Head & Tail, A Few Car Door Closes Soundstorm 3:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Busy Traffic, Bus Brake Squeals, Multiple & Overlapping Car Truck & Bus Bys, Walla, Car Horns, Tires Backgrounds-TrafficAmbian_1.wav On Road Reflectors, Close-Up Fast By & Away, Children Playing Soundstorm 4:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Busy Traffic, Multiple Overlapping Vehicles, Cars Over Grate With Rattle, Plane By, Walla, Pigeon Wing Flaps Soundstorm 4:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Backgrounds-TrafficAmbian_2.wav Ambience Backgrounds - Traffic Ambiance - Int - Traffic Rumble, Occasional Horns, Siren In BG, Off-Stage Door Slams, Off-Stage Reverberant Walla, Distant BG Jet, Little Int Movement, Mic'd From 3rd Floor Of Building With Windows Closed Backgrounds-TrafficAmbian_3.wav Soundstorm 4:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Traffic Ambiance - Ext - General Traffic Background With Some Specific Vehicles, Voices In Distant @ Times & Quiet @ Others, Backgrounds-TrafficAmbiance.wav Mic'd From 2nd Floor Balcony Towards Town Square Soundstorm 3:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Train Horns - Ext - Distant - Occasional Horn Blows Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Train Horns With Traffic Hum - Ext - Distant - Occasional Backgrounds-TrainHornsWithT.wav Distant Train Horn, Few Cars, BG Insect Bed Soundstorm 2:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Twilight Bird & Cricket Ambiance - Ext - Various CloseUp To Medium Distant Bird Calls, Steady Low Bed Of Crickets Backgrounds-TwilightBird&Cr.wav Soundstorm 2:59 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - UC Berkeley Campus - Ext - Student Walla, Mixed Voices & Footsteps, BG Birds, Airplanes, Skateboard & Bicycles By, Wind Gusts, Spanish Female Voices @ Tail BackgroundsUCBerkeleyCampu.wav Soundstorm 4:55 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Underground Parking Garage Ambiance - Int - Distant Off-Stage Traffic, Clean Natural Ambiance, Few Distant Voices, Buses Stop With Brake Squeak Idles & Away, Car Alarm, Voice @ 2 18 Backgrounds-UndergroundPark.wav Soundstorm 4:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Urban Highway Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Fast Moving Cars & Trucks, Medium Distant Elevated Train Bys, Mic'd From Under Interstate Bridge, (Interstate 95, Philadelphia) Backgrounds-UrbanHighwayT_1.wav Soundstorm 1:35 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Urban Highway Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Fast Moving Cars & Trucks, Medium Distant Elevated Train Bys, Mic'd From Under Interstate Bridge, (Interstate 95, Philadelphia) Backgrounds-UrbanHighwayT_2.wav Soundstorm 1:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Urban Highway Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Fast Moving Cars & Trucks, Medium Distant Elevated Train Bys, Mic'd From Under Interstate Bridge, (Interstate 95, Philadelphia) Backgrounds-UrbanHighwayTra.wav Soundstorm 1:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Urban Neighborhood With Traffic Rush - Ext - Distant Busy Traffic, Distant Dog Barks @ 1 49, BG Birds, Close-Up Movement Backgrounds-UrbanNeighborho.wav @ 2 20, Inner City Neighborhood Feel Soundstorm 4:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Urban Riverfront Ambiance - Ext - Night - Close-Up River With Water Rushing Off-Stage, MCU Water Birds, Distant City Traffic Wash Backgrounds-UrbanRiverfront.wav Soundstorm 3:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Urban Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Slow Spotted Car Bys, BG Birds & Lawn Mower @ 2 38, Lots Of Variety Backgrounds-UrbanTrafficAmb.wav Soundstorm 4:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Warehouse Ambiance - Int - Off-Stage Trainyard Ambiance, Busy, Diesel Engines, Squeaks & Clanks Backgrounds-WarehouseAmbian.wav Soundstorm 3:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Warehouse Roomtone - Int - Large Warehouse, Low Airy BackgroundsHum WarehouseRoom_1.wav Soundstorm 3:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Warehouse Roomtone - Int - Large Warehouse, Low Airy BackgroundsHum WarehouseRoom_2.wav Soundstorm 3:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Warehouse Roomtone - Int - Large Warehouse, Low Airy Backgrounds-WarehouseRoomto.wav Hum Soundstorm 3:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Wet Traffic Ambiance - Ext - Fast, Heavy, Individual Cars Backgrounds-WetTrafficAmbia.wav & Groups Of Cars Soundstorm 4:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - White House Control Room Ambiance - Int - Busy With More Action, Phone Beeps, Hi-Tech Teletype, Occasional Light BG Voice & Typing, Printer Printing Backgrounds-WhiteHouseCon_1.wav Soundstorm 3:44 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - White House Control Room Ambiance - Some Beeping Tones, Occasional Soft BG Voices, Typing, Someone Coughs, Some BG Backgrounds-WhiteHouseCon_2.wav Radio Calls After 2 30 Soundstorm 3:46 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - White House Control Room Ambiance - Int - Medium Busy With Phone Beeps, Hi-Tech Teletype, Occasional Light BG Voice & Typing Backgrounds-WhiteHouseContr.wav Soundstorm 3:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Whitfield Mental Hospital Admittance Lobby Ambiance Int - Several Conversations Going On @ Once, Reverb With Distant Doors, Phones Backgrounds-WhitfieldMental.wav Soundstorm 3:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Wood Working Shop - Int - General Shop Ambiance With Main Saw Or Planer in Foreground, Mic'd 15' From Above BackgroundsWoodWorkingSh_1.wav Soundstorm 1:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Wood Working Shop - Int - General Shop Ambiance With Main Saw Or Planer in Foreground, Mic'd 15' From Above BackgroundsWoodWorkingSh_2.wav Soundstorm 1:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Wood Working Shop - Int - Overall Shop Ambiance, Occasional Main Band Saw Or Planer In BG, BG Steady Vacuum System, Occasional Distant Air Hiss, Mic'd Off-Axis BackgroundsWoodWorkingSh_3.wav Soundstorm 1:53 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Wood Working Shop - Int - Overall Shop Ambiance, Occasional Main Band Saw Or Planer In BG, BG Steady Vacuum System, Occasional Distant Air Hiss, Distant Voices, @ 1 14 Distant Machine Winds Down, Mic'd Off-Axis BackgroundsWoodWorkingSh_4.wav Soundstorm 2:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Backgrounds-TrainHorns-Ext-.wav Ambience Backgrounds - Wood Working Shop Ambiance - Int - Wide Perspective Of Air Duster & Sanding, Occasional Distant Saw & BG Voices BackgroundsWoodWorkingSh_5.wav Soundstorm 2:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Wood Working Shop Ambiance - Int - Wide Perspective Of Air Duster & Sanding, Occasional Distant Saw & BG Voices BackgroundsWoodWorkingSh_6.wav Soundstorm 2:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Wood Working Shop Ambiance - Ext - Off-Stage Perspective - Ext Giant Fan Sound, Occasional Planer & Band Saw in BG, Mic'd 15 Yards From Building, Leaf Blows By @ 3 31 BackgroundsWoodWorkingSh_7.wav Soundstorm 4:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Wood Working Shop - Int - General Shop Ambiance With Main Saw Or Planer In Foreground, Mic'd 15' From Above BackgroundsWoodWorkingShop.wav Soundstorm 1:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds - Workmen Loading Garbage Truck - Ext - Idle While Loading, Some Off-Stage City Traffic, Plastic Containers Get Knocked Around, Some Broken Glass Dumped, Close-Up By & Away @ 3 19 BackgroundsWorkmenLoadingG.wav Soundstorm 3:53 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds NYC Pedestrian Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Bustling Street Traffic, Light Pedestrian Traffic, Walla, Footsteps, Bus Bys, Car Horns, Motorcycle By, Bus In Stop Idle & Away, Construction BackgroundsNYCPedestrianT_1.wav Soundstorm 3:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Ambience Backgrounds NYC Pedestrian Traffic Ambiance - Ext - MCU - Busy Street Traffic, Medium Pedestrian Traffic, Walla, Footsteps, Plastic Bag Rustle, Pedestrian Trips, Car Horns BackgroundsNYCPedestrianTra.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Beeps Beeps - Nextel Phone - Close-Up - Paging Beep Beeps-NextelPhone-Close-_10.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Beeps Beeps - Nextel Phone - Close-Up - Paging Beep Beeps-NextelPhone-Close-_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Beeps Beeps - Nextel Phone - Close-Up - Paging Beep Beeps-NextelPhone-Close-_12.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Beeps Beeps - Nextel Phone - Close-Up - Paging Beep Beeps-NextelPhone-Close-_13.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Beeps Beeps - Nextel Phone - Close-Up - Paging Beep Beeps-NextelPhone-Close-_14.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Beeps Beeps - Nextel Phone - Close-Up - Paging Beep Beeps-NextelPhone-Close-_15.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Beeps Beeps - Nextel Phone - Close-Up - Paging Beep Beeps-NextelPhone-Close-_16.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Beeps Beeps - Nextel Phone - Close-Up - Paging Beep Beeps-NextelPhone-Close-_17.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Beeps Beeps - Nextel Phone - Close-Up - Paging Beep Beeps-NextelPhone-Close-U_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Beeps Beeps - Nextel Phone - Close-Up - Paging Beep Beeps-NextelPhone-Close-U_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Beeps Beeps - Nextel Phone - Close-Up - Paging Beep Beeps-NextelPhone-Close-U_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Beeps Beeps - Nextel Phone - Close-Up - Paging Beep, Loud Beeps-NextelPhone-Close-U_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Beeps Beeps - Nextel Phone - Close-Up - Paging Beep, Loud Beeps-NextelPhone-Close-U_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Beeps Beeps - Nextel Phone - Close-Up - Paging Beep, Loud Beeps-NextelPhone-Close-U_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Beeps Beeps - Nextel Phone - Close-Up - Paging Beep, Loud Beeps-NextelPhone-Close-U_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Beeps Beeps - Nextel Phone - Close-Up - Paging Beep, Loud Beeps-NextelPhone-Close-U_8.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Beeps Beeps - Nextel Phone - Close-Up - Paging Beep, Loud Beeps-NextelPhone-Close-U_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Beeps Beeps - Nextel Phone - Close-Up - Paging Beep Beeps-NextelPhone-Close-Up-.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Bird - Hawk - Ext - Close-Up - Prolonged & Shrill Cry Of Agony Bird-Hawk-Ext-Close-Up-Pr_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Bird - Hawk - Ext - Close-Up - Prolonged Shrill Cry With Very Quick Attack, BG Bird Chatter Bird-Hawk-Ext-Close-Up-Prol.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Bird - Hawk - Ext - Close-Up - Raspy & Pleading Cry With Quick Attack Bird-Hawk-Ext-Close-Up-Ra_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Bird - Hawk - Ext - Close-Up - Raspy & Pleading Cry With BG Bird Chatter Bird-Hawk-Ext-Close-Up-Rasp.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Bird - Hawk - Ext - Close-Up - Shrill & Pleading Cry With Very Quick Attack Bird-Hawk-Ext-Close-Up-Shri.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Bird - Hawk - Ext - Close-Up - Sustained & Piercing Angry Cry With BG Bird Chatter Bird-Hawk-Ext-Close-Up-Sust.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Birds With Insects - Ext - Medium To Distant - Colorful Birds With Variety Of Insects, Occasional Fly Buzz By, Lazy, Afternoon Ambiance Birds-BirdsWithInsects-Ex_1.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Birds With Insects - Ext - Medium To Distant - Sparse, Variety Of Unique Bird Calls With Steady & Dense Insect BG, Late Day Ambiance Birds-BirdsWithInsects-Ex_2.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Birds With Insects - Ext - Medium To Distant - Wide Variety Of Birds & Insects, Lazy Afternoon Ambiance, Slight Grass Movement Birds-BirdsWithInsects-Ex_3.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Birds With Insects - Ext - Medium To Distant - Moderately Active, Subtle Insects Churning, Occasional Fly Buzz By Birds-BirdsWithInsects-Ext-.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Black Woodpecker - Ext - Close-Up - Persistent Pecks With Dull Birds-BlackWoodpecker-Ext-C.wav Reverb Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Black Woodpecker - Ext - Close-Up - A Series Of Pecks Increasing In Volume, Then Tapering Off, Dull Reverb, Hollow-Sounding Birds-BlackWoodpecker-Ext_1.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Black Woodpecker - Ext - Close-Up - A Series Of Pecks Increasing In Volume, Then Tapering Off, Increasing Then Decreasing In Speed, Dull Reverb, Hollow-Sounding Birds-BlackWoodpecker-Ext_2.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Doves - Int - Close-Up - Cooing Birds-Doves-Int-Close-Up-Co.wav Soundstorm 0:36 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - European Warbler - Ext - Close-Up - Cluster Of High-Pitched & Persistent Calls, Mostly On 1 Note, Active BG Chirping Birds-EuropeanWarbler-Ext-C.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - European Warbler - Ext - Close-Up - Cluster Of High-Pitched, Steadily Rhythmic Calls, Crescendos & Tapers Off, Active BG Chirping Birds-EuropeanWarbler-Ext_1.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - European Warbler - Ext - Close-Up - Cluster Of High-Pitched, Steadily Rhythmic Calls With Accented Beats, Active BG Chirping Birds-EuropeanWarbler-Ext_2.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - European Warbler - Ext - Close-Up - Cluster Of High-Pitched, Steadily Rhythmic Calls With Irregularly Accented Beats, Active BG Chirping Birds-EuropeanWarbler-Ext_3.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - European Warbler - Ext - Close-Up - Cluster Of High-Pitched, Steadily Rhythmic Calls, Occasionally Piercing, Active BG Chirping Birds-EuropeanWarbler-Ext_4.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - European Warbler - Ext - Close-Up - Cluster Of High-Pitched, Steadily Rhythmic Calls With Accents On Weak Beats, Active BG Chirping Birds-EuropeanWarbler-Ext_5.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Gray Owl - Ext - Close-Up - Repeated Cluster Of Hoots That Crescendo & Quickly Taper Off, Nasally Birds-GrayOwl-Ext-Close-U_1.wav Soundstorm 0:37 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Gray Owl - Ext - Close-Up - Repeated Cluster Of Hoots That Crescendo & Somewhat Quickly Taper Off, Nasally, Reverb Birds-GrayOwl-Ext-Close-U_2.wav Soundstorm 0:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Gray Owl - Ext - Close-Up - Repeated Cluster Of Hoots That Crescendo & Quickly Taper Off, Nasally, Steady Rhythm, A Little Apprehensive Birds-GrayOwl-Ext-Close-U_3.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Gray Owl - Ext - Close-Up - Repeated Cluster Of Hoots That Crescendo & Quickly Taper Off, Nasally, Steady Rhythm, Very Light BG Birds-GrayOwl-Ext-Close-U_4.wav Bird Chatter Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Gray Owl - Ext - Close-Up - Repeated Cluster Of Hoots That Crescendo & Quickly Taper Off Birds-GrayOwl-Ext-Close-Up-.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Hawk - Ext - Close-Up - Multiple Persistent Calls Of High-Mid Frequency, Sharp With Reverb, Fly Buzzes In & Out, BG Bird Calls @ Tail Birds-Hawk-Ext-Close-Up-M_1.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Hawk - Ext - Close-Up - Multiple Persistent Calls Of High-Mid Frequency, Fly Buzzes In & Out, BG Bird Calls @ Tail Birds-Hawk-Ext-Close-Up-Mul.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Hoot - Ext - Close-Up - Owl, Steadily Repeated Hoots Birds-Hoot-Ext-Close-Up-Owl.wav Soundstorm 0:41 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Jay - Ext - Close-Up - A Series Of Calls With Answers Birds-Jay-Ext-Close-Up-ASer.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Jay - Ext - Close-Up - Piercing & Nagging Mid-Range Calls, Forest Rustling & Bird Chatter In BG, Ambiance Becomes Dominant As Bird Becomes Farther Away Birds-Jay-Ext-Close-Up-Pier.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Jay Birds - Ext - Close-Up - 4 Nearly Continuous Taunting & Somewhat Shrill Cries, Babbling Brook In BG Birds-JayBirds-Ext-Close-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Jay Birds - Ext - Close-Up - 4 Fragmented Pleading Cries, Shrill Yet Muffled Birds-JayBirds-Ext-Close-_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Jay Birds - Ext - Close-Up - 2 Raspy Squawks, 1 Lower Frequency Very Abrasive Squawk @ Tail, Light Bird Chatter In BG Birds-JayBirds-Ext-Close-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Jay Birds - Ext - Close-Up - Series Of Abrasive Cries With Wing Flutter @ Head, Incrementally Decrescendos Birds-JayBirds-Ext-Close-Up.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Meadow Birds - Ext - Distant - Variety Of Bird Calls In An Open Birds-MeadowBirds-Ext-Dis_1.wav Meadow, Peaceful, Lazy Feel Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Meadow Birds - Ext - Distant - Wind Through Trees, Some Fly Buzz Bys, Some Light Gusts Create A Variety Of Grass Movements Undulations Birds-MeadowBirds-Ext-Dista.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Meadowlark - Ext - Close-Up - Rhythmic, Repeating Calls Birds-Meadowlark-Ext-Close-.wav Soundstorm 1:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Morning Birds - Ext - Distant - Big Variety Of Birds On Top Of Doves Cooing Birds-MorningBirds-Ext-Dist.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Morning Dove - Ext - Close-Up - 4 Solemn Calls, High-Pitched Bird Calls & Twitters In BG Birds-MorningDove-Ext-Clo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Morning Dove - Ext - Close-Up - 4 Solemn Calls, 3 Sharp & Abrupt Bird Calls In BG, Forest Ambience Birds-MorningDove-Ext-Clo_2.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Morning Dove - Ext - Close-Up - 4 Solemn Calls, High-Pitched Bird Call In BG Birds-MorningDove-Ext-Close.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Mournful Prairie Bird With Distant Birds - Ext - Close-Up - Single Birds-MournfulPrairieBirdWi.wav Cries With Distant BG Birds, Reverberant Soundstorm 3:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Night Forest Birds - Ext - Close-Up - Has A Mysterious Woodsy Feel, Some Single Calls With Distant Chorus, Somewhat Loud Room Birds-NightForestBirds-Ext-.wav Tone, Reverb Soundstorm 0:40 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Nightingale - Ext - Close-Up - 6 Episodes Of Shrill Calls In Very Rapid Succession, BG Forest Ambience Birds-Nightingale-Ext-Clo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Nightingale - Ext - Close-Up - 6 Episodes Of Shrill Calls, Variable Birds-Nightingale-Ext-Clo_2.wav Length, Very Light Forest Ambience IN BG Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Nightingale - Ext - Close-Up - 6 Episodes Of Shrill Calls, Variable Birds-Nightingale-Ext-Clo_3.wav Lengths, Easy-Going Pace Rhythm, Forest Ambience In BG Soundstorm 0:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Nightingale - Ext - Close-Up - 5 Episodes Of Shrill Calls, Variable Birds-Nightingale-Ext-Clo_4.wav Lengths, Irregular Spacing, BG Forest Ambience Soundstorm 0:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Nightingale - Ext - Close-Up - 5 Episodes Of Shrill Calls In Very Rapid Succession, BG Forest Ambience Birds-Nightingale-Ext-Close.wav Soundstorm 0:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - North Cardinal - Ext - Close-Up - Series Of High-Pitched Melodic Calls, 2 Long Ones @ Head, BG Bird Chatter Birds-NorthCardinal-Ext-C_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - North Cardinal - Ext - Close-Up - Melodic Calls Of Varying Length, 2 Abrupt Very High-Pitched Calls @ Head, BG Bird Chatter Birds-NorthCardinal-Ext-C_2.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - North Cardinal - Ext - Close-Up - Melodic Calls Of Varying Length, 2 Abrupt Very High-Pitched Calls @ Tail, BG Bird Chatter Birds-NorthCardinal-Ext-C_3.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - North Cardinal - Ext - Close-Up - High-Pitched Melodic Calls, Longest Calls @ Head & Tail, BG Bird Chatter Birds-NorthCardinal-Ext-Clo.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Odd Owl - Ext - Close-Up - Continuous Stream Of Persistent, Somewhat Muffled Hoots, Mid-Range Frequency, Teeming BG Birds-OddOwl-Ext-Close-Up-C.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Odd Owl - Ext - Close-Up - Continuous Stream Of Persistently Birds-OddOwl-Ext-Close-Up_1.wav Mournful, Somewhat Muffled Hoots, Mid-Range Frequency, Teeming BG Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Owl - Ext - 2 Short Owl Hoots, Warbling & Reverberant Birds-Owl-Ext-2ShortOwlHoot.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Owl - Ext - Close-Up - Hoots Alternating & Sometimes Coinciding With Squawks, BG Bird Chatter Birds-Owl-Ext-Close-Up-Ho_1.wav Soundstorm 0:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Owl - Ext - Close-Up - Hoots, BG Traffic Birds-Owl-Ext-Close-Up-Hoot.wav Soundstorm 0:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Owl - Ext - Close-Up - Somewhat Sparse Squawks, Hoots @ Tail, BG Bird Chatter Birds-Owl-Ext-Close-Up-Some.wav Soundstorm 0:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Owl - Ext - Close-Up - Squawks Alternating With Hoots, Moderately Active Conversation, BG Bird Chatter Birds-Owl-Ext-Close-Up-Sq_1.wav Soundstorm 0:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Owl - Ext - Close-Up - Squawks Alternating With Hoots, Sparse Conversation, BG Bird Chatter Birds-Owl-Ext-Close-Up-Squa.wav Soundstorm 0:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Pigeons - Ext - Close-Up - Rapid Wing Flaps & Away Birds-Pigeons-Ext-Close-U_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Pigeons - Ext - Close-Up - Very Swift Wing Flaps & Away, BG Bird Chatter Birds-Pigeons-Ext-Close-U_2.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Pigeons - Ext - Close-Up - Vigorous Wing Flaps & Away, Very Light BG Bird Chatter Birds-Pigeons-Ext-Close-U_3.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Pigeons - Ext - Close-Up - Somewhat Rapid Wing Flaps & Away, BG Bird Chatter Birds-Pigeons-Ext-Close-Up-.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Prairie Warbler - Ext - Close-Up - 3 Calls Birds-PrairieWarbler-Ext-Cl.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Ravens - Ext - Close-Up - 2 Sharp Nagging Squawks, Active BG Birds-Ravens-Ext-Close-Up-2.wav Bird Chatter Especially @ Tail Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Ravens - Ext - Close-Up - 3 Guttural Nagging Squawks Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Birds-Ravens-Ext-Close-Up-3.wav Bird Birds - Ravens - Ext - Close-Up - 4 Strained & Abrasive Squawks, Arrhythmic, Light BG Bird Chatter Birds-Ravens-Ext-Close-Up-4.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Ravens - Ext - Close-Up - 5 Sharp Nagging Squawks, BG Bird Chatter Birds-Ravens-Ext-Close-Up-5.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Ravens - Ext - Close-Up - Raspy Squawks With Wing Flaps & Away Birds-Ravens-Ext-Close-Up-R.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Ravens - Ext - Close-Up - Series Of Sharp Nagging Squawks That Become Incrementally Distant, BG Bird Chatter Birds-Ravens-Ext-Close-Up-S.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Ravens - Ext - Close-Up - 3 Guttural Squawks, Incrementally Progress @ Lower Pitches, Very Light BG Bird Chatter Birds-Ravens-Ext-Close-Up_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Ravens - Ext - Close-Up - Raspy, Guttural Squawks With Wing Flaps & Away Birds-Ravens-Ext-Close-Up_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Ravens - Ext - Close-Up - Raspy, Guttural Squawks, Almost Buzzing, With Wing Flaps & Away Birds-Ravens-Ext-Close-Up_3.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Ravens - Ext - Close-Up - Raspy, Guttural Squawks With Wing Flaps & Away, Somewhat Quick Decay, BG Bird Chatter Birds-Ravens-Ext-Close-Up_4.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Reed Warbler - Ext - Close-Up - 2 Episodes Of Varied Calls, Hollow & Shrill, Very Active BG Chirping Birds-ReedWarbler-Ext-Clo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Reed Warbler - Ext - Close-Up - 2 Episodes Of Varied Calls, Hollow, Very Shrill, & Persistent, Very Active BG Chirping Birds-ReedWarbler-Ext-Clo_2.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Reed Warbler - Ext - Close-Up - 2 Episodes Of Varied Calls, Shrill, Grating, & Persistent, Very Active BG Chirping Birds-ReedWarbler-Ext-Clo_3.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Reed Warbler - Ext - Close-Up - A Cluster Of Varied Calls, Shrill Birds-ReedWarbler-Ext-Clo_4.wav & Persistent, Very Active BG Chirping Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Reed Warbler - Ext - Close-Up - Series Of Shrill & Hollow Calls, Birds-ReedWarbler-Ext-Close.wav Mostly Fast-Paced, Very Active BG Chirping Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Ring Dove - Ext - Close-Up - 3 Varied Guttural Calls Birds-RingDove-Ext-Close-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Ring Dove - Ext - Close-Up - 3 Similar Guttural Calls, Easygoing, Lilting Rhythm, Forest Rustling In BG Birds-RingDove-Ext-Close-_2.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Ring Dove - Ext - Close-Up - 3 Similar Guttural Calls, Somewhat Easygoing, Lilting Rhythm, Forest Rustling In BG Birds-RingDove-Ext-Close-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Ring Dove - Ext - Close-Up - 3 Nearly Identical, Guttural Calls, Forest Rustling In BG Birds-RingDove-Ext-Close-Up.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Sledge Wren - Ext - Close-Up - Series Of Sharp & Abrupt Calls Interspersed With Very Rapid Chirps, Teeming BG Birds-SledgeWren-Ext-Clos_1.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Sledge Wren - Ext - Close-Up - Series Of Sharp & Abrupt Calls Interspersed With Rapid Chirps, Teeming BG Birds-SledgeWren-Ext-Close-.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Swedish Song Bird - Ext - Close-Up - Crescendo Of Very Rapid Shrill Chirps, Teeming BG Birds-SwedishSongBird-Ext-C.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Swedish Song Bird - Ext - Close-Up - Shrill Chirps Of Various Continuous Rhythms, Teeming BG Birds-SwedishSongBird-Ext_1.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Swedish Song Bird - Ext - Close-Up - Shrill Chirps Of Various Continuous Rhythms & Durations, Teeming BG Birds-SwedishSongBird-Ext_2.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Swedish Song Bird - Ext - Close-Up - 2 Continuous Crescendos & Their Tapering, Of Rapid, Shrill Chirps, Teeming BG Birds-SwedishSongBird-Ext_3.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Swedish Song Bird - Ext - Close-Up - Shrill Chirps Of Varied Duration & Rhythm, Quite Loud, Teeming BG Birds-SwedishSongBird-Ext_4.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Swedish Song Bird - Ext - Close-Up - Shrill & Playful Chirps Uttered In Varied Lengths, Medium Loud, Teeming BG Birds-SwedishSongBird-Ext_5.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Various Calls With Chattering Blue Jay - Ext - MCU To Distant Medium To Medium Distant Light Chirps, MCU Blue Jay Chatter Birds-VariousCallsWithChatt.wav Soundstorm 3:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Vulture - Ext - Close-Up - Upset Various Squawks Birds-Vulture-Ext-Close-Up-.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Wing Flaps & Fly Aways - Ext - Close-Up - Very Rapid With BG Bird Calls Birds-WingFlaps&FlyAways-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Wing Flaps & Fly Aways - Ext - Close-Up - Rapid With Shrill, Muffled Call Birds-WingFlaps&FlyAways-Ex.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Bird Birds - Wren - Ext - Close-Up - Singing A Series Of Songs Birds-Wren-Ext-Close-Up-Sin.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats - Ellis Island Ferry Ambiance - Int - Engine Revs Up, Water Lapping, Metal Dock Creaks, Chains Rattle, Engine Strains, Plane By, Door Bangs, Siren, Revs Up & Pulls Away, Water Surges Boats-EllisIslandFerryAmbia.wav Soundstorm 4:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 42' Yacht Trawler - Away, In, Medium Distant Stop BoatsShips-197942'YachtTraw.wav Slow; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) Soundstorm 2:56 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Reverse In & Away - Medium - Distant Seagulls; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) Soundstorm 1:15 Hard Drive 0 0 BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_10.wav Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Reverse In & Away - Medium Fast; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_11.wav Soundstorm 1:38 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up By Medium Fast; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_12.wav Soundstorm 1:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - In & Stop Medium Fast - Distant Seagulls; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_13.wav Soundstorm 1:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up Idle, Away, Distant Turn Around, In, Close-Up Stop, Reverse Out; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_14.wav Soundstorm 2:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - In, Close-Up Stop, BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_15.wav Reverse Away - Medium; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) Soundstorm 1:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - In, Close-Up Stop, BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_16.wav Reverse Away - Medium Fast; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) Soundstorm 1:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - In, Stop, Idle, Off BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_17.wav Medium Fast; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) Soundstorm 0:49 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up By Slow - Mic Panned, Boat Arches Away From Mic Mic On Inside Of Arch; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_18.wav Soundstorm 1:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up By Slow - Mic Panned, Boat Arches Away From Mic Mic On Inside Of Arch, ;(Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_19.wav Soundstorm 1:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Start, Idle, Fast Acceleration, Slow, 3x, Shut-Off, Mic'd Ch1 @ Engine Compartment, Ch2 @ Exhaust, Water Sloshing; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_20.wav Soundstorm 2:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Onboard Variable - Start, Slow, Medium, Fast, Shut Down, Mic'd Ch1 @ Engine Compartment, Ch 2 @ Exhaust Water Sloshing BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_21.wav Soundstorm 4:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Start, Slow To Medium Idle, Shut-Off, Mic'd Ch1 @ Engine Compartment, Ch2 @ Exhaust, Water Sloshing; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_22.wav Soundstorm 2:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Close-Up Idle, Mic'd Ch1 @ Engine Compartment, Ch2 @ Exhaust, Water Sloshing; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_23.wav Soundstorm 1:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Medium Slow Reverse In, Stop, Fast Away; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_24.wav Soundstorm 1:55 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Slow Maneuvers - Various Bys & Aways; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_25.wav Soundstorm 3:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up By Fast - Mic Panned, Boat Arches Towards Mic & Away Mic @ Top Of Arch; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_26.wav Soundstorm 0:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up By Fast - Mic Panned, Boat Arches Towards Mic & Away Mic @ Top Of Arch; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_27.wav Soundstorm 0:51 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up By Medium Fast - Mic Panned, Boat Arches Towards Mic & Away Mic @ Top Of Arch, Followed By Wake Splash; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_28.wav Soundstorm 1:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up By Medium Fast - Mic Panned, Boat Arches Towards Mic & Away Mic @ Top Of Arch, Followed By Wake Splash; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_29.wav Soundstorm 0:51 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up By Medium - Mic Panned, Boat Arches Towards Mic & Away Mic @ Top Of Arch, Followed By Wake Splash; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_30.wav Soundstorm 0:58 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up By Medium - Mic Panned, Boat Arches Towards Mic & Away Mic @ Top Of Arch, Followed By Wake Splash; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_31.wav Soundstorm 0:43 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up By Medium Slow - Mic Panned, Boat Arches Towards Mic & Away Mic @ BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_32.wav Top Of Arch; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) Soundstorm 0:51 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up By Medium Slow - Mic Panned, Boat Arches Towards Mic & Away Mic @ BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_33.wav Top Of Arch; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) Soundstorm 0:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up By Fast - Mic Panned, Boat Arches Away From Mic Mic On Inside Of Arch; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_34.wav Soundstorm 0:55 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up By Fast - Mic Panned, Boat Arches Away From Mic Mic On Inside Of Arch; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_35.wav Soundstorm 1:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up By Medium Fast - Mic Panned, Boat Arches Away From Mic Mic On Inside BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_36.wav Of Arch; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) Soundstorm 1:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up By Medium Fast - Mic Panned, Boat Arches Away From Mic Mic On Inside BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_37.wav Of Arch; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) Soundstorm 1:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up By Medium - Mic Panned, Boat Arches Away From Mic Mic On Inside Of Arch; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_38.wav Soundstorm 1:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up By Medium - Mic Panned, Boat Arches Away From Mic Mic On Inside Of Arch; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_39.wav Soundstorm 1:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up By - Mic Panned, Boat Arches Away From Mic Mic On Inside Of Arch; (Twin BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_40.wav Diesel, Fishing Boat) Soundstorm 1:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up By Slow - Mic Panned, Boat Arches Away From Mic Mic On Inside Of Arch; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_41.wav Soundstorm 1:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Maneuvers - Horn, Start, Reverse 50 Yards - Slow - Mic'd @ Topside Towards Back; BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_42.wav (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) Soundstorm 4:41 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Maneuvers Into Dock - Slow - Small Engine Accelerates, Splashy Water; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_43.wav Soundstorm 4:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Start, Idle, Engine Off, Mic'd @ Topside Towards Back; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_44.wav Soundstorm 0:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Maneuvers Horn, Start, Slow Acceleration Through Speeds With Short Steadies, Slow Decelerations With Short Steadies, Mic'd @ Bow; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_45.wav Soundstorm 4:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Maneuvers Slow Deceleration, Steadies, Stop, Slow Acceleration, Full Speed, Deceleration, Stop, Fast Acceleration, Full Speed, Fast Deceleration; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_46.wav Soundstorm 4:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Onboard Variable - Slow - Off-Stage Start, Acceleration, Stop, Mic'd @ Stern Towards Exhaust Port & Water Churning; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_47.wav Soundstorm 3:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Onboard Variable - Slow - Off-Stage Start, Reverse, Off -Slow, Mic'd @ Stern Towards Exhaust Port & Water Churning; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_48.wav Soundstorm 1:52 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Onboard Variable - Slow - Off-Stage Start, Idle, Accelerate, Idle, Mic'd @ Stern Towards Exhaust Port & Water Churning; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_49.wav Soundstorm 4:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Onboard Variable - Slow - Off-Stage Start, Reverse, Off, Mic'd @ Stern Position, Towards Exhaust Port & Water Churning; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_50.wav Soundstorm 0:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Onboard Variable - Slow - Acceleration, Off, Mic'd @ Stern Position, Towards Exhaust Port & Water Churning; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_51.wav Soundstorm 1:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Onboard Variable - Slow - Off-Stage Start, Acceleration Forward, Stop, Reverse @ 1 05, Engine Stall, Dead Wake; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_52.wav Soundstorm 2:41 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Onboard Variable - Slow; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_53.wav Soundstorm 1:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Onboard Variable - Slows From Forward Acceleration, Medium Reverse, Slow, Idle; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_54.wav Soundstorm 1:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Onboard Variable - Idle With Calm Water, Forward, Slow Reverse @ 1 03; (Twin BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_55.wav Diesel, Fishing Boat) Soundstorm 2:59 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Onboard Variable - Medium Forward Acceleration, Slow; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_56.wav Soundstorm 0:52 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Onboard Variable - Slow Forward, Slow Reverse, Slow, Idle; (Twin Diesel, Fishing BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_57.wav Boat) Soundstorm 1:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Onboard Variable - Idle, Acceleration From Medium Fast To Fast, Deceleration; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_58.wav Soundstorm 1:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Onboard Variable - Reverse Over Rough Water, 2nd Half Smoother, Various Speeds; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_59.wav Soundstorm 2:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Onboard Variable - Fast, Acceleration Forward To Top Speed, 8 Knots, Medium Fast Deceleration; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_60.wav Soundstorm 1:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Docking Maneuvers - Slow Acceleration, Various Speeds, Close-Up & Distant Forwards & Reverses, Slows & Idles @ End, Level Change @ 3 10 BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_61.wav Soundstorm 5:34 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Medium Away BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_62.wav Soundstorm 0:46 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Medium Reverse In, Close-Up Jam Acceleration & Fast Away BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_63.wav Soundstorm 1:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Int - Start, Slow Idle, Medium Idle, Off; (Int Main Cabin) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_64.wav Soundstorm 2:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Int - Onboard Variable - Start, Slow Acceleration To Medium Fast Steady; (Int Main Cabin) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_65.wav Soundstorm 3:40 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Int - Onboard Variable - Medium Short Steady, Slow Deceleration, Stop, Off; (Int Main BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_66.wav Cabin) Soundstorm 1:49 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Int - Onboard Variable - Start, Acceleration With Short Steadies, Slow To Fast, Deceleration, Fast To Slow, Level Change @ 3 50; (Int Main Cabin) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_67.wav Soundstorm 4:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Int - Start, Short Idle, Acceleration, Short Steady, Deceleration, Off; (Int Main Cabin) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_68.wav Soundstorm 2:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Int - Horn, Start, Acceleration, Short Steadies, Deceleration, Various Accelerations Decelerations, Slow Some Static @ Beginning; (Int Bow Compartment) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_69.wav Soundstorm 4:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Int - Medium With Slight Acceleration, Deceleration, Slow Steady; (Int Bow Compartment) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_70.wav Soundstorm 0:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Horn, Slow Acceleration Through Speeds With Short Steadies, Deceleration, Stop, Acceleration, Fast, Deceleration, Reverse, Stop; (Mic'd @ Stern) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_71.wav Soundstorm 6:56 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Acceleration, Slow, Medium Fast Reverse, Slow Idle, Off, Level Change @ 1 06; BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_72.wav (Mic'd @ Stern) Soundstorm 1:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Engine On & Off; (Mic'd @ Stern) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_73.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Idle With Water Splashes, Acceleration BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_74.wav Soundstorm 2:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Int - Onboard Variable - Medium Fast Steady, Slow Acceleration To Various Steadies; (Int Main Cabin) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_75.wav Soundstorm 3:49 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Int - Onboard Variable - Fast Steady, Slow Acceleration To Various Steadies; (Int Main BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_76.wav Cabin) Soundstorm 3:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Int - Medium Steady, Deceleration, Various Accelerations & Decelerations - Slow Some Static @ Beginning; (Int Bow Compartment) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_77.wav Soundstorm 2:55 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - MCU - Ext - Slow BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_78.wav Maneuvers - Smaller Boat By @ Head; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) Soundstorm 2:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Onboard Variable - Start, Various Speeds, Mic'd Ch 1 @ Engine Compartment, Ch 2 @ Exhaust, Water Sloshing BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_79.wav Soundstorm 4:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Onboard Variable - Various Speeds, Mic'd Ch1 @ Engine Compartment, Ch 2 @ Exhaust Water Sloshing BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_80.wav Soundstorm 4:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Onboard Variable - Various Speeds, Shut Down, Mic'd Ch 1 @ Engine Compartment, Ch 2 @ Exhaust, Water Sloshing BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_81.wav Soundstorm 3:52 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Maneuvers - Slow Reverse, Jam Medium Into Forward 50 Yards, Stop, Mic'd @ Topside Towards Back; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_82.wav Soundstorm 4:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Ext - Maneuvers Into Dock - Slow - Small Engine Accelerations, Splashy Water; [Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat] BoatsShips-1979GrandBank_83.wav Soundstorm 3:51 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - In, Close-Up Stop - Slow; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBanks42.wav Soundstorm 1:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Off-Stage Start, Idle, Away - Slow, (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBanks_1.wav Soundstorm 1:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - In, Close-Up Stop, BoatsShips-1979GrandBanks_2.wav Idle - Slow; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) Soundstorm 1:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up Idle Light Water Splashes, Distant Seagulls (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) Soundstorm 0:44 Hard Drive 0 0 BoatsShips-1979GrandBanks_3.wav Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up Idle Light Water Splashes; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBanks_4.wav Soundstorm 0:58 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up Idle, Off BoatsShips-1979GrandBanks_5.wav - Light Water Splashes; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) Soundstorm 0:39 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - In & MCU Stop Slow; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBanks_6.wav Soundstorm 1:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up Start & Away - Slow; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBanks_7.wav Soundstorm 0:40 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up By Slow; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBanks_8.wav Soundstorm 1:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler - Close-Up By Slow - Distant Seagulls, Single Seagull By; (Twin Diesel, Fishing Boat) BoatsShips-1979GrandBanks_9.wav Soundstorm 1:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - Fishing Boat - Ext - Medium Shot By - Trawler Or Some Other Medium Engine Commercial Craft, Single Halyard, Occasional Water Laps, Light Seagulls In BG, Distant Siren @ Tail -Slow BoatsShips-FishingBoat-Ext-.wav Soundstorm 2:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Boat, Ship Boats Ships - Small Motor Dingy - Ext - Medium Shot By Followed By Wake - Slow - Dingy Passes & Water Laps Splash Dock BoatsShips-SmallMotorDingy-.wav Soundstorm 0:41 Hard Drive 0 0 Human Bodily Functions - Human Heartbeat - ECU - Stethoscopic, Very Realistic, Deep Bass, Approximately 72 Bpm BodilyFunctions-HumanHeartb.wav Soundstorm 0:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Int - Onboard Variable - 40 Mph Take-Off Through The Gears With Squeaky Clutch Pedal, Short Steady, Stop, Turn-Around, & Gear Grinding, 2x Buses-1957CrownSchoolBus-_1.wav Soundstorm 2:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Int - Onboard Steady - 50 Mph Idle, Air Release, Take-Off Through The Gears, Short Steady & Stop, Lots Of Squeaks & Rattles Buses-1957CrownSchoolBus-_2.wav Soundstorm 2:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Pneumatic Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Close Buses-1957CrownSchoolBus-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Pneumatic Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Close Buses-1957CrownSchoolBus-_4.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Int - Onboard Maneuvers - False Starts With Ignition Buzzer, Start, Idle, Take-Off Through The Gears, Steady Acceleration With Squeaks, Slows, Maneuvers, Back-Up Buses-1957CrownSchoolBus-_5.wav Soundstorm 2:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Off-Stage Idle, Take-Off & Away With Shift - Medium Slow Buses-1957CrownSchoolBus-_6.wav Soundstorm 0:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - In, Close-Up Stop With Air Release, Idle & Engine Off - Medium Speed Buses-1957CrownSchoolBus-_7.wav Soundstorm 1:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Int - Close-Up - Pneumatic Door Open & Close, Creaks, Medium Loud Buses-1957CrownSchoolBus-_8.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Int - Close-Up - Pneumatic Door Open & Close, Soft Buses-1957CrownSchoolBus-_9.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Close-Up Start, Idle, Big Air Release, Buses-1957CrownSchoolBus-Cl.wav Back-Up & Off-Stage Stop - Slow Soundstorm 1:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Int - Onboard Variable - 40 Mph Start With Ignition Buzz, Idle, Take-Off Through The Gears, Short Steady, & Stop 2x, Squeaky Clutch Pedal Buses-1957CrownSchoolBus-In.wav Soundstorm 3:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Medium POV Variable By With Upshift - Medium Fast Buses-1957CrownSchoolBusMe.wav Soundstorm 0:51 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Off-Stage Take-Off With Shifting, Close-Up By & Away - Slow Buses-1957CrownSchoolBus-Of.wav Soundstorm 0:34 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Pneumatic Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Close Buses-1957CrownSchoolBus-Pn.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Int - Close-Up - Pneumatic Door Open & Close, Loud Buses1957CrownSchoolBus_10.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Close-Up False Starts, Starts, Idle, Take-Off & Away With Shifts - Medium Slow Buses1957CrownSchoolBus_11.wav Soundstorm 1:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Medium POV Variable By With Downshift - Medium Fast, Distant Upshift After By Buses1957CrownSchoolBus_12.wav Soundstorm 1:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - In, Close-Up Stop, Idle & Engine Off - Fast Buses1957CrownSchoolBus_13.wav Soundstorm 0:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Int - Onboard Steady - 45 To 55 Mph - Start With Ignition Buzzer, Take-Off Through The Gears, Steady With Some Squeaks, Slow To A Stop With Few Air Releases Buses1957CrownSchoolBus_14.wav Soundstorm 1:58 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Int - Onboard Steady - Medium Speed Buses1957CrownSchoolBus_15.wav Soundstorm 0:43 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Int - Onboard Steady - 30 Mph Take-Off Through Gears, Steady, Downshift, Gear Grind, Slows To A Stop & Idles, Squeaks Buses1957CrownSchoolBus_16.wav Soundstorm 2:35 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Int - Onboard Steady - 25 To 30 Mph - Take-Off Through The Gears, Steady, In 2nd Or 3rd Gear, Stop & Engine Off Buses1957CrownSchoolBus_17.wav Soundstorm 0:55 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Int - Onboard Steady - 40 To 50 Mph - Steady, Stop, Take-Off Through The Gears, Steady @ 50 Mph, Few Squeaks, Slows To Downshift Steady @ 40 To 45 Mph Buses1957CrownSchoolBus_18.wav Soundstorm 2:47 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Close-Up By - 35 To 40 Mph Buses1957CrownSchoolBus_19.wav Soundstorm 0:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Int - Onboard Steady - 40 Mph Idle, Take-Off Through The Gears, Gear Grind, Steady, Squeaky Clutch Pedal Buses1957CrownSchoolBus_20.wav Soundstorm 2:44 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Int - Onboard Steady - 45 To 55 Mph - Idle, Air Release, Take-Off Through The Gears, Steady With Some Squeaks Buses1957CrownSchoolBus_21.wav Soundstorm 1:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Int - Onboard Steady - Slow - Idle, Turn-Around, Take-Off Through The Gears, Steady, Stop & Long Idle, Squeaks Buses1957CrownSchoolBus_22.wav Soundstorm 2:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - 1957 Crown School Bus - Int - Onboard Steady - 40 To 50 Mph - Steady, Slows To Downshift & Steady @ 40 To 45 Mph Buses1957CrownSchoolBus_23.wav Soundstorm 2:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Vehicle, Bus Buses - Old City Bus - Int Onboard - Close-Up - Starts & Stops, Idles, Rides Steady, Metal Rattles, Engine Hums, Bounces Roughly, Doors Open & Close, Brakes Squeal & Hiss, Horn Blows, Rider Coughs Buses-OldCityBus-IntOnboard.wav Soundstorm 3:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Car - Generic Cars - Medium By - Various Wiped Slow Bys; (On Wet Pavement) Car-GenericCars-MediumBy-Va.wav Soundstorm 3:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1961 Cadillac Coupe Deville - Ext - Close-Up False Start, Restart, Rough Idle @ Various Rpms & Engine Off Cars-1961CadillacCoupeDevil.wav Soundstorm 4:49 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1968 Chevrolet Camaro Race Car - Close-Up Zip By To Distant Off-Stage Stop - Fast - Some Distant Skids Before Approach, Big Rev During Approach, Slow Down @ Tail, Very Distant Revs @ Tail Cars-1968ChevroletCamaroRac.wav Soundstorm 1:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Race Car - Close-Up Pass By - Very Slow - Slow Chug Of Engine Is Close-Up During Pass By Cars-1969ChevroletCamaroRac.wav Soundstorm 0:37 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 75 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_10.wav Soundstorm 0:38 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 70 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_11.wav Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 65 Mph - Stationary Mic, L-- R; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_12.wav Soundstorm 0:34 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 60 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_13.wav Soundstorm 0:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 55 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_14.wav Soundstorm 0:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 50 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_15.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 55 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_16.wav Soundstorm 0:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 40 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_17.wav Soundstorm 0:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 40 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_18.wav Soundstorm 0:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 30 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_19.wav Soundstorm 0:36 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 15 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_20.wav Soundstorm 0:37 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 15 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_21.wav Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 15 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_22.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 10 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_23.wav Soundstorm 0:44 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 5 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_24.wav Soundstorm 0:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 30 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_25.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 50 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_26.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 50 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_27.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By, Screech On Off-Stage Acceleration - 70 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_28.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 70 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_29.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 70 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_30.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 60 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_31.wav Soundstorm 0:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up Variable By - 75 Mph Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_32.wav Soundstorm 0:43 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up Variable By - 70 Mph Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_33.wav Soundstorm 0:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up Variable By - 70 Mph Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_34.wav Soundstorm 0:56 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up Variable By - 70 Mph Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_35.wav Soundstorm 0:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up Variable By - 70 Mph Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_36.wav Soundstorm 0:43 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up Variable By - 70 Mph Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_37.wav Soundstorm 0:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 50 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_38.wav Soundstorm 0:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up Variable By - 50 Mph Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-C_39.wav Soundstorm 1:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 75 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-Cl_1.wav Soundstorm 0:36 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 75 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-Cl_2.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 70 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-Cl_3.wav Soundstorm 0:41 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 70 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-Cl_4.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 65 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-Cl_5.wav Soundstorm 0:40 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 65 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-Cl_6.wav Soundstorm 0:44 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 60 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-Cl_7.wav Soundstorm 0:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 60 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-Cl_8.wav Soundstorm 0:37 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 60 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-Cl_9.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Close-Up By - 80 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-Clos.wav Soundstorm 0:39 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Ext - Onboard Variable - Slow To Fast Punch Acceleration Bursts - Start, Idle @ Beginning, (L Ch = Side Of Exhaust, R Ch = Output Of Exhaust); [480ci Big Block, Automatic] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-Ex_1.wav Soundstorm 3:38 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Ext - Onboard Variable Steady - Slow & Fast - Slow Steady, Then Fast Acceleration Bursts With Peel Outs, Slows, Stop, Idle & Off, (L Ch=Side Of Exhaust, R Ch=Output Of Exhaust) Cars-1969ChevroletNova-Ex_2.wav Soundstorm 3:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Ext - Onboard Steady Variable - Various Speeds - Idle, Acceleration, Medium Speed Long Steady, Punch Acceleration Burst, Steady, (R Ch= Side Of Exhaust, L Ch = Output Of Exhaust) Cars-1969ChevroletNova-Ex_3.wav Soundstorm 3:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Ext - Off-Stage Revs, Various Lengths & Intensities & Engine Off; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-Ex_4.wav Soundstorm 0:49 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Ext - Close-Up Start, Idle, Revs & Engine Cars-1969ChevroletNova-Ext-.wav Off, Mic'd @ Hood; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Soundstorm 3:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - In, Close-Up By With Slight Rev, OffStage Stop, Away With Screech - 50 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-I_10.wav Soundstorm 0:53 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - In, Close-Up By & Away - 80 Mph Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-In,C.wav Soundstorm 0:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - In, Off-Stage Stop, 5 Revs & Engine Off Cars-1969ChevroletNova-In,O.wav 15 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Soundstorm 0:59 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - In, Close-Up By, Off-Stage Stop & Away With Tire Screeches - 20 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, Cars-1969ChevroletNova-In_1.wav 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Soundstorm 0:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - In, Close-Up By, Off-Stage Stop & Medium Away - 15 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-In_2.wav Soundstorm 0:38 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - In, Close-Up By, Slow, Off-Stage Stop, Fast Away - 30 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-In_3.wav Soundstorm 0:39 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - In, Close-Up By, Slow, Off-Stage Stop, Medium Fast Away With Slight Screech - 20 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-In_4.wav Soundstorm 0:35 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - In, Close-Up By, Slow, Off-Stage Stop, Fast Away - 30 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-In_5.wav Soundstorm 0:40 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - In, Close-Up By, Off-Stage Stop, Fast Away With Screech - 30 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, Cars-1969ChevroletNova-In_6.wav 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Soundstorm 0:43 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - In, Close-Up By, Slow, Off-Stage Stop, Aggressive Away With Screech - 30 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Cars-1969ChevroletNova-In_7.wav Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Soundstorm 0:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - In, Close-Up By, Off-Stage Stop & Idle, Medium Off-Stage Away, Slow - 45 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Cars-1969ChevroletNova-In_8.wav Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Soundstorm 0:44 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - In, Close-Up By, Slow, Off-Stage Fast Away With Screech - 50 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, Cars-1969ChevroletNova-In_9.wav 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Soundstorm 0:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Off-Stage Engine Runs Rough With Revs, Dies, Restarts, Revs, Aggressive Close-Up By With Screech - Fast Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-Of_1.wav Soundstorm 1:51 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Off-Stage Idle With Revs & Engine Off Cars-1969ChevroletNova-Of_2.wav 70 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Off-Stage Idle With Revs, Fast Aggressive Close-Up By, Away, Tire Screeches - 70 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Cars-1969ChevroletNova-Of_3.wav Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Soundstorm 0:34 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Off-Stage Idle, Aggressive Take-Off, Close-Up By, Away - 55 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, Cars-1969ChevroletNova-Of_4.wav 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Off-Stage Idle, Aggressive Take-Off, Close-Up By & Away - 50 Mph - Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-Of_5.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1969 Chevrolet Nova - Off-Stage Start, Close-Up By - 3 Mph Stationary Mic; [480ci Chevy Big Block, 3-Speed, Auto Trans] Cars-1969ChevroletNova-Off-.wav Soundstorm 1:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up Stop, Idle, Engine Off - 45 Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_10.wav Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Soundstorm 0:55 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up By, Off-Stage Stop, Idle, Engine Off, Engine Knocking Continues, Slight Wind @ Tail - 2 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_11.wav Soundstorm 1:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up By, Off-Stage Stop, Idle, Engine Off - 3 Mph, Wind In Mic; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_12.wav Soundstorm 1:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up By, Off-Stage Stop, Idle, Engine Off, Engine Knocking Continues - 5 Mph, Wind In Mic; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_13.wav Soundstorm 0:58 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up By, Off-Stage Stop, Idle, Engine Off - 10 Mph, Distorted By, Wind @ Head; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_14.wav Soundstorm 0:59 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up By, Off-Stage Stop, Idle, Engine Off, Engine Knocking Continues - 15 Mph, Borderline Distortion On By, Little Wind; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_15.wav Soundstorm 0:58 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up By, Off-Stage Stop, Idle, Engine Off - 20 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_16.wav Soundstorm 0:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up By, Off-Stage Stop, Idle, Engine Off - 25 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_17.wav Soundstorm 0:58 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Close-Up Start, Idle, Away - 45 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_18.wav Soundstorm 0:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up By, Off-Stage Stop, Idle, Engine Off - 30 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_19.wav Soundstorm 0:51 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Close-Up Start, Idle, Away - 45 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_20.wav Soundstorm 0:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Off-Stage Start, Idle, Close-Up By, Away - 45 Mph, Little Wind; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_21.wav Soundstorm 0:58 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up By, Off-Stage Stop, Idle, Engine Off - 30 Mph, Engine Knocking Continues; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_22.wav Soundstorm 0:52 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Off-Stage Start, Idle, Close-Up By, Away - 30 Mph, Wind In Mic; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_23.wav Soundstorm 0:56 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up Stop, Idle, Engine Off - 45 Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_24.wav Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Soundstorm 1:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up By, Off-Stage Stop, Idle, Engine Off - 35 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_25.wav Soundstorm 0:51 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Off-Stage False Start, Start, Idle, CloseCars-1980PontiacTransAm-_26.wav Up By, Away - 40 Mph, Wind In Mic; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Soundstorm 0:51 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up By, Off-Stage Stop, Idle, Engine Off - 40 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_27.wav Soundstorm 0:49 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Close-Up Start, Idle, Away - 50 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_28.wav Soundstorm 1:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Off-Stage Start, Idle, Close-Up By, Away - 45 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_29.wav Soundstorm 1:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up By, Off-Stage Stop, Idle, Engine Off - 45 Mph, Wind @ Head; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_30.wav Soundstorm 1:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Off-Stage Start, Idle, Close-Up By, Away - 45 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_31.wav Soundstorm 0:49 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up By, Off-Stage Stop, Idle, Engine Off - 45 Mph, Wind In Mic; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_32.wav Soundstorm 0:59 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Off-Stage Start, Idle, Close-Up By, Away - 50 Mph, Little Wind; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_33.wav Soundstorm 0:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Off-Stage Start, Idle, Close-Up By, Away - 55 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_34.wav Soundstorm 1:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up Stop, Idle, Engine Off, Engine, Engine Knocking Continues - 50 Mph - [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_35.wav Soundstorm 1:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up By, Off-Stage Stop, Idle, Engine Off, Engine Knocking Continues With Dieseling - 55 Mph; [Chevy Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_36.wav 396 Engine, Modified] Soundstorm 0:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Off-Stage Start, Idle, Close-Up By, Away - 55 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_37.wav Soundstorm 0:52 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up Stop, Idle, Engine Off, Engine Knocking Continues With Dieseling - 55 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_38.wav Modified] Soundstorm 0:40 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Close-Up Start, Idle, Away - 55 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_39.wav Soundstorm 0:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up By, Off-Stage Stop, Idle, Engine Off, Engine Knocking Continues - 55 Mph, Wind In Mic; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_40.wav Soundstorm 0:47 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Off-Stage False Start, Start, Idle, CloseUp By, Away With Acceleration - 60 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_41.wav Modified] Soundstorm 0:59 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up Stop, Idle, Engine Off, Engine Knocking Continues - 55 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_42.wav Soundstorm 0:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up By, Off-Stage Stop, Idle, Engine Off - 60 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_43.wav Soundstorm 0:40 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Off-Stage Start, Idle, Close-Up By, Away - 65 Mph, Very Edited Making It Choppy; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_44.wav Soundstorm 0:34 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up By, Off-Stage Stop, Idle, Engine Off - 65 Mph, Engine Knocking Continues With Dieseling; [Chevy Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_45.wav 396 Engine, Modified] Soundstorm 0:56 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up Stop, Idle, Engine Off - 60 Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_46.wav Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Soundstorm 0:38 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Close-Up Start, Idle, Away - 65 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_47.wav Soundstorm 0:49 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up Stop, Idle, Engine Off - 65 Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_48.wav MP; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Soundstorm 0:55 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Close-Up Start, Idle, Stop, (Mic'd @ Side Of Car); [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_49.wav Soundstorm 0:51 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Close-Up Start, Idle, Away - 30 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-_50.wav Soundstorm 0:55 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Close-Up Start, Idle, Engine Off, Mic'd @ Tailpipe; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-C_1.wav Soundstorm 1:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Close-Up Start, Idle, Away - 2 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-C_2.wav Soundstorm 1:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Close-Up Start, Idle, Away - 3 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-C_3.wav Soundstorm 1:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Close-Up False Start, Start, Idle, Away - 3 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-C_4.wav Soundstorm 1:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Close-Up Start, Idle, Away With Overmodulation - 10 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-C_5.wav Soundstorm 1:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Close-Up Start, Idle, Away - 10 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-C_6.wav Soundstorm 1:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Close-Up Start, Idle, Away - 35 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-C_7.wav Soundstorm 1:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Close-Up Start, Idle, Away - 45 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-C_8.wav Soundstorm 1:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Close-Up Start, Idle, Stop, (Mic'd @ Grill Of Car); [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-C_9.wav Soundstorm 1:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Close-Up Start, Idle, Stop, Mic'd @ Tailpipe; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-Clo.wav Soundstorm 0:52 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - False Start, Close-Up Start, Idle, Away - 40 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-Fal.wav Soundstorm 0:55 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up Stop, Idle, Engine Off, Engine Knocking Continues - 5 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-I_1.wav Soundstorm 1:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up Stop, Idle, Engine Off - 10 Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-I_2.wav Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Soundstorm 0:53 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up Stop, Idle, Engine Off, Engine Knocking Continues - 15 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-I_3.wav Soundstorm 1:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up Stop, Idle, Engine Off - 20 Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-I_4.wav Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Soundstorm 0:51 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up Stop, Idle, Engine Off - 25 Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-I_5.wav Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Soundstorm 0:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up Stop, Idle, Engine Off - 30 Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-I_6.wav Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Soundstorm 0:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up Stop, Idle, Engine Off, Engine Knocking Continues- 30 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-I_7.wav Soundstorm 0:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up Stop, Idle, Engine Off - 35 Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-I_8.wav Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Soundstorm 1:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up Stop, Idle, Engine Off - 40 Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-I_9.wav Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Soundstorm 0:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - In, Close-Up Stop, Idle, Engine Off, Engine Knocking Continues - 2 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-In,.wav Soundstorm 1:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Off-Stage Start, Idle, Close-Up By, Away - 3 Mph, Wind In Mic; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-O_1.wav Soundstorm 1:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Off-Stage False Start, Start, Idle, CloseCars-1980PontiacTransAm-O_2.wav Up By, Away - 5 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Soundstorm 1:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Off-Stage Start, Idle, Close-Up By, Away With Overmodulation - 10 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-O_3.wav Soundstorm 1:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Off-Stage Start, Idle, Close-Up By, Away - 10 Mph, Little Wind; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-O_4.wav Soundstorm 1:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Off-Stage Start, Idle, Close-Up By, Away - 15 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-O_5.wav Soundstorm 0:49 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Off-Stage Start, Idle, Close-Up By, Away - 20 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-O_6.wav Soundstorm 0:59 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Off-Stage Start, Idle, Close-Up By, Away - 25 Mph, Little Wind; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-O_7.wav Soundstorm 1:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Off-Stage Start, Close-Up Idle, CloseUp By, Away - 30 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-O_8.wav Soundstorm 0:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Off-Stage Start, Idle, Close-Up By, Away - 35 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-O_9.wav Soundstorm 0:52 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Off-Stage Start, Idle, Close-Up By, Away - 2 Mph, Little Wind @ Tail; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-Off.wav Soundstorm 1:46 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Start, Close-Up Idle, Away - 20 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-S_1.wav Soundstorm 0:59 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Start, Close-Up Idle, Away - 25 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-S_2.wav Soundstorm 1:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Start, Close-Up Idle, Away - 30 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-S_3.wav Soundstorm 0:55 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Start, Close-Up Idle, Away With Overmodulation - 55 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-S_4.wav Soundstorm 1:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Start, Close-Up Idle, Away With Acceleration - 60 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-S_5.wav Soundstorm 0:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1980 Pontiac Trans Am - Start, Close-Up Idle, Away - 15 Mph; [Chevy 396 Engine, Modified] Cars-1980PontiacTransAm-Sta.wav Soundstorm 0:58 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1983 Volvo - Ext - Onboard Variable - Start, Idle, Various Accelerations & Stops, Occasional Car Bys, Off - Mic'd L CH @ Engine Cars-1983Volvo-Ext-OnboardV.wav & R CH @ Tailpipe Soundstorm 3:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1986 Chrysler 5th Avenue New Yorker - Int - Onboard Variable 35 Mph - Idle, Into Gear, Acceleration, Steady, Slow, Stop, Into Parking Cars-1986Chrysler5thAvenu_1.wav Gear, Idle, Engine Off - On Hard Surface, (Int Ambient Mic); [4 Door,sedan, V-8, Automatic, Beat Up] Soundstorm 2:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1986 Chrysler 5th Avenue New Yorker - Int - Onboard Variable 35 Mph - Idle, Into Gear, Accelerations & Slows, Forward & Reverse Cars-1986Chrysler5thAvenueN.wav Gears - On Hard Surface, (Int Ambient Mic); [4 Door, Sedan, V-8, Automatic, Beat Up] Soundstorm 1:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1987 Buick Grand National - In, Close-Up By, Off-Stage Stop, & Cars-1987BuickGrandNation_1.wav Idle, Acceleration @ Tail - Slow Soundstorm 1:44 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1987 Buick Grand National - In, Close-Up By, & Away - Slow Cars-1987BuickGrandNation_2.wav Soundstorm 0:49 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1987 Buick Grand National - Close-Up Idle & Revs - Start, Idle, Revs, & Engine Off, Mic'd @ Tailpipe Cars-1987BuickGrandNational.wav Soundstorm 1:36 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1990 Saab 900S Turbo - Int - Onboard Variable - Various Speeds & Gears, Accelerates, Stops, Forward & Back Maneuvers; [2 Door, Convertible, 6 Cylinder, 5 speed, Manual Transmission] Cars-1990Saab900STurbo-In_1.wav Soundstorm 3:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1990 Saab 900S Turbo - Int - Onboard Variable - Start, Idle, Various Speeds & Gears, Accelerates, Stops, Forward & Back Maneuvers; [2 Door, Convertible, 6 Cylinder, 5 speed, Manual Transmission] Cars-1990Saab900STurbo-Int-.wav Soundstorm 3:58 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1995 Ford Taurus - Automatic Door Locks - Int - Close-Up - 2 Dull Shifts Cars-1995FordTaurus-Autom_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1995 Ford Taurus - Automatic Door Locks - Int - Close-Up - 2 Dull Shifts, Medium Fast Cars-1995FordTaurus-Autom_2.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1995 Ford Taurus - Automatic Door Locks - Int - Close-Up - 2 Dull Shifts Cars-1995FordTaurus-Autom_3.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1995 Ford Taurus - Automatic Door Locks - Int - Close-Up - 2 Dull Shifts, Slow Cars-1995FordTaurus-Autom_4.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1995 Ford Taurus - Automatic Door Locks - Int - Close-Up - 2 Dull Shifts, Slow Cars-1995FordTaurus-Autom_5.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1995 Ford Taurus - Automatic Door Locks - Int - Close-Up - 1 Dull Shift Cars-1995FordTaurus-Autom_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1995 Ford Taurus - Automatic Door Locks - Int - Close-Up - 2 Dull Shifts Cars-1995FordTaurus-Automat.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1995 Ford Taurus - Ext - Maneuvers - With Lots Of Close-Up & Off-Stage Parking, Turning, Forward & Reverse Driving, Fast & Aggressive With Skids; [3.8l V6 Automatic] Cars-1995FordTaurus-Ext-M_1.wav Soundstorm 2:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1995 Ford Taurus - Ext - Maneuvers - Start, Idle, & Away - Then Lots Of Close-Up & Off-Stage Parking, Turning, Forward & Reverse Cars-1995FordTaurus-Ext-Man.wav Driving; [3.8l V6 Automatic] Soundstorm 3:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1995 Ford Taurus - Ext - Onboard Steady - City Driving, Drive, Cars-1995FordTaurus-Ext-O_1.wav Stop, Idle, Accelerate, Turn Corners, Debris Scatter; [3.8l V6 Automatic] Soundstorm 3:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1995 Ford Taurus - Ext - Onboard Variable - City Driving, Start, Idle, Drive, Stop, Acceleration, Turn Corners, Short Servo Motor Before Start, BG Birds & Crickets; [3.8l V6 Automatic] Cars-1995FordTaurus-Ext-Onb.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1995 Ford Taurus - Int - Onboard Steady - Simulating City Driving, Various, Drive, Stop, Go, Turning Corners, Starts Slow Then Gets Faster; [3.8l V6 Automatic] Cars-1995FordTaurus-Int-Onb.wav Soundstorm 2:44 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1997 Ford Crown Victoria - Ext - Onboard Start, Idle & Engine Off, R Ch Mic Adjustment @ 00 30, L Ch Engine, R Ch Tailpipe; [4.6L V8 Automatic] Cars-1997FordCrownVictor_10.wav Soundstorm 0:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1997 Ford Crown Victoria - Ext - Onboard Steady - Start, Idle, Take-Off To Steady, Stop, Idle, Into Reverse & Short Back Up - Slow - Cars-1997FordCrownVictor_11.wav L Ch Engine, R Ch Tailpipe; [4.6L V8 Automatic] Soundstorm 1:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1997 Ford Crown Victoria - Ext - Onboard Start, Idle, Rev, Idle & Engine Off, L Ch Engine, R Ch Tailpipe; [4.6L V8 Automatic] Soundstorm 1:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Cars-1997FordCrownVictor_12.wav Auto Cars - 1997 Ford Crown Victoria - Ext - Onboard Variable - City- Type Driving, Start, Idle, Take-Off To Variable Stop & Go - Slow To Medium Cars-1997FordCrownVictor_13.wav - L Ch Engine, R Ch Tailpipe; [4.6L V8 Automatic] Soundstorm 2:56 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1997 Ford Crown Victoria - Ext Onboard Punch Acceleration Bursts - Medium To Fast - City-Type Driving -Take-Off To Stop & Go Driving & Acceleration Bursts, L Ch Engine, R Ch Tailpipe; [4.6L V8 Automatic] Cars-1997FordCrownVictor_14.wav Soundstorm 1:39 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1997 Ford Crown Victoria - Ext Onboard Punch Acceleration Bursts - Fast - Idle, Take-Off To Various Acceleration Bursts, Some Gradual & Some With More Energy, L Ch Engine, R Ch Tailpipe; [4.6L V8 Automatic] Cars-1997FordCrownVictor_15.wav Soundstorm 3:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1997 Ford Crown Victoria - Ext - Hot Maneuvers - Close-Up To Distant - In & Stops, Peel-Outs, Back-Ups - Medium Fast; (4.6l V8 Automatic) Cars-1997FordCrownVictor_16.wav Soundstorm 1:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1997 Ford Crown Victoria - Ext - Hot Maneuvers - MCU In, Close-Up Idle, Back-Up, Stop, & Off, Cooling Pings; (4.6l V8 Automatic) Cars-1997FordCrownVictor_17.wav Soundstorm 0:52 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1997 Ford Crown Victoria - Ext - Onboard Variable - Slow & Fast Speeds - Various Maneuvers, Stop & Go With Back Ups & Small Tire Skids, Fan On @ 01 12, (L Chan = Engine, R Chan = Tailpipe); [4.6l V8 Automatic] Cars-1997FordCrownVictori_1.wav Soundstorm 4:37 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1997 Ford Crown Victoria - Ext - Close-Up By - Medium Fast; (4.6l V8 Automatic) Cars-1997FordCrownVictori_2.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1997 Ford Crown Victoria - Ext - Close-Up Bys - Medium Speed, 3 Continuous Bys, Get Incrementally Closer; (4.6l V8 Automatic) Cars-1997FordCrownVictori_3.wav Soundstorm 0:36 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1997 Ford Crown Victoria - Ext - Close-Up By - Tire Screeching On Reverse & Away - Medium Fast; (4.61 V8 Automatic) Cars-1997FordCrownVictori_4.wav Soundstorm 0:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1997 Ford Crown Victoria - Ext - In, Slight Off-Stage Stop, Reverse To Close-Up Stop, Idle, & Short Away - Medium Speed; (4.61 V8 Automatic) Cars-1997FordCrownVictori_5.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1997 Ford Crown Victoria - Ext - In, Short Stop, Reverse To Close-Up Medium Away - Medium Speed; (4.61 V8 Automatic) Cars-1997FordCrownVictori_6.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1997 Ford Crown Victoria - Ext - In, Slight Off-Stage Stop, Reverse Close-Up With Tire Screech, Away - 4 Continuous Routines, Get Incrementally Distant - Medium Speed; (4.61 V8 Automatic) Cars-1997FordCrownVictori_7.wav Soundstorm 0:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1997 Ford Crown Victoria - Ext - In With Off-Stage Tire Screech, By, Slight Off-Stage Stop, Reverse With Tire Screech To Away, Stop Cars-1997FordCrownVictori_8.wav With Tire Screech, In, By, Slight Idle, In With Tire Screech, Idle To Away - Medium Speed; (4.61 V8 Automatic) Soundstorm 0:38 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1997 Ford Crown Victoria - Int - Onboard City Driving - City Type Driving - Medium Fast To Fast - Stop & Go Driving, Wind On Higher Speeds; [4.6l V8 Automatic] Cars-1997FordCrownVictori_9.wav Soundstorm 3:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1997 Ford Crown Victoria - Int - Onboard Variable - Medium Slow & Fast Speeds - Medium Slow To Fast Aggressive Driving, Various Cars-1997FordCrownVictoria-.wav Maneuvers, Engine Fan On, Few Small Skids, Lots Of Shifting, Steering Wheel Movements; [4.6l V8 Automatic] Soundstorm 4:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1998 Chevy Malibu - Ext - Maneuvers - Close-Up & Distant, Slow & Fast, In & Stop, Back Up, Few Close-Up Tire Scuffs Skids @ 3 Cars-1998ChevyMalibu-Ext-_1.wav 25 & Long Turning Or Corner Skid @ 5 01; [3.1l V6 Automatic] Soundstorm 5:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1998 Chevy Malibu - Ext - Maneuvers - Close-Up & Distant Slow & Fast - In & Stop, Back Up, Peel Out & Lock Up Skids @ Cars-1998ChevyMalibu-Ext-Ma.wav Higher Speeds, Swerve Skid @ End, BG Crickets Throughout, BG Plane, Wind Soundstorm 5:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1998 Chrysler Sebring - Ext - Onboard Maneuvers - Slow & Fast - Short Movements, Forward & Back Up, Few Peel Out Skids, (L Chan Cars-1998ChryslerSebring-_1.wav = Engine, R Chan = Tailpipe); [2.5l V6 Automatic Convertible] Soundstorm 5:53 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 1998 Chrysler Sebring - Ext - Onboard Variable - High Speeds Accelerated Bursts Punches & Deceleration, Various Long & Short, (L Chan = Engine, R Chan = Tailpipe); [2.5l V6 Automatic Convertible] Cars-1998ChryslerSebring-Ex.wav Soundstorm 4:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2000 Mercedes E320 - Ext - Onboard Variable - Slow To Medium Speed - Idle & Run, (L Chan=Engine, R Chan=Tailpipe); [4 Door Sedan, Automatic] Cars-2000MercedesE320-ExtO.wav Soundstorm 1:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2000 Mercedes E320 - Ext - Onboard Variable - Slow To Medium Speed - Idle, Run, & Engine Off, (L Chan=Engine, R Chan=Tailpipe); [4 Door Sedan, Automatic] Cars-2000MercedesE320-Ext_1.wav Soundstorm 1:46 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2001 Chevrolet Corvette Race Car - In, Close-Up By & Away Fast - Distant Motorcycle Revs @ Tail Cars-2001ChevroletCorvetteR.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away, Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_100.wav Engine Fan Comes On Before Away - 60 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off, Engine Fan Continues To Run After Off - 60 Mph; Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_101.wav [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_102.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away - 60 Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_103.wav Mph - Mic'd Closer To Tail Pipe On The Start; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_104.wav Idle & Engine Off, Low Gear - Medium Speed; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_105.wav Idle & Engine Off, Low Gear - Medium Speed; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_106.wav Idle & Engine Off, Low Gear - Medium Speed; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_107.wav Idle & Engine Off, Low Gear - Medium Speed; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off, Engine Fan Continues To Run After Off - 60 MPH; Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_108.wav [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Medium Fast - Mic'd Closer To Tail Pipe On The Start; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_109.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away - 60 Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_110.wav Mph - Mic'd Closer To Tail Pipe On The Start; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off, Engine Fan Continues To Run After Off - 60 Mph; Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_111.wav [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off, Low Gear - Medium Speed; [Automatic Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_112.wav Transmission] Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away - 60 Mph - Mic Pointed Directly At Tail Pipe On The Start; [Automatic Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_113.wav Transmission] Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off, Engine Fan Continues To Run After Off - 60 Mph; Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_114.wav [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Medium Fast - Mic Pointed Directly At Tail Pipe On The Start; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_115.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Medium Fast - Mic'd Closer To Tail Pipe On The Start; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_116.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off, Low Gear - Medium Speed; [Automatic Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_117.wav Transmission] Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away, In Low Gear With Rev Limiter Kicking In - Fast As Possible - Mic Pointed Directly At Tail Pipe On The Start; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_118.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_119.wav Idle, & Engine Off - Fast As Possible; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Medium Fast - Mic Pointed Directly At Tail Pipe On The Start; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_120.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away, In Low Gear With Rev Limiter Kicking In - Fast As Possible - Mic Pointed Directly At Tail Pipe On The Start; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_121.wav Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_122.wav Idle, & Engine Off - Fast As Possible; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Medium Fast - Mic Pointed Directly At Tail Pipe On The Start, Mic At Higher Angle; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_123.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away, In Low Gear With Rev Limiter Kicking In - Fast As Possible - Mic Pointed Directly At Tail Pipe On The Start; [Automatic Transmission) Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_124.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off, Some Brake Squeal, Low Gear - Medium Speed; Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_125.wav [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off, Low Gear - Medium Speed; [Automatic Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_126.wav Transmission] Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off, Low Gear - Medium Speed; [Automatic Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_127.wav Transmission] Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off, High Pitched Brake Squeal On Stop - Fast As Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_128.wav Possible; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Off-Stage Start, Idle, & Away Medium Fast - Mic Pointed Directly At Tail Pipe On The Start, Mic At Higher Angle; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_129.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away, In Low Gear With Rev Limiter Kicking In - Fast As Possible - Mic Pointed At Tail Pipe On The Start; [Automatic Transmission) Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_130.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_131.wav Idle, & Engine Off - Fast As Possible; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Off-Stage Start, Idle, & Away, Squeals A Wheel - Fast - Mic Favors Tail Pipe On The Start, Mic At Higher Angle; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_132.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off, Low Gear - Medium Speed; [Automatic Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_133.wav Transmission] Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off, Some Rev Limiter, Low Gear - Medium Speed; Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_134.wav [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Ext - Distant To Close-Up Maneuvers - Start, Some Tire Squeals, Revs, Accelerations & Decelerations, Close-Up Bys, Ins & Aways - Medium & High Speeds Panned Mic Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_135.wav Soundstorm 1:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Ext - Distant To Close-Up Maneuvers - Start, Some Tire Squeals, Revs, Accelerations & Decelerations, Close-Up Bys, Ins & Aways - Medium & High Speeds Panned Mic Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_136.wav Soundstorm 2:37 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Ext - Distant To Close-Up Maneuvers - Start, Some Tire Squeals, Revs, Accelerations & Decelerations, Close-Up Bys, Ins & Aways - Medium & High Speeds Panned Mic Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_137.wav Soundstorm 3:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away, Loud Squealing Tires - 50 Mph - Mic Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_138.wav Stationary @ Outside Apex Of Corner Soundstorm 0:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away, Squealing Tires - 50 Mph - Mic Stationary @ Outside Apex Of Corner; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_139.wav Soundstorm 0:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away, Squealing Tires - 50 Mph - Mic Stationary @ Outside Apex Of Corner; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_140.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away, Low Gear, Squealing Tires - 45 Mph - Mic Stationary @ Outside Apex Of Corner Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_141.wav Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away, Squealing Tires - 45 Mph - Mic Stationary @ Outside Apex Of Corner; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_142.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away, Low Gear - 40 Mph - Mic Stationary Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_143.wav @ Outside Apex Of Corner; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away, Low Gear - 40 Mph - Mic Stationary Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_144.wav @ Outside Apex Of Corner; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away, Low Gear - 35 Mph - Mic Stationary Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_145.wav @ Outside Apex Of Corner; [Automatic Transmission) Soundstorm 0:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away - 35 Mph - Mic Stationary @ Outside Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_146.wav Apex Of Corner; [Automatic Transmission) Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away, Low Gear - 30 Mph - Mic Stationary Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_147.wav @ Outside Apex Of Corner; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away - 30 Mph - Mic Stationary @ Outside Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_148.wav Apex Of Corner; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away, Low Gear, Tire Squeal - 27 Mph Mic Stationary @ Outside Apex Of Corner; [Automatic Transmission) Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_149.wav Soundstorm 0:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away - 27 Mph - Mic Stationary @ Outside Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_150.wav Apex Of Corner; [Automatic Transmission) Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away, Low Gear - 25 Mph - Mic Stationary Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_151.wav @ Outside Apex Of Corner Soundstorm 0:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away - 25 Mph - Mic Stationary @ Outside Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_152.wav Apex Of Corner; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:34 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away, First Gear - 23 Mph - Mic Stationary @ Outside Apex Of Corner; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_153.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away, BG Birds - 23 Mph - Mic Stationary @ Outside Apex Of Corner; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_154.wav Soundstorm 0:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away, Low Gear, BG Birds - 20 Mph - Mic Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_155.wav Stationary @ Outside Apex Of Corner; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away, BG Birds - 20 Mph - Mic Stationary @ Outside Apex Of Corner; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_156.wav Soundstorm 0:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away, BG Birds - 17 Mph - Mic Stationary @ Outside Apex Of Corner; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_157.wav Soundstorm 0:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away, BG Birds - 17 Mph - Mic Stationary @ Outside Apex Of Corner; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_158.wav Soundstorm 0:35 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away, BG Birds - 15 Mph - Mic Stationary @ Outside Apex Of Corner; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_159.wav Soundstorm 0:36 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away, BG Birds, Fly Buzz By @ Tail - 15 Mph - Mic Stationary @ Outside Apex Of Corner; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_160.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away, BG Birds - 12 Mph - Mic Stationary @ Outside Apex Of Corner; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_161.wav Soundstorm 0:36 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away, BG Birds - 10 Mph - Mic Stationary @ Outside Apex Of Corner; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_162.wav Soundstorm 0:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away, BG Birds - 8 Mph - Mic Stationary @ Outside Apex Of Corner; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_163.wav Soundstorm 0:46 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Corner By - In, Slows To Corner, Close-Up By & Away, BG Birds - 3 Mph - Mic Stationary @ Outside Apex Of Corner; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_164.wav Soundstorm 0:46 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Passenger's Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_165.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Passenger's Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_166.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Passenger's Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_167.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Passenger's Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Slam Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_168.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Passenger's Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Slam Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_169.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Passenger's Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Slam Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_170.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Passenger's Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Slam Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_171.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Passenger's Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Slam Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_172.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Passenger's Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_173.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Passenger's Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Medium Loud Slam Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_174.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Passenger's Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Medium Loud Slam Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_175.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Passenger's Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Loud Slam Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_176.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Driver's Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Close, Some Rebound On Open Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_177.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Driver's Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Close Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_178.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Driver's Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Close Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_179.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Driver's Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Close Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_180.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Driver's Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Close Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_181.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Driver's Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Slam, Low Frequency Hum Throughout Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_182.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Driver's Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Medium Slam Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_183.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Driver's Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Loud Slam Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_184.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Driver's Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Loud Slam, Some Rebound On Open Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_185.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Driver's Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Loud Slam, Some Rebound On Open Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_186.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Driver's Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Loud Slam Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_187.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Driver's Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Medium Soft Close Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_188.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Driver's Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Close Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_189.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Driver's Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Slam Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_190.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle With Revs & Engine Off; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_191.wav Soundstorm 1:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle & Engine Off; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_192.wav Soundstorm 1:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle With Revs & Engine Off; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_193.wav Soundstorm 2:40 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle & Engine Off; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_194.wav Soundstorm 1:38 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Down Shift By - Medium Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_195.wav Fast - Stationary Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Down Shift By - Medium Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_196.wav Fast - Stationary Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Down Shift By - Medium Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_197.wav Fast - Stationary Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Down Shift By - Medium Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_198.wav Fast - Stationary Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Off-Stage Stop, Idle & Slow Reverse Away - Medium Speed; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_199.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Acceleration Punch By 70 Mph - Stationary Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_200.wav Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Acceleration Punch By 70 Mph - Stationary Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_201.wav Soundstorm 0:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Acceleration Punch By 65 Mph - Stationary Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_202.wav Soundstorm 0:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Acceleration Punch By 65 Mph - Stationary Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_203.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Acceleration Punch By 60 Mph - Stationary Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_204.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Acceleration Punch By 60 Mph - Stationary Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_205.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Acceleration Punch By 55 Mph - Stationary Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_206.wav Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Acceleration Punch By 55 Mph - Stationary Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_207.wav Soundstorm 0:39 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Acceleration Punch By 50 Mph - Stationary Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_208.wav Soundstorm 0:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Acceleration Punch By 50 Mph - Stationary Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_209.wav Soundstorm 0:35 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By, Very Rough Runs 15 Mph - Panned Mic.; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_210.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By, Very Rough Runs 17 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_211.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By, Very Rough Runs 17 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_212.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 -Ignition Chime - Int - Close-Up Chime Rings, Electric Meters Whir, Key Inserted & Turned @ Head; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_213.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 -Ignition Chime - Int - Close-Up Chime Rings, Electric Meters Whir, Key Inserted & Turned @ Head; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_214.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By, Rough Run, Windy Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_215.wav 20 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By, Rough Run, Windy Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_216.wav 20 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By, Rough Run, Windy Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_217.wav 23 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By, Rough Run - 23 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_218.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By, Rough Run - 25 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_219.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By, Rough Run - 25 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_220.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By, Rough Run - 25 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_221.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By, Rough Run - 23 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_222.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By, Rough Run, Windy Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_223.wav 27 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By, Rough Run, Windy Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_224.wav 27 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By, Rough Run - 30 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_225.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By, Rough Run - 30 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_226.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By, Rough Run - 35 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_227.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By - 35 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_228.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By - 45 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_229.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By - 40 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_230.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette Close-Up By - 45 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_231.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette Close-Up By - 45 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_232.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By - 50 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_233.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By, Windy - 50 Mph Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_234.wav Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By - 55 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_235.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By - 55 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_236.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By - 60 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_237.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By - 60 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_238.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By - 65 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_239.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By, Windy - 55 Mph Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_240.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By - 65 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_241.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By - 65 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_242.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By - 70 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_243.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By - 70 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_244.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By - 75 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_245.wav Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By - 75 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_246.wav Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By - 80 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_247.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By - 80 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_248.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By - 85 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_249.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By - 85 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_250.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By - 85 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_251.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By - 85 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_252.wav Soundstorm 0:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By - 90 Mph - Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_253.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up By - High Speed Panned Mic; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorve_254.wav Soundstorm 0:34 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off - Slow With Revs During Idle; [Automatic Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_10.wav Transmission] Soundstorm 0:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away - 15 Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_11.wav Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_12.wav Idle, & Engine Off - 15 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:34 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_13.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away - 25 Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_14.wav Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_15.wav Idle, & Engine Off - 25 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_16.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_17.wav Idle, & Engine Off - Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away - 25 Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_18.wav Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_19.wav Idle, & Engine Off - 25 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Medium; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_20.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_21.wav Idle, & Engine Off - Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle & Away - 25 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_22.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_23.wav Idle, & Engine Off - 25 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_24.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off - Medium Fast - Anti-Lock Brakes Squeal On Stop; Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_25.wav [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away - 30 Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_26.wav Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_27.wav Idle, & Engine Off - 30 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_28.wav Idle, & Engine Off - Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_29.wav Idle, & Engine Off - Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away - 35 Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_30.wav Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_31.wav Idle, & Engine Off - 35 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_32.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away - 40 Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_33.wav Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_34.wav Idle, & Engine Off - 40 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away - 40 Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_35.wav To 45 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_36.wav Idle, & Engine Off - 40 To 45 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_37.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_38.wav Idle, & Engine Off - Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away - 40 Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_39.wav To 45 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_40.wav Idle, & Engine Off - 40 To 45 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_41.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away - 40 Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_42.wav To 45 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_43.wav Idle, & Engine Off - 40 To 45 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off - Medium Fast - With Rev Before Off; [Automatic Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_44.wav Transmission] Soundstorm 0:37 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_45.wav Idle, & Engine Off - Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off - Medium Speed - With A Rev During Idle; Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_46.wav [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_47.wav Idle, & Engine Off - Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_48.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_49.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away - 40 Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_50.wav To 45 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off, Some Wind Buffets @ Tail - 40 To 45 Mph; Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_51.wav [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_52.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off, Brake Squeal On Stop - 45 Mph; [Automatic Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_53.wav Transmission] Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_54.wav Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away - 45 Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_55.wav Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off, Low Gear - Medium Speed; [Automatic Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_56.wav Transmission] Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off, Low Gear - Medium Speed; [Automatic Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_57.wav Transmission] Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_58.wav Idle, & Engine Off - 45 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_59.wav Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off, Low Gear - Medium Speed; [Automatic Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_60.wav Transmission] Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away - 50 Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_61.wav Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_62.wav Idle, & Engine Off - 50 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_63.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off, Low Gear - Medium Speed; [Automatic Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_64.wav Transmission] Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away - 50 Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_65.wav Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off, Brake Squeal On Stop - 50 Mph; [Automatic Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_66.wav Transmission] Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_67.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off, Low Gear, Brake Squeal On Stop - Medium Speed; Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_68.wav [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away - 50 Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_69.wav Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_70.wav Idle, & Engine Off - 50 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_71.wav Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away, Staying In Low Gear, Rev Limiter Kicks In On The Away - 50 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_72.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_73.wav Idle, & Engine Off - 50 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_74.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away, Engine Fan Comes On After Start - 55 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_75.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off, Low Gear, Brake Squeal On Stop - Medium Speed; Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_76.wav [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_77.wav Idle, & Engine Off - 55 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_78.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off, Low Gear - Medium Speed; [Automatic Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_79.wav Transmission] Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle & Away, Engine Fan Comes On After Start - 55 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_80.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_81.wav Idle, & Engine Off - 55 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away, Low Gear, Rev Limiter Engages - Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_82.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away - In Reverse; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_83.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_84.wav Idle, & Engine Off - Medium; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away - In Reverse; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_85.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away - In Reverse; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_86.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_87.wav Idle, & Engine Off - Medium; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away, In Reverse; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_88.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off, Engine Fan Continues After Off - Medium; [Automatic Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_89.wav Transmission] Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away - 60 Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_90.wav Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_91.wav Idle, & Engine Off - Medium; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Idle, & Engine Off, Low Gear - Medium Speed; [Automatic Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_92.wav Transmission] Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_93.wav Idle, & Engine Off - 60 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle & Away Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_94.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_95.wav Idle, & Engine Off - 60 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_96.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away - 60 Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_97.wav Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_98.wav Idle, & Engine Off - 60 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvet_99.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvett_1.wav Idle & Engine Off - 3 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvett_2.wav Idle & Engine Off - Slow; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvett_3.wav Idle & Engine Off - Slow; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle & Away VerySlow - Big Rev @ Tail; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvett_4.wav Soundstorm 0:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Medium Fast; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvett_5.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away - 12 Cars-2002ChevroletCorvett_6.wav To 15 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvett_7.wav Idle, & Engine Off - 12 To 15 Mph; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Close-Up Start, Idle, & Away Medium; [Automatic Transmission] Cars-2002ChevroletCorvett_8.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - In, Close-Up Stop, Shift Into Park, Cars-2002ChevroletCorvett_9.wav Idle, & Engine Off - Medium Speed; [Automatic Transmission] Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - 2002 Chevrolet Corvette C5 - Off-Stage Start, Close-Up By To Off-Stage Stop, Idle & Engine Off, Off-Stage Start & Away - Very Slow Cars-2002ChevroletCorvetteC.wav Speed; [Automatic Trans] Soundstorm 3:52 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Ford Explorer Door Closes - Int - Close-Up - Hard Metallic Thud Cars-FordExplorerDoorClos_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Ford Explorer Door Closes - Int - Close-Up - Hard Metallic Thud Cars-FordExplorerDoorCloses.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Ford Explorer Door Open & Close - Int - Close-Up -Light Metallic Click, Hard Metallic Thud CarsFordExplorerDoorOpen&C.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Ford Explorer Door Open & Close - Int - Close-Up -Light Metallic Click, Hard Metallic Thud Cars-FordExplorerDoorOpen_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Ford Explorer Door Opens - Int - Close-Up - Dull Metallic Rattle & Clunk As Lock Releases Cars-FordExplorerDoorOpen_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Ford Explorer Door Opens - Int - Close-Up - Dull Metallic Rattle & Clunk As Lock Releases Cars-FordExplorerDoorOpen_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Ford Explorer Door Opens - Int - Close-Up - Dull Metallic Rattle & Clunk As Lock Releases Cars-FordExplorerDoorOpen_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Ford Explorer Door Opens - Int - Close-Up - Dull Metallic Rattle & Clunk As Lock Releases Cars-FordExplorerDoorOpens-.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Ford Explorer Hatchback Door Opens - Int - Close-Up - Dull Metallic Rattle & Clunk As Latch Turns, Hydraulic Whine As Hatch Opens Cars-FordExplorerHatchba_10.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Ford Explorer Hatchback Door Opens - Int - Close-Up - Dull Metallic Rattle & Clunk As Latch Turns, Hydraulic Whine As Hatch Opens Cars-FordExplorerHatchba_11.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Ford Explorer Hatchback Door Opens - Int - Close-Up - Dull Metallic Rattle & Clunk As Latch Turns, Hydraulic Whine As Hatch Opens Cars-FordExplorerHatchba_12.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Ford Explorer Hatchback Door Opens - Int - Close-Up - Dull Metallic Rattle & Clunk As Latch Turns, Hydraulic Whine As Hatch Opens Cars-FordExplorerHatchba_13.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Ford Explorer Hatchback Door Closes - Ext - Close-Up - Hard Metallic Thud, Latch & Straps Rattle Cars-FordExplorerHatchbac_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Ford Explorer Hatchback Door Closes - Ext - Close-Up - Hard Metallic Thud, Latch & Straps Rattle Cars-FordExplorerHatchbac_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Ford Explorer Hatchback Door Opens - Ext - Close-Up - Bright Metallic Rattle & Clunk As Latch Turns, Hydraulic Whine As Hatch Opens Cars-FordExplorerHatchbac_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Ford Explorer Hatchback Door Opens - Ext - Close-Up - Bright Metallic Rattle & Clunk As Latch Turns, Hydraulic Whine As Hatch Opens Cars-FordExplorerHatchbac_4.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Ford Explorer Hatchback Door Closes - Int - Close-Up - Dull Metallic Thud, Straps & Latch Rattle Cars-FordExplorerHatchbac_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Ford Explorer Hatchback Door Closes - Int - Close-Up - Light Metallic Scrape, Clumsy Rough Metallic Thud Cars-FordExplorerHatchbac_6.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Ford Explorer Hatchback Door Closes - Int - Close-Up - Dull Metallic Thud, Straps & Latch Rattle Cars-FordExplorerHatchbac_7.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Ford Explorer Hatchback Door Closes - Int - Close-Up - Dull Metallic Thud, Straps & Latch Rattle Cars-FordExplorerHatchbac_8.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Ford Explorer Hatchback Door Closes - Int - Close-Up - Dull Metallic Thud, Straps & Latch Rattle Cars-FordExplorerHatchbac_9.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Ford Explorer Hatchback Door Closes - Ext - Close-Up - Hard Metallic Thud, Latch & Straps Rattle Cars-FordExplorerHatchbackD.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Ford Explorer Hatchback Key Unlocks Door Door Opens - Int Close-Up - Dull Metallic Scrape & Rattle From Key, Keys Jingle, Metal Clunk As Lock Turns, Hydraulic Whine As Hatch Opens Cars-FordExplorerHatchbackK.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Generic American Car - Medium POV By - Slow Cars-GenericAmericanCar-M_1.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Generic American Car - Medium POV By - Slow Cars-GenericAmericanCar-M_2.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Generic American Car - Medium POV By - Slow Cars-GenericAmericanCar-M_3.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Generic American Car - Medium POV By - Slow Cars-GenericAmericanCar-Med.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Generic Older American Car - Ext - Maneuvers - Off-Stage Gear Grind, Reverse In Slightly Past Mic, Stop & Engine Off - Medium Slow Cars-GenericOlderAmerica_10.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Generic Older American Car - Ext - Maneuvers - Off-Stage Start, In, Close-Up By To Off-Stage Stop, Reverse In, Close-Up Stop & Cars-GenericOlderAmerica_11.wav Engine Off - Slow Soundstorm 0:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Generic Older American Car - Ext - Maneuvers - Short In, CloseUp By & Away, Turn Around, In, Close-Up By To Off-Stage Turn Cars-GenericOlderAmerica_12.wav Around, In, Close-Up By & Away - Medium Slow Soundstorm 1:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Generic Older American Car - Ext - Close-Up Acceleration By Slow Cars-GenericOlderAmerica_13.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Generic Older American Car - Ext - Close-Up By - Slow Cars-GenericOlderAmerica_14.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Generic Older American Car - Medium POV By - Slow Cars-GenericOlderAmerican_1.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Generic Older American Car - Medium POV By - Slow Cars-GenericOlderAmerican_2.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Generic Older American Car - Medium POV By - Slow Cars-GenericOlderAmerican_3.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Generic Older American Car - Ext - Close-Up Acceleration By Medium Speed Cars-GenericOlderAmerican_4.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Generic Older American Car - Ext - Close-Up By - Medium Slow Cars-GenericOlderAmerican_5.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Generic Older American Car - Ext - Maneuvers - Off-Stage Start, Cars-GenericOlderAmerican_6.wav Maneuver Around & Away Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Generic Older American Car - Ext - Maneuvers - Close-Up By, Off-Stage Stop & Reverse By - Medium Slow Cars-GenericOlderAmerican_7.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Generic Older American Car - Ext - Maneuvers - In, Slight OffStage Stop & Engine Off - Slow Cars-GenericOlderAmerican_8.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Generic Older American Car - Ext - Maneuvers - Off-Stage Start, Cars-GenericOlderAmerican_9.wav In, Close-Up Stop & Engine Off - Slow Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Generic Older American Car - Medium POV By - Slow Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Cars-GenericOlderAmericanCa.wav Auto Cars - Modified Japanese Stock Race Car - Close-Up Zip By To Distant Off-Stage Stop With Skids - Fast - Panned Microphone, MCU Cars-ModifiedJapaneseStockR.wav Motorcycle Revs @ Head, Off-Stage Car Revs @ Tail Soundstorm 0:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Modified Race Car - Close-Up Zip By To Off-Stage Stop With Skids - Fast - Some Off-Stage Revs & Away Near Tail, Off-Stage Motorcycle Revs @ Tail Cars-ModifiedRaceCar-Close-.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Older Volkswagen - Medium POV By - Slow Cars-OlderVolkswagen-Medium.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Single Car Bys - Ext - 25 To 35 Mph Light Traffic By, Small Town Cars-SingleCarBys-Ext-25T_1.wav Ambiance Soundstorm 0:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Single Car Bys - Ext - 25 To 35 Mph Medium Traffic By, Small Town Ambiance Cars-SingleCarBys-Ext-25T_2.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Single Car Bys - Ext - 25 To 35 Mph Light Traffic By, Small Town Cars-SingleCarBys-Ext-25T_3.wav Ambiance Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Single Car Bys - Ext - 25 To 35 Mph Medium Traffic Bys, Small Town Ambiance Cars-SingleCarBys-Ext-25T_4.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Single Car Bys - Ext - 25 To 35 Mph Medium Traffic Bys, Some Squeaking, Small Town Ambiance Cars-SingleCarBys-Ext-25T_5.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Single Car Bys - Ext - 25 To 35 Mph Light Traffic By, Small Town Cars-SingleCarBys-Ext-25T_6.wav Ambiance Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Single Car Bys - Ext - 25 To 35 Mph Light Traffic By, Small Town Cars-SingleCarBys-Ext-25T_7.wav Ambiance Soundstorm 0:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Single Car Bys - Ext - 25 To 35 Mph Medium Traffic By, Small Town Ambiance Cars-SingleCarBys-Ext-25T_8.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Single Car Bys - Ext - 25 To 35 Mph Light Traffic By, Small Town Cars-SingleCarBys-Ext-25To3.wav Ambiance Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Variety Of American Cars - Off-Stage In & Close-Up By, Early Acceleration - Very Fast Cars-VarietyOfAmericanCa_10.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Variety Of American Cars - In & Loud Close-Up By With Some Dirt & Gravel - Fast Cars-VarietyOfAmericanCa_11.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Variety Of American Cars - In & Close-Up By, Quick Dissolve Fast Cars-VarietyOfAmericanCa_12.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Variety Of American Cars - Off-Stage In & Close-Up By @ Low Frequency, Some Rattling - Fast Cars-VarietyOfAmericanCa_13.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Variety Of American Cars - Off-Stage In & Close-Up By Near Tail - Very Fast Cars-VarietyOfAmericanCar_1.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Variety Of American Cars - Off-Stage In & Close-Up By Midway Cars-VarietyOfAmericanCar_2.wav - Fast Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Variety Of American Cars - Off-Stage In & Close-Up By Somewhat Fast Cars-VarietyOfAmericanCar_3.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Variety Of American Cars - Off-Stage In & Close-Up By With Flying Gravel - Fast Cars-VarietyOfAmericanCar_4.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Variety Of American Cars - Off-Stage In & Loud Close-Up By Fast Cars-VarietyOfAmericanCar_5.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Variety Of American Cars - In & Loud Close-Up By - Fast Cars-VarietyOfAmericanCar_6.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Variety Of American Cars - Off-Stage In & Close-Up By, Whistling, Squeaking Car Part - Fast Cars-VarietyOfAmericanCar_7.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Variety Of American Cars - Off-Stage In & Close-Up By, Revs Near Head & Tail, Gear Change - Somewhat Fast Cars-VarietyOfAmericanCar_8.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Variety Of American Cars - Off-Stage In & Close-Up By, Distant Backfire @ Tail - Fast Cars-VarietyOfAmericanCar_9.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Auto Cars - Variety Of American Cars - Off-Stage In & Close-Up By - Fast Cars-VarietyOfAmericanCars-.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - 2 Light Metal Taps Against Cinder Block Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up-2L.wav In Quick Succession, Some Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - 2 Metal Impacts Against Cinder Block, Some Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up-2M.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - 3 Wooden Taps In Quick Succession; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up-3W.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Metal Strikes Cinder Block, Lots Of Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Metal Strikes Cinder Block, Lots Of Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up-_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Metal Strikes Cinder Block With Snapping Impact, Lots Of Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Metal Strikes Cinder Block, Some Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up-_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Metal Lightly Strikes Cinder Block, Some Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up-_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Metal Crashes Against Cinder Block, Some Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up-_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Metal Crashes Against Cinder Block, Predominant Hard Wood Sound; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up-_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Metal Strikes Cinder Block, Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up-_8.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Metal Strikes Cinder Block, Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up-_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Hard Snapping Metal Impact, Rustling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up-Ha.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Light Metal Snap Against Cinder Block, Some Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up-Li.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Loud Snapping Metal Impact, Rustling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up-Lo.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Metal Strikes Cinder Block, Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up-Me.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Snapping Metal Impact, Rustling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up-Sn.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Thrashing Metal Impact, Rustling, Airborne Whoosh; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up-Th.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Very Loud Snapping Metal Impact, Rustling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up-Ve.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Metal Roughly Brushes Against Cinder Block, Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_10.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Metal Snaps Against Cinder Block, Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - 2 Metal Thrashes Against Cinder Block, Some Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_12.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Metal Thrash Against Cinder Block, Some Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_13.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Light Metal Snap Against Cinder Block, Some Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_14.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Light Metal Tap Against Cinder Block, Some Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_15.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - 2 Light Metal Snaps Against Cinder Block In Quick Succession, Some Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_16.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Light Metal Rustlings Against Cinder Block; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_17.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Light Metal Rustlings Against Cinder Block; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_18.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Light Metal Taps & Rustlings Against Cinder Block; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_19.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - 2 Metal Snapping Impacts Against Cinder Block; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_20.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Metal Snapping Impact Against Cinder Block Followed By A Couple Of Thrashes & Light Rustling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_21.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Light Metal Thrashes Against Cinder Block, Light Rustling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_22.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Light Metal Thrash Against Cinder Block, Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_23.wav Wooden Taps; (Warehouse Door Chain) Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - 2 Light Metal Thrashes Against Cinder Block; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_24.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Light Metal Thrash Against Cinder Block, Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_25.wav Very Light Rustling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Very Loud, Abrasive Metal Impact, Rustling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_26.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Very Loud, Abrasive Metal Impact, Rustling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_27.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Loud Crashing Metal Impact Followed By A Medium Loud Thrash, Rustling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_28.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Loud Snapping Metal Impact, Hard & Fast Attack, Rustling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_29.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Loud Snapping Metal Impact, Hard & Fast Attack, Predominant Wood Sound, Rustling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_30.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Very Loud Cracking Metal Impact, Hard Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_31.wav & Fast Attack, Chains Being Pulled, Rustling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Very Loud Snapping Metal Impact, Hard Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_32.wav & Fast Attack, Rustling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Metal Tap, Hard & Fast Attack, Rustling; Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_33.wav (Warehouse Door Chain) Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Metal Snap, Hard & Fast Attack, Rustling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_34.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light Metal Thrash Against Cinder Block, Some Rattle; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_35.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Hard Metal Thrash Against Cinder Block, Some Rattle; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_36.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light Metal Tap Against Cinder Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_37.wav Block, Predominantly Rattles; (Warehouse Door Chain) Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Leisurely Metal Scrape Against Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_38.wav Cinder Block, Some Rattles; (Warehouse Door Chain) Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Metal Snap Against Cinder Block; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_39.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light Metal Snap Against Cinder Block; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_40.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light Metal Snap Against Cinder Block; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_41.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light Metal Snap Against Cinder Block; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_42.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light Metal Snap Against Cinder Block, Rustling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_43.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Very Light Metal Tap & Scrape Against Cinder Block; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_44.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Very Light Metal Scrape Against Cinder Block; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_45.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Very Light Metal Tap & Scrape Against Cinder Block; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_46.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Very Light Metal Clack Against Cinder Block; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_47.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light Metal Crash Against Cinder Block; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_48.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light Metal Scrape Against Cinder Block, Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_49.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light Metal Scrape Against Cinder Block, Minute Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_50.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - 2 Light Metal Taps Against Cinder Block; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_51.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light & Brisk Metal Scrape Against Cinder Block; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_52.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light Metal Scrape Against Cinder Block; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_53.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light Metal Tap Against Cinder Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_54.wav Block, Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light Metal Scrape Against Cinder Block, Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_55.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light Metal Tap Against Cinder Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_56.wav Block; (Warehouse Door Chain) Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Very Light Metal Scrape Against Cinder Block; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_57.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light Metal Tap Against Cinder Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_58.wav Block, Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Very Light & Brisk Metal Scrape Against Cinder Block; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_59.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light & Brisk Metal Scrape Against Cinder Block; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_60.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light & Brisk Metal Thrash Against Cinder Block; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_61.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light & Brisk Metal Thrash Against Cinder Block; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_62.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light & Brisk Metal Thrash Against Cinder Block; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_63.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light & Brisk Metal Thrash Against Cinder Block, Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_64.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light Metal Tap Against Cinder Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_65.wav Block, Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Dull, Light Metal Clack Against Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_66.wav Cinder Block, Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Dull, Light Metal Clack Against Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_67.wav Cinder Block, Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Dull, Light Metal Thrash Against Cinder Block, Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_68.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light Metal Thrash Against Cinder Block, Some Rattle; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-UpT_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light Metal Tap Against Cinder Chains-Hits-Int-Close-UpT_2.wav Block, Some Rattle; (Warehouse Door Chain) Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light Metal Tap Against Cinder Chains-Hits-Int-Close-UpT_3.wav Block, Some Rattle; (Warehouse Door Chain) Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Very Light Metal Tap Against Cinder Block, Some Rattle; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-UpT_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light Metal Tap Against Cinder Chains-Hits-Int-Close-UpT_5.wav Block, Some Rattle; (Warehouse Door Chain) Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Very Light Metal Tap Against Cinder Block, Some Rattle; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-UpT_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Very Light Metal Tap Against Cinder Block, Some Rattle; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-UpT_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Very Light Metal Tap Against Cinder Block, Some Rattle; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-UpT_8.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Very Light Metal Tap Against Cinder Block, Some Rattle; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-UpT_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Metal Tap Against Cinder Block, Some Rattle; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Hits-Int-Close-UpToM.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Rattle - Int - Close-Up - Very Light Metallic Stirrings; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Rattle-Int-Close-U_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Rattle - Int - Close-Up - Light & Measured Metallic Rattles; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Rattle-Int-Close-U_2.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Rattle - Int - Close-Up - Very Light & Measured Metallic Rattles; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Rattle-Int-Close-U_3.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Rattle - Int - Close-Up - Quick Short Rattles, Off-Stage Chain Swinging & Attached To Door; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Rattle-Int-Close-U_4.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Rattle - Int - Close-Up - Quick Short Rattles, Off-Stage Chain Swinging & Attached To Door; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Rattle-Int-Close-U_5.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Rattle - Int - Close-Up - Quick Short Thrash, Off-Stage Chain Swinging & Attached To Door; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Rattle-Int-Close-U_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Rattle - Int - Close-Up - Quick Short Rattle, Off-Stage Chain Swinging & Attached To Door; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Rattle-Int-Close-U_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Rattle - Int - Close-Up - Quick Short Rattles, Off-Stage Chain Swinging & Attached To Door; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Rattle-Int-Close-U_8.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Rattle - Int - Close-Up - Quick Short Rattles, Off-Stage Chain Swinging & Attached To Door; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Rattle-Int-Close-U_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Metal, Chain Chains - Rattle - Int - Close-Up - Light Metallic Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain) Chains-Rattle-Int-Close-Up-.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Chair Chairs - Rolling Office Chair With Plastic Casters - Int - MCU - Person Seated In Chair, Medium Roll, Wheels Rattle & Scrape, Elevator Bell Dings In BG Chairs-RollingOfficeChair_1.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Chair Chairs - Rolling Office Chair With Plastic Casters - Int - MCU - Empty, Faster Roll, Wheels Rattle & Scrape Chairs-RollingOfficeChair_2.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Chair Chairs - Rolling Office Chair With Plastic Casters - Int - MCU - Empty, Faster Roll, Wheels Rattle & Scrape Chairs-RollingOfficeChair_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Chair Chairs - Rolling Office Chair With Plastic Casters - Int - MCU - Empty, Hard Slide, Wheels Rattle & Scrape Chairs-RollingOfficeChair_4.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Chair Chairs - Rolling Office Chair With Plastic Casters - Int - MCU - Person Seated In Chair, Medium Chair Slide, Wheels Rattle & Scrape Chairs-RollingOfficeChair_5.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Chair Chairs - Rolling Office Chair With Plastic Casters - Int - MCU - Empty, Slides Back & Forth, Wheels Rattle & Scrape, Medium Loud Chairs-RollingOfficeChair_6.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Chair Chairs - Rolling Office Chair With Plastic Casters - Int - MCU - Empty, Slides Back & Forth, Wheels Rattle & Scrape, Medium Soft Chairs-RollingOfficeChair_7.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Chair Chairs - Rolling Office Chair With Plastic Casters - Int - MCU - Empty, Pushed & Rolling Free, Wheels Rattle & Scrape Chairs-RollingOfficeChair_8.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Chair Chairs - Rolling Office Chair With Plastic Casters - Int MCU - Empty, Medium Roll, Wheels Rattle & Scrape Chairs-RollingOfficeChairWi.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Cigarette Lighter Cigarette Lighters - Zippo Lighter - Int - Close-Up - Open, Light, & Close CigaretteLighters-ZippoLigh.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - 7 Pendulum Clock - Int - Fast Tick Tock Clocks-7PendulumClock-Int-F.wav Soundstorm 2:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Bathroom Clock Ticks - Int - Close-Up - Slow Steady Tick Tock, Almost Woody Sounding Clocks-BathroomClockTicks-I.wav Soundstorm 3:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Centurion Wooden Hanging Pendulum Clock - Int - 3 Bell Chimes Clocks-CenturionWoodenHangi.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Centurion Wood Hanging Pendulum Clock - Int - Single Bell Chime Clocks-CenturionWoodHangi_1.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Centurion Wood Hanging Pendulum Clock - Int - 12 Bell Chimes Clocks-CenturionWoodHangi_2.wav Soundstorm 0:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Centurion Wood Hanging Pendulum Clock - Int - Single Bell Chime Clocks-CenturionWoodHanging.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Close-Up Cuckoo Clock - Int - 2x With Bell Chime Clocks-Close-UpCuckooCloc_1.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Close-Up Cuckoo Clock - Int - 9 Times With Bell Chime Clocks-Close-UpCuckooClock-.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Grandfather Clock - Int - Big Slow Tock Clocks-GrandfatherClock-I_1.wav Soundstorm 3:51 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Grandfather Clock - Int - Big Slow Tock, Rhythmic Hammer With Dull Ring Clocks-GrandfatherClock-I_2.wav Soundstorm 4:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Grandfather Clock - Int - Tick Tock, Rhythmic Metallic Scrapings Clocks-GrandfatherClock-Int.wav Soundstorm 0:35 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Hampdon Pocket Watch - Int - Close-Up - Thin Metallic Ticks, Clocks-HampdonPocketWatch-I.wav Mics Facing Side Of Watch Soundstorm 0:53 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Hampdon Pocket Watch - Int - Close-Up - Thin Metallic Ticks, ClocksMics Facing Side Of Watch HampdonPocketWatch_1.wav Soundstorm 1:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Hampdon Pocket Watch - Int - Close-Up - Thin Metallic Ticks, ClocksMics 1 1 2 Inches From Back Of Watch HampdonPocketWatch_2.wav Soundstorm 0:37 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Hampdon Pocket Watch - Int - Close-Up - Thin Metallic Ticks, ClocksMics 1 1 2 Inches From Back Of Watch HampdonPocketWatch_3.wav Soundstorm 1:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Hampdon Pocket Watch - Int - Close-Up - Very Thin Metallic Ticks ClocksHampdonPocketWatch_4.wav Soundstorm 1:36 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Hampdon Pocket Watch - Int - ECU - Ticks ClocksHampdonPocketWatch_5.wav Soundstorm 1:43 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Howard Miller Mantel Clock - Int - Single Westminster Chime Clocks-HowardMillerMantel_1.wav Soundstorm 0:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Howard Miller Mantel Clock - Westminster Chime, 1st 2 Bars Clocks-HowardMillerMantel_2.wav Soundstorm 0:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Howard Miller Mantel Clock - Int - Westminster Hour Chime Clocks-HowardMillerMantel_3.wav Soundstorm 0:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Howard Miller Mantel Clock - Int - Westminster Hour Chime Clocks-HowardMillerMantel_4.wav Soundstorm 0:36 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Howard Miller Mantel Clock - Int - Westminster Chime With 6 Chimes Clocks-HowardMillerMantel_5.wav Soundstorm 0:41 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Howard Miller Mantel Clock - Int - Westminster Chime With 12 Clocks-HowardMillerMantel_6.wav Chimes Soundstorm 0:58 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Howard Miller Mantel Clock - Int - Medium Distant - Tick Tock Fast, Chimes Near End Clocks-HowardMillerMantelCl.wav Soundstorm 3:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Pocket Watch - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close Clocks-PocketWatch-Int-Cl_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Pocket Watch - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close Clocks-PocketWatch-Int-Cl_2.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Pocket Watch - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close Clocks-PocketWatch-Int-Cl_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Pocket Watch - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close Clocks-PocketWatch-Int-Cl_4.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Pocket Watch - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close Clocks-PocketWatch-Int-Clos.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Regulator Wood Wall Clock - Int - Medium Distant - Medium Fast Tick Tock Clocks-RegulatorWoodWallC_1.wav Soundstorm 3:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Regulator Wood Wall Clock - Int - Close-Up - 12 Bell Tolls Clocks-RegulatorWoodWallC_2.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Regulator Wood Wall Clock - Int - Single Bell Toll With Chime Clocks-RegulatorWoodWallC_3.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Regulator Wood Wall Clock - 12 Bell Tolls With Mechanism Motor & Chime Clocks-RegulatorWoodWallC_4.wav Soundstorm 0:36 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Regulator Wood Wall Clock - Int - Single Bell Toll With Chime Clocks-RegulatorWoodWallC_5.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Regulator Wood Wall Clock - Int - 6 Bell Tolls With Chime Clocks-RegulatorWoodWallC_6.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Regulator Wood Wall Clock - Int - Close-Up - Tick Tock Slow Clocks-RegulatorWoodWallC_7.wav With Dull Ring On Tick Soundstorm 3:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Regulator Wood Wall Clock - Int - Medium Distant - Tick Tock, Slow Clocks-RegulatorWoodWallC_8.wav Soundstorm 3:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Regulator Wood Wall Clock - Int - Close-Up - Medium Fast Tick Tock Clocks-RegulatorWoodWallClo.wav Soundstorm 3:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Sears Pocket Watch - Int - Close-Up - Tick, Mic'd 2 Inches Away With Back Of Watch Open Clocks-SearsPocketWatch-I_1.wav Soundstorm 0:36 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Sears Pocket Watch - Int - Close-Up - Tick, Mic'd 2 Inches Away With Back Of Watch Open Clocks-SearsPocketWatch-I_2.wav Soundstorm 2:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Sears Pocket Watch - Int - Close-Up - Tick, Mic'd 2 Inches From Face Of Watch Clocks-SearsPocketWatch-I_3.wav Soundstorm 1:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Sears Pocket Watch - Int - Close-Up - Tick, Mic'd 2 Inches From Face Of Watch Clocks-SearsPocketWatch-I_4.wav Soundstorm 1:35 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Sears Pocket Watch - Int - ECU - Tick, Mics Touching Watch Clocks-SearsPocketWatch-I_5.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Sears Pocket Watch - Int - ECU - Tick, Mics Touching Watch Clocks-SearsPocketWatch-I_6.wav Soundstorm 1:41 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Sears Pocket Watch - Int - Close-Up - Tick, Mics 1 2 Inch From Back Of Watch Clocks-SearsPocketWatch-I_7.wav Soundstorm 1:39 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Sears Pocket Watch - Int - Close-Up - Tick, Mics 1 2 Inch From Back Of Watch Clocks-SearsPocketWatch-I_8.wav Soundstorm 1:41 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Sears Pocket Watch - Int - MCU - Tick, Mic'd 1 Foot Away With Back Of Watch Open Clocks-SearsPocketWatch-Int.wav Soundstorm 2:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Seth Thomas Wood Mantel Clock - Int - Medium Tick Tock ClocksSethThomasWoodMantel.wav Soundstorm 3:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Westclox Pocket Watch - Int - Close-Up - Ticks Clocks-WestcloxPocketWatc_1.wav Soundstorm 1:37 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Westclox Pocket Watch - Int - Close-Up - Ticks, Mics 1 1 2 Inches Away From Watch Clocks-WestcloxPocketWatch-.wav Soundstorm 1:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Clock Clocks - Westclox Pocket Watch Tick - Int - ECU - Clunky Tick Tock Clocks-WestcloxPocketWatchT.wav Soundstorm 1:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Cloth-CurtainMovement-Int-C.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Cloth, Fabric Cloth - Curtain Movement - Int - Close-Up - Single Fabric Drag Cloth, Fabric Cloth - Curtain Movement - Int - Close-Up - Single Fabric Drag, Slightly Broken Up Midway Cloth-CurtainMovement-Int_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Cloth, Fabric Cloth - Curtain Movement - Int - Close-Up - Single Fabric Drag, Slightly Broken Up Midway Cloth-CurtainMovement-Int_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Single Beep Computers-ATMCashMachine_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Single Beep Computers-ATMCashMachine_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Single Beep Computers-ATMCashMachine_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Single Beep Computers-ATMCashMachine_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Printer Computers-ATMCashMachine_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Single Beep Computers-ATMCashMachine_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Single Beep Computers-ATMCashMachine_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Single Beep Computers-ATMCashMachine_8.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Printer Computers-ATMCashMachine_9.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Single Beep Computers-ATMCashMachineCl.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Printer ComputersATMCashMachine_10.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Single Beep ComputersATMCashMachine_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Single Beep ComputersATMCashMachine_12.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Single Beep ComputersATMCashMachine_13.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Single Beep ComputersATMCashMachine_14.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Single Beep ComputersATMCashMachine_15.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Single Beep ComputersATMCashMachine_16.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - 4 Beeps ComputersATMCashMachine_17.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - 3 Beeps ComputersATMCashMachine_18.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Single Beep ComputersATMCashMachine_19.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - 3 Beeps ComputersATMCashMachine_20.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Single Beep ComputersATMCashMachine_21.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Single Beep ComputersATMCashMachine_22.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Single Beep ComputersATMCashMachine_23.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Single Beep ComputersATMCashMachine_24.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Printer ComputersATMCashMachine_25.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Printer ComputersATMCashMachine_26.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Printer ComputersATMCashMachine_27.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - ATM Cash Machine - Close-Up - Series Of Beeps, Card Dispenser ComputersATMCashMachine_28.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Booting Up - Close-Up - Macintosh G-4 Computer Boots Up, Lots Of Hard Drive Noise Computers-BootingUp-Close-U.wav Soundstorm 1:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Booting Up - Close-Up - Macintosh G-4 Computer Boots Up, Start-Up Chime Rings, Lots Of Hard Drive Noise, Monitor Surge As Computers-BootingUp-Close_1.wav It Comes On, After Finishing Boot-Up, It's Shut Down, Then Whines To Off Soundstorm 1:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Data Chatter - Int - Close-Up - Fast, Steady Computation Computers-DataChatter-Int-C.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Data Chatter - Int - Close-Up - Rapid, Steady Computation Computers-DataChatter-Int_1.wav Soundstorm 0:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Hard Drive Fan - Int - Close-Up - Steady Hum Computers-HardDriveFan-In_1.wav Soundstorm 2:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Hard Drive Fan - Int - Close-Up - Steady Whine, Hum Computers-HardDriveFan-Int-.wav Soundstorm 2:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Hard Drive Fan Power Up - Int - Close-Up - Click Of A Switch, SCSI Hard Drive Fan Whines Up To Steady Airy Hum Computers-HardDriveFanPow_1.wav Soundstorm 1:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Hard Drive Fan Power Down - Int - Close-Up - Click Of A Computers-HardDriveFanPower.wav Switch, SCSI Hard Drive Fan Whines Down & Off, A Little Fan Rattle Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Hard Drive Power Down - Int - Close-Up - Click Of A Switch, SCSI Hard Drive Whines Down & Off, A Little Fan Rattle Computers-HardDrivePowerD_1.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Hard Drive Power Down - Int - Close-Up - Click Of A Switch, Firewire Hard Drive Whines Down & Off ComputersHardDrivePowerDow.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Hard Drive Power Up - Int - Close-Up - Click Of A Switch, Firewire Hard Drive Whines Up, Fan Noise, Then Steady Hum Computers-HardDrivePowerUp-.wav Soundstorm 1:52 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Fragments Of Soft Keystrokes To Single Somewhat Perfunctory Keystroke, Process Repeated Several Times Computers-KeyboardTyping-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Fragments Of Hesitant Keystrokes, Occasional Perfunctory Stroke Computers-KeyboardTyping-_2.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Fragments Of Decisive Keystrokes, Mostly Perfunctory Computers-KeyboardTyping-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Sparse Keystrokes @ Head, Series Of Ponderous Medium Speed Strokes Computers-KeyboardTyping-_4.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Sparse Keystrokes @ Head, Series Of Somewhat Ponderous Medium Speed Strokes Computers-KeyboardTyping-_5.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Swift, Decisive Keystrokes, Computers-KeyboardTyping-_6.wav Somewhat Perfunctory Strokes, Speed Incrementally Decreases Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Careful Keystrokes @ Head, Series Of Confident Medium Loud Keystrokes Computers-KeyboardTyping-_7.wav Soundstorm 0:35 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Sparse Keyboard Strokes Computers-KeyboardTyping-_8.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Mostly Continuous Keyboard Strokes, Sparse Near Tail Computers-KeyboardTyping-_9.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Fragments Of Keystrokes Generally In Groups Of 4, A Few Perfunctory Keystrokes Midway Computers-KeyboardTyping-Cl.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Sparse Keyboard Strokes Computers-KeyboardTyping_10.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Continuous Keyboard Strokes, Medium Fast Computers-KeyboardTyping_11.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Sparse Keyboard Strokes Computers-KeyboardTyping_12.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Clusters Of Continuous Keyboard Strokes, Medium Fast Computers-KeyboardTyping_13.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - 5 Keyboard Strokes, Moderate Speed Computers-KeyboardTyping_14.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Single Keystroke, Medium Soft Computers-KeyboardTyping_15.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Single Keystroke, Soft Computers-KeyboardTyping_16.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - 2 Keystrokes, Soft, 1st Impact Is Louder, Medium Fast Computers-KeyboardTyping_17.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - 2 Keystrokes, Soft, 2nd Impact Is Louder, Medium Fast Computers-KeyboardTyping_18.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Single Keystroke, Soft Computers-KeyboardTyping_19.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - 2 Keystrokes, Very Soft, Moderate Pace Computers-KeyboardTyping_20.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - 2 Keystrokes, Soft, Slow Computers-KeyboardTyping_21.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Keystrokes Of Various Speeds & Volume Levels, Nearly Continuous Computers-KeyboardTyping_22.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Cluster Of Continuous Keyboard Strokes, Medium Fast, Most Active @ Head, Very Sparse @ Tail Computers-KeyboardTyping_23.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Cluster Of Continuous Keyboard Strokes, Fast, Most Active Near Tail, Mostly Sparse Computers-KeyboardTyping_24.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Cluster Of Continuous Keyboard Strokes, Fast, Most Active Beginning Midway, Very Sparse @ Computers-KeyboardTyping_25.wav Head, Perfunctory Final Impact Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Keystrokes Of Various Speeds & Volume Levels, Fragmented Pacing Computers-KeyboardTyping_26.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Clusters Of Keyboard Strokes, Medium Fast Computers-KeyboardTyping_27.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - 3 Fast Keyboard Strokes Followed By 3 Medium Slow Strokes Computers-KeyboardTyping_28.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Clusters Of Keyboard Strokes, Fragmented, Incrementally Faster Computers-KeyboardTyping_29.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - 2 Medium Soft Keystrokes Computers-KeyboardTyping_30.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - 3 Medium Soft Keystrokes Computers-KeyboardTyping_31.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Continuous Keystrokes, Soft & Fast Computers-KeyboardTyping_32.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Keyboard Typing - Close-Up - Continuous Keystrokes, Soft & Fast, 2 Final Impacts With Panache Computers-KeyboardTyping_33.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Double Hit ComputersModernKeyboard_10.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Single Hit ComputersModernKeyboard_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Double Hit ComputersModernKeyboard_12.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Double Hit ComputersModernKeyboard_13.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Single Hit ComputersModernKeyboard_14.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Double Hit ComputersModernKeyboard_15.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Single Hit ComputersModernKeyboard_16.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Single Hit ComputersModernKeyboard_17.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Double Hit ComputersModernKeyboard_18.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Multiple Hits ComputersModernKeyboard_19.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Multiple Hits ComputersModernKeyboard_20.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Double Hit ComputersModernKeyboard_21.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Single Hit ComputersModernKeyboard_22.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Single Hit ComputersModernKeyboard_23.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Single Hit ComputersModernKeyboard_24.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Single Hit ComputersModernKeyboard_25.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Single Hit ComputersModernKeyboard_26.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Single Hit ComputersModernKeyboard_27.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Single Hit ComputersModernKeyboard_28.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Single Hit ComputersModernKeyboard_29.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Single Hit ComputersModernKeyboard_30.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Double Hit ComputersModernKeyboard_31.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Double Hit ComputersModernKeyboard_32.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Multiple Hits ComputersModernKeyboard_33.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Multiple Hits ComputersModernKeyboard_34.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Double Hit ComputersModernKeyboard_35.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Double Hit ComputersModernKeyboard_36.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Multiple Hits, Very Fast ComputersModernKeyboard_37.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Multiple Hits, Very Fast ComputersModernKeyboard_38.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Multiple Hits, Very Fast ComputersModernKeyboard_39.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Multiple Hits, Very Fast ComputersModernKeyboard_40.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - Distant - Single Hit ComputersModernKeyboardT_1.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - Distant - Single Hit ComputersModernKeyboardT_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - Distant - Single Hit ComputersModernKeyboardT_3.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - Distant - Single Hit ComputersModernKeyboardT_4.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - Distant - Single Hit ComputersModernKeyboardT_5.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - Distant - Single Hit ComputersModernKeyboardT_6.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - Distant - Single Hit ComputersModernKeyboardT_7.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - Distant - Multiple Hits ComputersModernKeyboardT_8.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - CU - Single Hit ComputersModernKeyboardT_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Computer Computers - Modern Keyboard Typing - Int - Distant - Multiple Hits ComputersModernKeyboardTyp.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Cooking Cooking - Frying Hamburger Patty - Int - Medium POV - Sizzles When Set Onto Hot Skillet, Patty Movement, Occasional Sizzle Flare-Ups, Mic'd 1' Back Cooking-FryingHamburgerPa_1.wav Soundstorm 1:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Cooking Cooking - Frying Hamburger Patty - Int - MCU - Flipping, Sizzles With Occasional Pop, Simple Sizzles, Plate Movement, Remove From Skillet, Onto Plate Cooking-FryingHamburgerPa_2.wav Soundstorm 3:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Cooking Cooking - Frying Hamburger Patty - Int - MCU - Flipping, Sizzles With Occasional Pop, Simple Sizzles, Plate Movement, Remove From Skillet, Onto Plate Cooking-FryingHamburgerPa_3.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Cooking Cooking - Frying Hamburger Patty - Int - Close-Up - Patty Impact Onto Hot Skillet With Big Sizzle, Numerous Sizzle Flare-Ups, Flip-Overs & Big Cooking-FryingHamburgerPa_4.wav Sizzles Soundstorm 1:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Cooking Cooking - Frying Hamburger Patty - Int - Close-Up - Sizzles & FlipOvers With Sizzle Flare-Ups Cooking-FryingHamburgerPa_5.wav Soundstorm 1:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Cooking Cooking - Frying Hamburger Patty - Int - Medium POV - Sizzles, Patty Movement, Occasional Sizzle Flare-Ups, Mic'd 1' Back Cooking-FryingHamburgerPa_6.wav Soundstorm 1:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Cooking Cooking - Frying Hamburger Patty - Int - Medium POV - Sizzles, Patty Movement, Occasional Sizzle Flare-Ups, Mic'd 1' Back Cooking-FryingHamburgerPa_7.wav Soundstorm 1:41 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Cooking Cooking - Frying Hamburger Patty - Int - Close-Up - Medium To Light Sizzles Cooking-FryingHamburgerPatt.wav Soundstorm 1:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Cooking Cooking - Frying Sausage - Int - Close-Up - Big Single Sizzles, Various Intensities Cooking-FryingSausage-Int-C.wav Soundstorm 1:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Cooking Cooking - Frying Sausage - Int - Close-Up - Sausage On Hot Skillet With Sizzles & Turns Cooking-FryingSausage-Int_1.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Cooking Cooking - Frying Sausage - Int - Close-Up - Sausage On Hot Skillet With Sizzles & Turns Cooking-FryingSausage-Int_2.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Cooking Cooking - Frying Sausage - Int - Close-Up - Sausage On Hot Skillet With Sizzles & Turns Cooking-FryingSausage-Int_3.wav Soundstorm 0:34 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Cooking Cooking - Frying Sausage - Int - Close-Up - Sizzles With Sausage Turns Cooking-FryingSausage-Int_4.wav Soundstorm 0:37 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Cooking Cooking - Frying Sausage - Int - Close-Up - Sizzles With Sausage Turns, Cooking-FryingSausage-Int_5.wav Incrementally Less Active Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Cooking Cooking - Frying Sausage - Int - Close-Up - Sausage Added To Skillet With Sizzling Cooking-FryingSausage-Int_6.wav Soundstorm 0:43 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Cooking Cooking - Frying Sausage - Int - Close-Up - Sausage Added To Skillet With Sizzling Cooking-FryingSausage-Int_7.wav Soundstorm 1:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Household, Cooking Cooking - Frying Sausage - Int - Close-Up - Sausage Added To Skillet With Sizzling Cooking-FryingSausage-Int_8.wav Soundstorm 0:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Aluminum Cans Mixed With Trash Elements - Int - Close-Up Contents From Trash Can Spill Crash-AluminumCansMixedWith.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Close-Up - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, High-Speed Side-Swipe Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Clo_10.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Close-Up - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Violent Tire Screeches Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Clo_11.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Close-Up - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Violent Tire Screeches, Rolling Wooden Objects Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Clo_12.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Close-Up - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Clo_13.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Close-Up - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Clo_14.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Close-Up - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Tumbling Objects Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Clo_15.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Close-Up - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Tumbling Objects Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Clo_16.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Close-Up - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Tumbling Objects Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Clo_17.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Close-Up - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Tumbling Objects Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Clo_18.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Close-Up - Glass Crash, Debris Scatter, Without Running Engine, Mic'd @ Right Side Door Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Clos_1.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Close-Up - Glass Crash, Debris Scatter, Without Running Engine, Mic'd @ Right Side Door Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Clos_2.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Close-Up - Glass Crash, Debris Scatter, Tire Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Clos_3.wav Screech, Without Running Engine, Mic'd @ Right Side Door Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Close-Up - Glass Crash, Debris Scatter, Without Running Engine, Mic'd @ Right Side Door Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Clos_4.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Close-Up - Glass Crash, Debris Scatter, Without Running Engine, Mic'd @ Right Side Door Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Clos_5.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Close-Up - Glass Crash, Debris Scatter, Without Running Engine, Mic'd @ Right Side Door Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Clos_6.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Close-Up - Glass Crash, Debris Scatter, Without Running Engine, Mic'd @ Right Side Door Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Clos_7.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Close-Up - Glass Crash, Debris Scatter, Tire Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Clos_8.wav Screech, Without Running Engine, Mic'd @ Right Side Door Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Close-Up - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Lengthy Tire Screeches Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Clos_9.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Close-Up - Glass Crash, Debris Scatter, Without Running Engine, Mic'd @ Right Side Door Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Close-.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - In & Slow, Metallic Impact, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Tire Screeches, Rear Quarter Panel Impacts With Bad Tire Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-In&Slo.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - MCU - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, High Speed Side Swipe, Mic'd From Driver's Side Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-MCU-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - MCU - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, High Speed Side Swipe, Mic'd From Driver's Side Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-MCU-_2.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - MCU - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, High Speed Side Swipe, Mic'd From Driver's Side Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-MCU-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - MCU - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, High Speed Side Swipe, Mic'd From Driver's Side Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-MCU-_4.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - MCU - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Light Tire Screeches, High Speed Side Swipe, Mic'd From Driver's Side Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-MCU-_5.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - MCU - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Tire Screeches, High Speed Side Swipe, Mic'd From Driver's Side Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-MCU-_6.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - MCU - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Violent Tire Screeches, High Speed Side Swipe, Mic'd From Driver's Side Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-MCU-_7.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - MCU - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Violent Tire Screeches, High Speed Side Swipe, Mic'd From Driver's Side Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-MCU-_8.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - MCU - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Tire Screeches, High Speed Side Swipe, Mic'd From Driver's Side Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-MCUMe.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Tire Screeches, In To Back Up, Front To Front, Rear Quarter Panel Impacts Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Met_10.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Tire Screeches, In To Back Up, Front To Front, Rear Quarter Panel Impacts Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Met_11.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Tire Screeches, Rear Quarter Panel Impacts With Bad Tire Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Met_12.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Tire Screeches, Rear Quarter Panel Impacts With Bad Tire Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Met_13.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Violent Tire Screeches, Panel Front Hit Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Meta_1.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Very Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Meta_2.wav Violent Tire Screeches, Broad Side High Speed Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Very Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Meta_3.wav Violent Tire Screeches, Broad Side High Speed Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Very Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Meta_4.wav Violent Tire Screeches, Broad Side High Speed Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Violent Tire Screeches, Broad Side High Speed Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Meta_5.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Violent Tire Screeches, Broad Side High Speed, Side Quarter Panel Hit, Front Panel Hit Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Meta_6.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Tire Screeches, In To Back Up, Front To Front, Rear Quarter Panel Impacts Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Meta_7.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Rolling Glass Object, Tire Screeches, In To Back Up, Front To Front, Rear Quarter Panel Impacts Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Meta_8.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Tire Screeches, In To Back Up, Front To Front, Rear Quarter Panel Impacts Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Meta_9.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Ext - Metallic Crash, Lots Of Debris Scatter, Violent Tire Screeches, Side Hit Crash-CarCrashes-Ext-Metall.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Thudding Impact, Subsequent Jostling & Squeaking, MCU Clinking Sounds Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_10.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Crash, Breaking Glass, Debris Scatter, Jostling, Creaking Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_11.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Metallic Crash, Glass Breaking, Debris Scatter Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_12.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Metallic Crash, Glass Breaking, Debris Scatter Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_13.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Metallic Crash, Glass Breaking, Debris Scatter Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_14.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Metallic Crash, Glass Breaking, Debris Scatter Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_15.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Metallic Crash, Glass Breaking, Debris Scatter, Light Tire Screeches Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_16.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Metallic Crash, Glass Breaking, Debris Scatter, Light Tire Screeches Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_17.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Metallic Crash, Glass Breaking, Debris Scatter, Light Tire Screeches Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_18.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Metallic Crash, Glass Breaking, Debris Scatter Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_19.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Metallic Crash, Glass Breaking, Debris Scatter, Slight Tire Screech Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_20.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Metallic Crash, Glass Breaking, Debris Scatter Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_21.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Metallic Crash, Glass Breaking, Can Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_22.wav Tossing, Debris Scatter Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Metallic Crash, Glass Breaking, Can Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_23.wav Tossing, Tire Screech, Debris Scatter Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Metallic Crash, Glass Breaking, Tire Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_24.wav Screech, Debris Scatter Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Metallic Crash, Glass Breaking, Can Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_25.wav Tossing, Lengthy Tire Screech, Debris Scatter Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Metallic Crash, Glass Breaking, Tire Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_26.wav Screech, Debris Scatter Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Metallic Crash, Glass Breaking, Tire Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_27.wav Screech, Debris Scatter Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - In & Metallic Crash, Glass Breaking, Can Tossing, Tire Screech, Debris Scatter Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_28.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Metallic Crash, Glass Breaking, Debris Scatter Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_29.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Large Metallic Crash With Lots Of Debris Scatter Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_30.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Large Metallic Crash With Lots Of Debris Scatter, Tire Screeches Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_31.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Large Metallic Crash With Lots Of Debris Scatter, Tire Screeches, Hissing Air Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_32.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Large Metallic Crash With Lots Of Debris Scatter, Some Close-Up Glass Impacts, Tire Screeches, Hissing Air Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_33.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Large Metallic Crash With Lots Of Debris Scatter, Close-Up Can Impacts In Left Channel, Tire Screeches, Hissing Air, Creaking @ Tail Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_34.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - In & Large Metallic Crash With Lots Of Debris Scatter, Lots Of Tire Screeches, Metal Dragging @ Tail Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_35.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - In & Large Metallic Crash With Lots Of Debris Scatter, Lots Of Tire Screeches, Crashing Can Impacts Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_36.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Large Metallic Crash With Lots Of Debris Scatter, Lots Of Tire Screeches, Crashing Can Impacts Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnbo_37.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Dull Crash, Debris Scatter Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnboa_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Dull Crash, Debris Scatter, Some Heaving Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnboa_2.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Crash, Debris Scatter, Distant Clattering Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnboa_3.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Dull Thud, Debris Scatter, Clattering Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnboa_4.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Dull Thud, Debris Scatter, Clattering Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnboa_5.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Crash, Debris Scatter, Clattering & Rattling Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnboa_6.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Metallic Crash, Debris Scatter, Clattering & Rattling Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnboa_7.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Dull Jostling & Scrapings, Distant Clinking Sounds Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnboa_8.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Dull Impact, Subsequent Jostling & Squeaking, Debris Scatter Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnboa_9.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Car Crashes - Int Onboard - Dull Crash With Glass, Debris Scatter Crash-CarCrashes-IntOnboard.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Hollow Wood Door With Plastic Window Kicked In - Int Close-Up - Single Hit, Medium Large Debris Impacts CrashHollowWoodDoorWithPla.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Plaster & Wood Debris - Int - Close-Up - Medium Small Collection Of Various Wood & Plaster Pieces Crash-Plaster&WoodDebris-In.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crash - Small Glass & Metal Debris With Plaster - Int - Close-Up Medium Light, Gravel-Like, Falls Onto Hard Surface, Small Metal Ring Clang @ End Crash-SmallGlass&MetalDebri.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crashes - Glass & Metal - Int - Close-Up - Medium Small Crash Crashes-Glass&Metal-Int-C_1.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crashes - Glass & Metal - Int - Close-Up - Medium Small Crash Crashes-Glass&Metal-Int-C_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crashes - Glass & Metal - Int - Close-Up - Lamp Explodes & Smashes Crashes-Glass&Metal-Int-Clo.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crashes - Table Hits - Int - Close-Up - Quick Hard Wood Hit, Lower & Duller Frequency Crashes-TableHits-Int-Clo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crashes - Table Hits - Int - Close-Up - Hard Wood Tumble Crashes-TableHits-Int-Clo_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crashes - Table Hits - Int - Close-Up - Hard Wood Hit With Breaking Glass & Metal Debris Crashes-TableHits-Int-Clo_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crashes - Table Hits - Int - Close-Up - Hard Wood Hit With Breaking Glass & Metal Debris, Loud Chair Push @ Head Crashes-TableHits-Int-Clo_4.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crashes - Table Hits - Int - Close-Up - Hard Wood Hit With Lots Of Breaking Glass & Metal Debris, Bottle Rolling @ Tail Crashes-TableHits-Int-Clo_5.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash Crashes - Table Hits - Int - Close-Up - Quick Hard Wood Hit Crashes-TableHits-Int-Close.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Captain's Wheel - Slowly Turning A Large Boat Wheel, Subtle Creaks; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Creaks-Captain'sWheel-Slo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Captain's Wheel - Slowly Turning A Large Boat Wheel, Subtle Creaks; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Creaks-Captain'sWheel-Slo_2.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Captain's Wheel - Slowly Turning A Large Boat Wheel, Subtle Creaks & Dull Thudding Movements; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Creaks-Captain'sWheel-Slowl.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Door Hinge - Int - Close-Up - Medium Pitch Creaks-DoorHinge-Int-Clos_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Door Hinge - Int - Close-Up - High Pitch Creaks-DoorHinge-Int-Clos_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Door Hinge - Int - Close-Up - Subtle, Soft & Slow Creaks-DoorHinge-Int-Clos_3.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Door Hinge - Int - Close-Up - Small, High Pitch, Then Soft & Slow Creaks-DoorHinge-Int-Clos_4.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Door Hinge - Int - Close-Up - Big, Low Pitch Creaks-DoorHinge-Int-Close-.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Spring Creaks - Int - CU - Old Spring Loaded Desk Lamp Movement W Spring Stretches, Some Interesting Slow Spring Movements, Lots Of Variety Creaks-SpringCreaks-Int-CU-.wav Soundstorm 2:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Creaks - Int - Close-Up - Short, Medium Loud WoodOn-Wood Squeaks, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodCreaks-Int-Cl_10.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Creaks - Int - Close-Up - Somewhat Long, Medium Loud Wood-On-Wood Squeaks, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodCreaks-Int-Cl_11.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Creaks - Int - Close-Up - Somewhat Long, Medium Loud Wood-On-Wood Squeaks, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodCreaks-Int-Cl_12.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Creaks - Int - Close-Up - Somewhat Short, Medium Loud Wood-On-Wood Squeaks, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodCreaks-Int-Cl_13.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Creaks - Int - Close-Up - Long, Medium Loud WoodOn-Wood Squeaks, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodCreaks-Int-Cl_14.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Creaks - Int - Close-Up - Long, Medium Loud WoodOn-Wood Squeaks, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodCreaks-Int-Cl_15.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Creaks - Int - Close-Up - Variable-Lengthed, Medium Loud Wood-On-Wood Squeaks, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodCreaks-Int-Cl_16.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Creaks - Int - Close-Up - 3 Fairly Short, Medium Loud Wood-On-Wood Squeaks, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodCreaks-Int-Cl_17.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Creaks - Int - Close-Up - Long, Medium Loud WoodOn-Wood Squeaks, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodCreaks-Int-Cl_18.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Creaks - Int - Close-Up - Back And Forth Wood-OnWood Squeaks, Incrementally Shorter, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodCreaks-Int-Cl_19.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Creaks - Int - Close-Up - Back And Forth Wood-OnWood Squeaks, Incrementally Shorter, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodCreaks-Int-Cl_20.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Creaks - Int - Close-Up - Back And Forth Wood-OnWood Squeaks, Incrementally Shorter, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodCreaks-Int-Cl_21.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Creaks - Int - Close-Up - Back And Forth Wood-OnWood Squeaks, Incrementally Shorter, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodCreaks-Int-Cl_22.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Creaks - Int - Close-Up - 1 Very Long & Loud WoodOn-Wood Squeak, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodCreaks-Int-Clo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Creaks - Int - Close-Up - 1 Very Long & Loud WoodOn-Wood Squeak, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodCreaks-Int-Clo_2.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Creaks - Int - Close-Up - 2 Soft Creaking Movements, Wood-On-Wood Squeaks, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodCreaks-Int-Clo_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Creaks - Int - Close-Up - Medium Soft Creaking Movement, Wood-On-Wood Squeaks, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Creaks-WoodCreaks-Int-Clo_4.wav Bathroom POV Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Creaks - Int - Close-Up - 2 Medium Soft Creaking Movements, Wood-On-Wood Squeaks, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodCreaks-Int-Clo_5.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Creaks - Int - Close-Up - Long, Medium Loud WoodOn-Wood Squeaks, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodCreaks-Int-Clo_6.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Creaks - Int - Close-Up - Long, Medium Loud WoodOn-Wood Squeaks, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodCreaks-Int-Clo_7.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Creaks - Int - Close-Up - Long, Medium Loud WoodOn-Wood Squeaks, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodCreaks-Int-Clo_8.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Creaks - Int - Close-Up - Short, Medium Loud WoodOn-Wood Squeaks, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodCreaks-Int-Clo_9.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Creaks - Int - Close-Up - 1 Very Long & Loud WoodOn-Wood Squeak, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodCreaks-Int-Close.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Door Creaks - Int - Close-Up - Quick Back & Forth Squeaks, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodDoorCreaks-Int-C.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Door Creaks - Int - Close-Up - Quick Back & Forth Squeaks, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodDoorCreaks-Int_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Door Creaks - Int - Close-Up - Quick Back & Forth Squeaks, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodDoorCreaks-Int_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Door Creaks - Int - Close-Up - Series Of Quick Back & Creaks-WoodDoorCreaks-Int_3.wav Forth Squeaks, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Door Creaks - Int - Close-Up - Series Of Quick Back & Forth Squeaks, Incrementally Quicker, Light Wood Door, Slight Reverb, Creaks-WoodDoorCreaks-Int_4.wav Bathroom POV Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Creak Creaks - Wood Door Creaks - Int - Close-Up - Squeaks, Light Wood Door Slam, Slight Reverb, Bathroom POV Creaks-WoodDoorCreaks-Int_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Cricket, Insect Crickets Cicadas - Cicadas Pulse - Ext - Medium - Pulsating Cicadas With Steady Air Or Water Rush In BG, Occasional Distant Bird Chirps CricketsCicadas-CicadasPuls.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Cricket, Insect Crickets Cicadas - Crickets - Ext - Night - Melodious Crickets, Fairly Dense With Ratcheting, Moody Ambiance CricketsCicadas-Crickets-Ex.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Cricket, Insect Crickets Cicadas - Late Afternoon Cicadas & Crickets - Ext - With Distant Bird, Very Light Wind Presence, Very Distant Plane CricketsCicadas-LateAfterno.wav Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Cricket, Insect Crickets Cicadas - Steady Night Bugs - Ext - Very Lively Presence, CricketsCicadas-SteadyNight.wav Dense Steady Cicadas With Pulsating & Ratcheting Crickets, Some Wind Soundstorm 3:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Cricket, Insect Crickets Cicadas - Suburban Night Ambiance - Ext - Night - Crickets General Pulsating Bed Soundstorm 3:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Boxing Crowd - Intermission With Bell & Announcements Male - Int - Crowd Mulls, Introduction Of Celebrities Before Main Event, Crowds-BoxingCrowd-Intermis.wav Boxing Federation Announcements & Main Event Fighters Soundstorm 4:58 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Boxing Crowd - Large - Reactions During Fight - Male - Int Crowds-BoxingCrowd-Large-_1.wav 'Go Javier!', Bell, Crowd Builds, BG Conversations, Some Glove Contact Soundstorm 4:55 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Boxing Crowd - Large - Reactions During Fight With Bell & Announcements - Male - Int - 'Disable', Some Medium Big Cheers, Bell Indicates End Of Round, 'Miss Camel, Bridget' Crowds-BoxingCrowd-Large-_2.wav Soundstorm 4:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Boxing Crowd - Large - Mixed Reactions During Fight - Male - Int - Cheers, Claps, Boos, Bell, More Claps & Boos, Whistles, Catcalls, Crowds-BoxingCrowd-Large-_3.wav Police-Type Whistle, Crowd Chants 'Johnny, Johnny' Soundstorm 4:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Boxing Crowd - Large - Reactions During Fight - Male - Int End Of Round, Sparse Walla, Camel Girl Gets Hoots, Glove Hits, Some 'C'mon Javier', Some Small 'Oohs' & 'Ahhs' Crowds-BoxingCrowd-Large-_4.wav Soundstorm 4:58 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Boxing Crowd - Large - Reactions During Fight - Male - Int Bell, General Crowd Roar, Some Specifics, Some Audible Punches, Applause @ End Of Round, Hoots For Miss Camel Crowds-BoxingCrowd-Large-_5.wav Soundstorm 4:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Boxing Crowd - Large - Mixed Reactions During Fight - Male - Int - Quieter, Catcalls, Some Excitement, Dull Bell, Boos, Claps, Mic'd Mid Way Down The Aisle Crowds-BoxingCrowd-Large-Mi.wav Soundstorm 4:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Boxing Crowd - Large - Reactions During Fight - Male - Int Announcer Introduces First Bout, Vincent Black Vs Charles Chilly Wilson, 'Get 'Em Vincent, Whistles & Cheers Crowds-BoxingCrowd-Large-Re.wav Soundstorm 2:37 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Excited Crowd With Applause, Cheers & Bravos - Medium Large - Male & Female - Int - MCU - 2 Applause Bursts With Resonating Cheer, Claps, Whistles & Hollers, Dies Down @ End CrowdsExcitedCrowdWithAp_1.wav Soundstorm 0:47 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Excited Crowd With Applause, Cheers & Bravos - Medium Large - Male & Female - Int - MCU - Various Cheers, Claps, Whistles, Chants & Hollers, Intensity Varies Crowds-ExcitedCrowdWithAppl.wav Soundstorm 0:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Gold Crowd - Ext - MCU Hesitant Then Excited Small Male & Crowds-GoldCrowd-ExtFemale Group, Female 'Ooh' Then 'Yeah', Male 'Nice' & Short Light MCUHes.wav Applause Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - Close-Up - Crowd Passes By With Light Conversation Crowds-GolfCrowd-Ext-Close-.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - Distant, Short Spurt Of Applause, Medium Volume Crowds-GolfCrowd-Ext-Distan.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - MCU 'Good' With Few Claps, Followed By Light Murmur & Movement Crowds-GolfCrowd-ExtMCU'Go.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - MCU Ball Hit With Light Male Conversation Crowds-GolfCrowd-ExtMCU_10.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - MCU Ball Hit, Disappointed Response By Small Male Group, 'Hang On' Crowds-GolfCrowd-ExtMCU_11.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - MCU Ball Hit, Surprised Response By Medium Size Male & Female Group, 'Yes', 'Wow', Off-Stage Light Applause, Then Crowd Murmurs By With Occasional Distinguishable Word Crowds-GolfCrowd-ExtMCU_12.wav Soundstorm 0:32 Hard Drive 0 0 CricketsCicadas-SuburbanNig.wav Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - MCU Ball Hit Followed By Quiet Male, 'Jeez' Crowds-GolfCrowd-ExtMCU_13.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - MCU Ball Hit Followed By Light Crowd Murmur Crowds-GolfCrowd-ExtMCU_14.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - MCU Ball Hit, Positive Crowd Response By Medium Male & Female Group, 'Oh', 'Wow', 'Nice Ball', Golfer Replies, 'Thank You', Followed By Light Crowd Conversation Crowds-GolfCrowd-ExtMCU_15.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - MCU Ball Hit Followed By Light Murmur Crowds-GolfCrowd-ExtMCU_16.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - MCU Ball Hit Followed With Few Quiet Murmurs Crowds-GolfCrowd-ExtMCU_17.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - MCU Ball Hit, Then Small Crowd Leaves With Conversation & Movement Crowds-GolfCrowd-ExtMCU_18.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - MCU Ball Hit With Medium POV Male 'There, Bob' & Light Conversation Murmur Of Small Male Group Crowds-GolfCrowd-ExtMCUB_1.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - MCU Ball Hit, Pleased Response By Small Crowds-GolfCrowd-ExtMale Group, 'Great Job', Whistle & Light Murmur MCUB_2.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - MCU Ball Hit, Distant Short Light Applause, Sparse Light Murmur Crowds-GolfCrowd-ExtMCUB_3.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - MCU Ball Hit, Positive Response From Male. 'Yeah' With Few Claps Crowds-GolfCrowd-ExtMCUB_4.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - MCU Ball Hit, Then Several 'Ohs', 'Alright', Crowds-GolfCrowd-Ext'Nice Shot' & Few Claps MCUB_5.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - MCU Ball Hit, Then Close-Up Conversation Between Male Bystanders Unrelated To The Shot Crowds-GolfCrowd-ExtMCUB_6.wav Soundstorm 0:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - MCU Ball Hit With Surprised Response From Small Male & Female Group, Light Murmurs Of 'Ooh', 'Wow', Whistle & 'Look At It' Crowds-GolfCrowd-ExtMCUB_7.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - MCU Ball Hit With Semi-Disappointed Response From Small Male & Female Group, 'Oh', Followed By Light Conversation Crowds-GolfCrowd-ExtMCUB_8.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - MCU Ball Hit With Male's Voice, 'It's Gone Over There Bob' & Light Murmur Crowds-GolfCrowd-ExtMCUB_9.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - MCU Ball Hit With Positive Reaction From Crowds-GolfCrowd-ExtSmall Male & Female Group, 'Alright', 'Mmm', 'Way To Go, Jimmy' MCUBal.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - MCU Excited Male & Female Group Crowds-GolfCrowd-ExtResponse, 'Go', 'Yeah', Short Medium Applause With 'Woos' & Whistles MCUExc.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - MCU Female 'Beautiful Shot', Then MCU Several 'Ohs', 'Nice Shot' & Few Claps, Occasional Ball Hit Crowds-GolfCrowd-ExtMCUFem.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - MCU Few Practice Swings With Light Murmur, Distant Applause, MCU Ball Hit, Male 'Good Shot...', Crowd Passes By Crowds-GolfCrowd-ExtMCUFew.wav Soundstorm 0:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - Medium Distant Few Claps Crowds-GolfCrowd-Ext-Medi_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - Medium Distant Ball Hit Followed By Short Crowds-GolfCrowd-Ext-Medi_2.wav Spurt Of Light Applause Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Golf Crowd - Ext - Medium Distant Short Light Applause With Crowds-GolfCrowd-Ext'Woo' Medium.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Medium - Applause Cheers Bravos - Male & Female - MCU - Crowds-MediumMild Applause With Some Light Indiscernible Walla ApplauseCheer.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Medium - Panic Reactions With Running - Male & Female Medium Distant - Concert Crowd, Few Panicked Voices, Man Yells, Go 'Go, Go, Go!', Footsteps On Metal Bleachers Or Cement, Tennis Shoe Squeaks Crowds-Medium-PanicReacti_1.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Medium - Panic Reactions With Running - Male & Female MCU - Concert Crowd, Panicked Voices, Predominantly Female, Footsteps On Metal Bleachers Or Cement, Tennis Shoe Squeaks, Various Running Movement Crowds-Medium-PanicReacti_2.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Medium - Panic Reactions With Running - Male & Female MCU - Concert Crowd, Footsteps On Metal Bleachers Or Cement, Tennis Shoe Squeaks, Various Running Movement, Some Light Vocals Crowds-Medium-PanicReacti_3.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Medium - Panic Reactions With Running - Male & Female MCU - Concert Crowd, Footsteps On Metal Bleachers Or Cement, Tennis Shoe Squeaks, Various Running Movement, Some Light Vocals Crowds-Medium-PanicReacti_4.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Medium - Panic Reactions With Running - Male & Female MCU - Concert Crowd, Footsteps On Metal Bleachers Or Cement, Shoe Squeaks, Various Running Movement, Panicked Vocals & Low Laughter Crowds-Medium-PanicReacti_5.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowds - Medium - Panic Reactions With Running - Male & Female - Crowd Medium Distant - Concert Crowd, Male Yells 'Shit. Oh My God!', Few Crowds-Medium-PanicReaction.wav Panicked Voices, Footsteps On Metal Bleachers Or Cement, Tennis Shoe Squeaks Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Medium Large - Applause Cheers Bravos - Male & Female MCU - Short Rising & Falling Applause With Some Light Barely Audible Walla Crowds-MediumLargeApplau_1.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Medium Large - Applause & Cheers Bravos - Male & Female - Int - MCU - Concert Crows, Bursting With Long Lasting Applause & Vocals, Intensity Increases A 2nd Time @ 00 13 Crowds-MediumLargeApplau_2.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Medium Large - Applause & Cheers Bravos - Male & Female - Int - MCU - Concert Crows, Bursting With Long-Lasting Applause & Vocals, Calms Down Near Tail Crowds-MediumLargeApplau_3.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Medium Large - Applause & Cheers Bravos - Male & Female - Int - MCU - Concert Crows, Bursting With Long-Lasting Applause & Vocals Crowds-MediumLargeApplau_4.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Medium Large - Applause Cheers Bravos - Male & Female MCU - Applause With Some Light Laughter @ Head Crowds-MediumLarge-Applause.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Medium Large - Dancing With Light Walla - Male & Female Int - MCU - Concert Crowd Rhythmically Claps & Stomps Feet With Light Mixed Voices & Laughter Crowds-MediumLarge-Dancin_1.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Medium Large - Dancing With Walla & Cheers - Male & Female - Int - MCU - Concert Crowd Rhythmically Cheers, 'Go,' Claps, Eventually Looses Rhythm Crowds-MediumLarge-Dancin_2.wav Soundstorm 0:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Medium Large - Dancing With Light Walla - Male & Female Int - MCU - Concert Crowd Rhythmically Claps & Stomps Feet With Light Mixed Voices, Heavy Individual Off-Stage Foot Stomping Crowds-MediumLargeDancingW.wav Soundstorm 0:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Medium Small - Applause Cheers Bravos - Male & Female MCU - Mild Applause With Out Vocals Crowds-MediumSmall-Applause.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Crowd Crowds - Rhythmic Foot Stomps - Medium - Male & Female - Medium POV - Int - Mellow Low Energy Crowd, Some Light Walla & Few Coughs Crowds-RhythmicFootStompsM.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Dirt Dirt - Close-Up - Light Dirt Pours, Continuous Dirt-Close-Up-LightDirtPour.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - 1 Dog - Ext - Medium Distant - 2 Couplets Of Deep Barking, Natural Reverb Dogs-1Dog-Ext-MediumDista_1.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - 1 Dog - Ext - Medium Distant - 2 Episodes Of Deep Barks, Natural Reverb, Irregular Pacing Dogs-1Dog-Ext-MediumDista_2.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - 1 Dog - Ext - Medium Distant - 4 Deep Barks, Volume Incrementally Decreases, 1 Perfunctory Bark @ Tail, Natural Reverb Dogs-1Dog-Ext-MediumDista_3.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - 1 Dog - Ext - Medium Distant - 2 Couplets Of Deep, Hesitant Barking, Volume Incrementally Decreases, Natural Reverb Dogs-1Dog-Ext-MediumDista_4.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - 1 Dog - Ext - Medium Distant - 2 Episodes Of Deep Barks, Natural Reverb Dogs-1Dog-Ext-MediumDistant.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - 2 Dogs - Ext - MCU & Medium Distant - Barks, Various, Medium Active Dogs-2Dogs-ExtMCU&MediumDi.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - 2 Dogs - Ext - Medium Close-Up & Distant - MCU Dog & Distant Dog Barks Coincide, But MCU More Dominant Dogs-2Dogs-Ext-MediumClos_1.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - 2 Dogs - Ext - Medium Close-Up & Distant - MCU Dog & Distant Dog Barks Coincide, But MCU More Dominant, Whole Series Becomes Incrementally Quieter In Volume Dogs-2Dogs-Ext-MediumClos_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - 2 Dogs - Ext - Medium Close-Up & Distant - MCU Dog Barks Throughout, Distant Dog Pipes In Periodically Dogs-2Dogs-Ext-MediumClose-.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - 2 Dogs - Ext - Medium Distant & Distant - 3 Successive Medium Distant Barks, Scattered Distant Barks, Light Breeze Dogs-2Dogs-Ext-MediumDist_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - 2 Dogs - Ext - Medium Distant & Distant - 2 Medium Distant Barks, Scattered Clusters Of Distant Barks Dogs-2Dogs-Ext-MediumDist_2.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - 2 Dogs - Ext - Medium Distant & Distant - 2 Medium Distant Bark Howl Combinations, Scattered Distant Barks, Distant Owner Calling Dogs-2Dogs-Ext-MediumDist_3.wav Out @ Tail Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - 2 Dogs - Ext - Medium Distant & Distant - 6 Medium Distant Barks, Scattered Distant Barks, BG Owner Calling Dogs-2Dogs-Ext-MediumDist_4.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - 2 Dogs - Ext - Medium Distant & Distant - 3 Medium Distant Barks, Scattered Distant Barks, Very Light BG Birds Dogs-2Dogs-Ext-MediumDistan.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - 2 Medium Dogs - Int - MCU & Medium Distant - 2 Medium High Dogs-2MediumDogs-IntBarks, Somewhat Sharp MCU&_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - 2 Medium Dogs - Int - MCU & Medium Distant - 2 Short Barks Dogs-2MediumDogs-IntMCU&_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - 2 Medium Dogs - Int - MCU & Medium Distant - 3 Barks In Quick Succession Dogs-2MediumDogs-IntMCU&_3.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - 2 Medium Dogs - Int - MCU & Medium Distant - 2 Medium High Dogs-2MediumDogs-IntBarks, BG Birds MCU&_4.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - 2 Medium Dogs - Int - MCU & Medium Distant - 4 Medium High Dogs-2MediumDogs-IntBarks, Volume Incrementally Decreases MCU&_5.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - 2 Medium Dogs - Int - MCU & Medium Distant - Medium High Yelp, Some BG Birds Dogs-2MediumDogs-IntMCU&_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - 2 Medium Dogs - Int - MCU & Medium Distant - Series Of Desperate Yelps, BG Birds Dogs-2MediumDogs-IntMCU&_7.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - 2 Medium Dogs - Int - MCU & Medium Distant - 2 Couplets Of Somewhat High Barks, Some BG Birds Dogs-2MediumDogs-IntMCU&_8.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - 2 Medium Dogs - Int - MCU & Medium Distant - 2 Medium High Dogs-2MediumDogs-IntBarks MCU&Me.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Bark & Whimper - Ext - Close-Up - Long Whimpers, Restless Breathing, Angry, Helpless Barks, Periodic Moans Dogs-Bark&Whimper-ExtClo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Bark & Whimper - Ext - Close-Up - Long Whimpers Interspersed With Moaning Dogs-Bark&Whimper-Ext-Close.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - 2 Barks, Panting Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up2B_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - 2 Barks, Light Snarling & Panting Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up2B_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - 2 Barks, Growling Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up-2Bar.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - 2 Sharp Barks, Panting Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up2S_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - 2 Sharp Barks, Panting Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up2S_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - 2 Sharp Barks, Panting Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up2S_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - 2 Sharp Barks, Panting Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up2S_4.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - 2 Sharp Barks, Panting Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up2S_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - 2 Sharp Barks, Panting & Snorting Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up2S_6.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - 2 Sharp Barks, Panting & Snarling Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up2S_7.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - 2 Sharp Barks, Panting Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up2Sha.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - 3 Barks, Panting Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up-3Bar.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - 3 Sharp Barks, Soft Moans & Pants Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up3S_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - 3 Sharp Barks, Soft Moans & Pants Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up3S_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - 3 Sharp Barks, Panting Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up3S_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - 3 Sharp Barks, Panting Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up3S_4.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - 3 Sharp Barks, Soft Moans & Pants Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up3Sha.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - 5 Sharp Barks, Soft Pants & Whines Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up5S_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - 5 Sharp Barks, Soft Pants, Moans, & Whines Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up5S_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - 5 Sharp Barks, Panting Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up5S_3.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - 5 Sharp Barks, Soft Moans & Pants Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up5Sha.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - 7 Sharp Barks, Panting & Some Whining Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up7Sha.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - Light Panting & Snorting Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up-Li_1.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - Light Panting & Snarling Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up-Ligh.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - Medium Snarls & Pants Dogs-Doberman-Close-UpMedi.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - Moaning & Panting Dogs-Doberman-Close-UpMoan.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - Series Of Sharp Barks, Violent Moans, Soft Pants & Whines Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up-Seri.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - Single Bark, Panting Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up-Si_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - Single Bark, Light Snarling & Panting Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up-Si_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - Single Sharp Bark, Panting Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up-Si_3.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - Single Sharp Bark, Panting & Snorting Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up-Si_4.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - Single Sharp Bark, Light Snarling, Panting, & Growling Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up-Sing.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - Snarling & Panting Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up-Snar.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - Close-Up - Soft Snarls & Pants Dogs-Doberman-Close-Up-Soft.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - ECU - Some Violent Teeth Snaps, Swallows, Pants Dogs-Doberman-ECUSomeViole.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - ECU - Teeth Snaps, Swallows, Pants Dogs-Doberman-ECUTeethSn_1.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - ECU - Teeth Snaps, Swallows, Pants Dogs-Doberman-ECUTeethSn_2.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - ECU - Teeth Snaps, Swallows, Pants Dogs-Doberman-ECUTeethSn_3.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - ECU - Teeth Snaps, Swallows, Pants Dogs-Doberman-ECUTeethSn_4.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - ECU - Teeth Snaps, Swallows, Pants Dogs-Doberman-ECUTeethSn_5.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - ECU - Teeth Snaps, Swallows Dogs-Doberman-ECUTeethSnap.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman - ECU - Violent Teeth Snaps, Swallows, Pants Dogs-Doberman-ECU-ViolentTe.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman ECU - Growling @ Medium Volume [email protected] Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman ECU - Growling @ Medium Volume Dogs-DobermanECUGrowling_1.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman ECU - Growling @ Medium Volume, Some Snorting Dogs-DobermanECUGrowling_2.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman ECU - Growling @ Medium Volume, Frequent Snorting Dogs-DobermanECUGrowling_3.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman ECU - Medium Loud Growling, Frequent Snorting Dogs-DobermanECUMediumLoud.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman ECU - Quiet Growling Dogs-DobermanECUQuietGro_1.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Doberman ECU - Quiet Growling Dogs-DobermanECUQuietGrowl.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - German Shepherd - Ext - Close-Up - Continuous Moaning & Whining Dogs-GermanShepherd-Ext-C_1.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - German Shepherd - Ext - Close-Up - Piercing Whines, Panting @ Dogs-GermanShepherd-Ext-C_2.wav Head & Tail Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - German Shepherd - Ext - Close-Up - Piercing Whines, Slightly Prolonged, Panting @ Head, Moan @ Tail Dogs-GermanShepherd-Ext-C_3.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - German Shepherd - Ext - Close-Up - Prolonged Piercing Cries, Moan @ Head, Panting @ Tail Dogs-GermanShepherd-Ext-C_4.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - German Shepherd - Ext - Close-Up - Series Of Abrupt, Somewhat Soft Whines With Panting, Medium Loud Whines With Moans, Dogs-GermanShepherd-Ext-C_5.wav Panting @ Tail Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - German Shepherd - Ext - Close-Up - Whines Interspersed With Groans & Yelps Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - German Shepherd - Ext - Medium Distant - 5 Barks Incrementally Dogs-GermanShepherd-ExtDecreasing In Volume, Natural Reverb M_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - German Shepherd - Ext - Medium Distant - Irregular Barking Rhythm, Various Timbres, Natural Reverb Dogs-GermanShepherd-ExtM_2.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - German Shepherd - Ext - Medium Distant - Irregular Barking Rhythm, Natural Reverb Dogs-GermanShepherd-ExtMed.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Dogs-GermanShepherd-Ext-Clo.wav Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Great Dane - Ext - Close-Up - Fragmented Deep Barks, Minute Growling, Reverb Dogs-GreatDane-Ext-Close-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Great Dane - Ext - Close-Up - Sparse Deep Barks, Reverb Dogs-GreatDane-Ext-Close-_2.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Great Dane - Ext - Close-Up - Deep & Prolonged Howl, 2 Deep Barks, Reverb Dogs-GreatDane-Ext-Close-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Great Dane - Ext - Close-Up - 3 Successive, Deep Barks, Reverb Dogs-GreatDane-Ext-Close-_4.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Great Dane - Ext - Close-Up - 4 Successive Deep Barks, Slight Howl, Reverb Dogs-GreatDane-Ext-Close-_5.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Great Dane - Ext - Close-Up - Fragmented Deep Barks & Slight Howls, Reverb Dogs-GreatDane-Ext-Close-Up.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Howl - Ext - Distant - 5 Takes Dogs-Howl-Ext-Distant-5Take.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Jack Russell Terrier - Int - Close-Up - MCU - Bark, Whine & Whimper Dogs-JackRussellTerrier-_10.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Jack Russell Terrier - Int - Close-Up - MCU - Whine Dogs-JackRussellTerrier-_11.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Jack Russell Terrier - Int - Close-Up - MCU - Whine Dogs-JackRussellTerrier-_12.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Jack Russell Terrier - Int - Close-Up - MCU - Whine & Whimper Dogs-JackRussellTerrier-_13.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Jack Russell Terrier - Int - Close-Up - MCU - Whine & Whimper Dogs-JackRussellTerrier-_14.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Jack Russell Terrier - Int - Close-Up - MCU - Whine & Whimper Dogs-JackRussellTerrier-_15.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Jack Russell Terrier - Int - Close-Up - MCU - Whine & Whimper Dogs-JackRussellTerrier-_16.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Jack Russell Terrier - Int - Close-Up - MCU - Whine & Whimper Dogs-JackRussellTerrier-_17.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Jack Russell Terrier - Int - Close-Up - MCU - Whimpers & Whines, Soft Dogs-JackRussellTerrier-I_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Jack Russell Terrier - Int - Close-Up - MCU - Whimpers & Whines, Medium To Soft Dogs-JackRussellTerrier-I_2.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Jack Russell Terrier - Int - Close-Up - MCU - Single Whine, Long Dogs-JackRussellTerrier-I_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Jack Russell Terrier - Int - Close-Up - MCU - Single Whine, Short Dogs-JackRussellTerrier-I_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Jack Russell Terrier - Int - Close-Up - MCU - Single Whine, Medium Length Dogs-JackRussellTerrier-I_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Jack Russell Terrier - Int - Close-Up - MCU - Single Whine, Medium Length Dogs-JackRussellTerrier-I_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Jack Russell Terrier - Int - Close-Up - MCU - 2 Short Whines Dogs-JackRussellTerrier-I_7.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Jack Russell Terrier - Int - Close-Up - MCU - 3 Very Soft Whines Dogs-JackRussellTerrier-I_8.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Jack Russell Terrier - Int - Close-Up - MCU - Whine & Whimper Dogs-JackRussellTerrier-I_9.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Jack Russell Terrier - Int - Close-Up - MCU - Whimpers & Whines, Soft Dogs-JackRussellTerrier-Int.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Large Dog - Int - Close-Up - Eats With Occasional Vicious Growls & Barks, Gets Protective Over Food, Smacks Lips Dogs-LargeDog-Int-Close-U_1.wav Soundstorm 1:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Large Dog - Int - Close-Up - Eats, Smacks Lips, Softly Growls Dogs-LargeDog-Int-Close-U_2.wav Soundstorm 0:58 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Large Dog - Int - Close-Up - Eats, Smacks Lips, Light Growls, Vicious Bark Dogs-LargeDog-Int-Close-Up-.wav Soundstorm 1:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Large Dog - Int - ECU To Close-Up - Pants, Licks Chops, 3 Barks Dogs-LargeDog-IntECUToCl_1.wav Soundstorm 1:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Large Dog - Int - ECU To Close-Up - Pants, Licks Chops, Light Whining, Groan, Sneeze Dogs-LargeDog-IntECUToCl_2.wav Soundstorm 1:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Large Dog - Int - ECU To Close-Up - Pants, Licks Chops, Single Dogs-LargeDog-Int-ECUToClos.wav Burp, 2 Barks Soundstorm 1:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Large Dogs - Close-Up & MCU - 5 Successive Barks Dogs-LargeDogs-CloseUp&M_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Large Dogs - Close-Up & MCU - Continuous Barking With Prolonged Howl Dogs-LargeDogs-CloseUp&M_2.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Large Dogs - Close-Up & MCU - Single Bark, Distant Answer Dogs-LargeDogs-CloseUp&M_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Large Dogs - Close-Up & MCU - Series Of Barks, Some Howling, BG Birds Dogs-LargeDogs-CloseUp&MCU.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Large Group Of Dogs - Ext - Medium Distant - Dogs Of Variable Dogs-LargeGroupOfDogs-ExtPitches Barking Continuously, Nebulous BG Rush M.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Large Group Of Dogs - Ext - Medium Distant - Dogs Of Variable Dogs-LargeGroupOfDogs-Ext_1.wav Pitches Barking Sharply & Continuously, Nebulous BG Rush Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Large Sized Dog - Ext - Distant - Assortment Of Barks In Volume Dogs-LargeSizedDog-Ext-D_10.wav & Timbre, Very Distant Scattered Barking, Very Reverberant, BG Birds Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Large Sized Dog - Ext - Distant - Single Deep Bark, Light Fence Rustling Dogs-LargeSizedDog-Ext-Di_1.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Large Sized Dog - Ext - Distant - Single Deep Bark, BG Birds Dogs-LargeSizedDog-Ext-Di_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Large Sized Dog - Ext - Distant - 2 Deep Barks Dogs-LargeSizedDog-Ext-Di_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Large Sized Dog - Ext - Distant - Abrasive Bark & Prolonged Howl Dogs-LargeSizedDog-Ext-Di_4.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Large Sized Dog - Ext - Distant - Single Deep Bark Dogs-LargeSizedDog-Ext-Di_5.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Large Sized Dog - Ext - Distant - Single Deep Bark, Slight Fence Tap, BG Birds Dogs-LargeSizedDog-Ext-Di_6.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Large Sized Dog - Ext - Distant - Deep Barking With Some Howling Dogs-LargeSizedDog-Ext-Di_7.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Large Sized Dog - Ext - Distant - Medium Loud Barking, Very Distant Scattered Barking, Fence Rattling, Chain Rattling @ Tail, Very Reverberant Dogs-LargeSizedDog-Ext-Di_8.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Large Sized Dog - Ext - Distant - Sharp Barks, Short Growl @ Head, Whimper @ Tail, Very Reverberant Dogs-LargeSizedDog-Ext-Di_9.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Large Sized Dog - Ext - Distant - Deep Barking & 1 Long Howl, Continuous Dogs-LargeSizedDog-Ext-Dist.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Medium Dog - Int - Close-Up - Medium Barks Interspersed With Dogs-MediumDog-Int-Close-_1.wav Whining, Demanding Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Medium Dog - Int - Close-Up - Medium Barks Interspersed With Dogs-MediumDog-Int-Close-Up.wav Whining Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Pit Bull - Int - Close-Up - Drinking & Grunting Dogs-PitBull-Int-Close-Up-D.wav Soundstorm 1:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Pit Bull - Int - Close-Up - Growling, Gargling & Croaking, Occasional Lip Smacks, Measured, Ominous Pacing Dogs-PitBull-Int-Close-Up-G.wav Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Pit Bull - Int - Close-Up - Snarling, Angry & Aggressive, Lots Of Snorting Dogs-PitBull-Int-Close-Up-S.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Pit Bull - Int - Close-Up - Snarling, Angry & Aggressive, Series Of Snorts Dogs-PitBull-Int-Close-Up_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Pit Bull - Int - Close-Up - Snarling, Angry & Aggressive, Snorting, Dogs-PitBull-Int-Close-Up_2.wav Gasping Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Pit Bull - Int - Close-Up - Snarling, Angry & Aggressive, Soft, Frantic Panting, Single Snort @ Tail Dogs-PitBull-Int-Close-Up_3.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Pit Bull - Int - Close-Up - Growling, Gargling & Croaking, Lip Smacking, Very Labored, Ominous Pacing Dogs-PitBull-Int-Close-Up_4.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Pit Bull - Int - Close-Up - Growling, Gargling & Croaking, Very Guttural Fibrillations, Lip Smacking, Some Light Snorts Dogs-PitBull-Int-Close-Up_5.wav Soundstorm 0:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Pit Bull - Int - Close-Up - Growling, Gargling & Croaking, Lip Smacking, Violent Gurgles Dogs-PitBull-Int-Close-Up_6.wav Soundstorm 0:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Pit Bull - Int - MCU - Barking, Continuous Dogs-PitBull-Int-MCU-Bark_1.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Pit Bull - Int - MCU - Barking, Panting Dogs-PitBull-Int-MCU-Bark_2.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Pit Bull - Int - MCU - Barking, Raspy, Panting Dogs-PitBull-Int-MCU-Bark_3.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Pit Bull - Int - MCU - Barking, Constant & Raspy, Panting Dogs-PitBull-Int-MCU-Bark_4.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Pit Bull - Int - MCU - Barking, Panting Dogs-PitBull-Int-MCU-Barkin.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Single Dog - Ext - Close-Up - Plaintive Whines, Various, With Crescendo Dogs-SingleDog-Ext-Close-Up.wav Soundstorm 0:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Single Dog - Ext - Distant - Sharp Barking, Fence Tap, Reverb, BG Rush Dogs-SingleDog-Ext-Distan_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Single Dog - Ext - Distant - Single Sharp Bark, Reverb, BG Rush Dogs-SingleDog-Ext-Distan_2.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Single Dog - Ext - Distant - Single Bark, Medium Soft, Reverb, BG Birds Dogs-SingleDog-Ext-Distan_3.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Single Dog - Ext - Distant - 2 Barks Of Medium Deep Timbre, Reverb, BG Rush Dogs-SingleDog-Ext-Distan_4.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Single Dog - Ext - Distant - Abrupt Abrasive Bark, Prolonged Howling, Reverb, BG Rush Dogs-SingleDog-Ext-Distan_5.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Single Dog - Ext - Distant - Single Bark, Very Slow Decay, Reverb, BG Rush Dogs-SingleDog-Ext-Distan_6.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Single Dog - Ext - Distant - Medium High Bark, Reverb, BG Rush Dogs-SingleDog-Ext-Distan_7.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Single Dog - Ext - Distant - Barking & Howling, Reverb, BG Rush Dogs-SingleDog-Ext-Distan_8.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Single Dog - Ext - Distant - Abrasive, Deep Barks With Howling, Reverb, BG Rush Dogs-SingleDog-Ext-Distant-.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Small Dog - Ext - MCU - 4 Medium High Barks, Somewhat Sharp Dogs-SmallDog-Ext-MCU4Me_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Small Dog - Ext - MCU - 4 Medium High Barks Dogs-SmallDog-Ext-MCU4Medi.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Small Dog - Ext - MCU - 5 Medium High Barks, Irregular Rhythm Dogs-SmallDog-Ext-MCU5Me_1.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs - Small Dog - Ext - MCU - 5 Medium High Barks Dogs-SmallDog-Ext-MCU5Medi.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs Wolves Coyotes - 2 Coyotes - Ext - MCU - Various Yelps & Howls, Singles & Overlapping, 2 Coyotes, Reverb, BG Distant Dog Barks DogsWolvesCoyotes-2Coyotes-.wav Soundstorm 0:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs Wolves Coyotes - Coyote Calls - Ext - Distant - Calling Back & Forth In A Canyon, BG Birds @ Head, Distant Plane Beginning Near Head Grows Incrementally Louder DogsWolvesCoyotesCoyoteC_1.wav Soundstorm 1:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs Wolves Coyotes - Coyote Calls - Ext - Distant - Calling Back & Forth In A Canyon, Distant Plane @ Head Fluctuates In Volume DogsWolvesCoyotesCoyoteC_2.wav Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Dog, Wolf, Coyote Dogs Wolves Coyotes - Coyote Calls - Ext - Distant - Calling Back & Forth In A Canyon DogsWolvesCoyotes-CoyoteCal.wav Soundstorm 0:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Door - Knocks On Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - 4 Medium Loud DoorKnocks KnocksOnWoodFrontDoo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Door - Knocks On Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - 4 Medium Soft Knocks DoorKnocksOnWoodFrontDoo_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Door - Knocks On Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - 4 Medium Soft Knocks, Last Knock Dull DoorKnocksOnWoodFrontDoo_3.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Door - Knocks On Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - 4 Knocks, Squeak On 1st Knock, Light Reverb Door-KnocksOnWoodFrontDoor.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 100 Year Old Spanish Arch Wood Door - Ext - Close-Up Doors-100YearOldSpanishA_10.wav Open & Close, Latch Movement, Slight Rattle On Close, Creak On Open Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 100 Year Old Spanish Arch Wood Door - Ext - Close-Up Open & Close, Normal, Latch Movement, Slight Rattle On Close, Creak On Open Doors-100YearOldSpanishA_11.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 100 Year Old Spanish Arch Wood Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Close, Slow, Latch Movement, Rattle On Close, Some Squeaks & Creaks Doors-100YearOldSpanishAr_1.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 100 Year Old Spanish Arch Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Fast Open & Slow Close, Latch Movement, Rattle On Close, Some Squeaks Doors-100YearOldSpanishAr_2.wav & Creaks Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 100 Year Old Spanish Arch Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Fast Open & Normal Close, Latch Movement, Rattle On Close, Some Doors-100YearOldSpanishAr_3.wav Squeaks & Creaks Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 100 Year Old Spanish Arch Wood Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Close, Normal, Latch Movement, Rattle On Close, Some Squeaks & Creaks Doors-100YearOldSpanishAr_4.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 100 Year Old Spanish Arch Wood Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Close, Normal, Latch Movement, Rattle On Close, Some Squeaks & Creaks Doors-100YearOldSpanishAr_5.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 100 Year Old Spanish Arch Wood Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Close, Fast, Latch Movement, Rattle On Close, Some Squeaks & Creaks Doors-100YearOldSpanishAr_6.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 100 Year Old Spanish Arch Wood Door - Ext - Close-Up Open & Close, Normal, Latch Movement, Slight Rattle On Close Doors-100YearOldSpanishAr_7.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 100 Year Old Spanish Arch Wood Door - Ext - Close-Up Open & Close, Fast, Latch Movement, Slight Rattle On Close, Small Creak On Open Doors-100YearOldSpanishAr_8.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 100 Year Old Spanish Arch Wood Door - Ext - Close-Up Open & Close, Normal, Latch Movement, Slight Rattle On Close, Creak On Open Doors-100YearOldSpanishAr_9.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 100 Year Old Spanish Arch Wood Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Close, Normal, Latch Movement, Rattle On Close, Some Squeaks & Creaks Doors-100YearOldSpanishArch.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 100 Year Old Spanish Panel Wood Door - Int - Medium Distant - Open & Close, Normal, Solid Close, Latch Movement Doors-100YearOldSpanishP_10.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 100 Year Old Spanish Panel Wood Door - Int - Medium Distant - Open & Close, Normal, Solid Close, Latch Movement Doors-100YearOldSpanishP_11.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 100 Year Old Spanish Panel Wood Door - Int - Medium Distant - Open & Close, Normal, Solid Close, Latch Movement Doors-100YearOldSpanishP_12.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 100 Year Old Spanish Panel Wood Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Close, Normal, Latch Movement, Some Rattle On Close, Slight Squeak, Metallic Ring On Close, Hollow Sounding Doors-100YearOldSpanishPa_1.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 100 Year Old Spanish Panel Wood Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Close, Normal, Latch Movement, Some Rattle On Close, Slight Squeak, Metallic Ring On Close, Hollow Sounding Doors-100YearOldSpanishPa_2.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 100 Year Old Spanish Panel Wood Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Close, Normal, Latch Movement, Some Rattle On Close, Slight Squeak, Metallic Ring On Close, Hollow Sounding Doors-100YearOldSpanishPa_3.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 100 Year Old Spanish Panel Wood Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Close, Slow, Latch Movement, Some Rattle On Close, Slight Squeak, Metallic Ring On Close, Hollowing Sounding Doors-100YearOldSpanishPa_4.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 100 Year Old Spanish Panel Wood Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Close, Normal, Latch Movement, Some Rattle On Close, Slight Squeak, Metallic Ring On Close, Hollow Sounding Doors-100YearOldSpanishPa_5.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 100 Year Old Spanish Panel Wood Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Close, Medium Fast, Latch Movement, Some Rattle On Close, Slight Squeak, Metallic Ring On Close, Hollow Sounding Doors-100YearOldSpanishPa_6.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 100 Year Old Spanish Panel Wood Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Close, Fast, Latch Movement, Some Rattle On Close, Slight Squeak, Metallic Ring On Close, Hollow Sounding Doors-100YearOldSpanishPa_7.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 100 Year Old Spanish Panel Wood Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Close, Fast, Latch Movement, Some Rattle On Close, Slight Squeak, Metallic Ring On Close, Hollow Sounding Doors-100YearOldSpanishPa_8.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 100 Year Old Spanish Panel Wood Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Close, Medium Fast, Latch Movement, Some Rattle On Close, Slight Squeak, Metallic Ring On Close, Hollow Sounding Doors-100YearOldSpanishPa_9.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 100 Year Old Spanish Panel Wood Door - Int - Close-Up Open & Close, Normal, Latch Movement, Some Rattle On Close, Slight Squeak, Metallic Ring On Close, Hollow Sounding Doors-100YearOldSpanishPane.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 1 2 Glass Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Dull Wooden Thud, Light Metal Latch Click, Slight Knob Rattle Doors-12GlassWoodDoorIn_10.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 1 2 Glass Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Slam Shut, Hard Wooden Thud, Slight Glass Rattle Doors-12GlassWoodDoorIn_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 1 2 Glass Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Medium Metal Click, Then Medium Push In To Light Wooden Thud With Metallic Latch Click Doors-12GlassWoodDoor-Int-C.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 1 2 Glass Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Medium Metal Click, Then Medium Push In To Hard Wooden Thud Doors-12GlassWoodDoor-Int_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 1 2 Glass Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Medium Metal Click, Then Medium Push In To Hard Wooden Thud Doors-12GlassWoodDoor-Int_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 1 2 Glass Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Light Metal Click, Then Medium Push In To Medium Wooden Thud Doors-12GlassWoodDoor-Int_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 1 2 Glass Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Hard Wooden Thud Doors-12GlassWoodDoor-Int_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 1 2 Glass Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Dull Wooden Thud, Light Metal Latch Click, Slight Squeak @ Tail Doors-12GlassWoodDoor-Int_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 1 2 Glass Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Dull Wooden Thud, Light Metal Latch Click, Slight Squeak @ Tail Doors-12GlassWoodDoor-Int_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 1 2 Glass Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Light Dull Thud, Doors-12GlassWoodDoor-Int_7.wav Light Metal Latch Click Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 1 2 Glass Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Dull Wooden Thud, Light Metal Latch Click, Slight Knob Rattle, Slight Squeak @ Tail Doors-12GlassWoodDoor-Int_8.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 1 2 Glass Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Dull Wooden Thud, Light Metal Latch Click, Slight Knob Rattle, Slight Squeak @ Tail Doors-12GlassWoodDoor-Int_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 150 Year Old Mission Door Latch - Int - Close-Up - Latch Movement, Normal Doors-150YearOldMissionDo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 150 Year Old Mission Door Latch - Int - Close-Up - Latch Movement, Gentle Doors-150YearOldMissionDo_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 150 Year Old Mission Door Latch - Int - Close-Up - Latch Movement, Gentle Doors-150YearOldMissionDo_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 150 Year Old Mission Door Latch - Int - Close-Up - Latch Movement, Gentle Doors-150YearOldMissionDo_4.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 150 Year Old Mission Door Latch - Int - Close-Up - Latch Movement, Normal Doors-150YearOldMissionDoor.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 150 Year Old Mission Wood Door - Int - Medium Distant Open & Close, Fast, Reverberant, Wood Frame Scrapes Doors150YearOldMissionW_10.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 150 Year Old Mission Wood Door - Int - Medium Distant Open & Close, Reverberant, Wood Frame Scrapes Doors150YearOldMissionW_11.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 150 Year Old Mission Wood Door - Int - Medium Distant Open & Close, Reverberant Doors150YearOldMissionW_12.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 150 Year Old Mission Wood Door - Int - Medium Distant Open & Close, Reverberant Doors150YearOldMissionW_13.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 150 Year Old Mission Wood Door - Int - Medium Distant Open & Close, Reverberant, Wood Frame Scrapes On Close Doors150YearOldMissionW_14.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 150 Year Old Mission Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Normal, Wood Frame Scrapes Doors150YearOldMissionWo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 150 Year Old Mission Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Normal, Wood Frame Scrapes Doors150YearOldMissionWo_2.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 150 Year Old Mission Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Fast, Wood Frame Scrapes Doors150YearOldMissionWo_3.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 150 Year Old Mission Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Fast, Wood Frame Scrapes Doors150YearOldMissionWo_4.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 150 Year Old Mission Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Slow, Wood Frame Scrapes Doors150YearOldMissionWo_5.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 150 Year Old Mission Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Latch Movement, Open & Close, Normal, Wood Frame Scrapes Doors150YearOldMissionWo_6.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 150 Year Old Mission Wood Door - Int - Medium Distant Hard Open & Close, Reverberant, Wood Frame Scrapes Doors150YearOldMissionWo_7.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 150 Year Old Mission Wood Door - Int - Medium Distant Open & Close, Reverberant, Wood Frame Scrapes Doors150YearOldMissionWo_8.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 150 Year Old Mission Wood Door - Int - Medium Distant Open & Close, Reverberant, Wood Frame Scrapes Doors150YearOldMissionWo_9.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - 150 Year Old Mission Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Normal, Wood Frame Scrapes Doors150YearOldMissionWood.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Accordion Style Door With Metal Latch - Int - Close-Up - Open Doors-AccordionStyleDoorW_1.wav & Close, Fast, Room Partition Type Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Accordion Style Door With Metal Latch - Int - Close-Up - Open Doors-AccordionStyleDoorW_2.wav & Close, Fast, Room Partition Type Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Accordion Style Door With Metal Latch - Int - Close-Up Quick Burst Open, 2x, Room Partition Type Doors-AccordionStyleDoorW_3.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Accordion Style Door With Metal Latch - Int - Close-Up - Open Doors-AccordionStyleDoorW_4.wav & Close, Fast, Room Partition Type Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Accordion Style Door With Metal Latch - Int - Close-Up - Open Doors-AccordionStyleDoorW_5.wav & Close, Fast, Room Partition Type Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Accordion Style Door With Metal Latch - Int - Close-Up - Open Doors-AccordionStyleDoorW_6.wav & Close, Normal, Room Partition Type Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Accordion Style Door With Metal Latch - Int - Close-Up - Open Doors-AccordionStyleDoorW_7.wav & Close, Slow, Room Partition Type Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Accordion Style Door With Metal Latch - Int - Close-Up - Open Doors-AccordionStyleDoorWit.wav & Close, Normal, Room Partition Type Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Accordion Style Double Doors With Metal Latch - Int - CloseUp - Both Doors Open & Close, Slow, Room Partition Type Doors-AccordionStyleDoubl_1.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Accordion Style Double Doors With Metal Latch - Int - CloseUp - Both Doors Open & Close, Fast, Room Partition Type Doors-AccordionStyleDoubl_2.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Accordion Style Double Doors With Metal Latch - Int - CloseUp - Both Doors Normal Open & Hard Close, Room Partition Type Doors-AccordionStyleDoubl_3.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Accordion Style Double Doors With Metal Latch - Int - CloseUp - Both Doors Normal Open & Very Hard Close, Room Partition Type Doors-AccordionStyleDoubl_4.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Accordion Style Double Doors With Metal Latch - Int - CloseDoors-AccordionStyleDoubl_5.wav Up - Both Doors Hard Fast Open & Normal Close, Room Partition Type Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Accordion Style Double Doors With Metal Latch - Int - CloseUp - Both Doors Open & Close, Normal, Room Partition Type Doors-AccordionStyleDoubleD.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Bathroom Perspective Doors-BathroomDoor-Int-Cl_1.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Bathroom Perspective Doors-BathroomDoor-Int-Cl_2.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Bathroom Perspective Doors-BathroomDoor-Int-Cl_3.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Bathroom Perspective Doors-BathroomDoor-Int-Cl_4.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Bathroom Perspective Doors-BathroomDoor-Int-Cl_5.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Bathroom Perspective Doors-BathroomDoor-Int-Cl_6.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Bathroom Perspective Doors-BathroomDoor-Int-Cl_7.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Slow Close, Bathroom Perspective Doors-BathroomDoor-Int-Cl_8.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Bathroom Perspective Doors-BathroomDoor-Int-Clos.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Bathroom Door - Int - MCU - Open & Close, Hallway Perspective Doors-BathroomDoor-IntMC_1.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Bathroom Door - Int - MCU - Open & Close, Hallway Perspective Doors-BathroomDoor-IntMC_2.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Bathroom Door - Int - MCU - Open & Close, Hallway Perspective, Some Squeaking Doors-BathroomDoor-IntMC_3.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Bathroom Door - Int - MCU - Open & Close, Hallway Perspective Doors-BathroomDoor-IntMC_4.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Bathroom Door - Int - MCU - Open & Close, Hallway Perspective Doors-BathroomDoor-IntMC_5.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Bathroom Door - Int - MCU - Open & Close, Hallway Perspective Doors-BathroomDoor-Int-MCU.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Captain's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Soft, Ring Handle With Rattle, Latch Click & Slight Door Rattle On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatCaptain'sCabin_10.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Captain's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud, Ring Handle With Rattle, Latch Click & Slight Door Rattle Doors-BoatCaptain'sCabin_11.wav On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Captain's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud, Ring Handle With Rattle, Latch Click & Slight Door Rattle Doors-BoatCaptain'sCabin_12.wav On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Captain's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Ring Handle With Rattle, Latch Click & Slight Door Rattle On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatCaptain'sCabin_13.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Captain's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Ring Handle With Rattle, Latch Click & Slight Door Rattle On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatCaptain'sCabin_14.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Captain's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Ring Handle With Rattle, Latch Click & Slight Door Rattle On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatCaptain'sCabinD_1.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Captain's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud, Ring Handle With Rattle, Latch Click & Slight Door Rattle Doors-BoatCaptain'sCabinD_2.wav On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Captain's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud, Ring Handle With Rattle, Latch Click & Slight Door Rattle Doors-BoatCaptain'sCabinD_3.wav On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Captain's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Ring Handle With Rattle, Latch Click & Slight Door Rattle On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatCaptain'sCabinD_4.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Captain's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Ring Handle With Rattle, Latch Click & Slight Door Rattle On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatCaptain'sCabinD_5.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Captain's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Ring Handle With Rattle, Latch Click & Slight Door Rattle On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatCaptain'sCabinD_6.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Captain's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Soft, Ring Handle With Rattle, Latch Click & Slight Door Rattle On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatCaptain'sCabinD_7.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Captain's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Soft, Ring Handle With Rattle, Latch Click & Slight Door Rattle On Close; Doors-BoatCaptain'sCabinD_8.wav (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Captain's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Soft, Ring Handle With Rattle, Latch Click & Slight Door Rattle On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatCaptain'sCabinD_9.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Captain's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Soft, Ring Handle With Rattle, Latch Click & Slight Door Rattle On Close; Doors-BoatCaptain'sCabinDoo.wav (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Small Gate Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Soft, With Clicking Lock; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Small Gate Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Soft To Medium Soft, With Clicking Lock; (Boat Is A Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close-_2.wav 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Small Gate Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Soft To Medium Soft, With Clicking Lock; (Boat Is A Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close-_3.wav 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Small Gate Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Soft, With Clicking Lock; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close-_4.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Small Gate Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Soft, With Clicking Lock; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close-_5.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Small Gate Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Very Soft To Medium Soft, With Clicking Lock; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close-_6.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Small Gate Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Very Soft To Medium Loud, With Clicking Lock; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close-_7.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Small Gate Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Very Soft To Medium Loud, With Clicking Lock; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close-_8.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Small Gate Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Soft To Loud, With Clicking Lock; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close-_9.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Small Gate Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Very Soft To Medium Loud, With Clicking Lock; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close-Up.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Small Gate Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Soft To Medium Loud, With Clicking Lock; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close_10.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Small Gate Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Soft To Medium Loud, With Clicking Lock; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close_11.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Small Gate Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Soft, With Clicking Lock; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close_12.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Small Gate Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Soft To Medium Soft, With Clicking Lock; (Boat Is A Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close_13.wav 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Small Gate Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Medium Loud, With Clicking Lock; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close_14.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Small Gate Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Very Soft To Medium Loud, With Clicking Lock; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close_15.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Small Gate Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Soft To Medium Loud, With Clicking Lock; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close_16.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Small Gate Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Soft To Loud, With Clicking Lock, Some Ringing Reverberation On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close_17.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Small Gate Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Soft To Medium Loud, With Clicking Lock, Some Ringing Reverberation On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close_18.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Small Gate Door In Captain's Door Area, Open Close, Soft To Loud, With Clicking Lock, Some Ringing Reverberation On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close_19.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Folding Accordion Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Medium Loud To Soft, With Latch, Clacking Wood; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close_20.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Folding Accordion Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Soft To Medium Loud, With Latch, Clacking Wood, Some Ringing Reverberation On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close_21.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Folding Accordion Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Medium Soft To Medium Loud, With Latch, Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close_22.wav Clacking Wood; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Folding Accordion Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Soft To Medium Loud, With Latch, Clacking Wood, Some Squeaking Toward Tail; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close_23.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Folding Accordion Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Soft To Medium Loud, With Latch, Clacking Wood, Some Squeaking; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close_24.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Folding Accordion Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Medium Soft To Medium Loud, With Latch, Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close_25.wav Clacking Wood, Some Squeaking In Between Impacts; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Door - Int - Close-Up - Folding Accordion Door In Captain's Area, Open Close, Very Soft To Loud, With Latch, Clacking Wood, Rebound; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatDoor-Int-Close_26.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Soft, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_10.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_11.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_12.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_13.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_14.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_15.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Soft, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_16.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_17.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Soft, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_18.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Soft, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_19.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Soft, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_20.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Soft, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_21.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_22.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_23.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_24.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_25.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_26.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_27.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Soft, Thin Wood With Glass Window, Slight Door Rattle On Close; (Boat Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_28.wav Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud, Thin Wood With Glass Window, Slight Door Rattle On Close; Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_29.wav (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud, Thin Wood With Glass Window, Slight Door Rattle On Close; Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_30.wav (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Thin Wood With Glass Window, Slight Door Rattle On Close; (Boat Is A Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_31.wav 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Thin Wood With Glass Window, Slight Door Rattle On Close; (Boat Is A Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_32.wav 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud, Thin Wood With Glass Window, Slight Door Rattle On Close; Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_33.wav (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud, Thin Wood With Glass Window, Slight Door Rattle On Close; Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_34.wav (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Soft, Thin Wood With Glass Window, Slight Door Rattle On Close; (Boat Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_35.wav Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud, Thin Wood With Glass Window, Slight Door Rattle On Close; Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_36.wav (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Soft, Thin Wood With Glass Window, Slight Door Rattle On Close; (Boat Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_37.wav Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Soft, Thin Wood With Glass Window, Slight Door Rattle On Close; (Boat Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_38.wav Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud, Thin Wood With Glass Window, Slight Door Rattle On Close; Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_39.wav (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Thin Wood With Glass Window, Slight Door Rattle On Close; (Boat Is A Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDo_40.wav 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDoo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Soft, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDoo_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Soft, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDoo_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Soft, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDoo_4.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Soft, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDoo_5.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDoo_6.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDoo_7.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Soft, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDoo_8.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Soft, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDoo_9.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Boat Pilot's Cabin Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Soft, Thin Wood With Glass Window, With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BoatPilot'sCabinDoor-.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Bulkhead Door - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Soft; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-BulkheadDoor-Int-Cl_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Bulkhead Door - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Soft To Medium Soft, Some Squeaking & Scraping; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Doors-BulkheadDoor-Int-Cl_2.wav Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Bulkhead Door - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Soft To Medium Doors-BulkheadDoor-Int-Cl_3.wav Soft, Latch Clacking; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Bulkhead Door - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Soft & Loud, Reverberating Ringing Latch On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Doors-BulkheadDoor-Int-Cl_4.wav Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Bulkhead Door - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Soft & Loud, Reverberating Ringing Latch On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Doors-BulkheadDoor-Int-Cl_5.wav Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Bulkhead Door - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Soft To Medium Soft, Some Reverberating Ringing Latch On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Doors-BulkheadDoor-Int-Cl_6.wav Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Bulkhead Door - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Soft To Medium Loud, Reverberating Ringing Latch On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Doors-BulkheadDoor-Int-Clos.wav Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Cooling Tower Hatch Door Open & Close - Int - Close-Up Loud BG Mechanical Hum, Loud Bang As Door Sets, Great Air Release As Door Seals, Plus Various Smaller Clangs & Bangs Doors-CoolingTowerHatchDo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Cooling Tower Hatch Door Open & Close - Int - Close-Up Loud BG Mechanical Hum, Loud Bang As Door Sets, Great Air Release As Door Seals, Plus Various Smaller Clangs & Bangs Doors-CoolingTowerHatchDoor.wav Soundstorm 0:34 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deadbolt Door Lock - Int - Close-Up - Lock, Hard Metal Clunk, Slight Rattle @ Tail Doors-DeadboltDoorLock-In_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deadbolt Door Lock - Int - Close-Up - Unlock, Hard Metal Clunk Doors-DeadboltDoorLock-In_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deadbolt Door Lock - Int - Close-Up - Unlocks, Hard Metal Clunk Doors-DeadboltDoorLock-In_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deadbolt Door Lock - Int - Close-Up - Unlocks, Hard Metal Clunk Doors-DeadboltDoorLock-In_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deadbolt Door Lock - Int - Close-Up - Lock, Slight Rattle @ Head, Then A Hard Metal Clunk Doors-DeadboltDoorLock-Int-.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Wood & Fiberglass With Ring Handle, Ring & Door Rattles; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-DeckHatch-Ext-Clos_10.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Very Loud, Wood & Fiberglass With Ring Handle, Ring & Door Rattles; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-DeckHatch-Ext-Clos_11.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Soft, Wood & Fiberglass With Ring Handle, Ring & Door Rattles; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-DeckHatch-Ext-Clos_12.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud, Wood & Fiberglass With Ring Handle, Ring & Door Rattles; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-DeckHatch-Ext-Clos_13.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Medium Loud Close, Wood & Fiberglass; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-DeckHatch-Ext-Close-U.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud, Wood & Fiberglass; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-DeckHatch-Ext-Close_1.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Wood & Fiberglass; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-DeckHatch-Ext-Close_2.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Wood & Fiberglass; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-DeckHatch-Ext-Close_3.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Soft, Wood & Fiberglass; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-DeckHatch-Ext-Close_4.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Wood & Fiberglass, Very Creaky; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-DeckHatch-Ext-Close_5.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Wood & Fiberglass, Somewhat Creaky; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-DeckHatch-Ext-Close_6.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Wood & Fiberglass With Ring Handle, Ring & Door Rattles; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-DeckHatch-Ext-Close_7.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Soft, Wood & Fiberglass With Ring Handle, Ring & Door Rattles; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-DeckHatch-Ext-Close_8.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Wood & Fiberglass With Ring Handle, Ring & Door Rattles; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-DeckHatch-Ext-Close_9.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deck Hatch - Int - Close-Up - Open 2 Closes, Medium Loud To Soft, Wood & Fiberglass With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Doors-DeckHatch-Int-Clos_10.wav Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deck Hatch - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Wood & Fiberglass With Very Squeaky Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-DeckHatch-Int-Close-U.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deck Hatch - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Wood & Fiberglass With Latch Clacking; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-DeckHatch-Int-Close_1.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deck Hatch - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud, Wood & Fiberglass With Latch Clacking; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-DeckHatch-Int-Close_2.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deck Hatch - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud, Wood & Fiberglass With Latch Clacking; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-DeckHatch-Int-Close_3.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deck Hatch - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Wood & Fiberglass With Latch Clacking; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-DeckHatch-Int-Close_4.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deck Hatch - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Wood & Fiberglass With Latch Scraping & Clacking; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-DeckHatch-Int-Close_5.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deck Hatch - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Wood & Fiberglass With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-DeckHatch-Int-Close_6.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deck Hatch - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Wood & Fiberglass With Latch Clacking; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-DeckHatch-Int-Close_7.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deck Hatch - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud, Wood & Fiberglass With Latch Clacking & Squeaking; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Doors-DeckHatch-Int-Close_8.wav Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Deck Hatch - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Soft To Soft, Wood & Fiberglass With Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-DeckHatch-Int-Close_9.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Door Knob - Int - ECU - Light Metallic Clicks, Door Slightly Opened & Closed, Some Door Squeaks, Mic'd From Room Side Doors-DoorKnob-Int-ECU-Ligh.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Door Knob - Int - ECU - Various Turns, Light Metallic Clicks, Door Slightly Opened & Closed, Some Door Squeaks, Mic'd From Room Side Doors-DoorKnob-Int-ECUVa_1.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Door Knob - Int - ECU - Various Turns, Light Metallic Clicks, Door Slightly Opened & Closed, Some Door Squeaks, Mic'd From Room Side Doors-DoorKnob-Int-ECU-Vari.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Double Swinging Glass & Metal Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Lots Of Squeaking Doors-DoubleSwingingGlass&M.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Double Swinging Glass & Metal Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Lots Of Squeaking Doors-DoubleSwingingGlass_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Double Swinging Glass & Metal Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Lots Of Squeaking Doors-DoubleSwingingGlass_2.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Double Swinging Glass & Metal Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Lots Of Squeaking Doors-DoubleSwingingGlass_3.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Fold Down Counter Top - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Hinged Light Wood, Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-FoldDownCounterTop_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Fold Down Counter Top - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Hinged Light Wood, Very Loud To Medium Soft; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-FoldDownCounterTop_2.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Fold Down Counter Top - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Hinged Light Wood, Very Soft To Medium Soft; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-FoldDownCounterTop_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Fold Down Counter Top - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Doors-FoldDownCounterTopClose, Hinged Light Wood, Medium Loud To Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 _4.wav Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Fold Down Counter Top - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Hinged Light Wood, Soft To Medium Soft; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-FoldDownCounterTop_5.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Fold Down Counter Top - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Hinged Light Wood, Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-FoldDownCounterTop_6.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Fold Down Counter Top - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Hinged Light Wood, Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-FoldDownCounterTop-In.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Folding Closet Door On Track - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close Doors-FoldingClosetDoorO_10.wav With Occasional Squeak, Some Rebound Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Folding Closet Door On Track - Int - Close-Up - Squeaky Open Doors-FoldingClosetDoorO_11.wav & Close Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Folding Closet Door On Track - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close Doors-FoldingClosetDoorOn_1.wav With Occasional Squeak Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Folding Closet Door On Track - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close Doors-FoldingClosetDoorOn_2.wav With Occasional Creaking Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Folding Closet Door On Track - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close Doors-FoldingClosetDoorOn_3.wav With Occasional Squeak Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Folding Closet Door On Track - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close Doors-FoldingClosetDoorOn_4.wav With Occasional Squeak Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Folding Closet Door On Track - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close Doors-FoldingClosetDoorOn_5.wav With Lots Of Rebound, Mic'd Close To Track Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Folding Closet Door On Track - Int - Close-Up - Open & Abrupt Close, Mic'd Close To Track Doors-FoldingClosetDoorOn_6.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Folding Closet Door On Track - Int - Close-Up - Swift Open & Close With Occasional Squeak, Mic'd Close To Track Doors-FoldingClosetDoorOn_7.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Folding Closet Door On Track - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close Doors-FoldingClosetDoorOn_8.wav With Occasional Squeaking, Some Rebound, Mic'd Close To Track Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Folding Closet Door On Track - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close Doors-FoldingClosetDoorOn_9.wav With Occasional Squeak Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Folding Closet Door On Track - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close Doors-FoldingClosetDoorOnTr.wav With Occasional Squeak Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - French Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open & Close, Slow Doors-FrenchDoor-Ext-Clos_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - French Door - Ext - Close-Up - Tentative Open & Medium Close Doors-FrenchDoor-Ext-Clos_2.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - French Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open & Close Doors-FrenchDoor-Ext-Clos_3.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - French Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open & Slow Close Doors-FrenchDoor-Ext-Close-.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - French Doors - Ext - Close-Up - Open & Medium Close With Small Squeak On Handle Doors-FrenchDoors-Ext-Clo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - French Doors - Ext - Close-Up - Tentative Open & Sharp Close Doors-FrenchDoors-Ext-Clo_2.wav With Small Squeak On Handle Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - French Doors - Ext - Close-Up - Open & Medium Close With Small Squeak On Handle Doors-FrenchDoors-Ext-Clo_3.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - French Doors - Ext - Close-Up - Open & Close With Small Squeak On Handle Doors-FrenchDoors-Ext-Close.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - French Doors - Int - Close-Up - Open & Medium Close With Small Squeak On Handle Doors-FrenchDoors-Int-Cl_10.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - French Doors - Int - Close-Up - Open & Medium Close With Small Squeak On Handle, Thin Texture Doors-FrenchDoors-Int-Clo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - French Doors - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Small Squeak On Handle Doors-FrenchDoors-Int-Clo_2.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - French Doors - Int - Close-Up - Open & Sharp Close With Small Squeak On Handle Doors-FrenchDoors-Int-Clo_3.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - French Doors - Int - Close-Up - Open & Sharp, Abrupt Close With Small Squeak On Handle Doors-FrenchDoors-Int-Clo_4.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - French Doors - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Small Squeak On Handle Doors-FrenchDoors-Int-Clo_5.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - French Doors - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Small Squeak On Handle Doors-FrenchDoors-Int-Clo_6.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - French Doors - Int - Close-Up - Open & Medium Close With Small Squeak On Handle Doors-FrenchDoors-Int-Clo_7.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - French Doors - Int - Close-Up - Abrupt Open & Close With Small Squeak On Handle Doors-FrenchDoors-Int-Clo_8.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - French Doors - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Small Squeak On Handle Doors-FrenchDoors-Int-Clo_9.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - French Doors - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Small Squeak On Handle, Thin Texture Doors-FrenchDoors-Int-Close.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Slam Doors-FrontDoor-Int-Close-U.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close Doors-FrontDoor-Int-Close_1.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close Doors-FrontDoor-Int-Close_2.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Light Close Doors-FrontDoor-Int-Close_3.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Medium Close Doors-FrontDoor-Int-Close_4.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Slam Doors-FrontDoor-Int-Close_5.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open With Slight Reverb & Close Doors-FrontDoor-Int-Close_6.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open With Slight Reverb & Close Doors-FrontDoor-Int-Close_7.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open With Slight Reverb & Medium Close Doors-FrontDoor-Int-Close_8.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Front Door - Int - Medium - Squeaky Open & Slam, Additional Slam @ Head Doors-FrontDoor-Int-Mediu_1.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Front Door - Int - Medium - Squeaky Open & Slam Doors-FrontDoor-Int-Mediu_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Front Door - Int - Medium - Medium Slam Doors-FrontDoor-Int-Mediu_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Front Door - Int - Medium - Squeaky Open & Slam Doors-FrontDoor-Int-Mediu_4.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Front Door - Int - Medium - Squeaky Open & Slam Doors-FrontDoor-Int-Mediu_5.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Front Door - Int - Medium - Open & Close, Additional Slam @ Head Doors-FrontDoor-Int-Medium-.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Convection Microwave Oven - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Bounce Back On Open, Hard Lock On Shut, Medium Soft; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-GalleyConvectionMic_1.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Convection Microwave Oven - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Bounce Back On Open, Hard Lock On Shut, Loud; Doors-GalleyConvectionMic_2.wav (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Convection Microwave Oven - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Bounce Back On Open, Hard Lock On Shut, Loud; Doors-GalleyConvectionMic_3.wav (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Convection Microwave Oven - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Bounce Back On Open, Hard Lock On Shut, Soft; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-GalleyConvectionMic_4.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Convection Microwave Oven - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Bounce Back On Open, Hard Lock On Shut, Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-GalleyConvectionMic_5.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Convection Microwave Oven - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Bounce Back On Open, Hard Lock On Shut, Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-GalleyConvectionMicro.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Door - Int - MCU - Boat Interior, Open Close, Large Metal Latch, Somewhat Hard Clicks, Light Latch Rustling; (Boat Is Doors-GalleyFreezerDoor-_10.wav A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Door - Int - MCU - Boat Interior, Open Close, Large Metal Latch, Hard Click On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-GalleyFreezerDoor-_11.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Door - Int - MCU - Boat Interior, Open Close, Large Metal Latch, Hard Click On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-GalleyFreezerDoor-_12.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Door - Int - MCU - Boat Interior, Open Close, Large Metal Latch, Very Hard Click On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-GalleyFreezerDoor-_13.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Door - Int - MCU - Boat Interior, Open Close, Large Metal Latch, Very Hard Click On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-GalleyFreezerDoor-_14.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Door - Int - MCU - Boat Interior, Open Close, Large Metal Latch, Very Hard Click On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-GalleyFreezerDoor-_15.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Door - Int - MCU - Boat Interior, Open Close, Large Metal Latch, Hard Click On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-GalleyFreezerDoor-_16.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Squeak On Open, Hard Slam With Vibration Medium Soft; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-GalleyFreezerDoor-I_1.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Squeak On Open, Hard Slam With Vibration, Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-GalleyFreezerDoor-I_2.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Squeak On Open, Hard Slam With Vibration, Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-GalleyFreezerDoor-I_3.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Squeak On Open, Hard Slam With Vibration, Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-GalleyFreezerDoor-I_4.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Squeak On Open, Hard Slam With Vibration, Soft; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-GalleyFreezerDoor-I_5.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Squeak On Open, Hard Slam With Vibration Medium Soft; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-GalleyFreezerDoor-I_6.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Door - Int - MCU - Boat Interior, Open Close, Large Metal Latch, Hard Click On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-GalleyFreezerDoor-I_7.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Door - Int - MCU - Boat Interior, Open Close, Large Metal Latch, Very Hard Click On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-GalleyFreezerDoor-I_8.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Door - Int - MCU - Boat Interior, Open Close, Large Metal Latch, Very Hard Click On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-GalleyFreezerDoor-I_9.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Squeak On Open, Hard Slam With Vibration, Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-GalleyFreezerDoor-Int.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Latch - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, OldFashioned Freezer Latch With Large Handle, Open Close, Tight Latch On Doors-GalleyFreezerLatch-_1.wav Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Latch - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, OldFashioned Freezer Latch With Large Handle, Open Close, Tight Latch On Doors-GalleyFreezerLatch-_2.wav Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Latch - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, OldFashioned Freezer Latch With Large Handle, Open Close, Tight Latch On Doors-GalleyFreezerLatch-_3.wav Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Latch - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, OldFashioned Freezer Latch With Large Handle, Open Close, Tight Latch On Doors-GalleyFreezerLatch-_4.wav Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Latch - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, OldFashioned Freezer Latch With Large Handle, Open Close, Tight Latch On Doors-GalleyFreezerLatch-_5.wav Close, Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Latch - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, OldFashioned Freezer Latch With Large Handle, Open Close, Tight Latch On Doors-GalleyFreezerLatch-_6.wav Close, Soft; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Latch - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, OldFashioned Freezer Latch With Large Handle, Open Close, Tight Latch On Doors-GalleyFreezerLatch-_7.wav Close, Medium Soft; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Latch - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, OldFashioned Freezer Latch With Large Handle, Open Close, Tight Latch On Doors-GalleyFreezerLatch-_8.wav Close, Soft; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Latch - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, OldFashioned Freezer Latch With Large Handle, Open Close, Tight Latch On Doors-GalleyFreezerLatch-_9.wav Close, Medium Soft; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Freezer Latch - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, OldFashioned Freezer Latch With Large Handle, Open Close, Tight Latch On Doors-GalleyFreezerLatch-In.wav Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Refrigerator Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Latch Handle, Bounce Back On Open, Medium Soft; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawl) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Doors-GalleyRefrigerator_10.wav Door Doors - Galley Refrigerator Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Latch Handle, Bounce Back On Open, Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawl) Doors-GalleyRefrigerator_11.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Refrigerator Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Latch Handle, Bounce Back On Open, Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Doors-GalleyRefrigerator_12.wav Grand Banks Yacht Trawl) Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Refrigerator Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Latch Handle, Bounce Back On Open, Slight Rattle Of Contents, Soft; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht T) Doors-GalleyRefrigeratorD_1.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Refrigerator Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Latch Handle, Bounce Back On Open, Slight Rattle Of Contents, Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht T) Doors-GalleyRefrigeratorD_2.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Refrigerator Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Latch Handle, Bounce Back On Open, Slight Rattle Of Contents, Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht T) Doors-GalleyRefrigeratorD_3.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Refrigerator Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Latch Handle, Bounce Back On Open, Slight Rattle Of Contents, Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht T) Doors-GalleyRefrigeratorD_4.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Refrigerator Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Latch Handle, Bounce Back On Open, Slight Rattle Of Contents, Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht T) Doors-GalleyRefrigeratorD_5.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Refrigerator Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Latch Handle, Bounce Back On Open, Slight Rattle Of Contents, Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht T) Doors-GalleyRefrigeratorD_6.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Refrigerator Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Latch Handle, Bounce Back On Open, Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawl) Doors-GalleyRefrigeratorD_7.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Refrigerator Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Latch Handle, Bounce Back On Open, Medium Soft; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawl) Doors-GalleyRefrigeratorD_8.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Refrigerator Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Latch Handle, Bounce Back On Open, Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawl) Doors-GalleyRefrigeratorD_9.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Refrigerator Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Medium Loud, Latch Handle, Bounce Back On Open, Slight Rattle Doors-GalleyRefrigeratorDoo.wav Of Contents; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht T) Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Stove - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Older Stove, Open Close, Metal Squeak On Open, Heavy Thud With Slight Ring On Close; Doors-GalleyStove-Int-Clo_1.wav (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Stove - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Older Stove, Open Close, Metal Squeak On Open, Heavy Thud With Slight Ring On Close; Doors-GalleyStove-Int-Clo_2.wav (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Stove - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Older Stove, Open Close, Metal Squeak On Open, Heavy Thud With Slight Ring On Close; Doors-GalleyStove-Int-Clo_3.wav (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Stove - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Older Stove, Open Close, Metal Squeak On Open, Heavy Thud With Slight Ring On Close; Doors-GalleyStove-Int-Clo_4.wav (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Stove - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Older Stove, Open Close, Metal Squeak On Open, Heavy Thud With Slight Ring On Close; Doors-GalleyStove-Int-Clo_5.wav (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Stove - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Older Stove, Open Close, Metal Squeak On Open, Heavy Thud With Slight Ring On Close; Doors-GalleyStove-Int-Clo_6.wav (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Stove - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Older Stove, 2 Opens Close, Metal Squeak On Open, Heavy Thud With Slight Ring On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-GalleyStove-Int-Clo_7.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Stove - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Older Stove, Open Close, Metal Squeak On Open, Heavy Thud With Slight Ring On Close; Doors-GalleyStove-Int-Close.wav (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Stove Rack - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Older Stove Rack, Sliding In & Out, Reverberating Ring; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-GalleyStoveRack-Int-C.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Stove Rack - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Older Stove Rack, Sliding In & Out, Reverberating Ring; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-GalleyStoveRack-Int_1.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Stove Rack - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Older Stove Rack, Sliding In & Out, Reverberating Ring; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-GalleyStoveRack-Int_2.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Galley Stove Rack - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Older Stove Rack, Sliding In 2x & Out, Reverberating Ring; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-GalleyStoveRack-Int_3.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Glass & Metal Entrance Exit Door - Int - MCU - Open & Hard, Rattling Close, Low, Hollow Reverb Doors-Glass&MetalEntrance_1.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Glass & Metal Entrance Exit Door - Int - MCU - Open & Hard, Rattling Close, Low, Hollow Reverb Doors-Glass&MetalEntrance_2.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Glass & Metal Entrance Exit Door - Int - MCU - Open & Hard, Rattling Close, Low, Hollow Reverb Doors-Glass&MetalEntrance_3.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Glass & Metal Entrance Exit Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Hard, Rattling Close, Low, Hollow Reverb Doors-Glass&MetalEntrance_4.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Glass & Metal Entrance Exit Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Hard, Creaky Close, Low, Hollow Reverb Doors-Glass&MetalEntrance_5.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Glass & Metal Entrance Exit Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Hard, Rattling Close, Low, Hollow Reverb Doors-Glass&MetalEntrance_6.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Glass & Metal Entrance Exit Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Hard, Rattling Close, Low, Hollow Reverb Doors-Glass&MetalEntrance_7.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Glass & Metal Entrance Exit Door - Int - MCU - Open & Hard Close, Low, Hollow Reverb Doors-Glass&MetalEntranceEx.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Glass Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Light Open & Rattling Close Doors-GlassCabinetDoor-In_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Glass Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Some Rebound Doors-GlassCabinetDoor-In_2.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Glass Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Medium Close, Slight Rebound Doors-GlassCabinetDoor-In_3.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Glass Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Medium Close, Slight Rebound Doors-GlassCabinetDoor-In_4.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Glass Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Medium Close, Slight Rebound Doors-GlassCabinetDoor-In_5.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Glass Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Hard Close Doors-GlassCabinetDoor-Int-.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Medium Fast Swing Back & Forth Doors-GlassDoor-Int-Close-U.wav With Squeak Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Close & Open, Some Rattle & Glass Vibration Doors-GlassDoor-Int-Close_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Close & Open, Some Rattle & Glass Vibration Doors-GlassDoor-Int-Close_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Bounce Back & Close, Some Rattle & Glass Vibration Doors-GlassDoor-Int-Close_3.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Heavy Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Slow Creaks, Hard Bang Open & Hit Wall, Metal Squeak, Wood Creak Doors-HeavyWoodDoor-IntC_1.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Heavy Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Hard Bang Open & Hit Wall, Metal Squeak, Wood Creak Doors-HeavyWoodDoor-IntC_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Heavy Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Medium Hard Bang Open Doors-HeavyWoodDoor-Int-Clo.wav & Hit Wall, Metal Squeak, Wood Creak Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Heavy Wooden Front Door Closes - Int - Close-Up - Medium Metallic Strike, Then Slow Push Into Heavy Thud With Metallic Click DoorsHeavyWoodenFrontDoo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Heavy Wooden Front Door Closes - Int - Close-Up - Light Metallic Strike, Then Medium Push Into Heavy Thud With Metallic Click DoorsHeavyWoodenFrontDoorC.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Heavy Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Hard Close Doors-HeavyWoodFrontDoor_1.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Heavy Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Hard Close Doors-HeavyWoodFrontDoor_2.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Heavy Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Slam Doors-HeavyWoodFrontDoor_3.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Heavy Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Medium Slam Doors-HeavyWoodFrontDoor_4.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Heavy Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Medium Close Doors-HeavyWoodFrontDoor_5.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Heavy Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Hard Close Doors-HeavyWoodFrontDoor_6.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Heavy Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Hard Close Doors-HeavyWoodFrontDoor_7.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Heavy Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Hard Close Doors-HeavyWoodFrontDoorIn.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Heavy Wood Front Door With Electronic Alarm Keypad Entry - DoorsExt - Close-Up - Keypad Beeps, Open & Slam HeavyWoodFrontDoorW_1.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Heavy Wood Front Door With Electronic Alarm Keypad Entry - DoorsExt - Close-Up - Keypad Beeps, Open & Slam HeavyWoodFrontDoorW_2.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Heavy Wood Front Door With Electronic Alarm Keypad Entry - DoorsExt - Close-Up - Keypad Beeps, Open & Close With Some Rebound HeavyWoodFrontDoorW_3.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Heavy Wood Front Door With Electronic Alarm Keypad Entry - DoorsExt - Close-Up - Keypad Beeps, Open & Slam HeavyWoodFrontDoorW_4.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Heavy Wood Front Door With Electronic Alarm Keypad Entry - DoorsExt - Close-Up - Keypad Beeps, Open & Slam HeavyWoodFrontDoorWit.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Hinge & Wood Squeaks - Int - Close-Up - Series Of Short, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Light Wood Door, Hallway POV Doors-Hinge&WoodSqueaksI_1.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Hinge & Wood Squeaks - Int - Close-Up - Series Of Short, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Light Wood Door, Hallway POV Doors-Hinge&WoodSqueaksI_2.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Hinge & Wood Squeaks - Int - Close-Up - Series Of Short, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Light Wood Door, Hallway POV Doors-Hinge&WoodSqueaksI_3.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Hinge & Wood Squeaks - Int - Close-Up - Single Long, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creak, With Hinge Squeak, Light Wood Door, Hallway POV Doors-Hinge&WoodSqueaksI_4.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Hinge & Wood Squeaks - Int - Close-Up - Series Of Long, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Light Wood Door, Hallway POV Doors-Hinge&WoodSqueaksI_5.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Hinge & Wood Squeaks - Int - Close-Up - Series Of Short, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Light Wood Door, Hallway POV Doors-Hinge&WoodSqueaksI_6.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Hinge & Wood Squeaks - Int - Close-Up - Series Of Short, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Light Wood Door, Hallway POV Doors-Hinge&WoodSqueaks-Int.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Hinged Storage Space Lids - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Dull Impacts, Some Rattling Reverb On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-HingedStorageSpaceL_1.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Hinged Storage Space Lids - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Dull Impacts, Some Rattling Reverb On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-HingedStorageSpaceL_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Hinged Storage Space Lid - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Doors-HingedStorageSpaceL_3.wav & Close, Light Wood; (42' 1979 Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Hinged Storage Space Lid - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Doors-HingedStorageSpaceL_4.wav & Close, Some Rebound, Light Wood; (42' 1979 Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Hinged Storage Space Lid - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open & Close, Rebound, Light Wood, Medium Loud; (42' 1979 Yacht Doors-HingedStorageSpaceL_5.wav Trawler) Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Hinged Storage Space Lids - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Dull Impacts, Some Rattling Reverb On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-HingedStorageSpaceLid.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Hollow Wood Door With Glass Window - Int - Close-Up Open & Close, Very Soft, Mic'd From Room Side DoorsHollowWoodDoorWithG_1.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Hollow Wood Door With Glass Window - Int - Close-Up Open & Snapping Close, Very Soft, Some Light Squeaks, Mic'd From Room Side DoorsHollowWoodDoorWithG_2.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Hollow Wood Door With Glass Window - Int - Close-Up Open & Close, Very Soft, Some Light Squeaks, Mic'd From Room Side DoorsHollowWoodDoorWithG_3.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Hollow Wood Door With Glass Window - Int - Close-Up Open & Close, Very Soft, Some Light Squeaks, Mic'd From Room Side DoorsHollowWoodDoorWithG_4.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Hollow Wood Door With Glass Window - Int - Close-Up Open & Close, Very Soft, Mic'd From Room Side DoorsHollowWoodDoorWithGla.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Hollow Wood Door With Loose Handle - Int - Close-Up - Open DoorsClose, Slow & Soft To Fast With Slam, Handle Jingles Slightly, Some HollowWoodDoorWithLoo.wav Squeaks, Reverb, Long Slow Open Close @ End, (Mic'd Int Hallway) Soundstorm 3:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Glass Window Of Wood Front Door - Int - CloseUp - 4 Sharp Knocks DoorsKnocksOnGlassWindow_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Glass Window Of Wood Front Door - Int - CloseUp - 4 Knocks, Incrementally Louder DoorsKnocksOnGlassWindow_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Glass Window Of Wood Front Door - Int - CloseUp - 3 Sharp Knocks Of Near Equal Volume, Dull 4th Knock DoorsKnocksOnGlassWindow_3.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Glass Window Of Wood Front Door - Int - CloseUp - 5 Knocks, Incrementally Louder DoorsKnocksOnGlassWindow_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Glass Window Of Wood Front Door - Int - CloseUp - 5 Knocks, Incrementally Louder DoorsKnocksOnGlassWindow_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Glass Window Of Wood Front Door - Int - CloseUp - 5 Knocks @ Equal Volume DoorsKnocksOnGlassWindow_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Glass Window Of Wood Front Door - Int - CloseUp - 5 Knocks, Incrementally Louder DoorsKnocksOnGlassWindow_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Glass Window Of Wood Front Door - Int - CloseUp - 4 Knocks DoorsKnocksOnGlassWindowOf.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Hard Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_10.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Hard Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Hard Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_12.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Hard Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_13.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Hard Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_14.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Hard Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_15.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Hard Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_16.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Hard Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_17.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Hard Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_18.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Hard Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_19.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Hard Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_20.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - 7 Rapid Knocks DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_21.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - 7 Rapid Knocks DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_22.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - 7 Rapid Knocks DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_23.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - 7 Rapid, DoorsDull Knocks KnocksOnHeavyWoodD_24.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Dull Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_25.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Dull Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_26.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Dull Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_27.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Dull Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_28.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Dull Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_29.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - 6 Dull Knocks, Light Door Knocker Movements DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_30.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - 6 Dull Knocks, Light Door Knocker Movements DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_31.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - 6 Dull Knocks, Light Knocker Movements DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_32.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_33.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_34.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_35.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Knock, Light Knocker Movements DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_36.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - 3 Dull Knocks, Light Knocker Movements DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_37.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - 7 Very Dull Knocks, Light Knocker Movements DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_38.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - 7 Very Dull Knocks, Light Knocker Movements DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_39.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - 7 Very Dull Knocks, Light Knocker Movements DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_40.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - 4 Low, Reverberant Knocks DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_41.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - 4 Low, Reverberant Knocks DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodD_42.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodDo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodDo_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodDo_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodDo_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodDo_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodDo_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodDo_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodDo_8.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Hard Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodDo_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Heavy Wood Door - Hallway Perspective - Single Knock DoorsKnocksOnHeavyWoodDoor.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up, Single Knock Doors-KnocksOnThickGlass_10.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up, Single Knock Doors-KnocksOnThickGlass_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up, Single Knock Doors-KnocksOnThickGlass_12.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up, Single Knock Doors-KnocksOnThickGlass_13.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up, Single Doors-KnocksOnThickGlass_14.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up, Single Knock Doors-KnocksOnThickGlass_15.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up, Single Knock Doors-KnocksOnThickGlass_16.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up, Single Knock Doors-KnocksOnThickGlass_17.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up, Single Knock Doors-KnocksOnThickGlass_18.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up, Single Knock Doors-KnocksOnThickGlass_19.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up, Single Knock Doors-KnocksOnThickGlass_20.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up, Single Knock Doors-KnocksOnThickGlass_21.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up, Single Knock Doors-KnocksOnThickGlass_22.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up, Single Knock Doors-KnocksOnThickGlass_23.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up, Single Knock Doors-KnocksOnThickGlass_24.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - 6 Knocks Doors-KnocksOnThickGlass_25.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - 7 Knocks, Incrementally Louder Doors-KnocksOnThickGlass_26.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - 9 Knocks, Incrementally Louder Doors-KnocksOnThickGlass_27.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - 7 Knocks, Incrementally Louder Doors-KnocksOnThickGlass_28.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - 7 Knocks, Incrementally Louder Doors-KnocksOnThickGlass_29.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - 7 Knocks Of Equal Volume Doors-KnocksOnThickGlass_30.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - 7 Knocks, Incrementally Louder Doors-KnocksOnThickGlass_31.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - 9 Knocks, Equal Volume Doors-KnocksOnThickGlass_32.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up, 4 Knocks DoorsKnocksOnThickGlassD_1.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up, Single Knock DoorsKnocksOnThickGlassD_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up, Single Knock DoorsKnocksOnThickGlassD_3.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up, Single Knock DoorsKnocksOnThickGlassD_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up, Single Knock DoorsKnocksOnThickGlassD_5.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up, Single Knock DoorsKnocksOnThickGlassD_6.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up, Single Knock DoorsKnocksOnThickGlassD_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up, Single Knock DoorsKnocksOnThickGlassD_8.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up, Single Knock DoorsKnocksOnThickGlassD_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Thick Glass Door - Int - Close-Up, 4 Knocks DoorsKnocksOnThickGlassDoo.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Wood Front Door - Ext - MCU - 5 Fast Knocks, Greatest Emphasis On 1st & Last Knocks DoorsKnocksOnWoodFrontD_10.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - 4 Knocks, Incrementally Louder DoorsKnocksOnWoodFrontD_11.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - 4 Medium Loud Knocks DoorsKnocksOnWoodFrontD_12.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - 4 Medium Loud Knocks, Last Knock Dull DoorsKnocksOnWoodFrontD_13.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - 5 Knocks, Incrementally Louder DoorsKnocksOnWoodFrontD_14.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - 5 Knocks @ Nearly Equal Volume DoorsKnocksOnWoodFrontD_15.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - 5 Medium Loud Knocks DoorsKnocksOnWoodFrontD_16.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - 5 Knocks, Incrementally Louder DoorsKnocksOnWoodFrontD_17.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Wood Front Door - Ext - MCU - 4 Knocks DoorsKnocksOnWoodFrontDo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Wood Front Door - Ext - MCU - 4 Dull Knocks, Slow Speed DoorsKnocksOnWoodFrontDo_2.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Wood Front Door - Ext - MCU - 4 Knocks DoorsKnocksOnWoodFrontDo_3.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Wood Front Door - Ext - MCU - 4 Knocks, Some Squeaks DoorsKnocksOnWoodFrontDo_4.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Wood Front Door - Ext - MCU - 5 Fast Knocks DoorsKnocksOnWoodFrontDo_5.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Wood Front Door - Ext - MCU - 5 Fast & Somewhat Sharp Knocks DoorsKnocksOnWoodFrontDo_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Wood Front Door - Ext - MCU - 5 Fast Knocks DoorsKnocksOnWoodFrontDo_7.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Wood Front Door - Ext - MCU - 5 Fast Knocks, Greatest Emphasis On Last Knock DoorsKnocksOnWoodFrontDo_8.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Wood Front Door - Ext - MCU - 5 Fast Knocks, Greatest Emphasis On 1st Knock DoorsKnocksOnWoodFrontDo_9.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Knocks On Wood Front Door - Ext - MCU - 4 Knocks DoorsKnocksOnWoodFrontDoor.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Latching Glass Shower Door - Inside Shower Perspective Close-Up - Somewhat Squeaky Open & Dull Close, Hollow Reverb, Medium Loud Doors-LatchingGlassShowe_10.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Latching Glass Shower Door - Inside Shower Perspective Close-Up - Somewhat Squeaky Open & Dull Close, Hollow Reverb, Loud Doors-LatchingGlassShowe_11.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Latching Glass Shower Door - Outside Shower Perspective MCU - Opening & Closing With Hollow Reverb Doors-LatchingGlassShower_1.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Latching Glass Shower Door - Outside Shower Perspective MCU - Opening & Closing With Hollow Reverb Doors-LatchingGlassShower_2.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Latching Glass Shower Door - Outside Shower Perspective MCU - Open & Close With Hollow Reverb, Medium Loud Close Doors-LatchingGlassShower_3.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Latching Glass Shower Door - Outside Shower Perspective MCU - Open & Close With Hollow Reverb, 2 Impacts On Close Doors-LatchingGlassShower_4.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Latching Glass Shower Door - Outside Shower Perspective MCU - Somewhat Squeaky Open & Medium Loud Close, With Hollow Reverb Doors-LatchingGlassShower_5.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Latching Glass Shower Door - Outside Shower Perspective MCU - Somewhat Squeaky Open & Medium Loud Close, With Hollow Reverb Doors-LatchingGlassShower_6.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Latching Glass Shower Door - Inside Shower Perspective Close-Up - Somewhat Squeaky Open & Dull Close, Hollow Reverb Doors-LatchingGlassShower_7.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Latching Glass Shower Door - Inside Shower Perspective Close-Up - Somewhat Squeaky Open & Dull Close, Hollow Reverb, Medium Loud Doors-LatchingGlassShower_8.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Latching Glass Shower Door - Inside Shower Perspective Close-Up - Somewhat Squeaky Open & Dull Close, Hollow Reverb, Loud Doors-LatchingGlassShower_9.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Latching Glass Shower Door - Outside Shower Perspective MCU - Opening & Closing With Hollow Reverb Doors-LatchingGlassShowerDo.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Latch Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close - Short Doors-LatchWoodDoor-Int-Clo.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Soft & Hard, Small Latch Snaps Into Place Somewhat Loudly; Doors-LightWoodCabinetDoo_1.wav (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Soft & Hard, Small Latch Snaps Into Place Loudly; (Boat Is A 42' Doors-LightWoodCabinetDoo_2.wav 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Soft & Hard, Small Latch Snaps Into Place Somewhat Loudly; Doors-LightWoodCabinetDoo_3.wav (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Soft & Hard, Small Latch Snaps Into Place Loudly; (Boat Is A 42' Doors-LightWoodCabinetDoo_4.wav 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Small Latch Snaps Into Place Loudly; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Doors-LightWoodCabinetDoor-.wav Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Closet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior; Open Close, Push-Button Latch With Slight Ring; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-LightWoodClosetDoor-I.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Closet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior; Open Close, Push-Button Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-LightWoodClosetDoor_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Closet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior; Open Close, Push-Button Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-LightWoodClosetDoor_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Closet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior; Open Close, Push-Button Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-LightWoodClosetDoor_3.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Closet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior; Open Close, Push-Button Latch With A Very Light Ring; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-LightWoodClosetDoor_4.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Closet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior; Open Close, Push-Button Latch With Rattling Rebound; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-LightWoodClosetDoor_5.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Closet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior; Open Close, Push-Button Latch Fidgeting; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-LightWoodClosetDoor_6.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Closet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior; Open Close, Push-Button Latch, Thin Texture, Soft Volume Level; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-LightWoodClosetDoor_7.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Closet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior; Open Close, Push-Button Latch With Slight Ring; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-LightWoodClosetDoor_8.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - MCU - Open & Close, Medium Soft Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Bathroom POV Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-_10.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - MCU - Open & Close, Noisy WoodOn-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Bathroom POV Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-_11.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - MCU - Open & Close, Noisy WoodOn-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Bathroom POV Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-_12.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - MCU - Open & Close, Noisy WoodOn-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Bathroom POV Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-_13.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - Long Shot - Open & Close 2x, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Hallway POV, 10-15 Yards From Door Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-_14.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - Long Shot - Open & Slam, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Hallway POV, 10-15 Yards From Door Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-_15.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Slight Rattle When Shut, Hallway POV Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-C_1.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Slam, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Slight Rattle When Shut, Hallway POV Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-C_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Slam, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Slight Rattle When Shut, Hallway POV Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-C_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Slight Rattle When Shut, Hallway POV Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-C_4.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Slam, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Slight Rattle When Shut, Hallway POV Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-C_5.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Slam, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Slight Rattle When Shut, Hallway POV Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-C_6.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Slam, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Slight Rattle When Shut, Hallway POV Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-C_7.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Slam, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Slight Rattle When Shut, Hallway POV Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-C_8.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Slight Rattle When Shut, Hallway POV Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-Clo.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - Long Shot - Open & Close, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Long Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Hallway POV, 10-15 Yards From Door Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-L_1.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - Long Shot - Open & Close, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Hallway POV, 10-15 Yards From Door Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-L_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - Long Shot - Open & Gentle Close, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Hallway POV, 10-15 Yards From Door Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-L_3.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - Long Shot - Open & Slam, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Hallway POV, 10-15 Yards From Door Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-L_4.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - Long Shot - Open & Slam, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Hallway POV, 10-15 Yards From Door Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-L_5.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - Long Shot - Open & Slam 2x, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Hallway POV, 10-15 Yards From Door Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-L_6.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - Long Shot - Open & Slam, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Hallway POV, 10-15 Yards From Door Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-L_7.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - Long Shot - Open & Slam, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Hallway POV, 10-15 Yards From Door Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-L_8.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - Long Shot - Open & Slam, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Hallway POV, 10-15 Yards From Door Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-L_9.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - Long Shot - Open & Slam, Noisy Wood-On-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Hallway POV, 10-15 Yards From Door Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-Lon.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - MCU - Open & Close, Wood-OnWood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Bathroom POV Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-M_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - MCU - Slam Shut, Noisy Wood-OnWood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Bathroom POV Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-M_2.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - MCU - Slam Shut, Noisy Wood-OnWood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Bathroom POV Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-M_3.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - MCU - Slam Shut, Noisy Wood-OnWood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Bathroom POV Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-M_4.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - MCU - Slam Shut, Noisy Wood-OnWood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Bathroom POV Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-M_5.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - MCU - Open & Close, Noisy WoodOn-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Bathroom POV Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-M_6.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - MCU - Open & Close, Noisy WoodOn-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Bathroom POV Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-M_7.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - MCU - Open & Close, Noisy WoodOn-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Bathroom POV Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-M_8.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - MCU - Open & Close, Noisy WoodOn-Wood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Bathroom POV Doors-LightWoodDoor-Int-M_9.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Door - Int - MCU - Open & Close, Wood-OnWood Creaks, With Hinge Squeak, Reverb, Bathroom POV Doors-LightWoodDoor-IntMCU.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Hatch Cover - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Rattling Rebounds On Open; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Doors-LightWoodHatchCover-I.wav Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Hatch Cover - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Doors-LightWoodHatchCover_1.wav Slam; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Hatch Cover - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Lots Of Rattling Rebound; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Doors-LightWoodHatchCover_2.wav Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Hatch Cover - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Slam Doors-LightWoodHatchCover_3.wav With Rattling Rebound; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Hatch Cover - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Sharp Doors-LightWoodHatchCover_4.wav Slam; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Hinged Counter Top - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Soft & Hard, Bounce Back On Open, Firm Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DoorsLightWoodHingedCoun_1.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Hinged Counter Top - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Soft & Hard, Bounce Back On Open, Firm Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DoorsLightWoodHingedCoun_2.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Hinged Counter Top - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Soft & Hard, Bounce Back On Open, Somewhat Firm Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DoorsLightWoodHingedCoun_3.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Hinged Counter Top - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Soft & Hard, Bounce Back On Open, Sliding Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DoorsLightWoodHingedCoun_4.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Hinged Counter Top - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Soft & Hard, Bounce Back On Open, Soft Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DoorsLightWoodHingedCoun_5.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Hinged Counter Top - Int - Close-Up - Boat DoorsInterior, Open Close, Soft & Hard, Bounce Back On Open, Firm & Loud LightWoodHingedCoun_6.wav Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Hinged Counter Top - Int - Close-Up - Boat DoorsInterior, Open Close, Soft & Hard, Bounce Back On Open, Firm & Loud LightWoodHingedCoun_7.wav Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Light Wood Hinged Counter Top - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Soft & Hard, Bounce Back On Open, Firm Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-LightWoodHingedCounte.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Ext - Close-Up - Close, Slow, Metal Squeals Rattles & Squeaks, Hard Bang When Fully Closed Doors-MetalGarageDoor-Ext-C.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Ext - Close-Up - Close, Slow, Grinds, Metal Squeals Rattles & Squeaks, Hard Bang When Fully Closed, Some Reverberation Doors-MetalGarageDoor-Ext_1.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Ext - Close-Up - Close, Metal Squeals Rattles & Squeaks, Hard Bang When Fully Closed, Some Reverberation Doors-MetalGarageDoor-Ext_2.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Ext - Close-Up - Close, Quick, Metal Squeals Rattles & Squeaks, Hard Bang When Fully Closed, Some Reverberation Doors-MetalGarageDoor-Ext_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open, Slow, Metal Squeals Rattles & Squeaks, Bounces When Open Doors-MetalGarageDoor-Ext_4.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open, Metal Squeals Rattles & Squeaks, Hard Bang When Fully Open, Bounces When Open Doors-MetalGarageDoor-Ext_5.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open, Metal Squeals Rattles & Squeaks, Hard Bang When Fully Open, Bounces When Open Doors-MetalGarageDoor-Ext_6.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open, Keys Rattle, Lock Doors-MetalGarageDoor-Ext_7.wav & Latch Turn With Squeak, Metal Squeaks & Shakes Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Int - Close-Up - Bouncing Stress, Shakes, Stresses, Creaks, Rattles, Crunches, Wobbles Doors-MetalGarageDoor-In_10.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Squeals, Pops, Grinds, Moans, Scrapes Doors-MetalGarageDoor-In_11.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Squeals, Scrapes, Pops, Stresses Doors-MetalGarageDoor-In_12.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Crunches, Doors-MetalGarageDoor-In_13.wav Squeals, Scrapes, Grinds, Pops, Stresses Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Squeals, Scrapes, Creaks, Groans, Crunches Doors-MetalGarageDoor-In_14.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Pops, Ratchets, Rocks & Stresses Doors-MetalGarageDoor-In_15.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Shakes, Squeals, Stresses & Moans, Rumbles & Pops Doors-MetalGarageDoor-In_16.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Int - Close-Up - Stress & Shake, Crunches, Strains, Pops, Screeches, Rattles & Shakes Doors-MetalGarageDoor-In_17.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Int - Close-Up - Stress & Shake, Aggressive Rattle & Shake, Some Screeching Near Tail Doors-MetalGarageDoor-In_18.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Int - Close-Up - Stress & Shake, Metal Shake Rattle & Bang, Screeches, Clicks Clanks & Thuds Doors-MetalGarageDoor-In_19.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Int - Close-Up - Stress & Shake, Loud Metal Shake, Rattle & Bang Doors-MetalGarageDoor-In_20.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Slow, Metal Squeals Rattles & Squeaks, Hard Bang When Fully Closed, Some Reverberation Doors-MetalGarageDoor-Int-C.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Slow, Metal Squeals Rattles & Squeaks, Hard Bang When Fully Closed, Some Reverberation Doors-MetalGarageDoor-Int_1.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Metal Squeals Rattles & Squeaks Doors-MetalGarageDoor-Int_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Metal Squeals Rattles & Squeaks, Hard Bang When Fully Closed Doors-MetalGarageDoor-Int_3.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Slow, Metal Squeals Rattles & Squeaks, Hard Bang When Fully Open Doors-MetalGarageDoor-Int_4.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Metal Squeals Rattles & Squeaks, Hard Bang When Fully Open Doors-MetalGarageDoor-Int_5.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Metal Squeals Rattles & Squeaks, Hard Bang When Fully Open Doors-MetalGarageDoor-Int_6.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Int - Close-Up - Bouncing Stress, Shakes, Stresses, Creaks, Rattles, Wobbles Doors-MetalGarageDoor-Int_7.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Int - Close-Up - Bouncing Stress, Shakes, Stresses, Creaks, Rattles, Wobbles Doors-MetalGarageDoor-Int_8.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Garage Door - Int - Close-Up - Bouncing Stress, Shakes, Stresses, Creaks, Rattles, Wobbles Doors-MetalGarageDoor-Int_9.wav Soundstorm 0:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Screen Door - Close-Up - Open & Close, Very Squeaky, Doors-MetalScreenDoor-Clo_1.wav Slam, Some Rebound Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Screen Door - Close-Up - Squeaky & Abrupt Open & Medium Slam, Some Rebound Doors-MetalScreenDoor-Clo_2.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Screen Door - Close-Up - Open & Slam, Squeaky, Whiny, Some Rebound Doors-MetalScreenDoor-Clo_3.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Screen Door - Close-Up - Open & Close, Squeaky Doors-MetalScreenDoor-Clo_4.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Screen Door - Close-Up - Open & Somewhat Loud Close, Very Squeaky & Whiny Doors-MetalScreenDoor-Close.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Screen Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Tinny Metal Clank & Bright Metal Scrape Doors-MetalScreenDoor-In_10.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Screen Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Hard, Dull Metal Slam Shake & Rattle Doors-MetalScreenDoor-Int-C.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Screen Door - Int - MCU - Open & Close, Squeaky Doors-MetalScreenDoor-Int-M.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Screen Door - Int - MCU - Open & Close, Very Squeaky Doors-MetalScreenDoor-Int_1.wav Opening Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Screen Door - Int - MCU - Open & Close, Squeaky, Some Rebound Doors-MetalScreenDoor-Int_2.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Screen Door - Int - MCU - Open & Close, Squeaky Doors-MetalScreenDoor-Int_3.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Screen Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Dull Metal Slam Shake & Rattle Doors-MetalScreenDoor-Int_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Screen Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Dull Metal Slam Shake & Rattle Doors-MetalScreenDoor-Int_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Screen Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Tinny, Dull Metal Slam Shake & Rattle Doors-MetalScreenDoor-Int_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Screen Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Tinny Metal Clank & Metal Scrape Doors-MetalScreenDoor-Int_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Screen Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Tinny Metal Clank & Metal Scrape Doors-MetalScreenDoor-Int_8.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Screen Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Tinny Metal Clank & Bright Metal Scrape Doors-MetalScreenDoor-Int_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Vault Door W Latch - C U - Rough, Crisp Open, Medium Doors-MetalVaultDoorWLat_10.wav Loud Slam, Some Creaks Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Vault Door W Latch - C U - Crisp Open, Footstep, Medium Close Doors-MetalVaultDoorWLat_11.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Vault Door W Latch - C U - Swift Open, Slam Doors-MetalVaultDoorWLat_12.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Vault Door W Latch - C U - Open In 2 Movements, Medium Slam Doors-MetalVaultDoorWLat_13.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Vault Door W Latch - C U - Careful, Creaky Open, Somewhat Loud Slam Doors-MetalVaultDoorWLat_14.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Vault Door W Latch - C U - Open In 2 Movements, Very Doors-MetalVaultDoorWLat_15.wav Metallic Slam, Some Light Metal Fidgeting @ Head Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Vault Door W Latch - C U - Metallic Fidgeting, Definitive Close Doors-MetalVaultDoorWLat_16.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Vault Door W Latch - C U - Metallic Fidgeting, Definitive Close, Medium Speed, Some Creaking Doors-MetalVaultDoorWLat_17.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Vault Door W Latch - C U - Open In 2 Movements Doors-MetalVaultDoorWLat_18.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Vault Door W Latch - C U - Single Close Doors-MetalVaultDoorWLat_19.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Vault Door W Latch - C U - Light Metallic Scraping Scraping, Snapping Close Doors-MetalVaultDoorWLat_20.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Vault Door W Latch - C U - Soft Open Doors-MetalVaultDoorWLat_21.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Vault Door W Latch - C U - Crisp Latch Open With Emphatic Close, 2 Impacts For Close Doors-MetalVaultDoorWLatc_1.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Vault Door W Latch - C U - Crisp Latch Open With Emphatic Close, Slight Reverberant Ringing On Close Doors-MetalVaultDoorWLatc_2.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Vault Door W Latch - C U - Crisp Latch Open With 2 Movements, Gentle Snapping Close Doors-MetalVaultDoorWLatc_3.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Vault Door W Latch - C U - Crisp Latch Open, Snapping Close Doors-MetalVaultDoorWLatc_4.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Vault Door W Latch - C U - Dull & Soft Latch Open, Scrapings, Slow Closing With 2 Movements Doors-MetalVaultDoorWLatc_5.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Vault Door W Latch - C U - Soft, Labored Open, Slow, Thudding Close Doors-MetalVaultDoorWLatc_6.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Vault Door W Latch - C U - Careful Open, Soft Yet Definitive Close, Some Light Squeaks Doors-MetalVaultDoorWLatc_7.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Vault Door W Latch - C U - Medium Slow Opening With Creaks, Close With 2 Movements, Some Squeaks Doors-MetalVaultDoorWLatc_8.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Vault Door W Latch - C U - Rough, Crisp Open, Medium Doors-MetalVaultDoorWLatc_9.wav Slam Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Metal Vault Door W Latch - C U - Crisp Latch Open With Closing Slap Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Microwave Oven Door - Close-Up - Open & Close, Reverb On Doors-MicrowaveOvenDoorDoor Close C_1.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Microwave Oven Door - Close-Up - Light Creaking @ Head, Loud Close With Reverb Doors-MicrowaveOvenDoorC_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Microwave Oven Door - Close-Up - Open & Close, Some Reverb On Close Doors-MicrowaveOvenDoorC_3.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Doors-MetalVaultDoorWLatch-.wav Door Doors - Microwave Oven Door - Close-Up - Open & Close, Some Reverb On Close Doors-MicrowaveOvenDoorC_4.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Microwave Oven Door - Close-Up - Open & Close, Some Reverb On Close Doors-MicrowaveOvenDoorC_5.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Microwave Oven Door - Close-Up - Open & Close, Some Reverb On Close Doors-MicrowaveOvenDoorC_6.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Microwave Oven Door - Close-Up - Open & Close Doors-MicrowaveOvenDoorClo.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Old Jail Cell Door - Int - Close-Up - Unlock Doors-OldJailCellDoor-Int-C.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Old Jail Cell Door - Int - Close-Up - Open With Squeak Doors-OldJailCellDoor-Int_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Old Jail Cell Door - Int - Close-Up - Unlock Doors-OldJailCellDoor-Int_2.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Old Jail Cell Door - Int - Close-Up - Open With Squeak Doors-OldJailCellDoor-Int_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Side By Side Refrigerator Door - MCU - Open & Close On Freezer Side Doors-SideBySideRefriger_10.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Side By Side Refrigerator Door - MCU - Open & Close On Fridge Side, Light Creaking On Open, Some Rattle On Close, Jostling Bottles Doors-SideBySideRefrigera_1.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Side By Side Refrigerator Door - MCU - Open & Close On Fridge Side, Light Creaking On Open, Some Rattle On Close, Jostling Bottles Doors-SideBySideRefrigera_2.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Side By Side Refrigerator Door - MCU - Open & Close On Fridge Side, Light Creaking On Open, Some Rattle On Close, Jostling Bottles Doors-SideBySideRefrigera_3.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Side By Side Refrigerator Door - MCU - Open & Close On Fridge Side, Light Creaking On Open, Some Rattle On Close, Jostling Bottles Doors-SideBySideRefrigera_4.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Side By Side Refrigerator Door - MCU - Open & Close On Fridge Side, Light Creaking On Open, Some Rattle On Close, Jostling Bottles Doors-SideBySideRefrigera_5.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Side By Side Refrigerator Door - MCU - Open & Close On Freezer Side Doors-SideBySideRefrigera_6.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Side By Side Refrigerator Door - MCU - Open & Close On Freezer Side, Cooling Sounds Doors-SideBySideRefrigera_7.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Side By Side Refrigerator Door - MCU - Open & Close On Freezer Side Doors-SideBySideRefrigera_8.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Side By Side Refrigerator Door - MCU - Open & Close On Freezer Side, Jostling Bottles @ Tail Doors-SideBySideRefrigera_9.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Side By Side Refrigerator Door - MCU - Open & Close On Fridge Side, Light Creaking On Open, Some Rattle On Close, Jostling Bottles Doors-SideBySideRefrigerato.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud To Soft, Lots Of Wood Screeches Toward Close, Wood Door On Wood Rails; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingDeckHatch-E_10.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Soft To Very Soft, Wood Door On Wood Rails; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingDeckHatch-E_11.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Soft W Some Squeakiness Wood Door On Wood Rails, Occasional Loud Wood Doors-SlidingDeckHatch-E_12.wav Screech; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud To Soft, Lots Of Squeaking, Wood Door On Wood Rails; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingDeckHatch-E_13.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud Wood Screech On Open, Soft Close, Wood Door On Wood Rails; (Boat Is A Doors-SlidingDeckHatch-Ex_1.wav 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Soft To Soft, Squeaky Scraping On Open, Wood Door On Wood Rails; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingDeckHatch-Ex_2.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud, Creaky Scraping, Wood Door On Wood Rails; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingDeckHatch-Ex_3.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Soft To Soft, Wood Door On Wood Rails; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingDeckHatch-Ex_4.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Soft To Very Soft, Creaky Scraping, Wood Door On Wood Rails; (Boat Is A 42' Doors-SlidingDeckHatch-Ex_5.wav 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud To Soft, Wood Screech On Open, Wood Door On Wood Rails; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingDeckHatch-Ex_6.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Soft To Very Soft, Squeaky Scrapes On Open, Wood Door On Wood Rails; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingDeckHatch-Ex_7.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Soft To Very Soft, Wood Door On Wood Rails; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingDeckHatch-Ex_8.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Soft To Very Soft, Some Squeaky Scrapes On Open, Wood Door On Wood Rails; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingDeckHatch-Ex_9.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Deck Hatch - Ext - Close-Up - Open Close, Loud Wood Screech On Open, Soft Close, Wood Door On Wood Rails; (Boat Is A Doors-SlidingDeckHatch-Ext-.wav 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Deck Hatch - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Soft, Wood Door On Wood Rails, Slightly Sticking, Light Creaks; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingDeckHatch-In_1.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Deck Hatch - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Soft, Wood Door On Wood Rails, Slightly Sticking, Light Creaks; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingDeckHatch-In_2.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Deck Hatch - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud To Soft, Wood Door On Wood Rails, Slightly Sticking, Some Creaks; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingDeckHatch-In_3.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Deck Hatch - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Very Soft To Medium Soft, Wood Door On Wood Rails, Slightly Sticking, Some Doors-SlidingDeckHatch-In_4.wav Creaks; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Deck Hatch - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud To Medium Soft, Wood Door On Wood Rails, Slightly Sticking, Some Creaks; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingDeckHatch-In_5.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Deck Hatch - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Loud To Medium Soft, Wood Door On Wood Rails, Slightly Sticking, Some Creaks; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingDeckHatch-In_6.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Deck Hatch - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Very Soft, Wood Door On Wood Rails, Slightly Sticking, Some Creaks; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingDeckHatch-In_7.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Deck Hatch - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Very Soft To Soft, Wood Door On Wood Rails, Slightly Sticking, Some Creaks; (Boat Doors-SlidingDeckHatch-In_8.wav Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Deck Hatch - Int - Close-Up - Open Close, Medium Soft To Soft, Wood Door On Wood Rails, Slightly Sticking, Some Creaks; Doors-SlidingDeckHatch-Int-.wav (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Snappy Close, Smooth Slide On Metal Track; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-I_10.wav Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Smooth Slide On Metal Track, Dull Thuds On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-I_11.wav Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Smooth Slide On Metal Track, Dull Thuds On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-I_12.wav Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Squeaky Close, Smooth Slide On Metal Track; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-I_13.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Squeaky Close, Smooth Slide On Metal Track, Dull Impact On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-I_14.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Smooth Slide On Metal Track, Dull Impact On Close; (Boat Is A 42' Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-I_15.wav 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Smooth Slide On Metal Track, Dull Impact On Close; (Boat Is A 42' Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-I_16.wav 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Smooth Slide On Metal Track, Sticky Passage; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-I_17.wav Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Smooth Slide On Metal Track, Sticky Passage; A Little Squeaky; (Boat Is Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-I_18.wav A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Smooth Slide On Metal Track, Dull Thump On Close, Medium Loud; Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-I_19.wav (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Smooth Slide On Metal Track, Dull Thump On Close, Medium Loud; Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-I_20.wav (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Smooth Slide On Metal Track, Dull Thump On Close, Medium Loud; Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-I_21.wav (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Smooth Slide On Metal Track, Dull Thump On Close, Medium Loud; Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-I_22.wav (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior; Open Close, Smooth Slide On Metal Track; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-I_23.wav Trawler) Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior; Open Close, Smooth Slide On Metal Track, Thudding Impact On Close; (Boat Is A Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-I_24.wav 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior; Open Close, Smooth Slide On Metal Track, Thudding Impact On Close; (Boat Is A Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-I_25.wav 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior; Open Close, Smooth Slide On Metal Track, Thudding Impact On Close; (Boat Is A Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-I_26.wav 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior; Open Close, Smooth Slide On Metal Track, Thudding Impact On Close; (Boat Is A Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-I_27.wav 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-In_1.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Open & Close, Handle Perspective Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-In_2.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Open & Close, Handle Perspective Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-In_3.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Open & Close, Handle Perspective Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-In_4.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Open & Close, Some Scraping Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-In_5.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Open & Close, Mic'd @ Base Of Track Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-In_6.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Open & Close, Slow Pacing Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-In_7.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Open & Close Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-In_8.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Smooth Slide On Metal Track; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-In_9.wav Trawler) Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close Doors-SlidingGlassDoor-Int-.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Book Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Abrasive Slide On Wood Track, Light Thud On Close, Medium Soft; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DoorsSlidingWoodBookCab_10.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Book Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Abrasive Slide On Wood Track, Light Thud On Close, Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DoorsSlidingWoodBookCab_11.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Book Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Abrasive & Very Jerky Slide On Wood Track, Light Thud On Close, Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DoorsSlidingWoodBookCab_12.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Book Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Slide On Wood Track, Thudding Impact On Close, Doors-SlidingWoodBookCabi_1.wav Some Squeaks & Rattles; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Book Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Abrasive Open Close, Slide On Wood Track, Thudding Impact On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingWoodBookCabi_2.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Book Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Slide On Wood Track, Medium Fast Pacing; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingWoodBookCabi_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Book Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Abrasive Slide On Wood Track, Thudding Impact On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingWoodBookCabi_4.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Book Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Slide On Wood Track, Tapping Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingWoodBookCabi_5.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Book Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Abrasive Slide On Wood Track, Light Thud On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingWoodBookCabi_6.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Book Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Abrasive Slide On Wood Track, Abrupt Open, Light Thud On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingWoodBookCabi_7.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Book Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Slide On Wood Track, Slow Pacing, Light Thud On Doors-SlidingWoodBookCabi_8.wav Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Book Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Abrasive & Jerky Slide On Wood Track, Light Thud On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingWoodBookCabi_9.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Book Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Somewhat Sticky Slide On Wood Track; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingWoodBookCabine.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Slight Resistance On Track, Lots Of Rattling On Open, Hard Doors-SlidingWoodCabinet_10.wav Tap On Close, Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Slight Resistance On Track, Hard Tap On Close, Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingWoodCabinet_11.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Slight Resistance On Track, Hard Tap On Close, Medium Soft, Fast Pacing; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingWoodCabinet_12.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Slight Resistance On Track, Lots Of Rattling On Open, Hard Doors-SlidingWoodCabinet_13.wav Tap On Close, Medium Loud, Fast Pacing; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Slight Resistance On Track, Some Rattling On Open, Hard Tap On Close, Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingWoodCabinet_14.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Slight Resistance On Track, Lots Of Rattling On Open, Hard Doors-SlidingWoodCabinet_15.wav Tap On Close, Loud, Fast Pacing; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close On Track, Soft; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingWoodCabinetD_1.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close On Track, Soft; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingWoodCabinetD_2.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close On Track, Soft; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingWoodCabinetD_3.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close On Track, Medium Hard; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingWoodCabinetD_4.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close On Track, Medium Hard; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingWoodCabinetD_5.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close On Track, Hard; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingWoodCabinetD_6.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close On Track, Medium Hard; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingWoodCabinetD_7.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Slight Resistance On Track, Hard Tap On Close, Medium Soft; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingWoodCabinetD_8.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Slight Resistance On Track, Hard Tap On Close, Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingWoodCabinetD_9.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close On Track, Soft; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingWoodCabinetDoo.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Closet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Smooth Slide On Track; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingWoodClosetDo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Closet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Very Smooth & Quick Slide On Track, Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingWoodClosetDo_2.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Closet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Very Smooth & Quick Slide On Track, Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingWoodClosetDo_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Closet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Slam, Very Smooth & Quick Slide On Track, Loud; (Boat Is A 42' Doors-SlidingWoodClosetDo_4.wav 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Sliding Wood Closet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Sticky Slide On Track; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SlidingWoodClosetDoor.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Small Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Soft & Very Hard, Small Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DoorsSmallWoodCabinetDoo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Small Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Soft & Hard, Small Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DoorsSmallWoodCabinetDoo_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Small Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Soft & Hard, Small Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DoorsSmallWoodCabinetDoo_3.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Small Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Soft & Very Hard, Small Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DoorsSmallWoodCabinetDoo_4.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Small Wood Cabinet Door - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Soft & Hard, Small Latch; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-SmallWoodCabinetDoor-.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Metal Fire Door - Int - Close-Up - Squeaky Open & Close, 2 Impacts On Close Doors-SolidMetalFireDoor-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Metal Fire Door - Int - Close-Up - Squeaky Open & Close, 3 Impacts On Close Doors-SolidMetalFireDoor-_2.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Metal Fire Door - Int - Close-Up - Squeaky Open & Squeaky Close, 4 Impacts On Close Doors-SolidMetalFireDoor-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Metal Fire Door - Int - Close-Up - Squeaky Open & Squeaky Close, 4 Impacts On Close Doors-SolidMetalFireDoor-_4.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Metal Fire Door - Int - Close-Up - Squeaky Open & Squeaky Close, 4 Impacts On Close Doors-SolidMetalFireDoor-_5.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Metal Fire Door - Int - Close-Up - Squeaky Open & Squeaky Close, 4 Impacts On Close Doors-SolidMetalFireDoor-_6.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Metal Fire Door - Int - Close-Up - Squeaky Open & Squeaky Close, 4 Impacts On Close Doors-SolidMetalFireDoor-_7.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Metal Fire Door - Ext - Close-Up - Squeaky Open & Close, Distant Voices Near Tail, Ample Reverb Doors-SolidMetalFireDoor-_8.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Metal Fire Door - Ext - Close-Up - Squeaky Open & Close, Short Walla, Ample Reverb Doors-SolidMetalFireDoor-Ex.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Metal Fire Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Some Reverb Doors-SolidMetalFireDoor-In.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Wood Door To Ext Of Apt. Building - Int - MCU - Open & Close With Slight Rebound DoorsSolidWoodDoorToExtO_1.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Wood Door To Ext Of Apt. Building - Int - MCU - Open & Medium Loud Close With Slight Rebound DoorsSolidWoodDoorToExtO_2.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Wood Door To Ext Of Apt. Building - Int - MCU - Open & Medium Loud Close With Slight Rebound, 2 Impacts On Close DoorsSolidWoodDoorToExtO_3.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Wood Door To Ext Of Apt. Building - Int - MCU - Open & Close With Slight Rebound DoorsSolidWoodDoorToExtOfA.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Wood Office Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Rattles, Solid Metal Latch Clicks Doors-SolidWoodOfficeDoo_10.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Wood Office Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Metallic Latch Doors-SolidWoodOfficeDoo_11.wav Click Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Wood Office Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Light Metallic Doors-SolidWoodOfficeDoor-I.wav Hit Followed by A Solid Metallic Latch Click Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Wood Office Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Solid Metallic Doors-SolidWoodOfficeDoor_1.wav Click, Heavy Metal Rattle Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Wood Office Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Solid Metallic Doors-SolidWoodOfficeDoor_2.wav Click, Heavy Metal Rattle Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Wood Office Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Solid Metallic Doors-SolidWoodOfficeDoor_3.wav Click, Heavy Metal Rattle Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Wood Office Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Hard Metallic Doors-SolidWoodOfficeDoor_4.wav Latch Click, Light Metallic Rattle Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Wood Office Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Solid Metallic Doors-SolidWoodOfficeDoor_5.wav Click, Heavy Metal Rattle Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Wood Office Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Rattles, Heavy Metallic Latch Click, Brushes Open Doors-SolidWoodOfficeDoor_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Wood Office Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Heavy Metallic Latch Click, Brushes Open Doors-SolidWoodOfficeDoor_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Wood Office Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Heavy Metallic Latch Click, Brushes Open Doors-SolidWoodOfficeDoor_8.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Solid Wood Office Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Heavy Thud, Heavy Latch Click Doors-SolidWoodOfficeDoor_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Steel Mesh Security Entrance Gate Door - Ext - Close-Up Open & Close, Very Creaky, Latch Movement, Reverb Doors-SteelMeshSecurityEn_1.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Steel Mesh Security Entrance Gate Door - Ext - Close-Up Open & Close, Very Creaky, Latch Movement Doors-SteelMeshSecurityEn_2.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Steel Mesh Security Entrance Gate Door - Ext - Close-Up Open & Close, Very Creaky, Very Loud Latch Movement Doors-SteelMeshSecurityEn_3.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Steel Mesh Security Entrance Gate Door - Ext - Close-Up Open & Close, Quite Creaky, Latch Movement Doors-SteelMeshSecurityEn_4.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Steel Mesh Security Entrance Gate Door - Ext - Close-Up Open & Close, Very Creaky, Latch Movement Doors-SteelMeshSecurityEn_5.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Steel Mesh Security Entrance Gate Door - Ext - Close-Up Open & Close, Very Creaky, Latch Movement Doors-SteelMeshSecurityEn_6.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Steel Mesh Security Entrance Gate Door - Ext - Close-Up Open & Close, Knob Jiggles, Ample Latch Movement Doors-SteelMeshSecurityEn_7.wav Soundstorm 0:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Steel Mesh Security Entrance Gate Door - Ext - Close-Up Open & Close, Very Creaky, Knob Jiggles, Ample Latch Movement Doors-SteelMeshSecurityEn_8.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Steel Mesh Security Entrance Gate Door - Ext - Close-Up Open & Close, Very Creaky, Latch Movement, Reverb Doors-SteelMeshSecurityEntr.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Swinging Glass & Metal Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Squeak, Reverb Doors-SwingingGlass&Metal_1.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Swinging Glass & Metal Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Squeak, Reverb Doors-SwingingGlass&Metal_2.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Swinging Glass & Metal Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Squeak, Reverb Doors-SwingingGlass&Metal_3.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Swinging Glass & Metal Door - Int - Close-Up - Open With Creak & Close With Squeak, Reverb Doors-SwingingGlass&Metal_4.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Swinging Glass & Metal Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Squeak, Reverb Doors-SwingingGlass&Metal_5.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Swinging Glass & Metal Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Squeak, Reverb Doors-SwingingGlass&Metal_6.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Swinging Glass & Metal Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Squeak, Reverb Doors-SwingingGlass&Metal_7.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Swinging Glass & Metal Door - Int - Close-Up - Open With Creak & Close With Squeak, Reverb Doors-SwingingGlass&Metal_8.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Swinging Glass & Metal Door - Int - Close-Up - Open With Creak & Close With Squeak, Reverb Doors-SwingingGlass&Metal_9.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Swinging Glass & Metal Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Squeak Doors-SwingingGlass&MetalDo.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Swinging Wood Doors - Int - Close-Up - Squeaking Hinge Movements, Piercing Doors-SwingingWoodDoors-I_1.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Swinging Wood Doors - Int - Close-Up - Squeaking Hinge Movements Doors-SwingingWoodDoors-Int.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Swinging Wood Doors - Wood - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Medium Intensity, Slow Rebounds Doors-SwingingWoodDoorsW_1.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Swinging Wood Doors - Wood - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Medium To High Intensity, Slow Rebounds Doors-SwingingWoodDoorsW_2.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Swinging Wood Doors - Wood - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Medium Intensity, Squeaky Doors-SwingingWoodDoorsW_3.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Swinging Wood Doors - Wood - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, High Intensity, Rebound, Squeak Doors-SwingingWoodDoorsW_4.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Swinging Wood Doors - Wood - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Somewhat High Intensity, Wood Slat Reverb, Some Squeak Doors-SwingingWoodDoorsW_5.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Swinging Wood Doors - Wood - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Medium Intensity, Slow Rebounds, Light Creaking Doors-SwingingWoodDoorsWoo.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wine Rack Doors - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Alternating Lift Up Top, Loud Closing, Some Rebound; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-WineRackDoors-Int-_10.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wine Rack Doors - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Alternating Lift Up Top, Loud Closing, Some Rebound; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-WineRackDoors-Int-_11.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wine Rack Doors - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Alternating Lift Up Top, Medium Soft Closing With Rebound, Very Light Squeaking; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-WineRackDoors-Int-_12.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wine Rack Doors - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Alternating Lift Up Top, Medium Loud Slams, Some Rebound; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-WineRackDoors-Int-_13.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wine Rack Doors - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Alternating Lift Up Top, Very Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-WineRackDoors-Int-_14.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wine Rack Doors - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Alternating Lift Up Top, Loud With Some Rebound; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-WineRackDoors-Int-_15.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wine Rack Doors - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Alternating Lift Up Top, Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-WineRackDoors-Int-_16.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wine Rack Doors - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Alternating Lift Up Top, Scraping, Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-WineRackDoors-Int-_17.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wine Rack Doors - Int - Close-Up - Fold Down Front, Boat Interior, Open Close, Sticky Hinges, Snappy Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-WineRackDoors-Int-C_1.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wine Rack Doors - Int - Close-Up - Fold Down Front, Boat Interior, Open Close, Sticky Hinges, Whack On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-WineRackDoors-Int-C_2.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wine Rack Doors - Int - Close-Up - Fold Down Front, Boat Interior, Open Close, Sticky Hinges, Whack On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-WineRackDoors-Int-C_3.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wine Rack Doors - Int - Close-Up - Fold Down Front, Boat Interior, Open Close, Sticky Hinges, Whack & Slight Squeaking On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-WineRackDoors-Int-C_4.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wine Rack Doors - Int - Close-Up - Fold Down Front, Boat Interior, Open Close, Sticky Hinges, Whack On Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-WineRackDoors-Int-C_5.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wine Rack Doors - Int - Close-Up - Fold Down Front, Boat Interior, Open Close, Sticky Hinges, Slight Slam; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-WineRackDoors-Int-C_6.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wine Rack Doors - Int - Close-Up - Fold Down Front, Boat Interior, Open Close, Sticky Hinges, Hard Slam; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-WineRackDoors-Int-C_7.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wine Rack Doors - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Alternating Lift Up Top, Medium Loud Scraping; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-WineRackDoors-Int-C_8.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wine Rack Doors - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Alternating Lift Up Top, Loud Scraping & Closing; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Doors-WineRackDoors-Int-C_9.wav Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wine Rack Doors - Int - Close-Up - Fold Down Front, Boat Interior, Open Close, Sticky Hinges, Snappy Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Doors-WineRackDoors-Int-Clo.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood & Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, With Squeak, Some Rattle Doors-Wood&GlassDoor-Int-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood & Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, With Squeak Doors-Wood&GlassDoor-Int-_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood & Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, With Squeak Doors-Wood&GlassDoor-Int-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood & Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, With Squeak Doors-Wood&GlassDoor-Int-_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood & Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, With Squeak Doors-Wood&GlassDoor-Int-_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood & Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, With Squeak Doors-Wood&GlassDoor-Int-_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood & Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, With Squeak Doors-Wood&GlassDoor-Int-_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood & Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, With Squeak Doors-Wood&GlassDoor-Int-_8.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood & Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, With Squeak Doors-Wood&GlassDoor-Int-_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood & Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, With Squeak, Some Rattle Doors-Wood&GlassDoor-Int-Cl.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood & Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, With Squeak Doors-Wood&GlassDoorInt_10.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood & Glass Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, With Squeak Doors-Wood&GlassDoorInt_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Apartment Front Door - Int & Ext - Close-Up - Open & Close With Lots Of Squeak Doors-WoodApartmentFront_10.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Apartment Front Door - Int & Ext - Close-Up - Open & Close With Lots Of Squeak Doors-WoodApartmentFront_11.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Apartment Front Door - Int & Ext - Close-Up - Open & Close With Lots Of Squeak Doors-WoodApartmentFront_12.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Apartment Front Door - Int & Ext - Close-Up - Open & Close With Lots Of Squeak Doors-WoodApartmentFront_13.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Apartment Front Door - Int & Ext - Close-Up - Open & Close With Lots Of Squeak Doors-WoodApartmentFront_14.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Apartment Front Door - Int & Ext - Close-Up - Open & Close With Lots Of Squeak, Slow Pacing Doors-WoodApartmentFront_15.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Apartment Front Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open & Close With Squeak, Very Light Key Rustling Doors-WoodApartmentFront_16.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Apartment Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Very Squeaky DoorsWoodApartmentFrontD_1.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Apartment Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Slight Squeak & Lock DoorsWoodApartmentFrontD_2.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Apartment Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Squeak & Lock DoorsWoodApartmentFrontD_3.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Apartment Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Latch Lock & Unlock DoorsWoodApartmentFrontD_4.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Apartment Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Latch Lock & Unlock DoorsWoodApartmentFrontD_5.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Apartment Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Latch Lock & Unlock DoorsWoodApartmentFrontD_6.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Apartment Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Latch Lock & Unlock DoorsWoodApartmentFrontD_7.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Apartment Front Door - Ext - Open & Close With Squeak DoorsWoodApartmentFrontD_8.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Apartment Front Door - Ext - Open & Close With Squeak DoorsWoodApartmentFrontD_9.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Apartment Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Very Squeaky DoorsWoodApartmentFrontDoo.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, With Handle Release @ Tail Doors-WoodBathroomDoorI_10.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, With Handle Release @ Tail Doors-WoodBathroomDoorI_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Solid Doors-WoodBathroomDoorI_12.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Close Doors-WoodBathroomDoorI_13.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Solid Doors-WoodBathroomDoorI_14.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Close Doors-WoodBathroomDoorI_15.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Close Doors-WoodBathroomDoorI_16.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Close Doors-WoodBathroomDoorI_17.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Close Doors-WoodBathroomDoorI_18.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Close Doors-WoodBathroomDoorI_19.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open Doors-WoodBathroomDoorI_20.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open Doors-WoodBathroomDoorI_21.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, With Handle Release @ Tail Doors-WoodBathroomDoorI_22.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, With Handle Release @ Tail Doors-WoodBathroomDoorI_23.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, With Handle Release @ Tail Doors-WoodBathroomDoorI_24.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, With Handle Release @ Tail Doors-WoodBathroomDoorI_25.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, With Handle Release @ Tail Doors-WoodBathroomDoorI_26.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, With Handle Release @ Tail Doors-WoodBathroomDoorI_27.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Close Doors-WoodBathroomDoorIn_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Close Doors-WoodBathroomDoorIn_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Close Doors-WoodBathroomDoorIn_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Close Doors-WoodBathroomDoorIn_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Close Doors-WoodBathroomDoorIn_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, With Handle Release @ Tail Doors-WoodBathroomDoorIn_6.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, With Handle Release @ Tail Doors-WoodBathroomDoorIn_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, With Handle Release @ Tail Doors-WoodBathroomDoorIn_8.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, With Handle Release @ Tail Doors-WoodBathroomDoorIn_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bathroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Close Doors-WoodBathroomDoor-Int-.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bedroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Thin With Latch Doors-WoodBedroomDoorClick In_10.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bedroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Close With Small Rattle & Thud Doors-WoodBedroomDoor-IntC.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bedroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Close With Small Rattle & Thud Doors-WoodBedroomDoorInt_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bedroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Close With Medium Thud & Latch Doors-WoodBedroomDoorInt_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bedroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Close With Small Wood Rattle & Thud Doors-WoodBedroomDoorInt_3.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bedroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Close With Medium Thud Doors-WoodBedroomDoorInt_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bedroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open With Small Rattle Doors-WoodBedroomDoor& Latch Clicks Int_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bedroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open With Wood Scrape & Latch Click Doors-WoodBedroomDoorInt_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bedroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open With Wood Scrape & Latch Click Doors-WoodBedroomDoorInt_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bedroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open With Heavy Thud & Latch Click Doors-WoodBedroomDoorInt_8.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Bedroom Door - Int - Close-Up - Open With Thud & Latch Click Doors-WoodBedroomDoorInt_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Moaning Creak & Slide, Latch Movement Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Moaning Creak & Slide, Latch Movement Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close-_2.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Moaning Creak & Slide, Latch Movement Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Moaning Creak & Slide, Multiple Latch Movements Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close-_4.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Forceful Close With Light Rattle Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close-_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Forceful Close With Rattle Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close-_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Forceful Close With Rattle Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close-_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Forceful Close With Rattle Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close-_8.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Slam Shut, Hard Metallic Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close-_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Moaning Creak & Slide, Latch Movement Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close-Up.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Initial Light Wooden Strike, Then Slow Push To Hard Wooden Thud With Solid Metal Latch Click, Reverberant Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_10.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Medium Wooden Strike, Then Medium Push to Hard Wooden Thud With Metal Latch Click, Reverberant Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_11.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Medium Wooden Strike, Then Quick Push to Hard Wooden Thud With Metal Latch Click, Reverberant Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_12.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Medium Wooden Strike, Then Quick Push to Hard Wooden Thud With Metal Latch Click, Reverberant Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_13.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Solid Wooden Thud, Small Latch Click, Reverberant Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_14.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Hard Metal Latch Click & Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_15.wav Thud, Reverberant Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Hard Metal Latch Click & Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_16.wav Thud, Knob Rattles, Reverberant Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Hard Metal Latch Click & Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_17.wav Thud, Reverberant Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Hard Metal Latch Click & Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_18.wav Thud, Reverberant Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Hard Metal Latch Click & Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_19.wav Thud, Reverberant Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Creak, Slow, Medium Pitch, Beefy Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_20.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Creak, Medium Pitched, Beefy Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_21.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Creak, Beefy, High Pitched, Scrapes Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_22.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Creak, Pops Near Head, Medium Pitched Crunchy Squeal Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_23.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Creak, Slow, High Pitched, Squeals, Then Very Crunchy In Center, Then Squeals @ Tail Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_24.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Creak, Short, Crunched Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_25.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Creak, Beefy, Medium Pitch, Slow, A Bit Crunched Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_26.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Creak, Starts High Pitched & Weak, Finishes Beefy & High Pitched Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_27.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Creak, Medium Pitch, Beefy Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_28.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Creak, High Pitched, Beefy Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_29.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Creak, Medium Pitch, Crunched Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_30.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Creak, Beefy, High Pitched Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_31.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Creak, Medium Pitch, Short & Crunched Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_32.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Creak, Steady, Medium Pitch Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_33.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Creak, High Pitched, Oscillates, Back & Forth @ Tail Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_34.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Close-Up - Open With Solid Metal Latch Click Doors-WoodDoor-Int-Close_35.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - MCU - Forceful Closes With Rattle Doors-WoodDoor-Int-MCUFo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - MCU - Forceful Close Doors-WoodDoor-Int-MCUFo_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - MCU - Forceful Closes With Medium Light To Hard Slam, Door Rattles Doors-WoodDoor-Int-MCUFo_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - MCU - Forceful Close Doors-WoodDoor-Int-MCUFo_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - MCU - Forceful Close Doors-WoodDoor-Int-MCUFo_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - MCU - Forceful Close Doors-WoodDoor-Int-MCUForc.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Medium POV - Forceful Close With Rattle Doors-WoodDoor-IntMedium_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Medium POV - Forceful Close Doors-WoodDoor-IntMedium_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door - Int - Medium POV - Forceful Close Doors-WoodDoor-IntMediumPO.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door From Foyer To Kitchen - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close DoorsWoodDoorFromFoyerTo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door From Foyer To Kitchen Int - Close-Up - Open & Close DoorsWoodDoorFromFoyerTo_2.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door From Foyer To Kitchen - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close DoorsWoodDoorFromFoyerTo_3.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door From Foyer To Kitchen - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close 2x DoorsWoodDoorFromFoyerToKi.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door Knocks - Int - Close-Up - Hard Knocks To Flimsy Doors-WoodDoorKnocks-IntDoor _1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Door Knocks - Int - Close-Up - Hard Knocks To Flimsy Doors-WoodDoorKnocks-IntDoor Cl.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wooden Door Opens - Int - Close-Up - Solid Metal Latch Click Doors-WoodenDoorOpens-IntC.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open & Close, Squeaky Latch, 2 Dull Impacts On Close Doors-WoodFrontDoor-ExtC_1.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open & Abrupt, Loud Close, Squeaky Latch Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Ext-Clo.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Ext - MCU - Open & Dull Close, Squeaky Latch Doors-WoodFrontDoor-ExtM_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Ext - MCU - Open & Abrupt & Dull Close, Doors-WoodFrontDoor-ExtSqueaky Latch M_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Ext - MCU - Open & Slam, Squeaky Latch Doors-WoodFrontDoor-ExtM_3.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Ext - MCU - Open & Light Close, Squeaky Doors-WoodFrontDoor-ExtLatch M_4.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Ext - MCU - Open & Slam, Squeaky Latch, Doors-WoodFrontDoor-ExtAdditional Impact @ Tail M_5.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Ext - MCU - Open & Close, Squeaky Latch Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Metal Wood Rattle, Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Int-_10.wav Medium Metal Latch Click Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Slam Shut, Hard Wooden Strike & Thud, Slight Wood Rattle Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Int-_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Close Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Int-_12.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Some Rattle At Head Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Int-_13.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Solid With Slight Rattle Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Int-_14.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Close Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Int-_15.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, With Bounce Back Sound Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Int-_16.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Close With Bounce Back Sound Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Int-_17.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Doors-WoodFrontDoor-ExtMCU.wav Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, With Airy Sound Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Int-_18.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, With Airy Sound Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Int-_19.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, With After Hit Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Int-_20.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, With Airy Sound On Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Int-_21.wav Open Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, With Airy Sound On Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Int-_22.wav Open Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, With Airy Sound On Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Int-_23.wav Open Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, With Airy Sound On Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Int-_24.wav Open Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Light Metallic Strike, Then Hard Wooden Thud, Rattles Wall @ Tail Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Int-C_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Light Metallic Strike, Then Hard Wooden Thud, Rattles Wall @ Tail Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Int-C_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Light Metallic Strike, Then Hard Wooden Thud Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Int-C_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Rough, Rattling Hard Metal Latch Click & Release Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Int-C_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Hard Metal Latch Click & Release Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Int-C_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Rough, Rattling Hard Metal Latch Click & Release, Air Rushes During Take Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Int-C_6.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Hard Metal Latch Click & Release, Rattles Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Int-C_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Hard Metal Latch Click & Release Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Int-C_8.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Open, Hard Metal Latch Click & Release Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Int-C_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - Close-Up - Close, Medium Metallic Strike, Then Slow Push Into Heavy Thud With Metallic Click Doors-WoodFrontDoor-Int-Clo.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - MCU - Open & Dull, Medium Slam, Squeaky Latch Doors-WoodFrontDoor-IntM_1.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - MCU - Open & Rough Close, Squeaky Latch Doors-WoodFrontDoor-IntM_2.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - MCU - Open & Light, Abrupt Close, Squeaky Latch Doors-WoodFrontDoor-IntM_3.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - MCU - Open & Medium Slam, Squeaky Latch Doors-WoodFrontDoor-IntM_4.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - MCU - Open & Abrupt Medium Close, Squeaky Latch Doors-WoodFrontDoor-IntM_5.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - MCU - Open & Loud Slam, Squeaky Latch Doors-WoodFrontDoor-IntM_6.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - MCU - Open & Light Close, Squeaky Latch Doors-WoodFrontDoor-IntM_7.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - MCU - Open & Abrupt, Medium Close, Squeaky Latch Doors-WoodFrontDoor-IntM_8.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - MCU - Swift Open & Loud Close, Squeaky Latch Doors-WoodFrontDoor-IntM_9.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Front Door - Int - MCU - Open & Dull Close, Squeaky Latch Doors-WoodFrontDoor-IntMCU.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Porch Screen Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open & Close With Slight Rattle Doors-WoodPorchScreenDoorE.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Porch Screen Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open & Close With Slight Rattle DoorsWoodPorchScreenDoor_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Porch Screen Door - Ext - Close-Up - Light Open & Close With Slight Rattle DoorsWoodPorchScreenDoor_2.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Porch Screen Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open & Close With Medium Rebound DoorsWoodPorchScreenDoor_3.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Porch Screen Door - Ext - Close-Up - Swift Open & Close With Slight Rattle DoorsWoodPorchScreenDoor_4.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Porch Screen Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open & Close With Slight Rattle DoorsWoodPorchScreenDoor_5.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Porch Screen Door - Ext - Close-Up - Open & Close With Slight Rattle DoorsWoodPorchScreenDoor_6.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Screen Door - Ext - Open & Close Doors-WoodScreenDoor-ExtOp.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Sliding Closet Door - Int - Close-Up -Open & Close Doors-WoodSlidingClosetDo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Sliding Closet Door - Int - Close-Up -Open & Close, Some Rebound Doors-WoodSlidingClosetDo_2.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Sliding Closet Door - Int - Close-Up -Open & Close Doors-WoodSlidingClosetDo_3.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Sliding Closet Door - Int - Close-Up -Open & Close Doors-WoodSlidingClosetDo_4.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Sliding Closet Door - Int - Close-Up -Open & Close Doors-WoodSlidingClosetDo_5.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Sliding Closet Door - Int - Close-Up -Open & Close, Medium Speed Doors-WoodSlidingClosetDo_6.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Sliding Closet Door - Int - Close-Up -Open & Close, Medium Speed Doors-WoodSlidingClosetDo_7.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Sliding Closet Door - Int - MCU - Open & Close Doors-WoodSlidingClosetDoor.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Sliding Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Light Creak On Close, 2 Impacts Doors-WoodSlidingDoor-In_10.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Sliding Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Additional Doors-WoodSlidingDoor-Int-C.wav Open @ Tail Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Sliding Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Additional Doors-WoodSlidingDoor-Int_1.wav Open @ Tail Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Sliding Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Additional Doors-WoodSlidingDoor-Int_2.wav Open @ Tail Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Sliding Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Medium Fast, Additional Open @ Tail, Squeaky Doors-WoodSlidingDoor-Int_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Sliding Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close Doors-WoodSlidingDoor-Int_4.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Sliding Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Light Close Doors-WoodSlidingDoor-Int_5.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Sliding Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Medium Close Doors-WoodSlidingDoor-Int_6.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Sliding Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Light Close, Light Rattling On Open Doors-WoodSlidingDoor-Int_7.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Sliding Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Light Close Doors-WoodSlidingDoor-Int_8.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Door Doors - Wood Sliding Door - Int - Close-Up - Open & Very Light Close, Very Light Rattling On Open Doors-WoodSlidingDoor-Int_9.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Silverware Drawer - Close-Up - Open & Close Drawers-SilverwareDrawer-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Silverware Drawer - Close-Up - Open & Close Drawers-SilverwareDrawer-_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Silverware Drawer - Close-Up - Open & Close Drawers-SilverwareDrawer-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Silverware Drawer - Close-Up - Open & Close Drawers-SilverwareDrawer-Cl.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Wood Cabinet Drawer - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Medium Loud Thuds; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DrawersWoodCabinetDrawe_10.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Wood Cabinet Drawer - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Medium Loud Thuds; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DrawersWoodCabinetDrawe_11.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Wood Cabinet Drawer - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Medium Soft Thuds; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DrawersWoodCabinetDrawe_12.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Wood Cabinet Drawer - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Loud Thuds; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DrawersWoodCabinetDrawe_13.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Wood Cabinet Drawer - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Medium Loud Thuds; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DrawersWoodCabinetDrawe_14.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Wood Cabinet Drawer - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Loud Thuds; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DrawersWoodCabinetDrawe_15.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Wood Cabinet Drawer - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Slides On Track With Some Squeaks, Thuds On Close, Medium Soft; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DrawersWoodCabinetDrawe_16.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Wood Cabinet Drawer - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Slam, Smoothly Slides On Track, Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DrawersWoodCabinetDrawe_17.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Wood Cabinet Drawer - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Squeaks On Track, Hollow Thud On Close, Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DrawersWoodCabinetDrawe_18.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Wood Cabinet Drawer - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Squeaks & Clacks On Track, Thud On Close, Medium Volume; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DrawersWoodCabinetDrawe_19.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Wood Cabinet Drawer - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Abrasive Scrapes & Squeaks On Track, Rough Close, Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DrawersWoodCabinetDrawe_20.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Wood Cabinet Drawer - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Abrasive Scrapes & Squeaks On Track, Rough Close, Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DrawersWoodCabinetDrawe_21.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Wood Cabinet Drawer - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Soft Open & Close; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DrawersWoodCabinetDrawe_22.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Wood Cabinet Drawer - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Soft Open & Close, Somewhat Rough; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DrawersWoodCabinetDrawe_23.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Wood Cabinet Drawer - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Soft & Hard; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) Drawers-WoodCabinetDrawer-I.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Wood Cabinet Drawer - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Soft & Hard; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DrawersWoodCabinetDrawer_1.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Wood Cabinet Drawer - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Soft & Somewhat Hard; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DrawersWoodCabinetDrawer_2.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Wood Cabinet Drawer - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Soft & Hard; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DrawersWoodCabinetDrawer_3.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Wood Cabinet Drawer - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Soft & Hard; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DrawersWoodCabinetDrawer_4.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Wood Cabinet Drawer - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Soft To Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DrawersWoodCabinetDrawer_5.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Wood Cabinet Drawer - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Soft To Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DrawersWoodCabinetDrawer_6.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Wood Cabinet Drawer - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Soft To Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DrawersWoodCabinetDrawer_7.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Wood Cabinet Drawer - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open Close, Medium Soft To Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler) DrawersWoodCabinetDrawer_8.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Wood Cabinet Drawer - Int - Close-Up - Boat Interior, Open DrawersClose, Medium Soft To Medium Loud; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks WoodCabinetDrawer_9.wav Yacht Trawler) Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Drawers, Household Drawers - Wood Drawer - Int - Close-Up - Slide Open & Close With Rattling Knob Drawers-WoodDrawer-Int-Clos.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Ambiance - Hollow Drone With Underwater Quality, Electric Zap @ Head, Incrementally Louder, Modulation To 2 Tones, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignAmbiance-Hol_1.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Ambiance - Hollow Drone With Underwater Quality, Electric Zaps Near & @ Tail, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignAmbiance-Hol_2.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Ambiance - Hollow Drone With Underwater Quality, Periodic Electric Zaps, Drone Is Uttered On 2 Notes, 5 Spaces Apart, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignAmbiance-Hol_3.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Ambiance - Hollow Drone With Underwater Quality, Periodic Electric Zaps, Drone Is Uttered On 2 Notes & 5 Spaces Apart @ Head, Static Throughout, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignAmbiance-Hol_4.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Ambiance - Hollow Drone With Underwater Quality, Various Strands, Starts With Root Tone, Goes 4 Notes Below It, Then Drones-DesignAmbiance-Hol_5.wav Return To Root Tone But An Octave Lower, Electric Zaps @ Tail, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Ambiance - Hollow Drone With Underwater Quality, Static Layering, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignAmbiance-Hol_6.wav Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Ambiance - Hollow, Ghostly Drones With Underwater Quality, An Octave Apart When Electric Zaps First Enter Near Head, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignAmbiance-Hol_7.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Ambiance - Hollow, Ghostly Drones With Underwater Quality, 4 Notes Apart When Electric Zaps First Enter Near Head, Stays Only On Root Tone Most Of The Time, Whipping Noise Near Tail, Drones Incrementally Become Softer & Drier, Made With N Drones-DesignAmbiance-Hol_8.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Ambiance - Hollow Drone With Underwater Quality, Electric Zap @ Head, Incrementally Softer, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignAmbiance-Hollo.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Ambiance - Long Strand Of Static Texture With Underlying Shrill, Electric Thread, Static Thins Near Tail, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignAmbiance-LongS.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Ambiance - Medium Long Strand Of Static & Electric Zaps, Then Hollow Drone, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignAmbiance-Med_1.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Ambiance - Medium Long Strand Of Static & Electric Zaps, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignAmbiance-Mediu.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Ambiance - Nearly Continuous Static Texture With Underlying Shrill, Electric Thread, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignAmbiance-Nearl.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - 2 Dashes Of Electronic Fuzz, Low-Mid Pitched, Very Abrasive, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-2Dashes.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - 2 Electronic Zaps, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-2Elec_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - 2 Electronic Zaps, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-2Electr.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - 2 Short Spurts Of Electronic Fuzz, Low-Mid Pitched, Very Abrasive, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-2ShortS.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - 2 Spurts Of Electronic Fuzz, Low-Mid Pitched, Very Abrasive, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-2Spur_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - 2 Spurts Of Electronic Fuzz, Low-Mid Pitched, Very Abrasive, 2nd Impact Has Slow Decay, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-2Spur_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - 2 Spurts Of Electronic Fuzz, Low-Mid Pitched, Very Abrasive, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-2Spur_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - 2 Spurts Of Electronic Fuzz, Low-Mid Pitched, Very Abrasive, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-2Spurts.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - 2 Very Shrill Electronic Zaps, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-2Very_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - 2 Very Short Electronic Zaps, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-2VerySh.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - 3 Spurts Of Electronic Fuzz, Low-Mid Pitched, Very Abrasive, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-3Spurts.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - 4 Static Tones, Very Rapid, Breathy & HighPitched, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-4Static.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - 8 Spurts Of Electronic Fuzz, Low-Mid Range, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-8Spurts.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Dash Of Electronic Fuzz, Low-Mid Pitched, Very Abrasive, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-DashOfE.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Long Strand Of Electronic Fuzz, Low-Mid Pitched, High-Pitched @ Periodic Moments, Broken Up Twice, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Long_10.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Long Strand Of Electronic Fuzz Broken Up A Few Times @ Tail, Mostly Low-Mid Range With Shrill Thread Throughout, Hard Attack, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Long_11.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Long Strand Of Electronic Fuzz, Mostly HighMid Range With Some Shrill Tones Throughout, 2 Zaps @ Head, Then Medium Long Strand Broken Up @ Its Head & Tail, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Long_12.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Long Strand Of Electronic Fuzz, Low-Mid Range, Hard Attack, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Long_13.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Long Strand Of Electronic Fuzz, HollowSounding, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Long_14.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Long Strand Of Static Tones, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-LongS_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Long Strand Of Static Tones, Rapid & Abundant, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-LongS_2.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Long Strand Of Static Tones, Rapid & Incrementally Softer, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-LongS_3.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Long Strand Of Static Tones, Rapid & Abundant, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-LongS_4.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Long Strand Of Static Tones, Rapid & Abundant, Breathy & High-Pitched, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-LongS_5.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Long Strand Of Static Tones, Rapid & Abundant, Breathy & High-Pitched, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-LongS_6.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Long Strand Of Very Rapid & Very HighDrones-DesignStatic-LongS_7.wav Pitched Static Tones, Somewhat Breathy, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Long Strand Of Very Rapid & Very HighDrones-DesignStatic-LongS_8.wav Pitched Static Tones, Somewhat Breathy, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Long Strand Of Electronic Fuzz, Low-Mid Pitched, High-Pitched @ Tail, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-LongS_9.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Long Strand Of Static Tones, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-LongStr.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Medium Long Strand Of Electronic Fuzz, HighPitched, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Mediu_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Medium Long Strand Of Electronic Fuzz, Mostly Low-Mid Range With Shrill Thread Throughout, Made With Nord Lead 2 Drones-DesignStatic-Mediu_2.wav Synth Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Medium Short Strand Of Electronic Fuzz, LowMid Range, Very Hard Attack, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Mediu_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Medium Long Strand Of Electronic Tone, Begun Drones-DesignStatic-Mediu_4.wav With A Zap, Wavering Henceforward, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Medium Long Strand Of Shrill, Chirping Electronic Noises, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Mediu_5.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Medium Long Strand Of Electronic Fuzz, LowMid Pitched, High-Pitched @ Tail, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-MediumL.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Medium Short Strand Of Electronic Fuzz, LowMid Pitched, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-MediumS.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Several Streams Of Electronic Fuzz, Medium Volume, Very Abrasive, Varying Tones, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Sever_1.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Several Streams Of Electronic Fuzz, Medium Volume, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Several.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Short Strand Of Electronic Fuzz, Low-Mid Pitched, Shrill @ Tail, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Short_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Short Strand Of Electronic Fuzz, Low-Mid Pitched, Shrill & Harsh Attack @ Head, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Short_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Short Strand Of Electronic Fuzz, Low-Mid Pitched, Harsh Attack @ Head With Shrill Tone Weaving In, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Short_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Short Strand Of Electronic Fuzz, Low-Mid Range With Shrill Zap Throughout, Very Hard Attack, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Short_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Short Spurt Of Electronic Fuzz, Low-Mid Pitched, Very Abrasive, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-ShortSp.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Short Strand Of Very Rapid, Breathy, & HighPitched Static Tones, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-ShortSt.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Shrill, Chirping Electronic Spurt, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Shrill,.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Single Electronic Zap, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Singl_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Single Electronic Zap, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-SingleE.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Spurt Of Electronic Fuzz, Low-Mid Pitched, Harsh Attack, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Spurt_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Spurt Of Electronic Fuzz, Low-Mid Pitched, Very Abrasive, Slow Decay, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-SpurtOf.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Variety Of Electronic Fuzz, Mostly Low-Mid Pitched, Long Strand Broken Up Once Near Tail, Made With Nord Lead Drones-DesignStatic-Vari_10.wav 2 Synth Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Variety Of Electronic Fuzz In A Long, Continuous Strand, Mostly Low-Mid Pitched, Shrill Toward Tail, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Vari_11.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Variety Of Electronic Fuzz In A Medium Long, Continuous Strand, Mostly Low-Mid Pitched, Shrill @ Head, Made With Drones-DesignStatic-Vari_12.wav Nord Lead 2 Synth Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Variety Of Electronic Fuzz, High-Pitched & Abrasive, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Varie_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Variety Of Electronic Fuzz, Very High-Pitched & Drones-DesignStatic-Varie_2.wav Abrasive, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Variety Of Electronic Fuzz, Very High-Pitched & Drones-DesignStatic-Varie_3.wav Abrasive, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Variety Of Electronic Fuzz, Medium Long Strand, Very High-Pitched & Abrasive, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Varie_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Variety Of Electronic Fuzz, Long Strand, Very High-Pitched & Abrasive, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Varie_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Variety Of Electronic Fuzz, Medium Long Strand, Very High-Pitched & Abrasive, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Varie_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Variety Of Electronic Fuzz, Long Strand Broken Up Midway, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Varie_7.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Variety Of Electronic Fuzz, Short Strand, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Varie_8.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Variety Of Electronic Fuzz, Short Strand, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Varie_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Variety Of Static Blips, Mostly Continuous, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Variety.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Very Short Spurt Of Electronic Fuzz, HighPitched, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Very_10.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Very Short Spurt Of Electronic Fuzz, HighPitched, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Very_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Very Short Spurt Of Electronic Fuzz, Low-Mid Pitched, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Very_12.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Very Short Spurt Of Electronic Fuzz, Low-Mid Pitched, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Very_13.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Very Short Spurt Of Electronic Fuzz, Low-Mid Pitched, Very Abrasive, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Very_14.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Very Short Sputter Of Electronic Fuzz, Low-Mid Drones-DesignStatic-Very_15.wav Pitched, Very Abrasive, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Very Short Sputter Of Electronic Fuzz, HighPitched, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Very_16.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Very Short Spurt Of Electronic Fuzz, HighPitched, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-Very_17.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Very Short Sputter Of Electronic Fuzz, Low-Mid Drones-DesignStatic-Very_18.wav Pitched, Very Abrasive, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Very Short Sputter Of Electronic Fuzz, Low-Mid Drones-DesignStatic-Very_19.wav Pitched, Very Abrasive, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Very Short Strand Of Very Rapid, Breathy, & High-Pitched Static Tones, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-VeryS_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Very Short Strand Of Very Rapid & Very HighDrones-DesignStatic-VeryS_2.wav Pitched Static Tones, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Very Short Strand Of Very Rapid & Very HighDrones-DesignStatic-VeryS_3.wav Pitched Static Tones, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Very Short Strand Of Very Rapid & Very HighDrones-DesignStatic-VeryS_4.wav Pitched Static Tones, Somewhat Breathy, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Very Short Strand Of Very Rapid & Very HighDrones-DesignStatic-VeryS_5.wav Pitched Static Tones, Somewhat Breathy, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Very Short Strand Of Very Rapid & Very HighDrones-DesignStatic-VeryS_6.wav Pitched Static Tones, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Very Short Strand Of Very Rapid & Very HighDrones-DesignStatic-VeryS_7.wav Pitched Static Tones, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Very Short Strand Of Very Rapid & Very HighDrones-DesignStatic-VeryS_8.wav Pitched Static Tones, Hard Attack, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Very Short Strand Of Electronic Fuzz, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-VeryS_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Design Static - Very Short Strand Of Very Rapid, Breathy, & High-Pitched Static Tones, Made With Nord Lead 2 Synth Drones-DesignStatic-VerySho.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Fish Tank Buzz - Int - Close-Up - Steady Buzz Of Fish Tank Pump Drones-FishTankBuzz-Int-Clo.wav Soundstorm 2:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Low End Rumble - Big Industrial Sound, With Airy Or Gas Presence, Possibly Furnace Or Combine Drones-LowEndRumble-BigIndu.wav Soundstorm 3:38 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Metal Groans - Slowed & With Reverb, Quite Eerie & Subterranean, 2 Passes, Very Low Frequency, Incrementally Softer Drones-MetalGroans-Slowe_10.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Metal Groans - Slowed & With Reverb, Quite Eerie & Subterranean, Series Of Rumbling Crescendos, Each Incrementally Louder Drones-MetalGroans-Slowe_11.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Metal Groans - Slowed & With Reverb, Eerie, Modest Attack, Very Slow Decay Drones-MetalGroans-Slowe_12.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Metal Groans - Slowed & With Reverb, Eerie, Sustained Rumble, Ebb & Flow Of Blowing Wind, Footsteps @ Tail Drones-MetalGroans-Slowe_13.wav Soundstorm 0:40 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Metal Groans - Slowed & With Reverb, Eerie, Series Of Rumbles, Varying Length, Very Low Frequency, Creaking, Footstep @ Tail Drones-MetalGroans-Slowe_14.wav Soundstorm 1:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Metal Groans - Slowed & With Reverb, Eerie, Single Rumble, Very Low Frequency Drones-MetalGroans-Slowe_15.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Metal Groans - Slowed & With Reverb, Eerie, Rumble Decreasing In Volume, Less Sustained Toward Tail Drones-MetalGroans-Slowe_16.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Metal Groans - Slowed & With Reverb, Eerie, A Bit Creaky @ Drones-MetalGroans-Slowe_17.wav Head, Soft Sustained Rumble, Fragmented @ Tail Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Metal Groans - Slowed & With Reverb, Eerie, Very Abrasive Medium Loud Rumble, Gets Incrementally Softer Drones-MetalGroans-Slowe_18.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Metal Groans - Slowed & With Reverb, Eerie, 2 Short Rumbling Episodes, Medium Soft Drones-MetalGroans-Slowe_19.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Metal Groans - Slowed & With Reverb, Eerie, 3 Short Rumbling Episodes, Medium Soft, Lumbering Drones-MetalGroans-Slowe_20.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Metal Groans - Slowed & With Reverb, Quite Eerie & Subterranean, Slow Attack, Very Slow Release Drones-MetalGroansSlowed&W.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Metal Groans - Slowed & With Reverb, Quite Eerie & Subterranean, Sustained Rumble, Pitched-Down Wind Blowing, Echo Of Stairs @ Tail Drones-MetalGroans-Slowed_1.wav Soundstorm 0:39 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Metal Groans - Slowed & With Reverb, Quite Eerie & Subterranean, 2 'Creeping' Rumbles, 1 Long, Thinner Texture @ Tail Drones-MetalGroans-Slowed_2.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Metal Groans - Slowed & With Reverb, Quite Eerie & Subterranean, Light Rumbling, Sustained Medium Soft Rumbling Drones-MetalGroans-Slowed_3.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Metal Groans - Slowed & With Reverb, Quite Eerie & Subterranean, Jerky Crescendo, Like Gusts Of Wind Blowing Drones-MetalGroans-Slowed_4.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Metal Groans - Slowed & With Reverb, Quite Eerie & Subterranean, Very Low Frequency @ Head, Sustained Rumble, Jerky Decrescendo Drones-MetalGroans-Slowed_5.wav Soundstorm 0:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Metal Groans - Slowed & With Reverb, Quite Eerie & Subterranean, Very Low Frequency Rumbling Drones-MetalGroans-Slowed_6.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Metal Groans - Slowed & With Reverb, Quite Eerie & Subterranean, Sustained Rumble, Some Quivering Midway, Incremental Decrease In Volume Drones-MetalGroans-Slowed_7.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Metal Groans - Slowed & With Reverb, Quite Eerie & Subterranean, Awkward Tunnel Or Tank-Like Ambiance, Very Low Frequency, Decrescendo Broken Up By Silent Respites @ Tail Drones-MetalGroans-Slowed_8.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Drone Drones - Metal Groans - Slowed & With Reverb, Quite Eerie & Subterranean, Abrasive Rumble Decrescendos Drones-MetalGroans-Slowed_9.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth - Rock Slide - Close-Up - Small Rocks Slowly Slide & Drop With Debris Earth-RockSlide-Close-Up-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth - Rock Slide - Close-Up - Small Rocks Slowly Slide & Drop With Debris Earth-RockSlide-Close-Up-_2.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth - Rock Slide - Close-Up - Small Rocks Slowly Sliding, Followed By Debris Spilling Earth-RockSlide-Close-Up-Sm.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Long Slow Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMovem_10.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Long Slow Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMovem_11.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Long Slow Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMovem_12.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Long Slow Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMovem_13.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Long Slow Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMovem_14.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Long Slow Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMovem_15.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Long Slow Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMovem_16.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Long Slow Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMovem_17.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Long Slow Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMovem_18.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Long Slow Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMovem_19.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Long Slow Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMovem_20.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Long Slow Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMovem_21.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Long Slow Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMovem_22.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Long Slow Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMovem_23.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Long Slow Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMovem_24.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Long Slow Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMovem_25.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Long Slow Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMovem_26.wav Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Long Slow Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMovem_27.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement Pressure On Lava Rock - CloseUp - Grinding, Settling, Rumbling EarthMovementMagmaMovem_28.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement Pressure On Lava Rock - CloseUp - Grinding, Settling, Rumbling EarthMovementMagmaMovem_29.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement Pressure On Lava Rock - CloseUp - Grinding, Settling, Rumbling EarthMovementMagmaMovem_30.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement Pressure On Lava Rock - CloseUp - Grinding, Settling, Rumbling EarthMovementMagmaMovem_31.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement Pressure On Lava Rock - CloseUp - Grinding, Settling, Rumbling EarthMovementMagmaMovem_32.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement Pressure On Lava Rock - CloseUp - Grinding, Settling, Rumbling EarthMovementMagmaMovem_33.wav Soundstorm 0:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement Pressure On Lava Rock - CloseUp - Grinding, Settling, Rumbling EarthMovementMagmaMovem_34.wav Soundstorm 0:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement Pressure On Lava Rock - CloseUp - Grinding, Settling, Rumbling EarthMovementMagmaMovem_35.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement Pressure On Lava Rock - CloseUp - Grinding, Settling, Rumbling EarthMovementMagmaMovem_36.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement Pressure On Lava Rock - CloseUp - Grinding, Settling, Rumbling EarthMovementMagmaMovem_37.wav Soundstorm 0:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Pressure On Lava Rock - Grinding & Rumbling EarthMovementMagmaMovem_38.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Pressure On Lava Rock - Grinding & Rumbling EarthMovementMagmaMovem_39.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Pressure On Lava Rock - Short Grinding & Rumbling Episode, Then Settling Movements EarthMovementMagmaMovem_40.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Pressure On Lava Rock - Somewhat Intense Grinding & Rumbling EarthMovementMagmaMovem_41.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Pressure On Lava Rock - Grinding & Rumbling, Medium Light With 2 Abrupt Impacts EarthMovementMagmaMovem_42.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Pressure On Lava Rock - Grinding & Rumbling, Short & Medium Light EarthMovementMagmaMovem_43.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Pressure On Lava Rock - Grinding & Rumbling, Medium Light Crescendo EarthMovementMagmaMovem_44.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Pressure On Lava Rock - Grinding & Rumbling, Medium Light Decrescendo EarthMovementMagmaMovem_45.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Pressure On Lava Rock - Grinding & Rumbling, Soft & Ominous EarthMovementMagmaMovem_46.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Pressure On Lava Rock - Somewhat Intense Grinding & Rumbling, Medium Fast Pace EarthMovementMagmaMovem_47.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Pressure On Lava Rock - Grinding & Rumbling Crescendo, Arrhythmic Impacts EarthMovementMagmaMovem_48.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Pressure On Lava Rock - Intense Grinding & Rumbling EarthMovementMagmaMovem_49.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Pressure On Lava Rock - Grinding & Rumbling, Some Subliminal Groans, Debris Settling EarthMovementMagmaMovem_50.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Pressure On Lava Rock - Continuous Grinding & Rumbling, Medium Soft EarthMovementMagmaMovem_51.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Pressure On Lava Rock - Grinding & Rumbling, Medium Volume EarthMovementMagmaMovem_52.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Pressure On Lava Rock - Grinding & Rumbling, Crescendo To 2 Abrupt, Medium Impacts EarthMovementMagmaMovem_53.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Pressure On Lava Rock - Very Light Grinding & Rumbling, Debris Settling EarthMovementMagmaMovem_54.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Pressure On Lava EarthMovementRock - Grinding & Rumbling, Settling & Slight Shifting Of Debris @ Head MagmaMovem_55.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Pressure On Lava Rock - Grinding & Rumbling, Medium Soft, Medium Fast Pacing EarthMovementMagmaMovem_56.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Pressure On Lava Rock - Grinding & Rumbling, Some Scraping & Groaning, Medium Soft EarthMovementMagmaMovem_57.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Pressure On Lava Rock - Intense Grinding & Rumbling, Crescendo Near Head, Then Settling Of Debris EarthMovementMagmaMovem_58.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Pressure On Lava Rock -Momentary Grinding & Rumbling, Then Swift Thrash EarthMovementMagmaMovem_59.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Pressure On Lava Rock - Grinding & Rumbling Of Variable Intensities, From Medium Loud To Loud, Medium Slow To Medium Fast, Very Abrasive, Moments Of Settling Debris EarthMovementMagmaMovem_60.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Pressure On Lava Rock - Grinding & Rumbling Crescendo, Medium Loud, Swift, Debris Settling EarthMovementMagmaMovem_61.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Pressure On Lava Rock - Grinding & Rumbling Of Variable Intensities, From Soft Settling Of Debris To Loud & Crashing Impacts EarthMovementMagmaMovem_62.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Slow Settling Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMoveme_1.wav Soundstorm 0:39 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Slow Settling Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMoveme_2.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Slow Settling Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMoveme_3.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Slow Settling Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMoveme_4.wav Soundstorm 0:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Slow Settling Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMoveme_5.wav Soundstorm 0:38 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Slow Settling Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMoveme_6.wav Soundstorm 0:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Slow Settling Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMoveme_7.wav Soundstorm 0:41 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Long Slow Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMoveme_8.wav Soundstorm 0:41 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Long Slow Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMoveme_9.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Rumble, Earth Earth Movement - Magma Movement - Close-Up - Slow Settling Lava Rock Movement, Grinding, Scraping, & Bumping EarthMovementMagmaMovement.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Electric Chair Shock - Int - Close-Up - Switch Clunk, Steady Electric Shock, Buzzing & Heavy Electric-ElectricChairShock.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Giant Fan Ventilation Chamber Water Pumps - Int Ext - Two 800 Horsepower Electric Water Pumps, Starts & Stops, Very Thick & Powerful Sound Electric-GiantFanVentilatio.wav Soundstorm 1:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - High Power Spotlight - Int Ext - On With Surge & Hum, Incrementally Softer, High-Pitched & Metallic Electric-HighPowerSpotlig_1.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - High Power Spotlight - Int Ext - On With Surge & Hum, Incrementally Softer, Mid-Range Electric-HighPowerSpotlig_2.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - High Power Spotlight - Int Ext - On With Surge & Hum, Incrementally Softer, High-Pitched & Metallic Electric-HighPowerSpotlig_3.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - High Power Spotlight - Int Ext - On With Surge & Hum, Incrementally Softer, Mid-Range Electric-HighPowerSpotlight.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Jacob's Ladder - Int - Close-Up - Steady, Slow Spark Bys With Switch Clicks, Steady Rhythm Electric-Jacob'sLadder-In_1.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Jacob's Ladder - Int - Close-Up - Steady, Slow Spark Bys With Switch Clicks, Long Sequence, Mostly Steady Rhythm Electric-Jacob'sLadder-In_2.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Jacob's Ladder - Int - Close-Up - Steady, Slow Spark Bys With Switch Clicks, Very Long Sequence, Mostly Steady Rhythm Electric-Jacob'sLadder-In_3.wav Soundstorm 1:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Jacob's Ladder - Int - Close-Up - Slow Sparks With Switch Clicks, Sequence Of Buzzing Crescendos, Long Electric-Jacob'sLadder-In_4.wav Soundstorm 1:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Jacob's Ladder - Int - Close-Up - Steady Sparking With Switch Electric-Jacob'sLadder-In_5.wav Clicks, Short Fizzling Episode Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Jacob's Ladder - Int - Close-Up - Steady Sparking With Switch Electric-Jacob'sLadder-In_6.wav Clicks, Quick On & Off Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Jacob's Ladder - Int - Close-Up - Steady Sparking With Switch Electric-Jacob'sLadder-In_7.wav Clicks, Mostly Steady Rhythm, Medium Long Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Jacob's Ladder - Int - Close-Up - Steady Sparking With Switch Electric-Jacob'sLadder-In_8.wav Clicks, Arrhythmic, Long Sequence Soundstorm 0:56 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Jacob's Ladder - Int - Close-Up - Steady, Slow Spark Bys With Switch Clicks, Incrementally Louder & More Urgent Electric-Jacob'sLadder-Int-.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Jacob's Ladder With Out Glass Tube - Int - Close-Up - Fast Fluctuating Buzz Hum With Clicks, Arrhythmic Electric-Jacob'sLadderWit_1.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Jacob's Ladder With Out Glass Tube - Int - Close-Up - Fast Fluctuating Buzz Hum With Clicks, Short Episode Electric-Jacob'sLadderWit_2.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Jacob's Ladder With Out Glass Tube - Int - Close-Up - Fast Fluctuating Buzz Hum With Clicks, Long Episode, Arrhythmic Electric-Jacob'sLadderWit_3.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Jacob's Ladder With Glass Tube - Int - Close-Up - Slow Fluctuating Buzz Hum With Clicks Electric-Jacob'sLadderWithG.wav Soundstorm 1:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Jacob's Ladder With Out Glass Tube - Int - Close-Up - Fast Fluctuating Buzz Hum With Clicks Electric-Jacob'sLadderWithO.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Large Ripping & Zapping Sparks - Close-Up - 2 Episodes, Medium Flanging With Light Static Undercurrent & Urgent Tearing, 1 Episode Predominantly Of Static But With Light Flanging & Fast Pacing Electric-LargeRipping&Za_10.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Large Ripping & Zapping Sparks - Close-Up - Various Durations, Flanging, Rippled Flanging @ Head Impact, Abrupt & Perfunctory Sizzle, Sizzling With Buzzing @ Main Penultimate Impact, Especially In Left Channel Electric-LargeRipping&Zap_1.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Large Ripping & Zapping Sparks - Close-Up - 4 Episodes Of Sizzling, Spasmodic Static, Medium Loud Electric-LargeRipping&Zap_2.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Large Ripping & Zapping Sparks - Close-Up - 6 Episodes Of Flanged Sizzling & Tearing, Very Fast Pacing Within Each Episode Electric-LargeRipping&Zap_3.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Large Ripping & Zapping Sparks - Close-Up - 4 Episodes Of Flanged Sizzling With Massive Tearing, Medium Loud, Fast Pacing On Last Episode Electric-LargeRipping&Zap_4.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Large Ripping & Zapping Sparks - Close-Up - 2 Episodes Of Flanged Tearing With Static Undercurrent, Very Spasmodic Pacing Electric-LargeRipping&Zap_5.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Large Ripping & Zapping Sparks - Close-Up - 3 Short Episodes Of Flanged Tearing With Light Static, 1 Long Episode With Sizzling, Medium Static, Tear @ Tail Electric-LargeRipping&Zap_6.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Large Ripping & Zapping Sparks - Close-Up - 6 Sizzling & Tearing Decrescendos Of Varying Lengths Electric-LargeRipping&Zap_7.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Large Ripping & Zapping Sparks - Close-Up - 1 Long, Lightly Flanged & Spasmodically Paced Episode, 1 Short Tearing & Rough Chafing Episode Electric-LargeRipping&Zap_8.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Large Ripping & Zapping Sparks - Close-Up - 2 Episodes, Medium Flanging With Light Static Undercurrent, Urgent Tearing Electric-LargeRipping&Zap_9.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Large Ripping & Zapping Sparks - Close-Up - Various Durations, Some Flanging, Sizzling Electric-LargeRipping&Zappi.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, Medium Short Strand, Medium Loud Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-_10.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, Short Strand, Medium Loud Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, Medium Long Strand, Medium Loud Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-_12.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, Long Strand, Medium Loud Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-_13.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, 2 Short Strands, Medium Loud Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-_14.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, Short Strand, Medium Soft Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-_15.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, Long Strand Broken Up Midway, Medium Loud Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-_16.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, Medium Short Strand, Medium Loud Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-_17.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, 2 Short Strands, Medium Loud Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-_18.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, Short Strand, Medium Loud Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-_19.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, Medium Long Strand With Frequent Skips, Medium Loud Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-_20.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, Long Strand With Frequent Skips, Medium Loud Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-_21.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, Medium Long Strand, Medium Loud Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-_22.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, Long Strand With Frequent Skips, Medium Loud Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-_23.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, Long Strand With Frequent Skips, Medium Loud Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-_24.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, Long Strand With Frequent Skips, Medium Loud Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-_25.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, Long Strand, Medium Volume Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-U_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, Short Strand, Medium Soft Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-U_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, Short Strand, Medium Soft Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-U_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, Medium Long Strand, Medium Soft Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-U_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, Short Strand, Medium Loud Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-U_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, Medium Long Strand With A Skip Midway, Medium Loud Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-U_6.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, Medium Long Strand With A Skip Near Head, Medium Loud Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-U_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, Long Strand With Skips Throughout, Medium Loud Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-U_8.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, Short Strand, Medium Loud Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-U_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - Close-Up - Heavy, Raspy, Uneven Arcing, Medium Soft Electric-NeonBuzz-Close-Up-.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Neon Buzz - MCU - Steady, Raspy, Very Light Hum Electric-NeonBuzz-MCU-Stead.wav Soundstorm 1:55 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Noisy Bathroom Ventilation Exhaust Fan - Close-Up - Turn On, Electric-NoisyBathroomVen_1.wav Incessant Rattling @ Steady Speed, & Off Soundstorm 0:38 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Noisy Bathroom Ventilation Exhaust Fan - Close-Up - Turn On, Electric-NoisyBathroomVen_2.wav Incessant Rattling @ Steady Speed, Some Water Drips, & Off Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Noisy Bathroom Ventilation Exhaust Fan - Close-Up - Turn On, Electric-NoisyBathroomVen_3.wav Incessant Rattling @ Medium Speed, & Off Soundstorm 0:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Noisy Bathroom Ventilation Exhaust Fan - Close-Up - Distant Low Frequency Hum, Turn On, Then Off Electric-NoisyBathroomVen_4.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Noisy Bathroom Ventilation Exhaust Fan - Close-Up - Distant Low Frequency Hum, Turn On, Incessant Rattling, Then Off Electric-NoisyBathroomVen_5.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Noisy Bathroom Ventilation Exhaust Fan - Close-Up - Incessant Electric-NoisyBathroomVenti.wav Rattling, Incrementally Faster Spinning, Some Water Drips, & Off Soundstorm 1:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - 2 Abrasive Bursts, 1 Medium & 1 Loud Electric-SparkBursts-2Abras.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Loud Abrasive Burst, Short Electric-SparkBursts-Lou_10.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Loud Abrasive Burst, Medium Long Electric-SparkBursts-Lou_11.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Loud Abrasive Burst, Medium Short Electric-SparkBursts-Lou_12.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Loud Abrasive Burst, Medium Long, Fizzles Out Electric-SparkBursts-Lou_13.wav Rapidly Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Loud Abrasive Burst, Medium Short, Fizzles Out Electric-SparkBursts-Lou_14.wav Gradually Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Loud Abrasive Burst, Medium Long Electric-SparkBursts-Lou_15.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Loud Abrasive Burst, Medium Short Electric-SparkBursts-Lou_16.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Loud Abrasive Burst, Medium Long Electric-SparkBursts-Lou_17.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Loud Abrasive Burst, Medium Short Electric-SparkBursts-Lou_18.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Loud Abrasive Burst, Medium Long Electric-SparkBursts-Lou_19.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Loud Intense Arcing, Slight Fluctuations In Tone Electric-SparkBursts-Lou_20.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Loud Intense Arcing, Slight Fluctuations In Tone Electric-SparkBursts-Lou_21.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Loud Intense Arcing, Slight Fluctuations In Tone Electric-SparkBursts-Lou_22.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Loud Intense Arcing, Very Grating @ Head, Incrementally More Airy-Sounding, Fizzled-Out Zaps @ Tail Electric-SparkBursts-Lou_23.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Loud Abrasive Burst Electric-SparkBursts-Loud_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Loud Abrasive Burst, Fizzles Out Somewhat Quickly Electric-SparkBursts-Loud_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Loud Abrasive Burst Electric-SparkBursts-Loud_3.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Loud Abrasive Burst Electric-SparkBursts-Loud_4.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Loud Abrasive Burst, Fizzles Out Somewhat Quickly Electric-SparkBursts-Loud_5.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Loud Abrasive Burst, Fizzles Out Somewhat Quickly Electric-SparkBursts-Loud_6.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Loud Abrasive Burst, Short Electric-SparkBursts-Loud_7.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Loud Abrasive Burst, Fizzles Out Somewhat Quickly Electric-SparkBursts-Loud_8.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Loud Abrasive Burst, Fizzles Out Gradually Electric-SparkBursts-Loud_9.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Loud Abrasive Burst Electric-SparkBursts-LoudAb.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Loud Intense Arcing Electric-SparkBursts-LoudIn.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Spark Bursts - Medium Loud Abrasive Burst Electric-SparkBursts-Medium.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Tesla Type Sparks & Arcs - Int - Close-Up - Various Takes, Large Reverberant Room Electric-TeslaTypeSparks&_1.wav Soundstorm 0:52 Hard Drive 0 0 Electric Electric - Tesla Type Sparks & Arcs - Int - Close-Up - Various Takes, Large Reverberant Room Electric-TeslaTypeSparks&Ar.wav Soundstorm 1:34 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevator - Freight Elevator - Int Elevator - Doors Open With Heavy Clank, Close With Lighter Clank, Light Motor Hum & Clicks As Elevator Elevator-FreightElevator-_1.wav Moves Up, O S Voice Soundstorm 1:34 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevator - Freight Elevator - Int Elevator - Doors Open With Heavy Clank, Close With Lighter Clank, Light Motor Hum & Clicks As Elevator Elevator-FreightElevator-In.wav Moves Down Soundstorm 1:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevator - Hotel Elevator - Ext Elevator - Elevator Movement, Bells Rings, Doors Opens Closes, Elevator Creaks - Mic'd From Hallway, (Sutton Place Hotel, Vancouver) Elevator-HotelElevator-Ex_1.wav Soundstorm 0:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevator - Hotel Elevator - Ext Elevator - Elevator Movement, Bells Rings, Doors Opens Closes, Elevator Creaks - Mic'd From Hallway, (Sutton Place Hotel, Vancouver) Elevator-HotelElevator-ExtE.wav Soundstorm 0:37 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevator - Hotel Elevator - Int Elevator - Doors Open Close, Bell Dings, Elevator Moves With Fairly Quiet Low Rumble, Beeps As Passes Floors, Elevator-HotelElevator-In_1.wav Music & Voices, (Sutton Place Hotel, Vancouver) Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevator - Hotel Elevator - Int Elevator - Doors Open Close, Bell Dings, Elevator Moves With Fairly Quiet Low Rumble, Beeps As Passes Floors, Elevator-HotelElevator-In_2.wav Music & Voices, (Sutton Place Hotel, Vancouver) Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevator - Hotel Elevator - Int Elevator - Doors Open Close, Bell Dings, Elevator Moves With Fairly Quiet Low Rumble, Beeps As Passes Floors, Elevator-HotelElevator-In_3.wav Music & Voices, (Sutton Place Hotel, Vancouver) Soundstorm 0:35 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevator - Hotel Elevator - Int Elevator - Doors Open Close, Bell Dings, Elevator Moves With Fairly Quiet Low Rumble, Beeps As Passes Floors, Elevator-HotelElevator-IntE.wav Music & Voices, (Sutton Place Hotel, Vancouver) Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevator Conveyor - Small Dummy Elevator - Int Onboard - Start, Long Steady & Stop ElevatorConveyor-SmallDu_10.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevator Conveyor - Small Dummy Elevator - Int Onboard - Start, Medium Long Steady & Stop ElevatorConveyor-SmallDu_11.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevator Conveyor - Small Dummy Elevator - Int Onboard - Start, Very Long Steady & Stop ElevatorConveyor-SmallDum_1.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevator Conveyor - Small Dummy Elevator - Int Onboard - Short Burst ElevatorConveyor-SmallDum_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevator Conveyor - Small Dummy Elevator - Int Onboard - Medium Short Burst ElevatorConveyor-SmallDum_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevator Conveyor - Small Dummy Elevator - Int Onboard - Medium Burst ElevatorConveyor-SmallDum_4.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevator Conveyor - Small Dummy Elevator - Int Onboard - Medium Short Burst ElevatorConveyor-SmallDum_5.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevator Conveyor - Small Dummy Elevator - Int Onboard - Medium Burst ElevatorConveyor-SmallDum_6.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevator Conveyor - Small Dummy Elevator - Int Onboard - Very Short Burst ElevatorConveyor-SmallDum_7.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevator Conveyor - Small Dummy Elevator - Int Onboard - Very Short Burst ElevatorConveyor-SmallDum_8.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevator Conveyor - Small Dummy Elevator - Int Onboard - Very Short Burst ElevatorConveyor-SmallDum_9.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevator Conveyor - Small Dummy Elevator - Int Onboard - Start, Very Long Steady & Stop ElevatorConveyor-SmallDummy.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevators - Elevator Call Sequence - Button Push, Elevator Approaches, Doors Open, Enters Elevator, Doors Close, Goes To Floor Destination, Doors Open, Exits Elevator, Doors Close Elevators-ElevatorCallSeque.wav Soundstorm 1:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevators - Freight Elevator - Int - Close-Up - Elevator Motor Stop, Latching, Relays, Servos Elevators-FreightElevator-I.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevators - Old-Fashioned Elevator Maneuvers Series - Int - Close-Up Quiet, Buttons Pushed, Motor Starts, Medium Short Movement, Stops With Slight Grind - PCM Mic @ Motor & Ceiling; (Egyptian Theater) Elevators-Old-FashionedEl_1.wav Soundstorm 0:52 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevators - Old-Fashioned Elevator Maneuvers Series - Int - Close-Up False Start, Switch Click, PCM Mic @ Motor & Ceiling; (Egyptian Theater) Elevators-Old-FashionedEl_2.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevators - Old-Fashioned Elevator Maneuvers Series - Int - Close-Up Switch Click, Whirring Motor Starts, Long Movement, Stops With Grind, Elevators-Old-FashionedEl_3.wav PCM Mic @ Motor & Ceiling; (Egyptian Theater) Soundstorm 0:39 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevators - Old-Fashioned Elevator Maneuvers Series - Int - Close-Up Quiet, Switch Click, Motor Starts, Long Movement, Stops With Grind, Switch Click, PCM Mic @ Motor & Ceiling, (Egyptian Theater) Elevators-Old-FashionedEl_4.wav Soundstorm 0:56 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevators - Old-Fashioned Elevator Maneuvers Series - Int - Close-Up Switch Click, Motor Starts, Long Movement, Stops With Big Grind, Quiet, Switch Click, PCM Mic @ Motor & Ceiling; (Egyptian Theater) Elevators-Old-FashionedEl_5.wav Soundstorm 0:49 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevators - Old-Fashioned Elevator Maneuvers Series - Int - Close-Up Switch Clicks, Motor Starts, Medium Long Movement, Stops With Big Grind, Switch Click, PCM Mic @ Motor & Ceiling; (Egyptian Theater) Elevators-Old-FashionedEl_6.wav Soundstorm 0:44 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevators - Old-Fashioned Elevator Maneuvers Series - Int - Close-Up Switch Click, Motor Starts, Long Movement, Stops With Big Grind, Switch Clicks, PCM Mic @ Motor & Ceiling; (Egyptian Theater) Elevators-Old-FashionedEl_7.wav Soundstorm 0:46 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevators - Old-Fashioned Elevator Maneuvers Series - Int - Close-Up Motor Starts, Long Movement, Stops With Big Grind, Switch Clicks, PCM Mic @ Motor & Ceiling; (Egyptian Theater) Elevators-Old-FashionedEl_8.wav Soundstorm 0:35 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevators - Old-Fashioned Elevator Maneuvers Series - Int - Close-Up Motor Starts, Long Movement, Stops With Big Grind, PCM Mic @ Motor & Ceiling; (Egyptian Theater) Elevators-Old-FashionedEl_9.wav Soundstorm 0:35 Hard Drive 0 0 Elevator Elevators - Old-Fashioned Elevator Maneuvers Series - Int - Close-Up Motor Running, Stops With Squeak & Grind - PCM Mic @ Motor & Ceiling; (Egyptian Theater) Elevators-Old-FashionedElev.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Ext - Close-Up - Rapid Succession Of Booming Explosions-Fireworks-Ext-_1.wav Blasts Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Ext - Close-Up - Single Booming Blasts, Various Explosions-Fireworks-Ext-_2.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Ext - Close-Up & Distant - Single Booming Blasts, Various Explosions-Fireworks-Ext-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Ext - Medium POV - Booming Blasts, Various, Similar To Artillery Explosions Explosions-Fireworks-Ext-_4.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Ext - Medium POV - 2 Booming Blasts, Similar Explosions-Fireworks-Ext-_5.wav To Artillery Explosions Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Ext - Medium POV - Booming Blasts, Various, Similar To Artillery Explosions Explosions-Fireworks-Ext-_6.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Ext - Medium POV - Rapid Succession Of Booming Blasts, Similar To Artillery Explosions Explosions-Fireworks-Ext-_7.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Ext - Medium POV - Single Blast, Similar To Artillery Explosions Explosions-Fireworks-Ext-_8.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Ext - Medium POV - Booming Blasts, Various, Similar To Artillery Explosions Explosions-Fireworks-Ext-_9.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Ext - Close-Up - Rapid Succession Of Booming Explosions-Fireworks-Ext-Cl.wav Blasts Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Ext - Distant - Rapid Succession Of Booming Blasts Explosions-Fireworks-Ext-Di.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Ext - Medium POV - Booming Blasts, Various, Similar To Artillery Explosions Explosions-Fireworks-Ext-Me.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Ext - Medium POV - Rapid Succession Of Booming Blasts, Similar To Artillery Explosions Explosions-Fireworks-Ext_10.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Ext - Medium POV - Rapid Succession Of Booming Blasts, Similar To Artillery Explosions Explosions-Fireworks-Ext_11.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Ext - Medium POV - Single Booming, Similar To Artillery Explosions Explosions-Fireworks-Ext_12.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - MCU - Muffled, Multiple Rapid Explosions Explosions-Fireworks-MCU-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - MCU - Muffled, Multiple Rapid Explosions Explosions-Fireworks-MCU-Mu.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Med_10.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Med_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Med_12.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Med_13.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Med_14.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Med_15.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Med_16.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Med_17.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Med_18.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Med_19.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Med_20.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Med_21.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Med_22.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Med_23.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Med_24.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Med_25.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Med_26.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Med_27.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Med_28.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Sharp, Multiple Rapid Explosions Explosions-Fireworks-Med_29.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Sharp, Multiple Rapid Explosions Explosions-Fireworks-Med_30.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Medi_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Medi_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Medi_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Medi_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Medi_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Medi_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Medi_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Medi_8.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Medi_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion, Fireworks Explosions - Fireworks - Medium Distant - Launch With Very Short Muffled Fuse Explosions-Fireworks-Medium.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion Explosions - Flash Powder Bomb - Whomp & Debris Hit Sweetener Explosions-FlashPowderBomb-.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion Explosions - Sonic Boom Explosions-SonicBoom.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion Explosions - Sonic Boom B Explosions-SonicBoomB.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion Explosions - Sonic Boom C Explosions-SonicBoomC.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion Explosions - Sonic Boom D Explosions-SonicBoomD.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Explosion Explosions - Sonic Boom E Explosions-SonicBoomE.wav Soundstorm 0:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Fire Fires - Blacksmith's Fire - MCU - Cracks & Pops, Medium Size Fire Fires-Blacksmith'sFire-MCU-.wav Soundstorm 4:53 Hard Drive 0 0 Fire Fires - Blacksmith Furnace - Close-Up - Hollow Sound, Steady Rush, Roar, Could Be Gas Burning Fires-BlacksmithFurnace-Clo.wav Soundstorm 4:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Fire Fires - Building Burning - Medium Distant - Large Steady Rumble Fires-BuildingBurning-Mediu.wav Soundstorm 4:56 Hard Drive 0 0 Fire Fires - Campfire - Ext - MCU - Cracks, Light Wind Thru Flames, Low, Buffeting & Snaps Fires-Campfire-Ext-MCU-Cr_1.wav Soundstorm 4:38 Hard Drive 0 0 Fire Fires - Campfire - Ext - MCU - Crackles, Wind Fans The Flames, Medium Intensity Fires-Campfire-Ext-MCU-Cr_2.wav Soundstorm 0:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Fire Fires - Campfire - Ext - MCU - Crackles, Wind Fans The Flames, Medium Intensity Fires-Campfire-Ext-MCU-Cr_3.wav Soundstorm 0:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Fire Fires - Campfire - Ext - MCU - Crackles, Wind Fans The Flames, Medium Intensity Fires-Campfire-Ext-MCU-Cr_4.wav Soundstorm 0:49 Hard Drive 0 0 Fire Fires - Campfire - Ext - MCU - Crackles, Wind Fans The Flames, Medium To Mild Intensity Fires-Campfire-Ext-MCU-Cr_5.wav Soundstorm 0:56 Hard Drive 0 0 Fire Fires - Campfire - Ext - MCU - Crackles, Wind Fans The Flames, Mild Intensity Fires-Campfire-Ext-MCU-Cr_6.wav Soundstorm 0:46 Hard Drive 0 0 Fire Fires - Campfire - Ext - MCU - Crackles, Wind Fans The Flames, Mild To Very Mild Intensity Fires-Campfire-Ext-MCU-Cr_7.wav Soundstorm 0:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Fire Fires - Campfire - Ext - MCU - Crackles, Wind Fans The Flames, Starts To Get Bigger, Quiets Down Fires-Campfire-Ext-MCU-Cr_8.wav Soundstorm 4:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Fire Fires - Campfire - Ext - MCU - Cracks & Pops, Active Flame Fires-Campfire-Ext-MCU-Crac.wav Soundstorm 4:51 Hard Drive 0 0 Fire Fires - Campfire - Ext - MCU - Small, Smoldering To Burning, Medium Active Crackling, Sparse Flame Activity Fires-Campfire-Ext-MCU-Smal.wav Soundstorm 2:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Fire Fires - Fire In Trash Can - Ext - Close-Up - Roaring Fire With Some Crackles, Jet @ Head, Occasional Traffic, Light Wind That Picks Up At Times & Causes Fire To Roar More Intensely, Occasional Metal Clinks Fires-FireInTrashCan-Ext-Cl.wav Soundstorm 3:46 Hard Drive 0 0 Fire Fires - Fire Roars - Distant - Large With Crackle & Sizzle Fires-FireRoars-Distant-Lar.wav Soundstorm 1:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Fire Fires - Fire Roars - MCU - Roars With Some Crackle & Sizzle, Small Amount Of Wood Fires-FireRoars-MCU-RoarsWi.wav Soundstorm 1:38 Hard Drive 0 0 Fire Fires - Fire Wheel - MCU - Lighting Large Circular Fire, Flares Up Quickly, Long Burning Steady Flames, Crackles & Hiss, Steam & Sizzles, Fires-FireWheel-MCU-Lightin.wav Airplane Overhead Soundstorm 3:56 Hard Drive 0 0 Fire Fires - Sparklers - MCU - Ignites, Hisses, Sputters, Pops, Sizzles As Extinguished In Water Fires-Sparklers-MCU-Ignites.wav Soundstorm 0:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Fire Fires - Sparklers - MCU - Lighter Clicks & Burns @ Head, Sparklers Ignite, Sputters, Hisses, Pops, Then Sizzles As Extinguished In Water Fires-Sparklers-MCU-Lighter.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Fire Fires - Twirling Flares - Close-Up - Ignites Forcefully, Sizzles Sparks & Spits, Whirs While Spinning, Whir Slows Down As It Burns Out Fires-TwirlingFlares-Clos_1.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Fire Fires - Twirling Flares - Close-Up - Ignites Forcefully, Sizzles Sparks & Spits, Whirs While Spinning, Whir Slows Down As It Burns Out, Closer POV Near Tail Fires-TwirlingFlares-Close-.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Beer Bottle Clinks - ECU - Toasting With Two Bottles, Glass Taps, Hard Attack Foley-BeerBottleClinks-E_10.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Beer Bottle Clinks - ECU - Toasting With Two Bottles, Glass Taps Foley-BeerBottleClinks-E_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Beer Bottle Clinks - ECU - Toasting With Two Bottles, Glass Taps, Very Hard Attack Foley-BeerBottleClinks-E_12.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Beer Bottle Clinks - ECU - Toasting With Two Bottles, Glass Taps, Very Hard Attack Foley-BeerBottleClinks-E_13.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Beer Bottle Clinks - ECU - Toasting With Two Bottles, Glass Taps, Very Hard Attack Foley-BeerBottleClinks-E_14.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Beer Bottle Clinks - ECU - Toasting With Two Bottles, Glass Taps, Very Hard Attack Foley-BeerBottleClinks-E_15.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Beer Bottle Clinks - ECU - Toasting With Two Bottles, Glass Taps, Hard Attack Foley-BeerBottleClinks-E_16.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Beer Bottle Clinks - ECU - Toasting With Two Bottles, Slow Glass Taps Foley-BeerBottleClinks-E_17.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Beer Bottle Clinks - ECU - Toasting With Two Bottles, Hard Glass Taps & Soft Scrapes Foley-BeerBottleClinks-E_18.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Beer Bottle Clinks - ECU - Toasting With Two Bottles, Glass Tap Foley-BeerBottleClinks-E_19.wav & Scrape Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Beer Bottle Clinks - ECU - Toasting With Two Bottles, Glass Taps Foley-BeerBottleClinks-E_20.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Beer Bottle Clinks - ECU - Toasting With Two Bottles, Glass Taps Foley-BeerBottleClinks-E_21.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Beer Bottle Clinks - ECU - Toasting With Two Bottles, Glass Taps, Light Scrapes Foley-BeerBottleClinks-E_22.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Beer Bottle Clinks - ECU - Toasting With Two Bottles, 2 Glass Taps Foley-BeerBottleClinks-E_23.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Beer Bottle Clinks - ECU - Toasting With Two Bottles, 2 Glass Taps Foley-BeerBottleClinks-EC_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Beer Bottle Clinks - ECU - Toasting With Two Bottles, Glass Tap Foley-BeerBottleClinks-EC_2.wav With Rebounds Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Beer Bottle Clinks - ECU - Toasting With Two Bottles, 4 Glass Taps Foley-BeerBottleClinks-EC_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Beer Bottle Clinks - ECU - Toasting With Two Bottles, Glass Tap Foley-BeerBottleClinks-EC_4.wav With Lots Of Rebound Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Beer Bottle Clinks - ECU - Toasting With Two Bottles, Glass Tap, Hard Attack Foley-BeerBottleClinks-EC_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Beer Bottle Clinks - ECU - Toasting With Two Bottles, Glass Tap, Hard Attack Foley-BeerBottleClinks-EC_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Beer Bottle Clinks - ECU - Toasting With Two Bottles, Glass Tap, Very Hard Attack Foley-BeerBottleClinks-EC_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Beer Bottle Clinks - ECU - Toasting With Two Bottles, 2 Glass Taps Foley-BeerBottleClinks-EC_8.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Beer Bottle Clinks - ECU - Toasting With Two Bottles, Glass Taps, Hard Attack Foley-BeerBottleClinks-EC_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Beer Bottle Clinks - ECU - Toasting With Two Bottles, 2 Glass Taps Foley-BeerBottleClinks-ECU-.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Beer Bottle Open - ECU - Fizz, Bottle Cap Movement Foley-BeerBottleOpen-ECU-Fi.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Horse Reins Slaps - Int - Close-Up - Various Whipping Leather Hits With Some Metal Jingle Foley-HorseReinsSlaps-Int-C.wav Soundstorm 1:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Pen Doodling - Int - Close-Up - Writing A Question Mark, Scribbles, Sparse Movement Foley-PenDoodling-Int-Clo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Pen Doodling - Int - Close-Up - Writing A Question Mark, Scribbles, Continuous Soft Movements Foley-PenDoodling-Int-Clo_2.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Pen Doodling - Int - Close-Up - Writing A Question Mark, Scribbles, Continuous Soft Movements Foley-PenDoodling-Int-Clo_3.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Pen Doodling - Int - Close-Up - Writing A Question Mark, Scribbles Foley-PenDoodling-Int-Close.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Pen Writing - Int - Close-Up, Jot On Paper, Scribbling & Writing Foley-PenWriting-Int-Clos_1.wav Notes Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Pen Writing - Int - Close-Up, Jot On Paper, Scribbling & Writing Foley-PenWriting-Int-Clos_2.wav Notes Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Pen Writing - Int - Close-Up, Jot On Paper, Scribbling & Writing Foley-PenWriting-Int-Clos_3.wav Notes Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Pen Writing - Int - Close-Up, Jot On Paper, Scribbling & Writing Foley-PenWriting-Int-Close-.wav Notes Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Syringe - Int - Close-Up - Sucking & Squirting Liquid Into Cup Soundstorm 1:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle - Int - CU - Pops W Light Squeaks & Liquid Foley-UncorkWineBottle-I_10.wav Slosh Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle - Int - CU - Pops W Light Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottle-I_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle - Int - CU - Pops W Light Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottle-I_12.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottle-In_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottle-In_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottle-In_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottle-In_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottle-In_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottle-In_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottle-In_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottle-In_8.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle - Int - CU - Pops W Light Squeaks & Liquid Foley-UncorkWineBottle-In_9.wav Slosh Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottle-Int-.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Cork Pop Foley-UncorkWineBottleRo_10.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottleRo_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottleRo_12.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottleRo_13.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottleRo_14.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottleRo_15.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottleRo_16.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottleRo_17.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottleRo_18.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottleRo_19.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottleRo_20.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Light Cork Pop Foley-UncorkWineBottleRo_21.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeak Foley-UncorkWineBottleRo_22.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeak Foley-UncorkWineBottleRo_23.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeak Foley-UncorkWineBottleRo_24.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeak Foley-UncorkWineBottleRo_25.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Cork Pops W Squeak & Liquid Slosh Foley-UncorkWineBottleRo_26.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley-Syringe-Int-Close-Up-.wav Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottleRou_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottleRou_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottleRou_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottleRou_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottleRou_5.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottleRou_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottleRou_7.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottleRou_8.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottleRou_9.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley Foley - Uncork Wine Bottle Routine - Int - CU - Corkscrew Into Cork W Squeaks Foley-UncorkWineBottleRouti.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Footsteps Foley Footsteps - Walking In Snow - Close-Up - Icy Snow, Various & Continuous Intermittent Walking, Some Slow Crunching Steps FoleyFootsteps-WalkingInS_1.wav Soundstorm 1:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Footsteps Foley Footsteps - Walking In Snow - Close-Up - Icy & Powdery Snow, Various & Continuous Intermittent Walking, Starts Slow With Some Increases In Pace Then Slows Again FoleyFootsteps-WalkingInSno.wav Soundstorm 1:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - 1 2 Ream Of Paper Hits Desk - Int - Close-Up Papers Thrown Up, Land With Impact To Desk, Clean FoleyMovement12ReamOfPap_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - 1 2 Ream Of Paper Hits Desk - Int - Close-Up Papers Thrown Up And Hits Desk With Plastic Cup Fall To Ground @ End FoleyMovement12ReamOfPaper.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - 2 Hollow Plastic Containers Dropped Onto Desk Top - Int - Close-Up - Loud Clatter & Bounce FoleyMovement-2HollowPlas_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - 2 Hollow Plastic Containers Dropped Onto Desk Top - Int - Close-Up - Loud Clatter FoleyMovement-2HollowPlasti.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Perfunctory Glass Ping @ Head, Glass Clangs Throughout, Liquid Pours, Shot Glasses Slide Over Counter, Liquor Bottle Impacts FoleyMovement-BarRoutine-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Gentle Glass Clinks, Shot Glasses Lightly Scraping Against Each Other, Then Smacked Together, Liquid Pours, Liquor Bottle Impacts FoleyMovement-BarRoutine-_2.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Squeaky Cork Pulls, Liquid Pours, Glass Clinks, Liquor Bottle & Shot Glass Impacts FoleyMovement-BarRoutine-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Medium Soft To Medium Loud Shot Glass Impacts, Liquid Pours, Short, Squeaky Cork Pop @ Tail FoleyMovement-BarRoutine-_4.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Lots Of Gentle Glass Clinks, Liquor Bottle & Shot Glass Impacts, Liquid Pours FoleyMovement-BarRoutine-_5.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Scraping Glass Against Table, Shot Glass Chinks & Slams, Liquid Pours FoleyMovement-BarRoutine-_6.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Glass Slams, Liquid Pours, FoleyMovement-BarRoutine-_7.wav Shot Glass Chinks & Slams, Glasses Sliding Gently Across Table Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Careless Glass Impacts, Shot Glass Chinks, Thuds, & Slides, Light Liquid Pouring, Liquor Bottle Impacts FoleyMovement-BarRoutine-_8.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Glass Clinks & Slams On Counter, Frequent Liquor Bottle Impacts FoleyMovement-BarRoutine-_9.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Gentle Glass Clinks, Plastic FoleyMovement-BarRoutine-In.wav Cup, Shot Glass, & Liquor Bottle Impacts, Liquid Pours Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Glass Clinks & Slams On Counter, Liquor Bottle Impacts, Shot Glasses Sliding Against Each Other FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_10.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Glass Clinks, Light To Medium, Liquor Bottle Impacts FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_11.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Glass Clinks, Silverware Against Glasses, Liquor Bottle Impacts FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_12.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Glass Clinks, Light To Medium, Liquor Bottle & Shot Glass Impacts On Counter, Liquid Pours FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_13.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Glass Clinks, Light To Medium, Liquid Pours, Some Shot Glass Impacts On Counter FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_14.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Shot Glass Impacts Against Each Other, Plastic Cup Impacts On Counter, Glasses Scraping Against FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_15.wav Each Other Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Shot Glass Clinks & Counter Impacts, Glasses Clanging FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_16.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Medium Active Glass Impacts, Against Each Other & On The Counter, Shot Glass Clinks, Liquor Bottles Against Counter FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_17.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Steady Glass & Liquor Bottle Movement With Clinks, Medium Light Constant Activity, Liquor Bottles Opening, Liquid Pouring FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_18.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Steady Glass & Liquor Bottle Movement With Clinks, Dull Shot Glass Impacts, Medium Light Constant Activity FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_19.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Steady Glass & Liquor Bottle Movement With Clinks, Dull Shot Glass Impacts, Medium Light Constant Activity, Squeaky Cork Pull & Liquid Pour FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_20.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Steady Glass & Liquor Bottle Movement With Clinks, Shot Glass Clinks & Scrapings, Light Constant Activity FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_21.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Sparse Glass & Liquor Bottle Movement With Clinks, Very Light Constant Activity FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_22.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Sparse Glass & Liquor Bottle Movement With Clinks, Dull Shot Glass Impacts, Light Constant Activity FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_23.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Sparse Glass & Liquor Bottle Movement With Clinks, Some Fabric Rustling, Very Light Constant FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_24.wav Activity Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Steady Glass & Liquor Bottle Movement With Clinks, Dull Shot Glass Impacts, Liquid Pour, Light Constant Activity, Very Sparse Movement @ Tail FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_25.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Sparse Glass & Liquor Bottle Movement With Clinks, Very Light Liquid Pouring, Very Light, Nearly Continuous Activity FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_26.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Steady Glass & Liquor Bottle Movement With Clinks, Glasses Scraping Against Counter, Medium Constant Activity FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_27.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - MCU - Steady Glass & Liquor Bottle Movement With Clinks, Medium Light Constant Activity, Cork Pull FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_28.wav & Liquid Pour Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - Close-Up - Glass Chinks, Thudding Impact On Counter FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_29.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - Close-Up - Liquid Pours, Impact Of Bottle Against Glass FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_30.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - Close-Up - Thudding Impacts On Counter @ Head & Tail, Glass Scraping Against Counter, Person Taking A Drink FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_31.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - Close-Up - Glass Set Down 2x, 2nd Impact Greatest In Volume FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_32.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - Close-Up - Ice Cubes In Glass, Ringing Quality, Rolling Texture FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_33.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - Close-Up - Ice Cubes In Glass, Ringing Quality, Rolling Texture, Occasional Clear Impacts FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_34.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - Close-Up - Ice Cubes In Glass, Ringing Quality, Rolling Texture, Dull Plastic Slap @ Tail FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_35.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - Close-Up - Pick Up Glass, Pour Liquid Into Glass & Put Top Back On Bottle FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_36.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - Close-Up - Pick Up Bottle & Pour FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_37.wav Drink Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - Close-Up - Liquor Decanter Impacts, Set Down On Table FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_38.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - Close-Up - Liquor Decanter Impacts, Some Rolling FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_39.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - Close-Up - Liquor Decanter Impacts, Liquid Pours, Set Down On Table FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_40.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - Close-Up - Liquor Decanter Impact, Set Down On Table FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_41.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bar Routine - Int - Close-Up - Liquor Decanter Movements, Pour Liquid & Set Down FoleyMovement-BarRoutine_42.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - Int - MCU - Steady Glass & Liquor Bottle Movement With Clinks, Liquid Pours, Few Bottle Slides On FoleyMovement-BartenderRo_1.wav Wood, Medium Light Activity Soundstorm 0:41 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - Int - MCU - Steady Glass & Liquor Bottle Movement With Clinks, Liquid Pours, Few Bottle Slides On FoleyMovement-BartenderRo_2.wav Wood, Medium Light Activity Soundstorm 0:38 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - Int - MCU - Steady Glass & Liquor Bottle Movement With Clinks, Few Bottle Slides On Wood, Medium Light Activity FoleyMovement-BartenderRo_3.wav Soundstorm 0:47 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - Int - MCU - Glass & Liquor Bottle Movement With Clinks, Few Bottle Slides On Wood, Light Activity FoleyMovement-BartenderRo_4.wav With Some Lulls Soundstorm 0:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - Int - MCU - Glass & Bottle Clinks, Cork Pulls & Liquid Pours, Glass Movement & Slides On Wood Surface, Medium Light Activity FoleyMovement-BartenderRo_5.wav Soundstorm 1:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - Int - MCU - Gentle Glass & Bottle Clinks & Liquid Pours, Bottles Set Down On Wood Surface FoleyMovement-BartenderRo_6.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - Int - MCU - Gentle Glass & Bottle Clinks & Liquid Pours, Bottles Set Down On & Slides On Wood Surface FoleyMovement-BartenderRo_7.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - Int - MCU - Glass Movement, Tinks & Clinks, Bottles Open & Set Down, Liquid Pours, Soda Can Opens, Ice Clinks, Counter Wiping @ End, Intensity Varies FoleyMovement-BartenderRout.wav Soundstorm 3:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bed Or Couch Creaks - Close-Up - Variety, Very Sparse Activity FoleyMovementBedOrCouchC_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bed Or Couch Creaks - Close-Up - Short & Soft Creaking FoleyMovementBedOrCouchC_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bed Or Couch Creaks - Close-Up - Soft Creaking, Very Sparse Activity FoleyMovementBedOrCouchC_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bed Or Couch Creaks - Close-Up - Variety, Most Activity Towards Tail FoleyMovementBedOrCouchC_4.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bed Or Couch Creaks - Close-Up - 3 Main Creaks, Soft FoleyMovementBedOrCouchC_5.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bed Or Couch Creaks - Close-Up - Soft Creaking, Incrementally Faster FoleyMovementBedOrCouchC_6.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bed Or Couch Creaks - Close-Up - Nearly Continuous Creaking, Most Activity @ Head FoleyMovementBedOrCouchC_7.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bed Or Couch Creaks - Close-Up - Long Creak Near Head, A Series Of Shorter Ones Near Tail FoleyMovementBedOrCouchC_8.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Bed Or Couch Creaks - Close-Up - Variety, Longest Episode @ Tail FoleyMovementBedOrCouchCre.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Car Bang Along Ground - Close-Up - Sequence Of Thuds & Impacts FoleyMovementCarBangAlongG.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Scrape, Then Shaker Slapped Loudly Upon Table, Light Ringing Reverb On Table Impact FoleyMovementCardboardS_10.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Scrape, Then Shaker Slapped Somewhat Loudly Upon Table FoleyMovementCardboardS_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Scrape, Then Shaker Slapped Loudly Upon Table FoleyMovementCardboardS_12.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Scrape, Then Shaker Slapped Loudly Upon Table FoleyMovementCardboardS_13.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Scrape, Then Shaker Set Down Gently Upon Table FoleyMovementCardboardS_14.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Scrape, Then Shaker Set Down Gently Upon Table FoleyMovementCardboardS_15.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Scrape, Then Shaker Set Down Roughly Upon Table FoleyMovementCardboardS_16.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Single Slapping Impact On Table FoleyMovementCardboardS_17.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Scrape, Then Slapping Impact On Table FoleyMovementCardboardS_18.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Very Light Scrape, Then Slamming Impact Upon Table FoleyMovementCardboardS_19.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Single Slamming Impact Upon Table FoleyMovementCardboardS_20.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Slow Shakes, Some Thudding Impacts Of Salt Against Bottle FoleyMovementCardboardS_21.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Slow Shakes, Some Scraping Or Sifting Sounds Midway FoleyMovementCardboardS_22.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Medium Fast Shakes FoleyMovementCardboardS_23.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Medium Fast Shakes FoleyMovementCardboardS_24.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Fast Shakes FoleyMovementCardboardS_25.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Shakes, Slow To Medium Fast FoleyMovementCardboardS_26.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Very Fast Shakes FoleyMovementCardboardS_27.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Fast Shakes FoleyMovementCardboardS_28.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Shakes, Fast To Very Fast FoleyMovementCardboardS_29.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Very Fast Shakes FoleyMovementCardboardS_30.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Shaker Slapped Down On Table FoleyMovement-CardboardSa_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Single Scrape FoleyMovement-CardboardSa_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Shaker Set Down On Table FoleyMovement-CardboardSa_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Shaker Set Down & Scraped On Table FoleyMovement-CardboardSa_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Shaker Set Down On Table FoleyMovement-CardboardSa_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Shaker Clumsily Set Down On Table FoleyMovement-CardboardSa_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Scrape, Then Shaker Slapped Loudly Upon Table FoleyMovement-CardboardSa_7.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Scrape, Then Shaker Slapped Upon Table FoleyMovement-CardboardSa_8.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Scrape, Then Shaker Slapped Loudly Upon Table FoleyMovement-CardboardSa_9.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cardboard Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Single Scrape FoleyMovement-CardboardSalt.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Car Scrapes Gravel - Close-Up - Lots Of Grinding Clatter & Scrapes FoleyMovement-CarScrapesGra.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Ceramic Coffee Cup With 1 2 Dozen Pencils Knocked Over - Int - Close-Up - Very Loud Cup Bangs Clangs, Pencils Spill & Roll, Pencils Picked Up & Rattled Together FoleyMovement-CeramicCoff_1.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Ceramic Coffee Cup With 1 2 Dozen Pencils Knocked Over Onto Desk - Int - Close-Up - Cup Makes Loud Bang Ringing Clang, Pencils Spill & Roll FoleyMovement-CeramicCoff_2.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Ceramic Coffee Cup With 1 2 Dozen Pencils Knocked Over - Int - Close-Up - Loud Cup Bangs Clangs, Pencils Spill & Roll, Pencils Put Back Into Cup FoleyMovement-CeramicCoffee.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chains & Baseball Bat Clatter - Close-Up - Some Light High-Pitched Jingling, Single Bat Impact, Some Creaking @ Head FoleyMovementChains&Bas_10.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chains & Baseball Bat Clatter - Close-Up - HighPitched Jingling, Medium Soft Punch Against Chains @ Head FoleyMovementChains&Bas_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chains & Baseball Bat Clatter - Close-Up - HighPitched Jingling, 3 Bat Impacts FoleyMovementChains&Bas_12.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chains & Baseball Bat Clatter - Close-Up - HighPitched Jingling, Soft Bat Impacts FoleyMovementChains&Bas_13.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chains & Baseball Bat Clatter - Close-Up - HighPitched Jingling @ Crashing, A Few Bat Impacts & Scraping FoleyMovementChains&Bas_14.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chains & Baseball Bat Clatter - Close-Up - Single Bat FoleyMovementImpact, High-Pitched Jingling, Medium Soft Chains&Bas_15.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chains & Baseball Bat Clatter - Close-Up - HighPitched Jingling, Some Crashing, A Few Bat Impacts FoleyMovementChains&Bas_16.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chains & Baseball Bat Clatter - Close-Up - HighPitched Jingling, A Couple Of Bat Impacts FoleyMovement-Chains&Base_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chains & Baseball Bat Clatter - Close-Up - HighPitched Jingling, Single Bat Impact FoleyMovement-Chains&Base_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chains & Baseball Bat Clatter - Close-Up - HighPitched Jingling, Medium Soft FoleyMovement-Chains&Base_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chains & Baseball Bat Clatter - Close-Up - HighPitched Jingling, Medium Loud FoleyMovement-Chains&Base_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chains & Baseball Bat Clatter - Close-Up - HighPitched Jingling Interspersed With Multiple Bat Impacts, Medium Loud FoleyMovement-Chains&Base_5.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chains & Baseball Bat Clatter - Close-Up - HighPitched Jingling Interspersed With Multiple Bat Impacts, Medium Soft FoleyMovement-Chains&Base_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chains & Baseball Bat Clatter - Close-Up - HighPitched Jingling Interspersed With 2 Bat Impacts, Medium Loud FoleyMovement-Chains&Base_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chains & Baseball Bat Clatter - Close-Up - HighPitched Jingling Interspersed With Multiple Bat Impacts, Medium Loud FoleyMovement-Chains&Base_8.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chains & Baseball Bat Clatter - Close-Up - HighPitched Jingling Interspersed With Initial Bat Impact & Its Rebounds FoleyMovement-Chains&Base_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chains & Baseball Bat Clatter - Close-Up - HighPitched Jingling, Bat Impact On Home Plate FoleyMovement-Chains&Baseba.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chopping & Utensils For Kitchen Background Close-Up - Various Chopping Movements, Some Clanging & Scraping, Soft FoleyMovementChopping&Ut_1.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chopping & Utensils For Kitchen Background Close-Up - Various Chopping Movements, Some Clanging & Scraping FoleyMovementChopping&Ut_2.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chopping & Utensils For Kitchen Background Close-Up - Various Dull Silverware Movements FoleyMovementChopping&Ut_3.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chopping & Utensils For Kitchen Background Close-Up - Series Of Soft Chopping Movements, Some Scraping FoleyMovementChopping&Ut_4.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chopping & Utensils For Kitchen Background Close-Up - Various Sliding Textures, Some Tapping Movements FoleyMovementChopping&Ut_5.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chopping & Utensils For Kitchen Background Close-Up - Various Sliding Textures, Some Tapping Movements, Dull Silverware Movements FoleyMovementChopping&Ut_6.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chopping & Utensils For Kitchen Background Close-Up - Sparse & Soft Chopping Movements, Some Scraping FoleyMovementChopping&Ut_7.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chopping & Utensils For Kitchen Background Close-Up - Various Scraping Movements FoleyMovementChopping&Ut_8.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Chopping & Utensils For Kitchen Background Close-Up - Various Chopping Movements, Some Clanging & Scraping FoleyMovementChopping&Uten.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cinderblock Down On Concrete - Close-Up - Short Tumbling Episode, Some Grit FoleyMovement-Cinderblock_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cinderblock Down On Concrete - Close-Up - Single Impact, Abrasive FoleyMovement-Cinderblock_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cinderblock Down On Concrete - Close-Up - Light Tumble FoleyMovement-Cinderblock_3.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cinderblock Down On Concrete - Close-Up - 2 Sets Of Tumbles, Some Grit FoleyMovement-Cinderblock_4.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cinderblock Down On Concrete - Close-Up Tumbling, Some Grit FoleyMovement-CinderblockDo.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cloth Tears - Close-Up - Various Short Tears FoleyMovement-ClothTears-Cl.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Coffee Cup Down - Close-Up - Single Impact, Set On Hard Surface FoleyMovementCoffeeCupDown.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Coffee Pot Against Cup - Close-Up - Sweetener, Single High Clank FoleyMovement-CoffeePotAgai.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Coffee Pot Up Pour Down - Close-Up - Pot Pulled From Coffee Maker, Liquid Pour In Cup, Pot Set Back In Coffee Maker FoleyMovement-CoffeePotUpPo.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cup With Pencils Pens Spill & Paper Thrown - Close- FoleyMovementUp - Entire Simulated Routine With Glass CupWithPenc_1.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Cup With Pencils Pens Spill & Paper Thrown Onto Desk - Int - Close-Up - Entire Routine At Once FoleyMovement-CupWithPencil.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Door Stop - Int - Close-Up - Medium Rattling FoleyMovement-DoorStop-In_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Door Stop - Int - Close-Up - Medium Rattling FoleyMovement-DoorStop-In_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Door Stop - Int - Close-Up - Medium Rattling FoleyMovement-DoorStop-In_3.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Door Stop - Int - Close-Up - Medium Rattling FoleyMovement-DoorStop-In_4.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Door Stop - Int - Close-Up - Medium Rattling FoleyMovement-DoorStop-In_5.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Door Stop - Int - Close-Up - Medium Rattling FoleyMovement-DoorStop-In_6.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Door Stop - Int - Close-Up - Medium Rattling FoleyMovement-DoorStop-Int-.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Drinking Glass Pick Up & Sip - Int - Close-Up - Pick Up With Light Glass Ring & Slide, Sip With Slurp, Set Down With Light Glass Ring & Thud FoleyMovement-DrinkingGlass.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Dropping Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Drop On Floor, Somewhat Abrupt, Some Rattling FoleyMovement-DroppingSho_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Dropping Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Drop On Floor, Decisive FoleyMovement-DroppingShotg.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Frying Pan Slide - Ext - Close-Up - Iron Pan Tossed And Slid Across Pavement, Metallic Bouncing And Scraping From L- R FoleyMovement-FryingPanS_10.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Frying Pan Slide - Ext - Close-Up - Iron Pan Tossed And Slid Across Pavement, Metallic Bouncing And Scraping From L- R FoleyMovement-FryingPanS_11.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Frying Pan Scrape - Ext - Close-Up - Iron Pan Dragged Across Pavement, Long Steady Metallic Scrape FoleyMovement-FryingPanSc_1.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Frying Pan Scrape - Ext - Close-Up - Iron Pan Dragged Across Pavement, Long Steady Metallic Scrape FoleyMovement-FryingPanSc_2.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Frying Pan Scrape - Ext - Close-Up - Iron Pan Dragged Across Pavement, Long Steady Metallic Scrape FoleyMovement-FryingPanSc_3.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Frying Pan Scrape - Ext - Close-Up - Iron Pan Dragged Across Pavement, Long Steady Metallic Scrape FoleyMovement-FryingPanScra.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Frying Pan Slide - Ext - Close-Up - Iron Pan Tossed & Slid Across Pavement, Metallic Scraping From R- L FoleyMovement-FryingPanSl_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Frying Pan Slide - Ext - Close-Up - Iron Pan Tossed & Slid Across Pavement, Metallic Scraping From R- L FoleyMovement-FryingPanSl_2.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Frying Pan Slide - Ext - Close-Up - Iron Pan Tossed & Slid Across Pavement, Metallic Scraping From R- L FoleyMovement-FryingPanSl_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Frying Pan Slide - Ext - Close-Up - Iron Pan Tossed & Slid Across Pavement, Metallic Scraping From R- L FoleyMovement-FryingPanSl_4.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Frying Pan Slide - Ext - Close-Up - Iron Pan Tossed And Slid Across Pavement, Metallic Bouncing And Scraping From L- R FoleyMovement-FryingPanSl_5.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Frying Pan Slide - Ext - Close-Up - Iron Pan Tossed And Slid Across Pavement, Metallic Bouncing And Scraping From L- R FoleyMovement-FryingPanSl_6.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Frying Pan Slide - Ext - Close-Up - Iron Pan Tossed And Slid Across Pavement, Metallic Bouncing And Scraping From L- R FoleyMovement-FryingPanSl_7.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Frying Pan Slide - Ext - Close-Up - Iron Pan Tossed And Slid Across Pavement, Metallic Bouncing And Scraping From L- R FoleyMovement-FryingPanSl_8.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Frying Pan Slide - Ext - Close-Up - Iron Pan Tossed And Slid Across Pavement, Metallic Bouncing And Scraping From L- R FoleyMovement-FryingPanSl_9.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Frying Pan Slide - Ext - Close-Up - Iron Pan Tossed & Slid Across Pavement, Metallic Scraping From R- L FoleyMovement-FryingPanSlid.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Glass Break - Close-Up - Sharp Bright Impact, Glass Scatters FoleyMovement-GlassBreak-Cl.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Gun Out Of Holster - Int - Close-Up - Stiff Leather Creaks FoleyMovementGunOutOfHol_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Gun Out Of Holster - Int - Close-Up - Stiff Leather Creaks FoleyMovement-GunOutOfHolst.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Horseplay - Two Males - MCU - Light Wrestling, Rustling, & Thumps, Grunt Near Head FoleyMovement-Horseplay-T_1.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Horseplay - Two Males - MCU - Somewhat Violent Wrestling, Rustling, Thumps, & Splintering Impacts FoleyMovement-Horseplay-T_2.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Horseplay - Two Males - MCU - Light Wrestling, Rustling, & Thumps FoleyMovement-Horseplay-T_3.wav Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Horseplay - Two Males - MCU - Light Wrestling, Rustling, & Thumps, Some Panting FoleyMovement-Horseplay-T_4.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Horseplay - Two Males - MCU - Light Wrestling, Rustling, & Thumps FoleyMovement-Horseplay-Two.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Human Sniffing Nose - Int - Close-Up - Medium Short Sniff FoleyMovement-HumanSniffing.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Human Spits - Int - Close-Up - Very Watery, Abrupt, FoleyMovement-HumanSpits-_1.wav Light Reverb Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Human Spits - Int - Close-Up - Very Watery, Abrupt, FoleyMovement-HumanSpits-_2.wav Light Reverb, Quick Attack Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Human Spits - Int - Close-Up - Somewhat Watery, Abrupt, Light Reverb, Quick Attack & Release FoleyMovement-HumanSpits-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Human Spits - Int - Close-Up - Somewhat Watery, Abrupt, Light Reverb, Very Quick Attack & Release FoleyMovement-HumanSpits-_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Human Spits - Int - Close-Up - Very Watery, Medium FoleyMovement-HumanSpits-_5.wav Soft Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Human Spits - Int - Close-Up - Very Watery, Light Reverb FoleyMovement-HumanSpits-_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Human Spits - Int - Close-Up - Very Watery, Medium FoleyMovement-HumanSpits-_7.wav Loud, Perfunctory Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Human Spits - Int - Close-Up - Very Watery, Light Reverb FoleyMovement-HumanSpits-In.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Leather - Int - Close-Up - Medium Soft Creaks, Incrementally Faster & Louder FoleyMovement-Leather-In_10.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Leather - Int - Close-Up - Soft Stirrings, 2 Main Creaks FoleyMovement-Leather-In_11.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Leather - Int - Close-Up - 2 Leisurely Creaking Episodes FoleyMovement-Leather-In_12.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Leather - Int - Close-Up - Continuous Creaking, Rocking Motion FoleyMovement-Leather-In_13.wav Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Leather - Int - Close-Up - Creak & Release, Abrupt Stretch FoleyMovement-Leather-In_14.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Leather - Int - Close-Up - Steady Creaking, Sparse @ Head, Slow Release @ Tail FoleyMovement-Leather-In_15.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Leather - Int - Close-Up - Various Pacing, Most Activity & Volume Intensity @ Tail FoleyMovement-Leather-In_16.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Leather - Int - Close-Up - Slow & Steady Twisting, Creaking FoleyMovement-Leather-Int-C.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Leather - Int - Close-Up - Medium Pacing, Sparse Movement @ Head FoleyMovement-Leather-Int_1.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Leather - Int - Close-Up - Steady Twisting & Creaking, Slowing @ Tail FoleyMovement-Leather-Int_2.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Leather - Int - Close-Up - Steady Twisting & Creaking, Slowing & Abrasion @ Tail FoleyMovement-Leather-Int_3.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Leather - Int - Close-Up - Labored Twists & Creaks, FoleyMovement-Leather-Int_4.wav Crunch @ Head Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Leather - Int - Close-Up - Single Crunch, Medium Soft Release FoleyMovement-Leather-Int_5.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Leather - Int - Close-Up - 2 Twisting, Creaking Movements, Release FoleyMovement-Leather-Int_6.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Leather - Int - Close-Up - 3 Main Creaks, Softer Fills FoleyMovement-Leather-Int_7.wav In Between Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Leather - Int - Close-Up - Medium Soft Creaks, Crunch @ Tail FoleyMovement-Leather-Int_8.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Leather - Int - Close-Up - Medium Soft Creaks @ Creeping Pace FoleyMovement-Leather-Int_9.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Liquid Impact Auto - Close-Up - Big Thud, Water Splatters FoleyMovement-LiquidImpactA.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Low End Cinderblock Impacts - Close-Up - Loud, Hard Impact With Some Debris Scatter & Scrapes FoleyMovementLowEndCinde_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Low End Cinderblock Impacts - Close-Up - Loud, Hard Impact With Some Debris Scatter FoleyMovementLowEndCinderb.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Mail Routine - Int - Close-Up - 6 Envelopes Slapped Down, Followed By Single Paper Rustle Movements For Unfolding Of A Letter FoleyMovement-MailRoutine-I.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Metal Coffee Pot Pour - Int - Close-Up - Pick Up Pot, Pour Into Metal Cup, Set Down Pot, Set Down Metal Cup, Drop FoleyMovement-MetalCoffeePo.wav Empty Metal Cup Onto Hard Surface, Tin Metal Clangs & Liquid Sloshes Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Metal Lantern - Int - Close-Up - Continuous Soft Swaying With Light Squeak FoleyMovement-MetalLantern-.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Metal Latch & Release - Close-Up - Forceful FoleyMovement-MetalLatch&Re.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Old Fashioned Wheelchair - Close-Up - Rolling Movements Over Crisp Debris FoleyMovement-OldFashione_1.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Old Fashioned Wheelchair - Close-Up - Medium Distant, Very Squeaky Rolling Movements FoleyMovement-OldFashione_2.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Old Fashioned Wheelchair - Close-Up - Rolling Movements, Rattling & Quite Squeaky FoleyMovementOldFashionedW.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Old Jail Key Jingles - Int - Close-Up - Active Movement With Metal Jingling FoleyMovement-OldJailKeyJin.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Old Projection Screen - Int - Close-Up - Roll Up, Squeaky With Rattle FoleyMovement-OldProjecti_1.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Old Projection Screen - Int - Close-Up - Pull Down, Sliding Thick Canvas Movement FoleyMovement-OldProjecti_2.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Old Projection Screen - Int - Close-Up - Pull Up, Sliding Thick Canvas Movement FoleyMovement-OldProjecti_3.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Old Projection Screen - Int - Close-Up - Pull Down, Sliding Medium Thick Stiff Cloth Movement FoleyMovement-OldProjecti_4.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Old Projection Screen - Int - Close-Up - Pull Up, Sliding Medium Thick Stiff Cloth Movement FoleyMovement-OldProjecti_5.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Old Projection Screen - Int - Close-Up - Roll Down, Squeaky With Rattle FoleyMovement-OldProjection.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Paper Clips & Small Plastic Objects Dropped On Desk - Int - Close-Up - Loud Drop & Scatter FoleyMovement-PaperClips&Sm.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Paper Clips, Plastic and Ceramic Objects Knocked Over Onto Desk - Int - Close-Up FoleyMovement-PaperClips,Pl.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Paper Clips Rattle Shake - Int - Close-Up - Metal Paper Clips In A Plastic Container Being Scooped Up, Rattled, Shifted Around, Container Hits Table FoleyMovement-PaperClipsRat.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Paper Clips Tossed On Desk - Int - Close-Up - Loud FoleyMovement-PaperClipsTos.wav Toss & Skid Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Paper Rustling Movement - Int - Close-Up - Medium Intensity, Sharp Snapping @ End FoleyMovement-PaperRustli_1.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Paper Rustling Movement - Int - Close-Up - Medium To Heavy Intensity FoleyMovement-PaperRustli_2.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Paper Rustling Movement - Int - Close-Up - Medium Intensity, Then Thrown Down With Bang FoleyMovement-PaperRustli_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Paper Rustling Movement - Int - Close-Up - Medium Intensity, Some Quick Snaps FoleyMovement-PaperRustling.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pencils Drop Onto Desk - Int - Close-Up - Pencils In Groups Of 3 To 5 Hit Desk In Rapid Succession, Then Roll, Desk Has Various Material Already Scattered On It FoleyMovement-PencilsDrop_1.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pencils Drop Onto Desk - Int - Close-Up - Pencils In Groups Of 3 To 5 Loudly Hit Desk, Which Has Various Material Already FoleyMovement-PencilsDrop_2.wav Scattered On It Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pencils Drop Onto Desk - Int - Close-Up - Pencils In Groups Of 3 To 5 Slam Down & Roll Onto Desk, Which Has Various Material Already Scattered On It FoleyMovement-PencilsDropOn.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pencils Dropping On Desk - Int - Close-Up Numerous Pencils Drop & Roll On Desk FoleyMovement-PencilsDroppi.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pens Pencils Scissors Being Picked Up & Dropped Onto A Desk - Int - Close-Up - Various Bangs Taps As Objects Avalanche Onto Desk FoleyMovement-PensPencilsSc.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pick Up Clipboard & Write - Close-Up - Slap Of Plastic, Paper Rustling, Abrasive Scribbling FoleyMovement-PickUpClipb_1.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pick Up Clipboard & Write - Close-Up - Slap Of Plastic, Paper Rustling, Abrasive Scribbling FoleyMovement-PickUpClipboa.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Drops On Dirt - Int - Close-Up - Medium Thud FoleyMovement-PistolDrops_1.wav With Gun Rattle Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Drops On Dirt - Int - Close-Up - Medium Thud FoleyMovement-PistolDrops_2.wav With Gun Rattle Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Drops On Dirt - Int - Close-Up - Medium Big Thud With Gun Rattle FoleyMovement-PistolDrops_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Drops On Dirt - Int - Close-Up - Medium Thud FoleyMovement-PistolDropsOn.wav With Gun Rattle Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Into Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up - Medium FoleyMovement-PistolInto_10.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Into Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up - Medium FoleyMovement-PistolInto_11.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Into Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up - Slow FoleyMovement-PistolIntoL_1.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Into Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up - Fast FoleyMovement-PistolIntoL_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Into Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up - Medium FoleyMovement-PistolIntoL_3.wav Fast Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Into Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up - Medium FoleyMovement-PistolIntoL_4.wav Fast Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Into Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up - Fast FoleyMovement-PistolIntoL_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Into Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up - Medium FoleyMovement-PistolIntoL_6.wav Fast Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Into Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up - Medium FoleyMovement-PistolIntoL_7.wav Fast Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Into Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up - Medium FoleyMovement-PistolIntoL_8.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Into Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up - Fast FoleyMovement-PistolIntoL_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Into Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up - Fast FoleyMovement-PistolIntoLea.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Out Of Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up - Fast FoleyMovement-PistolOutO_10.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Out Of Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up - Fast FoleyMovement-PistolOutO_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Out Of Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up - Very Fast FoleyMovement-PistolOutO_12.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Out Of Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up Medium FoleyMovement-PistolOutO_13.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Out Of Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up - Fast FoleyMovement-PistolOutO_14.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Out Of Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up Medium FoleyMovement-PistolOutO_15.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Out Of Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up - Very Fast FoleyMovement-PistolOutO_16.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Out Of Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up - Very Fast FoleyMovement-PistolOutO_17.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Out Of Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up - Slow FoleyMovement-PistolOutOf_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Out Of Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up - Slow FoleyMovement-PistolOutOf_2.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Out Of Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up - Slow FoleyMovement-PistolOutOf_3.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Out Of Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up - Fast FoleyMovement-PistolOutOf_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Out Of Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up - Fast FoleyMovement-PistolOutOf_5.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Out Of Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up Medium FoleyMovement-PistolOutOf_6.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Out Of Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up Medium FoleyMovement-PistolOutOf_7.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Out Of Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up - Fast FoleyMovement-PistolOutOf_8.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Out Of Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up Medium FoleyMovement-PistolOutOf_9.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Pistol Out Of Leather Holster - Int - Close-Up - Fast FoleyMovement-PistolOutOfLe.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Plaster Pours To Hard Floor - Int - Close-Up - Gritty With Some Larger Bouncing Hits, Debris Like FoleyMovement-PlasterPour_1.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Plaster Pours To Hard Floor - Int - Close-Up - Gritty With Some Larger Bouncing Hits, Debris Like FoleyMovement-PlasterPoursT.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Plastic Cup With Plastic Pens & Pencils Knocked Over - Int - Close-Up - 2 Spills, Sharp Clatter, Pencils & Pens Roll FoleyMovement-PlasticCupWit.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Poker Chips Routine - Int - Close-Up - Single Set Downs & Several Being Dropped Simultaneously, 2 Takes FoleyMovement-PokerChipsRou.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Poker Routine - Int - Close-Up - Chips Being Tossed, Hitting Table, Cards Being Dealt & Slapped On Table, Continuous FoleyMovement-PokerRoutin_1.wav Activity Soundstorm 2:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Poker Routine - Int - Close-Up - Chips Being Tossed, Hitting Table, Cards Being Shuffled, Dealt & Slapped On Table, FoleyMovement-PokerRoutin_2.wav Continuous Activity Soundstorm 0:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Poker Routine - Int - Close-Up - Chips Being Tossed, Hitting Table, Cards Being Quickly Shuffled, Dealt & Slapped On Table, FoleyMovement-PokerRoutin_3.wav Continuous Activity Soundstorm 0:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Poker Routine - Int - Close-Up - Chips Being Tossed, Hitting Table, Cards Being Quickly Shuffled, Dealt & Slapped On Table, FoleyMovement-PokerRoutin_4.wav Intense & Rough, Continuous Activity Soundstorm 2:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Poker Routine - Int - Close-Up - Chips Being Tossed, FoleyMovement-PokerRoutine-.wav Stacked, Hitting Table, Cards Being Shuffled & Dealt, Continuous Activity Soundstorm 0:34 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Put On Handcuffs - Close-Up - Various Movements, Closing & Tightening Cuffs Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Putting Pencils & Pens In Plastic Cup - Int - Close-Up FoleyMovement-PuttingPencil.wav - Various Clattering & Rattling Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Remove Gun Holster Belt - Int - Close-Up - Leather Creaks & Metal Movement, Rattle FoleyMovementRemoveGunHols.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Salt Shaker - Close-Up - 8 Shakes, Slow & Arrhythmic FoleyMovement-SaltShaker-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Salt Shaker - Close-Up - 6 Shakes, Slow FoleyMovement-SaltShaker-_2.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Steady Shakes, Medium Fast FoleyMovement-SaltShaker-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Steady Shakes, Medium Fast FoleyMovement-SaltShaker-_4.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Steady Shakes, Medium Fast FoleyMovement-SaltShaker-_5.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Salt Shaker - Close-Up - 4 Labored Shakes, Soft FoleyMovement-SaltShaker-_6.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Steady Shakes, Fast FoleyMovement-SaltShaker-_7.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Steady Shakes, Very Fast FoleyMovement-SaltShaker-_8.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Steady Shakes, From Medium Slow To Slow FoleyMovement-SaltShaker-_9.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Salt Shaker - Close-Up - 6 Shakes, Slow FoleyMovement-SaltShaker-Cl.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Steady Shakes, Fast FoleyMovement-SaltShaker_10.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Arrhythmic, Slow Shakes, Very Soft To Soft FoleyMovement-SaltShaker_11.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Arrhythmic, Slow Shakes, Very Soft To Soft FoleyMovement-SaltShaker_12.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Medium Fast Shakes, Soft FoleyMovement-SaltShaker_13.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Fast Shakes, Soft FoleyMovement-SaltShaker_14.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Shakes, Slow To Medium Slow, Occasional Thudding Impacts Of Salt Against Bottle FoleyMovement-SaltShaker_15.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Shakes, Fast To Medium Fast FoleyMovement-SaltShaker_16.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Shakes, Medium Slow FoleyMovement-SaltShaker_17.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Shakes, Fast, Occasional Thudding Impacts Of Salt Against Bottle FoleyMovement-SaltShaker_18.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Shakes, Slow, Occasional Thudding Impacts Of Salt Against Bottle FoleyMovement-SaltShaker_19.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Salt Shaker - Close-Up - 4 Shakes, Medium Fast, Occasional Thudding Impacts Of Salt Against Bottle FoleyMovement-SaltShaker_20.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Salt Shaker - Close-Up - Series Of Shakes, Fast FoleyMovement-SaltShaker_21.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Set Table Routine - Int - Close-Up - Silverware Movement, Soft FoleyMovement-SetTableRou_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Set Table Routine - Int - Close-Up - Soft Dish Impact FoleyMovement-SetTableRou_2.wav @ Head, Silverware Movement Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Set Table Routine - Int - Close-Up - Soft Dish Impact FoleyMovement-SetTableRou_3.wav @ Head, Dishes Scraping, Very Light Silverware Movement Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Set Table Routine - Int - Close-Up - Soft Dish Impacts Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 FoleyMovement-PutOnHandcuff.wav FoleyMovement-SetTableRou_4.wav Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Set Table Routine - Int - Close-Up - Rustling Silverware, 1 Utensil Set Down On Hard Surface FoleyMovement-SetTableRou_5.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Set Table Routine - Int - Close-Up - Various Dish & Silverware Movement, Soft FoleyMovement-SetTableRouti.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Shotgun Rattling- Int - Close-Up - Various Metallic Clicks & Snaps, Some Short Pauses FoleyMovement-ShotgunRatt_1.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Shotgun Rattling- Int - Close-Up - Various Metallic Clicks & Snaps, Continuous FoleyMovement-ShotgunRattli.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Shovel - Close-Up - Light Dirt Shovel Digging, Gritty Impacts, Prominent Metallic Ring FoleyMovement-Shovel-Close-.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Batches Of Paper Thrown Onto Desk - Int Close-Up - Paper Scattered, High Intensity FoleyMovement-SmallBatche_1.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Batches Of Paper Thrown Onto Desk - Int Close-Up - Paper Scattered, High Intensity FoleyMovement-SmallBatche_2.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Batches Of Paper Thrown Onto Desk - Int Close-Up - Paper Scattered, High Intensity FoleyMovement-SmallBatche_3.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Batches Of Paper Thrown Onto Desk - Int Close-Up - Paper Scattered FoleyMovement-SmallBatchesO.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Hollow Plastic Object Dropped On Desk - Int FoleyMovement-SmallHollow_1.wav Close-Up - Loud Clatter, Piece Broken Off Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Hollow Plastic Object Dropped On Desk - Int FoleyMovement-SmallHollowPl.wav Close-Up - Loud, Slightly Dull Clatter Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Constant Scraping Scratching, High Squeaks, Medium Loud To Loud; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-SmallTreeB_10.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Constant Scraping Scratching, High Squeaks, Loud To Very Loud; (Birch FoleyMovement-SmallTreeB_11.wav Tree) Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Constant Scraping Scratching, High Squeaks, Some Splintering, Medium Loud To Loud; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-SmallTreeB_12.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Constant Scraping Scratching, High Squeaks, Medium Loud To Loud; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-SmallTreeB_13.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up FoleyMovement-SmallTreeB_14.wav Constant Scraping Scratching, High Squeaks, Medium Loud; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up FoleyMovement-SmallTreeB_15.wav Constant Scraping Scratching, High Squeaks, Medium Loud; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Constant Scraping Scratching, High Squeaks, Periodic Snaps, Medium Loud To Loud; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-SmallTreeB_16.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up FoleyMovement-SmallTreeB_17.wav Constant Scraping Scratching, High Squeaks, Medium Loud; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Constant, Hard, Scraping Scratching, High Squeaks, Loud To Very Loud; FoleyMovement-SmallTreeB_18.wav (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Constant, Hard, Scraping Scratching, High Squeaks, Some Snaps, Loud; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-SmallTreeB_19.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Constant, Hard, Scraping Scratching, High Squeaks, Loud; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-SmallTreeB_20.wav Soundstorm 0:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Constant, Hard, Scraping Scratching, High Squeaks, Medium Loud To Loud; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-SmallTreeB_21.wav Soundstorm 0:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Constant, Hard, Scraping Scratching, High Squeaks, Loud To Very Loud; FoleyMovement-SmallTreeB_22.wav (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:43 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Constant, Hard, Scraping Scratching, High Squeaks, Loud To Very Loud; FoleyMovement-SmallTreeB_23.wav (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Constant, Hard, Scraping Scratching, High Squeaks, Some Snaps, Loud; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-SmallTreeB_24.wav Soundstorm 0:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Nearly Continuous Scraping Scratching, High Squeaks, Medium Loud To Loud; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-SmallTreeBr_1.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Nearly Continuous Scraping Scratching, High Squeaks, Medium Loud To Very Loud; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-SmallTreeBr_2.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Continuous Scraping Scratching, High Squeaks, Medium Loud To Loud; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-SmallTreeBr_3.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Nearly Continuous Scraping Scratching, High Squeaks, Medium Loud; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-SmallTreeBr_4.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Continuous Scraping Scratching, High Squeaks, Medium Loud; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-SmallTreeBr_5.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Nearly Continuous Scraping Scratching, High Squeaks, Medium Loud; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-SmallTreeBr_6.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Continuous Scraping Scratching, High Squeaks, Medium Loud To Loud; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-SmallTreeBr_7.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Constant Scraping Scratching, High Squeaks, Medium Loud To Loud; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-SmallTreeBr_8.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Constant Scraping Scratching, High Squeaks, Medium Loud To Loud; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-SmallTreeBr_9.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Small Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Nearly Continuous Scraping Scratching, High Squeaks; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-SmallTreeBran.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs- Close-Up - Dull Rattling, Slow & Sparse FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_10.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs- Close-Up - Distant Dull Rattling, Close-Up @ Tail FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_11.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs- Close-Up - Mixture Of Dull Rattling & Strong Ringing FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_12.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs- Close-Up - Single Cluster Of Rattling & Ringing, Light Rattling @ Tail FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_13.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs- Close-Up - Steady Rattling FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_14.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs- Close-Up - Tentative Rattling FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_15.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs- Close-Up - Tentative Rattling With Some Ringing & Squeaking FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_16.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs- Close-Up - Small Rattles & Jingles FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_17.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs - Close-Up - Medium Rattles & Jingles, Somewhat Steady FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_18.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs - Close-Up - Medium Rattles & Jingles, Tentative FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_19.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs - Close-Up - Medium Soft Rattles & Jingles, Sparse Activity FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_20.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs- Close-Up - Medium Rattles & Jingles, Some Strong Jerking Rattles FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_21.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs - Close-Up - 3 Jerking Movements, Rattling & Strong Ring FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_22.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs - Close-Up - 2 Jerking Movements, Rattling & Somewhat Strong Ring FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_23.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs - Close-Up - Sporadic, Sparse Jerking Movements, Rattling With Some Ringing FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_24.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs - Close-Up - Mostly Steady Rattling @ Slow Speed, Clean, Isolated Walking Movements FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_25.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs - Close-Up - Steady Rattling Chinks @ Medium Slow Speed, Clean, Isolated Walking Movements FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_26.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs - Close-Up - Steady Rattling Chinks, Very Little FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_27.wav Reverb, @ Medium Slow Speed, Clean, Isolated Walking Movements Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs - Close-Up - Steady Rattling Chinks, Very Little Reverb, @ Medium Slow Speed, Clean, Isolated Walking Movements, FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_28.wav Incremental Increase In Volume & Speed Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs - Close-Up - Tentative Rattles & Rings @ Medium Slow Speed FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_29.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs - Close-Up - Labored Rattles & Subdued Rings FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_30.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs - Close-Up - Sparse Rattles & Rings, Slow Speed Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_31.wav Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs - Close-Up - Short, Light Rattles & Chinks, Isolated Walking Movements, Medium Slow Speed FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_32.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs - Close-Up - Short, Light Rattles & Chinks, Isolated Walking Movements, Slow Speed FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_33.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs - Close-Up - Short, Light Rattles & Chinks, Isolated Walking Movements, Creeping Pace FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_34.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs- Close-Up - Short, Dull, Light Rattles & Chinks, Isolated Walking Movements @ Slow Speed, Incrementally Faster FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_35.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs- Close-Up - Short, Dull, Light Rattles & Chinks, Isolated Walking Movements @ Slow Speed FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_36.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs- Close-Up - Labored, Dull, Light Rattles & Chinks, Isolated Walking Movements, Incrementally Slower FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_37.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs- Close-Up - Very Labored, Dull, Light Rattles & Chinks, Isolated Walking Movements, Incrementally Louder FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_38.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs- Close-Up - Somewhat Short Rattles & Chinks, FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_39.wav Isolated Walking Movements, Medium Slow Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs- Close-Up - Rattles & Chinks, Isolated Walking FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_40.wav Movements, Medium Speed Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs- Close-Up - Rattles & Chinks Of Varied Duration & Clarity, Arrhythmic FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_41.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs - Close-Up - 3 Clangs, Isolated Walking Movements FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_42.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs - Close-Up - Series Of Slightly Dull Clangs, Isolated Walking Movements, Medium Slow Speed FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_43.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs - Close-Up - Series Of Mostly Dull Clangs, Isolated Walking Movements, Lightly Arrhythmic FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_44.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs- Close-Up - 5 Short Walking Movements, Rattling With Clear Ringing, Medium Slow FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_45.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs- Close-Up - 6 Short Walking Movements, Rattling With Very Clear, High-Pitched Ring, Slow FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_46.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs - Close-Up - 7 Short, Isolated Walking Movements, Medium Long Ring, Arrhythmic Pacing FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_47.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs - Close-Up - 3 Isolated Walking Movements With Long, Clear Ringing, Rattling @ Head, Slow Speed FoleyMovement-Spurs-Clos_48.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs- Close-Up - Various Jingling Movements & Shakes, Medium Soft FoleyMovement-Spurs-Close-U.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs- Close-Up - Various Jingling Movements & Shakes, Medium Loud FoleyMovement-Spurs-Close_1.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs- Close-Up - Various Jingling Movements In Walking Rhythm, 3 Steps FoleyMovement-Spurs-Close_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs- Close-Up - Various Jingling Movements In Walking Rhythm, Series Of Steps FoleyMovement-Spurs-Close_3.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs- Close-Up - Various Jingling Movements In Walking Rhythm, Series Of Steps FoleyMovement-Spurs-Close_4.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs- Close-Up - Various Jingling Movements In Walking Rhythm, Series Of Steps, Incrementally Slower FoleyMovement-Spurs-Close_5.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs - Close-Up - Almost Steady Walk, Strong Metallic, High-Pitched Ringing, Very Short Episode FoleyMovement-Spurs-Close_6.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs - Close-Up - Almost Steady Walk, Series Of Strong Metallic, High-Pitched Ringing, Dull Rattling FoleyMovement-Spurs-Close_7.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs - Close-Up - Almost Steady Walk, 4 Steps, Strong Metallic, High-Pitched Ringing, Dull Rattling FoleyMovement-Spurs-Close_8.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Spurs- Close-Up - Mix Of Dull Rattling & Reverberant Jingling FoleyMovement-Spurs-Close_9.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Straw Broom - Int - Close-Up - Rhythmic Sweeping, Medium Slow, Some Light Grit Movement FoleyMovement-StrawBroom_1.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Straw Broom - Int - Close-Up - A Few Somewhat Labored Sweeping Strokes, Some Light Grit Movement FoleyMovement-StrawBroom-In.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Spoon Scrapes Against Cup, Cup Clatters Loudly Against Dish FoleyMovementTeaCupPick_10.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Cup Clatters Somewhat Loudly Against Dish FoleyMovementTeaCupPick_11.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Cup Clatters Very Loudly Onto Plate, Spoon Inside Cup Scrapes Lightly FoleyMovementTeaCupPick_12.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Cup & Dish Scrape Together Loudly FoleyMovementTeaCupPick_13.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - Close- FoleyMovementUp - Cup Clangs Against Dish Very Loudly, Ringing Reverb From Impact TeaCupPick_14.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Cup & Dish Scrape Together Softly, Then Hit Each Other Loudly, Spoon Inside Cup Rings Slightly FoleyMovementTeaCupPick_15.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - 2 Impacts With Cup & Dish, Spoon Scrapes Around Inside Cup With Slight Reverberant Ring FoleyMovementTeaCupPick_16.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Cup & Dish Clatter Together, Spoon Gives Off Reverberant Ring FoleyMovementTeaCupPick_17.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Cup & Dish Clatter Together, Spoon Gives Off Reverberant Ring, Spoon Set Down Loudly Upon Dish FoleyMovementTeaCupPick_18.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Cup & Dish Scrape Against Each Other, Giving Off Reverberant Ring FoleyMovementTeaCupPick_19.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Cup & Dish Scrape Against Each Other, Giving Off Reverberant Ring FoleyMovementTeaCupPick_20.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Cup & Dish Scrape Against Each Other, Giving Off Reverberant Ring FoleyMovementTeaCupPick_21.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Dish & Cup Rattle & Scrape, Cup Slammed Loudly Upon Dish FoleyMovementTeaCupPick_22.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Light Scrapings Of Cup Against Dish FoleyMovementTeaCupPick_23.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Rough Scraping Of Cup Against Dish FoleyMovementTeaCupPick_24.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Cup Set Down Loudly, Rattling & Reverberant Ring Ensue FoleyMovementTeaCupPick_25.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Cup Set Down Loudly, Dull Rattling Ensues FoleyMovementTeaCupPick_26.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Cup Scrapes Against Dish, Reverberant Ring Ensues FoleyMovementTeaCupPick_27.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Single Dull Impact Of Cup Against Dish FoleyMovementTeaCupPick_28.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Cup Clatters Loudly Against Dish, Very Pronounced Reverberant Ring FoleyMovementTeaCupPick_29.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Very Light Scraping Movements Of Spoon Against Cup, Cup Clatters Onto Dish FoleyMovementTeaCupPick_30.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Cup Lightly Scrapes Against Dish, Spoon Scrapes About In Cup Yielding Slight Reverberant Ring FoleyMovementTeaCupPick_31.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Cup & Dish Lightly Scrape Against Each Other FoleyMovementTeaCupPick_32.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Cup & Dish Lightly Scrape Against Each Other, Spoon Scrapes Inside Cup Yielding Very Light Reverberant Ring FoleyMovementTeaCupPick_33.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Cup Clatters Against Dish, Medium Soft FoleyMovementTeaCupPick_34.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Cup & Dish Scrape Against Each Other, Spoon Lightly Scrapes Inside Cup Yielding Very Light Reverberant Ring FoleyMovementTeaCupPick_35.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Spoon Sliding In Cup, Cup Set Down Gently FoleyMovementTeaCupPickU_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Cup Scraping Against Dish FoleyMovementTeaCupPickU_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Cup Scraping Against Dish, MCU Spoon Rattle FoleyMovementTeaCupPickU_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseFoleyMovementUp - Spoon Scrapes Cup, Cup & Spoon Create Somewhat Loud Impact TeaCupPickU_4.wav Against Each Other Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Spoon Jostled In Cup, Cup Lightly Rattles On Dish Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 FoleyMovementTeaCupPickU_5.wav Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Spoon Scraped Around Inside Cup, Cup Lightly Rattles On Dish FoleyMovementTeaCupPickU_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Cup Clatters Loudly Against Dish, Spoon Scrapes Against Cup FoleyMovementTeaCupPickU_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Spoon Scrapes Inside Of Cup Lightly, Then Small Clattering Impact FoleyMovementTeaCupPickU_8.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Spoon Scrapes Against Cup FoleyMovementTeaCupPickU_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Pick Up & Set Down With Spoon - CloseUp - Spoon Sliding In Cup, Cup Set Down Very Loudly FoleyMovementTeaCupPickUp&.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Rattle With Spoon - Close-Up - Medium Fast Rattling, High Reverberant Ring, Clattering, Some Scrapes, A Few Declamatory Impacts @ Tail FoleyMovement-TeaCupRatt_10.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Rattle With Spoon - Close-Up - Slow Rattling, High Reverberant Ring, Single Declamatory Impact @ Tail FoleyMovement-TeaCupRatt_11.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Rattle With Spoon - Close-Up - Medium Fast Dull Rattling With Some Ringing Reverb FoleyMovement-TeaCupRatt_12.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Rattle With Spoon - Close-Up - Medium Fast Dull Rattling With Ringing Reverb, Short Episode @ Head, Continuous Strand Thereafter FoleyMovement-TeaCupRatt_13.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Rattle With Spoon - Close-Up - Medium Fast Rattling With Ringing Reverb FoleyMovement-TeaCupRatt_14.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Rattle With Spoon - Close-Up - Medium Fast Rattling With Ringing Reverb, Occasional Medium Loud, Sharp Impacts FoleyMovement-TeaCupRatt_15.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Rattle With Spoon - Close-Up - Medium Fast Rattling With Ringing Reverb FoleyMovement-TeaCupRatt_16.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Rattle With Spoon - Close-Up - Medium Fast Rattling With Ringing Reverb, Irregular Spurts, 2 Loud Impacts Midway FoleyMovement-TeaCupRatt_17.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Rattle With Spoon - Close-Up - Continuous Neurotic Clattering, Medium Fast, Some Ringing Reverb FoleyMovement-TeaCupRatt_18.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Rattle With Spoon - Close-Up - Irregular Rattlings, Some Reverberant Ringing FoleyMovement-TeaCupRatt_19.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Rattle With Spoon - Close-Up - Irregular Rattlings, Some Reverberant Ringing, Loud Clattering Impacts @ Tail FoleyMovement-TeaCupRatt_20.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Rattle With Spoon - Close-Up - Neurotic, Medium Fast Rattling, High Reverberant Ring, Declamatory Clatterings @ FoleyMovement-TeaCupRatt_21.wav Head Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Rattle With Spoon - Close-Up - Neurotic, Medium Fast Rattling, Soft To Medium Loud, Incrementally Louder FoleyMovement-TeaCupRatt_22.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Rattle With Spoon - Close-Up - Medium Fast Rattling, Some Slow Moments @ Head & Tail, Some Scrapes, High Reverberant Ring FoleyMovement-TeaCupRattl_1.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Rattle With Spoon - Close-Up - Constant Medium Fast Rattling, Neurotic, Some Scrapings, High Reverberant Ring FoleyMovement-TeaCupRattl_2.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Rattle With Spoon - Close-Up - Main Rattling Impact @ Head, Series Of Medium Fast Rattlings Thereafter, High Reverberant Ring FoleyMovement-TeaCupRattl_3.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Rattle With Spoon - Close-Up - Medium Fast Rattling With High Reverberant Ring FoleyMovement-TeaCupRattl_4.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Rattle With Spoon - Close-Up - Slow To Medium Fast Rattling, High Reverberant Ring FoleyMovement-TeaCupRattl_5.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Rattle With Spoon - Close-Up - Neurotic, Medium Fast Rattling, High Reverberant Ring FoleyMovement-TeaCupRattl_6.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Rattle With Spoon - Close-Up - Neurotic, Medium Fast Rattling, High Reverberant Ring FoleyMovement-TeaCupRattl_7.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Rattle With Spoon - Close-Up - Slow To Medium Fast Rattling, High Reverberant Ring, Clattering, Some Scrapes FoleyMovement-TeaCupRattl_8.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Rattle With Spoon - Close-Up - Medium Fast Rattling, High Reverberant Ring, Clattering, Some Scrapes FoleyMovement-TeaCupRattl_9.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tea Cup Rattle With Spoon - Close-Up - Slow To Medium Fast Rattling, Scrapings, High Reverberant Ring FoleyMovement-TeaCupRattleW.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Telescope Eye Glass - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Fast FoleyMovement-TelescopeEy_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Telescope Eye Glass - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Fast FoleyMovement-TelescopeEy_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Telescope Eye Glass - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Fast FoleyMovement-TelescopeEy_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Telescope Eye Glass - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Fast FoleyMovement-TelescopeEy_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Telescope Eye Glass - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Fast FoleyMovement-TelescopeEy_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Telescope Eye Glass - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Fast FoleyMovement-TelescopeEy_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Telescope Eye Glass - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Fast FoleyMovement-TelescopeEy_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Telescope Eye Glass - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close, Fast FoleyMovement-TelescopeEyeG.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Scratchy & Dull Thrash Followed By Abrasive Dragging, Hollow Reverb, A Few Snapping Movements @ Tail; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_100.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Scratchy & Dull Thrash Followed By Abrasive Dragging, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_101.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Scratchy & Dull Thrash Followed By Very Abrasive Dragging, Hollow Reverb, Abrupt; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_102.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Scratchy & Dull Thrash Followed By Abrasive Dragging, Hollow Reverb, A Few Snaps @ Tail; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_103.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Scratchy & Dull Thrashes Followed By Abrasive Dragging, Hollow Reverb, Lots Of Squeaking; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_104.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thrash With Very Loud Thudding Impact, Followed By Very Abrasive Dragging & Lots Of Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_105.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Scratchy & Dull Clatter Followed By Abrasive Dragging & Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_106.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Scratchy & Dull Thrashes With Loud Thudding Impacts, Followed By Abrasive Dragging & Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_107.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Scratchy & Dull Thrashes Followed By Abrasive Dragging, Hollow Reverb, Medium Soft; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_108.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Declamatory, Dull Thrash Followed By Abrasive Dragging & Light Rustling, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_109.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Thudding Impacts Followed By Abrasive Dragging, Lots Of Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_110.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Series Of Dull Thrashes Followed By Abrasive Dragging, Interspersed Rustling, FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_111.wav Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Aggressive Scrape Followed By Lots Of Squeaking & Snapping, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_112.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Scratchy & Dull Thrashes Followed By Abrasive Dragging, Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_113.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Series Of Scratchy & Dull Thrashes, Interspersed With Snapping & Rustling FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_114.wav Movements, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 3 Dull Thrashes Followed By Abrasive Dragging & Creaking, Impacts Get Incrementally Softer, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_115.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Scratchy & Dull Thrash Contained By Abrasive Dragging & Creaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_116.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Scratchy & Dull Thrashes Interspersed With Abrasive Dragging & Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_117.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Series Of Dull Clatters Interspersed With Abrasive Dragging & Lots Of Squeaking, FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_118.wav Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Splintering Thrashes Followed By Abrasive Dragging, Light Squeaking, & Rustling, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_119.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_120.wav Dull Thrash Followed By Abrasive Dragging, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Splintering, Dull Thrash Followed By Light Rustling, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_121.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Scratchy & Dull Thrash Followed By Abrasive Dragging & Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_122.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Splintering Thrash, Very Loud, Followed By Abrasive Dragging & Squeaking, Abundant Snaps, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_123.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Dull Thrash Followed By Abrasive, Labored Dragging, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_124.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Clatter Followed By Abrasive Dragging & Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_125.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Scratchy & Dull Thrash, Loud, Followed By Abrasive Dragging & Ample FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_126.wav Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Very Loud, Dull Thrash, Followed By Abrasive Dragging & Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_127.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Clatter Followed By Abrasive Dragging & Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_128.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Very Hard Snap Followed By Abrasive Dragging, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_129.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Very Hard Snap Followed By Very Abrasive Dragging & Lots Of Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_130.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Dull Clatters Followed By Very Abrasive Dragging & Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_131.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Very Loud Bang Followed By Labored, Abrasive Dragging, Lots Of Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_132.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Loud Bangs Followed By Abrasive Dragging & Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_133.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single, Very Splintering & Loud Bang, Followed By Abrasive Dragging & Light Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_134.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single, Splintering & Loud Bang, Followed By Abrasive Dragging & Light Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_135.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single, Very Splintering & Loud Bang, Followed By Abrasive Dragging & Light Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_136.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single, Very Splintering & Loud Bang, Followed By Abrasive Dragging & Light Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_137.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Impacts, Very Splintering & Loud Bang @ Head, Medium Clatter @ Tail, FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_138.wav Interspersed With Abrasive Dragging & Light Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single, Very Loud Bang, Followed By Abrasive Dragging, Squeaky, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_139.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single, Very Loud Bang, Followed By Abrasive Dragging, Squeaky, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_140.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Scratchy & Dull Thrash Followed By Abrasive Dragging, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_141.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Very Loud Bang, Followed By Abrasive Dragging & Clattering, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_142.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Dull Thud Followed By Light Scratches & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_143.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Dull Thud Followed By Scratches & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_144.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Scratchy & Dull Thrash Followed By Periods Of Abrasive Dragging & Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_145.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Scratchy & Dull Thrashes Followed By Abrasive Dragging & Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_146.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Scratchy & Dull Bang Followed By Abrasive Dragging & Ample Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_147.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Scratchy & Dull Thrash With Branch Rebounds, Light Clatterings, Hollow FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_148.wav Reverb; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Scratchy & Dull Bang, Followed By Light Clattering & Squeaking, Hollow FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_149.wav Reverb; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Snapping Thrash, Very Loud, Followed By Light Scraping & Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_150.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Dull Thuds With Branch Rebound, Followed By Abrasive Dragging & Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_151.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Grating Thrash Followed By Light Scrapes & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_152.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Snapping Thrash Followed By Abrasive Dragging & Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_153.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Scratchy Clattering Impact Followed By Abrasive Dragging & Squeaking, FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_154.wav Some Dull Thuds, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Snapping Impact, Very Loud, Followed By Labored, Abrasive Dragging & Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_155.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Snapping Impact, Very Loud, Followed By Labored, Abrasive Dragging & Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_156.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Snapping Impact, Very Loud, Followed By Abrasive Dragging & Squeaking Rebounds, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_157.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Clattering Thrash, Followed By Abrasive Dragging & Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_158.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Clattering Impacts Followed By Laborious Scraping, Abrasive & Squeaking, Dull, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_159.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 3 Clattering Impacts Followed By Laborious Scraping, Abrasive & Squeaking, Dull, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_160.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Clattering Impacts Followed By Laborious Scraping, Abrasive & Squeaking, Dull, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_161.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Impacts, 1st One Is A Dull Thud, 2nd One Is A Medium Bump, Followed FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_162.wav By Laborious Scraping, Abrasive & Squeaking, Dull, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 3 Impacts, Followed By Scraping, Abrasive & Squeaking, Dull, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_163.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 4 Impacts, Followed By Scraping, Abrasive & Squeaking, Dull, Hollow Reverb, Become Incrementally Closer Together; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_164.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 4 Dull Impacts, Followed By Scraping, Abrasive & Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_165.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 6 Clattering Impacts, Followed By Scraping, Abrasive & Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_166.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 3 Dull Impacts, Loud To Medium Loud, Followed By Scraping, Abrasive & Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_167.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 4 Dull Impacts, Loud To Medium Loud, Followed By Scraping, Abrasive & Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_168.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thrash Followed By Scraping, Abrasive & Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_169.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Dull Impacts With Rebounds, Followed By Scraping, Abrasive & Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_170.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Dull Impacts With Rebounds, Followed By Scraping, Abrasive & Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_171.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thrashing Movement, Fragmented, Dull, Hollow Reverb, Light Clattering & Scrapes; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_172.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Dull Thrash, Light Scrapes & Squeaks, (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_173.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Dull Thud Followed By Abrasive Scrapes & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb, Rebounds From A Previous Hit @ Head; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_174.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Crashing Impact, Scrapes & Lots Of Squeaks, Dull, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_175.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Dull Thud, Scrapes & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_176.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Medium Light Scrape, Some Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_177.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Medium Light Scrape, Some Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_178.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Medium Loud Scrape, Some Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_179.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Medium Scrape, Some Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_180.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Dull, Thudding Impacts, Some Squeaks; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_181.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 4 Dull, Thudding Impacts, Some Squeaks, Last 2 Impacts Are Rebounds; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_182.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 3 Dull, Thudding Impacts, Labored Scrapes & Squeaks, Last 2 Impacts Are Rebounds; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_183.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 4 Dull, Thudding Impacts, Labored Scrapes & Squeaks, 1st Impact Is Very Loud; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_184.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Crashing Impact, Light Scrapes & Squeaks; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_185.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Splintering Impact, Loud, Light Scrapes & Squeaks; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_186.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Dull Impact With Rebounds, Loud, Light Scrapes & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_187.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Dull Impact With Rebounds, Loud, Light Scrapes & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_188.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Impacts, Loud, 1st One Is Splintering, 2nd One Is Dull, Interspersed With FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_189.wav Light Scrapes & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 3 Clattering, Dull Impacts, Loud, Interspersed With Light Scrapes & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_190.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Crashing Impacts, Very Loud, Interspersed With Light Scrapes & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_191.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Crashing Impacts, Loud, Interspersed With Light Scrapes & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_192.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Crashing Impacts, Medium Loud, Interspersed With Light Scrapes & Squeaks, Rocking Movements In Between Impacts, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_193.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Clattering Impacts, Medium Loud, Interspersed With Light Scrapes & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_194.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 3 Declamatory Impacts, Loud, Interspersed With Scrapes & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_195.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Thrash, Medium Loud With Labored Scrapes & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_196.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Thundering Thrash, Loud With Light Scrapes, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_197.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Thundering Thrash, Very Loud With Light Scrapes, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_198.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Clunking Impact, Medium Soft With Light Scrapes, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_199.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Light Thrash With A Few Scratches, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_200.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Thundering Thrash With A Few Scratches, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_201.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Thundering Thrash With A Few Scratches & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_202.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Thud With A Few Scratches, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_203.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Thrash With A Few Scratches, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_204.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Thrash With A Few Scratches, Very Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_205.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Thrash With A Few Scratches, Medium Slow Speed, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_206.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Splintering Impact, Loud, With A Few Scratches, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_207.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Dull, Rattling Impact, Medium Loud, With A Few Scratches, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_208.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Splintering Thrash, Medium Loud, With A Few Scratches, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_209.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Harsh Impact, Very Loud, With A Few Scratches, Hollow Reverb; (Birch FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_210.wav Tree) Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Thrash, Medium Loud, With A Few Scratches, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_211.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Thrash, Medium Loud, With A Few Scratches, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_212.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Thrash, Medium Loud, With A Few Scratches, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_213.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Crashing Impact, Loud, With A Few Scratches & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_214.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Series Of Medium Soft Thudding Impacts Interspersed With A Few Scratches & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_215.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Series Of Medium Soft Thudding Impacts Interspersed With A Few Scratches & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_216.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Thudding Impact And Its Respective Rebound, Some Scratches & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_217.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -2 Thudding Impacts, Medium Loud To Loud, Some Scratches & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_218.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -2 Dull, Thudding Impacts, Loud, Some Scratches & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_219.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Dull Crash With Rebounds, Loud, Some Scratches & Squeaks, Hollow FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_220.wav Reverb; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Splintering Impact With Rebound, Very Loud, Some Scratches & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_221.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Splintering Impact, Loud, Scratches & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_222.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Scraping Impact, Loud & Very Abrasive, Scratches & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_223.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Dull FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_224.wav Impact, Loud, Scratches & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Clattering Impact With Several Rebounds, Loud, Ample Scratches & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_225.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Clattering Impact With Several Rebounds, Loud, Ample Scratches & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_226.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up -Single Splintering Impact With Rebounds, Very Loud, Ample Scratches & Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_227.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Nearly Continuous Episode Of Branches Scraping Against Glass, Easy-Going Pace; (Ficus Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_228.wav Soundstorm 0:40 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Continuous Episode Of Branches Scraping Against Glass, Easy-Going Pace; (Ficus Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_229.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Continuous Episode Of Branches Scraping Against Glass, Interspersed FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_230.wav With Periodic Thudding Impacts, Very Squeaky, Easy-Going Pace; (Ficus Tree) Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Nearly Continuous Episode Of Branches Scraping Against Glass, Interspersed FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_231.wav With Periodic Thudding Impacts, Very Squeaky, Easy-Going Pace; (Ficus Tree) Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Continuous Episodes Of Branches Scraping Against Glass, Interspersed FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_232.wav With Periodic Thudding Impacts, Very Squeaky, Easy-Going Pace; (Ficus Tree) Soundstorm 0:35 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Continuous Episode Of Branches Scraping Against Glass, Interspersed FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_233.wav With Periodic Thudding Impacts, Very Squeaky, Easy-Going Pace; (Ficus Tree) Soundstorm 0:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Continuous Episode Of Branches Scraping Against Glass, Interspersed With Periodic Thudding Impacts, Medium Loud, Very Squeaky, EasyGoing Pace; (Ficus Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_234.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Continuous Episode Of Branches Scraping Against Glass, Interspersed With Periodic Thudding Impacts, Medium Loud, Squeaky, Easy-Going Pace; (Ficus Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_235.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 3 Continuous Episodes Of Branches Scraping Against Glass, Interspersed With Periodic Thudding Impacts, Medium Loud, Squeaky, Easy-Going Pace; (Ficus Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_236.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Nearly Continuous Episode Of Branches Scraping Against Glass, Interspersed FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_237.wav With Periodic Thudding Impacts, Medium Loud, Easy-Going Pace; (Ficus Tree) Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Nearly Continuous Episode Of Branches Scraping Against Glass, Interspersed With Periodic Thudding Impacts, Medium Loud, Occasional Dull Snaps, FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_238.wav Various Thrashes, Easy-Going Pace; (Ficus Tree) Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Continuous Episode Of Branches Scraping Against Glass, Interspersed FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_239.wav With Periodic Thudding Impacts, Medium Loud To Loud, Occasional Dull Snaps, Various Thrashes, Easy-Going Pace; (Ficus Tree) Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Continuous Episode Of Branches Thrashing Against Glass, Interspersed With Frequent Thudding Impacts, Medium Loud To Loud, Occasional Dull Snaps, Easy-Going Pace; (Ficus Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_240.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Nearly Continuous Episode Of Branches Thrashing Against Glass, Interspersed With Frequent Thudding Impacts, Medium Loud To Loud, Occasional Dull Snaps, Easy-Going Pace; (Ficus Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_241.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Nearly Continuous Episode Of Branches Thrashing Against Glass, Interspersed With Frequent Thudding Impacts, Medium Loud To Loud, Occasional Dull Snaps, Easy-Going Pace; (Ficus Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_242.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Continuous Episode Of Branches Thrashing Against Glass, Interspersed With Frequent Thudding Impacts, Medium Loud To Loud, Occasional Dull Snaps, Easy-Going Pace; (Ficus Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_243.wav Soundstorm 0:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Continuous Episode Of Branches Thrashing Against Glass, Interspersed With Frequent Thudding Impacts, Medium Loud To Loud, Ample HighPitched Squeaks, Occasional Dull Snaps, Easy-Going Pace; (Ficu FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_244.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Nearly Continuous Episode Of Branches Thrashing Against Glass, Interspersed With Frequent Thudding Impacts, Medium Loud To Loud, Ample HighPitched Squeaks, Occasional Dull Snaps, Easy-Going Pace FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_245.wav Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up Fragmented Episodes Of Branches Thrashing Against Glass, Interspersed With Frequent Thudding Impacts, Medium Loud To Loud, High-Pitched Squeaks, Occasional Dull Snaps, Easy-Going Pace; (Ficus Tre FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_246.wav Soundstorm 0:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - A Couple FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_247.wav Of Taps Followed By A Thrash, Medium Soft; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Laborious FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_248.wav Dragging Across Glass, Scraping & Squeaking; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Medium Long Squeaky Scrape; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_249.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thrash, Squeaky & Abrasive; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_250.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thrash, Squeaky & Abrasive, Interspersed With Dull Thuds; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_251.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Loud, Dull Clunk Followed By Some Scraping & Squeaking; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_252.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Scraping & Squeaking, Thrash @ Tail; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_253.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Dull Thuds Followed By Scraping & Squeaking; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_254.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Various Light Thrashes, Squeaking & Scraping; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_255.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Scrape, Very Squeaky; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_256.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thrash, Scraping, Squeaky Groans; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_257.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Various Scrapes, Squeaky & Abrasive; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_258.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Laborious FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_259.wav Creaks; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Laborious FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_260.wav Scrapes & Creaks; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Laborious FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_261.wav Scrapes & Creaks; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Laborious FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_262.wav Scrapes & Creaks, Slight Thudding Impacts; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thrash, Laborious Scraping & Squeaking; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_263.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Dull Thud FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_264.wav Followed By Squeaking & Scraping; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Dull Thudding Impacts Divided By A Period Of Scraping & Squeaking; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_265.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Dry Scrape Alongside Glass, Slow; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_266.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Dull, Thudding Thrashes, Scraping & Squeaking; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_267.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Various Thrashes, Scraping & Squeaking; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_268.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Various Thrashes, Scraping & Squeaking; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_269.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Some Thrashing, Lots Of Scraping & Squeaking; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_270.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Some Thrashing, Lots Of Scraping & Squeaking; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_271.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thrash, Lots Of Scraping & High-Pitched Squeaking; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_272.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Dull Impact Followed By Dragging & Squeaking, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_273.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - A Couple FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_274.wav Of Bangs With Rebounds, Squeaking & Scraping; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - A Couple FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_275.wav Of Bangs, Labored Squeaking & Scraping; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Light Impact & Subsequent Scraping, Squeaking; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_276.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Dull, Hollow Thuds With Squeaking & Scraping; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_277.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Clattering Impacts Followed By Squeaking & Scraping; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_278.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Clattering Impacts Followed By Lots Of Squeaking & Scraping; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_279.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - A Few Thudding Impacts Interspersed With Squeaking & Scraping; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_280.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Light Thudding Impacts, Some Squeaking & Scraping; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_281.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Clattering Impact, Scraping; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_282.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Scrape, Groaning Quality; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_283.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Sharp Scrapes, Scratches, Thuds Taps Against Glass; (Ficus Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_284.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Sharp Scrapes, Scratches, Thuds Taps Against Glass; (Ficus Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_285.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Sharp Scrapes, Scratches, Thuds Taps Against Glass; (Ficus Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranc_286.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 1 Declamatory Impact Near Head, Followed By Scraping; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_10.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 1 Declamatory Impact @ Head, Metallic, Hard Attack, Followed By Rustling & Some Scraping; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Branch Drags Abrasively Against Window In 3 Continuous Movements; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_12.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Metallic Impact, Followed By Rustling & Scraping; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_13.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Branch Drags Across Window, Rustling & Scraping; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_14.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Abrasive Scrape Followed By Light Rustling; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_15.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Metallic Thrashes In 2 Continuous Movements; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_16.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Branch Scrapes Against Window Somewhat Abrasively; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_17.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Hollow Impact, Followed By Laborious Drag; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_18.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thudding Impact Followed By 2 Abrasive Scrapes, Light Rustling @ Head & Tail; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_19.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Squeaky & Abrasive Dragging Movements; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_20.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Clattering Impacts Followed By Very Abrasive & Squeaky Drags; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_21.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Clattering Impacts Followed By Very Abrasive & Squeaky Drags, 1st Drag Is Loud & Laborious; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_22.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Dragging Movement With Initial Impact & Subsequent Squeaky, Abrasive FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_23.wav Scraping; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Clattering Impacts Followed By Laborious, Squeaky Scraping, Incrementally Softer; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_24.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Impact & Dragging Movement, Medium Volume; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_25.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Series Of Dull, Hollow Impacts, 1 Loud Midway, Followed By Dragging, Scraping FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_26.wav Movements, Some Squeaking; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Very Loud Dull Whack, Subsequent Rustling; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_27.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Loud Dull Whack, Some Reverberation, Subsequent Rustling; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_28.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Gentle Impact, Tapping & Scraping While Dragging; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_29.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Declamatory Impact Followed By A Series Of Squeaky & Abrasive Scrapes; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_30.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 3 Thudding Impacts Followed By Laborious Scrapes, Squeaky & Abrasive; FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_31.wav (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Clattering Impacts Followed By Squeaky & Abrasive Scrapes, 1st Pass Is FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_32.wav Laborious, 2nd Pass Is Short; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Dragging Movement With A Series Of Light Thudding Impacts, Squeaky Drags; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_33.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Laborious Scrape, Abrasive & Squeaky; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_34.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Hard & Dry Snap Against Glass, Light Dragging Movement @ Head; (Pine Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_35.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Very Hard & Dry Crash Against Glass, Rattling Reverb & Scratching Movements Follow; (Pine Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_36.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Dry Impacts, 1st One Is A Snap, 2nd One is A Crash, Followed By Hollow Dragging Movements; (Pine Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_37.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 3 Medium Loud Thrashes Interspersed With Hollow Dragging Movements; (Pine Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_38.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 3 Medium Loud Thrashes Interspersed With Hollow Dragging Movements, Soft Thud Near Head; (Pine Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_39.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Clattering Impact, Lots Of Snaps While Branch Drags Across Window; (Pine Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_40.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Series Of Small, Arrhythmic Impacts Interspersed With Laborious Dragging FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_41.wav Movements, Snaps, Abrasive Scrapes, & Squeaks; (Pine Tree) Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Series Of Small, Arrhythmic Impacts Interspersed With Laborious Dragging FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_42.wav Movements, Snaps, Abrasive Scrapes, & Squeaks, A Couple Of Thuds; (Pine Tree) Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 3 Thudding Impacts & Single Crashing Impact Interspersed With Dragging Movements, Rustling, Some Abrasion; (Pine Tree) Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_43.wav Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 4 Thudding Impacts, Abrasive Squeaking While Dragging, Somewhat Long Dragging Episode Midway; (Pine Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_44.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 3 Clattering & Thudding Impacts, Lots Of Dragging, Some Squeaks; (Pine Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_45.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 4 Thrashing, Thudding Impacts Interspersed With Dragging & Rustling Movements; (Pine Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_46.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Loud Crashing Impacts, Some Thrashing & Human Grunts, Rustling, Hollow Reverb; (Pine Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_47.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thudding, Crashing Impact Followed By Dragging & Rustling Movements, FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_48.wav Single Thrash & Squeaky Abrasions @ Tail; (Pine Tree) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Thrashing Impacts Interspersed With Dragging Movements, Abrasive, Hollow Reverb; (Pine Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_49.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Loud Thrash, Light Dragging Movements & Rustling, Thuds @ Head & Tail; (Pine Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_50.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thrashing Impact Followed By A Laborious, Abrasive Drag, Thud @ Tail; (Pine Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_51.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 4 Thrashing, Thudding Impacts Interspersed With Very Abrasive Dragging Movements, Ample Squeaks; (Pine Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_52.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Loud Thrashing Impacts @ Head & Tail, Followed By Laborious Dragging Movements & Single Thud; (Pine Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_53.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Very Loud Crashing Impact Followed By Laborious, Soft Dragging Movements; (Pine Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_54.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Hard & FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_55.wav Dry Thudding Impacts, Squeaky Scrapes; (Pine Tree) Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 3 Dry Thuds In Rapid Succession Followed By Dragging Movements; (Pine Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_56.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Dry Impacts, 1st One Is Very Loud & Declamatory, 2nd One Is A Thudding Thrash, Rustling & Abrasive Dragging Movements, Hollow Reverb; (Pine Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_57.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Dry Impacts, 1st One Is A Thudding Thrash, 2nd One Is A Loud, Declamatory Snap, Rustling & Abrasive Dragging Movements, Hollow Reverb; (Pine Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_58.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Medium Hard Snapping Impacts, Abrasive Dragging Movements; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_59.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Various Thrashes & Scrapes, Abrasive; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_60.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Various Thrashes & Scrapes, Slow & Abrasive, Rustlings; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_61.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Various Thrashes Interspersed With Dragging Movements, Snaps, Creaks; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_62.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Thrashing Impacts, Very Abrasive, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_63.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Thrashing FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_64.wav Impact @ Head, Laborious Dragging Movements Thereafter; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Various Abrasive Scraping Movements, Hollow & Squeaky, Occasional Pops; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_65.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Dragging Episodes, Abrasive & Hollow, Squeaky With Some Rustling, Occasional Snaps; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_66.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thrashing Impact Followed By Abrasive & Squeaky Dragging Movements; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_67.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thrashing Impact Followed By Abrasive & Squeaky Dragging Movements; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_68.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Medium Soft Thrashing Impact Interspersed With Abrasive & Squeaky Dragging Movements; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_69.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Series Of FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_70.wav Very Abrasive Scrapes, Lots Of Squeaks & Creaks; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thrashing Impact With Subsequent Abrasive Squeaking, Rustling @ Head; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_71.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thrashing Impact Interspersed With Very Abrasive Squeaking; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_72.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thrashing Movement With Abrasive Drags, Some Slight Ringing Reverb @ Tail; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_73.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thrashing Movement With Abrasive Drags; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_74.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thrashing Movement With Abrasive Drags, Squeaks; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_75.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thudding Impact With Dragging Movements & Scrapes; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_76.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thrashing Impact With Dragging Movements & Scrapes; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_77.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Hard Thrashing Impact With Dragging Movements & Scrapes; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_78.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Laborious Drag, Abrasive & Very Squeaky; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_79.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thrashing Impact @ Head With Subsequent Dragging, Abrasive & Squeaking; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_80.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thrashing Movement, Very Abrasive & Squeaky; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_81.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thrashing Movement, Very Abrasive & Squeaky; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_82.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Thudding Impact Near Head, Followed By A Series Of Abrasive & Squeaky Drags; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_83.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Thudding Impact Near Head, Followed By A Series Of Abrasive & Squeaky Drags; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_84.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Thudding Impact Near Head, Followed By A Series Of Abrasive & Squeaky Drags, Hollow Reverb After Impact; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_85.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Dull Clunking Impact Near Head, Followed By A Series Of Abrasive & Squeaky Drags, Hollow Reverb After Impact; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_86.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Initial Snap, Then Series Of Drags, Abrasive & Squeaky; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_87.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Series Of FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_88.wav Drags & Clatters, Abrasive Squeaks; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thrash Followed By Lots Of Abrasive Dragging; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_89.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thrash Followed By Lots Of Abrasive Dragging; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_90.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Thrash Followed By Lots Of Abrasive Dragging, Squeaks & Creaks, Light Rustlings @ Head; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_91.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Clatter Followed By Lots Of Abrasive Dragging, Squeaks & Creaks; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_92.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Clatter Followed By Lots Of Abrasive Dragging, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_93.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Loud Clatter Followed By Lots Of Abrasive Dragging & Thrash @ Tail, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_94.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Clatters FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_95.wav Followed By Abrasive Dragging, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single, Scratchy Thrash Followed By Abrasive Dragging, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_96.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single, Scratchy Thrash Followed By Abrasive Dragging, High-Pitched Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_97.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Dull & Scratchy Thrash Followed By Abrasive Dragging, High-Pitched Squeaks, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_98.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Single Scratchy Thrash Followed By Abrasive Dragging, Thudding Impacts, Hollow Reverb; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranch_99.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Branch Lightly Hits & Scrapes Glass Sharply; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovementTreeBranchW_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Branch Scrapes Glass, Leafy Movements; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovementTreeBranchW_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Branch Scrapes Glass In 3 Main Impacts, Leafy Movements, Some High-Pitched Scrapes; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovementTreeBranchW_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Branch Scrapes Glass, High-Pitched Scrapes, Somewhat Abrasive; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovementTreeBranchW_4.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Branch Taps & Scrapes Glass, 3 Main Impacts, Incrementally Louder; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovementTreeBranchW_5.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Branches FoleyMovementThud Against Window, Taps & Scrapes; (Birch Tree) TreeBranchW_6.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Branch Hits & Scrapes Against Window, Declamatory Impacts @ Head; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovementTreeBranchW_7.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Branch Whacks & Scrapes Against Window, Declamatory Impacts @ Head; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovementTreeBranchW_8.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - 2 Metallic FoleyMovementImpacts @ Head, Followed By Light Scraping; (Birch Tree) TreeBranchW_9.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Tree Branch Window Impacts - Close-Up - Branch Hits & Scrapes Glass; (Birch Tree) FoleyMovement-TreeBranchWin.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Heavy Slap, Debris Scatter FoleyMovementWhippingHo_10.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Definitive Crisp Slap, Debris Scatter FoleyMovementWhippingHo_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Crisp Slap, Whip Rebound Through Air, Debris Scatter FoleyMovementWhippingHo_12.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Thin, Abrupt Slap, FoleyMovementSome Debris Scatter WhippingHo_13.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Somewhat Crisp Slap, Debris Scatter FoleyMovementWhippingHo_14.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Crackling Slap FoleyMovementWhippingHo_15.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Crisp, Slightly Full FoleyMovementSlap WhippingHo_16.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Crisp, Crackling Slap With Air Movement Before Impact FoleyMovementWhippingHo_17.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Thin, Somewhat Hollow Slap FoleyMovementWhippingHo_18.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Dull Slap With Rattling Undertone FoleyMovementWhippingHo_19.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Sharp Clap, Airborne Crack @ Head FoleyMovementWhippingHo_20.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Dull Slap, Airborne Crack @ Head FoleyMovementWhippingHo_21.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Dull, Clumsy Slap FoleyMovementWhippingHo_22.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Dull, Clumsy Slap, FoleyMovementRebound WhippingHo_23.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Crisp, Clean Slap, FoleyMovementRolling Debris Undertone WhippingHo_24.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Clean Slap, Hollow Rebound FoleyMovementWhippingHo_25.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Crackling Slap FoleyMovementWhippingHo_26.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Dull Slap, Debris Scatter FoleyMovementWhippingHo_27.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Dull Slap, Dull Rebound FoleyMovementWhippingHo_28.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Abrupt Snap FoleyMovementWhippingHo_29.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Crisp, Yet Full Slap FoleyMovement-WhippingHor_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Crisp, Somewhat Light Slap FoleyMovement-WhippingHor_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Crisp, Light, & Dry Slap, Slight Reverb Impact Primarily In Left Channel FoleyMovement-WhippingHor_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Crackling Slap, Debris Scatter FoleyMovement-WhippingHor_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Dry Slap, Movement Through Air FoleyMovement-WhippingHor_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Full Slap, Thudding Impact FoleyMovement-WhippingHor_6.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Popping Slap, Light Scrape FoleyMovement-WhippingHor_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Dull Slap FoleyMovement-WhippingHor_8.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Crackling Slap FoleyMovement-WhippingHor_9.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Whipping Horse Rein - Close-Up - Dull Slap, Some Light, Flying Debris FoleyMovement-WhippingHorse.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Wood Box - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Creaks, Light Thud On Close FoleyMovement-WoodBox-IntC.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Foley, Movement Foley Movement - Wood Box - Int - Close-Up - Open & Close With Lots Of Creaks, Light Thud On Close FoleyMovement-WoodBoxInt_1.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Footsteps Foley Walking - Leather Boots - Int - Close-Up - Slow & Steady Leather FoleyWalking-LeatherBoots-I.wav Creaking, Continuous Soundstorm 0:59 Hard Drive 0 0 Footsteps Foley Walking - Leather Boots - Int - Close-Up - Leather Creaks, Medium Slow Pacing FoleyWalking-LeatherBoots_1.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Footsteps Foley Walking - Leather Boots - Int - Close-Up - Leather Creaks, Labored Steps FoleyWalking-LeatherBoots_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards - Int - MCU - Rack Balls & Play Pool, Chalk Stick, Various Ball Hits, (Coin Operated Table) Games-Billiards-Int-MCU-R_1.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards - Int - MCU - Rack Balls & Play Pool, Chalk Stick, Various Ball Hits, (Coin Operated Table) Games-Billiards-Int-MCU-R_2.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards - Int - MCU - Rack Balls & Play Pool, Chalk Stick, Various Ball Hits, (Coin Operated Table) Games-Billiards-Int-MCU-R_3.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards - Int - MCU - Rack Balls & Play Pool, Chalk Stick, Various Ball Hits, (Coin Operated Table) Games-Billiards-Int-MCU-R_4.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards - Int - MCU - Rack Balls & Play Pool, Chalk Stick, Various Ball Hits, (Coin Operated Table) Games-Billiards-Int-MCU-R_5.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards - Int - MCU - Rack Balls & Play Pool, Chalk Stick, Various Ball Hits, (Coin Operated Table) Games-Billiards-Int-MCU-R_6.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards - Int - MCU - Rack Balls & Play Pool, Chalk Stick, Various Ball Hits, (Coin Operated Table) Games-Billiards-Int-MCU-R_7.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards - Int - MCU - Rack Balls & Play Pool, Chalk Stick, Various Ball Hits, (Coin Operated Table) Games-Billiards-Int-MCU-R_8.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards - Int - MCU - Rack Balls & Play Pool, Chalk Stick, Various Ball Hits, (Coin Operated Table) Games-Billiards-Int-MCU-Rac.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards - Int - MCU - Various Ball Hits, Chalk Stick Taps; (Coin Operated Table) Games-Billiards-Int-MCU-V_1.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards - Int - MCU - Various Ball Hits, Chalk Stick Taps, Pocket Shots Made, Sparse Movement; (Coin Operated Table) Games-Billiards-Int-MCU-V_2.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards - Int - MCU - Various Ball Hits, Chalk Stick Taps, Pocket Shots Made, Sparse Movement; (Coin Operated Table) Games-Billiards-Int-MCU-V_3.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards - Int - MCU - Various Ball Hits, Chalk Stick Taps, Pocket Shots Made, Sparse Movement; (Coin Operated Table) Games-Billiards-Int-MCU-V_4.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards - Int - MCU - Various Ball Hits, Pocket Shots Made; (Coin Operated Table) Games-Billiards-Int-MCU-Var.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Single Series Of Medium Loud Ball Impacts, Coin Chafings @ Head Games-BilliardsPool-Int-_10.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Various Medium Light Ball Impacts, Medium Hard Hit @ Head, Coin Chafing Games-BilliardsPool-Int-_11.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Sporadic Medium Ball Impacts, Games-BilliardsPool-Int-_12.wav Coin Chafing @ Head & Tail Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Light Ball Impacts, 2 Medium Hits Near Tail, Constant Coin Chafing Games-BilliardsPool-Int-_13.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Continuous Light Ball Impacts, Series Of Medium Impacts Near Head, Light Coin Chafing Games-BilliardsPool-Int-_14.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Short Series Of Medium Hits Near Head, Rolling & Lightly Tapped Balls Near Tail, Coin Chafing Games-BilliardsPool-Int-_15.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Medium Soft To Very Soft Sporadic Ball Impacts, VeryLight Coin Chafings Games-BilliardsPool-Int-_16.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Incrementally Louder, Sporadic, Games-BilliardsPool-Int-_17.wav Ball Impacts, VeryLight Coin Chafings Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Various Ball Impacts, Sparse, Coin Chafings Games-BilliardsPool-Int-_18.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Sparse, Medium Loud Ball Impacts, Occasional Coin Chafings, Incrementally Softer Games-BilliardsPool-Int-_19.wav Soundstorm 0:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Various Ball Impacts, Soft To Medium Soft, Continuous, Rhythmic Coin Chafings Games-BilliardsPool-Int-_20.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Various Medium Soft Ball Impacts, Some Perfunctory Clusters @ Head, Some Rolling Thuds, Light Coin Chafing Games-BilliardsPool-Int-_21.wav Soundstorm 0:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Various Strong & Light Ball Impacts, Rolling Thuds Games-BilliardsPool-Int-_22.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Various Ball Impacts, Medium Loud To Very Soft Games-BilliardsPool-Int-_23.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Various Strong & Light Ball Hits, Sparse Activity, Incrementally Softer Games-BilliardsPool-Int-_24.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Light Ball Impacts, Medium Strong Impacts @ Tail, Very Sparse Activity Games-BilliardsPool-Int-_25.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Various Strong & Medium Ball Hits, For Ongoing Game Games-BilliardsPool-Int-_26.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Cue Stick Hits Ball, 3 Takes, Stick Falls Onto Hard Floor Games-BilliardsPool-Int-_27.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Various Ball Impacts, Occasional Coin Scrapings, Balls Scattered By Hand @ Head, For Ongoing Game, Medium Light Activity Games-BilliardsPool-Int-C_1.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Somewhat Sporadic Ball Impacts Interspersed With Chafing Coins, For Ongoing Game Games-BilliardsPool-Int-C_2.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Clacking & Thudding Ball Impacts, Medium Light Volume, Very Light Coin Chafing Games-BilliardsPool-Int-C_3.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Various Ball Impacts, 2 Medium Loud Episodes, Occasional Coin Scrapings, Light Activity Games-BilliardsPool-Int-C_4.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Various Ball Impacts Interspersed With Light Chafing Coins, Perfunctory Ball Hit @ Head, Light Activity Games-BilliardsPool-Int-C_5.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Various Ball Impacts Interspersed With Light Chafing Coins, Perfunctory Ball Hits Near Tail, Medium Light Activity Games-BilliardsPool-Int-C_6.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Various Sporadic Ball Impacts, Frequent Coin Chafing, Light Activity Games-BilliardsPool-Int-C_7.wav Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Mostly Light Ball Impacts, Series Of Medium Loud Impacts @ Head, Very Light Coin Chafing Throughout Games-BilliardsPool-Int-C_8.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Medium Loud Series Of Ball Impacts @ Head & Tail, Coin Chafings In Between Games-BilliardsPool-Int-C_9.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Billiards Pool - Int - Close-Up - Single Ball In Pocket, Soft Hits Against Group Of Balls Games-BilliardsPool-Int-Clo.wav Soundstorm 0:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 1-On-1, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls & Bounces, Goal Scored, Some Light Shuffling @ Head Games-Foosball-Int-Close-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 1-On-1, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls & Bounces, Goal Scored, Some Light Shuffling @ Head Games-Foosball-Int-Close-_2.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 1-On-1, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls & Bounces, Goal Scored, Some Light Shuffling @ Head Games-Foosball-Int-Close-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 1-On-1, Violent Rod Spins, Ball Rolls & Bounces Games-Foosball-Int-Close-_4.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 1-On-1, Violent Rod Spins, Ball Rolls & Bounces, Goal Scored Games-Foosball-Int-Close-_5.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 1-On-1, Somewhat Violent Rod Spins, Ball Rolls & Bounces, Goal Scored Games-Foosball-Int-Close-_6.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 1-On-1, Somewhat Violent Rod Spins, Ball Rolls & Bounces, Goal Scored Games-Foosball-Int-Close-_7.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 1-On-1, Somewhat Violent Rod Spins, Ball Rolls & Bounces, Goal Scored Games-Foosball-Int-Close-_8.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 1-On-1, Somewhat Violent Rod Spins, Ball Rolls & Bounces, Goal Scored Games-Foosball-Int-Close-_9.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 1-On-1, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls & Bounces Games-Foosball-Int-Close-Up.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 1-On-1, Somewhat Violent Rod Spins, Ball Rolls & Bounces, Goal Scored Games-Foosball-Int-Close_10.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 1-On-1, Somewhat Violent Rod Spins, Ball Rolls & Bounces, Goal Scored, Ball Gets Stuck Near Head Games-Foosball-Int-Close_11.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 1-On-1, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Ball Becomes Stuck Periodically, But Mostly Active Games-Foosball-Int-Close_12.wav Soundstorm 0:44 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 1-On-1, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls & Bounces, Goal Scored, Short Play Games-Foosball-Int-Close_13.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 1-On-1, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Ball Becomes Stuck On 1 Occasion, But Mostly Active Play Games-Foosball-Int-Close_14.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 1-On-1, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Ball Becomes Stuck On A Couple Of Occasions, But Play Is Still Active Games-Foosball-Int-Close_15.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 1-On-1, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Short, Active Play Games-Foosball-Int-Close_16.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 1-On-1, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Ball Becomes Stuck Periodically, Slowing Down Flow Of The Game Games-Foosball-Int-Close_17.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 1-On-1, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Ball Becomes Stuck Periodically, Slowing Down Flow Of The Game, Short Play Games-Foosball-Int-Close_18.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 1-On-1, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Short, Active Play Games-Foosball-Int-Close_19.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 1-On-1, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces & Ricochets, Goal Is Scored, Very Active With Pauses Games-Foosball-Int-Close_20.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 1-On-1, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Very Active With Frequent Pauses, Long Play Games-Foosball-Int-Close_21.wav Soundstorm 1:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Somewhat Active Play Games-Foosball-Int-Close_22.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Active Play Games-Foosball-Int-Close_23.wav Soundstorm 0:35 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Active Play Games-Foosball-Int-Close_24.wav Soundstorm 0:55 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Short & Active Play Games-Foosball-Int-Close_25.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Somewhat Short & Active Play Games-Foosball-Int-Close_26.wav Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, & Ricochets, Active Play With Frequent Pauses Games-Foosball-Int-Close_27.wav Soundstorm 0:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Sparse Activity @ Head, Very Active & Aggressive Beginning Midway Games-Foosball-Int-Close_28.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Very Active & Aggressive, Lots Of Back & Forth Play Games-Foosball-Int-Close_29.wav Soundstorm 0:40 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Very Active & Aggressive, Lots Of Back & Forth Play Games-Foosball-Int-Close_30.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Very Active & Aggressive, Lots Of Back & Forth Play Games-Foosball-Int-Close_31.wav Soundstorm 0:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Close-Up - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Very Active & Aggressive With Occasional Pauses, Lots Of Back & Forth Play Games-Foosball-Int-Close_32.wav Soundstorm 0:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - MCU - 1-On-1, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, & Ricochets, 2 Goals Scored, Long, Slow Play, Ball Becomes Stuck Games-Foosball-Int-MCU-1-_1.wav Frequently Soundstorm 1:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - MCU - 1-On-1, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, & Ricochets, 4 Goals Scored, Medium Long Play, Ball Becomes Stuck Games-Foosball-Int-MCU-1-_2.wav Periodically Soundstorm 0:46 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - MCU - 1-On-1, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, Games-Foosball-Int-MCU-1-_3.wav & Ricochets, 4 Goals Scored, Long Play With Periodic Pauses Soundstorm 1:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - MCU - 1-On-1, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, Games-Foosball-Int-MCU-1-_4.wav & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Ball Gets Stuck Frequently Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - MCU - 1-On-1, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, Games-Foosball-Int-MCU-1-_5.wav & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Ball Gets Stuck Frequently Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - MCU - 1-On-1, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, Games-Foosball-Int-MCU-1-_6.wav & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Short Play Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - MCU - 1-On-1, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, Games-Foosball-Int-MCU-1-_7.wav & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Uneventful Play, Lots Of Pauses Soundstorm 0:40 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - MCU - 1-On-1, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, Games-Foosball-Int-MCU-1-_8.wav & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Long & Quiet Play Soundstorm 0:52 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - MCU - 1-On-1, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, Games-Foosball-Int-MCU-1-On.wav & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Short, Quiet Play Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - MCU - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, Games-Foosball-Int-MCU-2-_1.wav & Ricochets, 2 Goals Scored, Slow Play, Sparse Movement Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - MCU - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, Games-Foosball-Int-MCU-2-_2.wav & Ricochets, 2 Goals Scored, Somewhat Slow Play Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - MCU - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, Games-Foosball-Int-MCU-2-_3.wav & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Continuous Play Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - MCU - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, Games-Foosball-Int-MCU-2-_4.wav & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Nearly Continuous Play Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - MCU - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Sparse Movement @ Head, Continuous Play Games-Foosball-Int-MCU-2-_5.wav Beginning Midway, Short Play Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - MCU - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, Games-Foosball-Int-MCU-2-_6.wav & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Somewhat Short Play Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - MCU - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, Games-Foosball-Int-MCU-2-_7.wav & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Short & Quiet Play Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - MCU - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, Games-Foosball-Int-MCU-2-_8.wav & Ricochets, Play Becomes More Active As It Progresses Soundstorm 0:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - MCU - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, Games-Foosball-Int-MCU-2-_9.wav & Ricochets, Consistently Active Play Soundstorm 0:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - MCU - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, Games-Foosball-Int-MCU-2-On.wav & Ricochets, 2 Goals Scored, Slow Play Soundstorm 0:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - MCU - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, Games-Foosball-Int-MCU-2_10.wav & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Play Becomes More Active As It Progresses Soundstorm 0:44 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Medium Distant - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Games-Foosball-Int-Medium_1.wav Bounces, & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Quiet Play With Frequent Breaks Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Medium Distant - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Games-Foosball-Int-Medium_2.wav Bounces, & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Quiet, Continuous Play Soundstorm 0:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Medium Distant - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Quiet, Continuous Play, Some Games-Foosball-Int-Medium_3.wav Sharp Hits Soundstorm 0:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Medium Distant - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Quiet, Continuous Play, Some Games-Foosball-Int-Medium_4.wav Sharp Hits Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Medium Distant - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls Games-Foosball-Int-Medium_5.wav & Bounces, Goal Scored, Quiet, Short Play Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Medium Distant - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Bounces, & Ricochets, 2 Goals Scored, Quiet, Long Play, Some Sharp Games-Foosball-Int-Medium_6.wav Hits Soundstorm 0:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Medium Distant - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Games-Foosball-Int-Medium_7.wav Bounces, & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Sharp Hits With Some Pauses Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Medium Distant - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Games-Foosball-Int-Medium_8.wav Bounces, & Ricochets, 2 Goals Scored, Sharp Hits With Some Pauses Soundstorm 0:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Medium Distant - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Games-Foosball-Int-Medium_9.wav Bounces, & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Sharp Hits With Some Pauses Soundstorm 1:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Foosball - Int - Medium Distant - 2-On-2, Rod Spins, Ball Rolls, Games-Foosball-Int-MediumDi.wav Bounces, & Ricochets, Goal Scored, Quiet Play Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Roulette Wheel - Int - Close-Up - Ball Dropping Movements, Wheel Spin, Ball Spins Around Stable Wheel, Wheel Spin & Ball Drop Games-RouletteWheel-Int-_10.wav Soundstorm 0:30 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Roulette Wheel - Int - Close-Up - Various Ball Dropping Movements, 2 Takes, Wheel Spin WithO Ball Games-RouletteWheel-Int-_11.wav Soundstorm 0:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Roulette Wheel - Int - Close-Up - Ball Spins Around Stable Wheel, Wheel Spins WithO Ball Games-RouletteWheel-Int-_12.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Roulette Wheel - Int - Close-Up - Ball Dropping Movements, Wheel Spin WithO Ball Games-RouletteWheel-Int-_13.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Roulette Wheel - Int - Close-Up - Various Actions, Wheel Spins, Ball Drops, Spin Stops, Ball Bounce & Movements Games-RouletteWheel-Int-C_1.wav Soundstorm 0:36 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Roulette Wheel - Int - Close-Up - Various Actions, Ball Drops, Wheel Spins, Ball Bounces & Movements Games-RouletteWheel-Int-C_2.wav Soundstorm 0:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Roulette Wheel - Int - Close-Up - Various Actions, Ball Drops & Bounces, Wheel Spins, Ball Lands With Bounce, 2 Takes Games-RouletteWheel-Int-C_3.wav Soundstorm 0:34 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Roulette Wheel - Int - Close-Up - Wheel Spin, Ball Drop, Various Ball Dropping Movements Games-RouletteWheel-Int-C_4.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Roulette Wheel - Int - Close-Up - Wheel Spin, Various Ball Dropping Movements Games-RouletteWheel-Int-C_5.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Roulette Wheel - Int - Close-Up - Wheel Spin, Various Ball Dropping Movements Games-RouletteWheel-Int-C_6.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Roulette Wheel - Int - Close-Up - Wheel Spin, Ball Drop, Ball Drops & Spins In Wheel Games-RouletteWheel-Int-C_7.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Roulette Wheel - Int - Close-Up - 2 Wheel Spins, Ball Spins Around Stable Wheel, Wheel Spin & Ball Drop Games-RouletteWheel-Int-C_8.wav Soundstorm 0:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Roulette Wheel - Int - Close-Up - Wheel Spin, Drop Ball, Wheel Spin, Various Ball Dropping Movements, Wheel Spins With Ball Games-RouletteWheel-Int-C_9.wav Soundstorm 0:56 Hard Drive 0 0 Game, Sport Games - Roulette Wheel - Int - Close-Up - Various Actions, Wheel Spin, Games-RouletteWheel-Int-Clo.wav Ball Drops, Bounces, Then Lands In Number Slot, Ball Drops, Spins Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Door, Gate Gates - Chainlink Fence Gate - Ext - Large, Roll Open & Close, Hit W Metal Rattle Gates-ChainlinkFenceGate-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Door, Gate Gates - Chainlink Fence Gate - Ext - Large, Roll Open & Close, Hit W Metal Rattle Gates-ChainlinkFenceGate-_2.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door, Gate Gates - Chainlink Fence Gate - Ext - Large, Roll Open & Close, Hit W Metal Rattle Gates-ChainlinkFenceGate-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Door, Gate Gates - Chainlink Fence Gate - Ext - CU - Large, Gate Hit To Close Gates-ChainlinkFenceGate-_4.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Door, Gate Gates - Chainlink Fence Gate - Ext - CU - Large, Fast Hit To Close Gates-ChainlinkFenceGate-_5.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Door, Gate Gates - Chainlink Fence Gate - Ext - CU - Large, Gate Hit To Close Gates-ChainlinkFenceGate-_6.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Door, Gate Gates - Chainlink Fence Gate - Ext - Large, Roll Open & Close, Hit W Metal Rattle Gates-ChainlinkFenceGate-Ex.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash, Glass Glass - Glass Bottle - Int - Close-Up - Fall & Roll On Concrete Glass-GlassBottle-Int-Close.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash, Glass Glass - Glass Bottle Breaks - Int - Close-Up - Single Bottle Breaks & Tumbles On Hard Surface Glass-GlassBottleBreaks-I_1.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash, Glass Glass - Glass Bottle Breaks - Int - Close-Up - Single Bottle Breaks On Hard Surface Glass-GlassBottleBreaks-Int.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash, Glass Glass - Glass Bottle Tumbles - Int - Close-Up - Single Bottle Tumbles On Glass-GlassBottleTumbles-_1.wav Hard Surface Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Crash, Glass Glass - Glass Bottle Tumbles - Int - Close-Up - Single Bottle Tumbles & Drops Onto Hard Surface Glass-GlassBottleTumbles-In.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Glass Glass - Glass Clinks - Int - Close-Up - Single, Medium Soft Glass-GlassClinks-Int-Clo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Glass Glass - Glass Clinks - Int - Close-Up - Single Medium Loud Impact With Glass-GlassClinks-Int-Clo_2.wav Ringing Reverb Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Glass Glass - Glass Clinks - Int - Close-Up - 2 Soft Impacts Glass-GlassClinks-Int-Clo_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Glass Glass - Glass Clinks - Int - Close-Up - Single, Medium Impact, Clarity Glass-GlassClinks-Int-Clo_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Glass Glass - Glass Clinks - Int - Close-Up - Single Loud Impact, Short Ringing Glass-GlassClinks-Int-Clo_5.wav Reverb Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Glass Glass - Glass Clinks - Int - Close-Up - Single Medium Loud Impact With Glass-GlassClinks-Int-Clo_6.wav Ringing Reverb Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Glass Glass - Glass Clinks - Int - Close-Up - Single Medium Soft Impact Glass-GlassClinks-Int-Clo_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Glass Glass - Glass Clinks - Int - Close-Up - Singles, Various Glass-GlassClinks-Int-Close.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Glass Glass - Window Smash - Int - Close-Up - Single Hit, Large Booming Break With Lots Of Shattering Debris Glass-WindowSmash-Int-Clo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Glass Glass - Window Smash - Int - Close-Up - Single Hit, Medium Break With Debris Glass-WindowSmash-Int-Clo_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Glass Glass - Window Smash - Int - Close-Up - Single Hit, Medium Break With Shattering Debris Glass-WindowSmash-Int-Clo_3.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Glass Glass - Window Smash - Int - Close-Up - Single Hit, Medium Break With Shattering Debris Glass-WindowSmash-Int-Clo_4.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Glass Glass - Window Smash - Int - Close-Up - Single Hit, Large Booming Break With Shattering Debris Glass-WindowSmash-Int-Clo_5.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Glass Glass - Window Smash - Int - Close-Up - Double Hit, Large Booming Break With Debris Glass-WindowSmash-Int-Clo_6.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Glass Glass - Window Smash - Int - Close-Up - Single Hit, Large Booming Break With Lots Of Shattering Debris Glass-WindowSmash-Int-Clo_7.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Glass Glass - Window Smash - Int - Close-Up - Single Hit, Large Booming Break With Lots Of Ongoing Shattering Debris Glass-WindowSmash-Int-Clo_8.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Glass Glass - Window Smash - Int - Close-Up - Double Hit, Large Booming Breaks With Lots Of Shattering Debris Glass-WindowSmash-Int-Close.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Bone Breaks - Int - Close-Up - Sharp Rips, Crackling Breaks, Metal Dragging In Flesh Gore-BoneBreaks-Int-Close-U.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Bone Breaks - Int - Close-Up - Sharp Rips, Crackling Breaks, Metal Dragging In Flesh Gore-BoneBreaks-Int-Close_1.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Bone Breaks - Int - Close-Up - Sharp Rips, Crackling Breaks, Metal Dragging In Flesh Gore-BoneBreaks-Int-Close_2.wav Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Bone Breaks - Int - Close-Up - Sharp Rips, Crackling Breaks, Metal Dragging In Flesh Gore-BoneBreaks-Int-Close_3.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Bone Crunch & Break - Int - Close-Up - Knife Close-Ups, Bone Chop & Succulent Tears Gore-BoneCrunch&Break-Int-C.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Bone Crunch & Break - Int - Close-Up - Knife Close-Ups, Bone Chops & Succulent Tears, Knife Sharpening Gore-BoneCrunch&Break-Int_1.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Bone Crunch & Break - Int - Close-Up - Knife Close-Ups, Hard Bone Chop & Succulent Tears Gore-BoneCrunch&Break-Int_2.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Bone Crunch & Break - Int - Close-Up - Knife Close-Ups, Sharp Gore-BoneCrunch&Break-Int_3.wav Bone Chop @ Head, Bone Snaps, Succulent Tears Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Bone Crunch & Break - Int - Close-Up - Knife Close-Ups, Several Bone Chops, Succulent Tears, Bone Splintering Gore-BoneCrunch&Break-Int_4.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Bone Crunch & Break - Int - Close-Up - Knife Close-Ups, Bone Splintering & Succulent Tears Gore-BoneCrunch&Break-Int_5.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Crunchy Chop & Tear - Int - Close-Up - Knife Scrapes Loudly Against Cutting Board 3x Gore-CrunchyChop&Tear-Int-C.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Crunchy Chop & Tear - Int - Close-Up - Knife Loudly Cuts Through Bone & Lightly Scrapes Board Gore-CrunchyChop&Tear-Int_1.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Crunchy Chop & Tear - Int - Close-Up - Knife Loudly Cuts Through Bone & Lightly Scrapes Board Gore-CrunchyChop&Tear-Int_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Crunchy Chop & Tear - Int - Close-Up - Knife Loudly Cuts Through Bone & Lightly Scrapes Board, Bone Tears & Snaps Gore-CrunchyChop&Tear-Int_3.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Crunchy Chop & Tear - Int - Close-Up - Knife Loudly Cuts Through Bone & Lightly Scrapes Board, Bone Tears, Snaps, & Creaks Gore-CrunchyChop&Tear-Int_4.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Crunchy Chop & Tear - Int - Close-Up - Knife Loudly Cuts Through Bone & Lightly Scrapes Board, Bone Tears, Snaps, & Creaks Gore-CrunchyChop&Tear-Int_5.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Crunchy Chop & Tear - Int - Close-Up - Knife Loudly Cuts Through Bone & Lightly Scrapes Board, Bone Tears, Snaps, & Creaks Gore-CrunchyChop&Tear-Int_6.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Drippy Squishy Movement - Close-Up - Very Wet Medium Movement Gore-DrippySquishyMovemen_1.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Drippy Squishy Movement - Close-Up - Very Wet Slow Movement Gore-DrippySquishyMovement-.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Flesh Rips - Series Of Succulent Tears, Very Soft, Sparse Movement Gore-FleshRips-SeriesOfSu_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Flesh Rips - Series Of Succulent Tears, Continuous & Soft Gore-FleshRips-SeriesOfSu_2.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Flesh Rips - Series Of Succulent Tears, Bone Snaps Gore-FleshRips-SeriesOfSucc.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Flesh Rips - Short & Succulent Slap Gore-FleshRips-Short&Succul.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Flesh Rips - Single Succulent Tear Gore-FleshRips-SingleSuccul.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Flesh Rips - Soft, Succulent Tears, Some Bone Scrapes Gore-FleshRips-Soft,Succu_1.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Flesh Rips - Soft, Succulent Tears, Some Bone Snaps Gore-FleshRips-Soft,Succu_2.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Flesh Rips - Soft, Succulent Tears Gore-FleshRips-Soft,Succule.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Flesh Rips - Succulent Tears, Soft To Loud, Some Bone Snaps Gore-FleshRips-SucculentTea.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Flesh Stab Impact - Close-Up - Big Squishy Impact Gore-FleshStabImpact-Close-.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Flesh Stabs Punctures - Close-Up - Beefy Crossbow Arrow Punctures Body, 2 Thudding Impacts Gore-FleshStabsPunctures-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Flesh Stabs Punctures - Close-Up - Beefy Crossbow Arrow Punctures Body, Juicy, Thudding Impact Gore-FleshStabsPunctures-_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Flesh Stabs Punctures - Close-Up - Beefy Crossbow Arrow Punctures Body, Juicy, Thudding Impact, Airborne Whoosh Gore-FleshStabsPunctures-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Flesh Stabs Punctures - Close-Up - Beefy Crossbow Arrow Punctures Body, 2 Thudding Impacts Gore-FleshStabsPunctures-Cl.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Succulent Slices, Single Knife Scrape With Slight Reverb Gore-FleshyCloseUps&Mov_10.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Succulent Slices, Loud Bone Snaps & Cuts Gore-FleshyCloseUps&Mov_11.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Succulent Slices, Knife Cutting Through Bone & Set Loudly Upon Board Gore-FleshyCloseUps&Mov_12.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Fleshy Squishy Gore-FleshyCloseSlices, Sawing Through Bone & Flesh, Slapping Impact Onto Board, Ups&Mov_13.wav Knife Scrapes Against Board Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Knife Sharpening, Single Gesture Gore-FleshyCloseUps&Mov_14.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Knife Sharpening, Single Gesture, A Lot Of Clarity Gore-FleshyCloseUps&Mov_15.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Knife Sharpening, 3 Gestures, A Lot Of Clarity Gore-FleshyCloseUps&Mov_16.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Knife Sharpening, 3 Gestures, A Lot Of Clarity Gore-FleshyCloseUps&Mov_17.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Knife Sharpening, Single Gesture, A Lot Of Clarity Gore-FleshyCloseUps&Mov_18.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Knife Is Dropped A Short Distance Gore-FleshyCloseUps&Mov_19.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Knife Sawing Into Bone & Flesh, Scraping Against Board, A Few Thudding Impacts, Occasional Bone Cracks Gore-FleshyCloseUps&Mov_20.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Knife Sharpening, Single Gesture Gore-FleshyCloseUps&Mov_21.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Knife Sharpening, Single Gesture, Quick & Full Of Clarity Gore-FleshyCloseUps&Mov_22.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Knife Sharpening, Single Gesture That Is Quick & Full Of Clarity, Knife Taps Near Head Gore-FleshyCloseUps&Mov_23.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Knife Sharpening, Single Gesture, Quick & Full Of Clarity Gore-FleshyCloseUps&Mov_24.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Knife Gore-FleshyCloseSharpening, Single Gesture, Quick & Full Of Clarity, Slow Scrape Moves Ups&Mov_25.wav Seamlessly Into Sharpening Movement Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Knife Gore-FleshyCloseSharpening, Single Gesture, Quick & Full Of Clarity, Slow Scrape Moves Ups&Mov_26.wav Seamlessly Into Sharpening Movement Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Knife Sharpening, Single Gesture, Quick & Full Of Clarity, Slow Scrape Moves Gore-FleshyCloseSeamlessly Into Sharpening Movement 2x, Swift Sharpening Movement Ups&Mov_27.wav @ Tail Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Serrated Knife Gore-FleshyCloseClose-Ups & Movements, Squishy & Succulent, Bone Snap, Cutting Ups&Move_1.wav Board Clunks Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Serrated Knife Gore-FleshyCloseClose-Ups & Movements, Squishy & Succulent, Bone Snap, Cutting Ups&Move_2.wav Board Clunks & Scrapes Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Serrated Knife Gore-FleshyCloseClose-Ups & Movements, Squishy & Succulent, Sawing Through Bone, Ups&Move_3.wav Occasional Splintering, Knife Whacks Onto Board Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Serrated Knife Gore-FleshyCloseClose-Ups & Movements, Squishy & Succulent, Knife Scrapes Against Ups&Move_4.wav Board While Cutting Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Serrated Knife Gore-FleshyCloseClose-Ups & Movements, Squishy & Succulent, Sawing Into Bone, Ups&Move_5.wav Occasional Snaps Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Fleshy Squishy Gore-FleshyCloseKnife Close-Ups, Chops & Slices Ups&Move_6.wav Soundstorm 0:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Succulent Slices Gore-FleshyCloseUps&Move_7.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Succulent Slices Gore-FleshyCloseUps&Move_8.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Succulent Slices, Knife Scrapes Against Cutting Board Gore-FleshyCloseUps&Move_9.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups & Movement - Int - Close-Up - Serrated Knife Gore-FleshyCloseClose-Ups & Movements, Squishy & Succulent, Bone Snap Ups&Moveme.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Fleshy Close-Ups - Int - Close-Up - Fleshy, Squishy Close-Ups & Movement, Tray Movement, Knife Down Gore-FleshyClose-Ups-Int-Cl.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Knife Close-Ups - Int - Close-Up - Small, Squishy, Fleshy Fillets Gore-KnifeClose-Ups-Int-C_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Knife Close-Ups - Int - Close-Up - Small, Squishy, Fleshy Fillets Gore-KnifeClose-Ups-Int-C_2.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Knife Close-Ups - Int - Close-Up - Small, Squishy, Fleshy Fillets Gore-KnifeClose-Ups-Int-C_3.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Knife Close-Ups - Int - Close-Up - Small, Squishy, Fleshy Fillets Gore-KnifeClose-Ups-Int-C_4.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Knife Close-Ups - Int - Close-Up - Small, Squishy, Fleshy Fillets Gore-KnifeClose-Ups-Int-C_5.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Knife Close-Ups - Int - Close-Up - Small, Squishy, Fleshy Fillets Gore-KnifeClose-Ups-Int-C_6.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Knife Close-Ups - Int - Close-Up - Small, Squishy, Fleshy Fillets Gore-KnifeClose-Ups-Int-C_7.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Knife Close-Ups - Int - Close-Up - Squishy, Fleshy Close-Ups & Gore-KnifeClose-Ups-Int-Clo.wav Movement, Various Takes Soundstorm 0:24 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Knife Stabs Flesh - Int - Close-Up - Crunchy Wet Stab & Withdraw Knife With Ching Gore-KnifeStabsFlesh-Int-Cl.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Sawing Bone & Flesh - Int - Close-Up - Fleshy Squishy Slices, Chops, Sawing Through Bone & Flesh With Serrated Knife, Loud Slapping Impact Gore-SawingBone&Flesh-Int-C.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Sawing Bone & Flesh - Int - Close-Up - Fleshy Squishy Slices, Chops, Sawing Through Bone & Flesh With Serrated Knife, Loud & Dull Slapping Impact, Occasional Bone Snaps, Knife Scrapes Against Board Gore-SawingBone&Flesh-Int_1.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Sawing Bone & Flesh - Int - Close-Up - Fleshy Squishy Slices, Chops, Sawing Through Bone & Flesh With Serrated Knife, Knife Scrapes Against Board Gore-SawingBone&Flesh-Int_2.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Spurs Cut Flesh - Int - Close-Up - Juicy Slice With Very High Ring Gore-SpursCutFlesh-Int-Cl_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Spurs Cut Flesh - Int - Close-Up - Juicy Slice With Very High Ring Gore-SpursCutFlesh-Int-Cl_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Spurs Cut Flesh - Int - Close-Up - Juicy Slice With Very High Ring Gore-SpursCutFlesh-Int-Cl_3.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Spurs Cut Flesh - Int - Close-Up - Juicy Slice With Very High Ring Gore-SpursCutFlesh-Int-Cl_4.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Spurs Cut Flesh - Int - Close-Up - Juicy Slice With Very High Ring Gore-SpursCutFlesh-Int-Cl_5.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Spurs Cut Flesh - Int - Close-Up - Juicy Slice With Very High Ring Gore-SpursCutFlesh-Int-Cl_6.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Spurs Cut Flesh - Int - Close-Up - Juicy Slice With Very High Ring Gore-SpursCutFlesh-Int-Cl_7.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Spurs Cut Flesh - Int - Close-Up - Juicy Slice With Very High Ring Gore-SpursCutFlesh-Int-Clos.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Squishy, Bubbly Movement - Close-Up - Medium Juicy Airy Bubbles, Continuous Gore-Squishy,BubblyMoveme_1.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Squishy, Bubbly Movement - Close-Up - Small Juicy Airy Bubbles, Continuous Flow Gore-Squishy,BubblyMovement.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Squishy, Scraping Movement - Close-Up - Suction-Like Gore-Squishy,ScrapingMove_1.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Squishy, Scraping Movement - Close-Up - Slow, Juicy, & Airy Movement, Continuous Gore-Squishy,ScrapingMove_2.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Squishy, Scraping Movement - Close-Up - Suction-Like Gore-Squishy,ScrapingMoveme.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Squishy Movement - Close-Up - Subtle, Very Juicy Gore-SquishyMovement-Clos_1.wav Soundstorm 0:17 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Squishy Movement - Close-Up - Juicy With Big Splat Gore-SquishyMovement-Clos_2.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Squishy Movement - Close-Up - Continuous Juicy Movement Gore-SquishyMovement-Close-.wav Soundstorm 0:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Squishy Movements - Close-Up - Juicy & Squishy Gore-SquishyMovements-Clo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Squishy Movements - Close-Up - Juicy & Squishy, Continuous Squeezing Gore-SquishyMovements-Clo_2.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Squishy Movements - Close-Up - Juicy Splat With Movement Gore-SquishyMovements-Clo_3.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Squishy Movements - Close-Up - Slow Juicy Squeezes Gore-SquishyMovements-Clo_4.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Squishy Movements - Close-Up - Slow Squeeze, Very Juicy Gore-SquishyMovements-Clo_5.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Squishy Movements - Close-Up - Slow Squeeze, Very Juicy Gore-SquishyMovements-Clo_6.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Squishy Movements - Close-Up - Very Juicy, Medium Slow Movements Gore-SquishyMovements-Clo_7.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Squishy Movements - Close-Up - Juicy Splat With Movement Gore-SquishyMovements-Clo_8.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Squishy Movements - Close-Up - Juicy, Airy Squeezes Gore-SquishyMovements-Clo_9.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Squishy Movements - Close-Up - Juicy & Squishy Gore-SquishyMovements-Close.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Squishy Splat - Close-Up - Juicy Splat Gore-SquishySplat-Close-Up-.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Squishy Splat With Small Bone Break - Close-Up - Splats Followed By Snaps Gore-SquishySplatWithSmallB.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Gore, Dismember Gore - Squishy Tear With Small Bone Break - Close-Up - Quiet Tears Followed By Snap Gore-SquishyTearWithSmallBo.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Double Barrel Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Load Sequence, Breech Guns-DoubleBarrelShotgun-_1.wav Open, Load 2 Shells Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Double Barrel Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Load Sequence, Breech Guns-DoubleBarrelShotgun-_2.wav Open, Load 2 Shells, Breech Close, Quick Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Double Barrel Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Load Sequence, Breech Guns-DoubleBarrelShotgun-_3.wav Open, Load 2 Shells Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Double Barrel Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Load Sequence, Breech Guns-DoubleBarrelShotgun-_4.wav Open, Load 2 Shells, Breech Close Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Double Barrel Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Load Sequence, Breech Guns-DoubleBarrelShotgun-In.wav Open, Load 2 Shells, Breech Close Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_100.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_101.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_102.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_103.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_104.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_105.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_106.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_107.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_108.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_109.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_110.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_111.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_112.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_113.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_114.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_115.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_116.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Sporadic Single Clicks, Slow Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_117.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Sporadic Single Clicks, Slow Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_118.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cylinder Spins, Steady, Fast Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_119.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cylinder Spins, Steady, Fast Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_120.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cylinder Spins, Steady, Fast Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_121.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cylinder Spins, 3x, Medium Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_122.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Twirl, Whoosh Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_123.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Twirl, Rattling Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_124.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Twirl, Rattling Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_125.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Twirl, Rattling Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_126.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Twirl, Rattling Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_127.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Twirl, Rattling Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_128.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Twirl, Rattling Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_129.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Twirl, Rattling Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_130.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Twirl, Rattling Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_131.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Twirl, Various Rattling Twirls, 'Show Off' Style', Continuous Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-U_132.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Dry Fire Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Draw Gun From Holster & Dry Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up-_2.wav Fire Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock, Medium Slow Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Continuous Gun Cock Actions Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up-_4.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Continuous Gun Cock Actions Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up-_5.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Intermittently Continuous Movements & Basic Handling Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up-_6.wav Soundstorm 0:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up-_7.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up-_8.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up-_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up-Ha.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_10.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_12.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_13.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_14.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_15.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_16.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_17.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_18.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_19.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_20.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_21.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_22.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_23.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_24.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_25.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_26.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_27.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_28.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_29.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_30.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_31.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_32.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_33.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_34.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_35.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_36.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_37.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_38.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_39.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_40.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_41.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_42.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_43.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_44.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_45.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_46.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_47.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_48.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_49.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_50.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_51.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_52.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_53.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_54.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_55.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_56.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_57.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_58.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_59.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_60.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_61.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_62.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_63.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_64.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_65.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_66.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_67.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_68.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_69.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_70.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_71.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_72.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_73.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_74.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_75.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_76.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_77.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_78.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Uncock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_79.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Uncock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_80.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Uncock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_81.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Uncock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_82.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Uncock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_83.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Uncock Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_84.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Out Of Holster & Trigger Pull Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_85.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Out Of Holster, Trigger Pull, Into Holster Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_86.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Out Of Holster & Trigger Pull Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_87.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_88.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_89.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_90.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_91.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_92.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_93.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_94.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_95.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_96.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_97.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_98.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Trigger Pull, Single Guns-Pistol-Int-Close-Up_99.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol Action - Int - Close-Up - Two Bullets In Guns-PistolAction-Int-Clo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol Action - Int - Close-Up - Single Bullet Set Down On Hard Surface Guns-PistolAction-Int-Clo_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol Action - Int - Close-Up - Pistol Down On Hard Surface Guns-PistolAction-Int-Clo_3.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol Action - Int - Close-Up - Pistol Down On Hard Surface W Double Bang Guns-PistolAction-Int-Clo_4.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Pistol Action - Int - Close-Up - Single Catch Release Guns-PistolAction-Int-Close.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Rifle - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock, Medium Fast Guns-Rifle-Int-Close-Up-Han.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Slow Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_10.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Quick Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Quick Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_12.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Quick Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_13.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Quick Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_14.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Quick Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_15.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Quick Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_16.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Quick Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_17.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Quick Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_18.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Quick Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_19.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Quick Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_20.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Quick Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_21.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Quick Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_22.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Low Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_23.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Quick Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_24.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Low Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_25.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, High Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_26.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Quick Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_27.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Quick Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_28.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Quick Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_29.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Full Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_30.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Full Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_31.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Forceful Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_32.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Full Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_33.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Full Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_34.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Quick Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_35.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Full Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_36.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Full, High Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_37.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Full, 2x Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_38.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, High Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_39.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, High Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_40.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Very Quick Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_41.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Quick, High Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_42.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, Full, Low Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_43.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, High Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_44.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, High Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_45.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, Quick Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_46.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, High Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_47.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, Quick Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_48.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, Quick, High Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_49.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, Full Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_50.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, High Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_51.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, Quick, High Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_52.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_53.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, Quick, High Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_54.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, High Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_55.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_56.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_57.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, Low Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_58.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_59.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, Low Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_60.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_61.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, Quick, High Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_62.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, Quick, High Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_63.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, Quick Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_64.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, Full Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_65.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, Full Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_66.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, Forceful Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_67.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, Quick, High Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_68.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, Full Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_69.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, Quick Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_70.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, Full Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_71.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, High Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_72.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, 2x Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_73.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, High Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_74.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, High Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_75.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, Quick, High Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_76.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, High Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_77.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Unloading Shell, Pop Out Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_78.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Unloading Shell, Pop Out Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_79.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Unloading Shell, Pop Out Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_80.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Unloading Shell Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_81.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Unloading Shell, Pop Out Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_82.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Unloading Shell, Pop Out Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_83.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Unloading Shell, Pop Out Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-U_84.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Breech Opens & Closes, 2 Opens & 3 Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-Up-B.wav Closes Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, High Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-Up-C.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Load & Close Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-Up-H.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Loading Shell, Full Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-Up-L.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Unloading Shell Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-Up-U.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Load & Close Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-Up_1.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Load & Close Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-Up_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Load & Close Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-Up_3.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Load & Close Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-Up_4.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Load & Close Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-Up_5.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Breech Opens & Closes, 2 Opens & 3 Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-Up_6.wav Closes Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Breech Opens & Closes, 2 Opens & 3 Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-Up_7.wav Closes Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking, Low Pitch Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-Up_8.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Shotgun - Int - Close-Up - Cocking Guns-Shotgun-Int-Close-Up_9.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Western Guns & Rifles - Shootout Elements - Short Overlapping & Single Bursts, Few Ricochets, Reverb Guns-WesternGuns&Rifles-_10.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Western Guns & Rifles - Shootout Elements - Short Overlapping & Single Bursts, Few Ricochets, Reverb Guns-WesternGuns&Rifles-_11.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Western Guns & Rifles - Shootout Elements - Short Overlapping & Single Bursts, Few Ricochets, Reverb Guns-WesternGuns&Rifles-_12.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Western Guns & Rifles - Shootout Elements - Short Overlapping & Single Bursts, Few Ricochets, Reverb Guns-WesternGuns&Rifles-_13.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Western Guns & Rifles - Shootout Elements - Short Overlapping & Single Bursts, Few Ricochets, Reverb Guns-WesternGuns&Rifles-_14.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Western Guns & Rifles - Shootout Elements - Short Overlapping & Single Bursts, Few Ricochets, Reverb Guns-WesternGuns&Rifles-S_1.wav Soundstorm 0:05 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Western Guns & Rifles - Shootout Elements - Short Overlapping & Single Bursts, Few Ricochets, Reverb Guns-WesternGuns&Rifles-S_2.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Western Guns & Rifles - Shootout Elements - Short Overlapping & Single Bursts, Few Ricochets, Reverb Guns-WesternGuns&Rifles-S_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Western Guns & Rifles - Shootout Elements - Short Overlapping & Single Bursts, Few Ricochets, Reverb Guns-WesternGuns&Rifles-S_4.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Western Guns & Rifles - Shootout Elements - Short Overlapping & Single Bursts, Few Ricochets, Reverb Guns-WesternGuns&Rifles-S_5.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Western Guns & Rifles - Shootout Elements - Short Overlapping & Single Bursts, Few Ricochets, Reverb Guns-WesternGuns&Rifles-S_6.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Western Guns & Rifles - Shootout Elements - Short Overlapping & Single Bursts, Few Ricochets, Reverb Guns-WesternGuns&Rifles-S_7.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Western Guns & Rifles - Shootout Elements - Short Overlapping & Single Bursts, Few Ricochets, Reverb Guns-WesternGuns&Rifles-S_8.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Western Guns & Rifles - Shootout Elements - Short Overlapping & Single Bursts, Few Ricochets, Reverb Guns-WesternGuns&Rifles-S_9.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Western Guns & Rifles - Shootout Elements - Short Overlapping & Single Bursts, Few Ricochets, Reverb Guns-WesternGuns&Rifles-Sho.wav Soundstorm 0:10 Hard Drive 0 0 Gun Guns - Winchester Rifle - Int - Close-Up - Handling, Cock Guns-WinchesterRifle-Int-Cl.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Ext - Away From Medium POV To Distant Blade Whop, Turbine Whir Becomes Thin & Distant - Medium Speed; [Twin Jet Engine] Helicopter-1991Huey-Ext-Awa.wav Soundstorm 0:37 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Ext - Close-Up - Idle On Landing Pad, Blade Whop, Turbine Whir; [Twin Jet Engine] Helicopter-1991Huey-Ext-C_1.wav Soundstorm 1:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Ext - Close-Up - Wind Down After Landing, Propeller Slows Down, Blade Chop, Turbine Whir; [Twin Jet Engine] Helicopter-1991Huey-Ext-C_2.wav Soundstorm 1:35 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Ext - Close-Up - Idle On Landing Pad After Touch Down, Engine Off, Long Wind Down, Blades & Engine Slow To Stop; [Twin Jet Engine] Helicopter-1991Huey-Ext-C_3.wav Soundstorm 3:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Ext - Close-Up - Wind Down After Landing, Propeller Slows Down, Blade Chops, Turbine Whirrs & Engine Continues Helicopter-1991Huey-Ext-C_4.wav After Blades Slow; [Twin Jet Engine] Soundstorm 3:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Ext - Close-Up - Wind Down On Landing Pad, Recordist Exits Helicopter, Blade Whop, Loud Turbines; [Twin Jet Helicopter-1991Huey-Ext-C_5.wav Engine] Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Ext - Close-Up - Wind Up & Lift Off, Accelerating Blade Whop & Swish, Loud Turbines, Engine Whir; [Twin Jet Engine] Soundstorm 0:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Ext - Close-Up - Start, Wind-Up, High-Pitched Helicopter-1991Huey-Ext-Clo.wav Turbine Whir, Blade Whop; [Twin Jet Engine] Soundstorm 1:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Ext - Distant Flight; [Twin Jet Engine] Helicopter-1991Huey-Ext-D_1.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Ext - Distant Flight; [Twin Jet Engine] Helicopter-1991Huey-Ext-Dis.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Ext - From Distant To Medium POV - Blade Chop, Turbine Whir - Fast; [Twin Jet Engine] Helicopter-1991Huey-Ext-Fro.wav Soundstorm 0:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Ext - Hover & Away From Medium POV To Distant - Blade Whop, Turbine Whir Becoming Thin & Distant, Medium Speed; [Twin Jet Engine] Helicopter-1991Huey-Ext-Hov.wav Soundstorm 0:44 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Ext - In To Medium POV - Hovers MCU, Touches Down, Blade Whops, Turbine Whirs; [Twin Jet Engine] Helicopter-1991Huey-Ext-I_1.wav Soundstorm 1:53 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Ext - In To Medium POV - Hover, Touch Down, Blade Whop & Turbine Whir - Medium Fast Approach; [Twin Jet Helicopter-1991Huey-Ext-I_2.wav Engine] Soundstorm 1:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Ext - In To Medium POV - Maneuvers, Fast Approach & Away - Medium Speed; [Twin Jet Engine] Helicopter-1991Huey-Ext-InT.wav Soundstorm 0:46 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Ext - Medium POV - Hover, Bank & Away Distant, Turbines & Blade Whop Becomes Thin & Distant; [Twin Jet Engine] Helicopter-1991Huey-Ext-M_1.wav Soundstorm 0:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Ext - Medium POV - Wind Down On Landing Pad After Touch Down, Blades & Engine Decelerate To Medium Slow; [Twin Jet Engine] Helicopter-1991Huey-Ext-M_2.wav Soundstorm 0:50 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Ext - MCU To Medium POV - Wind-Up And Take-Off, Turbines, High Pitched Engine Whir, Blade Chop; [Twin Jet Engine] Helicopter-1991Huey-Ext-M_3.wav Soundstorm 1:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Ext - Medium POV - Hover & Land, Blade Chop, Engine Drone, Turbines; [Twin Jet Engine] Helicopter-1991Huey-Ext-M_4.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Ext - MCU - Engine & Turbine, Long Wind Down To Stop; [Twin Jet Engine] Helicopter-1991Huey-Ext-M_5.wav Soundstorm 2:35 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Ext - MCU To Medium POV - Lift-Off & Hover, Blade Whop, Turbine Whir; [Twin Jet Engine] Helicopter-1991Huey-Ext-MCU.wav Soundstorm 0:38 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Ext - Medium POV By - Medium Speed; [Twin Jet Engine] Helicopter-1991Huey-Ext-Med.wav Soundstorm 0:58 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter-1991Huey-Ext-C_6.wav Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Int - Crew Straps In, Pre-Flight - Seat Belts Click, Movement In Seats & Cockpit; [Twin Jet Engine] Helicopter-1991Huey-Int-Cre.wav Soundstorm 0:37 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Int - Onboard - Idle On Pad, Medium To Full Speed Blade Whop, Turbine Whir; [Twin Jet Engine] Helicopter-1991Huey-Int-O_1.wav Soundstorm 1:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Int - Onboard - Lift-Off, Steady Flight With Maneuvers, Modulating Blade Chop, Engine Drone, Turbines; [Twin Jet Engine] Helicopter-1991Huey-Int-O_2.wav Soundstorm 1:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Int - Onboard - Variable Flight With Turns & Banking, Modulating Blade Chop, Engine Drone, Turbines; [Twin Jet Engine] Helicopter-1991Huey-Int-O_3.wav Soundstorm 1:23 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Int - Onboard - Steady Flight With Maneuvers, Helicopter-1991Huey-Int-O_4.wav Modulating Blade Chop, Engine Drone, Turbines; [Twin Jet Engine] Soundstorm 1:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Int - Onboard - Steady Flight; Turns & Banking, Modulating Blade Chop, Engine Drone, Turbines; [Twin Jet Engine] Helicopter-1991Huey-Int-O_5.wav Soundstorm 1:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Int - Onboard - Hover & Land, Stationary With Helicopter-1991Huey-Int-O_6.wav Blade Chop, Engine Drone, Turbines, Doors Open; [Twin Jet Engine] Soundstorm 1:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - 1991 Huey - Int - Onboard - Start, Wind-Up, Turbines, High Pitched Engine Whir, Slow To Medium Speed Blade Whop; [Twin Jet Helicopter-1991Huey-Int-Onb.wav Engine] Soundstorm 1:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - Bell Jet Ranger - Ext - MCU - Medium Overhead Flyby, Prop Plane Revs Up On End Of Runway, Approaches, Maneuvers, Circles, Hovers Helicopter-BellJetRanger-_1.wav Soundstorm 3:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - Bell Jet Ranger - Ext - MCU - Distant Approach, Fast Overhead Flyby, Circles Back Helicopter-BellJetRanger-Ex.wav Soundstorm 1:44 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - Dolphine II Jet Helicopter - Int Onboard Steady With Window Open, Idle On Pad, Blade Whine, Taxi To End Of Runway, In Flight Steady Helicopter-DolphineIIJetHel.wav Soundstorm 4:33 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - Dolphin II - Ext - Close-Up - Start, Idle, Hover & Lift Off Motor & Turbine Rev Up, Rotor Whine, Blade Chop Whop - Mic'd @ Tail Fan; [Aerospatiale HH-65A With Turboshaft Engine] Helicopter-DolphinII-Ext-Cl.wav Soundstorm 3:31 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - Ensemble Of 1 Huey, 1 Sikorsky & 3 Bell Jet Rangers - Ext - MCU Huey In, Hover, Land & Idle, 2 00 Mic Angle Change To Capture Rotor Wind Down, Sikorsky Idles In BG @ End Helicopter-EnsembleOf1Huey,.wav Soundstorm 3:44 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopter - Sikorsky - Ext - Bys - Medium By @ 22, MCU By @ 1 25 & Close-Up By @ 3 04, BG Motorcycle By After 1st By, Some Set Activity, Off-Stage Doors, Occasional Distant Vocals Helicopter-Sikorsky-Ext-Bys.wav Soundstorm 3:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopters - Bell Jet Ranger - Ext - MCU - Distant Fast Approach & Overhead Flyby, Circles, Returns, Medium Overhead Flyby, Lands, Distant Sirens, Off-Stage Car Alarm, Some Movement & Mic. Noise @ Head & Near Tail Helicopters-BellJetRanger-E.wav Soundstorm 2:59 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopters - Bell Jet Ranger - Ext - MCU - Steady Jet Engine Idles & Winds Down, Jet Flyover In BG, No Blade Thumps, Mechanical Grinding Helicopters-BellJetRanger_1.wav @ Tail, Wind On Mic Soundstorm 3:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopters - Huey - Ext - MCU - Approach, Land, Idle, Wind Down & Stop, Heavy Prop Thumps, Jet Engine Fluctuates During Wind Down Helicopters-Huey-Ext-MCU-Ap.wav Soundstorm 3:25 Hard Drive 0 0 Helicopter Helicopters - Huey - Ext - MCU - Circles, Approaches, Lands - Long Slow Idle, Long Wind Down, Wind Noise, Solid Prop Thumps, HighPitched Engine & Prop Whine During Wind Down Helicopters-Huey-Ext-MCU-Ci.wav Soundstorm 3:47 Hard Drive 0 0 Hiss, Air Hiss - Codex Cage - Close-Up - Dense Gas Release, Sharp High-Pitched Hiss-CodexCage-Close-Up-Den.wav Steam With Varying Pressure, Processed Soundstorm 3:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Horn Horns - 1957 Crown School Bus - Air Horn Blasts - Int - Medium Short Blast Horns-1957CrownSchoolBus-_1.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Horn Horns - 1957 Crown School Bus - Air Horn Blasts - Int - 2 Short Blasts Horns-1957CrownSchoolBus-_2.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Horn Horns - 1957 Crown School Bus - Air Horn Blasts - Int - 4 Short Blasts Horns-1957CrownSchoolBus-_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Horn Horns - 1957 Crown School Bus - Air Horn Blasts - Int - Long Blast Horns-1957CrownSchoolBus-_4.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Horn Horns - 1957 Crown School Bus - Air Horn Blast - Ext - Close-Up Single Short Blast Horns-1957CrownSchoolBus-_5.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Horn Horns - 1957 Crown School Bus - Air Horn Blast - Ext - Close-Up Single Short Blast Horns-1957CrownSchoolBus-_6.wav Soundstorm 0:02 Hard Drive 0 0 Horn Horns - 1957 Crown School Bus - Air Horn Blast - Ext - Close-Up - 2 Short Blasts Horns-1957CrownSchoolBus-_7.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Horn Horns - 1957 Crown School Bus - Air Horn Blast - Ext - Close-Up - 4 Short Blasts, Incrementally Softer Horns-1957CrownSchoolBus-_8.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Horn Horns - 1957 Crown School Bus - Air Horn Blast - Ext - Close-Up Single Long Blast Horns-1957CrownSchoolBus-_9.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Horn Horns - 1957 Crown School Bus - Air Horn Blasts - Int - Short Blast Horns-1957CrownSchoolBus-Ai.wav Soundstorm 0:01 Hard Drive 0 0 Horn Horns - 1996 Humvee - Int Horn Honks - O S - Variety Of Lengths Singles, Long Honks, Short Bursts Of Beeps, Burst & Horn Dies, Variety Of Rhythmic Beeps, Mic'd @ Rear Of Vehicle; [Military Vehicle] Horns-1996Humvee-IntHornHon.wav Soundstorm 1:14 Hard Drive 0 0 Horn Horns - Boat Air Horn - Ext - Mid-Size, Various Honks Horns-BoatAirHorn-Ext-Mid-S.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Horn Horns - Boat Air Horn - Mid-Size, Various Honks Horns-BoatAirHorn-Mid-Size,.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Horn Horns - Doppler Horn Bys - Close-Up - Loud & Long Doppler Horn Blast; [Oldsmobile Cutlass] Horns-DopplerHornBys-Clos_1.wav Soundstorm 0:07 Hard Drive 0 0 Horn Horns - Doppler Horn Bys - Close-Up - 3 Doppler Horn Blasts, 1st 2 Are Short & Soft, 3rd One Is Loud; [Oldsmobile Cutlass] Horns-DopplerHornBys-Clos_2.wav Soundstorm 0:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Horn Horns - Doppler Horn Bys - Close-Up - Series Of Doppler Horn Blasts, Soft To Loud; [Oldsmobile Cutlass] Horns-DopplerHornBys-Clos_3.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Horn Horns - Doppler Horn Bys - Close-Up - Series Of Doppler Horn Blasts, Soft To Loud; [Oldsmobile Cutlass] Horns-DopplerHornBys-Clos_4.wav Soundstorm 0:03 Hard Drive 0 0 Horn Horns - Doppler Horn Bys - Close-Up - 2 Doppler Horn Blasts, Soft To Loud; [Oldsmobile Cutlass] Horns-DopplerHornBys-Clos_5.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Horn Horns - Doppler Horn Bys - Close-Up - 2 Doppler Horn Blasts, Soft To Loud; [Oldsmobile Cutlass] Horns-DopplerHornBys-Clos_6.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Horn Horns - Doppler Horn Bys - Close-Up - 2 Doppler Horn Blasts, Soft To Loud; [Oldsmobile Cutlass] Horns-DopplerHornBys-Clos_7.wav Soundstorm 0:04 Hard Drive 0 0 Horn Horns - Doppler Horn Bys - Close-Up - Series Of Doppler Horn Blasts, Soft To Loud; [Oldsmobile Cutlass] Horns-DopplerHornBys-Clos_8.wav Soundstorm 0:06 Hard Drive 0 0 Horn Horns - Doppler Horn Bys - Close-Up - 1 Generic Car By With Horn, Without Engine Horns-DopplerHornBys-Close-.wav Soundstorm 0:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - 100 Horses - Grass - In, Miil & Close-Up By, Some Good Snorts & Blows, Few Voices Horses-100Horses-Grass-In,M.wav Soundstorm 1:56 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - 2 Horses - Asphalt - Trot In, Close-Up Stop, Mill With Breath & Trot Out Horses-2Horses-Asphalt-Trot.wav Soundstorm 1:09 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - 2 Horses - Dirt - Walk Close-Up By, Slight Off-Stage Stop, Bridle Jingle Horses-2Horses-Dirt-WalkClo.wav Soundstorm 0:54 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - 2 Horses - Forest Floor - Onboard Steady Gallop Horses-2Horses-ForestFloor-.wav Soundstorm 1:59 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - 2 Horses - Grass & Hard Dirt - Onboard Steady Medium Fast Trot, Bridle Movement Horses-2Horses-Grass&HardDi.wav Soundstorm 1:08 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - 2 Horses - Grass Leaves - Onboard Walking, Brush Movement & Heavy Breathing Horses-2Horses-GrassLeaves-.wav Soundstorm 0:41 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - 2 Horses - Gravel - Walk MCU By Single File 8x Horses-2Horses-Gravel-WalkM.wav Soundstorm 0:49 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - 2 Horses - Hard Pack Rock - Canter In, Close-Up Stop, Canter Out Horses-2Horses-HardPackRo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:45 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - 2 Horses - Hard Pack Rock - Walk In, Close-Up Mill & Walk Out Horses-2Horses-HardPackRo_2.wav Soundstorm 0:48 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - 2 Horses - Hard Pack Rock - Gallop In, Close-Up Stop & Gallop Out Horses-2Horses-HardPackRo_3.wav Soundstorm 0:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - 2 Horses - Hard Pack Rock - Canter In, Close-Up Stop & Canter Out Horses-2Horses-HardPackRo_4.wav Soundstorm 0:44 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - 2 Horses - Hard Pack Rock - Medium Trot In, MCU Mill, Trot Out Horses-2Horses-HardPackRock.wav Soundstorm 0:46 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - 2 Horses - Stone - Medium Slow Walk In & Close-Up Stop, Mill, Walk Away Horses-2Horses-Stone-Medi_1.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - 2 Horses - Stone - Medium Slow Walk In & Close-Up Stop, Mill, Walk Away Horses-2Horses-Stone-Medium.wav Soundstorm 0:26 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - 3 Horses - Grass - Close-Up Walk With Breaths & Saddle Creaks, Gallop Away Horses-3Horses-Grass-Close-.wav Soundstorm 0:20 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - 3 Horses - Hard Pack Rock - Walk In With Blow, Close-Up Stop & Walk Out Horses-3Horses-HardPackRo_1.wav Soundstorm 0:57 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - 3 Horses - Hard Pack Rock - Canter In, Close-Up Stop, Gallop Horses-3Horses-HardPackRo_2.wav Out Soundstorm 0:41 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - 3 Horses - Hard Pack Rock - Walk In & Close-Up Stop & Out Horses-3Horses-HardPackRock.wav Soundstorm 1:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - 3 Horses - Mud - MCU Mill Horses-3Horses-Mud-MCUMill.wav Soundstorm 0:35 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - 4 Horses - Pebbly Dirt - Onboard Steady Walk, Heavy Hoof Sounds Horses-4Horses-PebblyDirt-O.wav Soundstorm 1:00 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Group Of Horses - Cobblestone - Close-Up Mill Horses-GroupOfHorses-Cobble.wav Soundstorm 0:18 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Group Of Horses - Forest Hard & Leafy - Onboard Tracking Steady, Medium Fast Gallop Horses-GroupOfHorses-Forest.wav Soundstorm 1:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Group Of Horses -Grass & Dirt - Close-Up By, Bridle & Saddle Movement Horses-GroupOfHorses-Gras_1.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Group Of Horses -Grass & Dirt - Fast Close-Up By, Some Slowing @ Tail, Bridle & Saddle Movement Horses-GroupOfHorses-Gras_2.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Group Of Horses - Grass - Gallop Close-Up By, Strong Rumble Horses-GroupOfHorses-Gras_3.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Group Of Horses - Grass - Canter & Gallop Close-Up By, Strong Rumble Horses-GroupOfHorses-Gras_4.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Group Of Horses - Grass & Dirt - Fast In & Stop, Multiple Takes, Grass Movement On Second Take, Some Saddle & Bridle Movement Horses-GroupOfHorses-Grass&.wav Soundstorm 0:55 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Group Of Horses - Grass - Onboard Steady Gallop, Bridle & Saddle Movement, Grass Rustling Horses-GroupOfHorses-Grass-.wav Soundstorm 0:56 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Group Of Horses - Hard Surface - Medium In, Slow, & Stop, Evenly Paced Horses-GroupOfHorses-Hard_1.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Group Of Horses - Hard Surface - Medium Fast In, Close-Up Slow, & Away, Saddle & Bridle Movement Horses-GroupOfHorses-Hard_2.wav Soundstorm 0:32 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Group Of Horses - Hard Surface - Medium In, Slow, & Stop, Unevenly Paced Horses-GroupOfHorses-HardSu.wav Soundstorm 0:21 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Group Of Horses - Pebbly Dirt & Grass Leaves - Onboard Variable, Gallop & Stop, Lots Of Gravel Tossing, Heavy Breathing Horses-GroupOfHorses-Pebb_1.wav Soundstorm 0:39 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Group Of Horses - Pebbly Dirt & Grass Leaves - Onboard Variable, Gallop & Stop, Heavy Breathing Horses-GroupOfHorses-Pebbly.wav Soundstorm 0:42 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Group Of Horses - Soft Dirt & Grass Leaves - Onboard Variable, Gallop, Stop, Gallop, Lots Of Movement Horses-GroupOfHorses-SoftDi.wav Soundstorm 1:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Horse & Wagon Carriage - Hard Dirt & Grass - Close-Up Onboard Walk @ Medium Speed, Incrementally Decreases In Volume, Minute Wood Creaks, Bridle Movement Horses-Horse&WagonCarriag_1.wav Soundstorm 0:29 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Horse & Wagon Carriage - Hard Dirt & Grass - Close-Up Onboard By @ Light Running Pace, Bridal Movement, Wagon Creaks Horses-Horse&WagonCarriag_2.wav Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Horse & Wagon Carriage - Hard Dirt & Grass - Close-Up Onboard By @ Medium Canter Pace, Low Frequency Dragging & Creaking Over Wood, Bridle Movement Horses-Horse&WagonCarriag_3.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Horse & Wagon Carriage - Hard Dirt & Grass - Close-Up Onboard Light Run By, Rattling & Creaking Wood, Bridle Movement Horses-Horse&WagonCarriag_4.wav Soundstorm 0:19 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Horse & Wagon Carriage - Hard Dirt & Grass - Close-Up Onboard Light Run By, Low-Mid Frequency Drags & Wood Creaks, Bridle Movement Horses-Horse&WagonCarriag_5.wav Soundstorm 0:15 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Horse & Wagon Carriage - Hard Dirt & Grass - Close-Up Onboard Walk By, Low Frequency Drag & Wood Creak, Bridle Movement Horses-Horse&WagonCarriag_6.wav Soundstorm 0:11 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Horse & Wagon Carriage - Hard Dirt & Grass - Close-Up Onboard Walk By, Low Frequency Drag & Lots Of Wood Creak, Bridle Horses-Horse&WagonCarriag_7.wav Movement Soundstorm 0:22 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Horse & Wagon Carriage - Hard Dirt & Grass - Close-Up Onboard Walk @ Medium Speed, Slight Stop Near Tail, Bridle Movement Horses-Horse&WagonCarriage-.wav Soundstorm 0:27 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Horse - Asphalt - Canter In, To Trot, To Walk Close-Up By Horses-Horse-Asphalt-Cant_1.wav Soundstorm 0:16 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Horse - Asphalt - Canter In, Close-Up Stop, Hoof Slides Horses-Horse-Asphalt-Cant_2.wav Soundstorm 0:12 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Horse - Asphalt - Canter Close-Up By Horses-Horse-Asphalt-Cant_3.wav Soundstorm 0:28 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Horse - Asphalt - Canter In, Close-Up Stop Horses-Horse-Asphalt-Canter.wav Soundstorm 0:13 Hard Drive 0 0 Animal, Horse Horses - Horse - Asphalt - Close-Up Start, Canter Away Horses-Horse-Asphalt-Clo