MSP430 Teaching Materials
MSP430 Teaching Materials
15/01/2013 MSP430 Teaching Materials UBI Capítulo 7 Comunicaciones Introducción Texas Instruments Incorporated University of Beira Interior (PT) Pedro Dinis Gaspar, António Espírito Santo, Bruno Ribeiro, Humberto Santos University of Beira Interior, Electromechanical Engineering Department >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved Contents UBI Introduction Communications system model Transmission mode Serial communications Synchronous and asynchronous serial communications Peripheral Interface Serial (SPI) protocol I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) protocol MSP430 communications interfaces Quiz >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 2 1 15/01/2013 Introduction UBI Una característica importante de los sistemas basados en microprocesadores modernos es su capacidad de comunicación, es decir, su capacidad para intercambiar información con otros sistemas en el medio ambiente circundante; A bajo nivel, las interfaces de comunicación se utilizan para descargar una actualización de firmware o para establecer las configuraciones locales (por ejemplo, características encender o apagar), entre otras tareas; En un nivel superior, interfaces de comunicación se utilizan para intercambiar información en aplicaciones distribuidas. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 3 Communications system model (1/2) UBI Dispositivos de comunicación digital: Transmisor: Tiene la tarea de poner la información en el formato adecuado para su posterior transmisión; Receptor: Es el encargado de recoger el mensaje que se ha enviado y extraer la información original; Medio de comunicación: El medio físico a través del cual fluye la información y se implementa habitualmente como: • Par de cable trenzado; • Cable de fibra óptica; • Transmisión por radiofrecuencia. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 4 2 15/01/2013 Communications system model (2/2) UBI Dispositivos de un sistema de comunicación digital: DTE: Data Terminal Equipment; DCE: Data Communications Equipment. Transmitter Receiver Transmission medium DTE DCE DCE Receiver >> Contents DTE Transmitter Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 5 Transmission mode (1/5) UBI La comunicaciones entre dispositivos digitales pueden ser divididos en dos tiempos: Comunicaciones paralelas; Comunicaciones seriales. Comunicaciones paralelas: El medio físico de transmisión tiene líneas independientes de señal en un número igual a los bits de la palabra digital transmitida; La información transmitida en cualquier instante dado, es la palabra de datos formada por los niveles lógicos en las líneas de señal diferentes. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 6 3 15/01/2013 Transmission mode (2/5) UBI Comunicaciones paralelas: Ejemplo: Carácter ASCII “W” en una transmisión paralela. Flujo de la información >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 7 Transmission mode (3/5) UBI Comunicación serial: El medio físico de transmisión sólo necesita una línea de señal; La información transmitida es proporcionada por el transmisor como una secuencia de bits, enviado a la razón establecida entre el transmisor y el receptor; Se necesita información adicional para permitir la sincronización entre el receptor y el transmisor: • Bit de inicio: se añade al inicio de la información transmitida, de modo que el receptor puede identificar el inicio de una nueva transmisión; • Bit de paro(s): Añadido a la final de la información transmitida para indicar que el valor de los datos se ha completado. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 8 4 15/01/2013 Transmission mode (4/5) UBI Comunicación serial: Ejemplo: Carácter ASCII “W” de transmisión serial: Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 9 Transmission mode (5/5) UBI Ventajas y desventajas de las comunicaciones seriales y paralelas: Característica Bus line Sequence Transmission rate Paralela Serial One line per bit All bits of one simultaneously One line word High Sequence of bits Low Bus length Short distances Short and long distances Cost High Low Asynchronous transmission Synchronisation between needs start and stop bits Critical the different bits is Synchronous transmission characteristics demanding needs some other synchronisation >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 10 5 15/01/2013 Serial communications (1/3) UBI El bit de inicio identifica el inicio de una transferencia de datos y se genera una transición de alto a bajo en el bus; Tras el bit de inicio son los bits de datos. En este ejemplo, el código ASCII para la transferencia de texto utiliza siete bits de datos; La comprobación de errores de bit (bit de paridad) se envía después de los bits de datos; Para finalizar la transmisión, uno o dos bits de parada se emiten; A partir de siete bits de datos, el mensaje completo puede utilizar uno o dos bits de paro. Si se usan ocho bits de datos, un bit de paro sólo está disponible para la transmisión. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 11 Serial communications (2/3) UBI Bit de paridad: Se utiliza para verificar la integridad de la información transmitida; El bit se agrega por el transmisor e indica si la suma total de los números "1" en el mensaje de datos es par o impar; Las transmisiones pueden ser configurados para paridad par o impar. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 12 6 15/01/2013 Serial communications (3/3) UBI Ejemplo de baud rate: La transmisión de la “W”: • El caracter usa siete bits de datos; • Cuatro bits son usados para control, haciendo un total de 11 bits. • Esto corresponde a 11 bauds; • Si los caracteres son transmitidos a una razón de 10 caracteres por segundo, el baud rate sería: 10x11 = 1100 baud/s. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 13 Synchronous and asynchronous serial communications (1/2) UBI Las comunicaciones seriales pueden ser: Asíncrono: donde la tasa de transmisión (baud rate) está fijado por el transmisor y el receptor funcionan en la mismo baud rate de transmisión, utilizando el bit de inicio de transmisión para sincronizar el inicio de un nuevo mensaje; Síncrono: donde hay una señal de sincronización de reloj independiente conectado entre el receptor y el transmisor. Síncrono: donde hay una señal de sincronización de reloj independiente conectado entre el receptor y el transmisor. Comunicaciones síncronas: Normalmente una unidad asume el papel de maestro y uno o más de las otras unidades tomar el papel de esclavos; La señal de reloj generada por el maestro es utilizado por las unidades esclavas para transferir datos en /hacia los registros TX y RX; Es posible que un dispositivo para transmita y reciba simultáneamente. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 14 7 15/01/2013 Synchronous and asynchronous serial communications (2/2) UBI Comunicaciones asíncronas: Caracterizada por la ausencia de cualquier señal de reloj de sincronización entre las unidades; La transmisión en este modo no permite la transmisión y recepción simultáneas, es decir, cuando un dispositivo transmite los otros dispositivos sólo escuchan. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 15 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) protocol (1/2) UBI El bus de Interfaz Serial de Periféricos (Serial Peripheral Interface SPI) es un estándar para la comunicación serial síncrona. Desarrollado por Motorola; Funciona en mod full duplex; Relación Maestro / esclavo; Las comunicaciones son Siempre iniciadas por el maestro. Bajo costo. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 16 8 15/01/2013 Peripheral Interface Serial (SPI) protocol (2/2) UBI Soporta un solo maestro; Puede soportar más de un esclavo; A corta distancia entre dispositivos, por ejemplo, en una placa de circuito impreso (PCB); Se observa especial atención en la polaridad y la fase de la señal de reloj; El maestro envía los datos en un filo de reloj y lee los datos en el otro filo. Por lo tanto, se puede enviar / recibir al mismo tiempo. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 17 I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) protocol (1/3) UBI Bus serial síncrono de computadora multi maestro; Inventado por Philips semiconductores; Desarrollado con el objetivo principal de establecer vínculos entre los circuitos integrados y para conectar periféricos de baja velocidad; Basado en un dos líneas bidireccionales con compuertas de colector abierto conectadas con resistores: • SDA: Serial Data; • SCL: Serial clock. Los voltajes típicos usados son de +5.0 V o +3.3 V, sin embargo otros voltajes son posibles. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 18 9 15/01/2013 I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) protocol (2/3) UBI Las comunicaciones son siempre iniciados y completados por el maestro, el cual es responsable de generar la señal de reloj; En aplicaciones más complejas, I2C puede funcionar en modo de multi maestro; La selección del esclavo por el maestro es realizado usando la dirección de 7 bits del esclavo destino; El maestro (en modo de transmisión) envía: Bit de inicio; La dirección de 7-bits del esclavo con el que se desea comunicar; Con un bit se determina Con un solo bit representa si desea escribir (0) o para leer (1) desde el esclavo; El esclavo de destino responde con su dirección. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 19 I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) protocol (3/3) UBI Ejemplo de un sistema de comunicación I2C: >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 20 10 15/01/2013 MSP430 communications interfaces (1/2) UBI Equipado con tres interfaces seriales: USART (Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter): • UART mode; • SPI mode; • I2C (on ‘F15x/’F16x only). USCI (Universal Serial Communication Interface): • UART with Lin/IrDA support; • SPI (Master/Slave, 3 and 4 wire modes); • I2C (Master/Slave, up to 400 kHz). USI (Universal Serial Interface): • SPI (Master/Slave, 3 & 4 wire mode); • I2C (Master/Slave, up to 400 kHz). >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 21 MSP430 communications interfaces (2/2) UBI Comparación entre los módulos de comunicaciones USART USCI USI UART: - Only one modulator - n/a - n/a - n/a UART: - Two modulators support n/16 timings - Auto baud rate detection - IrDA encoder & decoder - Simultaneous USCI_A and USCI_B (2 channels) SPI: - Only one SPI available - Master and Slave Modes - 3 and 4 Wire Modes SPI: - Two SPI (one on each USCI_A and USCI_B) - Master and Slave Modes - 3 and 4 Wire Modes SPI: - Only one SPI available - Master and Slave Modes I2C: (on ‘15x/’16x only) - Master and Slave Modes - up to 400kbps I2C: - Simplified interrupt usage - Master and Slave Modes - up to 400kbps I2C: - SW state machine needed - Master and Slave Modes >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 22 11 15/01/2013 Quiz (1/6) UBI 1. In the parallel communication transmission mode: (a) The data is transferred more slowly; (b) Each bit of the data has its own line; (c) All of above; (d) None of above. 2. In the serial communication transmission mode: (a) The data bits arrive sequentially; (b) The digital data is transferred faster; (c) All of above; (d) None of above. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 23 Quiz (2/6) UBI 3. The serial transmission mode is the most popular digital data communications method because: (a) Higher bit transfer rates are achieved; (b) It is cheaper to implement than parallel transmission mode; (c) All of above; (d) None of above. 4. In asynchronous serial transmission communications, the frame must include: (a) Start and stop bits. (b) Parity bit. (c) All of above; (d) None of above. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 24 12 15/01/2013 Quiz (3/6) UBI 5. Even parity means that an additional bit is: (a) Added to the data to make the sum of the “1” bits even; (b) Subtracted from the data to make the sum of the “1” bits even; (c) All of above; (d) None of above. 6. A USART is used: (a) Only for asynchronous transmissions; (b) Only for synchronous transmissions; (c) In parallel transmission communications; (d) In serial transmission communications. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 25 Quiz (4/6) UBI 7. Synchronous communication performed between two USART requires: (a) A common clock either in the transmitter or the receiver; (b) No common clock; (c) An independent clock in the transmitter; (d) An independent clock in the receiver. 8. Asynchronous communication between two USARTs requires: (a) A common clock in the transmitter and the receiver; (b) An independent clock in the transmitter and the receiver; (c) A common clock in the transmitter or the receiver; (d) An independent clock in the transmitter or the receiver. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 26 13 15/01/2013 Quiz (5/6) UBI 9. I2C is a bus: (a) Synchronous with a master and a slave where both can be the transmitter or receiver; (b) Where the master generates the clock; (c) All of above; (d) None of above. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 27 Quiz (6/6) UBI Answers: 1. (b) Each bit of the data has its own line. 2. (a) The data bits arrive sequentially. 3. (c) All of above. 4. (c) All of above. 5. (a) Added to the data to make the sum of the “1” bits even. 6. (d) In serial transmission communications. 7. (a) A common clock either in the transmitter or the receiver. 8. (b) An independent clock in the transmitter and the receiver. 9. (d) None of above. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 28 14 15/01/2013 UBI >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 29 MSP430 Teaching Materials UBI Capítulo 7 Comunicaciones Módulo USART Texas Instruments Incorporated University of Beira Interior (PT) Pedro Dinis Gaspar, António Espírito Santo, Bruno Ribeiro, Humberto Santos University of Beira Interior, Electromechanical Engineering Department >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 15 15/01/2013 Contents UBI MSP430 communications interfaces USART module introduction USART operation: UART mode USART operation: SPI mode USART registers (UART and SPI modes) Quiz >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 31 USART module introduction (1/2) UBI The USART (Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) este módulo esta basado para comunicaciones seriales soportando comunicaciones (RS232) y asíncronas (SPI). El módulo USART esta disponible en los dispositivos 4xx: MSP430x42x y MSP430x43x: un módulo; MSP430x44x y MSP430FG461x: Dos módulos. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 32 16 15/01/2013 USART module introduction (2/2) UBI El soporte del USART: • Modos de operación baja potencia (con auto inicio); • Modo UART o SPI (I2C solo en ‘F15x/’F16x); • Buffer doble TX/RX; • Generador de baud rate; • Habilita DMA; • Detección de errores. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 33 USART operation: UART mode (1/13) UBI Transmite y recibe caracteres de forma asíncrona; La sincronización de cada carácter se basa en la selección de baud rate seleccionada; El transmisor y el receptor usa la misma frecuencia de reloj que llevan el mismo baud rate; >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 34 17 15/01/2013 USART operation: UART mode (2/13) UBI Proceso de Inicialización / reconfiguración recomendada: Poner SWRST (BIS.B #SWRST,&UxCTL); Inicializa todos los registros del USART con SWRST = 1 (incluyendo UxCTL); Habilita el modo USART vía los SFRs Mex (URXEx y/o UTXEx); Limpia por software SWRST (BIC.B #SWRST,&UxCTL); Habilita las interrupciones (opcional) vía los SFRs Iex (URXIEx y/o UTXIEx); >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 35 USART operation: UART mode (3/13) UBI El formato del carácter se especifica como sigue: Bit de inicio; Siete u ocho bits de datos; Bit de paridad impar/par; Bit de dirección (modo de bit de dirección); Uno o dos bits de paro. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 36 18 15/01/2013 USART operation: UART mode (6/13) UBI Detección de error automático: El supresor de Glitch previene que la USART se inicie accidentalmente; Cualquier pulso corto en UCxRXC menor al tiempo de glitch (aproximadamente 30 ns). Error de trama FE: Se activa si el bit de paro es omitido de la trama recibida; Error de paridad PE: Se pone si la paridad es diferente de la trama recibida; Error de desbordamiento OE: Se pone si UxRXBUF es sobrescrita; Condición de ruptura BRK: Se pone si todos los bits en la trama recibida =0; >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 37 USART operation: UART mode (7/13) UBI Habilitado el receptor de la USART se activa el bit URXEx: El buffer del datos recibidos, UxRXBUF, contiene el carácter movido del registro de corrimiento RX después de que el carácter ha sido recibido. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 38 19 15/01/2013 USART operation: UART mode (8/13) UBI Habilitado el transmisor de la USART con el bit UTXEx: La transmisión es iniciado por escribir el dato a UxTXBUF; El valor del dato se mueve al registro de corrimiento del transmisor en el siguiente pulso de reloj después que éste se vacía. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 39 USART operation: UART mode (9/13) UBI Generación del Baud rate del USART : El baud rate estándar se genera con generadores de frecuencia no convencionales. El módulo USART utiliza un pre-escalador / divisor y un modulador; El bit de temporización (BITCLK) de este módulo se permite que sea más pequeño que 1/3 de la señal de reloj, BRCLK. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 40 20 15/01/2013 USART operation: UART mode (10/13) UBI Generación del Baud rate del USART(continuación): Bits de temporización: • Implementación en dos etapas: – Par el divisor BRCLK, el factor N esta dado por: BRCLK N= baudrate – Su parte entera es la primera fase del bit de tiempo; – Su parte fraccionaria de este factor es el modulador; – La nueva definición de N esta dado por: 1 n −1 N = UxBR + mi n i =0 ∑ >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 41 USART operation: UART mode (11/13) UBI Interrupción de la USART: Un vector de interrupciones para la transmisión y un vector para la recepción: Interrupción de la UART por transmisión: • La bandera de interrupción UTXIFGx se pone el transmisor para indicar que UxTXBUF está listo para aceptar otro carácter; • Una petición de interrupción también se genera si UTXIEx y GIE se activan; • El bit UTXIFGx se reinicia automáticamente si la solicitud de interrupción es atendida o si un carácter se escribe en UxTXBUF. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 42 21 15/01/2013 USART operation: UART mode (12/13) UBI Interrupción de la USART(continuación): Interrupción de la UART por recepción: • La bandera de interrupción URXIFGx se pone cada vez que se recibe un carácter y se cargan en UxRXBUF; • Una petición de interrupción también se genera si URXIEx y GIE se activan; • URXIFGx y URXIEx se restablecen por una señal de reinicio del sistema o cuando SWRST PUC = 1; • URXIFGx se reinicia automáticamente si la interrupción pendiente es atendida (cuando URXSE = 0) o cuando se lee UxRXBUF. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 43 USART operation: UART mode (13/13) UBI La facilidad de la detección del filo de inicio del receptor (URXSE bit). Deberá usarse cuando: BRCLK es la fuente del DCO; DCO esta apagado debido al modo de operación de bajo consumo. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 44 22 15/01/2013 Ejemplo de comunicaciones seriales UBI //*************************************************************** // MSP430G2xx3 Demo - USCI_A0, 9600 UART Echo ISR, DCO SMCLK // // Description: Echo a received character, RX ISR used. Normal mode is LPM0. // USCI_A0 RX interrupt triggers TX Echo. // Baud rate divider with 1MHz = 1MHz/9600 = ~104.2 // ACLK = n/a, MCLK = SMCLK = CALxxx_1MHZ = 1MHz // // MSP430G2xx3 // ----------------// /|\| XIN|// || | // --|RST XOUT|// | | // | P1.2/UCA0TXD|------------> // | | 9600 - 8N1 // | P1.1/UCA0RXD|<-----------// // D. Dang // Texas Instruments Inc. // February 2011 // Built with CCS Version 4.2.0 and IAR Embedded Workbench Version: 5.10 //************************************************************* Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 45 Ejemplo de comunicaciones seriales UBI #include "msp430g2553.h" void main(void) { WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop WDT BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_1MHZ; // Set DCO DCOCTL = CALDCO_1MHZ; P1SEL = BIT1 + BIT2 ; // P1.1 = RXD, P1.2=TXD P1SEL2 = BIT1 + BIT2 ; // P1.1 = RXD, P1.2=TXD UCA0CTL1 |= UCSSEL_2; // SMCLK UCA0BR0 = 104; // 1MHz 9600 UCA0BR1 = 0; // 1MHz 9600 UCA0MCTL = UCBRS0; // Modulation UCBRSx = 1 UCA0CTL1 &= ~UCSWRST; // >> Contents **Initialize USCI state machine** IE2 |= UCA0RXIE; // Enable USCI_A0 RX interrupt _BIS_SR(GIE); while(1); } // Echo back RXed character, confirm TX buffer is ready first #pragma vector=USCIAB0RX_VECTOR __interrupt void USCI0RX_ISR(void) { while (!(IFG2&UCA0TXIFG)); // USCI_A0 TX buffer ready? UCA0TXBUF = UCA0RXBUF; // TX -> RXed character } Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 46 23 15/01/2013 USART operation: SPI mode (1/8) UBI Serial data transmitted and received by multiple devices using a shared clock provided by the master; Three or four signals are used for SPI data exchange: SIMO: Slave In, Master Out; SOMI Slave Out, Master In; UCLK USART SPI clock; STE slave transmit enable (controlled by the master). >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 47 USART operation: SPI mode (2/8) UBI USART initialization/re-configuration process: Set SWRST (BIS.B #SWRST,&UxCTL); Initialize all USART registers with SWRST = 1 (including UxCTL); Enable USART module via the MEx SFRs (URXEx and/or UTXEx); Clear SWRST via software (BIC.B #SWRST,&UxCTL); Enable interrupts (optional) via the IEx SFRs (URXIEx and/or UTXIEx); >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 48 24 15/01/2013 USART operation: SPI mode (3/8) UBI Define mode: Master or Slave; Enable SPI transmit/receive, USPIEx; State diagram of transmit enable for SPI master mode: >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 49 USART operation: SPI mode (4/8) UBI Enable SPI transmit/receive, USPIEx; State diagram of transmit enable for SPI slave mode: >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 50 25 15/01/2013 USART operation: SPI mode (5/8) UBI Enable SPI transmit/receive, USPIEx; State diagram of receive enable for SPI master mode: >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 51 USART operation: SPI mode (6/8) UBI Enable SPI transmit/receive, USPIEx; State diagram of receive enable for SPI slave mode: >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 52 26 15/01/2013 USART operation: SPI mode (7/8) UBI Define serial clock control: UCLK is provided by the master on the SPI bus. • MM = 1: BITCLK is provided by the USART baud rate generator on the UCLK; • MM = 0: USART clock is provided on the UCLK pin by the master (baud rate generator disable); • The SPI receiver and transmitter operate in parallel and use the same clock source for data transfer. Define serial clock polarity (CKPL bit) and phase (CKPH bit); Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 53 USART operation: SPI mode (8/8) UBI USART interrupts: One interrupt vector for transmission and one interrupt vector for reception: UART transmit interrupt operation: • UTXIFGx interrupt flag is set by the transmitter to indicate that UxTXBUF is ready to accept another character; • An interrupt request is generated if UTXIEx and GIE are also set; • UTXIFGx is automatically reset if the interrupt request is serviced or if a character is written to UxTXBUF. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 54 27 15/01/2013 USART registers (UART and SPI modes) (1/11) UBI In this section, the register bit definitions are provided for both USART peripheral interfaces: Asynchronous UART mode; Synchronous SPI mode. The registers common to both modes are described simultaneously, taking into account that some of them are represented by the same mnemonic, only differentiated by the register number (“UART” for UART mode and “SPI” for SPI mode); The registers used exclusively for one mode are presented separately. Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 55 USART registers (UART and SPI modes) (2/11) UBI UxCTL, USART Control Register Mode 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 UART SPI PENA Unused PEV Unused SPB I2C(1) CHAR CHAR LISTEN LISTEN SYNC SYNC MM MM SWRST SWRST Bit UART mode description SPI mode description 7 PENA Parity enable when PENA = 1 Parity bit is generated (UTXDx) and expected (URXDx). 6 PEV Parity select: PEV = 0 ⇒ Odd parity PEV = 1 ⇒ Even parity 5 SPB Stop bit select: SPB = 0 ⇒ One stop bit SPB = 1 ⇒ Two stop bits I I2C or SPI mode select when SYNC = 1. I2C2= 0 ⇒ SPI mode I2CC= 1 ⇒ I2C mode 4 CHAR Character length: CHAR = 0 ⇒ 7-bit data CHAR = 1 ⇒ 8-bit data C As UART mode 3 LISTEN Listen enable when LISTEN = 1. The transmit signal is internally fed back to the receiver. L As UART mode 2 SYNC Synchronous mode enable: SYNC = 0 ⇒ UART mode SYNC = 1 ⇒ SPI Mode S As UART mode N C 1 MM Multiprocessor mode select MM = 0 ⇒ Idle-line multiprocessor protocol MM = 1 ⇒ Address-bit multiprocessor protocol M Master mode: MM M= 0 ⇒ USART is slave MM = 1 ⇒ USART is master 0 SWRST Software reset enable: SWRST = 0 ⇒ Disabled. USART reset released for operation SWRST = 1 ⇒ Enabled. USART logic held in reset state S >> Contents U Unused Unused As UART mode W R S T Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 56 28 15/01/2013 USART registers (UART and SPI modes) (3/11) UBI UxTCTL, USART Transmit Control Register Mode 7 6 3 2 1 0 UART Unused CKPL SSELx URXSE TXWAKE Unused TXEPT SPI CKPH CKPL SSELx Unused Unused STC TXEPT Bit 5 4 UART mode description SPI mode description 7 Unused CKPH 6 CKPL Clock polarity select: CKPL = 0 ⇒ UCLKI = UCLK CKPL = 1 ⇒ UCLKI = inverted UCLK CKPL Clock polarity select: CKPL = 0 ⇒ UCLKI = The inactive state is low. CKPL = 1 ⇒ UCLKI = The inactive state is high. 5-4 SSELx BRCLK source clock: SSEL1 SSEL0 = 00 ⇒ SSEL1 SSEL0 = 01 ⇒ SSEL1 SSEL0 = 10 ⇒ SSEL1 SSEL0 = 11 ⇒ SSELx BRCLK source clock: SSEL1 SSEL0 = 00 ⇒ SSEL1 SSEL0 = 01 ⇒ SSEL1 SSEL0 = 10 ⇒ SSEL1 SSEL0 = 11 ⇒ UCLKI ACLK SMCLK SMCLK 3 URXSE UART receive start-edge enable when URXSE = 1 Unused 2 TXWAKE Transmitter wake: TXWAKE = 0 ⇒ Next frame transmitted is data TXWAKE = 1 ⇒ Next frame transmitted is an address Unused 1 Unused 0 TXEPT Transmitter empty flag: TXEPT = 0 ⇒ UART is transmitting data and/or data is waiting in UxTXBUF TXEPT = 1 ⇒ Transmitter shift register and UxTXBUF are empty or SWRST=1 External UCLK (slave mode only) ACLK (master mode only) SMCLK (master mode only) SMCLK (master mode only) STC Slave transmit control: STC = 0 ⇒ 4-pin SPI mode: STE enabled. STC = 1 ⇒ 3-pin SPI mode: STE disabled. TXEPT Transmitter empty flag: TXEPT = 0 ⇒ UART is transmitting data and/or data is waiting in UxTXBUF TXEPT = 1 ⇒ UxTXBUF and TX shift register are empty Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 57 USART registers (UART and SPI modes) (4/11) UBI UxRCTL, USART Receive Control Register Mode 7 6 3 2 1 0 UART FE PE OE BRK URXEIE URXWIE RXWAKE RXERR SPI FE Unused OE Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused Bit 5 4 UART mode description SPI mode description 7 FE Framing error flag: = 0 ⇒ No error = 1 ⇒ Character received with low stop bit FE 6 PE Parity error flag: = 0 ⇒ No error = 1 ⇒ Character received with parity error Unused 5 OE Overrun error flag: = 0 ⇒ No error = 1 ⇒ A character was transferred into UxRXBUF before the previous character was read. OE 4 BRK Break detect flag: = 0 ⇒ No break condition = 1 ⇒ Break condition occurred Unused 3 URXEIE Receive erroneous-character interrupt-enable: = 0 ⇒ Err. characters rejected = 1 ⇒ Err. characters received Unused 2 URXWIE Receive wake-up interrupt-enable: = 0 ⇒ All received characters set IFG = 1 ⇒ Received address characters set IFG Unused 1 RXWAKE Receive wake-up flag: = 0 ⇒ Received character is data = 1 ⇒ Received character is an address Unused 0 RXERR Receive error flag: = 0 ⇒ No receive errors detected = 1 ⇒ Receive error detected Unused >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved Master mode framing error flag: (MM = 1, STC = 0) = 0 ⇒ No conflict detected = 1 ⇒ Bus conflict (STE’s negative edge) As UART mode 58 29 15/01/2013 USART registers (UART and SPI modes) (5/11) UBI UxBR0, USART Baud Rate Control Register 0 Mode 7 6 UART / SPI 27 26 5 4 25 24 3 2 1 0 23 22 21 20 UxBR1, USART Baud Rate Control Register 1 Mode 7 6 UART / SPI 215 214 Bit 5 4 213 212 3 2 1 0 211 210 29 28 UART mode description 7 SPI mode description The valid baud-rate control range is 3 ≤ UxBR < 0FFFFh, where UxBR = {UxBR1+UxBR0}. Unpredictable receive/transmit timing occurs if UxBR < 3. UxBRx UxBRx The baud-rate generator uses the content of {UxBR1+UxBR0} to set the baud rate. Unpredictable SPI operation occurs if UxBR < 2. Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 59 USART registers (UART and SPI modes) (6/11) UBI UxMCTL, USART Modulation Control Register Mode 7 6 UART / SPI m7 m6 Bit 7 5 4 m5 m4 3 2 1 0 m3 m2 m1 m0 UART mode description UxMCTL x SPI mode description Selects the modulation for BRCLK. UxMCTLx Not used in SPI mode and should be set to 00h. UxRXBUF, USART Receive Buffer Register Mode 7 6 UART / SPI 27 26 Bit 7 5 4 25 24 3 2 1 0 23 22 21 20 UART mode description UxRXBUFx >> Contents The receive-data buffer is user accessible and contains the last received character from the receive shift register. Reading UxRXBUF resets the receiveerror bits, the RXWAKE bit, and URXIFGx. In 7-bit data mode, UxRXBUF is LSB justified and the MSB is always cleared. SPI mode description UxRXBUFx Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved The receive-data buffer is user accessible and contains the last received character from the receive shift register. Reading UxRXBUF resets the OE bit and URXIFGx flag. In 7-bit data mode, UxRXBUF is LSB justified and the MSB is always cleared. 60 30 15/01/2013 USART registers (UART and SPI modes) (7/11) UBI UxTXBUF, USART Transmit Buffer Register Mode 7 6 UART / SPI 27 26 Bit 5 4 25 24 3 2 1 0 23 22 21 20 UART mode description 7 UxTXBUFx SPI mode description UxTXBUFx The transmit data buffer is user accessible and holds the data waiting to be moved into the transmit shift register and transmitted on UTXDx. Writing to the transmit data buffer clears UTXIFGx. The MSB of UxTXBUF is not used for 7-bit data and is cleared. The transmit data buffer is user accessible and contains current data to be transmitted. When seven-bit character-length is used, the data should be MSB justified before being moved into UxTXBUF. Data is transmitted MSB first. Writing to UxTXBUF clears UTXIFGx. Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 61 USART registers (UART and SPI modes) (8/11) UBI ME1, Module Enable Register 1 Mode 7 6 UART UTXE0 URXE0 SPI 5 4 3 2 1 0 USPIE0 Bit UART mode description 7 UTXE0 USART0 transmit enable: UTXE0 = 0 ⇒ Module not enabled UTXE0 = 1 ⇒ Module enabled 6 URXE0 USART0 receive enable: URXE0 = 0 ⇒ Module not enabled URXE0 = 1 ⇒ Module enabled SPI mode description USPIE0 USART0 SPI enable: USPIE0 = 0 ⇒ Module not enabled USPIE0 = 1 ⇒ Module enabled ME2, Module Enable Register 2 Mode 7 UART 6 5 4 UTXE1 URXE1 SPI 3 2 1 0 USPIE1 Bit UART mode description 5 UTXE1 USART1 transmit enable: UTXE1 = 0 ⇒ Module not enabled UTXE1 = 1 ⇒ Module enabled 4 URXE1 USART1 receive enable: URXE1 = 0 ⇒ Module not enabled URXE1 = 1 ⇒ Module enabled >> Contents SPI mode description USPIE1 Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved USART1 SPI enable: USPIE1 = 0 ⇒ Module not enabled USPIE1 = 1 ⇒ Module enabled 62 31 15/01/2013 USART registers (UART and SPI modes) (9/11) UBI IE1, Interrupt Enable Register 1 Mode 7 6 UART / SPI UTXIE0 URXIE0 Bit 5 4 3 2 UART mode description 1 0 SPI mode description 7 UTXIE0 USART0 UTXIFG0 transmit interrupt enable: UTXIE0 = 0 ⇒ Interrupt not enabled UTXIE0 = 1 ⇒ Interrupt enabled UTXIE0 As UART mode 6 URXIE0 USART0 URXIFG0 receive interrupt enable: URXIE0 = 0 ⇒ Interrupt not enabled URXIE0 = 1 ⇒ Interrupt enabled URXIE0 As UART mode IE2, Interrupt Enable Register 2 Mode 7 6 UART / SPI 5 4 UTXIE1 Bit 3 2 1 UART mode description SPI mode description 7 UTXIE1 USART1 UTXIFG1 transmit interrupt enable: UTXIE1 = 0 ⇒ Interrupt not enabled UTXIE1 = 1 ⇒ Interrupt enabled UTXIE1 As UART mode 6 URXIE1 USART1 URXIFG1 receive interrupt enable: URXIE1 = 0 ⇒ Interrupt not enabled URXIE1 = 1 ⇒ Interrupt enabled URXIE1 As UART mode Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 0 URXIE1 63 USART registers (UART and SPI modes) (10/11) UBI IFG1, Interrupt Flag Register 1 Mode 7 6 UART / SPI UTXIFG0 URXIFG0 Bit 5 4 3 UART mode description 2 0 SPI mode description 7 UTXIFG0 USART0 transmit interrupt flag. UTXIFG0 is set when U0TXBUF is empty. UTXIFG0 = 0 ⇒ No interrupt pending UTXIFG0 = 1 ⇒ Interrupt pending UTXIFG0 As UART mode 6 URXIFG0 USART0 receive interrupt flag. URXIFG0 is set when U0RXBUF has received a complete character. URXIFG0 = 0 ⇒ No interrupt pending URXIFG0 = 1 ⇒ Interrupt pending URXIFG0 As UART mode >> Contents 1 Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 64 32 15/01/2013 USART registers (UART and SPI modes) (11/11) UBI IFG2, Interrupt Flag Register 2 Mode UART / SPI Bit 7 6 5 UTXIFG1 4 3 2 UART mode description 0 SPI mode description 7 UTXIFG1 USART1 transmit interrupt flag. UTXIFG1 is set when U1TXBUF is empty. UTXIFG1 = 0 ⇒ No interrupt pending UTXIFG1 = 1 ⇒ Interrupt pending UTXIFG1 As UART mode 6 URXIFG1 USART1 receive interrupt flag. URXIFG1 is set when U1RXBUF has received a complete character. URXIFG1 = 0 ⇒ No interrupt pending URXIFG1 = 1 ⇒ Interrupt pending URXIFG1 As UART mode >> Contents 1 URXIFG1 Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 65 Quiz (1/5) UBI 1. The USART supports the following communication modes: (a) UART and I2C; (b) SPI and I2C; (c) UART and SPI; (d) None of above. 2. The USART module has: (a) One SPI module; (b) Two SPI modules; (c) Three SPI modules; (d) None of the above. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 66 33 15/01/2013 Quiz (2/5) UBI 3. The USART: (a) Transmits and receives characters synchronously; (b) Transmits characters synchronously and receives characters asynchronously; (c) Transmits characters asynchronously and receives characters synchronously; (d) Transmits and receives characters asynchronously. 4. The USART character format is composed of: (a) {Start bit, Seven data bits, Parity bit, Stop bit}; (b) {Start bit, Eight data bits, Parity bit, Stop bits}; (c) {Start bit, Seven data bits, Parity bit, Address bit; Stop bit}; (d) Each of the above is possible. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 67 Quiz (3/5) UBI 5. The asynchronous communication formats available to the USART module are: (a) Idle-line multiprocessor communication protocol; (b) Address bit multiprocessor communication protocol; (c) All of above; (d) None of above. 6. The automatic error detection recognizes: (a) Framing, Parity, Receive Overrun and Break condition errors; (b) Framing and Parity errors; (c) Receive Overrun and Break condition errors; (d) Framing, Parity, Receive Overrun errors. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 68 34 15/01/2013 Quiz (4/5) UBI 7. The serial clock control in SPI mode when MM = 1 is provided by the: (a) UCLK pin on the master; (b) BITCLK USART baud rate generator on the UCLK; (c) All of above; (d) None of above. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 69 Quiz (5/5) UBI Answers 1. (c) UART and SPI. 2. (a) One SPI module. 3. (d) Transmits and receives characters asynchronously. 4. (d) Each of the above is possible. 5. (c) All of above. 6. (a) Framing, Parity, Receive Overrun and Break condition errors. 7. (b) BITCLK USART baud rate generator on the UCLK. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 70 35 15/01/2013 MSP430 Teaching Materials UBI Capítulo 7 Comunicaciones Módulo USCI Texas Instruments Incorporated University of Beira Interior (PT) Pedro Dinis Gaspar, António Espírito Santo, Bruno Ribeiro, Humberto Santos University of Beira Interior, Electromechanical Engineering Department >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved Contents UBI MSP430 communications interfaces USCI module introduction USCI operation: UART mode USCI operation: SPI mode USCI operation: I2C mode USCI registers: UART, SPI and I2C modes Lab10b: USCI echo test Quiz >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 72 36 15/01/2013 USCI module introduction (1/3) UBI Although supporting UART, SPI and I2C, the USCI (Universal Serial Communication Interface) module is a communications interface specially designed to interconnect with high-speed industrial protocols: LIN (Local interconnect Network), used for low-cost modules in cars e.g. door modules, alarms, rain-sensors; IrDA (Infrared Data Association). The USCI module is available in the following devices: • MSP430F5xx; • MSP430F4xx and MSP430FG41xx; • MSP430F2xx. Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 73 USCI module introduction (2/3) UBI The USCI module supports: Low power operating modes (with auto-start); Two individual blocks: • USCI_A: UART and SPI; • USCI_B: SPI and I2C. Double buffered TX/RX; Baud rate/bit clock generator: • With auto-baud rate detect; • Flexible clock source. RX glitch suppression; DMA enabled; Error detection. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 74 37 15/01/2013 USCI module introduction (3/3) UBI USCI block diagram: Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 75 USCI operation: SPI mode (1/9) UBI Flexible interface: 3- or 4-pin SPI; 7- or 8-bit data length; Master or slave; LSB or MSB first. S/W configurable clock phase and polarity; Programmable SPI master clock; Double buffered TX/RX; Interrupt driven TX/RX (USCI_A and USCI_B share TX and RX vector); Direct Memory Address ( DMA) enabled; LPMx operation. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 76 38 15/01/2013 USCI operation: SPI mode (2/9) UBI USCI module: SPI mode block diagram: >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 77 USCI operation: SPI mode (3/9) UBI USCI module: SPI connections: >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 78 39 15/01/2013 USCI operation: SPI mode (4/9) UBI Serial data transmitted and received by multiple devices using a shared clock provided by the master; Three or four signals are used for SPI data exchange: UCxSIMO: Slave in, master out; UCxSOMI: Slave out, master in; UCxCLK: USCI SPI clock; UCxSTE: Slave transmit enable: • Enables a device to receive and transmit data and is controlled by the master; • 4 wire master, senses conflicts with other master(s); • In 4 wire slave, externally controls TX and RX. Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 79 USCI operation: SPI mode (5/9) UBI USCI initialization/re-configuration process: Set UCSWRST (BIS.B #UCSWRST,&UCAxCTL1); Initialize all USCI registers with UCSWRST = 1 (including UCxCTL1); Configure ports; Clear UCSWRST via software (BIC.B #UCSWRST,&UCxCTL1); Enable interrupts (optional) via UCxRXIE and/or UCxTXIE. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 80 40 15/01/2013 USCI operation: SPI mode (6/9) UBI Define the character format as presented earlier; Define mode: Master or Slave; Enable SPI transmit/receive clearing the UCSWRST bit; Define serial clock control: UCxCLK is provided by the master on the SPI bus; Configure serial clock polarity and phase (UCCKPL and UCCKPH bits). Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 81 USCI operation: SPI mode (7/9) UBI USCI interrupts: One interrupt vector for transmission and one interrupt vector for reception: SPI transmit interrupt operation: • UCxTXIFG interrupt flag is set by the transmitter to indicate that UCxTXBUF is ready to accept another character; • An interrupt request is generated if UCxTXIE and GIE are also set; • UCxTXIFG is automatically reset if the interrupt request is serviced or if a character is written to UCxTXBUF. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 82 41 15/01/2013 USCI operation: SPI mode (8/9) UBI USCI interrupts (continued): USCI receive interrupt operation: • UCxRXIFG interrupt flag is set each time a character is received and loaded into UCxRXBUF; • An interrupt request is also generated if UCxRXIE and GIE are set; • UCxRXIFG and UCxRXIE are reset by a system reset PUC signal or when SWRST = 1; • UCxRXIFG is automatically reset if the pending interrupt is serviced (when UCSWRST = 1) or when UCxRXBUF is read. Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 83 USCI operation: SPI mode (9/9) UBI USCI interrupts (continued): SPI TX interrupt: >> Contents SPI RX interrupt: Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 84 42 15/01/2013 USCI operation: I2C mode (1/11) UBI The I2C mode supports any master or slave I2Ccompatible device (Specification v2.1); Each I2C device is recognized by a unique address and can operate as either a transmitter or a receiver, as well as either the master or the slave; A master initiates a data transfer and generates the clock signal SCL; Any device addressed by a master is considered a slave; Communication using the bi-directional serial data (SDA) and serial clock (SCL) pins; >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 85 USCI operation: I2C mode (2/11) UBI I2C mode block diagram: >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 86 43 15/01/2013 USCI operation: I2C mode (3/11) UBI I2C mode block diagram: >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 87 USCI operation: I2C mode (4/11) UBI Initialized using the sequence given earlier; I2C serial data: One clock pulse is generated by the master for each data bit transferred; Operates with byte data (MSB transferred first); The first byte after a START condition consists of a 7-bit slave address and the R/W bit: • R/W = 0: Master transmits data to a slave; • R/W = 1: Master receives data from a slave. The ACK bit is sent from the receiver after each byte on the 9th SCL clock. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 88 44 15/01/2013 USCI operation: I2C mode (5/11) UBI I2C addressing modes (7-bit and 10-bit addressing modes); I2C module operating modes: Master transmitter; Master receiver; Slave transmitter; Slave receiver. Arbitration procedure is invoked if two or more master transmitters simultaneously start a transmission on the bus; >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 89 USCI operation: I2C mode (6/11) UBI I2C Clock generation and synchronization: SCL is provided by the master on the I2C bus; Master mode: BITCLK is provided by the USCI bit clock generator; Slave mode: the bit clock generator is not used. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 90 45 15/01/2013 USCI operation: I2C mode (7/11) UBI I2C interrupts: One interrupt vector for transmission and one interrupt vector for reception; I2C transmit interrupt operation: • UCBxTXIFG interrupt flag is set by the transmitter to indicate that UCBxTXBUF is ready to accept another character; • An interrupt request is also generated if UCBxTXIE and GIE are set; • UCBxTXIFG is automatically reset if a character is written to UCBxTXBUF or a NACK is received. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 91 USCI operation: I2C mode (8/11) UBI I2C interrupts (continued): I2C receive interrupt operation: • UCBxRXIFG interrupt flag is set each time a character is received and loaded into UCxRXBUF; • An interrupt request is also generated if UCBxRXIE and GIE are set; • UCBxRXIFG and UCBxRXIE are reset by a system reset PUC signal or when SWRST = 1; • UCxRXIFG is automatically reset when UCBxRXBUF is read. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 92 46 15/01/2013 USCI operation: I2C mode (9/11) UBI I2C interrupts (continued): I2C transmit/receive interrupt operation: >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 93 USCI operation: I2C mode (10/11) UBI I2C interrupts (continued): I2C state change interrupt flags: • Arbitration-lost, UCALIFG: Flag is set when two or more transmitters start a transmission simultaneously, or operates as master but is addressed as a slave by another master; • Not-acknowledge interrupt, UCNACKIFG: Flag set when an acknowledge is expected but is not received; • Start condition detected interrupt, UCSTTIFG: Flag set when the I2C module detects a START condition together with its own address while in slave mode; • Stop condition detected interrupt, UCSTPIFG: Flag set when the I2C module detects a STOP condition while in slave mode. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 94 47 15/01/2013 USCI operation: I2C mode (11/11) UBI I2C interrupts (continued): I2C TX interrupt: I2C RX interrupt: Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 95 USCI registers (UART, SPI and I2C modes) (1/20) UBI UCAxCTL0, USCI_Ax Control Register 0 (UART, SPI) UCBxCTL0, USCI_Bx Control Register 0 (SPI, I2C) Mode 7 6 5 4 3 UART UCPEN UCPAR UCMSB UC7BIT UCSPB SPI UCCKPH UCCKPL UCMSB UC7BIT I2C UCA10 UCSLA10 UCMM Unused Bit UART mode description 2 1 0 UCMODEx UCSYNC=0 UCMST UCMODEx UCSYNC=1 UCMST UCMODEx=11 UCSYNC=1 I2C mode description SPI mode description 7 UCPEN Parity enable UCPEN = 1 when UCCKPH Clock phase select: UCCKPH = 0 ⇒ Data is changed on the 1st UCLK edge and captured on the next one. UCCKPH = 1 ⇒ Data is captured on the 1st UCLK edge and changed on the next one. UCA10 Own addressing mode select: UCA10= 0 ⇒ 7-bit address UCA10= 1 ⇒ 10-bit address 6 UCPAR Parity select: UCPAR = 0 ⇒ Odd parity UCPAR = 1 ⇒ Even parity UCCKPL Clock polarity select. UCCKPL = 0 ⇒ Inactive state: low. UCCKPL = 1 ⇒ Inactive state: high. UCSLA10 Slave addressing mode select: UCSLA10= 0 ⇒ 7-bit address UCSLA10= 1 ⇒ 10-bit address 5 UCMSB MSB first select: UCMSB = 0 ⇒ LSB first UCMSB = 1 ⇒ MSB first UCMSB As UART mode UCMM Multi-master environment select: UCMM= 0 ⇒ Single master UCMM= 1 ⇒ Multi master >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 96 48 15/01/2013 USCI registers (UART, SPI and I2C modes) (2/20) UBI UCAxCTL0, USCI_Ax Control Register 0 (UART, SPI) UCBxCTL0, USCI_Bx Control Register 0 (SPI, I2C) Mode 7 6 5 4 3 UART UCPEN UCPAR UCMSB UC7BIT UCSPB SPI UCCKPH UCCKPL UCMSB UC7BIT I 2C UCA10 UCSLA10 UCMM Unused Bit UART mode description 2 1 0 UCMODEx UCSYNC=0 UCMST UCMODEx UCSYNC=1 UCMST UCMODEx=11 UCSYNC=1 I2C mode description SPI mode description 4 UC7BIT Character length: = 0 ⇒ 8-bit data = 1 ⇒ 7-bit data UC7BIT As UART mode Unused 3 UCSPB Stop bit select: = 0 ⇒ One stop bit = 1 ⇒ Two stop bits UCMST Master mode: = 0 ⇒ USART is slave = 1 ⇒ USART is master UCMST Master mode select. = 0 ⇒ Slave mode = 1 ⇒ Master mode 2-1 UCMODEx USCI asynchronous mode: = 00 ⇒ UART = 01 ⇒ Idle-Line Multiproc. = 10 ⇒ Address-Bit Multiproc. = 11 ⇒ UART with ABR. UCMODEx USCI synchronous mode: = 00 ⇒ 3-Pin SPI = 01 ⇒ 4-Pin SPI (slave enabled when UCxSTE=1) = 10 ⇒ 4-Pin SPI (slave enabled when UCxSTE=0) = 11 ⇒ I2C UCMODEx=11 USCI Mode: = 00 ⇒ 3-Pin SPI = 01 ⇒ 4-Pin SPI (master/slave enabled if STE = 1) = 10 ⇒ 4-Pin SPI (master/slave enabled if STE = 0) = 11 ⇒ I2C 0 UCSYNC=0 Synchronous mode enable: = 0 ⇒ Asynchronous = 1 ⇒ Synchronous UCSYNC=1 As UART mode UCSYNC=1 As UART mode Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 97 USCI registers (UART, SPI and I2C modes) (3/20) UBI UCAxCTL1, USCI_Ax Control Register 1 (UART, SPI) UCBxCTL1, USCI_Bx Control Register 1 (SPI, I2C) Mode UART 7 6 UCSSELx 5 4 3 2 1 0 UCRXEIE UCBRKIE UCDORM UCTXADDR UCTXBRK UCSWRST SPI UCSSELx Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused UCSWRST I 2C UCSSELx Unused UCTR UCTXNACK UCTXSTP UCTXSTT UCSWRST Bit UART mode description 7-6 UCSSELx BRCLK source clock: = 00 ⇒ UCLK = 01 ⇒ ACLK = 10 ⇒ SMCLK = 11 ⇒ SMCLK UCSSELx 5 UCRXEIE Receive erroneous-character IE: = 0 ⇒ Rejected (UCAxRXIFG not set) = 1 ⇒ Received (UCAxRXIFG set) 4 UCBRKIE Receive break character IE: = 0 ⇒ Not set UCAxRXIFG. = 1 ⇒ Set UCAxRXIFG. >> Contents I2C mode description SPI mode description BRCLK source clock: = 00 ⇒ N/A = 01 ⇒ ACLK = 10 ⇒ SMCLK = 11 ⇒ SMCLK UCSSELx BRCLK source clock: = 00 ⇒ UCLKI = 01 ⇒ ACLK = 10 ⇒ SMCLK = 11 ⇒ SMCLK Unused Unused Slave addressing mode select: UCSLA10= 0 ⇒ 7-bit address UCSLA10= 1 ⇒ 10-bit address Unused UCTR Transmitter/Receiver select: = 0 ⇒ Receiver = 1 ⇒ Transmitter Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 98 49 15/01/2013 USCI registers (UART, SPI and I2C modes) (4/20) UBI UCAxCTL1, USCI_Ax Control Register 1 (UART, SPI) UCBxCTL1, USCI_Bx Control Register 1 (SPI, I2C) Mode 7 UART 6 UCSSELx 5 4 3 2 1 0 UCRXEIE UCBRKIE UCDORM UCTXADDR UCTXBRK UCSWRST SPI UCSSELx Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused UCSWRST I 2C UCSSELx Unused UCTR UCTXNACK UCTXSTP UCTXSTT UCSWRST Bit UART mode description I2C mode description SPI mode description 3 UCDORM Dormant. Puts USCI into sleep mode: = 0 ⇒ Not dormant = 1 ⇒ Dormant Unused UCTXNACK Transmit a NACK: = 0 ⇒ Acknowledge normally = 1 ⇒ Generate NACK 2 UCTXADDR Transmit address: = 0 ⇒ Next frame transmitted is data = 1 ⇒ Next frame transmitted is address Unused UCTXSTP Transmit STOP condition in master mode: = 0 ⇒ No STOP generated = 1 ⇒ Generate STOP 1 UCTXBRK Transmit break: = 0 ⇒ Next frame transmitted is not a break = 1 ⇒ Next frame transmitted is a break or a break/synch Unused UCTXSTT Transmit START condition in master mode: = 0 ⇒ No START generated = 1 ⇒ Generate START 0 UCSWRST Software reset enable =0 ⇒ Disabled. USCI reset released for operation 1 ⇒ Enabled. USCI logic held in reset state UCSWRST UCSWRST As UART mode As UART mode Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 99 USCI registers (UART, SPI and I2C modes) (5/20) UBI UCAxBR0, USCI_Ax Baud Rate Control Register 0 (UART, SPI) UCBxBR0, USCI_Bx Bit Rate Control Register 0 (SPI, I2C) Mode 7 6 5 4 UART / SPI / I2C 3 2 1 0 UCBRx – low byte UCAxBR1, USCI_Ax Baud Rate Control Register 1 (UART, SPI) UCBxBR1, USCI_Bx Bit Rate Control Register 1 (SPI, I2C) Mode 7 6 5 4 UART / SPI / I2C Bit 7-6 UART mode description UCBRx >> Contents 3 2 1 0 UCBRx – high byte I2C mode description SPI mode description Clock prescaler setting of the baud rate generator: Prescaler value (16-bit value) = {UCAxBR0+UCAxBR1x256} UCBRx Bit clock prescaler setting: Prescaler value (16-bit value) = {UCAxBR0+UCAxBR1×256} Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved UCBRx As SPI mode 100 50 15/01/2013 USCI registers (UART, SPI and I2C modes) (6/20) UBI UCAxSTAT, USCI_Ax Status Register (UART, SPI) UCBxSTAT, USCI_Bx Status Register (SPI, I2C) Mode 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 UART UCLISTEN UCFE UCOE UCPE UCBRK UCRXERR UCADDR UCIDLE UCBUSY SPI UCLISTEN UCFE UCOE Unused Unused Unused Unused UCBUSY I 2C Unused UCSCLLOW UCGC UCBBUSY UCNACKIFG UCSTPIFG UCSTTIFG UCALIFG Bit UART mode description I2C mode description SPI mode description 7 UCLISTEN Listen enable: = 0 ⇒ Disabled = 1 ⇒ UCAxTXD is internally fed back to receiver UCLISTEN Listen enable: = 0 ⇒ Disabled = 1 ⇒ The transmitter output is internally fed back to receiver Unused 6 UCFE Framing error flag: = 0 ⇒ No error = 1 ⇒ Character with low stop bit UCFE Framing error flag: = 0 ⇒ No error = 1 ⇒ Bus conflict (4w master) UCSCLLOW SCL low: = 0 ⇒ SCL is not held low = 1 ⇒ SCL is held low 5 UCOE Overrun error flag: = 0 ⇒ No error = 1 ⇒ Overrun error UCOE As UART mode UCGC General call address received: = 0 ⇒ No general call address = 1 ⇒ General call address Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 101 USCI registers (UART, SPI and I2C modes) (7/20) UBI UCAxSTAT, USCI_Ax Status Register (UART, SPI) UCBxSTAT, USCI_Bx Status Register (SPI, I2C) Mode 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 UART UCLISTEN UCFE UCOE UCPE UCBRK UCRXERR UCADDR UCIDLE UCBUSY SPI UCLISTEN UCFE UCOE Unused Unused Unused Unused UCBUSY I 2C Unused UCSCLLOW UCGC UCBBUSY UCNACKIFG UCSTPIFG UCSTTIFG UCALIFG Bit UART mode description I2C mode description SPI mode description 4 UCPE Parity error flag: = 0 ⇒ No error = 1 ⇒ Character with parity error Unused UCBBUSY Bus busy: = 0 ⇒ Bus inactive = 1 ⇒ Bus busy 3 UCBRK Break detect flag: = 0 ⇒ No break condition = 1 ⇒ Break condition occurred Unused UCNACKIFG NACK received interrupt flag: = 0 ⇒ No interrupt pending = 1 ⇒ Interrupt pending 2 UCRXERR Receive error flag. = 0 ⇒ No receive errors detected = 1 ⇒ Receive error detected Unused UCSTPIFG Stop condition interrupt flag: = 0 ⇒ No interrupt pending = 1 ⇒ Interrupt pending 1 UCADDR UCIDLE Address-bit multiproc. mode: = 0 ⇒ Received character is data = 1 ⇒ Received character is an address Idle-line multiproc. mode: = 0 ⇒ No idle line detected = 1 ⇒ Idle line detected Unused UCSTTIFG Start condition interrupt flag: = 0 ⇒ No interrupt pending = 1 ⇒ Interrupt pending 0 UCBUSY USCI busy: = 0 ⇒ USCI inactive = 1 ⇒ USCI transmit/receive UCBUSY UCALIFG Arbitration lost interrupt flag: = 0 ⇒ No interrupt pending = 1 ⇒ Interrupt pending >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 102 51 15/01/2013 USCI registers (UART, SPI and I2C modes) (8/20) UBI UCAxRXBUF, USCI_Ax Receive Buffer Register (UART, SPI) UCBxRXBUF, USCI_Bx Receive Buffer Register (SPI, I2C) Mode 7 6 5 4 UART / SPI / I2C Bit 7-0 UART mode description UCRXBUFx 3 2 1 0 UCRXBUFx The receive-data buffer is user accessible and contains the last received character from the receive shift register. Reading UCxRXBUF resets receive-error bits, UCADDR/UCIDLE bit and UCAxRXIFG. In 7-bit data mode, UCAxRXBUF is LSB justified and the MSB is always cleared. I2C mode description SPI mode description UCRXBUFx As UART mode Reading UCxRXBUF resets the receive-error bits, and UCxRXIFG UCRXBUFx As SPI mode Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 103 USCI registers (UART, SPI and I2C modes) (9/20) UBI UCAxTXBUF, USCI_Ax Transmit Buffer Register (UART, SPI) UCBxTXBUF, USCI_Bx Transmit Buffer Register (SPI, I2C) Mode 7 6 5 4 UART / SPI / I2C Bit 7-0 UART mode description UCTXBUFx >> Contents 3 2 1 0 UCTXBUFx The transmit data buffer is user accessible and holds the data waiting to be moved into the transmit shift register and transmitted on UCAxTXD. Writing to the transmit data buffer clears UCAxTXIFG. I2C mode description SPI mode description UCTXBUFx The transmit data buffer is user accessible and holds the data waiting to be moved into the transmit shift register and transmitted. Writing to the transmit data buffer clears UCxTXIFG. Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved UCTXBUFx As SPI mode 104 52 15/01/2013 USCI registers (UART, SPI and I2C modes) (10/20) UBI IE2, Interrupt Enable Register 2 (UART, SPI, I2C) Mode 7 6 5 4 3 2 UART SPI UCB0TXIE UCB0RXIE I 2C UCB0TXIE UCB0RXIE Bit UART mode description 1 0 UCA0TXIE UCA0RXIE UCA0TXIE UCA0RXIE I2C mode description SPI mode description 3 UCB0TXIE USCI_B0 transmit interrupt enable: = 0 ⇒ Disabled = 1 ⇒ Enabled UCB0TXIE As SPI mode 2 UCB0RXIE USCI_B0 receive interrupt enable: = 0 ⇒ Disabled = 1 ⇒ Enabled UCB0RXIE As SPI mode 1 UCA0TXIE USCI_A0 transmit interrupt enable: = 0 ⇒ Disabled = 1 ⇒ Enabled UCA0TXIE As UART mode 0 UCA0RXIE USCI_A0 receive interrupt enable: = 0 ⇒ Disabled = 1 ⇒ Enabled UCA0RXIE As UART mode Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 105 USCI registers (UART, SPI and I2C modes) (11/20) UBI IFG2, Interrupt Flag Register 2 (UART, SPI, I2C) Mode 7 6 5 4 3 2 UART SPI UCB0TXIFG UCB0RXIFG I 2C UCB0TXIFG UCB0RXIFG Bit 1 UCA0TXIFG UART mode description UCA0TXIFG 0 UCA0RXIFG UCA0RXIFG I2C mode description SPI mode description 3 UCB0TXIFG USCI_B0 transmit interrupt flag: = 0 ⇒ No interrupt pending = 1 ⇒ Interrupt pending UCB0TXIFG As SPI mode 2 UCB0RXIFG USCI_B0 receive interrupt flag: = 0 ⇒ No interrupt pending = 1 ⇒ Interrupt pending UCB0RXIFG As SPI mode 1 UCA0TXIFG USCI_A0 transmit interrupt flag: = 0 ⇒ No interrupt pending = 1 ⇒ Interrupt pending UCA0TXIFG As UART mode 0 UCA0RXIFG USCI_A0 receive interrupt flag: = 0 ⇒ No interrupt pending = 1 ⇒ Interrupt pending UCA0RXIFG As UART mode >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 106 53 15/01/2013 USCI registers (UART, SPI and I2C modes) (12/20) UBI UC1IE, USCI_A1 Interrupt Enable Register (UART, SPI) UC1IE, USCI_B1 Interrupt Enable Register (SPI, I2C) Mode 7 6 UART Unused Unused 5 4 Unused Unused 3 2 SPI Unused Unused Unused Unused UCB1TXIE UCB1RXIE I 2C Unused Unused Unused Unused UCB1TXIE UCB1RXIE Bit UART mode description 1 0 UCA1TXIE UCA1RXIE UCA1TXIE UCA1RXIE I2C mode description SPI mode description 3 UCB1TXIE USCI_B1 transmit interrupt enable: UTXIE1 = 0 ⇒ Disabled UTXIE1 = 1 ⇒ Enabled UCB1TXIE As SPI mode 2 UCB1RXIE USCI_B1 receive interrupt enable: URXIE1 = 0 ⇒ Disabled URXIE1 = 1 ⇒ Enabled UCB1RXIE As SPI mode 1 UCA1TXIE USCI_A1 transmit interrupt enable: UTXIE1 = 0 ⇒ Disabled UTXIE1 = 1 ⇒ Enabled UCA1TXIE As UART mode 0 UCA1RXIE USCI_A1 receive interrupt enable: URXIE1 = 0 ⇒ Disabled URXIE1 = 1 ⇒ Enabled UCA1RXIE As UART mode Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 107 USCI registers (UART, SPI and I2C modes) (13/20) UBI UC1IFG, USCI_A1 Interrupt Flag Register (UART, SPI) UC1IFG, USCI_B1 Interrupt Flag Register (SPI, I2C) Mode 7 6 5 4 3 2 UART SPI UCB1TXIFG UCB1RXIFG I 2C UCB1TXIFG UCB1RXIFG Bit 1 UCA1TXIFG UART mode description UCA1TXIFG 3 UCB1TXIFG USCI_B1 transmit interrupt flag: = 0 ⇒ No interrupt pending = 1 ⇒ Interrupt pending UCB1TXIFG As SPI mode 2 UCB1RXIFG USCI_B1 receive interrupt flag: = 0 ⇒ No interrupt pending = 1 ⇒ Interrupt pending UCB1RXIFG As SPI mode UCA1TXIFG USCI_A1 transmit interrupt flag: = 0 ⇒ No interrupt pending = 1 ⇒ Interrupt pending UCA1TXIFG As UART mode 0 UCA1RXIFG USCI_A1 receive interrupt flag: = 0 ⇒ No interrupt pending = 1 ⇒ Interrupt pending UCA1RXIFG As UART mode >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved UCA1RXIFG I2C mode description SPI mode description 1 0 UCA1RXIFG 108 54 15/01/2013 USCI registers (UART, SPI and I2C modes) (14/20) UBI UCAxMCTL, USCI_Ax Modulation Control Register (UART) 7 6 5 4 3 2 UCBRFx Bit 1 UCBRSx 0 UCOS16 UART mode description 7-4 UCBRFx First modulation pattern for BITCLK16 when UCOS16 = 1 (See Table 19-3 of the MSP430x4xx User’s Guide) 3-1 UCBRSx Second modulation pattern for BITCLK (See Table 19-2 of the MSP430x4xx User’s Guide) 0 UCOS16 Oversampling mode enabled when UCOS16 = 1 Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 109 USCI registers (UART, SPI and I2C modes) (15/20) UBI UCAxIRTCTL, USCI_Ax IrDA Transmit Control Register (UART) 7 6 5 4 3 2 UCIRTXPLx Bit 0 UCIREN UART mode description 7-2 UCIRTXPLx Transmit pulse length: tPULSE = (UCIRTXPLx + 1) / (2 x fIRTXCLK) 1 UCIRTXCLK IrDA transmit pulse UCIRTXCLK = 0 ⇒ UCIRTXCLK = 1 ⇒ ⇒ 0 1 UCIRTXCLK UCIREN >> Contents clock select: BRCLK BITCLK16, BRCLK, when UCOS16 = 1 otherwise IrDA encoder/decoder enable: UCIREN = 0 ⇒ IrDA encoder/decoder disabled UCIREN = 1 ⇒ IrDA encoder/decoder enabled Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 110 55 15/01/2013 USCI registers (UART, SPI and I2C modes) (16/20) UBI UCAxIRRCTL, USCI_Ax IrDA Receive Control Register (UART) 7 6 5 4 3 2 UCIRRXFLx Bit 1 0 UCIRRXPL UCIRRXFE UART mode description 7-2 UCIRRXFLx Receive filter length (minimum pulse length): tMIN = (UCIRRXFLx + 4) / (2 × fIRTXCLK) 1 UCIRRXPL IrDA receive input UCAxRXD polarity. When a light pulse is seen: UCIRRXPL = 0 ⇒ IrDA transceiver delivers a high pulse UCIRRXPL = 1 ⇒ IrDA transceiver delivers a low pulse 0 UCIRRXFE IrDA receive filter enabled: UCIRRXFE = 0 ⇒ Disabled UCIRRXFE = 1 ⇒ Enabled Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 111 USCI registers (UART, SPI and I2C modes) (17/20) UBI UCAxABCTL, USCI_Ax Auto Baud Rate Control Register (UART) 7 6 Reserved Bit 5-4 5 4 UCDELIMx 3 2 1 0 UCSTOE UCBTOE Reserved UCABDEN UART mode description UCDELIMx Break/synch delimiter length: UCDELIM1 UCDELIM0 = 00 ⇒ UCDELIM1 UCDELIM0 = 01 ⇒ UCDELIM1 UCDELIM0 = 10 ⇒ UCDELIM1 UCDELIM0 = 11 ⇒ 1 2 3 4 bit bit bit bit time times times times 3 UCSTOE Synch field time out error: UCSTOE = 0 ⇒ No error UCSTOE = 1 ⇒ Length of synch field exceeded measurable time 2 UCBTOE Break time out error: UCBTOE = 0 ⇒ No error UCBTOE = 1 ⇒ Length of break field exceeded 22 bit times. 0 UCABDEN Automatic baud rate detect enable: UCABDEN = 0 ⇒ Baud rate detection disabled UCABDEN = 1 ⇒ Baud rate detection enabled >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 112 56 15/01/2013 USCI registers (UART, SPI and I2C modes) (18/20) UBI UCBxI2COA, USCIBx I2C Own Address Register (I2C) 15 14 13 12 11 10 UCGCEN 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 9 8 I2COAx 1 0 I2COAx Bit UART mode description 15 UCGCEN General call response enable: UCGCEN = 0 ⇒ Do not respond to a general call UCGCEN = 1 ⇒ Respond to a general call 9-0 I2COAx I2C own address (local address of the USCI_Bx I2C controller) ⇒ Right-justified address ⇒ 7-bit address ⇒ Bit 6 is the MSB, Bits 9-7 are ignored. ⇒ 10-bit address ⇒ Bit 9 is the MSB. Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 113 USCI registers (UART, SPI and I2C modes) (19/20) UBI UCBxI2CSA, USCI_Bx I2C Slave Address Register (I2C) 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 9 8 I2CSAx 1 0 I2CSAx Bit 9-0 UART mode description I2CSAx >> Contents I2C slave address (slave address of the external device to be addressed by the USCI_Bx module) ⇒ Only used in master mode ⇒ Right-justified address ⇒ 7-bit address ⇒ Bit 6 is the MSB, Bits 9-7 are ignored. ⇒ 10-bit address ⇒ Bit 9 is the MSB. Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 114 57 15/01/2013 USCI registers (UART, SPI and I2C modes) (20/20) UBI UCBxI2CIE, USCI_Bx I2C Interrupt Enable Register (I2C) 7 6 5 4 Reserved Bit 3 3 2 1 0 UCNACKIE UCSTPIE UCSTTIE UCALIE UART mode description UCNACKIE 2 Not-acknowledge interrupt enable: UCNACKIE = 0 ⇒ Interrupt disabled UCNACKIE = 1 ⇒ Interrupt enabled UCSTPIE Stop condition interrupt enable: UCSTPIE = 0 ⇒ Interrupt disabled UCSTPIE = 1 ⇒ Interrupt enabled UCSTTIE Start condition interrupt enable: UCSTTIE = 0 ⇒ Interrupt disabled UCSTTIE = 1 ⇒ Interrupt enabled UCALIE Arbitration lost interrupt enable: UCALIE = 0 ⇒ Interrupt disabled UCALIE = 1 ⇒ Interrupt enabled 1 0 >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 115 Quiz (1/6) UBI 1. The USCI module has: (a) One module; (b) Two modules; (c) Three modules; (d) None. 2. The USCI module in UART mode supports: (a) LIN; (b) IrDA; (c) All of above; (d) None of above. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 116 58 15/01/2013 Quiz (2/6) UBI 3. The UCMSB bit controls: (a) The direction of the data transfer; (b) Selects LSB or MSB first; (c) All of above; (d) None of above. 4. The automatic baud rate detection uses a “break” which is: (a) Detected when 11 or more continuous “0”s are received; (b) Detected when 4 or more continuous “0”s are received; (c) Detected when 8 or more continuous “0”s are received; (d) None. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 117 Quiz (3/6) UBI 5. The automatic baud rate detection uses a synch field which is represented by: (a) Data 022h inside a byte field; (b) Data 055h inside a byte field; (c) Data 044h inside a byte field; (d) None. 6. The USCI module in UART mode for IrDA decoding detects: (a) Low pulse; (b) High pulse; (c) All of above; (d) None. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 118 59 15/01/2013 Quiz (4/6) UBI 7. The baud rate can be generated using: (a) A low frequency; (b) Oversampling; (c) All of above; (d) None of above. 8. In USCI I2C communication, the ACK bit is sent from the receiver after: (a) Each bit on the 9th SCL clock; (b) Each byte on the 2th SCL clock; (c) Each bit on the 2th SCL clock; (d) Each byte on the 9th SCL clock. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 119 Quiz (5/6) UBI 9. The operating modes provided by the I2C mode are: (a) Master transmitter and Slave receiver; (b) Slave transmitter and Master receiver; (c) All of above; (d) None of above. 10. The I2C state change interrupt flags are: (a) Arbitration-lost and Not-acknowledge; (b) Start and stop conditions; (c) All of above; (d) None of above. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 120 60 15/01/2013 Quiz (6/6) UBI Answers: 1. (b) Two modules. 2. (c) All of above. 3. (c) All of above. 4. (a) Detected when 11 or more continuous “0”s are received. 5. (b) Data 055h inside a byte field. 6. (c) All of above. 7. (c) All of above. 8. (d) Each byte on the 9th SCL clock. 9. (c) All of above. 10. (c) All of above. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 121 MSP430 Teaching Materials UBI Chapter 7 Communicaciones USI Module Texas Instruments Incorporated University of Beira Interior (PT) Pedro Dinis Gaspar, António Espírito Santo, Bruno Ribeiro, Humberto Santos University of Beira Interior, Electromechanical Engineering Department >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 61 15/01/2013 Contents UBI MSP430 communications interfaces USI module introduction USI operation: SPI mode USI operation: I2C mode USI registers (SPI and I2C modes) Lab10b: Echo test using SPI Lab10c: Echo test using I2C Quiz >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 123 USI module introduction (1/2) UBI The USI (Universal Serial Interface) module supports basic SPI and I2C synchronous serial communications; It is available in the MSP430x20xx family of devices; The USI module supports: SPI or I2C modes; Interrupt driven; Reduces CPU load; Flexible clock source selection. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 124 62 15/01/2013 USI module introduction (2/2) UBI USI block diagram: SPI mode: • Programmable data length (8/16-bit shift register); • MSB/LSB first. I2C mode: • START/STOP detection; • Arbitration lost detection. Interrupt driven; Reduces CPU load; Flexible clock source. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 125 USI operation: SPI and I2C modes (1/5) UBI Shift register and bit counter that include logic to support SPI and I2C communication; USISR shift register (up to 16 bits supported): Directly accessible by software; Contains the data to be transmitted/received (simultaneously); MSB or LSB first. Bit counter: Controls the number of bits transmitted/received; Counts the number of sampled bits; Sets USIIFG when the USICNTx = 0 (decrementing or writing zero to USICNTx bits); Writing USICNTx > 0 automatically clears USIIFG when USIIFGCC = 0 (automatically stops clocking after last bit). >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 126 63 15/01/2013 USI operation: SPI and I2C modes (2/5) UBI USI initialization: Reset USISWRST; Set USIPEx bits (USI function for the pin and maintains the PxIN and PxIFG functions for the pin): • Port input levels can be read via the PxIN register by software; • Incoming data stream can generate port interrupts on data transitions. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 127 USI operation: SPI and I2C modes (3/5) UBI Recommended USI initialization process: Set the USIPEx bits in the USI control register (USI function for the pin and set up the PxIN and PxIFG functions for the pin as well); Set the direction of the RX and TX shift register (MSB or LSB first) by USILSB bit; Select the mode (master or slave) by USIMTS bit; Enable or disable output data by USIOE bit; Enable USI interrupts by setting USIIE bit; Set up USI clock by configuring the USICKCTL control register; Enable USI by setting USISWRST bit; Read port input levels via the PxIN register by software; Incoming data stream will generate port interrupts on data transitions. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 128 64 15/01/2013 USI operation: SPI and I2C modes (4/5) UBI USI clock generation: Clock selection multiplexer: • Internal clocks ACLK or SMCLK; • External clock SCLK; • USISWCLK (software clock input bit); • Timer_A CAP/COM outputs. Configurable divider; Auto-stop on interrupt: USIIFG; Selectable phase and polarity. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 129 USI operation: SPI and I2C modes (5/5) UBI USICKPL: Selects the inactive level of the SPI clock (data latching on rising or falling edge); USICKPH: Selects the clock edge on which SDO is updated and SDI is sampled (idle high or low support). USIIFG automatically cleared and set by USICNTx; Clock stop on IFG: USIIFG and USISTTIFG. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 130 65 15/01/2013 USI operation: SPI mode (1/2) UBI Configure SPI mode: SPI master: • USIMST = 1; • USII2C = 0; • Select clock source; • SCLK -> output. SPI slave: • USIMST = 0; • USII2C = 0; • SCLK -> input; • Receives the clock externally from the master. USIPEx bits enable data and clock pins; Port logic functions, including interrupts as normal; Data output latched on shift clock. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 131 USI operation: SPI mode (2/2) UBI SPI interrupts: One interrupt vector associated with the USI module; One interrupt flag, USIIFG: • Set when bit counter counts to zero; • Generates an interrupt request when USIIE = 1; • Cleared when USICNTx > 0 (USIIFGCC = 0), or directly by software; • Stops clock when set. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 132 66 15/01/2013 USI operation: I2C mode (1/10) UBI Configure USI module in I2C mode: USII2C =1; USICKPL = 1; USICKPH = 0; I2C data compatibility: USILSB = 0; USI16B = 0; Enable SCL and SDA port functions: Set USIPE6 and USIPE7. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 133 USI operation: I2C mode (2/10) UBI I2C master: USIMST = 1 and USII2C = 1; Select clock source (output to SCL line while USIIFG = 0). I2C slave: USIMST = 0; SCL is held low if USIIFG=1, USISTTIFG=1 or if USICNTx=0. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 134 67 15/01/2013 USI operation: I2C mode (3/10) UBI I2C transmitter: Data value is first loaded into USISRL; USIOE= 1: Enable output and start transmission (writes 8 into USICNTx); Send Start (or repeated Start); Define address and set R/W; Slave ACK: (Data TX/RX + ACK for N bytes); SCL is generated in master mode or released from being held low in slave mode; USIIFG is set after the transmission of all 8 bits (stops clock signal on SCL in master mode or held low at the next low phase in slave mode); Stop (or repeated Start). >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 135 USI operation: I2C mode (4/10) UBI I2C receiver: Clear USIOE (disable output); Enable reception by writing 8 into USICNTx (USIIFG = 0); SCL is generated in master mode or released from being held low in slave mode; USIIFG is set after 8 clocks (stops the clock signal on SCL in master mode or holds SCL low at the next low phase in slave mode). >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 136 68 15/01/2013 USI operation: I2C mode (5/10) UBI SDA configuration: Direction; Used for TX/RX, ACK/NACK handling and START/STOP generation; USIGE: Output latch control; USIOE: Data output enable. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 137 USI operation: I2C mode (6/10) UBI START condition: (high-to-low transition on SDA while SCL is high); Clear MSB of the shift register; USISTTIFG set on start (Sources USI interrupt). >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 138 69 15/01/2013 USI operation: I2C mode (7/10) UBI STOP condition: (low-to-high transition on SDA while SCL is high): Clear the MSB in the shift register and loads 1 into USICNTx (finishes the acknowledgment bit and pulls SDA low); USISTP set on stop (CPU-accessible flag). >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 139 USI operation: I2C mode (8/10) UBI Receiver ACK/NACK generation: After address/data reception; SDA = output; Output 1 data bit: 0 = ACK, 1 = NACK. Transmitter ACK/NACK Detection: After address/data transmission; SDA = input; Receive 1 data bit: 0 = ACK, 1 = NACK. Arbitration procedure (in multi-master I2C systems); >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 140 70 15/01/2013 USI operation: I2C mode (9/10) UBI I2C Interrupts: One interrupt vector associated with the USI; Two interrupt flags, USIIFG and USISTTIFG; Each interrupt flag has its own interrupt enable bit, USIIE and USISTTIE; When an interrupt is enabled and the GIE bit is set, a set interrupt flag will generate an interrupt request; USIIFG is set (USICNTx = 0); USISTTIFG is set (START condition detection). Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 141 USI operation: I2C mode (10/10) UBI Example: Procedure for I2C communication between a Master TX and a Slave RX. Master TX Slave RX 1: Send Start, Address and R/W bit 1: Detect Start, receive address and R/W 2: Receive (N)ACK 2: Transmit (N)ACK 3: Test (N)ACK and handle TX data 3: Data RX 4: Receive (N)ACK 4: Transmit (N)ACK 5: Test (N)ACK and prepare Stop 5: Reset for next Start 6: Send Stop >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 142 71 15/01/2013 USI registers (SPI and I2C modes) (1/8) UBI USICTL0, USI Control Register 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 USIPE7 USIPE6 USIPE5 USILSB USIMST USIGE USIOE USIWRST Bit 7 USIPE7 6 USIPE6 5 USIPE5 Description USI SDI/SDA port enable: ⇒ SPI mode ⇒ Input ⇒ I2C mode ⇒ Input or open drain output USIPE7 = 0 ⇒ USI function disabled USIPE7 = 1 ⇒ USI function enabled USI SDO/SCL port enable: ⇒ SPI mode ⇒ Output ⇒ I2C mode ⇒ Input or open drain output USIPE6 = 0 ⇒ USI function disabled USIPE6 = 1 ⇒ USI function enabled USI SCLK port enable: ⇒ SPI slave mode ⇒ Input ⇒ SPI master mode ⇒ Output ⇒ I2C mode ⇒ Input USIPE5 = 0 ⇒ USI function disabled USIPE5 = 1 ⇒ USI function enabled Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 143 USI registers (SPI and I2C modes) (2/8) UBI USICTL0, USI Control Register 0 (continued) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 USIPE7 USIPE6 USIPE5 USILSB USIMST USIGE USIOE USIWRST 4 USILSB 3 USIMST 2 USIGE 1 USIOE 0 USIWRST >> Contents LSB first select (direction of the receive and transmit shift register): USILSB = 0 ⇒ MSB first USILSB = 1 ⇒ LSB first Master select: USIMST = 0 ⇒ Slave mode USIMST = 1 ⇒ Master mode Output latch control: USIGE = 0 ⇒ Output latch enable depends on shift clock USIGE = 1 ⇒ Output latch always enabled and transparent Data output enable: USIOE = 0 ⇒ Output disabled USIOE = 1 ⇒ Output enabled USI software reset: USIWRST = 0 ⇒ USI released for operation USIWRST = 1 ⇒ USI logic held in reset state Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 144 72 15/01/2013 USI registers (SPI and I2C modes) (3/8) UBI USICTL1, USI Control Register 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 USICKPH USII2C USISTTIE USIIE USIAL USISTP Bit 7 USICKPH 6 USII2C 5 USISTTIE 4 USIIE 1 USISTTIFG 0 USIIFG Description Clock phase select: USICKPH = 0 ⇒ Data is changed on the first SCLK edge and captured on the following edge USICKPH = 1 ⇒ Data is captured on the first SCLK edge and changed on the following edge I2C mode enable: USII2C = 0 ⇒ I2C mode disabled USII2C = 1 ⇒ I2C mode enabled START condition interrupt-enable: USISTTIE = 0 ⇒ Interrupt on START condition disabled USISTTIE = 1 ⇒ Interrupt on START condition enabled USI counter interrupt enable: USIIE = 0 ⇒ Interrupt disabled USIIE = 1 ⇒ Interrupt enabled Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 145 USI registers (SPI and I2C modes) (4/8) UBI USICTL1, USI Control Register 1 (continued) 7 6 5 4 3 2 USICKPH USII2C USISTTIE USIIE USIAL USISTP 3 USIAL 2 USISTP 1 USISTTIFG 0 USIIFG >> Contents 1 USISTTIFG 0 USIIFG Arbitration lost: USIAL = 0 ⇒ No arbitration lost condition USIAL = 1 ⇒ Arbitration lost STOP condition received: USISTP = 0 ⇒ No STOP condition received USISTP = 1 ⇒ STOP condition received START condition interrupt flag: USISTTIFG = 0 ⇒ No interrupt pending USISTTIFG = 1 ⇒ Interrupt pending USI counter interrupt flag: USIIFG = 0 ⇒ No interrupt pending USIIFG = 1 ⇒ Interrupt pending Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 146 73 15/01/2013 USI registers (SPI and I2C modes) (5/8) UBI USICKCTL, USI Clock Control Register 7 6 5 4 USIDIVx Bit 7-5 USIDIVx 4-2 USISSELx 3 2 USISSELx 1 USICKPL 0 USISWCLK Description Clock divider select: USIDIV2 USIDIV1 USIDIV0 = 000 ⇒ Divide by 1 USIDIV2 USIDIV1 USIDIV0 = 001 ⇒ Divide by 2 USIDIV2 USIDIV1 USIDIV0 = 010 ⇒ Divide by 4 USIDIV2 USIDIV1 USIDIV0 = 011 ⇒ Divide by 8 USIDIV2 USIDIV1 USIDIV0 = 100 ⇒ Divide by 16 USIDIV2 USIDIV1 USIDIV0 = 101 ⇒ Divide by 32 USIDIV2 USIDIV1 USIDIV0 = 110 ⇒ Divide by 64 USIDIV2 USIDIV1 USIDIV0 = 111 ⇒ Divide by 128 Clock source select. Not used in slave mode. USISSEL2 USISSEL1 USISSEL0 = 000 ⇒ SCLK (1) USISSEL2 USISSEL1 USISSEL0 = 001 ⇒ ACLK USISSEL2 USISSEL1 USISSEL0 = 010 ⇒ SMCLK USISSEL2 USISSEL1 USISSEL0 = 011 ⇒ SMCLK USISSEL2 USISSEL1 USISSEL0 = 100 ⇒ USISWCLK bit USISSEL2 USISSEL1 USISSEL0 = 101 ⇒ TACCR0 USISSEL2 USISSEL1 USISSEL0 = 110 ⇒ TACCR1 USISSEL2 USISSEL1 USISSEL0 = 111 ⇒ TACCR2 (2) (1) Not used in SPI mode (2) Reserved on MSP430F20xx devices Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 147 USI registers (SPI and I2C modes) (6/8) UBI USICKCTL, USI Clock Control Register (continued) 7 6 USIDIVx 1 USICKPL 0 USISWCLK >> Contents 5 4 3 USISSELx 2 1 USICKPL 0 USISWCLK Clock polarity select: USICKPL = 0 ⇒ Inactive state is low USICKPL = 1 ⇒ Inactive state is high Software clock: USISWCLK = 0 ⇒ Input clock is low USISWCLK = 1 ⇒ Input clock is high Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 148 74 15/01/2013 USI registers (SPI and I2C modes) (7/8) UBI USICNT, USI Bit Counter Register 7 USISCLREL 6 5 USI16B USIIFGCC Bit 7 USISCLREL 6 USI16B 5 USIIFGCC 4-0 USICNTx 4 3 2 1 0 USICNTx Description SCL line release from low to idle: USISCLREL = 0 ⇒ SCL line is held low if USIIFG is set USISCLREL = 1 ⇒ SCL line is released 16-bit shift register enable: USI16B = 0 ⇒ 8-bit shift register mode. (Uses USISRL low byte) USI16B = 1 ⇒ 16-bit shift register mode (Uses both USISRx bytes) USI interrupt flag clear control: USIIFGCC = 0 ⇒ USIIFG automatically cleared on USICNTx update USIIFGCC = 1 ⇒ USIIFG is not cleared automatically USI bit count (Number of bits to be received or transmitted) Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 149 USI registers (SPI and I2C modes) (8/8) UBI USISRL, USI Low Byte Shift Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 USISRLx Bit 7-0 USISRLx Description Contents of the USI low byte shift register USISRH, USI High Byte Shift Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 USISRHx Bit 7-0 USISRHx >> Contents Description Contents of the USI high byte shift register Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 150 75 15/01/2013 Lab10b: Echo test using SPI mode (1/17) UBI Project files: C source files: Chapter Chapter Solution files: Chapter Chapter 14 14 14 14 > > > > Lab10 Lab10 Lab10 Lab10 > > > > Lab10b1_student. Lab10b2_student.c Lab10b1_solution.c Lab10b2_solution.c Overview: This laboratory explores the USCI and USI communication interfaces in SPI mode; The MSP430 devices supported by the Experimenter’s board will exchange messages between themselves; >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 151 Lab10b: Echo test using SPI mode (2/17) UBI Overview (continued): MSP430FG4618: Master reads the current state of the slave, and drives it to the new desired state; MSP430F2013: Slave commanded by the Master. A. Resources: USCI module: MSP430FG4618; USI module: MSP430F2013; Both units operate in SPI mode; Basic Timer1 of the master device is programmed to switch the status of the slave device once every 2 seconds; The slave is notified of the arrival of information through the end of counting interrupt of the USI module. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 152 76 15/01/2013 Lab10b: Echo test using SPI mode (3/17) UBI A. Resources (continued): The resources used are: • USCI module; • USI module; • Basic Timer1; • Interrupts; • I/O ports. Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 153 Lab10b: Echo test using SPI mode (4/17) UBI B. Software application organization: MASTER SLAVE SOMI RX USCI SPI SIMO USI ISR USI SPI SCLK Main Master Task TX RX TX P3.0 2s >> Contents Basic Timer ISR Slave Status Basic Timer Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved P1.4 Main Slave Task LED3 154 77 15/01/2013 Lab10b: Echo test using SPI mode (5/17) UBI B. Software application organization: The master unit is composed of two software modules: • The "Main master task" module contains the operational algorithm of the master unit; • The "ISR Basic Timer" module wakes the "Main master task" with a rate of once every 2 seconds. Similarly, the slave unit is composed of two modules: • The "Main slave task" module contains the operational algorithm of the slave unit; • The "USI ISR" module reads the data received, prepares the USI module for reception of a new command and wakes the "Main slave task" to execute the algorithm associated with the reception of the new command. Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 155 Lab10b: Echo test using SPI mode (6/17) UBI C. Configuration: Configure the control registers USCI_B (master): • The SPI connection will operate as follows: – Clock phase -> Data bits are sent on the first UCLK edge and captured on the following edge; – Clock polarity -> the inactive state is low; – MSB first; – 8-bit data; – Master mode; – 3-Pin SPI; – Source clock -> SMCLK. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 156 78 15/01/2013 Lab10b: Echo test using SPI mode (7/17) UBI C. Configuration (continued): Configure the control registers USCI_B (master): • Configure the following control registers based on these characteristics: UCB0CTL0 = _______________; UCB0CTL1 = _______________; >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 157 Lab10b: Echo test using SPI mode (8/17) UBI C. Configuration (continued): Data rate USCI_B (master): • The system clock is configured to operate with a frequency of ~ 1048 kHz from the DCO; • This frequency will be the working base of the USCI module; • The connection operates at a clock frequency of ~ 500 kHz. Configure the following registers: UCB0BR0= _______________; UCB0BR1= _______________; >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 158 79 15/01/2013 Lab10b: Echo test using SPI mode (9/17) UBI C. Configuration (continued): Ports configuration USCI_B (master): • In order to set the external interfaces of the USCI module, it is necessary to configure the I/O ports; • Select the USCI peripheral in SPI mode following the connections provided at the Experimenter’s board: P3SEL = __________________; >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 159 Lab10b: Echo test using SPI mode (10/17) UBI C. Configuration (continued): Configure the control registers USI (slave): • The SPI connection will operate in the following mode: – MSB first; – 8-bit data; – Slave mode; – Clock phase -> Data bits are sent on the first SCLK edge and captured on the following edge; – USI counter interrupt enable. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 160 80 15/01/2013 Lab10b: Echo test using SPI mode (11/17) UBI C. Configuration (continued): Configure the control registers USI (slave): • Configure the following control registers based on these characteristics: USICTL0 = _______________; USICTL1 = _______________; >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 161 Lab10b: Echo test using SPI mode (12/17) UBI D. Analysis of operation: Once the USCI module is configured in accordance with the previous steps, to initiate the experiment, complete the files Lab10b1_student.c (master – MSP430FG4618) and Lab10b2_student.c (slave – MSP430F2013), compile them and run them on the Experimenter’s board; The finished solution can be found in the files Lab10b1_solution.c and Lab10b2_soluction.c. For this laboratory, the following jumper settings are required: • PWR1/2, BATT, LCL1/2, JP2; • SPI: H1- 1&2, 3&4, 5&6, 7&8. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 162 81 15/01/2013 Lab10b: Echo test using SPI mode (13/17) UBI D. Analysis of operation: Verification: • Once the program code is running in the two microcontrollers, monitor LED3 of the Experimenter’s board. It will blink at a rate of 4 flashes per second. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 163 Lab10b: Echo test using SPI mode (14/17) UBI MSP-EXP430FG4618 (master) SOLUTION Using USCI module in SPI mode included in the FG4618 (configured as master) of the Experimenter’s board, establish a connection to the F2013 by its USI module in SPI mode. The data exchanged is displayed by the LED blinking. Control registers USCI_B (master): UCB0CTL0 = 0x29; //UCB0CTL0 = UCCKPH|UCCKPL|UCMSB|UC7BIT|UCMST|UCMODEx|UCSYNC //UCCKPH (Clock phase) = 0b -> Data is changed on the // first UCLK edge and captured on the following edge. //UCCKPL (Clock polarity) = 0b -> Inactive state is low //UCMSB (MSB first select) = 1b -> MSB first //UC7BIT (Character length) = 0b -> 8-bit data //UCMST (Master mode) = 1b -> Master mode //UCMODEx (USCI mode) = 00b -> 3-Pin SPI //UCSYNC (Synch. mode enable) = 1b -> Synchronous mode >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 164 82 15/01/2013 Lab10b: Echo test using SPI mode (15/17) UBI Control registers USCI_B (master): UCB0CTL1 = 0x81; //UCB0CTL1 = UCSSELx | Unused //UCSSELx (USCI clock source select)= 10b -> SMCLK //UCSWRST (Software reset) = 1b -> normally set by a PUC |UCSWRST| Data rate USCI_B (master): UCB0BR0 = 0x02; UCB0BR1 = 0x00; // Data rate = SMCLK/2 ~= 500kHz // UCB0BR1 = 0x00 & UCB0BR0 = 0x02 Configure I/O ports: P3SEL |= 0x0E; // P3.1,P3.2,P3.3 option select >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 165 Lab10b: Echo test using SPI mode (16/17) UBI MSP-EXP430F2013 (slave) SOLUTION Using the USCI module in SPI mode included in the FG4618 (configured as master) of the Experimenter’s board, establish a connection to the F2013 by its USI module in SPI mode. The data exchanged is displayed by the LED blinking. USI (slave) control registers: USICTL0 = 0xE3; //USICTL0 = USIPE7|USIPE6|USIPE5|USILSB|USIMST|USIGE|USIOE|USISWRST //USIPE7 (USI SDI/SDA port enable) = 1b -> USI enabled //USIPE6 (USI SDO/SCL port enable) = 1b -> USI enabled //USIPE5 (USI SCLK port enable) = 1b -> USI enabled //USILSB (LSB first) = 0b -> MSB first //USIMST (Master) = 0b -> Slave mode //USIGE (Output latch control) = 0b -> Output latch enable //USIOE (Serial data output enable) = 1b -> Output enabled //USISWRST (USI software reset) = 1b -> Software reset >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 166 83 15/01/2013 Lab10b: Echo test using SPI mode (17/17) UBI USI (slave) control registers: USICTL1 = 0x10; //USICTL1= USICKPH|USII2C|USISTTIE|USIIE|USIAL|USISTP|USISTTIFG|USIIFG //USICKPH (Clock phase select) = 0b -> Data is changed on the first // SCLK edge and captured on the following edge //USII2C (I2C mode enable) = 0b -> I2C mode disabled //USISTTIE (START condition interrupt) = 0b -> Not used //USIIE (USI counter) = 1b -> Interrupt enabled //USIAL (Arbitration lost) = 0b -> Not used //USISTP (STOP condition received) = 0b -> Not used //USISTTIFG (START condition int. flag) = 0b -> Not used //USIIFG (USI counter int. flag) = 0b -> No int. pending >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 167 Lab10c: Echo test using I2C mode (1/21) UBI Project files: C source files: Chapter Chapter Solution files: Chapter Chapter 14 14 14 14 > > > > Lab10 Lab10 Lab10 Lab10 > > > > Lab10c1_student.c Lab10c2_student.c Lab10c1_solution.c Lab10c2_solution.c Overview: This laboratory explores the USCI and USI communication interfaces in I2C mode; It uses the two MSP430 devices included on the Experimenter’s board: MSP430FG4618 as the master and the MSP430F2013 as slave; The master receives a single byte from the slave as soon as a button connected to P1.0 is pressed. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 168 84 15/01/2013 Lab10c: Echo test using I2C mode (2/21) UBI A. Resources: This laboratory uses the USCI module of the MSP430FG4618 device and the USI module included in the MSP430F2013. Both units operate in I2C mode; The interrupts on the slave unit are generated exclusively by the USI module. They are: • START condition on the I2C bus; • Data reception and transmission. The interrupts in the master unit are provided by the USCI module. They are: • Data reception; • Logic level change on Port1. Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 169 Lab10c: Echo test using I2C mode (3/21) UBI A. Resources: The resources used are: • USCI module; • USI module; • Interrupts; • I/O ports. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 170 85 15/01/2013 Lab10c: Echo test using I2C mode (4/21) UBI B. Software application organization: Software architecture: >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 171 Lab10c: Echo test using I2C mode (5/21) UBI B. Software application organization: The master task is composed of two interrupt service routines: • The S1 switch service routine is used to control the way the master receives a new data frame from the slave; • The USCI module interrupt service routine ensures that the data sent by the slave is read by the master . A state machine has been implemented for the USI module of the slave unit; It is important to note that the states “RX Address” and “RX (N)ACK" are transient states that ensure the USI module is ready for the next activity. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 172 86 15/01/2013 Lab10c: Echo test using I2C mode (6/21) UBI B. Software application organization: Slave state machine: Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved >> Contents 173 Lab10c: Echo test using I2C mode (7/21) UBI C. Configuration: Configure the control registers USCI_B (master): • The connection via I2C bus is to operate as follows: – Address slave with 7-bit address; – Master mode; – Single master; – USCI clock source is SMCLK. • Configure the following control registers based on these characteristics: UCB0CTL0 = _______________; UCB0CTL1 = _______________; >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 174 87 15/01/2013 Lab10c: Echo test using I2C mode (8/21) UBI C. Configuration (continued): Data rate USCI_B (master): • The system clock is configured to operate with a frequency of ~ 1048 kHz from the DCO; • This frequency will be the working base for the USCI module; • The connection operates at a clock frequency of ~ 95.3kHz. Configure the following registers: UCB0BR0= _______________; UCB0BR1= _______________; >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 175 Lab10c: Echo test using I2C mode (9/21) UBI C. Configuration (continued): Ports configuration USCI_B (master): • In order to set the external interfaces for the USCI module, it is necessary to configure the I/O ports; • Select the USCI peripheral in I2C mode to be compatible with the connections on the Experimenter’s board: P3SEL = __________________; >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 176 88 15/01/2013 Lab10c: Echo test using I2C mode (10/21) UBI C. Configuration (continued): Configure the control registers USI (slave): • The connection via I2C bus is to operate as follows: – Slave mode; – USI counter interrupt enable (RX and TX); – START condition interrupt-enable; – USIIFG is not cleared automatically. • Configure the following control registers: USICTL0 = _______________; USICTL1 = _______________; USICNT = ________________; >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 177 Lab10c: Echo test using I2C mode (11/21) UBI C. Configuration (continued): Configure the control registers USI (slave): • The slave unit interrupt service routine is not yet complete. The portion related to the “I2C_TX” state needs to be completed: – Configure the USI module as an output; – Insert the value to transmit in the transmit register; – Configure the bit counter. USICTL0 |=________________; USISRL =_________________; USICNT |=________________; >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 178 89 15/01/2013 Lab10c: Echo test using I2C mode (12/21) UBI D. Analysis of operation: Once the USCI module is configured in accordance with the previous steps, to initiate the experiment, complete the files: • Lab10c1_student.c (master – MSP430FG4618) • Lab10c2_student.c (slave – MSP430F2013) Compile them and run them on the Experimenter’s board; The completed solution can be found in the files Lab10c1_solution.c and Lab10c2_soluction.c. For this laboratory it is necessary to set up the following jumper settings: • PWR1/2, BATT, LCL1/2, JP2; • SPI: H1- 1&2, 3&4. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 179 Lab10c: Echo test using I2C mode (13/21) UBI D. Analysis of operation: Verification: • The slave data values are sent and incremented from 0x00 with each transmitted byte, and are verified by the Master; • The LED is off for address/data Acknowledge and the LED turns on for address/data Not Acknowledge; • The LED3 blinks at each data request: – It is turned on by a START condition; – It is turned off by the data transmit acknowledge by the slave; (Note: the I2C bus is not released by the master because the successive START conditions are interpreted as “repeated START”). >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 180 90 15/01/2013 Lab10c: Echo test using I2C mode (14/21) UBI D. Analysis of operation: Verification: • Verify the value received by setting a breakpoint in the line of code “RxBuffer = UCB0RXBUF;” of the USCI interrupt. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 181 Lab10c: Echo test using I2C mode (15/21) UBI SOLUTION MSP-EXP430FG4618 (master) Using USCI module in I2C mode included in the FG4618 (configured as master) of the Experimenter’s board, establish a connection to the F2013 by its USI module in I2C mode. The master receives a single byte from the slave as soon as a button connected on P1.0 is pressed. USCI (master) control registers: UCB0CTL0 = 0x0F; //UCB0CTL0 = //UCA10|UCSLA10|UCMM|Unused|UCMST|UCMODEx|UCSYNC| //UCA10 (Own address) = 0b -> Own address (7-bit) //UCSLA10 (Slave address) = 0b -> 7-bit slave address //UCMM (Multi-master) = 0b -> Single master //Unused //UCMST (Master mode) = 1b -> Master mode //UCMODEx (USCI mode) = 11b -> I2C Mode //UCSYNC (Synchronous mode enable) = 1b -> Synchronous >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 182 91 15/01/2013 Lab10c: Echo test using I2C mode (16/21) UBI USCI (master) control registers: UCB0CTL1 = 0x81; //UCB0CTL1 = //UCSSELx|Unused|UCTR|UCTXNACK|UCTXSTP|UCTXSTT|UCSWRST| //UCSSELx (USCI clock source select) = 10b -> SMCLK //Unused //UCTR (Transmitter/Receiver) = 0b -> Receiver //UCTXNACK (Transmit a NACK) = 0b -> Ack normally //UCTXSTP (Transmit STOP condition) = 0b -> No STOP //UCTXSTT (Transmit START condition) = 0b -> No START //UCSWRST (Software reset) = 1b -> Enabled >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 183 Lab10c: Echo test using I2C mode (17/21) UBI Data rate: // DATA RATE // data rate -> fSCL = SMCLK/11 = 95.3 kHz UCB0BR0 = 0x0B; // fSCL = SMCLK/11 = 95.3 kHz UCB0BR1 = 0x00; Configure ports: P3SEL |=0x06; // Assign I2C pins to USCI_B0 >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 184 92 15/01/2013 Lab10c: Echo test using I2C mode (18/21) UBI SOLUTION MSP-EXP430F2013 (slave) Using USCI module in I2C mode included in the FG4618 (configured as master) of the Experimenter’s board, establish a connection to the F2013 by its USI module in I2C mode. The master receives a single byte from the slave as soon as a button connected on P1.0 is pressed. USI (slave) control registers: USICTL0 = 0XC1; //USICTL0 =|USIPE7|USIPE6|USIPE5|USILSB|USIMST|USIGE|USIOE|USISWRST| //USIPE7 (USI SDI/SDA port enable) = 1b -> USI function enabled //USIPE6 (USI SDO/SCL port enable) = 1b -> USI function enabled //USIPE5 (USI SCLK port enable) = 0b -> USI function disable //USILSB (LSB first) = 0b -> MSB first //USIMST (Master) = 0b -> Slave mode //USIGE (Output latch control) = 0b -> Depends on shift clock //USIOE (Serial data output enable) = 0b -> Output enabled //USISWRST (USI software reset) = 1b -> Software reset >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 185 Lab10c: Echo test using I2C mode (19/21) UBI USI (slave) control registers: USICTL1 = 0x70; //USICTL1 = //|USICKPH|USII2C|USISTTIE|USIIE|USIAL|USISTP|USISTTIFG|USIIFG| //USICKPH (Clock phase select) = 0b -> Data is changed // on the first SCLK edge and captured on the following edge. //USII2C (I2C mode enable) = 1b -> I2C mode enabled //USISTTIE = 1b -> Interrupt on START condition enabled //USIIE = 1b -> USI counter interrupt enable //USIAL (Arbitration lost) = 0b -> Not used //USISTP (STOP condition received) = 0b -> Not used //USISTTIFG (START condition int. flag) = 0b -> Not used //USIIFG (USI counter int. flag) = 0b -> No int. pending >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 186 93 15/01/2013 Lab10c: Echo test using I2C mode (20/21) UBI USI Bit Counter Register: USICNT |= 0x20; //USICNT = //USISCLREL| USI16B |USIIFGCC |USICNTx| //USISCLREL (SCL release) = 0b -> SCL line is held low // if USIIFG is set //USI16B (16-bit shift register enable) = 0b -> 8-bit // shift register mode //USIIFGCC (USI int. flag clear control) = 1b -> USIIFG // is not cleared automatically //USICNTx (USI bit count) = 00000b (not relevant) >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 187 Lab10c: Echo test using I2C mode (21/21) UBI I2C state machine: USICTL0 |= USIOE; USISRL = SlaveData; USICNT |= 0x08; >> Contents // SDA = output // Send data byte // Bit counter = 8, TX data Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 188 94 15/01/2013 Quiz (1/4) UBI 1. The USI module has: (a) A SPI interface; (b) An I2C interface; (c) All of above; (d) None of above. 2. The internal USI clock generation can use: (a) ACLK and SMCLK; (b) ACLK and MCLK; (c) SMCLK and MCLK; (d) None of above. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 189 Quiz (2/4) UBI 3. The USISR shift register supports: (a) 8 bits; (b) 16 bits; (c) All of above; (d) None of above. 4. The USIIFG is set when: (a) Bit counter counts to 0xFF; (b) Bit counter counts to 0x00; (c) Bit counter counts to 0x80; (d) Bit counter counts to 0x08. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 190 95 15/01/2013 Quiz (3/4) UBI 5. After address/data reception, the receiver ACK/NACK is: (a) SDA = input: 0 = ACK, 1 = NACK; (b) SDA = output: 0 = ACK, 1 = NACK; (c) SDA = input: 1 = ACK, 0 = NACK; (d) SDA = output: 1 = ACK, 0 = NACK. 6. After address/data transmission the transmitter ACK/NACK is: (a) SDA = input: 0 = ACK, 1 = NACK; (b) SDA = output: 0 = ACK, 1 = NACK; (c) SDA = input: 1 = ACK, 0 = NACK; (d) SDA = output: 1 = ACK, 0 = NACK. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 191 Quiz (4/4) UBI Answers: 1. (c) All of above. 2. (a) ACLK and SMCLK. 3. (c) All of above. 4. (b) Bit counter counts to 0x00. 5. (b) SDA = output: 0 = ACK, 1 = NACK. 6. (a) SDA = input: 0 = ACK, 1 = NACK. >> Contents Copyright 2009 Texas Instruments All Rights Reserved 192 96