Click above - Our Lady of the Rosary, Italian National Catholic Parish
Click above - Our Lady of the Rosary, Italian National Catholic Parish
Welcome to Our Lady of the Rosary Church Italian National Catholic Parish 1668 State St., San Diego, 92101 l Phone (619) 234-4820 l l [email protected] September 11, 2016 Pastor Fr. Joseph M. Tabigue, C.R.S.P. Associate Pastors Fr. Louis M. Solcia, C.R.S.P. Fr. Albino M. Vecina, C.R.S.P. Deacon Stephen O’Riordan Mass Times Daily (Monday - Saturday) 7:30 am - 12:00 pm Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm Sunday 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 pm Italian Mass First Sunday 12:00 pm Holy Days 7:30 am, 12:00 pm, 7:00 pm 2nd Sunday Gregorian Chant Latin Mass 4:00 pm Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Lady of the Rosary Mission Statement We, the Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary, are a pilgrim church. Under the mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we grow as a people of God following Jesus, celebrating the Eucharist, living apostolic service, continuing faith formation and Marian devotions. We strive to bring the joy of the gospel and imitate Jesus through compassion, mercy and love, especially for the poor and marginalized. We seek to be faithful stewards providing a heart and home for all. Our Lady of the Rosary Page 2 Little Italy, San Diego, CA We Welcome All Visitors to Our Celebration While Holy Communion may only be received by prepared Catholics, for our non-Catholic guests you are welcome to join the line to walk towards the priest or deacon to receive a special blessing: Simply cross your arms over your chest to receive a blessing. Masses for the Week of September 11, 2016 Date for Mass request Saturday September 10 5:30 pm Sandrine Leggerini Sunday September 11 7:30 am Frank Crivello † 9:00 am People of the Parish 10:30 am Sam & Kathleen Navarra † Requested by Wally & Rosetta Orsatti Madonna del Paradiso Dr. Jessica Consiglio Monday September 12 7:30 am Vincent Christopher Tarantino 12:00 pm 4:00 pm Frank & Anna Zizzo Massa & Navarra Family Maryann Tarantino Rosalie & Peter Tarantino The Grant Family Frank & Laura Crivello Rosie Sarnis Eduardo Balistreri † Tuesday September 13 7:30 am Terri DeBellis † The Office 12:00 pm Stefano LoCoco † Suli Crivello & Family 12:00 pm Antoinette Guidi † Antoinette & Nick DeSantis Wednesday September 14 7:30 am Francesco Crivello † Antoinio Crivello 12:00 pm Peter LoCoco Wife & Sons 12:00 pm Victor M. Bareno † The LiMandri Family 7:00 pm Frank Crivello † Family Thursday September 15 7:30 am Stefano LoCoco Nick & Sue LoCoco 12:00 pm Leo & Grace Trinca † Jerry & Julie Giacalone 12:00 pm Caleb Miske † Frank & Laura Crivello Friday September 16 7:30 am Charles E. Conklin Son, Garry 12:00 pm Margaret Conklin Son, Garry 12:00 pm Blaine Smith † Nino & Rosalie LaLicata Saturday September 17 7:30 am Perpetual Membership 12:00 pm Consuelo Diaz DeBrabo Katherine Brower & 12:00 pm 12:00 pm Cony Brabo John & Rose Cefalu Andrew DeMaria † Sunday September 18 7:30 am People of the Parish 9:00 am Tony D’Acquisto Lily Salvaggio 10:30 am Sam & Kathleen Navarra † Massa & Navarra Families 12:00 pm Francesco Crivello † Antonio Crivello 5:30 pm Pastor’s Corner It is not unusual to hear that someone is punished or sentenced because of a certain violation against the law. A motorist could be given a violation ticket for violating certain laws and rules for driving. Violation signifies doing something that is not legally permitted. Our first reading this Sunday reminds us that the exodus people who just received the ten commandments of God to obeseve and follow violated one of those commandments. They violated the commandment not to have other gods and worship it beside the LORD their GOD (Ex. 20: 2-5). They “made for themselves a molten calf and worshipped it, sacrificing to it and crying out, ‘This is your God, O Israel, who brought you out of the land of Egypt! God wanted to impose his blazing wrath against them as a punishment but God relented his anger because Moses implored him. If violation brings us punishment, repentance from sins brings us forgiveness from God. Repentance and forgiveness is the central message of our gospel this Sunday. And Jesus proclaims that “there will be more joy in heaven and rejoicing among angels of God for one sinner who repents.” Prayer Intentions We are listing the names of those who are sick, and need prayers. Remember in your prayers Maria Tollefson, Amelia Cassady, Diane House, Jason Williamson, Pat Land, Daivd Osuna, Emiddio Massa Our Lady of the Rosary Page 3 Little Italy, San Diego, CA Thank you from Father Joe’s Villages Below is a thank you letter from Deacon Jim at Father Joe’s Villages, thanking us for the Adopt-A-Dream Program. I want to personally thank you and your parishioners for your generous donations from your Adopt-A-Dream Drive to Father Joe’s Villages. It is contributions like these that make it possible for Father Joe’s Villages to feed and house so many neighbors in need each day. The ongoing support from your parish has gone a long way toward empowering us to provide the very best services to our clients on their way toward self-sufficiency. On behalf of all of the men, women and children receiving services at Father Joe’s Villages, I thank you for your contribution and support. Our Lady’s Gift Shop I very much appreciate the commitment and passion your community has shown for the mission of Father Joe’s Villages. Yours in God’s Service of our neighbors in need, Deacon Jim F. Vargas, OFS Religious Education (CCD) Sign-Up is Now Open If you have not yet registered your children for CCD, classes begin this weekend. You may pick up a form at the parish center, on the tables in the back of church, or you may register, and pay online. To register online go to, you will find a block on the home page with the sign links, or use the “Catholic Faith” drop down menu to “Faith Formation”. When completing your online registration, you will have the option to pay for the registration. Our Lady of the Rosary Page 4 Little Italy, San Diego, CA Societa’ Del Santo Rosario Semi-Annual Meeting Sunday September 11 - Societa del Santa Rosario Meets in the lower church hall at 1:30 pm. Monday September 12 - Festa Meeting Meeting at 7:00 pm in the upper church hall. Tuesday September 13 - Shakspeare Club Meets in the upper church hall from 10:00 am till noon. Tuesday September 13 - PPC Meeting Meets at the Pastoral Center at 6:30 pm. Tuesday September 13 - RCIA Meeting Meets in the lower church hall at 7:00 pm. Meeting will take place on Sunday, September 11th at 1:30 pm in the Parish Hall. Recitation of the Rosary and meeting to follow. Ladies who would like to join are welcomed. Join the Choir Share in the Music Ministry of OLR Singing in a choir, is to help enhance the Liturgy of the Mass. We welcome all who wish to dedicate their time and talents in this endeavor. MEN of the Parish - Especially needed are BASSES The choir practices are Thursdays - 6:30 pm (The Choir sings at the 10:30 Mass Sept. – June) FIRST PRACTICE IS SEPTEMBER 8TH For questions: Call Linda Colletti 858-349-0862 Wednesday September 14 - Altar Society Meets in the upper church hall at 7:00 pm. Wednesday September 14 - Bible Study The class meets at 7:00 pm to study the Life of Christ and the class is lead by Fr. Louis Solcia. Friday September 16 - ICF General Meeting Meets in the lower church hall at 6:30 pm. Friday September 16 - KofC Meeting Meets in the upper church hall at 5:00 pm. Sunday September 18 - Addolorata Festa Noon Mass that includes the veneration of Our Lady of Sorrows. Refreshments in the church hall after mass. AROUND THE DIOCESE RENEWAL CONVENTION: The 45th Annual SCRC Catholic Renewal Convention will take place over Labor Day Weekend, September 2 - 4, 2016 at the Anaheim Convention Center Arena. This year’s theme is: “Merciful and Gracious is the Lord”. Over 50 Catholic Speakers & 70 Presentations! Spiritually enriching for all ages! For brochure/info, contact 818-771- 1361 or email [email protected]. For online information and registration visit OLR RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Instructions for Adults desiring to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and/or Holy Eucharist begin Tuesday, September 13th, in the Lower Church Hall at 7 PM, and meets every Tuesday from that day on (excluding holidays). For more information please contact Bill Basile at (858) 245-6103. Sacrificial Giving for September 4 Plate $ 3,325 Envelopes $ 3,484 Online $ 2,297 Total Sunday Collection $ 9,106 Building Fund $ 540 Our Lady of the Rosary Looking Ahead • • • • The Parish directory is planning on a November delivery. Christmas cards with pictures of our church will be available in three languages. OLR Festa, Sunday, October 2nd 77th Annual Spaghetti Dinner, Saturday, November 5th For updates, check our website at www.olrsd. org and sign up for our weekly e-newsletter by e-mailing [email protected] . Page 5 Little Italy, San Diego, CA Santa’s Workshop Raffle Booth We are in need of your tax deductible donations of cash and gift cards to be raffled away the night of our Spaghetti Dinner. Our raffle booth is sponsored by OLR Ladies Guild. Proceeds of our booth goes directly to the upkeep of our church and hall. You may mail or drop any donations to the church office by October 28th. Gift cards can be to restaurants, movie theaters, museums, grocery stores, or any San Diego amusements. If you’re dropping off a donation at the church office, please mention Santa’s Workshop Raffle Booth. Please e-mail or call our Chairperson, Lucy DeMaria-Laudate with any questions or concerns at [email protected] or (619) 8578133. THANK YOU! Our Lady of the Rosary BACKGROUND OF THE LITURGY Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time The three Scripture readings today teach the infinite patience and mercy of our God. The first reading shows how God is forgiving when Israel has rejected him and gone into idolatry. The second reading is Paul’s profession that he deserved nothing since he was the worst of sinners; but God had mercy on him. The (longer form of the) gospel gives three parables of the mercy of God. In the first reading, Moses has just received the commandments of the Law from God on Mt. Sinai. But God tells him to go down at once to the people. They have made a golden calf and are worshiping it. God says that he will destroy the people but make a great nation from Moses. Moses intercedes. He reminds God that he is the God of lovingkindness. Surely, God would not want the Egyptians to think that he brought this people out of Egypt just to destroy them! Moses reminds God of his covenant oath to Abraham and the patriarchs. God has mercy. In the second reading, Paul states that he was once a blasphemer and persecutor. God has treated him with undeserved mercy. He professes that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. The parables in the gospel are addressed to the Pharisees and Scribes who complained that Jesus was dining with sinners. (Very likely, “Scribes and Pharisees” is a hendiadys and should be translated the “Pharisee Scribes” or the “Scribal Pharisees.” These would be the legalists among the Pharisees who were more concerned with minutiae than with mercy.) The first parable is of the lost sheep. Jesus says that the shepherd would go in search of one that was lost and would have a party with his friends when he found it. Remember, parables are stories with a strange twist. We might imagine that the shepherd would play the percentages and not leave the ninety-nine to go in search of one. But God is that way. And we should be, too. The second parable is the woman who sweeps the house until she finds one lost coin. Very likely the coins alluded to those in a cap worn by wives. The wives took great pride and joy in this badge Page 6 Little Italy, San Diego, CA of their marriage. Perhaps the individual coins were not worth much. But the woman searches. She throws a party when she finds the lost coin. This is one explanation. But perhaps it is simply the case of losing one small coin out of ten. What person would sweep the whole house for a penny? But to God is like that He goes in search of the insignificant one who is lost. The parable of the Prodigal Son is in the longer form of the gospel. The brat demanded his share of his inheritance while the father was still living. He gets it and squanders it in loose living. Reduced to hunger and poverty, he decides to return to dear old dad and ask to be his servant. But while he is far off, the father spies him. (The implication is that the father never gave up searching for his return.) The father puts a robe around him, gives him shoes, and puts a ring on his finger — all signs of acceptance into the grace of the family. The older son is angry, he complains at the “fatted calf’ which has been killed for the party. The father answers him that everything the father has will eventually come to this son. But they had to rejoice because the lost was found, the dead has risen. Thus the profound theme of today’s readings: the undeserved mercy and love of our God. It sometimes happens that we think we are completely unworthy of God. People sometimes avoid Confession because they cannot forgive themselves. We are undeserving. But God still wants us. He wants to lavish his forgiveness on us. He wants to search until we find him again. We think we may not be able to change. Perhaps we shall sin again. But God is forever merciful. He will not only forgive. He will also empower us to change our lives and accept his forgiveness and love. With such a God, let us turn back to him and resolve to be part of his holy people. Our Lady’s Gifts Located in the Pastoral Center building. Enter from parking lot. Monday - Friday: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Saturday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Sunday: 8:30 am - 2:00 pm (619) 234-0162 ~ [email protected] Italian Bread FRANK’S BAKERY 3555 India St., B (minutes from Church) 296-0245 FAMOUS FOODS SINCE 1950 (619) 232-5094 1747 I NDIA STREET TREASURE TROVE ESTATE LIQUIDATORS ANTIQUES • COINS • JEWELRY Buy & Sell at Great Prices CALL (619) 283-7139 Jim/Martha Cardinale Hill Parishioners 3538 University Ave. MONA LISA Brian or Sally, coordinators HOMEMADE an Official Travel RAVIOLI • TORTELLINI • GNOCCHI • FETTUCCINE Agency of Apostleship RETAIL / WHOLESALE • DELICATESSEN of the Sea-USA CST 2117990-70 2044 India Street • San Diego 860.399.1785 619/239-5117 Italian Restaurant & Delicatessen • 234-1927 239-5367 • Quality Italian Food Products Open Sundays PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ 24/7 HELP ........ 2061 India St. San Diego, CA 92101 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made AN EXCLU SIVE F U LL SERVICE MORTUARY Jerry Balistreri Funeral Director 2911 Peter LoCoco • Billy Gigante Burials • Cremation • Pre Planning 619.280.0101 TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months For a location nearest you visit Zino’s international hair, skin care & nail designers Nicholas & Marc-Anthony Bongiovanni Generations in Charge! 7610 Hazard Center Dr. Suite 702, Hazard Center (619) 574-7895 ITALIAN RESTAURANT 3663 —EST. 1965— Voltaire St. 223-8197 Parishioner FRANK STELLA, CPA TAXES, ACCOUNTING,TRUST & ESTATE TAXATION AND COUNSULTING 2635 Camino Del Rio South, Ste 211 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 280-7076 - Office (619) 293-0807 - Fax E-MAIL: [email protected] Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Bob Stivers Shell & Auto Service Center Brakes, Tune-Up, Oil Change, Tires, Battery, Etc. Jamin Henry Auto Technician 1011 A Street San Diego, CA 92101 619-232-2906 $10 Free Gas With Any Paid Auto Service: One coupon per customer, per visit. JoJo Giordano REALTOR ® 1221 Rosecrans St., San Diego, CA 92106 619-995-5252 [email protected] An independently owned and operated member of Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. Check It Out Today! 714050 Our Lady of the Rosary Church The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes FOREIGN & DOMESTIC AUTO REPAIR 1125 Morena Blvd., San Diego, CA 92110 Complete Auto Repairs 619-276-3263 Look us up on Yelp Tulio C. Torrinello Sr. - Owner For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Our Lady of the Rosary Reconciliation (Confession) Saturdays 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Weekdays 11:30 am to 12:00 pm 30 minutes prior to each Mass (approach the altar and ask the priest). Parish Office: 1629 Columbia St., San Diego 92101 Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 12:00 pm; 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Phone: (619) 234-4820 ~ Fax: (619) 234-3559 Devotions Associate Pastors Fr. Louis M. Solcia, C.R.S.P. Fr. Albino M. Vecina, C.R.S.P. [email protected] Sacred Heart Devotion 1st Friday at 7:30 am Blessed Mother Devotion 1st Saturday at 7:30 am Mother of Perpetual Help Devotion Tuesday at 7:30 pm Goretti Mass & Devotion 1st Friday at 6:30 pm St. Padre Pio Devotion 1st Monday of the month at 6:30 pm Baptism For registered parishioners. Parents and godparents must attend a Baptism class, held on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the Month, 6:30 8:00 pm. Baptisms are done on the 1st Sunday of the month. Register online. Matrimony Notice is required nine months in advance and before any other arrangements are made (i.e. hall rental, invitation printing, etc). Contact the office. Eucharist for the Homebound/Sick Contact the office to schedule receipt of Eucharist at home. CCD/Children’s Faith Formation K - 7th Grade Classes are held Sundays, 9 – 11 AM. First Holy Communion is 1st and 2nd grades Confirmation is 8th and 9th grades. (Please consult Pastor about special circumstances.) R.C.I.A (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Instructions for Adults desiring to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist meet Tuesdays at 7:00 pm in the Downstairs Hall from September to Pentecost. Pastor Fr. Joseph M. Tabigue, C.R.S.P. [email protected] Deacon Stephen O’Riordan [email protected] Business Manager Bill Smirniotis [email protected] For bulletin announcements, accounting, Mass requests, funerals, or general information: Call the office or email [email protected] To Register as a Parishioner The easiest way is to go to our website and fill out the form found in the New to OLR tab. You may also copy the form and mail it to the office at 1629 Columbia St., San Diego 92101. Readings for the Week of September 11, 2016 Sunday: EX 32:7-11, 13-14; 1 TM 1:12-17; LK 15:1-32 Monday: 1 COR 11:17-26,33; LK 7:1-10 Tuesday: 1 COR 12:12-14; 27-31a; LK 7:11-17 Wednesday: NM 21:4b-9; PHIL 2:6-11; JN 3:13-17 Thursday: 1 COR 15:1-11; JN 19:25-27 Friday: 1 COR 15:12-20; LK 8:1-3 Saturday: 1 COR 15:35-37, 42-49; LK 8:4-15 Next Sunday: AM 8:4-7; 1 TM 2:1-8; LK 16:1-13 Please, Come to Church Dressed Appropriately! To be modestly and tastefully dressed is a sign of respect for God, for our selves, and for others. It’s a false assumption that God does not care how we dress. Jesus told us, “Whatever you do to the least of my brothers, you do it to me.” If our attire is indecently provocative (short shorts, strapless, backless, spaghetti strap dresses/tops, or displaying cleavage), displaying unwholesome graphics (skulls, advertisements, scantly clad people) or tattered, it becomes offensive to our brothers and sisters who are worshipping the Lord and therefore offensive to God’s Majesty. Ask this question: “Would you dress this way before God?” You are! He sees everything and you are in His house.
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