CONTRIBUTORS The most importat list in tJlis catalogue. Without these peopl_ethere would be no Seed Exchange. Many people responded this year to a specific _request to P"gitl contributing sied from their-plants which were considered to be at the cutting edge of the Rhodod-endron genus, and many of the regular, long time contributors continued with their devoted Jervice. To all of you who contributed seed, please accept a huge offering of gratitude from the entire Rhododendron world for your efforts and dedication to the genus and its fans. I i ADR ANDERSON ALLEN & SHIRLEY FRANKLIN LAKES NJ USA AHN AHERN TOM BETHLEHEM PA USA AND ANDERSEN EVA NR. ASMINDERUP ANG ANGELIN ANTHONY TORRINGTON, cr. USA ARS ARSEN FRANK LINDENHURST NY USA BAG BAGOLY LOU ASHEBORO NC USA BAL BALINT DAVID M VANCOUVER WA USA BCK BRACK WERNER & PATRICTAST. JAIvIES NY USA BEG BERG HAROLD ROCHESTER MI USA BEG BERG WARREN PORT LUDLOW wA. USA BEU BEUTLER DR EUGENIE J. BASKING RIDGE NJ USA BIR BIRCK JENS C. COPENHAGENS. DENMARK BLM BLUMHARDT OZ WHANGAREI NEW ZEALAND BLY BLYTH BRUCE W. LIVONIA MI USA BOR BORSKY DR. MARTIN BRIDGEWATER NJ USA BRA BRADLEY BRUCE CHELSEA MI USA BRK BRACKMAN BILL & ]VTYRNA PUYALLUP WA USA BRO BROOKS RICHARD CONCORD MA USA BRU BRUSO JOSEPH HOPKINTON MA USA BSP BISHOP ROBERT S.SURREY B.C. CANADA BUD BEAUDRY NORMAN BETHESDA MD USA CAR CARLSSON BENGT GOIEBORG CAV CAVENDER DICK & KAREN SHERrtl/OOD oR. USA CHA CHARVE'T LEN W. FORT BRAGG USA CHR CHERNUT JIM PUYALLUP CA WA CLB CLERMONT JEAN VALCARTIER ac CANADA cNc CUNIC JANE M. PITTSBURGH PA USA cox cox PETER A. GLENCARSE PERTH SCOTLAND CUM CUMMINGS FRED ORINDA CA USA DLP DELP WELDON HARzuSVILLE PA USA DOI DOI YASUYUKI ISHIKARI HOKKAIDO JAPAN DVS DAVIES DR SUE PALMERSTON NORTH EAR EARLY S. CHRISTOPHER ATLANTA, GA USA ELL ELLIOTT WALTER SHELTON WA USA FCK FICKES JERRY BONNY DOON CA USA FJK FUJIOKA FRANK FREELAND WA USA FLA FLAVELL RICHARD KILLINGWORTH cT. USA FTZ FITZBURGH DRA. R C,\LDWELL NJ USA r996 DENMARK SWEDEN USA NEW ZEALAND FUR FURMAN ROBERT BREWSTER MASS USA GDR C.OODRICH COL. RAYMOND H. VIENNA VA USA GFP PETERSEN GERT FORUM VOERLOSE GLK GILKEY RUSSELL KINGSPORT TN USA C'OF GOFORTI{ BRUCE ARDEN NC USA C.OH C'OHEEN DR. DAVID CAMAS WA USA GRE GRENKOWTZ ROBERT ROMEO MI USA GRY GRAY GEORGE H. WILLI-AMS BAY wI USA GUS GUSTAFSON DR RICHARD H. I"AWRENCEVILLE HALLIGAN J. PATRICK FREELAND HAR HARTMAN ROSEMARY HILI,SBORO NJ WA cR. USA HAL HAT HATLEM BERNICE SORBOVAG HID HIDEAKI OHAZAMA YAMACATA HIG HIGGERSON CLYDE NEW BALTIMORE MI USA HIL HILL POLLY VINYARD HAVEN MA USA HLM HELM HANK R. BAINBRIDGE ISLAND WA USA HNT HINTON DAVID N. ORONO ONTARIO CANADA HNZ HEINZE JOHN TOI,EDO OH USA HRV HARVEY Dr. M. JOE VICTORIA BC CANADA HUS HUISMAN TIJS HATTEM PR IRH IRISH-HOSLER DOUG NORTTI EAST ISH ISHIDA SHIN'ICHI KAMAKURA JAC JACOBSEN OLE ROLF HORSHOLM DK DENMARK JEN JENKINS EWIN B DECATUR AL USA JHN JOHNSON SCARBOROUGH ONT CANADA KHR BRYAN G EIJI YOSHIMURA JRS SEED E>( KEHR DR. AUGUST HENDERSO|JTT/ILLE NC USA KLN KLINE HOWARD R. LEESPORT PA USA KNI KNIGHTS ANTHONY D. M. LONGMEADOW MA USA KRS KRISTENSEN B-IGIL GALLEN. THEM LAR LARUS CHARLES T. HENDERSONVILLE, LNN LENNARDS KARL KREFELD I-OE LOESCHER WALTER PARADISE CA USA too LOOre JACK ST CATHERINES ONT CANADA MAR MARCHAND DR JIM ASHLAND MA USA MCU MCCULLOUGH MIKE SAN JOSE CA USA MDO MCDONALD DR. SANDRA HAMPTON VA USA MEA MEANS DR ROBERT L. WINSTON-SALEM NC USA MEE MEERKERK EDNA NEWCOMB GREENBANK WA USA MEL MELTZER HANNS L. NEUSTADT WN GERMANY MIL MILLER GEORGET. HANOVER PA USA MOS MOSER ERHARD NAK NAKAJIMA KENICHI D-O-gO3OCHEMNITZ SHIZUOKA.KEN NIC NICOLELI.A JOHN F{AIiIPTON BAYS NY USA OLR OLERI MARY E. WILMINGTON DEL USA PAG PAGE PIERRE MONTREAL 8C CANADA JRS DENMARK USA NORWAY -CITY JAPAN NETHERLANDS PA USA JAPAN OKAZAKI-SHI r996 USA JAPAN DENMARK NC USA GERMANY GERMANY JAPAN PAN PANEV GERY ALMUNGE POR PORTER WARD NANAIMO BC CANADA PRK PARKS JOEB DOVER NH USA PRZ PRZYPEK WALTER YORKTOWN VA USA PTS PATTERSON CFIARLIE J. NORWELL MA USA RAB RABIDEAU RONALD R. BARRE MA USA RBE ROBESON CHARLES PORT SAINT LUCIE FL USA RBR ROBERTS HOWARD H. ROSEMONT PA USA RGN RING GEORGEW. FAIRFAX VA USA RIC REICH WOLFGANG ALFELD LEINE RIN RING DR. THOMAS L. BELI,AIRE ROK ROKUJO DR. TSUNESHIGE TOIffO RSF FOUNDATION RHOD. SPECIES FEDERAL WAY WA USA RSN ROSENTHAL JACOB HOLLISWOODS NY USA SAN SANDERS MERLE ROSEBURG cR. USA SAT SATO SUSUMU TSURUOKA.CHI, YAMAGATA SCL SINCLAIR JUNE PORT LUDI.OW WA SWEDEN GERMANY OH USA JAPAN JAPAN USA SHA SCHAARUP PALLE SILKEBORG, SHI SHIRVEN, II ALEXANDRIA VA USA SHN SCHANNEN DR MAYNARD N HENRY A. (HANK) PRINCETON NJ USA SHO ROLF SCHOEN RIDGEVILLE ONT CANADA SFIW SCHWIND ROBERIT L ATLANTA GA USA SMT SMITH CLINT SUMNER WA USA SMV SOMMERVILLE EARL MARIETTA GA USA SOM SOMERS E. J. KAIAPOI, R.D. 2 N. CANT. NEW ZEALAND SOR SORENSEN PER KJAERHUS WAITARA RD 43 4656 NEW ZEALAND STA STAUNE CI,AUS JESPER HORBEIEV DENMARK STE STEWART FRANCIS E. JASPER GA USA TAN TANGGARD MILTON B. SEATTLE WA USA TDD TODD JAMES, JR LENOIR NC USA TRT TRAUTMANN CHRIS AMELIA OH USA UMP UMPLEBY DAVID B.C. CANADA VIR VIRARAGHAVAN M.L. OUALICUM BEACH KODAIKANAL vto VAN LOCHEM GERRIT J. BK 6823 ARNHEM NETHERLANDS VTK VOITK KAAREL TYRESO SWEDEN WEA WEAGLE JOHN K. HALIFAX N.S. CANADA WLL WALLACE DONALD ARCATA CA USA WLT WALTON PATRICIA UPPER SADDLE RTV. NJ USA woD WOODARD GEORGE WESTBURY NY USA WYL YOS ZIM WYLIE GORDON K EUGENE oR. USA YOSHIMURA EIJI IWAZU,CHO OKAZAI{I JAPAN ZIMMERMANN REV. ROBERTG. PORT LUDI,OW WA USA r996 DENMARK TAMIL NADU INDIA Special Catqgory $3.OO (Kilimanjaro x Purple Lace) x 1OOO Butterflies 35 FJK 36 MEE Lem's Tangerine x Frank Galsworthy MEE (Lem's Tangerine x Tropicana) clone'E- x Viennese Waltz 37 38 I MEE Albatross x Fragrant Red 39 2 SMT omagianum hp 40 ll MEE Ann Meerkerk unknown hvbrid M79-2O7 x Rosalie Hall 4l 4 SMT atlanticum hp 43 E SMT auncuLatum hp o MEE auncuktLum Meerkerk form x auriculatum RSF form MEE (auriculotum x utguemi ) x serrotinum 42 MEE Lem's Tangerine x Viennese Waltz MEE Loderi King Georgex Double Winner MEE Loderi King Geolge xfvtolacteum MEE Loderi King George x Frag;rant Red MEE Loderi King George x Viennese Waltz RSF maddenii ssp. crassurn (odiorJerwrt 65/3@ op 44 MEE {[(Madonna xfortunetr x Dexter's "A- x ([.em's Peppermintl x Cheyenne) clone -B" - pod parent Cameo x Kubla tGran) clone is selection from l9&! ARS Seed Exchange u RSFI ouritum op 45 9 MEE Marlene Peste x Viennese Waltz SMT baken op 46 l0 MEE Maroon Bells x Jenny MEE Bernstein x Fragrant Red MEE (Biue Hawaii x Mrs. Davies Evans) x Purple Splendor MEE Brasero x l(auricu]atum x Fabia) x (auriculatum x Azorll 47 MEE Mavis Davis x Viennesc Waltz 4a SMT maximum hp 49 GRE metterintumW.Berg form o.p. from Petet Cox's garden, -15F, stper foliage FJK [Nancy Evansx (Bob Ebvee x Odee Wright)l x brachgcarpum ll 12 50 l3 SMT (Butter Brickle x September Song) x Bob Bovee t4 SMT calenduLaceum hp l5 GRE campamlatumvar. aeruginosum o.p., blue leaves, pink flowers, from Peter Cox's garden 5l 55 Nancy Evans x braclrycarpum WOD (Nancy Evans x bweatnsii) x Gosh Dam FJK (Nancy Evans x bweauniil x (l-ila Pedigo x Lacteum) WOD (Narrcy Evans x bweauuit ) x (Polynesian Sunset x White Peter) from F. Fujioka's garden AHN Nancy Evans x Caroline (Fujioka-Ahern) 56 FJK 57 FJK MEE Dexter's Spice x Viennese Waltz MEE (Edna McCarthy x Mrs. Donald Graham) x auricuLatum 58 FJK 59 SMT occidentale Brookings, Oregon 22 MEE elliottii hybrid x auriculatum 60 2!\ SMT Jargesii hp MEE ;tortunei hybrid x Loderi King George MEE jortunei hybrid x Viennese Waltz 6l SMT occidentale cnl Azalea Park GRE pachgsanthumR-J. 7f DOI o.p. from Peter Cox's garden 62 FJK Peter Allan (Girard) x l(yakx Purple Splendor) x IOOOButterfliesl 63 FJK 64 FJK Polaris x IOOOButterflies Polaris x (Lila Pedigo x lncteum) 65 FJK l€; 52 53 GRE campanulatumvar. aentginosum o.p., blue "Rolls Royce leaves, of Rh. foliage," from Peter Cox's garden 'Waxen Bell' o.p. from GRE campanulntum var. Royal Botanical Garden, Edinburgh, Scotland 54 l8 SMT canaderse hp l9 FJK 20 l7 2l 24 25 26 FJK Consolini's Windmill x IOOOButterflies (Nancy Evans x Lionefs THumph) x brachgcarpum (Nancy Evans x Pacific Gold) x IOOO Butterflies (Nancy Evans x Pacific Gold) x (Uakx f OOO Butterflies) 27 MEE ..fortunei x Loderi King George MEE Fragrant Red x Loderi King George 28 MEE Fragrant Red x Viennese Waltz 29 RSF galactinum 30 MEE Golden Genie x Fragrant Red 66 MEE President Rooserrelt x Loderi King George 3l MEE Goldkrone x Viennese WaJtz FJK (Hotei x Bob Bovee) x (Lila Pedigo x lncteutnl 67 SMT quinquifoilum 32 68 RSF 33 MEE Jenny x Jan Bee 69 RSF rorteanum 34 MEE Julischa x Viennese Waltz 70 MEE Rubicon x Viennese Waltz op r996 Polaris x [(yakx Purple Splendor) x IOOO Butterfliesl op rex'Quafiz' 75/ll8 op narrosr leaf form op 7I SMT sanctum hp I lo SCL 72 SMT schftppenbochii Sid's Deep pink op MEE serotrnum H.P. campanulatur& c.w. SSW, best flower, good foliage x self lll SCL campgtogg4um x self rr2 SCL campgLoggnum x self 73 ' -J :c i: : t j :J 'l: 74 SMT serotrnum hp 75 SMT thayeranum hp : I l3 SCL 76 SMT ungernii hp camtschntiu:rm Cox. red : II4 SCL camtschaticum I 15 SCL {camtschntiatm red x camtschnticum red) > camtschaticum red camtschaticum x self 77 7a 7S 80 8l GRE uemicosum Rock 18139 o.p. from Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, Scotland MEE Viennese Waltz x Rosy Dream E3 u rr7 RSF canad.ense x self I l8 MEE Whidbey Island x (caLophAturnx Sarita l,,oder) SCL I 19 scl. r2o WEA chnmaetlnmpsonii I2r BIR cinnabarinum aestiuale r22 SCL citriniflorum Caperci x self r2s SCL citriniflorum var. horaeum RSF x self r24 SCL citrinif,olium Cox x self r25 SCL clementinae Greig x self 126 RIN concinnum r27 HAL concinnum pseudoganthinum'Ruby Red' x concinnum p s eudog anthinum Pu rp le \?8. 129 KLN l3o RIC l3l r32 S C L d"ecorum, extremely floriferous, white x sel FLA decorttmx de&mtm seed parent hardy in Conn. 133 MOS degronianum ssp. heptamerum hp 134 MOS degronianum ssp. yakushimanum 135 DLP Delp's Red Max x self 136 SAN discolor selfed 137 SCL eclecleumyellow x self p1g "ed!'eusorthii RBG Edinburgh form x self SCL , ,; : ' albeitsdnianum x self SCL 90 $Z.OO GDR adenqpharurn (ARS 2-79) x self FTZ ottnweibnse x self RSF atbiJTorum '.1,:'1.),,;:1',1. 89 \ albrechtii dark red x albrechtif. dark red I i , { , t , r ! ! , ' .t , ' : , ; : j i . ri r . RSF amagianum7s/356 x amaginnum77 /568 .' .,; ,:r KLN ambigutm RSF82l 156 x self ,..1 MOS arurqe,.bp. ,. SCL" arbbleiirnd'iv: Stkkim, red flowers. rustv indumentum x self el ,cox arboreufii ssp. cnnamomium deep.rose hp 92 e3 e4 95 BEG' arizelum'selfed cDR cugusturii Gable form * seif ,'i;i:"I l;l 1, cDR augustinii Gable form x self BRK a4y,iq4lrl,tum hp 96 .r JAC anriculafitm 97 SHA 'j o ; U r i C U L a t U m r XS e l f , 1 , r i , j , . i , . ) . i i , j ' - l 98 SCL hp l3s ': bailegi Kirlg.& Patton x'sblf, ,,., i'r'd belg€ti x'self' ' " (;l ee scl, loo BSp brachgcarpl.rm Sado Island form x self '' , : RGN brachgcarpurn,ssp. tigerstedtii hp lol ro2 to3 BSP brachycarpurn ssp, tigerstedtiix self RSF bureanpii 7 5 / O1.I x bureauuii 84 / L47 104 scr, I i ' l : ; ' btreauuii Bryant x bureauuii RSF SCL bureauuii x self }OE FTZ calendrdaceum aftahne x:self .',.:,:',." iii' ro7 cox loe SCL SCL callimor ptqttnl ; r rr r';i,''ir : ;! j : :)r i i 1 i ili -i i 'i;:. 'i ';f r;l ir i callimorphnfi'X calostrofitm self ' r rl r x self ;:r ','j;,, i 139 cerasianum 'Cherry Brandy'x self chnetomg.llum Rock 34 x chaetomattum 661667 t ,11 t, RSF 66/545 x self Roylei x cinnabartnum var. RSF 751313 x self CqryCatnyrr3 SCL crinigerum Rock 57 x crinigerum Rock lO0 dauidsonianum x self hp l4o AND g"t,_egantulynx elegantttlum rose flowers Bm eximium Berg, very good yellow l4l BEQ ep,nnium selfed r42 scL,,tgl'ggg,il+Sn x self !' lo5 108 red RSF 86 8a x camtscltaticum I 16 85 a7 lied MEE Vinecrest x Viennese Waltz MEE uraltichir H.P. Species - Iland Pollinated a2 Cox, red x camtschaticum l';i r996 143 zlM Jictolncteumhp, parent from cw seed Sinb/Brlush Expedition 1984 rM nan jctdlhltdlm x self r45 woD fle$&'i?Enum Yellow Bunting x self 146 SCL ./tonbundum RSF x self r47 FTZ x self hp " I:::''<tilirr ';' ' ' :'i!' 148 BEc rljriirne ?tltii iiirii r: I rri:i r '''f il t4g ';'1ibtsi$?ttih!it Ir{'\' /':}q 'r'r"' ':'r' 15o FTZ Jortunei(2 Guys)*'ibf .:i i i tiur .:r?:]r. ill t,):V :t. t iii:i..,ti i r t,;,...r tj I5l B S P forhn ei Lu Shan x JorfineiWindsor Great Park r52 153 154 155 l56j .forfirrei LuShan x Jortwtei, very dark purple-blue petioles and buds 'Mrs. Charles Butler'x self P T S Jorhnei RSF ,forfinei ssp. discolor 66/56f xJortunei ssp. discolorTS/064 R S F .forfinei ssp. discolor 75/064 xfortutei ssp. discolor 66/56f cox ,fuluum Crarae best x.;luluum Cox's best l8e ARS leo RIC l9l SCL monesematum x self FTZ mucronulatum Cheju Island x self 'Cheju Isle'c.w. dk. flwr. SCL mrrcronulatum form x mucronuLatum' Cheju Isle' ROK mrrcronuLatum J. teucanthum x self VTK 192 193 rs4 le5 metternichii x sibling metternichii / de gr onianum s sP' heptamerum ex seed lot M3/86 Mt. Kujn' Japan x self SCL Gable's Hardy Jortutei x self gLaucophgLLumaLbum x self le6 ROK mucronulatum u. comPactum J. teucanthum selfed scl, neritflorum'Rosevallon' x self l5e SCL gLaucophgLLum album x self r97 MOS nipponicum 160 AND glaucophgLlum pink flowers x self 1e8 RSF 16l SCL gLaucophgllum pink/orange c.w. Bhutan, W. Berg x self leg 2oo t57 PTS 158 t62 SCL glaucopl4y\um W. Berg x self 2or 16ll HAR glischroides x self 2O2 164 SCL l€;5 PTS griersonianum x self 'John R. Allcock'x self houlstonii irroratum c.w. Sikkirn x self 2o3 166 scl, 167 SCL 168 COX irroratum c.w. white x irroratum c.w. pink w/ spots t7o irroratum'Carse' x white MOS kaempferi albiflorum hP FTZ keiskei Yaku Fairy x self t7t SCL l6e / 2o4 2o5 hp occidentaLe77 /385 x occidentate 77 / 499 RSF ocadentate77 /499 x occidentaLeTT/384 RSF occidentale 77 / 499 x occidentale 77 / 623 RSF occidentale 77 /623 x occidentaLe77 /499 cAV occidentaLeDD-12 sister seedling' large bullate leaves, heavy textured flowers x self HAR occidentaLe MS5O2 x selfed CAV (occidentnLe SM 189 largest flower x occidentale'Leonard Frisbee' large frilled) x self CAV (occidentate SM 28-3 double x occi-dentale SM 28-2 double) x self, *Pink double Lartatumc.w. Sikkim x lanatum c.w. Sikkim 2o7 CAV occidentale SM 5O2 best picotee red x (occidentaLeSM28-3 x occi.dentateSM 28-2) double SCL orbiculnre bi-color, RSF 671702 x self HRV orbiculare, selfed 2oB t72 PAG Lapponicum x mucronulatum 2on r7:t SHA Ieucaspis x leucaspis 2Oe cox oreodoxa uar. Jargesii hP r74 scl, leucaspsis x self 2ro 175 SCL lutescens'Bagshot Sands' x self 2rr 176 RSF t77 RSF IuteumT4/O8O x Luteum7T/325 hieumT4/O8O x ltrteum 88/065 2r2 SAN oreotrePhes selfed scl, pachgsanthum Cox, silver indumentum x pachgsanthum Cox, brown indumentum SCL pact'rysanthum Cox x pachrysanthum c.w. I7a SOR 2r3 RIC patuLum x self 2r4 scl. ptercei x self 2r5 KLN prinophgllum x self BEG proteoides 8-9602 x Proteoides B I R proteotdes Rl5l x proteoides GN x CS BEG proteoides x proteoi.des t79 RSF 180 RSF l8l r82 macabeanum FCC form, narroe leaves, upright x macabeanum FCC form with wide leaf and wide habit makinoi 74/O8l x makinoi 84/ 152 216 makinoi34/ 152 x makinoiT4/O8l ROK makinoi, extra large Pure white x metternicttii u. amagianum -f. Leucanthum 2rT 2ra 2re ROK mc.kinoipale pink buds, opens white x rnakinoL extra large, pure white flowers 183 MEA makarci selfed 184 CAV monesii Azalea hp 185 DLp maximum Green flowers x self 186 FTZ metternichrr Oki Island x metternichii micranthum 'ROK lA7 Mimata' mettemichit u. tsukushinnum'Mt. form x self 188 SHA mettemichii x metternicttii, both parents w/excellent flowers 22o SCL przeuaLskii c.w. x self HAR pseudochrysanthum x self 22r RIC pumiLum x self 222 BEG qunqulfolium 223 RSF quinqudotium x self 224 226 COX rex ssp. fictolacteum COX rex ssp. rex scl, rhabdotum white x rhabdotum yellow 227 DVS rhabdotum 225 1996 red fall foliage x rhabdotum 224 AND roxteanum u. oreonastes narrow leaf x roxieanum u. oreonostes 22e SCL roxieanumvar. gLobigen-rmRSF 54/59 x self 267 23o RIC roxieanum uar. oreonaste s 2(B 23I DLp Ruddy Red Max x self' 232 SCL rudeW. Berg x n^rdeSinclair, excellent flwrs & foliage 23s pAN n{um Rock 1926, Bergianska Bot. Garden x n4firn Humel 1931, Goteberg Bot. Garden 234 MOS sctttippenbachir hp 235 JHN schlippenbachii nice pink, red fall foliage 2s6 RSF semibarbatum x self 237 ROK simsii selfed, from seeds c.w. in China 2sa SCL Species - Collected Wild 26s z7o smithii c.w. Sikkim, best red, 17 flwrs, large foliage x self 271 2se scl, smithir c.w. Sikkim, red w/ l7 flowers, fab. foliage & flwrs x self 24O scl. smithii c.w. Sikkim. red x smithii c.w. \ Sikkim. red. 17 flowers RSF gaktshimanum 75 / 26O x gahshimanum 77 /273 PAG gakusttimanum x gakushimanum AND yakushimanum x gakushimanum pink form $f.SO SHW alabamense, pale yellow, fragrant,IOOO', Cherokee Co., Georgia HLM aLbiflorumSTOOft, Washington Pass, N. CascadesHglyy, I / 29 / 95 RSF aLbiflorum RPOf 8, Hurricane Ridge, Ol1'rnpic Penensula, Wash. 272 RSF albiflorum RPOI9, Hurricane Ridge, Olyrnpic Penensula, Wash. 27:l RSF aLbiflorum RPO2O, Hurricane Ridge. Olympic Penensula.Wash. RSF aLbiflorum RPO21, Hurricane Rid$e, Olympic Penensula, Wash. 24t COX soulei deep pink hp 242 SCL strigillosum Avery x strigillosum red, Greig 243 BRO sutcfulense x self 2M RSF thngerianum 66/605 x thtg enanum 66 / | 67 245 SCL thomsonii c.w. Sikkim, best red, red calyx x self 246 scl, thomsonii c.w. Sikkim, green calyx/red x thomsonii c.w. Sikkim, red calyx 247 STA triplonaeuium, Windsor x triplonaeuium , W.Berg 244 BIR tripLonauium Windsor x trtplonauium wB SCL tsanense W. Berg small leaf x tsanense RSF 2Ts JRS aureum georgi, yellow, cw Mt. Senjodake' STE austrinum 24e 25o 274 275 SAT albrechtii 276 VIR arboreum ssp. nilagincum, bright pink flowers, unspotted, 75OOft., cw Palni Hills, North India VIR arboreum ssp. nilagirtcum , dark red flowers, spotted black, 75OO ft, cw Palni Hills, North India 278 COX arggrophgllum C&H 7044 S. Sichuan JaPan COX ungernii AG&H 2AO 25r RSF uasegix self 281 STE austrinum gold 252 WyL uenator x self 242 253 FTZ uemicosum 18139 x self 2ai) WEA barbatum P.Wharton Expedition #PW79 JRS brach44carpum, pink, cw Cape Elimo, Jap 2A cox uemicosum C&H 7027 S. Sichuan 244 RIN 255 SCL wo,llictrii c.w. x self 256 SCL uaLLichii cw x urallichti cw 257 254 COX utardii clear yellow hp y1K uardii (ex lS&T 5679) x uardiL Milde 259 SCL u.ratsoniiaff., possibly a new species x self 260 VTK u-rrlliamsranum,Special, Cox x tuiLLiamsianum Milde 26r SCL tuiLtonii x self 262 \rfK gakFCC x(gakFCC x Rokujo) 263 RSF gakushimanum73/SO8 very dwarf form x galatshimanum 7 5 / 260 Exbury form 2& Exbury form x RSF gahshimanumT5/260 galanshimanum 64 / O1.2Kochira Wada Exbury form x RSF gaktshimanum7S/26o gakushimanum73/3O8 very dwarf form 265 2a5 286 287 288 289 290 291 r996 292 293 294 calendulaceum, Transylvania Co., N.C. GOF calenduLaceumyellow, c.w. near highway 280, HendersonCo., NC COX catophgtum C&H 7f 16 N.E. Yunnan WEA conaderse cw Dartmouth, Nova Scotia conescctns pink, cw Sharp Mt., Pickens C GA STE cdnesccns white, cw Pickens Co., GA JEN carlescens,c.w. in Winston Co.' Ala. STE SFIW carolinianumc.w. elev. 24OO'Rabun Co. SHW catourbierse c.w. elev. 4784' Brasstown Bald, Union Co., GA SFIW catau-rbiensec.w. elev. 6000" Roan Mt.' Carter Co., Tenn SFIW cataurbieraec.w. elev. 6600' Mt. Mitchell' Yancey Co., NC szs 2e5 LAR catatubiense Compact red. Gregory Bald, 5,OOOft 2e6 LAR cataubiense Deep pink, Gregory Bald, 5,OOO 324 ft RSF macrophgLlum Mineral Creek RP#OO8cw. 3500' 2e7 SFIW catutsbiense J. insuLaris c.w. elev.1O5O' 325 RSF macropttgllum Mineral Creek RP#OO9cw, 3600' RSF macrophgllum Mineral Creek RP#OO7cw, 3400' CherokeeCo., GA 2e8 RIC dauricum Dar. semperuirens (Ledebourii), Siberia, collected by Josef Jurasek. Prague s26 RSF macrophgllum Mineral Creek RP#OI I cw, 39OO',north edge wooded area 299 BLM dektuagi Dar. paramoenun, 25OOm, Mt. Fan Si Pan, North Vietnam 327 RSF macrophgllum Mineral Creek RP#OI2 cw, 3900' RSF macrophgllum Mineral Creek RP#OI3 cw, 4000' RSF rnacrophgllum Mineral Creek RP#OI4 cw, 3650' :'tOO BLM delagaui uar peramoenum , 22O rn, Mt. Fan Si Pan, North Vietnanr 3Ol dilitalum cw in Mt. Hakone ISH '.i24 :t2e :1O2 ISH dilitaLum cw in Mt. Takao 3Oi] cox irrirahrm ssp. ningrluense C&H TlOO N.E. Yrrnnan rto4 BLM irrora\tm, 23Oorrr,Mt. Fan Si Pan. North uuo BSF macrophgllum Mineral Creek RP#OI5 cw, 3500' rl3l RSF macrophgLlum Mineral Creek RP#Ol6 cw, 3300' :l:12 RSF macroph.r1llumMineral Creek RP#Ol7 cw, 3250' llllll HLM macrophgllum nice dark pink, 34OOft. sec.4,TBN,RGE,WM. Mineral Creek llll4 BSp macrophgllum rose flowers, Seven Devils near Coos Bay, Oregon 3:15 RGN maximum blush with multiple buds/terminal, cw Bent Mt., GA il36 '.t:t7 BRU maximum, c.w. Hopkinton, MA RGN mascimum white, cw Bent Mt.. GA metternichii -f. micranthum 'Takeda', pink, cw Mt. Omine, Japan Vietnanr :JOs BLM irroratum, 278Ont, Mt. Fan Si Pan. North Vietnam it06 BLM :\o7 ISH irroratum, 3OOOm, broad leaf, red flowers. Mt. Fan Si Pan. North Vietnam japonicum (Suringer) cw at the skirt of Mt. Yatsugatake,Japarr :tol3 BLM kunrnre-typeazaleaspecics,pale pink, 25OOnr,Mt. Fan Si Pan. North Vietnarrr Itoe WEA lapporticum cw Labrador :ilo wEA Iapponicum cw Newforrndland (on linrestone) lJlJf:t JRS macroplullhlnr c.w. 2Skrrr west of ShawniganLake, Vancouver lsl.. B.C. :l:11) JRS mettemichir sieb et Zucc., pink, cw Mt. Taradake, Japan Reserve,SorronraCo., CA ll4o NAK mucroplttllllrrnc.w. northenrnrost group. Rltod. Lake, rrear Nanainro.Vancorrver I s l a n d .B . C . ntettemichii u. kqomaruense Mt. Amagi Banzaburo, Japarr :J4l ISH mettemichii uar. ltondoense cw in Kamakura. Japan it42 HID meLtemichii uar. hondoense Oki Island. Japarr ll4:l JRS metternichii uar hondoense, pink, cw Mt. Hando, Japan :t44 JRS metternichii uar pentamerurn, pink, cw Mt. Azuma, Japan ll45 SHW minus c.w. elev. IOOO'from Chattahoochee :tl l HRV :it2 M C U macroplulllumc.w. Knrse Rhodendrorr ItllJ pOR ril4 zlM macroplttlllum cw fronr largest knowrr populatiorrin Wasl'r.Cascades.Mineral Creek Itls ZIM macroplul\lrrmfrorn largest knowrr poptrlationin Wash. Cascades,Mineral Creek, isolated plant on SW edge 3l€; U M p macrophgllum, isolated population near Chilliwick Lake, B.C. |\7 :llrJ iJle ll2o HLM River, Fulton Co., GA macrophghlm large leaf, 32OOft, sec. 4. TBN, RGE, WM. Mineral Creek macrophgllum Mineral Creek RP#OOI cw, darkest flower, 32OO' R S F macrophgllum Mineral Creek RP#OO2 cw, Hank Hehn's choice for darkest flower. 3200' RSF :146 BAG :t47 M C U occidentale 25 ft., mostly pink rrttdiflorum peach pink, cw Chester Co., PA flwrs/orange flare, Crescent City I lO4, Crescent City Flats. Del Norte County, CA ll48 MCU occidentale c.w. Idyllwild Area, yellow fall foliage, 6500 ft, Deer Springs Trail, plant will be numbered in 1996 RSF macrophgLlum Mineral Creek Rp#OO3 cw, 3200' 349 MCU occidentale c.w. Siskiyou National Forest, RSF macrophgllum Mineral Creek Rp#OO5cw, 3500' 350 M C U occidentote c/w/ iJ22 RSF ntacrophgllum Mineral Creek Rp#OO6cw, 3400' 321 Eight Dollar Road, red to orange fall foliage 1996 ldyllwils Area, red fall foliage, 6000 ft, Deer Springs Trail, plant will be numbered in 1996 u51 MCU occidentale GG2, some pink in flwr, Flynn Creek, Mendocino Co., CA, May, discovered by Gene German 369 MCU occrdentaLeGG6, white, Flynn Creek, Mendocino Co., CA, May, discoveredbY Gene German MCU occidentaLeldyllwild f OO8, white flwr/ yellow flare, 52OOft, Idyllwild Area, Lake Fulmor, June MCU occidentale ldyllwilcl I l06, pastel pink flwr/ yellow flare. 53OO ft, Idyllwild Area, County Visitor Center, Lilly Creek, CA. June |t70 355 MCU occidentaLeIdyllwild 1321, white flwr/orange flare, 6000 ft, ldyllwild Area,Spur of Road 4502, which goes to Black Mt., June 1156 MCIJ occidentale ldyllwild 1325, white & pink flwr/orange flare, TOOOft, Idyllwild Area, Suicide Rock Trail, June '.J57 MCU occidentale ldyllwild 2O2, white '.t7| :172 373 374 flwr/orange flare, 5,OOOft, Idyllwild Area, Bay Tree Springs, Riverside Co.. CA, June li58 MCU occidenLaleldyllwild 2O6, w h i t e flwr/yellow flare. 5,OOOft, ldyllwild Area, Sanders Meadow,Jttne :t75 lJ59 MCU occidenLaleldyllwild 30l, w h i t e & p i n k llwr/orange flare, 5,OOOft. Idyllwild Area' Bay Trees SPrings, CA, June :t76 3tio MCU occrdentale Idyllwild 5Ol, white flwr/orange flare, 53OO ft. Idyllwild Area' Ftrller Mill Creek, CA, June :177 116l MCU occidentaLeIdyllwild 5O2, white flwr/orange flare, trusses arranged in a floribunda patternwhich makes a very showy plant, the best of the ldyllwilds' ldyllwild Area, Dark CanYon, CA, June 3ri2 ltri3 MCU occrdentale ldyllwild 5O3, white flwr/some pink/orange, 58OOft, Idyllwild Area. Dark Canyon, CAJune MCU occidentaLeldyllwild 9O5, white flwr/deep yellow flare, 53OOft, Idyllwiid Area, County Visitor Center, Lilly Creek, CA. June MCU occidentaleMt. Tam 1311, white flwr/ yellow flare, l9OO ft, Mt. Tamalpais State Park, Cataract Trail, Marin Co., CA, May MCU occidentaLe Mt. Tam 1312, white & pink flwr/ yellow flare, quite a few flwrs have six petals, 2OOOft, Mt. Tamalpias State Park, Potrero Meadow, May MCU occidentate Palomar f 206, white & pink flower'orange flare, 5OOOft, Cleveland National Forest, Observatory Campground, June MCII occidentale Palomar 1318, white flower/yellow flare, when in full bloom the plant is covered with flowers, Palomar Mt. State Park, ChimneY Flat, June MCU occidentate Palomar l32O' white flower/yellow flare, red fall foliage' Palomar Mt. Stqate Park' The Weir, June 1996 MCU occrdentale Palomar 1505, white flower/ yellow flare, 4600 ft, Palomar Mt. State Park, The Weir, June MCU occidentate Palomar 4O2, white and pink flower, six petals per flower, best of the Palomars, 4gooft. Palomar Mt. State Park, Chimney Flat Trail, San Diego County, CA, June MCU occrdentaLePalomar 8O2, white flower/orange flare, SOOOft, Cleveland National Forest, Fry Creek. San Diego Co., CA, May MCU occidentale Rowdy Creek l3O4' white flowers w/ a little pink, in some cases there are extra petals and the petals are petaloid, \ County Road 3O8 (tow Divide Road), Del Norte Co., CA, May llr/rCIJoccidentale Sea Ranch f 605' pink & white flowers, Sea Ranch, Sonoma Co' CA' May MCU occidentaleSisyiyou 1OO1,white & pink flowers. orangish fall foliage, Siskiyott National Forest, Eight Dollar Road, Cttry Co., Oregon, APril-MaY MCU occidertale SM l40, 25 ft, pink & white flowers, discovered by Britt Smith & Frank Mossman, Crescent CitY Flats, MaY MCU occrdentaleSM 2504, extremely good pir)k' discovered by Frank Mossman' Rowdy Creek Road, Del Norte Co.. CA. MaY MCIJ occidentate SM 4O I. pink & white flowers, discovered bY Britt Smith & Frank Mossman. Stagecoach Hill. MaY 37a MCU occidenLaleSM DDl2, pink & white flowe thick foliage, discovered by Britt Smith and Frank Mossman, Stagecoach Hill' Hurnboldt Co, May :r79 MCU occidertale Stagecoach l4O3' pink & white flowers, yellow flare with red streak down the middle. purple-bronze new foliage' Stagecoach Hill, MaY :]8o MCU occidentaleStagecoach9Ol, pink & white flowers, Stagecoach Hill' APril llSl MCU occtdentqLeStagecoach 9O2' pink & white flowers, yellow flare with red streak down middle, Stagecoach Hill. MaY 3a2 MCU occrdentale white flwr/ pink tube/ some pink in lower petals/orange flare, Flynn Creek 1309, Flynn Creek' Mendocino Co' CA, May 383 MCU occidentale white flwr/orange flare' 4800 ft, Cuyamaca 2O8' Cuyamaca Rancho State Park,-Engineer's Road' San Diego Co" CA 384 385 MCIJ occidentale white flwr/orange flare, 5ooo Cuyamaca f 306, Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, E. of Azalea SPring' June MCU occrdentale, white & lite pink candy stri 48OOft., Cuyamaca Rancho State Park' AzaleaGlen, June. The best of the Cuy azalea'. 386 MCU occidentate white w/some pink, IOOOft., Big Basin 1404, Big Basin Redwoods State Park, S. Cruz Co., CA 4re 42o 347 LAR Salmon redl red fall color, Gregory Bald, 5,OOOft 421 388 BLM saxicoLum (evergreen azalea, pale pink), I8OOm, Mt. Fan Si Pan, North Vietnam BAG Antigua x l(Goldsworth Orange x Goldfort) x (lnca Gold xgak )l 422 BAG Antigua x June Fire sikangense uar. exquisetum C&H 7f 66 N.E. Yunnan 423 cHR Antoon van Welie x Concorde 424 woD Apricot Pantasy x Brasilia WLL Apricot Fantasy x (Brigadoon x Orange Marmalade) * orange flowers on good plant WOD (Apricot Fantasy x Bud's Yellow) #5 x {Maximum roseum x [Bob Bovee x (Aak x Lacteum)ll BEU (Apricot Fantasy x Delp's Sunsheen) x Barbara Cook BEU (Apricot Fantasy x Delp's Sunsheen) x Yellow Jack (= Caroline x Crest) 38e COX Tortoiseshell Champagne) I 390 BLM sinoJatconen, 28OOm, Mt. Fan Si Pan, North Vietnam 425 391 BLM sinoJaLconen.,32OO m. from summit of Mt. Fart Si Pan, North Vietnam 426 392 COX 393 BLM sino-fabonenC&H 7183 S.E. Yunnan soronum (related to kawakamir ), 1BOOm, Mt. Fan Si Pan, North Vietnam lle4 urscosum,c.w. Hopkinton, MA :195 BRU pRK 1196 NAK uadanum Mt. Arnagi Banzaburo uiscosum cw Salem, NH Hyfrrids - Hand pollinated $Z.OO W1rL IOOOButterflies x Desert Gold *J :198 ELL 3ee LOO 7OOJames x Oh Too A.Bedford x (Mrs. Davies Evans x Virginia Delp) 4OO 427 428 429 WOD Apricot Fantasy x {Maximum roseum x [Bob Bovee x (gak x lacteun)ll 430 WOD [(Apricot Fantasy x Serendipity) x (ctvgsanthurrr x Bosutch)l x (Voluptous x Phipps #32) woD (Apricot Fantasy x White Peter) x (Pacific Gold x Robert Schill) 431 iJ97 BAG Antigua x fi.ctolacteum BAG Antigua x [Golden Star x (Henry Yates x 432 433 BRO Apricot Glow x Butter Brc Apricot Glow x (Aak x Butter)v #4 434 HNT Arctic Snow x [brachgcarpwn ssp. tiger ste dtii x (smimour ii x g ak)l 435 HRV arggrophgllum'Chinese Silver' x pachgsanthum 436 BLL 437 FTZ 438 439 FLA pRK Art Tracy x Whitney Salmon (Atrier x Atrier) white/rose bicolor x (Atrier x Atrier) peach (Atroflo x smirnou-ri0 x hadgsonii *l F H 4ol KHR abercontn agii x (gak x makinoi) Accomac x Graf Zeppelin, pink *Q 4O2 GDR adenopodumARs 2-79 x self 40ll MCU Albion Ridge x Percy Weisman *Y D 4o4 MCU Albion Ridge x (Raina x Golden West) *Y 405 WLT Always Admired x Barbara Cook 44o pRK 406 WLT 4o7 BLy Always Admired x Ivory Palace (Always Admired x Mary Belle) x Hello Dolly MI 408 SHN Always Admired x (gak x Mars) C U M Avalanche seedling x (Muriel Pearce x lrene Stead) 4oe cUS Amanda Joan Young x Dexter's Orange, 442 wLL *orange/peach, restrained growth KHR (America x Elizabeth, large form) x Graf kppelin, pink *R Q GUi America x Merley Cre:am *H pRK America x Purple Lace, (cross of the year) M3 AHN Azurro x Fashion Plate 444 LOO Balalaika x Trinidad 445 BEU Barbara Cook x Dexter's C.O.D. 446 M7 BEU Barbara Cook x Dexter's Honeydew BEU Barbara Cook x (Fawn x Dido) RGN {[(America x gak ) x (America xBlaze)]x Red Brave) x self rc BEU Barbara Cook x Golden Star 49 KHR Barbara Hargrove x GraI T-eppelin, pink *Q O 45o cLK 45r BIR 4to 4rr 4r2 4t3 oIR 4r4 CHR Angel Dream x Frank Heuston 4r5 CHR Angel Dream x Moonwax 416 CHR Angel Dream x Moonwax 4r7 MEL Anmut x(catausbiense x discolor ) BIR Ann Lindsay (Hachmann) x proteoidesR 418 lgg6'u' RIC (aureum x gak, Exbury) Berg x Blewbury *foliage (aureum x gak, Exbury) Berg x oredoxa Jargesii (Dean Barber's hardy selection) *foliage Award x Nelda Peach Bell Ringer x lfuak x Sphinx) x Purple Splendo'rl *bicolor Belle Fountain x (insigne x Goldsworth Orange) Belle Heller x Chamae-Thomsonii *C D g 454 Belle Heller x Sappho *H Q Blotch sHN Belle Heller x Virginia Delp 455 AHN Bellringer x Fashion Plate 456 RSN Ben Lancaster x Brasilia 4g2 457 HNT [brachgcarpum ssp. trgerstedtii x (smimouii x gak)l x Calsap seedling 4ffi RSN Ben Lancaster x Bud's Yellow RSN Ben Lancaster x (Goldsworth Orange x Ivory Max) 493 45s CIIR HNT [brachgcarpum ssp. trglerstedtii x (smimou-rrix gak)l x (Catawbiense Album x Blue Peter) 460 4M BEG Berg's Yellow x proteoides BEc (Berg's Yellow x proteoides )#2 selfed BEG (Berg's Yellow x proteoides ) #3 x (Berg's Yellow x proteoides ) #1 BEG (Berg's Yellow x proteoides ) #4 x (Berg's Yellow x proteoides l#2 CHR Berg's Yellow x Whitney's Tiger Lily 465 BIR 466 LOO Bernstein x Casanova AHN BG- 14 x (Nestucca x Golden Star) 453 461 462 RIC 490 VTK (brachgcarpu,n ssp. tigerstedtii x sinogrande) x mncabeanum *F I Y H 491 VTK (brachgcarpurn ssp. tigerstedtii x sinogrand-e) x (gakx g!)nmocarpum) *F I O H Berg's Yellow x Mrs. Betty Robertson HNT [brachgcarpum ssp. tigerstedtii x (smirnourirx gak)l x l(Mist Maiden x Pink Parasol) x metternichiil 495 HNT [brachgcarpum ssp. tigerstedtii x (smirnor.uiixgak)l x Persia 496 HNT [brachgcarpum ssp, tigerstedtii x (smirnou-ritx gak)l x [(Powell Glass x uakl x Shammarello's B3Rl 497 CHR Black Sport x Whitney Tiger Lily RGN Blazen Sun x [(America x qak ) x (Arnerica x Blaze)l 499 HNT [brachycarpum ssp. tigerstedtii x (smimou-rirx Aak)l x l@ak x Catalga) x -fortuneil OLR l(bracltgcarpum x Dido) x (Chlorops x Lacteum)lx Skipper HNZ (brachgcarpum x Ming Toy) x self 500 LAR 47o BEU Blazen Sun x Barbara Cook 501 471 BEU Blazen Sun x Dexter's Orange BEU Blazen Sun x (Fawn x Dido) 502 472 473 BEU Blazen Sun x Sunset Bay 474 BLy 467 468 469 Bernstein (Hachman nl x proteoi.desRl5l Blewbury x metternichii 'Enamato' 475 BLy 476 sHN Bob Bovee x-forfineivar. 477 cUS pRK 478 479 480 zl8l 82 498 503 uar. micranthum 505 Blewbury x Qlak compact form x pachgsanthum Patrick #f) VTK 4& VTK CHR Bridal Bouquet x Sunset Bay HUS (Brigadoon x Orange Marmalade) x (Oregon Schnapps x Yellow Pippin) CHR Brittania x (C.P. Raffill x Jortuneil FTZ bureauuii x gak LuShan Bog Brodge x Red Paisley, *pink, large flower 508 LOO Burma x (Maxine Childers x Anna Delp)#3 tOO Burma x [Maxine Childers x (Britania x AM)] CHR (C.P.Raffill x Jorhneil x Pink Jeans Boule de Neige xJorinei 509 AHR Cadis x Consolini's Windmill 510 AHR Cadis x Dexterfs #8 5ll AHR Cadis x Gary Herbert AHR Cadis x (Nestucca x Golden Star) VTK Cadis x Sunspray *Q Y 506 507 FTZ (Boule de Neige x Loderi King George)x Harold Amateis FTZ (Boule de Neige x Loderi King George)x self OLR Bow Street x (gakx Medusa) wEA brachgcarpum (creeping form) x proteoides 443 504 (Brandt Red x Uak) #2 x (bureauuii x Fabia) CHR Bridal Bouquet x metLernrchii (brachgcarpurn ssp. tigerstedtiL Ullung x scgphacalgx) x campglocarpum*F A (brachgcarpurt ssp. tigerstedtii, Ullung x scgphocalgx) x microggnum *O H ,185 MAR brachgcarpurrt ssp tigerstedti x Cheyenne 486 pAN (brachgcarpurrl ssp tigerstedtii x decontm) x Odee Wright 487 PAN brachg carpu,n ssp. tigerstedtii x -falconeri *truss, foliage, hardy 448 pAN brachgcarpurn ssp. ttgerstedtii x {macabeanlrrrt x satogrande ) *hardy, foliage, truss 48e pAN brachgcarpur?l ssp trgerstedtii x sinogrande *foliage, truss, hardy r996 512 513 5t4 515 GUS Cape White x Nestucca. *great trusses. habit, foliage GUS Cape White x White Dimples, *hardy white, ruffled flowers, good truss 516 RIN 517 GDR lCaroline crearn x lforhneix u;ardil x lfortutei x campglocar pum) AHR Caroline x Becales' (Aakx Thor) 518 519 520 521 522 Captain Jack x Orlando AHR Caroline x Berg's Yellow AHR Caroline x (cardiobasis x Loderi King George) GDR lCaroline x (cream.fortuneix uardiill x (forfinei x campglocarPum) SHO Caroline x Dextet's 40-74 SHO Caroline x Dexter's Springtime 524 AHR 525 OLR 526 527 52a 52!) AHR trTZ Caroline x Gary Herbert (Caroline x Hardgrove #54-4) huge buff pink x Barbara cook Caroline x (Mrs. Lamont Copeland x Mary Drennen) carolinianum alba x Lady Alice Fitzwilliams 555 556 557 558 GRE Casanova x IOOOButterflies (pollen from Ed Cole & Lofthouse) GRE Casanova x Buttermint (pollen from Gordon Wyler) C,8,H,Y sFe (catnubiense u. aLbum x uisciddofium) x Sunspray *Y VTK (cataubiense u. album x uiscidifolium) x uilliamsianum *F C J GDR (Catfortcampy x Mary Garrison) x Gable's ,fortunei GDR (Catfortcampy x Mary Garrison) x Gable's -fortunei RIN (Catforlcampy x Ted's Yellow) orange x Orlando VTK 560 BEG Cecil Smith hybrid x macabeanurn 5llo HIG Casanova x Golden Star 561 GOH cerasinum x Azor fll GRE Casanova x Ring of Fire (pollen from Gordon Wylie) H,C,J 562 C.OH cerasinum x Fabia 563 564 WEA chnmaethompsonii RSF 66/545 x chrysanthum (KRS) 'Yaku Fairy' BfR chameurum Exbury x keiskei 8ts2 GRE Casanova x Skipper (pollen from Meerkerk Garden) H,Y,F silll cDR Cat. Album Glass White x (fortwteix campgLocarpum) 565 ANG (Champagne x ButterYellow) #2 x (Champagnex ButterYellow) #l H,Y 5:.t4 GDR Cat. Album Glass White x Mary Garrison 566 5it5 SHO Champagne x Dexter's 4O-74 GDR 567 5il6 SHO Champagne x Dexter's Springtime FTZ Catalga Glass White x Mary Garrison (Catalga x decorum ) x America 568 nJ7 SHO Champagne x Golden Star GDR 569 SHO Champagne x Goldkrone MEA (Champagne x Honeydew) x China slJft 5{l!} (Catalga x,forhneil x campglocarpum (Catalga x,fortwtei I x griersonianum FTZ ANG (Catalga x Royal Star) x (Chnmpagne x ButterYellow) #l H.Y,J AO HNZ [(Catalga x Russell Harmon) x Goldsworth Orangel x Mrs. Lamont Copeland 541 HNZ [(Catalga x Russell Harmon) x Goldsworth Orangel x orange Minch seedling with specks (Catalgax uemicosum 18139) x F. Furmans's Cameo hybrid v2 FTZ v3 (Catalga x uemicosum 18139) x uemicosum 18f39 (Catalga WEA x uardii) F3, 4.5" flowers x (Moonshot x Prelude) BPT#918, bright yellow/full truss g4 570 57r 572 MEA (Champagne x Honeydew) x China MEA (Champagne x Honeydew) x (Madame Masson x Nestucca) 573 SHO Champagne x Marybelle 574 WYL Cheyenne x IOOOButterflies *J BEU China x (Catfortcampy op x ma.cabeanum ) Bm China x macabeanum 575 576 577 FTZ 574 575 580 v5 KHR [(Catalga x uardiil x Catalgal x [(Brookville x Mary Garrison) x hardy wardiil *H Y 546 KHR [Catalga x uardii) ' x Catalga] -o--r x Golden wedding *H v BEU China x Marybelle OLR lChina x (Nestucca x Keith)l x Mary Drennen OLR lChina x (Nestucca x Keith)lx Mary Drennen LOO ctvgsanthum (Delp) x (Vinecrest x Gee Whiz) 581 WEA (chrysantltum x Prelude) BPT #82-l (Moonshot x Prelude) BPT #92A ffi2 BIR 5&3 MCU 584 LOO x chry santhum x proteoides Rl 5 I (citicalgx x subseries hybricl w/pink flowers) x (My Lady x Rose Scott) *P S Cindy l,ou f2 x (Maxine Childer x Anna Delp)#3 Cindy Lou f2 x (Maxine Childers x Anna Delp)#3 (Clark's white catatubiense x mettemichii) x hgpergthrum Cloud 9 x (Dumper's Yellow x Phipps #32) 547 FTZ (Catanea x Fabia) large red calyx x self 548 FTZ Catanea x Mrs. Furnival g9 AHN Catawbiense Album x Chevalier Felix De Sauvage Ss5 LOO 550 AHN Catawbiense Album x Dexter's #B 586 MEA 551 AHN Catawbiense Album x Unique Marmalade 552 AHN Catawbiense Album x uilltamsianum Exbury 5a7 OLR 588 OLR Cloud 9 x Golden Star 553 HNT (catanabiense rubrum x catanabiense Bayport Dark Red) xlbrachgcarpun ssp. tiger stedtii x (smirnousii x g ak)l (catausbiense u. albumx uiscidifolium) x campglocarpum *F A 589 OLR Cloud 9 x Mary Drennen ANG compact gakx (Champagne x Butter Yellow) #1 C.Y.H BIR concatenans vellow. -22C x xanthocodon 554 VTK 590 591 r996 concinrtum dark purple x cinnabarinum deeP red c.w. Sikkim *R H KLN consttnumRsF 75/313 x Olga ANG (Consolini #727 x (Champagne x Butter Yellow) #l H,Y 631 AHN Cowles l4l-75 x Fashion Plate 59€; wLL Cream Glory x Dido *orange/yellow, good foliage 597 RIC Creamy Chiffon x citriniflorum yellow *D Y Dbl 598 LNN Creamy Chiffon x Evening Glow 599 Rf C Creamy Chiffon x reanruoides *C F I Y Dbl (KRS) 600 WEA Crestxchrgsantfum 635 5g2 59ll 594 GFP 595 60l FCK Crest x self 602 AHN Crimson Classic x Berg's Yellow AHN Crimson Classic x Fashion Plate 60ll 604 605 AHN Crimson Classic x Gary Herbert AHN Crimson Classic x Goldfort tio6 AHN Crimson Classic x Sunstrttck tiOT GOH Cuarto x Fabia 6of{ MCU cubitii Bdinborough x Beverly Court tiog SHo €;lO CHR Cyprus x Chapeau WOD (dauricum aLbum Madison x Alfred Martin) x (tetraplo id carolilianum Epoch x arrgusttnii dauricum dwarf x dendrocharis (pink Dol flowers. GLE) CHR David x (C.P.Raffill x .fortunei) 6l I 612 6l:l € ;l 4 615 6t6 Cupcake x Sumatra CHR David x (C.P. Rafill) tlHR David x MarY Belle 6t7 CHR David x Medusa SHN Dead Ringer x Big Deal 6lfi SH I 619 HAT decoruInx Ole Bull 620 *high flower WLL d.ecorum x Viennese Waltz foliage count, OLR {decorumx gak) x Arctic Gold 621 622 ti23 t;24 4,5 626 627 62tl 629 ri30 decorum 4 | /2" white x (Dumpers Yellow x Phipps #32) OLR Degram x Barbara Cook BAG Delayed Surprise x strigillosum RBR Desert Gold x Fashion Plate WYL Desert Gold x (Percy Weismart x September Son$*C O Y OLR Dewilde's Yellow x Barbara Cook OLR DeWilde's yellow x (bracltAcarpumx uemiscosum #18f39) KHR Dexter Pink x Graf Zeppelin' pink AHN Dexter's Champagne x adenopodum AHN Dexter's Champagne x Chevalier Felix de Sauvage 1996 632 ri33 634 AHN Dexter's ChamPagne x Dexter #8 AHN Dexter's Champagne x Fujioka's [Nancy Evans x (Crest xmacabeanurn)l AHN Dexter's Champagne x Gary Herbert AHN Dexter's Champagne x Goldfort p. tJ AHN Dexter's ChamPagne x H pseudochrgsantltum I 636 AHN Dexter's Champagne x Unique Marmalade I 6g7 AHN Dexter's Champagne x toilliamsianum I 638 BEU Dexter's Giant Red x APritan I 639 BUD Dexter's Honeydew x [(Brookville x Mary I Garrison) x (Yellow 9-59 x Tan)l I o+o AHN Dexter's Orange x Wynterset White I Ml AHN Dexter's Orange x gak I 642 HUS dichroanthum yellow x (Graf Lennart x I haematodesl I 64ll HUS dichroanthum yellow x gAmnocarpum I M4 BIR dignabile x Proteoides GN x CS I 6.45 CUM discolor pink x serottnum seedling. pink I 646; BIR (discolor x auricrtlatum) x ltaemaLum I 647 MEA discolorx Nestttcca I (;4tJ PTS Doc Tolstead x anlttueiense WGP fonn I *comPact large flowered Pink I *O H *'9 PTS Doc Tolstead x Folding's Orange I 650 PTS Doc Tolstead x Hardy Giant *fragrant, largel leaves, large Pink I 651 PTS Doc Tolstead x Hardy Loderi *pink' lg I flowers I 652 HNZ Dolly Madison x Big Charlie I ti53 HNZ Dolly Madison x.forLunei I 654 HNZ Dolly Madison x (P-189 fragarant x yellow I Minch seedling) I 655 RBR Don Kellarn x Cotnstock I 656 BEU Don Kellam x Exotic I 657 RBR Don Kellam x Fashion Plate I ri58 SHN Don Kellam x Howard Kuhn (= I mettemichii x(Aak x lwemaeluml I indumented' red flowers t *unusttal 659 GUS Don Kellam x Percy Weisman, I colors I 660 SHN Don Kellam x Roseum Pink I 661 BOR Donna Hardgrove oP x BabYlon I u62 ARS Donna Hardgrove x Dexter's Brown Eyes I *H 663 GLK Dorothy Amateis x Merley Cream I 664 GLK Dorottry Amateis x Sphinx *bicolor I 665 GIJ{' Dorothy Amateis x lfuak x Sphirx) x Purpll SPlendorl *bicolor I 666 FTZ DoPothY Russell x Trinidad I 667 KHR Double Gem x SkiPPer *Y Dbl I 668 PRK dwarf gak xAmerica I 66e PRK dwarf gak xHenry's Red I 7Io 7rr Edmond Amateis x Mehlquist's #72OO9 good hardy yellow Edmond Amateis x (Prelude x Chlorops) 670 KNI 67r KNI 672 BEU Edna Marie Parker (Delp)x Dexter's C.O.D. 673 HAT Edward S Rand x Ole Bull TDD Edwin S. Hartshorn (=Naomi x Crest) x Jalisco Elect MCU Eldorado x Joy Ridge *Y S 674 675 676 677 674 l" 7r2 7r3 M C U Eldorado x (My Lady x Rose Scott) *P Y S MCU Eldorado x (Rose Scott x sel0 *Y P S M C U Eldorado x Scott's Valentine *Y P S BAL Fawn x Ruby Bowman RIN (fictoLacteumx gak) x HardY Giant 716 LOO Fireking x (Maxine Childers x Anna Delp)#3 7r7 RIN 7r8 ELL RSF Else Frye x self, from Richie Steffen's garden ti80 SHN Elvira x Berliner Lieb 681 (42 WOD Elvira x Crimson Pippin WOD Elvira x (strigillosum x gak ) 68ll OLR Enchanter x Skipper 722 tt34 723 685 HUS Emption x Janet Ward HUS Emption x (Oregon Schnapps x Yellow Pippin) 6iB6 HUS trnrption x Walter Schrnalscheidt (47 CHR Everestianum x Senko Blue ri8u 6fl9 tigl 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 7re 72o 72r 724 7oo RIN l(foruneix Orlando CHR l(Fabia x bureauuiil x Marion Corley] ARS 90-586 x Besse Howells 727 RIN ll(fortm.eix haematodes) x Frazzledl x Ted's Yellow) x Mango Pango CHR l(Fabia x bureauuril x Marion Corleyl x Sundance CHR (Fabia x bureauuiil x Medusa 72u AHN -fortune i x p s eudochrg s anthum BIR -fortunei x uiLliamsianum 729 CHR (Fabia x bureauuirJx Mrs. Betty Robertson TAN (Fabia x bureauuii) x pocophorum, *good foliage, indumented, hardy to OoF MEL Fabia x smirnou.rii LNN (Fabia x smimou.riil x ecLecteumyellow PAG {[(Fabia x gak) x (Albatross x Powell Glass W h i t e ) lx A a l d x g a k Tito hnematodes) x Frazzledl x 732 OLR _fortwtei, Yates hardy form KHR (fortunei, yellow x caLoxanthum) x (insignex Goldsworth Orange) *Q Y MCU Fran Sumner x Beverly Court *R S 7s3 FTZ 73r 734 Francesca x Crimson Classic GLK Francesca x Merley Cream *H 735 HUS Francesca x Polynesian Sunset HAR ,falconeri x self 7s6 HUS Francesca x Stan Way S H N Fantastica x (Albert Close x Skipper) 7:t7 CHR Frank Heuston x Fairweather S H N Fantastica x Biola (= pseudochrysanthumx 7'-.8 CHR Frank Heuston x Kingston 7se CHR Frank Heuston x Moonwax 74o CHR Frank Heuston x Pollmesian Sunset 74t CHR Frank Heuston x Springfield BLY (Fred Wynniat x gak #6) x Hello Dolly SHN Fantastica x [(Bob Bovee x Cameo) x (Odee Wright x Crest)l FUR (Fantastica x Cupcake) 702 FUR Fantastica x Elbie 742 743 744 CHR Frontier x Princess Mary of Cambridge OLR Furnival's Daughter x [Mars x (Mars x Catanea)l 745 RAB Furnival's Daughter x Mist Maiden 746 LOO G.W. Yellow x Mary Belle HNZ General Schmidt x Big Charlie HNZ General Schmidt x (Pygmalion x Maxhaem Red) p'LL Genghis Khan x Old Copper 705 SHN Fantastica x -fictolacteum Fantastica x hnemaLeum BIR Fantastica x (ursrgne x Goldsworth Orange) 706 SHN Fantastica x J.M. DeMontague 747 7o7 SHN Faltastica x Noyo Brave 748 7o8 FUR Fantastica x (Old Copper x Marybelle) orange, red throat FUR (Fantastica x Percy Weisman) 74e .75O 7oe AHN Jortttneix adenopodum AHN -forttnei x Dexter #8 726 SHN Fantastica x DiDi 7o4 Florence Archer x Margaret Dunn OLR -forhnei hyb. (peach) x Ivory Tower pRZ Jorinei hybrid, lt. pink, excellent tntss x Sappho RAB Jortunei LuShan selection x Mist Maiden 725 7or 703 Flashdance x Orlando AHN Jortunei x Fashion Plate AHN -fortwtei x Gary Herbert Etta Burrows) 699 l(Dumpels Yellow x Phipps #32) x 1OOO ./ Butterfliesl # I WOD lFantastica x (Voluptuous x Phipps #32)l x (Pacific Gold x Robert Schill) RBR [(Fawn x Lionel's Triumph) x (Repose x Yellow Creek)l x Fashion Plate 7r4 7r5 679 690 SHN Fantastica x Skookum WOD lFantastica x (Voluptuous x Phipps #32)l x BIR r996 CHR George's Delight x Whitney Tiger Lily 790 ADR Great Smokey x Phipps Yellow #32 791 OLR Grenadier x Firestorm MEA Grierosplendor x Ightham Yellow 75I TDD {Gigi x [(Fawn x Dido) x Yellow Creek]] x Jalisco Elect 752 HAR gtischroide s x bureauuii 792 753 HIG Gloxineanum x Golden Star 793 7A ELL Gold Incense x Whitney Salmon WOD (Gold Medal x Bud's Yellow) #3 x {Maximum roseum x [Bob Bovee x (gak x Lacteumlll RBR Gold Medal x Fashion Plate f,OC) Golden Gala x {{lCatalga x (d.iscolorx Fabia)l x lkatatubiense x maximtun) x Goldsworth Orangel)x (Fowle's#19 x Calcutta)) 755 756 757 754 RAB 759 KNI 760 RAB 761 MCU 762 MCU Golden Gate x Rigging Slinger *Y D MCIJ Golden Gate x Springfield *Y 763 764 765 803 769 RIN Golden Star x Orlando 770 CHR Golden Wedding x Frank Heuston PRZ Golden Wedding x yellowish pink-fortunei SHN Goldfort x [IOOOButterflies x (Aakx Phipps #32)l 773 SHO Goldfort x Golden Star 774 SHO 775 KHR Goldfort x Goldkrone (Goldfort x Lady Bessborough) x l(Brookville *Y H x Mary Garrison) x hardY uardiil 776 Goldfort x Polaris cNC Goldfort x (sutchuenense x Aak ) WEA Goldfort x (uemicosum R. f 8f 39 x Queen ElZabeth II) orange 779 7ao 7al 7a2 7a3 7a4 7a5 786 HUS Grugaperle x Rotauge PAN Haaga x Skookum *very hardY red OLR hnemaetodes hybrid' hardy from Mass' x (Tols x Tim Craig) OLR (hardy -fortutet Nearing x China) x (Catanea x China) OLR hardy Jorhutei, Nearing x gak PTS Hardy Giant x self BUD Hardy Giant x(Vakx bweauui0 PTS Hardy Giant x(Aak x rex) #1 805 RIN Hardy Vulcan x Orlando 806 HNZ Harold Arnateis x (Pygmalion x Maxhaem Red) 807 HNZ (Harrisville x Bob Bovee) #ll x Orange seedling from Minch 808 HNZ (Harrisville x Bob Bovee) #11 x (Pygmalion x Maxhaem Red) 8og HNZ (Harrisville x Bob Bovee) #12 x (Seattle Gold x WhitneY's Late Yellow) 8lo HNZ (Harrisville x Bob Bovee) x Mrs. Lamott Copeland 8 1 1 CHR Helen Johnson x Moonwax 814 CHR Helen Johnson x Polynesian Sunset CHR Helen Johnson x Tortoiseshell Wonder MEA Helen Veira x (Madame Masson x Nestucca) 815 RIN 816 WEA aL7 PAN 818 HNT 819 LAR 8.20 RIN at2 SHN Goldfort x gak SHN Goldfort x (aak x pachrysanthum ) RSN (Goldsworth Orange ;< Ivory Max) x Mary Belle KRS Golfer x arggrophgllum ssp. nankingense 'Chinese Silver' *colored PTS Golfet's Sister x Teddy Bear indumentum MEA Gomer Waterer x Nestucca FTZ CHR Good News x Polynesian Sunset RBR Gosh Dam x Fashion Plate 813 a2l 822 423 424 825 a26 TB HUS (Graf Lennart x calophrytr-rm)x dichroanthum Yellow AHN Great Eastern x Chevalier Felix de Sauvage 7as AHN Great Eastern x Unique Marmalade 828 7a7 HAR gnerson[anum x Oregon Sunset MCIJ grohausiae x Mi Amor *W S 804 *Y MCU Golden Gate x (White Esquire x Oasis) RIN Golden Harbinger x Sunny Day (Golden Star x Mezzitt's hardy yellow) x Sunny Day 778 794 802 LAR 777 797 801 76a 772 796 800 Golden Gala x Weston's seedling, huge yellow blotch Golden Gate x Percy weisman *Y D 767 771 795 7W Golden Gala x Golden Gloves Golden Gala x (Phipps #91 x Phipps #32) BEU Golden Salmon (Nearing) x Golden Star BRO Golden Star x Mehlquist's (Uak x usardii) 766 794 KHR (Grierosplendor x Millard Kepner) x Graf Zeppelin, Pink *H P Q MEA Grierosplendor x Aak hybrid seedling 1996 827 (Hello Dolly x Deep Orange) x Orlando Hello Dollyx (uernicosum R.l8l39 x Quee Elizabeth II) orange Helsinlry University (=brachgcarpum *hardY red tigers?afii hYb) x Erato Henry's Red xlbractrycarPum ssp' ttgerstedtiix (smimouir x Yak)l Holden x Marie Starks Hot LiPs x Orlando RBR Hotei x Fashion Plate BCK (Hotei x Janet Blair) x Bud's Yellow HUS (Hotei x Lem's Legacy) x Malaga HUS (Hotei x l,em's Legacy) x rex hardy form HobbiePark from the HUS (Hotei x Lem's Legacy) x Ti$erlily HUS (Hotei x Paprika Spiced) x (Lem's Cameo x Polynesian Sunset) HUS (Hotei x Paprika Spiced) x Tigerlily SHI houlstoniL AM Bodnant x (Apricot x Hawk) 829 830 Hydon Hunter x (didgmum x stngillosum ) MEA hgperythrumx Nestucca 831 LOO 832 SHN 8s3 KHR KRS 462 863 LOO Janet Blair x Papaya Punch KNI Janet Blair x (Phipps #91 x Phipps #32) f]M RIN 865 sHN Janet Blair x Rockhill Palkay 866 834 (ursrgnex Goldsworth Orange) x Skipper *Y N,IOS insigne x gakushimanum hp 867 AHN Janet Blair x Rosemont VTK Janet Blair x Sunspray *8 Y G H 835 OLR 868 AHN Janet Blair x Unique Marmalade 836 RIN 869 837 BAL Ivory Cloud x Dexter Spice (ivory maximum x Sunspray) #1 x Orlando fvory Ruffles x ll(dichroantthum x neriiflorum )x (drscolor x Fabia)l x Fawn) ll(Jaliscox qak) x OdeeWrightl x (Golden Star x Odee Wright)l tl I x {[Golden Star x (Jalisco x ylak )l x (Golden Star x Odee wright)) # I SHN Uanet Blair x lfttardii x hemslettanum) x Autumn Goldl) x Roseum pink 87o RAB Janet Blair x Weston's Jortm.ei BUD Uean Marie x (Red Head x (-tlakx strigillosum) MCU Jim Drewry x Noyo Brave *R D Sill| FUR 8lll9 AHN 840 OLR UI U2 84ll Independance Day x September Song Ingrid Mehlquist x orbiculare Janet Blair x adenopodum Janet Blair x Ar-cticGold F T Z Janet Blair x (Atrier x catantbiense Red) GUS (Janet Blair x Autumn Gold) x Peach Cobler. *peach/yellow GUS (Janet Blair x Autumn Gold) x Phipps Yellow #32, *yellow U4 A H N Janet Blair x tserg'sYellow U5 M D O (Janet Blair x Bonney's lge yellow) x (Caroline x Atrturnn Gold) *heat tolerant yellow U6 u7 84fl .Janet Blair x Canary lslands A H N Janet Blair x (cardiobasis x Loderi King George) HIG us Janet Blair x Crober's DeepestYellow oLR .f anet Blair x Dover Rose (vellow hvbrid, tender) 850 At{N 851 87r 472 473 MCU Jim Drewry x [(gakx arboreum)x Dr. Bowmanl *R D 474 MCU $ohnstoneanum x cubitii) x California Gold *PYS 475 BEU Judy Spillane x Apritan 876 BRO Judy Spillane x Butter 477 BRO Judy Spillane x Lady Elanor Cathr:art cUS Judy Spillane x Mrs. Tom Lowinsky, *good truss, habit, foliage G U S Jtrdy Spillane x Peach Cobler, *late yellow, creanl a7a u7e sao sHN Jtrdy Spillane x Tropicana sfil HNZ Katherine Dalton x Big Charlie GRE Ken Janek x brachucarpum (RSF pollen) H,r,g,F Bu2 LOO Janet Blair x Fashion Plate A H N Janet Blair x Ftrjioka's llem's Cameo x 883 SHN Ken Janek x {Cameo x [CIS x (rex x Hansel)ll 884 885 SHN Ken Janek x Coronation Day SHN Ken Janek x [Nancy Evans x (Crest x macabeanum)l 8{i{-; FTZ (OdeeWright x Crest)l i 852 & 853 AHN Janet Blair x Fujioka's [Nancy Evans x (Crest x macabeanum)l 849 Kettle Drum x Azor ADR (Keystonex Cecil) x{[Arctic Gold x (Goldfort x Donna Hardgrove)l x [(Weldy x Serendipity) x (aureum x maximum )l I MCU Kimberly Anne x Beverly Court *P S MCU Kimberly Anne x Joy Ridge *P Y S 890 MCU Kimberly Anne x (Rose Scott x selO *P S 891 HUS Koranja x Nectarine 492 GUS Koster's Choice x Phipps Wood Bench, *very large flowers, scent 893 GUS Kristin Marie r Marquis of Waterford, *redlwhite bicolor, leaves 3 yrs 894 LOO [Labar's White x (fortuneix (Aakx Crest) aa7 A H N Janet Blair x Fujioka's [Pacific Gold x (Bob Boveex Odee Wr1ght)l 854 A H N Janet Blair x Gary Herbert 855 AHN 856 BLy Janet Blair x gAmnocarpum (Janet Blair x Jingle Bells) x (Fred Wynniat x yak #6) (Janet Blair x Jingle Bells) x (Seattle Gold x cataLDbiense) 857 BLy 858 Janet Blair x May Moonlight WOD (Janet Blair x Orange Marmalade) # I x l(Dumper's Yellow x Phipps #32) x IOOO Butterfliesl #2 WOD (JanetBlairxOrange Marmalade) #l x [(Dumper's Yellow x Phipps #32) x IOOO Butterfliesl #4 WOD (Janet Blair x Orange Marmalade) #2 x [(Dumper'sYellow x Phipps #32) x IOOO Butterfliesl #5 85e 860 861 OLR (Janet Blair x Polynesian Sunset) x Orlando 888 croceum)l x 895 CHR Lavender Princess x IOOOButterflies 896 HAR Lem's Aurora x.arggrophgLlum var. nankingense 497 HAR Lem's Aurora x Blue Hawaii Egq HAR Lem's Aurora x Loderi Venus 1996 i I s. l 899 HAR km's Aurora x Oregon Sunset 9oo wLL 901 w2 9o3 9o4 9o5 906 tn7 9116 RIN (Margolite x Phipps Wood Bench)G x Starbright, *bicolor (Mars x Dr. Tom Rin$ x Orlando 937 CHR (Mars x ElZabeth) x Kristin 938 (Mars x ElZabeth) x Princess Mary of Cambridge cUS (Mars x Phipps Yellow #32) x Bud's Yellow. *yellow/orange WYL Martha Peste x Ring of Fire *C O e35 Lem's Aurora x Viennese Waltz *bi-color, high flower count PTS Lem's bureauuii x pachgsanthum *colored indumentum HUS (Lem's Cameo x Polynesian Sunset) x Cream Glory HUS (Lem's Cameo x Polynesian Sunset) x [Karen Triplett x (Paprika Spiced x Lern's Tangerine)l HUS (Lem's Cameo x Polynesian Sunset) x Rotauge HUS (Lem's Carneox Polynesian Sunset) x self wLL (t em's Goal x C.l.S.)x Nelda Peach *peach shades SHN (Lem's Tangerine x Nova Zenbla) x Bob Bovee e3e 94o 94r GUS CHR 942 CHR Mary Belle x lOOOButterflies RSN Mary Belle x Ben Lancaster 94ll RSN s44 A H N Mary Belle x Fashion Plate AHN Mary Belle x (Nesttrccax Golden Star) s45 e46 e47 Mary Belle x Dido RSN Mary Belle x Orange Mannalade RIN (Mary Garrison x Maerybelle) x Orlartdo GDR Mary K x [Caroline crean] x lf'orhurci x tuardiill GDR Mary K x (Catfortcampy x ruardii) gofl CHR Lern's Tangerirle x Ostbo's Low Yellow 9og ELL 9lo HUS Libretto x Stan Way BIR Lichterloh x proteoidesR l5 I e4e !)sl 913 PAG Lissabon x Elizabeth BAL (Loderi King Georgex C.P. Raffil) x (Loderi King Georgex km's dwarf orange) GDR Mary K x (forltuvi x cctmptllocurptun) L N N Marybelle x Dido 952 RtN 914 WLL 915 916 HAR Loderi ventrs x.falcorteri KNI Ltrxor x (PacificGold x Phipps #32) 917 KNI elrl MCU macrophgLLumAlabion Ridge x Hendricks Park *Y RSF macropht|Llum Mineral Creek RP#Olo cw, 3600', northernmost plant at this elevatiort 9l I 912 !)l!) Luxor x Percy Weisnuln CHR macroplu,lllum x Abraharn Lirrcolrt !r2l CHR macrophllLlumx Orchid Sttnset !D2 RIC !D5 macuLlferum ssp. anuheiense OLR lMadonna x (fortuneix auricuLatum)l x [Catanea x (decontmx gak)l #2 AHN makinoi x Fashion Plate A H N makinoi x (Nestucca x Golden Star) !Y26 AHR !r27 HUS Malaga x Cream Glory !r28 HUS !D4 eso Loderi King George x Malernttte *extrelrre fragrance lDo 923 e4u lrnron Custard x Attturnn Gold BUD [(Marybellex gak) x Martha Phippsl x l(Brookville x Mary Garrison) x (Yellow 9 x Tan)l e54 BUD [(Marybellex qak) x Martha Phipps] x Dexter's Honeydew e 5 5 M E A Mexdis (Gable)x (Clark'swhite cata utbiense x me lterrticltii) 956 MEA Maxdis (Gable) x discolor !)57 MEA Maxdis (Gable) x trtlPerlllhrum 95:l 95ft KHR MaxheirttPink x (irrsignex Goldswortlt Orange) *H Y 959 HRV (maximum Mt. Mitchell x braclulcctrprLmlx macroPltllIIum HAR maximum white form x Cotton Candy ADR (maximum white x Sunny Day) x (Yellow Pippin x Cat's Pajamas) WLT lmaximum x (Brookville x Mary Garri x Barbara Cook OLR l(maximum x Brookville) x Mary Garrisort x Fashion Plate KHR (maximumx co,LoptltlLum)x gak Exbury 960 961 962 makinoi x gak (Marybelle x Dr. Rock) x Orlando 9rill 964 !\2s Malaga x Fairweather HUS Malaga x (Lem's Cameo x Polynesian Sunset) gei5 MDO lmaximum x (Disca x uardiil x [Golden St x (Jalisco x gak)l *heat tolerant yellow 930 HUS Malaga x Lila Pedigo HUS Malaga x (scintillation x Goldkrone) MDO (Mardi Gras x yellow decorurl x lGolden Star x (Jalisco x yak)l *heat tolerant yellow-peach 966 Margaret Dunn x Frank GalsworthY cUS (Margolite x Phipps Wood Bench)F x Bud's Yellow, *yellow/ orange 969 HAR maximum x Fabur I(HR (maximum x Mary Garrison) x (utsigrtex Goldsworth Orange) *H Y WOD (maxtmum x PridenJoy ) x (Gold Medalx Bud's Yellow) #3 MDO (maximum x yellow decorum) x [Golden x (Jalisco x gak)l *heat tolerant yellow elll e32 933 e34 ELL r996 967 964 I t, WO TRT (Maxine Childers x Anna DelP)#3 x (Maxine Childers x Anna DelP)#l 971 HIG Merley Cream x Golden Star 972 ISH metternichii 973 CHR 974 WYL metternichii x September Song Midnight x Cream Pie *B M 975 CHR Mike Davis x Golden Pheasant 976 CHR Mike Davis x Tropicana 977 LOO x arboreum ()8l Mim's Burgundy x A. Bedford S H N Minas Uaid (gakx Nova Zembla) x (Albert Close x Skipper) SHN Minas nAaid (Uak x Nova Zerr'bla) x Skipper SHN Minas lttaid (Uak x Nova Zernbla) x Unique Marmalade *l PTS Mist Maiden x pachysanthum \42 WEA 97a e7e guo 1oo4 GRE 'Mv Best Indumentum'x pieudoctvUsanthum (RSF pollen - 73/2321 I,H,D,T,F l0o5 cRE 'My Hardy Indumentum' (-3rF) x self (o.p. catawbtense hyb. growing in Ph 6.6-6.8 soil) I.H,W,T,F 1006 pg6 Nan Comet x Golden AnniversarY looT WLL Nancy Evans x (Brigadoon x Orange Marmalade) *dwarf habit' more orange looS rccl Nancy Evans x Casanova looe 1yyL Nancy Evans x CheYenne *C Y lolo C H R Nancy Evans x Frye Butt lol I ADR lo12 qryL (Nancy Evans x Jet Set) x (Caroline x Yellow #l) Nancy Evans x Kin$ston *C O lol4 C H R Nancy Evans x Mt. Clearview ygyl, Nancy Evans x PumPkin Ridge *C Y X lol5 H U S Nancy Evans x Rotauge lol6 C H R Nancy Evans x Twilight Pink rorT ELL Naomi Exbury x WYatts oreodoxa lolll CHR (Moonshot x Prelude) BPT #918 x khrysanthum x Prelude) Moonwax x Frank Heuston 984 CHR Moonwax x Polynesiirn Sunse 985 WYL Moonwax x Polynesian Sunset *O X e86 CHR Moonwax x Tropicana e87 CHR lo19 gyp 988 989 CHR p,LL Morning Cloud x Princess MarY of Cambridge Mrs. Furnival x IOOOButterflies (Mrs. Furnival x Crest) x Odd Ball 9eo ELL 991 BAL l o 2 2 A H N (Nestucca x Golden Star) x Gary Herbert ro23 BUD Nestucca x lGolden Star x (Jalisco x gak)l lo24 ggp Nestucca x (Golden Star x Phipps Yellow) w2 ELL 9e3 GOH W4 FTZ 995 BLY 996 WEA EJ7 WEA ee8 CHR gee GRE !I33 1000 GRE 1001 GRE 1002 cRE 1003 cRE lol8 Napoli x (insigne x Goldsworth Orange) lo2o FTZ Nearing's smirnou-rit x Phipps Yellow #32 ro2r AHN (Nestucca x Golden Star) x Fashion Plate (Mrs Furnival x Crest) x Paprika Spiced Mrs. Lamont Copeland x Mrs. Horace Fogg Mrs Lamott Copeland x Whitney Yellow Mrs R.S. Holford x (Everestianum x Purple Splendor) mucronulatum Nearing's pink form x self hp mucronulatum'Radiant Pink' x (Cornell Pink x Eileen Byrons) mucronulatum (Woodland Pink x Cornell Pink) mucronuLatum (Woodland Pink x Cornell Pink) x self Multimaculatum x unnamed yellow 'My Best Indumentum' (smirnouii hyb.) x self, hardy to -3lF I,H,F,Heat and alkaline tolerant 'My Best Indumentum'x IOOOButterflies (pollen from Ed coles & Lofthouse) H,l,g,F,J 'My Best Indumenturn' x decorum Cox's Uranium Green (RSF pollen) S,1,H,8,F, alkaline tolerancy 'My Best Indumentum'x (Gold Medal x Olin Dobbs) pollen from Meerkerk Gardens I,H,Y,Q,F, red new growth 'My Best Indumentum'x NancY Evans H,r,Y,Q,F OLR l(Naomi x Tom Everett) x Martha Phippsl x (Wheatley x Skipper) l o 2 5 6 g p (Nestucca x Golden Star) x Sunstruck 1026 cUS Nestucca x Phylis Korn, *good truss, cream r o 2 7 S H N Nestucca x SkiPPer ro2a cUS Nestucca x White Dimples, *$ood white, hardy lo2e ggp Newburyport Belle x Chevalier Felix de Sauvage l o 3 o M E A Nightengal e x ltgPergthrum lolll HIG Normandy x Golden Star lo32 sHN Nova Zembla x Berliner Lieb lo3ll SHN Nova Zembla x SkiPPer lo34 CHR Noyo Brave x metternichii 1035 CHR Noyo Brave x Red MajestY 1036 WLL Noyo Brave x Rubicon *foliage ro37 CHR Noyo Brave x self lo38 FCK (nuttallii xtindlegi ) #1x (nuttallii x Lindtegi) #2 lo39 4p5 Odee Wright x CopPer Cream 1o4o ARS Odee Wright x Hardgrove's Yellow l04l RBR Odee Wright x{lskipper x (Fawn x Crest) x Lionel's Triumphl x JimmY) ro42 ELL Old Copper x JasPer IO43 HUS (Old Copperx Kubla Xhan) x Golden Bells 1996 ro44 (Old Copper x Kubla Khan) x (Lem's Cameo x Polynesian Sunset) l o 4 5 H U S (Old Copperx Kubla Khan)x Routage 1046 GUS Orange Honey x Phipps Yellow #32, *hardy yellow 1047 y16 orbiculare x selense ssp. jucundum *F HUS lo48 AHN Orchid Sunset x Black Magic l o 4 e H U S (Oregon Schnapps x Yellow Pippion) x Walter Schmalscheidt lo5o cUS Original Vagabond x Percy Weisman, *yellow/peach, hardy l05l G U S Original Vagabond x Phipps Yellow #32, *hardy yellow to52 GUS 1053 cUS lo83 DLp lo84 Phipps Yellow#32 x Green Max CHR Pierce's Apricot x Ma4r Belle l o 8 5 5 p 1 p Pineapple Delight x Tols l 0 8 6 S H N Pineapple Delight x Victoria's Consort IOBT C.OH pingianum x Dr. Dave Goheen 1 0 8 8 p 1 g Pink Parasol x pach4santhum *l 108e CHR Pink Pearl x Princess Mary of Cambridge lo9o CHR Pink Pearl x Tropicana loel cRE Pink Sherbert x Ring of Fire H,I,J.C l GRE Pink Sherbert x Sunup Sundown (Lofthous{ p o l l e n )I , H , K , P , C I 1093 LNN Pink TWins x eclecteum (yellow) I lo92 Original Vagabond x September Song, *orange/peach l0e4 CNC Pinnacle x (sutchuenense x gak) Original Vagabond x Viennese Waltz, *many flowers/truss l0e5 5115 Pleasant Dream x Bob Bovee I l o 9 6 g g p Pleasant Dream x decorum, Gable's hardy I lO54 y,r6p Outlook x l(Uak x Phipps #32) x Viennese white form *foilage, 1oe7 14p pocoptnrum x pach4santhum indumented, hardy to O" F loes SHN Polaris x Cameo lOS€i 161rtr pachg santlulm x hnemaLeum *foliage lo57 CHR Pacific Gold x Mary Belle lo99 CHR I loo WyL Polynesian Sunset x Golden Pheasant Polynesian Sunset x Moonwax *O Y X losu LOO Papaya Punch x Casanova I l0l C H R Ponticum Variegatum x Windsor Lad 1059 I1;O rro2 CHR Pridenjoy x Whitney's Tiger Lily Waltzl lo55 1ry1-; pachgsantfutm x (Fabia x bureauuii) * foliage Papaya Punch x [Labar's White x lfortuteix croceum)l l 0 6 0 S H N Paprika Spiced x Besse Howells I l 0 3 F T Z Princess Elizabeth x Anna Rose Whitney I lO4 t676p Princess Susan x Vibrant Violet l06l I l05 H A R Paprika Spiced x makinoi 1062 RSN Paprika Spiced x Mary Belle l06ll Paprika Spiced x Merley Cream SHN l 0 6 4 S H N Paprika Spiced x Roseum pink l 0 6 5 S H N Paprika Spiced x Roseun Pink lo6ti HAR Paprika Spiced x Tretwithen Orange 1 0 6 7 S H N Paprika Spiced x Victoria's Consort 1068 CHR Paprika Spiced x Whitney Tiger Lily 1069 ELL Paprika Spiced x Whitney's Salmon r o 7 o S H N Paprika Spiced x Wyandanch Pink toTt OLR Parker's Pink x Mary Drennen ro72 FTZ Parson's Gloriosum x Mt. Aurea 1073 AHN Party Pink x Berg's Yellow lo74 4HN Party Pink x Fashion Plate 1075 4gp lo76 pyg Party Pink x Fujioka's ll.em's Cameo x(Odee Wright x Crest)l patutumx cinnabarinwn uar. Nepal *A D J 1077 6gp Percy Weisman x Fashion Plate 1078 4gy Percy Weisman x Gary Herbert lo79 6p1y Percy Weisman x Sunstruck loSo pp6 Percy Weisman x Yaku Angel *foliage lo81 WyL 1082 GFp Peste's Firelight x (Scintillation x Pol5mesianSunset) *C F O phneoctvgsum'Green Mantel' Rock 1t32S x proLeoidesWB l,996 I I I I I I I ] ] I I different shadesl I I lo€j GFp pseudochrgsanthumc.w. Sekimonzan, I Taiwan x pachgsanthum I rto7 cFP pseudoch4lsanthumc.w. Sekimorrzarr, I Taiwan x proteoidesWB I I l o 8 4 g p pseudochrysanthum x Fashion Plate I I l o 9 4 g p pseudochrgsanthum x makinoi (Berg pink)l l l l o A R S pseudochrysanthum x metternicltii I l l l l A H N pseudochrysanthumx Rosemont I l l l 2 4 g p pseudocfuysanthumx Sunstruck I l l l 3 H U S Puccini x Polynesian Sunset I 1 l l 4 H U S Puccini x Routa4le I l l l 5 p 1 g (Purpurgeisha x potalum, Pink) x I primuliflorum ceptuLonthoides *D H I I I 1 1 6 p 1 6 (Purpurgeishax patuLum)x (aakx I lute.scens, creamy Yellow) *D F J A I l l 1 7 y g g Quala-A-Wa-Loo x Kimberly Anne *P S I 1 1 1 8 6 9 1 Queen Anne's x America *Dbl I l l 19 I{611 Queen Anne's x Blue Hawaii I B4p pruniJolium x serntlatum of pink 1 l 2 o 5 g p Queen Anne's x'Bob Bovee Ir2r AHN Queen Anne's x Brasilia 1122 9611 Queen Anne's x Golden Star 1123 ggp Queen Anne's x [Golden Star x (Jalisco x sak)t I I I I I rQa 3g1;- Queen Anne's x (Jalisco x gakl ll25' 6elt 1126 GLK tr27 rN rr28 HAR tr2s LOO ll30 GLK Queen Anne's x'Loderi Venus *Dbl Queen i{nne's x Merley Cream Queen Anne's x Mim's Burbundy Queen Anrte's xMrs. E.C. Sterling ;i ll38 'i G U S Red Paisley x Phipps Wood Bench. 'r WOD Red River * #oou-ti x.rtrir'='^"rr"rnin, "'r1r \ /' r-; fuak *ax'nircirnteutti:'i.r ir r Red River x Janet Blalr GRy ll45 RGN Red River x self i:., ., i. ! ,r x 1 H U S (Ring of Fire x yak FCC) x Polynesian Sunset l l 5 0 H U S (Ring of Fire x Uald x Routagb ' l l 5 l S H N Rio x Bob Bovee Ir52 cUS Rio x Bud's Yellow, *hardy yellow ll54 4gp Rio x (Nestucca x Golden Star) :. i ty1,r6p (Rio x Orange Marmalade) x (Phipps #32 x , !',' 'tt' "tf i . . . , | . Salmon Buff x Golden Locket saitarelto x Gloria ,'t'ti,'I l1:,1 Schfieesiiiegel (Hachmann) x proteoidesR t5l I l8l Scintillatioif x Barbara Cook wLT I182 6gIrI Scintillatlon x Barbara Hardgrove I183 AHN Scintillattonlx Berg's Yellow I l84 goR, Scinttlldt{uti,rc {tBrookville'x Mary Garrison) x'l(wardiix gak) x macabeanuml) ' 1 1 8 5 6 9 1 Sciiiiillation x car'otinianum var. 'Gillan' rr 1 1 8 6 4 g p Scintillation'x Fashion Plate 1187 g6p Sbintillation x Freeman Stephens I188 6gp Scintillation x Gary Herbert I189 FTZ Scintillation x Gary Herbert ' ' KNI 1194 WLT Scintillatio n x p achg s anthum 1 1 9 5 W O D [(Scintillation x Pink Petticoats) x gaklx *yellow/coral, red throat C H R Rio x Tropicana llse cUS Rio x YEllow Victoria, *hardy yellow Robert Otto Delp x Mary Belle 1 1 6 1 F T Z (Rochelle x tlnmpsonii ) x Phipps Yellow #32 : u,il6a,wLL,,. R.orna$un.x Cheyenne trnulti-coiored pastels, fragrance 1163 ygg (RoseScott x self 8lHXl l) x (RoseScott x self # l ) * Ps 1164gg5 Rotaugex Cream Glory ' Scintillatibn x Loderi King George K H R (scintillation x Marybelle) x Skipper *Y I 1 9 2 4 9 r y Scintillation x (Nestucca x Golden Star) i I 1 9 3 H A T Scintillation x Ole Bull Rio x Phipps Yellow #32, *hardy yellow Rio x (Prelude x Chlorops) 1160 IOO :rh I l9l rr57 cUS Rio x sibling of Bud's Yellow, ll58 f€lldge l18o 31p I l9o Gold Medal) I155 cUS 1156 KNI roxieanum uar. oreonastes x Feeping Tom t 177 4gp Sandwich Appleblossum x Fashion Plate ll78 ppZ , Sappho x unknown heat tolerant yellow hybrid t 179 ggg Schneeaqge x Comstock U,?!:.lqclI Pf +"a,,rlardgrove ll5Il )t 'i'|t I175 691 l176 gg5 I 1 4 6 S H N Rhein's Picotee x (Purple Splendor x gak ) I r 4 7 S H N [Rheins Picotee x (Sappho xrtJanet Blair)] x Virginia Delp ; ir l r ., , l l 4 8 H U S (RingofTire,! ll4e ' " . i i i i i / ' , ij i j j Red River x Chevalier Felix de Sauvage tr44 roxieanum uar. oreonastes.x; Honev Moon * rr72 BEG Rttbt0cihxRosevallon ll73 GRY {Russell Harmon x [Golden Star x (Henry Yates x Tortoiseshell Champagne)ll x (Opal x Goldsworth Yellow) I174 OUt Salmon Buff x Cream Glory l 1 4 l A H N Red River x Berg's Yellow I l4:l i " 1142 4gp ' : l - i , j 1l7o p1g - ,r,?&anum uat-..orqonastes x recttuoides *C F H I .-, -i; r rii .\ ,l.f .rr;l,ir, ll7l DVS Rubicon x paihgslanthum *pink flowers, : recuruoides Hyilo{r x proteoides Rl5'l L O O Red Hot Mama (Delp) x (Maxine Childers x Anna Delp)#S 6 g 1 1 1 Red River x ad.enopodum Roxanrre'Hardgrove x F.,Fufman's $ooil : ; ,;.,r1C,F W,Bl.g!ph:.,,.:,., BIR ll4o 1167 Va7 .' uGTtpX racemosum Nearing x self llse Rotauge x Polynesian.Sunset 1169 plg I 1 3 5 S H N R.O.Delpx DiDi rr37 I166 ggg t 168 plg I 1 3 3 A f { N Queen Annes x Moser's Maroon l l 3 4 g g 1 1 1 Queen Annes x pseurTochrgSantlutm : l136 FTZ Rotauge x [Karen Tflplett x (PaprlkA Spicbd '), .:.t: x . L e m ' s T a n g e r i n e ) l, . . . ye!l9w Queen Anne's x Rev. Berryhill Queen Anne's xlfuak x Sphirx) x Purple Splendorl *Dbl l 1 3 l A H N Queen Annes x Gary Herbert r t 3 2 A H N Queen Annes x Mary Bell€' ; 1165 ggg [(Dumper's Yellow x Fhipps #321.x 1OOO,l Butterfliesl # I 1 1 9 6 g g p (Scintillation x Sappho) x YellowrF{yb;.lax truss, hardy 1 1 9 7 g g 1 1 Scintillation x Sunstruck -'-,; '!t.jr 1198 49tr1 Scintillation ll99 r2oo 'l20l 1996 x Urrique'Marrnalade 4 g g SciritillatiiSttix: U{iffti'i ;tri';,rl :1'r i pa7 Scititi{latiijtr}t1; g [;i3lI:i;iilr rir qc il i i ; " :1j' AI-IN Sc-intillition x,(galf-xil_:'': . pseudnctvgsan{fuirn) i-l-;-r i i r2o2 BOR Scintillation x Yellow Hyb., lax truss, hardy l2o3 MAR scgphocalgx x brachgcarpurn ssp. tigerstedtii r2o4 MAR scgphocalgx x catantsbiense Ken's Find L2o5 BIR (scgphacalgx x yellow hybrid) x proteoides Rrsl L2o6 LOO Second Honeymoon x [Labar's White x {fortuneix croceum)l t2o7 SHN Senator Henry Jackson x Big Deal 1208 SHN Senator Henry Jackson x Polaris t2os MCU Senator Jackson x Albion Ridge *W r2ro MCU Senator Jackson x Van Ness Sensation *W D r2rr KRS Senorita Chere x strigillosum 1212 4g1r1 September Song x Calsap r2l.-3 RBR September Song x Comstock r 2 t 4 C H R September Song x Medusa 1215 CHR September Song x Mt. Clearview 12l€i 4911 September Song x Peter Tigerstedt I 2 r 7 B L y Serendipity x metterianum hybrid w/light yellow flowers l 2 l 8 c u s Shaker Sunrise x Percv Weisman. *peach/yellow I2rs GUS Shaker Sunrise x Phipps Wood Bench, *large yellow/peach flowers I22o GUS Shaker Sunrise x Phipps Yellow #32, *peach/yellow, hardy t22r CHR Shrimp Girl x Pridenjoy t222 CHR Shrimp Girl x (Aakx Fancy) 1223 HNZ (Slippery Rock x Donna Hardgrove) x [Golden Star x (ldealist x Crest)l 1224 KHR Slocock's discoLorx Graf Zeppelin *H Q 1225 HNZ Smirfort x Big Charlie 1226 MAR smirnou-rii Reese's form x elegantulum 1227 ya16 (smimotr,rux Jortunefl x Caroline * g P H 1228 y16 (smimorrii x Jortunefl x China 1229 VTK (smirnon-rrrx Jorhtne| x Golden Star *Y H l23o y16 (smimouii x Jorfinel x Sunspray *g Y H l 2 3 l F L A smirnouii x rex *l F H 1232 RBR souliei x Comstock 1233 MEL Spatlese x (catnubiense x discolar ) 1234 BIR Spatlese x proteoi.desRl5l 1235 pTS Spingarn's Hardy _fortunei X anhuseiense WGP form *C Pink, lg flowers 1236 PTS Spingarn's Hardy-fortunei x Donna Hardgrove *H Y LG Flower 1237 PTS Spingarn's Hardy-fortutrei x Hardy Loderi *FHW 1238 FTZ Spring Parade x Dex. Purple 1239 CHR Springfield x Golden Pheasant 1240 4gIrI Squirrel Stump (Asheville Dexter) x Cowles t4t-75 1996 L24r BLy Stacatto x Eileen Byrons 1 2 4 2 M C U Starbright Three x Kimberly Anne *P S r24s MCU Starbright Three x Mi Amor *Y P S 1244 11199 Starbright x (My Lady x Rose Scott) *P S 1245 CHR Stephen Clarke x Golden Pheasant 1246 1yB6 Sumatrax (Olin O. Dobbs x Sumatra) 1247 FTZ Summer Summit x discolor n4a cUS Summer Summit x Phipps Yellow #32, *lal yellow, large plant, hardy 1249 CHR Sunset Bayx I-em's Orange t 2 5 o C H R Sunset Bay x Whitney Tiger Lily r25r CHR Sunup Sundown x Sunset Bay 1252 LOO r25!t LOO Supergold x Casanova Supergold x (Golden Star x Mezzitt's Yellou t254 Swansdown x Phipps Yellow #32 FTZ 1255 69p 1256 ggp Swen x {(Brookville x Mary Garrison) x Iftuardiix gak) x mocabeanrunll Swen x Freeman Stephens 1257 g1p taliense x proteoides R15l 1258 tyyLL Ted's Orchid Sunset x proteoides *large trusses. lush foliage t25s FTZ Temple Bells x Nearing's -fortunei l 2 { l o H N Z [(tetraploid carolianum x Blue Diamond) x (tetraploid carolianum x-fastigianum )l x self l2tjl WOD Thunder x Vibrant Violet 1262 pTS (Thunderstorrn x Hall's -;tortrlnei ) x Hardy Loderi t263 HUS 1264 HUS Tigerlily x dichroanthum yellow Tigerlily x (Graf Lennart x calaphgtum) 1265 HUS Tigerlily x Kalamaika 1266 BtR Titian Beauty x proteoides R l5l 1267 711p {(Tom Everett x Mary Garrison) x Ualisco x Qlak x Golden Star)l) x Jalisco Elect r26n HUS Tonika x (Oregon Schnapps x Yellow Pippil l26e g6p l27o 6pB Tony x Yellow Hyb., lax truss, hardy Tony's Gift x Ring of Fire (pollen from Gordon Wylie) H,Y,Q,J r27r CUM Top Banana x Crest 1272 CUM Top Banana x lCrest x (gakx Incteum)l 1273 CUM Top Banana x (Fawn x Cecil Smith) I I II I I | Top Banana xl[Skipper x (Fawn x Crest) x I Lionel's Trtumphl x Jimmy) | 6pp {Top Bananna x [(Uok x Gold Mohur) x I Serendipttyl) x (Caroline x Yellow#l) | AnR {Top Bananna x l(Valc x Gold Mohur) x I Serendipityl) x (Up Front x Jet Set) l 611p (Tortoiseshell Champagne x Azonea) x Gral Zeppehn, pink *Q l y1y17 (Tortoiseshell Wonder x catntubiense I 'Virgin') x Fiery Orange i 1274 pgp 1275 1276 1277 1278 ! 1279 HNZ (Tortoiseshell Wonder x catanubiense 'Virgin') x Golden Harbinger l28o HNZ (Tortoiseshell Wonder x cataubiense 'Virgin') x [Golden Star x (ldealist x Crest)] l28l HNZ (Tortoiseshell Wonder x catausbiense 'Virgin') x orange Minch seedling 1282 HNZ (Tortoiseshell Wonder x catatubiense 'Virgin') x Peach Lady 1314 OLR (Vulcan x Cadis) x Sammet$lut 1315 RAB Vulcan x Goldkrone 1316 p,qg Vulcan x Mist Maiden 1283 HNZ (Tortoiseshell Wonder x catawbiense 'Virgin') x ($rgmalion x Maxhaem Red) 1284 HNZ (Tortoiseshell Wonder x catanubiense 'Virgin') x R. O. Delp 1285 HNZ (Tortoiseshell Wonder x catanubiense 'Virgin') x (Seattle Gold x Lemon Custard) nl2a6 HNZ (Tortoiseshell Wonder x cataubiense 'Virgin') x (Seattle Gold x Whitney's late yellow) 1287 HNZ (Tortoiseshell Wonder x catantbiense 'Virgin') x self 1288 HUS Trail Blazer x Kalamaika r32o LNN Vulcan's Flame x citriflorumvar. horaeum r32L BOR Vulcan's Flame x Yellow Hyb., lax truss, hardy 1322 ELL Walt Elliott x Nancy Evans r3r7 RAB Vulcan x Weston's Jorfitnei p]qg Vulcan x Weston's seedling, huge yellow blotch 1 3 1 9 p 1 2 (Vulcan x gakl x (Uak x bueausii) l3l8 1323 HUS Walter Schmalscheidt x (Oregon Schnapps x Yellow Pippin) 1324 4gx1 War Dance x Fashion Plate 1325 OLR lftuardii. Nearing x Goldsworth yellow) x -fortwteill x Caroline Grace 1326 OLR Iftuardii" Nearing x Goldsworth yellow) x Jortwreill x (Goldfort x Crest) 1327 y76 (tuardiix discolar) x Sunspray *Q Y 1328 HAT (wardiix Ao,ldx Van Werden Poulman 1289 KRS traillianum x (didamum x stngrllosum ) l29o HAR Trewithen Orange x concatens l29r HIG Trinidad x [(Uak x smirnou.ti0 x maximuml 1292 1p1 (Trinity x Fiery Orange) # I x Barbara Cook 1293 SHN Trinity xJortuteivar. LuShan l2s4 SHN Trinity x (Noyo Brave x 1OOOButterflies) 1295 SHN 'frinity x Skipper 1296 SHN Trinity x Unique Marmalade 1297 CHR Tropicana x Angel Dream 1298 CHR Tropicana x Kingston 1299 CHR Tropicana x Kingston 1300 MIL (Unique x Crest) x l(MadonnaxJortwtei Marcial 1301 IRH Unknown Nearing pink x unknown seedling scented r3o2 CHR unnamed pink x Fairweather Whitney Buff x George Sweesy (pink w/bicolor calyx) 1334 CHR (W-hitney Orange x Crest) x Sunset Bay 1335 CHR Whitney's Tiger Lily x PridenJoY 1333 BLL )x 1336 SHN Wild Affair x Nova Zembla 1337 SHN Wild Affair x Pride's pink maximum 1338 SHN Wild Affair x (Aak x Henrietta Sargent) 133e p12 uilliamsianum x orbicular e 1303 ELL Van Ness Sensation x Crest 1304 MEA Van Ness Sensation x (Madame Masson x Nestucca) l3o5 MDO Vandal op (peach seedlin$ x (Caroline x Autumn Gold) yellow *heat tolerant peach 1306 FTZ l34o GRy Wizard x Calsap l34l IrO Wizatd x Dead Ringer 1342 .ygp Wodner's Purple x Azurro uernicosum f8f39 x Catfortcampy l3O7 tyy64 (uernicosum R. r8r39 x Queen Elizabeth Il) orange x (Moonshot x Prelyde) BPT #91f} bright yellow/full truss 1308 t-OO Vinecrest x {{lCatalga x (di,scolorx Fabia)] x I(co"to:uubiensex maximum) x Goldsworth Orangel) x (Fowle's # 19 x Calcutta)l l30e r oo Vinecrest x Dead Ringer 1 3 lo rco Vinecrest x (Vinecrest x Gee Whiz) 1 3 I l t O O Virginia Delp x Edwin O. Webber 1312 ry6 Virginia Delp x Great Smokey l3l3 p17 Vulcan x Azor 1329 BIR uoisonii x proteoides Rl 5 I 1330 HUS westphalengold x (Scintillation x Goldkrone) l33l WOD lWhitestone x (A& x Phipps #32)l dbl yellow x [(Dumper's Yellow x Phipps #32) x IOOO Butterfliesl 1332 ELL Whitnet Buff x Naomi Ex. 1343 MDO Wollaston x (Caroline x Autumn Gold) *heat tolerant yellow 1344 MDo wollaston x [Golden Star x (Jalisco x gak)l *heat tolerant yellow 1345 ANG Wyandanch pink x (Champagne x Butter Yellow) #l H.Y 1346 FTZ Wyanokie x Blue Diamond rc47 FTZ (Wyanokie x Suaverl x self 1348 AHN Wynterset White x u;illiamsiantum 1349 BIR yak Bovee #2 x proteotidesRl5l l35o BIR yak Bovee x Rl51 l3bl PRK gak dwarf x Henry's Red, blotch, hardy 1996 tsz Brc gak Exbury form x elnganfiium 1353 HRV yak Exbury x metternichii 1354 HRV yak Exbury x pachgsanthum 1355 DOI gak FCC x profturn (Greer) (Aak x Mrs. Betty Robertson) x (Janet Blair Hindustan) S H N @& * Mrs. Betty Robertson) x (Omega x uardii ) S H N fu& * Mrs. Betty Robertson) x RO. Delp cHR (Aakx Noyo Chief) x metternichii pa7 @ak x pseudoctvg santhum ) x uemicosum 18r39 p1g Aal<xSappho *C F I Q Blotch 6,91 |@ak x Sphinx) x Purple Splendorl x Percy Weisman *bicolor 1393 SHN 1394 1356 DOI yalcFCC xtaliense EN 2466 (cLE) 1357 MEL yak hybrid, red fl., late June x (catausbiense x discolor ) 1395 l3e6 1358 MEA yak hybrid seedling x decorum 1359 PTS gak JD# Xpa.ctrysanthum *l D *C I 1360 PTS AakK.Wadaxpachgsanllutm 1361 HAR gak (small leaO x Lem's Aurora r3e7 1362 FTZ gak xAmerica 1363 MCU [(yak x arboreunl x arboreumDr. Bowmanl x (Fawn * R"y) *R O D l4oo 6q1 1364 FTZ gak x aweurrt 1365 HID gak xbeanianum 1366 SHN 1367 BRO Qlakx Betty Robertson) x Yellow Victoria (gak x Butter) #6 x Festivo 1368 pTS @ak x Butter)x Donna Hardgrove (aakx Catalga) x [brachgcarpurn ssp. tigerstedtii x (smirnou-ritx yak) I 1369 HNT 1370 tOO r37r RIC 1372 RIC 1398 1399 I@ak x Sphinx) x Purple Splendorl x self *bicolor l4ol CHR (Aakx Virginia Rtchards) x l(Fabia x bureauuit x Marion Corleyl l4o2 lt]trEA l@ak x uordiil f2 x (chrysanthum x Prelude)l RSCAR #84-188. yellow x sibli 1403 SHA Ifuak x uardii) x usardiil x Fabia r4o4 LAR r4o5 pRZ (Aakx Crest) x fVinecrest x Gee Whiz) (Aakx dichroanthurn, orange) x Belle Heller *CIOQBlotch (Aakx dichroantfu:rm, orange) x reanruoides*CFIM Yaku Picotee x Jonathan Shaw (Yaku Sunrise x Jean Marie) x (Pygmalion unknown) 1406 LAR Yaku Sunrise x matternichii u. 'Yoshonu' r4o7 glyy Yaku Sunrise x Pleasant Dream *fragrance dwarf, foliage l4o8 CHR Yaku Sunrise x (yakx Fancy) 1409 pgp 1373 CAR gak x el.egantuLum 1374 KRS (Aak x elegantufum) x(didAmum x strigillosum ) 1375 ARS {Aakx elegantufuin) x (Aakx degroninnun) 1376 pAG Aakx Elizabeth 1377 SHA gak x Fabia 1378 FTZ gak x Fabia yellow decontm x Top Banana l4lo RBR l(yellow.fortunei x Skipper) x Comstockl l4l I RBR yellow.fortwtei x {[Skipper x (Fawn x x Lionel's Triumphl x Jimmyl l4l2 WOD Young's Yellow x (April Gem x Joy Ridge) # 1413 Bm zelnnicum true form x pachgsanthum Be Everlfeen Azaleas - $2.OO Hand Pollinated 1379 CHR (gakx Fancy) x Mrs. Betty Robertson l38o CHR (gakx Fancy) x Orchid Sunset 1381 FTZ gak x Helene Schiffner r4r4 pp7 Ben Morrison x George Tabor seedling 1382 C,OH [(Uak x temstegam-tm ) x elliottii I x September Sunset (= arydecfitm x(gak x Hawest Moon) 1383 cFp gakx hadgsonii c.w. 3l5om Sikkim flat whlte flowers 1384 BIR (Aakx tongesqunmatum) x proteoides R151 1385 WLT (aak x Mars) Folding x Barbara Cook 1386 CHR (Aakx Mars) x Chapeau 1387 CHR (gakx Mars)x Double Date 1388 RAG (Aak xMars) x stngrllosum 1389 pTS @& *Medusa) x\(bweatnii x gak ) x Fabial *yellow/orange with indumentum l39o SHN Uak x Mrs. Betty Robertson) x (Cameo x Phipps Yellow #32) 13el SHN (Aakx Mrs. Betty Robertson) x Flava r4r5 1416 r4r7 I4L8 r4r9 I42o ppg Ben Morrlson x Nuccio's Pink Champagne pp2 Elste I,ee x (Elsie Lee x Marion Douglas) ppg Elsle l,ee x (George Tabor x Formosa) PFz Elsie Lee xJanet Rhea pp.7 Elsle x Mtdnight Flare pg2 (George Tabor x Formosa- lilac petaloid flowers) x Ben Morrison r42r pRZ (Koromo Shfkibu x nakahnri Star) x Marlon Lee Mt. Seven 1422 pp2 1392 SHN @& *Mrs. Betty Robertson) x (Gold Medal x Phipps Yellow#32) 1996 (Koromo Shilribu x nakahnri Mt. Seven Star) x Watchet 1423 tyyg6 La Belle Helene x Wombat (GaietY x 'Mt. Seven Star') nakatwrai 1424 ggry Martha Hitchcock x Marion Lee 1425 SHN Martha Hitchcock x (Presto x kiusianum v. Benichi-Dori) 1426 t619E4Watchet x I Frosty x (nakahnrai Orange Form x kttsir:num Mt. Fuji) #1-ll #A -95-f 1427 PRz White seedling with very green cast to throat x Cinderella 1459 SAN Hemerocallis tetraploid, 5" to brick red wittr yellow centers 1460 SAN Hemerocallis tetraploid, 5" to dark red witi yellow center 1461 SAN Hemerocallis tetraploid, 5" to orange 1462 SAN Hemerocallis tetraploid, 5" to 6" flowers, 6" flowers, 6" flowers, 6" flowers, Peach 1463 SAN Hemerocallis tetraploid, 5" to 6" flowers, rose w/cream center 1464 SAN Hemerocallis tetraploid, 5" to 6" flowers, Yellow Companion plants - $f.OO 1465 g4p Hibiscus, mixed Mallow 1466 EAR Hibiscus mutablis, Confederate Rose l43o EAR Adenium obesum, pot plant, not too wet l43l LNN Albizia julibrissin - Mimosa 1432 EAR Campsis, Chinese/American hybrid, 1467 g1yl Hydrangea heteromalla 1468 HLM Iris douglasiana 1469 VLO Kalmia latifolia 1433 EAR Campsis sinensis, seed of two plants mixed, yellow American Campsis and 'Mrs. Galen', a red hybrid 1434 VLO Clematis macropetala l47o 1428 WO L42e yy6 Abies koreana Acer japonicum aureum gpg Kalmia latifolia, c.w. Hopkinton, MA L47L BRU Kalmia'Olympic 1472 HAR Ledum cw Pasayten Wilderness, elev. 68OO ft. Wash. la35 1ry9p Clethra barbinervis 1436 SOM Clianthus puniceus'Albus' 1473 WEA Ledum groenlandicum cw Newfoundland/Lab. 1437 HLM Coast Iris 1438 UMp Cornus canadensis, c.w. from 10 separate clones 1439 CNC Cornus Kousa 1474 RIC Leucothoe grayana 1475 RIC 1476 WO Leucothoe keiskei minor Leucothoe keiskei (& minor) 1477 IRH Liatris white x self r44o UMp Cornus nuttallii, c.w. from 6 locations Central Vancouver Isl., B.C. r44r y1O Crocosmia 'Lucifer' 1478 IRH Lilium aurelian light yellow x self 1479 tRH Lilium aurelian orange op l48o Lilium aurelian yellow op 1442 cFp 1443 GFp Cyclamen coum'Crimson' marble leaf IRH Fire' selfed 1481 CLE Lilium canadense 1482 IRH Lilium Casablanca op 1483 GFp Lilium martagon, purple 14€'4 GFp Lilium pomponium, red-orange Cyclamen libanoticum, warm pink 1485 CLE Lilium pumilum 1447 y1j Qrclamen purpurescens, purple Daphne mexereum album 1486 IRH Lilium speciosum nlbrrm Casablanca 1448 ygq Daphne tangutica I4a7 Lily asiatic mix 1444 GFp 1445 cFp 1446 cFp Cyclamen hederifolium, pink silver marble leaf Cyclamen hederifolium, pinl mittelgreen leaf 1449 LOE Daylilly, mixed colors l45o CLE Dianthus deltoides red 1451 JEN Digitalis purpurea'Foxy' 1452 LOE Echium wildprelii, biennial 1453 LOE Euphorbia lathyris 1a5a rr1,r6PFranklinia alatamaha 1455 yg6 Fritillaria 1456 p1g Gaultheria adenothrix 1a57 6pp Gaultheria adenotrix 1458 gyp Hamamelis mollis- Chinese Witchazel. yellow linear petals in Feb., yellow fall color meleagris CLE 1488 CLE x Lilium Lily Martagon mix 1489 FI-A Magnolia sieboldii l49O trlrrgP Matasequoia glyptostryboides - Dawn Redwood 1491 y1,O Meconopsis betonicifolia 1492 yyg Meconopsis cambrica 14e3 RIC Menziesia cilicalyx lasiophylla L4e4 RIC Menziesia fermginea l49s EAR Nerium oleander zone 8 & 9 1496 VLO Nothoscordum inodorum 1497 y16y Penstemon sern;lnfi-s _14e8 SOR Pieris ryukyuensis 1996 lee CHR Pinus thunbergiana - Japanese Black Pine l5oo EAR Pseudocydonia sinensis, Chinese Quince 1501 CLE Rodgersia tabularis r5o2 VI,O Sarcococca hookeriana v. humilis 1503 VLO Sauromatum guttatum l5o4 SOM Sophora microphylla 1505 JBN Tricyrtis hirta 1506 JEN 'My Weird One' op, seed comes maximum red, all green, or mixed, Barnards Inn Farm 1540 SHN ma)cimrnnDar, Leachii cultivar 'Hessei' op, also known as curly leaf maximum, slow grower r539 HIL 1541 RIC 1542 HIL mettemlchii op, Barnards Inn Farm 1543 OLR mettemichit Wada seedling 1544 p1g m o L L i c o m u m Verbascum blattoria var. albiflorum Species - Open Pollinated metternichii / degronianum ssp. heptamerum uar. micranthum 1545 OLR m o r i i 1546 "1p5 mucronulatum uar. ciliatum, purple, op 1547 gEG proteoides $f.OO r5o7 cDR adenoptnrum (ARS 2-79) o.p. l5o8 GDR aderapodumARs 2-79 lsog soM bal-Jourianum o.p. 1548 RIN pruniJoLium 1549 p6,11 pnnlfolium blooms very late, unlikely to be cross pollinated 1550 RSF pseudochrysanthum lSlo l55l l5l I RSF WEA basrlicum op brachgcarprrrrr ssp. tegerstedtii #1) (Bayport r5r2 WEA brachrycarpuln ssp. tigerstedtii (Bayport #2) l 5 1 3 M O S bweauuii op l 5 1 4 S O M burmanicum o.p. l 5 1 s R I C caLostrotum Gigha 1 5 1 6 R S F caLostrotum'Gigha' op r 5 L 7 R S F calostrotum ssp. calostrotum op, plant 'Gigha' with good blue green similiar to foliage l5l8 wEA camschnticum (good Purple) 1523 RSF Jragariaflondn op 1524 RIC galactinum 1525 MEL grande Wieting op 1526 RSF temsLeganum 73/133 Decidous Azaleas $1.5O Hand Polllnated hgpergthrum keiski uar. cordifolia, yellow, op 1529 RSF keleticum op 1530 RSF ludlou.rii op 1531 SOM Igi o.p. 1532 CHR macrophglLum 1533 HAL madd.enii ssp. maddenii u. poLgandrum o.p. 7" flowers, growing apart from any other polyploid lepidotes 1534 RIC makinoi 1535 RSF rnnximun 1536 RSF maximum 1537 RSF nnximum 1538 RSF 1558 FLA schlippenbachti op l55e SHN schlippenbachii op 1560 RSF setosum op 1561 CAV uasegiop 1562 CAR u;atsonii op 1563 SOM u.rrlliamsranum o.p. 1564 HIL gakushimanum Wild Wealth' op, Barnards Inn Farm 15le OLR decorurn Uranium Green l52o SOM dinprepes o.p. r52L OLR Jormos arturrL good indumentum 1522 OLR Jortuter. Nearing hardy form 1527 oLR 1528 JRS R S F pumilum op 1552 MOS purdomii op 1553 SCL quinquefotrum red leaf, W. Berg 1554 p16 recemosurn f. aLbiflorum 1555 CAV sancfumTempel Azalea op, does not cross 1 5 5 6 I S H sanchm uar.Iasioggnum (wine red) op in Kamakura 1557 p5p schtippenbachii op 77 /564 77/646 op 'Mt. Mitchell' op 83/lg2 op 156e RBE (bokeri x arborescens ) r57o RBE (bakeri x prinophgllum ) x Mollis r57r MCU BRERMM94- l(bud Richards hyb. acquired from Ed Renwald) x [canescans Pink x (alnbamense x Lavendar Choptank)l *J 1572 MCU [canescans Pink x (alnbamense x Lavendar Choptank)l x My Mary *J 8O/Of 1, pink flower op maximum compactform 1565 MDO atlc,nfrcum x atLanticum 1566 ;BP austnnum apricot x speciosum 1567 MCU a ustinum Nuccios x lcanescans Pink x(alnbamense x Lavendar Choptank)l*J pRK 1568 bakeri Camp's Red x July Jester, *late red tggf 1573 HAR Centennial x P,G. 72, dbl vellow, streaked orange 1574 ;Bp Chetco x yellow pom pom 1575 PRz " Choptank, low, dense with huge pink flowered truss x Kennel's Gold 1576 PRZ Choptank seedling, low, dense with large pink truss x Choptank seedling white, very large truss 1577 PRz Choptank seedling with large fragrant truss x Kennel's Gold l57a MCU Flamingo x lcanescans Pink x (alabamense x Lavendar Choptank)l *P 1579 MCU Flamingo x My Mary *P Y l58o EAR Flecked peppermint azaJeax kaempferi 1581 pRZ Happy Gabby (greenish yellow seedling) x Kennel's Gold 1582 RBE Ilam (red seedlin$ x atlanticum 1583 PRK japonicum u. flnuum x occidentale , picotee form 1584 PRK July Jester x bakeri Camp's Red 1585 MCU Mrs. Betty Oliver x BRERMM94-I Orange *J 1586 MCU Mrs. Betty Oliver x My Mary *P Y 1587 PRz Mt. St. Helens seedling x Sweet Christy 1588 MCU Mt. St. Helens x BRERMMS4- I Orange *JMCU 1589 MCLJ occidentale Palomar 3O3 x occidentaLe 4Ol) x My Mary *Y P 1590 FCK occidentale x bakeri 1591 MEL occrdentale x bakeri f2 1592 RBE occidentaLe x caLenduLaceun 1593 MCU orange Aide x BRERMMS4-I Orange *o 1594 MEL Orange decid. aza)eaop ' * ' 1595 SMV prunif,olium red x arborescens (3O" tall in 8 yrs) 1596 ;8ry prunifotium salmon x prundolium pink 1597 GRE Red Letter x Mollala Red (Arneson pollen, plant has red new growth)H. D, red new growth 1598 HAR RH #2o x Princess Roval l5ee HAR RH #2O x SM5O2 1600 PRK Snowbird x My Mary 160l MCU speirosurrr x My Mary *R Y 1602 ROK (tashiroiJ. albescens. first pure whit x uegrichiiterrcanth- Fl pure white) x usegrichii 1603 ROK tasttiroiJ. albescens x usegrechii 1604 BRU uasegL selfed 1605 SOM uiscosum x prun4folium 1996
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