Every natural number is either a Fibonacci number or it is
Every natural number is either a Fibonacci number or it is
9/15/2012 http://www.maths.surrey.ac.uk/hosted-sites/R.Knott/Fibonacci/fibnat.html Every natural number is either a Fibonacci number or it is expressible uniquely as a sum of nonconsecutive Fibonacci numbers. Here is one way to find the sum: 1. Write down a natural number. 2. Find the largest Fibonacci number that does not exceed your number. That Fibonacci number is the first term in your sum. 3. Subtract that Fibonacci number from your number and look at this new number. 4. Find the largest Fibonacci number that does not exceed this new number. That Fibonacci number is the second number in your sum. 5. Continue this process. 1 9/15/2012 2 9/15/2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmaVqkR0ZXg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_ratio http://bcs.wiley.com/he-bcs/Books?action=resource&bcsId=5334&itemId=0470424761&resourceId=18819 3 9/15/2012 http://www.fhperry.com/images/shell.jpg http://momath.org/home/fibonacci-numbers-of-sunflower-seed-spirals/ 4 9/15/2012 http://momath.org/home/fibonacci-numbers-of-sunflower-seed-spirals/ http://momath.org/home/fibonacci-numbers-of-sunflower-seed-spirals/ 5
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