Globe Lines
Globe Lines
i.forth Pofe A globeshowshowthe Eorthrototeson onimoginory centerfinecalledon axis. North Pole North Pofe Northern Hemisphere - l-* /<- ;(E+>\# -s Western Hemisphere ,r'.!- 'L\ 1A \E v o\- €{ Eostern Hemisphere L\ fL) Southern Hemisphere South pofe A globeshowson imoginory finecoffed the eguator.The equotorrunsoround the centerof Eorth.Theequotoris locatedqt 0" lotitude.Theequotor dividesthe Eorth into the Northern ondSouthernHemispheres. Southpofe A globeshowson imoginoryline coffedthe primemeridion.The prime meridionrunsfrom the North poleto the SouthPofe.The primemeridion is locotedot Oofongitude.The prime meridionhefpsto creote the Western ond EosternHemispheres. EMC3713 . DoiVGeogrophy proctice, Crod" A Globe llnes Monday mapto representEarth's 1. why is a globemoreaccuratethana flat surface? lineon whichthe Earthrotates? 2. what is the nameof theimaginary Tuesday thatdividesthe Earthintothe 1. what is the nameof the imaginaryrine Northernand SouthernHemispheres? 2.lstheequatorlocatedat0olongitude,0olatitude'or180"longitude? 'Wednesday 1. Whatis the Primemeridian? 2.Theprimemeridianhe|pscreatewhichtwohemispheres? q . GeogrophyProctice,Grode 4 CorP' 02004 bYEvon-Moor Globe lines Thursday 1. Namethe northernmost pointof Earth,saxis. ''l - .. 2. Namethe southernmost pointof Earth'saxis. Friday which imaginaryrine-the equatoror primemeridian-runs ail the way '1, around the Earth? : 2. Whathappensto Eafth'ssurfacetemperature as you travelfartheraway fromthe equator? Challenge Whatis the locationof the NorthPoleand Southpole? Labelthe Northpole and SouthPolein degreeson all threeglobes.Use a referenceglobeto helpyou. EMC3Zl3 . Doih Geogrophy proctice, Grode4 t3