lnuenting the Globe Lines of l,ongitude and latitude
lnuenting the Globe Lines of l,ongitude and latitude
lnuenting theGlobe ArcticCircle \bu can tell by photographstaken from spacethat the earth is round. But, if r ou look out a window at school or home, the surfaceof the earth lppean mainly flat. Yet more than 2,000 years before photography from spacewas possible,the ancient Greek geographers relied on observationand mathematicsto figure out the shapeand size of the earth. They made the first globes to show what the earth is like. Lines of l,ongitude andlatitude The ancientGreeksalso usedtheir globesto think aboutthe location of placeson the earth.They divided the _elobeinto 360 segments,calleddegrees.They used rertical lines called longitude to mark off the 360 parts. Lines of longitude,also calledmeridians, are still used today to locateplaceson the earth,and to measure the distancesbetweenplaces.They can be seenon most globes. T\e pime meri.dinn,or 0 degrees(0') longitude,was a_ereed upon in 1884.It passesthrough the site of the Royal Naval Observatoryin Greenwich,England.Distance is measuredeastand west of this line. Longitude lines I/ --.r f tL- ^-i-^ ^-:,{:^^-^ -,,*L^-^l L-^---t^ east^of the prime -meridian are numbered11'" athrough 179".This is the easternhemisphere.Longitude Iineswest of the prime meridian are also w numbered1'through 179'. This is the western hemisphere.The 180"line, reachedby travelingeastor s'est from the prime meridian, is exactly halfway around the earthfrom the prime meridian.Much of this line of longitudeis used also as the international date line (seep. l5). The ancient Greeks also drew lines to divide the earth horizontally. These lines are called lines of latitude or parallels. Latitude is measuredfrom the equator, or 0 degrees(0') latitude. Latitude lines are numberedfrom 0" to 90" from the equator to the north pole. The part of the earth from the equaror to the north pole is called the northern hemisphere. Latitude lines are also numbered0" to 90" from the equatorto the southpole. The part of the earth from the equator to the south pole is called the southern hemisphere. The northern hemisphereis divided into the tropics and temperate zone at the Tropic of cancer, a line of latitude that runs parallel to the equator at 23"30'north latitude.The temperatezone runs from 23"30'to the Arctic circle, a line of latitude locatedat 6630'north latitude.In the southern hemisphere,the Tropic of capricorn, locatedat23"30'south latitude, dividesthe tropics from the southerntemperatezone.The temperatezone endsat the Antarctic Circle, or 66'30' southlatitude. Lines of latitude run parallel to each other; that meansthey never meet. Antarctic Circle linesof longitude The Two North Poles IO" Tropicof Cancer The spot where the lines of longitudemeet at the northernmostpoint of the globe is called the north pole. It is also called true north, or geographir north. There is another north pole; called magnetic north. The magnetic north pole is not located in quite the sameplace as the geographicalnorth pole, although they are very close. The difference betweenthe location of the true north and magnetic north poles is shownon most globes. You can find the magnetic north pole with a compass.A compassis madeof a magnetized needle held up so that it turns freely. Becausethe earth itself is a huge magnet, no matter what direction you're going, the compassneedle alwayspoints to magneticnorth. equator of latitude 'il-xic of capricorn Degrees of longitude and latitude are divided into measurescalled minutes, '. and markcd by the symbol Like minutes in an hour, there are 60 minutes (60') in a degree of longitude or latitude. Minutes are divi"dedinto seconds, and marked by the symbol". There are 60 secondsin each minute of lntitude or longitude. 11 c:::r' t:eorraphers establishecl the :cience .i nrakin-e highil, accurateglobes.The globes . . 1 . 3t ' i t h e n t o : t i n t p o r t a n t are basedon discoreries ntade br earlv Greek o.^or.qhharo Eratostttert,, oj'cri',',;i;t"'jjffi;]::;::r'il,1r"Jili,:TilT,::!: orround objecrs (spheres), to toth-e measuremenr used ,,.',:lffil'l:5?i',iT:Tili;i';il'l.ll;;,:.;";;;;;;',-,^,.ro,. byscienHipparchus(born c' 150e'c') refined measurements for latitudeand deveroped measures longitude(seep' I0)' He was the firstto for divide trr. equato.into360 de-erees. Fiipparchus alsodivided ihe * orid as he knew it into climaticzones(see p. soj ano ar.w the f,J i;;;; map of the night sky. strabo (60 e'c'-a'o' 25) describedhis travels itr-ugtr Er.op., North Africa, and western calledGeographia'written as l7 books,Geograpnio'i"rriiaes Asia in a work in detailtrrerno.roas rhe Greeksof tinteknew it. his claudiusPtolemy centurya.o.) wrotgan eight-volume book, described rn it,he in termsor^(2nd iongituo"ui,oiuii ude(seep Tol uil-irr"pracesalsocalled,Geographia. in rheworldrhatwereknownro rhe Greeks of thistime. TheGeographic Grid Linesof latitudeand.longitude. form a geographicgrid. Thegeo-qraphic grid.makes it possibTe to ia.ntiri poinr,on theearthand recordtheirexactrocarions northor southof rh. .d;i;; Jnoeastor u.esr of theprimemeridian. NorthPole NorthPole /i i'/ I I ---l* *f---t-'+--+ ''/',l,ii 90"s SouthPole 90"s SouthPole usingcoordinates'-or pointsof latitudeand rongitude, yo-ucanrocatethe praces sur-race' includins on the earth,s Anchorase' niJir<Jior:north lZiii.lj.,'rso"*9s!ioirlilli;r, n4 nortnlatitude' Banskok, rhairancl roo."east tongiiudel e"rb;v, r"iJ,lii\g" nqrq.r (2T"south Austratia larilt;;;,.easronsituder, tatitude, erisbane, rss'eillloro,tyq;,i,,a;jri, i.ovpleo,iliti t,rtitror,sr.eastron,gituoer, capetown, southAfrica rsq.'south 6tituo6,le-.i;i"ioin,l,rgqlr.poelnasen, (s6"n6rtn Denmark, gg'Wedt ,,,,,u0.-, 8,lilJ?fj ronsitude), 1r;f,X'lj.]i.?j,.lg:t,#..#.S;?[rirkl.;iibi;;?l,n ano iantiaso,