EHR Provider Instructions


EHR Provider Instructions
LOGIN ........................................................................................................................ page 1
VIEW/EDIT/SIGN UNSIGNED REPORTS ................................................................ page 2
FIND UNSIGNED REPORTS AT ANY TIME............................................................. page 3
FIND A PARTICULAR PATIENT RECORD .............................................................. page 4
VIEW/MONITOR VOICE FILES .............................................................................. page 6
LOG OFF .................................................................................................................... page 7
Click on MedDATA EHR from desktop (website:
1. Enter
a. Account Code: xxxx
b. User Code: xxxx
c. Password: xxxx
d. Under Login As, be sure Doctor is marked
e. Click Enter
MedDATA Corp
customized medical records management
210 N. Robinson Street | Richmond, VA 23220 (804) 355-­‐7935 (office)| (804) 612-­‐5212 (fax) Page 1 of 7 VIEW/EDIT/PRINT UNSIGNED REPORTS
1. After logon, click Unsigned Reports
Which brings up the LIST OF REPORTS:
2. Click View/Sign
Which brings up ALL THE REPORTS:
(see list of patients to the left)
3. Review/Edit note and click Sign on each one
4. The next report will appear for you to view and sign, one after the other
MedDATA Corp
customized medical records management
210 N. Robinson Street | Richmond, VA 23220 (804) 355-­‐7935 (office)| (804) 612-­‐5212 (fax) Page 2 of 7 GET TO ‘UNSIGNED REPORTS’ AT ANY TIME
1. Click on Transcription Manager from any screen
2. Click on To Do List
Which brings up the UNSIGNED REPORTS:
MedDATA Corp
customized medical records management
210 N. Robinson Street | Richmond, VA 23220 (804) 355-­‐7935 (office)| (804) 612-­‐5212 (fax) Page 3 of 7 FIND PARTICULAR PATIENT RECORD
1. Go to Transcription Manager from any screen
2. Choose Report Retrieval
Which brings up the SEARCH CRITERIA SCREEN:
1. Fill in any field you want to search by:
a. Provider Last name, and/or
b. Service date, and/or…
c. Click Submit (at bottom of page)
MedDATA Corp
customized medical records management
210 N. Robinson Street | Richmond, VA 23220 (804) 355-­‐7935 (office)| (804) 612-­‐5212 (fax) Page 4 of 7 Which brings up the LIST OF REPORTS:
1. Check the chosen report and hit View/Sign, or Back if not correct report
Which brings up the ACTUAL REPORT:
2. Make changes to actual report
3. Click Print
4. Hit Exit button TO GET OUT OF THE REPORT
5. Save changes – click OK
MedDATA Corp
customized medical records management
210 N. Robinson Street | Richmond, VA 23220 (804) 355-­‐7935 (office)| (804) 612-­‐5212 (fax) Page 5 of 7 VIEW/MONITOR VOICE FILES
1. Click Dictation Manager from any screen
2. Choose Pending Jobs or Historical Jobs to view voice files
3. Fill in any field you want to search by:
a. Dictation date range, and/or
b. Service date, and/or…
c. Click Submit (at bottom of page)
MedDATA Corp
customized medical records management
210 N. Robinson Street | Richmond, VA 23220 (804) 355-­‐7935 (office)| (804) 612-­‐5212 (fax) Page 6 of 7 Which brings up the LIST OF VOICE FILES:
4. Click on blue Job #
5. Or Back if not correct result
Which brings up the VOICE PLAYER:
6. Click Play and Close when done
1. Click Log-off button
MedDATA Corp
customized medical records management
210 N. Robinson Street | Richmond, VA 23220 (804) 355-­‐7935 (office)| (804) 612-­‐5212 (fax) Page 7 of 7 

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