sicame GROUPE INTERNATIONAL SICAME, under the guidance of EDF, has gained a reputation for the originality of its products connected with advanced techniques for the supply of electric power. After having gained a strong position on the French market for low voltage equipment, SICAME is continuing its development by diversifying its products and geographically enlarging its markets. Fully integrated production and sales activities for specific products which are patented or approved by EDF, most of which basically related to modern electric power supply techniques, more especially concerning the connection equipment and various supports for LV and HV networks, and subscriber connections. Equipment especially designed for installation in direct contact and sticks on live lines. Miscellaneous equipment and accessories for telecommunications networks. Foreign and french sub-compagnies extend compagny's efforts and serve to further develop the compagny's activities. sicame SICAME DO BRASIL DERVAUX S.A. CICAME ENERGIE GALVADER SICAME CORP. SICAME SOUTH AFRICA FONDER DERVAUX DISTRIBUTION DYCOM R.N.J. SICAME AUSTRALIA P.T. SICAMINDO SOCOMELEC ARELEC SICAME PORTUGAL SEA MECATRACTION CEGERS OUTILLAGE FRANKLIN FRANCE FORSOND CATU SED OCMEI CEGERS SICAME SICAME ~ ITALIA ESPANA CONNECTION PROTECTION SICAMEX Fr 0629 13 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame sicame cegers 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fr 0883 13 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame N° Page X - xxx Fr 0884 02 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 1 0201 • Main and tap conductor aluminium, aluminium alloy cond. • Clamp body is made of high corrosion resistant aluminium alloy. • Tightening screws hot dip galvanised (G) or stainless steel (X). • F type : fuse head option.Overtorque breaking shear head allowing a good clamping torque. This system ensures a high quality contact and avoids to damage the conductors strands. After head is sheared, removal is still possible. IN COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARD NFC 66 800 H F A B H C PGA 101 G 2,5 - 10 6 - 64 2,5 - 7,5 6 - 35 36 28 45 1xM8 PGA 102 G 2,5 - 10 6 - 64 2,5 - 10 6 - 64 36 44 50 2xM8 13 / 14 13 / 14 PGA 202 G 4 - 10,5 10 - 70 4 - 10,5 10 - 70 36 44 50 2xM8 13 / 14 PGA 301 G 4 - 12,5 10 -95 2,5 - 7,5 6 - 35 40 35 50 1xM8 13 / 14 PGA 302 G 4 - 12,5 10 - 95 4 - 12,5 10 -95 40 44 50 2xM8 13 / 18 PGA 401 G 7,5 - 14 35 - 120 4 - 7,5 10 - 35 45 35 50 1xM8 13 / 14 PGA 402 G 6,3 - 14 25 - 120 6,3 - 14 25 - 120 45 55 50 2xM8 13 / 14 PGA 502 G 6,3 - 16 25 - 150 6,3 - 16 25 - 150 48 55 55 2 x M 10 17 / 27 PGA 551 G 9 - 16 50 - 150 2,5 - 9,5 6 -54 40 35 55 1 x M 10 17 / 25 PGA 602 G 9 - 21 50 - 240 9 - 21 50 - 240 61 55 70 2 x M 10 17 / 25 PGA 603 G 9 - 21 50 - 240 9 - 21 50 - 240 61 85 70 3 x M 10 17 / 25 Fr 0793 18 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 1 - 001 9409 B A C LC BDA A B LC BE C BDA G 25 .. LC 10 16 95 40 45 75 1 x M 10 LC 16 70 150 60 58 95 1 x M 12 BDA 95 BDA 95 A (G 2533 S) 34 95 88 44 70 2xM8 BDA 148 BDA 148 A (G 2535) 60 150 85 52 80 2 x M 10 BDA 181 116 181 155 60 90 3 x M 10 BE 75 D 34 95 70 50 65 2 x M 10 Fr 0019 12 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 1 - 002 0101 • Main conductor aluminium, aluminium alloy cond. • Tap conductor copper. • Clamp body is made of high corrosion resistant aluminium alloy. • Tap contact is made in copper. • Interface between aluminium clamp body and tap copper shape is protected. IN COMLPLIANCE WITH STANDARD NFC 66-800. H B A H F C Ø RDAU 95-10 G RDAU 95-10 G 5 - 12,5 16 - 95 1,8 - 4 2,5 - 10 28 41 45 1x8 13 9 RDAU 95-35 G 5 - 12,5 16 - 95 2,5 - 7,5 6 - 35 28 41 50 1x8 13 14 RDAU 95-50 G 5 - 12,5 16 - 95 2,5 - 9 6 - 50 44 41 50 2x8 13 14 RDAU 95-120 G 5 - 12,5 16 - 95 7,5 - 14 35 - 120 44 50 55 2x8 13 18 RDAU 150-35 G 6 - 16 22 - 150 2,5 - 7,5 6 - 35 28 46 50 1x8 13 14 RDAU 150-50 G 6 - 16 22 - 150 2,5 - 9 6 - 50 44 46 50 2x8 13 14 RDAU 150-95 G 6 - 16 22 - 150 5- 12,5 16 - 95 44 50 55 2x8 13 18 RDAU 240-95 G 11,25 - 20,2 70 - 240 4,2 - 12,5 10 - 95 48 58,5 70 2x8 13 18 RDAU 240-120 G 12,5 - 20,2 95 - 240 7,5 - 14 35 - 120 48 58,5 70 2x8 13 18 Fr 0107 21 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 1 - 003 Fr 0816 02 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 2 0202 Main line : overhead bare Cu or Alu. Tap line : insulated Cu or Alu. Used to tap an insulated conductor from a bare overhead line. Live or dead line work on contact. • Body is made of high mechanical and weather resistant insulating material. • Insulation piercing contact bridges on tap side with neutral grease and according to models made of : – copper alloy (F model), – tinned copper alloy (EF model), – alu alloy (AF model). • Easy to install. • Tightening screw treated against corrosion and fitted with a shear head to secure tightening torque. • Protection against water penetration in tap conductor by a water seal and insulating tap cable end cap. The branch can be on the left or on the right. IN COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS HN 33 E 61, NEMA CC 3. H NTD 301 F NTD 241 AF NTD NTD NTD NTD NTD NTD NTD NTD NTD NTD NTD NTD NTD NTD NTD NTD NTD NTD NTD 101 F 101 AF 101-9 AF 101-9 EF 151 F 151 AF 301 F 301 AF 301 EF 241 F 241 AF 351 F 351 AF 401 F 401 AF 401 EF 431 AF 451 AF 461 AF Cu 6 - 70 Alu 6 - 54 Alu 16 - 95 16 - 95 Cu 35 - 95 Alu 35 - 95 Cu 7 - 95 Alu 7 - 95 7 - 95 Cu 50 - 150 Alu 50 - 150 Cu 50 - 150 Alu 50 - 150 Cu 50 - 150 Alu 50 - 150 50 - 150 Alu 95 - 240 Alu 95 - 240 Alu 95 - 150 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 35 35 35 6 6 35 35 50 50 50 35 95 95 - 35 - 35 - 35 - 35 - 35 - 35 - 95 - 95 - 95 - 35 - 35 - 95 - 95 - 150 - 150 - 150 - 95 - 150 - 185 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 17 17 17 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 18 18 18 20 25 25 Fr 0627 24 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314 1318 1318 1318 1720 1725 1725 groupe sicame sicame 2 - 001 0202 Main line : overhead bare Cu or Alu. Tap line : insulated Cu or Alu. Used to tap an insulated conductor from a bare overhead line. Live or dead line work. • Body is made of high mechanical and weather resistant insulating material. • Watertight branch connector for pre-stripped cable permitting the placement of the branch cable either side of main connector. • Wide contact transfert bridges on bare line side : – copper alloy for cooper bare mains (F model), – tinned copper alloy (EF model), – Aluminium alloy for aluminium bare mains (AF model). • Easy to install : main cable and tap conductor having independant tightening. • Potential free tightening screw fitted with a shear head to ensure corrent tightening torque. After head is broken, removal remains possible. IN COMPLIANCE WITH EDF STANDARDS HN 33 E 61 (09-85) - NF C 33-020 (06-98). H 13 S E T I L L TE A S NTD 95-95-1 NTD 50-35 NTD 150-150 NTD 50-35 F Cu 7 - 54 NTD 50-35 AF Al 7 - 54 6 - 35 NTD 95-95-1 FA Cu 7 - 95 35 - 95 NTD 95-95-1 AFA Al 7 - 95 35 - 95 NTD 95-95-1 EFA 6 - 35 7 - 95 35 - 95 NTD 150-150 F Cu 50 - 150 50 - 150 NTD 150-150 AF Al 50 - 150 50 - 150 50 - 150 50 - 150 NTD 150-150 EF Fr 0691 14 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 2 - 002 0202 Main line : insulated Cu or Alu. Tap line : insulated Cu or Alu. On contact live or dead line work. • Watertight connector withstanding 6 kV flashover in water. Its insulating body is highly climatic and mechanically resistant. • Easy to install and safe to use. • Simultaneous insulation piercing on main and tap. • Potential free tightening screws hot dip galvanised. Available in stainless steel too (option X). • Protection against water in shunted cable by water tightness joined and insulating tap cable end caps. The branch can be on the left or on the right. Option F : shear head screw (ref. F xxxx). Once shear head is broken removal remains possible. KJ 17 M : Holding wrench. To install easily one bolt connectors with high tightening torque (F 1318). IN COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS : – NF C 33-020 (dielectric and electric) – UL 486 B (electrical). H TTD 201 F TTD 301 F KJ 17 M TTD TTD TTD TTD TTD TTD TTD TTD TTD TTD TTD TTD TTD TTD TTD TTD TTD TTD TTD TTD TTD TTD TTD TTD TTD 051 F 081 F 101 F 101-2 F * 121 F 151 F 151-9 F 171 F 301 F 201 F 201-2 F * 211 F 231 F 241 F 271 F 341 F 351 F 251 F 281 F 291 F 401 F 431 F 441 F 451 F 551 F 16 - 95 70 - 240 6 - 54 6 - 25 25 - 95 25 - 95 16 - 70 25 - 120 25 - 95 35 - 95 25 - 70 35 - 95 25 - 95 50 - 150 35 - 120 50 - 150 50 - 150 50 - 150 50 - 185 70 - 240 50 - 185 70 - 240 95 - 240 95 - 240 120 - 380 1,5 - 6 1,5 - 6 (2,5) 6 - 35 (2,5) 6 - 16 2,5 - 25 (2,5) 6 - 35 (2,5) 6 - 35 (2,5) 6 - 35 25 - 95 25 - 95 16 - 70 16 - 70 10 - 50 (2,5) 6 - 35 35 - 120 (25) 6 - 35 35 - 95 35 - 95 (2,5) 6 - 35 (2,5) 6 - 35 50 - 150 16 - 95 50 - 150 95 - 240 95 - 240 63 63 200 115 161 200 200 200 377 377 310 310 242 200 437 200 377 377 200 200 504 377 504 530 679 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 Fr 0237 52 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 17 17 17 17 groupe sicame sicame 9 9 9 14 9 14 14 14 14 18 18 18 14 14 18 9 14 18 14 14 18 20 25 25 37 F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 1309 1309 1309 1314 1309 1314 1314 1314 1314 1318 1318 1318 1314 1314 1318 1309 1314 1318 1314 1314 1318 1720 1725 1725 1737 2 - 003 0202 Main line : insulated Cu or Alu. Tap line : insulated Cu or Alu. On contact live or dead line work. • Watertight connector withstanding 6 kV flashover in water. Its insulating body is highly climatic and mechanically resistant. • One, two or four watertight tapping moduls insulation piercing type or not according to models. The branch can be on the left or on the right. • Easy to install and safe to use : no loosable parts, potential free and anti corrosion treated screws. • Independant tightening on main controled by shear head. P option : protection (watertight cap) when on service not in use. H TT2D TT1D TTDE TTDR 82 / 86-1 S E LIT L TE A S TT4D 1D 2D 4D TTDR 88 F2 TTDE 80 F 1 16 - 95 (1,5) 2,5 - 6 TTDE 82 F 1 10 - 54 (2,5) 6- 35 TTDE 83 F 1 10 - 54 6 - 35 TT1D 82 F 1 25 - 95 (2,5) 6 - 35 TT2D 82 F 2 25 - 95 2 x (2,5) 6 - 35 TT4D 82 F 4 25 - 95 4 x (2,5) 6 - 35(Al) / 25(Cu) TT1D 83 F2 1 25 - 95 6 - 35 TT2D 83 F3 2 25 - 95 2 x 6 - 35 x TT4D 83 F5 4 25 - 95 4 x 6 - 35(Al) / 25(Cu) x TTDR 82 F2 1 25 - 95 25 - 70 TT1D 86 F 1 50 - 150 (2,5) 6 - 35 TT2D 86 F 2 50 - 150 2 x (2,5) 6 - 35 TT4D 86 F 4 50 - 150 4 x (2,5) 6 - 35(Al) / 25(Cu) TT1D 87 F2 1 50 - 150 6 - 35 TT2D 87 F3 2 50 - 150 2 x 6 - 35 x TT4D 87 F5 4 50 - 150 4 x 6 - 35(Al) / 25(Cu) x TTDR 86 F2 1 50 - 150 25 - 95 TTDR 86-1 F2 1 50 - 150 25 - 95 TTDR 88 F2 1 50 - 150 50 - 150 x x x Fr 0690 33 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 2 - 005 0202 Connectors are used for temporary power take off or short circuiting. • Connector with an insulated structure getting a high mechanical and climatic resistance. • Tap side equipped with a security stud fitted with a bayonet locking and its extremity drilled for voltage testing prove connector is insulated by a cap. This cap is fitted with removable indexes for phases, neutral identification. • Water tightness system to restore insulation (flashover resistance 6 kV deeped in water). • Easy to use and install : insulating piercing (TTD.CC), shear head, srews never on potential, stud protected against direct contact. • NTD.CC : version for aluminium or ACSR bare neutral. IN ACCORDANCE WITH NF C 33-020 (06-98) STANDARD. KJ 13 S E LIT L H = 13 mm TE A S 11,1 35 4 EMCC TTD 1 - CC 16 - 35 1xM8 9 TTD 2 - CC 35 - 95 1xM8 14 TTD 3 - CC 50 - 150 1xM8 14 NTD2 A - CC 35 - 95 1xM8 14 Fr 0519 19 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 2 - 006 9912 Assembly of 5 to 7 female sockets made of marine bronze UZ 40 MNA, with internal elastic contacts, insulated by a cap, connected together by flexible insulated copper braids 16 sq/mm. Female and male sockets are interlocked by a bayonet system : – short circuit current rating : 4000 Amps / 1 sec. – permanent current rating : 200 Amps (rated current). EMCC 1105 - 1106 - 1107 Short circuit equipment including braid and three phase sockets, one neutral socket and one earthing socket (ref. EMCC 1105). – with one additional socket for street lighting conductor (ref. EMCC 1106). – with two additional sockets for street lighting conductor (ref. EMCC 1107). EMCC 1105 S - 1106 S - 1107 S Same as above respectively but including carrying case (ref. EMCT 1171). Earthing equipment including one flexible copper cable provided with one male socket to be interlocked by a bayonet system, one ground clamp (ref. ET 091), one carrying case (ref. EMCT 1171) EMT 1101 S : Cable 16 sq/mm - L = 10 m. EMT 1102 S : Cable 16 sq/mm - L = 15 m. EMT 1111 S : Cable 10 sq/mm - L = 10 m. EMT 1112 S : Cable 10 sq/mm - L = 15 m. CONFORM TO EDF-SPS STANDARD Nº 41. Fr 0050 07 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 73 63 12 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame cegers 2 - 007 Fr 0817 05 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 3 0112 • Preinsulated aluminium sleeves for phases, and neutral covered inside with contact grease. • Insulation of the cable with a sheath resistant to compression and with water-tightness joints (type test for insulation : 6 kV in water for one minute). • Tightness of the connection allows to connect Alu / Alu , Alu / Cu and Cu / Cu. • The sleeve mentions : – Number and order of compressions to be made. – Length to be stripped on the conductor (with sharp edge to mark the sleeve). – Section of conductors, die to use. • End coloured joint to identify quickly the section. • Operation : crimping by hexagonal compression. IN ACCORDANCE WITH NF C 33-021 (04-97) STANDARD. mm2 4 6 10 16 25 35 E Ø A (mm2) S (mm2) MJPB 4 CG MJPB 6- 4 MJPB 6 CG CG MJPB 10- 6 MJPB 10 CG L (mm) S1 S2 A1 a1 10 4 4 2,8 2,8 82 14 10 6 4 3,4 2,8 82 14 10 6 6 3,4 3,4 82 14 10 10 6 4,3 3,4 82 14 10 10 10 4,3 4,3 82 14 MJPB 16- 4 CG 10 16 4 5,3 2,8 82 14 MJPB 16- 6 CG 10 16 6 5,3 3,4 82 14 10 16 10 5,3 4,3 82 14 10 16 16 5,3 5,3 82 14 10 25 6 7 3,4 82 14 CG MJPB 16-10 MJPB 16 CG CG MJPB 25- 6 CG MJPB 25-10 CG 10 25 10 7 4,3 82 14 MJPB 25-16 CG 10 25 16 7 5,3 82 14 10 25 25 7 7 82 14 MJPB 25 CG MJPB 35 - 6 CG 10 35 6 8 3,4 82 14 MJPB 35-10 CG 10 35 10 8 4,3 82 14 MJPB 35-16 CG 10 35 16 8 5,3 82 14 MJPB 35-25 CG 10 35 25 8 7 82 14 10 35 35 8 8 82 14 MJPB 35 CG Fr 0782 12 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 3 - 001 0112 • Preinsulated aluminium sleeves for phases, aluminium alloy for neutral messenger covered inside with contact grease. • Insulation of the cable with a sheath resistant to compression and with water-tightness joints (type test for insulation : 6 kV in water for one minute). • Tightness of the connection allows to connect Alu / Alu, Alu / Cu and Cu / Cu. • The sleeve mentions : – Number and order of compressions to be made. – Length to be stripped on the conductor (with sharp edge to mark the sleeve). – Section of conductors, die to use. • End coloured joint to identify quickly the section. • Operation : crimping by hexagonal compression. IN ACCORDANCE WITH NF C 33-021 (04-97) STANDARD. MJPT .. N MJPT Fr 0779 13 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 3 - 002 0201 L E ØA MJPT 25N SF MJPT 25N-(14) SF S (mm2) * 10 25 25 6,6 6,6 128 * 10 25 25 6,6 6,6 102 17,3 14,0 8 8 128 17,3 MJPT 35N SF * 10 35 35 MJPT 50N SF * 10 50 50 148 17,3 * 10 54,6 54,6 10 10 148 17,3 MJPT 54 SF 9,3 9,3 MJPT 70N SF * 10 70 70 10,7 10,7 168 17,3 MJPT 80N SF * 10 80 80 12,5 12,5 178 21,5 * 10 80 54 12,5 10 178 21,5 * 10 95 95 13,5 13,5 178 21,5 * 10 120 120 15 15 178 21,5 MJPT 80N-54 MJPT 95N SF SF MJPT 120N SF MJPT 10 SF 10 10 10 4,3 4,3 108 17,3 MJPT 16 SF 10 16 16 5,3 5,3 108 17,3 10 25 16 6,5 5,3 108 17,3 10 25 25 6,5 6,5 108 17,3 MJPT 25-16 MJPT 25 SF SF MJPT 35-16 SF 10 35 16 8 5,3 108 17,3 MJPT 35-25 SF 10 35 25 8 6,5 108 17,3 10 35 35 8 8 108 17,3 MJPT 35 SF MJPT 50-25 SF 10 50 25 9 6,5 108 17,3 MJPT 50-35 SF 10 50 35 9 8 108 17,3 10 50 50 9 9 108 17,3 10 54,6 54,6 10 10 108 17,3 17,3 MJPT 50 SF MJPT 54R * SF MJPT 70-35 SF 10 70 35 10,7 8 108 MJPT 70-50 SF 10 70 50 10,7 9 108 17,3 10 70 54,6 10,7 10 148 17,3 10 70 70 10,7 10,7 108 17,3 10 95 50 12,5 9 108 17,3 10 95 95 12,5 12,5 108 17,3 MJPT 70N-54 MJPT 70 SF MJPT 95-50 MJPT 95 * SF SF SF MJPT 95-(21) MJPT 120 SF MJPT 150 SF SF 10 95 95 12,5 12,5 108 21,5 10 120 120 13,7 13,7 108 21,5 10 150 150 15,5 15,5 108 21,5 MJPT 150-70 SF 10 150 70 15,5 10,7 108 21,5 MJPT 150-95 SF 10 150 95 15,5 12,5 108 21,5 10 185 185 17,5 17,5 121 26,0 MJPT 185 SF EJPT 35 - 54,6 SF 1 EJPT 50 - 54,6 SF 1 EJPT 70 - 70N SF EJPT 70/35 - 54,6 1 EJPT 70/35 - 70N/54,6 EJPT 70 - 54,6 1 SF SF EJPT 70/70 - 54,6/70N SF EJPT 95 - 70 N SF EJPT 150 - 70N 1 1 SF 1 1 1 SF EJPT 150/70 - 70N/54,6 SF 1 EJPT 150/70 - 70N SF 1 EJPT 150/95 - 70N SF 1 Fr 0780 19 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 3 - 003 9911 Preinsulated Aluminium or AluminiumCopper bi-metallic crimping lugs (frictionwelded). • Aluminium inside covered with contact grease for a best electrical contact. • A sheath resistant to compression mentions : – number and order of compressions to be made, – length to be stripped on the conductor, – cables section and tools to use, and ensures the protection of the bimetallic connection (CPTAU). • A seal-joint makes tight the connection and allows to connect the copper or aluminium cables. • A coloured joint to identify quickly the section. • Operation : crimping by hexagonal compression. IN COMPLIANCE WITH EDF STANDARDS HN 33 S 66 (08-85) - NF C 33-021 (04-97). P P Q ØB ØB L E CPTA CPTA 16 CPTA 16-17 * CPTA 25 CPTA 25-17 * CPTA 35 CPTA 50 CPTA 54 CPTA 70 CPTA 70-21 CPTA 95 CPTA 95-21 CPTA 120 CPTA 150 CPTA 185 ERP BA 35 ERP BA 50 ERP BA 70 ERPBA 70 / 70 N ERP BA 150 CPTAU 16 CPTAU 16-17 * CPTAU 25 CPTAU 25-17 * CPTAU 35 CPTAU 50 CPTAU 54 CPTAU 70 CPTAU 70-21 CPTAU 80 N SP CPTAU 95 CPTAU 95-21 CPTAU 120 CPTAU 150 CPTAU 185 ERP BU 35 ERP BU 50 ERP BU 70 ERP BU 70-70 N ERP BU 150 16 16 25 25 35 50 54 70 70 80 95 95 120 150 185 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 125 110 125 125 125 130 CPTAU 77 92 77 92 92 92 92 92 110 110 92 110 110 110 115 13 16 13 16 16 16 16 16 16 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 37 x x x x x x x x x 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 37 16 16 16 16 16 32 37 37 37 37 x x x x x 33 37 37 37 37 Fr 0324 21 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 12,8 12,8 12,8 12,8 12,8 12,8 12,8 12,8 12,8 12,8 12,8 20 25 20 25 25 25 25 25 30 30 25 30 30 30 30 14,0 17,3 14,0 17,3 17,3 17,3 17,3 17,3 21,5 21,5 17,3 21,5 21,5 21,5 26,0 21,5 groupe sicame sicame 3 - 004 9801 • Preinsulated aluminium (CPTA) or alu-copper (CPT2 AU) bimetallic crimping lugs. Bimetallic lugs are equipped with two copper alloy washers overmolded on the aluminium lug. • Aluminium inside covered with contact grease for a best electrical contact. • A sheath resistant to compression mentions : – Number and order of compressions to be made. – Length to be stripped on the conductor. – Cables section and tools to use;and ensures the protection of the bimetallic connection (CPT2 AU). • A seal-joint makes tight the connection and allows to connect the copper or aluminium cables. • A coloured ring allows to identify quickly the section. • Operation : crimping by hexagonal compression. IN COMPLIANCE WITH EDF STANDARDS HN 33 S 66 (08-85) - NFC 33-021 (04-97). Q B P L CPTA E CPTAU CPT A 35 CPT2 AU 35 10 35 110 92 16 32 x 33 13 35 x 33 17,3 CPT A 50 CPT2 AU 50 10 50 110 92 16 32 x 33 13 35 x 33 17,3 CPT A 54 CPT2 AU 54 10 54 110 92 16 32 x 33 13 35 x 33 17,3 CPT A 70 CPT2 AU 70 10 70 110 92 16 32 x 33 13 35 x 33 17,3 CPT A 70 / 21 CPT2 AU 70 / 21 10 70 130 115 16 37 x 37 13 40 x 37 21,5 CPT A 95 CPT2 AU 95 10 95 110 92 16 32 x 33 13 35 x 33 17,3 CPT A 95 / 21 CPT2 AU 95 / 21 10 95 130 115 16 37 x 37 13 40 x 37 21,5 CPT A 150 CPT2 AU 150 10 150 130 115 16 37 x 37 13 40 x 37 21,5 ERP BA 35 ERP B2U 35 1 17,3 ERP BA 50 ERP B2U 50 1 17,3 ERP BA 70 ERP B2U 70 1 17,3 ERP BA 70 / 70 ERP B2U 70 / 70 1 17,3 ERP BA 150 ERP B2U 150 1 21,5 Fr 0874 06 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 3 - 005 9810 Watertight splicing module allowing to connect or disconnect without cutting the conductor. Insulated screws, shear head in the case of insulation piercing. Main side : insulation piercing Service side : insulation stripping (JF 35), insulation piercing (JFT 35). Option P : an JF 35 protection (watertight cap) on service side when not in use. R B JF 35 P R B JFT 35 R B R JF 35 6 - 35 M 6 - 35 M x JF 35 P 6 - 35 M 6 - 35 M x JFT 35 6 - 35 M 6- 35 M x B x x x Fr 1193 11 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 3 - 006 Fr 0053 04 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 4 0103 Single (EAS) or double (EADS) anchoring of twisted cables with insulated neutral messenger. Ranging from 25 to 95 sq/mm messenger cables constituted by : CS 10 BRACKET Single piece, made of aluminium alloy allowing single or double anchoring. Fixing on poles by two 20 x 0,7 mm stainless steel straps or by 14 or 16 mm diameter bolts. CS 10 : 2 bolts (EDF type) for 54,6 mm2. CS 10-2000 : 2 bolts (EDF type) for 70 mm2. CS 10-3 : 1 ou 2 bolts. CS 10-3-2000 : 1 or 2 bolts. CS 10-1500 : single anchoring 1500 daN. ANCHORING CLAMP PA Conical wedge clamp composed of : • An opened thermoplastic body with very high mechanical and climatic resistance. • An inner sheath consisting of two insulating plastic wedges ensuring the clamping of the neutral messenger without damaging cable insulation. • An unloosable stainless steel flexible bail equipped with a movable insulating wearresistant saddle and two sleeves compressed on the ends to be locked on the clamp body. IN ACCORDANCE WITH C 33-041 (02-99) STANDARD. PA 120-2000 PA 95-2000 PA 70-2000 PA 54-1500 PA 35-1000 PA 25-600 EAS 95-10 / EAS 70-10 / EADS 70-10 / EAS 54-10 / EADS 54-10 / EAS 35-10 EADS 35-10 EAS 54-1500 95 70 54 50 25 16 EAS 95-3 * EAS 70-3 * EADS 70-3 * EAS 54-3 * EADS 54-3 * - 120 95 70 70 35 25 15 - 17.5 13,5 - 16 12,5 - 14 12 - 14 8 - 11 6 - 9,5 2 1 1 1 1 000 950 950 500 000 600 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CS 10-2000 CS 10-2000 CS 10-2000 CS 10 CS 10 CS 10 CS 10 CS10-1500 / / / / / 1 1 1 1 1 CS 10-3-2000 CS 10-3-2000 CS 10-3-2000 CS 10-3 CS-10-3 + + + + + + + + 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 PA 95-2000 PA 70-2000 PA 70-2000 PA 54-1500 PA 54-1500 PA 35-1000 PA 35-1000 PA54-1500 * Assembly with 3 holes bracket Fr 0060 24 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 4 - 001 0104 Suspension or angle for twisted cables with insulated neutral messenger. One piece assembly for neutral messenger ranging from 25 to 95 sqmm constitued by : BRACKET CS 14 Single piece of aluminium alloy. Fixed on pole with one bolt Ø 14 or 16 mm or two stainless steel straps 20 x 0,7 mm. An upper bulge prevents the clamp from turning over on the bracket. MOVABLE LINK SYSTEM LM Allows a transversal and longitudinal movement of the suspension body clamp. Made of insulating material of high mechanical and climatic resistance. Gives an important additional insulation between pole and cable. SUSPENSION CLAMP PS.. Of the same insulating material as the movable link. Locking and clamping of the carrier neutral by a notched knee joint device. Cable capacity ranging : Ø 8,5 to 17 mm. CS 14, LM and PS.. can be delivered separatly. F 600 option : Fuse link to 600 daN. IN ACCORDANCE WITH C 33-040(02-99) STANDARD. CS 14 LM 54 CS 14-2000 PS 54 LM 70 PS 70 ES 54-14 ES 70-14 CS 14 CS 14-2000 ES 54-14 = 1 CS 14 + 1 LM 54 + 1 PS 54 ES 70-14 = 1 CS14-2000 + 1LM 70 + 1 PS 70 PSL 54 = 1 LM 54 + 1 PS 54 Fr 0061 19 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 4 - 002 9911 Mechanical bolted type dead end clamp for self supporting bundles of equal insulated conductors, comprising : • A wedge made of high mechanical and climatic resistant insulating material ensuring a good stress repartition on bundle without damaging insulation. • Two hot dip galvanized steel tightening straps with associated bolts and units. • Clamp is spring loaded thus opening alone when screw untightened to ease conductor insertion. • Conductor tightening is done by bolts with hexagonal head 16 mm (17 mm on request) but additional clamping is achieved by wedges. • Supplied with bolt and nylock nut or clevis pin with unloosable split pin (A model). • F option : shear head bolt (s). Removal and re-installation with an open end wrench of 24 mm on flats. IN COMPLIANCE WITH VDE 0211 STANDARD AND STS 00013 SPECIFICATION. HP model : IN COMPLIANCE WITH BS 4579 ESI 4314 STANDARDS. L (mm) PA 8 (A) 2 x 25 - 2 x 50 (1) 15 000 180 PA 9 (A) 4 x 10 - 4 x 25 (2) 15 000 180 PA 10 (A) 4 x 25 - 4 x 50 (4) 30 000 PA 11 (A) 4 x 50 - 4 x 95 (4) 43 000 52 000 PA 11-2 (A) 2 x 50 - 2 x 95 (3) 21 500 26 000 PA 122 A 4 x 95 - 4 x 150 (4) 60 000 2 1 4 3 19 mm (16 mm PA 8/9) 310 310 310 480 Fr 1376 09 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 4 - 005 0010 Suspension clamp for self supporting bundle comprising : • A hot dip galvanized steel body with a unloosable fusible (5 mN) wing nut. Removal and further installation by H17 wrench. • A high mechanical and climatic resistant insulating insert. Hot dip galvanized steel yoke for suspensions with deviation angle up to 60 ° . IN COMPLIANCE WITH VDE 0211 STANDARD. H 17 5 Nm PS xx 120 PS xx - 2 PSY 90 23 h e PS 19 PF A 4 x (16 / 25 mm²) 30 105 40 / 54 2 000 5 000 PS 19-2 PF A 12 - 19 2 x (16 / 25 mm²) 30 105 40 / 54 2 000 5 000 PS 27-2 PF A 2 x (35 / 50 mm²) 30 105 40 / 54 3 000 7 500 PS 27 PF A 22 - 27 4 x (35 mm²) 30 105 40 / 54 3 000 7 500 PS 30 PF A 27 - 30 4 x (50 mm²) 30 105 40 / 54 3 000 7 500 PS 33 PF A 31 - 33 4 x (70 mm²) 30 105 40 / 54 3 000 7 500 PS 40 PF A 37 - 40 4 x (95 mm²) 30 105 40 / 54 3 000 7 500 2 x (95 mm²) 30 105 40 / 54 3 000 7 500 31 - 33 4 x (70 mm²) 45 125 48 / 64 3 500 8 750 PS 40 PF 37 - 40 4 x (95 mm²) 45 125 48 / 64 3 500 8 750 PS 43 PF 39,5 - 43,5 4 x (95 / 120 mm²) 45 125 48 / 64 3 500 8 750 PS 47 PF 42 - 47 4 x (120 / 150 mm²) 45 125 48 / 64 3 500 8 750 PS 43-2 PF A PS 33 PF Fr 0341 25 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F ϕ maxi Ø 22 mm mini groupe sicame sicame Ø 22 mm mini 4 - 006 0001 0010 For insulated twisted or single sheat service conductors. Live line work contact. Suspension clamp for LV networks or service, street lighting and telecommunications. Stainless steel insert to avoid any abrasion due to the vibrations. Protection soft insert. High climatic and mechanical resistant insulating material. Capacity : Ø 8 to 25 m. IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATION STS 00002. Ø 14 / 16 mm Ø h l PS 83 h (mm) l (mm) Ø (mm) 120 47 18 Fr 2006 04 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 4 - 007 0103 Material : Polyamid 11 / 12 black. • Halogenless. • Melting temperature : 180 °C. • Flame retardance : UL94HB. • Temperature : – using : – 45 to + 80 °C. – fitting : – 30 to + 60 °C. – peak : 120 °C. • Moisture uptake (after 4 days) : ∪ 1 %. • Dielectrical withstand dry, thickness 3 mm : 30 kV / mm. • External agents strength : resist against bases, acids, oils, greases, hydrocarbons, salt fog. • U.V., ozone resistant, etc... • Can be re-used (except CCD9-220 model). Can be interconnected. IN COMPLIANCE WITH HN 33 S 62 EDF STANDARD (07-76). Ø 9 mm L CCD9-22 8 / 22 35 * 25 105 CCD9-42 10 / 42 35 25 188 CCD9-62 20 / 62 35 25 251 CCD9-92 20 / 92 35 25 341 CCD9-220 74 / 220 85 50 762 (1) SERCOL Pliers to tighten and cut straps, if the straps need not be re-used afterwards. Fr 1364 06 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 4 - 008 Fr 0305 05 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 5 Fr 0818 01 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 5 - 001 9801 Junction box to connect LV underground to aerial cables. Installed without need of any torch lamp nor rounding underground sectoral conductors type HN 33 S 33 or HN 33 S 32 and consisting of : • Box lower part made of elastomeric material. • Box upper part with 4 entries made of elastomeric material. • A locking ring. • Four midspan joints preinsulated MJPAS or MJPASE type according to underground type conductor : round or sectoral. Such joints are compressed by hex crimps over insulation using a 26 mm on flats hex die 9 or 18 mm width, without need of rounding previously sectoral conductors. IN COMPLIANCE WITH EDF STANDARD HN 33 S 80 (09-85). E 260 (EMP ASE) MJP ASE MJP ASE MJP ASE MJP AS 3 x 95 + 50 3 x 70 + 54,6 EMJP ASE 3 JAS 4R 3 PSE 3 x 95 + 50 3 x 70 + 70 EMJP ASE 31 JAS 4R 31 PSE 3 x 150 + 70 3 x 70 + 54,6 EMJP ASE 2 JAS 4R 2 PSE 3 x 150 + 70 3 x 70 + 70 EMJP ASE 21 JAS 4R 21 PSE 3 x 150 + 70 3 x 150 + 70 EMJP ASE 1 JAS 4R 1 PSE 3 x 150 + 70 (max.) 3 x 150 + 70 (max.) JAS 4R 70 MJP ASE 95-70 70 MJP ASE 150-70 150 MJP ASE 150-150 54,6 MJP AS 50-54 70 MJPAS 50-70 54,6 MJP AS 70-54 70 MJP AS 70-70 Fr 0678 14 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 5 - 002 9801 Purpose : To joint underground cables HN 33 S 33 and HN 33 S 32 types with overhead aerial bundled conductors. Method of use : • Slide lower cap over underground cable. • Strip off insulation and prepare conductors. • Bind neutral in case of outer concentric neutral (HN 33 S 32). • Slide upper cap (4 entries) on ABC. • Strip off insulation on required length (as shown on sleeves) on both cables. • Install preinsulated sleeves MJPAS or MJPASE. • Compress them. • Slide lower and upper caps toward themselves and tighten locking ring. 375 mm E 260 Ø 90 mm Fr 0679 08 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 5 - 003 9801 • To join underground solid cables to overhead stranded insulated cables • Preinsulated aluminium sleeves covered inside with contact grease. • Insulation of the cable with a sheat resistant to compression and with water-tightness joints. • The sleeve mentions : – Number and order of compressions to be made. – Length to be stripped on the conductor (with sharp edge to mark the sleeve). – Area of conductors, dies to use. – Solid side by a white mark. • End coloured joint to identify quickly the section. • Operation : crimping by hexagonal compression. CONFORM TO EDF STANDARD HN 33 S 80 (09-85). E 140 MJPBAS 16-16 M 10 16 16 M 82 14,0 MJPBAS 16-25 M 10 16 25 M 82 14,0 MJPBAS 16-35 M 10 16 35 M 82 14,0 MJPBAS 25-16 M 10 25 16 M 82 14,0 MJPBAS 25-25 M 10 25 25 M 82 14,0 MJPBAS 25-35 M 10 25 35 M 82 14,0 EJPBAS 16-16 M 1 EJPBAS 16-25 M 1 EJPBAS 16-35 M 1 EJPBAS 25-16 M 1 EJPBAS 25-25 M 1 EJPBAS 25-35 M 1 Fr 0916 06 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 5 - 004 9801 Use : Splicing of underground solid service conductor to overhead stranded insulated service cable. Installation : • Strip off underground cable outer sheath. • Cut the necessary heat shrink sleeves length. • Slide them over neutral and phases and shrink them. • Install heat shrink head E4R 10-35. • Strip off insulation from each conductor end by the length indicated on compression sleeves. • Install compression sleeves and compress respecting the sequence indicated on them. MJPBAS E Fr 0327 08 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 5 - 005 9801 Fr 0819 02 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 6 0003 To connect insulated cables with aluminium or copper, stranded or solid, sectoral or circular conductors in underground tapping boxes. • Tapping on non stripped thru going sectoral or circular conductors. • Simultaneous piercing on main and tap. • Live assembly with shear heads. • Two transparent end caps. The branch can be on the left or the right. • No active reachable potential. • Protection index : IP2X • Flashover withstand ∅ 4 kV (in air). IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFC 63061 STANDARD - B class. H 13 mm TTDS 11 / 21 F TTDS 01 F B TTDS 01 F A H TTDS 11 F TTDS 21 F A B H (mm) (mm) (mm) Ø circonscrit max. (mm) TTDS 01 F 25 / 95 1x4 TTDS 11 F 50 / 150 1x4 TTDS 21 F 50 / 240 1x4 AL 1 x 35 Cu 1 x 25 AL 1 x 50 Cu 1 x 35 AL 1 x 50 Cu 1 x 35 54 43 64 110 54 49 64 134 60 57 68 146 Fr 1353 14 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame Ø circonscrit maxi 6 - 001 0202 To connect dry insulated cables (PE, PRC, XPLE, PVC), under leaded or with impregnated paper, with aluminium or copper stranded or solid sectoral or circular conductors in underground tapping boxes. • Tapping on thru going non stripped and non cutted sectoral or circular strands. • Splicing of two conductors with GPET end cap. • Simultaneous piercing on main and tap. • Live assembly with shear heads. • Two transparent end caps with hook specially adapted to ease ribbonning in injected boxes (the useless to be taken off) • A soft end cap for splicing. • No reachable potential. • Protection degree : IP2X. • Flashover withstand ∅ 4 kV (in air). • Available in sets (K4TDSR 240-95 E) of three phase and one neutral connectors. IN ACCORDANCE WITH NF C 63-061 STANDARD - A Class. H 16 mm TTDSR 240 F 3 TTDSR240FGP + 1 TTDSN95BFGP Ø circonscrit : maxi 196 mm TTDSN 95 F TTDSR 95 F TTDSR 240 FGP TTDSR 95 FGP H TTDSN 95 BFGP B A A B H (mm) (mm) (mm) TTDSR 240 FGP 95 / 240 95 / 240 120 85 103 TTDSR 95 FGP 50 / 95 25 / 95 60 52 78 TTDSN 95 BFGP 50 / 95 25 / 95 60 52 78 K4TDSR 95-50 E (3 x 95 + 50) à (3 x 95 + 50) 3 TTDSR 95 FGP + 1 TTDSN 95 BFGP K4TDSR 240-95 E (3 x 95 + 50) à (3 x 240 + 95) 3 TTDSR 240 FGP + 1 TTDSN 95 BFGP Fr 1354 15 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 6 - 002 0010 Kit includes : • One insulation piercing blue coloured earthing connector : – to connect the lead protected neutral covered by the supplied blue sleeve, – to the tap insulated earthing conductor. • One blue self sticking sleeve to install over the emergent lead protected neutral conductor. Characteristics : • Insulation piercing of the lead protected neutral conductor (the connector pierces simultaneously the blue sleeve and the lead) and the tap insulated earthing conductor. No insulation stripping is necessary. • No further insulation. The connector has a protection degree IP2X toward effective or floating potentials (screw, washer, ...) and a flashover value of 4 kV in the air. • Screw tightening by an hex insulating shear head of 16 mm on flats with preset torque. • Neutral blue self sticking protection sleeve 80 mm wide and 0,70 m long. Dielectric withstand > to 4 kV per mm of tickness. • Live line working is permitted (to be performed according to CET-BT). 16 mm 75 mm 52 mm 109 mm 700 mm 80 mm TTDSN 95 GAB 50 - 95 Fr 2067 02 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 6 - 003 9409 Application : LV 1 kV power conductors. Characteristics : New and innovating : • Edge level on top. • Self clamping on main conductor. • Cover locking freeing linemen. • Closing by self locking wedge pins. • No screws nor metal part. • Assembly does nor required a single tool. • One way assembly on all mooving parts. • Conductor entries by staggered sealed joints. Convenient and performing : • Self holding / self positionning / self locking or guiding for all parts. • Pouring hole extra-wide. • High mechanical resistance (shocks, pressure, cable holding). • Translucent housing. • Hand assembled without any tool. Multipurpose : • Large conductor range for main and tap. • Allow 4 poles compact connectors (diam. 95 mm maximum). • Supplied in kits (without connectors) with mix or resins adapted for each purpose (see on the back). Fr 1273 04 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 6 - 004 9409 Ø 29 à 45,5 mm maxi (4 x 35 à 4 x 150 mm²) Ø 16 à 30 mm maxi (2 x 6 à 4 x 35 mm²) 305 mm Ø 60 mm 170 mm 130 mm 250 mm Packing with DFA housing The DFA box is delivered in kits ready for use (without connectors) with different types of resins. The DFA / MVA kit using a performing and ecological mix (MVA) is adapted for all LV use and preserving linemen health and environnement. The kit DFA / MVA can be energized immediately after resin is poured. Fr 1274 05 B.P. N° 1 - 19231 POMPADOUR - CEDEX - FRANCE - Tél. (33) 05 55 73 89 00 - Fax (33) 05 55 98 53 51 - Télex 590 122 F groupe sicame sicame 6 - 005
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