Walmart Strategic Partnership
Walmart Strategic Partnership
Multi-‐Year Strategic Partnership with Univision Communications February 5th, 2013 1 2 Today’s Discussion Deal Highlights and Benefits Univision can help elevate Walmart with Hispanics Local Market Capabili@es Fueling Your Content Engine Co-‐Marke@ng PlaGorms Deal Benefits Pricing Flexibility Pricing Incen@ves (EDLC!) Between PlaGorms/ Screens Produc7on Custom Content Produc@on Talent Assessment and Use On-‐ground Crea@ve Support Content Use of Univision-‐produced Video to Fuel Content Engine Deal Benefits Advanced Planning Long-‐term, Consistent Franchise Building Ability to Execute More Complicated Cohesive Ini@a@ves Preferred Partner Status Research and Insights Dedicated Univision Team Online Research Panel Custom Research Consulta@on Trend Reports Sneak Peeks On-‐site at HQ Across the US Deal Highlights Three Year Partnership 2012/2013 • • • Generacion America Latin Grammy Holiday/Pillar in-‐show 2013/2014 • • • Segments • “Delicioso Todos Los Dias Road To World Cup “Game • Confederations Cup* Chivas USA LA Custom • Major League Soccer “Delicioso Todos Los Dias Road To World Cup “Game • • FIFA 2014 World Cup Generacion America Latin Grammy Holiday/Pillar in-‐show Segments • “Delicioso Todos Los Dias Con Walmart” (Co-‐mark) • Time” Content • Holiday/Pillar in-‐show Con Walmart” (Co-‐mark) Time” • • Latin Grammy • • • Segments Con Walmart” (Co-‐mark) • Generacion America 2014/2015 Chivas USA LA Custom Content • Major League Soccer Chivas USA LA Custom Content • Major League Soccer *Walmart can u@lize base media to support a Confedera@ons Cup “Game Time” promo@on as described in ppt for WC 7 8 Hispanics are Driving Growth In Your Core Demographic % growth in W18-‐49 population living within 5 miles of Walmart stores 2000-‐2012 15 Market Total Los Angeles New York Miami Houston Dallas Chicago Phoenix Sacramento San Diego Albuquerque Fresno Denver Orlando Tampa Las Vegas -‐+11% -‐+17% -‐+16% -‐+17% -‐+5% -‐+6% -‐+17% -‐+7% -‐+16% -‐+19% -‐+5% -‐+10% -‐+1% -‐+7% 36% 20% 27% 29% 25% +0% 18% 54% 54% 49% 32% 60% 45% 37% +16% Non-‐Hispanic 102% 95% 97% Hispanic 9 Hispanic W18-‐49 Live Near Walmart Stores Across the Country Hispanics account for 35% of all W18-‐49 living within 5 miles of Walmart stores within your 15 target markets -‐ 2015 Chicago Sacramento 31% 24% Denver Las Vegas 25% Fresno 54% Albuquerque 33% Los Angeles 53% Phoenix 53% San Diego 42% 33% 25% New York Dallas 30% Houston 39% Tampa 20% 25% Orlando 52% Miami 10 Hispanic W18-‐49 Live Near Walmart Stores Across the Country Hispanics will account for 38% of all W18-‐49 living within 5 miles of Walmart stores within your 15 target markets -‐ 2017 Chicago Sacramento 34% 26% Denver Las Vegas 27% Fresno 58% Albuquerque 36% Los Angeles 55% Phoenix 55% San Diego 45% 35% 27% New York Dallas 33% Houston 42% Tampa 23% 29% Orlando 55% Miami 11 Our Equity Exceeds That of Many Beloved Brands 68 Brand Equity Score 46 22 TOTAL 72 UCI 33 Auto 46 26 CPG 68 58 23 Financial Services Insurance 32 Online 33 Other Services 32 40 52 63 34 Restaurants 56 22 Retailers 57 Technology 27 Wireless 27 0 10 20 64 45 30 40 50 Median 60 70 80 90 Note: The Burke normative scores are not among Hispanics (scale usage differences may exist). Also, they are among all respondents aware of the brand (not necessarily using the brand). 100 Base: 110 records from Burke R&D database 12 We’re Changing with the Times CompeZZon is growing…both linear and non-‐linear …but we’re not the same company any more either Univision ABC News JV In last 18 months 13 14 We Can Leverage Walmart’s National Sponsorship Local Customized Content Despierta America Hoy UniMás Novela Capsule Delicioso App Delicioso .com 16 To Create Content for Paid, Owned, Social and Earned Media Custom Content Extended video for Smart TV network Localize with regional twists, chef @ps Meal slideshows on site/app and Contests for social engagement Brand Ambassadors Talent link na@onal, local, social, owned channels Engage through ongoing Twifer sharing Appear in custom content and at events Local Events Presence at Fes@vals, Expos, Fairs and Parades Displays, custom games, sampling Customized on-‐loca@on events 17 Turnkey Partner Platforms to Drive Co-‐Marketing Dollars Food Home (Clorox) Entertainment & Electronics Health & Beauty Network and Local TV, Radio, Digital, Social and Local Events 18 19 OFFICIAL PARTNER 20 21 GRACIAS